pa|A digital contracting platform that automates and reduces manual tasks, while ensuring compliance. Precisely helped us improve the efficiency of our legal team by allowing the department to spend more time focusing on high-value work. In the process of digitizing our legal department, Precisely is a tireless sparring partner that not only offers great support, but also continuously develops new features to meet our needs! By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management. Having all our contracts in one place means a lot when we are approaching investors. It has a direct effect on our valuation and indirectly in growing our business even further. Streamline your contract workflow and automate. Receive reminders to keep your company up to date with all contract related matters. All your contracts — all in the cloud. Get instant access. No download needed. Contract management for the 21st century. h1|Your whole contract workflow, in one place. h2|Create compliant contracts, at scale Share the workload, keep the control Collaborate with ease Low effort, high impact Better contracting now - and tomorrow h3|Some of our trusted customers h4|Save resources Stay in control Instant access h6|SAVED TIME REDUCED RISK SMOOTHER WORK WELL-STRUCTURED FUTURE PROOF Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Spend less time on low-level administration, and more time on value-adding efforts. Transform frequently used contracts into automated templates Set rules enable anyone to create contracts, regardless of legal experience Produce templates that enable contract creation based on smart questionnaires Involve more team members and automate low-risk tasks, all while staying compliant. Control access levels with user-level authorization Route the right contract to the right person, automatically Stay error-free with rules for templates, calculations, and more Keep all communication in one place to avoid misunderstandings and work from wherever. Collaborate with your team, negotiate with your counterparty Review, approve, negotiate, and e-sign in one place Suggest changes with redlining and give feedback With the whole workflow in one place, registering, archiving, and monitoring is easier than ever. Register contracts automatically, with accurate metadata, using AI Upload contracts to the archive and find them easily with advanced filtering Get notified of contract expiry, deadlines and milestones How you choose to work now, determines what possibilities you will have in the future. Choosing a cloud-based platform today, means choosing a smarter future. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. pa|En digital avtalsplattform som automatiserar och minimerar rutinuppgifter, med samma kontroll och kvalitet som tidigare. Precisely helped us improve the efficiency of our legal team by allowing the department to spend more time focusing on high-value work. In the process of digitizing our legal department, Precisely is a tireless sparring partner that not only offers great support, but also continuously develops new features to meet our needs! By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management. Having all our contracts in one place means a lot when we are approaching investors. It has a direct effect on our valuation and indirectly in growing our business even further. st|verige h1|Avtalshantering för framtidens bolag h2|Säkra avtal i stor skala Dela på arbetet, men behåll kontrollen Arbeta tillsammans, på riktigt Minimal ansträngning, maximal effekt Bättre avtal – både idag och imorgon En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Några av våra utvalda kunder h4|Spara resurser Behåll kontrollen Lättillgängligt h6|TIDSBESPARANDE MINSKAD RISK EFFEKTIVARE PROCESS VÄLSTRUKTURERAT SÄKRA FÖR FRAMTIDEN SKAPA, SIGNERA & ARKIVERA Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Lägg mindre tid på administration och mer tid på att skapa värde. Skapa lättanvända och automatiska mallar för vanliga och återkommande avtal Generera avtal enkelt genom att svara på förutbestämda frågor Sätt upp en struktur så hela organisationen själva kan skapa avtal, oberoende av juridisk kompetens Involvera fler kollegor och automatisera rutinuppgifter, med samma kvalitet och säkerhet som tidigare. Hantera behörighet på användarnivå Tilldela dokumenten till rätt person vid rätt tidpunkt – automatiskt Skapa säkra avtalsprocesser med regler för mallar, beräkningar och mer Med all kommunikation på ett och samma ställe är alla uppdaterade kring vad de behöver göra samt när. Samarbeta smidigt med ditt team och förhandla med din motpart Granska, godkänn, förhandla och e-signera på ett och samma ställe Föreslå ändringar och kommentera direkt i avtalet När hela arbetsflödet sker på ett och samma ställe är det enklare än någonsin att registrera, arkivera och bevaka avtal. Registrera dina avtal automatiskt, med rätt metadata, tack vare AI Ladda upp avtal till arkivet och hitta dem enkelt med avancerad filtrering Få påminnelser om avtal som löper ut, tidsfrister eller aktuella delmål Det ni väljer idag påverkar era möjligheter imorgon. Välj en molnbaserad plattform redan idag, för att välja en smartare framtid. Effektivisera ditt avtalsarbete och automatisera hela avtalets livscykel. Få påminnelser och säkerställ att företaget håller sig uppdaterat inom alla avtalsrelaterade frågor. Alla avtal finns lättillgängligt i molnet med omedelbar åtkomst. Ingen nedladdning krävs. pa|Vi känner till hur smärtsamt det kan vara att hantera avtal manuellt. Efter att ha rådgett företag i varierande storlekar i flera år insåg vi att många organisationer har ineffektiva processer för att hantera sina avtal. De är varken effektiva eller anpassade efter moderna företag. Vi delar samma mål — att göra avtalshantering både smart och enkelt. Nils-Erik Jansson studerade juridik när han insåg att utbildningen saknade fokus på hur teknologi kunde användas för att alliera affärsverksamheter med juridik. Den intellektuella processen hade påbörjats. …grundade han Sveriges första digitalt fokuserade affärsjuridiska byrå. Med fasta priser och digital effektivisering i fokus vann byrån snabbt mark och när Jansson lämnade byrån för att grunda Precisely tilldelades han priset Årets Juridiska Innovatör. Med en vision om att digitalisera alla avtalsuppgifter i en och samma plattform och att satsa på den senaste tekniken såsom artificiell intelligens blev Precisely inledningsvis en favorit bland bolagsjurister i Norden. Idag har Precisely en bred kundbas utspridd i alla världsdelar och en plattform som låter alla avdelningar arbeta tillsammans på ett effektivt och säkert sätt på en och samma plats. De största problemen relaterade till företags avtalshantering hade identifierats. Att skapa avtal var alldeles för tidskrävande och opålitligt. Utskrifter, skannande och manuell signering är ineffektivt. Avtal är utspridda över hela organisationen — och det är så gott som omöjligt att hålla koll på alla avtalsrelaterade deadlines. Trött på utskrifter och skannande? Inget mer papper. Vi utvecklade en automatiserad ”one-stop”-lösning för alla avtalsrelaterade angelägenheter. Tillsammans strävar vi efter en framtid med mindre administration — och mer tid för affärer. Alla avtal i molnet. Ha alltid tillgång till dem. Inga nedladdningar behövs. Motverka både ekonomiska och juridiska risker genom att digitalisera er avtalshantering. Minska även administrativa kostnader och fördröjelser. Visst är det bra? li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|verige h1|Avtalsautomation. Smart och enkelt. h2|Avtal på ett enkelt sätt En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Det började år 2006... Ett par år senare Resultatet: smart avtalshantering En digital knytpunkt för alla avtalsrelaterade angelägenheter En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|För det moderna företaget Några av våra utvalda kunder h4|Snabb tillgång Stäng fler affärer Minimera kostnader h6|Vi vill förändra avtal Varför gör vi det här? Skapa, signera & arkivera Vad är vår historia? Vad kan Precisely göra för mig? Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Därför skapade vi Precisely. Vi delar samma mål — att göra avtalshantering både smart och enkelt. Juridiskt bindande elektroniska signaturer gör det möjligt att stänga affärer, verkställa avtal och få ombord nyanställda snabbare än någonsin. di|”The various workflows we have set up improve our visibility into what our teams are sending out. It increases our teams’ productivity in closing deals, and helps the organization to reduce and mitigate risks by always using up-to-date templates and approval processes” SOFIE STORCKENFELDT General Counsel at Stureplansgruppen st|verige h1|En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Skapa ditt Precisely-konto Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN * * * * * * * Testa gratis i 14 dagar Spara tid och minimera risker Skapa avtal 5x snabbare Automatisera arbetsflöden och motarbeta flaskhalsar pa|Vi har stor erfarenhet av att automatisera avtal åt företag i alla storlekar — från små- och medelstora bolag till multinationella jätteföretag. har Precisely lösningar som passar er. Kom igång med avtalshantering och e-signering Öka er kontroll med automatiserade helhetslösningar för avtalshantering Maximera avtalsprestation genom avancerad avtalsautomation och integrationer Ibland kan det behövas en hjälpande hand. Om du har några frågor om vår produkt, implementation, integration eller något annat område är det bara att höra av dig. Vi hjälper dig mer än gärna. td|Chatt Chatt/e-mail Dedikerad avtalshanteringsexpert Svenska, Engelska Svenska, Engelska De flesta språk på begäran th|Starter Professional Enterprise Automatiserade mallar Avtalsmetadata Mall-logga Godkännandeflöden Godkännandenotiser Automatiserad metadatataggning och -hantering Externt samarbete & kommentarer OCR och fulltextsök Enhetshantering Integrationer (CRM, ERP, etc.) Publikt API Avtalskonverteringstjänster Support Applikationsspråk li|1 automatiserad mall Arkivering Övervakning E-signering All funktionalitet i Starter Obegränsat antal automatiserade mallar Godkännandeflöden Automatiserade notiser All funktionalitet i Professional Enhetshantering Integrationer & API-åtkomst OCR Avtalsskapande Avtalsarkiv Bilagor Användarhantering Teams Obegränsad e-signering Signeringsmeddelandemallar E-signeringspåminnelser Förvalda signatörer Avancerade filter Tvåfaktorsautentisering Dashboard med överblick över dina avtal, uppgifter och påminnelser Avtalsskapande Avtalsarkiv Bilagor Användarhantering Teams Obegränsad e-signering Signeringsmeddelandemallar E-signeringspåminnelser Förvalda signatörer Avancerade filter Tvåfaktorsautentisering Dashboard med överblick över dina avtal, uppgifter och påminnelser Avtalsskapande Avtalsarkiv Bilagor Användarhantering Teams Obegränsad e-signering Signeringsmeddelandemallar E-signeringspåminnelser Förvalda signatörer Avancerade filter Tvåfaktorsautentisering Dashboard med överblick över dina avtal, uppgifter och påminnelser sm|/ användare / user / user st|Oavsett företagsstorlek eller verksamhetsområde verige h2|Avtala snabbare och säkrare än någonsin Har du några frågor? h3|Dessa verktyg är inkluderade i samtliga planer Dessa verktyg är inkluderade i samtliga planer Dessa verktyg är inkluderade i samtliga planer Några av våra utvalda kunder h4|Starter Professional Enterprise h6|Priser mån per month per month Fråga oss Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Spara 10% $ 44 49 $ 62 69 $ 89 99 1 Obegränsat* Obegränsat* Obegränsat* Obegränsat* pa|I dagsläget är författande av avtal onödigt ineffektivt — även för de som arbetar med samma typer av återkommande avtal. Proceduren uppgörs vanligtvis av omfattande kopierande och klistrande av klausuler, varpå avtalet läses igenom i sin helhet för att säkerställa att inga oönskade förändringar har skett. Precisely låter dig genom att använda automatiserade mallar. De automatiserade mallarna är självbetjänande, låter vem som helst skapa felfria avtal på bara ett par minuter och . Precisely erbjuder förbestämda avtalsstrukturer och användarbehörigheter. Utöver detta gör Precisely det möjligt att automatisera organisationens arbetsflöden och godkännandeprocesser. och följer gällande lagar och regler. Precisely låter er sätta en mängd elektroniska signaturer på en obegränsad mängd avtal. Stäng affärer, verkställ avtal och anställ nya medarbetare snabbare än någonsin — inga fler pappersdokument. Precisely ger er ett . Det ger er tillgång till alla avtal genom en plattform — var som helst, när som helst. Samtidigt som smart sökning och filtrering låter dig hitta vad du letar efter på bara ett par sekunder. Preciselys smarta påminnelser notifierar dig om alla viktiga milstolpar. Skapa påminnelser för — och få automatiskt notiser via email. Ha alltid full koll på när det är dags för att omförhandla, förnya eller säga upp ett avtal. st|effektivisera skapandet av avtal fungerar med alla sorters avtal Säkerställ att era avtal har rättslig grund obegränsad juridiskt bindande obegränsat arkiveringsutrymme för alla era avtal alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel verige h1|Allt avtalsrelaterat i en plattform h2|Automatiserat skapande av avtal Felfria avtal och automatiserade arbetsflöden Digital signering Alla avtal i en plattform Ha alltid full koll på era avtal En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|För moderna företag Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Skapa, signera, arkivera och övervaka alla avtal Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN pa|45 minuters demo. Se hur Precisely kan: di|Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat. “By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management.” Christoffer Lötebo CEO, Precis Digital st|verige h1|Smart och enkel avtalshantering h2|Boka demo h3|Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Effektivisera och decentralisera avtalsprocesser Minska kostnader och risk genom automatisering Ge fullständig kontroll över företagets avtal * * * * * pa|Avtal utgör grunden av alla organisationer. Därav använder vi TLS-kryptering och en av bästa möjliga server-infrastrukturer — med säkerhetsstandard i världklass. Detta säkerställer att alla dina avtal är skyddade. Din uppkoppling till—och kommunikation med—Precisely sker med TLS (Transport Layer Security) med ECDHE P-256 AES-128-bitars kryptering för att säkerställa att data krypteras och överförs på ett säkert sätt. Detta är samma nivå av kryptering som används av många statliga myndigheter och ledande banker. Preciselys servrar är belägna på SAS70 Typ II, SSAE 16-anläggningar med ISO 27001-certifiering. Detta innebär bland annat att fysisk tillgång är strikt kontrollerad av professionell säkerhetspersonal så väl som sofistikerade intrångsförhindrande system och videoövervakning. Utöver detta behöver behörig personal genomgå tvåfaktors-autentisering vid mer än tre tillfällen för att nå serverhallarna. Systemet som används för Precisely är designat för att uppnå ”nine 9s of durability”, vilket innebär att data automatiskt backas upp på flera datacenter för att säkerställa att du alltid har tillgång till dina avtal. Precisely lagrar inte din kreditkortsinformation. Istället hanteras informationen av vår betallösningsleverantör Stripe, som uppnåt den högsta nivån—nivå 1—i PCIs säkerhetsstandard (Payment Card Industry Security Standard). Med Precisely kan du avgöra varje användares behörighet för att komma åt—och göra förändringar i—avtal genom att bestämma vilken administrativ nivå de ska ha. På så sätt kan du säkerställa att inga obehöriga förändringar görs i dina avtal. Tvåfaktors-autentisering är ett extra säkerhetslager för ditt Precisely-konto. Det är designat för att säkerställa att du och endast du kan komma åt ditt konto, även om någon annan skulle få reda på ditt lösenord. By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management. Having all our contracts in one place means a lot when we are approaching investors. It has a direct effect on our valuation and indirectly in growing our business even further. st|verige h1|Säkerhet på banknivå h2|Se till att alla dina avtal är i säkert förvar Säkerhet på banknivå Anläggningar i världsklass "Nine 9s of durability" Kreditkortsinformation Intern åtkomst och kontroll Tvåfaktors-autentisering h3|Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Se till att dina avtal är i säkert förvar Översikt Kryptering Fysisk säkerhet Reliabilitet & tillgänglighet PCI-nivå 1 Skapa avtal Extra säkerhetslager Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN pa|60 minuters demo. Se hur Precisely kan: di|”By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management.” Christoffer Lötebo CEO, Precis Digital Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat. st|verige h1|Smart och enkel avtalshantering h2|Boka demo h3|Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Effektivisera och decentralisera avtalsprocesser Minska kostnader och risk genom automatisering Ge fullständig kontroll över företagets avtal * * * * * li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|agera snabbare ökad kontroll spara tid och reducera kostnader vem som helst kan skapa felfria avtal automatisera arbetsflöden och godkännandeprocesser åtkomst till dina avtal, oavsett var du befinner dig reducera risker och kostnader verige h1|Avtalshantering för VDn/CEO h2|Få en tydlig överblick över ditt företags avtal En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Låt alla avdelningar effektivisera sina avtalsprocesser Se till att dina avtal är centralt förvarade och tillgängliga Se till att du och dina medarbetare aldrig missar en viktig deadline Prova kostnadsfritt i 14 dagar h3|Snabbare processer Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|En modern lösning för alla avdelningar och roller i ditt företag Öka produktiviteten Skapa, signera & arkivera Automation Tillgång Efterlevnad Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Ditt avtalssystem behöver ge dig en tydlig överblick över—och ideellt insikt i—alla företagets avtal, samtidigt som alla avdelningar tillåts med . Att använda en modern avtalshanteringslösning är det första steget mot att reducera kostnader, maximera värdet av ditt företags avtal och säkerställa korrekt datahantering. Preciselys breda utbud av skalbara verktyg gör avtalshantering enkelt och underlättar samarbetet mellan avdelningar. Preciselys automatiserade mallar låter alla företagets avdelningar bli självbetjänande när de skapar avtal, samtidigt som de håller sig inom juristens godkända riktlinjer. Detta eliminerar behovet av juridisk hjälp så fort ett avtal ska skapas. Att välja Precisely är att välja en lösning som låter din personal använda ett brett utbud av automatiserade som ökar deras produktivitet. Resultatet blir att hela företaget kan . Kom igång idag och se till att hela företaget kan bemästra avtal! Genom att använda Precisely får dina medarbetare tillgång till ett brett utbud av verktyg för som reducerar tiden som spenderas på administrativa uppgifter. Precisely låter företagets jurister (eller annan funktion som har hand om era juridika processer) transformera era mallar till automatiserade sådana. Dessa gör att , vare sig de har en juridisk bakgrund eller inte. Efter att avtalet har skapats kan du skicka det för juridiskt bindande e-signering med Precisely. Detta låter inte enbart företaget skära ned på pappers- och brevrelaterade kostnader, utan även stänga affärer snabbare. Utöver detta låter plattformen dig skapa avtalsstrukturer och bestämma användares behörighetsnivåer för ökad säkerhet. Samtidigt som du kan . Nästan 10 % av alla underskrivna avtal är borttappade (enligt undersökningar av Faulkner Information Services ). Detta beror till stor del på det faktum att många avtal inte hanteras på ett organiserat sätt. De är utspridda över organisationer — i inkorgar, pärmar, molnet och oräkneligt många fler förvaringsplatser. Precisely gör livet lättare för både dig som VD och resten av företaget genom att erbjuda ett centralt och säkert digitalt arkiv för alla era avtal. Utöver detta ser smart sökning och filtrering till att du alltid kan hitta vad du letar efter inom ett par sekunder. Precisely ser till att du alltid har . Det finns många händelser i och kring avtal som det inte finns utrymme för att missa. Vare sig händelsen är relaterad till ledningen, försäljning, inköp eller avtalsefterlevnad så kan du genom att bevaka och vara förberedd på dessa avtalsrelaterade deadlines. Med bakgrund till detta så erbjuder Precisely smarta påminnelser som kan användas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Skapa en påminnelse så notifierar Precisely dig per automatik när det börjar närma sig — missa aldrig en viktig deadline igen. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|underskrift snabbare än någonsin juridiskt bindande effektivitet och digitalisering digitalisera era arbetsflöden omfattande redovisningskedja verige h1|Digital signering för alla avtal h2|Spara tid och bli mer flexibel genom att säga hej då till papper Prova gratis i 14 dagar Slopa papper och minska kostnader Säkra och pålitliga signaturer Elektroniska signaturer är juridiskt bindande En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Juridiskt bindande Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Signera snabbare än någonsin med elektroniska signaturer Elektroniska arbetsflöden Skapa, signera & arkivera Effektivitet Redovisningskedja Legalitet Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Preciselys e-signering låter dig skicka avtal för . Utan Precisely kan signeringsprocessen vara långdragen. Det är inte ovanligt att det tar dagar eller till och med veckor, speciellt om fysiska avtal ska skickas med post eller kurir och motparterna inte befinner sig i samma stad eller land. Preciselys automatiserade process låter dig skicka alla dokument för e-signering istället — utan att ens lämna plattformen. Ersätt fram och tillbaka-skickande av email eller post med Preciselys automatiserade signeringsprocess och förhindra flaskhalsar i avtalsrelaterade arbetsflöden. Digital signering säkerställer även att samtliga involverade personer och avdelningar är uppdaterade gällande varje avtals status, så som vilka som är signerade eller ej. Som resultat får hela företaget insikt i—och en bättre förståelse för—hela avtalets livscykel, vilket lägger grunden för ökat samarbete mellan avdelningar. Det är dags att effektivisera signeringsprocessen och säga hej då till papper. Att bli papperslöst är ett naturligt steg för företag som eftersträvar . Genom att ersätta papper och penna med enkla, juridiskt bindande e-signaturer sparar du både tid och pengar (och planeten!) när du sätter slutklämmen i avtalsrelaterade processer. Ersätt tidskrävande signeringsprocesser med digital signering och . Med e-signering kan du skicka avtal, få dem signerade och få tillbaka dem på bara minuter, även om motparterna befinner sig på andra sidan världen. Samtidigt som du kan minska kostnader genom att aldrig betala för post, kurirer eller skrivarpapper igen. En obegränsad mängd elektroniska signaturer ingår givetvis i Preciselys . Preciselys e-signering skapar en mellan signeringsparterna. Information så som IP-adress spåras och tidsstämplas hela vägen från att avtalet skickas till att det är signerat för att ge en komplett transaktionshistorik. Informationen processeras även med hash-teknik för att förhindra manipulation. I transaktionshistoriken inkluderas även information så som avsändarnamn och tidsstämplar för att säkerställa legalitet — något som aldrig skulle kunna åstadkommas med penna och papper. En vanlig fråga om elektroniska signaturer är om de är juridiskt bindande. Den enkla svaret är ja. Digital signering är juridiskt bindande med väldigt få undantag. Elektroniska signaturer är juridiskt bindande i en majoritet av länderna runtom i världen och för så gott som alla sorters avtal. Med bakgrund till detta finns det ingen anledning att använda penna och papper när det finns effektiva och digitala substitut. Preciselys e-signering följer de krav som ställs av . Samt de som ställs av . Välkommen till den snabba, säkra och enkla framtiden för signaturer! em|U.S Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000 Uniform Electronic Transactions Act and the European Union eIDAS regarding electronic signatures and transmissions pa|När du använder Precisely vet du alltid när det är dags att omförhandla ett leverantörsavtal eller när ett avtal håller på att löpa ut. . li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|minska kostnader och risker automatisera avtalsrelaterade processer öka avtalsrelaterad produktivitet full koll på avtalsrelaterade data stäng affärer snabbare än någonsin Missa aldrig en viktig deadline igen verige h1|Avtalshantering för inköpare h2|Avtalshanteringslösningar för effektivare inköp En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Få en tydlig översikt över alla era avtal Alla kan skapa felfria avtal Full koll på alla inköpsrelaterade händelser Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Enkelt och kraftfullt Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Smarta verktyg för inköp och upphandling Optimera utgifter Skapa, signera & arkivera Hantera Möjliggörande Proaktivt Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Preciselys avtalshanteringslösningar för inköpare låter dig utan att sakta ned processer. Uppnå ökad effektivitet med lösningar som låter dig fokusera på de faktiska inköpen istället för administrativa avtalsrelaterade uppgifter. Preciselys breda utbud av låter grossister så väl som upphandlare på storföretag effektivisera och . Skapa, skicka och signera avtal snabbare än någonsin med Preciselys automatiserade mallar och integrerade e-signering. Efter att avtalet skrivits under ger smarta påminnelser dig full koll på alla avtalsrelaterade datum och deadlines så du aldrig behöver lägga en sista minuten-beställning. Precisely möjliggör snabbare och effektivare inköp. En modern plattform — för inköpare som vill och underlätta hantering. Hantera alla offerter, förfrågningar och andra dokument genom Preciselys digitala arkiv — smart sökning och filtrering säkerställer att du alltid kan hitta vad du letar efter på ett par sekunder. Ditt intuitiva dashboard ger dig enkel tillgång till dina avtal—var som helst, när som helst—och ger dig . Precisely och godkännandeprocesser och låter er avgöra användarbehörigheter. Använd en modern avtalshanteringsplattform och effektivisera hela inköpsprocessen. Precisely låter dig skapa automatiserade mallar som möjliggör snabbt och enkelt skapande av felfria och konsekventa avtal — även för personer utan juridisk bakgrund. Dessa fungerar naturligtvis för alla sorters avtal. När avtalet är skapat låter Precisely dig skicka det för juridiskt bindande e-signering utan att lämna plattformen. Använd en avtalshanteringsplattform som låter dig agera snabbare. Precisely gör dig mer flexibel — . Preciselys mål är att göra er avtalshantering både smart och enkel. En stor del av detta innebär att effektivisera avtalsprocesser till en så hög grad som möjligt. Ett exempel på hur Precisely gör detta är smarta påminnelser som kan användas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Genom användandet av dessa har du alltid full koll på alla avtalsrelaterade händelser och åtgärder som behöver vidtas. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|automatisera administrativa avtalsrelaterade uppgifter skapa, skicka och färdigställa avtal snabbare skapa fler affärsmöjligheter skapa återkommande kunder skapa och skicka vilket avtal som helst på bara minuter Stäng affärer snabbare än någonsin verige h1|Avtalshantering för säljteam h2|Effektivisera säljcyklar och processer En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov En säker grund för långvariga kundrelationer Skapa avtal på bara minuter Skriv under avtal var du än befinner dig Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Stäng fler affärer Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Stäng nya kunder och upprätthåll relationer Öka försäljningen Skapa, signera & arkivera Vårdande Generera Elektroniska signaturer Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Om du inte använder ett automatiserat system för säljteamets avtalshantering är risken stor att ni lägger onödigt mycket tid på administrativa uppgifter. Med Precisely kan du optimera hur säljteamets resurser och fokus allokeras — och få mer tid över till att initiera och underhålla kundrelationer. Precisely låter dig . Den moderna plattformen låter hela säljteamet vilket i slutändan låter dem . Effektiviteten i hela säljcykeln ökar och mer tid kan dedikeras till vardera kundrelation. Låt säljteamet fokusera på att skapa affärer istället för administration. Låt era säljare fokusera på vad de gör bäst och öka er vinst. Kom igång med Preciselys för avtalshantering — och låt hela säljteamet bemästra avtal. Precisely har ett digital och fullt sökbart arkiv för alla era avtal. Det säkra arkivet säkerställer inte enbart att era avtal alltid är skyddade men även att ni alltid har åtkomst till dem. Precisely låter dig enkelt dela avtal med andra personer, grupper eller avdelningar inom företaget. Arkivet har givetvis stöd för alla avtal, så du även kan ladda upp avtal från tredje parter. Utöver detta har Precisely även smarta påminnelser. Dessa kan skapas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel och notifierar dig automatiskt så snart en deadline närmar sig. Precisely gör det enkelt att vårda kundrelationer och . Preciselys automatiserade mallar, som kan skapas från grunden eller genom att importera era existerande avtal, automatiserar skapandet av alla avtal. Med denna moderna tolkning på avtalsmallar kan ni , eller till och med sekunder. Precisely effektiviserar och ökar kontrollen i skapandet av avtal genom att låta dig bestämma avtalsstrukturer och användarbehörigheter. Med Precisely har ni full kontroll över vem som tillåts göra förändringar till avtal och mallar, samtidigt som ni automatiserar arbetsflöden och godkännandeprocesser. Vi har alla befunnit oss i frustrerande situationer — affären är redo att stängas men motparten befinner sig för långt bort för ett fysiskt möte. Eller så börjar du få ont om tid och avtalet behöver skrivas under snarast. Precisely har lösningen — skicka alla avtal för utan att ens lämna plattformen. Upptäck . Inga fler väntetider på underskrifter. Inget mer väntande på post, email fram och tillbaka eller skannande av dokument. — var som helst, när som helst. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|automatisera administrativt rutinarbete skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på minuter fokusera på det viktiga decentralisera avtalshantering utan att tappa kontrollen visa att ni är en modern organisation snabb överblick över viktiga avtalsrelaterade data Precisely låter er komma igång direkt verige h1|Avtalshantering för HR-chefer h2|Automatisera era HR-relaterade avtalsprocesser Prova gratis i 14 dagar En avtalshanteringsplattform för hela HR-avdelningen Håll koll på era avtal genom att samla dem på en plats Låt Precisely göra det åt dig En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Snabbhet, effektivitet och kontroll Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Modern avtalshantering för moderna HR-avdelningar Effektivt Skapa, signera & arkivera Decentralisera Central arkivering Fördelaktigt Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN HR-roller utvecklas och det behöver därmed även avtalshanteringsprocesser göra. Att använda rätt lösning för att uppnå maximal effektivitet inom avtalshantering är avgörande i din roll som HR-chef. Då HR involveras i hanteringen av många sorters och stora volymer av avtal relaterade till organisationens anställda behöver ni en lösning som gör avtalshantering enkelt. Preciselys moderna lösningar kan , vilket i sin tur ökar snabbheten och effektiviteten för hela din avdelning. Skapandet av avtal genom Precisely baseras på automatiserade mallar som ser till att du inte behöver involvera juridiska resurser så fort ett behov av ett avtal uppstår. Du, din avdelning och resten av organisationen kan alla med ett fåtal klick. tidskrävande administrativa uppgifter så att du kan — människorna som driver organisationen framåt. HR-arbete sker ofta i snabb takt men det gör—traditionellt sett—inte avtalshantering. Precisely är ett för HR-chefer som låter dig delegera och . Precisely låter vem som helst skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal med hjälp av automatiserade mallar. När avtalen är skapade kan du även få dem underskrivna både snabbt och enkelt. E-signaturer är fullt juridiskt bindande för så gott som alla avtal och låter dig . Vidare så skrivs de flesta avtal under på mindre än 24 timmar med Precisely. Du har skapat, skickat och fått dina HR-relaterade avtal signerade — nu är det dags att arkivera och övervaka dem. Precisely ger er ett molnbaserat och fullt sökbart arkiv för alla era avtal. Plattformen har även en intuitiv dashboard som ger en . Precisely ser till att både du och resten av HR-avdelningen har koll på alla avtalsrelaterade händelser och deadlines. Så som när en provanställning börjar lida mot sitt slut eller när det är dags att förlänga eller avsluta ett anställningsavtal. Med Precisely kan ni skapa påminnelser för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel och få notiser när de börjar närma sig. Precisely är tillräckligt omfattande för att täcka alla era avtalshanteringsrelaterade behov men ändå så enkelt att vem som helst kan använda plattformen. Det behövs heller ingen programmering eller utdragen utbildning, . Låt plattformen ta hand om administrativa avtalshanteringsprocesser åt dig, så kan du och din avdelning fokusera annat. Att använda Precisely är detsamma som att använda en lösning som delar dina mål — att göra avtalshantering enkelt och effektivt. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|kommunicera och samarbeta automatisera tidigare manuella processer reducera kostnader och uppnå maximal effektivitet er data är säker med Precisely minska risker och öka hastigheten tid, pengar och planeten låt Precisely ta hand om det åt dig Missa aldrig en deadline igen verige h1|Avtalshantering för bank & finans h2|Öka effektiviteten i er finansiella avtalshantering Prova gratis i 14 dagar Ett säkert arkiv för alla era avtal Snabbt och säkert avtalsförfattande kombinerat med elektroniska signaturer Använd smarta påminnelser och missa aldrig en viktig deadline En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Felfria avtal Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Optimera avtalsprocesser och minimera risker Minska kostnader Skapa, signera & arkivera Säkerhet Skapa och skicka Övervaka Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Avtalshanteringen för bank och finans genomgår en digital transformation. Detta innebär att du kan förenkla komplexa finansiella tjänster med hjälp av smarta lösningar. Preciselys låter dig ta en modern och teknologidriven väg till hanteringen av era finansiella avtal. Plattformen gör det inte endast enkelt för avdelningar och grupper att , utan ökar även produktiviteten och effektiviteten genom att så som avtalsförfattande och uppföljning. Prova Precisely istället för att använda flertalet krångliga system för att hantera era avtal. Precisely gör avtalshantering enkelt och hjälper er . Precisely förstår att säkerhet är viktigt för både er och era kunder. På grund av den betydelse användarskydd och säkerhet har så låter Precisely er förvara alla era avtal i ett centralt arkiv, skyddat med samma som används av många statliga organ och ledande banker. Du alltid känna dig trygg med Precisely — all data krypteras och skickas enligt en hög säkerhetsstandard. Genom att använda Preciselys plattform kan du ytterligare öka säkerheten genom att kontrollera åtkomsten till era avtal med inställbara behörighetsnivåer för era användare. Avtalshantering för bank och finans behöver vara stensäker — . Författandeprocessen för avtal kan vara en onödigt tidskrävande sådan, speciellt vid stora volymer av samma avtalstyp. Precisely låter dig i skapandet av avtal. Plattformen låter dig skapa automatiserade mallar som fungerar med alla avtalstyper. Med dessa mallar kan du och resten av företaget skapa felfria avtal på så kort tid som ett par minuter eller till och med sekunder. Att bli papperslösa är ett stort steg i digitaliseringsprocessen. Använd Precisely för att skicka era avtal för juridiskt bindande e-signering och spara ! Istället för att använda vanlig post eller kurirer för att skicka avtal för signering låter Precisely dig skicka, signera och arkivera avtal snabbare än någonsin. Så snart alla parter har signerat får du en notis per automatik. Inget mer papper och kortare väntetider! Det finns mängder av datum och tidpunkter relaterade till avtal som du inte har råd att missa men du behöver inte hålla reda på dem själv. Med digitala verktyg får du enkelt en överblick över alla kommande åtgärder du behöver ta — , istället för att hålla reda på dem på egen hand. Preciselys smarta påminnelser kan enkelt skapas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Skapa en påminnelse så låter Precisely dig veta när det är dags att skrida till verket. Du hittar även kommande påminnelser och åtgärdspunkter i ditt intuitiva dashboard. . li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|enkelt att spara tid och reducera kostnader automatisera tidigare manuella processer smart, enkel och effektiv insikt i företagets finansiella data tydlig överblick över viktiga indikatorer få insikter i era avtal reducera risker genom smart övervakning eliminera oönskade avgifter och kostnader automatisera arbetsflöden och godkännandeprocesser ökad kontroll och säkerhet ökad kontroll och effektivitet avtalsprocesser blir snabbare verige h1|Avtalshantering för ekonomichefer h2|Smart avtalshantering för företagskostnadsminskning Prova gratis i 14 dagar Få en tydlig överblick och hantera data med enkelhet Behåll kontrollen samtidigt som du minskar administrativa uppgifter Felfria avtal — underskrivna och färdiga på minuter En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Fokus på data Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Få insikt i och automatisera finansiella avtal Reducera kostnader Skapa, signera & arkivera Insikt Automation Skapa Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Som ekonomichef är förmodligen att minska kostnader och maximera vinst två av dina största mål. I samband med detta kan fel val av avtalshanteringssystem kosta både dig, din avdelning och företaget i sin helhet väldigt stora summor. Enligt International Association for Contract & Commercial Management så uppgår den genomsnittliga kostnaden för att processera ett grundläggande, lågriskavtal till US $6,900 för ett stort företag! En stor del av denna kostnad beror på den tid som läggs på att utföra manuella processer vid skapandet av avtal. Denna summa är uppenbarligen alldeles för hög. Precisely gör det genom att . Använd Precisely och reducera kostnaden av dina avtal som en del av företagskostnadsminskningstrategin. Gör er avtalshantering . Som ekonomichef är ett av de mest värdefulla resultaten av effektiv avtalshantering förmågan att få en tydlig . Med Precisely kan du enkelt hitta vad du letar efter genom att förvara alla avtal i en central moln-baserad databas. Den har smart sökning och filtrering som gör det möjligt att snabbt och enkelt söka och hitta data i dina finansiella avtal. Använd Preciselys dashboard för att få en och avtalsrelaterade statusar du behöver känna till. Så som vilka avtal som signerats, vilka som är upphörande, eller vilka som väntar på granskning. Med översikten i ditt dashboard och tillgängligheten från smart sökning och filtrering får du insikter i företagets finansiella data och kan alltid hålla dig ett steg före era avtal. Precisely gör det enkelt att och . Välj en lösning som låter dig utnyttja automation till dess fulla potential. Precisely-plattformen har ett brett utbud av , så som automatiserade påminnelser som kan användas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Dessa ser till att du aldrig missar en förnyelse, omförhandling eller uppsägning av ett avtal och låter dig på så sätt . Med Precisely kan du även effektivisera och . Utöver detta låter Preciselys avtalshanteringssystem er bestämma behörighetsnivåer på användarnivå för att få ytterligare i era avtalsprocesser. Preciselys moderna låter dig fokusera på data, samtidigt som du får . Med Precisely kan du skapa anpassningsbara, automatiserade mallar för alla avtalstyper och komplexiteter. Via enkla, självbetjänande frågeformulär låter de automatiserade mallarna vem som helst—med eller utan juridisk bakgrund—skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på bara minuter. När avtalet är skapat kan du sedan använda dig av snabb och juridiskt bindande e-signering utan att ens lämna plattformen. Era än någonsin med Precisely. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|en lösning som gör juridisk kontroll och regelefterlevnad enkelt öka produktivitet och minska arbetsbördor effektivisera hela avtalsskapande-processen tydlig överblick över viktig information om dina avtal full kontroll över hela avtalets livscykel verige h1|Avtalshantering för chefsjurister h2|Ta kontroll över bolagets avtalshantering och reducera risker Prova gratis i 14 dagar Smarta verktyg som effektiviserar era avtalsprocesser Att hålla koll på avtal har aldrig varit enklare Överse och effektivisera alla avtalsrelaterade processer En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Säkerställ regelefterlevnad Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Decentralisera avtalshanteringsprocesser utan att förlora kontrollen Strategiskt Skapa, signera & arkivera Automatisering Molnbaserat Digitalt Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Kontroll och översikt över organisationens avtal är ett stort ansvarsområde för juristavdelningen. Både interna och externa jurister lägger alldeles för mycket tid på att försöka begränsa ad hoc-ändringar av på förhand godkända mallar och stoppa riskfyllda avtal som skapats av andra avdelningar. Innan Precisely var så gott som varenda avtal förödande för både tid och resurser och resulterade inte sällan i en friktion mellan juristavdelningen och övriga avdelningar på grund av olika drivkrafter. Precisely avlägsnar denna friktion genom att erbjuda genom automatiserade arbetsflöden och användarbehörigheter. Som i sin tur låter jurister fokusera på komplexa och strategiska uppgifter istället för administration. Genom att tillåta alla avdelningar att vara självbetjänande—inom bolagets juristers godkända riktlinjer—låter Precisely företag genom av tidigare manuella processer. Utan att äta upp juristavdelningens budget. Precisely delar dina mål — att göra avtalshantering både säkert och enkelt. De flesta chefsjurister är välbekanta vid att avtalshantering kan vara oerhört tidskrävande! Precisely ser till att du inte behöver spendera timme efter timme på att kopiera och klistra klausuler. Istället kan du hantera organisationens avtal centralt genom att etablera en databas med på förhand godkända, automatiserade avtalsmallar. Genom att skapa automatiserade mallar i Precisely-plattformen kan du låta vem som helst—med eller utan juridisk kunskap—skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på bara minuter. Precisely låter dig medan användarbehörigheter låter dig kontrollera förändringar till avtal (och vem som får göra dem). Vidare kan du även automatisera arbetsflöden och godkännandeprocesser — och säkerställa regelefterlevnad. Precisely gör enkelt genom att erbjuda en säker databas för organisationens alla avtal. Den centrala, molnbaserade databasen är tillgänglig via en intuitiv dashboard som ger dig en , så som underskriftsstatus, upphörandedatum, viktiga deadlines och vilka avtal som inväntar godkännande. Utöver detta är er digitala databas givetvis fullt sökbar. Preciselys smarta sökning och filtrering säkerställer att du alltid kan hitta vad du letar efter på ett ögonblick. Var som helst, när som helst. Med Precisely kan du och dina medarbetare få . Genom att skapa smarta påminnelser för viktiga tider och datum relaterade till avtal får du automatiskt notifieringar och dessa händelser, så som upphöranden och förnyelser, kommer aldrig gå dig obemärkta. Med integrerade och kan du reducera tiden till underskrift från veckor till så lite som timmar eller till och med minuter. Genom att ställa in behörighetsnivåer för era användare kan dokument endast skickas för signatur efter att en automatisk godkännandeprocess (som ni definierar) har genomförts. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|fungerar för alla avtal enkelt att samarbeta och kommunicera skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på bara minuter spendera mindre tid på administrativa uppgifter öka hastigeten i och digitalisera dina processer skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på bara minuter verige h1|Avtalshantering för IT- & teknologiföretag h2|Låter IT- & teknologiföretag bemästra avtal En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov En plattform för alla avtalsrelaterade ärenden Ökad effektivitet med digitala lösningar Smarta lösningar minskar risken för felaktigheter Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Ta kontroll Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Effektivisera avtalsprocesser med automatiserade verktyg Kraftfullt Skapa, signera & arkivera Smart och enkelt Digitalt Säkert Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Avtalshanteringen i IT- & teknologiföretag kan involvera avtal av många typer och storlekar. Oavsett om du arbetar inom outsourcing, IT-konsultering eller licensering erbjuder Precisely en automatiserad avtalshanteringsplattform som , grupper och avdelningar. så som automatiserade arbets- och godkännandeflöden, ett centraliserat arkiv och intuitivt gränssnitt gör det i alla avtalsrelaterade processer. Preciselys automatiserade mallar låter vem som helst, till och med de utan juridisk bakgrund, . Kom igång idag och öka hela företagets effektivitet och produktivitet i avtalsrelaterade processer. Många företag utför en onödig mängd manuellt arbete relaterat till sina avtal, med hjälp av verktyg som inte är skapade för en modern och digital värld. Utan rätt verktyg är det påfrestande att hantera avtal avdelningar emellan samtidigt som att skapa och hitta dem när de behövs är en alldeles för tidskrävande process. Den övergripande produktiviteten får lida som ett resultat av ineffektiva avtalsrelaterade processer. Det är här Precisely kommer in i bilden. Den moderna plattformen låter dig och mer tid på betydelsefullt arbete. Att använda Precisely är detsamma som att använda en avtalshanteringslösning som delar dina mål — att göra avtalshantering smart och enkelt. Digitalisera er avtalshantering med lösningar anpassade för IT- och teknologiföretag. Med Precisely behöver du aldrig skriva ut avtal och förvara dem i pärmar igen (ja, det finns företag som fortfarande gör det!). Genom att använda ett digitalt arkiv—på servrar i världsklass—kan du förvara dem allihop på en säker plats. Det digitala arkivet är även fullt sökbart med smart filtrering, vilket gör det möjligt att alltid hitta det dokument du letar efter inom ett par sekunder — var som helst, när som helst. I dagens globaliserade värld är sannolikheten hög att många av dina kunder och leverantörer befinner sig i andra städer eller till och med länder. För att har Precisely . Med digitala signaturer kan du och dina partners över hela världen skriva under så gott som alla avtal på bara ett par sekunder utan att skriva ut eller skanna ett enda papper. De flesta avtal är till och med underskriva på mindre än 24 timmar med Precisely! Preciselys för avtalsskapande låter alla inom organisationen—från assistent- till ledningsnivå— (eller till och med sekunder). Samtidigt behåller du kontrollen över dina avtal då du genom användarbehörigheter kan avgöra vem som har tillåtelse att, exempelvis, göra ändringar i dem. För att ytterligare öka effektiviteten låter Precisely dig även automatisera era godkännandeprocesser och arbetsflöden. Preciselys smarta påminnelser ger dig full koll på alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Skapa påminnelser så får du en notis så snart det är dags att omförhandla, avsluta eller förnya ett avtal. Missa aldrig en viktig deadline igen! li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|tillväxt och framgång för era klienter automatiserade verktyg låter dig generera avtal med ett fåtal klick en central, säker och sökbar databas i molnet friktionsfria, hållbara och långa kundrelationer koll på alla deadlines kom alltid åt era avtal, var ni än befinner er fungerar för alla avtal verige h1|Avtalsautomation för digitalbyråer h2|Samla alla marknadsföringsavtal på en plats Prova gratis i 14 dagar Hantera relationer med effektivitet och enkelhet Hitta snabbt vad du letar efter genom att samla alla avtal på en plats Felfria avtal och enkel regelefterlevnad En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Modern avtalshantering Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Låt inte avtal sinka dig Enkel hantering Skapa, signera & arkivera Påminnelser Tillgång Skapa Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Marknadsföringsbranschen har kommit långt i digitaliseringen, så varför ska förlegade avtalshanteringsprocesser hålla er tillbaka? Avtal är avgörande för digitalbyråers relationshantering men det betyder inte att de borde vara besvärliga. Genom att använda Preciselys kan du fokusera på vad som faktiskt är viktigt — . Preciselys breda utbud av — på bara minuter. Du kan även enkelt lokalisera alla avtal din byrå har med kunder, partners och underleverantörer genom . Denna omatchade enkelhet och tillgänglighet låter er förbli agila när ni navigerar den internationella marknaden. Avtalsrelaterade processer kan vara ineffektiva. Med Precisely kan du däremot vara säker på att du aldrig är mer än ett par minuter från att ha era viktigaste relationer med kunder, influencers och andra partners säkrade i skrift. Precisely är avtalsautomations-plattformen som reflekterar digitalbyråers moderna arbetssätt. Att ha är fundamentalt för alla marknadsföringsbyråers framgång. På grund av detta ser Precisely till att du aldrig missar ett viktigt datum eller deadline. Skapa smarta påminnelser för valfri händelse i ett avtals livscykel så ser vi till att du alltid är uppdaterad. Precisely gör det möjligt att vara förberedd på alla milstolpar relaterade till avtal och låter dig istället ägna din tankekraft åt det strategiska och kreativa. Plattformen håller och låter dig veta när de närmar sig. Behöver du hitta detaljer i ett specifikt partneravtal? Eller ta en till titt på planen för projektet du arbetar på? Använd smart sökning och filtrering så behöver du aldrig rota runt i pärmar, inkorgar eller pappershögar igen. Preciselys avtalsplattform för digitalbyråer erbjuder molnbaserade servrar som låter dig förvara alla era avtal på en plats. Detta gör livet lite lättare för både dig och alla andra på byrån — . Genom att använda Precisely kan alla skapa felfria avtal — oavsett om du är assistent, kundansvarig eller koordinator. Plattformen och låter dig skapa exakt det avtal du behöver för stunden snabbare än någonsin. Därefter behöver det inte ta mer än ett par minuter innan det är underskrivet om du använder Preciselys . li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|automatisera avtalsrelaterade processer vem som helst kan skapa avtal ökad effektivitet i allt som rör avtal Låt era nyanställningar veta att ni är en modern arbetsgivare Använd automation och missa aldrig en viktig deadline digitalisera er HR-relaterade avtalshantering verige h1|Avtalshantering för HR-avdelningar h2|Digitalisera och automatisera anställnings- och HR-relaterad avtalshantering En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Moderna lösningar för moderna uppdragsgivare Håll dig uppdaterad inför kommande avtalsrelaterade åtgärder Ha alltid dina avtal nära till hands Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Öka effektiviteten Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|En modern och enkel lösning för alla HR-relaterade avtal Effektivt anställande Skapa, signera & arkivera Employer branding Påminnelser Tillgång Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN För personer verksamma inom HR är avtal ett avgörande verktyg för att hantera relationer med så väl anställda som konsulter. Möjligheten att hantera avtalsrelaterade processer på ett effektivt sett är kritiskt för att HR-avdelningens arbete ska vara smidigt och smärtfritt. Det är här som Precisely kommer in i bilden. Precisely låter dig , så som godkännanden av avtal. Det breda utbudet av reducerar den tid som behöver spenderas på manuella processer och låter dig behålla kontrollen över era avtal. Exempevis genom att notifiera dig när ett avtal behöver förnyas eller när en provanställning börjar lida mot sitt slut. Med Precisely behöver ni inte involvera en jurist så fort ett avtal behöver skapas. Automatiserade mallar ser till att , även de utan en juridisk bakgrund. Istället för att spendera onödig tid på administrativa rutinuppgifter eller involvera företagsresurser som är bättre behövde på annat håll — så gör Precisely arbetet åt dig. Som resultat får du , samtidigt som du kan vara säker på att de avtal som produceras är felfria och konsekventa. Ett av de första intrycken nya anställda får av er organisation är genom anställningsavtalet och därmed er . Idag byter anställda så väl som konsulter arbetsplats oftare och oftare, samtidigt som de har högre krav och förväntningar. genom att använda en enkel och modern lösning. Visa era bästa digitala sidor samtidigt som ni effektiviserar era avtalsprocesser. Med Precisely kan du drastiskt reducera tiden som spenderas på skapandet av avtal. Genom att använda automatiserade mallar kan du ha felfria och konsekventa avtal redo på så lite som ett par minuter eller till och med sekunder. Inte nog med detta — Precisely-plattformen inkluderar även som låter nyanställda se över och skriva under avtal direkt i sin smartphone. Det finns många åtgärder som du behöver hålla koll på i relateration till HR-avtal. Det kan exempelvis vara när en provanställning börjar närma sig sitt slut, när det är dags att förnya eller avsluta ett avtal eller när det är dags att förlänga ett anställningsavtal för kollegan som tog hela kontoret med storm. Med Precisely behöver du inte hålla alla dessa viktiga datum i huvudet, eller ens i kalendern. Preciselys automatiserade påminnelser är fullt inställbara och kan användas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. igen. Med Precisely får du ett centraliserat, och digitalt arkiv för alla dina avtal. Smart sökning och filtrering säkerställer att du alltid kan hitta det avtal du letar efter ögonblickligen — var som helst, när som helst. Samla alla era avtal på en plats så kommer de aldrig att missplaceras eller hamna i fel händer. Bli en modern arbetsgivare genom att och öka er effektivitet och säkerhet på samma gång. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|tryggt och säkert förvarade kontrollera tillgång till avtalsrelaterade data öka effektiviteten i er avtalshantering lättare att följa GDPR högkvalitativt med en så gott som konstant drifttid Effektivisera era avtalsrelaterade processer verige h1|Avtalshantering för IT-avdelningar h2|Smarta verktyg för att hantera IT-relaterade avtal och processer Prova gratis i 14 dagar Öka effektiviteten med ett centralt arkiv Du kan alltid känna dig trygg med Precisely Effektivisera alla avtalsrelaterade processer En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|En säkrare lösning Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Öka kontrollen med en modern avtalshanteringsplattform Ta kontroll Skapa, signera & arkivera Efterlevnad Privat och säkert Omfattande Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN IT-avdelningens avtalshantering spelar en viktig roll i organisationens övergripande arbete med avtal. Då avtal är fundamentala för affärsrelationer är det av yttersta vikt att de är . Detta kan inte enbart vara en konkurrensaktig fördel men är även nödvändigt för att följa lagar och förordningar så som GDPR. Precisely är en med samma säkerhetsnivåer som många statliga organ och banker. Detta gör det inte enbart enkelt att följa gällande lagar och regler utan låter er även inom era grupper och avdelningar. Precisely automatiserar administrativa avtalsrelaterade uppgifter och låter er , samtidigt som era avtal alltid är tryggt och säkert förvarade. Prova Precisely och upptäck en plattform som gör avtalshantering både smart och enkelt för hela IT-avdelningen. Med Precisely får du ett centraliserat arkiv för alla era avtal. Detta ger dig konstant tillgång till alla era avtal — hela tiden, oavsett var du än befinner dig. Medan smart sökning och filtrering gör det enkelt att hitta det du letar efter. Med Precisely är det även . Om en kund exempelvis vill nyttja sin rätt till radering låter den smarta sökfunktionen dig hitta och radera persondata på bara ett par sekunder. Säkerhet är en viktigt aspekt i avtalshantering, speciellt för IT-avdelningar. Med Precisely kan du alltid känna dig trygg. Plattformen använder som många banker och plattformen körs från anläggningar med teknologi i världsklass. Systemet är , för att säkerställa att du alltid har tillgång till era avtal. Med Precisely kan du genom användarbehörigheter avgöra vem som har tillgång till vilka avtal. Utöver detta kan du även tillämpa tvåfaktorsautentisering för att säkerställa att endast vissa användare har tillgång till era avtalsrelaterade data. Precisely har ett brett utbud av verktyg som gör er avtalshantering enklare. Ett exempel är automatiserade mallar som gör det möjligt för vem som helst att skapa felfria avtal på bara minuter — även för personer utan en juridisk bakgrund. När du skapat ett avtal låter Precisely dig även skicka det för . och säg hej då till fysiska avtal för gott. Inga fler utskrifter, inget mer skannande. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|minska administrativa uppgifter och arbetsbördor Minska felaktigheter och säkerställ regelefterlevnad öka effektiviteten i er avtalshantering, utan att tumma på kontrollen centralt arkiv, e-signaturer och automatiserade mallar och godkännandeprocesser när som helst, var som helst samma nivå av kryptering som många statliga organ och banker verige h1|Avtalshantering för juristavdelningar h2|Ökad kontroll för bolagsjurister & juristavdelningar Prova gratis i 14 dagar Snabbt och säkert skapande med automatiserade mallar Förvara alla era avtal i ett säkert arkiv Era avtal är säkra med Precisely En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Ökad kontroll Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Öka effektiviteten och säkerställ avtalsefterlevnad Kraftfullt Skapa, signera & arkivera Effektivitet Smart arkivering Säkerhet Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Kontroll över avtalsrelaterade processer utgör ett vanligt förekommande problem för bolagsjurister. Mer specifikt; hur du kan behålla kontrollen över företagets avtal, säkerställa juridisk efterlevnad och samtidigt . Många av dagens lösningar som ökar effektiviteten gör detta genom att äventyra kontrollen över era avtal — Precisely är annorlunda. Precisely låter dig som bolagsjurist skapa avtalsstrukturer, automatisera godkännandeprocesser och avgöra användarbehörigheter i relation till era avtal. Detta gör det enkelt att säkerställa att dina kollegor, speciellt från andra avdelningar, alltid använder rätt mallar och hindrar dem från att göra otillåtna ändringar i avtal. . Precisely är en lösning som fungerar för hela företaget — genom att använda automatiserade mallar för avtalsförfattande kan även de utan en juridisk bakgrund skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal med ett fåtal klick. Medan du får mer tid över för strategiskt arbete. Genom att använda Precisely kan du . Precisely minskar tiden du spenderar på repetitiva uppgifter — inget mer kopierande och klistrande av klausuler! Istället får du med tid över till utmanande och strategiskt betydelsefulla ärenden. Preciselys centraliserade natur, automatiserade arbetsflöden och intuitiva dashboard ger dig en tydlig inblick i och översikt över alla avtalsrelaterade processer. Effektivisera er avtalshantering med så som ett . Kom igång och upptäck en modern plattform som delar era mål — att göra avtalshantering både smart och enkelt. Ett exempel på hur Precisely ökar kontrollen över era avtal är möjligheten att samla hela organisationens avtal på en plats — istället för utspritt på hårddiskar, i mappar och inkorgar. Med Precisely får ni ett obegränsat digitalt arkiv för alla era avtal. Arkivet har även smart sökning och filtrering som säkerställer att du alltid kan hitta det du letar efter på bara ett par sekunder. Genom att förvara dina avtal i Precisely har du alltid tillgång till dem — . Era avtal behöver naturligtvis vara säkert förvarade och skyddade från obehöriga ögon, vilket är varför Precisely använder och körs på . Precisely låter dig även skydda era avtal med två interna säkerhetsnivåer. Genom att ställa in användarbehörigheter säkerställer du att endast rätt personer har tillgång till och kan göra ändringar i era automatiserade avtal och övriga dokument. Samtidigt som tvåfaktorsautentisering ser till att du är den enda med tillgång till ditt konto — även om någon skulle få reda på ditt lösenord. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|öka produktiviteten och effektiviteten lätt att lära sig och lätt att använda få full koll på era dokument automatisera skapandet av avtal felfria avtal med bara ett par klick verige h1|Dokumenthantering för alla branscher h2|Effektiv dokumenthantering genom hela avtalets livscykel Prova gratis i 14 dagar Samla alla era dokument på en plats Skapa avtal snabbare med Preciselys automatiserade mallar Smarta påminnelser ser till att du aldrig missar en deadline En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Skalbart Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|En kraftfull plattform för alla avtalstyper Universalt Skapa, signera & arkivera Molnlagring Effektivitet Övervaka Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Alla företag är i grund och botten uppbyggda av sina dokument och medarbetare. Därav kan fördelarna med ett nyttjas av vem som helst. Från anställningsavtal till sekretessavtal, leverantörsavtal till serviceavtal — de kan alla hanteras med Precisely. Ett vanligt förekommande mål oavsett bransch är att i dokumentrelaterade processer, samtidigt som kostnader hålls till en miniminivå. Precisely har lösningar för hela avtalets livscykel, från start till slut. Plattformen låter dig automatisera dokumentrelaterade processer och är både — ingen programmering eller omfattande installationer. Olika lösningar kan skräddarsys efter företagsstorlek och behov. Du kan vara säker på att Precisely växer med ditt företag. Oavsett om företaget är stort eller litet, verksamt inom vård eller logistik (eller någonstans där emellan) — öka din effektivitet och minska dina risker. Precisely är dokumenthanteringssystemet för det moderna företaget som gör dokumenthantering både smart och enkelt. Många företags dokument är fortfarande spridda över hela organisationen — i email, arkiveringsskåp eller pappershögar. Precisely har ett centraliserat, molnbaserat och fullt sökbart arkiv som låter dig förvara alla era dokument på en plats. Säg hej då till papper och . Många dokument är av en känslig natur och du vill förmodligen hålla även de som inte är det skyddade från obehöriga ögon. Precisely tummar inte på säkerheten — dokumenthanteringssystemet finns på anläggningar i världsklass och använder som många myndigheter och banker. Många förlitar sig fortfarande på omfattande kopierande och klistrande av klausuler för att skapa avtal — speciellt när stora mängder av samma avtalstyp författas. Detta är inte enbart ineffektivt utan resulterar även ofta i felaktiga, opålitliga avtal. Precisely motverkar detta och reducerar kraftigt tidsåtgången vid författande av avtal. Med Precisely kan du med automatiserade mallar. Dessa fungerar givetvis för alla avtalstyper och låter dig skapa . Så snart ett avtal författats och färdigställts är det dags för signering. Precisely låter dig skicka alla dokument för utan att ens lämna plattformen. Signera avtal snabbare än någonsin — glöm bort skannande, utskrifter och vanlig post. Efter signering finns det vanligtvis många åtgärder som behöver tas för att leva upp till ett avtal. Detta kan även innebära deadlines så som vid upphörande, omförhandling eller andra händelser — och det kan vara problematiskt att hålla koll på dem alla. Preciselys dokumenthanteringssystem låter dig skapa smarta påminnelser och få notiser för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Det finns ingen anledning att hålla viktiga deadlines i huvudet eller ens i kalendern — Precisely håller koll på dem åt dig. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|ekonomisk insikt och kontroll effektivitet och produktivitet öka omsättning istället för att fokusera på administrativa uppgifter mer kontroll över era ekonomirelaterade avtal automatisera ekonomirelaterade avtalshanteringsprocesser automatisera arbetsflöden och godkännandeprocesser Missa aldrig att förlänga ett avtal eller granska en klausul automatisera skapandet av så gott som alla avtal verige h1|Avtalshantering för ekonomiavdelningar h2|En avtalsplattform som ökar hela ekonomiavdelningens effektivitet En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Förvara alla avtal i molnet och öka kontrollen MInimera tiden som spenderas på repetitiva uppgifter Ökad hastighet och säkerhet när du skapar avtal Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Kontroll Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Effektivisera hanteringen av ekonomirelaterade avtal Optimera utgifter Skapa, signera & arkivera Översikt Automation Skapa Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Att använda rätt är kritiskt för att säkerställa ekonomiavdelningens framgång. När du har en effektiv avdelning vill du använda lika effektiv teknologi i din avtalshantering — som underlättar , som uppmuntrar kommunikation och samarbete mellan avdelningar och grupper. Precisely erbjuder som underlättar kollaboration. Vi hjälper ekonomer och bokförare över hela världen uppnå ökad genom hela avtalets livscykel. Precisely är avtalsautomationsplattformen för det moderna företaget. De automatiserade lösningarna gör livet lättare för ekonomiavdelningar genom att låta er . Precisely ger dig . Ett av de första stegen mot att arbeta proaktivt med avtal är att samla dem på en plats. För att uppnå detta har Precisely en central och säker databas för alla era avtal. Det digitala arkivet inkluderar även smart sökning och filtrering som gör det enkelt att matcha offerter med avtal, eller att hitta andra dokument. Sök efter metadata-punkter och få insikt i er avtalsdata — från var som helst, när som helst. Det har ett tillhörande dashboard som ger dig en tydlig överblick över era avtal och relaterade data. Via er dashboard hittar du även statistik, genvägar och kortfattad information — så som vilka avtal som är underskrivna, upphörande eller inväntar godkännande. Precisely har ett brett utbud av verktyg för att och minska den tid som spenderas på administration. Till exempel låter Precisely er , samtidigt som avtalsstrukturer och användarbehörigheter effektiviserar ert avtalsskapande. Utöver detta uppmärksammar smarta påminnelser dig om viktiga milstolpar relaterade till era avtal. Dessa kan användas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel och notifierar dig när det börjar närma sig. igen. Innehållet i liknande avtal överlappar ofta avsevärt. Resultatet av detta är att processer för att skapa avtal—omfattande kopierande och klistrande av standardklausuler—består av onödigt och ineffektivt arbete. Detta är inte bara väldigt tidskrävande arbete utan resulterar även ofta i felaktigheter i avtalsskapandet. Precisely låter dig genom att använda automatiserade mallar. Så fort era automatiserade mallar är uppsatta kan både du och resten av avdelningen skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på ett fåtal minuter genom att köra dem i Preciselys självbetjänande författandeverktyg. Precisely låter dig även skicka era avtal för juridiskt bindande e-signering. Utan att ens lämna plattformen kan du skapa ett avtal, skicka det för signering, få det returnerat och arkivera det snabbare än någonsin — inga fler utskrifter, inget mer skannande. Allt detta låter dig både bli mer flexibel och minskar tidsåtgången avsevärt för varje avtal. pa|Avtalshantering går ut på att genom hela livscykeln och samtidigt säkerställa regelefterlevnad. Att hantera avtal utan ett modernt avtalssystem är dock ofta både tid- och resurskrävande — och utsätter företaget för stora juridiska risker. Precisely låter dig och uppnå maximal effektivitet, ända från början till slut (eller förnyelse av avtalet). låter dig spara in otaliga timmar av administrativt arbete, samtidigt som du får ökad kontroll och minskade kostnader. Precisely ger dig verktygen för att säkerställa resurseffektiv digital avtalshantering som följer gällande lagar och regler. Vi delar dina mål — . Manuellt författande av avtal är ineffektivt, tidskrävande och opålitligt. Preciselys automatiserade mallar och författande låter vem som helst skapa felfria avtal snabbare än någonsin — även personer utan juridisk bakgrund. Era avtal är alltid felfria, oavsett längd eller komplexitet. Preciselys avtalssystem låter dig automatisera och effektivisera organisationens avtalsrelaterade arbetsflöden. Det breda utbudet av lösningar för avtalshantering inkluderar även som låter dig kontrollera vilka som är behöriga att göra ändringar i avtals termer och ordval, samt automatiserade godkännandeprocesser, för att motverka den vanligaste typen av flaskhalsar. Preciselys avtalshanteringslösningar ger dig en . Det , molnbaserade arkivet låter dig samla alla era avtal på en plats. Samtidigt som smart sökning och filtrering säkerställa att du alltid kan . När som helst, var som helst. Genom ett intuitivt dashboard får du en tydlig översikt över viktigt information om era avtal. Så som vilka avtal som är underskrivna eller inte, vilka avtal som väntar på godkännande samt utgående avtal. Traditionell arkivering i arkiveringsskåp, pärmar och papperssamlare resulterar i en avsaknad av kontroll. Det finns många avtalsrelaterade händelser som du behöver hålla koll på, så som förnyelser, omförhandlingar och uppsägningar. Håll koll på dessa händelser med som kan skapas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel. Som resultat kommer du aldrig förlora intäkter på grund av missade förnyelser. Använd Precisely för att hantera avtal och få automatiskt notiser så snart viktiga datum och deadlines närmar sig. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|maximera avtals prestanda optimera avtals livscyklar att göra avtalshantering både smart och enkelt användarbehörigheter tydlig översikt över alla era avtal och deras status hitta det avtal du letar efter på bara ett par sekunder smarta notiser verige h1|Avtalshantering h2|Avtalshantering som ger dig ökad kontroll och värdeutveckling En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Bli av med flaskhalsar med automatiserade lösningar Få enkelt kontroll över era avtal Optimera avtalsprestanda och livslängd Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Optimera avtalsprocesser med automation Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Automatiserade lösningar för digital avtalshantering Värdeskapande Skapa, signera & arkivera Arbetsflöden Översikt Styrning Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|hantera alla avtal för alla avtalsområden var som helst, när som helst skapa avtal på ett snabbt och säkert sätt hantera projekt mellan avdelningar och grupper skriv under avtal medan du är ute på en fastighet eller byggarbetsplats ha koll på när det är dags för en tillsyn verige h1|Avtalshantering för fastighet & entreprenad h2|Automatisera skapandet av alla fastighets- och entreprenadrelaterade avtal En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Förvara alla fastighets- och entreprenadrelaterade avtal på en plats Ökad produktivitet och hastighet med elektroniska signaturer Missa aldrig en milstolpe Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Ökad produktivitet och hastighet Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Hantera alla era avtal i en plattform Effektivisera skapande Skapa, signera & arkivera Tillgång Signera Hantera deadlines Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Avtal relaterade till fastigheter och entreprenad kan vara både komplicerade och tidskrävande att hantera. Därför är det viktigt att hitta , så du kan fokusera på att färdigställa arbetet. Från anläggning till tung konstruktion, från entreprenad- till underentreprenadavtal — Precisely låter dig . Den molnbaserade plattformen låter dig komma åt, skapa och skicka avtal från . Precisely låter dig omvandla dina frekvent använda avtal till automatiserade mallar. Du behöver inte längre ta hjälp av en jurist för att skapa nya avtal, utan kan istället själv . Med Precisely kan du känna dig säker genom hela avtalsprocessen, från start till slut. Ta kontroll över dina avtal idag. Vare sig det gäller offerter, tillstånd eller avtal med underentreprenörer så får du mer tid över till det viktiga genom att lägga mindre tid på att leta efter avtal. Precisely erbjuder obegränsad lagring i ett molnbaserat arkiv för alla dina fastighets- och entreprenadrelaterade avtal. Genom detta kan du enkelt som sitter på olika platser. Preciselys ger er tillgång till alla era dokument, hela tiden. Att lagra era avtal i molnet innebär att ni har åtkomst till dem var ni än befinner er. Medan smart sökning och filtrering ser till att ni snabbt kan hitta det specifika avtal ni letar efter. Tid är pengar, speciellt inom fastighet och entreprenad. Även efter att alla parter har enats om ett förslag kan signaturer vara en kostsam och tidskrävande del av avtalshanteringsprocessen. Så behöver det inte vara — Precisely låter er skicka era färdigställda avtal för juridiskt bindande istället för att vänta på underskrifter på papper. Lägg till parter, skicka och . Så fort alla har signerat skickas en automatisk notis till dig. Inget mer papper — och mindre väntetider! Fastighets- och entreprenadprojekt har många viktiga datum att hålla koll på och sena leverenser resulterar ofta i straffavgifter eller andra påföljder. Genom att använda Precisely kan du använda dig av smarta påminnelser som automatiskt skickar notifieringar om viktiga datum relaterade till dina avtal. Missa aldrig en deadline igen. Skapa påminnelser för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel — och få notiser via email. Med Precisely kan du alltid , att förnya avtal med underentreprenörer eller att utfärda eller motta en betalning. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|avtal på bara ett par minuter öka kvantiteten och kvaliteten skapa avtal på minuter eller till och med sekunder full koll på era avtal Öka effektiviteten i era rekryteringsprocesser verige h1|Avtalshantering för rekryterings- & bemanningstjänster h2|Automatisera skapandet av alla rekryterings- och bemanningsavtal Prova gratis i 14 dagar Automatisera skapandet av avtal Förvara alla avtal på en plats Låt era kandidater komma igång snabbare En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov h3|Modern rekrytering Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Öka effektiviteten och få mer tid över till att behandla kandidater Snabbhet Skapa, signera & arkivera Enkelt skapande Tillgänglighet Juridiskt bindande e-signering Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN En modern avtalshanteringslösning kan ge rekryterings- och bemanningstjänster ökad hastighet och effektivitet. Till skillnad från traditionell avtalshantering låter Precisely vem som helst skapa anställningsavtal, konsultavtal, sekretessavtal eller alla andra sorters genom självbetjänande verktyg. Preciselys kan även påminna dig om när en provanställning börjar lida mot sitt slut, eller när det är dags att förnya ett anställningsavtal. Istället för att du ska spendera värdefull tid på att skapa eller lokalisera avtal gör Precisely det åt dig — så du får tid över till att på era rekryteringar. Det centrala och fullt sökbara arkivet gör det enkelt att hitta vad du letar efter. Minska era rekrytering- och bemanningsrelaterade kostnader och öka effektiviteten med hjälp av automatiserade avtalshanteringslösningar. Skapandet av avtal ser vanligtvis väldigt liknande ut för de flesta företag. Efter omfattande kopierande och klistrande läses ett helt dokument igenom för att säkerställa att innehållet är korrekt — även vid upprepat författande av avtal av samma sort. Detta är uppenbarligen både väldigt ineffektivt och sårbart för felaktigheter på grund av den mänskliga faktorn. För att undvika misstag behöver oftare än sällan någon med juridisk kunskap involveras — även för rutinavtal. Precisely motverkar detta. Istället för att använda kostsamma juridiska resurser eller gå igenom en lång checklista låter Precisely vem som helst . Plattformens automatiserade mallar säkerställer att avtalen alltid är felfria. Det är enkelt att konvertera era existerande mallar till automatiserade mallar i Precisely. Därefter kan du låta plattformen göra resten. Med Precisely har du alltid felfria och konsekventa avtal redo för signatur så fort du behöver dem — och det fungerar givetvis med alla sorters avtal. Med Preciselys centraliserade arkiv har du alltid . Plattformen ger er obegränsad lagring på . Som resultat har du och resten av organisationen alltid tillgång till era avtal — var som helst, när som helst. Utöver ett intuitivt dashboard som ger er en överblick över status och händelser relaterade till era avtal har arkivet även smarta söknings- och filtreringsfunktioner som gör det enkelt att hitta vad du letar efter på ett ögonblick. Använd en digital lösning så behöver du aldrig leta i pärmar eller mailkorgar igen. Kampanjerna och intervjuerna är avslutade. Du har hittat och matchat rätt kandidater med rätt uppdragsgivare. Nu är det dags för dem att komma igång. Istället för att era kandidater ska komma till ert kontor igen för att skriva under avtalen—eller genom att skicka flertalet email fram och tillbaka—kan du använda Precisely. Skicka avtal för så kan era kandidater skriva under direkt i sina smartphones. Precisely ger er en obegränsad mängd e-signaturer som kan användas utan att ens lämna plattformen. Så fort avtalen har skrivits under får du en notis per automatik. och säg hej då till pappersavtal. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|effektivisera alla avtalsrelaterade processer total kontroll och juridisk efterlevnad Öka effektivitet och prestanda insikter från avtalsrelaterade data säker på att du aldrig missar en deadline juridiskt bindande e-signering öka effektiviteten i er avtalshantering samtidigt som ni minskar kostnader och risker samma nivå av kryptering som många statliga organ och ledande banker verige h1|Avtalshantering för läkemedels- & life science-företag h2|Enkel hantering av alla läkemedels- och life science-avtal En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Ha alltid full koll på era avtal Modern avtalshantering för läkemedels- och life science-företag Trygg förvaring av alla era avtal Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Öka effektiviteten Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Holistisk och centraliserad avtalshantering Optimera avtalsprocesser Skapa, signera & arkivera Översikt Digitala lösningar Säkerhet Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Många typiska avtal inom läkemedel och life sciences, så som för klinisk prövning och sekretess, är återkommande. Innehållet i dessa avtal påverkas dock konstant av faktorer som marknadsregleringar, förändrade affärsmål, teknologi och produktutveckling. Med bakgrund till detta är det inte förvånande att ineffektiva avtalsprocesser årligen kostar branschen hundratals miljoner dollar. Inte med Precisely — den skalbara avtalshanteringsplattformen låter er , från skapande av avtal till signaturer. Genom automatiserade mallar—som hanteras centralt för att säkerställa —låter Precisely er skapa avtal på bara minuter med ett fåtal klick. i er avtalshantering och var säker på att alla era avtal följer gällande lagar och förordningar. Precisely låter dig lägga mindre tid på avtal och mer tid på att ta fram livsförändrande produkter. Genom att använda Precisely förvaras alla era avtal i ett centraliserat och . I och med detta kan du tryggt veta att alla era avtal är skyddade och lättillgängliga. Samtidigt som en intuitiv dashboard ger dig en tydlig överblick över alla era avtal och gör det möjligt att få värdefulla . Det finns många milstolpar i relation till läkemedels- och life science-avtal som är viktiga att hålla koll på — allt från att granska återförsäljaravtal till implementationer av nya förordningar. Tack vare Preciselys smarta påminnelser—som kan användas för alla händelser i ett avtals livscykel—kan du vara . Du arbetar inom en bransch som i många aspekter kommit långt i digitaliseringen. Varför ska då föråldrade avtalshanteringssystem och processer hålla dig tillbaka? Precisely är en plattform för allt som rör avtal. Med automatiserade mallar kan vem som helt, till och med utan juridisk bakgrund, skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på bara minuter för att sedan skicka dem för — utan att ens lämna plattformen. Det breda utbudet av låter dig skapa, skicka och signera avtal snabbare än någonsin. Prova Precisely och . Ett läkemedels- eller life science-företags avtalshantering behöver vara säker — vilken arkiveringslösning som helst duger inte. Konsekvenserna av stulna eller borttappade dokument kan vara katastrofala. Med bakgrund till detta använder Precisely . Plattformen inkluderar även ett brett utbud av andra säkerhetsfunktioner, så som användarbehörigheter och tvåfaktorsautentisering, för att säkerställa att endast rätt personer har åtkomst till era avtal. pa|Automatiserade avtalslösningar löser många av de stora problemområdena relaterade till traditionell avtalshantering. Avtalshantering kan vara ett komplext arbetsområde, speciellt då olika avdelningar och grupper har olika mål och drivkrafter. Säljteamet har som främsta mål att stänga fler affärer — vilket innebär att de drivs av att kunna skapa, skicka och verkställa avtal snabbare. Medan bolagets jurister prioriterar kontroll och att säkerställa att gällande lagar och regler följs — att ha kontroll över villkor och ordval i avtal blir grundläggande för att förbättra företagets riskhantering. Preciselys för skapande och hantering av avtal tillfredsställer båda behoven. Precisely gör avtalshantering enkelt med lösningar som och . Skapa, skicka och verkställ felfria avtal snabbare än någonsin. Manuellt skapande av avtal är ineffektivt, tidskrävande och sårbart för misstag — även om bolagets jurister skapat felfria mallar som lever upp till gällande lagar och regler för att snabba på processen. Då traditionella metoder fortfarande möjliggör otillåtna förändringar till innehållet tappar juristavdelningen kontrollen. De kan inte garantera att slutresultatet reflekterar mallarna, vilket leder till att företaget utsätts för stora juridiska risker. Precisely avtalsautomation gör att . Allt användaren behöver göra för att skapa avtal online är att svara på ett par frågor genom den självbetjänande tjänsten. Då plattformen är molnbaserad och centraliserad kan du alltid vara säker på att hela organisationen använder de senaste versionerna av era mallar. Om en överordnad behöver godkänna avtalet innan det signeras kan du använda dig av för att spara tid och minimera fördröjningar. Det är så enkelt! Preciselys automatiserade avtalslösningar låter företagets jurister skapa sätta upp processer som säljteamet, HR-avdelningen, ekonomiavdelningen och alla andra avdelningar behöver följa. Juristerna behöver inte längre involveras i varje avtal och kan istället istället för administration. Så fort ett avtal har skapats och godkänts initieras signeringsprocessen men fysiska underskrifter är extremt tidskrävande. Dokumentet behöver skrivas ut, ses över, skrivas under, indexeras och arkiveras. Om motparterna befinner sig i andra städer eller länder ökar tidsåtgången markant. Värdefull tid som läggs på administration kunde istället ha använts till att stänga fler affärer. Vi utkämpar ett krig mot pappret och pennan — och e-signering är vårt hemliga vapen. Skicka dina avtal för för att . Det uppskattas att 10 % av ett företags avtal är spårlöst försvunna. Det finns en enkel anledning till detta: avtal är ofta utspridda över hela organisationen. Utan digitala hjälpmedel blir det så gott som omöjligt att hålla koll på när ett avtal ska omförhandlas, förnyas eller sägas upp. Med Precisely får ni ett för alla era avtal. Avtal som e-signeras genom plattformen överförs automatiskt till arkivet medan tredjepartsavtal enkelt kan importeras i bulk. Arkivet har även en intuitiv dashboard som ger dig översikt över era avtal — håll enkelt . Med blir det även enkelt att hitta det du letar efter på bara ett ögonblick. Tappa aldrig bort ett avtal igen. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|ger bolagets jurister kontroll låter säljteamet stänga affärer snabbare även de utan juridisk bakgrund kan skapa felfria avtal snabbare än någonsin — oavsett avtalstyp eller komplexitet automatiserade godkännandeprocesser fokusera på strategiskt betydelsefulla uppgifter accelerera processer, stänga fler affärer och få ombord nyanställda snabbare än någonsin centraliserat och digitalt arkiv koll på vilka avtal som signerats eller inte, vilka avtal som är utgående och vilka avtal som inväntar godkännande smart sökning och filtrering verige h1|Dokumentautomation h2|Snabba på processer med automatiserade avtalslösningar En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Automatiserat skapande och effektiva arbetsflöden En plattform för hela avtalets livscykel Få en tydlig överblick över era avtal Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Automatisera avtalsrelaterade processer Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Förbättrad kvalitet och produktivitet Ökad effektivitet och kontroll Skapa, signera & arkivera Ta kontroll Omfattande Insikter Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN pa|får ni en snabb överblick över avtalsstatus, kommande deadlines och åtgärdspunkter. Med Precisely får ni ett utrustat med smarta söknings- och filtreringsfunktioner. li|Skapa Kontrollera Signera Arkivera Övervaka st|få mer gjort med mindre resurser automatisera avtalshanteringsprocesser tydliga, korrekta och konsekventa avtal ingen programmering krävs enkla, intuitiva verktyg för avtalsskapande fokusera på de strategiska delarna obegränsad lagring digitalt arkiv hitta avtal på ett ögonblick och ge läglig rådgivning verige h1|Automatiserade avtal för advokatbyråer och deras klienter h2|En plattform av och för jurister En plattform för hela företagets avtalsbehov Heltäckande avtalsautomation Självbetjänande avtalshantering och kundinteraktioner Era avtal är säkra med Precisely Prova gratis i 14 dagar h3|Maximera effektiviteten Några av våra utvalda kunder h6|Skapa större värde med mindre resurser Tidsoptimerande och riskminimerande Skapa, signera & arkivera Kraftfullt och effektivt Strategiskt Säkert Skapa, signera & arkivera Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Likt alla andra som arbetar med juridiska tjänster utsätts moderna jurist- och advokatbyråer för konstanta påfrestningar; att . Dagens kunder använder digitala verktyg för att öka effektiviteten i alla möjliga verksamheter. Det är inte mer än naturligt att jurister behöver göra detsamma. En viktig förutsättning för detta är att . Precisely startades av två jurister som insett att traditionella avtalshanteringsprocesser var för ineffektiva och riskbenägna. Resultatet blev en automatiserad avtalshanteringsplattform som förser användare med på en bråkdel av den tid och resursåtgång som krävs med manuella processer. De traditionella verktyg som används av de flesta jurister för att skapa, granska och förbättra avtal har kraftiga begränsningar — inte minst när det kommer till versionshantering och fel på grund av den mänskliga faktorn när mallar redigeras eller standardiserat innehåll överförs från ett klausulbibliotek. Precisely sparar hela byrån timmar av enformigt (och riskbenäget) klippande och klistrande. Hantera hela byråns samling av standardavtal genom att skapa en databas med på förhand godkända och automatiserade mallar. Dessa fungerar för alla sorters avtal, oavsett komplexitet. Från era enklaste sekretessavtal till era allra mest komplexa outsourcingavtal. Plattformen är lätt att lära sig och använda — vid uppstarten. Med Precisely kan vem som helst skapa felfria och konsekventa avtal på bara ett par minuter. När du blir instruerad att förbereda ett dokument för en ny affär eller ett nytt projekt är ett av de första stegen att samla information och data från kunden för att populera nyckelbestämmelserna i avtalet. Denna process involverar vanligtvis en omfattande emailkonversation med kunden i syfte att få deras input. Tänk om det istället fanns ett sätt att integrera denna process direkt i avtalsförfattandet? Med Preciselys kan era kunder helt själva skapa ett felfritt avtal genom att fylla i ett automatiserat formulär, som sedan granskas av en jurist. Detta minskar naturligen tidsåtgången ordentligt — vilket ger nöjdare kunder och låter dig av klientens affär. Era klienter litar på att ni hanterar deras juridiska angelägenheter med största varsamhet och säkerhet. Med Precisely får ni i ett centraliserat, molnbaserat arkiv, skyddat med . Via ett Detta låter dig till era kunder i alla avtalsrelaterade ärenden. bo|intuitivt dashboard pa|General Counsel share a major common challenge, regardless of whether they’re working for world-renowned enterprises or startups: making the contract management process as efficient as possible. In this article, Precisely picked Åsa Ericson Hedström’s brain to learn more about what’s most important when building a great contract management process. Precisely first met Åsa in Copenhagen, Document assembly solutions and contract management system are powerful on their own but provide some of the most sophisticated platforms when combined. Legal AI is a widely discussed topic but what are the actual enablements of it? To understand the capabilities of AI, we need to go beyond the buzzwords. Encouraging the adoption of legal tech solutions is a key hurdle in realizing their potential value. Contract management solutions, in particular, may not inspire the kind of hype they deserve given their massive time and cost saving potential and ability to drive revenue and growth! So, in this post, we’ll highlight what you can do In this post, we’ll set out a practical guide to communicating the benefits of contract management software to your internal stakeholders. Understanding contract management best practices is crucial in order to achieve successful contract management. Learn more about the challenges of contract management that can lead to significant damages to your business unless dealt with properly. Legaltech played a big part at Slush, the world’s leading startup event, in 2018. Read more about some of Precisely’s key happenings of last year. Contract automation pioneer Precisely increases the pace of its international expansion by joining Barclays Eagle Lab in London. Welcome to Precisely’s Contract Management 101, where we’ll cover everything from contract automation to CLM best practices. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|How to create an efficient contract management process with Fiskars Group’s VP Legal Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy Legal AI — Going Beyond the Buzzwords Keys To Driving Legal Tech Adoption Building a Business Case For Contract Management Software Solutions Contract Management Best Practices – Contract Management 101 7 Challenges of Contract Management – Contract Management 101 LegalTech Takeover – Precisely 2018 Year in Review Precisely Joins Barclays Eagle Lab in London What Is Contract Lifecycle Management? Contract Management 101 Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE May 25, 2020 September 2, 2019 August 26, 2019 June 3, 2019 May 6, 2019 April 8, 2019 March 11, 2019 January 14, 2019 October 22, 2018 July 18, 2018 1 Search for: pa|Supercharge your contract management processes Automatisera skapande och hantering av avtal li|Inga kategorier st|verige h2|Kategorier h3|Where smart contracts live Ett smartare sätt att hantera avtal h6|Mer Information Branscher Avdelningar Befattningar Support sp|EN Sök efter: pa|At Precisely, we’re dedicated to making your contract process simple and efficient, with a focus on simplifying workflow, reducing signature time, and managing everything in one place. We share the same goal — to make contracting smart and automated. Our purpose is to make it easy to understand structured data and the solutions that are out there. Companies need a system in place that provides continuous workflow without unnecessary delays. With contract digitalization, you get better control, while allowing more people to be involved in the process, which leads to faster signing, better oversight and compliance. With the Precisely platform, creating new contracts is as simple as filling in a few questions. It’s easy to navigate even without practical knowledge in the legal field. Automation ensures contract compliance and quality control. The platform gives you an overview where you can control and monitor each contract. This allows you to evaluate incoming contracts and make connections to see how it applies to contracts already in your system. Contract management in the cloud. li|Everything stored in one place Monitor the contracts directly Contracts are collaborative, centralized and accessible Other parties cannot erase or change any part of the contract Prevents errors Always up-to-date on compliance issues and legal requirements h1|Digital Contracting. Smart and simple. h2|Modernizing the contract process What we believe How it works Benefits Let us make your team contract champions h3|Precisely We already use Precisely h6|We make contracting better Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE During his time in law school, Founder Nils-Erik Jansson was frustrated by the lack of structure and technology in the contract process, as well as the lack of creative solutions. Legal firms were billing so many hours for contract creation and negotiation, while still being prone to human error. The modern solution was to bring tech to the process by digitalising contracts in a way that everyone could understand while saving time and money. So in 2014, he founded Precisely, a smart contract management solution with automated templates, allowing anyone to create flawless agreements in minutes. In addition to being CEO of Precisely, he is also co-founder and Chairman of the Board at Mapiful. He is also the Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs of Sweden and has been involved in reducing the regulatory burden on entrepreneurs, actively lobbying for better conditions for digital entrepreneurs and startups in Sweden. He was awarded Legal Innovator of the Year in 2017. pa|Please read these Terms of Service (the “Terms”) carefully before using the services provided through the website, operated by Precisely AB (”Precisely, “we”, “us” or “our”), a company incorporated under the laws of Sweden. Your access to and use of our contract management platform (the “Platform”) is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and its appendices. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use our Platform. By accessing or using our Platform you agree to be bound by these Terms. Please direct questions related to these Terms to . “Account” means, in these Terms, a personal password-protected account used to identify specific Users during use of the Service. “Content” means, in these Terms, all documents and all other information provided by a User to the Platform. “Platform” means, in these Terms, the contract automation platform provided by us at , or when applicable, at your designated domain. “Site” means, in these Terms, the website “Service” means, in these Terms, access to and use of the Platform and/or the Site ”Precisely”, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to, in these Terms, Precisely AB, company registration no 556963-5286, a company registered under the laws of Sweden, with its registered office at Slussplatsen 1, 411 06 Göteborg, Sweden. “User” means, in these Terms, your users of the Service. “You” or “your” means, in these Terms, the legal entity executing these Terms. “Third Party Applications” means, in these Terms, online, web-based applications and offline software products or services that are (a) provided by third parties, (b) interoperate with us, and (c) may be either separate or conjoined with us and whether or not such are indicated by us as being third-party applications. The definitions above shall apply in these terms regardless if they are capitalized or not. The Platform is a contract automation platform to manage the complete contract lifecycle, allowing Users to, inter alia, i) author contracts and set up automated contract templates to be shared and used by your entire organization ii) collaborate with internal and external parties in relation to contracts, and to review, edit and comment on contracts iii) sign contracts electronically iv) upload and store contracts in a digital archive, and v) analyze and monitor contracts. The fees applicable for the using the Platform (“Fees”) are available on the Site and/or in our then current published price list. The price stated for the Service excludes all taxes and charges, unless stated otherwise. You are responsible for any taxes and for all other charges (for example, data charges and currency exchange settlements). All prices are exclusive of taxes (sales or otherwise), which may or may not be added to the price, depending on your legal residence. Payment shall always be made in advance for the entire term of Service, i.e. monthly or yearly, unless specifically agreed otherwise. You will pay the Fees in the currency we quoted for your Account. We reserve the right to change the quoted currency at any time. We are entitled to adjust the prices for the Service from time to time. Adjusted prices shall take effect upon any subsequent term of Service. Payment shall be made by bank transfer to our bank account or via online payment at the Platform as stipulated in the invoice, as noted on the Platform or as otherwise instructed by us from time to time. We may do invoicing to the e-mail address given by the User. We will of course notify you in advance, either through the Service or to the email address you have most recently provided to us, if we change the price of the Service. If there’s a specific length and price for your Service offer, that price will remain in force for that time. After the offer period ends, your use of the Service will be charged at the new price. If your Service is on a period basis (for example, monthly) with no specific length, we will notify you of any price change at least 30 days in advance. If you don’t agree to these changes, you must cancel and stop using the Service via filling out a form no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the conclusion of your current payment term, whether monthly, yearly, or otherwise. In addition to any Fees, you may still incur charges incidental to using the Service, for example, charges for Internet access, data roaming, and other data transmission charges. You must be authorized to use the payment method that you enter when you create a billing account. You authorize us to charge you for the Service using your payment method and for any paid feature of the Service that you choose to sign up for or use while these Terms are in force. You must keep all information in your billing account current. You can access and modify your billing account information in your Account. You may change your payment method at any time. If you tell us to stop using your payment method and we no longer receive payment from you for the paid Service, we may cancel that Service. Your notice to us will not affect charges we submit to your billing account before we reasonably could act on your request. If you cancel, your Service ends at the end of your current Service period or, if we bill your account on a period basis, at the end of the period in which you canceled. If you fail to cancel as required, we will automatically renew the Service for the same term and will charge your payment information on file with us commencing on the first day of the renewal term. If we do not receive payment on the due date, your Account will be frozen, inaccessible, and all shared links will be turned off until all outstanding payments have been processed by us. Unless we notify you otherwise, if you’re participating in any trial period offer, you must cancel the Service by the end of the trial period to avoid incurring new charges. If you do not cancel your Service and we have told you the Service will convert to a paid subscription at the end of the trial period, you authorize us to charge your payment method for the Service. Except as prohibited by law, we may assess a late charge if you do not pay on time. You must pay these late charges when we bill you for them. The late charge will be the lesser of 1 percent of the unpaid amount each month or the maximum rate permitted by law. We may use a third party to collect past due amounts. You must pay for all reasonable costs we incur to collect any past due amounts, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other legal fees and costs. We may suspend or cancel your Service if you fail to pay in full on time. We may update and change any part or all of these Terms at any time and for any reason, including the fees and charges associated with the use of the Service (but, your fees and charges won’t change during the term of your subscription except as we explain in the ‘Payment’ section above.) If we update or change these Terms, the updated Terms will be posted at and we will let you know via email or in-app notification. The updated Terms will become effective and binding on the next business day after it is posted. All new functionality and features introduced to the Platform will be subject to what is stipulated in these Terms. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, and/or discontinue properties of the Platform at any time including, but not limited to, (i) functionality, (ii) features, and (iii) services, with or without notice. All new functionality, features or services introduced to the Platform will be subject to what is stipulated in these Terms. We will take reasonable efforts to keep the Platform operational and fully functional during changes described above. You may use the Platform for lawful purposes only. You agree that when using the Platform or communicating via the Platform you may not use the Platform to post, transmit or otherwise distribute illegal material. You further agree to the following: If we find that you are violating these Terms or any other provisions set up by us or our affiliates, we reserve the right to suspend or revoke your access to the Platform. We advise you to use the Platform carefully and to keep in mind that legal documents distributed by you or other users might be subject to non-disclosure provisions and/or contain trade secrets or other sensitive information. The Platform includes functions for uploading, posting, linking and communicating and otherwise making Content available to others. You are at all times responsible for all distribution or other actions under your designated Account(s). By uploading Content to the Platform you warrant that you are either the owner of the uploaded Content or that you hold a valid license to such Content from the appropriate rights holder and that the Content or your use of the Content is in no way a violation of any national or international legislation. We will not supervise whether any Content is lawfully uploaded or distributed through the Platform. If you have any complaints or other questions related to any Content, please contact By posting Content to the Platform you are aware that, depending on the settings of your Account(s), such Content might be shared with others. We do not take any responsibilities for lost Content and we advise you to always keep your own backup of your Content. We do not take any responsibility with regards to the validity of Content provided by you or any other user. Only legal entities are allowed to register Accounts for the use of the Platform. By registering an Account on behalf of a legal entity the user warrant that such user has the legal capacity to enter into these Terms on the behalf of you and use the Platform as an Admin. For the sake of clarity, since each Account is personal, you are also obliged to ensure that only one physical person may use each individual Account. There are two different kinds of Accounts, the Admin Account and the User Account. An Admin, who holds an Admin Account, is, able to: A user with a User Account is able to: When you register yourself on the Platform you shall provide current, true and complete information requested in the registration form. You are responsible for keeping such information updated and complete. You agree that you will be entirely responsible for any and all access or your use of the Platform under your Account(s) and that you are liable for all actions and activities conducted under your designated Account. You are responsible for your users’ personal passwords and warrant to treat them as sensitive and confidential information. We further advice you to use personal passwords with sufficient password strength and to change the personal passwords at regular intervals to prevent unauthorized access. We reserve the right to terminate any Account(s) if activities occur which constitutes or may constitute a violation of these Terms or of any applicable local or international laws, rules or regulations. The Platform and its original content, features, functionality, and design elements are and will remain the exclusive property of Precisely and its licensors. Our intellectual property may not be used in connection with any product or platform without the prior written consent of Precisely. We are, with the limitations set out below, liable towards you for damages caused by our negligence, regardless of what legal ground you use for such claim. Unless set out in the Agreement, we are not liable for damage caused by modifications or changes to the Service made according to your instructions or performed by anyone other than us (including but not limited to changes made by you or on your behalf). We are not, under any circumstances, liable for your loss of profit, revenue, savings, or goodwill, loss due to operational, power or network interruptions, loss of data, your potential liability towards a third party or indirect or consequential damages of any kind. Our total and aggregate liability under these Terms is, for each calendar year and regardless of the number of damages, limited to the fees paid by you during the 12 months period prior to the time when the damage(s) occurred. If you use the Service under a trial or otherwise free subscription, our aggregate liability, regardless of the number of damages, is limited to EUR 100. Our liability for Third Party Applications will never exceed such amount as we are entitled to reclaim from the provider(s) of such Third-Party Application. We are not liable for damages unless you notify us in writing thereof no later than 90 days after you noticed or should have noticed, the actual damage or loss, however no later than six (6) months from when the damage occurred. For the avoidance of doubt, you acknowledge and agree that any and all agreements between you and any other party is made on your own risk and that we are not responsible for any of your loss or damage in relation to such agreements. Neither the templates provided by us, nor any Content, are intended as legal advice and we recommend third party supervision before using the documents for any purpose. We undertake no responsibility with concern to the legal outcome when using the Platform or Content. You acknowledge that we may allow providers of Third Party Applications to access Content as required for the interoperation of those Third Party Applications with the Service, without prejudice to Appendix 1, Data Processing Agreement. You acknowledge that you are the data controller for any personal data processed by us on behalf of you in relation to the Service and that we are considered to be your data processor. We and you have therefore agreed to enter into the Data Processing Agreement ( ), which shall remain effective independently of the Terms otherwise for as long as we process personal data on behalf of you. You shall indemnify us with respect to all direct liability, losses, damages, costs or expenses howsoever caused, arising out of, or in connection with any breach of these Terms. We are not liable for any confidential information shared through the Platforms, provided that we have not been acting with gross negligence or intent. Please also see the confidentiality section in Appendix 1. These Terms are considered to be in effect from the day you accept them, i.e. when you first access or use the Platform and cease to be in effect when you terminate your Account(s). Upon termination, your right to use the Platform will immediately cease. If any provision of these Terms between us and you is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be limited, modified or severed to the minimum extent necessary to eliminate its invalidation or unenforceability so that these Terms otherwise remain in full force, effect and enforceable. These Terms shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of Sweden. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled under the exclusive jurisdiction of The District Court of Stockholm, Sweden. Welcome to Precisely’s Data Processing Addendum (which we’ll refer to below as the or this “ ”) – an appendix to our general terms of service. As we’ve already defined some expressions in the Terms, we’ll use the same definitions in this DPA. Your access to and use of the Platform is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with the Terms, including this DPA. This means that you, by accessing or using our Platform, agree to be bound by the Terms and this DPA. We’ll process personal data for which you are the data controller under applicable data protection law. Since you determine the purposes and means of the processing of personal data within and through the Platform, we’ll refer to you as the “ ” in this DPA. Furthermore, Precisely and the Controller will individually be referred to as a “ ” and jointly the “ ”. A. This DPA provides for the Controller and our respective obligations in relation to Personal Data processing. This DPA applies to all activities where we get in contact with Personal Data of the Controller including, but not limited to the Personal Data regarding the Controller’s Users and other affected natural persons, in connection with the Platform, or other services provided to the Controller by us. B. We are only allowed to process Personal Data in accordance with the Controller’s documented instructions and in the Controller’s interest. C. Any reference made to “da­­­ta protection laws” or similar in this DPA shall be understood to include, but not be limited to, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (the “ ”). D. If we’re also providing services and/or products under this DPA to the Controller’s Affiliates, or otherwise gain access to the Affiliate’s data relating to identified or identifiable natural person(s) for the purposes of fulfilling the Main Agreement, such data shall be regarded as Personal Data and this DPA shall be applicable to our processing of such Personal Data. Such Affiliates have the same rights and obligations as the Controller under this DPA. E. This DPA is an integral part of the Terms and/or any similar agreement executed between us and the Controller (“ ”). In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Main Agreement and the terms of this DPA, this DPA shall prevail with respect to the subject matter of this DPA. Affiliate shall mean, in this DPA, companies: (a) directly or indirectly owning or controlling the Controller; (b) under the same direct or indirect ownership or control as the Controller; or (c) directly or indirectly controlled by the Controller. Control or ownership shall be understood to exist through direct or indirect ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the nominal value of the issued equity share capital or of fifty percent (50%) or more of the shares entitling the holders to vote for the election of the members of the board of directors or persons performing similar functions or the minimum share entitling to control prescribed in applicable legislations in such jurisdictions where the ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more would not be possible. Commissioned Processing of Personal Data is the access to Personal Data by us as well as collection, modification, transfer, blocking, deletion, storing, hosting or any other type of processing of Personal Data by us on behalf of the Controller in connection with the Main Agreement and as further specified under this DPA. A Data Subject is a natural person whose Personal Data is being processed by us on behalf of the Controller under this DPA and the Main Agreement. We shall process Personal Data in accordance with the Controller’s written instructions. The initial instructions are set forth in Sub-Appendix A to this DPA. Subject to the terms of this DPA, the Controller can change, amend or replace these initial instructions by single instructions in writing (of course, including in electronic form) at any time. Personal Data is any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person(s) as defined in the applicable data protection laws, and that is subject to Commissioned Processing of Personal Data. Personal Data Breach is an accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure of or access to the Personal Data as well as any events endangering the security, confidentiality or integrity of the Personal Data. 2.1 We shall process or otherwise use Personal Data solely on behalf of the Controller and according to the Controller’s Instructions as set out in this Section 2 and Sub-Appendix A ( ) and the requirements of the applicable data protection laws. 2.2 In addition to the Instructions set forth in Sub-Appendix A to this DPA, the Main Agreement and our performance thereof shall be the Controller’s documented Instructions to us in respect of processing of Personal Data. The Parties may modify or supplement Sub-Appendix A during the term of the Main Agreement and this DPA by concluding an amendment to Sub-Appendix A, which shall be made in writing and which shall incorporate all of the substantive terms as set forth in Sub-Appendix A in an unchanged form. The Controller shall pay us reasonable compensation for all work and costs for us to accommodate such documented instructions by the Controller that in our opinion would not be commercially reasonable to accommodate (for instance. instructions that would require the Platform – or the technology setup required to uphold the Controller’s instructions – to be specially adapted for the Controller). We may suggest new or amended instructions as reasonably required in the opinion of us (for instance, due to changes in the Platform or the Terms) and while it is the Controller’s right to approve or reject such instructions, in case the Controller should not approve the instructions as suggested by us, section 11.4 shall apply. 3.1 As stated in section 2 above, we shall only collect, process or utilize Personal Data in accordance with the Instructions of the Controller and applicable laws and not for other own purposes or purposes of third parties. The Controller shall confirm any oral instructions in writing or via email. Where we believe that compliance with any Instructions by the Controller would result in a violation of applicable law on data protection, we shall immediately notify the Controller thereof. 3.2 Taking into account the costs of implementation, the state of the art, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, we shall ensure, within our area of responsibility, the implementation and compliance with the agreed and appropriate technical and organizational measures. In particular, we shall take such technical and organizational measures to protect the Personal Data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure and access as well as against other events that endanger the security, confidentiality or integrity of the Personal Data, including inter alia as appropriate: (a) the pseudonymisation and encryption of Personal Data; (b) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services; (c) the ability to restore the availability and access to Personal Data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and (d) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing. For the avoidance of doubt, we may take other or additional measures as required due to new or amended legislation, or as a result of decisions by public authorities. 3.3 We shall upon the Controller’s request, provide to the Controller the information necessary to fulfill its obligation to register the outsourced personal data processing, such as persons being instructed with data processing, statutory periods for the deletion of data and purposes for the data processing. 3.4 We shall inform the Controller in the event of (i) substantial disruptions of the Service, (ii) possible infringements of applicable data protection laws or of this DPA by us, our employees or third parties, and (iii) any other irregularity in relation to the processing of Personal Data. 3.5 We shall inform the Controller if the Personal Data will be at risk on the site of us by distrainment, seizures, insolvency or bankruptcy measures or by any other activities or measures of third parties. We shall inform all people responsible in this context that the Personal Data is in the sovereignty of the Controller. 3.6 All data storage media, if any, and all copies or reproductions thereof shall remain the property of the Controller. We shall at any time give information to the Controller relating to its Personal Data and materials. According to the Controller’s individual orders, we shall be responsible for the erasure of test or excess data and materials in compliance with data protection requirements, except in certain cases, to be defined by the Controller, where storage and/or disclosure of the test or excess data shall be performed. 3.7 We may transfer Personal Data to countries outside the EEA, subject to applicable legal requirements in respect of the protection of Personal Data in relation to such transfers being observed. In other words, will only make such transfers in a compliant and lawful manner, in accordance with applicable data protection law. 3.8 Finally, if a Data Subject, public authority or third party requests information from us relating to the processing of Personal Data, we shall refer such request to the Controller and await the Controller’s instructions. 4.1 In case of a Personal Data Breach, we shall, without undue delay and, if possible, no later than 48 hours after having become aware of the Personal Data Breach, notify the Controller of the Personal Data Breach in writing. The notification shall, to the extent such information is available to us, contain all necessary information required for the Controller to be able to fulfill its reporting and disclosure obligations to the relevant public authority and Data Subjects. 4.2 We shall, without undue delay after becoming aware of any further details surrounding the Personal Data Breach, supplement the notification described above in Section 4.1 as well as provide the Controller with and any other information relating to the respective Data Breach as reasonably requested by the Controller and available to us. 4.3 We will document any Personal Data Breaches, comprising the facts surrounding the breach, its effects and the remedial actions taken. This documentation must enable the supervisory authority to verify compliance with this Section 4. The documentation will only include information necessary for such purpose. 5.1 Each Party shall keep confidential all material and information, including but not limited to Personal Data, marked as confidential or that should be understood to be confidential, regardless of whether personal, technical, financial or commercial and received in whatever form from the other Party (‘ ’). A Party shall have the right to: (i) use Confidential Information only for the purposes of this DPA and the Main Agreement; (i) copy Confidential Information only to the extent necessary for the purposes of this DPA and the Main Agreement; and (ii) disclose Confidential Information only to those of its employees, subcontractors or advisors that need the Confidential Information for the purposes of this DPA and the Main Agreement. The disclosing Party is responsible for ensuring that the parties that receive Confidential Information comply with the terms relating to confidentiality agreed in this DPA. 5.2 The confidentiality obligation set out in this section 5 shall not, however, be applied to any material or information (i) that was in the possession of the receiving Party prior to receipt of the same from the other Party without any obligation of confidentiality related thereto; (ii) that is generally available or otherwise public, other than if it is public through a breach of this DPA or the Main Agreement on the part of the receiving Party; (iii) that a Party has received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality; (iv) that a Party has independently developed without using any material or information received from the other Party; (v) that a Party is obliged to disclose pursuant to Law or other order issued by a supervisory authority. 5.3 Each Party shall cease using Confidential Information received from the other Party promptly upon the termination of this DPA or the Main Agreement or when the respective Party no longer needs the Confidential Information in question for the purposes of this DPA and/or the Main Agreement and shall return or destroy the material in question (including all copies thereof). Each Party shall, however, be entitled to retain copies as and to the extent required by the applicable law. 5.4 Each Party guarantees the observance and proper performance of this DPA by its personnel and advisors to whom Confidential Information may be disclosed pursuant to this Clause 5. 5.5 Each Party shall cease using Confidential Information received from the other Party promptly upon the termination of this DPA or the Main Agreement. 5.6 The confidentiality obligations set out in this section 5 shall survive any termination or cancellation of this DPA or the Main Agreement. 6.1 The Controller warrants that all data used in the Service are collected, processed and utilized fairly and lawfully with respect to one or several of the legal grounds stipulated in the GDPR and other applicable law. Such requirements include, but are not limited to, the provision of information about processing of Personal Data to Data Subjects concerned. 6.2 Furthermore, the Controller shall inform us of the content and significance of applicable data protection law to the extent relevant for the processing of Personal Data carried out under this DPA as well as supervisory authorities’ actions and decisions in respect of such processing of Personal Data. For the avoidance of doubt, and without prejudice to your right to instruct us on how to process Personal Data, we are not obligated to comply or take any measures due to such information as referred to in this section unless required by applicable data protection law. 7.1 If the Controller, on the basis of applicable data protection laws, is obliged to answer to inquiries from Data Subjects on the collection, processing or utilization of Personal Data relating to such Data Subject, upon request of the Controller, we shall support the Controller in order to provide such information. We shall pass on such inquiries of affected Data Subjects to the Controller for answering these inquiries. We shall adequately support the Controller in this respect. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Controller shall adequately reimburse us for any reasonable incurring costs in connection with the fulfillment of the duties of this Section 7. 7.2 If the Controller, on the basis of applicable data protection laws, is obliged to erase or rectify Personal Data, we shall erase or rectify that Personal Data also from our data registers, upon the request of the Controller. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Controller shall adequately reimburse us for any reasonable incurring costs in connection with the fulfillment of the duties of this Section 7. 7.3 We shall assist the Controller also in the fulfillment of the Controller’s other obligations under the applicable data protection laws. 8.1 The Controller may itself – or, if required by us, by a third party being subject to statutory professional confidentiality obligations – upon reasonable notice carry out an audit at our office(s), during our usual business hours and without disturbing our business processes, to convince itself of our compliance with the technical and organizational measures, this DPA and data protection laws. We shall tolerate such audit and shall support the Controller in such audit. Furthermore, we shall provide to the Controller, upon written request, within a reasonable period all information, which is necessary to carry out a comprehensive review of the Commissioned Processing of Personal Data and release those persons from their confidentiality obligations vis-à-vis the Controller for the purpose of the audit. However, we are not under any circumstances obliged to disclose business and trade secrets, operational know-how and other data being protected by law, such as data of other controllers, within such an audit. Controls and audits shall be announced at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall be coordinated with us. Any costs of such controls and audits, including possible costs of us in relation to the audit, shall be fully borne by the Controller. 8.2 In the event an audit or an information request from a regulatory authority supervising the Controller’s business, we shall assist the Controller in answering the request and organizing the audit. We shall always allow any such regulatory authority to conduct audits of our operations. Each Party shall bear its own costs in connection with audits initiated by such regulatory authority. 9.1 Controller agrees that we may use subcontractors to fulfill our contractual obligations under this DPA and to provide certain services on our behalf. Upon Controller’s request, we shall inform Controller of the names of the subcontractors that are used and what kind of service the subcontractor performs, as well as the geographical location where their processing activities in respect of the Personal Data are performed. We will restrict the subcontractors’ access to Personal Data only to what is necessary to maintain the Service (or other products/services provided by Precisely to the Controller) and we will prohibit the subcontractor from accessing Personal Data for any other purpose. 9.2 We are liable for each subcontractor’s obligations regarding the processing of Personal Data. 9.3 We shall inform the Controller of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of other subcontractors that process Personal Data. Accordingly, we are giving the Controller the opportunity to object to such changes if there are objectively valid reasons for such objection and the Controller informs us of the objection within a reasonable time after being informed about the new subcontractor. We shall remain fully liable to the Controller for the performance of that other processor’s obligations if a subcontractor fails to fulfill its data protection obligations. 10.1 The Parties agree that the general principle of division of responsibility between the Parties under this DPA relating to fines and/or damages to the Data Subjects imposed by any relevant supervisory authority and/or competent court authorized to impose such fines or damages is based on the respective Party’s need to fulfill its obligations under the applicable data protection laws and that any fines and/or damages to the Data Subjects imposed by a supervisory authority and/or competent court shall be paid by the Party that has failed in its performance of its legal obligations under the applicable data protection laws. 10.2 The Controller shall defend, indemnify and hold us harmless against all cost and damages, including but not limited to such damages incurred as a result of claims by Data Subjects or administrative fines, resulting from the Controller’s breach of this DPA, the Controller’s act or omission to act in accordance with applicable data protection regulation, any other circumstance attributable to the Controller’s side or our violation of applicable laws and regulations, including data protection law, due to vague, unlawful or absence of instructions or information from the Controller. 10.3 Our liability for damages under this Data Processing Agreement or otherwise in relation to processing of Personal Data is limited as set forth in section 10 of the Terms. 11.1 This DPA shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time, and shall automatically be terminated in case of termination of the Main Agreement for any reason. Either Party’s right to terminate this DPA for cause shall remain unaffected. 11.2 If we materially breach our obligations under this DPA and fail to remedy such breach within thirty (30) days from the Controller’s written notification of the breach to us, the Controller shall have the right to terminate the Main Agreement with immediate effect. 11.3 Upon termination of this Agreement for whatsoever reason, we shall give the Controller access to all data storage media and copies thereof as well as all Personal Data being in its possession to the Controller (by e.g. enabling the Controller to download documents including Personal Data) and shall thereafter delete any Personal Data stored with us. Upon request of the Controller, we shall confirm compliance with such obligations in writing within four (4) weeks from such request. 11.4 If the Controller objects to our appointment of a subcontractor, or to our changes to the Service, and such objection prevents or significantly obstructs our ability to provide the Service, we have the right to terminate the Main Agreement with immediate effect. This also applies if the Controller’s objection would entail costs to us that are unreasonably high in light of the compensation that the Controller will pay us under the Main Agreement. In case of termination under this clause 11.4, the Controller shall not be entitled to any refund of fees paid for the Service and we are relieved of any and all liability for any damages caused by our termination. 12.1 Amendments and additions to this DPA must be in writing. This also applies to a waiver of the requirement for this DPA. 12.2 Should one or more clauses of this DPA and or the Main Agreement be or become invalid and/or unenforceable, the validity of the other clauses of this DPA and the Main Agreement shall remain unaffected thereby. In such case, the Parties shall amend this agreement and amicably replace the invalid clauses. 12.3 Swedish law shall govern this DPA. 12.4 Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this DPA, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled under the exclusive jurisdiction of The District Court of Stockholm, Sweden. In addition to what is set forth in the DPA and the Main Agreement, the Controller instructs us to process Personal Data in accordance with the instructions below: : May 25th 2018 By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management. Having all our contracts in one place means a lot when we are approaching investors. It has a direct effect on our valuation and indirectly in growing our business even further. th|Purposes of the processing Types of personal data Categories of data subjects Duration of the processing. li|You shall not defame, abuse, harass, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others or of any third party, including us, You shall not in any manner publish, post or – in any other way express – any material or information that is inappropriate, defamatory, infringing, obscene, pornographic, racist, terrorist, politically slanted, indecent or unlawful, You shall not contribute to destructive activities such as dissemination of viruses, spam or any other activity that might harm the Platform, its Users or us in any way, You shall not monitor the Service’s availability, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose, meaning, , that you agree not to access the Service for the purpose of developing or operating a competitive product or service or copying the Service’s features or user interface. use all the functions of the Platform, including upload, draft, comment, revise, send and sign Content, create, designate and revoke others’ User Accounts, create and designate Admin Accounts to others use the functions of the Platform to the extent authorized by an Admin Account, e.g. upload, draft, comment, revise, send and sign Content st|Appendix 1 DPA Controller Party Parties GDPR Main Agreement Confidential Information Effective date weden h1|Terms of Service h3|Precisely Introduction 1. Definitions and Interpretations 2. The Platform 3. Payment 4. Amendments 5. Changes to the Platform 6. Code of Conduct 7. Content 8. Registration and Accounts 9. Intellectual Property 10. Limitation of Liability 11. Third Party Applications 12. Personal Data 13. Indemnification 14. Confidentiality 15. Duration And Termination 16. Severability 17. Governing Law 18. Disputes Appendix 1 – Data Processing Addendum We already use Precisely h4|Introduction 1. Definitions 2. Scope of the Commissioned Processing 3. Our obligations 4. Notification obligation 5. Confidentiality 6. Obligations of the Controller 7. Obligation to Assist 8. Audits 9. Subcontractors 10. Liability 11. Term and Termination 12. General Provisions Sub-Appendix A – Instructions on Processing Personal Data h5|1.1 Affiliate 1.2 Commissioned Processing of Personal Data 1.3 Data Subject 1.4 Instruction 1.5 Personal Data 1.6 Personal Data Breach h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support em|inter alia inter alia, Instructions on processing Personal Data Precisely provides a contract automation platform to manage the complete contract lifecycle, allowing Users to, inter alia, i) author contracts and set up automated contract templates to be shared and used by your entire organization ii) collaborate with internal and external parties in relation to contracts, and to review, edit and comment on contracts iii) sign contracts electronically iv) upload and store contracts in a digital archive, and v) analyze and monitor contracts. Personal Data relates to Users, your contract counterparties and/or advisers, and is processed in order to a) manage, simplify and streamline their contract process, b) to maintain your relationship with us, c) to manage your subscription to the Platform and/or other services provided to you by us and to d) ensure that your Users have proper instructions on how to use the Platform. Name, title, work place, email address, phone number, and personal identity number relating to your Users and your contract counterparties. As to contracts stored in the Platform, Personal Data included therein (and thereby processed by us) may vary depending on which type of document you upload. Your employees, advisors and consultants, your counterparties and their representatives that are mentioned in relation to your contracts, and other persons you mention in your contracts, which are processed through the Platform. Personal Data that we process on your behalf will be processed until deleted through the Platform, or as per your instructions. pa|We’ve got firsthand experience of automating contracts in companies of different sizes – ranging from . No matter how big or small your company is – or in which industry you operate – we’ve got the solution for you. Get started with contract management and e-signing Increase control and efficiency with automated end-to-end contract management Maximize contract success through advanced contract automation and integrations Sometimes it takes a helping hand to guide you in the right direction. So, if you have any question about our product, implementation, integration, or anything else, please feel free to get in touch with us. Our team is always ready to assist you. td|Chat Chat/Email Dedicated Contract Automation Expert Swedish, English Swedish, English Almost any language upon request th|Starter Professional Enterprise Automated Templates Contract metadata Template Logo Approval workflows Approval notifications Automated metadata tagging & management External collaboration & commenting Entity management OCR and full-text search Integrations (CRM, ERP etc) Public API Support Contract conversion services Support App language li|1 automated template Archiving Monitoring E-signing All Starter features Unlimited automated templates Approval workflows Approval notifications All Professional features Entity management Integrations & API access OCR Contract Creator Contract Archive Appendices User management & permissions Teams Contract reminders & alerts Unlimited E-signing Signing message templates E-signing reminders Default signees Advanced filters Two factor authentication Dashboard with an overview of your contracts, tasks and reminders Contract Creator Contract Archive Appendices User management & permissions Teams Contract reminders & alerts Unlimited E-signing Signing message templates E-signing reminders Default signees Advanced filters Two factor authentication Dashboard with an overview of your contracts, tasks and reminders Contract Creator Contract Archive Appendices User management & permissions Teams Contract reminders & alerts Unlimited E-signing Signing message templates E-signing reminders Default signees Advanced filters Two factor authentication Dashboard with an overview of your contracts, tasks and reminders sm|/ user / user / user st|SME to Enterprise weden h2|Execute compliant contracts faster than ever before Do you have any questions? h3|All plans include these features All plans include these features All plans include these features We already use Precisely h4|Starter Professional Enterprise h6|Pricing per month per month per month Ask us Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|Save 10% $ 44 49 $ 62 69 $ 89 99 1 Unlimited* Unlimited* Unlimited* Unlimited* pa|Today, the contract creation process is unnecessarily inefficient – even for the ones who write the same type of contract over and over again. One copy-pastes a bit and reads through the whole contract every time to make sure that nothing undesired has changed. With Precisely, you can by creating automated templates. Create your template in the online contract creator and get quality-assured contracts in a matter of minutes! And it, of course, Precisely allows you to set up contract structures and determine end-user permissions. On top of that, you’re able to automate your organization’s workflow and approval processes. with legal standards and guidelines. Precisely allows you to put an amount of electronic signatures on a limitless number of documents. Close deals, execute contracts and onboard new hires quicker than ever before. No more paper. Precisely offers . The give you access to all your documents in one place — always, anywhere. Smart search and filtering make it possible to quickly find what you are looking for. Precisely’s smart reminders allow you to get alerts about important milestones regarding your contract. Set up and receive alerts via email. Always know when to renegotiate, renew or terminate the contract in time. st|streamline your contract creation process works with all contracts. Maximize compliance unlimited legally binding unlimited storage for all your contracts secure servers reminders for any event in the contract lifecycle weden h1|All your contracts in one place h2|Automated contract creation Contract authoring & automated approval workflows Integrated e-signing Keep all your contracts in one place Be up to date, all the time h3|For the modern company We already use Precisely h6|Create, e-sign, archive and monitor all contracts – in the cloud Create Control Sign Archive Monitor Want to learn more? Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE pa|Contracts constitute the core of any organization. Consequently, we use TLS encryption and state-of-the-art server infrastructure with world-class security standards. This keeps all your contracts private and protected. Precisely ensures that your contracts and critical information aren’t lost in case of an emergency. The database is backed up daily, whereafter daily are saved for a week. Similarly, weekly are saved for one month while monthly are saved indefinitely. Files uploaded to the platform are continuously backed up. Your connection to – and communication within – Precisely uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) with an ECDHE P-256 AES-256-crypto suite, to ensure that the data (including files uploaded or created through our platform) is encrypted transmitted securely. This is the same level of encryption used by several government bodies as well as leading banks. Precisely is hosted in a state-of-the-art SAS70 Type II, SSAE 16 facility, which has achieved ISO 27001 certification. Consequently, physical access is strictly controlled by professional security personnel using, inter alia, cutting-edge intrusion detection systems and video surveillance. Furthermore, authorized staff must pass two-factor authentication more than three times to access data center floors. The system used to store Precisely contracts is designed to achieve ‘nine 9s’ of durability, meaning that the data automatically is replicated in multiple data centers to ensure that you will have access to your contracts. Precisely does not store your credit card information on its servers. Instead, when your credit card information is submitted, it is passed along to our payments processor Stripe, a PCI Service Provider Level 1 service. With Precisely, you can determine the level of each user’s access to – and authority to make changes in – a contract by setting different administrative levels to each user account. This way, you can ensure that nobody can tamper with the contracts besides authorized personnel. Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Precisely account designed to ensure that you’re the only person who can access your account, even if someone knows your password. By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management. Having all our contracts in one place means a lot when we are approaching investors. It has a direct effect on our valuation and indirectly in growing our business even further. h1|Bank Level Security h2|Keep all your contracts private and secure Automatic backups Bank level security State of the art facilities Nine 9s of durability Credit card information Internal access and control Two-factor authentication h3|We already use Precisely h6|Keep your contracts private and secure Overview Prevent data loss Encryption Physical security Reliability & Availability PCI Level 1 Contract authoring Extra security layer Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE backups backups backups pa|Learn how Key Solutions, one of Europe’s best workplaces, is reducing compliance risks and enables departments to create contracts with just three clicks. Learn more about how fashion company NA-KD uses Precisely to streamline their contract workflows and reduce their time to signature by up to 80%. di|“By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management.” Christoffer Lötebo CEO, Precis Digital h1|Customer Case Studies h2|Learn how Precisely can turn your team into contract champions h3|We already use Precisely h6|Learn more about how Precisely has transformed the contracting of businesses like yours Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|GET STARTED Book Demo di|”The various workflows we have set up improve our visibility into what our teams are sending out. It increases our teams’ productivity in closing deals, and helps the organization to reduce and mitigate risks by always using up-to-date templates and approval processes” Damien Boutigny General Counsel, NA-KD h1|Trusted by legal, loved by the business h2|Sign up to Precisely h3|We already use Precisely h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE * * * * * * * 14-day free trial Save time and reduce risk Create contracts 5x faster Reduce bottlenecks and automate workflows​ pa|Automated contract creation and contract drafting software enables anyone to create compliant contracts superfast – even without legal knowledge. Contract automation pioneer Precisely is singled out as one of the most prominent actors in the Swedish legaltech space. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts new demands on your contract management process. We have compiled five features you need to stay compliant. The SEP Scaleup Summit covered some of the hottest tech trends of 2018 and what challenges they bring. Here are our key takeaways. In order to tackle law firm’s and in-house legal team’s modern challenges, Karnov Group and Precisely will launch a new way of drafting contracts during 2018. The solution will dramatically increase the speed of drafting high-quality contracts and reduce human errors in the process. Today, we celebrate our CEO Nils-Erik Jansson for making it to the Nordic 100. Swedish startups have finally received a simplified way of incentivizing key individuals – and our CEO Nils-Erik plays an important role. Nils-Erik Jansson is the Legal Innovator of the Year 2017 We’re happy to find both Precisely and our CEO Nils-Erik among the nominees for the Legal Innovator of the Year award for the second year in a row. It is business critical to handle contracts efficiently. After my time as a legal advisor for companies of different sizes, I have identified five simple – yet efficient – ways to improve the contract management process. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , Erik Legerius in , Erik Legerius in Erik Legerius in , h2|Categories h3|Benefits of Contract Creation and Drafting Software Why LegalTech Solutions Are the Next Big Phenomenon GDPR & Contract Management – 5 Must-Have Features Takeaways From the SEP Scaleup Summit 2018 Precisely Forms Strategic Partnership With Nordic Market Leading Legal Information Provider Karnov Group Precisely’s CEO Is One of the Most Influential Figures in the Nordic Tech Scene Long Live Swedish Startups Precisely’s CEO Wins Prestigious Legal Innovation Award Precisely and the Award For the Legal Innovator of the Year Five Simple Tips To Improve Your Contract Management Process Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE May 17, 2018 April 26, 2018 April 18, 2018 March 27, 2018 December 14, 2017 December 7, 2017 November 23, 2017 September 22, 2017 April 25, 2017 July 13, 2016 2 Search for: pa|Printing, signing and scanning are standards in traditional contract management processes. The inefficiency of current methods makes contract management tiring and lowers the overall value of many businesses. Here, our CEO Nils-Erik explains why. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in h2|Categories h3|Why Traditional Contract Management Is Inefficient Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE June 29, 2016 3 Search for: pa|Give us 45 minutes and we’ll show you how you can: di|Damien Boutigny​ GENERAL COUNSEL, NA-KD​ This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. h1|Discover smart & simple contracting h2|Book a demo h3|We already use Precisely h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Streamline and centralize your whole contracting lifecycle Reduce costs and mitigate risks through automation Manage all your contracts with fine-grained control ”The various workflows we have set up improve our visibility into what our teams are sending out. It increases our teams’ productivity in closing deals, and helps the organization to reduce and mitigate risks by always using up-to-date templates and approval processes” * * * * * pa|Today, we celebrate our CEO Nils-Erik Jansson for making it to the Nordic 100. You are currently browsing the archives for the Awards category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|Precisely’s CEO Is One of the Most Influential Figures in the Nordic Tech Scene Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|December 7, 2017 Search for: pa|Legaltech played a big part at Slush, the world’s leading startup event, in 2018. Read more about some of Precisely’s key happenings of last year. The SEP Scaleup Summit covered some of the hottest tech trends of 2018 and what challenges they bring. Here are our key takeaways. Today, we celebrate our CEO Nils-Erik Jansson for making it to the Nordic 100. Swedish startups have finally received a simplified way of incentivizing key individuals – and our CEO Nils-Erik plays an important role. You are currently browsing the archives for the Startups category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , h2|Categories h3|LegalTech Takeover – Precisely 2018 Year in Review Takeaways From the SEP Scaleup Summit 2018 Precisely’s CEO Is One of the Most Influential Figures in the Nordic Tech Scene Long Live Swedish Startups Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|January 14, 2019 March 27, 2018 December 7, 2017 November 23, 2017 Search for: li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract e-signing solutions h2|Save time and increase contracting mobility by saying goodbye to paper Start your 14-day free trial Go paperless and reduce costs Secure and reliable signatures Electronic signatures are legal and fully binding h3|Legally binding We already use Precisely h6|Sign contracts faster than ever using electronic signatures Electronic workflow No credit card needed Efficiency Audit trail Legality Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Using Precisely’s e-signing solution lets you send and have your . Without Precisely, the contract signing process can be a long one. It’s not unusual for it to take days or even weeks, especially if paper contracts are to be sent by old-fashioned postal service or courier, and the other parties aren’t in the same city or country. Precisely’s automated process lets you safely send any and all documents for e-signing instead — without even leaving the platform. Replacing the typical back and forth emailing or snail mail with Precisely’s automated contract signing process across all contracting department workflows. It also ensures that all stakeholders and departments are always up to date on the status of every contract, including which ones are or aren’t approved or signed. As a result, your teams gain insights into—and a better understanding of—the whole contract lifecycle, laying the groundwork for increased interdepartmental teamwork. It’s time to streamline the contract signing process and say goodbye to paper. Going paperless is a natural step for businesses seeking increased . By replacing ink and paper with simple, legally binding electronic signatures, you’ll save time and money (and the planet!) when completing contract related processes. Replace time-consuming signature processes in your workflow with a . With e-signing, you can have your contracts sent, signed and returned in a matter of minutes, even if the parties are located on opposite sides of the world. And you’ll by never paying for postal services, couriers or printer paper again. Naturally, unlimited use of the integrated e-signing solution is part of Precisely’s automated contract management service. Our e-signing solution creates a between the signing parties. Information, such as IP address, is tracked and timestamped from submission to signature to provide you with a complete transaction history. The transaction log is also processed with hashing technology, to protect it from tampering. Furthermore, the transaction trails include information such as sender name and timestamps to ensure legality — something which could never be achieved with traditional ink and paper signing. People often ask if electronic signatures are legally binding. The simple answer is yes, with very few exceptions, they are! Electronic signatures are legal and fully binding in the majority of countries around the world and for almost all types of contracts. In light of this, there’s no reason to uphold the old paper-and-ink regime when there are effective digital substitutes. Precisely’s e-signing service complies with the requirements of the U.S Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000. As well as the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act and the European Union eIDAS regarding electronic signatures and transmissions. Welcome to the future of fast, secure and efficient contracting! bo|contracts signed faster than ever legally binding alleviates bottlenecks efficiency and digitization digital solution reduce costs comprehensive transaction trail pa|Hi there, Welcome to the Privacy Policy for Precisely AB (“ ” or “ ”). We’re a company incorporated under the laws of Sweden and our corporate reg. no is 556963-5286 and our registered address is Slussplatsen 1, 411 06 Gothenburg, Sweden. Feel free to drop by for a coffee in case you’re in town. By submitting personal data through this website, personal data may be collected, processed and used in accordance with this privacy policy and/or the applicable data protection law, as described below. We would like to inform you below about the type, scope, and purposes for which we process your personal data. By the way, whenever companies use our end-to-end contract automation platform, we enter into a data processing agreement (DPA) with that company. We always contractually commit ourselves to only process personal data on behalf and under the instruction of the respective customer, who is the data controller. To give you a heads up, please note that this this Privacy Policy does not apply to such processing and we recommend you to contact the customer if their processing concerns your personal information. You can contact our data protection team at . In line with our internal processes and systems, this website is designed to comply with the following national and international policies with regards to data protection and user privacy: We collect information about you to understand your needs and provide you with a better service. Specifically, we use your information for: We will not share your information with third parties other than stated in this Privacy Policy. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. Please send all requests for information, disclosure or revocation of data processing by email to We maintain current technical measures to guarantee data security, in particular, to protect your personal data from threats during data transmissions and from disclosure to third parties. They are being respectively adapted to the current state of the art. If you submit a demo request, submit your information via contact us page or fill any other form on our website (webinar sign up, monthly email newsletter sign up) some personal information will be stored within this website’s database. This data is currently stored on our website content management system that this website is built on (HubSpot). From here, your data may be added to Pipedrive. This information is only accessible by authorized Precisely staff and is not accessible by third parties. We collect the following information about you when you complete a form on our website: Furthermore, when using the website, cookies will be stored on your computer. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive and allotted to the browser you use. By storing a cookie, certain information is transmitted to us, that helps create an overall user-friendlier and more effective website. Cookies cannot execute programs or transfer viruses on your computer. Visit to find out more. A. This website uses cookies to the following extent: B. Transient cookies will be automatically deleted, once you close your browser. In particular, these are session cookies. They store a so-called session-ID with which different requests of your browser can be allocated to a common session. Thereby, your computer can be recognized if you return to the website. The session cookies will be deleted once you log out or close your browser. C. Persistent cookies will be automatically deleted after a predetermined duration that can vary depending on the cookie. You can delete the cookies in the security preferences of your browser at any time. D. You can configure your browser preferences according to your demands and, for example, reject the acceptance of third-party cookies or all cookies. However, should you do so, please note, that you may not be able to use all functions of this website. E. Flash cookies used will not be recorded by your browser, but by your Flash-Plug-in. These cookies store the required data regardless of the browser you use and do not have an automatic expiry date. If you do not wish a processing of flash cookies, you need to install the respective add-on. The saved information will be stored separately from other data possibly given to us. In particular, the cookies’ data will not be linked to your other data. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“ ”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which generate information on your use of this website, that is usually transmitted to and stored by Google on a server the U.S. In case of activation of the IP anonymization on this website, Google will truncate your IP address for Member States of the European Union and for other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address will be sent to and shortened by a server of Google in the U.S. On behalf of the provider of this website, Google will use this information in order to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the activity of this website and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website provider. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the context of Google Analytics will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate preferences in your browser; however, please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Furthermore, you can prevent Google’s collection and processing of data generated by the cookie (including your IP-address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at In addition, you can prevent the use of Google Analytics by clicking on the following link; an opt-out cookie, which prevents the future collection of your data when visiting this website, will be set: Click here to opt-out of Google Analytics. Further information regarding the terms and conditions as well as data privacy can be found at or at . Please note that on this website, Google Analytics is supplemented by the code “anonymizeIp” to ensure an anonymized collection of IP addresses (so called IP-masking). Moreover, we use Google Analytics to analyze data from AdWords for statistical purposes. To prevent this, you can deactivate this use via Google’s ads preference manager ( ). If you choose to join our mailing list, your email address will be stored in HubSpot who provide us with email marketing services. HubSpot is a third-party data processor. Your email address will remain within HubSpot’s database for as long as we continue to use HubSpot’s services for email marketing or until you specifically request removal from the list. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter, either from within the newsletter you receive by using the unsubscribe link or at any time on this website. Instructions are provided below. You may opt out or manage your email preferences at any time, either by sending an email to or by clicking on the unsubscribe-button in an email that we’ve sent to you. We use a number of third parties to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully chosen and we trust in their reliability and IT and data security since all of them comply with the legislation. All of these third parties are based in the USA and have undertaken Standard Contractual Clauses in their respective Data Processing Agreements with us. Data will be disclosed on the basis of the adequacy decision of the European Commission of 12 July 2016 (implementing the decision (EU) 2016/1250). In correspondence to Art. 5 para. 1 lit. e GDPR, we are endeavored to store personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed, taking into account the principle of storage limitation. However, we are obliged to comply with certain legal obligations to retain business documents. In principle, we will retain personal information for three years for companies that do not progress to a customer. This privacy policy may change from time to time in line with legislation or industry developments. We will inform our clients about these changes. You may also check the changes to the privacy policy on this page. Please contact us at if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or would like to request change, correction or deletion of your information. We will notify you of the action that we have taken. You have the right, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you, which may be processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f of the GDPR (data processing on the basis of a weighing of interests). This also applies to profiling based on this provision within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 4 GDPR, which we use for credit assessment or for advertising purposes. If you object, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we can prove compelling reasons worthy of protection for the processing, which outweighs your interests, rights, and freedoms or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. In individual cases, we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of such advertising; this also applies to profiling, insofar as it is associated with such direct advertising. If you object to the processing for direct advertising purposes, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes. The objection can be made form-free and should be addressed to: By empowering all our departments across offices in several countries with self-service automated contract templates, we’ve drastically increased our efficiency and at the same time improved risk management. Having all our contracts in one place means a lot when we are approaching investors. It has a direct effect on our valuation and indirectly in growing our business even further. li|Internal record keeping Improve our products and services Scheduling of demo – A member of our team may contact you to respond to your inquiry Demo Request To fulfill our contractual obligations towards our customers and service providers and contact employees of the customer and service provider for this purpose Contacting you with our monthly newsletter, educational information (white papers, guides, articles, webinar/event notification, etc.), and/or product information (product updates, special offers, technical documentation, demo-related information) relevant to your inquiry. You may opt-out at any stage from within an email received or by sending us an email to – we (almost) always respond within 24 hours. You have the right to request information from us at all times about the data stored with us in reference to you, as well as their origin, their recipients or categories of recipients, to whom these data are passed on and the purpose of the storage. You have the right to correction of your data as well as the right to cancellation under, the right to limitation of processing and the right to data transferability under Article 20 GDPR. You also have the right of appeal to a data protection supervisory authority If you have given your consent to the use of your data, you can rescind your consent at any time. In case of a mere informational use of the website, i.e., if you do not request a demo or do not submit information to us, we do not collect personal data, with the exception of data transmitted by your browser in order to facilitate your visiting this website. Usually, these are: IP-address, date and time of the request, time zone difference to Greenwich mean time (GMT), content of the request (concrete site), access status/HTTP-status code, respectively transmitted data volume, website, from which the request originates, browser, operating system and its interface, language and version of the browser software. In addition to the mere informational use of the website, you may request a demo if you are interested. In order for us to perform this service, you are required to transmit to us your first and last name, your phone number, your email address, title and the name of your company. Full name Company name IP address Email address Telephone number Other information you supply relevant to your inquiry Transient cookies (temporary); Persistent cookies (temporary); Third-party cookies; Flash cookies (permanent). st|we us Google Version 4.1, Effective date: 2020-11-06 weden h1|Privacy & Cookies Policy h3|Precisely 1. Relevant privacy policy legislation 2. How will we use the information about you? 3. Your right to information and revocation 4. Data security 5. Collection of personal data and where is this information stored? 6. How to opt-out or manage your email preferences 7. Our third party data processors 8. How long do we hold onto personal information? 9. Changes to our privacy policy Information about your right of objection according to Art. 21 GDPR We already use Precisely h4|5.1 Contact Forms 5.2 Cookies 5.3 Google Analytics 5.4. Email Newsletter Right of objection in individual cases The right to object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support pa|Document assembly solutions and contract management system are powerful on their own but provide some of the most sophisticated platforms when combined. Legaltech played a big part at Slush, the world’s leading startup event, in 2018. Read more about some of Precisely’s key happenings of last year. Contract automation pioneer Precisely increases the pace of its international expansion by joining Barclays Eagle Lab in London. Contract automation pioneer Precisely is singled out as one of the most prominent actors in the Swedish legaltech space. The SEP Scaleup Summit covered some of the hottest tech trends of 2018 and what challenges they bring. Here are our key takeaways. Today, we celebrate our CEO Nils-Erik Jansson for making it to the Nordic 100. Swedish startups have finally received a simplified way of incentivizing key individuals – and our CEO Nils-Erik plays an important role. Nils-Erik Jansson is the Legal Innovator of the Year 2017 You are currently browsing the archives for the Innovation category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , Erik Legerius in , h2|Categories h3|Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy LegalTech Takeover – Precisely 2018 Year in Review Precisely Joins Barclays Eagle Lab in London Why LegalTech Solutions Are the Next Big Phenomenon Takeaways From the SEP Scaleup Summit 2018 Precisely’s CEO Is One of the Most Influential Figures in the Nordic Tech Scene Long Live Swedish Startups Precisely’s CEO Wins Prestigious Legal Innovation Award Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|September 2, 2019 January 14, 2019 October 22, 2018 April 26, 2018 March 27, 2018 December 7, 2017 November 23, 2017 September 22, 2017 Search for: pa|Advance your business even further by connecting the tools you already use to your contract workflow. Accelerate your contract workflows by using the world’s #1 way to send and sign from anywhere, at any time. Cut your electronic signing process from weeks to minutes wherever you are, on any device. Collaborate more effectively with customers, partners, and potential clients by integrating Precisely with the world’s #1 CRM. Zapier connects the apps you use every day. Integrate and automate with a few clicks. Request and add legally binding signatures on any document with a non-editable audit trail that ensures every action is thoroughly tracked. Integrate with the identity and access management platform you already use. Easily create and control access of your Precisely users with Azure AD. The Precisely API enables you to integrate with a vast number of other software, creating seamless contract automation and contract management workflows. ENABLING Examples of features that are available within the Precisely platform and can be performed in your other software using integrations include: li|automated contract creation based on data in e.g. your CRM, ERP or HR system, sending contracts for e-signing directly from a third party system, exporting of copies of executed contracts and backups to your current software suite, and more. h2|Integrate Precisely with the apps and services you use every day Streamline your workflows Integrate Precisely with the apps and services you use every day h3|Docusign Scrive HelloSign Azure AD Precisely API We already use Precisely h4|Integrations h5|E-signature E-signature Customer Relationship Workflow automation E-signature Access management Contract Automation h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|Book a demo Salesforce Zapier The Precisely API enables integrations with your other software and, thereby, seamless contract automation and contract management functionality. GET STARTED Book a demo pa|Give us 45 minutes and we’ll show you how you can: di|Damien Boutigny​ GENERAL COUNSEL, NA-KD​ This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. h1|Discover smart & simple contracting h2|Book a demo h3|We already use Precisely h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Streamline and centralize your whole contracting lifecycle Reduce costs and mitigate risks through automation Manage all your contracts with fine-grained control ”The various workflows we have set up improve our visibility into what our teams are sending out. It increases our teams’ productivity in closing deals, and helps the organization to reduce and mitigate risks by always using up-to-date templates and approval processes” * * * * * li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for HR Departments h2|Digitize and automate your employment and HR contract management Stand out as a modern employer by using a smart solution Stay aware of all upcoming contract-related actions All of your contracts at the tip of your fingers Start your 14-day free trial h3|Increase efficiency We already use Precisely h6|A modern and easy-to-use solution for all HR contracts Efficient hiring Get started Employer branding Reminders Access No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE For human resources professionals, contracts are a crucial means of managing employee and contractor relationships. The ability to handle contracting processes efficiently is essential to a smooth and effective HR team. That’s where Precisely can help. Precisely lets you fully processes, including approval workflows. The wide range of automated features helps you reduce the time spent on manual tasks and lets you stay ahead of all of your contracts. For example, by notifying you when a contract is due for renewal or probation period is coming to an end. With Precisely, there’s no need to involve legal every time the need for a new contract arises. The automated templates , even those without a legal background. Rather than spending a lot of time on administrative routine tasks, or involving unnecessary organizational resources, Precisely does it for you. As a result, you can and stay ahead of your contracts, while keeping them consistent and compliant. Your contracts and contract management solution is often one of the first impressions your organization will make on a new hire. These days, many employees and contractors jump from workplace to workplace and come with higher demands and expectations. by using an easy, digital solution. Put your best foot forward while also streamlining the contract process for yourself. With Precisely, you’re able to drastically reduce the time spent on drafting. Using automated templates, you can have a compliant and consistent contract ready in as little as minutes or even seconds. In addition, the Precisely platform comes with e-signing , which lets your new hires view and sign contracts right from their smartphone. Very often there are HR related contract management actions that you need to stay ahead of. It could be knowing when a probation period is coming to an end, when it’s time for a review or termination or when to extend the employment agreement for a superstar team member. With Precisely, you won’t need to keep these dates in your head (or even in your diary). Precisely’s automated reminders are fully customizable and can be set up for any event in a contracts’ lifecycle. again. The Precisely service includes a central and secure cloud-based storage for all of your contracts. Smart search and filtering ensures that you’ll always be able to find any contract you need without delay — from anywhere, at any time. Gather all of your contracts in one place and make sure that no important documents get lost. Become a modern employer by and increase your efficiency and security. bo|automate your contract let anyone create contracts increase your contracting efficiency Let new hires know that you are a modern employer Use automation and never miss an important date digitizing your HR contract management li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for IT Departments h2|Smart tools for managing IT related contracts and processes Start your 14-day free trial Increase efficiency by keeping everything in one place You can always feel safe with Precisely Streamline the entire contracting process h3|A safer solution We already use Precisely h6|Gain increased control with a modern contracting platform Take control No credit card needed Compliance Private and secure More features Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Contract management by IT departments plays an important role in the organization’s overall contracting procedures. Since contracts are the backbone of business relationships, it’s essential that they’re kept safe and protected. This is not only necessary to but also to remain , such as the GDPR. Precisely offers an automation driven end to end contracting platform with bank-level security . This not only makes compliance easy but also delivers controlled across teams and departments. Precisely’s ability to automate administrative contracting tasks and keeps your contracts protected. Try Precisely for an IT contract management solution that makes contracting both smart and simple. Precisely offers a cloud-based central repository for all of your contracts. This gives you access from anywhere and at any time. The platform also has smart search and filtering, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. With Precisely it’s also easier to . For example, if a customer wants to exercise their right to be forgotten. The smart search function makes it easy to find and remove personal data in seconds. Security is an important matter in contract management, especially for IT departments. Using Precisely gives you peace of mind. Precisely uses the same level of encryption as many banks and the platform is hosted in state-of-the-art facilities . The system is also , to make sure that you can always access your contracts. With Precisely, you can control who has access to contracts with different user levels. The platform also features two-factor authentication to ensure that only the right users can access your contract data. Precisely includes a lot of features to make your life easier. For example, the automated templates let you and your team draft all kinds of reliable contracts in a matter of minutes or even seconds. For a truly digital solution, Precisely also incorporates legally binding e-signing . and say goodbye to paper once and for all. No more printing or scanning. bo|maintain a strong competitive edge compliant with laws and regulations insights into contract data increases contracting efficiency stay GDPR compliant highly durable Streamline your contract workflow li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Chief Executive Officers h2|Get a clear overview of your business' contracts Let your teams streamline their contracting processes Keep your contracts central, visible and accessible Make sure that you and your teams never miss an important deadline Start your 14-day free trial h3|Execute faster We already use Precisely h6|A modern solution for all teams and roles across your business Increase productivity Get started Automation Access Compliance No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Your contract management solution needs to provide a clear overview of—and ideally an insight into—all of your business’ contracts while enabling all departments to with . Using a modern solution is the first step towards reducing costs and maximizing the value of your business’ contracts and ensuring the correct handling of data. Precisely’s range of scalable features makes your contract management simple while increasing collaboration across departments. Furthermore, Precisely’s automated templates enable all of the business’ departments to self-serve while staying within the legally approved guidelines. This eliminates the need to allocate legal resources each time a contract is created. Choosing Precisely is choosing a solution that lets your teams use an extensive range of automation features to increase their efficiency. As a result, your whole business will Get started and turn your teams into contract champions! With Precisely, your teams gain access to a wide range of contract automation features, actively reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks. For instance, Precisely lets your legal team (or whoever manages your legal matters) transform your documents into automated templates. From there, faster than ever before, with or without a legal background. After the contracts are created, Precisely lets you send them for legally binding e-signing . Not only cutting paper and mail costs but also reducing the time to signature and letting you You can also set up contract structures and user permission levels for increased security. All while . Almost 10% of all signed contracts are lost (according to estimates by Faulkner Information Services ). This is largely due to the fact that many contracts are kept in an unorganized manner. They’re scattered throughout organizations — in inboxes, binders, the cloud and countless other storage locations. Precisely offers one central and secure repository for all contracts. Thus making the contract management of your business as a whole and your role as CEO a lot easier. Furthermore, smart search and filtering ensure that you’ll always be able to find what you’re looking for in a matter of seconds. With Precisely, you can . There are many events in and relating to your contracts that you just can’t afford to miss. Whether a contract is related to executive management, sales, procurement or legal compliance, monitoring your contractual deadlines and staying a step ahead of them will . Because of this, Precisely offers smart reminders for any event in a contracts’ lifecycle. Just set a reminder and Precisely will send you an alert when it’s getting close. Never miss an important deadline again. bo|execute faster increased control save time and reduce costs. anyone is able to create compliant contracts close deals faster. automating your workflows and approval processes always access your contracts, from anywhere reduce risks as well as costs li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Chief Financial Officers h2|Smart contract management for enterprise cost reduction Start your 14-day free trial Get a clear overview and manage your data with ease Stay in control while reducing your workload Have compliant and consistent contracts signed and ready in a matter of minutes h3|Focus on data We already use Precisely h6|Gain insight into and automate your financial contracts Reduce costs No credit card needed Insights Automation Create Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE As a CFO, your goals are to reduce losses and maximize profits. But choosing the wrong contract management solution could cost you, your team and your entire organization a lot. According to the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management , the average cost of processing a basic, low-risk contract for a large business is estimated at $6,900! Much of this is taken up by time spent manually performing different processes relating to contract creation. Obviously, this number is way too high. Precisely makes it by . Use Precisely and reduce the costs of your contracts as a part of your enterprise cost reduction strategy. Make your contract management . For a CFO, one of the most valuable results of effective financial contract management is the ability to extract clear . With Precisely, you’re able to quickly find what you’re looking for by keeping your contracts in a central cloud-based repository. Precisely’s secure contract storage also comes with smart search and filtering. This makes it possible to quickly and easily search and find important components of your financial contracts. Use the dashboard for a and need-to-knows. Such as which contracts are signed, which are about to expire, and which are pending review. With the dashboard overview and the accessibility provided by smart search and filtering, you’ll gain new insights into your firm’s financial data and you’ll always be one step ahead of your financial contracts. Precisely makes it into your contracts and . Work with a solution that lets you harvest the power of automation. Precisely’s platform comes with a wide range of automation features, such as automated reminders which can be set up for any event in the contract lifecycle. They ensure that you never miss a deadline to renew, renegotiate or terminate an agreement. Thus caused by late payments. With Precisely, you can also streamline and . Furthermore, Precisely’s contract management solutions for CFOs and finance teams include user permission levels to further . Precisely’s modern automation features let you focus on the numbers while gaining . With Precisely, you can create custom templates for contracts of any type and complexity. Via a simple, self-service questionnaire, the automated templates enable anyone—with or without a legal background—to generate compliant and consistent contracts in mere minutes. Then, simply send them for quick and legally binding e-signature (without even leaving the platform!) and watch your contracting process . bo|easy to save time and reduce costs automating previously manual processes smart, simple and efficient insights into the firm’s financial data clear overview of key indicators easy to gain insights reduce risks through smart monitoring eliminating undesired penalties and costs automate your team’s workflow and approval processes increase control and security increased control and efficiency become faster than ever pa|General Counsel share a major common challenge, regardless of whether they’re working for world-renowned enterprises or startups: making the contract management process as efficient as possible. In this article, Precisely picked Åsa Ericson Hedström’s brain to learn more about what’s most important when building a great contract management process. Precisely first met Åsa in Copenhagen, Document assembly solutions and contract management system are powerful on their own but provide some of the most sophisticated platforms when combined. Legal AI is a widely discussed topic but what are the actual enablements of it? To understand the capabilities of AI, we need to go beyond the buzzwords. Encouraging the adoption of legal tech solutions is a key hurdle in realizing their potential value. Contract management solutions, in particular, may not inspire the kind of hype they deserve given their massive time and cost saving potential and ability to drive revenue and growth! So, in this post, we’ll highlight what you can do In this post, we’ll set out a practical guide to communicating the benefits of contract management software to your internal stakeholders. Understanding contract management best practices is crucial in order to achieve successful contract management. Learn more about the challenges of contract management that can lead to significant damages to your business unless dealt with properly. Welcome to Precisely’s Contract Management 101, where we’ll cover everything from contract automation to CLM best practices. Automated contract creation and contract drafting software enables anyone to create compliant contracts superfast – even without legal knowledge. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts new demands on your contract management process. We have compiled five features you need to stay compliant. You are currently browsing the archives for the Precisely Tips category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|How to create an efficient contract management process with Fiskars Group’s VP Legal Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy Legal AI — Going Beyond the Buzzwords Keys To Driving Legal Tech Adoption Building a Business Case For Contract Management Software Solutions Contract Management Best Practices – Contract Management 101 7 Challenges of Contract Management – Contract Management 101 What Is Contract Lifecycle Management? Contract Management 101 Benefits of Contract Creation and Drafting Software GDPR & Contract Management – 5 Must-Have Features Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|May 25, 2020 September 2, 2019 August 26, 2019 June 3, 2019 May 6, 2019 April 8, 2019 March 11, 2019 July 18, 2018 May 17, 2018 April 18, 2018 1 Search for: pa|Contract automation pioneer Precisely increases the pace of its international expansion by joining Barclays Eagle Lab in London. In order to tackle law firm’s and in-house legal team’s modern challenges, Karnov Group and Precisely will launch a new way of drafting contracts during 2018. The solution will dramatically increase the speed of drafting high-quality contracts and reduce human errors in the process. You are currently browsing the archives for the Collaborations category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , h2|Categories h3|Precisely Joins Barclays Eagle Lab in London Precisely Forms Strategic Partnership With Nordic Market Leading Legal Information Provider Karnov Group Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|October 22, 2018 December 14, 2017 Search for: li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Legal Contract Management h2|Manage in one platform Start your 14-day free trial Faster and safer drafting with automated templates Store all of your contracts in one secure place Your contracts are safe with Precisely h3|Gain control We already use Precisely h6|Maximize efficiency and ensure compliance Powerful No credit card needed Efficient Smart archiving Safety Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE One of the main concerns of in-house legal teams is to maintain control and promote compliance while . Implementing a legal contract management platform solves that problem. The Precisely platform lets the legal team set up the contract structure, an automated approval process and levels of end-user permissions. The platform makes it easy to ensure that your colleagues always use the right template and never make unapproved amendments. Thus In essence, Precisely lets those without a legal background create consistent and compliant contracts with just a few clicks. Leaving you with more time for more strategic legal work. Use Precisely to Precisely lets you reduce the time you spend on repetitive tasks (no more copying and pasting standard clauses!). Instead, you’ll have more time for more complex and strategically important legal matters. The centralized nature of the Precisely platform, its automated workflows and intuitive dashboard also provides visibility and new insights. Streamline your contracting with features such as a . Get started with Precisely and use a modern contracting solution with the same goals as yours – to make contract management smart and simple. A key aspect of the control Precisely facilitates is the ability to collect all of your organization’s contracts in one place — not scattered across different drives, binders and inboxes. Precisely offers unlimited storage in a secure cloud-based repository for all of your contracts. Plus, with smart search and filtering, you’ll always be able to find what you are looking for in an instant. Storing your contracts with Precisely means that you can access them from Never let your team lose a contract again. You only want the right people to be able to access your contracts. This is why Precisely uses the . The platform is also hosted on state-of-the-art servers . Precisely is protected by two layers of internal security for your company. By setting up customized user access levels you make sure that only the right people can access and make changes to your automated templates and documents. Naturally, two-factor authentication helps you ensure that only you can access your account — even if someone else knows your password. bo|reducing manual tasks and workloads reducing human errors and increasing compliance. gain efficiency in your legal contract management, without losing control. central cloud repository, e-signing and automated templates and approval processes anywhere, at any time. same level of encryption as many government bodies and banks li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Sales Teams h2|Streamline sales cycles and processes Learn how Precisely can turn your team into contracting champions Laying the foundation for successful customer relationships Create any kind of agreement in minutes or even seconds Making it possible to sign contracts from anywhere Start your 14-day free trial h3|Close more deals We already use Precisely h6|Secure new customers and maintain relationships Drive sales Get started Retention Generate Electronic signatures No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE If you’re not using an automated system for sales contract management, you’re eating away at your salespeople’s time with unnecessary administrative tasks. With Precisely, you can optimize your sales team’s resources and focus on the time needed to initiate and maintain customer relationships. Precisely lets you processes. The contract automation platform empowers salespeople to — ultimately allowing them to . This increases the efficiency of the sales cycle and lets them focus on finding and retaining customers instead. Letting your sales team , instead of administrative contracting tasks, makes them happy while also improving your bottom line. Get started with Precisely’s sales contract management solutions and turn your sales representatives into contracting champions. Precisely has a fully searchable cloud repository for all of your contracts. This means your contracts are always protected and are easy to find whenever you need them. Furthermore, Precisely lets you share the documents with the other members of your team or department. The cloud storage works for all documents, so you can upload your third-party papers too. The Precisely platform also has smart reminders. Set them up for any event in the contract lifecycle and you will be sent automatic alerts. In order to after on-boarding, you need to nurture them. Precisely makes this easy. Precisely lets you automate the creation of documents for any type of deal. Create automated templates from scratch or upload your existing contracts to streamline the process. Once they’re in the system, you’re able to . Precisely also helps you streamline and control the drafting process by setting up contract structures and customizing user permissions. Take control of who gets to make changes to the contract templates and automate your workflow and approval processes. We have all been there — the deal is ready to be signed but the lead is too far away to meet, or out of office. Or time is of the essence and you need a contract signed right away. It’s frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be so. With Precisely, you can send your contracts for legally binding e-signing without leaving the platform. Discover a paperless contract management solution for sales professionals. No more waiting for signatures. No more waiting for regular mail, sending email attachments or scanning documents. from anywhere at any time. bo|automate your administrative contract management create, send and finalize contracts in minutes close more deals focus on doing business turn leads into returning customers draft and send whatever contract you need in minutes or even seconds Close deals faster than ever before , pa|Document assembly solutions and contract management system are powerful on their own but provide some of the most sophisticated platforms when combined. Legal AI is a widely discussed topic but what are the actual enablements of it? To understand the capabilities of AI, we need to go beyond the buzzwords. Legaltech played a big part at Slush, the world’s leading startup event, in 2018. Read more about some of Precisely’s key happenings of last year. Contract automation pioneer Precisely increases the pace of its international expansion by joining Barclays Eagle Lab in London. Contract automation pioneer Precisely is singled out as one of the most prominent actors in the Swedish legaltech space. In order to tackle law firm’s and in-house legal team’s modern challenges, Karnov Group and Precisely will launch a new way of drafting contracts during 2018. The solution will dramatically increase the speed of drafting high-quality contracts and reduce human errors in the process. Nils-Erik Jansson is the Legal Innovator of the Year 2017 We’re happy to find both Precisely and our CEO Nils-Erik among the nominees for the Legal Innovator of the Year award for the second year in a row. You are currently browsing the archives for the Legal Innovation category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , Erik Legerius in , Erik Legerius in h2|Categories h3|Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy Legal AI — Going Beyond the Buzzwords LegalTech Takeover – Precisely 2018 Year in Review Precisely Joins Barclays Eagle Lab in London Why LegalTech Solutions Are the Next Big Phenomenon Precisely Forms Strategic Partnership With Nordic Market Leading Legal Information Provider Karnov Group Precisely’s CEO Wins Prestigious Legal Innovation Award Precisely and the Award For the Legal Innovator of the Year Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|September 2, 2019 August 26, 2019 January 14, 2019 October 22, 2018 April 26, 2018 December 14, 2017 September 22, 2017 April 25, 2017 Search for: li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor st|Never miss a renewal deadline or clause review weden h1|Contract Management for Finance Departments h2|A contracting platform that increases the finance department’s overall efficiency Keep your contracts in the cloud and gain control Reduce time spent on repetitive tasks Gain speed and security in the drafting process Start your 14-day free trial h3|Control We already use Precisely h6|Streamline your financial contract lifecycles Optimize spending Get started Overview Automation Create No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Using the right contract management software is crucial to ensure the success of a finance department. When you have a great team, you want to use equally great contract management technology that makes financial easy. You also want a tool that encourages communication and collaboration across departments and teams. Precisely offers automated, collaborative contract management solutions for finance teams. We help finance and accounting professionals across the world gain increased throughout the contract lifecycle. Precisely is the go-to contract automation software for modern businesses. Our end to end contract automation features make the lives of finance departments easier by letting you shift focus to . Precisely gives you . One of the first steps towards staying ahead of your contracts is keeping them in one place. To achieve this, we offer a secure central repository for all of your contracts. The digital archive also comes with smart search and filtering, making it easy to match invoices with contracts or find any other document. Search for metadata points and gain insights into your contract data, from anywhere and at any time. The secure storage also comes with an intuitive dashboard to give you a clear overview of your contract data. From there, you’ll find statistics, shortcuts and need-to-knows at a glance — such as which contracts are signed, which are about to expire, and which are pending approval. Precisely comes with a wide variety of features to and decrease your time spent on repetitive tasks. For example, Precisely lets you , along with streamlining the drafting process by letting you set up contract structures and determine end-user permissions. Furthermore, smart reminders alert you to important milestones relating to your contracts. They can be set for any event in a contracts’ lifecycle and will let you know when it’s getting close. again. The content of many similar contracts overlaps substantially. As a result, contract drafting processes are often unnecessarily inefficient and include extensive copying and pasting of boilerplate clauses. This is slow work and very often results in inaccuracies or oversights in the drafting process. Precisely lets you for practically any contract with the use of automated templates. Once your automated templates are up and running, you and your team can draft compliant and consistent contracts in minutes by running them through Precisely’s simple self-service drafting feature. Precisely also lets you send your contracts for legally binding e-signing . Without leaving the platform you can draft your contract, send it for signing and have it archived and docketed faster than ever — no more printing or scanning. All of this enables you to become more flexible and reduce turnover times. bo|insight and control efficiency and productivity revenue growth instead of administrative tasks more control over your financial contracts automate your finance contract management processes automate workflows and approval processes automate the drafting process pa|Precisely’s document generator software and other automated solutions solve some of the major problems of traditional contracting. Managing contracts across departments is complex – especially since different departments and functions have different drivers and incentives. Your sales team will have ‘ as the primary focus – meaning that they’re driven by being able to create, send and execute on contracts faster. The legal department will prioritize control and legal compliance instead. Increasing control over contract terms and wording is essential to improve risk management. Our state-of-the-art contract automation solution satisfies the needs of both. Precisely’s document automation solutions lets you manage contracts from end to end and includes functions that your , and your . Create contracts superfast—with minimal error—using the document generator software and execute on the contracts quicker than ever before. Drafting contracts manually is inefficient, time-consuming and unreliable. This applies even though your legal department has created a set of excellent, legally compliant templates to speed up contract creation. Nevertheless, since the template can be edited freely by anyone, the legal department loses control of the terms and thus can’t guarantee that the contract is finalized as intended, which exposes your company to major legal risks. Precisely’s document generator software enables . Your contracts will be All you have to do is to answer a few questions in a smart questionnaire, and the contract is created automatically with compliant terms. Since the solution is cloud-based, you can always ensure that the latest version of the template is used in every team. In case your management team needs to check-off the contract prior to signing, you can to save time and mitigate delays. Easy as that. Since Precisely’s document solution enables your legal team to set rules and processes for sales, HR, finance and other departments to follow, legal doesn’t need to be involved in every deal and can put . Once the contract has been created and approved, the signing process is initiated. Manual signing wastes time – a lot of time. The paper needs to be printed, managed, indexed and archived. And your counterparties are located in different cities and countries, which significantly increases the time to signature. More time is spent on administration, fewer deals are done. We’re in a war against the paper-and-ink regime, and our secret weapon is e-signing. Send your contracts for to . On average, ten percent of all contracts in a company have completely disappeared. The reason is simple: contracts are often scattered all over the organization. On top of that, it’s almost impossible to know when to renegotiate, renew, terminate or take any other contract-related action without the help of digital means. Precisely offers a for all of your contracts. E-signed contracts are automatically transferred to the archive, and other contracts are easily imported bulk-wise through intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. With one intuitive interface, you gain instant access to vital information, such as . Furthermore, you’re always able to find what you’re looking for in an instant. Using the of Precisely makes locating a document easy. Never lose track of a contract again. li|Create Control Approve Sign Archive Monitor st|lawyers will trust sales department will love anyone in your team to create compliant contracts superfast – even without legal knowledge error-free, regardless of length or complexity. seamlessly activate an automated approval workflow greater focus on strategically important legal issues rather than shuffling paper e-signing accelerate deal-making, close more deals and onboard new hires quicker than ever before central cloud-based repository which contracts are signed or not, which ones are about to expire and which ones are awaiting approvals smart search and filtering weden h1|Document generator software h2|Use document generator software to supercharge your contract authoring Start your 14-day free trial Efficient and secure automated document creation and workflows A digital solution for A clear overview through an intuitive interface h3|Automate document creation processes We already use Precisely h6|Improve your contract quality and productivity Increase efficiency and control No credit card needed Take control Operative Insights Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE em|more deals done, quicker’ li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Law Firms and their clients h2|A platform that understands how lawyers work End to end contract automation Self-service contracting and client interactions Your contracts are safe with Precisely Start your 14-day free trial h3|Maximize efficiency We already use Precisely h6|Free your time for value creating tasks Optimize time Get started Efficient & effective Strategic Secure No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Like everyone in the legal services sector, modern law firms are faced with constant pressure to . Today’s clients are using digital tools to increase the efficiency of all aspects of their businesses. It’s only natural that their legal counsel must do the same. A key aspect of delivering on this mandate is . Precisely was founded by two lawyers who saw that traditional contract management processes were broken and set out to build a solution to fix them. The result was a cloud-based contract automation platform which helps users deliver using a fraction of the time and resources of traditional processes. The traditional tools used by most lawyers to draft, review and amend contracts have serious limitations — not least a lack of version control and propensity for human-error when editing templates or transferring standardized wording from a clause bank. Precisely will save you and your team from hours of mind-numbing (and error-prone) copying and pasting. Instead, you can manage the firm’s entire suite of standard form contracts by setting up a database of pre-approved automated templates. This works for all types of contracts, at all levels of complexity. The platform is also — with for setup. So anyone can create compliant and consistent contracts in a matter of minutes. When you receive instructions to prepare the documents for a new deal or project, one of the first tasks is to gather information and data from the client to populate the key provisions of the relevant contract(s). Usually, this involves a string of back and forth emails with the client seeking their input and nailing down the details. But, what if there was a way to integrate this stage directly into the drafting process? Using Precisely’s , your clients can self-serve by automatically populating a draft contract through a questionnaire for an associate’s review. Naturally, this vastly reduces turn-around time — keeping the client happy and letting you of the deal. Your clients rely on you to manage their legal affairs with the utmost care and security. Storing their most important legal documents in a binder or filing cabinet in your office no longer cuts it. With Precisely, you will have in a centralized cloud-based repository protected with bank-level encryption and accessible 24/7. Via an , you can review the status of all contracts, upcoming deadlines and action points at a glance. The digital archive is also equipped with smart search and filtering functionality. This allows you to to clients on all manner of contract related issues. bo|do more with less automating contract management processes clear, correct and consistent contracts easy to learn and easy to use no programming required simple, intuitive drafting tools focus on the more strategic aspects unlimited storage intuitive dashboard retrieve documents in an instant and provide timely advice pa|General Counsel share a major common challenge, regardless of whether they’re working for world-renowned enterprises or startups: making the contract management process as efficient as possible. In this article, Precisely picked Åsa Ericson Hedström’s brain to learn more about what’s most important when building a great contract management process. Precisely first met Åsa in Copenhagen, Document assembly solutions and contract management system are powerful on their own but provide some of the most sophisticated platforms when combined. Legal AI is a widely discussed topic but what are the actual enablements of it? To understand the capabilities of AI, we need to go beyond the buzzwords. Encouraging the adoption of legal tech solutions is a key hurdle in realizing their potential value. Contract management solutions, in particular, may not inspire the kind of hype they deserve given their massive time and cost saving potential and ability to drive revenue and growth! So, in this post, we’ll highlight what you can do In this post, we’ll set out a practical guide to communicating the benefits of contract management software to your internal stakeholders. Understanding contract management best practices is crucial in order to achieve successful contract management. Learn more about the challenges of contract management that can lead to significant damages to your business unless dealt with properly. Welcome to Precisely’s Contract Management 101, where we’ll cover everything from contract automation to CLM best practices. Automated contract creation and contract drafting software enables anyone to create compliant contracts superfast – even without legal knowledge. Contract automation pioneer Precisely is singled out as one of the most prominent actors in the Swedish legaltech space. You are currently browsing the archives for the Contract Management category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|How to create an efficient contract management process with Fiskars Group’s VP Legal Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy Legal AI — Going Beyond the Buzzwords Keys To Driving Legal Tech Adoption Building a Business Case For Contract Management Software Solutions Contract Management Best Practices – Contract Management 101 7 Challenges of Contract Management – Contract Management 101 What Is Contract Lifecycle Management? Contract Management 101 Benefits of Contract Creation and Drafting Software Why LegalTech Solutions Are the Next Big Phenomenon Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|May 25, 2020 September 2, 2019 August 26, 2019 June 3, 2019 May 6, 2019 April 8, 2019 March 11, 2019 July 18, 2018 May 17, 2018 April 26, 2018 1 Search for: pa|Document assembly solutions and contract management system are powerful on their own but provide some of the most sophisticated platforms when combined. Legal AI is a widely discussed topic but what are the actual enablements of it? To understand the capabilities of AI, we need to go beyond the buzzwords. Encouraging the adoption of legal tech solutions is a key hurdle in realizing their potential value. Contract management solutions, in particular, may not inspire the kind of hype they deserve given their massive time and cost saving potential and ability to drive revenue and growth! So, in this post, we’ll highlight what you can do In this post, we’ll set out a practical guide to communicating the benefits of contract management software to your internal stakeholders. Understanding contract management best practices is crucial in order to achieve successful contract management. Learn more about the challenges of contract management that can lead to significant damages to your business unless dealt with properly. Welcome to Precisely’s Contract Management 101, where we’ll cover everything from contract automation to CLM best practices. Automated contract creation and contract drafting software enables anyone to create compliant contracts superfast – even without legal knowledge. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts new demands on your contract management process. We have compiled five features you need to stay compliant. You are currently browsing the archives for the Contract Automation category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy Legal AI — Going Beyond the Buzzwords Keys To Driving Legal Tech Adoption Building a Business Case For Contract Management Software Solutions Contract Management Best Practices – Contract Management 101 7 Challenges of Contract Management – Contract Management 101 What Is Contract Lifecycle Management? Contract Management 101 Benefits of Contract Creation and Drafting Software GDPR & Contract Management – 5 Must-Have Features Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|September 2, 2019 August 26, 2019 June 3, 2019 May 6, 2019 April 8, 2019 March 11, 2019 July 18, 2018 May 17, 2018 April 18, 2018 Search for: pa|Our goal is to make contract management smart and simple. We give you the tools to easily maximize the performance of your contracts through the entire lifecycle, all the way from the initial request to the renewal of contracts. We’re all about optimizing your time and minimizing the risk of human error with an up-to-date, compliant and reliable contract management solution. The process of authoring contracts is often an inefficient, time-consuming and unreliable process. Our contract management software lets anyone on your team easily create compliant contracts — even without legal knowledge. By using automated templates, your contracts will be consistent and error-free, regardless of length or complexity. Our contract management solutions also include end-user permission levels to control who is authorized to make changes to contract terms and wording, as well as automated approval flows, to combat the most common instance of bottlenecks. Precisely’s contract management solution gives you a clear overview of the status of every contract through a secure, cloud-based, central repository that lets you gather all of your legal documents in one place. The smart search and filtering ensure you’re always able to find any contract you’re looking for in a matter of seconds. From anywhere, at any time. The Precisely contract dashboard gives you an intuitive overview. This is where you can quickly find crucial information regarding your contracts, such as which documents have been signed, pending approvals and expiring documents. Contracts have traditionally been filed away in cabinets or kept in a multitude of folders on different computers, resulting in a lack of control over access and reminders. And there are many contractual events that you need to stay ahead of, such as renewals, renegotiations and terminations. With our contract management solution, you can keep track of these events by using smart notifications that you can set up for any event in the contract lifecycle. As a result, you’ll never lose business revenue due to missed renewals. h1|Contract Management Solutions h2|Contract management solutions give you increased control and improve performance Remove bottlenecks by using automated solutions Taking control of your contracts has never been easier Optimize the performance and longevity of your contracts Start your 14-day free trial h3|Optimize contracting through automation We already use Precisely h6|Automated solutions for managing and administrating all types of contracts Increased value Get started Workflow Overview Governance No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Financial Services & Institutions h2|Increased financial contract management efficiency Start your 14-day free trial Secure storage for all of your financial contracts Fast and safe drafting combined with electronic signatures Never miss a crucial deadline with smart reminders h3|Secure contracting We already use Precisely h6|Optimize the contracting process and decrease risk Reduce costs No credit card needed Security Create and send Monitor Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Financial contract management is undergoing a digital transformation. You can simplify complex financial services with the help of smart solutions. Precisely’s automation driven software lets you take a modern technology-driven approach to managing financial contracts. The end-to-end contracting platform makes it easy to across teams and departments. Productivity and efficiency are increased through such as contract drafting and monitoring. Try Precisely and say goodbye to multiple, cumbersome contracting systems. From contract initiation to renewal, Precisely makes contracting easy and helps you . Precisely understands that security matters to you and to your clients. Due to the importance of user protection and security, Precisely gathers all of your financial contracts in one central repository and protects them with the same level of security used by many government bodies and leading banks. As a result, you can always feel safe knowing that your data is encrypted and sent securely. On the Precisely platform, you can control who has access to your contracts with fully customizable user-level permissions to further increase security. Financial contract management needs to be rock solid, and . The contract creation process can be an unnecessarily time-consuming one, even when preparing contracts of the same type. Precisely lets you in the contract drafting process. The platform lets you create automated templates and works with all contract types. Using automated templates, you and your team can draft consistent, compliant contracts in as little as minutes or even seconds. Going paperless is a big part of going digital. Use Precisely to send your contracts for legally binding e-signing . You’ll Rather than relying on traditional snail mail or couriers to send contracts for signature, Precisely lets you have them sent, signed, archived and docketed faster than ever. When everyone has signed, an automated notification will let you know right away. No more paper and way less waiting! There are dates and times relating to contracts that you can’t afford to miss. But you don’t have to keep track of everything yourself. Gain an overview of all upcoming actions with the help of digital means — rather than managing the actions you need to take on your own, . Precisely’s smart reminders are easily set up for any event in a contracts’ lifecycle. Just set a reminder and Precisely will let you know when it’s time to take action. You can also view upcoming reminders and action points from your intuitive dashboard. . bo|communicate and collaborate automation of manual processes, reduce costs and achieve maximum efficiency your data is safe with Precisely reduce risk and gain speed save time, money and the planet! let Precisely do it for you Never miss a deadline again pa|Today, many legal departments do similar contract-related work, repeatedly. Some examples may be employment contracts, purchase orders, sales contracts or NDAs. Contract automation . Legal departments often create legally compliant templates that can be used to speed up contract creation. However, these templates can be edited by anyone. This can result in decreased control, which may result in legal risks. Therefore, legal must still proof-read and approve even basic contracts, meaning the problem has not been solved. This is where contract automation comes into play. By using a contract automation software to set up templates, edits can be prevented simply by adjusting users’ access levels. Additionally, contracts are created automatically with compliant terms, simply by letting the user answer a few questions in a smart questionnaire. In this way, , with or without legal knowledge. Contract automation also covers from creation to approval and storage. Being able to create contracts at maximum speed with minimal error, and executing faster than ever, is helpful in many ways. Depending on who you ask, the answer to the biggest benefits of contract automation varies. In general, Legal, Sales, and HR departments use contract automation the most. Here are some benefits for these departments: Contract automation means that the legal department does not need to be involved in every deal, as control over contract terms and wording, as well as legal compliance, will be automated. This gives the legal team more time to focus on strategically important legal matters instead. Having less involvement with the legal department benefits sales teams as well. Being able to independently create, send and execute contracts speeds up the process, which helps to close deals faster and reach goals. Having less involvement with the legal department benefits sales teams as well. Being able to independently create, send and execute contracts speeds up the process, which helps to close deals faster and reach goals. To really benefit from contract automation, every part of the contract management lifecycle should be streamlined for efficiency. This is where digital contracting, or contract management software, really helps. Depending on what software you use, the process will look slightly different. We have identified some key steps included in the process below: Set up rules for legally compliant templates and allow users to create contracts using a smart questionnaire. Templates enable automated document creation for anyone, making the contract creation process faster than ever. Using contract automation software ensures that the latest version of the template is being used. By setting up an automated approval workflow, you can make sure those involved get notified when needed. This saves time and reduces delays. Additionally, using contract automation features such as document automation may decrease the number of contracts that need approval in the first place. Keeping all contracts in one place is extremely helpful, both for internal collaboration or external negotiation. It makes it easy for everyone to know what is agreed on and what needs to be adjusted. No contract without a signature! Manual signing requires both a lot of time and resources. To print, manage, index and archive is very inefficient when compared to e-signing. Especially when deals are made across cities or even countries. Contract automation software makes your e-signing process smooth and secure. Metadata helps you keep track of your contracts. Contract automation software makes it easier to ensure your document information is complete. This makes the next step in the contract lifecycle - archiving - so much easier. No one likes looking for a contract and not finding it. Yet, it happens often. This is why a cloud-based repository can be really helpful. Many contract automation software platforms will automatically transfer e-signed contracts to such an archive, and offer simple solutions for archiving other contracts. Some of these also offer features such as smart search and filtering, to make sure you always find what you’re looking for. Contract automation helps you stay on top. With instant access to all contracts, it’s easy to get an overview of which contracts have or have not been signed. Additionally, contract automation software can feature smart reminders that let you know when to renegotiate, renew, terminate or take any other contract-related actions. Since contract automation increases efficiency, it is of course essential that it can connect to other applications you use. That way, you can use contract automation functionalities in conjunction with other systems, such as your ERP, CRM or MA. For example, if you integrate Precisely with your CRM system, the workflow might look like this: Therefore, when choosing a contract automation software, make sure that you keep integration possibilities in mind. li|Automatically generate a contract based on data from your CRM, such as names, dates, order volumes and amounts Post creation, automatically send the contract for e-signing Once signed, the contract is automatically exported and backed up as a PDF to your CRM or sent to all parties by email. st|eliminates this time-consuming work AI makes contract creation easy for anyone weden h1|The Benefits of AI-Based Contract Management h2|What is contract automation? Why is contract automation useful? Who benefits from contract automation? How can you streamline the contract automation workflow? How can you integrate contract automation software with other systems? h3|Automate contract lifecycle processes Legal department Sales Department HR Department Creating Approving Negotiating Signing Registering Archiving Monitoring We already use Precisely h6|Improve your contract quality and productivity Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|Managing contracts across departments is complex. Drivers and incentives will vary depending on the department and function. For sales, closing deals as fast as possible will be at the forefront, while the legal department will prioritize compliance. This is why contract automation is so important, since it enables both. Contract automation is the process of developing, managing and storing legal agreements online that allows both legal and non-legal parties to create and track every stage of the contract process, including collaboration and negotiations, without the need for lawyers GET STARTED Book Demo li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for HR Managers h2|Automate your HR contract management processes Start your 14-day free trial A contract management solution for all members of the HR team Always stay ahead of your contracts by keeping them in one place Let Precisely do it for you h3|Speed, efficiency and control We already use Precisely h6|Modern contracting for modern HR departments Efficient No credit card needed Decentralize Central repository Benefit Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE The role of human resources professionals is evolving, and so must their contract management processes. Working with the right contract management solution in your role as an HR manager is crucial for achieving maximum efficiency. Since HR involves the management of a lot of employment-related contracts, you need a solution that really makes contracts simple. Precisely’s modern software can , thereby increasing the overall speed and efficiency for your entire team. Furthermore, the template-based automated drafting means that there’s no need to involve legal every time you need to produce a contract. You and your team can with just a few clicks! Automate time-consuming administrative tasks so you can — the people that drive your organization forward. Working in HR is fastpaced. Traditional contracting isn’t. Precisely is a contract management service for HR managers that lets you delegate and . Precisely lets anyone create compliant and consistent contracts with the use of automated templates. And when your contracts are ready, get them signed fast. With Precisely, new hires, team members and other parties can electronically sign right away using their smartphone or computer. E-signing is fully legally binding for almost all contracts and lets you . On top of that, most contracts are signed in less than 24 hours using Precisely. You have created, sent and signed your HR contracts — now it’s time to archive and manage them. Precisely offers a fully searchable cloud-based repository for all of your teams’ contracts. The platform also features an intuitive dashboard which gives you a quick . On top of that, Precisely also helps you and your team stay ahead of any contractual events and deadlines, such as when a probation period is coming to an end or when it’s time to extend or terminate an employment agreement. You can set up smart reminders for any event in the contract lifecycle and be notified when it’s getting close. Precisely is extensive enough to cover all of your contracting needs, yet simple enough that anyone can use it. And there’s no programming required for the setup. You’ll be ready to . Let Precisely take care of administrative contracting tasks for you, so you and your team can focus on what matters — your people. Using Precisely means using a contract management solution for HR managers with the same goals as yours — to make contract management simple and efficient. bo|automate your routine tasks create compliant and consistent contracts in a matter of minutes focus on using your skills for what really matters decentralize contracting while staying in control communicate that you’re a modern employer overview of important contract related intelligence get started right away pa|The report intends to provide readers with a situational image of the development of digitization in some of Sweden’s most vital industries. The legal industry was one of five examined industries and Precisely was named one of the prominent actors in the Swedish legaltech (legal technology) field. We’ve seen many fintech (financial technology) solutions come to light in the past few years. Mobile banking, crowdfunding, automatic risk management and trading are just a few examples of innovation areas. These solutions sprung from the outdated and inefficient traditional methods of financial institutes and services. The financial industry was screaming for digital solutions and technology, and the world answered. In a similar way, the legal industry is now undergoing a digital transformation. Legal operatives are experiencing great inefficiencies and are turning to digital actors for a solution. While the legal industry has started screaming for digital services and platform based partnerships, more and more legaltech solutions are emerging. As Vinnova states in the report; since our society is becoming more digital, the clients of law firms are expecting the deliveries of services to be digital as well. Having a good overview and control of contracts is becoming more important to the businesses of today since their value is often found in the contractual relationships – The possibilities offered by legaltech solutions to, automate, streamline and re-use contracts are great. Not only can they help businesses streamline and become more efficient in their contracting processes. Since contracts are the backbone of businesses, using legaltech solutions to manage them efficiently can also result in a competitive edge. Besides Precisely, the contract management consultancy firm is singled out as one of the Swedish actors within the field. Another particularly interesting technology area is AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning, which can reduce administrative tasks even further. As well as ensuring that contracts are compliant by using and analyzing large datasets from existing contracts. However, as the report clarifies, legal technology solutions and actors cover a broad scope of verticals. Vinnova’s report sheds light on several actors. Among them, , a law firm taking advantage of technology in the delivery of legal services to create added client value. Another prominent modern law firm, , delivers standardized legal advice to consumers through a platform-based digital solution. Vinnova is Sweden’s government agency for innovation. Their mission is to contribute to sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation. They do this by funding innovation projects and research. As well as stimulating collaborations between businesses, educational institutions, public services, civil society and other actors. Vinnova’s vision is “for Sweden to become a leading global player in research and innovation, and a country that is attractive for investment and entrepreneurship”. Vinnova is the publisher of the “ report. The report was compiled by Joakim Björkdahl, Charlotta Kronblad and Martin Wallin at Chalmers University of Technology. Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|Why LegalTech Solutions Are the Next Big Phenomenon Learn how Precisely can supercharge your contracting Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|April 26, 2018 Search for: bo|Legaltech solutions Vinnova – Sweden’s innovation agency em|inter alia, pa|It is business critical to handle contracts efficiently. After my time as a legal advisor for companies of different sizes, I have identified five simple – yet efficient – ways to improve the contract management process. You are currently browsing the archives for the Precisely Tips category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , h2|Categories h3|Five Simple Tips To Improve Your Contract Management Process Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|July 13, 2016 2 Search for: pa|Contract automation solutions solve some of the major problems of traditional contracting. Managing contracts across departments is complex – especially since different departments and functions have different drivers and incentives. Your sales team will have ‘ as the primary focus – meaning that they’re driven by being able to create, send and execute on contracts faster. The legal department will prioritize control and legal compliance instead. Increasing control over contract terms and wording is essential to improve risk management. Our state-of-the-art contract automation solution satisfies the needs of both. Precisely’s contract automation solution lets you manage contracts from end to end and includes functions that your , and your . Create contracts superfast – with minimal error – and execute on the contracts quicker than ever before. Drafting contracts manually is inefficient, time-consuming and unreliable. This applies even though your legal department has created a set of excellent, legally compliant templates to speed up contract creation. Nevertheless, since the template can be edited freely by anyone, the legal department loses control of the terms and thus can’t guarantee that the contract is finalized as intended, which exposes your company to major legal risks. Precisely’s contract automation software enables . Your contracts will be All you have to do is to answer a few questions in a smart questionnaire, and the contract is created automatically with compliant terms. Since the solution is cloud-based, you can always ensure that the latest version of the template is used in every team. In case your management team needs to check-off the contract prior to signing, you can to save time and mitigate delays. Easy as that. Since our contract automation solution enables your legal team to set rules and processes for sales, HR, finance and other departments to follow, legal doesn’t need to be involved in every deal and can put . Once the contract has been created and approved, the signing process is initiated. Manual signing wastes time – a lot of time. The paper needs to be printed, managed, indexed and archived. And your counterparties are located in different cities and countries, which significantly increases the time to signature. More time is spent on administration, fewer deals are done. We’re in a war against the paper-and-ink regime, and our secret weapon is e-signing. Send your contracts for to . On average, ten percent of all contracts in a company have completely disappeared. The reason is simple: contracts are often scattered all over the organization. On top of that, it’s almost impossible to know when to renegotiate, renew, terminate or take any other contract-related action without the help of digital means. Precisely offers a for all of your contracts. E-signed contracts are automatically transferred to the archive, and other contracts are easily imported bulk-wise through intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. With one intuitive interface, you gain instant access to vital information, such as . Furthermore, you’re always able to find what you’re looking for in an instant. Using the of Precisely makes locating a document easy. Never lose track of a contract again. li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor st|lawyers will trust sales department will love anyone in your team to create compliant contracts superfast – even without legal knowledge error-free, regardless of length or complexity. seamlessly activate an automated approval workflow greater focus on strategically important legal issues rather than shuffling paper e-signing accelerate deal-making, close more deals and onboard new hires quicker than ever before central cloud-based repository which contracts are signed or not, which ones are about to expire and which ones are awaiting approvals smart search and filtering weden h1|Contract automation solutions h2|Use contract automation to supercharge your contracting processes Efficient and secure automated contract creation and workflows A digital solution for A clear overview through an intuitive interface Start your 14-day free trial h3|Automate contract lifecycle processes We already use Precisely h6|Improve your contract quality and productivity Increase efficiency and control Get started Take control Operative Insights No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support em|more deals done, quicker’ li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Procurement h2|A contract management solution for more efficient procurement Get a clear overview of all of your contracts Smart drafting lets your team become contract champions Stay ahead of your procurement related actions Start your 14-day free trial h3|Simple yet powerful We already use Precisely h6|Smart tools for procurement professionals Optimize spend Get started Manage Fast Proactive No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Precisely’s contract management solution for procurement professionals lets you , without jeopardizing speed. Increase your efficiency with solutions that let you focus on the actual sourcing and purchasing. Instead of spending valuable time on tedious administrative contract related tasks. Precisely offers a wide range of features to help merchants and industrial buyers streamline and . You’re also able to create, send and sign contracts faster than ever using the Precisely’s automated templates and integrated e-signing features. Post signing, smart reminders let you stay on top of contract related dates and deadlines, ensuring that you never have to rush an order. By unlocking the means to become faster and more efficient, Precisely is the solution for procurement professionals that want to gain and ease of management. Keep all of your offers, requests and other contracts in one place with Precisely’s cloud-based central repository and find the document you need in an instant using smart search and filtering. The intuitive dashboard lets you access your contracts from anywhere at any time with ease and — including status, action points and deadlines. Precisely lets you automate workflows and approval processes, as well as setting up your users’ permission levels. As a result, you can streamline your procurement and become more efficient. Precisely’s lets you create—or transform your existing templates into—automated templates from which compliant and consistent contracts can be generated in minutes (or even seconds!). This works for all types of contracts and couldn’t be easier to use, including for those without legal backgrounds. Once the contract is created, Precisely lets you send it for quick and easy e-signing , without ever leaving the platform. Use a procurement contract management solution that lets you act in an instant. Precisely will let you become even more flexible and . Precisley’s goal is to make your contract management both smart and simple. Part of this is streamlining as much of your contract process as possible. To this end, Precisely has smart reminders that can be set up for any event in the contract lifecycle. As a result, you will always stay ahead of the actions that need to be taken. a supplier contract or when a contract is about to expire. Never miss an important date again. bo|reduce costs and risks automate their contracting processes increased contracting productivity stay up to date on all related need-to-knows close deals faster than ever Always know when it’s time to renegotiate li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Recruitment Services h2|Create all your recruitment and employment contracts automatically Start your 14-day free trial Automate the contract creation process Keep everything in one place and say goodbye to binders Let your candidates get to work faster h3|Successful recruitment process We already use Precisely h6|Increase efficiency and gain time to focus on screening and matching Quick No credit card needed Streamline creation Easy to find Legally binding e-signing Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE As a recruitment business, working with a modern contract management solution can greatly increase . Unlike traditional contracting, Precisely lets anyone on your team create employment agreements, consultancy agreements, NDAs or any other type of using simple, intuitive questionnaire-based drafting. Precisely’s automated platform can also remind you of when a probation period is coming to an end, or when it’s time to renew an employment contract. Rather than spending valuable time on creating or finding the right contract, you’ll be able to dedicate your hours to increase the quality and quantity of new hires. Furthermore, it’s always easy to find what you’re looking for with the use of the centralized and fully searchable cloud-based repository. Stop spending unnecessary time on managing contracts and . Reduce recruitment contracting costs and increase efficiency with automated, digital contract management solutions. Most companies tend to go through each and every contract they draft, copying and pasting key clauses or manually amending standard templates — even when drafting a lot of contracts of the same type. Obviously, this is highly inefficient and susceptible to human error. To avoid mistakes, it’s often necessary to involve legal personnel — even for routine, everyday contracting. Precisely lets you avoid all of this. Instead of outsourcing to legal or going through a long checklist Precisely allows anyone to Because the process is based on automated templates you’ll feel confident that your document is accurate every time. Converting your existing templates into automated ones in Precisely is easy. And from there on, you can let the platform do the rest. This, naturally, works for any contract type. With Precisely, you’ll always have consistent and compliant contracts that are ready to sign in no time. With Precisely’s centralized could-based repository, you’ll . The platform comes with unlimited storage on secure servers. As a result, you and your team will be able to access and review any contract you need — from anywhere, at any time. The intuitive dashboard includes smart search and filtering to let you find exactly what you are looking for right away—including the exact status and action items associated with every contract. No more time spent digging through inboxes or binders. The campaign and interviews are finished. You have found and matched the right candidates with your clients. Now, it’s time for them to get to work. Instead of having candidates back in to sign employment contracts in person or emailing back and forth, you can use Precisely. Send contracts for legally binging e-signing which can be completed right from their smartphones. Precisely includes an unlimited number of e-signings which can be used without even leaving the platform. And once the contracts have been signed, you’ll be notified right away. and say goodbye to paper. bo|speed and efficiency contract ready in a matter of minutes let Precisely do it for you draft a contract in minutes or even seconds. never lose track of a contract Increase the efficiency of your recruitment processes li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Construction h2|Automate the creation of all construction-related contracts Store all of your construction contracts in one place Increase productivity and speed with e-signatures Never miss a milestone Start your 14-day free trial h3|Increase productivity and speed We already use Precisely h6|Manage all of your contracts in one place Streamline creation Get started Access Sign Manage deadlines No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Managing the many contracts related to a construction project can be hard and time-consuming. It’s important to find the right solution so you can focus on getting the job done. From building to heavy engineering construction, from contractor to subcontractor documents, Precisely works for . Precisely’s cloud-based solution lets you access, create and send contracts from . Precisely lets you use any of your existing construction contracts to create automated templates. There’s no need to draft new ones, so you can start creating with Precisely right away. With Precisely, you can feel confident throughout the contracting process from start to finish. Take control of your construction project contracts today. From bids and permits to agreements with subcontractors, less time spent searching for the right document means more time for other tasks. Precisely offers unlimited cloud storage for your construction contracts. As a result, you can set up the contract structure and . Precisely’s secure servers give you access to all your documents, in one place, all the time. Keeping your contracts in the cloud means that you can access them from anywhere. While smart search and filtering make it possible to quickly find what you’re looking for. Time is money, especially in the construction game. But even after the deal is done, the contract signing stage can be a costly and time-consuming part of the contract management process. But it needn’t be — Precisely lets you send finalized contracts for legally binding e-signing , rather than waiting on paper signatures. Add parties, and send and Once everyone has signed, an automated notification will let you know right away. No more paper and way less waiting! Construction projects have a lot of important dates to keep track of and late completion often results in penalties. Precisely sends smart reminders to alert you to important dates in your construction contracts. Never miss a deadline again. Set up reminders for any event in the contract lifecycle — and receive alerts via email. With Precisely, you will , to renew your hire agreements or when it’s time to make or receive a payment. bo|all construction fields and contract types anywhere, at any time fast and secure contracts easily manage projects across departments and teams in different locations sign contracts while you are on site. know exactly when it’s time for an inspection li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for IT & Technology Companies h2|Transforming IT & technology professionals into contract champions One platform for all of your contract-related matters Increased efficiency with digital solutions Smart solutions that reduce the risk of human error Start your 14-day free trial h3|Gain control We already use Precisely h6|Streamlined automation software for all of your contract processes Stay competitive Get started Smart and simple Digital Safety No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE The contract management of IT and technology companies can involve many contracts of different types and sizes. Regardless of if you’re working in outsourcing, IT consulting or licensing, Precisely offers an automation driven contract management platform that , teams and departments. By using features such as automated workflows and approvals, a centralized repository and intuitive interface, your team can in all contract related processes. Furthermore, Precisely’s automated templates let anyone, even those without a legal background, . Get started today and increase your business’ contracting efficiency and productivity. Many businesses are doing an unnecessary amount of manual contract-related work using solutions that aren’t designed for the modern digital world. Without the right tools, it can be hard to manage contracts across departments and creating and finding them when you need them takes up too much time. As a result of inefficient contract processes, overall productivity drops. This is where Precisely comes in. Using the modern contract platform, you’ll spend and free up time for what really matters. Using Precisely means using a contract management solution with the same goals as yours — to make contracts smart and simple. Go digital with contract management software built for IT and technology companies. With Precisely, you’ll never have to print your contracts and put them into physical binders again (yes, some people still do that!). Using a central cloud-based repository—hosted on state-of-the-art servers —you can keep them all in one secure place. The archive is also fully searchable and has smart filters, allowing you to find what you are looking for in a matter of seconds, from anywhere, at any time. In a globalized world, many of your clients and suppliers are probably in other cities or even countries. To further legally binding e-signing let you and your partners across the globe sign almost any contract in seconds without printing or scanning a thing. Most contracts are even signed in less than 24 hours using Precisely! Precisely’s automated contract creation tools let everyone in your organization—from assistants to executives— (if not seconds). You maintain control by deciding who gets to make changes to documents through customizing end-user permissions. You can also automate the approval and workflow processes to further increase efficiency. On top of that, Precisely’s smart reminders help you keep track of any event in a contracts’ lifecycle. Simply set up a reminder and you’ll be notified when it’s time to renegotiate, terminate or renew contracts on time. Never miss an important deadline again! bo|works with all contracts easily collaborate and communicate create compliant and reliable contracts in minutes less time on tedious manual tasks increase your speed and digitize your processes, draft compliant and consistent contracts in minutes li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for Life Science Companies h2|Manage all pharma and life sciences contracts in the cloud Access your contracts from anywhere and never miss an important event A modern contract management solution for pharma and life sciences We keep all your contracts safe Start your 14-day free trial h3|Streamline efficiency We already use Precisely h6|Holistic contract management with a centralized repository Optimize contracting processes Get started Monitor Go digital Protect No credit card needed Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE Many typical life sciences and pharma contracts, such as clinical trial agreements and NDAs, are recurring. Yet, their content is constantly impacted by rapidly changing markets regulations, business objectives, technology and product developments. It’s no wonder then that inefficient contract management processes are costing the industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Enter, Precisely — the scalable contract management solution to from creation to closure. Using automated templates, which are managed centrally to ensure you have , Precisely lets your and your team create contracts in minutes, with just a few clicks. , with the confidence that all your contracts are compliant with standing regulations. Precisely lets you spend less time on tedious contracts and more time pushing your products to market. With Precisely, all of your contracts are kept in a centralized, secure cloud-based repository. This ensures that your contracts are . Via the intuitive dashboard, you’ll have a clear overview of all your contracts and the ability to extract valuable insights from your contract data. Important milestones in life sciences contracts can be many and varied — from renewing vendor agreements to the implementation of a new regulation. Thanks to Precisely’s smart reminders—which can be set for any event in the contract lifecycle—you can be confident that you’ll . Life sciences and pharma companies are embracing the current trend towards digitization in all aspects of their businesses. So why should outdated contract processes still be holding you back? Precisely is a complete end-to-end digital contracting platform. Using intelligent, automated templates, anyone is able to generate a contract in minutes. Then, you can send it for without ever leaving the platform. All of this lets you create, send and sign contracts faster than ever. Get started with Precisely and . A contract management solution for a pharma or life science company needs to be secure — you can’t go with just any storage. The consequences of lost or stolen documents could be catastrophic. That’s why Precisely uses the . The platform is also equipped with many other security features such as different levels of user access to make sure that only the right people are able to access to your contracts. bo|streamline all of your contract-related processes, complete control and up-to-date compliance Increase effectiveness and performance always protected and easily accessible never miss a deadline legally binding e-signing increase your contracting efficiency while reducing costs and risks same level of encryption as many government bodies and leading banks pa|Oh, 2018, you were good to us! It was an amazing year, filled with everything from valuable boot-camps and other astounding events, to a rocket ride for the industry and record-breaking Precisely metrics. It’s been hectic but every single minute has been worth it! We don’t want to bore you with a complete list of all the events we attended, but the , the , the , the , the and were some of the happenings closest to Precisely’s heart. For instance, Precisely was one of ten companies selected for Startup Sweden, which is an accelerator program that aims to give Sweden’s most promising digital startups the opportunity to take their companies to the next level. The week-long boot camp didn’t just allow us to dive deeper into and challenge our knowledge of business development, but also to expand our networks with astounding entrepreneurs, investors, and partners. The world’s leading startup event, Slush, was held in Helsinki in December. It’s the event that brings tech heads from all industries together – entrepreneurs and investors alike – building an innovative community that’s taking companies to the next level. In fact, helping the next generation of great, world-conquering companies is the very philosophy of Slush. Slush 2017 by the numbers And naturally, Precisely was on-site. But among perfectly put together events, inspiring people and eye-catching scenery, fintech and envirotech weren’t the only focal points. This time, it was that stole the show. At this year’s Slush, the Finnish Legal Tech Forum, the University of Helsinki Legal Tech Lab and Legal Design Summit held a standalone side event focusing entirely on innovation in the legal sector. The event, called , gathered LegalTech startups, investors and other influential figures from all over the world under one roof. Besides offering keynotes and fireside chats with industry experts, the event included pitching and demoing from a few selected companies. Out of which Precisely was one; illustrating how our platform turns people all over the world into contract champions. But this wasn’t the only pitch that Precisely ended up performing. By selection, we also participated in the prestigious Slush 100 Pitching Competition. Not only that, but out of more than 3000 registered companies, we went on to the top 15; the top 0,5 percent. While we, unfortunately, didn’t go on to win the competition (a big congratulations to Meeshkan, you rock!), we’re incredibly happy to see a rapidly growing interest in innovative technology for the legal industry. But pitching wasn’t the only thing we did. This year, Slush introduced the where a handful of startups got to demo their product live on stage. And Precisely was among the selected few. Participating in the Showcase Studio resulted in us showcasing the design and features of Precisely to an audience of hundreds of curious (soon to be) contract champions at the heart of the venue. Thank you to everyone who came by! If you’re among the people who got to see how Precisely can help you increase productivity and compliance through automation, contact us and we’ll get you started right away! The amount of space and attention that LegalTech has been receiving this year, both at and outside of Slush, is amazing. We wholeheartedly believe that innovative solutions are Precisely what, for instance, in-house legal counsels need to gain back control of their organization’s contracts and ensure compliance. Furthermore, it seems that you and many others share our belief that LegalTech is the future, considering the more than $1 billion(!) in investment that went into it last year. Investments into legal technology hit a record – more than $1 billion in 2018 That’s more than four times the amount of 2017! And interestingly, more than a third of this sum went into AI-focused solutions. You also helped Precisely shatter quite a few internal records last year. Let’s take a look at some of our 2018 platform metrics compared to the previous years’: And besides from the platform, you helped us achieve some other impressive numbers as well: Increase in employee headcount, ranging from natural language processing/machine learning experts to digital marketing professionals. We are incredibly proud of having attracted some of the best in the industry to ! Impressions from our in 2018. Wow! Physical international location in London, thereby further picking up the pace of our . In the end, none of this would have been possible without you. So let’s start 2019 off correctly by sending some appreciation in the direction of our customers, partners and everyone else who’ve believed in and grown with us. The upcoming year is quite likely to be as, if not even more, eventful. We’ve got loads of new exciting solutions and product improvements planned that’ll further allow business professionals to focus on what truly matters, instead of shuffling paper. Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , li|20,000 attendees 2,600 startups 1,600 investors 600 journalists 305 % increase in automatically created contracts 224 % increase in e-signed documents 148% increase in managed contracts st|Thank you! weden h1|An eventful year Leading with LegalTech 200+ % 2.5+ million 1 new h2|Stepping on stage Contract automation in action A red-hot industry Charts through the roof Kicking off 2019 Categories h3|LegalTech Takeover – Precisely 2018 Year in Review Learn more about the Precisely contract automation platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|January 14, 2019 Search for: em|Precisely would like to thank you for the year that’s past. 2018 was a busy year indeed, but what were the main happenings? Let’s take a look at a few things that come to mind. Group picture with the representatives of the companies participating in Startup Sweden Boot Camp Precisely’s COO & Co-Founder Simon Fouladi presenting at the Slush 100 this time Snapshots of the Precisely platform Precisely CEO & Co-Founder Nils-Erik Jansson in the panel at The Future of Contracting li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management for General Counsel h2|Take control of your legal contract management while reducing risk Start your 14-day free trial Smart features help your contracting process become more efficient Keeping an eye on all your contracts has never been easier Oversee and streamline all contract-related processes h3|Increase compliance We already use Precisely h6|Decentralize contract management processes while keeping control Strategic No credit card needed Automation Cloud-based Digital Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|Control and oversight of the organization’s contracts is a huge part of the role of the legal team. Both in-house and external counsel spend too much time trying to limit ad hoc changes to approved templates and halt risky contracts created by business units. Before Precisely, virtually every contract was a potential drain on the scarce time and resources of the legal team. Too often this resulted in tension between the objectives of the organization’s legal and business functions. Precisely removes this tension by delivering through automated workflows and user permissions. Giving the lawyers more time to focus on the more complex and strategic tasks instead. By allowing business units to be self-serving, while seamlessly staying within legal-approved guidelines, Precisely lets you improve through extensive automation of previously manual processes. It’s also friendly on your team’s budget. Precisely aims to achieve the same goals as you do — to make contracting safe and efficient. Every legal counsel knows that contract management can be incredibly time-consuming! Precisely makes sure that you won’t be stuck copying and pasting for hours. Instead, you can manage your organization’s contracts centrally by setting up a database of pre-approved automated templates. By setting up your automated templates in the Precisely platform, you can let anyone create compliant and consistent contracts in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, you can , not just the drafting. By using Precisely, you can control changes to contracts and who gets to make them by setting user-level permissions. With them in place, you can automate the workflow and approval processes and increase compliance while you’re at it. Precisely makes contract management easier by keeping all of your organization’s contracts together in one secure place. The centralized cloud-based repository is accessible via an intuitive dashboard. This provides you and your team with a regarding your contracts, including signature status, expiry date, important deadlines, and which contracts are awaiting approval. Furthermore, your digital archive is, of course, fully searchable. Precisely’s smart search and filtering ensures that you can always find whatever you’re looking for in an instant. From . With Precisely, you and your team can . Set up smart reminders and receive alerts for any event. The monitoring features let you stay on top of all actions that need to be taken in relation to events such as a contract expiry or renewal. With the integrated and legally binding e-signing feature, you can reduce the signing time from weeks to as little as hours or even minutes. And depending on your choice, documents can be sent for signing only after the automatic approval processes that you’ve defined are completed. bo|a solution that makes legal control and compliance easy internal efficiency and reduce workloads streamline the entire contract creation process clear overview of important information anywhere, at any time take control of the whole contract lifecycle pa|With the comes higher demands on companies that manage personal data. Both if you’re a “controller” — deciding the purpose and manner of which personal data is being used, or a “processor” — handling personal data on behalf of a controller. The is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years Failure to comply with the GDPR potentially brings hefty penalties. Up to as much as €20 million or 4 % of the global turnover to be exact. Despite this, some companies still need to redesign their contract management process to ensure GDPR compliance. With higher demands on your business comes higher demands on the systems and solutions that you’re using. Your contracts might contain personal data, meaning that they might be subject to the new regulation. With this in mind, it’s important that your contract management solution helps you become and stay compliant. To help you on the way, we’ve listed five key features that your contract management software needs in order to support you on your way towards GDPR compliance. Data security is already important to both you and your clients, but the GDPR might clarify or add certain requirements. Article 5 of the regulation states that you must have protection against e.g. unauthorized entry and accidental loss or destruction of personal data. In order to achieve this, you will want to gather all of your contracts containing personal data, but preferably all of them, in one (and as further described below, secure) place. Essentially, minimizing the number of systems containing personal data (e.g. in contracts) will make it easier to comply with the new legal requirements. “… [S]trangely many companies don’t have a single defined repository, even with GDPR and other regulations virtually demanding it.” – Apart from keeping your contracts in one place, you will naturally want a secure platform for storing all your contracts containing personal data. You can achieve this by using a solution with and a high-grade crypto-suite, to make sure your data is transmitted safely. Furthermore, you will want to ensure that your cloud-provider maintains a high level of security, which can often be fulfilled when your contract management solution is hosted in secure data centers. Being able to limit internal access and setting up workflow-related security measures is also important. Consequently, you should look for features such as automated approval workflows, different user-level access permissions and—of course—two-factor authentication for accessing the system. The GDPR also aims to protect fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, which in means that people whose data you’re handling will have more extensive rights. By now, you’ve probably heard about and . In order to ensure compliance with these rights, your contract management solution needs to make it easy to identify and erase contracts containing personal data. This can, for instance, be achieved with powerful searching and filtering features, which will help you find the contract you’re looking for, quickly. To state the obvious, the lack of search capabilities is also one of the most important reasons to say goodbye to your physical binders. Not least in light of the new regulation. As previously mentioned, the GDPR brings more responsibilities for your company in terms of managing personal data. The processor who conducts data processing activities on your behalf is still held responsible if they act outside of the authority granted by you (and vice versa). You will, consequently, want to make sure that your third-party processor’s activities are compliant. With this in mind, it’s important that areas such as the processor’s obligations are clear as a day. This puts higher demands on the contracts that you use with anyone managing personal data on your behalf. Therefore, we recommend that you use a contract management software with state-of-the-art contract authoring capabilities. What to look for here is, the abilities to On top of contract authoring capabilities, a solution containing advanced e-signatures will make compliance even easier. At least in two regards. First and foremost, the new regulation specifies strict criteria for gathering consent to process an individual’s personal data. As the individual’s consent has to be unambiguous, informed, specific, freely given, and documented, e-signatures can enhance your ability to fulfill the requirements. Especially as the e-signatures make it easier to capture consent immediately at the point of data collection. Second of all, the new regulation stipulates certain conditions for contracts between data controllers and data processors (e.g. a system provider that processes the personal data you control). Many businesses are therefore required to update their data processing agreements with third-party suppliers. Together with the contract authoring abilities as described above, advanced e-signatures can streamline the process of updating the contracts to meet the GDPR requirements. Besides accelerating the signing process, e-signatures will give you total visibility of the status of each contract and who has yet to sign. Time is another important aspect of compliant GDPR contract management. Since it’s also stated in article 5 of GDPR that data should not be processed for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes of which it is processed, you will want to track certain events in contracts. Furthermore, an engine with smart reminders for the tracked events is preferred. Using a solution with event tracking throughout can help you a great deal. You can use event tracking to minimize the time of your personal data processing, but also help you keep track of other due dates such as obligation reporting, contract renewals, and renegotiations. In conclusion, using a powerful contract management system with the features mentioned above can help you in ensuring GDPR compliance. This is especially important to have in mind since an inadequate system could damage your business or lead to a lot of unnecessary manual contract related work. Because of this, it’s important to review your current contract management process. Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , li|set up templates in a central repository, including standard clauses and fallback options, to be used for the whole organization, and determine rules for the end-users to make changes in contracts (which often is combined with an interview-based way for end-users to draft contracts, instead of copy-pasting in a rich-text editor). st|EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Our lawyers wanted to add a disclaimer, so here it is: weden h1|GDPR & Contract Management h2|GDPR & Contract Management Systems Categories h3|GDPR & Contract Management – 5 Must-Have Features 1. GDPR & contract storage 2. Easy data access 3. Contract authoring equals control 4. E-signatures make GDPR compliance easier 5. Contract event tracking Discover how Precisely can help you ensure GDPR compliance Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|April 18, 2018 not The accuracy of the information in this article is not warranted or guaranteed not Search for: em|The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect May 25th of 2018. It’s meant to protect EU citizens’ data privacy and puts new demands on how businesses approach data privacy. Your contract management process might be in need of review to ensure compliance with the new regulation. physical non-legalese the right to be forgotten the right to data portability inter alia, This article is for informational purposes only and is intended to provide or constitute legal advice of any kind. . You should act or rely on this information without consulting a legal professional. You should consult a legal professional in the relevant area if you are in need of legal advice. pa|The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts new demands on your contract management process. We have compiled five features you need to stay compliant. The SEP Scaleup Summit covered some of the hottest tech trends of 2018 and what challenges they bring. Here are our key takeaways. It is business critical to handle contracts efficiently. After my time as a legal advisor for companies of different sizes, I have identified five simple – yet efficient – ways to improve the contract management process. Printing, signing and scanning are standards in traditional contract management processes. The inefficiency of current methods makes contract management tiring and lowers the overall value of many businesses. Here, our CEO Nils-Erik explains why. You are currently browsing the archives for the Contract Management category. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , Nils-Erik Jansson in , , Erik Legerius in , Nils-Erik Jansson in h2|Categories h3|GDPR & Contract Management – 5 Must-Have Features Takeaways From the SEP Scaleup Summit 2018 Five Simple Tips To Improve Your Contract Management Process Why Traditional Contract Management Is Inefficient Where smart contracts live h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|April 18, 2018 March 27, 2018 July 13, 2016 June 29, 2016 2 Search for: pa|Today, we celebrate our CEO Nils-Erik Jansson for making it to the Nordic 100. “ recognise ” Source: Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , h1|Influential figures in the Nordic tech scene h2|Categories h3|Precisely’s CEO Is One of the Most Influential Figures in the Nordic Tech Scene Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|December 7, 2017 Search for: em|The Nordic 100 is an annual list recognizing the 100 most impactful and influential figures in the Nordic tech scene each year. Individuals at the forefront of shaping and positioning the region as one of the world’s most important innovation hubs. We investors, entrepreneurs and community builders that are playing important roles in the region and are influencing what tomorrow looks like in the Nordics, and indeed the world. The intention is that The Nordic 100 will serve as a resource to better understand who the key people from the Nordics are, providing you with an easy and actionable resource for engaging with the Nordic ecosystem all year round. pa|For the second year in a row, and announce the Legal Innovator of the Year in both a company and individual category. And for the second year in a row, we are proud and happy to find both Precisely and our CEO Nils-Erik as nominees. Thank you for your support. We promise to continue innovating and to present cutting-edge solutions for our customer’s everyday problems. Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in h1|We’ve been nominated! h2|Categories h3|Precisely and the Award For the Legal Innovator of the Year Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|April 25, 2017 Search for: li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Management Software for all industries h2|Efficient contract management throughout Start your 14-day free trial Collect all of your contractual documents in one place Increase the drafting speed with the Precisely’s automated templates Smart reminders make sure that you never miss a deadline h3|Scaleable We already use Precisely h6|A powerful platform for all contract types Universal No credit card needed Cloud storage Efficiency Monitor Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE All businesses manage contracts of some sort. Therefore, the benefits of a smart contract management solution can be harnessed by anyone. From employment agreements to non-disclosure agreements, supply contracts to service agreements — Precisely can handle them all. Regardless of industry, while keeping costs down is a common goal. Precisely offers solutions for the whole contract lifecycle, from start to finish. The platform lets you automate your contracting processes and is both — with no programming required for setup. Different solutions can be tailored depending on company size and needs. As a result, you can be sure that Precisely will scale with your business. Whether big or small, in hospitality or logistics (or anything in between), you’ll be able to increase your efficiency and decrease risk. Precisely is the contract lifecycle management software for modern businesses. It makes contract management smart and simple. Many companies are still keeping their contracts and agreements spread throughout the organization — be it in emails, filing cabinets or stacks of paper on a desk. Precisely offers a centralized cloud-based repository which lets you keep all of your contracts in one place. And they’re all fully searchable. Say goodbye to paper and again. Many contracts are of a sensitive nature, and even if they are not, you probably want to keep them to yourself. Precisely does not take security lightly — the platform is hosted in top-of-the-line facilities and uses the same level of encryption as many government bodies and banks. Many people rely on copy and paste to transfer standard clauses into new contracts — especially when preparing the same types of contracts over and over again. This is highly inefficient and often results in inaccurate, inconsistent contracts. Precisely puts an end to this and reduces time spent on drafting contracts. With Precisely, you can by using automated templates. This, of course, works for all contract types and lets you create compliant . Once your new contract is created, it’s time to sign. Without even leaving the platform, Precisely lets you send contracts for legally binding e-signing . You’ll have the document signed faster than ever before. Forget about scanning, printing or regular snail mail. After signing, you’ll probably need to take multiple actions to comply with a single contract. This means deadlines and be it in relation to contract expiry, renegotiation or any other action point, it can be hard to keep track of them all! Precisely lets you set up smart reminders and receive alerts for any event in the contract lifecycle. There’s no need to keep important contract deadlines in your head (or even in your diary). Precisely will keep you on track. bo|increasing contracting productivity and efficiency easy to learn and easy to use never lose track of your contracts automate contract creation contracts with just a few clicks pa|A recent study by Clyde & Co found that a top reason for lack of adoption of legal tech was An With so many new digital tools and software solutions becoming available every day, it’s little wonder that the concept of “ ” is gaining momentum. At home and at work, people are understandably hesitant to download yet another app, create yet another account and incorporate yet another technology tool into their daily routine. The key to successful adoption of legal tech is to choose a solution which 1) can deliver real value and 2) will be adopted with minimal friction. This sounds simple in theory. In reality, it can be hard to pull off. To make it easier, we’ve broken these two factors down into concrete requirements and practical steps you can take to achieve full adoption of your legal tech solution. By choosing a legal tech solution which meets clearly defined user requirements you have overcome the most significant barrier to adoption. Combining this with an implementation strategy which compensates for inertia and a communications plan which resonates with your intended users will take it to the next level. According to , despite the fact that 76% of employees acknowledge that technology has an influence on the way they work, for better or for worse, less than 50% feel that decision makers take their opinions into consideration when selecting IT solutions. To avoid this perception among your team, it’s essential to take the time to identify and understand the pain points that you’re looking to solve before you decide on a particular technology tool. For example, when you’re considering an automated contract management solution, you’ll need to review the way contracts are currently handled within your organization. How and by whom are they created, negotiated, amended, stored and monitored? What templates are available and how are they made available to the team? What are the main pain points connected to creating documents based on those templates? What are the actual costs and most significant risks associated with inefficient contract management processes to your business? Which individual people and teams in your organization are suffering as a result? Research by the that 88 % of business users can’t understand their own company’s contracts and 83% find the process by which contracts are formed to be unhelpful. So by posing these questions, you’re likely to uncover plenty of issues! he key message here is that having a clear picture of the user requirements is fundamental to choosing a legal tech solution which will deliver real value for your organization. Despite the pain points you’ve identified, old habits can be comfortable. As a result, people are generally resistant to change — especially when it comes to adopting new tech solutions. But what to do when “the way we’ve always done it” just doesn’t do it anymore? The work you’ve already done to review existing processes will provide insight into why users might be clinging to old systems. For example, if a particular solution has relevant functionality but requires users to make time in packed schedules for extensive user training, adoption rates will probably stall. Equally, if a solution requires specialist IT skills or coding to incorporate into existing systems, you will struggle to achieve the envisaged uptake. To avoid these issues, you’ll need a plug and play solution that has an intuitive user interface and doesn’t require programming for setup. Taking the time to understand your team’s issues and think laterally about how legal tech can help solve them will enable you to take target actions to address such obstacles and ultimately increase adoption. Winning hearts and minds by clearly communicating the value of legal tech is a significant part of the battle for increased adoption. In this battle, knowledge is power. So, once you have insights into the actual pain points you’re aiming to eliminate with legal tech, you’ll be much better equipped to both choose a solution which really does meet the needs of the users and communicate the benefits of the solution you’ve chosen in a compelling and impactful way. The key here is emphasizing how the new technology benefits the organization and makes peoples’ lives easier. The message should be as specific as possible. To again take an automated contract management solution as an example, explaining to the HR team how it will enable them to onboard new hires faster and spend less time on manual document assembly, is a very compelling narrative. On the flipside, the legal team will be most interested to hear how the solution will allow them to maintain control and promote compliance while also reducing manual tasks and workloads. To summarize, different departments, industries and roles have different drivers. By tapping into how the specific features and benefits of your chosen solution align with these different motivations you can create more compelling communications. No matter what type of legal tech you’re implementing, it’s important to be consistent and targeting in your messaging to make sure users understand the real value and return on investment that the new solution delivers. Once you’ve landed on the legal tech solution that’s right for you and your team in terms of functionality, keeping any friction of actual implementation to a bare minimum is a must. A report estimated that 70% of applications failed due to lack of user acceptance. In view of this, in this day and age, intuitive user experience with little or no training requirements is a prerequisite for most software solutions. Beyond this, it’s imperative to think through the process by which you and your team will actually get started with the new solution. For example, how do you invite your team and set them up as new users? What is the login experience like? The specific aspects of implementation will vary depending on the nature of your business, industry and/or the actual solution. In the case of automated contract management, the ease of converting existing templates and/or importing legacy contracts into the system is a key consideration. If you have a lot of existing contract templates you should confirm whether your chosen solution offers contract conversion service which will transform them for use with the new system. Central to minimizing friction in implementing a new legal tech solution is ease of integration with existing systems. For example, in the case of contract management, you should ensure that your chosen solution can be integrated into any enterprise resource planning (ERP) and/or customer relationship management (CRM) systems you already have in place. It’s important to remember that one single legal tech product is may not be the solution to all of the pain points you’ve identified or have the capacity to interface with all existing systems relevant to your business. That said, for more sophisticated legal tech solutions, you can usually discuss your specific use case and requirements with the vendor. These conversations can help you narrow down what level of integration is both necessary to meet your business needs and feasible from a technical perspective. While frequently overlooked, choosing a legal tech provider which is there to provide accessible and holistic support should be central to your buying decision. Having a vendor which is available to provide support — especially during the initial setup process — will relieve much of the burden on you as the buyer to assist with new user adoption. It’s an unfortunate reality that some software products (including legal tech) involve additional costs for setup, user training and other areas that are crucial for buy-in and adoption. Watch out for these when scoping out your options and make sure you will have the support you need before you launch. If you’ve covered the above, you should be well on track to achieve optimal adoption. The following tips are extra tools you can use to demonstrate return on investment and ensure adoption rates are sustained beyond just the initial launch phase. Articulating exactly what successful implementation will look like is also a good idea. This should be defined in a way that’s both realistic and measurable. For example, who will be the lead user of the system? Which teams will be the first adopters? And, how will the management team know when each phase of the rollout has been successfully completed and the level of anticipated adoption and impact realized? This involves deciding on some key metrics, setting up a system for tracking them and using this data to determine if you’re meeting the levels of anticipated adoption you set before launch. In the case of contract management solutions, the metrics can include things like the number of active users, number of contracts generated per user, average time to signature etc. In the early days of a new legal tech solution rollout, identify which people are most proactive in using the new tools and have successful early adopters share best practices. In the context of Precisely’s contract management software, these people are known as ‘contract champions’. They are an invaluable resource for feedback and can help build motivation among your broader team. Based on the data you’ve collected to demonstrate successful adoption, share and celebrate wins brought about by the new solution team- and organization-wide. Tap into the experiences of your own champions to learn what’s working (and what’s not) with the new technology and adapt accordingly. As technology continues to play a greater role in every aspect of our personal and professional lives, tech fatigue isn’t going to disappear. The key to driving adoption for legal tech solutions is putting people at the core of both the buying decision and implementation process. CEO at Precisely. Legal visionairy with a nerdy interest in processes and tech. Passionate about making legal smooth and secure. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , h2|Categories h3|Keys To Driving Legal Tech Adoption Learn more about the Precisely platform Where smart contracts live h5|Nils-Erik Jansson h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|June 3, 2019 earlier post on building a business case covered the key questions to be answered when seeking stakeholder buy-in and budgetary approval for contract management software. But what happens next — how do you make sure the people in your organization actually use the solution you hustled so hard for? T Employees need to understan d why [the new technology] is an improvement from what they had before. — Didier Bonnet, Co-author of Leading Digital and Global Practice Leader at Capgemini Consulting This earlier post on building a business case for contract management software solutions steps through exactly how this might look for this specific category of legal tech. Closely related to defining your idea of a successful implementation is the process of actually measuring the impact your legal tech solution is having to eliminate or reduce the pain points you identified prior to selecting it (see above) and ideally to enhance the bottom line of your organization. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. — Peter Drucker, ‘Founder of Modern Management’ This post has highlighted the steps you can take to make sure the legal tech solutions you choose will deliver real value to your organization. It has also given guidance on how to manage the rollout such that these new tools can be implemented by your team with minimal friction and maximum impact. If you have any questions or would like to know a bit more about how to turn your team into contract champions with Precisely, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Happy contracting! Search for: bo|Legal tech adoption — defining the problem Choosing legal tech which delivers real value Clear user requirements Overcoming inertia Communicate the value for buy-in and engagement Minimizing friction Ease of implementation Integration with existing systems Ongoing vendor support Other tips Define success before launch Measure, measure, measure Find and cultivate early adopters Wrapping up pa|Precisely’s pioneering contract automation platform is turning people all over the world into contract champions by helping them automate the way they create and manage their contracts. Now, Precisely increases the pace of its international expansion and product development efforts by joining Barclays’ London based Eagle Lab in partnership with the Law Society at Notting Hill Gate. Being a member of the Lab gives us access to mentors, academics and legal industry practitioners as well as access to an extensive LawTech events programme, workshops and meet-ups. Several leading law firms, such as Latham & Watkins, Allen & Overy, Baker McKenzie, and Clyde & Co, have joined the programme as partners to provide industry insight and an inspiring, collaborative community of LawTech businesses. , says Simon Fouladi, Co-Founder & COO of Precisely – “ ”, says Jon Hope, Eagle Lab Director Simon Fouladi, Precisely Co-Founder & COO Shara Gibbons, Barclays LawTech Ecosystem Manager Precisely is the #1 platform for contract champions. Automated contract creation, streamlined approval workflows, e-signatures, automated archiving and smart monitoring – all in one place, all in the cloud. Eagle Labs are Barclays spaces to help entrepreneurs and ambitious businesses to innovate and scale. Eagle Labs have dedicated co-working, office and event space for businesses to work, to receive structured mentoring, attend technical events and participate in industry-focused transformation programmes. Eagle Labs aims to cultivate a community of likeminded entrepreneurs who can benefit from access to a collaborative environment and peer networks. Each community benefits from access to curated activity relevant to maximise growth opportunities, including Barclays’ transatlantic connections and Barclays High Growth & Entrepreneur banking products and services. Eagle Labs also offer support to established larger organisations having developed programmes to help larger corporates create an entrepreneurial culture by introducing innovative practices and encouraging intrapreneurship. With 18 Eagle Labs across the UK and more in the pipeline, the focus is to help accelerate UK scale-ups, promote collaborative innovation across the entire ecosystem and enable access to and training on new and emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, 3D-printing and the Internet of Things which make up Industry 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution. Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , st|Further information: About Precisely About Barclays Eagle Labs weden h1|Precisely speeds up international expansion h2|Barclays Eagle Lab in partnership with the Law Society is a dedicated centre of excellence accelerating LawTech businesses to help bridge the gap between emerging LawTech innovation and major law firms to transform the legal industry. Categories h3|Precisely Joins Barclays Eagle Lab in London Learn more about the Precisely contract automation platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|October 22, 2018 Search for: em|Precisely increases its international presence and picks up the pace of scaling and product development by joining Europe’s leading LawTech post-accelerator – Barclays Eagle Lab Notting Hill Gate. – “London’s LawTech scene is at the very forefront of the world – and Eagle Labs brings together the best in the industry. We are incredibly excited to increase our presence in the UK and to turn even more people into contract champions” We’re delighted to have Precisely as residents of Eagle Lab in partnership with the Law Society and look forward to working with them and helping their business grow li|Create Control Sign Archive Monitor h1|Contract Automation for Digital Agencies h2|Gather all of your digital marketing contracts in one place Start your 14-day free trial Manage your relationships with efficiency and ease Quickly find what you are looking for by keeping all contracts in one place Anyone can create compliant and consistent contracts h3|Contracts in the modern era We already use Precisely h6|Contracting that works as you do Simple management No credit card needed Reminders Access Create Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|SE The marketing industry has come a long way towards digitization, so why should outdated contracting processes be holding you back? For digital agencies, contracts are a crucial means of managing relationships. But this doesn’t mean they should be cumbersome. Using Precisely’s contract automation platform lets you Precisely’s let you generate agreements with just a few clicks — in as little as a few minutes. You can also easily locate any and all of your agency, client, partner and subcontractor agreements through one . This unrivalled ease of use and accessibility lets you stay agile when navigating the international market. Contract related processes can be inefficient! But with Precisely, you can be sure that you’re only ever a few minutes away from having your most important relationships with clients, influencers and other partners secured in writing. Precisely is the only contract automation platform that understands and reflects the modern way of working as a digital agency. Having is fundamental to the success of any marketing agency. With Precisely, you’ll never miss an important date or deadline. In fact, you can create smart reminders for any event in a contract’s lifecycle and we’ll make sure you are always up to speed. Precisely makes it possible to stay on your toes and be ready for any contract milestone, freeing up your headspace for the strategic and creative stuff. The platform will and let you know when they’re getting close. Need to find details on a specific partner contract? Or have another look at the timeline of the project that you’re working on? Use smart search and filtering to make sure you never have to dig through binders, your inbox or stacks of paper again. Precisely’s contract software for digital agencies service has cloud-based servers that let you keep all your contracts in one place. This lets you, or anyone else in your team, . With Precisely, everyone and anyone on your team can create compliant and consistent contracts — from assistants to account managers. The platform and lets you create the exact contract that you need faster than ever. And from there, it doesn’t have to take more than a few minutes to have it signed using Precisely’s legally binding e-signatures . bo|focus on actual client success and growth. extensive automation features searchable and secure cloud-based repository smooth, durable and long term relationships with clients keep track of all the deadlines easily access your contracts from anywhere works with all contracts pa|CEO at Precisely. Legal visionairy with a nerdy interest in processes and tech. Passionate about making legal smooth and secure. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , h2|Categories h3|Legal AI — Going Beyond the Buzzwords Learn more about the Precisely platform Where smart contracts live h5|Nils-Erik Jansson h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|August 26, 2019 Legal AI is rising in popularity and, in an increasingly competitive industry, using it can unlock powerful competitive advantages. But it’s not the same thing as a robot performing legal tasks, is it? To truly understand the capabilities of legal AI, we’ll need to go beyond the buzzwords. Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new concept. The term was first adopted at the Dartmouth Conference of 1956 which was organized by John McCarthy, also known as the father of AI. Artificial intelligence, noun : the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Even before that, Alan Turing and his team created the Bombe machine to decipher the Enigma-machine-encrypted messages sent by the Germans during World War II — and laid the foundations for machine learning. Today, real-world applications of AI are all around us; from self-driving cars and email spam filters, to your smartphone’s automated face-recognition and the personalized recommendations served up by your favorite music streaming app. AI has also gained massive popularity in the field of legal technology (or legal tech). While this is no surprise considering the potential cost savings from letting a computer handle routine tasks, AI and its related terminology have become overused buzzwords in the legal tech space. A quick visit to one of the many news sites covering advancements in legal tech is almost guaranteed to display multiple articles on AI solutions and use cases in the legal field. While AI has become a natural part of our everyday lives, it’s yet to become ubiquitous to many other aspects of an attorney’s day-to-day work. So where can this technology be applied? And more importantly; what even is AI—besides today’s hottest buzzword—and what impact could it actually have on the legal industry? If you’re more interested in the enablements of legal AI than the technology behind it, you can skip ahead to “Revolutionizing legal work”. A technological deep dive In essence, AI is a collective name for computer systems which are able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. The keyword here is collective since there’s a multitude of varying technologies that are enabling to what’s commonly referred to as AI. Legal AI — the enabling technologies (OCR) is a technology used to distinguish text characters in documents. This technology is often used to turn physical legacy documents into digital ones that are editable with text editors, such as Word. While this in itself might not be the very most intriguing technology, it enables a large variety of (AI) applications on legacy documents, such as automatic translation, data extraction and natural language processing. are sometimes confused with AI. While AI is an incredibly broad term, an algorithm is quite specific. It’s more or less a set of instructions given to a machine — e.g. if condition (a) is true, do (b). If it’s false, do (c). (NLP) is one of the more common components of AI within the legal field. Simply put, it can be described as a technology that enables a computer to understand natural human language. Making a machine understand and interpret human language is no easy task. When fed structured data, such as a spreadsheet, we can teach a machine to understand it quite easily — e.g. if we tell a machine that one of the columns represents costs, it will interpret that column’s data as costs. But human language clearly isn’t as simple or structured as a spreadsheet. Spoken and even written human language isn’t always logical and consistent. Because of this, a machine needs an understanding of both the concept of a word and its context to grasp what we’re attempting to communicate. This is done in two parts. First, by (also known as syntax analysis or syntactic analysis), which refers to the analysis of the very words that are arranged to form sentences. It applies an algorithm to the words to check grammatical rules and derive the exact meaning of each word. The syntactic structures—phrases, sentences, clauses, etc.—are then analyzed through . This looks at the structure or the phrase, sentence or clause and derives another layer of meaning from this, enabling the machine to understand what is actually written. In other words, logic is applied to see if the formation of the syntactic structures actually makes sense. (ML) is a much-hyped subset of AI, which application a lot of people tend to think of when they hear the term. It’s a set of algorithms that allows software to become “self-learning”, using a data set to predict future outcomes. Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves. — Expert System Just like NLP, ML is based on analysis. ML, however, uses to identify trends and find patterns, becoming more and more accurate the more data is analyzed. (More on the importance of data in a minute!) Using data sets to make ML software become more accurate is the process known as “training” an AI and can be done in two ways; using supervised algorithms or unsupervised ones. Supervised algorithms require human involvement and interaction; both input and desired output. If we’d like a supervised algorithm to learn to identify a contract type, we’d tell it which parts of the contracts it should look at but manually label them ourselves. Once we have labeled a fairly large amount of contracts and the training is complete, the algorithm is able to apply what it’s learned to new data sets — i.e. new contracts. On the other hand, unsupervised algorithms do not require human involvement. Instead, these algorithms use an iterative approach to arrive at conclusions and correlations that a human would most likely miss on his or her own. This approach has only recently become feasible since it requires massive data sets for training. Simply put, whoever has the largest data sets has the potential to create the most accurate software. In this digital age, data is power! Revolutionizing legal work So, what does all this mean for the legal industry? What happens when we go beyond the buzzwords and actually start applying these technologies? As you can probably imagine, the possibilities of legal AI are immense. In essence, applying AI to legal tasks can allow lawyers to produce better results, faster and at a lower cost. Highly labor-intense work can be automated, allowing lawyers to focus on more impactful and strategic operations. These advantages can be realized by both in-house lawyers and external counsel — all of whom are under constant pressure to deliver better, faster and cheaper legal services. The better-faster-cheaper approach is naturally highly satisfactory to both internal and external clients, and the law firms that manage to move away from archaic hourly billing models will strike gold. Legal AI applications Now that we have an understanding of the underlying technology and the potential, let’s take a look at some examples of legal AI applications. Document review Reviewing documents can be an incredibly time-consuming task, especially for large volumes of contracts such as in the case of due diligence. Instead of having a team of lawyers review piles upon piles of documents, legal AI can do it both faster and better. It is crucial to make mundane contract work more efficient, especially when there are 50-100 pages of contracts for some major deals (M&A large tenders with agreements or multinational corporations). It can really help lawyers sift through these documents, and cut down on the sometimes-deliberate verbosity of these documents which can allow one party to mask core issues. — Zakir Mir, Allegiance International In a well-publicized study , 20 US lawyers with extensive experience of corporate law were put up against an AI to review five non-disclosure agreements, and the results were baffling. While the lawyers were able to achieve an accuracy rate of 85%, the legal AI achieved an average rate of 95%. But that wasn’t even the most astonishing part. It took the lawyers an average of around an hour and a half complete the review — but the AI finished in just 26 seconds! Although the legal AI was clearly outperforming the lawyers, they weren’t too distressed or worried that it would take over their jobs. Instead, they showed a great deal of appreciation for the legal AI since such solutions were proved able to automate low-risk routine work. Expert automation & augmentation software While legal AI might not be quite there yet, the development of expert automation and augmentation software (EAAS) is sure to revolutionize the work of lawyers even further. EAAS is a type of software that uses sophisticated ML to enable the AI-assisted or AI-enhanced automation of highly cognitive tasks, such as legal drafting. In practice, this means that a legal AI could, for example, automatically recommend the least disputed and most commonly used clauses while drafting a contract! Wrapping up To sum things up, the cost and time savings that applied legal AI enable are significant. They have the potential to help legal professionals perform operations faster with less error and human involvement in tedious and repetitive processes. But lawyers, there’s no need to panic! It’s very unlikely that legal AI will take over your job entirely. Instead, tomorrow’s legal practitioners will be able to focus their efforts on high-level work that has a bigger impact, rather than spend time on low-risk routine tasks. By going beyond the buzzwords of legal AI, we hope that you’ve been able to gain some valuable information on the possibilities and limitations of such solutions. Now, we’ll just have to wait and see in which directions the developments of legal AI are heading, and what other amazing use cases are still waiting to be discovered. If you’d have any questions about legal AI or would like to know a bit more about how Precisely can turn your team into contract champions, don’t hesitate to contact us! Happy contracting! Search for: bo|Optical character recognition Algorithms Natural language processing parsing semantic analysis Machine learning statistical analysis pa|The vision behind the is to close the open innovation gap in Europe. This is done by, inter alia, four different Scaleup Summits per year and the 2018 Milan edition was the first one. By offering a platform connecting top startups with big corporates, stock markets, and investors, SEP wants to provide scaleups with possible financing and concrete strategic options to promote growth and business development. Precisely was one of four invited businesses representing the Swedish scaleup scene. In addition to great networking and discussion, the invited scaleups had the opportunity to meet 50+ corporates and 50+ investors. By the Numbers: 4 Cities, Exclusive Locations and Stock Exchanges. 300 highly curated International Tech Scaleups. 200 Corporates. 200 Investors. The two-day event allowed for a lot of interesting meetings between corporates, investors, and scaleups. One of the co-organisers, , also put together specific deep dives, covering trends in: One of the tech trends covered in the vertical deep dives was AI/Machine Learning. AI is one of contract management’s favorite subjects at the moment. This comes fairly naturally as a main goal within contract management, in general, is achieving increased efficiency through automation – and AI enables contract automation as few other technologies. While applied AI isn’t meant to replace lawyers or others working with contracts, it can automate routine tasks. It can help by recommending changes, assessing risks and increase authoring speed. Therefore, deploying these technologies could lead to a competitive edge. There is no reason and no way that a human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence machine by 2035. – Gray Scott The deep dive discussion on AI/Machine Learning at the SEP Scaleup Summit involved a lot of future trends. For instance, healthcare, in which AI offers amazing opportunities such as organizing patient routes or treatments plans more efficiently by using data sets from previous patients. As a result, it could provide all the information needed to make the right treatment decisions. Another applicable industry is legal works. Just imagine being able to access every contract, clause, or regulation in an instant. To state the obvious, AI could thus prove extremely useful to legal professionals as well. We met an interesting group of companies and people and took part in very engaging discussions. While we would like to tell you about everything, we’ll have to limit ourselves. Here are our key takeaways from the SEP Scaleup Summit. Artificial Intelligence is definitely on the rise and it’s here to stay. Almost all industries can benefit from AI in some way and we’ll probably see more solutions in the near future. As a result, a lot of data is needed and is also key. Because of this, data is somehow becoming a currency. A race has started to see how smart and accurate your solution can become by using as large data sets as possible. This raises the question of the threats known as tech giants such as Google and Amazon. When a small company reaches 1 million data points, Google will have 1 trillion data points. Either finding your own niche or accessing large data sets is key. Furthermore, another hot topic – GDPR– will challenge AI and big data businesses in terms of compliance. With GDPR comes complex requirements on data protection – and companies will, inter alia, have to set routines for e.g. masking data, in order to carry out automated analyses of big sets of data. Loads of resources have already been – and will continue to be- invested in ensuring that development processes are in line with the new regulation. In conclusion – keep an eye open for news on AI, Big Data and GDPR compliance. CEO at Precisely. Legal visionairy with a nerdy interest in processes and tech. Passionate about making legal smooth and secure. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , li|AI/Machine Learning Blockchain Digital construction & Infrastructures Fintech Foodtech Insurtech h1|Closing Europe’s innovation gap h2|The SEP Scaleup Summit Future trends in AI/Machine Learning Our key takeaways from the SEP Scaleup Summit Categories h3|Takeaways From the SEP Scaleup Summit 2018 Where smart contracts live h5|Nils-Erik Jansson h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|March 27, 2018 Search for: em|Precisely was one of four Swedish businesses invited to represent the Swedish scaleup scene at the SEP Scaleup Summit Milano 2018. pa|Happy contracting! Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|7 Challenges of Contract Management – Contract Management 101 Learn more about the Precisely contract lifecycle management platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|March 11, 2019 For many businesses, recurring profits are directly linked to the well-oiled machine that we call effective contract management. But there are many things that can put a stick in the wheel. So, what are the major challenges of contract management? And how do you tackle or avoid them? Welcome to the second part of the Contract Management 101 series. In this post, we’ll share insights into some common challenges of contract management , as well as give some tips on how to work around them. If you’re new to contract management, don’t forget to check out our earlier post on . There are a few general challenges that, if handled incorrectly, can result in poor contract management. On the other hand, some are bound to be unique to your business. On your way towards becoming a contract champion, you’ll probably identify these on your own. With that said, here are seven questions you need to answer in order to handle some of the common challenges of contract management. First of all, a condition for entering any contract should be the creation of business value for your organization. While this may seem obvious, we’ve all entered one or two agreements that had a disappointing outcome. Most often this happens when the other party fails to live up to expectations or deliver on contractual obligations. The results can range from loss of revenue and missed opportunities to costly and time-consuming revocation of the contract, or even legal disputes. Without a strategic approach, identifying which agreements are, or are not, likely to create real value (and therefore which should or shouldn’t be entered into) can prove challenging. Modern contract management tools make it easier than ever to capture data around the value generated by certain deals (or types of deals). This data can be analyzed to provide key insights into the underlying factors driving the success of your business. Using these insights it is possible to shape (or tweak) business strategies, and establish objective, data-driven criteria to decide when and what agreements should be entered into. Do certain types of agreements often fail to create business value? Is a certain clause often disputed? Do agreements with parties of specific sizes or in specific industries prove to be more valuable than others? Answering questions such as these by analyzing contract data could help you determine whether a new agreement should be made, and which ones to prioritize or seek out. The next key challenge of contract management is one of the most important requirements for success — having the right human and technological resources in place. In terms of people, working with a great Contract Manager, Head of Sales or can obviously be incredibly valuable for tackling the challenges of contract management. Having the right competencies and skills in your team will help you identify and avoid issues unique to your business and industry. Furthermore, competent functions and leaders can help the rest of your organization understand the value of solid contract management processes. As well as facilitate and increase interdepartmental collaboration and business-wide self-service in contracting matters. I have always looked at my competencies before accepting any responsibility. – N. R. Narayana Murthy, Co-Founder of Infosys Even when you have the right people on board, it can be difficult to effectively allocate their time and attention on an individual contract level. In order to avoid inefficient and/or insufficient contract management, it’s important to have a clear idea of the types of contracts likely to arise during a particular project or in a particular business setting, and what resources will be required to manage them. The sooner this in place, the more efficient you and your team can be. For example, for standard, straightforward sales contracts, a sales representative may be able to create a new contract from a template set up by your legal counsel (or equivalent function). Whereas, for larger or more complex deals involving important clients or bigger sums, a contract might require input from multiple departments and a high degree of oversight from senior management, legal counsel, etc. Having a clear idea of what level of resources to allocate to different types of contracts is a fundamental aspect of effective contract management. Involving the right people from the beginning and streamlining procedures wherever possible will also help you build stronger relationships with your counterparts, making communication and collaboration easier. In addition to involving the right people, utilizing modern contract management software is critical for truly successful contracting. Redlined word processor templates, clunky filing cabinets and long paper trails are no longer an inevitable part of contract management. From automated drafting and streamlined approval workflows to a centralized, digital archive and smart monitoring — the right technology will make your life a lot easier. Modern contract management tools can be used to support and increase the efficiency of practically every contract-related action that you and your team undertake. Indeed, traditional contract management is more than likely negatively affecting your contract processes and lowering the overall value of your business. The third critical question for effective contract management is how to manage and control updates to templates and standardized language (known as “boilerplate” clauses). The actual language of this content will depend on the nature of your business and/or the specific context of the deal at hand. This is something which should be overseen by the legal team (or outside counsel). More than half of contracts created were based on the wrong template. — IACCM , 2018 Benchmark Study Ensuring that your entire organization uses the correct templates and appropriate boilerplate clauses is a significant challenge on its own. A recent study even showed that more than half of contracts created were based on the wrong template! A lack of compliance on this seemingly simple issue can result in major headaches later on — ask any lawyer who’s ever worked on contract management! The challenge becomes even greater when you take the inevitable need for this standardized language to be continuously updated into account. For example, as mentioned above, contract data can provide useful insights about which clauses create the most friction during your business negotiations. This may, in turn, warrant changes to a template or boilerplate clause. But, without a robust way to ensure this change is reflected across all new contracts involving similar deals, it’s impossible to reap the true benefits of the data you’ve collected. Luckily, digital solutions can help by providing means to control and coordinate updates to contract templates and standard clauses. This means that everyone in your organization will have immediate and ongoing access to only the most up to date version of any given contract template. And no one can make unauthorized amendments to approved content. Once a contract is drafted (either manually or using automation tools), having efficient workflows in place for review and approval is another typical challenge in contract management. Let’s be real — contracts are rarely the most riveting read. Moreover, responsibility for review and the routing of contracts in need of approval is often lacking determined standards. So, perhaps more so than other documents, draft contracts frequently get stuck in inboxes and at the bottom of to-do lists. The solution to this lies in setting routines and workflows — the more automated the better! If you’re using modern software that allows you to establish automated approval workflows , you’re off to a good start. This lets you automate the routing of contracts and shorten cycle times. Such tools can also let you set user-level roles and permissions, and enable automated notifications for contracts in need of review and approval. Because the approver can trust that draft contracts are created in complete compliance with approved and up-to-date templates, the ability to centrally manage and control these, also allows for shortened cycle times. This means that instead of reviewing the entirety of, for instance, a vendor agreement, the approver need only review the variable parts — such as the name, price per unit and volume of a product. Once a contract is approved internally, we arrive at the next challenge of contract management — execution. There are often multiple delays leading up to the actual execution of a contract. Even relatively straightforward deals can be held up by inefficient back and forth emailing, negotiations focused on endless redline amendments and unnecessarily drawn out signing procedures. For deals large and small, the actual challenge here is finding ways to minimize delays, eliminate downtime and ultimately shorten these processes for the benefit of all parties. A large factor in this challenge is the continued reliance on the outmoded practice of sending contracts for physical signing by traditional courier or postal services. Luckily, this inefficiency is probably the easiest to counter — using . Some of the benefits gained from using e-signing are: significant time savings, cost reductions, more secure signing processes. Using legally binding digital signatures is a big step towards digitization and lets you eliminate the need for printing, scanning and copying. So why continue to uphold a paper-and-ink regime? Both parties have reached agreement, and (e-)signed on the dotted line. So, then comes the hard part — ensuring that you and your team deliver on your contractual obligations and receive the expected benefits in return. It may seem obvious, but a prime example of poor contract management is not delivering on expectations or failing to monitor the other party for timely compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract. The first step to avoiding these issues is by bringing all relevant stakeholders to the table when agreeing upon the contractual terms. The ability to set user-level roles in digital contract approval process described above is a great way to streamline this internally. The next step is effective monitoring. Just stuffing signed contracts into archives is an almost guaranteed path to non-compliance. So, what needs to be put in place at your end to ensure that contractual obligations are met? Begin by determining what to monitor, such as different kinds of deliverables and their due dates. From there, decide who’s responsible for monitoring and how the monitoring itself is to be done. It’s also a good idea to think ahead about what actions need to be taken in the event of non-compliance. Non-digital repositories, or even on regular hard drives or cloud storage facilities, aren’t purpose-built for managing contracts and do not include crucial monitoring and compliance functionalities. So continuing to keep your contracts spread out in such locations increases the difficulty of monitoring and ensuring compliance. Luckily, there are plenty of modern contract management solutions that offer centralized and fully searchable archives for all of your contracts. Along with monitoring features for all parts of the contract lifecycle, such as automated reminders. Tools like these ensure that you’re always up to date on the status of all your contracts — including deadlines, renewals and other important information. The final and most important challenge of contract management is managing and keeping track of costs. Alarmingly, the IACCM (International Association for Contract & Commercial Management) has estimated that the average cost of processing a basic, low-risk contract for a large business is ! Broken down, this estimate includes the following allocation of time and resources: US$500 for 2.5 hours of legal time (assuming the use of in-house resources); US$2700 for around 18 hours of contract manager/procurement time; US$1800 for around 12 hours of operations, engineering, or project management time; US$300 for two hours with finance functions; US$1,000 for up to six hours with compliance/risk or regulatory functions; and US$600 for ‘other’ types of review or resources. These amounts are based on data collected by the IACCM from large companies and enterprises in North America and Europe with annual revenues of $1 billion or more. Even if your organisation is not this size, it’s highly likely that you are incurring unnecessarily high costs throughout the contracting process. But you can’t fix what you don’t measure, so keeping track of the costs incurred at different stages in your contracts lifecycles can help to reveal and alleviate inefficiencies. Another frequent friction point in many contractual relationships is delayed payments. For small or newly established businesses, on-time payments can be the difference between the venture’s success or failure. In other words, the real challenge lies in establishing routines and methods for cost accounting. Which can even be the primary task of the accounting department in some industries. Remember what we mentioned above about having the right resources? Many, if not all, of the contract management issues and challenges we’ve highlighted here can be tackled using digital solutions. Acquiring a modern contract management platform is a good first step towards increasing overall efficiency, since they’re designed to counter the inefficiencies of traditional procedures. With that said, it’s important to remember that people, processes and technology make up three equally important pillars of successful contract management. No contract management platform can compensate for a lack of good people and processes, and vice versa. As we flagged at the start, there are a lot of industry and business specific challenges as well. You can read more about how our platform, Precisely, can help with a wide range of industry and role specific challenges on our website. You might also consider performing an audit of your own contracting processes to identify friction points unique to you. We also recommend coming up with routines and procedures for handling challenges as soon as they emerge. This will make it easier to avoid inefficiencies, and in turn, unnecessary costs and risks. We hope that you gained some valuable insights from this second installment of our Contract Management 101 series. If you have any questions or would like to know a bit more about contract management, we’d be happy to help. We have the first-hand experience of handling contracts manually — so we know the pain involved and how using digital solutions can counter them. Don’t miss the third part of the series where switch focus to and provide some more tips for effective contract management. Search for: bo|The challenges of contract management 1. Do your contracts generate business value? 