Servage provides complete hosting solutions for both enterprises and personal user From the business owner to the individual who desires full functionality on a small budget, Servage provides your complete web hosting solution. Thank you for taking this opportunity to learn more about your friends at Servage. We are always proud when current or potential customers take time to read more about our company li|Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited Email Accounts Unlimited Subdomains Unlimited Databases SSH access 24/7 ticket- and chatsupport Free Domain Name Registration or Domain Transfer Complete hosting solution on a small budget st|Loopia Group AB h1|Domains Hosting Features Contact About Servage h2|Hosting as easy as 1,2,3… Get your name on the Internet! What can we do for you? h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! Servage provides complete hosting solutions for both enterprises and personal user From the business owner to the individual who desires full functionality on a small budget, Servage provides your complete web hosting solution. Thank you for taking this opportunity to learn more about your friends at Servage. We are always proud when current or potential customers take time to read more about our company li|Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited Email Accounts Unlimited Subdomains Unlimited Databases SSH access 24/7 ticket- and chatsupport Free Domain Name Registration or Domain Transfer Complete hosting solution on a small budget st|Loopia Group AB h1|Domains Hosting Features Contact About Servage h2|Hosting as easy as 1,2,3… Get your name on the Internet! What can we do for you? h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! pa|Från företyagaren till den privatperson som vill ha en fullt utvecklad webbhotellslösning på en låg budget, tillhandahåller Servage den kompletta webbhotelllösning för dig. Registrera ditt namn på internet! Vad kan vi göra för dig? Från företagets ägare till den person som vill ha full funktionalitet på en liten budget, tillhandahåller Servage din kompletta webbhotelllösning. Levererat pålitlig hosting sedan 1998 st|Loopia Group AB h1|Hosta din hemsida lika lätt som 1,2,3 … Domäner Kontakt Vårt webbhotellspaket Om Servage pa|Domäner Ett exempel på ett domännamn är ”” där ”Servage” är huvuddomänen och ”net” är toppdomänen. Det finns många olika toppdomäner att välja mellan och du kan registrera dina personliga domännamn eller de mest populära domänerna hos oss på Servage. Ta tillfället i akt att registrera ett domännamn som passar dig idag, innan någon annan registrerar det! Ange domännamnet du vill ha i rutan högst upp på denna sida för att registrera ditt domännamn idag! All kommunikation på Internet börjar med ett domännamn. Domännamnet är adressen du använder för att gå till en webbplats eller för att skicka ett e-postmeddelande (det är skrivet efter @ -tecknet). Ett exempel på ett domännamn är ”” där ”Servage” är huvuddomänen och ”net” är toppdomänen. Det finns många olika toppdomäner att välja mellan och du kan registrera dina personliga domännamn eller de mest populära domänerna hos oss på Servage. Ta tillfället i akt att registrera ett domännamn som passar dig idag, innan någon annan registrerar det! Ange domännamnet du vill ha i rutan högst upp på denna sida för att registrera ditt domännamn idag! li|.at .be .biz .ca .club .com .de .dk .es .eu .fr .info .it .name .net .nl .org .se .technology .today .tv .uk .us st|Loopia Group AB h2|Sök efter ditt domän och se pris här: Tillgängliga domäner h3|Domäner pa|Kontakt Vad kan vi göra för dig? Dialogen med våra befintliga och nya kunder har hög prioritet hos oss på Servage. För att bäst kunna hjälpa våra befintliga kunder ber vi er att kontakta oss via vårt supportsystem i vår kontrollpanel, så att vi kan hjälpa dig snabbare och effektivare. E-post: Tveka inte att kontakta oss för frågor rörande försäljning. E-post: Vi ber pressmedlemmar kontakta oss via denna adress för eventuella frågor. Har du haft kontakt med någon person tidigare gällande ditt ärende så referera gärna till personen i ditt meddelande så vi lättare kan hjälpa dig med din fråga. E-post: För frågor gällande phising och spam. E-post: För vanliga frågor så kan du enkelt vända dig till vår info-adress. Vi kommer besvara dig så snart som möjligt. st|Loopia Group AB h1|Kontakt h2|Kontakta en säljare Presskontakt Abusekontakt Vanliga frågor pa|Webbhotell Från företagets ägare till den person som vill ha full funktionalitet på en liten budget, tillhandahåller Servage din kompletta webbhotelllösning. Från företagets ägare till den person som vill ha full funktionalitet på en liten budget, tillhandahåller Servage din kompletta webbhotelllösning. 200 GB diskutrymme Obegränsad trafik Obegränsad antal e-postkonton Gratis domännamnsregistrering eller domänöverföring Servage är till för alla. Med vår One-Click Installer är det lätt att installera populära script och applikationer. Om du vill förbättra din webbplats med ett diskussionsforum eller ett onlinegalleri för att visa alla dina senaste bilder, kan du med några få klick omvandlas din webbplats till en fantastisk resurs för dig, ditt företag eller din familj. Du kan självklart också installera egna skräddarsydda applikationer om du så önskar. Det finns ingen gräns för hur många applikaitoner du kan installera, ta bort eller hur många du kan ha installerat på en gång. One-Click Installer är tillgänglig med på alla konton - helt gratis. Sitebuilder är en tjänst för våra nuvarande och framtida kunder. Om du vill skapa en hemsida men inte ha ett bra webbdesignprogram så är det