pa|News The Financial Times names Signicat one of the fastest growing companies in Europe Thousands of businesses use Signicat's software and APIs to deliver trusted digital customer experiences across borders. Know who you’re dealing with. Great user experience and compliance (KYC and AML) meet in a fully digital identity verification solution that leverages electronic IDs (eIDs) and ID document scanning. Enrich and validate customer data with additional attributes such as address, and phone number. Maintain compliance, including screening against sanctions lists, or confirm someone’s role in an organization. Drive engagement with frictionless, flexible authentication to your digital channels or apps. Replace passwords and allow your customers to log in with electronic identities, SMS or email OTP, or biometric scanning, based on the needed level of security. Enterprise-ready e-signing solution you can build into your existing workflows and business applications while providing the strictest levels of security and compliance. Digitize signing of even the most important or sensitive documents with verified electronic signatures, which include identity verification. Digital Identity Lifecycle functionality powered by our Identity Hub. It is a platform layer that connects Signicat customers to a wide variety of electronic identities, attributes, lookups and more from across Europe. Developer-friendly Express APIs fit simpler use cases with a comprehensive environment including tools, dashboards and docs to get you coding in minutes. Need the highest level of compliance and support? We'll consult with you on configuration to fit even the most complex use cases. Let's discuss your needs. Sign documents with verified electronic signatures in a simple online interface – just log in and start signing. Built for developers Excellent documentation is just a small part of providing a great developer experience. We also provide a wide range of tools and services helping you before, during and after deployment. Trust in Signicat We enable a safer world through enforcing financial security rules and protecting businesses and customers from fraud. We promote anti-terrorism, anti-fraud and anti-money laundering technology. We work with customers around sustainability by digitising many paper-based processes. Improve conversion rates and risk mitigation Truly know your customers through verified identification Through secure, strong authentication Helping you comply with AML, KYC, GDPR, and PSD2 Nov 16 2020 Nov 3 2020 Sep 17 2020 Throughout the digital identity lifecycle – from new customer onboarding to secure login and verified electronic signatures – Signicat helps you drive customer engagement with the highest levels of security, compliance and trust. di|Finland Report Guide st|Express solutions Enterprise solutions Onboard customers faster Build trusted digital relationships Grow your digital relationships Reduce risk, stay compliant h1|Trusted digital identity for a safer world h2|The Signicat Digital Identity Platform Start coding now Bespoke solutions for enterprises Sign Portal – Quick Electronic Signing Developer-friendly digital identity APIs Accelerating trusted digital business Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Build trusted relationships with your customers h3|Identity verification Identity validation Secure authentication Electronic signing Cross-border digital identity User identification in Finland in focus following massive data breach European financial institutions lose 63% of applicants during onboarding Electronic signing: 7 steps to choosing the best solution for your business Subscribe and stay updated sp|Copyright 2020 pa|Tusentals företag använder Signicats API:er för att leverera betrodda digitala kundupplevelser över landsgränserna. Försäkra dig om att du vet vem du har att göra med. Kundpplevelse och efterlevnad (KYC och AML) möts i en helt digital identitetsverifieringslösning som använder elektroniska ID (eID) och ID-dokumentskanning. Berika och validera kunddata med ytterligare attribut som adress och telefonnummer. Upprätthåll efterlevnad, inklusive screening mot sanktionslistor, eller bekräfta någons roll i en organisation. Få engagemang med friktionsfri, flexibel autentisering till dina digitala kanaler eller appar. Byt ut lösenord och låt dina kunder logga in med elektronisk identitet, SMS eller e-post OTP eller biometrisk skanning, baserat på den nödvändiga säkerhetsnivån. e-signeringslösning som du kan bygga in i dina befintliga arbetsflöden och affärsapplikationer samtidigt som du tillhandahåller de strängaste nivåerna av säkerhet och efterlevnad. Digitalisera signering av även de viktigaste eller känsligaste dokumenten med verifierade elektroniska signaturer, inklusive identitetsverifiering. Digital Identity Lifecycle-funktionalitet som drivs av vår Identity Hub. Det är ett plattformslager som kopplar Signicat-kunder till ett brett utbud av elektroniska identiteter, attribut, uppslagningar och mer från hela Europa. Utvecklarvänliga Express-API: er passar enklare användningsfall med en omfattande miljö inklusive verktyg, instrumentpaneler och dokument för att få dig att koda på några minuter. Behöver du den högsta nivån för efterlevnad och support? Vi konsulterar dig om konfiguration för att passa även de mest komplexa användningsfallen. Låt oss diskutera dina behov. Signera dokument med verifierade elektroniska signaturer i ett enkelt online-gränssnitt - logga in och börja signera. Byggd för utvecklare Utmärkt dokumentation är bara en liten del av att ge en fantastisk utvecklarupplevelse. Vi tillhandahåller också ett brett utbud av verktyg och tjänster som hjälper dig före, under och efter implementationen. Lita på Signicat Vi möjliggör en säkrare värld genom att tillämpa finansiella säkerhetsregler och skydda företag och kunder från bedrägerier. Vi främjar teknik mot terrorism, bedrägeribekämpning och penningtvätt. Vi arbetar med kunder kring hållbarhet genom att digitalisera många pappersbaserade processer. Förbättra konvertering och riskreducering Säkerställ att dina kunder är de de utger sig för att vara genom verifierad identifiering Genom säker autentisering Hjälper dig att följa AML, KYC, GDPR och PSD2 Under hela livscykeln för digital identitet - från att onboarda nya kunder till säker inloggning och verifierade elektroniska signaturer - hjälper Signicat dig att driva kundengagemang med de högsta nivåerna av säkerhet, efterlevnad och förtroende. st|Expresslösningar Företagslösningar Onboarda kunder snabbare Bygg pålitliga digitala relationer Utöka dina digitala relationer Minska risken, håll dig kompatibel h1|Tillförlitlig digital identitet för en säkrare värld h2|Signicat Digital Identity Platform Börja koda nu Skräddarsydda lösningar för företag e-signeringsportal - Börja signera nu Utvecklarvänligt API för digital identitet Accelerera din digitala verksamhet Bygg pålitliga relationer med dina kunder h3|Identitetsverifiering Validering av identitet Säker autentisering Elektronisk signering Gränsöverskridande digital identitet Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Copyright 2020 pa|Vi hjälper våra kunder att följa och dra nytta av lagstiftningar som GDPR, automatiserade system som upptäcker och förhindrar penningtvätt (AML), bekämpning av terrorism samt kundkännedom (KYC) för att ta hand om nya användare. Signicat är medlem i EEMA (European Association for e-Identity & Security), vilket är en tjänsteleverantör för eIDAS Qualified Trust som följer säkerhetsstandarden ISO 27001. GDPR ISO/IEC 27001 eIDAS KYC and AML AICPA SOC Vår ledningsgrupp består av folk från olika bakgrunder, nationaliteter och med olika erfarenhet, men alla är enade via ett och samma mål: att göra Signicat så bra som möjligt. Asger Hattel Chief Executive Officer Arne Vidar Haug Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer Bianca Britten-Austin Chief People Officer Gisle Aasgaard Project Director Gunnar Nordseth Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Frode Beckmann Nilsen Chief Technology Officer Joakim Harging Chief Enterprise Nordics Michael Haldbo Chief Financial Officer Roger Klausen Chief Product Officer Stein-Olav Davidsen Chief of SMB & Online Channels Signicat har stöd av investeraren Nordic Capital, som möjliggör stabilitet och framtida tillväxt. FT 1000: Europe's Fastest Growing Companies Mottagare av "Best Use of Fraud Protection Technology" tillsammans med SurePay Mottagare av "Best use of RegTech" tillsammans med Rabobank Mottagare av "Best FinTech Partnership" tillsammans med Rabobank Nominerad till Celent Model Bank Award Mottagare av Aite Group Impact Innovation Award Mottagare av "Norwegian Fintech Achievement Award" Nominerad till FSTech Award (årets partnersamarbete) st|Financial Times 21 Banking Tech Awards 20 Banking Tech Awards Financial Innovation Award Celent Model Bank Aite FinTech-priser FSTech h1|Vi förenklar säkra digitala affärer Vi förenklar säkra digitala affärer h2|Det handlar om förtroende Efterlevnad av lagstiftning Signicats ledningsgrupp Investerare Våra utmärkelser Jobba på Signicat Hör av dig h3|Vi är pionjärer inom digital identifiering och efterfrågan för våra lösningar bara växer. När blir del av vårt team får du möjligheten att arbeta med innovativa produkter, internationella kollegor och spännande kunder. Se våra nuvarande lediga tjänster och ansök redan i dag! Tveka inte att höra av dig om du har några frågor eller funderingar! Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Signicat är den ledande leverantören av digitala identitetstjänster i hela Europa. Genom att tillhandahålla den mest omfattande plattformen för digital identitet på marknaden driver vi innovation, påskyndar digitala affärer och stöder hela livscykeln för digital identitet. Signicat är den ledande leverantören av digitala identitetstjänster i hela Europa. Genom att tillhandahålla den mest omfattande plattformen för digital identitet på marknaden driver vi innovation, påskyndar digitala affärer och stöder hela livscykeln för digital identitet. Vi hjälper våra kunder att bygga pålitliga, säkra och värdefulla kundrelationer. I över ett decennium har vi byggt upp vårt rykte som Trusted Digital Identity-företaget och hjälper hundratals företag över hela Europa att skapa en säkrare digital värld för sina kunder. 2021 2020 2019 2019 2018 2018 2017 2017 Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat idag den i särklass största leverantören av BankID i Sverige. Signicat erbjuder både signering och verifiering med BankID och BankID för mobiltelefoner. Vårt mål är att hjälpa våra kunder att leverera tidsbesparande och användarvänliga digital förtroende lösningar till sina slutkunder. Signicat lösningar används av banker, finansiella institutioner och försäkringsbolag. Plus av myndigheter, stora företag och små och medelstora företag. Signicat hanterar autentisering av användare, erbjuder elektronisk signatur, användaridentifiering och bevarande av dokument. li|Pontus Andersson, Country Manager Sweden: +46 765 558 012 Håkan Åsenius, Key International Account Manager: +46 708 323 887 Göran Wallgren, Key Account Manager: +46 701 054 634 Jonas Silfverswärd, Sales Executive: +46 707 601 530 (tjänstledig) Jonas Florido, Sales Executive: +46 708 884 285 Ola Lundberg, Senior Sales Executive Simon Hartvig: Sales Development Representative, SMB Niklas Fröling, Senior Technical Presales: +46 709 300 260 Siminy Antonykutty, Technical Presales: +46 764 541 001 Per Ahlbom, Channel Manager: +46 702 355 066 Joakim Harging: Chief Enterprise Nordics: +46 708 378 125 Ida Hagernäs, Head of Online Channel Partnerships: +46 708 917 020 Bianca Austin, Chief People Officer Lisen Gårdebäck, People Coordinator Tuula Torstensson, HR Consultant Anna Hannover, Product Marketing Manager h1|Kontakta Signicat Sverige h2|Om Signicat Sverige Våra kunder h3|Kontaktpersoner Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Signicat är en av Europas ledande leverantörer av elektronisk identitet och elektronisk signatur. Företaget grundades 2007 och erbjuder cloud baserade lösningar till både privat och offentlig sektor. Adress c/o WeWork Regeringsgatan 29 111 53 Stockholm Sverige ( ) Bland våra kunder i Sverige är SEB, Nordnet och Swedbank. Copyright 2020 pa|Konvertera fler och minska riskerna Lär känna dina kunder på djupet genom verifierad identifiering genom säkra och starka verifieringsprocesser Vi hjälper dig med efterlevnaden av AML, KYC, GDPR och PSD2 Vår Digital Identity Hub, som låter dig interagera med dina kunder, står i centrum för det vi på Signicat erbjuder. Här får du tillgång till över 20 elektroniska ID, ett flertal sociala inloggningar och register samt verifieringsmetoder som dokumentskanning, ansiktsigenkänning och videoigenkänning. Hubben kan enkelt utökas, vilket innebär att teknik från tredjepart och verifieringsleverantörer enkelt kan lägga till nya metoder via vårt API. Som tjänsteleverantör av ID-tjänster erbjuder vi ”identitet vid behov”-tjänster för våra kunder, oavsett var de befinner sig och oavsett eID. All information och alla avtal kan samlas på ett ställe, vilket innebär att viktig data aldrig är långt borta. Våra produkter för ID-verifiering/försäkran tillhandahåller den viktigaste tekniken bakom vår förmåga att framgångsrikt onboarda kunder. Vi kan garantera att du möter krav för Know Your Customer (KYC) och Anti-Money Laundering (AML), vilket innebär att all verifiering blir säkrare. Vi erbjuder även flera olika metoder för ID-verifiering, inklusive eID, dokumentskanning, videoigenkänning och ansiktsigenkänning. Våra autentiseringslösningar ger dig säker och anpassningsbar autentisering och möjliggör upprepad interaktion med användare. Användare kan autentisera med eID, social inloggning eller via sin mobila enheter, samt via andra flerfaktorsautentisering som SMS, hårdvarupolett och e-post. Signicat Sign följer internationella standards för att garantera att signaturer och förseglingar är så säkra som möjligt. Dessutom är Signicat en QTSA och kan tillhandahålla kvalificerade tidstämplar. Genom att inkludera sådana tidstämplar kan du se exakt när ett dokument signerades. Våra elektroniska signaturer har utformats för att göra affärsförvärv enklare. Vi erbjuder CRM-integrering, B2B-specifik funktionalitet och flerfaktorsautentisering innan påskrift. Det är viktigt att kunna konservera dokument, och det blir bara viktigare med tiden. Signaturer och förseglingar måste kunna valideras både nu och i framtiden, och det är en av Signicats eIDAS-tjänster. Product manager Rabo eBusiness h1|Verifierad digital identitet Verifierad digital identitet h2|Signicat hjälper dig Digital Identity Hub Tjänsteleverantör av ID-tjänster ID-verifiering Avancerad autentisering Elektronisk signering och försegling med Signicat Sign Dokumentkonservering Integreringar Hör av dig h3|Signicat Open Identity Platform har utformats för att kunna anpassas till dina behov och hjälpa dig uppnå dina verksamhetsmål. Vi förser reglerade verksamheter med beprövade digitala lösningar för identifiering genom vår säkra digitala registreringsprocess, tjänster för identitetsverifiering och erbjudanden som efterlever alla föreskrifter. Registrera kunder snabbare Bygg digitala samarbeten baserade på förtroende Förstärk dina digitala samarbeten Minska riskerna och uppfyll alla efterlevnadskrav Daan van den Eshof Vad våra kunder säger Tveka inte att höra av dig om du har några frågor eller funderingar! Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Signicat siktar mot att tillhandahålla företag med lösningar för verifierad digital identitet. Vi uppnår detta via våra tjänster för säker digital onboarding och ID-verifiering, samt via erbjudanden för efterlevnad av lagstiftning. Vi jobbar med över 500 kunder över hela världen och vår flexibla plattform kan enkelt anpassas för att passa olika kunders behov, oavsett bransch. Signicat siktar mot att tillhandahålla företag med lösningar för verifierad digital identitet. Vi uppnår detta via våra tjänster för säker digital onboarding och ID-verifiering, samt via erbjudanden för efterlevnad av lagstiftning. Vi jobbar med över 500 kunder över hela världen och vår flexibla plattform kan enkelt anpassas för att passa olika kunders behov, oavsett bransch. Copyright 2020 pa|Signicats Sign Portal erbjuder verifierade elektroniska signaturer genom ett lätthanterligt onlinegränssnitt. Portalen möjliggör signering av kontrakt, avtal och andra viktiga dokument genom att använda elektroniska identiteter (BankID, NemID och Mobiilivarmenne), så att du kan vara säker på vem som signerat dokumentet. Kom igång med användningen på en minut – ingen installation eller integrering krävs. UX-enkelhet kombinerat med datasäkerhet på högsta nivå. Juridiskt bindande signaturer med elektroniska ID i Norden, samt SMS OTP Signicat Sign Portal är utformad för tillgång till avancerade elektroniska signeringsfunktioner genom ett lätthanterligt och användarvänligt gränssnitt. Inga program behöver installeras och inga integrationer krävs för att driftsätta lösningen. Allt du behöver göra är att välja abonnemangstyp, skapa ett konto och börja använda portalen. Signicat Sign Portal verifierar signatörens identitet genom att nyttja elektroniska ID (eID) såsom BankID i Norge och Sverige. Det ger dig tryggheten i att veta vem som signerat dokumentet och när, och låter dig digitalisera signering på ett säkert sätt även för de allra viktigaste och känsliga dokumenten utan att behöva skriva ut och skanna eller skicka papper med posten. Portalen har en policy angående lagring av konfigurerbara data, vilket innebär att data kan raderas automatiskt efter viss angiven tid, eller ad-hoc på kundens initiativ. Endast en minimal del av personuppgifter används i loggar, och dessa raderas regelbundet. Det finns också möjlighet till säker överföring av signerade dokument till mottagarna/signatörerna. Signicat fungerar som personuppgiftsbiträde för den personuppgiftsansvarigas räkning (användaren), och har ett DPA som reglerar den uppgiftsbehandling som utförs i de lösningar som används. 749 SEK per månad 2499 SEK per månad Få offert li|Verifierade elektroniska signaturer i hela Europa SMS OTP och InkSign Molnbaserad lösning Policy angående lagring av konfigurerbara data Stödjer både avancerade och kvalificerade nivåer i enlighet med eIDAS-förordningen Ingen datainlåsning Automatiska påminnelser Gränsöverskridande identitetsverifikation InkSign + 1 eID-metod Tidsstämplade PAdES Säker överföring av signerade dokument Email notifiering Inksignering: 3 SEK SMS signatur: 3 SEK eID signatur: 6 SEK Secure Share: 3 SEK Full täckning av alla nordiska eID-metoder Personliga signeringsordrar Användare - och gruppadministration Användaranpassade påminnelser SMS-notifieringar Redigering av signeringsordrar Azure AD SSO support Inksignering: 3 SEK SMS signatur: 3 SEK eID signatur: 6 SEK Secure Share: 3 SEK Mängdrabatt Kundanpassad design, URL och whitelabeling Tillgång till icke-nordiska eID-metoder Multiproduktrabatter Skicka email med SMTP Kundanpassad datalagringspolicy Transaktionspriser baserade på volym st|Allt i Basic utbudet, samt: Allt i "Advanced Nordic", samt: h1|Enkla och säkra elektroniska signaturer med Signicat Sign Portal Enkla och säkra elektroniska signaturer med Signicat Sign Portal h2|Ersätt pappersbaserade processer med en mobilvänlig e-signeringsportal som förenar stark säkerhet med användarvänlighet. Elektronisk signeringsportal in aktion Snabbt att sätta upp Juridiskt bindande verifierade signaturer Säkert och uppfyller GDPR Sammanfattning av huvudfunktioner Prisöversikt Signicat Sign Portal Request a quote for Signicat Sign Portal Premium h3|Ingen integration eller installation behövs – kom igång på någon få minutter. Kom igång nu Enkelt och avancerat på samma gång Betrodda signaturer Basic Advanced Nordic Premium Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Enkel lösning för avancerade elektroniska signaturer med verifierade elektroniska identiteter såsom BankID och NemID. Enkel lösning för avancerade elektroniska signaturer med verifierade elektroniska identiteter såsom BankID och NemID. Enkel lösning för avancerade elektroniska signaturer × Copyright 2020 pa|Över 20 elektroniska ID. Över 7 registersökningar. Flera social inloggningar. Ett flertal verifieringsmetoder. Signicats Digital Identity Hub står i centrum för allt vi gör. Det är en plattform som samlar ett flertal anslutningspunkter och säkerställer att våra kunder kan ansluta till samt verifiera sina kunder på nätet. Genom att ansluta till hubben via ett enda API kan kunder få tillgång till många olika metoder för verifiering och autentisering på många europeiska marknader. Våra metoder: Vi vill säkerställa att alla personer är de som de utger sig för att vara. Detta gör vi genom att omfamna ett antal olika identifieringskällor. Signicat lägger hela tiden till nya metoder och tjänster för att säkerställa att vi leverera en så avancerad lösning som möjligt. Identity Hub hanterar anslutningar till mer än 20 elektroniska identiteter (e-ID). Med e-ID kan du säkerställa att kunderna verkligen är dem de utger sig för att vara online. e-ID möjliggör även autentisering online och ger personer möjligheten att underteckna elektroniska dokument med en juridiskt bindande digital signatur. Sociala inloggningar är ett enkelt och effektivt sätt att ta det första viktiga steget med en potentiell kund. Signicat har för nuvarande stöd för Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Windows Live, Amazon och PayPal. Om du behöver fler sociala inloggningar får du gärna höra av dig. Signicat har stöd för ett flertal register som kan användas för att verifiera den information som användaren ger dig, eller för att ge dig mer information om både användare och organisationer. Registertjänsten integreras oftast med en eller fler av de andra tjänsterna som Signicat tillhandahåller. Du kan se de register vi har stöd för nedan. Signicat erbjuder ID-skanning, ansiktsigenkänning, videoigenkänning och andra varianter av ID-verifiering, inklusive tredjepartslösningar. Detta innebär förstärkt säkerhet och möjliggör tillit mellan kund och företag. h1|Digital Identity Hub Digital Identity Hub h2|Verifiering- och autentiseringslösningar Elektroniska identiteter Sociala inloggningar Registersökningar ID-skanningmetoder För utvecklare Hör av dig h3|Ett flertal verifieringsmetoder En lösning som växer Gå till vår sida för utvecklare för att ansluta till våra API:er, testa mot elektroniska ID:n och upptäcka mer om arkivering och bevaring. Vill du prata med oss om vad vi gör eller behöver du mer information? Hör gärna av dig! Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Över 20 elektroniska ID. Över 7 registersökningar. Flera social inloggningar. Ett flertal verifieringsmetoder. Copyright 2020 pa|En avancerad lösning för att hjälpa dig att onboarda nya kunder på ett enkelt, säkert och effektivt sätt. Med Signicat kan du effektivisera denna process och ge kunderna det de förväntar sig. Fortsätt vara säker Effektivisera processen Förbättra användarupplevelsen Följ alla lagar och regler Genom att använda dessa eID-system kan vi snabbt identifiera användare, och du kan signera avtal med dem på ett enkelt och säkert sätt. Social inloggning är ett utmärkt första steg för att nå potentiella kunder. Signicat har stöd för inloggning via Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Windows Live, Amazon och PayPal. Kontakta oss om du behöver inloggning via andra sociala medier. Tjänsten för registerslagning är oftast integrerad med en eller flera av de tjänster som Signicat erbjuder. Signicat erbjuder ID-skanning, ansiktsigenkänning, videoigenkänning och andra varianter av ID-verifiering, inklusive tredjepartslösningar. Delivery Manager Telia Norway Vilka metoder som ska användas beror på vilken säkerhetsnivå som krävs, och kan skräddarsys efter individuella behov. Med vår hjälp är du bättre rustad för att efterleva följande lagstiftningar: GDPR eIDAS KYC, AML and PSD2 h1|Digital ID-verifiering Digital ID-verifiering h2|Ge kunderna vad de vill ha Elektroniska ID Social inloggning Registersökning Skanningsmetoder för ID-handlingar Efterlevnad av lagstiftning För utvecklare Hör av dig h3|Visste du att >50% av alla kunder hoppar av onboarding-processen på grund av förlegade ID-kontroller? Signicat är anslutna till över 20 eID-system i Europa. Signicat har just nu stöd för sju register för att ge ytterligare information om en användare (B2C) eller ett företag (B2B). Tonje Smith-Hansen Vad våra kunder säger Vi erbjuder ett antal olika digitala metoder för att fastställa identiteten hos en person. Gå till vår sida för utvecklare för att ansluta till våra API:er, testa mot elektroniska ID:n och upptäcka mer om arkivering och bevaring. Tveka inte att höra av dig om du har några frågor eller funderingar! Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|En avancerad lösning för att hjälpa dig att onboarda nya kunder på ett enkelt, säkert och effektivt sätt. Copyright 2020 pa|Signera dokument med verifierade elektroniska signaturer i ett enkelt online-gränssnitt. Logga in och börja signera. Sådana dokument kan sedan levereras snabbt till berörda parter. Denna process minimerar behovet för pappersdokumentation och ger mer transparens och spårbarhet, vilket innebär att färre personer hoppar av processen på grund av krångel. Genom att göra denna process mer effektiv blir processen för att skriva på avtal digitalt snabbare och säkrare samtidigt som det kan göras oavsett var du befinner dig. Elektroniska signaturer är ett enkelt och kostnadseffektivt sätt att säkerställa att kundens identitet är säker. Vår lösning har stöd för signeringar över ett antal olika enheter, inklusive smartphones, surfplattor och laptops. Via vår Digital Identity Hub kan vi bekräfta att alla användare är den de utger sig för att vara. Vi är anslutna till över 20 offentliga eID-system samt sociala inloggningar (Google, Facebook). Vi kan även validera användaren via registerkontroll, passkanning, video och mycket mer. Signicat kan arkivera dokument på ett säkert sätt samt både försegla och bryta förseglingen på dokument, samtidigt som de tidstämplas och bevaras på ett sätt som innebär att de är skyddade. Detta innebär att dokument enkelt kan lagras och hittas och att de enkelt kan kommas åt av relevanta parter. Vi erbjuder en flexibel och säker elektronisk signaturlösning som är utformad specifikt för signering för företag. Denna lösning har stöd för ett flertal påskrifter, vidarebefordran, behörigheter och Business Certificate Seals. Vi erbjuder CRM-integrering som låter dig hålla koll på dina signaturer helt krångelfritt. Vi är anslutna till Salesforce och Microsoft Dynamics och vi kan enkelt lägga till fler CRM-verktyg vid behov. InkSign är den metod Signicat användare för att signera fysiskt på digitala enheter. Detta kan kombineras med våra andra signeringsmetoder tillsammans med SMS-OTP, ID-uppladdning eller som fristående lösning. InkSign är lätt att använda och otroligt effektivt, framförallt då användare är fysiskt tillgängliga. EU-direktiv angående elektroniska signaturer Tidstämpelprotokoll (RFC 3161) eIDAS-förordningen Policykrav från tidstämplingsmyndigheter (ETSI TS 102 023) PDF/A PAdES/XAdES h1|Elektroniska signaturer Elektroniska signaturer h2|e-signeringsportal: Börja signera nu En avancerad och modern lösning för elektroniska signeringar Verifierad signering Arkivera och försegla dokument B2B-signering med Signicat Business Signature Integrera signering i ditt CRM-verktyg InkSign Juridiskt bindande För utvecklare Hör av dig h3|Elektroniska signaturer låter kunder ingå i juridiskt bindande avtal på nätet. Kunden har alltid rätt Utökad säkerhet Mobilvänligt Vår elektroniska lösning säkerställer att de signaturer du tar emot är juridiskt bindande och att de följer ett antal lagar och regler, inklusive: Gå till vår sida för utvecklare för att ansluta till våra API:er, testa mot elektroniska ID:n och upptäcka mer om arkivering och bevaring. Vill du prata med oss om vad vi gör eller behöver du mer information? Hör gärna av dig! Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|För säker, enkel och effektiv signering av elektroniska dokument För säker, enkel och effektiv signering av elektroniska dokument Copyright 2020 pa|Vi är anslutna till över 20 nationella eID-system, vilket innebär att du kan ha som krav att användare ska logga in via ett visst intervall av registrerade och förvaltade ID-program. Detta skapar helt nya nivåer av tillit. Vi har stöd för sociala inloggningar via Facebook, Google och PayPal. Våra verifieringsprocesser gör det möjligt för dig att skapa ännu mer tillit gentemot dina kunder. Vi erbjuder mobila autentiseringslösningar som kan inkorporeras i dina appar för att skapa effektiv autentisering och multifaktorsautentisering. Ifall du upplever motsägelser i användarbeteende kan du inkorporera ytterligare autentisering, exempelvis via biometrik och e-postverifiering. Via Mobil-ID kan tjänsteleverantörer använda fingeravtryck för att ge bäst möjliga användarupplevelse. Detta ger dig den säkerhet du behöver för att göra överföringar och andra känsliga åtgärder. Dessutom kan tjänsteleverantörer använda autentisering via fingeravtryck både i appen och som en ytterligare faktor när autentiseringen sker online. Via Mobil-ID kan tjänsteleverantörer använda fingeravtryck för att ge bäst möjliga användarupplevelse. Detta ger dig den säkerhet du behöver för att göra överföringar och andra känsliga åtgärder. Dessutom kan tjänsteleverantörer använda autentisering via fingeravtryck både i appen och som en ytterligare faktor när autentiseringen sker online. Dessutom erbjuder denna lösning mer än bara biometrik då den även ser till så att enheter knyts till sin användare, vilket innebär ännu mer säkerhet. För att skapa mer tillit behöver du se till så att dina kunder kan interagera med dig digitalt på ett pålitligt, autentiserat och säkert sätt. Signicat erbjuder ett antal avancerade autentiseringslösningar så att du kan bygga digital tillit med dina kunder. Vi levererar support för ett antal nationella och offentliga eID-system, lösningar som fungerar på ett flertal olika enheter och flexibel support. E-post-OTP Hårdvarupolett Smartkort Videokontroll h1|Avancerad autentisering Avancerad autentisering h2|Tryggt och säkert Mobil-ID Fingeravtrycksskanning Prioritera tillit Multifaktorsautentisering För utvecklare Hör av dig h3|Våra autentiseringslösningar innebär att du med säkerhet kan lita på de du har kontakt med. Vi erbjuder ett antal kritiska och kompatibla lösningar som hjälper dig på ett enkelt och säkert sätt. Autentisering över landsgränser Flexibla inloggningar Mobil autentisering Alternativ för ytterligare autentisering När man lägger till flera faktorer i en autentiseringssession garanterar du att kunden är den som de utger sig för att vara. Detta hjälper mot bedrägeri och hackerattacker samtidigt som du ökar tilliten gentemot dina kunder. Signicat erbjuder ett antal olika autentiseringsfaktorer: Gå till vår sida för utvecklare för att ansluta till våra API:er, testa mot elektroniska ID:n och upptäcka mer om arkivering och bevaring. Vill du prata med oss om vad vi gör eller behöver du mer information? Hör gärna av dig! Prenumerera och håll dig uppdaterad sp|Säkra lösningar med multifaktorsautentisering för digital identitet Säkra lösningar med multifaktorsautentisering för digital identitet Copyright 2020 pa|Tusindvis af virksomheder bruger Signicats software og API'er til at levere pålidelige digitale kundeoplevelser på tværs af grænser. Vær sikker på, hvem du har med at gøre. En god digital brugeroplevelse, der også sikrer compliance (KYC og AML). En digital identitetsløsning, der bruger elektroniske ID'er (eID'er) og ID-dokumentscanning. Berig og valider kundedata med tillægsattributter som adresse og telefonnummer. Vær compliant, inklusiv screening op imod sanktionslister, eller bekræft nogens rolle i en organisation. Skab engagement med nem, fleksibel authentificering i dine digitale kanaler eller apps. Erstat adgangskoder, og lad dine kunder logge ind med elektroniske identiteter, SMS eller e-mail-OTP eller biometrisk scanning baseret på det nødvendige sikkerhedsniveau. Signeringsløsning til virksomheder, du kan bygge direkte ind i dine eksisterende arbejdsgange og forretningsapplikationer. Samtidig overholder virksomheden de strengeste niveauer af sikkerhed og compliance. Selv de vigtigste og mest følsomme dokumenter kan digitaliseres med verificerede elektroniske signaturer, der omfatter verificering af identitet. Digital Identity Lifecycle-funktionalitet drevet af vores Identity Hub. Det er en platform, der giver Signicat's kunder adgang til en bred vifte af elektroniske identiteter, attributter, opslag og mere fra hele Europa. Udviklervenlige Express API'er passer til enklere brugsscenarier med et omfattende miljø, herunder værktøjer, dashboards og dokumenter, så du kan kode på få minutter. Brug for det højeste niveau af compliance og support? Vi hjælper dig med konfiguration, der passer til selv de mest komplekse brugsscenarier. Lad os diskutere dine behov. Underskriv dokumenter med