pa|This is the center of our standardized solution, which connects all your vehicle systems to each other, to the cloud and to your back office. Check out our Android based driver console, our vehicle switch or our Identity node. Extensive reports on fuel economy, vehicle maintenance and availability. Take advantage of our variety of Android apps, and add your own third-party apps. We know how to bring all your systems together and take full advantage of a standardized solution. Let us help. Check out well matching systems offered by our partners. di|"I am glad to do business with Pilotfish. Finding a partner who brings expertise, experience and innovation is important for us." Karl Orton Business Area Director at Keolis • Powered by h1|We bring Internet of things into public transport h2|What we offer Choose the perfect package Some of our fantastic clients Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Price Model h5|A wide range of tools, with Android apps, connectivity, integration consulting and fuel economy amongst them, all connected around our Gateway solution. Our three packages address different needs but they all give access to vendor independence within the Information Technology for Public Transport ( standard. Each package also offers a range of customization options. Access Premium Advanced Who, better than our clients, can explain what Pilotfish can and will bring to your operation, if you let us? h6|One standardized solution connects all your vehicle systems to each other and to the cloud, with eco-driving, lower IT investment costs, maintenance savings and no vendor lock-in as a result. The price model and our delivery are quite straight forward. There is a set startup fee for each vehicle and a monthly fee per vehicle, dependent on which services you chose. For more details and price estimations please sp|Menu Vehicle Communication Platform Read more ACCESS PACKAGE Driver console Fuel Economy Read more ACCESS PACKAGE PREMIUM PACKAGE Bus Maintenance Tachograph Download Black Box Read more © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish’s ambition is to achieve a higher level of competitiveness for bus and train operators within the public transport sector. Listen to Oscar Rosenstam talk about how a Public Transport Operator made a direct fuel saving of 8% after only a few months usage of Pilotfish driver focused fuel economy solution. Providing a unique, instant and frequent feedback to the driver. The operator is now rapidly implementing the solution throughout Sweden on its entire fleet in order to achieve fast and significant savings. We would like to introduce our newest coworker, Daneel Munthe, who started at Pilotfish end of February. Daneel isn’t foreign to us as his most recent workplace, Hogia Public Transport Systems, is a partner of ours. He’s also worked many years with business development within the logistic industry. He finds this an exciting industry where Pilotfish is proud to announce that its Vehicle Gateway VG210 is now labeled ITxPT compliant according to specifications S01v2.1.0 & S02v2.1.0. Open standards have always played an essential role in Pilotfish’s strategy for delivering the Internet of Things to public transport. In May 2017 Pilotfish was the first company to receive ITxPT certification for an di|News News News • Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|News h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu April 8, 2021 March 18, 2021 February 1, 2021 January 26, 2021 Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish är ett mycket innovativt, miljömedvetet och snabbväxande bolag från Sverige, med fokus på att förbättra kollektivtrafiken. Företaget leder branschens förändring från proprietära leverantörslåsta system till ett ekosystem där standardiserade gränssnitt och leverantörer av systemmoduler är normen. Pilotfish erbjudande består av en öppen, molnbaserad plattform för fordonskommunikation och applikationer för fleet management. Tekniken är baserad på standarder och IT-arkitektur från organisationen ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport), och integrerar både standardsystem och äldre icke-standardsystem. Pilotfish vision är att förbättra kollektivtrafiken tills den blir det självklara valet för resande. I rollen kommer du att fungera som tekniskt sakkunnig åt våra säljare, både internt och vid behov ute hos kund. Du har omfattande teknisk kunskap kring våra produkter och bistår säljarna i införsäljningsprocessen, deltar i möten med potentiella kunder, besvarar tekniska frågor samt presenterar förslag till lösningar etc. Du är även med som sakkunnig vid framtagande och utformning av offerter, inkluderande teknisk utveckling och leverans. I rollen som tekniskt sakkunnig utvärderar du kundkrav och kan tydliggöra oklarheter både för kunden och från kunden samt avgör om kravet från kund är implementerbart. Du bistår vid framtagande och utformning av offerter, gör analyser och beräkningar för att avgöra om lösningen är tekniskt och ekonomiskt genomförbar. Rollen är korsfunktionell och mycket information får du från våra interna experter. Som tekniskt säljstöd är du en länk mellan våra produktägare, utvecklare och säljare. Du kommer också att ansvara för produktutbildning gentemot kund. Här ingår även att skapa utbildningsmaterial, installationsdokumentation samt säljmaterial över produkterna. Då vi har ett tätt samarbete med en utav våra ägare Voith och deras kontor runt om i världen, bistår du även dem med ovan uppgifter. Arbetet är varierande och innebär mycket kontakter internt, med kunder samt andra intressenter. Det är därför viktigt att du känner dig bekväm med detta. E-mail: Tycker du att kollektivtrafik är viktigt? Har du ett brinnande intresse för inbyggda system och har goda kunskaper i C/C++ och Linux? Värdesätter du en företagskultur som präglas av engagemang, gemenskap och kreativitet? På Pilotfish får du möjlighet att vara en del av detta och vara en viktig del i ett företag på frammarsch! Är du rätt person är detta en möjlighet att komma in på ett spännande företag som du kan utvecklas tillsammans med på lång sikt. Vi arbetar med att skapa effektiva IT-lösningar för kollektivtrafiken både i Sverige och i världen. Som Embeddedutvecklare hos Pilotfish kommer du primärt att arbeta med inbyggda system både avseende applikationsutveckling och systemintegration. Du får arbeta med allt från applikationslogik, analys, design, implementation till dokumentation och tester. I rollen jobbar du i tvärfunktionella team tillsammans med våra molntjänstutvecklare. E-mail: We are now looking for our future Chief Technology Officer (CTO), who manages our customer focused product development and lead our development and operations team. A team of 15-20 people handling both hardware and software development as well as support to our customers and supply chain. The CTO is part of the management team that works out Pilotfish’s strategic direction and is part of management decisions. The CTO combines development know-how with expertise in executing projects and running operations ideally with a foundation in the public transport sector. Welcome with your application to . Last application date is 10th of January 2021 E-mail: di|För att trivas och passa in i rollen har du stort tekniskt intresse. Du har lätt för att förstå kundkrav, diskutera och förhandla med kunder och kan bidra med tekniskt och affärsmässigt genomförbara lösningar. Vi förväntar oss att du har en hög känsla för service, att stötta och supporta organisationen i leveransen är naturligt för dig. Du har en god analytisk förmåga och självklart är du också kommunikativ och prestigelös. I dina tidigare roller har du visat att du har förmåga att planera och organisera arbetsuppgifter och ta ett övergripande ansvar för att projektet levererar enligt plan. Vidare har du ett positivt förhållningssätt och ser möjligheter i förändringar av organisation och arbetssätt. Tjänsten är placerad i centrala Göteborg. Tjänsteresor förekommer. Hos Pilotfish Networks AB har du förmånen att arbeta med trevliga och duktiga kollegor i ett expansivt företag som levererar högteknologiska lösningar och service inom IoT och kommunikation. Vår kultur präglas av pålitlighet, innovation och öppenhet, vilket även du värdesätter. Välkommen med din ansökan, CV och personligt brev till Din ansökan, CV och personligt brev, vill vi ha senast 2021-04-26. Du har flera års erfarenhet av C/C++, Linux och att jobba med automatiserade tester faller sig naturligt för dig. Du har ett genuint teknikintresse och bred erfarenhet av verktyg och metoder för mjukvaruutveckling. För att trivas i kulturen på Pilotfish är du prestigelös, uppskattar samarbete och ser dig själv som en viktig del i att bidra till ett positivt arbetsklimat och till företagets utveckling. För att bli framgångsrik i rollen är du strukturerad, noggrann och självgående i ditt arbete och drivs av att lösa de utmaningar du ställs inför. Du har stort engagemang i det du gör och är analytisk och initiativtagande. Din samarbetsförmåga är hög och du värdesätter dina kollegor och samarbetet inom företaget. Vi sitter på Lilla bommen – mitt i hjärtat av Göteborg. Här får du ta del av ett nära ledarskap och agila processer. Stämmer ovan beskrivning in på dig är du välkommen med din ansökan, CV och personligt brev, till Din ansökan vill vi ha senast senast 2021-04-21 • Powered by li|Du har Universitets- högskole- eller yrkesutbildning med inriktning mot IT Du har erfarenhet av att arbeta med IT-lösningar. Du har stor teknisk kunskap av/inom integrationer, olika programmeringsspråk, hårdvarukonstruktion och installationer. Du har mycket goda kunskaper i tal och skrift på svenska och engelska. Förmåga att förklara och lära ut. Det är starkt meriterande om du har erfarenhet av att arbeta inom kollektivtrafik eller fordon hårdvarunära programmering telematik Har en relevant universitets-, högskole- eller yrkeshögskoleutbildning Har gedigen kunskap i Linux samt C/C++ Har erfarenhet hårdvarunära utveckling Har förståelse för IP-nätverk Har erfarenhet av att utveckla automatiserade tester Har erfarenhet av att utveckla agilt, gärna från Scrum Har goda kunskaper i tal och skrift på svenska och engelska. Har erfarenhet av telematik, fordonsteknik och/eller telekommunikation Har erfarenhet av mobil kommunikation Förstår hårdvarukonstruktion Har arbetat med automatiserad testning och CI/CD Manage development, support and operations staff Drive change and efficiency. Overall technology and architectural vision Be part of management team and the management decision making process Support technical sales and product management with technical know-how Organize development according to agile development and provide relevant KPIs to the management group Organize and run support and operations in sync with development teams Be a key person for prioritization of requirements and support of Product Owners (POs) for operationalizing business prioritizations Manage recruitment of developers, operations staff and support staff according to approved company plan Develop staff in competence and capabilities Control key elements of development, support and operations: Cost, scope, time-line, quality and customer satisfaction Experience in leading IT development and/or operations and support teams, ideally in a start-up or scale-up environment Experience and know-how in modern and agile development and operations processes such as Scrum, KANBAN and DevOps Combining business acumen with in-depth tech expertise ideally in the area of modern cloud based IoT stacks as well as on-board/embedded systems Experience from managing legacy systems at the same time as driving new product development. Experience in operations and/or direct support of customer projects beyond pure traditional software development, i.e. customer contact and experience, offering services within IOT Track record of getting things done and strong can-do-attitude. Experience with international teams and organisational setups University degree Fluent in English and additional skills in German is an advantage Ideally know-how of on-board systems in public transport operations as well backend ITS systems for public transport such as buses, coaches, trains trams or ferries Ideally knowledge of public transport operations including planning and dispatching and service and maintenance Ideally been done programming earlier in the career Knowledge of public tender processes especially in public transport is highly appreciated h1|Hiring h2|Senior Teknisk Försäljningsingenjör Senior Embeddedutvecklare CTO - Head of Development & Operations Helpful links Socialize with us h4|Contact Contact Contact h5|We are always looking for people who can bring new perspectives and life experiences to our team. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|Om tjänsten Vem är du Meriterande Ansökan Om tjänsten Vem är du Vi förväntar oss att du: Meriterande är om du: Ansökan Responsibilities Competence and skills Optional Who is Pilotfish? pa|We take part in saving the global environment by improving public transport. The goal is to reach the point where public transport becomes everyone’s first choice. Today we have over 10 000 installations in vehicles in multiple countries. We have offices in Sweden, Germany and France, and our customers range from some of the world’s leading bus manufacturers and largest fleet operators in Europe to smaller, local businesses. Our experience, width and flexibility ensure your satisfaction. Pilotfish is a highly innovative green company from Gothenburg, Sweden, focused on cloud-based solutions for public transport. We are fast-growing, and we lead the change from proprietary, vendor locked systems towards standards that open up for a whole new ecosystem of hardware and software suppliers. Our vision is to improve public transport so much that it becomes the preferred choice of travel. Pilotfish offers an open Vehicle Communication Platform and Fleet Management Applications to Public Transport Customers. Pilotfish technology is based on standards and IT-architecture from the organisation ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport). Different onboard applications (video, ticketing, internet onboard, etc.) are nowadays often required from customers or in contracts, and it is a challenge to find cost-efficient, well specified, interoperable and maintenance free systems. Both public transport operators- and authorities often suffer from low flexibility and vendor lock-in effects due to powerful monolith suppliers who shut out competition, making investment- and maintenance costs skyrocket. There is a need for reduction of investment- and maintenance costs to increase profitability. The ever-accelerating pace of IT development calls for an environment that is constantly upgraded, has low cost for new investments and will incorporate solutions from many different suppliers of both hardware and software. di|• Powered by h1|This is Pilotfish h2|The vision Who we are The challenge The solution Our fantastic clients Helpful links Socialize with us h5|Who better than our clients can explain what Pilotfish can and will bring to your operation, if you let us? h6|We are one of Europe’s leading providers of IT for public transport. With our roots in the telecom and vehicle industry, we are open and innovative, at the edge of technological development. sp|Menu We help you take control over you onboard vehicle IT system. We offer the best platform for managing systems integrations both new and legacy, the best application ecosystem and the best portfolio of user friendly Cloud based Fleet management applications. Our solution is special by not being special. It’s a standard. We create an internal network onboard the vehicle, connecting all systems through standard network cables, solve communication issues, share information between systems, enhance functionality and then connect the network to the cloud, providing secure access through easy to use environments on tablets, phones as well as computers. Our open IT architecture enables compatibility between different systems and units from different vendors. This way the vendor market opens up for smaller vendors, increases competition and speeds up innovation and development. Standards from consumer electronics and the auto industry liberate you from vendor dependent solutions, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You can take advantage of the cost benefits of mass production. Simply put, the ITxPT standard can be compared to Bluetooth, which enables compatibility between different units. © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Listen to Oscar Rosenstam talk about how a Public Transport Operator made a direct fuel saving of 8% after only a few months usage of Pilotfish driver focused fuel economy solution. Providing a unique, instant and frequent feedback to the driver. The operator is now rapidly implementing the solution throughout Sweden on its entire fleet … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: April 2021 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|We would like to introduce our newest coworker, Daneel Munthe, who started at Pilotfish end of February. Daneel isn’t foreign to us as his most recent workplace, Hogia Public Transport Systems, is a partner of ours. He’s also worked many years with business development within the logistic industry. He finds this an exciting industry where … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: March 2021 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish is proud to announce that its Vehicle Gateway VG210 is now labeled ITxPT compliant according to specifications S01v2.1.0 & S02v2.1.0. Open standards have always played an essential role in Pilotfish’s strategy for delivering the Internet of Things to public transport. In May 2017 Pilotfish was the first company to receive ITxPT certification for an … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: February 2021 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: January 2021 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Sees up to 10% fuel savings Pilotfish Fuel Economy combines eco-driving with comfortable driving. The smart driving application supports you reaching your environmental and economic goals. By reducing fuel consumption and saving carbon emissions, you will make an important step towards the future of mobility. Read the success stories from some of our customers below. … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: December 2020 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|A major European bus operator has chosen the Pilotfish solution to implement standardized ITxPT-based vehicle communication on more than 1000 buses. Thanks to the use of standardized protocols in the Pilotfish Vehicle Gateway, the operator has the ability to choose from a variety of suppliers for connected hardware and software. Pilotfish offers a Vehicle Communication … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: September 2020 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The Board of Directors of Pilotfish Networks AB, one of Europe’s leading providers of cloud-based system solutions for public transport, has appointed Magnus Andersson as the new CEO of the company. The German principal owner, the global technology company Voith, and Pilotfish jointly decided the change in management to support the planned expansion of the … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: August 2020 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|We bring Internet of Things into public transport From March 3 to 5, 2020 Voith and Pilotfish will present how the Internet of Things will change public transport at the IT-Trans exhibition in Karlsruhe, Germany. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our stand 2G4. If you would like to schedule an individual appointment with one … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: February 2020 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish is attending Busworld together with Voith. Pilotfish CEO, Tomas Gabinus, expects attention regarding the changing market situation. “One of the most central things going on right now is the open ITxPT architecture, which fundamentally changes the market behaviour of the involved parties. It frees every actor to focus on what they are best at … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: October 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|We bring Internet of Things into public transport From October 18 to 23, 2019 Voith and Pilotfish will present how the Internet of Things will change public transport at the Busworld Europe in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our stand 945 inhall 9. If you would like to schedule an individual appointment with one … Rio Award to Oscar Rosenstam Every quarter, Pilotfish issues a reward to one of our coworkers, who in a good way has embodied the Pilotfish RIO values. The motivation for giving Oscar the award is following: Oscar is reliable and always willing to help. With his professional mindset, he always tries to come up with … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: September 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|On August the 26th, Anders Qvist begins his position as Senior Technologist at Pilotfish. The Senior Technologist is the company’s main technical expert, focusing on understanding the technical implications of our business requirements and maintaining a matching technology strategy. The job includes making sure that the company maintains a good architecture and a high quality … Pilotfish and Voith at Busworld Europe From October 18 to 23, 2019 Voith and Pilotfish will present how the Internet of Things will change public transport at the Busworld Europe in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our stand 945 in hall 9. Read more Pilotfish Academy updated Recently Pilotfish Academy got a … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: August 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish just released an integration with web-IDHA, for maximum streamlining of tachograph and driver card data handling. With the integration, the data from theTachograph Download is imported directly from the Pilotfish Vehicle Gateway into the web-IDHA interface, which is a very common analyzing tool among Swedish public transport operators. – Udevalla Omnibus and Flygbussarna have … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: July 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Happening at Pilotfish A new role at Pilotfish: Senior Technologist On August the 26th, Anders Qvist begins his position as Senior Technologist at Pilotfish. The Senior Technologist is the company’s main technical expert, focusing on understanding the technical implications of our business requirements and maintaining a matching technology strategy. The job also includes making … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: June 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Voith released the news about their participation at the UITP summit in Stockholm in June, where Voith and Pilotfish will share stand and talk about our strategic partnership. • Product solutions facilitate more efficient public transportation; • Digitalized products and services increase efficiency; • On display at stand A2050 at UITP (Stockholm, June 9-12, 2019). … When Jönköpings Länstrafik and Hallandstrafiken joined forces to purchase a new IT system for data communication to vehicles, what they needed was a platform concept. The ability to choose from a variety of suppliers for both hardware systems