Information security has grown more and more important over the years and is today critical for every organization. Proprietary, confidential, sensitive, and intellectual data and information are all recognized as valuable assets that require protection from internal and external threats. If information is breached, stolen, or mishandled, it can cause personal harm to an individual, impact the ability the business, it’s reputation, and result in extensive financial damages. No software can ever be expected to be without security vulnerabilities. Either by poor design and architectural choices made early in the software lifecycle, or by human errors when programming the software. And additionally, what was not a security flaw yesterday can become a security flaw today by hackers obtaining more sophisticated tools, libraries used in software all of a sudden containing a new vulnerability, … and the list goes on. Most organizations of the 2020s have a digital presence and many build their business entirely on digital channels. With the digital approach comes the need to manage the IT security risks. Enter IT security operations. Compliance regulations provide organizations with directives for safeguarding their data and IT systems, and for addressing existing privacy and security concerns. Also, compliance regulations ensure that companies fulfill their obligations to prevent incidents caused by negligence or the implementation of insufficient security programs. Under 2020 mottog MSB 286 rapporter om IT-incidenter från statliga myndigheter som man nu summerar och publicerar. Vanligaste incidenterna är pga handhavandefel och angrepp. Seadot har blivit antagna som nya medlemmar i den svenska innovationsnoden för cybersäkerhet som drivs av RISE. Vi hoppas kunna bidra med vår kompetens inom cybersäkerhet för att skapa... Vi går mot slutet av ett omtumlande år där Seadot givit möjligheten att växa till sig. Nu är tid för lite vila och återhämtning för att sedan ta oss an alla nya utmaningar som står för... Regeringen fattade den 10/12 beslut om att ge Försvarets radioanstalt, Försvars­makten, MSB och Säkerhets­polisen i uppdrag att inrätta. Cybersäkerhetsutredningen föreslår i sitt delbetänkande att man ska samla kompletterande nationella bestämmelser till EU:s cybersäkerhetsakt som krävs ska samlas i en ny lag och en ny... MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter för tydligare styrning av myndigheter för systematiskt och riskbaserat informationssäkerhetsarbete som träder i kraft den 1/10 2020. Sju svenska myndigheter har tillsammans författat läsvärda rapporter som på ett enkelt sätt beskriver hotbilden och behovet av systematisk arbete med cybersäkerhet. In July 2019 SWIFT released an updated version (v2020) of the(CSCF) as part of the Customer Security Programme (CSP). We expect a new version being released in... The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its draft guidelines on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and security risk management in December 2018. When the finalized guidelines come... The Swedish gambling market has opened up since the new Gambling Act (2018:1138) came in force on 1st of January 2019. At the same time a license is required and compliance to marketing requirements... We offer senior information security consultants. Our consultants have extensive experience in implementation of Information Security Management Systems – ISMS, as well as risk analysis and governance. An effective way to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses in you systems and applications before your adversaries do, is to perform penetration testing on them. Either by performing it at a point in time or as part of your release cycle. As IT environments grow in size and complexity it becomes virtually impossible to manually monitor for security incidents. SIEM tools are a good way to collect all relevant information in the environment and trigger security events to be analyzed further in real time. Today many organizations must manage regulatory compliance one way or the other. And the trend is that more regulation to comply with can be expected. Therefore organizations should address compliance with a structured program to be efficient and to draw as many benefits as possible when doing the work. h1|We secure your business and products News Contact us! h2|MSB publicerar incidenter hos myndigheter 2020 Seadot medlemmar i Cybernode God Jul & Gott Nytt År! Regeringen inrättar Delbetänkande från cybersäkerhetsutredningen MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter Rapporter om cybersäkerhet från svenska myndigheter SWIFTEBA guidelines on security risk management Swedish Gambling Act Information Security Management System Penetration Testing Security Information & Event Management Regulatory Compliance h3|Most organizations of the 2020s strive to digitize and automate their operations to innovate and optimize. Every aspect of the digital organization has important cybersecurity implications. As organizations seek to innovate and create more digital customer experiences, they must also assess and manage the security risks. Seadot Cybersecurity has the experience and expertise to help organizations in their