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An Improved Estimation Methodology for Hybrid BIST Cost Calculation

Gert Jervan
Zebo Peng Author homepage
Raimund Ubar
Olga Korelina

IEEE Norchip 2004, Oslo, Norway, November 8-9, 2004, pp. 297-300

This paper presents an improved estimation methodology for hybrid BIST cost calculation. In a hybrid BIST approach the test set is assembled from pseudorandom and deterministic test patterns. The efficiency of the hybrid BIST approach is largely determined by the ratio of those test patterns in the final test set. Unfortunately exact algorithms for finding the test sets are computationally very expensive. Therefore in this paper we propose an improved estimation methodology for fast calculation of the hybrid test set. The methodology is based on real fault simulation results and experimental results have shown that the method is more accurate than the statistical method proposed earlier.

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[JPUK04] Gert Jervan, Zebo Peng, Raimund Ubar, Olga Korelina, "An Improved Estimation Methodology for Hybrid BIST Cost Calculation", IEEE Norchip 2004, Oslo, Norway, November 8-9, 2004, pp. 297-300
( ! ) perl script by Giovanni Squillero with modifications from Gert Jervan   (v3.1, p5.2, September-2002-)