Symbolic Model Checking of Dual Transition Petri Nets
10th International Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign (CODES 2002), Estes Park, Colorado, USA, May 6-8, 2002, pp. 43-48.
This paper describes the formal verification of the recently introduced Dual Transition Petri Net (DTPN) models, using model checking techniques. The methodology presented addresses the symbolic model checking of embedded systems behavioural properties, expressed in either computation tree logics (CTL) or linear temporal logics (LTL). The embedded system specification is given in terms of DTPN models, where elements of the model are captured in a four-module library which implements the behaviour of the model. Key issues in the development of the methodology are the heterogeneity and the nondeterministic nature of the model. This is handled by introducing some modifications in both structure and behaviour of the model, thus reducing the points of nondeterminism. Several features of the methodology are discussed and two examples are given in order to show the validity of the model.
[VMAE02] Mauricio Varea, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, Luis Alejandro Cortes, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, "Symbolic Model Checking of Dual Transition Petri Nets", 10th International Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign (CODES 2002), Estes Park, Colorado, USA, May 6-8, 2002, pp. 43-48. |