efforts to successfully manage risk. Hand in hand with the rapid digitization and technology transformation, comes a rapid increase in advanced cyber security threats. No organization is immune. Seadot can help organizations utilize the digitization to their advantage, and managing the risks that security threats impose. Only when security is managed well will an organization be able to truly thrive in the world of today. Let Seadot Cybersecurity be your digital enabler! Contact us Information Security Management Create a systematic approach to security Software Security Ensure safe and secure software IT Security Operations Run your IT with security in mind Cybersecurity compliance Make the most of compliance 2021.02.02 Read more 2020.12.28 Read more 2020.12.19 Read more 2020.12.11 Read more 2020.10.01 Read more 2020.09.28 Read more 2020.06.04 Read more 2020.06.03 Read more 2019.12.28 Read more 2019.12.06 Read more See all news See all news Send Send Björn Sjöholm Founder and Chairman +46 70 522 0110 Peter Tornberg Founder and CEO +46703040656 Björn Sjöholm Founder and Chairman +46 70 522 0110 h1|Contact Contact us! h2|Management Seadot Cybersecurity AB Seadot Cybersecurity AB Management Seadot AB Seadot AB h3|Seadot and Seadot Cybersecurity were founded and have headquarters in Uppsala, Sweden. Information Information Invoice address: Suttungs gränd 2 753 19 Uppsala 559198-3977 Vat-nr: SE559198397701 Invoice address: Bonäs 12 755 91 Uppsala 556564-3482 Vat-nr: SE556564348201 Send Send 2020.12.19 News / Event Vi går mot slutet av ett omtumlande år där människors vardag ändrats fullständigt och säkerhetsarbetet aktualiserats ytterligare. Med vår kompetens har vi givits möjlighet att hjälpa organisationer att möta de nya utmaningar de ställts inför. Både spännande och utmanande för vårt unga bolag som kunnat växa i styrka under denna tuffa tid. Nu är tid för lite vila och återhämtning för att sedan ta oss an alla nya utmaningar som står för dörren inom cybervärlden. Mot ett Gott Nytt 2021! h2|God Jul och Gott Nytt År! 2019.12.28 News / Event h1|EBA Guidelines h2|EBA guidelines on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and security risk management Download em|The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its draft guidelines on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and security risk management in December 2018. When the finalized guidelines come into force the EBA will require all payment service providers (PSPs), credit institutions and investment firms to make every effort to comply with these guidelines. Under 2020 mottog MSB 286 rapporter om IT-incidenter från statliga myndigheter som man nu summerar och publicerar. Vanligaste incidenterna är pga handhavandefel och angrepp. Seadot har blivit antagna som nya medlemmar i den svenska innovationsnoden för cybersäkerhet som drivs av RISE. Vi hoppas kunna bidra med vår kompetens inom cybersäkerhet för att skapa... Vi går mot slutet av ett omtumlande år där Seadot givit möjligheten att växa till sig. Nu är tid för lite vila och återhämtning för att sedan ta oss an alla nya utmaningar som står för... Regeringen fattade den 10/12 beslut om att ge Försvarets radioanstalt, Försvars­makten, MSB och Säkerhets­polisen i uppdrag att inrätta. Cybersäkerhetsutredningen föreslår i sitt delbetänkande att man ska samla kompletterande nationella bestämmelser till EU:s cybersäkerhetsakt som krävs ska samlas i en ny lag och en ny... MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter för tydligare styrning av myndigheter för systematiskt och riskbaserat informationssäkerhetsarbete som träder i kraft den 1/10 2020. Sju svenska myndigheter har tillsammans författat läsvärda rapporter som på ett enkelt sätt beskriver hotbilden och behovet av systematisk arbete med cybersäkerhet. In July 2019 SWIFT released an updated version (v2020) of the(CSCF) as part of the Customer Security Programme (CSP). We expect a new version being released in... The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its draft guidelines on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and security risk management in December 2018. When the finalized guidelines come... The Swedish gambling market has opened up since the new Gambling Act (2018:1138) came in force on 1st of January 2019. At the same time a license is required and compliance to marketing requirements... h1|News h2|MSB publicerar incidenter hos myndigheter 2020 Seadot medlemmar i Cybernode God Jul & Gott Nytt År! Regeringen inrättar Delbetänkande från cybersäkerhetsutredningen MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter Rapporter om cybersäkerhet från svenska myndigheter SWIFTEBA guidelines on security risk management Swedish Gambling Act Search 2021.02.02 Read more 2020.12.28 Read more 2020.12.19 Read more 2020.12.11 Read more 2020.10.01 Read more 2020.09.28 Read more 2020.06.04 Read more 2020.06.03 Read more 2019.12.28 Read more 2019.12.06 Read more Newer Older 2020.12.28 News / Event Seadot har blivit antagna som nya medlemmar i den svenska innovationsnoden för cybersäkerhet som drivs av RISE. Vi hoppas kunna bidra med vår kompetens inom cybersäkerhet för skapa innovationer i Sverige. Läs mer på h1|Medlemmar i Cybernode h2|Seadot medlemmar i Cybernode! The future is digitalized. We want to be part of creating a secure digital society and help companies and organizations that have high demands on security and regulatory compliance. Join us on our journey within security! We are a young expansive company and are looking for senior consultants in cybersecurity who want to be part of creating a presence in the Nordic region and northern Europe. The company strives for a knowledge focused culture where the most talented and ambitious people seek to develop. Seadot Cybersecurity uses mutual coaching and sparring as an obvious part of the knowledge sharing in the company. By sharing knowledge we achieve high quality, development of our employees and a positive and friendly working environment. We are looking for You if you and have extensive experience of an advisory role as a consultant. You want to contribute to the company’s development, are good at building relationships and trust with customers and employees and always want to deliver your best. Right now we are looking for employees within: It would be great if you have carried out projects or assignments in one or more of the above areas. You are used to be working in projects and groups, presenting results verbally and in writing and leading different types of work groups. You have a great customer focus and always have quality and the customer’s best in focus. You have good knowledge of information classification, risk management, requirements management, change management, business analysis, continuity planning and strategy work. We believe you have: Apply today! Do you want to apply or have any questions about us: Peter Tornberg, 0703-040656, . Björn Sjöholm, 0705-220110, Seadot Cybersecurity is an entrepreneurial company with a focus on effective security. The founders of the company have extensive experience in both information security and IT security. We offer services to organizations with high demands on regulatory compliance, governance and security. The company’s customers have their main operations in the Nordic region and northern Europe. li|Information security, compliance and risk Security architecture and IT security A few years’ experience from working with information security or IT security. Relevant certifications such as CISSP, CISA, CISM, CRISC or equivalent Good communication skills in English and Swedish. A basic education at the university level within IT, security or other relevant area. st|Working at Seadot Cybersecurity Are you the one we are looking for? More about Seadot Cybersecurity h1|Career 2019.12.06 News / Event h1|Swedish Gambling Act h2|Swedish Gambling Act Next The Swedish gambling market has opened up since the new Gambling Act (2018:1138) came in force on 1st of January 2019. At the same time a license is required and compliance to marketing requirements as well as technical requirements is enforced. The Swedish Gambling Authority has already proven that the law and the accompanying Gambling Ordinance (2018:1475) will be enforced Download pa|Welcome to Seadot Cybersecurity h1|About us h3|Seadot Cybersecurity is run by entrepreneurs with a strong focus on effective and efficient security. The founders have extensive experience from information security as well as IT-security. We offer cybersecurity services to organizations with a high demand for regulatory compliance and security. Our clients have their main business within the Nordics and Northern Europe. Seadot consultants and specialists have several professional certifications. Some of them are CISSP, CISA, CISM, CRISC, CGEIT, SCCISP and ISO 27001 Lead Auditor. Seadot is by Kantara Initiative Accredited Assessor. 2020.06.04 News / Event Den tekniska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen går snabbt och det gäller för både myndigheter och företag att förebygga och åtgärda säkerhetsbrister i verksamhetskritiska system. Som ett stöd har två rapporter tagits fram i ett samarbete mellan myndigheter med uppgifter som är centrala för att skydda Sverige mot cyberhot. Myndigheterna vill uppmärksamma och sprida kunskap så fler kan skydda sig och vidta åtgärder för att stärka sin motståndskraft mot olika typer av cyberangrepp. Den ena rapporten är en sammanställd beskrivning över cybersäkerhetsrelaterade hot och innehåller exempel från verkligheten. Rapporten är avsedd att ge stöd till analyser och riskbedömningar vid exempelvis beslut om verksamhetsutveckling, kontrakt eller investeringar. Den andra rapporten ger rekommendationer om vilka åtgärder som behöver vidtas och hur man rent praktiskt bör gå tillväga för att bygga en säkrare IT-miljö. I många fall handlar det om ett ändrat arbetssätt inom organisationen och att planera, testa, och införa tekniska åtgärder på ett systematiskt sätt. Det fördjupade myndighetssamarbetet syftar till att förbereda bildandet av ett nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter, enligt ett förslag som lämnades till regeringen i december 2019. I samarbetet ingår Försvarets materielverk (FMV), Försvarets radioanstalt (FRA), Försvarsmakten, Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB), Polismyndigheten, Post- och telestyrelsen (PTS), samt Säkerhetspolisen. h2|Rapporter om cybersäkerhet från svenska