här det perfekta programmet för dig! Vår Sitebuilder är mycket bättre än någon annan fri webbplatsbyggare och den erbjuds som en gratis tjänst till dig. Du är fri att använda en webbdesigner till ditt eget val. Detta verktyg riktar sig till användare som inte redan har ett webbdesignverktyg. Vad väntar du på? Du är bara ett steg från att komma igång med din hemsida. st|Loopia Group AB h1|Webbhotell h2|Webbhotell Vårt webbhotellspaket One-Click Installer Sitebuilder Beställ nu pa|Om Servage Tack för att du tar dig tiden att lära dig mer om dina vänner på Servage. Vi är alltid stolta när nuvarande eller potentiella kunder tar tid att läsa mer om vårt företag. Servage One grundades 1998 under ett annat namn. Servage One är väl etablerat, ekonomiskt oberoende och extremt erfarna inom hostingbranschen. Vi är för närvarande värd för 131 888 webbplatser och har gott om plats för din hemsida också! Vårt nya företagsnamn berodde på de engelska orden "Serve" och "Age", som kombinerat (nästan) stavar vårt stolta namn. Vårt mål är att betjäna våra kunder samtidigt som våra system håller sig uppdaterade med den modernaste tekniken. Servage tillhandahåller nästa generations webbplatform, och är den mest tekniskt avancerade och pålitliga plattformar som finns tillgängliga idag. Jämfört med traditionella plattformar revolutionerar vår plattform hur webbhotell fungerar. Nedtid är inte ett alternativ eftersom alla system är redundanta. Om en server skulle gå ner ersätts den automatiskt av en annan server. Redundans, hastighet och kundservice är nyckelord för vår verksamhet. Varje enskild person i vår organisation förstår detta och arbetar mot vårt gemensamma mål om total kundnöjdhet. Vi förstår nöjda kunder är nyckeln till en långsiktiga framgång i vår marknad. Varje enskild kund behandlas med respekt och vår personal som står till hands för att hjälpa dig dygnet runt - Vi är bara ett klick bort. st|Loopia Group AB h1|Om Servage h2|Levererat pålitlig hosting sedan 1998 Lite bakgrund Den perfekta hostinplattformen Kundnöjdhet Domains All communication on the Internet starts with a domain name. The domain name is the address that you use to go to a website or to send an e-mail message (it is written after the @ sign). An example of a domain name is “” where “Servage” is the main domain and “net” is the top level domain. There are a plenty of different top-level domains to choose from and you can register your personal domain names or the most popular domains with us at Servage. Take this opportunity to register a domain name that suits you today, before it gets taken! Enter the domain name you want in the box at the top of this page to register your domain name today! All communication on the Internet starts with a domain name. The domain name is the address that you use to go to a website or to send an e-mail message (it is written after the @ sign). An example of a domain name is “” where “Servage” is the main domain and “net” is the top level domain. There are a plenty of different top-level domains to choose from and you can register your personal domain names or the most popular domains with us at Servage. Take this opportunity to register a domain name that suits you today, before it gets taken! li|.at .be .biz .ca .club .com .de .dk .es .eu .fr .info .it .name .net .nl .org .se .technology .today .tv .uk .us st|Loopia Group AB h1|Domains h2|Search your domain and find price and availability: Available domains h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! Domains Contact Dialog with existing and new customers is a high priority at Servage. We kindly ask existing customers to use through our ticket system in our control panel, that way we will be able to help you better and more efficiently. E-Mail: Notes: Do not hesitate to contact us with pre-sales questions. E-Mail: Notes: Members of the press are asked to use this address when contacting Servage. (if you already have a contact person please e-mail him/her). E-Mail: Notes: Abuse contact. Please aways include header information in UCE/Spam complaints. We are usually not answering to mails sent to this address but reports will be processed in the order they are arrived. E-Mail: Notes: Use this e-mail address for inquiries that does not fit in other categories. Rote Str. 15b 24937 Flensburg Germany st|Servage One Loopia Group AB h1|Contact h2|What can we do for you? Sales Inquiries Press Inquiries Abuse Complaints General Questions Location h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! Web Hosting From the business owner to the individual who desires full functionality on a small budget, Servage provides your complete web hosting solution. From the business owner to the individual who desires full functionality on a small budget, Servage provides your complete web hosting solution. 200GB of Disk Space Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited Email Accounts Free Domain Name Registration or Domain Transfer Servage is for everyone. The One-Click Installer is a system designed to make installing popular scripts easy. If you want to improve your web site with a discussion forum or an online gallery to show everyone your latest holiday snaps, you can. With a few clicks of your mouse your web site will be transformed into a fantastic resource for you, your business or your family. You are of course also able to install your own custom scripts. There is no limit on the number of times you can install or remove the installations or how many you can have installed at one time. The One-Click Installer is available with all accounts - free of charge As a service to our current and future customers we are offering a free Sitebuilder for download. If you want to create a website but do not own a good web design application then this is the perfect program for you! Our Sitebuilder is far better than any other free website builder. It is offered as a free service to you. You are free to use any website design builder of your choice. This tool is targeted towards users who do not already have a website design tool. What are you waiting for? You are now just one step away from getting started with your website. st|Loopia Group AB h1|Hosting Features h2|Web Hosting Our webhosting package One-Click Installer Sitebuilder Order Now h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! About Servage Thank you for taking this opportunity to learn more about your friends at Servage. We are always proud when current or potential customers take time to read more about our company Founded in 1998 under a different name Servage Hosting is well established, financial independent and extremely experienced in the hosting industry. We currently host 131888 websites and got plenty of room for your website also! Our new corporate name resulted from the words: "Serve" and "Age", that when combined (almost) spell our proud name. It is our goal to serve our customers while always keeping our systems up-to-date with the most modern technologies. Servage provides the next generation hosting platform, and is likely the most technically advanced and reliable platforms available today. Compared to traditional platforms our clustered platform revolutionizes the way web hosting works. Downtime is not an option as all systems are in redundant setups - even our servers are mirrored in a fail tolerant way. In the event one server should fail it is automatically replaced by the other cluster nodes. Cluster reliability, speed and customer services are the keywords for our operation. Every single person in our organization understands this and works toward our common goal of total customer satisfaction. We understand satisfied customers are the key to our long term success in this competitive market. Every single customer is treated with respect and our staff is standing by to help you around the clock - we are only one click away. st|Loopia Group AB h1|About Servage h2|Providing reliable hosting since 1998 A little Background and Insight The Perfect Hosting Platform Customer Satisfaction h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! Handling of personal data Handling of personal data On 25:th of May 2018, the new data protection regulation from the EU, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was made in to law. This is a EU regulation aimed at strengthening the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data. It replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive, as well as all current member states current national regulations. GDPR also places new demands on all companies, authorities and organizations that collect and manage personal data. Simplified, you could say that the GDPR concretises the privacy data protection rules, and clarifies responsibility for data being handled and stored. It is important that you, who store or otherwise process personal data, understand at least the basics of GDPR. • • Servage acts as a personal data controller (controller) for you as a customer to us, and for your information you provide when registering in our services. This means that we undertake the responsibility of GDPR for personal data administrators regarding processing of your personal data. On the “Data Protection Policy” page you will find all the information that concerns you as registered with us. Our customers may, in turn, be personally responsible for information they collect and store in our services, and our role will then be as a Personal Data Adviser to our customers. For those who store personal information in our services, we act as a personal information assistant (processor). This is something that is important primarily for you as a customer to keep track of and as personal data controller you need to make sure you have a data processing agreement . We have, together with our legal partnerss, put together a data protection agreement (DPA) that applies to all our customers. This, together with Appendix 1 (“Personal Data Handling”), our Terms and Conditions, and our Data Protection Policy, are the information that you should look at when considering us as a processor. Unfortunately, we do not have the possibility to make adjustments to the agreement we offer, nor sign it physically for our customers in our web hosting- or cloud services – but are offering the digital standard agreement found in the documents section below. For those who buy consultancy- or hostingservices (or similar) through contact with our sales team or account management you may be able to get a physically signed example and for this we ask you to get in contact with your sales contact. First of all, it’s important to fully understand If you know that you treat personal data in one way or another, there is much to think about. Some tips we can provide regarding personal data processing related to our services are: • Do not process personal information you do not need (regardless of consent) and, if possible, refrain entirely from processing extra sensitive data. • Make sure that the information you process and collect is done on a legal basis. • Make sure you monitor your responsibilities as personal data controller. • Use encrypted protocols for eg. your web, mail and file transfers. • Keep your applications where data is processed secure, constantly updated and limit the access to data as much as possible. We have gathered these important documents and pages of information that apply to you as a customer to Servage from 2018-05-25. • • • • We work together with our law firm continuously to have good and clear terms and conditions, and have also built up good practices and systems for data protection and GDPR with the help of a supplier that works exclusively with this. We have completed a training session and an internal GDPR certification for all our employees in all departments, and do this on a regular basis once a year. We also have good supplier and system support to keep us updated and work actively to follow the directives and try to facilitate this for our customers as well. Other important information about how we work with GDPR, both as processor and controller, can be found in our and our , which describes how we treat personal data as a processor. We understand that many people have questions and concerns about GDPR, but unfortunately do not have the opportunity to answer questions and concerns about how to work with this outside the scope of our own services and customers, and based on the information we published here. For other questions, please refer to which has very good information and guides to work with GDPR. st|Here you can find information about GDPR and what it means: Servage’s role as “controller” Servage’s role as “processor” What to consider when processing personal data in Servage’s services Important documents and information for our customers Partners Aware and aducated staff members Other Loopia Group AB h1|GDPR h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! Handling of personal data Data protection policy Data protection policy We always aim to protect your individual rights and your personal data. This data protection policy describes how we collect, use, store and share personal information. The policy is a supplement to our general terms and conditions. service-specific terms and SLA, our Data Processing Agreement, and Appendix 1, . This data protection policy applies from May 25, 2018, when the General Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR) turns active. By using our services, you accept our Data Protection Policy and our processing of your personal information. You also agree that we use different communication paths such as email, SMS, phone or support system to send information to you. It is important that you read and understand our data protection policy before using our services. In order to offer you our services, we need to process your personal information as shown below. We do this with the utmost account of your integrity. Personal data is usually collected directly from you as a customer upon registration (eg address information), or generated when you use our services and products (eg IP addresses or user logging). The personal data we collect can be divided into the following categories broken down by method of collection, type of task and purpose: : This usually consists of social security numbers and names in Sweden as specified by the registrant upon registration, and is used for customer identification primarily. : Information such as e-mail, contact details and telephone number, which is also stated when registering directly by the registered person. This is important for providing support, sending invoices or contacting you with important information about your service. : For example, login history, made changes to our service, or request over the internet for your services, which is automatically collected by our systems to assist in evaluation, debugging, security management and tracking. If you as a customer collect and store your services with us, you assume the role of personal data controller and we take the role of personal data counselor. This is explained more on our website and is regulated in our personal agreement with attachment we offer all our customers. Almost all treatments are performed on the basis of having a contract between us and our customers. This is needed in order for us to fulfill our commitments to you as a customer and to comply with applicable legislation. In some cases, treatments based on legal obligations may also occur. You can read more about this here: All data is used to deliver, administer and improve our services. The information is required to deliver our services (for example, invoicing, customer service, financial administration or ownership identification). We also use this to communicate with you about important events or information about your account, as well as newsletters and general email communications. Some third party services such as domain registration and SSL services require that we share certain information with the provider in order to provide the service (as shown by the separate domain terms we provide for this). In order to protect our customers’ integrity, personal information is not disclosed to an external party not disclosed without informing you as a customer. Exceptions to this are made if a customer has violated our terms of agreement, whether there is legal action or if the authority requests this in support of Swedish legislation. Examples of such authorities are tax authorities, police authorities, and supervisory authorities in affected countries. We have implemented a full-fledged register of suppliers and organizations that carry out processing related to personal data in our systems. We have signed a data processing agreement with selected suppliers, and these agreements include provisions on the processing of personal data on our behalf. Suppliers are, for example, in the areas of development, maintenance, operation and support of IT systems. , you can see the processors who, in some cases, process our customers personal data for which we are controller, or in some cases processing our customers data where we are processors ourselves. We always strive to do the EU / EEA treatment. In some situations, however, the information may be transferred to, and processed in, non-EU / EEA countries, or other supplier or subcontractor. As we always strive to always protect your information, we will take all legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your information is handled securely and with a level of protection comparable to the protection offered in the EU / EEA. We also have good agreements with all our suppliers to ensure that the treatment is carried out in accordance with the regulations. We have a comprehensive multi-level security system through both logical network constraints, access levels, alarms and various types of intrusion protection. We also work according to “Privacy by design” in development, both internally and with partners. We are also certified according to ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 27001 (Data Security), and through this we work structured with routines and processes to meet the security and quality systems that these certifications entail. All staff are also trained in data protection, and are updated annually in this regard. In “ ” belonging to the Data Protection Agreement, details of what protection at organizational and technical levels can be found. As a registered person and customer with us, you have special rights regarding the personal information we have about you. These are: As a customer, you can contact us at any time to find out what information we have collected, as well as instructions on how to view them as a customer. We strive to implement this without delay. Changes to registered data can usually be made through our customer portals, but can always be done by communicating with us where we will then assist in implementing the change. If you object to the accuracy of the data we have registered, you may request that we limit the processing of these data to storage only. We can then stop any other processing (which also means we must stop delivery of our services) until a correction has been made or until it is possible to determine what is correct and not. For personal data that has been processed and collected automatically (with the consent of the agreement / agreement), you are entitled to receive it in a machine-readable format. Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to request the deletion of your personal information. These can be e.g. – If there is no legal basis for the treatment or the treatment is illegal – There is no legitimate reason for continued treatment – You oppose direct marketing treatment A prerequisite for our ability to perform the above is that we receive adequate documentation for identification from you as registered. Your request to exercise your rights above is assessed on a case-by-case basis based on current circumstances. We may also have to keep your information if it is required to comply with legal obligations, claim a legal claim or enforce our active agreements. In some cases, we may use automated decision making if you have made your explicit consent or if it is necessary to fulfill an agreement, such as evaluation and improvement of our services (eg traffic and usage analysis). We use cookies, a text file stored on the visitor’s computer, to identify and optimize our web applications for visitors and customers. If you do not want us to do this, you can turn off cookies in your browser. However, note that the functionality of our website may be limited. We save data as long as it is necessary to fulfill our commitments as a supplier, and as long as required by statutory storage times. When we save data for purposes other than our commitments such as companies, such as In order to meet accounting and financial requirements, we only save the information as long as it is necessary for the purpose. The content of this data protection policy may change over time. We will always keep our customers’ integrity high and comply with all data protection laws within the EU and Sweden. If we carry out major changes, these will be communicated via email and in your customer portal. If you want to stay updated on a regular basis, we recommend that you review this policy on a regular basis. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our data protection policy, please contact our support organization via email, chat, phone or case system. Contact information is available on our website. You can also file a complaint or contact the computer inspection that acts as our supervisory authority. Contact information can be found at st|Identification Contact History Registry of processors Information Alteration Limitation Data portability Deletion Loopia Group AB h1|Handling of personal data h3|Vi hjälper gärna till! Handling of personal data h4|What information do we process? On what legal basis do we process this information? What do we do with your information? What third parties will be able to access your data? Where do we process your data? How do we protect your data? Your rights as registred Automated decisioning Cookies on our websites For how long do we store your personal data? Changes to this data protection policy Contact information to us and the data protection authority em|This policy was last updated 2019-06-11