Linköping University

Department of Computer and Information Science

Publication Register

Articles reported during 1999
as published or accepted for publication

Subset: articles originating in EDSLAB during 1999

The IDA publication register contains information about articles written by researchers at IDA. The usual bibliographic references are combined with links to on-line copies of those articles whenever available and known.
If the article you are looking for is not in this list, then
maybe it as already reported last year - see last year's list.

Mikael Ronström.
Database Requirement Analysis for a third generation mobile telecom system.
Presented at Workshop on Databases for Telecom, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1999.

Vanja Josifovski, Tore Risch: .
Integrating Heterogeneous Overlapping Databases through Object-Oriented Transformations.
Presented at the 25th Intl. Conf. On Very Large Databases, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1999.

Vanja Josifovski, Timour Katchaounov, Tore Risch:.
Optimizing queries in distributed and composable mediators.
Presented at 4th Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, CoopIS'99, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1999.

Vanja Josifovski, Tore Risch:.
Distributed Mediation using a Light-Weight OODBMS.
Presented at the 1st ECOOP Workshop on Object-Oriented Databases, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1999.

Vanja Josifovski, Tore Risch:.
Functional Query Optimization over Object-Oriented Views for Data Integration.
Published in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Vol. 12, No. 2-3, 1999.

Tore Risch, Martin Sköld:.
Monitoring Complex Rule Conditions.
Published in N. Paton (ed.): Active Rules in Database Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999, ISBN 0-387-98529-8.

This page is maintained by [EMTEK]; latest update 4 August 1997.