myndigheter Gemensam kunskap ökar Sveriges motståndskraft mot cyberhot Your privacy is important to us. It is Seadot Cybersecurity’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our website. This Privacy Policy applies to We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting personally identifiable information you may provide us through the Website. We have adopted this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain what information may be collected on our Website, how we use this information, and under what circumstances we may disclose the information to third parties. This Privacy Policy applies only to information we collect through the Website and does not apply to our collection of information from other sources. This Privacy Policy set forth the general rules and policies governing your use of our Website. Depending on your activities when visiting our Website, you may be required to agree to additional terms of service. Certain visitors to Seadot Cybersecurity’s websites choose to interact with Seadot Cybersecurity in ways that require Seadot Cybersecurity to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that Seadot Cybersecurity gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, we ask visitors who leave a comment at to provide a name and email address. The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Our Service may contain links to external sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy and terms of service of every site you visit. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites, products or services. Seadot Cybersecurity uses the remarketing services to advertise on third party websites (including Google) to previous visitors to our site. It could mean that we advertise to previous visitors who haven’t completed a task on our site, for example using the contact form to make an inquiry. This could be in the form of an advertisement on the Google search results page, or a site in the Google Display Network. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone’s past visits. Of course, any data collected will be used in accordance with our own privacy policy and Google’s privacy policy. You can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Preferences page, and if you want to you can opt out of interest-based advertising entirely by cookie settings or permanently using a browser plugin. To enrich and perfect your online experience, Seadot Cybersecurity uses “Cookies”, similar technologies and services provided by others to display personalized content, appropriate advertising and store your preferences on your computer. A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. Seadot Cybersecurity uses cookies to help us identify and track visitors, their usage of, and website access preferences. Seadot Cybersecurity visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using Seadot Cybersecurity’s websites, with the drawback that certain features of Seadot Cybersecurity’s websites may not function properly without the aid of cookies. By continuing to navigate our website without changing your cookie settings, you hereby acknowledge and agree to Seadot Cybersecurity’s use of cookies. Although most changes are likely to be minor, Seadot Cybersecurity may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in Seadot Cybersecurity’s sole discretion. Seadot Cybersecurity encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change. h1|Privacy Policy h2|Privacy Policy Personally Identifying Information Security Links to external sites We use Google AdWords for remarketing Cookies Privacy Policy changes 2020.09.28 News / Event MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter för tydligare styrning av myndigheter för systematiskt och riskbaserat informationssäkerhetsarbete som träder i kraft den 1/10 2020. Viktigt att allt fler arbetar systematiskt med säkerhet om organisationer och samhället i stort ska kunna stå emot säkerhetshoten idag och i framtiden. h2|MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter MSB utfärdar nya föreskrifter 2021.02.02 News / Event Världen digitaliseras i en takt som förefaller öka för varje år. Det för med sig fördelar men det kan också medföra nya eller förändrade hot. I likhet med tidigare år har uppmärksammade IT-incidenter skett såväl i Sverige som i omvärlden. Under 2020 har MSB mottagit 286 rapporter om IT-incidenter från statliga myndigheter. Den vanligaste kategorin av incident har varit handhavandefel följt av angrepp, störning i mjukvara eller hårdvara och störning i driftmiljö. De incidenter som rapporterats in har oftast angetts fått begränsade konsekvenser. Ungefär en fjärdedel av fallen har angetts ha fått stora konsekvenser. h2|MSB publicerar incidenter hos myndigheter under 2020 MSB publicerar incidenter hos myndigheter under 2020 Previous Organizations are investing heavily in the digitization of organizational and business processes since it presents new possibilities and advantages. But using more software also introduces a greater attack surface for adversaries. Software can never be expected to be flawless and without security vulnerabilities. Security risks are introduced by design and architectural choices made early in the