- An Improved Register-Transfer Level Functional Partioning Approach for Testability
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. 46, No. 3, January 2000, pages 209-223
- Incremental Testability Analysis for Partial Scan Selection and Design Transformations
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), vol. 14, 1999, pp. 101-111, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Integrated Scheduling and Allocation of High-Level Test Synthesis
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
11th Annual IEEE International ASIC Conference (ASIC'98), Rochester, New York, Sept. 13-16, 1998, pp. 81-87.
- Register-Transfer Level Testability Analysis and Improvement with Pseudorandom BIST
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
IEEE International Workshop on Design, Test and Applications of Electronic Systems (WDTA-98), Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 8-10, 1998, pp. 117-120.
- Incremental Testability Analysis for Partial Scan Selection and Design Transformations
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
IEEE European Test Workshop , Barcelona, Spain, May 27-29, 1998.
- An improved register-transfer level functional partitioning approach for testability
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
24th EUROMICRO Conference, 1998.
- An Improved Register-Transfer Level Functional Partioning Approach for Testability
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
Fifth IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop Red Lion Resort, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, March 9-11, 1998.
- An Efficient Algorithm to Integrate Scheduling and Allocation in High-Level Test Synthesis
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
Design, Automation and Test in Europe - DATE, Paris, Feb. 23-26, 1998.
- Incremental Testability Analysis for Design Transformations
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
Norchip Conference, Tallinn, November 10-11, 1997. pp. 267-274
- Integrated Scheduling and Allocation in High-Level Test Synthesis
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
IEEE European Test Workshop (ETW-97) , Cagliari, Italy, 1997.
- An Integrated Approach to Data Path Synthesis for Testability
Tianruo Yang, Zebo Peng
Fourth International Test Synthesis Workshop (ITSW-97) , Santa Barbara, USA, 1997.