
Signal source blocks generating Real and Boolean signals

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Clock Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine Modelica.Blocks.Sources.ExpSine Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Exponentials Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SawTooth Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid Modelica.Blocks.Sources.KinematicPTP Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanConstant Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanStep Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanPulse Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SampleTrigger


This package contains source components, i.e., blocks which have only output signals. These blocks are used as signal generators.

The following sources are provided to generate Real signals:

  Clock             Generate actual time.
  Constant          Generate constant signals.
  Step              Generate step signals.
  Ramp              Generate ramp signals.
  Sine              Generate sine signals.
  ExpSine           Generate exponentially damped sine signals.
  Exponentials      Generate a rising and falling exponential signal.
  Pulse             Generate pulse signals.
  SawTooth          Generate sawtooth signals.
  Trapezoid         Generate trapezoidal signals.
  KinematicPTP      Generate an acceleration signal to move as fast as 
                    possible along a distance within given kinematic constraints.
  TimeTable         Generate a (possibly discontinuous) signal by 
                    linear interpolation in a table.
The following sources are provided to generate Boolean signals:

  BooleanConstant   Generate constant signals.
  BooleanStep       Generate step signals.
  BooleanPulse      Generate pulse signals.
  SampleTrigger     Generate sample triggers.

All sources are vectorized. This means that the output is a vector of signals. The number of outputs is in correspondance to the lenght of the parameter vectors defining the signals. Examples:

    // output.signal[1] = 2*sin(2*pi*2.1);
    // output.signal[2] = 3*sin(2*pi*2.3);
    Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine s1(amplitude={2,3}, freqHz={2.1,2.2});

    // output.signal[1] = 3*sin(2*pi*2.1);
    // output.signal[2] = 3*sin(2*pi*2.3);
    Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine s2(amplitude={3}, freqHz={2.1,2.3});

The first instance s1 consists of two sinusoidal output signals with the given amplitudes and frequencies. The second instance s2 consists also of two sinusoidal output signals. Since the amplitudes are the same for all output signals of s2, this value has to be provided only once. This approached is used for all parameters of signal sources: Whenever only a scalar value is provided for one parameter, then this value is used for all output signals.

All Real source signals (with the exception of the Constant source) have at least the following two parameters:

   offset       Value which is added to all signal values.
   startTime    Start time of signal. For time < startTime,
                the output is set to offset.

The offset parameter is especially useful in order to shift the corresponding source, such that at initial time the system is stationary. To determine the corresponding value of offset, usually requires a trimming calculation.

Main Author:
Martin Otter
Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Postfach 1116
D-82230 Wessling

Release Notes:

Copyright (C) 1999-2000, Modelica Association, DLR and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

The Modelica package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer in the documentation of package Modelica in file "Modelica/".

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Clock Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Clock

Generate actual time signals



offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block Clock "Generate actual time signals " 
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] then 0
       else time - p_startTime[i]);
  end for;
end Clock;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant

Generate constant signals of type Real



k[:]{1}Constant output values

Modelica definition

block Constant "Generate constant signals of type Real" 
  parameter Real k[:]={1} "Constant output values";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=size(k, 1));
  outPort.signal = k;
end Constant;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step

Generate step signals of type Real



height[:]{1}Heights of steps
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block Step "Generate step signals of type Real" 
  parameter Real height[:]={1} "Heights of steps";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(height, 1); size(offset, 1); size(
        startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_height[nout]=(if size(height, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      height[1] else height);
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] then 0
       else p_height[i]);
  end for;
end Step;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp

Generate ramp signals



height[:]{1}Heights of ramps
duration[:]{2}Durations of ramps
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block Ramp "Generate ramp signals" 
  parameter Real height[:]={1} "Heights of ramps";
  parameter Real duration[:](min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {2} 
    "Durations of ramps";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(height, 1); size(duration, 1); size(
        offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_height[nout]=(if size(height, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      height[1] else height);
  parameter Real p_duration[nout]=(if size(duration, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      duration[1] else duration);
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] then 0
       else if time < (p_startTime[i] + p_duration[i]) then (time - 
      p_startTime[i])*p_height[i]/p_duration[i] else p_height[i]);
  end for;
end Ramp;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine

Generate sine signals



amplitude[:]{1}Amplitudes of sine waves
freqHz[:]{1}Frequencies of sine waves [Hz]
phase[:]{0}Phases of sine waves [rad]
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block Sine "Generate sine signals" 
  parameter Real amplitude[:]={1} "Amplitudes of sine waves";
  parameter SIunits.Frequency freqHz[:]={1} 
    "Frequencies of sine waves";
  parameter SIunits.Angle phase[:]={0} "Phases of sine waves";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(amplitude, 1); size(freqHz, 1); size(
        phase, 1); size(offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  constant Real pi=Modelica.Constants.PI;
  parameter Real p_amplitude[nout]=(if size(amplitude, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)
      *amplitude[1] else amplitude);
  parameter Real p_freqHz[nout]=(if size(freqHz, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      freqHz[1] else freqHz);
  parameter Real p_phase[nout]=(if size(phase, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*phase[1
      ] else phase);
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] then 0
       else p_amplitude[i]*Modelica.Math.sin(2*pi*p_freqHz[i]*(time - 
      p_startTime[i]) + p_phase[i]));
  end for;
end Sine;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.ExpSine Modelica.Blocks.Sources.ExpSine

Generate exponentially damped sine signals



amplitude[:]{1}Amplitudes of sine waves
freqHz[:]{2}Frequencies of sine waves [Hz]
phase[:]{0}Phases of sine waves [rad]
damping[:]{1}Damping coefficients of sine waves [s-1]
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block ExpSine "Generate exponentially damped sine signals" 
  parameter Real amplitude[:]={1} "Amplitudes of sine waves";
  parameter SIunits.Frequency freqHz[:]={2} 
    "Frequencies of sine waves";
  parameter SIunits.Angle phase[:]={0} "Phases of sine waves";
  parameter SIunits.Damping damping[:]={1} 
    "Damping coefficients of sine waves";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(amplitude, 1); size(freqHz, 1); size(
        phase, 1); size(damping, 1); size(offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  constant Real pi=Modelica.Constants.PI;
  parameter Real p_amplitude[nout]=(if size(amplitude, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)
      *amplitude[1] else amplitude);
  parameter Real p_freqHz[nout]=(if size(freqHz, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      freqHz[1] else freqHz);
  parameter Real p_phase[nout]=(if size(phase, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*phase[1
      ] else phase);
  parameter Real p_damping[nout]=(if size(damping, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      damping[1] else damping);
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] then 0
       else p_amplitude[i]*Modelica.Math.exp(-(time - p_startTime[i])*p_damping
      [i])*Modelica.Math.sin(2*pi*p_freqHz[i]*(time - p_startTime[i]) + p_phase
  end for;
end ExpSine;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Exponentials Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Exponentials

Generate a rising and falling exponential signal



outMax[:]{1}Height of output for infinite riseTime
riseTime[:]{0.5}Rise time [s]
riseTimeConst[:]{0.1}Rise time constant [s]
fallTimeConst[:]riseTimeConstFall time constant [s]
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

model Exponentials "Generate a rising and falling exponential signal"
  parameter Real outMax[:]={1} 
    "Height of output for infinite riseTime";
  parameter SIunits.Time riseTime[:](min=0) = {0.5} "Rise time";
  parameter SIunits.Time riseTimeConst[:](min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {0.1
    } "Rise time constant";
  parameter SIunits.Time fallTimeConst[:](min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = 
    riseTimeConst "Fall time constant";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(outMax, 1); size(riseTime, 1); size(
        riseTimeConst, 1); size(fallTimeConst, 1); size(offset, 1); size(
        startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_outMax[nout]=(if size(outMax, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      outMax[1] else outMax);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_riseTime[nout]=(if size(riseTime, 1) == 1 then ones
      (nout)*riseTime[1] else riseTime);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_riseTimeConst[nout]=(if size(riseTimeConst, 1) == 1
       then ones(nout)*riseTimeConst[1] else riseTimeConst);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_fallTimeConst[nout]=(if size(fallTimeConst, 1) == 1
       then ones(nout)*fallTimeConst[1] else fallTimeConst);
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  Real y_riseTime[nout];
  for i in 1:nout loop
    y_riseTime[i] = p_outMax[i]*(1 - Modelica.Math.exp(-p_riseTime[i]/
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if (time < p_startTime[i]) then 0
       else if (time < (p_startTime[i] + p_riseTime[i])) then p_outMax[i]*(1
       - exp(-(time - p_startTime[i])/p_riseTimeConst[i])) else y_riseTime[i]*
      Modelica.Math.exp(-(time - p_startTime[i] - p_riseTime[i])/
  end for;
end Exponentials;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse

Generate pulse signals of type Real



amplitude[:]{1}Amplitudes of pulses
width[:]{50}Widths of pulses in % of periods
period[:]{1}Times for one period [s]
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block Pulse "Generate pulse signals of type Real" 
  parameter Real amplitude[:]={1} "Amplitudes of pulses";
  parameter Real width[:](
    final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL, 
    final max=100) = {50} "Widths of pulses in % of periods";
  parameter SIunits.Time period[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {1} 
    "Times for one period";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(amplitude, 1); size(width, 1); size(
        period, 1); size(offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_amplitude[nout]=(if size(amplitude, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)
      *amplitude[1] else amplitude);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_period[nout]=(if size(period, 1) == 1 then ones(
      nout)*period[1] else period);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_width[nout]=diagonal(p_period)*(if size(width, 1)
       == 1 then ones(nout)*width[1] else width)/100 
    "Width of one pulse";
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  discrete SIunits.Time T0[nout](final start=p_startTime) 
    "Start time of current period";
  for i in 1:nout loop
    when sample(p_startTime[i], p_period[i]) then
      T0[i] = time;
    end when;
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] or time
       >= T0[i] + p_width[i] then 0 else p_amplitude[i]);
  end for;
end Pulse;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SawTooth Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SawTooth

Generate saw tooth signals



amplitude[:]{1}Amplitudes of saw tooths
period[:]{1}Times for one period [s]
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block SawTooth "Generate saw tooth signals" 
  parameter Real amplitude[:]={1} "Amplitudes of saw tooths";
  parameter SIunits.Time period[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {1} 
    "Times for one period";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(amplitude, 1); size(period, 1); size(
        offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_amplitude[nout]=(if size(amplitude, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)
      *amplitude[1] else amplitude);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_period[nout]=(if size(period, 1) == 1 then ones(
      nout)*period[1] else period);
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  discrete SIunits.Time T0[nout](final start=p_startTime) 
    "Start time of current period";
  for i in 1:nout loop
    when sample(p_startTime[i], p_period[i]) then
      T0[i] = time;
    end when;
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if time < p_startTime[i] then 0
       else (p_amplitude[i]/p_period[i])*(time - T0[i]));
  end for;
end SawTooth;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid

Generate trapezoidal signals of type Real



amplitude[:]{1}Amplitudes of trapezoids
rising[:]{0}Rising durations of trapezoids [s]
width[:]{0.5}Width durations of trapezoids [s]
falling[:]{0}Falling durations of trapezoids [s]
period[:]{1}Time for one period [s]
nperiod[:]{-1}Number of periods (< 0 means infinite number of periods)
offset[:]{0}Offsets of output signals
startTime[:]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block Trapezoid "Generate trapezoidal signals of type Real" 
  parameter Real amplitude[:]={1} "Amplitudes of trapezoids";
  parameter SIunits.Time rising[:](final min=0) = {0} 
    "Rising durations of trapezoids";
  parameter SIunits.Time width[:](final min=0) = {0.5} 
    "Width durations of trapezoids";
  parameter SIunits.Time falling[:](final min=0) = {0} 
    "Falling durations of trapezoids";
  parameter SIunits.Time period[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.small) = {1} 
    "Time for one period";
  parameter Integer nperiod[:]={-1} 
    "Number of periods (< 0 means infinite number of periods)";
  parameter Real offset[:]={0} "Offsets of output signals";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(amplitude, 1); size(rising, 1); size(
        width, 1); size(falling, 1); size(period, 1); size(nperiod, 1); size(
        offset, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_amplitude[nout]=(if size(amplitude, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)
      *amplitude[1] else amplitude);
  parameter SIunits.Time T_rising[nout]=(if size(rising, 1) == 1 then ones(
      nout)*rising[1] else rising) 
    "End time of rising phase within one period";
  parameter SIunits.Time T_width[nout]=T_rising + (if size(width, 1) == 1
       then ones(nout)*width[1] else width) 
    "End time of width phase within one period";
  parameter SIunits.Time T_falling[nout]=T_width + (if size(falling, 1) == 1
       then ones(nout)*falling[1] else falling) 
    "End time of falling phase within one period";
  parameter SIunits.Time p_period[nout]=(if size(period, 1) == 1 then ones(
      nout)*period[1] else period) "Duration of one period";
  parameter Real p_offset[nout]=(if size(offset, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      offset[1] else offset);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  discrete SIunits.Time T0[nout](final start=p_startTime) 
    "Start time of current period";
  discrete Integer counter[nout](start=(if size(nperiod, 1) == 1 then ones(
        nout)*nperiod[1] else nperiod)) "Period counter";
  discrete Integer counter2[nout](start=(if size(nperiod, 1) == 1 then ones(
        nout)*nperiod[1] else nperiod));
  for i in 1:nout loop
    when (pre(counter2[i]) <> 0 and sample(p_startTime[i], p_period[i]))
      T0[i] = time;
      counter2[i] = pre(counter[i]);
      counter[i] = pre(counter[i]) - (if pre(counter[i]) > 0 then 1 else 0)
    end when;
    outPort.signal[i] = p_offset[i] + (if (time < p_startTime[i] or 
      counter2[i] == 0 or time >= T0[i] + T_falling[i]) then 0 else if (time
       < T0[i] + T_rising[i]) then (time - T0[i])*p_amplitude[i]/T_rising[i]
       else if (time < T0[i] + T_width[i]) then p_amplitude[i] else (T0[i]
       + T_falling[i] - time)*p_amplitude[i]/(T_falling[i] - T_width[i]));
  end for;
end Trapezoid;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.KinematicPTP Modelica.Blocks.Sources.KinematicPTP

Move as fast as possible along a distance within given kinematic constraints



The goal is to move as fast as possible along a distance deltaq under given kinematical constraints. The distance can be a positional or angular range. In robotics such a movement is called PTP (Point-To-Point). This source block generates the acceleration of this signal as output. After integrating the output two times, the position is obtained. The signal is constructed in such a way that it is not possible to move faster, given the maximally allowed velocity qd_max and the maximally allowed angular acceleration qdd_max.

If several distances are given (vector deltaq has more than 1 element), an acceleration output vector is constructed such that all signals are in the same periods in the acceleration, constant velocity and deceleration phase. This means that only one of the signals is at its limits whereas the others are sychnronized in such a way that the end point is reached at the same time instant.

This element is useful to generate a reference signal for a controller which controls a drive train or in combination with model Modelica.Mechanics.Rotationa.Accelerate to drive a flange according to a given acceleration.

Release Notes:


deltaq[:]{1}Distance to move
qd_max[:]{1}Maximum velocities der(q)
qdd_max[:]{1}Maximum accelerations der(qd)
startTime0Time instant at which movement starts [s]