software lifecycle, or by human errors when programming the software. Therefore it is critical that organizations keep software security in mind throughout the software lifecycle. If you are looking for ways to improve your software security, experienced Seadot consultants can help you out. The pace to produce software has never been higher. At the same time the cyber threat has never been greater. Organizations must address both challenges to stay competitive. A Secure Development Life Cycle is the best way to achieve both. An effective way to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses in you systems and applications before your adversaries do, is to perform penetration testing on them. Either by performing it at a point in time or as part of your release cycle. h1|Software Security Contact us! h2|Secure Development Life Cycle Penetration Testing Send Send An information security framework is a series of documented, agreed and understood policies, procedures, and processes that define how information is managed in an organization, to lower risk and vulnerability, and increase confidence in a world that is more connected than ever before. There are numerous different security frameworks used globally, developed to suit a wide variety of businesses and sectors. The effort put into developing these frameworks show the importance of not inventing a framework on your own. Instead organizations should choose a widely used and proven framework that fit their needs. Today the most commonly used general frameworks in the Nordics are the ISO 27000-series, NIST Cyber Security Framework and the framework of Information Security Forum. If you need help choosing the framework that is best for your organization, or need help with implementation, Seadot Cybersecurity with our experienced consultants can help you out. h1|Security Frameworks Contact us! h2| Send Send Most organizations of the 2020s have digital presence and many build their business entirely on digital channels. With the digital approach, comes the need to manage the IT security risks. IT security operations is focused on keeping its information confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA). It does so working with preventive measures like network-, endpoint- and application security. But it must also have a capacity to manage security incidents when they occur. And to learn from the incidents and improve. As such, IT security operations can never sleep. It must always analyze its weaknesses, foresee that attackers next move and continuously work on improving defenses and response tactics. And it must do so in an environment with complexity never seen before. Access from anywhere with IT infrastructure spread out on-premise and in cloud services. Seadot Cybersecurity consultants have the experience needed to help architect, build and manage IT security operations. Give us a call for a discussion on your needs. An important part of the security program is to implement good security guidelines. Without them an organization will never reach consistency in how it performs its tasks. Without consistency there will be more human errors with lower security as a result. Cloud computing offers opportunities like IT has never done before. But cloud computing also poses new challenges for security. With no clear perimiter, operations not on-premise, data more scattered than before. Security organizations must adapt to the new reality. As IT enviroments grow in size and complexity it becomes virtually impossible to manually monitor for security incidents. SIEM tools are a good way to collect all relevant information in the environment and trigger security events to be analyzed further in real time. Managing user identities has always been important. Identity management in modern system environments have never been this complex. We help organizations simplify and take control over user identities using best practices and efficient tools. h1|IT Security Operations Contact us! h2|IT Security Guidelines Cloud Security Security Information & Event Management Identity & Access Management Send Send Compliance regulations provide directives for safeguarding their data and IT systems, and for addressing existing privacy and security concerns. Also, compliance regulations ensure that companies fulfill their obligations to prevent incidents caused by negligence or insufficient implementation of security programs. Most regulations drive organizations to secure their systems through the implementation of a variety of basic security measures. These could be measures such as firewalls, risk assessments, data encryption, and training employees on secure use and handling of sensitive information. Organizations should demonstrate they not only understand regulations, but they also implement and maintain them accordingly. Maintaining compliance with multiple regulations tend to be a complex task for most organizations. Seadot Cybersecurity has extensive experience in cybersecurity compliance and making sure that compliance initiatives work hand in hand with security efforts. We are all ears if you give us a call. Internal audit provides an organization with an independent review of the security function. If used properly