2. Do you have the right resources? 3. Are your templates and boilerplate clauses up to date? 4. Do you have set processes for review and approval? 5. How are contracts executed? 6. How do you ensure compliance? 7. Are you tracking contract costs? US$6,900 Other challenges of contract management pa|Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how Precisely can streamline your contract lifecycle. Happy contracting! Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , h2|Categories h3|Contract Management Best Practices – Contract Management 101 Learn more about the Precisely contract lifecycle management platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|April 8, 2019 There are a bunch of contract management best practices, tools and techniques out there. But how do you know what to prioritize when trying to incorporate them into the way your organization does business? Welcome back to the third part of our Contract Management 101 series. In this post, we’ll outline what’s generally considered to be best practice in contract management and, in doing so, help you on your way towards becoming a contract champion. If you haven’t already, take a look at the first post of the series to learn more about and how new technologies are changing the execution of it . As well as the second post if you want to dive into some typical and how to avoid them . Put simply, contract lifecycle management is the process of managing contracts to maximize performance throughout the whole lifecycle. To identify best practices, it’s helpful to break the lifecycle down into phases and consider how the challenges presented by each (discussed in detail in our last post) can be most effectively navigated. Before we start, it’s important to reflect on the context and overarching purpose of effective contract lifecycle management. For almost every organization this will be the same — to reduce costs and risks while remaining in control of their contracts. In general terms, key questions for determining if your contract management is successful are: Are both the business relationships and agreements being generated and entered into satisfactory to all parties involved? Does the value generated from the organization’s contractual relationships match or exceed the expected value? Are contracting and efficiencies being realized and/or inefficiencies being counteracted? With this in mind, it’s time to take a look at some of the practices which define the most effective contract management. A big part of building successful contract management strategies is establishing end-to-end control over. Which can be widely achieved by clearly defining roles and establishing routines, while utilizing automation. — Nils-Erik Jansson, CEO of Precisely One of the initial bottlenecks of traditional contract processes is contract creation. Traditional methods which are heavily reliant on manual copying and pasting and multiple read-throughs are simply incredibly time-consuming and very prone to human error. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of this first phase of the contract lifecycle is a big step towards building a best practice contract management framework. Many organizations have already come some way towards achieving greater efficiency in their contract creation by developing contract templates and/or standardized, pre-approved wording for clauses that are consistently included in their contracts — so-called “boilerplate” terms. But, just standardizing templates and clauses can only get you so far. The next step on the path to truly efficient contract creation is the centralized control of this content. As mentioned in our earlier post on the benefits of contract creation and drafting software , standardized contract templates are generally created in rich text editors such as Word. But text editors are made for just that—editing texts—and not for document assembly. At the core of the functionality of such programs is the ability for documents to be freely edited by anyone, resulting in a loss of control for the legal department (or other oversight function). Because of this, we highly recommend using software with a dedicated editor and an automated contract creation solution. For starters, this eliminates the risk-prone and repetitive copying and pasting when drafting a contract in a regular text editing software. For ease of use and simplicity when it comes to drafting, a questionnaire-based solution is hard to beat. Such solutions allow users to generate contracts by simply answering questions which correspond to the variable clauses, such as “What’s the name of the counterparty?” or “What’s the governing law?”. By simply entering or selecting the relevant response to such questions, the contract will be automatically drafted to reflect the details of the deal at hand. This way, team members (with or without legal expertise) can automatically create new contracts from templates as needed. Meanwhile, the business retains control over the content and can rely on the fact that all new contracts conform to the pre-approved wording every time. In addition to making the contract creation quicker, this level of control also lets you focus less on linguistics and reduces the need for multiple read-throughs. This, in turn, reduces the review time of each document since only the variable parts, such as clause inputs, will need to be reviewed. With this sort of standardization, you’re also able to re-use legacy contracts and existing templates more freely, without extensive editing. It’s clear that using a dedicated contract drafting and creation solution is among the most fundamental practices you can implement to improve and streamline your contract management procedures. After the contract is created, it’s time to review the terms before approving and, finally, executing to close the deal. However, each of these stages of the contract lifecycle can be unnecessarily time-consuming and, in the absence of clear workflows and responsibilities, can contain multiple bottlenecks. Which individuals are responsible for reviewing and approving a specific contract isn’t always clear as day. Often, it’s not just one person or department, but multiple stakeholders. As a best practice, we recommend clearly defining roles and routines for the approval of contracts. Start by determining who is/are responsible for approving certain contracts and establish a corresponding workflow. Then, you can use modern contract lifecycle management software to automatically route contracts to the right approvers and notify them of when there’s a contract in need of review and/or execution. If you’ve read the earlier posts in this series, you know how we feel about the old paper-and-ink regime when it comes to signing! Luckily, electronic signatures are fully legally binding in a majority of countries, and for a majority of contracts. Using an e-signing solution , which is included in many contract lifecycle management software solutions, can reduce the time to signature from weeks or days to hours or even minutes. E-signing of contracts is definitely a best practice for anyone doing business today — the cost and time savings are significant. Archiving is one of the fundamentals of contract management. It goes without saying that storing contracts scattered in binders, stuffed into filing cabinets or saved on a local hard drive is hardly best practice nowadays. Indeed, one of the most basic functionalities of contract management software is to provide a secure and centralized repository. This is obviously necessary for keeping your contracts safe from unauthorized external eyes. While best-in-class solutions also allow for customizable user permission levels for the sake of internal security. This functionality can be used to limit insights into specific projects or documents and determine who can perform edits to contracts, who are allowed to approve of them, and more. The most basic activity in the full contract management lifecycle is to store the contracts in an electronic and searchable way. – IACCM & Capgemini Automation Report The best solutions also offer the ability to search contracts based not only on the document’s name, but also based on full text and metadata tags (which can be used to define other important information or content relevant to the contract). This sort of extensive searchability makes it quick and easy to locate a specific contract, stakeholder or clause. In summary, the key elements of good contract storage are keeping your contracts protected, limiting user roles and insights, and having the means for quick and easy access through extensive searchability. Usually, the formation of a contract will give rise to several dates and deadlines, such as deliveries, renewals, renegotiations and terminations. Missing these crucial contract dates can have a directly damaging effect on your business and revenue. Yet, monitoring these can be quite a challenge on its own, especially as the number of agreements that your business enters increases. Luckily, there are digital and automation driven tools available and integrated into the best contract management solutions. Obviously, best practice dictates that you keep close tabs on any document-related deadlines and establish routines for taking timely action. One common trap for even the most diligent business are those contracts that don’t have any deadlines but are instead automatically renewed if not expressly terminated — so-called “evergreen” contracts. To avoid this, we recommend a solution that allows for smart reminders to be set for any event in the contract lifecycle. Using such tools, you can monitor your evergreen contracts particularly closely and review them periodically. If they’re not valuable to your business, they should be renegotiated or terminated to avoid unnecessary costs. The key takeaway is that you should continuously look for ways to maximize performance throughout the whole contract lifecycle. This can be done by analyzing your contract management process for inefficiencies or success factors, and evaluating the methods you’re using. From there, you’ll be able to identify and establish more best practices on your own. And so, the third part of our Contract Management 101 series has come to an end. We hope that you’ve gained some valuable insights on contract management best practices and the beneficial effects of using modern software in your processes. Search for: bo|Best practices of contract management Creation Approval and execution Storage and compliance Monitoring and renewal Successful contract management pa|To begin with, contract creation and drafting software have been around for many years. Also known as document automation, or document assembly, most solutions intend to accelerate contract creation speed – and minimize human errors in the drafting process. Nevertheless, traditional, outdated software solutions require extensive IT knowledge to set up and maintain the system. Some even require programming skills, or frequent local installations of updates, resulting in even more resources wasted than profits gained from implementing the solution. Consequently, in these situations, drafting a contract based on a Word-template could even be easier than using the system. Of apparent reasons, these hurdles and difficulties in relation to template maintenance have fundamentally decreased document automation project’s long-term viability and return on investment. Some even require programming skills, or frequent local installations of updates, resulting in even more resources wasted than profit gained from implementing the solution. As a general principle to apply when choosing contract creation and drafting software, let your least tech-savvy colleague’s participate in a training session with the software provider’s sales rep. Do they understand how to set up a template in the software after a couple of hours of training? Yes? Then you’re likely to have your winner. Furthermore, cloud-based solutions will overcome many obstacles relating to IT maintenance. All updates to your templates will typically be automatically distributed too, making it possible to ensure that the latest version always is in use. Gratefully, approximately 90 percent of the contract automation tools today are made available through the cloud, so you won’t have any trouble finding one ( – Automation Report, 2018). There are many things to take into account when choosing contract creation and drafting software. Different departments and roles have different drivers. The legal department prioritizes control and legal compliance, whereas sales will have ‘more deals done, quicker’ as the primary focus. From a change management perspective, you must always have these drivers in mind. In case you cannot fulfill each department’s drivers, you will experience resistance internally, and the system won’t be used to the extent you initially intended it to be used, which results in a limited ROI. To my knowledge, in relation to contract drafting and creation software, the best way of combining the legal department’s drivers with operational department’s equivalents is to implement solutions where the drafting is made through a dynamic questionnaire. In the end, this allows operational functions to draft compliant contracts superfast simply by answering a few questions. The questions correspond to rules decided by the legal department, which on beforehand can decide precisely what changes to the contract are allowed, meaning that they stay in control of the final versions of each contract. Consequently, legal can decentralize contract creation, but stay in control. Finally, it allows the legal department to put full focus on complex and strategically important legal work, rather than shuffling paper and reviewing recurring contracts. How does this work in practice? Since your template often needs customization to suit each individual case, many templates will include certain variables that change from contract to contract. This could, for instance, relate to details about your counterparty, what products that are sold, the employee’s salary, governing law or alternative clauses depending on if you want a seller or buyer-friendly version of the agreement. In turn, each variable will correspond to a question to be answered by the person who wants to draft the contract in each individual case (e.g. What is the registered company name of our counterparty?). Dynamic questionnaires allows for incredibly efficient and user-friendly contract creation The answer to the questions will populate all relevant fields in the template, and the most sophisticated solutions allow answers to activate or deactivate certain clauses based on preset conditions. For instance, different clauses will appear the applicable governing law. In the end, dynamic questionnaires allow for incredibly efficient and user-friendly contract creation, allowing anyone in your organization to create even the most complex contracts without errors even without legal knowledge. Thus allowing for both easy and safe creation of contracts while freeing up time for yourself and/or the legal department. Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , st|Dynamic questionnaire-based contract creation weden h1|The problems of traditional contract drafting and creation h2|An introduction to contract creation and drafting software Categories h3|Benefits of Contract Creation and Drafting Software Efficiency through automation — integrated systems Learn more about the Precisely contract automation platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|May 17, 2018 Drafting and creating contracts manually is inefficient, time-consuming and unreliable. This applies even though many businesses use digital tools such as Word or other text editing software to support the drafting process. Let’s take a deeper look at contract creation and drafting, and what you’re able to do with the help of and contract creation software. To ensure legal compliance, and accelerate drafting and contract creation, your legal department (or external legal advisor) has most likely created a set of templates to be used by different departments throughout your company. Generally, the templates are created in rich text editors, with Microsoft Word being the weapon of choice. Although Word is an excellent software for editing text, it’s not created for document assembly. Although Word is an excellent software for editing text, it’s not created for document assembly. Once the template is created and distributed to the different departments, its shortcomings become the most apparent. As the document can be edited freely by anyone (at least the free-text fields in case the document is locked for changes), the legal department lose control of the terms and thus can’t guarantee that the contract is finalized as intended, exposing the company to major legal risks. Furthermore, when you create a contract based on a template, you typically need to do quite a bit of copying and pasting to finalize the contract. Then, in order to make sure that everything is correct, you proofread the entire document one, two, three or maybe even more times. Because, well, just a minor contractual error can result in major, expensive damages to your business. Do we need to conclude that the process is unnecessarily time-consuming too? We’ve established that of producing templates and creating contracts based on those templates are wasteful and unreliable processes. But, more importantly, what differs when using a contract creation and drafting software? How do they work and what are the benefits of using one? Limitations of traditional document assembly & document automation software There are many more processes revolving around contract creation and contract drafting software than the actual production of contracts. In the best possible scenario, you will want to limit the number of software systems used. Especially since management across multiple systems will increase the complexity and, accordingly, decrease adoption of the system. To maximize ROI, look for contract drafting software that, as a bare minimum, offers , automated approvals and a sophisticated document repository. Furthermore, in order to ensure that the templates remain safe, correct and compliant, it’s essential that the system allows customization of end-user permissions to limit who gets to make changes to the contracts and who has access to each document. Happy contracting, Simon Search for: em|If you’re working within legal, compliance, deal making or procurement, chances are you’re putting an unnecessary amount of time and effort into contract drafting and contract creation. Dedicated contract creation and drafting software intends to tackle the ineffective traditional ways of executing these processes. pa|Welcome to Precisely’s Contract Management 101. In this contract lifecycle management series, we’ll take a closer look at what contract lifecycle management actually is, the features of available solutions and some, both general and specific, tips and tricks. All to help you on your way towards becoming a contract management champion. This is the first part of our series and we’ll begin by answering a commonly asked question: Many might think of just jamming contracts in a file cabinet when they hear the term but it does involve a few more important steps. To begin with, contracts come in all shapes and sizes, from simple standard agreements to comprehensive, resource demanding and legally complex ones. Contracts are the backbones of businesses, and can help forge profitability through long-term business relationships. At the same time, poor contract management can result in lost revenue because of a plethora of reasons. Such as missed renewal dates, early terminations or deficient collaboration. Contract management, or contract lifecycle management, is often described in words similar to the process of managing contracts to maximize performance, all the way from initiation to renewal or termination. This is, however, not a very elaborate answer. Times and technologies are changing, and thereby also the answer to what contract lifecycle management is. have been around for a long time and are, as of today, a combination of human interaction with machine functionalities. Contract management used to involve a lot of inefficient processes that were demanding on both man-hours and other resources, such as manual drafting, proofreading and inefficient approval processes. This traditional image is also one that is deeply set among many, even though technology and software have come a long way and evolved these processes. Therefore, it’s time to repaint the picture and bring justice to contemporary contract lifecycle management. Let’s begin by taking a look at the different phases of contract management from an operational and a transactional perspective, in which present contract lifecycle management software should, and can, offer support. The contract lifecycle can be categorized into two primary phases – the operational phase and the transactional phase – which are in turn subcategorized into processual steps. It is during the operational phase that mainly general, not contract specific, preparatory work is done. A big part of the operational phase relates to establishing routines, all in order to streamline your contract management process and provide you with the best conditions possible for entering the transactional phase. When routines and other frameworks have been established, it’s time to move on to the transactional phase. This is the contract specific phase, meaning that a vast majority of agreements that you transact goes (or at least should go) through it. It’s the circle of (a contract’s) life! According to us, there isn’t a descriptive enough one-line answer to “ “. Not least since contract lifecycle management can be described as the process of maximizing performance in of the steps of the operational and transactional phases. But now that we’ve established what the contract management process can look like in theory, it’s time to ask an important question in light of the latest decade’s technology improvements – ? Modern technology, such as cloud-based searchable storages and libraries, eliminate the need to dig through file cabinets. Thus making it possible to find exactly the contract or template you’re looking for in the blink of an eye. Perhaps more importantly, best-in-class cloud-based contract lifecycle management systems always ensure that the latest version of a specific template is at hand. As a bare minimum, certain fields in the template needs to be filled in — and often the same information is entered in multiple parts of the contract. Contract management software can not only streamline the contract authoring with the help of automation but also make it possible for anyone to create compliant contracts in a matter of minutes, even without legal expertise. For instance, using intelligent templates and questionnaire-based drafting. If you’d like to learn more about contract creation and drafting software, to read more about the functionalities and benefits of such solutions. Contract lifecycle management solutions streamline the approval process with the use of automated and customizable approval workflows. Typically, this means that each relevant stakeholder is notified automatically once the contract is ready for approval. Likewise, the person requesting the approval will automatically receive a notification when the contract has been approved. Depending on the nature of the contract, it may often be negotiated. Traditional negotiation practices often involve sending a red-lined Word document back and forth, which results in a lack of a clear overview of all changes from the first draft. Instead, modern contract management solutions enable you to carry out the negotiations in the contract management application. You will get a complete audit trail and version control covering all changes that have been made since the first draft. What is contract lifecycle management? “Contract Management consists of all the various tasks and activities that enable an organization to maximize the value of its recorded relationships.” – In the traditional way, this means sending the contract for signing by postal service or courier, which quickly turns into a long waiting period. Especially if the receiver isn’t located in the same city or even country. Modern contract management technology reduces this process from weeks to days or even hours using legally binding e-signatures. While helping businesses take a big digitization step by stop using paper. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Or in this case, two contracting inefficiencies in one feature. These solutions do organize the contracts to some extent but a regular lack of searchability and reportability still makes it hard to locate and analyze them. As you may have heard before, it is estimated that ten(!) percent of all signed contracts in a company have completely disappeared (Faulkner Information Services). Dedicated contract management platforms offer a central and full-text searchable repository, with the ability to set up different user access levels and permission settings on documents and folders. Thus allowing for authorized staff to instantly locate, search for and report on contracts and their performance. From anywhere, at any time. Many of these actions pass by unnoticed due to a lack of monitoring procedures (or that the contract is lost in space). Tracking and following up on a contract is complex and resource demanding. Nevertheless, missing e.g. a renewal or termination, or to follow up on each party’s rights and obligation, exposes your company to major legal risks and can severely reduce profits. Utilizing modern monitoring and alerts functionalities make sure that any upcoming follow-up actions, renewals or terminations are surfaced before it’s too late. Although this might work on a short term, I highly recommend a more centralized approach where all reminders and upcoming alerts are kept in one place. The reasons are many. So, what is contract lifecycle management? We’re still going to describe it as the process of managing contracts to maximize performance throughout. As you can tell, however, the presence or absence of modern contract management solutions reshape the contract lifecycle process. And makes for a lot more elaborate answer to what contract lifecycle management is. Hopefully, we’ve managed to provide you with new insights and bring some justice to contemporary contract management. Don’t miss of Precisely’s Contract Management 101 series, where we get into the challenges of contract management and how to tackle them. Happy contracting! Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , , li|—the first part of the operational phase mainly involves specifying authorities and responsibilities for everyone involved in the contract management process. For areas such as overseeing development, defining the contract and document-related responsibilities and deciding other authorities and roles. – second is the development step, which is a heavy one production wise. This is where standard terms and clauses, templates and boilerplate (standardized language) are determined, along with procedures for utilizing them. – monitoring is a crucial part of the contract lifecycle. Performing research of different sorts, such as mapping recurring issues in the contracting process, allows for suggestions for, and nurtures, improvements. – implementing policies, having (and correctly using) the right tools as well as providing training in the tools for those operating the processes is, of course, crucial for quality consistent contract management. – the last step of the operational phase is the analysis — defining your metrics and KPIs, all in order to ensure that contracts are performing properly and that your goals are met. Define and regularly report on any data that can directly provide you with these indications. – the first part of the transactional phase relates to evaluating whether or not an agreement should be initiated at all. Identify a suitable contract model, or review the counterparty’s proposed terms and conditions. If the counterparty is the proposing side, the transactional phase jumps to the “negotiate” step. – now, it’s time to involve all of the concerned internal stakeholders for review. Have them evaluate and approve or disapprove non-standards and correlating factors, such as necessary resources and related contracts. Important to mention, however, is that approval can be a recurring step of the transactional phase. – if all pieces come together, it’s time to push the go button. In other words, creating the required contracts with the use of templates, or by drafting completely new contracts. – after a contract has been assembled, depending on how your team is structured, it’s common practice to review it before moving on to negotiations. – handing over a finished draft to your counterparties usually sheds some light on disagreements. Such as strategy, fallbacks and trade-offs. This is where you’ll attempt to redraft and concord, or in worst case, terminate the negotiations. – once the agreement has been negotiated and all terms are agreed between the parties, it’s time to execute, or in other words the contracts. – how are your contracts performing? This step involves handling complaints, disputes, and changes, as well as recordings of these. This naturally also involves storing your contracts, which preferably should be done in a clearly defined and central repository. – if not evergreen ones, contracts will eventually reach an expiration date. With previously mentioned procedures for measuring performance data in hand, it’s time to make a decision of termination or renewal. And the contract lifecycle recommences. The contract lifecycle begins as soon as a request for a contract is made. Functions in charge of contracts, e.g. the t, begins to look for re-usable legacy contracts and/or templates. This is also where the first bottleneck can occur in case contracts are not easily located. Next up, it’s time for an unnecessarily time-consuming step – drafting the contracts. Even if legacy contracts or templates are available and found, chances are they’re in need of editing, proof-reading and possibly more editing before they can be re-used. After finalizing the first draft of the contract, there’s often a need for e.g. upper management or the legal function, to approve it. Without clearly defined responsibilities and workflows, the approval process often becomes long drawn. The next step in the process towards answering “what is contract lifecycle management?” is the execution of the contract. After the contract has been executed and signed, it’s time to store and monitor it. More or less common solutions are filing cabinets, local storages on hard drives and cloud storages. While the contract has been executed and put in a repository, the contract lifecycle doesn’t end here. You will often need to follow up on each party’s rights and obligations, as well as when the contract needs to be terminated, renegotiated or renewed. st|Specify Develop Nurture Educate Measure Assess Approve Assemble (Approve) Negotiate Execute Manage Evaluate what is contract lifecycle management? all how has software improved the different stages of the contract lifecycle Initiation Creation Approval (and perhaps, negotiation) Rajini Saudranrajan, Iris Corporation Ltd. Execution Storing Monitoring weden h1|What is contract lifecycle management? Contract lifecycle management phases h2|The operational phase The transactional phase What is contract lifecycle management? Answering “what is contract lifecycle management?” Categories h3|What Is Contract Lifecycle Management? Contract Management 101 Learn more about the Precisely contract lifecycle management platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|July 18, 2018 Search for: em|What is contract lifecycle management, and how do you manage contracts efficiently? The answer to this question, in terms of execution, has remained more or less the same for quite some time. However, technological improvements over the past few years have begun to offer drastic changes to the methods and tools by which we do it. The focus of this article is on a modern take on how to manage contracts effectively, if you wish to learn more about why traditional contract management is inefficient. PS. I’ve seen monitoring efforts of all kinds and forms. Often, the follow-up actions are set up in a private calendar or remote spreadsheet by the person in charge of taking the action. For instance, increased efficiency (e.g. by allowing team members to seamlessly assign alerts to others within the contract management platform) and risk diversification (e.g. not losing track of the upcoming actions whenever an individual leaves the company). pa|First of all, it’s almost impossible to get an overview of all contracts and their content in a company without digital means. Their statuses, value and even start and end date. It’s estimated that ten percent (!) of all signed contracts in a company have completely disappeared (Faulkner Information Services). They’re gone. ten percent (!) of all signed contracts in a company have completely disappeared Not rocket science: it can be costly to miss when a contract is about to expire or to be automatically renewed. Where do you have your contracts today? In a binder? In your email inbox? Somewhere in the cloud? Scattered all over? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Moreover, contracts often take long time to draft — even for me as a lawyer. When recreating a contract from a template (i.e. copy-pasting and editing), the contract needs to be read through from start to finish. I hardly need to say that this process is unnecessarily inefficient. If a company has several people involved in the contracting process, it takes even more time. And often implies a loss of control — not least when the number of employees handling contracts increase. Hey, what if something was cut out or deleted by accident? Believe me, I have been in court to dispute contracts where this the actual case. When the drafting is done, another process is initiated. Signing. Traditionally, the contract is printed and manually signed. Unfortunately, the signees might not be in the same room, town or even country. This means that postal services (or couriers) are needed to circulate the contract. More time spent, less deals done. It is not for legal reasons (a digital signature is basically as binding as a physical one). So why uphold a paper-and-ink regime? That’s why we’ve developed Precisely. Precisely is a cloud-based contract management platform for smarter contracting. We offer a digital touchpoint for all your contract-related matters; from and to digital archiving and smart reminders — in one place. What if you could take advantage of all business intelligence in your contracts in order to take better and more informed decisions? . Getting rid of paper in exchange for structured contract data comes with a ton of new opportunities — many of which we can’t even comprehend yet. What if you could take advantage of all business intelligence in your contracts in order to take better and more informed decisions? We’re moving towards a future with less administration and more time for (smart) business. Happy contracting, Nils-Erik CEO at Precisely. Legal visionairy with a nerdy interest in processes and tech. Passionate about making legal smooth and secure. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in st|But believe me, we’re just getting started weden h1|Traditional contract management is inefficient h2|Categories h3|Why Traditional Contract Management Is Inefficient Learn more about the Precisely contract management platform Where smart contracts live h5|Nils-Erik Jansson h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|June 29, 2016 After several years as a legal advisor, I’ve realized that entrepreneurs, CEOs and other business persons find contract management tiresome. Many contract related matters are seen as bumps in the road in the way of doing business (except when closing customers, of course). Quite frankly, I understand them. The state of traditional contract management makes it an inefficient business process. Here are some reasons why. Companies lack an overview of their contracts Traditional contract ing increases costs and decreases control Towards modern contract management Search for: em|Printing, signing and scanning are standards in traditional contract management processes. The inefficiency of current methods makes contract management tiring and lowers the overall value of many businesses. pa|Today is a big day in Sweden. As the Swedish parliament decided to adopt a new regulation regarding employee stock option programs, Swedish startups have finally received a simplified way of incentivizing key individuals. This is a major breakthrough and will have a great impact on Swedish startups’ ability to stay competitive, globally. The decision is very close to our hearts. Not only since Team Precisely loves to make life easier for entrepreneurs and is passionate about simplifying the legal landscape, but also since our CEO Nils-Erik Jansson was instrumental in pushing through the decision. Partially in the capacity of one of the referral bodies considering the proposed legislation, which chose to support the proposal to ensure that a startup-friendly decision was made. He also initiated the , where this particular issue was one of the top priorities and forced policymakers to accelerate the lawmaking. #startupsftw See also: (in Swedish). Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , h1|New employee stock option regulation h2|Categories h3|Long Live Swedish Startups Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|November 23, 2017 Search for: pa|CEO at Precisely. Legal visionairy with a nerdy interest in processes and tech. Passionate about making legal smooth and secure. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , , , h2|Categories h3|Document Assembly + Contract Management System Synergy Learn more about the Precisely platform Where smart contracts live h5|Nils-Erik Jansson h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|September 2, 2019 Document assembly solutions and contract management systems are both innovative and efficient solutions on their own. But when combined, they provide some of the most sophisticated and holistic contracting platforms available. The definition of “synergy” is a combined effect that is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergistic effects are all around us; from honey bees gathering nectar and, in the process, pollinating flowers, to humans forming networked societies to create better living conditions. In a similar way, a document assembly (also known as contract/document automation) solution and a system can come together to create a positive effect far greater than that of their separate functionalities. It’s important to understand the difference between document assembly solutions and contract management systems — a distinction which is covered in greater detail below. But at the outset, it must be noted that many contract management systems of today include document assembly solutions. But this is not a given. In this blog post, we’ll dissect the ways in which these two separate features are so mutually reinforcing and why you should choose a solution that integrates both. Document assembly & contract management systems A good document assembly solution is one that takes raw contract data and, using digital tools, creates a document/contract which meets the users needs with a high level of efficiency, compliance and consistency. This replaces the highly manual and error-prone process of a person (sometimes, but not always, a lawyer) drafting a bespoke contract from scratch or, as is more often the case, compiling a contract by copying, pasting and editing an assortment of templates and/or boilerplate clauses. Contract creation — old vs. new In commercial transactions, so-called “traditional” contract creation has historically been carried out with the use of pre-approved templates that have been developed and approved by the organization’s legal functions. The person creating the contract would access and amend the template in a text editor such as Word, potentially with the addition of fit-for-purpose extensions. Of course, the use of such templates is less risky than simply allowing people with little or no legal background to produce contracts from scratch. But, there is absolutely no guarantee or control mechanism to ensure that the final product will be a compliant contract. For example, when drafting in this way, one tends to rely on extensive copying and pasting of terms and clauses. So, what if something was accidentally deleted or unintentionally left out? Or, what if a non-lawyer simply deletes critical limitation of liability clause without understanding the importance of including this type of safeguard in a commercial contract? Even if the template used in this traditional contract creation method is, in fact, the latest and up-to-date version (and version control is a whole other challenge), you can see why this is both highly inefficient and prone to human error. So, you might be thinking, there has to be a better way of drafting — one that doesn’t involve a tug of war between the legal team with other departments for control over contracts. You’re right. And it was on these premises that document assembly solutions first saw the light of day. How does document assembly work? Simply put, the most common approach to document assembly involves a user answering questions about key contractual terms. The answers then form the basis of an automatically generated contract. There are a few different approaches, but the most common one is questionnaire-based drafting. Simply put, the most common approach to document assembly involves a user answering questions about key contractual terms. The answers then form the basis of an automatically generated contract. In essence, automated document assembly provides a very low-maintenance solution to low-risk, decentralized contract creation. The basis of the automated contract is the legal function’s latest, up-to-date and compliant template. So there is no room for mistakes, oversights or unapproved amendments during the drafting process. Rather, in a one-time setup, questions are created on the variable parts of the contract, such as names, dates and governing law. The user is then asked these questions when running the template through the automated drafting process. Today’s more advanced document assembly solutions even allow conditional text. In practice, this means that certain clauses are included or excluded depending on the input from the user. For instance, if the user selects mediation as the preferred dispute resolution process, a block of text outlining how the mediation is to be carried out would automatically be included. Similarly, the user could be asked to choose between a selection of clauses with varying levels of restrictiveness or favorability for one party or another. Then, only the selected clause would be included in the final agreement. The benefits of automation If you aren’t currently taking an automated approach to contract drafting, you’re probably aching to find out how such a solution could be implemented in your organization. But, if you need to convince someone before jumping on the automation train (a CxO or the IT department, for instance), here are a few quick benefits of contract automation that should pique their interest: Creating a contract using a document assembly solution only takes a minute or two. Anyone, even without a legal background, is able to create risk-free contracts. Everyone will be able to produce compliant contracts in a consistent manner. No. More. Extensive. Proofreading. Hallelujah! Last but definitely not least, document assembly allows for templates to be centrally managed to ensure that everyone is always using the latest version — completely removing frustrating and tedious version control issues. A common example of how document assembly helps organizations become more efficient is by reducing the friction between legal and sales teams. There is an inherent tension between the objectives of these two teams. On the one hand, salespeople are driven by closing more deals as fast as possible. While the legal team is focused on minimizing risk and legal exposure to the business. The former can often lead to unauthorized amendments and faulty contracts, causing severe headaches for the latter. By using a document assembly solution, the salespeople are able to generate agreements in a minute or two, while the company’s legal functions can focus on high-level tasks that are of strategic and complex nature, instead of micromanaging outgoing contracts. To put the benefits into further context, another example can be found in the commercial banking sector. This is a highly regulated industry where document accuracy is crucial. Contractual mistakes can be devastating, often leading to both fines and reputational damage. By using a document assembly solution and thereby minimizing human involvement in contracting processes, banks are able to minimize risk and focus on delivering their services cheaper, better and faster. The contract management system Contract management is about managing contracts so as to maximize their value, all while reducing financial risk. This can be incredibly time-consuming and tedious but is important for maximizing operational and financial performance at an organization. This is where a contract management system comes into play. Managing contracts is nothing new and neither are the systems. In fact, if being used to manage contracts, regular cloud storages or even filing cabinets could be referred to as “contract management systems” — albeit extremely rudimentary ones! What is, however, fairly new and ever-evolving are the automated capacities of today’s digital, dedicated and purpose-built contract management systems. For instance, such systems can offer end-user permission levels combined with automated approval workflows. This sort of functionality doesn’t just control who can make edits to contract terms and clauses but also ensures that the contract is approved by an authorized member of your organization before it’s issued. Permission levels and access control tools can also ensure that your most important and sensitive documents can only be accessed by certain members of your organization, such as the C-suite, heads of departments or middle management. Furthermore, a sophisticated contract management system can also include automated notification features. By automating notifications, you can rest assured that important events such as expiration and renewal dates never pass unnoticed. The divide Returning to the topic of this article, many, but far from all, contract management systems of today include document assembly solutions. Solutions can be divided into two categories — point solutions and platforms. The point solutions address one or a pair of very closely related and very specific areas of contracting, such as document assembly, monitoring or even simply archiving. On the other hand, software platforms include features that address multiple parts of the contract lifecycle. For instance, document assembly, control tools, e-signing, archiving and monitoring. When all of these functionalities are combined, it’s called a contract lifecycle management platform — a platform for successfully managing contracts all the way from request to renewal or termination. It may be tempting to choose a point solution that will solve the most crucial pain points of your contracting processes. To begin with, a point solution may appear to be far cheaper than a platform. However, there are a few factors that will probably make you lean towards a platform instead. It’s particularly important to be aware that having multiple single-task point solutions can rack up a hefty fee quite quickly — especially if the licenses are user-based and you need to expand your contracting headcount. Often, a platform will be the cheaper option in the long run. Second, usability could become an issue if you aren’t extremely thorough in your procurement process. Keep in mind that all of these point solutions will probably need to integrate with each other to provide a holistic and well-working system. If the point solutions don’t offer out-of-the-box integrations with one another, customized integration could leave you with a hefty development bill. Finally, if your system consists of a handful of separate but integrated point solutions systems, support can become messy. Diagnosing, identifying and connecting the source of the error can become a difficult and often drawn-out process — and valuable time that could be spent on contract success is instead spent trying to get a hold of multiple support teams. Wrapping up — 1+1=3 The benefits of combining a document assembly solution and a contract management system into one platform are many. In addition to the logistical issues which can be avoided, platforms inherently create significant synergies, leading to a result much more impactful than the functionality offered by the two solutions in isolation. An end-to-end platform solution which incorporates by document creation and contact management can allow anyone to easily produce a compliant contract by simply answering a few questions. Then, the document can be routed to an authorized approver through an automated approval workflow. When the contract has been created, approved and signed, platforms with sophisticated contract management capabilities can even allow for automated archiving. This means that the signed document is automatically archived in the correct place in the digital archive right away and is easily accessible by everyone with authority to view it. Other benefits of using an advanced contracting platform include extensive metadata functions. Metadata points, such as a documents expiry date, can automatically be generated when producing the contract through the platform’s document assembly feature. This means that the documents expiry date is automatically tracked in the contract management part of the platform without any additional effort or input from the end-user. If you’d like to know more about how a document assembly solution, contract management system or contract lifecycle management platform work, don’t hesitate to contact us! We have the first-hand experience of handling contracts back in the dark ages when text editors and manual file management were the only tools available — which is why we built Precisely! If you’d like to know more about Precisely, go ahead and book a demo or sign up for a 14-day free trial. Happy contracting! Search for: pa|CEO at Precisely. Legal visionairy with a nerdy interest in processes and tech. Passionate about making legal smooth and secure. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Nils-Erik Jansson in , , st|Targeted Stakeholder Action Points: Identify who has the authority to approve investment in the solution you propose Figure out what’s important to the specific decision maker(s) you need to convince Build your case based on these priorities Required Investment Action Points: Find out and clearly state the financial resources required to implement your proposed solution In addition to the budget allocation, state the (non-financial) organizational resources required and exactly who will bear them Include details of what successful implementation will look like — both short and long term. Financial Benefits Action Points: Crunch the numbers Include detailed figures showing how and when the ROI will justify the costs Make this as specific to your organization as possible Tailor the data you include (and how you present it) to the priorities of the decision maker Non-Financial Benefits Action Points: Highlight the non-financial benefits of your proposed solution Like the financials, tailor the ones you highlight to the specific nature of your organization and the priorities of the decision maker Adoption Strategy Action Points: Choose a solution that’s straightforward for your organization to implement and easy for your team to adopt Check the level and type of support offered by your chosen provider and ensure there are no hidden costs Specifically, cover ease of adoption and integration in your business case Implementation Plan Action Points: Finish your business case with a clear action plan for implementation Identify who will be responsible for the setup, who will be the lead users and how the wider rollout will proceed Give yourself a high-five! weden h2|Categories h3|Building a Business Case For Contract Management Software Solutions Learn more about the Precisely platform Where smart contracts live h5|Nils-Erik Jansson h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|May 6, 2019 Building a business case for contract management solutions can be a daunting task. In this post, we’ll set out a practical guide to communicating the benefits of contract management software to your internal stakeholders. By following these steps, we’re confident that you’ll have approval faster than you can say “no-brainer”. If you’re reading this, you probably know the basic principles of contract lifecycle management . You’re probably also across the benefits of contract management and how a modern software solution can help you and your team work more efficiently, decrease costs, reduce risks and remove many of the headaches of traditional contracting . If you’re a budding contract champion, you’ll know all about how automated contract creation and drafting solutions and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the way many companies manage their contracting processes for the better. Now, let’s take a look at how to compile your extensive knowledge into a solid business case. Despite all of the benefits of modern contract management software, there will still be someone in your organization that needs convincing and it’s your job to build the business case. To do this, we suggest working through the key questions the decision maker/s in your organization are likely to have. Once you’ve done this, you’ll have a robust contract management system business case that’s simply too compelling to turn down. To be frank, outside the legal department, many people feel that contracts are just a cumbersome layer of red tape which just get in the way of doing business and creating real value. Most may not have given any thought to how to manage contracts or why this even matters. A good place to start is by reframing the very notion of contracts as a record of the relationships that drive a business forward. And contract management strategy as a means of cultivating of these relationships and the value they represent. Contracts ‘set the tone for the relationship’, especially in more strategically important interactions. — Tim Cummins , President of the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM) It’s also a good time to flag that not caring about contract management can also significantly impact the bottom line. Indeed, a study by the IACCM found that organizations stand to lose approximately 9.2% of annual revenue by having weak contract management practices. From a basic understanding of contracts as a key business asset, you can tailor your message about why your organization needs to invest in improving contract management processes based on the specific values of the decision maker you’re aiming to convince. It goes without saying that pitching a contract management solution to your CFO will call for a robust focus on ROI. While seeking approval for implementation of the same solution from your GC will benefit from a greater emphasis on time-saving benefits and control over templates and approval processes. The CEO will likely be motivated by all of these factors, but also find particular appeal in the opportunity to increase interdepartmental collaboration and gain a clear overview of all of the business’ contractual relationships. When building your business case it’s important to know who you’re looking to convince and tailor your approach accordingly. Once you’ve established which decision maker(s) you’re targeting, the next step is to outline exactly what you’re asking for. Most often this will be the allocation of budget for a new contract management solution. But it will also typically include buy-in from relevant departments or team members to adopt the new solution and change existing contract management processes. We recommend setting out the required investment in full and with as much clarity as possible, including details about: The total spend for the relevant budget period (month, quarter and/or year) — for example: [Company] will buy [contract management system] on a subscription basis for an initial period of [period] at a cost of [$$$] per month/quarter/year. How the new solution will be implemented — for example: With the support of [Provider]’s contract conversion service, we will transform our existing templates for frequently used contracts, for use with the new system. It will then be deployed to replace [A], [B] and [C] legacy systems. Who will be the first users — for example: The initial deployment will cover [#] users in [first team/user group]. What successful implementation will look like (making sure this is both realistic and measurable) — for example: If the initial deployment is successful — i.e. all [#] users using the system to generate [#] contracts each within the first three months — we will expand implementation to [#] users in [second team/user group]. What will happen after the first implementation period, if successful: If the solution is successful at the end of [Period 1] — i.e. all users are routinely using the solution and provide positive feedback on their experience — we will extend our subscription for an additional [period] and roll it out to additional users/departments. As with any commercial decision, it’s important to make the measurable, financial benefits of your proposal clear. After clearly presenting the required investment, you need to show how and when the return on investment (ROI) will justify the costs. It has been estimated that inefficient contracting causes firms to lose between 5% to 40% of value on a given deal, depending on circumstances. — Harvard Business Review The specific value levers and metrics to determine the ROI will vary depending on the nature of your business. But, generally speaking, the ROI delivered by a modern contract management solution can be broken into two categories: Cost savings Increased revenues You’ll need to crunch the numbers on the cost of your organization’s current contracting procedures across each stage of the contract lifecycle. To give some perspective, a study by the IACCM estimated that the average cost of processing a basic, low-risk contract for a large business is US$6,900, including over 40 hours of time involving various in-house personnel. Collecting similar data on your organization’s current contract processes—including the people involved and the time they spend—can help build a very compelling case for the cost savings that will be realized via a contract management software solution. In terms of increased revenue, we suggest gathering and presenting data on how a contract management solution will enable your business to: Create and get contracts out faster Spend less time on contract negotiations and close deals faster Facilitate inter-party collaboration and result in more contracts being signed Monitor deadlines so that appropriate action can be taken to renew favourable contracts and renegotiate or terminate those which do not create value. The data which you decide to collect and present will depend on the nature of your contract management business requirements and which numbers are most appropriate and compelling for your audience. We all know that money talks, but sometimes it doesn’t say it all. This is true in the context of contract management solutions. So it’s highly relevant to include the non-financial benefits of your chosen contract management solution in your business case too. Here are some we think are definitely worth mentioning: Increased control over contract templates and standardized wording — reduces legal risk and eliminates tedious version control issues Improved collaboration — internally and with counterparts, resulting in improved relationships between internal teams/colleagues and with external business partners Improved firm image — using a modern contract management solution communicates that you’re a modern company, this is especially relevant for employer branding Improved organizational intelligence — accessibility of all contracts stored in a purpose-built centralized repository Access to digital transaction trails with quick, easy and legally binding e-signing Greater ability to remain data protection compliant Increased ability to capture data from contracts — allowing the business to take advantage of best practice for contract analytics and reporting Increased employee satisfaction — automating monotonous administrative tasks allows the business team to focus on what really matters to them In this day and age, countless providers pitch technologies to help companies optimize all manner of processes and workflows. So it’s understandable that decision makers bring a healthy dose of skepticism to these tools and whether people will actually adopt the new solution you’re proposing. Adoption is obviously key to realizing the financial and non-financial benefits outlined above. So you’ll need to cover it separately and explicitly in your business case. There are two parts to this. First, when choosing contract management software, it’s critical to find a solution that’s straightforward and easy to adopt — particularly by team members with no legal and/or IT expertise. At a minimum, you’ll need a plug and play solution that requires no programming for set-up and has an intuitive user interface. For greater ease of adoption, look for an option that includes self-serve functionality, such as questionnaire-based drafting. (This will allow everyone and anyone on your team to create compliant and consistent contracts regardless of background or expertise.) Second, make sure your chosen solution includes accessible and holistic support — especially during the initial set up and template conversion process. Some contract management solutions on the market have additional costs for setup, user training and/or template conversion. Watch out for these when scoping out your options and make sure that all relevant costs are included in, and justified by, your business case. Once you’ve built your case and gotten the tick of approval, it’s important to have a clear vision for the next steps to implement and roll out your chosen solution. Of course, a good contract management solution will support you to get started . But it’s important to think about practical issues such as: Who will be the lead user and go through the process of setting up the new system? Which teams and users will be the first to use the system? How will users be transitioned away from existing contract management processes and onto the new system? This will show that you’ve considered how the new solution will impact the business and also help stakeholders make the most of the amazing new resource you’ve just secured for them (high-five!). A recent study by Clyde & Co, found that the top reason for the lack of adoption of legal tech at the companies surveyed was “difficulty in getting budget” — not that the budget did not exist, but that the teams seeking the investment struggled to build a business case to open the purse strings at a leadership level. We hope that this post will help you overcome this by communicating the wealth of benefits contract management software can bring your organization. In the eyes of General Counsel by far the biggest barrier is not a lack of appropriate technology but difficulty in securing budget. — Clyde & Co If you have any questions or would like to know more about contract automation and management, we’re here to help. We have the first-hand experience of handling contracts without an automated contract management platform — which is exactly why we built Precisely! If you want more information about the specific features and benefits of Precisely, we’ve broken these down by department, industry and role on our website. If you’d like to give Precisely a try, please go ahead book a demo below or take advantage of the 14 day free trial (no credit card required!). Happy contracting! Search for: bo|The business case for contract management software — convincing the stakeholders . Now what? Wrapping up em|, yes pa|The Nordic legal technology community is booming and for the second consecutive year, and announce the winner of the Legal Innovator of the Year award. This year, we are happy to find Precisely’s CEO Nils-Erik Jansson as the winner of the individual price for his innovative contributions to the legal profession, community, and technology. Nils-Erik comments the award: I am incredibly proud and grateful for the support from the community. This is especially an important proof that our work in Precisely truly delivers value and that we are moving in the right direction. This award triggers the whole team to continue presenting cutting-edge solutions for our customer’s everyday problems. See also: (in Swedish). Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , h1|Legal Innovator of the Year 2017 h2|Categories h3|Precisely’s CEO Wins Prestigious Legal Innovation Award Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|September 22, 2017 Search for: pa|Dealing with contracts is part of running any kind of business. Companies often have some form of contract management process. However, it’s not unusual that the process for handling contracts is inefficient. Actually, companies lose approximately 9.2% of their annual revenue by having weak practices for managing contracts (IACCM – ‘ROI of Contract Management’). The lack of an efficient process implies losses in form of missed cost reductions as well as lost business opportunities. In the following, I will present Contract creation takes a lot of time — even for the ones who draft the same type of contract over and over again. Although the same contract is used recurrently, one starts off by copy-pasting a little and finishes the creation process by reading through the contract every time to make sure that nothing undesirable has changed. In other words, a quality assuring process is carried out before many deals or hiring of new staff — even if the contract has been reviewed and proofread once. This is unnecessarily time-consuming. Get a quality-assured contract in just a matter of minutes simply by answering a few questions The solution? Contract templates! When it comes to recurring contracts, such as purchase agreements or employment agreements, only certain parts change from contract to contract. Price, salary, notice period, contract parties and maybe purchase object. By protecting the template from changes to other parts than the varying ones, you can eliminate the need to thoroughly review the contract after every draft. Not only will you save a significant amount of time by using templates, your team’s understanding of your contractual obligations will increase and contract negotiations will become more efficient. With contract management software, the . Get a quality-assured contract in just a matter of minutes simply by answering a few questions. Time is money. Kind of a cliché, yet true and important to have in mind. I’ve seen many companies losing time and money by dragging on approvals. Basically, the reality often looks like this: the contract is created, negotiated and ready to sign. But before signing the contract, it must be approved by upper management (such as the company’s CEO). As a matter of fact, it’s not the contract creation or actual signing that wastes most time. It’s the time between creation and approval! The contract is held up — and as a consequence, the business opportunity might get lost. It’s not the contract creation or actual signing that wastes most time. It’s the time between creation and approval! When you’ve created templates for your recurring contracts, it will be easy to streamline processes for approvals. Basically, the authorized employee(s) only needs to proofread certain parts of the agreement. You can take the process to the next level by creating a workflow that automatically alerts the authorized person(s) when the contract is ready for approval. I’ve seen companies doing this in a very successful way by using . Simply move the card representing the contract between the boards. Once the contract has been created and approved, the signing process is initiated. Manual signing wastes time — a lot of time. The paper needs to be managed, indexed and archived. Manual signatures also increase the time to signing. Think about it. Not only does one need to print the document (which of course isn’t good for the environment). The signees might not even be in the same room, town or even country. This is of course especially painful when a handful of signees need to put their name on the contract. More time is spent, fewer deals are done. Manual signatures increase the time to signing. More time is spent, less deals are done. Using have a lot of benefits and I will mention some. It allows you and your team to minimize the time spent on managing paper. Often, the electronic signatures also automatically index and archive your contracts. No more scanning. Moreover, you can reduce (or even eliminate) costs related to manually preparing and shipping stacks of paper. And sometimes most importantly: electronic signatures are more secure. I mean, how hard is it to imitate one’s manual signature? I often get the question whether electronic signatures are legally binding or not and the simple answer is: yes! Electronic signatures from Precisely are legally binding in 99,99 % of all cases. They are compliant with regulations within the European Union (see Regulation No 910/2014 – ) as well as in the U.S. (see Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act – and Uniform Electronic Transactions Act – ). Electronic signatures are legally binding in 99,99 % of all cases! Many contracts in companies are gone. Actually, on average, ten percent of all contracts in a company have completely disappeared. The reason is simple: contracts are often scattered all over the organization. Some are in physical binders, some in the cloud, and some in the email inbox. In turn, this makes it easy to forget where the specific contract is stored. Consequently, companies need a system for storing and archiving their contracts. Since contracts often are tools to maintain a good relationship between the parties, the consequences of a lost contract can be devastating for the business. The solutions are many, as long as the contracts are kept in one place. Personally, I prefer digital archiving since it makes the contracts searchable and easy to find. Next time you’re looking for a contract, any contract, you know where to find it. Today, many companies experience a lot of pain related to a lack of overview of their contracts. The same goes for companies of all sizes. One basically needs to read through every contract in order to remember the contractual rights and obligations related to each contract. One reason behind the lack of overview is of course—as mentioned above—that the contracts are scattered all over the company. Another reason is the fact that it basically is impossible to get such an overview without the help of digital means, which is the reason why physical binders in a physical archive is an unsatisfactory solution. Easily get an overview of what contract-related actions you need to take the upcoming time However, this is an easily solved problem. Once each contract has been signed and executed, create your own reminders in a dedicated contract calendar. For instance, you can set an alert one week before the contract needs to be renegotiated or terminated. By keeping the reminders and alerts in one place (i.e. in your contract calendar), you can easily get an overview of what contract-related actions you need to take the upcoming time. In order to mitigate the risk of missing your alerts in case of e.g. staff turnovers, you should (in the best of all possible worlds) be at least two persons in the company with access to the calendar. This is especially relevant for long-term contracts. Never miss an important deadline again. I’m sure that my five tips on how to improve your contract management process will increase your productivity and decrease your costs. Less administration, more time for business. Happy contracting, Simon Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , st|five simple tips for any company to improve their way of handling contracts. Are electronic signatures legally binding? weden h1|Five tips to improve contract management processes h2|Create templates Streamline processes for approvals Start using electronic signatures Keep your contracts in one place Create a contract calendar with automated reminders/alerts Categories h3|Five Simple Tips To Improve Your Contract Management Process Learn more about the Precisely contract management platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|July 13, 2016 Search for: em|After my time as a legal advisor for companies of different sizes, I have identified five simple – yet efficient – ways to improve the contract management process. What about the other 0,01 %? In some rare cases, there are provisions in specific laws that state that the contracts need to have a certain form (e.g. that they have to be written and signed on physical paper). In Sweden, for instance, it’s basically only relevant for purchase agreements regarding real estate and site-leasehold rights. pa|Digital transformation is challenging many legal paradigms. We are in the middle of a shift where traditional and inefficient legal processes are gradually replaced by modern, automated, alternatives. Precisely is representing this shift. We are driven by a strong belief that everything that can be automated should be and are very happy to welcome Karnov Group to our family. Karnov Group is the market leading legal information provider in the Nordics and celebrates 150 years of market presence this year. During the last decades, Karnov has also provided legal professionals in the Nordics with standard-setting contract templates. Over 60 000 professionals in the Nordics are highly dependent on Karnov’s legal guidelines, curated content and tools. In order to tackle law firm’s and in-house legal team’s modern challenges, Karnov Group and Precisely will launch a new way of drafting contracts during 2018. The solution will dramatically increase the speed of drafting high-quality contracts and reduce human errors in the process. “ ”, says Nils-Erik, CEO of Precisely says Flemming Breinholt, CEO of Karnov Group : Flemming Breinholt CEO, Karnov Group Telephone: +45 403 22 332 Email: Nils-Erik Jansson CEO, Precisely Telephone: +46 760 2941 90 Email: Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , st|For more information, please contact weden h1|Precisely and Karnov Group partnership h2|Categories h3|Precisely Forms Strategic Partnership With Nordic Market Leading Legal Information Provider Karnov Group Learn more about the Precisely contract automation platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|December 14, 2017 Search for: em|We are breaking new ground together with Karnov Group. Over 60 000 professionals in the Nordics are highly dependent on Karnov’s legal guidelines, curated content and tools. By supercharging Karnov’s content with Precisely’s technology platform, we will together make life easier for a majority of the leading contract professionals in the Nordics “Karnov’s vision and customer-centric perspective are really in line with Precisely’s own philosophy and vision of developing solutions with the customer in focus. Precisely has a great driving force and knowledge about the industry. I am confident that we, together, have the best conditions for meeting market needs”, pa|Erik is a digital marketer and business developer at Precisely. When he isn't managing Precisely's digital marketing related activities, he enjoys organizing events and DJing. Supercharge your contract management processes di|Erik Legerius in , st|The sourcing department is a good starting point A good enough system is better than no system at all Find your super users Empower your colleagues and have a can-do attitude Align your stakeholders Results will come Reach out to your network weden h2|Categories h3|How to create an efficient contract management process with Fiskars Group’s VP Legal Learn more about the Precisely platform Where smart contracts live h5|Erik Legerius h6|Get started Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|May 25, 2020 Precisely first met Åsa in Copenhagen, where she was a keynote speaker at a conference on contract management. She made a good point during her presentation — someone has to dare to take the lead for others to follow — and the same goes for contract management. Digitizing your contract management process might present some challenges, but it will most likely pay off within a short time frame. One just needs to take the first step! Fiskars is a public company established in Finland in 1649, with a portfolio of numerous globally recognized brands and products in more than 100 countries. The company owns 400 stores resulting in net sales of 1,090 million EUR in 2019. Before joining Fiskars as their VP Legal in 2018, Åsa worked for Swedish telecom giant Ericsson since 2000, who then started a mobile phone JV with Sony in 2001 (which in turn became 100% owned by Sony) where the last five years were in the capacity of VP Legal & Head of Legal. She has always appreciated working close to, and in cooperation with, the business. With extensive experience from working for large enterprises in industries of constant change, Åsa knows that the legal department needs to be as agile as any other part of the company for the business to survive. “There are usually no clear answers to legal questions and you need to live by the approach of trial and error, especially in industries that are young and are driving technology forward”, Åsa says. One of the General Counsel’s most important roles in building a contract management process is educating colleagues about contract-related ownership . The owner of a contract could, for instance, be the sales manager closing the deal and with this comes certain established routines. This includes following up on each party’s rights and obligations in the contract with internal stakeholders as well as implementing the contract once signed. At Fiskars, contract owners are responsible for 80-90% of the contract-related tasks. Legal is the function in charge of overseeing legal implications of the contract, but the content is negotiated by the main stakeholders — and is also supposed to be implemented by them. Many stakeholders with different responsibilities are involved: Preparing, negotiating, implementing, monitoring, and compliance checking. Then it starts all over again. If the contracts are kept in order, the contract management process is easier for everyone. As long as everyone understands their responsibilities and where contracts are to be found throughout the whole contract lifecycle, you’ve come a long way. Working as in-house counsel and General Counsel for large and well-established companies may require taking on challenges in creative ways. The main way of growing Fiskars lately has been through strategic M&As (Mergers & Acquisitions) of brands in local markets in Europe, Japan, China and the US, where the company already owns brands like Royal Copenhagen, Iittala and Wedgwood. Acquiring an established company with set structures poses challenges for the Legal Department. It’s important to understand the ways an organization has been working with contract management prior to the acquisition. In addition, being creative and pedagogical is vital when implementing new ways of managing contracts in order to streamline the process between organizations. One must never forget the change management aspect of implementing a new process. As an example, Åsa mentions the challenge of changing structures for approval workflows and signatures. Some of the old structures she’s working with are still relying on the legal department to approve all documents that require signing, and are sometimes also hesitant to new ways of working such as, for instance, the use of e-signatures. It’s important for Fiskars’ Legal to make sure that new policies are implemented and that the approval processes are made efficient by having the right person (with the right authority) approve the contracts. Which isn’t always someone in Legal. Being a front runner and pedagogical about using, for example, e-signatures is one way of implementing a more efficient contract management process. The Legal Department and the rest of the business alike have to be agile and try to picture what the company will be working with in the future. Will it still be a product company, or will it perhaps turn into a service company or both in different combinations? When Åsa started working for Ericsson, legal work was directed towards hardware and sourcing by 80%. But in her last years at Sony, the focus switched to 80% on software and services as the industry had pivoted. On the same note, one of Fiskars’ brands, Iittala , is working on a new service called Vintage . Vintage enables customers to sell and as well as find and buy parts of their old porcelain collections. As the business develops and changes, new legal questions arise. Fiskars’ Legal team is constantly working on keeping processes and policies up to date to keep the contract management as efficient as possible. Methods that enable an efficient process are, for example, the use of global templates. Such methods are required in large companies, both for contract management to work and to make it easier to do business. Controlling contracts in these companies is key in order to be able to analyze them and do proper risk assessments. Implementing and analyzing your contracts is vital for maximizing the outcome, while staying on top of your templates is important to make sure that contracts are executed in a compliant way. “Whether you work for an enterprise or a startup, you’ll need to perform the analysis and use the resources at your disposal. If the company has limited resources, use free storage alternatives online and excel sheets. You still need to keep track of your contracts even if your company doesn’t have an in-house lawyer.” Åsa affirms. If a company is constantly late with payments and needs to pay penalty fees, you’ll need to revise the payment logistics. Knowing the compliance risks and financial risks the contracts entail is essential too. When Åsa worked at Ericsson, the Swedish branch of the company was always at the forefront regarding contract management. They were working closely with the sourcing department to build their system for contract management. “If your company has a Sourcing Department, it’s usually a good place to start when implementing contract management and a contract data system. Sourcing often works more systematically and is often more mature in working with agreements and using systems compared to, for example, a Sales or Marketing Department. Of course, this depends on the industry and regulatory landscape you’re working in, but it’s good advice in general.” “You just have to start somewhere! There are many useful tools for contract management today. You need to have some kind of system for storing your contracts and to manage the obligations and privileges and how they affect the business.” “ If you start using e-signing, for instance, you’ll quickly realize that you won’t go back to paper copies and that the traceability is much better. Legal Departments should be pioneers, dare to take risks and try to make life easier for other departments. It’s important that they are not a blocker. Therefore, it’s better to have a system that’s good enough than no system at all.” Wrapping up, Åsa gives some tips for figures of thought that provide the most impact: “Don’t give up! Find your ‘super users’ for contracts within every department and work with them when implementing new systems or workflows. They can help you educate others within their departments. What can sometimes be challenging is changing people’s habits and mindsets.” “ Successful contract management is a lot about having a can-do attitude and empowering your colleagues by educating and coaching. Give them the capability to be in control of what they’re doing and show them the impact of the result. This will free time for both Legal and other departments and let them focus on what matters.” “Make sure to keep a close dialogue with other departments and try to understand the way they’re working. At some point you may have to put an end to ways that aren’t compliant but apart from that, try making a strategy for implementing your processes into the way they work.” “ Again, don’t give up, if you don’t see results on day one, the results will come eventually. Dare to start the contract management process and start small, then grow the process. You’ll regret it if you don’t get started since your organization certainly won’t have fewer contracts to handle going forward.“ “Check with other General Counsels in your network and ask what providers they are using. There are a few great contract management and contract automation providers out there!” We hope that you gained some valuable insights and concrete ideas for creating and improving your contract management process. Special thanks to Åsa and Fiskars Group for sharing their knowledge and offering us a peek into how their organization manages contracts in an ever-evolving environment. If you have any questions about creating or improving your contract management process or want to know more about the capabilities of today’s digital platforms, don’t hesitate to contact us. Happy contracting! Search for: bo|General Counsel share a major common challenge, regardless of whether they’re working for world-renowned enterprises or startups: making the contract management process as efficient as possible. In this article, Precisely picked Åsa Ericson Hedström’s brain to learn more about what’s most important when building a great contract management process. Åsa on how to start implementing a contract management process Åsa’s final tips Wrapping up pa|Allowing business departments to be self-serving while remaining within Legal’s pre-approved guidelines isn’t easy without sophisticated tech solutions. Especially when managing a constantly increasing volume of contract-related tasks. NA-KD works with Precisely to automate their contract processes and NA-KD is a Swedish company launched in early 2016 with the goal of challenging the offline retail giants by working as an online, virtual and direct-to-consumer brand. Now one of Europe’s 20 fastest growing companies, NA-KD is breaking new records every month. They pride themselves in stellar customer service and their persistent engagement in consistently launching new collections to stay on top of – and set – today’s fashion trends across the globe. In his role as General Counsel at NA-KD, Damien Boutigny’s primary role is to support business needs and innovations in order to facilitate growth. His responsibilities are to help all NA-KD’s projects to go through by considering long-term impact on business strategy and shareholder value. These tasks are largely carried out through contract management efforts from reviewing and drafting to negotiating with; and managing suppliers. “Precisely shows our business partners that we are a truly digital company and customer-focused brand.” Like for most newly created companies, processes were mainly manual early-on. NA-KD were experiencing various challenges, such as lack of transparency or inefficient contract approval process and needed a solution to better allocate time and resources. “Our legal department was swamped with requests for new drafts, tracking, signatures, and more. The required tools for successfully tracking renewals weren’t in place and templates were scattered throughout the organization”, Damien explains. “Our legal department was swamped with requests for new drafts, tracking, signatures, and more.” With a constantly increasing volume of contract management-related tasks, NA-KD needed to find an automated way of streamlining the entire contract process. They needed a provider that solved their contract needs as well as gave the legal department and upper management a better overview of the operations. To support growth, you need to streamline and automate as many processes as possible, including legal operations and contract management. When NA-KD was looking at contract management providers, saving time on contract generation was the main goal. They were looking for something completely digital — a single flexible platform. Flexibility and usability were crucial as they needed a platform that worked for Legal as well as other departments such as HR and Marketing to help them scale their processes. Most of NA-KD’s agreements are generated by people without a legal background, so the solution had to be simple and easy to use. The legal department found it essential to find a platform that could improve compliance management, enable reporting and give a good overview of the organization’s contracts. They needed a platform where everything was stored in one place, easy to retrieve and where they could stay on top of renewals. With Precisely, NA-KD have reached a simpler way of managing and automating contracts as well as increasing speed and reducing friction when closing deals. “The time to generate a contract is depending on the complexity of the agreement. But where previously it would take 10 minutes to set up a simple NDA, with Precisely it takes less than two minutes — from generating the agreement to sending it for e-signing. Precisely had a real impact on closing deals with our influencers. The whole agreement generation process has been reduced from between 20 and 30 minutes to 5 to 10 minutes”, says Damien. The feedback Damien received from the other teams was that the Precisely platform is quick, easy to use, and that they are now able to sign their agreements and close deals faster. Precisely’s questionnaire-based drafting tool and UX/UI is a key enabler for NA-KD’s entire organization. It allows the business departments to self-serve and automate contract drafting, while still keeping them within the legal department’s pre-approved guidelines. “We now have no scanning, no printing, no lost binders and an easy to use platform that allows our teams to focus on what really matters. Saving time on generating contracts had a huge impact on our ability to manage new businesses and to sign new influencers”, Damien explains. “The various workflows we have set up improve our visibility into what our teams are sending out. It increases our teams’ productivity in closing deals, and helps the organization to reduce and mitigate risks by always using up-to-date templates, approval processes and so on. The archiving system gives a possibility to quickly examine and check our contracts. The entire contract management process is improved since the entire team can easily submit and upload any type of document under the supervision of Legal and Management”, he continues. NA-KD gradually deployed the tools throughout the organization, starting with the purchasing team since they work with a lot of suppliers. At that time, NA-KD needed to send out new Terms and Conditions for all of their suppliers to sign and were able to do so within a very short time frame using Precisely. “The results were seen early as we were able to easily scale up the signing and tracking process for more than 90 partners. As for our influencer team, they now create 5-6 new collaboration agreements per week in a breeze. We can now support the contract volume that correlates to the growth rate of the company. We skip the repetitive process of drafting the same contract over and over by using pre-approved templates that are accessible at any time. Our contracts are now generated in minutes”, Damien says. He further explains that one of the main successes for him personally is that it’s now easier to pitch new legal tech for e.g. protecting IP rights. Precisely has been a great internal case for the use of legal tech. “Starting to work with your solution has done an excellent job in raising awareness internally for the importance of automating legal operations. Legal departments must definitely embrace new technologies for gaining efficiency and increasing transparency. Having the right technology is key to support growth.” One-stop contract management – all in the cloud li|Up to 80% shorter time to execute (process from initiation to e-signature request) simple contracts Up to 75% shorter time to execute more complex contracts Anyone, with or without a legal background, is able to generate and execute a legally compliant agreement Centralized, automated templates ensure that everyone is using up-to-date versions Successful internal case for legal tech, raising awareness for the importance of automating legal operations st|reduce the time to signature request by up to 80%. weden h1|How one of Nordics' fastest-growing companies fuels growth through contract automation h2|Background The challenge — streamlining the contract process for rapid growth What was NA-KD looking for in a contract management and automation platform? The solution — a flexible platform that made sense for each department throughout the entire company Gradual deployment, quick results Become a contracting champion h3|contract success stories h4|Takeaways h6|WANT TO LEARN MORE? Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support st|reducing contract-related risks and has become a more modern and productive company Background The challenge — creating efficient contract processes and increasing control The cost of a contract The solution — a user-friendly platform that is trusted by legal and loved by the business Supporting growth through modern contract management weden h1|How one of Europe’s best workplaces uses contract automation to supercharge the business h3|contract success stories h4|Takeaways h6|Learn More Industries Departments Roles Support sp|Up to 90% shorter time to create contracts Up to 99% less time spent on managing and updating templates Monthly cost-savings equal to that of a full-time employee Always compliant contracts since everyone uses the latest versions — no more outdated templates Ability to review and e-sign while a meeting is in session, saving weeks of delayed negotiations Being a fast-paced sales agency and coming up with innovative growth solutions for your customers is a challenge. At the same time, finding ways to mitigate risk and make contract management more efficient—for all departments—lifts the challenge to another level. By using Precisely, Key Solutions is in the process. Key Solutions is a Swedish sales agency focused on helping companies increase their customer intake through activities such as blanketing growth strategies. This includes everything from business development to creative campaigns and engaging with customers. With their high-trust culture, they have been named one of Europe’s best workplaces by Great Place to Work® for seven consecutive years. Karvan Guldstierna is the company’s Head of Sales, or rather “Head of People” as they call it. As Head of People, he is responsible for all employees and the IT systems they use. It was Karvan who structured the use of Precisely for the different departments within Key Solutions. In their case, HR, Sales and Management are the ones who draft agreements most often. Key Solutions’ contract process was fairly complex before implementing Precisely. Their workflows were similar to that of the Precisely platform but were lacking structure and control. Updating templates and distributing them was a challenge in itself and, as a result, the company was exposed to high risk whenever employees used the wrong templates. To prepare contracts for signing, employees would fill out .pdf-templates. However, Management needed to update the templates from time to time and ensure that everyone was using the latest versions of the templates, which was complicated. Before Key Solutions used electronic signatures, they depended on the people managing the contracts to sign them. This meant that they had to print the contracts and physically hand them over. Producing a contract, which included drafting, archiving and entering the contracts into different systems was a time-consuming process. “Just making an edit to a template could take up to one hour. With Precisely, it takes us 30 seconds”, says Karvan. “Using Precisely has digitized the drafting process too. Today, it only takes a minute to draft an agreement. We can draft a tailor-made agreement from the template with just three clicks. It saves us a lot of time and energy and reduces the number of questions from our employees”, says Karvan. “Apart from assuring that contracts always have the right content, streamlining the drafting process has been a large improvement. I don’t have to spend time drafting agreements or even be involved anymore. And, since the system is so user-friendly, I just set up the templates that will enable others to draft countless compliant agreements”, Karvan explains. “You have to ask yourself ‘what is the cost of our contracts per hour spent?’. And what are the costs if something goes wrong?”, says Karvan, “Using the wrong template or having agreements end up in the wrong hands can cause large legal expenses”. “The time we save by using Precisely easily equals what a full-time employee would cost each month, which is a major efficiency improvement”, Karvan continues. “The ability to guarantee that everyone is using the latest version of templates and the reduction of time spent on each contract has streamlined the entire contract management process”. When Key Solutions were implementing the platform, they also did a legal review of all of their agreements. This included compliance-checking all of their templates and automating them in Precisely. “Our challenge was to find the kind of efficiency that one could only hope for. In Precisely, we have found a platform that even exceeds our expectations. We got in touch via a referral and didn’t know what to expect at first. But once we started using the system… It is world-class!”, says Karvan. One of the departments that has greatly benefited from using Precisely’s automated templates is HR. Specifically in instances where employment contracts are similar and yet carry important differences; as could be the case for their sales representatives. For instance, the work equipment included in traveling salespeople’s employment agreements differs significantly from in-house salespeople. In the past, Key Solutions had a single employment agreement template for both types of positions, which wasn’t differentiating whether the person was in-house or out in the field. This could lead to the agreements containing parts that didn’t apply to the employee in question, which could quickly become problematic if a contract contained erroneous non-compete or salary content. Another great benefit is showcased when NDA’s (Non-Disclosure Agreements) need to be signed during meetings. Key Solutions can now provide the counterparty with the NDA for review and e-signing while a meeting is in session. “We used to have to interrupt the meeting to send the NDA for feedback and review by the counterparty’s legal department etc. It could take weeks before we could proceed with the negotiations”, says Karvan. “It’s easier for all parties now. The counterparty gets the agreement by email, can review and e-sign it in a smooth and neat way and the negotiations can go on without interruption”, says Karvan. Key Solutions can now mitigate risk by guaranteeing that everyone is using the latest version of the templates. They are a company in constant growth, with new products and business areas continuously emerging. With Precisely, they have a contract management system that supports their growth. “We’re a modern company at the forefront of digitization. We need a contract management platform that reflects that – and that’s what Precisely is to us!”, says Karvan.