Modelica definition

block KinematicPTP 
  "Move as fast as possible along a distance within given kinematic constraints"
  parameter Real deltaq[:]={1} "Distance to move";
  parameter Real qd_max[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {1} 
    "Maximum velocities der(q)";
  parameter Real qdd_max[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {1} 
    "Maximum accelerations der(qd)";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime=0 
    "Time instant at which movement starts";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=max([size(deltaq, 1); size(qd_max, 1); size(
        qdd_max, 1)]));
  parameter Real p_deltaq[nout]=(if size(deltaq, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      deltaq[1] else deltaq);
  parameter Real p_qd_max[nout]=(if size(qd_max, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      qd_max[1] else qd_max);
  parameter Real p_qdd_max[nout]=(if size(qdd_max, 1) == 1 then ones(nout)*
      qdd_max[1] else qdd_max);
  Real sd_max;
  Real sdd_max;
  Real sdd;
  Real aux1[nout];
  Real aux2[nout];
  SIunits.Time Ta1;
  SIunits.Time Ta2;
  SIunits.Time Tv;
  SIunits.Time Te;
  Boolean noWphase;
  for i in 1:nout loop
    aux1[i] = p_deltaq[i]/p_qd_max[i];
    aux2[i] = p_deltaq[i]/p_qdd_max[i];
  end for;
  sd_max = 1/max(abs(aux1));
  sdd_max = 1/max(abs(aux2));
  Ta1 = sqrt(1/sdd_max);
  Ta2 = sd_max/sdd_max;
  noWphase = Ta2 >= Ta1;
  Tv = if noWphase then Ta1 else 1/sd_max;
  Te = if noWphase then Ta1 + Ta1 else Tv + Ta2;
  // path-acceleration
  sdd = if time < startTime then 0 else ((if noWphase then (if time < 
    Ta1 then sdd_max else (if time < Te then -sdd_max else 0)) else (if time
     < Ta2 then sdd_max else (if time < Tv then 0 else (if time < Te
     then -sdd_max else 0)))));
  // acceleration
  outPort.signal = p_deltaq*sdd;
end KinematicPTP;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable

Generate a (possibly discontinuous) signal by linear interpolation in a table



This block generates an output signal by linear interpolation in a table. The time points and function values are stored in a matrix table[i,j], where the first column table[:,1] contains the time points and the second column contains the data to be interpolated. The table interpolation has the following proporties:


   table = [0  0
            1  0
            1  1
            2  4
            3  9
            4 16]

If, e.g., time = 1.0, the output y =  0.0 (before event), 1.0 (after event)
    e.g., time = 1.5, the output y =  2.5,
    e.g., time = 2.0, the output y =  4.0,
    e.g., time = 5.0, the output y = 23.0 (i.e. extrapolation).

Release Notes:


table[:, :][0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 4]Table matrix (time = first column)
offset[1]{0}Offset of output signal
startTime[1]{0}Output = offset for time < startTime [s]

Modelica definition

block TimeTable 
  "Generate a (possibly discontinuous) signal by linear interpolation in a table"
  parameter Real table[:, :]=[0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 4] 
    "Table matrix (time = first column)";
  parameter Real offset[1]={0} "Offset of output signal";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[1]={0} 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  extends Interfaces.MO(final nout=1);
  discrete Real a 
    "Interpolation coefficients a of actual interval (y=a*x+b)";
  discrete Real b 
    "Interpolation coefficients b of actual interval (y=a*x+b)";
  discrete Integer last(start=1) "Last used lower grid index";
  discrete SIunits.Time nextEvent(start=0) "Next event instant";
  function getInterpolationCoefficients 
    "Determine interpolation coefficients and next time event" 
    input Real table[:, :] "Table for interpolation";
    input Real offset "y-offset";
    input Real startTime "time-offset";
    input Real t "Actual time instant";
    input Integer last "Last used lower grid index";
    input Real TimeEps 
      "Relative epsilon to check for identical time instants";
    output Real a "Interpolation coefficients a (y=a*x + b)";
    output Real b "Interpolation coefficients b (y=a*x + b)";
    output Real nextEvent "Next event instant";
    output Integer next "New lower grid index";
    Integer columns=2 "Column to be interpolated";
    Integer ncol=2 "Number of columns to be interpolated";
    Integer nrow=size(table, 1) "Number of table rows";
    Integer next0;
    Real tp;
    Real dt;
    next := last;
    nextEvent := t - TimeEps*abs(t);
    // in case there are no more time events
    tp := t + TimeEps*abs(t) - startTime;
    if tp < 0.0 then
      // First event not yet reached
      nextEvent := startTime;
      a := 0;
      b := offset;
    elseif nrow < 2 then
      // Special action if table has only one row
      a := 0;
      b := offset + table[1, columns];
        // Find next time event instant. Note, that two consecutive time instants
      // in the table may be identical due to a discontinuous point.
      while next < nrow and tp >= table[next, 1] loop
        next := next + 1;
      end while;
      // Define next time event, if last table entry not reached
      if next < nrow then
        nextEvent := startTime + table[next, 1];
      end if;
      // Determine interpolation coefficients
      next0 := next - 1;
      dt := table[next, 1] - table[next0, 1];
      if dt <= TimeEps*abs(table[next, 1]) then
          // Interpolation interval is not big enough, use "next" value
        a := 0;
        b := offset + table[next, columns];
        a := (table[next, columns] - table[next0, columns])/dt;
        b := offset + table[next0, columns] - a*table[next0, 1];
      end if;
    end if;
  end getInterpolationCoefficients;
  when time >= pre(nextEvent) or initial() then
    (a,b,nextEvent,last) = getInterpolationCoefficients(table, scalar(offset)
      , scalar(startTime), time, last, 100*Modelica.Constants.EPS);
  end when;
  outPort.signal[1] = a*time + b;
end TimeTable;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanConstant Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanConstant

Generate constant signals of type Boolean



k[:]{true}Constant output values

Modelica definition

block BooleanConstant "Generate constant signals of type Boolean" 
  parameter Boolean k[:]={true} "Constant output values";
  extends Interfaces.BooleanSignalSource(final nout=size(k, 1));
  outPort.signal = k;
end BooleanConstant;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanStep Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanStep

Generate step signals of type Boolean



startTime[:]{0}Time instants of steps [s]

Modelica definition

block BooleanStep "Generate step signals of type Boolean" 
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} "Time instants of steps";
  extends Interfaces.BooleanSignalSource(final nout=size(startTime, 1));
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = time >= startTime[i];
  end for;
end BooleanStep;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanPulse Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanPulse

Generate pulse signals of type Boolean



width[:]{50}Widths of pulses in % of period
period[:]{1}Times for one period [s]
startTime[:]{0}Iime instants of first pulse [s]

Modelica definition

block BooleanPulse "Generate pulse signals of type Boolean" 
  parameter Real width[:](
    final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL, 
    final max=100) = {50} "Widths of pulses in % of period";
  parameter SIunits.Time period[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {1} 
    "Times for one period";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Iime instants of first pulse";
  extends Interfaces.BooleanSignalSource(final nout=max([size(width, 1); size(
        period, 1); size(startTime, 1)]));
  parameter SIunits.Time p_period[nout]=(if size(period, 1) == 1 then ones(
      nout)*period[1] else period);
  parameter SIunits.Time Twidth[nout]=diagonal(p_period)*(if size(width, 1)
       == 1 then ones(nout)*width[1] else width)/100 
    "width of one pulse";
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  discrete SIunits.Time T0[nout](final start=p_startTime) 
    "Start time of current period";
  for i in 1:nout loop
    when sample(p_startTime[i], p_period[i]) then
      T0[i] = time;
    end when;
    outPort.signal[i] = time >= T0[i] and time < T0[i] + Twidth[i];
  end for;
end BooleanPulse;

Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SampleTrigger Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SampleTrigger

Generate sample trigger signals



period[:]{0.01}Sample periods [s]
startTime[:]{0}Time instants of first sample triggers [s]

Modelica definition

block SampleTrigger "Generate sample trigger signals" 
  parameter SIunits.Time period[:](final min=Modelica.Constants.SMALL) = {0.01
    } "Sample periods";
  parameter SIunits.Time startTime[:]={0} 
    "Time instants of first sample triggers";
  extends Interfaces.BooleanSignalSource(final nout=max([size(period, 1); size(
        startTime, 1)]));
  parameter SIunits.Time p_period[nout]=(if size(period, 1) == 1 then ones(
      nout)*period[1] else period);
  parameter SIunits.Time p_startTime[nout]=(if size(startTime, 1) == 1 then 
      ones(nout)*startTime[1] else startTime);
  for i in 1:nout loop
    outPort.signal[i] = sample(p_startTime[i], p_period[i]);
  end for;
end SampleTrigger;

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