it will give the board valuable information to address the diverse risk it means when operating in a digital world. It is important for organizations to use a security framwork in order to develop and maintain a solid defense. There are numerous framworks available that can be used by organizations in different industries and geographies. Today many organizations must manage regulatory compliance one way or the other. And the trend is that more regulation to comply with can be expected. Therefore organizations should adress compliance with a structured program to be efficient and to draw as many benefits as possible when doing the work. h1|Cybersecurity Compliance Contact us! h2|Internal Audit Security Frameworks Regulatory Compliance Send Send Identity and access management (IAM) is a critical part of any organizations security, as it is linked to the protection of information assets in the organization. Compromised user credentials often serve as an entry point into an organization’s network and its information assets. Organizations use identity management to safeguard their information assets against the rising cyber security threats. It is very common that users have more access privileges than necessary. A robust IAM system can add an important layer of protection by ensuring a consistent application of user access rules and policies across an organization. As an extension to IAM, Privileged Access Management (PAM) is an important aspect of managing accounts with the highest privileges. Cyber criminals will always aim to gain access to high privilege accounts to enable access to critical systems. Organizations need to consider a PAM strategy in order to reduce risk of more severe security incidents. Seadot Cybersecurity consultants can help you with your IAM strategy, planning and implementation. Give us a call and we can discuss. h1|Identity & Access Management Contact us! h2| Send Send 2020.12.11 News / Event Regeringen fattade den 10/12 beslut om att ge Försvarets radioanstalt, Försvars­makten, MSB och Säkerhets­polisen i uppdrag att inrätta. Syftet är att stärka Sveriges samlade förmåga att före­bygga, upptäcka och hantera cyberhot. Sveriges säkerhet, konkurrens­kraft och välstånd vilar i stor utsträck­ning på digitala grunder. Cyber­hoten mot Sverige och svenska intressen är omfattande. Med teknik­utveckling och digitali­sering blir hoten och sårbar­heterna fler vilket gör att säker­heten behöver stärkas. Det nationella cybersäkerhets­centret ska bidra till att göra Sverige säkrare genom att höja den samlade förmågan att möta cyberhot och effektivt stödja både offentliga och privata aktörer. Detta ska bidra till att stärka säkerheten i samhället som helhet. Björn Sjöholm, en av grundarna för Seadot Cybersecurity kommenterar beslutet: “Äntligen får Sverige ett nationellt centrum för cybersäkerhet. Ansvaret för cybersäkerhet i offentlig verksamhet har länge varit splittrat, men det är glädjande att vi nu får ett nationellt samlat kompetenscentrum.” h2|Nytt center för cybersäkerhet upprättas Regeringen inrättar 2020.06.03 News / Event In July 2019 SWIFT released an updated version (v2020) of the(CSCF) as part of the Customer Security Programme (CSP). We expect a new version being released in July 2020. The intention with releasing new versions is to evolve the framework to address new and arising threats, incorporate new advances in cybersecurity and to respond to feedback from the SWIFT community. h2|SWIFTSWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework Download 2020.10.01 News / Event Utredningen föreslår att de kompletterande nationella bestämmelser till EU:s cybersäkerhetsakt som krävs ska samlas i en ny lag och en ny förordning. EU:s cybersäkerhetsakt ställer krav på att en eller flera nationella myndigheter för cybersäkerhetscertifiering utses av medlemsstaterna. Utredningen föreslår att Försvarets materielverk ska vara nationell myndighet för cybersäkerhetscertifiering i Sverige samt övervaka och kontrollera att bestämmelserna i det europeiska ramverket för cybersäkerhetscertifiering efterlevs. Förslagen i utredningen föreslås börja gälla när EU:s Cybersäkerhetsakt börjar tillämpas i sin helhet 28 juni 2021. Utredningen kommer i sitt slutbetänkande 1 mars 2021 analysera och överväga om det bör införas särskilda krav på certifiering och godkännande av vissa produkter, tjänster och processer som ska användas i verksamheter som är av betydelse för Sveriges säkerhet. h2|Rapporter om cybersäkerhet från svenska myndigheter Cybersäkerhetsutredningen överlämnade delbetänkande till regeringen Information security has grown more and more important over the years and is today critical for every organization. Proprietary, confidential, sensitive, and intellectual data and information are all recognized as valuable assets that require protection from internal and external threats. If information is breached, stolen, or mishandled, it can cause personal harm to an individual, impact the business, it’s reputation, and result in extensive financial damages. Information security management helps organizations stay on top of threats and vulnerabilities, minimize and mitigate risk, and ensure business continuity. With the rise of cybersecurity risks, and with