Collegium Conference Center - SNART'99 Venue
99-08-24 Tuesday
8:00 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Opening Introduction |
9:10 |
Invited Talk by Harold (Bud) Lawson: Engineering Computer Based Systems |
9:50 |
Coffee |
10:15 |
Timing Analysis
Towards Industry Strength Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, J Engblom, A Ermedahl, M Sjödin, J Gustavsson, H Hansson, Uppsala University, Mälardalen University
An Integrated Path and Timing Analysis Method Based on Cycle-Level Symbolic Execution, T Lundqvist, P Stenström, Chalmers University of Technology
Bounding Loop Iterations for Timing Analysis, C Healy, M Sjödin, V Rustagi, D Whalley, Florida State University, Uppsala University, Objectime Inc. |
11:15 |
Break |
11:20 |
Scheduling Issues in Embedded Systems
Design and Scheduling of Shared Displays for Embedded Systems, H Hansson, M Lindgren, Mälardalen University
An Improved Scheduling Technique for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems, P Pop, P Eles, Z Peng, Linköping University
Constructive Feedback Turns Failure into Success for Pre-Run-Time Scheduled Systems, B Allvin, K Sandström, C Eriksson, Mälardalen University |
12:20 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
Best Master Thesis (Exjobb) Presentation |
13:50 |
Communication Systems
Protocol for Wireless Real-Time Systems, H Bengtsson, E Uhlemann, P-A Wiberg, Sjöland&Thyselius Datakonsulter, Halmstad University
Fiber-Ribbon Ring Network with Services for Parallel Processing and Distributed Real-Time Systems, M Jonsson, C Bergenhem, J Olsson, Halmstad University
14:30 |
Break |
14:40 |
Architectures and Tools
Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Applications, SARA, L Lindh, T Klevin, J Furunäs, Mälardalen University
A Simulator for Real-Time and Control Systems Co-design, J Eker, A Cervin, Lund University
Derivation of Local Timing Constraints in Early Design Stages, Y Zhao, J Plantin, E Stoy, J Vasell, Ericsson Radio Systems, Chalmers University of Technology
A Real-Time Platform for Collaboration Projects in Power Train Modeling and Control, S Edlund, L Eriksson, L Nielsen, M Pettersson, Linköping University, Scania AB |
16:00 |
Coffee |
16:20 |
Poster Presentation
Towards a Standardised Systems Engineering Information Model, E Herzog, A Törne, Linköping University
Why Use Compositive Object Orientation to Model Real Time Systems? I Ogren, Tofs Corporation
System Architecture in a Mechatronics Perspective, D Chen, M Törngren, KTH
Comparison of Techniques for Handling Timing Problems in Distributed Control, M Sanfridson, KTH
Extending GAST with Support for Distributed Scheduling Algorithms, M Andersson Wiklund, J Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology
Improving the Performance of a QoS-negotiation Algorithm, B Andersson, J Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology
Observability in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems with Hardware/Software Co-Simulation, M El Shobaki, Mälardalen University
Real-Time Reference Counting, T Ritzau, Linköping University
Why SpecInt95 Should Not Be Used to Benchmark Embedded Systems Tools, J Engblom, Uppsala University
Interactive Predictions of Timing and Memory Requirements for Object-Oriented Hard Real-Time Applications, P Persson, Lund University
Tillämpad realtid, D Scholle
Systemarkitektur 1, en grundutbildningskurs i systemkonstruktion, J Adomat, M El Shobaki, Mälardalen University |
17:15 |
Posters and Exhibitions |
18:30 |
Buss to dinner place |
19:30 |
Dinner |
99-08-25 Wednesday
9:00 |
Invited Talk by Hermann Kopetz, Vienna University of Technology: The Time-Triggered Model of Computation |
9:40 |
Coffee |
10:00 |
Effective Complexity Reduction for Optimal Scheduling of Distributed Real-Time Applications, J Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology
Handling Sporadic Tasks in Off-line Scheduled Distributed Real-Time Systems, D Isovic, G Fohler, Mälardalen University
Plug-In Based Aperiodic Task Handling for Diverse Real-Time Systems, B Lindberg, G Fohler, Mälardalen University |
11:00 |
Break |
11:10 |
Schedulability Analysis and Real-Time Education
Improved Response-Time Analysis Calculations, M Sjödin, H Hansson, Uppsala University, Mälardalen University
Guaranteeing Schedulability for Real-Time Threads on Multi-Level-Context Architectures, J Jonsson, H Lönn, K Shin, Chalmers University of Technology
Real-Time Lab Exercises: A Teacher's Dilemma, E Herzog, P Loborg, S Nadjm-Tehrani, Linköping University |
12:10 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
Formal Methods
A Formal Model of A Ravenscar-Compliant Run-Time Kernel and Application Code, K Lundqvist, L Asplund, Uppsala University
Abstracting Time Away (and Still Having It), S Nadjm-Tehrani, Linköping University |
14:00 |
Break |
14:10 |
System Analysis and Testing
Evaluating the Performance of Wait-Free Snapshots in Real-Time Systems, B Allvin, H Hansson, A Ermedahl, M Papatriantafilou, H Sundell, P Tsigas, Mälardalen University, Uppsala University, Chalmers University of Technology
Towards Efficient Analysis of Interrupts in Real-Time Systems, J Mäki-Turja, G Fohler, K Sandström, Mälardalen University
Analysing Multimedia Traffic in Real-Time ATM Networks,
M Sjödin, H Hansson, Uppsala University, Mälardalen University
Towards Structured Testing of Distributed Real-Time Systems, H Thane, H Hansson, Mälardalen University |
15:30 |
Closing |
15:40 |
SNARTs årsmöte (end at ca 17:00) |