Newsletter and News Journal on
Reasoning about Actions and Change

April, 1998

Individual Newsletter issues during this month

Date Email Web ps Contents
1.4.1998 98033 98033 98033 Ma and Hayes on ontology of time
13.4.1998 98034 98034 98034 Miller question to Sandewall re article; Hayes answer to Ma on ontology of time
15.4.1998 98035 98035 98035 Jixin Ma on the ontology of time
18.4.1998 98036 98036 98036 Sergio Brandano (Pisa) re whether nonstandard ontology for time is really needed
21.4.1998 98037 98037 98037 Answers by Jixin Ma and Pat Hayes to Sergio Brandani
22.4.1998 98038 98038 98038 McCarthy, Brandano, and Sandewall on ontologies of time
23.4.1998 98039 98039 98039 Kakas and Miller paper accepted; comments from reviewers; Ma and Brandano on standard vs nonstandard ontologies of time
24.4.1998 98040 98040 98040 Ma, Hayes, and Brandano on the ontology of time

The text version of these issues was distributed by electronic mail on the indicated date. At the same time, the online (HTML) version was posted in the present www structure. The postscript version was constructed at a later date, but with the same contents. Minor retroactive corrections may occur.

The ENRAC News Journal for the current month contains the contents of these Newsletters but organized by topic rather than chronologically.