information becoming more digitized and accessible, information security management has become even more important. Seadot Cybersecurity has extensive experience in the field of information security and can help organizations with the challenges they are facing. Our experienced consultants can help you out with your challenges. It is important for organizations to use a security framework in order to develop and maintain a solid defense. There are numerous frameworks available that can be used by organizations in different industries and geographies. We offer senior information security consultants. Our consultants have extensive experience in implementation of Information Security Management Systems – ISMS, as well as risk analysis and governance. As IT environments grow in size and complexity it becomes virtually impossible to manually monitor for security incidents. SIEM tools are a good way to collect all relevant information in the environment and trigger security events to be analyzed further in real time. Managing user identities has always been important. Identity management in modern system environments have never been this complex. We help organizations simplify and take control over user identities using best practices and efficient tools. h1|Information Security Management Contact us! h2|Security Frameworks Information Security Management System Security Information & Event Management Identity and Access Management Send Send Security information and event management (SIEM) technology in essence has two parts, the Security Information Management (SIM) where the information like the logs is collected and the Security Event Management (SEM), where the logs are analyzed and categorized for severity. SIEM solutions need data from multiple sources as part of data aggregation, moving data into a single place. The data collected are a series of recorded events, providing a history of activity. Once the SIEM system has the data, it uses a process to analyze the events and categorize the events based on the severity. In organizations with a Security Operations Center (SOC), SIEM technology is vital to effectively identify and analyze security events. Most of the information the SOC relies for security analysis, is assessed using automated systems, capable of filtering and flagging the most serious security events. This allows the SOC analysts to be able to quickly deal with security incidents with higher priority very quickly, instead of having to manually scan through security events and determine the priorities. Seadot Cybersecurity has experienced consultants that can help you from early phases when planning for more advanced and automated detection and monitoring capabilities, to later phases when establishing and operating a Security Operations Center. Send us a note for a discussion. h1|Security Information & Event Management Contact us! h2| Send Send A penetration test is a simulated cyberattack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security. The test is primarily performed to identify security vulnerabilities of the system. The process typically identifies the target systems, then reviews available information and undertakes various means to exploit vulnerabilities. A penetration test target may be a white box or black box, depending on if information about the systems is provided beforehand. Penetration tests can help determining whether a system is vulnerable to an attack, and which defenses the test defeated. Seadot Cybersecurity has senior expertise that can help organizations test systems for vulnerabilities, and also act as advisors in discussions regarding remediation plans. h1|Penetration Testing Contact us! h2| Send Send Cloud computing present amazing opportunities to organizations. Never before has it been this easy to build and run new services that provide opportunities. Regardless of what cloud deployment you are using – you are responsible for securing your own space within that cloud. Using a cloud maintained by someone else does not mean you can, or should, sit back and relax. Insufficient due diligence is a major cause of security failures. Cloud security is a responsibility that is shared between the cloud provider and the customer. There are basically three categories of responsibilities in the Shared Responsibility Model: responsibilities that are the provider’s, responsibilities that are the customer’s, and responsibilities that : Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), or Software as a Service (SaaS). Because the public cloud does not have a clear perimeter, it presents a fundamentally different security reality. This becomes even more challenging when adopting modern cloud approaches such as automated Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) methods. You cannot treat security the same way you did when IT was on-premise. You need to adapt to the new reality and implement appropriate security measures in the new landscape. Seadot Cybersecurity can help you move to the cloud securely as well as help you improve your security after making the move. Let us know if you want to discuss. h1|Cloud Security Contact us! h2| Send Send Organizations aim to integrate cyber risk management into the daily operations to form an organization’s . The includes information and technology risk management with established governance and oversight, and monitoring of operations. Increasingly, many companies have recognized the need for a of defense, with an independent internal audit function. This function is responsible for the to review of efficiency and effectiveness of security measures. Internal audit can play an integral role in assessing and identifying opportunities to strengthen security. Internal audit provides an organization with an independent review of the security function. If used properly it will give the board valuable information to address the diverse risk it means when operating in a digital world. If you are lacking the experience or manpower in internal audit, Seadot Cybersecurity can help your organizations to implement and operate an internal audit function. Give us a call. h1|Internal Audit Contact us! h2| first line of defense second line third line Send Send The purpose of the IT security guidelines is to provide practical guidance on how organizations can protect their systems and information from security threats. The guidelines can target individuals as well as different groups/functions within an organization It is important to give guidance to all personnel to ensure they understand their responsibilities. Moreover, a purpose is also educate everyone how they should go about their daily business in a secure manner. Security is about the weakest link. If employees don’t do their part, the organization can invest a fortune in other measures without being successful with their security program. Experienced Seadot Cybersecurity consultants can help you with best practices and advice. Let us know if you are interested in our help. h1|IT Security Guidelines Contact us! h2| Send Send When creating, deploying, and maintaining software, most organizations have a well-oiled machine in place. However, when it comes to securing that software, this is not the case. Many development teams still perceive security as interference, something that slows progress and keep them from getting cool new features to market. But insecure software puts organizations at increasing risk. New features are not helping if the products or services have exploitable vulnerabilities. Instead, development teams need to integrate security into the entire software development life cycle (SDLC), so that it enables the delivery of high-quality, highly secure products to the market. A secure software development lifecycle involves integrating security testing and other activities into an existing development process. Examples include writing security requirements alongside functional requirements, doing an architectural risk analysis and performing vulnerability analysis. Seadot Cybersecurity has the experience to help you establish and maintain a Secure Development Life Cycle. Let us know if you are interested in our help! h1|Secure Development Lifecycle Contact us! h2| Send Send Regulatory compliance is the act of ensuring that an organization follows the applicable laws or rules governing how it conducts its business. Regulations typically require organizations to adhere to either general or industry specific mandates. For example, PCI DSS, which regulates handling of cardholder data. Other regulations, like GDPR, apply to virtually all industries within a given geographic region. Compliance regulations can also vary considerably by their objectives — for example the protection and availability of critical national infrastructure with regulations such as the Swedish Protective Security Act (Säkerhetsskyddslagen). An organization may also choose to self impose compliance requirements on itself to provide assurance to its customers and service users, using for example ISAE 3402, NIST CSF or ISO 27001. The reason or motive to your organizations’ compliance requirements may vary. Regardless, Seadot Cybersecurity has extensive experience in compliance and can be of big help. Contact us and we can discuss. h1|Regulatory Compliance Contact us! h2| Send Send An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a system of processes, technology and people that helps you protect and manage your organization’s information security through effective risk management. The ISMS is a living system that is constantly changing. In ISO 27001, an information security standard, the PDCA cycle is applied. Your organization should establish ( ), implement and operate ( ), monitor and review ( ), and maintain and improve ( ). The ISMS should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect a changing information security environment and new best practices for information security. It is important to understand that protecting your information from all security risks is impossible. Therefore organizations must perform a risk assessment to determine which assets need the most protection. Resources need to be effectively allocated towards the protection of those assets. Seadot Cybersecurity has senior consultants that can help you establish, run and improve your ISMS. Contact us if you want to discuss your needs. h1|Information Security Management System Contact us! h2| Send Send em|plan do check act