verificerede elektroniske underskrifter i en simpel online-grænseflade - log ind og begynd at signere. Bygget til udviklere God dokumentation er kun en lille del af at give en god udvikleroplevelse. Vi leverer også en bred vifte af værktøjer og tjenester, der hjælper dig før, under og efter implementering. Tillid til Signicat Vi understøtter en mere tryg verden ved at være compliant i forhold til reglerne for økonomisk sikkerhed og beskytte virksomheder og kunder mod bedrageri. Vi fremmer teknologi til bekæmpelse af terrorisme, bekæmpelse af svig og hvidvaskning af penge. Vi samarbejder med kunder om bæredygtighed ved at digitalisere mange papirbaserede processer. Bedre konvertering og reducering af risiko Kend dine kunder med verificeret identifikation Gennem sikker, stærk authentificering Hjælper dig med at overholde AML, KYC, GDPR og PSD2 Gennem hele den digitale identitets livscyklus - fra onboarding af nye kunder til sikker login og verificerede elektroniske signaturer, hjælper Signicat dig med at skabe kundeengagement med de højeste niveauer af sikkerhed, compliance og tillid. st|Express-løsninger Virksomhedsløsninger Onboard kunder hurtigere Byg pålidelige digitale relationer Udvid dine digitale relationer Reducer risikoen, vær compliant h1|Troværdig digital identitet skaber en tryggere verden h2|Signicat Digital Identity Platform Begynd at kode nu Skræddersyede løsninger til virksomheder e-signeringsportal - Begynde at signere allerede nu Udviklervenlige API'er til digital identitet Byg en pålidelig digital forretning Opbyg pålidelige relationer med dine kunder h3|Verificering af identitet Validering af identitet Sikker authentificering Elektronisk signering Digital identitet på tværs af grænser Tilmeld dig og hold dig opdateret sp|Copyright 2020 pa|Partner Manager Svea Ekonomi Finland Strategy Director ANVA Product Manager Rabo eBusiness Signicat unterstützt Verbindungen zu mehr als 20 elektronischen IDs in ganz Europa. Verbesserte Konvertierungsraten, vermindertes Risiko Dank verifizierter digitaler Identitäten Durch sichere und zuverlässige Authentifizierung Unterstützung bei der Erfüllung von AML/GWG, KYC, DSGVO und PSD2 h1|Pioniere auf dem Gebiet der verifizierten digitalen Identitäten Pioniere auf dem Gebiet der verifizierten digitalen Identitäten h2|Das bieten wir Länderübergreifende elektronische Identität The Battle to Onboard 3 Für Entwickler Signicat unterstützt Sie Kontakt h3|Unsere Lösungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, das Leben unserer Kunden einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten Fortschrittliche Authentifizierung Elektronisches Unterschreiben und Archivieren Länderübergreifende Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten Tuomas Kinnunen Das sagen unsere Kunden Justin Schlee Das sagen unsere Kunden Daan van den Eshof Das sagen unsere Kunden Der dritte Teil unserer Analyse der Gründe, warum europäische Finanzdienstleister trotz massiver Investitionen weiterhin 40 Prozent ihrer Kunden während des digitalen Onboarding-Prozesses verlieren. Besuchen Sie unsere Entwickler-Website, um Informationen über unsere APIs zu erhalten, elektronische IDs in Ihrer Anwendung zu testen und mehr über unsere Lösungen für die Archivierung zu erfahren. Unsere Plattform für digitale Identitäten lässt sich auf Ihre Anforderungen skalieren und unterstützt Sie bei der Realisierung Ihrer Geschäftsziele. Wir stellen regulierten Unternehmen Lösungen für verifizierte digitale Identitäten bereit. Hierzu gehören ein sicherer digitaler Onboarding-Prozess, Services für die Verifikation von Identitäten und Lösungen für die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften. Schnelleres Onboarding von Kunden Vertrauenswürdige Kundenbeziehungen Ausbau digitaler Kundenbeziehungen Minimierung von Risiken, Einhaltung von Vorschriften Möchten Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch mehr über unsere Dienstleistungen erfahren oder benötigen Sie weitere Informationen? Wir stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Das Ziel von Signicat besteht darin, Unternehmen weltweit führende Lösungen für verifizierte digitale Identitäten und elektronische Signaturen bereitzustellen. Das Ziel von Signicat besteht darin, Unternehmen weltweit führende Lösungen für verifizierte digitale Identitäten und elektronische Signaturen bereitzustellen. Copyright 2020 pa|Tusenvis av bedrifter bruker Signicats programvare og API-er for å levere pålitelige digitale kundeopplevelser over landegrensene. Vit hvem du har med å gjøre. En god digital brukeropplevelse, som også sørger for at man oppfyller regulative krav (KYC og AML). En helt digital identitetsverifiseringsløsning som bruker elektroniske ID-er (eID) og ID-dokumentskanning. Berik og valider kundedata med tilleggsattributter som adresse og telefonnummer. Oppfyll regulative krav, inkludert screening mot sanksjonslister, eller bekreft noens rolle i en organisasjon. Driv engasjement med friksjonsfri, fleksibel autentisering til dine digitale kanaler eller apper. Erstatt passord og la kundene dine logge på med elektroniske identiteter, SMS eller e-post-OTP eller biometrisk skanning, avhengig av det ønskede sikkerhetsnivået. Virksomhetsklar e-signeringsløsning du kan bygge inn i dine eksisterende arbeidsflyter og forretningsapplikasjoner samtidig som du gir de høyeste nivåene av sikkerhet og samsvar. Digitaliser signering av selv de viktigste eller mest følsomme dokumentene med verifiserte elektroniske signaturer, som inkluderer identitetsbekreftelse. Digital Identity Lifecycle-funksjonalitet drevet av Identity Hub. Det er et plattformlag som kobler Signicat-kunder til et bredt utvalg av elektroniske identiteter, attributter, oppslag og mer fra hele Europa. Utviklervennlige Express API-er passer tilbyr et omfattende miljø inkludert verktøy, dashbord og dokumenter for å gi deg mulighet til å sette opp enkle brukssenarier på minutter. Trenger du det høyeste nivået av samsvar og støtte? Vi gir deg råd om konfigurasjon for å passe til de mest komplekse brukssenariene. La oss diskutere dine behov. Signer dokumenter med verifiserte elektroniske signaturer i et enkelt online grensesnitt - bare logg inn og begynn å signere. Bygget for utviklere Utmerket dokumentasjon er bare en liten del av å gi en flott utvikleropplevelse. Vi tilbyr også et bredt spekter av verktøy og tjenester som hjelper deg før, under og etter distribusjon. Stol på Signicat Vi muliggjør en tryggere verden gjennom å håndheve regler for økonomisk sikkerhet og beskytte bedrifter og kunder mot svindel. Vi fremmer teknologi mot terrorisme, svindel og hvitvasking av penger. Vi jobber med kundene rundt bærekraft ved å digitalisere mange papirbaserte prosesser. Forbedre konverteringsraten og reduser risiko Kjenn virkelig kundene dine gjennom bekreftet identifikasjon Gjennom sikker, sterk autentisering Hjelper deg med å overholde AML, KYC, GDPR og PSD2 Gjennom hele livssyklusen for digital identitet - fra innrullering av kunder til sikker pålogging og verifiserte elektroniske signaturer - hjelper Signicat deg med å øke kundeengasjementet med de høyeste nivåene av sikkerhet, samsvar og tillit. st|Express-løsninger Bedriftsløsninger Raskere innrullering av kunder Bygg pålitelige digitale relasjoner Utvikle dine digitale relasjoner Reduser risikoen, hold deg kompatibel h1|Pålitelig digital identitet for en tryggere verden h2|Signicat Digital Identity Platform Start kodingen nå Skreddersydde løsninger for bedrifter e-signeringsportal - Begynn å signere nå Utviklervennlige API-er for digital identitet Akselerere pålitelig digital virksomhet Bygg pålitelige relasjoner med kundene dine h3|Identitetsverifikasjon Validering av identitet Sikker autentisering Elektronisk signering Digital identitet på tvers av landegrenser Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Copyright 2020 pa|Tuhannet yritykset käyttävät Signicatin ohjelmistoja ja rajapintoja tarjotakseen luotettavia sähköisiä asiakaskokemuksia kansainvälisesti Tiedä kuka asioi palvelussasi. Sähköiset ensitunnistamisen ratkaisumme täyttävät KYC ja AML vaatimukset, sekä tarjoavat erinomaisen käyttökokemuksen. Ratkaisut hyödyntävät sähköisiä tunnistusvälineitä (eID) ja henkilöllisyysdokumenttien etäluentaa (eIDV). Täytä rahanpesulain velvotteet ja estä väärinkäytökset luonnollisten ja oikeudellisten henkilöiden rekisterihauilla. Tarkasta ja monitoroi esimerkiksi pakote- ja jäädytyslistoja, osoitetietoa, tosiasiallisia edunsaajia tai nimenkirjoituslausekkeita. Estä henkilötunnuksen väärinkäytökset, varmista asiakkaidesi tietoturva ja korvaa salasanat vahvalla tunnistautumisella. Hyödynnä helppokäyttöistä ja turvallista biometristä tunnistautumista sovelluksessasi. Yrityskäyttöön sopiva sähköisen allekirjoituksen ratkaisu, jonka voit yhdistää nykyisiin työnkulkuihisi ja liiketoimintasovelluksiisi. Ratkaisu täyttää tiukimmatkin tietoturvavaatimukset ja säännökset. Sähköistä tärkeimpien tai arkaluontoisten asiakirjojen allekirjoittaminen vahvaan tunnistautumiseen perustuvalla sähköisellä allekirjoituksella. Signicat Digital Identity Hub tukee liiketoimintaasi kansainvälisesti kaikilla sähköisen asiakaspolun vaiheilla. Alustaamme on integroitu kattava valikoima tunnistusvälineitä ja rekistereitä ympäri Euroopan. Kehittäjäystävälliset Express-rajapinnat sopivat yksinkertaisempiin käyttötapauksiin. Kattava dokumentaatio ja muut kehittäjä työkalut mahdollistavat koodaamisen aloittamisen minuuteissa. Tarvitsetko korkeimman tason vaatimustenmukaisuutta ja tukea? Valitsemme yhdessä kanssasi ratkaisun, joka sopii myös monimutkaisimpiin käyttötapauksiin. Keskustellaan tarpeistasi. Allekirjoita asiakirjat vahvaan tunnistautumiseen perustuvalla luotettavalla allekirjoituksella hyödyntäen yksinkertaista selain-käyttöliittymää. Kirjaudu sisään ja aloita allekirjoituspyyntöjen lähettäminen. Rakennettu kehittäjille Erinomainen dokumentaatio on vain pieni osa erinomaista kehittäjäkokemusta. Tarjoamme myös laajan valikoiman työkaluja ja palveluja, jotka auttavat sinua ennen käyttöönottoa, sen aikana ja sen jälkeen. Luota Signicatiin Mahdollistamme turvallisemman maailman valvomalla taloudellisia turvallisuussääntöjä ja suojaamalla yrityksiä ja asiakkaita petoksilta. Edistämme terrorismin, petosten ja rahanpesun torjuntaa. Työskentelemme asiakkaiden kanssa kestävän kehityksen alalla digitalisoimalla monia paperisia prosesseja. Paranna konversio prosentteja ja pienennä riskejä Tunnista asiakkaasi luotettavasti vahvistetun henkilöllisyyden avulla Korvaa salasanat turvallisella tunnistautumisella Auttaa sinua noudattamaan AML-, KYC-, GDPR- ja PSD2-vaatimuksia Signicatin ratkaisut tukevat digitaalisen identiteetin elinkaaren ajan - aina uusien asiakkaiden tunnistamisesta, turvalliseen sisäänkirjautumiseen ja sähköisiin allekirjoituksiin. Sitoutumisemme tietoturvaan ja vaatimusten noudattamiseen tuo sinulle ja asiakkaallesi mielenrauhan. st|Express-ratkaisut Enterprise-ratkaisut Nopeuta asiakkaaksi tuloa Rakenna luotettavia digitaalisia suhteita Mahdollista sujuva palveluidesi käyttö Vähennä riskiä, noudata säännöksiä h1|Luotettu sähköinen henkilöllisyys luo turvallisemman maailman h2|Signicat Digital Identity Platform Aloita koodaus nyt Räätälöidyt Enterprise-ratkaisut Signicat Sign Portal - aloita allekirjoitusten kerääminen nyt Kehittäjäystävälliset digitaalisen identiteetin rajapinnat Kiihdytä luotettua sähköistä liiketoimintaa Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Henkilöllisyyden todentaminen Rekisterihaut Vahva tunnistaminen Sähköinen allekirjoittaminen Rajat ylittävä digitaalinen identiteetti Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla sp|Copyright 2020 pa|We help our customers to build trusted, secure and valuable customer relationships. For over a decade, we've built our reputation as the Trusted Digital Identity company, helping hundreds of companies across Europe to create a safer digital world for their customers. We know that the work we do delivers tangible, long-term results for our customers. But don’t just take our word for it; we’ve got the case studies and testimonials to prove it. We help our clients adhere to and benefit from regulations such as GDPR, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Anti-Terrorist legislation and regulations, as well as Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements for onboarding of new users. Signicat is a member of the European Association for e-Identity & Security (EEMA), is an eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider and is compliant with the ISO 27001 information security standard. GDPR ISO/IEC 27001 eIDAS KYC and AML AICPA SOC Our management team is made up of people with different backgrounds, nationalities and career experience, but they are all unified by the same goal: to make Signicat the very best company it can be. Asger Hattel Chief Executive Officer Arne Vidar Haug Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer Bianca Britten-Austin Chief People Officer Gisle Aasgaard Project Director Gunnar Nordseth Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Frode Beckmann Nilsen Chief Technology Officer Joakim Harging Chief Enterprise Nordics Michael Haldbo Chief Financial Officer Roger Klausen Chief Product Officer Stein-Olav Davidsen Chief of SMB & Online Channels FT 1000: Europe's Fastest Growing Companies Best use of Fraud Protection Technology: Signicat and SurePay Best Use of RegTech: Signicat and Rabobank Best FinTech Partnership: Signicat and Rabobank Identity Management Winner: Signicat and Rabobank Vereniging Voor Credit Management (VVCM) Innovation Award: Signicat and Rabobank Aite Group Impact Innovation Award Winner Best Partnership of the Year Nomination Signicat's ongoing growth is backed by primary investor Nordic Capital. 24 Mar 2021 24 Mar 2021 3 Mar 2021 2 Mar 2021 24 Feb 2021 22 Feb 2021 di|Blog Blog st|Financial Times 21st Banking Tech Award 20th Banking Tech Award Financial Innovation Award Celent Model Business VVCM Innovation Award Aite FSTech Award h1|We accelerate trusted digital business We accelerate trusted digital business h2|It's all about trust Customer overview Regulatory compliance The Signicat management team Our recent awards Investors Industry Associations Careers at Signicat Latest insights and news Get in touch h3|Cloud Signature Consortium EEMA ETSI ISF Norstella Swedish FinTech Association We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources. Digital business on-boarding best practices: Automating KYC... Know Your Customer: Guide to digital CDD, AML, KYC... Latest updates The cryptocurrency contradiction simplified The Financial Times names Signicat one of... European financial institutions lose over €5... 5 things you need to know about the EU’s... Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Signicat is the leading provider of trusted digital identity services across Europe. By providing the most comprehensive digital identity platform on the market, we drive innovation, accelerate digital business and support the complete digital identity lifecycle. Signicat is the leading provider of trusted digital identity services across Europe. By providing the most comprehensive digital identity platform on the market, we drive innovation, accelerate digital business and support the complete digital identity lifecycle. 2021 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 2017 Copyright 2020 pa|Vi hjælper vores kunder med at opbygge pålidelige, sikre og værdifulde kundeforhold. I mere end et årti har vi hjulpet hundreder af virksomheder i hele Europa med at skabe en mere sikker digital verden for deres kunder. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at overholde og drage fordel af regler som f.eks. GDPR, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) og Anti-Terroristlovgivning og -forskrifter samt Know Your Customers (KYC) - krav for nye kunder. Signicat er medlem af European Association for e-Identity & Security (EEMA), som er en eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider og er i overensstemmelse med ISO 27001 informationssikkerhedsstandard. GDPR ISO/IEC 27001 eIDAS KYC and AML AICPA SOC Vores ledelsesteam består af folk med forskellige baggrunde, nationaliteter og karriereerfaringer, men de stræber alle mod det samme mål: at gøre Signicat til den bedst mulige virksomhed. Asger Hattel Chief Executive Officer Arne Vidar Haug Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer Bianca Britten-Austin Chief People Officer Gisle Aasgaard Project Director Gunnar Nordseth Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Frode Beckmann Nilsen Chief Technology Officer Joakim Harging Chief Enterprise Nordics Michael Haldbo Chief Financial Officer Roger Klausen Chief Product Officer Stein-Olav Davidsen Chief of SMB & Online Channels Signicat understøttes af Nordic Capital, der bidrager til vores nuværende stabilitet og fremtidige vækst. FT1000: Europas hurtigst vækstende virksomheder Bedste brug af Fraud Protection Teknologi: Signicat og Surepay Bedste brug af RegTech: Signicat og Rabobank Best Fintech Partnership: Signicat og Rabobank Identity Management vinder. Signicat og Rabobank Innovation Award: Signicat og Rabobank Vinder af Aite Group Impact Innovation Award Nomineret til FSTech Award (Partnership of the Year) st|Financial Times Banking Tech Awards Banking Tech Awards Financial Innovation Award Celent Model Business VVCM International Award Aite FSTech h1|Vi spiller en rolle i virksomheders digital udvikling Vi spiller en rolle i virksomheders digital udvikling h2|Det hele handler om tillid Overholdelse af lovgivningen Signicats ledelse Investorer Anerkendelser Jobs hos Signicat Kontakt os h3|Vi er frontløbere inden for digital identitet, og efterspørgslen efter vores løsninger stiger. Som en del af vores team kommer du til at arbejde med innovative produkter, internationale kolleger og interessante kunder. Se vores ledige stillinger, og send en ansøgning i dag! Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os. Tilmeld dig og hold dig opdateret sp|Signicat er den førende udbyder af pålidelige digitale identitetstjenester i hele Europa. Ved at levere den mest omfattende digitale identitetsplatform på markedet, driver vi innovation, fremskynder digital udvikling og understøtter den komplette digitale identitets livscyklus. Signicat er den førende udbyder af pålidelige digitale identitetstjenester i hele Europa. Ved at levere den mest omfattende digitale identitetsplatform på markedet, driver vi innovation, fremskynder digital udvikling og understøtter den komplette digitale identitets livscyklus. 2021 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 2017 Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat ist einer der führenden Anbieter von vertrauenswürdigen digitalen Identitätsdiensten in ganz Europa. Durch die Bereitstellung einer umfassenden Plattform für digitale Identitäten ermöglichen wir weitreichende Innovationen, beschleunigen den digitalen Geschäftserfolg und unterstützen den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer digitalen Identität. Wir helfen unseren Kunden, vertrauensvolle, sichere und wertvolle Kundenbeziehungen aufzubauen. Seit über einem Jahrzehnt haben wir unseren Ruf als das Unternehmen mit dem Claim „Trusted Digital Identity™“ aufgebaut. Hunderten von Unternehmen in ganz Europa konnten wir helfen, eine sicherere digitale Welt für ihre Kunden zu schaffen. Wir unterstützen unsere Kunden bei der Einhaltung von Vorschriften für die DSGVO und für die Prävention von Geldwäsche (AML/GWG) und Terrorismusfinanzierung. Des Weiteren bieten wir Ihnen Compliance mit dem „Know Your Customer“-Prinzip (KYC) im Rahmen des Onboarding-Prozesses von neuen Benutzern. Signicat ist Mitglied der European Association for e-Identity & Security (EEMA), ein qualifizierter Vertrauensdienstanbieter (QTSP) gemäß der eIDAS-Verordnung und erfüllt die Anforderungen der ISO 27001 für die Informationssicherheit. DSGVO ISO/IEC 27001 eIDAS KYC und AML/GWG und PSD2 AICPA SOC Unser Führungsteam setzt sich aus Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Qualifikationen, Nationalitäten und Karrieren zusammen. Doch sie alle verfolgen ein Ziel:Signicat zum bestmöglichen Unternehmen zu machen. Asger Hattel Chief Executive Officer Arne Vidar Haug Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer Bianca Britten-Austin Chief People Officer Gisle Aasgaard Project Director Gunnar Nordseth Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Frode Beckmann Nilsen Chief Technology Officer Joakim Harging Chief Enterprise Nordics Michael Haldbo Chief Financial Officer Roger Klausen Chief Product Officer Stein-Olav Davidsen Chief of SMB & Online Channels Die zukünftigen Wachstumsziele von Signicat werden von den Investor Nordic Capital unterstützt. Gewinner des Norwegian Fintech Achievement Award Gewinner des Smart Security Week Innovation Award Nominiert für den FSTech Award (Partnership of the Year) Bestes internationales Unternehmen in Mittelnorwegen 2018 Gewinner des Aite Group Impact Innovation Award Florin Awards. Jury: Zweiter Platz. Publikumswahl: Dritter Platz Nominiert für den Celent Model Bank Award st|FinTech Awards Smart security week FSTech Internationales Unternehmen Aite Florin Celent Model Bank h1|Sicheres digitales Business in Bestzeit Sicheres digitales Business in Bestzeit h2|Vertrauen ist der Schlüssel Compliance und gesetzliche Vorschriften Das Signicat-Führungsteam Investoren Unsere Auszeichnungen Karriere bei Signicat Kontakt h3|Wir sind Pioniere auf dem Gebiet der verifizierten digitalen Identitäten und freuen uns über die steigende Nachfrage nach unseren Lösungen. Als Mitglied unseres Teams arbeiten Sie mit innovativen Produkten, internationalen Kollegen und interessanten Kunden. Schauen Sie sich unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote an und treten Sie noch heute mit uns in Kontakt. Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Signicat ist einer der führenden Anbieter von vertrauenswürdigen digitalen Identitätsdiensten in ganz Europa. Durch die Bereitstellung einer umfassenden Plattform für digitale Identitäten ermöglichen wir weitreichende Innovationen, beschleunigen den digitalen Geschäftserfolg und unterstützen den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer digitalen Identität. 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 Copyright 2020 pa|Vi hjelper våre kunder med å operere effektivt og i henhold til en rekke lover og forskrifter, blant annet GDPR og Regelverk for hvitvasking og terrorfinansiering (hvitvaskingsloven). I tillegg kan vi sikre at du overholder kravene til Know Your Customer (KYC) ved innrullering av kunder. Signicat er medlem av EEMA (European Association for e-Identity & Security), tilbyder av kvalifiserte tillitstjenester (QTSP) i henhold til eIDAS-forordningen og i overensstemmelse med standarden for informasjonssikkerhet (ISO 27001). GDPR ISO/IEC 27001 eIDAS KYC and AML AICPA SOC Ledergruppen vår består av mennesker med ulik bakgrunn, nasjonalitet og arbeidserfaring. Likevel står vi alle sammen om ett mål: å få Signicat til å leve ut sitt fulle potensial. Asger Hattel Chief Executive Officer Arne Vidar Haug Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer Bianca Britten-Austin Chief People Officer Gisle Aasgaard Project Director Gunnar Nordseth Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Frode Beckmann Nilsen Chief Technology Officer Joakim Harging Chief Enterprise Nordics Michael Haldbo Chief Financial Officer Roger Klausen Chief Product Officer Stein-Olav Davidsen Chief of SMB & Online Channels Signicat er støttet av investor Nordic Capital som gir drivkraft til vår nåværende stabilitet og fremtidige vekst. FT 1000: Europe's Fastest Growing Companies Vinner "Best use of Fraud Protection Technology" sammen med SurePay Vinner "Best use of RegTech" sammen med Rabobank Vinner "Best FinTech Partnership" sammen med Rabobank Vinner for "Identity Management" Vinner av Aite Group Impact Innovation Award Vinner av Norwegian Fintech Achievement Award Nominert for FSTech Award (Partnership of the Year) st|Financial Times 21 Banking Tech Awards 20 Banking Tech Awards Financial Innovation Award Celent Model Bank Aite FinTech-priser FSTech h1|Vi forenkler sikker digital virksomhet Vi forenkler sikker digital virksomhet h2|Det handler om tillit Overholdelse av regelverk Ledergruppen i Signicat Investorer Utmerkelser Karriere i Signicat Ta kontakt h3|Vi er pionerer i digital identitet, og behovet for løsningene våre øker. Som en del at teamet vårt får du arbeide med nyskapende produkter, internasjonale kolleger og spennende kunder. Se på stillingene vi tilbyr og søk i dag! Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt dersom du har spørsmål eller andre henvendelser. Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Vi er stolte av historien vår og våre tidligere prestasjoner. I over et tiår har Signicat hjulpet virksomheter med å operere sikkert og effektivt. Vårt omdømme er bygget på tillit, eksemplariske resultater samt en forpliktelse til nyskapning og forbedring. Vi er stolte av historien vår og våre tidligere prestasjoner. I over et tiår har Signicat hjulpet virksomheter med å operere sikkert og effektivt. Vårt omdømme er bygget på tillit, eksemplariske resultater samt en forpliktelse til nyskapning og forbedring. Vår visjon er å være den foretrukne leverandøren av elektroniske identitetstjenester til kunder i regulerte bransjer. Signicat spesialiserer seg på grenseoverskridende, skybaserte elektroniske identitetstjenester og elektroniske signaturer, som sikrer at organisasjoner kan koble seg til og samhandle med kunder gjennom verifiserte digitale identiteter. Vi leverer identitetsløsninger til store aktører innen bank-, finans-, forsikrings- og e-handelsmarkedet. 2021 2020 2019 2019 2019 2018 2017 2017 Copyright 2020 pa|Me autamme asiakkaitamme noudattamaan ja hyödyntämään sääntelyvaatimuksia, kuten GDPR, rahanpesun estäminen (AML), terrorismin vastainen lainsäädäntö tai asiakkaan tuntemisen (KYC) vaatimukset. Signicat on EEMA:n (European Association for e-Identity & Security) jäsen ja olemme eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider. Toimintamme on ISO 27001 -sertifioitua. GDPR ISO/IEC 27001 eIDAS KYC and AML AICPA SOC Johtoryhmämme koostuu pitkän linjan sähköisten asiakaspolkujen kehittämisen ammattilaisista luottamus- ja finanssipalveluiden aloilla. Tiimi on sitoutunut yhteiseen päämäärään: olla maailman johtava sähköisten tunnistuspalvelujen tarjoaja, jonka palvelut tuottavat asiakkaille helposti mitattavaa lisäarvoa. Asger Hattel Chief Executive Officer Arne Vidar Haug Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer Bianca Britten-Austin Chief People Officer Gisle Aasgaard Project Director Gunnar Nordseth Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Frode Beckmann Nilsen Chief Technology Officer Joakim Harging Chief Enterprise Nordics Michael Haldbo Chief Financial Officer Roger Klausen Chief Product Officer Stein-Olav Davidsen Chief of SMB & Online Channels Signicatin jatkuvan kasvun tukena toimii Pohjoismaiden johtava IT-alan yrityksiin erikoistunut pääomasijoittaja Nordic Capital. FT 1000: Europe's Fastest Growing Companies Best use of Fraud Protection Technology: Signicat and SurePay Best Use of RegTech: Signicat and Rabobank Best FinTech Partnership: Signicat and Rabobank Identity Management Winner: Signicat and Rabobank Vereniging Voor Credit Management (VVCM) Innovation Award: Signicat and Rabobank Aite Group Impact Innovation Award winner Nominated for FSTech Award (Partnership of the Year) 26 tammikuuta 2021 4 joulukuuta 2020 4 marraskuuta 2020 4 marraskuuta 2020 4 marraskuuta 2020 2 marraskuuta 2020 di|Finland, Case Study Blog, Finland st|Financial Times Banking Tech Award Banking Tech Award Financial Innovation Award Celent Model Business VVCM Innovation Award Aite FSTech h1|Autamme liiketoimintasi kasvuun rakentamalla luottamusta Autamme liiketoimintasi kasvuun rakentamalla luottamusta h2|Luottamus keskiössä Sääntelyvaatimusten noudattaminen Signicatin johtoryhmä Sijoittajat Tunnustuksia saavutuksistamme Ura Signicatilla Ajankohtaista Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Me olemme luottamus- ja tunnistuspalveluiden edelläkävijöitä. Ratkaisujemme kysyntä jatkaa kasvuaan. Tiimissämme pääset työskentelemään innovatiivisten tuotteiden, kansainvälisten kollegojen ja kiinnostavien asiakkaiden kanssa. Tsekkaa avoimet työpaikat ja hae jo tänään! toi kivijalkakauppoihin mobiilipohjaisen... Sähköinen tunnistus – puuron ja vellin eri astiat Uusimmat blogit 5 myyttiä: Vahva sähköinen tunnistautuminen Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? Alexandria Pankkiiriliike valitsi Signicatin... Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Ota yhteyttä - palaamme asiaan välittömästi. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla sp|Signicat on Euroopan johtava sähköisten tunnistus- ja allekirjoituspalveluiden toimittaja. Autamme asiakkaitamme kasvattamaan sähköistä liiketoimintaa toimittamalla ratkaisut koko sähköisen asiakaspolun tueksi - olipa liiketoimintasi Suomessa tai muualla Euroopassa. Signicat on Euroopan johtava sähköisten tunnistus- ja allekirjoituspalveluiden toimittaja. Autamme asiakkaitamme kasvattamaan sähköistä liiketoimintaa toimittamalla ratkaisut koko sähköisen asiakaspolun tueksi - olipa liiketoimintasi Suomessa tai muualla Euroopassa. Autamme asiakkaitamme rakentamaan luottamusta heidän omien asiakkaidensa ja sidosryhmiensä kanssa sähköissä kanavissa. Ratkaisumme mahdollistavat turvallisen ja mutkattoman asiakkaan tunnistamisen ja sähköisen allekirjoittamisen. Olemme vuodesta 2007 lähtien auttaneet satoja yrityksiä ympäri Eurooppaa vauhdittamaan turvallista, sähköistä liiketoimintaa ja tarjoamaan käyttäjäystävällisiä palveluja heidän asiakkailleen 2021 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 2017 Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 03 2021 News March 02 2021 News February 24 2021 Blog February 22 2021 February 18 2021 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|If you have a technical question for our team, we will be happy to assist Service desk opening hours: Support phone: Support e-mail: Web address: Signicat is present in locations across Europe. Find your closest Signicat office or media contact below. Beddingen 16 7042 Trondheim Norway Grensen 12B (Entrance Akersgata) 0159 Oslo Norway Fjøsangerveien 50B 4th Floor 5059 Bergen Norway Country Manager Sweden c/o WeWork Regeringsgatan 29 111 53 Stockholm Sverige Denmark Country Manager Symbion Fruebjergvej 3 DK - 2100 København Ø Denmark Finland Country Manager Linnoitustie 4B 02600 Espoo Finland Country Manager, DACH TaunusTurm Taunustor 1 60310 Frankfurt Germany Benelux Sales Director Weena 327 3013 AL Rotterdam The Netherlands Senior Account Executive Sint Goedeleplein 5 Place Sainte-Gudule 5 1000 Brussels Belgium Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder Level 39, One Canada Square Canary Wharf, London E14 5AB England Rua General Tamagnini de Abreu 218 2765-560 São Pedro do Estoril Portugal Communications Manager st|Main: Main: Pontus Andersson Rasmus Kristiansen Antti Harsunen Anders Ljungqvist Marco Gouw Filip De Cock Arne Vidar Haug Contact through head office Katinka Heldens Forbord h1|Talk to an expert h2|Support Local Sales Contacts h3|08:00-16:00 (CEST) +47 400 03 410 Norway Admin (HQ) Norway Sales (Oslo) Norway (Bergen) Sweden Sales Denmark Sales Finland Sales Germany Sales Netherlands Sales Belgium, Luxembourg Sales United Kingdom Sales Portugal Media Contact Subscribe and stay updated sp|Fill out the form below to get in touch with a digital identity expert. Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat er en førende europæisk leverandør af cloud-baserede identitets- og signeringstjenester på digitale dokumenter. Signicats services gør det nemt og sikkert at tilbyde selvbetjeningsløsninger til kunder, medarbejdere og samarbejdspartnere. Løsningerne er hostede services og dækker i dag mere end 80 millioner identiteter og integrerer til flere elektroniske id-leverandører i Europa. Signicat AS blev etableret i 2007 i Trondheim og har i dag mere end 100 ansatte og kontorer i Trondheim, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, København, Amsterdam, Frankfurt og London. Symbion Fruebjergvej 3 DK – 2100 København Ø Denmark ( ) li|Rasmus Kristiansen, Country Manager Jens Walbjørn, Partner Sales Director: +45 20 25 41 38 Helle Bækgaard Bager, Senior Sales Executive: +45 30 48 62 90 Gregers Alsted, Senior Sales Executive: +45 29 29 73 30 Henrik Hansen, Presales Consultant: +45 28 58 12 55 st|Danmarks elektroniske ID, NemID bliver erstattet af MitID i 2021. og om, hvordan Signicat kan hjælpe dig med at migrere til MitID. h1|Kontakt Signicat Danmark h2|Om Signicat Danmark Vores kunder h3|Kontaktpersoner Adresse Blandt Signicats mere end 200 kunder er: BMW, GF Forsikring, Expressbank, Tryg Forsikring, Nykredit, SOS International, Lendino og SDC. Tilmeld dig og hold dig opdateret sp|Signicat er en førende europæisk leverandør af cloud-baserede identitets- og signeringstjenester på digitale dokumenter. Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat ist der europäische Marktführer für Online-Authentifizierung und digitale Signaturen. Wir sind seit 2007 aktiv und bieten globale Cloud-basierte Lösungen für den privaten und öffentlichen Sektor. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Optimierung des Onboarding-Prozesses Ihrer Kunden durch eine optimale Benutzererfahrung, in Kombination mit fortschrittlicher Technologie für das Management von Compliance-Risiken. Unsere Lösungen kommen bei Banken, Finanzdienstleistern, Versicherungsgesellschaften, öffentlichen Dienstleistern und anderen Unternehmen zum Einsatz; von multinationalen Konzernen bis hin zu mittelständischen Unternehmen. Diese vertrauen Signicat Ihre Prozesse in den Bereichen Benutzerauthentifizierung, digitale Signatur, Identitätsprüfung und Langzeitarchivierung von Dokumenten an. li|Anders Ljungqvist, Geschäftsführer Deutschland: +49 15170127582 h1|Kontakt Signicat Deutschland h2|Über Signicat Unsere Kunden h3|Adresse Ansprechpartner Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Signicat ist der europäische Marktführer für Online-Authentifizierung und digitale Signaturen. TaunusTurm Taunustor 1 60310 Frankfurt Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat er den største leverandøren av BankID i Norge, og tilbyr både legitimering og autentisering, samt elektronisk signering med BankID og BankID på mobil. Signicat har over 800 kunder innenfor finansielle tjenester og andre sektorer og gjennomfører mer enn 20 millioner identitets- og signeringstransaksjoner per måned. Signicat leverer BankID-løsninger til Norges største aktører innenfor bank, forbrukerfinansering, forsikring og offentlige tjenester, samt hundrevis av små og mellomstore bedrifter. Med Signicat kan selskaper og organisasjoner bygge og utnytte elektronisk identitet til å koble brukere, virksomheter og til og med enheter sammen over kanaler, tjenester og markeder. Gjennom vår BankID integrasjon, leverer Signicat identitetsverifikasjon, friksjonsfritt autentisering og avansert digital signering med identitetsverifikasjon. Norsk BankID og BankID på Mobil dekker mer enn 90 prosent av befolkningen Signicat støtter identitetsverifikasjon, autentisering og signering med BankID Signicat leverer løsninger integrert med både BankID og BankID på mobil I dag har cirka 4 milioner nordmenn BankID og bruker det 3-4 ganger i uken. BankID er den sikreste måten å autentisere seg på overfor banker, offentlige og stadig flere tjenester. En av grunnene til at BankID er populært, er at samme brukernavn og passord benyttes mot alle brukersteder som gjør det enkelt å bruke. Med sikker identitetsverifikasjon med BankID kan, du effektivisere din innrullerings-prosess slik at brukerne dine får den opplevelsen de forventer. Autentiseringsløsningene våre gir deg trygghet ved at du kan stole på identiteten til den du samhandler med. Signicat sine løsninger kan bistå med å bekrefte identiteten til brukerne dine med BankID, flerfaktorautentisering eller mobilautentisering for å overholde regelverket samt gjøre innlogging både tryggere og ukomplisert. Elektronisk signering gjør det mulig for kunder å inngå juridisk-bindende avtaler online. Signicat tar dette et steg videre med verifisert signering – vi bekrefter identiteten til den som signerer avtalen gjennom BankID eller med 25 andre offentlige elektroniske ID-ordninger. Signicats sin digitale ID-hub inkluderer tilkoblinger til over 25 elektroniske ID-er på tvers av Europa samt andre verifikasjonsløsninger som dokumentskanning, ansiktsgjenkjenning og videointervju med global dekning. Hub-en kan utvides gjennom våre API-er. h1|Digital legitimering med BankID og BankID Mobil Digital legitimering med BankID og BankID Mobil h2|Norges ledende leverandør av BankID Identitetsverifikasjon med BankID Sikker, friksjonsfritt bruker autentisering med BankID Elektronisk signering med BankID Digital ID-hub Ta kontakt h3|Signicat tilbyr den mest komplette ID-plattformen i markedet og selskapets løsninger møter alle krav i høyt regulerte bransjer og markeder. I dag er Signicat den største leverandøren av BankID i Norge og tilbyr både signering og autentisering med BankID og BankID på mobil. Høy befolkningsdekning Flere BankID løsninger BankID og BankID på Mobil Vil du snakke med oss om BankID løsninger? Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt. Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Signicat er den største leverandøren av BankID i Norge, og tilbyr både legitimering og autentisering, samt elektronisk signering med BankID og BankID på mobil. Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat er en av Europas ledende leverandører av elektronisk identitet og elektronisk signatur. Selskapet ble etablert i 2007 og tilbyr skybaserte løsninger til både privat og offentlig sektor. Signicat er i dag den klart største leverandøren av BankID i Norge og tilbyr både signering og autentisering med BankID og BankID på mobil. Vårt mål er å hjelpe våre kunder til å kunne levere tidsbesparende og brukervennlige digitale tillitsløsninger til sine sluttkunder. Signicats løsninger blir brukt av bank- og finansinstitusjoner, forsikringsselskaper, offentlige etater, store selskaper samt små og mellomstore bedrifter. Signicat håndterer autentiseringen av brukere, tilbyr elektronisk signering, identifisering av brukere og preservering av dokumenter. 0159 Oslo Norway ( ) : st|Grensen 12B (inng. Akersgata) Tlf. h1|Kontakt Signicat Norge h2|Om Signicat Norge Våre kunder h3|Blant våre kunder i Norge er Santander, If Skadeforsikring, Bank Norwegian, Schibsted, Posten, Lånekassen. Signicat har blitt valgt av Difi som den foretrukne signeringsleverandøren til offentlig sektor. Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Signicat er i dag den klart største leverandøren av BankID i Norge og tilbyr både signering og autentisering med BankID og BankID på mobil. Copyright 2020 li|Antti Harsunen, Country Manager: Mikael Kemppainen, Presales Executive: Paavo Toivanen, Sales Executive: Antti Kela, Sales Executive: Henri Kuittinen, Sales Executive: Ilkka Ventus, Partner Manager, Finland & Baltics: h1|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h2|Signicat Suomessa Asiakkaitamme h3|Ota yhteyttä asiantuntijoihimme Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla sp|Jätä viesti niin etsitään sinulle oikeat ratkaisut, joilla vahvistat luottamusta yrityksesi ja sidosryhmiesi välillä. Hyödynnämme luottamuspalveluissa sähköistä tunnistusta ja allekirjoitusta sekä automatisoituja asiakkaan tuntemisen (KYC) ja rahanpesun ehkäisemisen (AML) prosesseja. Signicat on vuonna 2007, perustettu maailman ensimmäinen ja suurin sähköisten tunnistuspalveluiden tarjoaja. Korkean saatavuustason palveluihimme luottavat jo yli 200 suomalaisyritystä. Käsittelemme kuukausitasolla Suomessa jo lähes kolme miljoonaa tapahtumaa. Signicatin SaaS-palvelut luottamuksen rakentamisen tueksi Verkkopankki- ja mobiilivarmennetunnistus palveluna Traficomin hyväksymä ja valvoma tunnistusvälityspalvelu Suomessa Euroopan kattavin vahvojen sähköisten tunnistusvälineiden valikoima yli 20 vahvaa tunnistustapaa Pohjoismaissa, Baltiassa ja Keski-Euroopassa Mahdollisuus tunnistaa henkilö fyysisen henkilökortin avulla yli 200 maassa Uuden sukupolven sähköiset allekirjoitukset Allekirjoittajan tunnistus hyödyntäen maailman suurinta identiteettihubia Ulkoasu muokattavissa asiakkaan brändin mukai seksi Dokumentin eheys ja alkuperä vahvistettavissa Laillisesti sitova -asetuksen mukainen sähköinen allekirjoitus KYC ja AML prosessien automatisointi asiakkuuden perustamisessa ja jatkuvassa valvonnassa Poliittisesti vaikutusvaltaisten henkilöiden (PEP) jäädytys- ja pakotelistojen tarkastus Tosiasialliset edunsaajat, osoitetiedot ym Postiosoite Linnoitustie 4B 02600 Espoo Finland ( ) Copyright 2020 pa|Få højere konverteringsrater, og reducer risici Kend dine kunder med bekræftet identifikation Med sikker, stærk bekræftelse Hjælper dig med at overholde AML, KYC, GDPR og PSD2 Digital Identity Hub, som giver dig mulighed for at oprette forbindelse med dine kunder, er kernen i det Signicat tilbyder. Det omfatter forbindelser til over 20 elektroniske ID’er, mange sociale logins og opslag i virksomhedsregistre og verifikationsmetoder som dokumentscanning, ansigtsgenkendelse og live video detektion. Via vores API'er er det nemt at tilføje ekstra metoder via tredjepartsteknologi til den digitale identitets hub. Digital Identity Service Provider (DISP) tilbyder ‘digital identity on demand’ til vores kunder, uanset geografi eller eID. Alle identitetsoplysninger og -aftaler kan indsamles i ét integrationspunkt, hvilket sikrer, at data aldrig er langt væk. Identitetsbekræftelse er vigtig kerneteknologi bag vores evne til succesfuld onboarding af kunder. Vi kan sikre, at du opfylder kravene til Know Your Customer (KYC) og Anti-Money Laundering (AML), hvilket sikrer at alle verifikationer er mere sikre. Vi tilbyder også en række forskellige metoder til identifikationsverifikation, bland andet anvendelse af e-ID'er, dokumentscanning, live video detektion og ansigtsgenkendelse. Vores autentificeringsløsninger giver sikker, tilpasset autentificering der muliggør gentaget kommunikation med brugerne. De kan autentificere via deres eID, sociale login eller mobilenhed samt en række andre multifaktormetoder som SMS, hardware tokens og email. Signicat Sign-løsningen følger internationale standarder for at sikre, at signaturer og forseglinger er så sikre som muligt. Desuden er Signicat QTSA og kan levere kvalificerede tidsstempler. Ved at inkludere sådanne tidsstempler kan du vide præcis, hvornår dokumentet blev underskrevet. Vores elektroniske signaturtilbud er designet til at understøtte forretningstransaktioner. Vi tilbyder CRM-integrationer, B2B-specifikke funktionaliteter og multi-factor-godkendelse inden underskrivelsen. Dokumentbevarelse er vigtig og vil fortsat være det. Det er nødvendigt at sikre, at signaturer og forseglinger kan valideres nu og i fremtiden. Dette er en af Signicats eIDAS-tjenester. Product manager Rabo eBusiness h1|Sikker digital identitet Sikker digital identitet h2|Signicat hjælper dig Digital Identity Hub Digital Identity Service Provider Identitetsbekræftelse Avanceret godkendelse Elektronisk signering og forsegling med Signicat Sign Dokumentbevarelse Integrationer Kom i kontakt h3|Signicat Open Identity Platform er designet til at matche dine behov og hjælpe dig med at opnå dine forretningsmål. Vi tilbyder regulerede virksomheder løsninger til digital identitetsbekræftelse gennem vores sikre digitale onboarding, tjenester til identitetsbekræftelse og produkter til sikring af overholdelse af myndighedernes krav. Få kunder ombord hurtigere Opbyg tillidsfyldte digitale forhold Styrk dine digitale forhold Reducer risici, overhold myndighedskrav Daan van den Eshof Hvad siger vores kunder Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os Tilmeld dig og hold dig opdateret sp|Signicat leverer sikre digitale identitetsløsninger til blandt andet offentlige virksomheder. Det gør vi ved hjælp af vores løsning til sikker digital kunde onboarding - en tjeneste til sikring af digital identitet og viden om lovning og compliance. Vi har over 500 kunder i Norden og Europa og mange af dem er internationale, og vores fleksible platform kan tilpasses til forskellige kunders behov inden for en række brancher. Signicat leverer sikre digitale identitetsløsninger til blandt andet offentlige virksomheder. Det gør vi ved hjælp af vores løsning til sikker digital kunde onboarding - en tjeneste til sikring af digital identitet og viden om lovning og compliance. Vi har over 500 kunder i Norden og Europa og mange af dem er internationale, og vores fleksible platform kan tilpasses til forskellige kunders behov inden for en række brancher. Copyright 2020 pa|Verbesserte Konvertierungsraten, vermindertes Risiko Dank verifizierter digitaler Identitäten Durch sichere und zuverlässige Authentifizierung Unterstützung bei der Erfüllung von AML/GWG, KYC, DSGVO und PSD2 Der Digital Identity Hub ist das Kernstück der Signicat-Lösung und bildet die Schnittstelle zwischen Ihnen und Ihren Kunden. Der Hub unterstützt Verbindungen zu mehr als 20 elektronischen IDs, einer Vielzahl von Social Logins sowie die Abfrage zahlreicher Melderegister. Des Weiteren ermöglicht er die Verifikation von Identitäten mit einer Kombination aus verschiedenen Methoden wie das Scannen von Ausweisdokumenten, Gesichtserkennung und die Echtheitsprüfung mittels Videosequenzen zur Vermeidung von Betrugsversuchen. Darüber hinaus lässt sich der Hub einfach erweitern, sodass andere Anbieter von Technologien und Methoden für die Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten die Plattform über unsere APIs schnell mit neuen Methoden ergänzen können. Der Digital Identity Service Provider ist ein Dienst, der unseren Kunden unabhängig vom Land oder der dort verfügbaren eIDs übergreifend einen „Identität auf Abruf“-Service ermöglicht. Alle relevanten Informationen werden an einem zentralen Übergabepunkt zur Verfügung gestellt. Unsere Services für die Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten sind Teil der „ “-Lösung und versetzen uns in die Lage, den Onboarding-Prozess der Kunden erfolgreich durchzuführen. Wir stellen sicher, dass Sie die gesetzlichen Vorschriften für das „Know Your Customer“-Prinzip (KYC) und für die Prävention von Geldwäsche (AML/GWG) erfüllen können und damit die Sicherheit der Verifikation erhöhen. Außerdem stellen wir eine Vielzahl von Methoden für die Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten bereit, darunter eIDs, das Scannen von Ausweisdokumenten, Echtheitsprüfung mittels Videosequenzen und Gesichtserkennung. Unsere Lösungen für die Authentifizierung ermöglichen einen sicheren und individuell anpassbaren Authentifizierungsprozess mit hoher Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Die Benutzer können sich mithilfe ihrer eID, einem Social Login, dem mobilen Endgerät und weiteren Methoden für die Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung wie SMS, Hardware-Token und E-Mail authentifizieren. Die Signicat Signing-Lösungen wurden nach internationalen Standards entwickelt, um die höchstmögliche Sicherheit von Signaturen und Siegeln zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus ist Signicat als QTSP (Qualified Trust Service Provider) gemäß der europäischen eIDAS-Verordnung zum Ausstellen qualifizierter Zeitstempel berechtigt. Durch die Einbindung solcher Zeitstempel können Sie genau feststellen, wann ein Dokument unterschrieben wurde. Unsere Lösungen für elektronische Unterschriften sind dafür konzipiert, um Ihre Geschäftsabschlüsse zu optimieren. Deshalb bieten wir Ihnen die Integration in CRM-Systeme, spezielle B2B-Funktionalität und Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung vor dem Unterschreiben. Die dauerhafte und sichere Archivierung von Dokumenten ist wichtig und wird langfristig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Sie ist notwendig, um sicherzustellen, dass Unterschriften und Siegel nicht nur heute, sondern auch in Zukunft auf ihre Gültigkeit überprüft werden können. Dieser Service wird im Rahmen einer eIDAS-konformen Lösung von Signicat bereitgestellt. Product manager Rabo eBusiness h1|Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten h2|Signicat unterstützt Sie Digital Identity Hub Digital Identity Service Provider Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten Fortschrittliche Authentifizierung Elektronisches Unterschreiben Archivierung von Dokumenten Integrationen Kontakt h3|Unsere Plattform für digitale Identitäten lässt sich auf Ihre Anforderungen skalieren und unterstützt Sie bei der Realisierung Ihrer Geschäftsziele. Wir stellen regulierten Unternehmen Lösungen für verifizierte digitale Identitäten bereit. Hierzu gehören ein sicherer digitaler Onboarding-Prozess, Services für die Verifikation von Identitäten und Lösungen für die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften. Schnelleres Onboarding von Kunden Vertrauenswürdige Kundenbeziehungen Ausbau digitaler Kundenbeziehungen Minimierung von Risiken, Einhaltung von Vorschriften Daan van den Eshof Das sagen unseren Kunden Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Signicat stellt regulierten Unternehmen Lösungen für die Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten bereit. Neben einem sicheren digitalen Onboarding-Prozess umfassen unsere Lösungen Dienste für die Verifikation von Identitäten sowie Services für die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften. Wir arbeiten weltweit erfolgreich mit mehr als 800 Kunden zusammen und unsere flexible Plattform lässt sich auf die individuellen Anforderungen unserer Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen anpassen. Signicat stellt regulierten Unternehmen Lösungen für die Verifikation von digitalen Identitäten bereit. Neben einem sicheren digitalen Onboarding-Prozess umfassen unsere Lösungen Dienste für die Verifikation von Identitäten sowie Services für die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften. Wir arbeiten weltweit erfolgreich mit mehr als 800 Kunden zusammen und unsere flexible Plattform lässt sich auf die individuellen Anforderungen unserer Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen anpassen. Copyright 2020 pa|Bedre konverteringsfrekvens og risikoreduksjon Vit hvem kundene er med bekreftet identifikasjon Med sikker og sterk godkjenning Bidrar til samsvar med AML, KYC, GDPR og PSD2 Signicats digitale ID-hub lar deg koble deg opp mot kundene dine, og er utgangspunktet for alt vi gjør. Den inkluderer tilkoblinger til over 30 elektroniske ID-er, innlogging med sosiale plattformer samt verifiseringsmetoder som dokumentskanning, ansiktsgjenkjenning og to-veis videoverifisering. Hub-en kan enkelt utvides, noe som gjør at tredjepartsleverandører av teknologi og verifiseringsmetoder raskt kan legge til nye metoder gjennom våre API-er. Signicats digitale identitetsplattform (Digital Identity Service Provider – DISP) tilbyr tjenester for ‘identitet ved forespørsel’ til kundene våre, uavhengig av geografi eller elektronisk ID. Alle avtaler og identitetsinformasjon kan samles i ett tilgangspunkt, som sikrer at nøkkeldata alltid er tilgjengelig. Våre løsninger er basert på å verifisere og sikre identitet. Dette er kjerneteknologien bak vår evne til vellykket onboarding av kunder. Vi kan hjelpe deg med å overholde kravene til Know Your Customer (KYC) og Anti-Money Laundering (hvitvaskingsdirektivet), som sørger for at all verifisering er sikrere. Vi tilbyr også en rekke ulike metoder for identitetsverifisering, som inkluderer elektroniske ID-er (eIDs), dokumentskanning, to-veis videoverifisering og ansiktsgjenkjenning. Våre autentiseringsløsninger tilbyr sikker autentisering med mange tilpasningsmuligheter. Dette gjør det enklere og sikrere å logge inn, både for brukere og deg. Brukere kan autentiseres med elektronisk ID, sosiale medier, i tillegg til en rekke andre metoder for flerfaktorautentisering, som SMS, kodebrikker og e-post. Signicat Sign-løsningen følger internasjonale standarder for å sikre at signaturer og forseglinger er så sikre som mulig. I tillegg er Signicat en QTSA og kan tilby kvalifiserte tidsstempler. Ved å inkludere slike tidsstempler kan du vite nøyaktig når dokumentet ble signert. Våre elektroniske signaturløsninger er designet for å effektivisere virksomheten. Vi tilbyr integrering med CRM-systemer, funksjonalitet som er spesifikk for B2B-markedet, samt flerfaktorautentisering i forkant av signering. Dokumentbeskyttelse er viktig, men vil bli enda viktigere fremover. Det er påkrevd for å sikre at underskrifter og forseglinger kan valideres både nå og i fremtiden, og er en av Signicats eIDAS-tjenester. Product manager Rabo eBusiness h1|Verifisert digital identitet Verifisert digital identitet h2|Signicat hjelper deg Digital ID-hub Tjenesteleverandør for digital identitet Identitetsverifisering Avansert autentisering Elektronisk signering og forsegling med Signicat Sign Dokumentbeskyttelse Integrasjoner Ta kontakt h3|Signicat Open Identity Platform er utviklet for å hjelpe bedrifter skalere behovene og nå målene sine. Vi leverer løsninger for bekreftelse av digital identitet til regulerte bedrifter gjennom vår sikker digital introduksjon, identitetsverifikasjon og samsvar med lover og forskrifter. Introduser kunder raskere Bygg digitale forhold med tillit Utvikle de digitale forholdene Reduser risiko, overhold samsvar Daan van den Eshof Hva kundene våre sier Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt dersom du har spørsmål eller andre henvendelser. Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Signicat jobber hardt for å tilby regulerte næringer gode løsninger for verifisert digital identitet. Dette oppnår vi med vår sikre, digitale onboardingsløsning, ID-verifiseringstjenester og løsninger for overholdelse av regelverk. Vi jobber med over 500 kunder fra hele verden, og vår fleksible plattform kan tilpasses behovene til hver enkelt kunde, uavhengig av bransje. Signicat jobber hardt for å tilby regulerte næringer gode løsninger for verifisert digital identitet. Dette oppnår vi med vår sikre, digitale onboardingsløsning, ID-verifiseringstjenester og løsninger for overholdelse av regelverk. Vi jobber med over 500 kunder fra hele verden, og vår fleksible plattform kan tilpasses behovene til hver enkelt kunde, uavhengig av bransje. Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat Open Identity Platform skaalautuu tarpeisiisi ja auttaa saavuttamaan liiketoimintatavoitteesi. Tarjoamme parhaita digitaalisia ratkaisuja asiakkaaksi tulon, henkilöllisyyden todentamisen ja sähköisen allekirjoituksen alueilla. Paranna konversioprosenttejasi unohtamatta riskienhallintaa Tunne asiakkaasi vahvistetun henkilöllisyyden avulla Turvallisen ja vahvan tunnistamisen avulla Autamme sinua noudattamaan AML-, KYC-, GDPR- ja PSD2-vaatimuksia Signicatin kehittämä ainutlaatuinen Digital Identity Hub on palveluidemme perusta ja mahdollistaa luottamuksen rakentamisen asiakkaittemme ja heidän sidosryhmiensä välillä. Hubi sisältää integroinnit yli 25 sähköiseen tunnistuspalveluun (eID), useita sosiaalisen median kirjautumistapoja ja rekisterihakuja sekä todennusmenetelmiä (eIDV) kuten asiakirjojen skannaus, kasvojentunnistus ja live-videotunnistus. Identiteetti alustamme tarjoaa asiakkaillemme mahdollisuuden hyödyntää kattavia luottamuspalveluita tarpeidensa mukaan, maantieteellisestä sijainnista ja todennuspalvelusta riippumattomasti. Hubimme mahdollistaa henkilöllisyyksien ja sopimusten keräämisen yhteen paikkaan, jonka ansiosta tärkeät tiedot ovat aina helposti saatavilla. Henkilöllisyyden todentamis- ja tunnistamistuotteemme avulla voimme onnistua saavuttamaan asiakkaiden ostoprosessin. Lisäksi voimme auttaa yritystäsi täyttämään asiakkaiden tuntemista (KYC) ja rahanpesun estämistä (AML) koskevien säädösten vaatimukset. Tarjoamme myös useita menetelmiä henkilöllisyyden todentamista varten, mukaan lukien sähköiset tunnistuspalvelut, asiakirjojen luenta, live-videotunnistus ja kasvojentunnistus. Todennusratkaisumme tarjoavat turvallista ja räätälöitävää tunnistamista, jonka mahdollistaa asiakkaidesi joustavan asioinnin palvelussasi. Käyttäjät voivat tunnistautua vahvalla sähköisen tunnistusmetodilla, sosiaalisen median kirjautumisen tai mobiililaitteen kautta sekä useiden muiden monivaiheisten tunnistusmenetelmien avulla. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi tekstiviesti- ja sähköposti kertakäyttösalasanat sekä turva-avaimet. Signicat Sign -ratkaisu noudattaa kansainvälisiä standardeja varmistaakseen, että allekirjoitukset, sinetit ja aikaleimat ovat kattavasti tunnustettuja ja täyttävät oikeudelliset vaatimukset. Sähköiset allekirjoituspalvelumme on suunniteltu tehostamaan yrityksenne prosesseja ja nopeuttamaan kaupantekoa. Tarjoamme CRM-integraatioita, B2B kaupankäyntiin kohdennettuja toimintoja ja monivaiheista tunnistamista, joka tapahtuu ennen allekirjoittamista. Sähköisissä palveluympäristöissä asiakirjojen alkuperäisyyden ja muuttumattomuuden todentaminen on voitava varmentaa nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Arkistoimme ja sinetöimme arvokkaita asiakirjoja jopa 100 vuoden ajan eIDAS-vaatimusten mukaisesti. Director Strategic Partnerships and Products Svea Ekonomi h1|Vahvistettu sähköinen henkilöllisyys Vahvistettu sähköinen henkilöllisyys h2|Signicat auttaa sinua Digital Identity Hub Sähköinen henkilöllisyys palveluna Henkilöllisyyden todennus Vahva tunnistaminen palveluna Sähköinen allekirjoitus ja sinetöinti Signicat Sign -ratkaisulla Asiakirjojen säilyttäminen Integraatiot Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Nopeuta asiakkaaksi tuloa Rakenna luottamusta verkossa Kasvata liiketoimintaasi verkossa Vähennä riskejä ja noudata määräyksiä Tomas Lundqvist Kommentteja asiakkailtamme Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla sp|Signicatin avainliiketoimintaa on tuottaa ratkaisuja henkilöllisyyden vahvistamiseen verkossa ja näin auttaa asiakkaitamme sähköisessä asiakkuuden perustamisessa, henkilöllisyyden vahvistamisessa ja säännösten noudattamisessa. Signicatin avainliiketoimintaa on tuottaa ratkaisuja henkilöllisyyden vahvistamiseen verkossa ja näin auttaa asiakkaitamme sähköisessä asiakkuuden perustamisessa, henkilöllisyyden vahvistamisessa ja säännösten noudattamisessa. Copyright 2020 pa|Need integration with 30+ European electronic IDs, highly bespoke solutions, special compliance requirements or volume and multi-product discounts? Signicat Express offerings are delivered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, which is reliable, secure, scalable and flexible. Our solutions reside in cloud environments that scale endlessly at low cost. Signicat handles upgrades and new releases, giving you peace of mind that the services you consume are up to date, stable and reliable. As more of daily life is moved from the physical world to the internet, many businesses need to know who they interact with in an efficient and secure way. With Signicat solutions you can build login procedures using industry standard OpenID Connect protocol or REST. Signicat Express fits your use case and security requirements with Nordic national eIDs, SMS OTP and social media methods of authentication. With Signicat’s signature services, you can easily let your customers sign contracts, declarations, forms, and other documents using digital signatures. Signicat signature services are web-based, and can be integrated in your website, app or business system using our REST APIs or SDKs. Signicat offers different mechanisms for signing, depending on your business requirements. Signicat’s identity validation services allow you to validate and monitor data from your customers, whether they are natural persons or organizations. These services are offered through a single point of integration. Signicat’s API returns normalized data from carefully selected sources, making it easy for you to interpret and use the responses regardless of the source. 2495 NOK Per Month 3995 NOK Per Month 5995 NOK Per Month Excellent documentation is just a small part of providing a great developer experience. We also provide a wide range of tools and services helping you before, during and after deployment. Our developer dashboard, status page and community support are among the tools and services we provide to developers, reducing time-to-market, minimizing troubleshooting and giving you peace of mind. At Signicat we take pride in making that are well-documented and easy to integrate. We have a great track-record of getting companies up and running in record time. Getting started is easy: establish a test account and obtain your API credentials. Click below to choose your identity methods and for the Signicat Express test environment. li|1 product 1 market Best effort SLA uptime Public cloud (Azure) Community support Authentication: <500: 2,65 / >500: 5,30 Signing: <500: 15,00 / >500: 20,00 1 product 1 market Best effort SLA uptime Public cloud (Azure) Community support Authentication: <3000: 2,55 / >3000: 5,10 Signing: <3000: 13,00 / >3000: 15,00 Up to 2 products 1 market Best effort SLA uptime Public cloud (Azure) Email support st|developer-friendly APIs Want to try Signicat Express? get a free API account h1|Developer-friendly APIs for BankID, NemID, FTN and more h2|Identity methods Signicat Enterprise Solutions Secure, scalable cloud solutions Identity verification Electronic signature Identity validation Express APIs pricing Developer friendly Get started in minutes h3|Starter Essential Core Subscribe and stay updated sp|Signicat Express offers a single point of integration for all your signing, identity verification and identity validation needs. BankID API Norway BankID API Sweden NemID API Denmark MitID API DK (Coming soon) FTN API Finland Mobiilivarmenne API Finland Buypass API Norway Transaction prices (e.g. Norwegian BankID, NOK): Transaction prices (e.g. Norwegian BankID, NOK): Transaction prices based on volume Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat ist der beste Partner für sichere ID." h2|Fallstudien Weitere Kunden Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf! h3|Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Rabobank ANVA Aktia Telia Finans Brauchen Sie weitere Informationen zu unseren Lösungen oder Sie suchen einen persönlichen Kontakt? Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie sich melden. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Unsere Kunden Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Angaben gemäß § 5 Telemediengesetz Signicat GmbH TaunusTurm Taunustor 1 60310 Frankfurt Geschäftsführer: Anders Ljungqvist Kontakt: Telefon: E-Mail: Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Frankfurt am Main Registernummer: HRB 110822 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (USt-IdNr.): DE323840819 Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Anders Ljungqvist Signicat GmbH TaunusTurm Taunustor 1 60310 Frankfurt Die Inhalte unserer Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte können wir jedoch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Als Diensteanbieter sind wir gemäß § 7 Abs.1 TMG für eigene Inhalte auf diesen Seiten nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen verantwortlich. 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Die Betreiber der Seiten behalten sich ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte im Falle der unverlangten Zusendung von Werbeinformationen, etwa durch Spam-Mails, vor. Diese Website benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google Inc. (”Google”). Google Analytics verwendet sog. ”Cookies”, Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Sie ermöglicht. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung dieser Website (einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse) wird an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Google wird diese Informationen benutzen, um Ihre Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten für die Websitebetreiber zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen zu erbringen. Auch wird Google diese Informationen gegebenenfalls an Dritte übertragen, sofern dies gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder soweit Dritte diese Daten im Auftrag von Google verarbeiten. Google wird in keinem Fall Ihre IP-Adresse mit anderen Daten der Google in Verbindung bringen. Sie können die Installation der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser Software verhindern; wir weisen Sie jedoch darauf hin, dass Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website voll umfänglich nutzen können. Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit der Bearbeitung der über Sie erhobenen Daten durch Google in der zuvor beschriebenen Art und Weise und zu dem zuvor benannten Zweck einverstanden. h1|Impressum h2|Haftungsausschluss Kontakt h3|Haftung für Inhalte Haftung für Links Urheberrecht Datenschutz Google Analytics Möchten Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch mehr über unsere Dienstleistungen erfahren oder benötigen Sie weitere Informationen? Wir stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Subscribe and stay updated sp|+49 151 70127582 Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Nachrichten April 07 2021 Blog März 29 2021 News März 15 2021 Blog März 04 2021 Nachrichten Februar 26 2021 Blog Februar 22 2021 Nachrichten Februar 11 2021 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Rabobank ANVA Telia Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Choose the Signicat identity solutions that fit your business requirements: Our Customer Success team will help you with setup and configuration to fit even the most complex use cases. Let's discuss your needs. Our Express solutions fit simpler use cases, but with a comprehensive developer environment including the tools, dashboards and documentation to get you going quickly. Signicat’s Sign Portal offers verified electronic signatures through one simple online interface – no download or integration required. Just log in and start signing. Signicat offerings come in two editions: Enterprise and Express licensing editions. Each edition is based on number of products, number of geographic markets supported, and other factors. Please contact Sales to get an assessment. Enterprise supports all of Signicat's supported electronic IDs. For a complete list, visit . Express supports a sub-set of eIDs: For a complete list of signing methods supported by Signicat's Enterprise version, visit . Express supports a sub-set of signing methods: Enterprise supports: Express stack does not currently support any ID document scanning technologies. Enterprise provides up to 99.9% uptime. Express provides up to 98.5% uptime. Enterprise provides: Express provides: di|Enterprise solutions Get started in minutes e-Signing portal li|BankID (NO) BankID (SE) NemID (DK) Finnish eIDs BankID (NO) BankID (SE) NemID (DK) Finnish eIDs InkSign (Global) SMS OTP (Global) Signicat Paper Verify ElectronicID Onfido ReadID Email and phone support TSP Certificate Privacy Audit report ISO27001 report SOC2 report Access to Data Center Community support Email support Phone support h1|Get started with Signicat h2|Frequently asked questions h3|Need a fully bespoke Enterprise solution with the highest level of compliance and support? Want to get up and running in minutes with developer-friendly APIs and tools? Need to sign documents now with verified electronic signatures? Subscribe and stay updated sp|How are Signicat solutions priced? Which electronic IDs does each version support? What signing methods does each version support? What ID document scanning technologies does each version support? What Uptime Service Level Agreement is available for each version? What Support levels are available for each version? Copyright 2020 pa|With the Finnish TUPAS protocol scheduled for replacement in September 2019, Svea Ekonomi needed a new online customer authentication solution compliant with the changes to EU legislation. The process behind customer authentication was previously managed in-house, requiring separate agreements and technical integrations with all 10 Finnish banks. This meant that processes were costly, time-consuming, and technically complex. Svea Ekonomi wanted a simpler solution that would meet post-TUPAS requirements, while also limiting the administrative burden, and reducing technical challenges. Opting to focus resources on their core business offering, Svea Ekonomi took the opportunity to outsource customer authentication to Signicat. With requirements split between legacy TUPAS authentication in the old model, and strong authentication via the Finnish Trust Network in the new, Signicat designed a bespoke hybrid solution capable of seamlessly handling both approaches. Svea Ekonomi now uses Signicat’s authentication solution across many of its consumer applications, including the ‘My Pages’ service, which allows customers to securely and conveniently login to self-service channels, and also sign credit agreements. The project has been a resounding success, with Tomas Lundqvist, Director Strategic Partnerships and Products at Svea Ekonomi, explaining: “We’ve been really pleased with our cooperation with Signicat. The biggest pros for us are the cost-effective, hassle-free service and the close to 100% up-time. We’ve definitely benefited from acquiring these services from a trusted partner.” As an independent financial group with over thirty years’ experience, Svea Ekonomi offers everything from smart payment solutions for e-commerce and B2B sales, to financial and administrative solutions that allow its customers to increase sales and speed up payments. COO and Co-founder Fellow Finance h1|“Signicat has exceeded our expectations, particularly with the up-time of the authentication service and the communication between teams.” h2|The challenge The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Teemu Nyholm What our customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Tomas Lundqvist Director Strategic Partnerships and Products Svea Ekonomi Finland Copyright 2020 pa|ANVA creates software solutions that enable its clients to work efficiently and conveniently. Its clients work across the insurance, mortgage and finance industries, meaning they handle sensitive customer data. Following the enactment of GDPR in Europe, ANVA’s clients needed a way to ensure confidential data and communication could be safely exchanged with customers digitally. As the privacy of email or messaging platforms is not always guaranteed, some of ANVA’s clients switched back to paper mail once GDPR was enforced, as they did not know how else to communicate while complying with the new legislation. This meant that its clients couldn’t be certain the sender or receiver was who they said they were, resulting in slower processes, and an increased risk of fraud. ANVA knew there was an urgent need for a secure digital solution that could verify the identity of its customers and provide ongoing authentication, and it needed a partner that could ensure this process was safe, convenient, and simple. ANVA saw it as the company’s responsibility to create a solution to protect the privacy of its clients’ customers in-line with regulatory requirements, and so created a secure messaging platform called Safebay that can also be used for video conversations. However, to truly meet its responsibility, ANVA needed a partner that could provide a convenient, and secure method of authentication for Safebay to verify the sender and receiver. ANVA identified and selected Rabo eBusiness, a joint venture by Rabobank and Signicat, as the only Digital Identity Service Provider that could help it digitize the identity authentication process. Rabo eBusiness is also the only provider that allows customers to use new digital ID schemes like iDIN—the bank-led Dutch national electronic ID—for digital onboarding, login and signature. ANVA was able to integrate the authentication platform into its Safebay solution using a single API. Users of the Safebay app can then easily identify themselves with their existing iDIN credentials to prove they are who they say they are. Since the implementation of the authentication service in August 2018, ANVA has seen immediate results for its clients. The reduction in cost and time varies dependent on the type of process and the nature of the client. However, this can be demonstrated through the example of one of its mortgage advisor clients. The average time to complete the mortgage process in the Netherlands is 21 hours. When calculated with the mortgage advisor’s hourly rate of €123 per hour, the total cost of an average mortgage process is €2,500. The process involves multiple contact moments and the requirement to exchange 16 different documents. Using the Safebay solution, the mortgage advisor can now complete these contact moments and deliver relevant documentation through the secure messaging platform with ease. This has resulted in a time saving of four hours, and when calculated with the average hourly rate results in a total cost saving of €500, which translates to a 20% saving across all mortgage applications. Customers also get back, on average, one and a half hours, as they can complete the process remotely. The most important result from the deployment is the ability to securely identify users with iDIN. This means that all data and documents are end-to-end encrypted, and clients can also be sure that their online processes are GDPR compliant. Established in 1975 in the Netherlands, ANVA proudly software advanced solutions for the insurance industry. It is a total supplier in the field of software and support for insurers, but also service providers and financial advisors. More than 10,000 financial professionals use its software to offer insurance products to their customers in the Netherlands and the Caribbean. Product Manager Rabo eBusiness h1|“The implementation only took one month, and we were impressed by how quick and easy it was to roll out.” h2|The challenge The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Daan van den Eshof What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Justin Schlee Strategy Director ANVA Copyright 2020 pa|The financial industry is changing, and at the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is getting heavier. How to turn regulation to an advantage? This... Sthlm Fintech Week is an annual event bringing together thought-leaders to foster new connections and enhance collaboration. John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and... Register for Signicat’s live panel webinar to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on customer onboarding. Join this live webinar with Signicat, Enfuce, Qvik and SEB to learn how companies can comply with the PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation while still... During this live webinar on November 19th we will explain what eHerkenning is and how it can contribute to improving your business Launching Signicat’s “Battle to Onboard 2020: the impact of COVID-19 and beyond”. Join our live webinar. Webinar at Dutch Credit Expo event in cooperation with Rabo Identity Services about Digital Identification and Signing Join this live webinar with Signicat and Celent to discover how to digitalise the last mile in mortgage lending. Join this live webinar with Thales and learn how HSM can support your business in meeting the highest data security standards. Are you ready for the next step? Watch the Webinar Recording and find out Joint Signicat Kontract webinar: How to use onboarding to increate competitiveness Webinar med Wikborg Rein: Ny norsk finansavtalelov - Hva betyr det for tilbydere av finansielle tjenester? John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and Innovation, Signicat is speaker at Identiverse; The Identity Industry's Conference. More here OAuth Security Workshop: Topic: eID and BankID in the Nordics. An interesting model. Meet our speakers: John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and Innovation and Dag... Learn more about the solutions that Connectis has developed including the NextGen Platform and find out how they can help you and your customers Join our webinar with law firm Bird & Bird to discover when electronically signed documents are admissible and enforceable. In these evolving times, can distributed identity provide more secure and robust personal communication? Could distributed identity helped us, had it already have... Take your digital experience to a new level by considering the entire digital identity lifecycle The webinar will be presented by Lars Møller Kristensen, Country... An introduction to Digital Identity in the German Market and opportunities. This webinar will be presented by Marie Austenaa, VP Market Development, Signicat. Learn more about the benefits of Signicat Electronic Signing in 45 minutes. The webinar is presented in Dutch. How digitising business onboarding improves efficiency and reduces the risk.The webinar will be presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation,... Understanding PSD2 and authentication solutions to unlock optimal business value. Follow this webinar presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation,... Electronic Signing for Enterprises- what to consider: Did you know that although electronic signatures have been around for forty years most businesses still use... Learn how to find the right balance between conversion, regulation and data quality in 45 minutes. The webinar is presented in Dutch. Why are businesses losing 40% of potential customers? Find out during this webinar presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation, Signicat Is your business engaging with customers to its utmost digital potential? Find out during this webinar presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation,... Watch this recorded webinar and learn more about identifying your customers online with a physical identity document. The webinar is presented in Dutch. Register for our webinar and learn about our unique onboarding solution that can help you onboard customers in a way that is simple, secure and efficient. Sthlm Fintech Week is a community-driven project for five days in February. Join and meet our speaker; John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and Innovation. Watch this recorded webinar and learn how a consumer can share data, real-time with an eID and what the advantages can be for you. The webinar is presented in Dutch. In a market where products have become commodities, UX is the holy grail. Winners in this digital race consider the whole customer journey. In this live webinar with Signicat and Celent Senior Analyst Bob Meara we look at how NOT to digitally onboard customers. FinTech Connect is where major financial institutions go to make informed buying decisions on digital transformation, payments, financial security and regtech. Learn how digital onboarding and electronic signatures can cut cost, speed processes and increase customer satisfaction. Spaces are limited, so register now. Watch this recorded webinar and learn why digital identification is the key for organisations and companies to attract and retain more customers. The webinar is... Learn how digital onboarding and electronic signatures can cut cost, speed processes and increase customer satisfaction. Spaces are limited, so register now. With the right tools, digital identity can unlock business opportunities around the world. Watch this recorded webinar and learn how helps make this... Watch the recording to learn about the new MitID that will replace NemID in Denmark in 2021 – and now to connect to MitID through a broker like Signicat. Watch this recorded webinar for insights on secure user authentication and how to optimize your UX for digital identity. Watch our recorded webinar to discover how you can cut customer authentication time to less than 3 seconds by utilizing PIN, fingerprint and Apple FaceID. In this recorded webinar, Rabobank and Signicat give an introduction to PSD2, and share practical advice on how to take advantage of the opportunities it provides. In this recorded webinar, Signicat and CatalystOne show you how to enable your HR organisation to become more efficient and cost-effective. In this recorded webinar, Zil Bareisis, Senior Analyst at Celent examines how banks can win the battle to onboard new customers in the digital age. di|Webinar April 13 2021 Webinar Webinar March 18 2021 Webinar Webinar March 16 2021 Webinar Webinar March 23 2021 Webinar Webinar March 3 2021 Webinar Webinar March 4 2021 Webinar Livestream February 25 2021 Livestream Event February 16-18 2021 Event Event February 9-10 2021 Event Webinar February 4 2021 Webinar Webinar Januar 27 2021 Webinar Webinar Januar 7 2021 Webinar Webinar 3 December 2020 Webinar Webinar December 3 2020 Webinar Webinar 25 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 23 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 5 November 2020 Webinar Webinar November 3 2020 Webinar Webinar 13 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 14 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 8 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 7 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 16 September 2020 Webinar Event, Trade Show 15 September 2020 Oslo, Norway Webinar 1 September 2020 Webinar Webinar 26 August 2020 Webinar Event 30 July 2020 Virtual Event 22 July 2020 Virtual Webinar 29 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 24 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 23 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 17 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 17 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 15 June 2020 Live Webinar Webinar 11 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 3 June 2020 Panel Webinar Webinar 26 May 2020 Panel Webinar Webinar 20 May 2020 EEMA Webinar Webinar 20 May 2020 Panel Webinar Webinar 13 May 2020 Webinar Webinar 23 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 21 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 16 April 2019 Webinar Webinar 14 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 3 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 2 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 31 March 2019 Webinar Webinar 26 March 2020 Webinar Trade Show 11 March 2020 Kiev, Ukraine Trade Show 3-4 March 2020 Trondheim, Norway Webinar 03 March 2020 Webinar Seminar 14 February 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Webinar 4 February 2020 Webinar Event 10-11 September 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Event 5 - 6 February 2020 Oslo, Norway Event 10 - 14 February 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Seminar 15 Januari 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Webinar 19 December 2019 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2019 Webinar Webinar 21 November 2019 Webinar Trade Show 3-4 December 2019 London, United Kingdom Seminar 5 December 2019 Berlin, Germany Webinar 24 September 2019 Webinar Seminar 10 December 2019 Frankfurt, Germany Webinar 15 November 2019 Webinar Webinar 2 October 2019 Webinar Webinar 23 August 2019 Webinar Webinar 6 August 2019 Webinar Webinar 8 May 2019 Webinar Webinar 7 May 2019 Webinar Webinar 21 March 2019 Webinar st|“User experience vs. Security" SevenDay Samsung Signicat Assure h1|Events & Webinars h2|Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Meet Signicat at digital identity events across Europe, and watch relevant webinars on topics related to digital identity and trust online. Webinar series about the migration from NemID to MitID. Join this new webinar April 13. We will touch upon areas you as service provider should be aware of before the... Joint webinar about how to automate the mortgage loan process. Together with Knowit and Ambita (In Norwegian) Participate in SweFinTechs webinar together with the Swedish Police and Signicat on the 16th of March 2021, 12.00 - 13.00. What’s caused an increase in digital fraud and how can businesses protect themselves and their users without compromising on customer experiences? What’s caused an increase in digital fraud and how can businesses protect themselves and their users without compromising on customer experiences? Webinar series about the migration from NemID to MitID. Join this new webinar March 4. We will touch upon areas you as service provider should be aware of before the... Save the date: February 25th! Signicat Express for Startups gives startups access to developer-friendly digital identity APIs for authentication or electronic signing... Webinar series about the migration from NemID to MitID. Join this new webinar in which we will touch upon areas you as service provider should be aware of before the... Join our live 60 minutes webinar with speakers from Signicat and Quesnay and learn more about a technology that is designed to not only make your customers’ lives... Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas, such as graphical profile, that you as a service provider should prepare for and be... Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas that you as a service provider should prepare for and be aware of before the migration. Electronic signatures are being used in many situations, and we are becoming more familiar with talking about Advanced and Qualified electronic signatures. But what... On Monday, November 23 at 15:00, Allard Keuter and Marco Gouw will talk about all the ins and outs regarding electronic signing during a 45 minute webinar, join now! Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas that you as a service provider should prepare for and be aware of before the migration. Join our new live Signicat webinar with Onfido: The future of digital identity - what will 2030 look like? Signicat is gold sponsor at Finansnæringens Digitaliseringskonferanse 2020 in Oslo. VP of Identity and Innovation; John Erik Setsaas, Signicat will be one of the... Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas that you as a service provider should prepare for and be aware of before the migration. This joint Signicat Buypass webinar examines the business value of incorporating various electronic signing solutions and different ways user can identify when... Join this live Signicat webinar with Onfido and 11:FS: Effective digital onboarding - you have 14 minutes and 20 seconds. Join this webinar by Group Futurista: Growth estimates for global retail in 2020 will be halved from pre-COVID-19 forecasts. This means e-commerce and the digital... In this live webinar our technical experts will dive into the MitID specifications, show demo and provide you with the latest update about the technical... In this webinar we will explore how you can achieve secure and easy eID authentication to cloud platforms.With increased digitalization and remote working, the demand... This panel will explore the thinking behind the service and the challenges faced in creating it. With the burden of KYC weighing heavily on providers, what would a... This panel will explore the history of digital identity in the Nordics, what the rest of Europe can learn in order to catch up, and how national ID schemes can... COVID-19 shocked the world where remote working and social separation has accelerated the need for more digital services, Learn from the panel experts Eirik Dalen,... Latest trends and innovations in the payment and financial services market and strategies for effective business development. VP of Identity and Innovation; John... Signicat is partner at Betalingsformidling 2020 in Trondheim, Norway, 3-4 March. VP of Identity and Innovation; John Erik Setsaas, Signicat will speak about: PSD2 and... Signicat will host a nice afterwork setting during Sthlm Fintech Week with a panel discussion around the topic in the Game Room at... For two days, we will gather a wide network of collaborative partners and experts on the subject, from both the supplier side and from the public, in order to make... NorSIS conference: IDentity 2020. "Physical and digital identity in today's criminal scene". Join us and meet our speakers: John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and... Subscription services as a form of ownership are showing strong growth in Sweden. Our customers and tell us how they launched the unique Samsung... Copyright 2020 pa|Without a third-party authentication supplier to provide customer identity assurance, the banking division at Telia Norway—Telia Finance—faced a real challenge when attempting to confirm that its customers actually were who they said they were when online. This lack of certainty was costing the company money, and was also increasing the risk of fraud. Telia understood that it needed a better solution to address this situation. And they acknowledge that this solution needed to give them complete confidence in the identity of their customers online. Following a tender process between Signicat and a second provider, Telia Norway selected Signicat as its trusted partner for online customer authentication, feeling that the Signicat solution was the more futureproof of the two. From there, the technical implementation went extremely smoothly. Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager at Telia Finance, explained: “Signicat offered us close support during implementation. My contact was always there when we needed him during the process. I could even call him in the evenings, or at the weekend. We faced no problems with the technical implementation.” The Signicat solution is now in use to securely authenticate customers wishing to buy mobile phones through Telia Finance. Since implementation, Telia has already seen a number of benefits from partnering with Signicat. For example, cases of fraud have fallen sharply, and the improved customer experience has also seen new subscriptions increase. Looking ahead, Telia is considering making use of the Signicat’s secure signature solution for potential future service launches. As the Nordics’ largest mobile services provider, Telia Norway believes mobile technology can do incredible things, enriching lives and bringing people together. With almost 2.5 million customers across the region, they’ve been doing just that since 1993. Strategy Director ANVA h1|“Signicat is focused, has superb information systems, and all employees are very attentive to our needs. They are the best partner for secure ID.” h2|The challenge The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Justin Schlee What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Tonje Smith-Hansen Delivery Manager Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog February 12 2021 Blog February 09 2021 News February 08 2021 Blog December 23 2020 Blog December 21 2020 Blog December 16 2020 Blog December 15 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|Rabobank ANVA Telia Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat ist der beste Partner für sichere ID." h2|Fallstudien Weitere Kunden Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf! h3|Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Rabobank ANVA Aktia Telia Finans Brauchen Sie weitere Informationen zu unseren Lösungen oder Sie suchen einen persönlichen Kontakt? Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie sich melden. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Unsere Kunden Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 03 2021 News March 02 2021 News February 24 2021 Blog February 22 2021 February 18 2021 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News December 15 2020 Blog December 08 2020 Blog December 01 2020 Blog December 01 2020 Blog November 24 2020 Finland November 16 2020 News November 03 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News, Electronic signing November 02 2020 Blog September 29 2020 Webinar September 22 2020 News September 15 2020 Blog September 10 2020 Nordics August 24 2020 Blog August 19 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog August 12 2020 Blog July 13 2020 Blog July 07 2020 Blog July 02 2020 News July 01 2020 Blog June 29 2020 Blog June 22 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Whitepaper June 19 2020 Blog June 17 2020 Blog June 10 2020 Blog June 03 2020 Blog May 28 2020 Blog May 18 2020 Blog May 13 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News May 13 2020 Blog May 11 2020 Blog May 08 2020 News May 07 2020 Blog May 06 2020 Blog April 30 2020 Blog April 07 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Video April 03 2020 News April 02 2020 Blog April 01 2020 Whitepaper March 25 2020 Blog March 23 2020 Blog March 16 2020 Blog March 04 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog March 03 2020 Blog February 26 2020 Blog February 24 2020 Blog February 18 2020 Blog February 17 2020 Blog February 12 2020 News February 10 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|As a , Signicat is one of a select few companies who can use the EU Trustmark and is part of the . All Signicat services are delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS). Using Signicat services will benefit the customers as strict requirements will be implemented for all Signicat customers. Signicat have a great number of customers with high security requirements in regulated industries. This means that making these services secure is a primary concern for us, and it makes us focus on security in the development and operations of the services. We believe that we have good security, and are continuously improving the management system and control implementation. Signicat organizes it's security work by implementing a Information Security Management System (ISMS) following and certified in line with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. We have a dedicated Security and Quality organization lead by Signicat's CISO. The CISO leads and are part of Signicat's Information Security Board (ISB) which includes top-level management from different departments in Signicat. To ensure that the ISMS is performing and implemented in line with best practice we conduct an extensive audit program. When processing personal data for the customers’ users, Signicat will act as a data processor according to European data protection law. Signicat offer a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) that are aligned with GDPR and performs an annual audit of its compliance of the DPA with a report which is available for customers. Signicat secures personal data through strong logical and physical access controls. All personal data is encrypted in transport, as processed in line with the . Signicat uses the ITIL framework to ensure that we have good processes in place. These processes take security requirements into consideration and these requirements are baked into the processes. The most important ITIL processes in Signicat are listed below: li|Business Continuity Management Access Control Management Deployment Management Event Management Problem Management Request fulfillment Incident Management Key Management st|Qualified Trust Service Provider h1|Security and trust Security and trust h2|EU Trust Service Provider Software as a Service Information security management Personal data and privacy Operation Management Plan Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Signicat delivers business critical services to its customers. These trusted services are delivered in line with regulatory and best practice requirements. Signicat delivers business critical services to its customers. These trusted services are delivered in line with regulatory and best practice requirements. Copyright 2020 pa|At Signicat, we value your privacy. The three product privacy statements linked below describe which personal data Signicat collects from you, how Signicat processes such personal data, and why Signicat collects the personal data in connection with Signicat's provision of products. The purpose of this policy is to define requirements for processing personal data in Signicat. The policy is defined to ensure: This policy covers processing of personal data by Signicat AS, a private company registered in Norway under organization number NO989584022, with its registered main office at Beddingen 16, 7042 Trondheim, Norway. Signicat's Data Protection Officer can be contacted at . The website at is developed and maintained by Signicat for the purpose of marketing our products and services online. Signicat is the data controller for personal data collected through these websites. A list of third parties involved in personal data processing will be made available upon request. The processing is based on the visitor’s consent. Individuals who have their data processed by Signicat as a data controller, based on consent, have the following rights under GDPR: Individuals who want to exercise any of these rights can contact Signicat. If our handling of personal data is not found to be satisfactory, and issues cannot be resolved with us directly, individuals can complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet). Each area of personal data processing is described in detail below: Signicat will process information about people visiting our websites, in order to improve content and be able to target communications. Information we collect potentially includes personal data, including the visitor’s IP address, and information about each page view and their duration. Through a third party, we collect de-identified information about visitors for statistical purposes, such as web browser and operating system, device and screen resolution. This third party will also collect a part of the visitor’s IP-address to determine the visitor’s approximate location, however not the entire address (we replace the last octet with a 0, before any data is sent to the third party, e.g. Cookies are used on our web pages, including third party cookies. The cookies are used to identify relevant markets and helping us improve and maintain the user experience and create relevant information to our web pages. Website visitors can decide whether or not they want to accept these cookies, by changing cookie settings in their web browser. Visitors may also prevent tracking by using private browsing, and in some cases limit tracking via enabling the Do Not Track (DNT) setting. More information about controlling and deleting cookies can be found at, and DNT at Signicat offers a newsletter service for those who actively sign up for this. The newsletter service is provided via a third party data processor. We collect the email address of subscribers through a form. All emails we send to newsletter subscribers include a personal unsubscribe link. When clicking this link, you are instantly unsubscribed from Signicat’s newsletter, and you will receive no further communications from us. Information you provide when filling in a form on the web page, such as email, name, country and company, will be used to fulfill your request to be contacted. When using our contact forms, you will be offered a way to opt into signing up for our newsletter. If you choose to do this, the paragraph above on newsletter registration applies. Through our data processor, we collect de-identified information about which pages our visitors visit. If at any time a visitor choose to identify themselves, by interacting with a form on our website which collects information about your identity, your previous browsing history on Signicat’s websites, and reading our newsletter, will become connected with this identity. This information will in combination be used to classify the user as a potential prospect for making business with Signicat. It is possible to avoid this intersection of data from happening, by deleting your cookies before you submit a form. You can also request any such information we have collected to be deleted, by contacting us. Where an online demo application is offered, we may collect your personal information regarding registration and use of the demo application, in order to serve demonstration purposes. The data collected by demo applications shall be deleted at periodic intervals. li|Demonstrable compliance with legislative requirements, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) Transparency of personal data processing for both Signicat’s customers, data subjects and data protection authorities the right to be informed (which is why we have published this policy) the right to access data we hold about the individual the right to have data rectified, if inaccurate the right to withdraw consent, and to be forgotten the right to have data blocked from further processing the right to object to direct marketing _ga, _gid: Browsing tracking cookies from Google Analytics, both directly and via Unbounce hsq: Browsing and action tracking cookie from HubSpot olfsk, _okbk, _oklv, _okdetect, hblid, wcsid: Chat status tracking cookies from Olark, via Salesforce _bat: Action tracking cookie from Bing Ads h1|Signicat Privacy and Cookie Policy h2|Get in touch h3|Privacy Statements for Signicat Products Purpose Identity and contact details Data Protection Officer Public websites Visitor logs and statistics Cookies Newsletter Contact forms Targeted content Demo application Email Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Emails sent to addresses are processed by Microsoft Exchange cloud. Emails sent to are processed via Microsoft and our CRM system, Salesforce. Copyright 2020 pa|Knowing the owner of a bank account might seem like a mundane thing, but various scams and increasingly sophisticated fraud has led to the increase of losses for banks and individuals as money is being transferred to the wrong person, and in the payments process, no one is alerted of incorrect bank account details. SurePay, a Dutch payment services provider, developed a simple yet safe solution for validating a bank account owner's details based on International Bank Account Number, IBAN. SurePay released their IBAN-Name Check, an automated registry lookup based on an integration, in 2017 in the Netherlands and has performed over 2.4 billion checks so far. The IBAN-Name Check enables financial institutions’ and other organisations' customers to receive immediate feedback on IBAN-name combination when transferring money online in order to reduce misdirected payments as well as fraud. The IBAN-Name Check was first successfully implemented by the second largest bank in the Netherlands, Rabobank, followed by ING Bank, which is the largest bank. The solution was implemented also by other large Dutch banks Volksbank and ABN AMRO, as well as numerous other financial institutions in the Netherlands. Due to close collaboration with the financial institutions the IBAN-Name Check algorithm now checks more than 95% of all online transactions in the country. Additionally over 80 businesses and organisations use SurePay’s IBAN-Name Check directly or via partners such as Signicat and performed over 2.4 billion checks since 2017. Early 2020, SurePay became a limited private company and independent member of the Rabobank Group. The annual value of fraudulent activities in Europe alone reached EUR 1.8 billion in 2019, confirming the need for innovative fraud prevention services. Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud (also known as bank transfer scams) has been on the rise and costs customers and businesses alike. APP occurs when a criminal tricks their victim into transferring money directly from their own account to an account which the criminal controls. The victim has unknowingly received the fraudster’s bank account details (e.g., through e-mail or WhatsApp) and thereby authorises the payment him/herself. After a payment has been transferred, it's not possible to cancel the transaction, which means validating the owner is key to ensuring the recipient is the right person. The original European Payments Directive (PSD2) ordered European nations to speed up their payment settlement systems by 2008. For the first time, customers were able to send and settle payments directly through mobile and online portals on an almost-immediate basis. The faster payment schemes are not only real-time and irrevocable, but they also do not demand the processing of the recipient's name, only the recipient bank account number (IBAN). This means that it does not matter whether the recipient’s name matches the bank account provided (by the fraudster) or not. The transaction gets processed regardless. With speedy transfers, it is easy to make mistakes and misdirect payments. Once consumers have mistakenly sent money anywhere, it is likely that it has reached its destination by the time one has realised the error. Should the entered IBAN not exist, the payment will bounce. However, should the entered bank account details correspond to a real account, reclaiming the money is challenging. The challenge was to find a solution that would enable coupling identity verification with bank account holder's name validation. SurePay's service offers an IBAN-Name check whilst Signicat supports identity verification through a simple iDIN (a Dutch electronic identity scheme) integration. These are now offered as a single solution to reduce fraud. SurePay’s IBAN-Name Check is a check service in the Netherlands which can be used when processing a payment to check if the recipient's name and IBAN match. Using Signicat’s identity verification solution through iDIN, the identity of a payment recipient is verified. With SurePay’s bank account database, the consumer or organisation can cross-check that a specific bank account is owned by that specific end-user or business. Financial institutions, payment service providers (PSP) or organisations can implement the combined service in their online environment or business processes. In this way the IBAN-Name Check helps to detect fraud, prevents misdirected payments and makes business processes more efficient. Using iDIN for identity verification provides additional security by verifying the address details of the recipient. At the pre-payment stage before end-users send a payment online, a notification with instant feedback is provided on the correctness of the IBAN-Name combination. In instances where details of the beneficiary deviate from those known at the registered bank, a yellow notification will flash up on the Account Check screen. The Account Check therefore helps prevent misdirected payments or money getting lost due to APP fraud, but it also helps to make your business processes, like onboarding and KYC more efficient. ”By checking IBAN and name combinations at the point of payment, . Not to mention of new customers for corporates. By integrating the check at the customer onboarding stage, both customers and suppliers have found it that would require second line investigation.” Until now, over 2.4 billion online payments were checked by SurePay and millions of checks were performed for businesses and organisations. In combination with iDIN, SurePay can be used as one of the steps of the identity verification process to make the process as a whole more convenient and straightforward for both the user and the merchant. Signicat’s integration of iDIN – the Dutch electronic identification - enables organisations to verify users’ identity. Combined with SurePay’s database, a dual identity verification and account check is provided. SurePay's Account Check was developed as part of an innovation programme at Rabobank. In the fall of 2017 the check was successfully implemented by Rabobank, followed by ING Bank, Volksbank and ABN AMRO in 2018. They now further extend their reach by connecting other banks, at the same time continuously improving their services. SurePay also offers IBAN-check services to non-financials, to help them gain better insights in the quality of their files, clean up errors and search for fraudulent transactions. Future services are under continuous development in close cooperation with SurePay's clients. Director Strategic Partnerships and Products Svea Ekonomi Finland st|bank and identity fraud diminishes by 81% in online banking a 90% decrease in failure in the onboarding process easier to prevent dropouts h1|"By checking IBAN and name combinations at the point of payment, bank and identity fraud diminishes by 81% in online banking." h2|The SurePay solution, available through Signicat, reduced bank and identity fraud by 81% and onboarding failures of new customers by 90%. The challenge The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Tomas Lundqvist What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|David Jan-Janse CEO SurePay Copyright 2020 em|–David Jan-Janse, CEO, SurePay pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog January 17 2020 January 08 2020 News January 08 2020 Blog January 01 2020 Blog December 30 2019 Blog December 28 2019 Blog December 27 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Als r ist Signicat eines der wenigen Unternehmen, die das EU-Vertrauenssiegel verwenden dürfen und auf der geführt werden. Alle Services von Signicat werden als Software as a Service (SaaS) bereitgestellt. Unternehmen profitiert von der Nutzung der Services, da strikte Richtlinien implementiert werden. Zu den Kunden von Signicat gehören zahlreiche Unternehmen aus regulierten Branchen mit hohen Sicherheitsanforderungen. Aus diesem Grund steht für uns die Sicherheit in der Entwicklung und beim Einsatz der Services an erster Stelle. Wir sind von unserem Sicherheitskonzept überzeugt und arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, das Managementsystem und die Kontrollmaßnahmen weiter zu verbessern. Die notwendigen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen organisiert Signicat mit Hilfe eines Managementsystem für die Informationssicherheit (ISMS), das gemäß der Norm ISO/IEC 27001:2013 zertifiziert ist. Eine dezidierte Abteilung, geleitet vom Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) bei Signicat, sorgt für Sicherheit und Qualität. Der CISO ist Vorsitzender des Gremiums für die Informationssicherheit bei Signicat, welches sich aus den obersten Führungsebenen verschiedener Abteilungen zusammensetzt. Mit einem umfangreichen Audit-Programm stellen wir sicher, dass das ISMS in Bezug auf Implementierung und Betrieb den Best Practices entspricht. Bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten für die Nutzer eines Kunden wird Signicat als Datenverarbeiter im Sinne des europäischen Datenschutzes tätig. Signicat stellt eine Datenverarbeitungserklärung gemäß DSGVO bereit und lässt ein jährliches Audit durchführen. Der daraus resultierende Bericht, der die Einhaltung der Datenverarbeitungserklärung überprüft, wird den Kunden zur Verfügung gestellt. Signicat schützt die personenbezogenen Daten durch starke logische und physische Zugangskontrollen. Die Übermittlung aller personenbezogenen Daten erfolgt verschlüsselt entsprechend den . Signicat verwendet für die Sicherstellung optimaler Prozesse die Vorgaben der „Information Technology Infrastructure Library“ (ITIL). Bei diesen Prozessen werden notwendige Sicherheitsanforderungen berücksichtigt und entsprechend eingebunden. Die wichtigsten ITIL-Prozesse bei Signicat sind: li|Betriebliches Kontinuitäts-Management (Business Continuity Management) Zugriffskontroll-Management (Access Control Management) Softwareverteilungs-Management (Deployment Management) Ereignis-Management (Event Management) Problem-Management (Problem Management) Erfüllung von Service-Anfragen (Request Fulfillment) Störungs-Management (Incident Management) Schlüssel-Management (Key Management) st|qualifizierter Vertrauensdiensteanbiete h1|Sicherheit und Vertrauen Sicherheit und Vertrauen h2|Vertrauensdienste- anbieter in der EU Software as a Service Managementsystem für die Informations- sicherheit Personenbezogene Daten und Datenschutz Betriebsmanagement Kontakt h3|Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Signicat stellt geschäftskritische und vertrauenswürdige Services bereit, die alle gesetzlichen Anforderungen erfüllen. Signicat stellt geschäftskritische und vertrauenswürdige Services bereit, die alle gesetzlichen Anforderungen erfüllen. Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News December 06 2019 News December 02 2019 News November 22 2019 Blog November 22 2019 Blog November 19 2019 News November 13 2019 Blog November 07 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog October 30 2019 Whitepaper October 23 2019 Blog October 23 2019 News October 23 2019 News October 23 2019 News October 10 2019 News September 26 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog September 18 2019 Whitepaper September 16 2019 Video August 19 2019 Video August 14 2019 News July 02 2019 News July 02 2019 News July 01 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News June 24 2019 Blog June 19 2019 Blog June 17 2019 Whitepaper June 07 2019 News June 04 2019 Blog May 21 2019 Blog May 07 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News April 16 2019 Whitepaper April 11 2019 News April 11 2019 News April 09 2019 Whitepaper April 04 2019 News March 27 2019 Blog March 13 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Video February 25 2019 Whitepaper February 07 2019 Blog February 05 2019 Blog January 30 2019 Video January 25 2019 Video January 24 2019 Video January 16 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog January 14 2019 Insight January 10 2019 Blog January 09 2019 Blog December 15 2018 Blog December 12 2018 News November 28 2018 News November 12 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Insight November 08 2018 News November 07 2018 Blog October 30 2018 Blog October 29 2018 Blog October 23 2018 Blog October 12 2018 Blog September 28 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog September 17 2018 Whitepaper August 15 2018 Blog August 10 2018 Insight July 12 2018 News July 05 2018 News June 19 2018 Insight June 12 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News June 12 2018 June 04 2018 Blog May 29 2018 Blog May 17 2018 News January 25 2018 Blog January 22 2018 Blog January 17 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News October 12 2017 Blog August 15 2017 Blog March 28 2017 Blog February 24 2017 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News March 02 2021 News February 24 2021 News February 08 2021 News December 15 2020 News November 03 2020 News, Electronic signing November 02 2020 News September 15 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 03 2021 Blog February 22 2021 Blog February 12 2021 Blog February 09 2021 Blog December 23 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|It is a key element in Denmark’s digital infrastructure, but it is getting old and outdated. Therefore the Danish Agency for Digitisation (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) has initiated a project to replace it with MitID, which will be more flexible and secure. MitID will be in production in mid 2021, and NemID will be phased out in the beginning of 2022. The service providers have to use a digital identity broker. Broker services will be offered in a competitive market, meaning that any company currently using NemID to onboard customers or authenticate users will be able to purchase digital identity services from a vendor of their choice. The digital identity brokers will need to go through a certification by the Danish Agency for Digitisation, and this process is expected to begin during Q4 in 2019. The broker role is so to speak part of Signicat’s DNA, and Signicat is in the process of building MitID solutions for existing and new customers. Signicat already helps a large number of Danish companies with their identity verification, authentication and electronic signing needs. To the broker role we will in addition to MitID bring our robust identity platform, which is enabled by our integration of 25 different eID solutions from more than 10 European countries, and our versatile signing service. MitID will be in production in mid 2021, and NemID will be phased out in the beginning of 2022. Signicat has a long track record serving as a digital identity broker, and we are pre-qualified as MitID broker. Integrates 25+ eIDs and serves 800 customers with identity services across Europe The contract with the existing supplier, Nets DanID, expires. This means that, according to the udbudsloven, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen is obliged to submit the solution in tender. This is also an opportunity to upgrade the somewhat old and outdated NemID with a more user friendly and modernsolution. Behind MitID are the Danish banks and the public sector (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen), who have joined forces in a partnership to develop MitID and make the solution available in the Danish market. Wherever you currently use you NemID to log on or sign, MitID will replace NemID. You just have to get used to new ways to log in, but for a user, the change will in no way be difficult. Brokers will be able to provide add on functionality on top of the standard MitID method which also improves the user experience. di|April 6 2021 March 8 2021 February 4 2021 Jan 8 2021 October 26 2020 October 26 2020 August 27 2020 August 12 2020 May 14 2020 October 5 2019 January 17 2020 May 14 2020 May 14 2020 st|MitID in production from 2021 Signicat is a pre-qualified MitID broker Signicat is an established eID broker across Europe Why is NemID changing to MitID? Who is behind MitID? What are the differences between NemID and MitID? h1|MitID: A modern electronic ID for Denmark MitID: A modern electronic ID for Denmark h2|Denmark’s digital identity infrastructure gets an upgrade in 2021 MitID Step up Demo Documentation MitID resources Don’t get left behind Frequently Asked Questions about MitID h3|Denmark’s NemID electronic ID will be replaced by MitID in 2021. Read on to learn more about this change, access resources and discover how Signicat can help you migrate to MitID. NemID is a safe login used by nearly all people in Denmark for online banking, communication with public authorities, identifying themselves in other digital services and more. With MitID, online service providers will not be allowed to integrate MitID directly. Signicat has a long track record as digital identity broker in other European countries. This demo shows step up from security level Low (using username and password) to security level Substantial (using MitID code device). Access the latest resources from Signicat and others related to the MitID transition: Sign up for our MitID migration newsletter for news, updates and resources related to the NemID to MitID transition. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Have a question not listed here? sp|MitID will be in production in mid 2021, and NemID will be phased out in the beginning of 2022. MitID will be in production in mid 2021, and NemID will be phased out in the beginning of 2022. Find information about the Signicat MitID broker service and watch demo here. Copyright 2020 pa|As traditional institutions increasingly come under threat from fintechs, challenger banks and big tech companies, Rabobank realised that its existing services were under threat from commodification and disintermediation by competition. However, in the age of password fatigue and hackers, consumers and businesses need a new way to build mutual trust and ensure that the business is legitimate, and the customer is genuine. As a trusted entity, Rabobank knew it was in pole position to take its brand equity, customer data, and position in the value chain, to provide digital identity service to improve the speed, security and utility of online commerce. However, the bank’s stakeholders knew that it needed to focus on trust, not transactions. The challenge Rabobank’s enterprise clients faced was that KYC and AML regulations demand banking grade identification and authentication of end users. This required additional processes that degraded the user experience. Rabobank wanted to develop a digitized service for its enterprise clients to make onboarding simpler and more convenient, and ultimately increase online conversion and ensure compliance. Rabobank needed a partner that understood the digital identity space to help build a new platform, and so approached Signicat. After working closely together, Rabo Identity Services, a bank-led Digital Identity Service Provider (DISP), was launched in 2017. The DISP was the first of its kind, and brings together Rabobank’s experience with large, multinational enterprises, Signicat’s digital identity technology, and a host of identity scheme providers. The result is a single, cross-border method for digital onboarding, login, signature, and archiving that avoids cumbersome UX for consumers and high manual costs for enterprises. The platform enables end users to use a range of identity schemes to access online services, including the Dutch IDs, iDIN and DigiD, others from around Europe including NemID and Freja ID, and social logins such as Google. Since collaborating to create the DISP, Rabo Identity Services has been able to increase online conversion for its enterprise clients. A fairly straightforward identity process means that the cost that per identification has reduced dramatically, translating to a 58% saving per transaction. In total, Rabo Identity Services has saved Rabobank €502,848 in the time since launch, while also offering customers a far better experience, identifying themselves digitally rather than using slow and frustrating manual methods. Rabo Identity Services has been widely recognised by the financial services industry for its innovation with multiple award wins and nominations. In 2018, Aite Group, a leading independent research firm in the financial services industry, awarded the project its Impact Innovation Award in the Digital Channel Capabilities category. Rabobank is an international financial services provider headquartered in the Netherlands, and serves 8.4 million clients around the world.It is a cooperative bank with an unparalleled knowledge of the food and agricultural industry. Measured by Tier 1 capital, Rabobank Group is one of the world’s largest financial institutions. Director Strategic Partnerships and Products Svea Ekonomi Finland h1|“It’s not easy to find a partner that shares the same mindset, but Signicat was able to visualize the future in the same way.” h2|The challenge The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|0 Tomas Lundqvist What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Daan van den Eshof Product Manager Rabo Identity Services Saving cost per identification transaction Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|hjælper virksomheder med at udvide deres virksomhed internationalt uden at gå på kompromis med hverken sikkerhed eller brugeroplevelse. Vores banebrydende teknologi kombineret med omfattende markedskendskab, gør det muligt for os at tilbyde løsninger, der er skræddersyet til hver enkelt kundes unikke forretningsbehov. Forretningsprocesserne er forbundet ved hjælp af verifikations-, validerings- og autentificeringsmetoder, som alle er tilgængelige fra en enkelt platform. 319 DKK per måned Få et tilbud Skræddersyet konfiguration Det er et nøgleelement i Danmarks digitale infrastruktur, men det er ved at blive gammelt og uaktuelt. Derfor har Digitaliseringsstyrelsen startet et projekt for at erstatte det med MitID, der vil blive mere fleksibelt og sikkert. MitID vil være i produktion i midten af 2021 og NemID vil blive udfaset i begyndelsen af 2022. Tjenesteudbydere skal bruge en broker til digital identitet. Broker servicen bliver tilbudt i et konkurrencepræget marked, hvilket betyder, at et firma, der i øjeblikket bruger NemID til at onboarde kunder eller autentificere brugere, vil kunne købe digital identitets service fra en sælger efter eget valg. Brokeren for digital identitet skal gå igennem certificering fra Digitaliseringsstyrelsen og denne proces forventes at begynde i 4. kvartal i 2019. Brokerrollen er en del af Signicats DNA. Signicat er godkendt som MitID-broker og er i fuld gang med at etablere MitID-løsninger med eksisterende og nye kunder. Signicat hjælper et stort antal danske virksomheder med deres behov for verificering af identitet, autentificering og elektronisk signering. Udover brokerrollen for MitID tilbyder vi en platform, der muliggør integration til 25 forskellige eID-løsninger fra mere end 10 europæiske lande, og til vores signeringsservice. MitID wil være i produktion fra midten af 2021, og NemID vil blive udfaset i begyndelsen af 2022. Signicat har en lang historik som broker for digital identitet og er pre-certificeret MitID broker. Integrerer med 25+ eID’er og betjener 800 kunder med identitetsservice i Europa. di|6 april 2021 8. Marts 2021 4 Februar 2021 7. Januar 2021 18. december 2020 3. December, 2020 3 november 2020 17 August 2020 26 August 2020 12 August 2020 2 Juni 2020 13 Maj 2020 17 januar 2020 li|MitID login Basis UX template Offentlig cloud hosting MitID login MitID signering CPR-match SSO PSD2 Transaktionsmæssigt samtykke Grafisk profil Privat cloud >30 eID'er fra Europa og Norden QTSP, SOC2 og ISO27001 Service desk support 99.8% uptime SLA st|MitID i produktion fra 2021 Signicat er i fuld gang med at implementere støtte for MitID Signicat er en etableret eID broker i Europa h1|MitID: Et moderne elektronisk ID i Danmark MitID: Et moderne elektronisk ID i Danmark h2|Meget mere end MitID Bredt spektrum af MitID-løsninger Add-on tjenester Dokumentation Danmarks infrastruktur for digital identitet får en opgradering i 2021. Om MitID: Ressourcer Hold dig opdateret h3|Udvid dine forretningsmuligheder udover MitID med Signicats internationale cross border identitetsplatform Start på Basis... ... og fortsæt op til Danmarks elektroniske ID, NemID bliver erstattet af MitID i 2021. Læs mere her om ændringen, adgang til ressourcer og hvordan Signicat kan hjælpe dig med at migrere til MitID. NemID er en sikker log-in metode, der bliver brugt af næsten alle personer i Danmark. Til online bankforretning, kommunikation med offentlige myndigheder og til at identificere sig selv med i forbindelse med andre digitale services og mere. Med MitID vil online tjenesteudbydere ikke kunne integrere direkte til MitID. Signicat har en lang historik som broker for digital identitet i andre europæiske lande. Få adgang til nyheder om MitID fra Signicat og andre relateret til MitID: Skriv dig op her til vores MitID migreringsnyhedsbrev med nyheder, opdateringer og andet relateret til overgangen fra NemID til MitID. Tilmeld dig og hold dig opdateret sp|MitID vil være i produktion fra midt 2021 og NemID vil blive udfaset i begyndelsen af 2022. MitID vil være i produktion fra midt 2021 og NemID vil blive udfaset i begyndelsen af 2022. MitID pris per login: 0.02DKK (Tredjeparts omkostning ikke inkl.) Begrænsninger kan gælde. Transaktionspriser baseret på volume Signicat tilbyder et omfattende sæt MitID add-on tjenester. MitID Login MitID Signering CPR Match Grafisk profil Login sikkerhedsniveauer Login step-up Transaktionsmæssigt samtykke PSD2 compliance SSO Single Sign On Privat MitID til Erhverv Find information om Signicat MitID brokerservice og se demo her. Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 di|Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... November 04 2020 Korvaa Tupas nyt tunnistusvälittäjän... September 25 2019 toi kivijalkakauppoihin... January 26 2021 Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? November 04 2020 Case Study April 09 2021 Finland, Case Study January 26 2021 Blog, Finland December 04 2020 Blog November 04 2020 News, Finland November 04 2020 November 04 2020 News, Electronic signing November 02 2020 h1|Materiaalipankki h2|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla h4|Suosituin sp|Täältä löydät viimeisimmät blogit, oppaat ja webinaarit. Copyright 2020 h1|"Signicat is the best partner for secure ID." h2|Case studies More of our customers Get in touch h3|BNP Paribas Customer Case SurePay Customer Case Aktia Bank Telia Norway SVEA Fellow Finance Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Our customers Tonje Smith-Hansen, Delivery Manager, Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Reduce manual processes and improve the quality of your KYC / AML compliance work with an end-to-end solution for onboarding. Signicat’s offering for digital onboarding of business and consumer customers allows you to introduce automated identity verification, data validation, attribute collection and database screening in a single workflow. This eliminates the need for paper-based processes and manual follow-up, and contributes to an enhanced customer experience. Signicat’s offering for digital onboarding consists of the following elements: Identity verification based on eIDs (such as BankID in Norway and Sweden, NemID in Denmark and banking credentials in Finland) . Attribute collection and validation from verified, trusted sources such as official company registries and sanctions lists Electronic signing for self-declaration, terms and conditions, account agreement and more h1|Automate and optimize KYC / AML with verified data from Signicat Automate and optimize KYC / AML with verified data from Signicat h2|AML-compliant onboarding of consumer and business customers Get in touch h3|Digital identity verification Attribute collection Electronic signing Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Reduce manual processes and improve the quality of your KYC / AML compliance work with an end-to-end solution for onboarding. Copyright 2020 pa|When a house sale is negotiated in the Netherlands, it's normal for the vendor to ask the buyer for a guarantee against the possibility of the deal not going through. The standard figure is 10 per cent of the purchase price. The buyer can use their own money as security if they wish, but they also have the option of applying for a low-cost BNP Paribas Cardif guarantee. "Through our brokers and mortgage banks, we sell a large number of guarantees each year," says Guido Wassink, Head of Sales and Business Development at BNP Paribas Cardif. "In the past, it was common for customers to physically sign the guarantee application forms when meeting their mortgage advisor." "Printing, signing, scanning and mailing documents isn't what customers nowadays expect with a digitised process, though" Wassink points out. "Especially with more and more contact between customers and mortgage advisors taking place remotely. It's important that our procedures are aligned with the way mortgage advisors work, including the trend towards remote contact. Digitisation of the signing process is part of that alignment." As part of one of Europe's biggest banks, BNP Paribas Cardif needed a digital signing solution that met very strict criteria regarding server security, service availability, backup processes and so on. The satisfies those criteria. "Another big plus with the Signicat portal is that it operates on a fully standalone basis, meaning it's not reliant on interfaces with back-office systems," says Wassink. "Integrating a digital signing solution with our own systems would be complex and time-consuming, whereas we wanted to innovate on this score as quickly as possible." "Signicat offers a simple, user-friendly upload portal that works straight out of the box," Wassink adds. "Their solution was operational within a few weeks - quite an achievement. Of course there were a few minor teething problems, of the kind you'd expect, but the Signicat team resolved them incredibly quickly. The fact that we already work with Signicat in the Nordics also facilitated acceptance of the solution in the Netherlands." With the , document routing is more compatible with modern consultancy practices," continues Wassink. Mortgage advisors have been keen to embrace the solution, he reports. "For mortgage advisors, the new solution is an efficient alternative to printing, scanning, saving and mailing files, while for customers it means a service experience that's more in tune with present-day expectations." The Signicat solution uses iDIN for the digital signing of documents. "In the Netherlands, iDIN is now a generally accepted, trusted signing technology," confirms Wassink. "It provides assurance regarding the identity of the customer and regarding what has been signed." BNP Paribas Cardif, a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, leads the global payment protection market. The company offers customers savings and protection solutions that enable them to pursue their aspirations while protecting themselves against unforeseen events. In a world shaped by the emergence of new applications and lifestyles, BNP Paribas Cardif has a unique business model based firmly on partnerships. With a workforce of more than ten thousand, BNP Paribas Cardif serves a hundred million customers in thirty-five countries and has a strong position in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Director Strategic Partnerships and Products Svea Ekonomi Finland h1|"The Signicat team delivered the solution we wanted amazingly quickly." h2|BNP Paribas Cardif customers can sign guarantee applications using Signicat Sign Portal The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Tomas Lundqvist What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Guido Wassink Head of Sales and Business Development BNP Paribas Cardif Copyright 2020 pa|Aktia, the oldest bank in Finland, updated the company strategy in late 2019, and outlined enhanced digital customer journeys and increased efficiencies as one of the key objectives. By taking a holistic view on serving customers in digital channels, the bank identified areas where digital identity could be leveraged to enhance customer experience while providing increased efficiencies for the bank. It didn’t take long until the first initiative, electronic signing, was introduced company-wide. “By introducing electronic signing as a replacement for paper-based processes throughout the company, Aktia will enjoy even greater benefits of digitization. Electronic signing in high volume use cases such as loan applications has become the industry standard but getting the most value from this requires going digital across the board. Signing with an eID, such as Finnish Trust Network bank credentials, enables fully digital document handling”, says , Signicat’s Country Manager for Finland. In addition to electronic signing, Signicat delivers Aktia customer strong authentication as a service. This greatly simplifies the system landscape and allows Aktia to get access to all the digital identity tools, such as authentication, the bank needs for customers across Europe. In less than six months after renewing the corporate strategy, Aktia had implemented electronic signing across the organization and revitalized digital customer journeys. “We managed to free customer advisor time for value creating tasks by eliminating paper-based processes. In addition to customers contracts such as loans, we digitized signing of partner agreements and employment contracts – this has already brought us considerable savings”, tells , Solution Owner Digital authentication and eSign from Aktia Bank. “The availability of authentication as a service has certainly accelerated our digital transformation”, Aller concludes, and adds that the feedback on eSigning has been positive from the bank staff and customers. Aktia’s roots date back to 1826, making it the oldest bank in Finland. Aktia launched first online bank in 1997 and was listed on Nasdaq OMX in Helsinki in 2009. Aktia Bank Plc reported revenues of €221M in 2019, and its nearly 800 employees serve over 350,000 customers. Director Strategic Partnerships and Products Svea Ekonomi Finland st|Antti Harsunen Päivi Aller h1|“We managed to free customer advisor time for value creating tasks by eliminating paper-based processes.” h2|The challenge The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Tomas Lundqvist What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Päivi Aller Solution Owner, Authentication & eSign Aktia Bank Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog Januar 28 2021 Blog Januar 20 2021 Blog Januar 15 2021 Blog Januar 08 2021 Blog Dezember 03 2020 Blog November 20 2020 Blog November 16 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Nachrichten April 07 2021 Blog März 29 2021 News März 15 2021 Blog März 04 2021 Nachrichten Februar 26 2021 Blog Februar 22 2021 Nachrichten Februar 11 2021 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog November 09 2020 Blog November 05 2020 Blog, Nachrichten, Electronic signing November 05 2020 Blog, Germany Oktober 12 2020 Blog August 26 2020 Blog August 20 2020 Blog Juli 20 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog Juli 16 2020 Blog Juli 16 2020 Blog Juli 15 2020 Blog Juli 08 2020 Blog Juli 03 2020 Blog Juni 30 2020 Blog Juni 24 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog Juni 24 2020 Blog Juni 17 2020 Blog Juni 02 2020 Blog Juni 02 2020 Blog Juni 02 2020 Nachrichten Mai 12 2020 Video April 17 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog April 16 2020 Blog April 16 2020 Nachrichten April 03 2020 Blog April 02 2020 Blog März 31 2020 Whitepaper März 30 2020 Blog März 25 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog März 17 2020 Blog März 11 2020 Nachrichten Januar 27 2020 Whitepaper November 19 2019 Nachrichten November 13 2019 Whitepaper November 07 2019 Blog November 07 2019 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Veranstaltung Oktober 11 2019 Nachrichten Juni 04 2019 Nachrichten März 27 2019 Nachrichten November 19 2018 Nachrichten November 08 2018 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog März 29 2021 Blog März 04 2021 Blog Februar 22 2021 Blog Januar 28 2021 Blog Januar 20 2021 Blog Januar 15 2021 Blog Januar 08 2021 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|The mobile market in Norway is highly competitive, and as in any market, fraud is increasing – in particular in digital channels where it is harder to establish . As digital channels are growing in importance to acquire new customers, as a consequence of the difficulties to establish true identity. Hence Telia experienced the challenge of providing convenience for new customers to sign up online with the need to manage growing levels of fraud. This meant that Telia needed a solution to reduce fraud while maintaining security and to become a new mobile customer online. In addition, the digital journey to on-board a new customer had to compliant with know-your-customer (KYC) regulatory requirements. Telia decided to try to reduce this fraud from digital channels by adding identity verification of all new mobile customers, using Signicat’s APIs. The challenge was to reduce fraud while maintaining existing conversion rates online. In April 2019, Telia Norway required all new mobile users signing up through their web page, to verify their identity digitally using the Norwegian electronic identity (eID) BankID, delivered through Signicat. For Telia Norway the choice of partner for the digital customer journey was based on the fact that Signicat – a trusted provider of digital identity services for many years – had already delivered digital identity services to other business areas in Telia. Telia Norway simply integrated the Signicat APIs into their customer on-boarding workflow, and new mobile customers are now able to easily identify themselves with their digital BankID credentials to prove they are who they say they are. Telia combines this with a background credit check of the customer. To become a customer of Telia, the customer journey is short and simple: the customer types in their existing mobile number and date of birth, and then choses BankID or BankID on Mobile, in the few simple steps shown below. It is worth noting that the new mobile customer can only use a digital identity to prove their identity online; Telia does not accept other methods (e.g. entering in name and address with offline verification). This was a key decision to ensure a simple and secure user experience. For other methods, the customer has to visit a Telia shop. : “By using digital identity to verify new mobile customers, we have not only achieved our goals of significantly reducing fraud, but we have also demonstrated to our customers that Telia Norway delivers innovation and security focused around their needs by maintaining a convenient user experience. Signicat helped us to take care of the whole process within a few months, and we are impressed by the level of professionalism, service and support during the implementation. The solution is futureproof and we feel that we made the right decision by choosing this. Identity verification not only reduces risk for Telia Norway, but increases the safety of consumers.” Since the implementation of the digital customer onboarding service in April 2019, Telia Norway has already seen tangible benefits. Compared to the previous manual process for identity verification and credit check, the new online process is much faster and eliminates the risk of human error. Since the launch, Telia Norway has reduced fraud cost by ca. 4 million NOK. The user experience is simpler and the steps to become a new mobile customer has been reduced significantly. Telia has been able to redeploy two full time equivalent people devoted to manually following up and verifying customer data, to tasks that create more value. The adoption of digital identity verification for new customers has positioned Telia as a secure, trusted and innovative partner and provides a simpler digital onboarding customer process than other competitors in the market. Furthermore, although Telia Norway required all new customers to present their digital identity during onboarding, this did not reduce the completion rate, which remains at over 70 %. As one of the Nordics’ largest mobile network operators and part of Telia Company Group, Telia Norway has a strong focus on security and innovative services. This involves to be a trusted partner to both consumers and businesses. With a net sales in 2018 of SEK 85,965 million and 24.2 million mobile customers across 9 markets in the region, Telia has been a market leader since 1993. Strategy Director ANVA st|the true identity of the new customers fraud is also increasing a convenient user experience Geir Jangås, VP Digital and Analytics, Telia Norway, explains h1|“Signicat helped us to take care of the whole process within a few months, and we are impressed by the level of professionalism, service and support during the implementation.” h2|Telia Norway reduced fraud cost by 4 million NOK in 9 months The solution The results About the client Get in touch h3|Justin Schlee What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Geir Jangås VP Digital & Analytics Telia Norway Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat’s Sign Portal offers verified electronic signatures through one simple online interface. The portal facilitates signing of contracts, agreements and other important documents by leveraging eIDs, which allow you to be sure of who signed the document. Start using in 1 minute - no installation or integration required. Simplicity of UX meets highest level of data security. eIDAS-compliant ES, AES and QES for legally-binding contracts Signicat Sign Portal has been designed to offer access to advanced electronic signing functionality through a simple and user-friendly interface. Deploying the solution does not require installing any software on your computer, or integrations. Signicat Sign Portal verifies the identity of the signer by connecting to electronic IDs (eID) across Europe. This gives you the security of knowing who signed the document and when this happened, and allows you to safely digitise signing of even the most important and sensitive documents, without the need to print and scan, or send any papers in the mail. The portal has a configurable data retention policy, which means that data can be automatically deleted after a given time, or on an ad-hoc basis as initiated by customer. Only a minimal set of personal data are used in logs, which are deleted periodically. There is also a possibility for secure transfer of signed documents to the recipients/signatories. Signicat as as a Data Processor (DP) on behalf of the Data Controller (DC, customer), and has a DPA in place regulating the processing of data performed in the solutions used. €69 Per Month €235 Per Month Get Quote li|Supports verified electronic identities across Europe SMS OTP and InkSign Cloud-hosted solution Configurable data retention policy Supports both Advanced and Qualified levels in accordance with the eIDAS regulation No data lock-in Automatic reminders Cross-border identity verification InkSign + 1 eID method Timestamped PAdES Secure sharing of signed documents E-mail notifications Ink signature: €0.30 SMS signature: €0.30 eID signature: €0.60 Secure Share: €0.30 Full Nordic eID coverage* Private signing orders User and group management Custom reminders SMS notifications Edit sent sign orders Azure AD SSO support Ink signature: €0.30 SMS signature: €0.30 eID signature: €0.60 Secure Share: €0.30 Volume discounts Custom design, URL & whitelabeling Access to non-nordic eID methods Multi-product discounts Send emails with SMTP Custom retention policies Transaction prices based on volume st|Everything in Basic Package, plus: Everything in Advanced Package, plus: h1|Signicat Sign Portal: Secure verified electronic signatures Signicat Sign Portal: Secure verified electronic signatures h2|Replace paper-based processes with a mobile-friendly e-signing portal that couples high security with ease of use. Electronic signing portal in action Quick setup Identity verification Secure and GDPR compliant Key features summary Price Plans Signicat Sign Portal Request a quote for Signicat Sign Portal Premium h3|Get started now Simple, yet advanced Trusted signatures Simple solution for advanced electronic signatures Basic Advanced Nordic Premium Subscribe and stay updated sp|Simple solution for advanced electronic signatures with verified electronic identities across Europe. Simple solution for advanced electronic signatures with verified electronic identities across Europe. No integration or installation needed - get started in minutes. × Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 pa|Vi tilbyder verificerede elektroniske underskrifter via én simpel online grænseflade. Via portalen er det nemt at underskrive kontrakter, aftaler og andre vigtige dokumenter ved hjælp af elektroniske identiteter (NemID, BankID og Mobiilivarmenne), så du kan være sikker på, hvem der har underskrevet dokumentet. Kom i gang i løbet af 1 minut – der kræves ingen integration eller installation. Simpel UX møder den højeste grad af datasikkerhed. Juridisk bindende underskrifter med elektroniske id'er i de nordiske lande og engangsadgangskode via sms. Vores løsning er designet til at give adgang til avancerede elektroniske underskriftsfunktioner via en simpel og brugervenlig grænseflade. Implementering af løsningen kræver ikke installation af software på din computer eller integrationer. Det eneste, du skal gøre, er at vælge abonnementstype, oprette en konto og gå i gang med at bruge portalen. Signicat Sign Portal verificerer underskriverens identitet ved at oprette forbindelse til elektroniske id'er (eID'er), fx NemID i Danmark og BankID i Norge og Sverige. Det betyder, at du ved, hvem der har underskrevet dokumentet, og hvornår det blev underskrevet, og det giver dig mulighed for at anvende sikker digital underskrivning af selv de mest vigtige og følsomme dokumenter uden at skulle udskrive og scanne eller sende papirer via post. Portalen har en konfigurerbar dataarkiveringspolitik, hvilket vil sige, at data automatisk kan slettes efter et vist tidsrum eller ad hoc afhængigt af brugerens konfiguration. Kun et minimalt antal personlige data bruges i logs, som slettes jævnligt. Der er også mulighed for sikker overførsel af signerede dokumenter til modtagere/underskrivere. Signicat fungerer som databehandler (DP) på vegne af datacontrolleren (DC, kunden) og har en DPA (databehandleraftale), der regulerer behandlingen af data i de anvendte løsninger. 549 DKK pr. måned 1750 DKK pr. måned Get Quote li|Verificerede elektroniske underskrifter i hele Europa Løsning hostet i skyen Konfigurerbar dataarkiveringspolitik Understøtter både Advanced- og Qualified-niveauer i forhold til eIDAS-bestemmelsen Ingen låste data Automatiske påmindelser Verificering af identitet på tværs af grænser InkSign + 1 eID metode Tidstemplet PAdES Sikker deling af underskrevne dokumenter E-mail notifikationer Ink underskrift: 3 DKK SMS underskrift: 3 DKK eID underskrift: 6 DKK Secure Share: 3 DKK Fuld dækning af nordiske eID-metoder Personlige signeringsordrer Bruger - og gruppeadministration Brugertilpassede påmindelser SMS-notifikationer Redigering af signeringsordrer Azure AD SSO support Ink underskrift: 3 DKK SMS underskrift: 3 DKK eID underskrift: 6 DKK Secure Share: 3 DKK Mængderabat Brugertilpasset design, URL og whitelabling Adgang til ikke-nordiske eID-metoder Multiprodukt rabatter Send emails med SMTP Kundetilpasset datalagringsspolitik Transaktionspriser baseret på volumen st|Alt i Basis-pakken, plus: Alt i Advanceret-pakken, plus: h1|Praktiske, verificerede elektroniske underskrifter med Signicat Sign Portal Praktiske, verificerede elektroniske underskrifter med Signicat Sign Portal h2|Udskift papirbaserede processer med en mobilvenlig e-underskrivningsportal, der kobler høj sikkerhed med brugervenlighed. Sådan virker den elektroniske signeringsportal Hurtig opsætning Juridisk bindende, verificerede underskrifter Sikkert og overholder GDPR Oversigt over nøglefunktioner Prisoversigt Signicat Sign Portal Request a quote for Signicat Sign Portal Premium h3|Kom i gang med det samme Simpelt, men dog avanceret Pålidelige underskrifter Simpel løsning til avancerede elektroniske underskrifter Basic Advanced Nordic Premium Tilmeld dig og hold dig opdateret sp|Simpel løsning til avancerede elektroniske underskrifter med verificerede elektroniske identiteter, fx NemID og BankID. Simpel løsning til avancerede elektroniske underskrifter med verificerede elektroniske identiteter, f x NemID og BankID. Der kræves ingen integration eller installation – kom i gang i løbet nogle få minutter. × Copyright 2020 pa|Das Signicat Sign Portal ermöglicht verifizierte elektronische Signaturen über eine leicht zu bedienende und online verfügbare Bedienoberfläche. Über das Portal lassen sich Verträge, Vereinbarungen und andere wichtige Dokumente unterschreiben. Und durch die Nutzung von eIDs können Sie jederzeit sicher sein, wer das Dokument unterschrieben hat. Einrichtung in nur einer Minute – keine Installation oder Integration erforderlich Optimale Nutzererfahrung trifft auf höchstmögliche Sicherheit Komfortabel und rechtsverbindlich unterschreiben mit eIDs Das Sign Portal von Signicat wurde entwickelt, um den Zugriff auf fortgeschrittene elektronische Signaturen mit Hilfe einer übersichtliche und nutzerfreundliche Bedienoberfläche zu ermöglichen. Die Bereitstellung der Lösung erfordert keine Installation oder Integration einer Software auf dem Computer. Das Signicat Sign Portal verifiziert die Identität eines Unterzeichners, indem es eine Verbindung zu Anbietern von digitalen Identitäten (eID) wie Verimi, yes® oder dem nPA herstellt. Auf diese Weise können Sie jederzeit sicher sein, wer das Dokument wann unterschrieben hat. So lässt sich auch das Unterschreiben von wichtigen und hochsensiblen Dokumenten digitalisieren. Das Ausdrucken, Einscannen oder Versenden von Dokumenten per Post entfällt. Das Signicat Sign Portal verfügt über eine konfigurierbare Richtlinie zur Datenaufbewahrung. Die Daten können entweder automatisch nach einer festgelegten Zeit oder sofort auf Initiative des Kunden gelöscht werden. Die Log-Dateien enthalten nur wenige personenbezogene Daten und werden in regelmäßigen Abständen gelöscht. Darüber hinaus besteht die Möglichkeit, unterschriebene Dokumente sicher an die Empfänger/Unterzeichner zu übermitteln. Signicat handelt als Datenverarbeiter im Auftrag des Kunden (Datenverantwortlichen) und verfügt über eine DPA (Datenverarbeitungserklärung), um die Verarbeitung der Daten in den verwendeten Lösungen zu regeln. li|Verifizierte elektronische Signaturen Einmalpasswort per SMS (SMS-OTP) und InkSign Cloudbasierte Lösung Konfigurierbare Richtlinien für die Datenaufbewahrung Unterstützt das Sicherheitsniveau gemäß eIDAS-Verordnung Automatische Erinnerungen Länderübergreifende Verifikation von Identitäten h1|NEU! Signicat Sign Portal – in wenigen Schritten zur verifizierten E-Signatur NEU! Signicat Sign Portal – in wenigen Schritten zur verifizierten E-Signatur h2|Sicheres und schnelles Erstellen von elektronischen Signaturen. Überall & jederzeit! Das Portal für elektronische Signaturen in der Praxis Schnelle Einrichtung Verifikation von Identitäten Sicher und DSGVO-konform Wichtige Funktionen im Überblick h3|Keine Integration oder Konfiguration erforderlich – in nur einer Minute startklar. Sofort startklar Einfach und sicher Verifizierte Signaturen Eine komfortable Lösung für fortgeschrittene elektronische Signaturen Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten sp|Die intuitive Lösung für fortgeschrittene elektronische Signaturen (AES) mit verifizierten digitalen Identitäten von Verimi, yes® und dem nPA. Die intuitive Lösung für fortgeschrittene elektronische Signaturen (AES) mit verifizierten digitalen Identitäten von Verimi, yes® und dem nPA. Copyright 2020 pa|Signicats Sign Portal tilbyr verifiserte elektroniske signaturer via et brukervennlig nettbasert grensesnitt. Portalen legger til rette for signering av kontrakter, avtaler og andre viktige dokumenter ved bruk av elektroniske identiteter som BankID i Norge og Sverige, samt NemID i Danmark, Mobiilivarmenne i Finland, slik at du kan være sikker på hvem som signerer. Begynn å bruke løsningen på ett minutt – ingen integrasjon eller installasjon kreves. Et brukervennlig grensesnitt som også tilbyr det høyeste nivået av datasikkerhet. Juridisk bindende signaturer med elektroniske ID-er i de nordiske landene, samt SMS OTP. Signicat Sign Portal bekrefter identiteten til underskriveren (signataren) ved å koble til ønskede eID’er. Dette gjør at du kan være trygg på hvem som signerer dokumentet og når det skjer. Med dette vil selv de viktigste og mest sensitive dokumenter være digitalisert uten måtte skrive ut og skanne eller sende papirer i posten. Portalen har konfigurerbare retningslinjer for oppbevaring av data. Dette betyr at data kan bli slettet automatisk etter en viss tid, eller ved behov av kunden. Bare et minimum av personopplysninger lagres i logger, og disse slettes regelmessig. Det finnes også mulighet for sikker overføring av signerte dokumenter til signatarene. Signicat fungerer som databehandler på vegne av behandlingsansvarlig (organisasjonen), og har en databehandleravtale som regulerer behandlingen av data som lagres i løsningene. 749 NOK per måned 2499 NOK per måned Få tilbud li|Bekreftede elektroniske signaturer SMS OTP og InkSign tilgjengelig for ikke-verifiserte signaturer Løsningen driftes i nettskyen Konfigurerbare retningslinjer for oppbevaring av data Støtter både avanserte (AES) og kvalifiserte (QES) signaturer i henhold til eIDAS-forskriften Ingen data lock-in Automatiske påminnelser Bekreftelse av identiteter på tvers av landegrenser InkSign + eID metode Tidsstemplet PAdES Sikker deling av signerte dokumenter E-postvarsler Inksignering: 3 NOK SMS signatur: 6 NOK eID signatur: 12 NOK Secure Share: 3 NOK Full dekning av nordiske eID-metoder Personlige signeringsordrer Bruker og gruppeadministrasjon Bruker tilpasset påminnelser SMS-varsling Redigering av signeringsordrer Azure AD SSO support Inksignering: 3 NOK SMS signatur: 6 NOK eID signatur: 12 NOK Secure Share: 3 NOK Volumrabatter Kundetilpasset design, URL og whitelabeling Tilgang til ikke-nordiske eID-metoder Multiprodukt rabatter Send emails med SMSTP Kundetiplasset datalagringspolicy Transaksjonspriser basert på volum st|Alt i Basic-pakken, plus: Alt i "Avansert Pakken", pluss: h1|Praktisk løsning for verifiserte signaturer med Signicat Sign Portal Praktisk løsning for verifiserte signaturer med Signicat Sign Portal h2|Erstatt papirbaserte prosesser med en mobilvennlig portal for elektronisk signering som både er sikker og brukervennlig. Elektronisk signeringsportal in action Rask konfigurasjon Juridisk bindende verifiserte signaturer Sikker og i samsvar med personvern Oppsummering av hovedfunksjoner Prisoversikt Signicat Sign Portal Request a quote for Signicat Sign Portal Premium h3|Kom i gang nå Brukervennlig, men likevel avansert Pålitelige signaturer Basic Advanced Nordic Premium Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Brukervennlig løsning for avansert elektronisk signering med BankID. Brukervennlig løsning for avansert elektronisk signering med BankID. Ingen integrasjon eller installasjon er nødvendig – kom i gang på få minutter! Enkel løsning for avanserte elektroniske signaturer Signicat Sign Portal er utviklet for å kunne tilby avansert elektronisk signering via et enkelt og brukervennlig grensesnitt. For å komme i gang med løsningen trenger du kun å opprette en konto og velge en abonnementstype. Det er ikke nødvendig med verken installasjon av programvare eller integrasjon. × Copyright 2020 pa|Selainpohjainen, mobiiliystävällinen ja ennen kaikkea turvallinen ratkaisu asiakirjojen sähköiseen allekirjoittamiseen. Allekirjoitukset, joihin voit luottaa. Sopii erityisesti tilanteisiin, jotka ovat aiemmin vaatineet kasvotusten tapahtuvaa henkilöllisyyden todentamista. Signicatin Sign Portal on selainpohjainen portaali, jonka avulla voit vaivatta korvata paperipohjaisen allekirjoitusprosessin erilaisille asiakirjoille, kuten ostosopimukset, työsopimukset, tarjoukset ja muut tärkeät tai luottamukselliset dokumentit. Suomalaisten pankkitunnusten ja Mobiilivarmenteen lisäksi Signicat Sign Portal tarjoaa pankkitunnuksia vastaavat tunnistusvälineet allekirjoitustapana muissa Pohjoismaissa, joten sama ratkaisu palvelee hyvin myös Pohjoismaissa liiketoimintaa tekeviä yrityksiä. Pääset alkuun minuutissa – asennusta tai integrointeja ei tarvita. Vahva tunnistaminen estää asiakirjaan pääsyn vääriltä henkilöiltä. Juridisesti sitovat allekirjoitukset pankkitunnusten avulla. Helppoa ja turvallista molemmille osapuolille. Signicat Sign Portal tarjoaa kehittyneet sähköiset allekirjoitusominaisuudet helppokäyttöisessä käyttöliittymässä. Ratkaisun käyttöönotto ei vaadi ohjelmistojen asennuksia tai integrointeja. Valitse vain tilaustyyppi, luo tili ja aloita portaalin käyttö. Signicat Sign Portal varmentaa allekirjoittajan henkilöllisyyden muodostamalla yhteyden vahvoihin sähköisiin tunnistuspalveluihin, kuten pankkitunnukset tai Mobiilivarmenne Suomessa tai BankID Ruotsissa ja Norjassa. Näin tiedät varmasti, kuka asiakirjan on allekirjoittanut asiakirjan ja milloin. Voit myös turvallisesti siirtää tärkeimpien ja arkaluonteisten asiakirjojen allekirjoittamisen sähköiseen ympäristöön, joten sinun ei tarvitse tulostaa ja skannata tai lähetellä papereita postitse. Portaalissa on konfiguroitava tietojen säilytyskäytäntö, eli tiedot voidaan poistaa automaattisesti tietyn ajan kuluttua tai tarpeen mukaan asiakkaan aloitteesta. Lokeissa säilytetään vain välttämättömiä henkilötietoja, jotka poistetaan säännöllisesti. Allekirjoitetut asiakirjat voidaan myös lähettää turvallisesti vastaanottajille/allekirjoittajille. Signicat toimii henkilötietojen käsittelijänä rekisterinpitäjän (asiakkaan) puolesta, ja käytössä on henkilötietojen käsittelysopimus, jossa säädetään henkilötietojen käsittelystä käytettävissä ratkaisuissa. €69 / kk €235 / kk Pyydä tarjous li|Varmennetut sähköiset allekirjoitukset eri puolilla Eurooppaa Pilvipalvelu Konfiguroitava tietojen säilytyskäytäntö Tukee sekä kehittynyttä että hyväksyttyä tasoa eIDAS-asetuksen mukaisesti Ei tietojen lukkiutumista Automaattiset muistutukset Rajat ylittävä henkilöllisyyden varmennus InkSign + 1 eID-menetelmä Aikaleimatut PAdES-asiakirjat Allekirjoitettujen asiakirjojen suojattu jakaminen Sähköposti-ilmoitukset Musteallekirjoitus: €0,30 Kertakäyttösalasana tekstiviestillä : €0,60 Allekirjoitus pankkitunnuksilla tai Mobiilivarmenteella: €1,20 Suojattu jakaminen: €0,30 : Täysi pohjoismainen eID-kattavuus* Yksityiset allekirjoitusmääräykset Käyttäjien ja ryhmien hallinta Mukautetut muistutukset Tekstiviesti-ilmoitukset Muokkaa lähetettyjä allekirjoitusmääräyksiä Azure AD SSO -tuki Musteallekirjoitus: €0,30 Kertakäyttösalasana tekstiviestillä : €0,60 Allekirjoitus pankkitunnuksilla tai Mobiilivarmenteella: €1,20 Suojattu jakaminen: €0,30 : Brändätty ulkoasu ja URL Mahdollisuus lisätä kansainväliset tunnistusvälineet allekirjoitustavoiksi Kustannustehokas pakettihinnoittelu Käytä omaa sähköpostipalvelinta (SMTP) Asiakkaan määrittelemä dokumenttien säilytysaika Pyydä tarjous Käyttöön perustuva hinnoittelu st|Sisältää peruspaketin ominaisuudet ja lisäksi Laajennetun paketin kaikki ominaisuudet ja lisäksi h1|Sähköiset allekirjoitukset pankkitunnuksilla ja Mobiilivarmenteella - Signicat Sign Portal Sähköiset allekirjoitukset pankkitunnuksilla ja Mobiilivarmenteella - Signicat Sign Portal h2|Voit nyt sähköistää jopa arkaluontoisten ja tärkeiden asiakirjojen allekirjoittamisen helppokäyttöisellä allekirjoitusportaalilla, joka täyttää tiukimmatkin tietoturvavaatimukset. Näin Signicat Sign Portal toimii Nopea käyttöönotto Juridisesti sitovat, varmennetut allekirjoitukset Turvallinen ja GDPR:n mukainen Yhteenveto keskeisistä ominaisuuksista Signicatin allekirjoitusportaalin tilaushinnat Request a quote for Signicat Sign Portal Premium h3|Aloita käyttö heti Suojaa asiakirjat sivullisilta Luotettavat allekirjoitukset Basic Advanced Nordic Premium Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla sp|Selainpohjainen, mobiiliystävällinen ja ennen kaikkea turvallinen ratkaisu asiakirjojen sähköiseen allekirjoittamiseen. × Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Video April 17 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 h1|Signicat careers Signicat careers h2|Why work at Signicat Open opportunities Open applications Get in touch h3|We’re pioneers in digital identity and the demand for our solutions is growing. As part of our team you get to work with innovative products, international colleagues and exciting customers. Check out our current openings and apply today! Strong investors Part of a diverse team Personal growth opportunities Ability to make a difference Want to join the Signicat team, but don't find the right position? Click below to connect with us, and we'll keep you updated on new relevant positions as they become available. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. We are proud of our history and our past achievements. For over a decade Signicat has been helping businesses operate securely and efficiently. Our reputation has been built on trust, exemplary results, and a commitment to keep innovating and improving. Copyright 2020 di|Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... November 04 2020 Korvaa Tupas nyt tunnistusvälittäjän... September 25 2019 toi kivijalkakauppoihin... January 26 2021 Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? November 04 2020 h1|Materiaalipankki h2|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla h4|Suosituin sp|Täältä löydät viimeisimmät blogit, oppaat ja webinaarit. Copyright 2020 pa|Fellow Finance is a progressive and innovative crowdfunding for people and businesses, and is based in Helsinki, Finland. Prior to partnering with Signicat, online customer authentication at Fellow Finance was achieved through in-house integration with the Finnish TUPAS system. This meant maintaining technical interfaces and contracts with multiple banks, which was time-consuming, expensive, and resource-intensive. With plans to further expand across Europe, Fellow Finance wanted to contract a single provider capable of supplying online authentication solutions in as many countries as possible, while at the same time reducing the overhead—both in terms of cost and resources—of its legacy in-house system. We started by carefully assessing Fellow Finance’s core challenges, working closely with key stakeholders to define desired outcomes and subsequently onboard the appropriate solution successfully. We concluded that the was the ideal fit for us in Finland and Denmark, and there are plans to launch in Sweden and Estonia soon. As they continue to expand across Europe, more and more countries will follow. Speaking on behalf of Fellow Finance, COO and Cofounder Teemu Nyholm was particularly impressed by the ease of setup: “Implementation went very smoothly, and Signicat technical support was very helpful.” Fellow Finance, headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, is the leading crowdfunding company in the Nordics. It was set up to help businesses and individuals alike to find funding for their next big idea. The company has grown rapidly since its launch in 2013, having served more than half a million borrowers through some 10,000 investors across 50 countries. Delivery Manager Telia Norway h1|“Signicat has helped us cut costs, minimize administrative work, and supported our expansion into new markets, all through a single authentication solution.” h2|The challenge The solution The result About the client Get in touch h3|0 Tonje Smith-Hansen What other customers say Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Teemu Nyholm COO and Co-founder Fellow Finance Signicat’s customer authentication solution has made a significant impact at Fellow Finance. Since integrating our solution into its processes, the company no longer needs to maintain individual contracts with every bank, while Signicat handles the technical aspects from end to end. As a result, Fellow Finance estimates that it has achieved savings of 35% on the costs associated with customer identification. Savings on costs associated with customer identification Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat, the Trusted Digital Identity™ company, today that shows 63% of consumers in Europe have abandoned financial applications in the past year. The survey results—conducted in May and June 2020 during Europe-wide COVID-19 restrictions—are the worst since the report debuted in 2016 and show a sharp increase of 23 points from the 40% abandonment rate in 2019. The fourth edition of Signicat’s annual study is based on a survey of 4,000 adults across Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom regarding their onboarding experience as well as their attitude towards financial service providers. For any business, knowing your customer (KYC) is challenging. Financial institutions must comply with KYC and Anti Money Laundering (AML) rules which requires the consumer shares personal information. All too often identity checking processes are not designed for the digital world: Learned helplessness is a phenomenon where if people find themselves in a negative situation for any length of time, they believe that they cannot change this situation—even if better options become available. The increased use of digital brands—effectively better options—is changing this attitude in consumers. As a result, we are seeing the “the end of learned helplessness”. Consumers have simply had enough of poor onboarding experiences and have begun voting with their feet. Banks have not responded sufficiently to this change. The panic around meeting the expectations of millennials—the first digital natives—has been misplaced. Lots of ink has been spilled on their expectations and how this should shape how businesses work. It’s actually the generation after, known as Gen Z (18-24-year-olds), that are the real worry for institutions. This group will represent 30% of the world’s population and will make up a third of all global consumers by the end of the next decade. This year’s survey findings indicate a growing expectation gap between demographics. Older groups—including millennials—are burdened with “learned helplessness” and are more inclined to put up with inadequate onboarding experiences. Whereas Gen Z show little tolerance for anything other than fast digital onboarding: Branch usage was already declining steadily before this year, with customers increasingly using digital channels to manage their finances. The pandemic has only accelerated this process and forced consumers to think about how they engage with financial services. “This year we have all been forced to start doing everyday tasks differently. For many that has meant managing the entirety of their financial lives using remote channels for the first time. And this is where some financial service providers' offerings have been found lacking,” said . “Onboarding, in particular, is crucial. If customers can't or won't open new accounts, these organisations will struggle to cope with further economic turmoil. And it's not just the pandemic that providers have to get their heads around, other, pre-pandemic factors which have not been addressed are exacerbating potential customers' failure to complete onboarding.” “In short, providers should prioritise ensuring customers can apply, open, and start using accounts quickly and digitally if they want to compete in today's environment,” concludes Kocianski. “In the time since Signicat started the Battle to Onboard series of reports, we’ve seen some indications of improvement, with traditional financial institutions running as fast as they can to keep up with growing consumer expectations,” said Asger Hattel, CEO, Signicat. “Institutions have clearly improved their on-boarding processes. But customer expectations continue to outpace reality—largely due to the digital-first onboarding experience offered by challenger banks and fintechs. Financial services providers simply need to run much faster to avoid losing out on new customers.” Share this blog post on social media: Topics: Aron Kozak Chief Marketing Officer at Signicat November 03 2020 di|The Financial Times names Signicat one of... March 02 2021 European financial institutions lose over... February 24 2021 Signicat and Mambu join forces to... February 08 2021 Signicat and SurePay win Best Use of... December 15 2020 st|Sarah Kocianski, Head of Research, 11:FS Methodology h1|European financial institutions lose almost two thirds of applicants during onboarding h2|Get in touch h3|Why are abandonment rates so high? Providers can no longer rely on learned helplessness It’s Gen Z, not millennials, that institutions need to worry about The effects of COVID-19 Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Related posts sp|New report from Signicat conducted at the height of COVID-19 sees abandonment rate increase by 23 percentage points from 2019 One in five abandonments are due to a lengthy and complicated onboarding process 41% of consumers across Europe have been unable to access new financial services due to lockdown restrictions and lack of digital options Over a quarter (26%) of consumers argue that the onboarding process is “difficult”. Over a quarter feel the onboarding process is longer than they expected (28%). Consumers have been spoiled by the ease of mobile-first financial service providers. Over two thirds (69%) consider mobile-first providers to be better than more traditional providers. Consumers are finally refusing to put up with substandard options—something Signicat believes is the end of “learned helplessness”. Far more consumers are now using a mobile-first financial service, up from 30% in 2019 to 47% in 2020. Only 4% are unhappy with their new mobile-first provider. 69% are happier than before. 70% of those with a digital-first account say that convenience means they are more likely to use it every day. Over a third of these younger consumers feel the onboarding process is longer than they expected (36%). Just under a quarter of Gen Z customers are abandoning applications due to lengthy processes (24%). They are also more likely to be deterred by too much detail (22%), and most likely to simply change their minds (24%). Lockdown restrictions has meant 41% of consumers were unable to access financial services. Two thirds (68%) see pandemic-driven change as inevitable and expect 100% digital onboarding to be introduced. Copyright 2020 em|Commissioned by Signicat, the survey was conducted by Sapio Research in May and June 2020 and consisted of an online questionnaire completed by 4000 adults with a bank account, credit card and an insurance policy—1,000 in the UK and 500 in each of Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Netherlands. pa|With so much uncertainty and disruption affecting personal and professional lives, consumers want quick, easy, and reliable. Providers that deliver this stand to thrive. Discover valuable insights from the new report, which surveyed 4000 consumers in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, and Norway. Overview This year we have all been forced to start doing everyday tasks differently. For many that has meant managing the entirety of their financial lives using remote channels for the first time, and large numbers turning to digital services as call centres are overwhelmed and branches shut. Financial service providers have been found lacking. Before the pandemic they were not keeping up with user expectations, but as digital became customers' only option and emotions regarding money run high as recessions bite, products and services are failing increasingly often to give customers what they need Onboarding is one of the most crucial areas where providers are failing. If customers can't or won't open new accounts, these organisations will struggle even more to cope with economic turmoil. And it's not just the pandemic. Other, pre-pandemic factors which have not been addressed are exacerbating potential customers' failure to complete onboarding. Younger generations have grown up in an always-on, instant world. Some will expect the opening of a bank account to be as simple as opening a social media account. When it takes longer and requires greater amounts of personal information and documentation, they are put off. Consumers have more financial accounts than ever as more providers launch. They have greater choice and will look elsewhere if a provider cannot give them the experience they expect. An applicant might not actually need the account in question. If getting one is too difficult they will simply give up. Headline stats Onboarding is one of the most crucial areas where providers are failing. if customers can’t or won’t open new accounts, organisations struggle even more to cope with economic turmoil. Yes Refuse to start of Gen Z lost Value international No No Abandon No Don't know Don't know Want less detail Don't know Change mind The pandemic has turned a desire for digital services into a requirement. Like working from home and other digital transformations, the shift has been from “why?” to “why not?” Consumers have stopped accepting poor experiences and are breaking free. The ‘first mile’ of digital sales—capturing and converting the customer—is stifling providers’ ability to grow. 24% abandon applications due to lengthy processes (24%) — more than any other age group. They are also deterred by too many detailed requirements (22%), and the most likely to simply change their minds (24%). Looking beyond Covid-19, empowering people with secure cross-border eIDs will become crucial to support increasingly global economies, smart cities, and their digital services. The identity market across Europe is maturing at different rates in different countries. We enable businesses to expand into these markets (as well as cross-border) with various identity verification solutions. Toggle hotspots: eID and eIDV status Signicat provides Click hotspots for detail BankID, issued by banks, is in practice the only relevant eID in society at large. More than 90 % of the adult population has a BankID. Obtaining a BankID requires physical presence with passport or national ID card as identity document. Based on BankID, a user may also obtain a BankID Mobile, which is an alternative eID using the SIM card in mobile phones as a secure element. About 50 % of the adult population has a BankID Mobile. BankID and BankID Mobile are used throughout society for all kinds of services, including for public services. Note that Norwegian and Swedish BankIDs are completely separate solutions although they have the same name. BankID, issued by banks, is in practice the only relevant eID in society at large, although Freja eID is an alternative solution. More than 90 % of the adult population has a BankID. BankID is used throughout society for all kinds of services, including for public services. To obtain a BankID or Freja eID, the user has to show up in person with passport or national ID card. Note that Norwegian and Swedish BankIDs are completely separate services although they have the same name. Finland's eID scheme is regulated by law under the so-called Finnish Trust Network (FTN). The eIDs of 10 different banks and the Mobiilivarmenne eID that is jointly provided by the 3 major telcos are all approved for FTN. A consumer can have several eIDs issued by various providers. To obtain an eID within FTN, the customer must meet in person and verify their identity using a passport or use an existing eID within the Finnish Trust Network. Each eID issuer provides their own authentication mechanism, which can be an app, code device or a code card. Most service providers provide login with all FTN eIDs for the widest coverage of the population. By using a licensed FTN broker, service providers can provide their customers access to all the available eIDs through a single integration. More than 90 % of the adult population has at least one FTN approved eID. NemID, which is a co-operation between banks and the government, is in practice the only eID in the Danish market. NemID will be replaced by a new solution, MitID, also a co-operation between banks and government. MitID will be launched May 2021 with a transition period until end of 2021 when NemID will be decommissioned. More than 90 % of the adult population has a NemID, and it is expected that MitID will achieve at least the same number of users. The use of the Dutch citizen eID, DigiD, is restricted to governmental services. DigiD is based on the national citizen's registration and is issued remotely (online and postal confirmation). It can be strengthened by adding a one-time connection to a passport or identity card. The Netherlands also has a governmentally recognised and eIDAS-notified eID scheme for organisational authentication: eRecognition. eRecognition is based on identification of persons that are authorised to act (login/sign) on behalf of an organisation. eRecognition provides LoA's low, substantial and high. It's usage will broaden to personal identification and authentication in 2021. Other eID's are waiting for new legislation to pass, so they can be recognised by the Dutch government for public usage. They are currently available for private sector usage. Among these iDIN, the Dutch version of BankID, has the biggest market penetration: everyone who has access to online banking can use it. iDIN is The identity verification is based on the KYC procedures of the banks in the scheme. Another noteworthy eID is Cleverbase, who offer eID's on assurance level high. Last but not least, there are a number of decentralised solutions based on "Attribute Based Credentials" evolving in the Dutch market. Among these IRMA is the most mature. It allows users to retrieve their personal data through various methods (including DigiD and iDIN) and share these validated credentials with service providers. nPA is provided by the government and the other eID methods are provided by private sector organisations (yes, Verimi, VidoeIDent). Besides eIDs there are other common methods of identification for different regulation levels. Belgium eID is the official governmental eID which leverages on the identity card of Belgium citizens. The data from the identity card can be captured through a smart card reader. Next to Belgium eID, Belgium citizens also have the possibility to onboard to Belgium Mobile ID (itsme), which fully leverages on a mobile application and does not require smard card readers, increasing the user experience of the end user. Currently, there is no eID available in the UK. Identity verification can be done using an eIDV, and combined with NFC reading of passport for increased security. Signicat provides fully digital onboarding based on eIDs or eIDVs, validation of identity information and automated AML checks, as well as electronic signing for a streamlined workflow. Signicat provides fully digital onboarding based on eIDs or eIDVs, validation of identity information and automated AML checks, as well as electronic signing for a streamlined workflow. Signicat provides fully digital onboarding based on eIDs or eIDVs, validation of identity information and automated AML checks, as well as electronic signing for a streamlined workflow. Signicat can provide a solution for digital onboarding in the Danish market based on eID and electronic ID document verification. The existing NemID, the eID that is used in Danish society, is not in itself approved for KYC for financial services. Use of NemID has to be complemented by additional means, e.g. photocopy of passport. This situation is expected to change when NemID is replaced by the new MitID solution to be launched May 2021. Signicat provides fully digital onboarding based on eIDs, validation ID information and automated AML checks, as well as electronic signing for a streamlined workflow. Signicat provides a fully digital onboarding (AML-compliant depending on EID) with access to nPA, Verimi or yes and video IDent. If necessary, validation of the data (address data, creditworthiness etc) is an option. Signicat provides multiple identity verification methods in the Belgium market. Ranging from eIDs to identity document verification. The Belgium eID methods can also be used in the signing solution of Signicat, creating AES or QES signatures, both through the Sign Portal or through the Sign API. Signicat offers identity verification leveraging selfie and ID document scanning, as well as electronic signing for contracts, agreements and consents during onboarding. Get an overview of the best practices and available solutions for The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the UK. Key insights More key findings from the wide-ranging report Consumers now respond to financial services providers who don’t offer 100% digital onboarding with , , and . Three factors are working together to create this overall effect: Onboarding best practices Take this short self-assessment and find out. See how you compare to other industry players. Get tailored tips on how to improve Get in touch with us to talk about your digital onboarding. We can help with tailored advice and insights to drive your success. More resources DEC 03 2020 SEP 30 2020 OCT 23 2019 Copyright 2021 di|WEBINAR VIDEO GUIDE li|What is needed for digital onboarding How to balance compliance with ease of onboarding Measuring the business impact Consumer attitudes towards remote onboarding across Europe The status of digital identity per country Solution for digital onboarding country-by-country has the highest rate of reported application abandonment at 70%; has the lowest at 53%. and consumers seem to find it easiest to onboard, with only 23% reporting difficulty, compared with 33% in . has the lowest tolerance for lengthy applications: 59% of consumers would abandon a process that took longer than 20 minutes. There is still This is despite lots of noise around the increasing levels of digital investment, focus on customer experience and the widespread adoption of federated eID schemes. In 2019, just under a quarter of people rated their last application for a financial product somewhere between difficult and painful. of consumers found themselves unable to access essential financial services during the pandemic, due to inaccessibility or digital unavailability. (20%) (22%) (14%) Traditional banks in particular have worried about “digital natives” before, but now that is economically active, they have a greater effect on customer acquisition than Millennials ever did. of 18-24-year-olds considered their last financial application to be difficult, compared to just of 55-64 year-olds. Gen Z will be followed by , who will belong to a world of 5G, AI, machine learning and IoT. Constant innovation will be a prerequisite to survival in the evolving financial services ecosystem. Financial service providers remain the benchmark for trust, for now... Almost consumers across Europe use their bank login for other services if they’re able to do so, and would trust using a bank identity to log in into other services. But, among trust remains considerably lower ( ) than with 45-57 year olds (75%) and is almost half of those aged 65+ (86%). and are more likely to abandon onboarding if they are asked for too much detail, compared to the less concerned over-65s (10%). The majority of people want, and expect, digital identities that they can reuse and that banks have a central role to play in providing them. would expect to use their bank digital ID more widely while only 12% say they would not. Additional uses for the bank digital ID include and , but - interestingly - not . Despite continual investment, consumers report the same level of dissatisfaction with onboarding. . , often as a first choice rather than a backup. Their onboarding is far better, and other traditional bank providers are simply failing to keep up. has meant that a poor onboarding experience, including a requirement for branch visits, is no longer acceptable. and simply won’t tolerate a poor onboarding experience. New to the market, they present high-volume acquisition opportunities and are being courted extensively by new challenger brands with 100% mobile onboarding. Collecting too much data early on is off-putting and can reduce completion Holding too much data exposes you to hackers and cyberthreats Communicate clearly and concisely to build trust with the customer People are much more willing to part with data if they understand what it’s for 55% of customers abandon an application after 14 minutes and 20 seconds By the 20-minute mark, you will lose 70%. Keep it short and sweet! 1 in 3 customers will not start an online application that also requires a branch visit 68% of consumers expect 100% digital onboarding going forward Balance the need for verification with the customer desire for speed and convenience Learn from digital challengers, who are leading the way with quick and easy solutions st|The end of learned helplessness Norway Belgium Finland Netherlands Norway Sweden no overall indication that onboarding is improving for traditional banks ‘Difficult and painful’ In 2020, this has risen to just over a quarter. 41% frustration concern abandonment “This is 2020 — why isn’t everything digital?” “I’m worried for their business” “They’re going to lose my business.” Gen Z 41% 16% Gen Alpha 3 in 5 three quarters Gen Z 47% Gen Z (22%) Millennials (21%) Over half health services online voting online dating Their actions suggest they have run out of patience New mobile-first fintechs are now widely used The COVID-19 lockdown Gen Z has become financially active h1|The Battle to Onboard 2020: The impact of COVID-19 and beyond h2|A year of change Providers struggled to keep up Onboarding is a problem area Gen Z expects smoother, faster digital experiences More accounts means less commitment 63% of consumers abandoned digital bank applications in 2020 — more than ever before 68% of consumers expect 100% digital onboarding in the wake of COVID-19 32% of consumers refuse to start an application if they are required to take ID credentials to a branch 36% of Gen Z feel the onboarding process is longer than they expected, and banks are losing them as a result. 60% would value being able to use their digital identities to access services internationally A truly digital experience, from verifying identity for account opening through to authenticating a user’s identity to access services and beyond, is now a business continuity necessity for both banks and their customers. Onboarding across Europe Onboarding Playbook for Europe The Battle to Onboard 2020: The impact of COVID-19 and beyond What’s the state of onboarding in Europe? Is the industry regressing? Has COVID-19 changed onboarding expectations? How do generations differ — including Gen Z? Trust in banks is high—but is it enough? What’s the future of onboarding and digital identity? Is this the end of ‘learned helplessness’? Best practices for onboarding How do you score at digital onboarding? Schedule a free 30 minute consultation Explore onboarding and digital identity in more detail h3|68% 32% 36% 60% 17% 17% 24% 17% 15% 15% 22% 15% 24% Norway Sweden Finland Denmark The Netherlands Germany Belgium The UK Norway Sweden Finland Denmark The Netherlands Germany Belgium The UK Collect the essential data, but no more Ensure customers understand why you need the data Make the process as short as possible Keep it simple and avoid disruptions Make it easy for customers to prove who they are Panel Discussion – Accelerating digital ... Video: Digital on-boarding in 60 seconds The business case for digital identity ... sp|Discover the state of digital onboarding in Europe > Learn about the Shifting customer expectations > Get insights on the effects of COVID-19 > Best onboarding practices to drive growth > × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × Register now Watch now Read more pa|Løsningen digitaliserer og forenkler komplekse kommunikasjonsflyter mellom megler, bank og Kartverket. Med løsningen vil samhandling med elektronisk signerte dokumenter håndteres i ett system på tvers av aktørene. Alt foregår i Webmegler og alt havner på riktig sted. Ingen installasjon eller integrasjonsjobb er nødvendig. Alt foregår i Webmegler og dokumentene havner på riktig sted av seg selv Du trenger ikke samle papir og sende i posten. Alt skjer digitalt. Alt du trenger på ett sted. E-tinglysning i Websystemer er helautomatisert prosess der dokumenter som oppfyller krav til tinglysing kan registreres automatisk og gis umiddelbar prioritet i grunnboken. Du kan være trygg på at sikkerheten er ivaretatt med tanke på GDPR og informasjonssikkerhet. Signeringen foregår med BankID og dokumentene følger standardene utarbeidet av Kartverket. Hvert meglerkontor får sitt unike BankID-sertifikat. li|Elektronisk signering, virksomhetssignering og e-tinglysing integrert i Webmegler. Eget BankID-virksomhetssertifikat. Profilering av meglerfirmaet med egen logo og navn i BankID-vinduet. Drift, vedlikehold og support av signeringsløsningen. Administrasjon knyttet til bestilling, installasjon, drift og fornyelse av virksomhetssertifikatet. h1|Elektronisk tinglysning i Webmegler Elektronisk tinglysning i Webmegler h2|Spar tid og penger med elektronisk tinglysning Enklere hverdag med e-tinglysning Sikkert og trygt Tjenesten inkluderer: h3|Elektronisk tinglysning reduserer saksbehandlingstiden fra uker til timer. Dette sparer manuelt arbeid og tid til fordel for både megler, selger og kjøper. Ferdig integrert i meglersystemet Enkelt og mobilvennlig Helt digital arbeidsflyt Oversikt og kontroll Hold deg oppdatert med vårt nyhetsbrev sp|Signicat leverer i samarbeid med Websystemer e-tinglysning og elektronisk signering av dokumenter som integrert funksjonalitet i Webmegler, et komplett nettbasert forretningssystem for eindomsmeglerforetak. Signicat leverer i samarbeid med Websystemer e-tinglysning og elektronisk signering av dokumenter som integrert funksjonalitet i Webmegler, et komplett nettbasert forretningssystem for eindomsmeglerforetak. Copyright 2020 pa|The financial industry is changing, and at the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is getting heavier. How to turn regulation to an advantage? This... Sthlm Fintech Week is an annual event bringing together thought-leaders to foster new connections and enhance collaboration. John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and... John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and Innovation, Signicat is speaker at Identiverse; The Identity Industry's Conference. More here OAuth Security Workshop: Topic: eID and BankID in the Nordics. An interesting model. Meet our speakers: John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and Innovation and Dag... Sthlm Fintech Week is a community-driven project for five days in February. Join and meet our speaker; John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and Innovation. di|Event February 16-18 2021 Event Event February 9-10 2021 Event Event, Trade Show 15 September 2020 Oslo, Norway Event 30 July 2020 Virtual Event 22 July 2020 Virtual Event 10-11 September 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Event 5 - 6 February 2020 Oslo, Norway Event 10 - 14 February 2020 Stockholm, Sweden h1|Events & Webinars h2|Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Meet Signicat at digital identity events across Europe, and watch relevant webinars on topics related to digital identity and trust online. Signicat is gold sponsor at Finansnæringens Digitaliseringskonferanse 2020 in Oslo. VP of Identity and Innovation; John Erik Setsaas, Signicat will be one of the... For two days, we will gather a wide network of collaborative partners and experts on the subject, from both the supplier side and from the public, in order to make... NorSIS conference: IDentity 2020. "Physical and digital identity in today's criminal scene". Join us and meet our speakers: John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity and... Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News July 01 2020 News May 13 2020 News May 07 2020 News April 02 2020 News February 10 2020 News January 08 2020 News December 06 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog December 21 2020 Blog December 16 2020 Blog December 15 2020 Blog December 08 2020 Blog December 01 2020 Blog December 01 2020 Blog November 24 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News March 02 2021 News February 24 2021 News February 08 2021 News December 15 2020 News November 03 2020 News, Electronic signing November 02 2020 News September 15 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News December 02 2019 News November 22 2019 News November 13 2019 News October 23 2019 News October 23 2019 News October 10 2019 News September 26 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 24 2021 Blog March 03 2021 Blog February 22 2021 Blog February 12 2021 Blog February 09 2021 Blog December 23 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog September 29 2020 Blog September 10 2020 Blog August 19 2020 Blog August 12 2020 Blog July 13 2020 Blog July 07 2020 Blog July 02 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News July 02 2019 News July 02 2019 News July 01 2019 News June 24 2019 News June 04 2019 News April 16 2019 News April 11 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog June 29 2020 Blog June 22 2020 Blog June 17 2020 Blog June 10 2020 Blog June 03 2020 Blog May 28 2020 Blog May 18 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News April 09 2019 News March 27 2019 News November 28 2018 News November 12 2018 News November 07 2018 News July 05 2018 News June 19 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog May 13 2020 Blog May 11 2020 Blog May 08 2020 Blog May 06 2020 Blog April 30 2020 Blog April 07 2020 Blog April 01 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 News June 12 2018 News January 25 2018 News October 12 2017 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog March 23 2020 Blog March 16 2020 Blog March 04 2020 Blog March 03 2020 Blog February 26 2020 Blog February 24 2020 Blog February 18 2020 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog February 17 2020 Blog February 12 2020 Blog January 17 2020 Blog January 01 2020 Blog December 30 2019 Blog December 28 2019 Blog December 27 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog November 22 2019 Blog November 19 2019 Blog November 07 2019 Blog October 30 2019 Blog October 23 2019 Blog September 18 2019 Blog June 19 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog June 17 2019 Blog May 21 2019 Blog May 07 2019 Blog March 13 2019 Blog February 05 2019 Blog January 30 2019 Blog January 14 2019 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Choose the Signicat identity solutions that fit your business requirements: Our Customer Success team will help you with setup and configuration to fit even the most complex use cases. Let's discuss your needs. Our Express solutions fit simpler use cases, but with a comprehensive developer environment including the tools, dashboards and documentation to get you going quickly. Signicat’s Sign Portal offers verified electronic signatures through one simple online interface – no download or integration required. Just log in and start signing. di|eGuide Webinar Enterprise solutions Get started in minutes e-Signing portal h1|Secure authentication h2|Bring balance to user experience and security PSD2 compliant SCA for mobile apps and websites Meet PSD2 requirements for SCA Choose the level of security for your needs Electronic ID authentication Mobile authentication Social logins Signicat identity Dig deeper into digital identity with Signicat Documentation h3|Time to rethink mobile strategy: Apps are now the loyalty and engagement channel A multi-factor and secure authentication solution for digital identity Need a fully bespoke Enterprise solution with the highest level of compliance and support? Want to get up and running in minutes with developer-friendly APIs and tools? Need to sign documents now with verified electronic signatures? Subscribe and stay updated sp|Drive engagement with frictionless, multi-factor login to your sites or mobile apps. Replace passwords with electronic identities (eIDs), mobile authentication, SMS or email OTP, or biometric scanning. Today’s consumers are used to service at a click. Signicat authentication solutions couple high security with great user experience for the end user – enabling you meet regulatory compliance without compromising on UX. Scalable authentication solution across channels Drive engagement in your channels with fast and easy login. Secure authentication for mobile-first engagements Leverage technologies already used by your customers: eIDs and biometrics. Fast and secure login to digital services on mobile or PC Compliant user authentication and consents for transactions made easy with two-factor authentication solutions. Verified re-usable identities, eIDs for the highest level of assurance Two-factor authentication consisting of biometric, knowledge or possession factors MobileID for highest level of security for mobile apps Social logins for convenient authentication of users on websites Allow your customers to securely log in to your services with eIDs such as BankID or NemID. Using these highly secure methods, you can ensure peace of mind and have the highest level of fraud protection, while providing your customers a convenient way to log in. Signicat’s Mobile Authentication solution, MobileID, allows you to leverage fingerprint technology to provide the best possible user experience and highest in-app engagement rate. The solution offers proven, banking-grade security needed to perform transactions and other sensitive actions, and enables service providers to deliver fingerprint authentication for both in-app usage, and as a second factor when authenticating online. For lower-assurance use cases, Signicat can provide social logins so that your customers can use their existing profiles to log in to your services, such as media services and membership forums, without having to create a new profile. We support a range of common social logins, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Windows Live, Amazon and PayPal, which can be integrated into your services. In some cases, Signicat can provide an Identity Store solution to help customers that require their own users’ data to be stored in a secure, GDPR-compliant manner in our secure private cloud environment. What our customers say Read more Read more Get started Learn how to start integrating Signicat identity authentication solutions: Copyright 2020 di|Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... November 04 2020 Korvaa Tupas nyt tunnistusvälittäjän... September 25 2019 toi kivijalkakauppoihin... January 26 2021 Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? November 04 2020 News October 27 2020 Blog October 20 2020 Blog June 22 2020 Finland, Case Study June 08 2020 News May 07 2020 Video April 08 2020 Insight, Finland April 07 2020 h1|Materiaalipankki h2|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla h4|Suosituin sp|Täältä löydät viimeisimmät blogit, oppaat ja webinaarit. Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog January 09 2019 Blog December 15 2018 Blog December 12 2018 Blog October 30 2018 Blog October 29 2018 Blog October 23 2018 Blog October 12 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 di|Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... November 04 2020 Korvaa Tupas nyt tunnistusvälittäjän... September 25 2019 toi kivijalkakauppoihin... January 26 2021 Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? November 04 2020 Case Study April 09 2021 Finland, Case Study January 26 2021 Blog, Finland December 04 2020 Blog November 04 2020 News, Finland November 04 2020 November 04 2020 News, Electronic signing November 02 2020 h1|Materiaalipankki h2|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla h4|Suosituin sp|Täältä löydät viimeisimmät blogit, oppaat ja webinaarit. Copyright 2020 di|Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... November 04 2020 Korvaa Tupas nyt tunnistusvälittäjän... September 25 2019 toi kivijalkakauppoihin... January 26 2021 Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? November 04 2020 Finland April 02 2020 Finland March 17 2020 Finland February 11 2020 Insight February 03 2020 Insight January 27 2020 Insight January 10 2020 Insight September 25 2019 h1|Materiaalipankki h2|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla h4|Suosituin sp|Täältä löydät viimeisimmät blogit, oppaat ja webinaarit. Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog September 28 2018 Blog September 17 2018 Blog August 10 2018 Blog May 29 2018 Blog May 17 2018 Blog January 22 2018 Blog January 17 2018 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 di|Signicat lanseeraa Turvallinen... November 04 2020 Korvaa Tupas nyt tunnistusvälittäjän... September 25 2019 toi kivijalkakauppoihin... January 26 2021 Mikä on Turvallinen tunnistautuminen™? November 04 2020 News September 09 2019 News August 12 2019 h1|Materiaalipankki h2|Rakennetaan luottamusta yhdessä h3|Onko sinulla kysymyksiä palveluistamme? Lähetä meille viesti niin palaamme asiaan salamannopeudella. Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla h4|Suosituin sp|Täältä löydät viimeisimmät blogit, oppaat ja webinaarit. Copyright 2020 pa|Enter your details to get the latest updates sent directly to your inbox. di|The Law of Digital Signatures: Are... March 04 2020 How to tell if an electronic signing... April 07 2020 How to take an electronic signature to... December 01 2020 Complete guide to transition from NemID... September 10 2020 Blog August 15 2017 Blog March 28 2017 Blog February 24 2017 h1|Resources h2|The Battle to On-Board III: Why has huge investment in digital transformation led to so little change? Get in touch h3|Subscribe Read our latest research from over 3500 European consumers and discover why digital identity is the key for retail banks to attract and retain more customers. Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Most Popular sp|Browse and download the latest digital identity blogs, news and resources Copyright 2020 pa|Signicat on liittänyt Digi- ja väestötietoviraston allekirjoituspalveluunsa yhdeksi sähköisistä tunnistusvälineistä, joilla allekirjoitus voidaan vahvistaa. Sähköinen allekirjoitus on saatavilla valmiina verkkopalveluna sekä rajapintana. Signicatin sähköinen allekirjoitus tukee yli 30:tä erilaista kansainvälistä tunnistusvälinettä, joista uusimpana Signicat Sign Portaalilla aloitat sähköisen allekirjoituksen hyödyntämisen ilman asennusta tai integrointeja. Helppokäyttöisyys ja korkeatasoinen tietoturva yhdessä. Juridisesti sitovat allekirjoitukset pankkitunnusten ja mobiilivarmenteen avulla. API-ratkaisun avulla sähköistät nykyisten järjestelmiesi manuaaliset allekirjoitusprosessit. Signicat Sign Portal tarjoaa kehittyneet sähköiset allekirjoitusominaisuudet helppokäyttöisessä käyttöliittymässä. Ratkaisun käyttöönotto ei vaadi ohjelmistojen asennuksia tai integrointeja. Valitse vain tilaustyyppi, luo tili ja aloita portaalin käyttö. Signicatin allekirjoituspalvelut varmentavat allekirjoittajan henkilöllisyyden muodostamalla yhteyden vahvoihin sähköisiin tunnistuspalveluihin, kuten tunnistuspalvelu Suomessa tai BankID Ruotsissa ja Norjassa. Näin tiedät varmasti, kuka asiakirjan on allekirjoittanut ja milloin. Voit myös turvallisesti siirtää tärkeimpien ja arkaluonteisten asiakirjojen allekirjoittamisen sähköiseen ympäristöön, joten sinun ei tarvitse tulostaa ja skannata tai lähetellä papereita postitse. Portaalissa on konfiguroitava tietojen säilytyskäytäntö, eli tiedot voidaan poistaa automaattisesti tietyn ajan kuluttua tai tarpeen mukaan asiakkaan aloitteesta. Lokeissa säilytetään vain välttämättömiä henkilötietoja, jotka poistetaan säännöllisesti. Allekirjoitetut asiakirjat voidaan myös lähettää turvallisesti vastaanottajille/allekirjoittajille. Signicat toimii henkilötietojen käsittelijänä rekisterinpitäjän (asiakkaan) puolesta, ja käytössä on henkilötietojen käsittelysopimus, jossa säädetään henkilötietojen käsittelystä käytettävissä ratkaisuissa. li|Varmennetut sähköiset allekirjoitukset eri puolilla Eurooppaa Pilvipalvelu Konfiguroitava tietojen säilytyskäytäntö Tukee sekä kehittynyttä että hyväksyttyä tasoa eIDAS-asetuksen mukaisesti Ei tietojen lukkiutumista Automaattiset muistutukset Rajat ylittävä henkilöllisyyden varmennus h1|Sähköinen allekirjoitus julkiselle sektorille Sähköinen allekirjoitus julkiselle sektorille h2|Hyödynnä organisaatiosi osana sähköistä allekirjoitusta. Nopea käyttöönotto Juridisesti sitovat, varmennetut allekirjoitukset Turvallinen ja GDPR:n mukainen Yhteenveto keskeisistä ominaisuuksista h3|Aloita käyttö heti Yksinkertainen, mutta edistynyt Luotettavat allekirjoitukset Monipuolinen rajapintaratkaisu Tilaa uutiskirje ja pysy ajan tasalla sp|Signicatin ratkaisut hyödyntävät Signicatin ratkaisut hyödyntävät Copyright 2020 pa|Register for Signicat’s live panel webinar to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on customer onboarding. Join this live webinar with Signicat, Enfuce, Qvik and SEB to learn how companies can comply with the PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation while still... During this live webinar on November 19th we will explain what eHerkenning is and how it can contribute to improving your business Launching Signicat’s “Battle to Onboard 2020: the impact of COVID-19 and beyond”. Join our live webinar. Webinar at Dutch Credit Expo event in cooperation with Rabo Identity Services about Digital Identification and Signing Join this live webinar with Signicat and Celent to discover how to digitalise the last mile in mortgage lending. Join this live webinar with Thales and learn how HSM can support your business in meeting the highest data security standards. Are you ready for the next step? Watch the Webinar Recording and find out Joint Signicat Kontract webinar: How to use onboarding to increate competitiveness Webinar med Wikborg Rein: Ny norsk finansavtalelov - Hva betyr det for tilbydere av finansielle tjenester? Learn more about the solutions that Connectis has developed including the NextGen Platform and find out how they can help you and your customers Join our webinar with law firm Bird & Bird to discover when electronically signed documents are admissible and enforceable. In these evolving times, can distributed identity provide more secure and robust personal communication? Could distributed identity helped us, had it already have... Take your digital experience to a new level by considering the entire digital identity lifecycle The webinar will be presented by Lars Møller Kristensen, Country... An introduction to Digital Identity in the German Market and opportunities. This webinar will be presented by Marie Austenaa, VP Market Development, Signicat. Learn more about the benefits of Signicat Electronic Signing in 45 minutes. The webinar is presented in Dutch. How digitising business onboarding improves efficiency and reduces the risk.The webinar will be presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation,... Understanding PSD2 and authentication solutions to unlock optimal business value. Follow this webinar presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation,... Electronic Signing for Enterprises- what to consider: Did you know that although electronic signatures have been around for forty years most businesses still use... Learn how to find the right balance between conversion, regulation and data quality in 45 minutes. The webinar is presented in Dutch. Why are businesses losing 40% of potential customers? Find out during this webinar presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation, Signicat Is your business engaging with customers to its utmost digital potential? Find out during this webinar presented by John Erik Setsaas, VP of Identity & Innovation,... Watch this recorded webinar and learn more about identifying your customers online with a physical identity document. The webinar is presented in Dutch. Register for our webinar and learn about our unique onboarding solution that can help you onboard customers in a way that is simple, secure and efficient. Watch this recorded webinar and learn how a consumer can share data, real-time with an eID and what the advantages can be for you. The webinar is presented in Dutch. In a market where products have become commodities, UX is the holy grail. Winners in this digital race consider the whole customer journey. In this live webinar with Signicat and Celent Senior Analyst Bob Meara we look at how NOT to digitally onboard customers. Watch this recorded webinar and learn why digital identification is the key for organisations and companies to attract and retain more customers. The webinar is... With the right tools, digital identity can unlock business opportunities around the world. Watch this recorded webinar and learn how helps make this... Watch the recording to learn about the new MitID that will replace NemID in Denmark in 2021 – and now to connect to MitID through a broker like Signicat. Watch this recorded webinar for insights on secure user authentication and how to optimize your UX for digital identity. Watch our recorded webinar to discover how you can cut customer authentication time to less than 3 seconds by utilizing PIN, fingerprint and Apple FaceID. In this recorded webinar, Rabobank and Signicat give an introduction to PSD2, and share practical advice on how to take advantage of the opportunities it provides. In this recorded webinar, Signicat and CatalystOne show you how to enable your HR organisation to become more efficient and cost-effective. In this recorded webinar, Zil Bareisis, Senior Analyst at Celent examines how banks can win the battle to onboard new customers in the digital age. di|Webinar April 13 2021 Webinar Webinar March 18 2021 Webinar Webinar March 16 2021 Webinar Webinar March 23 2021 Webinar Webinar March 3 2021 Webinar Webinar March 4 2021 Webinar Webinar February 4 2021 Webinar Webinar Januar 27 2021 Webinar Webinar Januar 7 2021 Webinar Webinar 3 December 2020 Webinar Webinar December 3 2020 Webinar Webinar 25 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 23 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2020 Webinar Webinar 5 November 2020 Webinar Webinar November 3 2020 Webinar Webinar 13 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 14 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 8 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 7 October 2020 Webinar Webinar 16 September 2020 Webinar Webinar 1 September 2020 Webinar Webinar 26 August 2020 Webinar Webinar 29 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 24 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 23 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 17 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 17 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 15 June 2020 Live Webinar Webinar 11 June 2020 Webinar Webinar 3 June 2020 Panel Webinar Webinar 26 May 2020 Panel Webinar Webinar 20 May 2020 EEMA Webinar Webinar 20 May 2020 Panel Webinar Webinar 13 May 2020 Webinar Webinar 23 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 21 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 16 April 2019 Webinar Webinar 14 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 3 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 2 April 2020 Webinar Webinar 31 March 2019 Webinar Webinar 26 March 2020 Webinar Webinar 03 March 2020 Webinar Webinar 4 February 2020 Webinar Webinar 19 December 2019 Webinar Webinar 19 November 2019 Webinar Webinar 21 November 2019 Webinar Webinar 24 September 2019 Webinar Webinar 15 November 2019 Webinar Webinar 2 October 2019 Webinar Webinar 23 August 2019 Webinar Webinar 6 August 2019 Webinar Webinar 8 May 2019 Webinar Webinar 7 May 2019 Webinar Webinar 21 March 2019 Webinar st|Signicat Assure h1|Events & Webinars h2|Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Meet Signicat at digital identity events across Europe, and watch relevant webinars on topics related to digital identity and trust online. Webinar series about the migration from NemID to MitID. Join this new webinar April 13. We will touch upon areas you as service provider should be aware of before the... Joint webinar about how to automate the mortgage loan process. Together with Knowit and Ambita (In Norwegian) Participate in SweFinTechs webinar together with the Swedish Police and Signicat on the 16th of March 2021, 12.00 - 13.00. What’s caused an increase in digital fraud and how can businesses protect themselves and their users without compromising on customer experiences? What’s caused an increase in digital fraud and how can businesses protect themselves and their users without compromising on customer experiences? Webinar series about the migration from NemID to MitID. Join this new webinar March 4. We will touch upon areas you as service provider should be aware of before the... Webinar series about the migration from NemID to MitID. Join this new webinar in which we will touch upon areas you as service provider should be aware of before the... Join our live 60 minutes webinar with speakers from Signicat and Quesnay and learn more about a technology that is designed to not only make your customers’ lives... Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas, such as graphical profile, that you as a service provider should prepare for and be... Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas that you as a service provider should prepare for and be aware of before the migration. Electronic signatures are being used in many situations, and we are becoming more familiar with talking about Advanced and Qualified electronic signatures. But what... On Monday, November 23 at 15:00, Allard Keuter and Marco Gouw will talk about all the ins and outs regarding electronic signing during a 45 minute webinar, join now! Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas that you as a service provider should prepare for and be aware of before the migration. Join our new live Signicat webinar with Onfido: The future of digital identity - what will 2030 look like? Webinar about the migration from NemID to MitID. The webinar will specify areas that you as a service provider should prepare for and be aware of before the migration. This joint Signicat Buypass webinar examines the business value of incorporating various electronic signing solutions and different ways user can identify when... Join this live Signicat webinar with Onfido and 11:FS: Effective digital onboarding - you have 14 minutes and 20 seconds. Join this webinar by Group Futurista: Growth estimates for global retail in 2020 will be halved from pre-COVID-19 forecasts. This means e-commerce and the digital... In this live webinar our technical experts will dive into the MitID specifications, show demo and provide you with the latest update about the technical... In this webinar we will explore how you can achieve secure and easy eID authentication to cloud platforms.With increased digitalization and remote working, the demand... This panel will explore the thinking behind the service and the challenges faced in creating it. With the burden of KYC weighing heavily on providers, what would a... This panel will explore the history of digital identity in the Nordics, what the rest of Europe can learn in order to catch up, and how national ID schemes can... COVID-19 shocked the world where remote working and social separation has accelerated the need for more digital services, Learn from the panel experts Eirik Dalen,... Copyright 2020 pa|Learn how digital onboarding and electronic signatures can cut cost, speed processes and increase customer satisfaction. Spaces are limited, so register now. Learn how digital onboarding and electronic signatures can cut cost, speed processes and increase customer satisfaction. Spaces are limited, so register now. di|Seminar 14 February 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Seminar 15 Januari 2020 Stockholm, Sweden Seminar 5 December 2019 Berlin, Germany Seminar 10 December 2019 Frankfurt, Germany st|“User experience vs. Security" SevenDay Samsung h1|Events & Webinars h2|Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated sp|Meet Signicat at digital identity events across Europe, and watch relevant webinars on topics related to digital identity and trust online. Signicat will host a nice afterwork setting during Sthlm Fintech Week with a panel discussion around the topic in the Game Room at... Subscription services as a form of ownership are showing strong growth in Sweden. Our customers and tell us how they launched the unique Samsung... Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Whitepaper März 30 2020 Whitepaper November 19 2019 Whitepaper November 07 2019 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Nachrichten April 07 2021 Nachrichten Februar 26 2021 Nachrichten Februar 11 2021 Blog, Nachrichten, Electronic signing November 05 2020 Nachrichten Mai 12 2020 Nachrichten April 03 2020 Nachrichten Januar 27 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|, the Trusted Digital Identity™ company, has been named on , which recognizes Europe's fastest-growing companies across a number of industries. Signicat is one of only 8 Norwegian companies named to this prestigious list. For the past 14 years, Signicat has averaged 40% organic growth year on year while also expanding operations through the acquisitions of Norwegian trust services provider Idfy in 2019 and the leading Dutch identity specialist Connectis in 2020. The two acquisitions have enabled Signicat to take a strategic foothold in Europe to meet the growing demands of its customers in an expanding RegTech market. Signicat, headquartered in the Norwegian-tech hub of Trondheim, is key enabler for the digital economy by providing trusted digital identity solutions to over 1500 customers, including Rabobank, Norway's largest bank DNB, Klarna, Santander, Telia, Mambu, and VECOZO. Its pioneering technology has won Signicat several prestigious awards such as the Celent Model Bank Award, the 21st Banking Technology Awards, the Financial Innovation Award and several other leading awards. Signicat is one of only a handful Norwegian companies on the FT1000’s list. Last year, most winners hailed from Germany, Italy, UK and France and accounted for 70 per cent of the overall ranking which this year is expanding to encompass more Baltic and Nordic representation. In addition, the ranking reflects the growing importance of technology, where the majority of entrants in Europe stem from the sector. “We are excited to be recognized as one of Europe’s fastest growing companies” states . “We live in a society where now more than ever we must ensure trust between businesses and consumers online. In Signicat, we are building a progressive digital trust company that both embraces innovation and business needs in this area. We have a decade’s worth of experiencing building the tools, so we are ideally placed to address this growing market opportunity.” The FT1000 list is compiled jointly with , a German company specializing in consumer and market data, who process all the data reported by companies through strict and formal vetting procedures. In 2020 the competition to make the list was tough where the demands increased and companies were required a minimum growth rate of 38.4 per cent compared to 37.7 per cent the year prior. The minimum average growth rate required to be included in the ranking this year was 35.5 per cent. You can find the the full FT 1000 ranking on their webpages . Share this blog post on social media: Topics: Katinka Forbord Communications Manager at Signicat March 02 2021 di|European financial institutions lose over... February 24 2021 Signicat and Mambu join forces to... February 08 2021 Signicat and SurePay win Best Use of... December 15 2020 h1|The Financial Times names Signicat one of the fastest growing companies in Europe h2|Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Related posts sp|Asger Hattel, CEO of Signicat Copyright 2020 pa|, the Trusted Digital Identity™ company and , a payment information service, have won the highly prestigious 21st Banking Technology Awards which awards the most talented companies and individuals in the banking & fintech industry. Signicat and SurePay won for their joint solution which cross-checks user’s identities against respective bank account details and electronic identities to reduce fraud and improve customer due diligence processes. Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud is one of the biggest and fastest growing types of banking fraud, affecting consumers and companies globally. In the Netherlands, the Dutch Payment Association estimates APP fraud has , reporting a significant increase since 2018. The problem isn't exclusive to the Netherlands. In the UK, estimates that €1.2 billion could have been lost due to APP fraud over the past three years. APP occurs when criminals tricks a person or an employee into transferring money directly from their own account to an account which the criminal controls. The victim has unknowingly received the fraudster’s bank account details (e.g. through e-mail or WhatsApp) and thereby authorises the payment him/herself. After a payment has been transferred, it's often impossible to cancel the transaction. Therefore validating the identity and owner of the account is critical. Being able to identify the owner of a bank account ahead of a transaction should be standard practice however until recently, this has not been the case. This is why banks globally are introducing Confirmation of Payee capabilities. With SurePay’s Confirmation of Payee (CoP), an algorithm and bank account database, consumers or organisations can cross-check that a specific bank account is owned by that specific end-user or business. Since 2017 in the Netherlands, the CoP solution has had widespread adoption and is combined with Signicat’s Identity Verification Solution, which further cross-checks a payee’s identity using the Dutch national electronic identification scheme (eID) iDIN. In this way, the CoP technology helps to detect fraud, prevents misdirected payments and makes business processes more efficient. Moreover, businesses will for the first time have certainty on a payee’s identity prior to sending a payment. Organisations can implement the combined service in their online environment or business processes. This way, the online registration of new customers runs more smoothly, ensuring you collect from and you pay to the right person. Moreover, you know whether you are dealing with a private or business account. Due to close collaboration with the financial institutions the service now checks more than 98% of all online transactions in the Netherlands and over 90% in the United Kingdom. As a result of verifying both the account holder(s) identity and the account number, the service has reduced fraud of single payments to Dutch bank accounts. For organisations integrating CoP, this leads to 90% less drop outs during onboarding, 80% drop in fraudulent onboarding and 50% less standing invoices. To read more about the solution visit: To see the winner announcement visit: SurePay makes payments personal, easier and even more secure. Leveraging SurePays’ unique technology, a variety of solutions are offered to financial institutions, organizations and businesses across Europe. Solutions include Confirmation of Payee in the UK and IBAN-Name Check in the Netherlands. SurePay continues to develop innovative solutions, releases new services regularly and is well underway to become the leading European platform for account verification services in online banking. Share this blog post on social media: Topics: Katinka Forbord Communications Manager at Signicat December 15 2020 di|The Financial Times names Signicat one of... March 02 2021 European financial institutions lose over... February 24 2021 Signicat and Mambu join forces to... February 08 2021 h1|Signicat and SurePay win Best Use of Fraud Protection Technology at Banking Technology Awards, combatting bank transfer scams costing billions of Euros h2|Get in touch h3|Billions of Euros are lost due to bank transfer scams globally, one of the biggest and fastest growing types of banking fraud which Signicat and SurePay’s solution solves. About SurePay - Be sure who you pay Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Related posts sp|Best Use of Fraud Protection Technology Copyright 2020 pa|: , the Trusted Digital Identity™ company, now offers identity verification and authentication services with integrated support for the new German digital identity card, Signicat is the first international business to be certified as an Identification Service Provider, and second only to Germany’s Bundesdruckerei, the manufacturer of banknotes, passports, and identity cards. The nPA national identity cards are issued to citizens and residents in Germany. Every card issued since 2017 has come with an associated electronic identity (eID), with an estimated 37 million cards being activated by the end of 2020 and a total of 80 million nPA—95% of the German population-issued by 2027. The nPA eID meets the strictest verification requirements of the , and is accepted in all EU member states. Organisations from heavily regulated industries (such as financial services, insurance, or healthcare), or those that have a strong need to mitigate fraud in their online customer engagements can now work with Signicat to streamline their digital customer onboarding and secure recurring authentication requirements in Germany. This verification means Signicat is now qualified to read identity card data as a service provider. Practically speaking, this means a consumer can hold their card up to an NFC-enabled device, such as a smartphone or card reader, to digitally onboard where this service is offered e.g. though the APIs of . . Signicat's products and solutions meet the highest level of trust according to German guidelines and European eIDAS regulation. The flexibility of Signicat’s Digital Identity Platform can be adapted and integrated to meet the individual requirements of customers from a wide range of industries—including a secure digital onboarding process, identity verification services and regulatory compliance solutions. Share this blog post on social media: Topics: Beatrice von der Brüggen Regional Marketing Manager bei Signicat May 13 2020 di|The Financial Times names Signicat one of... March 02 2021 European financial institutions lose over... February 24 2021 Signicat and Mambu join forces to... February 08 2021 Signicat and SurePay win Best Use of... December 15 2020 st|Signicat is the first international business to be certified to provide digital access to Frankfurt/Munich, 12th May 2020 said Asger Hattel, Signicat CEO h1|Signicat offers new digital customer onboarding solutions in Germany through the national digital identity service, nPA h2|Get in touch h3|Want to talk to us about what we do, or need some additional information? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Subscribe and stay updated h4|Related posts sp|Copyright 2020 em|“As one of only a few companies authorised to read nPA identity data—and the first international provider—we can provide our customers with digital onboarding solutions that combine maximum convenience and robust security” “This certification not only means that we can serve customers in Germany in need of our identity offerings, but also our existing customers now have a partner to help them expand into Germany.” pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog Dezember 03 2020 Blog November 20 2020 Blog November 16 2020 Blog November 09 2020 Blog November 05 2020 Blog, Nachrichten, Electronic signing November 05 2020 Blog, Germany Oktober 12 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog März 29 2021 Blog März 04 2021 Blog Februar 22 2021 Blog Januar 28 2021 Blog Januar 20 2021 Blog Januar 15 2021 Blog Januar 08 2021 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog August 26 2020 Blog August 20 2020 Blog Juli 20 2020 Blog Juli 16 2020 Blog Juli 16 2020 Blog Juli 15 2020 Blog Juli 08 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog Juli 03 2020 Blog Juni 30 2020 Blog Juni 24 2020 Blog Juni 24 2020 Blog Juni 17 2020 Blog Juni 02 2020 Blog Juni 02 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020 pa|Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und Sie erhalten immer die neuesten Updates direkt in Ihr Postfach. di|Grundlagen der digitalen Signatur: Wie... Juni 02 2020 Was ist der Unterschied zwischen... Juli 03 2020 Wie verifiziert man eine digitale... Juli 16 2020 Eine Frage des Gesetzes: Sind... März 31 2020 Blog Juni 02 2020 Blog April 16 2020 Blog April 16 2020 Blog April 02 2020 Blog März 31 2020 Blog März 25 2020 Blog März 17 2020 h1|InfoCenter/Media h2|Kontakt h3|Abonnieren Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Abonnieren für Neuigkeiten h4|Aktuelles sp|Durchsuchen und laden Sie die neuesten Blogs, Nachrichten und Ressourcen zur digitalen Identität herunter. Copyright 2020