Journal of History of Public Health

Articles Submitted for Review and Publication

The following articles have been received for review. Questions and comments about these articles are invited, similarly to the question period at the end of a paper presentation at a conference. Please click the word [interactions] to see the current interactions about the article, or to send your own debate contribution.

Each article goes through the following steps:

  1. Article is announced in the Newsletter and News Journal. This starts a three month period of review discussion.
  2. Author decides whether he or she wishes to have the article refereed for the Transactions, or not.
  3. If yes, the article is sent to confidential referees.
  4. The article is either accepted or not accepted for the Transactions.
The present list contains all articles that have been received and announced, under different headings depending on where they are in the review procedure. Contributions to the discussion are invited during all those stages.

Articles presently in the review discussion

Anders Bengtsson
Folk cures for malaria in Carelia and western Finland.
Acta Historica Fennica, Vol. 66 (1991), pp. 68-92.

Articles presently being refereed

The following articles have been submitted to refereeing, after having been publicly reviewed for at least three months, and are awaiting the referee reports.

Previously reviewed but not refereed articles

The following articles have previously been reviewed and within the area "Reasoning about Actions and Change", but the authors decided not to send the article to refereeing in the ETAI. (Typically, the article has then been submitted to some other journal). The review discussion will continue to be available, and additional contributions are still welcome. Please click the word [interactions] to see or to participate in the discussion.

Previously refereed articles

The following articles have previously been reviewed and refereed within the area "Reasoning about Actions and Change". The second date, if present, indicates the date when the article was accepted to the ETAI. The review discussion will continue to be available, and additional contributions are still welcome. Please click the word [interactions] to see or participate in the discussion.


Clicking [summary] leads to a concrete description of the article's contents (an "informative abstract" rather than an "indicative abstract"). Clicking an author name leads to her/his home page; clicking the name of the article leads to a cover page for the full text and abstract of the article.

Each item also specifies the date when the article was received, given in standard European format (dd.mm.yyyy). The code (f-...) indicates where the article was published (First Publication Archive, year, and serial number of the article).