Release notes for OPTIMIST Version 0.4 (2009/02/19) ------------------------ This version includes the genetic algorithm heuristic for integrated code generation. See the SCOPES 2008 paper for a description of the implementation. See the -opt=g and -ga* flags in the Optimist help for instructions on how to use it. In addition to this, much of the code is restructured and some bugs have been fixed. Version 0.3 (2006/04/19) ------------------------ Minor bug fixing and better reporting of error during parsing of xADML files. OPTIMIST includes generation of data for ILP model for integrated code generation. See paper of CPC'2006 for the model. The ILP model is also available at OPTIMIST home page. Added two flags: -ilp, for generating the ILP data for the ILP model. Currently you should generate the data with flag -ddep for removeing data dependence edges (ILP model version 0.1 does not consider this edges). Version 0.2 (2005/11/04) ------------------------ OPTIMIST supports condition checking on LCC-IR nodes (see specification in David's master thesis). Functional units section is removed. Resource usage/constraints are specified using reservation tables (cycle_matrix). Version 0.1 (2005/10/12) ------------------------ First public release. Opcode number is not required for each LCC-IR node, as described in David's master thesis. It is sufficient to provide the node name (mnemonic).