and software solutions and link these to the same platform plays a crucial role in future-proofing a … This is an interview with Tomas Gabinus, CEO Pilotfish, published in the Voith newsletter 5/10/2019 The mission of Pilotfish is to improve public transport to the point where it becomes everyone’s first choice. How can Voith contribute to realize this mission? With our mission we want to achieve that people consider to use public transport – … Happening at Pilotfish Svealandstrafiken – a digital front runner Svealandstrafiken, a public transport operator that serves Västmandland and Örebro county, is in the forefront of vehicle fleet digitalization. Busforce recently had a chat with them about digitalization. READ MORE Pilotfish and Voith at UITP The UITP summit was a great opportunity for Pilotfish to develop relationships, … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: May 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish has signed an agreement for the supply and delivery of an IT system for 320 buses at Svealandstrafiken, a bus operator owned jointly by Region Västmanland and Region Örebro County. The Pilotfish solution is based on a communication platform where all onboard systems can be connected to the same network with online connection, cloud … At Pilotfish, we are working intensely together with Voith, for both companies to benefit from each other’s strengths. Robert Mueller, Director Driver and Driveline Apps at Voith’s Group Division Digital Ventures, has been visiting Pilotfish, to get a deeper knowledge about Pilotfish and what we do, to get to know us personally and to share … Happening at Pilotfish Svealandstrafiken – a digital front runner Svealandstrafiken, a public transport operator that serves Västmandland and Örebro county, is in the forefront of vehicle fleet digitalization. Busforce recently had a chat with them about digitalization. READ MORE Pilotfish supplies 530 IT platforms to Jönköping and Halland When Jönköpings Länstrafik and Hallandstrafiken joined forces to … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: April 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|FRI, MAR 22, 2019 09:00 CET 2018 was the best year in Pilotfish’s history, as the company saw sales increase by 20% and installed its systems in 3,500 additional vehicles. During the first two months of 2019, the rate of growth increased further: since the start of the year, Pilotfish has landed agreements for another … Göteborg har länge varit ett starkt kluster för IT- och fordonsindustrin, som fått mycket internationell uppmärksamhet, och på sistone har uppmärksamheten från Tyskland varit särskilt stor. På kort tid har två stora tyska investeringar gjorts i Göteborg – och fler kan vara att vänta. Av Business Region Göteborg 27 februari 2019 Nyligen gick det tyska teknikbolaget Voith … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: March 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish is increasing its information security focus and has recently been certified according to ISO 27001. The certification ensures the company’s information security management system. “As one of Europe’s leading suppliers of IT systems for public transport, with applications on board over 10,000 buses, trains and trams, and with some of Europe’s largest bus operators … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: February 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The leading German technology company Voith, and Pilotfish, the Swedish cloud-based applications provider for public transport announce their strategic partnership: Both partners complement each other in the digitalization push for public transportation Voith acquires 56% of Pilotfish and consolidates the company Management and branding remain unchanged GOTHENBORG/HEIDENHEIM. As one of Europe’s leading providers of on-board … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: January 2019 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The Swiss railway rolling stock manufacturer Stadler is delivering 69 trains to a public transport operator in the Netherlands. The Gothenburg-based company Pilotfish delivers one Vehicle Gateway communication unit for each train, through German IT specialist IVU Traffic Technologies AG, together with a number of core services like a cloud-based back-office system. – “We are … Ruter AS, the management company for public transport in Oslo, is updating the passenger counting system in 36 trams with an option on additional 36. In connection to this, the Gothenburg based company Pilotfish delivers Vehicle Gateways, which connects the Automated Passenger Counting, APC, to the Internet and delivers GPS position to the system. “We … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: December 2018 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Policy for Quality, Environmental Responsibility, Data Privacy & Information Security Background Pilotfish Networks AB is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 within the scope defined as “Development and operation of fleet management services for the public transport sector.” Pilotfish Networks AB supplies connectivity and cloud based services to public transport vehicles. Our … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: November 2018 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|As we are in a phase of constant growth, we are regularly looking for new coworkers with varying competences to strengthen our team. For the moment, we are actively looking for the following: Gothenburg System developer Frontend developer Embedded developer Frankfurt Key account manager If any of these positions sound interesting, you can read more … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: June 2018 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Data Privacy Policy Pilotfish Networks AB welcomes your visit to our website and your interest in our services. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and we want you to feel comfortable when visiting our websites. The protection of your privacy in the processing of personal data is an important concern for us, … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: May 2018 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish has signed a deal with Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB Regio, to install central information units,” Vehicle Communication Gateways”, with the supplementing driver consoles in 4800 busses over the upcoming five years. – Naturally, we are very pleased to enter a cooperation with such an important actor within the German public transport market. This means … At the EU project (European Bus System of the Future) which Pilotfish is deeply involved in, won the Most Innovative Transport Project award. “To win an award for innovation shows that we are where we want to be. We serve public transport with cutting edge IT solutions, and that requires constant innovation, says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus.” di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: March 2018 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish Networks has been awarded the Goteborg Company price 2017, which is awarded to successful companies operating and developing in the Gothenburg region. The prize is awarded by the business group at Göteborg & Co and consists of SEK 25,000 and a silver statue. “This award is a receipt that our successful international work is … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: February 2018 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|ITxPT is an association open to Public Transport stakeholders developing applied standards for interoperable “plug-and-play” onboard and back-office IT-systems for public transport. The first device to be tested for compliance and to acquire the ITxPT label is a Vehicle Gateway from the Swedish company Pilotfish. Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish says “I am extremely proud … di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Month: May 2017 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Call, contact or visit. It’s up to you. We are happy to hear you out. General: Place order: Lilla Bommen 2, 6th floor 411 04 Göteborg We are always looking for people who can bring new perspectives and life experiences to our team. If you’re looking for a place that values your curiosity, passion, and desire to learn, if you’re seeking colleagues who are big thinkers eager to take on fresh challenges as a team, then you have a future at Pilotfish. Our team stands ready to make your workday more efficient and productive. SW DEVELOPER SENIOR TECHNOLOGIST TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER SW DEVELOPER UX DESIGNER KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER TECH SUPPORT SW DEVELOPER SW DEVELOPER CLIENT INFRASTRUCTURE SPECIALIST HR MANAGER ACCOUNTANT KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER SW ARCHITECT / SW DEVELOPER SW DEVELOPER SW DEVELOPER SW DEVELOPER SALES & CEO ASSISTANT PURCHASER CEO SW ARCHITECT / SW DEVELOPER SW DEVELOPER TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER TEST CONSULTANT KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER SW ARCHITECT / SW DEVELOPER OPERATIONS & EXECUTION MANAGER SW DEVELOPER HEAD OF PRODUCT MANAGEMENT di|Adressopost AB, Att: Pilotfish Transportgatan 1, 434 37 Kungsbacka • Powered by h1|We would like to hear from you h2|Our Team Our fantastic clients Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Contact us Call us Visit us Deliver to us We are hiring Anders Gunnarsson Anders Qvist Anders Wikland Andreas Karlsson Carl Malmström Daneel Munthe Daniel Gradin David Fogelberg Erik Mattsson Hanna Kalholm Lundberg Heléne Sundström Ingrid Lumley Jens Sandquist Johan Riisberg-Jensen Jonathan Almander Jonathan Helsing Lars Paape Lih-Lin Öhberg Louise Karlsson Magnus Andersson Magnus Lundgren Marie Persson Matthias Schmitz Michael Sindby Oscar Rosenstam Per Borgentun Per Rosengren Rickard Östlund Tomas Andersson h5|Who better than our clients can explain what Pilotfish can and will bring to your operation, if you let us? sp|Menu Sign up for our newsletter Available positions © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|User groups h2|Our typical users Driver Coach Dispatcher Workshop Administrator Helpful links Socialize with us h5|All our dedicated and professional users are important to us, since we constantly work with feedback-based development, and do everything we can to create the solutions that will have the most positive impact on the working day. h6|The Pilotfish® Vehicle On-Line system improves the day to day work situation for different groups within the vehicle fleet organization. Here you can read about how it affects some of the different roles. As the driver, you are an essential part of the vehicle fleet operation. Pilotfish assists your daily work, with only one login, all IT system information in one console, checklist, messaging, fault report, fuel economy and much more, all through an easy to use Android app environment. As a coach within the Pilotfish system, your primary task is to promote the development of drivers and help them drive more economically, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe. Your main tool is the Pilotfish® Fuel Economy. For you as a dispatcher, the Pilotfish system provides a powerful, cloud based and easy to use environment, with great overview of the fleet, still with detailed information just a click away. The whole vehicle IT system with both Pilotfish applications and all third-party applications can be managed though one collective interface. Pilotfish® Bus Maintenance is a cloud based system where you can monitor all vehicle systems via computer or mobile applications. It enables fast vehicle deploying, routine checks, excellent overview of the vehicle states and makes it easy to proactively identify and correct problems. As an administrator, you are a key player for the Pilotfish solution, and has been appointed from your organization to be responsible for maintenance of the corporate structure, user accounts, lines, vehicles, geofence areas and more. The responsibility can be assigned to one or several persons. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The hardware- and software platform solves all communication issues between all vehicle systems regardless of vendor, and offers comprehensive and user-friendly apps and IT environments in the bus as well as through computers, tablets and telephones. The touch screen Android tablet lets the driver monitor all bus systems as well as voice communicate through user friendly . Keep track on all vehicles and vehicle systems from anywhere with a secure login. The cloud also handles powerful calculations, data storage and backup, vehicle information like p , , and are all powerful tools to get the most out of our Vehicle On-Line solution. to discuss a solution that suits you. The Gateway solution, the Identity Node and the Driver Console are all vital hardware for the next generation vehicle management. As well as our powerful Vehicle Switch. The Vehicle Communication Platform is the software platform that makes the vendor independent environment possible. A system as powerful as it is user friendly. Our Intelligent Score Cards (KPI’s) will substantially improve your business, reduce costs and provide an unprecedented fleet overview. di|“Pilotfish were to my knowledge the first company to start using standard Ethernet for connecting on-board IT-equipment." Kari Finnskog Head of IT at Västtrafik • Powered by st|The cloud Supporting features h1|How it works h2|Open standard The Vehicle On-Line system Fall in love with our features Helpful links Socialize with us h5|The Pilotfish solution is built on three important pillars. The fine-tuned hardware, the effective and intelligent software platform and the reports, that provide overview and clarity. h6|We provide a vendor independent open standard solution, where all your fleet systems will work together. New and old systems, apps as well as vehicle manufacturer systems. We integrate them all. The image shows some examples of applications we do integrate. As a founding member of ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport) we are a driving force in the standardization process. The vendor-independent Vehicle On-Line system has a few vital units. The Gateway connects all vehicle systems using regular network cables and enables sharing of IT services such as login, GPS and internet connection. sp|Menu We provide a vendor independent open standard environment, where all your fleet systems will work together. The Vehicle Communication Platform (VCP) The Driver Console ositioning, identification, fuel economy , oil pressure, cooling water temp and several other parameters including all third-party system information. © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|To see a detailed overview of the packages With the Android environment comes cost effective easy-to-use applications for fleet management. We offer a wide range as well as support the use of third party apps. Check out our additional hardware, including power management, switches, antennas etc. We help you with vendor independence and integration of legacy systems as well as new systems. Together with our partners we can offer the whole ecosystem of IT for public transport. All within the ITxPT standard. di|• Powered by h1|What we offer h2|We take responsibility for the result Choose the perfect package Adding value Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Price Model h5|Our three packages address different needs but they all give access to vendor independence within the Information Technology for Public Transport ( standard. Each package also offers a range of customization options. Access Premium Advanced As believers in an open standard, we offer a range of additional hardware and services from our partners. We help you gain vendor independence, and in addition to our own Android apps, we support third party apps as well. h6|We offer an extensive cooperation where we take responsibility not only for the system delivery but for the result. We offer to work together to improve and develop the system as well as the relationship, and we promise that it will pay off. With vendor independence, , and intelligent you will gain overview, cost efficiency, reduce environmental footprint and make a return on investment, many times in less than a year. A vast range of support functions built around will help implementation and maximize your benefit of the system. The price model and our delivery are quite straight forward. There is a set startup fee for each vehicle and a monthly fee per vehicle, dependent on which services you chose. For more details and price estimations please sp|Menu We offer an extensive cooperation where we take responsibility not only for the system delivery but for the result. Vehicle Communication Platform Read more ACCESS PACKAGE Driver console Fuel Economy Read more ACCESS PACKAGE PREMIUM PACKAGE Bus Maintenance Tachograph Download Black Box Read more © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|”The Pilotfish system has resulted in significant reduced consumption of diesel and RME. This has resulted in 370 ton reduced CO2 emissions and fuel savings of 1.5 MSEK in 2011." Lars-Göran Salevik CEO at Uddevalla Omnibus • Powered by h1|Success Stories h2|Some of our Success Stories Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Ever increasing benefits Open IT system for a giant The birth of the ITxPT standard h5|Pilotfish is rapidly expanding with more and bigger customers, offices and customers in new countries and an increasing slate of products and functionalities. Pilotfish® Vehicle On-Line is a foundation for streamlining IT integration of all onboard apps and systems. Here you can read about a few of our implementations. h6|In 2005 Västtrafik, one of Sweden’s largest public transport authorities, at first just needed a Pilotfish® Gateway for their ticketing service, but over the years the cooperation grew into a full IT environment solution with great benefits. Keolis, a world leader in public transport, present in 16 countries, on behalf of 300 local authorities with over 3 billion passengers per year, was looking for a test market for IT development. They found Sweden – and Pilotfish. The development of a European Vehicle Gateway system Standardization. The EBSF project spanned between 2008 and 2012, with a budget of 26 million Euros. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish Networks AB is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 within the scope defined as “Development and operation of fleet management services for the public transport sector.” Pilotfish Networks AB supplies connectivity and cloud based services to public transport vehicles. Our core offering is based on the installation of a gateway that connects the vehicle network to Internet. Pilotfish technology is based on standards and IT-architecture from the organisation ITxPT. The challenges within the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems are great, since the industry is characterized by long complex value chains and technology both in the vehicles and within the cloud services. Pilotfish provide good economics and profitability, rather than just delivering systems. Our clients trust lays in our long experience and thorough knowledge of the systems and clients in the industry. Quality, Environmental Responsibility, Data Privacy and Information Security are of high priority for all staff and areas within Pilotfish Networks AB. Furthermore has the management overall responsibility for these areas within Pilotfish Networks. The operation will continuously be assessed, monitored and improved. The operation will exceed legal and customer requirements. Pilotfish creates long-term value for its customers by a delivery based on Pilotfish Core Values, Reliable, Innovative and Open – RIO. Our systems are technically and operationally stable. Uptime is high and our customers can trust our employees and our organisation. We are a part of an important value chain and our link is reliable and stable. We aim to be innovative, not only today but also in the long run. We invest in innovation in order to best supply our customers. We are open in our communication with our partners and customers in order to offer the best technology and standards. We base our offering on open technologies and standards. We deliver complex services and products that fit for consistent operation and we have a long-term commitment to delivering high quality. Through cross-functional improvement work, the quality of our products and the efficiency of our processes are enhanced. Contributing to a positive environmental impact is a key part of Pilotfish business concept and work, not least because we work in the public transport market which is an environmental-promoting industry leading to less pollution and other environmental effects. We are making public transport more efficient and attractive by the help of supporting IT systems , digitizing this industry. Bus Maintenance enables bus monitoring and its IT systems with reduced number of canceled trips, reduced need for extra buses and proactive maintenance as a result. By offering an open IT infrastructure, the total need for hardware on board the bus is reduced. Our eco driving solution, Fuel Economy, means a directly measurable reduced fuel consumption and reduced amount of emissions for our customers. Our services are the foundation of our environmental work but we also aim to reduce environmental impact by for example using public transportation when we travel and by sorting waste. We continuously work towards and follow up relevant environmental goals and comply with applicable laws and requirements in our strive to reduce our overall environmental impact. Within Intelligent Transportation Systems a lot of data regarding private persons, such as travel routes and times, is gathered together with the technical data generated by the vehicle. Therefore, the appropriate protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) within the business processes and products of Pilotfish Networks AB is a core objective for us and our clients. We deliver complex services and products that are used in consistent operation and we have a long-term commitment to delivering secure products and resilient services. Within Intelligent Transportation Systems a lot of data is generated, processed and stored for our customers, so it is natural for us to implement security measures to protect sensitive information within the business processes and products. We keep our personnel aware of their contribution to information security and to keeping our systems and products safe from cyber threats. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|QEDIS Policy for Pilotfish Networks AB h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|Policy Background QEDIS policy Quality Reliable Innovative Open A high level of service quality is the foundation of Pilotfish competitiveness and success and it makes our customers efficient and attractive. Environmental Responsibility Our main contribution to sustainable development is, therefore, that as many people as possible use our services. Data Privacy Information Security pa| di|• Powered by h2|Vehicle Communication Platform (VCP) Helpful links Socialize with us h6|Pilotfish main feature is an open communication platform called the VCP. The VCP connects any IP network based on-board system chosen by the customer (called a module). The VCP also connect external back-office systems and it integrates and supervises Android apps from any Android app suppliers.. The on-board systems are all connected to the network via standard RJ45 or optionally with M12 connectors and they all share: Communication channel [2-4G Mobile network and optional Wifi networks] Share information [Vehicle nr, GPS, Driver, FMS data etc. etc.]; Both onboard and offboard based on CEN standard EN 13149 messages as well as MQTT. All the on-board system can share the communication channels. Information about what channel and expected bandwidth are available is continuously updated. Without an open communication platform it is very difficult and costly to maintain on-board systems. It takes many antennas and the cost for investment is higher over the life-time that the systems are installed. A core functionality in our platform is the automatic inventory service. This is a key enabler for good service, maintenance and consolidated system monitoring and lets you keep track of all your devices for the whole fleet. The VOL backoffice system is cloud based and delivered as a service. The system is continuously updated with new features. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Coach h2|Educate, inspire and motivate Helpful links Socialize with us h5|As a coach within the Pilotfish system, your primary task is to promote the development of drivers and help them drive more economically, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe. Your main tool is the Pilotfish® . h6|A coach can for example be a group leader, a trainer or someone with responsibility for personnel, and the basic idea of Pilotfish® is to promote a better driving behavior with reduced burden on the environment, lower fuel costs, increased passenger comfort and reduced vehicle damage as a result. As a coach, the most important part of your role is to educate, inspire and motivate. The more everyone understands and believes in the system, the better it will work. To your help, you will have the Fuel Economy app, the Pilotfish® Comfy app to educate in comfortable driving, the Fuel Economy and the Incentives report. The great overview you get, paired with incentives for the drivers, provides a very good base to communicate your message. Together with your drivers, you can help to save the environment, get more satisfied passengers, reduce fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance and create a feeling of awareness and responsibility within your own organization. Since the Pilotfish system is cloud based, you will always have the information at your fingertips, whether it’s through a computer or a mobile device. In both cases the interface is easy to understand and use. To maintain the drivers’ integrity, you will only see information about the drivers you are responsible for. All results are compared to a reference collected before introducing the Fuel Economy concept, which makes it easy to see how much the driving improves each day, week or month. But once again. The most important part of the role as coach is inspiration. Inspiration and motivation will win the day. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by st|Checklist Messaging . h1|Driver h2|Access to the whole vehicle IT system Helpful links Socialize with us h5|As the driver, you are an essential part of the vehicle fleet operation. Pilotfish assists your daily work, with only one login, all IT system information in one console, checklist, messaging, fault report, fuel economy and much more, all through an easy to use Android app environment. h6|One of the first steps of the day is to log in. The touch sensitive Pilotfish® gives you access to the whole vehicle IT system from the same platform, with one single login. Through the user-friendly Android environment, you can have access to several Pilotfish apps such as Pilotfish® , turn by turn , Pilotfish® Manual , Messaging and Checklist. You can also manage third party apps like ticketing, alcolock, tachograph, public internet for passengers and video surveillance as well as the vehicle manufacturers’ info. All in all, you can access all information from one place. Automatic also reports important information directly to the back office, maintenance and workshop. Fuel economy is your economy. The basic idea of Pilotfish® Fuel Economy is to help you improve as a driver, with reduced burden on the environment, lower fuel costs, increased passenger comfort and reduced vehicle damage as a result. The fuel economy app gives you real time feedback, and is a great tool to check and improve your driving at the same time as you improve your own economy. The Fault Report app makes it easy to report vehicle faults to the traffic management and the workshop. The faults are saved and accessible for other drivers when going through the checklist, so you don’t have to report the same fault more than once. The Checklist app makes it quick and easy to complete the vehicle for traffic through a routine check before commissioning. The messaging feature allows drivers to send messages to traffic management and receive messages about reroutes, change of line, warnings of obstacles or queues. The navigation app shows a map view with instructions for turns and stops. The convenient app is easy to use and a great help for a driver on a new route, to refresh your memory or to keep you updated about changes in the route. If you want to see all Pilotfish and third-party apps, please sp|Menu read more © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by st|Checklist h1|Workshop h2|Accessible environment Helpful links Socialize with us h5|Pilotfish® Bus Maintenance is a cloud based system where you can monitor all vehicle systems via computer or mobile applications. It enables fast vehicle deploying, routine checks, excellent overview of the vehicle states and makes it easy to proactively identify and correct problems h6|All events and alarms are conveniently sorted after level of severity, marked with red yellow and green to focus on the most critical errands first. You have information about vehicle status, odometer, battery, video surveillance status, cabin temperature, Alco-lock tampering, assault alarm, oil pressure, cooling agent and if the vehicle is in depot or not, all presented in the same accessible environment. There is also the option to have telltales for lights, parking brake, engine and emission system malfunction from the vehicle reported directly. The app Checklist, speeds up and improves the routine check before the vehicle is deployed. The check appears in the system, and traffic management can quickly determine if the vehicle is ready for traffic. The Fault Report app makes it easy for the drivers to report vehicle faults without the traditional yellow notes. The faults are accessible for other drivers when going through the checklist, so the same fault won’t be reported more than once. The driver can add comments and photos, making it easier to decide if the vehicle is reliable or if further action is required. You can also make a comment to inform the driver of your decision. When the problem is resolved, you clear the fault report, which is then saved as a historic event. Pilotfish mobile applications for the workshop make it easier to carry out your work on-site at the vehicle and you don’t need a computer to get necessary information. Once a month/week/day depending on need, web-based reports are issued, which provide comprehensive information of the operating state of the entire vehicle fleet. The reports provide number of problems per vehicle, what times they occurred, average consumption, distance traveled, and what times the fleet is most active. Statistical analysis also identifies recurring problems. If a problem occurs more frequently, such as battery voltage or oil pressure failure, then you have a good base to decide if further investigations are needed. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The Pilotfish® Vehicle Gateway is mainly used for Public Transport Fleet owners who connects on-board electronics equipment from multiple suppliers to their respective back-offices. The Pilotfish® Driver Console is a Android based Console. The apps can be provided by Pilotfish® or any third party developer and they are developed for a standard Android environment. The Pilotfish Vehicle Switch is an 8-port High Performance Single Chip Ethernet Switch. The switch has a rugged aluminium housing and a vehicle power supply supporting both nominal 12V and 24V systems. Pilotfish have developed a system that makes it possible for vehicle IT equipment to receive communication addresses. The system is named Pilotfish® Xdb and Pilotfish® Xid is its supporting hardware. di|"Our journey together with Pilotfish has been very exciting. Our drivers and employees are engaged and have contributed to the lowered energy consumption and environmental impact by reduced CO2 emissions by 192 tons and fuel savings of 800.000 SEK in 2011” Ange Björk CEO at Luleå Lokaltrafik • Powered by h2|Our Hardware Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by st|Third party Alarms h1|Dispatcher h2|A clear overview Helpful links Socialize with us h5|For you as a dispatcher, the Pilotfish system provides a powerful, cloud based and easy to use environment, with great overview of the fleet, still with detailed information just a click away. The whole vehicle IT system with both Pilotfish applications and all third-party applications can be managed though one collective interface. h6|Overview of the fleet is key, and Pilotfish® enables you to address all events, sorted by level of severity from high to low, with a color coding that gives a clear overview. Alarms, , messages, checklists, , maintenance and the whole vehicle IT system collected into one place. Remote , real time managing and statuses of all third-party apps all within a cloud based system that you can reach through a secure login from computers as well as mobile devices from anywhere. Instead of yellow notes repeatedly reporting the same faults, you receive reports with photos, through the Pilotfish® Manual Fault Reports app, and can decide to let the vehicle continue service or send it to the workshop with a click. The fault stays in the system until it is cleared, to avoid multiple reports. Pilotfish® Route planner is a great tool for handling bus lines, for example temporary rerouting. With Pilotfish® you can get a map view of where the vehicles are in relative real time. You can get automatic alarms for oil pressure, coolant temperature, a special handling of and levels on battery voltage and cabin temperature for each bus. Alarms can be sent via text message and e-mail to quickly address the problem. Pilotfish® Driver Interaction presents information about vehicles current positions and statuses, traffic related alarms and have an easy to use interface to send messages to one driver or a group of drivers. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Intelligent Scorecards is Pilotfish name for KPI reports. They are published on an interval which is customer specific and the customs can themselves filter the reports. They are used in order to support LEAN management of companies i.e. to support continuous improvements. They are highly configurable and can be distributed to the involved parties. Due to the dynamic nature of continuous improvements they are and have to be customizable. di|• Powered by h1|Intelligent Scorecards h2|Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|As we are in a phase of constant growth, we are regularly looking for new coworkers with varying competences to strengthen our team. For the moment, we are actively looking for the following: System developer Frontend developer Embedded developer Key account manager If any of these positions sound interesting, you can read more at If these positions aren’t for you, but you are still interested in working with us, don’t hesitate to contact us at: di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Gothenburg Frankfurt h1|We are hiring h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. em|Pilotfish is a highly innovative, green and fast-growing company from Sweden that focuses on improving public transport operations. The company leads the industry change from proprietary vendor locked systems to an ecosystem where standardized interfaces and modular application providers is the norm. Pilotfish offer consists of an open cloud-based Vehicle Communication Platform and Fleet Management Applications. The technology is based on standards and IT-architecture from the organisation ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport) and integrates both standard- and older non-standards system. Pilotfish vision is to improve public transport so that it becomes the preferred choice of travel. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Administrator h2|Working close to Pilotfish Helpful links Socialize with us h5|As an administrator, you are a key player for the Pilotfish solution, and has been appointed from your organization to be responsible for maintenance of the corporate structure, user accounts, lines, vehicles, geofence areas and more. The responsibility can be assigned to one or several persons. h6|In a small organization there often is one administrator, whereas in larger organizations the work might be divided into different areas, with different persons responsible. As the administrator, you assign the employees of your organization into roles, areas and depots, level of access and you administer hardware and software monitoring and updates. In your organization, you will often be the person working closest to Pilotfish. Especially during implementation, to make sure everything runs smoothly. To your help, we have an excellent support desk, and an extensive support material which is constantly updated in response to customer feedback. Your role as administrator is important for implementing and fine-tuning the strategies for for example. The statistical information improves, the longer the system has been implemented, and enables better managing and targeting of results sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The main focus for the project was to stimulate standardization, with the aim to lower costs for onboard applications, to enable shared functionality, increase operational data quality, and to stimulate competition. di|• Powered by h1|EU Bus System of the Future project details h2|The birth of the ITxPT standard Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Goal Solution h5|The EBSF project spanned between 2008 and 2012, with a budget of 26 million Euros and was a part of EU’s 7th Framework Program. The project members counted a total of 47 companies, including the five leading European bus manufacturers, public transport authorities and universities. h6|The EBSF project was also the foundation for the (Information Technology for Public Transport) standard. Pilotfish was involved in the part of the project that addressed ITS standardization. An Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is an advanced application which, without embodying intelligence as such, aims to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and ‘smarter’ use of transport networks. The EBSF project initiated an open, service-oriented architecture where shared functionality is separated from onboard applications. Pilotfish was focused on connectivity between onboard equipment, the cloud and the back-office and on management of the onboard devices. Much of the shared functionality, was implemented by the Pilotfish® . The standardized gateway with standard cables and open standard software solutions resulted in a wide range of important benefits for the future. The possibility for all systems to reuse the infrastructure for GPS, communication, data and positioning, lowers the costs for adding new onboard applications, and enables cost-effective implementation of new IT solutions to legacy systems. The open standardized interfaces stimulate competition, lower operational costs for communication and maintenance and take away unnecessary subscription fees. The validation of critical operational data and shared data handling results in increased data quality. Maintenance costs are reduced by inventory of onboard devices and automated detection of broken devices as well as the greatly reduced number of antennas, broken in the depot washers. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Voith acquires 56% of Pilotfish and consolidates the company Management and branding remain unchanged h1|Voith acquires major stake in Pilotfish to form strategic partnership h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu As one of Europe’s leading providers of on-board IT systems and applications, Pilotfish has installed systems in over 10 000 buses, trains and trams, in multiple countries. The company provides applications, hardware and consulting in a portfolio that includes eco-driving, an open standard vehicle communication platform, tachograph download, automatic fault report, navigation and automatic vehicle data transfer directly into cloud-based analytics. Pilotfish generated approximately 6 million Euros revenue in 2018. The company has 30 employees and serves customers in Sweden, Norway, Germany and France. It supplies a range of customers from local businesses to some of the world’s leading bus manufacturers and largest fleet operators in Europe. The technology and domain knowledge of Pilotfish complement Voith’s activities in the mobility sector. Today, Voith is one of the world’s leading suppliers for public transportation and has provided more than 300,000 city buses around the world with automatic transmissions. Voith’s product spectrum for city buses also includes air compressors and smart services. At the IAA Commercial Vehicles fair 2018 Voith introduced a fully electrical drive system for city buses. For Rail Vehicles, Voith provides customized solutions for high-speed trains, metros, light rail vehicles, trams, locomotives and special rail vehicles. System expertise and service from one single source increase reliability, safety and efficiency in day-to-day operations. Both sides agree not to disclose the purchase price and key terms of the transaction. “For us, Voith, with its global reach and resources as a multinational company and decades of experience in the field of public transportation and vehicle industry, is an ideal partner when it comes to expand and scale our business in the future. We will be able to grow faster, reach new markets and create more job opportunities”, says Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish. “Voith has obtained two decades worth of elementary data and knowledge regarding bus fleets. Together with Pilotfish, it can be turned into a major benefit for fleet operators in the age of intelligent data networking”, adds Benedikt Hofmann, Chief Technology Officer of Voith Digital Ventures. The Voith Group is a global technology company. With its broad portfolio of systems, products, services and digital applications, Voith sets standards in the markets of energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, the company today has more than 19,000 employees, sales of € 4.2 billion and locations in over 60 countries worldwide and is thus one of the large family-owned companies in Europe. Lars A. Rosumek Group Communications Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA Tel. +49 7321 37-3879 Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|The leading German technology company Voith, and Pilotfish, the Swedish cloud-based applications provider for public transport announce their strategic partnership: Both partners complement each other in the digitalization push for public transportation GOTHENBORG/HEIDENHEIM. About the Voith Group Contact pa|Fuel Economy is an eco-driving aid that measures energy loss and gives real time feedback to the driver on how to lower fuel consumption. This verbal and visual turn by turn navigation, based on bus routes that are easily adjusted, reduces education costs and increases workforce flexibility. Automatic fault report with FMS and Tell-tales from the vehicle interface and Manual Fault Report where the driver easily makes fault reports. External suppliers such as Dräger and Alcolock are integrated. The system detects and submits information to the back office about when an alcolock is used. This app saves time and increases overview by automatically collecting the Tachograph information and the info on the driver’s card. This app, directly connected to the bus heaters, lets you set the heater running time for the entire fleet or for individual busses. Reduces heating costs with a unique control of in-vehicle temperature. This push-button alarm solution uses the mobile network to alert the Traffic Operations Center in case of a dangerous situation. Information sharing and automated registration and inventory improves any connected database. You will know exactly what equipment belongs where. The Pilotfish® Vehicle Gateway and Pilotfish® Vehicle Identity Node assures that every vehicle is identified a 100% of the time. Integration enables real time cloud-based ticket validation, for example mobile tickets, push updates and much more. The cloud based system supports real-time info, up to each second and with route-related info and cloud-based data processing it makes onboard processing units redundant. Download video files instead of collecting hard drives. Connected to Power Management, you can also wake the units all hours to download files. The Pilotfish® Android Pro environment supports all standard Android apps, and we do our best to help with any integration issues that might arouse. The cloud feeds the system with information from other units like connecting busses or info about delays, and it can push content like video and music and software updates. Integrating the passenger counting enables a cloud-based passenger counting system, monitoring and push updates of software. di|"The continuous high savings on fuel in combination with good reporting and the fact that the system is based on the EBSF gateway architecture made the choice of Pilotfish obvious to us.” Christian Monstein Development Manager at Flygbussarna • Powered by h1|Our Applications h2|Partner applications Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Fuel Economy Navigation Fault Report Alcolock Integration Tachograph Download Bus Heater Control Assault Alarm Inventory Database Vehicle Database Ticketing AVMS/AVL Video Surveillance Android Applications Passenger Information Passenger Counting h5|With Pilotfish system comes the possibility to use a variety of apps that simplifies and makes day to day fleet management more cost efficient. We aim to integrate all available vehicle apps into the standard of ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport). This enhances the performance of each app and lowers IT investment costs. If you don’t find a specific app here, please . sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Ever increasing benefits h2|Background and challenge Solution Helpful links Socialize with us h5|In 2005 Västtrafik, one of Sweden’s largest public transport authorities, at first just needed a Pilotfish® Gateway for their ticketing service, but over the years the cooperation grew into a full IT environment solution with great benefits. h6|More and more onboard systems need wireless connections, and traditionally they all used individual communication, causing a chaotic IT-system situation and a roof pierced by antennas. For a fleet of the size of Västtrafik, it is critical to be able to monitor all systems in a convenient and effective way through one common interface. The alternative, to push monitoring, surveillance and software download onto the sub-suppliers, would make it impossible to oversee and make sure all systems work correctly. Pilotfish first implemented the Gateway for the ticketing system, but soon all vehicle communication went through the Gateway, then it supplied the GPS position and on it went. Today, the Pilotfish® Vehicle On-Line solution has grown into an open standard communication infrastructure, which provides GPS, communication, surveillance, monitoring, vehicle id, power management and other services for all, including third-party, devices. All onboard systems share information, are subjected to an automated registration and inventory and connected to a vehicle database which improves maintenance since everyone knows exactly what equipment belongs where. The open standard provides vendor-independence for onboard systems, and through the Pilotfish® Drivers Console the drivers can manage all systems from one touch-screen tablet. The administration tool makes distribution of information and updates to all connected systems convenient through one single interface. Today the system is used in all vehicles and vending places. Approximately 2 400 installations that minimize operational costs, make usage of the fleet more efficient and increase quality of services. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Open IT system for a giant h2|Background and challenge Solution Helpful links Socialize with us h5|Keolis, a world leader in public transport, present in 16 countries, on behalf of 300 local authorities with over 3 billion passengers per year, was looking for a test market for IT development. They found Sweden – and Pilotfish. h6|The responsibility for IT solutions increasingly moves from transport authorities to operators like Keolis, and it is vital not to become locked in by a specific technology. When Keolis was about to install real time traffic information monitors in the Storstockholm Lokaltrafik (SL) buses, they were also deciding on a test market for IT development. This is where Keolis found Pilotfish and the open standard (Information Technology for Public Transport), and saw an opportunity to increase control over their business. Keolis decided on Sweden as a test market for several reasons. One was that the development of public transport IT was most rapid in Sweden. Another was Pilotfish and their experience in open standard, already implemented in 2400 units for public transport authority Västtrafik in Gothenburg. Pilotfish open standard solution acts as the spider in an increasingly complex IT-net from which all data communication to and from the buss is transmitted. It connects data traffic across the telecom operator’s network, monitors the systems in the bus and allows them to work together. It also transmits the vehicle manufacturers’ diagnostics system and maintenance information to the workshops. Today, camera surveillance is a system that is typically found in the Keolis busses, but eight or nine other systems, connected to the Pilotfish communication platform, are progressively being installed. Reverse cameras, rear door surveillance cameras, passenger counting, real time system, radio communication, assault alarm, ticketing system, passenger WIFI, Eco-driving and infotainment. With the open communication platform from Pilotfish, Keolis is future-proofing their buses. For every new system installed, the scaling advantages become larger by having the same open communication platform. There are also other benefits. Previously, moving a bus from one city to another, would cost a fortune, but when owning the infrastructure, the IT-system works regardless of where the bus travels. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish works with standardization when it comes to IT architecture for public transport, which gives customers the opportunity to connect the best and most cost-effective solutions from different suppliers instead of being locked to a specific supplier. “It makes life easier for the customer, but also opens for many smaller players to enter the market and compete. If the app developers adhere to the ITxPT European standard, the solutions work together with the Pilotfish platform. A bit like when developers create apps for the App Store in phones or tablets. As the supplier of the system which makes all this possible, we, our customers as well as the outside world put high demands on us. This makes ISO 27001 and compliance with the GDPR regulations an absolute necessity for us,” says Tomas Gabinus. Pilotfish, which is already ISO 9001 and 14001 certified, can now add ISO 27001 to the slate of certifications. Bureau Veritas has certified Pilotfish according to ISO 27001, which requires the company to systematically evaluate information security and consider risks, threats, vulnerabilities and external influence. The requirements also include keeping the information security measures continuously updated. All of this is fulfilled after going through the certification process. Recently, the multinational company Voith became majority owner of Pilotfish. As a natural consequence of this, both companies are now working intensively with processes to benefit from each other’s strengths, where Pilotfish gets a worldwide service organization to offer customers as part of the delivery of the Pilotfish system. “It is also a great advantage that Pilotfish products can be incorporated into Voith’s product range, which will lead to increased sales for both parties. The standardization work Pilotfish went through for the ISO certifications, is valuable in this process. It facilitates the adaptation between the two companies. The more numerous and extensive collaborations we have across the world, the more important it is that we have full control and overview of our systems and processes. The ISO certifications contribute to this,” concludes Tomas Gabinus. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Pilotfish focuses on information security h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|Pilotfish is increasing its information security focus and has recently been certified according to ISO 27001. The certification ensures the company’s information security management system. “As one of Europe’s leading suppliers of IT systems for public transport, with applications on board over 10,000 buses, trains and trams, and with some of Europe’s largest bus operators as customers, it is natural that we focus on information security,” says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus. pa|Pilotfish Networks AB welcomes your visit to our website and your interest in our services. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and we want you to feel comfortable when visiting our websites. The protection of your privacy in the processing of personal data is an important concern for us, which we take into account in our business processes. We process personal data that are collected when visiting our websites in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR). Our website may contain links to websites of other providers, to which this privacy policy does not extend. We check linked pages at irregular intervals. If these pages have inadmissible content, we dissociate ourselves already now and assume no liability. By default, when you visit our web pages, our web servers store the IP address assigned to you by your Internet service provider, the web pages you visit, and the Date and time of the visit. The processing of the above-mentioned data is carried out for the optimization and technical administration of our website, consequently according to a legitimate interest acc. Art. 6 I lit.f EU-GDPR. Personal data are u.a. then stored, if you provide it to us by yourself to make contact. If you send us an e-mail to contact us, you consent to the processing of your submitted data (eg e-mail and name) for the purpose of responding to your request and contacting Pilotfish Networks AB in accordance with Art. Art. 6 I lit.a EU-GDPR. The hosting of our website happens at the company: ODERLAND Webbhotell AB Östra Hamngatan 50B 41109 Göteborg These store the following data of the Access / FTP logs for the purpose of technical administration and optimization of the website: The data is cleaned twice a day and stripped of information like OS and specific sites visited. Then it is grouped statistically with information of visits per month per IP address. This aggregated information is then stored for two years, before it is automatically cleaned out in a monthly cleaning process. 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Our employees are obliged by us to confidentiality. Each data subject has the right of access to its information under Article 15, the right of rectification of its information under Article 16, the right to deletion of its information under Article 17, the right to restrict the processing of its information provided for under Article 18, the right of data portability under Article 20 and the right to object according to Article 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation. In order to exercise a right, please contact our Privacy Department via the details stated in the section ”Contact”. Pilotfish Networks AB uses technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data against manipulation, loss, destruction and access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments. If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, feel free to contact our Privacy Department at: This also applies in the case of rightful requests of data subjects for information, rectification, deletion, blocking and revocation of personal data, as well as general suggestions or complaints. di|• Powered by li|IP adress date time Time zone Command (e.g., GET) User Agent (e.g. ”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36” ) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Privacy Statement h2|Data Privacy Policy Collection and processing of personal data Cookies Google Analytics Use and disclosure of personal data Data Subject Rights Security Contact News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Every quarter, Pilotfish issues a reward to one of our coworkers, who in a good way has embodied the Pilotfish RIO values. The motivation for giving Oscar the award is following Oscar is reliable and always willing to help. With his professional mindset, he always tries to come up with ideas and solutions in both long term and short term perspectives. Oscar is open and communicative and has the ability to explain in a pedagogical way to customers and colleagues. From the 18:th of November, David Fogelberg is the newest of our new employees at Pilotfish. It is a bit of an accomplishment in itself, since we are growing so fast. However, David has been around as a consultant for six months, so he doesn’t actually feel new to us at Pilotfish. We already know him as a well liked and competent colleague. Therefore it’s an extra joy to congratulate him to his new employment. He came to Pilotfish directly after getting his Masters degree in soft engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. In his spare time, he likes sports. If you don’t find him in the gym or out in the running track, you will probably find him on the ocean, windsurfing. At Pilotfish he works with backend development, and does a good job at that. So therefore, once again; Welcome David! Busforce recently had the opportunity to talk to Anders Selling, the Secretary General of ITxPT, a man with a true conviction for the big issues, like the environment, climate change, and how public transport can contribute to better the world. . The possibility to connect an alarm to a driver, and not just to a vehicle, has been developed and will be implemented in upcoming releases. This makes it possible to issue – first a warning and then an alarm for when a driver card information hasn’t been downloaded within the set time. The time limits for warning and alarm are both configurable. Later it will be possible to connect other alarms to drivers, and also to turn a wider range of users, for example divers or coaches, into receivers of alarms. The new Driver Console, X9, with Android 7.1 and a Rockchip 3288 ARM processor has recently been released. A vehicle administration tool for moving vehicles between companies has been developed. An umbrella organization often has the need to move vehicles between sub-companies. With the help of the administrative tool, which in time will be made generally available, it will be easier for customers themselves to administer the vehicle relocation within the system. For a customer operating in an area with roads so narrow that two buses can’t meet, we developed a function that shows a Hogia map on the Driver Console. The map shows the location of the other buses in the fleet, to enable the drivers to avoid meeting at the narrow stretches. This is a good example of the possibilities of an open network and standard protocols. The Fuel Economy system can provide significant savings in terms of fuel costs, but to get results, it is important to get the drivers on board. Without their active participation in the environment- and cost reduction efforts, it is hard to achieve a successful outcome of the Fuel Economy implementation. A bonus incentive for the drivers is a good way to increase their commitment, and bonus reports can be set up for automatic generation. Pilotfish can help you design a goal-based incentive program, to suit your preferences. di|• Powered by li|Our systems are technically and operationally stable. Uptime is high and our customers can trust our employees and our organisation. We are a part of an important value chain and our link is reliable and stable. We aim to be Innovative not only today but also in the long run. We invest in innovation in order to best supply our customers. We are open in our communications with our partners and customers in order to offer the best technology and standards. We base our offering on open technologies and standards. (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|: The Pilotfish RIO values: Reliable Innovative Open h1|Newsletter 2019.09 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Rio Award to Oscar Rosenstam New employee, David Fogelberg Tachograph download – Driver Card alarm Driver Console with Android 7.1 Vehicle Administration tool Bus Location presentation Automated Bonus Calculation Leave a Comment sp|Menu Interview with Anders Selling, secretary General of ITxPT Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Whether you are a supplier of a vehicle system, an integrator/reseller, an app developer or an installer, we are open for cooperation. We are a specialized company, and don’t like to reinvent the wheel. We are part from integrating vehicle systems and supplying full solutions with all parts of the system handled by us, for example open to supply to integrators, where you take responsibility for the delivery, and we are a sub-supplier. We would also like to encourage app developers and installers in different countries to please contact us and let us know how we can use you. We would like to state that we are not locked-in. We are open to all application suppliers to form a cooperation. Please for more information. di|• Powered by h2|Partners Offerings Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Getting a bit technical Are you looking for a partnership? h4|An extensive application Eco-system Two groups of applications h6|The Pilotfish® Vehicle On-Line solution, is a part of a rapidly growing Eco-system of applications from many different suppliers, all adapted to the Information Technology for Public Transport standard. Pilotfish solution supplies GPS, communication, surveillance, monitoring, vehicle id, power management and other services for all systems, including proprietary and legacy systems. In this context, there are two main groups of applications. ITxPT-standardized and proprietary. The standardized applications from suppliers who, like Pilotfish, adhere to the standards of the ITxPT organization, all work together in a plug-and-play manner. The proprietary are non-standardized but Pilotfish integrates both new and legacy applications, so you don’t have to remain stuck in old IT solutions. To mention a few examples of integration, we have Nilex, Frida and BUMS for databases, Mobitec and MultiQ for signs, WIX, Point and Modulsystem for Ticketing, Consat and Hogia for Realtime systems, Dräger, Alcolock and ACS for alcolock, Stoneridge and VDO for Tachograph, TBO, Verint, BraVision and AD Holding for video, TBD, Thoreb, Iris, Dilax and Hella for passenger counting, multiple Android applications and all major bus manufacturers. We solve all communication issues between all vehicle systems regardless of vendor, and there are three main areas, marked with white circles in the image, where we focus our integration efforts. The first is the VGI, (Vehicle Gateway Interfaces), where hardware connections and software communication solutions connect all different online systems to to integrate them into the ITxPT standard. The second area is the APIF, (Android Pro Interfaces), where we integrate Android apps to the rest of the solution. The third is the VBI, VOL Back-office Interfaces where we connect the Pilotfish cloud solution to your Backoffice interface. To guide the integration, we have developed the extensive Pilotfish® VOL Integrators Guide. It describes the Pilotfish® VOL (Vehicle OnLine), system, its various constituent components, and how to integrate with them successfully. We also offer our service , if you want to take advantage of our many years of experience. sp|Menu the Gateway © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Vehicle Gateway h2|Hardware Summary; benefits of the Pilotfish Gateway Helpful links Socialize with us h6|The Pilotfish® Vehicle Gateway is mainly used for Public Transport Fleet owners who connects on-board electronics equipment from multiple suppliers to their respective back-offices. The gateway is the necessary on-board part of the Pilotfish® VCP system. Two options for Ethernet connection are available, RJ45 (8r) and M12 (8m). The real capacity of the Pilotfish® Vehicle Gateway VG210-8r is fully exploited in public transport vehicles where communication with a central server via wireless networks is vital and where there are explicit requirements on up-time. The gateway manages the communication to and from the internal networks (WWAN to LAN) and acts as a hub and distributor of necessary information such as [vehicle nr., Time, Position, etc] on the LAN network. The Pilotfish® VG210-8r/8m as part of the Pilotfish® VOL provides routing through wireless communication channels. The most appropriate communication channel is selected using an algorithm which bases its decision on communication cost, reliability and bandwidth. The Pilotfish® VG210-8r/8m is designed according directives CEN standards as specified by EBSF and ITxPT including support of the pre EN 13149 three parts: Part 7 Basic Network, Part 8 Physical Layer and Part 9 On-board Services. Low power consumption in combination with on-board equipment power management enables constant access to the internal networks and the installed equipment, in order to download new configuration files, read data, etc. The gateway has device and service discovery/registration which manages how the gateway shares information between network connected devices. The gateway also downloads and buffers configuration files and software. The Pilotfish® VG210-8r/8m supports a great number of communication technologies using both internal and external modems for flexible and future proof communication solutions. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish have developed a system that makes it possible for vehicle IT equipment to receive communication addresses. The system is named Pilotfish Xdb and Pilotfish Xid is its supporting hardware. Advantages with Pilotfish Xdb and Xid are: The vehicle gateway receives the vehicle identity either from the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) orPilotfish Xid. Information is broadcasted on the vehicle network and gathered in a central database containing communication addresses. Equipment that is connected to the gateway is as well automatically identified. Pilotfish Xid and Xdb is a very important part in a well-functioning managed vehicle gateway system. di|• Powered by li|100% identification of the vehicle which the equipment is installed in. This means that the maintenance of the on-board IT systems is drastically simplified and thus the costs reduced Onboard equipment is automatically identified Input to an updated inventory database Addressing to and from the vehicle is always correct st|Alt 1 – With DigiDL Alt 2 – Without DigiDL h2|Additional Hardware Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Power Management Unit Tachograph Download Cable​ Pilotfish® Xid - Identity Node​​ h6|The Pilotfish® Vehicle Gateway controls the Power Management unit to turn on and off equipment. The possibility to switch systems off, means that you can avoid battery drainage during the night. This results in great savings due to the reduction in number of times a bus is not usable. The Power Management also makes it possible to wake-up onboard systems remotely, which is useful for remote access and down- and upload of data. for more information The tachograph CAN-Bus is connected to DigiDL unit which is then connected to the Vehicle Gateway via Ethernet. The use of existing communication channel results in a cost-effective solution with minimal additional communication costs. The tachograph CAN-Bus is connected directly to the Vehicle Gateway. The integrated solution and use of existing communication channel results in a cost-effective solution with minimal additional hardware and communication costs. Pilotfish can as an option supply the well-known and appreciated tachograph analysis software Optac3 from Stoneridge. for more information. sp|Menu To be able to use the remote Tachograph download, you need a special cable to connect the tachograph to the Pilotfish® Vehicle Gateway and into the cloud in either of two following ways. Read more under Identity Node or Contact us . © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|At the EU project (European Bus System of the Future) which Pilotfish is deeply involved in, won the Most Innovative Transport Project award. “To win an award for innovation shows that we are where we want to be. We serve public transport with cutting edge IT solutions, and that requires constant innovation, says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus.” di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|ESBF2 awarded in London h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Breathalyzer Integration h2|Applications Helpful links Socialize with us h6|Pilotfish has integrated the Vehicle Gateway with suppliers of ignition interlock breathalyzers such as Dräger and Alcolock. Pilotfish detects when a user is blowing and what the result is. The information is transmitted to the back-office solution and is presented to the Traffic Operations Center. Depending on the level of integration Pilotfish can also detect when a vehicle is driving without the use of the Alcolock and SMS’s are sent as alarms to selected personnel. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by st|Video – Operator success story h1|Case Fuel Economy h2|Customers achieve savings with Pilotfish Fuel Economy solution Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|– Udevalla Omnibus and Flygbussarna have asked for the IDHA integration, which we are pleased that we now are able to offer. We are of course open to help our customers with the integration of other analyzing tools as well, says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus. The traditional way to collect the tachograph information is to physically go into the bus and connect a hardware memory, for example a memory stick, and then to transfer the info from the stick into a computer used for the analysis. The process is very time consuming, especially in large fleets. Automatic download for both tachograph and driver card data, saves manual work and improves the data handling process. The automatic cloud-based transfer of data from the vehicle directly into the Web-IDHA analysis interface streamlines the process even further. It also increases the frequency of data collection to a level when it becomes relevant to the business, because it enables a much more active use of the information in daily operations. The same goes for the information available on the driver cards. Instead of having to access the card info with a special hardware/reader, the info is collected directly through the tachograph. When the card is inserted into the tachograph, the download is initiated, provided that the time since last download exceeds a preset time limit. Currently, Pilotfish offers integration towards Optac3 and IDHA. For more details about the process, please check out the Busforce blog post or . di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|IDHA integration release h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|Pilotfish just released an integration with web-IDHA, for maximum streamlining of tachograph and driver card data handling. With the integration, the data from theTachograph Download is imported directly from the Pilotfish Vehicle Gateway into the web-IDHA interface, which is a very common analyzing tool among Swedish public transport operators. pa| di|• Powered by h2|Integration Consulting Helpful links Socialize with us h6|Become vendor independent and tailor your needs with applications from all vendors. Enhance performance of each individual vehicle system. Integrate all your systems into the open standard of (Information Technology for Public Transport). You can either implement the integration yourself, Pilotfish will provide all the necessary information, software and hardware to do so. Or, if you need more extensive guidance, then the Pilotfish® Integration Consulting is the perfect solution. Whether it is , , (Automatic Vehicle Location), , , any of our or any third-party legacy system, we will guide you through the integration process. What you need for the integration is one of Pilotfish , providing the necessary equipment and software. This investment reduces your communication and maintenance costs significantly as well as your investment costs for all future onboard systems. Once you install the Pilotfish® Gateway, which is included in all three packages, into your vehicles, you can integrate all onboard systems, both Pilotfish own, third-party, new or legacy, into one network, using standard cables. We also provide all necessary software solutions to enable communication between all systems including the vehicle manufacturer system, and the back office via the cloud. With the help of our integration consulting, you will find that it isn’t hard to take control of your vehicle IT situation. It is actually easier than not to do it. There are many benefits from the integration, like a single internet connection, cloud based enhancement of all units, information exchange between all systems, lower IT investment costs and vendor independence. and we’ll tell you more about Pilotfish® Integration Consulting. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Driver Console h2|Hardware Helpful links Socialize with us h4|Features Other info h6|FK302 is an Android based user friendly Driver’s Console. The Android-based operating system allows for a rich supply of various apps. The apps can be provided by Pilotfish or any third party developer and they are developed for a standard Android environment. Excellent performance (processor, speed, etc) Unattractive for stealing due to form-factor Excellent lighting and viewing angles Excellent tactile response Clear Display (8.9 inches) Light = easy to mount Easy exchange of Driver’s Console by using standard connectors and mount Mount that covers unused connectors Steel mount that can withstand harsh environment You can expect the lifetime of the FK302 to be similar to that of a mobile phone i.e. it is shorter than the lifetime of a bus. This is why it is important to plan for the future exchange of the Driver’s Console. The FK302 comes prepared complete with cables and mounting brackets for easy mounting in close vicinity to the driver. The screen can be rotated and adjusted via a simple lockable knob. The underlying Android Pilotfish AP framework (see separate product sheet) prevents operation while driving in order to ensure that the driver doesn’t lose focus from driving the bus. Pilotfish has experience in implementing Android tablets. Currently Pilotfish supports 2 different ones and the support includes the fastening of the device in the vehicle. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Vehicle Switch h2|Hardware Helpful links Socialize with us h6|The Pilotfish Vehicle Switch VS610-8r is an 8-port High Performance Single Chip Ethernet Switch supporting eight port 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet with all ports supporting 10/100/1000 Mb/s Full/Half duplex. The switch has Pilotfish automotive design including a rugged aluminium housing and a vehicle power supply supporting both nominal 12V and 24V systems. The VS610 series are E-marked and certified according to FN/ECE Regulation no 10.3. Radio interference (electro-magnetic compatibility) of vehicle relating to the radio interference (electromagnetic compatibility) of vehicles. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Tachograph download h2|Applications Other use of the tachograph data​ Helpful links Socialize with us h6|The purpose of Tachograph download is to save the manual work of collection of tachograph data and the information stored on the drivers’ driver card, as well as to improve quality and reduce the complexity when doing this in a large scale fleet. The purpose of the Tachograph integration is also to control that the drivers log-into the tachograph. As it is easier to collect the information automatically, this means that you can do this much more often than the manual collection. This leads to a more active way can use the information in daily operations. The Tachograph builds its information based on the physical driving times of the vehicle in combination with input from the driver. The traditional way to empty the tachograph information is physically in place connect a hardware with a memory. The information is temporarily stored in memory and it is later copied to the computer used for the analysis. The entire process is time consuming. Via the Pilotfish system we offer an automatic data transfer of vehicle data. From the vehicle directly into the analysis program. In this way, the intervals between data collection can be reduced to a level that is more relevant to the business. The same basic principle applies to the information available on the drivers’ driver card. Instead of the cards must be emptied with special hardware / reader when the cards are in the tachograph. For the system to gain access to current tachograph it requires a company card which is used for authentication. This is done automatically, and all the information is transferred via mobile data. Retrieve login information and distribute the same info to all systems that needs and wants to tag information with the driver ID onboard the vehicle. Forcing the driver to log-in before they start up their vehicle. This can be a very good way to reduce the cost of driving without logging into the tachograph. The Pilotfish tachograph solution exposes the standard DDD-files using an API, e.g. Rest API, to tachograph analysis software or other systems. Today: the system is integrated with VDO and Stoneridge tachographs. The solution should be compatible with all tachographs with a second CAN interface (this is a standardized interface). sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Navigation h2|Applications Helpful links Socialize with us h6|Navigation is used when an inexperienced driver needs assistance in order to get to know the line that they are assigned. They receive both verbal and visual instructions on how to drive and what things to avoid. Bus stops are clearly indicated. The route is dynamically changed by the Traffic Operations Center. Cost of education is greatly reduced and the dynamics of not having to educated drivers on individual lines increases the exibility of the workforce greatly. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Reduces heating costs for a busfleet. Unique control of in-vehicle temperature thanks to clever algorithms in an easy to use app. Pilotfish® Heater Control gives you control of your busfleet heaters. The system is based on an App that is directly connected to the bus heaters. In the app you set the running time for the entire fleet or individual settings, bus-by-bus. Diesel heaters are equipped with timers which handles their running time. The inconvenience is that individual settings must be set in each bus. It is timeconsuming and ineffective. The result is often diesel heaters running too long time. In the Pilotfish® Dieselheter Control app you select the time when the bus shall be warm and ready, and the system controls the time that it starts and stops based on temperature in the bus combined with the bus heater power/strength. Based on the Pilotfish® VCP platform which allows the customers to connect more systems such as ecodriving, video surveillance, alcolock, tachograph download, navigation etc. di|• Powered by li|ƒRemote control of bus heaters through an app ƒGrouping of buses ƒWater-proof cabling ƒStatistics on heater running time st|Features Advantages Supported Diesel heaters h1|Bus Heater Control h2|Applications Part of the Pilotfish VOL System Helpful links Socialize with us h6|Pilotfish has developed a complete on-board communication system where Pilotfish Dieselheter Control is one feature that can be added as an option. The entire Pilotfish product portfolio is made up of 1) VCP Vehicle Communication Platform, 2) a portfolio of apps such as ecodriving called the PAP (Pilotfish Application Portfolio) and 3) ITxPT applications from members of the ITxPT organisation. Spheros Thermo S 300 sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Daneel isn’t foreign to us as his most recent workplace, Hogia Public Transport Systems, is a partner of ours. He’s also worked many years with business development within the logistic industry. He finds this an exciting industry where a lot of things are happening and needs to happen to evolve. It is an important part of the transition to a sustainable society and Daneel is excited to be able to contribute to this. With Daneel’s former experience with the software at Hogia, he’s ready to broaden his knowledge with the whole concept of Pilotfish and our products. He’ll become an addition to our sales team reaching out to both new and existing customers with more and improved functionalitites that’ll contribute to an effective and more attractive public transport. Welcome onboard Daneel! di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|New employee – Daneel Munthe h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|We would like to introduce our newest coworker, Daneel Munthe, who started at Pilotfish end of February. pa| di|• Powered by h2|Fuel Savings and less maintenance through digitalization at Svealandstrafiken Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The system combines input from the bus and installed sensors to calculate the driving style and to inform the driver in real-time on how to improve. A screen is often mounted in the driver’s view to provide the driver with real-time feedback on their driving style. Feedback is given both in-vehicle, through apps and through the web. Fuel Economy helps drivers to do continuous improvements, to plan their driving and to drive as fuel efficient and comfortable as possible. This also results in better passenger comfort through smoother driving. Correctly implemented, Fuel Economy saves money as well as the environment, with a typical fuel consumption reduction at about 5-10%. Softer and more cautious driving also results in reduced wear, damage and accidents, which in turn results in significant savings and improvements to the working environment. When grading the drivers, a number of parameters are taken into account. To make the comparison as fair as possible, the set of parameters can differ depending on vehicle type (i.e. diesel, electric and hybrid), brand and traffic. We recommend a monthly bonus for reaching targets, since we have seen that it works as a great motivation for the drivers to engage in the fuel saving efforts.The bonus system can be set up according to customer wishes and requirements. Eco-driving measurements for electrical vehicles and hybrids are in need of further investigation and trials. However, already now, the models are good enough to motivate investing in eco-driving systems. For electric vehicles, one of the most important effects of fuel economy is improvement of the battery range, since it sometimes decides where and how an electrical vehicle can be used. Please , and we will tell you more, or read this for further details di|• Powered by h1|Fuel Economy h2|Applications Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Hybrids and electric vehicles h4|Fuel Economy usually saves between 5-10% in fuel costs. Combined with comfort driving, it reduces wear, damage and accidents. Fuel Economy is an eco-driving aid, measuring excessive energy consumption with instant feedback to the driver as well as reports to both the driver and management. sp|Menu contact us blogpost © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Automatic Fault Report Manual Fault Report h2|Applications Helpful links Socialize with us h6|FMS and Tell-tales coming from the vehicle manufacturers interface is used in combination with other data such as battery status in order to create Automatic Fault Reports. These are collected and sent to the Traffic Operation Center for further treatments. When they are treated, the information is sent on to the workshop and it can be sent directly to external systems such as SAP or Maximo in order to create work-orders semi- or fully automatic. The drivers can themselves send-off reports on the faults of the buses. They do so by opening up a separate app called Fault Report. The app is configurable and it is adapted to the customers own fault reporting routines. The driver can fill in more information in the mobile app on a later occasion if they want to. The driver also sees an overview of what faults have been reported on that particular vehicle and when the fault was reported and comments from the workshop on the faults. There are three versions of the app – one for a fixed driver console, one for Iphones and one for Android phones. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Assault Alarm h2|Applications Helpful links Socialize with us h6|The driver working environment can be a dangerous and exposed environment. An assault button is most of the time implemented in order to protect the drivers from dangerous situation. Pilotfish has developed a solution where the drivers presses a button and it uses the mobile network to alert the Traffic Operations Center. sp|Menu © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|You can visit the IT-Trans website di|From Voith and Pilotfish will present how the Internet of Things will change public transport at the IT-Trans exhibition in Karlsruhe, Germany. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our . If you would like to schedule an individual appointment with one of our product experts, please contact us at or fill in a form by clicking the button “Appointment request”, below. • Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|March 3 to 5, 2020 stand 2G4 h1|Pilotfish and Voith at IT-Trans h2|We bring Internet of Things into public transport News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment h5|We hope to see you there sp|Menu Appointment request Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|In just a few years Pilotfish has more than doubled both its sales figures and its workforce. It is still growing and is constantly on the lookout for skilled staff. “We are looking to take on at least 10 to 15 additional employees this coming year. These will be developers, project managers and administrative staff,” says Tomas Gabinus, Pilotfish CEO. A significant factor behind this rapid development is the revolution in Internet of Things solutions that has taken place within manufacturing in recent years. It has resulted in new standardised and reliable components that can be used in public transport and has also driven down prices for these. This in turn has led to ever more rapid digitalization of public transport. According to a report from Bergh Insight, the intelligent transport systems (ITS) market for buses and trams in Europe is expected to increase in value by 7.2% a year, from 1.35 billion euros in 2015 to 1.91 billion euros in 2020. “We are already one of Europe’s leading suppliers of IT systems for public transport, as we have onboard applications on more than 10,000 buses, trains and trams and our customers include some of Europe’s largest bus operators. We are increasing our market share in what is already a rapidly growing market,” explains Tomas Gabinus. “I see it as my task to support Pilotfish in continuing its growth within the ITS market for public transport and to position Pilotfish in the new, connected ecosystem which is taking shape based on ITxPT,” says Benedikt Hofmann, CTO at Voith Digital Ventures. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|2018 was the best year in Pilotfish’s history, as the company saw sales increase by 20% and installed its systems in 3,500 additional vehicles. During the first two months of 2019, the rate of growth increased further: since the start of the year, Pilotfish has landed agreements for another 2,500 vehicles in Sweden and Europe. “The start of the year has been better than we expected and we haven’t even begun to benefit from our partnership with Voith, whose global sales channels and worldwide service organisation we can now offer alongside our own products. Voith has 19,000 employees, service personnel and dedicated offices in more than 60 countries. It is an enormous advantage for us and is reassuring for our customers,” says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus. h1|New sales record for Pilotfish h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Pilotfish Press Room Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|You can visit the Busworld Europe website di|From Voith and Pilotfish will present how the Internet of Things will change public transport at the Busworld Europe in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our . If you would like to schedule an individual appointment with one of our product experts, please contact us at or fill in a form by clicking the button “Appointment request”, below. • Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|October 18 to 23, 2019 stand 945 in hall 9 h1|Pilotfish and Voith at Busworld h2|We bring Internet of Things into public transport News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h5|We hope to see you there sp|Menu Appointment request Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|As the CEO of one of Europe’s leading providers of on-board IT systems and applications, Tomas Gabinus has a thorough insight into the ongoing process of digitalization in public transport. One of the central concepts is modularization. “It means that you divide the system into different functions, so you can replace parts of it without changing the complete system. For example, you can choose one passenger counting system supplier and another for ticketing. We can add and remove whichever suppliers we want in the system. Previously, this was not possible,” Tomas Gabinus says. He continues: “An open ecosystem is what has made all markets take off, whether it be mobile phones or computers. I very much believe this is the case for public transport as well.” Part from broader discussions about the changing market, Tomas Gabinus expects to see a lot of discussions in three specific areas. The first area is the digitalized workforce, which doesn’t mean to replace staff with robots, but to provide the workforce with valuable tools, simplifying their day-to-day work and improving quality. The second area is Pilotfish cooperation with Voith regarding making more vehicle information available for analyzing and diagnostics. Pilotfish already, for example, provides remote download of tachograph- and driver card data, which saves time and money for many operators. Together with Voith, Pilotfish is now developing remote download of additional information from the vehicles, for example in connection with the Voith DIWA automatic transmission. Together with Pilotfish, it can be turned into a major benefit for fleet operators in the age of intelligent data networking The third focus area is electric vehicles in connection to Pilotfish open digitalization platform. This area is also important to Voith. Last year, they introduced a fully electrical drive system for city buses. Tomas Gabinus looks forward to attend Busworld, and he doesn’t fear the competition, but rather, as the pioneer for open and standardized systems he is, he appreciates their help. “We’ve got the whole world as a playing field, and to reach out, we welcome help from our competitors. Together, we can manage to inform and open up markets all over the world to adapt to new, effective solutions. It is not a zero-sum game. Rather the opposite. The more and better solutions reaching the market, the faster the knowledge will grow, and the more possibilities open up. Everyone wins,” Tomas Gabinus concludes. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Pilotfish is attending Busworld together with Voith. Pilotfish CEO, Tomas Gabinus, expects attention regarding the changing market situation. “One of the most central things going on right now is the open ITxPT architecture, which fundamentally changes the market behaviour of the involved parties. It frees every actor to focus on what they are best at – e.g. video suppliers focus on what they do, passenger counting on what they do etc. as opposed to the previous situation where some actors tried to do it all with moderate success,“ says Tomas Gabinus. h1|Busworld and a changing marketplace h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|At Pilotfish, we are working intensely together with Voith, for both companies to benefit from each other’s strengths. Robert Mueller, Director Driver and Driveline Apps at Voith’s Group Division Digital Ventures, has been visiting Pilotfish, to get a deeper knowledge about Pilotfish and what we do, to get to know us personally and to share some insight into Voith’s different lines of business. Robert Mueller studied mechanical engineering in Munich before he started his, until today, 28-year long career at Voith. During his whole career he’s been in close contact with public transport – so much that it has become a part of his DNA. He has always been pioneering digitalization. Twenty years ago, he promoted storing data from the Voith transmissions and ten years ago he initiated the work on their telematics system. It was therefore natural that he pushed the investment in Pilotfish with great passion. In his own words: – ­ I’m absolutely convinced that together – Pilotfish and Voith – we are in a win-win-situation: Pilotfish’s experience about digitalization in combination with Voith’s presence and long-term experience in the market of PT fit together in a perfect way. Robert Mueller’s visits are very productive, and we look forward to more visits and a collaborative future together. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Voith and Pilotfish build relations h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Goteborg’s Company price 2017 is given to Pilotfish Networks with the motivation: “Pilotfish Networks, founded in 2000, is initially a spin-off from Ericsson. The company has taken the “Internet of Things” to public transport and made it both smarter and better for the environment by developing systems that optimize and manage complex wireless computer communications to and from mobile devices. By daring to go their own way and believe in their product, Pilotfish Networks has created a unique position in its industry. Together with a strong employee perspective, Pilotfish Networks makes worthy winners of the Goteborg Company price 2017. ” According to Lennart Johansson, Head of Enterprise Group in Gothenburg Co, Pilotfish Networks has shown great entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. The company has also changed its industry through innovative work and is now at the absolute leading edge of development. – Pilotfish is today the only supplier of systems that are certified according to ITxPT, which gives users the opportunity to customize and update their systems and devices according to specific needs and at a significantly lower cost than before. At the same time, an open and standardized interface means that the market for smaller suppliers of different applications opens up. This in turn increases competition and drives the development and efficiency of European public transport, which is very positive, says Tomas Gabinus. Goteborg’s Company price was established in 1994 and has since been distributed to around 60 companies. This year’s award was awarded to Pilotfish Networks and the Ecoride Electric Cycle Company. Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish Networks AB. Tel: +46 31 339 66 74, E-mail: mission is to increase the productivity and attractiveness of rail, tram and bus transportation through structured digitization. The offer is based on an open, standardized vehicle communication platform with user-friendly applications and support for continuous process improvements. Pilotfish technology is based on standards and IT architecture from the European standardization organization ITxPT. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Pilotfish Networks has been awarded the Goteborg Company price 2017, which is awarded to successful companies operating and developing in the Gothenburg region. The prize is awarded by the business group at Göteborg & Co and consists of SEK 25,000 and a silver statue. “This award is a receipt that our successful international work is also appreciated at home in Gothenburg. For all Pilotfish employees, it is also acknowledging our efforts to develop standardized interface and IT systems to improve public transport in Europe, “said Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish. For more information contact: Pilotfish Network’s h1|Pilotfish Networks wins Goteborg’s Company price 2017 h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The job includes making sure that the company maintains a good architecture and a high quality to support our business requirements. He will also be responsible for a continuous improvement of our development process. In this, Anders will focus on the technical aspects of development (e.g. tooling, testing, source control, deployments) and work with development teams to make sure they have what they need to be effective. Scrum, leanness, requirements, issue tracking, etc will continue to be the responsibility of product owners, teams and team leaders. Although new at the job, Anders isn’t new to Pilotfish. He worked at Pilotfish from 2009 to 2013, before he moved to Miveo. Recent years he has been working at Burt. Now he is back with us at Pilotfish again, which we are happy for. We expect great things. Welcome Anders! di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|On August the 26th, Anders Qvist begins his position as Senior Technologist at Pilotfish. The Senior Technologist is the company’s main technical expert, focusing on understanding the technical implications of our business requirements and maintaining a matching technology strategy. h1|New role at Pilotfish: Senior Technologist h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|He continues, “Our solutions for busses and trams have great potential for trains, and the European ITxPT standard makes it possible for new and smaller actors to enter a relatively closed market. This increases competition and speeds up innovation and development. For several years, Pilotfish has worked to increase openness and compatibility within IT solutions for public transport.” The Vehicle Gateway, delivered by Pilotfish, connects onboard systems to each other and to the internet. It integrates all onboard systems that are compatible with the European standard ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport) and creates an open IT environment onboard. The cloud-based back-office system and the user-friendly interface make information accessible from anywhere, through computers or mobile devices. – “It is a pleasure to work with this ambitious group of high-profile companies. Pilotfish as well as Stadler have great ideas about the future of public transport and we are proud to manage the system integration on board the new trains. Building upon our extensive experience in supplying powerful solutions for public transport operators we have found a strong and reliable companion in Pilotfish to establish the ITxPT standard in the railway sector. We are happy to walk this path together,” says Matthias Rust, CTO of IVU Traffic Technologies. Pilotfish is also very open with their own knowledge. Via their websites as well as the Busforce blog, they inform about new technical achievements within IT for public transport. – “Openness with information means that we, together with other developers, can increase knowledge among public transport operators and authorities. ITxPT enhances competition and drives development and streamlining within European public transport forward,” says Tomas Gabinus. Stadler, the company delivering the trains, is a Swiss manufacturer of railway rolling stock, with a comprehensive portfolio of high-speed, intercity and regional multiple unit trains, locomotives and urban rail vehicles. Stadler Rail employs over 7,600 people. Pilotfish’ part of the tender goes through Berlin-based IVU Traffic Technologies AG, an IT solutions provider with more than 500 employees and over 40 years of experience in ensuring reliable transport in the world’s metropolises. – “The cooperation with Stadler and IVU, with their great influence on the European public transport market, is very valuable to us. We are also happy to get a footstep into the Netherlands, which is a step in our strategy for global growth. We aim to do our share in improving public transport until it becomes everyone’s first choice in travel. It needs to be done globally to save the environment,” says Tomas Gabinus. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|The Swiss railway rolling stock manufacturer Stadler is delivering 69 trains to a public transport operator in the Netherlands. The Gothenburg-based company Pilotfish delivers one Vehicle Gateway communication unit for each train, through German IT specialist IVU Traffic Technologies AG, together with a number of core services like a cloud-based back-office system. – “We are happy for the opportunity to work with IVU and Stadler,” says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus. h1|Pilotfish delivers Vehicle IT for Dutch trains h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|• Product solutions facilitate more efficient public transportation; • Digitalized products and services increase efficiency; • On display at stand A2050 at UITP (Stockholm, June 9-12, 2019). Under the theme “The Art of Public Transport” the summit will focus on innovative transportation systems and urban mobility. Voith’s latest developments for the public transport sector will be showcased at stand A2050. Among other topics, Voith will display the electric motor of the Voith Electrical Drive System for city buses and Smart Schaku, a monitoring tool that tracks the status of rail couplers in real-time. Further, Pilotfish will also be part of the presentation due to the newly announced strategic partnership. With the unique and fully electric Voith Electrical Drive System (VEDS), Voith enters the growing market for e-mobility. The VEDS is the first manufacturer-independent complete system, including the drive components, control of the auxiliaries, high-voltage distribution, cooling system and wiring of all these components. Additionally, the plug-and-play roof rack makes it easy for the customer to integrate all of these components into vehicles without a big effort. The water-cooled permanent magnet motor has a high power density and can be used in single, articulated and double decker buses. With Smart Schaku from Voith, operators will be able to monitor the status of the couplers in real-time and make better decisions concerning maintenance, repairs and replacements. Information from the coupler is sent to the cloud and combined with the vehicle operation data. The coupling log includes operating hours, date, time, speed and strength of every connection. It can even detect a broken damper or deformation tube, giving operators the information they need to improve vehicle safety and optimize maintenance. Plannable and calculable costs, availability and safety are only some of the benefits that the condition monitoring system for rail couplers offers. The water-cooled permanent magnet motor has a high power density and can be used in single, articulated and double decker buses. Voith and Pilotfish announced their strategic partnership in January 2019. As one of Europe’s leading providers of on-board IT systems and applications, Pilotfish has already installed systems in over 10,000 buses, trains and trams, in multiple countries. Based on an open standard vehicle communication platform, the company provides applications, hardware and consulting in a portfolio that includes, e.g., eco-driving, tachograph download, automatic fault report, navigation and automatic vehicle data transfer directly into cloud-based analytics. The technology and domain knowledge of Pilotfish complement Voith’s activities in the mobility sector. The Voith Group ( is a global technology company. With its broad portfolio of systems, products, services and digital applications, Voith sets standards in the markets of energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, the company today has more than 19,000 employees, sales of € 4.2 billion and locations in over 60 countries worldwide, and is thus one of the large family-owned companies in Europe. The Group Division Voith Turbo is part of the Voith Group and a specialist for intelligent drive technology, systems as well as tailor-made services. With its innovative and smart products, Voith offers highest efficiency and reliability. Customers from highly diverse industries such as oil and gas, energy, mining and mechanical engineering, ship technology, rail and commercial vehicles rely on the advanced technologies and digital applications of Voith. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Voith released the news about their participation at the UITP summit in Stockholm in June, where Voith and Pilotfish will share stand and talk about our strategic partnership. Efficient and reliable electrical drive system for city buses Increased safety and real-time status of rail couplers Strategic partnership for digitalization of public transport About the Voith Group About Voith Turbo h1|Voith release about Pilotfish – Voith cooperation h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish says “I am extremely proud that the Pilotfish Gateway is the first device to be labeled and approved by ITxPT and that the long and difficult work the association has put into developing the open ITxPT platform has been successful.” ITxPT applies EU standards to develop specifications for an open IT architecture for Public Transport. For compliance testing ITxPT has its own test bench and testing procedures to validate that onboard devices meet specified requirements for interoperability in public transport fleets. Right now, there is intense work going on to label both on-board devices and vehicles from different suppliers. “This is a milestone for the ITxPT association as we now move into implementation. We will in a very near future see that public transport applications and systems will be purchased according to the ITxPT specifications. It will offer great opportunities for public transport providers, system and vehicle suppliers to the benefit of travellers” says the General Secretary of ITxPT, Anders Selling. The open architecture of ITxPT enables the interoperability between systems and devices from different suppliers and the flexibility for customers to tailor and update systems for specific needs at substantial lower cost. In this way, the supplier market is opened for smaller suppliers which increases competition and speeds up the rate of innovation. Simplified, ITxPT can be compared to the Bluetooth specifications enabling interoperability between devices or the open architecture of Android. ITxPT, Information Technology for Public Transport is a non-profit organization with 40 members from 12 European countries consisting of Public Transport Operators and Authorities, System Suppliers and Vehicle manufacturers. The number of members is increasing quickly. A Vehicle Gateway delivers part of the functionalities traditionally implemented in a vehicle computer to enable systems and devices to operate through modern cloud computing. Through 3G/4G networks computing power is moved from the vehicle to the cloud where more computing can be done quicker, more efficiently and more accurately. Typical applications connected through the gateway are remote diagnostics, remote download of tachograph data, eco driving, navigation, rerouting, follow-up of statistics, remote surveillance and software management, etc. The vehicle gateway typically has the following functionalities: CAN/FMS connections, switch with Ethernet connectors, I/O’s to onboard equipment, 2G-4G, Wi-Fi and Information broker/Sharing functionalities. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|ITxPT is an association open to Public Transport stakeholders developing applied standards for interoperable “plug-and-play” onboard and back-office IT-systems for public transport. The first device to be tested for compliance and to acquire the ITxPT label is a Vehicle Gateway from the Swedish company Pilotfish. h1|First ITxPT-label for On-board devices​ h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. em|For more information please contact: Anders Selling, General Secretary, ITxPT. Tel: +46 70 237 33 00, Tomas Gabinus, Executive Director, Pilotfish Networks AB: +46 31 3396674, pa|Magnus Andersson most recently served as CEO of Metrum and has extensive experience in senior positions in international technology companies with a focus on expansion. He is taking up the position with immediate effect and succeeds Tomas Gabinus, who, after 16 prosperous years, will be relinquishing his operational responsibility in the company. “I am pleased to present Magnus Andersson as the new CEO. We consider Magnus to have the experience and expertise we need to even more clearly demonstrate our leading position in the market. He is a competent leader with good business acumen, and he can provide the right conditions to strengthen Pilotfish’s position in a growing market. At the same time, I would like to thank Tomas Gabinus, who, during his 16 years with us, has helped build the company into what it is today, says Benedikt Hofmann, CTO of Voith Digital Ventures.” With Voith as owner, Pilotfish has a complete global organisation with sales channels and worldwide technical support. On this basis, Pilotfish will now put its strategic expansion plan into action, where the focus will be on further developing existing customers, entering new markets, and evolving the product range. The goal of Voith’s majority holding in Pilotfish is to tap this potential. The Swedish supplier based in Gothenburg has developed an on-board platform for digitizing buses, trains and trams through a cloud connection which is based on the open standard ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport). This enables the numerous Pilotfish applications, such as the fuel-saving app Fuel Economy, the tachograph download or automatic fault reporting, to be supplemented by further apps provided by specialized third-party suppliers. “The platform allows operators to make their IT systems more open and future-proof,” explains Magnus Anderson. In addition, the return on investment is quickly achieved simply because of the Fuel Economy application. “The system already pays for itself through fuel savings of up to 10% in the first year,” stresses Magnus. For the past seven years, Magnus Andersson has served as the CEO of Metrum Sweden AB, a company in the electronics and IT industry, where he oversaw international growth and implemented changes with great success and customer satisfaction. He is also highly experienced at leading innovative product and service development centred on customers. Magnus’ career has revolved around IT solutions and technology, and he has worked on large and complex IT rollouts across the world for many years. “I’m really looking forward to leading Pilotfish, which – with its numerous customers and talented employees – has assumed a leading position in terms of cloud-based applications for public transport. The digitization of the transport sector has only just begun and Pilotfish, owing to its solid experience, will retain its leading position and continue to play an important role in this development, says Magnus Andersson.” Magnus Andersson, CEO Pilotfish Networks AB Phone no.: +46 70 777 8538 Email: di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|The Board of Directors of Pilotfish Networks AB , one of Europe’s leading providers of cloud-based system solutions for public transport, has appointed Magnus Andersson as the new CEO of the company. The German principal owner, the global technology company Voith , and Pilotfish jointly decided the change in management to support the planned expansion of the company. As a consequence, former CEO Tomas Gabinus is stepping down from day-to-day operations. For more information, kindly contact: About the Voith Group h1|Magnus Andersson new CEO of Pilotfish Networks h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. em|About Pilotfish Pilotfish is an innovative, environmentally conscious and rapidly growing Swedish company with a focus on improving public transport operations. The company is leading the industry’s transition from proprietary provider-locked systems to an ecosystem where standardised interfaces and modular system providers are the norm. Pilotfish provides an open, cloud-based platform for vehicle communication and fleet management applications. The technology is based on standards and IT architecture from the organisation ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport), and integrates both standard and older non-standard systems. The company has applications on board more than 10,000 buses, trains and trams, with some of Europe’s largest bus operators as customers. Pilotfish’s vision is to improve public transport so that it becomes the obvious choice for travellers. The Voith Group is a global technology company. With its broad portfolio of systems, products, services and digital applications, Voith sets standards in the markets of energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, the company today has more than 19,000 employees, sales of € 4.3 billion and locations in over 60 countries worldwide and is thus one of the larger family-owned companies in Europe. The Group Division Voith Digital Ventures bundles the Voith Group’s long standing automation and IT expertise with the deep know-how in the fields of hydropower, paper machines and drive engineering. As an incubator, this Group Division is pushing for the development of new digital products and services. For decisively shaping the digitalization of mechanical and plant engineering, Voith is driving the industrial Internet of things (IoT) forward. The Group Division plays a central role in digital innovations and applications for new markets as well as the development and responsibility for existing and new digital venture activities. pa|Nyligen gick det tyska teknikbolaget Voith in och köpte 56 procent av det Göteborgsbaserade bolaget Pilotfish, som levererar molnbaserade IT-lösningar för kollektivtrafik. I ett pressmeddelande skriver Voith att de två företagens samlade kunskap kan bli ”en avgörande fördel för kollektivtrafikoperatörer i en tid av intelligenta datanätverk”. För Pilotfish öppnar partnerskapet för nya möjligheter. – Det här är ett stort steg för oss, som gör att vi kan växa snabbare och nå nya marknader. Voith har ett säljnätverk och en säljkanal men även en mycket väl fungerande serviceorganisation, vilket är mycket viktiga tillgångar för oss, säger Tomas Gabinus, vd för Pilotfish. Han berättar att Pilotfish under en längre tid varit öppna för att hitta en partner och att man genom åren fått många erbjudanden. Dock var det först nu som de verkliga möjligheterna för ett partnerskap uppstod. – Det här är komplexa affärer och för att det ska lyckas är det många aspekter som måste stämma. Dels ska prislappen vara rätt, men det allra viktigaste är att det blir en plats som är långsiktigt bra för bolaget att landa på. Och den platsen har vi verkligen hittat i Voith, säger Tomas Gabinus. För en tid sedan offentliggjordes även att ett annat tyskt storföretag valt att investera i Göteborg. Volkswagen strävar efter att bli en leverantör av mobilitet med helt uppkopplad fordonsflotta och köper därför majoriteten av WirelessCar, som sedan 2007 varit ett helägt dotterbolag till Volvo. I ett pressmeddelande säger WirelessCars vd Martin Rosell att Volkswagen är den ideala partnern för nästa steg i WirelessCars utveckling: – Volkswagen har bilvärldens mest ambitiösa framtidsstrategi för uppkoppling. Den inriktningen passar perfekt ihop med vår vision att leda bilindustrin in i det digitala samhället. Vi är väldigt motiverade och är redo att ta vårt ansvar för att göra skillnad. En tredje aktör som ser ett starkt ökat intresse från tyskt håll är Semcon. Carl-Johan Aldén, Global Business Director Autonomous Solutionsautonoma lösningar, har jobbat både i den tyska och svenska fordonsindustrin, och för honom är det tydligt varför intresset vuxit sig så starkt. – Vi har olika styrkor och svagheter. I Sverige är vi välkända för vår höga utbildningsnivå och vår goda förmåga att samarbeta. Vi har också ett unikt öppet forskningsklimat med mycket väl utvecklat samarbete mellan universitet och företag, samt många ledande bolag inom IT & ”New Tech”, säger Carl-Johan Aldén, och fortsätter: – Tyskarna har givetvis kommit väldigt långt på automotive R&D-sidan, och har precis som vi i Västsverige en välkänd lång och bred erfarenhet av att utveckla och tillverka bilar. Men de saknar delvis spetskompetensen mellan IT och fordon som vi är så duktiga på här i Göteborg, och därmed kan vi komplettera varandra. De tre ledande regionerna är Silicon Valley, södra Tyskland och vårt västsvenska kluster med alla starka fordonsbolag i regionen Göteborg–Trollhättan. Ett tätare samarbete mellan Tyskland och Sverige har också stor potential att sätta ett stort, globalt, avtryck på kartan, menar Carl-Johan Aldén: – När det kommer till självkörande bilar pågår det ett race i världen. De tre ledande regionerna är Silicon Valley, södra Tyskland och vårt västsvenska kluster med alla starka fordonsbolag i regionen Göteborg–Trollhättan. Dessutom ser vi en stark utveckling i Asien, inte minst i Kina, säger han, och fortsätter: – Att Sverige och Tyskland nu kan närma sig varandra tycker jag är väldigt positivt. Det är viktigt för vår region att knyta partnerskap för att ta den ledande positionen inom självkörning globalt. Som goda grannar är det naturligt att Sverige och Tyskland förstärker samarbetet inom området. Det är avgörande för vår region att vi verkligen inser vår ledande kompetens och vågar tro på oss själva. Samtidigt måste vi vara realistiska och se att vi har begränsade resurser i en global kontext och måste därför söka samarbeten för att bli global ledare inom Autonomous. Joel Görsch, etableringsrådgivare på Business Region Göteborg, menar att det ökade intresset från Tyskland är resultatet av en lång tids fokuserat arbete i Göteborg. – Det som händer på Lindholmen är att man mer och mer utkristalliserar sig till en hubb för IT och fordon, vilket på ett globalt plan är unikt. Att vi just nu också ser ett ökat intresse från just Tyskland hänger samman med att de kommit otroligt långt på fordonssidan, samtidigt som de haft det tuffare med IT-utvecklingen. I Sverige är vi starka på teknologin, vilket gör att vi är mycket tacksamma att samarbeta med. – Jag tycker att de internationella investeringarna och samarbetena som nu sker är ytterligare ett bevis för att arbetet som görs på Lindholmen är på rätt väg. Möjligheterna här är enorma. Göteborg fortsätter att positionera sig på hög nivå när det gäller global fordonsutveckling, det finns inget bättre bevis på det än att utländska företag vill investera i Göteborg. di|Av 27 februari 2019 • Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Göteborg har länge varit ett starkt kluster för IT- och fordonsindustrin, som fått mycket internationell uppmärksamhet, och på sistone har uppmärksamheten från Tyskland varit särskilt stor. På kort tid har två stora tyska investeringar gjorts i Göteborg – och fler kan vara att vänta. Helägt dotterbolag till Volvo “I Sverige är vi starka på teknologin” h1|Ökat intresse för tyska investeringar i Göteborg h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Business Region Göteborg LÄS ARTIKELN PÅ BUSINESS REGION GÖTEBORGS HEMSIDA Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Because the Pilotfish platform is standardised to European standard ITxPT, the systems of different suppliers can be interlinked and can share information with each other, thereby enhancing the performance of the individual components. “The standardisation is important,” says Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish. “It allows suppliers to be part of an overall solution, at the same time as being able to focus on what they do best. It also means we can utilise components from consumer electronics and the automotive industry. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel – rather, we can utilise to the full the cost benefits that come with mass production.” The agreement also includes Android-based driver displays that can control different onboard systems via selection of the appropriate apps. It makes working with different systems more user-friendly and reduces the number of displays the driver needs to keep an eye on. Driver assistance for fuel economy and automatic download of tachograph data are included, as well as integration with a cloud-based traffic management system that shows the vehicles on a map and which route they are being used on. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Pilotfish has signed an agreement for the supply and delivery of an IT system for 320 buses at Svealandstrafiken, a bus operator owned jointly by Region Västmanland and Region Örebro County. The Pilotfish solution is based on a communication platform where all onboard systems can be connected to the same network with online connection, cloud solutions and access for users via computers, phones and tablets. h1|Pilotfish supplies the Svealandstrafiken bus company h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|“We are happy that Ruter decided to add the relatively small investment of the Vehicle Gateway to the APC tender. Pilotfish Gateway opens for great savings by avoiding the cost of individual communication units for every system. It also enables access to a fast-growing ecosystem of applications within the European ITxPT standard.” Says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus. The current passenger counting system on some of the trams today is aged and needs to be replaced. The main purpose of the upgrade is to get better passenger statistics. The new system has, part from being more reliable, for example the possibility of counting children (shorter than 1 meter) and to keep track on how many passengers that embarks and disembarks through each door. The statistics will be used for traffic planning, by looking at the number of passengers per station at different times a day. As an example, some platforms could be extended to match an intense passenger load. The delivery is a part of a framework agreement with Ruter. Pilotfish was selected out of 12 suppliers participating in the tender, where they all were graded in three different areas; quality, service and delivery and price. “It makes me happy and proud to see that we achieved highest possible grade, 10 out of 10, for all three areas. It’s an important recognition for our work to offer an open, reliable and standardised IT architecture to develop and improve public transport in Europe.” Says Tomas Gabinus The IT architecture connected to the Pilotfish Gateway is certified according to the European standard ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport), which enables compatibility between different systems and units from different vendors. This way the vendor market opens up for direct purchase from individual vendors, increases competition and speeds up innovation and development. “Standards from consumer electronics and the auto industry liberates from vendor dependency, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You can take advantage of the cost benefits of mass production.” Says Tomas Gabinus. He continues; “Simply put, the ITxPT standard can be compared to Bluetooth, which enables compatibility between different units.” di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Ruter AS, the management company for public transport in Oslo, is updating the passenger counting system in 36 trams with an option on additional 36. In connection to this, the Gothenburg based company Pilotfish delivers Vehicle Gateways, which connects the Automated Passenger Counting, APC, to the Internet and delivers GPS position to the system. h1|Pilotfish delivers Vehicle Gateways to trams in Oslo h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Pilotfish receives order for major European bus project h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Pilotfish offers a where all on-board systems can be connected to the same vehicle network. Following this open architecture strategy, the operator selects vendors of on-board IT systems who support the ITxPT standards. The gateway acts as a data hub and ensures backend connectivity. In the first phase the platform integrates traffic prioritization systems and an emergency button. The customer makes use of the ITxPT inventory service to keep an overview about on-board equipment and it’s status. As an addition Pilotfish is integrating existing legacy systems to use relevant ITxPT services as well. Later the Pilotfish system connects an Android-based driver monitor with an ITCS application. Furthermore, the solution collects data for vehicle status, fuel consumption and driving behaviour. Recorded and calculated event data is provided to the customer’s backend systems for further analysis. This Pilotfish implementation allows the customer to have all relevant vehicle data in one business intelligence system. That way they can create specific reports on fuel savings or vehicle status reports (including on-board IT) for preventive maintenance purposes. “The open architecture gives operators more freedom and the possibility to break out from vendor-locked situations. The ones who benefit the most from Pilotfish’s ITxPT-based solutions are especially the large operators with heterogeneous IT systems and constant changes on-board” says Magnus Andersson, CEO of Pilotfish. For more information, kindly contact: Magnus Andersson, CEO Pilotfish Networks AB Phone no.: +46 70 777 8538 Email: Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. bo|A major European bus operator has chosen the Pilotfish solution to implement standardized ITxPT-based vehicle communication on more than 1000 buses. Thanks to the use of standardized protocols in the , the operator has the ability to choose from a variety of suppliers for connected hardware and software. pa|The operator is now rapidly implementing the solution throughout Sweden on its entire fleet in order to achieve fast and significant savings. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Driver focused Fuel Economy solution – great quick savings! h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Listen to Oscar Rosenstam talk about how a Public Transport Operator made a direct fuel saving of 8% after only a few months usage of Pilotfish driver focused fuel economy solution. Providing a unique, instant and frequent feedback to the driver. Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|From Voith and Pilotfish will present how the Internet of Things will change public transport at the Busworld Europe in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our . Now, our larger Driver Console, the FK302 is updated to Android 7.1 and ready for delivery. It will also be preconfigured, which takes away the need for manual configuration of the Console after the first start. There was a bug in how we handled VIN in the backoffice when Vehicle Gateways was moved between vehicles. With this fix we ensure that the gateway is correctly mapped to the vehicle. The ITxPT service for GNSS location, running on the Vehicle Gateway, was updated to output XML conforming to ITxPT v2. Previous ITxPT version was v1. FTP access from Gateways has been limited to only allow certain FTP commands, e.g. delete is no longer permitted from the GW. The view for selecting line and journey has got a second page, where the user manually can enter a line number and a journey number. This is important for traffic operators who do not use the “block” concept, and in situations where a vehicle should make a journey which is not associated to block. The screen has a control at the bottom with which the user can switch between the journey list page and the manual fields-based page. Verification of integration towards third party tachograph service IDHA. The response from the Vehicle REST API can now include AlarmValues, compared to earlier when only Alarm state was available. When listing Vehicles through the API the company that the vehicle is assigned to is also included in the response. We updated our Driver Console configuration tool to support Android 7.1 on our Android screens. The purpose of the tachograph download is to save the manual work of collecting the tachograph data and the information stored on the driver cards. The automatic download improves quality and reduces complexity, especially in a large-scale fleet. Read more on the pilotfish or on the blog. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|October 18 to 23, 2019 stand 945 in hall 9 h1|Newsletter 2019.08 Updated login support for mobile apps h2|Highlighted Feature News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Pilotfish and Voith at Busworld Europe Pilotfish Academy updated Agile tech coaching Driver Console FK302 with Android 7.1 Sprint review Development from last few weeks Bugfix in how we handle VINs sent to backoffice Conform to ITxPT v2 on GPS location output format Limit FTP access from Gateway Manual entry of line and journey number in Driver Console Verify IDHA integration for tachograph uploads Vehicle REST API updated Driver Console config support for Android 7.1 Remote Tachograph Download Leave a Comment sp|Menu Recently Pilotfish Academy got a new look, together with new functionality to handle the content in a better way. This is an ongoing work that will continue with content updates and further functionality updates down the line. Please check it out Pilotfish has brought in renowned speaker and long-time proponent of agile methodology, Emely Bache to help our organization with test-driven development. The main goal is to improve our development velocity and software quality. It is a part of our ongoing effort to update our development practices. The initial reactions from our team are very positive, and we look forward to the continued process. Emily has explained what she does in a blog post, which you can read . The Integrator Role in the ITxPT world Busforce recently released a new blog post: “In this blog post we will walk through the responsibilities for one of the most important roles when purchasing ITxPT-based ITS systems. The role of the integrator. And with it, the integration platform.” This section sums up the technical development from Pilotfish from the last few weeks. Our portfolio of mobile apps (Fault Report, Driver Clearance and Messages) now has support for our new login flow. The same login address and credentials will be used on all platforms. In this segment, we in every newsletter highlight a feature worth special recognition. Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|The platform supplied by Pilotfish includes a vehicle gateway capable of integrating different hardware systems in one and the same network. It also includes an Android-based tablet – the driver console – where apps from Pilotfish and other app developers can be used. The platform acts as a kind of framework that can be filled with content from both Pilotfish and other suppliers. Jönköpings Länstrafik and Hallandstrafiken will be able to look after operation and configuration of the platform’s gateway themselves, thus ensuring that any changes or updates needed can be quickly and easily implemented. “The new open architecture, which is based on the standards developed under the auspices of the ITxPT association, marks a fundamental change in the behaviour of the market players. Suppliers of e.g. CCTV or ticketing systems can now focus on their core business and truly become the best at what they do,” says Tomas Gabinus. A further aspect of the platform set-up is that the ticket management system that Jönköpings Länstrafik and Hallandstrafiken are developing jointly with Kalmar and Kronoberg will be controlled via apps in the driver console. Ticket system components installed in the buses can also be monitored, updated and configured via the server system. “Every big company really needs to have a structured architecture in place, as our customers are continually adding to and upgrading their vehicle systems. A typical example is when they want to distribute a security patch,” adds Tomas Gabinus. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|When Jönköpings Länstrafik and Hallandstrafiken joined forces to purchase a new IT system for data communication to vehicles, what they needed was a platform concept. The ability to choose from a variety of suppliers for both hardware systems and software solutions and link these to the same platform plays a crucial role in future-proofing a company’s IT environment. According to Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus, using standardised platform solutions can reduce overall costs, at the same time as allowing the various suppliers to focus on what they do best. h1|Pilotfish supplies 530 IT platforms to Jönköping and Halland h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|On August the 26th, Anders Qvist begins his position as Senior Technologist at Pilotfish. The Senior Technologist is the company’s main technical expert, focusing on understanding the technical implications of our business requirements and maintaining a matching technology strategy. The job also includes making sure that the company maintains a good architecture and a high quality to support our business requirements. He will also be responsible for a continuous improvement of our development process. In this, Anders will focus on the technical aspects of development (e.g. tooling, testing, source control, deployments) and work with development teams to make sure they have what they need to be effective. Scrum, leanness, requirements, issue tracking, etc will continue to be the responsibility of product owners, teams and team leaders. Although new at the job, Anders isn’t new to Pilotfish. He worked at Pilotfish from 2009 to 2013, before he moved to Miveo. Recent years he has been working at Burt. Now he is back with us at Pilotfish again, which we are happy for. We expect great things. Welcome Anders! Before the summer, Pilotfish released an integration with web-IDHA, for maximum streamlining of tachograph and driver card data handling. With the integration, the data from theTachograph Download is imported directly from the Pilotfish Vehicle Gateway into the web-IDHA interface, which is a very common analyzing tool among Swedish public transport operators. Svealandstrafiken is taking over as traffic operator for the city busses in Örebro county. Now the first buses in Örebro are put out in traffic with Pilotfish Vehicle Communication Platform, Pilotfish Fuel Economy and a handful other Pilotfish solutions implemented. . (Swedish) Fixed bug with the search filter on the web portal. Fixed problem with cached web pages. Fixed problem with high load on Fuel Economy grade calculations. Fixed problem when FE driver page got stuck in week selection. IO dependency resolved during Economenter startup. To be able to tweak the appearance of web maps and provide more future safe solution we host our own map service. This service has undergone some maintenance. Map tiles are now retrieved faster and more reliable than before. The Pilotfish Academy site is being updated to show relevant content, and the user’s version and language will soon be reflected when visiting the site through the Pilotfish site. A version number to describe the full system, including all subsystems, has been introduced and is shown on the web portal. This will help support when dealing with bug reports, and to keep track of what services are deployed for different customers at every specific time. This enables the backoffice to distribute predefined messages to the Driver Console in the bus. The bus driver can then easily send the predefined messages by the click of a button. For one customer we added the Control Panel to their web portal and did a setup so that they can find and reset alarms on vehicles manually. The momentary grade calculations that previously only have been used on the Pilotfish Econometer is being prepared for use in the Driver Console. The momentary grade calculations is the grade calculated from the latest login up until the current time. An update to our User administration tool. We now show what role a user has in the search results. We also added the possibility to filter search results based on user roles. Total gas and fuel consumption has always been a part of what we collect from the vehicles, but we haven’t until now exposed these figures in our REST interface. The Pilotfish Checklist app helps drivers and maintenance personnel to complete the vehicle for traffic. With an easily navigated and preconfigured set of topics and questions to answer, the checklist will provide a thorough walkthrough of the vehicle before starting. The app also provides an easy way to report and receive feedback on faults. The comprehensive Android-based application saves time for drivers and maintenance, and instantly provides traffic control and the workshop with relevant information about the situation, presented in a structured way, which makes decision making and prioritizing much easier. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Newsletter 2019.06-07 h2|Happening at Pilotfish Spring review Highlighted Feature News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|A new role at Pilotfish: Senior Technologist IDHA integration Traffic start Örebro Development from last few weeks Bug fixes and general improvements Improved map tile performance Pilotfish Academy updates System wide version number Predefined messages for easier messaging from bus Reset alarms from the Control Panel Preparations for showing grades in Driver Console Visualize user role in User administration tool Add total gas and fuel consumption to REST interface Checklist Leave a Comment sp|Menu This section sums up the technical development from Pilotfish from the last few weeks. We highlight a feature worth special recognition Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Pilotfish Fuel Economy combines eco-driving with comfortable driving. The smart driving application supports you reaching your environmental and economic goals. By reducing fuel consumption and saving carbon emissions, you will make an important step towards the future of mobility. Read the success stories from some of our customers below. di|• Powered by h1|Customers achieve savings with Pilotfish Fuel Economy solution h2|Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Sees up to 10% fuel savings Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|A new indexed field for Total Fuel Consumption was added to our data model. The Total Fuel Consumption is read from FMS and is the accumulated amount of fuel consumed by the vehicle during its lifetime. The data is reported from the Vehicle Gateway several times a day. In the Wanda web portal, if the odometer value comes from FMS or the Tachograph it’s displayed with a solid black font color, whereas when it’s calculated from GPS it will show as greyed out with a dotted line. The dotted line will show a popup help text when hovered over with the cursor. Previously we showed a red text when the odometer value came from GPS or Tachograph, implying that the Tachograph value is approximated or inferior in some way, which is not the case. There has been a number of improvements to the Alcolock bypass alarm to avoid false alarms. Fixes includes smarter calculations of GPS values and using the D+ signal (engine generator signal) for triggering the alarm for vehicles without FMS. For customers to use their own messaging system when communicating with drivers we extended our Messaging REST API so that external parties can send and receive messages. E.g. when a traffic controller want to send a message to a driver, this can be done by integration towards our REST API. The message will then show in the driver console in the vehicle. Information about what FMS parameters that are available for a vehicle is collected and sent to the back office, where the data is indexed and placed in a database for future analysis. This is useful for customers with many different bus models in their fleet, and want to know what FMS parameters are available across the entire fleet or a subset. Looking into what the possibilities are if an integration between Pilotfish’s Routeplanner and Hogia’s Vehicle Journey Service should be made. Some of the manual work that is done in the Routeplanner when planning bus lines and detours is already done in Hogias system. If the route information could be shared between the platforms a manual step could be replaced by an automatic verification. We have streamlined how we build and deploy software releases, making it easier to maintain and also makes it possible to provide a global version number for all combinations of services. This global version number will further be used in bug reports and forwarded to external parties for handling version compatibility. An internal tool for replaying recorded data streams recorded by the Pilotfish Vehicle Data Recorder, to mimic an actual vehicle on a Vehicle Gateway mounted on a testbench. The tool replays data from accelerometer, GPS and FMS. This tool can be used in full stack system tests and quality assurance, as well as for demonstrations. Our ongoing effort to update the Wanda web portal continues. This sprint we added better filtering capabilities to the driver list page, making it possible to sort and filter on all available fields. We also added functionality to display the page on smaller screens. New views for selecting block, journey and line the driver makes in the vehicle. The block list is loaded from back office, and the list is filtered when typing. The driver then selects a journey from the selected block. From the Driver Console the driver can tap on a predefined short message that will be sent to the traffic control. The list of messages can be configured in the back office. The message contains subject, body and coded data about vehicle, next bus stop, timestamp etc. A GUI for the driver to supervise tickets from within the Driver console. When a ticket is selected, detailed information of that ticket is displayed. The ticket validator is shown when the vehicle comes to a halt, e.g. at a bus stop. We developed and deployed an MQTT bridge, receiving and translating between different MQTT dialects. Once translated the MQTT topics are sent to Azure Cloud, where a customer handles the received data. FMS and Tell-tales coming from the vehicle manufacturers interface in combination with other data such as battery status in order to create Automatic Fault Reports. The drivers can send fault reports, via an app that is configurable and adapted to the customers own fault reporting routines. The driver also sees an overview of what faults have been reported on that particular vehicle. di|• Powered by li|Our systems are technically and operationally stable. Uptime is high and our customers can trust our employees and our organisation. We are a part of an important value chain and our link is reliable and stable. We aim to be Innovative not only today but also in the long run. We invest in innovation in order to best supply our customers. We are open in our communications with our partners and customers in order to offer the best technology and standards. We base our offering on open technologies and standards. (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|The Pilotfish RIO values: Reliable Innovative Open Automatic Fault Report Manual Fault Report h1|Newsletter 2019.5 h2|Happening at Pilotfish Spring review Highlighted Feature News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Svealandstrafiken – a digital front runner Pilotfish and Voith at UITP New coworkers Procuring a Vehicle Communication Platform RIO Award to Carl Malmström Development from last few weeks Total Fuel Consumption Improved presentation of approximated odometer Fine tuning of Alcolock bypass alarm Extended messaging REST API Collecting FMS metadata from Vehicles Pre-study on integration between Hogia VJS with Pilotfish Routeplanner New deployment process, single versioned releases Data replay tool Fuel Economy: updated Driver list page New GUI for route assignment Predefined short messages Ticket Validator GUI MQTT integration with Azure cloud FAULT REPORTS Leave a Comment sp|Menu Svealandstrafiken, a public transport operator that serves Västmandland and Örebro county, is in the forefront of vehicle fleet digitalization. Busforce recently had a chat with them about digitalization. The UITP summit was a great opportunity for Pilotfish to develop relationships, both old and new ones. We shared booth with Voith, which gave good opportunities to strengthen our alliance and communicate our strategic partnership. This week, we got four new coworkers at Pilotfish. Marie Persson and Johan Helsing are Java developers. They are both fresh from school. Jonathan has studied at Chalmers, Marie has studied at University of Gothenburg. Julie Lamarre who will work with sales has five years of experience in sales of SaaS. Marzieh Rostaei is an Embedded developer, with a Bachelor’s Degree in computer engineering at Azad University in Teheran, more than a year of courses at University of Gothenburg and almost 7 years work experience as a developer and tester in both Sweden and Iran. Marzieh is already out visiting customers, so she couldn’t attend the photo op. We want to welcome you all to the company! Busforce recently posted an article about procuring a communication platform for vehicles. When you do, you very seldom start from scratch. So, you need to make a review of what you have and decide what you can keep and what needs to be replaced. Every quarter, Pilotfish issues a reward to one of our coworkers, who in a good way has embodied the Pilotfish RIO values. The motivation for giving Carl the award is following: Carl is very open to help others. He always does something extra to benefit the recipient, and he delivers professionally and fast. Congratulations Carl! This section sums up the technical development from Pilotfish from the last few weeks. We highlight a feature worth special recognition Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Open standards have always played an essential role in Pilotfish’s strategy for delivering the Internet of Things to public transport. In May 2017 Pilotfish was the first company to receive ITxPT certification for an onboard device. The ITxPT standard has ever since evolved from its initial version 1.0 to the latest 2.1 and has seen a steady acceptance in the market. The Vehicle Gateway VG210 is at the heart of customer’s fleets. Inside the individual vehicle the VG210 is responsible for communication of onboard electronics equipment from multiple suppliers to their respective back offices as well as to Pilotfish’s own back office. With Pilotfish being one of the leading IT providers for public transport the great usage and integration has yet become even more standardised with the following services provided by the gateway: Module inventory service, Time service, GNSS Location service, FMStoIP configuration and provision services, VEHICLEtoIP service and MQTT broker service. We are looking forward to seeing our gateways continue interoperating with a wide variety of standard compliant devices demonstrating their potential elevated by complying to the latest ITxPT standard and for our customers to reach their goals. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Pilotfish is proud to announce that its VG210 is now labeled compliant according to specifications S01v2.1.0 & S02v2.1.0. Committed to Standards – committed to the Future. h1|Pilotfish Vehicle Gateway VG210 receives ITxPT 2.1 certification h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu For more information, kindly contact: Magnus Andersson, CEO Pilotfish Networks AB Phone no.: +46 70 777 8538 Email: Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|When Jönköpings Länstrafik and Hallandstrafiken joined forces to purchase a new IT system for data communication to vehicles, what they needed was a platform concept. The ability to choose from a variety of suppliers for both hardware systems and software solutions and link these to the same platform plays a crucial role in future-proofing a company’s IT environment. According to Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus, using standardised platform solutions can reduce overall costs, at the same time as allowing the various suppliers to focus on what they do best. This is an interview with Tomas Gabinus, CEO Pilotfish, published in the Voith newsletter 5/10/2019. Read the interview We want to take the opportunity to present Ingrid Lumley, who started working at Pilotfish April 23rd. Most recently she worked at a government agency and before that the municipality of Varberg. She has also previously worked for a law firm in Canada, which is quite useful at Pilotfish with our rapid international expansion. Ingrid appreciates Pilotfish’s open IT solutions, as well as the work we do with sustainability and environment, which was part of the reasons why she took the job. She works as an accountant, and already her assignment is expanding, which she finds positive. – I have a broad role here, with up to thirty different tasks instead of three, which could be the case in another context. In her spare time, she’s involved in a lot of activities, like gardening and growing vegetables. Right now, it’s time to plant potatoes. She also practices yoga, even though she doesn’t consider herself an expert. – I can’t fold like a jackknife, as some yoga practitioners. Some positions are quite straining, but that’s the point. That’s how you increase your flexibility. We would like to give Ingrid a heartfelt welcome and we look forward to a continued fruitful collaboration. Pilotfish has signed an agreement for the supply and delivery of an IT system for 320 buses at Svealandstrafiken, a bus operator owned jointly by Region Västmanland and Region Örebro County. The Pilotfish solution is based on a communication platform where all onboard systems can be connected to the same network with online connection, cloud solutions and access for users via computers, phones and tablets. A proof-of-concept using an external light sensor to be used with an Android Professional tablet without its own built-in sensor. The light sensor can be used to automatically adjust the brightness of the screen. Good news, it works! We added an MQTT topic for Assault Alarm to our internal topic structure. Topics published on the internal topic structure can be forwarded to subscribers. Fuel Economy and Comfort events are now displayed in the integrated Driver app. These events have previously been presented in the Fuel Economy app, but it’s now possible to show them also as part of the integrated Driver app, alongside the time schedule and communication interface. We extended the already existing REST API for Agents (i.e. Gateways) with an endpoint for importing Gateways. This will be used to map Gateways to companies and sub-companies beforehand. When a Gateway first starts communicating from within a bus it’s already placed on the correct hierarchical level. The controls for Tetra Radio is now an integrated part of the Driver app. The driver can answer calls, adjust the volume and send predefined messages over the radio to the Traffic Control. The Gateway web portal now has support for different users and groups, all with different access to different parts of the portal. There could e.g. be one access group for installers and another one for administrators. Our ongoing effort to get a more modern and reactive web app has now reached the Driver list page. Aside from good looks the new web also has updated functionalities in terms of sorting and filtering. This feature makes it possible to monitor the battery voltage and present it both in the back-office interface and through a mobile app. It reduces the cost of monitoring the battery status, saves the batteries and saves the cost for standby vehicles to cover for unexpected battery failures. for more information di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) h1|Newsletter 2019.4 h2|Happening at Pilotfish Spring review Highlighted Feature News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Svealandstrafiken – a digital front runner Pilotfish supplies 530 IT platforms to Jönköping and Halland Voith and Pilotfish collaborate to push digitalization for public transportation New employee – Ingrid Lumley Pilotfish supplies the Svealandstrafiken bus company Development from last few weeks Proof-of-concept using Yocto Light Sensor Extended internal MQTT topic structure Display events in the Driver app REST API for Agent import Integrated GUI for Tetra Radio Access control groups on Gateway web portal Facelift of web app for Fuel Economy Battery Monitoring Leave a Comment sp|Menu Svealandstrafiken, a public transport operator that serves Västmandland and Örebro county, is in the forefront of vehicle fleet digitalization. Busforce recently had a chat with them about digitalization. This section sums up the technical development from Pilotfish from the last few weeks. We highlight a feature worth special recognition Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|Apart from the central information units, the delivery agreement with DB Regio also includes Android based driver consoles which in real-time can support the driver with relevant information about, for example, passengers, ticket handling, vehicle position, service need and fuel consumption, depending on which applications the public transport operator chooses to connect to the open information solution. – We deliver a solution that includes real-time monitoring of the vehicle, along with our application for eco driving, which helps the driver to a smoother and more effective driving style and in the same time helps reduce fuel consumption. Also included in the delivery is a cloud solution for online downloading of tachograph information, instead of having to enter each vehicle and manually download the information, which is how it oftentimes is done today. This saves both time and money, Tomas Gabinus, says. Today, 1500 units are already installed and certified according to the European standard for public transport, ”Information Technology for Public Transport” ITxPT. The certification is a standard for open and compatible IT-architecture, which enhances the possibilities for transport operators and system- and vehicle manufacturers to supply value for public transport passengers. – For several years, Pilotfish has worked to increase openness and compatibility within IT solutions for public transport. Openness with information means that we, together with other developers, can increase knowledge about new systems and solutions among public transport operators and authorities. ITxPT at the same time, means that market opportunities open up for smaller IT solution- and application suppliers, which in return enhances competition and drives development and streamlining within European public transport forward, which we see as something very positive. The delivered IT-system is also integrated and adapted to the two existing communication protocols IBIS and FMS, which among other things handle line information and vehicle status. Tomas Gabinus, CEO Pilotfish Networks AB. Phone: +46 31 339 66 74, E-mail: mission is to increase productivity and attractiveness for train-, tram- and bus transport through structured digitalization. The offer is based on an open, standardized vehicle communication platform with user friendly applications and support for continual process improvements. The Pilotfish technology is founded on standards and IT architecture from the European standardization organization ITxPT. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|Pilotfish has signed a deal with Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB Regio, to install central information units,” Vehicle Communication Gateways”, with the supplementing driver consoles in 4800 busses over the upcoming five years. – Naturally, we are very pleased to enter a cooperation with such an important actor within the German public transport market. This means that we can establish a solid foundation in Germany, an important step in our strategy for global growth. We aim to be a part of developing and streamlining public transport to decrease environmental impact around the world, Tomas Gabinus states. For more information, please contact: Pilotfish Networks h1|Delivering IT solutions to Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB Regio h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa| di|• Powered by h1|Fuel Savings and less maintenance through digitalization at Svealandstrafiken h2|Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement. pa|This is an interview with Tomas Gabinus, CEO Pilotfish, published in the Voith newsletter 5/10/2019 With our mission we want to achieve that people consider to use public transport – whenever possible – instead of their personal car. Therefore, we have to change our mindset in order to move into a more advanced way. This is where we see our opportunity to make a contribution to society with our solutions. By supporting our customers to be more efficient we make public transport more attractive. And public transport needs to be more attractive not only for operators but also for people to offer them a state-of-the-art way to move and travel. Voith can contribute to our mission by helping us spread the word and the solution as well as our knowledge to Voith customers. The focus thereby lies first on already existing Voith customers. But by being part of the Voith communication network it is a huge chance for Pilotfish to also reach new customers jointly with Voith. Pilotfish and Voith have a unique relationship that offers a full network for service and support throughout the world as well as specialized knowledge on integration with the vehicle. As Pilotfish has established its position as the leading company for an on-board platform for digitalization of buses based on a growing industry standard called ITxPT, there is huge potential also for Voith to provide this solution to customers. With its portfolio of carefully chosen applications, Pilotfish found a new way for public transport to deliver services through the cloud. Furthermore, Pilotfish has shown evidence that the technology and business-model scale up and can be implemented in other countries such as United Kingdom, France and Germany as well. Being part of the Voith infrastructure enables us to rely on a whole worldwide sales, service and support network. When it comes to synergies you have to consider two different perspectives. One is Pilotfish: Here I see that there is a huge benefit when it comes to global reach regarding sales and support as well as knowledge about the customers. The other perspective is Voith: There is the digitalization transformation not only in the public transport sector but also in the whole society. The benefit of adding connectivity to Voith solutions make them more efficient and enable new services as well as support possibilities. Some of the solutions are sold on a so called Life Cycle Cost contract (LCC contract) to keep quality and maintenance of sold products. By taking over this maintenance approach you have the responsibility to surveil the status of the products or systems in order to react quickly if something goes wrong with the product before it breaks or if you need to change a component. In the long term, this enables predictive maintenance by adding intelligence, digitalization and functionality to the Voith product portfolio. Additionally, the Pilotfish solution not only applies to the buses but also to the rail and marine applications where you can use the same platform and hardware. These are two main reasons why Voith invested in Pilotfish. I am most excited about working with the people and meeting the clients to provide solutions to their changing requirements. It is all about exchanging knowledge and developing high-quality and sustainable solutions together. Joining and matching the two cultures of Pilotfish and Voith is not only interesting but also value adding for both parties to expand the horizon and to get to know insights into different perspectives and ways of thinking. We are working on the definition of processes. The harmonization of the product roadmap as well as setting up the customer action plan are fundamental to be successful on the market. On the other hand, the organization of the training activities for sales and service colleagues are very important to be best prepared for upcoming projects. We are planning to jointly develop an ecosystem of application suppliers in the industry. We are trying to build and spread the idea of an open platform which allows that everybody can join and can bring in ideas, experience and knowledge. We offer a vendor-neutral, modularized and evolutionary IT platform with open and standardized plug and play interfaces coupled with a set of carefully selected applications. We are moving from an IT world with closed systems and only a few big suppliers who are doing everything at the same time to a more specialized business model where a lot of smaller companies have the chance to assert themselves on the market. This is also what we want to achieve. Pilotfish is specialized in the connectivity of the vehicle. Our target is to work together with different partners who are experts in their field. This is what is meant by the developing an ecosystem of application suppliers and explains the essence of how we are trying to make a contribution in order to fulfill our mission. di|• Powered by li|(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) st|The mission of Pilotfish is to improve public transport to the point where it becomes everyone’s first choice. How can Voith contribute to realize this mission? How would you formulate a shared vision of this partnership? Where do you see synergies of the collaboration between Pilotfish and Voith? What are you personally most excited about in working with Voith? Which actions are you taking right now together with Voith? A look into the future: Which projects or topics do you want to tackle together with Voith next? What would you like to emphasize personally as an outlook for the future? h1|Voith and Pilotfish collaborate to push digitalization for public transportation h2|News archive Visit our Press Room Helpful links Socialize with us h3|Leave a Comment sp|Menu Post navigation Sign up for newsletter © 2021 Pilotfish Scroll back to top Close When visiting our website, we evaluate your user behavior for website optimization. For this purpose we use the analysis tool Google Analytics which sets cookies on your device. These cookies are stored on your device after visiting our website. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies and agree to the above measures. Further information and instructions can be found in the Privacy Statement.