pa|As a leading global healthcare service provider, we offer the most comprehensive service panel within the BPO Health Care industry. With our Digital Services you will be at the forefront of online and digital engagement. We will help you to transform the digital experiences of your customers. As your strategic partner, we provide intelligent insight-led consulting services to deliver your strategic priorities. Think Human © 2020. All right reserved. Site by right reserved. Site by st|experiences solutions Solutions Careers action solutions news Discover Career Community h1|We build amazing human and shape business I want to talk about... I am... My message h3|#fashionfireside: how to create convenient & inspirational CX Webhelp delivers 20% performance improvement for clients by leveraging conversational AI ‘The Nest’ by Webhelp expands across Europe Webhelp score four ECCCSAs including Gold for Most Effective Homeworking Program Webhelp solidifies footprint in Latin America with Dynamicall Digital empowerment for future leaders Webhelp named as leader by NelsonHall for Customer Care and Sales Capability Webhelp delivers 20% performance improvement for clients by leveraging conversational AI ‘The Nest’ by Webhelp expands across Europe Webhelp win at CCA Excellence Awards Bots, Bias & Bigotry: safe scaling of AI sp|English ( English ) Dansk ( Danish ) Deutsch ( German ) Español ( Spanish ) Français ( French ) Italiano ( Italian ) Nederlands ( Dutch ) Norsk ( Norwegian ) Português ( Portuguese (Portugal) ) Română ( Romanian ) Suomi ( Finnish ) Svenska ( Swedish ) Türkçe ( Turkish ) Search English ( English ) Dansk ( Danish ) Deutsch ( German ) Español ( Spanish ) Français ( French ) Italiano ( Italian ) Nederlands ( Dutch ) Norsk ( Norwegian ) Português ( Portuguese (Portugal) ) Română ( Romanian ) Suomi ( Finnish ) Svenska ( Swedish ) Türkçe ( Turkish ) Campaign Let’s talk Let’s talk Watch Webhelp in Explore our Our latest voir plus Article , Company voir plus Company , Home page Header News voir plus Company , Home page Header News voir plus voir plus Article , Solutions , Digital services , Risk & Innovation voir plus Let's talk about you Hello, Ready to start the conversation! Let's talk about you About us Subscribe to receive our newsletter Subscribe to receive our newsletter 1 /3 Webhelp Solutions Career recruitment Press media Other 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Låt oss prata om Våra lösningar Låt oss prata om Hitta din roll Se hur Webhelp Utforska våra Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Se alla våra lösningar Senaste Se alla nyheter Läs mer Låt oss prata om dig Kontakta oss Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Kontakta oss Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|lösningar kärriär fungerar lösningar nytt Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|‘The Nest’ by Webhelp expanderar över hela Europa Webhelp solidifies footprint in Latin America with Dynamicall ‘The Nest’ by Webhelp expanderar över hela Europa Webhelp solidifies footprint in Latin America with Dynamicall Webhelp rankades högt i alla aspekter av sociala medier av ledande analytiker NelsonHall Webhelp to launch content moderation services in new office in Daugavpils, Latvia: 55 people are already in training Frost & Sullivan erkänner Webhelp som en toppaktör inom innovation och tillväxt i sin europeiska CX Radar 2020 Webhelp utökar partnerskap med Allente sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Okategoriserad , Företaget , Home page Header News voir plus Artiklar , Företaget , Home page Header News voir plus Nyheter , Artiklar , Artiklar , Företaget , Företaget , Digitala tjänster , Digitala tjänster , United States of America , United States of America voir plus Artiklar , Företaget voir plus English , Artiklar , Företaget , Nyheter , Artiklar , Företaget , English voir plus Företaget voir plus Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Legal hub li|Legal hub st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Legal Hub Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Website’s Terms and conditions Webhelp Payment Services Privacy People Let's talk about you Hello, Ready to start the conversation! Let's talk about you Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vårt globala nätverk består av över 60 000 kreativa eldsjälar som satsar på hållbara, betydelsefulla upplevelser. Oavsett var du befinner dig och vilka behov du har – kom ihåg att vi finns här för dig. Vår världsomspännande verksamhet finns närvarande på över 150 platser i över 37 länder. Vi hanterar varumärken, tjänster och kundkontakter för över 500 världsledande företag. Våra kunder litar på oss. Det kan du också göra. Webhelp-familjen består av över 60 000 passionerade och hängivna medarbetare världen över som kommunicerar på över 40 olika språk. Pålitliga personer levererar pålitliga tjänster och det är därför vi lägger så mycket energi på var och en av våra medarbetare. Kontakta oss så ser du vad vi menar. Vår världsomspännande verksamhet finns närvarande på över 150 platser i över 37 länder. Vi hanterar varumärken, tjänster och kundkontakter för över 500 världsledande företag. Våra kunder litar på oss. Det kan du också göra. Webhelp-familjen består av över 60 000 passionerade och hängivna medarbetare världen över som kommunicerar på över 40 olika språk. Pålitliga personer levererar pålitliga tjänster och det är därför vi lägger så mycket energi på var och en av våra medarbetare. Kontakta oss så ser du vad vi menar. Varje dag hittar vi nya sätt att hjälpa våra kunder utöka sina verksamheter. Genom att löpande baka in nya tjänster i vårt utbud utvecklas vi ständigt. Vi erbjuder allt ifrån programvarulösningar till digitala tjänster och konsult-och analystjänster. Ta en titt på vårt utbud här. Vi anpassar affärslivet efter människor. Våra värderingar utgör kärnan för vår verksamhet och företagskultur. Med ledord som hängivenhet, enighet, integritet och erkännande försäkrar våra Webhelpers att den personliga prägeln aldrig går förlorad. År 2020 firar vi 20-årsjubileum. Ledningen består än i dag av företagsgrundarna Frederic Jousset och Olivier Duha. Vi har säkrat en plats som en av de främsta aktörerna på den globala outsourcingmarknaden, men ser till att ständigt röra oss framåt med samma mänskliga glöd som vid starten. Varje dag hittar vi nya sätt att hjälpa våra kunder utöka sina verksamheter. Genom att löpande baka in nya tjänster i vårt utbud utvecklas vi ständigt. Vi erbjuder allt ifrån programvarulösningar till digitala tjänster och konsult-och analystjänster. Ta en titt på vårt utbud här. Vi anpassar affärslivet efter människor. Våra värderingar utgör kärnan för vår verksamhet och företagskultur. Med ledord som hängivenhet, enighet, integritet och erkännande försäkrar våra Webhelpers att den personliga prägeln aldrig går förlorad. År 2020 firar vi 20-årsjubileum. Ledningen består än i dag av företagsgrundarna Frederic Jousset och Olivier Duha. Vi har säkrat en plats som en av de främsta aktörerna på den globala outsourcingmarknaden, men ser till att ständigt röra oss framåt med samma mänskliga glöd som vid starten. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Gruppen li|Gruppen st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Olivier Duha Sandrine Asseraf Vincent Bernard Matthieu Bouin David Turner Bruno Vaffier Joseph Ayala Jean-Baptiste Decaix Yan Noblot Vincent Tachet Terje Andreassen Dominique Chatelin Raluca Leonte Markus Von Rhein Ronald Van Schijndel Julio Jolin Kate Miller_pink Metin Tarakçı MyStudioFactory Telecats Invires Gobeyond Partners MyStudioFactory Telecats Invires Gobeyond Partners sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp. Ett globalt företag. Webhelp. Din globala samarbetspartner. Webhelp. Ett globalt team. Webhelp. Din globala samarbetspartner. Webhelp. Ett globalt team. Ledarskap i Globalt ledarskap Webhelp Co-Founder GMD* – People & Business Development – Legal & Compliance GMD*- France - Southern Europe & MEA - Group Operations GMD* - Sales, Marketing & Solutions GMD* - UK - People &Business Development Group Managing Director - Finance & IT Corporate Development Officer Chief Delivery Officer Chief Technology Officer Chief Information Officer CEO Nordics CEO Webhelp Payment Services DG Roumanie CEO DACH & Co-Chief of Global Sales CEO Netherlands CEO Spain Head of Staff CEO Turkey & Jordan Visste du att … Våra Lösningar Våra Värderingar Kundberättelser Visste du att … Upptäck alla våra lösningar Våra Värderingar Kundberättelser Vi förändrar spelplanen för BPO. Vi förändrar spelplanen för BPO. Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris bo|MyStudioFactory Telecats Invires Gobeyond Partners MyStudioFactory Telecats Invires Gobeyond Partners pa|Missa inte det senaste från vårt Webhelp Community Kunde inte hitta något Filtrera artiklar nedanför Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Nyheter li|Nyheter st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Nyheter Okategoriserad Nyheter Nyheter Artiklar Nyheter Företaget Nyheter Vitbok Läs mer Nyhetsbrev Håll kontakten Prenumerera Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi hittar spänning i allt Webhelp-relaterat. Innovation, kundupplevelse, mångfald och personliga projekt. Välj den karriär som passar dig. Vi matchar dig med jobbtillfällen som passar dina språkfärdigheter och var i världen du vill arbeta. Jag talar och skulle vilja jobba i Ajdå…det verkar inte som att vi har några lediga tjänster som matchar dina kriterier. Justera dina filter för att hitta lediga tjänster möjligheter skapta för dig alla länder Kunde inte hitta något I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Upptäck våra medarbetares senaste stories runt om i världen Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Award Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Bli en av oss li|Bli en av oss st|at heart Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Advisor-tjänster Affärsstöd Ekonomi Verksamheten How we make a difference sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Game changers Påbörja din resa hos oss på Webhelp Världen är din. Ta en titt Väx i din egen takt Du har vårt fulla stöd när du känner dig redo att ta nästa steg. Planera din karriär utefter vad som passar dig. Träffa våra webhelpers Att jobba på Webhelp Highlight 1 Highlight 2 Highlight 3 Tips för karriären Ansök direkt om du är redo. Men här har vi samlat några goda råd för att få din ansökan att skilja sig från mängden. Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Work Abroad Program Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Vi ses på Instagram #WeareWebhelp Våra utmärkelser Låt oss prata om dig Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi satsar på tekniska innovationer, och våra medarbetare gör det möjligt. Vi satsar på tekniska innovationer, och våra medarbetare gör det möjligt. Vi fokuserar på det allra viktigaste: att förbättra livet för människor och företag. Webhelp drivs av ett passionerat team som brinner för riktigt bra kundupplevelser, oavsett om det rör sig om kontaktcenter, betalningstjänster, mjukvarulösningar, dataanalys eller back-office. Bakom var och en av våra tjänster finns ett gediget team av experter. Vi ger kundupplevelsen det där lilla extra genom att utforma lösningar som säkrar hållbart värde för världens mest spännande företag. Både hjärta och hjärna finns med i processen, och ett ständigt fokus på människor. Vi hjälper företag med allt ifrån sociala medier till betalningstjänster, och skapar positiva och effektiva kundupplevelser. Vi brinner för teknologisk innovation och därför nöjer vi oss inte med att bara leverera tekniska lösningar. Vi tillämpar AI, röstanalyser och andra nyskapande teknologier för att framtidssäkra morgondagens kundupplevelser och hållbara värden. Vi fokuserar på det allra viktigaste: att förbättra livet för människor och företag. Webhelp drivs av ett passionerat team som brinner för riktigt bra kundupplevelser, oavsett om det rör sig om kontaktcenter, betalningstjänster, mjukvarulösningar, dataanalys eller back-office. Bakom var och en av våra tjänster finns ett gediget team av experter. Vi ger kundupplevelsen det där lilla extra genom att utforma lösningar som säkrar hållbart värde för världens mest spännande företag. Både hjärta och hjärna finns med i processen, och ett ständigt fokus på människor. Vi hjälper företag med allt ifrån sociala medier till betalningstjänster, och skapar positiva och effektiva kundupplevelser. Vi brinner för teknologisk innovation och därför nöjer vi oss inte med att bara leverera tekniska lösningar. Vi tillämpar AI, röstanalyser och andra nyskapande teknologier för att framtidssäkra morgondagens kundupplevelser och hållbara värden. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Vad Vi Gör li|Vad Vi Gör st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) En mänskligare affärsvärld En mänskligare affärsvärld Vi skapar hållbara lösningar Vi bygger mänskliga upplevelser Vi ger dig ett tekniskt övertag Vi skapar hållbara lösningar Vi bygger mänskliga upplevelser Vi ger dig ett tekniskt övertag Människor och teknik i perfekt harmoni. Människor och teknik i perfekt harmoni. Nyhetsbrev Håll kontakten Prenumerera Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|En storlek som passar alla. Vår kunskap om din bransch och ditt företag hjälper oss att hitta en skräddarsydd lösning som möter dina behov. En storlek som passar alla. Vår kunskap om din bransch och ditt företag hjälper oss att hitta en skräddarsydd lösning som möter dina behov. På Webhelp står våra kunder i fokus. Våra kunders framgång är vår framgång. Det är så vi bygger äkta och prisbelönta samarbeten. Samarbeten som gör det möjligt för våra kunder att utveckla sina företag, uppnå sina mål och leverera en riktigt bra kundupplevelse. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Din Bransch li|Din Bransch st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Travel & Leisure Utilities & Public Services Financial Services Telekommunikation Fashion & Luxury Högteknologi och media Retail & Ecommerce Sjukvård Bilar och transport Travel & Leisure Utilities & Public Services Financial services Telecom Fashion & Luxury High-Tech & Medias Retail, E-Commerce & Logistics Healthcare Automotive, Mobility & Manufacturing sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Din industri. Vår expertis. Din industri. Vår expertis. Våra vinnande samarbeten De senaste nyheterna inom högteknologi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , De senaste nyheterna inom högteknologi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Nyhetsbrev Håll kontakten Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi satsar på tekniska innovationer, och våra medarbetare gör det möjligt. Vi satsar på tekniska innovationer, och våra medarbetare gör det möjligt. Vi fokuserar på det allra viktigaste: att förbättra livet för människor och företag. Webhelp drivs av ett passionerat team som brinner för riktigt bra kundupplevelser, oavsett om det rör sig om kontaktcenter, betalningstjänster, mjukvarulösningar, dataanalys eller back-office. Bakom var och en av våra tjänster finns ett gediget team av experter. Vi ger kundupplevelsen det där lilla extra genom att utforma lösningar som säkrar hållbart värde för världens mest spännande företag. Både hjärta och hjärna finns med i processen, och ett ständigt fokus på människor. Vi hjälper företag med allt ifrån sociala medier till betalningstjänster, och skapar positiva och effektiva kundupplevelser. Vi brinner för teknologisk innovation och därför nöjer vi oss inte med att bara leverera tekniska lösningar. Vi tillämpar AI, röstanalyser och andra nyskapande teknologier för att framtidssäkra morgondagens kundupplevelser och hållbara värden. Vi fokuserar på det allra viktigaste: att förbättra livet för människor och företag. Webhelp drivs av ett passionerat team som brinner för riktigt bra kundupplevelser, oavsett om det rör sig om kontaktcenter, betalningstjänster, mjukvarulösningar, dataanalys eller back-office. Bakom var och en av våra tjänster finns ett gediget team av experter. Vi ger kundupplevelsen det där lilla extra genom att utforma lösningar som säkrar hållbart värde för världens mest spännande företag. Både hjärta och hjärna finns med i processen, och ett ständigt fokus på människor. Vi hjälper företag med allt ifrån sociala medier till betalningstjänster, och skapar positiva och effektiva kundupplevelser. Vi brinner för teknologisk innovation och därför nöjer vi oss inte med att bara leverera tekniska lösningar. Vi tillämpar AI, röstanalyser och andra nyskapande teknologier för att framtidssäkra morgondagens kundupplevelser och hållbara värden. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Vad Vi Gör li|Vad Vi Gör st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) En mänskligare affärsvärld En mänskligare affärsvärld Vi skapar hållbara lösningar Vi bygger mänskliga upplevelser Vi ger dig ett tekniskt övertag Vi skapar hållbara lösningar Vi bygger mänskliga upplevelser Vi ger dig ett tekniskt övertag Människor och teknik i perfekt harmoni. Människor och teknik i perfekt harmoni. Nyhetsbrev Håll kontakten Prenumerera Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Det är människor som är grunden till vad vi gör. Webhelp skulle inte finnas utan den talang och energi som våra medarbetare bidrar med. Vi består av en samling drivna individer som lever för att göra skillnad för några av världens mest intressanta varumärken. Vår verksamhet handlar om att skapa varaktiga intryck för våra kunder och deras kunder. Var och en av våra medarbetare bidrar med sin individuella energi, sin passion och sina unika kompetenser och talanger. Det är detta som skiljer oss från andra företag. Vår starka tro på att sätta människor i centrum … Våra rådgivare gör sitt bästa för att inte bara hjälpa våra kunder, utan för att också hitta den allra bästa lösningen. Samtidigt vågar vår högsta ledning att ta risker för våra kunders skull. På så vis berikar vi kundupplevelsen och företagslösningarna för våra kunder. to be honest. When I started university, I always managed to go study and work abroad. So, it was clear to me that I wanted my first full-time job to be in another country. Hence, Webhelp. Tack vare många års erfarenhet kan vi i dag leverera effektiva kundupplevelser och BPO-lösningar till kunder världen över. Var och en av oss representerar de varumärken vi jobbar för, och vi är allihop en del av den framgång vi gemensamt bygger. Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Award Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Tänk mänskligt li|Tänk mänskligt st|I am a bit of a globe-trotter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Tänk mänskligt På Webhelp sätter vi människor i centrum Det börjar med människor Webhelper De är våra främsta experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Våra utmärkelser Förtroende, respekt och integritet är ledorden här på Webhelp. Vi skulle inte finnas utan samarbetet från var och en av våra medarbetare. Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|En storlek som passar alla. Vår kunskap om din bransch och ditt företag hjälper oss att hitta en skräddarsydd lösning som möter dina behov. En storlek som passar alla. Vår kunskap om din bransch och ditt företag hjälper oss att hitta en skräddarsydd lösning som möter dina behov. På Webhelp står våra kunder i fokus. Våra kunders framgång är vår framgång. Det är så vi bygger äkta och prisbelönta samarbeten. Samarbeten som gör det möjligt för våra kunder att utveckla sina företag, uppnå sina mål och leverera en riktigt bra kundupplevelse. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Din Bransch li|Din Bransch st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Travel & Leisure Utilities & Public Services Financial Services Telekommunikation Fashion & Luxury Högteknologi och media Retail & Ecommerce Sjukvård Bilar och transport Travel & Leisure Utilities & Public Services Financial services Telecom Fashion & Luxury High-Tech & Medias Retail, E-Commerce & Logistics Healthcare Automotive, Mobility & Manufacturing sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Din industri. Vår expertis. Din industri. Vår expertis. Våra vinnande samarbeten De senaste nyheterna inom högteknologi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , De senaste nyheterna inom högteknologi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Nyhetsbrev Håll kontakten Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Follow Eva to Portugal Follow Laura to Greece Follow Denisz to Spain Follow Kate to Romania They’ll be glad to help you pin on the map your next adventure. Whether you need the low-down on the local culture or cost of living, they are here for you. from the moment we get in touch and for as long as you call us your second home. You bring excitement, we offer you guidance. One-way flight ticket Support in the administrative procedures Integration weekend Free monthly activities from the moment we get in touch and for as long as you call us your second home. You bring excitement, we offer you guidance. One-way flight ticket Support in the administrative procedures Integration weekend Free monthly activities Through our strong culture of collaboration, we inspire and support brave minds to make great changes. Meet the Webhelpers who started their international career with us. Quid enim tam absurdum quam delectari multis inanimis rebus, ut honore, ut gloria, ut aedificio, ut vestitu cultuque corporis, animante virtute Spain secum et cum altero genero Romania Quid enim tam absurdum quam delectari multis inanimis rebus, ut honore, ut gloria, ut aedificio, ut vestitu cultuque corporis, animante virtute secum et cum altero genero Spain Romania Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Discover the latest pics from our employees all over the world. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Work abroad li|Work abroad st|health insurance visa housing... a shoulder to lean on... Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Katerina Dimos Marilena Theofanis Daniela Inés Laura Article’s title 5 Article’s title 4 Article’s title 3 Article’s title 2 Article’s title 1 Article’s title 5 Article’s title 4 Article’s title 3 Article’s title 2 Article’s title 1 Beatriz alex@3x verena@3x lucie@3x julia@3x verena@3x alex@3x lucie@3x sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) The world is waiting for you. The world is waiting for you. The world is waiting for you. The world is waiting for you. Discover which country is waiting for you! * * * Sim! You’ve got a match with Portugal Si! You’ve got a match with Spain Ne! You’ve got a match with Greece Da! You’ve got a match with Romania Contact our friendly ambassadors HR Generalist - Greece Sourcing Officer - Greece HR Project Manager - Greece Payroll Specialist - Greece Recruitment Specialist - Spain Recruitment Specialist - Spain Recruitment Specialist - Spain We take care of you We take care of you Shh! Let’s keep it only between us and on social media. Get a look behind the scenes. Portugal Portugal Spain Okategoriserad Okategoriserad Portugal Portugal Spain Okategoriserad Okategoriserad They dared the adventure. Say Hello to our WebHelpers Supervisor Manager Superbisor Manager Supervisor Manager Supervisor Superbisor Manager Supervisor Manager Supervisor Manager Around the world Our destinations from around the blog Get to know experiences, tips and advices from those who took the leap and connect you with fellow Webhelpers across the world. Meet us on Instagram #WeareWebhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vårt tankesett er preget av entreprenørskap og drive. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Vår Historia li|Vår Historia st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp. Vi ønsker å gjøre business mer menneskelig 2000 Webhelp grundas. Frederic Jousset och Olivier Duha, Webhelps grundare ... leder företaget än i dag. 2010 10 år av tillväxt. Vi börjar ta oss ut på den europeiska marknaden. 2010 10 år av tillväxt. Vi börjar ta oss ut på den europeiska marknaden. 2016 Tack vare viktiga förvärv har vi kapacitet att förse kunder med helhetslösningar på en europeisk nivå. 2016 Tack vare viktiga förvärv har vi kapacitet att förse kunder med helhetslösningar på en europeisk nivå. 2018 Med 55 000 medarbetare världen över har vi blivit en global aktör. 2018 Med 55 000 medarbetare världen över har vi blivit en global aktör. 2019 Med vår nya branding framhäver vi våra styrkor, vår vision och identitet som har gjort att vi vuxit fram till ett företag med människor i centrum. 2019 Med vår nya branding framhäver vi våra styrkor, vår vision och identitet som har gjort att vi vuxit fram till ett företag med människor i centrum. 2020 Vi firar 20-årsjubileum och bygger vidare på vår vision om att göra affärer mer mäsnkliga. 2020 Vi firar 20-årsjubileum och bygger vidare på vår vision om att göra affärer mer mäsnkliga. Historien fortsätter med dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Historien fortsätter med dig Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Våra lösningar Våra kunder och deras behov är vår huvudprioritering. Särskilt när det kommer till att utforma lösningar för outsourcing. Genom att till exempel omstrukturera ditt företags digitala tjänster, hantera konsultärenden och effektivisera kontaktcenter säkrar vi kundupplevelser i världsklass. Alla våra affärsprocesser har en gemensam ingrediens – våra medarbetare. Det är vårt duktiga globala team som kommer att förverkliga dina företagslösningar. Så hoppa in och ta dig en titt på våra tjänster. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. Vårt teknologiska ekosystem kombinerar it konsult-, integrations- och utvecklingstjänster med ledande marknadslösningar. Du får insikt i de senaste CX-lösningarna utan att den mänskliga delen glöms bort. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Våra specialiserade lösningar kombinerar big data analys med bra personal, som hjälper dig att leverera en riktigt bra kundupplevelse. Vårt teknologiska ekosystem kombinerar it konsult-, integrations- och utvecklingstjänster med ledande marknadslösningar. Du får insikt i de senaste CX-lösningarna utan att den mänskliga delen glöms bort. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Våra specialiserade lösningar kombinerar big data analys med bra personal, som hjälper dig att leverera en riktigt bra kundupplevelse. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Utöver omfattande erfarenhet och certifiering inom ett stort antal reglerade miljöer, erbjuder vi dessutom våra kunder en mall för säker juridisk regelefterlevnad. Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Utöver omfattande erfarenhet och certifiering inom ett stort antal reglerade miljöer, erbjuder vi dessutom våra kunder en mall för säker juridisk regelefterlevnad. Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Vi skapar innovationer för alla dina behov. Vårt helhetstänk löser komplexa B2B-utmaningar med hjälp av skräddarsydda mallar på ett sätt som garanterar nöjda kunder. Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Vi skapar innovationer för alla dina behov. Vårt helhetstänk löser komplexa B2B-utmaningar med hjälp av skräddarsydda mallar på ett sätt som garanterar nöjda kunder. The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we all live and work, forcing organisations to rapidly adjust… International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Våra lösningar li|Våra lösningar st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Ditt företag, våra tjänster En vinnande kombination. Kundengagemang Kundupplevelse Outsourcing av företagsprocesser Specialistoutsourcing Oavsett dina företagsbehov finns vi här för dig. Kundengagemang Kundengagemang Kundupplevelse Kundupplevelse Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Outsourcing av företagsprocesser Outsourcing av företagsprocesser Specialistoutsourcing Specialistoutsourcing Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , during a pandemic , , Work Abroad Program , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi är ett globalt företag, och tar därmed vårt ansvar för personal och vår planet på stort allvar. Att göra företagande mer mänskligt innebär att vi uppför oss och bedriver vår verksamhet på ett etiskt, rättvist och upplyst sätt. Varje dag utmanar vi oss själva att bli bättre för vår personal, våra kunder, vår samhörighet och för miljön. Vi vet att det leder till en bättre, tryggare och mer hållbar verksamhet. En verksamhet som bryr sig på djupet om det fotavtryck vi lämnar efter oss i världen. « Access to Work » programme Vi vill att alla webhelpers ska känna sig engagerade, nöjda och uppskattade. Det innebär bland annat att skapa den absolut bästa arbetsmiljön och de bästa arbetsvillkoren samt att se och värdesätta allas våra insatser. Vi lägger också stor vikt vid att erbjuda sociala förmåner och att respektera kulturen i våra många kontor runt om i världen. Health and Safety Policy Quality Policy Webhelp tänker mänskligt. Att vara ett företag som sätter människan i första rummet innebär att inkludera alla människor. Ett passionerat engagemang i upprätthållandet av mänskliga rättigheter, att vara inkluderande och att främja mångfald finns i vårt DNA. Att jobba med lokala communities, regionala nätverk och nationella regeringar hjälper oss att skapa möjligheter. Att erbjuda alla chansen att få en framgångsrik och glädjefylld karriär på Webhelp. « Access to Work » programme Att göra företagande mer mänskligt innebär att vi uppför oss och bedriver vår verksamhet på ett etiskt, rättvist och upplyst sätt. Varje dag utmanar vi oss själva att bli bättre för vår personal, våra kunder, vår samhörighet och för miljön. Vi vet att det leder till en bättre, tryggare och mer hållbar verksamhet. En verksamhet som bryr sig på djupet om det fotavtryck vi lämnar efter oss i världen. Vi vill att alla webhelpers ska känna sig engagerade, nöjda och uppskattade. Det innebär bland annat att skapa den absolut bästa arbetsmiljön och de bästa arbetsvillkoren samt att se och värdesätta allas våra insatser. Vi lägger också stor vikt vid att erbjuda sociala förmåner och att respektera kulturen i våra många kontor runt om i världen. Webhelp tänker mänskligt. Att vara ett företag som sätter människan i första rummet innebär att inkludera alla människor. Ett passionerat engagemang i upprätthållandet av mänskliga rättigheter, att vara inkluderande och att främja mångfald finns i vårt DNA. Att jobba med lokala communities, regionala nätverk och nationella regeringar hjälper oss att skapa möjligheter. Att erbjuda alla chansen att få en framgångsrik och glädjefylld karriär på Webhelp. Våra internationellt erkända ackrediteringar försäkrar att er verksamhet och era kunder är i trygga händer. Våra internationellt erkända ackrediteringar försäkrar att er verksamhet och era kunder är i trygga händer. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Socialt ansvar li|Socialt ansvar st|ansvar respekt mångfald ansvar respekt mångfald nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Global Global Sweden Global Global Turkey France Turkey Turkey Sweden Global Global France Turkey Global Global Turkey Turkey sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Hållbart och ansvarsfullt Vi tar socialt Vi är omtänksamma och visar Vi hyllar och främjar Vi tar socialt Vi är omtänksamma och visar Vi hyllar och främjar Vi har fullständig ackreditering Vi har fullständig ackreditering Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Våra lösningar Våra kunder och deras behov är vår huvudprioritering. Särskilt när det kommer till att utforma lösningar för outsourcing. Genom att till exempel omstrukturera ditt företags digitala tjänster, hantera konsultärenden och effektivisera kontaktcenter säkrar vi kundupplevelser i världsklass. Alla våra affärsprocesser har en gemensam ingrediens – våra medarbetare. Det är vårt duktiga globala team som kommer att förverkliga dina företagslösningar. Så hoppa in och ta dig en titt på våra tjänster. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. Vårt teknologiska ekosystem kombinerar it konsult-, integrations- och utvecklingstjänster med ledande marknadslösningar. Du får insikt i de senaste CX-lösningarna utan att den mänskliga delen glöms bort. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Våra specialiserade lösningar kombinerar big data analys med bra personal, som hjälper dig att leverera en riktigt bra kundupplevelse. Vårt teknologiska ekosystem kombinerar it konsult-, integrations- och utvecklingstjänster med ledande marknadslösningar. Du får insikt i de senaste CX-lösningarna utan att den mänskliga delen glöms bort. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Våra specialiserade lösningar kombinerar big data analys med bra personal, som hjälper dig att leverera en riktigt bra kundupplevelse. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Utöver omfattande erfarenhet och certifiering inom ett stort antal reglerade miljöer, erbjuder vi dessutom våra kunder en mall för säker juridisk regelefterlevnad. Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Utöver omfattande erfarenhet och certifiering inom ett stort antal reglerade miljöer, erbjuder vi dessutom våra kunder en mall för säker juridisk regelefterlevnad. Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Vi skapar innovationer för alla dina behov. Vårt helhetstänk löser komplexa B2B-utmaningar med hjälp av skräddarsydda mallar på ett sätt som garanterar nöjda kunder. Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Vi skapar innovationer för alla dina behov. Vårt helhetstänk löser komplexa B2B-utmaningar med hjälp av skräddarsydda mallar på ett sätt som garanterar nöjda kunder. The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we all live and work, forcing organisations to rapidly adjust… International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Våra lösningar li|Våra lösningar st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Ditt företag, våra tjänster En vinnande kombination. Kundengagemang Kundupplevelse Outsourcing av företagsprocesser Specialistoutsourcing Oavsett dina företagsbehov finns vi här för dig. Kundengagemang Kundengagemang Kundupplevelse Kundupplevelse Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Outsourcing av företagsprocesser Outsourcing av företagsprocesser Specialistoutsourcing Specialistoutsourcing Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , during a pandemic , , Work Abroad Program , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|01 – last edit 22/10/2019 02 – : last edit 17/01/2019 03 – : last edit 17/01/2019 04 – : last edit 17/01/2019 05 – : last edit 17/01/2019 06 – : last edit 17/01/2019 07 – : last edit 17/01/2019 08 – : last edit 19/01/2019 09 – : last edit 17/01/2019 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th juni 2020 In By st|Processor – Procedure for handling data subjects complaints Audit procedure Personal Data Breach Notification Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Procedures | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi gör affärer mer mänskliga genom att vi låter våra värdeord genomsyra allt vi gör varje dag. Vi gör affärer mer mänskliga genom att vi låter våra värdeord genomsyra allt vi gör varje dag. Vi håller vad vi lovar, och lever upp till de löften vi ger oss själva, våra kunder och deras kunder. Detta har gjort Webhelp till det förtroendeingivande varumärke och den framgångsrika strategiska affärspartner vi är i dag. Samarbete är avgörande för oss. Det är så vi når våra högt satta mål, samtidigt som det gör vardagsuppgifter enklare och roligare att utföra. Webhelp är ett stort och hängivet team. När vi jobbar tillsammans uppnår vi mer. Oavsett om det handlar om hur vi bemöter våra kunder eller varandra, gäller det att vara en bra förebild, med stor vikt vid positivitet och rättvisa. Att fokusera på integritet innebär ett bra bemötande för var och en, hela tiden, varje dag. Vi behandlar våra medarbetare, våra klienter och våra kunder på ett sätt som bidrar till att göra affärer mer mänskliga. På Webhelp ger vi varandra det erkännande vi förtjänar. Detta eftersom vi inser att vi tillsammans, från företagsledare till rådgivare, bidrar till vår gemensamma framgång. Att arbeta med och tjäna våra kunder, och se till att allting fungerar smidigt utgör själva grunden av vår verksamhet. Det är en insikt vi varje dag strävar efter att leva upp till. Vi tror starkt på ”WOW”. Det är vad som skiljer oss från andra företag och bidrar till att skapa en fantastisk arbetsplats. Vi strävar ständigt efter att höja ribban och tillföra det där lilla extra för varandra, våra klienter och kunder. Tack vare denna strävan står vi aldrig still som verksamhet utan fortsätter ständigt utvecklas. Vi håller vad vi lovar, och lever upp till de löften vi ger oss själva, våra kunder och deras kunder. Detta har gjort Webhelp till det förtroendeingivande varumärke och den framgångsrika strategiska affärspartner vi är i dag. Samarbete är avgörande för oss. Det är så vi når våra högt satta mål, samtidigt som det gör vardagsuppgifter enklare och roligare att utföra. Webhelp är ett stort och hängivet team. När vi jobbar tillsammans uppnår vi mer. Oavsett om det handlar om hur vi bemöter våra kunder eller varandra, gäller det att vara en bra förebild, med stor vikt vid positivitet och rättvisa. Att fokusera på integritet innebär ett bra bemötande för var och en, hela tiden, varje dag. Vi behandlar våra medarbetare, våra klienter och våra kunder på ett sätt som bidrar till att göra affärer mer mänskliga. På Webhelp ger vi varandra det erkännande vi förtjänar. Detta eftersom vi inser att vi tillsammans, från företagsledare till rådgivare, bidrar till vår gemensamma framgång. Att arbeta med och tjäna våra kunder, och se till att allting fungerar smidigt utgör själva grunden av vår verksamhet. Det är en insikt vi varje dag strävar efter att leva upp till. Vi tror starkt på ”WOW”. Det är vad som skiljer oss från andra företag och bidrar till att skapa en fantastisk arbetsplats. Vi strävar ständigt efter att höja ribban och tillföra det där lilla extra för varandra, våra klienter och kunder. Tack vare denna strävan står vi aldrig still som verksamhet utan fortsätter ständigt utvecklas. Kärnan i vår verksamhet Som ett företag som sätter människan i centrum, ser vi till att varje webhelper är nöjd och känner sig uppskattad och sedd. Från arbetsgivare till anställd, från kollega till kollega, från klient till rådgivare fokuserar vi på att skapa en värdefull kontakt med människan framför oss. Nyckeln är att skapa en oslagbar arbetsmiljö, inte bara från ett ergonomiskt perspektiv, utan även genom att värdesätta varje individuell insats. Kärnan i vår verksamhet Vi sätter vår kunds intressen först, och det är så vi ger det lilla extra. Vi skapar ett äkta partnerskap som drivs av känslan av ett gemensamt syfte. Var och en av oss representerar de varumärken vi arbetar för, och vi är alla en del av den framgång vi bygger tillsammans. Vi erbjuder inte bara den bästa upplevelsen för konsumenterna, utan hjälper också våra klienter att växa som företag. Deras framgång drivs av vår förmåga att överträffa standarden. Kärnan i vår verksamhet Vi lär oss ständigt nya saker genom innovation, vilket utgör grunden för vår verksamhet. Vi håller våra sinnen öppna för nya kreativa sätt att arbeta vilket hjälper oss att åstadkomma förändring och framgång. Som ett team räds vi inte att prova nya metoder, då även misstag innebär nya lärdomar. Att ha mod nog att genomföra innovationer hjälper oss att ta det till nästa nivå. Kärnan i vår verksamhet Jobbet är roligt om du gör det roligt. Fokusera på de positiva ögonblicken, stunderna som gör dig glad. Den energin smittar av sig. Att lösa ett problem, ta en kaffe, skämta eller hjälpa en kund är några av de små kontakterna som för oss närmare varandra. Det är dessa ögonblick som får oss att känna, och tänka, mänskligt Tabort?). Att fira framgångar, stora som små, visar på vår passion och förstärker vår samhörighet. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Våra Värderingar li|Våra Värderingar st|Engagemang Sammanhållning Integritet Erkännande WOW" Engagemang Sammanhållning Integritet Erkännande "WOW" Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp. Våra värderingar och vår företagskultur. Webhelp. Våra värderingar och vår företagskultur. Det handlar om att hålla vad vi lovar. Vi når längre och snabbare tillsammans. Att bemöta andra så som vi själva vill bemötas. Att uppmärksamma allas insatser. Att göra det där lilla extra som gör skillnad. " Det handlar om att hålla vad vi lovar. Vi når längre och snabbare tillsammans. Att bemöta andra så som vi själva vill bemötas. Att uppmärksamma allas insatser. Att göra det där lilla extra som gör skillnad. We are a people-first company We put our client at the heart We are passionate game-changers We strive to enjoy everyday Kontakta oss om hur ni kan dra nytta av vår expertis, kultur och värderingar Boka in ett möte och ta reda på om vi är rätt val för dig. Världen är din. Ta en titt Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Webhelp Payment Services is accredited to carry out a range of actions including international debt recovery for and on behalf of our clients . Webhelp Payment Services is authorised as a Payment Institution by the . Thanks to our status of Payment Institution we are able to operate across the European Economic Area. Webhelp Payment Services is also registered with , the unique register of intermediaries, as an insurance intermediary. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th juni 2020 In , By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Accreditations | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|*N° Code Interbancaire (CIB) : 16518E – Insurance intermediary registration number ORIAS: 12 064 847 pa|Hi! Unfortunately, I don’t have as many exciting secrets as you hoped for, but I will do my best to share my story… the real deal. I am Diane, I am turning 24 years old this year [2020]. I am originally from France and I moved to Germany last September in 2019 to work within the Global Marketing Department at Webhelp. No secrets so far – some of this information is on my LinkedIn page as well. You asked me earlier if I just packed my bags and moved to another country with 20 euros in my pocket. No, that was not the case. It was a very strategic and well-planned decision. Sorry for disappointing you! But I can say that this was a real adventure for me. Since I moved here, my life has changed in so many ways. I see things from a different perspective, I work with incredible people and I run much faster. I am into sports – mostly running – and here in Nuremberg this has become a daily lifestyle for me. I am a bit of a globe-trotter, to be honest. When I started university, I always managed to go study and work abroad – through the Erasmus Program (whether for one year or just one semester) or with an internship. Each time after such an experience, I felt the need to keep travelling and go somewhere else. So, it was clear to me that I wanted my first full-time job to be in another country. I didn’t have anything specific in mind, but I was mostly considering another European country. During my master’s degree, I was a working student within Webhelp Payment Services in France. And just when my contract was about to end, Webhelp was putting together a global marketing department in Germany. As most of the team was based in Nuremberg, it made sense to me to move abroad. I had the direct support from the global HR team at Webhelp. They told me they would pay for my flight ticket and help me take my stuff with me – which really came in handy as I am not quite a light traveller, especially when I move to another country 😊. Within the relocation package, I had one month of accommodation paid by the company, which meant I could spare enough time to look for something permanent. My awesome colleagues also chipped in with some local knowledge and tips on the best ways to find a flat. They told me which areas and neighbourhoods would be the best to live in. It felt nice that people I had just met were so kind and eager to help me out. So, it was a smooth experience. Don’t worry! I’ll hide this article from them, anyway. Actually, it is a bit special because we are a team split across different cities. For example, my manager is based in Paris and another team member lives in London. But it’s true that most of our department is based in Nuremberg. When I arrived, I was the newbie in a highly experienced team, but everyone was uber nice to me and we just clicked. Since I am passionate about food, I truly enjoy our lunches together. But we go beyond that to make sure our team spirit stays strong… near… far… wherever we are. We manage to meet in person, dine out when we’re all together, exchange daily emails, share funny memes on Teams or just chat online with the cameras on since it feels more personal this way. I would say that I have noticed a similar team spirit in other Webhelp locations or departments. Once upon a time… a year ago when I worked as a Digital Communication Assistant at Webhelp Payment Services, I knew I’d like to continue working in marketing. In my previous job I had already acquired international experience very fast, which proved to be a steppingstone to my current career – one that ticks off all the boxes and challenges I have been looking for. When I read the job description, I knew I would get to work on global campaigns, do social media management and be involved in the development of our new international website. I believe every young person my age would have found this job extremely rewarding and challenging at the same time. But what’s truly inspiring is that my direct manager and Global Marketing Director trusted me in this role. Likewise, they saw potential in me and put my previous performance over my seniority. I think this is how our managers and directors prepare the young leaders of today – they encourage us to take risks and dare us to make changes, even though it can get messy sometimes. There’s much to talk about, but I think it starts with giving and receiving feedback. I am not sure I use a specific technique – maybe trial and error? – but I always strive to be clear in my feedback, to offer concise clear information in just one email or meeting. If you accommodate your team’s needs and expectations, are clear in your brief or instructions and encourage them to speak openly, you’ve made your first step as a leader. It’s a two-way process – many times I am the one receiving feedback, either positive or negative. And it’s quite refreshing because when I spend so much time working on a project, I might not notice the small details or mistakes that stick out. But a new set of eyes will. If it’s feedback that I wasn’t expected, then I take it as a chance for improvement. People have different views – even your friends and family see you with other eyes. It’s also very important to listen to your team members. By that I mean to identify the little things that might not be obvious right away. Emotional intelligence is truly an open secret to effective management. So, I don’t think it’s the age that makes you a leader. New generations are now entering the workforce and some of my even younger colleagues are brilliant at what they do. I would say the main challenge I have faced is the language. Whenever someone asks me where I live, they immediately assume I speak German. Which is so not the case. When I arrived in the country, I asked the HR if I could attend German classes and fortunately that was something that Webhelp could provide. I started with two classes per week, but to be honest this was very tough, especially after a full day at the office when my brain was exhausted. If my language instructor reads this… I really did try! On the exciting side of things, the first aspect that comes to mind would be that I get to use the bike all around the city. Nuremberg is quite small and very bike-friendly with those special cycle lanes. And the second thing that comes to mind? Well, my current role – that’s why I am here and we’re having this conversation 😊. That’s a nice way of asking me if I had moments when I felt I couldn’t do my job. Of course, I had. This happened mainly when we started the international website project. It was very challenging for me to juggle maybe 4 to 5 projects in parallel with the website. I talked to my direct manager about it and we decided together to focus my time mostly on one large project, as it already involved many varied tasks. The support of my team made me feel I could be open and understood, and that is why today I can speak honestly about it. Absolutely. This was my first full-time job. So, emotionally it made me feel like ‘welcome to the adult world’. I suddenly found myself in a position in which I had many responsibilities from the beginning and people fully put their trust in me. This has built up my confidence in both my personal and professional life. Referring strictly to my career, I learnt project management within a few months faster than in all my years of studying. There was a learning curve of improving myself, correcting my methods, giving feedback to senior executives, waiting for project validation and adapting myself to cross-functional teams and different cultures. Likewise, my job is content-related. In this regard, I had the chance to really hone my skills not just in terms of content creation but also organizing and encouraging creative teams from various countries to come up with out-of-the-box ideas. The first thing I would say is ‘Diane, you’re not going to become an English teacher. Not even a French one’. The second thing would be ‘Diane, stop freaking out! You’ll have the rest of your life for that.’ Sometimes teenagers put so much pressure on themselves, whether due to society or family expectations and that creates a lot of anxiety from early adulthood. Everything goes so fast, but you should never feel forced to make a choice right away. You’re right – we see this topic everywhere in pop culture. For me, it came along the way. When I finished high school, I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do. So, I went on to study Business Management because it was quite a broad field and I could choose to specialise in any given area afterwards. I think it was in the Netherlands when I started having a better sense of what I wanted to do as a career. During my one-year exchange program, I had an amazing marketing lecturer and lots of hands-on experience, such as promoting projects or creating advertising materials for (real!) companies. I was representing the marketing department in those projects, and it was that moment when I realized I would end up doing this for a living. What I would say to young people trying to figure out what they want to do is not to rush into anything. Don’t let any external pressure determine your choices. Here in Germany, many young people take time for themselves or go travelling abroad for a year before starting their university studies. After a gap year or some globe-trotting, you’re more open to possibilities since your mind is clearer in terms of what you want to do for work and who you are as a person. So many. But if I had to choose one, I think it would be ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ Answering this question today would be a bit of a struggle. As my new job challenges me in ways I didn’t know I could ever be challenged, I plan to stay in Germany for a while longer. But after that, I really have no idea. I think my generation dreads this question because we like to experiment all the time and we are in a constant process of self-discovery. But knowing myself, I think I would take advantage of Webhelp’s mobility program and move to another country. Maybe even with my own project. And I am not saying this just to advertise our career opportunities – I really mean it. Sure. Are you ready for it? I am going to run a marathon in October in Amsterdam. So, I am currently training a lot for this experience and that’s why I am wearing this fitness suit, as you can see. I am so glad this interview won’t be published in a video format. You promised it will be just an article, right? Anyway, apart from this side project, I like hiking and yoga as well. Last weekend a couple of colleagues from Webhelp and I went hiking in Austria. I know it might sound like a cliché, but it was such an enriching experience to socialize with my colleagues outside the workplace. And to actually see them dressed for the occasion in really funny situations. Nice one… the big ‘5-year’ question. Thank you for inviting me, and who knows? Maybe I’ll be in your country. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Diane Servettaz li|Diane Servettaz st|Her first full-time job was in a global leadership position at Webhelp in a foreign country. Although she didn’t move abroad with just 20 euros in her digital wallet, her story is just as inspiring for young generations who look for a place in this world. Hi, Diane! Thank you for sharing some of your secrets with us. What would you like to start with? So, you worked at Webhelp in France and then you moved to Webhelp in Germany. What is the true story behind your decision? Moving to a new country is a big step. How did Webhelp support you when you decided to make this change? Speaking of new experiences, what would you say about your new department or team? We promise we won’t tell anyone. Let’s talk about the young leaders of today. Because you’re one of them. You started at Webhelp as a Digital Communication Assistant and after one year you became a Global Content & Campaign Coordinator. How about that? Staying on the same subject, how do you position yourself as a leader in front of other senior executives with more experience than you? What have been the most exciting and challenging aspects since you moved to Germany? Great answer, but I want the real deal. Were there any moments when you felt out of your depth? So, you could say that this job had a great impact on your life. If you could go back in time, what would you say to the 16-year-old Diane? True. Many young people nowadays are very confused about their career choice. When did you know exactly what you wanted to do for work? That was very deep. Is there a question you wouldn’t know how to answer today? OK, and what about personal projects or hobbies outside the workplace. Could you share yours with us? Diane, thank you for your candour and sharing your story with us! We can’t wait to see where you’ll be in 5 years. Best of luck! Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h6|SHARE SHARE sp|Search Meet Diane Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Oslo, March 24th, 2021 , den ledande ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och företagslösningar, har tillkännagivit expansionen av sitt program, över hela Europa som siktar på att stödja nystartade företag och de i skalningsfasen med den bästa kundupplevelsen. Nest gör det möjligt för outsourcade snabbt växande företag inom alla sektorer att växa expontiellt genom att erbjuda en unik skräddarsydd CX-lösning. Den här nyheten kommer vid en tidspunkt då m¨ånga unga företag står inför olika utmaningar på grund av pandemin och kräver flexibilitet och ROI-optimering medan osäkerhet råder i deras affärsmiljöer. , Ledare för The Nest, sa: Programmet lanserades i Frankrike 2018 och stöder redan ett dussintal av de mest dynamiska startupsen, varav många har placerats högt på . Utöver detta är Webhelp en mångårig partner för otaliga ”unicorn-startups” och är väl lämpade för att hjälpa företag med snabb tillväxt att differentiera sina affärer. Programmet får en europeisk dimension genom att expandera till Norden, Storbritannien, Spanien, Tyskland, Nederländerna och Turkiet. tillade , Chief Commercial Officer, The Nest, Nordics. The Nest by Webhelp gör expertis från Webhelp, den europeiska marknadsledaren inom CX, tillgänglig för mindre företag och bygger på en stark People First arbetskultur. Kärnfokus är att stödja sina kunder när de växer som företag och göra det möjligt för dem att skapa konkurrensfördelar inom CX-området. Programmet erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla kan anpassas till kundens individuella behov, inklsuive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och teknisk support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster digital marknadsföring). Programmet är tillgängligt 24 timmar i dygnet, sju dagar i veckan och finns på fler än 40 olika språk. Utöver en förstklassig kundupplevelse som levereras av expertteam får kunde också tillgång till ”The Nest Community”. Där igenom får medlemmar tillgång till mentorskap, affärsutveckling och nätverksmöjligheter som ett ytterligare sätt att generera dragkraft och uppnå bättre resultat genom ett strategiskt startup-nätverk. Som VD för , och en av de första startups som gick med i The Nest by Webhelp-programmet vittnade: Webhelp Medgrundare, , avslutade: The Nest by Webhelp är ett outsourcat kundupplevelseprogram (CX) av Webhelp för att hjälpa nystartade företag och snabbväxande företag att differentiera sig och skala upp sitt team snabbt och enkelt. Programmet verkar över hela Europa och ger kunderna tillgång till sitt globala nätverk av kundupplevelsespecialister 365 dagar om året och sju dagar i veckan. The Nest erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla är anpassade efter kundens individuella behov, inklusive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och tekniskt support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster och digital marknadsföring). Kunder av The Nest kommer att ha tillgång till The Nest Community, som erbjuder mentorskap, affärsstöd och vägledning för att göra det möjligt för nystartade företag att växa och lyckas på sin marknadsplats. Mer information finns på: Webhelp, the European leader in Customer Experience and Business Solutions, announces today that it has acquired Dynamicall, a leading Peruvian BPO player with over 4.500 employees based in Lima. This acquisition is the latest in a line of sizable and strategic M&A activities over the past five years. , Webhelp’s co-founder and CEO, declared: Dynamicall enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas including Spanish and multilingual operations with on/nearshore and offshore delivery capacities for the local and international Spanish-speaking market and North America, and the potential to expand coverage for global and multilingual clients. Latin America (LatAm), as a region driven by strong economic development, is of key interest to Webhelp. With its broad range of services tailored to clients of all sizes, from start-ups to global conglomerates, Webhelp is keen to serve its clients’ in and from this region while contributing to the local economy and creating career development opportunities. With the acquisition of Dynamicall, Webhelp now has two own sites in Latin America, in addition to the existing operations on the premises of clients in several countries in the region and greenfield sites in the pipeline. The Latin American operations will work together closely with Webhelp’s established Spanish teams, with Julio Jolin extending his responsibilities as CEO to lead LatAm. , CEO of Webhelp’s Spanish operations said: , founder and CEO of Dynamical, stated: Webhelp will celebrate its 21st anniversary this year and has become one of the global leaders in the sector thanks to steady organic growth and acquisitions. Driven by a vision of making business more human and a strong and unique company culture motivated by an agile, start-up mindset, and over 75.000 Webhelpers bring their smarts and hearts to the table every day to help clients in a way that makes a real difference. Dynamicall is a leading Peruvian BPO-Contact Center industry provider, offering a stable and formal employment to more than 4500 collaborators from its 2 sites in Lima. Its client portfolio includes major brands, leaders in their respective industries, across all regions of LatAm, North America, and Spain. Dynamicall’s services range from Customer Care, Sales, Back Office, Technical Support among others. Founded 13 years ago, Dynamicall has become one of the most important references in the local industry with a revenue of over 30 million USD per year. Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” February 1st 2021 Webhelp, a leading global customer experience and business solutions provider, is opening an office in Daugavpils, Latvia, to support a new global client with content moderation services. Right now, 55 people are in training and Webhelp is recruiting more new team members during spring. “ .” said Webhelp is keen to contribute to Daugavpils’ economic development and the broader Latgale region while offering professional services support to international and local clients, leveraging our global network and extensive experience. Together with Webhelp’s office in Riga, the Daugavpils office will enable Webhelp to create a cohesive service network and further strengthen our service capabilities for the region. , stated: ” We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media content moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 65 000 game-changers from more than 150 locations in 50 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,5B in 2019, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and GBL, a leading global investment holding, as of November 2019. More information can be found at : Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia +37167224437 Ida Naper, Nordic Director of Communications +4793673123 You are about to submit a request attached to the processing of your Personal Data by Webhelp. Protecting your Personal Data is of the utmost importance for us, and we want to prevent any action on your Personal Data by an unauthorised person. This is why we need to verify you identity before assessing your request. The Personal Data you are about to share with us will be stored by Webhelp for a probatory duration as required by the laws of your country. Of course, we grant you the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. At any time you can require us to access, rectify, erase your personal data or restrict of processing concerning you as well as the right to data portability. You may also object on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. In a context fueled by digital disruption and global acceleration, healthcare companies must design a new framework to better provide a seamless, constistent care accross all moment and all frontiers Through this white paper, Webhelp Medica reveals its best practices and learnings based on more than 20 years of expertise. Mixing feedbacks, testimonials and regulatory analyses, here are the keys to a winning strategy. Why is recommerce on the rise? and why are marketplaces such as , or thriving in this business model? Is it just trendy, cost effective, sustainable or a mix of all these that explains the current surge? Tomorrow’s personalization and customer journeys are expected to be even smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling than they are today. The question is: Are brands and consumers ready? Here is an analysis from Olivier Carrot, Global . At Webhelp, our clients are at the heart and our core objective is to ensure that their customers experience world class service in every touchpoint. The creation and upholding of a sustainable environment also go hand in hand with what our company stands for. : Whitepaper 14th July 2020 As the urgency for change and transformation intensifies in the post COVID landscape, some pivotal questions will be raised: How different will service look and feel in the future? How will businesses and their operations need to adapt? And how can employers engage and support their colleagues to deliver on new customer promises?” This new Whitepaper, aims to address these crucial questions and discover more about how to leverage customer service models in this new world. This is a joint publication with Gobeyond Partners, part of the Webhelp group, is underpinned by our unique industry perspective and new research to reveal the operating models of the future. And join our mailing list below for invitations to forthcoming events and webinars The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we all live and work, forcing organisations to rapidly adjust to a new reality. As an organisation that prides itself on putting people at the heart, our number one priority will always be to keep our people safe. This approach, coupled with our rapid mobilisation of home working models for our clients, has uncovered our agility and adaptability, enabling us to continue growing and achieving our goals amongst this year’s challenges, which we are incredibly proud of. Webhelp is committed to making business more human, and our people are central to achieving this. In February, we entered the COVID period with an incredible team of nearly 56,000 Webhelpers, always willing to make a difference in the lives of our client’s customers as well as in their local communities. We rapidly transitioned over 70% of our teams to work remotely, with all the relevant equipment and protocols to ensure safe and regulated work. With the incredible work from our teams, in a short amount of time we have established new digital resources for team leaders to support home working operations through new communication models to support our new and existing Webhelpers in changing practices and behaviours in new working environments. From April – June, we delivered more than 650,000 masks to our colleagues. Where sites are being progressively and cautiously reopened, we continue supporting our colleague’s health through the delivery of masks and thousands of litres of hand sanitizer and extensive extra cleaning routines. We have continued to work as trusted partners for our clients, adjusting their working practices and service models to meet the new requirements. As we have the experience of homeworking with our experienced agents at INVIRES, we were ready and able to rapidly adopt and continue a quality level of service for our clients, and support new clients where the infrastructure and local preparation wasn’t available. Introducing new technology solutions has been essential to delivering successful home working solutions, especially for clients in highly regulated environments. We have built and designed a fully PCI compliant payment service which allows full card and payment masking within home working spaces, matching the protocols we have for working on site. Through introducing IVR opportunities with retail clients, we have also been able to further support their compliance and the safeguarding of data. Hybrid models of flexible working allow colleagues to rotate shifts, working from either home or our office sites, to manage sensitive data access where necessary. Amongst all the chaos, our resilience has been preserved. We continued to deliver exemplary service to our clients and their customers and acquire new clients along the way. We have now welcomed a further 6,000 people into the Webhelp family, some of whom will have never been to one of our offices, using remote recruitment, onboarding, and training. In our Asia-Pacific region we have increased our total headcount by 45% since January 1st, 2020, and continue to expand our operations in different locations within this region. We are not limited to a single location site as we consider our service to be geography agnostic. Moving rapidly and flexibly, we have been able to establish fully virtual contact centres which are delivering service that is consistently outperforming against peers on first contact resolution, touchpoint net promoter score and employee engagement. The future will result in different ways of working as focus moves to introducing hybrid models, drawing the best of both worlds through local hubs acting as centres of excellence to provide knowledge sharing, coaching and training to support home workers. This crisis has forced organisations to adapt and rethink the way they deliver services and our clients, old and new, continue to rely on us to operate safely, quickly, and resiliently. As a people-first company, not only do we strive to enjoy every day but also listen to our colleagues as to how they wish to live their careers. Relocating to a new country to start an international career is always a great challenge, especially during a global crisis. At Webhelp, driving innovation is part of our DNA. That is why we have set out to make international mobility still a possible, safe and enjoyable experience! We have developed our program with you in mind – our colleagues who want to explore new cultures and career opportunities as well as future Webhelpers who dream of a fresh start. The Work Abroad program is part of our new . So, let’s dive in the online features and functionalities that will bring you closer to your dream lifestyle. Meet our interactive Job Matcher! The fun quiz is the first thing you will see when you land on our . Your international journey starts by answering 3 simple questions. We use a quick algorithm that will match you with the country most suited to your personal preferences and professional goals. You might have more than one soulmate country! So, have fun and redo the quiz as many times as you wish. Now you have an idea of where you would like to live your next 12 to 24 months or maybe your entire life. So, let’s take a quick journey into that dream destination! As game-changers, we conducted a survey with people who work with us as well as former colleagues and even employees from other companies. Why? To get a real feeling of what it is like to work in the country you would like to call home. The refers mainly to the overall employee sentiment within a certain region. However, this is where you will see open positions available at Webhelp in your country of choice. Likewise, from this section you can select the city (site) where we operate. We also gathered data from various reliable sources, and we recommend a monthly budget based on your salary at Webhelp in relation to the cost of living in your country of choice. This way, you can better plan for fun activities and common necessities. Getting the low-down on a country is great. But you will mostly live in a city while working abroad. To provide you with accurate and relevant information, we worked closely with expats living in the cities where we operate. Each piece of content was written, edited and revised by multiple members of our local creative and HR teams, with the help and input of our expat Advisors. This is where we also advertise our international open positions for our sites. So, when an available job feels like a match, apply and we will get in touch with you within a few days, if not hours. We strive to offer you a realistic glimpse of what to expect while working abroad at Webhelp. To create this piece of content, we interviewed dozens of our expat colleagues. So, you will get a feeling of the country through their eyes and experiences. Our film crew also went the extra mile. Literally! They flew to our sites to capture the city vibe and our office culture. Follow our Webhelpers in their quest to show you authentic experiences and some impressive vistas of their second home! For example, check out how Denisz from Ukraine works and lives in . But what if you are still undecided about your chosen destination? Our colleagues from around the world will be happy to answer all your questions related to cost of living, relocation assistance, open positions and many more. We have also taken a unique approach with our FAQ section. Since we put our people at the heart, we have divided our frequently asked questions in 3 parts: Your Life, Your Career and Your Adventure. Reading through the answers will feel personal, human-orientated and transparent. We believe in an engaging work culture. And our Webhelpers are the best ambassadors to reinforce our values. Coming soon is our new blog section featuring ‘the person behind the job’. You will find out what it is like to start and advance your career with us, how to stay resilient when you fail or how to succeed when you struggle. All these from a personal point of view of our Webhelpers! Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|The accessibility of mobile devices globally has essentially contributed to the growth of e-commerce thanks to the increased reach which has consequently increased the sales. According to Aaron Orendorff – Forbes Top 10 B2B Content Marketer, e-commerce has helped businesses launch beyond borders reaching out to millions of new potential customers. By 2023, an increase of 276.9% in the total global sales in retail is projected with APAC taking the lead (source: ). The easy accessibility of mobile phones and internet has definitely elevated the demand of recommerce as a service. This surge has seen many start- ups joining the bandwagon to not only meet the growing demand but also to take advantage of the efficiency and scalability that marketplaces provide. Through the creation of an application that links second-hand products to customers, VINTED has grown from being owned by its two co-founders Milda and Justas to an organization that employs more than 450 people and unites a community of 25 million people. In reference to platforms like VINTED, personalized services that match customers preferences are highly sought after. Customers want to feel valued and there is no better way than to offer a personalized experience. Even though many consumers are in search of products being offered at discounted or affordable prices, they will not compromise on the experience. Brands are thus competing not only on price but also on offering the most memorable experience to their customers. Founded in 2009 as a swapping company for men’s shirts’ thredUP is a huge consumer marketplace that flaunts over 35,000 brands. In one of his keynotes, CEO and co-founder James Reinhart forecasts sales of upto $51 billion from the second-hand apparel market by 2023 (source ) In reality, people buy twice as many clothes and wear them half as long. If one can buy a branded item for half the price of the new, why not? There is a growing trend to transform consumption through reuse. And so as to keep up with the changing environment in the retail industry, integrating a resale option in traditional retail outlets is seen to boost the overall sales. Customers are sparked to spend 21% more and visit 70% more frequently. James attributes the massive increase in the visiting percentage to the fact that second hand collection is restocked every two weeks whereas in the traditional format, new collection arrives between four to six times a year (source: ) . Pocket friendly purchases is a big driver in the recommerce boom. Customers are increasingly seeing the value in buying recycled brand-name products for huge discounts. “Recommerce has seen a tremendous upsurge” says Steven Bethell, founder of Bank & Vogue – a firm that specializes in the logistics of selling used goods and operates a sister company called . Prior to making a purchase, many shoppers aquent themselves with the resale possibilities of items they wish to buy with the plan to resell them in the near future. The retail industry is seeing a continued shift with the majority of consumers shopping smarter. . The new affluent generations like the Gen Z are more environmental and social conscious and as such, they expect brands to be more ethical and sustainable in their production processes. Fashion brands that have this audience as their customer base, are obliged to revamp their business models to be able to not only attract but most definitely also retain this segment. is one such brand. By investing on its brand ethos which is providing a platform for purchasing and selling of second-hand clothes. These clothes reduce the environmental impact of Co2 levels that are usually released in the production of new clothes (think water, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides). In addition, it prolongs the shelf life of clothes that would otherwise head to the dumping sites in one or two years. It’s estimated that 600 kilograms of used clothes would lead to a reduction of 2250 kilograms of Co2 emissions, 3.6 billion liters of water saved, and 144 trees planted. ( ). st|Chloe de Mont-Serrat Victor Sundén Charles Egly, Olivier Duha Olivier Duha Julio Jolin Vargas Enrique Beltran 8 februari 2021 Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia. Igors Prelatovs, Chariman of Daugavpils Council Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands MEDIA CONTACTS So which are some of the factors that have contributed to this increase? Rise in the use of mobile devices. Personalized customer experiences. Old is new again. Cost friendly Sustainability VINTED A framework for tomorrow’s successful customer-focused operating models reimagining service for the new world Protecting our people Supporting our clients Delivering growth International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Find out what country you match with Find out what it is like to work in your country of choice Dare the adventure in your favourite city! Say hi to your new lifestyle When in doubt, contact our friendly ambassadors Stay tuned for Meet Webhelpers Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Om The Nest About Dynamicall Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp Webhelp The Nest by Webhelp The French Tech Next rankings Younited Credit by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp In our endeavor to always provide seamless interactions, we go the extra mile to guarantee that customers’ needs are met. We focus on making the purchase process in the marketplaces as simple and fulfilling as possible . Our flawless and memorable customer journey from order management to returns and replacements is swiftly executed with our dedicated service specialist who are located globally in the different hubs . And thanks to the booming second-hand industry, content management and moderation is also on high demand. Ever thought of outsourcing your content moderation? Our highly experienced offshore content moderators ensure that our clients’ brand s are duly protected across their target audience. We support our clients’ to not only maintain their brand integrity, but also to shield their customer s from inappropriate, aggressive or illegal content. Are you looking for an experienced partner who will help you take your marketplace to the next level? Get in touch to receive your tailormade solution by Webhelp new world by Webhelp during a pandemic by Webhelp Work Abroad Program by Webhelp 1 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris bo|If you are not confortable submitting your request trough this form, please contact our Data Protection Officer. em|Kundupplevelseprogrammet erbjuder ett enkelt och skalbart outsourcingförslag för snabbt växande företag “Vi är mycket glada över att kunna utöka vårt erbjudande till företag över hela Europa. Blivande startups har en nyckelegenskap gemensamt – exceptionell kundupplevelse. Outsourcing av CX med en pålitlig partner kan göra det möjligt för företag att skala upp snabbt och samtidigt maximera sinn avkastning, vilket ger dem möjligheten att fokusera på det som betyder mest – att växa som företag.” “Vi är glada att lansera The Nest i Norden för att hjälpa lokala startups att bygga en exceptionell kundupplevelse. Vi förstår att nystartade företag står inför många komplexa utmaningar under tillväxtstadierna, från att utveckla expertis och processer för att stödja långsiktig tillväxt, till att expandera snabbt inom nya marknader och bygga innovativa produkter och tjänster för att skilja sig från konkurrenterna.,” ”I början av en startup försöker senior-teamet ofta ta itu med alla frågor, ibland går det utöver den slutliga produkten eller tjänsten. Det outsourcade stödet som Nest-programmet erbjuder var ovärderligt för att utöka vårt team och ge förstärkt expertis. Det gjorde även det möjligt för oss att erövra nya marknader mycket snabbare. Att arbeta med en outsourcad partner på detta sätt ger ökad effektivitet, lägre driftkostnader, mer flexibilitet och snabbare time-to-market. För att inte tala om, tillgång till de bästa processerna och verktygen på marknaden, varav de flesta är för dyra för en startup.” ”Vi är glada över att – trots COVID-19 pandemin – startup världen blomstrar fortfarande och insamlingstakten har inte saktat ned. I slutändan har stöd för snabbväxande startups alltid varit i vårt DNA, eftersom vi fortfarande har en entreprenörskultur som perfekt guidar oss.” Paris, March 9th, 2021. “Dynamicall is an impressive organization, with a strong cultural fit with Webhelp. We have been partnering to serve several major brands successfully in 2020 and are excited to now welcome their talented teams into the Webhelp family. With its superior track record in delivering high-quality services and its attractive client base, Dynamicall reinforces our unique best-shoring capabilities for our clients.” “The incorporation of Dynamicall in the Webhelp family will strengthen our service offering for Spanish-speaking and global companies alike, looking to reinforce their operations with state-of-the-art services in the LatAm region and the world. We are very excited for this new opportunity to expand our support further for both our current clients and those to be.” “We’re thrilled to take this next step in our partnership with Webhelp and merge with such a dynamic and solid leader. Thanks to the dedication and skills of all people at Dynamicall, we get to serve some of the world’s most exciting brands, and together with our new parent company, we get to expand even further, not only internationally but also in terms of capabilities.” NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser We have chosen Daugavpils based on the great local talent, the city’s geographical location, support from the local institutions and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, as well as our great cooperation with Daugavpils University Daugavpils municipality highly appreciates the cooperation with LIAA, as a result of which an international company Webhelp has started operating in our city. It is a great opportunity for young, motivated citizens to start their careers in their hometown. As the company is located on the premises of Daugavpils University, it makes it easier for employees to combine their studies with the work. We are proud that Daugavpils has been chosen as the company’s location and that the people of Daugavpils are competitive for the international labor market. I wish great success for Webhelp’s plans in Daugavpils so that the company can thrive and evolve, and continue to offer new job opportunities to young people in Daugavpils and the surrounding area. For the past 20 years, we have thrived in challenging circumstances and strived to help our people achieve their goals. Despite the current pandemic, we know that international mobility is crucial to business growth and employee satisfaction. We encourage you to explore our and dream further than ever before! pa|Oslo, March 24th, 2021 , den ledande ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och företagslösningar, har tillkännagivit expansionen av sitt program, över hela Europa som siktar på att stödja nystartade företag och de i skalningsfasen med den bästa kundupplevelsen. Nest gör det möjligt för outsourcade snabbt växande företag inom alla sektorer att växa expontiellt genom att erbjuda en unik skräddarsydd CX-lösning. Den här nyheten kommer vid en tidspunkt då m¨ånga unga företag står inför olika utmaningar på grund av pandemin och kräver flexibilitet och ROI-optimering medan osäkerhet råder i deras affärsmiljöer. , Ledare för The Nest, sa: Programmet lanserades i Frankrike 2018 och stöder redan ett dussintal av de mest dynamiska startupsen, varav många har placerats högt på . Utöver detta är Webhelp en mångårig partner för otaliga ”unicorn-startups” och är väl lämpade för att hjälpa företag med snabb tillväxt att differentiera sina affärer. Programmet får en europeisk dimension genom att expandera till Norden, Storbritannien, Spanien, Tyskland, Nederländerna och Turkiet. tillade , Chief Commercial Officer, The Nest, Nordics. The Nest by Webhelp gör expertis från Webhelp, den europeiska marknadsledaren inom CX, tillgänglig för mindre företag och bygger på en stark People First arbetskultur. Kärnfokus är att stödja sina kunder när de växer som företag och göra det möjligt för dem att skapa konkurrensfördelar inom CX-området. Programmet erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla kan anpassas till kundens individuella behov, inklsuive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och teknisk support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster digital marknadsföring). Programmet är tillgängligt 24 timmar i dygnet, sju dagar i veckan och finns på fler än 40 olika språk. Utöver en förstklassig kundupplevelse som levereras av expertteam får kunde också tillgång till ”The Nest Community”. Där igenom får medlemmar tillgång till mentorskap, affärsutveckling och nätverksmöjligheter som ett ytterligare sätt att generera dragkraft och uppnå bättre resultat genom ett strategiskt startup-nätverk. Som VD för , och en av de första startups som gick med i The Nest by Webhelp-programmet vittnade: Webhelp Medgrundare, , avslutade: The Nest by Webhelp är ett outsourcat kundupplevelseprogram (CX) av Webhelp för att hjälpa nystartade företag och snabbväxande företag att differentiera sig och skala upp sitt team snabbt och enkelt. Programmet verkar över hela Europa och ger kunderna tillgång till sitt globala nätverk av kundupplevelsespecialister 365 dagar om året och sju dagar i veckan. The Nest erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla är anpassade efter kundens individuella behov, inklusive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och tekniskt support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster och digital marknadsföring). Kunder av The Nest kommer att ha tillgång till The Nest Community, som erbjuder mentorskap, affärsstöd och vägledning för att göra det möjligt för nystartade företag att växa och lyckas på sin marknadsplats. Mer information finns på: Webhelp, the European leader in Customer Experience and Business Solutions, announces today that it has acquired Dynamicall, a leading Peruvian BPO player with over 4.500 employees based in Lima. This acquisition is the latest in a line of sizable and strategic M&A activities over the past five years. , Webhelp’s co-founder and CEO, declared: Dynamicall enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas including Spanish and multilingual operations with on/nearshore and offshore delivery capacities for the local and international Spanish-speaking market and North America, and the potential to expand coverage for global and multilingual clients. Latin America (LatAm), as a region driven by strong economic development, is of key interest to Webhelp. With its broad range of services tailored to clients of all sizes, from start-ups to global conglomerates, Webhelp is keen to serve its clients’ in and from this region while contributing to the local economy and creating career development opportunities. With the acquisition of Dynamicall, Webhelp now has two own sites in Latin America, in addition to the existing operations on the premises of clients in several countries in the region and greenfield sites in the pipeline. The Latin American operations will work together closely with Webhelp’s established Spanish teams, with Julio Jolin extending his responsibilities as CEO to lead LatAm. , CEO of Webhelp’s Spanish operations said: , founder and CEO of Dynamical, stated: Webhelp will celebrate its 21st anniversary this year and has become one of the global leaders in the sector thanks to steady organic growth and acquisitions. Driven by a vision of making business more human and a strong and unique company culture motivated by an agile, start-up mindset, and over 75.000 Webhelpers bring their smarts and hearts to the table every day to help clients in a way that makes a real difference. Dynamicall is a leading Peruvian BPO-Contact Center industry provider, offering a stable and formal employment to more than 4500 collaborators from its 2 sites in Lima. Its client portfolio includes major brands, leaders in their respective industries, across all regions of LatAm, North America, and Spain. Dynamicall’s services range from Customer Care, Sales, Back Office, Technical Support among others. Founded 13 years ago, Dynamicall has become one of the most important references in the local industry with a revenue of over 30 million USD per year. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Chloe de Mont-Serrat Victor Sundén Charles Egly, Olivier Duha Olivier Duha Julio Jolin Vargas Enrique Beltran Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Om The Nest About Dynamicall Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: mars 2021 Webhelp The Nest by Webhelp The French Tech Next rankings Younited Credit by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Kundupplevelseprogrammet erbjuder ett enkelt och skalbart outsourcingförslag för snabbt växande företag “Vi är mycket glada över att kunna utöka vårt erbjudande till företag över hela Europa. Blivande startups har en nyckelegenskap gemensamt – exceptionell kundupplevelse. Outsourcing av CX med en pålitlig partner kan göra det möjligt för företag att skala upp snabbt och samtidigt maximera sinn avkastning, vilket ger dem möjligheten att fokusera på det som betyder mest – att växa som företag.” “Vi är glada att lansera The Nest i Norden för att hjälpa lokala startups att bygga en exceptionell kundupplevelse. Vi förstår att nystartade företag står inför många komplexa utmaningar under tillväxtstadierna, från att utveckla expertis och processer för att stödja långsiktig tillväxt, till att expandera snabbt inom nya marknader och bygga innovativa produkter och tjänster för att skilja sig från konkurrenterna.,” ”I början av en startup försöker senior-teamet ofta ta itu med alla frågor, ibland går det utöver den slutliga produkten eller tjänsten. Det outsourcade stödet som Nest-programmet erbjuder var ovärderligt för att utöka vårt team och ge förstärkt expertis. Det gjorde även det möjligt för oss att erövra nya marknader mycket snabbare. Att arbeta med en outsourcad partner på detta sätt ger ökad effektivitet, lägre driftkostnader, mer flexibilitet och snabbare time-to-market. För att inte tala om, tillgång till de bästa processerna och verktygen på marknaden, varav de flesta är för dyra för en startup.” ”Vi är glada över att – trots COVID-19 pandemin – startup världen blomstrar fortfarande och insamlingstakten har inte saktat ned. I slutändan har stöd för snabbväxande startups alltid varit i vårt DNA, eftersom vi fortfarande har en entreprenörskultur som perfekt guidar oss.” Paris, March 9th, 2021. “Dynamicall is an impressive organization, with a strong cultural fit with Webhelp. We have been partnering to serve several major brands successfully in 2020 and are excited to now welcome their talented teams into the Webhelp family. With its superior track record in delivering high-quality services and its attractive client base, Dynamicall reinforces our unique best-shoring capabilities for our clients.” “The incorporation of Dynamicall in the Webhelp family will strengthen our service offering for Spanish-speaking and global companies alike, looking to reinforce their operations with state-of-the-art services in the LatAm region and the world. We are very excited for this new opportunity to expand our support further for both our current clients and those to be.” “We’re thrilled to take this next step in our partnership with Webhelp and merge with such a dynamic and solid leader. Thanks to the dedication and skills of all people at Dynamicall, we get to serve some of the world’s most exciting brands, and together with our new parent company, we get to expand even further, not only internationally but also in terms of capabilities.” pa|Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” February 1st 2021 Webhelp, a leading global customer experience and business solutions provider, is opening an office in Daugavpils, Latvia, to support a new global client with content moderation services. Right now, 55 people are in training and Webhelp is recruiting more new team members during spring. “ .” said Webhelp is keen to contribute to Daugavpils’ economic development and the broader Latgale region while offering professional services support to international and local clients, leveraging our global network and extensive experience. Together with Webhelp’s office in Riga, the Daugavpils office will enable Webhelp to create a cohesive service network and further strengthen our service capabilities for the region. , stated: ” We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media content moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 65 000 game-changers from more than 150 locations in 50 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,5B in 2019, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and GBL, a leading global investment holding, as of November 2019. More information can be found at : Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia +37167224437 Ida Naper, Nordic Director of Communications +4793673123 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|8 februari 2021 Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia. Igors Prelatovs, Chariman of Daugavpils Council Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands MEDIA CONTACTS Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: februari 2021 by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser We have chosen Daugavpils based on the great local talent, the city’s geographical location, support from the local institutions and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, as well as our great cooperation with Daugavpils University Daugavpils municipality highly appreciates the cooperation with LIAA, as a result of which an international company Webhelp has started operating in our city. It is a great opportunity for young, motivated citizens to start their careers in their hometown. As the company is located on the premises of Daugavpils University, it makes it easier for employees to combine their studies with the work. We are proud that Daugavpils has been chosen as the company’s location and that the people of Daugavpils are competitive for the international labor market. I wish great success for Webhelp’s plans in Daugavpils so that the company can thrive and evolve, and continue to offer new job opportunities to young people in Daugavpils and the surrounding area. pa|You are about to submit a request attached to the processing of your Personal Data by Webhelp. Protecting your Personal Data is of the utmost importance for us, and we want to prevent any action on your Personal Data by an unauthorised person. This is why we need to verify you identity before assessing your request. The Personal Data you are about to share with us will be stored by Webhelp for a probatory duration as required by the laws of your country. Of course, we grant you the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. At any time you can require us to access, rectify, erase your personal data or restrict of processing concerning you as well as the right to data portability. You may also object on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: januari 2021 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris bo|If you are not confortable submitting your request trough this form, please contact our Data Protection Officer. pa|Det globala, ansedda forsknings- och konsultföretaget Frost & Sullivan har tilldelat Webhelp en topprankning i sin Frost Radar ™ – CX Outsourcing 2020. Webhelp är positionerat som ledande inom både tillväxt och innovation. Manq får erkännande för sitt breda utbud av lösningar över vertikaler och viktigare – dess effektiva digitala omvandlingstjänster och teknologibaserade lösningar som stimulerar kundinnovation, tillsammans med sin konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners. , Senior Industry Analyst – Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier på Frost & Sullivan uppgav: ”Med sitt fokus på AI, röst- och prediktiv analys. Användningen av avancerad teknik för att framtidssäkra sina lösningar, kan Webhelp konkurrera effektivt, samtidigt som ett öppet ekosystem av partners med en varierad blandning av progressiva partners för att ytterligare stimulera innovation ”. Webhelps dedikerade start-up CX-program, , och gruppens starka fokus på teknologisk implementering bidrar starkt till att driva innovation i alla faser av en kunds utveckling. Koncernens snabba tillväxt, som känns igen av den närmaste positionen i Radar, som driver Webhelp till den europeiska CX Outsourcing Services marknadsledande positionen och en framträdande global position, har drivits genom både organisk tillväxt och strategiska förvärv. Idag täcker Webhelps tjänsteportfölj inte bara Customer Engagement-tjänster utan också ett brett utbud av ytterligare funktioner som RegTech, digitalisering, AI och konsulttjänster. Dess anmärkningsvärda entreprenörskultur har varit kärnan i företagets framgång och vision att göra affärer mer mänskliga, på rätt sätt för sina kunder. , medgrundare och VD för Webhelp sa: ”Som ett målmedvetet företag är vi stolta över att tilldelas äran av denna ledande position i Frost Radar ™. Våra team av passionerade game-changers letar ständigt efter sätt att göra saker bättre för våra kunder, deras kunder och vårt företag. Att förändra spelreglerna är en viktig del av vårt DNA, vilket erkänns av vår starka prestation på innovationsindexet. Genom att se till att de bästa teknologierna och innovationerna gör det möjligt för våra anställda att göra en verklig skillnad, så går vi ständigt framåt i vår strävan att skapa fantastiska mänskliga upplevelser. ” The Radar grundar sig på kärnvärdesförslagen tillväxt, innovation och ledarskap. Den robusta analysen granskar fler än 1000 leverantörer över tio nyckelkriterier som innovationsskalbarhet, kundanpassning, vision och strategi. Varje företag utvärderas sedan på effektivitet inom dessa teman för att avgöra hur väl de är positionerade för att driva tillväxt i framtiden. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Deepali Sathe The Nest by Webhelp Olivier Duha Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: december 2020 by Angélique Begarin Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|STOCKHOLM 5 november 2020 Allente, fusionen mellan Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer, erbjuder högkvalitativa satellit-TV- och bredbands-TV-lösningar till 1,2 miljoner kunder i hela Norden. Sedan 2010 har Webhelp, en global ledare inom kundupplevelse och affärslösningar, och Allentes varumärke Viasat Consumer utvecklat ett starkt partnerskap av stabil och kommersiellt framgångsrik kundserviceverksamhet. Webhelp lägger nu till Allentes Canal Digital-kundtjänst på den svenska marknaden i sin omfattande portfölj av nordiska TV / mediekunder. Webhelp kommer att leverera Canal Digitals kundtjänst på Allentes vägnar genom sin best shoring-verksamhet i Kalmar, Sverige, i Malaga och Alicante, Spanien, samt ett antal medarbetare som arbetar hemifrån. Rekryteringen av nya teammedlemmar har precis börjat. ” säger Victor Sundén, Chief Commercial Officer på Webhelp Nordic. , menar Victor Liljeroth, Sverigechef, Allente Nordic. Victor Sundén Chief Commercial Officer, Webhelp Nordic Mobile: +46 70 032 20 04 Maja Wikman Ulrich Corporate Communications & PR Director, Allente Nordic Mobile: + 46 936 99 26 65 Following our positioning as a Global Leader in Customer Experience Management (CXM) by the leading analyst, Everest Group, we have now been recognized as a Leader again in its CXM in EMEA Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020, rating high in terms of vision and capability. This report is an objective recognition of Webhelp’s successful growth strategy, and our unique people-first, end-to-end approach with “Webhelp is a leading CXM provider globally, especially in Europe, supported by a large multilingual workforce of more than 60,000 agents. With a focus on digital transformation, CX consulting, and customer journey orchestration, Webhelp has been able to drive exponential growth over the last few years,” He continues “Further, its deep digital and domain expertise, outcome-focused approach, and strong leadership have allowed it to resiliently navigate the uncertainties created by COVID-19 and continue on its growth journey.” This result builds on our strong track record in analyst rankings and assessments, and our second year as a Leader in the PEAK Matrix, with Everest Group specifically highlighting our strong coverage in major industry verticals, our geographical delivery footprint, and the value delivered to our clients. Everest Group defines Leaders as companies that deliver consistent Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services through expansion in new regions, serving various buyer sizes, and delivering high satisfaction scores due to greater technological and advanced digital capabilities. For this EMEA edition, Everest Group selected 21 organizations to evaluate and compare for their 2020 report based upon the service provider’s market success, vision and strategy, service focus and capabilities, digital and technological solutions, domain investments, and buyer feedback. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Allente har valt Webhelp för leverans av kundupplevelselösningar inom kundservice, kontaktcenterplattform och lösningsdesign för Canal Digital. Kontaktinformation: Skand Bhargava, Vice President, Everest Group saying: Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: november 2020 by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Vi är mycket glada över att Allente har utökat vårt partnerskap till att omfatta Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer. Vi ser fram emot att bredda vårt partnerskap i detta viktiga skede i Allentes resa, så att Allentes kunder upplever den konsekvent höga kvaliteten, vårt varumärkes-ambassadörskap och den kommersiella skicklighet som vi är kända för. Tillsammans kommer vi att fortsätta utveckla ett partnerskap som stärker kundupplevelsen i dagens och morgondagens TV- och bredbandslösningar ”, ”Vi har mycket goda erfarenheter av att arbeta med Webhelp och är glada för att lägga till Canal Digital i vårt partnerskap. Webhelp kommer att kunna ge värdefull insikt och support för vår verksamhet under denna spännande fas för Allente, och vi kommer att fortsätta utveckla vårt partnerskap för att ge våra kunder förstklassig service i vårt utökade samarbete” pa|STOCKHOLM, October 13 , 2020 Global customer experience company Webhelp confirms their closure of its operational site in Kaunas, Lithuania by the end of this year. The ramp down of Webhelp’s activity in Lithuania is linked to a strongly reduced demand in the global travel industry, on which the Kaunas team focuses, and will happen gradually from now until the end of 2020. The tenured Webhelp team serves various clients at the international level in the areas of customer service, finance and data/fraud protection. Each employee speaks and writes two or more languages. Services provided from the Kaunas office are in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian and English languages. Webhelp is very thankful for the loyalty and support of its experienced team in Lithuania and is working together with Webhelp’s international locations, the local government, and other parties to assist their people in the transition to the next phase of their career. MD Webhelp Latvia and Lithuania Phone: +371 27824787 CEO Webhelp Nordic Phone: +46 70 226 42 85 Our 5th edition of is here! We hope you will enjoy reading about this wide theme, so deeply rooted in our everyday life. So what have you learned from the crisis? Many attests to the irony of social distancing strengthening bonds and communications between colleagues. At the heart of this new dynamic, digital relationships have Intensified, and digital technology has played a very significant role. The health and economic crisis is forcing us to focus on the immediate future. Nonetheless brands shouldn’t lose sight of other changes in society. – no business will survive if it’s purely based on old power values: formal and centralised governance, a secretive mindset, the elitism of experts. People no longer trust authority, the bedrock of old powers. They want to act, to participate and to learn. – requires brands to focus more on flat hierarchies and complete transparency. Did you know that just behind WhatsApp, TikTok is the second-most downloaded non-gaming app in the world? And when compared to Instagram, the engagement rate is much higher? With millions of subscribers and a wide fan base, you should definitely check it out if your target audience is on TikTok. Read all about these exciting and thought-provoking topics and more, in our latest edition of OneShot. In a context fueled by digital disruption and global acceleration, healthcare companies must design a new framework to better provide a seamless, constistent care accross all moment and all frontiers Through this white paper, Webhelp Medica reveals its best practices and learnings based on more than 20 years of expertise. Mixing feedbacks, testimonials and regulatory analyses, here are the keys to a winning strategy. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|For questions, please reach out to: Janis Misans Terje Andreassen OneShot Old power New Power Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: oktober 2020 by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Why is recommerce on the rise? and why are marketplaces such as , or thriving in this business model? Is it just trendy, cost effective, sustainable or a mix of all these that explains the current surge? Tomorrow’s personalization and customer journeys are expected to be even smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling than they are today. The question is: Are brands and consumers ready? Here is an analysis from Olivier Carrot, Global . At Webhelp, our clients are at the heart and our core objective is to ensure that their customers experience world class service in every touchpoint. The creation and upholding of a sustainable environment also go hand in hand with what our company stands for. : Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|The accessibility of mobile devices globally has essentially contributed to the growth of e-commerce thanks to the increased reach which has consequently increased the sales. According to Aaron Orendorff – Forbes Top 10 B2B Content Marketer, e-commerce has helped businesses launch beyond borders reaching out to millions of new potential customers. By 2023, an increase of 276.9% in the total global sales in retail is projected with APAC taking the lead (source: ). The easy accessibility of mobile phones and internet has definitely elevated the demand of recommerce as a service. This surge has seen many start- ups joining the bandwagon to not only meet the growing demand but also to take advantage of the efficiency and scalability that marketplaces provide. Through the creation of an application that links second-hand products to customers, VINTED has grown from being owned by its two co-founders Milda and Justas to an organization that employs more than 450 people and unites a community of 25 million people. In reference to platforms like VINTED, personalized services that match customers preferences are highly sought after. Customers want to feel valued and there is no better way than to offer a personalized experience. Even though many consumers are in search of products being offered at discounted or affordable prices, they will not compromise on the experience. Brands are thus competing not only on price but also on offering the most memorable experience to their customers. Founded in 2009 as a swapping company for men’s shirts’ thredUP is a huge consumer marketplace that flaunts over 35,000 brands. In one of his keynotes, CEO and co-founder James Reinhart forecasts sales of upto $51 billion from the second-hand apparel market by 2023 (source ) In reality, people buy twice as many clothes and wear them half as long. If one can buy a branded item for half the price of the new, why not? There is a growing trend to transform consumption through reuse. And so as to keep up with the changing environment in the retail industry, integrating a resale option in traditional retail outlets is seen to boost the overall sales. Customers are sparked to spend 21% more and visit 70% more frequently. James attributes the massive increase in the visiting percentage to the fact that second hand collection is restocked every two weeks whereas in the traditional format, new collection arrives between four to six times a year (source: ) . Pocket friendly purchases is a big driver in the recommerce boom. Customers are increasingly seeing the value in buying recycled brand-name products for huge discounts. “Recommerce has seen a tremendous upsurge” says Steven Bethell, founder of Bank & Vogue – a firm that specializes in the logistics of selling used goods and operates a sister company called . Prior to making a purchase, many shoppers aquent themselves with the resale possibilities of items they wish to buy with the plan to resell them in the near future. The retail industry is seeing a continued shift with the majority of consumers shopping smarter. . The new affluent generations like the Gen Z are more environmental and social conscious and as such, they expect brands to be more ethical and sustainable in their production processes. Fashion brands that have this audience as their customer base, are obliged to revamp their business models to be able to not only attract but most definitely also retain this segment. is one such brand. By investing on its brand ethos which is providing a platform for purchasing and selling of second-hand clothes. These clothes reduce the environmental impact of Co2 levels that are usually released in the production of new clothes (think water, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides). In addition, it prolongs the shelf life of clothes that would otherwise head to the dumping sites in one or two years. It’s estimated that 600 kilograms of used clothes would lead to a reduction of 2250 kilograms of Co2 emissions, 3.6 billion liters of water saved, and 144 trees planted. ( ). st|So which are some of the factors that have contributed to this increase? Rise in the use of mobile devices. Personalized customer experiences. Old is new again. Cost friendly Sustainability VINTED Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: september 2020 In our endeavor to always provide seamless interactions, we go the extra mile to guarantee that customers’ needs are met. We focus on making the purchase process in the marketplaces as simple and fulfilling as possible . Our flawless and memorable customer journey from order management to returns and replacements is swiftly executed with our dedicated service specialist who are located globally in the different hubs . And thanks to the booming second-hand industry, content management and moderation is also on high demand. Ever thought of outsourcing your content moderation? Our highly experienced offshore content moderators ensure that our clients’ brand s are duly protected across their target audience. We support our clients’ to not only maintain their brand integrity, but also to shield their customer s from inappropriate, aggressive or illegal content. Are you looking for an experienced partner who will help you take your marketplace to the next level? Get in touch to receive your tailormade solution by Webhelp by bdm75bdm Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Whitepaper 14th July 2020 As the urgency for change and transformation intensifies in the post COVID landscape, some pivotal questions will be raised: How different will service look and feel in the future? How will businesses and their operations need to adapt? And how can employers engage and support their colleagues to deliver on new customer promises?” This new Whitepaper, aims to address these crucial questions and discover more about how to leverage customer service models in this new world. This is a joint publication with Gobeyond Partners, part of the Webhelp group, is underpinned by our unique industry perspective and new research to reveal the operating models of the future. And join our mailing list below for invitations to forthcoming events and webinars Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|A framework for tomorrow’s successful customer-focused operating models reimagining service for the new world Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: augusti 2020 new world by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we all live and work, forcing organisations to rapidly adjust to a new reality. As an organisation that prides itself on putting people at the heart, our number one priority will always be to keep our people safe. This approach, coupled with our rapid mobilisation of home working models for our clients, has uncovered our agility and adaptability, enabling us to continue growing and achieving our goals amongst this year’s challenges, which we are incredibly proud of. Webhelp is committed to making business more human, and our people are central to achieving this. In February, we entered the COVID period with an incredible team of nearly 56,000 Webhelpers, always willing to make a difference in the lives of our client’s customers as well as in their local communities. We rapidly transitioned over 70% of our teams to work remotely, with all the relevant equipment and protocols to ensure safe and regulated work. With the incredible work from our teams, in a short amount of time we have established new digital resources for team leaders to support home working operations through new communication models to support our new and existing Webhelpers in changing practices and behaviours in new working environments. From April – June, we delivered more than 650,000 masks to our colleagues. Where sites are being progressively and cautiously reopened, we continue supporting our colleague’s health through the delivery of masks and thousands of litres of hand sanitizer and extensive extra cleaning routines. We have continued to work as trusted partners for our clients, adjusting their working practices and service models to meet the new requirements. As we have the experience of homeworking with our experienced agents at INVIRES, we were ready and able to rapidly adopt and continue a quality level of service for our clients, and support new clients where the infrastructure and local preparation wasn’t available. Introducing new technology solutions has been essential to delivering successful home working solutions, especially for clients in highly regulated environments. We have built and designed a fully PCI compliant payment service which allows full card and payment masking within home working spaces, matching the protocols we have for working on site. Through introducing IVR opportunities with retail clients, we have also been able to further support their compliance and the safeguarding of data. Hybrid models of flexible working allow colleagues to rotate shifts, working from either home or our office sites, to manage sensitive data access where necessary. Amongst all the chaos, our resilience has been preserved. We continued to deliver exemplary service to our clients and their customers and acquire new clients along the way. We have now welcomed a further 6,000 people into the Webhelp family, some of whom will have never been to one of our offices, using remote recruitment, onboarding, and training. In our Asia-Pacific region we have increased our total headcount by 45% since January 1st, 2020, and continue to expand our operations in different locations within this region. We are not limited to a single location site as we consider our service to be geography agnostic. Moving rapidly and flexibly, we have been able to establish fully virtual contact centres which are delivering service that is consistently outperforming against peers on first contact resolution, touchpoint net promoter score and employee engagement. The future will result in different ways of working as focus moves to introducing hybrid models, drawing the best of both worlds through local hubs acting as centres of excellence to provide knowledge sharing, coaching and training to support home workers. This crisis has forced organisations to adapt and rethink the way they deliver services and our clients, old and new, continue to rely on us to operate safely, quickly, and resiliently. As a people-first company, not only do we strive to enjoy every day but also listen to our colleagues as to how they wish to live their careers. Relocating to a new country to start an international career is always a great challenge, especially during a global crisis. At Webhelp, driving innovation is part of our DNA. That is why we have set out to make international mobility still a possible, safe and enjoyable experience! We have developed our program with you in mind – our colleagues who want to explore new cultures and career opportunities as well as future Webhelpers who dream of a fresh start. The Work Abroad program is part of our new . So, let’s dive in the online features and functionalities that will bring you closer to your dream lifestyle. Meet our interactive Job Matcher! The fun quiz is the first thing you will see when you land on our . Your international journey starts by answering 3 simple questions. We use a quick algorithm that will match you with the country most suited to your personal preferences and professional goals. You might have more than one soulmate country! So, have fun and redo the quiz as many times as you wish. Now you have an idea of where you would like to live your next 12 to 24 months or maybe your entire life. So, let’s take a quick journey into that dream destination! As game-changers, we conducted a survey with people who work with us as well as former colleagues and even employees from other companies. Why? To get a real feeling of what it is like to work in the country you would like to call home. The refers mainly to the overall employee sentiment within a certain region. However, this is where you will see open positions available at Webhelp in your country of choice. Likewise, from this section you can select the city (site) where we operate. We also gathered data from various reliable sources, and we recommend a monthly budget based on your salary at Webhelp in relation to the cost of living in your country of choice. This way, you can better plan for fun activities and common necessities. Getting the low-down on a country is great. But you will mostly live in a city while working abroad. To provide you with accurate and relevant information, we worked closely with expats living in the cities where we operate. Each piece of content was written, edited and revised by multiple members of our local creative and HR teams, with the help and input of our expat Advisors. This is where we also advertise our international open positions for our sites. So, when an available job feels like a match, apply and we will get in touch with you within a few days, if not hours. We strive to offer you a realistic glimpse of what to expect while working abroad at Webhelp. To create this piece of content, we interviewed dozens of our expat colleagues. So, you will get a feeling of the country through their eyes and experiences. Our film crew also went the extra mile. Literally! They flew to our sites to capture the city vibe and our office culture. Follow our Webhelpers in their quest to show you authentic experiences and some impressive vistas of their second home! For example, check out how Denisz from Ukraine works and lives in . But what if you are still undecided about your chosen destination? Our colleagues from around the world will be happy to answer all your questions related to cost of living, relocation assistance, open positions and many more. We have also taken a unique approach with our FAQ section. Since we put our people at the heart, we have divided our frequently asked questions in 3 parts: Your Life, Your Career and Your Adventure. Reading through the answers will feel personal, human-orientated and transparent. We believe in an engaging work culture. And our Webhelpers are the best ambassadors to reinforce our values. Coming soon is our new blog section featuring ‘the person behind the job’. You will find out what it is like to start and advance your career with us, how to stay resilient when you fail or how to succeed when you struggle. All these from a personal point of view of our Webhelpers! 01 – last edit 22/10/2019 02 – : last edit 17/01/2019 03 – : last edit 17/01/2019 04 – : last edit 17/01/2019 05 – : last edit 17/01/2019 06 – : last edit 17/01/2019 07 – : last edit 17/01/2019 08 – : last edit 19/01/2019 09 – : last edit 17/01/2019 At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal Data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework, but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects` legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is Processed. In the course of its activities, Webhelp processes both internal and Client Personal Data. In this respect, Webhelp protects the Personal Data it processes on its own behalf and on behalf of its Clients by the implementation of appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures and controls. Such controls shall ensure that the whole organisation is Processing Personal Data in a consistent manner, disregarding the nature and/or place of Processing. This approach is particularly important due to the diversity of activities Webhelp covers on behalf of its Clients. As a consequence of the above and taking into consideration standards, regulations and laws applicable in the field of data protection, andthe requirements introduced by the European Regulation 2016/679 adopted on 27th April 2016 (hereinafter, the “EU Regulation”) Webhelp will process data in accordance with the following principles: Through this Privacy Policy Webhelp intends to share and specify the detail and the principles applicable to all Webhelp Entities and provide certain group-wide standards allowing the implementation of the Privacy Policy. Furthermore, Webhelp may make available specific, local or sectorial policies. Should there be a contradiction between this Privacy Policy and such specific, local or sectorial policies, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall prevail. As the Privacy Policy aims at ensuring an adequate and consistent approach throughout the entire Webhelp organisation regarding Personal Data Processing, exceptions which could result from applicable legislations are not reflected in this Privacy Policy. As a consequence, local legislation shall be considered as an enforceable exception to this Privacy Policy and will be recorded accordingly. The Model represents, in accordance with Art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Decree, an act issued by the governing body of and constitutes the company’s internal regulations which are binding on it. believes that the adoption of the Model constitutes, beyond the legal requirements, an additional valid instrument to raise awareness among directors, employees, colleagues and partners, and encourage them, in carrying out their own activities, to act in a lawful, upright and transparent manner in line with the ethical and social values which inspire the company in pursuing its own corporate object. Webhelp Payment Services and its staff work tirelessly to ensure that it permanently provides you with the best quality service, advice and attention. However, despite our vigilance, dissatisfaction or difficulties can sometimes occur. In these circumstances, you can make your complaint in accordance with article L.133-45 (French Monetary and Financial Code), following a special procedure. Webhelp Payment Services is accredited to carry out a range of actions including international debt recovery for and on behalf of our clients . Webhelp Payment Services is authorised as a Payment Institution by the . Thanks to our status of Payment Institution we are able to operate across the European Economic Area. Webhelp Payment Services is also registered with , the unique register of intermediaries, as an insurance intermediary. At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards within the recruitment process through this Recruitment Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is processed. This Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. We may need to share your Personal Data, such as your Identification data, life related data or any other information you will provide us. Such Personal Data may be shared with our clients and/or with other entities of the Webhelp group. In such case, any transfer will be made under strict binding corporate agreements, including EU standards clause or Binding Corporate Rules. Such documents are available on request. For some particular positions, we may need to carry out automated decision-making. You have the right to access to your data, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority or to request rectification, erasure of personal data, restriction of processing concerning you, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. In any case, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will retain all data related to your application for two years unless (1) it becomes clear that an offer of employment will not be made, or unless (2) you instruct us differently. We will store connection Data we collect from your visit (cookies) to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. When using our Website, the collection of your Data helps to make our website as efficient as possible and allows you to access the interactive functions of the website. Such as to : Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website. Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests. Improve your searches. Recognise you when you return to our Website. Maximise professional information and share with you information about our latest opportunities corresponding to your profile, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in our Website Privacy Policy, Recruitment process will require Webhelp to collect data when such data is shared with us. This an happen when you share it directly with us or when third party provide us information about you. This can happen for example when you send provide us you CV, interviews or when we take references. We can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved experience. For this purpose, we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our users that do not enable an individual’s identification. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as, but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best recruitment process, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or HR partners and sometimes with our clients. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about latest positions likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties (1) In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities (2) If we or all of our assets are acquired by a third party (3) If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation (4) To protect our rights, property and safety or our users (5) In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the European Economic Space but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your data, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Economic Space), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data: You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification: Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten”): Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing: You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability: You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object: In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive opportunities from us, please click here. Right to lodge a complaint: If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any major change that we will make in this Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about their Personal Data is processed. This website Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. This website Privacy Policy is the basis of all Data processing we will perform with the Personal Data you provide to us through this website and its domains and all the URL addresses that could replace it in the future (hereinafter the “Website”), as well as all the searches you make on this website and/or every use of the Website by any operator connected to the Website (hereinafter the “User”). We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsuscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will store Data we collect from your visit to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. However, in some situations we may store your Data for longer periods, including (i) as long as your account is open and until its closure (ii) during the duration stated in the services’ agreement between you and Webhelp. Your Data enables us to make sure that our Website is the most efficient possible and to allow you to take part to the interactive functions of the Website. Such as to: Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website; Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests; Improve your searches and our Website; Recognise you when you return to our Website; Maximise commercial information and share with you information about our products and services corresponding to your personal interests, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. In certain circumstances, your Data allows us to fulfill our obligations in relation to a contract between us and you. (for example, executing an order or service, sending documentation, etc. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in paragraph 1 – Data that we may acquire from you- we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our Users that do not enable an individual’s identification. For the same reason, we can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved service. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best service, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or commercial partners. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about services and products likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any marketing information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties : In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities or goods, we can share your contact details to the potential seller or purchaser of these entity or goods ; If we or all of our goods are acquired by a third party, all the contact details we store will be therefore transferred ; If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation ; To protect our rights, property and safety or our consumers ; In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud and reducing the credit risk. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the United Kingdom but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your contact details, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Union), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website; sending this is at your own risk. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data – You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification – Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) – Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing – You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability – You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object – In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, click here. Right to lodge a complaint – If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Website Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any change that we will make in this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE The hereby Terms and Conditions apply to the website available at the address or any other URL address, area or subarea which might be used to host the website later on (hereafter the “Website”), as well as to any research made on the aforesaid Website, and/or any use by the visitor accessing the Website (hereafter the “User”). Any consultation, use or transmission of the Website shall imply User acceptance without reservation of Terms and Conditions hereafter defined. If you have any question or complaint, you can contact Webhelp here. The Website is processed by Webhelp SAS (hereafter “Webhelp”). Webhelp is the owner or rightful licensee of any components and contents protected by intellectual property rights and available on the Website. Data base, components, contents presentation and all the elements (texts, visuals, photographs, videos, database, etc.), trademarks, logos and area names, which appear on the Website included, are Webhelp property, and where appropriate the property of its partners, and are protected by intellectual property governing laws. The User is granted access to the Website and the pages in accordance with the proposed navigation. All the rights which are not expressly conceded by Webhelp are deemed to be reserved. No element incorporated in the Website shall be either partly or fully copied, reproduced, extracted from, modified, reedited, charged, denatured, transferred, displayed or distributed, on any support, without Webhelp prior written consent and shall be in compliance with the intellectual property rights and of any other right mentioned. Any unauthorised reproduction of any element of the Website, as well as any unauthorised extraction of data from the Website or from Website database is forbidden and may lead to judicial legal proceedings for counterfeit, unfair competition and damage to image among others. Where the use of Website elements is authorised through these Terms and Conditions and provided that the source and parenthood of such element is systematically mentioned, such a use should not end up to a denaturation, deterioration, modification, alteration in any manner as the case may be. Where applicable the following mention has to be visible on any authorised copy of any Website component: “Copyright 2018 – Webhelp all rights reserved” followed by a lien redirecting to Webhelp has no control over third-party website. The existence of hypertext link between the Website and a third-party website does not result in Webhelp giving any kind of guaranties or exercising any kind of responsibility over the content or usage which may be performed on this website. Webhelp shall in any case be separately or jointly held liable with the third-party website publisher whose hypertext links redirect to the Website or to which Website directs to through a hypertext link. More specifically Webhelp shall not be held liable of a third-party website content reachable from a Website page or third-party websites which redirect to a page of the Website through a hypertext link. Webhelp will make its best to remove Hypertext links pointing to any inappropriate content that you would notify us. For any additional information regarding Personal Data, cookies used by the Website and Users rights, the User may refer to the section “Website Privacy Policy” or “Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy”. Unless required by any mandatory legal provision, the website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Webhelp makes, and user receives, in connection with the use of the Website no other warranty, express or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Webhelp do not promise that the Website, or any content service or feature, including any information and documents downloaded by you are free of error or defects, or that the aforementioned will be corrected. The above exoneration can be completed by any provision of the Terms and Conditions. Unless contradicted by any mandatory legal provision, Webhelp disclaims any and all liability for any damage directly or indirectly suffered by the User or any third party, in connection with or related to the use of any component and content of this Website. Webhelp shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, material or immaterial damage such as, but not limited to loss of profit, loss of chance, loss customer, loss of data, loss of image and / or immaterial damage suffered by the User. Even though Webhelp has taken all the necessary steps to ensure the reliability of the information, services, software or products contained on the Site, it cannot be held liable for errors, omissions, viruses or results that could be obtained by misuse of these. Webhelp is actually held only by a simple obligation of means. The User declares and guarantees that they know the characteristics and the constraints of the Internet and in particular that the transmission of data and information on the Internet only enjoys a relative technical reliability, these circulating on heterogeneous networks with different technical characteristics and capabilities that disrupt access or make it impossible at certain times. Webhelp strives to keep the Website accessible 24/7, but is under no obligation to do so and therefore provides no guarantee of availability or permanent accessibility or performance. Webhelp and / or its suppliers may / may also interrupt their access, notably for reasons of maintenance and upgrading of the Site or its hosting infrastructure, or any other legitimate reason for Webhelp. Webhelp is in any case responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User or any third party. It is also recalled that Webhelp may terminate or modify the characteristics of the Website at any time and without notice. The User shall be the author or have secured the rights of any content published on the Website being reminded that (i) any publication on the Website equals authorization for Webhelp to reproduce and represent such a content and (ii) the User remains the only responsible for the content. In any event, the User is the only responsible of the contents he/she would be able to publish on the Website. Therefore, Webhelp rejects any liability regarding words and remarks that could be published on our Website. In particular, the User restrains from holding any unlawful, insulting, defamatory, xenophobic, discriminatory or obscene words as well as harming Privacy, Intellectual Property and rights relating to the personality. Webhelp reserves the right to remove any unlawful words without any notice or damages, without prejudice to any lawsuit against the author of such words. The User guarantees and hold Webhelp non-liable for any complaint, lawsuit or condemnation linked to data and content published by the User on the Website In any case Webhelp shall be held liable for any loss, deterioration or corruption of User’s Data linked to his/her contribution to the Website. Any information or advice from Webhelp shall not be seen as a guarantee and shall not have any contractual value. Besides, the User commits to publish contents that are neither malicious nor likely to harm the Website or its hosting infrastructure. Webhelp and/or its processor reserve the faculty to erase without prior notice or damage any content published by a User and harming or likely to harm the good working of the Website, without prejudice to potential lawsuits. Webhelp makes its best efforts to ensure the Website’s security in accordance with applicable rules within the industry. However, the User is aware of the risks inherent to the use of electronic communications and especially the risks linked to the Data delivery on the Internet. In a more general way, it is the User’s duty to implement all the usual protections linked to browsing. Therefore, Webhelp will not guarantee anything in that case. In any case, the User restrains from any reverse engineering or de-compiling attempt of any part of the website, from any fraudulent intrusion or attempt to fraudulent intrusion within the service system hosting the Website as well as in the software enabling its working; from any breach of trust, theft, erasure, misappropriation or non-authorised modification of the Website’s technical Data, subject to prosecution. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. Website’s publisher: WEBHELP SAS Registration number: 431977370 161, rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris +33 1 44 40 33 40 Web host: Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Lawfulness–Personal Data shall be collected and Processed with the Data Subject having given consent to the Processing or when Processing is legitimate or necessary in accordance with Applicable Data Protection Legislation; Fairness–Personal Data Processing shall take into account the specific circumstancesand context in which such Personal Data is Processed; Transparency-Information and communication relating to the Processing of Personal Data shall be easily accessible, easy to understand, clear and in plain and simple language; Purpose limitation–Personal Data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further Processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; Data minimisation–Collected Personal Data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are Processed Accuracy –Personal Data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that Personal Data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without undue delay; Storage limitation –Personal Data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is Processed or any other lawful retention; Integrity and confidentiality –Personal Data shall be Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the Personal Data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures; st|Protecting our people Supporting our clients Delivering growth International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Find out what country you match with Find out what it is like to work in your country of choice Dare the adventure in your favourite city! Say hi to your new lifestyle When in doubt, contact our friendly ambassadors Stay tuned for Meet Webhelpers Processor – Procedure for handling data subjects complaints Audit procedure Personal Data Breach Notification WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES ITALIA SRL WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES ITALIA SRL Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy 1. General principle 2. Personal data we may acquire from you 3. How long will we store your personal data? 4. Why do we collect your personal data? 5. How do we collect your personal data? 6. Cookies policy 7. Sharing personal data with third parties 8. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 9. Your rights 10. Changes linked to our privacy policy 10. Governing legislation 11. Contact Group Data Protection Officer 1. Personal data we may acquire from you 2. How long will we store your data? 3. Why do we collect your personal data? 4. How do we collect your data? 5. Cookies policy 6. Sharing personal data with third parties 7. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 8. Your rights 9. Changes linked to our website privacy policy 10. Contact Group Data Protection Officer Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h4|Terms and conditions and legal mentions 1. Intellectual property rights 2. Hypertext links 3. Personal data protection 4. Liability 5. Website availability 6. Contents 7. Security 8. Governing legislation 9. Legal notices h6|SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: juni 2020 during a pandemic by Webhelp Work Abroad Program by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp 1 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|For the past 20 years, we have thrived in challenging circumstances and strived to help our people achieve their goals. Despite the current pandemic, we know that international mobility is crucial to business growth and employee satisfaction. We encourage you to explore our and dream further than ever before! *N° Code Interbancaire (CIB) : 16518E – Insurance intermediary registration number ORIAS: 12 064 847 pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: maj 2020 by Emily Betham by Emily Betham Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: mars 2020 by bdm75bdm by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Niklas Edentoft har tagit an rollen som Head of Operations och ansvarig för kundservice-företaget Webhelp på Frösön. Webhelps nya Head of Operations Niklas Edentoft kommer från ett jobb som enhetschef i Östersunds kommun där han har varit anställd de senaste tre åren. Han är utbildad inom sociologi på Mittuniversitetet och har dessutom yrkesbakgrund som officer i Försvarsmakten med bland annat sex månader i Afghanistan. Webhelp har tidigare gått ut med att företaget planerar att växa i Östersund, och Edentoft bekräftar att rekryteringen kundservicemedarbetare fortsätter under hösten. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|För mer information, kontakta: Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: oktober 2019 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Att få driva och bygga upp en ny stor arbetsplats och verksamhet i Östersund är en jättespännande möjlighet som jag självklart tackade ja till när jag fick chansen, säger Niklas Edentoft, Head of Operations på Webhelp. Mitt jobb på Webhelp är otroligt givande på grund av alla människor som vi jobbar med, som vill utveckla och utvecklas med oss under resans gång, berättar Edentoft. Vi är otroligt glada för att ha rekryterat en så kompetent och erfaren ledare som Niklas till vårt Webhelp-team på Frösön, säger Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. Niklas’ passion för människor är en ”match made in heaven” för vår verksamhet på Webhelp. Vi delar våra värderingar kring ledarskap och ”människan först”-filosofin och jag är övertygat om at vi tillsammans bygger Östersunds bästa arbetsplats, avslutar Camilla Lundgren. pa|Paris-headquartered Webhelp, the European leader in customer experience and business solutions, today revealed its revamped brand platform, supported by an updated visual identity. The group’s new brand reunites the strengths of its collaborators in 36 countries today and plays a key role in its ambitions to grow to a global leadership position. The group’s new vision of “ ” is founded strongly on Webhelp’s existing company culture, as well as the role enterprises play in society and the rising desire of consumers to create emotional connections with the brands they engage with. No matter the activity in business, people are involved and therefore are the main focus of Webhelp’s brand. explains , co-founding President. ” The new brand identity, which has been built inside-out, in partnership with the brand experts at FutureBrand, showcases a warm, welcoming and vibrant visual system and color palette, and reflects the group’s people-first culture and game-changing mentality. Providing services to thousands of clients across the world with a wide range of Customer Experience and Business Solutions, the group puts its clients at the heart of its all its activities, thus forming true and lasting partnerships. , co-founding President adds States , Group Secretary General. About to celebrate its 20 anniversary, having grown from a challenger to top player in Europe, both through organic growth and acquisitions, Webhelp aims to maintain and accelerate its performance through its redefined vision and mission, together with the strong collaboration of its investment partners. Webhelp is currently in the final stages of negotiations with as new investment partner, stepping in for , and expects to announce the closing of the deal before the end of the year, after obtaining the regulatory authorizations required. We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. Webhelp believes that Emotional Intelligence creates a lasting impact, and their skill in marrying a differentiating human touch to the right technology is what makes a real difference for their clients. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 50,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 36 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp invests in people and the environment they work in, because they know that when people thrive, it has a powerful impact on them, their customers and on their partners’ business. Webhelp believes that making business more human leads to a better customer experience - and a healthier bottom line. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,4B in 2018, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and KKR, a leading global investment firm, as of March 2016. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Webhelp rings in its next phase of strategic development with new brand making business more human Olivier Duha Frédéric Jousset Sandrine Asseraf GBL KKR Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: september 2019 ********************************** by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|“At Webhelp we truly believe if you focus on the person in front of you, suddenly everything comes alive” “this holds for each connection built between a brand and a consumer, but just as strongly between employer and employee, client and provider. Helping hard things become easy takes empathy and imagination : “over the years we have continuously invested heavily in both enabling and matching our clients’ needs to technologically innovative solutions, as well as our people. We feel embracing technology is key, and it’s the people that deploy these tools that make the difference and take the experience to the next level.” “We are truly excited to reveal the new face of Webhelp, which better expresses who we are to the world, following an intense project of close to a year. We have engaged with stakeholders from all areas and levels of our business and believe we have created a vision and brand that’s built to last, as is shown through the enthusiasm of our new future shareholders at GBL regarding the outcomes of the project.” “ pa|GBL announces today it has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a majority stake in the Webhelp group, together with its co-founding shareholders, Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, who would retain their role as founding executive directors, and its management team. Founded in 2000, Webhelp is today one of the world's leading providers of customer experience and business process outsourcing (BPO). The group has doubled in size since the KKR acquisition in 2015 and aims to achieve a turnover of €1.5 billion in 2019. Webhelp develops innovative solutions combining consulting services, technological solutions and omni-channel processing capabilities thanks to its 55 000 employees in more than 35 countries. This performance is the result of an organic and external growth strategy that GBL aims to maintain and accelerate together with the strong collaboration of the co-founders and management. As a result of this transaction, GBL would acquire a majority stake in Webhelp on the basis of an enterprise value of €2.4 billion. It is expected that the legal documentation will be signed by the beginning of August for completion, after obtaining regulatory authorizations for use, within the course of Q4 2019. Ian Gallienne, CEO of GBL, said: " Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, said: Stanislas de Joussineau, Director at KKR said: Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ("GBL") is an established investment holding company, listed on the stock exchange for over sixty years and with an indicative net asset value of EUR 19 billion and a market capitalization of EUR 14 billion at the end of June 2019. GBL is a leading investor in Europe, focused on long-term value creation and relying on a stable and supportive family shareholder base. GBL strives to maintain a high quality, diversified portfolio of global companies, leaders in their sectors, with whom it can contribute to value creation as an active professional investor. GBL seeks to offer its shareholders an attractive return, resulting in a sustainable dividend and growth in its revalued net assets. GBL is listed on Euronext Brussels (Ticker: GBLB BB; ISIN code: BE0003797140) and is part of the BEL20 index. Webhelp is a global business process outsourcer (BPO), specialising in customer experience and payment services in addition to sales and marketing services across voice, social and digital channels. From more than 150 sites in 36 countries with an approximately 50,000-strong team, our focus is on engineering performance improvements and delivering a real and lasting transformation in our clients’ operating models to generate financial advantage. We partner with some of the world’s most progressive brands including Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors and Valentino. Headquartered in Paris, France, the company has grown its revenues by more than 250% in the last 4 years by investing in its people, the environment they work in and developing its analytical and operating capability to deliver a transformational outsourcing proposition that addresses the challenges of an omni-channel world. More information can be found at KKR is a leading global investment firm that manages multiple alternative asset classes, including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate and credit, with strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns for its fund investors by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and driving growth and value creation with KKR portfolio companies. KKR invests its own capital alongside the capital it manages for fund investors and provides financing solutions and investment opportunities through its capital markets business. References to KKR’s investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR’s website at and on Twitter @KKR_Co. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|About Groupe Bruxelles Lambert About Webhelp About KKR Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: juli 2019 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|We are enthusiastic to become a partner to Olivier Duha, Frédéric Jousset and the Management team in continuing the successful development of Webhelp, supporting the transition from a European Champion to a Global Leader. This transaction is consistent with GBL’s announced objective to increase its exposure to private assets.” “We thank KKR for its investment over the past 4 years and we welcome with confidence GBL in order to write together a new growth and investment phase. The management team has chosen to surround itself with a shareholder renowned for its longstanding support to companies with international ambitions such as Webhelp.” "We are proud to have been a partner for Olivier Duha, Frederic Jousset and the outstanding management team at Webhelp over the last four years to create one of the leading global business process outsourcers. During our ownership, Webhelp has doubled its revenues to €1.5 billion and increased its number of employees globally from 30,000 to over 50,000. We believe the company is strongly positioned for future growth and we wish Webhelp and GBL every continued success." pa|För sin nya samarbetspartner COMHEM anställer kundservice-företaget Webhelp 150 nya medarbetare. I början av april kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för etableringen av ytterligare ett kontor i Östersund i Diös’ lokaler på Fritzhemsgatan 1A. Nu har fler detaljer blivit klara. Till exempel står det klart att det är ett partnerskap med COMHEM som är bakgrunden för att Webhelp etablerar ett nytt kontor i Östersund i maj. Fram till dess pågår en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 150 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp och inte via bemanningsföretag. Utbildningar av nya medarbetare startar upp redan i maj månad. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Webhelps första kontor i Östersund finns på Armégränd där verksamheten fortsätter med full kraft. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Terje Andreassen, CEO på Webhelp, +46 70 226 42 85 Webhelps verksamhet i Sverige tillhör Webhelp Nordic inom Webhelp-koncernen och omfattar bland annat contact center och kundservice via telefon, e-post och chatt för företag som Nespresso, SJ, Cancerfonden, Bonnier och Electrolux med flera. Webhelps främsta resurs är det nätverk av medarbetare som arbetar som rådgivare och arbetar för att lösa problem, förklara och förenkla för kunder. Verksamheten inkluderar även konsulttjänster kring lösningar, analys, design och utveckling. I Sverige finns Webhelp etablerade i Stockholm, Norrköping, Göteborg, Kalmar, Östersund, Umeå, Ånge och Piteå. Webhelp är ett bolag med stark tillväxt - under 2018 blev Webhelp hela 50 000 medarbetare. Webhelp Nordic är medlem av branschföreningen Kontakta, och har fått certifieringen Trygg Kundkontakt för 2019. Skapar 150 nya arbetstillfällen under 2019 Webhelp har mycket goda erfarenheter och mycket goda relationer med såväl det lokala näringslivet som kommunerna i regionen. Planerna om en fortsatt expansion har funnits länge och nu har Webhelp hos Diös hittat fantastiska lokaler som är helt anpassade för verksamheten, där vi i tillägg får en makalös utsikt över storsjön. Webhelp, som är ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support, har redan tagit kontakt med både Östersunds kommun och arbetsförmedlingen för att förbereda den kommande rekryteringen. – Vi hoppas kunna presentera mer kring satsningen under våren, men vi öppnar upp för jobbansökningar redan nu, via vår webbplats, förklarar Camilla Lundgren. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Under de närmsta veckorna kommer Webhelp att bjuda in till öppna rekryteringsträffar där alla som är intresserade får chansen att träffa både medarbetare och ledare och ställa frågor. – Vi brukar få frågor om allt från kollektivavtal, vilka utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheter som finns på lite längre sikt, vår kultur och våra värderingar och om hur en arbetsdag på Webhelp ser ut, säger Camilla Lundgren och blickar framåt. Lundgren ser fram emot att träffa folk i Östersund med omnejd som vill arbeta med att göra vardagen smidigare och enklare för våra uppdragsgivares kunder. – Östersund är en central knutpunkt i Sverige, en region med goda kommunikationsmöjligheter, ett universitet som driver utvecklingen framåt och ett rikt näringsliv. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta vara en aktiv del i detta, säger Camilla Lundgren. – Det är naturligtvis väldigt roligt när ett långsiktigt samarbete kan ge sådan bra utdelning. Att vi får hit 150 nya arbetstillfällen betyder mycket både för kommunen och regionen, kommenterar Anders Wennerberg, kommundirektör i Östersund. - Det känns fantastiskt att kunna erbjuda Webhelp nya moderna lokaler i centrala Östersund. Satsningen bidrar till att fler människor kommer att röra sig i stan och att nya arbetstillfällen skapas är helt enligt vår plan och vårt sätt att bidra till utveckling för Östersund. Vi själva flyttar till nya lokaler på Prästgatan och det råder bråda tider så att vi båda kan vara på plats redan i mitten av maj, säger Johan Fryksborn, affärschef, Diös Östersund/Åre. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Stockholm 2019-04-10: Webhelps satsning i Östersund tar allt fastare form. Just nu pågår en omfattande rekryteringsprocess för att hitta 150 nya kundservice-medarbetare till företagets nya Östersundskontor. – Vi har kommit överens med COMHEM om att satsa i Östersund , berättar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. För mer information, kontakta: Webhelp i Sverige Webhelp Nordic etablerar ytterligare ett kontor på ny adress i Östersund och påbörjar en omfattande rekryteringsprocess. Planen är att anställa 150 nya medarbetare under våren. – Östersund ger oss fantastiska möjligheter för oss att växa, förklarar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Camilla Lundgren Terje Andreassen Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: april 2019 by Webhelp Kundansvarig på Webhelp +46 70 247 0081 CEO på Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|– Vi ser fram emot att utöka vår verksamhet i Östersund och bidra till utveckling och tillväxt i regionen. Eftersom kundkontakt är en så grundläggande kompetens som efterfrågas i enormt många verksamheter, är ett jobb på kundservice ett klokt och hållbart val för framtiden, berättar Lundgren. - Jag hoppas och tror att våra medarbetare kommer att trivas på vårt nya kontor, säger Camilla Lundgren. För mer information, kontakta: pa|Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Webhelp utvecklar smarta lösningar för att göra det smidigare att vara kund hos företag. Samarbetet och det långsiktiga partnerskapet med SJ utvecklas ständigt, och en förstudie togs fram tidigare under 2018. Webhelp firar invigningen med tårta och mingel måndagen den 3. september. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Den förstudie vi gjorde tillsammans med SJ pekade på ett behov för ökad grad av digitalisering och att ta fram bättre verktyg. Det jobbar vi med just nu, i tillägg till att vi självklart skall bli bättre känd med varandra och bidra till att den goda Webhelp-känslan växer på kundcentret i Ånge, lägger Andreassen till. st|Webhelp Nordic meddelade tidigare i år att företaget blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. – Vi är så glada över att flytta in här i Ånge, och vi känner oss redan varmt välkommna både här på kontoret och i regionen, säger Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: september 2018 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|, a leading global BPO and customer experience company, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of . Sellbytel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of . (NYSE: OMC). By joining forces with Sellbytel, Webhelp expands its geographic footprint in Europe, and adds an extensive list of international brands and value-added services to its portfolio. Following this acquisition, Webhelp Group forecasts a turnover of €1,3 billion for the end of 2018, supported by a team of 50.000 people, serving over 500 clients, in 35 countries. Sellbytel’s Barcelona office provides best in class multilingual operations with around 4,000 people working in more than 20 languages. This expertise has been extended to Kuala Lumpur and Puerto Rico as multilingual hubs serving the APAC region and the Americas. In addition to its complementary geographical footprint and multilingual expertise, Sellbytel enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas such as end-to-end solutions in B2B Sales and Support activities, as well as an innovative work-from-home model which currently employs over 500 people working for various clients. As part of Webhelp, Sellbytel will be able to build upon its strong expertise as a CRM BPO provider and will have access to a large variety of additional capabilities, an extensive geographical footprint adding nearshore capabilities for its clients, as well as expertise in areas like AI, analytics, omnichannel platforms, and specialized services provided by subsidiaries of Webhelp such as Telecats, Netino, and Webhelp Payment Services. and , Webhelp’s cofounders said, , founder of Sellbytel added, Sellbytel management will continue to be strongly involved in the future growth of the company and will provide continuity for the company’s clients while also being able to provide a more comprehensive range of services. Webhelp and Sellbytel expect to derive significant synergies from the transaction thanks to the enhanced expertise and capabilities of the combined group, through cross-pollination of services, and access to new regions and nearshoring models. Moving forward, Webhelp’s strategy is to continue to grow both organically and through acquisition over the coming years, both in terms of geographical expansion and the addition of new capabilities. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2018, subject to approval of the relevant regulatory authorities. Sellbytel Group is a provider of outsourced sales, service and support with operations in 28 centers across , , , and . More information can be found at . Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Acquisition strengthens Webhelp’s position in the European CRM BPO Market Webhelp Group Sellbytel Group Omnicom Group Inc Olivier Duha Frederic Jousset Michael Raum ABOUT SELLBYTEL Spain Germany Portugal Puerto Rico Malaysia Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: juni 2018 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|“This acquisition is not only a major step to strengthen our position in Europe, it is also a fantastic opportunity to broaden our service portfolio and our geographical coverage. After 18 years of uninterrupted growth, Webhelp is building upon its position as a leader in the CRM BPO industry. The fit with Sellbytel’s management has been a major strength supporting this deal and definitely has us excited about building this future together.” “We are proud of what’s been accomplished over the last 25 years with our partners at Omnicom and are very excited about our future with Webhelp. Sellbytel management is excited to team up with one of the most successful companies in our sector. Our cultural fit and our shared vision are key elements for our future success.” pa|Den 1 september tar Webhelp över verksamheten på servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Företaget ser SJ som en långsiktig strategisk partner. – Vi kommer till Ånge för att stanna och vi ser nu fram emot att lära känna medarbetarna och invånarna i regionen ännu bättre, säger Terje Andreassen och fortsätter: – Det ligger också i vår natur att driva på mot nästa steg. Vi vill och ska utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, i nära samarbete med SJ. Vi har gjort en förstudie tillsammans med dem som vi nu ser fram emot att omsätta i praktiken. Det handlar bland annat om att tillsammans med våra medarbetare öka graden av digitalisering och om att ta fram bättre styrningsverktyg. Från SJ:s sida välkomnas samarbetet. – Vi har haft en god dialog med Webhelp Nordic och gjort en noggrann utvärdering. De har varit lyhörda för våra tre grundläggande krav. Det här blir bra för våra kunder, det blir bra för SJ och det blir bra för våra medarbetare som nu erbjuds att fortsätta jobba kvar i Ånge. Vi får nu bättre förutsättningar att följa med i den snabba digitala utvecklingen och nå en än mer tillgänglig och stabil kundservice, säger SJs marknads- och försäljningsdirektör Thomas Silbersky. PARIS, 16 maj 2018 – Det ledande globala BPO- och kundupplevelseföretaget Webhelp bekräftar att förvärvet av en majoritetsandel i det ledande flerspråkiga nearshore-företaget Runway BPO har slutförts. Köpet av Runway, med huvudkontor i Riga i Lettland, ger Webhelp ytterligare nio flerspråkiga center med 1000 anställda i Lettland, och de nya länderna som tillkommer gruppen är: Estland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Dessutom tillkommer expertis inte bara i sektorer som resor och konsumentvaror men även inom aktiviteter som redovisning, IT och HR-outsourcing, vilket är ett perfekt komplement till Webhelps redan existerande portfölj. Runway firar 15-årsjubileum i år och har åtnjutit en stark tillväxt under grundaren Nils Sundling och VD:n Uldis Prieditis. Teamet som skapat företagets framgång kommer att vara kvar för att säkerställa att expertisen, kontakterna och lokalkännedomen bibehålls och utnyttjas för att maximera utvecklingsmöjligheterna i den nordiska regionen och i Europa. Detta förvärv är en del av Webhelps strategi för att aktivt sträva efter geografisk expansion såväl som att förstärka sin sektorspecifika expertis, och kommer att ge Webhelp möjligheten att erbjuda sina klienter tjänster från fyra nya länder, alla med stark flerspråkig kompetens. De senaste två åren har varit väldigt betydelsefulla för Webhelp. Stora nya klientförvärv, strategiska förvärv och engagemanget från det globala investmentbolaget KKR har markerat en verklig vändpunkt i Webhelps historia. Företaget är nu definitivt ett av de ledande i BPO-branschen. ________________________________________________________________ Webhelp är en global business process outsourcer (BPO), som specialiserar sig på kundupplevelse och betalningshantering bredvid försäljnings- och marknadsföringstjänster över röst-, sociala och digitala kanaler. Från över 110 platser i 33 länder med ett team på cirka 40 000 personer, ligger vårt fokus på att utforma prestationsförbättringar och att leverera en reell och varande omvandling av våra klienters driftsmodeller för att generera finansiella fördelar. Vi samarbetar med några av världens mest framstående varumärken, inklusive Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors och Valentino. Företaget har sitt huvudkontor i Paris i Frankrike, och har ökat sina intäkter med över 250% de senaste fyra åren genom att investera i sin personal, miljön de arbetar i och genom att utveckla sin analytiska och operativa förmåga att leverera omvandlande outsourcingförslag som hanterar utmaningarna i en omnikanal-värld. Webhelp ägs av sin ledning och KKR, ett ledande globalt investmentbolag, från och med mars 2016. Mer information finns på Runway grundades 2003 av Nils Sundling och har blivit den ideala nearshoring-partnern för skandinaviska och andra europeiska företag som behöver outsourcingtjänster. Runway BPO är ett BPO-tjänstföretag med allt inkluderat, som har kapaciteten att leverera en mängd outsourcingtjänster som är individuellt utformade för varje klients särskilda behov och krav. För tillfället betjänar Runway sina klienter med över 1000 medarbetare från nio platser i fem länder – Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Mer information finns på Avendus Capital agerade som exklusiv finansiell rådgivare åt Runway, medan Webhelp rådgavs av sitt juridiska och finansiella team på DLA Piper, Jeremy Scemama, Elise Aubert, och Julien Berger. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Webhelp Nordic blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Sedan tidigare ansvarar Webhelp för SJ:s service center i Östersund, med 45 medarbetare. – Vi är glada över att kunna fördjupa vårt samarbete med SJ och tillsammans med dem utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, berättar Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Förvärvet av ledande flerspråkiga kundupplevelseföretaget Runway BPO har slutförts Frédéric Jousset, medgrundare av Webhelp, sade: Uldis Prieditis, VD för Runway BPO, sade: Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: maj 2018 by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|”Runway är ett ypperligt företag med en stark tradition i att leverera förstklassiga kundupplevelser till skandinaviska och internationella klienter. Vi är väldigt entusiastiska inför att förena våra krafter med företaget, dess ledningsteam och anställda för att utvidga Webhelps globala fotavtryck och stötta företaget på den skandinaviska marknaden med de resurser som finns tillgängliga i vår grupporganisation och från våra investerare.” ”Ända sedan Runway etablerades för 15 år sedan har vi drivits av ambitionen att bli en välkänd och ansedd samarbetspartner på den skandinaviska BPO-marknaden med ett starkt fokus på ypperliga CRM-upplevelser, särskilt med avseende på levererad kvalitet och tillhandahållande av skräddarsydda lösningar. Våra ansträngningar har resulterat i långvariga partnerskap med våra klienter, där många har varit med oss i över tio år nu, och ett fantastiskt team med över 1000 enastående medarbetare som arbetar för våra klienter varje dag. Vår ambition är nu att även expandera internationellt. Med detta fokus passar ett ägarbyte till Webhelp Group perfekt för företaget, dess klienter och anställda. De ökade tillväxtmöjligheterna kommer att ge högre sysselsättning och erfarenhetsutbytet kring best practice med våra systerföretag inom den internationella gruppen kommer att hjälpa oss föra Runway till en ännu högre nivå.” pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A LEVER TO INCREASE HUMAN CAPITAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - THE ADVISOR AT THE CENTRE OF OUR APPROACH Automation of the conversation Automation of advisor coaching Automation of processes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AUTOMATION INITIATIVES CURRENT BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE [ Example of usage: IMAGE RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT MYSTUDIOFACTORY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL REDEFINE THE "DATA MARKET" THE OVEREXPOSURE OF DATA: A REALISATION AI, SPEARHEAD OF A TRANSPARENT, RESPONSIBLE AND SECURE DATA ECONOMY EUROPE WILL BE THE LEADER OF THE DATA MARKET THE DATA ECONOMY IN 2025 – IDC ESTIMATES Strong AI Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: april 2018 [PROSPECTIVE OUTLOOK] As European market leader in customer experience, we are conscious that Artificial Intelligence is going to transform our sector in a lasting way. Moreover, our current use of Artificial Intelligence strengthens our conviction that this technology will help us to improve customer service, both to the benefit of advisors and to better meet the expectations of brands and their customers. We are already seeing a new concept emerge: that of the augmented agent. We are also convinced that this technology will heavily underscore what is at stake in the data services market. Through consumer expectations and regulatory oversight this market will provide companies and individuals the opportunity to better define their respective rights and obligations, but also to integrate the concepts of transparency, responsibility and security, conditions that are fundamental to the development of our operations. According to Transparency Market Research, the global AI market today is worth 126 billion USD, and is projected to grow to 3 trillion USD by 2024. Currently adoption has been driven by companies that are already mature in terms of digital transformation and data usage. Where as to date much of the attention about AI technology has focused upon the US and China we strongly believe that Europe is emerging as leaders in the field in terms of expertise, investment and public policy. AI is attracting great deal of Buzz, with some recent applications feeling like gimmicks. Behind the buzz however AI is a real economic phenomenon with significant implications for all aspects of society and business. Whether it’s the increased accuracy of medical diagnoses, autonomous vehicles on our roads, protecting us against fraud or fake news or using our faces for authentication AI is already making its presence felt. Nevertheless, AI cannot currently function without humans; for the moment, it is best suited to assisting people and improving their experiences. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT THE SERVICE OF HUMANS Transformation map published online by the World Economic Forum, illustrating AI's contribution in terms of human assistance. Source: World Economic Forum (2017) AI today, and what it promises in terms of automation, underlines the need for a repositioning of human interaction with technology. As the scientist Joël de Rosnay describes, artificial intelligence represents the beginnings of a new world, built on "augmented collective intelligence". Seen as a catalyst for individual competencies, AI will still place the advisor at the heart of Customer Relations, and allow the automation of repetitive processes and tasks. In a few years, the Customer Relations role has changed from being 100% face to face or phone based to a diverse, omni-channel means of managing interaction between organisations and their customers. This requires constant adapting to changing customers' needs and preferences. As a Group Webhelp handles around 2 million conversations every day, across all channels, on behalf of our clients and partners. We expect this traffic is to grow and to evolve in terms of its nature and purpose, creating opportunities for AI on several levels. This technology constitutes a productivity lever for all employees, benefiting brands and their customers. Conscious of the opportunities that it can create and impacts that it can have on our activities, we have made Artificial Intelligence an investment priority in terms of innovation. [VALUE PROPOSITION] At Webhelp, we examine new technologies to assess their potential in terms of customer experience and productivity. The customer service of tomorrow must operate as a platform: an agile and open structure that blends human and technology capabilities to adapt to the evolving needs of brands and customers, allowing companies to remain competitive in rapidly changing markets. This thinking drives our innovation projects connected to Artificial Intelligence and Automation, we place the relationship between agents and technology at the heart of what we do. Working in front of the Agent we deploy automated conversational solutions, , , and (using technologies such as Alexa and Google Home) that interact directly with the customer (pre-qualification of needs, automation of questions/responses and self-care). Working alongside the Agent as they engage with customers, automated virtual assistants interact with our advisors, supporting them with contextual knowledge, personalised coaching and suggested responses. For example, we are working with a that determines what the customer is asking within an email and suggests the best response which is validated by the agent or even sent directly to the customer. Working behind the agent process automation robots can execute high-volume repetitive tasks using tools such as activities (identification, creation of tickets, reply/follow-up emails, etc.) and (automation of back-office and administrative tasks,) and (automated real-time monitoring of contact volumes and identifying the root-cause of unplanned demand and recommending corrective actions). Map of projects connected to Artificial Intelligence and Automation at Webhelp. Source: Webhelp - Global Innovation (2017) Many of the technologies underlying AI are already being used within Customer Relations, such as Speech Analytics (speech recognition and processing), Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation, Machine Learning (for modeling and prediction), Robotic Process Automation (for back-office processes) CONCRETE EXAMPLES] At Webhelp, our approach to innovation is very empirical; we test ideas internally before recommending solutions to our clients. To this end, our Global R&D efforts are currently focused on: The partial automation of conversations, advisor coaching and processes Automated omni-channel assistance, available 24/7 An improvement in predictive analyses to better anticipate customers' needs and define optimal engagement strategies More sophisticated data analysis processes to better understand customers and increase their satisfaction Improvements in the identification and security of transactions The protection and security of processed data Through our subsidiaries, we are currently developing projects relating to speech and image recognition and processing. SPEECH RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT TELECATS Webhelp’s R&D efforts in the field of speech recognition and processing are being led by Telecats, a specialist speech technologies business acquired by Webhelp in 2017 and reflect our view that these capabilities are of increasing importance as a major player in BPO and Customer Relations. Speech-based communications (phone calls) remain the single largest channel, and Speech analytics allows us to analyse calls historically and in real time on the basis of conversation content, quality and sentiment. Source: Webhelp - Global Innovation (2017) Image recognition and processing offers the possibility of creating new, richer, more immersive and personalised digital experiences. For example, MyStudioFactory, Webhelp’s specialist digital agency have developed an application that will allow the user to visualise in real-time what they would look like if they changed their hair or make-up colour using AI and image rendering technology . Using AI capabilities such as , and advanced image processing allows us to support our clients to benefit from the opportunities presented by new technologies on one hand, and a richer and more personalised conversation with an expert advisor on the other. From the perspective of the customer, AI allows for a richer experience by strengthening the engagement between customers and brands. The brand can now offer 24/7 support conversations via a chatbot and offer personalised responses thanks to the ability of AI to analyse and understand the customers intention and how best to respond to it. The ability for technology to learn and be taught has the potential to support and benefit the customer throughout their journey. In the market, numerous case studies illustrate the use cases for these technological solutions. For example, the use of connected to AI has allowed the American media group Comcast to launch a program that detects subscribers' need for a visit from a technician to resolve connection problems. Initial indications are that the application can detect up to 90% of incidents. This would allow the saving of roughly 10 million dollars in unnecessary visits and technicians' time. Local energy supplier, Drift, based in Seattle, uses AI to predict its users' electricity needs, by collecting different kinds of data, such as working hours and internet usage. The service offered is reviewed every day, allowing the purchase of local energy in line with daily usage. There is even image recognition modules connected to that have allowed the creation of a chatbot that detects users' emotions. And we are just getting started. At the Netexplo Forum 2017, the inventor of Siri stated that AI's current capabilities are limited to weak* AI, and that, we were not yet at the stage of strong AI without human interaction. It is therefore vital that we reflect on strong AI in the long term and act on weak AI in the short term. Doing so allows us to serve brands and their customers' needs in an agile way. For example, by using techniques, a contact centre can project call volumes in order to optimise call response times. By bringing together all these technologies on one platform, we can also create a virtual command centre, a dashboard that will offer an overview of a centre's activities, capable of analysing the situation in an automated way and providing assistance to advisors in real time. [THE NEW DATA ECOSYSTEM] The real challenge of AI lies in the creation of an ethical model relating to data quality, which determines their value and processing. Whether the data is being processed by a human or by AI, what is important remains the same: the customer's voice. Companies able to structure, 'intelligently' use and secure data will give themselves a decisive competitive advantage. The truly impactful factor is the explosion in volumes brought about by automation; Customer Relations actors must now do their utmost to control huge quantities of data in order to continue to be trusted third parties. This new method of data processing will require companies to be more transparent and responsible. We are seeing this already in security breaches resulting in data leaks; it is not a question of reputation, but a duty of transparency that is the concern. Every responsible company must show towards its partners, that is to say their duty to implement internal mechanisms and procedures demonstrating adherence to data protection rules. Certainly, AI increases our understanding of customers, however, it also puts them more at risk with all the data collected on them in a systematic and automated way. We can understand the doubt and indeed the concern held by some regarding the free will that can be exercised by machines without human interference. Take for example the racist Twitter posts by 'Tay', the untrained Microsoft chatbot, who ill-intentioned users were able to corrupt. It is humans who will control developments and systems, all the more so in the case of ‘weak’ AI technology. The risks will accumulate, since it will be necessary to ensure that the information systems storing the data produced by new AI technologies and connected objects are reliable, and that their use conforms to the data collection purpose. We have seen it recently with Strava Labs, the fitness application with geolocation, used by professional athletes and the military to map their training. A researcher showed that public data being recorded in the app made it possible to identify the routes taken by military personnel in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, a useful source of information for terrorists. Certainly, AI will help to make cyber security more reliable, however, human vigilance and the ethical practices of different actors (companies, users) will play an essential role. At the risk of going against the tide of fears and risks raised by some experts in the field, we have the personal conviction that AI will not only strengthen human capital, but will also contribute to establishing a structured and responsible data economy. Every individual will gradually become aware of the value of their data and their right to informational self-determination, outlined in the EU regulation which gives the individual the right to determine how and for what purposes their data are used. We may soon see the arrival of more targeted customer expectations, in the spirit of, "I am giving you my data, but in exchange, I want a personalised service from the brand to whom I am bestowing the right to use my data". We must anticipate and prepare for this. This data will hold a monetary value which will no longer be attributed by the brand alone, but also by the customer themselves. We are seeing, for example, such as Génération Libre, led by Gaspard Koening, which allows internet users to take back control of their personal data by deciding to either sell or keep them. And, as Customer Relations specialists, we will be responsible for managing this data. In fact, beyond the 'intelligent' and automated management of tasks by the programs used, AI processes, structures and creates new data. In a way, we are moving out of the era of , where we focused on how to structure and analyse this mountain of data, to the era of ' ', where we look at how to use the data and guarantee . There is now a need for transparency with regard to the customer. If we want to offer them a quality service, we need to better understand them by analysing their data. The more data there is on an individual, the more personalised and varied the service they receive will be. Nevertheless, the customer will have the right to decide whether or not to share their data, according to their view of the transparency and security of the trusted third party. This is what we need to work on together with the brands, this guarantee regarding the purpose of the data processing and the security of the data. This investment in data extends to their protection, and Europe will have a powerful tool at its disposal when the GDPR (EU regulation on the Protection of Personal Data) comes into force on 25 May 2018. This regulation aims to secure guarantees regarding the processing and protection of this data at the European level and will allow actors in the region to generate profits from the data economy in a controlled way. Certainly, some proclaim the supremacy of the US and China in advances in AI, however, until their data markets offer a regulation identical to that of the EU, the data economy's centre of gravity will very quickly position itself in Europe and in all the countries and companies that have taken these commitments into account, in particular by putting in place . Some of the GAFA companies have recognised this and started to position themselves, like Facebook for example, who last January announced the opening of a global privacy centre to respond to the demands of the GDPR in particular. Of course, every actor must take a pragmatic approach in line with the realities of our operations. - In 2025, the quantity of data produced will reach 163 zettabytes (a billion gigabytes), 10 times the quantity produced in 2016 (16.1 zettabytes) - Only 15% of this data will be indexed and only one fifth will be analysed - 20% of the data will be essential in our daily lives - Around 90% of the data produced will require protection (confidentiality, secret, private, conformity) - Only one quarter of the data will be protected Source: translated from “Data Age 2025: The Evolution of Data to Life-Critical, Don’t Focus on Big Data; Focus on the Data That’s Big” - Sponsored by Seagate – IDC White Paper © 2017 BCRs (BINDING CORPORATE RULES), WHAT ARE THEY? A service company's BCRs constitute a code of good conduct for their client and a guarantee for the end user. They allow the transfer of data out of the European area, including to countries without adequate data processing and protection rules while maintaining the benefit of BCRs. With the GDPR, data protection will be standardised across the European Union, however, BCRs will offer an additional guarantee for multinational groups, who put the processing and security of data at the heart of their strategy. BCRs for subcontracting companies who manage data transfers on behalf of their client and on the instructions of someone in charge of data processing have existed since 2013. The process of having BCRs validated by the competent authority (CNIL in France, or the official data protection authority of any other country) is very demanding and includes 8 stages, however, it offers an additional guarantee for the client. Today, only around 80 groups have BCRs, which is not very many, particularly when you consider that there are around 500 European companies in the Forbes Global 2000 ranking. * is defined as: AI that aims to replicate human behaviour as closely as possibly, by beginning a program with simple intentions and then developing it towards more complex actions. This AI will have autonomy, even a conscience. by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|(Catherine Fauchoux – Global Innovation Research Manager) (Sebastien Vassort - Head of Global Products & Services Innovation) chatbots voicebots digital assistants Mailbot Desktop Automation Robotics Process Automation Real Time Operations Alerting (David Pattman – Global Innovation Director) Legend's translation: the system analyses the customer’s speech (tone, emotion, words, etc.) and suggests to the advisor what tone and words to use. This automated coaching allows the advisor to adapt to the customer and personalise the response. Machine Learning Deep Learning machine learning deep learning machine learning (Boris Paulin – Data Protection Officer) accountability think tanks Big Data Valued Data Data Privacy Binding Corporate Rules pa|—these four letters are inescapable as we begin the year 2018. Amid concerns, both real and imagined, and contradicting opinions, the Webhelp Group, in collaboration with all parties involved, chose an innovative, pragmatic, and straightforward approach to the challenge. There is no denying that the relationship from economic players and individuals to personal data is undergoing change. The nature of this change forces those working in Customer Relationship Management to walk a tightrope, trying to balance legitimate needs which are often at odds with one another. On one side, consumers rightfully require that their data be used only to provide them with services they have signed up for; on the other, the need for customised, speedy, and relevant response calls for a more holistic approach to data usage. Indeed, we all know how unpleasant it is as a customer to have to repeat your requests over and over again… This dichotomy is brought at the forefront of Webhelp’s GDPR programme. For many years, we have been at the forefront of strategic thinking regarding the future of Customer Experience - and we have become convinced that meeting the challenges and expectations regarding privacy protection depends on “ .” Today's digital world creates and circulates an impressive amount of data, with some sources quoting a figure of 163 zetabits (that is, 163 billion gigabits) for the year 2025, a ten-fold increase relative to levels processed in 2016. Each person generates data voluntarily and often also involuntarily. When a form is filled in online, or when a user sends a text message, is filmed outdoors by a video-surveillance system, browses the web, or agrees to their data being transferred across platforms, data is generated. Almost 85% of that data has no real use. Of the remaining 15%, only one-fifth is usable –so less than 1% of all that data captured! Despite this, a sizable amount of data remains, traces of their presence in the digital or physical world. This reality can no longer be ignored. Indeed, it is the subject of the protection afforded by European regulation, and of the integration of the latter into the Webhelp Group business. Customer Relationship is based on loyalty toward the consumer. We must provide a service that meets valid consumer expectations, in the best interest of our customer. From a variety of technological environments, Webhelp handles about 2 million conversations each day, across all channels. Those interactions may be saved to allow for continuous service quality improvement and to provide the responses consumers require. By adapting to the customer context and creating on-demand solutions, Webhelp brings its expertise and know-how to its principals and their customers. However, being so fully involved in those relationships, Webhelp recognized that we cannot remain systematically neutral with regards to the processing of personal data. Our efforts started years ago within the Webhelp Group, when it very quickly became apparent that a global effort would be required to ensure respect for consumer privacy. This effort has put us at the forefront of thinking around GDPR. As we emphasize in our BCR (Binding Corporate Rules): “We believe protecting personal data is not just a matter of security or compliance with the law, but above all a matter of collective and individual obligation.” This ambitious approach has been the principle guiding the Webhelp Group's action for several years, and it has been transposed to our successful innovations with Chatbots, Speech Analytics (Speech Recognition and Processing), and Machine Learning for work volume forecasting, etc. We have, in each of those projects, worked toward minimizing the amount of data used, while carefully monitoring the impact those projects might have on privacy. These improvements are based on solving the dichotomy discussed earlier. We use data to meet the dual legitimacy of consumer requirements - but we only use relevant data, and strictly for achieving positive outcomes for our principals and their customers. From a risk-based analysis, data processing and the relationship we create based on that data became an opportunity for expanding the services we provide to our customers. This relationship is what lies at the core of Webhelp Group's “Privacy” initiative. Customer Relationship Management is actually tripartite, with strong links between the various partners. On one side, the principal client: like every business, it has a life of its own, counting on its partners' expertise for support and advice. This is where BPO players, such as Webhelp, are especially relevant. We must be in tune with our client's expectations and ultimately provide the most accurate, respectful yet relevant service possible to the consumer. Consumers are at the center of that relationship, its purpose, and their satisfaction is absolutely necessary. In this tripartite relationship, there are key moments when consumers interact with the Customer Relationship Management provider. It is exactly at these moments that the strength of the relationship between consumer and brand is activated—a “third moment of truth,” in Marketing—crucial for brand image and loyalty. In such a decisive setting, there is no room for error, and the consumer demands service that is tailored to them as an individual – but that also respects their privacy and integrity in the use of their personal data. At those times, an approach consistent with legitimate consumer expectations must be employed, and the strategy regarding data processing is crucial. Without going as far as providing an extensive list, GDPR strongly strengthens obligations of transparency and information disclosure for consumers. Consumers must be made aware of, and in some instances, agree to the methods and means implemented to respond to their needs. This effort is now the responsibility of the principal and the BPO players, who must together reflect this requirement to the consumer. An example of practical implementation is the creation of both dedicated and shared GDPR teams, which will respond to consumer requests starting May 25 , 2018, as well as the use of KYC systems to identify the person making an access request. It is upon this framework, both legal and pragmatic, that our initiative to create a virtuous model based on data quality is founded. By understanding and anticipating consumer needs and by providing a coordinated, accurate, and transparent approach, Webhelp is building, alongside the brands for which we work, this new relationship with data. Data usage must from now on be regarded no longer as a risk, but as an opportunity to provide optimal service. This endeavor is defined by a shared assessment, determination of processes, documentation, and transparency. This common effort, driven by the principal and with Webhelp's support through the services we offer, will shape the future of Customer Relationships. Together we will successfully navigate the journey from the age of Big Data to the age of Valued Data – an age in which brands and CRM players will continue to be able to take advantage of the possibilities that contextual data provides in delivering a personalised service for the individual consumer, whilst also successfully ensuring the right levels of respect for consumer rights and expectations. Data Protection Officer - Webhelp General Data Protection Regulation – European regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27 , 2016 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|GDPR creating a virtuous model based on data quality Rethinking Our Relationship with Data Creating a Virtuous Cycle in Customer Relationship Management Boris Paulin Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: mars 2018 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|—these four letters are inescapable as we begin the year 2018. Amid concerns, both real and imagined, and contradicting opinions, the Webhelp Group, in collaboration with all parties involved, chose an innovative, pragmatic, and straightforward approach to the challenge. There is no denying that the relationship from economic players and individuals to personal data is undergoing change. The nature of this change forces those working in Customer Relationship Management to walk a tightrope, trying to balance legitimate needs which are often at odds with one another. On one side, consumers rightfully require that their data be used only to provide them with services they have signed up for; on the other, the need for customised, speedy, and relevant response calls for a more holistic approach to data usage. Indeed, we all know how unpleasant it is as a customer to have to repeat your requests over and over again… This dichotomy is brought at the forefront of Webhelp’s GDPR programme. For many years, we have been at the forefront of strategic thinking regarding the future of Customer Experience – and we have become convinced that meeting the challenges and expectations regarding privacy protection depends on “ .” Today’s digital world creates and circulates an impressive amount of data, with some sources quoting a figure of 163 zetabits (that is, 163 billion gigabits) for the year 2025, a ten-fold increase relative to levels processed in 2016. Each person generates data voluntarily and often also involuntarily. When a form is filled in online, or when a user sends a text message, is filmed outdoors by a video-surveillance system, browses the web, or agrees to their data being transferred across platforms, data is generated. Almost 85% of that data has no real use. Of the remaining 15%, only one-fifth is usable –so less than 1% of all that data captured! Despite this, a sizable amount of data remains, traces of their presence in the digital or physical world. This reality can no longer be ignored. Indeed, it is the subject of the protection afforded by European regulation, and of the integration of the latter into the Webhelp Group business. Customer Relationship is based on loyalty toward the consumer. We must provide a service that meets valid consumer expectations, in the best interest of our customer. From a variety of technological environments, Webhelp handles about 2 million conversations each day, across all channels. Those interactions may be saved to allow for continuous service quality improvement and to provide the responses consumers require. By adapting to the customer context and creating on-demand solutions, Webhelp brings its expertise and know-how to its principals and their customers. However, being so fully involved in those relationships, Webhelp recognized that we cannot remain systematically neutral with regards to the processing of personal data. Our efforts started years ago within the Webhelp Group, when it very quickly became apparent that a global effort would be required to ensure respect for consumer privacy. This effort has put us at the forefront of thinking around GDPR. As we emphasize in our BCR (Binding Corporate Rules): “We believe protecting personal data is not just a matter of security or compliance with the law, but above all a matter of collective and individual obligation.” This ambitious approach has been the principle guiding the Webhelp Group’s action for several years, and it has been transposed to our successful innovations with Chatbots, Speech Analytics (Speech Recognition and Processing), and Machine Learning for work volume forecasting, etc. We have, in each of those projects, worked toward minimizing the amount of data used, while carefully monitoring the impact those projects might have on privacy. These improvements are based on solving the dichotomy discussed earlier. We use data to meet the dual legitimacy of consumer requirements – but we only use relevant data, and strictly for achieving positive outcomes for our principals and their customers. From a risk-based analysis, data processing and the relationship we create based on that data became an opportunity for expanding the services we provide to our customers. This relationship is what lies at the core of Webhelp Group’s “Privacy” initiative. Customer Relationship Management is actually tripartite, with strong links between the various partners. On one side, the principal client: like every business, it has a life of its own, counting on its partners’ expertise for support and advice. This is where BPO players, such as Webhelp, are especially relevant. We must be in tune with our client’s expectations and ultimately provide the most accurate, respectful yet relevant service possible to the consumer. Consumers are at the center of that relationship, its purpose, and their satisfaction is absolutely necessary. In this tripartite relationship, there are key moments when consumers interact with the Customer Relationship Management provider. It is exactly at these moments that the strength of the relationship between consumer and brand is activated—a “third moment of truth,” in Marketing—crucial for brand image and loyalty. In such a decisive setting, there is no room for error, and the consumer demands service that is tailored to them as an individual – but that also respects their privacy and integrity in the use of their personal data. At those times, an approach consistent with legitimate consumer expectations must be employed, and the strategy regarding data processing is crucial. Without going as far as providing an extensive list, GDPR strongly strengthens obligations of transparency and information disclosure for consumers. Consumers must be made aware of, and in some instances, agree to the methods and means implemented to respond to their needs. This effort is now the responsibility of the principal and the BPO players, who must together reflect this requirement to the consumer. An example of practical implementation is the creation of both dedicated and shared GDPR teams, which will respond to consumer requests starting May 25 , 2018, as well as the use of KYC systems to identify the person making an access request. It is upon this framework, both legal and pragmatic, that our initiative to create a virtuous model based on data quality is founded. By understanding and anticipating consumer needs and by providing a coordinated, accurate, and transparent approach, Webhelp is building, alongside the brands for which we work, this new relationship with data. Data usage must from now on be regarded no longer as a risk, but as an opportunity to provide optimal service. This endeavor is defined by a shared assessment, determination of processes, documentation, and transparency. This common effort, driven by the principal and with Webhelp’s support through the services we offer, will shape the future of Customer Relationships. Together we will successfully navigate the journey from the age of Big Data to the age of Valued Data – an age in which brands and CRM players will continue to be able to take advantage of the possibilities that contextual data provides in delivering a personalised service for the individual consumer, whilst also successfully ensuring the right levels of respect for consumer rights and expectations. Data Protection Officer – Webhelp General Data Protection Regulation – European regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27 , 2016 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|28th mars 2018 In , By st|GDPR creating a virtuous model based on data quality Rethinking Our Relationship with Data Creating a Virtuous Cycle in Customer Relationship Management Boris Paulin Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) GDPR: rethinking our relationship with data | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Anställer mer än 300 nya medarbetare I mitten av januari kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för en expansion i Norrköping. Nu står det klart att företaget ingår ett samarbete med Telenor. - Vi är stolta över att gå in i detta partnerskap med Telenor. Vi är redan igång med en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 300 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp Nordic och inte via bemanningsföretag, säger Sofia Stridh, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Telenor Sverige är en helhetsleverantör av telekommunikationstjänster, med drygt 2,6 miljoner mobilabonnenter, cirka 650 000 fiber- och bredbandskunder och en halv miljon tv-kunder. - Det här är ett steg i vårt arbete för att få Sveriges nöjdaste kunder. En kundservice i världsklass är otroligt viktigt för att vi ska nå våra strategiska mål och för att vi fortsatt ska kunna hjälpa våra kunder med smarta lösningar för en smidigare vardag. Vi ser fram emot att arbeta för detta tillsammans med Webhelp i Norrköping, säger Ulrika Steg, affärsområdeschef Channels på Telenor Sverige. Webhelp Nordic söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till verksamheten som håller till i Pronova-huset. Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic: 070-226 42 85 Sofia Stridh, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic: 070-557 27 83 Kristin Wester, tf. presschef på Telenor Sverige 08-41 01 00 40 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Webhelps satsning i Norrköping tar nu fart Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: februari 2018 by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|För mer information, kontakta: pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th maj 2020 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Invires | | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th maj 2020 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Telecats | | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Month: juni 2020 by Webhelp 2 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Emily Betham by Emily Betham by Emily Betham Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi är ett globalt community av flexibla Webhelpers som sporras av att skapa förändring, oavsett var vi befinner oss. Vi är ett globalt community av flexibla Webhelpers som sporras av att skapa förändring, oavsett var vi befinner oss. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Webhelp i din region Sweden li|Webhelp i din region st|49 Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) En global familj av game changers En global familj av game changers 160+ olika platser länder Land och stad filter Välj en stad för kontaktinformation Utforska världen genom våra jobberbjudanden Vår mångsidiga portfölj talar för sig själv Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Vi är rätt val för ditt företag – ta kontakt med oss Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Vi är rätt val för ditt företag – ta kontakt med oss Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Ett team specialiserat på att hjälpa aktörer inom sjukvårdssektorn att möta sina nuvarande utmaningar. En dålig efterlevnad av behandlingar har associerats med ett ökat antal patienter med multikroniska sjukdomar. Dessa paraleller har bidragit till försämrare patientresultat och ökade vårdkostnader. Att förbättra efterlevnanden av behandlingar blir en nyckelprioritet för vårdaktörer för att balansera kostnaderna för sjukvården. Läkemedelsföretag måste klara pressen från regeringar att begränsa sjukvårdskostnaderna. I Europa sjunker tillväxttakten och är värderad till 1-4% under de nästa fem åren, jämfört med tidigare år som låg på 5%. I detta sammanhang är effektivitet, lönsamhet och innovativa tillvägagångsätt nödvändiga för att säkerställa en hållbar tillväxt inom branschen. 90% av dagens topp-20 läkemedel i världen kommer att konkurrera mot ett generiskt eller en biosimilar kopia innan 2023. Intäktsförlusten beräknas till nästan 120 miljarder dollar på marknaderna i utvecklade länder (2019-2023). En förkorttning av perioden med aktiv marknadsföring av Rx-produkter kräver både offensiva och effektiva kommersiella strategier. Regeringar, patienter och HCP:s förväntar sig alla att läkemedelsföretag kommer att ge mervärde för hälsoprodukter, vilket innebär att man erbjuder ett komplett utbud av tjänster under hela produktens livscykel. Mervärdestjänster som ptientsupportprogram är den nya förväntade modellen: vetenskapliga projekt med MSL, webbkonferanser med KOL, mobilappar för vårdpersonal och patienter, läkemedelsleverans, patientstödsprogram etc. En dålig efterlevnad av behandlingar har associerats med ett ökat antal patienter med multikroniska sjukdomar. Dessa paraleller har bidragit till försämrare patientresultat och ökade vårdkostnader. Att förbättra efterlevnanden av behandlingar blir en nyckelprioritet för vårdaktörer för att balansera kostnaderna för sjukvården. Läkemedelsföretag måste klara pressen från regeringar att begränsa sjukvårdskostnaderna. I Europa sjunker tillväxttakten och är värderad till 1-4% under de nästa fem åren, jämfört med tidigare år som låg på 5%. I detta sammanhang är effektivitet, lönsamhet och innovativa tillvägagångsätt nödvändiga för att säkerställa en hållbar tillväxt inom branschen. 90% av dagens topp-20 läkemedel i världen kommer att konkurrera mot ett generiskt eller en biosimilar kopia innan 2023. Intäktsförlusten beräknas till nästan 120 miljarder dollar på marknaderna i utvecklade länder (2019-2023). En förkorttning av perioden med aktiv marknadsföring av Rx-produkter kräver både offensiva och effektiva kommersiella strategier. Regeringar, patienter och HCP:s förväntar sig alla att läkemedelsföretag kommer att ge mervärde för hälsoprodukter, vilket innebär att man erbjuder ett komplett utbud av tjänster under hela produktens livscykel. Mervärdestjänster som ptientsupportprogram är den nya förväntade modellen: vetenskapliga projekt med MSL, webbkonferanser med KOL, mobilappar för vårdpersonal och patienter, läkemedelsleverans, patientstödsprogram etc. Tack vare konsulter, apotekare, läkare och sjuksköterskor har vi en samlad, lång erfarenhet av att stötta våra kunder på deras föränderliga marknader. Mer än 100 läkemedelsföretag, sjukhus och försäkringsbolag förlitar sig på vår förmåga att hjälpa dem att möta sina nya utmaningar: öka den digitala andelen i marknadsföringen, möta konkurrens från generiska aktörer och att utveckla innovativa tjänster. Innovation är en del av vårt DNA. Vi är pionjärer inom direktförsäljning, hybridreklam och patientstödprogram, och vi vill ta fram nya vårdmodeller. Vår erfarenhet av innovation är förstärkt med 20 års värdefull beteendedata som samlats in från franska apotekare och läkare. Detta har gjort det möjligt för oss att skapa helt anpassningsbara proprietära verktyg och en hybridstrategi som passar deras preferenser. Tack vare konsulter, apotekare, läkare och sjuksköterskor har vi en samlad, lång erfarenhet av att stötta våra kunder på deras föränderliga marknader. Mer än 100 läkemedelsföretag, sjukhus och försäkringsbolag förlitar sig på vår förmåga att hjälpa dem att möta sina nya utmaningar: öka den digitala andelen i marknadsföringen, möta konkurrens från generiska aktörer och att utveckla innovativa tjänster. Innovation är en del av vårt DNA. Vi är pionjärer inom direktförsäljning, hybridreklam och patientstödprogram, och vi vill ta fram nya vårdmodeller. Vår erfarenhet av innovation är förstärkt med 20 års värdefull beteendedata som samlats in från franska apotekare och läkare. Detta har gjort det möjligt för oss att skapa helt anpassningsbara proprietära verktyg och en hybridstrategi som passar deras preferenser. Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Managing Director Webhelp Medica & CEO Patientys International Business Unit Director Webhelp Medica Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Sjukvård li|Sjukvård st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Jérôme Stevens Joachim Vallée sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Sjukvård Låg efterlevnad av behandling Ekonomisk press på läkemedelssektorn globalt Konkurrens för generiska läkemedel En strategi som sträcker sig längre än bara till läkemedlet Låg efterlevnad av behandling Ekonomisk press på läkemedelssektorn globalt Konkurrens för generiska läkemedel En strategi som sträcker sig längre än bara till läkemedlet Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår effektivitet Vår kvalitet Vår innovation Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår effektivitet Vår kvalitet Vår innovation Våra lösningar för att stötta er Möt våra experter Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom sjukvård , , De senaste nyheterna inom sjukvård , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) BPO by bdm75bdm by Emily Betham by Emily Betham by bdm75bdm Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Det globala, ansedda forsknings- och konsultföretaget Frost & Sullivan har tilldelat Webhelp en topprankning i sin Frost Radar ™ – CX Outsourcing 2020. Webhelp är positionerat som ledande inom både tillväxt och innovation. Manq får erkännande för sitt breda utbud av lösningar över vertikaler och viktigare – dess effektiva digitala omvandlingstjänster och teknologibaserade lösningar som stimulerar kundinnovation, tillsammans med sin konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners. , Senior Industry Analyst – Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier på Frost & Sullivan uppgav: ”Med sitt fokus på AI, röst- och prediktiv analys. Användningen av avancerad teknik för att framtidssäkra sina lösningar, kan Webhelp konkurrera effektivt, samtidigt som ett öppet ekosystem av partners med en varierad blandning av progressiva partners för att ytterligare stimulera innovation ”. Webhelps dedikerade start-up CX-program, , och gruppens starka fokus på teknologisk implementering bidrar starkt till att driva innovation i alla faser av en kunds utveckling. Koncernens snabba tillväxt, som känns igen av den närmaste positionen i Radar, som driver Webhelp till den europeiska CX Outsourcing Services marknadsledande positionen och en framträdande global position, har drivits genom både organisk tillväxt och strategiska förvärv. Idag täcker Webhelps tjänsteportfölj inte bara Customer Engagement-tjänster utan också ett brett utbud av ytterligare funktioner som RegTech, digitalisering, AI och konsulttjänster. Dess anmärkningsvärda entreprenörskultur har varit kärnan i företagets framgång och vision att göra affärer mer mänskliga, på rätt sätt för sina kunder. , medgrundare och VD för Webhelp sa: ”Som ett målmedvetet företag är vi stolta över att tilldelas äran av denna ledande position i Frost Radar ™. Våra team av passionerade game-changers letar ständigt efter sätt att göra saker bättre för våra kunder, deras kunder och vårt företag. Att förändra spelreglerna är en viktig del av vårt DNA, vilket erkänns av vår starka prestation på innovationsindexet. Genom att se till att de bästa teknologierna och innovationerna gör det möjligt för våra anställda att göra en verklig skillnad, så går vi ständigt framåt i vår strävan att skapa fantastiska mänskliga upplevelser. ” The Radar grundar sig på kärnvärdesförslagen tillväxt, innovation och ledarskap. Den robusta analysen granskar fler än 1000 leverantörer över tio nyckelkriterier som innovationsskalbarhet, kundanpassning, vision och strategi. Varje företag utvärderas sedan på effektivitet inom dessa teman för att avgöra hur väl de är positionerade för att driva tillväxt i framtiden. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Deepali Sathe The Nest by Webhelp Olivier Duha Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Angélique Begarin by Angélique Begarin Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|3rd september 2020 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) MyStudioFactory | | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) bdm75bdm by bdm75bdm by bdm75bdm Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Oslo, March 24th, 2021 , den ledande ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och företagslösningar, har tillkännagivit expansionen av sitt program, över hela Europa som siktar på att stödja nystartade företag och de i skalningsfasen med den bästa kundupplevelsen. Nest gör det möjligt för outsourcade snabbt växande företag inom alla sektorer att växa expontiellt genom att erbjuda en unik skräddarsydd CX-lösning. Den här nyheten kommer vid en tidspunkt då m¨ånga unga företag står inför olika utmaningar på grund av pandemin och kräver flexibilitet och ROI-optimering medan osäkerhet råder i deras affärsmiljöer. , Ledare för The Nest, sa: Programmet lanserades i Frankrike 2018 och stöder redan ett dussintal av de mest dynamiska startupsen, varav många har placerats högt på . Utöver detta är Webhelp en mångårig partner för otaliga ”unicorn-startups” och är väl lämpade för att hjälpa företag med snabb tillväxt att differentiera sina affärer. Programmet får en europeisk dimension genom att expandera till Norden, Storbritannien, Spanien, Tyskland, Nederländerna och Turkiet. tillade , Chief Commercial Officer, The Nest, Nordics. The Nest by Webhelp gör expertis från Webhelp, den europeiska marknadsledaren inom CX, tillgänglig för mindre företag och bygger på en stark People First arbetskultur. Kärnfokus är att stödja sina kunder när de växer som företag och göra det möjligt för dem att skapa konkurrensfördelar inom CX-området. Programmet erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla kan anpassas till kundens individuella behov, inklsuive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och teknisk support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster digital marknadsföring). Programmet är tillgängligt 24 timmar i dygnet, sju dagar i veckan och finns på fler än 40 olika språk. Utöver en förstklassig kundupplevelse som levereras av expertteam får kunde också tillgång till ”The Nest Community”. Där igenom får medlemmar tillgång till mentorskap, affärsutveckling och nätverksmöjligheter som ett ytterligare sätt att generera dragkraft och uppnå bättre resultat genom ett strategiskt startup-nätverk. Som VD för , och en av de första startups som gick med i The Nest by Webhelp-programmet vittnade: Webhelp Medgrundare, , avslutade: The Nest by Webhelp är ett outsourcat kundupplevelseprogram (CX) av Webhelp för att hjälpa nystartade företag och snabbväxande företag att differentiera sig och skala upp sitt team snabbt och enkelt. Programmet verkar över hela Europa och ger kunderna tillgång till sitt globala nätverk av kundupplevelsespecialister 365 dagar om året och sju dagar i veckan. The Nest erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla är anpassade efter kundens individuella behov, inklusive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och tekniskt support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster och digital marknadsföring). Kunder av The Nest kommer att ha tillgång till The Nest Community, som erbjuder mentorskap, affärsstöd och vägledning för att göra det möjligt för nystartade företag att växa och lyckas på sin marknadsplats. Mer information finns på: Webhelp, the European leader in Customer Experience and Business Solutions, announces today that it has acquired Dynamicall, a leading Peruvian BPO player with over 4.500 employees based in Lima. This acquisition is the latest in a line of sizable and strategic M&A activities over the past five years. , Webhelp’s co-founder and CEO, declared: Dynamicall enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas including Spanish and multilingual operations with on/nearshore and offshore delivery capacities for the local and international Spanish-speaking market and North America, and the potential to expand coverage for global and multilingual clients. Latin America (LatAm), as a region driven by strong economic development, is of key interest to Webhelp. With its broad range of services tailored to clients of all sizes, from start-ups to global conglomerates, Webhelp is keen to serve its clients’ in and from this region while contributing to the local economy and creating career development opportunities. With the acquisition of Dynamicall, Webhelp now has two own sites in Latin America, in addition to the existing operations on the premises of clients in several countries in the region and greenfield sites in the pipeline. The Latin American operations will work together closely with Webhelp’s established Spanish teams, with Julio Jolin extending his responsibilities as CEO to lead LatAm. , CEO of Webhelp’s Spanish operations said: , founder and CEO of Dynamical, stated: Webhelp will celebrate its 21st anniversary this year and has become one of the global leaders in the sector thanks to steady organic growth and acquisitions. Driven by a vision of making business more human and a strong and unique company culture motivated by an agile, start-up mindset, and over 75.000 Webhelpers bring their smarts and hearts to the table every day to help clients in a way that makes a real difference. Dynamicall is a leading Peruvian BPO-Contact Center industry provider, offering a stable and formal employment to more than 4500 collaborators from its 2 sites in Lima. Its client portfolio includes major brands, leaders in their respective industries, across all regions of LatAm, North America, and Spain. Dynamicall’s services range from Customer Care, Sales, Back Office, Technical Support among others. Founded 13 years ago, Dynamicall has become one of the most important references in the local industry with a revenue of over 30 million USD per year. Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” February 1st 2021 Webhelp, a leading global customer experience and business solutions provider, is opening an office in Daugavpils, Latvia, to support a new global client with content moderation services. Right now, 55 people are in training and Webhelp is recruiting more new team members during spring. “ .” said Webhelp is keen to contribute to Daugavpils’ economic development and the broader Latgale region while offering professional services support to international and local clients, leveraging our global network and extensive experience. Together with Webhelp’s office in Riga, the Daugavpils office will enable Webhelp to create a cohesive service network and further strengthen our service capabilities for the region. , stated: ” We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media content moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 65 000 game-changers from more than 150 locations in 50 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,5B in 2019, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and GBL, a leading global investment holding, as of November 2019. More information can be found at : Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia +37167224437 Ida Naper, Nordic Director of Communications +4793673123 Det globala, ansedda forsknings- och konsultföretaget Frost & Sullivan har tilldelat Webhelp en topprankning i sin Frost Radar ™ – CX Outsourcing 2020. Webhelp är positionerat som ledande inom både tillväxt och innovation. Manq får erkännande för sitt breda utbud av lösningar över vertikaler och viktigare – dess effektiva digitala omvandlingstjänster och teknologibaserade lösningar som stimulerar kundinnovation, tillsammans med sin konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners. , Senior Industry Analyst – Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier på Frost & Sullivan uppgav: ”Med sitt fokus på AI, röst- och prediktiv analys. Användningen av avancerad teknik för att framtidssäkra sina lösningar, kan Webhelp konkurrera effektivt, samtidigt som ett öppet ekosystem av partners med en varierad blandning av progressiva partners för att ytterligare stimulera innovation ”. Webhelps dedikerade start-up CX-program, , och gruppens starka fokus på teknologisk implementering bidrar starkt till att driva innovation i alla faser av en kunds utveckling. Koncernens snabba tillväxt, som känns igen av den närmaste positionen i Radar, som driver Webhelp till den europeiska CX Outsourcing Services marknadsledande positionen och en framträdande global position, har drivits genom både organisk tillväxt och strategiska förvärv. Idag täcker Webhelps tjänsteportfölj inte bara Customer Engagement-tjänster utan också ett brett utbud av ytterligare funktioner som RegTech, digitalisering, AI och konsulttjänster. Dess anmärkningsvärda entreprenörskultur har varit kärnan i företagets framgång och vision att göra affärer mer mänskliga, på rätt sätt för sina kunder. , medgrundare och VD för Webhelp sa: ”Som ett målmedvetet företag är vi stolta över att tilldelas äran av denna ledande position i Frost Radar ™. Våra team av passionerade game-changers letar ständigt efter sätt att göra saker bättre för våra kunder, deras kunder och vårt företag. Att förändra spelreglerna är en viktig del av vårt DNA, vilket erkänns av vår starka prestation på innovationsindexet. Genom att se till att de bästa teknologierna och innovationerna gör det möjligt för våra anställda att göra en verklig skillnad, så går vi ständigt framåt i vår strävan att skapa fantastiska mänskliga upplevelser. ” The Radar grundar sig på kärnvärdesförslagen tillväxt, innovation och ledarskap. Den robusta analysen granskar fler än 1000 leverantörer över tio nyckelkriterier som innovationsskalbarhet, kundanpassning, vision och strategi. Varje företag utvärderas sedan på effektivitet inom dessa teman för att avgöra hur väl de är positionerade för att driva tillväxt i framtiden. STOCKHOLM 5 november 2020 Allente, fusionen mellan Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer, erbjuder högkvalitativa satellit-TV- och bredbands-TV-lösningar till 1,2 miljoner kunder i hela Norden. Sedan 2010 har Webhelp, en global ledare inom kundupplevelse och affärslösningar, och Allentes varumärke Viasat Consumer utvecklat ett starkt partnerskap av stabil och kommersiellt framgångsrik kundserviceverksamhet. Webhelp lägger nu till Allentes Canal Digital-kundtjänst på den svenska marknaden i sin omfattande portfölj av nordiska TV / mediekunder. Webhelp kommer att leverera Canal Digitals kundtjänst på Allentes vägnar genom sin best shoring-verksamhet i Kalmar, Sverige, i Malaga och Alicante, Spanien, samt ett antal medarbetare som arbetar hemifrån. Rekryteringen av nya teammedlemmar har precis börjat. ” säger Victor Sundén, Chief Commercial Officer på Webhelp Nordic. , menar Victor Liljeroth, Sverigechef, Allente Nordic. Victor Sundén Chief Commercial Officer, Webhelp Nordic Mobile: +46 70 032 20 04 Maja Wikman Ulrich Corporate Communications & PR Director, Allente Nordic Mobile: + 46 936 99 26 65 Following our positioning as a Global Leader in Customer Experience Management (CXM) by the leading analyst, Everest Group, we have now been recognized as a Leader again in its CXM in EMEA Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020, rating high in terms of vision and capability. This report is an objective recognition of Webhelp’s successful growth strategy, and our unique people-first, end-to-end approach with “Webhelp is a leading CXM provider globally, especially in Europe, supported by a large multilingual workforce of more than 60,000 agents. With a focus on digital transformation, CX consulting, and customer journey orchestration, Webhelp has been able to drive exponential growth over the last few years,” He continues “Further, its deep digital and domain expertise, outcome-focused approach, and strong leadership have allowed it to resiliently navigate the uncertainties created by COVID-19 and continue on its growth journey.” This result builds on our strong track record in analyst rankings and assessments, and our second year as a Leader in the PEAK Matrix, with Everest Group specifically highlighting our strong coverage in major industry verticals, our geographical delivery footprint, and the value delivered to our clients. Everest Group defines Leaders as companies that deliver consistent Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services through expansion in new regions, serving various buyer sizes, and delivering high satisfaction scores due to greater technological and advanced digital capabilities. For this EMEA edition, Everest Group selected 21 organizations to evaluate and compare for their 2020 report based upon the service provider’s market success, vision and strategy, service focus and capabilities, digital and technological solutions, domain investments, and buyer feedback. Our 5th edition of is here! We hope you will enjoy reading about this wide theme, so deeply rooted in our everyday life. So what have you learned from the crisis? Many attests to the irony of social distancing strengthening bonds and communications between colleagues. At the heart of this new dynamic, digital relationships have Intensified, and digital technology has played a very significant role. The health and economic crisis is forcing us to focus on the immediate future. Nonetheless brands shouldn’t lose sight of other changes in society. – no business will survive if it’s purely based on old power values: formal and centralised governance, a secretive mindset, the elitism of experts. People no longer trust authority, the bedrock of old powers. They want to act, to participate and to learn. – requires brands to focus more on flat hierarchies and complete transparency. Did you know that just behind WhatsApp, TikTok is the second-most downloaded non-gaming app in the world? And when compared to Instagram, the engagement rate is much higher? With millions of subscribers and a wide fan base, you should definitely check it out if your target audience is on TikTok. Read all about these exciting and thought-provoking topics and more, in our latest edition of OneShot. In a context fueled by digital disruption and global acceleration, healthcare companies must design a new framework to better provide a seamless, constistent care accross all moment and all frontiers Through this white paper, Webhelp Medica reveals its best practices and learnings based on more than 20 years of expertise. Mixing feedbacks, testimonials and regulatory analyses, here are the keys to a winning strategy. Why is recommerce on the rise? and why are marketplaces such as , or thriving in this business model? Is it just trendy, cost effective, sustainable or a mix of all these that explains the current surge? Tomorrow’s personalization and customer journeys are expected to be even smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling than they are today. The question is: Are brands and consumers ready? Here is an analysis from Olivier Carrot, Global . At Webhelp, our clients are at the heart and our core objective is to ensure that their customers experience world class service in every touchpoint. The creation and upholding of a sustainable environment also go hand in hand with what our company stands for. : Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|The accessibility of mobile devices globally has essentially contributed to the growth of e-commerce thanks to the increased reach which has consequently increased the sales. According to Aaron Orendorff – Forbes Top 10 B2B Content Marketer, e-commerce has helped businesses launch beyond borders reaching out to millions of new potential customers. By 2023, an increase of 276.9% in the total global sales in retail is projected with APAC taking the lead (source: ). The easy accessibility of mobile phones and internet has definitely elevated the demand of recommerce as a service. This surge has seen many start- ups joining the bandwagon to not only meet the growing demand but also to take advantage of the efficiency and scalability that marketplaces provide. Through the creation of an application that links second-hand products to customers, VINTED has grown from being owned by its two co-founders Milda and Justas to an organization that employs more than 450 people and unites a community of 25 million people. In reference to platforms like VINTED, personalized services that match customers preferences are highly sought after. Customers want to feel valued and there is no better way than to offer a personalized experience. Even though many consumers are in search of products being offered at discounted or affordable prices, they will not compromise on the experience. Brands are thus competing not only on price but also on offering the most memorable experience to their customers. Founded in 2009 as a swapping company for men’s shirts’ thredUP is a huge consumer marketplace that flaunts over 35,000 brands. In one of his keynotes, CEO and co-founder James Reinhart forecasts sales of upto $51 billion from the second-hand apparel market by 2023 (source ) In reality, people buy twice as many clothes and wear them half as long. If one can buy a branded item for half the price of the new, why not? There is a growing trend to transform consumption through reuse. And so as to keep up with the changing environment in the retail industry, integrating a resale option in traditional retail outlets is seen to boost the overall sales. Customers are sparked to spend 21% more and visit 70% more frequently. James attributes the massive increase in the visiting percentage to the fact that second hand collection is restocked every two weeks whereas in the traditional format, new collection arrives between four to six times a year (source: ) . Pocket friendly purchases is a big driver in the recommerce boom. Customers are increasingly seeing the value in buying recycled brand-name products for huge discounts. “Recommerce has seen a tremendous upsurge” says Steven Bethell, founder of Bank & Vogue – a firm that specializes in the logistics of selling used goods and operates a sister company called . Prior to making a purchase, many shoppers aquent themselves with the resale possibilities of items they wish to buy with the plan to resell them in the near future. The retail industry is seeing a continued shift with the majority of consumers shopping smarter. . The new affluent generations like the Gen Z are more environmental and social conscious and as such, they expect brands to be more ethical and sustainable in their production processes. Fashion brands that have this audience as their customer base, are obliged to revamp their business models to be able to not only attract but most definitely also retain this segment. is one such brand. By investing on its brand ethos which is providing a platform for purchasing and selling of second-hand clothes. These clothes reduce the environmental impact of Co2 levels that are usually released in the production of new clothes (think water, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides). In addition, it prolongs the shelf life of clothes that would otherwise head to the dumping sites in one or two years. It’s estimated that 600 kilograms of used clothes would lead to a reduction of 2250 kilograms of Co2 emissions, 3.6 billion liters of water saved, and 144 trees planted. ( ). st|Chloe de Mont-Serrat Victor Sundén Charles Egly, Olivier Duha Olivier Duha Julio Jolin Vargas Enrique Beltran 8 februari 2021 Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia. Igors Prelatovs, Chariman of Daugavpils Council Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands MEDIA CONTACTS Deepali Sathe The Nest by Webhelp Olivier Duha Allente har valt Webhelp för leverans av kundupplevelselösningar inom kundservice, kontaktcenterplattform och lösningsdesign för Canal Digital. Kontaktinformation: Skand Bhargava, Vice President, Everest Group saying: OneShot Old power New Power So which are some of the factors that have contributed to this increase? Rise in the use of mobile devices. Personalized customer experiences. Old is new again. Cost friendly Sustainability VINTED Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Om The Nest About Dynamicall Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Nyheter Webhelp The Nest by Webhelp The French Tech Next rankings Younited Credit by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Angélique Begarin by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Webhelp In our endeavor to always provide seamless interactions, we go the extra mile to guarantee that customers’ needs are met. We focus on making the purchase process in the marketplaces as simple and fulfilling as possible . Our flawless and memorable customer journey from order management to returns and replacements is swiftly executed with our dedicated service specialist who are located globally in the different hubs . And thanks to the booming second-hand industry, content management and moderation is also on high demand. Ever thought of outsourcing your content moderation? Our highly experienced offshore content moderators ensure that our clients’ brand s are duly protected across their target audience. We support our clients’ to not only maintain their brand integrity, but also to shield their customer s from inappropriate, aggressive or illegal content. Are you looking for an experienced partner who will help you take your marketplace to the next level? Get in touch to receive your tailormade solution by Webhelp 1 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Kundupplevelseprogrammet erbjuder ett enkelt och skalbart outsourcingförslag för snabbt växande företag “Vi är mycket glada över att kunna utöka vårt erbjudande till företag över hela Europa. Blivande startups har en nyckelegenskap gemensamt – exceptionell kundupplevelse. Outsourcing av CX med en pålitlig partner kan göra det möjligt för företag att skala upp snabbt och samtidigt maximera sinn avkastning, vilket ger dem möjligheten att fokusera på det som betyder mest – att växa som företag.” “Vi är glada att lansera The Nest i Norden för att hjälpa lokala startups att bygga en exceptionell kundupplevelse. Vi förstår att nystartade företag står inför många komplexa utmaningar under tillväxtstadierna, från att utveckla expertis och processer för att stödja långsiktig tillväxt, till att expandera snabbt inom nya marknader och bygga innovativa produkter och tjänster för att skilja sig från konkurrenterna.,” ”I början av en startup försöker senior-teamet ofta ta itu med alla frågor, ibland går det utöver den slutliga produkten eller tjänsten. Det outsourcade stödet som Nest-programmet erbjuder var ovärderligt för att utöka vårt team och ge förstärkt expertis. Det gjorde även det möjligt för oss att erövra nya marknader mycket snabbare. Att arbeta med en outsourcad partner på detta sätt ger ökad effektivitet, lägre driftkostnader, mer flexibilitet och snabbare time-to-market. För att inte tala om, tillgång till de bästa processerna och verktygen på marknaden, varav de flesta är för dyra för en startup.” ”Vi är glada över att – trots COVID-19 pandemin – startup världen blomstrar fortfarande och insamlingstakten har inte saktat ned. I slutändan har stöd för snabbväxande startups alltid varit i vårt DNA, eftersom vi fortfarande har en entreprenörskultur som perfekt guidar oss.” Paris, March 9th, 2021. “Dynamicall is an impressive organization, with a strong cultural fit with Webhelp. We have been partnering to serve several major brands successfully in 2020 and are excited to now welcome their talented teams into the Webhelp family. With its superior track record in delivering high-quality services and its attractive client base, Dynamicall reinforces our unique best-shoring capabilities for our clients.” “The incorporation of Dynamicall in the Webhelp family will strengthen our service offering for Spanish-speaking and global companies alike, looking to reinforce their operations with state-of-the-art services in the LatAm region and the world. We are very excited for this new opportunity to expand our support further for both our current clients and those to be.” “We’re thrilled to take this next step in our partnership with Webhelp and merge with such a dynamic and solid leader. Thanks to the dedication and skills of all people at Dynamicall, we get to serve some of the world’s most exciting brands, and together with our new parent company, we get to expand even further, not only internationally but also in terms of capabilities.” NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser We have chosen Daugavpils based on the great local talent, the city’s geographical location, support from the local institutions and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, as well as our great cooperation with Daugavpils University Daugavpils municipality highly appreciates the cooperation with LIAA, as a result of which an international company Webhelp has started operating in our city. It is a great opportunity for young, motivated citizens to start their careers in their hometown. As the company is located on the premises of Daugavpils University, it makes it easier for employees to combine their studies with the work. We are proud that Daugavpils has been chosen as the company’s location and that the people of Daugavpils are competitive for the international labor market. I wish great success for Webhelp’s plans in Daugavpils so that the company can thrive and evolve, and continue to offer new job opportunities to young people in Daugavpils and the surrounding area. Vi är mycket glada över att Allente har utökat vårt partnerskap till att omfatta Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer. Vi ser fram emot att bredda vårt partnerskap i detta viktiga skede i Allentes resa, så att Allentes kunder upplever den konsekvent höga kvaliteten, vårt varumärkes-ambassadörskap och den kommersiella skicklighet som vi är kända för. Tillsammans kommer vi att fortsätta utveckla ett partnerskap som stärker kundupplevelsen i dagens och morgondagens TV- och bredbandslösningar ”, ”Vi har mycket goda erfarenheter av att arbeta med Webhelp och är glada för att lägga till Canal Digital i vårt partnerskap. Webhelp kommer att kunna ge värdefull insikt och support för vår verksamhet under denna spännande fas för Allente, och vi kommer att fortsätta utveckla vårt partnerskap för att ge våra kunder förstklassig service i vårt utökade samarbete” pa|At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about their Personal Data is processed. This website Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. This website Privacy Policy is the basis of all Data processing we will perform with the Personal Data you provide to us through this website and its domains and all the URL addresses that could replace it in the future (hereinafter the “Website”), as well as all the searches you make on this website and/or every use of the Website by any operator connected to the Website (hereinafter the “User”). We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsuscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will store Data we collect from your visit to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. However, in some situations we may store your Data for longer periods, including (i) as long as your account is open and until its closure (ii) during the duration stated in the services’ agreement between you and Webhelp. Your Data enables us to make sure that our Website is the most efficient possible and to allow you to take part to the interactive functions of the Website. Such as to: Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website; Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests; Improve your searches and our Website; Recognise you when you return to our Website; Maximise commercial information and share with you information about our products and services corresponding to your personal interests, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. In certain circumstances, your Data allows us to fulfill our obligations in relation to a contract between us and you. (for example, executing an order or service, sending documentation, etc. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in paragraph 1 – Data that we may acquire from you- we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our Users that do not enable an individual’s identification. For the same reason, we can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved service. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best service, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or commercial partners. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about services and products likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any marketing information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties : In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities or goods, we can share your contact details to the potential seller or purchaser of these entity or goods ; If we or all of our goods are acquired by a third party, all the contact details we store will be therefore transferred ; If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation ; To protect our rights, property and safety or our consumers ; In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud and reducing the credit risk. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the United Kingdom but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your contact details, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Union), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website; sending this is at your own risk. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data – You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification – Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) – Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing – You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability – You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object – In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, click here. Right to lodge a complaint – If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Website Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any change that we will make in this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Website Privacy Policy li|Website Privacy Policy st|1. Personal data we may acquire from you 2. How long will we store your data? 3. Why do we collect your personal data? 4. How do we collect your data? 5. Cookies policy 6. Sharing personal data with third parties 7. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 8. Your rights 9. Changes linked to our website privacy policy 10. Contact Group Data Protection Officer Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Website Privacy Policy Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|STOCKHOLM 5 november 2020 Allente, fusionen mellan Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer, erbjuder högkvalitativa satellit-TV- och bredbands-TV-lösningar till 1,2 miljoner kunder i hela Norden. Sedan 2010 har Webhelp, en global ledare inom kundupplevelse och affärslösningar, och Allentes varumärke Viasat Consumer utvecklat ett starkt partnerskap av stabil och kommersiellt framgångsrik kundserviceverksamhet. Webhelp lägger nu till Allentes Canal Digital-kundtjänst på den svenska marknaden i sin omfattande portfölj av nordiska TV / mediekunder. Webhelp kommer att leverera Canal Digitals kundtjänst på Allentes vägnar genom sin best shoring-verksamhet i Kalmar, Sverige, i Malaga och Alicante, Spanien, samt ett antal medarbetare som arbetar hemifrån. Rekryteringen av nya teammedlemmar har precis börjat. ” säger Victor Sundén, Chief Commercial Officer på Webhelp Nordic. , menar Victor Liljeroth, Sverigechef, Allente Nordic. Victor Sundén Chief Commercial Officer, Webhelp Nordic Mobile: +46 70 032 20 04 Maja Wikman Ulrich Corporate Communications & PR Director, Allente Nordic Mobile: + 46 936 99 26 65 Following our positioning as a Global Leader in Customer Experience Management (CXM) by the leading analyst, Everest Group, we have now been recognized as a Leader again in its CXM in EMEA Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020, rating high in terms of vision and capability. This report is an objective recognition of Webhelp’s successful growth strategy, and our unique people-first, end-to-end approach with “Webhelp is a leading CXM provider globally, especially in Europe, supported by a large multilingual workforce of more than 60,000 agents. With a focus on digital transformation, CX consulting, and customer journey orchestration, Webhelp has been able to drive exponential growth over the last few years,” He continues “Further, its deep digital and domain expertise, outcome-focused approach, and strong leadership have allowed it to resiliently navigate the uncertainties created by COVID-19 and continue on its growth journey.” This result builds on our strong track record in analyst rankings and assessments, and our second year as a Leader in the PEAK Matrix, with Everest Group specifically highlighting our strong coverage in major industry verticals, our geographical delivery footprint, and the value delivered to our clients. Everest Group defines Leaders as companies that deliver consistent Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services through expansion in new regions, serving various buyer sizes, and delivering high satisfaction scores due to greater technological and advanced digital capabilities. For this EMEA edition, Everest Group selected 21 organizations to evaluate and compare for their 2020 report based upon the service provider’s market success, vision and strategy, service focus and capabilities, digital and technological solutions, domain investments, and buyer feedback. STOCKHOLM, October 13 , 2020 Global customer experience company Webhelp confirms their closure of its operational site in Kaunas, Lithuania by the end of this year. The ramp down of Webhelp’s activity in Lithuania is linked to a strongly reduced demand in the global travel industry, on which the Kaunas team focuses, and will happen gradually from now until the end of 2020. The tenured Webhelp team serves various clients at the international level in the areas of customer service, finance and data/fraud protection. Each employee speaks and writes two or more languages. Services provided from the Kaunas office are in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian and English languages. Webhelp is very thankful for the loyalty and support of its experienced team in Lithuania and is working together with Webhelp’s international locations, the local government, and other parties to assist their people in the transition to the next phase of their career. MD Webhelp Latvia and Lithuania Phone: +371 27824787 CEO Webhelp Nordic Phone: +46 70 226 42 85 Our 5th edition of is here! We hope you will enjoy reading about this wide theme, so deeply rooted in our everyday life. So what have you learned from the crisis? Many attests to the irony of social distancing strengthening bonds and communications between colleagues. At the heart of this new dynamic, digital relationships have Intensified, and digital technology has played a very significant role. The health and economic crisis is forcing us to focus on the immediate future. Nonetheless brands shouldn’t lose sight of other changes in society. – no business will survive if it’s purely based on old power values: formal and centralised governance, a secretive mindset, the elitism of experts. People no longer trust authority, the bedrock of old powers. They want to act, to participate and to learn. – requires brands to focus more on flat hierarchies and complete transparency. Did you know that just behind WhatsApp, TikTok is the second-most downloaded non-gaming app in the world? And when compared to Instagram, the engagement rate is much higher? With millions of subscribers and a wide fan base, you should definitely check it out if your target audience is on TikTok. Read all about these exciting and thought-provoking topics and more, in our latest edition of OneShot. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Allente har valt Webhelp för leverans av kundupplevelselösningar inom kundservice, kontaktcenterplattform och lösningsdesign för Canal Digital. Kontaktinformation: Skand Bhargava, Vice President, Everest Group saying: For questions, please reach out to: Janis Misans Terje Andreassen OneShot Old power New Power Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Vi är mycket glada över att Allente har utökat vårt partnerskap till att omfatta Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer. Vi ser fram emot att bredda vårt partnerskap i detta viktiga skede i Allentes resa, så att Allentes kunder upplever den konsekvent höga kvaliteten, vårt varumärkes-ambassadörskap och den kommersiella skicklighet som vi är kända för. Tillsammans kommer vi att fortsätta utveckla ett partnerskap som stärker kundupplevelsen i dagens och morgondagens TV- och bredbandslösningar ”, ”Vi har mycket goda erfarenheter av att arbeta med Webhelp och är glada för att lägga till Canal Digital i vårt partnerskap. Webhelp kommer att kunna ge värdefull insikt och support för vår verksamhet under denna spännande fas för Allente, och vi kommer att fortsätta utveckla vårt partnerskap för att ge våra kunder förstklassig service i vårt utökade samarbete” pa|Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. länder vi befinner oss i olika platser språk Global räckvidd dygnet runt Förvärv av nya kunder är kärnan för varje försäljningsstrategi. Att förstå målgruppen och veta var och när man bäst når ut är avgörande för att lyckas. Våra säljexperter hjälper dig att identifiera potentiella kunder och engagerar dem i samtal i diverse kanaler. Resultatet: fler sälj per sidvisning, fler köp per kund och förbättrade kundupplevelser. Vi kombinerar teknologi, analys och säljexpertis för att locka till oss och skapa värdefulla kundmöjligheter. Att erbjuda säljstöd och assistans till kunder som aktivt söker köpmöjligheter kan leda till avsevärda intäkter. Våra säljassistenttjänster är utformade för att se till att kunden har tillgång till säljexperter i alla sina kanaler. Att aktivt besvara produktfrågor, komma med rekommendationer och ge förslag på relaterade produkter är mer lönsamt än ett renodlat självbetjäningssystem. Våra rådgivare skapar ökade kundintäkter genom att stötta Inbound och Outbound, digital försäljning, mobil handel och social handel både online och offline. För många företag, och särskilt de som säljer tjänster, hänger kundens livstidsvärde till stor del på de tidiga kundupplevelserna. Våra onboarding-tjänster är utformade för att se till att nya kunder snabbt blir aktiva användare av dina tjänster. Vi använder kunddata och analyser för att identifiera de kundbeteenden som tyder på lyckad tillämpning. Tack vare dessa insikter kan vi avgöra när och hur våra rådgivare bör engagera nya kunder för att skapa kundlojalitet och ambassadörskap i ett så tidigt skede som möjligt. Befintliga kunder representerar ofta en outnyttjad källa till värdetillväxt. Att proaktivt rekommendera relevanta tilläggsprodukter och tjänster till befintliga kunder skapar inte bara ökad vinst. Sköts det på rätt sätt bygger det dessutom kundlojalitet och ambassadörskap. Vi får dina kundvärden att stiga, ibland genom att proaktivt introducera kunderna för nya möjligheter och andra gånger genom att göra rekommendationer under kundsamtal. Organisationer som är med om stora kundbortfall kan uppleva förvärv av nya kunder som att man försöker springa i motvind. Genom att skapa kundlojalitet bland befintliga kunder säkrar vi ditt företag större lönsamhet. Tack vare sofistikerade kundanalyser kan vi hjälpa dig att identifiera vilka kunder som löper risk att falla bort och de mest effektiva sätten att förhindra det. Informationen skickas vidare till våra experter som aktivt engagerar dessa kunder i samtal för att få dem att stanna eller återvinna deras tillit. Chief Commercial Officer & Deputy CEO Nordic Account Director Nordic Sales Director Webhelp Nordic Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Säljstöd li|Säljstöd st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Victor Sundén Camilla Lundgren Terje Henriksen sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Säljstöd. Experter på att maximera värden och vinster 49 160 + 40 + 24 /7 Kundlojalitet Säljstöd Onboarding Upselling och Cross selling Customer retention Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal Data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework, but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects` legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is Processed. In the course of its activities, Webhelp processes both internal and Client Personal Data. In this respect, Webhelp protects the Personal Data it processes on its own behalf and on behalf of its Clients by the implementation of appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures and controls. Such controls shall ensure that the whole organisation is Processing Personal Data in a consistent manner, disregarding the nature and/or place of Processing. This approach is particularly important due to the diversity of activities Webhelp covers on behalf of its Clients. As a consequence of the above and taking into consideration standards, regulations and laws applicable in the field of data protection, andthe requirements introduced by the European Regulation 2016/679 adopted on 27th April 2016 (hereinafter, the “EU Regulation”) Webhelp will process data in accordance with the following principles: Through this Privacy Policy Webhelp intends to share and specify the detail and the principles applicable to all Webhelp Entities and provide certain group-wide standards allowing the implementation of the Privacy Policy. Furthermore, Webhelp may make available specific, local or sectorial policies. Should there be a contradiction between this Privacy Policy and such specific, local or sectorial policies, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall prevail. As the Privacy Policy aims at ensuring an adequate and consistent approach throughout the entire Webhelp organisation regarding Personal Data Processing, exceptions which could result from applicable legislations are not reflected in this Privacy Policy. As a consequence, local legislation shall be considered as an enforceable exception to this Privacy Policy and will be recorded accordingly. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th juni 2020 In By li|Lawfulness–Personal Data shall be collected and Processed with the Data Subject having given consent to the Processing or when Processing is legitimate or necessary in accordance with Applicable Data Protection Legislation; Fairness–Personal Data Processing shall take into account the specific circumstancesand context in which such Personal Data is Processed; Transparency-Information and communication relating to the Processing of Personal Data shall be easily accessible, easy to understand, clear and in plain and simple language; Purpose limitation–Personal Data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further Processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; Data minimisation–Collected Personal Data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are Processed Accuracy –Personal Data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that Personal Data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without undue delay; Storage limitation –Personal Data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is Processed or any other lawful retention; Integrity and confidentiality –Personal Data shall be Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the Personal Data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures; st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Privacy Policy – BCR | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Välj det som passar dig och anslut dig till ett team drivna och passionerade medarbetare Våga drömma stort. Vi lovar att vi kommer anstränga oss för att hitta rätt matchning för dig. Det här är ditt första steg mot att bli en del av ett globalt team som förändrar kundupplevelsen. Välj de alternativ som gör att du kommer närmare att ansluta dig till oss. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Lediga tjänster Sök på jobbtitel [JOB_FILTERS] li|Lediga tjänster st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Perfekt karriär. Perfekt tajming Berätta vad du värdesätter när det gäller din karriär. Jobbsökning Filtrera efter Våra senaste lediga tjänster [COUNT_OFFERS] lediga tjänster som matchar dina kriterier Ajdå…det verkar inte som att vi har några lediga tjänster som matchar dina kriterier. Justera dina filter för att hitta lediga tjänster Världen är din. Ta en titt Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Get to know the game changers behind our success and at the forefront of our innovation. Their stories paved the way to where we are today. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Meet Webhelpers li|Meet Webhelpers st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Meet Webhelpers Contact our team Webhelp Lorem ipsum atque lorem ipsum atque Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|As a people-first company, not only do we strive to enjoy every day but also listen to our colleagues as to how they wish to live their careers. Relocating to a new country to start an international career is always a great challenge, especially during a global crisis. At Webhelp, driving innovation is part of our DNA. That is why we have set out to make international mobility still a possible, safe and enjoyable experience! We have developed our program with you in mind – our colleagues who want to explore new cultures and career opportunities as well as future Webhelpers who dream of a fresh start. The Work Abroad program is part of our new . So, let’s dive in the online features and functionalities that will bring you closer to your dream lifestyle. Meet our interactive Job Matcher! The fun quiz is the first thing you will see when you land on our . Your international journey starts by answering 3 simple questions. We use a quick algorithm that will match you with the country most suited to your personal preferences and professional goals. You might have more than one soulmate country! So, have fun and redo the quiz as many times as you wish. Now you have an idea of where you would like to live your next 12 to 24 months or maybe your entire life. So, let’s take a quick journey into that dream destination! As game-changers, we conducted a survey with people who work with us as well as former colleagues and even employees from other companies. Why? To get a real feeling of what it is like to work in the country you would like to call home. The refers mainly to the overall employee sentiment within a certain region. However, this is where you will see open positions available at Webhelp in your country of choice. Likewise, from this section you can select the city (site) where we operate. We also gathered data from various reliable sources, and we recommend a monthly budget based on your salary at Webhelp in relation to the cost of living in your country of choice. This way, you can better plan for fun activities and common necessities. Getting the low-down on a country is great. But you will mostly live in a city while working abroad. To provide you with accurate and relevant information, we worked closely with expats living in the cities where we operate. Each piece of content was written, edited and revised by multiple members of our local creative and HR teams, with the help and input of our expat Advisors. This is where we also advertise our international open positions for our sites. So, when an available job feels like a match, apply and we will get in touch with you within a few days, if not hours. We strive to offer you a realistic glimpse of what to expect while working abroad at Webhelp. To create this piece of content, we interviewed dozens of our expat colleagues. So, you will get a feeling of the country through their eyes and experiences. Our film crew also went the extra mile. Literally! They flew to our sites to capture the city vibe and our office culture. Follow our Webhelpers in their quest to show you authentic experiences and some impressive vistas of their second home! For example, check out how Denisz from Ukraine works and lives in . But what if you are still undecided about your chosen destination? Our colleagues from around the world will be happy to answer all your questions related to cost of living, relocation assistance, open positions and many more. We have also taken a unique approach with our FAQ section. Since we put our people at the heart, we have divided our frequently asked questions in 3 parts: Your Life, Your Career and Your Adventure. Reading through the answers will feel personal, human-orientated and transparent. We believe in an engaging work culture. And our Webhelpers are the best ambassadors to reinforce our values. Coming soon is our new blog section featuring ‘the person behind the job’. You will find out what it is like to start and advance your career with us, how to stay resilient when you fail or how to succeed when you struggle. All these from a personal point of view of our Webhelpers! Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Find out what country you match with Find out what it is like to work in your country of choice Dare the adventure in your favourite city! Say hi to your new lifestyle When in doubt, contact our friendly ambassadors Stay tuned for Meet Webhelpers Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Career Work Abroad Program by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|For the past 20 years, we have thrived in challenging circumstances and strived to help our people achieve their goals. Despite the current pandemic, we know that international mobility is crucial to business growth and employee satisfaction. We encourage you to explore our and dream further than ever before! pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|31st mars 2020 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Gobeyond Partners | | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Genom att skapa känslomässiga kontakter kommer era kunder att komma tillbaka. Med vår mänskliga touch hjälper vi er att skapa kontakt, förtroende och varumärkeslojalitet. Under de senaste åren har rese- och fritidsmarknaden drabbats hårt av flera oväntade globala händelser. Den globala pandemin år 2020 är den värsta händelsen som vi hittills har sett. Dessa händelser är nästan omöjliga att förutsäga, men de mest flexibla företagen kommer ändå att vara förberedda. Att reagera snabbt och vara flexibla med hänsyn till kundernas behov i en kris kommer att vara det som särskiljer de ledande företagen i branschen. Globaliseringen och den digitala revolutionen har skapat större konkurrens på rese- och fritidsmarknaden än någonsin tidigare. Många väletablerade reseföretag och varumärken har försvunnit de senaste åren. Att ha ett tydligt syfte, vara ekonomiskt stabil och vara operativt och miljömässigt hållbart hjälper reseföretag att överleva och växa. Rese- och fritidsbranschen leder vägen när det gäller att använda ny teknik och innovativa arbetssätt. Många företag står dock inför utmaningar med att helt integrera sina operativa och digitala upplevelser. Att skapa en sömlös, sammanhållen, digital resa och reseupplevelse kommer att sänka kostnaderna samtidigt som ni gör era kunder nöjdare. Under de senaste åren har rese- och fritidsmarknaden drabbats hårt av flera oväntade globala händelser. Den globala pandemin år 2020 är den värsta händelsen som vi hittills har sett. Dessa händelser är nästan omöjliga att förutsäga, men de mest flexibla företagen kommer ändå att vara förberedda. Att reagera snabbt och vara flexibla med hänsyn till kundernas behov i en kris kommer att vara det som särskiljer de ledande företagen i branschen. Globaliseringen och den digitala revolutionen har skapat större konkurrens på rese- och fritidsmarknaden än någonsin tidigare. Många väletablerade reseföretag och varumärken har försvunnit de senaste åren. Att ha ett tydligt syfte, vara ekonomiskt stabil och vara operativt och miljömässigt hållbart hjälper reseföretag att överleva och växa. Rese- och fritidsbranschen leder vägen när det gäller att använda ny teknik och innovativa arbetssätt. Många företag står dock inför utmaningar med att helt integrera sina operativa och digitala upplevelser. Att skapa en sömlös, sammanhållen, digital resa och reseupplevelse kommer att sänka kostnaderna samtidigt som ni gör era kunder nöjdare. Vi jobbar med över 50 globala och internationella hotell- och restaurangkedjor samt reseföretag. Tack vare det förstår vi vad som gör er organisation så speciell. Våra högutbildade medarbetare är experter på allt från försäljning via kundservice till teknisk support. Vår dedikerade affärsenhet stöder er affärsstrategi och hjälper er att växa. Våra över 60 000 medarbetare på mer än 140 kontor ger oss ett globalt fotavtryck med kapacitet att möta era behov när det gäller geografisk närhet, kostnad och kvalitet. Vår globala strategi erbjuder konsekvens, men det är inte en färdig allmän lösning. Vår anpassade strategi innebär att ni får en tjänst byggd efter era behov. När ni arbetar med Webhelp har ni tillgång till alla de verktyg och den teknik ni behöver för att uppnå er vision och strategi. Från konsult- och kundanalys till automatisering och maskinöversättning har vi investerat i verktygen, tekniken samt experterna som använder dessa, så att ni slipper att göra det. Vi jobbar med över 50 globala och internationella hotell- och restaurangkedjor samt reseföretag. Tack vare det förstår vi vad som gör er organisation så speciell. Våra högutbildade medarbetare är experter på allt från försäljning via kundservice till teknisk support. Vår dedikerade affärsenhet stöder er affärsstrategi och hjälper er att växa. Våra över 60 000 medarbetare på mer än 140 kontor ger oss ett globalt fotavtryck med kapacitet att möta era behov när det gäller geografisk närhet, kostnad och kvalitet. Vår globala strategi erbjuder konsekvens, men det är inte en färdig allmän lösning. Vår anpassade strategi innebär att ni får en tjänst byggd efter era behov. När ni arbetar med Webhelp har ni tillgång till alla de verktyg och den teknik ni behöver för att uppnå er vision och strategi. Från konsult- och kundanalys till automatisering och maskinöversättning har vi investerat i verktygen, tekniken samt experterna som använder dessa, så att ni slipper att göra det. Head of Global sector Travel, Transportation & Leisure Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Resor & fritid li|Resor & fritid st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Nora Boros sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Resor & Fritid Krishantering Hållbarhet och syfte Verksamhetsomställning Krishantering Hållbarhet och syfte Verksamhetsomställning Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår branschexpertis Våra globala team Våra verktyg och teknik Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår branschexpertis Våra globala team Våra verktyg och teknik Möt våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom resor & fritid , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , De senaste nyheterna inom resor & fritid , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Webhelp Payment Services and its staff work tirelessly to ensure that it permanently provides you with the best quality service, advice and attention. However, despite our vigilance, dissatisfaction or difficulties can sometimes occur. In these circumstances, you can make your complaint in accordance with article L.133-45 (French Monetary and Financial Code), following a special procedure. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th juni 2020 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Customer Complaints | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. änder vi befinner oss i olika platser språk Global räckvidd dygnet runt På dagens konkurrenskraftiga marknad har kunderna fler valmöjligheter än någonsin tidigare. Kunders närvaro på sociala medier innebär även att de har större inflytande på märken än förr. Med alla alternativ och allt inflytande väntar sig dagens kunder mer, och framför allt i kristider eller när saker går fel. Vår kommersiella kundservice hjälper dig att skapa ett band till dina kunder och stärker relationer genom betydelsefulla och effektiva samtal. En bra kundtjänst finns där för kunden oavsett omständigheter. Med årtionden av erfarenhet hjälper vi dig utforma rätt tjänster för dina kunder och ditt företag. Ett partnerskap med Webhelp innebär att du får tillgång till de senaste multikanaltjänsterna och teknologin. Våra flerspråkiga kontor gör även att du kan erbjuda samma utmärkta service världen över. Viktigast av allt är att du kommer ha tillgång till ett dedikerat globalt team som månar om ditt företag och dina kunder. Ibland sker saker inte helt enligt plan. God service väntar vi oss alltid. Men utmärkt service sker när du hjälper kunder igenom svårigheter, misstag och tuffa tider. Vår erfarenhet med klagomålshantering och skadereglering hjälper dig att leverera utmärkt service. Genom att fokusera på att reda ut knutar, fixa problem och skapa lösningar hjälper vi dig att förvandla missnöjda kunder till dina största fans. Oväntade händelser inträffar trots gedigen planering och förberedelser. När det sker vänder sig kunden till dig för hjälp och stöd. Vi har hjälpt några av de största globala aktörerna finnas där för sina kunder i svåra tider. När stora problem dyker upp minimerar vi konsekvenserna för dig och dina kunder. Med beprövade metoder, skydd mot eventualiteter och våra skickliga medarbetare finns du där för dina kunder när de behöver dig som mest. Alla kunder är individer med individuella behov. Dagens kunder väntar sig personliga upplevelser och får inte sina behov tillgodosedda av standardiserade lojalitetsprogram. Med hjälp av insikt och analys ger vi dig ökad förståelse för kunden. Vi överser dessutom ditt lojalitetsprogram och levererar personliga upplevelser som reflekterar individualiteten och värdet hos dina kunder. Webhelps kommersiella kundtjänst sätter dina kunder i första hand och bidrar till en mer mänsklig affärsvärld. Chief Commercial Officer & Deputy CEO Nordic Account Director Nordic Sales Director Webhelp Nordic Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Kundtjänst li|Kundtjänst st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Victor Sundén Camilla Lundgren Terje Henriksen sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Kundtjänst. Sätter dina kunder främst. 49 160 + 40 + 24 /7 Kunden är kärnan i varje företag. Kundtjänst Klagomålshantering och skadereglering Störnings- och krishantering Lojalitetshantering Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste Våra senaste Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Find out how we drive our clients’ success Genom ett folk-tillvägagångssätt och vår skräddarsydda hjälper vi våra kunder att förändra sina strategier och öka deras kunders värde och lojalitet. Att tillhandahålla exceptionell CX i alla beröringspunkter ingår i vårt DNA. Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Client stories li|Client stories st|customers Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Delivering excellence Att förvandla våra löften till konkreta resultat What our say about us Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Paris-headquartered Webhelp, the European leader in customer experience and business solutions, today revealed its revamped brand platform, supported by an updated visual identity. The group’s new brand reunites the strengths of its collaborators in 36 countries today and plays a key role in its ambitions to grow to a global leadership position. The group’s new vision of “ ” is founded strongly on Webhelp’s existing company culture, as well as the role enterprises play in society and the rising desire of consumers to create emotional connections with the brands they engage with. No matter the activity in business, people are involved and therefore are the main focus of Webhelp’s brand. explains , co-founding President. ” The new brand identity, which has been built inside-out, in partnership with the brand experts at FutureBrand, showcases a warm, welcoming and vibrant visual system and color palette, and reflects the group’s people-first culture and game-changing mentality. Providing services to thousands of clients across the world with a wide range of Customer Experience and Business Solutions, the group puts its clients at the heart of its all its activities, thus forming true and lasting partnerships. , co-founding President adds States , Group Secretary General. About to celebrate its 20 anniversary, having grown from a challenger to top player in Europe, both through organic growth and acquisitions, Webhelp aims to maintain and accelerate its performance through its redefined vision and mission, together with the strong collaboration of its investment partners. Webhelp is currently in the final stages of negotiations with as new investment partner, stepping in for , and expects to announce the closing of the deal before the end of the year, after obtaining the regulatory authorizations required. We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. Webhelp believes that Emotional Intelligence creates a lasting impact, and their skill in marrying a differentiating human touch to the right technology is what makes a real difference for their clients. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 50,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 36 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp invests in people and the environment they work in, because they know that when people thrive, it has a powerful impact on them, their customers and on their partners’ business. Webhelp believes that making business more human leads to a better customer experience – and a healthier bottom line. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,4B in 2018, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and KKR, a leading global investment firm, as of March 2016. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|30th september 2019 In , By st|Webhelp rings in its next phase of strategic development with new brand making business more human Olivier Duha Frédéric Jousset Sandrine Asseraf GBL KKR Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp “Think Human” | | ********************************** Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|“At Webhelp we truly believe if you focus on the person in front of you, suddenly everything comes alive” “this holds for each connection built between a brand and a consumer, but just as strongly between employer and employee, client and provider. Helping hard things become easy takes empathy and imagination : “over the years we have continuously invested heavily in both enabling and matching our clients’ needs to technologically innovative solutions, as well as our people. We feel embracing technology is key, and it’s the people that deploy these tools that make the difference and take the experience to the next level.” “We are truly excited to reveal the new face of Webhelp, which better expresses who we are to the world, following an intense project of close to a year. We have engaged with stakeholders from all areas and levels of our business and believe we have created a vision and brand that’s built to last, as is shown through the enthusiasm of our new future shareholders at GBL regarding the outcomes of the project.” “ pa|Webhelp group has adopted the definition set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013): Internal Control is a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives relating to operations, and compliance. The system that has been defined and implemented within Webhelp specifically aims to ensure: The internal control system relies on the risk management system to identify the main risks that need to be controlled. The risk management system includes controls that are part of the internal control system. The control environment is a fundamental component of risk management and internal control systems and forms the common basis of the systems. The Group’s internal control system is based on five core values: Recognition, Integrity, Unity, Commitment and Way of Working (WOW). These values infuse the Group’s leadership strategy and form the key value charter for our employees and our subsidiaries. The Group’s values are brought to the attention of all Webhelp personnel. It places great emphasis on its managers’ ability to live up to these values daily. Webhelp’s Code of conduct is a fundamental reference in terms of ethics, social, and environmental responsibility and in terms of financial and legal compliance. The management is responsible for ensuring that the Code is strictly and consistently respected across the Group. The Executive Committee’s role mainly consists in validating strategic decisions and policies. Members of the Executive committee are in charge of implementing decisions taken. For instance, the Executive Committee oversees the development and monitoring of policies that enable the Group to attain its various objectives in terms of global growth, technological decisions, the implementation of identical operating procedures for the entire network, as well as development of human resources. The Global Management Committee holds regular meetings to implement, deploy and monitor Executive Committee’s decisions. Group management and the Information Systems Department determine the Group’s strategic directions for production tools and information systems for subsidiaries. They ensure that the development of information systems is consistent with Group objectives. The Information Systems Department also issues directives on security, data protection and business continuity. These directives are based on compliance with international standards, ISO 27001, PCI (Payment Card Industry) and the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in coordination with the Legal and Compliance department in order to satisfy regulatory requirements specific to each business sector or to obtain the certifications requested by clients. The internal control system also depends on subsidiaries implementing the “WOW” (Way Of Working) operating model. It defines a homogeneous vision of the way Webhelp does business: a consistent global framework tailored locally to country culture and client needs. The Group has been developing the use of this methodology, providing training for all its managers, to develop a common language grounded in the notions of measurement, analysis and control. The implementation and application of these procedures and standards enable the Group to make its global network more internally consistent, while providing greater control over our operations. In the operation of its business, the Group is exposed to a variety of risks that could affect the Company’s personnel, assets, environment, objectives or reputation. Risk management is a lever for anticipating the main potential threats to Webhelp, whether internal or external, in order to preserve its value, assets and reputation, help it achieve its targets, ensure that actions taken are consistent with Group values and rally employees in support of a shared vision of key risks. Group management is particularly vigilant when implementing the measures and procedures necessary to manage our business and prevent risks, according to Webhelp’s objectives and strategy. The Group is currently strengthening a monitoring process regarding the management controls to be adopted with respect to the analysis of these risks. A first risk mapping exercise was conducted in order to identify and analyse Wehbelp’s major risks & measures that can be used to limit their consequences. A follow-up of this risk assessment exercise will be made in the future and supervised by the Board. The internal control procedures centralized at headquarters cover areas common to all companies within the Group. These procedures involve in particular finance, legal, IT. Group’s central finance and accounting department includes Group financial control, Consolidation & Cash, and Global Performance. The Group’s finance department is headed and managed by a central team based in Paris, with decentralized and autonomous financial teams within each cluster. Group’s financial information is prepared and monitored using key software applications. A reporting on the Key figures is communicated on a monthly basis through a bottom up approach, followed by a top down review to confirm the reliability on the financial data. The consolidation tool is common to all Group’s subsidiaries. The profitability per project as well as the costs of the different functions are monitored on a monthly basis, and this management reporting is aligned with the consolidation every month. The Group consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS. Statutory accounts and consolidated accounts are prepared on a monthly basis (an accounting handbook written by the Group Financial Department and communicated all over Webhelp ensures the compliance with IFRS and the consistency of the consolidated financial data). Year-end consolidated financial statements are consolidated and audited. The Group prepares quarterly reporting for its financing banks, as required by its financing agreements. Management also issues a more complete and comprehensive report at financial year ends. The reporting pack reports on key financial statement items and aggregates. The Group has a policy for managing foreign exchange and interest rate risks, which aims to limit these risks, preserve sales margins and control interest charges. As part of its responsibilities, the Group Legal and Compliance Department oversees the Group’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries where it operates, through its local network of lawyers. It also plays a central role in monitoring changes in laws and regulations and advising the various Group entities. The Group Legal Department is centralized and headed in the Paris headquarters. It initiates Group policies in the areas of Group compliance, business ethics, regulatory requirements and data protection. The network of local inhouse lawyers is in charge of deploying the policies in their relevant region as well as monitoring additional local requirements. The Group Legal and Compliance Department has issued the Code of Conduct and related trainings. The Code of Conduct is regularly updated and is completed by several procedures in the compliance matters. The Group has streamlined its security technology to reflect best market practices and to introduce the technology required contractually by its clients or pursuant to applicable regulations. This technology aims to reduce the introduction of malware, protect personal data and detect and prevent intrusions. All personal data is collected and processed in accordance with applicable laws and the Group’s Policies applicable at each Webhelp site, both from a Controller and a Processor responsibility point of view, specifically designed to prevent potential acts of fraud or breaches of security standards. The third-party certifications requested by clients and audits conducted by clients also serve as a guarantee that the application of strict control procedures will be verified in order to ensure compliance with security and/or quality standards and processes. The Group has a policy of internally releasing all relevant financial or operating information enabling employees to perform their job. The Group relies on several internal communication systems (WISE, Teams) to be sharing all policies and practices within the relevant teams. Group information and procedures are also regularly communicated to the managers of all subsidiaries at international seminars or presentations. These rules are also reiterated at Company Board meetings. Subsidiary executives are expected to communicate instructions from Group management to their employees. The heads of corporate support departments (Finance, IT, HR, Legal) also inform their teams of specialized personnel at meetings and training sessions. The Executive Committee monitors the internal control system to ensure that the system is relevant and suited to the Group’s objectives. This includes regular reviews on the part of management and supervisory staff. It falls within the scope of their day-to-day activities and ensures that each organizational process is consistent with the Group’s vision and strategy. As part of the monitoring, internal audits are performed with the assistance of an external audit firm. Those audits aim at ensuring that internal rules are known, and internal control is consistent within the Group. In 2019, audits have been conducted in subsidiaries in South Africa, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic and Morocco. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Governance & Risk Management li|Governance & Risk Management Control Environment: standards, processes, and structures that provide the basis for carrying out internal control across the organization Risk assessment: iterative process for identifying and analyzing risks to achieving the entity’s objectives Control activities: policies and procedures to help ensure that management directives to mitigate risks to the achievement of objectives are carried out Information and communication: to understand internal control responsibilities and their importance to the achievement of objectives Monitoring activities: evaluations to ascertain whether each of the five components of internal control are present and functioning st|Risk management and internal control definition and objectives Definition of internal control Internal control and risk management Risk management and internal control system components Webhelp values Organization and responsibilities Information systems Management and industry procedures Risk management system Organizational framework Process and control Control activities Centralized control procedures Financial procedures Legal procedures IT and security procedures Information sharing Oversight of the internal control system Group senior management Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Risk management and internal control procedures Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h4|Control environment, values and Code of Conduct h5|Definition sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Introduction pa|Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” Following our positioning as a Global Leader in Customer Experience Management (CXM) by the leading analyst, Everest Group, we have now been recognized as a Leader again in its CXM in EMEA Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020, rating high in terms of vision and capability. This report is an objective recognition of Webhelp’s successful growth strategy, and our unique people-first, end-to-end approach with “Webhelp is a leading CXM provider globally, especially in Europe, supported by a large multilingual workforce of more than 60,000 agents. With a focus on digital transformation, CX consulting, and customer journey orchestration, Webhelp has been able to drive exponential growth over the last few years,” He continues “Further, its deep digital and domain expertise, outcome-focused approach, and strong leadership have allowed it to resiliently navigate the uncertainties created by COVID-19 and continue on its growth journey.” This result builds on our strong track record in analyst rankings and assessments, and our second year as a Leader in the PEAK Matrix, with Everest Group specifically highlighting our strong coverage in major industry verticals, our geographical delivery footprint, and the value delivered to our clients. Everest Group defines Leaders as companies that deliver consistent Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services through expansion in new regions, serving various buyer sizes, and delivering high satisfaction scores due to greater technological and advanced digital capabilities. For this EMEA edition, Everest Group selected 21 organizations to evaluate and compare for their 2020 report based upon the service provider’s market success, vision and strategy, service focus and capabilities, digital and technological solutions, domain investments, and buyer feedback. Our 5th edition of is here! We hope you will enjoy reading about this wide theme, so deeply rooted in our everyday life. So what have you learned from the crisis? Many attests to the irony of social distancing strengthening bonds and communications between colleagues. At the heart of this new dynamic, digital relationships have Intensified, and digital technology has played a very significant role. The health and economic crisis is forcing us to focus on the immediate future. Nonetheless brands shouldn’t lose sight of other changes in society. – no business will survive if it’s purely based on old power values: formal and centralised governance, a secretive mindset, the elitism of experts. People no longer trust authority, the bedrock of old powers. They want to act, to participate and to learn. – requires brands to focus more on flat hierarchies and complete transparency. Did you know that just behind WhatsApp, TikTok is the second-most downloaded non-gaming app in the world? And when compared to Instagram, the engagement rate is much higher? With millions of subscribers and a wide fan base, you should definitely check it out if your target audience is on TikTok. Read all about these exciting and thought-provoking topics and more, in our latest edition of OneShot. In a context fueled by digital disruption and global acceleration, healthcare companies must design a new framework to better provide a seamless, constistent care accross all moment and all frontiers Through this white paper, Webhelp Medica reveals its best practices and learnings based on more than 20 years of expertise. Mixing feedbacks, testimonials and regulatory analyses, here are the keys to a winning strategy. Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|8 februari 2021 Skand Bhargava, Vice President, Everest Group saying: OneShot Old power New Power The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Solutions by Webhelp by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . pa|01 – last edit 22/10/2019 02 – : last edit 17/01/2019 03 – : last edit 17/01/2019 04 – : last edit 17/01/2019 05 – : last edit 17/01/2019 06 – : last edit 17/01/2019 07 – : last edit 17/01/2019 08 – : last edit 19/01/2019 09 – : last edit 17/01/2019 At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal Data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework, but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects` legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is Processed. In the course of its activities, Webhelp processes both internal and Client Personal Data. In this respect, Webhelp protects the Personal Data it processes on its own behalf and on behalf of its Clients by the implementation of appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures and controls. Such controls shall ensure that the whole organisation is Processing Personal Data in a consistent manner, disregarding the nature and/or place of Processing. This approach is particularly important due to the diversity of activities Webhelp covers on behalf of its Clients. As a consequence of the above and taking into consideration standards, regulations and laws applicable in the field of data protection, andthe requirements introduced by the European Regulation 2016/679 adopted on 27th April 2016 (hereinafter, the “EU Regulation”) Webhelp will process data in accordance with the following principles: Through this Privacy Policy Webhelp intends to share and specify the detail and the principles applicable to all Webhelp Entities and provide certain group-wide standards allowing the implementation of the Privacy Policy. Furthermore, Webhelp may make available specific, local or sectorial policies. Should there be a contradiction between this Privacy Policy and such specific, local or sectorial policies, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall prevail. As the Privacy Policy aims at ensuring an adequate and consistent approach throughout the entire Webhelp organisation regarding Personal Data Processing, exceptions which could result from applicable legislations are not reflected in this Privacy Policy. As a consequence, local legislation shall be considered as an enforceable exception to this Privacy Policy and will be recorded accordingly. The Model represents, in accordance with Art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Decree, an act issued by the governing body of and constitutes the company’s internal regulations which are binding on it. believes that the adoption of the Model constitutes, beyond the legal requirements, an additional valid instrument to raise awareness among directors, employees, colleagues and partners, and encourage them, in carrying out their own activities, to act in a lawful, upright and transparent manner in line with the ethical and social values which inspire the company in pursuing its own corporate object. Webhelp Payment Services and its staff work tirelessly to ensure that it permanently provides you with the best quality service, advice and attention. However, despite our vigilance, dissatisfaction or difficulties can sometimes occur. In these circumstances, you can make your complaint in accordance with article L.133-45 (French Monetary and Financial Code), following a special procedure. Webhelp Payment Services is accredited to carry out a range of actions including international debt recovery for and on behalf of our clients . Webhelp Payment Services is authorised as a Payment Institution by the . Thanks to our status of Payment Institution we are able to operate across the European Economic Area. Webhelp Payment Services is also registered with , the unique register of intermediaries, as an insurance intermediary. At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards within the recruitment process through this Recruitment Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is processed. This Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. We may need to share your Personal Data, such as your Identification data, life related data or any other information you will provide us. Such Personal Data may be shared with our clients and/or with other entities of the Webhelp group. In such case, any transfer will be made under strict binding corporate agreements, including EU standards clause or Binding Corporate Rules. Such documents are available on request. For some particular positions, we may need to carry out automated decision-making. You have the right to access to your data, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority or to request rectification, erasure of personal data, restriction of processing concerning you, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. In any case, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will retain all data related to your application for two years unless (1) it becomes clear that an offer of employment will not be made, or unless (2) you instruct us differently. We will store connection Data we collect from your visit (cookies) to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. When using our Website, the collection of your Data helps to make our website as efficient as possible and allows you to access the interactive functions of the website. Such as to : Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website. Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests. Improve your searches. Recognise you when you return to our Website. Maximise professional information and share with you information about our latest opportunities corresponding to your profile, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in our Website Privacy Policy, Recruitment process will require Webhelp to collect data when such data is shared with us. This an happen when you share it directly with us or when third party provide us information about you. This can happen for example when you send provide us you CV, interviews or when we take references. We can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved experience. For this purpose, we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our users that do not enable an individual’s identification. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as, but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best recruitment process, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or HR partners and sometimes with our clients. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about latest positions likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties (1) In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities (2) If we or all of our assets are acquired by a third party (3) If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation (4) To protect our rights, property and safety or our users (5) In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the European Economic Space but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your data, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Economic Space), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data: You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification: Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten”): Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing: You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability: You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object: In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive opportunities from us, please click here. Right to lodge a complaint: If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any major change that we will make in this Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about their Personal Data is processed. This website Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. This website Privacy Policy is the basis of all Data processing we will perform with the Personal Data you provide to us through this website and its domains and all the URL addresses that could replace it in the future (hereinafter the “Website”), as well as all the searches you make on this website and/or every use of the Website by any operator connected to the Website (hereinafter the “User”). We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsuscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will store Data we collect from your visit to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. However, in some situations we may store your Data for longer periods, including (i) as long as your account is open and until its closure (ii) during the duration stated in the services’ agreement between you and Webhelp. Your Data enables us to make sure that our Website is the most efficient possible and to allow you to take part to the interactive functions of the Website. Such as to: Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website; Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests; Improve your searches and our Website; Recognise you when you return to our Website; Maximise commercial information and share with you information about our products and services corresponding to your personal interests, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. In certain circumstances, your Data allows us to fulfill our obligations in relation to a contract between us and you. (for example, executing an order or service, sending documentation, etc. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in paragraph 1 – Data that we may acquire from you- we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our Users that do not enable an individual’s identification. For the same reason, we can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved service. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best service, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or commercial partners. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about services and products likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any marketing information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties : In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities or goods, we can share your contact details to the potential seller or purchaser of these entity or goods ; If we or all of our goods are acquired by a third party, all the contact details we store will be therefore transferred ; If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation ; To protect our rights, property and safety or our consumers ; In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud and reducing the credit risk. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the United Kingdom but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your contact details, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Union), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website; sending this is at your own risk. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data – You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification – Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) – Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing – You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability – You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object – In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, click here. Right to lodge a complaint – If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Website Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any change that we will make in this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE The hereby Terms and Conditions apply to the website available at the address or any other URL address, area or subarea which might be used to host the website later on (hereafter the “Website”), as well as to any research made on the aforesaid Website, and/or any use by the visitor accessing the Website (hereafter the “User”). Any consultation, use or transmission of the Website shall imply User acceptance without reservation of Terms and Conditions hereafter defined. If you have any question or complaint, you can contact Webhelp here. The Website is processed by Webhelp SAS (hereafter “Webhelp”). Webhelp is the owner or rightful licensee of any components and contents protected by intellectual property rights and available on the Website. Data base, components, contents presentation and all the elements (texts, visuals, photographs, videos, database, etc.), trademarks, logos and area names, which appear on the Website included, are Webhelp property, and where appropriate the property of its partners, and are protected by intellectual property governing laws. The User is granted access to the Website and the pages in accordance with the proposed navigation. All the rights which are not expressly conceded by Webhelp are deemed to be reserved. No element incorporated in the Website shall be either partly or fully copied, reproduced, extracted from, modified, reedited, charged, denatured, transferred, displayed or distributed, on any support, without Webhelp prior written consent and shall be in compliance with the intellectual property rights and of any other right mentioned. 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The existence of hypertext link between the Website and a third-party website does not result in Webhelp giving any kind of guaranties or exercising any kind of responsibility over the content or usage which may be performed on this website. Webhelp shall in any case be separately or jointly held liable with the third-party website publisher whose hypertext links redirect to the Website or to which Website directs to through a hypertext link. More specifically Webhelp shall not be held liable of a third-party website content reachable from a Website page or third-party websites which redirect to a page of the Website through a hypertext link. Webhelp will make its best to remove Hypertext links pointing to any inappropriate content that you would notify us. For any additional information regarding Personal Data, cookies used by the Website and Users rights, the User may refer to the section “Website Privacy Policy” or “Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy”. Unless required by any mandatory legal provision, the website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Webhelp makes, and user receives, in connection with the use of the Website no other warranty, express or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Webhelp do not promise that the Website, or any content service or feature, including any information and documents downloaded by you are free of error or defects, or that the aforementioned will be corrected. The above exoneration can be completed by any provision of the Terms and Conditions. Unless contradicted by any mandatory legal provision, Webhelp disclaims any and all liability for any damage directly or indirectly suffered by the User or any third party, in connection with or related to the use of any component and content of this Website. 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Webhelp strives to keep the Website accessible 24/7, but is under no obligation to do so and therefore provides no guarantee of availability or permanent accessibility or performance. Webhelp and / or its suppliers may / may also interrupt their access, notably for reasons of maintenance and upgrading of the Site or its hosting infrastructure, or any other legitimate reason for Webhelp. Webhelp is in any case responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User or any third party. It is also recalled that Webhelp may terminate or modify the characteristics of the Website at any time and without notice. The User shall be the author or have secured the rights of any content published on the Website being reminded that (i) any publication on the Website equals authorization for Webhelp to reproduce and represent such a content and (ii) the User remains the only responsible for the content. In any event, the User is the only responsible of the contents he/she would be able to publish on the Website. Therefore, Webhelp rejects any liability regarding words and remarks that could be published on our Website. In particular, the User restrains from holding any unlawful, insulting, defamatory, xenophobic, discriminatory or obscene words as well as harming Privacy, Intellectual Property and rights relating to the personality. Webhelp reserves the right to remove any unlawful words without any notice or damages, without prejudice to any lawsuit against the author of such words. The User guarantees and hold Webhelp non-liable for any complaint, lawsuit or condemnation linked to data and content published by the User on the Website In any case Webhelp shall be held liable for any loss, deterioration or corruption of User’s Data linked to his/her contribution to the Website. Any information or advice from Webhelp shall not be seen as a guarantee and shall not have any contractual value. Besides, the User commits to publish contents that are neither malicious nor likely to harm the Website or its hosting infrastructure. Webhelp and/or its processor reserve the faculty to erase without prior notice or damage any content published by a User and harming or likely to harm the good working of the Website, without prejudice to potential lawsuits. Webhelp makes its best efforts to ensure the Website’s security in accordance with applicable rules within the industry. However, the User is aware of the risks inherent to the use of electronic communications and especially the risks linked to the Data delivery on the Internet. In a more general way, it is the User’s duty to implement all the usual protections linked to browsing. Therefore, Webhelp will not guarantee anything in that case. In any case, the User restrains from any reverse engineering or de-compiling attempt of any part of the website, from any fraudulent intrusion or attempt to fraudulent intrusion within the service system hosting the Website as well as in the software enabling its working; from any breach of trust, theft, erasure, misappropriation or non-authorised modification of the Website’s technical Data, subject to prosecution. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. Website’s publisher: WEBHELP SAS Registration number: 431977370 161, rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris +33 1 44 40 33 40 Web host: Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Lawfulness–Personal Data shall be collected and Processed with the Data Subject having given consent to the Processing or when Processing is legitimate or necessary in accordance with Applicable Data Protection Legislation; Fairness–Personal Data Processing shall take into account the specific circumstancesand context in which such Personal Data is Processed; Transparency-Information and communication relating to the Processing of Personal Data shall be easily accessible, easy to understand, clear and in plain and simple language; Purpose limitation–Personal Data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further Processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; Data minimisation–Collected Personal Data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are Processed Accuracy –Personal Data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that Personal Data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without undue delay; Storage limitation –Personal Data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is Processed or any other lawful retention; Integrity and confidentiality –Personal Data shall be Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the Personal Data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures; st|Processor – Procedure for handling data subjects complaints Audit procedure Personal Data Breach Notification WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES ITALIA SRL WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES ITALIA SRL Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy 1. General principle 2. Personal data we may acquire from you 3. How long will we store your personal data? 4. Why do we collect your personal data? 5. How do we collect your personal data? 6. Cookies policy 7. Sharing personal data with third parties 8. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 9. Your rights 10. Changes linked to our privacy policy 10. Governing legislation 11. Contact Group Data Protection Officer 1. Personal data we may acquire from you 2. How long will we store your data? 3. Why do we collect your personal data? 4. How do we collect your data? 5. Cookies policy 6. Sharing personal data with third parties 7. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 8. Your rights 9. Changes linked to our website privacy policy 10. Contact Group Data Protection Officer The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h4|Terms and conditions and legal mentions 1. Intellectual property rights 2. Hypertext links 3. Personal data protection 4. Liability 5. Website availability 6. Contents 7. Security 8. Governing legislation 9. Legal notices sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp 2 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|*N° Code Interbancaire (CIB) : 16518E – Insurance intermediary registration number ORIAS: 12 064 847 In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . pa|Niklas Edentoft har tagit an rollen som Head of Operations och ansvarig för kundservice-företaget Webhelp på Frösön. Webhelps nya Head of Operations Niklas Edentoft kommer från ett jobb som enhetschef i Östersunds kommun där han har varit anställd de senaste tre åren. Han är utbildad inom sociologi på Mittuniversitetet och har dessutom yrkesbakgrund som officer i Försvarsmakten med bland annat sex månader i Afghanistan. Webhelp har tidigare gått ut med att företaget planerar att växa i Östersund, och Edentoft bekräftar att rekryteringen kundservicemedarbetare fortsätter under hösten. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Paris-headquartered Webhelp, the European leader in customer experience and business solutions, today revealed its revamped brand platform, supported by an updated visual identity. The group’s new brand reunites the strengths of its collaborators in 36 countries today and plays a key role in its ambitions to grow to a global leadership position. The group’s new vision of “ ” is founded strongly on Webhelp’s existing company culture, as well as the role enterprises play in society and the rising desire of consumers to create emotional connections with the brands they engage with. No matter the activity in business, people are involved and therefore are the main focus of Webhelp’s brand. explains , co-founding President. ” The new brand identity, which has been built inside-out, in partnership with the brand experts at FutureBrand, showcases a warm, welcoming and vibrant visual system and color palette, and reflects the group’s people-first culture and game-changing mentality. Providing services to thousands of clients across the world with a wide range of Customer Experience and Business Solutions, the group puts its clients at the heart of its all its activities, thus forming true and lasting partnerships. , co-founding President adds States , Group Secretary General. About to celebrate its 20 anniversary, having grown from a challenger to top player in Europe, both through organic growth and acquisitions, Webhelp aims to maintain and accelerate its performance through its redefined vision and mission, together with the strong collaboration of its investment partners. Webhelp is currently in the final stages of negotiations with as new investment partner, stepping in for , and expects to announce the closing of the deal before the end of the year, after obtaining the regulatory authorizations required. We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. Webhelp believes that Emotional Intelligence creates a lasting impact, and their skill in marrying a differentiating human touch to the right technology is what makes a real difference for their clients. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 50,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 36 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp invests in people and the environment they work in, because they know that when people thrive, it has a powerful impact on them, their customers and on their partners’ business. Webhelp believes that making business more human leads to a better customer experience - and a healthier bottom line. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,4B in 2018, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and KKR, a leading global investment firm, as of March 2016. GBL announces today it has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a majority stake in the Webhelp group, together with its co-founding shareholders, Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, who would retain their role as founding executive directors, and its management team. Founded in 2000, Webhelp is today one of the world's leading providers of customer experience and business process outsourcing (BPO). The group has doubled in size since the KKR acquisition in 2015 and aims to achieve a turnover of €1.5 billion in 2019. Webhelp develops innovative solutions combining consulting services, technological solutions and omni-channel processing capabilities thanks to its 55 000 employees in more than 35 countries. This performance is the result of an organic and external growth strategy that GBL aims to maintain and accelerate together with the strong collaboration of the co-founders and management. As a result of this transaction, GBL would acquire a majority stake in Webhelp on the basis of an enterprise value of €2.4 billion. It is expected that the legal documentation will be signed by the beginning of August for completion, after obtaining regulatory authorizations for use, within the course of Q4 2019. Ian Gallienne, CEO of GBL, said: " Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, said: Stanislas de Joussineau, Director at KKR said: Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ("GBL") is an established investment holding company, listed on the stock exchange for over sixty years and with an indicative net asset value of EUR 19 billion and a market capitalization of EUR 14 billion at the end of June 2019. GBL is a leading investor in Europe, focused on long-term value creation and relying on a stable and supportive family shareholder base. GBL strives to maintain a high quality, diversified portfolio of global companies, leaders in their sectors, with whom it can contribute to value creation as an active professional investor. GBL seeks to offer its shareholders an attractive return, resulting in a sustainable dividend and growth in its revalued net assets. GBL is listed on Euronext Brussels (Ticker: GBLB BB; ISIN code: BE0003797140) and is part of the BEL20 index. Webhelp is a global business process outsourcer (BPO), specialising in customer experience and payment services in addition to sales and marketing services across voice, social and digital channels. From more than 150 sites in 36 countries with an approximately 50,000-strong team, our focus is on engineering performance improvements and delivering a real and lasting transformation in our clients’ operating models to generate financial advantage. We partner with some of the world’s most progressive brands including Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors and Valentino. Headquartered in Paris, France, the company has grown its revenues by more than 250% in the last 4 years by investing in its people, the environment they work in and developing its analytical and operating capability to deliver a transformational outsourcing proposition that addresses the challenges of an omni-channel world. More information can be found at KKR is a leading global investment firm that manages multiple alternative asset classes, including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate and credit, with strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns for its fund investors by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and driving growth and value creation with KKR portfolio companies. KKR invests its own capital alongside the capital it manages for fund investors and provides financing solutions and investment opportunities through its capital markets business. References to KKR’s investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR’s website at and on Twitter @KKR_Co. För sin nya samarbetspartner COMHEM anställer kundservice-företaget Webhelp 150 nya medarbetare. I början av april kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för etableringen av ytterligare ett kontor i Östersund i Diös’ lokaler på Fritzhemsgatan 1A. Nu har fler detaljer blivit klara. Till exempel står det klart att det är ett partnerskap med COMHEM som är bakgrunden för att Webhelp etablerar ett nytt kontor i Östersund i maj. Fram till dess pågår en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 150 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp och inte via bemanningsföretag. Utbildningar av nya medarbetare startar upp redan i maj månad. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Webhelps första kontor i Östersund finns på Armégränd där verksamheten fortsätter med full kraft. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Terje Andreassen, CEO på Webhelp, +46 70 226 42 85 Webhelps verksamhet i Sverige tillhör Webhelp Nordic inom Webhelp-koncernen och omfattar bland annat contact center och kundservice via telefon, e-post och chatt för företag som Nespresso, SJ, Cancerfonden, Bonnier och Electrolux med flera. Webhelps främsta resurs är det nätverk av medarbetare som arbetar som rådgivare och arbetar för att lösa problem, förklara och förenkla för kunder. Verksamheten inkluderar även konsulttjänster kring lösningar, analys, design och utveckling. I Sverige finns Webhelp etablerade i Stockholm, Norrköping, Göteborg, Kalmar, Östersund, Umeå, Ånge och Piteå. Webhelp är ett bolag med stark tillväxt - under 2018 blev Webhelp hela 50 000 medarbetare. Webhelp Nordic är medlem av branschföreningen Kontakta, och har fått certifieringen Trygg Kundkontakt för 2019. Skapar 150 nya arbetstillfällen under 2019 Webhelp har mycket goda erfarenheter och mycket goda relationer med såväl det lokala näringslivet som kommunerna i regionen. Planerna om en fortsatt expansion har funnits länge och nu har Webhelp hos Diös hittat fantastiska lokaler som är helt anpassade för verksamheten, där vi i tillägg får en makalös utsikt över storsjön. Webhelp, som är ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support, har redan tagit kontakt med både Östersunds kommun och arbetsförmedlingen för att förbereda den kommande rekryteringen. – Vi hoppas kunna presentera mer kring satsningen under våren, men vi öppnar upp för jobbansökningar redan nu, via vår webbplats, förklarar Camilla Lundgren. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Under de närmsta veckorna kommer Webhelp att bjuda in till öppna rekryteringsträffar där alla som är intresserade får chansen att träffa både medarbetare och ledare och ställa frågor. – Vi brukar få frågor om allt från kollektivavtal, vilka utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheter som finns på lite längre sikt, vår kultur och våra värderingar och om hur en arbetsdag på Webhelp ser ut, säger Camilla Lundgren och blickar framåt. Lundgren ser fram emot att träffa folk i Östersund med omnejd som vill arbeta med att göra vardagen smidigare och enklare för våra uppdragsgivares kunder. – Östersund är en central knutpunkt i Sverige, en region med goda kommunikationsmöjligheter, ett universitet som driver utvecklingen framåt och ett rikt näringsliv. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta vara en aktiv del i detta, säger Camilla Lundgren. – Det är naturligtvis väldigt roligt när ett långsiktigt samarbete kan ge sådan bra utdelning. Att vi får hit 150 nya arbetstillfällen betyder mycket både för kommunen och regionen, kommenterar Anders Wennerberg, kommundirektör i Östersund. - Det känns fantastiskt att kunna erbjuda Webhelp nya moderna lokaler i centrala Östersund. Satsningen bidrar till att fler människor kommer att röra sig i stan och att nya arbetstillfällen skapas är helt enligt vår plan och vårt sätt att bidra till utveckling för Östersund. Vi själva flyttar till nya lokaler på Prästgatan och det råder bråda tider så att vi båda kan vara på plats redan i mitten av maj, säger Johan Fryksborn, affärschef, Diös Östersund/Åre. Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Webhelp utvecklar smarta lösningar för att göra det smidigare att vara kund hos företag. Samarbetet och det långsiktiga partnerskapet med SJ utvecklas ständigt, och en förstudie togs fram tidigare under 2018. Webhelp firar invigningen med tårta och mingel måndagen den 3. september. , a leading global BPO and customer experience company, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of . Sellbytel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of . (NYSE: OMC). By joining forces with Sellbytel, Webhelp expands its geographic footprint in Europe, and adds an extensive list of international brands and value-added services to its portfolio. Following this acquisition, Webhelp Group forecasts a turnover of €1,3 billion for the end of 2018, supported by a team of 50.000 people, serving over 500 clients, in 35 countries. Sellbytel’s Barcelona office provides best in class multilingual operations with around 4,000 people working in more than 20 languages. This expertise has been extended to Kuala Lumpur and Puerto Rico as multilingual hubs serving the APAC region and the Americas. In addition to its complementary geographical footprint and multilingual expertise, Sellbytel enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas such as end-to-end solutions in B2B Sales and Support activities, as well as an innovative work-from-home model which currently employs over 500 people working for various clients. As part of Webhelp, Sellbytel will be able to build upon its strong expertise as a CRM BPO provider and will have access to a large variety of additional capabilities, an extensive geographical footprint adding nearshore capabilities for its clients, as well as expertise in areas like AI, analytics, omnichannel platforms, and specialized services provided by subsidiaries of Webhelp such as Telecats, Netino, and Webhelp Payment Services. and , Webhelp’s cofounders said, , founder of Sellbytel added, Sellbytel management will continue to be strongly involved in the future growth of the company and will provide continuity for the company’s clients while also being able to provide a more comprehensive range of services. Webhelp and Sellbytel expect to derive significant synergies from the transaction thanks to the enhanced expertise and capabilities of the combined group, through cross-pollination of services, and access to new regions and nearshoring models. Moving forward, Webhelp’s strategy is to continue to grow both organically and through acquisition over the coming years, both in terms of geographical expansion and the addition of new capabilities. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2018, subject to approval of the relevant regulatory authorities. Sellbytel Group is a provider of outsourced sales, service and support with operations in 28 centers across , , , and . More information can be found at . Den 1 september tar Webhelp över verksamheten på servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Företaget ser SJ som en långsiktig strategisk partner. – Vi kommer till Ånge för att stanna och vi ser nu fram emot att lära känna medarbetarna och invånarna i regionen ännu bättre, säger Terje Andreassen och fortsätter: – Det ligger också i vår natur att driva på mot nästa steg. Vi vill och ska utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, i nära samarbete med SJ. Vi har gjort en förstudie tillsammans med dem som vi nu ser fram emot att omsätta i praktiken. Det handlar bland annat om att tillsammans med våra medarbetare öka graden av digitalisering och om att ta fram bättre styrningsverktyg. Från SJ:s sida välkomnas samarbetet. – Vi har haft en god dialog med Webhelp Nordic och gjort en noggrann utvärdering. De har varit lyhörda för våra tre grundläggande krav. Det här blir bra för våra kunder, det blir bra för SJ och det blir bra för våra medarbetare som nu erbjuds att fortsätta jobba kvar i Ånge. Vi får nu bättre förutsättningar att följa med i den snabba digitala utvecklingen och nå en än mer tillgänglig och stabil kundservice, säger SJs marknads- och försäljningsdirektör Thomas Silbersky. PARIS, 16 maj 2018 – Det ledande globala BPO- och kundupplevelseföretaget Webhelp bekräftar att förvärvet av en majoritetsandel i det ledande flerspråkiga nearshore-företaget Runway BPO har slutförts. Köpet av Runway, med huvudkontor i Riga i Lettland, ger Webhelp ytterligare nio flerspråkiga center med 1000 anställda i Lettland, och de nya länderna som tillkommer gruppen är: Estland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Dessutom tillkommer expertis inte bara i sektorer som resor och konsumentvaror men även inom aktiviteter som redovisning, IT och HR-outsourcing, vilket är ett perfekt komplement till Webhelps redan existerande portfölj. Runway firar 15-årsjubileum i år och har åtnjutit en stark tillväxt under grundaren Nils Sundling och VD:n Uldis Prieditis. Teamet som skapat företagets framgång kommer att vara kvar för att säkerställa att expertisen, kontakterna och lokalkännedomen bibehålls och utnyttjas för att maximera utvecklingsmöjligheterna i den nordiska regionen och i Europa. Detta förvärv är en del av Webhelps strategi för att aktivt sträva efter geografisk expansion såväl som att förstärka sin sektorspecifika expertis, och kommer att ge Webhelp möjligheten att erbjuda sina klienter tjänster från fyra nya länder, alla med stark flerspråkig kompetens. De senaste två åren har varit väldigt betydelsefulla för Webhelp. Stora nya klientförvärv, strategiska förvärv och engagemanget från det globala investmentbolaget KKR har markerat en verklig vändpunkt i Webhelps historia. Företaget är nu definitivt ett av de ledande i BPO-branschen. ________________________________________________________________ Webhelp är en global business process outsourcer (BPO), som specialiserar sig på kundupplevelse och betalningshantering bredvid försäljnings- och marknadsföringstjänster över röst-, sociala och digitala kanaler. Från över 110 platser i 33 länder med ett team på cirka 40 000 personer, ligger vårt fokus på att utforma prestationsförbättringar och att leverera en reell och varande omvandling av våra klienters driftsmodeller för att generera finansiella fördelar. Vi samarbetar med några av världens mest framstående varumärken, inklusive Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors och Valentino. Företaget har sitt huvudkontor i Paris i Frankrike, och har ökat sina intäkter med över 250% de senaste fyra åren genom att investera i sin personal, miljön de arbetar i och genom att utveckla sin analytiska och operativa förmåga att leverera omvandlande outsourcingförslag som hanterar utmaningarna i en omnikanal-värld. Webhelp ägs av sin ledning och KKR, ett ledande globalt investmentbolag, från och med mars 2016. Mer information finns på Runway grundades 2003 av Nils Sundling och har blivit den ideala nearshoring-partnern för skandinaviska och andra europeiska företag som behöver outsourcingtjänster. Runway BPO är ett BPO-tjänstföretag med allt inkluderat, som har kapaciteten att leverera en mängd outsourcingtjänster som är individuellt utformade för varje klients särskilda behov och krav. För tillfället betjänar Runway sina klienter med över 1000 medarbetare från nio platser i fem länder – Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Mer information finns på Avendus Capital agerade som exklusiv finansiell rådgivare åt Runway, medan Webhelp rådgavs av sitt juridiska och finansiella team på DLA Piper, Jeremy Scemama, Elise Aubert, och Julien Berger. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Den förstudie vi gjorde tillsammans med SJ pekade på ett behov för ökad grad av digitalisering och att ta fram bättre verktyg. Det jobbar vi med just nu, i tillägg till att vi självklart skall bli bättre känd med varandra och bidra till att den goda Webhelp-känslan växer på kundcentret i Ånge, lägger Andreassen till. st|För mer information, kontakta: Webhelp rings in its next phase of strategic development with new brand making business more human Olivier Duha Frédéric Jousset Sandrine Asseraf GBL KKR Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands About Groupe Bruxelles Lambert About Webhelp About KKR Stockholm 2019-04-10: Webhelps satsning i Östersund tar allt fastare form. Just nu pågår en omfattande rekryteringsprocess för att hitta 150 nya kundservice-medarbetare till företagets nya Östersundskontor. – Vi har kommit överens med COMHEM om att satsa i Östersund , berättar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. För mer information, kontakta: Webhelp i Sverige Webhelp Nordic etablerar ytterligare ett kontor på ny adress i Östersund och påbörjar en omfattande rekryteringsprocess. Planen är att anställa 150 nya medarbetare under våren. – Östersund ger oss fantastiska möjligheter för oss att växa, förklarar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Camilla Lundgren Terje Andreassen Webhelp Nordic meddelade tidigare i år att företaget blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. – Vi är så glada över att flytta in här i Ånge, och vi känner oss redan varmt välkommna både här på kontoret och i regionen, säger Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Acquisition strengthens Webhelp’s position in the European CRM BPO Market Webhelp Group Sellbytel Group Omnicom Group Inc Olivier Duha Frederic Jousset Michael Raum ABOUT SELLBYTEL Spain Germany Portugal Puerto Rico Malaysia Webhelp Nordic blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Sedan tidigare ansvarar Webhelp för SJ:s service center i Östersund, med 45 medarbetare. – Vi är glada över att kunna fördjupa vårt samarbete med SJ och tillsammans med dem utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, berättar Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Förvärvet av ledande flerspråkiga kundupplevelseföretaget Runway BPO har slutförts Frédéric Jousset, medgrundare av Webhelp, sade: Uldis Prieditis, VD för Runway BPO, sade: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A LEVER TO INCREASE HUMAN CAPITAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - THE ADVISOR AT THE CENTRE OF OUR APPROACH Automation of the conversation Automation of advisor coaching Automation of processes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AUTOMATION INITIATIVES CURRENT BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE [ Example of usage: IMAGE RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT MYSTUDIOFACTORY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL REDEFINE THE "DATA MARKET" THE OVEREXPOSURE OF DATA: A REALISATION AI, SPEARHEAD OF A TRANSPARENT, RESPONSIBLE AND SECURE DATA ECONOMY EUROPE WILL BE THE LEADER OF THE DATA MARKET THE DATA ECONOMY IN 2025 – IDC ESTIMATES Strong AI Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp by Webhelp ********************************** by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp Kundansvarig på Webhelp +46 70 247 0081 CEO på Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp [PROSPECTIVE OUTLOOK] As European market leader in customer experience, we are conscious that Artificial Intelligence is going to transform our sector in a lasting way. Moreover, our current use of Artificial Intelligence strengthens our conviction that this technology will help us to improve customer service, both to the benefit of advisors and to better meet the expectations of brands and their customers. We are already seeing a new concept emerge: that of the augmented agent. We are also convinced that this technology will heavily underscore what is at stake in the data services market. Through consumer expectations and regulatory oversight this market will provide companies and individuals the opportunity to better define their respective rights and obligations, but also to integrate the concepts of transparency, responsibility and security, conditions that are fundamental to the development of our operations. According to Transparency Market Research, the global AI market today is worth 126 billion USD, and is projected to grow to 3 trillion USD by 2024. Currently adoption has been driven by companies that are already mature in terms of digital transformation and data usage. Where as to date much of the attention about AI technology has focused upon the US and China we strongly believe that Europe is emerging as leaders in the field in terms of expertise, investment and public policy. AI is attracting great deal of Buzz, with some recent applications feeling like gimmicks. Behind the buzz however AI is a real economic phenomenon with significant implications for all aspects of society and business. Whether it’s the increased accuracy of medical diagnoses, autonomous vehicles on our roads, protecting us against fraud or fake news or using our faces for authentication AI is already making its presence felt. Nevertheless, AI cannot currently function without humans; for the moment, it is best suited to assisting people and improving their experiences. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT THE SERVICE OF HUMANS Transformation map published online by the World Economic Forum, illustrating AI's contribution in terms of human assistance. Source: World Economic Forum (2017) AI today, and what it promises in terms of automation, underlines the need for a repositioning of human interaction with technology. As the scientist Joël de Rosnay describes, artificial intelligence represents the beginnings of a new world, built on "augmented collective intelligence". Seen as a catalyst for individual competencies, AI will still place the advisor at the heart of Customer Relations, and allow the automation of repetitive processes and tasks. In a few years, the Customer Relations role has changed from being 100% face to face or phone based to a diverse, omni-channel means of managing interaction between organisations and their customers. This requires constant adapting to changing customers' needs and preferences. As a Group Webhelp handles around 2 million conversations every day, across all channels, on behalf of our clients and partners. We expect this traffic is to grow and to evolve in terms of its nature and purpose, creating opportunities for AI on several levels. This technology constitutes a productivity lever for all employees, benefiting brands and their customers. Conscious of the opportunities that it can create and impacts that it can have on our activities, we have made Artificial Intelligence an investment priority in terms of innovation. [VALUE PROPOSITION] At Webhelp, we examine new technologies to assess their potential in terms of customer experience and productivity. The customer service of tomorrow must operate as a platform: an agile and open structure that blends human and technology capabilities to adapt to the evolving needs of brands and customers, allowing companies to remain competitive in rapidly changing markets. This thinking drives our innovation projects connected to Artificial Intelligence and Automation, we place the relationship between agents and technology at the heart of what we do. Working in front of the Agent we deploy automated conversational solutions, , , and (using technologies such as Alexa and Google Home) that interact directly with the customer (pre-qualification of needs, automation of questions/responses and self-care). Working alongside the Agent as they engage with customers, automated virtual assistants interact with our advisors, supporting them with contextual knowledge, personalised coaching and suggested responses. For example, we are working with a that determines what the customer is asking within an email and suggests the best response which is validated by the agent or even sent directly to the customer. Working behind the agent process automation robots can execute high-volume repetitive tasks using tools such as activities (identification, creation of tickets, reply/follow-up emails, etc.) and (automation of back-office and administrative tasks,) and (automated real-time monitoring of contact volumes and identifying the root-cause of unplanned demand and recommending corrective actions). Map of projects connected to Artificial Intelligence and Automation at Webhelp. Source: Webhelp - Global Innovation (2017) Many of the technologies underlying AI are already being used within Customer Relations, such as Speech Analytics (speech recognition and processing), Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation, Machine Learning (for modeling and prediction), Robotic Process Automation (for back-office processes) CONCRETE EXAMPLES] At Webhelp, our approach to innovation is very empirical; we test ideas internally before recommending solutions to our clients. To this end, our Global R&D efforts are currently focused on: The partial automation of conversations, advisor coaching and processes Automated omni-channel assistance, available 24/7 An improvement in predictive analyses to better anticipate customers' needs and define optimal engagement strategies More sophisticated data analysis processes to better understand customers and increase their satisfaction Improvements in the identification and security of transactions The protection and security of processed data Through our subsidiaries, we are currently developing projects relating to speech and image recognition and processing. SPEECH RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT TELECATS Webhelp’s R&D efforts in the field of speech recognition and processing are being led by Telecats, a specialist speech technologies business acquired by Webhelp in 2017 and reflect our view that these capabilities are of increasing importance as a major player in BPO and Customer Relations. Speech-based communications (phone calls) remain the single largest channel, and Speech analytics allows us to analyse calls historically and in real time on the basis of conversation content, quality and sentiment. Source: Webhelp - Global Innovation (2017) Image recognition and processing offers the possibility of creating new, richer, more immersive and personalised digital experiences. For example, MyStudioFactory, Webhelp’s specialist digital agency have developed an application that will allow the user to visualise in real-time what they would look like if they changed their hair or make-up colour using AI and image rendering technology . Using AI capabilities such as , and advanced image processing allows us to support our clients to benefit from the opportunities presented by new technologies on one hand, and a richer and more personalised conversation with an expert advisor on the other. From the perspective of the customer, AI allows for a richer experience by strengthening the engagement between customers and brands. The brand can now offer 24/7 support conversations via a chatbot and offer personalised responses thanks to the ability of AI to analyse and understand the customers intention and how best to respond to it. The ability for technology to learn and be taught has the potential to support and benefit the customer throughout their journey. In the market, numerous case studies illustrate the use cases for these technological solutions. For example, the use of connected to AI has allowed the American media group Comcast to launch a program that detects subscribers' need for a visit from a technician to resolve connection problems. Initial indications are that the application can detect up to 90% of incidents. This would allow the saving of roughly 10 million dollars in unnecessary visits and technicians' time. Local energy supplier, Drift, based in Seattle, uses AI to predict its users' electricity needs, by collecting different kinds of data, such as working hours and internet usage. The service offered is reviewed every day, allowing the purchase of local energy in line with daily usage. There is even image recognition modules connected to that have allowed the creation of a chatbot that detects users' emotions. And we are just getting started. At the Netexplo Forum 2017, the inventor of Siri stated that AI's current capabilities are limited to weak* AI, and that, we were not yet at the stage of strong AI without human interaction. It is therefore vital that we reflect on strong AI in the long term and act on weak AI in the short term. Doing so allows us to serve brands and their customers' needs in an agile way. For example, by using techniques, a contact centre can project call volumes in order to optimise call response times. By bringing together all these technologies on one platform, we can also create a virtual command centre, a dashboard that will offer an overview of a centre's activities, capable of analysing the situation in an automated way and providing assistance to advisors in real time. [THE NEW DATA ECOSYSTEM] The real challenge of AI lies in the creation of an ethical model relating to data quality, which determines their value and processing. Whether the data is being processed by a human or by AI, what is important remains the same: the customer's voice. Companies able to structure, 'intelligently' use and secure data will give themselves a decisive competitive advantage. The truly impactful factor is the explosion in volumes brought about by automation; Customer Relations actors must now do their utmost to control huge quantities of data in order to continue to be trusted third parties. This new method of data processing will require companies to be more transparent and responsible. We are seeing this already in security breaches resulting in data leaks; it is not a question of reputation, but a duty of transparency that is the concern. Every responsible company must show towards its partners, that is to say their duty to implement internal mechanisms and procedures demonstrating adherence to data protection rules. Certainly, AI increases our understanding of customers, however, it also puts them more at risk with all the data collected on them in a systematic and automated way. We can understand the doubt and indeed the concern held by some regarding the free will that can be exercised by machines without human interference. Take for example the racist Twitter posts by 'Tay', the untrained Microsoft chatbot, who ill-intentioned users were able to corrupt. It is humans who will control developments and systems, all the more so in the case of ‘weak’ AI technology. The risks will accumulate, since it will be necessary to ensure that the information systems storing the data produced by new AI technologies and connected objects are reliable, and that their use conforms to the data collection purpose. We have seen it recently with Strava Labs, the fitness application with geolocation, used by professional athletes and the military to map their training. A researcher showed that public data being recorded in the app made it possible to identify the routes taken by military personnel in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, a useful source of information for terrorists. Certainly, AI will help to make cyber security more reliable, however, human vigilance and the ethical practices of different actors (companies, users) will play an essential role. At the risk of going against the tide of fears and risks raised by some experts in the field, we have the personal conviction that AI will not only strengthen human capital, but will also contribute to establishing a structured and responsible data economy. Every individual will gradually become aware of the value of their data and their right to informational self-determination, outlined in the EU regulation which gives the individual the right to determine how and for what purposes their data are used. We may soon see the arrival of more targeted customer expectations, in the spirit of, "I am giving you my data, but in exchange, I want a personalised service from the brand to whom I am bestowing the right to use my data". We must anticipate and prepare for this. This data will hold a monetary value which will no longer be attributed by the brand alone, but also by the customer themselves. We are seeing, for example, such as Génération Libre, led by Gaspard Koening, which allows internet users to take back control of their personal data by deciding to either sell or keep them. And, as Customer Relations specialists, we will be responsible for managing this data. In fact, beyond the 'intelligent' and automated management of tasks by the programs used, AI processes, structures and creates new data. In a way, we are moving out of the era of , where we focused on how to structure and analyse this mountain of data, to the era of ' ', where we look at how to use the data and guarantee . There is now a need for transparency with regard to the customer. If we want to offer them a quality service, we need to better understand them by analysing their data. The more data there is on an individual, the more personalised and varied the service they receive will be. Nevertheless, the customer will have the right to decide whether or not to share their data, according to their view of the transparency and security of the trusted third party. This is what we need to work on together with the brands, this guarantee regarding the purpose of the data processing and the security of the data. This investment in data extends to their protection, and Europe will have a powerful tool at its disposal when the GDPR (EU regulation on the Protection of Personal Data) comes into force on 25 May 2018. This regulation aims to secure guarantees regarding the processing and protection of this data at the European level and will allow actors in the region to generate profits from the data economy in a controlled way. Certainly, some proclaim the supremacy of the US and China in advances in AI, however, until their data markets offer a regulation identical to that of the EU, the data economy's centre of gravity will very quickly position itself in Europe and in all the countries and companies that have taken these commitments into account, in particular by putting in place . Some of the GAFA companies have recognised this and started to position themselves, like Facebook for example, who last January announced the opening of a global privacy centre to respond to the demands of the GDPR in particular. Of course, every actor must take a pragmatic approach in line with the realities of our operations. - In 2025, the quantity of data produced will reach 163 zettabytes (a billion gigabytes), 10 times the quantity produced in 2016 (16.1 zettabytes) - Only 15% of this data will be indexed and only one fifth will be analysed - 20% of the data will be essential in our daily lives - Around 90% of the data produced will require protection (confidentiality, secret, private, conformity) - Only one quarter of the data will be protected Source: translated from “Data Age 2025: The Evolution of Data to Life-Critical, Don’t Focus on Big Data; Focus on the Data That’s Big” - Sponsored by Seagate – IDC White Paper © 2017 BCRs (BINDING CORPORATE RULES), WHAT ARE THEY? A service company's BCRs constitute a code of good conduct for their client and a guarantee for the end user. They allow the transfer of data out of the European area, including to countries without adequate data processing and protection rules while maintaining the benefit of BCRs. With the GDPR, data protection will be standardised across the European Union, however, BCRs will offer an additional guarantee for multinational groups, who put the processing and security of data at the heart of their strategy. BCRs for subcontracting companies who manage data transfers on behalf of their client and on the instructions of someone in charge of data processing have existed since 2013. The process of having BCRs validated by the competent authority (CNIL in France, or the official data protection authority of any other country) is very demanding and includes 8 stages, however, it offers an additional guarantee for the client. Today, only around 80 groups have BCRs, which is not very many, particularly when you consider that there are around 500 European companies in the Forbes Global 2000 ranking. * is defined as: AI that aims to replicate human behaviour as closely as possibly, by beginning a program with simple intentions and then developing it towards more complex actions. This AI will have autonomy, even a conscience. by Webhelp 3 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Att få driva och bygga upp en ny stor arbetsplats och verksamhet i Östersund är en jättespännande möjlighet som jag självklart tackade ja till när jag fick chansen, säger Niklas Edentoft, Head of Operations på Webhelp. Mitt jobb på Webhelp är otroligt givande på grund av alla människor som vi jobbar med, som vill utveckla och utvecklas med oss under resans gång, berättar Edentoft. Vi är otroligt glada för att ha rekryterat en så kompetent och erfaren ledare som Niklas till vårt Webhelp-team på Frösön, säger Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. Niklas’ passion för människor är en ”match made in heaven” för vår verksamhet på Webhelp. Vi delar våra värderingar kring ledarskap och ”människan först”-filosofin och jag är övertygat om at vi tillsammans bygger Östersunds bästa arbetsplats, avslutar Camilla Lundgren. “At Webhelp we truly believe if you focus on the person in front of you, suddenly everything comes alive” “this holds for each connection built between a brand and a consumer, but just as strongly between employer and employee, client and provider. Helping hard things become easy takes empathy and imagination : “over the years we have continuously invested heavily in both enabling and matching our clients’ needs to technologically innovative solutions, as well as our people. We feel embracing technology is key, and it’s the people that deploy these tools that make the difference and take the experience to the next level.” “We are truly excited to reveal the new face of Webhelp, which better expresses who we are to the world, following an intense project of close to a year. We have engaged with stakeholders from all areas and levels of our business and believe we have created a vision and brand that’s built to last, as is shown through the enthusiasm of our new future shareholders at GBL regarding the outcomes of the project.” “ We are enthusiastic to become a partner to Olivier Duha, Frédéric Jousset and the Management team in continuing the successful development of Webhelp, supporting the transition from a European Champion to a Global Leader. This transaction is consistent with GBL’s announced objective to increase its exposure to private assets.” “We thank KKR for its investment over the past 4 years and we welcome with confidence GBL in order to write together a new growth and investment phase. The management team has chosen to surround itself with a shareholder renowned for its longstanding support to companies with international ambitions such as Webhelp.” "We are proud to have been a partner for Olivier Duha, Frederic Jousset and the outstanding management team at Webhelp over the last four years to create one of the leading global business process outsourcers. During our ownership, Webhelp has doubled its revenues to €1.5 billion and increased its number of employees globally from 30,000 to over 50,000. We believe the company is strongly positioned for future growth and we wish Webhelp and GBL every continued success." – Vi ser fram emot att utöka vår verksamhet i Östersund och bidra till utveckling och tillväxt i regionen. Eftersom kundkontakt är en så grundläggande kompetens som efterfrågas i enormt många verksamheter, är ett jobb på kundservice ett klokt och hållbart val för framtiden, berättar Lundgren. - Jag hoppas och tror att våra medarbetare kommer att trivas på vårt nya kontor, säger Camilla Lundgren. För mer information, kontakta: “This acquisition is not only a major step to strengthen our position in Europe, it is also a fantastic opportunity to broaden our service portfolio and our geographical coverage. After 18 years of uninterrupted growth, Webhelp is building upon its position as a leader in the CRM BPO industry. The fit with Sellbytel’s management has been a major strength supporting this deal and definitely has us excited about building this future together.” “We are proud of what’s been accomplished over the last 25 years with our partners at Omnicom and are very excited about our future with Webhelp. Sellbytel management is excited to team up with one of the most successful companies in our sector. Our cultural fit and our shared vision are key elements for our future success.” ”Runway är ett ypperligt företag med en stark tradition i att leverera förstklassiga kundupplevelser till skandinaviska och internationella klienter. Vi är väldigt entusiastiska inför att förena våra krafter med företaget, dess ledningsteam och anställda för att utvidga Webhelps globala fotavtryck och stötta företaget på den skandinaviska marknaden med de resurser som finns tillgängliga i vår grupporganisation och från våra investerare.” ”Ända sedan Runway etablerades för 15 år sedan har vi drivits av ambitionen att bli en välkänd och ansedd samarbetspartner på den skandinaviska BPO-marknaden med ett starkt fokus på ypperliga CRM-upplevelser, särskilt med avseende på levererad kvalitet och tillhandahållande av skräddarsydda lösningar. Våra ansträngningar har resulterat i långvariga partnerskap med våra klienter, där många har varit med oss i över tio år nu, och ett fantastiskt team med över 1000 enastående medarbetare som arbetar för våra klienter varje dag. Vår ambition är nu att även expandera internationellt. Med detta fokus passar ett ägarbyte till Webhelp Group perfekt för företaget, dess klienter och anställda. De ökade tillväxtmöjligheterna kommer att ge högre sysselsättning och erfarenhetsutbytet kring best practice med våra systerföretag inom den internationella gruppen kommer att hjälpa oss föra Runway till en ännu högre nivå.” (Catherine Fauchoux – Global Innovation Research Manager) (Sebastien Vassort - Head of Global Products & Services Innovation) chatbots voicebots digital assistants Mailbot Desktop Automation Robotics Process Automation Real Time Operations Alerting (David Pattman – Global Innovation Director) Legend's translation: the system analyses the customer’s speech (tone, emotion, words, etc.) and suggests to the advisor what tone and words to use. This automated coaching allows the advisor to adapt to the customer and personalise the response. Machine Learning Deep Learning machine learning deep learning machine learning (Boris Paulin – Data Protection Officer) accountability think tanks Big Data Valued Data Data Privacy Binding Corporate Rules pa|—these four letters are inescapable as we begin the year 2018. Amid concerns, both real and imagined, and contradicting opinions, the Webhelp Group, in collaboration with all parties involved, chose an innovative, pragmatic, and straightforward approach to the challenge. There is no denying that the relationship from economic players and individuals to personal data is undergoing change. The nature of this change forces those working in Customer Relationship Management to walk a tightrope, trying to balance legitimate needs which are often at odds with one another. On one side, consumers rightfully require that their data be used only to provide them with services they have signed up for; on the other, the need for customised, speedy, and relevant response calls for a more holistic approach to data usage. Indeed, we all know how unpleasant it is as a customer to have to repeat your requests over and over again… This dichotomy is brought at the forefront of Webhelp’s GDPR programme. For many years, we have been at the forefront of strategic thinking regarding the future of Customer Experience - and we have become convinced that meeting the challenges and expectations regarding privacy protection depends on “ .” Today's digital world creates and circulates an impressive amount of data, with some sources quoting a figure of 163 zetabits (that is, 163 billion gigabits) for the year 2025, a ten-fold increase relative to levels processed in 2016. Each person generates data voluntarily and often also involuntarily. When a form is filled in online, or when a user sends a text message, is filmed outdoors by a video-surveillance system, browses the web, or agrees to their data being transferred across platforms, data is generated. Almost 85% of that data has no real use. Of the remaining 15%, only one-fifth is usable –so less than 1% of all that data captured! Despite this, a sizable amount of data remains, traces of their presence in the digital or physical world. This reality can no longer be ignored. Indeed, it is the subject of the protection afforded by European regulation, and of the integration of the latter into the Webhelp Group business. Customer Relationship is based on loyalty toward the consumer. We must provide a service that meets valid consumer expectations, in the best interest of our customer. From a variety of technological environments, Webhelp handles about 2 million conversations each day, across all channels. Those interactions may be saved to allow for continuous service quality improvement and to provide the responses consumers require. By adapting to the customer context and creating on-demand solutions, Webhelp brings its expertise and know-how to its principals and their customers. However, being so fully involved in those relationships, Webhelp recognized that we cannot remain systematically neutral with regards to the processing of personal data. Our efforts started years ago within the Webhelp Group, when it very quickly became apparent that a global effort would be required to ensure respect for consumer privacy. This effort has put us at the forefront of thinking around GDPR. As we emphasize in our BCR (Binding Corporate Rules): “We believe protecting personal data is not just a matter of security or compliance with the law, but above all a matter of collective and individual obligation.” This ambitious approach has been the principle guiding the Webhelp Group's action for several years, and it has been transposed to our successful innovations with Chatbots, Speech Analytics (Speech Recognition and Processing), and Machine Learning for work volume forecasting, etc. We have, in each of those projects, worked toward minimizing the amount of data used, while carefully monitoring the impact those projects might have on privacy. These improvements are based on solving the dichotomy discussed earlier. We use data to meet the dual legitimacy of consumer requirements - but we only use relevant data, and strictly for achieving positive outcomes for our principals and their customers. From a risk-based analysis, data processing and the relationship we create based on that data became an opportunity for expanding the services we provide to our customers. This relationship is what lies at the core of Webhelp Group's “Privacy” initiative. Customer Relationship Management is actually tripartite, with strong links between the various partners. On one side, the principal client: like every business, it has a life of its own, counting on its partners' expertise for support and advice. This is where BPO players, such as Webhelp, are especially relevant. We must be in tune with our client's expectations and ultimately provide the most accurate, respectful yet relevant service possible to the consumer. Consumers are at the center of that relationship, its purpose, and their satisfaction is absolutely necessary. In this tripartite relationship, there are key moments when consumers interact with the Customer Relationship Management provider. It is exactly at these moments that the strength of the relationship between consumer and brand is activated—a “third moment of truth,” in Marketing—crucial for brand image and loyalty. In such a decisive setting, there is no room for error, and the consumer demands service that is tailored to them as an individual – but that also respects their privacy and integrity in the use of their personal data. At those times, an approach consistent with legitimate consumer expectations must be employed, and the strategy regarding data processing is crucial. Without going as far as providing an extensive list, GDPR strongly strengthens obligations of transparency and information disclosure for consumers. Consumers must be made aware of, and in some instances, agree to the methods and means implemented to respond to their needs. This effort is now the responsibility of the principal and the BPO players, who must together reflect this requirement to the consumer. An example of practical implementation is the creation of both dedicated and shared GDPR teams, which will respond to consumer requests starting May 25 , 2018, as well as the use of KYC systems to identify the person making an access request. It is upon this framework, both legal and pragmatic, that our initiative to create a virtuous model based on data quality is founded. By understanding and anticipating consumer needs and by providing a coordinated, accurate, and transparent approach, Webhelp is building, alongside the brands for which we work, this new relationship with data. Data usage must from now on be regarded no longer as a risk, but as an opportunity to provide optimal service. This endeavor is defined by a shared assessment, determination of processes, documentation, and transparency. This common effort, driven by the principal and with Webhelp's support through the services we offer, will shape the future of Customer Relationships. Together we will successfully navigate the journey from the age of Big Data to the age of Valued Data – an age in which brands and CRM players will continue to be able to take advantage of the possibilities that contextual data provides in delivering a personalised service for the individual consumer, whilst also successfully ensuring the right levels of respect for consumer rights and expectations. Data Protection Officer - Webhelp General Data Protection Regulation – European regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27 , 2016 Anställer mer än 300 nya medarbetare I mitten av januari kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för en expansion i Norrköping. Nu står det klart att företaget ingår ett samarbete med Telenor. - Vi är stolta över att gå in i detta partnerskap med Telenor. Vi är redan igång med en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 300 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp Nordic och inte via bemanningsföretag, säger Sofia Stridh, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Telenor Sverige är en helhetsleverantör av telekommunikationstjänster, med drygt 2,6 miljoner mobilabonnenter, cirka 650 000 fiber- och bredbandskunder och en halv miljon tv-kunder. - Det här är ett steg i vårt arbete för att få Sveriges nöjdaste kunder. En kundservice i världsklass är otroligt viktigt för att vi ska nå våra strategiska mål och för att vi fortsatt ska kunna hjälpa våra kunder med smarta lösningar för en smidigare vardag. Vi ser fram emot att arbeta för detta tillsammans med Webhelp i Norrköping, säger Ulrika Steg, affärsområdeschef Channels på Telenor Sverige. Webhelp Nordic söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till verksamheten som håller till i Pronova-huset. Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic: 070-226 42 85 Sofia Stridh, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic: 070-557 27 83 Kristin Wester, tf. presschef på Telenor Sverige 08-41 01 00 40 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|GDPR creating a virtuous model based on data quality Rethinking Our Relationship with Data Creating a Virtuous Cycle in Customer Relationship Management Boris Paulin Webhelps satsning i Norrköping tar nu fart Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp 4 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|För mer information, kontakta: pa|You are about to submit a request attached to the processing of your Personal Data by Webhelp. Protecting your Personal Data is of the utmost importance for us, and we want to prevent any action on your Personal Data by an unauthorised person. This is why we need to verify you identity before assessing your request. The Personal Data you are about to share with us will be stored by Webhelp for a probatory duration as required by the laws of your country. Of course, we grant you the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. At any time you can require us to access, rectify, erase your personal data or restrict of processing concerning you as well as the right to data portability. You may also object on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|8th januari 2021 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Make a privacy request | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris bo|If you are not confortable submitting your request trough this form, please contact our Data Protection Officer. pa|Following our positioning as a Global Leader in Customer Experience Management (CXM) by the leading analyst, Everest Group, we have now been recognized as a Leader again in its CXM in EMEA Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020, rating high in terms of vision and capability. This report is an objective recognition of Webhelp’s successful growth strategy, and our unique people-first, end-to-end approach with “Webhelp is a leading CXM provider globally, especially in Europe, supported by a large multilingual workforce of more than 60,000 agents. With a focus on digital transformation, CX consulting, and customer journey orchestration, Webhelp has been able to drive exponential growth over the last few years,” He continues “Further, its deep digital and domain expertise, outcome-focused approach, and strong leadership have allowed it to resiliently navigate the uncertainties created by COVID-19 and continue on its growth journey.” This result builds on our strong track record in analyst rankings and assessments, and our second year as a Leader in the PEAK Matrix, with Everest Group specifically highlighting our strong coverage in major industry verticals, our geographical delivery footprint, and the value delivered to our clients. Everest Group defines Leaders as companies that deliver consistent Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services through expansion in new regions, serving various buyer sizes, and delivering high satisfaction scores due to greater technological and advanced digital capabilities. For this EMEA edition, Everest Group selected 21 organizations to evaluate and compare for their 2020 report based upon the service provider’s market success, vision and strategy, service focus and capabilities, digital and technological solutions, domain investments, and buyer feedback. In a context fueled by digital disruption and global acceleration, healthcare companies must design a new framework to better provide a seamless, constistent care accross all moment and all frontiers Through this white paper, Webhelp Medica reveals its best practices and learnings based on more than 20 years of expertise. Mixing feedbacks, testimonials and regulatory analyses, here are the keys to a winning strategy. Why is recommerce on the rise? and why are marketplaces such as , or thriving in this business model? Is it just trendy, cost effective, sustainable or a mix of all these that explains the current surge? Tomorrow’s personalization and customer journeys are expected to be even smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling than they are today. The question is: Are brands and consumers ready? Here is an analysis from Olivier Carrot, Global . At Webhelp, our clients are at the heart and our core objective is to ensure that their customers experience world class service in every touchpoint. The creation and upholding of a sustainable environment also go hand in hand with what our company stands for. : Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|The accessibility of mobile devices globally has essentially contributed to the growth of e-commerce thanks to the increased reach which has consequently increased the sales. According to Aaron Orendorff – Forbes Top 10 B2B Content Marketer, e-commerce has helped businesses launch beyond borders reaching out to millions of new potential customers. By 2023, an increase of 276.9% in the total global sales in retail is projected with APAC taking the lead (source: ). The easy accessibility of mobile phones and internet has definitely elevated the demand of recommerce as a service. This surge has seen many start- ups joining the bandwagon to not only meet the growing demand but also to take advantage of the efficiency and scalability that marketplaces provide. Through the creation of an application that links second-hand products to customers, VINTED has grown from being owned by its two co-founders Milda and Justas to an organization that employs more than 450 people and unites a community of 25 million people. In reference to platforms like VINTED, personalized services that match customers preferences are highly sought after. Customers want to feel valued and there is no better way than to offer a personalized experience. Even though many consumers are in search of products being offered at discounted or affordable prices, they will not compromise on the experience. Brands are thus competing not only on price but also on offering the most memorable experience to their customers. Founded in 2009 as a swapping company for men’s shirts’ thredUP is a huge consumer marketplace that flaunts over 35,000 brands. In one of his keynotes, CEO and co-founder James Reinhart forecasts sales of upto $51 billion from the second-hand apparel market by 2023 (source ) In reality, people buy twice as many clothes and wear them half as long. If one can buy a branded item for half the price of the new, why not? There is a growing trend to transform consumption through reuse. And so as to keep up with the changing environment in the retail industry, integrating a resale option in traditional retail outlets is seen to boost the overall sales. Customers are sparked to spend 21% more and visit 70% more frequently. James attributes the massive increase in the visiting percentage to the fact that second hand collection is restocked every two weeks whereas in the traditional format, new collection arrives between four to six times a year (source: ) . Pocket friendly purchases is a big driver in the recommerce boom. Customers are increasingly seeing the value in buying recycled brand-name products for huge discounts. “Recommerce has seen a tremendous upsurge” says Steven Bethell, founder of Bank & Vogue – a firm that specializes in the logistics of selling used goods and operates a sister company called . Prior to making a purchase, many shoppers aquent themselves with the resale possibilities of items they wish to buy with the plan to resell them in the near future. The retail industry is seeing a continued shift with the majority of consumers shopping smarter. . The new affluent generations like the Gen Z are more environmental and social conscious and as such, they expect brands to be more ethical and sustainable in their production processes. Fashion brands that have this audience as their customer base, are obliged to revamp their business models to be able to not only attract but most definitely also retain this segment. is one such brand. By investing on its brand ethos which is providing a platform for purchasing and selling of second-hand clothes. These clothes reduce the environmental impact of Co2 levels that are usually released in the production of new clothes (think water, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides). In addition, it prolongs the shelf life of clothes that would otherwise head to the dumping sites in one or two years. It’s estimated that 600 kilograms of used clothes would lead to a reduction of 2250 kilograms of Co2 emissions, 3.6 billion liters of water saved, and 144 trees planted. ( ). st|Skand Bhargava, Vice President, Everest Group saying: So which are some of the factors that have contributed to this increase? Rise in the use of mobile devices. Personalized customer experiences. Old is new again. Cost friendly Sustainability VINTED The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Industries by Diane Servettaz by Webhelp In our endeavor to always provide seamless interactions, we go the extra mile to guarantee that customers’ needs are met. We focus on making the purchase process in the marketplaces as simple and fulfilling as possible . Our flawless and memorable customer journey from order management to returns and replacements is swiftly executed with our dedicated service specialist who are located globally in the different hubs . And thanks to the booming second-hand industry, content management and moderation is also on high demand. Ever thought of outsourcing your content moderation? Our highly experienced offshore content moderators ensure that our clients’ brand s are duly protected across their target audience. We support our clients’ to not only maintain their brand integrity, but also to shield their customer s from inappropriate, aggressive or illegal content. Are you looking for an experienced partner who will help you take your marketplace to the next level? Get in touch to receive your tailormade solution by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . pa|* Bonjour ! Bienvenue au Canada På bara några år har det franska företaget Webhelp blivit internationellt ledeande inom outsourcing av kundtjänst. Våra team tar hand om kundrelationer för ledande företag i flera branscher. Trots vår betydelsefulla utveckling så styr uppstartsandan fortfarande vår vision om innovation och vår agila, sammarbetsvilliga och proaktiva versakmhet. ANTAL ÅR VI EXISTERAT STORA KUNDER Språk Kontor Land Partners Webhelp är nu närvarande i Kanada och öppnar sitt första kontor i Montreal. I affärsjargonngen säger vissa människor att Webhelp gör ” ” eller ”Process Outsourcing”. Vi föredrar helt enkelt att säga att vi hanterar rutinmässiga, icke-strategiska men ändå väsentliga affärsinteraktioner mellan kanadensiska företag som placerar kundservicekvalitet högst upp bland sina prioriteringar. Ju mer ett varumärke antar en ”kunden först” -metod, desto mer drar det nytta av att alltid ha en nära relation med kunden. En bättre föreståelse för varje kund på ett mer ingående och precist sätt underlättar sammarbete mellan respektfulla och personliga utbyten. På lång sikt är lojalitet mycket ömtåligt och värdefullt, särskilt när allt är tillgängligt med ett enda klick. Webhelps omfattande erbjudande täcker alla kontaktpunkter kunden och ett varumärke – både före, under och efter en transaktion. Oavsett om det handlar om lojalitet eller anspråk, teknisk support, analys eller automatiseringstjänster så hanterar vi miljontals interaktioner med kundvarumärken dagligen via flera kanaler (telefon, e-post, sociala medier, chatt etc.). Webhelps team lyckas utveckla berikande konversationer med kundernas kunder samtidigt som de fokuserar på affärsresultat. Eftersom vi anpassar oss till våra partners affärsutmaningar, strävar vi alltid efter att överträffa förväntningarna genom att utveckla långsiktiga relationer baserat på värdeskapande. Genom att ge oss mycket förtroende och fri rörlighet realiserar våra affärspartners betydande besparingar när det gäller ekonomi, resurskrav, arbetstid och framför allt förblir de fokuserade på sina kärnaktiviteter och högre mervärdeuppgifter. Genom att flytta till Motreal för utvidga sina rötter i Kanada visste Webhelp att de skulle kunna dra mycket nytta av stadens innovativa karaktär, som är erkänd som en av världens ledande huvudstäder inom artificiell intelligens, spel och digital teknik. Vår tillväxt går hand i hand med vår förmåga att sömlöst integrera lösningar som bottar, dataanalys, röstanalys och annan framtida tekniksom förändrar sättet människor arbetar och kommunicerar på. Webhelp ser adoptionen av innovation som en stark möjlighet att ge mervärde för våra kunder. De teknologier vi använder ersätter inte de mänskliga relationerna vi tillhandahåller, de berikar dem med ett bättre minne av tidigare interaktioner – en bättre förståelse av behov och 24/7 utbyte från flera plattformar som anpassar sig till kundens rörlighet. För Webhelp är den emotionella intelligensen av dess männskligakapital lika viktigt som dess professionella expertis. Eftersom våra agenter är vårdnadshavare för våra affärspartners kunderelationer ser vi till att vi anställer människor som älskar människor. För att skapa berikande mänskliga interaktioner och minnesvärda varumärkesupplevelser, är världen alltid i hjärtat av allt vi gör Webhelp lockar de bästa talangerna från hela världen, erbjuder avancerad utbildning, coachar dem respektfullt i mänskliga miljöer och ger de mest generösa arbetsförhållandena. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Kanada li|Kanada st|Kanada relationer relationer byggda Customer Experience Management tala är guld Teknologi Leende och omtänksamma Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Hej! Välkommen till * Loakala på en global marknad 20 + 1300 + 40 + 140 + 50 + 60K + Mänskliga band från kust till kust Vi skapar varaktiga på förtroende mellan varumärken och människor Täck alla kontaktpunkter När , är omsättning silver Vår mångsidiga portfölj talar för sig själv med ett mänskligt ansikte Leende och omtänksamma ansikten Stad Välj en stad för kontaktinformation Vår mångsidiga portfölj talar för sig själv ansikten Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen? Låt oss prata om dig Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Lorem ipsum etque Lorem ipsum etque To find out more about this topic Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Contact the author h6|SHARE sp|Search Article’s title 5 Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Lorem ipsum etque Lorem ipsum etque To find out more about this topic Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Contact the author h6|SHARE sp|Search Article’s title 4 Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Lorem ipsum etque Lorem ipsum etque To find out more about this topic Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Contact the author h6|SHARE sp|Search Article’s title 3 Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Lorem ipsum etque Lorem ipsum etque To find out more about this topic Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Contact the author h6|SHARE sp|Search Article’s title 2 Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem. Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne ‘inquam’ et ‘inquit’ saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Lorem ipsum etque Lorem ipsum etque To find out more about this topic Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Contact the author h6|SHARE sp|Search Article’s title 1 Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi omfamnar våra olikheter och belönar de som kommer på otippade idéer. Så våga vara dig själv. Vi omfamnar våra olikheter och belönar de som kommer på otippade idéer. Så våga vara dig själv. Tror du på ett band vid första kontakt? Om du är en social person som törs lära dig nya saker varje dag, så ska du komma och hänga med oss. Vi tror att det nu är rätt tid för dig att skapa en fantastisk kundupplevelse antingen från vårt kontor eller ditt hem. Du kan utveckla effektiva investeringsstrategier och hantera finansiella risker. Du är också exceptionell duktig på att arbeta med siffror, analysera trender och tolka data. Hos oss får du möjligheten att utmana dig själv och säkerställa vårt företags ekonomi. Webhelp expanderar hela tiden och fortsätter att hitta nya marknader. Om du kan sammanföra människor, processer och teknologi genom en människocentrerad design över flera branscher och funktioner, så har du förmågan att bidra med ett stort genombrott i effektiviteten i vår verksamhet. Felsökning av produkter och tjänster som kunder älskar kan göra stor skillnad i deras liv. Om du gillar att stödja användare med teknikrelaterade problem och kan föreslå lösningar snabbt och tydligt, kommer du att ta dig långt på Webhelp. Om du tror på våra lösningar lika mycket som våra kunder och klienter gör, så är du redan en del av vårt team. Ta bara med dig din känsla för kreativitet, analytiska anda och ditt driv för att främja en förändring av spelreglerna. Du kommer att jobba med spännande och internationella projekt. Kan du utstråla positiv energi i en stressig miljö? Med dina enastående kommunikationsförmågor och en kreativ strategi för att lösa problem kommer du att spela en avgörande roll i vårt team genom att hjälpa ledande befattningshavare eller samordna projekt. Med en stark drivkraft för att genomföra fantastiska rekryterings-, utvecklings- och mobilitetsstrategier, kommer du att vara vår kulturingenjör, och vår jobbmatchare. Över 55 000 Webhelpers är med oss idag eftersom vi anställer människor som passar för det de älskar att göra. Hos Webhelp så är ingen dag, eller uppdrag, den andra lik. Om du är bra på att göra flera saker samtidigt och du klarar att ha många olika hattar på kontoret, så välkomnar vi dina organisatoriska färdigheter och din dynamiska inställning. Upptäck vilken roll som passar dig bäst. Hur skulle du säkerställa att ett globalt företag fungerar väl? Om du kan föreslå lösningar för att hantera det interna utbudet och efterfrågan på tjänster, system och utrustning på Webhelp, kan du att spela en viktig roll för att stödja vår verksamhet. Tror du på ett band vid första kontakt? Om du är en social person som törs lära dig nya saker varje dag, så ska du komma och hänga med oss. Vi tror att det nu är rätt tid för dig att skapa en fantastisk kundupplevelse antingen från vårt kontor eller ditt hem. Webhelp expanderar hela tiden och fortsätter att hitta nya marknader. Om du kan sammanföra människor, processer och teknologi genom en människocentrerad design över flera branscher och funktioner, så har du förmågan att bidra med ett stort genombrott i effektiviteten i vår verksamhet. Med en stark drivkraft för att genomföra fantastiska rekryterings-, utvecklings- och mobilitetsstrategier, kommer du att vara vår kulturingenjör, och vår jobbmatchare. Över 55 000 Webhelpers är med oss idag eftersom vi anställer människor som passar för det de älskar att göra. You can develop effective investment strategies and manage financial risks. You’re also exceptional at working with numbers, analysing trends and interpreting data. Here, you’ll thrive on challenges and ensure the financial health of our company. Felsökning av produkter och tjänster som kunder älskar kan göra stor skillnad i deras liv. Om du gillar att stödja användare med teknikrelaterade problem och kan föreslå lösningar snabbt och tydligt, kommer du att ta dig långt på Webhelp. Kan du utstråla positiv energi i en stressig miljö? Med dina enastående kommunikationsförmågor och en kreativ strategi för att lösa problem kommer du att spela en avgörande roll i vårt team genom att hjälpa ledande befattningshavare eller samordna projekt. Hur skulle du säkerställa att ett globalt företag fungerar väl? Om du kan föreslå lösningar för att hantera det interna utbudet och efterfrågan på tjänster, system och utrustning på Webhelp, kan du att spela en viktig roll för att stödja vår verksamhet. Hos Webhelp så är ingen dag, eller uppdrag, den andra lik. Om du är bra på att göra flera saker samtidigt och du klarar att ha många olika hattar på kontoret, så välkomnar vi dina organisatoriska färdigheter och din dynamiska inställning. Upptäck vilken roll som passar dig bäst. Vi är ett globalt community med över 55 000 medarbetare som utmanar branschen. Speciellt när det gäller outsourcingtjänster. Vi gläder kunder med vår energi, transparens och vår emotionella intelligens. Vi är ett globalt community med över 55 000 medarbetare som utmanar branschen. Speciellt när det gäller outsourcingtjänster. Vi gläder kunder med vår energi, transparens och vår emotionella intelligens. Kunde inte hitta något Ansök direkt om du är redo. Men här har vi samlat några goda råd för att få din ansökan att skilja sig från mängden. Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Karriärer på Webhelp Vi har utvecklat en stark kultur för att befordra inifrån eftersom vi vill att varje webhelper ska känna sig uppskattad och sedd. Det är okej med oss om du precis har börjat och ännu inte vet vad du vill uppnå. Det är så alla fantastiska berättelser börjar. Teknologi är en del av vårt DNA, och mänskligt tänkande är en del av vårt genom. Det är när vi sätter människor i centrum som allting händer! Vi har utvecklat en stark kultur för att befordra inifrån eftersom vi vill att varje webhelper ska känna sig uppskattad och sedd. Det är okej med oss om du precis har börjat och ännu inte vet vad du vill uppnå. Det är så alla fantastiska berättelser börjar. Teknologi är en del av vårt DNA, och mänskligt tänkande är en del av vårt genom. Det är när vi sätter människor i centrum som allting händer! li|Karriärer på Webhelp st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Advisor-tjänster Ekonomi Verksamheten IT och Teknisk Support Marknadsföring och kommunikation Administration HR Affärsstöd Faciliteter Advisor roles Operations Marketing & Communication Human Resources Finance IT & Technical support Administration Facilities Business Support sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Våga vara WOW och annorlunda Våga vara WOW och annorlunda Vi är olika pusselbitar i samma pussel. För att göra skillnad på riktig färdas vi i en riktning. Men det är upp till dig att välja den väg som är rätt för dig. Vi är olika pusselbitar i samma pussel. För att göra skillnad på riktig färdas vi i en riktning. Men det är upp till dig att välja den väg som är rätt för dig. Vi sätter människor i centrum, så följer siffrorna efter. Vi sätter människor i centrum, så följer siffrorna efter. Träffa våra webhelpers Tips för karriären Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Webhelp Payment Services is accredited to carry out a range of actions including international debt recovery for and on behalf of our clients . Webhelp Payment Services is authorised as a Payment Institution by the . Thanks to our status of Payment Institution we are able to operate across the European Economic Area. Webhelp Payment Services is also registered with , the unique register of intermediaries, as an insurance intermediary. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Okategoriserad by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|*N° Code Interbancaire (CIB) : 16518E – Insurance intermediary registration number ORIAS: 12 064 847 pa|Why is recommerce on the rise? and why are marketplaces such as , or thriving in this business model? Is it just trendy, cost effective, sustainable or a mix of all these that explains the current surge? Tomorrow’s personalization and customer journeys are expected to be even smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling than they are today. The question is: Are brands and consumers ready? Here is an analysis from Olivier Carrot, Global . At Webhelp, our clients are at the heart and our core objective is to ensure that their customers experience world class service in every touchpoint. The creation and upholding of a sustainable environment also go hand in hand with what our company stands for. : Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|28th september 2020 In , , By li|The accessibility of mobile devices globally has essentially contributed to the growth of e-commerce thanks to the increased reach which has consequently increased the sales. According to Aaron Orendorff – Forbes Top 10 B2B Content Marketer, e-commerce has helped businesses launch beyond borders reaching out to millions of new potential customers. By 2023, an increase of 276.9% in the total global sales in retail is projected with APAC taking the lead (source: ). The easy accessibility of mobile phones and internet has definitely elevated the demand of recommerce as a service. This surge has seen many start- ups joining the bandwagon to not only meet the growing demand but also to take advantage of the efficiency and scalability that marketplaces provide. Through the creation of an application that links second-hand products to customers, VINTED has grown from being owned by its two co-founders Milda and Justas to an organization that employs more than 450 people and unites a community of 25 million people. In reference to platforms like VINTED, personalized services that match customers preferences are highly sought after. Customers want to feel valued and there is no better way than to offer a personalized experience. Even though many consumers are in search of products being offered at discounted or affordable prices, they will not compromise on the experience. Brands are thus competing not only on price but also on offering the most memorable experience to their customers. Founded in 2009 as a swapping company for men’s shirts’ thredUP is a huge consumer marketplace that flaunts over 35,000 brands. In one of his keynotes, CEO and co-founder James Reinhart forecasts sales of upto $51 billion from the second-hand apparel market by 2023 (source ) In reality, people buy twice as many clothes and wear them half as long. If one can buy a branded item for half the price of the new, why not? There is a growing trend to transform consumption through reuse. And so as to keep up with the changing environment in the retail industry, integrating a resale option in traditional retail outlets is seen to boost the overall sales. Customers are sparked to spend 21% more and visit 70% more frequently. James attributes the massive increase in the visiting percentage to the fact that second hand collection is restocked every two weeks whereas in the traditional format, new collection arrives between four to six times a year (source: ) . Pocket friendly purchases is a big driver in the recommerce boom. Customers are increasingly seeing the value in buying recycled brand-name products for huge discounts. “Recommerce has seen a tremendous upsurge” says Steven Bethell, founder of Bank & Vogue – a firm that specializes in the logistics of selling used goods and operates a sister company called . Prior to making a purchase, many shoppers aquent themselves with the resale possibilities of items they wish to buy with the plan to resell them in the near future. The retail industry is seeing a continued shift with the majority of consumers shopping smarter. . The new affluent generations like the Gen Z are more environmental and social conscious and as such, they expect brands to be more ethical and sustainable in their production processes. Fashion brands that have this audience as their customer base, are obliged to revamp their business models to be able to not only attract but most definitely also retain this segment. is one such brand. By investing on its brand ethos which is providing a platform for purchasing and selling of second-hand clothes. These clothes reduce the environmental impact of Co2 levels that are usually released in the production of new clothes (think water, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides). In addition, it prolongs the shelf life of clothes that would otherwise head to the dumping sites in one or two years. It’s estimated that 600 kilograms of used clothes would lead to a reduction of 2250 kilograms of Co2 emissions, 3.6 billion liters of water saved, and 144 trees planted. ( ). st|So which are some of the factors that have contributed to this increase? Rise in the use of mobile devices. Personalized customer experiences. Old is new again. Cost friendly Sustainability VINTED Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Recommerce on the surge: Why second-hand stores are booming | | In our endeavor to always provide seamless interactions, we go the extra mile to guarantee that customers’ needs are met. We focus on making the purchase process in the marketplaces as simple and fulfilling as possible . Our flawless and memorable customer journey from order management to returns and replacements is swiftly executed with our dedicated service specialist who are located globally in the different hubs . And thanks to the booming second-hand industry, content management and moderation is also on high demand. Ever thought of outsourcing your content moderation? Our highly experienced offshore content moderators ensure that our clients’ brand s are duly protected across their target audience. We support our clients’ to not only maintain their brand integrity, but also to shield their customer s from inappropriate, aggressive or illegal content. Are you looking for an experienced partner who will help you take your marketplace to the next level? Get in touch to receive your tailormade solution Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Webhelp fully supports you in your journey towards a fresh start. Dare to discover exciting destinations around the world and live your career the way you dream. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|All destinations li|All destinations st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Greece Portugal Romania Spain sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Explore career opportunities abroad gr pt ro es Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Whitepaper 14th July 2020 As the urgency for change and transformation intensifies in the post COVID landscape, some pivotal questions will be raised: How different will service look and feel in the future? How will businesses and their operations need to adapt? And how can employers engage and support their colleagues to deliver on new customer promises?” This new Whitepaper, aims to address these crucial questions and discover more about how to leverage customer service models in this new world. This is a joint publication with Gobeyond Partners, part of the Webhelp group, is underpinned by our unique industry perspective and new research to reveal the operating models of the future. And join our mailing list below for invitations to forthcoming events and webinars The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we all live and work, forcing organisations to rapidly adjust to a new reality. As an organisation that prides itself on putting people at the heart, our number one priority will always be to keep our people safe. This approach, coupled with our rapid mobilisation of home working models for our clients, has uncovered our agility and adaptability, enabling us to continue growing and achieving our goals amongst this year’s challenges, which we are incredibly proud of. Webhelp is committed to making business more human, and our people are central to achieving this. In February, we entered the COVID period with an incredible team of nearly 56,000 Webhelpers, always willing to make a difference in the lives of our client’s customers as well as in their local communities. We rapidly transitioned over 70% of our teams to work remotely, with all the relevant equipment and protocols to ensure safe and regulated work. With the incredible work from our teams, in a short amount of time we have established new digital resources for team leaders to support home working operations through new communication models to support our new and existing Webhelpers in changing practices and behaviours in new working environments. From April – June, we delivered more than 650,000 masks to our colleagues. Where sites are being progressively and cautiously reopened, we continue supporting our colleague’s health through the delivery of masks and thousands of litres of hand sanitizer and extensive extra cleaning routines. We have continued to work as trusted partners for our clients, adjusting their working practices and service models to meet the new requirements. As we have the experience of homeworking with our experienced agents at INVIRES, we were ready and able to rapidly adopt and continue a quality level of service for our clients, and support new clients where the infrastructure and local preparation wasn’t available. Introducing new technology solutions has been essential to delivering successful home working solutions, especially for clients in highly regulated environments. We have built and designed a fully PCI compliant payment service which allows full card and payment masking within home working spaces, matching the protocols we have for working on site. Through introducing IVR opportunities with retail clients, we have also been able to further support their compliance and the safeguarding of data. Hybrid models of flexible working allow colleagues to rotate shifts, working from either home or our office sites, to manage sensitive data access where necessary. Amongst all the chaos, our resilience has been preserved. We continued to deliver exemplary service to our clients and their customers and acquire new clients along the way. We have now welcomed a further 6,000 people into the Webhelp family, some of whom will have never been to one of our offices, using remote recruitment, onboarding, and training. In our Asia-Pacific region we have increased our total headcount by 45% since January 1st, 2020, and continue to expand our operations in different locations within this region. We are not limited to a single location site as we consider our service to be geography agnostic. Moving rapidly and flexibly, we have been able to establish fully virtual contact centres which are delivering service that is consistently outperforming against peers on first contact resolution, touchpoint net promoter score and employee engagement. The future will result in different ways of working as focus moves to introducing hybrid models, drawing the best of both worlds through local hubs acting as centres of excellence to provide knowledge sharing, coaching and training to support home workers. This crisis has forced organisations to adapt and rethink the way they deliver services and our clients, old and new, continue to rely on us to operate safely, quickly, and resiliently. As a people-first company, not only do we strive to enjoy every day but also listen to our colleagues as to how they wish to live their careers. Relocating to a new country to start an international career is always a great challenge, especially during a global crisis. At Webhelp, driving innovation is part of our DNA. That is why we have set out to make international mobility still a possible, safe and enjoyable experience! We have developed our program with you in mind – our colleagues who want to explore new cultures and career opportunities as well as future Webhelpers who dream of a fresh start. The Work Abroad program is part of our new . So, let’s dive in the online features and functionalities that will bring you closer to your dream lifestyle. Meet our interactive Job Matcher! The fun quiz is the first thing you will see when you land on our . Your international journey starts by answering 3 simple questions. We use a quick algorithm that will match you with the country most suited to your personal preferences and professional goals. You might have more than one soulmate country! So, have fun and redo the quiz as many times as you wish. Now you have an idea of where you would like to live your next 12 to 24 months or maybe your entire life. So, let’s take a quick journey into that dream destination! As game-changers, we conducted a survey with people who work with us as well as former colleagues and even employees from other companies. Why? To get a real feeling of what it is like to work in the country you would like to call home. The refers mainly to the overall employee sentiment within a certain region. However, this is where you will see open positions available at Webhelp in your country of choice. Likewise, from this section you can select the city (site) where we operate. We also gathered data from various reliable sources, and we recommend a monthly budget based on your salary at Webhelp in relation to the cost of living in your country of choice. This way, you can better plan for fun activities and common necessities. Getting the low-down on a country is great. But you will mostly live in a city while working abroad. To provide you with accurate and relevant information, we worked closely with expats living in the cities where we operate. Each piece of content was written, edited and revised by multiple members of our local creative and HR teams, with the help and input of our expat Advisors. This is where we also advertise our international open positions for our sites. So, when an available job feels like a match, apply and we will get in touch with you within a few days, if not hours. We strive to offer you a realistic glimpse of what to expect while working abroad at Webhelp. To create this piece of content, we interviewed dozens of our expat colleagues. So, you will get a feeling of the country through their eyes and experiences. Our film crew also went the extra mile. Literally! They flew to our sites to capture the city vibe and our office culture. Follow our Webhelpers in their quest to show you authentic experiences and some impressive vistas of their second home! For example, check out how Denisz from Ukraine works and lives in . But what if you are still undecided about your chosen destination? Our colleagues from around the world will be happy to answer all your questions related to cost of living, relocation assistance, open positions and many more. We have also taken a unique approach with our FAQ section. Since we put our people at the heart, we have divided our frequently asked questions in 3 parts: Your Life, Your Career and Your Adventure. Reading through the answers will feel personal, human-orientated and transparent. We believe in an engaging work culture. And our Webhelpers are the best ambassadors to reinforce our values. Coming soon is our new blog section featuring ‘the person behind the job’. You will find out what it is like to start and advance your career with us, how to stay resilient when you fail or how to succeed when you struggle. All these from a personal point of view of our Webhelpers! Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Niklas Edentoft har tagit an rollen som Head of Operations och ansvarig för kundservice-företaget Webhelp på Frösön. Webhelps nya Head of Operations Niklas Edentoft kommer från ett jobb som enhetschef i Östersunds kommun där han har varit anställd de senaste tre åren. Han är utbildad inom sociologi på Mittuniversitetet och har dessutom yrkesbakgrund som officer i Försvarsmakten med bland annat sex månader i Afghanistan. Webhelp har tidigare gått ut med att företaget planerar att växa i Östersund, och Edentoft bekräftar att rekryteringen kundservicemedarbetare fortsätter under hösten. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Paris-headquartered Webhelp, the European leader in customer experience and business solutions, today revealed its revamped brand platform, supported by an updated visual identity. The group’s new brand reunites the strengths of its collaborators in 36 countries today and plays a key role in its ambitions to grow to a global leadership position. The group’s new vision of “ ” is founded strongly on Webhelp’s existing company culture, as well as the role enterprises play in society and the rising desire of consumers to create emotional connections with the brands they engage with. No matter the activity in business, people are involved and therefore are the main focus of Webhelp’s brand. explains , co-founding President. ” The new brand identity, which has been built inside-out, in partnership with the brand experts at FutureBrand, showcases a warm, welcoming and vibrant visual system and color palette, and reflects the group’s people-first culture and game-changing mentality. Providing services to thousands of clients across the world with a wide range of Customer Experience and Business Solutions, the group puts its clients at the heart of its all its activities, thus forming true and lasting partnerships. , co-founding President adds States , Group Secretary General. About to celebrate its 20 anniversary, having grown from a challenger to top player in Europe, both through organic growth and acquisitions, Webhelp aims to maintain and accelerate its performance through its redefined vision and mission, together with the strong collaboration of its investment partners. Webhelp is currently in the final stages of negotiations with as new investment partner, stepping in for , and expects to announce the closing of the deal before the end of the year, after obtaining the regulatory authorizations required. We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. Webhelp believes that Emotional Intelligence creates a lasting impact, and their skill in marrying a differentiating human touch to the right technology is what makes a real difference for their clients. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 50,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 36 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp invests in people and the environment they work in, because they know that when people thrive, it has a powerful impact on them, their customers and on their partners’ business. Webhelp believes that making business more human leads to a better customer experience - and a healthier bottom line. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,4B in 2018, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and KKR, a leading global investment firm, as of March 2016. GBL announces today it has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a majority stake in the Webhelp group, together with its co-founding shareholders, Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, who would retain their role as founding executive directors, and its management team. Founded in 2000, Webhelp is today one of the world's leading providers of customer experience and business process outsourcing (BPO). The group has doubled in size since the KKR acquisition in 2015 and aims to achieve a turnover of €1.5 billion in 2019. Webhelp develops innovative solutions combining consulting services, technological solutions and omni-channel processing capabilities thanks to its 55 000 employees in more than 35 countries. This performance is the result of an organic and external growth strategy that GBL aims to maintain and accelerate together with the strong collaboration of the co-founders and management. As a result of this transaction, GBL would acquire a majority stake in Webhelp on the basis of an enterprise value of €2.4 billion. It is expected that the legal documentation will be signed by the beginning of August for completion, after obtaining regulatory authorizations for use, within the course of Q4 2019. Ian Gallienne, CEO of GBL, said: " Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, said: Stanislas de Joussineau, Director at KKR said: Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ("GBL") is an established investment holding company, listed on the stock exchange for over sixty years and with an indicative net asset value of EUR 19 billion and a market capitalization of EUR 14 billion at the end of June 2019. GBL is a leading investor in Europe, focused on long-term value creation and relying on a stable and supportive family shareholder base. GBL strives to maintain a high quality, diversified portfolio of global companies, leaders in their sectors, with whom it can contribute to value creation as an active professional investor. GBL seeks to offer its shareholders an attractive return, resulting in a sustainable dividend and growth in its revalued net assets. GBL is listed on Euronext Brussels (Ticker: GBLB BB; ISIN code: BE0003797140) and is part of the BEL20 index. Webhelp is a global business process outsourcer (BPO), specialising in customer experience and payment services in addition to sales and marketing services across voice, social and digital channels. From more than 150 sites in 36 countries with an approximately 50,000-strong team, our focus is on engineering performance improvements and delivering a real and lasting transformation in our clients’ operating models to generate financial advantage. We partner with some of the world’s most progressive brands including Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors and Valentino. Headquartered in Paris, France, the company has grown its revenues by more than 250% in the last 4 years by investing in its people, the environment they work in and developing its analytical and operating capability to deliver a transformational outsourcing proposition that addresses the challenges of an omni-channel world. More information can be found at KKR is a leading global investment firm that manages multiple alternative asset classes, including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate and credit, with strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns for its fund investors by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and driving growth and value creation with KKR portfolio companies. KKR invests its own capital alongside the capital it manages for fund investors and provides financing solutions and investment opportunities through its capital markets business. References to KKR’s investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR’s website at and on Twitter @KKR_Co. För sin nya samarbetspartner COMHEM anställer kundservice-företaget Webhelp 150 nya medarbetare. I början av april kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för etableringen av ytterligare ett kontor i Östersund i Diös’ lokaler på Fritzhemsgatan 1A. Nu har fler detaljer blivit klara. Till exempel står det klart att det är ett partnerskap med COMHEM som är bakgrunden för att Webhelp etablerar ett nytt kontor i Östersund i maj. Fram till dess pågår en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 150 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp och inte via bemanningsföretag. Utbildningar av nya medarbetare startar upp redan i maj månad. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Webhelps första kontor i Östersund finns på Armégränd där verksamheten fortsätter med full kraft. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Terje Andreassen, CEO på Webhelp, +46 70 226 42 85 Webhelps verksamhet i Sverige tillhör Webhelp Nordic inom Webhelp-koncernen och omfattar bland annat contact center och kundservice via telefon, e-post och chatt för företag som Nespresso, SJ, Cancerfonden, Bonnier och Electrolux med flera. Webhelps främsta resurs är det nätverk av medarbetare som arbetar som rådgivare och arbetar för att lösa problem, förklara och förenkla för kunder. Verksamheten inkluderar även konsulttjänster kring lösningar, analys, design och utveckling. I Sverige finns Webhelp etablerade i Stockholm, Norrköping, Göteborg, Kalmar, Östersund, Umeå, Ånge och Piteå. Webhelp är ett bolag med stark tillväxt - under 2018 blev Webhelp hela 50 000 medarbetare. Webhelp Nordic är medlem av branschföreningen Kontakta, och har fått certifieringen Trygg Kundkontakt för 2019. Skapar 150 nya arbetstillfällen under 2019 Webhelp har mycket goda erfarenheter och mycket goda relationer med såväl det lokala näringslivet som kommunerna i regionen. Planerna om en fortsatt expansion har funnits länge och nu har Webhelp hos Diös hittat fantastiska lokaler som är helt anpassade för verksamheten, där vi i tillägg får en makalös utsikt över storsjön. Webhelp, som är ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support, har redan tagit kontakt med både Östersunds kommun och arbetsförmedlingen för att förbereda den kommande rekryteringen. – Vi hoppas kunna presentera mer kring satsningen under våren, men vi öppnar upp för jobbansökningar redan nu, via vår webbplats, förklarar Camilla Lundgren. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Under de närmsta veckorna kommer Webhelp att bjuda in till öppna rekryteringsträffar där alla som är intresserade får chansen att träffa både medarbetare och ledare och ställa frågor. – Vi brukar få frågor om allt från kollektivavtal, vilka utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheter som finns på lite längre sikt, vår kultur och våra värderingar och om hur en arbetsdag på Webhelp ser ut, säger Camilla Lundgren och blickar framåt. Lundgren ser fram emot att träffa folk i Östersund med omnejd som vill arbeta med att göra vardagen smidigare och enklare för våra uppdragsgivares kunder. – Östersund är en central knutpunkt i Sverige, en region med goda kommunikationsmöjligheter, ett universitet som driver utvecklingen framåt och ett rikt näringsliv. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta vara en aktiv del i detta, säger Camilla Lundgren. – Det är naturligtvis väldigt roligt när ett långsiktigt samarbete kan ge sådan bra utdelning. Att vi får hit 150 nya arbetstillfällen betyder mycket både för kommunen och regionen, kommenterar Anders Wennerberg, kommundirektör i Östersund. - Det känns fantastiskt att kunna erbjuda Webhelp nya moderna lokaler i centrala Östersund. Satsningen bidrar till att fler människor kommer att röra sig i stan och att nya arbetstillfällen skapas är helt enligt vår plan och vårt sätt att bidra till utveckling för Östersund. Vi själva flyttar till nya lokaler på Prästgatan och det råder bråda tider så att vi båda kan vara på plats redan i mitten av maj, säger Johan Fryksborn, affärschef, Diös Östersund/Åre. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|A framework for tomorrow’s successful customer-focused operating models reimagining service for the new world Protecting our people Supporting our clients Delivering growth International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Find out what country you match with Find out what it is like to work in your country of choice Dare the adventure in your favourite city! Say hi to your new lifestyle When in doubt, contact our friendly ambassadors Stay tuned for Meet Webhelpers The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? För mer information, kontakta: Webhelp rings in its next phase of strategic development with new brand making business more human Olivier Duha Frédéric Jousset Sandrine Asseraf GBL KKR Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands About Groupe Bruxelles Lambert About Webhelp About KKR Stockholm 2019-04-10: Webhelps satsning i Östersund tar allt fastare form. Just nu pågår en omfattande rekryteringsprocess för att hitta 150 nya kundservice-medarbetare till företagets nya Östersundskontor. – Vi har kommit överens med COMHEM om att satsa i Östersund , berättar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. För mer information, kontakta: Webhelp i Sverige Webhelp Nordic etablerar ytterligare ett kontor på ny adress i Östersund och påbörjar en omfattande rekryteringsprocess. Planen är att anställa 150 nya medarbetare under våren. – Östersund ger oss fantastiska möjligheter för oss att växa, förklarar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Camilla Lundgren Terje Andreassen Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Nyheter new world by Webhelp during a pandemic by Webhelp Work Abroad Program by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp ********************************** by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp Kundansvarig på Webhelp +46 70 247 0081 CEO på Webhelp by Webhelp 2 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|For the past 20 years, we have thrived in challenging circumstances and strived to help our people achieve their goals. Despite the current pandemic, we know that international mobility is crucial to business growth and employee satisfaction. We encourage you to explore our and dream further than ever before! In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . Att få driva och bygga upp en ny stor arbetsplats och verksamhet i Östersund är en jättespännande möjlighet som jag självklart tackade ja till när jag fick chansen, säger Niklas Edentoft, Head of Operations på Webhelp. Mitt jobb på Webhelp är otroligt givande på grund av alla människor som vi jobbar med, som vill utveckla och utvecklas med oss under resans gång, berättar Edentoft. Vi är otroligt glada för att ha rekryterat en så kompetent och erfaren ledare som Niklas till vårt Webhelp-team på Frösön, säger Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. Niklas’ passion för människor är en ”match made in heaven” för vår verksamhet på Webhelp. Vi delar våra värderingar kring ledarskap och ”människan först”-filosofin och jag är övertygat om at vi tillsammans bygger Östersunds bästa arbetsplats, avslutar Camilla Lundgren. “At Webhelp we truly believe if you focus on the person in front of you, suddenly everything comes alive” “this holds for each connection built between a brand and a consumer, but just as strongly between employer and employee, client and provider. Helping hard things become easy takes empathy and imagination : “over the years we have continuously invested heavily in both enabling and matching our clients’ needs to technologically innovative solutions, as well as our people. We feel embracing technology is key, and it’s the people that deploy these tools that make the difference and take the experience to the next level.” “We are truly excited to reveal the new face of Webhelp, which better expresses who we are to the world, following an intense project of close to a year. We have engaged with stakeholders from all areas and levels of our business and believe we have created a vision and brand that’s built to last, as is shown through the enthusiasm of our new future shareholders at GBL regarding the outcomes of the project.” “ We are enthusiastic to become a partner to Olivier Duha, Frédéric Jousset and the Management team in continuing the successful development of Webhelp, supporting the transition from a European Champion to a Global Leader. This transaction is consistent with GBL’s announced objective to increase its exposure to private assets.” “We thank KKR for its investment over the past 4 years and we welcome with confidence GBL in order to write together a new growth and investment phase. The management team has chosen to surround itself with a shareholder renowned for its longstanding support to companies with international ambitions such as Webhelp.” "We are proud to have been a partner for Olivier Duha, Frederic Jousset and the outstanding management team at Webhelp over the last four years to create one of the leading global business process outsourcers. During our ownership, Webhelp has doubled its revenues to €1.5 billion and increased its number of employees globally from 30,000 to over 50,000. We believe the company is strongly positioned for future growth and we wish Webhelp and GBL every continued success." – Vi ser fram emot att utöka vår verksamhet i Östersund och bidra till utveckling och tillväxt i regionen. Eftersom kundkontakt är en så grundläggande kompetens som efterfrågas i enormt många verksamheter, är ett jobb på kundservice ett klokt och hållbart val för framtiden, berättar Lundgren. - Jag hoppas och tror att våra medarbetare kommer att trivas på vårt nya kontor, säger Camilla Lundgren. För mer information, kontakta: pa|Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Webhelp utvecklar smarta lösningar för att göra det smidigare att vara kund hos företag. Samarbetet och det långsiktiga partnerskapet med SJ utvecklas ständigt, och en förstudie togs fram tidigare under 2018. Webhelp firar invigningen med tårta och mingel måndagen den 3. september. , a leading global BPO and customer experience company, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of . Sellbytel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of . (NYSE: OMC). By joining forces with Sellbytel, Webhelp expands its geographic footprint in Europe, and adds an extensive list of international brands and value-added services to its portfolio. Following this acquisition, Webhelp Group forecasts a turnover of €1,3 billion for the end of 2018, supported by a team of 50.000 people, serving over 500 clients, in 35 countries. Sellbytel’s Barcelona office provides best in class multilingual operations with around 4,000 people working in more than 20 languages. This expertise has been extended to Kuala Lumpur and Puerto Rico as multilingual hubs serving the APAC region and the Americas. In addition to its complementary geographical footprint and multilingual expertise, Sellbytel enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas such as end-to-end solutions in B2B Sales and Support activities, as well as an innovative work-from-home model which currently employs over 500 people working for various clients. As part of Webhelp, Sellbytel will be able to build upon its strong expertise as a CRM BPO provider and will have access to a large variety of additional capabilities, an extensive geographical footprint adding nearshore capabilities for its clients, as well as expertise in areas like AI, analytics, omnichannel platforms, and specialized services provided by subsidiaries of Webhelp such as Telecats, Netino, and Webhelp Payment Services. and , Webhelp’s cofounders said, , founder of Sellbytel added, Sellbytel management will continue to be strongly involved in the future growth of the company and will provide continuity for the company’s clients while also being able to provide a more comprehensive range of services. Webhelp and Sellbytel expect to derive significant synergies from the transaction thanks to the enhanced expertise and capabilities of the combined group, through cross-pollination of services, and access to new regions and nearshoring models. Moving forward, Webhelp’s strategy is to continue to grow both organically and through acquisition over the coming years, both in terms of geographical expansion and the addition of new capabilities. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2018, subject to approval of the relevant regulatory authorities. Sellbytel Group is a provider of outsourced sales, service and support with operations in 28 centers across , , , and . More information can be found at . Den 1 september tar Webhelp över verksamheten på servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Företaget ser SJ som en långsiktig strategisk partner. – Vi kommer till Ånge för att stanna och vi ser nu fram emot att lära känna medarbetarna och invånarna i regionen ännu bättre, säger Terje Andreassen och fortsätter: – Det ligger också i vår natur att driva på mot nästa steg. Vi vill och ska utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, i nära samarbete med SJ. Vi har gjort en förstudie tillsammans med dem som vi nu ser fram emot att omsätta i praktiken. Det handlar bland annat om att tillsammans med våra medarbetare öka graden av digitalisering och om att ta fram bättre styrningsverktyg. Från SJ:s sida välkomnas samarbetet. – Vi har haft en god dialog med Webhelp Nordic och gjort en noggrann utvärdering. De har varit lyhörda för våra tre grundläggande krav. Det här blir bra för våra kunder, det blir bra för SJ och det blir bra för våra medarbetare som nu erbjuds att fortsätta jobba kvar i Ånge. Vi får nu bättre förutsättningar att följa med i den snabba digitala utvecklingen och nå en än mer tillgänglig och stabil kundservice, säger SJs marknads- och försäljningsdirektör Thomas Silbersky. PARIS, 16 maj 2018 – Det ledande globala BPO- och kundupplevelseföretaget Webhelp bekräftar att förvärvet av en majoritetsandel i det ledande flerspråkiga nearshore-företaget Runway BPO har slutförts. Köpet av Runway, med huvudkontor i Riga i Lettland, ger Webhelp ytterligare nio flerspråkiga center med 1000 anställda i Lettland, och de nya länderna som tillkommer gruppen är: Estland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Dessutom tillkommer expertis inte bara i sektorer som resor och konsumentvaror men även inom aktiviteter som redovisning, IT och HR-outsourcing, vilket är ett perfekt komplement till Webhelps redan existerande portfölj. Runway firar 15-årsjubileum i år och har åtnjutit en stark tillväxt under grundaren Nils Sundling och VD:n Uldis Prieditis. Teamet som skapat företagets framgång kommer att vara kvar för att säkerställa att expertisen, kontakterna och lokalkännedomen bibehålls och utnyttjas för att maximera utvecklingsmöjligheterna i den nordiska regionen och i Europa. Detta förvärv är en del av Webhelps strategi för att aktivt sträva efter geografisk expansion såväl som att förstärka sin sektorspecifika expertis, och kommer att ge Webhelp möjligheten att erbjuda sina klienter tjänster från fyra nya länder, alla med stark flerspråkig kompetens. De senaste två åren har varit väldigt betydelsefulla för Webhelp. Stora nya klientförvärv, strategiska förvärv och engagemanget från det globala investmentbolaget KKR har markerat en verklig vändpunkt i Webhelps historia. Företaget är nu definitivt ett av de ledande i BPO-branschen. ________________________________________________________________ Webhelp är en global business process outsourcer (BPO), som specialiserar sig på kundupplevelse och betalningshantering bredvid försäljnings- och marknadsföringstjänster över röst-, sociala och digitala kanaler. Från över 110 platser i 33 länder med ett team på cirka 40 000 personer, ligger vårt fokus på att utforma prestationsförbättringar och att leverera en reell och varande omvandling av våra klienters driftsmodeller för att generera finansiella fördelar. Vi samarbetar med några av världens mest framstående varumärken, inklusive Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors och Valentino. Företaget har sitt huvudkontor i Paris i Frankrike, och har ökat sina intäkter med över 250% de senaste fyra åren genom att investera i sin personal, miljön de arbetar i och genom att utveckla sin analytiska och operativa förmåga att leverera omvandlande outsourcingförslag som hanterar utmaningarna i en omnikanal-värld. Webhelp ägs av sin ledning och KKR, ett ledande globalt investmentbolag, från och med mars 2016. Mer information finns på Runway grundades 2003 av Nils Sundling och har blivit den ideala nearshoring-partnern för skandinaviska och andra europeiska företag som behöver outsourcingtjänster. Runway BPO är ett BPO-tjänstföretag med allt inkluderat, som har kapaciteten att leverera en mängd outsourcingtjänster som är individuellt utformade för varje klients särskilda behov och krav. För tillfället betjänar Runway sina klienter med över 1000 medarbetare från nio platser i fem länder – Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Mer information finns på Avendus Capital agerade som exklusiv finansiell rådgivare åt Runway, medan Webhelp rådgavs av sitt juridiska och finansiella team på DLA Piper, Jeremy Scemama, Elise Aubert, och Julien Berger. —these four letters are inescapable as we begin the year 2018. Amid concerns, both real and imagined, and contradicting opinions, the Webhelp Group, in collaboration with all parties involved, chose an innovative, pragmatic, and straightforward approach to the challenge. There is no denying that the relationship from economic players and individuals to personal data is undergoing change. The nature of this change forces those working in Customer Relationship Management to walk a tightrope, trying to balance legitimate needs which are often at odds with one another. On one side, consumers rightfully require that their data be used only to provide them with services they have signed up for; on the other, the need for customised, speedy, and relevant response calls for a more holistic approach to data usage. Indeed, we all know how unpleasant it is as a customer to have to repeat your requests over and over again… This dichotomy is brought at the forefront of Webhelp’s GDPR programme. For many years, we have been at the forefront of strategic thinking regarding the future of Customer Experience - and we have become convinced that meeting the challenges and expectations regarding privacy protection depends on “ .” Today's digital world creates and circulates an impressive amount of data, with some sources quoting a figure of 163 zetabits (that is, 163 billion gigabits) for the year 2025, a ten-fold increase relative to levels processed in 2016. Each person generates data voluntarily and often also involuntarily. When a form is filled in online, or when a user sends a text message, is filmed outdoors by a video-surveillance system, browses the web, or agrees to their data being transferred across platforms, data is generated. Almost 85% of that data has no real use. Of the remaining 15%, only one-fifth is usable –so less than 1% of all that data captured! Despite this, a sizable amount of data remains, traces of their presence in the digital or physical world. This reality can no longer be ignored. Indeed, it is the subject of the protection afforded by European regulation, and of the integration of the latter into the Webhelp Group business. Customer Relationship is based on loyalty toward the consumer. We must provide a service that meets valid consumer expectations, in the best interest of our customer. From a variety of technological environments, Webhelp handles about 2 million conversations each day, across all channels. Those interactions may be saved to allow for continuous service quality improvement and to provide the responses consumers require. By adapting to the customer context and creating on-demand solutions, Webhelp brings its expertise and know-how to its principals and their customers. However, being so fully involved in those relationships, Webhelp recognized that we cannot remain systematically neutral with regards to the processing of personal data. Our efforts started years ago within the Webhelp Group, when it very quickly became apparent that a global effort would be required to ensure respect for consumer privacy. This effort has put us at the forefront of thinking around GDPR. As we emphasize in our BCR (Binding Corporate Rules): “We believe protecting personal data is not just a matter of security or compliance with the law, but above all a matter of collective and individual obligation.” This ambitious approach has been the principle guiding the Webhelp Group's action for several years, and it has been transposed to our successful innovations with Chatbots, Speech Analytics (Speech Recognition and Processing), and Machine Learning for work volume forecasting, etc. We have, in each of those projects, worked toward minimizing the amount of data used, while carefully monitoring the impact those projects might have on privacy. These improvements are based on solving the dichotomy discussed earlier. We use data to meet the dual legitimacy of consumer requirements - but we only use relevant data, and strictly for achieving positive outcomes for our principals and their customers. From a risk-based analysis, data processing and the relationship we create based on that data became an opportunity for expanding the services we provide to our customers. This relationship is what lies at the core of Webhelp Group's “Privacy” initiative. Customer Relationship Management is actually tripartite, with strong links between the various partners. On one side, the principal client: like every business, it has a life of its own, counting on its partners' expertise for support and advice. This is where BPO players, such as Webhelp, are especially relevant. We must be in tune with our client's expectations and ultimately provide the most accurate, respectful yet relevant service possible to the consumer. Consumers are at the center of that relationship, its purpose, and their satisfaction is absolutely necessary. In this tripartite relationship, there are key moments when consumers interact with the Customer Relationship Management provider. It is exactly at these moments that the strength of the relationship between consumer and brand is activated—a “third moment of truth,” in Marketing—crucial for brand image and loyalty. In such a decisive setting, there is no room for error, and the consumer demands service that is tailored to them as an individual – but that also respects their privacy and integrity in the use of their personal data. At those times, an approach consistent with legitimate consumer expectations must be employed, and the strategy regarding data processing is crucial. Without going as far as providing an extensive list, GDPR strongly strengthens obligations of transparency and information disclosure for consumers. Consumers must be made aware of, and in some instances, agree to the methods and means implemented to respond to their needs. This effort is now the responsibility of the principal and the BPO players, who must together reflect this requirement to the consumer. An example of practical implementation is the creation of both dedicated and shared GDPR teams, which will respond to consumer requests starting May 25 , 2018, as well as the use of KYC systems to identify the person making an access request. It is upon this framework, both legal and pragmatic, that our initiative to create a virtuous model based on data quality is founded. By understanding and anticipating consumer needs and by providing a coordinated, accurate, and transparent approach, Webhelp is building, alongside the brands for which we work, this new relationship with data. Data usage must from now on be regarded no longer as a risk, but as an opportunity to provide optimal service. This endeavor is defined by a shared assessment, determination of processes, documentation, and transparency. This common effort, driven by the principal and with Webhelp's support through the services we offer, will shape the future of Customer Relationships. Together we will successfully navigate the journey from the age of Big Data to the age of Valued Data – an age in which brands and CRM players will continue to be able to take advantage of the possibilities that contextual data provides in delivering a personalised service for the individual consumer, whilst also successfully ensuring the right levels of respect for consumer rights and expectations. Data Protection Officer - Webhelp General Data Protection Regulation – European regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27 , 2016 Anställer mer än 300 nya medarbetare I mitten av januari kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för en expansion i Norrköping. Nu står det klart att företaget ingår ett samarbete med Telenor. - Vi är stolta över att gå in i detta partnerskap med Telenor. Vi är redan igång med en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 300 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp Nordic och inte via bemanningsföretag, säger Sofia Stridh, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Telenor Sverige är en helhetsleverantör av telekommunikationstjänster, med drygt 2,6 miljoner mobilabonnenter, cirka 650 000 fiber- och bredbandskunder och en halv miljon tv-kunder. - Det här är ett steg i vårt arbete för att få Sveriges nöjdaste kunder. En kundservice i världsklass är otroligt viktigt för att vi ska nå våra strategiska mål och för att vi fortsatt ska kunna hjälpa våra kunder med smarta lösningar för en smidigare vardag. Vi ser fram emot att arbeta för detta tillsammans med Webhelp i Norrköping, säger Ulrika Steg, affärsområdeschef Channels på Telenor Sverige. Webhelp Nordic söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till verksamheten som håller till i Pronova-huset. Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic: 070-226 42 85 Sofia Stridh, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic: 070-557 27 83 Kristin Wester, tf. presschef på Telenor Sverige 08-41 01 00 40 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Den förstudie vi gjorde tillsammans med SJ pekade på ett behov för ökad grad av digitalisering och att ta fram bättre verktyg. Det jobbar vi med just nu, i tillägg till att vi självklart skall bli bättre känd med varandra och bidra till att den goda Webhelp-känslan växer på kundcentret i Ånge, lägger Andreassen till. st|Webhelp Nordic meddelade tidigare i år att företaget blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. – Vi är så glada över att flytta in här i Ånge, och vi känner oss redan varmt välkommna både här på kontoret och i regionen, säger Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Acquisition strengthens Webhelp’s position in the European CRM BPO Market Webhelp Group Sellbytel Group Omnicom Group Inc Olivier Duha Frederic Jousset Michael Raum ABOUT SELLBYTEL Spain Germany Portugal Puerto Rico Malaysia Webhelp Nordic blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Sedan tidigare ansvarar Webhelp för SJ:s service center i Östersund, med 45 medarbetare. – Vi är glada över att kunna fördjupa vårt samarbete med SJ och tillsammans med dem utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, berättar Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Förvärvet av ledande flerspråkiga kundupplevelseföretaget Runway BPO har slutförts Frédéric Jousset, medgrundare av Webhelp, sade: Uldis Prieditis, VD för Runway BPO, sade: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A LEVER TO INCREASE HUMAN CAPITAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - THE ADVISOR AT THE CENTRE OF OUR APPROACH Automation of the conversation Automation of advisor coaching Automation of processes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AUTOMATION INITIATIVES CURRENT BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE [ Example of usage: IMAGE RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT MYSTUDIOFACTORY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL REDEFINE THE "DATA MARKET" THE OVEREXPOSURE OF DATA: A REALISATION AI, SPEARHEAD OF A TRANSPARENT, RESPONSIBLE AND SECURE DATA ECONOMY EUROPE WILL BE THE LEADER OF THE DATA MARKET THE DATA ECONOMY IN 2025 – IDC ESTIMATES Strong AI GDPR creating a virtuous model based on data quality Rethinking Our Relationship with Data Creating a Virtuous Cycle in Customer Relationship Management Boris Paulin Webhelps satsning i Norrköping tar nu fart Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Nyheter by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp [PROSPECTIVE OUTLOOK] As European market leader in customer experience, we are conscious that Artificial Intelligence is going to transform our sector in a lasting way. Moreover, our current use of Artificial Intelligence strengthens our conviction that this technology will help us to improve customer service, both to the benefit of advisors and to better meet the expectations of brands and their customers. We are already seeing a new concept emerge: that of the augmented agent. We are also convinced that this technology will heavily underscore what is at stake in the data services market. Through consumer expectations and regulatory oversight this market will provide companies and individuals the opportunity to better define their respective rights and obligations, but also to integrate the concepts of transparency, responsibility and security, conditions that are fundamental to the development of our operations. According to Transparency Market Research, the global AI market today is worth 126 billion USD, and is projected to grow to 3 trillion USD by 2024. Currently adoption has been driven by companies that are already mature in terms of digital transformation and data usage. Where as to date much of the attention about AI technology has focused upon the US and China we strongly believe that Europe is emerging as leaders in the field in terms of expertise, investment and public policy. AI is attracting great deal of Buzz, with some recent applications feeling like gimmicks. Behind the buzz however AI is a real economic phenomenon with significant implications for all aspects of society and business. Whether it’s the increased accuracy of medical diagnoses, autonomous vehicles on our roads, protecting us against fraud or fake news or using our faces for authentication AI is already making its presence felt. Nevertheless, AI cannot currently function without humans; for the moment, it is best suited to assisting people and improving their experiences. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT THE SERVICE OF HUMANS Transformation map published online by the World Economic Forum, illustrating AI's contribution in terms of human assistance. Source: World Economic Forum (2017) AI today, and what it promises in terms of automation, underlines the need for a repositioning of human interaction with technology. As the scientist Joël de Rosnay describes, artificial intelligence represents the beginnings of a new world, built on "augmented collective intelligence". Seen as a catalyst for individual competencies, AI will still place the advisor at the heart of Customer Relations, and allow the automation of repetitive processes and tasks. In a few years, the Customer Relations role has changed from being 100% face to face or phone based to a diverse, omni-channel means of managing interaction between organisations and their customers. This requires constant adapting to changing customers' needs and preferences. As a Group Webhelp handles around 2 million conversations every day, across all channels, on behalf of our clients and partners. We expect this traffic is to grow and to evolve in terms of its nature and purpose, creating opportunities for AI on several levels. This technology constitutes a productivity lever for all employees, benefiting brands and their customers. Conscious of the opportunities that it can create and impacts that it can have on our activities, we have made Artificial Intelligence an investment priority in terms of innovation. [VALUE PROPOSITION] At Webhelp, we examine new technologies to assess their potential in terms of customer experience and productivity. The customer service of tomorrow must operate as a platform: an agile and open structure that blends human and technology capabilities to adapt to the evolving needs of brands and customers, allowing companies to remain competitive in rapidly changing markets. This thinking drives our innovation projects connected to Artificial Intelligence and Automation, we place the relationship between agents and technology at the heart of what we do. Working in front of the Agent we deploy automated conversational solutions, , , and (using technologies such as Alexa and Google Home) that interact directly with the customer (pre-qualification of needs, automation of questions/responses and self-care). Working alongside the Agent as they engage with customers, automated virtual assistants interact with our advisors, supporting them with contextual knowledge, personalised coaching and suggested responses. For example, we are working with a that determines what the customer is asking within an email and suggests the best response which is validated by the agent or even sent directly to the customer. Working behind the agent process automation robots can execute high-volume repetitive tasks using tools such as activities (identification, creation of tickets, reply/follow-up emails, etc.) and (automation of back-office and administrative tasks,) and (automated real-time monitoring of contact volumes and identifying the root-cause of unplanned demand and recommending corrective actions). Map of projects connected to Artificial Intelligence and Automation at Webhelp. Source: Webhelp - Global Innovation (2017) Many of the technologies underlying AI are already being used within Customer Relations, such as Speech Analytics (speech recognition and processing), Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation, Machine Learning (for modeling and prediction), Robotic Process Automation (for back-office processes) CONCRETE EXAMPLES] At Webhelp, our approach to innovation is very empirical; we test ideas internally before recommending solutions to our clients. To this end, our Global R&D efforts are currently focused on: The partial automation of conversations, advisor coaching and processes Automated omni-channel assistance, available 24/7 An improvement in predictive analyses to better anticipate customers' needs and define optimal engagement strategies More sophisticated data analysis processes to better understand customers and increase their satisfaction Improvements in the identification and security of transactions The protection and security of processed data Through our subsidiaries, we are currently developing projects relating to speech and image recognition and processing. SPEECH RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT TELECATS Webhelp’s R&D efforts in the field of speech recognition and processing are being led by Telecats, a specialist speech technologies business acquired by Webhelp in 2017 and reflect our view that these capabilities are of increasing importance as a major player in BPO and Customer Relations. Speech-based communications (phone calls) remain the single largest channel, and Speech analytics allows us to analyse calls historically and in real time on the basis of conversation content, quality and sentiment. Source: Webhelp - Global Innovation (2017) Image recognition and processing offers the possibility of creating new, richer, more immersive and personalised digital experiences. For example, MyStudioFactory, Webhelp’s specialist digital agency have developed an application that will allow the user to visualise in real-time what they would look like if they changed their hair or make-up colour using AI and image rendering technology . Using AI capabilities such as , and advanced image processing allows us to support our clients to benefit from the opportunities presented by new technologies on one hand, and a richer and more personalised conversation with an expert advisor on the other. From the perspective of the customer, AI allows for a richer experience by strengthening the engagement between customers and brands. The brand can now offer 24/7 support conversations via a chatbot and offer personalised responses thanks to the ability of AI to analyse and understand the customers intention and how best to respond to it. The ability for technology to learn and be taught has the potential to support and benefit the customer throughout their journey. In the market, numerous case studies illustrate the use cases for these technological solutions. For example, the use of connected to AI has allowed the American media group Comcast to launch a program that detects subscribers' need for a visit from a technician to resolve connection problems. Initial indications are that the application can detect up to 90% of incidents. This would allow the saving of roughly 10 million dollars in unnecessary visits and technicians' time. Local energy supplier, Drift, based in Seattle, uses AI to predict its users' electricity needs, by collecting different kinds of data, such as working hours and internet usage. The service offered is reviewed every day, allowing the purchase of local energy in line with daily usage. There is even image recognition modules connected to that have allowed the creation of a chatbot that detects users' emotions. And we are just getting started. At the Netexplo Forum 2017, the inventor of Siri stated that AI's current capabilities are limited to weak* AI, and that, we were not yet at the stage of strong AI without human interaction. It is therefore vital that we reflect on strong AI in the long term and act on weak AI in the short term. Doing so allows us to serve brands and their customers' needs in an agile way. For example, by using techniques, a contact centre can project call volumes in order to optimise call response times. By bringing together all these technologies on one platform, we can also create a virtual command centre, a dashboard that will offer an overview of a centre's activities, capable of analysing the situation in an automated way and providing assistance to advisors in real time. [THE NEW DATA ECOSYSTEM] The real challenge of AI lies in the creation of an ethical model relating to data quality, which determines their value and processing. Whether the data is being processed by a human or by AI, what is important remains the same: the customer's voice. Companies able to structure, 'intelligently' use and secure data will give themselves a decisive competitive advantage. The truly impactful factor is the explosion in volumes brought about by automation; Customer Relations actors must now do their utmost to control huge quantities of data in order to continue to be trusted third parties. This new method of data processing will require companies to be more transparent and responsible. We are seeing this already in security breaches resulting in data leaks; it is not a question of reputation, but a duty of transparency that is the concern. Every responsible company must show towards its partners, that is to say their duty to implement internal mechanisms and procedures demonstrating adherence to data protection rules. Certainly, AI increases our understanding of customers, however, it also puts them more at risk with all the data collected on them in a systematic and automated way. We can understand the doubt and indeed the concern held by some regarding the free will that can be exercised by machines without human interference. Take for example the racist Twitter posts by 'Tay', the untrained Microsoft chatbot, who ill-intentioned users were able to corrupt. It is humans who will control developments and systems, all the more so in the case of ‘weak’ AI technology. The risks will accumulate, since it will be necessary to ensure that the information systems storing the data produced by new AI technologies and connected objects are reliable, and that their use conforms to the data collection purpose. We have seen it recently with Strava Labs, the fitness application with geolocation, used by professional athletes and the military to map their training. A researcher showed that public data being recorded in the app made it possible to identify the routes taken by military personnel in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, a useful source of information for terrorists. Certainly, AI will help to make cyber security more reliable, however, human vigilance and the ethical practices of different actors (companies, users) will play an essential role. At the risk of going against the tide of fears and risks raised by some experts in the field, we have the personal conviction that AI will not only strengthen human capital, but will also contribute to establishing a structured and responsible data economy. Every individual will gradually become aware of the value of their data and their right to informational self-determination, outlined in the EU regulation which gives the individual the right to determine how and for what purposes their data are used. We may soon see the arrival of more targeted customer expectations, in the spirit of, "I am giving you my data, but in exchange, I want a personalised service from the brand to whom I am bestowing the right to use my data". We must anticipate and prepare for this. This data will hold a monetary value which will no longer be attributed by the brand alone, but also by the customer themselves. We are seeing, for example, such as Génération Libre, led by Gaspard Koening, which allows internet users to take back control of their personal data by deciding to either sell or keep them. And, as Customer Relations specialists, we will be responsible for managing this data. In fact, beyond the 'intelligent' and automated management of tasks by the programs used, AI processes, structures and creates new data. In a way, we are moving out of the era of , where we focused on how to structure and analyse this mountain of data, to the era of ' ', where we look at how to use the data and guarantee . There is now a need for transparency with regard to the customer. If we want to offer them a quality service, we need to better understand them by analysing their data. The more data there is on an individual, the more personalised and varied the service they receive will be. Nevertheless, the customer will have the right to decide whether or not to share their data, according to their view of the transparency and security of the trusted third party. This is what we need to work on together with the brands, this guarantee regarding the purpose of the data processing and the security of the data. This investment in data extends to their protection, and Europe will have a powerful tool at its disposal when the GDPR (EU regulation on the Protection of Personal Data) comes into force on 25 May 2018. This regulation aims to secure guarantees regarding the processing and protection of this data at the European level and will allow actors in the region to generate profits from the data economy in a controlled way. Certainly, some proclaim the supremacy of the US and China in advances in AI, however, until their data markets offer a regulation identical to that of the EU, the data economy's centre of gravity will very quickly position itself in Europe and in all the countries and companies that have taken these commitments into account, in particular by putting in place . Some of the GAFA companies have recognised this and started to position themselves, like Facebook for example, who last January announced the opening of a global privacy centre to respond to the demands of the GDPR in particular. Of course, every actor must take a pragmatic approach in line with the realities of our operations. - In 2025, the quantity of data produced will reach 163 zettabytes (a billion gigabytes), 10 times the quantity produced in 2016 (16.1 zettabytes) - Only 15% of this data will be indexed and only one fifth will be analysed - 20% of the data will be essential in our daily lives - Around 90% of the data produced will require protection (confidentiality, secret, private, conformity) - Only one quarter of the data will be protected Source: translated from “Data Age 2025: The Evolution of Data to Life-Critical, Don’t Focus on Big Data; Focus on the Data That’s Big” - Sponsored by Seagate – IDC White Paper © 2017 BCRs (BINDING CORPORATE RULES), WHAT ARE THEY? A service company's BCRs constitute a code of good conduct for their client and a guarantee for the end user. They allow the transfer of data out of the European area, including to countries without adequate data processing and protection rules while maintaining the benefit of BCRs. With the GDPR, data protection will be standardised across the European Union, however, BCRs will offer an additional guarantee for multinational groups, who put the processing and security of data at the heart of their strategy. BCRs for subcontracting companies who manage data transfers on behalf of their client and on the instructions of someone in charge of data processing have existed since 2013. The process of having BCRs validated by the competent authority (CNIL in France, or the official data protection authority of any other country) is very demanding and includes 8 stages, however, it offers an additional guarantee for the client. Today, only around 80 groups have BCRs, which is not very many, particularly when you consider that there are around 500 European companies in the Forbes Global 2000 ranking. * is defined as: AI that aims to replicate human behaviour as closely as possibly, by beginning a program with simple intentions and then developing it towards more complex actions. This AI will have autonomy, even a conscience. by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp 3 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|“This acquisition is not only a major step to strengthen our position in Europe, it is also a fantastic opportunity to broaden our service portfolio and our geographical coverage. After 18 years of uninterrupted growth, Webhelp is building upon its position as a leader in the CRM BPO industry. The fit with Sellbytel’s management has been a major strength supporting this deal and definitely has us excited about building this future together.” “We are proud of what’s been accomplished over the last 25 years with our partners at Omnicom and are very excited about our future with Webhelp. Sellbytel management is excited to team up with one of the most successful companies in our sector. Our cultural fit and our shared vision are key elements for our future success.” ”Runway är ett ypperligt företag med en stark tradition i att leverera förstklassiga kundupplevelser till skandinaviska och internationella klienter. Vi är väldigt entusiastiska inför att förena våra krafter med företaget, dess ledningsteam och anställda för att utvidga Webhelps globala fotavtryck och stötta företaget på den skandinaviska marknaden med de resurser som finns tillgängliga i vår grupporganisation och från våra investerare.” ”Ända sedan Runway etablerades för 15 år sedan har vi drivits av ambitionen att bli en välkänd och ansedd samarbetspartner på den skandinaviska BPO-marknaden med ett starkt fokus på ypperliga CRM-upplevelser, särskilt med avseende på levererad kvalitet och tillhandahållande av skräddarsydda lösningar. Våra ansträngningar har resulterat i långvariga partnerskap med våra klienter, där många har varit med oss i över tio år nu, och ett fantastiskt team med över 1000 enastående medarbetare som arbetar för våra klienter varje dag. Vår ambition är nu att även expandera internationellt. Med detta fokus passar ett ägarbyte till Webhelp Group perfekt för företaget, dess klienter och anställda. De ökade tillväxtmöjligheterna kommer att ge högre sysselsättning och erfarenhetsutbytet kring best practice med våra systerföretag inom den internationella gruppen kommer att hjälpa oss föra Runway till en ännu högre nivå.” (Catherine Fauchoux – Global Innovation Research Manager) (Sebastien Vassort - Head of Global Products & Services Innovation) chatbots voicebots digital assistants Mailbot Desktop Automation Robotics Process Automation Real Time Operations Alerting (David Pattman – Global Innovation Director) Legend's translation: the system analyses the customer’s speech (tone, emotion, words, etc.) and suggests to the advisor what tone and words to use. This automated coaching allows the advisor to adapt to the customer and personalise the response. Machine Learning Deep Learning machine learning deep learning machine learning (Boris Paulin – Data Protection Officer) accountability think tanks Big Data Valued Data Data Privacy Binding Corporate Rules För mer information, kontakta: pa|Mode- och lyxvarumarknaden förändras ständigt. Vi kan hjälpa ert varumärke att hålla jämna steg med trenderna. Fast fashion har skakat om marknaden. Inte bara för billiga varumärken utan även för high-end och lyxvarumärken i allt större utsträckning. Många av dessa lyx- och high-end-varumärken har följt massmarknadstrenden att erbjuda nya produkter och kollektioner med några månaders mellanrum. Men både kundvanor och lyxmärken håller på att förändras. Vi ser en återgång till en mer hållbar marknad med större tonvikt på kvalitet snarare än kvantitet. Konsumenter interagerar hela tiden med influencers, marknadsföring via nätet och sociala medier runt om i världen. För att sticka ut måste varumärken ha en enhetlig och global strategi. De behöver inkorporera underliggande varumärken och ha en tydlig varumärkesidentitet. Framgångsrika företag kommer att samla sina kollektioner under ett varumärke med ett enhetligt och tydligt sortiment. Modebranschen har en unik dynamik och säsongskänslighet som innebär många ekonomiska utmaningar. Det kan ta upp till 15 månader från att en kollektion tas fram tills man får tillbaka sina pengar, vilket innebär att ett regelbundet kassaflöde är helt avgörande för att bevara lönsamheten. E-handel har också blivit oerhört viktigt på marknaden. Det är lika viktigt som fysiska butiker vilket innebär att du måste erbjuda en enhetlig varumärkesupplevelse över alla kanaler. Fast fashion har skakat om marknaden. Inte bara för billiga varumärken utan även för high-end och lyxvarumärken i allt större utsträckning. Många av dessa lyx- och high-end-varumärken har följt massmarknadstrenden att erbjuda nya produkter och kollektioner med några månaders mellanrum. Men både kundvanor och lyxmärken håller på att förändras. Vi ser en återgång till en mer hållbar marknad med större tonvikt på kvalitet snarare än kvantitet. Konsumenter interagerar hela tiden med influencers, marknadsföring via nätet och sociala medier runt om i världen. För att sticka ut måste varumärken ha en enhetlig och global strategi. De behöver inkorporera underliggande varumärken och ha en tydlig varumärkesidentitet. Framgångsrika företag kommer att samla sina kollektioner under ett varumärke med ett enhetligt och tydligt sortiment. Modebranschen har en unik dynamik och säsongskänslighet som innebär många ekonomiska utmaningar. Det kan ta upp till 15 månader från att en kollektion tas fram tills man får tillbaka sina pengar, vilket innebär att ett regelbundet kassaflöde är helt avgörande för att bevara lönsamheten. E-handel har också blivit oerhört viktigt på marknaden. Det är lika viktigt som fysiska butiker vilket innebär att du måste erbjuda en enhetlig varumärkesupplevelse över alla kanaler. Vår djupa förståelse för mode- och lyxvarumarknaden har vi fått genom att representera över 1 500 lokala och globala modemärken. Våra kunder förlitar sig på Webhelp när det gäller neutral support och vägledning för att uppnå ett ekonomiskt scenario där man har balans mellan affärsutveckling och skydd mot ekonomisk risk. Eftersom vi arbetar med över 40 000 kunder, så sitter vi på lösningarna till de eventuella problem man kan stöta på mellan varumärken och deras kunder. Vi sätter våra kunder främst. Vi finns här för att stödja och hjälpa dem att utveckla nya lösningar för att skapa mervärde i förhållandet med kunderna. Webhelp tillsammans med vårt nätverk av dotterbolag finns i över 35 länder i Europa, Afrika och Nordamerika. Webhelp erbjuder stark lokal kunskap i kombination med expertis inom internationell affärs- och ekonomipraxis som passar perfekt till mode- och lyxvarumarknaden. Vår djupa förståelse för mode- och lyxvarumarknaden har vi fått genom att representera över 1 500 lokala och globala modemärken. Våra kunder förlitar sig på Webhelp när det gäller neutral support och vägledning för att uppnå ett ekonomiskt scenario där man har balans mellan affärsutveckling och skydd mot ekonomisk risk. Eftersom vi arbetar med över 40 000 kunder, så sitter vi på lösningarna till de eventuella problem man kan stöta på mellan varumärken och deras kunder. Vi sätter våra kunder främst. Vi finns här för att stödja och hjälpa dem att utveckla nya lösningar för att skapa mervärde i förhållandet med kunderna. Webhelp tillsammans med vårt nätverk av dotterbolag finns i över 35 länder i Europa, Afrika och Nordamerika. Webhelp erbjuder stark lokal kunskap i kombination med expertis inom internationell affärs- och ekonomipraxis som passar perfekt till mode- och lyxvarumarknaden. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. Sales Director Webhelp Payment Services Sales Director Webhelp Payment Services Sales Manager Webhelp Payment Services Managing Director Retail CCO Spain Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Mode och lyxvaror li|Mode och lyxvaror st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Elena Marengo Soraya Otero Aline Abeya Vanessa Flather Marta Lopez sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Mode och lyxvaror Snabba förändringar och säsongsvariationer Effektivisering av varumärken och kollektioner E-handel, kassaflöde och lönsamhet Snabba förändringar och säsongsvariationer Effektivisering av varumärken och kollektioner E-handel, kassaflöde och lönsamhet Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår erfarenhet och vår expertis Hantering av kundrelationer Vårt globala team Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår erfarenhet och vår expertis Hantering av kundrelationer Vårt globala team Våra lösningar för att stödja er Möt våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom mode- och lyxvarumarknaden , , , , De senaste nyheterna inom mode- och lyxvarumarknaden , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vår know-how tillsammans med våra medarbetares telekomexpertis hjälper er att förändra era kunders användning av uppkopplade föremål i deras vardag. Förändringstakten inom telekombranschen visar inga tecken på att sakta ner. Att byta till 5G-nätverk och mer avancerade mobiltelefoner innebär att kunder kommer att kräva ännu mer från sina nätverk. Företagen i branschen behöver ha detta i åtanke och hålla jämna steg med utvecklingen. De företag som kommer att lyckas bäst är de som tar till sig och anpassar sig till förändringarna på ett sätt som fungerar sömlöst för dem, och för deras kunder. För de flesta är deras mobila enheter eller mobiltelefoner inte längre bara teknik. Det är en del av deras liv, deras koppling till resten av världen. Det är så de umgås, betalar räkningar, hanterar sina uppkopplade hem, ordnar transport och naturligtvis kommunicerar. Kunderna dras till de företag som inser detta och som förstår dem som individer. Framstegen som 5G antas medföra innebär att vi kan förvänta oss en explosion i kundefterfrågan efter lansering. Större efterfrågan kommer att generera ännu mer data, mycket som är personligt och potentiellt värdefullt. Kunderna kommer att behöva ha ett enormt förtroende för telekommunikationsföretagen när det gäller att skydda dem och deras uppgifter. De företag som är smarta kommer att investera nu för att undvika att betala ett ännu högre pris senare om det förtroendet någonsin bryts. Förändringstakten inom telekombranschen visar inga tecken på att sakta ner. Att byta till 5G-nätverk och mer avancerade mobiltelefoner innebär att kunder kommer att kräva ännu mer från sina nätverk. Företagen i branschen behöver ha detta i åtanke och hålla jämna steg med utvecklingen. De företag som kommer att lyckas bäst är de som tar till sig och anpassar sig till förändringarna på ett sätt som fungerar sömlöst för dem, och för deras kunder. För de flesta är deras mobila enheter eller mobiltelefoner inte längre bara teknik. Det är en del av deras liv, deras koppling till resten av världen. Det är så de umgås, betalar räkningar, hanterar sina uppkopplade hem, ordnar transport och naturligtvis kommunicerar. Kunderna dras till de företag som inser detta och som förstår dem som individer. Framstegen som 5G antas medföra innebär att vi kan förvänta oss en explosion i kundefterfrågan efter lansering. Större efterfrågan kommer att generera ännu mer data, mycket som är personligt och potentiellt värdefullt. Kunderna kommer att behöva ha ett enormt förtroende för telekommunikationsföretagen när det gäller att skydda dem och deras uppgifter. De företag som är smarta kommer att investera nu för att undvika att betala ett ännu högre pris senare om det förtroendet någonsin bryts. Över 11 000 Webhjälpare stödjer tillsammans några av de största telekommunikationsvarumärkena och -leverantörerna varje dag. Tillsammans skapar vi ett vinnande partnerskap. Ett partnerskap som hjälper företagen att växa. Vi hjälper redan många av de viktigaste leverantörerna. Våra tjänster täcker redan nu hela kundresan och livscykeln över alla kanaler. Kort sagt förstår vi hur er bransch fungerar. Som vår partner kommer ni och era kunder att dra nytta av all vår kunskap och erfarenhet. Vi har den bästa personalen och rätt erfarenhet. Det som lyfter oss till nästa nivå är vår innovativa strategi. Våra konsulttjänster och transformationstjänster hjälper er att släppa loss potentialen för den senaste innovativa tekniken, verktygen och själva tänkandet. Över 11 000 Webhjälpare stödjer tillsammans några av de största telekommunikationsvarumärkena och -leverantörerna varje dag. Tillsammans skapar vi ett vinnande partnerskap. Ett partnerskap som hjälper företagen att växa. Vi hjälper redan många av de viktigaste leverantörerna. Våra tjänster täcker redan nu hela kundresan och livscykeln över alla kanaler. Kort sagt förstår vi hur er bransch fungerar. Som vår partner kommer ni och era kunder att dra nytta av all vår kunskap och erfarenhet. Vi har den bästa personalen och rätt erfarenhet. Det som lyfter oss till nästa nivå är vår innovativa strategi. Våra konsulttjänster och transformationstjänster hjälper er att släppa loss potentialen för den senaste innovativa tekniken, verktygen och själva tänkandet. Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Telekommunikation li|Telekommunikation st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Telekommunikation 5G och avancerad teknologi Personlig anpassning Säkerhet 5G och avancerad teknologi Personlig anpassning Säkerhet Därför passar vi er perfekt Våra medarbetare och vår expertis Vår kunskap och vår erfarenhet Vår innovativa taktik Därför passar vi er perfekt Våra medarbetare och vår expertis Vår kunskap och vår erfarenhet Vår innovativa taktik Möt våra experter Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom telekom De senaste nyheterna inom telekom Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Som en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för vården har vi omfattande kunskap om healthcare bpo. Erfarenhet och affärsärenden rörande 40+ terapiområden utbildade, erfarna proffs med bakgrund inom konsultation och management nya program som skapas, lanseras och driftsätts årligen års värdefull data över preferenser och beteenden bland hälso-och sjukvårdsanställda Patient Support Programs har visat sig vara ett viktigt redskap för läkemedelsföretag som vill nå ut till vårdgivare, öka mottagligheten för behandling samt samla in data från verkligheten som håller priserna i schack. Vi bidrar med en unik källa till expertis som kombinerar erfarna vårdgivare med specialutformade verktyg som bygger upp och ser över programmen. Pressade priser och hård konkurrens tvingar läkemedelsföretag att tänka om kring sina traditionella reklammodeller. Med en kvalificerad databas och proprietära verktyg utformar och driftsätter vi funktionella multikanalprogram. Vår expertis omfattar en stor mängd aktiviteter som satsar på att öka utfärdande av recept eller läkemedelsförsäljning och förbättra situationen för vårdgivare till en optimerad kostnad. Pressade priser och hård konkurrens tvingar läkemedelsföretag att tänka om kring sina traditionella reklammodeller. Med en kvalificerad databas och proprietära verktyg utformar och driftsätter vi funktionella multikanalprogram. Vår expertis omfattar en stor mängd aktiviteter som satsar på att öka utfärdande av recept eller läkemedelsförsäljning och förbättra situationen för vårdgivare till en optimerad kostnad. Patient Support Programs har visat sig vara ett viktigt redskap för läkemedelsföretag som vill nå ut till vårdgivare, öka mottagligheten för behandling samt samla in data från verkligheten som håller priserna i schack. Vi bidrar med en unik källa till expertis som kombinerar erfarna vårdgivare med specialutformade verktyg som bygger upp och ser över programmen. International Business Unit Director Webhelp Medica Managing Director France Webhelp Medica Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Healthcare bpo li|Healthcare bpo st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Joachim Vallée Aurélie Descubes sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Healthcare bpo. Innovation för bättre vård 40 + 50 + 100 + 20 + Patient Support Programs Reklam och läkemedelsförsäljning Reklam och läkemedelsförsäljning Patient Support Programs Träffa våra experter Kundhistorier Kundhistorier Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter , , Våra senaste nyheter , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|The hereby Terms and Conditions apply to the website available at the address or any other URL address, area or subarea which might be used to host the website later on (hereafter the “Website”), as well as to any research made on the aforesaid Website, and/or any use by the visitor accessing the Website (hereafter the “User”). Any consultation, use or transmission of the Website shall imply User acceptance without reservation of Terms and Conditions hereafter defined. If you have any question or complaint, you can contact Webhelp here. The Website is processed by Webhelp SAS (hereafter “Webhelp”). Webhelp is the owner or rightful licensee of any components and contents protected by intellectual property rights and available on the Website. Data base, components, contents presentation and all the elements (texts, visuals, photographs, videos, database, etc.), trademarks, logos and area names, which appear on the Website included, are Webhelp property, and where appropriate the property of its partners, and are protected by intellectual property governing laws. The User is granted access to the Website and the pages in accordance with the proposed navigation. All the rights which are not expressly conceded by Webhelp are deemed to be reserved. 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Webhelp makes its best efforts to ensure the Website’s security in accordance with applicable rules within the industry. However, the User is aware of the risks inherent to the use of electronic communications and especially the risks linked to the Data delivery on the Internet. In a more general way, it is the User’s duty to implement all the usual protections linked to browsing. Therefore, Webhelp will not guarantee anything in that case. In any case, the User restrains from any reverse engineering or de-compiling attempt of any part of the website, from any fraudulent intrusion or attempt to fraudulent intrusion within the service system hosting the Website as well as in the software enabling its working; from any breach of trust, theft, erasure, misappropriation or non-authorised modification of the Website’s technical Data, subject to prosecution. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. Website’s publisher: WEBHELP SAS Registration number: 431977370 161, rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris +33 1 44 40 33 40 Web host: Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th juni 2020 In By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h4|Terms and conditions and legal mentions 1. Intellectual property rights 2. Hypertext links 3. Personal data protection 4. Liability 5. Website availability 6. Contents 7. Security 8. Governing legislation 9. Legal notices sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Website Terms & Conditions | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. Våra skickliga rådgivare är rustade med stor produkt- och processkännedom för att på ett snabbt och korrekt sätt kunna hantera ärenden. Vår tekniska support har en mångsidig portfölj med skräddarsydda tekniktjänster för allt ifrån komplexa mjuk- och hårdvaruproblem, CRM-verktyg och programvaror produktbeställning till logistik för multikanal kommunikation. Vi lägger vårt krut på verktyg och processer för att dina kunder ska få bästa möjliga service. Våra skickliga rådgivare är rustade med stor produkt- och processkännedom för att på ett snabbt och korrekt sätt kunna hantera ärenden. Vår tekniska support har en mångsidig portfölj med skräddarsydda tekniktjänster för allt ifrån komplexa mjuk- och hårdvaruproblem, CRM-verktyg och programvaror produktbeställning till logistik för multikanal kommunikation. Vi lägger vårt krut på verktyg och processer för att dina kunder ska få bästa möjliga service. Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Teknisk support li|Teknisk support st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Den perfekta tekniska supporten för ditt företag Kundtjänst och teknisk support Kundtjänst och teknisk support Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste Våra senaste Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vår globala konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners, hjälper kunder att lösa sina mest komplexa utmaningar med kundresan. Genom att kombinera design och transofmration med erfarenhet från verkligheten, ger det våra experter insikt och passion för att möta några av de mest komplexa organisatoriska utmaningarna. Oavsett om du vill radikalt minska cost-to-serve, utveckla nya innovativa modeller för att stödja tillväxt eller förändra kundresan, kan vi hjälpa dig att designa och leverera varaktig förändring. experter års erfarenhet länder med storkunds erfarenhet Ny teknologi, nya kanaler, kostnadstryck och agila konkurrenter. Det har aldrig varit mer press på transformationsprogram att leverera. Vi anpassar din transformationsagenda med kunder, kollegor och partners. Inte bara uppnår vi dina mål utan vi förbättrar kapaciteteten hos era team för att förbättra och upprätthålla förändring. Vår strategi, baserad på över tjugoårs erfarenhet från den verkliga världen, hjälper er att ge konkreta fördelar. Vårt team är experter på att definiera kanalstrategi, bidra till att avleda efterfrågan och förbättra användarupplevelse och gränssnitt på era digitala plattformar. Från att öka konverteringsfrekvensen till att sänka hanteringskostnaden. Vi kan designa, utveckla och leverera din digitala vision genom att skapa och optimera webbplatser, mobilapplikationer och serviceverktyg. Vår strategi för kundresan hjälper er att leverera förbättrad service till kunderna och större värde för företaget. Helhetsfördelarna är: att ta bort aktiviteter som kunderna inte värdesätter, leverera en sömlös omnichannel-resa och i slutändan leverera den bästa kundupplevelsen i klassen. Redesign och transformation av kundresan är ofta nyckeln till hållbar framgång och konkurransfördel. Ny teknologi, nya kanaler, kostnadstryck och agila konkurrenter. Det har aldrig varit mer press på transformationsprogram att leverera. Vi anpassar din transformationsagenda med kunder, kollegor och partners. Inte bara uppnår vi dina mål utan vi förbättrar kapaciteteten hos era team för att förbättra och upprätthålla förändring. Vår strategi, baserad på över tjugoårs erfarenhet från den verkliga världen, hjälper er att ge konkreta fördelar. Vårt team är experter på att definiera kanalstrategi, bidra till att avleda efterfrågan och förbättra användarupplevelse och gränssnitt på era digitala plattformar. Från att öka konverteringsfrekvensen till att sänka hanteringskostnaden. Vi kan designa, utveckla och leverera din digitala vision genom att skapa och optimera webbplatser, mobilapplikationer och serviceverktyg. Vår strategi för kundresan hjälper er att leverera förbättrad service till kunderna och större värde för företaget. Helhetsfördelarna är: att ta bort aktiviteter som kunderna inte värdesätter, leverera en sömlös omnichannel-resa och i slutändan leverera den bästa kundupplevelsen i klassen. Redesign och transformation av kundresan är ofta nyckeln till hållbar framgång och konkurransfördel. Head of Consulting France Gobeyond Partners CEO Gobeyond Partners Managing Director DACH Region Gobeyond Partners Managing Director, MyStudioFactory Managing Director, MyStudioFactory Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Konsulttjänster li|Konsulttjänster st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Matthieu Caron Mark Palmer Ludger Strom Anne-Sophie Goudriaan Elodie Galatoire sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Konsulttjänster 350 20 30 + Transformationsprogram Digital strategi & UX Utformning av din kundresa Transformationsprogram Digital strategi & UX Utformning av din kundresa Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen? Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|You are about to submit a request attached to the processing of your Personal Data by Webhelp. Protecting your Personal Data is of the utmost importance for us, and we want to prevent any action on your Personal Data by an unauthorised person. This is why we need to verify you identity before assessing your request. The Personal Data you are about to share with us will be stored by Webhelp for a probatory duration as required by the laws of your country. Of course, we grant you the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. At any time you can require us to access, rectify, erase your personal data or restrict of processing concerning you as well as the right to data portability. You may also object on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. 01 – last edit 22/10/2019 02 – : last edit 17/01/2019 03 – : last edit 17/01/2019 04 – : last edit 17/01/2019 05 – : last edit 17/01/2019 06 – : last edit 17/01/2019 07 – : last edit 17/01/2019 08 – : last edit 19/01/2019 09 – : last edit 17/01/2019 At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal Data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework, but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects` legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is Processed. In the course of its activities, Webhelp processes both internal and Client Personal Data. In this respect, Webhelp protects the Personal Data it processes on its own behalf and on behalf of its Clients by the implementation of appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures and controls. Such controls shall ensure that the whole organisation is Processing Personal Data in a consistent manner, disregarding the nature and/or place of Processing. This approach is particularly important due to the diversity of activities Webhelp covers on behalf of its Clients. As a consequence of the above and taking into consideration standards, regulations and laws applicable in the field of data protection, andthe requirements introduced by the European Regulation 2016/679 adopted on 27th April 2016 (hereinafter, the “EU Regulation”) Webhelp will process data in accordance with the following principles: Through this Privacy Policy Webhelp intends to share and specify the detail and the principles applicable to all Webhelp Entities and provide certain group-wide standards allowing the implementation of the Privacy Policy. Furthermore, Webhelp may make available specific, local or sectorial policies. Should there be a contradiction between this Privacy Policy and such specific, local or sectorial policies, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall prevail. As the Privacy Policy aims at ensuring an adequate and consistent approach throughout the entire Webhelp organisation regarding Personal Data Processing, exceptions which could result from applicable legislations are not reflected in this Privacy Policy. As a consequence, local legislation shall be considered as an enforceable exception to this Privacy Policy and will be recorded accordingly. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Lawfulness–Personal Data shall be collected and Processed with the Data Subject having given consent to the Processing or when Processing is legitimate or necessary in accordance with Applicable Data Protection Legislation; Fairness–Personal Data Processing shall take into account the specific circumstancesand context in which such Personal Data is Processed; Transparency-Information and communication relating to the Processing of Personal Data shall be easily accessible, easy to understand, clear and in plain and simple language; Purpose limitation–Personal Data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further Processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; Data minimisation–Collected Personal Data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are Processed Accuracy –Personal Data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that Personal Data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without undue delay; Storage limitation –Personal Data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is Processed or any other lawful retention; Integrity and confidentiality –Personal Data shall be Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the Personal Data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical, physical and administrative measures; st|Processor – Procedure for handling data subjects complaints Audit procedure Personal Data Breach Notification Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) legal-privacy by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris bo|If you are not confortable submitting your request trough this form, please contact our Data Protection Officer. pa|Hur vi rör oss i våra dagliga liv håller på att förändras. Förändringar i vår sociala och digitala miljö, såväl som miljöförändringar skakar om den traditionella bilindustrin och den bredare transportsektorn. Digitala utställningslokaler, uppkopplade fordon och smart funktionalitet förändrar hur kunder interagerar med bilmärken. För tillverkare och andra bolag i branschen betyder det att man måste sköta kundengagemang, support och digitala interaktioner rätt. Att skapa den rätta digitala resan är nu lika viktigt som själva upplevelsen ute på öppna vägar. För ett växande antal människor har konceptet bil- eller fordonsägande blivit förlegat. Biltillverkare och andra bilföretag gör en förflyttning från en ägarmodell till en servicemodell; som bildelning. Detta innebär att nyckeln till tillväxt och framgång kommer att vara att skapa, utveckla och upprätthålla kundrelationer. Därmed måste företagen anpassa sig och bli mindre produktorienterade och mer kundfokuserade. Ökningen av elfordon håller på att förändra bilmarknaden fullständigt. Alternativ för mikromobilitet som elcyklar och skotrar förändrar också hur människor rör sig i sitt dagliga liv. Konsumenterna letar efter nya transportalternativ och sätt att minska sin egen miljöpåverkan. Bil- och fordonsmärken måste anpassa sig för att tillgodose dessa behov för att inte halka efter. Digitala utställningslokaler, uppkopplade fordon och smart funktionalitet förändrar hur kunder interagerar med bilmärken. För tillverkare och andra bolag i branschen betyder det att man måste sköta kundengagemang, support och digitala interaktioner rätt. Att skapa den rätta digitala resan är nu lika viktigt som själva upplevelsen ute på öppna vägar. För ett växande antal människor har konceptet bil- eller fordonsägande blivit förlegat. Biltillverkare och andra bilföretag gör en förflyttning från en ägarmodell till en servicemodell; som bildelning. Detta innebär att nyckeln till tillväxt och framgång kommer att vara att skapa, utveckla och upprätthålla kundrelationer. Därmed måste företagen anpassa sig och bli mindre produktorienterade och mer kundfokuserade. Ökningen av elfordon håller på att förändra bilmarknaden fullständigt. Alternativ för mikromobilitet som elcyklar och skotrar förändrar också hur människor rör sig i sitt dagliga liv. Konsumenterna letar efter nya transportalternativ och sätt att minska sin egen miljöpåverkan. Bil- och fordonsmärken måste anpassa sig för att tillgodose dessa behov för att inte halka efter. Vi har samarbetat med många av de ledande fordonstillverkarna, samt service-, hyres- och transportleverantörer. Vi förstår utmaningarna som nu känns av i hela branschen. Genom att utnyttja vår expertis kan ni att se till att ni får ett försprång gentemot era konkurrenter. Vi har investerat mycket i våra teknologiska tjänster och de digitala lösningarna i vårt sortiment. Vi kan hjälpa er att interagera med era kunder på nya sätt samtidigt som vi stöttar er digitala strategi eller affärstransformation. Med Webhelp som partner kommer ni att vara redo, oavsett vad framtiden bjuder på. Våra medarbetare gör affärer mer mänskliga. Ni kommer att kunna fokusera på era kunder med vår flerspråkiga support och globala fotavtryck dygnet runt. Våra högkvalificerade branschexperter hjälper er att styra ert varumärke i rätt riktning. Vi har samarbetat med många av de ledande fordonstillverkarna, samt service-, hyres- och transportleverantörer. Vi förstår utmaningarna som nu känns av i hela branschen. Genom att utnyttja vår expertis kan ni att se till att ni får ett försprång gentemot era konkurrenter. Vi har investerat mycket i våra teknologiska tjänster och de digitala lösningarna i vårt sortiment. Vi kan hjälpa er att interagera med era kunder på nya sätt samtidigt som vi stöttar er digitala strategi eller affärstransformation. Med Webhelp som partner kommer ni att vara redo, oavsett vad framtiden bjuder på. Våra medarbetare gör affärer mer mänskliga. Ni kommer att kunna fokusera på era kunder med vår flerspråkiga support och globala fotavtryck dygnet runt. Våra högkvalificerade branschexperter hjälper er att styra ert varumärke i rätt riktning. En förenklad väg till kundkännedom, som tar hänsyn till att rådande regelverk och digitala utvecklingar är själva nyckeln till en lyckad aktiveringsprocess. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. Business Unit Director Travel, Leisure, Automotive & Mobility Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Bilar och transport li|Bilar och transport st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Carole Rousseau sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Bilar och transport Digital och smart teknologi Förflyttningen från ägande till tjänst Miljöpåverkan Digital och smart teknologi Förflyttningen från ägande till tjänst Miljöpåverkan Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår sektorkompetens Vår teknologi Vårt team Därför passar vi er perfekt Vår sektorkompetens Vår teknologi Vårt team Våra lösningar för att stötta er Möt våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Senaste nytt inom bil- och rörlighetsbranschen Senaste nytt inom bil- och rörlighetsbranschen Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vi skapar innovationer för alla dina behov. Vårt helhetstänk löser komplexa B2B-utmaningar med hjälp av skräddarsydda mallar på ett sätt som garanterar nöjda kunder. miljoner kunder och partners B2B-distanssälj språk Global räckvidd miljoner hanterade incidenter Vi utformar och hanterar även de mest komplicerade kundresorna för att B2B-kunder snabbt ska generera nya vinster. Vi har 20 års expertis som garanterar effektiva lösningar för företagsförsäljning för varje säljstrategi i nära samarbete med våra kunder genom att kartlägga mål och tillämpa den lösning som bäst passar situationen. Vårt engagemang och passion för service är vår viktigaste drivkraft. Eftersom B2B-försäljning begär hög SLA och NPS och rätt förståelse av kundvärdet, levererar vi utmärkta Care Services genom enastående marknadskompetens, innovation och ett mål att förbättra användarupplevelsen. (380) Vi använder AI, röstanalys och andra ledande teknologier för att säkra framtidens företagskundtjänst och förändra rådande arbetssätt. IT Service Management handlar inte bara om IT, utan vi fokuserar även på att leverera företagstjänster i toppklass. Det är så vi skapar värde och harmoni mellan människor och teknologi. Våra helpdesklösningar skapar goda kommersiella resultat och nöjda kunder. Vi garanterar effektiva säljsamtal med en mänsklig prägel. När en kund behöver laga eller byta ut skadade eller bristfälliga produkter är det upp till ditt företag att visa vad ni går för. En dålig CX gör kunden mindre benägen att göra ytterligare köp och mer benägen att tala med andra om sin negativa upplevelse. Vår företagstjänst för omvänd logistik kombinerar viktig CX med expertkunskaper och anmälda garanti- och lagningsprocesser. Vi utformar och hanterar även de mest komplicerade kundresorna för att B2B-kunder snabbt ska generera nya vinster. Vi har 20 års expertis som garanterar effektiva lösningar för företagsförsäljning för varje säljstrategi i nära samarbete med våra kunder genom att kartlägga mål och tillämpa den lösning som bäst passar situationen. Vårt engagemang och passion för service är vår viktigaste drivkraft. Eftersom B2B-försäljning begär hög SLA och NPS och rätt förståelse av kundvärdet, levererar vi utmärkta Care Services genom enastående marknadskompetens, innovation och ett mål att förbättra användarupplevelsen. (380) Vi använder AI, röstanalys och andra ledande teknologier för att säkra framtidens företagskundtjänst och förändra rådande arbetssätt. IT Service Management handlar inte bara om IT, utan vi fokuserar även på att leverera företagstjänster i toppklass. Det är så vi skapar värde och harmoni mellan människor och teknologi. Våra helpdesklösningar skapar goda kommersiella resultat och nöjda kunder. Vi garanterar effektiva säljsamtal med en mänsklig prägel. När en kund behöver laga eller byta ut skadade eller bristfälliga produkter är det upp till ditt företag att visa vad ni går för. En dålig CX gör kunden mindre benägen att göra ytterligare köp och mer benägen att tala med andra om sin negativa upplevelse. Vår företagstjänst för omvänd logistik kombinerar viktig CX med expertkunskaper och anmälda garanti- och lagningsprocesser. General Manager Nederlands CEO Webhelp Enterprise Global Solution Architect Global IT Helpdesk Solution Leader CCO Spain Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Företagstjänster li|Företagstjänster st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Mylanda Conradie Etienne Turion Alberto Cori Markus Sixt Marta Lopez sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Företagstjänster. För en smidig B2B-resa 3 2800 30 24 /7 2 B2B-försäljning. B2B-assistans. Teknisk support och Helpdesk support Omvänd logistik Företagstjänster. B2B-försäljning. Företagstjänster. B2B-assistans. Företagstjänster. IT service management. Företagstjänster. Omvänd logistik Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste nyheter , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vår unika Webhelp Way of Working finns med där du behöver det. Hos Webhelp, vet vi att varje situation är unik. Medan vår breda erfarenhet med virituella och hemmabaserade lösningar kanske passar för ett brand, kanske andra fortfarande kräver en fullt integrerad on-site lösning över flera geografiska områden. Vår flexibla Anywhere-modell kombinerar våra best-shoring-tillvägagångsätt med lösningar för arbete hemifrån. Vi kombinerar det fysiska och virtuella globalt, som säkrar att varje klient har den rätta leveransmodell för deras företag och kunder. Genom att utvidga våran best-shoring-tillvägagångsätt med våra 160+ globala lokalisationer och virtuella funktioner, kan du och era team få alla fördelarna av våra nätverk av kontor, samtidigt som du får motståndskraft och flexibilitet att skalera resurser och har tillgång till specialistkunskaper efter behov. Som pioniärer inom best-shoring är vi helt i fronten när det gäller att skapa skräddarsydda lokaliseringsstrategier från grunden. Vi tar nu anpassningen av geografi och teknologiska lösningar till våra kunders behov ett steg längre, gjenom en väldigt flexibel leveransmodell. För oss är inte Anywhere en fristående tjänst, utan snarare en möjlighet i vår breda portfölj av tjänster, som matchar lokaliseringsstrategi till din specialla aktivitet, ett branchbehov eller ändring av profil utifrån efterfrågan. Den största utmaningen med distansarbete är att hitta rätt balans mellan tillit och kontroll samt att få goda resultat. Vårt Anywhere-tillvägagångsätt tillåter oss att leverera god balans på advisor-nivå samt att ge dem tilliten och stöttningen dom behöver för att uppnå bästa resultat. Med Webhelp-Anywhere ökar vi prestationsnivån genom att integrera arbeta-hemifrån-lösningar med mer traditionella leveransmetoder. Våra team är baserade på flera av våra kontor runt om i världen. Dom levererar de bästa resultaten till våra uppdragsgivare samt att de får stöttning och uppföljning face to face. teamen jobbar ibland delvis hemifrån och delvis på kontoret. De får fördel av stöttning och upplärningsmöjligheterna på kontoret, samt den extra flexibiliteten och motivationen som vi uppnår genom att jobba hemifrån. Äntligen är våra team alltid hemifrån, medan de fortfarande får stöttning från ett av våra fysiska kontor. Detta gör att vi kan erbjuda våra kunder hög skalbarhet, flexibilitet och anställningsmöjligheter till fantastiska talanger där arbete hemifrån är den bästa eller enda alternativa lösningen. Som ett måldrivet företag med en stark kultur. Webhelp Anywhere är ett tydligt uttryck för våran vision att göra affärer mer männskliga. Hos Webhelp, vet vi att varje situation är unik. Medan vår breda erfarenhet med virituella och hemmabaserade lösningar kanske passar för ett brand, kanske andra fortfarande kräver en fullt integrerad on-site lösning över flera geografiska områden. Vår flexibla Anywhere-modell kombinerar våra best-shoring-tillvägagångsätt med lösningar för arbete hemifrån. Vi kombinerar det fysiska och virtuella globalt, som säkrar att varje klient har den rätta leveransmodell för deras företag och kunder. Genom att utvidga våran best-shoring-tillvägagångsätt med våra 160+ globala lokalisationer och virtuella funktioner, kan du och era team få alla fördelarna av våra nätverk av kontor, samtidigt som du får motståndskraft och flexibilitet att skalera resurser och har tillgång till specialistkunskaper efter behov. Som pioniärer inom best-shoring är vi helt i fronten när det gäller att skapa skräddarsydda lokaliseringsstrategier från grunden. Vi tar nu anpassningen av geografi och teknologiska lösningar till våra kunders behov ett steg längre, gjenom en väldigt flexibel leveransmodell. För oss är inte Anywhere en fristående tjänst, utan snarare en möjlighet i vår breda portfölj av tjänster, som matchar lokaliseringsstrategi till din specialla aktivitet, ett branchbehov eller ändring av profil utifrån efterfrågan. Som ett måldrivet företag med en stark kultur. Webhelp Anywhere är ett tydligt uttryck för våran vision att göra affärer mer männskliga. Den största utmaningen med distansarbete är att hitta rätt balans mellan tillit och kontroll samt att få goda resultat. Vårt Anywhere-tillvägagångsätt tillåter oss att leverera god balans på advisor-nivå samt att ge dem tilliten och stöttningen dom behöver för att uppnå bästa resultat. Med Webhelp-Anywhere ökar vi prestationsnivån genom att integrera arbeta-hemifrån-lösningar med mer traditionella leveransmetoder. Våra team är baserade på flera av våra kontor runt om i världen. Dom levererar de bästa resultaten till våra uppdragsgivare samt att de får stöttning och uppföljning face to face. teamen jobbar ibland delvis hemifrån och delvis på kontoret. De får fördel av stöttning och upplärningsmöjligheterna på kontoret, samt den extra flexibiliteten och motivationen som vi uppnår genom att jobba hemifrån. Äntligen är våra team alltid hemifrån, medan de fortfarande får stöttning från ett av våra fysiska kontor. Detta gör att vi kan erbjuda våra kunder hög skalbarhet, flexibilitet och anställningsmöjligheter till fantastiska talanger där arbete hemifrån är den bästa eller enda alternativa lösningen. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Webhelp Anywhere li|Webhelp Anywhere st|DIG fysiskt och virtuellt överallt DIG överallt fysiskt och virtuellt nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp Anywhere Hos Webhelp, vet vi att varje situation är unik. Vi skapar lösningar som passar för Vi utnyttjar det bästa från både @home ready @Home sometimes @home always Driven av en expertkultur - Hos Webhelp, vet vi att varje situation är unik. Vi skapar lösningar som passar för Driven av en expertkultur - Vi utnyttjar det bästa från både @home ready @Home sometimes @home always Nyhetsbrev Håll kontakten Skriv in din e-post för att motta vårt nyhetsbrev Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen? Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|, a leading global BPO and customer experience company, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of . Sellbytel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of . (NYSE: OMC). By joining forces with Sellbytel, Webhelp expands its geographic footprint in Europe, and adds an extensive list of international brands and value-added services to its portfolio. Following this acquisition, Webhelp Group forecasts a turnover of €1,3 billion for the end of 2018, supported by a team of 50.000 people, serving over 500 clients, in 35 countries. Sellbytel’s Barcelona office provides best in class multilingual operations with around 4,000 people working in more than 20 languages. This expertise has been extended to Kuala Lumpur and Puerto Rico as multilingual hubs serving the APAC region and the Americas. In addition to its complementary geographical footprint and multilingual expertise, Sellbytel enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas such as end-to-end solutions in B2B Sales and Support activities, as well as an innovative work-from-home model which currently employs over 500 people working for various clients. As part of Webhelp, Sellbytel will be able to build upon its strong expertise as a CRM BPO provider and will have access to a large variety of additional capabilities, an extensive geographical footprint adding nearshore capabilities for its clients, as well as expertise in areas like AI, analytics, omnichannel platforms, and specialized services provided by subsidiaries of Webhelp such as Telecats, Netino, and Webhelp Payment Services. and , Webhelp’s cofounders said, , founder of Sellbytel added, Sellbytel management will continue to be strongly involved in the future growth of the company and will provide continuity for the company’s clients while also being able to provide a more comprehensive range of services. Webhelp and Sellbytel expect to derive significant synergies from the transaction thanks to the enhanced expertise and capabilities of the combined group, through cross-pollination of services, and access to new regions and nearshoring models. Moving forward, Webhelp’s strategy is to continue to grow both organically and through acquisition over the coming years, both in terms of geographical expansion and the addition of new capabilities. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2018, subject to approval of the relevant regulatory authorities. Sellbytel Group is a provider of outsourced sales, service and support with operations in 28 centers across , , , and . More information can be found at . Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|18th juni 2018 In , By st|Acquisition strengthens Webhelp’s position in the European CRM BPO Market Webhelp Group Sellbytel Group Omnicom Group Inc Olivier Duha Frederic Jousset Michael Raum ABOUT SELLBYTEL Spain Germany Portugal Puerto Rico Malaysia Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp group agrees to acquire Sellbytel in transformational transaction | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|“This acquisition is not only a major step to strengthen our position in Europe, it is also a fantastic opportunity to broaden our service portfolio and our geographical coverage. After 18 years of uninterrupted growth, Webhelp is building upon its position as a leader in the CRM BPO industry. The fit with Sellbytel’s management has been a major strength supporting this deal and definitely has us excited about building this future together.” “We are proud of what’s been accomplished over the last 25 years with our partners at Omnicom and are very excited about our future with Webhelp. Sellbytel management is excited to team up with one of the most successful companies in our sector. Our cultural fit and our shared vision are key elements for our future success.” pa|Vi är den optimala partnern för er i finanssektorn. Fintech, neo-banker, 100 % mobila banker … Det är så många nya spelare som har revolutionerat den vedertagna modellen som används av de traditionella spelarna. I en sektor som fortfarande drivs till stor del av kulturell och social tyngd driver dessa nya modeller fram en utveckling av de traditionella modellerna, som måste bli smidigare, särskilt när det handlar om att förenkla kundresan. Regleringen fyller en viktig roll inom finanssektorn, och tvingar aktörerna att vara smidiga och flexibla. Att ha en samarbetspartner med expertis-kompetens, och som kan anpassa sig till de olika organisationerna gör att du kan utnyttja de möjligheter som lagstiftningen erbjuder och att svara på de begränsningar den medför. En av utmaningarna för intressenterna i branschen är också att ompröva sin modell så att den inkluderar det digitala som en central del av sin strategi. Även om vissa livsprojekt fortfarande kräver ett fysiskt möte, är det viktigt att kunna erbjuda en sömlös upplevelse vid alla kontaktpunkter genom en omnikanals-metod via en specialiserad partner, för att optimera och rationalisera kostnaderna. Fintech, neo-banker, 100 % mobila banker … Det är så många nya spelare som har revolutionerat den vedertagna modellen som används av de traditionella spelarna. I en sektor som fortfarande drivs till stor del av kulturell och social tyngd driver dessa nya modeller fram en utveckling av de traditionella modellerna, som måste bli smidigare, särskilt när det handlar om att förenkla kundresan. Regleringen fyller en viktig roll inom finanssektorn, och tvingar aktörerna att vara smidiga och flexibla. Att ha en samarbetspartner med expertis-kompetens, och som kan anpassa sig till de olika organisationerna gör att du kan utnyttja de möjligheter som lagstiftningen erbjuder och att svara på de begränsningar den medför. En av utmaningarna för intressenterna i branschen är också att ompröva sin modell så att den inkluderar det digitala som en central del av sin strategi. Även om vissa livsprojekt fortfarande kräver ett fysiskt möte, är det viktigt att kunna erbjuda en sömlös upplevelse vid alla kontaktpunkter genom en omnikanals-metod via en specialiserad partner, för att optimera och rationalisera kostnaderna. Vår enhet dedikerad till finanssektorn består av certifierade och specialiserade experter som hjälper er i alla era frågor, från de mest känsliga still olika lagstiftningsutmaningar. Vi erbjuder varierad expertis specialiserad till er bransch. Tack vare våra partnerskap med samtliga yrken och aktörer i sektorn kan vi erbjuda omfattande support som tar hänsyn till era problem. Vi kan erbjuda anpassade lösningar, från traditionella modeller till ”digital native”-modeller. Vi tillhandahåller fullständiga lösningar som täcker hela kundresan från första kontakt. Vi förser er med ett brett spektrum av expertis, från första kontakt till bankgodkännande samt kundidentifiering. Vår enhet dedikerad till finanssektorn består av certifierade och specialiserade experter som hjälper er i alla era frågor, från de mest känsliga still olika lagstiftningsutmaningar. Vi erbjuder varierad expertis specialiserad till er bransch. Tack vare våra partnerskap med samtliga yrken och aktörer i sektorn kan vi erbjuda omfattande support som tar hänsyn till era problem. Vi kan erbjuda anpassade lösningar, från traditionella modeller till ”digital native”-modeller. Vi tillhandahåller fullständiga lösningar som täcker hela kundresan från första kontakt. Vi förser er med ett brett spektrum av expertis, från första kontakt till bankgodkännande samt kundidentifiering. Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. Som din strategiska partner ger vi dig intelligenta insiktsbaserade konsulttjänster som överensstämmer med dina stategiska prioriteringar. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Med vår kommersiella kundtjänst skapar du långsiktiga, hållbara och värdefulla relationer till dina kunder. Vi hjälper ditt märke att växa och frodas. Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Finansiella tjänster li|Finansiella tjänster st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Finansiella tjänster Framväxten av nya spelare Lagstiftelsens betydelse Digital integration Framväxten av nya spelare Lagstiftelsens betydelse Digital integration Därför passar vi er perfekt Ett team med specialiserade experter Anpassad till din organisation Fullständiga lösningar Därför passar vi er perfekt Ett team med specialiserade experter Anpassad till din organisation Fullständiga lösningar Våra lösningar för att stötta er Möt våra experter Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom finansiella tjänster De senaste nyheterna inom finansiella tjänster Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vårt teknologiska ekosystem kombinerar it konsult-, integrations- och utvecklingstjänster med ledande marknadslösningar. Du får insikt i de senaste CX-lösningarna utan att den mänskliga delen glöms bort. rekommenderade eller certifierade tekniska partners kunder vänder sig till oss för sina teknologiska lösningar experter på teknologi (it-konsulter, utvecklare, projektledare…) Vi tar som it konsultbolag hand om hela kundupplevelsen, från början till slut Säkrade och certifierade infrastrukturer (GDPR, PCI, ISO27001, HDS…) Kundens förväntningar förändras, och det sker i en rasande fart. Att hålla jämna steg med dessa förändringar innebär en utmaning, i synnerhet med tanke på hur konkurrenskraftig marknaden i dag är. Samarbeta med Webhelp och få tillgång till det allra senaste inom kontaktcenterteknologi. Vi hjälper dig att tillgodose och överträffa kundernas behov och förväntningar. Oavsett när, var eller hur dina kunder ber om hjälp ser vi till att du alltid finns där! Processautomation är nyckeln till en förstklassig kundvård. Att digitala assistenter blir alltmer populära talar för att kunder gärna använder sig av automatiserad service, men endast om den är väl utformad och kan erbjuda effektfulla tjänster. Med våra experter och egenutvecklade lösningar kan din verksamhet genomföra de kostnadsbesparingar som processautomationen möjliggör, samtidigt som dina kunder är i trygga händer. På Webhelp är automation anpassad efter människor Teknologin utvecklas ständigt och det innebär en utmaning för företag. Att följa med i utvecklingen kräver flexibilitet och kvicktänkthet. Därför satsar vi på digitala teknologier och utvecklar verksamheters digitala färdigheter, med stöd från specialistdivisioner som PitechPlus och MyStudioFactory. Vår teknologi och digitala expertis gör att dina mobil- eller webbaserade applikationer hamnar steget före medan konkurenterna släpar efter. Kundens förväntningar förändras, och det sker i en rasande fart. Att hålla jämna steg med dessa förändringar innebär en utmaning, i synnerhet med tanke på hur konkurrenskraftig marknaden i dag är. Samarbeta med Webhelp och få tillgång till det allra senaste inom kontaktcenterteknologi. Vi hjälper dig att tillgodose och överträffa kundernas behov och förväntningar. Oavsett när, var eller hur dina kunder ber om hjälp ser vi till att du alltid finns där! Processautomation är nyckeln till en förstklassig kundvård. Att digitala assistenter blir alltmer populära talar för att kunder gärna använder sig av automatiserad service, men endast om den är väl utformad och kan erbjuda effektfulla tjänster. Med våra experter och egenutvecklade lösningar kan din verksamhet genomföra de kostnadsbesparingar som processautomationen möjliggör, samtidigt som dina kunder är i trygga händer. På Webhelp är automation anpassad efter människor Teknologin utvecklas ständigt och det innebär en utmaning för företag. Att följa med i utvecklingen kräver flexibilitet och kvicktänkthet. Därför satsar vi på digitala teknologier och utvecklar verksamheters digitala färdigheter, med stöd från specialistdivisioner som PitechPlus och MyStudioFactory. Vår teknologi och digitala expertis gör att dina mobil- eller webbaserade applikationer hamnar steget före medan konkurenterna släpar efter. Managing Director, MyStudioFactory Managing Director, MyStudioFactory Managing Director Telecats Group Chief Information Officer Webhelp Founder & CEO at PitechPlus Group Chief Technology Officer Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Teknologitjänster li|Teknologitjänster Konsulttjänster: Digital strategi, UX/UI-utformning, lösningsarkitektur Webb- och mobilbaserad apputveckling: Front-end/back-end Skräddarsydd mjukvaruutveckling Applikationsdrift Omnikanal/multikanal Meddelandetjänster för företag CRM-integration Infrastrukturtjänster Virtuell assistans Robotiserad processautomation (RPA) Talanalys Röstrobot Maskinöversättning st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Anne-Sophie Goudriaan Elodie Galatoire Mathieu Jougla Vincent Tachet Bogdan Herea Yan Noblot sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Teknologitjänster 50 + 100 + 1000 + 1 + CRM-teknologi Processautomation Teknologitjänster. Digital teknologi. CRM-teknologi Processautomation Teknologitjänster. Digital teknologi. Webhelp har en portfölj med lösningar och tjänster som stödjer BPO- och it konsultaktiviteter Digitala teknologitjänster: Kontaktcenter: Automatisering & AI: Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Våra senaste Våra senaste Kundberättelser Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Med våra digitala tjänster kommer du att ligga i framkant vad gäller digitalt engagemang. Vi hjälper dig transformera dina digitala kundupplevelser. agenter språk kunder Innehåll är en nyckelmöjlighet, men också en utmaning på digitala plattformar. Risker kan uppstå när som helst, var som helst och på vilka språk som helst, men dina användare väntar sig snabb och smidig uppladdning av sitt innehåll. Med hjälp av våra automatiska verktyg och processer med fokus på content moderation skapar våra moderatorer en perfekt balans mellan utmärkta användarupplevelser och pålitliga plattformar. Content management och leverans av rätt innehåll på rätt plats är en svår och tidskrävande uppgift. Att se till att innehållet är konsekvent och skapar engagemang är ännu svårare. Våra innehållsmanagers använder sig av dedikerade processer för innehållshantering som hjälper dem att utforma expertmässiga strategier, från datafasen till kunskapshantering. Vill man skapa ett unikt märke kan mängden information som finns tillgänglig online kännas överväldigande. Vi hjälper dig skapa maximal potential för ditt märke. Med hjälp av digital insights som analyser, social listening, krishantering och mätningar av e-rykte blir du bättre rustad för att höra dina kunders digitala röster, och bättre rustad för att möta deras behov. Utmärkt marknadsföring i sociala medier är ett resultat av rätt team på rätt plats. Med vår expertis inom rekrytering och vårt nätverk av community managers kan vi snabbt hitta de bästa personerna för ditt märke och dina sociala kanaler. Vi hjälper till att bygga och överse dina online-communitys samt skapar tillit och snack kring ditt märke. För att bättre stötta kunden och förebygga kriser skapar vi även utökad räckvidd för dina sociala medier. Innehåll är en nyckelmöjlighet, men också en utmaning på digitala plattformar. Risker kan uppstå när som helst, var som helst och på vilka språk som helst, men dina användare väntar sig snabb och smidig uppladdning av sitt innehåll. Med hjälp av våra automatiska verktyg och processer med fokus på content moderation skapar våra moderatorer en perfekt balans mellan utmärkta användarupplevelser och pålitliga plattformar. Content management och leverans av rätt innehåll på rätt plats är en svår och tidskrävande uppgift. Att se till att innehållet är konsekvent och skapar engagemang är ännu svårare. Våra innehållsmanagers använder sig av dedikerade processer för innehållshantering som hjälper dem att utforma expertmässiga strategier, från datafasen till kunskapshantering. Vill man skapa ett unikt märke kan mängden information som finns tillgänglig online kännas överväldigande. Vi hjälper dig skapa maximal potential för ditt märke. Med hjälp av digital insights som analyser, social listening, krishantering och mätningar av e-rykte blir du bättre rustad för att höra dina kunders digitala röster, och bättre rustad för att möta deras behov. Utmärkt marknadsföring i sociala medier är ett resultat av rätt team på rätt plats. Med vår expertis inom rekrytering och vårt nätverk av community managers kan vi snabbt hitta de bästa personerna för ditt märke och dina sociala kanaler. Vi hjälper till att bygga och överse dina online-communitys samt skapar tillit och snack kring ditt märke. För att bättre stötta kunden och förebygga kriser skapar vi även utökad räckvidd för dina sociala medier. Senior Director Content Management & Moderation Product & Services Manager Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Digitala tjänster li|Digitala tjänster st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Chloé de Mont Serrat Martin Lebars sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Digitala tjänster. Vi ger dig det digitala stöd du behöver 3300 + 30 + 200 + Digitala tjänster. Content moderation. Digitala tjänster. Innehållshantering. Digitala tjänster. Digital insights och e-rykte. Digitala tjänster. Social media management. Digitala tjänster. Content moderation. Digitala tjänster. Innehållshantering. Digitala tjänster. Digital insights och e-rykte. Digitala tjänster. Social media management. Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , Våra senaste , , , , , , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Oslo, March 24th, 2021 , den ledande ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och företagslösningar, har tillkännagivit expansionen av sitt program, över hela Europa som siktar på att stödja nystartade företag och de i skalningsfasen med den bästa kundupplevelsen. Nest gör det möjligt för outsourcade snabbt växande företag inom alla sektorer att växa expontiellt genom att erbjuda en unik skräddarsydd CX-lösning. Den här nyheten kommer vid en tidspunkt då m¨ånga unga företag står inför olika utmaningar på grund av pandemin och kräver flexibilitet och ROI-optimering medan osäkerhet råder i deras affärsmiljöer. , Ledare för The Nest, sa: Programmet lanserades i Frankrike 2018 och stöder redan ett dussintal av de mest dynamiska startupsen, varav många har placerats högt på . Utöver detta är Webhelp en mångårig partner för otaliga ”unicorn-startups” och är väl lämpade för att hjälpa företag med snabb tillväxt att differentiera sina affärer. Programmet får en europeisk dimension genom att expandera till Norden, Storbritannien, Spanien, Tyskland, Nederländerna och Turkiet. tillade , Chief Commercial Officer, The Nest, Nordics. The Nest by Webhelp gör expertis från Webhelp, den europeiska marknadsledaren inom CX, tillgänglig för mindre företag och bygger på en stark People First arbetskultur. Kärnfokus är att stödja sina kunder när de växer som företag och göra det möjligt för dem att skapa konkurrensfördelar inom CX-området. Programmet erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla kan anpassas till kundens individuella behov, inklsuive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och teknisk support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster digital marknadsföring). Programmet är tillgängligt 24 timmar i dygnet, sju dagar i veckan och finns på fler än 40 olika språk. Utöver en förstklassig kundupplevelse som levereras av expertteam får kunde också tillgång till ”The Nest Community”. Där igenom får medlemmar tillgång till mentorskap, affärsutveckling och nätverksmöjligheter som ett ytterligare sätt att generera dragkraft och uppnå bättre resultat genom ett strategiskt startup-nätverk. Som VD för , och en av de första startups som gick med i The Nest by Webhelp-programmet vittnade: Webhelp Medgrundare, , avslutade: The Nest by Webhelp är ett outsourcat kundupplevelseprogram (CX) av Webhelp för att hjälpa nystartade företag och snabbväxande företag att differentiera sig och skala upp sitt team snabbt och enkelt. Programmet verkar över hela Europa och ger kunderna tillgång till sitt globala nätverk av kundupplevelsespecialister 365 dagar om året och sju dagar i veckan. The Nest erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster, som alla är anpassade efter kundens individuella behov, inklusive men inte begränsat till; Omnichannel-kundengagemangstjänster (inklusive kundvård, community management och tekniskt support) säljsupport (kundförvärv, retention och försäljningsstöd) och digitala tjänster (content management, modereringstjänster och digital marknadsföring). Kunder av The Nest kommer att ha tillgång till The Nest Community, som erbjuder mentorskap, affärsstöd och vägledning för att göra det möjligt för nystartade företag att växa och lyckas på sin marknadsplats. Mer information finns på: Webhelp, the European leader in Customer Experience and Business Solutions, announces today that it has acquired Dynamicall, a leading Peruvian BPO player with over 4.500 employees based in Lima. This acquisition is the latest in a line of sizable and strategic M&A activities over the past five years. , Webhelp’s co-founder and CEO, declared: Dynamicall enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas including Spanish and multilingual operations with on/nearshore and offshore delivery capacities for the local and international Spanish-speaking market and North America, and the potential to expand coverage for global and multilingual clients. Latin America (LatAm), as a region driven by strong economic development, is of key interest to Webhelp. With its broad range of services tailored to clients of all sizes, from start-ups to global conglomerates, Webhelp is keen to serve its clients’ in and from this region while contributing to the local economy and creating career development opportunities. With the acquisition of Dynamicall, Webhelp now has two own sites in Latin America, in addition to the existing operations on the premises of clients in several countries in the region and greenfield sites in the pipeline. The Latin American operations will work together closely with Webhelp’s established Spanish teams, with Julio Jolin extending his responsibilities as CEO to lead LatAm. , CEO of Webhelp’s Spanish operations said: , founder and CEO of Dynamical, stated: Webhelp will celebrate its 21st anniversary this year and has become one of the global leaders in the sector thanks to steady organic growth and acquisitions. Driven by a vision of making business more human and a strong and unique company culture motivated by an agile, start-up mindset, and over 75.000 Webhelpers bring their smarts and hearts to the table every day to help clients in a way that makes a real difference. Dynamicall is a leading Peruvian BPO-Contact Center industry provider, offering a stable and formal employment to more than 4500 collaborators from its 2 sites in Lima. Its client portfolio includes major brands, leaders in their respective industries, across all regions of LatAm, North America, and Spain. Dynamicall’s services range from Customer Care, Sales, Back Office, Technical Support among others. Founded 13 years ago, Dynamicall has become one of the most important references in the local industry with a revenue of over 30 million USD per year. Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” February 1st 2021 Webhelp, a leading global customer experience and business solutions provider, is opening an office in Daugavpils, Latvia, to support a new global client with content moderation services. Right now, 55 people are in training and Webhelp is recruiting more new team members during spring. “ .” said Webhelp is keen to contribute to Daugavpils’ economic development and the broader Latgale region while offering professional services support to international and local clients, leveraging our global network and extensive experience. Together with Webhelp’s office in Riga, the Daugavpils office will enable Webhelp to create a cohesive service network and further strengthen our service capabilities for the region. , stated: ” We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media content moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 65 000 game-changers from more than 150 locations in 50 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,5B in 2019, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and GBL, a leading global investment holding, as of November 2019. More information can be found at : Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia +37167224437 Ida Naper, Nordic Director of Communications +4793673123 Det globala, ansedda forsknings- och konsultföretaget Frost & Sullivan har tilldelat Webhelp en topprankning i sin Frost Radar ™ – CX Outsourcing 2020. Webhelp är positionerat som ledande inom både tillväxt och innovation. Manq får erkännande för sitt breda utbud av lösningar över vertikaler och viktigare – dess effektiva digitala omvandlingstjänster och teknologibaserade lösningar som stimulerar kundinnovation, tillsammans med sin konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners. , Senior Industry Analyst – Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier på Frost & Sullivan uppgav: ”Med sitt fokus på AI, röst- och prediktiv analys. Användningen av avancerad teknik för att framtidssäkra sina lösningar, kan Webhelp konkurrera effektivt, samtidigt som ett öppet ekosystem av partners med en varierad blandning av progressiva partners för att ytterligare stimulera innovation ”. Webhelps dedikerade start-up CX-program, , och gruppens starka fokus på teknologisk implementering bidrar starkt till att driva innovation i alla faser av en kunds utveckling. Koncernens snabba tillväxt, som känns igen av den närmaste positionen i Radar, som driver Webhelp till den europeiska CX Outsourcing Services marknadsledande positionen och en framträdande global position, har drivits genom både organisk tillväxt och strategiska förvärv. Idag täcker Webhelps tjänsteportfölj inte bara Customer Engagement-tjänster utan också ett brett utbud av ytterligare funktioner som RegTech, digitalisering, AI och konsulttjänster. Dess anmärkningsvärda entreprenörskultur har varit kärnan i företagets framgång och vision att göra affärer mer mänskliga, på rätt sätt för sina kunder. , medgrundare och VD för Webhelp sa: ”Som ett målmedvetet företag är vi stolta över att tilldelas äran av denna ledande position i Frost Radar ™. Våra team av passionerade game-changers letar ständigt efter sätt att göra saker bättre för våra kunder, deras kunder och vårt företag. Att förändra spelreglerna är en viktig del av vårt DNA, vilket erkänns av vår starka prestation på innovationsindexet. Genom att se till att de bästa teknologierna och innovationerna gör det möjligt för våra anställda att göra en verklig skillnad, så går vi ständigt framåt i vår strävan att skapa fantastiska mänskliga upplevelser. ” The Radar grundar sig på kärnvärdesförslagen tillväxt, innovation och ledarskap. Den robusta analysen granskar fler än 1000 leverantörer över tio nyckelkriterier som innovationsskalbarhet, kundanpassning, vision och strategi. Varje företag utvärderas sedan på effektivitet inom dessa teman för att avgöra hur väl de är positionerade för att driva tillväxt i framtiden. STOCKHOLM 5 november 2020 Allente, fusionen mellan Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer, erbjuder högkvalitativa satellit-TV- och bredbands-TV-lösningar till 1,2 miljoner kunder i hela Norden. Sedan 2010 har Webhelp, en global ledare inom kundupplevelse och affärslösningar, och Allentes varumärke Viasat Consumer utvecklat ett starkt partnerskap av stabil och kommersiellt framgångsrik kundserviceverksamhet. Webhelp lägger nu till Allentes Canal Digital-kundtjänst på den svenska marknaden i sin omfattande portfölj av nordiska TV / mediekunder. Webhelp kommer att leverera Canal Digitals kundtjänst på Allentes vägnar genom sin best shoring-verksamhet i Kalmar, Sverige, i Malaga och Alicante, Spanien, samt ett antal medarbetare som arbetar hemifrån. Rekryteringen av nya teammedlemmar har precis börjat. ” säger Victor Sundén, Chief Commercial Officer på Webhelp Nordic. , menar Victor Liljeroth, Sverigechef, Allente Nordic. Victor Sundén Chief Commercial Officer, Webhelp Nordic Mobile: +46 70 032 20 04 Maja Wikman Ulrich Corporate Communications & PR Director, Allente Nordic Mobile: + 46 936 99 26 65 Following our positioning as a Global Leader in Customer Experience Management (CXM) by the leading analyst, Everest Group, we have now been recognized as a Leader again in its CXM in EMEA Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020, rating high in terms of vision and capability. This report is an objective recognition of Webhelp’s successful growth strategy, and our unique people-first, end-to-end approach with “Webhelp is a leading CXM provider globally, especially in Europe, supported by a large multilingual workforce of more than 60,000 agents. With a focus on digital transformation, CX consulting, and customer journey orchestration, Webhelp has been able to drive exponential growth over the last few years,” He continues “Further, its deep digital and domain expertise, outcome-focused approach, and strong leadership have allowed it to resiliently navigate the uncertainties created by COVID-19 and continue on its growth journey.” This result builds on our strong track record in analyst rankings and assessments, and our second year as a Leader in the PEAK Matrix, with Everest Group specifically highlighting our strong coverage in major industry verticals, our geographical delivery footprint, and the value delivered to our clients. Everest Group defines Leaders as companies that deliver consistent Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services through expansion in new regions, serving various buyer sizes, and delivering high satisfaction scores due to greater technological and advanced digital capabilities. For this EMEA edition, Everest Group selected 21 organizations to evaluate and compare for their 2020 report based upon the service provider’s market success, vision and strategy, service focus and capabilities, digital and technological solutions, domain investments, and buyer feedback. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Chloe de Mont-Serrat Victor Sundén Charles Egly, Olivier Duha Olivier Duha Julio Jolin Vargas Enrique Beltran 8 februari 2021 Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia. Igors Prelatovs, Chariman of Daugavpils Council Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands MEDIA CONTACTS Deepali Sathe The Nest by Webhelp Olivier Duha Allente har valt Webhelp för leverans av kundupplevelselösningar inom kundservice, kontaktcenterplattform och lösningsdesign för Canal Digital. Kontaktinformation: Skand Bhargava, Vice President, Everest Group saying: Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Om The Nest About Dynamicall Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Företaget Webhelp The Nest by Webhelp The French Tech Next rankings Younited Credit by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Angélique Begarin by Diane Servettaz by Diane Servettaz Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Kundupplevelseprogrammet erbjuder ett enkelt och skalbart outsourcingförslag för snabbt växande företag “Vi är mycket glada över att kunna utöka vårt erbjudande till företag över hela Europa. Blivande startups har en nyckelegenskap gemensamt – exceptionell kundupplevelse. Outsourcing av CX med en pålitlig partner kan göra det möjligt för företag att skala upp snabbt och samtidigt maximera sinn avkastning, vilket ger dem möjligheten att fokusera på det som betyder mest – att växa som företag.” “Vi är glada att lansera The Nest i Norden för att hjälpa lokala startups att bygga en exceptionell kundupplevelse. Vi förstår att nystartade företag står inför många komplexa utmaningar under tillväxtstadierna, från att utveckla expertis och processer för att stödja långsiktig tillväxt, till att expandera snabbt inom nya marknader och bygga innovativa produkter och tjänster för att skilja sig från konkurrenterna.,” ”I början av en startup försöker senior-teamet ofta ta itu med alla frågor, ibland går det utöver den slutliga produkten eller tjänsten. Det outsourcade stödet som Nest-programmet erbjuder var ovärderligt för att utöka vårt team och ge förstärkt expertis. Det gjorde även det möjligt för oss att erövra nya marknader mycket snabbare. Att arbeta med en outsourcad partner på detta sätt ger ökad effektivitet, lägre driftkostnader, mer flexibilitet och snabbare time-to-market. För att inte tala om, tillgång till de bästa processerna och verktygen på marknaden, varav de flesta är för dyra för en startup.” ”Vi är glada över att – trots COVID-19 pandemin – startup världen blomstrar fortfarande och insamlingstakten har inte saktat ned. I slutändan har stöd för snabbväxande startups alltid varit i vårt DNA, eftersom vi fortfarande har en entreprenörskultur som perfekt guidar oss.” Paris, March 9th, 2021. “Dynamicall is an impressive organization, with a strong cultural fit with Webhelp. We have been partnering to serve several major brands successfully in 2020 and are excited to now welcome their talented teams into the Webhelp family. With its superior track record in delivering high-quality services and its attractive client base, Dynamicall reinforces our unique best-shoring capabilities for our clients.” “The incorporation of Dynamicall in the Webhelp family will strengthen our service offering for Spanish-speaking and global companies alike, looking to reinforce their operations with state-of-the-art services in the LatAm region and the world. We are very excited for this new opportunity to expand our support further for both our current clients and those to be.” “We’re thrilled to take this next step in our partnership with Webhelp and merge with such a dynamic and solid leader. Thanks to the dedication and skills of all people at Dynamicall, we get to serve some of the world’s most exciting brands, and together with our new parent company, we get to expand even further, not only internationally but also in terms of capabilities.” NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser We have chosen Daugavpils based on the great local talent, the city’s geographical location, support from the local institutions and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, as well as our great cooperation with Daugavpils University Daugavpils municipality highly appreciates the cooperation with LIAA, as a result of which an international company Webhelp has started operating in our city. It is a great opportunity for young, motivated citizens to start their careers in their hometown. As the company is located on the premises of Daugavpils University, it makes it easier for employees to combine their studies with the work. We are proud that Daugavpils has been chosen as the company’s location and that the people of Daugavpils are competitive for the international labor market. I wish great success for Webhelp’s plans in Daugavpils so that the company can thrive and evolve, and continue to offer new job opportunities to young people in Daugavpils and the surrounding area. Vi är mycket glada över att Allente har utökat vårt partnerskap till att omfatta Canal Digital och Viasat Consumer. Vi ser fram emot att bredda vårt partnerskap i detta viktiga skede i Allentes resa, så att Allentes kunder upplever den konsekvent höga kvaliteten, vårt varumärkes-ambassadörskap och den kommersiella skicklighet som vi är kända för. Tillsammans kommer vi att fortsätta utveckla ett partnerskap som stärker kundupplevelsen i dagens och morgondagens TV- och bredbandslösningar ”, ”Vi har mycket goda erfarenheter av att arbeta med Webhelp och är glada för att lägga till Canal Digital i vårt partnerskap. Webhelp kommer att kunna ge värdefull insikt och support för vår verksamhet under denna spännande fas för Allente, och vi kommer att fortsätta utveckla vårt partnerskap för att ge våra kunder förstklassig service i vårt utökade samarbete” pa|Webhelp, the European leader in Customer Experience and Business Solutions, announces today that it has acquired Dynamicall, a leading Peruvian BPO player with over 4.500 employees based in Lima. This acquisition is the latest in a line of sizable and strategic M&A activities over the past five years. , Webhelp’s co-founder and CEO, declared: Dynamicall enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas including Spanish and multilingual operations with on/nearshore and offshore delivery capacities for the local and international Spanish-speaking market and North America, and the potential to expand coverage for global and multilingual clients. Latin America (LatAm), as a region driven by strong economic development, is of key interest to Webhelp. With its broad range of services tailored to clients of all sizes, from start-ups to global conglomerates, Webhelp is keen to serve its clients’ in and from this region while contributing to the local economy and creating career development opportunities. With the acquisition of Dynamicall, Webhelp now has two own sites in Latin America, in addition to the existing operations on the premises of clients in several countries in the region and greenfield sites in the pipeline. The Latin American operations will work together closely with Webhelp’s established Spanish teams, with Julio Jolin extending his responsibilities as CEO to lead LatAm. , CEO of Webhelp’s Spanish operations said: , founder and CEO of Dynamical, stated: Webhelp will celebrate its 21st anniversary this year and has become one of the global leaders in the sector thanks to steady organic growth and acquisitions. Driven by a vision of making business more human and a strong and unique company culture motivated by an agile, start-up mindset, and over 75.000 Webhelpers bring their smarts and hearts to the table every day to help clients in a way that makes a real difference. Dynamicall is a leading Peruvian BPO-Contact Center industry provider, offering a stable and formal employment to more than 4500 collaborators from its 2 sites in Lima. Its client portfolio includes major brands, leaders in their respective industries, across all regions of LatAm, North America, and Spain. Dynamicall’s services range from Customer Care, Sales, Back Office, Technical Support among others. Founded 13 years ago, Dynamicall has become one of the most important references in the local industry with a revenue of over 30 million USD per year. Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” February 1st 2021 Webhelp, a leading global customer experience and business solutions provider, is opening an office in Daugavpils, Latvia, to support a new global client with content moderation services. Right now, 55 people are in training and Webhelp is recruiting more new team members during spring. “ .” said Webhelp is keen to contribute to Daugavpils’ economic development and the broader Latgale region while offering professional services support to international and local clients, leveraging our global network and extensive experience. Together with Webhelp’s office in Riga, the Daugavpils office will enable Webhelp to create a cohesive service network and further strengthen our service capabilities for the region. , stated: ” We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media content moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 65 000 game-changers from more than 150 locations in 50 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,5B in 2019, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and GBL, a leading global investment holding, as of November 2019. More information can be found at : Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia +37167224437 Ida Naper, Nordic Director of Communications +4793673123 Det globala, ansedda forsknings- och konsultföretaget Frost & Sullivan har tilldelat Webhelp en topprankning i sin Frost Radar ™ – CX Outsourcing 2020. Webhelp är positionerat som ledande inom både tillväxt och innovation. Manq får erkännande för sitt breda utbud av lösningar över vertikaler och viktigare – dess effektiva digitala omvandlingstjänster och teknologibaserade lösningar som stimulerar kundinnovation, tillsammans med sin konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners. , Senior Industry Analyst – Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier på Frost & Sullivan uppgav: ”Med sitt fokus på AI, röst- och prediktiv analys. Användningen av avancerad teknik för att framtidssäkra sina lösningar, kan Webhelp konkurrera effektivt, samtidigt som ett öppet ekosystem av partners med en varierad blandning av progressiva partners för att ytterligare stimulera innovation ”. Webhelps dedikerade start-up CX-program, , och gruppens starka fokus på teknologisk implementering bidrar starkt till att driva innovation i alla faser av en kunds utveckling. Koncernens snabba tillväxt, som känns igen av den närmaste positionen i Radar, som driver Webhelp till den europeiska CX Outsourcing Services marknadsledande positionen och en framträdande global position, har drivits genom både organisk tillväxt och strategiska förvärv. Idag täcker Webhelps tjänsteportfölj inte bara Customer Engagement-tjänster utan också ett brett utbud av ytterligare funktioner som RegTech, digitalisering, AI och konsulttjänster. Dess anmärkningsvärda entreprenörskultur har varit kärnan i företagets framgång och vision att göra affärer mer mänskliga, på rätt sätt för sina kunder. , medgrundare och VD för Webhelp sa: ”Som ett målmedvetet företag är vi stolta över att tilldelas äran av denna ledande position i Frost Radar ™. Våra team av passionerade game-changers letar ständigt efter sätt att göra saker bättre för våra kunder, deras kunder och vårt företag. Att förändra spelreglerna är en viktig del av vårt DNA, vilket erkänns av vår starka prestation på innovationsindexet. Genom att se till att de bästa teknologierna och innovationerna gör det möjligt för våra anställda att göra en verklig skillnad, så går vi ständigt framåt i vår strävan att skapa fantastiska mänskliga upplevelser. ” The Radar grundar sig på kärnvärdesförslagen tillväxt, innovation och ledarskap. Den robusta analysen granskar fler än 1000 leverantörer över tio nyckelkriterier som innovationsskalbarhet, kundanpassning, vision och strategi. Varje företag utvärderas sedan på effektivitet inom dessa teman för att avgöra hur väl de är positionerade för att driva tillväxt i framtiden. Why is recommerce on the rise? and why are marketplaces such as , or thriving in this business model? Is it just trendy, cost effective, sustainable or a mix of all these that explains the current surge? Tomorrow’s personalization and customer journeys are expected to be even smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling than they are today. The question is: Are brands and consumers ready? Here is an analysis from Olivier Carrot, Global . At Webhelp, our clients are at the heart and our core objective is to ensure that their customers experience world class service in every touchpoint. The creation and upholding of a sustainable environment also go hand in hand with what our company stands for. : The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we all live and work, forcing organisations to rapidly adjust to a new reality. As an organisation that prides itself on putting people at the heart, our number one priority will always be to keep our people safe. This approach, coupled with our rapid mobilisation of home working models for our clients, has uncovered our agility and adaptability, enabling us to continue growing and achieving our goals amongst this year’s challenges, which we are incredibly proud of. Webhelp is committed to making business more human, and our people are central to achieving this. In February, we entered the COVID period with an incredible team of nearly 56,000 Webhelpers, always willing to make a difference in the lives of our client’s customers as well as in their local communities. We rapidly transitioned over 70% of our teams to work remotely, with all the relevant equipment and protocols to ensure safe and regulated work. With the incredible work from our teams, in a short amount of time we have established new digital resources for team leaders to support home working operations through new communication models to support our new and existing Webhelpers in changing practices and behaviours in new working environments. From April – June, we delivered more than 650,000 masks to our colleagues. Where sites are being progressively and cautiously reopened, we continue supporting our colleague’s health through the delivery of masks and thousands of litres of hand sanitizer and extensive extra cleaning routines. We have continued to work as trusted partners for our clients, adjusting their working practices and service models to meet the new requirements. As we have the experience of homeworking with our experienced agents at INVIRES, we were ready and able to rapidly adopt and continue a quality level of service for our clients, and support new clients where the infrastructure and local preparation wasn’t available. Introducing new technology solutions has been essential to delivering successful home working solutions, especially for clients in highly regulated environments. We have built and designed a fully PCI compliant payment service which allows full card and payment masking within home working spaces, matching the protocols we have for working on site. Through introducing IVR opportunities with retail clients, we have also been able to further support their compliance and the safeguarding of data. Hybrid models of flexible working allow colleagues to rotate shifts, working from either home or our office sites, to manage sensitive data access where necessary. Amongst all the chaos, our resilience has been preserved. We continued to deliver exemplary service to our clients and their customers and acquire new clients along the way. We have now welcomed a further 6,000 people into the Webhelp family, some of whom will have never been to one of our offices, using remote recruitment, onboarding, and training. In our Asia-Pacific region we have increased our total headcount by 45% since January 1st, 2020, and continue to expand our operations in different locations within this region. We are not limited to a single location site as we consider our service to be geography agnostic. Moving rapidly and flexibly, we have been able to establish fully virtual contact centres which are delivering service that is consistently outperforming against peers on first contact resolution, touchpoint net promoter score and employee engagement. The future will result in different ways of working as focus moves to introducing hybrid models, drawing the best of both worlds through local hubs acting as centres of excellence to provide knowledge sharing, coaching and training to support home workers. This crisis has forced organisations to adapt and rethink the way they deliver services and our clients, old and new, continue to rely on us to operate safely, quickly, and resiliently. As a people-first company, not only do we strive to enjoy every day but also listen to our colleagues as to how they wish to live their careers. Relocating to a new country to start an international career is always a great challenge, especially during a global crisis. At Webhelp, driving innovation is part of our DNA. That is why we have set out to make international mobility still a possible, safe and enjoyable experience! We have developed our program with you in mind – our colleagues who want to explore new cultures and career opportunities as well as future Webhelpers who dream of a fresh start. The Work Abroad program is part of our new . So, let’s dive in the online features and functionalities that will bring you closer to your dream lifestyle. Meet our interactive Job Matcher! The fun quiz is the first thing you will see when you land on our . Your international journey starts by answering 3 simple questions. We use a quick algorithm that will match you with the country most suited to your personal preferences and professional goals. You might have more than one soulmate country! So, have fun and redo the quiz as many times as you wish. Now you have an idea of where you would like to live your next 12 to 24 months or maybe your entire life. So, let’s take a quick journey into that dream destination! As game-changers, we conducted a survey with people who work with us as well as former colleagues and even employees from other companies. Why? To get a real feeling of what it is like to work in the country you would like to call home. The refers mainly to the overall employee sentiment within a certain region. However, this is where you will see open positions available at Webhelp in your country of choice. Likewise, from this section you can select the city (site) where we operate. We also gathered data from various reliable sources, and we recommend a monthly budget based on your salary at Webhelp in relation to the cost of living in your country of choice. This way, you can better plan for fun activities and common necessities. Getting the low-down on a country is great. But you will mostly live in a city while working abroad. To provide you with accurate and relevant information, we worked closely with expats living in the cities where we operate. Each piece of content was written, edited and revised by multiple members of our local creative and HR teams, with the help and input of our expat Advisors. This is where we also advertise our international open positions for our sites. So, when an available job feels like a match, apply and we will get in touch with you within a few days, if not hours. We strive to offer you a realistic glimpse of what to expect while working abroad at Webhelp. To create this piece of content, we interviewed dozens of our expat colleagues. So, you will get a feeling of the country through their eyes and experiences. Our film crew also went the extra mile. Literally! They flew to our sites to capture the city vibe and our office culture. Follow our Webhelpers in their quest to show you authentic experiences and some impressive vistas of their second home! For example, check out how Denisz from Ukraine works and lives in . But what if you are still undecided about your chosen destination? Our colleagues from around the world will be happy to answer all your questions related to cost of living, relocation assistance, open positions and many more. We have also taken a unique approach with our FAQ section. Since we put our people at the heart, we have divided our frequently asked questions in 3 parts: Your Life, Your Career and Your Adventure. Reading through the answers will feel personal, human-orientated and transparent. We believe in an engaging work culture. And our Webhelpers are the best ambassadors to reinforce our values. Coming soon is our new blog section featuring ‘the person behind the job’. You will find out what it is like to start and advance your career with us, how to stay resilient when you fail or how to succeed when you struggle. All these from a personal point of view of our Webhelpers! Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Niklas Edentoft har tagit an rollen som Head of Operations och ansvarig för kundservice-företaget Webhelp på Frösön. Webhelps nya Head of Operations Niklas Edentoft kommer från ett jobb som enhetschef i Östersunds kommun där han har varit anställd de senaste tre åren. Han är utbildad inom sociologi på Mittuniversitetet och har dessutom yrkesbakgrund som officer i Försvarsmakten med bland annat sex månader i Afghanistan. Webhelp har tidigare gått ut med att företaget planerar att växa i Östersund, och Edentoft bekräftar att rekryteringen kundservicemedarbetare fortsätter under hösten. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|The accessibility of mobile devices globally has essentially contributed to the growth of e-commerce thanks to the increased reach which has consequently increased the sales. According to Aaron Orendorff – Forbes Top 10 B2B Content Marketer, e-commerce has helped businesses launch beyond borders reaching out to millions of new potential customers. By 2023, an increase of 276.9% in the total global sales in retail is projected with APAC taking the lead (source: ). The easy accessibility of mobile phones and internet has definitely elevated the demand of recommerce as a service. This surge has seen many start- ups joining the bandwagon to not only meet the growing demand but also to take advantage of the efficiency and scalability that marketplaces provide. Through the creation of an application that links second-hand products to customers, VINTED has grown from being owned by its two co-founders Milda and Justas to an organization that employs more than 450 people and unites a community of 25 million people. In reference to platforms like VINTED, personalized services that match customers preferences are highly sought after. Customers want to feel valued and there is no better way than to offer a personalized experience. Even though many consumers are in search of products being offered at discounted or affordable prices, they will not compromise on the experience. Brands are thus competing not only on price but also on offering the most memorable experience to their customers. Founded in 2009 as a swapping company for men’s shirts’ thredUP is a huge consumer marketplace that flaunts over 35,000 brands. In one of his keynotes, CEO and co-founder James Reinhart forecasts sales of upto $51 billion from the second-hand apparel market by 2023 (source ) In reality, people buy twice as many clothes and wear them half as long. If one can buy a branded item for half the price of the new, why not? There is a growing trend to transform consumption through reuse. And so as to keep up with the changing environment in the retail industry, integrating a resale option in traditional retail outlets is seen to boost the overall sales. Customers are sparked to spend 21% more and visit 70% more frequently. James attributes the massive increase in the visiting percentage to the fact that second hand collection is restocked every two weeks whereas in the traditional format, new collection arrives between four to six times a year (source: ) . Pocket friendly purchases is a big driver in the recommerce boom. Customers are increasingly seeing the value in buying recycled brand-name products for huge discounts. “Recommerce has seen a tremendous upsurge” says Steven Bethell, founder of Bank & Vogue – a firm that specializes in the logistics of selling used goods and operates a sister company called . Prior to making a purchase, many shoppers aquent themselves with the resale possibilities of items they wish to buy with the plan to resell them in the near future. The retail industry is seeing a continued shift with the majority of consumers shopping smarter. . The new affluent generations like the Gen Z are more environmental and social conscious and as such, they expect brands to be more ethical and sustainable in their production processes. Fashion brands that have this audience as their customer base, are obliged to revamp their business models to be able to not only attract but most definitely also retain this segment. is one such brand. By investing on its brand ethos which is providing a platform for purchasing and selling of second-hand clothes. These clothes reduce the environmental impact of Co2 levels that are usually released in the production of new clothes (think water, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides). In addition, it prolongs the shelf life of clothes that would otherwise head to the dumping sites in one or two years. It’s estimated that 600 kilograms of used clothes would lead to a reduction of 2250 kilograms of Co2 emissions, 3.6 billion liters of water saved, and 144 trees planted. ( ). st|Olivier Duha Julio Jolin Vargas Enrique Beltran 8 februari 2021 Janis Misans, MD Webhelp Latvia. Igors Prelatovs, Chariman of Daugavpils Council Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands MEDIA CONTACTS Deepali Sathe The Nest by Webhelp Olivier Duha So which are some of the factors that have contributed to this increase? Rise in the use of mobile devices. Personalized customer experiences. Old is new again. Cost friendly Sustainability VINTED Protecting our people Supporting our clients Delivering growth International mobility means opportunities even in the most challenging of times Find out what country you match with Find out what it is like to work in your country of choice Dare the adventure in your favourite city! Say hi to your new lifestyle When in doubt, contact our friendly ambassadors Stay tuned for Meet Webhelpers The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? För mer information, kontakta: Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|About Dynamicall Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Artiklar by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Angélique Begarin In our endeavor to always provide seamless interactions, we go the extra mile to guarantee that customers’ needs are met. We focus on making the purchase process in the marketplaces as simple and fulfilling as possible . Our flawless and memorable customer journey from order management to returns and replacements is swiftly executed with our dedicated service specialist who are located globally in the different hubs . And thanks to the booming second-hand industry, content management and moderation is also on high demand. Ever thought of outsourcing your content moderation? Our highly experienced offshore content moderators ensure that our clients’ brand s are duly protected across their target audience. We support our clients’ to not only maintain their brand integrity, but also to shield their customer s from inappropriate, aggressive or illegal content. Are you looking for an experienced partner who will help you take your marketplace to the next level? Get in touch to receive your tailormade solution by Webhelp during a pandemic by Webhelp Work Abroad Program by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp 1 Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|Paris, March 9th, 2021. “Dynamicall is an impressive organization, with a strong cultural fit with Webhelp. We have been partnering to serve several major brands successfully in 2020 and are excited to now welcome their talented teams into the Webhelp family. With its superior track record in delivering high-quality services and its attractive client base, Dynamicall reinforces our unique best-shoring capabilities for our clients.” “The incorporation of Dynamicall in the Webhelp family will strengthen our service offering for Spanish-speaking and global companies alike, looking to reinforce their operations with state-of-the-art services in the LatAm region and the world. We are very excited for this new opportunity to expand our support further for both our current clients and those to be.” “We’re thrilled to take this next step in our partnership with Webhelp and merge with such a dynamic and solid leader. Thanks to the dedication and skills of all people at Dynamicall, we get to serve some of the world’s most exciting brands, and together with our new parent company, we get to expand even further, not only internationally but also in terms of capabilities.” NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser We have chosen Daugavpils based on the great local talent, the city’s geographical location, support from the local institutions and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, as well as our great cooperation with Daugavpils University Daugavpils municipality highly appreciates the cooperation with LIAA, as a result of which an international company Webhelp has started operating in our city. It is a great opportunity for young, motivated citizens to start their careers in their hometown. As the company is located on the premises of Daugavpils University, it makes it easier for employees to combine their studies with the work. We are proud that Daugavpils has been chosen as the company’s location and that the people of Daugavpils are competitive for the international labor market. I wish great success for Webhelp’s plans in Daugavpils so that the company can thrive and evolve, and continue to offer new job opportunities to young people in Daugavpils and the surrounding area. For the past 20 years, we have thrived in challenging circumstances and strived to help our people achieve their goals. Despite the current pandemic, we know that international mobility is crucial to business growth and employee satisfaction. We encourage you to explore our and dream further than ever before! In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . Att få driva och bygga upp en ny stor arbetsplats och verksamhet i Östersund är en jättespännande möjlighet som jag självklart tackade ja till när jag fick chansen, säger Niklas Edentoft, Head of Operations på Webhelp. Mitt jobb på Webhelp är otroligt givande på grund av alla människor som vi jobbar med, som vill utveckla och utvecklas med oss under resans gång, berättar Edentoft. Vi är otroligt glada för att ha rekryterat en så kompetent och erfaren ledare som Niklas till vårt Webhelp-team på Frösön, säger Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. Niklas’ passion för människor är en ”match made in heaven” för vår verksamhet på Webhelp. Vi delar våra värderingar kring ledarskap och ”människan först”-filosofin och jag är övertygat om at vi tillsammans bygger Östersunds bästa arbetsplats, avslutar Camilla Lundgren. pa|Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|16th mars 2020 In , By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) A message from the Founders | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Our 5th edition of is here! We hope you will enjoy reading about this wide theme, so deeply rooted in our everyday life. So what have you learned from the crisis? Many attests to the irony of social distancing strengthening bonds and communications between colleagues. At the heart of this new dynamic, digital relationships have Intensified, and digital technology has played a very significant role. The health and economic crisis is forcing us to focus on the immediate future. Nonetheless brands shouldn’t lose sight of other changes in society. – no business will survive if it’s purely based on old power values: formal and centralised governance, a secretive mindset, the elitism of experts. People no longer trust authority, the bedrock of old powers. They want to act, to participate and to learn. – requires brands to focus more on flat hierarchies and complete transparency. Did you know that just behind WhatsApp, TikTok is the second-most downloaded non-gaming app in the world? And when compared to Instagram, the engagement rate is much higher? With millions of subscribers and a wide fan base, you should definitely check it out if your target audience is on TikTok. Read all about these exciting and thought-provoking topics and more, in our latest edition of OneShot. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|OneShot Old power New Power Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Tidningar by Diane Servettaz Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vår innovativa strategi förändrar spelreglerna och passar perfekt för de snabba, ständigt föränderliga behoven inom högteknologi- och mediesektorn. Innovationstakten och den hastighet som affärsmodeller förändras ökar ständigt. Flexibiliteten som kommer med digitalisering, öppen källkod och ökande kundkrav medför att högteknologiska verksamheter måste fortsätta sträva efter flexibilitet i sina driftsmodeller. Såväl affärskunder som privata kunder har höjt sina förväntningar på tjänster och upplevelser, baserat på deras erfarenheter med högprofilerade varumärken. Nyckeln till att fördjupa kundens förtroende och lojalitet ligger i att skapa en sömlös och personlig tjänst, som i sin tur främjar tillväxt. Kunder vill engagera sig med ditt varumärke både online och offline över flera kanaler och förväntar sig då samma upplevelse. För att uppnå detta används en omni-kanalsmetod. Digitala plattformar och marknadsplatser förändrar också hur konsumenter och köpare ser på inköp. Ökningen av ”som en tjänst” blir oöverskådlig, vilket ger betydande kundfördelar som flexibilitet, förbättrat kassaflöde och molnstyrd skalbarhet. Innovationstakten och den hastighet som affärsmodeller förändras ökar ständigt. Flexibiliteten som kommer med digitalisering, öppen källkod och ökande kundkrav medför att högteknologiska verksamheter måste fortsätta sträva efter flexibilitet i sina driftsmodeller. Såväl affärskunder som privata kunder har höjt sina förväntningar på tjänster och upplevelser, baserat på deras erfarenheter med högprofilerade varumärken. Nyckeln till att fördjupa kundens förtroende och lojalitet ligger i att skapa en sömlös och personlig tjänst, som i sin tur främjar tillväxt. Kunder vill engagera sig med ditt varumärke både online och offline över flera kanaler och förväntar sig då samma upplevelse. För att uppnå detta används en omni-kanalsmetod. Digitala plattformar och marknadsplatser förändrar också hur konsumenter och köpare ser på inköp. Ökningen av ”som en tjänst” blir oöverskådlig, vilket ger betydande kundfördelar som flexibilitet, förbättrat kassaflöde och molnstyrd skalbarhet. Vi sätter våra kunder i centrum. Våra engagerade kundteam fokuserar på utmärkt kundservice och att sätta kunden främst. Att skapa ett långsiktigt partnerskap tillsammans, på alla nivåer i er organisation, hjälper er att växa ert företag och förstå era kunder bättre. Tillsammans skapar vi en sömlös kundresa tvärs över alla kanaler och alla beröringspunkter. Våra anställda har stort stöd av den teknikbaserade arbetsmiljön, vilket hjälper dem att förutse våra kunders behov, samt att skapa en mätbar skillnad i er kundupplevelse. Med stöd av våra innovativa lösningar kan er verksamhet tillhandahålla personliga tjänster. Ni kommer att dra nytta av en skräddarsydd, prisvärd lösning tack vare vårt globala nätverk av kontor och förmågor. Våra beprövade BCP-protokoll garanterar kontinuitet. Vår globala räckvidd ger er flexibilitet att anpassa er efter och snabbt svara på eventuella förändringar i kundefterfrågan eller tillväxt. Vi sätter våra kunder i centrum. Våra engagerade kundteam fokuserar på utmärkt kundservice och att sätta kunden främst. Att skapa ett långsiktigt partnerskap tillsammans, på alla nivåer i er organisation, hjälper er att växa ert företag och förstå era kunder bättre. Tillsammans skapar vi en sömlös kundresa tvärs över alla kanaler och alla beröringspunkter. Våra anställda har stort stöd av den teknikbaserade arbetsmiljön, vilket hjälper dem att förutse våra kunders behov, samt att skapa en mätbar skillnad i er kundupplevelse. Med stöd av våra innovativa lösningar kan er verksamhet tillhandahålla personliga tjänster. Ni kommer att dra nytta av en skräddarsydd, prisvärd lösning tack vare vårt globala nätverk av kontor och förmågor. Våra beprövade BCP-protokoll garanterar kontinuitet. Vår globala räckvidd ger er flexibilitet att anpassa er efter och snabbt svara på eventuella förändringar i kundefterfrågan eller tillväxt. Global Industry Lead High Tech, IT & Media Sales Director Webhelp Nordic Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Högteknologi och media li|Högteknologi och media st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Andrea Kaminski Terje Henriksen sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Högteknologi och media Marknadsstörning Kundengagemang Från produkt till tjänst Marknadsstörning Kundengagemang Från produkt till tjänst Därför passar vi er perfekt Kundpartnerskap Nästa generations kundengagemang Framstående på en global skala Därför passar vi er perfekt Kundpartnerskap Nästa generations kundengagemang Framstående på en global skala Möt våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom högteknologi De senaste nyheterna inom högteknologi Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. års erfarenhet inom betalning miljarder euro i inkasserade belopp årligen Webhelp-medarbetare med expertis inom betalning länder betalningsinstitution – ACPR-licensierad inkassobolag (Solvencia) Överlämna din kredithantering till Webhelp för att reducera riskfaktorer och säkerställa tillväxt. Dra nytta av vår konsoliderade data och erfarenhet. Ett samarbete med Webhelp och våra 35 år av erfarenhet inom kreditriskhantering, ger dig möjlighet att konsolidera, kontrollera och utveckla kommersiella relationer och internationella B2B-kunder. Att bygga upp en B2B-betalstrategi anpassad efter företagets e-handel, marketplace och B2B-dropshipping-behov stärker ditt företag i dessa nya B2B-kanaler. Genom att rusta dina säljare med ett helt set av tjänster (faktura, återkrav, kreditförsäkring, m.m.) och erbjuda anpassade betalningsvillkor till kunderna bygger du säkra och värdefulla affärsrelationer. Att välja inkassostrategier genom omnikanaler, med en kombination av mänsklig och digital kontakt, leder till kostnadsreducering, fler inkasserade belopp och förbättrad lojalitet. Att tillämpa denna strategi på din marknad, din målsättning och dina kundkontakter kommer att ha en positiv inverkan på kundernas lojalitet oavsett om det gäller B2B eller B2C. Adapting this strategy to B2B or B2C, to your specific market and customer target, also to your usual client communications, will increase your customer lifetime value. Överlämna din kredithantering till Webhelp för att reducera riskfaktorer och säkerställa tillväxt. Dra nytta av vår konsoliderade data och erfarenhet. Ett samarbete med Webhelp och våra 35 år av erfarenhet inom kredithantering, ger dig möjlighet att konsolidera, kontrollera och utveckla kommersiella relationer och internationella B2B-kunder. Att bygga upp en B2B-betalstrategi anpassad efter företagets e-handel, marketplace och B2B-dropshipping-behov stärker ditt företag i dessa nya B2B-kanaler. Genom att rusta dina säljare med ett helt set av tjänster (faktura, återkrav, kreditförsäkring, m.m.) och erbjuda anpassade betalningsvillkor till kunderna bygger du säkra och värdefulla affärsrelationer. Att välja inkassostrategier genom omnikanaler, med en kombination av mänsklig och digital kontakt, leder till kostnadsreducering, fler inkasserade belopp och förbättrad lojalitet. Att tillämpa denna strategi på din marknad, din målsättning och dina kundkontakter kommer att ha en positiv inverkan på kundernas lojalitet oavsett om det gäller B2B eller B2C. Adapting this strategy to B2B or B2C, to your specific market and customer target, also to your usual client communications, will increase your customer lifetime value. VP Operations Credit Management Webhelp Payment Services General Manager Collection Services Webhelp Payment Services President and CEO Webhelp Payment Services International Development Director Webhelp Payment Services Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Betalningslösningar li|Betalningslösningar st|nyheter nyheter Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Bertrand Mahon Franck Etienne Axel Mouquet Julien Duméry sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Betaltjänster. 35 + 1.5 1000 35 1 1 Betalningslösningar Kredithantering. Betalningstjänster. Hantering av betalningslösningar online. Betalningslösningar. Inkasso. Betalningslösningar Kredithantering. Betalningstjänster. Hantering av betalningslösningar online. Betalningslösningar. Inkasso. Träffa våra experter Kundhistorier Kundhistorier Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Senaste Senaste Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Utöver omfattande erfarenhet och certifiering inom ett stort antal reglerade miljöer, erbjuder vi dessutom våra kunder en mall för säker juridisk regelefterlevnad. Webhelps skickliga och ackrediterade administratörer bidrar med juristrådgivning och högkvalitativ skadereglering för samtliga affärssektorer. Mer än en tredjedel av vårt team har 3 eller fler år av erfarenhet inom småmålsförfaranden. Vi hanterar över 10 000 ärenden årligen, samtidigt som vi har god regelefterlevnad, få klagomål och positiva Net Promoter Scores från kunderna. Webhelps skickliga paralegala team ger juridisk rådgivning inom flertalet affärssektorer. Vår mall för regelefterlevnad och våra certifieringar och godkännanden hjälper oss att stötta kunden. Vi har dessutom omfattande erfarenhet av arbete i regulatoriska miljöer för våra befintliga kunder. Vi erbjuder en strömlinjeformad Know Your Customer (KYC) -väg, som tar höjd för förändringar under utvecklingen och som följer digital transformation, vilket är nyckeln till en framgångsrik aktiveringsprocess. Vi stöttar våra kunder, antingen med ett fullvärdigt BPO-tillvägagångsätt, tack vare våra KYC-experter som arbetar i deras system, eller med en administrerad tjänst-inriktning. Den kombinerar ”End-to-end” -plattform och KYC-experter för skräddarsydd KYC för en optimal kundupplevelse. Webhelps skickliga paralegala team ger juridisk rådgivning inom flertalet affärssektorer. Vår mall för regelefterlevnad och våra certifieringar och godkännanden hjälper oss att stötta kunden. Vi har dessutom omfattande erfarenhet av arbete i regulatoriska miljöer för våra befintliga kunder. Webhelps skickliga och ackrediterade administratörer bidrar med juristrådgivning och högkvalitativ skadereglering för samtliga affärssektorer. Mer än en tredjedel av vårt team har 3 eller fler år av erfarenhet inom småmålsförfaranden. Vi hanterar över 10 000 ärenden årligen, samtidigt som vi har god regelefterlevnad, få klagomål och positiva Net Promoter Scores från kunderna. Vi erbjuder en strömlinjeformad Know Your Customer (KYC) -väg, som tar höjd för förändringar under utvecklingen och som följer digital transformation, vilket är nyckeln till en framgångsrik aktiveringsprocess. Vi stöttar våra kunder, antingen med ett fullvärdigt BPO-tillvägagångsätt, tack vare våra KYC-experter som arbetar i deras system, eller med en administrerad tjänst-inriktning. Den kombinerar ”End-to-end” -plattform och KYC-experter för skräddarsydd KYC för en optimal kundupplevelse. Founder of Webhelp KYC Services Group Managing Director - People & Business Development Group Legal Manager Chief Operating Officer Operations Kunde inte hitta något Kunde inte hitta något Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Juridisk rådgivning li|Juridisk rådgivning st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Hervé de Kermadec Sandrine Asseraf Sami Belloulou Simon Garabette sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Juridisk rådgivning Juridisk skadereglering Sekretess och juridiska tjänster Ökad kundkännedom Juridisk skadereglering Sekretess och juridiska tjänster Ökad kundkännedom Träffa våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser Låt oss prata om dig Hej, redo att starta konversationen! Låt oss prata om dig Våra senaste nyheter Våra senaste nyheter Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Life in Spain is all about freedom. Come enjoy a world of traditions, art, technology, vibrant festivals and award-winning gastronomy. Are you an architecture enthusiast? Spain is the third country in the world with the most UNESCO World Heritage sites. Love sunbathing? Spain has the highest number of blue-flag beaches in Europe. You’ll find it all here. Lakes, mountains and valleys. Countryside, islands and natural parks. Cosmopolitan cities and quaint fishing villages. If legendary filmmakers, artists, architects, athletes and millions of expats have called Spain their home, there is something here for you too. Currency: EUR. Population: 47M. Plus you. Capital: Madrid. Third largest city in the EU. Spain is constantly ranked as a top country for quality of life. Its international appeal has substantially increased its diversity within the past years. Buildings vary in quality and there are many rental options for any wallet size. From flat sharing, a very common approach to manage rental costs, to luxury mansions, there is a home for everyone. Monthly salaries in the country vary depending on location and type of job, with a higher remuneration in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona. A single adult (20-29 years old) spends on average 850 euros/month on shared accommodation, utilities, food and transportation. Travelling around the country is convenient and fast, whether by car, train, ferryboat or airplane. All cities in Spain are well connected with each other. Both Madrid and Barcelona are international hubs with direct flights to all continents. Combo meal in a fast-food restaurant Lunchtime menu with a drink 3-course meal in a mid-range restaurant Domestic beer €7.50 €12 €40 €2.50 Cinema ticket Monthly gym membership Escape room session/person Cocktail drink in a downtown club €8.50 €40 €20-25 €5-11 Utility bills for a 1-bedroom apartment 4G mobile phone plan High-speed Internet (up to 940 Mbps) Chain store clothing item €80-120 €25 €50 €30-96 One-way ticket (public means) Monthly pass (public means) Taxi (tariff per 1km) Estimated Uber trip (10km) €2.40 €43 €1.15 €15-17 Through our strong culture of collaboration, we support brave minds to make great changes. Meet the Webhelpers who chose us to be part of their international experience. Many foreigners still fantasize about Spanish siestas. That might be the case on weekends or holidays and for some industries like retail and hospitality. However, most employees in multinational corporations work 40 hours/week with a 1- or 2-hour lunch break/day. Overtime is paid with a premium or compensated with extra days off. Work culture in Spain follows the Western European model, with a focus on results and a splash of fun too! The office atmosphere is vibrant, multicultural, dynamic and very engaging. Whether for personal or professional reasons, moving to a new country is always a challenging but exciting experience. Our HR Department is here to support you and answer all your questions. And we understand how you feel because most of our colleagues are brave expats just like you. With more than 6 million foreign-born nationals, Spain is one of the most expat-friendly and desirable countries to live in. And Barcelona is Spain’s number one magnet for students, digital nomads, freelancers and full-time employees who want to live in a vibrant city. The mild Mediterranean climate, tapas and beer help too. It's easy to find your way around in Spanish and English. You will receive valuable information on what to do before and upon your arrival directly from us. Webhelp Spain is a multinational hub that offers many possibilities to meet people and quickly make friends with stories you can relate to. We will support you in this process and advise you on what areas are best suited for your needs and expectations. Our HR team will provide you with information and documents that will guide you through all our wonderful and diverse neighbourhoods. Because we’ve been through this ourselves too, we’d be happy to share tips, tricks, websites and other resources. It’s best to go through a few reliable real estate agencies because in our city almost everyone finds rentals through them. As a city renowned for its high quality of life, Barcelona is very desirable to expats like you. There are a lot of flats and rooms on offer for all budgets, but they do rent fast, so be quick! Here’s a great tip: many colleagues use their workmate network to find a room in a shared flat. It’s the simplest and easiest way! When searching for housing, it is important to schedule viewings as soon as possible and bring all the necessary documentation with you. We suggest you inform the agency immediately that you want to apply as almost all agencies work on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that usually the first applicants are the ones considered for the flat. Barcelona is one of the most sought-after destinations in Europe, and there is something for everyone. Not to mention that the value for money is excellent. The Spanish city offers incredible quality for services, transportation, accommodation and local food at a much lower price than cities in Northern Europe. International products, electronic devices, luxury goods and supermarket prices are on par with what you would find in other Western European cities. Depending on your purchasing and saving habits, with your salary and performance-based bonuses you can feel at ease in the city and enjoy an active lifestyle. Here you can find a mix of everything. Savour delicious food in humble local eateries and go to a Michelin-starred restaurant for a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience. Travel conveniently through the city’s excellent and affordable transportation system. Shop for fresh vegetables, fruit and organic food at your local market. There are also plenty of free activities you can enjoy outdoors – roller-skating or taking a stroll along the promenade by the sea will make you a true Barcelonan! Before leaving your country, we recommend you check with your local authorities about your pension scheme and income tax system, especially if you’re not from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. The same practice is recommended if you have student loans or other credit debts in your native country. When you work in Spain, Webhelp will pay all your taxes (deducted from your monthly salary), including mandatory health insurance, social security and pension contribution. So, you will be eligible for the Spanish Government's benefits. If your country is part of the EU/EFTA, there are some bilateral agreements among states. If you decide to return to your native country, you may transfer your rights through your local administration. If your country is not part of the EU/EFTA, you will need to check with your embassy in Spain about any existing agreements. Please note that we do not disclose your salary or your contract agreement to any competent authority from your native country. If necessary, it will be your responsibility to declare your income or other earnings from abroad to your government. Spain has an excellent and high-quality National Health System that is ranked as one of the best in the world. After 6 months of being officially employed or resident in Spain, almost all medical services are free – except dental care. The network of hospitals and clinics is extensive, and each neighbourhood has an assigned local medical centre. Heath centres in Spain are well equipped with state-of-the-art technology and feature modern facilities. Some hospitals offer both private and public services, with the main difference being access to wider, quicker treatment and more physicians in the private sector. In such case, make sure you specify which service you prefer. Webhelp Spain offers all employees discounted private health and dental insurance. If you sign up for our plan, you will have access to private hospitals and clinics, as well as enjoy the advantage of faster appointment times and video consultations. This is one of the bravest decisions you’ll ever make, so we are here for you! Let us know what challenges you have in relocating to Spain and we will find the most suited way to support you in getting here. Whether it is related to accommodation, transportation, storage or any other aspect, your personal recruiter can talk you through the available options. Don’t know what documents you need to work in Spain? No problem. We offer support to help you obtain your initial documents necessary to work. Settling in is easy and fast – all you need to do is go to the ID card (NIE) office, social security office and a bank. We can even make the appointments for you through an expeditated service so you can get all the necessary working documents in the same day. Webhelp Spain is a community that values diversity, and our colleagues come from many regions of the world. However, due to strict local regulations and laws we need our employees to be eligible to work in Spain as an EU/EFTA citizen or with a valid Spanish work permit. Where do you want to take your career? We will match your skills, experience and interests with our open positions and offer you the best possibility to grow with us. Your salary will be divided in 2 parts – a fixed base salary and a variable (bonus). In most cases, the variable will be linked to your personal or team’s performance. Likewise, your salary package depends on the sector and type of role (customer service, technical support, sales), so please let us know which role you think suits you. Then we’ll review together what best adapts to your profile. Regardless of your position at Webhelp Spain, your salary will allow you to enjoy the lifestyle and activities that the country offers. We are actively collaborating with external shops, malls and gyms, among others, to enhance your experience in the city. We do our best to help you travel, stay in good health and socialize with other adventurous colleagues. Your life experience and personality can contribute to your new career more than you think! Indeed, customer service excellence is what makes Webhelp stand out from competitors. It’s why some of the greatest brands in the world choose to work with us and put their customers in our care. But your previous experience – vocational, academic, internships, on the job – is already a great starting point. You may live it up in Barcelona, travel to remote countryside places or spend your summer weekends in Ibiza. But you will also develop exceptional skills that can be easily transferable to other areas of your life – be it in the relationships with your partner, friends and family or in another job. You will go through an extensive initial training plan, both about our company and the project you will work on. We also offer ongoing training to develop new skills or enforce existing ones. Conflict management, time management, communication and technical skills are some of the more than 50 career programs that our Training Department provides – so, 50+ opportunities for you to grow with us. Our company culture is in continuous evolution! We love our diversity above all, and everyone is welcome as they are – that is our mindset! Here in Spain, we’re dynamic, cosmopolitan and we find reasons to enjoy every day. Once you join us, you’ll see that socializing, keeping in good health and developing the team spirit are our way of life. You can take part in afterwork activities such as ski weekends (yes, Spain has award-winning ski resorts too), sports, charity events and many more. Our WebHEALTH initiative is a global campaign that promotes health and well-being within the company. And this truly resonates with our colleagues from Barcelona. We like to keep active, stay in shape and play sports. Football is quite a big deal here. But you already knew that. In our Barcelona offices, you can enrol in yoga classes, Jujitsu, a biking club and a smoking cessation group, among others. And you never know… you might even end up being an influencer as well. Just have a look at #WebhelpsGotTalent on Instagram! If you contemplate moving to Spain, we know that you’ve already put together a long list of activities and experiences you want to try out. We don’t blame you – this country has so much to offer! During your full-time employment at Webhelp Spain, you will work 39 hours a week. This is lower than the 40-hour/week average in Spain. Paid annual leave is 23 days and you will enjoy roughly 14 days more of public/bank holidays per year. This gives you plenty of time to visit any beach you like, explore stunning architecture, discover a hidden street full of shops or hang out with other cosmopolitan people. We do our best to ensure a work-life balance for all our colleagues so that they can enjoy quality time with their friends and family. Spanish people take their holidays seriously – especially in August! Explore your passion for travelling while discovering new places and meeting like-minded people! This job is what you make of it – maybe you’d like to spend a few years country-hopping, getting international experience or just getting a fresh start. Understanding other cultures and customs, learning a new language and interacting with other expats will help you grow both as a professional and a person. We also spend time sharing our real-life stories – so, you’ll get to know people with amazing backgrounds! You stand a genuine opportunity for growth in our company as we average around 200 promotions in a year. Through our more than 70 projects, you can choose from different career paths, whether you are interested in quality, management, finance, workforce management or a staff role. You’ll get to discover the backstage and processes of some of the most valuable companies in the world. Come for 12 months, stay for 2 years and love it here even longer! We are sure you’ll want to grow with us, whether in Spain or in another country where Webhelp is present. Regardless of where your dream takes you, we’ll always keep in touch on Instagram! Regarding your job, it will very much depend on your role. We have a whole panel of different shifts. You could work either the traditional Monday-to-Friday shift, a night shift, continuous morning shifts or a weekend schedule. One thing is carved in stone – you will work 5 days a week, so you can make the most of your 2 days off! Our employees who work weekend shifts enjoy having days off during the week. They get to spend time with their friends or families, go to the beach and avoid the weekend crowds. We will strive to consider your needs as it is important for us to match you with the work that fits you. We do our best to help you find the right work-life balance. And there’s one more thing! As we provide services to our clients’ end-users and partners through phone, chat and email, it's important to show them they can trust us to handle their confidential data. At Webhelp, regardless of your position, as a co-worker, you will be fully trained to become GDPR compliant. We’ll teach you everything about our security procedures and best practices during your training. Webhelp Spain is a people-first company! And an equal opportunity employer who values and encourages diversity in the workplace. Our HR policies focus on respecting each other, appreciation towards results, working as one united team and learning new skills. Advancing your career doesn’t necessarily come with seniority or after many years within the company. We know we operate in a fast-changing and dynamic industry. As such, if you’re committed, passionate about your work and enrol in our development programs, you can easily fast-track your career. We love to help you grow! More than 80% of promotions in the company are internal, and we are proud of this practice. You will always have priority in internal selection processes as an employee. If you choose to stay with us in Spain, through our career development programs, you’ll also benefit from internal mobility – you can switch between projects and even departments. Our clients come from a wide range of industries, including tech, fashion, entertainment, travel, pharma, hospitality, transport and many more you can try and experience. OK. Here’s a short listicle: 1. Walkable city. Barcelona’s infrastructure was specifically built in a way to bring people together. Our public transportation is modern, but there’s nothing as refreshing as a great walk or exploring the city through our environment-friendly bike share service. 2. The beaches within the city limits and beyond, each one with a distinct personality. You are spoiled for choice – from a 4-km pristine coastline in Barcelona to Caribbean-style sandy beaches in the Balearic Islands, just a 30-minute flight away. 3. Our authentic cuisine. Tapas, paella, crema catalana, mar i muntanya – they taste delicious no matter where you serve them. Enjoy great food on the seafront, in hidden gems and even at your friends' homes. 4. People from all walks of life, that famous football club, world-class museums, wild fiestas and carnivals, fashion shows, concerts by famous artists. All these are part of Barcelona’s identity. And let’s not forget about the festivals and nightlife. 5. Weather. Along with Lisbon and Valetta, Barcelona is ranked as having the best climate of any city in Europe. We enjoy more than 2,500 hours of sunshine a year! Ready for another short listicle? Here we go: 1. Antoni Gaudí’s paradise architecture. His spectacular works such as La Sagrada Familia, Parc Güell, La Pedrera and Casa Batlló are a feast for the eyes and soul. The entire city feels like his artwork. 2. Beach culture. Water sports, ball games on the beach, professional swimming or just chilling on the soft sands are a great part of our city culture. 3. Sports and football. Even if you’re not a fan of FC Barcelona or not a football fan at all, you’ll still find a sport that meets your fitness goals and entertainment appetite. 4. Enchanting landmarks. Explore the streets around La Rambla, wander through the Gothic Quarter or shop till you drop on Passeig de Gràcia. After about a month, when you’re done feeling like a tourist, you’ll keep adding little-known places and experiences to your list. We can’t wait for you to share them with us. 5. Outdoor activities. Barcelona is not just about sandy beaches, contemporary architecture and famous nightlife. We love to get outdoorsy too – from hiking to cycling in nature and from kitesurfing to paragliding, our city offers it all. If you like what you’ve discovered, we think we’re a match. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Spain li|Spain st|Useful info new Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Food and drinks Sports and leisure Monthly expenses City transport Beatriz Joong sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Welcome to Spain! Live your career in Spain! Say hi to your new lifestyle Cost of living in Spain They dared the adventure Working in Spain Webhelp is present in Spain. Take a look: Opportunities for you in Spain FAQ about Spain What’s on our blog , , , , , , , , , , , , , Contact our team in Spain Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Although it feels like an age away right now, looking back to 2019 the outlook for the travel industry was fairly optimistic and, on the whole, the industry was in a place of maturity in customer experience - especially when compared with other sectors which might be perceived as being weaker in this area such as financial services. In fact, the industry had developed some depth in the ability to emotionally and personally connect with its audience, in order to deliver unique leisure experiences. Brands were using new consumer behaviours to create buy in, especially in creating enriched customer journeys, something that I explored in a . As travel is such a broad and diverse industry, some disruption was evident and there were emerging players and newcomers to the market, joining travel from competing sectors. There was the growth of personalised, sustainable and eco-tourism, and its impact on the traditional value, luxury and price based travel campaigns - plus the continued arrival of start-ups, bringing new technology, fresh services and additional booking avenues to the industry. Unfortunately, some areas of the travel industry were already financially fragile. For example, where low operating margins coincide with high cost in distribution or intermediation. This is especially apparent in models where there are go-betweens such as resellers, who are bridging the gap for providers and the consumers themselves, and draining income flows. Alongside this, there was the growing financial challenge faced by the traditional retail brick and mortar travel providers from new players in digital technology. And, there was huge impact from the way that technology can very quickly, change a regional provider to a global one – going digital provides the ability to easily disseminate an offer across multiple geographies and languages. Interestingly, at Webhelp we are in the perfect position to provide support in this area, creating a unified customer experience across multiple markets. In the past decade, the travel industry has weathered many storms, including the ash cloud crisis in 2010 and the impact of the tragic events of 9/11. So when COVID hit, there was the awareness that it was going to hurt – but it was approached with a certain amount of resilience. We saw a significant drop in sales volumes across our existing client operations, which we approached with a high degree of flexibility. As a people first company, we value our people and moved to protect them with swift workforce management measures like redeployment and adapted hours while working to reduce negative financial impact on our clients. The travel industry has a substantial learning curve when producing the best customer advisors, particularly in the airline, tour-operating and hospitality segment. There must be a deep understanding of the sector, tools and processes – which can only be provided by time-served and highly trained advisors. We focussed on retaining this wealth of experience; we knew that once the immediate challenge passed, our clients would need a highly skilled service. And, it’s important to note, that as sales volumes fell, customer service needs in areas like refunds, information and rescheduling rose dramatically. We protected the industry and our clients by cross-skilling advisors, redeploying them and introducing homeworking, where possible, to protect our people and ensure continuation of service. We have also deployed automation where possible to accelerate digital transformation at a lower cost. We entered a crisis discussion with one of our clients, who were understandably deeply concerned for their business and were considering calling off their contract. In response we provided a clear and robust financial roadmap through the crisis, working with local legislation to retain our people, safeguard their salaries and reduce the financial drain on our client and the ability to re-invest the savings to the post-crisis situation. And now, as the industry is gradually returning to business under the next normal, our client is in an ideal position to come back strongly – and appreciates the flexibility, cost reduction and value Webhelp brought to the long term relationship. Yes, obviously the global travel industry has a symbiotic relationship with the airline industry, because travel by its very nature is closely linked to transportation. The past three months have created a highly unusual situation, with limited (or no) cross border transportation and grounding several airlines. This is without a doubt one of the single largest crisis’ to hit ANY industry, and we will see ripples and consequences for the next decade, if not longer. There will be lasting consumer trends resulting from this, including a renewed interest in sustainable tourism and more purposeful, meaningful travel. The recovery period for airlines may create a decrease in availability resulting in a potential price increase, both for the leisure market and particularly for business travellers. I think that for the corporate market, recovery will be much longer, and many companies will need to adapt their propositions to suit this new reality. As a consequence we should see short term growth in domestic markets, as people have less in their pockets and less opportunity for international travel. There will be a return to travel as a simpler and more meaningful activity, with family relationships and new experiences assuming greater importance as some global destinations are limited. Transformation and restructuring will be visible across the whole industry, which is already evident in the actions of and and hotel chains like . Travel companies will need focused customer experience during this difficult time and Webhelp can really support operational and digital transformation in this area. Change is certainly ahead for the hospitality industry, and some independent hotels could struggle to comply with the new social distancing regulations, reduced guests and increased costs required to stay open while maintaining the bottom line. Travel brands, like Airbnb, and Expedia, with more diversified portfolios or private rentals where new regulations and safety measures can be introduced quickly, may be in a position to benefit. As we live more flexible work lives, leisure travel will become blended with business needs, creating the new travel concept of ‘Bleisure’, something that we will be exploring in future blogs. The real trends will become more apparent in the first quarter of next year, as the financial and social effects of COVID become clearer. And finally, I think that the human experience of travel, the need for personal contact and connection will be increasingly valued and promoted. Travel is the most universal way to unlock boundaries and understand how diverse and beautiful the world is, and I am confident that the industry will recover and remerge. It may be changed but will remain just as meaningful. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|The arrival of COVID-19 may have changed the travel industry forever. We’ve asked sector expert, and Webhelp Group Chief Sector Growth Officer, Nora Boros, to reflect on how far we have come and, most importantly, what the future holds for this most human of industries? What was the travel industry landscape prior to COVID-19, were there any ongoing issues, or significant changes on the horizon? What was the initial response to COVID-19 from the industry, and what challenges did Webhelp face as a company? Can we touch on the impact of COVID from an air travel perspective? The way ahead for the industry and your thoughts on the future of Travel under COVID-19? Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Försäljning by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|In future blogs we will explore the travel horizon in further detail, re-imagining the customer experience and looking at how this can unlock meaningful opportunities for the travel industry. Feel free to contact via LinkedIn and to explore more of our . pa|Discover the birthplace of Western civilization and the Olympic Games. Or become an Instagram influencer by taking awesome shots of the most no-filter-needed scenery in the Mediterranean. Flavours, landscapes, ancient temples – all converge to create a world unto itself. Greece can be your adventure playground. Live freely every moment à la Mamma Mia! Learn to dance the day and night away like Zorba the Greek. Put on your Indiana Jones boots and explore millennia-old ruins. Go island-hopping. Gaze at the sunset with someone special in Santorini and party with famous DJs in Mykonos. Currency: EUR. Population: 10.7M. Plus you. Capital: Athens. At least 3,400 years old. Greece is a true melting pot and more affordable than its Mediterranean counterparts! The country is ancient in its roots, but modern and contemporary in its infrastructure. Boasting some of the most developed tourist facilities in Europe, Greece attracts expats, digital nomads and travellers from all walks of life. The average monthly salary in the country is EUR 780 net, with higher wages in Athens, the capital and largest city. A single adult (20-29 years old) spends on average 700 euros/month on shared accommodation, utilities, food, transportation, shopping and nightlife. Travelling around the country is also convenient and inexpensive, whether by car, train, ferryboat or airplane. It is also easy and fast to travel between main islands. Athens is an international hub with direct flights to many destinations. Combo meal in a fast-food restaurant Lunchtime menu with a drink 3-course meal in a mid-range restaurant Bottle of traditional Greek ouzo €6.50 €12 €35 €14 Cinema ticket Monthly gym membership Escape room session/person Cocktail drink in a downtown club €8 €37 €14 €8 Utility bills for a 1-bedroom apartment 4G mobile phone plan High-speed Internet (up to 1 Gbps) Chain store clothing item €120 €35 €25 €30-100 One-way ticket (public means) Monthly pass (public means) Taxi (tariff per 1km) Gasoline (1 litre) €1.40 €30 €1 €1.60 Through our strong culture of collaboration, we support brave minds to make great changes. Meet the Webhelpers who chose us to be part of their international experience. Although they spend more time at the office than their European counterparts, Greeks are very satisfied with their health thanks to the Mediterranean cuisine, climate and lifestyle. Employees work on average 42 hours a week, and extra hours are paid at 120%-160% of the regular salary, depending on the employer and industry. Greece has a Southern European-style work culture focused on performance and a strong sense of community. Attitudes are professional, but people are warm, lively and welcoming. We understand how you feel. We have welcomed other expats like you, and they shared their experience with us. Greece is a multicultural country with people from many corners of the world. The great year-round climate, warm-hearted locals, healthy cuisine and possibility to travel around the country with other like-minded fellows will make this a memorable experience for you. Greece has a good and stable internet connection. That means you can easily keep in touch with your family and friends from your country if you ever feel homesick. There are also Facebook groups and organized expat events where you can mingle with other foreigners and even people from your own country of origin. After the adjustment period, living in Greece feels like being on holiday every day. And you just happen to work as well. With an attractive salary at Webhelp, you can have a comfortable lifestyle, travel within Greece or to other places in Europe and keep active all the time. And have we already mentioned the fast career progression opportunities? We are fully committed to supporting you in this process. That is why we cover your accommodation in a hotel or Airbnb for the first 2 weeks as well as the flight ticket from your country to Greece. Finding a nice place to live in Athens doesn’t take long and it is affordable by European standards. A 1-bedroom apartment in the city centre is just €350-400/month and sharing a 2-bedroom flat will set you back €250-300/month. We recommend you share a flat in the beginning because you can put some money aside. Likewise, you will meet interesting people and enjoy an authentic experience. Keep in mind that normally you must pay a deposit and a 1- or 2-month advance when you rent a studio or a flat. Athens is a vibrant but geographically small capital in comparison with cities like Berlin, Paris or Madrid. So, if you prefer to live 20-30 minutes away from the hustle and bustle, you can have your own modern studio outside the city centre for just €250-350/month. At your request, we can provide you with assistance and more information when searching for housing in Athens. Athens has a low to medium cost of living, with services and rent cheaper than in other major Southern European capitals. There are some expensive areas developed specifically for tourists and luxury shopping as well as high-end restaurants. But most of the capital is affordable with lip-smacking food in authentic tavernas, free access to world-class beaches and even some museums. Depending on your purchasing and saving habits, you can indulge in a wide range of activities and hobbies. Expats living in Greece state that they are more active and have a more fulfilling career since they moved here. Statistics and studies have shown that a salary over €1,000/month for a young adult in Greece is the psychological threshold for a fulfilled career. As you’ll earn double the average Greek salary, you will settle in a comfortable life and will be able to travel more frequently. Before leaving your country, we recommend you check with your local authorities about your pension scheme and income tax system, especially if you’re not from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. The same practice is recommended if you have student loans or other credit debts in your native country. When you work in Greece, Webhelp will pay all your taxes (deducted from you monthly salary), including mandatory health insurance, social security and pension contribution. So, you will be eligible for the Greek Government's benefits. If your country is part of the EU/EFTA, there are some bilateral agreements among states. If you decide to return to your native country, you may transfer your rights through your local administration. If your country is not part of the EU/EFTA, you will need to check with your embassy in Greece about any existing agreements. Please note that we do not disclose your salary or your contract agreement to any competent authority from your native country. If necessary, it will be your responsibility to declare your income or other earnings from abroad to your government. Greece has a modern National Health System that any citizen from an EU/EFTA country can have access to for free if they are taxpaying residents or officially employed in the country. Public healthcare is reliable and covers a wide range of medical procedures. Generally, through private healthcare you have access to better waiting times, newer facilities and doctors who speak good English. Many private health centres and clinics are affiliated with US hospitals and many doctors completed their studies and training overseas. At Webhelp Greece, private healthcare is part of your benefits package. So, any visit to the doctor or hospital is covered by your insurance provider. You just need to pay for the service first and keep the receipt to be reimbursed. That means you give us the receipt and the insurance company will return that amount to you. This is one of the bravest decisions you’ll ever make, so we are here for you! Let us know what challenges you have in relocating to Greece and we will find the most suited way to support you in getting here. We pay for your flight ticket (one way) from your country to Athens, your taxi from the airport to the hotel and we also cover your 2-week accommodation until you move to a permanent place. Don’t know what documents you need to work in Greece? No problem. We offer support to help you obtain your initial documents necessary to work. Settling in is easy and fast. Regardless of your nationality, we will help you secure the social security card known in Greece as AMKA and open a bank account. Webhelp Greece is a community that values diversity, and our colleagues come from many regions of the world. However, due to strict local regulations and laws, we need our employees to be eligible to work in Greece as an EU/EFTA citizen or with a valid Greek work permit. Where do you want to take your career? We will match your skills, experience and interests with our open positions and offer you the best possibility to grow with us. Your salary will be divided in 2 parts – a fixed base salary and a variable (bonus). In most cases, the variable will be linked to your personal or team’s performance. Likewise, your salary package depends on the sector and type of role (customer service, technical support, sales), so please let us know which role you think suits you. We’ll review together what best adapts to your profile. With over €1,000/month in Athens you can maintain a great standard of living. This amount would allow you to enjoy 3-day trips to Santorini – always ranked among the top 10 islands in the world – dine out with friends, rent a spacious room or studio, go clubbing and indulge in some well-deserved shopping spree. Your life experience and personality can contribute to your new career more than you think! Indeed, customer service excellence is what makes Webhelp stand out from competitors. It’s why some of the greatest brands in the world choose to work with us and put their customers in our care. But your previous experience – vocational, academic, internships, on the job – is already a great starting point. Some projects may require specific skills in sales or technical support. However, your professional attitude, friendly personality and positive energy are what we are truly looking for. You will develop exceptional skills that can be easily transferable to other areas of your life – be it in the relationships with your partner, friends and family or in another job. Every project has a paid training period of 2 to 4 weeks. You will learn how to deliver superb customer service and we’ll equip you with everything you need to know about the project. Apart from this, we have continuous development programs and career path sessions to help you determine in what role you’d like to continue with us in the long term. Our company culture is in continuous evolution! We love our diversity above all, and everyone is welcome as they are – that is our mindset! Here in Greece, we’re dynamic, fun and we find reasons to enjoy every day. We frequently organize internal and external events both virtual and physical to allow existing and future employees to socialize. As there are many nationalities within the company, you’ll have the chance to learn fun trivia or interesting aspects about new cultures. Greek people are also very friendly towards tourists and new residents. So, don’t be surprised if a local colleague would like to show you around the city or tip you off on the best places to eat in Athensy, which few people know about. But an active social life is not all. We also treat you with a free gym area, Pilates and yoga classes plus massage sessions. Socializing events are organized both at the office and in cafeterias or bars in the city centre. Our expat colleagues keep spreading the word – living in Athens feels like being on holiday every day. And you never know… you might even end up being an influencer as well. Just have a look at #WebhelpsGotTalent on Instagram! If you contemplate moving to Greece, we know that you already dream about your island getaways. Or some of the wildest parties in Europe. We don’t blame you – we like this lifestyle too! During your full-time employment at Webhelp Greece, you will work 8 hours a day, 5 days per week. That means 40 hours/week, which is lower than the 42-hour/week average in Greece. Paid annual leave is 20 days and you will enjoy roughly 7-8 days more of public/bank holidays per year. This is plenty of time for you to get to visit all the iconic places, islands and landmarks of Greece. We do our best to ensure a work-life balance for all our colleagues so that they can enjoy quality time with their friends and family. Or travel to Instagram-perfect destinations. Or dedicate more time to their hobbies and personal projects. (1,150) Explore your passion for travelling while discovering new places and meeting like-minded people! This job is what you make of it – maybe you’d like to spend a few years country-hopping, getting international experience or just getting a fresh start. Understanding other cultures and customs, doing business in a multicultural environment and interacting with other expats will help you grow both as a professional and a person. You stand an opportunity for fast career growth. And you’ll get to discover the backstage and processes of some of the most valuable companies in the world. Maybe you’re also at a point in life when you feel the need to restart your career or reinvent yourself. You will improve your language and negotiation skills, get to communicate more efficiently and even learn some Greek. Our language sounds just as pleasant as Spanish or Italian. Especially in our upbeat music. Come for 12 months, stay for 2 years and love it here even longer! We are sure you’ll want to grow with us, whether in Greece or in another country where Webhelp is present. Regardless of where your dream takes you, we’ll always keep in touch on Instagram! Our working environment is friendly, human-orientated and very organized. We wouldn’t go as far as to call ourselves neat freaks, but most of our colleagues love a clean working space. By all means, you can add a splash of your personality to your office. Maybe a small vision board? Flexibility is another quality we expect of our employees as they expect the same of us. We will do our best to match you with the right work for you, but you may also have a rotating schedule. One thing is carved in stone – you will work 5 days a week, so you can make the most of your 2 days off! And there’s one more thing! As we provide services to our clients’ end-users and partners through phone, chat and email, it's important to show them they can trust us to handle their confidential data. At Webhelp, regardless of your position, as a co-worker, you will be fully trained to become GDPR compliant. We’ll teach you everything about our security procedures and best practices during your training. Webhelp Greece is a people-first company! And an equal opportunity employer who values and encourages diversity in the workplace. Our HR policies focus on respecting each other, appreciation towards results, working as one united team and learning new skills. Advancing your career doesn’t necessarily come with seniority or after many years within the company. We know we operate in a fast-changing and dynamic industry. As such, if you’re committed, passionate about your work and enrol in our development programs, you can easily fast-track your career. Almost monthly, through the Webhelp internal mobility program, you are presented with the opportunity to switch between projects and achieve a higher position (e.g. team leader, supervisor, etc.). On average, there are more than 5 opportunities every month for a team leader or supervisor position. Our clients come from a wide range of industries, including tech, fashion, entertainment, travel, pharma, hospitality, transport and many more. So, you may choose to specialise in a specific industry or try out different companies. OK. Here’s a short listicle: 1. With more than 2,800 hours of clear skies per year, Athens is the third sunniest capital in the EU (after Nicosia and Valetta). That’s plenty of daily vitamin D and positive energy. 2. You’ve probably watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding or Mamma Mia! Not all of us have Greek statues in our homes and offices, but we are all family-orientated, we love lively communities and interacting with foreigners. 3. We have one of the highest life expectancies in Europe. We like to think that’s because our hearts are filled with joy. But it’s actually our world-famous Mediterranean Greek cuisine. And that high dose of vitamin D too. 4. Hollywood celebrities flock to our little island of Mykonos to party till dawn. But the real deal is in Athens. With hundreds of choices for bars and nightclubs playing all genres of music, you feel the beat in every nook and cranny. 5. Athens is an ideal hub if you want to travel to remote idyllic islands, off-the-beaten-track places in Greece and other cities in Europe. And you’ll meet plenty of other foreigners or colleagues who think and feel just like you. Ready for another short listicle? Here we go: 1. Our tavernas will make you a real foodie. Sure, the famous souvlaki or moussaka washed down with a glass of ouzo or a Greek iced coffee is great. But you’ll also gorge on our saganaki specialties and delicious desserts. 2. Visit historical sites. At first, you’ll be fascinated with the famous Acropolis and Parthenon. And you’ll stroll along the chic streets of Plaka, Monastiraki, Thiseio and Gazi. But Athens has many other hidden gems for you to discover. 3. Get ready to Instagram. Aegina, Agkistri, Varkiza and other nearby beach paradises are a must when it comes to lazy days under the mighty Greek sun. From June until October, our sea has a perfect temperature for swimming. 4. Experience vibrant celebrations. The Greek carnival, the Easter feast with the delicious lamb and the colourful Christmas decorations are certainly a reason for you to enjoy Greece every season. 5. Build a life with new friends or a partner. It’s no secret that many have visited Greece for holidays or work and stayed for good because they fell in love with the country or someone special. If you like what you’ve discovered, we think we’re a match. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Greece li|Greece st|Useful info new Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Food and drinks Sports and leisure Monthly expenses City transport Vita Mika & Miniar sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Welcome to Greece! Live your career in Greece! Say hi to your new lifestyle Cost of living in Greece They dared the adventure Working in Greece Webhelp is present in Greece. Take a look: Opportunities for you in Greece FAQ about Greece What’s on our blog , , , , , , , , , , , , , Contact our team in Greece Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Det globala, ansedda forsknings- och konsultföretaget Frost & Sullivan har tilldelat Webhelp en topprankning i sin Frost Radar ™ – CX Outsourcing 2020. Webhelp är positionerat som ledande inom både tillväxt och innovation. Manq får erkännande för sitt breda utbud av lösningar över vertikaler och viktigare – dess effektiva digitala omvandlingstjänster och teknologibaserade lösningar som stimulerar kundinnovation, tillsammans med sin konsultverksamhet, Gobeyond Partners. , Senior Industry Analyst – Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier på Frost & Sullivan uppgav: ”Med sitt fokus på AI, röst- och prediktiv analys. Användningen av avancerad teknik för att framtidssäkra sina lösningar, kan Webhelp konkurrera effektivt, samtidigt som ett öppet ekosystem av partners med en varierad blandning av progressiva partners för att ytterligare stimulera innovation ”. Webhelps dedikerade start-up CX-program, , och gruppens starka fokus på teknologisk implementering bidrar starkt till att driva innovation i alla faser av en kunds utveckling. Koncernens snabba tillväxt, som känns igen av den närmaste positionen i Radar, som driver Webhelp till den europeiska CX Outsourcing Services marknadsledande positionen och en framträdande global position, har drivits genom både organisk tillväxt och strategiska förvärv. Idag täcker Webhelps tjänsteportfölj inte bara Customer Engagement-tjänster utan också ett brett utbud av ytterligare funktioner som RegTech, digitalisering, AI och konsulttjänster. Dess anmärkningsvärda entreprenörskultur har varit kärnan i företagets framgång och vision att göra affärer mer mänskliga, på rätt sätt för sina kunder. , medgrundare och VD för Webhelp sa: ”Som ett målmedvetet företag är vi stolta över att tilldelas äran av denna ledande position i Frost Radar ™. Våra team av passionerade game-changers letar ständigt efter sätt att göra saker bättre för våra kunder, deras kunder och vårt företag. Att förändra spelreglerna är en viktig del av vårt DNA, vilket erkänns av vår starka prestation på innovationsindexet. Genom att se till att de bästa teknologierna och innovationerna gör det möjligt för våra anställda att göra en verklig skillnad, så går vi ständigt framåt i vår strävan att skapa fantastiska mänskliga upplevelser. ” The Radar grundar sig på kärnvärdesförslagen tillväxt, innovation och ledarskap. Den robusta analysen granskar fler än 1000 leverantörer över tio nyckelkriterier som innovationsskalbarhet, kundanpassning, vision och strategi. Varje företag utvärderas sedan på effektivitet inom dessa teman för att avgöra hur väl de är positionerade för att driva tillväxt i framtiden. In a context fueled by digital disruption and global acceleration, healthcare companies must design a new framework to better provide a seamless, constistent care accross all moment and all frontiers Through this white paper, Webhelp Medica reveals its best practices and learnings based on more than 20 years of expertise. Mixing feedbacks, testimonials and regulatory analyses, here are the keys to a winning strategy. Whitepaper 14th July 2020 As the urgency for change and transformation intensifies in the post COVID landscape, some pivotal questions will be raised: How different will service look and feel in the future? How will businesses and their operations need to adapt? And how can employers engage and support their colleagues to deliver on new customer promises?” This new Whitepaper, aims to address these crucial questions and discover more about how to leverage customer service models in this new world. This is a joint publication with Gobeyond Partners, part of the Webhelp group, is underpinned by our unique industry perspective and new research to reveal the operating models of the future. And join our mailing list below for invitations to forthcoming events and webinars Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Deepali Sathe The Nest by Webhelp Olivier Duha A framework for tomorrow’s successful customer-focused operating models reimagining service for the new world Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE SHARE SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Vitbok by Angélique Begarin by Webhelp new world by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|The largest urban beach in Europe? Check. The most stunning Gothic and medieval castles with jaw-dropping stories to tell? Check. The most Miami-vibe nightclubs in Eastern Europe? Check. The most daredevil and gravity-defying winter sports? OK, Switzerland is still ahead of us, but we’re catching up fast. So, what’s on your wish list? Whatever you have in mind, you’ll check it off in Romania. With a new place, come new friends and experiences. Whether you want to mingle with other expats or enjoy the Romanian way of life with friendly locals, you’ll keep adding new adventures to your list. Currency: RON (leu). It means ‘lion’. Population: 19.2M. Plus you. Capital: Bucharest. Aka ‘Little Paris’. Not that little anymore. Romania is one of the most affordable countries in Europe! Moreover, the quality of services and infrastructure in metropolitan areas rivals that of many Western cities. Boasting one of the fastest growing economies in the EU, Romania is a modern country with world-leading entertainment facilities, large shopping malls and contemporary architecture. The average monthly salary in the country is EUR 650 net, with higher wages in Bucharest, the capital and largest city. A single adult (20-29 years old) spends on average 550 euros/month on shared accommodation, utilities, food, transportation, shopping and nightlife. Travelling around the country is also convenient and inexpensive, whether by car, minibus, train or airplane. Even if you go on full day trips to the famous castles of Transylvania, you can still save money for other great adventures. Combo meal in a fast-food restaurant Lunchtime menu with a drink 3-course meal in a mid-range restaurant Bottle of traditional Romanian wine €4 €5.50 €22 €8 Cinema ticket Monthly gym membership Escape room session/person Cocktail drink in a downtown club €5.20 €35 €10 €6 Utility bills for a 1-bedroom apartment 4G mobile phone plan High-speed Internet (up to 940 Mbps) Chain store clothing item €65 €10 €12 €30-75 Two-trip ticket (metro) Monthly pass (metro) Taxi (tariff per 1km) Estimated Uber trip (10km) €1 €15 €0.45 €4-6 Due to their social life and all the exciting activities in the country, Romanians value greatly their work-life balance. Employees work 40 hours a week, and overtime is compensated with extra days off or bonuses. Perfect for an extended city break or quality time with friends! Romania has a Western European-style work culture focused on productivity with a strong start-up vibe. Likewise, flexible shifts or some form of remote work can be expected as part of the benefits package, depending on the position. Whether for personal or professional reasons, moving to a new country is always a challenging but exciting experience. Our HR Department is here to support you and answer all your questions. And we understand how you feel because we have welcomed other brave expats like you. Although Romania has only recently started attracting expat communities thanks to its quality of life, the country has a rich history of many ethnic groups. This makes Romanian people extremely friendly to foreign nationals. Locals in large cities are open-minded, highly sociable and speak perfect English as well as French, German, Italian or Spanish. Given that we boast the fastest internet speed in Europe, you can always keep in touch with friends and family if you ever feel homesick. Webhelp Romania is a multinational hub that offers many possibilities to meet people and quickly make friends with stories you can relate to. We are fully committed to supporting you in this process. That is why we provide you with your own room in a flat rented by us that you will share with other colleagues, expats just like you. Your accommodation and extra costs related (utilities) are covered by Webhelp Romania during the entire period of your contract with us. Likewise, we’ll offer more comprehensive information if you choose to rent separately. Finding modern studios and large apartments in Bucharest is very easy since we have a real estate industry that is favourable to both buyers and tenants. Even in the city centre, which is the financial hub of the country, you can rent a luxury studio for about 450-600 euros/month. If you prefer the south-east neighbourhoods, popular with young people due to large parks and proximity to nightlife options, a modern studio will set you back just 300-350 euros/month. Real estate agencies are an option. However, most locals choose to sign a contract directly with the landlord as it’s fast, easy and reliable. In most cases, tenants only need to pay a 2-month deposit before moving in, but even this can be negotiated with the landlord. Romania is constantly ranked as one of the most affordable countries in Europe with world-class facilities and entertainment. However, international products, electronic devices, luxury goods and supermarket prices are on par with what you would find in a Western European city. Depending on which source you check, Bucharest is the 4th or 5th largest city in the EU. By population within city limits, the Romanian capital is as large as Paris. But at least twice as cheap. This means an incredible variety of services, facilities and products for all budgets. Affordability also equals high quality in Bucharest. Here you can settle in a very comfortable lifestyle. Enjoy your daily 3-course lunch menu in a good restaurant, dine out with friends a couple of times a week and buy fresh produce directly from Romanian farmers. Even distinguished molecular cuisine restaurants and 4-star hotels can be an occasional monthly treat. Expats living in Romania state they enjoy a wide range of activities and hobbies thanks to lower expenses. Studies show that possibilities for travel and fast career progression are also the factors that attract expats to Romania. Before leaving your country, we recommend you check with your local authorities about your pension scheme and income tax system, especially if you’re not from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. The same practice is recommended if you have student loans or other credit debts in your native country. When you work in Romania, Webhelp will pay all your taxes (deducted from your monthly salary), including mandatory health insurance, social security and pension contribution. So, you will be eligible for the Romanian Government's benefits. If your country is part of the EU/EFTA, there are some bilateral agreements among states. If you decide to return to your native country, you may transfer your rights through your local administration. If your country is not part of the EU/EFTA, you will need to check with your embassy in Romania about any existing agreements. Please note that we do not disclose your salary or your contract agreement to any competent authority from your native country. If necessary, it will be your responsibility to declare your income or other earnings from abroad to your government. Romania’s public health system has experienced a rapid transformation within the past few years. For taxpaying residents and employees (both nationals and foreigners), public healthcare is provided for free. You will need to register with a General Practitioner for primary healthcare. When necessary, your practitioner will direct you to a specialist. Consultations and most procedures are free, but some services are charged according to the fees set by the National Health Insurance House. The latest medical technology and state-of-the-art equipment are mostly found in private health centres. However, Romanian doctors are highly qualified and divide their time between public and private hospitals. Many specialists studied abroad, and senior doctors provide expertise in Western Europe. At Webhelp Romania, private health insurance is part of your benefits package. You will have access to private hospitals and clinics, as well as enjoy the advantage of faster appointment times and better facilities. In private centres from Bucharest, all medical professionals speak good English and even French or German. This is one of the bravest decisions you’ll ever make, so we are here for you! Let us know what challenges you have in relocating to Romania and we will find the most suited way to support you in getting here. Throughout the duration of your contract, we provide accommodation in a shared flat and we cover the flight ticket from your country to Romania. Your personal recruiter can talk you through the available options. Don’t know what documents you need to work in Romania? No problem. We offer support to help you obtain your initial documents necessary to work. Settling in is easy and fast – all you need to do is go to the social security office, doctor’s office for a quick check-up and a bank. Webhelp Romania is a community that values diversity, and our colleagues come from many regions of the world. However, due to strict local regulations and laws, we need our employees to be eligible to work in Romania as an EU/EFTA citizen or with a valid Romanian work permit. Where do you want to take your career? We will match your skills, experience and interests with our open positions and offer you the best possibility to grow with us. Your salary will be divided in 2 parts – a fixed base salary and a variable (bonus). In most cases, the variable will be linked to your personal or team’s performance. Likewise, your salary package depends on the sector and type of role (customer service, technical support, sales), so please let us know which role you think suits you. Then we’ll review together what best adapts to your profile. Regardless of your position at Webhelp Romania, your salary will allow you to enjoy the great lifestyle and activities that the country offers. We are actively collaborating with external shops, malls, restaurants, gyms and private clinics to enhance your experience in the city. You’ll have access to over 1,000 special offers. We do our best to help you travel, stay in good health and socialize with other adventurous colleagues. Your life experience and personality can contribute to your new career more than you think! Indeed, customer service excellence is what makes Webhelp stand out from competitors. It’s why some of the greatest brands in the world choose to work with us and put their customers in our care. But your previous experience – vocational, academic, internships, on the job – is already a great starting point. Some projects may require specific skills in sales or technical support. However, your professional attitude, friendly personality and positive energy are what we are truly looking for. You will develop exceptional skills that can be easily transferable to other areas of your life – be it in the relationships with your partner, friends and family or in another job. We provide an extensive initial training plan of 1 to 4 weeks. You will learn how to deliver superb customer service and we’ll equip you with everything you need to know about the project. Apart from this, we have continuous development programs and career path sessions to help you determine in what role you’d like to continue with us in the long term. Our company culture is in continuous evolution! We love our diversity above all, and everyone is welcome as they are – that is our mindset! Here in Romania, we’re dynamic, creative and we find reasons to enjoy every day. We’re big fans of news, communication, art, events, entertainment and self-reflection. That is why we developed a unique desktop application for our employees. Centrical is a transformative learning and communication platform, offering interactive games, videos, quizzes, challenges and the possibility to tell us about your job satisfaction. And there’s more! Our WebHEALTH initiative is a global campaign that promotes health and well-being within the company. We like to keep active, stay in shape and play sports. Like pretty much everywhere else in Europe, football is quite a big deal here. In our Bucharest offices, you can enrol in activities such as yoga and fitness classes (the gym is just 1-minute walk away) online training sessions or language courses. And you never know… you might even end up being an influencer as well. Just have a look at #WebhelpsGotTalent on Instagram! If you contemplate moving to Romania, we know that you dream of majestic mountains and medieval castles. Add in some yummy traditional meals, homemade brandy and legendary parties – and it’s clear you’re here to have the time of your life! During your full-time employment at Webhelp Romania, you will work 40 hours a week. Paid annual leave is 21 days and you will also enjoy bank holidays or substitute days off. This gives you plenty of time to visit any castle, explore rich wildlife, discover enchanted Carpathian landscapes or celebrate with us our unique vibrant national holidays. Want to hear even better news when it comes to your days off? Most main attractions, including the famous Dracula (Bran) Castle, ski resorts or Black Sea beaches, are just a short 3-hour drive from Bucharest. We do our best to ensure a work-life balance for all our colleagues, whether they are parents, students or expats like you who want to experience the city life to the fullest. Explore your passion for travelling while discovering new places and meeting like-minded people! This job is what you make of it – maybe you’d like to spend a few years country-hopping, getting international experience or just getting a fresh start. Understanding other cultures and customs, learning a new language and interacting with other expats will help you grow both as a professional and a person. We also spend time sharing our real-life stories – so, you’ll get to know people with amazing backgrounds! You stand a genuine opportunity for growth in our company as we average around 100 promotions in a year. Through our more than 30 projects, you can choose from different career paths, whether you are interested in training, management, finance, operations, IT or marketing. At Webhelp, you’ll get to discover the backstage and processes of some of the most valuable companies in the world. Come for 12 months, stay for 2 years and love it here even longer! We are sure you’ll want to grow with us, whether in Romania or in another country where Webhelp is present. Regardless of where your dream takes you, we’ll always keep in touch on Instagram! Regarding your job, it will very much depend on your role. We have a whole panel of different shifts. You could work the traditional morning shift or in the afternoon, night shifts for certain roles, from Monday to Friday or during some weekends. One thing is carved in stone – you will work 5 days a week, so you can make the most of your 2 days off! No matter which shift you work, you will always be able to enjoy quality time with your friends or go out and about. That’s because in our city we don’t have a ‘weekend culture’ – it’s lively every day of the week. We will strive to consider your needs as it is important for us to match you with the work that fits you. Plus, weekend shifts are paid at an hourly rate of extra 25%. And there’s one more thing! As we provide services to our clients’ end-users and partners through phone, chat and email, it's important to show them they can trust us to handle their confidential data. At Webhelp, regardless of your position, as a co-worker, you will be fully trained to become GDPR compliant. We’ll teach you everything about our security procedures and best practices during your training. Webhelp Romania is a people-first company! And an equal opportunity employer who values and encourages diversity in the workplace. Our HR policies focus on respecting each other, appreciation towards results, working as one united team and learning new skills. Advancing your career doesn’t necessarily come with seniority or after many years within the company. We know we operate in a fast-changing and dynamic industry. As such, if you’re committed, passionate about your work and enrol in our development programs, you can easily fast-track your career. We love to promote our employees and we do so 100 times a year! More than 90% of promotions in the company are internal, and we are proud of this practice. You will always have priority in our selection processes as an employee. If you choose to stay with us in Romania, through our career development programs, you’ll also benefit from internal mobility – you can switch between projects and even departments. Our clients come from a wide range of industries, including tech, fashion, entertainment, travel, pharma, hospitality, transport and many more you can try and experience. OK. Here’s a short listicle: 1. Low cost of living. And a comfortable life! Supermarket and international goods prices may be similar to the ones in other Western countries. But Bucharest offers affordable accommodation, world-class entertainment and services. 2. Diverse nightlife. We don’t have only Ibiza-style nightclubs but also centuries-old inns, chic wine bars, prestigious music festivals and epic concerts, themed restaurants and a strong coffee culture. It’s like this every season! 3. Large affordable apartments. Whether you choose to live on your own (yes, in Bucharest this is a common practice even for young people) or with housemates, our flats are spacious and have a homely vibe. 4. Warp-speed internet. Just google ‘countries with the best internet in the world’ and you’ll find out that Romania always comes up in top 10. Bucharest is also one of the best cities for employees and freelancers who work from home. 5. Safety at any hour of the day and night. As Romanians, we don’t quite realise it. But all our expat friends keep telling us that Bucharest is a lot safer than other Western capitals and large cities. Ready for another short listicle? Here we go: 1. Astonishing architecture. Bucharest has a mix of everything – colossal communist buildings like The Palace of the Parliament, contemporary skyscrapers, Paris-style palaces, Art Nouveau influences, Gothic designs and Renaissance structures. 2. Boat sailing, in Herastrau Park! Bucharest shelters lush, elegant and large parks peppered throughout the city. Most of them feel like a world apart from the bustle of the metropolis. 3. Sports. Romania is famous for its Olympic legends in gymnastics, like Nadia Comaneci. But most of us aren’t that flexible and superhuman. So, we enjoy football, tennis, cycling, martial arts and even fencing. 4. Food scene. Romanian cuisine will delight your taste buds! But locals in Bucharest are also big on fusion dishes that combine recipes from all over the world – Italian, Lebanese, French, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, you name it! 5. Farmers’ markets. Romanian organic products have the most authentic taste! Once you try fruit and vegetables sold directly by farmers at incredibly low prices, you will discover savours you didn’t know existed. If you like what you’ve discovered, we think we’re a match. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Romania li|Romania st|Useful info new Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Food and drinks Sports and leisure Monthly expenses City transport sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Welcome to Romania! Live your career in Romania! Say hi to your new lifestyle Cost of living in Romania Working in Romania Webhelp is present in Romania. Take a look: Opportunities for you in Romania FAQ about Romania What’s on our blog , , , , , , , , , , , , , Contact our team in Romania Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Athens has a low to medium cost of living, with services and rent cheaper than in other major Southern European capitals. There are some expensive areas developed specifically for tourists and luxury shopping as well as high-end restaurants. But most of the capital is affordable with lip-smacking food in authentic tavernas, free access to world-class beaches and even some museums. Depending on your purchasing and saving habits, you can indulge in a wide range of activities and hobbies. Expats living in Greece state that they are more active and have a more fulfilling career since they moved here. Statistics and studies have shown that a salary over €1,000/month for a young adult in Greece is the psychological threshold for a fulfilled career. As you’ll earn double the average Greek salary, you will settle in a comfortable life and will be able to travel more frequently. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|22nd juli 2020 By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Is your city expensive? Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Kunde inte hitta något Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Laura Brondel Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Kunde inte hitta något Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) FAQ Greece Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Vårt mål är att alltid leverera en sömlös upplevelse vid varje kontakttillfälle, oavsett om det gäller era digitala kunder eller i butik. Integrationen av innovativa verktyg som förstärkt och virtuell verklighet skapar en ny digital upplevelse för kunden. Med hjälp av dessa verktyg kan varumärken bygga kundrelationer, förbättra konverteringsgraden och skapa mer värde i shoppingupplevelsen. En kund kan visualisera produkten i en nästan verklig vy som oftast påverkar köpbeslutet positivt. Den stora mängden tid som spenderas på sociala medieplattformar, särskilt för den yngre generationen, har gjort social kommers till en växandetrend för e-handeln. Mer än någonsin pressas varumärken att effektivisera sina tjänster över enheter och plattformar som Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat och YouTube samtidigt som de ska erbjuda en konsekvent omni-kanalupplevelse. Våra Omni-kanal-lösningar på Webhelp ser till att du är väl rustad. Förutspående analys spelar en viktig roll på marknadsplatser och att implementera maskininlärning är en väsentlig del av att lösa ekvationen. De algoritmer som samlats in från maskininlärning förbättrar möjligheten att förutspå försäljning, avkastning och kundservice baserat på kundbeteendet. Hos Webhelp använder vi värdefulla insikter som samlas in från statistik för att leverera en enastående och personlig kundupplevelse. Integrationen av innovativa verktyg som förstärkt och virtuell verklighet skapar en ny digital upplevelse för kunden. Med hjälp av dessa verktyg kan varumärken bygga kundrelationer, förbättra konverteringsgraden och skapa mer värde i shoppingupplevelsen. En kund kan visualisera produkten i en nästan verklig vy som oftast påverkar köpbeslutet positivt. Den stora mängden tid som spenderas på sociala medieplattformar, särskilt för den yngre generationen, har gjort social kommers till en växandetrend för e-handeln. Mer än någonsin pressas varumärken att effektivisera sina tjänster över enheter och plattformar som Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat och YouTube samtidigt som de ska erbjuda en konsekvent omni-kanalupplevelse. Våra Omni-kanal-lösningar på Webhelp ser till att du är väl rustad. Förutspående analys spelar en viktig roll på marknadsplatser och att implementera maskininlärning är en väsentlig del av att lösa ekvationen. De algoritmer som samlats in från maskininlärning förbättrar möjligheten att förutspå försäljning, avkastning och kundservice baserat på kundbeteendet. Hos Webhelp använder vi värdefulla insikter som samlas in från statistik för att leverera en enastående och personlig kundupplevelse. Vi använder oss av vår WoW-modell för att stå till tjänst med försäljning och service i världsklass. Våra experter levererar värde, ökar försäljningen och maximerar marginalerna för våra kunder. Vi hjälper nya digitala aktörer att ta marknaden med storm och traditionella detaljhandlare att expandera till e-handel. Center of excellence är navet i vårt innovationsnätverk. Vi konsoliderar modeller i en miljö ägnad till att skapa mervärde och optimera CX. Vi fokuserar på att skapa lojala varumärkesförespråkare genom att minska kundansträngningen, skapa lösningar för inledande kontakt och skapa goda detaljhandelsupplevelser. Ett varumärke uppfattas som framtidsinriktat och lyhört för kundernas behov när det investerar i banbrytande teknologi som VR över olika media. Som tekniska innovatörer kombinerar vi digitala hjälpverktyg med en mänsklig touch för att erbjuda konsekventa och säkra shoppingupplevelser med mervärde. Vi använder oss av vår WoW-modell för att stå till tjänst med försäljning och service i världsklass. Våra experter levererar värde, ökar försäljningen och maximerar marginalerna för våra kunder. Vi hjälper nya digitala aktörer att ta marknaden med storm och traditionella detaljhandlare att expandera till e-handel. Center of excellence är navet i vårt innovationsnätverk. Vi konsoliderar modeller i en miljö ägnad till att skapa mervärde och optimera CX. Vi fokuserar på att skapa lojala varumärkesförespråkare genom att minska kundansträngningen, skapa lösningar för inledande kontakt och skapa goda detaljhandelsupplevelser. Ett varumärke uppfattas som framtidsinriktat och lyhört för kundernas behov när det investerar i banbrytande teknologi som VR över olika media. Som tekniska innovatörer kombinerar vi digitala hjälpverktyg med en mänsklig touch för att erbjuda konsekventa och säkra shoppingupplevelser med mervärde. En förenklad väg till kundkännedom, som tar hänsyn till att rådande regelverk och digitala utvecklingar är själva nyckeln till en lyckad aktiveringsprocess. Vi skapar innovationer för alla dina behov. Vårt helhetstänk löser komplexa B2B-utmaningar med hjälp av skräddarsydda mallar på ett sätt som garanterar nöjda kunder. Förutom att skapa ökade intäkter kommer våra skickliga säljexperter även att förbättra er säljeffektivitet. Våra beprövade metoder för säljstöd är skapade för att motsvara alla tänkbara säljbehov. Vår expertis inom kredit- och betaltjänster gör att du kan bedriva affärer på ett tryggt och enkelt sätt, inom både B2B och B2C, och offline såväl som online. Våra specialistteam skapar mänskliga kundupplevelser och optimala lösningar för teknisk support, med flerspråkiga B2B-, B2C- och B2E-marknader åt världens mest progressiva företag. CCO Spain Global Industry Lead Retail & Ecommerce Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Detaljhandel och e-handel li|Detaljhandel och e-handel st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Marta Lopez Olivier Carrot sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Detaljhandel och e-handel Förstärkt och virtuell verklighet Social kommers Maskininlärning Förstärkt och virtuell verklighet Social kommers Maskininlärning Därför passar vi er perfekt Service i världsklass Center of excellence Multi-kanallösningar Därför passar vi er perfekt Service i världsklass Center of excellence Multi-kanallösningar Våra lösningar för att stötta er Möt våra experter Kundberättelser Kundberättelser De senaste nyheterna inom detaljhandel och e-handel , , , , De senaste nyheterna inom detaljhandel och e-handel , , , , Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|If you love sports and outdoor activities, Portugal is your ideal playground. With 300 sunny days a year, you will find yourself surfing in Algarve, canoeing in Azores or scuba diving in Lisbon – yes, the capital. Not a water sports enthusiast? How about hiking above the clouds in stunning Madeira or just playing any ball game you can think of? Portugal is blessed with lush vegetation and dramatic landscapes that are a haven for nature enthusiasts. Add in the uber social Portuguese, wild nightlife, Atlantic beach vibes, unique cuisine, and you’ve discovered the secret recipe for fun and adventure. Currency: EUR. Population: 10.7M. Plus you. Capital: Lisbon. Oldest Western European capital. Portugal is constantly ranked as having the best climate in Europe. It’s as if the winter has never heard of this country. But thousands of expats, digital nomads and students have. This appeal has increased prices in real estate, but services and local products are more affordable than in other Western European regions. The average monthly salary in the country is EUR 900 net, with higher wages in Lisbon. A single adult (20-29 years old) can maintain a vibrant life in the capital, experience the cultural and social scene, visit the country or go abroad during the holidays. Thanks to the well-developed infrastructure, travelling around Portugal is convenient and fast, whether by car, train, bus or airplane. Lisbon has direct flights to all major European destinations and many cities in South America, Africa, the Middle East and North America. Combo meal in a fast-food restaurant Lunchtime menu with a drink 3-course meal in a mid-range restaurant Bottle of Port wine €6 €8 €32 €10 Cinema ticket Monthly gym membership Escape room session/person Cocktail drink in a downtown club €7 €34 €17.50 €7 Utility bills for a 1-bedroom apartment 4G mobile phone plan High-speed Internet (up to 1 Gbps) Chain store clothing item €100 €20 €54 €30-90 One-way ticket (public means) Monthly pass (public means) Taxi (tariff per 1km) Estimated Uber trip (10km) €1.50 €38 €0.47 €10-12 As the Portuguese are very outdoorsy, they value greatly their leisure time. On the other hand, they are competitive and results-driven, working on average 40 hours/week. The occasional extra hours are compensated with days off or a premium. Work culture in Portugal is expat-friendly and tech-orientated, with a strong focus on performance and socializing. While the Portuguese do not consider themselves as such, most foreigners say they are the friendliest in Europe. We’ll let you be the judge of that. Whether for personal or professional reasons, moving to a new country is always a challenging but exciting experience. Our HR Department is here to support you and answer all your questions. And we understand how you feel because we have welcomed other brave expats from over 15 nationalities. Although Portugal has been a tourist country for many years, it has only recently started attracting large expat communities from Central and Northern Europe. You will find a true melting pot of cultures, cuisines, music and art influences from around the world. After the adjustment period, living in Portugal feels like being on holiday every day. And you just happen to work as well. Webhelp Portugal is a multinational hub that offers many possibilities to meet people and quickly make friends with stories you can relate to. We will support you in this process and advise you on what areas are best suited for your needs and expectations. Do keep in mind that within the past couple of years Lisbon has been challenging Barcelona for the top spot in terms of lifestyle and quality of life. This has made the Portuguese capital extremely popular with expats from all walks of life. Renting a 1-bedroom apartment or a large studio in the city centre can set you back 700-900 euros/month. If you prefer living in the picturesque city centre, we recommend you share a flat – it’s roughly 350-500 euros/month. Lisbon, however, is a city with lovely neighbourhoods spread across a small geographical area. So, it’s convenient to rent a nice flat outside the centre and even within the metropolitan area. You’ll pay only 250-450 euros/month for a room and you’ll get to the office in less than 30 minutes. Here’s a great tip: many colleagues use their workmate network to find a room in a shared flat. It’s the simplest and easiest way! Portugal is arguably the most affordable Western European country. For expats coming from countries like Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Germany and even Spain, the cost of living will feel much lower. International products, electronic devices, luxury goods and supermarket prices are on par with what you would find in other Western European cities. However, local food, recreational activities, transportation and services are much cheaper. For residents living on their own, accommodation in Lisbon is in most cases the largest monthly expense. Depending on your purchasing and saving habits, with your salary and performance-based bonuses, you can feel at ease in the city and enjoy a great quality of life. Here you can settle in a very active lifestyle. Start by taking in the beauty of the city from the numerous vantage points – there is a good reason Lisbon is nicknamed ‘The City of the 7 Hills’ (or 8, depending on whom you ask). Then go explore the nearby blue-flag beaches with the softest sands and best surf spots in Europe. Have we mentioned the lush verdant gardens and parks that feel like tropical forests? Before leaving your country, we recommend you check with your local authorities about your pension scheme and income tax system, especially if you’re not from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. The same practice is recommended if you have student loans or other credit debts in your native country. When you work in Portugal, Webhelp will pay all your taxes (deducted from you monthly salary), including mandatory health insurance, social security and pension contribution. So, you will be eligible for the Portuguese Government's benefits. If your country is part of the EU/EFTA, there are some bilateral agreements among states. If you decide to return to your native country, you may transfer your rights through your local administration. If your country is not part of the EU/EFTA, you will need to check with your embassy in Portugal about any existing agreements. Please note that we do not disclose your salary or your contract agreement to any competent authority from your native country. If necessary, it will be your responsibility to declare your income or other earnings from abroad to your government. Portugal’s state healthcare has undergone a strong reform within the past few years, resulting in an improved system that is now ranked among the best in Europe. For long-term residents (under 18 and over 65) and taxpaying employees (both nationals and foreigners), public healthcare is provided for free. You will need to apply for your medical card and register with a General Practitioner for primary healthcare. When necessary, your practitioner will direct you to a specialist. Some consultations, essential medicine and most procedures are free, but dental care is not covered by the public health system. Treatments, specialists and equipment are at the highest standards, but waiting times can be long in the public system. At Webhelp Portugal, private health insurance is part of your benefits package after 6 months in the company. You will have access to private hospitals and clinics, as well as enjoy the advantage of faster appointment times and better facilities. In private centres from large cities, most medical professionals speak good English and even French or Spanish. This is one of the bravest decisions you’ll ever make, so we are here for you! Let us know what challenges you have in relocating to Portugal and we will find the most suited way to support you in getting here. Whether it is related to accommodation, transportation, flight ticket or any other aspect, your personal recruiter can talk you through the available options. Don’t know what documents you need to work in Portugal? No problem. We offer support to help you obtain your initial documents necessary to work. Settling in is easy and fast. You will need to get your European Resident Certificate, Fiscal Identification Number, Social Security Number and open a bank account. It is a straightforward process, and we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to do it when you arrive to Portugal. Webhelp Portugal is a community that values diversity, and our colleagues come from many regions of the world. However, due to strict local regulations and laws, we need our employees to be eligible to work in Portugal as an EU/EFTA citizen or with a valid Portuguese work permit. Where do you want to take your career? We will match your skills, experience and interests with our open positions and offer you the best possibility to grow with us. Your salary will be divided in 2 parts – a fixed base salary and a variable (bonus). In most cases, the variable will be linked to your personal or team’s performance. Likewise, your salary package depends on the sector and type of role (customer service, technical support, sales), so please let us know which role you think suits you. Then we’ll review together what best adapts to your profile. Regardless of your position at Webhelp Portugal, your salary will allow you to enjoy the great lifestyle and activities that the country offers. We are actively collaborating with external shops, malls, restaurants, gyms and private clinics to enhance your experience in the city. We do our best to help you travel, stay in good health and socialize with other adventurous colleagues from over 15 nationalities. Your life experience and personality can contribute to your new career more than you think! Indeed, customer service excellence is what makes Webhelp stand out from competitors. It’s why some of the greatest brands in the world choose to work with us and put their customers in our care. But your previous experience – vocational, academic, internships, on the job – is already a great starting point. You may live it up in Lisbon or admire the centuries-old architecture in the Youth Capital of Portugal, Braga. Or maybe a wine tasting tour in Porto followed by a relaxing day at the beach is more up your alley. But you will also develop exceptional skills that can be easily transferable to other areas of your life – be it in the relationships with your partner, friends and family or in another job. We provide an extensive initial training plan of 2 to 4 weeks. You will learn how to deliver superb customer service and we’ll equip you with everything you need to know about the project. Apart from this, we have continuous development programs and career path sessions to help you determine in what role you’d like to continue with us in the long term. Our company culture is in continuous evolution! We love our diversity above all, and everyone is welcome as they are – that is our mindset! Here in Portugal, we’re dynamic, progressive and we find reasons to enjoy every day. We have been ranked among the best companies to work for in Portugal thanks to our spirit of unity and altruism. Since helping each other succeed is a strong pillar of our company culture, we truly believe in our ‘Bring a Friend Program’. We create opportunities for you – you can do the same for your friends. Our WebHEALTH initiative is a global campaign that promotes health and well-being within the company. In fact, we even provide a free doctor and psychologist on site for our employees. We also like to keep active, stay in shape and play sports. Football and any game that involves a ball is great part of our way of life. At Webhelp Portugal, you can take part in company activities and events that are both rewarding and fun. And you never know… you might even end up being an influencer as well. Just have a look at #WebhelpsGotTalent on Instagram! If you contemplate moving to Portugal, we know that you dream of paradise beaches, pristine waters and natural wonders. And when you combine your wishes with our penchant for celebrations, gastronomy and sports, you’ll find a place you’ll call home for a long while! During your full-time employment at Webhelp Portugal, you will work 40 hours a week. You will have a 1-hour lunch break per day as well 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. Paid annual leave is 20 days (22 days after one year of employment) and you will enjoy roughly 14 days more of public/bank holidays per year. This gives you plenty of time to immerse yourself in colourful carnivals, off-the-beaten-track places and an active lifestyle. Want to hear even better news when it comes to your days off? Portugal has jaw-dropping scenery, and you can traverse the entire country from north to south in just 5 or 6 hours by car. So, get ready for Instagram-perfect road trips. We do our best to ensure a work-life balance for all our colleagues, whether they are parents, students or expats like you who want to experience the city life to the fullest. Explore your passion for travelling while discovering new places and meeting like-minded people! This job is what you make of it – maybe you’d like to spend a few years country-hopping, getting international experience or just getting a fresh start. Understanding other cultures and customs, learning a new language and interacting with other expats will help you grow both as a professional and a person. We also spend time sharing our real-life stories – so, you’ll get to know people with amazing backgrounds! We are a team of professionals who enjoy helping each other grow. Through our more than 30 projects in 13 languages, you can choose from different career paths, whether you are interested in training, quality, management, finance or HR. At Webhelp, you’ll get to discover the backstage and processes of some of the most valuable companies in the world. Come for 12 months, stay for 2 years and love it here even longer! We are sure you’ll want to grow with us, whether in Portugal or in another country where Webhelp is present. Regardless of where your dream takes you, we’ll always keep in touch on Instagram! Regarding your job, it will very much depend on your role. We have a whole panel of different shifts. You could work either the traditional Monday-to-Friday shift, a night shift, morning shifts or a weekend schedule. One thing is carved in stone – you will work 5 days a week, so you can make the most of your 2 days off! No matter which shift you work, you will always be able to enjoy quality time with your friends or go out and about. Portuguese people and expats living in our sunny country love their laid-back lifestyle. We will strive to consider your needs as it is important for us to match you with the work that fits you. Plus, shifts worked between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. are paid at an hourly rate of extra 25%. And there’s one more thing! As we provide services to our clients’ end-users and partners through phone, chat and email, it's important to show them they can trust us to handle their confidential data. At Webhelp, regardless of your position, as a co-worker, you will be fully trained to become GDPR compliant. We’ll teach you everything about our security procedures and best practices during your training. Webhelp Portugal is a people-first company! And an equal opportunity employer who values and encourages diversity in the workplace. Our HR policies focus on respecting each other, appreciation towards results, working as one united team and learning new skills. Advancing your career doesn’t necessarily come with seniority or after many years within the company. We know we operate in a fast-changing and dynamic industry. As such, if you’re committed, passionate about your work and enrol in our development programs, you can easily fast-track your career. We love to help you grow! When there is an opportunity for a promotion within the company, you will be the first to hear about it. If you choose to stay with us in Portugal, through our career development programs, you’ll also benefit from internal mobility – you can switch between projects and even departments. Our clients come from a wide range of industries, including tech, fashion, entertainment, travel, pharma, hospitality, transport and many more you can try and experience. (1,150) OK. Here’s a short listicle: 1. Weather and lifestyle. Lisbon is the kind of city that will bring out your inner explorer. Since the temperature rarely drops below 15 degrees and it’s always sunny, you feel the urge to get active every day. 2. Start-up scene. You don’t need to develop a Silicon Valley-worth business idea to enjoy the high-tech vibe of Lisbon. People speak a high level of English and are excited about tech, digital solutions and innovation. 3. Liberal atmosphere. Lisbon constantly comes up in top 10 of the most tolerant and socially progressive cities in the world. So, if personal freedom is a decisive factor for you, Portugal is the place to be. 4. Perfect travel hub. Algarve with its dramatic landscapes, the natural wonders in the volcanic archipelagos of Azores and Madeira or the colourful fairy-tale city of Sintra are just a short drive or flight away from Lisbon. 5. Small city that feels like a metropolis. Cultures from Africa, Latin America and Europe, heritage palaces and castles, neighbourly locals, large business centres and a small population – all these make Lisbon a one-of-a-kind city. Ready for another short listicle? Here we go: 1. San Francisco meets Rio De Janeiro in Lisbon. The meandering hills, the stunning architectural styles, the charming trams, The 25 de Abril Bridge and the statue of Christ the King make you feel like you experience three cities in one. 2. Beach culture. The Atlantic vibe is slightly different than the Mediterranean one. Even the landscapes look more exotic. Here you can enjoy some of the best scuba diving, swimming and surfing on the old continent. 3. The urban culture. Lisbon has become one of the world's capitals for urban art. Just by walking in the city, you will discover an authentic open-air museum of impressive wall designs created by well-known artists. 4. Music scene. Concerts by international musicians and some of the best festivals in the world are hosted in Lisbon. But you also need to experience our authentic heart-melting fado music in traditional neighbourhoods to get a truly immersive experience. 5. Food scene. Savour everything – fresh seafood, our world-famous pastel de nata in tascas (taverns), delicacies in Michelin-starred restaurants and fusion dishes. If you like what you’ve discovered, we think we’re a match. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|Portugal li|Portugal st|Useful info new Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Food and drinks Sports and leisure Monthly expenses City transport sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Welcome to Portugal! Live your career in Portugal! Say hi to your new lifestyle Cost of living in Portugal Working in Portugal Webhelp is present in Portugal. Take a look: Opportunities for you in Portugal FAQ about Portugal What’s on our blog , , , , , , , , , , , , , Contact our team in Portugal Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Webhelp är den ledande leverantören av global kundupplevelse (CX) och affärslösningar, och har erkänts av den främsta branschanalytikern NelsonHall för sina sociala mediefunktioner. Företaget tillkännagavs inom tre kärnområden: kundvård och försäljningsförmåga; kapacitet för online-rykteshantering och innehållsmoderering, förtroende och säkerhet. NelsonHalls utvärderingsverktyg (NEAT), en del av ett ”speed-to-source” -initiativ, gör det möjligt för strategiska inköpschefer att utvärdera leverantörernas förmåga att identifiera branschens bästa presterande under urvalsprocessen. Metoden utvärderar specifikt kvaliteten på nyckelspelarnas förmågor i flera kategorier, såsom teknologi och verktyg, serviceinnovation, geografiskt fotavtryck och skalbarhet, bland andra. ”Vi är stolta över att NelsonHall har erkänt våra sociala medieförmågor. Nu mer än någonsin och i en alltmer digital värld, måste företag leverera högkvalitativa och pålitliga interaktioner med kundupplevelser. Webhelp har ett brett utbud av digitalt aktiverade tjänster som gör det möjligt för oss att stödja globala varumärken med deras interaktioner, rykte på sociala medier, arbeta med sociala medieplattformar och marknadsplatser för att stödja en säkrare onlinemiljö för användarna. Vi är mycket stolta över våra framgångar i detta utrymme, säger Webhelp grundare Olivier Duha. Ivan Kotzev, analytiker för NelsonHall CX Services: ”Webhelps starka resultat inom support och försäljning av sociala medier bygger på en grund för egen teknologi, kanalhanteringserfarenhet och CX-konsulteringsförmåga. Anmärkningsvärt är företagets expertis inom lead-generering och försäljningsaktiviteter på sociala kanaler, en allt högre prioritet för varumärken som vill möta sina kunder på dessa kanaler. ” Webhelps omfattande kapacitet och växande globala fotavtryck fortsätter att valideras av analytikersamhället. Med den uppskattade amerikanskbaserade analytikern Gartner som utnämner Webhelp som en nischspelare. Detta bygger på analytikerns rapportering av Webhelp som en Rising Star under 2019/20, eftersom verksamheten ytterligare etablerar sitt rykte som ett branschstörande och trovärdigt alternativ till de mer traditionella aktörerna på den nordamerikanska marknaden. Dessa senaste utmärkelser förstärker Webhelps nuvarande positionering av den globala analytikern Everest Group som en ledare inom Customer Experience Management (CXM) i sin PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020, samt en ledare inom CXM i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA) Services PEAK Matrix, som erkänner att Webhelp är särskilt stark när det gäller både syn och förmåga. Everest-koncernens positionering sträcker sig till en ny rapport där Webhelp erkänns som en viktig utmanare i arbete hemifrån bland andra globala aktörer. Everest Group skrev i sin WAHA (Work at Home Agent) CXM Services PEAK Matrix Assessment, ”Webhelp driver digital transformation genom Cloud-adoption, CX-rådgivning och automatisering genom att samarbeta med leverantörer som Amazon Connect, MS Azure och UiPath, för att använda deras plattformar enligt kundernas krav. ” Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|14th februari 2021 In , , By st|8 februari 2021 Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp rankades högt i alla aspekter av sociala medier av ledande analytiker NelsonHall | | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|NelsonHall tillkännager en rad analytikerutmärkelser pa|STOCKHOLM, October 13 , 2020 Global customer experience company Webhelp confirms their closure of its operational site in Kaunas, Lithuania by the end of this year. The ramp down of Webhelp’s activity in Lithuania is linked to a strongly reduced demand in the global travel industry, on which the Kaunas team focuses, and will happen gradually from now until the end of 2020. The tenured Webhelp team serves various clients at the international level in the areas of customer service, finance and data/fraud protection. Each employee speaks and writes two or more languages. Services provided from the Kaunas office are in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian and English languages. Webhelp is very thankful for the loyalty and support of its experienced team in Lithuania and is working together with Webhelp’s international locations, the local government, and other parties to assist their people in the transition to the next phase of their career. MD Webhelp Latvia and Lithuania Phone: +371 27824787 CEO Webhelp Nordic Phone: +46 70 226 42 85 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|14th oktober 2020 In , , By st|For questions, please reach out to: Janis Misans Terje Andreassen Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h6|SHARE sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp Confirming End of Operations in Kaunas, Lithuania | | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Barcelona is one of the most sought-after destinations in Europe, and there is something for everyone. Not to mention that the value for money is excellent. The Spanish city offers incredible quality for services, transportation, accommodation and local food at a much lower price than cities in Northern Europe. International products, electronic devices, luxury goods and supermarket prices are on par with what you would find in other Western European cities. Depending on your purchasing and saving habits, with your salary and performance-based bonuses you can feel at ease in the city and enjoy an active lifestyle. Here you can find a mix of everything. Savour delicious food in humble local eateries and go to a Michelin-starred restaurant for a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience. Travel conveniently through the city’s excellent and affordable transportation system. Shop for fresh vegetables, fruit and organic food at your local market. There are also plenty of free activities you can enjoy outdoors – roller-skating or taking a stroll along the promenade by the sea will make you a true Barcelonan! Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|23rd juli 2020 By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Is your city expensive? Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Kunde inte hitta något Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) FAQ Spain Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Romania is constantly ranked as one of the most affordable countries in Europe with world-class facilities and entertainment. However, international products, electronic devices, luxury goods and supermarket prices are on par with what you would find in a Western European city. Depending on which source you check, Bucharest is the 4th or 5th largest city in the EU. By population within city limits, the Romanian capital is as large as Paris. But at least twice as cheap. This means an incredible variety of services, facilities and products for all budgets. Affordability also equals high quality in Bucharest. Here you can settle in a very comfortable lifestyle. Enjoy your daily 3-course lunch menu in a good restaurant, dine out with friends a couple of times a week and buy fresh produce directly from Romanian farmers. Even distinguished molecular cuisine restaurants and 4-star hotels can be an occasional monthly treat. Expats living in Romania state they enjoy a wide range of activities and hobbies thanks to lower expenses. Studies show that possibilities for travel and fast career progression are also the factors that attract expats to Romania. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|23rd juli 2020 By st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Is your city expensive? Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) | Prev Next Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Kunde inte hitta något Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) FAQ Romania Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards within the recruitment process through this Recruitment Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is processed. This Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. We may need to share your Personal Data, such as your Identification data, life related data or any other information you will provide us. Such Personal Data may be shared with our clients and/or with other entities of the Webhelp group. In such case, any transfer will be made under strict binding corporate agreements, including EU standards clause or Binding Corporate Rules. Such documents are available on request. For some particular positions, we may need to carry out automated decision-making. You have the right to access to your data, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority or to request rectification, erasure of personal data, restriction of processing concerning you, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. In any case, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will retain all data related to your application for two years unless (1) it becomes clear that an offer of employment will not be made, or unless (2) you instruct us differently. We will store connection Data we collect from your visit (cookies) to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. When using our Website, the collection of your Data helps to make our website as efficient as possible and allows you to access the interactive functions of the website. Such as to : Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website. Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests. Improve your searches. Recognise you when you return to our Website. Maximise professional information and share with you information about our latest opportunities corresponding to your profile, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in our Website Privacy Policy, Recruitment process will require Webhelp to collect data when such data is shared with us. This an happen when you share it directly with us or when third party provide us information about you. This can happen for example when you send provide us you CV, interviews or when we take references. We can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved experience. For this purpose, we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our users that do not enable an individual’s identification. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as, but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best recruitment process, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or HR partners and sometimes with our clients. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about latest positions likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties (1) In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities (2) If we or all of our assets are acquired by a third party (3) If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation (4) To protect our rights, property and safety or our users (5) In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the European Economic Space but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your data, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Economic Space), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data: You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification: Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten”): Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing: You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability: You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object: In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive opportunities from us, please click here. Right to lodge a complaint: If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any major change that we will make in this Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av di|12th juni 2020 In By st|Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy 1. General principle 2. Personal data we may acquire from you 3. How long will we store your personal data? 4. Why do we collect your personal data? 5. How do we collect your personal data? 6. Cookies policy 7. Sharing personal data with third parties 8. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 9. Your rights 10. Changes linked to our privacy policy 10. Governing legislation 11. Contact Group Data Protection Officer Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy | | Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards within the recruitment process through this Recruitment Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is processed. This Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. We may need to share your Personal Data, such as your Identification data, life related data or any other information you will provide us. Such Personal Data may be shared with our clients and/or with other entities of the Webhelp group. In such case, any transfer will be made under strict binding corporate agreements, including EU standards clause or Binding Corporate Rules. Such documents are available on request. For some particular positions, we may need to carry out automated decision-making. You have the right to access to your data, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority or to request rectification, erasure of personal data, restriction of processing concerning you, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. In any case, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will retain all data related to your application for two years unless (1) it becomes clear that an offer of employment will not be made, or unless (2) you instruct us differently. We will store connection Data we collect from your visit (cookies) to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. When using our Website, the collection of your Data helps to make our website as efficient as possible and allows you to access the interactive functions of the website. Such as to : Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website. Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests. Improve your searches. Recognise you when you return to our Website. Maximise professional information and share with you information about our latest opportunities corresponding to your profile, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in our Website Privacy Policy, Recruitment process will require Webhelp to collect data when such data is shared with us. This an happen when you share it directly with us or when third party provide us information about you. This can happen for example when you send provide us you CV, interviews or when we take references. We can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved experience. For this purpose, we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our users that do not enable an individual’s identification. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as, but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best recruitment process, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or HR partners and sometimes with our clients. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about latest positions likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties (1) In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities (2) If we or all of our assets are acquired by a third party (3) If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation (4) To protect our rights, property and safety or our users (5) In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the European Economic Space but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your data, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Economic Space), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data: You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification: Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten”): Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing: You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability: You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object: In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive opportunities from us, please click here. Right to lodge a complaint: If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any major change that we will make in this Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy 1. General principle 2. Personal data we may acquire from you 3. How long will we store your personal data? 4. Why do we collect your personal data? 5. How do we collect your personal data? 6. Cookies policy 7. Sharing personal data with third parties 8. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 9. Your rights 10. Changes linked to our privacy policy 10. Governing legislation 11. Contact Group Data Protection Officer Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) legal-terms-conditions by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|The Model represents, in accordance with Art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Decree, an act issued by the governing body of and constitutes the company’s internal regulations which are binding on it. believes that the adoption of the Model constitutes, beyond the legal requirements, an additional valid instrument to raise awareness among directors, employees, colleagues and partners, and encourage them, in carrying out their own activities, to act in a lawful, upright and transparent manner in line with the ethical and social values which inspire the company in pursuing its own corporate object. Webhelp Payment Services and its staff work tirelessly to ensure that it permanently provides you with the best quality service, advice and attention. However, despite our vigilance, dissatisfaction or difficulties can sometimes occur. In these circumstances, you can make your complaint in accordance with article L.133-45 (French Monetary and Financial Code), following a special procedure. Webhelp Payment Services is accredited to carry out a range of actions including international debt recovery for and on behalf of our clients . Webhelp Payment Services is authorised as a Payment Institution by the . Thanks to our status of Payment Institution we are able to operate across the European Economic Area. Webhelp Payment Services is also registered with , the unique register of intermediaries, as an insurance intermediary. Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES ITALIA SRL WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES ITALIA SRL Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) legal-payment-services by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris em|*N° Code Interbancaire (CIB) : 16518E – Insurance intermediary registration number ORIAS: 12 064 847 pa|At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards within the recruitment process through this Recruitment Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about how their Personal Data is processed. This Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. We may need to share your Personal Data, such as your Identification data, life related data or any other information you will provide us. Such Personal Data may be shared with our clients and/or with other entities of the Webhelp group. In such case, any transfer will be made under strict binding corporate agreements, including EU standards clause or Binding Corporate Rules. Such documents are available on request. For some particular positions, we may need to carry out automated decision-making. You have the right to access to your data, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority or to request rectification, erasure of personal data, restriction of processing concerning you, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. In any case, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will retain all data related to your application for two years unless (1) it becomes clear that an offer of employment will not be made, or unless (2) you instruct us differently. We will store connection Data we collect from your visit (cookies) to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. Any Personal Data shared with Webhelp when applying for a position will only be collected for our recruitment process and will only be used for this purpose. When using our Website, the collection of your Data helps to make our website as efficient as possible and allows you to access the interactive functions of the website. Such as to : Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website. Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests. Improve your searches. Recognise you when you return to our Website. Maximise professional information and share with you information about our latest opportunities corresponding to your profile, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in our Website Privacy Policy, Recruitment process will require Webhelp to collect data when such data is shared with us. This an happen when you share it directly with us or when third party provide us information about you. This can happen for example when you send provide us you CV, interviews or when we take references. We can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved experience. For this purpose, we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our users that do not enable an individual’s identification. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as, but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best recruitment process, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or HR partners and sometimes with our clients. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about latest positions likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties (1) In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities (2) If we or all of our assets are acquired by a third party (3) If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation (4) To protect our rights, property and safety or our users (5) In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the European Economic Space but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your data, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Economic Space), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data: You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification: Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten”): Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing: You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability: You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object: In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive opportunities from us, please click here. Right to lodge a complaint: If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any major change that we will make in this Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE At Webhelp, we believe that protecting Personal data is not only a matter of security or compliance with a particular legal framework but is a matter of individual and organisational commitment. Disclosing and sharing Webhelp standards through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is of the utmost importance regarding the Data Subjects’ legitimate expectations about their Personal Data is processed. This website Privacy Policy is part of the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy. In case of contradiction, the Webhelp’s Privacy Policy’s measures shall prevail. This website Privacy Policy is the basis of all Data processing we will perform with the Personal Data you provide to us through this website and its domains and all the URL addresses that could replace it in the future (hereinafter the “Website”), as well as all the searches you make on this website and/or every use of the Website by any operator connected to the Website (hereinafter the “User”). We may collect and process the following Personal Data: Information you give us by completing forms or surveys on our Website We may also collect information when you let us know about an issue on our Website. Quotes under these forms are here to remind you about your rights on your Personal Data, as stated hereinafter. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsuscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us. If you contact us, we may keep a report of this correspondence and we may record our communications for quality and training’s purposes. Details about your visits on our website -including your browsing Data, your path, your browsing language, your localisation Data or other communication’s information- and the resources you have access to. We will store Data we collect from your visit to our website for 13 months, except for Data that have been anonymised in accordance with applicable legislation. However, in some situations we may store your Data for longer periods, including (i) as long as your account is open and until its closure (ii) during the duration stated in the services’ agreement between you and Webhelp. Your Data enables us to make sure that our Website is the most efficient possible and to allow you to take part to the interactive functions of the Website. Such as to: Estimate our audience’s size and the way they use our Website; Store information about your preferences and therefore personalise our Website depending on your personal interests; Improve your searches and our Website; Recognise you when you return to our Website; Maximise commercial information and share with you information about our products and services corresponding to your personal interests, as long as you gave your consent to receive such information. In certain circumstances, your Data allows us to fulfill our obligations in relation to a contract between us and you. (for example, executing an order or service, sending documentation, etc. We may also use your Data to inform you about changes and developments of our service. When you share Personal Data of another person with us, you confirm that they provided their consent for you to act on their behalf and that they were informed about our identity and the purposes of their Data processing. In addition to the elements mentioned in paragraph 1 – Data that we may acquire from you- we have implemented technical measures enabling us to collect your Data through your IP address and cookies. That is why we can gather your information, such as your IP address, your browser or your operating system for the administration of the system, the improvement of our Website and to make reports (for example through aggregated information). We take all the useful cautions to share only statistical Data about actions and browsing behaviours of our Users that do not enable an individual’s identification. For the same reason, we can get information about your general use of the Internet by using cookies (a small file stored on your device’s hard drive). Cookies help us improve our Website and provide a more personalised and improved service. If you would like to remove cookies, please go your browsing’s instructions to localise the file or the folder where Data is stored. You can refuse to accept cookies by activating the parameter enabling you to refuse cookies’ installation. However, if you choose this parameter, some parts of our Website might not be accessible to you. If you do not adjust your browser’s parameters so that it refuses cookies, our system will send cookies when you connect to our Website. We also have links to social networking such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are third party websites, we shall not be held responsible of the Data they collect. We invite you to read more about their Privacy Policy : Twitter LinkedIn Facebook In order to provide you with the best service, we sometimes need to share your Data within the Webhelp group. In some cases, we can share your Data with third parties, especially with our technical or commercial partners. We will share your Data only with partners demonstrating sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to respect your rights and keep your Data safe. Subject to your previous agreement, we will sometimes share your contact details so that you receive information’s message about services and products likely to interest you from our partners. These messages can take the shape of a mail, a phone call, a fax, an email or some other electronic messaging services. By providing your fax or phone number or your email address, you accept to be reached through these methods for the purposes to which you specifically gave your consent. If you do not want to receive any marketing information from us, please click here. We may share your Data with third parties : In case of selling or purchase of one of our entities or goods, we can share your contact details to the potential seller or purchaser of these entity or goods ; If we or all of our goods are acquired by a third party, all the contact details we store will be therefore transferred ; If we have to divulgate or share your contact details in case of any legal obligation ; To protect our rights, property and safety or our consumers ; In case of information’s exchange with other companies and organisations for the purpose of preventing fraud and reducing the credit risk. Any information you provide us is stored on our secure servers. Your Personal Data is stored in the United Kingdom but can also be transferred or stored in a place out of the European Economic Space or within the Webhelp group. It can be processed by people out of the European Economic Space working for us or for one of our providers and partners. By consenting to give your contact details, you agree to this transfer (that can include transfers to countries where the legislation is less protective than it is in the European Union), this storage or this processing. We take all reasonable measures to insure that your Data is being processed in a secure way and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, sending information on the Internet is never completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your contact details, we cannot guarantee the security of the Data delivered on our Website; sending this is at your own risk. As soon as we receive your details, we use strict proceedings and safety measures to prevent any illegal access to your Data. At Webhelp, we are committed to upholding the rights granted by Data Protection law. The information below will enable you to carry out your rights. You can make a request through all the means indicated in the contact section or by using our online form. Right to access your Personal Data – You have the right to be informed about whether your Personal Data is being processed by Webhelp or its partners. If this is the case, we will explain how these partners use your Data and we will let you know about the purposes of the processing, what kind of Data is being processed, to whom and where your Data is being shared, for how long it is stored and if your Data is being subject to an automated individual decision-making. You can also ask us to provide a duplicate of your Data, this could lead to reasonable fees payment based on the potential administrative cost we could have. These fees will not be enforced if we share your Data through your right to data portability. Right to rectification – Having accurate Data is essential to us. That is why we will rectify your inaccurate Data in the shortest timescale possible. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) – Apart from where there are opposing measures, we will erase your Data in order to comply with our legal obligations, especially when your Data is no longer required, or when you request deletion. Right to restriction of processing – You can ask Webhelp to restrict your Personal Data processing if you consider that your Personal Data is inaccurate or if you ask us for the erasure of your Personal Data. Moreover, you can ask us to restrict processing if you have the right to object to this processing. Right to portability – You can receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format as long as the processing is carried out by automated means. When technically possible, you can have your Personal Data directly transmitted to another controller. Right to object – In some circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to processing of your Personal Data. When you make this request and that it complies with law, we will not process your Data unless we demonstrate that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest that would prevail on your fundamental rights. We can also process your Personal Data if it is necessary to noticing, exercise or defence of legal rights. If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, click here. Right to lodge a complaint – If you think that Webhelp does not respect this Website Privacy Policy or that your rights granted by law are not rightly ensured by Webhelp, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a Data Protection Authority. In all cases, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Finally, we will take all reasonable measures to notify to every recipient of Personal Data every rectification or erasure or this Personal Data or every restriction of processing, unless such a notification turns out to be impossible or demands disproportionate efforts. Any change that we will make in this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If this change turns to be substantial, we commit to inform you about it as soon as possible by using reasonable means. If you have any questions about this privacy policy and how we use your personal data, please contact us at the following email address: Or write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Legal and Compliance Department 161 rue de Courcelles 75017 – PARIS FRANCE The hereby Terms and Conditions apply to the website available at the address or any other URL address, area or subarea which might be used to host the website later on (hereafter the “Website”), as well as to any research made on the aforesaid Website, and/or any use by the visitor accessing the Website (hereafter the “User”). Any consultation, use or transmission of the Website shall imply User acceptance without reservation of Terms and Conditions hereafter defined. If you have any question or complaint, you can contact Webhelp here. The Website is processed by Webhelp SAS (hereafter “Webhelp”). Webhelp is the owner or rightful licensee of any components and contents protected by intellectual property rights and available on the Website. Data base, components, contents presentation and all the elements (texts, visuals, photographs, videos, database, etc.), trademarks, logos and area names, which appear on the Website included, are Webhelp property, and where appropriate the property of its partners, and are protected by intellectual property governing laws. The User is granted access to the Website and the pages in accordance with the proposed navigation. All the rights which are not expressly conceded by Webhelp are deemed to be reserved. No element incorporated in the Website shall be either partly or fully copied, reproduced, extracted from, modified, reedited, charged, denatured, transferred, displayed or distributed, on any support, without Webhelp prior written consent and shall be in compliance with the intellectual property rights and of any other right mentioned. Any unauthorised reproduction of any element of the Website, as well as any unauthorised extraction of data from the Website or from Website database is forbidden and may lead to judicial legal proceedings for counterfeit, unfair competition and damage to image among others. Where the use of Website elements is authorised through these Terms and Conditions and provided that the source and parenthood of such element is systematically mentioned, such a use should not end up to a denaturation, deterioration, modification, alteration in any manner as the case may be. Where applicable the following mention has to be visible on any authorised copy of any Website component: “Copyright 2018 – Webhelp all rights reserved” followed by a lien redirecting to Webhelp has no control over third-party website. The existence of hypertext link between the Website and a third-party website does not result in Webhelp giving any kind of guaranties or exercising any kind of responsibility over the content or usage which may be performed on this website. Webhelp shall in any case be separately or jointly held liable with the third-party website publisher whose hypertext links redirect to the Website or to which Website directs to through a hypertext link. More specifically Webhelp shall not be held liable of a third-party website content reachable from a Website page or third-party websites which redirect to a page of the Website through a hypertext link. Webhelp will make its best to remove Hypertext links pointing to any inappropriate content that you would notify us. For any additional information regarding Personal Data, cookies used by the Website and Users rights, the User may refer to the section “Website Privacy Policy” or “Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy”. Unless required by any mandatory legal provision, the website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Webhelp makes, and user receives, in connection with the use of the Website no other warranty, express or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Webhelp do not promise that the Website, or any content service or feature, including any information and documents downloaded by you are free of error or defects, or that the aforementioned will be corrected. The above exoneration can be completed by any provision of the Terms and Conditions. Unless contradicted by any mandatory legal provision, Webhelp disclaims any and all liability for any damage directly or indirectly suffered by the User or any third party, in connection with or related to the use of any component and content of this Website. Webhelp shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, material or immaterial damage such as, but not limited to loss of profit, loss of chance, loss customer, loss of data, loss of image and / or immaterial damage suffered by the User. Even though Webhelp has taken all the necessary steps to ensure the reliability of the information, services, software or products contained on the Site, it cannot be held liable for errors, omissions, viruses or results that could be obtained by misuse of these. Webhelp is actually held only by a simple obligation of means. The User declares and guarantees that they know the characteristics and the constraints of the Internet and in particular that the transmission of data and information on the Internet only enjoys a relative technical reliability, these circulating on heterogeneous networks with different technical characteristics and capabilities that disrupt access or make it impossible at certain times. Webhelp strives to keep the Website accessible 24/7, but is under no obligation to do so and therefore provides no guarantee of availability or permanent accessibility or performance. Webhelp and / or its suppliers may / may also interrupt their access, notably for reasons of maintenance and upgrading of the Site or its hosting infrastructure, or any other legitimate reason for Webhelp. Webhelp is in any case responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User or any third party. It is also recalled that Webhelp may terminate or modify the characteristics of the Website at any time and without notice. The User shall be the author or have secured the rights of any content published on the Website being reminded that (i) any publication on the Website equals authorization for Webhelp to reproduce and represent such a content and (ii) the User remains the only responsible for the content. In any event, the User is the only responsible of the contents he/she would be able to publish on the Website. Therefore, Webhelp rejects any liability regarding words and remarks that could be published on our Website. In particular, the User restrains from holding any unlawful, insulting, defamatory, xenophobic, discriminatory or obscene words as well as harming Privacy, Intellectual Property and rights relating to the personality. Webhelp reserves the right to remove any unlawful words without any notice or damages, without prejudice to any lawsuit against the author of such words. The User guarantees and hold Webhelp non-liable for any complaint, lawsuit or condemnation linked to data and content published by the User on the Website In any case Webhelp shall be held liable for any loss, deterioration or corruption of User’s Data linked to his/her contribution to the Website. Any information or advice from Webhelp shall not be seen as a guarantee and shall not have any contractual value. Besides, the User commits to publish contents that are neither malicious nor likely to harm the Website or its hosting infrastructure. Webhelp and/or its processor reserve the faculty to erase without prior notice or damage any content published by a User and harming or likely to harm the good working of the Website, without prejudice to potential lawsuits. Webhelp makes its best efforts to ensure the Website’s security in accordance with applicable rules within the industry. However, the User is aware of the risks inherent to the use of electronic communications and especially the risks linked to the Data delivery on the Internet. In a more general way, it is the User’s duty to implement all the usual protections linked to browsing. Therefore, Webhelp will not guarantee anything in that case. In any case, the User restrains from any reverse engineering or de-compiling attempt of any part of the website, from any fraudulent intrusion or attempt to fraudulent intrusion within the service system hosting the Website as well as in the software enabling its working; from any breach of trust, theft, erasure, misappropriation or non-authorised modification of the Website’s technical Data, subject to prosecution. Unless otherwise required by any applicable law, any difficulty, claim or litigation generated by or in relation with the present terms and conditions shall be settled according to French laws. French jurisdictions are fully and solely competent to hear of any legal dispute rising out of these terms and conditions. Website’s publisher: WEBHELP SAS Registration number: 431977370 161, rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris +33 1 44 40 33 40 Web host: Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av st|Webhelp Recruitment Privacy Policy 1. General principle 2. Personal data we may acquire from you 3. How long will we store your personal data? 4. Why do we collect your personal data? 5. How do we collect your personal data? 6. Cookies policy 7. Sharing personal data with third parties 8. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 9. Your rights 10. Changes linked to our privacy policy 10. Governing legislation 11. Contact Group Data Protection Officer 1. Personal data we may acquire from you 2. How long will we store your data? 3. Why do we collect your personal data? 4. How do we collect your data? 5. Cookies policy 6. Sharing personal data with third parties 7. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it? 8. Your rights 9. Changes linked to our website privacy policy 10. Contact Group Data Protection Officer Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta h4|Terms and conditions and legal mentions 1. Intellectual property rights 2. Hypertext links 3. Personal data protection 4. Liability 5. Website availability 6. Contents 7. Security 8. Governing legislation 9. Legal notices sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) legal-terms-conditions by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp Om Webhelp Nyhetsbrev Nyhetsbrev 1 /3 Webhelp-lösningar Karriär Press media Övrigt 2 /3 * * * * 3 /3 * * Paris pa|Paris-headquartered Webhelp, the European leader in customer experience and business solutions, today revealed its revamped brand platform, supported by an updated visual identity. The group’s new brand reunites the strengths of its collaborators in 36 countries today and plays a key role in its ambitions to grow to a global leadership position. The group’s new vision of “ ” is founded strongly on Webhelp’s existing company culture, as well as the role enterprises play in society and the rising desire of consumers to create emotional connections with the brands they engage with. No matter the activity in business, people are involved and therefore are the main focus of Webhelp’s brand. explains , co-founding President. ” The new brand identity, which has been built inside-out, in partnership with the brand experts at FutureBrand, showcases a warm, welcoming and vibrant visual system and color palette, and reflects the group’s people-first culture and game-changing mentality. Providing services to thousands of clients across the world with a wide range of Customer Experience and Business Solutions, the group puts its clients at the heart of its all its activities, thus forming true and lasting partnerships. , co-founding President adds States , Group Secretary General. About to celebrate its 20 anniversary, having grown from a challenger to top player in Europe, both through organic growth and acquisitions, Webhelp aims to maintain and accelerate its performance through its redefined vision and mission, together with the strong collaboration of its investment partners. Webhelp is currently in the final stages of negotiations with as new investment partner, stepping in for , and expects to announce the closing of the deal before the end of the year, after obtaining the regulatory authorizations required. We live in an era of fast connectivity and AI. Today, human experiences have even more power to make businesses come to life in customers’ hearts and minds. Webhelp is committed to making business more human. It’s through this commitment that Webhelp enriches customer experience, and designs business solutions that create value for the world’s most exciting companies. Webhelp is a partner across a range of services including customer experience solutions, social media moderation through to payment services. Hundreds of brands across the world trust Webhelp because of their people, the culture they work in, and the ideas and technology they put to work. Webhelp believes that Emotional Intelligence creates a lasting impact, and their skill in marrying a differentiating human touch to the right technology is what makes a real difference for their clients. By choosing Webhelp they access the passion and experience of 50,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 36 countries. Each one determined to bring their own intelligence, empathy and experience to the table every day. Webhelp invests in people and the environment they work in, because they know that when people thrive, it has a powerful impact on them, their customers and on their partners’ business. Webhelp believes that making business more human leads to a better customer experience - and a healthier bottom line. Webhelp is the European leader in their industry, with a revenue of €1,4B in 2018, and aims for a global leadership position. Webhelp is currently owned by its management and KKR, a leading global investment firm, as of March 2016. GBL announces today it has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a majority stake in the Webhelp group, together with its co-founding shareholders, Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, who would retain their role as founding executive directors, and its management team. Founded in 2000, Webhelp is today one of the world's leading providers of customer experience and business process outsourcing (BPO). The group has doubled in size since the KKR acquisition in 2015 and aims to achieve a turnover of €1.5 billion in 2019. Webhelp develops innovative solutions combining consulting services, technological solutions and omni-channel processing capabilities thanks to its 55 000 employees in more than 35 countries. This performance is the result of an organic and external growth strategy that GBL aims to maintain and accelerate together with the strong collaboration of the co-founders and management. As a result of this transaction, GBL would acquire a majority stake in Webhelp on the basis of an enterprise value of €2.4 billion. It is expected that the legal documentation will be signed by the beginning of August for completion, after obtaining regulatory authorizations for use, within the course of Q4 2019. Ian Gallienne, CEO of GBL, said: " Olivier Duha and Frédéric Jousset, said: Stanislas de Joussineau, Director at KKR said: Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ("GBL") is an established investment holding company, listed on the stock exchange for over sixty years and with an indicative net asset value of EUR 19 billion and a market capitalization of EUR 14 billion at the end of June 2019. GBL is a leading investor in Europe, focused on long-term value creation and relying on a stable and supportive family shareholder base. GBL strives to maintain a high quality, diversified portfolio of global companies, leaders in their sectors, with whom it can contribute to value creation as an active professional investor. GBL seeks to offer its shareholders an attractive return, resulting in a sustainable dividend and growth in its revalued net assets. GBL is listed on Euronext Brussels (Ticker: GBLB BB; ISIN code: BE0003797140) and is part of the BEL20 index. Webhelp is a global business process outsourcer (BPO), specialising in customer experience and payment services in addition to sales and marketing services across voice, social and digital channels. From more than 150 sites in 36 countries with an approximately 50,000-strong team, our focus is on engineering performance improvements and delivering a real and lasting transformation in our clients’ operating models to generate financial advantage. We partner with some of the world’s most progressive brands including Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors and Valentino. Headquartered in Paris, France, the company has grown its revenues by more than 250% in the last 4 years by investing in its people, the environment they work in and developing its analytical and operating capability to deliver a transformational outsourcing proposition that addresses the challenges of an omni-channel world. More information can be found at KKR is a leading global investment firm that manages multiple alternative asset classes, including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate and credit, with strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns for its fund investors by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and driving growth and value creation with KKR portfolio companies. KKR invests its own capital alongside the capital it manages for fund investors and provides financing solutions and investment opportunities through its capital markets business. References to KKR’s investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR’s website at and on Twitter @KKR_Co. För sin nya samarbetspartner COMHEM anställer kundservice-företaget Webhelp 150 nya medarbetare. I början av april kom nyheten om Webhelps planer för etableringen av ytterligare ett kontor i Östersund i Diös’ lokaler på Fritzhemsgatan 1A. Nu har fler detaljer blivit klara. Till exempel står det klart att det är ett partnerskap med COMHEM som är bakgrunden för att Webhelp etablerar ett nytt kontor i Östersund i maj. Fram till dess pågår en intensiv rekryteringsprocess, som ska säkerställa att 150 nya medarbetare kommer på plats. Medarbetarna anställs direkt av Webhelp och inte via bemanningsföretag. Utbildningar av nya medarbetare startar upp redan i maj månad. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Webhelps första kontor i Östersund finns på Armégränd där verksamheten fortsätter med full kraft. Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp, +46 70 247 00 81 Terje Andreassen, CEO på Webhelp, +46 70 226 42 85 Webhelps verksamhet i Sverige tillhör Webhelp Nordic inom Webhelp-koncernen och omfattar bland annat contact center och kundservice via telefon, e-post och chatt för företag som Nespresso, SJ, Cancerfonden, Bonnier och Electrolux med flera. Webhelps främsta resurs är det nätverk av medarbetare som arbetar som rådgivare och arbetar för att lösa problem, förklara och förenkla för kunder. Verksamheten inkluderar även konsulttjänster kring lösningar, analys, design och utveckling. I Sverige finns Webhelp etablerade i Stockholm, Norrköping, Göteborg, Kalmar, Östersund, Umeå, Ånge och Piteå. Webhelp är ett bolag med stark tillväxt - under 2018 blev Webhelp hela 50 000 medarbetare. Webhelp Nordic är medlem av branschföreningen Kontakta, och har fått certifieringen Trygg Kundkontakt för 2019. Skapar 150 nya arbetstillfällen under 2019 Webhelp har mycket goda erfarenheter och mycket goda relationer med såväl det lokala näringslivet som kommunerna i regionen. Planerna om en fortsatt expansion har funnits länge och nu har Webhelp hos Diös hittat fantastiska lokaler som är helt anpassade för verksamheten, där vi i tillägg får en makalös utsikt över storsjön. Webhelp, som är ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support, har redan tagit kontakt med både Östersunds kommun och arbetsförmedlingen för att förbereda den kommande rekryteringen. – Vi hoppas kunna presentera mer kring satsningen under våren, men vi öppnar upp för jobbansökningar redan nu, via vår webbplats, förklarar Camilla Lundgren. Webhelp söker både nyutbildad arbetskraft med gymnasiekompetens, liksom ledare och specialister till det nya Östersundskontoret. Under de närmsta veckorna kommer Webhelp att bjuda in till öppna rekryteringsträffar där alla som är intresserade får chansen att träffa både medarbetare och ledare och ställa frågor. – Vi brukar få frågor om allt från kollektivavtal, vilka utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheter som finns på lite längre sikt, vår kultur och våra värderingar och om hur en arbetsdag på Webhelp ser ut, säger Camilla Lundgren och blickar framåt. Lundgren ser fram emot att träffa folk i Östersund med omnejd som vill arbeta med att göra vardagen smidigare och enklare för våra uppdragsgivares kunder. – Östersund är en central knutpunkt i Sverige, en region med goda kommunikationsmöjligheter, ett universitet som driver utvecklingen framåt och ett rikt näringsliv. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta vara en aktiv del i detta, säger Camilla Lundgren. – Det är naturligtvis väldigt roligt när ett långsiktigt samarbete kan ge sådan bra utdelning. Att vi får hit 150 nya arbetstillfällen betyder mycket både för kommunen och regionen, kommenterar Anders Wennerberg, kommundirektör i Östersund. - Det känns fantastiskt att kunna erbjuda Webhelp nya moderna lokaler i centrala Östersund. Satsningen bidrar till att fler människor kommer att röra sig i stan och att nya arbetstillfällen skapas är helt enligt vår plan och vårt sätt att bidra till utveckling för Östersund. Vi själva flyttar till nya lokaler på Prästgatan och det råder bråda tider så att vi båda kan vara på plats redan i mitten av maj, säger Johan Fryksborn, affärschef, Diös Östersund/Åre. Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Webhelp utvecklar smarta lösningar för att göra det smidigare att vara kund hos företag. Samarbetet och det långsiktiga partnerskapet med SJ utvecklas ständigt, och en förstudie togs fram tidigare under 2018. Webhelp firar invigningen med tårta och mingel måndagen den 3. september. , a leading global BPO and customer experience company, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of . Sellbytel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of . (NYSE: OMC). By joining forces with Sellbytel, Webhelp expands its geographic footprint in Europe, and adds an extensive list of international brands and value-added services to its portfolio. Following this acquisition, Webhelp Group forecasts a turnover of €1,3 billion for the end of 2018, supported by a team of 50.000 people, serving over 500 clients, in 35 countries. Sellbytel’s Barcelona office provides best in class multilingual operations with around 4,000 people working in more than 20 languages. This expertise has been extended to Kuala Lumpur and Puerto Rico as multilingual hubs serving the APAC region and the Americas. In addition to its complementary geographical footprint and multilingual expertise, Sellbytel enhances Webhelp’s service portfolio in several strategic areas such as end-to-end solutions in B2B Sales and Support activities, as well as an innovative work-from-home model which currently employs over 500 people working for various clients. As part of Webhelp, Sellbytel will be able to build upon its strong expertise as a CRM BPO provider and will have access to a large variety of additional capabilities, an extensive geographical footprint adding nearshore capabilities for its clients, as well as expertise in areas like AI, analytics, omnichannel platforms, and specialized services provided by subsidiaries of Webhelp such as Telecats, Netino, and Webhelp Payment Services. and , Webhelp’s cofounders said, , founder of Sellbytel added, Sellbytel management will continue to be strongly involved in the future growth of the company and will provide continuity for the company’s clients while also being able to provide a more comprehensive range of services. Webhelp and Sellbytel expect to derive significant synergies from the transaction thanks to the enhanced expertise and capabilities of the combined group, through cross-pollination of services, and access to new regions and nearshoring models. Moving forward, Webhelp’s strategy is to continue to grow both organically and through acquisition over the coming years, both in terms of geographical expansion and the addition of new capabilities. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2018, subject to approval of the relevant regulatory authorities. Sellbytel Group is a provider of outsourced sales, service and support with operations in 28 centers across , , , and . More information can be found at . Den 1 september tar Webhelp över verksamheten på servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Webhelp är Europas ledande expert inom kundservice och teknisk support och Webhelp Nordic har cirka 1 800 medarbetare över hela Norden och Baltikum. Företaget ser SJ som en långsiktig strategisk partner. – Vi kommer till Ånge för att stanna och vi ser nu fram emot att lära känna medarbetarna och invånarna i regionen ännu bättre, säger Terje Andreassen och fortsätter: – Det ligger också i vår natur att driva på mot nästa steg. Vi vill och ska utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, i nära samarbete med SJ. Vi har gjort en förstudie tillsammans med dem som vi nu ser fram emot att omsätta i praktiken. Det handlar bland annat om att tillsammans med våra medarbetare öka graden av digitalisering och om att ta fram bättre styrningsverktyg. Från SJ:s sida välkomnas samarbetet. – Vi har haft en god dialog med Webhelp Nordic och gjort en noggrann utvärdering. De har varit lyhörda för våra tre grundläggande krav. Det här blir bra för våra kunder, det blir bra för SJ och det blir bra för våra medarbetare som nu erbjuds att fortsätta jobba kvar i Ånge. Vi får nu bättre förutsättningar att följa med i den snabba digitala utvecklingen och nå en än mer tillgänglig och stabil kundservice, säger SJs marknads- och försäljningsdirektör Thomas Silbersky. PARIS, 16 maj 2018 – Det ledande globala BPO- och kundupplevelseföretaget Webhelp bekräftar att förvärvet av en majoritetsandel i det ledande flerspråkiga nearshore-företaget Runway BPO har slutförts. Köpet av Runway, med huvudkontor i Riga i Lettland, ger Webhelp ytterligare nio flerspråkiga center med 1000 anställda i Lettland, och de nya länderna som tillkommer gruppen är: Estland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Dessutom tillkommer expertis inte bara i sektorer som resor och konsumentvaror men även inom aktiviteter som redovisning, IT och HR-outsourcing, vilket är ett perfekt komplement till Webhelps redan existerande portfölj. Runway firar 15-årsjubileum i år och har åtnjutit en stark tillväxt under grundaren Nils Sundling och VD:n Uldis Prieditis. Teamet som skapat företagets framgång kommer att vara kvar för att säkerställa att expertisen, kontakterna och lokalkännedomen bibehålls och utnyttjas för att maximera utvecklingsmöjligheterna i den nordiska regionen och i Europa. Detta förvärv är en del av Webhelps strategi för att aktivt sträva efter geografisk expansion såväl som att förstärka sin sektorspecifika expertis, och kommer att ge Webhelp möjligheten att erbjuda sina klienter tjänster från fyra nya länder, alla med stark flerspråkig kompetens. De senaste två åren har varit väldigt betydelsefulla för Webhelp. Stora nya klientförvärv, strategiska förvärv och engagemanget från det globala investmentbolaget KKR har markerat en verklig vändpunkt i Webhelps historia. Företaget är nu definitivt ett av de ledande i BPO-branschen. ________________________________________________________________ Webhelp är en global business process outsourcer (BPO), som specialiserar sig på kundupplevelse och betalningshantering bredvid försäljnings- och marknadsföringstjänster över röst-, sociala och digitala kanaler. Från över 110 platser i 33 länder med ett team på cirka 40 000 personer, ligger vårt fokus på att utforma prestationsförbättringar och att leverera en reell och varande omvandling av våra klienters driftsmodeller för att generera finansiella fördelar. Vi samarbetar med några av världens mest framstående varumärken, inklusive Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors och Valentino. Företaget har sitt huvudkontor i Paris i Frankrike, och har ökat sina intäkter med över 250% de senaste fyra åren genom att investera i sin personal, miljön de arbetar i och genom att utveckla sin analytiska och operativa förmåga att leverera omvandlande outsourcingförslag som hanterar utmaningarna i en omnikanal-värld. Webhelp ägs av sin ledning och KKR, ett ledande globalt investmentbolag, från och med mars 2016. Mer information finns på Runway grundades 2003 av Nils Sundling och har blivit den ideala nearshoring-partnern för skandinaviska och andra europeiska företag som behöver outsourcingtjänster. Runway BPO är ett BPO-tjänstföretag med allt inkluderat, som har kapaciteten att leverera en mängd outsourcingtjänster som är individuellt utformade för varje klients särskilda behov och krav. För tillfället betjänar Runway sina klienter med över 1000 medarbetare från nio platser i fem länder – Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Ukraina och Spanien. Mer information finns på Avendus Capital agerade som exklusiv finansiell rådgivare åt Runway, medan Webhelp rådgavs av sitt juridiska och finansiella team på DLA Piper, Jeremy Scemama, Elise Aubert, och Julien Berger. —these four letters are inescapable as we begin the year 2018. Amid concerns, both real and imagined, and contradicting opinions, the Webhelp Group, in collaboration with all parties involved, chose an innovative, pragmatic, and straightforward approach to the challenge. There is no denying that the relationship from economic players and individuals to personal data is undergoing change. The nature of this change forces those working in Customer Relationship Management to walk a tightrope, trying to balance legitimate needs which are often at odds with one another. On one side, consumers rightfully require that their data be used only to provide them with services they have signed up for; on the other, the need for customised, speedy, and relevant response calls for a more holistic approach to data usage. Indeed, we all know how unpleasant it is as a customer to have to repeat your requests over and over again… This dichotomy is brought at the forefront of Webhelp’s GDPR programme. For many years, we have been at the forefront of strategic thinking regarding the future of Customer Experience - and we have become convinced that meeting the challenges and expectations regarding privacy protection depends on “ .” Today's digital world creates and circulates an impressive amount of data, with some sources quoting a figure of 163 zetabits (that is, 163 billion gigabits) for the year 2025, a ten-fold increase relative to levels processed in 2016. Each person generates data voluntarily and often also involuntarily. When a form is filled in online, or when a user sends a text message, is filmed outdoors by a video-surveillance system, browses the web, or agrees to their data being transferred across platforms, data is generated. Almost 85% of that data has no real use. Of the remaining 15%, only one-fifth is usable –so less than 1% of all that data captured! Despite this, a sizable amount of data remains, traces of their presence in the digital or physical world. This reality can no longer be ignored. Indeed, it is the subject of the protection afforded by European regulation, and of the integration of the latter into the Webhelp Group business. Customer Relationship is based on loyalty toward the consumer. We must provide a service that meets valid consumer expectations, in the best interest of our customer. From a variety of technological environments, Webhelp handles about 2 million conversations each day, across all channels. Those interactions may be saved to allow for continuous service quality improvement and to provide the responses consumers require. By adapting to the customer context and creating on-demand solutions, Webhelp brings its expertise and know-how to its principals and their customers. However, being so fully involved in those relationships, Webhelp recognized that we cannot remain systematically neutral with regards to the processing of personal data. Our efforts started years ago within the Webhelp Group, when it very quickly became apparent that a global effort would be required to ensure respect for consumer privacy. This effort has put us at the forefront of thinking around GDPR. As we emphasize in our BCR (Binding Corporate Rules): “We believe protecting personal data is not just a matter of security or compliance with the law, but above all a matter of collective and individual obligation.” This ambitious approach has been the principle guiding the Webhelp Group's action for several years, and it has been transposed to our successful innovations with Chatbots, Speech Analytics (Speech Recognition and Processing), and Machine Learning for work volume forecasting, etc. We have, in each of those projects, worked toward minimizing the amount of data used, while carefully monitoring the impact those projects might have on privacy. These improvements are based on solving the dichotomy discussed earlier. We use data to meet the dual legitimacy of consumer requirements - but we only use relevant data, and strictly for achieving positive outcomes for our principals and their customers. From a risk-based analysis, data processing and the relationship we create based on that data became an opportunity for expanding the services we provide to our customers. This relationship is what lies at the core of Webhelp Group's “Privacy” initiative. Customer Relationship Management is actually tripartite, with strong links between the various partners. On one side, the principal client: like every business, it has a life of its own, counting on its partners' expertise for support and advice. This is where BPO players, such as Webhelp, are especially relevant. We must be in tune with our client's expectations and ultimately provide the most accurate, respectful yet relevant service possible to the consumer. Consumers are at the center of that relationship, its purpose, and their satisfaction is absolutely necessary. In this tripartite relationship, there are key moments when consumers interact with the Customer Relationship Management provider. It is exactly at these moments that the strength of the relationship between consumer and brand is activated—a “third moment of truth,” in Marketing—crucial for brand image and loyalty. In such a decisive setting, there is no room for error, and the consumer demands service that is tailored to them as an individual – but that also respects their privacy and integrity in the use of their personal data. At those times, an approach consistent with legitimate consumer expectations must be employed, and the strategy regarding data processing is crucial. Without going as far as providing an extensive list, GDPR strongly strengthens obligations of transparency and information disclosure for consumers. Consumers must be made aware of, and in some instances, agree to the methods and means implemented to respond to their needs. This effort is now the responsibility of the principal and the BPO players, who must together reflect this requirement to the consumer. An example of practical implementation is the creation of both dedicated and shared GDPR teams, which will respond to consumer requests starting May 25 , 2018, as well as the use of KYC systems to identify the person making an access request. It is upon this framework, both legal and pragmatic, that our initiative to create a virtuous model based on data quality is founded. By understanding and anticipating consumer needs and by providing a coordinated, accurate, and transparent approach, Webhelp is building, alongside the brands for which we work, this new relationship with data. Data usage must from now on be regarded no longer as a risk, but as an opportunity to provide optimal service. This endeavor is defined by a shared assessment, determination of processes, documentation, and transparency. This common effort, driven by the principal and with Webhelp's support through the services we offer, will shape the future of Customer Relationships. Together we will successfully navigate the journey from the age of Big Data to the age of Valued Data – an age in which brands and CRM players will continue to be able to take advantage of the possibilities that contextual data provides in delivering a personalised service for the individual consumer, whilst also successfully ensuring the right levels of respect for consumer rights and expectations. Data Protection Officer - Webhelp General Data Protection Regulation – European regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27 , 2016 Think Human © 2020. Alla rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida ava rättigheter förbehållna. Webbsida av li|Den förstudie vi gjorde tillsammans med SJ pekade på ett behov för ökad grad av digitalisering och att ta fram bättre verktyg. Det jobbar vi med just nu, i tillägg till att vi självklart skall bli bättre känd med varandra och bidra till att den goda Webhelp-känslan växer på kundcentret i Ånge, lägger Andreassen till. st|Webhelp rings in its next phase of strategic development with new brand making business more human Olivier Duha Frédéric Jousset Sandrine Asseraf GBL KKR Making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands About Groupe Bruxelles Lambert About Webhelp About KKR Stockholm 2019-04-10: Webhelps satsning i Östersund tar allt fastare form. Just nu pågår en omfattande rekryteringsprocess för att hitta 150 nya kundservice-medarbetare till företagets nya Östersundskontor. – Vi har kommit överens med COMHEM om att satsa i Östersund , berättar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp. För mer information, kontakta: Webhelp i Sverige Webhelp Nordic etablerar ytterligare ett kontor på ny adress i Östersund och påbörjar en omfattande rekryteringsprocess. Planen är att anställa 150 nya medarbetare under våren. – Östersund ger oss fantastiska möjligheter för oss att växa, förklarar Camilla Lundgren, kundansvarig på Webhelp Nordic. Camilla Lundgren Terje Andreassen Webhelp Nordic meddelade tidigare i år att företaget blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. – Vi är så glada över att flytta in här i Ånge, och vi känner oss redan varmt välkommna både här på kontoret och i regionen, säger Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Acquisition strengthens Webhelp’s position in the European CRM BPO Market Webhelp Group Sellbytel Group Omnicom Group Inc Olivier Duha Frederic Jousset Michael Raum ABOUT SELLBYTEL Spain Germany Portugal Puerto Rico Malaysia Webhelp Nordic blir SJ:s partner för servicecentret i Ånge, med 100 anställda. Sedan tidigare ansvarar Webhelp för SJ:s service center i Östersund, med 45 medarbetare. – Vi är glada över att kunna fördjupa vårt samarbete med SJ och tillsammans med dem utveckla verksamheten i Ånge, berättar Terje Andreassen, vd på Webhelp Nordic. Förvärvet av ledande flerspråkiga kundupplevelseföretaget Runway BPO har slutförts Frédéric Jousset, medgrundare av Webhelp, sade: Uldis Prieditis, VD för Runway BPO, sade: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A LEVER TO INCREASE HUMAN CAPITAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - THE ADVISOR AT THE CENTRE OF OUR APPROACH Automation of the conversation Automation of advisor coaching Automation of processes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AUTOMATION INITIATIVES CURRENT BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE [ Example of usage: IMAGE RECOGNITION AND PROCESSING AT MYSTUDIOFACTORY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL REDEFINE THE "DATA MARKET" THE OVEREXPOSURE OF DATA: A REALISATION AI, SPEARHEAD OF A TRANSPARENT, RESPONSIBLE AND SECURE DATA ECONOMY EUROPE WILL BE THE LEADER OF THE DATA MARKET THE DATA ECONOMY IN 2025 – IDC ESTIMATES Strong AI GDPR creating a virtuous model based on data quality Rethinking Our Relationship with Data Creating a Virtuous Cycle in Customer Relationship Management Boris Paulin Upptäck Karriär Community h1|Jag vill prata om… Jag är Mitt meddelande h3|Search Recent Posts Recent Comments Archives Categories Meta sp|Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Search Svenska ( Svenska ) Dansk ( Danska ) Deutsch ( Tyska ) English ( Engelska ) Español ( Spanska ) Français ( Franska ) Italiano ( Italienska ) Nederlands ( Nederländska ) Norsk ( Norskt ) Português ( Portugisiska, Portugal ) Română ( Rumänska ) Suomi ( Finska ) Türkçe ( Turkiska ) Artiklar ********************************** by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp Kundansvarig på Webhelp +46 70 247 0081 CEO på Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp by Webhelp [PROSPECTIVE OUTLOOK] As European market leader in customer experience, we are conscious that Artificial Intelligence is going to transform our sector in a lasting way. Moreover, our current use of Artificial Intelligence strengthens our conviction that this technology will help us to improve customer service, both to the benefit of advisors and to better meet the expectations of brands and their customers. We are already seeing a new concept emerge: that of the augmented agent. We are also convinced that this technology will heavily underscore what is at stake in the data services market. Through consumer expectations and regulatory oversight this market will provide companies and individuals the opportunity to better define their respective rights and obligations, but also to integrate the concepts of transparency, responsibility and security, conditions that are fundamental to the development of our operations. According to Transparency Market Research, the global AI market today is worth 126 billion USD, and is projected to grow to 3 trillion USD by 2024. Currently adoption has been driven by companies that are already mature in terms of digital transformation and data usage. Where as to date much of the attention about AI technology has focused upon the US and China we strongly believe that Europe is emerging as leaders in the field in terms of expertise, investment and public policy. AI is attracting great deal of Buzz, with some recent applications feeling like gimmicks. Behind the buzz however AI is a real economic phenomenon with significant implications for all aspects of society and business. Whether it’s the increased accuracy of medical diagnoses, autonomous vehicles on our roads, protecting us against fraud or fake news or using our faces for authentication AI is already making its presence felt. Nevertheless, AI cannot currently function without humans; for the moment, it is best suited to assisting people