Robocup 1999 Team Description

An Editor for User Friendly Strategy Creation

Johan Ydrén
Paul Scerri

Sponsored by: This work is partially supported by Saab AB, NUTEK grants IK1P-97-09677 and IK1P-98-06280, and Linköping University CENIIT grant 98.6.

  Full text: postscript,   PDF.  
This paper describes a graphical editor designed to enable a soccer coach, without any computer science knowledge, to specify team strategies for RoboCup. The team strategy is compiled into separate agents that play according to the strategy. In an attempt to make the use of the editor natural for a coach, the design is based on the idea of a coach drawing a strategy on a whiteboard to show human players how to play during a game. The strategies that can be expressed include the formations of the players at different situations and how they move the ball within and between those formations.

Maintenance information:
Latest update 4.12.1999 by EMTEK group.
Edit mode
latex, position code C.robocup.simul.Headless-Chickens.
Available in postscript.