Ikävalko, Tero, Anne-Maria Laukkanen, Anita McAllister, Robert Eklund, Eveliina Lammentausta, Mari Leppävuori, Miika T. Nieminen. 2024.
Three Professional Singers' Vocal Tract Dimensions in Operatic Singing, Kulning, and Edge—A Multiple Case Study Examining Loud Singing.
Journal of Voice, Published online 08 March 2022,
Rose, Ralph & Robert Eklund (eds.). Pending ISBN number.
Proceedings of DiSS 2021, The 10th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
25–26 August 2021, Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis, France.
DOI:0.18463/DISS-2021-001, ISBN XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-X.
Eklund, Robert. 2024.
Does purring "ronron" in the family? A longitudinal and intra-family study of purring in a female cheetah as a cub and as an adult and purring in her father as an adult and brother as a cub
In: Mattias Heldner, Martin Wlodarczak, Christine Ericsdotter Nordgren & Carla Wikse Barrow (eds): Proceedings from FONETIK 2024, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden, 3–5 June 2024, pp. 39–44.
Schötz, Susanne, Joost van de Weijer & Robert Eklund. 2024.
Context effects on duration, fundamental frequency, and intonation in human-directed domestic cat meows
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, volume 270, 106146.
Schettino, Loredana & Robert Eklund. 2023.
Prolongation in Italian.
Proceedings of DiSS 2023, The 11th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
28–30 August 2023, Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
Silber-Varod, Vered, Mária Gósy & Robert Eklund. 2019.
Segment Prolongation in Hebrew
In: Rose, Ralph & Robert Eklund (eds.). Proceedings of DiSS 2019, The 9th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
12–13 September 2019, ELTE Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest, Hungary.
ISBN 978-963-489-063-8, DOI: 10.21862/diss-09-013-silb-etal, pp. 47–50.
Rose, Ralph & Robert Eklund (eds.). 2019.
Proceedings of DiSS 2019, The 9th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
12–13 September 2019, ELTE Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest, Hungary.
ISBN 978-963-489-063-8, DOI: 10.21862/diss-09
Schötz. Susanne, Joost van de Weijer & Robert Eklund. 2019.
Melody Matters: An Acoustic Study of Domestic Cat Meows in Six Contexts and Four Mental States
In: Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer, Roger K. Moore & Dan Stowell (eds.),
Proceedings of VIHAR 2019, the 2nd International Workshop on Vocal
Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, 29–30 August 2019, London, England.
ISBN 978-2-9562029-1-2, pp. 29–34.
Hefele, Anna-Maria, Robert Eklund & Anita McAllister. 2019.
Polyphonic Overtone Singing: an acoustic and physiological (MRI) analysis and a first-person description of a unique mode of singing
In: Mattias Heldner (ed.): Proceedings from Fonetik 2019, 10–12 June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.
PERILUS XXVII, ISBN 0282-6690, ISSN 978-91-7797-984-5 (print version), ISSN 978-91-7797-985-2 (electronic version),
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3246011, pp. 91–96.
Eklund, Robert, Anita McAllister & Kajsa Dahlström. 2019.
An acoustic analysis of Swedish cattle calls, ‘kulning’, performed outdoors at three distances
In: Mattias Heldner (ed.): Proceedings from Fonetik 2019, 10–12 June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.
PERILUS XXVII, ISBN 0282-6690, ISSN 978-91-7797-984-5 (print version), ISSN 978-91-7797-2 (web version),
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3246001, pp. 61–66.
Schötz. Susanne, Joost van de Weijer & Robert Eklund. 2019.
Phonetic Methods in Cat Vocalisation Studies: A report from the Meowsic project
In: Mattias Heldner (ed.): Proceedings from Fonetik 2019, 10–12 June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.
PERILUS XXVII, ISBN 0282-6690, ISSN 978-91-7797-984-5 (print version), ISSN 978-91-7797-2 (web version),
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3245999, pp. 55–60.
