pa|Sence Research is an independent scientific analytical company in epidemiology and outcomes research. Our team consists of epidemiologists, physicians, pharmacists and health economists, with active academic research. We are at the scientific frontline of comparative effectiveness research and are devoted to continuous methodological improvement. Our aim is to bring sound scientific methods, transparency, accountability and timeliness to the post-marketing dialogue between pharmaceutical authorities and companies. We tailor our services to the client’s needs. Typical services before market access include charting of unmet needs, characterizations of target population and competition, projection of target population effects from randomised clinical trials, and design of structured follow-up programs. Services at the time of market access are centred around a novel pharmacoepidemiological model that we have developed and validated, the ”Sequentially Evaluated Nonrandomised Comparative Effectiveness (SENCE) model for structured continuous follow-up of new treatments. The SENCE model can utilize data from electronic health records (EHR) and other complex data sources and is built to analyse data continuously, as soon as new information is generated in the clinical data sources, in order to provide timely evidence. Typical services later in a product lifecycle include further comparative effectiveness studies and projections of target population effects. Our mission is to provide transparent and timely observational evidence for accelerated advancement of healthcare. We pre-register study protocols, fully disclose all methods used and publish all results specified in the protocols. We are ISO27001(Information Security Management) certified and subscribe to the ENCePP Code of Conduct and the ISPE Guidelines for Good Pharmacoepidemiology Practices. We take a lead in the development of methods and models for comparative effectiveness research. Thomas Cars is a pharmacist and holds a PhD in pharmacoepidemiology from Uppsala University. His research is focused on methods and models for comparative effectiveness research mainly using data from electronic health records. Johan Sundström has a background in cohort epidemiology, evidence-based medicine methodology, and clinical trials. His experience includes fellowships at the Framingham Heart Study, MA, USA, and the George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia. He currently holds a professorship in epidemiology at Uppsala University. Tel: Tel: Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 26, 751 83 Uppsala, Sverige ©2020 by Sence Research AB +46-708-655510 di|Scroll st|Our services Our principles h1|We provide transparent and timely observational evidence for accelerated advancement of healthcare We provide transparent and timely observational evidence for accelerated advancement of healthcare Our leadership Find us h2|Thomas Cars, MSc, PhD Founder & CEO Johan Sundström, MD, PhD Founder & Senior advisor Thomas Cars MSc, PhD Founder & CEO Matilda Almstedt MSc, Project and Quality Manager h3|Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 26, 752 37 Uppsala, Sverige sp|About us Contact index index-mobile Who we are Our leadership Contact Find us pa|+46-708-655510 h3|Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 26, 752 37 Uppsala, Sverige sp|See more