IDA Dept. of Computer and Information science, Linköping University

IDA Technical Reports, 1990

Last updated: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 11:02:20

Arborelius, E. and Timpka, T. (1990). In what way may Videotapes be used to get Significant Information about the Patient-Physician Relationship?. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-40, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Medical Teacher 1990;12:194-208. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Bäckström, C. and Klein, I. (1990). Planning in Polynomial Time: The SAS-PUBS Class. This revised version appears in Computational Intelligence 7(3):181-197(1991). Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-16, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. A short version appears in Expert Systems in Engineering: Principles and Applications. International Workshop, pages 103-118, Vienna, Austria, September 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper describes a polynomial-time, O(n3), planning algorithm for a limited class of planning problems. Compared to previous work on complexity of algorithms for knowledge-based or logic-based planning, our algorithm achieves computational tractability, but at the expense of only applying to a significantly more limited class of problems. Our algorithm is proven correct and complete, and it always returns a minimal plan if there is a plan at all.

Bonnier, S. (1990). Unification in Classes of Equational Theories: A Case Study. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-11, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: Let T be an equational theory and let P be a unification procedure. In order to initiate P to do unification in T, T must in some way be presented to P. Due to practical considerations, P can sometimes only obtain approximations of T: Each approximation specifies a class of theories in which T is just a single member. In this paper it is suggested to use approximation frames to formally characterize these classes. As a consequence, each approximation frame also specifies which complete sets of T-unifiers that are strongly complete. Those are the only complete sets of T-unifiers that can be found within the scope of accessing only available approximations of T. A unification procedure which finds such sets whenever they exist is said to be weakly complete. These concepts are specialized to the study of so called evaluation based unification algorithms: An approximation frame characterizing the inherent incompleteness of such algorithms is given. Finally a weakly complete evaluation based algorithm is developed.

Dahlbäck, N. (1990). A Symbol Is Not a Symbol. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-01, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'89), Detroit, Michigan, USA, August 20-25, 1989. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Doherty, P. (1990). A Correspondence between Inheritance Hierarchies and a Logic of Preferential Entailment. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-09, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 1989. Also published in Z. Ras et al. (eds), Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 1989. (bibtex),

Abstract: In this paper we show a correspondence between network representations for structured hierarchies with multiple inheritance and exceptions, and a logic of preferential entailment (LPE), defined using a preference ordering on partial situations. The preference ordering on situations is part of the model, so that axioms can make statements about it and thereby constrain it. We describe a general translation scheme mapping non-monotonic, heterogeneous, multiple inheritance systems into LPE. We distinguish between a base set of axioms and a specificity set. This distinction permits experimentation with different inheritance theories, such as credulous or skeptical reasoners, within the same logic. We model a skeptical theory of inheritance and show this by example through axiomatization of inheritance networks with pre-emption, redundant links and ambiguity.

Doherty, P. (1990). Preliminary Report: NM3 - A Three-Valued Non-Monotonic Formalism. In J. van Eijck, editor, Logics in AI, European Workshop JELIA '90, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 1990, Proceedings, volume 478 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 196 - 211, Springer Verlag, 1991. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-44, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a formalization of non-monotonic reasoning using a three-valued logic based on the strong definitions of Kleene. Non-monotonic reasoning is the rule rather than the exception when agents, human or machine, must act where information about the environment is uncertain or incomplete. Information about the environment is subject to change due to external causes, or may simply become outdated. This implies that inferences previously made may no longer hold and in turn must be retracted along with the revision of other information dependent on the retractions. We start by extending Kleene's three-valued logic with an ``external negation'' connective (-) where -A is true when A is false or unknown. In addition, a default operator D is added where DA is interpreted as ``A is true by default''. The addition of the default operator increases the expressivity of the language, where statements such as ``A is not a default'' are directly representable. The logic has an intuitive model theoretic semantics without any appeal to the use of a fixpoint semantics for the default operator. The semantics is based on the notion of preferential entailment, where a set of sentences Z, preferentially entails a sentence A, if and only if a preferred set of the models of Z are models of A. We also show that the logic belongs to the class of cumulative non-monotonic formalisms which are a subject of current interest.