Eklund, Robert. 2019.
In: Jack. S. Damico & Martin J. Ball (eds.): The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, ISBN 978-1-4833-4, volume 4, pp. 2127–2129.
Eklund, Robert. 2019.
Pulmonic ingressive speech
In: Jack. S. Damico & Martin J. Ball (eds.): The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, ISBN 978-1-4833-4, volume 3, pp. 1529–1532.
Eklund, Robert. 2019.
Acoustic Phonetics
In: Jack. S. Damico & Martin J. Ball (eds.): The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, ISBN 978-1-4833-4, volume 1, pp. 21–36.
Eklund, Robert. 2019.
Neurala korrelat till fyllda pauser. En fMRI-studie av disfluensperception.
Röstläget, ISSN 1103-3983, Februari 2019, pp. 13–17 and 19 (figures on back cover).
[pdf] (print version/short);
[pdf] (web version/long)
Gósy, Mária & Robert Eklund. 2018.
Language-Specific Patterns of Segment Prolongation in Hungarian
The Phonetician, ISSN 0741-6164, vol. 115, pp. 36–52.
Eklund, Robert. 2018.
A Typographical Primer – Some Basic Conventions
Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Published 29 October 2018 (version 2.0.0).
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-152296
OAI: oai:DiVA.org:liu-152296
DiVA, id: diva2:1259248; http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-152296
[pdf] (v.2.0.3)
Eklund, Robert. 2018.
En Typografisk ”Primer” – Några Grundläggande Konventioner
Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Published 29 October 2018 (version 2.0.0).
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-152295
OAI: oai:DiVA.org:liu-152295
DiVA, id: diva2:1259244; http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-152295
[pdf] (v.2.0.4)
Amundin, Mats, Robert Eklund, Henrik Hållsten, Jussi Karlgren & Lars Molinder. 2017.
A proposal to use distributional models to analyse dolphin vocalization
In: Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer & Roger K. Moore (eds.):
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, VIHAR 2017,
25–26 August 2017, University of Skövde, Sweden. ISBN 978-2-9562029-0-5, pp. 31–32.
Schötz, Susanne, Joost van de Weijer & Robert Eklund. 2017.
Phonetic Characteristics of Domestic Cat Vocalisations
In: Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer & Roger K. Moore (eds.):
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, VIHAR 2017,
25–26 August 2017, University of Skövde, Sweden. ISBN 978-2-9562029-0-5, pp. 5–6.
Gósy, Mária & Robert Eklund. 2017.
Segment prolongation in Hungarian
In: Robert Eklund & Ralph Rose (eds.),
Proceedings of DiSS 2017, the 8th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
18–19 August 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden,
TMH-QPSR Volume 58(1), ISSN 1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-17/01-SE, pp. 29–32.
Betz, Simon, Robert Eklund & Petra Wagner. 2017.
Prolongation in German
In: Robert Eklund & Ralph Rose (eds.),
Proceedings of DiSS 2017, the 8th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
18–19 August 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden,
TMH-QPSR Volume 58(1), ISSN 1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-17/01-SE, pp. 13–16.
Bergström, Axel, Martin Johansson & Robert Eklund. 2017.
Differences in production of disfluencies in children with typical language development and children
with mixed receptive-expressive language disorder
In: Robert Eklund & Ralph Rose (eds.),
Proceedings of DiSS 2017, the 8th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
18–19 August 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden,
TMH-QPSR Volume 58(1), ISSN 1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-17/01-SE, pp. 9–12.
Eklund, Robert & Ralph Rose (eds.). 2017.
Proceedings of DiSS 2017, the 8th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
18–19 August 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden,
TMH-QPSR Volume 58(1), ISSN 1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-17/01-SE.
Eklund, Robert. 2017.
Statement by Robert Eklund
In: Roger K. Moore, Serge Thill & Ricard Marxer (editors):
Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR),
Dagstuhl Seminar 16442. Dagstuhl Reports, volume 6, number 10.
