Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Course Homepage

This course consists of three interrelated but distinct course modules: Each module gives 1.5 hp credits. A student can choose to follow the whole course, or just one or two modules.

The lectures for the first module will be given on March 28-29, lunch-to-lunch, starting at 13:15 on March 28, at Donald Knuth, IDA.

1. System-level design methodology

Module developed and given by Zebo Peng and Petru Eles.
  • System-level design flow
  • Architecture and platform
  • Hardware/software codesign
  • Performance estimation and analysis
  • Optimization techniques
  • System-level power/energy optimization
Written exam.
Lecture Notes and Articles.

2. Advanced Real-Time Systems

Module developed and given by Unmesh Bordoloi.
  • Introduction to embedded real-time systems, hard vs soft real-time systems
  • Periodic task scheduling
    • Fixed priority
    • Dynamic priority
  • Resource access control
    • Priority inheritance
    • Priority ceiling protocols
  • Real-time automotive communication protocols
    • Introduction to CAN (non-preemptive fixed priority protocol), TTA (time triggered), FlexRay protocols (hybrid protocol)
    • Event-triggered vs. time-triggered paradigms
  • System-level timing analysis
    • Issues --- end-to-end delay, heterogeneous distributed components
    • Real-Time Calculus for system-level timing analysis
Take Home Exam / Assignments
Lecture notes, hand-outs, articles.

3. Formal Modelling and Verification of Real-Time Systems

Module developed and given by Wang Yi.
The goal of this module is to introduce the theories, algorithms and data structures behind the UPPAAL tool developed jointly by Uppsala University and Aalborg University. The focus will be put on the theory of timed automata covering the  syntax, semantics, verification problems, (un)decidability results, and techniques for symbolic reachability analysis which is the core of the UPPAAL tool.

Examiner of the whole course

Prof. Zebo Peng