Jfair: A Scheduling Algorithm to Stabilize Control Applications
RTAS: 21th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Seattle, WA, April 2015
Control applications are considered to be among the core applications in cyber-physical and embedded real- time systems, for which jitter is typically an important factor. This paper investigates whether it is possible to guarantee certain amount of jitter for a given set of applications on a shared platform. The effect of jitter on the stability of control applications and its relation with the latency will be discussed. The importance arises from the fact that it is considerably easier to manage the constant part of the delay (known as latency), while the process of coping with the varying part of the delay (known as jitter) is more involved. The proposed solution guarantees certain jitter limits, and at the same time does not lead to overly pessimistic latency values. The results are later used in a design optimization problem to minimize the resource utilized. [AEP15] Amir Aminifar, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, "Jfair: A Scheduling Algorithm to Stabilize Control Applications", RTAS: 21th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Seattle, WA, April 2015 |