Boundary-Scan Test Control in the ATCA Standard
IEEE European Board Test Workshop, EBTW, Tallinn, Estonia, 25-26 May 2005
The backplane in a multi-board system has a limited wiring capability, which makes additional backplane Boundary-Scan wiring to link the boards highly costly. The problem is to access the Boundary-Scan tested boards with the Boundary- Scan controller at the central board. In this paper we propose an approach suitable for the Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture standard where we make use of the existing I2C-bus and the Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) protocol for application of operational tests. We have defined a protocol with commands and responses as well as a test data format for storing test data on the boards to support the remote execution of Boundary-Scan tests. For validation of the proposed approach we have developed a demonstrator.
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[BCL05] David Bäckström, Gunnar Carlsson, Erik Larsson, "Boundary-Scan Test Control in the ATCA Standard", IEEE European Board Test Workshop, EBTW, Tallinn, Estonia, 25-26 May 2005 |