Eklund, P. (1990). Negotiating Conceptual Structures: Inheritance Hierarchies. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-21, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of 5th Annual Workshop on Conceptual Structures, Boston and Stockholm, August 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: Inheritance networks represent an important class of knowledge representation devices belonging to conceptual structures. Their primary purpose is to describe generalization/specialization relationships between classes and instances of concepts in the form of taxonomies. To make proper use of inheritance hierarchies in knowledge engineering logically consistency is required. Network representations need to be free of inconsistent interpretations. This work provides a formal dialogue framework for inheritance hierarchy construction which ensures that the network described to a system reflects the intentions of the operator. In situations where the dialogue leads to a network which contains mutually exclusive logical states we apply a nonmonotonic logic (NML) to explain inconsistency.

Eklund, P. (1990). Using Path-algebras to Encode Directed Graph Knowledge-bases. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-22, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of 4th Annual Workshop on Conceptual Structures, Detroit, August 1989. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Eklund, P. and Kellett, J. (1990). Prospects for Conceptual Graphs in Acquisition Interfaces. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-23, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of 3rd European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Paris, July 1989. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper presents the results of applying several graph based interfaces as knowledge acquisition aids in Knowledge-based Systems (KBS) development and discusses various representations: decision trees, conceptual graphs and semantic networks.The viability of a mapping from conceptual graphs to production rules as a means of eliciting knowledge is examined. A comparison is made between a production rule/semantic network representation and conceptual graph/semantic networks. Results indicate that the varying complexities of each representation ensure unbalanced acquisition between schema and heuristic elicitation.To illustrate this, an example in the domain of engineering design for flight simulators is examined. On the basis of our experience we propose a minimal set of criteria for graphics based interfaces which must be satisfied for successful KBS prototyping.

Fjellborg, B. (1990). A High-Level Synthesis Tool for Exploiting Pipelines in Special-Purpose Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-14, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of the IFIP WG 10.5 Working Conference on Logic and Architecture Synthesis, Paris, France, May 30 - June 1, 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: PiX operates as part of a high-level synthesis system to identify possibilities for pipelining. Unlike previous work, it does not rely exclusively on exploitation of loops to achieve pipelining, but can handle arbitrary designs without apparent pipelining properties. Loops are, however, handled as an important special case. PiX aims at reducing interconnect cost by achieving a close correspondence between required data flow and interconnect structure. Results show that PiX can locate pipelines in arbitrary designs, and also improve the possibility for cost-efficient interconnect for designs that have apparent pipelining opportunities (loops).

Fjellborg, B. (1990). A Petri Net Model for Pipeline Scheduling. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-19, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc of the 16th EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Short Note Session, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1990. Also published in Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol 31, pp 121 - 124, 1991. (bibtex),

Abstract: A Petri net model for expressing synchronisation and scheduling of pipelining is presented. The model can represent control for a design with several multifunction pipelines (as well as non-pipelined parts), used by a mix of loops, single tasks, and conditional tasks.

Fritzson, P., Gyimothy, T., Kamkar, M., and Shahmehri, N. (1990). Generalized Algorithmic Debugging and Testing. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-42, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also accepted to SIGPLAN'91 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada June, 1991. Proc in SIGPLAN Notices 26:6, June 1991 and has been accepetd to the journal: ACM LOPLAS-ACM Letters of Programming Languages and Systems. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper presents a version of generalized algorithmic debugging integrated with the category partition method for functional testing. In this way the efficiency of the algorithmic debugging method for semi-automatic bug localization can be improved by using test specifications and test results. The long-range goal of this work is a semi-automatic debugging and testing system which can be used during large-scale program development of non-trivial programs.The method is generally applicable to procedural languages, and is not dependent on any ad hoc assumptions regarding the subject program. The original form of algorithmic debugging, introduced by Shapiro [Shapiro-83], is however limited to small Prolog programs without side-effects. Another drawback of the original method is the large number of interactions with the user during bug localization.To our knowledge, this is the first method which uses category partition testing to improve the bug localization properties of algorithmic debugging. The method can avoid irrelevant questions to the programmer by categorizing input parameters, and match these against test cases in the test database. In addition, we use program slicing, a data flow analysis technique, to dynamically compute which parts of the program are relevant for the search, thus further improving bug localization.We believe that this is the first generalization of algorithmic debugging for programs with side-effects written in imperative languages such as Pascal. These improvements together makes it more feasible to debug larger programs.A prototype generalized algorithmic debugger for Pascal, and a test case generator for real size application programs in Pascal, C, dBase and LOTUS have been implemented.

