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Value-Based Scheduling of Distributed Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems with Soft and Hard Timing Constraints

Viacheslav Izosimov
Petru Eles Author homepage
Zebo Peng Author homepage

8th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 28-29, 2010.

We present an approach for scheduling of fault tolerant embedded applications composed of soft and hard real time processes running on distributed embedded systems. The hard processes are critical and must always complete on time. A soft process can complete after its deadline and its completion time is associated with a value function that characterizes its contribution to the quality-of-service of the application. We propose a quasi-static scheduling algorithm to generate a tree of fault-tolerant distributed schedules that maximize the application's quality value and guarantee hard deadlines.

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[IEP10] Viacheslav Izosimov, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, "Value-Based Scheduling of Distributed Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems with Soft and Hard Timing Constraints", 8th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 28-29, 2010.
( ! ) perl script by Giovanni Squillero with modifications from Gert Jervan   (v3.1, p5.2, September-2002-)