The Wallenberg laboratory for research on
Information Technology and Autonomous Systems



The WITAS project has been organized in two phases: phase I for the years 1997-1999, and phase II for 2000-2003.

Working organization

WITAS is headed by Erik Sandewall.

The following is the working organization in phase II. (The organization in phase I was slightly different). There are three concentric circles:

Work in circles A and B is directed by Patrick Doherty and is done by groups in Linköping university, in cooperation with a group at Lund university (in southern Sweden) for the on-board computer architecture. - Work in the activities in circle C is coordinated by Erik Sandewall, and is conducted at several cooperating universities. Please click "Groups" on the main menu for a catalogue of the participating research groups where the work is carried out.


The project is funded in its entirety by the Wallenberg foundation, which provided a total budget frame for phase I and a similar (extended) frame for phase II. Half-year budgets are allocated within the frame by successive decisions. This provides both a long-term reliability and a short-term flexibility with respect to funding.


The project is monitored by an external board that presently has the following members:

The Board meets twice a year, receives a report of the state of the project, gives advise about its continued operation, and recommends a budget for the following half-year.

Maintenance information:
Latest update 11.5.2000 by WITAS secretariat.
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