Artificial Intelligence Journal

AIJ Classic Paper Award 2014

The AIJ Classic Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published at least
15 calendar years ago in the AI Journal that are exceptional in their
significance and impact. Factors influencing the decision of
the award include:

- Did the paper start a significant new line of research?

- Has the paper made a major theoretical advance?

- Has it heavily influenced other researchers (whether in or outside AI?)

- Has the paper influenced applications?

A nomination may come from anyone. Posthumous awards will be
considered. Nominations are due by 9 May 2014 and must be made by
email using the following form (in simple text as part of the body of the
email, NOT as an attachment). The subject line should read "AIJ
Classic Paper Award 2014 nomination". The email should be sent to:

For 2014, eligible papers are those published in AIJ
between 1975 and 1984. A list of these papers can be found at eligible classic papers 2014


AIJ Classic Paper Award 2014 Nomination Form

1) Paper Title:

2) Authors:

3) Year (the year of publication must be between 1975 and 1984):

4) It would be appreciated if DOI or a link to PDF could be provided:

5) Update on author institutions if known to be different to those on
original publication:

6) Impact and significance

Give a brief statement (500 words or fewer) describing this paper's
impact on artificial intelligence research or practice, addressing the
factors listed in the call for nominations.  Evidence of the
significance/impact should be provided/referenced.
7) Proposed Citation (to appear on the award certificate -- citation
should begin "For outstanding contributions to ..." followed by a
phrase of not more than 20 carefully edited words that reflect the
reasons for the proposed award)

8) Nominator

Nominator Name:
Relationship (if any) to authors: