Focus on strategic outcomes. Empower your team’s best work. 2021 Benchmark Study Learn how leading companies accelerate on-strategy delivery. Agile ROI Calculator See how Planview can help you decrease time to market, optimize costs, and improve employee productivity. Are you ready to watch a demo or get your hands on a free trial? Planview has a single focus on helping enterprises transform strategy to delivery in today’s fast-paced, highly-disruptive markets. Our solutions create organizational focus on the strategic outcomes that matter and empower teams to deliver their best work, no matter how they work. Planview is uniquely positioned to help organizations navigate strategy to delivery transformation by providing the full spectrum of eand Work Management solutions. Imagine adapting to the , realizing , , and making the . Planview is a representative vendor in three of the provider categories based on the most Gartner client interest. Assess the current stage of your Agile Journey & discover the right path forward with our 3-minute assessment What is it and how is it changing value delivery? Be the catalyst for organizational agility and flexibility – no matter how your teams work Oursolutions empower over 4000 customers and 1 million users worldwide “Planview enables enterprises to transform strategy-to-delivery in today’s changing world of work. Our customers are realizing agile-at-scale, creating an innovation culture and making the product-shift. These bold innovators are re-wiring their businesses and delighting customers.” Greg Gilmore Planview Chief Executive Officer “While transformation is largely dependent on culture and behavior, it also requires the right people, process, and tools. Planview enables RBS to maintain a controlled environment and provide transparency of delivery across our Agile teams. At the same time, we are able to track the main-level financial data, outcomes, and business cases, and ultimately the delivery of value throughout our business domains (value streams). You don’t go from one end of the Agile journey in one go. It’s a transition, step by step, and Planview is helping us get there.” Steve Marjot Head of Change Centre of Excellence, Royal Bank of Scotland “Our goal is pretty simple: be adaptive and flexible to change. As a result, we are constantly evolving our product portfolio and business models in our many locations. This allows us to be more progressive about how teams work together and prioritize work based on location. With Planview, our strategic partnership means we have a close day-to-day working relationship that extends far beyond a simple piece of software. We love how quickly we can apply new models of working to our business processes, organization roles and responsibilities, and to our metrics.” Eric van Gemeren Chief Transformation Officer, Flowserve Corporation “The entire team can focus on the work at hand and how the work is being planned and distributed. Using Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning solution makes the work a lot more efficient.” Patricia Service Manager at a large European insurance company “Spigit closely mirrored our existing innovation efforts, but allowed us to scale. We get to tap our employees’ expertise, bringing state-of-the-art vehicles to our global market quickly and repeatedly.” Craig A. Scanlon Vice President, Slingshot (a division of Polaris) For over 30for our contributions toinnovation. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the May 2019 Gartner “,” positioned highest for its ability to execute and furthest for completeness of vision for the second consecutive year. From innovation to strategy to delivery, Planview provides the most comprehensive portfolio and work management solutions in the industry. Drive a culture of innovation and employee engagement from idea to impact Enterprise-wide portfolio planning and delivery that spans traditional and Lean-Agile approaches Enterprise work management that advances PPM and project delivery capabilitiesstrategic outcomes that matter Enterprise Kanban for IT and Business teams that need to visualize work, , implement ,across their work delivery. Project-centric collaborative workspaces that bring teams together to support everyday across the enterprise Digital workspaces that empower teams to deliver their best work, no matter how they work Planview’s full spectrum ofsolutions and work management solutions are designed to enable: , , , , , , , , and . Our solutions enable organizations to focus on the strategic outcomes that matter the most and empower their teams to deliver their best work, no matter how they work. Planview makes it possible to adapt to the , realize , , and make the . Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Planview’s more than 700 employees serve 4,000 customers and 1 million us, deep market expertise, and highly engaged communities. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more Criteria for Team, Program, and Portfolio Level Solutions li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Enterprise Work Management , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Planview makes it possible. Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management h1|Planview portfolio management and work management solutions h2|Company Customer Care Log In Accelerate On-Strategy Delivery at Scale The State of Strategy Execution: Embracing Uncertainty to Adapt at Speed Discover Your Agile Transformation Return on Investment (ROI) Planview Demos and Free Trials The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide Insight from subject matter experts Planview is a recognized innovator and industry leader Planview’s Full Spectrum ofSolutions Enable the Transformation Journey h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Project Portfolio Management Enterprise Agile Planning Lean Portfolio Management Agile Program Management Work Management for Teams Featured Report Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting Lean-Agile Pathfinder Lean Portfolio Management for the Enterprise The World of Work is Changing: Will You Evolve or Be Left Behind? Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: • We enable customers to rewire strategy to delivery • The State of Strategy Execution: Embracing Uncertainty to Adapt at Speed • Discover Your Agile Transformation Return on Investment (ROI) • Planview Demos and Free Trials : The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide : Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting : Lean-Agile Pathfinder : Lean Portfolio Management for the Enterprise : The World of Work is Changing: Will You Evolve or Be Left Behind? Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote for a large European insurance company for Slingshot (a division of Polaris) Featured Report : Gartner 2020 Magic QuadraTool : Gartner Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas) Project Portfolio Management Software Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenKonzentrieren Sie sich auf strategische Ziele. Motivieren Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter zu Bestleistungen. Benchmark-Studie 2021 Erfahren Sie, wie führende Unternehmen ihre Strategien schneller umsetzen. Agile-ROI-Rechner Erfahren Sie, wie Planview Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Markteinführungszeiten zu verkürzen, Kosten zu reduzieren und die Mitarbeiterproduktivität zu steigern. Bereit für eine Demo oder eine kostenlose Testversion? Planview hat ein Ziel: Unternehmen in den heutigen, schnelllebigen und disruptiven Märkten bei der Vernetzung von Strategie und Umsetzung zu unterstützen. Mit unseren Lösungen helfen wir ihnen, sich auf ihre wichtigsten strategischen Ziele zu konzentrieren und ihre beste Arbeit zu leisten – ohne ihnen eine bestimmte Arbeitsweise vorzuschreiben. Mit unserem breiten Spektrum an Lösungen für das Portfoliomanagement und das Work-Management sind wir hervorragend positioniert, um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, im gesamten Unternehmen zu adaptieren, umzusetzen, eine und . Erfahren Sie, warum Planview in drei der ausgewiesenen Gartner-Kategorien ausgezeichnet wurde. Erfolgreiche Überwindung der größten Hürden bei der Skalierung agiler Modelle Was ist das und wie ändert es die Wertbereitstellung? Die Umstellung auf moderne Arbeitsprozesse ist eine drängende Herausforderung Unsere Portfoliomanagement- und Work-Managementlösungen sind bereits bei über 4000 Kundenunternehmen im Einsatz, wo sie von etwa einer Million Anwender weltweit genutzt werden. „Mit Planview können Unternehmen ihre Bereitstellungsstrategie an die sich wandelnde Arbeitswelt von heute anpassen. Unsere Kunden skalieren Agile, schaffen eine Innovationskultur und vollziehen den Wandel vom Projekt zum Produkt. Innovative Unternehmen vernetzen ihre Geschäftsabläufe neu und begeistern ihre Kunden.“ Greg Gilmore Planview Chief Executive Officer „Transformation hängt allerdings nur nicht vom Verhalten, sondern auch von den richtigen Mitarbeitern, Prozessen und Tools. Mit Planview kann RBS ein geregeltes Arbeitsumfeld und die Transparenz der Bereitstellung in unseren Agile-Teams gewährleisten. Gleichzeitig sind wir in der Lage, die wichtigsten Finanzdaten, Ergebnisse und Geschäftsfälle sowie letztendlich die Wertschöpfung in allen Geschäftsbereichen (Wertströmen) zu verfolgen. Die Umsetzung von Agile braucht Zeit. Der Übergang erfolgt Schritt für Schritt, und Planview hilft uns dabei. “ Steve Marjot Head of Change Centre of Excellence, Royal Bank of Scotland „Unser Ziel ist einfach: Wir möchten flexibel und offen für Änderungen sein. Daher entwickeln wir unser Produktportfolio und unsere Geschäftsmodelle an unseren Standorten ständig weiter. So können wir die Zusammenarbeit unserer Teams mit innovativen Ideen optimieren und die Aufgaben nach Standort priorisieren. Mit Planview verbindet uns eine strategische Partnerschaft. Wir pflegen eine enge tägliche Zusammenarbeit, die weit über eine einfache Software hinausgeht. Wir sind begeistert davon, wie schnell wir neue Arbeitsmodelle auf unsere Geschäftsprozesse, Unternehmensrollen, Verantwortlichkeiten und auf unsere Metriken anwenden können. “ Eric van Gemeren Chief Transformation Officer, Flowserve Corporation „Ich bin in der Lage, für meine Vorgesetzten und für unternehmensexterne Parteien aufschlussreichere Berichte zu generieren und so das Management auf dem Laufenden zu halten.“ Patricia Service Managerin eines europäischen Versicherungsunternehmens „Spigit spiegelte unsere bestehenden Innovationsbemühungen sehr gut wider, ermöglichte uns jedoch die Skalierung. Wir nutzen das Know-how unserer Mitarbeiter und sind so in der Lage, moderne Fahrzeuge schnell und jederzeit auf unseren globalen Markt zu bringen. “ Craig A. Scanlon Vice President, Slingshot (a division of Polaris) Seit über 30 Jahren wird Planview für seine Leistungen in Bezug auf Innovationen im Bereich Portfolio- und Arbeitsmanagement anerkannt. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. Gartner hat Planview im „Gartner Magic Quadrant for Project Portfolio Management“ vom Mai 2019 zum zweiten Mal in Folge als führend bezeichnet. Als Gründe wurden insbesondere unser großes Umsetzungsvermögen und unsere umfassende Vision hervorgehoben. Planview deckt das gesamte Spektrum von der Innovation über die Strategie bis zur Umsetzung ab. Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Unternehmensweite Portfolioplanung und -umsetzung, die konventionelle und Lean-Agile-Ansätze einbezieht Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Die wichtigsten strategischen Ziele stehen im Mittelpunkt. Unternehmens-Kanban für IT- und Business-Teams, die ihre Arbeit visualisieren, , implementieren und ihre gesamte Arbeitsbereitstellung kontinuierliche optimieren müssen. Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche, die Teams zusammenbringen, um die tägliche im gesamten Unternehmen zu unterstützen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Mit seinem breiten Spektrum an Unternehmenslösungen für Portfoliomanagement und Work-Management unterstützt Planview , , , , , , , und . Unsere Lösungen ermöglichen es Organisationen, sich auf die strategischen Ergebnisse zu konzentrieren, die am wichtigsten sind, und ihre Teams unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise in die Lage zu versetzen, optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Planview ermöglicht es, mit den Schritt zu halten, die zu nutzen, und den zu vollziehen. Von unserem Hauptsitz in Austin, Texas und anderen Standorten weltweit aus unterstützen wir mit über 700 Mitarbeitern, einer für innovative Technologien offenen Unternehmenskultur, tiefgehender Marktkenntnis und äußerst engagierten Communitys bereits mehr als 4000 Kundenunternehmen und eine Million Anwender weltweit. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete Die wichtigsten Kriterien bei der Wahl einer geeigneten Lean-Agile-Lösung li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Enterprise Work Management , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Planview macht all das möglich. Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management h1|Planview Lösungen für Portfoliomanagement und Work-Management h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Schnellere Umsetzung von Strategien auf allen Ebenen Strategieumsetzung – eine Bestandsaufnahme: Wie Unternehmen sich schneller anpassen in einer Zeit permanenten Wandels Ermitteln Sie den ROI für Ihre agile Transformation Planview Demos und kostenlose Testversionen Der ultimative Käuferleitfaden: Software für die Lean-Agile-Transformation Insight from subject matter experts Planview ist ein anerkannter Innovations- und Branchenführer Das breite Spektrum an Portfolio- und Work-Managementlösungen von Planview unterstützt die Transformation. h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Projektportfolio-Management Enterprise Agile Planning Lean Portfolio Management Agiles Programm-Management Work-Management für Teams Empfohlener Bericht Gartner Marktleitfaden für adaptives Projektmanagement und Reporting Herausforderungen bei der Kapitalisierung agiler Softwareentwicklung Lean-Portfoliomanagement für das Unternehmen Eine Arbeitswelt im Wandel: Entwickeln wir uns weiter oder bleiben wir auf der Strecke? Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: • Wir helfen Kunden, Strategie und Umsetzung neu zu vernetzen • Strategieumsetzung – eine Bestandsaufnahme: Wie Unternehmen sich schneller anpassen in einer Zeit permanenten Wandels • Ermitteln Sie den ROI für Ihre agile Transformation • Planview Demos und kostenlose Testversionen : Der ultimative Käuferleitfaden: Software für die Lean-Agile-Transformation : Gartner Marktleitfaden für adaptives Projektmanagement und Reporting : Herausforderungen bei der Kapitalisierung agiler Softwareentwicklung : Lean-Portfoliomanagement für das Unternehmen : Eine Arbeitswelt im Wandel: Entwickeln wir uns weiter oder bleiben wir auf der Strecke? Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote über ein europäischen Versicherungsunternehmens for Slingshot (a division of Polaris) Empfohlener Bericht : Gartner 2020 Magischer Quadrant für agiles Planungstool für Unternehmen : Gartner Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Projektportfolio-Management-Software Planview PPM Pro (ehemals Innotas) Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseConcentrez-vous sur vos objectifs stratégiques. Donnez à votre équipe les moyens de la performance. Étude comparative 2021 Découvrez comment des entreprises de premier plan accélèrent la mise en œuvre de leur stratégie. Outil de calcul du ROI Agile Découvrez comment Planview peut vous aider à réduire votre TTM (Time-to-Market), à optimiser les coûts et à améliorer la productivité. Souhaitez-vous regarder une démo ou profiter d'une version d'essai gratuite ? Chez Planview, nous avons une seule mission : aider les entreprises à mettre leurs stratégies à exécution sur des marchés en mutation constante. Nos solutions concentrent toutes les forces vives des organisations sur leurs objectifs stratégiques prioritaires, donnant aux équipes les moyens de la performance, quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail. En offrant à ses clients un éventail complet de solutions de gestion de portefeuilles et de gestion des activités, Planview se place en position de force pour accompagner ses clients dans la réalisation de leur stratégie. Imaginez un monde où vous vous adapteriez sans peine à des , où serait réalisable, où vous pourriez et passer du mode projet au . Planview is a representative vendor in three of the provider categories based on the most Gartner client interest. Comment lever un obstacle majeur à la diffusion de l'Agile ? De quoi s'agit-il et quel est son impact sur la création de valeur ? Menez votre entreprise sur la voie de l'agilité et de la flexibilité. Nos solutions de gestion des portefeuilles et activités donnent à plus de 4000 clients et 1 million d'utilisateurs les moyens de leurs ambitions « Dans un monde du travail en mutation, Planview permet aux entreprises de transformer leur approche du marché de la stratégie à l'exécution. Nos clients implémentent la méthodologie Agile à grande échelle, instaurent une culture d'innovation et se concentrent sur le produit plutôt que sur le projet. Ces innovateurs audacieux transforment leurs activités et ravissent ainsi leurs clients. » Greg Gilmore Président-directeur général de Planview « Si la transformation est en grande partie liée à la culture et aux comportements, elle nécessite aussi les acteurs, les processus et les outils appropriés. Planview permet à RBS d'entretenir un environnement contrôlé et de garantir la transparence de la livraison entre nos équipes Agile. Parallèlement, nous sommes en mesure de suivre les données financières, les résultats et les analyses de rentabilité de premier plan. Au final, nous générons de la valeur dans nos différents domaines d'activité (ou axes de valeur). La transformation Agile ne se fait pas en un jour. C'est un processus transitionnel, et Planview nous accompagne à chaque étape. » Steve Marjot Directeur du Centre d'excellence pour le changement, Royal Bank of Scotland « Le sponsorship de notre direction générale a été essentiel dans le lancement de ce projet. La valeur des analyses que procure Planview est constatée et appréciée par le Comité Exécutif de La Mutuelle Générale, qui suit très attentivement les résultats obtenus. » Laurent Thomas Consultant Planification, La Mutuelle Générale « Je suis en mesure de générer des rapports plus pertinents, tant pour ma hiérarchie que pour des parties prenantes externes. Je peux ainsi tenir les dirigeants parfaitement informés. » Patricia Responsable service d'une compagnie d'assurances européenne « Mon objectif ultime était d’obtenir une bonne visibilité, un outil puissant déployable à l’échelle mondiale venant apporter un soutien à Essilor of America – Planview Enterprise a comblé tous nos besoins en moins de temps que je n’aurais pu l’imaginer. » Diane Williams Roberts Directrice Gestion intégrée du portefeuille de projets, Essilor Depuis plus de 30 ans, Planview est un acteur connu et reconnu pour ses innovations dans la gestion des portefeuilles et des activités. Gartner reconnait Planview comme un leader dans leur rapport d'avril 2020 "Magic Quadrant sur les outils de planification Agile d'entreprise", pour sa capacité d'exécution. Gartner reconnait Planview comme un leader dans leur rapport de mai 2019 "", positionnant Planview encore plus loin pour sa capacité d'exécution et l'exhaustivité de sa vision pour la deuxième année consécutive. Innovation, stratégie, réalisation : Planview fournit les solutions de gestion des portefeuilles et des activités les plus complètes du marché. Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Une planification et une livraison de portefeuilles qui couvrent toute l'entreprise et toutes les approches traditionnelles et Lean-Agile Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Concentrer les forces vives d'une organisation sur ses objectifs stratégiques prioritaires Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes informatiques et commerciales qui ont besoin de visualiser les activités, de , de mettre en œuvre la et de promouvoir l'amélioration continue tout au long de l'exécution des activités. Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des dans toute l'entreprise Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Toute la gamme Planview de solutions de gestion de portefeuilles et de gestion des activités d'entreprise a été pensée pour agir sur de nombreux tableaux : , , , , , , , et . Nos solutions aident les organisations à se concentrer sur leurs objectifs stratégiques prioritaires, tout en donnant aux équipes les moyens de la performance, quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail. Planview leur permet ainsi de s'adapter au , de , et de passer du mode projet au . Basée à Austin (Texas), Planview emploie plus de 700 salariés au service de 4 000 clients et d'un million d'utilisateurs à travers le monde. Ses points forts : une culture de l'innovation technologique, une expertise pointue des marchés et des communautés fortement engagées. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore Critères de solutions au niveau de l'équipe, du programme et du portefeuille li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Gestion des activités d'entreprise , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages Avec Planview, c'est possible. Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management h1|Solutions Planview de gestion de portefeuilles et de gestion des activités h2|Société Service client Log in Déployer rapidement une stratégie à grande échelle État des lieux de l'exécution de la stratégie : Accepter l'incertitude pour s'adapter plus rapidement Découvrez le retour sur investissement (ROI) de votre transformation Agile Démos et essais gratuits Planview Solutions logicielles Lean et Agile⁠ ⁠: Le guide ultime de l'acheteur Insight from subject matter experts Planview est un innovateur et un leader reconnu dans son secteur L'éventail des solutions Planview de gestion des portefeuilles et des activités donne l'impulsion à la transformation h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Gestion de portefeuille de projet Planification Agile d'Entreprise Lean Portfolio Management Gestion de programmes agiles Work Management for Teams Rapport présenté Market Guide de Gartner sur la gestion de projets et le reporting adaptatifs Calcul et comptabilisation des coûts du développement logiciel Agile Le Lean Portfolio Management pour l’entreprise Le monde du travail se transforme : Saurez-vous évoluer pour ne pas vous faire distancer ? Gartner Magic Quadrant des outils de planification Agile d'entreprise Magic Quadrant de Gartner sur la gestion de portefeuilles et de projets h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : • Nous aidons nos clients à renforcer le lien entre stratégie et réalisation • État des lieux de l'exécution de la stratégie : Accepter l'incertitude pour s'adapter plus rapidement • Découvrez le retour sur investissement (ROI) de votre transformation Agile • Démos et essais gratuits Planview : Solutions logicielles Lean et Agile : Le guide ultime de l'acheteur : Market Guide de Gartner sur la gestion de projets et le reporting adaptatifs : Calcul et comptabilisation des coûts du développement logiciel Agile : Le Lean Portfolio Management pour l'entreprise : Le monde du travail se transforme : Saurez-vous évoluer pour ne pas vous faire distancer ? Toggle show more quote Toggle Afficher plus de devis : La Mutuelle Générale d'une compagnie d'assurances européenne • Essilor Rapport présenté : Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant des outils de planification Agile d'entreprise : Magic Quadrant de Gartner sur la gestion de portefeuilles et de projets Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Logiciel de gestion de portefeuilles de projets Planview PPM Pro (anciennement Innotas) Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeFokusera på strategiska resultat. Ge ditt team förutsättningar att jobba på bästa sätt. Benchmarkstudie 2021 Lär dig hur ledande företag accelerar strategisk leverans. Agil ROI-Kalkylator Se hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att snabbare nå marknaden med era produkter, optimera kostnader och förbättra anställdas produktivitet. Vill du titta på en demo eller testa produkten gratis? Planview fokuserar helt på att hjälpa företag att omvandla strategi till leverans på dagens snabbrörliga och mycket föränderliga marknader. Våra lösningar hjälper organisationen att fokusera på de viktigaste strategiska resultaten och ger teamen möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar. Planview är unikt positionerad för att hjälpa organisationer att förstärka kopplingen mellan strategi och leverans genom att erbjuda ett komplett spektrum av lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management Föreställ dig anpassning till , , och . Planview is a representative vendor in three of the provider categories based on the most Gartner client interest. Att övervinna en kritisk barriär för att öka framgången för Agile Vad innebär det, och hur kan det förändra värdeskapandet? Be the catalyst for organizational agility and flexibility – no matter how your teams work Våra lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management ökar möjligheterna för över 4 000 kunder och 1 miljon användare världen över "Planview låter företag förvandla sin leveransstrategi i dagens förändrade arbetsvärld. Våra kunder kan vara agile i skala och skapa en utvecklingskultur som möjliggör ett produktskifte. De här vågade innovatörerna förändrar sina branscher i grunden och glädjer sina kunder." Greg Gilmore Verkställande direktör, Planview "Även om transformering är beroende av kultur och beteende så kräver det även rätt människor, processer och verktyg. Med Planview kan RBS bibehålla en kontrollerad miljö och erbjuda leveranstransparens för våra Agile-team. Samtidigt kan vi spåra finansiella data på huvudnivå, utfall och företagscase vilket i slutändan levererar värde för alla våra företagsdomäner (värdeströmmar). Man tar sig inte direkt från den ena änden till den andra på Agile-resan. Det handlar om en stegvis övergång och Planview hjälper oss komma i mål." Steve Marjot Head of Change Centre of Excellence, Royal Bank of Scotland "Vårt mål är enkelt: att vara anpassningsbara och öppna för förändring. Därför utvecklar vi kontinuerligt vår produktportfölj och våra affärsmodeller på våra många platser. Det låter oss vara framåtsträvande i hur våra team samarbetar och prioriterar arbete beroende på plats. Med Planview innebär vårt strategiska partnerskap att vi har en nära arbetsrelation som sträcker sig långt utöver en enkel programvara. Vi älskar hur snabbt vi kan tillämpa nya arbetsmodeller till våra verksamhetsprocesser, organisationsroller och ansvarsområden och till våra mått." Eric van Gemeren Chief Transformation Officer, Flowserve Corporation “The entire team can focus on the work at hand and how the work is being planned and distributed. Using Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning solution makes the work a lot more efficient.” Patricia Service Manager at a large European insurance company "Spigit speglade i mycket vårt befintliga utvecklingsarbete men lät oss skala det. Vi kan dra nytta av våra medarbetares kompetenser och ta banbrytande fordon till vår globala marknad snabbt igen och igen." Craig A. Scanlon Vice President, Slingshot (a division of Polaris) På Planview har vi i över tjugo år uppmärksammats för våra bidrag till innovationer inom portfölj- och arbetshantering. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. Gartner har utsett Planview till en Ledare i May 2019 Gartner “” och positionerat dem högst för sin genomföringsförmåga och längst fram för sin fulländade vision för andra året i rad. Från innovation till strategi till leverans, erbjuder Planview de mest omfattande lösningarna inom portfölj och arbetshantering i branschen. Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Portföljplanering och leverans för hela företaget som omfattar såväl traditionella metoder som Lean-Agile-metoder. Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå får organisationen att fokusera på de viktigaste strategiska resultaten Enterprise Kanban för IT- och affärsteam som vill visualisera arbetet, , implementera och främja kontinuerlig förbättring i arbetsleveransen. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det i hela verksamheten Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Planviews heltäckande lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management är utformade för att möjliggöra , , , , , , , och . Med våra lösningar kan organisationer fokusera på de viktigaste strategiska resultaten, så att deras team kan uppnå de bästa resultaten – oavsett hur de jobbar. Planview möjliggör anpassningen till det , , samt och ett ökat fokus på er . Från företagets huvudkontor i Austin, Texas stöttar Planviews drygt 700 anställda 4 000 kunder och 1 miljon användare världen över. Till sin hjälp har de en kultur av innovativt teknologiledarskap, djupgående marknadsexpertis och en gemenskap med starkt engagemang. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera Criteria for Team, Program, and Portfolio Level Solutions li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser Enterprise Work Management , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket Planview gör det möjligt. Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management h1|Våra lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Accelerera strategisk leverans i stor skala Läget för strategiskt arbete: Omfamna osäkerhet för att möjliggöra snabb anpassing Räkna på avkastningen (ROI) på er agila transformation Planview demos och gratis tester The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide Insight from subject matter experts Planview är en erkänd innovatör och branschledare Planviews heltäckande lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management gör omvandlingen möjlig h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Hantering av projektutbud Enterprise Agile Planning Hantering av utbud med Lean Agil programhantering Work Management för team Utvald rapport Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting Utmaningarna med kostnadsberäkning för programutveckling och kapitalisering för Agile Hantering av företagets produktutbud med Lean The World of Work is Changing: Will You Evolve or Be Left Behind? Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Magic Quadrant för projekt- och portföljhantering h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: • Vi ger kunderna möjlighet att förstärka kopplingen mellan strategi och leverans • Läget för strategiskt arbete: Omfamna osäkerhet för att möjliggöra snabb anpassing • Räkna på avkastningen (ROI) på er agila transformation • Planview demos och gratis tester : The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide : Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting : Utmaningarna för smidig programutvecklingskostnad och kapitalisering Hantering av företagets produktutbud med Lean : The World of Work is Changing: Will You Evolve or Be Left Behind? Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote for a large European insurance company for Slingshot (a division of Polaris) Utvald rapport : Gartner 2020 Magic QuadraTool : Gartner Magic Quadrant för projekt- och portföljhantering Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Planview PPM Pro (tidigare Innotas) programvara för hantering av projektutbud Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetFokus på strategiske utfall. Gi lagets beste arbeid. Benchmark Studie 2021 Se hvordan ledende selskaper fremskynder strategiimplementeringen. Agile ROI-Kalkulator Se hvordan Planview kan hjelpe deg med å redusere markedsføringstiden, optimalisere kostnadene og forbedre ansattes produktivitet. Er du klar til å se en demonstrasjon eller få tak i en prøveversjon? Planview fokuserer på å hjelpe bedrifter med å gjøre strategi om til leveranse i dagens hektiske og svært krevende markeder. Våre løsninger får organisasjonen til fokusere på de strategiske resultatene som betyr mest og gir teamene mulighet til oppnå best resultat, uansett hvordan de jobber. Planview er i en unik posisjon til å hjelpe organisasjoner med å realisere endringen fra strategi til leveranse, ved å kunne tilby hele spekteret av løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring. Se for deg at du tilpasser deg en , realiserer , og iverksetter . Planview is a representative vendor in three of the provider categories based on the most Gartner client interest. Overvinne en kritisk barriere for skalering av Agile-suksess Hva er det, og hvordan endrer det verdileveringen? Be the catalyst for organizational agility and flexibility – no matter how your teams work Våre løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring benyttes av mer enn 4000 kunder og 1 million brukere verden over «Planview gjør det mulig for virksomheter å gjøre strategier om til leveranser i dagens stadig skiftende forretningsverden. Kundene våre oppdager skalert smidighet som skaper en innovasjonskultur som muliggjør et produktskifte. Dristige innovatørene endrer måten de driver forretninger på. Og det til glede for kundene.» Greg Gilmore Administrerende direktør i Planview «Selv om endring i stor grad er avhengig av kultur og atferd, er også de rette menneskene, prosessene og verktøyene viktige kriterier. Planview gjør det mulig for RBS å opprettholde et kontrollert miljø og sørge for åpenhet i leveransen på tvers av Agile-teamene våre. Samtidig kan vi å spore verdistrømmene i form av økonomiske nøkkeldata, resultater og forretningssaker. Dette gir oss innsikt i verdileveransen gjennom forretningsdomenene våre. Dette er ikke en rask enkeltprosess. Det er en trinnvis endring. Og Planview hjelper oss med gjennomføringen.» Steve Marjot Leder for Change Centre of Excellence ved Royal Bank of Scotland «Målet vårt er ganske enkelt: å være tilpasningsdyktige og fleksible for endringer. Resultatet av dette er at vi utvikler produktporteføljen og forretningsmodellene våre kontinuerlig på en rekke steder. Dermed kan vi styre bedre hvordan team jobber sammen og prioritere oppgaver basert på beliggenhet. Det strategiske partnerskapet med Planview betyr kontinuerlig samarbeid om utfordringer som strekker seg langt utover en enkel programvare. Rask anvendelse av nye modeller for både forretningsprosessene, organisasjonsrollene, ansvaret og resultatmålingene våre, betyr svært mye for oss.» Eric van Gemeren Endringsleder hos Flowserve Corporation “The entire team can focus on the work at hand and how the work is being planned and distributed. Using Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning solution makes the work a lot more efficient.” Patricia Service Manager at a large European insurance company «Spigit gjenspeilte de eksisterende innovasjonstiltakene våre, men ga oss rom for å skalere. Vi utnytter ekspertisen til de ansatte, og bringer toppmoderne kjøretøy raskt til det globale markedet, gang på gang.» Craig A. Scanlon Vice President, Slingshot (a division of Polaris) Planview er anerkjent for at vi i over 30 år har bidratt til innovasjon innen portefølje- og arbeidsstyring. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. I rapporten «» fra mai 2019 ble Planview rangert høyest for evnen til å gjennomføre og i størst grad fullføre forretningsvisjonen vår. Dette er andre år på rad det anerkjente konsulentselskapet Gartner gir oss denne utmerkelsen. Fra innovasjon til strategi til levering, gir Planview de mest omfattende portefølje- og arbeidsstyringsløsningene i bransjen. Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Foretaksomfattende porteføljeplanlegging og levering som spenner over tradisjonelle og Lean-Agile tilnærminger Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Lag organisatorisk fokus på de strategiske resultatene som betyr noe Bedrifts-Kanban for IT- og forretningsteam som trenger å visualisere arbeidet sitt, , implementere , og fremme kontinuerlig forbedring over hele arbeidet. Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hver dag i hele bedriften Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Planviews komplette spekter av løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring er utviklet for å muliggjøre følgende: , , , , , , , og . Med våre løsninger kan organisasjoner fokusere på de strategiske resultatene som betyr mest, og gir teamene mulighet til oppnå best resultat, uansett hvordan de arbeider. Planview gjør det mulig å tilpasse seg en , realisere , og iverksette . Med hovedkvarter i Austin, Texas betjener Planviews mer enn 700 ansatte, 4000 kunder og 1 million brukere verden over gjennom en kultur med nyskapende teknologiledelse, stor markedskompetanse og stort engasjement. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer Criteria for Team, Program, and Portfolio Level Solutions li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Enterprise Work Management , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker Planview gjør det mulig. Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management h1|Planviews løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Raskere levering – i stor skala og i takt med virksomhetens strategi Status for strategigjennomføring: utfordre usikkerheten for raskere gjennomføring Sjekk din Agile Transformasjons – Return on Investment (ROI) Planview demoer og gratis prøveversjon The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide Insight from subject matter experts Planview er en anerkjent innovatør og bransjeleder Planviews komplette spekter av løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring gjør det mulig å sette i gang endringsprosessen h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Enterprise Agile Planning Lean Porteføljeforvaltning Agil programledelse Work Management for Teams Utvalgt rapport Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting Utfordringene med utviklingskostnad og kapitalisering av Agile-programvare Lean porteføljeforvaltning for virksomheter The World of Work is Changing: Will You Evolve or Be Left Behind? Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Magic Quadrant for prosjekt- og porteføljeadministrasjon h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: • Vi gjør det mulig for kunder å rewire strategi til levering • Status for strategigjennomføring: utfordre usikkerheten for raskere gjennomføring • Sjekk din Agile Transformasjons – Return on Investment (ROI) • Planview demoer og gratis prøveversjon : The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide : Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting : The Challenges of Agile Software Development Costing and Capitalization : Lean porteføljeadministrasjon for virksomheter : The World of Work is Changing: Will You Evolve or Be Left Behind? Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote for a large European insurance company for Slingshot (a division of Polaris) Utvalgt rapport : Gartner 2020 Magic QuadraTool : Gartner Magic Quadrant for prosjekt- og porteføljeadministrasjon Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Planview PPM Pro (tidligere Innotas) programvare for administrasjon av produktporteføljer Planview Leankit Projectplace Project Management Software Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende See how Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning solution enables traditional, hybrid, and Agile teams to accelerate delivery by visualizing value streams, optimizing workflow, and continuously improving performance to achieve better outcomes. See how Planview can help you seamlessly align your project portfolios, resources and spend with business strategy. Harness the power of Agile at scale with Planview’s Agile Program Management solution. Evolve your Agile transformation without restricting the way your teams work. See how Planview provides teams with the tools they need to set direction, communicate, execute tasks, track progress, and ultimately achieve goals – no matter where or how they work. See how Planview’s portfolio and resource management solutions offer a holistic view of which resources are committed to each work activity, highlight under- and over-allocated resources, and help you understand constraints across your organization. Planview’s strategic planning software enables company executives, finance, and EPMOs to work together to bring strategy to life and use dynamic planning to quickly shift strategies, priorities, funding, and resources to the most strategic initiatives. See how Planview can help you ensure that the right resources are available to deliver the most innovative, profitable, differentiated products to market – on time and on budget. See how Planview enables enterprise architects and strategic planners to advance business strategies and capabilities by making better decisions about application and technology portfolios. See how Planview Enterprise One facilitates enterprise-wide strategic execution to optimize your technology landscape, deliver innovative products and services, and ultimately drive growth. By orchestrating all work, people, capabilities, and technologies, combined with end-to-end visibility into execution and financials, your organization can quickly iterate and adapt, achieving higher levels of business performance. See why Planview PPM Pro (formerly Planview Innotas) is the ideal solution to help your organization get to the next level of success. Achieve fast time-to-value benefits for your organization, no matter where you are on your project portfolio management journey. Planview LeanKit enables engineering teams across all levels of the organization with a visual work delivery tool to apply Lean management principles to their work, helping them work smarter and deliver faster. See how LeanKit can help you see the big picture, drive agility, integrate applications, and improve continuously. Sign up for a free trial. No credit card required. LeanKit is a visual work delivery tool that enables teams of all types to apply Lean and/or Agile management principles to their work. Whatever workflow methodology you use – Kanban, Scrum, and anything else – LeanKit can help you reduce waste and scale team delivery by visualizing work and promoting continuous improvement. Projectplace collaborative work management software enables teams of all types to track their work – and deliver results. Sign up for a free trial and discover what Projectplace can do for you and your team. with whitepapers, webcasts, analyst reports, and more. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more The information you need li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Are you ready to watch a demo or get your hands on a free trial? You’re in the right place! h2|Company Customer Care Log In Planview demos and free trials Watch an on-demand demo Try our products Expand your knowledge h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Demos by solution Demos by product h4|Bundles Change the way your organization plans, funds and delivers value from the portfolio to teams. Evolve your PMO to deliver transformative products, services, and customer experiences Connect, plan, coordinate, and manage multiple Agile teams, regardless of tool or process Get work done with a collaborative work management solution that brings your virtual teams together Gain a single line of sight into resources and capacity Operationalize your organization’s strategic plans from formulation to execution Align your product portfolios to your product innovation strategy Proactively manage your application and technology portfolios to align with business strategy Enterprise-wide Portfolio and Resource Management and Capability and Technology Management Mid-Tier Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Enterprise Kanban for Agile Teams Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: demo Enterprise Agile Planning demo Portfolio and Resource Management demo Agile Program Management demo Collaborative Work Management demo Resource Management demo Strategic Planning demo Product Portfolio Management demo Capability and Technology Management demo Planview Enterprise One™ Formerly Innotas demo Planview PPM Pro™ demo Planview Leankit™ Fully-functional 30-Day Trial Fully-functional 30-Day Trial Fully-functional 30-Day Trial Fully-functional 30-Day Trial Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more Planview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. SOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability and confidentiality. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains confidential and protected. Trust isn’t possible without security. Learn more about Planview’s approach to maintaining best practice security and protecting customer data. Adherence to industry-leading standards (ISO 27001, SOCII) and best practices (NIST CSF). Learn more about Planview’s compliance efforts including independent third-party assessments. Responsible stewardship of customer data. Learn more about Planview’s approach to ensuring customer data is handled responsibly. Ensuring Planview delivers consistently which leads to availability and resiliency. Learn more about the principles Planview uses to provide a highly available solution for customers. Get the answers to our most asked questions. li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Trust h2|Company Customer Care Log In Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Security Compliance Privacy Resiliency FAQs h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Trust and Security Center page: Frequently Asked Questions page: Planview Security Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide At Planview, strong partnerships are a critical component in helping our customers succeed. That’s why we invite premier software and service organizations to join our partner program. Help your customers bring value to their organization and to their customers. We provide the industry’s best and most comprehensive solutions designed for strategic planning, portfolio and resource management, Lean and Agile delivery, product portfolio management, capability and technology management, innovation management, and collaborative work management. Together, we empower the market-leading enterprises the ability to achieve , create a culture of innovation, and make the product shift, by offering a single line of sight across the entire organization to help every team collaborate and create value. Our Partner Program includes: – Join the Planview team by selling and implementing Planview solutions in regions across the globe. – Work with Planview as a service partner to deliver complete solutions to the market for all levels of Agile transformation. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Partners h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Partners Agile at scale Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenErfahren Sie, wie die Agile Planungslösung für Unternehmen von Planview es traditionellen, hybriden und Agile-Teams ermöglicht, ihre Aufgaben mithilfe visueller Wertströme, optimierter Workflows und sich kontinuierlich verbessernder Leistungsfähigkeit schneller zu erledigen und dabei bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Planview Ihre Projektportfolios, Ressourcen und Ausgaben optimal an der Geschäftsstrategie ausrichten. Nutzen Sie das Potenzial der Agile-Skalierung wir der Agile Programm-Managementlösung von Planview. Treiben Sie Ihre Agile-Transformation voran, ohne die Arbeitsweise Ihrer Teams einzuschränken. Erfahren Sie, wie Planview Teams mit den richtigen Tools versorgt, um eine klare Richtung festzulegen, untereinander zu kommunizieren, Aufgaben zu erledigen, Fortschritte zu überwachen und letztlich Ziele zu erreichen – ganz gleich, wo und wie sie arbeiten. Erfahren Sie, wie Ihnen die Portfolio- und Ressourcenmanagement-Lösungen von Planview eine ganzheitliche Ansicht darüber bieten, welche Ressourcen den einzelnen Arbeitsaktivitäten zugewiesen sind, aufzeigen, wo Ressourcenmangel und -überschuss herrscht, und Ihnen helfen, Einschränkungen in Ihrem Unternehmen zu erkennen. Dank der Software für Strategieplanung von Planview können Management, Finanzbereich und EPMO zusammenarbeiten, um ihre Strategien umzusetzen. Dabei können alle Beteiligten auf eine dynamische Planung zurückgreifen, die es erlaubt, Strategien, Prioritäten, Finanzierungen und Ressourcen schnell den wichtigsten Strategie-Initiativen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Planview gewährleisten, dass die richtigen Ressourcen bereitstehen, um die innovativsten, rentabelsten und differenziertesten Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen – pünktlich und ohne den Budgetrahmen zu sprengen. Erfahren Sie, wie Unternehmensarchitekten und Strategieplaner mit Planview bessere Entscheidungen zu Anwendungs- und Technologieportfolios treffen und dadurch geschäftliche Strategien und Fähigkeiten voranbringen. Erfahren Sie, wie Planview Enterprise One die unternehmensweite Strategieumsetzung unterstützt, damit Sie Ihre Technologielandschaft optimieren, innovative Produkte und Services bereitstellen und letztlich Wachstum erzielen können. Durch die Orchestrierung von Arbeit, Mitarbeitern, Fähigkeiten und Technologien sowie End-to-End-Transparenz bei Durchführung und Finanzdaten kann Ihr Unternehmen schnell iterieren und sich anpassen, was seine Leistungsfähigkeit erhöht. Erfahren Sie, warum Planview PPM Pro (ehemals Planview Innotas) die ideale Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen ist, um ganz neue Erfolge zu erzielen. Erreichen Sie eine schnellere Amortisierung, ganz gleich, wo im Projektportfolio-Management Sie stehen. Planview LeanKit unterstützt Ingenieurteams aller Unternehmensebenen mit einem visuellen Tool zur Arbeitsbereitstellung, sodass sie durch Anwendung von Lean-Management-Prinzipien auf ihre Aufgaben intelligenter arbeiten und schneller liefern können. Erfahren Sie, wie Ihnen LeanKit dabei helfen kann, den Überblick zu behalten, die Flexibilität zu steigern, Anwendungen zu integrieren und kontinuierliche Verbesserungen zu erzielen. Melden Sie sich für eine kostenlose Testversion an. Es ist keine Kreditkarte erforderlich. LeanKit ist ein visuelles Arbeitsbereitstellungs-Tool, das Teams jeder Art die Anwendung von Lean- und/oder Agile-Management-Prinzipien auf ihre Arbeit ermöglicht. Ganz gleich, welche Workflowmethode Sie nutzen – Kanban, Scrum oder eine andere – LeanKit kann Ihnen helfen, durch die Visualisierung von Aufgaben und kontinuierliche Optimierung Ballast abzuwerfen und die Umsetzung durch Teams zu skalieren. Collaborative Work-Management-Software von Projectplace ermöglicht Teams jeder Art, ihre Arbeit nachzuverfolgen – und Ergebnisse zu liefern. Melden Sie sich für eine kostenlose Testversion an und erleben Sie, was Projectplace für Sie und Ihr Team tun kann. anhand von Whitepapern, Webcasts, Analyseberichten und mehr. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete Die Informationen, die Sie brauchen li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Bereit für eine Demo oder eine kostenlose Testversion? Hier sind Sie richtig! h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Planview Demos und kostenlose Testversionen On-demand-Demo ansehen Testen Sie unsere Produkte Erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Demos nach Lösung Demos nach Produkt h4|Bundles Verändern Sie die Art, wie Ihr Unternehmen plant, finanziert und Ihren Teams den Mehrwert Ihres Portfolios bereitstellt. Entwickeln Sie Ihr PMO und stellen Sie transformative Produkte, Services und Kundenerlebnisse bereit. Verbinden, planen, koordinieren und verwalten Sie mehrere Agile-Teams – unabhängig von den eingesetzten Tools oder Prozessen. Erledigen Sie Arbeit mithilfe einer Lösung für das Collaborative Work-Management, die Ihre virtuellen Teams zusammenbringt. Verschaffen Sie sich einen zentralen Überblick über Ressourcen und Kapazität Operationalisieren Sie die Strategiepläne Ihres Unternehmens von der Formulierung bis zur Umsetzung. Richten Sie Ihre Produktportfolios an Ihrer Produktinnovationsstrategie aus. Verwalten Sie proaktiv Ihre Anwendungs- und Technologieportfolios, um Sie an der Geschäftsstrategie auszurichten. Unternehmensübergreifendes Portfolio- und Ressourcenmanagement und Capability- und Technologiemanagement Mid-Tier-Projektportfolio-Management (PPM) Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Teams Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: demo : Agile Planning für Unternehmen demo Portfolio- und Ressourcenmanagement demo : Agile Programm-Management demo Collaborative Work Management demo Ressourcen-Management demo Strategieplanung demo Produkt-Portfoliomanagement demo Capability- und Technologiemanagement demo Planview Enterprise One™ Formerly Innotas demo : Planview PPM Pro™ demo Planview Leankit™ 30-tägige Testversion mit vollem Funktionsumfang 30-tägige Testversion mit vollem Funktionsumfang 30-tägige Testversion mit vollem Funktionsumfang 30-tägige Testversion mit vollem Funktionsumfang Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen Nutzen. . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete Planview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. SOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability and confidentiality. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains confidential and protected. Trust isn’t possible without security. Learn more about Planview’s approach to maintaining best practice security and protecting customer data. Adherence to industry-leading standards (ISO 27001, SOCII) and best practices (NIST CSF). Learn more about Planview’s compliance efforts including independent third-party assessments. Responsible stewardship of customer data. Learn more about Planview’s approach to ensuring customer data is handled responsibly. Ensuring Planview delivers consistently which leads to availability and resiliency. Learn more about the principles Planview uses to provide a highly available solution for customers. Get the answers to our most asked questions. li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Planview Trust h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Sicherheit Compliance Datenschutz Resiliency FAQs h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Trust and Security Center page: Frequently Asked Questions page: Planview Security Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseDécouvrez comment la solution de planification Agile d'entreprise de Planview permet aux équipes traditionnelles, hybrides et Agile d'accélérer l'exécution grâce à la visualisation des flux de valeur, l’optimisation du workflow et l'amélioration continue des performances pour de meilleurs résultats. Découvrez comment Planview peut vous aider à aligner parfaitement vos portefeuilles de projets, vos ressources et vos dépenses sur la stratégie d’entreprise. Tirez parti des atouts du déploiement Agile avec la solution de gestion de programme Agile de Planview. Faites évoluer votre transformation Agile sans restreindre les méthodes de travail de vos équipes. Découvrez comment Planview fournit aux équipes tous les outils nécessaires pour définir une direction, communiquer, exécuter des tâches, effectuer le suivi des processus et finalement atteindre les objectifs établis, quels que soient l'endroit où elles se trouvent ou leurs méthodes de travail. Découvrez comment les solutions de gestion des portefeuilles et des ressources de Planview offrent une vue globale sur les ressources affectées à chaque activité, mettent en évidence les ressources sous-affectées et sur-affectées, et vous aident à cerner les contraintes rencontrées dans toute votre organisation. Le logiciel de planification stratégique de Planview permet aux équipes dirigeantes, aux responsables financiers et aux EPMO de collaborer afin de concrétiser la stratégie. Par ailleurs, avec la planification dynamique, ils réorientent rapidement les stratégies, les priorités, le financement et les ressources vers des initiatives plus efficaces. Découvrez comment Planview peut vous aider à mobiliser les ressources adéquates afin de vous démarquer en lançant sur le marché les produits les plus innovants et les plus rentables qui soient, et ce dans le respect des délais et des budgets établis. Découvrez comment Planview permet aux architectes d'entreprise et aux planificateurs stratégiques d'optimiser les stratégies et les capacités d'entreprise en prenant des décisions plus judicieuses au sujet des portefeuilles d'applications et de technologies. Découvrez comment Planview Enterprise One simplifie l'exécution stratégique dans toute l'entreprise afin d'optimiser votre infrastructure technologique, de délivrer des produits et services innovants et, au final, de stimuler la croissance. Le pilotage de l'ensemble des activités, du personnel, des capacités et des technologies, associé à une visibilité de bout en bout sur l'exécution et les données financières, offre à votre organisation une grande rapidité d'itération et d'adaptation, pour atteindre des niveaux supérieurs de performances opérationnelles. Découvrez pourquoi Planview PPM Pro (anciennement Planview Innotas) est la solution idéale pour doper la réussite de votre organisation. Réalisez des retours sur investissement rapides pour votre organisation, à toutes les étapes de votre démarche de gestion de portefeuille de projets. Planview LeanKit met un outil visuel d'exécution des activités à la disposition des équipes d'ingénieurs dans toute l'organisation pour leur permettre d'appliquer les principes de gestion Lean dans leur travail et ainsi gagner en efficacité et en rapidité. Découvrez comment LeanKit vous permet de disposer d'une perspective globale, de stimuler l'agilité, d'intégrer des applications et d'appuyer l'amélioration continue. Inscrivez-vous pour un essai gratuit. Aucune carte de crédit ne vous est demandée. LeanKit est un outil visuel d'exécution des activités, qui permet à tous les types d'équipes d'appliquer les principes de gestion Lean et/ou Agile dans leur travail. Quelle que soit la méthodologie de workflow que vous utilisez (Kanban, Scrum ou toute autre méthode similaire), LeanKit vous aide à réduire les gaspillages et à adapter la capacité d'exécution de l'équipe en permettant la visualisation des activités et en favorisant l'amélioration continue. Le logiciel de gestion du travail collaboratif Projectplace permet à tous les types d'équipes de réaliser le suivi de leurs activités et d'obtenir des résultats. Inscrivez-vous pour bénéficier d'un essai gratuit et découvrir le potentiel de Projectplace pour votre équipe et pour vous-même. avec des livres blancs, des webinaires, des rapports d'analystes et plus encore. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore Les informations dont vous avez besoin li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Si vous souhaitez regarder une démo ou profiter d'une version d’essai gratuite, vous êtes au bon endroit ! h2|Société Service client Log in Démos et essais gratuits Planview Regarder une démo à la demande Essayez nos produits Élargissez vos connaissances h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Démos par solution Démos par produits h4|Bundles Changez la façon dont votre organisation planifie, finance et fournit de la valeur, du portefeuille aux équipes. Adaptez votre PMO pour fournir des produits, des services et des expériences client qui stimulent la transformation Gérez des équipes Agile multiples, associez, planifiez et coordonnez, quel que soit l'outil ou le processus utilisé. Travaillez efficacement grâce à une solution de gestion du travail collaboratif qui réunit vos équipes virtuelles Bénéficiez d'une visibilité centralisée sur les ressources et la capacité Mettez en œuvre les plans stratégiques de votre organisation, de leur définition à leur exécution Alignez vos portefeuilles de produits sur votre stratégie d'innovation Produits Gérez vos portefeuilles d'applications et de technologies de façon proactive pour les aligner sur votre stratégie commerciale Gestion des portefeuilles et des ressources et gestion des capacités et des technologies à l'échelle de l'entreprise Gestion de portefeuilles de projets (PPM) de niveau intermédiaire Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes Agile Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : démo Planification Agile dans l'entreprise démo Gestion des portefeuilles et des ressources démo Gestion de programme Agile démo Gestion du travail collaboratif démo Gestion des ressources démo Planification stratégique démo Gestion de portefeuilles de produits démo Gestion des capacités et des technologies demo Planview Enterprise One™ Formerly Innotas demo Planview PPM Pro™ demo Planview Leankit™ Essai gratuit de la version complète pendant 30 jours Version d'essai complète de 30 jours Version d'essai complète de 30 jours Essai de la version complète pendant 30 jours Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprise. . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore Planview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. SOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability and confidentiality. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains confidential and protected. Trust isn’t possible without security. Learn more about Planview’s approach to maintaining best practice security and protecting customer data. Adherence to industry-leading standards (ISO 27001, SOCII) and best practices (NIST CSF). Learn more about Planview’s compliance efforts including independent third-party assessments. Responsible stewardship of customer data. Learn more about Planview’s approach to ensuring customer data is handled responsibly. Ensuring Planview delivers consistently which leads to availability and resiliency. Learn more about the principles Planview uses to provide a highly available solution for customers. Get the answers to our most asked questions. li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Planview Trust h2|Société Service client Log in Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Sécurité Compliance Confidentialité Resiliency FAQs h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Trust and Security Center page: Frequently Asked Questions page: Planview Security Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeSe hur Planviews Enterprise Agile planeringslösning gör det möjligt för konventionella, hybrid- och Agile-team att snabba på leveranserna genom att visualisera värdeströmmar, optimera arbetsflödet och ständigt förbättra prestandan för att uppnå bättre resultat. Se hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att sömlöst anpassa dina projektutbud, resurser och utgifter till affärsstrategin. Utnyttja kraften i storskalig Agile med Planviews Agile programhanteringslösning. Utveckla din Agile-omvandling utan att begränsa dina teams arbetssätt. Se hur Planview ger team de verktyg som behövs för att ta ut riktningen, kommunicera, utföra uppgifter, följa framstegen och i slutändan uppnå målen, – oavsett var och hur de arbetar. Se hur Planviews portfölj- och resurshanteringslösningar ger en holistisk bild av vilka resurser som finns för varje arbetsaktivitet,markerar alltför små och alltför stora tilldelade resurser, och hjälper dig att förstå begränsningar i din organisation. Planviews programvara för strategisk planering gör det möjligt för företagsledare, ekonomi och EPMO:er att samarbeta för att få liv i strategin och använda dynamisk planering för att snabbt ändra strategier, prioriteringar, finansiering och resurser till de mest strategiska initiativen. Se hur Planview kan hjälpa dig säkerställa att rätt resurser finns tillgängliga så att du kan leverera de mest innovativa, lönsamma och differentierade produkterna till marknaden – i tid och enligt budget. Se hur Planview gör det möjligt för företagsarkitekter och strategiska planerare att driva affärsstrategier och affärsförmågor framåt genom att fatta bättre beslut om applikations- och teknikutbud. Se hur Planview Enterprise One förenklar det företagsomfattande strategiska utförandet för att optimera tekniklandskapet, leverera innovativa produkter samt tjänster och, i slutänden, driva fram tillväxt. Genom att samordna allt arbete, personal, förmågor och tekniker, och kombinera med en heltäckande insyn i utförande och finansiering, kan din organisation snabbt iterera och anpassa sig, och därmed öka affärsprestandan. Se varför Planview PPM Pro (tidigare Planview Innotas) är den idealiska lösningen när du ska hjälpa din organisation att ta framgångarna till en ny nivå. Uppnå snabba tid-till-värde-fördelar för din organisation, oavsett var du befinner dig på projektutbudshanteringresan. Planview Leankit underlättar arbetet för ingenjörsteam över alla nivåer i organisationen genom att tillhandahålla ett visuellt verktyg för arbetsleveranser som kan användas för att tillämpa Leans ledningsprinciper i arbetet, vilket innebär att man kan jobba smartare och leverera snabbare. Se hur LeanKit kan hjälpa dig att se den övergripande bilden, driva agiliteten, integrera applikationer och åstadkomma kontinuerliga förbättringar. Registrera dig för en gratis provperiod. Inget kreditkort krävs. LeanKit är ett visuellt verktyg för arbetsleverans som gör det möjligt för alla typer av grupper att använda Lean- och/eller Agile-hanteringsprinciper i sitt arbete. Vilka arbetsflödesmetoder du än använder – Kanban, Scrum eller något av alla andra alternativ – kan LeanKit hjälpa dig att minska mängden skräp och skala gruppens leverans genom att visualisera arbetet och främja kontinuerliga förbättringar. Programvaran Projectplace för samarbetshantering gör det möjligt för alla typer av grupper att spåra sitt arbete – och leverera resultat. Registrera dig för en gratis provperiod och upptäck vad Projectplace kan göra för dig och din grupp. med faktablad, webbsändningar, analysrapporter med mera. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera Informationen du behöver li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Vill du titta på en demo eller testa produkten gratis? Då har du kommit rätt! h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Planview demos och gratis tester Titta på en on-demand-demo Testa våra produkter Expand your knowledge h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Demos via lösning Demos efter produkt h4|Bundles Ändra din organisations sätt att planera, finansiera och leverera värde, från portfölj till team. Utveckla ditt PMO för att leverera omvälvande produkter, tjänster och kundupplevelser Koppla samman, planera, samordna och hantera flera Agile-team, oavsett verktyg eller process Få jobbet gjort med en lösning för samarbetshantering som samlar dina virtuella grupper Få en överblick över resurser och kapacitet Operationalisera din organisations strategiska planer från utformning till utförande Anpassa dina produktutbud till din produktinnovationsstrategi Hantera dina applikations- och teknikutbud proaktivt så att du anpassar dem till affärsstrategin Företagsomfattande portfölj- och resurshantering och kapacitets- och teknikhantering Hantering av projektutbud (PPM) på mellannivån Företags-Kanban för Agile teams De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: demo Enterprise Agile-planering demo Utbuds- och resurshantering demo Agile programhantering demo Samarbetshantering demo Resurshantering demo Strategisk planering demo Hantering av produktportföljer demo Hantering av kapacitet och teknologi demo Planview Enterprise One™ Formerly Innotas demo Planview PPM Pro™ demo Planview Leankit™ 30 dagars utvärdering med alla funktioner med tillgång till alla funktioner i 30 dagar Fullt fungerande 30-dagars provversion alla funktioner i 30 dagar gratis Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärde. . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera Planview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. SOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability and confidentiality. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains confidential and protected. Trust isn’t possible without security. Learn more about Planview’s approach to maintaining best practice security and protecting customer data. Adherence to industry-leading standards (ISO 27001, SOCII) and best practices (NIST CSF). Learn more about Planview’s compliance efforts including independent third-party assessments. Responsible stewardship of customer data. Learn more about Planview’s approach to ensuring customer data is handled responsibly. Ensuring Planview delivers consistently which leads to availability and resiliency. Learn more about the principles Planview uses to provide a highly available solution for customers. Get the answers to our most asked questions. li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview Trust h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Säkerhet Compliance Integritetsskydd Resiliency FAQs h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Trust and Security Center page: Frequently Asked Questions page: Planview Security Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetSe hvordan Planview sine Enterprise Agile-planleggingsløsning lar tradisjonelle, hybride og Agile-team få opp farten på leveransen ved å visualisere verdistrømmer, optimalisere arbeidsflyten og kontinuerlig forbedre ytelsen for å oppnå bedre resultater. Se hvordan Planview kan hjelpe deg å justere din prosjektporteføljer sømløst, dine ressurser og bruke dem med forretningsstrategien. Utnytt kraften til Agile på stor skala med Planview Agile-løsningen for programstyring. Utvikle Agile-transformasjonen uten å begrense måten teamene jobber på. Projectplace inneholder verktøyene for team som trengs for å angi retning, kommunisere, utføre oppgaver, spore fremdrift og til slutt oppnå mål – uansett hvor eller hvordan de fungerer. Se hvordan Planviews løsninger for portefølje og ressursadministrasjon tilbyr en helhetlig oversikt over hvilke ressurser som er tilordnet hver arbeidsaktivitet, fremhever under- og overbelastede ressurser og hjelper deg med å se begrensninger i organisasjonen. Planview sin programvare for strategisk planlegging lar ledere, økonomiansvarlige og EPMO-er jobbe sammen for å bringe strategier til live samtidig som de bruker strategisk planlegging til å raskt endre strategier, prioriteringer, finansiering og ressurser for å oppnå de mest strategiske tiltakene. Se hvordan Planview kan hjelpe deg med å sikre at de rette ressursene er tilgjengelige for å levere de mest innovative, lønnsomme, differensierte produktene på markedet – i tide og innenfor budsjettet. Se hvordan Planview lar bedriftsarkitekter og strategiske planleggere fremme strategi og kapasitet ved å ta bedre beslutninger om anvendelse og teknologiporteføljer. Se hvordan Planview Enterprise One forenkler strategisk drift på tvers av virksomheten for å optimalisere ditt teknologilandskap og for å levere innovative produkter og tjenester og til slutt drive fram vekst. Ved orkestrering av alt arbeid, folk, funksjoner og teknologier, kombinert med ende-til-ende innsyn i drift og økonomi, kan organisasjonen raskt itererer og tilpasse seg og oppnå høyere ytelsesnivå i virksomheten. Se hvorfor Planview PPM Pro (tidligere Planview Innotas) er den ideelle løsningen til å hjelpe organisasjonen å komme til neste nivå av suksess. Oppnå raske fordeler fra avkastning for organisasjonen, uansett hvor du er på din reise med prosjektporteføljen din. Med Planview LeanKit får tekniske team på alle nivåer i organisasjonen et visuelt arbeidsverktøy for å anvende Lean-administrasjonsprinsipper i arbeidet og få dem til å jobbe smartere og levere raskere. Se hvordan LeanKit kan få deg til se det store bildet, få økt smidighet, integrere applikasjoner og bli stadig bedre. Registrer deg for en gratis prøveperiode. Ingen kredittkort påkrevd. LeanKit er et visuelt arbeidsleveringsverktøy som gjør det mulig for alle typer team å bruke Lean og/eller Agile administrasjonsprinsipper i arbeidet sitt. Uansett hvilken arbeidsflytsmetodikk du bruker – Kanban, Scrum og annet – kan LeanKit hjelpe deg med å redusere avfall og skalere levering fra teamet ved å visualisere arbeid og fremme kontinuerlig forbedring. Projectplace arbeidsstyringsprogramvare for samarbeid gjør det mulig for alle typer team å spore arbeidet sitt – og levere resultater. Registrer deg for en gratis prøveversjon og oppdag hva Projectplace kan gjøre for deg og teamet ditt. Utvid din prosjektportefølje og ressursadministrasjonskunnskap. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer Informasjonen du trenger li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Er du klar til å se en demonstrasjon eller få tak i en prøveversjon? Du er på rett sted! h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Planview demoer og gratis prøveversjon Se en demo på etterspørsel Prøv våre produkter Expand your knowledge h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Demoer etter løsning Demoer etter produkt h4|Bundles Endre måten organisasjonen din planlegger, finansierer og leverer verdi på via porteføljeteamene. Utvikle din PMO for å levere transformative produkter, tjenester og kundeopplevelser Koble sammen, planlegg, koordiner og håndter flere Agile-team, uansett verktøy eller prosess Få arbeid gjort med en samarbeidsløsning som samler ditt virtuelle team Få én enkelt oversikt over ressurser og kapasitet Gjør organisasjonens strategiske planer operative fra formulering til drift Justere din produktporteføljer til din produktinnovasjonsstrategi Administrer dine applikasjoner og teknologiporteføljer proaktivt slik at de kan justere seg til forretningsstrategier Komplett bedrifts portefølje- og ressursforvaltning og kapasitets- og teknologiledelse Mid-tier prosjektet porteføljestyring (PPM) Enterprise Kanban for Agile-team Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: demo Enterprise Agile-planlegging demo Portfolio and Resource Management demo Agile-programstyring demo Collaborative Work Management demo Ressursadministrasjon demo på strategisk planlegging demo Produktporteføljeadministrasjon demo Kapasitet- og teknologiadministrasjon demo Planview Enterprise One™ Formerly Innotas demo Planview PPM Pro™ demo Planview Leankit™ 30-dagers prøveperiode med alle funksjoner med alle funksjoner i en prøveperiode på 30 dager 30-dagers prøveversjon med alle funksjoner Helt funksjonell 30 dagers prøveversjon Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapet. . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer Planview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. SOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability and confidentiality. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains confidential and protected. Trust isn’t possible without security. Learn more about Planview’s approach to maintaining best practice security and protecting customer data. Adherence to industry-leading standards (ISO 27001, SOCII) and best practices (NIST CSF). Learn more about Planview’s compliance efforts including independent third-party assessments. Responsible stewardship of customer data. Learn more about Planview’s approach to ensuring customer data is handled responsibly. Ensuring Planview delivers consistently which leads to availability and resiliency. Learn more about the principles Planview uses to provide a highly available solution for customers. Get the answers to our most asked questions. li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview Trust h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards Planview adheres to stringent standards h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Sikkerhet Compliance Personvern Resiliency FAQs h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Trust and Security Center page: Frequently Asked Questions page: Planview Security Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Yes, Planview utilizes AES-256 as the encryption algorithm for data at rest and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data in transit. Absolutely. Planview understands, in many cases, the best defense against cyber-attacks is the person behind the keyboard. As a result, at least annually, a formal security awareness training is held with an assessment at the completion to ensure the content was understood. Additionally, other avenues (blog posts, company messages, etc.) are utilized throughout the year to provide relevant information about recent trends in the information security world. Planview classifies all customer data as sensitive and strives to provide the strictest control over the means to access it. Role-based access is utilized to ensure only those employees with a business need to access customer data have it. Access is reviewed regularly and removed promptly upon an employee’s departure. Access to production environments is granted using multi-factor authentication and logged / monitored by a dedicated security team. Physical access to systems, where possible, is also stringently restricted to those who require it. Planview believes security by design and default isn’t just a saying. We test it regularly. Vulnerability scans are performed monthly, at a minimum. Additionally, Planview engages with an independent third party to perform rigorous penetration testing on each of its products an annual basis. Identified findings are triaged and scheduled for remediation based on criticality. Detailed test results tend to contain information which would be considered confidential (ex. Hostnames, internal IP addresses, usernames, etc). That being said, Planview can provide executive summaries of its annual penetration tests under a non-disclosure agreement. Planview adheres to a rigorous change management policy and process which is aligned with the ISO 27001 standards and audited annually. As part of this, Planview has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) which approves changes prior to deployment. Planview maintains separate (non-production) environments which are used to perform numerous tests prior to deploying changes to production. As an ISO 27001 certified organization, Planview approaches risk is a disciplined manner from identification and analysis of risks to evaluation and risk treatment. Our approach is detailed in a Risk Management Policy to ensure a consistent approach. While Planview performs an annual Risk Assessment, we believe assessing risk should be an ongoing effort built into processes throughout the organization. Risks identified are cataloged with corresponding risk treatment plans in a Risk Registry which is regularly reviewed and updated by organizational leadership. Planview provides support services to ensure that customers can easily report issues to the appropriate contacts: For Planview Enterprise One, LeanKit, and PPM Pro, please visit , click Submit Case, work through the steps to select the product and version as applicable, and then choose Security in the Type drop-down list. For LeanKit, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Security in the Type drop-down list. For Projectplace, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Incident in the Type drop-down list. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Frequently Asked Questions h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Is data encrypted at rest? In transit? Does Planview perform security awareness training for its employees, contractors, etc? Who can access customer data? Do you perform vulnerability scans / penetration testing? Will Planview provide test results? How does Planview manage change to its products? How does Planview approach Risk Management? How do I report a security breach or incident? h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Reliability page: Planview Trust Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenAt Planview, strong partnerships are a critical component in helping our customers succeed. That’s why we invite premier software and service organizations to join our partner program. Help your customers bring value to their organization and to their customers. We provide the industry’s best and most comprehensive solutions designed for strategic planning, portfolio and resource management, Lean and Agile delivery, product portfolio management, capability and technology management, innovation management, and collaborative work management. Together, we empower the market-leading enterprises the ability to achieve , create a culture of innovation, and make the product shift, by offering a single line of sight across the entire organization to help every team collaborate and create value. Our Partner Program includes: – Join the Planview team by selling and implementing Planview solutions in regions across the globe. – Work with Planview as a service partner to deliver complete solutions to the market for all levels of Agile transformation. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Partner h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Partner Agile at scale Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseAt Planview, strong partnerships are a critical component in helping our customers succeed. That’s why we invite premier software and service organizations to join our partner program. Help your customers bring value to their organization and to their customers. We provide the industry’s best and most comprehensive solutions designed for strategic planning, portfolio and resource management, Lean and Agile delivery, product portfolio management, capability and technology management, innovation management, and collaborative work management. Together, we empower the market-leading enterprises the ability to achieve , create a culture of innovation, and make the product shift, by offering a single line of sight across the entire organization to help every team collaborate and create value. Our Partner Program includes: – Join the Planview team by selling and implementing Planview solutions in regions across the globe. – Work with Planview as a service partner to deliver complete solutions to the market for all levels of Agile transformation. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Partenaires h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Partenaires Agile at scale Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeAt Planview, strong partnerships are a critical component in helping our customers succeed. That’s why we invite premier software and service organizations to join our partner program. Help your customers bring value to their organization and to their customers. We provide the industry’s best and most comprehensive solutions designed for strategic planning, portfolio and resource management, Lean and Agile delivery, product portfolio management, capability and technology management, innovation management, and collaborative work management. Together, we empower the market-leading enterprises the ability to achieve , create a culture of innovation, and make the product shift, by offering a single line of sight across the entire organization to help every team collaborate and create value. Our Partner Program includes: – Join the Planview team by selling and implementing Planview solutions in regions across the globe. – Work with Planview as a service partner to deliver complete solutions to the market for all levels of Agile transformation. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Partners h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Partners Agile at scale Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetAt Planview, strong partnerships are a critical component in helping our customers succeed. That’s why we invite premier software and service organizations to join our partner program. Help your customers bring value to their organization and to their customers. We provide the industry’s best and most comprehensive solutions designed for strategic planning, portfolio and resource management, Lean and Agile delivery, product portfolio management, capability and technology management, innovation management, and collaborative work management. Together, we empower the market-leading enterprises the ability to achieve , create a culture of innovation, and make the product shift, by offering a single line of sight across the entire organization to help every team collaborate and create value. Our Partner Program includes: – Join the Planview team by selling and implementing Planview solutions in regions across the globe. – Work with Planview as a service partner to deliver complete solutions to the market for all levels of Agile transformation. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Partnere h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Partnere Agile at scale Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Find live events and webcasts showing our solutions Im Fokus stehen wieder spannende Kundenvorträge, Erfahrungsberichte sowie Planview-Einblicke in aktuelle Themen und vieles mehr. Erfahrungsaustausch, Netzwerken mit Kollegen und die Gelegenheit, die Planview-Welt noch besser kennenzulernen und interessante Neuigkeiten aus erster Hand zu bekommen, werden in diesem Jahr nicht zu kurz kommen. By attending this session, you will understand: • How to address the underlying psychology that often hinders a shift to a Lean-Agile culture • How leadership must acknowledge their own change • How to create a decentralized decision-making organisation • The power of cross-functional teams and why leadership needs to support these groups • How funding and budgeting must change Rejoignez-nous à notre prochain évènement Planview Day Paris pour rencontrer et échanger avec vos pairs, découvrir les nouveautés au sein de la plateforme Planview ainsi qu’écouter des témoignages clients. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Events h2|Company Customer Care Log In Connect with our experts Browse on-demand webinars See Planview Enterprise One in Action h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches More information h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Showing 3 of 3 Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Market disruptions are changing the competitive landscape and driving organizations to rapidly rewire the way they connect strategy to delivery. Planview’ssolutions are uniquely positioned to help organizations transform the way they drive delivery of strategic initiatives and enable teams to do their best work. Planview makes it possible by helping enterprises navigate four of their top strategy-to-delivery challenges as they transform themselves to compete in highly-disruptive markets. A typical enterprise portfolio now includes a mix of work types, including Project, Agile, Lean, and unstructured collaborative work. Planview enables organizations to connect strategy to delivery in a and gain visibility, no matter how their teams work. Our solutions support the creation of a by enabling enterprises to harness the power of collective intelligence, deliver products and solutions faster, improve business outcomes, and support corporate strategic objectives. Implementing Agile at the individual team level is relatively easy but expanding across multiple teams and functions within large organizations is more challenging. Planview enables enterprises to realize and quickly achieve strategic alignment, to deliver the outcomes that matter. As organizations transition toward more agile practices, teams will start thinking in terms of products, rather than projects, and focusing on evolving feature sets and ongoing development throughout a lifecycle, as opposed to one-time delivery. Planview empowers organizations to make this critical . For over 30 years, Planview has had a singular focus on delivering software solutions that: Technology, business models, and working styles have changed over the years but one thing remains constant. Planview continues to be at the forefront of delivering industry-leadingsolutions that empower our customers to accelerate transformation and thrive in a rapidly changing world. From innovation to strategy to delivery, Planview provides the most comprehensivesolutions in the industry. We’re pragmatists, not purists. So our solutions are designed to support the different styles of work that exist in a large enterprise while providing a single line of sight across the entire organization. Unlike platforms that only support a single type of portfolio or work methodology, we empower organizations to manage transformation, on their own terms and at their own pace. Drive a culture of innovation and employee engagement from idea to impact Enterprise-wide portfolio planning and delivery that spans traditional and Lean-Agile approaches Enterprise work management that advances PPM and project delivery capabilitiesstrategic outcomes that matter Enterprise Kanban for IT and Business teams that need to visualize work, , implementacross their work delivery. Project-centric collaborative workspaces that bring teams together to support everyday across the enterprise Digital workspaces that empower teams to deliver their best work, no matter how they work We know that we are only successful when our customers are successful. Over the years we’ve continuously iterated and improved on time-tested delivery models that enable our customers to accelerate the implementation of Planview products and quickly generate tangible results. Planview has been recognized time and time again for our contributions toinnovation. See what industry experts say. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the May 2019 Gartner “,” positioned highest for its ability to execute and furthest for completeness of vision for the second consecutive year. Read product reviews: , , , , Our customers are bold transformation drivers and we’re honored to be a trusted partner in their journeys. “Planview combines the power of lean and agile delivery with portfolio management, enabling teams and enterprises to leverage Agile-at-scale for creating innovative products and services. Our customers are bold innovators who harness this power to transform their business and delight customers.” Greg Gilmore Planview Chief Executive Officer “While transformation is largely dependent on culture and behavior, it also requires the right people, process, and tools. Planview enables RBS to maintain a controlled environment and provide transparency of delivery across our Agile teams. At the same time, we are able to track the main-level financial data, outcomes, and business cases, and ultimately the delivery of value throughout our business domains (value streams). You don’t go from one end of the Agile journey in one go. It’s a transition, step by step, and Planview is helping us get there.” Steve Marjot Head of Change Centre of Excellence, Royal Bank of Scotland “Our goal is pretty simple: be adaptive and flexible to change. As a result, we are constantly evolving our product portfolio and business models in our many locations. This allows us to be more progressive about how teams work together and prioritize work based on location. With Planview, our strategic partnership means we have a close day-to-day working relationship that extends far beyond a simple piece of software. We love how quickly we can apply new models of working to our business processes, organization roles and responsibilities, and to our metrics.” Eric van Gemeren Chief Transformation Officer, Flowserve Corporation Are you ready to explore how Planview can help your organization navigate strategy to delivery transformation? . . di|Planview recognized as a leader based on its ability to execute and completeness of vision. Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resourcesstrategic outcomes that matter Empower teams to deliver their best work, no matter how they work Enterprise Work Management , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management h1|with market-leadingsolutions h2|Company Customer Care Log In We enable customers to strategy to delivery Are your teams thriving, delivering on strategy, and doing their best work? Accelerate on-strategy delivery at scale 5 reasons to choose Planviewsolutions Get started on your strategy to delivery journey h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Innovation Management Strategic Portfolio Management Project Portfolio Management Enterprise Agile Planning Work Management for Teams Adapt to the changing world of work Create a culture of innovation Realize Agile at scale Make the product shift Our single focus is on strategy to delivery transformation Planview’s full spectrum ofsolutions enable the transformation journey Our enterprise-centric customer success model is time-tested Planview is a recognized innovator and industry leader Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Oursolutions empower over 4000 customers and 1 million users worldwide h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools : 2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Close modal Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas) Project Portfolio Management Software Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Featured Reports 2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools 2019 Gartner Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide em|rewire rewire Austin American Statesman SD Times Austin Business Journal Channel E2E Managge IT Project Manager News Zukunftsinnovation Österreich Enterprise Times GeekWire PE Hub Austin American Statesman Dallas Business Journal SAFe Business Agility Podcast From their origins in software development, Agile practices are expanding to business teams, including marketing. Listen here as Planview CMO, Cameron Van Orman, and leading Agile Marketing thought leaders discuss the future of Agile Marketing. Fort Worth Business Press Velicitize Talks In this episode of Velocitize Talks, Planview CMO, CameronVan Orman, shares his thoughts on the way we work, remote teams, and how the pandemic is changing marketing. SD Times On November 10, Planview was acquired by TPG Capital and TA Associates. Austin Business Journal On November 10, Planview was acquired by TPG Capital and TA Associates. Austin Tech Council Yahoo! Finance Austin American-Statesman On November 10, Planview was acquired by TPG Capital and TA Associates. Silicon Angle Harvard Business Review Profile Magazine How CEO Gregory Gilmore helped Planview reinvent itself and transform to fit the evolving needs of the market and its customers CIO Review Austin American-Statesman On July 9, 2020 Planview acquired Austin-based Aptage, a company that makes artificial intelligence and machine learning-based business software. Harvard Business Review At Planview, we’ve been leaders in project portfolio management (PPM) solutions for more than 30 years — but our market is changing, and our customers are too. Partnering with our customers today and in the future required a transformation of our own to make it a reality. Harvard Business Review SAFe Business Agility Podcast . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|In the News h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Company Search news Search Submit search keywords English French German Norwegian Swedish 2020 2021 Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenGartenstrasse 67 D-76135 Karlsruhe Verkaufsanfragen: +49 69 9675 9134 Allgemeine anfragen: +49 30 2295 7828 Mannheim HRB 106682 Greg Gilmore DE 811 672 531 Email Planview Deutschland GmbH: Für Fragen zum Datenschutz bei Planview senden Sie bitte ein Email an unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten unter: Telefon: +49-721-9597-262 Fax: +49-721-9597-222 Email: Bitte beachten Sie unsere internationalen Hinweise in englischer Sprache zu und Haftung sowie zu den . . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Veröffentlicht: 28. October 2019 Geschäftsführer Umsatzsteuer ID h1|Impressum Planview GmbH, Software & Consulting h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Registergericht E-Mail Planview Kundenbetreuung h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: [email protected] Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit As the global leader in Portfolio and Work Management, Planview has a single focus on helping enterprises transform strategy to delivery in today’s fast-paced, highly-disruptive markets. Our solutions create organizational focus on the strategic outcomes that matter and empower teams to deliver their best work, no matter how they work. Planview is uniquely positioned to help organizations navigate strategy to delivery transformation by providing the full spectrum of eand Work Management solutions. Imagine adapting to the , realizing , , and making the . . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|About Planview h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Company Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Planview’s commitment to privacy extends to every facet of the organization to ensure customer data is managed with the utmost of care. . Planview has recommended to enter into EU 2010/87 Standard Contractual Model Clauses (SCC) with all its customers as an exhibit to the Planview Data Processing Agreement. Planview has not relied on Privacy Shield as the sole mechanism for data transfers between EU/EEA and US. As a result of the invalidation, Planview now require all EU/EEA customers to amend SCC’s to the services agreement. Planview has also ensured there are SCC in place with all third-party vendors (i.e. sub-processors). Planview has a comprehensive and robust data protection security program in place that supplements the SCC’s. All data is encrypted in transfer and at rest. All systems, as well as all operational activities by Planview employees, are monitored to ensure confidentiality, availability and resilience of the services, including restoration in the event of a breach. Regular testing, assessments and reviews of the security measures are performed to evaluate its effectiveness. Planview partners with the most acknowledged companies of data centre providers, cloud service providers, analytic platforms and incident detection and response providers to facilitate and monitor our services. Planview is certified for ISO 27001 and SOC 2. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is currently analysing the Court’s judgment to determine the kind of supplementary measures that could be provided in addition to SCCs, whether legal, technical or organisational measures, to transfer data to third countries where SCCs will not provide the sufficient level of guarantees on their own. Planview believes the SCC in combination with all other safeguards in place can ensure customer data remains protected in alignment with the GDPR requirements. However, Planview follows the development and guidance’s from the EU Supervisory authorities and the EDPS closely for additional supplementary arrangements when announced. Planview maintains a comprehensive privacy describing the types of personal identifiable information we collect, how and why we use, share and in what way we secure that information. We also inform about how you can access and exercise your rights as a registered , and how to update your information. Planview’s Privacy Policy is an internal guidance for how employees and contracted agents shall handle personal identifiable information of customers and prospects. The policy is complemented by specific instructions to each business area, depending on the nature of that business area and what personal identifiable information they process. From a privacy perspective, Plainview’s operations are divided between processing activities we perform on behalf of our customers (our products), and activities performed for our own business (for marketing). Our responsibilities are varying depending on the subject matter of the processing activities. The California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq. (CCPA) is a U.S. California privacy law entering into force 1 January 2020. It expands upon the privacy rights available to Californian citizens, listing data protection requirements with which companies must comply. Planview is closely following the CCPA requirements, including opinions and guidance’s from regulatory authorities. We will adapt our practices where necessary to ensure that we are compliant also to this law if there are specific additional requirements that the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) is not covering with regards to processing of PII. Planview does not “sell” our customers’ personal identifiable information (PII). Planview does not rent, disclose, release, transfer, make available or otherwise communicate PII to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. Planview does share user aggregated and/or anonymized information regarding customer and users’ usage of our offered services with third parties (i.e. Sub-processors) through integrations, for the performance of the contracted services and to provide customers with more relevant content of our services. As Planview is a SaaS provider and processes customer and user data only as instructed for the purpose of delivering and performing the services as we’ve committed to in our customer contracts, we do not distribute or deploy customer data for any other commercial purposes. For information of what PII we have received or collected of you as a user, or to exercise your rights as a registered, please make a request at our . GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. All Planview entities adheres to GDPR. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO), based in EU (Sweden), are the basis of an increased focus toward earning that trust. The principles relating to processing of personal data as stated in the GDPR are focus for our compliance work. – We process personal data strictly for our own business, and in accordance with our privacy policy. We inform customers and individuals about our processing activities in our privacy statement. Our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is available for any and all to review. – We process personal data strictly for the purpose of 1) fulfilling the contractual requirements agreed upon between our customers and us, and/or 2) marketing our products to customers and prospects. – We require only identifiable contact information of customers and users of our products, as well as for our marketing activities. Customer records are being is regularly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy. We have processes in place to ensure we fulfill the rights of a registered individual (data subject) by our DSAR portal. – We keep and store customer data during the term of contract. Customer accounts are deleted 30 days after contract expiry. Back up logs are stored for the maximum 90 days for customer convenience. Information in customer and user records are stored in our marketing systems for one year after terminated contract. Consent is required for longer storage. At any time during the term of contract, all customer data used in the product is offered portability. – We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure all data is protected and secured. We have internal access controls and authorization requirements to all data. All employees are subject to our privacy policy and specific instructions. Annual mandatory trainings and seminars are provided to ensure sufficient awareness and knowledge is achieved. For further description of our technical measures to protect data, please review our information of security. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Lawfulness Purpose limitation Data Minimization Storage limitation (retention) Integrity and confidentiality h1|Planview Privacy h2|Company Customer Care Log In Update with regards to Privacy Shield Invalidation July 16th h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Data transfers due to Privacy Shield invalidation announced by the CEJU C-311/18 Facebook Ireland – Schrems (“Schrems II”) Privacy Statement and internal Privacy Policy The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Compliance page: Planview Reliability Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenYes, Planview utilizes AES-256 as the encryption algorithm for data at rest and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data in transit. Absolutely. Planview understands, in many cases, the best defense against cyber-attacks is the person behind the keyboard. As a result, at least annually, a formal security awareness training is held with an assessment at the completion to ensure the content was understood. Additionally, other avenues (blog posts, company messages, etc.) are utilized throughout the year to provide relevant information about recent trends in the information security world. Planview classifies all customer data as sensitive and strives to provide the strictest control over the means to access it. Role-based access is utilized to ensure only those employees with a business need to access customer data have it. Access is reviewed regularly and removed promptly upon an employee’s departure. Access to production environments is granted using multi-factor authentication and logged / monitored by a dedicated security team. Physical access to systems, where possible, is also stringently restricted to those who require it. Planview believes security by design and default isn’t just a saying. We test it regularly. Vulnerability scans are performed monthly, at a minimum. Additionally, Planview engages with an independent third party to perform rigorous penetration testing on each of its products an annual basis. Identified findings are triaged and scheduled for remediation based on criticality. Detailed test results tend to contain information which would be considered confidential (ex. Hostnames, internal IP addresses, usernames, etc). That being said, Planview can provide executive summaries of its annual penetration tests under a non-disclosure agreement. Planview adheres to a rigorous change management policy and process which is aligned with the ISO 27001 standards and audited annually. As part of this, Planview has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) which approves changes prior to deployment. Planview maintains separate (non-production) environments which are used to perform numerous tests prior to deploying changes to production. As an ISO 27001 certified organization, Planview approaches risk is a disciplined manner from identification and analysis of risks to evaluation and risk treatment. Our approach is detailed in a Risk Management Policy to ensure a consistent approach. While Planview performs an annual Risk Assessment, we believe assessing risk should be an ongoing effort built into processes throughout the organization. Risks identified are cataloged with corresponding risk treatment plans in a Risk Registry which is regularly reviewed and updated by organizational leadership. Planview provides support services to ensure that customers can easily report issues to the appropriate contacts: For Planview Enterprise One, LeanKit, and PPM Pro, please visit , click Submit Case, work through the steps to select the product and version as applicable, and then choose Security in the Type drop-down list. For LeanKit, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Security in the Type drop-down list. For Projectplace, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Incident in the Type drop-down list. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Frequently Asked Questions h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Is data encrypted at rest? In transit? Does Planview perform security awareness training for its employees, contractors, etc? Who can access customer data? Do you perform vulnerability scans / penetration testing? Will Planview provide test results? How does Planview manage change to its products? How does Planview approach Risk Management? How do I report a security breach or incident? h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Reliability page: Planview Trust Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseYes, Planview utilizes AES-256 as the encryption algorithm for data at rest and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data in transit. Absolutely. Planview understands, in many cases, the best defense against cyber-attacks is the person behind the keyboard. As a result, at least annually, a formal security awareness training is held with an assessment at the completion to ensure the content was understood. Additionally, other avenues (blog posts, company messages, etc.) are utilized throughout the year to provide relevant information about recent trends in the information security world. Planview classifies all customer data as sensitive and strives to provide the strictest control over the means to access it. Role-based access is utilized to ensure only those employees with a business need to access customer data have it. Access is reviewed regularly and removed promptly upon an employee’s departure. Access to production environments is granted using multi-factor authentication and logged / monitored by a dedicated security team. Physical access to systems, where possible, is also stringently restricted to those who require it. Planview believes security by design and default isn’t just a saying. We test it regularly. Vulnerability scans are performed monthly, at a minimum. Additionally, Planview engages with an independent third party to perform rigorous penetration testing on each of its products an annual basis. Identified findings are triaged and scheduled for remediation based on criticality. Detailed test results tend to contain information which would be considered confidential (ex. Hostnames, internal IP addresses, usernames, etc). That being said, Planview can provide executive summaries of its annual penetration tests under a non-disclosure agreement. Planview adheres to a rigorous change management policy and process which is aligned with the ISO 27001 standards and audited annually. As part of this, Planview has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) which approves changes prior to deployment. Planview maintains separate (non-production) environments which are used to perform numerous tests prior to deploying changes to production. As an ISO 27001 certified organization, Planview approaches risk is a disciplined manner from identification and analysis of risks to evaluation and risk treatment. Our approach is detailed in a Risk Management Policy to ensure a consistent approach. While Planview performs an annual Risk Assessment, we believe assessing risk should be an ongoing effort built into processes throughout the organization. Risks identified are cataloged with corresponding risk treatment plans in a Risk Registry which is regularly reviewed and updated by organizational leadership. Planview provides support services to ensure that customers can easily report issues to the appropriate contacts: For Planview Enterprise One, LeanKit, and PPM Pro, please visit , click Submit Case, work through the steps to select the product and version as applicable, and then choose Security in the Type drop-down list. For LeanKit, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Security in the Type drop-down list. For Projectplace, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Incident in the Type drop-down list. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Frequently Asked Questions h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Is data encrypted at rest? In transit? Does Planview perform security awareness training for its employees, contractors, etc? Who can access customer data? Do you perform vulnerability scans / penetration testing? Will Planview provide test results? How does Planview manage change to its products? How does Planview approach Risk Management? How do I report a security breach or incident? h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Trust and Security Center page: Planview Reliability page: Planview Trust Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeYes, Planview utilizes AES-256 as the encryption algorithm for data at rest and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data in transit. Absolutely. Planview understands, in many cases, the best defense against cyber-attacks is the person behind the keyboard. As a result, at least annually, a formal security awareness training is held with an assessment at the completion to ensure the content was understood. Additionally, other avenues (blog posts, company messages, etc.) are utilized throughout the year to provide relevant information about recent trends in the information security world. Planview classifies all customer data as sensitive and strives to provide the strictest control over the means to access it. Role-based access is utilized to ensure only those employees with a business need to access customer data have it. Access is reviewed regularly and removed promptly upon an employee’s departure. Access to production environments is granted using multi-factor authentication and logged / monitored by a dedicated security team. Physical access to systems, where possible, is also stringently restricted to those who require it. Planview believes security by design and default isn’t just a saying. We test it regularly. Vulnerability scans are performed monthly, at a minimum. Additionally, Planview engages with an independent third party to perform rigorous penetration testing on each of its products an annual basis. Identified findings are triaged and scheduled for remediation based on criticality. Detailed test results tend to contain information which would be considered confidential (ex. Hostnames, internal IP addresses, usernames, etc). That being said, Planview can provide executive summaries of its annual penetration tests under a non-disclosure agreement. Planview adheres to a rigorous change management policy and process which is aligned with the ISO 27001 standards and audited annually. As part of this, Planview has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) which approves changes prior to deployment. Planview maintains separate (non-production) environments which are used to perform numerous tests prior to deploying changes to production. As an ISO 27001 certified organization, Planview approaches risk is a disciplined manner from identification and analysis of risks to evaluation and risk treatment. Our approach is detailed in a Risk Management Policy to ensure a consistent approach. While Planview performs an annual Risk Assessment, we believe assessing risk should be an ongoing effort built into processes throughout the organization. Risks identified are cataloged with corresponding risk treatment plans in a Risk Registry which is regularly reviewed and updated by organizational leadership. Planview provides support services to ensure that customers can easily report issues to the appropriate contacts: For Planview Enterprise One, LeanKit, and PPM Pro, please visit , click Submit Case, work through the steps to select the product and version as applicable, and then choose Security in the Type drop-down list. For LeanKit, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Security in the Type drop-down list. For Projectplace, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Incident in the Type drop-down list. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Frequently Asked Questions h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Is data encrypted at rest? In transit? Does Planview perform security awareness training for its employees, contractors, etc? Who can access customer data? Do you perform vulnerability scans / penetration testing? Will Planview provide test results? How does Planview manage change to its products? How does Planview approach Risk Management? How do I report a security breach or incident? h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Reliability page: Planview Trust Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetYes, Planview utilizes AES-256 as the encryption algorithm for data at rest and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data in transit. Absolutely. Planview understands, in many cases, the best defense against cyber-attacks is the person behind the keyboard. As a result, at least annually, a formal security awareness training is held with an assessment at the completion to ensure the content was understood. Additionally, other avenues (blog posts, company messages, etc.) are utilized throughout the year to provide relevant information about recent trends in the information security world. Planview classifies all customer data as sensitive and strives to provide the strictest control over the means to access it. Role-based access is utilized to ensure only those employees with a business need to access customer data have it. Access is reviewed regularly and removed promptly upon an employee’s departure. Access to production environments is granted using multi-factor authentication and logged / monitored by a dedicated security team. Physical access to systems, where possible, is also stringently restricted to those who require it. Planview believes security by design and default isn’t just a saying. We test it regularly. Vulnerability scans are performed monthly, at a minimum. Additionally, Planview engages with an independent third party to perform rigorous penetration testing on each of its products an annual basis. Identified findings are triaged and scheduled for remediation based on criticality. Detailed test results tend to contain information which would be considered confidential (ex. Hostnames, internal IP addresses, usernames, etc). That being said, Planview can provide executive summaries of its annual penetration tests under a non-disclosure agreement. Planview adheres to a rigorous change management policy and process which is aligned with the ISO 27001 standards and audited annually. As part of this, Planview has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) which approves changes prior to deployment. Planview maintains separate (non-production) environments which are used to perform numerous tests prior to deploying changes to production. As an ISO 27001 certified organization, Planview approaches risk is a disciplined manner from identification and analysis of risks to evaluation and risk treatment. Our approach is detailed in a Risk Management Policy to ensure a consistent approach. While Planview performs an annual Risk Assessment, we believe assessing risk should be an ongoing effort built into processes throughout the organization. Risks identified are cataloged with corresponding risk treatment plans in a Risk Registry which is regularly reviewed and updated by organizational leadership. Planview provides support services to ensure that customers can easily report issues to the appropriate contacts: For Planview Enterprise One, LeanKit, and PPM Pro, please visit , click Submit Case, work through the steps to select the product and version as applicable, and then choose Security in the Type drop-down list. For LeanKit, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Security in the Type drop-down list. For Projectplace, visit , click the Submit a Case link, and select Incident in the Type drop-down list. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Frequently Asked Questions h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Is data encrypted at rest? In transit? Does Planview perform security awareness training for its employees, contractors, etc? Who can access customer data? Do you perform vulnerability scans / penetration testing? Will Planview provide test results? How does Planview manage change to its products? How does Planview approach Risk Management? How do I report a security breach or incident? h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Reliability page: Planview Trust Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Planview adopts a culture of security because we understand that the security of our customer’s data is everyone’s responsibility and holds confidentiality of customer information as its highest priority. – Planview’s Cybersecurity Mission Statement: Deliver and maintain a “World-Class” cybersecurity program aligned to Planview’s threat landscape that best protects customer and Planview data, our systems, and our reputation. Our strategic cybersecurity program covers both Planview product security as well as Internal Corporate Security. The program includes strategic pillars, security roadmaps, security metrics, and periodic updates to executive stakeholders and independent auditing companies. – Planview understands that the only way to ensure our application security and protection of customer data is at an acceptable level is to approach security testing with multiple lines of defense for Planview SaaS applications as well supporting infrastructure and processes. Our lines of defense include: internal corporate security testing, product application security testing, 3rd party vendor penetration testing, Internal Audit, and external ISO and SOCII auditing firms. – Planview manages technical security model is based on industry best practices for paramount protection against the most from relevant threats. We leverage a defense-in-depth strategy with preventative and detective controls at each layer customer data is stored, processed or transmitted. Multiple security layers work together to provide superlative protective measures for systems and data. – Planview takes a strong position of embedding information security and privacy in the early stages of new and existing product initiatives in order to ensure risk management is embedded early rather than a post consideration. With each step of the process to build and improve our products, Planview considers the impact to the security and privacy of customer data and embeds security best practices to prevent introducing new risks. – Protection of Customer data is achieved by encryption, access controls, and preventing data on ports and services. Customer data is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and when stored using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Encryption is not the only control that is essential to protecting customer data. Multiple controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access to data including: stringent access controls, network segmentation secure password parameters, role-based access permissions (least privilege), and multi-factor authentication. See how Enterprise One ensures data is kept secure and private. See how PPM Pro ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Projectplace ensures data is kept secure and private. See how LeanKit ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Spigit ensures data is kept secure and private. – Planview’s information security program is based on NIST CSF and ISO 27001 standards to provide international alignment of our security control enviroment. This ensures a structured approach to managing every aspect of security internally including cloud servers, datacenters, networks and end user security. – The Information Risk Management (IRM) team includes decades of experience in cybersecurity and risk management oversight ranging from penetration testing, security threat research, global security methodologies, incident response and audit managment. Planview’s dedicated team of information security professionals have decades of experience securing customer data, global consultant experience for Fortune 500 companies as well as in depth security startup experience . – Planview utilizes market leading security solutions to provide heuristic based analysis of files and activity to prevent attacks even when attackers use files that don’t match known signatures. This ensures that Planview is protected against zero-day and advanced unknown attack types. Security protection controls are in place for end points (workstations and servers) as well as infrastructure, databases, authentication systems and perimeter devices. Two-Factor authentication and anticpoofing systems are in place to prevent unauthorized access to accounts. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages A Formalized Cybersecurity Program and Strategy Multiple Lines of Defense Defense-in-Depth Security Model Security and privacy by design Protection of Customer Data A best practices approach to security An experienced security team Protection in place h1|Planview security h2|Company Customer Care Log In Product security Internal corporate security h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Planview Enterprise One Security Details Planview PPM Pro Security Details Planview Projectplace Security Details Planview LeanKit Security Details Planview Spigit Security Details Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Trust and Security Center for for for for for page: Planview Trust page: Planview Compliance Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide 351 more results for "scaling agile" Program Increment (PI) Planning is the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train. Learn how to manage Program Increment Planning with a multi-locational team. Let’s take a look at how Enterprise Kanban can help organizations scale Agile and enable business agility from the teams to the top. Agile leaders need to understand their role and changes they need to make in order for their organization to reap the benefits of scaling agile. Scaling Agile across an organization is a difficult undertaking, but it doesn't have to be. Download the eBook for more information on agile leadership. Scaling Agile is becoming a necessity as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of Agile to create innovative digital products and services. This is the third installment in a series of posts about the benefits of scaled Agile where we share four more benefits and how to realize them. Get the Must-Haves and Pro-Tips Needed to Scale Agile There’s a growing interest to incorporate Scaled Agile Delivery principles across the organsiation. Watch the webcast to learn how to do so. The launch of an updated Scaled Agile Framework® offers more guidance than ever surrounding business agility. Realize the benefits of Agile across your organization! See how scaling Agile across the enterprise will shine a light on and eliminate many of the obstacles preventing the achievement of key strategic objectives. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h2|Company Customer Care Log In You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: 1 ... : You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Here at Planview, we know that engaged employees create extraordinary teams and customer success. Our more than 700 global employees serve 5,000 custom and strong community relationships. Meet a few of our hard working women of Planview in our Stockholm office. Our summer internship program is for students who are excited to work hard and create results. We are looking for students who are interested in learning hands-on skills for long-term professional development. As an intern, you will be paired with a mentor, work on meaningful projects, and partake in organized intern activities. You can also submit your resume to the Talent Team for future consideration. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Be passionate Innovate at speed Exceed the expectations of every customer Be committed Act with integrity and respect Have fun along the way , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Come Work at Planview! h2|Company Customer Care Log In We believe great people make companies great. Life at Planview Our Core Values Internship Program Don’t see something that’s a fit right now? h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Accounting | Marketing | Product Management | Finance | Development | Solutions Marketing | Customer Care Check our career page in January for summer internship postings. h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Company Life at Planview (Instagram) Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenFind live events and webcasts showing our solutions Im Fokus stehen wieder spannende Kundenvorträge, Erfahrungsberichte sowie Planview-Einblicke in aktuelle Themen und vieles mehr. Erfahrungsaustausch, Netzwerken mit Kollegen und die Gelegenheit, die Planview-Welt noch besser kennenzulernen und interessante Neuigkeiten aus erster Hand zu bekommen, werden in diesem Jahr nicht zu kurz kommen. By attending this session, you will understand: • How to address the underlying psychology that often hinders a shift to a Lean-Agile culture • How leadership must acknowledge their own change • How to create a decentralized decision-making organisation • The power of cross-functional teams and why leadership needs to support these groups • How funding and budgeting must change Rejoignez-nous à notre prochain évènement Planview Day Paris pour rencontrer et échanger avec vos pairs, découvrir les nouveautés au sein de la plateforme Planview ainsi qu’écouter des témoignages clients. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Planview-Veranstaltungen h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Kontakt zu unseren Experten On-demand-Webinare durchsuchen Planview Enterprise in Aktion ansehen h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Weitere Informationen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Anzeige 3 von 3 Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenUmwälzungen auf den Märkten verändern die Wettbewerbslandschaft und zwingen Unternehmen dazu, Strategie und Umsetzung neu zu vernetzen. Die Portfolio- und Workmanagementlösungen von Planview sind einzigartig positioniert, um Unternehmen dabei zu unterstützen, die Art, wie Strategie-Initiativen umgesetzt werden, zu transformieren und es Teams zu ermöglichen, exzellente Arbeit zu leisten. Planview unterstützt Unternehmen bei vier Herausforderungen, die auftreten, wenn neue Strategien in Märkten umgesetzt werden, die sich selbst im Umbruch befinden. Ein typisches Unternehmensportfolio enthält heutzutage verschiedene Arten von Aufgaben, darunter Projekte, Agile, Lean und unstrukturierte kollaborative Aufgaben. Mit Planview können Unternehmen in einer Strategien und Umsetzung vernetzen und jederzeit alles im Blick behalten – unabhängig davon, wie ihre Teams arbeiten. Mit unseren Lösungen können Sie , indem Sie die besten Voraussetzungen für eine kreative Zusammenarbeit und damit die schnellere Entwicklung von Produkten und Lösungen, die Verbesserung der Geschäftsergebnisse und das Erreichen der Unternehmensziele schaffen. Die Nutzung von Agile in einzelnen Teams ist relativ einfach, doch die Ausweitung des Ansatzes auf mehrere Teams und Verantwortungsbereiche in einem großen Unternehmen bringt einige Herausforderungen mit sich. Mit Planview können Firmen und rasch an den Unternehmenszielen ausrichten, um von den Vorteilen zu profitieren, auf die es ankommt. Wenn ein Unternehmen Agile-Praktiken einführt, beginnen die Teams, mehr in Produkten als in Projekten zu denken. Dadurch rückt die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung von Funktionen und Features in den Mittelpunkt, während einmalige Liefertermine an Bedeutung verlieren. Planview fördert . Planview konzentriert sich seit über 30 Jahren ausschließlich auf die Entwicklung von Softwarelösungen, die: Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und Arbeitsweisen haben sich in dieser Zeit geändert, doch eins ist gleich geblieben: Planview ist ganz vorn dabei, wenn es um die Entwicklung branchenführender Portfolio- und Work-Managementlösungen geht, mit denen Unternehmen sich rasch an neue Bedingungen anpassen können, um in unserer sich schnell verändernden Geschäftswelt erfolgreich zu sein. Planview deckt das gesamte Spektrum von der Innovation über die Strategie bis zur Umsetzung ab. Wir sind Pragmatiker und keine Puristen. Deshalb unterstützen unsere Lösungen die verschiedenen Arbeitsweisen, die es in einem großen Unternehmen gibt, und bieten trotzdem eine Gesamtübersicht über alles, was in Arbeit ist. Im Gegensatz zu Plattformen, die nur ein Portfolio oder eine Arbeitsweise unterstützen, versetzen wir Unternehmen in die Lage, die Transformation zu ihren Bedingungen und in ihrem Tempo zu durchlaufen. Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Unternehmensweite Portfolioplanung und -umsetzung, die konventionelle und Lean-Agile-Ansätze einbezieht Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Die wichtigsten strategischen Ziele stehen im Mittelpunkt. Unternehmens-Kanban für IT- und Business-Teams, die ihre Arbeit visualisieren, , implementieren und ihre gesamte Arbeitsbereitstellung kontinuierlich optimieren müssen. Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche, die Teams zusammenbringen, um die tägliche im gesamten Unternehmen zu unterstützen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Wir wissen, dass wir nur Erfolg haben können, wenn unsere Kunden erfolgreich sind. Im Verlauf der Jahre haben wir unsere praxiserprobten Bereitstellungsmodelle ständig verbessert und weiterentwickelt, damit unsere Kunden neue Planview-Produkte schnell einsetzen und so bald wie möglich davon profitieren können. Planview wurde bereits vielfach für seine innovativen Lösungen für das Portfolio- und Work-Management gelobt. Lesen Sie Expertenmeinungen aus der Branche. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. Gartner hat Planview im „Gartner Magic Quadrant for Project Portfolio Management“ vom Mai 2019 zum zweiten Mal in Folge als führend bezeichnet. Als Gründe wurden insbesondere unser großes Umsetzungsvermögen und unsere umfassende Vision hervorgehoben. Read product reviews: , , , , Unsere Kunden treiben die Transformation ihrer Unternehmen ehrgeizig voran und wir sind stolz darauf, sie dabei unterstützen zu dürfen. „Planview kombiniert die Macht der Lean- und Agile Delivery mit Portfoliomanagement. So können Teams und Unternehmen skalierte Agilität nutzen, um innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln. Unsere Kunden sind wagemutige Innovatoren, die diese Macht nutzen, um ihr Unternehmen zu transformieren und Kunden zu begeistern.„ Greg Gilmore Planview Chief Executive Officer „Transformation hängt allerdings nur nicht vom Verhalten, sondern auch von den richtigen Mitarbeitern, Prozessen und Tools. Mit Planview kann RBS ein geregeltes Arbeitsumfeld und die Transparenz der Bereitstellung in unseren Agile-Teams gewährleisten. Gleichzeitig sind wir in der Lage, die wichtigsten Finanzdaten, Ergebnisse und Geschäftsfälle sowie letztendlich die Wertschöpfung in allen Geschäftsbereichen (Wertströmen) zu verfolgen. Die Umsetzung von Agile braucht Zeit. Der Übergang erfolgt Schritt für Schritt, und Planview hilft uns dabei. “ Steve Marjot Head of Change Centre of Excellence, Royal Bank of Scotland „Unser Ziel ist einfach: Wir möchten flexibel und offen für Änderungen sein. Daher entwickeln wir unser Produktportfolio und unsere Geschäftsmodelle an unseren Standorten ständig weiter. So können wir die Zusammenarbeit unserer Teams mit innovativen Ideen optimieren und die Aufgaben nach Standort priorisieren. Mit Planview verbindet uns eine strategische Partnerschaft. Wir pflegen eine enge tägliche Zusammenarbeit, die weit über eine einfache Software hinausgeht. Wir sind begeistert davon, wie schnell wir neue Arbeitsmodelle auf unsere Geschäftsprozesse, Unternehmensrollen, Verantwortlichkeiten und auf unsere Metriken anwenden können. “ Eric van Gemeren Chief Transformation Officer, Flowserve Corporation Are you ready to explore how Planview can help your organization navigate strategy to delivery transformation? . . di|Planview wurde aufgrund seines Umsetzungsvermögens und seiner umfassenden Vision zu einem führenden Unternehmen erklärt. Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Die wichtigsten strategischen Ziele stehen im Mittelpunkt. Teams befähigen, ihre beste Arbeit zu leisten – ohne ihnen eine bestimmte Arbeitsweise vorzuschreiben Enterprise Work Management , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management h1|mit marktführenden Lösungen für das Portfolio- und Work-Management h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Wir helfen Kunden, Strategie und Umsetzung Sind Ihre Teams erfolgreich, setzen sie Ihre Strategie um, und leisten sie exzellente Arbeit? Schnellere Umsetzung von Strategien auf allen Ebenen 5 Gründe für die Wahl von Planview-Lösungen für das Portfolio- und Arbeitsmanagement Beginnen Sie mit der Vernetzung von Strategie und Umsetzung h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Innovation Management Strategic Portfolio Management Projektportfolio-Management Enterprise Agile Planning Work-Management für Teams Anpassung an eine Arbeitswelt im Wandel Aufbau einer Innovationskultur Agile im ganzen Unternehmen Planung von Produkten statt Projekten Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Vernetzung von Strategie und Umsetzung. Das breite Spektrum an Portfolio- und Work-Managementlösungen von Planview unterstützt die Transformation. Unser unternehmensorientiertes Modell für den Kundenerfolg ist praxiserprobt. Planview ist ein anerkannter Innovations- und Branchenführer Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Unsere Portfoliomanagement- und Work-Managementlösungen sind bereits bei über 4000 Kundenunternehmen im Einsatz, wo sie von etwa einer Million Anwender weltweit genutzt werden. h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools : 2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Close modal Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Projektportfolio-Management-Software Planview PPM Pro (ehemals Innotas) Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Empfohlene Berichte : Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Magic Quadrant 2019 für Projekt- und Portfoliomanagement Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit em|neu zu vernetzen Neuvernetzung pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseFind live events and webcasts showing our solutions Im Fokus stehen wieder spannende Kundenvorträge, Erfahrungsberichte sowie Planview-Einblicke in aktuelle Themen und vieles mehr. Erfahrungsaustausch, Netzwerken mit Kollegen und die Gelegenheit, die Planview-Welt noch besser kennenzulernen und interessante Neuigkeiten aus erster Hand zu bekommen, werden in diesem Jahr nicht zu kurz kommen. By attending this session, you will understand: • How to address the underlying psychology that often hinders a shift to a Lean-Agile culture • How leadership must acknowledge their own change • How to create a decentralized decision-making organisation • The power of cross-functional teams and why leadership needs to support these groups • How funding and budgeting must change Rejoignez-nous à notre prochain évènement Planview Day Paris pour rencontrer et échanger avec vos pairs, découvrir les nouveautés au sein de la plateforme Planview ainsi qu’écouter des témoignages clients. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Événements Planview h2|Société Service client Log in Échangez avec nos experts Parcourir les webinaires à la demande Découvrez Planview Enterprise One en action h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Plus d'informations h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Affichage de 3 sur 3 Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Webinaire Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseLa disruption des marchés redessine les contours du paysage concurrentiel et pousse les organisations à renforcer le lien entre stratégie et réalisation. Grâce à leur positionnement unique, les solutions Planview de gestion du portefeuille et des activités aident les organisations à transformer leur façon de mener à bien les initiatives stratégiques et permettent aux équipes d'être performantes. Planview rend tout ceci possible en aidant les entreprises à actionner les quatre grands leviers de réalisation de leur stratégie de transformation. L'objectif : gagner en compétitivité sur des marchés en pleine disruption. Un portefeuille d'entreprise type comprend aujourd'hui un mix d'activités qui vont des projets traditionnels jusqu'au Lean et à l'Agile, en passant par divers modes de travail collaboratif non structuré. Dans un , Planview permet aux organisations de passer de la stratégie à la réalisation et de gagner en visibilité, indépendamment des méthodes de travail de leurs équipes. Nos solutions permettent de canaliser toute la puissance de l'intelligence collective pour , accélérer la livraison de produits et services, améliorer les résultats et favoriser la réalisation des objectifs stratégiques de l'entreprise. L'Agile est relativement facile à mettre en place au niveau d'une équipe individuelle. Là où les choses se compliquent, c'est lorsqu'il faut décliner la méthode à de multiples équipes et fonctions au sein de grandes structures. Planview aide les entreprises à et à s'aligner rapidement sur la stratégie d'entreprise pour livrer des résultats à la hauteur des enjeux. À l'heure où les organisations adoptent des pratiques Agile, leurs équipes passent progressivement d'une mentalité projet à un esprit produit. En ce sens, elles abandonnent les livraisons espacées de versions majeures pour se concentrer sur l'évolution des fonctionnalités et le développement permanent du produit tout au long de son cycle de vie. Planview accompagne les organisations dans . Depuis plus de 30 ans, Planview a pour objectif de fournir des solutions logicielles capables de : Alors que les technologies, les business models et les styles de travail changent au fil des ans, une chose reste immuable : la capacité de Planview à mener de front le développement de solutions de pointe pour la gestion des portefeuilles et des activités. Nous accélérons ainsi la transformation de nos clients et leur donnons l'avantage dans un monde en mutation constante. Innovation, stratégie, réalisation : Planview fournit les solutions de gestion des portefeuilles et des activités les plus complètes du marché. Nous sommes des pragmatiques, et non des dogmatiques. C'est pourquoi nos solutions sont conçues pour prendre en charge les différents styles de travail qui coexistent dans les grandes entreprises, tout en offrant une visibilité centralisée sur toute l'organisation. Contrairement aux plateformes spécialisées dans un seul type de portefeuille ou de méthodologie de travail, nous donnons aux entreprises le choix de se transformer selon leurs propres règles, à leur propre rythme. Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Une planification et une livraison de portefeuilles qui couvrent toute l'entreprise et toutes les approches traditionnelles et Lean-Agile Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Concentrer les forces vives d'une organisation sur ses objectifs stratégiques prioritaires Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes informatiques et commerciales qui ont besoin de visualiser les activités, de , de mettre en œuvre la et de promouvoir l'amélioration continue tout au long de l'exécution des activités. Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des dans toute l'entreprise Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Nous savons que notre succès dépend d'abord de celui de nos clients. Depuis des années, nous itérons et améliorons sans relâche nos modèles de livraison pour permettre à nos clients d'accélérer l'implémentation des produits Planview et de générer rapidement des résultats tangibles. Planview reste un acteur connu et maintes fois reconnu pour ses innovations dans la gestion des portefeuilles et des activités. Découvrez l'avis des experts. Gartner reconnait Planview comme un leader dans leur rapport d'avril 2020 "Magic Quadrant sur les outils de planification Agile d'entreprise", pour sa capacité d'exécution. Gartner reconnait Planview comme un leader dans leur rapport de mai 2019 "", positionnant Planview encore plus loin pour sa capacité d'exécution et l'exhaustivité de sa vision pour la deuxième année consécutive. Read product reviews: , , , , Nos clients sont des forces de transformation qui nous font l'honneur de nous compter parmi leurs partenaires de confiance tout au long de leur parcours. « Planview associe la puissance de la livraison Agile et Lean à la gestion de portefeuilles, permettant aux équipes et aux entreprises de tirer parti de l'agilité à grande échelle pour créer des produits et des services innovants. Nos clients sont des innovateurs audacieux qui mettent cette capacité à profit pour transformer leurs activités et ravir leurs clients. » Greg Gilmore Président-directeur général de Planview « Si la transformation est en grande partie liée à la culture et aux comportements, elle nécessite aussi les acteurs, les processus et les outils appropriés. Planview permet à RBS d'entretenir un environnement contrôlé et de garantir la transparence de la livraison entre nos équipes Agile. Parallèlement, nous sommes en mesure de suivre les données financières, les résultats et les analyses de rentabilité de premier plan. Au final, nous générons de la valeur dans nos différents domaines d'activité (ou axes de valeur). La transformation Agile ne se fait pas en un jour. C'est un processus transitionnel, et Planview nous accompagne à chaque étape. » Steve Marjot Directeur du Centre d'excellence pour le changement, Royal Bank of Scotland « Notre objectif est relativement simple : savoir nous adapter en souplesse au changement. Nous faisons donc évoluer en permanence notre portefeuille de produits et nos modèles de gestion, dans nos nombreux sites. Cela nous permet d'envisager la collaboration entre nos équipes de manière plus progressiste et de hiérarchiser les tâches selon les sites. Grâce à Planview, notre partenariat stratégique se traduit par une relation de travail étroite au jour le jour, allant bien au-delà de la simple composante logicielle. Nous apprécions de pouvoir appliquer rapidement de nouveaux modèles de travail à nos processus, rôles et responsabilités d'entreprise, ainsi qu'à nos métriques. » Eric van Gemeren Directeur de la transformation, Flowserve Corporation Are you ready to explore how Planview can help your organization navigate strategy to delivery transformation? . . di|Planview est reconnu comme un leader pour sa capacité d'exécution et l'exhaustivité de sa vision. Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Concentrer les forces vives d'une organisation sur ses objectifs stratégiques prioritaires Donner aux équipes les moyens de la performance, quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Gestion des activités d'entreprise , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management h1|grâce à des solutions novatrices de gestion des activités et des portefeuilles h2|Société Service client Log in Nous aidons nos clients à le lien entre stratégie et réalisation Vos équipes sont-elles efficaces, alignées sur les stratégies et performantes ? Déployer rapidement une stratégie à grande échelle 5 raisons de choisir les solutions de gestion des activités et des portefeuilles de Planview Enclenchez votre processus de transition de la stratégie à la réalisation h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Gestion de l'innovation Strategic Portfolio Management Gestion de portefeuille de projet Planification Agile d'Entreprise Work Management for Teams Adaptez-vous au nouveau monde du travail Instaurez une culture d'innovation Diffusez l'approche Agile à grande échelle Passez du mode projet au mode produit Notre mission nº 1 : transformer la transition de la stratégie à la réalisation L'éventail des solutions Planview de gestion des portefeuilles et des activités donne l'impulsion à la transformation Les succès de nos clients sont la preuve de la viabilité de notre modèle sur la durée Planview est un innovateur et un leader reconnu dans son secteur Gartner Magic Quadrant des outils de planification Agile d'entreprise Magic Quadrant de Gartner sur la gestion de portefeuilles et de projets Nos solutions de gestion des portefeuilles et activités donnent à plus de 4000 clients et 1 million d'utilisateurs les moyens de leurs ambitions h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant des outils de planification Agile d'entreprise : Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant des outils de planification Agile d'entreprise Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Close modal Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Logiciel de gestion de portefeuilles de projets Planview PPM Pro (anciennement Innotas) Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Rapports en vedette : Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant des outils de planification Agile d'entreprise Rapport Magic Quadrant 2019 de Gartner sur la gestion de projets et de portefeuilles Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier em|renforcer renforcer pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeFind live events and webcasts showing our solutions Im Fokus stehen wieder spannende Kundenvorträge, Erfahrungsberichte sowie Planview-Einblicke in aktuelle Themen und vieles mehr. Erfahrungsaustausch, Netzwerken mit Kollegen und die Gelegenheit, die Planview-Welt noch besser kennenzulernen und interessante Neuigkeiten aus erster Hand zu bekommen, werden in diesem Jahr nicht zu kurz kommen. By attending this session, you will understand: • How to address the underlying psychology that often hinders a shift to a Lean-Agile culture • How leadership must acknowledge their own change • How to create a decentralized decision-making organisation • The power of cross-functional teams and why leadership needs to support these groups • How funding and budgeting must change Rejoignez-nous à notre prochain évènement Planview Day Paris pour rencontrer et échanger avec vos pairs, découvrir les nouveautés au sein de la plateforme Planview ainsi qu’écouter des témoignages clients. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview Events h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Kontakta våra experter Bläddra i våra on-demand-webbinarier Se Planview Enterprise One i aktion h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Mer information h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Visar 3 av 3 Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeMarknadsstörningar resulterar i en ny konkurrensmiljö och tvingar organisationer att snabbt förändra hur de kopplar samman strategi och leverans. Planviews lösningar för portföljhantering och arbetsledning har en unik position för att hjälpa organisationer att förändra hur de driver på leverans av strategiska initiativ och möjliggör för teamen att prestera på topp. Planview möjliggör detta genom att hjälpa företag bemöta fyra av sina främsta strategiska utmaningar, när de genomgår den transformation som krävs för att vara konkurrenskraftig på dagens föränderliga marknader. A typical enterprise portfolio now includes a mix of work types, including Project, Agile, Lean, and unstructured collaborative work. Planview enables organizations to connect strategy to delivery in a and gain visibility, no matter how their teams work. Våra lösningar stödjer genom att ge företag möjlighet att utnyttja kraften hos samlade kunskaper, leverera produkter och lösningar snabbare, förbättra affärsresultaten och stödja sina strategiska mål. Att implementera Agile på det enskilda teamets nivå är relativt enkelt, men att göra det över flera team och funktioner inom en stor organisation är svårare. Planview ger företag möjlighet att och snabbt anpassa sina strategier för att leverera de avgörande resultaten. När organisationer nu övergår till allt mer agila metoder kommer teamen att börja utgå ifrån produkter snarare än projekt. Man kommer även att fokusera på utvecklingen av funktionalitet och kontinuerlig utveckling under en hel livscykel snarare än på enstaka leveranser. Planview ger organisationer möjlighet att . I över 30 år har Planview haft ett unikt fokus på att leverera programvara som: Teknologier, affärsmodeller och arbetsmetoder har förändrats under årens lopp, men en sak står fast. Planview forsätter att ligga i framkant när det gäller att leverera branschledande lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management, lösningar som ger våra kunder möjlighet att accelerera omvandlingen och lyckas i en värld som snabbt förändras. Från innovation till strategi och leverans erbjuder Planview branschens mest omfattande lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management. Vi är pragmatiker, inte purister. Därmed är våra lösningar utformade för att stödja de olika arbetsmetoder som finns inom en stor verksamhet, och samtidigt tillhandahålla en samlad bild över hela organisationen. Till skillnad från plattformar som bara stödjer en enda portföljtyp eller arbetsmetod ger vi organisationer möjlighet att hantera omvandlingen på sina egna villkor och i sin egen takt. Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Portföljplanering och leverans för hela företaget som omfattar såväl traditionella metoder som Lean-Agile-metoder. Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå får organisationen att fokusera på de viktigaste strategiska resultaten Företags-Kanban för IT- och affärsteam som vill visualisera arbetet, , implementera och främja kontinuerlig förbättring i arbetsleveransen. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det i hela verksamheten Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Vi vet att vi lyckas bara när våra kunder lyckas. Under årens lopp har vi kontinuerligt vidareutvecklat och förbättrat våra beprövade leveransmodeller, så att våra kunder kan accelerera implementeringen av Planviews produkter och snabbt uppnå konkreta resultat. På Planview har vi gång på gång uppmärksammats för våra bidrag till innovationen inom portföljhantering och Work Management. Läs vad branschexperterna har att säga. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. Gartner har utsett Planview till en Ledare i May 2019 Gartner “” och positionerat dem högst för sin genomföringsförmåga och längst fram för sin fulländade vision för andra året i rad. Read product reviews: , , , , Våra kunder driver på förändringen, och vi är hedrade över rollen som anförtrodd partner. "Planview kombinerar kraften i Lean- och Agile-leverans med produktutbudshantering, och gör det möjligt för arbetslag och företag att påverka Agile i rätt storleksordning och skapa innovativa produkter och tjänster. Våra kunder är djärva innovatörer som utnyttjar den här kraften för att förändra sina branscher och glädja kunderna." Greg Gilmore Verkställande direktör, Planview "Även om transformering är beroende av kultur och beteende så kräver det även rätt människor, processer och verktyg. Med Planview kan RBS bibehålla en kontrollerad miljö och erbjuda leveranstransparens för våra Agile-team. Samtidigt kan vi spåra finansiella data på huvudnivå, utfall och företagscase vilket i slutändan levererar värde för alla våra företagsdomäner (värdeströmmar). Man tar sig inte direkt från den ena änden till den andra på Agile-resan. Det handlar om en stegvis övergång och Planview hjälper oss komma i mål." Steve Marjot Head of Change Centre of Excellence, Royal Bank of Scotland "Vårt mål är enkelt: att vara anpassningsbara och öppna för förändring. Därför utvecklar vi kontinuerligt vår produktportfölj och våra affärsmodeller på våra många platser. Det låter oss vara framåtsträvande i hur våra team samarbetar och prioriterar arbete beroende på plats. Med Planview innebär vårt strategiska partnerskap att vi har en nära arbetsrelation som sträcker sig långt utöver en enkel programvara. Vi älskar hur snabbt vi kan tillämpa nya arbetsmodeller till våra verksamhetsprocesser, organisationsroller och ansvarsområden och till våra mått." Eric van Gemeren Chief Transformation Officer, Flowserve Corporation Are you ready to explore how Planview can help your organization navigate strategy to delivery transformation? . . di|Planview är utnämnd till ledare baserat på dess verkställande förmåga och helhetsvision. Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser får organisationen att fokusera på de viktigaste strategiska resultaten ger teamen möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar. Enterprise Work Management , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management h1|med marknadsledande lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Vi ger kunderna möjlighet att mellan strategi och leverans. Trivs dina medarbetare, levererar de enligt strategin och gör de sitt allra bästa? Accelerera strategisk leverans i stor skala 5 skäl att välja Planviews lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management Starta er resa mot en förstärkt koppling mellan strategi och leverans h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Innovation Management Strategic Portfolio Management Hantering av projektutbud Enterprise Agile Planning Work Management för team Anpassning till ett föränderligt arbetsliv Skapa en innovationskultur Genomföra Agile i stor skala Skifta fokus från Projekt till Produkt Vi fokuserar helt på att förstärka kopplingen mellan strategi och leverans Planviews heltäckande lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management gör omvandlingen möjlig Vår modell för kundernas framgång är väl beprövad Planview är en erkänd innovatör och branschledare Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Magic Quadrant för projekt- och portföljhantering Våra lösningar för portföljhantering och Work Management ökar möjligheterna för över 4 000 kunder och 1 miljon användare världen över h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools : 2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Close modal Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Planview PPM Pro (tidigare Innotas) programvara för hantering av projektutbud Planview LeanKit Projectplace Project Management Software Utvalda rapporter : Gartner Magic QuadraTools 2019 års Gartners magiska kvadrant för projektledning och portföljhantering Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt em|förstärka kopplingen förstärka kopplingen pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetFind live events and webcasts showing our solutions Im Fokus stehen wieder spannende Kundenvorträge, Erfahrungsberichte sowie Planview-Einblicke in aktuelle Themen und vieles mehr. Erfahrungsaustausch, Netzwerken mit Kollegen und die Gelegenheit, die Planview-Welt noch besser kennenzulernen und interessante Neuigkeiten aus erster Hand zu bekommen, werden in diesem Jahr nicht zu kurz kommen. By attending this session, you will understand: • How to address the underlying psychology that often hinders a shift to a Lean-Agile culture • How leadership must acknowledge their own change • How to create a decentralized decision-making organisation • The power of cross-functional teams and why leadership needs to support these groups • How funding and budgeting must change Rejoignez-nous à notre prochain évènement Planview Day Paris pour rencontrer et échanger avec vos pairs, découvrir les nouveautés au sein de la plateforme Planview ainsi qu’écouter des témoignages clients. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview hendelser h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Kontakt med våre eksperter Bla gjennom behovsbetinget webinarer Se Planview Enterprise One i aksjon h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Mer informasjon h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Viser 3 av 3 Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetMed forandringer i markedet endres konkurranselandskapet, og organisasjoner blir tvunget til å raskt forandre koblingen mellom strategi og leveranse. Planviews løsninger for porteføljeforvaltning og arbeidsstyring er unikt posisjonert til å hjelpe organisasjoner med å sette i gang endringsprosessen fra strategi til leveranse, og gir team muligheten til å gjøre sitt beste. Planview gjør dette mulig ved å hjelpe selskaper å møte fire av de viktigste strategiske utfordringene knyttet til forvandlingen fra strategi til leveranse for å konkurrere i dagens skiftende markeder. A typical enterprise portfolio now includes a mix of work types, including Project, Agile, Lean, and unstructured collaborative work. Planview enables organizations to connect strategy to delivery in a and gain visibility, no matter how their teams work. Våre løsninger gjør det enklere å , idet bedrifter får muligheten til å utnytte mulighetene som kollektiv intelligens gir, levere produkter og løsninger raskere, forbedre forretningsresultatene og støtte bedriftens strategiske mål. Implementering av Agile for hvert enkelt team er relativt enkelt, men å utvide dette til flere team og funksjoner i større bedrifter, er mer utfordrende. Planview gjør det mulig for bedrifter å og raskt tilpasse til sine strategier, slik at de kan levere gode resultater. Når organisasjoner går over til en mer agile-basert praksis, begynner teamene å tenke produkter snarere enn prosjekter, og de fokuserer på å utvikle funksjonssett og en pågående utvikling gjennom en livssyklus i stedet for engangsleveranser. Planview gir organisasjoner mulighet til å . I over 30 år har Planview hatt et sterkt fokus på å levere programvareløsninger som Teknologi, forretningsmodeller og arbeidsmetoder har endret seg i løpet av årene, men én ting forblir konstant. Planview fortsetter å ligge i tet når det gjelder levering av bransjeledende løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring som gir kundene mulighet til å akselerere forvandlingen og lykkes i en verden som endres raskt. Fra innovasjon til strategi til leveranse – Planview tilbyr bransjens mest omfattende løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring. Vi er pragmatikere, ikke purister. Løsningene våre er derfor utviklet for å støtte de ulike typene arbeidsmetoder som finnes i store virksomheter, samtidig som de bidrar til å gi hele organisasjonen et felles fokus. I motsetning til plattformer som kun støtter én type portefølje- eller arbeidsmetodikk, gir vi organisasjoner mulighet til å håndtere endringsprosesser – på egne premisser og i sitt eget tempo. Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Foretaksomfattende porteføljeplanlegging og levering som spenner over tradisjonelle og Lean-Agile tilnærminger Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Lag organisatorisk fokus på de strategiske resultatene som betyr noe Bedrifts-Kanban for IT- og forretningsteam som trenger å visualisere arbeidet sitt, , implementere , og fremme kontinuerlig forbedring over hele arbeidet. Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hver dag i hele bedriften Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Vi vet at vi kun lykkes når kundene våre lykkes. Gjennom årene har vi kontinuerlig videreutviklet og forbedret levereransemodeller som er testet over tid, slik at våre kundene kan akselerere implementeringen av Planviews produkter og raskt generere konkrete resultater. Planview har gjentatte ganger blitt anerkjent for sine bidrag til innovasjon innen portefølje- og arbeidsstyring. Se hva bransjeekspertene sier. Gartner has named Planview a Leader in the April 2020 Gartner “Magic QuadraTools” based on its ability to execute. I rapporten «» fra mai 2019 ble Planview rangert høyest for evnen til å gjennomføre og i størst grad fullføre forretningsvisjonen vår. Dette er andre år på rad det anerkjente konsulentselskapet Gartner gir oss denne utmerkelsen. Read product reviews: , , , , Kundene våre er pådrivere for endring og forbedring, og vi er beæret over å være en betrodd partner i endringsprosessene deres. «Planview kombinerer effekten av Lean- og Agile-levering med porteføljeadministrasjon, slik at team og bedrifter kan bruke skalert Agile til å skape innovative produkter og tjenester. Kundene våre er ledende utviklere av innovative produkter og tjenester som bruker dette til å endre virksomheten og gjøre kundene fornøyde.» Greg Gilmore Administrerende direktør i Planview «Selv om endring i stor grad er avhengig av kultur og atferd, er også de rette menneskene, prosessene og verktøyene viktige kriterier. Planview gjør det mulig for RBS å opprettholde et kontrollert miljø og sørge for åpenhet i leveransen på tvers av Agile-teamene våre. Samtidig kan vi å spore verdistrømmene i form av økonomiske nøkkeldata, resultater og forretningssaker. Dette gir oss innsikt i verdileveransen gjennom forretningsdomenene våre. Dette er ikke en rask enkeltprosess. Det er en trinnvis endring. Og Planview hjelper oss med gjennomføringen.» Steve Marjot Leder for Change Centre of Excellence ved Royal Bank of Scotland «Målet vårt er ganske enkelt: å være tilpasningsdyktige og fleksible for endringer. Resultatet av dette er at vi utvikler produktporteføljen og forretningsmodellene våre kontinuerlig på en rekke steder. Dermed kan vi styre bedre hvordan team jobber sammen og prioritere oppgaver basert på beliggenhet. Det strategiske partnerskapet med Planview betyr kontinuerlig samarbeid om utfordringer som strekker seg langt utover en enkel programvare. Rask anvendelse av nye modeller for både forretningsprosessene, organisasjonsrollene, ansvaret og resultatmålingene våre, betyr svært mye for oss.» Eric van Gemeren Endringsleder hos Flowserve Corporation Are you ready to explore how Planview can help your organization navigate strategy to delivery transformation? . . di|Planview anerkjennes som en leder basert på evnen til å utføre og fullføre visjonen. Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Lag organisatorisk fokus på de strategiske resultatene som betyr noe gir teamene mulighet til oppnå best resultat, uansett hvordan de jobber. Enterprise Work Management , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management h1|med markedsledende portefølje- og arbeidsstyringsløsninger h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Vi gjør det mulig for kunder å strategi til levering Trives teamene dine så godt at de leverer innen strategi og gjør sitt beste? Raskere levering – i stor skala og i takt med virksomhetens strategi 5 grunner til å velge Planview-portefølje og Work Management-løsninger Kom i gang med endringsprosessen fra strategi til leveranse h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Innovation Management Strategic Portfolio Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Enterprise Agile Planning Work Management for Teams Tilpassing til en arbeidsverden i endring Skap en innovasjonskultur Gjennomfør Agile i stor skala Gjennomfør produktskiftet Vårt fokus er endringen fra strategi til leveranse Planviews komplette spekter av løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring gjør det mulig å sette i gang endringsprosessen Den bedriftssentrerte modellen for kundenes suksess er grundig testet over tid Planview er en anerkjent innovatør og bransjeleder Gartner Magic QuadraTools Gartner Magic Quadrant for prosjekt- og porteføljeadministrasjon Våre løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring benyttes av mer enn 4000 kunder og 1 million brukere verden over h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools : 2020 Gartner Magic QuadraTools Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Close modal Spigit Idea & Innovation Management Software Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management Solution Planview PPM Pro (tidligere Innotas) programvare for administrasjon av produktporteføljer Planview Leankit Projectplace Project Management Software Utvalgte rapporter : Gartner Magic QuadraTools : 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltning Toggle show more quote Toggle show more quote Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende em|rewire forandre . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Media inquiries Be the first to know Follow Planview h1|Press Releases h2|Company Customer Care Log In All releases More ways to stay informed h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Company Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 February 23, 2021 January 12, 2021 December 18, 2020 December 15, 2020 November 10, 2020 July 8, 2020 May 21, 2020 1 ... [email protected] Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview onLlinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenAls weltweit führender Anbieter im Bereich Portfolio- und Workmanagement hat Planview ein Ziel: Unternehmen in den heutigen schnelllebigen und disruptiven Märkten bei der Vernetzung von Strategie und Umsetzung zu unterstützen. Mit unseren Lösungen helfen wir ihnen, sich auf ihre wichtigsten strategischen Ziele zu konzentrieren und beste Arbeit zu leisten – ohne ihnen dabei eine bestimmte Arbeitsweise vorzuschreiben. Mit unserem breiten Spektrum an Lösungen für Portfolio- und Workmanagement sind wir hervorragend positioniert, um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, im gesamten Unternehmen zu adaptieren, umzusetzen, eine und . . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Über Planview h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Unternehmen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPlanview’s commitment to privacy extends to every facet of the organization to ensure customer data is managed with the utmost of care. . Planview has recommended to enter into EU 2010/87 Standard Contractual Model Clauses (SCC) with all its customers as an exhibit to the Planview Data Processing Agreement. Planview has not relied on Privacy Shield as the sole mechanism for data transfers between EU/EEA and US. As a result of the invalidation, Planview now require all EU/EEA customers to amend SCC’s to the services agreement. Planview has also ensured there are SCC in place with all third-party vendors (i.e. sub-processors). Planview has a comprehensive and robust data protection security program in place that supplements the SCC’s. All data is encrypted in transfer and at rest. All systems, as well as all operational activities by Planview employees, are monitored to ensure confidentiality, availability and resilience of the services, including restoration in the event of a breach. Regular testing, assessments and reviews of the security measures are performed to evaluate its effectiveness. Planview partners with the most acknowledged companies of data centre providers, cloud service providers, analytic platforms and incident detection and response providers to facilitate and monitor our services. Planview is certified for ISO 27001 and SOC 2. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is currently analysing the Court’s judgment to determine the kind of supplementary measures that could be provided in addition to SCCs, whether legal, technical or organisational measures, to transfer data to third countries where SCCs will not provide the sufficient level of guarantees on their own. Planview believes the SCC in combination with all other safeguards in place can ensure customer data remains protected in alignment with the GDPR requirements. However, Planview follows the development and guidance’s from the EU Supervisory authorities and the EDPS closely for additional supplementary arrangements when announced. Planview maintains a comprehensive privacy describing the types of personal identifiable information we collect, how and why we use, share and in what way we secure that information. We also inform about how you can access and exercise your rights as a registered , and how to update your information. Planview’s Privacy Policy is an internal guidance for how employees and contracted agents shall handle personal identifiable information of customers and prospects. The policy is complemented by specific instructions to each business area, depending on the nature of that business area and what personal identifiable information they process. From a privacy perspective, Plainview’s operations are divided between processing activities we perform on behalf of our customers (our products), and activities performed for our own business (for marketing). Our responsibilities are varying depending on the subject matter of the processing activities. The California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq. (CCPA) is a U.S. California privacy law entering into force 1 January 2020. It expands upon the privacy rights available to Californian citizens, listing data protection requirements with which companies must comply. Planview is closely following the CCPA requirements, including opinions and guidance’s from regulatory authorities. We will adapt our practices where necessary to ensure that we are compliant also to this law if there are specific additional requirements that the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) is not covering with regards to processing of PII. Planview does not “sell” our customers’ personal identifiable information (PII). Planview does not rent, disclose, release, transfer, make available or otherwise communicate PII to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. Planview does share user aggregated and/or anonymized information regarding customer and users’ usage of our offered services with third parties (i.e. Sub-processors) through integrations, for the performance of the contracted services and to provide customers with more relevant content of our services. As Planview is a SaaS provider and processes customer and user data only as instructed for the purpose of delivering and performing the services as we’ve committed to in our customer contracts, we do not distribute or deploy customer data for any other commercial purposes. For information of what PII we have received or collected of you as a user, or to exercise your rights as a registered, please make a request at our . GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. All Planview entities adheres to GDPR. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO), based in EU (Sweden), are the basis of an increased focus toward earning that trust. The principles relating to processing of personal data as stated in the GDPR are focus for our compliance work. – We process personal data strictly for our own business, and in accordance with our privacy policy. We inform customers and individuals about our processing activities in our privacy statement. Our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is available for any and all to review. – We process personal data strictly for the purpose of 1) fulfilling the contractual requirements agreed upon between our customers and us, and/or 2) marketing our products to customers and prospects. – We require only identifiable contact information of customers and users of our products, as well as for our marketing activities. Customer records are being is regularly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy. We have processes in place to ensure we fulfill the rights of a registered individual (data subject) by our DSAR portal. – We keep and store customer data during the term of contract. Customer accounts are deleted 30 days after contract expiry. Back up logs are stored for the maximum 90 days for customer convenience. Information in customer and user records are stored in our marketing systems for one year after terminated contract. Consent is required for longer storage. At any time during the term of contract, all customer data used in the product is offered portability. – We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure all data is protected and secured. We have internal access controls and authorization requirements to all data. All employees are subject to our privacy policy and specific instructions. Annual mandatory trainings and seminars are provided to ensure sufficient awareness and knowledge is achieved. For further description of our technical measures to protect data, please review our information of security. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Lawfulness Purpose limitation Data Minimization Storage limitation (retention) Integrity and confidentiality h1|Planview Privacy h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Update with regards to Privacy Shield Invalidation July 16th h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Data transfers due to Privacy Shield invalidation announced by the CEJU C-311/18 Facebook Ireland – Schrems (“Schrems II”) Privacy Statement and internal Privacy Policy The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Compliance page: Planview Reliability Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseEn tant que leader mondial de la gestion du travail et des portefeuilles, Planview a une seule mission : aider les entreprises à mettre leurs stratégies à exécution sur des marchés en mutation constante. Nos solutions concentrent toutes les forces vives des organisations sur leurs objectifs stratégiques prioritaires, donnant aux équipes les moyens de la performance, quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail. En offrant à ses clients un éventail complet de solutions de gestion de portefeuilles et de gestion des activités, Planview se place en position de force pour accompagner ses clients dans la réalisation de leur stratégie. Imaginez un monde où vous vous adapteriez sans peine à des , où le déploiement serait réalisable, où vous pourriez et passer du mode projet au . . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|À propos de Planview h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Société Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprisePlanview’s commitment to privacy extends to every facet of the organization to ensure customer data is managed with the utmost of care. . Planview has recommended to enter into EU 2010/87 Standard Contractual Model Clauses (SCC) with all its customers as an exhibit to the Planview Data Processing Agreement. Planview has not relied on Privacy Shield as the sole mechanism for data transfers between EU/EEA and US. As a result of the invalidation, Planview now require all EU/EEA customers to amend SCC’s to the services agreement. Planview has also ensured there are SCC in place with all third-party vendors (i.e. sub-processors). Planview has a comprehensive and robust data protection security program in place that supplements the SCC’s. All data is encrypted in transfer and at rest. All systems, as well as all operational activities by Planview employees, are monitored to ensure confidentiality, availability and resilience of the services, including restoration in the event of a breach. Regular testing, assessments and reviews of the security measures are performed to evaluate its effectiveness. Planview partners with the most acknowledged companies of data centre providers, cloud service providers, analytic platforms and incident detection and response providers to facilitate and monitor our services. Planview is certified for ISO 27001 and SOC 2. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is currently analysing the Court’s judgment to determine the kind of supplementary measures that could be provided in addition to SCCs, whether legal, technical or organisational measures, to transfer data to third countries where SCCs will not provide the sufficient level of guarantees on their own. Planview believes the SCC in combination with all other safeguards in place can ensure customer data remains protected in alignment with the GDPR requirements. However, Planview follows the development and guidance’s from the EU Supervisory authorities and the EDPS closely for additional supplementary arrangements when announced. Planview maintains a comprehensive privacy describing the types of personal identifiable information we collect, how and why we use, share and in what way we secure that information. We also inform about how you can access and exercise your rights as a registered , and how to update your information. Planview’s Privacy Policy is an internal guidance for how employees and contracted agents shall handle personal identifiable information of customers and prospects. The policy is complemented by specific instructions to each business area, depending on the nature of that business area and what personal identifiable information they process. From a privacy perspective, Plainview’s operations are divided between processing activities we perform on behalf of our customers (our products), and activities performed for our own business (for marketing). Our responsibilities are varying depending on the subject matter of the processing activities. The California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq. (CCPA) is a U.S. California privacy law entering into force 1 January 2020. It expands upon the privacy rights available to Californian citizens, listing data protection requirements with which companies must comply. Planview is closely following the CCPA requirements, including opinions and guidance’s from regulatory authorities. We will adapt our practices where necessary to ensure that we are compliant also to this law if there are specific additional requirements that the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) is not covering with regards to processing of PII. Planview does not “sell” our customers’ personal identifiable information (PII). Planview does not rent, disclose, release, transfer, make available or otherwise communicate PII to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. Planview does share user aggregated and/or anonymized information regarding customer and users’ usage of our offered services with third parties (i.e. Sub-processors) through integrations, for the performance of the contracted services and to provide customers with more relevant content of our services. As Planview is a SaaS provider and processes customer and user data only as instructed for the purpose of delivering and performing the services as we’ve committed to in our customer contracts, we do not distribute or deploy customer data for any other commercial purposes. For information of what PII we have received or collected of you as a user, or to exercise your rights as a registered, please make a request at our . GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. All Planview entities adheres to GDPR. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO), based in EU (Sweden), are the basis of an increased focus toward earning that trust. The principles relating to processing of personal data as stated in the GDPR are focus for our compliance work. – We process personal data strictly for our own business, and in accordance with our privacy policy. We inform customers and individuals about our processing activities in our privacy statement. Our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is available for any and all to review. – We process personal data strictly for the purpose of 1) fulfilling the contractual requirements agreed upon between our customers and us, and/or 2) marketing our products to customers and prospects. – We require only identifiable contact information of customers and users of our products, as well as for our marketing activities. Customer records are being is regularly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy. We have processes in place to ensure we fulfill the rights of a registered individual (data subject) by our DSAR portal. – We keep and store customer data during the term of contract. Customer accounts are deleted 30 days after contract expiry. Back up logs are stored for the maximum 90 days for customer convenience. Information in customer and user records are stored in our marketing systems for one year after terminated contract. Consent is required for longer storage. At any time during the term of contract, all customer data used in the product is offered portability. – We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure all data is protected and secured. We have internal access controls and authorization requirements to all data. All employees are subject to our privacy policy and specific instructions. Annual mandatory trainings and seminars are provided to ensure sufficient awareness and knowledge is achieved. For further description of our technical measures to protect data, please review our information of security. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages Lawfulness Purpose limitation Data Minimization Storage limitation (retention) Integrity and confidentiality h1|Planview Privacy h2|Société Service client Log in Update with regards to Privacy Shield Invalidation July 16th h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Data transfers due to Privacy Shield invalidation announced by the CEJU C-311/18 Facebook Ireland – Schrems (“Schrems II”) Privacy Statement and internal Privacy Policy The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Trust and Security Center page: Planview Compliance page: Planview Reliability Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeSom global ledare inom portföljhantering och arbetsledning fokuserar Planview helt på att hjälpa företag att förvandla strategi till leverans i dagens snabbrörliga och mycket splittrade marknader. Våra lösningar skapar organisatoriskt fokus på strategiskt relevanta resultat och ger team möjlighet att prestera på topp, oavsett hur de arbetar. Planview har en unik position för att hjälpa organisationer att förvandla strategi till leverans genom att erbjuda ett komplett spektrum av företagslösningar för portföljhantering och arbetsledning. Föreställ dig anpassning till , att förverkliga , och att göra ett . . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|About Planview h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Företaget Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanview’s commitment to privacy extends to every facet of the organization to ensure customer data is managed with the utmost of care. . Planview has recommended to enter into EU 2010/87 Standard Contractual Model Clauses (SCC) with all its customers as an exhibit to the Planview Data Processing Agreement. Planview has not relied on Privacy Shield as the sole mechanism for data transfers between EU/EEA and US. As a result of the invalidation, Planview now require all EU/EEA customers to amend SCC’s to the services agreement. Planview has also ensured there are SCC in place with all third-party vendors (i.e. sub-processors). Planview has a comprehensive and robust data protection security program in place that supplements the SCC’s. All data is encrypted in transfer and at rest. All systems, as well as all operational activities by Planview employees, are monitored to ensure confidentiality, availability and resilience of the services, including restoration in the event of a breach. Regular testing, assessments and reviews of the security measures are performed to evaluate its effectiveness. Planview partners with the most acknowledged companies of data centre providers, cloud service providers, analytic platforms and incident detection and response providers to facilitate and monitor our services. Planview is certified for ISO 27001 and SOC 2. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is currently analysing the Court’s judgment to determine the kind of supplementary measures that could be provided in addition to SCCs, whether legal, technical or organisational measures, to transfer data to third countries where SCCs will not provide the sufficient level of guarantees on their own. Planview believes the SCC in combination with all other safeguards in place can ensure customer data remains protected in alignment with the GDPR requirements. However, Planview follows the development and guidance’s from the EU Supervisory authorities and the EDPS closely for additional supplementary arrangements when announced. Planview maintains a comprehensive privacy describing the types of personal identifiable information we collect, how and why we use, share and in what way we secure that information. We also inform about how you can access and exercise your rights as a registered , and how to update your information. Planview’s Privacy Policy is an internal guidance for how employees and contracted agents shall handle personal identifiable information of customers and prospects. The policy is complemented by specific instructions to each business area, depending on the nature of that business area and what personal identifiable information they process. From a privacy perspective, Plainview’s operations are divided between processing activities we perform on behalf of our customers (our products), and activities performed for our own business (for marketing). Our responsibilities are varying depending on the subject matter of the processing activities. The California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq. (CCPA) is a U.S. California privacy law entering into force 1 January 2020. It expands upon the privacy rights available to Californian citizens, listing data protection requirements with which companies must comply. Planview is closely following the CCPA requirements, including opinions and guidance’s from regulatory authorities. We will adapt our practices where necessary to ensure that we are compliant also to this law if there are specific additional requirements that the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) is not covering with regards to processing of PII. Planview does not “sell” our customers’ personal identifiable information (PII). Planview does not rent, disclose, release, transfer, make available or otherwise communicate PII to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. Planview does share user aggregated and/or anonymized information regarding customer and users’ usage of our offered services with third parties (i.e. Sub-processors) through integrations, for the performance of the contracted services and to provide customers with more relevant content of our services. As Planview is a SaaS provider and processes customer and user data only as instructed for the purpose of delivering and performing the services as we’ve committed to in our customer contracts, we do not distribute or deploy customer data for any other commercial purposes. For information of what PII we have received or collected of you as a user, or to exercise your rights as a registered, please make a request at our . GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. All Planview entities adheres to GDPR. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO), based in EU (Sweden), are the basis of an increased focus toward earning that trust. The principles relating to processing of personal data as stated in the GDPR are focus for our compliance work. – We process personal data strictly for our own business, and in accordance with our privacy policy. We inform customers and individuals about our processing activities in our privacy statement. Our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is available for any and all to review. – We process personal data strictly for the purpose of 1) fulfilling the contractual requirements agreed upon between our customers and us, and/or 2) marketing our products to customers and prospects. – We require only identifiable contact information of customers and users of our products, as well as for our marketing activities. Customer records are being is regularly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy. We have processes in place to ensure we fulfill the rights of a registered individual (data subject) by our DSAR portal. – We keep and store customer data during the term of contract. Customer accounts are deleted 30 days after contract expiry. Back up logs are stored for the maximum 90 days for customer convenience. Information in customer and user records are stored in our marketing systems for one year after terminated contract. Consent is required for longer storage. At any time during the term of contract, all customer data used in the product is offered portability. – We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure all data is protected and secured. We have internal access controls and authorization requirements to all data. All employees are subject to our privacy policy and specific instructions. Annual mandatory trainings and seminars are provided to ensure sufficient awareness and knowledge is achieved. For further description of our technical measures to protect data, please review our information of security. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket Lawfulness Purpose limitation Data Minimization Storage limitation (retention) Integrity and confidentiality h1|Planview Privacy h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Update with regards to Privacy Shield Invalidation July 16th h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Data transfers due to Privacy Shield invalidation announced by the CEJU C-311/18 Facebook Ireland – Schrems (“Schrems II”) Privacy Statement and internal Privacy Policy The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Compliance page: Planview Reliability Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetSom den globale lederen innen portefølje- og arbeidshåndtering, fokuserer Planview på å hjelpe bedrifter med å gjøre strategi om til leveranse i dagens hektiske og svært krevende markeder. Våre løsninger får organisasjonen til fokusere på de strategiske resultatene som betyr mest, og gir teamene mulighet til oppnå best resultat, uansett hvordan de jobber. Planview er i en unik posisjon til å hjelpe organisasjoner med å realisere endringen fra strategi til leveranse, ved å kunne tilby hele spekteret av løsninger for portefølje- og arbeidsstyring. Se for deg at du tilpasser deg en , realiserer , og iverksetter . . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|About Planview h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Selskapet Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview’s commitment to privacy extends to every facet of the organization to ensure customer data is managed with the utmost of care. . Planview has recommended to enter into EU 2010/87 Standard Contractual Model Clauses (SCC) with all its customers as an exhibit to the Planview Data Processing Agreement. Planview has not relied on Privacy Shield as the sole mechanism for data transfers between EU/EEA and US. As a result of the invalidation, Planview now require all EU/EEA customers to amend SCC’s to the services agreement. Planview has also ensured there are SCC in place with all third-party vendors (i.e. sub-processors). Planview has a comprehensive and robust data protection security program in place that supplements the SCC’s. All data is encrypted in transfer and at rest. All systems, as well as all operational activities by Planview employees, are monitored to ensure confidentiality, availability and resilience of the services, including restoration in the event of a breach. Regular testing, assessments and reviews of the security measures are performed to evaluate its effectiveness. Planview partners with the most acknowledged companies of data centre providers, cloud service providers, analytic platforms and incident detection and response providers to facilitate and monitor our services. Planview is certified for ISO 27001 and SOC 2. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is currently analysing the Court’s judgment to determine the kind of supplementary measures that could be provided in addition to SCCs, whether legal, technical or organisational measures, to transfer data to third countries where SCCs will not provide the sufficient level of guarantees on their own. Planview believes the SCC in combination with all other safeguards in place can ensure customer data remains protected in alignment with the GDPR requirements. However, Planview follows the development and guidance’s from the EU Supervisory authorities and the EDPS closely for additional supplementary arrangements when announced. Planview maintains a comprehensive privacy describing the types of personal identifiable information we collect, how and why we use, share and in what way we secure that information. We also inform about how you can access and exercise your rights as a registered , and how to update your information. Planview’s Privacy Policy is an internal guidance for how employees and contracted agents shall handle personal identifiable information of customers and prospects. The policy is complemented by specific instructions to each business area, depending on the nature of that business area and what personal identifiable information they process. From a privacy perspective, Plainview’s operations are divided between processing activities we perform on behalf of our customers (our products), and activities performed for our own business (for marketing). Our responsibilities are varying depending on the subject matter of the processing activities. The California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq. (CCPA) is a U.S. California privacy law entering into force 1 January 2020. It expands upon the privacy rights available to Californian citizens, listing data protection requirements with which companies must comply. Planview is closely following the CCPA requirements, including opinions and guidance’s from regulatory authorities. We will adapt our practices where necessary to ensure that we are compliant also to this law if there are specific additional requirements that the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) is not covering with regards to processing of PII. Planview does not “sell” our customers’ personal identifiable information (PII). Planview does not rent, disclose, release, transfer, make available or otherwise communicate PII to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. Planview does share user aggregated and/or anonymized information regarding customer and users’ usage of our offered services with third parties (i.e. Sub-processors) through integrations, for the performance of the contracted services and to provide customers with more relevant content of our services. As Planview is a SaaS provider and processes customer and user data only as instructed for the purpose of delivering and performing the services as we’ve committed to in our customer contracts, we do not distribute or deploy customer data for any other commercial purposes. For information of what PII we have received or collected of you as a user, or to exercise your rights as a registered, please make a request at our . GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. All Planview entities adheres to GDPR. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO), based in EU (Sweden), are the basis of an increased focus toward earning that trust. The principles relating to processing of personal data as stated in the GDPR are focus for our compliance work. – We process personal data strictly for our own business, and in accordance with our privacy policy. We inform customers and individuals about our processing activities in our privacy statement. Our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is available for any and all to review. – We process personal data strictly for the purpose of 1) fulfilling the contractual requirements agreed upon between our customers and us, and/or 2) marketing our products to customers and prospects. – We require only identifiable contact information of customers and users of our products, as well as for our marketing activities. Customer records are being is regularly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy. We have processes in place to ensure we fulfill the rights of a registered individual (data subject) by our DSAR portal. – We keep and store customer data during the term of contract. Customer accounts are deleted 30 days after contract expiry. Back up logs are stored for the maximum 90 days for customer convenience. Information in customer and user records are stored in our marketing systems for one year after terminated contract. Consent is required for longer storage. At any time during the term of contract, all customer data used in the product is offered portability. – We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure all data is protected and secured. We have internal access controls and authorization requirements to all data. All employees are subject to our privacy policy and specific instructions. Annual mandatory trainings and seminars are provided to ensure sufficient awareness and knowledge is achieved. For further description of our technical measures to protect data, please review our information of security. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker Lawfulness Purpose limitation Data Minimization Storage limitation (retention) Integrity and confidentiality h1|Planview Privacy h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Update with regards to Privacy Shield Invalidation July 16th h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Data transfers due to Privacy Shield invalidation announced by the CEJU C-311/18 Facebook Ireland – Schrems (“Schrems II”) Privacy Statement and internal Privacy Policy The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Compliance page: Planview Reliability Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende SOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability confidentiality. Annually, Planview undergoes an audit of its controls for all products and is certified as compliant. A SOC 2 report can be provided upon request with a signed NDA. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system (ISMS) to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains secure. ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally recognized framework that incorporates people, processes and systems to develop a robust, risk-based approach to organizational security. GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO) are the basis of increased focus on earning that trust. Integral to any information security management system is oversight and assessment of the controls within the system. Planview has a dedicated team of auditors who regularly assess these controls for both effectiveness and alignment with company policy and regulatory requirements. Any system is only as secure as its weakest link. Planview partners with market leading organizations and holds them to very high standards. Data center providers and cloud hosting providers are both SOC 2 and ISO / IEC 27001 certified at a minimum. Additionally, Planview has a robust vendor assessment program to evaluate security and privacy controls when considering new partners. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more Planview adheres to stringent standards / regulations and undergoes independent validation of compliance. li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Compliance h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Security page: Planview Privacy Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Planview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more Visit the Planview trust and security center. Legal information regarding Planview’s use of personal information. Legal information relating to your use of the website. Legal information relating to Planview trademarks. Legal information relating to Planview patents. Legal information relating to claims of copyright infringement. The master service agreements govern the obligations and rights of the customer and Planview, Inc. and its’ subsidiaries The Data Processing Agreement, (“DPA”) governs the processing of personal data when Planview is considered to be the Data Processor in relation to the Customer as the Data Controller. This DPA is incorporated into the services agreement by reference in the Master Subscription Agreement. li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Legal terms h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Trust and security Privacy policy Terms of use Trademarks Patents Copyright infringement Master service agreements DPA h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Legal Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Planview’s products and services may be covered by one or more of the following issued United States patents. Additional patents may also be pending. For more information, please contact us at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources US 7,797,628 US 7,725,820 US 7,523,128 US 7,698,683 US 7,558,790 US 8,789,011 US 7,890,545 US 8,234,223 US 7,664,712 US 8,214,877 US 7,822,710 US 8,027,956 US 8,635,592 US 9,280,581 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Patents h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Legal Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Klarabergsgatan 60 111 21 Stockholm Sweden SE556552369201 ABN 60 739 963 990 Building 3 – Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Rd Chiswick London W4 5YA VAT number: GB757261710 Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz Bahnhofplatz 12 76137 Karlsruhe DE811672531 Geschäftsführer: Gregory S. Gilmore, Todd Sanders Handelsregisternummer: HRB 106682 117 Avenue Victor Hugo 92100 Boulogne – Billancourt France FR02443037247 Via di Vigna Murata 40 Roma CAP 00143 Italy IT06913481005 Knobbelzwaansingel 5 2496LN Den Haag Netherlands NL810832367B0 Tollbugata 8 0152 Oslo Norway c/o PKF Lawler Partners PTY Limited, Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia c/o Grant Thornton L4, Grant Thornton House 152 Fanshawe Street PO Box 1961 Auckland 1140 New Zealand No.74, Prestige Ferozes, 2nd Floor Sampangi Rama Temple Road, Earlier Cunningham Road Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore-560052 India . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Entities h2|Company Customer Care Log In Planview International AB Planview UK Ltd Planview GmbH, Software & Consulting Planview SAS Planview Software & Consulting Srl Planview Benelux BV Planview Norge AS Planview APAC Pty. Ltd. Planview Ltd Planview India Pvt. Ltd. h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Legal Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide A partial listing of the U.S. and foreign trademarks, logos and service marks owned by Planview follows below. All other brands and product names displayed on the Web site are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The absence of any product, service name or logo from the listing does not constitute a waiver of the rights of Planview. Misuse of the marks displayed on the Web site is strictly prohibited. Any questions concerning the use of these marks or whether a name that does not appear below is in fact owned by Planview should be referred to Planview at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Planview® Planview Enterprise® PLANVIEW HORIZONS™ Planview PRISMS® Alignment Engine® BEN® Delivery Engine® Innotas® Projectplace® Taming Change™ Troux® , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Trademarks h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Legal Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide To locate the proper MSA, please select the product and location where the product was licensed. (North America, Central America, South America) (Europe, Middle East, Africa) (Asia Pacific) To view DPAs executed prior to January 1, 2020, . . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Agreements h2|Company Customer Care Log In Master Service Agreements (MSAs) Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Americas EMEA APAC Planview Enterprise One All Countries h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific To obtain Master Service Agreements for Planview Enterprise One and Planview Spigit, [email protected] Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Planview SaaS solutions are built on highly available, performant infrastructure to deliver our world class product line whenever it’s needed. Planview SaaS solutions enable: Planview’s SaaS solutions utilize scalable, geo-redundant infrastructure to provide fault tolerant, highly available services. Planview monitors critical systems, application and services so that when the unforeseen does happen, our Operations teams are alerted and can quickly work to resolve the situation. Following an outage, we review the cause and identify ways to reduce the likelihood of future incidents. Planning for the unforeseen helps ensure Planview remains prepared to respond quickly and effective should it occur. Planview partners with market leading solution providers to ensure backups are maintained and ready should the need arise. Annual exercises are performed to keep the team well versed on the business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Planview customers can check platform status 24/7/365 at and subscribe to be alerted should an incident occur. When the unforeseen does occur, an incident alert with updates is provided to keep customers informed on remediation efforts and resolution. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Strategic planning and management Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) Workload management and work prioritization New Product Development (NPD) Employee and resource allocation and management Project planning and control Enterprise Architecture (EA) and information technology portfolio management Time and progress reporting Cost management Business Process Management (BPM) , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Reliability h2|Company Customer Care Log In Planview Data Centers h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Availability Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Transparency Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Trust and Security Center (the Planview Platform Status page) to frequently asked trust and security questions page: Planview Privacy page: Frequently Asked Questions Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPlanview adopts a culture of security because we understand that the security of our customer’s data is everyone’s responsibility and holds confidentiality of customer information as its highest priority. – Planview’s Cybersecurity Mission Statement: Deliver and maintain a “World-Class” cybersecurity program aligned to Planview’s threat landscape that best protects customer and Planview data, our systems, and our reputation. Our strategic cybersecurity program covers both Planview product security as well as Internal Corporate Security. The program includes strategic pillars, security roadmaps, security metrics, and periodic updates to executive stakeholders and independent auditing companies. – Planview understands that the only way to ensure our application security and protection of customer data is at an acceptable level is to approach security testing with multiple lines of defense for Planview SaaS applications as well supporting infrastructure and processes. Our lines of defense include: internal corporate security testing, product application security testing, 3rd party vendor penetration testing, Internal Audit, and external ISO and SOCII auditing firms. – Planview manages technical security model is based on industry best practices for paramount protection against the most from relevant threats. We leverage a defense-in-depth strategy with preventative and detective controls at each layer customer data is stored, processed or transmitted. Multiple security layers work together to provide superlative protective measures for systems and data. – Planview takes a strong position of embedding information security and privacy in the early stages of new and existing product initiatives in order to ensure risk management is embedded early rather than a post consideration. With each step of the process to build and improve our products, Planview considers the impact to the security and privacy of customer data and embeds security best practices to prevent introducing new risks. – Protection of Customer data is achieved by encryption, access controls, and preventing data on ports and services. Customer data is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and when stored using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Encryption is not the only control that is essential to protecting customer data. Multiple controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access to data including: stringent access controls, network segmentation secure password parameters, role-based access permissions (least privilege), and multi-factor authentication. See how Enterprise One ensures data is kept secure and private. See how PPM Pro ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Projectplace ensures data is kept secure and private. See how LeanKit ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Spigit ensures data is kept secure and private. – Planview’s information security program is based on NIST CSF and ISO 27001 standards to provide international alignment of our security control enviroment. This ensures a structured approach to managing every aspect of security internally including cloud servers, datacenters, networks and end user security. – The Information Risk Management (IRM) team includes decades of experience in cybersecurity and risk management oversight ranging from penetration testing, security threat research, global security methodologies, incident response and audit managment. Planview’s dedicated team of information security professionals have decades of experience securing customer data, global consultant experience for Fortune 500 companies as well as in depth security startup experience . – Planview utilizes market leading security solutions to provide heuristic based analysis of files and activity to prevent attacks even when attackers use files that don’t match known signatures. This ensures that Planview is protected against zero-day and advanced unknown attack types. Security protection controls are in place for end points (workstations and servers) as well as infrastructure, databases, authentication systems and perimeter devices. Two-Factor authentication and anticpoofing systems are in place to prevent unauthorized access to accounts. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete A Formalized Cybersecurity Program and Strategy Multiple Lines of Defense Defense-in-Depth Security Model Security and privacy by design Protection of Customer Data A best practices approach to security An experienced security team Protection in place h1|Planview security h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Product security Internal corporate security h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Planview Enterprise One Security Details Planview PPM Pro Security Details Planview Projectplace Security Details Planview LeanKit Security Details Planview Spigit Security Details Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Trust and Security Center for for for for for page: Planview Trust page: Planview Compliance Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprisePlanview adopts a culture of security because we understand that the security of our customer’s data is everyone’s responsibility and holds confidentiality of customer information as its highest priority. – Planview’s Cybersecurity Mission Statement: Deliver and maintain a “World-Class” cybersecurity program aligned to Planview’s threat landscape that best protects customer and Planview data, our systems, and our reputation. Our strategic cybersecurity program covers both Planview product security as well as Internal Corporate Security. The program includes strategic pillars, security roadmaps, security metrics, and periodic updates to executive stakeholders and independent auditing companies. – Planview understands that the only way to ensure our application security and protection of customer data is at an acceptable level is to approach security testing with multiple lines of defense for Planview SaaS applications as well supporting infrastructure and processes. Our lines of defense include: internal corporate security testing, product application security testing, 3rd party vendor penetration testing, Internal Audit, and external ISO and SOCII auditing firms. – Planview manages technical security model is based on industry best practices for paramount protection against the most from relevant threats. We leverage a defense-in-depth strategy with preventative and detective controls at each layer customer data is stored, processed or transmitted. Multiple security layers work together to provide superlative protective measures for systems and data. – Planview takes a strong position of embedding information security and privacy in the early stages of new and existing product initiatives in order to ensure risk management is embedded early rather than a post consideration. With each step of the process to build and improve our products, Planview considers the impact to the security and privacy of customer data and embeds security best practices to prevent introducing new risks. – Protection of Customer data is achieved by encryption, access controls, and preventing data on ports and services. Customer data is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and when stored using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Encryption is not the only control that is essential to protecting customer data. Multiple controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access to data including: stringent access controls, network segmentation secure password parameters, role-based access permissions (least privilege), and multi-factor authentication. See how Enterprise One ensures data is kept secure and private. See how PPM Pro ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Projectplace ensures data is kept secure and private. See how LeanKit ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Spigit ensures data is kept secure and private. – Planview’s information security program is based on NIST CSF and ISO 27001 standards to provide international alignment of our security control enviroment. This ensures a structured approach to managing every aspect of security internally including cloud servers, datacenters, networks and end user security. – The Information Risk Management (IRM) team includes decades of experience in cybersecurity and risk management oversight ranging from penetration testing, security threat research, global security methodologies, incident response and audit managment. Planview’s dedicated team of information security professionals have decades of experience securing customer data, global consultant experience for Fortune 500 companies as well as in depth security startup experience . – Planview utilizes market leading security solutions to provide heuristic based analysis of files and activity to prevent attacks even when attackers use files that don’t match known signatures. This ensures that Planview is protected against zero-day and advanced unknown attack types. Security protection controls are in place for end points (workstations and servers) as well as infrastructure, databases, authentication systems and perimeter devices. Two-Factor authentication and anticpoofing systems are in place to prevent unauthorized access to accounts. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages A Formalized Cybersecurity Program and Strategy Multiple Lines of Defense Defense-in-Depth Security Model Security and privacy by design Protection of Customer Data A best practices approach to security An experienced security team Protection in place h1|Planview security h2|Société Service client Log in Product security Internal corporate security h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Planview Enterprise One Security Details Planview PPM Pro Security Details Planview Projectplace Security Details Planview LeanKit Security Details Planview Spigit Security Details Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Trust and Security Center for for for for for page: Planview Trust page: Planview Compliance Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanview adopts a culture of security because we understand that the security of our customer’s data is everyone’s responsibility and holds confidentiality of customer information as its highest priority. – Planview’s Cybersecurity Mission Statement: Deliver and maintain a “World-Class” cybersecurity program aligned to Planview’s threat landscape that best protects customer and Planview data, our systems, and our reputation. Our strategic cybersecurity program covers both Planview product security as well as Internal Corporate Security. The program includes strategic pillars, security roadmaps, security metrics, and periodic updates to executive stakeholders and independent auditing companies. – Planview understands that the only way to ensure our application security and protection of customer data is at an acceptable level is to approach security testing with multiple lines of defense for Planview SaaS applications as well supporting infrastructure and processes. Our lines of defense include: internal corporate security testing, product application security testing, 3rd party vendor penetration testing, Internal Audit, and external ISO and SOCII auditing firms. – Planview manages technical security model is based on industry best practices for paramount protection against the most from relevant threats. We leverage a defense-in-depth strategy with preventative and detective controls at each layer customer data is stored, processed or transmitted. Multiple security layers work together to provide superlative protective measures for systems and data. – Planview takes a strong position of embedding information security and privacy in the early stages of new and existing product initiatives in order to ensure risk management is embedded early rather than a post consideration. With each step of the process to build and improve our products, Planview considers the impact to the security and privacy of customer data and embeds security best practices to prevent introducing new risks. – Protection of Customer data is achieved by encryption, access controls, and preventing data on ports and services. Customer data is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and when stored using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Encryption is not the only control that is essential to protecting customer data. Multiple controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access to data including: stringent access controls, network segmentation secure password parameters, role-based access permissions (least privilege), and multi-factor authentication. See how Enterprise One ensures data is kept secure and private. See how PPM Pro ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Projectplace ensures data is kept secure and private. See how LeanKit ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Spigit ensures data is kept secure and private. – Planview’s information security program is based on NIST CSF and ISO 27001 standards to provide international alignment of our security control enviroment. This ensures a structured approach to managing every aspect of security internally including cloud servers, datacenters, networks and end user security. – The Information Risk Management (IRM) team includes decades of experience in cybersecurity and risk management oversight ranging from penetration testing, security threat research, global security methodologies, incident response and audit managment. Planview’s dedicated team of information security professionals have decades of experience securing customer data, global consultant experience for Fortune 500 companies as well as in depth security startup experience . – Planview utilizes market leading security solutions to provide heuristic based analysis of files and activity to prevent attacks even when attackers use files that don’t match known signatures. This ensures that Planview is protected against zero-day and advanced unknown attack types. Security protection controls are in place for end points (workstations and servers) as well as infrastructure, databases, authentication systems and perimeter devices. Two-Factor authentication and anticpoofing systems are in place to prevent unauthorized access to accounts. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket A Formalized Cybersecurity Program and Strategy Multiple Lines of Defense Defense-in-Depth Security Model Security and privacy by design Protection of Customer Data A best practices approach to security An experienced security team Protection in place h1|Planview security h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Product security Internal corporate security h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Planview Enterprise One Security Details Planview PPM Pro Security Details Planview Projectplace Security Details Planview LeanKit Security Details Planview Spigit Security Details Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Trust and Security Center for for for for for page: Planview Trust page: Planview Compliance Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview adopts a culture of security because we understand that the security of our customer’s data is everyone’s responsibility and holds confidentiality of customer information as its highest priority. – Planview’s Cybersecurity Mission Statement: Deliver and maintain a “World-Class” cybersecurity program aligned to Planview’s threat landscape that best protects customer and Planview data, our systems, and our reputation. Our strategic cybersecurity program covers both Planview product security as well as Internal Corporate Security. The program includes strategic pillars, security roadmaps, security metrics, and periodic updates to executive stakeholders and independent auditing companies. – Planview understands that the only way to ensure our application security and protection of customer data is at an acceptable level is to approach security testing with multiple lines of defense for Planview SaaS applications as well supporting infrastructure and processes. Our lines of defense include: internal corporate security testing, product application security testing, 3rd party vendor penetration testing, Internal Audit, and external ISO and SOCII auditing firms. – Planview manages technical security model is based on industry best practices for paramount protection against the most from relevant threats. We leverage a defense-in-depth strategy with preventative and detective controls at each layer customer data is stored, processed or transmitted. Multiple security layers work together to provide superlative protective measures for systems and data. – Planview takes a strong position of embedding information security and privacy in the early stages of new and existing product initiatives in order to ensure risk management is embedded early rather than a post consideration. With each step of the process to build and improve our products, Planview considers the impact to the security and privacy of customer data and embeds security best practices to prevent introducing new risks. – Protection of Customer data is achieved by encryption, access controls, and preventing data on ports and services. Customer data is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and when stored using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Encryption is not the only control that is essential to protecting customer data. Multiple controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access to data including: stringent access controls, network segmentation secure password parameters, role-based access permissions (least privilege), and multi-factor authentication. See how Enterprise One ensures data is kept secure and private. See how PPM Pro ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Projectplace ensures data is kept secure and private. See how LeanKit ensures data is kept secure and private. See how Spigit ensures data is kept secure and private. – Planview’s information security program is based on NIST CSF and ISO 27001 standards to provide international alignment of our security control enviroment. This ensures a structured approach to managing every aspect of security internally including cloud servers, datacenters, networks and end user security. – The Information Risk Management (IRM) team includes decades of experience in cybersecurity and risk management oversight ranging from penetration testing, security threat research, global security methodologies, incident response and audit managment. Planview’s dedicated team of information security professionals have decades of experience securing customer data, global consultant experience for Fortune 500 companies as well as in depth security startup experience . – Planview utilizes market leading security solutions to provide heuristic based analysis of files and activity to prevent attacks even when attackers use files that don’t match known signatures. This ensures that Planview is protected against zero-day and advanced unknown attack types. Security protection controls are in place for end points (workstations and servers) as well as infrastructure, databases, authentication systems and perimeter devices. Two-Factor authentication and anticpoofing systems are in place to prevent unauthorized access to accounts. We want to hear from you. Contact Planview’s security team to get the answers. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker A Formalized Cybersecurity Program and Strategy Multiple Lines of Defense Defense-in-Depth Security Model Security and privacy by design Protection of Customer Data A best practices approach to security An experienced security team Protection in place h1|Planview security h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Product security Internal corporate security h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Planview Enterprise One Security Details Planview PPM Pro Security Details Planview Projectplace Security Details Planview LeanKit Security Details Planview Spigit Security Details Questions? Get in touch with us. h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Trust and Security Center for for for for for page: Planview Trust page: Planview Compliance Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Planview solutions make it possible Evolve your PMO: Deliver business results Drive strategy enterprise-wide Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Drive Agile Transformation Achieve enterprise agility Manage, plan and deliver all Agile work Optimize your business flow to deliver more value Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Get work done all in one place Planview products make it possible Enterprise-wide strategy to delivery spanning PMO, Product Development, and Enterprise Architecture Enterprise work management that advances PPM and project delivery capabilities Enterprise Kanban for Lean and Agile delivery that visualizes work, scales teams-of-teams, and promotes continuous improvement Project-centric collaborative workspaces that brings teams together to support everyday project delivery across the enterprise Drive a culture of innovation and employee engagement from idea to impact It’s possible with Planview as your partnerElevate Project Management Office success and deliver business value. . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Plan, manage, and deliver all types of work – traditional, iterative, agile, and collaborative Drive a strategic plan while balancing against day-to-day realities Put the right resources on the right work at the right time Manage costs against budget and across portfolios Build roadmaps that connect strategy to investments and outcomes Optimize funding and resource allocation to cross-functional initiatives Standardize your technology and reduce costs, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance Connect technology with business context Engage stakeholders with powerful visualizations to jointly create technology plans that advance capabilities and realize digital strategies Transform good ideas into great products Focus your resources on winning products Automate new product innovation using Stage-Gate®, PACE®, Agile, or any other gated or non-gated process methodology Embrace new ways of working Connect strategic plans and funding to Agile delivery Scale Agile on your terms and timeline. Plan, fund, and deliver products and solutions faster Improve business outcomes Support strategic objectives Connect disparate Agile teams Coordinate the work of team of teams Connect, coordinate, plan, and launch Agile Release Trains (ARTs) Increase Agile delivery team productivity Reduce waste Improve agility across your organization Ideate at scale and discover actionable crowdsourced ideas from across your organization and ecosystem Advance the best ideas Make informed decisions about which ideas to fund for maximum impact Plan, manage, and visualize the progress of collaborative work Enable your team to deliver their best work using traditional project management methodologies, Lean and Agile methodologies, or a hybrid of both Strategic planning and roadmapping Demand management Project portfolio management (PPM) Capacity planning and resource management Business capability planning Scenario planning Investment prioritization Financial planning Intake management Prioritization alignment Resource management tools Time tracking Project management dashboards and reports Project budget management Predictive portfolio analysis Gantt charts Process and work visualization Real-time work status Risk identification Cross-team work connections Complex process mapping Work in Process (WIP) Limits Visible process policies Robust analytics Project tracking Online Kanban boards Project roadmaps Workload management File sharing and document management Online Gantt charts Project dashboards and reporting templates Mobile project management apps Time tracking Real-time team communication Enables ideation at scale Patented crowd science algorithms automatically surface the right ideas at the right time Visibility into idea pipeline and portfolio of selected ideas , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview solutions make it possible by empowering you with a single line of sight across your entire organization and helping teams collaborate to create value. h2|Company Customer Care Log In There’s a bold new way of working. Move seamlessly from strategy to successful delivery Get work done – no matter how you work Drive business transformation in your enterprise h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Project Portfolio Management Strategic Portfolio Management Enterprise Architecture Product Portfolio Management Enterprise Agile Planning Lean Portfolio Management Agile Program Management Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams Innovation Management Work Management for Teams Planview Enterprise One™ Planview PPM Pro™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview Projectplace™ Planview Spigit™ Bundles and Packages Chief Information Officer (CIO) Enterprise Architects Resource Managers Release Train Engineers Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams New Product Development (NPD) Managers Agile Coaches Agile Program Managers EOffice (EPMO) Teams Project Managers People Leaders h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: : Project Portfolio Management about Project Portfolio Management : Strategic Portfolio Management about Strategic Portfolio Management : Enterprise Architecture about Enterprise Architecture : Product Portfolio Management about Product Portfolio Management : Enterprise Agile Planning about Enterprise Agile Planning : Lean Portfolio Management about Lean Portfolio Management : Agile Program Management about Agile Program Management : Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams about Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams : Innovation Management about Innovation Management : Work Management for Teams about Work Management for Teams : Planview Enterprise One™ about Planview Enterprise One™ : Planview PPM Pro™ about Planview PPM Pro™ : Planview LeanKit™ about Planview LeanKit™ : Planview Projectplace™ about Planview Projectplace™ : Planview Spigit™ about Planview Spigit™ about Chief Information Officer (CIO) about Enterprise Architects about Resource Managers about Release Train Engineers about Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams about New Product Development (NPD) Managers about Agile Coaches about Agile Program Managers about EOffice (EPMO) Teams about Project Managers about People Leaders Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide “ A mindset of servant leadership is the foundation of the Planview leadership team. As an ambitious, enterprise SaaS company, hiring and retaining talented individuals to deliver market-leading work and resource management solutions and exceptional customer service is our top priority. Engaged employees create outstanding customer outcomes, resulting in long-term success. It’s that simple. Our passionate and experienced leadership team is committed to changing the way customers work and creating the very best place for our employees to work.” – Greg Gilmore Gregory S. Gilmore is chief executive officer of Planview and has been the driving force behind the company’s explosive growth for the past 25 years. Under Greg’s leadership, Planview pioneered thecategories for enterprise software, grew the total addressable market from $300 million to $10 billion, increased revenue from $70 million in 2013 to more than $250 million in 2020, and expanded its global footprint to over 1,100 employees serving 4,500 customers and 1.3 million end users. The company has completed over 15 M&A transactions under Greg’s leadership. For more than 15as a leader by key industry analysts across multiple markets. Greg’s more than 35 years of experience in sales, consulting, and operations management also includes tenures at Ernst & Young, Texas Instruments, James Martin & Co, and ABT (now Broadcom Clarity). He is active in business and charity communities, having served as chairman of the board at Regents School of Austin and on the boards of the Hillview Christian Ministries and Foundation for the Homeless. Greg has a bachelor’s degree in business analysis from Texas A&M University. Todd Sanders is chief financial officer, responsible for Planview’s global finance, accounting, sales operations, and business applications activities and teams. Todd has more than 20 years of experience working with innovative software and technology companies to help them deliver appreciable revenue growth, improve operational efficiencies and profitability, and achieve long-term value creation. Prior to joining Planview in late 2018, Todd served as executive vice president and chief financial officer for Symphony RetailAI with responsibility for the worldwide finance, accounting, legal, and IT functions. He also has served in financial leadership positions at Retalix (now NCR) and Fujitsu. Todd has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Louisiana State University in Shreveport and is licensed as a certified public accountant in the state of Texas. Patrick Tickle is chief product officer, responsible for Planview’s Products organization spanning strategy, development and delivery of the company’s market-leadingPatrick has over 20 years of experience in product management, product development, cloud operations, and marketing across a wide range of technology solutions. Prior to joining Planview in 2006, Patrick served as vice president of marketing and product management of ITM Software, where he executed category development and product strategy. He also has held a variety of product management and marketing positions at Terraspring (an enterprise software company acquired by Sun Microsystems), MIPS, and Silicon Graphics. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of North Carolina. Beth Weeks is chief information officer and vice president of cloud operations. She is responsible for setting the strategic direction for cloud platforms, tools, and processes for streamlining the day-to-day cloud operations, and for Planview’s security program and strategic initiatives. With more than 30 years of computer software experience, Beth has led Software as a Service (SaaS) transformations and helped product engineering organizations build and deliver enterprise software as SaaS and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Before joining Planview in 2017, Beth was senior vice president of product engineering and cloud operations at WP Engine, leading product development and cloud operations for multiple global data centers hosting more than 500,000 websites. She also has held leadership positions at Zilliant, Vignette (acquired by Open Text), and Intergraph. With a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Kentucky, Beth was inducted into their Hall of Distinction in 2014 and has served on the College of Engineering Deans Advisory Council for the last 10 years. Her distinctions include being honored as a Top 25 Profiles in Power & Woman of Influence by the Austin Business Journal. Jeff Bolke is executive vice president, sales, with global responsibility for revenue generation, business development, and partner programs across North America, EMEA, and APAC. Jeff is a highly accomplished sales and operational leader, with 20 years of senior-level expertise in multi-product, multi-channel companies. Before joining Planview in 2017, Jeff served as general manager at Austin-based Accruent with responsibility across go-to-market functions. He also has held sales leadership positions at UnboundID,, DataCert, Motive, Trilogy, and IBM, and has a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. Cameron van Orman is executive vice president, chief marketing officer, responsible for all aspects of Planview’s global marketing, digital demand generation, and customer marketing. Cameron has more than 20 years of enterprise leadership experience driving transformational change, business agility, and market growth. Prior to joining Planview in 2019, Cameron held senior marketing positions at CA Technologies (now Broadcom), where he was instrumental in the integration of Rally into the CA portfolio and he championed the internal Agile transformation of the CA marketing organization. Cameron also has served in strategic marketing, sales, and operations roles at BlueArc, Pillar Data Systems, Sun Microsystems, and StorageTek. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics and math from Dartmouth College and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and is on the board of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. Scott Hardey is executive vice president, customer renewals, responsible for global customer operations and renewals across all Planview product lines. He is also executive sponsor of the Planview Horizons customer conference. With more than 25 years of enterprise sales and customer service expertise, Scott has been an innovator at Planview creating premium care options, accelerating access to consulting resources via remote advisory services, and launching a global customer success practice. Prior to joining Planview in 1997, Scott held a management position with Fritz Companies (acquired by UPS) and worked for Texas Instruments. Scott has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Tulane University and a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Texas at Dallas. Jay Nelson is executive vice president, chief people officer. He is responsible for human resources, customer-facing enablement, organizational development, and culture and engagement initiatives to create a great place to work for all Planview team members. Jay has over 20 years of human resources experience leading HR teams, partnering with business leaders, and developing organizational capability and culture programs across diverse environments in technology, consumer packaged goods, and nonprofit sectors. Before joining Planview in 2015, Jay was vice president of human resources at Vertafore, a midsize technology company serving the insurance industry. Prior to Vertafore, he held HR leadership roles at the Campbell Soup Co, as well as positions on several nonprofit agencies and boards. Jay has a master’s degree in human resources from the University of Scranton and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of San Diego. Rob Reesor is CTO and senior vice president, product development, responsible for managing and growing the development team while delivering on Planview’s product roadmap. He brings more than 35 years of experience in all phases of the product lifecycle, including programming, product management, quality assurance, and project management. Rob joined Planview in 2008, previously having served in software development leadership positions at Austin Logistics,, TIBCO, IntelliCorp, and Virtual Vineyards. Rob holds both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Oregon. Louise K. Allen is senior vice president, product management and product marketing, responsible for product strategy, positioning, and roadmaps for Planview’sShe has more than 20 years of experience in all facets of bringing technology products to market. Louise joined Planview in 2008 from QuickArrow, where she served as vice president of product strategy and drove the company from self-funded startup to consistently profitable. She also has held leadership positions with Tivoli Systems, an IBM company, and NetQoS. Louise has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Trinity University and an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin. Eric Hurley is vice president, legal affairs, responsible for corporate security, governance, intellectual property, and litigation for Planview globally. He has more than 25 years of experience implementing creative, value-oriented contract negotiation and management, business process, and intellectual property strategies in the software, hardware, and computer services industries. Eric joined Planview in 2008 from Motion Computing, where he managed global legal affairs and all transactional, intellectual property, compliance, regulatory, and corporate governance affairs. He also has held leadership positions with Pavilion Technologies, CSC Financial Services Group, and Hogan Systems. Eric has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a business law certificate from Southern Methodist University and is a co-inventor on two issued United States patents. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Product Officer Chief Information Officer and Vice President, Cloud Operations Executive Vice President, Sales Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer Executive Vice President, Customer Renewals Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Senior Vice President, Product Management and Solutions Marketing Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Leadership h2|Company Customer Care Log In Gregory S. Gilmore Todd Sanders Patrick A. Tickle Beth Weeks Jeff Bolke Cameron van Orman Scott Hardey Jay Nelson Rob Reesor Louise K. Allen Eric S. Hurley h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Company Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Product Officer Chief Information Officer and Vice President, Cloud Operations Executive Vice President, Sales Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer Executive Vice President, Customer Renewals Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Senior Vice President, Product Management and Solutions Marketing Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide em|Great people make companies great. pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen Nutzen193 more results for "scaling agile" Let’s take a look at how Enterprise Kanban can help organizations scale Agile and enable business agility from the teams to the top. Agile leaders need to understand their role and changes they need to make in order for their organization to reap the benefits of scaling agile. Scaling Agile across an organization is a difficult undertaking, but it doesn't have to be. Download the eBook for more information on agile leadership. Scaling Agile is becoming a necessity as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of Agile to create innovative digital products and services. This is the third installment in a series of posts about the benefits of scaled Agile where we share four more benefits and how to realize them. There’s a growing interest to incorporate Scaled Agile Delivery principles across the organsiation. Watch the webcast to learn how to do so. Agile release trains (ARTs)—teams comprised of multiple Agile teams aligned to a common goal—are key to delivering output that scales. Let’s start this series by breaking down three of the top benefits of achieving Agile at scale, including how to realize them in your organization. With the blistering pace of technological changes, it’s clear that enterprises have to change the way they execute work by scaling Agile. Learn all about how to effectively scale agile with Agile Program Management and access an guide that dives into the specifics and access a short video. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: 1 ... : You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenHere at Planview, we know that engaged employees create extraordinary teams and customer success. Our more than 700 global employees serve 5,000 custom and strong community relationships. Meet a few of our hard working women of Planview in our Stockholm office. Our summer internship program is for students who are excited to work hard and create results. We are looking for students who are interested in learning hands-on skills for long-term professional development. As an intern, you will be paired with a mentor, work on meaningful projects, and partake in organized intern activities. You can also submit your resume to the Talent Team for future consideration. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Be passionate Innovate at speed Exceed the expectations of every customer Be committed Act with integrity and respect Have fun along the way , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Come Work at Planview! h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login We believe great people make companies great. Life at Planview Our Core Values Internship Program Don’t see something that’s a fit right now? h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Accounting | Marketing | Product Management | Finance | Development | Solutions Marketing | Customer Care Check our career page in January for summer internship postings. h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Unternehmen Life at Planview (Instagram) Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprise193 more results for "scaling agile" Let’s take a look at how Enterprise Kanban can help organizations scale Agile and enable business agility from the teams to the top. Agile leaders need to understand their role and changes they need to make in order for their organization to reap the benefits of scaling agile. Scaling Agile across an organization is a difficult undertaking, but it doesn't have to be. Download the eBook for more information on agile leadership. Scaling Agile is becoming a necessity as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of Agile to create innovative digital products and services. This is the third installment in a series of posts about the benefits of scaled Agile where we share four more benefits and how to realize them. There’s a growing interest to incorporate Scaled Agile Delivery principles across the organsiation. Watch the webcast to learn how to do so. Agile release trains (ARTs)—teams comprised of multiple Agile teams aligned to a common goal—are key to delivering output that scales. Let’s start this series by breaking down three of the top benefits of achieving Agile at scale, including how to realize them in your organization. With the blistering pace of technological changes, it’s clear that enterprises have to change the way they execute work by scaling Agile. Learn all about how to effectively scale agile with Agile Program Management and access an guide that dives into the specifics and access a short video. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h2|Société Service client Log in You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : 1 ... : You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseHere at Planview, we know that engaged employees create extraordinary teams and customer success. Our more than 700 global employees serve 5,000 custom and strong community relationships. Meet a few of our hard working women of Planview in our Stockholm office. Our summer internship program is for students who are excited to work hard and create results. We are looking for students who are interested in learning hands-on skills for long-term professional development. As an intern, you will be paired with a mentor, work on meaningful projects, and partake in organized intern activities. You can also submit your resume to the Talent Team for future consideration. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Be passionate Innovate at speed Exceed the expectations of every customer Be committed Act with integrity and respect Have fun along the way , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Come Work at Planview! h2|Société Service client Log in We believe great people make companies great. Life at Planview Our Core Values Internship Program Don’t see something that’s a fit right now? h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Accounting | Marketing | Product Management | Finance | Development | Solutions Marketing | Customer Care Check our career page in January for summer internship postings. h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Société Life at Planview (Instagram) Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärde351 more results for "scaling agile" Program Increment (PI) Planning is the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train. Learn how to manage Program Increment Planning with a multi-locational team. Let’s take a look at how Enterprise Kanban can help organizations scale Agile and enable business agility from the teams to the top. Agile leaders need to understand their role and changes they need to make in order for their organization to reap the benefits of scaling agile. Scaling Agile across an organization is a difficult undertaking, but it doesn't have to be. Download the eBook for more information on agile leadership. Scaling Agile is becoming a necessity as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of Agile to create innovative digital products and services. This is the third installment in a series of posts about the benefits of scaled Agile where we share four more benefits and how to realize them. Get the Must-Haves and Pro-Tips Needed to Scale Agile There’s a growing interest to incorporate Scaled Agile Delivery principles across the organsiation. Watch the webcast to learn how to do so. The launch of an updated Scaled Agile Framework® offers more guidance than ever surrounding business agility. Realize the benefits of Agile across your organization! Se hur skalning av Agile över hela företaget kommer att tända ljus och eliminera många av de hinder som förhindrar uppnåendet av viktiga strategiska mål. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: 1 ... : You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeHere at Planview, we know that engaged employees create extraordinary teams and customer success. Our more than 700 global employees serve 5,000 custom and strong community relationships. Meet a few of our hard working women of Planview in our Stockholm office. Our summer internship program is for students who are excited to work hard and create results. We are looking for students who are interested in learning hands-on skills for long-term professional development. As an intern, you will be paired with a mentor, work on meaningful projects, and partake in organized intern activities. You can also submit your resume to the Talent Team for future consideration. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser Be passionate Innovate at speed Exceed the expectations of every customer Be committed Act with integrity and respect Have fun along the way , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Come Work at Planview! h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in We believe great people make companies great. Life at Planview Our Core Values Internship Program Don’t see something that’s a fit right now? h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Accounting | Marketing | Product Management | Finance | Development | Solutions Marketing | Customer Care Check our career page in January for summer internship postings. h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Företaget Life at Planview (Instagram) Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapet351 more results for "scaling agile" Program Increment (PI) Planning is the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train. Learn how to manage Program Increment Planning with a multi-locational team. Let’s take a look at how Enterprise Kanban can help organizations scale Agile and enable business agility from the teams to the top. Agile leaders need to understand their role and changes they need to make in order for their organization to reap the benefits of scaling agile. Scaling Agile across an organization is a difficult undertaking, but it doesn't have to be. Download the eBook for more information on agile leadership. Scaling Agile is becoming a necessity as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of Agile to create innovative digital products and services. This is the third installment in a series of posts about the benefits of scaled Agile where we share four more benefits and how to realize them. Get the Must-Haves and Pro-Tips Needed to Scale Agile There’s a growing interest to incorporate Scaled Agile Delivery principles across the organsiation. Watch the webcast to learn how to do so. The launch of an updated Scaled Agile Framework® offers more guidance than ever surrounding business agility. Realize the benefits of Agile across your organization! Se hvordan skalering av Agile på tvers av bedriften vil sette søkelyset på og eliminere mange av hindringene som forhindrer oppnåelse av viktige strategiske mål. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: 1 ... : You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetHere at Planview, we know that engaged employees create extraordinary teams and customer success. Our more than 700 global employees serve 5,000 custom and strong community relationships. Meet a few of our hard working women of Planview in our Stockholm office. Our summer internship program is for students who are excited to work hard and create results. We are looking for students who are interested in learning hands-on skills for long-term professional development. As an intern, you will be paired with a mentor, work on meaningful projects, and partake in organized intern activities. You can also submit your resume to the Talent Team for future consideration. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Be passionate Innovate at speed Exceed the expectations of every customer Be committed Act with integrity and respect Have fun along the way , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Come Work at Planview! h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på We believe great people make companies great. Life at Planview Our Core Values Internship Program Don’t see something that’s a fit right now? h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Accounting | Marketing | Product Management | Finance | Development | Solutions Marketing | Customer Care Check our career page in January for summer internship postings. h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Selskapet Life at Planview (Instagram) Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Planview’s value-added resellers (VARs) and referral partners expand and strengthen Planview’s reach throughout the globe. Our resellers work with us to sell Planview’s best-in-class solutions for portfolio and resource management and Lean-Agile delivery. If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Planview Partner Program, please contact us at: The focus of Winmill is to provide premier Planview services and guidance to our clients. We are North America’s leading experts in Planview, Gartner’s highest-rated PPM solution and have more than 16 years of experience in helping clients exceed their goals in portfolio management. Whether your requirements be waterfall, agile, or hybrid, let Winmill delight you with our world-class customer service and support. is a Planview partner for Peru. We specialize in aligning Work and Resource Management to Portfolios, Projects, Strategy, and Product Innovation. Business Council addresses diverse PPM needs in a variety of market verticals and has first-class staff that contributes value to the adoption process of your business critical solutions. is highly focused on helping enterprises to manage the Product Lifecycle Information providing solutions over a very robust architecture to help companies to control all information regarding the lifecycle processes. Our solutions cover PLM – Product Lifecycle Management and PPM – Project Portfolio Management. It includes idealization, concept, development, project management, resource planning, engineering, design, manufacturing, sales, support and product retire. We have partnerships with strategic products to offer the best solution to our customers. Our focus is quick implementations, flexibility, scalability and right price. Most of our solutions can be accessed from cloud services without investments on hardware resources. is a consulting firm based in Bogota, Colombia. We are committed to helping our clients to improve theirusing world-class software and deep knowledge in industries such as banking, IT, manufacturing, retail, etc. EXCELTIS is a Planview Partner focused on Colombia and Ecuador with expert consultants who have implemented solutions in major companies in the region. EXCELTIS offering also includes implementation and outsourcing of PMO, project quality assurance, training in PMI standards and project management. is a management consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico. Our partners and associates have extensive experience in Business Strategy Development, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Innovation Management, and New Product Development. We have supported leading corporations in Mexico and Latin America with the development and implementation of their business strategies, strategic and IT portfolio alignment, Project Management Offices (PMOs), and Innovation Management Offices (IMOs). Our industry experience includes Consumer Goods, Automotive, Financial Services, High Tech, Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, among others. Strategy in Action. is a consulting company and enterprise solution provider based in Santiago, Chile. We work with clients to improve decision making, accountability and business performance, by delivering Work and Resource Management (WRM) solutions. Combining our in depth industry experience, consulting capabilities and our can do attitude, we help clients to maximize the benefits and impact of business technology solutions. Initiativa is a Planview business partner for Chile and Peru and we have successfully implemented WRM solutions in leading Latin American organizations in mining, retail, banking, consumer, IT services, and government. helps companies manage their strategic IT assets across portfolio management, IT governance, and software lifecycle management. Our strong experience in software engineering tools and process definition helps fulfill our commitment to solving customers’ critical problems by helping them develop effective IT asset strategies. Founded in 2004 in Rio de Janeiro, PrimeUp was a university spin-off incubated at PUC-Rio´s Software Engineering Lab. We’ve since become an IBM Premier Business Partner and the first Latin America Planview Partner. We hold offices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with customers throughout the Brazilian territory. Focused on innovation, we’ve been recognized with awards from RioInfo in 2007 and PBQP Software in 2008, and as a finalist for the Innovate IBM Rational Business Partner in 2011. The mission: to contribute to the enhancement of our customers’ IT processes, especially when they are in their core business. Our services span ALM, including evaluation, planning, design, development, purchase, testing, implementation, maintenance and/or operation. Using highly skilled consultants, with expertise in several software process methodologies and the automation tools to support them, we can put the right team together to address your organization’s needs. VERYWEB’s practice areas include Portfolio Management, Software Configuration Management, Change Requests Management, Manual and Automated Testing, Agile Processes, Requirements Development and Visual Modeling. In addition, we can help to achieve higher maturity levels, regarding CMMi model, ISO and ITIL certifications. At VERYWEB, we don’t like just to sell tools. Our goal is to help customers became more efficient in their business by getting better software, earlier and at a lower cost. Exed Consulting is a boutique firm that specializes in executing projects with the aim of attracting our customers to implement strategic digital ideas. We carry out projects in several locations around the world and offices in North America, Europe and Latin America. Focused on executing organizations to overcome the challenges of implementation and operationalization of organizational changes, we help our customers succeed in their initiatives around Portfolio, Program and Project Management, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, Mobile, Database & Technology, Process Management & Automation, Digital Workforce, Digital Supply Chain, ERP, Big Data & Analytics. are specialists in all of Planview’s products and work exclusively for the Spanish market. Whether you want to introduce a Portfolio and Resource Management Solution or a Capability and Technology Management Solution, our experts know these solutions inside out and can use their flexibility to configure them to your individual requirements. AGOSOFT provides the following services: Installation (if on premise), Consulting, Training and Enablement, and development of interfaces to existing other IT applications. Introducing a new system like Planview is a complex challenge. Therefore, it is important to rely on experts that not only speak your language (Spanish or English), but also understand your individual business requirements. Our team works closely with Planview as the product provider, and we can quickly react if any problems should occur. We offer a complete support cycle: from the initial introduction project of any Planview product up to the maintenance of your installation while it is in production. , the professional services force of MoonHart Consult, is a Benelux organization with a presence in Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Founded in 2005, P5 (Projects – Programs – People – Process – Portfolio) offers technical and functional competencies including: P5 is Planview’s implementation partner in Benelux, working closely with MoonHart and Consultec. was formed in 2010 by a group of experienced IT professionals devoted to delivering high quality IT solutions at competitive prices. Operating exclusively in the financial services sector with industry leading clients such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and brokers, their solutions encompass front end, CRM, business intelligence & data warehousing. Primaris provides functional consulting, process analysis, design, configuration and business intelligence work for Planview Consulting. With a staff fluent in Polish, English and German, Primaris has supported global Planview implementations like ZFS and Parexel, as well as numerous German customers of Planview. is a Belgian based company focused on organizational and project management. They support top-down approaches enabling organizations to model their strategy and objectives into multi-year financial and schedule plans. MoonHart helps map the strategy to the organizational capacity, in terms of resources, budget, assets and processes. They advise companies on project portfolio management and enable them to execute, control and deliver value. Moonhart’s team advocates organizational changes, likely to improve customers’ bottom line and productivity. These changes require process alignment and system automation: they provide both in a compliant environment. A Planview partner since 1997, MoonHart Consult has a long history of successful project management consulting. Together, Planview and Moonhart enable customers to gain insights about their investment portfolio through the entire innovation lifecycle. specialises in representation of industry-leading tools and technologies focused on improving Leadership, Governance, Compliance and Portfolio Management – resulting in greater alignment of business and IT. Our objective is to add business value, by harnessing the power of Programme, Portfolio and Project Management in the design and conduct of our clients’ product and service delivery environments, thereby reducing risk and improving business results. Activate New Zealand is an exclusive Planview partner in New Zealand, providing both sales and implementation services. is a Value Added Distributor that helps organizations large and small achieve business results by distributing Enterprise Software Solutions, providing high-end technical support and Education services through its Business Partners to business enterprises in the Middle East. As a Value Added Distributor in the Levant Area and Iraq and strategically located in Amman’s business and commercial district, NEWTEK Solutions employs an elite team of highly dedicated and qualified personnel, with unique experiences that amount to decades of collective hands on experience in the IT fields. Over the last 14 years, our team of professionals has executed many successful projects especially in the governance and total quality management domains and now we are proud to represent Planview in the middle east and Africa. is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 469,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 195 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us . , LLC (Springbok) combines industry experience and technology to ensure you have the skills and knowledge it takes to succeed at the higher levels in business. Ultimately, the goal for you is to be able to differentiate yourself from the pack. It’s about building acumen, thinking creatively, having advanced skills in your toolbox, and taking the lead. With over 480 PPM deployments to date, Springbok brings a combination of industry-leading technical expertise combined with an in-depth business knowledge of what it takes to make your project office successful. As well as focusing on the technology success, Springbok focuses on the 3 key business areas that inhibit portfolio management success; executive alignment, business streamlining and, training and adoption. Our proven Lean Office® techniques: Our Industry PMO experience provides: Springbok combines business accelerators, executive engagement techniques and training development to help establish a platform for your success. We can deploy on a schedule of your choosing or we can accelerate deployments to meet aggressive business needs. Our typical deployment to Fortune 500 companies is 12 weeks; which includes executive alignment, technology roadmap, business streamlining, tool install, configuration, data conversion, work instructions and training (including train-the-trainer). Springbok is proud to have been a strategic partner of Planview for over 11 years. We have many of our clients implement Planview solutions successfully and have seen the measurable benefits that PPM solutions can deliver. Planview is a leader in this domain and we are committed to this industry-leading company. is a global network of firms delivering assurance, tax and consulting services for your business. PwC’s accounting practice originated in London well over a century ago. As times changed and PwC expanded worldwide, our commitment to clients—like you—never wavered. With us, you’re supported by a global network of more than 250,000 people in 158 countries with one goal: to help your business thrive. PwC’s professional services, including audit and assurance, tax and consulting, cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries. Let’s combine your aspirations with our world-class capabilities to achieve your goals. SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 30 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. We have the expertise to support our clients throughout their technology roadmap in today’s digital world. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more (North Americas) United States, Canada, Mexico (North Americas) Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Colombia, Ecuador (North Americas) Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama (North Americas) Chile, Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Argentina (North Americas) Brazil (Europe) Spain (Europe) Austria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland (Europe) Poland (Europe) Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Asia/Pacific) New Zealand li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources Technical support: installation, integrations and interfaces with legacy systems, report creation, portlet creation, etc. Functional consultancy: PPM implementation taking into consideration the expressed requirements, the maturity level of the organisation and its methodological preferences. Training, functional and technical workshops, e-learning, user and training manuals creation, etc. Reduce intake and prioritization typically by 60-90% Reduce project execution cycle times typically by 20% Increase new product (R&D) payback by 30% Springbok consultants have a depth of real-life PMO experience. We don’t just know tools. We’ve lived your life and we know where tools can be leveraged effectively Our roadmap process looks at the impact of your existing toolbox and works to facilitate the best logical usage points where a PPM solution is implemented We use survey tools to align your organization for the changes necessary We reduce the need for over loading people with reports, instead focusing on a decision-based approach Specific to the IT domain, we have implemented many of the industry leading service management and industry leading agile/lean tools, and this makes us uniquely qualified to help you manage your IT space more effectively , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Business Council ED2 Integrated Solutions EXCELTIS Factum Partners Initiativa PrimeUp VERYWEB AGOSOFT P5 Primaris MoonHart Consult Activate New Zealand Limited NEWTEK Solutions Accenture Cognizant PwC h1|Planview Resellers and Referral Partners h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches VERYWEB Primaris h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular 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Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Central/South Americas (0) Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Belgium Phone: Email: [email protected] Netherlands Phone: Email: [email protected] Luxembourg Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Warszawa Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: USA Phone: Jordan Phone: Email: [email protected] KSA Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: United States and Canada Phone: Outside United States and Canada Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Via website Web: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Products: Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Main Office Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide bo|Springbok Solutions Group The following terms of use agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Planview, Inc. 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Your failure to comply with the terms, conditions, and notices on this site will result in automatic termination of any rights granted to you, without prior notice, and you must immediately destroy all copies of downloaded materials in your possession or control. Except for the limited permission in the preceding paragraph, Planview does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of Planview or its licensors except as expressly stated in this Agreement. The Services may contain or through this Web site you may be provided with access to blogs, forums, communities, and the like (collectively referred to as a “Community” or “Communities”) designed to enable you to post comments and share information. 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The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources A Community may be moderated by a Planview representative — but Planview has no obligation to do so. Planview reserves the right to exercise editorial control over content which is posted or otherwise submitted to a Community. 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Commercial use or any other unauthorized use of the Community is prohibited. Do not use the Community to solicit or conduct business, including the direct or indirect marketing of users’ products or services, in any manner. The Community may not be used to provide information, materials, products, or services in exchange for compensation of any kind. You agree to fully indemnify and hold, Planview, Inc. and their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, directors and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any party due to or arising from your use of or posting to a Community, or your violation of any rights of another. , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Terms of use h2|Company Customer Care Log In Overview General Limitation to personal and non-commercial use Posting submissions Submissions to Planview or posted on a Planview web site or community Passwords and security Business relationships U.S. Government restricted rights Disclaimers re web site information Disclaimer of warranty Limitation of liability Notices and procedure for making claims of copyright infringement International use; governing law h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Legal Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide Agile Coaches The quest to transform a business never stops. As an Agile Coach, you have to empower everyone, regardless of the role they play in an organization, to participate in meaningful ways and strive for continuous improvement. Through your servant leadership, you can promote a culture of change. But it takes more than a mindset shift to realize the full potential of Agile at scale. To scale Agile beyond a siloed group of Agile teams means adding stability to teams, aligning them on a common planning and delivery cadence, and connecting their work for end-to-end visibility and insights. The software an organization selects to support Agile adoption and growth can either make or break your efforts. So, why not help the organizations you’re working with choose software that can propel them to greatness? by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align strategy to delivery and see the flow of value across teams, programs, and portfolios, in real time, with enterprise Kanban boards. Map out team and teams of teams process as it exists today or leverage best practices with pre-defined Kanban board templates. Easily adjust boards to represent process changes as your teams evolve their approach over time. Connect teams working in a mix of Agile team tools – including Jira Software, Azure DevOps, Rally Software,, and more – leveraging an array of workflows and configurations with a single, highly configurable program or teams-of-teams board for cross-team collaboration. Support teams in planning, prioritizing, and executing their work, while providing insights into work status and progress as well as dependencies, risks, and impediments that can impact delivery. Utilize board health metrics involving bottlenecks, WIP, and throughput to guide the optimization of workflows, improve velocity, and better prioritize efforts for more predictable delivery. Use Lean and Agile metrics to assess team performance and promote continuous improvement. Support the constructs and practices associated with all Agile methodologies and Enterprise Agile Frameworks like SAFe®, LeSS, DA, Spotify, and others. Learn how the success of just a few Agile teams can transform an organization into one that pivots quickly, delivers value frequently, and propels the organization forward. Take this opportunity to think outside the box and ensure your PI Planning events (either in-person or virtual) connect strategy to delivery. Learn how Agile Program Management enables Agile scaling success. See how Planview supports business agility with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Daniel Schleusener Anonymous Anonymous Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Company Customer Care Log In Promote successful Agile adoption Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How can Planview help an Agile Coach? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Provide end-to-end visibility Model any workflow Connect teams Enable coordinated planning and delivery Optimize flowFlexibly implement Agile frameworks Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Building High-Performing Agile Teams and Release Trains Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible SAFe 5.0 Big Picture h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. View View View View View View Close modal Product Review Director of Operations :Planview LeanKit™ Product Review Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Product Review Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Customer Case Study Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Customer Case Study Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Customer Case Study Agile/Kanban Coach :Agile/Kanban Coach : Building High-Performing Agile Teams and Release Trains : Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning : Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible : SAFe 5.0 Big Picture : Agile Program Management Solution Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen Nutzen. . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Media inquiries Bleiben Sie auf dem neuesten Stand Planview folgen h1|Pressemitteilungen h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login All releases More ways to stay informed h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Unternehmen Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 February 23, 2021 January 12, 2021 18. Dezember 2020 15. Dezember 2020 10. November 2020 July 8, 2020 May 21, 2020 1 ... [email protected] Planview auf Twitter folgen Follow Planview onLlinkedIn Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprise. . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages Media inquiries Soyez le premier à tout savoir Suivre Planview h1|Communiqués de presse h2|Société Service client Log in All releases More ways to stay informed h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Société Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 February 23, 2021 January 12, 2021 18 décembre 2020 15 décembre 2020 10 novembre 2020 July 8, 2020 May 21, 2020 1 ... [email protected] Suivre Planview sur Twitter Follow Planview onLlinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärde. . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket Media inquiries Var först att få veta Följ Planview h1|Pressmeddelanden h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in All releases More ways to stay informed h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Företaget Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 February 23, 2021 January 12, 2021 18 december 2020 15 december 2020 10 november 2020 July 8, 2020 May 21, 2020 1 ... [email protected] Följ Planview på Twitter Follow Planview onLlinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapet. . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker Media inquiries Bli først til å vite Følg Planview h1|Pressemeldinger h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på All releases More ways to stay informed h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Selskapet Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases from Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in Press releases in March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 March 24, 2021 February 23, 2021 January 12, 2021 Desember 18, 2020 Desember 15, 2020 November 10, 2020 July 8, 2020 May 21, 2020 1 ... [email protected] Følg Planview på Twitter Follow Planview onLlinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenSOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability confidentiality. Annually, Planview undergoes an audit of its controls for all products and is certified as compliant. A SOC 2 report can be provided upon request with a signed NDA. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system (ISMS) to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains secure. ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally recognized framework that incorporates people, processes and systems to develop a robust, risk-based approach to organizational security. GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO) are the basis of increased focus on earning that trust. Integral to any information security management system is oversight and assessment of the controls within the system. Planview has a dedicated team of auditors who regularly assess these controls for both effectiveness and alignment with company policy and regulatory requirements. Any system is only as secure as its weakest link. Planview partners with market leading organizations and holds them to very high standards. Data center providers and cloud hosting providers are both SOC 2 and ISO / IEC 27001 certified at a minimum. Additionally, Planview has a robust vendor assessment program to evaluate security and privacy controls when considering new partners. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete Planview adheres to stringent standards / regulations and undergoes independent validation of compliance. li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Planview Compliance h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Security page: Planview Privacy Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseSOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability confidentiality. Annually, Planview undergoes an audit of its controls for all products and is certified as compliant. A SOC 2 report can be provided upon request with a signed NDA. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system (ISMS) to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains secure. ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally recognized framework that incorporates people, processes and systems to develop a robust, risk-based approach to organizational security. GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO) are the basis of increased focus on earning that trust. Integral to any information security management system is oversight and assessment of the controls within the system. Planview has a dedicated team of auditors who regularly assess these controls for both effectiveness and alignment with company policy and regulatory requirements. Any system is only as secure as its weakest link. Planview partners with market leading organizations and holds them to very high standards. Data center providers and cloud hosting providers are both SOC 2 and ISO / IEC 27001 certified at a minimum. Additionally, Planview has a robust vendor assessment program to evaluate security and privacy controls when considering new partners. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore Planview adheres to stringent standards / regulations and undergoes independent validation of compliance. li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Planview Compliance h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Trust and Security Center page: Planview Security page: Planview Privacy Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeSOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability confidentiality. Annually, Planview undergoes an audit of its controls for all products and is certified as compliant. A SOC 2 report can be provided upon request with a signed NDA. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system (ISMS) to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains secure. ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally recognized framework that incorporates people, processes and systems to develop a robust, risk-based approach to organizational security. GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO) are the basis of increased focus on earning that trust. Integral to any information security management system is oversight and assessment of the controls within the system. Planview has a dedicated team of auditors who regularly assess these controls for both effectiveness and alignment with company policy and regulatory requirements. Any system is only as secure as its weakest link. Planview partners with market leading organizations and holds them to very high standards. Data center providers and cloud hosting providers are both SOC 2 and ISO / IEC 27001 certified at a minimum. Additionally, Planview has a robust vendor assessment program to evaluate security and privacy controls when considering new partners. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera Planview adheres to stringent standards / regulations and undergoes independent validation of compliance. li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview Compliance h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Security page: Planview Privacy Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetSOC 2 is an attestation report provided by a service auditor to provide controls assurance of an organization’s operational elements including security, availability confidentiality. Annually, Planview undergoes an audit of its controls for all products and is certified as compliant. A SOC 2 report can be provided upon request with a signed NDA. Planview leverages an ISO certified information security management system (ISMS) to manage sensitive customer information to ensure it remains secure. ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally recognized framework that incorporates people, processes and systems to develop a robust, risk-based approach to organizational security. GDPR went into effect in 2018 and imposes strict requirements related to the way organizations store and process the personal data of EU citizens. As a global company, Planview understands the important link between privacy and customer trust. The appointment and ongoing efforts of a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO) are the basis of increased focus on earning that trust. Integral to any information security management system is oversight and assessment of the controls within the system. Planview has a dedicated team of auditors who regularly assess these controls for both effectiveness and alignment with company policy and regulatory requirements. Any system is only as secure as its weakest link. Planview partners with market leading organizations and holds them to very high standards. Data center providers and cloud hosting providers are both SOC 2 and ISO / IEC 27001 certified at a minimum. Additionally, Planview has a robust vendor assessment program to evaluate security and privacy controls when considering new partners. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer Planview adheres to stringent standards / regulations and undergoes independent validation of compliance. li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview Compliance h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Trust and Security Center page: Planview Security page: Planview Privacy Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende People Leaders Whether you’re a manager, the head of a department, or maybe a VP, you’re a people leader and there are many responsibilities that come with that. Chief among them is understanding the mission/vision of your business as well as your top-level objectives across different intervals of time and imprinting this information on your teams to make it all possible. At the same time, you must set expectations with executive leadership based on insights from your Agile teams Irrespective of the territory you preside over – whether it’s Dev, Ops, or IT – to do your job effectively, you don’t need static reports that are immediately out of date or access to the minutia of detail housed in team-level tools. No, you need a solution that can help connect strategy to delivery so that you have the insight you need to ensure teams are delivering their most impactful work. You know, real data that can influence the business decision to pivot or persevere, or generally guide strategic decision-making. What’s more, this solution should help keep teams aligned to business objectives, and if and when they change, respond accordingly. by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align teams to the organization’s goals and enable them to easily adapt as strategy evolves or pivots occur Predictably deliver on your commitments with clear line of sight into the work across all of your Agile teams. Understand risks to plans resulting from dependency conflicts, blockers, and resource constraints, and help drive proactive measures to enable teams to deliver on time. Use built-in metrics to assess team performance, make sound strategic decisions on what to work on and when,without disrupting team productivity. Deliver real-time analytics and consistent reporting to executive leadership by leveraging the open data access we provide to build custom reporting in tools like Power BI, Tableau, and more. See what value is being delivered relative to the expenditure of your teams’ time and effort and adjust your plans and approach to maximize ROI. Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages Daniel Schleusener Anonymous Anonymous Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Company Customer Care Log In Align strategy and delivery Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How Planview Can Help? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Align strategy to delivery Deliver with confidence Identify risks and remove roadblocks Make data-driven decisions Provide executive-level insights Maximize ROI Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible The Complete Agile Buying Guide h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: for Planview People Leaders Role Scale Agile teams. See how. for Planview People Leaders Role Scale Agile teams. See how. View View View View View View Close modal Product Review Director of Operations :Planview LeanKit™ Product Review Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Product Review Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Customer Case Study Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Customer Case Study Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Customer Case Study Agile/Kanban Coach :Agile/Kanban Coach : The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success : Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible : The Complete Agile Buying Guide : Agile Program Management Solution Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide 593 more results for "strategic planning" See why it’s important for organizations to revisit action plans with the goal to start fresh with a new IT roadmap suited for the digital business era. Ovecome strategic planning challenges and take advantage of opportuntities to advance your organization. Get started with strategic planning today! When innovating around your business capabilities, your strategy requires a dynamic strategic plan that embraces agility and innovation. See how the CIO can lead digital transformation by leveraging IT strategic planning to answer the what, why, and how for the business. See why you need an agile strategic planning process that allows you to pivot on strategic initiatives capable of delivering the most value toward strategic goals. Enterprise architect contributions can improve the strategic plan across the portfolio with a top-down approach. Check out our blog to learn more. Follow along with this series to learn not only the basics of strategic planning, but also understand the different types of planning involved. Strategy is the method for achieving a goal; planning makes strategy come to life. See how to use strategic planning to build a roadmap for transformation. How does your company connect strategic, financial, and operational planning? See how Portfolio Management is expanding its reach as a discipline. With strategic planning, leaders can deliver on the company vision, from formulation to delivery across the organization. Download the datasheet. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h2|Company Customer Care Log In You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: 1 ... : You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process. Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPlanview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete Visit the Planview trust and security center. Rechtliche Informationen zur Nutzung von personenbezogenen Daten durch Planview Legal information relating to your use of the website. Rechtliche Informationen zu den Marken von Planview Rechtliche Informationen zu den Patenten von Planview Legal information relating to claims of copyright infringement. The master service agreements govern the obligations and rights of the customer and Planview, Inc. and its’ subsidiaries The Data Processing Agreement, (“DPA”) governs the processing of personal data when Planview is considered to be the Data Processor in relation to the Customer as the Data Controller. This DPA is incorporated into the services agreement by reference in the Master Subscription Agreement. li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Legal terms h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Trust and security Privacy policy Terms of use Marken Patente Copyright infringement Master service agreements DVV h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Nutzungsbedingungen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPlanview’s products and services may be covered by one or more of the following issued United States patents. Additional patents may also be pending. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie telefonisch unter +1(512) 346-8600. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen USA 7,797,628 USA 7,725,820 USA 7,523,128 USA 7,698,683 USA 7,558,790 USA 8,789,011 USA 7,890,545 USA 8,234,223 USA 7,664,712 USA 8,214,877 USA 7,822,710 USA 8,027,956 USA 8,635,592 USA 9,280,581 USA 8,380,595 USA 8,396,777 USA 8,788,386 USA 8,392,267 USA 8,606,618 USA 8,583,470 USA 9,159,056 USA 8,380,595 USA 8,396,777 USA 8,788,386 USA 8,392,267 USA 8,606,618 USA 8,583,470 USA 9,159,056 , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Patente h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Nutzungsbedingungen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenKlarabergsgatan 60 111 21 Stockholm Sweden SE556552369201 ABN 60 739 963 990 Building 3 – Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Rd Chiswick London W4 5YA VAT number: GB757261710 Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz Bahnhofplatz 12 76137 Karlsruhe DE811672531 Geschäftsführer: Gregory S. Gilmore, Todd Sanders Handelsregisternummer: HRB 106682 117 Avenue Victor Hugo 92100 Boulogne – Billancourt France FR02443037247 Via di Vigna Murata 40 Roma CAP 00143 Italy IT06913481005 Knobbelzwaansingel 5 2496LN Den Haag Netherlands NL810832367B0 Tollbugata 8 0152 Oslo Norway c/o PKF Lawler Partners PTY Limited, Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia c/o Grant Thornton L4, Grant Thornton House 152 Fanshawe Street PO Box 1961 Auckland 1140 New Zealand No.74, Prestige Ferozes, 2nd Floor Sampangi Rama Temple Road, Earlier Cunningham Road Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore-560052 India . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Planview Entities h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Planview International AB Planview UK Ltd Planview GmbH, Software & Consulting Planview SAS Planview Software & Consulting Srl Planview Benelux BV Planview Norge AS Planview APAC Pty. Ltd. Planview Ltd Planview India Pvt. Ltd. h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Nutzungsbedingungen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenEine unvollständige Liste der US-amerikanischen und ausländischen Marken, Logos und Dienstleistungsmarken von Planview finden Sie nachfolgend. Alle sonstigen auf der Website verwendeten Marken und Produktnamen dienen ausschließlich zu Identifikationszwecken und sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der jeweiligen Rechteinhaber. Wenn Produkte, Namen von Dienstleistungen oder Logos in der Liste fehlen, stellt dies keinen Rechteverzicht seitens Planview dar. Ein Missbrauch der auf der Website dargestellten Zeichen ist streng verboten. Fragen zur Verwendung der Zeichen oder hinsichtlich der Frage, ob eine nicht aufgeführte Marke dennoch zu Planview gehört, richten Sie bitte unter +1(512) 346-8600 an Planview. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Planview® Planview Enterprise® PLANVIEW HORIZONS™ Planview PRISMS® Alignment Engine® BEN® Delivery Engine® Innotas® Projectplace® Taming Change™ Troux® , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Marken h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Nutzungsbedingungen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenTo locate the proper MSA, please select the product and location where the product was licensed. (North America, Central America, South America) (Europe, Middle East, Africa) (Asia Pacific) To view DPAs executed prior to January 1, 2020, . . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Planview Agreements h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Master Service Agreements (MSAs) Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Americas EMEA APAC Planview Enterprise One All Countries h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific To obtain Master Service Agreements for Planview Enterprise One and Planview Spigit, [email protected] Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprisePlanview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore Visit the Planview trust and security center. Legal information regarding Planview’s use of personal information. Legal information relating to your use of the website. Legal information relating to Planview trademarks. Legal information relating to Planview patents. Legal information relating to claims of copyright infringement. The master service agreements govern the obligations and rights of the customer and Planview, Inc. and its’ subsidiaries The Data Processing Agreement, (“DPA”) governs the processing of personal data when Planview is considered to be the Data Processor in relation to the Customer as the Data Controller. This DPA is incorporated into the services agreement by reference in the Master Subscription Agreement. li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Legal terms h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Trust and security Privacy policy Terms of use Trademarks Patents Copyright infringement Master service agreements ATD h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Conditions légales Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprisePlanview’s products and services may be covered by one or more of the following issued United States patents. Additional patents may also be pending. For more information, please contact us at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources US 7,797,628 US 7,725,820 US 7,523,128 US 7,698,683 US 7,558,790 US 8,789,011 US 7,890,545 US 8,234,223 US 7,664,712 US 8,214,877 US 7,822,710 US 8,027,956 US 8,635,592 US 9,280,581 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Patents h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Conditions légales Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseKlarabergsgatan 60 111 21 Stockholm Sweden SE556552369201 ABN 60 739 963 990 Building 3 – Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Rd Chiswick London W4 5YA VAT number: GB757261710 Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz Bahnhofplatz 12 76137 Karlsruhe DE811672531 Geschäftsführer: Gregory S. Gilmore, Todd Sanders Handelsregisternummer: HRB 106682 117 Avenue Victor Hugo 92100 Boulogne – Billancourt France FR02443037247 Via di Vigna Murata 40 Roma CAP 00143 Italy IT06913481005 Knobbelzwaansingel 5 2496LN Den Haag Netherlands NL810832367B0 Tollbugata 8 0152 Oslo Norway c/o PKF Lawler Partners PTY Limited, Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia c/o Grant Thornton L4, Grant Thornton House 152 Fanshawe Street PO Box 1961 Auckland 1140 New Zealand No.74, Prestige Ferozes, 2nd Floor Sampangi Rama Temple Road, Earlier Cunningham Road Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore-560052 India . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Planview Entities h2|Société Service client Log in Planview International AB Planview UK Ltd Planview GmbH, Software & Consulting Planview SAS Planview Software & Consulting Srl Planview Benelux BV Planview Norge AS Planview APAC Pty. Ltd. Planview Ltd Planview India Pvt. Ltd. h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Conditions légales Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseA partial listing of the U.S. and foreign trademarks, logos and service marks owned by Planview follows below. All other brands and product names displayed on the Web site are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The absence of any product, service name or logo from the listing does not constitute a waiver of the rights of Planview. Misuse of the marks displayed on the Web site is strictly prohibited. Any questions concerning the use of these marks or whether a name that does not appear below is in fact owned by Planview should be referred to Planview at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Planview® Planview Enterprise® PLANVIEW HORIZONS™ Planview PRISMS® Alignment Engine® BEN® Delivery Engine® Innotas® Projectplace® Taming Change™ Troux® , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Trademarks h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Conditions légales Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseTo locate the proper MSA, please select the product and location where the product was licensed. (North America, Central America, South America) (Europe, Middle East, Africa) (Asia Pacific) To view DPAs executed prior to January 1, 2020, . . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Planview Agreements h2|Société Service client Log in Master Service Agreements (MSAs) Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Americas EMEA APAC Planview Enterprise One All Countries h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific To obtain Master Service Agreements for Planview Enterprise One and Planview Spigit, [email protected] Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera Visit the Planview trust and security center. Legal information regarding Planview’s use of personal information. Legal information relating to your use of the website. Legal information relating to Planview trademarks. Legal information relating to Planview patents. Legal information relating to claims of copyright infringement. The master service agreements govern the obligations and rights of the customer and Planview, Inc. and its’ subsidiaries The Data Processing Agreement, (“DPA”) governs the processing of personal data when Planview is considered to be the Data Processor in relation to the Customer as the Data Controller. This DPA is incorporated into the services agreement by reference in the Master Subscription Agreement. li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Legal terms h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Trust and security Privacy policy Terms of use Trademarks Patents Copyright infringement Master service agreements Databehandlingsavtal h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Juridisk information Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanview’s products and services may be covered by one or more of the following issued United States patents. Additional patents may also be pending. For more information, please contact us at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser US 7,797,628 US 7,725,820 US 7,523,128 US 7,698,683 US 7,558,790 US 8,789,011 US 7,890,545 US 8,234,223 US 7,664,712 US 8,214,877 US 7,822,710 US 8,027,956 US 8,635,592 US 9,280,581 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Patents h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Juridisk information Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeKlarabergsgatan 60 111 21 Stockholm Sweden SE556552369201 ABN 60 739 963 990 Building 3 – Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Rd Chiswick London W4 5YA VAT number: GB757261710 Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz Bahnhofplatz 12 76137 Karlsruhe DE811672531 Geschäftsführer: Gregory S. Gilmore, Todd Sanders Handelsregisternummer: HRB 106682 117 Avenue Victor Hugo 92100 Boulogne – Billancourt France FR02443037247 Via di Vigna Murata 40 Roma CAP 00143 Italy IT06913481005 Knobbelzwaansingel 5 2496LN Den Haag Netherlands NL810832367B0 Tollbugata 8 0152 Oslo Norway c/o PKF Lawler Partners PTY Limited, Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia c/o Grant Thornton L4, Grant Thornton House 152 Fanshawe Street PO Box 1961 Auckland 1140 New Zealand No.74, Prestige Ferozes, 2nd Floor Sampangi Rama Temple Road, Earlier Cunningham Road Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore-560052 India . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview Entities h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Planview International AB Planview UK Ltd Planview GmbH, Software & Consulting Planview SAS Planview Software & Consulting Srl Planview Benelux BV Planview Norge AS Planview APAC Pty. Ltd. Planview Ltd Planview India Pvt. Ltd. h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Juridisk information Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeA partial listing of the U.S. and foreign trademarks, logos and service marks owned by Planview follows below. All other brands and product names displayed on the Web site are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The absence of any product, service name or logo from the listing does not constitute a waiver of the rights of Planview. Misuse of the marks displayed on the Web site is strictly prohibited. Any questions concerning the use of these marks or whether a name that does not appear below is in fact owned by Planview should be referred to Planview at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser Planview® Planview Enterprise® PLANVIEW HORIZONS™ Planview PRISMS® Alignment Engine® BEN® Delivery Engine® Innotas® Projectplace® Taming Change™ Troux® , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Trademarks h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Juridisk information Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeTo locate the proper MSA, please select the product and location where the product was licensed. (North America, Central America, South America) (Europe, Middle East, Africa) (Asia Pacific) To view DPAs executed prior to January 1, 2020, . . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview Agreements h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Master Service Agreements (MSAs) Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Americas EMEA APAC Planview Enterprise One All Countries h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific To obtain Master Service Agreements for Planview Enterprise One and Planview Spigit, [email protected] Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview understands that success is built on trust. Trust is built on the consistent delivery of exceeded expectations. Learn how Planview’s family of dedicated professionals deliver this to over 5,000 customers worldwide every day. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer Visit the Planview trust and security center. Legal information regarding Planview’s use of personal information. Legal information relating to your use of the website. Legal information relating to Planview trademarks. Legal information relating to Planview patents. Legal information relating to claims of copyright infringement. The master service agreements govern the obligations and rights of the customer and Planview, Inc. and its’ subsidiaries The Data Processing Agreement, (“DPA”) governs the processing of personal data when Planview is considered to be the Data Processor in relation to the Customer as the Data Controller. This DPA is incorporated into the services agreement by reference in the Master Subscription Agreement. li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Legal terms h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Trust and security Privacy policy Terms of use Trademarks Patents Copyright infringement Master service agreements DPA h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Juridisk Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview’s products and services may be covered by one or more of the following issued United States patents. Additional patents may also be pending. For more information, please contact us at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser US 7,797,628 US 7,725,820 US 7,523,128 US 7,698,683 US 7,558,790 US 8,789,011 US 7,890,545 US 8,234,223 US 7,664,712 US 8,214,877 US 7,822,710 US 8,027,956 US 8,635,592 US 9,280,581 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 US 8,380,595 US 8,396,777 US 8,788,386 US 8,392,267 US 8,606,618 US 8,583,470 US 9,159,056 , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Patents h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Juridisk Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetKlarabergsgatan 60 111 21 Stockholm Sweden SE556552369201 ABN 60 739 963 990 Building 3 – Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Rd Chiswick London W4 5YA VAT number: GB757261710 Design Offices Karlsruhe Bahnhofplatz Bahnhofplatz 12 76137 Karlsruhe DE811672531 Geschäftsführer: Gregory S. Gilmore, Todd Sanders Handelsregisternummer: HRB 106682 117 Avenue Victor Hugo 92100 Boulogne – Billancourt France FR02443037247 Via di Vigna Murata 40 Roma CAP 00143 Italy IT06913481005 Knobbelzwaansingel 5 2496LN Den Haag Netherlands NL810832367B0 Tollbugata 8 0152 Oslo Norway c/o PKF Lawler Partners PTY Limited, Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia c/o Grant Thornton L4, Grant Thornton House 152 Fanshawe Street PO Box 1961 Auckland 1140 New Zealand No.74, Prestige Ferozes, 2nd Floor Sampangi Rama Temple Road, Earlier Cunningham Road Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore-560052 India . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview Entities h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Planview International AB Planview UK Ltd Planview GmbH, Software & Consulting Planview SAS Planview Software & Consulting Srl Planview Benelux BV Planview Norge AS Planview APAC Pty. Ltd. Planview Ltd Planview India Pvt. Ltd. h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Juridisk Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetA partial listing of the U.S. and foreign trademarks, logos and service marks owned by Planview follows below. All other brands and product names displayed on the Web site are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The absence of any product, service name or logo from the listing does not constitute a waiver of the rights of Planview. Misuse of the marks displayed on the Web site is strictly prohibited. Any questions concerning the use of these marks or whether a name that does not appear below is in fact owned by Planview should be referred to Planview at (512) 346-8600. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Planview® Planview Enterprise® PLANVIEW HORIZONS™ Planview PRISMS® Alignment Engine® BEN® Delivery Engine® Innotas® Projectplace® Taming Change™ Troux® , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Trademarks h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Juridisk Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetTo locate the proper MSA, please select the product and location where the product was licensed. (North America, Central America, South America) (Europe, Middle East, Africa) (Asia Pacific) To view DPAs executed prior to January 1, 2020, . . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview Agreements h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Master Service Agreements (MSAs) Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Americas EMEA APAC Planview Enterprise One All Countries h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for the Americas (North America, Central America, South America) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific formerly Innotas – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific – Master Service Agreement for Asia Pacific To obtain Master Service Agreements for Planview Enterprise One and Planview Spigit, [email protected] Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPlanview SaaS solutions are built on highly available, performant infrastructure to deliver our world class product line whenever it’s needed. Planview SaaS solutions enable: Planview’s SaaS solutions utilize scalable, geo-redundant infrastructure to provide fault tolerant, highly available services. Planview monitors critical systems, application and services so that when the unforeseen does happen, our Operations teams are alerted and can quickly work to resolve the situation. Following an outage, we review the cause and identify ways to reduce the likelihood of future incidents. Planning for the unforeseen helps ensure Planview remains prepared to respond quickly and effective should it occur. Planview partners with market leading solution providers to ensure backups are maintained and ready should the need arise. Annual exercises are performed to keep the team well versed on the business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Planview customers can check platform status 24/7/365 at and subscribe to be alerted should an incident occur. When the unforeseen does occur, an incident alert with updates is provided to keep customers informed on remediation efforts and resolution. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Strategic planning and management Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) Workload management and work prioritization Neuprodukt-Entwicklung Employee and resource allocation and management Project planning and control Enterprise Architecture (EA) and information technology portfolio management Time and progress reporting Cost management Business Process Management (BPM) , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Planview Reliability h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Planview Data Centers h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Verfügbarkeit Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Transparency Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Trust and Security Center (the Planview Platform Status page) to frequently asked trust and security questions page: Planview Privacy page: Frequently Asked Questions Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprisePlanview SaaS solutions are built on highly available, performant infrastructure to deliver our world class product line whenever it’s needed. Planview SaaS solutions enable: Planview’s SaaS solutions utilize scalable, geo-redundant infrastructure to provide fault tolerant, highly available services. Planview monitors critical systems, application and services so that when the unforeseen does happen, our Operations teams are alerted and can quickly work to resolve the situation. Following an outage, we review the cause and identify ways to reduce the likelihood of future incidents. Planning for the unforeseen helps ensure Planview remains prepared to respond quickly and effective should it occur. Planview partners with market leading solution providers to ensure backups are maintained and ready should the need arise. Annual exercises are performed to keep the team well versed on the business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Planview customers can check platform status 24/7/365 at and subscribe to be alerted should an incident occur. When the unforeseen does occur, an incident alert with updates is provided to keep customers informed on remediation efforts and resolution. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Strategic planning and management Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) Workload management and work prioritization Développement de nouveaux produits (NPD) Employee and resource allocation and management Project planning and control Enterprise Architecture (EA) and information technology portfolio management Time and progress reporting Cost management Business Process Management (BPM) , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Planview Reliability h2|Société Service client Log in Planview Data Centers h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Disponibilité Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Transparency Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Trust and Security Center (the Planview Platform Status page) to frequently asked trust and security questions page: Planview Privacy page: Frequently Asked Questions Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanview SaaS solutions are built on highly available, performant infrastructure to deliver our world class product line whenever it’s needed. Planview SaaS solutions enable: Planview’s SaaS solutions utilize scalable, geo-redundant infrastructure to provide fault tolerant, highly available services. Planview monitors critical systems, application and services so that when the unforeseen does happen, our Operations teams are alerted and can quickly work to resolve the situation. Following an outage, we review the cause and identify ways to reduce the likelihood of future incidents. Planning for the unforeseen helps ensure Planview remains prepared to respond quickly and effective should it occur. Planview partners with market leading solution providers to ensure backups are maintained and ready should the need arise. Annual exercises are performed to keep the team well versed on the business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Planview customers can check platform status 24/7/365 at and subscribe to be alerted should an incident occur. When the unforeseen does occur, an incident alert with updates is provided to keep customers informed on remediation efforts and resolution. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser Strategic planning and management Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) Workload management and work prioritization Utveckling av nya produkter (NPD) Employee and resource allocation and management Project planning and control Enterprise Architecture (EA) and information technology portfolio management Time and progress reporting Cost management Business Process Management (BPM) , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview Reliability h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Planview Data Centers h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Tillgänglighet Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Transparency Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Trust and Security Center (the Planview Platform Status page) to frequently asked trust and security questions page: Planview Privacy page: Frequently Asked Questions Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview SaaS solutions are built on highly available, performant infrastructure to deliver our world class product line whenever it’s needed. Planview SaaS solutions enable: Planview’s SaaS solutions utilize scalable, geo-redundant infrastructure to provide fault tolerant, highly available services. Planview monitors critical systems, application and services so that when the unforeseen does happen, our Operations teams are alerted and can quickly work to resolve the situation. Following an outage, we review the cause and identify ways to reduce the likelihood of future incidents. Planning for the unforeseen helps ensure Planview remains prepared to respond quickly and effective should it occur. Planview partners with market leading solution providers to ensure backups are maintained and ready should the need arise. Annual exercises are performed to keep the team well versed on the business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Planview customers can check platform status 24/7/365 at and subscribe to be alerted should an incident occur. When the unforeseen does occur, an incident alert with updates is provided to keep customers informed on remediation efforts and resolution. Get the answers to our most frequently asked trust and security questions. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Strategic planning and management Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) Workload management and work prioritization Ny produktutvikling (NPD) Employee and resource allocation and management Project planning and control Enterprise Architecture (EA) and information technology portfolio management Time and progress reporting Cost management Business Process Management (BPM) , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview Reliability h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Planview Data Centers h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Tilgjengelighet Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Transparency Frequently asked questions h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Trust and Security Center (the Planview Platform Status page) to frequently asked trust and security questions page: Planview Privacy page: Frequently Asked Questions Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Hear what our customers have to say about our products . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|Planview Product Reviews and Testimonials h2|Company Customer Care Log In h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Search the Planview Product Review Center Search Submit search keywords Planview Enterprise One™ Planview PPM Pro™ (formerly Innotas®) Planview Projectplace™ 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review results Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenDie Lösungen von Planview machen es möglich. Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Die Produkte von Planview machen es möglich. Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im Unternehmen Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Das ist möglich – mit Planview an Ihrer Seite.Steigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen Nutzen. . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Planen, verwalten und stellen Sie alle Arten von Arbeit bereit – ob traditionell, iterativ, agil oder kollaborativ. Verfolgen Sie einen strategischen Plan im Angesicht alltäglicher Realitäten. Das richtige Personal zur richtigen Zeit für die richtigen Aufgaben einsetzen Kosten portfolioübergreifend und im Budgetrahmen verwalten Erstellen Sie Roadmaps, die Strategie, Investitionen und Ergebnisse verknüpfen. Optimieren Sie die Zuweisung von Mitteln und Ressourcen für funktionsübergreifende Initiativen. Standardisieren Sie Ihre Technologie und senken Sie Kosten, vermeiden Sie Risiken und stellen Sie die Compliance sicher. Stimmen Sie Technologie auf den geschäftlichen Kontext ab. Begeistern Sie Stakeholder mit überzeugenden Visualisierungen, um gemeinsam Technologiepläne aufzustellen, mit denen Capabilities optimiert und digitale Strategien umgesetzt werden können. Gute Ideen in großartige Produkte umsetzen Ressourcen auf erfolgreiche Produkte ausrichten Automatisieren Sie Produktinnovationen mithilfe von Stage-Gate®, PACE®, Agile und anderen Prozessmethoden mit oder ohne Gates. Ermöglichen Sie neue Arbeitsweisen Connect strategic plans and funding to Agile delivery Scale Agile on your terms and timeline. Planen, finanzieren und liefern Sie Produkte und Lösungen schneller. Verbessern Sie Geschäftsergebnisse. Support strategic objectives Führen Sie unterschiedliche Agile-Teams zusammen. Koordinieren Sie die Arbeit der Teams von Teams. Vernetzen, koordinieren, planen und starten Sie Agile Release Trains (ARTs). Steigerung der Produktivität von Agile-Bereitstellungsteams Reduce waste Verbessern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens Sorgen Sie für Ideenfindung auf allen Ebenen, und entdecken Sie umsetzbare Ideen auf der Basis von Crowdsourcing in Ihrem Unternehmen und seinem Ökosystem. Treiben Sie die besten Ideen voran. Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen, welche Ideen finanziert werden sollen, um die stärkste Wirkung zu erzielen. Planen, verwalten und visualisieren Sie den Fortschritt der Zusammenarbeit. Ermöglichen Sie Ihrem Team, seine beste Arbeit zu leisten – ob mit herkömmlichem Projektmanagement, Lean und Agile Arbeitsweisen oder einer Mischung aus beidem Strategieplanung und Roadmapping Bedarfsmanagement Projektportfoliomanagement (PPM) Kapazitätsplanung und Ressourcenmanagement Planung von geschäftlichen Fähigkeiten Szenarioplanung Priorisierung von Investitionen Finanzplanung Eingangsmanagement Ausrichten der Priorisierung Ressourcenmanagement-Tools Time tracking Projektmanagement-Dashboards und Berichte Project budget management Predictive portfolio analysis Gantt-Diagramme Prozess- und Arbeitsvisualisierung Echtzeit-Arbeitsstatus Identifizierung von Risiken Teamübergreifende Arbeitsverknüpfungen Komplexes Prozess-Mapping Zwischenziele für die laufende Arbeit (Work in Process, WIP) Sichtbare Prozessrichtlinien Robuste Analysen Projektverfolgung Kanban-Boards Projekt-Roadmaps Workload-Management Dateifreigabe und Dokumentenmanagement Online-Gantt-Diagramme Projekt-Dashboards und Berichtsvorlagen Projektmanagement-Mobil-Apps Time tracking Echtzeit-Teamkommunikation Ideenfindung im großen Maßstab Patentierte Crowd-Science-Algorithmen finden automatisch die richtigen Ideen genau zum passenden Zeitpunkt. Transparente Sicht auf die Ideen-Pipeline und das Portfolio ausgewählter Ideen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Unsere Lösungen unterstützen Sie mit einer zentralen Schnittstelle, über die Sie und Ihre im gesamten Unternehmen zusammenzuarbeiten und gemeinsam Nutzen zu schaffen können. h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login There’s a bold new way of working. Gehen Sie nahtlos von der Strategie zur erfolgreichen Bereitstellung über Get work done – no matter how you work Treiben Sie die geschäftliche Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen voran. h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Projektportfolio-Management Strategic Portfolio Management Unternehmensarchitektur (EA) Produktportfolio-Management Enterprise Agile Planning Lean Portfolio Management Agiles Programm-Management Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams Innovation Management Work-Management für Teams Planview Enterprise One™ Planview PPM Pro™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview Projectplace™ Planview Spigit™ Bundles and Packages Chief Information Officer (CIO) Unternehmensarchitekten Ressourcenmanager Release Train Engineers Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams New Product Development (NPD) Manager Agile Coaches Agile Program Managers EOffice (EPMO) Teams Projektmanager People Leaders h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: : Projektportfolio-Management zu Projektportfolio-Management : Strategic Portfolio Management about Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Unternehmensarchitektur (EA) : Produktportfoliomanagement zum Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning about Enterprise Agile Planning : Lean Portfolio Management über Lean Portfolio-Management : Agile Programm-Management about Agile Program Management : Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams about Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams : Innovationsmanagement zum Innovationsmanagement : Work Management for Teams über Arbeitsmanagement für Teams : Planview Enterprise One™ about Planview Enterprise One™ : Planview PPM Pro™ about Planview PPM Pro™ : Planview LeanKit™ about Planview LeanKit™ : Planview Projectplace™ about Planview Projectplace™ : Planview Spigit™ about Planview Spigit™ about Chief Information Officer (CIO) about Enterprise Architects about Resource Managers about Release Train Engineers about Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams about New Product Development (NPD) Managers about Agile Coaches about Agile Program Managers about EOffice (EPMO) Teams about Project Managers about People Leaders Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen Nutzen„ Das Führungsteam von Planview hat sich dem Grundgedanken des Servant Leadership verschrieben. Als ehrgeiziger Anbieter von SaaS für Unternehmen hat für uns die Einstellung und Bindung talentierter Mitarbeiter, um marktführende Lösungen für das Work- und Ressourcen-Management (WRM) und einen beispiellosen Kundenservice bereitzustellen, höchste Priorität. Engagierte Mitarbeiter erzielen hervorragende Kundenergebnisse, die für langfristigen Erfolg sorgen. So einfach ist das. Die leidenschaftlichen und erfahrenen Mitglieder unseres Führungsteams haben es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Arbeitsweise von Kunden zu verändern und den bestmöglichen Arbeitsplatz für unsere Mitarbeiter zu schaffen.“ Greg Gilmore Gregory S. Gilmore is chief executive officer of Planview and has been the driving force behind the company’s explosive growth for the past 25 years. Under Greg’s leadership, Planview pioneered thecategories for enterprise software, grew the total addressable market from $300 million to $10 billion, increased revenue from $70 million in 2013 to more than $250 million in 2020, and expanded its global footprint to over 1,100 employees serving 4,500 customers and 1.3 million end users. The company has completed over 15 M&A transactions under Greg’s leadership. For more than 15as a leader by key industry analysts across multiple markets. Greg’s more than 35 years of experience in sales, consulting, and operations management also includes tenures at Ernst & Young, Texas Instruments, James Martin & Co, and ABT (now Broadcom Clarity). He is active in business and charity communities, having served as chairman of the board at Regents School of Austin and on the boards of the Hillview Christian Ministries and Foundation for the Homeless. Greg has a bachelor’s degree in business analysis from Texas A&M University. Todd Sanders ist als Chief Financial Officer für die weltweiten Aktivitäten und Teams von Planview in den Bereichen Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Vertrieb und Geschäftsanwendungen verantwortlich. Todd Sanders hat über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit innovativen Software- und Technologieunternehmen, denen er dabei half, ein beträchtliches Umsatzwachstum zu erzielen, die betriebliche Effizienz und Rentabilität zu verbessern und eine langfristige Wertschöpfung zu erreichen. Bevor er gegen Ende 2018 zu Planview kam, war er Executive Vice President und Chief Financial Officer für Symphony RetailAI, wo er weltweit für die Bereiche Finanz- und Rechnungswesen sowie Recht und IT zuständig war. Außerdem hatte er Führungspositionen im Bereich Finanzen bei Retalix (heute NCR) und Fujitsu inne. Todd Sanders besitzt einen Bachelorabschluss in Finanzwesen der Louisiana State University in Shreveport und ist im US-Bundesstaat Texas als Wirtschaftsprüfer (Certified Public Accountant, CPA) lizenziert. Patrick Tickle is chief product officer, responsible for Planview’s Products organization spanning strategy, development and delivery of the company’s market-leadingPatrick has over 20 years of experience in product management, product development, cloud operations, and marketing across a wide range of technology solutions. Prior to joining Planview in 2006, Patrick served as vice president of marketing and product management of ITM Software, where he executed category development and product strategy. He also has held a variety of product management and marketing positions at Terraspring (an enterprise software company acquired by Sun Microsystems), MIPS, and Silicon Graphics. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of North Carolina. Beth Weeks ist Chief Information Officer und Vice President Cloud Operations. Zu ihren Aufgaben gehört die Vorgabe eines strategischen Plans für Cloud-Plattformen und -Tools sowie die Prozesse zur Optimierung der täglichen Cloud-Vorgänge. Darüber hinaus verantwortet sie das Sicherheitsprogramm und die strategischen Initiativen von Planview. Beth Weeks hat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Computersoftware. Dabei war sie für die Durchführung von Software-as-a-Service-Transformationen (SaaS) verantwortlich und unterstützte Produktentwicklungsunternehmen bei der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von SaaS- und Platform-as-a-Service-Diensten (PaaS) für Unternehmen. Bevor Beth Weeks im Jahr 2017 zu Planview kam, war sie Senior Vice President of Product Engineering and Cloud Operations bei WP Engine. Dort leitete sie die Produktentwicklung und den Cloud-Betrieb für mehrere globale Rechenzentren, die über 500.000 Websites hosteten. Außerdem hatte sie Führungspositionen bei Zilliant, Vignette (heute Teil von Open Text) und Intergraph inne. Beth Weeks besitzt einen Bachelorabschluss in Computer Science der University of Kentucky, wo sie im Jahr 2014 in die Hall of Distinction aufgenommen wurde. Seit 10 Jahren ist sie Mitglied im Beratungsgremium des Fachbereichsleiters für das College of Engineering. Zu ihren Auszeichnungen zählt die Aufnahme in die Top 25 der „Profiles in Power & Women of Influence“ des Austin Business Journal. Jeff Bolke ist in seiner Rolle als Executive Vice President Sales weltweit für die Umsatzgenerierung und Geschäftsentwicklung sowie Partnerprogramme in Nordamerika, EMEA und APAC verantwortlich. Er ist eine ausgewiesene Führungspersönlichkeit im Verkauf und Betrieb und hatte 20 Jahre lang Führungspositionen in Multichannel-Unternehmen mit verschiedenen Produkten inne. Bevor Jeff Bolke im Jahr 2017 zu Planview kam, war er General Manager des in Austin ansässigen Unternehmens Accruent, wo er für die Aktivitäten der Markteinführung verantwortlich war. Außerdem hatte er Führungspositionen im Vertrieb bei UnboundID,, DataCert, Motive, Trilogy und IBM inne. Jeff Bolke besitzt einen Bachelorabschluss in Petroleum Engineering der Colorado School of Mines. Cameron van Orman ist als Executive Vice President und Chief Marketing Officer für alle Aspekte des globalen Marketings, der digitalen Nachfragegenerierung und des Kundenmarketings von Planview verantwortlich. Er verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Unternehmensführung, in denen er den transformativen Wandel, die geschäftliche Agilität und das Marktwachstum gefördert hat. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Planview im Jahr 2019 war Herr van Orman in leitenden Marketingpositionen bei CA Technologies (heute Broadcom) tätig, wo er maßgeblich an der Integration von Rally in das Portfolio von CA beteiligt war und sich für die interne Agile-Transformation des Marketingteams von CA einsetzte. Herr van Orman war außerdem in den Bereichen strategisches Marketing, Vertrieb und operatives Geschäft bei BlueArc, Pillar Data Systems, Sun Microsystems und StorageTek tätig. Er hat einen Bachelorabschluss in Wirtschaft und Mathematik vom Dartmouth College und einen MBA von der Kellogg School of Management der Northwestern University. Er ist außerdem Vorstandsmitglied der Children's Diabetes Foundation. Scott Hardey ist als Executive Vice President Customer Renewals weltweit für die Kundenoperationen und Erneuerung von Kundenabonnements bei allen Produktlinien von Planview verantwortlich. Darüber hinaus fungiert er als Executive Sponsor der Planview Horizons-Kundenkonferenz. Scott Hardey kann auf über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Vertrieb und Kundenservice zurückblicken und ist eine treibende Kraft der Innovation bei Planview. So entwickelte er Premiumsupportoptionen, ermöglichte schnelleren Zugriff auf Beratungsressourcen über Fernberatungsdienste und führte ein globales Verfahren für den Kundenerfolg ein. Bevor er im Jahr 1997 zu Planview kam, hatte Scott Hardey eine Führungsposition bei Fritz Companies (heute Teil von UPS) inne und war bei Texas Instruments tätig. Er besitzt einen Bachelorabschluss der Tulane University in Computer Science und einen Masterabschluss in Computer Science von der University of Texas in Dallas. Jay Nelson ist Executive Vice President Chief People Officer. In dieser Rolle ist er für das Ressourcenmanagement, direkte Kundeninteraktionen, die organisatorische Entwicklung sowie Initiativen für Kultur und Engagement verantwortlich, um für alle Mitglieder des Planview Teams ein optimales Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen. Jay Nelson verfügt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Ressourcenmanagement. Während seiner Tätigkeit führte er HR-Teams, arbeitete mit Unternehmensführungen zusammen und entwickelte Programme für Capability und Kultur in verschiedenen Umgebungen der Sektoren Technologie, Verbrauchsgüter und gemeinnützige Organisationen. Bevor er im Jahr 2015 zu Planview kam, war Jay Nelson Vice President Human Resources bei Vertafore, einem mittelständischen Technologieunternehmen, das die Versicherungsbranche bedient. Zuvor hatte er HR-Führungsrollen bei Campbell Soup Co sowie Positionen in mehreren gemeinnützigen Organisationen und Gremien inne. Jay Nelson besitzt einen Masterabschluss in Human Resources der University of Scranton und einen Bachelorabschluss in Business Administration der University of San Diego. Rob Reesor is CTO and senior vice president, product development, responsible for managing and growing the development team while delivering on Planview’s product roadmap. He brings more than 35 years of experience in all phases of the product lifecycle, including programming, product management, quality assurance, and project management. Rob Reesor kam im Jahr 2008 zu Planview. Zuvor bekleidete er Führungspositionen im Bereich Softwareentwicklung bei Austin Logistics,, TIBCO, IntelliCorp und Virtual Vineyards. Rob Reesor besitzt sowohl einen Bachelor- als auch einen Masterabschluss in Computer Science von der University of Oregon. Louise K. Allen is senior vice president, product management and product marketing, responsible for product strategy, positioning, and roadmaps for Planview’sShe has more than 20 years of experience in all facets of bringing technology products to market. Louise Allen wechselte im Jahr 2008 zu Planview von Quickarrow, wo sie als Vice President of Product Strategy dem Unternehmen vom Status eines selbstfinanzierten Start-ups zu nachhaltiger Rentabilität verhalf. Außerdem hatte sie Führungspositionen bei Tivoli Systems, einem Unternehmen von IBM, und NetQoS inne. Louise Allen besitzt einen Bachelorabschluss in Business Administration von der Trinity University und einen MBA von der University of Texas at Austin. Eric Hurley ist als Vice President Legal Affairs bei Planview weltweit für die Fragen der Unternehmenssicherheit, der Governance, des geistigen Eigentums und von Rechtsstreitigkeiten verantwortlich. Er hat über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Umsetzung von kreativen, wertorientierten Vertragsverhandlungen und -management sowie Geschäftsprozessen und Strategien bezüglich geistigen Eigentums in der Software-, Hardware- und Computerservicebranche. Eric stieß im Jahr 2008 zu Planview. Zuvor war er bei Motion Computing tätig, wo er für die weltweiten Rechtsangelegenheiten und sämtliche Angelegenheiten des Unternehmens in den Bereichen Transaktionen, geistiges Eigentum, Compliance, regulatorische Anforderungen und Corporate Governance verantwortlich war. Außerdem hatte er Führungspositionen bei Pavilion Technologies, CSC Financial Services Group und Hogan Systems inne. Eric Hurley besitzt einen Bachelorabschluss in Business Administration und einen Wirtschaftsrechtsabschluss von der Southern Methodist University. Zudem war er an der Arbeit an zwei US-Patenten beteiligt. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Product Officer Chief Information Officer und Vice President Cloud Operations Executive Vice President Sales Executive Vice President Chief Marketing Officer Executive Vice President Customer Renewals Executive Vice President Chief People Officer CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Senior Vice President Product Management und Solutions Marketing Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Management h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Gregory S. Gilmore Todd Sanders Patrick A. Tickle Beth Weeks Jeff Bolke Cameron van Orman Scott Hardey Jay Nelson Rob Reesor Louise K. Allen Eric S. Hurley h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Unternehmen Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Product Officer Chief Information Officer und Vice President Cloud Operations Executive Vice President Sales Executive Vice President und Chief Marketing Officer Executive Vice President Customer Renewals Executive Vice President und Chief People Officer CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Senior Vice President Product Management und Solutions Marketing Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit em|Ein Unternehmen ist immer nur so gut wie seine Mitarbeiter. pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseAvec Planview, c'est possible Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Avec les produits Planview, c'est possible Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entreprise Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact C'est possible avec Planview comme partenaireOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprise. . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Planifiez, gérez et menez à bien tous les types d'activités, qu'elles répondent à des démarches classiques, Agile, itératives ou collaboratives Pilotez un plan stratégique tout en vous adaptant aux réalités du quotidien Affectez les ressources adéquates aux tâches appropriées, au bon moment Gérez les coûts selon le budget dans tous vos portefeuilles Établissez des feuilles de route faisant le lien entre la stratégie, les investissements et les résultats Optimisez le financement et l'affectation des ressources à des initiatives transverses Standardisez votre infrastructure technologique pour réduire les coûts, atténuer les risques et assurer la conformité Connectez la technologie au contexte commercial Éveillez l'intérêt des différentes parties prenantes à l'aide de visualisations particulièrement efficaces, afin de créer conjointement des plans technologiques qui contribueront au développement des capacités et à la concrétisation des stratégies numériques. Transformez les idées prometteuses en produits exceptionnels Focalisez vos ressources sur des produits profitables Automatisez l'innovation Produits à l'aide des méthodes Stage-Gate®, PACE®, Agile ou de toute autre méthodologie reposant sur des processus séquentiels ou linéaires. Adoptez de nouvelles façons de travailler Connect strategic plans and funding to Agile delivery Scale Agile on your terms and timeline. Planifiez, financez et délivrez des produits et des solutions plus rapidement Améliorer les résultats opérationnels Support strategic objectives Reliez les équipes Agile disparates Coordonnez le travail des équipes d'équipes Reliez, coordonnez, planifiez et lancez des Agile Release Trains (ART) Augmenter la productivité de l'équipe de livraison Agile Reduce waste Optimisez l'agilité dans toute votre organisation Favorisez l'idéation à grande échelle et la découverte d'idées collaboratives exploitables issues de l'ensemble de votre organisation et écosystème Exploitez les meilleures idées Prenez des décisions éclairées pour financer les idées les plus prometteuses Planifiez, gérez et visualisez l'avancement du travail collaboratif Permettez à votre équipe d'utiliser des méthodes traditionnelles de gestion de projet, les méthodologies Lean et Agile, ou une méthode hybride pour être ultraperformante Planification stratégique et élaboration de feuilles de route La gestion des Demandes Gestion de portefeuille de projets (PPM) Planification de la capacité et gestion des ressources Planification de la capacité d'entreprise Planification de scénarios Priorisation des investissements Planification financière Gestion des projets entrants Alignement de la priorisation Outils de gestion des ressources Time tracking Tableaux de bord et rapports de gestion de projet Project budget management Predictive portfolio analysis Diagrammes de Gantt Visualisation des processus et des activités État des activités en temps réel Identification des risques Connexions entre les équipes de travail Cartographie des processus complexes Limitations des activités en cours Visibilité des politiques de processus Données chiffrées solides Suivi des projets Tableaux Kanban en ligne Feuilles de route de projet Gestion de la charge de travail Partage de fichiers et gestion de documents Diagrammes de Gantt en ligne Tableaux de bord et modèles de reporting des projets Applications mobiles de gestion de projet Time tracking Communication en temps réel au sein de l'équipe Favorise l'idéation à grande échelle Des algorithmes brevetés de science participative mettent automatiquement en avant les bonnes idées au bon moment. Visibilité dans le pipeline d'idées et le portefeuille d'idées sélectionnées , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Les solutions Planview vous offrent une visibilité centralisée sur l'ensemble de votre organisation et aident les équipes à collaborer pour créer de la valeur. h2|Société Service client Log in There’s a bold new way of working. Convertissez facilement la stratégie en exécution Get work done – no matter how you work Stimulez la transformation de votre entreprise h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Gestion de portefeuille de projet Strategic Portfolio Management Architecture d’entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Planification Agile d'Entreprise Lean Portfolio Management Gestion de programmes agiles Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile Gestion de l'innovation Work Management for Teams Planview Enterprise One™ Planview PPM Pro™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview Projectplace™ Planview Spigit™ Bundles and Packages Directeur du service informatique (CIO) Architectes d'entreprise Directeurs de ressources Release Train Engineers Équipes PMO (bureau de gestion des portefeuilles) Managers NPD (développement de produits) Agile Coaches Agile Program Managers Équipes EPMO (bureau de gestion des portefeuilles de l'entreprise) Responsables de projets People Leaders h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : : Gestion de portefeuilles de projets sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets : Strategic Portfolio Management about Strategic Portfolio Management : Architecture d’entreprise : Architecture d’entreprise : Gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits : Enterprise Agile Planning about Enterprise Agile Planning : Lean Portfolio Management sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean : Gestion de programme Agile about Agile Program Management : Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams about Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams : Gestion de l'innovation sur la gestion de l'innovation : Work Management for Teams sur la gestion du travail pour les équipes : Planview Enterprise One™ about Planview Enterprise One™ : Planview PPM Pro™ about Planview PPM Pro™ : Planview LeanKit™ about Planview LeanKit™ : Planview Projectplace™ about Planview Projectplace™ : Planview Spigit™ about Planview Spigit™ about Chief Information Officer (CIO) about Enterprise Architects about Resource Managers about Release Train Engineers about Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams about New Product Development (NPD) Managers about Agile Coaches about Agile Program Managers about EOffice (EPMO) Teams about Project Managers about People Leaders Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprise« L'équipe de direction de Planview place la notion de service au cœur de sa philosophie de leadership. En tant que développeur ambitieux de solutions SaaS pour les entreprises, notre première priorité est de recruter et de fidéliser les meilleurs talents afin de proposer des solutions de gestion des activités et des ressources à la pointe du marché, ainsi qu'un service client exceptionnel. L'implication des employés est à l'origine de résultats remarquables pour les clients, favorisant ainsi leur réussite à long terme. C'est aussi simple que cela. Déterminée et expérimentée, notre équipe de direction s'attache à changer la manière de travailler de nos clients et à offrir à nos employés un environnement de travail optimal. » – Greg Gilmore Gregory S. Gilmore is chief executive officer of Planview and has been the driving force behind the company’s explosive growth for the past 25 years. Under Greg’s leadership, Planview pioneered thecategories for enterprise software, grew the total addressable market from $300 million to $10 billion, increased revenue from $70 million in 2013 to more than $250 million in 2020, and expanded its global footprint to over 1,100 employees serving 4,500 customers and 1.3 million end users. The company has completed over 15 M&A transactions under Greg’s leadership. For more than 15as a leader by key industry analysts across multiple markets. Greg’s more than 35 years of experience in sales, consulting, and operations management also includes tenures at Ernst & Young, Texas Instruments, James Martin & Co, and ABT (now Broadcom Clarity). He is active in business and charity communities, having served as chairman of the board at Regents School of Austin and on the boards of the Hillview Christian Ministries and Foundation for the Homeless. Greg has a bachelor’s degree in business analysis from Texas A&M University. Todd Sanders est Directeur financier, en charge des finances, de la comptabilité, des activités commerciales, ainsi que des activités et des équipes dédiées aux applications d'entreprise de Planview à l'échelle mondiale. Todd Sanders possède plus de 20 années d'expérience au sein de sociétés innovantes de solutions logicielles et technologiques, pour lesquelles il a contribué au développement notable du chiffre d'affaires, au renforcement de l'efficacité opérationnelle et de la rentabilité, ainsi qu'à la création de valeur à long terme. Avant de rejoindre Planview fin 2018, Todd Sanders a exercé les fonctions de Vice-président exécutif et Directeur financier de Symphony RetailAI, où il était responsable des services financier, comptable, juridique et IT à l'échelle mondiale. Il a également occupé des postes à la direction financière de Retalix (à présent NCR) et Fujitsu. Todd est titulaire d'une licence de gestion financière obtenue à la Louisiana State University de Shreveport. Il est également expert-comptable agréé dans l'état du Texas. Patrick Tickle is chief product officer, responsible for Planview’s Products organization spanning strategy, development and delivery of the company’s market-leadingPatrick has over 20 years of experience in product management, product development, cloud operations, and marketing across a wide range of technology solutions. Prior to joining Planview in 2006, Patrick served as vice president of marketing and product management of ITM Software, where he executed category development and product strategy. He also has held a variety of product management and marketing positions at Terraspring (an enterprise software company acquired by Sun Microsystems), MIPS, and Silicon Graphics. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of North Carolina. Beth Weeks est Directrice du service informatique et Vice-présidente en charge des activités cloud. Elle a pour mission d'établir l'orientation stratégique pour les plates-formes, les outils et les processus cloud, dans le but de rationaliser les opérations cloud quotidiennes. Elle est également responsable du programme de sécurité et des initiatives stratégiques de Planview. Comptant plus de 30 années d'expérience dans le domaine des logiciels informatiques, Beth Weeks a conduit des transformations SaaS (Software as a Service, logiciel en tant que service), et a aidé des organisations d'ingénierie Produits à concevoir et déployer des logiciels d'entreprise sous forme SaaS et PaaS (Platform as a Service, plateforme en tant que service). Avant de rejoindre Planview en 2017, Beth Weeks a été Vice-présidente de l'ingénierie Produits et des activités cloud au sein de WP Engine, supervisant le développement Produits et les activités cloud pour de multiples data centers mondiaux hébergeant plus de 500 000 sites Web. Elle a également exercé des fonctions de direction au sein de Zilliant, Vignette (acquis par Open Text) et Intergraph. Beth Weeks est titulaire d'une licence en informatique de l'Université du Kentucky, dont elle a été intronisée dans le Hall of Distinction en 2014, et siège au conseil consultatif du doyen du College of Engineering depuis 10 ans. Elle a notamment été distinguée par des nominations aux classements Top 25 Profiles in Power et Woman of Influence du Austin Business Journal. Jeff Bolke est Vice-président exécutif en charge des ventes. Il est responsable à l'échelle mondiale de la création de revenus, du développement commercial et des programmes de partenariat pour les régions Amérique du Nord, EMEA et APAC. Jeff Bolke possède une grande expérience en matière de direction commerciale et opérationnelle après avoir occupé pendant plus de 20 ans des postes de haut niveau dans des entreprises commercialisant de multiples produits via différents canaux de distribution. Avant de rejoindre Planview en 2017, Jeff Bolke a occupé le poste de directeur général d'Accruent, une société basée à Austin, où il était responsable de l'ensemble des activités de mise sur le marché. Il a également exercé des fonctions de direction commerciale au sein de UnboundID,, DataCert, Motive, Trilogy et IBM. Il est titulaire d'une licence en ingénierie pétrolière de la Colorado School of Mines. Cameron van Orman est Vice Président exécutif, directeur du marketing. Il est responsable de toutes les activités marketing mondiales de Planview, de la création de la demande numérique et du marketing client. Cameron van Orman compte plus de 20 années d'expérience en tant que dirigeant d'entreprise dans les domaines du changement transformationnel, de l'agilité économique et de la croissance du marché. Avant de rejoindre Planview en 2019, Cameron van Orman occupait des postes de direction marketing chez CA Technologies (Désormais Broadcom), où il a joué un rôle clé dans l'intégration de Rally au portefeuille de CA. Il a également supervisé la transformation Agile interne du service marketing de CA. Cameron van Orman a aussi exercé des fonctions stratégiques dans les domaines du marketing, des ventes et de l'exploitation au sein de BlueArc, Pillar Data Systems, Sun Microsystems et StorageTek. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme en économie et en mathématiques obtenu au Dartmouth College, ainsi que d'un MBA décerné par la Kellogg School of Management de l'Université Northwestern. Il est également membre du conseil d'administration de la Children's Diabetes Foundation. Scott Hardey est Vice Président exécutif en charge des renouvellements des clients. Il est responsable des opérations clients et des renouvellements des clients dans le monde entier, pour toutes les gammes de produits de Planview. Il est également superviseur exécutif de la conférence client Planview Horizons. Possédant plus de 25 années d'expérience dans les domaines de la vente aux entreprises et du service client, Scott Hardey a insufflé un esprit d'innovation au sein de Planview en créant des options d'assistance premium, en accélérant l'accès à des ressources de conseil via des services d'accompagnement à distance, et en déployant une démarche de succès des clients à l'échelle mondiale. Avant de rejoindre Planview en 1997, Scott Hardey a occupé des postes de direction au sein de Fritz Companies (rachetée par UPS) et a travaillé pour Texas Instruments. Il est titulaire d'une licence en informatique obtenue à l'Université Tulane et d'un master en informatique obtenu à l'Université du Texas, à Dallas. Jay Nelson est Vice-président exécutif, Directeur des ressources humaines. Il est responsable des ressources humaines, des interactions directes avec les clients, du développement organisationnel, et des initiatives culturelles et d'engagement afin d'offrir à tous les membres de l'équipe Planview un environnement de travail optimal. Jay Nelson possède plus 20 ans d'expérience dans le domaine des ressources humaines, au cours desquelles il a eu l'occasion de diriger des équipes RH, de collaborer avec des chefs d'entreprise et de développer des programmes culturels et de capacité organisationnelle dans divers environnements, dans les secteurs des technologies, des produits de consommation emballés et des organismes à but non lucratif. Avant de rejoindre Planview en 2015, Jay Nelson était Vice-président des ressources humaines au sein de Vertafore, une PME technologique opérant dans le secteur des assurances. Avant Vertafore, il a exercé des fonctions de direction RH au sein de Campbell Soup Co., et a occupé des postes dans plusieurs comités et organismes à but non lucratif. Jay Nelson détient une maîtrise en ressources humaines de l'Université de Scranton et une licence en administration des affaires de l'Université de San Diego. Rob Reesor is CTO and senior vice president, product development, responsible for managing and growing the development team while delivering on Planview’s product roadmap. He brings more than 35 years of experience in all phases of the product lifecycle, including programming, product management, quality assurance, and project management. Rob Reesor a rejoint Planview en 2008, ayant précédemment occupé des postes de direction en charge du développement de logiciels au sein d'Austin Logistics,, TIBCO, IntelliCorp et Virtual Vineyards. Il est titulaire d'une licence et d'un master en informatique obtenus à l'université de l'Oregon. Louise K. Allen is senior vice president, product management and product marketing, responsible for product strategy, positioning, and roadmaps for Planview’sShe has more than 20 years of experience in all facets of bringing technology products to market. Avant de rejoindre Planview en 2008, Louise Allen exerçait les fonctions de Vice-présidente en charge de la stratégie Produits chez Quickarrow. Grâce à son travail, cette entreprise qui était à l'origine une start-up autofinancée a pu développer sa rentabilité de manière pérenne. Elle a également occupé des postes de direction au sein de Tivoli Systems (une société d'IBM) et de NetQoS. Louise Allen est titulaire d'une licence d'administration des affaires obtenue à la Trinity University, ainsi que d'un MBA obtenu à l'Université du Texas à Austin. Eric Hurley est Vice-président en charge des affaires juridiques. À ce titre, il est responsable des questions de sécurité d'entreprise, de gouvernance, de propriété intellectuelle et de règlement des litiges pour Planview dans le monde entier. Il possède plus de 25 années d'expérience dans la négociation et la gestion des contrats, selon une démarche créative axée sur la valeur ajoutée, ainsi qu'en matière de processus métier et de stratégies touchant la propriété intellectuelle dans les secteurs des logiciels, des équipements matériels et des services informatiques Eric Hurley a rejoint Planview en 2008 en provenance de Motion Computing, où il supervisait les affaires juridiques mondiales ainsi que toutes les activités inhérentes aux transactions, à la propriété intellectuelle, à la conformité, à la réglementation et à la gouvernance de l’entreprise. Il a également exercé des fonctions de direction au sein de Pavilion Technologies, CSC Financial Services Group et Hogan Systems. Eric Hurley est titulaire d'une licence en administration des affaires et d'un diplôme de droit économique obtenus à la Southern Methodist University. Il détient également les droits de co-inventeur sur deux brevets déposés aux États-Unis. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Président-directeur général Directeur financier Directeur Produits Directrice du service informatique et Vice-présidente en charge des activités cloud Vice-président exécutif en charge des ventes Vice Président exécutif, Directeur marketing Vice Président exécutif en charge des renouvellements des clients Vice-président exécutif, Directeur des ressources humaines CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Vice-présidente senior en charge du marketing de gestion des produits et des solutions Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Leadership h2|Société Service client Log in Gregory S. Gilmore Todd Sanders Patrick A. Tickle Beth Weeks Jeff Bolke Cameron van Orman Scott Hardey Jay Nelson Rob Reesor Louise K. Allen Eric S. Hurley h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Société Président-directeur général Directeur financier Directeur Produits Directrice du service informatique et Vice Présidente en charge des activités cloud Vice Président exécutif en charge des ventes Vice Président exécutif, Directeur marketing Vice Président exécutif en charge des renouvellements de clients Vice Président exécutif, Directeur des ressources humaines CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Vice Présidente senior en charge du marketing de gestion des produits et des solutions Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier em|Ce sont les personnes talentueuses qui font la réussite d'une entreprise. pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanviews lösningar gör det möjligt Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Planviews produkter gör det möjligt Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamheten Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Det är möjligt med Planview som din partnerÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärde. . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser Planera, hantera och leverera alla typer av arbete – konventionellt, iterativt, Agile och i samarbete Genomför en strategisk plan och balansera samtidigt mot dagliga realiteter Tilldela rätt resurser till rätt arbetsuppgift vid rätt tidpunkt Hantera kostnader mot budgeten och över portföljer Bygg färdplaner som kopplar samman strategi, investeringar och resultat Optimera finansiering och resurstilldelning till tvärfunktionella initiativ Standardisera din teknik och sänk kostnaderna, minska riskerna samt säkerställ efterlevnaden Anslut tekniken till affärssammanhang Engagera intressenter med kraftfulla visualiseringar så att ni tillsammans kan skapa teknikplaner som leder förmågorna framåt och förverkligar digitala strategier Omvandla bra idéer till fantastiska produkter Fokusera dina resurser på vinnande produkter Automatisera ny produktinnovation med hjälp av Stage-Gate®, PACE®, Agile eller någon annan grind- eller icke-grindprocessmetod Ta till dig nya arbetssätt Connect strategic plans and funding to Agile delivery Scale Agile on your terms and timeline. Planera, finansiera och leverera produkter och lösningar snabbare Förbättra affärsresultaten Support strategic objectives Koppla samman skilda Agile-team Samordna teamgruppernas arbete Koppla samman, samordna, planera och starta Agile release-tåg (ART) Öka produktiviteten hos Agile leveransteam Reduce waste Förbättra smidigheten i hela organisationen Främja innovation i stor skala och upptäck konkreta crowdsource-finansierade idéer från hela organisationen och ekosystemet Framför de bästa idéerna Fatta välgrundade beslut om vilka idéer som ska finansieras för maximal effekt Planera, hantera och visualisera utvecklingen av samarbetet Låt ditt team leverera sitt bästa arbete med traditionella projektledningsmetoder, Lean och Agile-metoder eller en hybrid av båda Strategisk planering och färdplanering Hantering av efterfrågan Projektportföljhantering (PPM) Kapacitetsplanering och resurshantering Planering av affärskapacitet Scenarieplanering Prioriteringar av investeringar Financial planning Hantering av inslussning Prioriteringsanpassning Verktyg för resurshantering Tidsspårning Instrumentpaneler och rapporter för projekthantering Project budget management Prediktiva utbudsanalyser Gantt-tabeller Visualisering av process och arbete Arbetsstatus i realtid Riskidentifiering Arbetskopplingar över gruppgränserna Komplex processkartläggning Begränsningar för pågående arbete (Work in Process, WIP) Synliga processpolicyer Robusta analysvärden Projektspårning Kanban-tavlor online Projektplaner Hantering av arbetsbelastning Fildelning och dokumenthantering Gantt-tabeller online Instrumentpaneler och rapportmallar för projekt Appar för mobil projektledning Tidsspårning Gruppkommunikation i realtid Möjliggör idéskapande i stor skala Patenterade medborgarvetenskapliga algoritmer tar automatiskt fram rätt idéer i rätt tid Insyn i idépipeline och portfölj med utvalda idéer , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Planview-lösningar gör det möjligt genom att ge dig en enda siktlinje i hela organisationen och hjälpa team att samarbeta för att skapa värde. h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in There’s a bold new way of working. Gå sömlöst från strategi till framgångsrik leverans Get work done – no matter how you work Driv på företagsomvandling i ditt företag h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Hantering av projektutbud Strategic Portfolio Management Storskalig arkitektur Hantering av produktutbud Enterprise Agile Planning Hantering av utbud med Lean Agil programhantering Företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam Innovation Management Work Management för team Planview Enterprise One™ Planview PPM Pro™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview Projectplace™ Planview Spigit™ Bundles and Packages Informationschef (Chief Information Officer, CIO) Företagsarkitekter Resurshanterare Release Train Engineers Grupper vid utbudshanteringskontor (PMO) Chefer för utveckling av nya produkter (New Product Development, NPD) Agile Coaches Agile Program Managers Grupper vid företagsutbudshanteringskontor (EPMO) Projektledare People Leaders h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: : Projektportföljhantering about Project Portfolio Management : Strategic Portfolio Management about Strategic Portfolio Management : Enterprise Architecture about Enterprise Architecture : Produktportföljhantering om hantering av produktutbud : Enterprise Agile Planning about Enterprise Agile Planning : Lean Portfolio Management about Lean Portfolio Management : Agile programhantering about Agile Program Management : Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams about Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams : Innovationshantering om Innovationshantering : Work Management for Teams about Work Management for Teams : Planview Enterprise One™ about Planview Enterprise One™ : Planview PPM Pro™ about Planview PPM Pro™ : Planview LeanKit™ about Planview LeanKit™ : Planview Projectplace™ about Planview Projectplace™ : Planview Spigit™ about Planview Spigit™ about Chief Information Officer (CIO) about Enterprise Architects about Resource Managers about Release Train Engineers about Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams about New Product Development (NPD) Managers about Agile Coaches about Agile Program Managers about EOffice (EPMO) Teams about Project Managers about People Leaders Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärde“ Planviews ledning utgår från inställningen att ledningen finns till för att tjäna företaget. Vi är ett ambitiöst SaaS-företag, och därför är vår högsta prioritet att anställa och hålla kvar duktiga individer som levererar marknadsledande lösningar inom arbets- och resurshantering och som ger våra kunder enastående service. Engagerade anställda skapar enastående kundresultat vilket leder till långsiktig framgång. Så enkelt är det. Vår hängivna och erfarna ledning arbetar med stort engagemang för att förändra sättet som kunderna arbetar på och skapar dessutom den allra bästa arbetsplatsen för våra anställda." – Greg Gilmore Gregory S. Gilmore is chief executive officer of Planview and has been the driving force behind the company’s explosive growth for the past 25 years. Under Greg’s leadership, Planview pioneered thecategories for enterprise software, grew the total addressable market from $300 million to $10 billion, increased revenue from $70 million in 2013 to more than $250 million in 2020, and expanded its global footprint to over 1,100 employees serving 4,500 customers and 1.3 million end users. The company has completed over 15 M&A transactions under Greg’s leadership. For more than 15as a leader by key industry analysts across multiple markets. Greg’s more than 35 years of experience in sales, consulting, and operations management also includes tenures at Ernst & Young, Texas Instruments, James Martin & Co, and ABT (now Broadcom Clarity). He is active in business and charity communities, having served as chairman of the board at Regents School of Austin and on the boards of the Hillview Christian Ministries and Foundation for the Homeless. Greg has a bachelor’s degree in business analysis from Texas A&M University. Todd Sanders är ekonomichef och ansvarig för Planviews globala aktiviteter och grupper inom ekonomi, redovisning, försäljningsverksamhet samt affärsapplikationer. Todd har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med företag som levererar innovativ programvara och teknik, och han har hjälpt dem att leverera ansenlig intäktstillväxt, förbättra driftseffektiviteten samt lönsamheten och uppnå långsiktigt värdeskapande. Innan han kom till Planview i slutet av 2018, var Todd vice verkställande direktör och ekonomichef vid Symphony RetailAI där han ansvarade för de globala avdelningarna för ekonomi, redovisning, rättsliga frågor och IT. Han har också haft ledande positioner inom ekonomiavdelningarna på Retalix (i dag NCR) och Fujitsu. Todd har en kandidatexamen i ekonomi från Louisiana State University i Shreveport och är en licensierad auktoriserad revisor i delstaten Texas. Patrick Tickle is chief product officer, responsible for Planview’s Products organization spanning strategy, development and delivery of the company’s market-leadingPatrick has over 20 years of experience in product management, product development, cloud operations, and marketing across a wide range of technology solutions. Prior to joining Planview in 2006, Patrick served as vice president of marketing and product management of ITM Software, where he executed category development and product strategy. He also has held a variety of product management and marketing positions at Terraspring (an enterprise software company acquired by Sun Microsystems), MIPS, and Silicon Graphics. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of North Carolina. Beth Weeks är informationschef och vice verkställande direktör för molnverksamheten. Hon ansvarar för att staka ut den strategiska riktningen för molnplattformar, verktyg och processer för effektivisering av den dagliga molnverksamheten samt för Planviews säkerhetsprogram och strategiska initiativ. Med över 30 års erfarenhet av programvara har Beth varit ledare för SaaS-omvandlingar (Software as a Service) och hjälpt organisationer som arbetar med produktteknik att bygga leverera företagsprogramvara som SaaS och Platform as a Service (PaaS). Innan hon kom till Planview 2017 var Beth vice verkställande direktör för produktteknik och molnverksamhet vid WP Engine där hon ledde produktutveckling och molnverksamhet för flera globala datacenter som härbärgerar mer än 500 000 webbplatser. Hon har också haft ledande positioner inom Zilliant, Vignette (som köpts upp av Open Text) och Intergraph. Beth har en kandidatexamen i datavetenskap från University of Kentucky och blev invald i universitetets "Hall of Distinction" 2014. Hon har tjänstgjort vid College of Engineerings rådgivande dekankommitté under de senaste 10 åren. Bland hennes meriter kan nämnas att hon av Austin Business Journal utnämnts till en av de 25 ledande profilerna i kategorin "Power & Woman of Influence". Jeff Bolke är vice verkställande direktör för försäljning och har det globala ansvaret för intäktsgenerering, affärsutveckling och partnerprogram över Nordamerika, EMEA (Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika) samt APAC (Asien-Stillahavsregionen). Jeff är en mycket kvalificerad försäljningschef och operativ chef med 20 års erfarenhet som ledande expert inom företag som arbetar med flera produkter och flera kanaler. Innan han kom till Planview 2017 arbetade Jeff som verkställande direktör för Austinbaserade Accruent med ansvar över funktionerna för att få ut produkter på marknaden. Han har även haft ledande försäljningstjänster vid UnboundID,, DataCert, Motive, Trilogy och IBM, och han har en kandidatexamen i petroleumteknik från Colorado School of Mines. Cameron van Orman är vice vd, marknadsföringschef och ansvarig för alla aspekter av Planviews globala marknadsföring, den digitala efterfrågegenereringen och kundmarknadsföringen. Cameron har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av företagsledning och har drivit omvälvande förändringar, företagsagilitet och marknadstillväxt. Innan han kom till Planview 2019 hade Cameron ledande marknadsföringsbefattningar vid CA Technologies (nu Broadcom), där han spelade en central roll vid integrationen av Rally i CA-portföljen, och han arbetade med den interna Agile-omvandlingen av CA:s marknadsföringsorganisation. Cameron har också arbetat med strategisk marknadsföring, försäljning och operationell verksamhet hos BlueArc, Pillar Data Systems, Sun Microsystems och StorageTek. Han har en kandidatexamen i ekonomi och matematik från Dartmouth College och en MBA från Kellogg School of Management vid Northwestern University. Han sitter även i styrelsen för Children's Diabetes Foundation. Scott Hardey är vice vd, kundförnyelser, ansvarar för global kundverksamhet samt förnyelser inom Planviews samtliga produktlinjer. Han är även verkställande sponsor för Planview Horizons kundkonferens. Med mer än 25 års experterfarenhet inom företagsförsäljning och kundservice har Scott varit en innovatör inom Planview och skapat kundvårdsalternativ i toppklass, snabbat upp tillgången till konsultresurser via rådgivningstjänster på distans och lanserat en global praxis för kundframgångar. Innan han kom till Planview 1997 hade Scott en ledande befattning vid Fritz Companies (som köpts upp av UPS), och han har även arbetat för Texas Instruments. Scott har en kandidatexamen i datavetenskap från Tulane University och en magisterexamen i datavetenskap från University of Texas i Dallas. Jay Nelson är vice verkställande direktör, personalchef. Han ansvarar för HR, kundinriktat skapande av möjligheter, organisationsutveckling och initiativ inom kultur och engagemang för att skapa en fantastisk arbetsplats för Planviews alla medarbetare. Jay har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av HR. Han har lett olika HR-grupper i samarbete med företagsledare och har utvecklat program för organisationsförmåga och kultur över olika typer av miljöer inom teknik, konsumentförpackade varor och ideella sektorer. Innan han kom till Planview 2015 var Jay vice verkställande direktör för HR-verksamheten inom Vertafore, ett mellanstort teknikföretag som arbetar mot försäkringsbranschen. Jay har dessutom tidigare haft ledande HR-tjänster vid Campbell Soup Co samt positioner inom flera ideella organ och styrelser. Jay har en magisterexamen i HR från University of Scranton och en kandidatexamen i företagsadministration från University of San Diego. Rob Reesor is CTO and senior vice president, product development, responsible for managing and growing the development team while delivering on Planview’s product roadmap. He brings more than 35 years of experience in all phases of the product lifecycle, including programming, product management, quality assurance, and project management. Rob kom till Planview 2008 och hade innan dess ledande tjänster inom programvaruutveckling vid Austin Logistics,, TIBCO, IntelliCorp och Virtual Vineyards. Rob har både en kandidatexamen och en magisterexamen i datavetenskap från University of Oregon. Louise K. Allen is senior vice president, product management and product marketing, responsible for product strategy, positioning, and roadmaps for Planview’sShe has more than 20 years of experience in all facets of bringing technology products to market. Louise kom till Planview 2008 från QuickArrow där hon varit vice verkställande direktör för produktstrategi och drev företaget från en självfinansierad startup-verksamhet till ett kontinuerligt lönsamt företag. Hon har även haft ledande tjänster inom IBM-företaget Tivoli Systems samt NetQoS. Louise har en kandidatexamen i företagsadministration från Trinity University och en MBA från The University of Texas i Austin. Eric Hurley är vice verkställande direktör för rättsliga frågor och ansvarar för företagssäkerhet, förvaltning, immaterialrätt samt tvister för Planview globalt. Han har mer än 25 års erfarenhet av att implementera kreativa, värdeinriktade avtalsförhandlingar och avtalshantering, av affärsprocesser och strategier gällande immaterialrätt inom branscherna för programvaru-, hårdvaru- och datortjänster. Eric kom till Planview 2008 från Motion Computing där han lett verksamheten inom globala rättsliga frågor samt alla frågor rörande transaktioner, immaterialrätt, efterlevnad, regleringsärenden och företagsförvaltning. Han har också haft ledande tjänster hos Pavilion Technologies, CSC Financial Services Group och Hogan Systems. Eric har en kandidatexamen i företagsadministration och ett diplom i affärsjuridik från Southern Methodist University. Han är en av upphovsmännen till två patent som utfärdats i USA. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser verkställande direktör Ekonomichef produktchef Informationschef och vice verkställande direktör, molnverksamhet Vice verkställande direktör, försäljning Vice vd, marknadsföringschef Vice vd, kundförnyelser Vice verkställande direktör, personalchef CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Vice verkställande direktör, produkthantering och Solutions Marketing Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Ledning h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Gregory S. Gilmore Todd Sanders Patrick A. Tickle Beth Weeks Jeff Bolke Cameron van Orman Scott Hardey Jay Nelson Rob Reesor Louise K. Allen Eric S. Hurley h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Företaget VD Ekonomichef Produktchef Informationschef och vice vd, molnverksamhet Vice vd, försäljning Vice vid, marknadsföringschef Vice vd, kundförnyelser Vice vd, personalchef CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Vice vd, produkthantering och marknadsföring av lösningar Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt em|Fantastiska människor bygger fantastiska företag. pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview-løsninger gjør det mulig Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Planview-produkter gjør det mulig Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriften Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Det er fullt mulig med Planview som partnerGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapet. . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Planlegg, administrer og lever alle typer arbeid – tradisjonelt, iterativt, fleksibelt og samarbeidende Gjennomfør en strategisk plan mens du balanserer deg opp mot daglige realiteter Sett riktig ressurser til riktig arbeidet og til rett tid Administrer kostnader opp mot budsjett og på tvers av porteføljer Opprett veikart som kobler strategi til investeringer og utfall Optimalisering av finansiering og ressursallokeringer opp mot tverrfunksjonelle initiativer Standardiser teknologien og reduser kostnadene, reduser risiko og sikre etterlevelse Koble sammen teknologi og forretningskonteksten Engasjer interessenter med effektive visualiseringer for å sammen lage teknologiplaner som fremmer kapasitet og realiserer digitale strategier Transformer gode ideer til fantastiske produkter Fokuser ressursene på å vinne produkter Automatiser ny produktutvikling med Stage-Gate®, PACE®, Agile eller hvilken som helst annen trinnvis eller ikke-trinnvis prosessmetode Ta i bruk nye måter å arbeide på Connect strategic plans and funding to Agile delivery Scale Agile on your terms and timeline. Planlegg, finansier og lever produkter og løsninger raskere Forbedre forretningsutbyttene Support strategic objectives Knytt forskjellige Agile-team sammen Koordiner arbeidet til team bestående av team Koble sammen, koordiner, planlegg og lanser Agile Release Trains (ART-er) Øk produktiviteten i Agile-leveranseteam Reduce waste Forbedre agilitet i hele organisasjonen Motiver til ideasjon på stor skala, og oppdag handlingsbare, dugnadsinnsamlede ideer i hele organisasjonen og økosystemet Få frem de beste ideene Ta informerte beslutninger om hvilke ideer du vil finansiere for maksimal virkning Planlegg, led og visualiser samarbeidsprosessen Gi teamet ditt muligheten til å levere sitt beste arbeid ved bruk av tradisjonelle metoder for prosjektledelse, Lean- og Agile-metoder, eller en hybrid bestående av begge Strategisk planlegging og kartlegging Etterspørselsregulering Prosjektporteføljeforvaltning (PPM) Kapasitetsplanlegging og ressursforvaltning Kapasitetsplanlegging for bedrifter Planlegging av scenario Prioriteringer av investeringer Financial planning Intake Management Foren prioriteringer Verktøy for ressursstyring Tidssporing Instrumentpaneler og rapporter for prosjektstyring Project budget management Prediktive porteføljeanalyser Gantt-diagrammer Prosess og arbeidsvisualisering Arbeidsstatus i sanntid Identifisering av risiko Arbeidsforbindelser på tvers av team Komplekse kartleggingsprosesser Work in Process (WIP) begrensninger Policy på synlige prosesser Robuste analyser Sporing av prosjektet Online kanban paneler Veikart av prosjekt Administrasjon av arbeidsbelastning Fildeling og dokumenthåndtering Online Gantt-diagrammer Prosjekt-instrumentpaneler og rapporteringsmaler Mobilapper for prosjektledelse Tidssporing Teamkommunikasjon i sanntid Tillater idéskaping i stor skala Patenterte «crowd science» (fellesvitenskap)-algoritmer fremmer automatisk de riktige ideene til riktig tidspunkt Synlighet inn i idéprosessen og portefølje med utvalgte ideer , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Planview-løsninger gjør det mulig ved å styrke deg med en enkelt linje over hele organisasjonen samtidig som teamene hjelpes i samarbeidet for å skape verdi. h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på There’s a bold new way of working. Beveg deg sømløst fra strategi til vellykket leveranse Get work done – no matter how you work Driv frem bedriftsendringer i bedriften din h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Strategic Portfolio Management Bedriftsarkitektur Behandling av produktportefølje Enterprise Agile Planning Lean Porteføljeforvaltning Agil programledelse Bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam Innovation Management Work Management for Teams Planview Enterprise One™ Planview PPM Pro™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview Projectplace™ Planview Spigit™ Bundles and Packages Ansvarlig informasjonssjef (IT-direktør) Virksomhetsarkitekter Ressursledelse Release Train Engineers Kontor for porteføljeadministrasjon (PMO) Ny produktutvikling (NPD) ledere Agile Coaches Agile Program Managers Enterprise porteføljeadministrasjonskontor(EPMO) team Prosjektledere People Leaders h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: : Administrasjon av produktporteføljer about Project Portfolio Management : Strategic Portfolio Management about Strategic Portfolio Management : Bedriftsarkitektur about Enterprise Architecture : Administrasjon av produktporteføljer om styring av produktportefølje : Enterprise Agile Planning about Enterprise Agile Planning : Lean Portfolio Management about Lean Portfolio Management : Agile-programstyring about Agile Program Management : Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams about Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams : Innovasjonsledelse om Innovasjonsledelse : Work Management for Teams about Work Management for Teams : Planview Enterprise One™ about Planview Enterprise One™ : Planview PPM Pro™ about Planview PPM Pro™ : Planview LeanKit™ about Planview LeanKit™ : Planview Projectplace™ about Planview Projectplace™ : Planview Spigit™ about Planview Spigit™ about Chief Information Officer (CIO) about Enterprise Architects about Resource Managers about Release Train Engineers about Portfolio Management Office (PMO) Teams about New Product Development (NPD) Managers about Agile Coaches about Agile Program Managers about EOffice (EPMO) Teams about Project Managers about People Leaders Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapet« En kultur med serviceinnstilt ledelse er fundamentet for Planviews ledelsesteam. Som et ambisiøst SaaS-selskap for bedrifter leier vi inn og tar vare på enkeltpersoner for å levere markedsledende løsninger for arbeids- og ressursadministrasjon, og enestående kundeservice er noe vi setter høyest. Engasjerte ansatte skaper enestående resultater for kunden, noe som gir suksess på lang sikt. Så enkelt er det. Våre engasjerte og erfarne ledelsesteam er opptatt av å endre måten kundene jobber på og skape den beste arbeidsplassen for våre ansatte». – Greg Gilmore Gregory S. Gilmore is chief executive officer of Planview and has been the driving force behind the company’s explosive growth for the past 25 years. Under Greg’s leadership, Planview pioneered thecategories for enterprise software, grew the total addressable market from $300 million to $10 billion, increased revenue from $70 million in 2013 to more than $250 million in 2020, and expanded its global footprint to over 1,100 employees serving 4,500 customers and 1.3 million end users. The company has completed over 15 M&A transactions under Greg’s leadership. For more than 15as a leader by key industry analysts across multiple markets. Greg’s more than 35 years of experience in sales, consulting, and operations management also includes tenures at Ernst & Young, Texas Instruments, James Martin & Co, and ABT (now Broadcom Clarity). He is active in business and charity communities, having served as chairman of the board at Regents School of Austin and on the boards of the Hillview Christian Ministries and Foundation for the Homeless. Greg has a bachelor’s degree in business analysis from Texas A&M University. Todd Sanders er økonomisjef, ansvarlig for Planviews globale økonomi, regnskap, salgsvirksomhet og forretningsapplikasjonsaktiviteter og -team. Todd har mer enn 20 års erfaring med å jobbe med innovative programvare- og teknologiselskaper for å hjelpe dem med å levere betydelig vekst i inntektene, forbedre driftseffektiviteten og lønnsomheten og å oppnå langsiktig verdiskapning. Før han begynte i Planview i slutten av 2018, fungerte Todd som konserndirektør og økonomisjef for Symphony Retail AI med ansvar for global økonomi, regnskap, juridiske saker og IT-funksjoner. Han har også hatt økonomiske lederstillinger hos Retalix (nå NCR) og Fujitsu. Todd har en bachelorgrad i økonomi fra Louisiana State University i Shreveport og er lisensiert som sertifisert offentlig regnskapsfører i Texas. Patrick Tickle is chief product officer, responsible for Planview’s Products organization spanning strategy, development and delivery of the company’s market-leadingPatrick has over 20 years of experience in product management, product development, cloud operations, and marketing across a wide range of technology solutions. Prior to joining Planview in 2006, Patrick served as vice president of marketing and product management of ITM Software, where he executed category development and product strategy. He also has held a variety of product management and marketing positions at Terraspring (an enterprise software company acquired by Sun Microsystems), MIPS, and Silicon Graphics. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of North Carolina. Beth Weeks er informasjonssjef og direktør for skyoperasjoner. Hun er ansvarlig for å sette den strategiske retningen for skyplatformene, verktøyene og prosessene for effektivisering av de daglige skyoperasjonene, og for Planviews sikkerhetsprogram og strategiske tiltak. Med mer enn 30 års erfaring med dataprogramvare har Beth ledet Software as a Service (SaaS) -transformasjoner og hjulpet produktingeniørorganisasjoner til å bygge og levere bedriftsprogramvare som SaaS og Platform as a Service (PaaS). Før hun kom til Planview i 2017, var Beth direktør for produktteknikk og skyoperasjoner hos WP Engine, der hun ledet produktutvikling og skyoperasjoner for flere verdensomspennende datasentre med over 500.000 nettsteder. Hun har også hatt ledende stillinger hos Zilliant, Vignette (kjøpt av Open Text) og Intergraph. Med en bachelorgrad i informatikk fra University of Kentucky ble Beth opptatt i Hall of Distinction i 2014 og har jobbet på College of Engineering Deans Advisory Council de siste 10 årene. Hennes utmerkelser inkluderer en plass blant de de 25 øverste profilene i Power & Woman of Influence i Austin Business Journal. Jeff Bolke er viseadministrerende direktør for salg, med globalt ansvar for inntektsgenerering, forretningsutvikling og partnerprogrammer over hele Nord-Amerika, EMEA og APAC. Jeff er en svært dyktig salgs- og driftsleder med 20 års ekspertise på seniornivå i både flerprodukt- og flerkanalselskaper. Før han begynte i Planview i 2017, jobbet Jeff som daglig leder i Austin-baserte Accruent med ansvar for go-to-market-funksjoner. Han har også hatt salgslederstillinger hos UnboundID,, DataCert, Motive, Trilogy og IBM, og har en bachelorgrad som petroleumsingeniør fra Colorado School of Mines. Cameron van Orman er konsernvisedirektør, markedsdirektør, med ansvar for alle aspekter ved Planviews globale markedsføring, generering av digital etterspørsel og kundemarkedsføring. Cameron har mer enn 20 års erfaring fra bedriftsledelse og gjennomføring av transformative endringer, bedriftsomstilling og markedsvekst. Før han begynte i Planview i 2019 hadde Cameron overordnede markedsstillinger hos CA Technologies (nå Broadcom), hvor han var sterkt involvert i integreringen av Rally i CA-porteføljen, og han utmerket seg i den interne Agile-overgangen for CAs markedsorganisasjon. Cameron har også jobbet med strategisk markedsføring, salg og operasjoner ved BlueArc, Pillar Data Systems, Sun Microsystems og StorageTek. Han har en Bachelor-grad i økonomi og matematikk fra Dartmouth College og en MBA fra Kellogg School of Management ved Northwestern University, og sitter i styret for Children’s Diabetes Foundation. Scott Hardey er konsernvisedirektør, kundefornyelser, med ansvar for global kundeoperasjoner og -fornyelse for alle Planview produktlinjer. Han er også konsernsponsor for Planview Horizons kundekonferanse. Med mer enn 25 år innen bedriftssalg og kundeserviceekspertise, har Scott vært en innovatør hos Planview og utarbeidet fremragende pleiealternativer og akselerert tilgangen til konsulentressurser via eksterne rådgivningstjenester og lansering av en global kundesuksesspraksis. Før han kom til Planview i 1997, hadde Scott en lederstilling hos Fritz Companies (kjøpt av UPS) og jobbet for Texas Instruments. Scott har en bachelorgrad i datavitenskap fra Tulane University og en mastergrad i datavitenskap fra University of Texas i Dallas. Jay Nelson er viseadministrerende direktør, personalsjef Han er ansvarlig for menneskelige ressurser, kundevennlig tilrettelegging, organisasjonsutvikling og kultur- og engasjementsinitiativer for å skape en flott arbeidsplass alle Planview-ansatte. Jay har over 20 års erfaring med å lede HR-team, samarbeid med bedriftsledere og å utvikling av organisatorisk kapasitet og kulturprogrammer i ulike miljøer innenfor teknologi, forbruksvarer som må erstattes ofte og nonprofit-organisasjoner. Før han begynte i Planview i 2015, var Jay visepresident for menneskelige ressurser (HR) hos Vertafore, et mellomstort teknologiselskap som leverer tjenester til forsikringsbransjen. Før Vertafore var han HR-leder ved Campbell Soup Co og hadde verv i flere nonprofit-byråer og styrer. Jay har en mastergrad i HR fra University of Scranton og en bachelorgrad i bedriftsøkonomi fra University of San Diego. Rob Reesor is CTO and senior vice president, product development, responsible for managing and growing the development team while delivering on Planview’s product roadmap. He brings more than 35 years of experience in all phases of the product lifecycle, including programming, product management, quality assurance, and project management. Rob kom til Planview i 2008, og har tidligere jobbet med programvareutvikling i ledende stillinger ved Austin Logistics,, TIBCO, IntelliCorp og Virtual Vineyards. Rob har både en bachelorgrad og en mastergrad i informatikk fra University of Oregon. Louise K. Allen is senior vice president, product management and product marketing, responsible for product strategy, positioning, and roadmaps for Planview’sShe has more than 20 years of experience in all facets of bringing technology products to market. Louise kom til Planview i 2008 via QuickArrow, hvor hun var direktør for produktstrategi og drev selskapet fra selvfinansiert oppstart til kontinuerlig lønnsomhet. Hun har også hatt lederstillinger hos Tivoli Systems, et IBM-selskap og NetQoS. Louise har en bachelorgrad i bedriftsøkonomi fra Trinity University og en MBA fra University of Texas i Austin. Eric Hurley er administrerende direktør, jurist og ansvarlig for bedriftssikkerhet, ledelse, immatriell eiendom og rettsprosesser for Planview globalt. Han har mer enn 25 års erfaring med implementering av kreativ, verdiorientert kontraktforhandling og administrasjon, forretningsprosesser og strategier for immateriell eiendom i programvare, maskinvare og datatjenester. Eric kom til Planview i 2008 fra Motion Computing, der han administrerte globale juridiske saker og all transaksjonsbasert, intellektuell eiendom, samsvar samt saker relatert til regulering og virksomhetsledelse. Han har også hatt lederstillinger ved Pavilion Technologies, CSC Financial Services Group og Hogan Systems. Eric har en bachelorgrad i bedriftsøkonomi og er autorisert forretningsadvokat fra Southern Methodist University, og er med-oppfinner for to utstedte USA-patenter. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Daglig leder Økonomisjef Produktsjef Informasjonssjef og direktør, skyoperasjoner Viseadministrerende direktør, salg Konsernvisedirektør, markedsdirektør Konsernvisedirektør, kundefornyelser Viseadministrerende direktør, personalsjef CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Direktør for produktstyring og markedsløsninger Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Lederskap h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Gregory S. Gilmore Todd Sanders Patrick A. Tickle Beth Weeks Jeff Bolke Cameron van Orman Scott Hardey Jay Nelson Rob Reesor Louise K. Allen Eric S. Hurley h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Selskapet Konsernsjef Finansdirektør Produktdirektør Informasjonsdirektør og visedirektør, skyoperasjoner Visedirektør, salg Konsernvisedirektør, markedsdirektør Konsernvisedirektør, kundefornyelser Konsernvisedirektør, personaldirektør CTO and Senior Vice President, Product Development Overordnet visedirektør, produktledelse og markedsføring av løsninger Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende em|Gode mennesker gjør selskaper gode. pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPlanview’s value-added resellers (VARs) and referral partners expand and strengthen Planview’s reach throughout the globe. Our resellers work with us to sell Planview’s best-in-class solutions for portfolio and resource management and Lean-Agile delivery. If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Planview Partner Program, please contact us at: The focus of Winmill is to provide premier Planview services and guidance to our clients. We are North America’s leading experts in Planview, Gartner’s highest-rated PPM solution and have more than 16 years of experience in helping clients exceed their goals in portfolio management. Whether your requirements be waterfall, agile, or hybrid, let Winmill delight you with our world-class customer service and support. is a Planview partner for Peru. We specialize in aligning Work and Resource Management to Portfolios, Projects, Strategy, and Product Innovation. Business Council addresses diverse PPM needs in a variety of market verticals and has first-class staff that contributes value to the adoption process of your business critical solutions. is highly focused on helping enterprises to manage the Product Lifecycle Information providing solutions over a very robust architecture to help companies to control all information regarding the lifecycle processes. Our solutions cover PLM – Product Lifecycle Management and PPM – Project Portfolio Management. It includes idealization, concept, development, project management, resource planning, engineering, design, manufacturing, sales, support and product retire. We have partnerships with strategic products to offer the best solution to our customers. Our focus is quick implementations, flexibility, scalability and right price. Most of our solutions can be accessed from cloud services without investments on hardware resources. is a consulting firm based in Bogota, Colombia. We are committed to helping our clients to improve theirusing world-class software and deep knowledge in industries such as banking, IT, manufacturing, retail, etc. EXCELTIS is a Planview Partner focused on Colombia and Ecuador with expert consultants who have implemented solutions in major companies in the region. EXCELTIS offering also includes implementation and outsourcing of PMO, project quality assurance, training in PMI standards and project management. is a management consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico. Our partners and associates have extensive experience in Business Strategy Development, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Innovation Management, and New Product Development. We have supported leading corporations in Mexico and Latin America with the development and implementation of their business strategies, strategic and IT portfolio alignment, Project Management Offices (PMOs), and Innovation Management Offices (IMOs). Our industry experience includes Consumer Goods, Automotive, Financial Services, High Tech, Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, among others. Strategy in Action. is a consulting company and enterprise solution provider based in Santiago, Chile. We work with clients to improve decision making, accountability and business performance, by delivering Work and Resource Management (WRM) solutions. Combining our in depth industry experience, consulting capabilities and our can do attitude, we help clients to maximize the benefits and impact of business technology solutions. Initiativa is a Planview business partner for Chile and Peru and we have successfully implemented WRM solutions in leading Latin American organizations in mining, retail, banking, consumer, IT services, and government. helps companies manage their strategic IT assets across portfolio management, IT governance, and software lifecycle management. Our strong experience in software engineering tools and process definition helps fulfill our commitment to solving customers’ critical problems by helping them develop effective IT asset strategies. Founded in 2004 in Rio de Janeiro, PrimeUp was a university spin-off incubated at PUC-Rio´s Software Engineering Lab. We’ve since become an IBM Premier Business Partner and the first Latin America Planview Partner. We hold offices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with customers throughout the Brazilian territory. Focused on innovation, we’ve been recognized with awards from RioInfo in 2007 and PBQP Software in 2008, and as a finalist for the Innovate IBM Rational Business Partner in 2011. The mission: to contribute to the enhancement of our customers’ IT processes, especially when they are in their core business. Our services span ALM, including evaluation, planning, design, development, purchase, testing, implementation, maintenance and/or operation. Using highly skilled consultants, with expertise in several software process methodologies and the automation tools to support them, we can put the right team together to address your organization’s needs. VERYWEB’s practice areas include Portfolio Management, Software Configuration Management, Change Requests Management, Manual and Automated Testing, Agile Processes, Requirements Development and Visual Modeling. In addition, we can help to achieve higher maturity levels, regarding CMMi model, ISO and ITIL certifications. At VERYWEB, we don’t like just to sell tools. Our goal is to help customers became more efficient in their business by getting better software, earlier and at a lower cost. Exed Consulting is a boutique firm that specializes in executing projects with the aim of attracting our customers to implement strategic digital ideas. We carry out projects in several locations around the world and offices in North America, Europe and Latin America. Focused on executing organizations to overcome the challenges of implementation and operationalization of organizational changes, we help our customers succeed in their initiatives around Portfolio, Program and Project Management, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, Mobile, Database & Technology, Process Management & Automation, Digital Workforce, Digital Supply Chain, ERP, Big Data & Analytics. are specialists in all of Planview’s products and work exclusively for the Spanish market. Whether you want to introduce a Portfolio and Resource Management Solution or a Capability and Technology Management Solution, our experts know these solutions inside out and can use their flexibility to configure them to your individual requirements. AGOSOFT provides the following services: Installation (if on premise), Consulting, Training and Enablement, and development of interfaces to existing other IT applications. Introducing a new system like Planview is a complex challenge. Therefore, it is important to rely on experts that not only speak your language (Spanish or English), but also understand your individual business requirements. Our team works closely with Planview as the product provider, and we can quickly react if any problems should occur. We offer a complete support cycle: from the initial introduction project of any Planview product up to the maintenance of your installation while it is in production. , the professional services force of MoonHart Consult, is a Benelux organization with a presence in Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Founded in 2005, P5 (Projects – Programs – People – Process – Portfolio) offers technical and functional competencies including: P5 is Planview’s implementation partner in Benelux, working closely with MoonHart and Consultec. was formed in 2010 by a group of experienced IT professionals devoted to delivering high quality IT solutions at competitive prices. Operating exclusively in the financial services sector with industry leading clients such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and brokers, their solutions encompass front end, CRM, business intelligence & data warehousing. Primaris provides functional consulting, process analysis, design, configuration and business intelligence work for Planview Consulting. With a staff fluent in Polish, English and German, Primaris has supported global Planview implementations like ZFS and Parexel, as well as numerous German customers of Planview. is a Belgian based company focused on organizational and project management. They support top-down approaches enabling organizations to model their strategy and objectives into multi-year financial and schedule plans. MoonHart helps map the strategy to the organizational capacity, in terms of resources, budget, assets and processes. They advise companies on project portfolio management and enable them to execute, control and deliver value. Moonhart’s team advocates organizational changes, likely to improve customers’ bottom line and productivity. These changes require process alignment and system automation: they provide both in a compliant environment. A Planview partner since 1997, MoonHart Consult has a long history of successful project management consulting. Together, Planview and Moonhart enable customers to gain insights about their investment portfolio through the entire innovation lifecycle. specialises in representation of industry-leading tools and technologies focused on improving Leadership, Governance, Compliance and Portfolio Management – resulting in greater alignment of business and IT. Our objective is to add business value, by harnessing the power of Programme, Portfolio and Project Management in the design and conduct of our clients’ product and service delivery environments, thereby reducing risk and improving business results. Activate New Zealand is an exclusive Planview partner in New Zealand, providing both sales and implementation services. is a Value Added Distributor that helps organizations large and small achieve business results by distributing Enterprise Software Solutions, providing high-end technical support and Education services through its Business Partners to business enterprises in the Middle East. As a Value Added Distributor in the Levant Area and Iraq and strategically located in Amman’s business and commercial district, NEWTEK Solutions employs an elite team of highly dedicated and qualified personnel, with unique experiences that amount to decades of collective hands on experience in the IT fields. Over the last 14 years, our team of professionals has executed many successful projects especially in the governance and total quality management domains and now we are proud to represent Planview in the middle east and Africa. is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 469,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 195 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us . , LLC (Springbok) combines industry experience and technology to ensure you have the skills and knowledge it takes to succeed at the higher levels in business. Ultimately, the goal for you is to be able to differentiate yourself from the pack. It’s about building acumen, thinking creatively, having advanced skills in your toolbox, and taking the lead. With over 480 PPM deployments to date, Springbok brings a combination of industry-leading technical expertise combined with an in-depth business knowledge of what it takes to make your project office successful. As well as focusing on the technology success, Springbok focuses on the 3 key business areas that inhibit portfolio management success; executive alignment, business streamlining and, training and adoption. Our proven Lean Office® techniques: Our Industry PMO experience provides: Springbok combines business accelerators, executive engagement techniques and training development to help establish a platform for your success. We can deploy on a schedule of your choosing or we can accelerate deployments to meet aggressive business needs. Our typical deployment to Fortune 500 companies is 12 weeks; which includes executive alignment, technology roadmap, business streamlining, tool install, configuration, data conversion, work instructions and training (including train-the-trainer). Springbok is proud to have been a strategic partner of Planview for over 11 years. We have many of our clients implement Planview solutions successfully and have seen the measurable benefits that PPM solutions can deliver. Planview is a leader in this domain and we are committed to this industry-leading company. is a global network of firms delivering assurance, tax and consulting services for your business. PwC’s accounting practice originated in London well over a century ago. As times changed and PwC expanded worldwide, our commitment to clients—like you—never wavered. With us, you’re supported by a global network of more than 250,000 people in 158 countries with one goal: to help your business thrive. PwC’s professional services, including audit and assurance, tax and consulting, cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries. Let’s combine your aspirations with our world-class capabilities to achieve your goals. SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 30 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. We have the expertise to support our clients throughout their technology roadmap in today’s digital world. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete (North Americas) United States, Canada, Mexico (North Americas) Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Colombia, Ecuador (North Americas) Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama (North Americas) Chile, Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Argentina (North Americas) Brazil (Europe) Spain (Europe) Austria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland (Europe) Poland (Europe) Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Asia/Pacific) New Zealand li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen Technical support: installation, integrations and interfaces with legacy systems, report creation, portlet creation, etc. Functional consultancy: PPM implementation taking into consideration the expressed requirements, the maturity level of the organisation and its methodological preferences. Training, functional and technical workshops, e-learning, user and training manuals creation, etc. Reduce intake and prioritization typically by 60-90% Reduce project execution cycle times typically by 20% Increase new product (R&D) payback by 30% Springbok consultants have a depth of real-life PMO experience. We don’t just know tools. We’ve lived your life and we know where tools can be leveraged effectively Our roadmap process looks at the impact of your existing toolbox and works to facilitate the best logical usage points where a PPM solution is implemented We use survey tools to align your organization for the changes necessary We reduce the need for over loading people with reports, instead focusing on a decision-based approach Specific to the IT domain, we have implemented many of the industry leading service management and industry leading agile/lean tools, and this makes us uniquely qualified to help you manage your IT space more effectively , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Business Council ED2 Integrated Solutions EXCELTIS Factum Partners Initiativa PrimeUp VERYWEB AGOSOFT P5 Primaris MoonHart Consult Activate New Zealand Limited NEWTEK Solutions Accenture Cognizant PwC h1|Planview Resellers and Referral Partners h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen VERYWEB Primaris h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Partner [email protected] Web: Serving: Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Bogotá Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Chile Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Central/South Americas (0) Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Belgium Phone: Email: [email protected] Netherlands Phone: Email: [email protected] Luxembourg Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Warszawa Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: USA Phone: Jordanien Phone: Email: [email protected] KSA Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: United States and Canada Phone: Outside United States and Canada Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Via website Web: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Products: Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Main Office Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit bo|Springbok Solutions Group pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entreprisePlanview’s value-added resellers (VARs) and referral partners expand and strengthen Planview’s reach throughout the globe. Our resellers work with us to sell Planview’s best-in-class solutions for portfolio and resource management and Lean-Agile delivery. If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Planview Partner Program, please contact us at: The focus of Winmill is to provide premier Planview services and guidance to our clients. We are North America’s leading experts in Planview, Gartner’s highest-rated PPM solution and have more than 16 years of experience in helping clients exceed their goals in portfolio management. Whether your requirements be waterfall, agile, or hybrid, let Winmill delight you with our world-class customer service and support. is a Planview partner for Peru. We specialize in aligning Work and Resource Management to Portfolios, Projects, Strategy, and Product Innovation. Business Council addresses diverse PPM needs in a variety of market verticals and has first-class staff that contributes value to the adoption process of your business critical solutions. is highly focused on helping enterprises to manage the Product Lifecycle Information providing solutions over a very robust architecture to help companies to control all information regarding the lifecycle processes. Our solutions cover PLM – Product Lifecycle Management and PPM – Project Portfolio Management. It includes idealization, concept, development, project management, resource planning, engineering, design, manufacturing, sales, support and product retire. We have partnerships with strategic products to offer the best solution to our customers. Our focus is quick implementations, flexibility, scalability and right price. Most of our solutions can be accessed from cloud services without investments on hardware resources. is a consulting firm based in Bogota, Colombia. We are committed to helping our clients to improve theirusing world-class software and deep knowledge in industries such as banking, IT, manufacturing, retail, etc. EXCELTIS is a Planview Partner focused on Colombia and Ecuador with expert consultants who have implemented solutions in major companies in the region. EXCELTIS offering also includes implementation and outsourcing of PMO, project quality assurance, training in PMI standards and project management. is a management consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico. Our partners and associates have extensive experience in Business Strategy Development, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Innovation Management, and New Product Development. We have supported leading corporations in Mexico and Latin America with the development and implementation of their business strategies, strategic and IT portfolio alignment, Project Management Offices (PMOs), and Innovation Management Offices (IMOs). Our industry experience includes Consumer Goods, Automotive, Financial Services, High Tech, Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, among others. Strategy in Action. is a consulting company and enterprise solution provider based in Santiago, Chile. We work with clients to improve decision making, accountability and business performance, by delivering Work and Resource Management (WRM) solutions. Combining our in depth industry experience, consulting capabilities and our can do attitude, we help clients to maximize the benefits and impact of business technology solutions. Initiativa is a Planview business partner for Chile and Peru and we have successfully implemented WRM solutions in leading Latin American organizations in mining, retail, banking, consumer, IT services, and government. helps companies manage their strategic IT assets across portfolio management, IT governance, and software lifecycle management. Our strong experience in software engineering tools and process definition helps fulfill our commitment to solving customers’ critical problems by helping them develop effective IT asset strategies. Founded in 2004 in Rio de Janeiro, PrimeUp was a university spin-off incubated at PUC-Rio´s Software Engineering Lab. We’ve since become an IBM Premier Business Partner and the first Latin America Planview Partner. We hold offices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with customers throughout the Brazilian territory. Focused on innovation, we’ve been recognized with awards from RioInfo in 2007 and PBQP Software in 2008, and as a finalist for the Innovate IBM Rational Business Partner in 2011. The mission: to contribute to the enhancement of our customers’ IT processes, especially when they are in their core business. Our services span ALM, including evaluation, planning, design, development, purchase, testing, implementation, maintenance and/or operation. Using highly skilled consultants, with expertise in several software process methodologies and the automation tools to support them, we can put the right team together to address your organization’s needs. VERYWEB’s practice areas include Portfolio Management, Software Configuration Management, Change Requests Management, Manual and Automated Testing, Agile Processes, Requirements Development and Visual Modeling. In addition, we can help to achieve higher maturity levels, regarding CMMi model, ISO and ITIL certifications. At VERYWEB, we don’t like just to sell tools. Our goal is to help customers became more efficient in their business by getting better software, earlier and at a lower cost. Exed Consulting is a boutique firm that specializes in executing projects with the aim of attracting our customers to implement strategic digital ideas. We carry out projects in several locations around the world and offices in North America, Europe and Latin America. Focused on executing organizations to overcome the challenges of implementation and operationalization of organizational changes, we help our customers succeed in their initiatives around Portfolio, Program and Project Management, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, Mobile, Database & Technology, Process Management & Automation, Digital Workforce, Digital Supply Chain, ERP, Big Data & Analytics. are specialists in all of Planview’s products and work exclusively for the Spanish market. Whether you want to introduce a Portfolio and Resource Management Solution or a Capability and Technology Management Solution, our experts know these solutions inside out and can use their flexibility to configure them to your individual requirements. AGOSOFT provides the following services: Installation (if on premise), Consulting, Training and Enablement, and development of interfaces to existing other IT applications. Introducing a new system like Planview is a complex challenge. Therefore, it is important to rely on experts that not only speak your language (Spanish or English), but also understand your individual business requirements. Our team works closely with Planview as the product provider, and we can quickly react if any problems should occur. We offer a complete support cycle: from the initial introduction project of any Planview product up to the maintenance of your installation while it is in production. , the professional services force of MoonHart Consult, is a Benelux organization with a presence in Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Founded in 2005, P5 (Projects – Programs – People – Process – Portfolio) offers technical and functional competencies including: P5 is Planview’s implementation partner in Benelux, working closely with MoonHart and Consultec. was formed in 2010 by a group of experienced IT professionals devoted to delivering high quality IT solutions at competitive prices. Operating exclusively in the financial services sector with industry leading clients such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and brokers, their solutions encompass front end, CRM, business intelligence & data warehousing. Primaris provides functional consulting, process analysis, design, configuration and business intelligence work for Planview Consulting. With a staff fluent in Polish, English and German, Primaris has supported global Planview implementations like ZFS and Parexel, as well as numerous German customers of Planview. is a Belgian based company focused on organizational and project management. They support top-down approaches enabling organizations to model their strategy and objectives into multi-year financial and schedule plans. MoonHart helps map the strategy to the organizational capacity, in terms of resources, budget, assets and processes. They advise companies on project portfolio management and enable them to execute, control and deliver value. Moonhart’s team advocates organizational changes, likely to improve customers’ bottom line and productivity. These changes require process alignment and system automation: they provide both in a compliant environment. A Planview partner since 1997, MoonHart Consult has a long history of successful project management consulting. Together, Planview and Moonhart enable customers to gain insights about their investment portfolio through the entire innovation lifecycle. specialises in representation of industry-leading tools and technologies focused on improving Leadership, Governance, Compliance and Portfolio Management – resulting in greater alignment of business and IT. Our objective is to add business value, by harnessing the power of Programme, Portfolio and Project Management in the design and conduct of our clients’ product and service delivery environments, thereby reducing risk and improving business results. Activate New Zealand is an exclusive Planview partner in New Zealand, providing both sales and implementation services. is a Value Added Distributor that helps organizations large and small achieve business results by distributing Enterprise Software Solutions, providing high-end technical support and Education services through its Business Partners to business enterprises in the Middle East. As a Value Added Distributor in the Levant Area and Iraq and strategically located in Amman’s business and commercial district, NEWTEK Solutions employs an elite team of highly dedicated and qualified personnel, with unique experiences that amount to decades of collective hands on experience in the IT fields. Over the last 14 years, our team of professionals has executed many successful projects especially in the governance and total quality management domains and now we are proud to represent Planview in the middle east and Africa. is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 469,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 195 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us . , LLC (Springbok) combines industry experience and technology to ensure you have the skills and knowledge it takes to succeed at the higher levels in business. Ultimately, the goal for you is to be able to differentiate yourself from the pack. It’s about building acumen, thinking creatively, having advanced skills in your toolbox, and taking the lead. With over 480 PPM deployments to date, Springbok brings a combination of industry-leading technical expertise combined with an in-depth business knowledge of what it takes to make your project office successful. As well as focusing on the technology success, Springbok focuses on the 3 key business areas that inhibit portfolio management success; executive alignment, business streamlining and, training and adoption. Our proven Lean Office® techniques: Our Industry PMO experience provides: Springbok combines business accelerators, executive engagement techniques and training development to help establish a platform for your success. We can deploy on a schedule of your choosing or we can accelerate deployments to meet aggressive business needs. Our typical deployment to Fortune 500 companies is 12 weeks; which includes executive alignment, technology roadmap, business streamlining, tool install, configuration, data conversion, work instructions and training (including train-the-trainer). Springbok is proud to have been a strategic partner of Planview for over 11 years. We have many of our clients implement Planview solutions successfully and have seen the measurable benefits that PPM solutions can deliver. Planview is a leader in this domain and we are committed to this industry-leading company. is a global network of firms delivering assurance, tax and consulting services for your business. PwC’s accounting practice originated in London well over a century ago. As times changed and PwC expanded worldwide, our commitment to clients—like you—never wavered. With us, you’re supported by a global network of more than 250,000 people in 158 countries with one goal: to help your business thrive. PwC’s professional services, including audit and assurance, tax and consulting, cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries. Let’s combine your aspirations with our world-class capabilities to achieve your goals. SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 30 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. We have the expertise to support our clients throughout their technology roadmap in today’s digital world. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore (North Americas) United States, Canada, Mexico (North Americas) Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Colombia, Ecuador (North Americas) Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama (North Americas) Chile, Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Argentina (North Americas) Brazil (Europe) Spain (Europe) Austria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland (Europe) Poland (Europe) Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Asia/Pacific) New Zealand li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources Technical support: installation, integrations and interfaces with legacy systems, report creation, portlet creation, etc. Functional consultancy: PPM implementation taking into consideration the expressed requirements, the maturity level of the organisation and its methodological preferences. Training, functional and technical workshops, e-learning, user and training manuals creation, etc. Reduce intake and prioritization typically by 60-90% Reduce project execution cycle times typically by 20% Increase new product (R&D) payback by 30% Springbok consultants have a depth of real-life PMO experience. We don’t just know tools. We’ve lived your life and we know where tools can be leveraged effectively Our roadmap process looks at the impact of your existing toolbox and works to facilitate the best logical usage points where a PPM solution is implemented We use survey tools to align your organization for the changes necessary We reduce the need for over loading people with reports, instead focusing on a decision-based approach Specific to the IT domain, we have implemented many of the industry leading service management and industry leading agile/lean tools, and this makes us uniquely qualified to help you manage your IT space more effectively , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages Business Council ED2 Integrated Solutions EXCELTIS Factum Partners Initiativa PrimeUp VERYWEB AGOSOFT P5 Primaris MoonHart Consult Activate New Zealand Limited NEWTEK Solutions Accenture Cognizant PwC h1|Planview Resellers and Referral Partners h2|Société Service client Log in h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes VERYWEB Primaris h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Partenaires [email protected] Web: Serving: Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Bogotá Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Chile Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Central/South Americas (0) Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Belgium Phone: Email: [email protected] Netherlands Phone: Email: [email protected] Luxembourg Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Warszawa Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: USA Phone: Jordanie Phone: Email: [email protected] KSA Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: United States and Canada Phone: Outside United States and Canada Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Via website Web: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Products: Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Main Office Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier bo|Springbok Solutions Group pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdePlanview’s value-added resellers (VARs) and referral partners expand and strengthen Planview’s reach throughout the globe. Our resellers work with us to sell Planview’s best-in-class solutions for portfolio and resource management and Lean-Agile delivery. If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Planview Partner Program, please contact us at: The focus of Winmill is to provide premier Planview services and guidance to our clients. We are North America’s leading experts in Planview, Gartner’s highest-rated PPM solution and have more than 16 years of experience in helping clients exceed their goals in portfolio management. Whether your requirements be waterfall, agile, or hybrid, let Winmill delight you with our world-class customer service and support. is a Planview partner for Peru. We specialize in aligning Work and Resource Management to Portfolios, Projects, Strategy, and Product Innovation. Business Council addresses diverse PPM needs in a variety of market verticals and has first-class staff that contributes value to the adoption process of your business critical solutions. is highly focused on helping enterprises to manage the Product Lifecycle Information providing solutions over a very robust architecture to help companies to control all information regarding the lifecycle processes. Our solutions cover PLM – Product Lifecycle Management and PPM – Project Portfolio Management. It includes idealization, concept, development, project management, resource planning, engineering, design, manufacturing, sales, support and product retire. We have partnerships with strategic products to offer the best solution to our customers. Our focus is quick implementations, flexibility, scalability and right price. Most of our solutions can be accessed from cloud services without investments on hardware resources. is a consulting firm based in Bogota, Colombia. We are committed to helping our clients to improve theirusing world-class software and deep knowledge in industries such as banking, IT, manufacturing, retail, etc. EXCELTIS is a Planview Partner focused on Colombia and Ecuador with expert consultants who have implemented solutions in major companies in the region. EXCELTIS offering also includes implementation and outsourcing of PMO, project quality assurance, training in PMI standards and project management. is a management consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico. Our partners and associates have extensive experience in Business Strategy Development, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Innovation Management, and New Product Development. We have supported leading corporations in Mexico and Latin America with the development and implementation of their business strategies, strategic and IT portfolio alignment, Project Management Offices (PMOs), and Innovation Management Offices (IMOs). Our industry experience includes Consumer Goods, Automotive, Financial Services, High Tech, Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, among others. Strategy in Action. is a consulting company and enterprise solution provider based in Santiago, Chile. We work with clients to improve decision making, accountability and business performance, by delivering Work and Resource Management (WRM) solutions. Combining our in depth industry experience, consulting capabilities and our can do attitude, we help clients to maximize the benefits and impact of business technology solutions. Initiativa is a Planview business partner for Chile and Peru and we have successfully implemented WRM solutions in leading Latin American organizations in mining, retail, banking, consumer, IT services, and government. helps companies manage their strategic IT assets across portfolio management, IT governance, and software lifecycle management. Our strong experience in software engineering tools and process definition helps fulfill our commitment to solving customers’ critical problems by helping them develop effective IT asset strategies. Founded in 2004 in Rio de Janeiro, PrimeUp was a university spin-off incubated at PUC-Rio´s Software Engineering Lab. We’ve since become an IBM Premier Business Partner and the first Latin America Planview Partner. We hold offices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with customers throughout the Brazilian territory. Focused on innovation, we’ve been recognized with awards from RioInfo in 2007 and PBQP Software in 2008, and as a finalist for the Innovate IBM Rational Business Partner in 2011. The mission: to contribute to the enhancement of our customers’ IT processes, especially when they are in their core business. Our services span ALM, including evaluation, planning, design, development, purchase, testing, implementation, maintenance and/or operation. Using highly skilled consultants, with expertise in several software process methodologies and the automation tools to support them, we can put the right team together to address your organization’s needs. VERYWEB’s practice areas include Portfolio Management, Software Configuration Management, Change Requests Management, Manual and Automated Testing, Agile Processes, Requirements Development and Visual Modeling. In addition, we can help to achieve higher maturity levels, regarding CMMi model, ISO and ITIL certifications. At VERYWEB, we don’t like just to sell tools. Our goal is to help customers became more efficient in their business by getting better software, earlier and at a lower cost. Exed Consulting is a boutique firm that specializes in executing projects with the aim of attracting our customers to implement strategic digital ideas. We carry out projects in several locations around the world and offices in North America, Europe and Latin America. Focused on executing organizations to overcome the challenges of implementation and operationalization of organizational changes, we help our customers succeed in their initiatives around Portfolio, Program and Project Management, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, Mobile, Database & Technology, Process Management & Automation, Digital Workforce, Digital Supply Chain, ERP, Big Data & Analytics. are specialists in all of Planview’s products and work exclusively for the Spanish market. Whether you want to introduce a Portfolio and Resource Management Solution or a Capability and Technology Management Solution, our experts know these solutions inside out and can use their flexibility to configure them to your individual requirements. AGOSOFT provides the following services: Installation (if on premise), Consulting, Training and Enablement, and development of interfaces to existing other IT applications. Introducing a new system like Planview is a complex challenge. Therefore, it is important to rely on experts that not only speak your language (Spanish or English), but also understand your individual business requirements. Our team works closely with Planview as the product provider, and we can quickly react if any problems should occur. We offer a complete support cycle: from the initial introduction project of any Planview product up to the maintenance of your installation while it is in production. , the professional services force of MoonHart Consult, is a Benelux organization with a presence in Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Founded in 2005, P5 (Projects – Programs – People – Process – Portfolio) offers technical and functional competencies including: P5 is Planview’s implementation partner in Benelux, working closely with MoonHart and Consultec. was formed in 2010 by a group of experienced IT professionals devoted to delivering high quality IT solutions at competitive prices. Operating exclusively in the financial services sector with industry leading clients such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and brokers, their solutions encompass front end, CRM, business intelligence & data warehousing. Primaris provides functional consulting, process analysis, design, configuration and business intelligence work for Planview Consulting. With a staff fluent in Polish, English and German, Primaris has supported global Planview implementations like ZFS and Parexel, as well as numerous German customers of Planview. is a Belgian based company focused on organizational and project management. They support top-down approaches enabling organizations to model their strategy and objectives into multi-year financial and schedule plans. MoonHart helps map the strategy to the organizational capacity, in terms of resources, budget, assets and processes. They advise companies on project portfolio management and enable them to execute, control and deliver value. Moonhart’s team advocates organizational changes, likely to improve customers’ bottom line and productivity. These changes require process alignment and system automation: they provide both in a compliant environment. A Planview partner since 1997, MoonHart Consult has a long history of successful project management consulting. Together, Planview and Moonhart enable customers to gain insights about their investment portfolio through the entire innovation lifecycle. specialises in representation of industry-leading tools and technologies focused on improving Leadership, Governance, Compliance and Portfolio Management – resulting in greater alignment of business and IT. Our objective is to add business value, by harnessing the power of Programme, Portfolio and Project Management in the design and conduct of our clients’ product and service delivery environments, thereby reducing risk and improving business results. Activate New Zealand is an exclusive Planview partner in New Zealand, providing both sales and implementation services. is a Value Added Distributor that helps organizations large and small achieve business results by distributing Enterprise Software Solutions, providing high-end technical support and Education services through its Business Partners to business enterprises in the Middle East. As a Value Added Distributor in the Levant Area and Iraq and strategically located in Amman’s business and commercial district, NEWTEK Solutions employs an elite team of highly dedicated and qualified personnel, with unique experiences that amount to decades of collective hands on experience in the IT fields. Over the last 14 years, our team of professionals has executed many successful projects especially in the governance and total quality management domains and now we are proud to represent Planview in the middle east and Africa. is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 469,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 195 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us . , LLC (Springbok) combines industry experience and technology to ensure you have the skills and knowledge it takes to succeed at the higher levels in business. Ultimately, the goal for you is to be able to differentiate yourself from the pack. It’s about building acumen, thinking creatively, having advanced skills in your toolbox, and taking the lead. With over 480 PPM deployments to date, Springbok brings a combination of industry-leading technical expertise combined with an in-depth business knowledge of what it takes to make your project office successful. As well as focusing on the technology success, Springbok focuses on the 3 key business areas that inhibit portfolio management success; executive alignment, business streamlining and, training and adoption. Our proven Lean Office® techniques: Our Industry PMO experience provides: Springbok combines business accelerators, executive engagement techniques and training development to help establish a platform for your success. We can deploy on a schedule of your choosing or we can accelerate deployments to meet aggressive business needs. Our typical deployment to Fortune 500 companies is 12 weeks; which includes executive alignment, technology roadmap, business streamlining, tool install, configuration, data conversion, work instructions and training (including train-the-trainer). Springbok is proud to have been a strategic partner of Planview for over 11 years. We have many of our clients implement Planview solutions successfully and have seen the measurable benefits that PPM solutions can deliver. Planview is a leader in this domain and we are committed to this industry-leading company. is a global network of firms delivering assurance, tax and consulting services for your business. PwC’s accounting practice originated in London well over a century ago. As times changed and PwC expanded worldwide, our commitment to clients—like you—never wavered. With us, you’re supported by a global network of more than 250,000 people in 158 countries with one goal: to help your business thrive. PwC’s professional services, including audit and assurance, tax and consulting, cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries. Let’s combine your aspirations with our world-class capabilities to achieve your goals. SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 30 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. We have the expertise to support our clients throughout their technology roadmap in today’s digital world. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera (North Americas) United States, Canada, Mexico (North Americas) Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Colombia, Ecuador (North Americas) Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama (North Americas) Chile, Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Argentina (North Americas) Brazil (Europe) Spain (Europe) Austria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland (Europe) Poland (Europe) Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Asia/Pacific) New Zealand li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser Technical support: installation, integrations and interfaces with legacy systems, report creation, portlet creation, etc. Functional consultancy: PPM implementation taking into consideration the expressed requirements, the maturity level of the organisation and its methodological preferences. Training, functional and technical workshops, e-learning, user and training manuals creation, etc. Reduce intake and prioritization typically by 60-90% Reduce project execution cycle times typically by 20% Increase new product (R&D) payback by 30% Springbok consultants have a depth of real-life PMO experience. We don’t just know tools. We’ve lived your life and we know where tools can be leveraged effectively Our roadmap process looks at the impact of your existing toolbox and works to facilitate the best logical usage points where a PPM solution is implemented We use survey tools to align your organization for the changes necessary We reduce the need for over loading people with reports, instead focusing on a decision-based approach Specific to the IT domain, we have implemented many of the industry leading service management and industry leading agile/lean tools, and this makes us uniquely qualified to help you manage your IT space more effectively , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket Business Council ED2 Integrated Solutions EXCELTIS Factum Partners Initiativa PrimeUp VERYWEB AGOSOFT P5 Primaris MoonHart Consult Activate New Zealand Limited NEWTEK Solutions Accenture Cognizant PwC h1|Planview Resellers and Referral Partners h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar VERYWEB Primaris h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Partners [email protected] Web: Serving: Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Bogotá Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Chile Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Central/South Americas (0) Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Belgium Phone: Email: [email protected] Netherlands Phone: Email: [email protected] Luxembourg Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Contact: Warszawa Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: USA Phone: Jordan Phone: Email: [email protected] KSA Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: United States and Canada Phone: Outside United States and Canada Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Via website Web: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Products: Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Main Office Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview LeanKit Planview Projectplace Spigit Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt bo|Springbok Solutions Group pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetPlanview’s value-added resellers (VARs) and referral partners expand and strengthen Planview’s reach throughout the globe. Our resellers work with us to sell Planview’s best-in-class solutions for portfolio and resource management and Lean-Agile delivery. If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Planview Partner Program, please contact us at: The focus of Winmill is to provide premier Planview services and guidance to our clients. We are North America’s leading experts in Planview, Gartner’s highest-rated PPM solution and have more than 16 years of experience in helping clients exceed their goals in portfolio management. Whether your requirements be waterfall, agile, or hybrid, let Winmill delight you with our world-class customer service and support. is a Planview partner for Peru. We specialize in aligning Work and Resource Management to Portfolios, Projects, Strategy, and Product Innovation. Business Council addresses diverse PPM needs in a variety of market verticals and has first-class staff that contributes value to the adoption process of your business critical solutions. is highly focused on helping enterprises to manage the Product Lifecycle Information providing solutions over a very robust architecture to help companies to control all information regarding the lifecycle processes. Our solutions cover PLM – Product Lifecycle Management and PPM – Project Portfolio Management. It includes idealization, concept, development, project management, resource planning, engineering, design, manufacturing, sales, support and product retire. We have partnerships with strategic products to offer the best solution to our customers. Our focus is quick implementations, flexibility, scalability and right price. Most of our solutions can be accessed from cloud services without investments on hardware resources. is a consulting firm based in Bogota, Colombia. We are committed to helping our clients to improve theirusing world-class software and deep knowledge in industries such as banking, IT, manufacturing, retail, etc. EXCELTIS is a Planview Partner focused on Colombia and Ecuador with expert consultants who have implemented solutions in major companies in the region. EXCELTIS offering also includes implementation and outsourcing of PMO, project quality assurance, training in PMI standards and project management. is a management consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico. Our partners and associates have extensive experience in Business Strategy Development, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Innovation Management, and New Product Development. We have supported leading corporations in Mexico and Latin America with the development and implementation of their business strategies, strategic and IT portfolio alignment, Project Management Offices (PMOs), and Innovation Management Offices (IMOs). Our industry experience includes Consumer Goods, Automotive, Financial Services, High Tech, Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, among others. Strategy in Action. is a consulting company and enterprise solution provider based in Santiago, Chile. We work with clients to improve decision making, accountability and business performance, by delivering Work and Resource Management (WRM) solutions. Combining our in depth industry experience, consulting capabilities and our can do attitude, we help clients to maximize the benefits and impact of business technology solutions. Initiativa is a Planview business partner for Chile and Peru and we have successfully implemented WRM solutions in leading Latin American organizations in mining, retail, banking, consumer, IT services, and government. helps companies manage their strategic IT assets across portfolio management, IT governance, and software lifecycle management. Our strong experience in software engineering tools and process definition helps fulfill our commitment to solving customers’ critical problems by helping them develop effective IT asset strategies. Founded in 2004 in Rio de Janeiro, PrimeUp was a university spin-off incubated at PUC-Rio´s Software Engineering Lab. We’ve since become an IBM Premier Business Partner and the first Latin America Planview Partner. We hold offices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with customers throughout the Brazilian territory. Focused on innovation, we’ve been recognized with awards from RioInfo in 2007 and PBQP Software in 2008, and as a finalist for the Innovate IBM Rational Business Partner in 2011. The mission: to contribute to the enhancement of our customers’ IT processes, especially when they are in their core business. Our services span ALM, including evaluation, planning, design, development, purchase, testing, implementation, maintenance and/or operation. Using highly skilled consultants, with expertise in several software process methodologies and the automation tools to support them, we can put the right team together to address your organization’s needs. VERYWEB’s practice areas include Portfolio Management, Software Configuration Management, Change Requests Management, Manual and Automated Testing, Agile Processes, Requirements Development and Visual Modeling. In addition, we can help to achieve higher maturity levels, regarding CMMi model, ISO and ITIL certifications. At VERYWEB, we don’t like just to sell tools. Our goal is to help customers became more efficient in their business by getting better software, earlier and at a lower cost. Exed Consulting is a boutique firm that specializes in executing projects with the aim of attracting our customers to implement strategic digital ideas. We carry out projects in several locations around the world and offices in North America, Europe and Latin America. Focused on executing organizations to overcome the challenges of implementation and operationalization of organizational changes, we help our customers succeed in their initiatives around Portfolio, Program and Project Management, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, Mobile, Database & Technology, Process Management & Automation, Digital Workforce, Digital Supply Chain, ERP, Big Data & Analytics. are specialists in all of Planview’s products and work exclusively for the Spanish market. Whether you want to introduce a Portfolio and Resource Management Solution or a Capability and Technology Management Solution, our experts know these solutions inside out and can use their flexibility to configure them to your individual requirements. AGOSOFT provides the following services: Installation (if on premise), Consulting, Training and Enablement, and development of interfaces to existing other IT applications. Introducing a new system like Planview is a complex challenge. Therefore, it is important to rely on experts that not only speak your language (Spanish or English), but also understand your individual business requirements. Our team works closely with Planview as the product provider, and we can quickly react if any problems should occur. We offer a complete support cycle: from the initial introduction project of any Planview product up to the maintenance of your installation while it is in production. , the professional services force of MoonHart Consult, is a Benelux organization with a presence in Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Founded in 2005, P5 (Projects – Programs – People – Process – Portfolio) offers technical and functional competencies including: P5 is Planview’s implementation partner in Benelux, working closely with MoonHart and Consultec. was formed in 2010 by a group of experienced IT professionals devoted to delivering high quality IT solutions at competitive prices. Operating exclusively in the financial services sector with industry leading clients such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and brokers, their solutions encompass front end, CRM, business intelligence & data warehousing. Primaris provides functional consulting, process analysis, design, configuration and business intelligence work for Planview Consulting. With a staff fluent in Polish, English and German, Primaris has supported global Planview implementations like ZFS and Parexel, as well as numerous German customers of Planview. is a Belgian based company focused on organizational and project management. They support top-down approaches enabling organizations to model their strategy and objectives into multi-year financial and schedule plans. MoonHart helps map the strategy to the organizational capacity, in terms of resources, budget, assets and processes. They advise companies on project portfolio management and enable them to execute, control and deliver value. Moonhart’s team advocates organizational changes, likely to improve customers’ bottom line and productivity. These changes require process alignment and system automation: they provide both in a compliant environment. A Planview partner since 1997, MoonHart Consult has a long history of successful project management consulting. Together, Planview and Moonhart enable customers to gain insights about their investment portfolio through the entire innovation lifecycle. specialises in representation of industry-leading tools and technologies focused on improving Leadership, Governance, Compliance and Portfolio Management – resulting in greater alignment of business and IT. Our objective is to add business value, by harnessing the power of Programme, Portfolio and Project Management in the design and conduct of our clients’ product and service delivery environments, thereby reducing risk and improving business results. Activate New Zealand is an exclusive Planview partner in New Zealand, providing both sales and implementation services. is a Value Added Distributor that helps organizations large and small achieve business results by distributing Enterprise Software Solutions, providing high-end technical support and Education services through its Business Partners to business enterprises in the Middle East. As a Value Added Distributor in the Levant Area and Iraq and strategically located in Amman’s business and commercial district, NEWTEK Solutions employs an elite team of highly dedicated and qualified personnel, with unique experiences that amount to decades of collective hands on experience in the IT fields. Over the last 14 years, our team of professionals has executed many successful projects especially in the governance and total quality management domains and now we are proud to represent Planview in the middle east and Africa. is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 469,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 195 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us . , LLC (Springbok) combines industry experience and technology to ensure you have the skills and knowledge it takes to succeed at the higher levels in business. Ultimately, the goal for you is to be able to differentiate yourself from the pack. It’s about building acumen, thinking creatively, having advanced skills in your toolbox, and taking the lead. With over 480 PPM deployments to date, Springbok brings a combination of industry-leading technical expertise combined with an in-depth business knowledge of what it takes to make your project office successful. As well as focusing on the technology success, Springbok focuses on the 3 key business areas that inhibit portfolio management success; executive alignment, business streamlining and, training and adoption. Our proven Lean Office® techniques: Our Industry PMO experience provides: Springbok combines business accelerators, executive engagement techniques and training development to help establish a platform for your success. We can deploy on a schedule of your choosing or we can accelerate deployments to meet aggressive business needs. Our typical deployment to Fortune 500 companies is 12 weeks; which includes executive alignment, technology roadmap, business streamlining, tool install, configuration, data conversion, work instructions and training (including train-the-trainer). Springbok is proud to have been a strategic partner of Planview for over 11 years. We have many of our clients implement Planview solutions successfully and have seen the measurable benefits that PPM solutions can deliver. Planview is a leader in this domain and we are committed to this industry-leading company. is a global network of firms delivering assurance, tax and consulting services for your business. PwC’s accounting practice originated in London well over a century ago. As times changed and PwC expanded worldwide, our commitment to clients—like you—never wavered. With us, you’re supported by a global network of more than 250,000 people in 158 countries with one goal: to help your business thrive. PwC’s professional services, including audit and assurance, tax and consulting, cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries. Let’s combine your aspirations with our world-class capabilities to achieve your goals. SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 30 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. We have the expertise to support our clients throughout their technology roadmap in today’s digital world. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer (North Americas) United States, Canada, Mexico (North Americas) Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Colombia, Ecuador (North Americas) Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama (North Americas) Chile, Peru (North Americas) Brazil (North Americas) Argentina (North Americas) Brazil (Europe) Spain (Europe) Austria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland (Europe) Poland (Europe) Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Asia/Pacific) New Zealand li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser Technical support: installation, integrations and interfaces with legacy systems, report creation, portlet creation, etc. Functional consultancy: PPM implementation taking into consideration the expressed requirements, the maturity level of the organisation and its methodological preferences. Training, functional and technical workshops, e-learning, user and training manuals creation, etc. Reduce intake and prioritization typically by 60-90% Reduce project execution cycle times typically by 20% Increase new product (R&D) payback by 30% Springbok consultants have a depth of real-life PMO experience. We don’t just know tools. We’ve lived your life and we know where tools can be leveraged effectively Our roadmap process looks at the impact of your existing toolbox and works to facilitate the best logical usage points where a PPM solution is implemented We use survey tools to align your organization for the changes necessary We reduce the need for over loading people with reports, instead focusing on a decision-based approach Specific to the IT domain, we have implemented many of the industry leading service management and industry leading agile/lean tools, and this makes us uniquely qualified to help you manage your IT space more effectively , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker Business Council ED2 Integrated Solutions EXCELTIS Factum Partners Initiativa PrimeUp VERYWEB AGOSOFT P5 Primaris MoonHart Consult Activate New Zealand Limited NEWTEK Solutions Accenture Cognizant PwC h1|Planview Resellers and Referral Partners h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk VERYWEB Primaris h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Partnere [email protected] Web: Serving: Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Bogotá Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Chile Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Spigit Central/South Americas (0) Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Belgium Phone: Email: [email protected] Netherlands Phone: Email: [email protected] Luxembourg Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Contact: Warszawa Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Serving: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: USA Phone: Jordan Phone: Email: [email protected] KSA Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: United States and Canada Phone: Outside United States and Canada Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Via website Web: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Products: Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Web: Contact: Main Office Phone: Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Spigit Web: Contact: Phone: Email: [email protected] Products: Planview Enterprise One Planview PPM Pro Planview Leankit Planview Projectplace Spigit Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende bo|Springbok Solutions Group pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenThe following terms of use agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Planview, Inc. (“Planview”) governs your access and use of this Planview Web site (the “Web site”). By accessing, browsing, or using this Web site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by this Agreement and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including export and re-export control laws and regulations. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please do not use this Web site. Planview reserves the right to update this Agreement and any other information contained in this Web site at any time without notice to you. By using the Web site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement that is in force during such use. You can always review the most current version by clicking on the “Legal Terms” link located at the bottom of our Web pages. Planview provides you with access to a variety of resources, including community features and communication forums (for example, message boards and blogs) as well as product information (collectively “Services”) through this Web site. Your use of this Web Site and of any Services, including updates, enhancements, new features, and changes, are subject to this Agreement. The content of this Web site is protected by law, including without limitation United States copyright law, trademark law, and applicable international treaties. This Web site, including all content in this site, as well as the Services are provided for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not “mirror” any content contained within this Web site. You may not, in any form by any means, modify, copy, distribute or otherwise disclose or disseminate, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Web site or Services without Planview’s prior written consent. Permission to use the Web site and Services is conditioned on your not modifying the content displayed on this site or contained in Services, your keeping intact (and following) all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices, and your acceptance of this Agreement as well as any terms, conditions, and notices accompanying the content or otherwise set forth in this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any software and other materials that are made available for downloading, access, or other use from this site with their own license terms, conditions, and notices will be governed by such terms, conditions, and notices. Your failure to comply with the terms, conditions, and notices on this site will result in automatic termination of any rights granted to you, without prior notice, and you must immediately destroy all copies of downloaded materials in your possession or control. Except for the limited permission in the preceding paragraph, Planview does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of Planview or its licensors except as expressly stated in this Agreement. The Services may contain or through this Web site you may be provided with access to blogs, forums, communities, and the like (collectively referred to as a “Community” or “Communities”) designed to enable you to post comments and share information. In your use of the Web site, and particularly of Communities, please pay special attention to the following: Submissions made to Communities through our Web sites or Services will be deemed NOT to be confidential. By Posting a Submission, you grant Planview an unrestricted, irrevocable license to copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute (including to sublicense), publicly display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise freely use, those Submissions. You also agree that Planview is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques that you Post for any purpose. No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Submission. If access to a Community or use any of the Services requires you to open an account, you must complete the registration process by providing us with current, complete and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration form. You also will choose a password and a user name. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information, and for all acts that occur in connection with your account. You agree to promptly notify Planview of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security. Planview will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by Planview or another party due to someone else using your account or password. You may not use anyone else’s account at any time. This Web site may provide links or references to non-Planview Web sites and resources. Planview is not responsible for and makes no representations, warranties, or other commitments whatsoever about any non-Planview Web sites or third-party resources that may be referenced, accessible from, or linked to any Planview site. A link to a non-Planview Web site does not mean that Planview endorses the content or use of such Web site or its owner. In addition, Planview is not a party to or responsible for any transactions you may enter into with third parties, even if you learn of such parties (or use a link to such parties) from a Planview site. Accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that Planview is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and is not responsible or liable for any content, services, products, or other materials on or available from those sites or resources. Sämtliche Software, die von dieser Website oder über einen Dienst der US-Regierung heruntergeladen wird, unterliegt beschränkten Rechten. Die Nutzung, Duplizierung oder Offenlegung durch Benutzer innerhalb der US-Regierung unterliegt den in den Unterparagrafen (c)(1)(ii) der Bestimmung zu Rechten an technischen Daten und Computersoftware in DFARS 252.227-7013 oder den Unterparagrafen (c)(1) und (2) der Bestimmung zu kommerzieller Computersoftware – Beschränkte Rechte in 48 CFR 52.227-19 genannten Beschränkungen. Hersteller ist Planview, Inc., 12301 Research Blvd., Research Park Plaza V, Suite 101, Austin, TX 78759, USA. Information on this Web site is not promised or guaranteed to be correct, current, or complete, and this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Planview assumes no responsibility (and expressly disclaims responsibility) for updating its Web sites to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any services, products, or other matters described in these sites. Use of this web site or any services is at your sole risk. All materials, information, and services are provided “as is,” with no warranties or guarantees whatsoever. Planview expressly disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law all express, implied, statutory, and other warranties, guarantees, or representations, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-interference, and non-infringement of proprietary and intellectual property rights. Without limitation, Planview makes no warranty or guarantee that this web site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. You understand and agree that if you download or otherwise obtain materials, information, or services, you do so at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages that may result, including loss of data or damage to your computer system. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. In no event will Planview be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages of any type whatsoever related to or arising from this web site or any use of (or inability to use) this web site, or of any site or resource linked to, referenced, or accessed through this web site, or for the use or downloading of, or access to, any materials, information, products, or services, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, lost savings or loss of programs or other data, even if Planview is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion and waiver of liability applies to all causes of action, whether based on contract, warranty, tort, or any other legal theories and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to Planview’s Designated Agent. This Web site is controlled and operated by Planview from within the United States. Planview makes no representations that materials contained within the Web site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to the Web site from locations where such activity is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to use the Web site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. This Agreement will be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. In any claim or cause of action arising from or related to your use of Planview’s Web sites or any Services, including Communities, you agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located within Travis County, Texas. This Agreement may not be modified, supplemented, qualified, or interpreted by any trade usage or prior course of dealing not made a part of the Agreement by its express terms. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of this Agreement as a whole and any such provision should be enforced by authorities, and reconstructed if need be, to apply to the maximum extent allowable under applicable law. The failure by either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, to exercise any election or option provided herein, or to require at any time the performance of the other of any of the provisions herein will not in any way be construed as a waiver of such provisions. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen A Community may be moderated by a Planview representative — but Planview has no obligation to do so. Planview reserves the right to exercise editorial control over content which is posted or otherwise submitted to a Community. By posting, uploading, inputting, sending, providing or otherwise submitting (collectively, “Posting”) feedback, comments, material, suggestions or other information (each a “Submission” and collectively “Submissions”) to a Community, you understand and agree that we may post your Submission in its entirety, in an edited version, or not at all. Any editing will be done primarily for purposes of clarity, length or deletion of offensive, unlawful, threatening, libelous, obscene, scandalous, pornographic, profane, inappropriate, or potentially defamatory material. Planview may remove a Submission at any time in its sole discretion. It is in the nature of Communities for contributors to take responsibility for their Submissions. We therefore do not accept Submissions Posted anonymously. By Posting a Submission to a Community, you understand and agree that your full name may be posted along with your Submission. Submissions are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by contributors do not represent the views of Planview, its management or employees. Planview is not responsible, and disclaims any and all liability, for the content of comments, opinions, and other information submitted to the Community. You represent that Submissions Posted by you to a Community will not contain any defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, libelous, scandalous, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material. Do not post any information or other material that will compromise the trade secrets or confidential information of, or violate the copyright or other intellectual property rights of, any third party or otherwise subject Planview to civil or criminal liability. Do not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners. Do not post any confidential information or any information that would infringe upon the proprietary, privacy or personal rights of others. Do not post, upload, email or otherwise transmit any material containing software viruses or other computer code or files designed to interrupt, harm, delete, or otherwise interfere with or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Do not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in your post in an attempt to disguise, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any other person or entity. All Submissions Posted shall be of an informational nature and for informational purposes only. Commercial use or any other unauthorized use of the Community is prohibited. Do not use the Community to solicit or conduct business, including the direct or indirect marketing of users’ products or services, in any manner. The Community may not be used to provide information, materials, products, or services in exchange for compensation of any kind. You agree to fully indemnify and hold, Planview, Inc. and their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, directors and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any party due to or arising from your use of or posting to a Community, or your violation of any rights of another. , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete h1|Terms of use h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Übersicht General Limitation to personal and non-commercial use Posting submissions Submissions to Planview or posted on a Planview web site or community Passwords and security Business relationships U.S. Government restricted rights Disclaimers re web site information Disclaimer of warranty Limitation of liability Notices and procedure for making claims of copyright infringement International use; governing law h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Nutzungsbedingungen Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseThe following terms of use agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Planview, Inc. (“Planview”) governs your access and use of this Planview Web site (the “Web site”). By accessing, browsing, or using this Web site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by this Agreement and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including export and re-export control laws and regulations. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please do not use this Web site. Planview reserves the right to update this Agreement and any other information contained in this Web site at any time without notice to you. By using the Web site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement that is in force during such use. You can always review the most current version by clicking on the “Legal Terms” link located at the bottom of our Web pages. Planview provides you with access to a variety of resources, including community features and communication forums (for example, message boards and blogs) as well as product information (collectively “Services”) through this Web site. Your use of this Web Site and of any Services, including updates, enhancements, new features, and changes, are subject to this Agreement. The content of this Web site is protected by law, including without limitation United States copyright law, trademark law, and applicable international treaties. This Web site, including all content in this site, as well as the Services are provided for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not “mirror” any content contained within this Web site. You may not, in any form by any means, modify, copy, distribute or otherwise disclose or disseminate, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Web site or Services without Planview’s prior written consent. Permission to use the Web site and Services is conditioned on your not modifying the content displayed on this site or contained in Services, your keeping intact (and following) all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices, and your acceptance of this Agreement as well as any terms, conditions, and notices accompanying the content or otherwise set forth in this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any software and other materials that are made available for downloading, access, or other use from this site with their own license terms, conditions, and notices will be governed by such terms, conditions, and notices. Your failure to comply with the terms, conditions, and notices on this site will result in automatic termination of any rights granted to you, without prior notice, and you must immediately destroy all copies of downloaded materials in your possession or control. Except for the limited permission in the preceding paragraph, Planview does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of Planview or its licensors except as expressly stated in this Agreement. The Services may contain or through this Web site you may be provided with access to blogs, forums, communities, and the like (collectively referred to as a “Community” or “Communities”) designed to enable you to post comments and share information. In your use of the Web site, and particularly of Communities, please pay special attention to the following: Submissions made to Communities through our Web sites or Services will be deemed NOT to be confidential. By Posting a Submission, you grant Planview an unrestricted, irrevocable license to copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute (including to sublicense), publicly display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise freely use, those Submissions. You also agree that Planview is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques that you Post for any purpose. No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Submission. If access to a Community or use any of the Services requires you to open an account, you must complete the registration process by providing us with current, complete and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration form. You also will choose a password and a user name. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information, and for all acts that occur in connection with your account. You agree to promptly notify Planview of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security. Planview will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by Planview or another party due to someone else using your account or password. You may not use anyone else’s account at any time. This Web site may provide links or references to non-Planview Web sites and resources. Planview is not responsible for and makes no representations, warranties, or other commitments whatsoever about any non-Planview Web sites or third-party resources that may be referenced, accessible from, or linked to any Planview site. A link to a non-Planview Web site does not mean that Planview endorses the content or use of such Web site or its owner. In addition, Planview is not a party to or responsible for any transactions you may enter into with third parties, even if you learn of such parties (or use a link to such parties) from a Planview site. Accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that Planview is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and is not responsible or liable for any content, services, products, or other materials on or available from those sites or resources. Any software which is downloaded from this Web site or any Services for or on behalf of U.S. Government users is provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by U.S. Government users is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Planview, Inc., 12301 Research Blvd., Research Park Plaza V, Suite 101, Austin, TX 78759, USA. Information on this Web site is not promised or guaranteed to be correct, current, or complete, and this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Planview assumes no responsibility (and expressly disclaims responsibility) for updating its Web sites to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any services, products, or other matters described in these sites. Use of this web site or any services is at your sole risk. All materials, information, and services are provided “as is,” with no warranties or guarantees whatsoever. Planview expressly disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law all express, implied, statutory, and other warranties, guarantees, or representations, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-interference, and non-infringement of proprietary and intellectual property rights. Without limitation, Planview makes no warranty or guarantee that this web site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. You understand and agree that if you download or otherwise obtain materials, information, or services, you do so at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages that may result, including loss of data or damage to your computer system. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. In no event will Planview be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages of any type whatsoever related to or arising from this web site or any use of (or inability to use) this web site, or of any site or resource linked to, referenced, or accessed through this web site, or for the use or downloading of, or access to, any materials, information, products, or services, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, lost savings or loss of programs or other data, even if Planview is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion and waiver of liability applies to all causes of action, whether based on contract, warranty, tort, or any other legal theories and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to Planview’s Designated Agent. This Web site is controlled and operated by Planview from within the United States. Planview makes no representations that materials contained within the Web site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to the Web site from locations where such activity is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to use the Web site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. This Agreement will be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. In any claim or cause of action arising from or related to your use of Planview’s Web sites or any Services, including Communities, you agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located within Travis County, Texas. This Agreement may not be modified, supplemented, qualified, or interpreted by any trade usage or prior course of dealing not made a part of the Agreement by its express terms. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of this Agreement as a whole and any such provision should be enforced by authorities, and reconstructed if need be, to apply to the maximum extent allowable under applicable law. The failure by either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, to exercise any election or option provided herein, or to require at any time the performance of the other of any of the provisions herein will not in any way be construed as a waiver of such provisions. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources A Community may be moderated by a Planview representative — but Planview has no obligation to do so. Planview reserves the right to exercise editorial control over content which is posted or otherwise submitted to a Community. By posting, uploading, inputting, sending, providing or otherwise submitting (collectively, “Posting”) feedback, comments, material, suggestions or other information (each a “Submission” and collectively “Submissions”) to a Community, you understand and agree that we may post your Submission in its entirety, in an edited version, or not at all. Any editing will be done primarily for purposes of clarity, length or deletion of offensive, unlawful, threatening, libelous, obscene, scandalous, pornographic, profane, inappropriate, or potentially defamatory material. Planview may remove a Submission at any time in its sole discretion. It is in the nature of Communities for contributors to take responsibility for their Submissions. We therefore do not accept Submissions Posted anonymously. By Posting a Submission to a Community, you understand and agree that your full name may be posted along with your Submission. Submissions are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by contributors do not represent the views of Planview, its management or employees. Planview is not responsible, and disclaims any and all liability, for the content of comments, opinions, and other information submitted to the Community. You represent that Submissions Posted by you to a Community will not contain any defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, libelous, scandalous, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material. Do not post any information or other material that will compromise the trade secrets or confidential information of, or violate the copyright or other intellectual property rights of, any third party or otherwise subject Planview to civil or criminal liability. Do not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners. Do not post any confidential information or any information that would infringe upon the proprietary, privacy or personal rights of others. Do not post, upload, email or otherwise transmit any material containing software viruses or other computer code or files designed to interrupt, harm, delete, or otherwise interfere with or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Do not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in your post in an attempt to disguise, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any other person or entity. All Submissions Posted shall be of an informational nature and for informational purposes only. Commercial use or any other unauthorized use of the Community is prohibited. Do not use the Community to solicit or conduct business, including the direct or indirect marketing of users’ products or services, in any manner. The Community may not be used to provide information, materials, products, or services in exchange for compensation of any kind. You agree to fully indemnify and hold, Planview, Inc. and their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, directors and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any party due to or arising from your use of or posting to a Community, or your violation of any rights of another. , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages h1|Terms of use h2|Société Service client Log in Aperçu General Limitation to personal and non-commercial use Posting submissions Submissions to Planview or posted on a Planview web site or community Passwords and security Business relationships U.S. Government restricted rights Disclaimers re web site information Disclaimer of warranty Limitation of liability Notices and procedure for making claims of copyright infringement International use; governing law h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Conditions légales Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeThe following terms of use agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Planview, Inc. (“Planview”) governs your access and use of this Planview Web site (the “Web site”). By accessing, browsing, or using this Web site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by this Agreement and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including export and re-export control laws and regulations. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please do not use this Web site. Planview reserves the right to update this Agreement and any other information contained in this Web site at any time without notice to you. By using the Web site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement that is in force during such use. You can always review the most current version by clicking on the “Legal Terms” link located at the bottom of our Web pages. Planview provides you with access to a variety of resources, including community features and communication forums (for example, message boards and blogs) as well as product information (collectively “Services”) through this Web site. Your use of this Web Site and of any Services, including updates, enhancements, new features, and changes, are subject to this Agreement. The content of this Web site is protected by law, including without limitation United States copyright law, trademark law, and applicable international treaties. This Web site, including all content in this site, as well as the Services are provided for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not “mirror” any content contained within this Web site. You may not, in any form by any means, modify, copy, distribute or otherwise disclose or disseminate, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Web site or Services without Planview’s prior written consent. Permission to use the Web site and Services is conditioned on your not modifying the content displayed on this site or contained in Services, your keeping intact (and following) all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices, and your acceptance of this Agreement as well as any terms, conditions, and notices accompanying the content or otherwise set forth in this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any software and other materials that are made available for downloading, access, or other use from this site with their own license terms, conditions, and notices will be governed by such terms, conditions, and notices. Your failure to comply with the terms, conditions, and notices on this site will result in automatic termination of any rights granted to you, without prior notice, and you must immediately destroy all copies of downloaded materials in your possession or control. Except for the limited permission in the preceding paragraph, Planview does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of Planview or its licensors except as expressly stated in this Agreement. The Services may contain or through this Web site you may be provided with access to blogs, forums, communities, and the like (collectively referred to as a “Community” or “Communities”) designed to enable you to post comments and share information. In your use of the Web site, and particularly of Communities, please pay special attention to the following: Submissions made to Communities through our Web sites or Services will be deemed NOT to be confidential. By Posting a Submission, you grant Planview an unrestricted, irrevocable license to copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute (including to sublicense), publicly display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise freely use, those Submissions. You also agree that Planview is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques that you Post for any purpose. No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Submission. If access to a Community or use any of the Services requires you to open an account, you must complete the registration process by providing us with current, complete and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration form. You also will choose a password and a user name. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information, and for all acts that occur in connection with your account. You agree to promptly notify Planview of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security. Planview will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by Planview or another party due to someone else using your account or password. You may not use anyone else’s account at any time. This Web site may provide links or references to non-Planview Web sites and resources. Planview is not responsible for and makes no representations, warranties, or other commitments whatsoever about any non-Planview Web sites or third-party resources that may be referenced, accessible from, or linked to any Planview site. A link to a non-Planview Web site does not mean that Planview endorses the content or use of such Web site or its owner. In addition, Planview is not a party to or responsible for any transactions you may enter into with third parties, even if you learn of such parties (or use a link to such parties) from a Planview site. Accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that Planview is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and is not responsible or liable for any content, services, products, or other materials on or available from those sites or resources. Any software which is downloaded from this Web site or any Services for or on behalf of U.S. Government users is provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by U.S. Government users is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Planview, Inc., 12301 Research Blvd., Research Park Plaza V, Suite 101, Austin, TX 78759, USA. Information on this Web site is not promised or guaranteed to be correct, current, or complete, and this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Planview assumes no responsibility (and expressly disclaims responsibility) for updating its Web sites to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any services, products, or other matters described in these sites. Use of this web site or any services is at your sole risk. All materials, information, and services are provided “as is,” with no warranties or guarantees whatsoever. Planview expressly disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law all express, implied, statutory, and other warranties, guarantees, or representations, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-interference, and non-infringement of proprietary and intellectual property rights. Without limitation, Planview makes no warranty or guarantee that this web site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. You understand and agree that if you download or otherwise obtain materials, information, or services, you do so at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages that may result, including loss of data or damage to your computer system. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. In no event will Planview be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages of any type whatsoever related to or arising from this web site or any use of (or inability to use) this web site, or of any site or resource linked to, referenced, or accessed through this web site, or for the use or downloading of, or access to, any materials, information, products, or services, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, lost savings or loss of programs or other data, even if Planview is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion and waiver of liability applies to all causes of action, whether based on contract, warranty, tort, or any other legal theories and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to Planview’s Designated Agent. This Web site is controlled and operated by Planview from within the United States. Planview makes no representations that materials contained within the Web site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to the Web site from locations where such activity is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to use the Web site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. This Agreement will be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. In any claim or cause of action arising from or related to your use of Planview’s Web sites or any Services, including Communities, you agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located within Travis County, Texas. This Agreement may not be modified, supplemented, qualified, or interpreted by any trade usage or prior course of dealing not made a part of the Agreement by its express terms. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of this Agreement as a whole and any such provision should be enforced by authorities, and reconstructed if need be, to apply to the maximum extent allowable under applicable law. The failure by either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, to exercise any election or option provided herein, or to require at any time the performance of the other of any of the provisions herein will not in any way be construed as a waiver of such provisions. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser A Community may be moderated by a Planview representative — but Planview has no obligation to do so. Planview reserves the right to exercise editorial control over content which is posted or otherwise submitted to a Community. By posting, uploading, inputting, sending, providing or otherwise submitting (collectively, “Posting”) feedback, comments, material, suggestions or other information (each a “Submission” and collectively “Submissions”) to a Community, you understand and agree that we may post your Submission in its entirety, in an edited version, or not at all. Any editing will be done primarily for purposes of clarity, length or deletion of offensive, unlawful, threatening, libelous, obscene, scandalous, pornographic, profane, inappropriate, or potentially defamatory material. Planview may remove a Submission at any time in its sole discretion. It is in the nature of Communities for contributors to take responsibility for their Submissions. We therefore do not accept Submissions Posted anonymously. By Posting a Submission to a Community, you understand and agree that your full name may be posted along with your Submission. Submissions are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by contributors do not represent the views of Planview, its management or employees. Planview is not responsible, and disclaims any and all liability, for the content of comments, opinions, and other information submitted to the Community. You represent that Submissions Posted by you to a Community will not contain any defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, libelous, scandalous, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material. Do not post any information or other material that will compromise the trade secrets or confidential information of, or violate the copyright or other intellectual property rights of, any third party or otherwise subject Planview to civil or criminal liability. Do not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners. Do not post any confidential information or any information that would infringe upon the proprietary, privacy or personal rights of others. Do not post, upload, email or otherwise transmit any material containing software viruses or other computer code or files designed to interrupt, harm, delete, or otherwise interfere with or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Do not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in your post in an attempt to disguise, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any other person or entity. All Submissions Posted shall be of an informational nature and for informational purposes only. Commercial use or any other unauthorized use of the Community is prohibited. Do not use the Community to solicit or conduct business, including the direct or indirect marketing of users’ products or services, in any manner. The Community may not be used to provide information, materials, products, or services in exchange for compensation of any kind. You agree to fully indemnify and hold, Planview, Inc. and their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, directors and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any party due to or arising from your use of or posting to a Community, or your violation of any rights of another. , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket h1|Terms of use h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Overview General Limitation to personal and non-commercial use Posting submissions Submissions to Planview or posted on a Planview web site or community Passwords and security Business relationships U.S. Government restricted rights Disclaimers re web site information Disclaimer of warranty Limitation of liability Notices and procedure for making claims of copyright infringement International use; governing law h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Juridisk information Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetThe following terms of use agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Planview, Inc. (“Planview”) governs your access and use of this Planview Web site (the “Web site”). By accessing, browsing, or using this Web site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by this Agreement and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including export and re-export control laws and regulations. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please do not use this Web site. Planview reserves the right to update this Agreement and any other information contained in this Web site at any time without notice to you. By using the Web site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement that is in force during such use. You can always review the most current version by clicking on the “Legal Terms” link located at the bottom of our Web pages. Planview provides you with access to a variety of resources, including community features and communication forums (for example, message boards and blogs) as well as product information (collectively “Services”) through this Web site. Your use of this Web Site and of any Services, including updates, enhancements, new features, and changes, are subject to this Agreement. The content of this Web site is protected by law, including without limitation United States copyright law, trademark law, and applicable international treaties. This Web site, including all content in this site, as well as the Services are provided for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not “mirror” any content contained within this Web site. You may not, in any form by any means, modify, copy, distribute or otherwise disclose or disseminate, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Web site or Services without Planview’s prior written consent. Permission to use the Web site and Services is conditioned on your not modifying the content displayed on this site or contained in Services, your keeping intact (and following) all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices, and your acceptance of this Agreement as well as any terms, conditions, and notices accompanying the content or otherwise set forth in this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any software and other materials that are made available for downloading, access, or other use from this site with their own license terms, conditions, and notices will be governed by such terms, conditions, and notices. Your failure to comply with the terms, conditions, and notices on this site will result in automatic termination of any rights granted to you, without prior notice, and you must immediately destroy all copies of downloaded materials in your possession or control. Except for the limited permission in the preceding paragraph, Planview does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of Planview or its licensors except as expressly stated in this Agreement. The Services may contain or through this Web site you may be provided with access to blogs, forums, communities, and the like (collectively referred to as a “Community” or “Communities”) designed to enable you to post comments and share information. In your use of the Web site, and particularly of Communities, please pay special attention to the following: Submissions made to Communities through our Web sites or Services will be deemed NOT to be confidential. By Posting a Submission, you grant Planview an unrestricted, irrevocable license to copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute (including to sublicense), publicly display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise freely use, those Submissions. You also agree that Planview is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques that you Post for any purpose. No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Submission. If access to a Community or use any of the Services requires you to open an account, you must complete the registration process by providing us with current, complete and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration form. You also will choose a password and a user name. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information, and for all acts that occur in connection with your account. You agree to promptly notify Planview of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security. Planview will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by Planview or another party due to someone else using your account or password. You may not use anyone else’s account at any time. This Web site may provide links or references to non-Planview Web sites and resources. Planview is not responsible for and makes no representations, warranties, or other commitments whatsoever about any non-Planview Web sites or third-party resources that may be referenced, accessible from, or linked to any Planview site. A link to a non-Planview Web site does not mean that Planview endorses the content or use of such Web site or its owner. In addition, Planview is not a party to or responsible for any transactions you may enter into with third parties, even if you learn of such parties (or use a link to such parties) from a Planview site. Accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that Planview is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and is not responsible or liable for any content, services, products, or other materials on or available from those sites or resources. Any software which is downloaded from this Web site or any Services for or on behalf of U.S. Government users is provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by U.S. Government users is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Planview, Inc., 12301 Research Blvd., Research Park Plaza V, Suite 101, Austin, TX 78759, USA. Information on this Web site is not promised or guaranteed to be correct, current, or complete, and this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Planview assumes no responsibility (and expressly disclaims responsibility) for updating its Web sites to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. 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You understand and agree that if you download or otherwise obtain materials, information, or services, you do so at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages that may result, including loss of data or damage to your computer system. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. In no event will Planview be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages of any type whatsoever related to or arising from this web site or any use of (or inability to use) this web site, or of any site or resource linked to, referenced, or accessed through this web site, or for the use or downloading of, or access to, any materials, information, products, or services, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, lost savings or loss of programs or other data, even if Planview is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion and waiver of liability applies to all causes of action, whether based on contract, warranty, tort, or any other legal theories and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to Planview’s Designated Agent. This Web site is controlled and operated by Planview from within the United States. Planview makes no representations that materials contained within the Web site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to the Web site from locations where such activity is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to use the Web site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. This Agreement will be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. In any claim or cause of action arising from or related to your use of Planview’s Web sites or any Services, including Communities, you agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located within Travis County, Texas. This Agreement may not be modified, supplemented, qualified, or interpreted by any trade usage or prior course of dealing not made a part of the Agreement by its express terms. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of this Agreement as a whole and any such provision should be enforced by authorities, and reconstructed if need be, to apply to the maximum extent allowable under applicable law. The failure by either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, to exercise any election or option provided herein, or to require at any time the performance of the other of any of the provisions herein will not in any way be construed as a waiver of such provisions. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser A Community may be moderated by a Planview representative — but Planview has no obligation to do so. Planview reserves the right to exercise editorial control over content which is posted or otherwise submitted to a Community. By posting, uploading, inputting, sending, providing or otherwise submitting (collectively, “Posting”) feedback, comments, material, suggestions or other information (each a “Submission” and collectively “Submissions”) to a Community, you understand and agree that we may post your Submission in its entirety, in an edited version, or not at all. Any editing will be done primarily for purposes of clarity, length or deletion of offensive, unlawful, threatening, libelous, obscene, scandalous, pornographic, profane, inappropriate, or potentially defamatory material. Planview may remove a Submission at any time in its sole discretion. It is in the nature of Communities for contributors to take responsibility for their Submissions. We therefore do not accept Submissions Posted anonymously. By Posting a Submission to a Community, you understand and agree that your full name may be posted along with your Submission. Submissions are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by contributors do not represent the views of Planview, its management or employees. Planview is not responsible, and disclaims any and all liability, for the content of comments, opinions, and other information submitted to the Community. You represent that Submissions Posted by you to a Community will not contain any defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, libelous, scandalous, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material. Do not post any information or other material that will compromise the trade secrets or confidential information of, or violate the copyright or other intellectual property rights of, any third party or otherwise subject Planview to civil or criminal liability. Do not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners. Do not post any confidential information or any information that would infringe upon the proprietary, privacy or personal rights of others. Do not post, upload, email or otherwise transmit any material containing software viruses or other computer code or files designed to interrupt, harm, delete, or otherwise interfere with or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Do not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in your post in an attempt to disguise, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any other person or entity. All Submissions Posted shall be of an informational nature and for informational purposes only. Commercial use or any other unauthorized use of the Community is prohibited. Do not use the Community to solicit or conduct business, including the direct or indirect marketing of users’ products or services, in any manner. The Community may not be used to provide information, materials, products, or services in exchange for compensation of any kind. You agree to fully indemnify and hold, Planview, Inc. and their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, directors and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any party due to or arising from your use of or posting to a Community, or your violation of any rights of another. , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker h1|Terms of use h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Overview General Limitation to personal and non-commercial use Posting submissions Submissions to Planview or posted on a Planview web site or community Passwords and security Business relationships U.S. Government restricted rights Disclaimers re web site information Disclaimer of warranty Limitation of liability Notices and procedure for making claims of copyright infringement International use; governing law h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Juridisk Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende Planview is a representative vendor in three of the provider categories based on the most Gartner client interest. Project Managers As a Project Manager your job is to deliver projects on-time and on-budget. This requires visibility, ability to manage resources, and real-time analytics to make the right decisions. Planview software for project managers enables better management of projects today and improved planning for the future to set the business up for success. From the PMP® certified project manager to the accidental project manager, Planview offers solutions and tools for project managers, no matter how they work. How you manage time for your staff and team members has a major impact on the financial performance of your projects. Without real-time views into the time and expenses associated with your projects, you risk overcommitting and underdelivering. Planview software provides a single location to monitor time, budgets, and expenses for your projects. Get data on estimates versus actuals and reduce the risk of running over budget or missing deadlines. If you don’t know what people are working on, you are flying blind. Put the right resources on the right work at the right time: Balance, prioritize, and schedule resource capacity with a real-time view into both future demand and in-flight work. Whether you are managing strategic, operational, or collaborative projects, Planview software for project managers offers resource management capabilities that enable you to optimize resource utilization by role, skillset, or individual. Plan, manage, and deliver all types of work – traditional, agile, hybrid, and collaborative, with all of the tools for project management that you need, in one place. Planview PPM software offers Gantt charts, schedule views, project statusing, lifecycle management, time tracking, and more to help improve project planning and execution. With collaborative work management, team members get workspaces to execute tasks, collaborative projects, and ongoing team activities. No matter how you work, Planview software empowers project managers to apply the right methodology and optimize project delivery. Visibility enables better decisions and more effective communications. Get a clear picture of what is happening with your projects and resources. Configurable dashboards, out of the box reports, and interactive visualizations enable real-time data and insights for your projects by department, program, portfolio, or individual project, enabling informed decisions. Easily drill down from reports and dashboards to get the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you need to improve project execution. Simplify time reporting and manage resource capacity and demand with time actuals by bringing together a PPM-class timesheet in a collaborative work management experience for team members. Consolidate all project data in a single solution to avoid duplicate effort and data loss. IT project management software provides all the tools necessary for project success with your team members in collaborative workspaces, and easily tracks effort for on-time, on-budget execution of projects that align with the business. Not everyone managing a project is a project manager with formal training. If you find your projects are spanning into unstructured, ad hoc, and cross-functional team work, you need a collaborative project management tool. Easy to use and adopt, give your team members a solution that brings teams together to get work done – whether within a department, across departments, across geographies, or with external contributors. Improve balancing the project schedule and resource availability. Update the plan quickly when resources are over or underutilized. Plan resource capacity using role, skill, and availability views. Compare how different scenarios impact different project portfolios and reallocate capacity by shifting resource pools. Access actual spend, budget, and forecast data for your projects and portfolios with consolidated real-time financials to stay on track with delivery on your organization’s strategic initiatives. Prioritize action items and activities in backlog, and then associate them to Gantt charts to track project completion. With Planview, plan, manage, and deliver all types of work – traditional, iterative, agile, and collaborative. Communicate effectively with stakeholders by speaking the same language. Configure dashboards to track metrics that matter to your stakeholders and monitor progress. Project Manager software for all accidental project managers. Empower every team member with collaborative workspaces that bring teams together to get work done. Browse whitepapers, webcasts, analyst reports, and more. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more “Projectplace literally ticked every single box our CIO outlined – collaboration, task management, mobility, and ease of use.” The information you need Learn more about Planview work and resource management solutions. li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|with Planview work and resource management solutions for project managers h2|Company Customer Care Log In Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting Planview for Project Managers Improve Planning and Execution of Projects that Drive Business Strategy Solutions for all types of project managers managing all kinds of work Read what a fellow project manager says about Planview solutions Planview resources for project managers Planview solutions for project managers h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Manage project schedules, work, and resources across your teams, departments, and organization. Deliver on-time and on-budget Effectively manage your resources Improve planning and execution for all types of projects Analyze project portfolio performance and focus on business value Capture essential time reporting and accurately calculate project resource effort No PMP? No problem. Expand outside of IT project management tools Work and resource management schedule Resource management Project portfolio financials Iterative work management Keep stakeholders informed with analytics and reporting Collaborative management tools with Planview Projectplace Project Portfolio Management Work Management for Teams Enterprise Architecture Product Portfolio Management h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: : Gartner Market Guide for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting about how Planview software for project management helps keep projects on-time and on-budget about resource management about project planning solutions about analytics and reporting about Work Management for Teams about Planview Projectplac Previous Next a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image Close modal Brian Tharp IT PMO Manager : Mentor Graphics about Project Portfolio Management about Project Portfolio Management about Work Management for Teams about Enterprise Architecture about Enterprise Architecture about Product Portfolio Management about Product Portfolio Management Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|84 percent of executives believe that proficiency in Agile approaches is important for the implementation of strategic initiatives. 2017, Achieving Greater Agility | The Essential Influence of the C-Suite That’s why we created the Planview Lean-Agile Pathfinder, which presents you with a series of questions used to assess the current state of Lean-Agile maturity in your organization. Upon completion, you’ll receive the results, along with curated materials to help keep you moving forward on your path to becoming a Lean-Agile enterprise. h1|Find your path to becoming a Lean-Agile Enterprise h2|No longer a fad, Lean and Agile practices and principles continue to grow among organizations of all shapes and sizes. However, Lean and Agile adoption isn’t easy, and it’s constantly evolving as your organization transforms. sp|Lean-Agile Pathfinder pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenAgile Coaches The quest to transform a business never stops. As an Agile Coach, you have to empower everyone, regardless of the role they play in an organization, to participate in meaningful ways and strive for continuous improvement. Through your servant leadership, you can promote a culture of change. But it takes more than a mindset shift to realize the full potential of Agile at scale. To scale Agile beyond a siloed group of Agile teams means adding stability to teams, aligning them on a common planning and delivery cadence, and connecting their work for end-to-end visibility and insights. The software an organization selects to support Agile adoption and growth can either make or break your efforts. So, why not help the organizations you’re working with choose software that can propel them to greatness? by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align strategy to delivery and see the flow of value across teams, programs, and portfolios, in real time, with enterprise Kanban boards. Map out team and teams of teams process as it exists today or leverage best practices with pre-defined Kanban board templates. Easily adjust boards to represent process changes as your teams evolve their approach over time. Connect teams working in a mix of Agile team tools – including Jira Software, Azure DevOps, Rally Software,, and more – leveraging an array of workflows and configurations with a single, highly configurable program or teams-of-teams board for cross-team collaboration. Support teams in planning, prioritizing, and executing their work, while providing insights into work status and progress as well as dependencies, risks, and impediments that can impact delivery. Utilize board health metrics involving bottlenecks, WIP, and throughput to guide the optimization of workflows, improve velocity, and better prioritize efforts for more predictable delivery. Use Lean and Agile metrics to assess team performance and promote continuous improvement. Support the constructs and practices associated with all Agile methodologies and Enterprise Agile Frameworks like SAFe®, LeSS, DA, Spotify, and others. Erfahren Sie, wie der Erfolg von ein paar wenigen Agile-Teams für die Transformation eines Unternehmens sorgen kann, sodass es sich schnell anpassen kann, häufig positive Ergebnisse liefert und sich rapide weiterentwickelt. Take this opportunity to think outside the box and ensure your PI Planning events (either in-person or virtual) connect strategy to delivery. Learn how Agile Program Management enables Agile scaling success. See how Planview supports business agility with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Daniel Schleusener Anonym Anonym Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Promote successful Agile adoption Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How can Planview help an Agile Coach? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Provide end-to-end visibility Model any workflow Connect teams Enable coordinated planning and delivery Optimize flowFlexibly implement Agile frameworks Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Aufbau leistungsstarker Agile-Teams und Release Trains Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning Agile Programm-Management: Arbeit vernetzen und sichtbar machen SAFe 5.0 Big Picture h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management : Unternehmensarchitektur zu Produktportfolio-Management : Enterprise Agile Planning zu Lean-Portfoliomanagement : Agile Programm-Management : Unternehmens-Kanban für Agile-Bereitstellungsteams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Weltweit Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Planview Spigit Wenden Sie sich für Hilfe an den Administrator. Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: Beliebte Suchen: for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. Ansehen Ansehen Ansehen Ansehen Ansehen Ansehen Close modal Produktbewertung Director of Operations :Planview LeanKit™ Produktbewertung Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Produktbewertung Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Kundenfallstudie Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Kundenfallstudie Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Kundenfallstudie Agile/Kanban Coach :Agile/Kanban Coach : Aufbau leistungsstarker Agile-Teams und Release Trains : Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning : Agile Programm-Management: Arbeit vernetzen und sichtbar machen : SAFe 5.0 Big Picture : Agile Program Management Solution Planview auf Twitter folgen Planview auf LinkedIn folgen Planview auf Facebook folgen Planview auf YouTube folgen Planview auf Instagram folgen [email protected] aktuelle Themen im Planview-Ressourcencenter Weltweit Weltweit pa|Transformez votre PMO pour obtenir des résultats tangibles Pilotez la stratégie de toute l'entreprise Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Stimuler la Transformation Agile Augmenter l'agilité de l'entreprise Gérer, planifier et exécuter toutes les activités Agile Optimisez vos flux commerciaux pour générer une plus forte valeur Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Menez à bien les activités depuis une solution centralisée Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impact Encouragez l'éclosion d'une culture de l'innovation et de l'engagement salarié, de l'idée jusqu'à l'impactoutcomes that matter Stratégie de mise en œuvre à l'échelle de l'entreprise couvrant le PMO, le développement de produits et l'architecture d'entreprise Une gestion des activités d'entreprise qui améliore les capacités PPM et de livraison de projets Des espaces de travail numériques permettant aux équipes de performer quelles que soient leurs méthodes de travail Un outil Kanban d'entreprise pour le Lean et l'Agile qui permet de visualiser les activités, de coordonner des équipes d'équipes et de favoriser l'amélioration continue Des espaces de travail collaboratifs orientés projets qui fédèrent les équipes autour des livraisons quotidiennes de leurs projets dans toute l'entrepriseOptimisez la réussite du bureau de gestion des projets et créez de la valeur pour l'entrepriseAgile Coaches The quest to transform a business never stops. As an Agile Coach, you have to empower everyone, regardless of the role they play in an organization, to participate in meaningful ways and strive for continuous improvement. Through your servant leadership, you can promote a culture of change. But it takes more than a mindset shift to realize the full potential of Agile at scale. To scale Agile beyond a siloed group of Agile teams means adding stability to teams, aligning them on a common planning and delivery cadence, and connecting their work for end-to-end visibility and insights. The software an organization selects to support Agile adoption and growth can either make or break your efforts. So, why not help the organizations you’re working with choose software that can propel them to greatness? by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align strategy to delivery and see the flow of value across teams, programs, and portfolios, in real time, with enterprise Kanban boards. Map out team and teams of teams process as it exists today or leverage best practices with pre-defined Kanban board templates. Easily adjust boards to represent process changes as your teams evolve their approach over time. Connect teams working in a mix of Agile team tools – including Jira Software, Azure DevOps, Rally Software,, and more – leveraging an array of workflows and configurations with a single, highly configurable program or teams-of-teams board for cross-team collaboration. Support teams in planning, prioritizing, and executing their work, while providing insights into work status and progress as well as dependencies, risks, and impediments that can impact delivery. Utilize board health metrics involving bottlenecks, WIP, and throughput to guide the optimization of workflows, improve velocity, and better prioritize efforts for more predictable delivery. Use Lean and Agile metrics to assess team performance and promote continuous improvement. Support the constructs and practices associated with all Agile methodologies and Enterprise Agile Frameworks like SAFe®, LeSS, DA, Spotify, and others. Découvrez comment le succès de quelques équipes Agile seulement peut transformer une organisation. Take this opportunity to think outside the box and ensure your PI Planning events (either in-person or virtual) connect strategy to delivery. Learn how Agile Program Management enables Agile scaling success. See how Planview supports business agility with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Accès rapide aux informations dont vous avez besoin, notamment à des articles, des documents, des rapports, des vidéos, des messages de blog et plus encorePrise de contact en personne et en ligne pour découvrir comment Planview peut vous aider à résoudre les problèmes au sein de votre entreprise. Avis d'experts au sujet du PMO, de l'innovation Produits, de l'architecture d'entreprise et bien plus encore “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Gestion de l'innovation Planification stratégique et financière Gestion de portefeuille de projet Gestion de portefeuille de projets liés à un produit Gestion des capacités et des technologies Gestion des activités d'entreprise Gestion de portefeuille de projet Solutions & Products Par solution Par produit By Role Ressources , , , et font partie de la gamme Planview. st|Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Offres groupées et packages Daniel Schleusener Anonyme Anonyme Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Société Service client Log in Promote successful Agile adoption Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How can Planview help an Agile Coach? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Sujets tendances Sujets tendances Recherches fréquentes Provide end-to-end visibility Model any workflow Connect teams Enable coordinated planning and delivery Optimize flowFlexibly implement Agile frameworks Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Les clés pour constituer des équipes Agile et des Agile Release Trains hautement performants Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning Gestion de programme Agile : Connecter les activités et les rendre visibles SAFe 5.0 Big Picture h4|Bundles Actualités récentes sp|Déplier le menu de navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions sur la gestion de portefeuilles de projets for Strategic Portfolio Management sur l'architecture d'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles de produits sur la planification Agile dans l'entreprise sur la gestion de portefeuilles Lean sur la gestion de programme Agile d'Enterprise Kanban pour les équipes d'exécution Agile for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Monde entier Gestion de l'innovation Gestion de portfolio Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Planview Spigit Contactez votre administrateur pour obtenir des instructions Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : Recherche fréquente : for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. Afficher Afficher Afficher Afficher Afficher Afficher Close modal Évaluation de produit Director of Operations :Planview LeanKit™ Évaluation de produit Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Évaluation de produit Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Étude de cas d'un client Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Étude de cas d'un client Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Étude de cas d'un client Agile/Kanban Coach :Agile/Kanban Coach : Les clés pour constituer des équipes Agile et des Agile Release Trains hautement performants : Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning : Gestion de programme Agile : Connecter les activités et les rendre visibles : SAFe 5.0 Big Picture : Agile Program Management Solution Suivre Planview sur Twitter Suivre Planview sur LinkedIn Suivre Planview sur Facebook Suivre Planview sur YouTube Suivre Planview sur Instagram [email protected] de sujets tendances dans le Centre de ressources Planview Monde entier Monde entier pa|Utveckla ditt PMO: Leverera affärsresultat Driva strategier över hela företaget Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results driv på Agile-omvandlingen Uppnå Enterprise Agility Hantera, planera och leverera allt Agile-arbete Optimera ditt affärsflöde att leverera mer värde Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbetet gjort på ett och samma ställe Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultat Bygg en innovationskultur och öka medarbetarnas engagemang från idé till resultatoutcomes that matter Företagsomfattande strategi för leverans som spänner över PMO, Produktutveckling och företagsarkitektur Work Management som tar PPM och projektleverans till nästa nivå Digitala arbetsplatser som ger team möjlighet att uppnå de bästa resultaten, oavsett hur de jobbar Kanban för Lean-Agile-leverans som visualiserar arbetet, underlättar samarbete mellan team (teams-of-teams) och främjar kontinuerlig förbättring. Projektcentrerade arbetsplatser som gynnar samarbete och samlar teamen för att stödja det dagliga arbetet i hela verksamhetenÖka projekthanteringskontorens framgångar och leverera affärsvärdeAgile Coaches The quest to transform a business never stops. As an Agile Coach, you have to empower everyone, regardless of the role they play in an organization, to participate in meaningful ways and strive for continuous improvement. Through your servant leadership, you can promote a culture of change. But it takes more than a mindset shift to realize the full potential of Agile at scale. To scale Agile beyond a siloed group of Agile teams means adding stability to teams, aligning them on a common planning and delivery cadence, and connecting their work for end-to-end visibility and insights. The software an organization selects to support Agile adoption and growth can either make or break your efforts. So, why not help the organizations you’re working with choose software that can propel them to greatness? by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align strategy to delivery and see the flow of value across teams, programs, and portfolios, in real time, with enterprise Kanban boards. Map out team and teams of teams process as it exists today or leverage best practices with pre-defined Kanban board templates. Easily adjust boards to represent process changes as your teams evolve their approach over time. Connect teams working in a mix of Agile team tools – including Jira Software, Azure DevOps, Rally Software,, and more – leveraging an array of workflows and configurations with a single, highly configurable program or teams-of-teams board for cross-team collaboration. Support teams in planning, prioritizing, and executing their work, while providing insights into work status and progress as well as dependencies, risks, and impediments that can impact delivery. Utilize board health metrics involving bottlenecks, WIP, and throughput to guide the optimization of workflows, improve velocity, and better prioritize efforts for more predictable delivery. Use Lean and Agile metrics to assess team performance and promote continuous improvement. Support the constructs and practices associated with all Agile methodologies and Enterprise Agile Frameworks like SAFe®, LeSS, DA, Spotify, and others. Lär dig hur framgångar hos några få Agile-team kan förvandla en organisation till en enhet som snabbt svänger runt, som ofta levererar värde och som driver organisationen framåt. Take this opportunity to think outside the box and ensure your PI Planning events (either in-person or virtual) connect strategy to delivery. Learn how Agile Program Management enables Agile scaling success. See how Planview supports business agility with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Snabb tillgång till den information du behöver, inklusive artiklar, dokument, rapporter, videor, bloggposter och mer Hör vad våra kunder har att säga om våra produkter Möjlighet att lära dig på plats eller online hur Planview kan hjälpa dig att lösa problem i ditt företag Insikter från experter på ämnet om PMO, produktinnovation, företagsarkitektur med mera “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Innovation Management Strategisk och finansiell planering Hantering av projektutbud Hantering av produktutbud Hantering av förmågor och teknik Enterprise Work Management Hantering av projektutbud Solutions & Products Via lösning efter produkt By Role Resurser , , , och ingår i Planview-familjen. st|Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Buntar & paket Daniel Schleusener Anonym Anonym Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Företaget Kundtjänst Logga in Promote successful Agile adoption Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How can Planview help an Agile Coach? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Aktuella ämnen Aktuella ämnen Populära sökningar Provide end-to-end visibility Model any workflow Connect teams Enable coordinated planning and delivery Optimize flowFlexibly implement Agile frameworks Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Bygga högpresterande Agile-team och release-tåg Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning Agile programhantering: Gör arbetet anslutet och synligt SAFe 5.0 Big Picture h4|Bundles De senaste uppdateringarna sp|Växla navigering Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management för företagsarkitektur av hantering av produktportfölj för Agile planering för företag av Lean portföljhantering för Agile programhantering för företags-Kanban för Agile leveransteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Globalt Innovation Management Hantering av utbud Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Planview Spigit Kontakta din administratör för instruktioner Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: Populär sökning: for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. Se Se Se Se Se Se Close modal Produktrecension Director of Operations :Planview LeanKit™ Produktrecension Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Produktrecension Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Kundfallsstudie Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Kundfallsstudie Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Kundfallsstudie Agile/Kanban Coach :Agile/Kanban Coach : Bygg högpresterande Agile-team och release-tåg : Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning : Agile programhantering: Gör arbetet anslutet och synligt : SAFe 5.0 Big Picture : Agile Program Management Solution Följ Planview på Twitter Följ Planview på LinkedIn Följ Planview på Facebook Följ Planview på YouTube Följ Planview på Instagram [email protected] om ämnesområden som trendar i Planview Resource Center Globalt Globalt pa|Utvikle PMO: Lever forretningsresultater Driv strategien gjennom hele virksomheten Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results Driv frem Agile-endringen Oppnå forretningsdyktighet Styr, planlegg og lever alt Agile-arbeid Optimaliser forretningsflyten din for å levere produkter av høyere verdi Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Få arbeidet gjort på ett sted Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkning Driv en kultur for innovasjon og ansattes engasjement fra idé til innvirkningoutcomes that matter Foretaksomfattende strategi for levering som omfatter PMO, produktutvikling og Enterprise Architecture Enterprise arbeidsstyring som fremmer PPM og prosjektleveringsfunksjoner Digitale arbeidsområder som gir teamene mulighet til å levere sitt beste arbeid, uansett hvordan de jobber Enterprise Kanban for Lean og Agile levering som visualiserer arbeid, skalerer team-of-teams og fremmer kontinuerlig forbedring Prosjektsentriske samarbeidsarbeidsområder som bringer team sammen for å støtte hverdagens prosjektlevering i hele bedriftenGjør prosjektledelsen på kontoret bedre og øk verdien for selskapetAgile Coaches The quest to transform a business never stops. As an Agile Coach, you have to empower everyone, regardless of the role they play in an organization, to participate in meaningful ways and strive for continuous improvement. Through your servant leadership, you can promote a culture of change. But it takes more than a mindset shift to realize the full potential of Agile at scale. To scale Agile beyond a siloed group of Agile teams means adding stability to teams, aligning them on a common planning and delivery cadence, and connecting their work for end-to-end visibility and insights. The software an organization selects to support Agile adoption and growth can either make or break your efforts. So, why not help the organizations you’re working with choose software that can propel them to greatness? by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align strategy to delivery and see the flow of value across teams, programs, and portfolios, in real time, with enterprise Kanban boards. Map out team and teams of teams process as it exists today or leverage best practices with pre-defined Kanban board templates. Easily adjust boards to represent process changes as your teams evolve their approach over time. Connect teams working in a mix of Agile team tools – including Jira Software, Azure DevOps, Rally Software,, and more – leveraging an array of workflows and configurations with a single, highly configurable program or teams-of-teams board for cross-team collaboration. Support teams in planning, prioritizing, and executing their work, while providing insights into work status and progress as well as dependencies, risks, and impediments that can impact delivery. Utilize board health metrics involving bottlenecks, WIP, and throughput to guide the optimization of workflows, improve velocity, and better prioritize efforts for more predictable delivery. Use Lean and Agile metrics to assess team performance and promote continuous improvement. Support the constructs and practices associated with all Agile methodologies and Enterprise Agile Frameworks like SAFe®, LeSS, DA, Spotify, and others. Lær hvordan suksessen til bare noen få Agile team kan forvandle en organisasjon til en som omstiller seg raskt, leverer verdi hyppig og fører organisasjonen fremover. Take this opportunity to think outside the box and ensure your PI Planning events (either in-person or virtual) connect strategy to delivery. Learn how Agile Program Management enables Agile scaling success. See how Planview supports business agility with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Rask tilgang til informasjonen du trenger, inkludert artikler, dokumenter, rapporter, videoer, blogginnlegg og merAnsikt-til-ansikt og online muligheter til å lære hvordan Planview hjelper deg med å løse virksomhet problemer Innsikt fra eksperter på PMO, produkt innovasjon, Bedriftsarkitektur og mer “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Innovation Management Strategisk og finansiell planlegging Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Behandling av produktportefølje Kapasitet og teknologiledelse Enterprise Work Management Prosjekt- og porteføljeforvaltnng Solutions & Products Etter løsning Etter produkt By Role Ressurser , , , og er deler av Planview-familien. st|Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Kombinasjoner og pakker Daniel Schleusener Anonym Anonym Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Selskapet Kundebehandling logg på Promote successful Agile adoption Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How can Planview help an Agile Coach? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Populære emner Populære emner Populære søk Provide end-to-end visibility Model any workflow Connect teams Enable coordinated planning and delivery Optimize flowFlexibly implement Agile frameworks Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Bygge opp produktive Agile-team og frigjøre drivkrefter Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible (Agile-programstyring: Koble sammen og gjør arbeidet synlig) SAFe 5.0 Big Picture h4|Bundles Nylige oppdateringer sp|Vis/skjul navigasjon Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management om virksomhetsarkitektur for produktporteføljebehandling for Enterprise Agile-planlegging for Lean porteføljebehandling for Agile-programstyring for bedrifts-Kanban for Agile-leveranseteam for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Verdensomspennende Innovation Management Portefølje-forvaltning Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Planview Spigit Kontakt din admin for instruksjoner Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: Populære søk: for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. for Planview Agile Coaches Role Scale Agile teams. See how. Vis Vis Vis Vis Vis Vis Close modal Produktanmeldelse Director of Operations :Planview LeanKit™ Produktanmeldelse Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Produktanmeldelse Technician in Information Technology :Planview LeanKit™ Kunde-casestudie Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Kunde-casestudie Agile coach :Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) Kunde-casestudie Agile/Kanban Coach :Agile/Kanban Coach : Oppbygging av produktive Agile-team og frigjøring av drivkrefter : Essential Checklist: How to Do Virtual Program Increment (PI) Planning : Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible (Agile-programstyring: Koble sammen og gjør arbeidet synlig) : SAFe 5.0 Big Picture : Agile Program Management Solution Følg Planview på Twitter Følg Planview på LinkedIn Følg Planview på Facebook Følg Planview på YouTube Følg Planview på Instagram [email protected] populære emner i Planviews ressurssenter Verdensomspennende Verdensomspennende See how Planview’s Resource Management solution can help you integrate strategy and execution across all your work and resources. Resource Managers Planview software for resource managers optimizes resource capacity and improves resource utilization. Effectively allocate and reallocate resources when necessary to achieve the desired outcomes of your projects and deliver the value of your portfolios. With insight to both work and effort, Planview software helps you realize company strategy through investments, people, and the demand pipeline. Resource management software solutions enable you to plan against true resource requirements by balancing demand and capacity planning. Promote accountability and improve organizational performance by utilizing people with the best skillset fit and availability. Knowing who is working on what and when through time reporting enables teams to work more efficiently and resource managers to accurately calculate effort of projects. Leverage what-if scenario planning and rebalance capacity based on timelines, impact of financials and demand, allowing you to easily adapt when change happens. Planview provides the resource management software you need to reduce risk and build in success factors for effective, on-time delivery. Measure, manage, and track all resources related to your projects. Get real-time visibility down to tasks or sub-tasks and track actual time spent. Planview’s resource planning tools enable you to staff projects by role, skillset, or individual. Utilize request management metrics to analyze the value and cost of work in real-time, then efficiently prioritize, approve, and schedule work that aligns with strategic goals. Easily reallocate resources, or if necessary, request additional resources or adjust timelines to set delivery expectations with stakeholders. Get a clear picture of what is happening with your resources – in a single location. Review, approve, and manage resource scheduling to best position your organization for on-time and on-budget project delivery. Configurable dashboards and reports enable real-time insights by department, program, portfolio, or individual project. Centralized resource optimization provides baselines and tracks trends. Use actual resource data for billing, chargebacks, future estimations and accurate reporting. Easily drill down from reports and dashboards to get the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you need to drive strategic alignment of project delivery to corporate goals. View resource data and find where bottlenecks are to make changes and keep projects on track for all types of work. Visually assess project schedule and resource utilization at the same time. Show how your organization’s capacity matches up to overall demand, and utilize what-if scenarios to see the impact of changes. Assess and resolve discrepancies between demand and capacity in your scenarios. See all resource data in your resource allocation plan. Plan at any level – across the enterprise, portfolios, departments, and teams. Sort role, skill, or project and see capacity information to improve utilization. Keep your work at optimal performance with accurate resourcing information. Ensure projects have adequate resources and resources are not over- or underutilized. Build and easily distribute compelling real-time visualizations for projects and resources. Whether through out-of-the-box reports, configurable visualizations, or Microsoft Power BI dashboards, Planview’s analytics and reporting allow you to easily track health, status, resources, and priorities. Give your team members a user-friendly timesheet. By collecting actual time spent by resources, enable your organization to identify problem areas, track actual cost of resource efforts, increase accuracy of future budget estimates, and better calculate resource capacity. Browse whitepapers, webcasts, analyst reports, and more. . . di|Fast access to the information you need, including articles, documents, reports, videos, blog posts, and moreIn person and online opportunities to learn how Planview helps you solve your business problems Insight from the subject matter experts on PMO, product innovation, enterprise architecture, and more “We now understand demand and how it is prioritized. No matter the question or the issue, people can present data, have the right conversations, and make sound decisions.” The information you need Learn more about Planview work and resource management solutions. li|Innovation Management Strategic and Financial Planning Project Portfolio Management Product Portfolio Management Capability and Technology Management Enterprise Work Management Project Portfolio Management Solutions & Products By Solution By Product By Role Resources , , , , and are part of the Planview family. st|Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Bundles & Packages h1|with Planview work and resource management solutions for resource managers h2|Company Customer Care Log In Resource Management Solution Demo Planview for Resource Managers Get the Most Out of Your Resources Solutions for resource managers improve utilization of resources for project and non-project work Read what a fellow program manager says about Planview solutions Planview resources for resource managers Planview solutions for resource managers h3|Trending Topics Trending Topics Popular Searches Implement a smarter resource management system that helps your organization focus on the right work at the right time to deliver the highest value. Shift resources to projects that align to your strategies. Plan for optimized resource capacity Proactively allocate resources and reallocate as priorities shift Track resource utilization and maximize realized value Resource utilization Investment and capacity planning heatmap visualizations Resource planning Schedule and assignments Analytics and reporting Timesheet reporting Project Portfolio Management Work Management for Teams Enterprise Architecture Product Portfolio Management h4|Bundles Recent Updates sp|Toggle navigation Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions for Project Portfolio Management for Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Architecture for Product Portfolio Managemefor Lean Portfolio Management for Agile Program Management for Enterprise Kanban for Agile Delivery Teams for Innovation Management for Planview Spigit™ for Planview Enterprise One™ for Planview PPM Pro™ for Planview LeanKit™ for Planview Projectplace™ Worldwide Innovation Management Portfolio Management Work Management Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planview Projectplace Planview Enterprise One Contact your admin for instructions Planview Spigit Contact your admin for instructions Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: Popular search: : Resource Management Solution Demo Previous Next a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image a larger version of the image Close modal Stacie Mastin Manager in the Capacity and Planning Department : Excellus BCBS about Project Portfolio Management about Project Portfolio Management about Work Management for Teams about Enterprise Architecture about Enterprise Architecture about Product Portfolio Management about Product Portfolio Management Follow Planview on Twitter Follow Planview on LinkedIn Follow Planview on Facebook Follow Planview on YouTube Follow Planview on Instagram [email protected] trending topics in the Planview Resource Center Worldwide Worldwide pa|Das PMO voranbringen: Geschäftsergebnisse erzielen Treiben Sie die unternehmensweite Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie voran Advance capabilities and technology for digital business Drive new product development results treiben Sie die Agile-Transformation voran Erreichen Sie Enterprise-Agilität Verwalten, planen und stellen Sie Ihre sämtliche Agile-Arbeit bereit. Optimieren Sie Ihren Geschäftsablauf und liefern Sie mehr Nutzen Manage your idea portfolio and foster innovation Effizient arbeiten – von zentraler Stelle aus Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produkt Förderung einer Innovationskultur und eines aktiven Mitarbeiterengagements – von der Idee bis zum marktreifen Produktoutcomes that matter Unternehmensweite Implementierung von PMO, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensarchitektur – von der Strategie zur Umsetzung Unternehmensweites Work-Management mit PPM- und Projektumsetzungsfunktionen Digitale Arbeitsplätze befähigen Teams, beste Arbeit zu leisten, unabhängig von ihrer Arbeitsweise. Enterprise Kanban für Lean- und Agile-Umsetzung - veranschaulicht anstehende Aufgaben, skaliert Teams von Teams und fördert kontinuierliche Verbesserungen Projektorientierte, kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche – fördern die Zusammenarbeit von Teams bei der täglichen Umsetzung von Projekten im UnternehmenSteigern Sie den Erfolg des Project Management Office und liefern Sie geschäftlichen NutzenPeople Leaders Whether you’re a manager, the head of a department, or maybe a VP, you’re a people leader and there are many responsibilities that come with that. Chief among them is understanding the mission/vision of your business as well as your top-level objectives across different intervals of time and imprinting this information on your teams to make it all possible. At the same time, you must set expectations with executive leadership based on insights from your Agile teams Irrespective of the territory you preside over – whether it’s Dev, Ops, or IT – to do your job effectively, you don’t need static reports that are immediately out of date or access to the minutia of detail housed in team-level tools. No, you need a solution that can help connect strategy to delivery so that you have the insight you need to ensure teams are delivering their most impactful work. You know, real data that can influence the business decision to pivot or persevere, or generally guide strategic decision-making. What’s more, this solution should help keep teams aligned to business objectives, and if and when they change, respond accordingly. by watching our on demand product demo Effectively align teams to the organization’s goals and enable them to easily adapt as strategy evolves or pivots occur Predictably deliver on your commitments with clear line of sight into the work across all of your Agile teams. Understand risks to plans resulting from dependency conflicts, blockers, and resource constraints, and help drive proactive measures to enable teams to deliver on time. Use built-in metrics to assess team performance, make sound strategic decisions on what to work on and when,without disrupting team productivity. Deliver real-time analytics and consistent reporting to executive leadership by leveraging the open data access we provide to build custom reporting in tools like Power BI, Tableau, and more. See what value is being delivered relative to the expenditure of your teams’ time and effort and adjust your plans and approach to maximize ROI. Whether you want to coordinate and facilitate Program Increment (PI) or Quarterly planning, launch and manage teams of teams or Agile Release Trains, and/or connect and consolidate disparate Agile teams, Planview’s Agile Program Management solution brings everything together inside highly configurable program boards. Give your Agile teams a way to visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver your organization’s biggest initiatives quickly, effectively, and with clear insight into the value delivered. Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution by watching our on demand product demo . . di|Schneller Zugriff auf nötige Informationen wie Artikel, Dokumente, Berichte, Videos, Blogbeiträge und mehrPersönlich oder online informieren, wie Planview Sie bei Ihren geschäftlichen Herausforderungen unterstützt Informationen aus erster Hand von Fachexperten für PMO, Produktinnovation, Unternehmensarchitektur und weitere Gebiete “Over the last two years, we kanbanised a lot of our business processes with Planview LeanKit. Our first and to date most successful implementation was in Service Operations. Since then, we started to use Planview LeanKit virtually everywhere, from Sales and Consulting over Project Management, both as meta and project specific boards up to top-level management meeting organization.” C+ITEC AG “LeanKit allows you to build a Kanban board in minutes, customize boards, drag-and-drop cards across lanes, add comments and documents, implement Work in Progress limits, and easily update the team on the status of a project. It allows us to gain full visibility of different team’s work and eliminate miscommunications and unnecessary handoff delays. LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “LeanKit has great filter options so each user is able to easily manage their tasks without being distracted by items that are not important to them.” “Agile is a journey, but what’s great about having LeanKit is people can finally see value in what we are asking them to do. When everybody is engaged, they don’t wonder why they’re doing something. They can see how their efforts roll up into achieving overall organizational goals.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “We discovered LeanKit was the enabler to extend the Agile mindset beyond the IT department, helping teams who benefit from using Kanban boards.” Boeing Employees Credit Union (BECU) “When we were comparing tools, we found that Planview LeanKit was distinctively better in flexibility and Kanban board design.” li|Innovation Management Strategische und finanzielle Planung Projektportfolio-Management Produktportfolio-Management Capability- und Technologiemanagement Enterprise Work Management Projektportfolio-Management Solutions & Products Nach Lösung Nach Produkt By Role Ressourcen , , , und gehören zur Planview-Familie. st|Innovation Management Portfolio­management Work Management Bundles und Pakete Daniel Schleusener Anonym Anonym Janette Brace Sheri Keller Alex h1|Deliver better results h2|Unternehmen Kundenbetreuung Login Align strategy and delivery Learn more about Planview’s Agile Program Management solution How Planview Can Help? Hear what our customers have to say More resources for the Agile Coach Planview’s Agile Program Management Solution h3|Trendthemen Trendthemen Beliebte Suchen Align strategy to delivery Deliver with confidence Identify risks and remove roadblocks Make data-driven decisions Provide executive-level insights Maximize ROI Project Management,Cross-Functional Teams,Multiple Users,Work Management Customization,Ease of Use,Work Management,Task Management,Agile,Visibility,Visualization Customization,Task Management,Work Management,Ease of Use,User Friendly Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Planview LeanKit™ Die sieben Vorteile der Agile-Skalierung Agile Programm-Management: Arbeit vernetzen und sichtbar machen The Complete Agile Buying Guide h4|Bundles Aktuelle Updates sp|Navigation umschalten Planview LeanKit Planview PPM Pro (formerly Innotas ) Planv