Goldkuhl, G. (1990). Förändringsanalys på vårdcentral - erfarenheter från en organisationsutveckling. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-08, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: FÖRÄNDRINGSANALYS PÅ VÅRDCENTRAL - ERFARENHETER FRÅN EN ORGANISATIONSUTVECKLINGSammanfattning: I ett organisationsutvecklingsprojekt på en vård central har man som stöd i projektarbetet använt metoden förändringsanalys (FA) enligt SIM. Rapporten beskriver detta förändringsarbete inom vårdområdet som kännetecknades av en övergång från stordrift till småskalighet. Rapporten redovisar erfarenheter från användning av FA/SIM-metoden: Problemanalys, målanalys, arbete med förändrings behov och förändringsåtgärder.

Holmgren, H. and Timpka, T. (1990). Systems Development in Health Care as Action Research. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-39, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Medical Informatics in Europe ' 90, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: The notion of paradigms for information systems development (ISD) is introduced and two (classes of) paradigms, "the traditional" and "the Scandinavian School" are briefly described and contrasted. The latter is associated with action research, whose main characteristics are described. A particular ISD method of this kind is then introduced, and an attempt is made to evaluate the impact of some aspects of this commercially originated method in a primary care setting. Indications of effectiveness and acceptance are found, but due to contextual factors the conditions for an action research process are found to have been less than ideal.

Jirku, P. (1990). Defeasible Reasoning. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-10, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Jirkuu", P. (1990). On Consequence and Inference Operations. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-24, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: We compare the concept of logical Consequence operation on an abstract set with its counterpart, inference operation, showing its relevance for various approaches to formal treatment of reasoning so widely discussed now in logical foundations fo AI. Fundamental algebraic properties of these important metamathematical notions are discussed here in Tarskian style, i.e. we consider both operations to be some kind of closure operation.

Kamkar, M. and Fritzson, P. (1990). Focusing the Bug Localization Process in Algorithmic Debugging through Program Slicing. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-04, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of PLILP'90, Linköping, Augusti 1990, LNCS 456, Springer-Verlag 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: Algorithmic debugging is a technique for semi-automatic bug localization. The original proposal for this technique [Shapiro-83] , is however limited to Prolog programs without side-effects. Another drawback of the original method is the large number of interactions with the user, except for very small programs.In this paper we present a new improved version of algorithmic debugging, which eliminates many irrelevant questions to the user during the bug localization process. This focusing of the localization process is achieved by using program slicing, a data flow analysis technique, to dynamically compute which parts of the program are relevant for the search. This improved method is also applicable to imperative programs with side-effects, since we use a version of algorithmic debugging which has been generalized to imperative languages [Shahmehri, Fritzson-89] .

Larsson, T. (1990). The Symbolic Manipulation of Event Traces. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-28, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of the ACM/IFIP 1991 International Workshop on Formal Methods in VLSI Design, Miami, 9-11 Jan, 1991. (bibtex),

Abstract: A method which unifies the power of formal proof and the power of simulation is proposed. The formal language, axioms and inference rules used normally for verification by proof are here used for simulation carried out by symbolic manipulation of circuit behaviour observations represented as event traces. In order to do this efficiently a delay calculus is used. The proposed method, called formal simulation, integrates static and dynamic analysis and bridges the gap between formal methods and simulation.

Löwgren, J. and Nordqvist, T. (1990). A Knowledge-Based Tool for User Interface Evaluation and its Integration in a UIMS. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-15, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of Interact'90, Cambridge, UK, August 27-31, 1990 and will appear in the August issue of Computational Intelligence. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper describes and discusses a knowledge-based user interface evaluation tool, based on the critiquing paradigm. The tool uses knowledge acquired from experts and from collections of guidelines to evaluate a formal description of a user interface design, generating comments as well as suggesting improvements. After describing the system architecture and reporting some experiences, the paper focuses on the possibility of incorporating a knowledge-based design tool in a User Interface Management System (UIMS), making it possible to give constructive advice to the designer as well as comments. We report some preliminary results from a project aimed at this integration.

Nilsson, U. (1990). Towards a Methodology for the Design of Abstract Machines of Logic Programming Languages. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-12, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also accepted for publication in the Journal of Logic Programming. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Padgham, L. (1990). Defeasible Inheritance: A Lattice Based Approach. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-25, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Mathematics and Computers with Applications International Journal special issue on Semantic Nets in Artificial Intelligence. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Peng, Z. (1990). Design of Clocking Schemes in High-Level Synthesis. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-46, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. This report will be published in Microprocessing and Microprogramming the EUROMICRO Journal, Vol. 1, 1991. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper describes an performance-driven optimization approach to high-level synthesis of VLSI systems. In particular, it presents a new algorithm to automatically design clocking schemes for digital VLSI systems. An optimization strategy is used to integrate the clocking scheme design process with the rest of the high-level synthesis sub-tasks, such as data path allocation, control allocation, module binding and system partitioning. The main features of our approach are the integration of the clock design with other synthesis activities and an ability to generate asynchronous clocking schemes by partitioning VLSI systems into time-independent modules.

Persson, T. and Staflin, L. (1990). A Causation Theory for a Logic of Continuous Change. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-18, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of ECAI'90, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, August 6-10, 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: We present a logic for representing Newtonian-physics models of real world situations. The logic is a nonmonotonic temporal logic, with real valued fluents, where the time axis is the real numbers. We introduce three new concepts in this logic, which make axiom writing easier. The first concept is local interval operators which are used for quantifying propositions over time intervals. The second concept is a distinction between two different types of discontinuities, namely left and right discontinuities, which makes it possible to axiomatize momentary ``chain reactions'' in a convenient way. The third and most important new concept is explained discontinuities which implement our intuition that a discontinuity should have a cause. We discuss the rationale behind these concepts and define the semantics for the logic. We also discuss how to write explanation axioms.

Persson, T. and Staflin, L. (1990). Cause as an Operator in a Logic with Real-valued Fluents and Continuous Time. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-45, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: We propose a new method for characterizing the discontinuities in processes that are mostly continuous. We introduce a causal operator that is used to specify when the value of a fluent has a cause. A discontinuity in a fluent is allowed if the fluent's value immediately after the discontinuity has a cause. The causal operator is incorporated in a temporal logic with continuous time and real-valued fluents. The resulting logic is a nonmonotonic logic suitable for representing physical models of real world situations. We define a selection function which given a set of models returns a subset of the models. This selection function defines a nonmonotonic entailment operator. The intuitive idea behind the selection function is that is should select all models where all discontinuities are ``specified'' as allowed.

Pettersson, M. (1990). DML - a Meta-Language for Compiler Generation from Denotational Specifications. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-43, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),

Abstract: DML, the Denotational Metal-Language, is a dialect of Standard ML specifically aimed at implementing denotational specifications in a practical way. To meet this goal, it extends Standard ML with BNF rules for data type declarations, optional lazy evaluation, creation of recursive data structures without explicit side-effects, a foreign-language interface and efficient compilation to C. It is our belief that if a system is to succeed in the area of compiler construction, it must be tool-oriented, efficient and able to interface with other tools. Earlier attempts in semantics-directed compiler generation have not really succeeded in this respect - we believe that DML can.

Pettersson, M. (1990). Generating Efficient Code from Continuation Semantics. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-05, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Compiler Compilers, Schwerin, GDR, October 22-26, 1990. Proc. will appear in the LNCS series by Springer Verlag 1991. (bibtex),

Abstract: In this paper we present a method for generating very efficient code from continuation-style denotational semantics. We claim that this form arises naturally in the definition of procedural languages, such as C. Once the language semantics has been simplified using a compile-time versus run-time distinction, we recognize two important properties of the resulting form, single-threading and label-freeness of closures. The first allows a conventional call-by-value execution with a single store. The second property is central to our work, as it allows bindings and closure creation to be replaced by assignments to uniquely named variables, i.e. quadruples. These quadruples are then passed on to a conventional code optimizer and generator. As far as we know, this is the first time a quality code compiler has been generated which does not rely on either beta-reductions or an abstract stack machine.

Ringström, J. (1990). PREDULA - A Multi-Paradigm Parallel Programming Environment. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-41, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to EuroMicro 91 Conference, Short note session, Vienna, Sept 1991. Proc. in a special issue of the EuroMicro Journal. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper describes the parallel programming language PREDULA, its implementation and associated programming environment. The system is being used for programming exercises in the parallel programming course at Linköping University. We report some experiences gained from student use of the system.We first discuss the necessary constructs required to teach parallel programming. We achieve at a set of suitable language constructs which comprise the backbone of the PREDULA language.Next the language translation is described, which consists of compilation to an intermediate code followed by an interpretation of the compiled code. A brief overview is also made of the programming environment including the debugger.Finally we present conclusions, emphasizing the experiences gained from the student use of the language and propose changes and further investigations.

Rönnquist, R. (1990). A Logic for Propagation Based Characterisation of Process Behaviour. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-27, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of the International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS), October 24.27, 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: We present the co5ceptual basis for the formal temporal framework implemented in the LINCKS system. In comparison to current techniques in artificial intelligence, this framework has the distinct feature that "change in time" is explicitly attributed to objects rather than relations. Objects appear in a structure as sets of (time-bound) instances, and relations and functions are (time-lessly) defined over instances. "Time" is introduced as a collection of one instance of each object, and the language of first-order predicate logic is extended to allow bindings relative to explicitly given collections. We further introduce progressive invariance as a temporal operator that expresses the behaviour of constraint propagation systems, and also allows us to characterise some forms of causal dependencies.

Timpka, T. (1990). Introducing Hypertext in Primary Health Care: - A Study on the Feasibility of Decision Support for Practitioners. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-35, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Comp Prog Biomed 1989;29:1-13. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Timpka, T. and Arborelius, E. (1990). The GP's Dilemmas: A Study of Knowledge Need and Use During Health Care Consultations. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-30, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Methods of Information in Medicine 1990;29:23-29. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Timpka, T. and Arborelius, E. (1990). The Primary Care Nurse's Dilemmas: A Study of Knowledge Use and Need DuringTelephone Consultations. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-31, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Journal of Advanced Nursing 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Timpka, T. and Bjurulf, P. (1990). The Semantics of Diagnosis and Management of Genitourinary Infections -- A Cross-speciality Study. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-37, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Family Practice 1989;6:279-85. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Timpka, T., Bjurulf, P., and Buur, T. (1990). Audit of Decision-making Regarding Female Genitourinary Infections in Outpatient Practice. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-29, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Scand. J Inf Dis 1990;22:49-57. (bibtex),

Abstract: Patient data, diagnosis, workup measures, and prescriptions were collected from 63 consultations by general practitioners (GPs) to study day-to-day of women with complaints suggestive of genitourinary (GU) infections. The collected patient data were thereafter presented to a panel of nine specialist physicians for their individual recommendations. On drug prescriptions, the panel supported 81 decisions, did not support 14%, and remained undecided on 5 all but one of the unsupported cases, the GP had prescribed antibiotics. On diagnoses, the panel supported 62% of the decisions, did not support 13 was undecided on 25 diagnosis of urethritis. On collection of medical data by history and physical examination, the panel found 22 unsatisfactory. Discordance in both diagnosis and drug prescription were related to remarks about data collection. The results suggests that the body of knowledge available for GPs for management of female GU infections in outpatient practice is incomplete.

Timpka, T. and Buur, T. (1990). Inter-observer Variation in Decision-making Regarding Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis: A Study Using the Kappa Index. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-36, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Methods of Information in Medicine 1990;29:153-7. (bibtex),

Abstract: To examine inter-observer variation in the monitoring of patients with chronic disease, four nephrologists independently assessed 62 patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Deviation from normal was determined for adequacy of dialysis, protein intake, and metabolic state. The kappa-index, by which chance agreement is adjusted for, was used to analyze each monitoring diagnosis. Low agreement was found on decisions concerning adequacy of dialysis (kappa .12-.26), while agreement was higher about protein intake (kappa .21-.46), and metabolic state (kappa .24-.52). Two physicians classified no patient as overdialyzed, while 16-18 categorized by the other two. Routines for review of recent medical history also differed significantly between the physicians. Measures are needed to increase the reliability of decisions regarding the monitoring of chronic hemodialysis. A long lasting physician-patient relationship is not a sufficient prerequisite for diminishing decision variation. Medical audit as a part of the clinical routines, and use of additional sources of information, exemplified by urea kinetic modeling, are discussed.

Timpka, T., Ekström, M., and Bjurulf, P. (1990). Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour in Primary Health Care. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-34, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Scand J Prim Health Care 1989;7:105-9. (bibtex),

Abstract: A questionnaire survey of 186 general practitioners in Sweden showed that 67 information as less satisfactory or unsatisfactory, and that 80 major hindrances in seeking relevant information. The most frequent need for information concerned general medicine, with respect to both diagnosis and choice of therapy. Of situations which required additional information, only every second was completely resolved. These results imply a need for a reorganization of the supply of information to general practitioners. As they cannot depend on conventional medical libraries for day-to-day information, personal libraries should be improved and updated regularly, and be readily to hand. Computer technology should be considered for communication between health care providers, for differential diagnosis in general medicine.