ISSN 2192-5283,
Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4230/DagRep.6.10.154
Eklund, Robert & Martin Ingvar. 2016.
Supplementary Motor Area Activation in Disfluency Perception. An fMRI Study of Listener
Neural Responses to Spontaneously Produced Unfilled and Filled Pauses
In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, September 8-12, 2016, San Francisco, USA,
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2016-1082, pp. 1378–1381.
Geneid, Ahmed, Anne-Maria Laukkanen, Anita McAllister & Robert Eklund. 2016.
Kulning (Swedish Cattle Calls): Acoustic, EGG, Stroboscopic
and High-Speed Video Analyses of an Unusual Singing Style
In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, September 8-12, 2016, San Francisco, USA,
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2016-1082, pp. 1132–1135.
Geneid, Ahmed, Anne-Maria Laukkanen, Robert Eklund & Anita McAllister. 2016.
Kulning: A study of the physiological basis for long-distance sound propagation in Swedish cattle calls
Proceedings of Fonetik 2016, TMH-QPSR 57(1), ISSN 1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-16/01-SE, 13–15 June 2016,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 25–30.
Schötz, Susanne, Robert Eklund & Joost van de Weijer. 2016.
Melody in Human-Cat Communication (Meowsic): Origins, Past, Present and Future
Proceedings of Fonetik 2016, TMH-QPSR 57(1), ISSN 1104-5787, ISRN KTH/CSC/TMH-16/01-SE, 13–15 June 2016,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 19–24.
Eklund, Robert & Anita McAllister. 2015.
An acoustic analysis of ‘kulning’ (cattle calls) recorded
in an outdoor setting on location in Dalarna (Sweden)
In: Proceedings of ICPhS 2015,
10–14 August 2015, Glasgow, Scotland. Paper P7.37.
Hedenqvist, Clara, Frida Persson & Robert Eklund. 2015.
Disfluency incidence in 6-year old Swedish boys and girls with typical language development
Paper presented at Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, DiSS 2015,
8–9 August 2015, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Proceedings pending.)
Eklund, Robert, Peter Fransson & Martin Ingvar. 2015.
Neural correlates of the processing of unfilled and filled pauses
Paper presented at Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, DiSS 2015,
8–9 August 2015, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Proceedings pending.)
McAllister, Anita & Robert Eklund. 2015.
An acoustic analysis of the cattle call “kulning”,
performed outdoors at Säter, Dalarna, Sweden
In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2015. Working Papers 55/2015,
8–10 June 2015, Centre for Languages and Literature,
General Linguistics/Phonetics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden,
ISSN 0280-526X, pp. 81–84.
Eklund, Robert 2015.
Languages with pulmonic ingressive speech: updating and adding to the list
In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2015. Working Papers 55/2015,
8–10 June 2015, Centre for Languages and Literature,
General Linguistics/Phonetics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden,
ISSN 0280-526X, pp. 31–34.
Eklund, Robert. 2015.
Grimaldi’s “Discovery of the Cat Language”:
A theory in need of revival (or perhaps not?)
In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2015. Working Papers 55/2015,
8–10 June 2015, Centre for Languages and Literature,
General Linguistics/Phonetics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden,
ISSN 0280-526X, pp. 27–30.
Eklund, Robert (editor). 2013.
Proceedings of DiSS 2013, the 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
and TMH-QPSR Volume 54(1),
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 21–23 August 2013, Stockholm, Sweden.
ISBN 978-91-981276-0-7, eISBN 978-91-981276-1-4, ISSN 1104-5787,
Eklund, Robert (editor). 2013.
Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference
and Studies in Language and Culture, no. 21,
12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
ISBN 978-91-7519-582-7, eISBN 978-91-7519-579-7, ISSN 1403-2570.
Nilsson Björkenstam, Kristina, Mats Wirén & Robert Eklund. 2013.
Disfluency in child-directed speech.
In: Robert Eklund (ed.),
Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference,
Studies in Language and Culture, no. 21,
12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
ISBN 978-91-7519-582-7, eISBN 978-91-7519-579-7, ISSN 1403-2570,
pp. 57–60.
Eklund, Robert & Gustav Peters. 2013.
A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in juvenile, subadult and
adult cheetahs.
In: Robert Eklund (ed.),
Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference,
Studies in Language and Culture, no. 21,
12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
ISBN 978-91-7519-582-7, eISBN 978-91-7519-579-7, ISSN 1403-2570,
pp. 25–28.
Eklund, Robert, Anita McAllister & Fanny Pehrson. 2013.
An acoustic comparison of voice characteristics in ‘kulning’,
head and modal registers.
In: Robert Eklund (ed.),
Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference,
Studies in Language and Culture, no. 21,
12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
ISBN 978-91-7519-582-7, eISBN 978-91-7519-579-7, ISSN 1403-2570,
pp. 21–24.
Rayner, Manny, Johanna Gerlach, Marianne Starlander, Nikos Tsourakis,
Anita Kruckenberg, Robert Eklund, Arne Jönsson, Anita McAllister,
Cathy Chua. 2012.
A web-deployed Swedish spoken CALL system based on a large shared
English/Swedish feature grammar.
In: Lars Borin & Elena Volodina (eds.),
Proceedings of the SLTC 2012 workshop on NLP or CALL.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.
25 October 2012, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, vol. 80,
pp. 37–46.
Jonsson, Håkan & Robert Eklund. 2012.
Kognition och talbaserade människa–maskin-gränssnitt.
[Cognition and speech based man–machine interfaces.]
In: Jens Allwood & Mikael Jensen (eds.),
Lund: Sweden: Studentlitteratur, ch. 9.3, pp. 583–594.
Eklund, Robert & Håkan Jonsson. 2012.
Kognition och kommunikationsteknologi.
[Cognition and communication technology.]
In: Jens Allwood & Mikael Jensen (eds.),
Lund: Sweden: Studentlitteratur, ch. 9.1, pp. 563–571.
Eklund, Robert. 2012.
Språk och medvetande – ett neurokognitivt och evolutionärt perspektiv.
[Language and consciousness – a neurocognitive and evolutionary perspective]
In: Jens Allwood & Mikael Jensen (eds.),
Lund: Sweden: Studentlitteratur, ch. 6.6, pp. 463–474.
Ahlsén, Elisabeth & Robert Eklund. 2012.
Språk, hjärnan och kognition.
[Language, the brain and cognition.]
In: Jens Allwood & Mikael Jensen (eds.),
Lund: Sweden: Studentlitteratur, ch. 6.4, pp. 437–552.
Eklund, Robert. 2012.
ASR “Sweet Sixteen”: An Evaluation of Nuance Swedish Speech Recognizer
Success Rates in 69 Commercial Applications 16 years After Its Inception
and an Assessment of Inter- and Intralabeler Agreement.
In: Proceedings from FONETIK 2012.
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 30–June 1, 2012, pp. 113–116.
Eklund, Robert, Gustav Peters, Florian Weise & Stuart Munro. 2012.
A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cheetahs.
In: Proceedings from FONETIK 2012.
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 30–June 1, 2012, pp. 41–44.
Eklund, Robert, Gustav Peters, Florian Weise & Stuart Munro. 2012.
An acoustic analysis of agonistic sounds in wild cheetahs.
In: Proceedings from FONETIK 2012.
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 30–June 1, 2012, pp. 37–40.
Jonsson, Håkan & Robert Eklund. 2011.
Gender differences in verbal behaviour in a call routing speech application.
In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011.
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 81–84.
Schötz, Susanne & Robert Eklund. 2011.
A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cats.
In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011.
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 9–12.
Ananthakrishnan, Gopal, Robert Eklund, Gustav Peters & Evans Mabiza. 2011.
An acoustic analysis of lion roars. II: Vocal tract characteristics.
In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011.
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 5–8.
Eklund, Robert, Gustav Peters, Gopal Ananthakrishnan & Evans Mabiza. 2011.
An acoustic analysis of lion roars. I: Data collection and spectrogram and waveform analyses.
In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011.
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 1–4.
Eklund, Robert. 2010.
The Effect of Directed and Open Disambiguation Prompts in Authentic Call Center Data on the
Frequency and Distribution of Filled Pauses and Possible Implications for Filled Pause Hypotheses
and Data Collection Methodology.
In: Proceedings of DiSS-LPSS Joint Workshop 2010, The 5th Workshop on Disfluency in
Spontaneous Speech and The 2nd International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in
Spontaneous Speech.
University of Tokyo, Japan, September 25–26 September 2010, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 23–26.
Eklund, Robert & Mats Wirén. 2010.
Effects of open and directed prompts on filled pauses and utterance production.
In: Proceedings of Fonetik 2010, Lund University, 2–4 June 2010, pp. 23–28.
Eklund, Robert, Gustav Peters & Elizabeth D. Duthie. 2010.
An acoustic analysis of purring in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and in the domestic cat (Felis catus).
In: Proceedings of Fonetik 2010, Lund University, 2–4 June 2010, Lund, Sweden, pp. 17–22.
Mårback, Sebastian, Gustav Sjöberg, Iris-Corinna Schwarz & Robert Eklund. 2009.
Uhm... What’s going on? An EEG study on perception of filled pauses in spontaneous Swedish speech.
In: Proceedings of FONETIK 2009, Stockholm University, 10–12 June 2009, pp. 92–95.
Lindström, Anders & Robert Eklund. 2009.
The Integration of Foreign Items. A Corpus-based Study of Cross-lingual
Influence with Examples from Swedish.
In: Anke Lüdeling & Merja Kytö (eds.),
Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook,
Series: Handbücher zur Sprache und Kommunikationswissenschaft /
Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter,
vol. 2, ch. 48, pp. 1024–1043.
Eklund, Robert. 2008.
Pulmonic ingressive phonation: Diachronic and synchronic characteristics,
distribution and function in animal and human sound production and in human
Journal of the International Phonetic Association,
vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 235–324.
Download from
Cambridge University Press.
Eklund, Robert. 2007.
Pulmonic ingressive speech: a neglected universal?
Proceedings of Fonetik 2007, TMH-QPSR, vol. 50,
30 May – 1 June 2007, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 21–24.
Wirén, Mats, Robert Eklund, Fredrik Engberg & Johan Westermark. 2007.
Experiences of an In-Service Wizard-of-Oz Data Collection for the Deployment
of a Call-Routing Application.
Proceedings of Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technology,
HLT–NAACL Workshop, 26 April 2007, Rochester, New York, USA, pp. 56–63.
Eklund, Robert & Mats Wirén. 2006.
”Njutandes av en Monte Christo no 5 och en iskall Mojito”.
Observationer om användning av s-particip.
Svenskans beskrivning 28, Förhandlingar vid Tjugoåttonde
sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Örebro den 14–15
oktober 2005, Örebro universitet, Humanistiska institutionen, Örebro,
Sweden, ISSN 1102-3619, ISBN 91-7668-514-4, pp. 97–108.
Eklund, Robert, Rebecca Bates, Chad Kuyper, Elizabeth Willingham & Elizabeth Shriberg. 2006.
The Annotation and Analysis of Importance in Meetings.
ICSI Technical Report, TR-06-003, June 2006, International Computer Science Institute,
Berkeley, CA, USA.
Lee, Tzu-Lun, Ya-Fang He, Yun-Ju Huang, Shu-Chuan Tseng & Robert Eklund. 2004.
Prolongation in Mandarin.
Proceedings of ICSLP 2004, 4–8 October 2004, Jeju Island, Korea,
vol. III, pp. 2181–2184.