Energy-Efficient Instant Messaging

In order to study the energy efficiency of instant messaging applications we collected a dataset of user messages. The messages were collected from one of the most widely used IM applications (WhatsApp) during a period between 23rd of January 2011 and 8th of January 2014.

The dataset currently contains 1043370 messages collected from 51 users. The age of the users is different: 34 users between 25-30 years, 12 users between 30-35 years, and 5 users above 45 years. Regarding the country, most users are from Spain (33) and Sweden (13), whereas the rest are from Belgium (2), Germany (1), USA (1) and Mexico (1). The messages appear in 1815 conversations with other users (2089 users in total).

The software and the data are available upon request via e-mail.