Spring 2014 I taught the PhD course in Advanced Algorithmic Problem Solving.
Fall 2013 I am a course assistant in TDDC66 Datorsystem och programmering and TDDD73 Functional and Imperative Programming in Python, TDDD63 Perspectives in Computer Science and Computer Engineering and a mentor in TDDD70 Professionalism for Engineers.
Spring 2013 I taught a new PhD course in Advanced Algorithmic Problem Solving.
2000-2012 I taught TDDD10 AI Programming (known as TDDA14 AI Programming 2000-2007).
I have received three grants from the Pedagogy Development Group at LiTH, one for developing the dialoge seminar methodology for engineering education (2014), one for researching Computational Thinking in Discrete Math (2013) and one for Contests as a pedgogical tool (2011).
I am also lead the IDA Computer Science Education group, am responsible for the Computer Science and Software Engineering program (Civilingenjör Mjukvaruteknik, U) and arrange Programming and Problem solving activities at IDA. We are currently running the IDA Championship in Programming and Algorithms and Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest.