The Leonardo Project on Software Systems Architecture

Publications about the Leonardo project

One of the aspects of the CAISOR research agenda is the development of a novel approach to the overall software architecture of ordinary (i.e., PC-style) computers, as an alternative to the contemporary practice of distinguishing operating systems, programming languages, database systems, web servers and web clients and their associated languages, and so forth. We believe that it shall be possible to define a much more comprehensive structure that avoids the very large redundancies that exist in the contemporary approach. The Leonardo project addresses this challenge by developing an experimental software system, also called Leonardo, where our approach is being tested and where we expect it to be validated.

The Leordo implementation is a subset of Leonardo that is relatively stable and relatively well documented, and that is used as the platform for a number of application systems, in particular, for the MADMAN system for document management.

Published Articles

2008-006 Erik Sandewall: The Leordo Computation System. In: From Semantics to Computer Science. Bertot.Yves, Huet.Gérard, Lévy.Jean-Jacques and Plotkin.Gordon, editors. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Technical Reports

PM-leonardo-001 The Leonordo Representation Language. Part I: Entity Descriptions
PM-leonardo-003 Recent Work and Current State of Applications and Ontology in Leonardo
PM-leonardo-004 Introduction to the Leonardo System and Overview of Major Applications
PM-leonardo-005 The Leonordo Kernel and Platform

Articles on Software Individuals

The earlier project on software individuals defined an important part of the background for the Leonardo system.

2001-001 Erik Sandewall: On the Design of Software Individuals. Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5 (2001), pages B:143-160.
2003-001 Erik Sandewall: A Software Architecture for AI Systems Based on Self-Modifying Software Individuals. Proceedings of International Conference on LISP, 2003.

Posted on 2009-01-20 as part of the LEONARDO website.