Timpka, T., Hedblom, P., and Holmgren, H. (1990). Action Design: Using an Object Oriented Environment for Group Process Development of Medical Software. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-32, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. To be published in Software Engineering in Medical Informatics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Timpka, T., Hedblom, P., and Tibblin, G. (1990). A Hypermedia Document Collection For Primary Care: Why, What, and How. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-38, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1990;2:179-92. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Timpka, T., Padgham, L., Hedblom, P., Wallin, S., and Tibblin, G. (1990). A Hypertext Knowledge Base for Primary Care - LIMEDS in LINCKS. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-33, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also published in Proc. of SIGIR ' 89, ACM Press, New York, 1989. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Törne, A. (1990). The Instruction and Control of Multi-Machine Environments. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-07, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of 5th Int'l Conf on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, vol. 2, Springer Verlag. (bibtex),

Abstract: Several methods and languages exists for programming industrial robots. This paper discusses the combination of two seemingly contradictory demands - expressiveness and transparency for non-programmers. It also presents ARAMIS, which is a system intended to grasp both of these issues. ARAMIS is a world-model oriented programming environment, which uses object oriented methaphors for low-level constructs and hybrid rule-based approach to task descriptions. Several issues regarding the design are discussed - on-line/off-line, demands on the language and decomposing of the instruction task. An essential piece in the design is the separation of descriptions for world events and events in the controlling computer. The error-handling of this kind of system is also briefly discussed.

Ubar, R., Kuchcinski, K., and Peng, Z. (1990). Test Generation for Digital Systems at Functional Level. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-06, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also presented at the European Test Conference, Munich, April 10-12, 1991. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper describes a test generation method to be used at the functional level of digital VLSI systems. Our major objective is to integrate the test generation problem into a more general framework of VLSI CAD system so that the test generation results can be used also to guide design transformations. A digital system design in this CAD system is described by an extended timed Petri net notation which allow different design trade-offs to be made so as to meet certain design requirements. This design representation is transformed into alternative graphs which capture the functionality of the design. A test generation algorithm will then be used to generate a set of tests. The main feature of the algorithm is that it deals with both the control flow and the data part of designs at register-transfer level. Our approach supports also hierarchical decomposition of digital systems, which can be used to improve the quality of test generation whenever needed.

Waern, Y., Hägglund, S., Löwgren, J., Rankin, I., Sokolnicki, T., and Steinemann, A. (1990). Communication Knowledge for Knowledge Communication. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-17, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted for publication in Int. Journal of Man-Machine Studies. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Wedlin, M. (1990). Interface between UNIX and Hypercard. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-03, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also presented at EUUG Spring Conference '90, Munich, FRG, April 23-27, 1990. (bibtex),

Abstract: This work describes a method of using the benefits of UNIX as a developing system and targeting the result to a, (in my opinion), more user friendly system, HyperCard on a Macintosh. HyperCard can best be described as a programmable information handler.This goal was accomplished by writing a program that could convert a UNIX program to a code resource that was linked to a HyperCard stack. This program then works as an external command (XCMD) in HyperCard.

Wire'n, M. (1990). Incremental Parsing and Reason Maintenance. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-26, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also in Proc. of 3rd International Conference on computational Linguistics, August 20-25, 1990, Helsinki, Finland, Vol 3, 287-292. (bibtex),

Abstract: No abstract available

Zhang, T. and Padgham, L. (1990). A Diagnosis System Using Classification. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-13, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Also presented at the 5th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, IMIS'90, Knowville, Tennessee, USA, October 24-26. (bibtex),

Abstract: This paper describes preliminary results using classification into an inheritance network as a general purpose method for diagnosis. The domain knowledge base is built from existing literature sources using very little time with a human domain expert. It is represented as an inheritance network of types in a theory for default reasoning using inheritance. The network is stored in an object- oriented network database and is edited with a special purpose editor which maintains consistency and aids the user in describing the types. The classification is an interactive process beginning with an incomplete description of the object to be classified. The process has three parts - placement into the type network, discrimination between possible directions and determination of pertinent information which is needed.

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