pa|Sie benutzen unsere Systeme fast täglich. Und nicht nur Sie, sondern viele Millionen Menschen weltweit in über 50 Ländern nutzen regelmäßig Produkte von Scheidt & Bachmann. Wer an einer Shopping Mall in Nairobi parkt, in Toronto Bus und Bahn nutzt oder in Berlin, Bern oder Berchem tankt, wird wohl unsere Produkte genutzt haben. Erfahren Sie mehr über uns und unsere Produkte und Services - klicken Sie auf: Die Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG (SSB) ersetzte am 30. März 2021 gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Dr. Frank Nopper den... Scheidt & Bachmann ist beim Girls' Day dabei! Der Girls' Day gibt Mädchen in Deutschland die Möglichkeit, Berufe aus den Bereichen IT, Handwerk,... Alleine in der Stadt Hannover bieten verschiedene Parkhausbetreiber ihren Kunden bereits in 9 Häusern an, bequem per Kassenautomat App von Scheidt &... Melden Sie sich jetzt für unseren Newsletter an und bleiben Sie über die neuesten Themen und Produkte informiert und erhalten Sie Einladungen zu unseren Events. Unsere Mitarbeiter machen den Erfolg unseres Familienunternehmens aus. Ohne deren Kreativität, Talent und Engagement wäre der Erfolg von Scheidt & Bachmann undenkbar. Werden auch Sie ein Teil dieser Familie! di| Parking Access h1|Scheidt & Bachmann - Kennen Sie nicht? Und ob! h2|entervo Tradition & Innovation – Ihr Partner für ganzheitliches Ticketing: SIQMA Karriere bei Scheidt & Bachmann Möchten Sie mehr über unsere SIQMA-Lösungen erfahren? Aktuelle Meldungen Keep in touch Bevorstehende Events Karriere bei Scheidt & Bachmann Kontaktieren Sie uns International in Ihrer Nähe Language Menu h3|Smart parking solutions Merkmale eines globalen Marktführers Unsere Lösungen bewegen Millionen Menschen – weltweit, jeden Tag Fuel your future Divisions Kontaktformular (kurz) h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Personalwesen Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Online via MS Teams Parking-Solutions München, Germany Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Online * * * * * * pa|You use our systems almost daily. And not only you but also millions of people worldwide in over 50 countries regularly use products from Scheidt & Bachmann. If you have parked at a shopping mall in Nairobi, taken a bus or train in Toronto or refueled in Berlin, Bern or Berchem, you have used our products. Find out more about us and our products and services. Welcome Bill to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions! Die Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG (SSB) ersetzte am 30. März 2021 gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Dr. Frank Nopper den... Sign up to our Newsletter and you will receive email updates on the newest topics, event invitations or product information. Our employees are the driving force of our success as a company. Without their creativity, talent and involvement we would not be where we are today. Be a part of this family! di|- - - - - st|Parking Parking h1|Scheidt & Bachmann - making your journey smoother h2|entervo Tradition & innovation - The full range of ticketing: SIQMA Career at Scheidt & Bachmann Would you like to learn more about our SIQMA solutions? Latest news Keep in touch Upcoming events Careers at Scheidt & Bachmann Contact us Internationally close to you Language Menu h3|Smart parking solutions trademarks of being a global market leader Our solutions keep millions of people moving every day Fuel your future Divisions Contact Form (small) h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joel Shipton as National Business Development Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann UK, Parking Solutions. Jo... Human-Resources Online via MS Teams Parking-Solutions München, Germany * * * * * * pa|Die Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG (SSB) ersetzte am 30. März 2021 gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Dr. Frank Nopper den... Scheidt & Bachmann ist beim Girls' Day dabei! Der Girls' Day gibt Mädchen in Deutschland die Möglichkeit, Berufe aus den Bereichen IT, Handwerk,... Alleine in der Stadt Hannover bieten verschiedene Parkhausbetreiber ihren Kunden bereits in 9 Häusern an, bequem per Kassenautomat App von Scheidt &... Mönchengladbach, Deutschland - 18. Februar 2021 Die Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH und die Pyramid Computer GmbH gaben heute eine Partnerschaft zur Förderung... Mönchengladbach - 24. November 2020 Scheidt & Bachmann und kündigten heute eine Partnerschaft an, die das Instore-Marketing an Tankstellen... Mit dem Zuschlag des „Renewal Projektes“ verzeichnet die Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Germany GmbH den größten Auftrag in der 50-jährigen... Wenn am 31. Oktober 2020 das Terminal 1 des Flughafens Berlin Brandenburg BER eröffnet wird, dann wird auch das seit 2012 installierte... di|- - - li|News Der digitale Marktplatz für die lokalen Geschäfte und Betriebe in der Gemeinde Wittenbach Produkte mehrerer Händler ganz einfach über einen... h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Personalwesen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Initiative für digitales Parken in Mönchengladbach Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions ... » pa|Welcome Bill to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions! Die Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG (SSB) ersetzte am 30. März 2021 gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Dr. Frank Nopper den... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica is pleased to announce the appointment of Jaime Rodríguez as new Sales Manager. Despite the difficult situation we are... Mönchengladbach, Germany — Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and Pyramid Computer GmbH today announced a partnership to promote self-checkout... Ottawa – OC Transpo is launching a customer trial this afternoon for a new touchless way to pay fares using credit cards and smartphones at O-Train... Scheidt & Bachmann USA Inc. – Parking Solutions Division is pleased to announce that Graham Haldeman has been named the company’s Vice President of... Mönchengladbach, Germany — Nov 24, 2020 Scheidt & Bachmann and today announced a partnership that will take in-store marketing to the next... When Terminal 1 of Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) opens on October 31, 2020, the parking management system installed since 2012 will finally set... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN ... » Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joel Shipton as National Business Development Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann UK, Parking Solutions. Jo... Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking in Mönchengladbach will become much more convenient! Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions ... » em|February 18, 2021 pa|Liebe Besucher, auf Grund der Covid-19 Pandemie, wurden einige Events abgesagt oder wir nehmen aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht daran teil. Wenn Sie uns kontaktieren möchten, können Sie das hier tun: di|- - - li|Events h1|Bevorstehende Events h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE » Personalwesen Online via MS Teams Parking-Solutions München, Germany Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Online Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Online Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement London, UK Personalwesen Personalwesen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Hamburg, Germany Parking-Solutions Würzburg, Germany » pa|Dear visitors, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some events have been cancelled or we will not participate for security reasons. If you want to contact us, you can do so here: di|- - - - li|Events st|Parking h1|Upcoming events h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN » Human-Resources Online via MS Teams Parking-Solutions München, Germany Fare-Collection-Systems Online Fare-Collection-Systems Online Fuel-Retail-Solutions Stuttgart, Germany Fare-Collection-Systems London, UK Human-Resources Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Hamburg, Germany Parking-Solutions Würzburg, Germany » pa|The success of Scheidt & Bachmann as an innovative world leader in the four divisions Parking Solutions, Signalling Systems, Fare Collection Systems and Fuel Retail Solutions is mainly based on the great commitment of our employees. We foster this motivation through excellent training and career opportunities, transparent structures and flat hierarchies as well as enabling our employees with freedom for stimulating ideas and their implementation. Learn more about our dedicated employees. Wie können wir Talente für die Mobilitätsbranche gewinnen und die Fachkräfte von morgen sichern? Dieser Frage widmeten wir uns auf dem Bündnis-Tag... On November 15, Scheidt & Bachmann was awarded a special price by the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein (regional Chamber of Commerce) for the 8th time in 9... On 07 September Scheidt & Bachmann opened its doors for a Training Day to interested students from grades 9-12 and their parents. Our training and... As of August, many enthusiastic new apprentices started their training with us to become Electronics technician for devices and systems, IT Specialist... On 21 November 2018, the IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 took place at Motorworld in the Butzweilerhof. The award, moderated by Guido Cantz, once... Around 100 colleagues participated at the Run & Fun Mönchengladbach in the SparkassenPark. Special praise goes to our three colleagues, whose... On December 4, the National Awards Ceremony 2017 was held in Berlin. In this honouring ceremony in the Maritim Hotel Berlin, the IHK organisation... On 9 November 2017, the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg hosted the IHK state award ceremony NRW 2017. In this honouring ceremony, the best of the 16... As part of the "Junior Academy" project, a course of 20 pupils from the Math.-Nat. secondary school visited our company from November 7 to 23 on... Find vacancies and get to know our culture. di|- - - - - - - li|Career st|Parking h1|Living Team Spirit - Careers at Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Latest news h2|Apply now Learn about our company You are... Education - excellent! Upcoming events Interested to start a career at Scheidt & Bachmann? Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Human-Resources Online via MS Teams Human-Resources Human-Resources » Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources » di| li|Sitemap h1|Sitemap h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|Bitte wählen Sie einen Bereich aus: di| li|Kontakt h1|Kontakt h2|entervo Tradition & Innovation – Ihr Partner für ganzheitliches Ticketing: SIQMA Karriere bei Scheidt & Bachmann Möchten Sie mehr über unsere SIQMA-Lösungen erfahren? Language Menu h3|Smart parking solutions Merkmale eines globalen Marktführers Unsere Lösungen bewegen Millionen Menschen – weltweit, jeden Tag Fuel your future h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE di| li|Sitemap st|Parking h1|Sitemap h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Our family business was founded in 1872 and is currently under the leadership of Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller, now in the fifth generation of the family shareholders. About 3,000 employees from nearly 50 nations worldwide are working on our solutions for a mobile world. It is no longer sufficient to provide barriers and machines, the real challenge lies in the intelligence and wholesome of our system solutions. Software development and service management have become the heart of our systems for predictive, intelligent mobility. The secret of our long-term success is simple: We trust in the skills of our employees and work daily from supplying our customers with products, developments and services of the highest quality. Learn more about our company history: di| li|Company st|Parking h1|Consistency, reliability, competence h2|Internationally close to you Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Please select the division you would like to contact: di| li|Contact st|Parking h1|Contact h2|entervo Tradition & innovation - The full range of ticketing: SIQMA Career at Scheidt & Bachmann Would you like to learn more about our SIQMA solutions? Language Menu h3|Smart parking solutions trademarks of being a global market leader Our solutions keep millions of people moving every day Fuel your future h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Andreas Schmitz Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller (CEO) Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Laumen Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Augustyniak Martin Kammler Dipl.-Oec. Uwe Brünner Dipl.-Ing. Jörg M. Heilingbrunner Dr.-Ing. Michael Lenders DE 120830018 SK 4120154764 Registergericht Mönchengladbach, HRB 2125 Email: (If you would like to contact one of our business divisions, please use the corresponding ) Phone: +49 2166 266-175 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 Phone: +49 2166 266-313 Fax: +49 2166 266-350 Phone: +49 2166 266-335 Fax: +49 2166 266-555 Phone: +49 2166 266-628 Fax: +49 2166 266-475 Phone: +49 2166 266-343 Fax: +49 2166 266-699 Phone: +49 2166 266-321 Fax: +49 2166 266-341 di| li|Imprint st|Human Resources Purchasing Parking Solutions Signalling Systems Fare Collection Systems Fuel Retail Solutions Parking h1|Imprint h2|Language Menu h4|Address: Chairman of supervisory board: Managing Directors: VAT ID No: Court of Record: Contact: h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Die Produkte und Lösungen von Scheidt & Bachmann sind zahlreich und vielfältig. Unsere Broschüren bieten tiefere Einblicke in die Geschäftbereiche und ihre Produktwelten. di| li|Download h1|Download h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|Scheidt & Bachmann has a wide range of different products, devices, software and services, for each of our Divisions. Visit one of the following pages to download a brochure that provides you with an insight into each of our divisions and their business worlds. di| li|Download st|Parking h1|Download h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Deutschland Andreas Schmitz Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller (Vors.) Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Laumen Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Augustyniak Martin Kammler Dipl.-Oec. Uwe Brünner Dipl.-Ing. Jörg M. Heilingbrunner Dr.-Ing. Michael Lenders DE 120830018 SK 4120154764 Registergericht Mönchengladbach, HRB 2125 E-Mail: (Wenn Sie einen unserer Geschäftsbereiche kontaktieren möchten, nutzen Sie bitte das entsprechende ) Tel.: +49 2166 266-175 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 Tel.: +49 2166 266-313 Fax: +49 2166 266-350 Tel.: +49 2166 266-335 Fax: +49 2166 266-555 Tel.: +49 2166 266-628 Fax: +49 2166 266-475 Tel.: +49 2166 266-343 Fax: +49 2166 266-699 Tel.: +49 2166 266-321 Fax: +49 2166 266-341 di| li|Impressum st|Personalmanagement Einkauf Parking Solutions Signalling Systems Fare Collection Systems Fuel Retail Solutions Parking Access h1|Impressum h2|Language Menu h4|Adresse: Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Geschäftsführer: Umsatzsteuer-ID: Handelsregister: Kontakt: h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|Scheidt & Bachmann bietet Ihnen mehrere Wege Ihre Meinung äußern zu können. Insbesondere auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen möchten wir mit Ihnen interagieren. Für eine vielfältige Kommunikation bitten wir Beiträge in Deutsch oder Englisch zu verfassen. Um einen fairen und konstruktiven Austausch garantieren zu können, legen wir besonderen Wert auf einen sachlichen Stil, einen freundlichen Ton, Toleranz und den Respekt vor anderen Meinungen. Außerdem sind folgende Grundsätze zu berücksichtigen: Im Interesse aller User halten wir uns vor, Beiträge zu prüfen und gegebenenfalls zu bearbeiten oder abzulehnen. Aufgrund der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung der Netiquette, bitten wir Sie regelmäßig die Informationen auf dieser Seite zu überprüfen. di| li|Netiquette Kommentare und Berichte sollen sich auf die entsprechende Thematik beziehen Keine Verletzung von Rechten Dritter Unzulässigkeit für werbende Zwecke, Kampagnen oder Spenden Keine Veröffentlichung von privaten Daten oder Korrespondenzen Keine provokativen oder obszönen Äußerungen Keine Diskriminierungen aufgrund von Geschlecht, Alter, Abstammung, religiöser Zugehörigkeit oder Weltanschauung h1|Netiquette h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|All rights reserved. Texts, illustrations and graphics as well as their arrangement on the web sites of Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH are protected by Copyright Law and other proprietary rights. The contents of these web sites must neither be copied, distributed, modified for commercial purposes nor made accessible to third parties. The tenderer cannot make any commitments in relation to the correctness, entirety and up-to-date nature of the information provided. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH expressly dissociates from any contents of any pages that it is linked to, and refrains from agreeing to their contents. The same applies to any links attached to this web site. Communication via e-mail may exhibit security gaps because on their way in internet e-mails may be stopped or viewed by internet users. ©[denisismagilov] – ©[Zffoto] – ©[eyetronic] – ©[Raman Khilchyshyn] – ©[adimas] – ©[Oleksandr Delyk] - ©[Paul Pirosca] - ©[Simon Ebel] - ©[samott] - ©[Halfpoint] - ©[Schlierner] - ©[al1center] - ©[M.V. Photography] - ©[gb27photo] - ©[anyaberkut] - ©[grounder] - ©[lightwavemedia] - ©[Vjom] - ©[annbozhko] - ©[babaroga] - ©[FotolEdhar] - ©[Trevor Meunier] - ©[Roman Sotola] - ©[JFL Photography] - ©[Roman Milert] - ©[olly] - ©[Syda Productions] - ©[S-F] - ©[Farbregas Hareluya] - ©[AlexMorozov1204] - ©[126796879] - ©[Andrey Popov] – ©[NicoElNino] - ©[sdecoret] - di| li|Legal info st|Parking h1|Legal Info h2|Language Menu h4|Copyright Non-commitment of information Linked pages Communication via e-mail Picture credits h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|At Scheidt & Bachmann we offer various ways to express your opinion. Especially on our social media channels we would like to interact with you. For a diverse communication we ask you to write contributions in German or English. In order to guarantee a fair and constructive exchange, we place particular importance to an objective style, a friendly tone, tolerance and respect for other opinions. The following principles must also be taken into account: In the interest of all users, we reserve the right to review and, if necessary, edit or reject contributions. Due to the continuous development of netiquette, we ask you to regularly check the information on this page. di| li|Netiquette Comments and reports should relate to the topic in question No infringement of the rights of third parties Inadmissibility for advertising purposes, campaigns or donations No publication of private data or correspondence No provocative or obscene remarks No discrimination on grounds of gender, age, nationality, religion or belief st|Parking h1|Netiquette h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Unser Familienunternehmen wurde 1872 gegründet und befindet sich derzeit unter der Führung von Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller in der mittlerweile fünften Generation der Gesellschafterfamilie. Rund 3.000 Mitarbeiter aus fast 50 Nationen arbeiten weltweit an unseren Lösungen für eine mobile Welt. Dabei reicht es längst nicht mehr aus, Schranken und Automaten zu liefern, die wahre Herausforderung liegt in der Intelligenz und Gesamthaftigkeit unserer Systemlösungen. Softwareentwicklung und Servicemanagement sind inzwischen das Herzstück unserer Systeme für vorausschauende, intelligente Mobilität geworden. Das Geheimnis unseres langfristigen Erfolgs ist einfach: Wir vertrauen in das Können unserer Mitarbeiter und arbeiten tagtäglich daran, unseren Kunden Produkte, Entwicklungen und Services in höchster Qualität zu liefern. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Firmengeschichte: di| li|Unternehmen h1|Beständigkeit, Verlässlichkeit, Kompetenz h2|International in Ihrer Nähe Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|Diese Datenschutzhinweise gelten für die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten bei Nutzung unserer Webseite und den zugehörigen Unterseiten, wenn Sie uns auf unserem Firmengelände besuchen oder wenn Sie mit uns in anderer Form Kontakt aufnehmen. Die Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH (nachfolgend „wir“ oder „Scheidt & Bachmann“) nimmt den Schutz Ihrer persönlichen Daten sehr ernst und hält sich strikt an die Regeln der Datenschutzgesetze. Die nachfolgende Erklärung gibt Ihnen einen Überblick darüber, wie Scheidt & Bachmann diesen Schutz gewährleistet und welche Arten von Daten zu welchem Zweck verarbeitet werden. Verantwortlich für die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten ist: Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Breite Straße 132, 41238 Mönchengladbach; Telefon: +49 2166/266-0; Fax: +49 2166/266-375; E-Mail: Unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten erreichen Sie unter den folgenden Kontaktdaten: Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Datenschutzbeauftragter, Breite Straße 132, 41238 Mönchengladbach; Telefon: +49 2166/266-839; Fax: +49 2166/266-254; E-Mail: Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten, die Sie uns freiwillig überlassen oder die im Rahmen der Nutzung eines Service, wie unserer Webseite oder der Scheidt & Bachmann swap-App anfallen. Weitergehende Informationen hierzu finden Sie in den Abschnitten II. bis V. Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten im Einklang mit den einschlägigen Regelungen zum Datenschutz, insbesondere der DSGVO und dem Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), zu verschiedenen Zwecken. Grundsätzlich kommen als Zwecke der Verarbeitung in Betracht: Die Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung von vertraglichen Pflichten (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO), zur Wahrung berechtigter Interessen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO), aufgrund Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) und/oder aufgrund gesetzlicher Vorgaben (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c DSGVO). Weitergehende Informationen hierzu finden Sie in den Abschnitten II. – V. Von uns eingesetzte und im Auftrag tätige Dienstleister (sog. Auftragsverarbeiter, vgl. Art. 4 Nr. 8 DSGVO) können personenbezogene Daten erhalten. Wir nutzen die folgenden Auftragsverarbeiter bzw. Kategorien von Auftragsverarbeitern: Zudem geben wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an Gruppengesellschaften, die personenbezogene Daten teilweise auch in eigener Verantwortlichkeit verarbeiten (sog. Verantwortliche, vgl. Art. 4 Nr. 7 DSGVO), weiter. In Fällen, die in den Abschnitten II. bis V. dargestellt sind, übertragen wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten in Länder außerhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR) an die folgenden Empfänger in Drittländern: Bezüglich aller Empfänger haben wir geeignete Garantien (Standarddatenschutzklauseln nach Art. 46 Abs. 2 DSGVO) implementiert, um die Sicherheit Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu garantieren. Sie können eine Kopie dieser geeigneten Garantien anfordern. Wenden Sie sich hierzu bitte an die im Abschnitt I unter Ziffer 1 und 2 benannten Stellen. Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur so lange, wie es zur Erfüllung des jeweiligen Verarbeitungszwecks erforderlich ist. Darüber hinaus unterliegen wir verschiedenen Aufbewahrungs- und Dokumentationspflichten, die sich unter anderem aus dem Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB) oder der Abgabenordnung (AO) ergeben. Diese können bis zu 10 Jahre betragen. Schließlich beurteilt sich die Speicherdauer auch nach den gesetzlichen Verjährungsfristen, die zum Beispiel nach den §§ 195 ff. des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches (BGB) bis zu dreißig Jahre betragen können, wobei die regelmäßige Verjährungsfrist drei Jahre beträgt. Jede betroffene Person hat das Recht auf Auskunft nach Art. 15 DSGVO, das Recht auf Berichtigung nach Art. 16 DSGVO, das Recht auf Löschung nach Art. 17 DSGVO, das Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung nach Art. 18 DSGVO sowie das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit aus Art. 20 DSGVO. Zur Ausübung der vorgenannten Rechte können Sie sich an die im ersten Abschnitt – Allgemeine Informationen unter Ziffer 1 und 2 genannten Stellen wenden. Sollten Sie uns eine Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung erteilt haben, können Sie diese jederzeit formfrei widerrufen. Der Widerruf sollte möglichst an die im ersten Abschnitt – Allgemeine Informationen unter Ziffer 1 oder 2 genannten Stellen gerichtet werden. Darüber hinaus besteht ein Beschwerderecht bei einer Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörde (Art. 77 DSGVO). Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde für Scheidt & Bachmann ist: Zusätzlich haben Sie ein Widerspruchsrecht, das am Ende dieser Datenschutzerklärung genauer erläutert wird. Um den Besuch unserer Webseite attraktiv zu gestalten und die Nutzung bestimmter Funktionen zu ermöglichen, verwenden wir auf verschiedenen Seiten sogenannte Cookies. Hierbei handelt es sich um kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Endgerät abgelegt werden. Die Cookies können beim Aufruf einer Seite an diese übermittelt werden und ermöglichen somit eine Zuordnung des Nutzers. Cookies helfen dabei, die Nutzung von Internetseiten für die Nutzer zu vereinfachen. Einige der von uns verwendeten Cookies werden nach dem Ende der Browser-Sitzung, also nach Schließen Ihre Browsers, wieder gelöscht (sog. Sitzungs-Cookies). Andere Cookies verbleiben auf Ihrem Endgerät und ermöglichen uns Ihren Browser beim nächsten Besuch wiederzuerkennen (sog. Persistente Cookies). Sie können Ihren Browser so einstellen, dass Sie über das Setzen von Cookies informiert werden und einzeln über deren Annahme entscheiden oder die Annahme von Cookies für bestimmte Fälle oder generell ausschließen. Bereits gesetzte Cookies können Sie löschen. Bei der Nichtannahme von Cookies kann die Funktionalität unserer Webseite eingeschränkt sein. Wir verarbeiten die folgenden personenbezogenen Daten bzw. Kategorien von Daten durch den Einsatz von Cookies: Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten infolge der Verwendung von Cookies erfolgt auf Basis von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und unser berechtigtes Interesse liegen in der gesteigerten Funktionalität unserer Webseite. Wenn Sie unsere Webseite besuchen, wird im Einzelnen über jeden Abruf automatisch folgender Datensatz gespeichert: Die personenbezogenen Daten in Log-Files werden auf Basis von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO verarbeitet. Der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und unser berechtigtes Interesse bestehen in der leichteren Administration unserer Webseite und der Möglichkeit, Hacking zu erkennen und zu verfolgen. Diese Website benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics verwendet sog. „Cookies“, Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Sie ermöglichen. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung dieser Website werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Im Falle der Aktivierung der IP-Anonymisierung auf dieser Webseite, wird Ihre IP-Adresse von Google jedoch innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum zuvor gekürzt. Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. Die IP-Anonymisierung ist auf dieser Website aktiv. Im Auftrag des Betreibers dieser Website wird Google diese Informationen benutzen, um Ihre Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen gegenüber dem Websitebetreiber zu erbringen. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von Ihrem Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen Daten von Google zusammengeführt. Sie können die Speicherung der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser-Software verhindern; wir weisen Sie jedoch darauf hin, dass Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website vollumfänglich werden nutzen können. Sie können darüber hinaus die Erfassung der durch das Cookie erzeugten und auf Ihre Nutzung der Website bezogenen Daten (inkl. Ihrer IP-Adresse) an Google sowie die Verarbeitung dieser Daten durch Google verhindern, indem sie das unter dem folgenden Link ( ) verfügbare Browser-Plugin herunterladen und installieren. Sie können die Erfassung durch Google Analytics auf unserer Seite verhindern, indem Sie auf folgenden Link klicken. Es wird ein Opt-Out-Cookie gesetzt, der die zukünftige Erfassung Ihrer Daten beim Besuch dieser Website verhindert: Weitergehende Informationen zu Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutz finden Sie unter bzw. unter . Die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten durch Google Analytics stützen wir auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und unser berechtigtes Interesse liegen in der Analyse der Nutzung unserer Webseite. Diese Internetseite verwendet das Produkt Google Maps von Google. Wenn Sie auf einer Unterseite, in die Google Maps eingebettet ist, der Nutzung von Google Maps zustimmen und das Plug-In aktivieren, erhält Google die Information, dass Sie die entsprechende Unterseite unserer Internetseite aufgerufen haben. Zudem werden Daten erhoben, die Ihr Browser an Google übermittelt. Das sind beispielsweise IP-Adresse, Datum und Uhrzeit der Anfrage, jeweils übertragene Datenmenge, Betriebssystem und dessen Oberfläche, Sprache und Version der Browsersoftware. Dies erfolgt unabhängig davon, ob Google ein Nutzerkonto bereitstellt, über das Sie eingeloggt sind, oder ob kein Nutzerkonto besteht. Wenn Sie bei Google eingeloggt sind, werden Ihre Daten direkt Ihrem Konto zugeordnet. Wenn Sie die Zuordnung mit Ihrem Profil bei Google nicht wünschen, müssen Sie sich vor Aktivierung des Buttons ausloggen. Google speichert Ihre Daten als Nutzungsprofile und nutzt sie für Zwecke der Werbung, Marktforschung und/oder bedarfsgerechten Gestaltung seiner Internetseite. Zur Ausübung etwaiger Rechte, wie zum Beispiel eines Widerspruchsrechts gegen die Bildung dieser Nutzerprofile, müssen Sie sich an Google wenden. Durch Nutzung von Google Maps erklären Sie sich mit den Nutzungsbedingungen von Google Maps einverstanden. Die Nutzungsbedingungen von Google Maps finden sie hier: . Nähere Informationen zu der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten durch Google Inc. finden Sie in der . Diese finden Sie hier: . Google verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auch in den USA und hat sich dem EU-US Privacy Shield unterworfen: Wir haben YouTube-Videos in unser Online-Angebot eingebunden, die auf gespeichert und von unserer Website aus direkt abspielbar sind. Eine Aktivierung der Videos findet erst statt, nachdem Sie das ausdrücklich wünschen. Diese Videos sind zudem im „erweiterten Datenschutz-Modus“ eingebunden, d. h. dass keine Daten über Sie als Nutzer an YouTube übertragen werden, wenn Sie die Videos nicht abspielen. Erst wenn Sie ein Video abspielen, werden die in dem folgenden Absatz genannten Daten übertragen. Auf diese Datenübertragung haben wir keinen Einfluss. Durch das Abspielen des Videos erhält YouTube die Information, dass Sie die entsprechende Unterseite unserer Internetseite aufgerufen haben. Zudem werden Daten erhoben, die Ihr Browser an YouTube übermittelt. Das sind beispielsweise IP-Adresse, Datum und Uhrzeit der Anfrage, jeweils übertragene Datenmenge, Betriebssystem und dessen Oberfläche, Sprache und Version der Browsersoftware. Dies erfolgt unabhängig davon, ob YouTube ein Nutzerkonto bereitstellt, über das Sie eingeloggt sind, oder ob kein Nutzerkonto besteht. Wenn Sie bei Google eingeloggt sind, werden Ihre Daten direkt Ihrem Konto zugeordnet. Wenn Sie die Zuordnung mit Ihrem Profil bei YouTube nicht wünschen, müssen Sie sich vor Aktivierung des Buttons ausloggen. YouTube speichert Ihre Daten als Nutzungsprofile und nutzt sie für Zwecke der Werbung, Marktforschung und/oder bedarfsgerechten Gestaltung seiner Website. Eine solche Auswertung erfolgt insbesondere (selbst für nicht eingeloggte Nutzer) zur Erbringung von bedarfsgerechter Werbung und um andere Nutzer des sozialen Netzwerks über Ihre Aktivitäten auf unserer Website zu informieren. Zur Ausübung etwaiger Rechte, wie zum Beispiel eines Widerspruchsrechts gegen die Bildung dieser Nutzerprofile, müssen Sie sich an Google wenden. Weitere Informationen zu Zweck und Umfang der Datenerhebung und ihrer Verarbeitung durch YouTube erhalten Sie in der . Dort erhalten Sie auch weitere Informationen zu Ihren Rechten und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zum Schutze Ihrer Privatsphäre. Google verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auch in den USA und hat sich dem unterworfen. Auf unserer Internetseite finden Sie Kontaktformulare, die für die elektronische Kontaktaufnahme genutzt werden kann. Alternativ ist eine Kontaktaufnahme über die bereitgestellten E-Mail-Adressen möglich. Nehmen Sie über einen dieser Kanäle Kontakt mit uns auf, erheben wir die eingegebenen und übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten. Die erfassten personenbezogenen Daten setzen sich im Falle der Nutzung des Kontaktformulars aus den dort eingegebenen Stammdaten (Pflichtfelder: Anrede, Nachname, E-Mail-Adresse, Land; freiwillige Felder: Vornahme, Unternehmen, Telefonnummer) und möglicherweise weiteren im Feld „Nachricht“ durch Sie eingegebenen personenbezogenen Daten zusammen. Sollten Sie uns direkt via E-Mail kontaktieren, erfassen wir Ihre E-Mail-Adresse sowie gegebenenfalls sich aus dem Text der E-Mail ergebende personenbezogene Daten. Sollte es zur Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage erforderlich sein, geben wir personenbezogene Daten an Gruppengesellschaften weiter. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt aufgrund von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und unser berechtigtes Interesse liegen in der Kundenpflege und darin, die an uns gerichteten Nachrichten beantworten zu können. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, auf unserer Webseite diverse Newsletter mit Informationen über Allgemeine Unternehmensnews, Produkte, Messen und Events zu abonnieren. Im Rahmen der Verwaltung des Newsletter-Abonnements verarbeiten wir dabei die mithilfe des Anmeldeformulars übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten. Dabei handelt es sich um Stammdaten (Pflichtfelder: E-Mail-Adresse, Sprache, Ihre Interessen; freiwillige Angabe: Anrede, Titel, Name, Firma, Land). Der Versand des Newsletters erfolgt aufgrund einer Einwilligung der Empfänger gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a, Art. 7 DSGVO i. V. m. § 7 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 UWG bzw. auf Grundlage der gesetzlichen Erlaubnis gem. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG. Die Protokollierung des Anmeldeverfahrens erfolgt auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO und dient dem Nachweis der Einwilligung in den Empfang des Newsletters. Darüber hinaus liegen der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und unser berechtigtes Interesse in der Kundenpflege sowie Direktwerbung. Sie haben darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit, auf unserer Webseite einen Newsletter mit Benachrichtigungen über neue Jobangebote zu abonnieren. Im Rahmen der Verwaltung des Newsletter-Abonnements verarbeiten wir dabei die mithilfe des Anmeldeformulars übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten. Dabei handelt es sich um die E-Mail-Adresse, die Tätigkeitsbereiche von Interesse und Ihre Postleitzahl sowie den geographischen Umkreis, in dem Sie sich für Jobs interessieren. Der Versand der Job-Benachrichtigung erfolgt aufgrund einer Einwilligung des Empfänger gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a, Art. 7 DSGVO. Die Protokollierung des Anmeldeverfahrens erfolgt auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO und dient dem Nachweis der Einwilligung in das Abonnement. Darüber hinaus liegen der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und unser berechtigtes Interesse in der Kommunikation freier Stellen in unserem Unternehmen an potentielle Interessenten. Zudem führen wir hin und wieder Umfragen z.B. zur Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse durch. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind lediglich von uns hierzu eingeladene Kunden. Die Umfragen werden grundsätzlich anonym durchgeführt. Jedoch werden zur Teilnahme an den Umfragen regelmäßig Zugangscodes an unsere Kunden versendet. Diese können dem jeweiligen Kunden zugeordnet werden. In den Umfragen selbst werden teilweise personenbezogene Daten abgefragt. Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist die Angabe jedoch freiwillig und kann übersprungen werden. Die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten basiert auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Zweck und unser berechtigtes Interesse bestehen in der Analyse der Kundenzufriedenheit und Produktverbesserungen. Wir betreiben einen Datenraum, in den wir unseren Kunden und Interessenten verschiedene Dokumente zum Download anbieten. Hierbei handelt es sich beispielsweise um Vertragsunterlagen und Produktinformationen. Zugang erhalten nur freigeschaltete Nutzer. Im Rahmen der Zugangskontrolle verarbeiten wir die folgenden personenbezogenen Daten: E-Mail-Adresse, Nutzername. Die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten basiert auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b, f DSGVO. Der Zweck und unser berechtigtes Interesse bestehen in der Vertragsanbahnung, dem Zurverfügungstellen relevanter Dokumente sowie der Verhinderung unbefugten Zugriffs auf die hochgeladenen Dokumente. Wir veröffentlichen auf unserer Homepage Stellenangebote. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, sich auf ein Stellenangebot zu bewerben, indem Sie das Online-Formular unseres Bewerberportals benutzen. Wir verarbeiten dabei die mithilfe des Formulars übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten. Dabei handelt es sich um Stammdaten (Pflichtfelder: Vorname, Nachname, Straße und Hausnummer, Postleitzahl, Ort, E-Mail-Adresse; freiwillige Angabe: Telefon, Mobilrufnummer). Darüber hinaus können in den Unterlagen, die Sie im Bewerbungsportal online hochladen, weitere personenbezogene Daten enthalten sein, wie z. B. Geburtsdatum, Daten zu Schulbildung, Ausbildung und Studium sowie zum bisherigen beruflichen Werdegang, Daten zur Fahrerlaubnis, Daten zu möglichen Beeinträchtigungen, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Foto. Für den Inhalt der hochgeladenen Dokumente sind allein Sie verantwortlich. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt aufgrund von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO und § 26 Abs. 1 S. 1 BDSG. Der Zweck der Datenverarbeitung ist, Ihre Eignung für die Stelle oder für eine andere Stelle in unserer Unterneh-mensgruppe (oder im Falle einer Initiativbewerbung für eine Stelle in unserer Unternehmensgruppe) zu prüfen und das Bewerbungsverfahren durchzufüh-ren sowie die Entscheidung über die Begründung eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses. Wenn wir einen Arbeitsvertrag mit Ihnen abschließen, geben wir Ihre Daten für Zwecke des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses weiter in unser Personalverwaltungssystem, soweit diese für dessen Durchführung oder Beendigung erforderlich sind. Rechtsgrundlage für die beschriebene Datenverarbeitung ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO und § 26 Abs. 1 S. 1 BDSG (Durchführung des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses). Wir speichern Ihre Daten solange, wie es für die Entscheidung über Ihre Bewerbung erforderlich ist. Falls kein Beschäftigungsverhältnis zustande kommt, speichern wir Ihre Daten noch solange, wie es zur Verteidigung gegen mögliche Rechtsansprüche erforderlich ist. In der Regel werden Ihre Daten 180 Tage nach Mitteilung der Absageentscheidung gelöscht, sofern nicht eine längere Speicherung aufgrund von Rechtsstreitigkeiten erforderlich ist. Wenn ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis zustande kommt, überführen wir Ihre Daten aus dem Online-Bewerbungsportal in unser Personalinformationssystem. Daten, die für die Durchführung des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses nicht erforderlich sind, löschen wir zwei Monate nach Abschluss des Bewerbungsprozesses. Bei Inaktivität eines Bewerbers in unserem Bewerberpool löschen wir die Daten des Bewerbers spätestens nach 180 Tagen nach Poolzusage, es sei denn der Bewerber verlängert seine Zugehörigkeit zum Bewerberpool selbst nach Hinweis durch uns auf die bevorstehende Löschung. Zur Überwachung des Firmengeländes wird eine Videoüberwachungsanlage betrieben. Der Zweck der Videoüberwachung der Mitarbeiter- / Firmenparkplätze, der Ein- und Ausfahrten zum Betriebsgelände, des Vorplatzes des Versands, der Personeneingänge sowie der Werksstraßen ist die Wahrung des Hausrechts, Schutz des Betriebsgeländes und seiner Anlagen, der Menschen und der Sachen, die sich hierauf befinden. Dieses Recht ist grundsätzlich vom Hausrecht umfasst. Darüber hinaus ist der Zweck der Videoüberwachung die Erhöhung des Sicherheitsempfindens der Menschen, die sich an diesen Plätzen aufhalten, die Abschreckung von vandalismusbereiten Personen, die Kriminalprävention sowie die Beweissicherung zur effektiven Verfolgung und Durchsetzung von strafrechtlichen und zivilrechtlichen Ansprüchen sowohl des Verantwortlichen als auch der Beschäftigten. Die Videoüberwachung erfolgt aufgrund unseres berechtigten Interesses i. S. d Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO sowie §§ 4, 26 Abs. 4 BDSG: Wahrnehmung des Hausrechts; Schutz des Eigentums, der Menschen, Sachen und Anlagen, die sich auf dem Betriebsgelände befinden; Schutz vor Straftaten; Geltendmachung zivilrechtlicher Schadensersatzansprüchen durch den Verantwortlichen und dessen Beschäftigten; auf Grundlage einer Kollektivvereinbarung im Falle der Verarbeitung von personenbezogener Daten von Beschäftigten. Es ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass das Interesse des Verantwortlichen oder eines Dritten an der Videoüberwachung nicht übermäßig in die Rechte und Freiheiten der natürlichen Personen eingreift, insbesondere da diese auf die Videoüberwachung hingewiesen wird. Eine Videoüberwachung ist erforderlich und geeignet, den angestrebten Zweck zu erfüllen und stellt diesbezüglich auch das mildeste Mittel dar. Die Videoüberwachung ist durchaus geeignet, eventuelle Störer/ Täter abzuschrecken. Die Videoüberwachung ist für jedermann gut erkennbar; außerdem weisen Schilder auf die Videoüberwachung hin. Die Videoüberwachung liefert verwertbare Bilder, die die Umsetzung des Hausrechts oder eine Strafverfolgung unterstützen. Ein gleich geeignetes, milderes Mittel ist nicht erkennbar. Sollte diese Funktion durch Wachpersonal durchgeführt werden, wären hierfür Mitarbeiter rund um die Uhr erforderlich. Auch der Einsatz von Kameraattrappen dürfte nur kurzfristig eine vergleichbare Abschreckung bewirken, da nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann, dass dies bekannt wird. Die Beobachtungsgrenze endet an der Grenze des Grundstücks. Die Daten werden 5 Werktage nach Anfertigung gelöscht, soweit diese nicht verwendet wurden. Wenn wir Ihnen Zutritt auf unsere Firmengelände gewähren, dann benötigen wir personenbezogene Daten für die Kommunikation, die Bereitstellung von Informationen und Dienstleistungen sowie für die mit der Beziehung verbundenen Zwecke. Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden entweder direkt bei Ihnen vom Pförtner erhoben oder durch Ihren Ansprechpartner bei uns. Folgende Datenkategorien können erhoben und verarbeitet werden: Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten ist die Wahrung unseres berechtigten Interesses auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DS-GVO: Durchsetzung unsers Hausrechts; Gewährung des Zutritts zum Firmengelände nur berechtigten Besuchern; Schutz des Eigentums, der Menschen, Sachen und Anlagen, die sich auf dem Betriebsgelände befinden; Schutz vor Straftaten; Geltendmachung zivilrechtlicher Schadensersatzansprüchen durch den Verantwortlichen und durch Dritte. Aufgrund der derzeitig herrschenden Coronavirus-Pandemie werden Besucher unseres Firmengeländes gebeten, eine Selbstauskunft auszufüllen. Hierbei erheben wir neben Ihren Namen und Kontaktdaten, wie z. B. E-Mail-Adresse, Telefon, Adresse) auch Gesundheitsdaten. Wir benötigen diese Daten, um eine Risikobewertung für den Zutritt zu unserem Firmengelände und somit für den Kontakt mit unseren Mitarbeitern durchführen zu können. Rechtsgrundlage hierfür ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a und Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a DS-GVO, da sie ausdrücklich in die Erhebung der Daten eingewilligt haben. Darüber hinaus kann eine Verarbeitung (z. B. auch Weitergabe an Dritte) erforderlich sein, um Ihre lebenswichtigen Interessen oder die anderer natürlicher Personen zu schützen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. d DS-GVO) oder da ein öffentliches Interesse gegeben ist (Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. i DS-GVO i. V. m. § 22 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 lit. c BDSG). Darüber hinaus könnten wir dazu gesetzlich verpflichtet sein (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c und Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. b DS-GVO). Die Daten werden regelmäßig, spätestens am Ende der Pandemie gelöscht. Die Ein- und Ausfahrten zum Firmengelände sind mit Schranken und TCP/IP angebundenen Kameras zur KfZ-Kennzeichenerkennung ausgestattet. Die Bilderfassung wird durch das Überfahren einer in der Fahrbahn eingelassenen Induktionsschleife ausgelöst, wobei das KfZ-Kennzeichen in einer Bilddatei erfasst und zusammen mit der Ein- und Ausfahrtzeit ausgelesen wird. Die KfZ-Kennzeichenerkennung könnte aufgrund des dauerhaften Beobachtens eines Erfassungsbereiches und der wiederkehrenden kurzzeitigen Bilderfassung eine Videoüberwachung i. S. d. § 4 BDSG darstellen. Die Videoüberwachung erfolgt aufgrund unseres berechtigten Interesses i. S. d Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO sowie §§ 4, 26 Abs. 4 BDSG zu folgendem Zweck: Wahrnehmung des Hausrechts; Schutz des Eigentums, der Menschen, Sachen und Anlagen, die sich auf dem Firmengelände befinden; Schutz vor Straftaten; Geltendmachung zivilrechtlicher Schadensersatzansprüchen durch den Verantwortlichen und dessen Beschäftigten; auf Grundlage einer Kollektivvereinbarung im Falle der Verarbeitung von personenbezogener Daten von Beschäftigten. Die Videoüberwachung ist ein geeignetes Mittel, um das Hausrecht des Verantwortlichen zu wahren, indem dem Verantwortlichen die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, zu entscheiden, wer das Firmengelände befahren darf und/ oder wer den darauf befindlichen Parkraum nutzen darf. Darüber hinaus kann die KfZ-Kennzeichenerkennung zu präventiven Zwecken, wie z. B. die Abschreckung, Rechtsverstöße innerhalb des Verkehrsraums zu begehen, oder auch zu repressiven Zwecken verwendet werden, wie z. B. zur Beweissicherung für die Durchsetzung zivilrechtlicher Ansprüche des Verantwortlichen. Ein milderes Mittel zur Zielerreichung ist nicht erkennbar. Die Daten werden 5 Werktage nach Erfassung gelöscht, soweit diese nicht verwendet wurden. Gegenstand unserer Datenverarbeitung sind Ihre Kontaktdaten sowie ggf. weitere, für unserer Leistungserbringung oder unserer Kommunikation mit Ihnen erforderlicher personenbezogene Daten, z. B. Informationen, die typischerweise in Auftragsdokumenten und / oder öffentlichen Registern, wie z. B. Handelsregister, enthalten sind, oder Gegenstand unserer Korrespondenz mit Ihnen waren. Soweit Sie uns Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht selbst zur Verfügung gestellt haben, haben wir diese von Geschäftspartner, Dienstleistern oder Kooperationspartnern, für die Sie ggf. als Mitarbeiter oder Vertreter tätig sind, erhalten oder die Daten öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen, wie z. B. Websiten von Unternehmen, Teilnehmerlisten von VerantstaltungenVeranstaltungen oder öffentlichen Verzeichnissen entnommen. Zweck der Datenverarbeitung ist Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, wenn es um die Erfüllung von Verträgen mit oder Aufträgen durch Einzelpersonen (natürliche Personen), mit denen wir in Geschäftsbeziehungen stehen, geht. In allen anderen Fällen haben wir ein berechtigtes Interessen an der Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO, um einen reibungslosen Geschäftsablauf sowie Auftragsabwicklung gewährleisten zu können. Darüber hinaus kann die Datenverarbeitung auch gesetzlich vorgeschrieben sein (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c DSGVO). Jeder unserer Mitarbeiter oder alle Mitarbeiter von Dienstleister, die im Rahmen ihrer Tätigkeit Zugriff auf personenenbezogene Daten haben oder haben könnten, sind verpflichtet, diese Daten vertraulich zu behandeln. Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden nach Beendigung der Vertrags- oder Geschäftsbeziehung oder des sonstigen Kontakts und soweit die Daten zur Erfüllung vertraglicher oder gesetzlicher Pflichten oder der in dieser Datenschutzerklärung genannten berechtigten Interessen nicht mehr erforderlich sind gelöscht. Innerhalb der Unternehmensgruppe übermitteln wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten soweit erforderlich an Gruppengesellschaften – siehe hierzu Abschnitt I. Ansonsten übermitteln wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur auf Grundlage der gesetzlichen Regelungen oder falls Sie uns hierfür Ihre Einwilligung erteilt haben. Beim Herunterladen der swap-App werden erforderliche Informationen an den jeweiligen App Store übertragen, also insbesondere Nutzername, E-Mail Adresse, Kundennummer beim App Store und die individuelle Gerätekennung. Auf diese Datenverarbeitung haben wir keinen Einfluss. Verantwortlich hierfür ist der Betreiber des jeweiligen App Stores. Wir verarbeiten nur die Daten, die zum Betreiben der App auf Ihr Gerät erforderlich sind. Die Verarbeitung der IP-Adresse ist hier als technische Voraussetzung erforderlich für die Nutzung der App. Der von uns beauftragte Provider erhebt und speichert automatisch Informationen in so genannten Server/ App-Log-Dateien, die Ihr Browser/ App an uns übermittelt. Dies sind: Um diesen Service immer weiter zu optimieren, werden Ihr Zugriffsdaten zu Statistikzwecken anonymisiert ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus dient die Verarbeitung der Sicherstellung des ordnungsgemäßen Betriebs der App, insbesondere die Behebung von Fehlern. Eine Zusammenführung dieser Daten mit anderen Datenquellen erfolgt nicht. Grundlage für die Datenverarbeitung ist die Wahrung unseres berechtigten Interesses nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Es erfolgt keine Weitergabe personenbezogener Daten an Dritte. Zur Wartung und Pflege der App-Software beauftragen wir Dienstleister, sog. Auftragsverarbeiter. Diese Dienstleister sind vertraglich zur Einhaltung der Vorschriften des Datenschutzrechts verpflichtet und gelten nicht als Dritte i. S. d. Datenschutzrechts. Alle Inhalte der App werden in den Contentmanagementsystem von Staffbase GmbH, Deutschland, gespeichert und über die externen Anbieter 1&1 IONOS Cloud GmbH, Deutschland, und SysEleven GmbH, Deutschland, gehostet. Beide Unternehmen sind ISO 27001 zertifiziert. Die Bereitstellung von Medien (Bilder, Video, Files) innerhalb unserer App (Content Delivery Network) erfolgt über ein Netz regional verteilter und über das Internet verbundener Server der Fa. Amazon Web Services Inc., USA, welche ihren Standort in den USA und anderen Drittländern haben können. Diese Datenverarbeitung durch Amazon Web Services Inc. erfolgt auf Grundlage geeigneter Garantien nach Art. 46 Abs. 2 DSGVO, konkret auf Grundlage der von Amazon Inc. erworbenen Privacy-Shield-Zertifizierung und eines EU-Standardvertrags. Als externes Tool haben wir Google Maps eingebunden. Informationen hierzu siehe Abschnitt II.4. Unsere App verwendet keine Cookies und setzt kein Tracking Tool zur Erfassung Ihres Nutzungsverhaltens ein. Ohne Registrierung und Login kann der öffentliche Bereich der App genutzt werden. Der öffentliche Bereich enthält öffentliche Informationen/ News der Scheidt & Bachmann-Gruppe sowie Links zu weiter-führenden Angeboten. Die App ermöglicht die Bereitstellung von internen und externen Unternehmensinformationen/ News sowie weiterführende Links für Mitarbeiter, Gesellschafter und Organe der Scheidt & Bachmann-Gruppe sowie im Einzelfall Dritte, die die Möglichkeit zur Registrierung in der swap-App vom Verantwortlichen erhalten haben (im Folgenden „Anwender“). Somit können auch außerhalb des Büros Informationen des Intranets zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die swap-App stellt eine flexible Kommunikationsplattform dar, die individuell auf das jeweilige Informationsbedürfnis des Anwenders eingestellt werden kann. Die Daten werden für die Prüfung der Authentifizierung, für die Anzeige des Anwenders bei Kommentaren/ Likes, die Listung im Mitarbeiterverzeichnis der swap-App sowie für die Kommunikation der Anwender untereinander und uns verwendet. Grundlage für die Datenverarbeitung ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO (Einwilligung) ggf. i.V.m § 26 Abs. 2 BDSG. Beschäftigte und Arbeitgeber haben grundsätzlich ein gleichgelagertes Interesse an der Bereitstellung betrieblicher Informationen und Kommunikation auf privat genutzten Endgeräten. Die für die Durchführung des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses zwingend erforderlichen Informationen werden dem Beschäftigten parallel über betriebliche Kommunikationswege bereitgestellt. Die Freiwilligkeit der zur Nutzung der Dienste erforderlichen Einwilligung in die Datenverarbeitung ist daher gegeben. Der Anwender kann jederzeit diese Einwilligung widerrufen. Dabei wird die verwendete E-Mail Adresse, das ggf. eingestellte Profilbild aus der Datenbank des Systems gelöscht. Die Daten werden anschließend noch 30 Tage im Backup vorgehalten. Erstellte Inhalte des Anwenders werden anonymisiert. Die vom Anwender angelegten Inhalte (insb. Texte, Bilder, Grafiken, Audiodateien, Videodateien, Links) bleiben ohne Verknüpfung auf dem nun nicht mehr vorhandenen Nutzerprofil bestehen. Auf Anfrage des Anwenders werden diese erstellten Inhalte durch den Administrator gelöscht. Nach dem Download der App aus dem App-Store muss man sich für die Nutzung der App registrieren. Hierfür ist eine E-Mail-Adresse, der Name und Vor-name sowie ein selbstgewähltes Passwort erforder-lich. Wahlweise kann auch ein Foto als Profilbild sowie weitere Angaben zur eigenen Person, hinter-legt werden. Diese Daten werden solange der das Nutzeraccount Nutzerkonto besteht auf den für uns gehosteten Servern gespeichert und sind für andere Nutzer der App einsehbar. Wird das Konto gelöscht, werden die Daten ebenfalls gelöscht. Wenn Sie die App verwenden, verzeichnen die Server temporär die IP-Adresse Ihres Gerätes und andere technische Merkmale, wie zum Beispiel der angefragte Inhalt, auf. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, sich anonym an den Inhalten der App zu beteiligen. Der Name ist bei allen Aktivitäten ersichtlich. Jeder Anwender, der Inhalte in die App einstellt (z. B. Chatnachrichten, Kommentare oder Likes), wird als zugehöriger Autor des Inhalts gespeichert (Name, Vorname, Zeitpunkt, ggf. Profilbild) und ist für alle anderen Anwender ersichtlich. Diese Informationen bleiben für die Lebensdauer der App erhalten, ausgenommen der jeweilige Inhalt oder der Nutzer-Account werden durch den Anwender selbst oder durch den App-Administratoren gelöscht. Wird ein Beitrag nur gelesen, wird dies nur anonymisiert von der App registriert und kann über die App nicht personenbezogen ausgewertet werden. Beiträge, z. B. Kommentare, die vom Nutzer selbst erfolgen und nicht anonym sind, können nur für statistische Zwecke ausgewertet werden (z. B. Anzahl der Kommentare/ Likes auf einen Artikel, Anzahl der aktiven Anwender, letzte Aktivität und neueste Kommentare des Anwenders, beliebteste Artikel). Die Anzahl der Logins werden von der App für Wartungszwecke und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen gespeichert. Die technischen Möglichkeiten der App, das Nutzungsverhalten anonym auszuwerten, dienen dem Zweck, die angebotenen Inhalte der App zu verbessern. Über die App besteht die beschränkte Möglichkeiten, auf Inhalte des Scheidt & Bachmann Intranets zuzugreifen, wie z. B. das S&B Telefonverzeichnis. Als externes Tool haben wir Google Maps eingebunden. Informationen hierzu siehe Abschnitt II.4. Damit Sie die App auf Ihrem Gerät in vollem Umfang nutzen können, muss die App ggf. auf verschiedene Funktionen und Daten des Gerätes zugreifen können. Dazu ist es erforderlich, dass bestimmte Berechtigungen erteilt werden. Die Berechtigungskategorien können je nach Hersteller des Gerätes variieren, so werden bei Android Einzelberechtigungen zu Berechtigungskategorien zusammengefasst und Sie können auch nur Berechtigungskategorien insgesamt zustimmen. Sollten Sie dem widersprechen, so kann es gegebenenfalls sein, dass nicht sämtliche Funktionen der App zur Verfügung stehen. Soweit Sie Berechtigungen erteilt haben nutzen wir den Zugriff auf die Kamera und die Fotos/ Videos des Gerätes, um diese in der App hochzuladen. Dieser Zugriff muss vom Anwender initial bestätigt werden. sind Nachrichten, die von der App auf das Gerät gesendet und dort priorisiert dargestellt werden. Im Auslieferungszustand verwendet die App Push-Benachrichtigungen, sofern Sie bei der Installation der App oder bei der ersten Nutzung eingewilligt haben. Hierfür wird die Geräte-ID verarbeitet. Sie können jederzeit den Empfang von Push-Benachrichtigungen in den Einstellungen Ihres Gerätes oder innerhalb des Nutzeraccounts deaktivieren. Um die App möglichst benutzerfreundlich zu gestalten, analysieren wir anonymisiert oder pseudonymisiert Ihr Nutzungsverhalten. Im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Regelung legen können wir, oder von uns im Rahmen einer Auftragsdatenverarbeitung beauftragten Unternehmen, Nutzungsprofile anlegen. Ein unmittelbarer Rückschluss auf einen individuellen Nutzer Anwender der App ist hierbei nicht möglich. Die App bietet einen Übersetzungsservice an, der technisch durch die Microsoft Corporation umgesetzt wird. Es werden hierbei nur Daten verarbeitet, die Sie als Text oder Ton zur Übersetzung eingegeben haben. Diese Daten werden nur vorübergehend für die Ausführung der Übersetzung gespeichert und nicht auf dauerhafte Datenspeicher geschrieben. Es wird keine Aufzeichnung des eingereichten Textes oder eines Teils davon in einem Microsoft-Rechenzentrum geben. Der Ton und der Text werden auch nicht für Trainingszwecke verwendet. Microsoft Corporation hat sich dem EU-US Privacy Shield unterworfen. Wir setzen technische und organisatorische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ein, um Ihre durch uns verwalteten personenbezogenen Daten gegen zufällige oder vorsätzliche Manipulationen, Verlust, Zerstörung oder gegen den Zugriff unberechtigter Personen angemessen zu schützen. Diese Datenschutzerklärung datiert von Februar 2020 und ist gültig, so lange keine aktualisierte Fassung sie ersetzt. Durch die Weiterentwicklung unserer Webseite oder die Implementierung neuer Technologien kann es notwendig werden, diese Datenschutzerklärung zu ändern. Wir behalten uns vor, die Datenschutzerklärung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft zu ändern. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich die aktuelle Datenschutzerklärung von Zeit zu Zeit erneut durchzulesen. nach Art. 21 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) Sie haben das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten, die aufgrund von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f der DSGVO (Datenverarbeitung auf der Grundlage einer Interessenabwägung) erfolgt, Widerspruch einzulegen; dies gilt auch für ein etwaiges auf diese Bestimmung gestütztes Profiling im Sinne von Art. 4 Nr. 4 DSGVO. Legen Sie Widerspruch ein, werden wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr verarbeiten, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen, die Ihre Interessen, Rechte und Freiheiten überwiegen, oder die Verarbeitung dient der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen. In Einzelfällen verarbeiten wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, um Direktwerbung zu betreiben. Sie haben das Recht, jederzeit Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten zum Zwecke derartiger Werbung einzulegen; dies gilt auch für das Profiling, soweit es mit solcher Direktwerbung in Verbindung steht. Widersprechen Sie der Verarbeitung für Zwecke der Direktwerbung, so werden wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr für diese Zwecke verarbeiten. Der Widerspruch kann formfrei erfolgen und sollte möglichst an die in der Datenschutzerklärung im ersten Abschnitt – Allgemeiner Teil unter den Ziffern 1 und 2 genannten Stellen gerichtet werden. di| li|Datenschutz IT-Dienstleister Gruppengesellschaften Google Inc. Gruppengesellschaft im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Russland, Schweiz, Tunesien, Israel, USA und Kanada Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen (LDI NRW) Session ID Zeitstempel IP-Adresse Browsertyp/ -version Verwendetes Betriebssystem und Auflösung Zuvor besuchte Webseite Zeit und Häufigkeit der Serveranfrage Identifikationsdaten wie z. B. Name, Vorname, Unternehmen, Kfz-Kennzeichen, besondere Berechtigungen (bei LKW-Fahrern), um Sie als berechtigte Besucher identifizieren zu können, Adressen und Kontaktdaten wie z. B. Postanschrift, E-Mail-Adressen, Telefonnummer und ggf. Organisationsdaten wie Firma, Abteilung, Funktion, um mit Ihnen in Kontakt treten zu können, falls z. B. Fragen geklärt, Informationen ausgetauscht, Termine vereinbart werden müssen oder Ihnen ein Zugang zum Internet eingerichtet wird. Zeiterfassung, z. B. auf dem Firmengelände oder zur Erbringung von Dienstleistungen, um Dienstleistungen abrechnen zu können. IP-Adresse und Voucher Code, wenn Ihnen als Besucher über ein Captive Portal ein temporärer Zugang zum Internet über LAN (local aera network) oder über WLAN (wireless local aera network) eingerichtet wurde. Video-/ Bilddaten, z. B. zur Überwachung der öffentlich zugänglichen Bereiche des Firmengeländes und bestimmter Bereiche auf dem Firmengelände, um unser Hausrecht zu überwachen und um unser Eigentum und das Dritter zu sichern. zum Abschluss oder zur Durchführung von Aufträgen, Verträgen und anderen Geschäftsbeziehungen (einschließlich zur Abwicklung von Kaufaufträgen, Lieferungen oder Zahlungen) oder zur Erstellung oder Beantwortung von Angebotsanfragen und zur Festlegung der Bedingungen des Vertragsverhältnisses, und zwar mit unseren Geschäftspartnern, Dienstleistern oder Kooperationspartnern, für die Sie ggf. als Vertreter oder Mitarbeiter tätig sind; für interne Verwaltungszwecke (z. B. für die Buchhaltung); ggf. zur Durchführung von Antiterror- und Sanktionslistenscreenings; zum Führen von Gerichts- und Behördenverfahren und/ oder zum Zwecke der Geltendmachung/ Ausübung von sowie Verteidigung gegen Rechtsansprüche(n) im In- und Ausland; um Ihnen im für Ihre Geschäftstätigkeit relevanten Umfang unsere Kundeninformationen wie etwa Newsletter mit Hinweisen auf aktuelle Themen und Veranstaltungen zuzusenden; zu sonstigen Kommunikationszwecken; um die IT-Sicherheit und den IT-Betrieb unseres Unternehmens sicherzustellen; zum Einsatz von Dienstleistern (z. B. externen IT-Dienstleistern), die unsere Geschäftsprozesse unterstützen; zur Planung und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen, zu denen Sie eingeladen sind, einschließlich der Berichterstattung über diese Veranstaltungen auf unserer Website oder in unserem Intranet, was die Veröffentlichung von Bild- und Videomaterial im Internet oder Intranet, auf dem Sie abgebildet sind, beinhalten kann. Browsertyp und Browserversion verwendetes Betriebssystem die Herkunftsseite, sofern Ihr Browser diese übermittelt Uhrzeit der Serveranfrage Anonymisierte IP-Adresse st|Unser Umgang mit Ihren Daten und Ihre Rechte – Informationen nach Art.13, 14 und 21 der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) 1. Verantwortlicher der Datenverarbeitung 2. Datenschutzbeauftragter: 3. Welche Daten aus welchen Quellen verarbeiten wir? 4. Zu welchem Zweck verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten und auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage? 5. Wer bekommt meine Daten? 6. Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten in Drittländer 7. Aufbewahrung von Daten 8. Ihre Rechte 1. Cookies 2. Automatische Erhebung von Zugriffsdaten/ Server-Logfiles 3. Google Analytics 4. Google Maps 5. YouTube 6. Kontaktaufnahme 7. Newsletter 8. Job-Benachrichtigungen 9. Durchführung von Umfragen 10. Datenraum 11. Online-Bewerberportal 1. Videoüberwachung 2. Zutritt zum Firmengelände 3. FreiwilligeSelbstauskunft aufgrund Covid-19-Virus 4. KfZ-Kennzeichenerkennung 1. Allgemein 2. Dienste ohne Login 3. Dienste mit Login Bei der Registrierung in der App: Bei der Nutzung der App: Berechtigungen: Push-Benachrichtigungen Auswertung des Nutzungsverhaltens Übersetzungsservice 1. Sicherheit 2. Gültigkeit und Aktualität der Datenschutzerklärung Information über Ihr Widerspruchsrecht Parking Access h1|Datenschutzerklärung h2|Language Menu h5|Inhalt h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|Volle Parkplätze, genervte Kunden: Falsch- und Fremdparker sind für Einzelhändler ein zunehmendes Ärgernis, das ernsthafte Umsatzeinbußen nach sich... Scheidt & Bachmann Ukraine LLC wurde formal im Februar 2020 gegründet und ist eine 100% Tochtergesellschaft der Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH. Der... Bei der Einfahrt in das Parkhaus West wird die neue, helle Gesamtsituation bei den Besuchern einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen: Die modernen,... Seit der Einführung des ticketlosen Systems im Parkhaus Gartenstraße in Düsseldorf im Mai 2018 ist das Interesse unserer Kunden an den ticketlosen... Haben Sie uns bereits virtuell besucht? Schauen Sie sich unseren SIQMA Messestand online an. Informieren Sie sich über unsere neuesten Innovationen... Mit der modernen Tiefgarage KII / Schauspielhaus (ehemals Kö-Bogen II) stehen in der Düsseldorfer Innenstadt ab sofort weitere Parkmöglichkeiten... Schweden besitzt mit 16.500 Streckenkilometern für Eisenbahnen ein gut ausgebautes Infrastrukturnetz. Allerdings sind die in den letzten Jahrzehnten... Jede Tankstelle ist einzigartig, deshalb passen wir unsere Schulungen individuell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse an. Mit unseren SIQMA Online-Schulungen... Die Strecken der Regiobahn sind mit neuer Leit- und Sicherungstechnik sowie einem neuen Betriebsleitsystem made by Scheidt & Bachmann ausgerüstet... di|- - - - li|News st|Erstes kontaktloses ÖPNV Ticketing-System in Deutschland startet in Bonn Parking Access h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... » Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Signaltechnik Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Signaltechnik Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement « ... » pa|Wir freuen uns über den neuen Auftrag unseres kanadischen Kunden OC Transpo, der die Einführung von kontaktlosen Bezahlmöglichkeiten in den Bussen... Wir haben großartige Neuigkeiten: Unsere Mitarbeiterin Amy Jenks wurde aufgrund ihres Engagements für die Stärkung und Entwicklung der... Der iT-CAMPUS Kaiserslautern hat sich bei der Ausstattung des neuen Parkhauses für smarte Parking-Lösungen aus dem Hause Scheidt & Bachmann... Der Ursprung war 1970 als am 01. August die Firma „Wimmersberger & Gindl“ in München von den Herren Klaus Gindl... Die Regiobahn betreibt zwei Strecken mit einer Gesamtlänge von 25 km. Den Westast von Kaarster See bis Neuss und den Ostast von Düsseldorf-Gerresheim... Scheidt & Bachmann Österreich hat den Zuschlag erhalten, den Parkbereich am Asia Spa in Leoben, Österreich, mit einem neuen Parkraum-Management-System... Langjährige Geschäftsbeziehungen, basierend auf vertrauensvolle, partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der DNA von... Eine smarte Lösung für das Parken hat Scheidt & Bachmann in der Königshof Galerie in Mettmann im Einsatz: Ticketlos und ohne Schranken! Das... Trotz der aktuell anhaltenden wirtschaftlichen Krise, bedingt durch die COVID-19-Pandemie, kann Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica weiterhin Projekterfolge... di|- - - - li|News st|Wie und wann hat alles angefangen? Parking Access h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Mit dem erfolgreichen GoLive von ServiceNow bei der Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Germany GmbH sind nun bereits neun Tochtergesellschaften an... Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Signaltechnik Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH hat sein führendes europäisches Tankstellen Management System TMS 30 POS & BOS für den rumänischen Markt vorbereitet.... di|- li|Archiv h1|News Archiv h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE Systeme-für-Tankstellen pa|Scheidt & Bachmann Ukraine LLC was formally established in February 2020 and is a 100% subsidiary of Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH. The headquarters of the... When entering the car park West, the new, bright overall experience will leave a lasting impression on visitors: The modern, interactive information... Since the introduction of the ticketless system in the Gartenstraße car park in Düsseldorf in May 2018, the interest of our customers in ticketless... Have you already visited us virtually? Check out our SIQMA exhibition online and find out about our latest innovations and new customer journeys, such... With the modern underground car park KII / Schauspielhaus (formerly Kö-Bogen II), further underground parking facilities are now available in... Sweden has an extensive infrastructure network, which covers 16,500 kilometres of railway lines. However, the level crossing technologies used in... Every petrol station is unique, that is why we customize our training sessions based on your needs. With our online training courses, you and your... We are pleased to announce a new agreement with OC Transpo to fast track additional contactless fare payment technology on the OC Transpo’s bus fleet... We have some great news to share: Our employee Amy Jenks is deservedly being selected for Mass Transit´s 2020 40 under 40 for being committed to... di|- - - - li|News st|First contactless public transport Ticketing system in Germany starts in Bonn Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Signalling-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... » pa|The iT-CAMPUS Kaiserslautern opted for smart parking solutions from Scheidt & Bachmann when equipping the new car park. The future management of the... The Regiobahn operates two lines with a total length of 25 km. The west part from Kaarster See to Neuss and the east part from Düsseldorf-Gerresheim... Successful GoLive with ServiceNow in our Scheidt & Bachmann BeNeLux Subsidiary! The preceding months have been extra challenging for almost everyone,... Scheidt & Bachmann Austria has been awarded the contract to install a new parking management system at the Asia Spa in Leoben, Austria. The team of... Long-term business relationships are based on trust and a cooperative partnership. These principles are an essential part of the DNA of Scheidt &... Despite the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica continues to win projects, and was recently awarded a... Observing all recommended safety measures and adapting our business to today’s world challenges, Scheidt & Bachmann continues working with our... In view of the impact of Covid-19 & increasing risk of infection with the coronavirus, we have taken a number of specific & strict measures. We are... Congratulations to our partner VIGATEC Chile for the award of the project Clínica Alemana Chile. The operator SABA Chile and the customers of two of... The ryd pay interface will be integrated into Scheidt & Bachmann POS systems via the SIQMA Connect Cloud. In this way, petrol station operators... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Parking-Solutions Signalling-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... » pa|Das NRW-Verkehrsministerium hat einen Förderbescheid in Höhe von rund 500.000 Euro für die Umsetzung des Pilotprojekts BONNsmart übersendet. Das... Unter Berücksichtigung aller empfohlenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und angepasst an die derzeitigen globalen Herausforderungen arbeitet Scheidt & Bachmann... Angesichts der Auswirkungen von Covid-19 und des zunehmenden Risikos einer Infektion mit dem Coronavirus haben wir eine Reihe spezifischer und... Wir gratulieren unserem Partner VIGATEC Chile, der mit der Clínica Alemana Chile ein weiteres Projekt gewonnen hat. Der Betreiber SABA Chile und die... Die ryd pay Schnittstelle soll mittels SIQMA Connect Cloud mit den Kassensystemen von Scheidt & Bachmann integriert werden. Tankstellenbetreibern mit... evopark GO ergänzt in London die entervo.ticketless Parking Lösung Stadt Luxemburg setzt auf Scheidt & Bachmann Lösungen Die Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Germany GmbH gibt bekannt, dass zum 01.01.2020 Pascal Vincken zum Geschäftsführer der Gesellschaft ernannt... Am 9. Dezember 2019 genehmigte die Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) einen neuen Vertrag mit Scheidt & Bachmann, um durch eine Reihe... Wie können wir Talente für die Mobilitätsbranche gewinnen und die Fachkräfte von morgen sichern? Dieser Frage widmeten wir uns auf dem Bündnis-Tag... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Unternehmen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Personalwesen « ... ... » pa|evopark GO will complement the recently installed entervo.ticketless parking solution City of Luxembourg relies on Scheidt & Bachmann solutions On December 9, 2019, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s Fiscal and Management Control Board approved a new contract with Scheidt &... On November 15, Scheidt & Bachmann was awarded a special price by the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein (regional Chamber of Commerce) for the 8th time in 9... Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Canada is pleased to announce the addition of Christopher Iles to its group of worldwide Parking Professionals.... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has recently reached a collaboration agreement with the company BOFFOR engineering S.A. to enhance the installation and... Autobahn Tank & Rast Gruppe GmbH & Co. is the first customer to benefit from the new SIQMA Infinity hardware. The rollout of more than 630 POS and... Abellio ScotRail enhanced and upgraded their fleet of ticket vending machines to deliver better customer service as part of their ScotRail franchise... Visitors to the four city car parks in Neuss, Germany, can park without a paper ticket as of 1 October 2019. The City Parkhaus Neuss GmbH has awarded... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce that Scheidt & Bachmann USA agrees to become an Advocate Partner of Alliance of Parking Data Standards (APDS). Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Am 15. November wurde Scheidt & Bachmann zum 8. Mal in 9 Jahren durch die IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein mit einem Sonderpreis als „Bester... Scheidt & Bachmann gratuliert der PBW recht herzlich zum 25jährigen Bestehen! Wir sind ganz besonders stolz darauf, dass wir die PBW in diesen 25... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica hat eine Kooperationsvereinbarung mit BOFFOR Engineering S.A. abgeschlossen. Die Firma wird künftig bei der Installation... Als erster Kunde profitiert die Autobahn Tank & Rast Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG von der neuen SIQMA Infinity Hardware. Der Rollout von über 630 POS und über... Bavaria Parkgaragen mit neuer Webpräsenz Wir freuen uns bekanntzugeben, dass Scheidt & Bachmann USA sich bereit erklärt, Advocate Partner der Alliance of Parking Data Standards (APDS) zu... Im Rahmen des ScotRail-Franchise hat Abellio ScotRail sowohl die Anzahl der Fahrscheinautomaten erhöht als auch die Funktionen der Geräte verbessert,... Besucher der vier Neusser Cityparkhäuser parken ab dem 1. Oktober 2019 auf Wunsch ohne Papierticket. Die City Parkhaus Neuss GmbH hat Scheidt &... Die aktuelle Hardwareplattform SIQMA Infinity wird derzeit im deutschen Aral Tankstellennetz ausgerollt. Nach der erfolgreichen Testphase und Rollout... Die Scheidt & Bachmann Kundenservice GmbH und die Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH / Region D-A-CH agieren ab dem 01.10.2019 gemeinsam als Scheidt & Bachmann... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Personalwesen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|The current SIQMA Infinity hardware platform is currently being rolled out in the German Aral filling station network. After the successful test phase... Die Scheidt & Bachmann Kundenservice GmbH und die Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH / Region D-A-CH agieren ab dem 01.10.2019 gemeinsam als Scheidt & Bachmann... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has recently been awarded the replacement of the parking system of 4 facilities in Spain, managed by the company Empark:... With WeChat, Swiss transport companies want to offer their Asian tourists in particular a completely new travel experience. To achieve this, they rely... On 07 September Scheidt & Bachmann opened its doors for a Training Day to interested students from grades 9-12 and their parents. Our training and... As of August, many enthusiastic new apprentices started their training with us to become Electronics technician for devices and systems, IT Specialist... Once more, we are proud of our 80 colleagues that took part to this event and would like to thank you very much for it. Special praise goes to two... Delivering outstanding complete experiences and well-connected mobility throughout the Alps: BVZ Holding AG (Switzerland) also wants to fulfil this... Visitors to EVER.S, a Shopping Centre in Munich, Germany, will be able to park without tickets and barriers. Customers no longer have to draw a ticket... The Parking Solutions division welcomes Scheidt & Bachmann México as a new member of the worldwide Scheidt & Bachmann family. The aim of the new... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources Human-Resources Corporate Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica hat vom spanischen Betreiber Empark den Auftrag erhalten, die Parkraum-Management-Systeme in vier Parkhäusern auszutauschen... Durch den Einsatz von WeChat wollen die Schweizer Verkehrsbetriebe vor allem ihren asiatischen Touristen ein vollkommen neues Reiseerlebnis bieten.... Am 07. September öffnete Scheidt & Bachmann seine Türen für einen Trainingstag für interessierte Schüler der Klassen 9-12 und ihre Eltern. Unser... Seit August haben viele begeisterte neue Auszubildende bei uns, die ihre Ausbildung zum Elektroniker für Geräte und Systeme, zum Fachinformatiker... Wir sind stolz darauf, dass wieder rund 80 Kolleginnen & Kollegen teilgenommen haben und möchten uns dafür ganz herzlich bedanken. Ein besonderes Lob... Der ADAC hat 60 P+R-Anlagen in 10 Städten getestet. Scheidt & Bachmann gratuliert den Besten im Test – dem Parkhaus Österfeld in Stuttgart sowie den... Henk de Bruin als Head of Business Development für Deutschlands größte digitale Mobilitätsplattform benannt Exzellente Gesamterlebnisse und eine hohe Mobilität entlang der Alpenkette: dieses Versprechen möchte die BVZ Holding AG (Schweiz) auch für die... Am 18. Juli 2019 wurde ein weiteres Free-Flow Parking System von Scheidt & Bachmann in Betrieb genommen: Die Besucher des EVER.S, ein Einkaufscenter... Der Geschäftsbereich Parking Solutions begrüßt mit Scheidt & Bachmann México ein neues Mitglied in der weltweiten Scheidt & Bachmann Familie. Ziel der... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Personalwesen Personalwesen Unternehmen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Massport, a long-time and respected partner of Scheidt & Bachmann´s Parking Solutions division, has recently upgraded all lanes to the new... is the first car park in Ghent, Belgium to introduce a ticketless parking system. Customers no longer have to draw a ticket there. The... Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH announces that Guido Nobis has been appointed Head of Sales for Parking Systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and ELKA-Torantriebe GmbH rely on long-term partnership. As of the end of 2019, Scheidt & Bachmann will equip its parking... Leveraging Scheidt & Bachmann’s latest entervo field devices & software, Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport has opened a premium covered parking area within... entervo ticketless solutions arrive in France: Over the next upcoming days, P+R car parks users in the city of Pau will be able to access their new... Scheidt & Bachmann UK are excited to announce going live at the prestigious Maltings Shopping Centre in the Hertfordshire City of St. Albans which is... At this year's exhibition "Tankstelle & Mittelstand" in Münster we presented our latest solutions for modern shop management. Our stand was well... The mobility sector is changing rapidly and the industry is more exciting than ever before: digitization, urbanization, demographic change and... S&B UK are delighted to announce the launch of our latest installation. Working with our partners from APCOA Parking we have recently gone live with... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann hat den Zuschlag der Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG über die Lieferung eines neuen Fahrgeldmanagementsystems erhalten. 390 neue... ist das erste Parkhaus in Gent, Belgien, das ein ticketloses Parksystem einführt. Der Kunde muss dort kein Ticket mehr ziehen. Das neue... Die Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH gibt bekannt, dass Guido Nobis zum Vertriebsleiter für Parksysteme in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz ernannt wurde. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH und ELKA-Torantriebe GmbH setzen auf langjährige Partnerschaft. Ab Ende 2019 wird Scheidt & Bachmann seine... Bei der diesjährigen Messe Tankstelle & Mittelstand in Münster haben wir unsere neuesten Lösungen für modernes Shopmanagement gezeigt. Unser... Der Mobilitätssektor befindet sich im Umbruch und ist spannend wie nie zuvor: Digitalisierung, Urbanisierung, demografischer Wandel und dramatische... Die Umbauten an der Königshof-Galerie in Mettmann schreiten weiter voran: Rund 10 Millionen Euro... Mit der entervo-access GmbH schaffen beide Unternehmen Synergieeffekte und bestärken ihr langfristiges Engagement im Lösungsgeschäft für die... Massport, ein langjähriger und angesehener Partner von Scheidt & Bachmann, hat kürzlich am Flughafen Boston Logan International alle Ein- und... Der Britische Parkhaus-Betreiber Britannia Parking kann seinen Kunden künftig ein weiteres, smartes Produkt anbieten: Britannia Parking hat in... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h3|Parkhaus eröffnet nach Erweiterung und Umbau h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Massport, a long-time and respected partner of Scheidt & Bachmann, has recently upgraded all lanes to the new entervo.entry/exit devices. In the next... St Pancras International is set at the heart of Central London with more underground connections than any other London station. Passengers are able... During this month of March, Scheidt & Bachmann has been awarded the upgrade of the car park control and management system of Santiago de Compostela... The British car park operator Britannia Parking will be offering its customers a further smart product: Britannia Parking has released a payment app... In order to continue to serve the growing Belgian market, we would like to inform you of an organizational change within our Belgian subsidiary. As... TMA Tech and Scheidt & Bachmann have marked the ten-year anniversary of their relationship by signing an exclusive long-term agreement for... APCOA is testing dynamic tariffs as a pilot project in three parking facilities equipped with Scheidt & Bachmann systems. The car park operator is... Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and Worldline [Euronext: WLN], the European market leader in the field of payment and transaction services, have successfully... Chaotic parking in the departures zone at Düsseldorf airport is now a thing of the past. Since 1 September 2018 an ingenious new Scheidt & Bachmann... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions With entervo-access GmbH, both companies create synergy effects and strengthen their long-term commitment in the solutions business for the leisure... Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Customer-service Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|TMA Tech und Scheidt & Bachmann haben anlässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums ihrer Geschäftsbeziehung einen exklusiven Langzeitvertrag für Australien... In drei Parkobjekten, die mit Scheidt & Bachmann Systemen ausgestattet sind, testet APCOA dynamische Tarife als Pilotprojekt. Damit erhofft sich der... Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH und Worldline [Euronext: WLN], der europäische Marktführer im Bereich Zahlungsverkehrs- und Transaktionsdienstleistungen,... Chaotisches Parken in der Abflugzone gehört am Flughafen Düsseldorf der Vergangenheit an. Seit dem 1. September 2018 regelt eine neue, ausgeklügelte... Seit Dezember 2018 parken Autofahrer nördlich des ICE Bahnhofes Montabaur mittels Kennzeichenerkennung. Scheidt & Bachmann hat dort im Auftrag der... Nach der Ernennung von Alan Grix zum neuen freut sich die britische Tochtergesellschaft von Scheidt & Bachmann, drei weitere... Scheidt & Bachmann USA freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass Robert Johnson die Position bei Scheidt & Bachmann übernommen... Martin Hughes, seit rund 19 Jahren Geschäftsführer von Scheidt & Bachmann (UK), hat bekannt gegeben, dass er das Unternehmen verlässt, um sich neuen... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica hat kürzlich den Zuschlag für das Parksystem des Krankenhauses De la Santa Creu in der katalanischen Stadt Vic erhalten.... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Kundencenter Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Die Aufträge für Scheidt & Bachmann Parkraum-Anlagen nehmen in Spanien kontinuierlich und rasant zu. Dieser Wachstum hat Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica... Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann is pleased to announce promotions of four of its North American staff members as part of a series of strategic investments in the... Since December 2018, motorists have been able to park to the north of the ICE railway station in Montabaur by means of automatic number plate... The number of orders for Scheidt & Bachmann parking installations in Spain is increasing continuously and rapidly. This growth has encouraged Scheidt... Scheidt & Bachmann UK are delighted to announce our appointment to a NEW framework agreement which is set to make the provision and maintenance of car... After the appointment of Alan Grix as new Managing Director, Scheidt & Bachmann UK is pleased to announce three further personnel changes. One... Scheidt & Bachmann USA is happy to announce that Robert Johnson has taken over the position of Director Business Development, Parking Division. ... Scheidt & Bachmann announced its selection of Phoenix, Arizona, to establish its Western Region Innovation & Testing Center of Excellence. Martin Hughes, Managing Director of Scheidt & Bachmann (UK) for some 19 years has announced that he is leaving the company to pursue new challenges. Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has recently been awarded the adjudication of the parking system of the Hospital de la Santa Creu, located in the Catalan... On 21 November 2018, the IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 took place at Motorworld in the Butzweilerhof. The award, moderated by Guido Cantz, once... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources « ... ... » pa|Am 21. November 2018 fand die IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 in der Motorworld im Butzweilerhof statt. Bei der Ehrung, moderiert von Guido Cantz,... Vom 8. - 11. Oktober 2018 hatte die Eni Deutschland GmbH ihre deutschen Tankstellenpartner zum Partnerkongress nach Sardinien eingeladen. Mit dem... Parkraumbetreiber führt erste vollständig ticketlose Parkabfertigung Deutschlands ein und setzt auf Lösung von Scheidt & Bachmann Mit dem neuen SIQMA POS läutet Scheidt & Bachmann eine neue Ära im Bereich Tankstellenkasse ein. SIQMA POS läuft im Browser und kann somit auf nahezu... „Digitalisierung - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Tankstellenbranche“ war das Thema, um dass sich am 11. September die Präsentationen und... Auch in diesem Jahr haben wir als Unternehmen beim Run & Fun Mönchengladbach im SparkassenPark mit rund 100 Kolleginnen & Kollegen teilgenommen. Ein... Auf der Verkehrstechnik-Fachmesse InnoTrans haben die Geschäftsführer der Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv) symbolisch per Handschlag den Auftrag zur... Scheidt & Bachmann stellt FareGo Mobility Hub auf der InnoTrans 2018 vor Auf der InnoTrans 2018 präsentiert Scheidt & Bachmann erstmalig seine neueste Produktentwicklung FareGo 360. Mit FareGo 360 erhalten... Unter dem Motto „Die Zukunft der Mobilität gestalten“ stellt Scheidt & Bachmann auf der InnoTrans 2018 die neuesten Lösungen rund um das Ticketing im... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Personalwesen Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Tankstellen Personalwesen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement « ... ... » pa|From 8 to 11 October 2018, Eni Deutschland GmbH invited its German service station partners to the Partner Congress in Sardinia. The core topic of the... In October, Scheidt & Bachmann has planned, installed and launched the car park control and management system at the Choupana Hospital, located in the... Car park operator introduces the first fully ticketless car park management system in Germany, based on a solution from Scheidt & Bachmann With the new SIQMA POS, Scheidt & Bachmann ushers in a new era in petrol station cash registers. It can be used on almost any end device as it runs in... "Digitisation - Opportunities and Challenges for the Fuel Retail Industry" was the topic of the presentations and discussions at Scheidt & Bachmann's... Scheidt & Bachmann is proud to announce that a new team joined our Scheidt & Bachmann family. Around 100 colleagues participated at the Run & Fun Mönchengladbach in the SparkassenPark. Special praise goes to our three colleagues, whose... At the InnoTrans trade fair for transport technology, the managing directors of Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv) awarded Scheidt & Bachmann the... Scheidt & Bachmann launches FareGo Mobility Hub at InnoTrans 2018 At InnoTrans 2018, Scheidt & Bachmann presents its latest product development FareGo 360, which offers mobility providers new, data-based tools to... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|Simplify your transit service. FareGo Open Payment offers the most streamline passenger experience. Fast-forward into the future: Excite your passengers in just three months from now with contactless ticketing & payment. FareGo Open Payment is scalable and adaptable. Start with a small pilot. Plan for a whole network. Make it work for you and move on. New Work, Smart Home, Seamless Mobility - we are increasingly feeling the many dimensions and major transformations of digital change in the mobility industry. New technologies create the foundation for rethinking mobility - with the passengers and their individual needs in focus, interconnected and data-based. Scheidt & Bachmann has helped its customers through periods of change in the past with innovation and great quality products. Also in this pandemic, we are ... With Functionality as a Service, we are the owner of the validation devices and make sure that it is always up to date. You simply buy the functionality of the devices for a small monthly fee. You just need: FareGo Suite enables the inspection terminal to accept, process and verify the taps! It’s based on an open interface layer. Thanks to the open interface layer of FareGo Suite it is possible to link our solution to any existing third part system. In our flyer you can read more about the open interface Layer. FareGo Data CS is used to manage your entire field device fleet including all elements. It collects and archives all event messages from the field devices and enables you to monitor the ticketing network. Travelling with FareGo Open Payment is a game changer. It provides an unknown ease of use and overcomes typical obstacles that often prevent people from using transit services. With FareGo Open Payment, however, anyone with a cEMV media (be it a contactless debit or credit card or mobile payment option) is immediately ready to take the bus or train. The only thing they need to do is their cEMV media at a reader when they start and end their journey. With FareGo Open Payment passengers don’t need to register upfront, they don’t need to queue for a proprietary ticket media and they don’t have to bother with the right tariff. They just tap their personal cEMV media and off they go. And at the end of the day they receive just one aggregated payment request. get access to all documents and expert videos di|Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: li|FareGo Open Payment You charge the function - we provide the validation device Small upfront cost, with a monthly fee per device and a fee per tap Stable and predictable costs access/validation points mobile validation terminals for inspection, st|Device Management An incredibly unspectacular user experience Tap and go Parking h1|Welcome to the fast track to Open Payment! h2|The fast track to Open Payment Enjoy the ride. Turn passengers into fans Accelerate your journey Start small. Think big. Transport in 2020 Tap into our insights Register now! Language Menu h3|FareGo Open Payment Brochure FareGo Open Payment White Paper Change through innovation. Pilot. Subsystem. Full rollout. Buy the function. Not the device. Essential Elements. Data Flow. Passenger experience. Have you already registered? Login now h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Our out of the box FareGo Open Payment solution can be implemented within three months. It is based on a scalable and modular system architecture that fully supports a phased introduction. Start with a pilot: focuses on a specific passenger group to gain experience with the new technology and its adoption Expand: introduce a subsystem for additional passengers Full rollout: let the system evolve according to changing requirements and increasing expectations Tap is sent to the FareGo Suite back office FareGo Suite creates an account to store the card’s identification data A card verification request is sent to the Payment Service Provider If the result is negative the card is automatically placed on the deny list For each tap FareGo Suite performs a journey construction and calculates the tariff applicable to the journey pa|This data protection information applies to the collection, processing and use of your personal information when using our website and its subpages, if you come to visit our premises or when you contact us in any other way. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH (hereinafter "we" or "Scheidt & Bachmann") takes the protection of your personal information very seriously and adheres strictly to the rules set down by data protection legislation. The following statement provides an overview of how Scheidt & Bachmann ensures this protection and explains which types of data we collect for which purposes. Responsibility for processing your personal information lies with: Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Breite Straße 132, 41238 Mönchengladbach; Telephone: +49 2166/266-0; Fax: +49 2166/266-375; E-mail: You can reach our Data Protection Officer as follows: Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Data Protection Officer, Breite Straße 132, 41238 Mönchengladbach; Telephone: +49 2166/266-839; Fax: +49 2166/266-254; E-mail: We process personal data which you provide to us vol-untarily or in the course of using one of our service like our website or the Scheidt & Bachmann swap-app. For further details, please refer to Parts II. – V. We process your personal data for various purposes in line with the relevant data protection laws, in particular the GDPR and the German Federal Data Protection Act ("Bundesdatenschutzgesetz", BDSG). The following generally apply in terms of the purpose of data processing: processing to perform contractual obligations (Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR), to protect legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR), based on your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR) and/ or based on legal obligations (Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR). For further details, please refer to Parts II. – V. Service providers deployed by us and operating on our behalf (so-called "processors" cf. Art. 4 No. 8 GDPR) can receive personal data. We use the following processors or categories of processor: In addition, we pass on your personal data to our group companies, who also process personal data under their own responsibility (so-called "controllers", cf. Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR). In cases described in Parts II. to V., we transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to the following recipients in third countries: With regard to all recipients, we have implemented suitable guarantees (standard data protection clauses in accordance with Art. 46 para. 2 GDPR) to guarantee the security of your personal data. You may request a copy of these appropriate warranties. For this purpose, please contact the bodies designated in Part I, clauses 1 and 2. We only process your personal data for as long as is necessary to serve the respective purpose of processing. In addition, we are subject to various storage and documentation obligations, including those arising from the German Commercial Code ("Handelsgesetzbuch" – HGB) and the German Fiscal Code ("Abgabenordnung" – AO). These obligations can apply for up to 10 years. Finally, the duration of storage is also based on statutory limitation periods, which can be up to 30 years according to Sections 195 ff. of the German Civil Code ("Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch" – BGB), whereby the standard limitation period is three years. Any data subject has the right of access according to Art. 15 GDPR, the right to rectification according to Art. 16 GDPR, the right to erasure according to Art. 17 GDPR, the right to restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR and the right to data portability based on Art. 20 GDPR. In order to exercise the above rights, please use the contacts specified above in clauses 1 and 2 under Part I – General, clauses 1 and 2. If you have issued your consent for us to process your data, you can withdraw this at any time without any particular formal requirements. If possible, the withdrawal should be sent to the contacts specified in clauses 1 and 2 under Part I – General. Users are also legally entitled to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR). The supervisory authority responsible for Scheidt & Bachmann is: Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen (LDI NRW) (State Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officer, North Rhine-Westphalia) You also have a right to object which is explained in more detail at the end of this privacy policy. In order to make visiting our website more attractive and allow the use of certain functions, we use so-called cookies on various pages. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your end device. Cookies can be transmitted when a page is accessed, thereby allowing attribution of the user. Cookies help make it simpler for users to use web pages. Some of the cookies used by us are deleted when the browser session is finished, i.e. when the browser is closed (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your end device and make it possible for us to recognise your browser again on your next visit (so-called persistent cookies). You can set your browser so that you are informed when cookies are used and then decide in each individual case whether to accept them, or else you can rule out acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general. You can delete cookies which have already been applied. If cookies are not accepted, the functionality of our website may be limited. We process the following personal data or categories of data through the use of cookies: Processing of personal data as a result of the use of cookies is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in the enhanced functionality of our website. When you visit our website, the following set of data is automatically stored relating to each access: The personal data in log files is processed based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in the easier administration of our website and the possibility of identifying and pursuing hacking. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called cookies – text files that are stored on your computer and allow analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie regarding your use of this website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, in case of the activation of IP anonymization on this website, your IP address is first abbreviated by Google within the member states of the European Union and in other states which are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. IP anonymization is active on this website. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to analyse your use of the website so as to compile reports on website activities for website operators and provide other services for the website operator connected with website use and internet use. Google does not link the IP address transferred by your browser in connection with Google Analytics to other data. You can prevent the saving of cookies by making the appropriate setting in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that if you do so, you will not be able to use the full range of functions offered by this website. You can also prevent the data generated by the cookie relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) from being transmitted to Google and you can prevent the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link ( You can also prevent data collection by Google Analytics on our website by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie is applied which will prevent your data from being collected when visiting this website: or further details on terms of use and data privacy, see and . Processing of personal data by Google Analytics is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in the analysis and use of our website. This website uses the Google product Google Maps. If you consent to the use of Google Maps on a subpage in which Google Maps is embedded and activate the plug-in, Google receives the information that you have accessed the relevant subpage of our website. In addition, data is collected which your browser sends to Google. This includes IP address, date and time of the request, amount of data transferred operating system and the user interface, language and version of the browser software. This occurs regardless of whether Google provides a user account via which you are logged in or no user account exists. If you are logged into Google, your data is attributed directly to your account. If you do not want the data to be attributed to your Google profile, you have to log out before activating the button. Google saves your data as use profiles and uses it for the purpose of advertising, market research and/ or the needs-oriented design of its website. In order to exercise any rights such as a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, you must contact Google. By using Google Maps, you consent to the Google Maps Terms of Service. You will find the Google Maps Terms of Service here: Google Maps Terms of Service. For further details on the processing of your personal data by Google Inc., see the Google Privacy Policy: Google Privacy Policy. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and has agreed to accept the EU-US Privacy Shield: We have integrated YouTube videos in our website which are saved at and can be played directly from our website. The videos are only activated if you specifically request this. These videos are also integrated in "extended data protection mode", i.e. no data about you as a user is sent to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Only when you play a video is the data transferred as specified in the next clause. We do not have any influence on this data transfer. When you play the video, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the relevant subpage of our website. In addition, data is collected which your browser sends to YouTube. This includes IP address, date and time of the request, amount of data transferred, operating system and the user interface, language and version of the browser software. This occurs regardless of whether YouTube provides a user account via which you are logged in or no user account exists. If you are logged into Google, your data is attributed directly to your account. If you do not want the data to be attributed to your YouTube profile, you have to log out before activating the button. YouTube saves your data as use profiles and uses it for the purpose of advertising, market research and/or the needs-oriented design of its website. Such analysis (also in the case of users who are not logged in) serves the purpose of providing needs-oriented advertising and to inform other social network users about your activities on our website. In order to exercise any rights such as a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, you must contact Google. For further information on the purpose of data collection and its processing by YouTube, see the Google Privacy Policy. Here you will also find further information about your rights as well as settings options to protect your privacy. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and has agreed to accept the EU-US-Privacy-Shield. On our website you will find contact forms which can be used to make contact electronically. Alternatively, it is possible to contact us via the e-mail addresses provided. If you contact us via one of these channels, we collect the personal data have entered and sent to us. If you use the contact form, the personal data recorded comprises the master data entered (required fields: form of address, last name, e-mail address, country; voluntary fields: first name, company, telephone number) and potentially any other personal data entered by you in the field labelled "Message". If you contact us directly by e-mail, we record your e-mail address and any personal data included in the text of the e-mail. Should it be necessary to answer your inquiry, we will pass on personal data to group companies. Processing is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in customer care and the ability to reply to messages sent to us. On our website you can sign up for various newsletters providing information on general company news, products, trade fairs and events. In order to manage newsletters subscriptions we process the personal data sent to us via the registration form. This comprises master data (required fields: e-mail address, language, your interests; voluntary details: form of address, title, name, company, country). The distribution of newsletters takes place on the basis of consent from the recipient in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 7 GDPR in conjunction with Section 7 (2) No. 3 German Act Against Unfair Competition or on the basis of legal permission in accordance with Section 7 (3) German Act Against Unfair Competition. The recording of the registration procedure is performed on the basis of our justified interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR and serves as proof of consent to receipt of the newsletter. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in customer care and direct advertising. Our website also enables you to sign up for a newsletter containing details of new job vacancies. In order to manage newsletter subscriptions we process the personal data sent to us via the registration form. This consists of the e-mail address, the areas of work you are interested in, your postcode and the geographical region in which you are interested in vacancies. The distribution of job vacancies takes place on the basis of consent from the recipient in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 7 GDPR. The recording of the registration procedure is performed on the basis of our justified interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR and serves as proof of consent to receipt of the newsletter. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in communicating job vacancies in our company to potential candidates. We also occasionally carry out surveys, for example to assess customer satisfaction. Only customers invited by us are entitled to participate. Surveys are always carried out anonymously. However, access codes are regularly sent out to customers for participation purposes. These can be attributed to the relevant customer. In the surveys themselves, some personal data is requested. If this is the case, however, submission of such details is voluntary and can be skipped. Processing of personal data is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose and our legitimate interest is the analysis of customer satisfaction and product improvements. We provide a data area in which we offer our customers and potential customers various documents for download. These include contract documents and product information, for example. Access is only provided for authorised users. We process the following data for the purpose of access control: e-mail address, user name. Processing of personal data is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. b, f GDPR. The purpose and our legitimate interest are to enter into a contract, to make relevant documents available and to prevent of unauthorised access to uploaded documents. We publish job offers on our homepage. You have the possibility to apply for a job offer by using the online form of our applicant portal. We process the personal data transmitted using the form. This is master data (mandatory fields): First name, surname, street and house number, postal code, town, e-mail address; optional information: telephone, mobile phone number). In addition, the documents that you upload online in the application portal may contain other personal data, such as date of birth, data on school education, training and studies as well as previous career history, data on driving licences, data on possible impairments, curriculum vitae, certificates, photo. You are solely responsible for the content of the uploaded documents. The processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. b DSGVO and Section 26 (1) S. 1 BDSG. The purpose of data processing is to check your suitability for the position or for another position in our group of compa-nies (or in the case of an unsolicited application for a position in our group of companies) and to carry out the application procedure as well as hiring decisions. When we enter into an employment contract with you, we transfer your information to our personnel management system for employment purposes, to the extent necessary for its performance or termination. The legal basis for the described data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR and Section 26 (1) S. 1 BDSG (Carrying out the employment contract). We store your data for as long as it is necessary for the decision on your application. If no employment contract is established, we will store your data for as long as it is necessary to defend against possible legal claims. As a rule, your data will be deleted 180 days after notification of the rejection decision, unless longer storage is necessary due to legal disputes. If an employment contract is established, we transfer your data from the online application portal to our personnel information system. Data that is not required for the performance of the employment relationship will be deleted 180 days after completion of the application process. If an applicant is inactive in our applicant pool, we delete the applicant's data at the latest after 180 days after the pool promise, unless the applicant extends his membership in the applicant pool even after we have informed him of the imminent deletion. A video surveillance system is operated to monitor the company premises. The purpose of the video surveillance of the employee/ company parking spaces, the entrances and exits to the company premises, the forecourt of the dispatch department, the entrances for persons as well as the factory roads is the protection of the house right, the protection of the company premises and its facilities, the people and the objects which are on them. This right is fundamentally covered by the householder's right. In addition, the purpose of video surveillance is to increase the sense of security of the people staying at these places, to deter people who are willing to commit vandalism, to prevent crime and to preserve evidence for the effective prosecution and enforcement of criminal and civil claims of both the responsible person and the employees. Video surveillance is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPRand Sections 4, 26 (4) BDSG: exercise the right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access, protection of property, people, objects and facilites located on the company premises; protection against criminal offences; assertion of civil law claims for damages by the controller and his employees; on the basis of a collective agreement in the case of processing personal data of employees. However, it must be assumed that the interest of the person responsible or of a third party in video surveillance does not unduly interfere with the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in particular since the latter are made aware of video surveillance. Video surveillance is necessary and suitable to fulfil the intended purpose and is also the mildest means in this respect. Video surveillance is quite suitable to deter possible disturbers/ perpetrators. The video surveillance is well recognizable for everyone; in addition signs refer to the video surveillance. The video surveillance supplies usable pictures, which support the conversion of the house right or a criminal prosecution. An equally suitable, milder means is not recognizable. If this function were to be performed by security personnel, this would require staff around the clock. Also the use of camera dummies might cause only a comparable deterrence in the short term, since it cannot be excluded that this becomes known. The observation boundary ends at the boundary of the property. The data will be deleted 5 working days after production if not used. When we grant you access to our premises, we need personal information for communication, the provision of information and services, and for the purposes associated with the relationship. Your personal information will be collected either directly from you by the gatekeeper or through your contact person with us. The following data categories can be collected and processed: The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the protection of our legitimate interest on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR: Enforcement of our right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access rights; granting access to the company premises only to authorized visitors; protection of property, people, objects and facilities located on the company premises; protection against criminal offences; assertion of civil law claims for damages by the person responsible and by third parties. Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, visitors to our company premises are asked to fill out a self-disclosure form. In doing so, we collect not only your name and contact data (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number, address) but also health data. We need this data in order to be able to carry out a risk assessment for ac-cess to our company premises and thus for contact with our employees. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 (1) lit. a and Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR, as they have expressly con-sented to the collection of the data. In addition, pro-cessing (e.g. also forwarding to third parties) may be necessary in order to protect your vital interests or those of other natural persons (Art. 6 (1) lit. d GDPR) or be-cause there is a public interest (Art. 9 (2) lit. i GDPR in conjunction with § 22 (1) No. 1 lit. c BDSG). In addition, we could be legally obliged to do so (Art. 6 (1) lit. c and Art. 9 (2) lit. b DS-GVO). The data will be deleted regularly, at the latest by the end of the pandemic. The entrances and exits to the company premises are equipped with barriers and TCP/IP-connected cameras for vehicle license plate recognition. The image capture is triggered by driving over an induction loop embedded in the lane, whereby the vehicle license plate is captured in an image file and read out together with the entry and exit time. Due to the constant observation of a detection area and the repeated short-term image capture, the license plate recognition of motor vehicles could represent video surveillance in the sense of § 4 BDSG. Video surveillance is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR as well as §§ 4, 26 (4) BDSG for the following purposes: exercising the right of domicile; protection of property, people, property and installations located on the company premises; protection against criminal offences; assertion of civil damage claims by the re-sponsible person and his employees; on the basis of a collective agreement in the case of processing personal data of employees. Video surveillance is a suitable means of safeguarding the house right of the controller by giving the controller the opportunity to decide who is allowed to drive on the company premises and/ or who is allowed to use the parking space located there. In addition, license plate recognition can be used for preventive purposes, such as deterrence from committing violations of the law within the traffic area, or for repressive purposes, such as the preservation of evidence for the enforcement of civil law claims by the responsible party. A milder means of achieving the objective is not discernible. The data will be deleted 5 working days after production if not used. Subject of our data processing is your contact data as well as any other personal data required for the provision of our services or communication with you, e.g. information typically contained in order documents and / or public registers, such as commercial registers, or the subject of our correspondence with you. If you have not provided us with your personal data yourself, we have received it from business partners, service providers or cooperation partners for whom you may work as an employee or representative, or have taken the data from publicly accessible sources, such as company websites, participant lists of events or public directories. The purpose of the data processing is Legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR when it comes to the fulfilment of contracts with or orders by individuals (natural persons) with whom we have business relationships. In all other cases, we have legitimate interest in the processing of personal data pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in order to be able to guarantee smooth business processes and order processing. In addition, data processing may also be required by law (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR). Each of our employees or all employees of service providers who have or may have access to personal data in the course of their work are obliged to treat this data confidentially. Your personal data will be deleted after termination of the contractual or business relationship or other contact and insofar as the data is no longer required for the fulfilment of contractual or statutory obligations or the legitimate interests stated in this data protection declaration. Within the group of companies, we transfer your personal data to group companies as required - see Section I. Otherwise, we transfer your personal data only on the basis of statutory regulations or if you have given us your consent to do so. When the SWAP app is downloaded, the required information is transmitted to the respective App Store, in particular user name, email address, customer number at the App Store and the individual device ID. We have no influence on this data processing. The operator of the respective App Store is responsible for this. We only process the data required to operate the app on your device. The processing of the IP address is a technical precondition for the use of the app. The provider commissioned by us automatically collects and stores information in so-called server/ app log files, which your browser/ app transmits to us. These are: In order to continually optimize this service, your access data will be evaluated anonymously for statistical purposes. In addition, the processing serves to ensure the proper operation of the app, in particular the correction of errors. These data are not merged with other data sources. Basis for the data processing is the protection of our legitimate interests according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Personal data will not be passed on to third parties. We commission service providers, so-called processors, to maintain and service the app software. These service providers are contractually obliged to comply with the provisions of data protection law and are not considered third parties within the meaning of data protection law. All contents of the app are stored in the content management system of Staffbase GmbH, Germany, and hosted by the external providers 1&1 IONOS Cloud GmbH, Germany, and SysEleven GmbH, Germany. Both companies are ISO 27001 certified. The provision of media (images, video, files) within our app (Content Delivery Network) is carried out via a network of regionally distributed servers of Amazon Web Services Inc., US, which are connected via the Internet and may be located in the US and other third countries. This data processing by Amazon Web Services Inc. is carried out on the basis of suitable guarantees in accordance with Art. 46 Para. 2 DSGVO, specifically on the basis of the Privacy Shield certification acquired from Amazon Inc. and EU standard data protection clauses. As an external tool we have integrated Google Maps. For more information please refer to Part II.4. Our app uses a tracking toll to track the general usage behaviour of all users, but does not use cookies. The public area of the app can be used without registra-tion and login. The public area contains public infor-mation/ news of the Scheidt & Bachmann Group as well as links to further offers. The app enables the provision of internal and external company information/ news as well as links for employees, shareholders and corporate bodies of the Scheidt & Bachmann Group and, in individual cases, third parties who have been given the opportunity to register in the swap app by the controller (hereinafter referred to as the "User"). Thus, information from the intranet can also be made available outside the office. The swap-app represents a flexible communication platform that can be individually adjusted to the respective information needs of the User. The data is used for authentication checks, for displaying the User's comments/ likes, for listing in the employee directory of the swap-app and for communication between Users and with us. The basis for data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), and if applicable in conjunction with § 26 Para. 2 BDSG. In principle, employees and employers have an equal interest in the provision of company information and communication on privately used terminal equipment. The information required for the performance of the employment relationship is provided to the employee in parallel via company communication channels. The voluntariness of the consent to data processing required for the use of the services is therefore given. The User can revoke this consent at any time. The email address used and the profile picture, if any, will be deleted from the database of the system. The data will then be backed up for another 30 days. Content created by the User is anonymized. The contents created by the User (in particular texts, images, graphics, audio files, video files, links) remain without link on the now no longer existing user profile. At the request of the User, these created contents are deleted by the administrator. After downloading the app from the app store you have to register to use it. This requires an e-mail address, your first and last name and a password of your choice. Optionally, a photo as a profile picture as well as futher personal details can also be stored as a profile picture. This data is stored on the servers hosted for us as long as the user account exists and can be viewed by others users of the app. If the account is deleted, the data will also be deleted. When you use the app, servers temporarily record the IP address of your device and other technical features, such as the requested content. There is no way to participate anonymously in the content of the app. The name is visible in all activities. Every User who posts content to the app (e.g. chat messages, comments or likes) is saved as the associated author of the content (name, first name, time, profile picture if applicable) and is visible to all other Users. This information will be kept for the lifetime of the app, except the respective content or the user account will be deleted by the User himself or by the app administrator. If a post is only read, this is only registered anonymously by the app and cannot be evaluated via the app on a personal basis. Posts, e.g. comments made by the User himself and which are not anonymous, can only be evaluated for statistical purposes (e.g. number of comments/ likes on an article, number of active Users, last activity and newest comments of the User, most popular articles). The number of logins are stored by the app for maintenance purposes and security measures. The technical possibilities of the app to anonymously evaluate the usage behavior serve the purpose to improve the offered content of the app. The app provides limited access to the contents of the Scheidt & Bachmann intranet, such as the S&B telephone directory. As an external tool we have integrated Google Maps. For more information please refer to Part II.4. To be able to use the app on your device to its full extent, the app must be able to access various functions and data of the device. This requires that certain permissions are granted. The permission categories can vary depending on the manufacturer of the device, so Android combines individual permissions into permission categories and you can only agree to permission categories as a whole. If you disagree, it is possible that not all functions of the app are available. If you have granted us permission, we will use access to the camera and the photos/ videos of the device to upload them to the app. This access must be initially confirmed by the User. are messages that are sent from the app to the device, where they are prioritized and displayed. When delivered, the app uses push notifications, provided you agreed to them when installing the app or the first time you used it. The device ID is processed for this. You can deactivate the receipt of push notifications in the settings of your device or within the user account at any time. In order to make the app as user-friendly as possible, we analyse your usage behaviour anonymously or pseudonymised. Within the limits of legal regulations, we or companies contracted by us to process data are able to create user profiles. A direct conclusion to an individual Uuser of the app is not possible. The app offers a translation service, which is technically implemented by Microsoft Corporation. Only data that you have entered as text or sound for translation will be processed. This data will only be stored temporarily for the purpose of performing the translation, data are not written to persistent storage. There will be no record of the submitted text, or portion thereof, in any Microsoft data center. The audio and text will not be used for training purposes either. Micrososft Corporation is certified under the US-European “Privacy Shield” data protection agreement We use technical and organisational security measures to adequately protect your personal data managed by us against accidental or intentional manipulation loss, destruction or against access by unauthorised persons. This Data Protection Declaration is dated as of Februrary 2020 and is effective for as long as no updated version replaces it. Due to the further development of our website or the implementation of new technologies, it may become necessary to change this Data Protection Declaration. We reserve the right to change the Data Protection Declaration at any time with effect for the future. We recommend that you re-read the current Data Protection Statement from time to time. according to Art. 21 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) You have the right at any time to object to personal data relating to you being processed based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR on grounds relating to your particular situation (data processing based on a balancing of interests); this also applies to any profiling based on this provision as defined by Art. 4 No. 4 GDPR. If you file an objection, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we can prove compelling, legitimate grounds for processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing serves the enforcement, exercise or defence of legal rights. In individual cases, we process your personal data for the purpose of direct advertising. You have the right at any time to object to the processing of personal data relating to you for the purpose of such advertising; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is has to do with such direct advertising. If you object to the processing of data for the purpose of direct advertising, we will no longer process your personal data for this purpose. There are no particular formal requirements for filing the objection; if possible it should be sent to the contacts specified above in clauses 1 and 2 under Part I – General of this data protection notice. di| li|Data privacy IT service providers Group companies Google Inc. - Group companies in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russia, Switzer-land, Tunisia, Israel, USA and Canada Session ID Timestamp IP address Browser type/ version Operating system used and resolution Previously visited website Time and frequency of server request Identification data such as surname, first name, company, license plate number, special authorizations (for truck drivers) to identify you as an authorized visitor, Addresses and contact data such as postal address, e-mail addresses, telephone number and, if applicable, organizational data such as company, department, function, in order to be able to contact you if, for example, questions need to be clarified, information needs to be exchanged, appointments need to be made or access to the Internet is set up for you. Time recording, e.g. on company premises or for the provision of services in order to be able to bill services. IP address and voucher code if a temporary access to the Internet via LAN (local aera network) or WLAN (wireless local aera network) has been set up for you as a visitor via a captive portal. Video/image data, e.g. for monitoring the publicly accessible areas of the company premises and certain areas on the company premises, in order to monitor our domestic rights and to secure our property and that of third parties. to enter into or perform orders, contracts and other business relationships (including the execution of purchase orders, deliveries or payments) or to prepare or respond to requests for quotations and to determine the terms of the contractual relationship with our business partners, service providers or cooperation partners for whom you may be acting as an agent or employee; for internal administrative purposes (e.g. accounting); for the purpose of anti-terrorism and sanctions list screening, if any; to conduct court and official proceedings and/ or for the purpose of asserting/ exercising and defending against legal claims nationally and abroad; to send you our customer information to the extent relevant to your business activities, such as newsletters with references to current topics and events; for other communication purposes; to ensure the IT security and IT operation of our company; the use of service providers (e.g. external IT service providers) who support our business processes; to plan and conduct events to which you are invited, including reporting on such events on our website or intranet, which may include publishing images and video material on the internet or intranet where you are featured. Browser type and browser version used operating system the origin page, if your browser transmits it time of the server request anonymised IP address st|How we handle your data and your rights – information according to Art. 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 1. Responsibility for data processing 2. Data Protection Officer: 3. Which data do we process and from what sources? 4. For what purpose do we process your data and on what legal basis? 5. Who receives my data? 6. Transfer of personal data to third countries 7. Storage of data 8. Your rights 1. Cookies 2. Automatic collection of access data/ server log files 3. Google Analytics 4. Google Maps 5. YouTube 6. Contact 7. Newsletter 8. Job vacancies 9. Surveys 10. Data area 11. Online applicant portal 1. Video surveillance 2. Access to the company premises 3. Voluntary self-disclosure due to Covid-19 virus 4. License plate recognition 1. General 2. Services without login 3. Services with login When registering in the app When using the app Permissions Push notifications Evaluation of usage behaviour Translation service 1. Security 12. Validity and timeliness of the data protection declaration Information on your right to object Parking h1|Privacy Policy h2|Language Menu h5|Content h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann ist erneut nach dem Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) zertifiziert worden. Mit dem neuen Zertifikat, das der... Die bei unseren Kunden eingesetzten Geräte zur Banknotenannahme benötigen einen neuen Notensatz, der die neue Zwanzig-Euro-Note enthält. Nur durch... Erstmalig kann das Parkticket am Automaten mit dem kontaktlosen Bezahlsystem girogo bezahlt werden – schnell, bequem und sicher. Mit dieser Lösung... City-Besucher und Bahnreisende können nun einen Stellplatz für ihr Auto in der Tiefgarage am Hauptbahnhof Frankfurt (Main) online reservieren. Der... Scheidt & Bachmann hat sich mit dem Business-Intelligence-Technologie-Unternehmen Park Assist® zusammengetan, um Kunden mehr Komfort beim Parken zu... Im Rahmen der Transport Ticketing Konferenz in London wurde der Metrobetreiber Nexus zusammen mit den Hauptvertragspartnern Scheidt & Bachmann und... Das Mönchengladbacher Nahverkehrsunternehmen NEW mobil und aktiv Mönchengladbach GmbH – ein Unternehmen der NEW-Gruppe – hat sich im Rahmen einer... Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann konnte im Dezember 2014 seine erste Installation auf den Philippinen erfolgreich durchführen. In der Hauptstadt... Scheidt & Bachmann freut sich bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass mit sofortiger Wirkung Andreas Gans zum Geschäftsführer der System Service GmbH ernannt... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Tankstellen « ... pa|Scheidt & Bachmann, Nexus and Ecebs awarded Best Smart Card Ticketing Service The Tyne and Wear Metro’s smartcard ticketing system has been voted the... 2015 marks an important milestone for Scheidt & Bachmann USA as it celebrates two decades of continued growth in the U.S. Market. The company was... As part of a European tender the transport company NEW Mönchengladbach GmbH - a company of the NEW group - has chosen Scheidt & Bachmann as a new... December 2014 saw the system integrator Scheidt & Bachmann successfully install its petrol station retail systems into the Philippines. Scheidt &... Scheidt & Bachmann is pleased to announce that it has appointed Andreas Gans with immediate effect as Managing Director of Scheidt & Bachmann System... di|- - - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... Fare-Collection-Systems Corporate Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH has localized its leading European Petrol Station Management System TMS 30 POS & BOS for Romania. Together with the HOS... di|- li|Archive st|Parking h1|News archive h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Fuel-Retail-Solutions pa|Es tut sich was in puncto smarte Bezahlmöglichkeit. Neben dem Bezahldienst von Google Pay haben einige Banken und Sparkassen in Deutschland ihr... Autofahrer sollen mit einer Chipkarte berührungslos in Parkhäuser ein- und ausfahren, bargeldlos bezahlen können und über eine Online-Plattform... Vom 15. bis 17. Mai fand die internationale Fachmesse UNITI expo in Stuttgart statt. Am Abend des zweiten Messetags hatte Scheidt & Bachmann zu seiner... PARK ONE und Scheidt & Bachmann haben ein Pilotprojekt gestartet und begeistern die Autofahrer – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Unser eJournal bietet Ihnen spannende Einblicke in innovative Projekte und Themen rund um den öffentlichen Verkehr. In unseren stellen... In diesem Jahr haben wir den Fokus auf cloud-basierte leichtgewichtige Lösungen für das Tankstellen-Management gesetzt. Wir präsentierten unsere neue... Mit dem Launch von APCOA FLOW hat der Experte für Parkraumbewirtschaftung einen wichtigen Meilenstein bei der Digitalisierung der Parkhäuser erreicht.... Wir freuen uns bekanntzugeben, dass die European Parking Association unseren Geschäftsführer, Martin Kammler, zum Direktor der neu gegründeten... In den kommenden Jahren plant Shell sein Tankstellennetz mit zukunftsweisenden Systemen auszurüsten. Scheidt & Bachmann hat sich nach eingehender... Wir hatten eine fantastische Zeit mit produktiven Ergebnissen bei den Fare Collection/Revenue Management & TransITech Konferenzen in Jacksonville,... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement « ... ... » bo|Best Practices pa|Under the slogan "Shaping the future of mobility" Scheidt & Bachmann presents their latest ticketing solutions for public transport at InnoTrans 2018.... Scheidt & Bachmann would like to announce that Hemchand Sukhra has accepted the position of Director of Technology for the parking division of Scheidt... A lot is happening with regard to payment options. Apart from the Google Pay payment service, a number of banks in Germany have expanded their payment... We are incredibly proud of the order we received from the city of Luxembourg! The city has the ambition to elevate city parking to a higher level and... Drivers should be able to enter and exit car parks contactless by using a chip card, pay cashless and be informed about available parking spaces via... Working in close collaboration with Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, MAG IT and 3C Payments, the Forecourt Management project went live at 00:01 on 10th July... The international trade fair UNITI expo took place in Stuttgart from 15 to 17 May. On the evening of the second day of the fair Scheidt & Bachmann... Scheidt & Bachmann announces that Jim Blanden has taken over the position of Director of Sales of the parking division of the subsidiary Scheidt &... PARK ONE and Scheidt & Bachmann have launched a pilot project that motorists are truly enthusiastic about. Scheidt & Bachmann’s eJournal offers you exciting insights into innovative projects and topics all around the public transport industry. Innovation... di|- - - - - Created by Jason Barnes MBA, Service Director at Scheidt & Bachmann UK Ltd. | - - - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|At the end of March, the system house Scheidt & Bachmann in collaboration with SITA Airport IT GmbH released its first parking app and made it... 31 Scheidt & Bachmann employees ran in the 69th Devin – Bratislava national race in Bratislava on Sunday 10th of April 2016. This race is considered... Our new image movie had its world premiere during the Intertraffic 2016 in Amsterdam. Let us take you on a journey through the world of parking. For several weeks Scheidt & Bachmann has released its latest generation of control devices called entrvo.entry / entervo.exit. With a few pilot... Scheidt & Bachmann manages the parking at the airports in Rome. At the international airports in Rome – Fiumicino and Ciampino (Aeroporti di Roma –... The system house Scheidt & Bachmann and the Portuguese company RESOPARK have entered into a partnership as of the 1st of January 2016. RESOPARK is... At this year’s IT-Trans, Scheidt & Bachmann will be demonstrating its most up-to date ticketing solutions for public transport at stand #D3, from the... At this year’s IT-Trans, Scheidt & Bachmann will be demonstrating their most up-to date ticketing solutions for public transport at stand #D3, from... With about 500 employees Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko s.r.o. in Žilina is the largest subsidiary of Scheidt & Bachmann. Founded in 1995 it is one of... 2016 is a special year for the Parking Systems business division of Scheidt & Bachmann: for 50 years now the experts from Mönchengladbach have been... di|- - - Read more - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h3|The new image movie parking systems h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Corporate Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|2016 ist ein besonderes Jahr für den Geschäftsbereich Systeme für Parkhausanlagen von Scheidt & Bachmann: Seit 50 Jahren liefern die Experten aus... Scheidt & Bachmann gibt bekannt, dass mit dem 1. Dezember 2015 Henk de Bruin die Position des Director Strategic Business Development übernommen hat.... Die Nordic Rail als die Fachmesse für den Skandinavischen Schienenverkehr war dank der guten Resonanz besonders für Scheidt & Bachmann Sverige ein... Zurückgekehrt von der "Parken 2015" aus Berlin, kann das Scheidt & Bachmann Team einen erfolgreichen Messeauftritt verbuchen. Ein starker... Wie die Zukunft des öV aussieht, diskutierten am 17. September 2015 rund 50 Vertreter von öffentlichen Verkehrsbetrieben aus der ganzen Schweiz. Im... Scheidt & Bachmann freut sich bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass ExxonMobil sich für sein Esso Deutschland Tankstellennetz für Scheidt & Bachmann... Pünktlich zur Ferienzeit wurde das Parkraum-Management-System am Airport Nizza auf den neuesten technischen Stand gebracht. Die erste entervo-Version... Auf der UITP World Exhibition 2015 vom 8. bis 10. Juni 2015 in Mailand drehte sich bei Scheidt & Bachmann auf Stand 4F120 alles um smarte... Scheidt & Bachmann hat eine Lösung entwickelt, mit der Tankstellenbetreiber in England ihre Tankstellen ohne Personal vor Ort betreiben können und... Scheidt & Bachmann gibt bekannt, dass die Firma Schmit Parkeersystemen B.V. mit Sitz in Zoetermeer / Niederlande rückwirkend zum 01.01.2015 als... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Geschäftsbereich Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions « ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann gibt bekannt, dass mit dem 1. April 2016 Henk Domenie die Position des Geschäftsführers bei der Tochtergesellschaft Scheidt &... Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann hat in Zusammenarbeit mit der SITA Airport IT GmbH seine erste Park-App Ende März bei Google Play sowie im App Store... Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko nahm mit 31 Teilnehmern erfolgreich am 69. Nationallauf Devin – Bratislava teil. Der Wettlauf, der am Sonntag, 10. April... Unser neuer Imagefilm hatte während der Intertraffic 2016 in Amsterdam seine Weltpremiere. Gehen Sie mit uns auf eine Reise in die Welt des Parkens. Seit einigen Wochen läuft die Auslieferung der Kontrollgeräte der neuesten Generation – entervo.entry / entrvo.exit. Kleiner und schicker als die... Scheidt & Bachmann managt die Parkplätze an den Flughäfen in Rom. An den internationalen Flughäfen von Rom – Fiumicino und Ciampino (Aeroporti di... Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann und das portugiesische Unternehmen RESOPARK haben zum 01.01.2016 eine Partnerschaft geschlossen. RESOPARK ist der... Auf der diesjährigen IT-Trans, die vom 1. bis 3. März in Karlsruhe stattfindet, stellt Scheidt & Bachmann auf Stand D3 aktuelle Lösungen rund um das... Auf der diesjährigen IT-Trans, die vom 1. bis 3. März in Karlsruhe stattfindet, wird Scheidt & Bachmann auf Stand D3 aktuelle Lösungen rund um das... Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko s.r.o. in Žilina ist mit rund 500 Mitarbeitern das größte Tochterunternehmen von Scheidt & Bachmann. Das im Jahre 1995... di|- - - - Weiterlesen li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h3|Der neue Imagefilm Systeme für Parkhausanlagen h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Unternehmen « ... » di| li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... « ... pa|At the UITP World Congress & Exhibition 2015 in Milan Scheidt & Bachmann focused on smart ticketing systems, which represent intelligent interfaces... Scheidt & Bachmann has a solution that allows service station operators to run their service station without on-site staff whilst at the same time... Scheidt & Bachmann proudly announces that Schmit Parkeersystemen B.V., based in Zoetermeer / Netherlands, joins the Scheidt & Bachmann family as a... Scheidt & Bachmann have again received certification for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The new certification related to the... The equipment used by our customers to accept the new banknote requires different notation formatting. Our equipment will accept the new note if this... For the first time parking tickets can be paid at the automatic pay stations with the girogo contact-free payment system – fast, easy and secure. With... City visitors and train travellers can now reserve a parking space online, for their car, in the basement garage at Railway Station Frankfurt on Main,... Scheidt & Bachmann has partnered with business intelligence technology company, Park Assist®, to provide an efficient parking experience. “We’re happy... Scheidt & Bachmann (UK) Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Fiona Fletcher to the role of Managing Director for Fare Collection Systems. ... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... » pa|One of the world’s largest transportation solutions providers, Scheidt & Bachmann USA, Inc. plans to complete move to Lowell by October 2016. Scheidt & Bachmann recently announced the induction of Henk de Bruin to the role of Director of Strategic Business Development effective on 1st... Scheidt & Bachmann were pleased to be a sponsor for the annual TransCityRail North Dinner, held on 12th November 2015 in Manchester. Lord Andrew... The Nordic Rail trade fair for the Scandinavian rail sector was a rewarding event especially for Scheidt & Bachmann Sverige thanks to the positive... Returning from the "Parken 2015" exhibition in Berlin, the Scheidt & Bachmann team can claim to have had a successful show. The crowds of visitors and... “Next stop – 2020!” – On 17 September 2015, around 50 representatives of public transport operators from all over Switzerland met to discuss the... Scheidt & Bachmann is pleased to announce that ExxonMobil has decided for Scheidt & Bachmann systems for the POS replacement in Germany. In Europe... Scheidt & Bachmann USA recently appointed Joseph Galeas as the Vice President of Operations for the subsidiary’s Parking Division. Galeas will oversee... Just in time for the holiday season, the parking management system at Nice Airport was updated to the latest technical standard. The first entervo... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Corporate Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Division Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... » bo|BURLING... pa|Scheidt & Bachmann wurde erneut nach dem Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) zertifiziert. Das Zertifikat, das der aktuellen... Die Rhätische Bahn (RhB) installiert an ihren Bahnhöfen neue Ticketautomaten des Systemanbieters Scheidt & Bachmann. Die bisherigen Geräte wurden vor... Parktickets können nun ganz bequem mit marktüblichen mobilen Geräten wie Smartphone oder Tablet online rabattiert werden. Die Lösung lässt sich... Von ID-basiertem Ticketing in der Cloud bis zu Managed Services – auf der diesjährigen IT-Trans setzt Scheidt & Bachmann den Fokus klar auf innovative... Dennis Bender, Leiter Software Services bei Scheidt & Bachmann, erklärt die wachsende Bedeutung von Software-Services und wie Verkehrsunternehmen... Auf der diesjährigen IT-Trans, die vom 6. bis 8. März in Karlsruhe stattfindet, wird Scheidt & Bachmann auf Stand E2 den Fokus auf die ID-basierte... Persönliche Beratung während des Ticketkaufs am Automaten – mit der Option, während des Ticketkaufs am Automaten mit einem Mitarbeiter zu sprechen,... Für viele Einkaufszentren ist ein zuverlässiges Parkraum-Management-System ein zentraler Bestandteil des versprochenen, bequemen Shopping-Erlebnisses.... Auf der Transport Ticketing Conference, die vom 23. bis 24. Januar 2018 in London stattfindet, präsentiert Scheidt & Bachmann auf Stand C60 aktuelle... Scheidt & Bachmann feiert das 40-jährige Bestehen seines jüngsten Geschäftsbereichs Systeme für Fahrgeldmanagement. Mit der Gründung im Jahr 1978... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement « ... ... » pa|This year we have focused on cloud-based lightweight fuel retail solutions. We presented our new POS solution SIQMA Mobile POS, which can be started... By launching the new parking service APCOA FLOW, the parking management expert has reached an important milestone in the digitisation of parking... We are delighted to announce that European Parking Association has nominated our Managing Director, Martin Kammler, as a director of the newly founded... In the coming years, Shell plans to equip its petrol station network with future-oriented systems. Following a detailed review process, Scheidt &... We had a fantastic time and highly productive affair at the Fare Collection/Revenue Management & TransITech Conferences in Jacksonville, FL. Thanks to... Scheidt & Bachmann has again received certification for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The certificate, which corresponds to... The Rhaetian Railway (RhB) is installing new ticket machines from system provider Scheidt & Bachmann at its stations. The previous units were put into... Parking tickets can now be conveniently discounted online with standard mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The solution can be... From ID or account-based ticketing in the cloud up to Managed Services – at this year’s IT-Trans in Karlsruhe, Germany, Scheidt & Bachmann focuses on... Dennis Bender, Head of Software Services at Scheidt & Bachmann, explains the increasing importance of Software Services and what’s in it for transport... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann has been awarded a contract to lead the transition of the Dutch Fare Collection System from a card-based system to an Scheidt & Bachmann invests in the future. With the relocation of Scheidt & Bachmann France S.A.S into the new and modern offices on 8th June from... We’re taking the next step forward: During the industry’s leading trade fair in... At airports this is a common phenomenon: guests are driven to the airport and the driver stops at the terminal briefly. However, this "brief stop"... With the new brand SIQMA, Scheidt & Bachmann Petrol station systems have combined our extensive experience and technical competence for... When someone drives into a car park anywhere in the world, there is a good chance they will pull a ticket from a parking system made in... Watch our new image movie and learn more about our values and visions, as well as the company's attractiveness as an employer. International PARCS provider Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH partnered with Women In Parking to host an introductory networking event on April 7, 2016 during... Scheidt & Bachmann announces that Henk Domenie has taken over the position of Managing Director of the subsidiary Scheidt & Bachmann Belgium BVBA as... During this year’s Service Station Shop and Carwash exhibition in Brussels Scheidt & Bachmann presented several innovations to the many interested... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... ... » bo|In Moenchengladbach the focus is on intelligent cloud-based systems pa|One of the world’s largest transportation solutions providers, Scheidt & Bachmann USA, Inc. settles into larger facility headquarters in Lowell, MA The year celebrating the 50th anniversary of the parking system business segment of Scheidt & Bachman is gradually drawing to a close. The anniversary... At this year’s InnoTrans, September 20th - 23rd in Berlin, Scheidt & Bachmann demonstrated its most up-to date ticketing solutions for public... Monday, 09.05.2016, Frank Lackner of the INTER ROLLI citizens' initiative from Göttingen visited our company in order to... Numerous French car park operators are opting for entervo by Scheidt & Bachmann: the open system platform for car park management with its universal... On 27 August Scheidt & Bachmann invited students and parents to have a look behind the scenes. Despite temperatures being above 30 degrees more than... Oakland, CA – Oakland International Airport has awarded a contract to Scheidt & Bachmann USA to install and maintain a new Parking... Parking access and revenue control systems provider Scheidt & Bachmann has received the PCI-PADSS 3.1 certification for its entervo Bankcard Payment... In preparation for business growth, Scheidt & Bachmann USA recently announced the appointment of an Executive Vice President to oversee daily... One of Austria's biggest parking facilities has been opened at the Vienna trade fair centre Messe Wien. For more than 150,000 visitors a year, the... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Corporate Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » bo|Mobility despite Handicap pa|Zahlreiche französische Parkhausbetreiber setzen auf entervo von Scheidt & Bachmann: Die offene System-Plattform für Parkraum-Management mit seinen... Am 27.08. lud Scheidt & Bachmann erneut Schüler und Eltern zum Tag der Ausbildung ein. Trotz Temperaturen jenseits der 30° Grad Marke haben sich mehr... Auf dem Gelände der Messe Wien ist eine der größten Parkanlagen Österreichs in Betrieb gegangen. Für mehr als hundertfünfzigtausend Besucher jährlich... Scheidt & Bachmann hat den Auftrag erhalten, das niederländische Fahrgeldmanagementsystem von einem kartenbasierten zu einem zu... Scheidt & Bachmann investiert weiter in die Zukunft. Durch den Umzug des Teams von Scheidt & Bachmann France S.A.S am 08. Juni 2016 vom alten Standort... Wir machen den nächsten (Fort)Schritt: Während der Branchenleitmesse UNITI expo... An Flughäfen ist es ein alltägliches Bild: Der Gast wird zum Flughafen gebracht, und zum Aussteigen wird mal eben kurz am Terminal gehalten. Meistens... Mit der neuen Marke SIQMA, kombinieren wir, der Geschäftsbereich Scheidt & Bachmann Systeme für Tankstellen, unsere langjährige Erfahrung und... Wer irgendwo in dieser Welt in ein Parkhaus fährt, hat gute Chancen, sein Ticket an einem Parkscheinautomaten aus Mönchengladbach zu ziehen. Der... Sehen Sie hier unsere neuen Imagefilme und erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Werte und Visionen, sowie die Attraktivität des Unternehmens als... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Unternehmen « ... ... » bo|In Mönchengladbach setzt man auf intelligente, cloudbasierte Systeme di| li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... « ... di| li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... « ... pa|Luas Cross City, ein Entwicklungsprojekt von Dublins integriertem Stadtbahnnetzwerk, wurde am 9. Dezember 2017 feierlich in Betrieb genommen. Es... In East Anglia, England, können Fahrgäste, die während des Ticketkaufs eine Frage haben, ab sofort einen Ticketverkäufer kontaktieren, der sie bei der... Porsche bleibt enger strategischer Partner Am Montag, dem 4. Dezember 2017, fand in Berlin die Nationale Bestenehrung 2017 statt. Bei dieser Ehrung würdigt die IHK-Organisation im Maritim... Das Systemhaus gibt die Partnerschaft mit der neu gegründeten Scheidt & Bachmann Africa bekannt. Am 9. November 2017 fand die IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2017 in der Mercatorhalle in Duisburg statt. Bei dieser Ehrung werden traditionell die... OC Transpo, der Verkehrsbetreiber in Ottawa, Kanada, hat im November an vier Stationen der O-Train Trillium Line neue Fare Gates und Ticketautomaten... Im Rahmen des Projektes „Junior-Akademie“ besuchte im Zeitraum vom 07. bis zum 23. November, an insgesamt vier Terminen, ein Kurs von 20 Schülern des... Die ersten Geräte der neuen Systemgeneration SIQMA CRID beweisen sich derzeit im Pilotbetrieb bei Aral in Luxemburg. Auch in diesem Jahr hat Scheidt & Bachmann seine Produkte und Lösungen für den Bereich Freizeitanlagen auf der FSB 2017, der Fachmesse für Freiraum,... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Personalwesen Systeme-für-Tankstellen Access-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Impark and Scheidt & Bachmann discussed the latest technology trends in the parking industry. Our aligned focus on end-user and operational... At this year’s IT-Trans on stand E2, Scheidt & Bachmann will focus on account-based ticketing technology. From 6 to 8 March, 2018, the company... Giving rail passengers the ability to connect to a real person to get help when using ticket machines has led to an award nomination for Greater... For many shopping malls, a reliable parking management system that caters to different customer preferences is a core part of the promised experience.... At the Transport Ticketing Conference, to be held in London from January 23rd to 24th 2018, Scheidt & Bachmann will be presenting current solutions... In 2018, Scheidt & Bachmann is celebrating the 40 anniversary of its youngest business unit: Fare collection systems. Founded in 1978, the company... Luas Cross City, the next phase of Dublin’s integrated light rail network, has been launched on December 9, extending the existing Green Line through... Rail passengers in East Anglia who have a query while using a ticket machine can now press a button which will put them straight through to a real... Porsche remains a close strategic partner On December 4, the National Awards Ceremony 2017 was held in Berlin. In this honouring ceremony in the Maritim Hotel Berlin, the IHK organisation... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Human-Resources « ... ... » pa|The growing number of employees of Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko caused that the firm`s premises are insufficient for current amount of employees.... With the launch of what is now its third check-out app, Scheidt & Bachmann has established itself as the partner of choice among municipal operators... Scheidt & Bachmann together in cooperation with partners evopark and APAG now offers a new online parking system for ticket sales online and onsite... In collaboration with municipal car park authorities, system provider Scheidt & Bachmann has launched the payment app “heidelberg PARKEN”. The free... In 2016, around 75,000 young people completed their vocational training in 130 IHK professions in North Rhine-Westphalia. 265 of them finished with... During the Autocomplex, which took place in Moscow from 1 to 3 November 2016, our new SIQMA product brand was launched in the Russian market. We’re taking the next step forward: During the tankstation vakbeurs at Expo Houten, The Netherlands, Scheidt & Bachmann will showcase the latest... Scheidt & Bachmann wishes to announce that as of January 1, 2017, Henk Domenie will take up the position of Managing Director at its Scheidt &... In addition to an optically modern and user-friendly interface and a structure tailored to our target groups, the main focus of the redesign is the... Scheidt & Bachman USA recently hired industry professional Graham Haldeman as Account Manager over the Mid-Atlantic region to lead the efforts in... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Mit dem Launch der bereits dritten „Check-out App“ hat sich Scheidt & Bachmann als der Partner für Lösungen rund um das digitale Parken bei den... Für den Parkplatzbewirtschafter PPG Nordpark liefert Scheidt & Bachmann zusammen mit den Kooperationspartnern evopark und APAG ein neuartiges... Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann hat in Zusammenarbeit mit den Stadtwerken Heidelberg Garagen die Bezahl-App „heidelberg PARKEN“ veröffentlicht. Die... In Nordrhein-Westfalen haben 2016 rund 75.000 junge Menschen in 130 IHK-Berufen ihre Berufsausbildung absolviert. 265 von ihnen haben diese mit der... Während der Autocomplex, die vom 01.-03.11.2016 in Moskau stattfand, wurde die neue Produktmarke SIQMA im russischen Markt gelauncht. Scheidt & Bachmann gibt bekannt, dass mit dem 1. Januar 2017 Henk Domenie die Position des Geschäftsführers bei der Tochtergesellschaft Scheidt &... Schwerpunkte der Neugestaltung sind neben einer optisch modernen und benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche und einer auf unsere Zielgruppen... Das Jubiläumsjahr zum 50. Jahrestag des Geschäftsbereiches Systeme für Parkhausanlagen von Scheidt & Bachmann neigt sich langsam dem Ende. Auf... Vom 20. bis 23. September 2016 präsentierte Scheidt & Bachmann auf der InnoTrans in Berlin neue rund um das Ticketing im... Am Montag, den 05.09.2016, besuchte Frank Lackner von der INTERROLLI Bürgerinitiative aus Göttingen unser Unternehmen, um... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Systeme-für-Tankstellen Parking-Solutions Unternehmen Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Unternehmen « ... ... » bo|Mobilität trotz Handicap pa|Unsere (Point-to-Point Encryption, Punkt-zu-Punkt-Verschlüsselung) bietet höchste Datensicherheit bei bargeldlosen Zahlungstransaktionen.... Parkraum-Management-Systeme von Scheidt & Bachmann werden in Afrika zunehmend bekannter und etablieren sich zu einem vertrauten Anblick. Das Nairobi... Zu den neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich Fahrgeldmanagement lesen Sie bitte unseren neuen INSIDER. Scheidt & Bachmann hat seit den Anfängen im Bereich Fahrgeldmanagement vor rund 40 Jahren eine große Entwicklung vom Fahrscheinautomatenhersteller... Durch ihre gemeinsame Präsenz auf der EXPO REAL unterstreichen Scheidt & Bachmann und APCOA PARKING Deutschland GmbH ihre strategische,... Bereits in den letzten Jahren wurde der „Tag der Ausbildung“ bei Scheidt & Bachmann gut besucht. In diesem Jahr, am 09. September wurde ein neuer... Am 11. und 12. September veranstaltete Scheidt & Bachmann zum zweiten Mal sein Experts Panel in Mönchengladbach. Unter dem Motto „Tankstelle 4.0 –... Der Bielefelder Verkehrsdienstleister moBiel hat erfolgreich mit der Installation von rund 100 neuen Ticketautomaten begonnen. Die neuen Geräte vom... , die nächste Generation unserer leistungsstarken Hintergrundsysteme, wurde erfolgreich in den Markt eingeführt: Der niederländische... Die russische Trassa Gruppe hat sich erneut für die Tankstellen-Management-Systeme von Scheidt & Bachmann entschieden und setzt damit die langjährige... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Tankstellen « ... ... » bo|P2PE- Lösung pa|The system provider announces a close cooperation with the newly established Scheidt & Bachmann Africa. On 9 November 2017, the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg hosted the IHK state award ceremony NRW 2017. In this honouring ceremony, the best of the 16... OC Transpo, the public transit service provider in Ottawa, Canada, launched new fare gates and ticket machines, supplied by Scheidt & Bachmann, at... As part of the "Junior Academy" project, a course of 20 pupils from the Math.-Nat. secondary school visited our company from November 7 to 23 on... Scheidt & Bachmann (UK) Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Cavanagh to the role of Interim Managing Director for Fare Collection... The first devices of the new system generation SIQMA CRID are currently proving themselves in pilot operation at Aral in Luxembourg. This year, Scheidt & Bachmann once again presented its access system products and solutions at FSB 2017, the Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and... By removing sensitive cardholder data from the merchant's in-store environment our PCI certified Point-To-Point Encryption ( ) solution is designed... Scheidt & Bachmann products are becoming a familiar parking system fixture in Africa. The Nairobi Hospital, one of the region’s leading hospitals, is... Please read our new INSIDER containing the latest development of Fare Collection Management. di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Access-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » bo|P2PE pa|Scheidt & Bachmann Parkeersystemen B.V. received the Gold Distributer status as partner for CALE Access. We already carried the title of exclusive... Two market leading solution providers in parking bundled their strength to deliver and service state-of-the-art off-street parking solutions in... Parking Systems vendor Scheidt & Bachmann entered into a partnership with Vigatec on January 1st, 2017. The company will now be the exclusive vendor... "Why should business companies compete only in market or HR fields?" This question floats in minds of sports fans, employees, managers and company... Scheidt & Bachmann continues on its expansionist course and has announced the establishment of a new subsidiary, Scheidt & Bachmann Norge AS. Discover our solution for 24/7 customer service right at your ticket vending machines at this year’s Transport Ticketing Global on January 24 and 25 Scheidt & Bachmann and CALE have extended their existing partnership per January,1 2017 by signing an exclusive authorised dealer agreement on. Scheidt & Bachmann has established an energy management system according to ISO 50001 for all sites in Germany and an environmental management system... Scheidt & Bachmann announces that as of 1 January 2017 Sergio González Delgado will be taking up the position of General Director of its subsidiary... Meet us from January 24 to 25 2017 at the Transport Ticketing Global in London. Gain an insight into our innovative ticketing technology and join... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|Cale Systems hat in Toronto, Kanada, drei Hotels mit Parkraum-Management-Lösungen von Scheidt & Bachmann ausgestattet. Die Projekte belegen, dass... Scheidt & Bachmann Parkeersystemen B.V. wurde mit dem Gold Status als Vertriebspartner von Cale Access, Schweden, ausgezeichnet. Bereits seit vielen... Beide Unternehmen gehören mit ihren innovativen Produkten zu den Marktführern und orientieren sich am technologischen Fortschritt. Cale Systems ist... Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann und Vigatec haben zum 01.01.2017 eine Partnerschaft geschlossen. Das Unternehmen wird nun exklusiv Produkte und... ‘‘Warum sollten Unternehmen nur im Markt- oder HR-Bereich konkurrieren?" Diese Frage beschäftigte neben Sportfans auch Mitarbeiter und Unternehmer,... Scheidt & Bachmann ist weiter auf Expansionskurs und gibt die Neugründung seiner Tochtergesellschaft Scheidt & Bachmann Norge AS bekannt. Mit der Unterzeichnung einer exklusiven Vertragshändlervereinbarung haben Scheidt & Bachmann und CALE die bestehende partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit... Scheidt & Bachmann hat für alle Standorte in Deutschland ein Energiemanagementsystem nach ISO 50001 und am Standort Mönchengladbach ein... Scheidt & Bachmann gibt bekannt, dass mit dem 1. Januar 2017 Sergio González Delgado die Position des Geschäftsführers bei der Tochtergesellschaft... Der ansteigenden Anzahl an Mitarbeitern Scheidt & Bachmanns in der Slowakei ist es zu verdanken, dass die aktuellen Büroräumlichkeiten nicht mehr... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Personalwesen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Unternehmen Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Q-Park, einer der führenden, international agierenden Parking Operator, hat erneut sein Vertrauen in Produkte von Scheidt & Bachmann bekräftigt: In... Als im Jahr 1998 am Flughafen Beirut, Libanon das erste Parkraum-Management-System von Scheidt & Bachmann installiert wurde, startet eine... Scheidt & Bachmann hat gemeinsam mit der Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH als Technologiepartner das neue Shell SmartPay mobile Bezahlen realisiert und in... Auch in diesem Jahr nahmen wir wieder an der „Tankstelle & Mittelstand“ in Münster teil. Die wichtigste Branchenmesse für den deutschen... Erleben Sie FareGo Cloud, die nächste Evolutionsstufe für das Ticketing im öffentlichen Personenverkehr. Mit unserer neuen, plattformbasierte Lösung... Scheidt & Bachmann USA, Anbieter ganzheitlicher Lösungen im Bereich des Parkraum-Managements, hat den Branchenexperten Bruce Stowell zur Überwachung... Scheidt & Bachmann setzt einen weiteren Meilenstein im Ausbau der Marktführerschaft im israelischen Markt. Durch den Gewinn der Ausschreibung des... Scheidt & Bachmann ist weltweit bekannt für guten Service und eine hohe Verfügbarkeit der installierten Systeme. Einhergehend mit dem Wandel zur... Zu den neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich Fahrgeldmanagement lesen Sie bitte unseren neuen INSIDER. Scheidt & Bachmann setzt im Bereich Smart Parking Solutions Akzente: Wenn am 1. und 2. Juli 2017 von Düsseldorf aus die Tour de France „Fahrt... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Tankstellen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Over the last 40 years, since the Fare Collection Systems division was established, Scheidt & Bachmann have developed from a manufacturing company who... With their joint appearance at EXPO REAL, Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and APCOA PARKING Deutschland GmbH reinforced their cooperative partnership. In recent years the training day at Scheidt & Bachmann has already been visited very well, but on September 9 this year nearly 200 interested... Scheidt & Bachmann organized the second Experts Panel in Moenchengladbach on 11 and 12 September. Under the motto "Petrol station 4.0 - digitization... moBiel, the provider of public transport services in Bielefeld, Germany, has successfully started the installation of around 100 new ticket vending... , the next generation of our powerful back-office system has successfully been introduced into the market: Dutch system operator The Russian Trassa Group has once again chosen Scheidt & Bachmann's petrol station management systems, continuing the long-term partnership with... Once again Q-Park, one of the leading international active parking operators, showed their trust in Scheidt & Bachmann products with the order of... An exemplary success story of partnership-based cooperation began in 1998, when Scheidt & Bachmann's first parking management system was installed at... Scheidt & Bachmann, together with Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, has implemented the new Shell SmartPay mobile payment as a technology partner and... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... ... » pa|The UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Montreal is over and Scheidt & Bachmann looks back on a really successful exhibition. A highlight on this... Translink is an association of Dutch public transport operators and operates the national smart card system “OV-chipkaart”. With over two billion... Scheidt & Bachmann have again received certification for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The new certification related to the... The Scheidt & Bachmann UK team can now look back on a successful Parkex trade fair. This followed on our success in winning the Innovation Trail. The... System vendor Scheidt & Bachmann entered into partnership with AutoSistemas on January 1st, 2017. This means that AutoSistemas will now be offering... Scheidt & Bachmann fully commits to the Norwegian Parking Market and gets with Bjørn Kaland an experienced manager and parking expert on board.... Visit Scheidt & Bachmann at the UITP Global Public Transport Summit from 15 to 17 May, 2017 in Montréal and experience our latest developments in... The Innovation Trail is presented by the British Parking Association (BPA) at the Parkex trade show, taking place in Birmingham (UK). Among a variety... Scheidt & Bachmann has evolved the local student programme "U-Pass" of Pittsburgh’s transportation service provider from manual handling to fully... Cale Systems installed three brand new Scheidt & Bachmann hotel parking solutions in Toronto. The projects proof that state-of-the-art technology is... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Auch dieses Jahr hat Scheidt & Bachmann wieder erfolgreich am alljährlichen STADTRADELN teilgenommen, um den Radverkehrsanteil zu steigern und einen... Der UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Montreal ist vorüber und Scheidt & Bachmann schaut auf einen erfolgreichen Messeauftritt zurück. Ein... Translink ist ein Zusammenschluss niederländischer Transportdienstleister und Betreiber des nationalen Smart-Card-Systems „OV-chipkaart“. Mit über 2... Scheidt & Bachmann wurde erneut nach dem Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) zertifiziert. Mit dem neuen Zertifikat, das der... Das Team von Scheidt & Bachmann UK kann auf erfolgreiche Messetage während der Parkex zurückblicken: Ein besonderer Erfolg war bereits der Gewinn des... Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann und AutoSistemas haben zum 01.01.2017 eine Partnerschaft geschlossen. Damit wird AutoSistemas Produkte und Services... Jung - aber trotzdem voller Power: Die neue Tochtergesellschaft Scheidt & Bachmann Norwegen holt sich einen erfahrenen Manager an Bord. Scheidt &... Besuchen Sie Scheidt & Bachmann vom 15. bis 17. Mai 2017 auf dem UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Montréal. Auf unserem Stand #2C117... Der Innovation Trail wird von der British Parking Association (BPA) auf der Messe Parkex, die vom 4. bis 6. April 2017 in Birmingham (UK) stattfindet,... Der Transportdienstleister der Stadt Pittsburgh bietet den Angehörigen der ansässigen Universitäten mit dem U-Pass-Programm eine attraktive... di|- - - - li|News h1|Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « ... ... » Personalwesen Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Parking-Solutions Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement « ... ... » pa|Once again this year we took part in the trade fair “Tankstelle & Mittelstand” (“Petrol Stations & SMEs”) in Münster. The most important trade fair... On 6 July Scheidt & Bachmann invited key figures from the fuel retail market and major oil companies to join the first “Experts’ Panel UK” at The... Join the FareGo Cloud and enter the next age of public transportation. Our new platform-based solution redefines ticketing in public transport: The... Parking solutions provider Scheidt & Bachman USA recently hired industry professional Bruce Stowell to oversee all operations activity within the US.... Scheidt & Bachmann sets another milestone in expanding the market leadership in Israeli market. By winning the tender of Ben Gurion Airport and the... Scheidt & Bachmann is known worldwide for its good service and the high availability for the systems it installs. The significance of IT Services is... Please read our new INSIDER containing the latest development of Fare Collection Management. Scheidt & Bachmann sets new standards in Smart Parking Solutions: When the Tour de France takes off on 1 and 2 July 2017, the smart Event Parking... On Thursday 22 June, 2017, a UK-wide failure of TVMs to accept credit card payments affected most of our UK customers and their clients during the... Once again, Scheidt & Bachmann participated in the annual STADTRADELN, an event which promotes positive contribution to climate protection and... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources « ... ... » pa|Der Erfolg von Scheidt & Bachmann als Weltmarktführer in den vier Geschäftsbereichen Parking Solutions, Signalling Systems, Fare Collection Systems und Fuel Retail Solutions basiert im Wesentlichen auf dem großen Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter. Wir fördern diese Motivation durch ausgezeichnete Ausbildungs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten, transparente Strukturen und flache Hierarchien und ermöglichen unseren Mitarbeitern so Freiräume für interessante Ideen und deren Umsetzung. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere engagierten Mitarbeiter Scheidt & Bachmann ist beim Girls' Day dabei! Der Girls' Day gibt Mädchen in Deutschland die Möglichkeit, Berufe aus den Bereichen IT, Handwerk,... Wie können wir Talente für die Mobilitätsbranche gewinnen und die Fachkräfte von morgen sichern? Dieser Frage widmeten wir uns auf dem Bündnis-Tag... Am 15. November wurde Scheidt & Bachmann zum 8. Mal in 9 Jahren durch die IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein mit einem Sonderpreis als „Bester... Am 07. September öffnete Scheidt & Bachmann seine Türen für einen Trainingstag für interessierte Schüler der Klassen 9-12 und ihre Eltern. Unser... Seit August haben viele begeisterte neue Auszubildende bei uns, die ihre Ausbildung zum Elektroniker für Geräte und Systeme, zum Fachinformatiker... Am 21. November 2018 fand die IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 in der Motorworld im Butzweilerhof statt. Bei der Ehrung, moderiert von Guido Cantz,... Auch in diesem Jahr haben wir als Unternehmen beim Run & Fun Mönchengladbach im SparkassenPark mit rund 100 Kolleginnen & Kollegen teilgenommen. Ein... Am Montag, dem 4. Dezember 2017, fand in Berlin die Nationale Bestenehrung 2017 statt. Bei dieser Ehrung würdigt die IHK-Organisation im Maritim... Am 9. November 2017 fand die IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2017 in der Mercatorhalle in Duisburg statt. Bei dieser Ehrung werden traditionell die... Im Rahmen des Projektes „Junior-Akademie“ besuchte im Zeitraum vom 07. bis zum 23. November, an insgesamt vier Terminen, ein Kurs von 20 Schülern des... Finden Sie offene Stellen und lernen Sie unsere Unternehmenskultur kennen. di|- - - - - - - - - - - - - Dokument Titel Größe 2 MB li|Karriere sm|Die Bezeichnungen auf unseren Karriereseiten, wie z.B. "Mitarbeiter", gelten für Männer und Frauen in gleicher Weise. Zur besseren Lesbarkeit wurde gelegentlich auf die Differenzierung verzichtet. h1|Living Team Spirit - Karriere bei Scheidt & Bachmann Aktuelle Meldungen h2|Jetzt bewerben Lernen Sie uns kennen! Sie sind... Ausbildung ausgezeichnet – Arbeitgeber ausgezeichnet! Bevorstehende Events Sie möchten bei Scheidt & Bachmann arbeiten? Language Menu h3|Downloads h5|Hinweis h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE Personalwesen Online via MS Teams Personalwesen Personalwesen » Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen Personalwesen » Ausbildungsbroschüre öffnen pa|Scheidt & Bachmann has great opportunities for students and high school graduates: For example, in the form of a professional internship. You may join us because of a program requirement at your school or voluntarily during school vacation, in the technical or commercial field. Everything is possible. Take charge of your future - choose between apprenticeships and cooperational education. Educate yourself! You are setting the foundation for your future while being a student! Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Pupils Brochure (german) st|Parking h1|From Highschool to Scheidt & Bachmann - Apprenticeship Offer for Students h2|Additional information Language Menu h3|Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN di|Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: li|SIQMA Virtual Tour st|please register for our exclusive access Parking h2|Welcome to our SIQMA virtual exhibition Language Menu h3|Have you already registered? Login now h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Enjoy your tour and experience our latest SIQMA solutions. If you want to learn in more detail about certain SIQMA solutions, . This area is only available for our customers. The registration is due to approval. pa|Liebe Besucher, auf Grund der Covid-19 Pandemie, wurden einige Events abgesagt oder wir nehmen aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht daran teil. Wenn Sie uns kontaktieren möchten, können Sie das hier tun: di|- - li|Events h1|Bevorstehende Events h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE « Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Orlando, FL Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Berlin, Deutschland « di|- - - - li|Archiv h1|Event-Archiv h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE ... » Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Online Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement Karlsruhe, Deutschland Personalwesen Berufskolleg Am Platz der Republik, Mönchengladbach Personalwesen Stadthalle, Erkelenz Personalwesen Parking-Solutions IPMI goes virtual Systeme-für-Tankstellen München, Deutschland Systeme-für-Fahrgeldmanagement London, UK Systeme-für-Tankstellen Hamburg, Deutschland Systeme-für-Tankstellen Essen, Deutschland ... » pa|Dear visitors, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some events have been cancelled or we will not participate for security reasons. If you want to contact us, you can do so here: di|- - li|Events st|Parking h1|Upcoming events h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « Fare-Collection-Systems Orlando, FL Fare-Collection-Systems Berlin, Germany « pa|The success of Scheidt & Bachmann as an innovative world leader in the four divisions Parking Solutions, Signalling Systems, Fare Collection Systems and Fuel Retail Solutions is mainly based on the great commitment of our employees. We foster this motivation through excellent training and career opportunities, transparent structures and flat hierarchies as well as enabling our employees with freedom for stimulating ideas and their implementation. Learn more about our dedicated employees. In recent years the training day at Scheidt & Bachmann has already been visited very well, but on September 9 this year nearly 200 interested... Once again, Scheidt & Bachmann participated in the annual STADTRADELN, an event which promotes positive contribution to climate protection and... "Why should business companies compete only in market or HR fields?" This question floats in minds of sports fans, employees, managers and company... In 2016, around 75,000 young people completed their vocational training in 130 IHK professions in North Rhine-Westphalia. 265 of them finished with... On 27 August Scheidt & Bachmann invited students and parents to have a look behind the scenes. Despite temperatures being above 30 degrees more than... Find vacancies and get to know our culture. di|- - - - - li|Career st|Parking h1|Living Team Spirit - Careers at Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Latest news h2|Apply now Learn about our company You are... Education - excellent! Upcoming events Interested to start a career at Scheidt & Bachmann? Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources « pa|You would like to contact our HR department? Please let us know your inquiry in the contact form below. We will answer your questions as quickly as possible and then get back to you personally. You can find an overview on our current job listings . Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Contact st|Parking h1|Contact h2|Apply now Language Menu h3|Contact Form (single) Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN * * * * * * di|- - - - li|Archive st|Parking h1|Event archive h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Online Fare-Collection-Systems Karlsruhe, Germany Human-Resources Am Platz der Republik, Mönchengladbach Human-Resources Town hall, Erkelenz Human-Resources Parking-Solutions IPMI goes virtual Fuel-Retail-Solutions Munich, Germany Fare-Collection-Systems London, UK Fuel-Retail-Solutions Hamburg, Germany Fuel-Retail-Solutions Essen, Germany ... » pa|Learn from the insights of the first contactless ticketing system for public transport in Germany. New Work, Smart Home, Seamless Mobility - we are increasingly feeling the many dimensions and major transformations of digital change in the mobility... Ottawa – OC Transpo is launching a customer trial this afternoon for a new touchless way to pay fares using credit cards and smartphones at O-Train... Read what our in house expert for Open Payment Manfred Troll has to say about the implementation of Open Payment Find out what makes FareGo Open Payment so special for your passengers Basics about IDBT, Open-loop & Pay-As-You-Go Find out the most important facts about the different security standards in the payment industry From access to payment. Here you can find out everything about the individual processes. We are pleased to announce a new agreement with OC Transpo to fast track additional contactless fare payment technology on the OC Transpo’s bus fleet... di|- - - - li|Blog Partner project of SWB Bus und Bahn, Postbank, Scheidt & Bachmann, the Kompetenzcenter Digitalisierung NRW and Visa Contactless and paperless... st|Parking h2|Blog Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Andreas Schmitz Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller (CEO) Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Laumen Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Augustyniak Martin Kammler Dipl.-Oec. Uwe Brünner Dipl.-Ing. Jörg M. Heilingbrunner Dr.-Ing. Michael Lenders DE 120830018 SK 4120154764 Registergericht Mönchengladbach, HRB 2125 Email: (If you would like to contact one of our business divisions, please use the corresponding ) Phone: +49 2166 266-175 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 Phone: +49 2166 266-313 Fax: +49 2166 266-350 Phone: +49 2166 266-335 Fax: +49 2166 266-555 Phone: +49 2166 266-628 Fax: +49 2166 266-475 Phone: +49 2166 266-343 Fax: +49 2166 266-699 Phone: +49 2166 266-321 Fax: +49 2166 266-341 di| li|Imprint st|Human Resources Purchasing Parking Solutions Signalling Systems Fare Collection Systems Fuel Retail Solutions Parking h1|Imprint h2|Language Menu h4|Address: Chairman of supervisory board: Managing Directors: VAT ID No: Court of Record: Contact: h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Welcome Bill to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions! Die Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG (SSB) ersetzte am 30. März 2021 gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Dr. Frank Nopper den... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica is pleased to announce the appointment of Jaime Rodríguez as new Sales Manager. Despite the difficult situation we are... Mönchengladbach, Germany — Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and Pyramid Computer GmbH today announced a partnership to promote self-checkout... Ottawa – OC Transpo is launching a customer trial this afternoon for a new touchless way to pay fares using credit cards and smartphones at O-Train... Scheidt & Bachmann USA Inc. – Parking Solutions Division is pleased to announce that Graham Haldeman has been named the company’s Vice President of... Mönchengladbach, Germany — Nov 24, 2020 Scheidt & Bachmann and today announced a partnership that will take in-store marketing to the next... When Terminal 1 of Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) opens on October 31, 2020, the parking management system installed since 2012 will finally set... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN ... » Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joel Shipton as National Business Development Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann UK, Parking Solutions. Jo... Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking in Mönchengladbach will become much more convenient! Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions ... » em|February 18, 2021 pa|Dear visitors, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some events have been cancelled or we will not participate for security reasons. If you want to contact us, you can do so here: di|- - - - li|Events st|Parking h1|Upcoming events h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN » Human-Resources Online via MS Teams Parking-Solutions München, Germany Fare-Collection-Systems Online Fare-Collection-Systems Online Fuel-Retail-Solutions Stuttgart, Germany Fare-Collection-Systems London, UK Human-Resources Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Hamburg, Germany Parking-Solutions Würzburg, Germany » pa|The success of Scheidt & Bachmann as an innovative world leader in the four divisions Parking Solutions, Signalling Systems, Fare Collection Systems and Fuel Retail Solutions is mainly based on the great commitment of our employees. We foster this motivation through excellent training and career opportunities, transparent structures and flat hierarchies as well as enabling our employees with freedom for stimulating ideas and their implementation. Learn more about our dedicated employees. Wie können wir Talente für die Mobilitätsbranche gewinnen und die Fachkräfte von morgen sichern? Dieser Frage widmeten wir uns auf dem Bündnis-Tag... On November 15, Scheidt & Bachmann was awarded a special price by the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein (regional Chamber of Commerce) for the 8th time in 9... On 07 September Scheidt & Bachmann opened its doors for a Training Day to interested students from grades 9-12 and their parents. Our training and... As of August, many enthusiastic new apprentices started their training with us to become Electronics technician for devices and systems, IT Specialist... On 21 November 2018, the IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 took place at Motorworld in the Butzweilerhof. The award, moderated by Guido Cantz, once... Around 100 colleagues participated at the Run & Fun Mönchengladbach in the SparkassenPark. Special praise goes to our three colleagues, whose... On December 4, the National Awards Ceremony 2017 was held in Berlin. In this honouring ceremony in the Maritim Hotel Berlin, the IHK organisation... On 9 November 2017, the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg hosted the IHK state award ceremony NRW 2017. In this honouring ceremony, the best of the 16... As part of the "Junior Academy" project, a course of 20 pupils from the Math.-Nat. secondary school visited our company from November 7 to 23 on... Find vacancies and get to know our culture. di|- - - - - - - li|Career st|Parking h1|Living Team Spirit - Careers at Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Latest news h2|Apply now Learn about our company You are... Education - excellent! Upcoming events Interested to start a career at Scheidt & Bachmann? Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Human-Resources Online via MS Teams Human-Resources Human-Resources » Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources » di| li|Sitemap st|Parking h1|Sitemap h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Our family business was founded in 1872 and is currently under the leadership of Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller, now in the fifth generation of the family shareholders. About 3,000 employees from nearly 50 nations worldwide are working on our solutions for a mobile world. It is no longer sufficient to provide barriers and machines, the real challenge lies in the intelligence and wholesome of our system solutions. Software development and service management have become the heart of our systems for predictive, intelligent mobility. The secret of our long-term success is simple: We trust in the skills of our employees and work daily from supplying our customers with products, developments and services of the highest quality. Learn more about our company history: di| li|Company st|Parking h1|Consistency, reliability, competence h2|Internationally close to you Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Please select the division you would like to contact: di| li|Contact st|Parking h1|Contact h2|entervo Tradition & innovation - The full range of ticketing: SIQMA Career at Scheidt & Bachmann Would you like to learn more about our SIQMA solutions? Language Menu h3|Smart parking solutions trademarks of being a global market leader Our solutions keep millions of people moving every day Fuel your future h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann has a wide range of different products, devices, software and services, for each of our Divisions. Visit one of the following pages to download a brochure that provides you with an insight into each of our divisions and their business worlds. di| li|Download st|Parking h1|Download h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|All rights reserved. Texts, illustrations and graphics as well as their arrangement on the web sites of Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH are protected by Copyright Law and other proprietary rights. The contents of these web sites must neither be copied, distributed, modified for commercial purposes nor made accessible to third parties. The tenderer cannot make any commitments in relation to the correctness, entirety and up-to-date nature of the information provided. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH expressly dissociates from any contents of any pages that it is linked to, and refrains from agreeing to their contents. The same applies to any links attached to this web site. Communication via e-mail may exhibit security gaps because on their way in internet e-mails may be stopped or viewed by internet users. ©[denisismagilov] – ©[Zffoto] – ©[eyetronic] – ©[Raman Khilchyshyn] – ©[adimas] – ©[Oleksandr Delyk] - ©[Paul Pirosca] - ©[Simon Ebel] - ©[samott] - ©[Halfpoint] - ©[Schlierner] - ©[al1center] - ©[M.V. Photography] - ©[gb27photo] - ©[anyaberkut] - ©[grounder] - ©[lightwavemedia] - ©[Vjom] - ©[annbozhko] - ©[babaroga] - ©[FotolEdhar] - ©[Trevor Meunier] - ©[Roman Sotola] - ©[JFL Photography] - ©[Roman Milert] - ©[olly] - ©[Syda Productions] - ©[S-F] - ©[Farbregas Hareluya] - ©[AlexMorozov1204] - ©[126796879] - ©[Andrey Popov] – ©[NicoElNino] - ©[sdecoret] - di| li|Legal info st|Parking h1|Legal Info h2|Language Menu h4|Copyright Non-commitment of information Linked pages Communication via e-mail Picture credits h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|At Scheidt & Bachmann we offer various ways to express your opinion. Especially on our social media channels we would like to interact with you. For a diverse communication we ask you to write contributions in German or English. In order to guarantee a fair and constructive exchange, we place particular importance to an objective style, a friendly tone, tolerance and respect for other opinions. The following principles must also be taken into account: In the interest of all users, we reserve the right to review and, if necessary, edit or reject contributions. Due to the continuous development of netiquette, we ask you to regularly check the information on this page. di| li|Netiquette Comments and reports should relate to the topic in question No infringement of the rights of third parties Inadmissibility for advertising purposes, campaigns or donations No publication of private data or correspondence No provocative or obscene remarks No discrimination on grounds of gender, age, nationality, religion or belief st|Parking h1|Netiquette h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann Ukraine LLC was formally established in February 2020 and is a 100% subsidiary of Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH. The headquarters of the... When entering the car park West, the new, bright overall experience will leave a lasting impression on visitors: The modern, interactive information... Since the introduction of the ticketless system in the Gartenstraße car park in Düsseldorf in May 2018, the interest of our customers in ticketless... Have you already visited us virtually? Check out our SIQMA exhibition online and find out about our latest innovations and new customer journeys, such... With the modern underground car park KII / Schauspielhaus (formerly Kö-Bogen II), further underground parking facilities are now available in... Sweden has an extensive infrastructure network, which covers 16,500 kilometres of railway lines. However, the level crossing technologies used in... Every petrol station is unique, that is why we customize our training sessions based on your needs. With our online training courses, you and your... We are pleased to announce a new agreement with OC Transpo to fast track additional contactless fare payment technology on the OC Transpo’s bus fleet... We have some great news to share: Our employee Amy Jenks is deservedly being selected for Mass Transit´s 2020 40 under 40 for being committed to... di|- - - - li|News st|First contactless public transport Ticketing system in Germany starts in Bonn Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Signalling-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... » pa|The iT-CAMPUS Kaiserslautern opted for smart parking solutions from Scheidt & Bachmann when equipping the new car park. The future management of the... The Regiobahn operates two lines with a total length of 25 km. The west part from Kaarster See to Neuss and the east part from Düsseldorf-Gerresheim... Successful GoLive with ServiceNow in our Scheidt & Bachmann BeNeLux Subsidiary! The preceding months have been extra challenging for almost everyone,... Scheidt & Bachmann Austria has been awarded the contract to install a new parking management system at the Asia Spa in Leoben, Austria. The team of... Long-term business relationships are based on trust and a cooperative partnership. These principles are an essential part of the DNA of Scheidt &... Despite the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica continues to win projects, and was recently awarded a... Observing all recommended safety measures and adapting our business to today’s world challenges, Scheidt & Bachmann continues working with our... In view of the impact of Covid-19 & increasing risk of infection with the coronavirus, we have taken a number of specific & strict measures. We are... Congratulations to our partner VIGATEC Chile for the award of the project Clínica Alemana Chile. The operator SABA Chile and the customers of two of... The ryd pay interface will be integrated into Scheidt & Bachmann POS systems via the SIQMA Connect Cloud. In this way, petrol station operators... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Parking-Solutions Signalling-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... » pa|evopark GO will complement the recently installed entervo.ticketless parking solution City of Luxembourg relies on Scheidt & Bachmann solutions On December 9, 2019, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s Fiscal and Management Control Board approved a new contract with Scheidt &... On November 15, Scheidt & Bachmann was awarded a special price by the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein (regional Chamber of Commerce) for the 8th time in 9... Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Canada is pleased to announce the addition of Christopher Iles to its group of worldwide Parking Professionals.... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has recently reached a collaboration agreement with the company BOFFOR engineering S.A. to enhance the installation and... Autobahn Tank & Rast Gruppe GmbH & Co. is the first customer to benefit from the new SIQMA Infinity hardware. The rollout of more than 630 POS and... Abellio ScotRail enhanced and upgraded their fleet of ticket vending machines to deliver better customer service as part of their ScotRail franchise... Visitors to the four city car parks in Neuss, Germany, can park without a paper ticket as of 1 October 2019. The City Parkhaus Neuss GmbH has awarded... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce that Scheidt & Bachmann USA agrees to become an Advocate Partner of Alliance of Parking Data Standards (APDS). Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|The current SIQMA Infinity hardware platform is currently being rolled out in the German Aral filling station network. After the successful test phase... Die Scheidt & Bachmann Kundenservice GmbH und die Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH / Region D-A-CH agieren ab dem 01.10.2019 gemeinsam als Scheidt & Bachmann... Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has recently been awarded the replacement of the parking system of 4 facilities in Spain, managed by the company Empark:... With WeChat, Swiss transport companies want to offer their Asian tourists in particular a completely new travel experience. To achieve this, they rely... On 07 September Scheidt & Bachmann opened its doors for a Training Day to interested students from grades 9-12 and their parents. Our training and... As of August, many enthusiastic new apprentices started their training with us to become Electronics technician for devices and systems, IT Specialist... Once more, we are proud of our 80 colleagues that took part to this event and would like to thank you very much for it. Special praise goes to two... Delivering outstanding complete experiences and well-connected mobility throughout the Alps: BVZ Holding AG (Switzerland) also wants to fulfil this... Visitors to EVER.S, a Shopping Centre in Munich, Germany, will be able to park without tickets and barriers. Customers no longer have to draw a ticket... The Parking Solutions division welcomes Scheidt & Bachmann México as a new member of the worldwide Scheidt & Bachmann family. The aim of the new... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources Human-Resources Corporate Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Massport, a long-time and respected partner of Scheidt & Bachmann´s Parking Solutions division, has recently upgraded all lanes to the new... is the first car park in Ghent, Belgium to introduce a ticketless parking system. Customers no longer have to draw a ticket there. The... Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH announces that Guido Nobis has been appointed Head of Sales for Parking Systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and ELKA-Torantriebe GmbH rely on long-term partnership. As of the end of 2019, Scheidt & Bachmann will equip its parking... Leveraging Scheidt & Bachmann’s latest entervo field devices & software, Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport has opened a premium covered parking area within... entervo ticketless solutions arrive in France: Over the next upcoming days, P+R car parks users in the city of Pau will be able to access their new... Scheidt & Bachmann UK are excited to announce going live at the prestigious Maltings Shopping Centre in the Hertfordshire City of St. Albans which is... At this year's exhibition "Tankstelle & Mittelstand" in Münster we presented our latest solutions for modern shop management. Our stand was well... The mobility sector is changing rapidly and the industry is more exciting than ever before: digitization, urbanization, demographic change and... S&B UK are delighted to announce the launch of our latest installation. Working with our partners from APCOA Parking we have recently gone live with... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Massport, a long-time and respected partner of Scheidt & Bachmann, has recently upgraded all lanes to the new entervo.entry/exit devices. In the next... St Pancras International is set at the heart of Central London with more underground connections than any other London station. Passengers are able... During this month of March, Scheidt & Bachmann has been awarded the upgrade of the car park control and management system of Santiago de Compostela... The British car park operator Britannia Parking will be offering its customers a further smart product: Britannia Parking has released a payment app... In order to continue to serve the growing Belgian market, we would like to inform you of an organizational change within our Belgian subsidiary. As... TMA Tech and Scheidt & Bachmann have marked the ten-year anniversary of their relationship by signing an exclusive long-term agreement for... APCOA is testing dynamic tariffs as a pilot project in three parking facilities equipped with Scheidt & Bachmann systems. The car park operator is... Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and Worldline [Euronext: WLN], the European market leader in the field of payment and transaction services, have successfully... Chaotic parking in the departures zone at Düsseldorf airport is now a thing of the past. Since 1 September 2018 an ingenious new Scheidt & Bachmann... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions With entervo-access GmbH, both companies create synergy effects and strengthen their long-term commitment in the solutions business for the leisure... Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Customer-service Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann is pleased to announce promotions of four of its North American staff members as part of a series of strategic investments in the... Since December 2018, motorists have been able to park to the north of the ICE railway station in Montabaur by means of automatic number plate... The number of orders for Scheidt & Bachmann parking installations in Spain is increasing continuously and rapidly. This growth has encouraged Scheidt... Scheidt & Bachmann UK are delighted to announce our appointment to a NEW framework agreement which is set to make the provision and maintenance of car... After the appointment of Alan Grix as new Managing Director, Scheidt & Bachmann UK is pleased to announce three further personnel changes. One... Scheidt & Bachmann USA is happy to announce that Robert Johnson has taken over the position of Director Business Development, Parking Division. ... Scheidt & Bachmann announced its selection of Phoenix, Arizona, to establish its Western Region Innovation & Testing Center of Excellence. Martin Hughes, Managing Director of Scheidt & Bachmann (UK) for some 19 years has announced that he is leaving the company to pursue new challenges. Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has recently been awarded the adjudication of the parking system of the Hospital de la Santa Creu, located in the Catalan... On 21 November 2018, the IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 took place at Motorworld in the Butzweilerhof. The award, moderated by Guido Cantz, once... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources « ... ... » pa|From 8 to 11 October 2018, Eni Deutschland GmbH invited its German service station partners to the Partner Congress in Sardinia. The core topic of the... In October, Scheidt & Bachmann has planned, installed and launched the car park control and management system at the Choupana Hospital, located in the... Car park operator introduces the first fully ticketless car park management system in Germany, based on a solution from Scheidt & Bachmann With the new SIQMA POS, Scheidt & Bachmann ushers in a new era in petrol station cash registers. It can be used on almost any end device as it runs in... "Digitisation - Opportunities and Challenges for the Fuel Retail Industry" was the topic of the presentations and discussions at Scheidt & Bachmann's... Scheidt & Bachmann is proud to announce that a new team joined our Scheidt & Bachmann family. Around 100 colleagues participated at the Run & Fun Mönchengladbach in the SparkassenPark. Special praise goes to our three colleagues, whose... At the InnoTrans trade fair for transport technology, the managing directors of Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv) awarded Scheidt & Bachmann the... Scheidt & Bachmann launches FareGo Mobility Hub at InnoTrans 2018 At InnoTrans 2018, Scheidt & Bachmann presents its latest product development FareGo 360, which offers mobility providers new, data-based tools to... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|Simplify your transit service. FareGo Open Payment offers the most streamline passenger experience. Fast-forward into the future: Excite your passengers in just three months from now with contactless ticketing & payment. FareGo Open Payment is scalable and adaptable. Start with a small pilot. Plan for a whole network. Make it work for you and move on. New Work, Smart Home, Seamless Mobility - we are increasingly feeling the many dimensions and major transformations of digital change in the mobility industry. New technologies create the foundation for rethinking mobility - with the passengers and their individual needs in focus, interconnected and data-based. Scheidt & Bachmann has helped its customers through periods of change in the past with innovation and great quality products. Also in this pandemic, we are ... With Functionality as a Service, we are the owner of the validation devices and make sure that it is always up to date. You simply buy the functionality of the devices for a small monthly fee. You just need: FareGo Suite enables the inspection terminal to accept, process and verify the taps! It’s based on an open interface layer. Thanks to the open interface layer of FareGo Suite it is possible to link our solution to any existing third part system. In our flyer you can read more about the open interface Layer. FareGo Data CS is used to manage your entire field device fleet including all elements. It collects and archives all event messages from the field devices and enables you to monitor the ticketing network. Travelling with FareGo Open Payment is a game changer. It provides an unknown ease of use and overcomes typical obstacles that often prevent people from using transit services. With FareGo Open Payment, however, anyone with a cEMV media (be it a contactless debit or credit card or mobile payment option) is immediately ready to take the bus or train. The only thing they need to do is their cEMV media at a reader when they start and end their journey. With FareGo Open Payment passengers don’t need to register upfront, they don’t need to queue for a proprietary ticket media and they don’t have to bother with the right tariff. They just tap their personal cEMV media and off they go. And at the end of the day they receive just one aggregated payment request. get access to all documents and expert videos di|Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: li|FareGo Open Payment You charge the function - we provide the validation device Small upfront cost, with a monthly fee per device and a fee per tap Stable and predictable costs access/validation points mobile validation terminals for inspection, st|Device Management An incredibly unspectacular user experience Tap and go Parking h1|Welcome to the fast track to Open Payment! h2|The fast track to Open Payment Enjoy the ride. Turn passengers into fans Accelerate your journey Start small. Think big. Transport in 2020 Tap into our insights Register now! Language Menu h3|FareGo Open Payment Brochure FareGo Open Payment White Paper Change through innovation. Pilot. Subsystem. Full rollout. Buy the function. Not the device. Essential Elements. Data Flow. Passenger experience. Have you already registered? Login now h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Our out of the box FareGo Open Payment solution can be implemented within three months. It is based on a scalable and modular system architecture that fully supports a phased introduction. Start with a pilot: focuses on a specific passenger group to gain experience with the new technology and its adoption Expand: introduce a subsystem for additional passengers Full rollout: let the system evolve according to changing requirements and increasing expectations Tap is sent to the FareGo Suite back office FareGo Suite creates an account to store the card’s identification data A card verification request is sent to the Payment Service Provider If the result is negative the card is automatically placed on the deny list For each tap FareGo Suite performs a journey construction and calculates the tariff applicable to the journey pa|This data protection information applies to the collection, processing and use of your personal information when using our website and its subpages, if you come to visit our premises or when you contact us in any other way. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH (hereinafter "we" or "Scheidt & Bachmann") takes the protection of your personal information very seriously and adheres strictly to the rules set down by data protection legislation. The following statement provides an overview of how Scheidt & Bachmann ensures this protection and explains which types of data we collect for which purposes. Responsibility for processing your personal information lies with: Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Breite Straße 132, 41238 Mönchengladbach; Telephone: +49 2166/266-0; Fax: +49 2166/266-375; E-mail: You can reach our Data Protection Officer as follows: Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Data Protection Officer, Breite Straße 132, 41238 Mönchengladbach; Telephone: +49 2166/266-839; Fax: +49 2166/266-254; E-mail: We process personal data which you provide to us vol-untarily or in the course of using one of our service like our website or the Scheidt & Bachmann swap-app. For further details, please refer to Parts II. – V. We process your personal data for various purposes in line with the relevant data protection laws, in particular the GDPR and the German Federal Data Protection Act ("Bundesdatenschutzgesetz", BDSG). The following generally apply in terms of the purpose of data processing: processing to perform contractual obligations (Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR), to protect legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR), based on your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR) and/ or based on legal obligations (Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR). For further details, please refer to Parts II. – V. Service providers deployed by us and operating on our behalf (so-called "processors" cf. Art. 4 No. 8 GDPR) can receive personal data. We use the following processors or categories of processor: In addition, we pass on your personal data to our group companies, who also process personal data under their own responsibility (so-called "controllers", cf. Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR). In cases described in Parts II. to V., we transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to the following recipients in third countries: With regard to all recipients, we have implemented suitable guarantees (standard data protection clauses in accordance with Art. 46 para. 2 GDPR) to guarantee the security of your personal data. You may request a copy of these appropriate warranties. For this purpose, please contact the bodies designated in Part I, clauses 1 and 2. We only process your personal data for as long as is necessary to serve the respective purpose of processing. In addition, we are subject to various storage and documentation obligations, including those arising from the German Commercial Code ("Handelsgesetzbuch" – HGB) and the German Fiscal Code ("Abgabenordnung" – AO). These obligations can apply for up to 10 years. Finally, the duration of storage is also based on statutory limitation periods, which can be up to 30 years according to Sections 195 ff. of the German Civil Code ("Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch" – BGB), whereby the standard limitation period is three years. Any data subject has the right of access according to Art. 15 GDPR, the right to rectification according to Art. 16 GDPR, the right to erasure according to Art. 17 GDPR, the right to restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR and the right to data portability based on Art. 20 GDPR. In order to exercise the above rights, please use the contacts specified above in clauses 1 and 2 under Part I – General, clauses 1 and 2. If you have issued your consent for us to process your data, you can withdraw this at any time without any particular formal requirements. If possible, the withdrawal should be sent to the contacts specified in clauses 1 and 2 under Part I – General. Users are also legally entitled to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR). The supervisory authority responsible for Scheidt & Bachmann is: Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen (LDI NRW) (State Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officer, North Rhine-Westphalia) You also have a right to object which is explained in more detail at the end of this privacy policy. In order to make visiting our website more attractive and allow the use of certain functions, we use so-called cookies on various pages. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your end device. Cookies can be transmitted when a page is accessed, thereby allowing attribution of the user. Cookies help make it simpler for users to use web pages. Some of the cookies used by us are deleted when the browser session is finished, i.e. when the browser is closed (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your end device and make it possible for us to recognise your browser again on your next visit (so-called persistent cookies). You can set your browser so that you are informed when cookies are used and then decide in each individual case whether to accept them, or else you can rule out acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general. You can delete cookies which have already been applied. If cookies are not accepted, the functionality of our website may be limited. We process the following personal data or categories of data through the use of cookies: Processing of personal data as a result of the use of cookies is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in the enhanced functionality of our website. When you visit our website, the following set of data is automatically stored relating to each access: The personal data in log files is processed based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in the easier administration of our website and the possibility of identifying and pursuing hacking. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called cookies – text files that are stored on your computer and allow analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie regarding your use of this website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, in case of the activation of IP anonymization on this website, your IP address is first abbreviated by Google within the member states of the European Union and in other states which are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. IP anonymization is active on this website. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to analyse your use of the website so as to compile reports on website activities for website operators and provide other services for the website operator connected with website use and internet use. Google does not link the IP address transferred by your browser in connection with Google Analytics to other data. You can prevent the saving of cookies by making the appropriate setting in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that if you do so, you will not be able to use the full range of functions offered by this website. You can also prevent the data generated by the cookie relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) from being transmitted to Google and you can prevent the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link ( You can also prevent data collection by Google Analytics on our website by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie is applied which will prevent your data from being collected when visiting this website: or further details on terms of use and data privacy, see and . Processing of personal data by Google Analytics is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in the analysis and use of our website. This website uses the Google product Google Maps. If you consent to the use of Google Maps on a subpage in which Google Maps is embedded and activate the plug-in, Google receives the information that you have accessed the relevant subpage of our website. In addition, data is collected which your browser sends to Google. This includes IP address, date and time of the request, amount of data transferred operating system and the user interface, language and version of the browser software. This occurs regardless of whether Google provides a user account via which you are logged in or no user account exists. If you are logged into Google, your data is attributed directly to your account. If you do not want the data to be attributed to your Google profile, you have to log out before activating the button. Google saves your data as use profiles and uses it for the purpose of advertising, market research and/ or the needs-oriented design of its website. In order to exercise any rights such as a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, you must contact Google. By using Google Maps, you consent to the Google Maps Terms of Service. You will find the Google Maps Terms of Service here: Google Maps Terms of Service. For further details on the processing of your personal data by Google Inc., see the Google Privacy Policy: Google Privacy Policy. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and has agreed to accept the EU-US Privacy Shield: We have integrated YouTube videos in our website which are saved at and can be played directly from our website. The videos are only activated if you specifically request this. These videos are also integrated in "extended data protection mode", i.e. no data about you as a user is sent to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Only when you play a video is the data transferred as specified in the next clause. We do not have any influence on this data transfer. When you play the video, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the relevant subpage of our website. In addition, data is collected which your browser sends to YouTube. This includes IP address, date and time of the request, amount of data transferred, operating system and the user interface, language and version of the browser software. This occurs regardless of whether YouTube provides a user account via which you are logged in or no user account exists. If you are logged into Google, your data is attributed directly to your account. If you do not want the data to be attributed to your YouTube profile, you have to log out before activating the button. YouTube saves your data as use profiles and uses it for the purpose of advertising, market research and/or the needs-oriented design of its website. Such analysis (also in the case of users who are not logged in) serves the purpose of providing needs-oriented advertising and to inform other social network users about your activities on our website. In order to exercise any rights such as a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, you must contact Google. For further information on the purpose of data collection and its processing by YouTube, see the Google Privacy Policy. Here you will also find further information about your rights as well as settings options to protect your privacy. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and has agreed to accept the EU-US-Privacy-Shield. On our website you will find contact forms which can be used to make contact electronically. Alternatively, it is possible to contact us via the e-mail addresses provided. If you contact us via one of these channels, we collect the personal data have entered and sent to us. If you use the contact form, the personal data recorded comprises the master data entered (required fields: form of address, last name, e-mail address, country; voluntary fields: first name, company, telephone number) and potentially any other personal data entered by you in the field labelled "Message". If you contact us directly by e-mail, we record your e-mail address and any personal data included in the text of the e-mail. Should it be necessary to answer your inquiry, we will pass on personal data to group companies. Processing is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in customer care and the ability to reply to messages sent to us. On our website you can sign up for various newsletters providing information on general company news, products, trade fairs and events. In order to manage newsletters subscriptions we process the personal data sent to us via the registration form. This comprises master data (required fields: e-mail address, language, your interests; voluntary details: form of address, title, name, company, country). The distribution of newsletters takes place on the basis of consent from the recipient in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 7 GDPR in conjunction with Section 7 (2) No. 3 German Act Against Unfair Competition or on the basis of legal permission in accordance with Section 7 (3) German Act Against Unfair Competition. The recording of the registration procedure is performed on the basis of our justified interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR and serves as proof of consent to receipt of the newsletter. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in customer care and direct advertising. Our website also enables you to sign up for a newsletter containing details of new job vacancies. In order to manage newsletter subscriptions we process the personal data sent to us via the registration form. This consists of the e-mail address, the areas of work you are interested in, your postcode and the geographical region in which you are interested in vacancies. The distribution of job vacancies takes place on the basis of consent from the recipient in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 7 GDPR. The recording of the registration procedure is performed on the basis of our justified interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR and serves as proof of consent to receipt of the newsletter. The purpose of data processing and our legitimate interest lie in communicating job vacancies in our company to potential candidates. We also occasionally carry out surveys, for example to assess customer satisfaction. Only customers invited by us are entitled to participate. Surveys are always carried out anonymously. However, access codes are regularly sent out to customers for participation purposes. These can be attributed to the relevant customer. In the surveys themselves, some personal data is requested. If this is the case, however, submission of such details is voluntary and can be skipped. Processing of personal data is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose and our legitimate interest is the analysis of customer satisfaction and product improvements. We provide a data area in which we offer our customers and potential customers various documents for download. These include contract documents and product information, for example. Access is only provided for authorised users. We process the following data for the purpose of access control: e-mail address, user name. Processing of personal data is carried out based on Art. 6 (1) lit. b, f GDPR. The purpose and our legitimate interest are to enter into a contract, to make relevant documents available and to prevent of unauthorised access to uploaded documents. We publish job offers on our homepage. You have the possibility to apply for a job offer by using the online form of our applicant portal. We process the personal data transmitted using the form. This is master data (mandatory fields): First name, surname, street and house number, postal code, town, e-mail address; optional information: telephone, mobile phone number). In addition, the documents that you upload online in the application portal may contain other personal data, such as date of birth, data on school education, training and studies as well as previous career history, data on driving licences, data on possible impairments, curriculum vitae, certificates, photo. You are solely responsible for the content of the uploaded documents. The processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. b DSGVO and Section 26 (1) S. 1 BDSG. The purpose of data processing is to check your suitability for the position or for another position in our group of compa-nies (or in the case of an unsolicited application for a position in our group of companies) and to carry out the application procedure as well as hiring decisions. When we enter into an employment contract with you, we transfer your information to our personnel management system for employment purposes, to the extent necessary for its performance or termination. The legal basis for the described data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR and Section 26 (1) S. 1 BDSG (Carrying out the employment contract). We store your data for as long as it is necessary for the decision on your application. If no employment contract is established, we will store your data for as long as it is necessary to defend against possible legal claims. As a rule, your data will be deleted 180 days after notification of the rejection decision, unless longer storage is necessary due to legal disputes. If an employment contract is established, we transfer your data from the online application portal to our personnel information system. Data that is not required for the performance of the employment relationship will be deleted 180 days after completion of the application process. If an applicant is inactive in our applicant pool, we delete the applicant's data at the latest after 180 days after the pool promise, unless the applicant extends his membership in the applicant pool even after we have informed him of the imminent deletion. A video surveillance system is operated to monitor the company premises. The purpose of the video surveillance of the employee/ company parking spaces, the entrances and exits to the company premises, the forecourt of the dispatch department, the entrances for persons as well as the factory roads is the protection of the house right, the protection of the company premises and its facilities, the people and the objects which are on them. This right is fundamentally covered by the householder's right. In addition, the purpose of video surveillance is to increase the sense of security of the people staying at these places, to deter people who are willing to commit vandalism, to prevent crime and to preserve evidence for the effective prosecution and enforcement of criminal and civil claims of both the responsible person and the employees. Video surveillance is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPRand Sections 4, 26 (4) BDSG: exercise the right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access, protection of property, people, objects and facilites located on the company premises; protection against criminal offences; assertion of civil law claims for damages by the controller and his employees; on the basis of a collective agreement in the case of processing personal data of employees. However, it must be assumed that the interest of the person responsible or of a third party in video surveillance does not unduly interfere with the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in particular since the latter are made aware of video surveillance. Video surveillance is necessary and suitable to fulfil the intended purpose and is also the mildest means in this respect. Video surveillance is quite suitable to deter possible disturbers/ perpetrators. The video surveillance is well recognizable for everyone; in addition signs refer to the video surveillance. The video surveillance supplies usable pictures, which support the conversion of the house right or a criminal prosecution. An equally suitable, milder means is not recognizable. If this function were to be performed by security personnel, this would require staff around the clock. Also the use of camera dummies might cause only a comparable deterrence in the short term, since it cannot be excluded that this becomes known. The observation boundary ends at the boundary of the property. The data will be deleted 5 working days after production if not used. When we grant you access to our premises, we need personal information for communication, the provision of information and services, and for the purposes associated with the relationship. Your personal information will be collected either directly from you by the gatekeeper or through your contact person with us. The following data categories can be collected and processed: The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the protection of our legitimate interest on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR: Enforcement of our right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access rights; granting access to the company premises only to authorized visitors; protection of property, people, objects and facilities located on the company premises; protection against criminal offences; assertion of civil law claims for damages by the person responsible and by third parties. Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, visitors to our company premises are asked to fill out a self-disclosure form. In doing so, we collect not only your name and contact data (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number, address) but also health data. We need this data in order to be able to carry out a risk assessment for ac-cess to our company premises and thus for contact with our employees. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 (1) lit. a and Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR, as they have expressly con-sented to the collection of the data. In addition, pro-cessing (e.g. also forwarding to third parties) may be necessary in order to protect your vital interests or those of other natural persons (Art. 6 (1) lit. d GDPR) or be-cause there is a public interest (Art. 9 (2) lit. i GDPR in conjunction with § 22 (1) No. 1 lit. c BDSG). In addition, we could be legally obliged to do so (Art. 6 (1) lit. c and Art. 9 (2) lit. b DS-GVO). The data will be deleted regularly, at the latest by the end of the pandemic. The entrances and exits to the company premises are equipped with barriers and TCP/IP-connected cameras for vehicle license plate recognition. The image capture is triggered by driving over an induction loop embedded in the lane, whereby the vehicle license plate is captured in an image file and read out together with the entry and exit time. Due to the constant observation of a detection area and the repeated short-term image capture, the license plate recognition of motor vehicles could represent video surveillance in the sense of § 4 BDSG. Video surveillance is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR as well as §§ 4, 26 (4) BDSG for the following purposes: exercising the right of domicile; protection of property, people, property and installations located on the company premises; protection against criminal offences; assertion of civil damage claims by the re-sponsible person and his employees; on the basis of a collective agreement in the case of processing personal data of employees. Video surveillance is a suitable means of safeguarding the house right of the controller by giving the controller the opportunity to decide who is allowed to drive on the company premises and/ or who is allowed to use the parking space located there. In addition, license plate recognition can be used for preventive purposes, such as deterrence from committing violations of the law within the traffic area, or for repressive purposes, such as the preservation of evidence for the enforcement of civil law claims by the responsible party. A milder means of achieving the objective is not discernible. The data will be deleted 5 working days after production if not used. Subject of our data processing is your contact data as well as any other personal data required for the provision of our services or communication with you, e.g. information typically contained in order documents and / or public registers, such as commercial registers, or the subject of our correspondence with you. If you have not provided us with your personal data yourself, we have received it from business partners, service providers or cooperation partners for whom you may work as an employee or representative, or have taken the data from publicly accessible sources, such as company websites, participant lists of events or public directories. The purpose of the data processing is Legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR when it comes to the fulfilment of contracts with or orders by individuals (natural persons) with whom we have business relationships. In all other cases, we have legitimate interest in the processing of personal data pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in order to be able to guarantee smooth business processes and order processing. In addition, data processing may also be required by law (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR). Each of our employees or all employees of service providers who have or may have access to personal data in the course of their work are obliged to treat this data confidentially. Your personal data will be deleted after termination of the contractual or business relationship or other contact and insofar as the data is no longer required for the fulfilment of contractual or statutory obligations or the legitimate interests stated in this data protection declaration. Within the group of companies, we transfer your personal data to group companies as required - see Section I. Otherwise, we transfer your personal data only on the basis of statutory regulations or if you have given us your consent to do so. When the SWAP app is downloaded, the required information is transmitted to the respective App Store, in particular user name, email address, customer number at the App Store and the individual device ID. We have no influence on this data processing. The operator of the respective App Store is responsible for this. We only process the data required to operate the app on your device. The processing of the IP address is a technical precondition for the use of the app. The provider commissioned by us automatically collects and stores information in so-called server/ app log files, which your browser/ app transmits to us. These are: In order to continually optimize this service, your access data will be evaluated anonymously for statistical purposes. In addition, the processing serves to ensure the proper operation of the app, in particular the correction of errors. These data are not merged with other data sources. Basis for the data processing is the protection of our legitimate interests according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Personal data will not be passed on to third parties. We commission service providers, so-called processors, to maintain and service the app software. These service providers are contractually obliged to comply with the provisions of data protection law and are not considered third parties within the meaning of data protection law. All contents of the app are stored in the content management system of Staffbase GmbH, Germany, and hosted by the external providers 1&1 IONOS Cloud GmbH, Germany, and SysEleven GmbH, Germany. Both companies are ISO 27001 certified. The provision of media (images, video, files) within our app (Content Delivery Network) is carried out via a network of regionally distributed servers of Amazon Web Services Inc., US, which are connected via the Internet and may be located in the US and other third countries. This data processing by Amazon Web Services Inc. is carried out on the basis of suitable guarantees in accordance with Art. 46 Para. 2 DSGVO, specifically on the basis of the Privacy Shield certification acquired from Amazon Inc. and EU standard data protection clauses. As an external tool we have integrated Google Maps. For more information please refer to Part II.4. Our app uses a tracking toll to track the general usage behaviour of all users, but does not use cookies. The public area of the app can be used without registra-tion and login. The public area contains public infor-mation/ news of the Scheidt & Bachmann Group as well as links to further offers. The app enables the provision of internal and external company information/ news as well as links for employees, shareholders and corporate bodies of the Scheidt & Bachmann Group and, in individual cases, third parties who have been given the opportunity to register in the swap app by the controller (hereinafter referred to as the "User"). Thus, information from the intranet can also be made available outside the office. The swap-app represents a flexible communication platform that can be individually adjusted to the respective information needs of the User. The data is used for authentication checks, for displaying the User's comments/ likes, for listing in the employee directory of the swap-app and for communication between Users and with us. The basis for data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), and if applicable in conjunction with § 26 Para. 2 BDSG. In principle, employees and employers have an equal interest in the provision of company information and communication on privately used terminal equipment. The information required for the performance of the employment relationship is provided to the employee in parallel via company communication channels. The voluntariness of the consent to data processing required for the use of the services is therefore given. The User can revoke this consent at any time. The email address used and the profile picture, if any, will be deleted from the database of the system. The data will then be backed up for another 30 days. Content created by the User is anonymized. The contents created by the User (in particular texts, images, graphics, audio files, video files, links) remain without link on the now no longer existing user profile. At the request of the User, these created contents are deleted by the administrator. After downloading the app from the app store you have to register to use it. This requires an e-mail address, your first and last name and a password of your choice. Optionally, a photo as a profile picture as well as futher personal details can also be stored as a profile picture. This data is stored on the servers hosted for us as long as the user account exists and can be viewed by others users of the app. If the account is deleted, the data will also be deleted. When you use the app, servers temporarily record the IP address of your device and other technical features, such as the requested content. There is no way to participate anonymously in the content of the app. The name is visible in all activities. Every User who posts content to the app (e.g. chat messages, comments or likes) is saved as the associated author of the content (name, first name, time, profile picture if applicable) and is visible to all other Users. This information will be kept for the lifetime of the app, except the respective content or the user account will be deleted by the User himself or by the app administrator. If a post is only read, this is only registered anonymously by the app and cannot be evaluated via the app on a personal basis. Posts, e.g. comments made by the User himself and which are not anonymous, can only be evaluated for statistical purposes (e.g. number of comments/ likes on an article, number of active Users, last activity and newest comments of the User, most popular articles). The number of logins are stored by the app for maintenance purposes and security measures. The technical possibilities of the app to anonymously evaluate the usage behavior serve the purpose to improve the offered content of the app. The app provides limited access to the contents of the Scheidt & Bachmann intranet, such as the S&B telephone directory. As an external tool we have integrated Google Maps. For more information please refer to Part II.4. To be able to use the app on your device to its full extent, the app must be able to access various functions and data of the device. This requires that certain permissions are granted. The permission categories can vary depending on the manufacturer of the device, so Android combines individual permissions into permission categories and you can only agree to permission categories as a whole. If you disagree, it is possible that not all functions of the app are available. If you have granted us permission, we will use access to the camera and the photos/ videos of the device to upload them to the app. This access must be initially confirmed by the User. are messages that are sent from the app to the device, where they are prioritized and displayed. When delivered, the app uses push notifications, provided you agreed to them when installing the app or the first time you used it. The device ID is processed for this. You can deactivate the receipt of push notifications in the settings of your device or within the user account at any time. In order to make the app as user-friendly as possible, we analyse your usage behaviour anonymously or pseudonymised. Within the limits of legal regulations, we or companies contracted by us to process data are able to create user profiles. A direct conclusion to an individual Uuser of the app is not possible. The app offers a translation service, which is technically implemented by Microsoft Corporation. Only data that you have entered as text or sound for translation will be processed. This data will only be stored temporarily for the purpose of performing the translation, data are not written to persistent storage. There will be no record of the submitted text, or portion thereof, in any Microsoft data center. The audio and text will not be used for training purposes either. Micrososft Corporation is certified under the US-European “Privacy Shield” data protection agreement We use technical and organisational security measures to adequately protect your personal data managed by us against accidental or intentional manipulation loss, destruction or against access by unauthorised persons. This Data Protection Declaration is dated as of Februrary 2020 and is effective for as long as no updated version replaces it. Due to the further development of our website or the implementation of new technologies, it may become necessary to change this Data Protection Declaration. We reserve the right to change the Data Protection Declaration at any time with effect for the future. We recommend that you re-read the current Data Protection Statement from time to time. according to Art. 21 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) You have the right at any time to object to personal data relating to you being processed based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR on grounds relating to your particular situation (data processing based on a balancing of interests); this also applies to any profiling based on this provision as defined by Art. 4 No. 4 GDPR. If you file an objection, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we can prove compelling, legitimate grounds for processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing serves the enforcement, exercise or defence of legal rights. In individual cases, we process your personal data for the purpose of direct advertising. You have the right at any time to object to the processing of personal data relating to you for the purpose of such advertising; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is has to do with such direct advertising. If you object to the processing of data for the purpose of direct advertising, we will no longer process your personal data for this purpose. There are no particular formal requirements for filing the objection; if possible it should be sent to the contacts specified above in clauses 1 and 2 under Part I – General of this data protection notice. di| li|Data privacy IT service providers Group companies Google Inc. - Group companies in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russia, Switzer-land, Tunisia, Israel, USA and Canada Session ID Timestamp IP address Browser type/ version Operating system used and resolution Previously visited website Time and frequency of server request Identification data such as surname, first name, company, license plate number, special authorizations (for truck drivers) to identify you as an authorized visitor, Addresses and contact data such as postal address, e-mail addresses, telephone number and, if applicable, organizational data such as company, department, function, in order to be able to contact you if, for example, questions need to be clarified, information needs to be exchanged, appointments need to be made or access to the Internet is set up for you. Time recording, e.g. on company premises or for the provision of services in order to be able to bill services. IP address and voucher code if a temporary access to the Internet via LAN (local aera network) or WLAN (wireless local aera network) has been set up for you as a visitor via a captive portal. Video/image data, e.g. for monitoring the publicly accessible areas of the company premises and certain areas on the company premises, in order to monitor our domestic rights and to secure our property and that of third parties. to enter into or perform orders, contracts and other business relationships (including the execution of purchase orders, deliveries or payments) or to prepare or respond to requests for quotations and to determine the terms of the contractual relationship with our business partners, service providers or cooperation partners for whom you may be acting as an agent or employee; for internal administrative purposes (e.g. accounting); for the purpose of anti-terrorism and sanctions list screening, if any; to conduct court and official proceedings and/ or for the purpose of asserting/ exercising and defending against legal claims nationally and abroad; to send you our customer information to the extent relevant to your business activities, such as newsletters with references to current topics and events; for other communication purposes; to ensure the IT security and IT operation of our company; the use of service providers (e.g. external IT service providers) who support our business processes; to plan and conduct events to which you are invited, including reporting on such events on our website or intranet, which may include publishing images and video material on the internet or intranet where you are featured. Browser type and browser version used operating system the origin page, if your browser transmits it time of the server request anonymised IP address st|How we handle your data and your rights – information according to Art. 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 1. Responsibility for data processing 2. Data Protection Officer: 3. Which data do we process and from what sources? 4. For what purpose do we process your data and on what legal basis? 5. Who receives my data? 6. Transfer of personal data to third countries 7. Storage of data 8. Your rights 1. Cookies 2. Automatic collection of access data/ server log files 3. Google Analytics 4. Google Maps 5. YouTube 6. Contact 7. Newsletter 8. Job vacancies 9. Surveys 10. Data area 11. Online applicant portal 1. Video surveillance 2. Access to the company premises 3. Voluntary self-disclosure due to Covid-19 virus 4. License plate recognition 1. General 2. Services without login 3. Services with login When registering in the app When using the app Permissions Push notifications Evaluation of usage behaviour Translation service 1. Security 12. Validity and timeliness of the data protection declaration Information on your right to object Parking h1|Privacy Policy h2|Language Menu h5|Content h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann, Nexus and Ecebs awarded Best Smart Card Ticketing Service The Tyne and Wear Metro’s smartcard ticketing system has been voted the... 2015 marks an important milestone for Scheidt & Bachmann USA as it celebrates two decades of continued growth in the U.S. Market. The company was... As part of a European tender the transport company NEW Mönchengladbach GmbH - a company of the NEW group - has chosen Scheidt & Bachmann as a new... December 2014 saw the system integrator Scheidt & Bachmann successfully install its petrol station retail systems into the Philippines. Scheidt &... Scheidt & Bachmann is pleased to announce that it has appointed Andreas Gans with immediate effect as Managing Director of Scheidt & Bachmann System... di|- - - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... Fare-Collection-Systems Corporate Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH has localized its leading European Petrol Station Management System TMS 30 POS & BOS for Romania. Together with the HOS... di|- li|Archive st|Parking h1|News archive h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Fuel-Retail-Solutions pa|Under the slogan "Shaping the future of mobility" Scheidt & Bachmann presents their latest ticketing solutions for public transport at InnoTrans 2018.... Scheidt & Bachmann would like to announce that Hemchand Sukhra has accepted the position of Director of Technology for the parking division of Scheidt... A lot is happening with regard to payment options. Apart from the Google Pay payment service, a number of banks in Germany have expanded their payment... We are incredibly proud of the order we received from the city of Luxembourg! The city has the ambition to elevate city parking to a higher level and... Drivers should be able to enter and exit car parks contactless by using a chip card, pay cashless and be informed about available parking spaces via... Working in close collaboration with Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, MAG IT and 3C Payments, the Forecourt Management project went live at 00:01 on 10th July... The international trade fair UNITI expo took place in Stuttgart from 15 to 17 May. On the evening of the second day of the fair Scheidt & Bachmann... Scheidt & Bachmann announces that Jim Blanden has taken over the position of Director of Sales of the parking division of the subsidiary Scheidt &... PARK ONE and Scheidt & Bachmann have launched a pilot project that motorists are truly enthusiastic about. Scheidt & Bachmann’s eJournal offers you exciting insights into innovative projects and topics all around the public transport industry. Innovation... di|- - - - - Created by Jason Barnes MBA, Service Director at Scheidt & Bachmann UK Ltd. | - - - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|At the UITP World Congress & Exhibition 2015 in Milan Scheidt & Bachmann focused on smart ticketing systems, which represent intelligent interfaces... Scheidt & Bachmann has a solution that allows service station operators to run their service station without on-site staff whilst at the same time... Scheidt & Bachmann proudly announces that Schmit Parkeersystemen B.V., based in Zoetermeer / Netherlands, joins the Scheidt & Bachmann family as a... Scheidt & Bachmann have again received certification for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The new certification related to the... The equipment used by our customers to accept the new banknote requires different notation formatting. Our equipment will accept the new note if this... For the first time parking tickets can be paid at the automatic pay stations with the girogo contact-free payment system – fast, easy and secure. With... City visitors and train travellers can now reserve a parking space online, for their car, in the basement garage at Railway Station Frankfurt on Main,... Scheidt & Bachmann has partnered with business intelligence technology company, Park Assist®, to provide an efficient parking experience. “We’re happy... Scheidt & Bachmann (UK) Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Fiona Fletcher to the role of Managing Director for Fare Collection Systems. ... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... » pa|One of the world’s largest transportation solutions providers, Scheidt & Bachmann USA, Inc. plans to complete move to Lowell by October 2016. Scheidt & Bachmann recently announced the induction of Henk de Bruin to the role of Director of Strategic Business Development effective on 1st... Scheidt & Bachmann were pleased to be a sponsor for the annual TransCityRail North Dinner, held on 12th November 2015 in Manchester. Lord Andrew... The Nordic Rail trade fair for the Scandinavian rail sector was a rewarding event especially for Scheidt & Bachmann Sverige thanks to the positive... Returning from the "Parken 2015" exhibition in Berlin, the Scheidt & Bachmann team can claim to have had a successful show. The crowds of visitors and... “Next stop – 2020!” – On 17 September 2015, around 50 representatives of public transport operators from all over Switzerland met to discuss the... Scheidt & Bachmann is pleased to announce that ExxonMobil has decided for Scheidt & Bachmann systems for the POS replacement in Germany. In Europe... Scheidt & Bachmann USA recently appointed Joseph Galeas as the Vice President of Operations for the subsidiary’s Parking Division. Galeas will oversee... Just in time for the holiday season, the parking management system at Nice Airport was updated to the latest technical standard. The first entervo... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... » Corporate Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Division Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... » bo|BURLING... pa|This year we have focused on cloud-based lightweight fuel retail solutions. We presented our new POS solution SIQMA Mobile POS, which can be started... By launching the new parking service APCOA FLOW, the parking management expert has reached an important milestone in the digitisation of parking... We are delighted to announce that European Parking Association has nominated our Managing Director, Martin Kammler, as a director of the newly founded... In the coming years, Shell plans to equip its petrol station network with future-oriented systems. Following a detailed review process, Scheidt &... We had a fantastic time and highly productive affair at the Fare Collection/Revenue Management & TransITech Conferences in Jacksonville, FL. Thanks to... Scheidt & Bachmann has again received certification for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The certificate, which corresponds to... The Rhaetian Railway (RhB) is installing new ticket machines from system provider Scheidt & Bachmann at its stations. The previous units were put into... Parking tickets can now be conveniently discounted online with standard mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The solution can be... From ID or account-based ticketing in the cloud up to Managed Services – at this year’s IT-Trans in Karlsruhe, Germany, Scheidt & Bachmann focuses on... Dennis Bender, Head of Software Services at Scheidt & Bachmann, explains the increasing importance of Software Services and what’s in it for transport... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|At the end of March, the system house Scheidt & Bachmann in collaboration with SITA Airport IT GmbH released its first parking app and made it... 31 Scheidt & Bachmann employees ran in the 69th Devin – Bratislava national race in Bratislava on Sunday 10th of April 2016. This race is considered... Our new image movie had its world premiere during the Intertraffic 2016 in Amsterdam. Let us take you on a journey through the world of parking. For several weeks Scheidt & Bachmann has released its latest generation of control devices called entrvo.entry / entervo.exit. With a few pilot... Scheidt & Bachmann manages the parking at the airports in Rome. At the international airports in Rome – Fiumicino and Ciampino (Aeroporti di Roma –... The system house Scheidt & Bachmann and the Portuguese company RESOPARK have entered into a partnership as of the 1st of January 2016. RESOPARK is... At this year’s IT-Trans, Scheidt & Bachmann will be demonstrating its most up-to date ticketing solutions for public transport at stand #D3, from the... At this year’s IT-Trans, Scheidt & Bachmann will be demonstrating their most up-to date ticketing solutions for public transport at stand #D3, from... With about 500 employees Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko s.r.o. in Žilina is the largest subsidiary of Scheidt & Bachmann. Founded in 1995 it is one of... 2016 is a special year for the Parking Systems business division of Scheidt & Bachmann: for 50 years now the experts from Mönchengladbach have been... di|- - - Read more - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h3|The new image movie parking systems h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Corporate Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Impark and Scheidt & Bachmann discussed the latest technology trends in the parking industry. Our aligned focus on end-user and operational... At this year’s IT-Trans on stand E2, Scheidt & Bachmann will focus on account-based ticketing technology. From 6 to 8 March, 2018, the company... Giving rail passengers the ability to connect to a real person to get help when using ticket machines has led to an award nomination for Greater... For many shopping malls, a reliable parking management system that caters to different customer preferences is a core part of the promised experience.... At the Transport Ticketing Conference, to be held in London from January 23rd to 24th 2018, Scheidt & Bachmann will be presenting current solutions... In 2018, Scheidt & Bachmann is celebrating the 40 anniversary of its youngest business unit: Fare collection systems. Founded in 1978, the company... Luas Cross City, the next phase of Dublin’s integrated light rail network, has been launched on December 9, extending the existing Green Line through... Rail passengers in East Anglia who have a query while using a ticket machine can now press a button which will put them straight through to a real... Porsche remains a close strategic partner On December 4, the National Awards Ceremony 2017 was held in Berlin. In this honouring ceremony in the Maritim Hotel Berlin, the IHK organisation... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Human-Resources « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann has been awarded a contract to lead the transition of the Dutch Fare Collection System from a card-based system to an Scheidt & Bachmann invests in the future. With the relocation of Scheidt & Bachmann France S.A.S into the new and modern offices on 8th June from... We’re taking the next step forward: During the industry’s leading trade fair in... At airports this is a common phenomenon: guests are driven to the airport and the driver stops at the terminal briefly. However, this "brief stop"... With the new brand SIQMA, Scheidt & Bachmann Petrol station systems have combined our extensive experience and technical competence for... When someone drives into a car park anywhere in the world, there is a good chance they will pull a ticket from a parking system made in... Watch our new image movie and learn more about our values and visions, as well as the company's attractiveness as an employer. International PARCS provider Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH partnered with Women In Parking to host an introductory networking event on April 7, 2016 during... Scheidt & Bachmann announces that Henk Domenie has taken over the position of Managing Director of the subsidiary Scheidt & Bachmann Belgium BVBA as... During this year’s Service Station Shop and Carwash exhibition in Brussels Scheidt & Bachmann presented several innovations to the many interested... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... ... » bo|In Moenchengladbach the focus is on intelligent cloud-based systems pa|The system provider announces a close cooperation with the newly established Scheidt & Bachmann Africa. On 9 November 2017, the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg hosted the IHK state award ceremony NRW 2017. In this honouring ceremony, the best of the 16... OC Transpo, the public transit service provider in Ottawa, Canada, launched new fare gates and ticket machines, supplied by Scheidt & Bachmann, at... As part of the "Junior Academy" project, a course of 20 pupils from the Math.-Nat. secondary school visited our company from November 7 to 23 on... Scheidt & Bachmann (UK) Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Cavanagh to the role of Interim Managing Director for Fare Collection... The first devices of the new system generation SIQMA CRID are currently proving themselves in pilot operation at Aral in Luxembourg. This year, Scheidt & Bachmann once again presented its access system products and solutions at FSB 2017, the Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and... By removing sensitive cardholder data from the merchant's in-store environment our PCI certified Point-To-Point Encryption ( ) solution is designed... Scheidt & Bachmann products are becoming a familiar parking system fixture in Africa. The Nairobi Hospital, one of the region’s leading hospitals, is... Please read our new INSIDER containing the latest development of Fare Collection Management. di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Access-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » bo|P2PE pa|One of the world’s largest transportation solutions providers, Scheidt & Bachmann USA, Inc. settles into larger facility headquarters in Lowell, MA The year celebrating the 50th anniversary of the parking system business segment of Scheidt & Bachman is gradually drawing to a close. The anniversary... At this year’s InnoTrans, September 20th - 23rd in Berlin, Scheidt & Bachmann demonstrated its most up-to date ticketing solutions for public... Monday, 09.05.2016, Frank Lackner of the INTER ROLLI citizens' initiative from Göttingen visited our company in order to... Numerous French car park operators are opting for entervo by Scheidt & Bachmann: the open system platform for car park management with its universal... On 27 August Scheidt & Bachmann invited students and parents to have a look behind the scenes. Despite temperatures being above 30 degrees more than... Oakland, CA – Oakland International Airport has awarded a contract to Scheidt & Bachmann USA to install and maintain a new Parking... Parking access and revenue control systems provider Scheidt & Bachmann has received the PCI-PADSS 3.1 certification for its entervo Bankcard Payment... In preparation for business growth, Scheidt & Bachmann USA recently announced the appointment of an Executive Vice President to oversee daily... One of Austria's biggest parking facilities has been opened at the Vienna trade fair centre Messe Wien. For more than 150,000 visitors a year, the... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Corporate Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions « ... ... » bo|Mobility despite Handicap pa|Over the last 40 years, since the Fare Collection Systems division was established, Scheidt & Bachmann have developed from a manufacturing company who... With their joint appearance at EXPO REAL, Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and APCOA PARKING Deutschland GmbH reinforced their cooperative partnership. In recent years the training day at Scheidt & Bachmann has already been visited very well, but on September 9 this year nearly 200 interested... Scheidt & Bachmann organized the second Experts Panel in Moenchengladbach on 11 and 12 September. Under the motto "Petrol station 4.0 - digitization... moBiel, the provider of public transport services in Bielefeld, Germany, has successfully started the installation of around 100 new ticket vending... , the next generation of our powerful back-office system has successfully been introduced into the market: Dutch system operator The Russian Trassa Group has once again chosen Scheidt & Bachmann's petrol station management systems, continuing the long-term partnership with... Once again Q-Park, one of the leading international active parking operators, showed their trust in Scheidt & Bachmann products with the order of... An exemplary success story of partnership-based cooperation began in 1998, when Scheidt & Bachmann's first parking management system was installed at... Scheidt & Bachmann, together with Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, has implemented the new Shell SmartPay mobile payment as a technology partner and... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions « ... ... » pa|The growing number of employees of Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko caused that the firm`s premises are insufficient for current amount of employees.... With the launch of what is now its third check-out app, Scheidt & Bachmann has established itself as the partner of choice among municipal operators... Scheidt & Bachmann together in cooperation with partners evopark and APAG now offers a new online parking system for ticket sales online and onsite... In collaboration with municipal car park authorities, system provider Scheidt & Bachmann has launched the payment app “heidelberg PARKEN”. The free... In 2016, around 75,000 young people completed their vocational training in 130 IHK professions in North Rhine-Westphalia. 265 of them finished with... During the Autocomplex, which took place in Moscow from 1 to 3 November 2016, our new SIQMA product brand was launched in the Russian market. We’re taking the next step forward: During the tankstation vakbeurs at Expo Houten, The Netherlands, Scheidt & Bachmann will showcase the latest... Scheidt & Bachmann wishes to announce that as of January 1, 2017, Henk Domenie will take up the position of Managing Director at its Scheidt &... In addition to an optically modern and user-friendly interface and a structure tailored to our target groups, the main focus of the redesign is the... Scheidt & Bachman USA recently hired industry professional Graham Haldeman as Account Manager over the Mid-Atlantic region to lead the efforts in... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Once again this year we took part in the trade fair “Tankstelle & Mittelstand” (“Petrol Stations & SMEs”) in Münster. The most important trade fair... On 6 July Scheidt & Bachmann invited key figures from the fuel retail market and major oil companies to join the first “Experts’ Panel UK” at The... Join the FareGo Cloud and enter the next age of public transportation. Our new platform-based solution redefines ticketing in public transport: The... Parking solutions provider Scheidt & Bachman USA recently hired industry professional Bruce Stowell to oversee all operations activity within the US.... Scheidt & Bachmann sets another milestone in expanding the market leadership in Israeli market. By winning the tender of Ben Gurion Airport and the... Scheidt & Bachmann is known worldwide for its good service and the high availability for the systems it installs. The significance of IT Services is... Please read our new INSIDER containing the latest development of Fare Collection Management. Scheidt & Bachmann sets new standards in Smart Parking Solutions: When the Tour de France takes off on 1 and 2 July 2017, the smart Event Parking... On Thursday 22 June, 2017, a UK-wide failure of TVMs to accept credit card payments affected most of our UK customers and their clients during the... Once again, Scheidt & Bachmann participated in the annual STADTRADELN, an event which promotes positive contribution to climate protection and... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fuel-Retail-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Human-Resources « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann Parkeersystemen B.V. received the Gold Distributer status as partner for CALE Access. We already carried the title of exclusive... Two market leading solution providers in parking bundled their strength to deliver and service state-of-the-art off-street parking solutions in... Parking Systems vendor Scheidt & Bachmann entered into a partnership with Vigatec on January 1st, 2017. The company will now be the exclusive vendor... "Why should business companies compete only in market or HR fields?" This question floats in minds of sports fans, employees, managers and company... Scheidt & Bachmann continues on its expansionist course and has announced the establishment of a new subsidiary, Scheidt & Bachmann Norge AS. Discover our solution for 24/7 customer service right at your ticket vending machines at this year’s Transport Ticketing Global on January 24 and 25 Scheidt & Bachmann and CALE have extended their existing partnership per January,1 2017 by signing an exclusive authorised dealer agreement on. Scheidt & Bachmann has established an energy management system according to ISO 50001 for all sites in Germany and an environmental management system... Scheidt & Bachmann announces that as of 1 January 2017 Sergio González Delgado will be taking up the position of General Director of its subsidiary... Meet us from January 24 to 25 2017 at the Transport Ticketing Global in London. Gain an insight into our innovative ticketing technology and join... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Human-Resources Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Corporate Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems « ... ... » pa|The UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Montreal is over and Scheidt & Bachmann looks back on a really successful exhibition. A highlight on this... Translink is an association of Dutch public transport operators and operates the national smart card system “OV-chipkaart”. With over two billion... Scheidt & Bachmann have again received certification for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The new certification related to the... The Scheidt & Bachmann UK team can now look back on a successful Parkex trade fair. This followed on our success in winning the Innovation Trail. The... System vendor Scheidt & Bachmann entered into partnership with AutoSistemas on January 1st, 2017. This means that AutoSistemas will now be offering... Scheidt & Bachmann fully commits to the Norwegian Parking Market and gets with Bjørn Kaland an experienced manager and parking expert on board.... Visit Scheidt & Bachmann at the UITP Global Public Transport Summit from 15 to 17 May, 2017 in Montréal and experience our latest developments in... The Innovation Trail is presented by the British Parking Association (BPA) at the Parkex trade show, taking place in Birmingham (UK). Among a variety... Scheidt & Bachmann has evolved the local student programme "U-Pass" of Pittsburgh’s transportation service provider from manual handling to fully... Cale Systems installed three brand new Scheidt & Bachmann hotel parking solutions in Toronto. The projects proof that state-of-the-art technology is... di|- - - - li|News st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « ... ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions Fare-Collection-Systems Parking-Solutions « ... ... » pa|Scheidt & Bachmann has great opportunities for students and high school graduates: For example, in the form of a professional internship. You may join us because of a program requirement at your school or voluntarily during school vacation, in the technical or commercial field. Everything is possible. Take charge of your future - choose between apprenticeships and cooperational education. Educate yourself! You are setting the foundation for your future while being a student! Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Pupils Brochure (german) st|Parking h1|From Highschool to Scheidt & Bachmann - Apprenticeship Offer for Students h2|Additional information Language Menu h3|Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Dear visitors, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some events have been cancelled or we will not participate for security reasons. If you want to contact us, you can do so here: di|- - li|Events st|Parking h1|Upcoming events h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « Fare-Collection-Systems Orlando, FL Fare-Collection-Systems Berlin, Germany « pa|The success of Scheidt & Bachmann as an innovative world leader in the four divisions Parking Solutions, Signalling Systems, Fare Collection Systems and Fuel Retail Solutions is mainly based on the great commitment of our employees. We foster this motivation through excellent training and career opportunities, transparent structures and flat hierarchies as well as enabling our employees with freedom for stimulating ideas and their implementation. Learn more about our dedicated employees. In recent years the training day at Scheidt & Bachmann has already been visited very well, but on September 9 this year nearly 200 interested... Once again, Scheidt & Bachmann participated in the annual STADTRADELN, an event which promotes positive contribution to climate protection and... "Why should business companies compete only in market or HR fields?" This question floats in minds of sports fans, employees, managers and company... In 2016, around 75,000 young people completed their vocational training in 130 IHK professions in North Rhine-Westphalia. 265 of them finished with... On 27 August Scheidt & Bachmann invited students and parents to have a look behind the scenes. Despite temperatures being above 30 degrees more than... Find vacancies and get to know our culture. di|- - - - - li|Career st|Parking h1|Living Team Spirit - Careers at Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Latest news h2|Apply now Learn about our company You are... Education - excellent! Upcoming events Interested to start a career at Scheidt & Bachmann? Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN « Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources « pa|You would like to contact our HR department? Please let us know your inquiry in the contact form below. We will answer your questions as quickly as possible and then get back to you personally. You can find an overview on our current job listings . Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Contact st|Parking h1|Contact h2|Apply now Language Menu h3|Contact Form (single) Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN * * * * * * di|- - - - li|Archive st|Parking h1|Event archive h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN ... » Fare-Collection-Systems Online Fare-Collection-Systems Karlsruhe, Germany Human-Resources Am Platz der Republik, Mönchengladbach Human-Resources Town hall, Erkelenz Human-Resources Parking-Solutions IPMI goes virtual Fuel-Retail-Solutions Munich, Germany Fare-Collection-Systems London, UK Fuel-Retail-Solutions Hamburg, Germany Fuel-Retail-Solutions Essen, Germany ... » pa|We have come a long way evolving from a mechanical engineering company to a global systems provider and we look forward to continuing to make history for generations to come. The salesman Friedrich Scheidt and the engineer Carl Bachmann found the company Scheidt & Bachmann in Mönchengladbach. During the first years Scheidt & Bachmann produces textile machines, transmissions and small steam-powered machines. The founders shift the production to mechanical . Friedrich Scheidt resigns from the company. Scheidt & Bachmann receives its for a "drive device for barriers“. (2nd generation of the associated family), a son-in-law of Ing. Carl Bachmann, joins the company as junior manager. Scheidt & Bachmann relocates the registered office to a newly established plant in which today is a district of Mönchengladbach. Carl Bachmann is awarded an honorary doctorate (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) in recognition of his efforts in the railway safety. The first is introduced. Scheidt & Bachmann begins with the production of . The management shifts the legal form of Scheidt & Bachmann from a general partnership to a (AG). (3rd generation of the associated family), a son-in-law of Rudolf Kraft joins the public limited company’s board of directors. During the Second World War Scheidt & Bachmann is almost fully destroyed by bomb attacks. The begins immediately after the war ends with 100 of the original 1,000 employees. The management of Scheidt & Bachmann transforms the reinvigorated public limited company into a (GmbH). The company begins to develop and manufacture . Since then this business division complements the product portfolio of Scheidt & Bachmann. At this time is integrated for the first time. Scheidt & Bachmann is Europe-wide among the first companies realising the potential of this groundbreaking technology and applying it in automated systems. A department is exclusively established for this purpose. The parking systems product portfolio is extended with . The Chairman of the management board at this time is . Friedrich Miller’s sons, (joined the company in 1959) and (joined the company in 1958) along with his son-in-law, (joined the company from 1951 till 1987), take over the management (4th generation of the associated family). The business division is established and completes the four business divisions as they still are operating today. The first ever is issued to Scheidt & Bachmann for a "device for temporary storing coins of different values" by the European Patent Office. With the wide ranging product portfolio of innovative and high quality hardware and software products, Scheidt & Bachmann begins to expand. The first step is the purchase of Verkehrselektronik GmbH as the of the company. After Peter Miller retires in 1992 the supervisory board appoints , son of as managing director, putting the seal on the 5th generation of the associated family. With the acquisition of Klaus Gindl GmbH (today ), in 1995, the first subsidiary is brought on board solely for service support. The is founded in Zilina, Slovakia. Scheidt & Bachmann USA, the first subsidiary abroad, opens its doors for business. The establishment of numerous other subsidiaries worldwide in the following two decades symbolises further continuity and worldwide growth of Scheidt & Bachmann. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller takes over the managing director position from his father. Scheidt & Bachmann invests in expansion measures in business locations such as new production and administration buildings in Mönchengladbach and Zilina. With 25 subsidiaries, more than 1,050 patents issued (July 2016) and about 3,000 employees worldwide, Scheidt & Bachmann has established itself through continuous and innovative growth as an international system house in the mobility sector. di| li|History st|Signalling Systems Fuel Retail Solutions Gert Miller Peter Miller Herbert Elsenbruch Fare Collection Systems Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Germany GmbH first subsidiary with an own production facility Parking h1|Development from a mechanical engineering company to a global systems provider for intelligent mobility h2|Tradition & innovation - Internationally close to you Language Menu h3|trademarks of being a global market leader 1872 1875 1885 1896 1899 1914 1930 1932 1936 1945 1963 1966 1974 1977 1978 1980 1990 1993 1995 2004 2016 Today h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN bo|first patent Rudolf Kraft Rheydt electro mechanical interlocking system public limited company Friedrich Miller restoration company with limited liability parking centre systems microprocessor technology software development leisure centre systems Friedrich Miller European patent first independent subsidiary Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller Dr.h.c. Gert Miller pa|Our systems for intelligent mobility are used by millions of people worldwide every day. We are therefore committed to ensuring a high standard of quality at all times and for the long term. The high expectations of our customers are reliably met through our daily strive for quality, reliability, competence and the continuous development of our products and services. We believe that our long-standing customer relationships, some of which exist for decades, are the best proof of this lifelong quality. To achieve our quality objectives, we count on the competence of our employees who are committed in ensuring customer satisfaction. As an integrated systems provider, we work according to modern principles to ensure the highest quality in both hardware and software. Our business processes are transparent, lean and efficient. We are constantly working on improving all activities along the value chain and making work processes simple and safe. Our focus therefore lies on impeccable quality and maximum customer satisfaction. Compliance of standards throughout the company ensures our consistent high quality and simplifies work for all involved, for our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. For example, our software testers are certified by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) to ensure that our diverse software is tested in accordance with international standards. In addition, as a DIN member we work according to various VDE and EN standards as well as in the area of electronics production according to IPC 610. By streamlining our processes and avoiding waste, we can achieve greater efficiency and meet the constantly changing market requirements reliably and flexibly. We also count on concepts such as 5S at the workplace, because we believe that a clean and clear working environment improves work efficiency, productivity and safety. In addition, we use automated testing methods that enable efficient and accurate testing, thus speeding up the production process at the highest quality. We live in a corporate culture in which we see mistakes as an opportunity for improvement. The continuous improvement process, for example, allows us to solve problems together and thus improve our company step by step. By using quality gates in the development process, we are able to detect and eliminate errors at an early stage and use the knowledge gained to avoid future risks. In addition to testing during development and production, we carry out module acceptance tests of all individual components of both hardware and software. Our detailed final inspections on the finished device confirm the optimum quality of the overall system. Our customers can therefore be sure to receive a perfect product that meets their exact requirements. The certification of Scheidt & Bachmann is for us the official confirmation of our continuous efforts in achieving the highest quality. We are proud that our Quality Management System was successfully certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard in 2017. You can view and download the corresponding certificate below. di|Document Title Size 327 KB li|Quality st|Consistent quality control Parking h1|Our promise: Lifelong quality for millions of people h2|Language Menu h4|Principles of comprehensive quality Certification h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Certification ISO 9001:2015 view bo|Simple processes with customer focus Clear standards Lean Management A constructive error management culture pa|Scheidt & Bachmann employees do an incredible amount every day and we reward this with a package of services and discounts: As a family business, we are aware of the effort behind maintaining a balance between career and family. Above all, we know that our children are our future, both for Scheidt & Bachmann and for each individual. That is why we recognize whoever take upon this challenge. For the reason, we contribute to childcare costs. We are represented in more than 50 countries with our subsidiaries, representatives and service locations. For this reason, we offer language courses that not only promote language skills, but also an understanding of different cultures, values and behaviours. We value flexibility and support a good work-life balance. Therefore we offer the possibility to work from home. Good and healthy food is important for well-being. That is why we offer a selection of salads, wraps, bagles, hot dishes, desserts and smoothies. When selecting the range, we pay particular attention to regionality and freshness. If you are looking for something a little more hearty, we have a changing range of food trucks! As an employer, we want to promote environmentally friendly and healthy form of mobility. Thanks to the use of tax and social security advantages, this offer of providing a service bicycle can be particularly attractive for you. In addition to the services mentioned above, we offer a lot more. From company pension plans to free water to discounts in various online shops, everything is included. Please contact us for further details! Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Benefits st|Parking h2|Apply now Benefits Day-care subsidy Language courses Home office Varied lunch offer Bike leasing And much more... Language Menu h3|Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN di|Document Title Size 42 KB 68 KB Document Title Size 52 KB li|Terms & conditions st|Parking h1|Terms & conditions h2|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Scheidt & Bachmann System Service GmbH Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Allgemeine Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen (ALZB, Stand 09/2009) view Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen (AEB, Stand 05/2016) view Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Lieferung und Serviceleistungen (AGB, Stand 11/2018) view pa|On this page you will find all listing of all currently vacant positions. Should you not be able to find a suitable position that applies to your experience and future aspirations we encourage you to apply unsolicited. All vacancies are written in german language. For a translation please do not hesitate to contact us. Please use only the allowed opportunities to apply. Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di|Loading ... li|Vacancies st|Parking h1|Vacancies h2|Apply now Your contact Language Menu h3|Frank Dohmen Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Scheidt & Bachmann offers an with . With a multitude of , entervo offers individual possibilities and options for innovative, future-based and investment-safe business models. The parking management system can be smartly integrated into existing IT structures and thus becomes part of cross-industry concepts. Customer requirements can then be met very flexibly. Scheidt & Bachmann supports the in the parking industry in various forms: Solutions such as ticketless entry and exit using license plates, QR codes, UHF-Tags, RFID and payment cards are gaining more and more acceptance alongside conventional control media such as paper tickets. The hardware portfolio can be adapted quickly and precisely to structural requirements. Scheidt & Bachmann supplies a wide range of and thus offers attractive choices: Innovative via an app on the smartphone, contactless with bank or credit cards, by invoice as a contract customer or traditionally with cash - Flexible to any request from your customers. A strong ensures optimum support for your digitisation projects: Through web content management, live monitoring, connectivity services, installation, commissioning and maintenance. We apply this motto to ourselves and take it quite literally so as to overcome the barriers of what went before – technologically and beyond. With the brand entervo we have highlighted our position as a world market leader. And we are confirming our resolve to achieve lasting success in global competition. Welcome Bill to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions! Register now and stay informed about the latest topics of Parking Solutions. di|- - - - li|Parking Solutions st|Parking h1|Smart solutions for your parking management h2|Leader in smart parking solutions Parking Solutions Germany Latest news Keep in touch Upcoming events Internationally close to you Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joel Shipton as National Business Development Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann UK, Parking Solutions. Jo... Parking-Solutions München, Germany Parking-Solutions Würzburg, Germany bo|open digitisation platform for parking management entervo universal interfaces digital change payment options service organisation pa|As a globally active company, Scheidt & Bachmann employs about 3,000 members of staff. A continually growing number of employees also work in one of our existing subsidiaries. In addition to the production site in Mönchengladbach, we also manufacture independently in Zilina (Slovakia) and Lowell (USA). We are represented in more than 50 countries with our subsidiaries, representatives and service locations. Due to the excellent working conditions, a good company atmosphere, exceptionally low turnover and the large range of interesting and responsible activities, Scheidt & Bachmann enjoys a very good reputation as an employer. Our company culture is distinguished by flat hierarchies and collegial teamwork. The management board, specialists, managers and our employees in production, development and administration all work towards the same aim: to have satisfied customers throughout the world. We view people as our most important asset, after all: For this reason, we support our employees with our training and further education programmes. This means they can develop their talents and educate themselves further in targeted general and specialist training sessions. Training for young people is just as important at Scheidt & Bachmann. Alongside apprenticeships in the various trade commercial careers, we offer dual studies in cooperation with local educational institutes. We are regularly distinguished as one of the best training companies in NRW due to our high level of dedication. One success of our employee philosophy is the fact that many of our employees have been connected with our company over generations. di| li|Employees st|Parking h1|Our employees are our most important asset h2|Start with us into a mobile world! Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN bo|A company is only as strong as the people who work there. pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Deutschland Schwalmstraße 278 +6° 27' 11.5" E +51° 10' 45" N di| li|Anfahrt Bussteig 10, Richtung Wanlo Markt, bis Haltestelle Schorchwerke. Der Eingang zum Betriebsgelände befindet sich gegenüber vom Lebensmitteldiscounter. Bussteig 11, Richtung Erkelenz Bf, bis Haltestelle Schorchwerke. Der Eingang zum Betriebsgelände befindet sich gegenüber vom Lebensmitteldiscounter. Bussteig 7, Richtung MG HBF/Europaplatz, bis Haltestelle Schorchwerke. Der Eingang zum Betriebsgelände befindet sich gegenüber vom Lebensmitteldiscounter. Bussteig 6, Richtung Schloß Rheydt, bis Haltestelle Schorchwerke. Der Eingang zum Betriebsgelände befindet sich gegenüber vom Lebensmitteldiscounter. h1|Anfahrt h2|So erreichen Sie uns mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE bo|Toreinfahrt: GPS Daten: Ab Hauptbahnhof Mönchengladbach: Bus 006: Bus SB81: Ab Hauptbahnhof Rheydt: Bus 006: Bus 016: pa|We have come a long way evolving from a mechanical engineering company to a global systems provider and we look forward to continuing to make history for generations to come. The salesman Friedrich Scheidt and the engineer Carl Bachmann found the company Scheidt & Bachmann in Mönchengladbach. During the first years Scheidt & Bachmann produces textile machines, transmissions and small steam-powered machines. The founders shift the production to mechanical . Friedrich Scheidt resigns from the company. Scheidt & Bachmann receives its for a "drive device for barriers“. (2nd generation of the associated family), a son-in-law of Ing. Carl Bachmann, joins the company as junior manager. Scheidt & Bachmann relocates the registered office to a newly established plant in which today is a district of Mönchengladbach. Carl Bachmann is awarded an honorary doctorate (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) in recognition of his efforts in the railway safety. The first is introduced. Scheidt & Bachmann begins with the production of . The management shifts the legal form of Scheidt & Bachmann from a general partnership to a (AG). (3rd generation of the associated family), a son-in-law of Rudolf Kraft joins the public limited company’s board of directors. During the Second World War Scheidt & Bachmann is almost fully destroyed by bomb attacks. The begins immediately after the war ends with 100 of the original 1,000 employees. The management of Scheidt & Bachmann transforms the reinvigorated public limited company into a (GmbH). The company begins to develop and manufacture . Since then this business division complements the product portfolio of Scheidt & Bachmann. At this time is integrated for the first time. Scheidt & Bachmann is Europe-wide among the first companies realising the potential of this groundbreaking technology and applying it in automated systems. A department is exclusively established for this purpose. The parking systems product portfolio is extended with . The Chairman of the management board at this time is . Friedrich Miller’s sons, (joined the company in 1959) and (joined the company in 1958) along with his son-in-law, (joined the company from 1951 till 1987), take over the management (4th generation of the associated family). The business division is established and completes the four business divisions as they still are operating today. The first ever is issued to Scheidt & Bachmann for a "device for temporary storing coins of different values" by the European Patent Office. With the wide ranging product portfolio of innovative and high quality hardware and software products, Scheidt & Bachmann begins to expand. The first step is the purchase of Verkehrselektronik GmbH as the of the company. After Peter Miller retires in 1992 the supervisory board appoints , son of as managing director, putting the seal on the 5th generation of the associated family. With the acquisition of Klaus Gindl GmbH (today ), in 1995, the first subsidiary is brought on board solely for service support. The is founded in Zilina, Slovakia. Scheidt & Bachmann USA, the first subsidiary abroad, opens its doors for business. The establishment of numerous other subsidiaries worldwide in the following two decades symbolises further continuity and worldwide growth of Scheidt & Bachmann. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller takes over the managing director position from his father. Scheidt & Bachmann invests in expansion measures in business locations such as new production and administration buildings in Mönchengladbach and Zilina. With 25 subsidiaries, more than 1,050 patents issued (July 2016) and about 3,000 employees worldwide, Scheidt & Bachmann has established itself through continuous and innovative growth as an international system house in the mobility sector. di| li|History st|Signalling Systems Fuel Retail Solutions Gert Miller Peter Miller Herbert Elsenbruch Fare Collection Systems Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Germany GmbH first subsidiary with an own production facility Parking h1|Development from a mechanical engineering company to a global systems provider for intelligent mobility h2|Tradition & innovation - Internationally close to you Language Menu h3|trademarks of being a global market leader 1872 1875 1885 1896 1899 1914 1930 1932 1936 1945 1963 1966 1974 1977 1978 1980 1990 1993 1995 2004 2016 Today h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN bo|first patent Rudolf Kraft Rheydt electro mechanical interlocking system public limited company Friedrich Miller restoration company with limited liability parking centre systems microprocessor technology software development leisure centre systems Friedrich Miller European patent first independent subsidiary Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller Dr.h.c. Gert Miller pa|Our systems for intelligent mobility are used by millions of people worldwide every day. We are therefore committed to ensuring a high standard of quality at all times and for the long term. The high expectations of our customers are reliably met through our daily strive for quality, reliability, competence and the continuous development of our products and services. We believe that our long-standing customer relationships, some of which exist for decades, are the best proof of this lifelong quality. To achieve our quality objectives, we count on the competence of our employees who are committed in ensuring customer satisfaction. As an integrated systems provider, we work according to modern principles to ensure the highest quality in both hardware and software. Our business processes are transparent, lean and efficient. We are constantly working on improving all activities along the value chain and making work processes simple and safe. Our focus therefore lies on impeccable quality and maximum customer satisfaction. Compliance of standards throughout the company ensures our consistent high quality and simplifies work for all involved, for our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. For example, our software testers are certified by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) to ensure that our diverse software is tested in accordance with international standards. In addition, as a DIN member we work according to various VDE and EN standards as well as in the area of electronics production according to IPC 610. By streamlining our processes and avoiding waste, we can achieve greater efficiency and meet the constantly changing market requirements reliably and flexibly. We also count on concepts such as 5S at the workplace, because we believe that a clean and clear working environment improves work efficiency, productivity and safety. In addition, we use automated testing methods that enable efficient and accurate testing, thus speeding up the production process at the highest quality. We live in a corporate culture in which we see mistakes as an opportunity for improvement. The continuous improvement process, for example, allows us to solve problems together and thus improve our company step by step. By using quality gates in the development process, we are able to detect and eliminate errors at an early stage and use the knowledge gained to avoid future risks. In addition to testing during development and production, we carry out module acceptance tests of all individual components of both hardware and software. Our detailed final inspections on the finished device confirm the optimum quality of the overall system. Our customers can therefore be sure to receive a perfect product that meets their exact requirements. The certification of Scheidt & Bachmann is for us the official confirmation of our continuous efforts in achieving the highest quality. We are proud that our Quality Management System was successfully certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard in 2017. You can view and download the corresponding certificate below. di|Document Title Size 327 KB li|Quality st|Consistent quality control Parking h1|Our promise: Lifelong quality for millions of people h2|Language Menu h4|Principles of comprehensive quality Certification h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Certification ISO 9001:2015 view bo|Simple processes with customer focus Clear standards Lean Management A constructive error management culture pa|Scheidt & Bachmann employees do an incredible amount every day and we reward this with a package of services and discounts: As a family business, we are aware of the effort behind maintaining a balance between career and family. Above all, we know that our children are our future, both for Scheidt & Bachmann and for each individual. That is why we recognize whoever take upon this challenge. For the reason, we contribute to childcare costs. We are represented in more than 50 countries with our subsidiaries, representatives and service locations. For this reason, we offer language courses that not only promote language skills, but also an understanding of different cultures, values and behaviours. We value flexibility and support a good work-life balance. Therefore we offer the possibility to work from home. Good and healthy food is important for well-being. That is why we offer a selection of salads, wraps, bagles, hot dishes, desserts and smoothies. When selecting the range, we pay particular attention to regionality and freshness. If you are looking for something a little more hearty, we have a changing range of food trucks! As an employer, we want to promote environmentally friendly and healthy form of mobility. Thanks to the use of tax and social security advantages, this offer of providing a service bicycle can be particularly attractive for you. In addition to the services mentioned above, we offer a lot more. From company pension plans to free water to discounts in various online shops, everything is included. Please contact us for further details! Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Benefits st|Parking h2|Apply now Benefits Day-care subsidy Language courses Home office Varied lunch offer Bike leasing And much more... Language Menu h3|Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Global mobility is today one of the important economy factors. To fullfill these demands, infrastructure operators need competent partners. Scheidt & Bachmann is one of the most successful manufacturers and has more than 130 years of experience in regards to signalling technology. di| li|Signalling Systems st|Parking h1|Railway Signalling – Innovation for a mobile world h2|Tradition & innovation - Internationally close to you Language Menu h3|trademarks of being a global market leader h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|At Scheidt & Bachmann, we attach great importance to being more than just a supplier for our customers. We see ourselves as a long-term partner with the responsibility for the success of our customer's business. We always go a step further so that you are satisfied with us and your Scheidt & Bachmann system without any exceptions. Our philosophy for a successful partnership is: "We don't walk away!" "We keep promises!" "Flexibility and quick reaction times!" A philosophy for the long term, helping us to be the right partner for your projects over a long period. di| li|Philosophy a reliable, conveniently operated system; adapted to your individual requirements and the local conditions a modern system using the latest state-of-the-art technology, which maintains full efficiency with future-orientated planning and long-term support flexibility and quick reaction times, keeping your business fully operational we make it our business to offer you services that are tailored to your needs – including comprehensive service plans long-term availability of replacement parts a project that can be completed within the specified time and costing arrangements experienced project managers who have already excelled in similar projects the full commitment of all employees involved with your project; from those responsible for the project through to local service employees a long-term partnership that goes far beyond the project period and last but not least – satisfied customers st|– for generations: – long-term: – in the company: Parking h1|Customer satisfaction is our top priority h2|Your aims are our strengths: Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|With highly efficient suppliers and the right procurement strategy for mutual success. The purchasing activities of Scheidt & Bachmann company are coordinated centrally from Mönchengladbach. di| li|Purchasing st|Parking h1|Welcome to the Scheidt & Bachmann Purchasing h2|Additional information Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|In recent years, through its competitive ambitions, Scheidt & Bachmann has claimed its position under expeditious changing market conditions. In the context of global markets and the influence of a rapid development in the areas of digitisation and mobility, production is our main focus to success. Evident to us is the transparency of our punctuality and effectiveness of manufacturing customised products both in small and in large quantities to be delivered. Our exceptionally strong production depth enables us to be in a position to flexibly operate – guaranteed are high quality and continuous supply of spare parts at all times. Scheidt & Bachmann takes pride in its in-house from scratch production. As well as regularly investing in highly efficient production equipment to set the course for a successful future. With state-of-the-art laser machining centres, high-performance turning centres, fully automatic SMD assembly systems and versatile quality laboratories we ensure to deliver the quality and efficiency "Made by Scheidt & Bachmann". di| li|Production st|Parking h1|Our Production Technology "success factor for customised products" h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Wie können wir Talente für die Mobilitätsbranche gewinnen und die Fachkräfte von morgen sichern? Dieser Frage widmeten wir uns auf dem Bündnis-Tag... On November 15, Scheidt & Bachmann was awarded a special price by the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein (regional Chamber of Commerce) for the 8th time in 9... On 07 September Scheidt & Bachmann opened its doors for a Training Day to interested students from grades 9-12 and their parents. Our training and... As of August, many enthusiastic new apprentices started their training with us to become Electronics technician for devices and systems, IT Specialist... On 21 November 2018, the IHK-Landesbestenehrung NRW 2018 took place at Motorworld in the Butzweilerhof. The award, moderated by Guido Cantz, once... Around 100 colleagues participated at the Run & Fun Mönchengladbach in the SparkassenPark. Special praise goes to our three colleagues, whose... On December 4, the National Awards Ceremony 2017 was held in Berlin. In this honouring ceremony in the Maritim Hotel Berlin, the IHK organisation... On 9 November 2017, the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg hosted the IHK state award ceremony NRW 2017. In this honouring ceremony, the best of the 16... As part of the "Junior Academy" project, a course of 20 pupils from the Math.-Nat. secondary school visited our company from November 7 to 23 on... Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di|- - - - - - - li|News & Events st|Parking h1|Latest news h2|Apply now Upcoming events Language Menu h3|Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN » Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources Human-Resources » Human-Resources Online via MS Teams Human-Resources Human-Resources pa|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Schwalmstraße 278 +6° 27' 11.5" E +51° 10' 45" N di| li|Directions Bay 10, direction: Wanlo Markt, to Schorchwerke. The entrance is across the street from the grocery store. Bay 11, direction: Erkelenz Bf, to Schorchwerke. The entrance is across the street from the grocery store. Bay 7, direction: MG HBF/Europaplatz, to Schorchwerke. The entrance is across the street from the grocery store. Bay 6, direction: Schloß Rheydt, to Schorchwerke. The entrance is across the street from the grocery store. st|Parking h1|Directions h2|How to reach us by public transport Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN bo|Access through: GPS data: From Mönchengladbach central station / Europaplatz: Bus 006: Bus SB81: From Rheydt central station: Bus 006: Bus 016: pa|Das Systemhaus Scheidt & Bachmann hat das Freizeitanlagengeschäft strategisch neu aufgestellt. Für eine zukunftssichere Ausrichtung des Geschäftsfeldes haben wir verschiedenste Handlungsoptionen mit Marktbegleitern geprüft: Wie können Synergien gemeinsam besser genutzt werden, um unseren Kunden auch weiterhin ein zukunftsorientiertes Produktportfolio anbieten zu können. Ein Systemhaus aus unserem Umfeld hat sich dabei als bestmöglicher Partner für Scheidt & Bachmann herausgestellt. Am 29.04.2019 haben Scheidt & Bachmann und die HKS Systeme GmbH die Gründung der gemeinsamen Gesellschaft bekannt gegeben. Ziel der neuen Gesellschaft ist es, künftig noch schneller und gezielter branchenspezifische Produkte und Lösungen für Kassen- und Zutrittssysteme anzubieten. Besonders der technologische Fortschritt bei durchgängig integrierten Webanwendungen wird damit deutlich forciert und das Serviceangebot ausgebaut. Die entervo-access GmbH hat am 01.07.2019 die Geschäftstätigkeit am neuen Bürostandort in Willich aufgenommen. werden weiterhin in der gewohnten Qualität durch die Scheidt & Bachmann Parking Solutions Germany GmbH betreut. Die bekannten Kontaktdaten bleiben bestehen. di| li|Access Solutions h1|entervo-access GmbH - Ihre neue Adresse für Lösungen rund um Ihre Freizeitanlage h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Geschäftsbereiche Social Media Rechtliches Kontakt sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide DE pa|On this page you will find all listing of all currently vacant positions. Should you not be able to find a suitable position that applies to your experience and future aspirations we encourage you to apply unsolicited. All vacancies are written in german language. For a translation please do not hesitate to contact us. Please use only the allowed opportunities to apply. Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di|Loading ... li|Vacancies st|Parking h1|Vacancies h2|Apply now Your contact Language Menu h3|Frank Dohmen Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN di|Document Title Size 42 KB 68 KB Document Title Size 52 KB li|Terms & conditions st|Parking h1|Terms & conditions h2|Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Scheidt & Bachmann System Service GmbH Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Allgemeine Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen (ALZB, Stand 09/2009) view Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen (AEB, Stand 05/2016) view Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Lieferung und Serviceleistungen (AGB, Stand 11/2018) view pa|get access to all documents and expert videos You want do discuss individual questions or you want to get deeper insights into open payment? Than contact our experts and make a non-binding appointment! Sales ABT Support our global sales team in ABT projects and to join the global ABT market requirements into our ABT product concept Strategic Projects // Assistant to the CEO Responsible to bring internal strategic projects into life and accompanying their execution until they are fully implemented di|Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: li|Videos Account-based ticketing vs. ID-based ticketing The difference between EMV vs. cEMV Learn how PCI compliance & data security affect an open payment system Implementation of our open payment system in only... The essential elements of an account-based ticketing system Discover the special of BONNsmart See the Scope of BONNsmart Get more details about BONNSmart's performance and key figures Learn how easy the adaption to another region or country is st|Key Takeways: Key Takeaways: Key Takeways: Parking h1|Fast-forward! h2|Discover the fast track to Open Payment We‘ll get you up to speed. Register now! Get in touch with our experts. Language Menu h3|Our experts will take you there Please to watch the videos Please login to watch the videos Please login to watch the videos Manfred Troll Paul Schreier Have you already registered? Login now h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Implementation in only 3 months Assembling a team for a successful launch Critical steps for success Implementation of Open Payment doesn’t require stopping existing system operations What needs to be defined The passenger experience is greatly enhanced in multiple ways pa|It is Open Door Day at Scheidt & Bachmann . We will open our doors to all students up grades 9 and their parents, teachers and all those interested on Saturday, August 22 2020 from 9 am - 2 pm. We will offer you the most exciting insights of the trainings and study programmes we offer. We will also give you an insight into how we shape young people's successful start into their professional life. For a better planning we ask for registration. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Human Resources Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone: +49 2166 266-253 Fax: +49 2166 266-254 di| li|Training Day information about our training and dual study programmes offered by our instructor team and our apprentices/ dual students insights into the training workshop and training rooms electronics engineer for devices and systems IT specialist system integrator industrial salesman/woman electrical engineering (electronics technician for devices and systems and Bachelor of Engineering) degree in business administration (industrial business sales and administration / Bachelor of Arts) st|Mönchengladbach We ask you to bring mouth and nose protection masks and to wear them during the event. Parking h1|Training Day @ Scheidt & Bachmann Germany h2|Saturday, August 22 2020 / from 9 am - 2 pm / Registration form Impressions Language Menu h3|free entrance What you might expect Our vocational training Our dual degree program Contact Form (Training Day) Your contact to us h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN * * * * pa|Visit us at our stand! We are looking forward to meet you in person. di|- li|Article st|Parking h1|ITS WC h2|Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Fare-Collection-Systems Hamburg, Germany di|Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: li|SIQMA Virtual Tour st|please register for our exclusive access Parking h2|Welcome to our SIQMA virtual exhibition Language Menu h3|Have you already registered? Login now h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Enjoy your tour and experience our latest SIQMA solutions. If you want to learn in more detail about certain SIQMA solutions, . This area is only available for our customers. The registration is due to approval. pa|As a globally active company, Scheidt & Bachmann employs about 3,000 members of staff. A continually growing number of employees also work in one of our existing subsidiaries. In addition to the production site in Mönchengladbach, we also manufacture independently in Zilina (Slovakia) and Lowell (USA). We are represented in more than 50 countries with our subsidiaries, representatives and service locations. Due to the excellent working conditions, a good company atmosphere, exceptionally low turnover and the large range of interesting and responsible activities, Scheidt & Bachmann enjoys a very good reputation as an employer. Our company culture is distinguished by flat hierarchies and collegial teamwork. The management board, specialists, managers and our employees in production, development and administration all work towards the same aim: to have satisfied customers throughout the world. We view people as our most important asset, after all: For this reason, we support our employees with our training and further education programmes. This means they can develop their talents and educate themselves further in targeted general and specialist training sessions. Training for young people is just as important at Scheidt & Bachmann. Alongside apprenticeships in the various trade commercial careers, we offer dual studies in cooperation with local educational institutes. We are regularly distinguished as one of the best training companies in NRW due to our high level of dedication. One success of our employee philosophy is the fact that many of our employees have been connected with our company over generations. di| li|Employees st|Parking h1|Our employees are our most important asset h2|Start with us into a mobile world! Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN bo|A company is only as strong as the people who work there. pa|Scheidt & Bachmann offers an with . With a multitude of , entervo offers individual possibilities and options for innovative, future-based and investment-safe business models. The parking management system can be smartly integrated into existing IT structures and thus becomes part of cross-industry concepts. Customer requirements can then be met very flexibly. Scheidt & Bachmann supports the in the parking industry in various forms: Solutions such as ticketless entry and exit using license plates, QR codes, UHF-Tags, RFID and payment cards are gaining more and more acceptance alongside conventional control media such as paper tickets. The hardware portfolio can be adapted quickly and precisely to structural requirements. Scheidt & Bachmann supplies a wide range of and thus offers attractive choices: Innovative via an app on the smartphone, contactless with bank or credit cards, by invoice as a contract customer or traditionally with cash - Flexible to any request from your customers. A strong ensures optimum support for your digitisation projects: Through web content management, live monitoring, connectivity services, installation, commissioning and maintenance. We apply this motto to ourselves and take it quite literally so as to overcome the barriers of what went before – technologically and beyond. With the brand entervo we have highlighted our position as a world market leader. And we are confirming our resolve to achieve lasting success in global competition. Welcome Bill to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions! Register now and stay informed about the latest topics of Parking Solutions. di|- - - - li|Parking Solutions st|Parking h1|Smart solutions for your parking management h2|Leader in smart parking solutions Parking Solutions Germany Latest news Keep in touch Upcoming events Internationally close to you Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Parking-Solutions Parking-Solutions We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joel Shipton as National Business Development Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann UK, Parking Solutions. Jo... Parking-Solutions München, Germany Parking-Solutions Würzburg, Germany bo|open digitisation platform for parking management entervo universal interfaces digital change payment options service organisation pa|How can passengers always pay the lowest fare with their contactless bank card and mobile payment apps? Our experts know how and take you on the journey with them. : Seperate registration for the webinar is required You want do discuss individual questions or you want to get deeper insights into open payment? Than contact our experts and make a non-binding appointment! Supports our global team in ABT projects and to join the global market requirements into our ABT product concept Operates on strategic initiatives for products and services required by the transport industry for future ticketing projects di|Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: li|Webinar See how Transit Agencies reduce sales costs Increase sales while decreasing ticket vending machine quantites Excite your passengers by not having to buy tickets anymore Experience the ease for occasional travelers and visitors See why tariff knowledge is no longer required for the rider st|Key Takeways Parking h1|FareGo Open Payment Webinar h2|Get ready for the future of mobility Register for the free webinar. Register now for the webinar! Get in touch with our experts. Language Menu h3|Please to watch the webinar Manfred Troll Lars Rembold Have you already registered for the webinar? h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN pa|Learn from the insights of the first contactless ticketing system for public transport in Germany. New Work, Smart Home, Seamless Mobility - we are increasingly feeling the many dimensions and major transformations of digital change in the mobility... Ottawa – OC Transpo is launching a customer trial this afternoon for a new touchless way to pay fares using credit cards and smartphones at O-Train... Read what our in house expert for Open Payment Manfred Troll has to say about the implementation of Open Payment Find out what makes FareGo Open Payment so special for your passengers Basics about IDBT, Open-loop & Pay-As-You-Go Find out the most important facts about the different security standards in the payment industry From access to payment. Here you can find out everything about the individual processes. We are pleased to announce a new agreement with OC Transpo to fast track additional contactless fare payment technology on the OC Transpo’s bus fleet... di|- - - - li|Blog Partner project of SWB Bus und Bahn, Postbank, Scheidt & Bachmann, the Kompetenzcenter Digitalisierung NRW and Visa Contactless and paperless... st|Parking h2|Blog Language Menu h6|Europe North America Middle East Business Divisions Social Media Legal Contact sp|Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide EN Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems Fare-Collection-Systems