Our API ​ is designed to fit all software localization processes. You can easily import and download , tag keys, or interact in multiple ways with the localization data stored in Phrase through the API. The requirements of localization teams around the world differ. By providing a variety of , such as our API, Over the Air, GitHub, and GitLab Sync, you can easily integrate Phrase into your workflow. quickly with as much context and assistance as possible is what the Translation Editor was built for. Work faster by utilizing the right tool for the job. Phrase provides a variety of features specifically designed to improve your and consistency, such as our Glossary, Translation Memory, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest and many more. 06/03/2019 “This is how a translation management system should look like” “Quick and easy integration with git, great support for most file formats and translation libraries, the awesome interface for the content creators and a very good documentation.” 12/01/2019 “Easy to use for developers” “Phrase app offers a very good API for developers. Especially the new live editing mode of translations is really helpful, as you can directly see the changes that you are applying.“ 05/23/2019 “Best experience on a translation system” “Phrase is simple and beginner-friendly. Right from the start I used it without any problem because it is simple and intuitive.” 04/21/2019 “Forget about missing translations” “Everyone being able to collaborate and feel the progress while translating our products. It also has great and easy integrations, a powerful CLI and an even better API making it an easy choice for any developer.” “Just Perfect” “It just works without fail, very easy to setup and use. Phrase Team is very responsive and keep adding new features.” “” “The localization process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales.” “The response variety that Phrase provides significantly improves the overall language quality of the tool; it sounds more natural, which makes it much more engaging for our customers.” “With Phrase, we have been able to modernize our localization process and bring our suite of applications to a wider global audience.” “Phrase has been an important part of Kreditech’s successful international expansion, both on a Country and on a Product level!” “Phrase is the most developer friendly and continuous-deployment friendly solution on the market. From the moment we started searching for a solution, Phrase quickly stood out from the crowd.” “Phrase's easy-to-use and intuitive collaboration platform made it an important trusted tool during our expansion into France.” “Phrase has been central in enabling our small-but-mighty engineering team to seamlessly localize digital applications.” “Phrase exceeded our expectations. The software helped us streamline our localization and become an industry leader. The results speak volumes.” Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks InfographicsDeveloper Learn more Manager Learn more Translator Learn more Designer Learn more Time to get started Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h1|The Leanest, Fastest, and Most Reliable Localization Platform h2|Everything you need to amplify your localization process for global growth Highest-rated software localization solution A localization process your whole team can count on from day one The preferred software localization solution for over 1,000 companies worldwide h3|Use the power of a scalable software localization platform to enter new markets reliably with all of the growth and none of the hassle. Phrase is the place where localization teams come together to release translations in the most streamlined way possible. Phrase is a software localization platform built with the whole team in mind. Scaling businesses globally, achieving a faster time-to-market, and creating a better user experience are only some of the reasons so many companies seek out Phrase for their localization needs. h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Trusted by 1,000+ companies sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend Manager, Mid-Market(51-200 employees) Philip B Software developer, Enterprise (1001-5000 employees) Valeria C Independent Translator, Enterprise (1001-5000 employees) Oswaldo A Front-end Engineer, Information Technology and Services, Small-Business (11-50 employees) David-Benjamin B CEO, Small-Business(2-10 employees) English We're hiring! Solutions pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Vår API är byggd för att passa alla sorters processer för mjukvarulokalisering. Du kan enkelt importera , ladda ner lokala filer, tag keys eller interagera på en rad sätt med den lokaliseringsdata som lagrats i Phrase genom API. Kraven på lokaliseringsteam runt om i världen skiljer sig åt. Genom att erbjuda en mängd olika integrationsmöjligheter som vår API, Over the Air, GitHub och GitLab Sync, kan du enkelt integrera Frase i ditt arbetsflöde. Vår Translation Editor är utformad med så mycket kontext och assistans som möjligt för att det ska gå snabbt att . Att använda rätt verktyg gör jobbet gjort snabbare. Phrase erbjuder en mängd olika funktioner som är speciellt utformade för att förbättra din och konsekvens, såsom vår ordlista, översättningsminne, In-Context Editor, SmartFöreslå och många fler. 06/03/2019 "Så här ska ett översättningshanteringssystem se ut" "Snabb och enkel integration med git, bra stöd för de flesta filformat och översättningsbibliotek, det fantastiska gränssnittet för innehållsskaparna och en mycket bra dokumentation." 12/01/2019 "Lätt för utvecklare att använda" “Phrase-appen erbjuder ett mycket bra API för utvecklare. Speciellt det nya och mycket hjälpsamma live-redigeringsläget för översättningar, i vilket du kan se dina ändringar direkt när du genomför dem.“ 05/23/2019 "Den bästa upplevelsen på ett översättningssystem" "Phrase är lätt för nybörjarvänlig. Jag använde den utan problem direkt på grund av dess enkela och intuitiva utformning." 04/21/2019 "Glöm förlorade översättningar" ”Att alla kan samarbeta och följa framstegen när de översätter våra produkter. Det har också fantastiska och enkla integrationer, en kraftfull CLI och ett ännu bättre API, vilket gör det till ett enkelt val för alla utvecklare. ” "Helt perfekt" ”Det fungerar utan fel helt enkelt. Väldigt lätt att installera och använda. Phrase-teamet är mycket lyhört och fortsätter att lägga till nya funktioner. ” "Tack vare Phrase kan vi expandera vår verksamhet och produktportfölj utan att behöva bekymra oss om lokalisering". "Lokaliseringsprocessen går så mycket smidigare, vilket gör det mycket enklare att släppa nya versioner och lägga till nya locales." "Den variation i respons som Phrase erbjuder förbättrar avsevärt verktygets språkkvalitet. Det låter mer naturligt och engagerar våra kunder mycket mer." "Med Phrase har vi kunnat modernisera vår lokaliseringsprocess och ta vår App-svit vidare till en global publik". "Phrase har haft en viktig roll i Kreditechs framgångrika expansion utomlands, både vad gäller länder och produkter!" "Phrase är den mest utvecklarvänliga lösningen på marknaden och är riktigt smidig för kontinuerlig utplacering. När vi började leta efter en lösning stack Phrase genast ut från mängden. "Phrases lättanvända och intuitiva samarbetsplattform var ett oumbärligt och pålitligt verktyg under vår expansion i Frankrike." "Phrase var en central del i att det gick så smidigt för vårt lilla men engagerade team att lokalisera våra digitala applikationer." "Phrase överträffar alla våra förväntningar. Mjukvaran var till stor hjälp i att effektivisera vår lokalisering och göra oss industriledande. Resultaten talar sitt tydliga språk." Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker InfografikUtvecklare Ta reda på mer Manager Ta reda på mer Översättare Ta reda på mer Designern Ta reda på mer Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Den mest effektiva, pålitliga och snabbaste lokaliseringsplattformen h2|Allt du behöver för att utvidga din lokalisering när du ska växa globalt. Högst betygsatta TMS av riktiga kunder En lokaliseringsprocess som hela ditt team kan räkna med Främsta översättningslösning för över 1000 företag världen runt h3|Använd kraften i en skalbar plattform för mjukvarulokalisering till att ta dig in på nya marknader där du får hela tillväxten utan bekymmer. Phrase är platsen där lokaliseringsteam samlas för att släppa översättningar på det mest strömlinjeformade sättet. Phrase är en översättningshanteringslösning som skapats med hela teamet i åtanke. Att växa globalt, korta ner tiden till marknaden och skapa bättre användarupplevelser är bara några anledningar till varför så många företag kommer till Phrase för sina lokaliseringsbehov. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Över 1000 företag har givit oss sitt förtroende sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend Manager, mellanstort företag (51-200 anställda) Philip B Mjukvaruutvecklare, enterprise (1001-5000 anställda) Valeria C Oberoende översättare, enterprise (1001-5000 anställda) Oswaldo A Frontend-ingenjör, informationsteknologi och tjänster, mindre företag (11-50 anställda) David-Benjamin B VD, mindre företag (2-10 anställda) Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Translation Center är stommen i Phrases system för översättning. I webb-gränssnittet kan du hantera alla språk och översättningar över ett flertal plattformar. Phrases In-Context Editor kan integreras med nästan alla webb-applikationer och gör det möjligt att översätta innehållet direkt från din webbsida. Med vår API kan du bygga skräddarsydda arbetsflöden och förbättra integreringen av Phrase i din lokaliseringsprocess. Du kan antingen jobba med ditt eget översättarteam eller beställa professionella översättningar från våra samarbetspartners. Det är numera möjligt att lansera nya språk inom några timmar. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information st|Användare Lösenord h1|Phrase aktiv h3|Translation Center, In-context-Editor, API Translation Center In-Contest Editor Lokaliserings-API Översättningstjänster h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Vi anser att alla borde kunna få tillgång till programvara på sitt modersmål. Det är därför vi är så stolta över att hjälpa team runt om i världen att komma in på nya marknader mer produktivt och framgångsrikt än någonsin tidigare. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Vi är passionerade av kraften i kommunikation och samarbetar med team runt om i världen för att hjälpa dem att uppnå sina globala mål. Vill du vara en del av ett team som förenas av passionen att bygga något stort som verkligen betyder något? En plats där du har utrymme för att utveckla din kreativitet, ta vara på dina egna talanger och där du välkomnas som du är? Kontakta dp oss, hitta din plats och anslut dig till oss! Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Engineer Principal Software Engineer Engineer Engineer Lead Generation Representative Head of HR Senior Account Manager Founder & Engineer Chief Product Officer (CPO) Recruiting Manager Team Lead Engineering Engineer Account Manager Product Manager Customer Success Manager Junior Finance Manager Product Manager Head of Marketing Product Marketing Manager Engineering Intern Content Marketing Manager Account Executive Online Marketing Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Head of Customer Success Account Executive Account Manager Engineer Engineer Engineer Head of Operations Localization Consultant Marketing Intern Product Manager Engineer Junior HR Manager Engineering Student Sales Manager Sales Manager Sales Manager Head of Sales Marketing Intern Online Marketing Student Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Visual Designer ? Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|About Phrase h2|Vårt uppdrag är att riva språkbarriärer The story behind Success stories Levererar översatt innehåll i tid till sina 12 miljoner medlemmar Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase är den ledande plattformen för mjukvarulokalisering och det pålitligaste alternativet för lokalisering av en hemsida eller en mobilapp. Kunder världen över förlitar sig på Phrase som den mest heltäckande och skalbara lösningen för global lansering av flerspråkiga digitala produkter. Sönke Behrendt Manuel Boy Aleks Maksimow Elizabeth Orwig Til Fabel Mariana Tutlys Mustafa Cetin Tobias Schwab Björn Minkmar Nadine Steinert Aleksandr Lossenko Sven Dunemann Julia Pachal Mansoor Khan Patrick Hampel Marena Mohrdieck Lisa Reisch Stephan Schöning Corinna Maier Mikko Karkee Dalibor Stajic Pierre Zenker Kultida Thongyaem Frederik Vollert Henning Schlinkmann Wafaâ Jlaoui Jimena Codrin Stefan Greffenius Szymon Dziewoński Jakub Freisler Kristof Kraemer Kristina Reinhardt Lea Häusler David Ost Stefan Bruhns Jana-Marie Lecher Paul Baumgarten Finn Adomat Caroline Gruner Laure Salinas Jannis Rhein Cora Schah Sedi Colin Witt Wolfram Graetz Gamze Kaplan And You? h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Allmänna användarvillkor (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar em|v3.0, last revised 8 januari 2020 pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. We collaborate on eye level with our customers. Our relationships with customers are long-term. The challenges of our customers are our challenges. Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for learning. We aim for gold, not silver or bronze. We are driven to succeed. We believe in agility and speed and strive for continuous improvement. We are in this together. We are team players and help each other out.We value the skills and ideas of our colleagues. We embrace our ideas being challenged. We love to collaborate. We trust each other. We believe people of different backgrounds, cultures, languages and thinking styles spark our creativity. We insist on a culture of respect. We don’t tolerate closed mindsets or statements. We nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. We take smart risks and are open to possible failure. We take initiatives and move things forward. We encourage autonomous decision making. Be part of a young, dynamic team of great, open minded people who all have their own skills and talents, but are unified by the same passion to build something that matters. Work in a professional environment where you can be productive and have fun as well. We support each other and give you the freedom you need to work effectively. Enjoy working in our bright, spacious designer office located in the center of Hamburg. We give everyone their own place to think and room to collaborate. Enjoy our kitchen with everything you need and space to sit together for lunch. Additionally, there are always free drinks and fruits for a healthy snack. We definitely enjoy our rooftop terrace with its panoramic view over Hamburg. Whether it is a good old BBQ with a cold beer or a nice breakfast, we like to come together after work is done. We are structured in an agile self-organizing system that encourages each team member contribute and fully unfold their creativity, personal skills and talents. We are constantly evolving and striving to always share our knowledge and individual strengths among our team. Learn from software engineering and localization experts to explore your path. We are constantly working with the latest technologies in our software development, always striving for the highest code quality and caring about the next person who has to work with it. “Experiencing us all growing together is awesome!” “Like in sports, an outstanding team makes you perform best. I’m delighted to be part of such an awesome team here at Phrase!” “It’s really rewarding to make the work of engineering teams all over the world just a little bit easier every day.” We’d still love to hear from you. Contact us or simply apply proactively! Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Join Phrase! h2|Our core values Your Benefits What our employees say Current openings From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Hjälp oss att göra team för mjukvaralokalisering runt om i världen mer produktiva genom att tillhandahålla en mer pålitlig och öppen översättningshanteringslösning. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Customer Partnership Excellence Teamwork Cultural Diversity Ownership Work with great people Flexible environment in which work is fun Nice and perfectly located penthouse office Free drinks & fruits Regular team events Progressive hierarchy system Learn from people with all kinds of expertise Work with the latest technologies Didn't find the position you're looking for? sp|Toggle Navigation David Ost Product Manager Jannis Rhein Head of Sales Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. För små team som vill utöka sitt företag genom lokalisering MÅNADSVIS BETALNING ÅRSBETALNING För produkt- och ingenjörsteam som letar efter en strömlinjeformad och automatiserad lokaliseringsprocess. MÅNADSVIS BETALNING ÅRSBETALNING För stora teams och globala märken som söker avancerad anpassning och efterlevnadskontroll för företag. MÅNADSVIS BETALNING ÅRSBETALNING Med vår ISO 27001 certifiering, TISAX AL 2 konformitet och strikt efterlevnad av EU:s dataskyddsförordning, garanterar Phrase att din data är säker. Du kan när som helst lägga till användarplatser i din plan. Följande priser gäller för ytterligare användare i respektive årsbetalning plan: Du kan när som helst lägga till användarplatser i din plan. Följande priser gäller för ytterligare användare i respektive månadsvis plan: Alla som arbetar i Phrase räknas som användare, oavsett om det är en chef, översättare, designer eller utvecklare. För vår basplan finns det inget minsta antal användare. För vår avancerade plan är minst 5 användare och för en Enterprise-plan är 10 användarsäten det lägsta. Du kan lägga till fler användarsäten när som helst. Meddelandet "Du har nått din användargräns" betyder att du måste boka ytterligare användarsäten för ditt konto innan du kan bjuda in fler användare. Vi erbjuder betalning via kreditkort (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), SEPA, banköverföring och PayPal. Hör av dig till vårt Customer Success Team om du har särskilda önskemål gällande din beställning. Under din 14-dagars kostnadsfria provperiod har du tillgång till alla funktioner utom de anpassade tjänster som ingår i Enterprise-planen. Vi hjälper dig gärna när som helst för att hitta den bästa planen för dina behov. Alla planer inkluderar API-åtkomst, åtkomst till vårt översättningscenter och alla våra format som stöds. Det finns ingen gräns för ord, segment eller språk. Du kan när som helst uppgradera din plan. Din prenumeration förnyas automatiskt i slutet av betalningsperioden om du inte säger upp den i enlighet med våra användarvillkor. Nedgraderingar börjar gälla när din nuvarande betalningsperiod är över. MAU (Monthly Active Users) är de enda månatliga användarna av din mobila app. MAU-gränsen är den enda relevanta ifall du planerar att lokalisera en mobil app genom att använda vår egenskap Over the Air. Du kan när som helst bjuda in ditt team av översättare att göra översättningar direkt i Phrase. Vid behov kan du också beställa professionella översättningar från tredjepartsleverantörer av översättningar direkt från vår plattform. För mer information, se vår Beroende på vilken leverantör du väljer börjar priserna för professionella översättningar på 0,06 USD per ord. "Tack vare Phrase kan vi expandera vår verksamhet och produktportfölj utan att behöva bekymra oss om lokalisering". "Lokaliseringsprocessen går så mycket smidigare, vilket gör det mycket enklare att släppa nya versioner och lägga till nya locales." "Den variation i respons som Phrase erbjuder förbättrar avsevärt verktygets språkkvalitet. Det låter mer naturligt och engagerar våra kunder mycket mer." "Med Phrase har vi kunnat modernisera vår lokaliseringsprocess och ta vår App-svit vidare till en global publik". "Phrase har haft en viktig roll i Kreditechs framgångrika expansion utomlands, både vad gäller länder och produkter!" "Phrase är den mest utvecklarvänliga lösningen på marknaden och är riktigt smidig för kontinuerlig utplacering. När vi började leta efter en lösning stack Phrase genast ut från mängden. "Phrases lättanvända och intuitiva samarbetsplattform var ett oumbärligt och pålitligt verktyg under vår expansion i Frankrike." "Phrase var en central del i att det gick så smidigt för vårt lilla men engagerade team att lokalisera våra digitala applikationer." "Phrase överträffar alla våra förväntningar. Mjukvaran var till stor hjälp i att effektivisera vår lokalisering och göra oss industriledande. Resultaten talar sitt tydliga språk." Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Anpassad prissättning Dags att sätta igång Compare plans Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information td|Redigering av källtext Key-taggar Översättningsbeställning Translation Editor Grundläggande sökning Avancerad sökning Arbetsflöde för enkel granskning Advanced Review Workflow Gruppåtgärder Translation Memory Ordlista Autofill Historik API Avancerat API Konvertering av filformat och syntaxvalidering Over the Air mobilt SDK (Android och iOS) Slack-integration Mer än 40 filformat Kommandoradverktyg GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Sync WordPress-integration Sketch insticksprogram Figma insticksprogram Webhookintegrering Jira-integration Contentful-integration HMI Format Zapier-integration Anpassade integrationer Kommentarer och omnämnanden E-post och app-aviseringar Jobb In-Contest Editor Skärmdumpar SmartSuggest 2-faktors autentisering Användarroller och åtkomstkontroll Statistik över arbetsgången Checks Förgrening Personal Account Manager Personlig onboardingsupport Lokal värd Anpassad SLA SAML / Single sign-on ISO och TISAX Anpassade kontrakt/avtal Spaces Team Aktivitetsspårning Projektbaserade användarroller Anpassade användarroller th|Basic Advanced Enterprise CAT Funktioner Integreringar Kommunikation Kontext Kostnads- och processkontroll Enterprise Support Efterlevnadskontroll för företag li|100 API-requests / 5 minuter / användare 1 projekt Obegränsade ord Obegränsat antal språk Mobilt SDK för 50 000 Max 5 användarplatser Redigering av källtext Ordna översättningar Grundläggande sökning Användarroller och åtkomstkontroll Translation Editor Konvertering av filformat & syntaxvalidering Mer än 40 filformat Over the Air 1 miljon maskinöversatta tecken ingår 1000 API-förfrågningar/5 minuter/användare obegränsat antal projekt Obegränsade ord Obegränsat antal språk Mobilt SDK för 1 000 000 Minst 5 användarplatser Avancerad sökning Autofill Gruppåtgärder Ordlista Historik Jobb Advanced Review Workflow Translation Memory In-Contest Editor Skärmdumpar Sketch Plugin, Figma Plugin GitHub, GitLab och Bitbucket Sync Jira-integration Webhook-integration WordPress-integration Slack-integration 1M+ maskinöversatta tecken ingår Anpassad gräns på API-requests Obegränsat antal projekt Obegränsade ord Obegränsat antal språk Mobilt SDK för 1 000 000+ Minst 10 användarplatser Personal Account Manager Personlig introduktion Anpassad SLA Aktivitetsspårning Anpassade kontrakt/avtal Projektbaserade användarroller Anpassade användarroller Certifierad enligt ISO 27001 och TISAX AL 2 SAML/Single Sign-On Spaces Team Contentful-integration HMI Format Zapierintegrering Anpassade integrationer Förgrening Checks Rapporter 19 € per användare/månad 23 $ per användare/månad 29 € per användare/månad 35 $ per användare/månad h1|Priser h2|Ofta ställda frågor Därför älskar våra kunder Phrase h3|Alla planer innehåller ett obegränsat antal lagrade ord och projekt. Välj den plan som passar din teamstorlek och användning. Basic Advanced Enterprise Kan jag lägga till ytterligare användarplatser till min plan? Hur definieras en användare av Phrase? Finns det ett minsta eller största antal användare för någon plan? Vilka betalningsalternativ erbjuder Phrase? Vad ingår i provperioden? Kan jag uppgradera? Vad är MAU? Hur kan jag få översättningar med hjälp av Phrase? Hur mycket kostar det att beställa professionella översättningar? h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Populärast Håll dig säker Över 1000 företag har givit oss sitt förtroende sp|Toggle Navigation EUR USD 19 € per användare /månad 23 $ per användare /månad MAU CAT CMS 29 € per användare /månad 35 $ per användare /månad MAU CAT MAU Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING Thibaut Davoult API Christian Wendrock-Prechtl Senior Vice President User Interface, comdirect Michael Stemle Jr. Principal Software Engineer, Cvent Ricardo Vidal Senior Vice President & Head of Product Management Kreditech Ed Vinyard Leading Software Architect, uShip James Healy Technical Director, The Conversation Bennett Wetch Vice President of Technology Innovation, Fair Trade USA Hauke Windmueller CEO, FAMILO Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar bo|API Grundläggande -funktioner Grundläggande integrationer för mobilappar 1 eller fler användare Allt från Basic-planen och Avancerade -verktyg Avancerad kontext Avancerad integrering 5 eller fler användare Allting från avancerad plan och Företagsstöd Företagsefterlevnad Företagsintegrering Kostnads- och processkontroll för företag 10 eller fler användare Basic plan: Basic plan: Advanced plan: Advanced plan: pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Do you need help with Phrase? Simply send a message to the support team using the form below. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Du kan när som helst avsluta prenumerationen på dessa meddelanden. Mer information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, vår integritetspraxis och hur vi åtar oss att skydda och respektera din integritet finns i vår . h1|Kontakta oss We're here to help with any questions or comments. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Dynport GmbH is the provider and operator of Phrase (hereinafter referred to as “ ”). Phrase attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes how and why Phrase (also referred to in the following by the words " ”, " ” and " ”) collect and use your personal data at (" “), and share it within the Memsource Group*. Personal data is all data which refers to you personally, including for example your address, name, email address, IP address, and other personally identifiable information. We only collect and process your personal data in compliance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (" “) and other provisions of European and applicable German data protection law. Personal data is only collected and used on a regular basis upon your consent or if the processing of such data is permitted by law. The following provisions provide information about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and processing of your personal data. In the event that we make use of the services of commissioned service providers (third parties) for the purpose of providing specific functions for our offer or of our services or if we use your data for marketing or analysis purposes, we will also inform you in detail in the following about the data processing taken. We also provide information about the stipulated criteria for and the period of storage. We also inform you about your rights with regard to each data processing activity. This Privacy Policy refers exclusively to our Phrase website. If links on our webpages take you to third-party websites, please take the time to find out how your data is used at such websites. Phrase (" “) is responsible for data protection within the meaning of the GDPR and under all other applicable EU data protection law. If you have any questions, suggestions or criticisms relating to data protection and our website, please contact: Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Email: Any data subject (anyone affected by data processing activities) can contact the Dynport GmbH Data Protection Officer with questions and suggestions directly at any time. He can be contacted as follows: Mauß Datenschutz GmbH Tobias Mauß Neuer Wall 10 20354 Hamburg, Germany Email: Our processing of your personal data is legitimate if you have given your consent as stipulated in Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR. Under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR, the processing of your personal data is legitimate if such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or your company. This also applies to all processing operations which are relevant prior to entering into a contract. Under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 c) GDPR, the processing of your personal data is legitimate if such processing is necessary for compliance with one of our legal obligations. Under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR, the processing of your personal data is legitimate if such processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Any personal data which we collect, process and store will only ever be kept by us for as long as there is a specific purpose for such storage. Your data will be erased or its processing will be restricted as soon as the specific purpose for which they were stored no longer applies or they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. It is possible, however, that European regulations, applicable national laws or other rules may require us to store data which we have processed for a longer period of time. We will erase or restrict the processing of your data when these statutory data retention periods have expired. For the purposes of the GDPR you are the "data subject" of any of your personal data which we process. As a data subject you have the following rights with regard to Phrase: You have the legal right to request information at any time about whether we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have the right to be informed about the extent to which your personal data is being processed. You have the right to obtain from Phrase the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or to have incomplete personal data completed. In certain circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. In certain circumstances you have the right to obtain that Phrase erase personal data concerning you without undue delay. The right to erasure does not apply if processing is necessary. If you have asserted your right to rectification, erasure or restriction to Phrase, Phrase must communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing to each recipient to whom the personal data have been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. You have the right to receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form, any personal data concerning you which you have provided to Phrase. In certain circumstances you also have the right to transmit those data to another company without hindrance from Phrase to which the personal data have been provided. ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg, Germany Our system automatically collects data and information from your computer system every time you visit our Phrase website. The following data may be then collected: The data which we collect on you are stored in our system's log files. As a rule, these data is not stored with other personal data. One exception to this rule is the information collected by us about your browser settings. The temporary storage of data and log files is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in collecting and temporarily storing the data referred to, as the IP address must be stored temporarily by the system in order to provide the website to your computer. We also use the geoinformation to display an appropriate country website (e.g. for France: phrase.com/fr). Data is stored in log files to ensure the functioning of the website. This information is also used to optimize our website and to guarantee the security of our information technology systems. Your log files are not assessed for marketing purposes. The data will be erased or altered in a way that prevents them being assigned to you as soon as they cease to be necessary for the purposes referred to here. Data which are stored in log files are erased after seven days. To use Phrase, you must register using a form provided directly on the Phrase website. When you register you will be required to provide certain mandatory data in addition to voluntary information; this type of data is identified separately. They are in particular: We process your data in this step in order to be able to provide you with translation management as software as a service ("SaaS“) on the Phrase website. Processing of these data is necessary in order to establish, define the contents of or amend the contractual relationship between you and Phrase as well as for claiming and settling the relevant services. Registration is not required if you decide to use the demo version of Phrase. The Phrase demo version runs exclusively on a Phrase test account of the company's own. To use the demo version, you are asked for the following data in particular: The purpose of collecting your data is to enable you to try out Phrase. If you register as a user with Phrase, you can store the following data, for example, in your user account: We use, store and process your data in this step in order to be able to provide you with the translation management SaaS on the Phrase website. Processing of these data is necessary in order to establish, define the contents of or amend the contractual relationship between you and Phrase as well as for claiming and settling the relevant services. Such processing of data by Phrase is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) and f) GDPR. We erase your data if they are no longer needed for the purpose, i.e. performance of the contract, and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention periods. If you wish to erase your data yourself, you can do so at any time under "My Profile" – "Delete User Profile" on the Phrase website. The individual data is then anonymized so that they can no longer be assigned to you or your deleted user profile. Project data not containing personal data is retained, unless there are contractual obligations to erase them. Your (personal) data is no longer stored if there are statutory obligations to retain them. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We do the above to improve our communication about the further development of our range of product solutions and to be able to communicate with you more efficiently when there are new features or essential information about common use cases for these product solutions. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. You can find more information on the HubSpot cookies in the HubSpot Privacy Policy: . Information about Salesforce cookies: . You can make contact with us by electronic means using the contact form on our Phrase website. If you wish to contact us in this way, the data which you enter will be sent to us and stored. This applies to the following data in particular: The processing of these data is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a), b) or f) GDPR. We only process any personal data which you enter to deal with your request. The following data is also stored at the time you send your message: The data is erased as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose for which they have been collected and provided that they are not subject to any contractual or legal archiving obligations. The conversation has come to an end when it is apparent from the circumstances that the matter being discussed has been finally clarified. In some cases, we pass on a limited part of your data to HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (“ ”) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“ ”) for the purpose of customer administration (chat requests as part of customer support, answering customers' questions, etc.). We use HubSpot and/or Salesforce for additional data analyses, such as obtaining information on the time of registration or user activity as part of customer support. HubSpot and/or Salesforce can also be used as a communication medium, for emails or messages within the Phrase application. HubSpot and/or Salesforce gather publicly available information, such as a user's company, job title, website, social network handle and physical addresses, so that we gain a better understanding of our user base. Contact profiles are created in HubSpot and/or Salesforce. To enable that, Phrase supplies HubSpot and/or Salesforce with data on the activities of end users and of company accounts, as well as details on the operating system of end users. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We do the above to improve our service and be able to deal with your support requests faster and more efficiently. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce also helps us improve performance of contracts, so such processing is therefore also legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce is covered by Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR provided you have given your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. We erase the data collected using cookies if they are no longer required to achieve the above purpose. Retention and storage periods must also be complied with. More information from HubSpot about data protection is available at: . Information about Salesforce: . You can subscribe to a free newsletter on the Phrase website. Our newsletter provides you with information on the Phrase software and translation solutions, new possible uses of them, changes to our services, or related services of Phrase for Phrase. The data which you enter when subscribing to the newsletter are transmitted to us. These data is usually: We need your email address in order to send you the newsletter and to identify and check that you have given your consent. Any other information you provide is given voluntarily. We use the double opt-in procedure for subscription to our newsletter. This means that, after you have subscribed, we will send an email to the email address given by you asking you to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter. We also store your IP addresses and the time of your subscription and confirmation. The purpose of this procedure is to demonstrate that you have subscribed and to clarify any possible misuse of your personal data. After receiving your confirmation, we store your email address and possibly other data for the purpose of sending the newsletter. This processing is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR, since you have consented to receiving the newsletter. We erase your data as soon as you or we have ended the subscription for the newsletter. The subscription process is logged on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. Our interests here are to have a user-friendly, secure newsletter system which promotes our business interests, meets users' expectations, and also allows us to document declarations of consent. You can cancel the newsletter subscription at any time by withdrawing your consent with effect for the future. There is a link in every newsletter sent to you which you can click to automatically unsubscribe. Alternatively, you can send an email to privacy@phrase.com or a message to the controller referred to above in this Privacy Policy. We pass limited part of your data including your email address to HubSpot Inc, 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (“ ”) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“ ”) for the purpose of customer administration (chat requests as part of customer support, answering customers' questions, etc.). We use HubSpot and/or Salesforce for additional data analyses, such as obtaining information on the time of registration or user activity as part of customer support. HubSpot and/or Salesforce can also be used as a communication medium, for emails or messages within the Phrase application. HubSpot and/or Salesforce gather publicly available information, such as a user's company, job title, website, social network handle and physical addresses, so that we gain a better understanding of our user base. Contact profiles are created in HubSpot and/or Salesforce. To enable that, Phrase supplies HubSpot and/or Salesforce with data on the activities of end users and of company accounts, as well as details on the operating system of end users. We do the above to improve our service and be able to deal with your support requests faster and more efficiently. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce also helps us improve performance of contracts, so such processing is therefore also legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce is covered by Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR provided you have given your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. We erase the data collected using cookies if they are no longer required to achieve the above purpose. Retention and storage periods must also be complied with. More information from HubSpot about data protection is available at: . Information about Salesforce: . When you register a user account with Phrase you may receive transactional emails from our service. These include but are not limited to email confirmation, password reset, statistics and comment notifications. The emails are sent through our third-party email provider Postmark. We disclose your email address to Postmark for the purpose of sending transactional emails to you. Our transactional emails are sent by the email service provider Postmark, a mailing platform of the U.S. provider Wildbit, LLC, 2400 Market Street, Suite 235B, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA (" “). We use the order processing services of Postmark. Postmark can use the data of the recipients in pseudonymized form, i.e. the data is not assigned to a specific user, to optimize or improve its own services, such as to technically optimize mailing and for the presentation of the transactional emails or for statistical purposes. However, Postmark does not use the data of our email recipients to write to them itself or to transmit the data to third parties. We use Postmark to send transactional emails to users of our translation management SaaS on the Phrase website. Sending out transactional emails is necessary in order to provide services to our users. This includes emails with invitations to Phrase’s translation management SaaS, invoice receipts, important notifications about the Phrase usage or when users need to recover their password. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We use Postmark on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. If you end your subscription or withdraw your consent to receive the newsletter, we instruct Postmark to erase your data. You can find Postmark's Privacy Policy at: . Whenever you use our Phrase website different types of cookies are used and stored on your computer in addition to the data referred to above. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer or mobile device whenever you visit our Phrase website. These cookies send us various types of information. We use the following types of cookie: We use the data collected by cookies for as long as required for the purpose for which they have been collected. Cookies will be stored on your computer. You can decide whether you want to erase the cookies from your computer at any time. You can change the settings in your browser to determine yourself whether the transmission of cookies from your computer to us should be disabled, restricted or whether the cookies should be completely erased. If you disable all the cookies from our website, you may no longer be able to use all the website functions in full. The following list provides further information about disabling cookies or managing your cookie settings in the browser which you are using: You can also change your cookie settings on our website. Please refer to our cookie policy. Phrase performs various types of analyses on the Phrase website. The use of the analytical tools is covered by Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR where consent is obtained in advance. If you have given your consent you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To the extent that we did not ask for your consent, the use of analytical tools is legitimate as Phrase has a legitimate interest in using the various tools according to Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. However, you have a right to object at any time. We want to get to know you better so we can offer you exactly the service you want. We constantly want to improve our offers and measure the success of our marketing activities. We will only process your data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they have been collected and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. Our Phrase website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service of Google. Google can be reached at Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google Analytics uses cookies. The information about the way you use the Phrase website created by the cookie is usually sent to and stored on a Google server in the USA. IP address anonymization is performed on the Phrase website so that your IP address is truncated beforehand by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other countries which are parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area ("EEA"). Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent to and only then truncated on a Google server in the USA. Google uses this information on behalf of Phrase's website operator to evaluate the way you use our website, to collate reports on website activities and to provide Phrase other services related to website and Internet use. The IP address sent by your browser by Google Analytics is not combined with other data held by Google. In exceptional cases in which personal data is sent to the USA, Google is relying on the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses as a means of ensuring adequate protection when transferring data outside of the EEA. We use Google Analytics to analyze the use which is made of our website and to improve it on a regular basis. We will only process your data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they have been collected (in this case for creating and evaluating statistics). The data that we send and that are linked with cookies, user identifiers (e.g. a user ID) or advertising IDs are therefore automatically erased after 38 months. Data whose retention period has ended are erased automatically once a month. You can find more information on the terms of service and data privacy at: . You can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored; however, you should realize that, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of functions on the website. You can also prevent the data (including your IP address) relating to your use of the website which are captured by the cookie being sent to or processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in from the following link: . You can prevent cookies being set by using an opt-out cookie. Click here if you wish to prevent cookies being set the next time you visit this Phrase website: . We use the offering from Google Ads (" “), a marketing tool from Google. Google can be reached at Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Ads is used to attract attention to Phrase's offerings by means of advertising (termed "Google Ads") on external websites. We can thus determine and see how successful the individual promotional measures are in relation to the data for the campaigns. Our interest in doing that is to display advertising that appeals to you. Ads also enables us to make our Phrase website more interesting for you. Ads allows us to ascertain which campaigns you like. Ultimately, using this tool enables us to achieve fair charging for advertising and so use it as cost-effectively as possible. The advertising is delivered by means of ad servers. As part of that, Google uses ad server cookies which allow the success of advertising to be measured on the basis of specific parameters, such as how often they are displayed or clicked on by users. If you access our website after clicking on a Google ad, Ads stores a cookie on your PC. This cookie usually becomes invalid after 30 days and is not used as a means of identifying you personally. The following are usually stored and analyzed with this cookie: This cookie allows Google to identify your location and recognize your web browser. If users only visit certain pages of an Ads customer's website and the cookie stored on their computer has not expired, Google and the customer can see that the users have clicked on the ad and have been forwarded to that page. A different cookie is assigned to each Ads customer. That means cookies cannot be traced back by means of the websites of Ads customers. If you have registered with a Google service, Google can assign information gathered from you to your account. Even if you have not registered with Google or are not logged in, Google may be able to find out and store your IP address. We ourselves do not collect or process personal data as part of these advertising measures. Google merely provides us with statistical analyses. You can prevent your participation in this tracking method by Google may transfer your data to the USA and is relying on the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses as a means of ensuring adequate protection when transferring data outside of the EEA. We store the data collected by Google for 18 months. More information from Google about data protection is available at: and . We use the services of AdRoll Advertising Limited, Level 6, 1, Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland (" ”) to optimize the display of advertising for visitors. Our Phrase website uses the retargeting and prospecting functions from AdRoll. AdRoll displays advertising campaigns based on your browsing behavior on the Internet. That means that, after you visit the Phrase website, ads for Phrase may also be displayed on other third-party sites. When you visit the Phrase website, a cookie is placed in your device's browser by AdRoll (please refer to our comments on cookies above). AdRoll uses the data it stores to selectively display Phrase advertising based on your previous online behavior. AdRoll records the following types of information and uses them for the purposes explained below: In some circumstances, AdRoll may also transfer the information to countries outside the EEA. AdRoll will, however, take the necessary steps to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. If AdRoll sends your data to the United States, for example, additional measures are taken, such as concluding EU-compliant data transmission agreements with the data importer if this is necessary. You can prevent storage of cookies for displaying relevant ads by changing your browsing settings (opt-out). You can also prevent the data created by the cookies and relating to your use of the websites, as well as prevent processing of these data by AdRoll, by disabling the AdRoll cookies as follows: Please note that, if you delete the cookies on your device, you will need to opt out again the next time you use it. If you use multiple browsers or devices you will need to execute this opt out on each browser or device. More information from AdRoll about data protection is available at . Phrase uses HubSpot, a product from HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (" “) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (" “) so as to tailor communication with visitors and users of the Phrase website. We have an interest in analyzing your use of our Phrase website so that we can keep on improving it and making it more attractive. The cookies collect data on how visitors use our Phrase website. These data are included in analyses and help us to improve our Phrase website. The cookies collect anonymized data, such as the number of visitors to the Phrase website, how they reached the Phrase website, and which websites they previously visited. If visitors to the Phrase website actually become a customer of Phrase, we use the data collected by HubSpot and/or Salesforce so as to be able to recognize them when they next visit the site and so directly offer them the service they wish whenever they visit the Phrase website. HubSpot and/or Salesforce is therefore also used to optimize the care and support we give customers. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. HubSpot and/or Salesforce place persistent cookies, which are not deleted as soon as you end your visit to our Phrase website. If you do not become a customer after visiting the Phrase website, we delete a cookie 2 years after your last activity on Phrase.com. However, if you are a Phrase customer, the cookies are retained and are deleted 2 years after your business relationship with Phrase ends. You can find more information on the HubSpot cookies in the HubSpot Privacy Policy: . Information about Salesforce cookies: . The Phrase website uses the Hotjar analytics service of Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar, Level 2, St Julians Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julians STJ 1000, Malta (“ ”) to improve its user-friendliness and the customer experience. That permits tracking of the various ways in which visitors interact with the Phrase website so that it can then be optimized for the user. Hotjar also enables visitors to give feedback on the website's content: A small window is opened on pages of the Phrase blog and users are asked for their feedback on the blog article in question. Users can ignore this window or choose one of two response options and then leave a personal comment in a free-text field, which is then processed along with the response by Hotjar on behalf of Phrase. In some circumstances, Hotjar may also record your mouse clicks, mouse movements and scrolling. Keyboard strokes on Phrase's websites may also be recorded. However, the recordings are not carried out in a personalized manner and so remain anonymous. Hotjar uses a tracking cookie to collect and transfer your data. During your visit to a Phrase website, the tracking cookie automatically collects your activity data and stores them on the Hotjar servers. The Hotjar servers are located exclusively in Ireland. If you wish to object to collection of your data by Hotjar (opt-out), please click here: . The purpose of data processing by Hotjar is to optimize the Phrase website offering. We erase the data collected using cookies if they are no longer required to achieve the above purpose. The cookie itself is deleted after 12 months. More information from Hotjar about data protection is available at: . We use the tracking tool Mixpanel, a web analytics service from the provider Mixpanel Inc., 405 Howard St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (" “), to understand how our customers use our applications and to keep on improving them. The Mixpanel service is used to analyze the Phrase website by customers at the feature level. Mixpanel is used to gather information on which features of the Phrase website are used by customers and to what extent. Such an analysis offers a means to control planning as part of product development, since it enables the specific demand for features to be taken into account. The results of an analysis are therefore directly incorporated in the further development of the platform. Mixpanel collects and stores usage data in pseudonymous profiles. The pseudonymous user profiles are not collated with personal data of the person associated with the pseudonym. We use Mixpanel cookies for our products in order to record your browser type, operating system, language settings, the search terms you enter and your IP address. Phrase receives your IP address from Mixpanel in an anonymized form only in order to ensure your privacy is protected. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. You can object to collection and storage of your data for the purpose of web analysis at any time with effect for the future by disabling the Mixpanel cookie by clicking on "Yes, I would like to opt out" on the website: . Please note that this means an opt-out cookie is placed on your device. You should therefore not delete this opt-out cookie. If you do not wish to consent to your data being collected in this way, we also ask you to read our instructions on disabling cookies in the section "Use of cookies". More information about Mixpanel's privacy policy is available here: . The Phrase website uses the plug-in Jetpack from Wordpress (“ ”), , a tool for statistical analysis of access by visitors to our Phrase blog, from Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110-4929, USA (“ ”), which uses the tracking technology from Quantcast Inc., 201 3rd St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103-3153, USA. The purpose of Jetpack is to analyze the number of visitors to the Phrase blog, create anonymized, aggregate access statistics, and to enable technical support for the search function in the blog (Elasticsearch) and SEO support. Whenever a data subject calls one of the individual pages on the Phrase website which is operated by Phrase and on which a Jetpack component has been integrated, the web browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically prompted by the Jetpack component to transmit data to Automattic for the purpose of analysis. These data are primarily: You can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being installed; however, you should realize that, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of functions on this Phrase website. You can object to collection and use of your data by Jetpack with effect for the future by clicking on the link , which places an opt-out cookie in your browser. If you delete all the cookies on your computer, you have to set the opt-out cookie again. The information on use of the Phrase website created by the cookies is stored on a server in the USA. The processed data can be used to create user profiles. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We have a legitimate interest in using it to constantly analyze and optimize our Phrase website and use it cost-effectively. We erase your data as soon as they are no longer needed for optimizing the contract and processes and if they are no longer subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. More information from Jetpack about data protection is available in the Automattic Privacy Policy and other statements by Jetpack on privacy: and on Jetpack cookies: . Zapier is a service from Zapier Inc., 243 Buena Vista Avenue, Suite 508, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA (" “). Zapier enables us to integrate the services of various applications used by Phrase in one application and to automate workflows in it. Payment data is not transmitted. Phrase has a legitimate interest in using Zapier, since Zapier is used to automate workflows from various services and to optimize processes. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. More information from Zapier about data protection is available at: and at: . We use the Twitter tracking pixel of Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103. USA (" ”). It is used to recognize visitors who access the Phrase website from ads on Twitter. Cookies are used by Twitter as part of that. Twitter collects data such as: Twitter transfers your data to servers in the USA. More information about Twitter's privacy policy is available here: . We use the Quora tracking pixel from Quora Inc., 650 Castro Street, Suite 450, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA (“ “). It is used to recognize visitors who access the Phrase website from content marketing on the Quora.com website. Cookies are used by Quora as part of that. Quora collects data such as: Quora transfers your data to servers in the USA. More information about Quora's privacy policy is available here: . We use the Bugsnag service from Bugsnag Inc. 939 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (" “), as well as the Sentry service from Functional Software, Inc. 132 Hawthorne St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (" “). These services enable us to quickly identify bugs in the Phrase software which have led to a disruption or crash and so to improve our offering. If a bug arises, are sent to Bugsnag and/or Sentry – depending on the severity of the bug – so that the bug can be analyzed. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. Phrase has a legitimate interest in using Bugsnag and/or Sentry since it enables Phrase to identify and remedy bugs as efficiently as possible. We offer the synchronization of your Phrase account with Bitbucket (“ ”) for you as an optional Phrase service. Bitbucket is a software for collaborative versioning management offered by Atlassian Inc., 341 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. The synchronization between Phrase and Bitbucket’s versioning management enables users to export localization files from the versioning management software into their Phrase accounts. After being processed in Phrase, these localization files can be imported automatically into Bitbucket’s versioning management. Under your activated synchronization of Bitbucket and Phrase and localization files being imported from Phrase into Bitbucket Phrase will create an alias consisting of your personal data and pass these on to Bitbucket. In order to create this alias we process: Bitbucket will ask for this alias as soon as the import of localization files in to Bitbucket’s versioning management is initiated. A pull request assigned with the related alias will be created in the synchronized Bitbucket account in order to match all changes that have been made using the Phrase services with those changes made in the synchronized Bitbucket account. We do the above in order to improve our services and the Phrase usability. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. If you have activated the synchronization of Phrase and Bitbucket in your Phrase account also helps us to improve performance of contracts, so such processing is therefore also legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. In some circumstances, Bitbucket may also transfer the information to countries outside the EEA. Bitbucket will, however, take the necessary steps to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. Information about Albacross’ processing of your personal data. We inform you regarding the processing of personal data on behalf of Albacross Nordic AB (" ”). Information collected from cookies set in your device that qualify as personal data will be processed by Albacross, a company offering lead identification and ad targeting services with offices in Stockholm and Krakow. Please see below for full contact details. The purpose for the processing of the personal data is that it enables Albacross to improve a service rendered to us and our website (e.g “Lead Generation” service), by adding data to their database about companies. The Albacross database will in addition to “Lead Generation” be used for targeted advertising purposes towards companies and for this purpose data will be transferred to third party data service providers. For the purpose of clarity, targeted advertising regards companies, not towards individuals. The data that is collected and used by Albacross to achieve this purpose is information about the IP-address from which you visited our website, and technical information that enables Albacross to tell apart different visitors from the same IP-address. Albacross stores the domain from form input in order to correlate the IP-address with your employer. For the full information about our processing of personal data, please see Albacross’ Privacy Policy: . Albacross Nordic AB, Company reg. no 556942-7338, Kungsgatan 26 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden We currently use the following social media share buttons (" “). Among other things, this enables you to share content directly from our website in your social media profile. If you publish data when interacting with our website via social media sites, plug-ins or other applications, that data may be publicly available and we may also be able to see it, depending on your data privacy settings in the Internet. You can control which data you wish to release by altering the data privacy settings which are available on most social media platforms. More information about how you can change your data privacy settings and how external social media sites handle your personal identifiable data is provided in the help texts on data privacy, the privacy policies and terms of service. We process your data to enable you to share our contents in social networks. The processing of data via social media plug-ins is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case, data is also processed to enhance publicity for Phrase, which constitutes an overriding interest, and such processing is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. We erase your data as soon as they are no longer required for the stated purpose and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. We use the Disqus commenting system from Disqus, Inc., 301 Howard St, Floor 3 San Francisco, California-94105, USA (" “). Disqus allows you to log on either using your own Disqus user account or existing Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus user accounts. If you have logged on to the Disqus function on our Phrase website using your social media accounts, the providers of those services will also collect and process information on your use of the Disqus functions. Please take note of the privacy policies of the respective provider. You can also leave comments as a guest, but then some of the functions are not available. Disqus transmits the email address of users, and the IP address used when a comment was entered, to Phrase. We need this information solely for contacting you in connection with your use of Disqus, for example if we have to get back to you with questions on a user comment. This information is not transmitted to third parties without authorization. If users write a comment on a website on which Disqus is integrated, the comment and their user data is transferred to the Disqus in the USA. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We erase your data if they are no longer required for the above purpose. We erase your data if they are no longer required for the above purpose. You can find the Disqus Privacy Policy here: We use the provider Youtube which is run by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“ “), to integrate videos in the Phrase website. When you call videos using Youtube on our Phrase website, a connection to the Youtube servers in Ireland is established. Certain information is transferred to Youtube as part of that. It may include: Youtube stores cookies on your device, in particular the Google Analytics tracker (see section 11.2 of this Privacy Policy). This is tracking conducted by Youtube itself and we have no control over it. You can prevent tracking by Google Analytics by using the deactivation tool Google offers for some web browsers. You can also prevent the data (including your IP address) created by Google Analytics and relating to your use of the website being recorded or processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in from the following link: . Youtube also allows you to use certain other functions, such as rating or sharing videos. These functions are offered solely by Youtube and the respective third-party providers and you should carefully read their privacy policies before using the functions. Phrase does not obtain any knowledge of the data collected by Youtube or the third-party providers and has no influence on how they are used. Information about which of our web pages you have visited is passed on to the Youtube server. If you are logged on to Youtube as a member, Youtube assigns this information to your personal account. When you use the plug-in, such as by clicking on the Start button of a video, this information is likewise assigned to your user account. You can prevent that by logging off from your Youtube user account and deleting the Youtube cookies before you use our website. Youtube transfers your data to Ireland. Youtube may pass on your data to third parties. These are, for example, affiliated undertakings, business partners and advertising partners, who in turn use tracking technologies on the Youtube website. There is a legitimate interest on the part of Phrase, as we wish to give a better understanding of Phrase's functions with the aid of integrated videos. You can find more information on data processing by and the privacy policy of Youtube at . The Phrase website uses Google Maps API, a map service from Google Inc. (“ ”). Google can be reached at Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. This enables us to display interactive maps directly on the website and makes it easy for you to use the map functions. When you visit the Phrase website Google receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. The following data is also sent to Google: This is done regardless of whether Google has provided a user account for you to log in with or whether you don't have a user account. If you have logged in through Google, your data is assigned directly to your account. You must log out before activating the button if you do not wish Google to identify you with your profile. Google stores your data as user profiles and uses them for advertising, market research and/or web design purposes. Any such use is made in particular (including for users who are not logged in) to provide tailored advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You are entitled to object to the creation of this user profile: this right must be asserted against Google directly. It is simple to disable the Google maps service and so prevent data being transferred to Google by disabling JavaScript in your browser. However, we do point out that you will then no longer be able to use the map display function and the function of our website may be impaired. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and is relying on the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses as a means of ensuring adequate protection when transferring data outside of the EEA. The use of Google Maps is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR provided you have given your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. The use of Google Maps API is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR as processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Phrase. We use Google Maps API to be able to offer you a map function. We will only process your data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they have been collected. More information about the purpose and scope of data collection and the processing of such data by Google is provided in Google's privacy policy. This policy also provides more information about your rights and the settings which enable you to protect your privacy: . As a rule, we will only pass on your personal data in compliance with the applicable data protection laws to service providers, business partners, affiliated undertakings and other third parties. We may disclose personal data to service providers working on our behalf and require them to perform services in our name (order processing). These service providers may be affiliated undertakings of Phrase or external service providers. In this context we comply with stringent national and European data protection regulations. These service providers are bound by our instructions and are subject to stringent contractual limitations on the processing of personal data. Accordingly, data may only be processed if this is necessary for the performance of services in our name or in order to comply with legal requirements. We stipulate precisely and in advance the rights and obligations of our service providers in relation to personal data. We may disclose personal data to a third party if we are required to do so by law or in legal proceedings or in order to supply and manage our products and services. We may also be required to provide information to law enforcement agencies or other public authorities. We are also authorized to release data if the disclosure of information is necessary for the purposes of collaboration and thus of providing Phrase services to you or if you declare your consent to such disclosure. Disclosure can also rarely be avoided in the course of tax audits. We may, beyond any other potential data sharing described in this document, make your personal data accessible to employees of the Memsource Group and, in certain specific cases, also, to authorized employees of certain suppliers of the Memsource Group who provide the Memsource Group with various services. Our Phrase website and thus your data is hosted in Ireland by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg (" “). Amazon may only use the data in accordance with our instructions (order processing). Amazon also adopts stringent technical measures to protect your personal data. Amazon does not pass on your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary in order to perform the agreed services or if Amazon is required to do so by law or to comply with a valid and mandatory instruction issued by a government or regulatory authority. The data provided for this purpose are kept to a minimum. In some circumstances, Amazon may also store the information in countries outside the European Economic Area. Amazon will, however, take the necessary steps to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. If Amazon sends your data to the United States, for example, additional measures are taken, such as concluding EU-compliant data transmission agreements with the data importer if this is necessary. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. The processing of your data is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. The purpose of processing data is that Amazon enables us to use Amazon servers. We only store the data for as long as is necessary to achieve this purpose. More information from Amazon about data protection is available at: . To pay for your Phrase subscription or additional services, payments are processed by Phrase. Where necessary to perform a contract, data is also transmitted to our payment service providers or the bank tasked with handling the payment. The data is kept to the minimum necessary for the purpose for handling the contract. If payment is made by credit card, that is handled by the payment service provider Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd., 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, Ireland (" “). Stripe may only use the data in accordance with our instructions (order processing). Stripe also adopts stringent technical measures to protect your personal data. Stripe does not pass on your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary in order to perform the agreed services or if Stripe is required to do so by law or to comply with a valid and mandatory instruction issued by a government or regulatory authority. The data provided for this purpose are kept to a minimum. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. The processing of your data is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. The purpose for which the data is processed is for Stripe to handle payment services for Phrase if you wish to use Phrase. We erase your data if they are no longer needed for performing the contract and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. More information from Stripe about data protection is available at . We use Customer Match Lists as part of our Google Ads and LinkedIn advertising activities, inter alia “Similar Audiences” and remarketing. To use Customer Match, lists of hashed user data (e.g. email addresses) are uploaded to Google Ads or LinkedIn. The providers will use this hashed data for personalized advertising. They will not receive new addresses. We store your data until you withdraw your consent. The processing of your data is based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 sentence 1 a) GDPR. All providers are based in the USA and offer guarantees in accordance with article 44 ff GDPR (specifically: EU Standard Contractual Clauses). Phrase has implemented appropriate physical, technical and administrative security standards to protect personal data against loss, misuse, modification or destruction. Our service providers and associated undertakings are contractually committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of personal data. They are also prohibited from using data for purposes not approved by us. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We therefore recommend that you regularly read this Privacy Policy to ensure that you are familiar with our data protection practice. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo If you have given your consent you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR. In some cases, we pass on a limited part of your data to HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (“ ”) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“ ”) for the purpose of customer communication and information (notifications about new feature releases, announcements for upcoming webinar sessions, etc.). If you register as a Phrase user you may use features of our translation management SaaS on the Phrase website to translate and localize applications used by your end users. We process information from the end user’s usage of your applications in order to optimize specific services of our translation management SaaS. This information might include personal data of the end user to the extent that processing of such end user data is limited to the end user’s preferred device language. We only process this end user data at your direction and under the scope of your Phrase usage. We do not sell, publish or use this end user information in any other direction or by any other means. The processing of end user information is secured by the same measures that we undertake in order to secure the processing of personal data that belongs to you. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information li|General information about the collection of personal data Contact data Notes on legitimateness and period of storage Your rights Visits to our website and creation of log files Registration and login End user information Contact form Newsletter Transactional Emails Use of cookies To what extent is website analytics carried out on the Phrase website? Social Media plug-ins Use of Google Maps Disclosure of data to third parties Security standards Changes to this policy Information about the type of browser you are using Information on the operating system you are using Your IP address The date and time of your visit to our website Information about the website from which your system has reached our website Your user name Your name Your address Your country of origin or that of your company Your email address Your phone number Your password Your name Your company Your email address Your request Your name (mandatory) Your email address (mandatory) Your user name (mandatory) Your nickname (mandatory) Your company (mandatory only for Master Users) Address of the invoice recipient (mandatory only for Master Users) Email address of the invoice recipient (mandatory only for Master Users) Your address (optional) Your telephone number (optional) Your payment data (optional) The final four numbers of your credit card (if you pay by credit card) The expiry date of your credit card (if you pay by credit card) Your full name Your email address as well as any data you may enter in the form Your IP address The date and time at which you have made contact Your email address Optionally other data if you disclose it Cookies are sometimes necessary for the proper functioning of our website. By setting cookies we can determine, for example, that you have visited our website. Cookies enable us to provide you user-friendlier services which it would simply be impossible to offer without setting cookies. Cookies allow the information and offers on our website to be optimized to meet the needs of the user. As already stated, cookies allow us to recognize you when you return to our website. This in turn enables us to make it easier for you to use our website. Cookies can also be used to analyze the way the website is used. It is then possible, for example, to determine how many users visit the website and what parts of the website could be improved. However, analyses of this kind do not establish any kind of connection between you and the statistics compiled on the basis of the data which are collected. We will inform you if cookies are used to analyze websites. Safari: Google Chrome: Internet Explorer / Edge: Firefox: The unique cookie ID The number of ad impressions per placement (frequency) The last impression (relevant for post-view conversions), and The opt-out information (indication that the user no longer wishes to be addressed). making the appropriate setting in your browser software. If you suppress third-party cookies, that means in particular that you will no longer receive any ads from third-party providers. by disabling the cookies responsible for conversion tracking. To do that, set your browser so that cookies from the domain "www.googleadservices.com" are blocked. You can make this setting at: . If you delete your cookies, this setting is deleted. disabling cookies permanently in your Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser under the link . You should realize that, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of functions on the Phrase website. Your activity on our website, such as your surfing behavior, when you called which site, and what articles you placed in your online shopping cart. Device and browser information, such as your device's IP address, cookie string data and (in the case of mobile devices) your device type and your device's unique identifier (such as the Apple IDFA or Android Advertising ID). Your location Data about the online ads served to you, such as where and how many times an ad has been served to you and whether you interacted with it. Data from digital advertising partners, such as pseudonymous advertiser identifiers, your "customer ID" or an identifier associated with a not-readable version of your email address. AdRoll uses this information to help its advertisers tailor their ads so that they are more relevant for you personally. AdRoll also uses these data to operate, improve and enhance its own services. You can click on the blue icon that typically appears in the corner of the ads AdRoll serves, or You can click . Your IP address Your location Your usage behaviour (page views and clicks) The searches you conduct The content you click on The date and time of your visit Your browser type and language setting Information on the device you use Your IP address Your location The website you visited before and visit after Twitter The searches you conduct The content you click on The date and time of your visit Your browser type and language setting Information on the device you use Your IP address Your location The website you visited before and visit after Quora The IP address you used to call the website (in anonymised form) The status of your device and its storage capacities Your device type The software you use The data on your settings and details on the component of the Phrase software where the bug occurred The data integrated there Your account name Your email address Your IP address Your browser information, such as language settings Information on Youtube cookies that have already been placed Information on the website from which you call Youtube site and which you visit after watching a video on Youtube. Your IP address The date and time of your enquiry The difference in time between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) The content of the request (specific page) Access status /HTTP status code The amount of data transmitted Website from which the request originates Your browser type The operating system you are using and its user interface The language and version of your browser software h1|Privacy Policy h3|1. General information about the collection of personal data 2. Contact data 3. Notes on legitimation of the processing and period of storage 4. Your rights 5. Visits to our website and creation of log files 6. Registration and login 7. End user information 8. Contact form 9. Newsletter 10. Transactional Emails 11. Use of cookies 12. To what extent is website analytics carried out on the Phrase website? 13. Social Media plug-ins 14. Use of Google Maps 15. Disclosure of data to third parties 16. Security standards 17. Changes to this policy h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång 2.1. 2.2. 3.1. 3.2. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3 6.4. 9.1 9.2. 10.1 10.2 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. 12.10. 12.11. 12.12. 12.13. 12.14. 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 15.1. 15.2. 15.3. 15.4. sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar bo|Privacy Policy for Phrase – Dynport GmbH Phrase we us our Phrase Website GDPR Controller You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you based on Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. Phrase may then no longer process the personal data relating to you unless Phrase demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. If the personal data relating to you are processed for the purposes of engaging in direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for such advertising purposes. You can inform us of such objection by contacting us as follows: Dynport GmbH Email: HubSpot Salesforce HubSpot Salesforce HubSpot Salesforce Postmark Ads AdRoll HubSpot Salesforce Hotjar Mixpanel Jetpack Automattic Zapier Twitter Quora Bugsnag Sentry Bitbucket Albacross plug-ins Disqus Youtube Google Amazon Stripe em|senast reviderad 17 mars 2021 pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Die Inhalte unserer Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte können wir jedoch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Als Diensteanbieter sind wir gemäß § 7 Abs.1 TMG für eigene Inhalte auf diesen Seiten nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen verantwortlich. Nach §§ 8 bis 10 TMG sind wir als Diensteanbieter jedoch nicht verpflichtet, übermittelte oder gespeicherte fremde Informationen zu überwachen oder nach Umständen zu forschen, die auf eine rechtswidrige Tätigkeit hinweisen. Verpflichtungen zur Entfernung oder Sperrung der Nutzung von Informationen nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen bleiben hiervon unberührt. Eine diesbezügliche Haftung ist jedoch erst ab dem Zeitpunkt der Kenntnis einer konkreten Rechtsverletzung möglich. Bei Bekanntwerden von entsprechenden Rechtsverletzungen werden wir diese Inhalte umgehend entfernen. Unser Angebot enthält Links zu externen Webseiten Dritter, auf deren Inhalte wir keinen Einfluss haben. Deshalb können wir für diese fremden Inhalte auch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Für die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten ist stets der jeweilige Anbieter oder Betreiber der Seiten verantwortlich. Die verlinkten Seiten wurden zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung auf mögliche Rechtsverstöße überprüft. Rechtswidrige Inhalte waren zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung nicht erkennbar. Eine permanente inhaltliche Kontrolle der verlinkten Seiten ist jedoch ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte einer Rechtsverletzung nicht zumutbar. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Links umgehend entfernen. Die durch die Seitenbetreiber erstellten Inhalte und Werke auf diesen Seiten unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Die Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Verbreitung und jede Art der Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes bedürfen der schriftlichen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Autors bzw. Erstellers. Downloads und Kopien dieser Seite sind nur für den privaten, nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch gestattet. Soweit die Inhalte auf dieser Seite nicht vom Betreiber erstellt wurden, werden die Urheberrechte Dritter beachtet. Insbesondere werden Inhalte Dritter als solche gekennzeichnet. Sollten Sie trotzdem auf eine Urheberrechtsverletzung aufmerksam werden, bitten wir um einen ' entsprechenden Hinweis. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Inhalte umgehend entfernen. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information st|Dynport GmbH Kontakt h1|Imprint h2|Phrase.com h3|Haftungsausschluss h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Haftung für Inhalte Haftung für Links Urheberrecht Quellen: sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Phrase tar att hjälpa utvecklare att effektivisera sitt arbete på största allvar. För oss betyder detta att tillhandahålla en snabb och pålitlig import och export av språkfiler, ett mångsidigt API, ett dedikerat CLI-verktyg, stöd för över 40 filformat, förgreningsfunktioner i Phrase och mycket mer! Organisera alla dina mjukvaruöversättningsprojekt som Jobb direkt i Phrase. Meddela alla berörda team-medlemmar automatiskt om när översättningarna kommer att behövas eller så snart de är färdiga. Ha alltid koll på läget genom övervakning av processen i realtid med rapporter och statistik. Vi stöder oerhört många lokaliserings-filformat över flera plattformar och programmeringsspråk Hitta rätt lokaliseringsformat för ditt ramverk med vår Anpassa din översättningsprovets till din organisations behov. Tack vare mängd olika plugin och integrationer kan du ansluta Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och tjänster. Snabbyggda produktionsklara integreringar med moderna verktyg, från React-komponenter till webhooks i realtid. Projektöversiken ger dig överblick över alla dina lokaliseringsprojekt. Genom att skapa projekt kan du organisera alla översättningar som tillhör en viss lokaliseringsmålsättning, ge behörighet och lägga upp skärmdumpar. I Translation Editor kan du söka efter översättningar, hantera Keys och utföra själva översättningen. Verktyget tillgängliggör värdefull meta-information medan du översätter och hjälper både översättare och projektledare att översätta snabbare utan att tappa fokus. På Dashboard hittar du all projektrelaterad information. Här kan du bland annat få en överblick över hur alla de jobb du delat ut framskrider och hur långt översättarna kommit. Synkronisera dina frasprojekt automatiskt med GitHub, GitLab eller Bitbucket repository och arbeta med flera versioner. Använd ditt eget översättarteam eller köp professionella översättningar från våra samarbetspartners. Anpassa Phrase till dina arbetsflöden med hjälp av vår . Med API kan du importera lokala filer, ladda ner lokala filer, tagga Keys eller interagera på andra sätt med den lokaliseringsdata som finns lagrad åt dig i Phrase. Med verktyget kan du snabbt navigera mellan dina projekt och översättningar istället för att fippla runt med långa curl-förfrågningar. Tillgänglig för Linux, macOS och Windows. Frasen erbjuder en infödd . Phrase stöder ett stort antal sätt att exportera och importera översättningar med . Vi stöder följande format för filimport, filexport och API-åtkomst. Jobba med samtidigt - precis som på Git. Publicera dina översättningar snabbare och lättare än någonsin förr. Du behöver aldrig mer vänta på nästa utplacering och kan publicera alla dina översättningar i realtid direkt i Phrase med . Undvik trasiga filer med . Skräddarsy ditt aviseringsflöde genom att tillåta att avisera externa tjänster som chatklienter, projekthanteringsverktyg eller externa API:er om händelser eller ändringar. Kör Phrase på ditt eget datacenter bakom din egen brandvägg med . Höj din säkerhetsstandard och inkludera , antingen genom 2FA eller OAuth-åtkomst. om enskilda team-medlemmars aktiviteter, inklusive antalet översatta och verifierade ord, keys och mycket mer. genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa införfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Implementera ett för nya och uppdaterade översättningar. genom att dela ut specifika roller och åtkomsträttigheter till varje team-medlem beroende på projekt och språk. Genom aviseringar direkt i Phrase och via e-post kan du hela tiden om de senaste ändringarna inom ditt projekt. Ta reda på vad som händer inom dina projekt genom och filtrera dem efter användare, händelser och specifika tidsintervall. Informera, diskutera eller ställ frågor till team-medlemmar gällande enskilda översättningar . Låt Phrase med hjälp av maskinöversättning och Translation Memory och leta efter vanliga misstag som onödigt långa formuleringar, trasiga platshållare och termer som inte är översatta enligt gloslistan. Tilldela åtkomsträttigheter till hela istället för att specificera dem för varje enskild användare. Håll alla intressenter informerade om översättningsprojekt genom att . direkt i Phrase och spåra vilka keys som hör till vilken del av ditt projekt. Snabba på din lokaliseringsprocess med vårt . Translation Memory minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår matchande resultat. Vår kan integreras med nästan alla webbapplikationer och ger dig möjlighet att översätta innehåll direkt på din webbplats. Se alla tidigare versioner av en översättning under i Translation Editor. Dra nytta av översättningsförslag i realtid med Phrase Translation Editor. snabbar på ditt översättningsarbete och ger bättre överensstämmelse överlag. Konsistens lönar sig. Vår är en lista med karakteristiska termer som är unika för din verksamhet. Ge mer information i kontext genom att till dina översättnings-keys. För samman design och lokalisering. Enkel överlämning av kopierings- och gränssnittsdesign till översättare. . Låt Phrase med hjälp av maskinöversättning och Translation Memory "Tack vare Phrase kan vi expandera vår verksamhet och produktportfölj utan att behöva bekymra oss om lokalisering". "Lokaliseringsprocessen går så mycket smidigare, vilket gör det mycket enklare att släppa nya versioner och lägga till nya locales." "Den variation i respons som Phrase erbjuder förbättrar avsevärt verktygets språkkvalitet. Det låter mer naturligt och engagerar våra kunder mycket mer." "Med Phrase har vi kunnat modernisera vår lokaliseringsprocess och ta vår App-svit vidare till en global publik". "Phrase har haft en viktig roll i Kreditechs framgångrika expansion utomlands, både vad gäller länder och produkter!" "Phrase är den mest utvecklarvänliga lösningen på marknaden och är riktigt smidig för kontinuerlig utplacering. När vi började leta efter en lösning stack Phrase genast ut från mängden. "Phrases lättanvända och intuitiva samarbetsplattform var ett oumbärligt och pålitligt verktyg under vår expansion i Frankrike." "Phrase var en central del i att det gick så smidigt för vårt lilla men engagerade team att lokalisera våra digitala applikationer." "Phrase överträffar alla våra förväntningar. Mjukvaran var till stor hjälp i att effektivisera vår lokalisering och göra oss industriledande. Resultaten talar sitt tydliga språk." Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Projektöversikt Translation Editor Dashboard Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|#1 I att möjliggöra produktivitet för lokaliseringsteam h2|Skala med smart automatisering Få saker gjorda Vi pratar ditt format Alla integrationer du behöver Snabbare arbetsflöde för översättningar Allt du behöver för att skala upp och påskynda Därför älskar våra kunder Phrase h3|Phrase är den pålitliga lokaliseringslösningen med alla funktioner som behövs för att effektivisera din översättningsprocess. Öka din produktivitet, hastighet och översättningskvalitet med enkel lokalisering från första dagen. Utvecklare Manager Översättare Designern h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Över 1000 företag har givit oss sitt förtroende Versionshantering och förgrening Översättning på ett litet klick h5|API Kommandoradverktyg GitHub, GitLab och Bitbucket Sync Mer än 40 filformat Förgrening och versionshantering Over the Air (OTA) Konvertering av filformat och syntaxvalidering Webhook-integration (t.ex. Slack) On-Premise Hosting 2-faktors autentisering (2FA/MFA) Statistik per Användare/Locale Jobb att tilldela Granskningsarbetsflöde Användarroller och åtkomstkontroll E-post och app-aviseringar Aktivitetsspårning Kommentarer och omnämnanden Autofill Checks Team Slack-integration Redigering av källtext Sökning och Key-taggar Translation Memory In-Context Editor för webben Historik SmartSuggest Ordlista Screenshots Sketch Plugin Figma insticksprogram Autofill sp|Toggle Navigation Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING Thibaut Davoult API Christian Wendrock-Prechtl Senior Vice President User Interface, comdirect Michael Stemle Jr. Principal Software Engineer, Cvent Ricardo Vidal Senior Vice President & Head of Product Management Kreditech Ed Vinyard Leading Software Architect, uShip James Healy Technical Director, The Conversation Bennett Wetch Vice President of Technology Innovation, Fair Trade USA Hauke Windmueller CEO, FAMILO Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Ladda ner och installera klienten från . På macOS kan du också installera via homebrew: Använd -kommandot för att initialisera och konfigurera ditt projekt. Använd -kommandot för att ladda upp dina lokala filer till Phrase. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo CLI v1 kan hittas på Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h2|Hela Phrase API i din terminal. Med Phrase CLI v2. h3|Med verktyget Phrase CLI kan du snabbt navigera bland dina projekt och översättningar från kommandoraden istället för att fippla med långa curl-förfrågningar. Finns till Linux, macOS och Windows. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång 1. Ladda ner och installera 2. Initialisera 3. Ladda upp sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING We have now designed a process where Phrase allows us to have the content ready on our sites within 1 minute since the translators add or update their translations. We are saving an average of 48 hours on engineering time, each time we deploy a new feature. Enrique Quilez Localization Manager, Lyst Thanks to its smart features and format versatility, Phrase has been our central tool in making the voice assistant case happen for comdirect. Norman Timmler Managing Director, Njiuko B2B Telematics Industry B2C LANGUAGE LEARNING APP B2C PRIVACY AND SECURITY COMPANY B2B EVENT SOFTWARE B2B/B2C NPO Online Partner Portal B2C/B2B Event management software B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2C Geolocation Mobile Application B2B web-conferencing software Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h2|Levererar översatt innehåll i tid till sina 12 miljoner medlemmar Setting up a personalized, time-saving localization process with Phrase Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Movingdots Extends Telematics App Coloride Into Nine Languages Transforming a manual localization process with Phrase Scaling a business with Phrase’s flexible all-in-one software localization platform The fast and scalable localization solution for small teams Driving global outreach with streamlined localization management Localizes into 18 languages to reach customers globally across 100 countries Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks How to increase user reach by 400% Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Över 1000 företag har givit oss sitt förtroende sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Installera enkelt Phrase On-premise i din egen molninfrastruktur. Phrase On-Presume är vår molnlösning förpackad som en Docker-behållare som kan drivas i ditt eget nätverk. Phrase On-Premise är den perfekta lösningen för företag med strikta datavällningsregler. Den kan enkelt integreras i din egen IT-infrastruktur bakom företagets brandvägg. Med Phrase On-Premise har du kontroll över alla dina data. Våra tjänster på företagsnivå och premiumsupport är helt dedikerat till ditt teams framgång. Vi erbjuder omfattande dokumentation, integrationshandledning och personlig hjälp i världsklass när du behöver det. Levereras på virtuella bilder baserade på Docker, ansluter Phrase On-Premise enkelt till din lokala infrastruktur. Hostat bakom ditt företags brandvägg, kört på dina egna servrar och databas: Med Phrase On-Premise behåller du kontrollen över alla din data. Vi strävar efter att ditt team ska lyckas och hjälper dig som Enterprise-kund under hela installationsfasen. Vi går steget längre än den första installationen och följer alltid dig och ditt team genom varje steg i din process. Du har full tillgång till en central kontaktperson som tar hand om alla problem du kan stöta på, effektivt och stödjande. Anpassa Phrase till dina arbetsflöden med hjälp av vår . Med API kan du importera lokala filer, ladda ner lokala filer, tagga Keys eller interagera på andra sätt med den lokaliseringsdata som finns lagrad åt dig i Phrase. Med verktyget kan du snabbt navigera mellan dina projekt och översättningar istället för att fippla runt med långa curl-förfrågningar. Tillgänglig för Linux, macOS och Windows. Frasen erbjuder en infödd . Phrase stöder ett stort antal sätt att exportera och importera översättningar med . Vi stöder följande format för filimport, filexport och API-åtkomst. Jobba med samtidigt - precis som på Git. Publicera dina översättningar snabbare och lättare än någonsin förr. Du behöver aldrig mer vänta på nästa utplacering och kan publicera alla dina översättningar i realtid direkt i Phrase med . Undvik trasiga filer med . Skräddarsy ditt aviseringsflöde genom att tillåta att avisera externa tjänster som chatklienter, projekthanteringsverktyg eller externa API:er om händelser eller ändringar. Kör Phrase på ditt eget datacenter bakom din egen brandvägg med . Höj din säkerhetsstandard och inkludera , antingen genom 2FA eller OAuth-åtkomst. om enskilda team-medlemmars aktiviteter, inklusive antalet översatta och verifierade ord, keys och mycket mer. genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa införfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Implementera ett för nya och uppdaterade översättningar. genom att dela ut specifika roller och åtkomsträttigheter till varje team-medlem beroende på projekt och språk. Genom aviseringar direkt i Phrase och via e-post kan du hela tiden om de senaste ändringarna inom ditt projekt. Ta reda på vad som händer inom dina projekt genom och filtrera dem efter användare, händelser och specifika tidsintervall. Informera, diskutera eller ställ frågor till team-medlemmar gällande enskilda översättningar . Låt Phrase med hjälp av maskinöversättning och Translation Memory och leta efter vanliga misstag som onödigt långa formuleringar, trasiga platshållare och termer som inte är översatta enligt gloslistan. Tilldela åtkomsträttigheter till hela istället för att specificera dem för varje enskild användare. Håll alla intressenter informerade om översättningsprojekt genom att . direkt i Phrase och spåra vilka keys som hör till vilken del av ditt projekt. Snabba på din lokaliseringsprocess med vårt . Translation Memory minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår matchande resultat. Vår kan integreras med nästan alla webbapplikationer och ger dig möjlighet att översätta innehåll direkt på din webbplats. Se alla tidigare versioner av en översättning under i Translation Editor. Dra nytta av översättningsförslag i realtid med Phrase Translation Editor. snabbar på ditt översättningsarbete och ger bättre överensstämmelse överlag. Konsistens lönar sig. Vår är en lista med karakteristiska termer som är unika för din verksamhet. Ge mer information i kontext genom att till dina översättnings-keys. För samman design och lokalisering. Enkel överlämning av kopierings- och gränssnittsdesign till översättare. . Låt Phrase med hjälp av maskinöversättning och Translation Memory "Tack vare Phrase kan vi expandera vår verksamhet och produktportfölj utan att behöva bekymra oss om lokalisering". "Lokaliseringsprocessen går så mycket smidigare, vilket gör det mycket enklare att släppa nya versioner och lägga till nya locales." "Den variation i respons som Phrase erbjuder förbättrar avsevärt verktygets språkkvalitet. Det låter mer naturligt och engagerar våra kunder mycket mer." "Med Phrase har vi kunnat modernisera vår lokaliseringsprocess och ta vår App-svit vidare till en global publik". "Phrase har haft en viktig roll i Kreditechs framgångrika expansion utomlands, både vad gäller länder och produkter!" "Phrase är den mest utvecklarvänliga lösningen på marknaden och är riktigt smidig för kontinuerlig utplacering. När vi började leta efter en lösning stack Phrase genast ut från mängden. "Phrases lättanvända och intuitiva samarbetsplattform var ett oumbärligt och pålitligt verktyg under vår expansion i Frankrike." "Phrase var en central del i att det gick så smidigt för vårt lilla men engagerade team att lokalisera våra digitala applikationer." "Phrase överträffar alla våra förväntningar. Mjukvaran var till stor hjälp i att effektivisera vår lokalisering och göra oss industriledande. Resultaten talar sitt tydliga språk." Inside your own cloud infrastructure, Data sovereignty, Premier support di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Kör Phrase inuti ditt eget datacenter h2|Företagsklass vid starthastighet Uppgifternas suveränitet Premium-support Why enterprises love Phrase Allt du behöver för att skala upp och påskynda Främsta översättningslösning för över 1000 företag världen runt Find out about Phrase On-Premise h3|Förvara din översättningslösning säkert på din egen hårdvara bakom företagets brandvägg. Samarbeta med ditt team, få tillgång till professionella översättare och håll dig uppdaterad. Utvecklare Manager Översättare Designern Att växa globalt, korta ner tiden till marknaden och skapa bättre användarupplevelser är bara några anledningar till varför så många företag kommer till Phrase för sina lokaliseringsbehov. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Mer än 1000 företag har redan optimerat sin översättningsprocess med Phrase Enkel installation Behåll full kontroll Onboarding och coachning Personal Account Manager h5|API Kommandoradverktyg GitHub, GitLab och Bitbucket Sync Mer än 40 filformat Förgrening och versionshantering Over the Air (OTA) Konvertering av filformat och syntaxvalidering Webhook-integration (t.ex. Slack) On-Premise Hosting 2-faktors autentisering (2FA/MFA) Statistik per Användare/Locale Jobb att tilldela Granskningsarbetsflöde Användarroller och åtkomstkontroll E-post och app-aviseringar Aktivitetsspårning Kommentarer och omnämnanden Autofill Checks Team Slack-integration Redigering av källtext Sökning och Key-taggar Translation Memory In-Context Editor för webben Historik SmartSuggest Ordlista Screenshots Sketch Plugin Figma insticksprogram Autofill sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Berätta mer om verktygen du använder och hur en integration med Phrase skulle vara till nytta för din lokalisering. Berätta mer om verktygen du använder och hur en integration med Phrase skulle vara till nytta för din lokalisering. Registrera dig och prova gratis i 14 dagar! Du har då tillgång till alla våra integrationer, så att du kan prova själv. Mjukvaruutvecklingsteam har väletablerade processer och en specifik teknisk stack som de arbetar med. Lokalisering bör integreras smidigt i befintliga processer och göra det möjligt för utvecklare, designers, översättare och chefer att delta i lokaliseringsarbetet genom att ansluta sina favoritverktyg till lokaliseringsplattformen. Använd Phras's integreringar för att anpassa din upplevelse av programöversättning och automatisera fler av dina översättningsprocesser. Vårt API beskrivs med hjälp av OpenAPI-specifikationen, som låter dig skapa bibliotek automatiskt. Du kan också begära att ett nytt bibliotek läggs till av oss. Vi arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra programvaruöversättningen åt dig. För oss innebär detta också att vi ständigt lägger till nya integreringar i vår portfölj. Om du saknar någon integration för din app, webbplats eller programvara översättningsprojekt, kontakta oss! Låt oss veta vilket verktyg du använder och vilken typ av plugin, synkronisering eller integration du behöver. Alla integreringar som nämns ovan kan hjälpa dig att spara tid genom att automatisera manuella uppgifter eller låta dig arbeta från ditt favoritverktyg istället för att byta till ett nytt gränssnitt. Förutom våra integreringar kan du även hitta ett brett utbud av funktioner i vår lokaliseringsplattform som kan automatisera dina processer ytterligare. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo search Sök integration Alla Utveckling Design Översättning Innehållsstyrning Notifikationer Android SDK Publicera eller uppdatera kopian i din Android-app i realtid utan att vänta på nästa distribution. Android Studio Plugin Synkronisera översättningar mellan Phrase och Android Studio. För nycklar till Phrase och dra tillbaka översättningar till ditt projekt. API Importera, exportera, tagga eller interagera på andra sätt med lokaliseringsdata lagrad i Phrase för ditt konto. Bitbucket Importera och exportera språkfiler snabbare än någonsin med en inbyggd integration till Bitbucket. Contentful Översätt ditt innehåll på flera språk genom att ställa in en direkt synkronisering mellan Contentful och Phrase. CLI Hela Phrase API:et i din terminal. Navigera snabbt i dina översättningsprojekt från kommandoraden. Figma Skapa översättningsnycklar och jobb direkt från Figma. Skärmbilder bifogas automatiskt. Github Synkronisera språkfiler från ditt arkiv med Phrase. Exportera översättningar till GitHub som pull request. GitLab Synkronisera enkelt språkfiler till Phrase och exportera översättningar tillbaka till ditt arkiv. Go bibliotek/SDK Vi tillhandahåller ett bibliotek för Phrase API skrivet i Golang. Gengo Beställ professionella översättningar från Gengo med bara några klick direkt från Phrase. In-Contest Editor Översätt med maximalt sammanhang. Se i realtid hur översättningar skulle se ut på din webbplats. iOS SDK Uppdatera översättningar för din iOS-app med ett enda klick. Du behöver inte släppa en ny version på App Store. Java SDK Använd vårt Java-bibliotek för att interagera med Phrase API. JavaScript SDK Prova vårt JS-bibliotek för Phrase API som kan användas i både TypeScript och JavaScript. Jira Koppla Jira Software till Phrase för att få aktuell information på båda plattformarna. Kotlin bibliotek/SDK Prova vårt autogenererade bibliotek för Phrase API skrivet i Kotlin. PHP bibliotek/SDK Prova vårt autogenererade bibliotek för Phrase API skrivet i PHP. Python bibliotek/SDK Prova vårt autogenererade bibliotek för Phrase API skrivet i Python. Ruby bibliotek/SDK Använd Ruby-biblioteket för att få tillgång till Phrase programmatiskt inom dina egna applikationer. Sketch Synkronisera dina designer från Sketch med Phrase och integrera lokalisering i din designprocess. Slack Anslut till Slack och anpassa vilka aviseringar du får i dina Slack-kanaler. TextMaster Med Textmaster-integrationen kan du enkelt beställa professionella översättningar utan att lämna Phrase. Visual Studio Plugin Synkronisera översättningar mellan Phrase och dina Windows-applikationer. Du kan också lägga till nya språk från plugin-programmet. Webhooks Bygg din anpassade webhook-integration genom att skicka aviseringar till externa tjänster, t.ex. chattverktyg. Wordpress Översätt dina WordPress-sidor till flera språk och synka direkt med Phrase. Zapier Bygg egna zaps med Phrase-event. Anslut till en mängd appar via Zapier. Redo att se våra integrationer i aktion? FAQ Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Smidig lokalisering med eminenta integrationer h3|Anpassa översättningen efter behoven i din organisation med en mängd olika insticksprogram och integrationer. Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Saknar du något? Föreslå en integration! Saknar du något? Föreslå en integration! h6|Varför behövs integreringar i översättning av programvara? Tillhandahåller ditt lokaliseringsverktyg bibliotek för andra programmeringsspråk? Hur ofta släpper du nya frasintegreringar? Vilka integreringar hjälper mig att automatisera lokaliseringsprocessen? sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Du kan när som helst avsluta prenumerationen på dessa meddelanden. Mer information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, vår integritetspraxis och hur vi åtar oss att skydda och respektera din integritet finns i vår . h1|Book a Demo h3|You tell us your stories, and we show you how Phrase can help you achieve your goals. You can ask all your questions here. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Preferably in PDF format. To upload more than 1 file please use a ZIP file. h1|Join Phrase! Didn't find the position you're looking for? We'd still love to hear from you. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. l10n team l10n projects languages ord The leading social network for business professionals in the German-speaking market, XING provides more than 12 million members with a platform to connect and collaborate. A hub for job-seeking, hiring, news and idea-sharing, XING propels careers and drives business success in every industry. As XING’s operations expanded, it found that its outdated translation management solution lacked the process streamlining and collaboration features required to meet evolving business needs. By replacing the aging software with Phrase – an all-in-one, web-based localization platform – XING has streamlined translation, simplified management, and enabled scalability. For businesses operating in a multilingual environment, releasing new resources is rarely as simple as creating a single, native-language version – to maximize reach, localization is an essential step. Translating text into numerous different languages can be a time-consuming process; and without an effective software localization platform in place, localization can often delay the release of new products and features. This is something that XING knows all too well. With as many as 250 resources needing to be translated into ten languages each week, the business relies on its software localization platform to coordinate its vast number of localization projects. And, with XING enjoying a strong growth trajectory, its localization requirements have steadily increased. As a consequence, the business network found that its translation solution was in need of powerful additional features. Guido Behrenswerth, Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at XING, explains: “Our existing translation management platform lacked the scalability to meet the growing needs of our business, and it was beginning to suffer from performance and reliability issues as a result. Its heritage code would have been very difficult to maintain in the long run. It was clear that it was time to look for a new solution.” If left unchecked, these issues would have risked delaying XING’s release cycle, negatively impacting the platform's pace of development – and XING knew that as its business continued to expand, the problem would only get worse. "Tack vare Phrase kan vi expandera vår verksamhet och produktportfölj utan att behöva bekymra oss om lokalisering". XING wanted a new translation platform that was faster, more reliable, more functional, and more scalable. It looked at several different solutions, and – following a thorough evaluation process – the company’s engineers, copywriters and translators unanimously agreed that Phrase was the best choice. “Phrase stood out for a number of reasons,” recalls Guido Behrenswerth. “The quality of the product itself, Phrase’s willingness to listen to feedback and feature requests, and the quick and helpful customer support were all decisive factors in our decision. It also didn’t hurt that Phrase is almost literally our next-door neighbor in Hamburg." Above all, though, XING was impressed with the solution’s versatility. Phrase supports all kinds of software environments and it can be quickly set up to work with both small and complex projects. Phrase’s versatility – 38 localization file formats across various platforms and programming languages – is highly beneficial for XING, given that its services run on a variety of platforms and use a number of different frameworks and programming languages. A leading-edge software localization platform, Phrase offers many features – including a powerful API and an intuitive central dashboard – that are designed to streamline all aspects of the localization process, making it easy for XING to create and manage its translation projects. Delivered as a web-based service, Phrase is also highly scalable – easily capable of supporting XING’s increasing localization requirements. “Our main goal was to improve scalability,” says Guido Behrenswerth. “And there is no doubting that we have met that objective. Phrase is up to three times more scalable than our old system: it can handle many simultaneous projects, locales, and a much greater word count.” Additionally, with Phrase in place, many localization tasks are now much simpler than they used to be. Thanks to the API, it’s become easier for XING to create projects, add languages, upload keys, and update resources. New verification options have helped streamline the proofreading process, and automated suggestions simplify translation. As a result, Phrase offers improvements throughout the entire localization process, and it’s been well received by everyone involved: engineers, copywriters, and translators. Guido Behrenswerth concludes: “ It’s a future-proof solution and we’re confident it will support XING as we continue to grow.” The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. Meddela automatiskt dina översättare om ändringar i källtexten för att be att de ser över de keys som översatts för att säkerställa att det du vill kommunicera överensstämmer över alla språk. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. XING är ett online-företagsnätverk baserat i Hamburg, Tyskland. Det sociala nätverket, som ofta beskrivs som motparten till LinkedIn i tyskspråkiga länder, sysselsätter mer än 1 500 personer och genererade intäkter på över 235 miljoner euro 2018. Den sociala plattformen XING erbjuder sina användare en plattform för affärsanslutningar och information. De kan välja mellan två medlemskap: det kostnadsfria Basic-medlemskapet och det betalda Premium-medlemskapet med tillgång till exklusiva funktioner. Anställda och företag från alla branscher använder XING. I december 2018 hade plattformen nästan 15 miljoner registrerade användare. XING hjälper människor att komma i kontakt med varandra och söka jobb, nyanställda, expertråd och affärsidéer. Företag kan publicera platsannonser och komma i kontakt med potentiella medarbetare direkt. Användarna kan också ansluta till över 80 000 specialgrupper eller under en av nätverksevenemangen som organiseras via XING. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo No more risks in delaying the release cycle Improved scalability Effektivisera korrekturläsningsprocessen Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING h1|Overcoming growth challenges with a super-scalable localization platform h2|Challenge Vad är XING? Vad erbjuder XING? Vem använder XING? Vad kan du göra med XING? h3|Growing pains Solution Benefits Features used h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Partnering for success Superior scalability, powerful functionality API Grundläggande arbetsflöde för granskning User Roles and Access Control Results h5|Guido Behrenswerth sp|Toggle Navigation 340+ 20 18 8m Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. of developer’s time saved until content is live queries per month countries In 2018, over 70 million shoppers from 120 countries started their hunt for the latest fashion on Lyst. From their startup beginnings in the UK, the company rapidly expanded into 14 markets and is now available in 8 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese). This growth was feasible only with a localization solution that integrated perfectly with their platform that is built on Python and React. Thanks to Phrase – the all-in-one, web-based localization system – Lyst sets new content in all 8 languages live in just 1 minute, saving 48 hours of engineering time for each new feature release. After initial success in the UK market, Lyst launched an ambitious strategy for international expansion. They shortlisted markets and languages that promised to be the most profitable and started localization. However, their first attempts at deploying new content in new languages took 72 hours, which was far too long for the team reach their bold expansion goals. With such a large localization task in front of them, Lyst finally decided to increase their chances of success by utilizing a software localization platform right from the get-go. They scouted for an agile platform that was quick to implement and would adapt perfectly to their existing processes. Perhaps most importantly, the tool had to be easy to use for their 14 freelance translators. The team saw a huge opportunity to speed up their release cycles and streamline their workflow with the right localization solution. Phrase quickly became Lyst’s first choice to set up their localization process. It’s just the right tool to support their agile work environment. Subsequently, Lyst set up a localization team of two engineers and a localization manager who also acts as a product manager for all their international sites. Every two weeks, the team meets to set the tasks and priorities to deliver the most impactful features on the international sites. With the help of Phrase, their sprints have transformed into a highly personalized localization workflow that uses their resources in the best way. Furthermore, working with 14 freelance translators became a breeze thanks to Phrase’s powerful collaboration features. The translators now even proofread each others’ translations throughout the process to make sure that the copy is the best possible at the end of the workflow. Phrase’s all-in-one solution has set up Lyst’s localization process for success right from the start. On average, the team translates and deploys 500 keys per language per month, a total of 70,000 words, at lightning speed. “We have now designed a process where Phrase allows us to have the content ready on our sites within 1 minute since the translators add or update their translations. We are saving an average of 48 hours on engineering time, each time we deploy a new feature.” In addition to a highly personalized localization workflow, Lyst benefits from the best translation quality. Their translators can now improve each others’ translations easily within Phrase and act as the final quality control. Thanks to Phrase, Lyst can react quickly to changing customer demands, stay agile, and be highly efficient with its resources. As they expand to more markets, they are doing so with a perfectly bespoke setup that works best for them. Organisera alla dina översättningsuppgifter genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa in förfallodatum för de språk du väljer. The Advanced Review Workflow for your translation process helps to assure transparency and makes sure you always have proofread translations. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. Lyst är den största globala modesökningsplattformen med mer än tio miljoner frågor per månad. Huvudkontor i London, tillåter företaget människor att hitta och jämföra alla typer av modeprodukter. Med sin webbplats och mobilapplikation erbjuder Lyst en marknadsplats som samlar fem miljoner produkter från 12 000 av världens ledande varumärken och återförsäljare på ett ställe. Över 70 miljoner kunder från 120 länder använder Lyst varje år som marknadsplats för shopping och produktjämförelse. Lyst tillåter användare att söka tusentals online-modebutiker på en gång, vilket gör det möjligt för dem att handla ett brett urval av de senaste modetrenderna inom kläder, skor och accessoarer. Om en kund är intresserad av en produkt kan han direkt köpa den via återförsäljarens webbplats, som organiserar leveransen. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo 48 hours of developer’s time saved for every feature release Content in 8 languages is live within 1 minute Streamlined organization and collaboration of 14 freelance translators Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Localization Manager, Lyst h1|Setting up a personalized, time-saving localization process with Phrase h2|Challenge: Supporting a Large Localization Task Solution: Localization in an Agile Environment Benefits: Time-savings for the Localization Team Features used Vad är Lyst? Vad erbjuder Lyst? Vem använder Lyst? Vad kan du göra med Lyst? h3|Customer: Lyst h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Assignable Jobs Advanced Review Workflow User Roles and Access Control Results h5|Enrique Quilez sp|Toggle Navigation 48 hours 1 minute > 10 M 120+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. languages days to add new languages revenue cities worldwide Tito CEO, Paul Campbell, had the vision to take the stress out of purchasing tickets. With a team of ten, he has enabled organizers to set up events in as many as 17 languages. Tito’s team quickly realized that adding more languages to their software would open up opportunities in new markets. This has become a critical factor in helping Tito get closer to their goal of reaching a globally-inclusive customer base. Since Tito is built on Ruby on Rails, the company was looking for an easy localization solution that would integrate seamlessly with their app. When they found Phrase – the all-in-one, web-based localization platform – the team streamlined their once clunky workflow. They are now able to release new languages, from start to finish, within a week. As Tito’s customers were requesting new languages regularly, the company saw tremendous potential for expansion. However, their localization was not matching this fast pace, and integrating new languages into the software took longer than expected. For localization, Tito initially used flat yml files in their Rails app which were “a nightmare to maintain” according to Paul. It was an ongoing challenge to keep the workflow organized. Since this process had become so intricate, only one person was tasked with it, which caused difficulty for them as they had to balance those responsibilities with their full-time role on the engineering team. Furthermore, Tito was solely relying on external translators. The team manually coordinated and supervised the translator’s tasks, which added to the mounting pressure to meet their client’s demands. Tito’s team saw a huge opportunity to automate and streamline their localization workflow to speed up their expansion. Tito was eager to get started with a localization platform that would support Ruby on Rails and provide solid team management features. They found their ideal solution in Phrase and “it was really easy to import our yml files and get running quickly,” recalls Paul Campbell. Phrase’s responsive support team and intuitive user interface made the transition painless. Tito soon noticed that Phrase would also allow them to order translations directly in the platform – a key feature they didn’t know to look for in a software localization platform at first. Now, the translations are automatically delivered within only a few days, even with over 600 keys to be translated. “Usually when a customer requests a new language, after we order it in Phrase, it will typically be live within a week. A few days for the translation order to complete, and a few days to get live into production,” states Paul Campbell. The improved translation speed shaves valuable time off new releases. Also, change requests for established languages are simpler than ever with Phrase. When a customer asks for specific keys to be changed or added, Tito can work with the client to update those keys directly in Phrase. Then, all the team has to do is download the resulting yml files to update their app. It’s fast and easy. Phrase’s all-in-one solution has transformed the way Tito localizes their software. Instead of one person being tasked with the process, any one of the five people in their development team can now manage the translations. The shared responsibility for localization adds additional flexibility and speed to the process. Paul points out: “Phrase allows us to quickly and easily add new languages as our customers demand them, and act as the 'source of truth' for those translations, easily sharing them between different parts of our app.” When one of Tito’s customers requested Icelandic to be added to the app, they were able to order and implement the new language in under a week. With the help of Phrase, they delivered on their client’s request efficiently and can now serve future customers in the Icelandic market, bringing Tito’s team one step closer to reaching their expansion goals. “Phrase is one of those “just works” apps when it comes to translating an app. Our checkout is now available in 17 languages, but it doesn’t feel in any way heavy to manage all of those translations. Phrase takes away the operational complexity of managing all of the translation files, and we can just get on with building the app.” Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. Organisera alla dina översättningsuppgifter genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa in förfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. Tito är en design-ledd online-plattform för evenemangsbiljettförsäljning. Tito grundades 2013 och har sålt biljetter till ett värde av över 500 miljoner euro i över 2 500 städer över hela världen. Tito erbjuder en snabb och flexibel plattform för att sälja biljetter på nätet vilket garanterar en enkel, stressfri biljettupplevelse för arrangörer och en härlig inköpsupplevelse för deltagare. Arrangörer av alla typer av evenemang från hela världen använder Tito för att effektivisera sin biljetthanteringsprocess. Med Tito kan arrangörerna optimera biljettprocessen för deras evenemang. Arrangörer kan inte bara sälja sina biljetter online och hålla kontakten med sina teammedlemmar, men också få tillgång till statistik om deras försäljning och finansiella data, köra rapporter och analysera resultatet av deras evenemang. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Request, order and implement new languages in under a week Easy integration with Ruby on Rails for a seamless workflow Facilitates fast expansion into new markets Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|CEO of Tito h1|The fast and scalable localization solution for small teams h2|Challenge Benefits Features used Vad är Tito? Vad erbjuder Tito? Vem använder Tito? Vad kan du göra med Tito? h3|A Hard To Maintain Workflow Solution Accelerating expansion to new markets h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Localization made simple and fast Translation Memory Assignable Jobs User Roles and Access Control Results h5|Paul Campbell sp|Toggle Navigation 17 3 ~€1M 2,500+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. countries languages process time l10n projects Aiming to strengthen its market-leading position and bring its application suite to a larger global audience, Cvent launched an organization-wide effort to localize its products worldwide. Therefore, Cvent needed an efficient and effective way for developers, copywriters and translators to collaborate on localization projects – and Phrase was the answer. In November 2016, Cvent merged with fellow industry leader, Lanyon Solutions, establishing itself as the market leader in meetings, events, and hospitality technology. Keen to protect its dominant market position and seize new opportunities in the largely untapped industry, Cvent set its sights on serving a wider global audience. To realize this strategy, the software provider aimed to reach an ambitious 18 languages across 100 countries. Michael Stemle, Jr., Principal Software Engineer at Cvent, takes up the story: “Our developers, copywriters, and translators are distributed all around the world, which makes collaborating effectively on localization projects very challenging; especially, because we didn’t have a centralized translation management platform.” Relying on spreadsheets and decentralized internal tools can lead to considerable delays and confusion. Prior to Phrase, Cvent’s teams in different locations were confronted with a myriad of manual processes, increasing the possibility of human error. “With the new push to reach a wider global audience, it was important to our business that we worked on features at the same time as localization”, adds Michael Stemle. “For this reason, it was essential that our developers would be able to coordinate with writers and translators in real time to make changes to resources already in the pipeline.” Additionally, Cvent’s localization management needed important translation management features, such as version history and in-context editing, making life particularly easier for both developers and translators. "Med Phrase har vi kunnat modernisera vår lokaliseringsprocess och ta vår App-svit vidare till en global publik". The software provider set about looking for a new tool to centralize software localization across its entire organization – a solution that could provide automation, versatility, and simplicity. After evaluating a wide range of solutions based on these extensive selection criteria, Phrase resulted to be the most attractive all-in-one, web-based localization platform. “We dug into the problem domain with more than a dozen vendors,” recalls Michael Stemle. “We looked at all of the things they supported, and all of the things we needed, and we found that Phrase more than met our requirements.” However, the deciding factor was the collaborative approach of the Phrase team. Michael Stemle explains: “During the demos, we found that Phrase was super responsive in answering our questions, and they were willing to work with us on our specific challenges. It was clear that they weren’t simply trying to sell us a product, they actually wanted to help us succeed – we weren’t just customers, we were partners.” By integrating the workflows of both technical writers and translators into a single, central dashboard, Phrase streamlines Cvent’s software localization and makes it clear who is working on what, and when. Additionally, process automation significantly accelerates localization and minimizes human error. Michael Stemle continues: “From the developer perspective, we found Phrase to be particularly intuitive and easy-to-understand. It also supports all the languages and file formats we use, and enables us to effortlessly switch between them.” With Phrase, Cvent is transforming its entire localization process, from inception to release. The organization is set to achieve unprecedented levels of localization efficiency. “We expect to complete the migration to Phrase within a year of closing,” says Michael Stemle. “We’re already seeing benefits and, once complete, we’re estimating time savings of as much as 30% for translation management thanks to the reduction in mistakes and confusion.” The new, centralized management platform ensures that employees can effectively collaborate on localization projects regardless of location and time zone – putting Cvent’s 18 locale, 100 country internationalization strategy firmly within reach. Michael Stemle confirms: “With Phrase, we have been able to modernize our localization process and bring our suite of applications to a wider, global audience.” As software projects grow and become more complex it helps to split them into modules to keep things manageable. The same holds true for the localization of software projects. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. Meddela automatiskt dina översättare om ändringar i källtexten för att be att de ser över de keys som översatts för att säkerställa att det du vill kommunicera överensstämmer över alla språk. Cvent är ett ledande molnbaserat företagsevenemangshanteringsföretag med huvudkontor i McLean, USA, med kraftfull onlineprogramvara för händelsehantering. Cvent erbjuder programvarulösningar som hjälper till att hantera och optimera processer och värdekedjor för onlineregistrering, val av mötesplats, händelsehantering, mobilappar för evenemang, e-postmarknadsföring och webbundersökningar. Flera personer som är involverade i händelsehanteringsprocessen, till exempel evenemangsplanerare, marknadsförare och hotellägare, använder Cvent-lösningarna för händelsehantering. Hittills har mer än 30 000 kunder över hela världen använt programvaran. De lättanvända programvarulösningar som erbjuds av Cvent gör det möjligt för arrangörerna att öka deltagandet och engagemanget hos sina evenemangsgäster. Användare av programvaran kan maximera och optimera planerings- och marknadsföringsprocessen för möten och evenemang, genomföra dem på plats, engagera målgrupper och analysera resultaten. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Connected with customers across 100 countries Streamlined localization processes Centralized collaboration hub for developers, writers, translators Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Principal Software Engineer, Cvent h1|Expanding global reach through centralized localization management h2|Challenge Solution Benefits Features used Vad är Cvent? Vad erbjuder Cvent? Vem använder Cvent? Vad kan du göra med Cvent? h3|Enabling globalization Moderniserar mjukvarulokalisering Unprecedented efficiency h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Multiple projects User Roles and Access Control Grundläggande arbetsflöde för granskning Results h5|Michael Stemle Jr. sp|Toggle Navigation 100 18 -30% 20 Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. l10n projects l10n team countries ord Founded in 2004, uShip is one of the world's largest and most trusted online transportation marketplace which serves freight, household goods and vehicle shipping markets. Consumers and businesses can compare and book upfront quotes, name their own price or receive auction-style bids from over 800,000 customer reviewed service providers, ranging from independent owner-operators to the largest freight carriers and brokers. Launched in 2004, Austin-based uShip operates globally with localized sites in the U.S., Canada, The Netherlands, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Austria, the European Union and Latin America. Every 30 seconds a new shipment is listed on uShip. From cars to cranes, freight to furniture, and households to horses, people and businesses use uShip because it's easy and affordable to price, book, and ship everything no matter if it's going local or long distance. To support its presence in 18 countries and expansion to new markets, uShip created an in-house localization solution which was largely based on the .NET framework. This involved a bespoke web application and a storage schema for the final translation storage. uShip’s owntool modeled only the storage and retrieval of the data, but not the translator's workflow. Translators--lacking a way to keep track of their work--and developers--lacking time to improve the tool--resorted to spreadsheets to keep track of their localization and translation processes. Although the tool served its purpose for a long time and required very little maintenance, uShip's recent partnerships required them to localize into additional languages and enlist external translators to aid them with the process. Marina Parisi, uShip's l10n and i18n Manager, quickly identified several key difficulties with its existing system: With more than 20,000 content keys and RFC-4646 language identification tags understood only by a few current employees, something had to be done to alleviate the above issues and help uShip's transition to a microservices architecture. When uShip began investigating the market for a solution to replace its in-house l10n and i18n tool, it didn't take long for them to find several solutions. Being a continuous integration and continuous deployment shop, each time a developer would commit his code to the version control system, the code would be built, tested, and deployed into all uShip's pre-production and production systems. Lösningen måste uppfylla följande kriterier: Phrase stood out from 4 competing products with its well-designed web service API. From the beginning, Phrase proved to be an “API first” product which appealed to uShip's developers who also relied heavily on their own public API. What they quickly learned is that the web service API was not limited to uploading and downloading resource files. In contrast to the competing offerings, Phrase’s API offered a RESTful representation of keys, tags, and locales, together with the ability to discover fine-grained changes to translations. uShip's CTO Nick Parker and his team of advisors and consultants unanimously concurred that Phrase was the right choice. "Phrase är den mest utvecklarvänliga lösningen på marknaden och är riktigt smidig för kontinuerlig utplacering. När vi började leta efter en lösning stack Phrase genast ut från mängden. In under 3 months, uShip successfully replaced its custom, legacy localization tool with Phrase. “The most time-consuming part of the process wasn't the integration of Phrase. That was the easy part. The hard part was understanding and reworking the existing old code that relied on idiosyncrasies of the preexisting system,” said Ed Vinyard, uShip’s Software Architect responsible for transition to a microservices architecture. När han blev tillfrågad om hur mycket tid deras redaktörer och översättare sparar med Phrase, svarade Vinyard "Mycket". Han fortsatte: "Vår översättningsansvarige behöver inte längre kopiera och klistra in varje översatt key i vår egenskapade lösning. Phrases översättningsminne kommer ihåg tidigar översättningar och föreslår matchningar under översättningen vilket spar mycket tid för våra översättare." Med Phraseapp har uShip:s I10n och i18n Manager en mycket bättre överblick över alla översättare och deras aktiviteter och får en tydlig verifieringskedja över alla ändringar vad gäller översättningen. Dessutom har översättarna helt slutat använda arbetsblad och har fått en klar överblisk över alla ändringar och nya översättningar i förproduktionsmiljön, menkan även kontrollera vilka som går vidare till produktrionsmiljön. “It worked completely out-of-the-box, we were able to quickly integrate it with our automated development and it immediately proved its worth by supporting one of our company's key partnership.” Aside from saving a considerable amount of time for translators, Phrase also saves time for uShip’s developers. Vinyard said “My guess is that we saved months of developers' time just to meet our new specific needs. Even more if you consider the benefits we wouldn't include if we had to write the code ourselves, such as the improved search functionalities and great performance.” The Phrase In-Context Editor can be integrated within almost any web application and provides the possibility to translate content directly on your site. As software projects grow and become more complex it helps to split them into modules to keep things manageable. The same holds true for the localization of software projects. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. UShip är en av världens största och mest betrodda online-transportmarknader som betjänar frakt-, hushålls- och fordonstransportmarknader med lokala och långdistansrörelser. UShip erbjuder en öppen marknadsplats där kunder och transportörer kan publicera fraktjobb och utbyta information. Plattformen kan nås via webbplatsen eller mobilappen. Individer och företag som vill skicka artiklar som är för stora för ett normalt paket eller transportörer, letar efter ett försändelsejobb, använder Uship. Hittills har onlinemarknaden redan haft mer än 3,5 miljoner kunder. Medlemmar på plattformen kan ansluta och dela information om fraktvarorna. usHip tillåter användare att ställa frågor och utvärdera transportörer, delta i auktionserbjudanden för prissättning av jobben och få leveransstatusmeddelanden. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Better overview of translators and their activities Kan manuellt växlas om till automatisk översättningsprocess. Continuous Localization in 18 countries Saved month of developers’ time Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information li|Poor representation of translation workflow Poor usability for translators Lack of change audit Limited integration with continuous deployment No translator-controlled in-app preview. Enable partner-specific terminology via “custom locales” Explicitly model translator workflow Provide an audit mechanism Provide reliable and translator-controlled continuous deployment integration sm|Leading Software Architect, uShip Leading Software Architect, uShip h1|Saving months of developers’ time, by switching from a manual into an automated translation process h2|Challenge Solution Results Features used Vad är UshIP? Vad erbjuder UHip? Vem använder UshIP? Vad kan du göra med UshIP? h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång In-Context Editor Multiple projects User Roles and Access Control Results h5|Ed Vinyard Ed Vinyard sp|Toggle Navigation 8 90+ 18 1.3m Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. l10n projects languages l10n team users since Phrase FAMILO is a specialist in location services for mobile apps. Within the last years, the company developed accurate, reliable and energy-saving geofencing technology. Phrase helped to scale FAMILO's business internationally and automated the multi-language operations by easily and quickly integrating the localization process into their overall development process. The team experienced an overwhelming 400% increase in new users after adopting Phrase’s localization software. Moreover, FAMILO was able to improve the overall translation quality. Despite astonishing achievements, FAMILO continued to spend most of its time and energy attracting new users to its application. The company needed a solution to connect with global customers worldwide. Like most businesses, FAMILO wanted to dig deeper to understand how to serve a larger customer base. The FAMILO team turned to Phrase to refine its product and expand its reach. Tangible competitive edge is one of the best indications of business health. According to a Common Sense Advisory study, 56% of consumers find the ability to learn about a product in their own language more important than the price of the product. Localizing products increases the power of selling to your customers and gives companies an advantage in the global marketplace. Phrase offers a software localization solution for web and mobile translation projects by easily integrating the localization process into the overall development process. To kick the project off, FAMILO’s team used the Phrase Translation Center to work with a group of translators. Phrase’s comprehensive documentation, integration tutorials and personal assistance made it easy to quickly integrate the localization process into their overall process. By automatically identifying the need for new translations, there was no more need to manually notify everyone about new translations. FAMILO was able to reduce significant administrative expenses by evaluating its upcoming tasks and keeping track of the translation progress. Moreover, the team utilized the advanced search features in order to quickly drill down on the entries that matter the most for their tasks. Hauke Windmueller, CEO of FAMILO, explains their experience with Phrase: "Phrase överträffar alla våra förväntningar. Mjukvaran var till stor hjälp i att effektivisera vår lokalisering och göra oss industriledande. Resultaten talar sitt tydliga språk." FAMILO used Phrase to localize its mobile applications into 16 languages. Phrase enabled FAMILO to accelerate its user growth and to quickly launch its iOS and Android apps into those new languages. As a result of FAMILO’s efforts to expand globally by using Phrase the team saw an overwhelming 400% increase in new users and was able to expand their business on an international scale. While FAMILO’s actions were comprehensive and strategic, the company also credits Phrase with giving them the practical tools to make tangible improvements. This outcome produced useful contextual information, made it easy to stay on top of the process, helped to reduce administrative expenses and to improve the the overall translation quality. Localization displays a visible commitment to customers worldwide. Consumers expect products and services to meet their needs, which includes, most importantly, the language. It provides security and convenience for all parties involved. Plus, high-quality content transcends in international markets. Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. As software projects grow and become more complex it helps to split them into modules to keep things manageable. The same holds true for the localization of software projects. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. FAMILO ger familjer och vänner sinnesro med sin sofistikerade smartphone-app som svarar på den enkla frågan ”Var är du?” FAMILO erbjuder en energibesparande, kostnadsfri familjeliokatorapp för mobila enheter. Genom sin högteknologiska geofenseringsteknik, som kommunicerar den aktuella platsen för alla gruppmedlemmar, ökar säkerheten för alla och hjälper till att lindra bekymmer från oinformerade familjemedlemmar eller vänner. Familjer, par och grupper av vänner, som vill säkerställa att alla deras gruppmedlemmar är säkra och OK, använder FAMILO för att spåra sina platser och kommunicera. Mer än en miljon kunder över hela världen använder redan programmet. FAMILOs familjenätverkssändare gör det möjligt för användarna att hålla kontakten med sina nära och kära och få meddelanden om var de är, vad de gör och hur de känner sig. Om någon förklarar en osäker situation kommer gruppmedlemmarna att informeras och kan skicka hjälp. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo FAMILO increased user growth by 400% Improved of overall translation quality Reduced administrative expenses Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|CEO, FAMILO h1|How to increase user reach by 400% h2|The challenge Familo faced Phrase offered an integrated solution Features used Vad är FAMILO? Vad erbjuder FAMILO? Vem använder FAMILO? Vad kan du göra med FAMILO? h3|Accelerating international growth with Phrase h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Translation Memory Multiple projects User Roles and Access Control Results h5|Hauke Windmueller sp|Toggle Navigation 26 16 30+ +400% Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Du kan alltid hålla dig uppdaterad gällande dina team-medlemmars olika aktiviteter, inklusive antalet översatta och verifierade ord, keys och mycket annat. Organisera alla dina översättningsuppgifter genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa in förfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Implementera ett granskningsarbetsflöde för nya och uppdaterade översättningar. Phrase samarbetar med tredjepartsleverantörer av översättningar så att du kan beställa professionella översättningar direkt från plattformen. Organisera ditt lokaliseringsteam genom att dela ut specifika roller och åtkomsträttigheter till varje team-medlem beroende på projekt och språk. Med hjälp av aviseringar direkt i Phrase och via e-post kan du hålla dig ständigt uppdaterad om de senaste ändringarna gällande ditt projekt. Låt Phrase översätta nytt innehåll automatiskt med hjälp av maskinöversättning och Translation Memory. Med hjälp av Autofill kan du så snart du laddat upp nya keys, locales eller filer till Phrase översätta dem till ett flertal språk automatiskt. Förhindra fel vid lokaliseringen av din produkt! Granska alla dina översättningar och leta efter vanliga misstag som onödigt långa formuleringar, trasiga platshållare och termer som inte är översatta enligt gloslistan. Med Team-funktionen kan du skala upp antalet projekt, språk och användare i Phrase utan att behöva tänka på användarhantering. Få dina notifikationer i Slack. Håll alla intressenter informerade om översättningsprojekt genom att koppla Phrase till Slack. Anslut översättningsjobb till Jira-ärenden för att få uppdateringar direkt i Jira. Ha alltid full insyn i översättningsstatusen på båda plattformarna. Färre händer krävs Märkbar skillnad vad gäller användarupplevelser och deltagande Av jobb sparade varje månad “Phrase has been an important part of Kreditech’s successful international expansion, both on a Country and on a Product level!” Ricardo Vidal Senior Vice President at Kreditech Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Gör mjukvarulokalisering till en bättre upplevelse h2|Vi har bevis Därför älskar projektledare Phrase h3|Phrase tar dina lokaliseringsprojekt till nya nivåer, snabbar på dina arbetsflöden och låter dig jobba i större skala vad gäller lokalisering, produktion och tekniska aspekter. Låt Phrase ge dig ett handtag med din lokaliseringsprocess. Funktioner för projektledare Phrase levererar stabila, mätbara resultat till våra kunder över hela världen. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation 50 % 80 % 2-3 dagar Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Million Users Countries Languages words a week Over 40 million people in 189 countries are already learning languages with Memrise. The company localizes its app and all content into 24 languages to engage and further grow its user base. To achieve that, Memrise works with a team of 22 translators across different countries and timezones to deliver timely localization of all UI copy and marketing materials. Their manual localization process was relying heavily on spreadsheets and struggled to keep up with the weekly release cycles. By utilizing Phrase – an all-in-one, web-based localization platform – Memrise successfully integrated localization into their development process and pushed their efficiency to new heights. For software companies like Memrise, a quick time-to-market of new features is crucial to keep up with the demand for new functionalities and updates. If localization has to match this pace, it needs to become an integral part of the development process. However, at Memrise, localization got pushed to the very end of the release cycle causing a serious deceleration of output. "Translations were the bottleneck of every release until we started using Phrase" comments Mario Pluzny, Localization Manager at Memrise. The developers pushed new strings manually to the translation tool once branches had been QA’ed and merged to master. Once the translations were ready, they would pull them back out of the translation tool. This barely allowed a few hours for the localization team to translate and proactively test the non-English versions. It was a very manual process, and developers were not always available to push and pull the strings. This would jeopardize their weekly releases. Mario Pluzny explains: “We needed to allow the localization team to own the process from a much earlier stage and remove dependencies from developers.” Memrise’s team saw a huge potential to automate tasks and streamline the localization methods. Memrise was looking for a solution that would let the localization manager and internal as well as external resources control the localization workflow instead of relying on necessary developer input. A former team member recommended Phrase, and soon Memrise was up and running with their new software localization platform. “After the transition to Phrase, we no longer needed to wait for a developer to finish coding a new feature in order to push strings to the tool,” recalls Mario Pluzny. “As soon as a feature specification is reviewed by the localization team and its copy is approved, we can add all keys to Phrase and get them translated even before the actual code is written.” Phrase’s ability to manage processes all on one platform streamlined the localization process and allowed for better tracking and scalability. The localization team was now able to control the process from a much earlier stage. Mario Pluzny points out: “That gave us complete ownership of string management and much more time to get things ready when the localization testing phase arrives.” Also, Memrise’s developers found Phrase easy to use and were able to incorporate it seamlessly right into the build process for iOS, Android, and Web. The detailed documentation, together with plenty of useful, easy-to-find information in the Phrase tool made this possible. Above all, Phrase’s responsive and helpful customer support and its quick response to client product requests stood out. Both have helped Memrise to further boost their efficiency. Phrase’s solution has completely transformed Memrise’s localization process. With the help of the tool, Memrise successfully localized important marketing communication around two significant company changes. One was the split-off of community-created content into a new set of products (website, iOS app, Android app) called Decks by Memrise. The other was the rebranding of their apps to a fresh new design. Now that Memrise’s team can track all localization tasks with Phrase jobs, they were even able to scale their weekly project management process to levels they had never seen before. “All CRM messaging and other marketing communication is now done via Phrase, while it was still largely spreadsheets before.” With Phrase’s efficient localization platform, Memrise can now finish their weekly release cycle on time, without undue stress and time pressure for the entire team. The tool has quickly become indispensable to meet their growing localization needs, with new products and rebrands. It not only transformed and optimized the process but also allowed for faster communication and easier task management. Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. Organisera alla dina översättningsuppgifter genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa in förfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. Memrise är en språkinlärning app som går utöver traditionella inlärningsstrategier. Den kombinerar roligt och underhållande innehåll med beprövade minnestekniker. Användare kan välja mellan 150 språkkurser, på 25 språk, gratis och har möjlighet att låsa upp extrafunktioner genom att köpa proffsprenumerationen. Memrise kan nås via hemsida och mobilapplikation. Mer än 40 miljoner människor i 189 länder använder Memrise för att lära sig språk, bättre sig själva, få kontakt med andra och med omvärlden. Memrise gör språkinlärningsprocessen roligt. Den kombinerar olika minnetekniker med underhållningsfunktioner som spel eller videor från infödda talare, som autentiskt föra sin hemstad och kultur närmare språkstudenterna. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Elimination of manual localization Scaling of project management process Responsive customer support relationship for continuous assistance Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Localization Manager, Memrise h1|Transforming a manual localization process with Phrase h2|Challenge Solution Benefits Features used Vad är Memrise? Vad erbjuder Memrise? Vem använder Memrise? Vad kan du göra med Memrise? h3|The Manual Localization Process Establishing Process Ownership Transformation to Efficiency h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Translation Memory Assignable Jobs User Roles and Access Control Results h5|Mario Pluzny sp|Toggle Navigation >40 +100 24 5000 Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Nu kan du lätt optimera ditt användargränssnitt för ett flertal språk. Använd vår Sketch Plugin för att koppla ihop Phrase med dina designprojekt i Sketch. Se hur hela ditt användargränssnitt ser ut på andra språk och undvik layoutproblem när du lokaliserar innehåll. Skicka designinnehåll från Figma till Phrase på bara några sekunder. Dra tillbaka färdiga översättningarna till Figma och förhandsgranska dina designer på alla språk. mindre klipp och klistra av användarnas första intryck är designrelaterade av utvecklarnas tid tillbringas med att fixa problem som kunnat undvikas "Jag måste säga att det här insticksprogrammet är helt fantastiskt och tidsbesparande. Alla på kontoret är jätteförtjusta i det." Marta Guerreiro Web Designer, Banco ATLANTICO Europa Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Lokalisering för designers h2|Allt det bästa för designers Sketch Plugin är här! Figma insticksprogram För samman design och översättning Därför älskar designers Phrase h3|Din design måste kunna hantera ett flertal olika språk. Nu är det lätt att förhandsgranska din design på andra språk – utan att lämna Sketch eller Figma! Identifiera designproblem på ett tidigt stadie och bygg ett fantastiskt användargränssnitt för alla dina marknader! Testa vårt insticksprogram Sketch eller Figma och se resultaten direkt h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation 100 % 94 % 50 % Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Million users l10n projects l10n team member employees Trustnav first launched their products for the Spanish-speaking market, but soon expanded into the English, French, German, and Portuguese markets. As the company was experiencing a period of rapid growth, established localization processes started to crumble under new demands. Trustnav had divided their translations between in-house and external translators. Naturally, they were looking for an easy way to track and manage all translations between their internal and external teams. When they found their ideal solution in Phrase’s flexible all-in-one, web-based localization platform, their productivity and growth accelerated. After proving the initial concept, young companies like Trustnav enter a phase where they need to expand rapidly to leverage the established momentum. Jase Rodley, Chief Marketing Officer of Trustnav, explains: “We’ve been involved in projects previously where we haven’t been able to scale quickly enough.” Their team was primarily held back in their expansion efforts by a manual translation process. All translations were stored in JSON files, which were effectively managed like spreadsheets. Also, the coordination between in-house translation teams and external parties was cumbersome and time-consuming. Trustnav saw the potential to move their translation process to a platform that would enable them to grow as quickly as needed. Due to their strong focus on growth, Trustnav was only looking for solutions that would never limit their expansion. With Phrase, they found an all-in-one solution that was flexible enough to suit their needs. “Often “all-in-one” means slow, heavy and they dictate the platforms/languages you can use it with. We found Phrase to be the opposite of this.” Phrase’s localization platform helped Trustnav in two major ways. Firstly, they were able to easily visualize when a locale/language was not 100% translated. This stopped a handful of English words from making it into a German extension, for example. Secondly, it provided Trustnav with a reliable, on-demand translation service. This allowed their team to build much faster, and in languages that they don’t have the capacity to translate internally. Now, Trustnav no longer relies on third-party translators. With Phrase, Trustnav’s development team has an extremely flexible tool that can show the right verbiage in the correct language no matter what they’re building. They highly appreciate that the platform can handle all kinds of diversity. Jase concludes: “The core benefit is Phrase’s ability to handle a large number of translation keys, and show this to different people in ways that are important to them.” Phrase has also made another big difference: “We’ve found the quality of translations to be excellent” says Jase about the on-demand translation service. The in-house translators find the platform simple and straightforward to use. Furthermore, Trustnav’s team was impressed with the smooth transition to the Phrase platform. The available in-depth documentation made this process easy and fast without any irritating trial and error. All in all, Phrase’s all-in-one solution has provided Trustnav with the flexibility and scalability they need to reach their lofty expansion goals. With translations being managed efficiently and automatically, Trustnav and their development team are building faster than ever. Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. Order translations from one of our trusted language service providers in just a few clicks. Trustnav är ett integritets- och säkerhetsföretag som fokuserar på att göra internet till en bättre plats. Trustnav ser deras uppdrag som ett av det ultimata förmyndarskapet för vardagliga användare när det gäller säker internetanvändning. Trustnav erbjuder en Security Suite som kan läggas till som tillägg till webbläsaren och som enkelt kan installeras. Den innehåller en annonsblockerare, en säker sökning och ett antivirusverktyg. Att använda dessa säkerhetsprogram gör surfupplevelsen säkrare, fri från vilseledande annonser och invasiva metoder. Sedan lanseringen 2017 har över 3 miljoner människor som är oroade över skyddet av deras integritet på webben redan använt Trustnav. Genom att använda Trustnav-tillägget och säkerhetsprogramvaran kan användare söka på internet samtidigt som de skyddar sin integritet. De upplever en säker webbupplevelse utan att avslöja vilka de är, vad de söker efter och vad de kan vara intresserade av. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Localization on a single flexible platform Strengthened quality assurance Eliminated reliance on third-party translators Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Chief Marketing Officer, Trustnav h1|Scaling a business with Phrase’s flexible all-in-one software localization platform h2|Challenge Solution Benefits Features used Vad är Trustnav? Vad erbjuder Trustnav? Vem använder Trustnav? Vad kan du göra med Trustnav? h3|Scaling a Promising Business The Most Reliable, All-In-One Software Localization Platform Flexibility and Ease of Use h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Translation Memory API Translation Ordering Results h5|Jase Rodley sp|Toggle Navigation 3+ 10 1 34+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Anpassa Phrase till ditt arbetsflöde​. Med vår kan du importera lokala filer, ladda ner lokala filer, tagga keys eller interagera på andra sätt med den lokaliseringsdata som finns lagrad i Phrase åt dig. Med verktyget Command Line kan du snabbt navigera mellan dina projekt och översättningar istället för att fippla runt med långa curl-förfrågningar. Tillgänglig för Linux, MacOS X och Windows. Frasen erbjuder en inbyggd GitHub, GitLab och Bitbucket integration Jobba på flera leveranser och versioner samtidigt - precis som på Git. Publicera dina översättningar snabbare och lättare än någonsin förr. Du behöver aldrig mer vänta på nästa utplacering och kan med hjälp av OTA publicera alla dina översättningar i realtid, direkt i Phrase. Skräddarsy ditt aviseringsflöde genom att tillåta att Webhooks aviserar externa tjänster som chattklienter, projekthanteringsverktyg eller externa API:er om händelser eller ändringar. Låt Phrase översätta nytt innehåll automatiskt med hjälp av maskinöversättning och Translation Memory. Med hjälp av Autofill kan du så snart du laddat upp nya keys, locales eller filer till Phrase översätta dem till ett flertal språk automatiskt. Phrase stöder ett stort antal sätt att exportera och importera översättningar med alla de filformat som vanligen används vid lokalisering. Vi stöder följande format för filimport, filexport och API-åtkomst. Reducerade utplaceringstider I genomsnitt sparade per versionssläpp Snabbare leveranstider “Phrase is the most developer friendly and continuous-deployment friendly solution on the market.” Ed Vinyard Leading Software Architect at uShip Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Översättningshantering skapad för utvecklare h2|Vi har bevis Därför älskar utvecklare Phrase h3|När det gäller utveckling strävar vi alltid efter den mest pålitliga lösningen för att få jobbet gjort. Mycket intuitivt, effektivt och enkelt integrerat. Phrase skapades för utvecklare, av utvecklare. Funktioner för utvecklare Phrase levererar stabila, mätbara resultat till våra kunder över hela världen. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation 50 % 48 timmar 95 % Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. countries process time languages ord With a rapidly growing customer base and a constantly evolving product, Livestorm’s localization process was struggling to keep up with the increasing number of text strings and locales. Aiming to accelerate, streamline, and centralize localization, Livestorm implemented Phrase. The intuitive platform is helping Livestorm save time and minimize translation errors – and crucially, the Phrase solution will scale seamlessly as Livestorm continues to grow. When Livestorm launched in 2016, the majority of its customers were based in France and the USA – but it wasn’t long before it gained traction on a global scale. Today, Livestorm has customers in more than 40 countries, and catering to such a linguistically diverse user base is no easy task. Thibaut Davoult, Growth Engineer at Livestorm, explains: “The Livestorm app is available in 16 languages, and we’re adding more on a regular basis. At the same time, we’re always working on new features, which means more text strings that need translating. As the number of locales and the volume of text grew, localization became increasingly complex.” Livestorm incentivizes its users and customers to help with translations, but it relied on spreadsheets to manually collect language keys from contributors. Without a dedicated tool, gathering the translations was a time-consuming task, and version control was particularly painful. Internally, the team developed a meticulous checklist to avoid mistakes while implementing a new language. Yet, as the scale of localization grew – with more languages, text strings, and employees involved – the checklist became more cumbersome than effective. “Localization speed was becoming a problem,” continues Thibaut. “And developers were shouldering too much of the work load. We needed a way to accelerate and centralize the process, and we needed a solution that would be scalable as Livestorm continued to grow.” After carefully evaluating several localization solutions, Livestorm decided to implement Phrase. Robin Lambert, Co-Founder and Product Designer at Livestorm, leads the localization team, and he was responsible for choosing the new solution. Robin comments: “By far the most important selection criterion for us was ease of migration from our old system. The last thing we wanted to do was manually reproduce all our spreadsheet data. Phrase’s powerful importing tools and excellent onboarding team made it an easy decision.” Livestorm was also impressed by Phrase’s user-friendliness, and its extensive format support. Robin’s team works with both i18next and Rails i18n, so format flexibility was essential. "Lokaliseringsprocessen går så mycket smidigare, vilket gör det mycket enklare att släppa nya versioner och lägga till nya locales." Phrase consolidates all of Livestorm’s localization tasks into a single, easy-to-use dashboard. Translators can work directly through the dashboard, which completely eliminates the need for spreadsheets. Similarly, Phrase enables a centralized, well-defined localization process, so Livestorm no longer has to worry about manually following a complex checklist. Robin adds: “With the help of Phrase’s Customer Success onboarding team, implementing the solution took less than two weeks. That is quite a feat considering how complicated our legacy process was when we made the switch.” Livestorm is now perfectly positioned to deliver its web conferencing service in more languages and with more features than ever, without being held back by localization constraints. “The localization process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales,” confirms Thibaut. “We’d say we’ve shortened the developer working time when adding new languages by 50%.” Phrase is delivering time-savings through a host of features. When maintaining spreadsheets, there was always a risk of accidentally deleting valid keys; but with Phrase, that is a complete non-issue. Likewise, Phrase’s search engine and progress tracking tools make it easy to find particular keys or see what needs translating. Last but not least, with Phrase automating many of the processes that Livestorm developers used to perform manually, adding new languages is now significantly more straightforward. Most importantly of all, Phrase is fully scalable, so Livestorm will be able to keep enjoying all of the benefits even as the company size and scope of localization continue to grow. Thibaut concludes: “Phrase has already made it possible for us to double the number of people involved in localization internally, and that number should scale nicely as the team grows. It’s great knowing that we can expand the localization team without increasing the complexity of the process.” The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. As software projects grow and become more complex it helps to split them into modules to keep things manageable. The same holds true for the localization of software projects. Livestorm är webbkonferensprogramvaran för företag av alla storlekar som vill vara värd för webbseminarier och onlinemöten för marknadsföring, försäljning, kommunikation eller onlinekurser. Livestorm erbjuder en webbkonferensplattform som är tillgänglig från vilken enhet som helst, direkt från en webbläsare utan nedladdning. Företag runt om i världen litar på att Livestorm är värd för sina webbseminarier — bara förra året deltog deltagare från mer än 150 länder i konferenser på plattformen. Företag använder Livestorm för att optimera sina online-möten. Plattformen kan anslutas till mer än 1 500 program och hjälper företag att förbättra sina arbetsflöden. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Cut time to add new languages by 50% Enabled Livestorm to double the size of its localization team without increasing complexity Process automation eliminates manual tasks and minimizes translation errors Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|API h2|Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Challenge: More languages, more text strings, more complexity Solution: Phrase - easy to use, easy to implement Benefits: Simple and scalable Features used Vad är Livestorm? Vad erbjuder Livestorm? Vem använder Livestorm? Vad kan du göra med Livestorm? h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång API User Roles and Access Control Multiple projects Results h5|Thibaut Davoult sp|Toggle Navigation 40 -50% 17 1.6m Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. languages markets ord l10n team The Phrase platform helped fintech startup Kreditech scale their international business by automating their multi-language operations. Kreditech reduced their time to market when entering new local markets. Today Kreditech is able to support 30 different language versions across 9 country markets. The Hamburg-based fintech startup Kreditech aims to build better banking for everyone and currently operates in nine countries. It not only issues credit to private individuals, but is developing banking technology and supporting services. As the fintech startup scene is set for global expansion, Kreditech is in a privileged position, since it has proven an extraordinary time to market in new countries and it is now prepared for future stable international growth. Kreditech used Phrase, a software localization platform for web and mobile translation projects, to accelerate the localization process and boost international expansion. Despite early success, Kreditech needed a solution to help scale their international business more efficiently. Phrase gives companies an advantage in the global marketplace as multilingual websites, apps and desktop applications can be easily implemented in multiple languages and are marketable more quickly. Hence, the barrier of entrepreneurs for internationalization decreases drastically. Companies are flexible for multilingual adjustments, so they can adapt more quickly to new market conditions. After having released their products in the first few countries, the fintech startup discovered Phrase to automate its multi-language operations and expand its reach. It started using Phrase to accelerate the localization process and was able to boost international expansion. Initially Kreditech made use of XML files when handling localization, with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values. Everyone involved in the localization process had access to one single file. Developers, translators and project managers edited the same single file, often causing errors. Translations made in the wrong locale or breaking of the document structure generated tremendous administrative overhead. By using Phrase, Kreditech was able to integrate the In-Context Editor for the translation of strings directly on their web platform. Instead of just translating a set of ‘geek strings’, translators were able to grasp the context, seeing where the transition is actually placed in the application. This seems basic, but it helped Kreditech in handling the creation and continuous update of more than 750k words, saving time and costs as well improving overall translation quality. Kreditech uses Phrase to monitor the current state of localization projects in real time keeping track of language versions, monitoring of tasks and orders, schedules and translation costs. With more than 30 different language versions, Phrase helped to keep all the localisation process organised and reduced administrative expenses. Large localization projects usually involve many different parties. Phrase made it easy for Kreditech to collaborate with a large team of translators, developers and product managers. It was easy for them to handle their team of more than 60 involved users on Phrase, with different roles and access to the system. A developer may have access to create strings in all projects, but a translator may only edit the translation copy in a specific language. Ricardo Vidal (Head of Product) about their Phrase integration: "Phrase har haft en viktig roll i Kreditechs framgångrika expansion utomlands, både vad gäller länder och produkter!" Since Kreditech has more than one product in some countries, Phrase eases the portfolio management by creating more than one locale for the same country with no effort. A fast time to market is essential for fintech companies such as Kreditech. Each time the fintech startup launches a product in a new country Phrase is helping Kreditech save a large amount of time. Kreditech easily integrated Phrase in its overall development process. Phrase helped to reduce their time to market for new products and markets significantly. Today Kreditech has a portfolio of multiple financial products, supporting 30 different language versions in 9 countries with ease. Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. The Phrase In-Context Editor can be integrated within almost any web application and provides the possibility to translate content directly on your site. The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. Den Hamburg-baserade fintech-starten Kreditech började som en idé för ett alternativt kreditföretag 2012 och har utvecklats till en utlåningsverksamhet där dotterbolagen utfärdar små lån för korta löptider. Kreditech tjänar ett enkelt uppdrag: ”Bättre bank för alla”. Genom att använda big data, komplexa algoritmer och automatiserade arbetsflöden kan Kreditech beräkna en individs kreditpoäng på några sekunder. Idag har företaget en portfölj med fyra finansiella produkter och stödjer för närvarande 30 olika språk- och produktversioner i nio länder. Från och med 2019 använder mer än en miljon privatpersoner som vill ha snabb och enkel tillgång till ett lån Kreditech. Företaget utvecklar också bankteknik och stödtjänster. På grund av företagets poängteknik kan de sökande kräva erbjudanden och få utbetalningar på ett snabbt och enkelt sätt dygnet runt. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Accelerated release-cycles, faster time to market Minskade administrativa kostnader Improved translation quality Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Senior Vice President & Head of Product Management Kreditech h1|Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase h2|Vad är Kreditech? Vad erbjuder Kreditech? Vem använder Kreditech? Vad kan du göra med Kreditech? h3|Features used h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång User Roles and Access Control In-Context Editor API Results h5|Ricardo Vidal sp|Toggle Navigation 36 9 620k 60+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Phrase har användbara verktyg och funktioner för att hantera ett stort antal keys och tekniska begränsningar i komplexa översättningsprojekt. Informera, diskutera, eller ställ frågor till team-medlemmar gällande enskilda översättningar genom att kommentera enskilda Keys. Se alla tidigare versioner av en översättning under fliken Historik i vår Translation Editor Lägg till flertalet taggar och spåra vilken key som hör till vilken del av ditt projekt. Phrases In-Context Editor kan integreras med nästan alla webbapplikationer och ger dig möjlighet att översätta innehåll direkt på din webbplats. Förhindra fel vid lokaliseringen av din produkt! Granska alla dina översättningar och leta efter vanliga misstag som onödigt långa formuleringar, trasiga platshållare och termer som inte är översatta enligt gloslistan. Översätt snabbare med SmartSuggest Färre misstag Färre arbetsblad "Tack vare Phrase kan vi expandera vår verksamhet och produktportfölj utan att behöva bekymra oss om lokalisering". Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|En plattform översättare verkligen kan lita på h2|Vi har bevis Därför älskar översättare Phrase h3|Kontext är viktigt. Det är därför Phrase kontinuerligt strävar efter att ge översättare en mjukvara med en lokaliseringsupplevelse som har ett djupare kontextuellt värde. Med funktioner som översättningsminne, ordlista och smarta förslag kan du effektivisera din översättningsprocess med allt du behöver, allt på ett ställe. Funktioner för översättare Phrase levererar stabila, mätbara resultat till våra kunder över hela världen. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation 21 % 90 % 100 % Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Keys Month to add new languages Languages Projects Movingdots, a subsidiary of reinsurance giant Swiss Re, is a Germany-based software development company in the fleet and insurance telematics space. For Swiss Re they developed Coloride, a telematics app collecting automotive driving data to analyze behavior behind the steering wheel. Coloride was initially available in two languages, German and English, after launching in 2016. Market demand led them to plan on adding Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Chinese and Arabic. In addition to the considerable challenge of adding and managing translation and localization for multiple languages, Movingdots faced the requirement for Arabic, which reads from right to left. This change would demand reworking all app UI elements. Though they had inhouse resources for the translation aspect, the project management required more efficient processes than their previous reliance on spreadsheets and manual organization. This use of spreadsheets was time-consuming and inefficient, and ultimately not viable when dealing with the complexities of software translation, which goes beyond pure text conversion from one language into another. Software strings, help documentation, UI/UX design, and marketing materials all had to reflect the new languages. The choice to enter the advantageous Middle Eastern markets added the complexity of Arabic, multiplying the challenges. The complexity of the problem required rethinking Movingdots' entire approach to adding multiple languages. Not only did they need a more automated process across the entire translation workflow, they needed a scalable solution that would help them to quickly add additional language markets based on demand. They began by determining that they needed an off the shelf solution designed to manage the entire software translation workflow, including translator management, developer communications, internal testing and review, and automated implementation of translated elements. They chose Phrase, a platform designed by software app developers to solve their own translation challenges, that eventually became its own dedicated business. Because Phrase was developed specifically for software translation, it was easily integrated into Movingdots’ development processes, including scrum and sprints. This enabled any changes or upgrades in the software to be near instantly translated and released in all target languages. The requirement for right to left reading meant developing custom software libraries which could be incorporated into the Phrase platform to keep their Arabic versions up to date. Movingdots got access to Swiss Re’s internal localization resources for running the translation tasks. With a platform like Phrase, potential communications issues could be largely avoided as everyone could access relevant sections of the platform, offering real time issue resolution and avoiding errors and omissions. Today, working with a team of around fifteen people, the communications capabilities in Phrase help everything run smoothly. Phrase made possible a significant improvement in virtually every aspect of the translation and localization process, from the ability to quickly search through projects, automatic updating of status, and automated delivery of translations to translators and back to developers, with real time views into the progress of each project. Internally, this meant a far nimbler process, saving considerable time, while reducing the potential for errors and omissions; a critical improvement when dealing with hundreds of software strings in nine languages. Movingdots Product Manager Sandra Albers says: “We were using spreadsheets and it was difficult to merge them for several languages. Now, we are confident to offer our products in other languages, depending on Swiss Re clients’ needs." On a more strategic level, the shift to a platform like Phrase meant that Movingdots' global expansion potential was no longer limited by complex language transition requirements. Now, with established and efficient processes and an estimated timeframe of a month or less to implement a new language, Movingdots can promise a fast and customized version of Coloride in virtually any language. They can respond quickly, based on demand, reducing the cost of expansion and opening new markets. The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. Organisera alla dina översättningsuppgifter genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa in förfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Founded in 1999 in Berne, Germany, Movingdots is a pioneer in the German telematics industry. Since 2015 the company is a fully owned and operated subsidiary of Swiss Re. Movingdots is Swiss Re's technology hub in the automotive and mobility space. With a team of more than 40 employees, Movingdots develops innovative, customer-specific, web-based solutions and smartphone apps for primary insurers, automobile manufacturers and fleet managers in the national and international marketplace. Movingdots serves the needs of fleet operators and insurers. Through Coloride, a modular app solution, Movingdots and Swiss Re support insurers with a comprehensive telematics solution. Coloride is a modular, end-to-end, and white-labeled app (or SDK) to help insurers deploy their own insurance telematics solutions. For a more detailed technical explanation of how Movingdots uses Phrase to manage translations in Coloride, read their article Global Yet Local, and get a strong insight into how they translate and maintain Coloride in nine languages. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Easy adaption of App UI to right-to-left languages Elimination of manual localization Scaling of project management process Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Product Manager, Movingdots h1|Movingdots Extends Telematics App Coloride Into Nine Languages h2|Challenge Solution Benefits Features used What is Movingdots? What does Movingdots offer? Who are Movingdots’ customers? What can you do with Coloride? h3|In addition to translation, the introduction of Arabic meant adapting the app to right-to-left alignment Managing many more languages and streamlining implementation Move the management to Phrase, an enterprise digital translation and localization platform An easily updatable and scalable solution built on a unified platform, Phrase When a customer asks for a new language version… h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång API Translation Memory Assignable Jobs Results h5|Sandra Albers sp|Toggle Navigation >3435 1 9+ 36+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Want to move from your existing localization platform to Phrase? Our migration guides will help you getting on board in minutes: Phrase is the alternative to Tolk. Learn how to migrate your localization data and process to Phrase. Phrase is the alternative to Copycopter. Learn how to migrate your localization data and process to Phrase. Phrase is the alternative to WebTranslateIt. Learn how to migrate your localization data and process to Phrase. Phrase is the alternative to Transifex. Learn how to migrate your localization data and process to Phrase. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Migrating h3|Migration Guides to move your existing projects to Phrase Migrating from Tolk Migrating from Copycopter Migrating from WebTranslateIt Migrating from Transifex h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. countries process time & cost reached farmers & workers partners Fair Trade USA aimed to build an online portal to make life easier for its vast network of certified partners. Scaling the project and localizing it for a global audience could have posed a challenge for the organization’s lean software development team – that is, if it not for Phrase. Fair Trade USA has been using Phrase for three years to efficiently deliver digital applications at scale. The software massively streamlines the localization process, to the point where a single Fair Trade engineer was easily able to handle the entire localization management workload for the new portal. Global outreach is at the core of Fair Trade’s mission – working with farmers, workers, and brands all around the world to improve the lives of more than 8 million people. To help make this ambitious goal reality, three years ago Fair Trade launched a new technology unit with the aim of leveraging digital applications to streamline and enhance the organization’s work. One of Fair Trade’s most recent technology projects was to build an online portal for its supply chain partners. The portal provides partners with easy ways to provide information about available Fair Trade certified products, log transactions to stay in compliance with Fair Trade standards, and more. With partners located across 46 countries, delivering the portal worldwide was a significant undertaking – especially from a localization perspective. While Fair Trade focused on a few key languages for initial translation, they needed a system which could eventually provide localization in every country they serve. Bennett Wetch, Vice President of Technology Innovation at Fair Trade USA, explains: “We needed a system which could support translation of more than 460 keys into the languages of over 40 countries. As a non-profit, we have a lean team of developers and limited budget, so managing localization on such a huge scale through traditional means would have simply been impossible for us.” It was just as well then, that Fair Trade did not have to rely on traditional means. "Phrase var en central del i att det gick så smidigt för vårt lilla men engagerade team att lokalisera våra digitala applikationer." Since its inception, Fair Trade’s technology unit has been using Phrase to streamline localization and help scale up its projects. Bennett Wetch says: “Given our limited resources, it’s important for us to leverage tools that enable us to be as efficient as possible when building our technology infrastructure. Phrase has been central in enabling our small-but-mighty engineering team to seamlessly localize digital applications.” Phrase provides Fair Trade with a host of features that help it to save time and reduce the cost of localization. For example, the intuitive user interface makes it easy for engineers to manage and moderate the product and its workload; and the In-Context Editor minimizes errors by giving translators insight into the context of the translation. Fair Trade is also gaining considerable value from Phrase’s flexibility. The platform enables the nonprofit to effortlessly share language libraries across different systems, and it can easily add additional languages without needing to restructure the code. “With Phrase, localizing the partner portal was very straightforward,” says Bennett Wetch. “All of our engineers find the platform easy to use, and Phrase fits perfectly into our agile process.” For Fair Trade USA, building the initial implementation of the partner portal was both fast and cost-effective. “A single developer was able to manage the entire localization process for the portal,” confirms Bennett Wetch. “And instead of worrying about translation all throughout the development process, we were able to tackle all of the localization at once prior to launch.” Thanks to the levels of efficiency that Phrase delivers in the localization process, Fair Trade’s technology team is free to focus its finite and valuable time on more important tasks – developing additional services and infrastructure to enhance Fair Trade’s crucial work. Bennett Wetch concludes: “Tools like Phrase are essential for Fair Trade. They help us scale our impact around the globe and ensure our applications are highly usable by stakeholders worldwide – and they help us achieve this in spite of our limited resources.” The Phrase In-Context Editor can be integrated within almost any web application and provides the possibility to translate content directly on your site. Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. Order translations from one of our trusted language service providers in just a few clicks. Fair Trade USA är en oberoende ideell organisation som arbetar med över 1 000 varumärken och 1,3 miljoner bönder och arbetare i 46 länder över hela världen. Fair Trade USA samarbetar direkt med företag, konsumenter och producenter för att säkra bättre och mer rättvisa handelsavtal för jordbrukare och arbetstagare — vilket landet uppnår genom att certifiera och främja rättvisemärkta produkter. Organisationen erbjuder en portal där kunder kan söka efter information om rättvisemärkta partners och hitta möjliga kanaler för att köpa dessa produkter. Företag och privatpersoner som vill stödja rättvisa och hållbara arbetsvillkor väljer rättvisemärkta produkter, antingen för att sälja dem i sitt företag eller för egen konsumtion. Genom att välja rättvisemärkta produkter kan företag och konsumenter stödja producenternas rättvisa löner, garantera säkra arbetsförhållanden och skydda miljön. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Helps Fair Trade USA scale its impact around the globe Saves time and minimizes dev costs Enables one engineer to manage the entire localization process Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Vice President of Technology Innovation, Fair Trade USA h1|Driving global outreach with streamlined localization management h2|Customer: Fair Trade USA Challenge Solution Benefits Features used Vad är Fair Trade USA? Vad erbjuder Fair Trade USA? Vem använder Fair Trade USA? Vad kan du göra med Fair Trade USA? h3|Big ambitions, limited resources Unlocking efficiency with Phrase Achieving more with less h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång In-Context Editor Translation Memory Translation Ordering Results h5|Bennett Wetch sp|Toggle Navigation 46 -50% 1.3M+ 1,250+ Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Bygg en bro mellan produktdesign och översättningsteam med vår Figma-integration. Importera designinnehållet till Phrase, se när översättningarna är färdiga och dra tillbaka färdiga översättningarna till Figma. Att säkerställa bättre samarbete genom integration leder till en mer effektiv process från början till slut. Skapa översättningsnycklar och jobb för ditt designinnehåll enkelt i Figma. Skicka det till Phrase med en enda knapptryckning. Översättare kan sedan börja arbeta direkt. Ge översättare korrekt sammanhang med automatiskt bifogade skärmdumpar. Vårt plugin belyser exakt var varje textelement hör hemma. Öka din totala översättningskvalitet och minska antalet återkopplingar. Läs vår dokumentation och se hur lätt det är att använda vår Figma-plugin. Registrera dig för att få uppdateringar. Du har registrerat dig för uppdateringar. Fyll i en giltig e-postadress Anslut Figma och Phrase nu! di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo förena ditt team Skicka innehåll automatisera skärmdumpar Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Du kan när som helst avsluta prenumerationen på dessa meddelanden. Mer information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, vår integritetspraxis och hur vi åtar oss att skydda och respektera din integritet finns i vår . h1|Synkronisera Figma med Phrase h2|Snabba på ditt arbetsflöde med vår Figma-plugin h3|Skicka designinnehåll från Figma till Phrase på bara några sekunder. Dra tillbaka färdiga översättningarna till Figma och förhandsgranska dina designer på alla språk. Design- och översättningsteam förenas Friktionsfri automation Öka produktiviteten med visuellt sammanhang För design och lokalisering tillsammans h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Lär dig hur du kommer igång! Nya funktioner kommer snart! sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Låt Phrase översätta din källkopia automatiskt med maskinöversättning så att du enkelt kan synka den tillbaka till Sketch. Se hur alla designer i Sketch kommer att se ut på andra språk. Byt enkelt språk på dina designer och upptäck layoutproblem tidigt. Förflytta textelementen i din design till Phrase och få tillbaka en slutgiltig kopia och översättningar från dina kollegor – allt med två klick utan att lämna Sketch. Ingen mer filöverföring via e-post, kalkylark eller bilder. Var gränssnittet du designade perfekt fram till dess du såg hur översättningen förstörde det? Ställ enkelt in en obligatorisk teckengräns för varje textelement. Ge dina språkspecialister tillräcklig kontext för att skapa översättningar som passar ditt gränssnitt. Ha dina översättningar klara för användartest på flera språk, exportera modeller eller ladda upp dina skärmar till valfri App Store. Du kan synka designer och kopior när det krävs, allt med färdiga översättningar. Använd alltid de senaste texterna för omgjorda designer. Ladda ner demonstrationsfilen och se hur enkelt det är att använda vårt Sketchplugin. Börja ansluta Sketch till Phrase nu! di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Förhandsgranska översättningar i Sketch Håll dig i synk Ställ in teckengräns och ladda upp skärmavbildningar Iterera och gör det perfekt Har du fortfarande frågor om hur du ställer in den? Gå till . Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Gör dina designer perfekta för flera språk h2|Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde med vårt Sketchplugin h3|Phrase hjälper nu lokaliseringsteam att testa och snabbt iterera översatta gränssnitt utan att lämna Sketch. Inget mer eller kopiera och klistra in Friktionslöst utbyte Riktlinjer för ditt team Iterera och gör det perfekt snabbare För samman design och översättning h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Vet du inte hur du kommer igång? sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar bo|En riktig kopia på alla språk du behöver design till! pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. recognized queries saved per release needed manpower in German banking Consistently at the forefront of innovation, comdirect engaged Njiuko to develop a voice assistant skill for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant that would enable users to query stock prices and exchange rates in real time. Phrase presented itself as the ideal platform for the new voice service. Not only can Phrase manage answers from voice assistants easily, it also helps comdirect accelerate the release cycle and significantly improve the overall language quality of the tool. After the 2017 holiday season, no one can doubt the enormous – and growing – popularity of voice assistant technology. Amazon reported that its Echo Dot voice-controlled device was the best selling product from any manufacturer in any category, and tens of millions of Alexa enabled devices were sold worldwide. Google Assistant is also stepping up its game, with an especially strong appearance at the latest CES tech show. Smart homes and smart cars are rapidly gaining traction, and it’s clear that consumers are hungry for voice assistants. Aiming to satisfy this new demand, and deliver the best possible service to its customers, comdirect Bank set its sights on building its own voice “skill” for Alexa and Google Assistant. This tool would enable users to check stock prices and stock market related news, allowing users to save their favorite searches as well. To make its vision a reality, comdirect engaged Njiuko – a leading Hamburg-based software manufacturer – to develop the voice assistants. When it came to building the application, Njiuko’s main priority was finding a tool to manage the answers of the voice assistants. Norman Timmler, Managing Director of Njiuko, explains: “We needed a way to file every answer in one tool and get rid of hardcoded texts in our codebase. This isn’t something that a traditional CMS is equipped for, so we knew that we had to think outside the box.” Additionally, Njiuko hoped to find a way to add variety to the voice assistant responses, so that it would sound more natural and not simply repeat the same phrases every time it was used. And crucially, Njiuko wanted to enable comdirect’s marketing staff to manage and update the tool themselves, without developer assistance. “Thanks to its smart features and format versatility, Phrase has been our central tool in making the voice assistant case happen for comdirect.” Njiuko soon realized that Phrase could be the ideal solution to the voice assistant challenge. “We’d been using Phrase exclusively for more than four years for localization,” says Norman Timmler. “It’s been an indispensable tool thanks to its powerful features, user-friendly interface, and its support for a wide variety of formats. And it occurred to us that Phrase can come to the rescue to manage voice assistant answers.” It took Njiuko just two days to integrate Phrase into the voice tool workflow, and it was a perfect fit. Now, when the voice assistant answer is created it can be easily looked up in Phrase. For the voice assistant responses, the tool takes advantage of Phrase’s key and value based source code management. Each category of response has its own key, where numerous interchangeable phrases and sentences can be edited at one go. For example, when the voice service needs to confirm that it has received the user’s request, it would use the ‘CONFIRM’ key. This key corresponds to an array of potential responses, such as “Okay”, “All right”, or “Yes, I can do that”. Christian Wendrock-Prechtl, Senior Vice President User Interface at comdirect, comments: “The response variety is extremely important to us. It significantly improves the overall language quality of the tool; it sounds more natural, which makes it much more engaging for our customers.” What’s more, Phrase’s intuitive UI is so straightforward to use that comdirect’s non-technical marketing employees can easily add to and modify the keys without assistance from Njiuko’s developers. Importing or downloading locales and interacting with localization data in various ways through Phrase’s powerful API enables extensive workflow automation and facilitates easier collaboration. It is how Phrase is doing what it does best on top of the voice assistant integration - saving time and boosting productivity for Njiuko and comdirect. "Den variation i respons som Phrase erbjuder förbättrar avsevärt verktygets språkkvalitet. Det låter mer naturligt och engagerar våra kunder mycket mer." With Phrase powering its service, comdirect is enjoying a considerable head start in the new and competitive voice assistant landscape. As the launch partner for Amazon Echo and Actions on Google in Germany, comdirect is the country’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. “The voice service recognizes over 10,000 stocks,” says Christian Wendrock-Prechtl. “Whether they’re in a car or at the breakfast table, our customers can now query real-time market prices hands-free.” The voice service is proving to be highly popular; and thanks to Phrase’s ease-of-use and process automation, comdirect can iterate rapidly and push out frequent updates to improve the service. “We’re saving up to 2 days per release as a result of Phrase,” confirms Christian Wendrock-Prechtl. Njiuko has also been able to transfer full control of the voice service over to comdirect. At first, Njiuko’s engineers had to provide ongoing support to keep the tool running and up-to-date; now, the bank can easily manage the entire service and add new content through the intuitive Phrase UI. Norman Timmler concludes: “Phrase is part of our end-to-end process in every project we undertake. Thanks to its smart features and format versatility, it’s been our central tool in making the voice assistant case happen for comdirect.” Organize your localization team by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and locales. Meddela automatiskt dina översättare om ändringar i källtexten för att be att de ser över de keys som översatts för att säkerställa att det du vill kommunicera överensstämmer över alla språk. Turn your process into a continuous localization process with Phrase. Every process is slightly different. We offer a fully featured API that lets you integrate our service into your workflow. Continuous localization is simple with Phrase. Som en av de ledande direktbankerna för moderna investerare och en av Tysklands främsta online-mäklare anlitade Comdirect Bank AG Njiuko, en utvecklare av solida backends och chica appar för B2B-kunder, för att utveckla en röstassistent för aktiemarknaden. Med många års erfarenhet av internetverksamhet och -teknik levererar Njiuko ren kod och framgångsrika projekt medan Comdirect erbjuder en rad mäklar-, bank- och konsultprodukter. Med utvecklingen av en backend sökteknik för Comdirect, Amazon Alexa och Google Assistant kan nu söka efter information om mer än 10.000 aktier. Comdirect skicklighet används av företag och privatpersoner som vill få snabb och handsfree information om aktuell status på aktiemarknaden. Genom att fråga sin röstassistent kan användare med tillgång till Comdirect-färdigheten be om information om aktuella aktiekurser och relaterade nyheter. De kan också skapa sina egna favoritlistor och ställa in meddelanden på aktiemarknadsnyheter. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Enables a CMS workflow for Voice assistant skills Allows users to query >10,000 real-time stock prices by voice search Increased customer engagement thanks to improved language quality Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Managing Director, Njiuko Senior Vice President User Interface, comdirect h1|Building a voice service with Phrase h2|Challenge Solution Benefits Features used Vad är Comdirect färdighet för aktiemarknaden? Vad erbjuder Comdirect färdighet för aktiemarknaden? Vem använder Comdirect färdighet för aktiemarknaden? Vad kan du göra med Comdirect skicklighet för aktiemarknaden? h3|Managing JSON files Integrating Phrase Easy to use and improve h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång User Roles and Access Control Grundläggande arbetsflöde för granskning Integrate (Integrations in various IDEs) Results h5|Norman Timmler Christian Wendrock-Prechtl sp|Toggle Navigation 10k 48h -50% 1st Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. l10n costs l10n projects ord process time The Conversation is an independent source of news and views that are carefully sourced from the academic and research community and delivered directly to its readers. Their team consists of professional editors who work closely with university and research institution experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the public. They aim to help rebuild trust in journalism. All their authors and editors have to sign up to their Editorial Charter. All contributors must abide by their Community Standards policy and The Conversation allow authors only to write on a subject on which they have proven expertise, which they must disclose alongside their article. Authors’ funding and potential conflicts of interest must also be disclosed. Failure to do so carries a risk of being banned from contributing to the site. The Conversation launched in Australia in March 2011. Their innovative technology platform and development team is based in the university and research precinct of Carlton. In May 2013, they opened an office in London where they based their newsroom. They now have editorial newsrooms in Melbourne, London, Boston, Paris and Johannesburg. When The Conversation first decided to localize in French, they were already active in four English-speaking regions. Their development team were all monolingual Australians, and colleagues who would provide translations were in Paris. With no prior experience with translation and localization processes and more than 2000 keys to be translated, The Conversation team knew that a manual localization would result in a lot of overhead for developers and translators, with questionable end results. Thus, their Technical Director, James Healy, started a search for a single solution in terms of a software localization platform that would provide flexible and simple localization management. The process for localization was a team effort in which several developers worked with James on evaluating several different software localization platforms. They quickly identified several localization systems and prepared a detailed requirements document. “Our project is built with Ruby on Rails and we decided to store translations in the standard rails YAML format. It was very important to us that the translation management solution integrated with our automated build and that it added minimal friction to our development processes”, said James Healy, The Conversation’s Technical Director. When it came to choosing a software localization platform to work with, they had identified several different solutions. Amongst them, they selected Phrase because its API allowed them to easily integrate it into their automated build process and Slack. The Conversation´s Technical Director, James Healy, shares that “We evaluated a few different solutions on paper, but Phrase was the only solution we advanced to a trial phase. I wanted to add as little friction as possible to our lean development, and Phrase’s API gave us exactly that.” Within Phrase, James has a quick and easy access into the localization process. Using Phrase’s comprehensive dashboard for all current translation projects, he can keep track of progress and communicate with both developers and translators. Slack integration further ensures that the whole team is kept informed of all new activities and projects. Phrase proved crucial to the whole process as it provided The Conversation’s team with a centralized and standardized place where developers and translators can collaborate in real time. Phrase’s intuitive UI allowed translators to quickly adapt, and API allowed developers to easily setup a process that pushes English phrases to Phrase. Once the workflow was established, the localization project was completed in less than ten weeks. Furthermore, the option of simply uploading YML/YAML files and editing them online, proved vital to the team since they were using YAML locales format. This feature allowed them to automatically validate placeholders, prevent bugs, and set up new segments via the web interface. "Phrases lättanvända och intuitiva samarbetsplattform var ett oumbärligt och pålitligt verktyg under vår expansion i Frankrike." På bara tio veckor har The Conversion och deras enspråkiga utvecklarteam kunnat lansera sig i Frankrike. "Det är svårt för mig att säga hur mycket tid utvecklarna har sparat eftersom det här var första gången vi använde ett översättningshanteringssystem, men Phrase fungerade smidigt och gjorde det möjligt för oss att snabbt expandera till en ny marknad utan överraskningar eller förändringar i vår utvecklingsprocess,"sade James Healy, Technical Director, The Conversation Under den första uppbyggnaden arbetade The Conversation:s l10n och i18n-team bestående av fem utvecklare och två översättare heltid i 10 veckor för att lokalisera sin fem år gamla kodbas. Efter uppbyggnaden underhålls locales av endast en utvecklare och en fransk översättare. Currently, with the new Localization set-up, The Conversation is able to deploy the app several times a day and get translation updates within 24 hours. Vad gäller att utöka till andra språk säger Healy: "Vi håller just på att använda Phrase för ett till språk, och med tanke på att den första processen tog 10 veckor, så förväntar vi oss nu att halvera tiden." Organisera alla dina översättningsuppgifter genom att tilldela teammedlemmar, tillhandahålla informationsmöten och ställa in förfallodatum för de språk du väljer. Minns de översättningar som använts i dina projekt och föreslår passande resultat medan du översätter ditt innehåll. Det snabbar upp översättningsprocessen och förbättrar överenstämmelsen mellan texter och projekt. Always stay informed about all the latest changes in your project through notifications directly in Phrase and via email. The Conversation är en oberoende, ideell global medieresurs som tillhandahåller banbrytande idéer och de människor som genererar dem. Det har ett globalt nätverk i flera länder i världen och räknar totalt elva upplagor. Konversationen erbjuder en gratis resurs för online-nyheter. Artiklarna på plattformen är skrivna av erfarna författare, redigerade av professionella journalister och publicerade under Creative Common licens. Därför kan de delas och publiceras på nytt av andra individer eller mediekanaler. Samtalet räknas 18 miljoner användare varje månad. Alla intresserade personer kan läsa informationen gratis. Innehållet skapas av akademiker och forskare med hög kompetens inom det relaterade området och redigeras av professionella journalister. Författarna och journalisterna får inte bara möjlighet att bidra med artiklar till plattformen, utan också att delta i skriv- och engagemangsutbildningar. Läsare och mediekanaler som är intresserade av ämnen som publiceras på webbplatsen kan konsumera och dela dem gratis. Enkel att komma igång med. Prova på gratis i 14 dagar. Beställ eller annullera när som helst. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Accelerated release-cycles, faster time to market Resources involved decreased by 50+% 50% Process time saved Dags att sätta igång Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Technical Director, The Conversation h1|Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks h2|Challenge Lösning Results Features used Vad är The Conversation? Vad erbjuder The Conversation? Vem använder The Conversation? Vad kan du göra med The Conversation? h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Assignable Jobs Translation Memory Email and In-App Notifications Results h5|James Healy sp|Toggle Navigation -50% 3 40k -50% Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Vårt lokala webbhotell låter dig köra Phrase på din egen server, bakom din egen brandvägg. Autentisera och skydda dig själv med SSO och höj din säkerhetsstandard ytterligare genom att inkludera tvåfaktorsautentisering. Med vår ISO27001-certifiering och TISAX AL 2-konformitet, och strikt efterlevnad av EU:s dataskyddspolicy, garanterar Phrase att din information förblir säker. Vår API-driftstid på Phrase är 99,9 % under de senaste 6 månaderna. Kryptering i hela Phrase används för att förbättra säkerheten och integriteten för känslig information. Våra servrar är skyddade med de högsta fysiska medlen, lagrade i EU. ISO27001 är ett informationssäkerhetscertifikat, avgörande för att skydda viktig kundinformation och annat privat material. Den fokuserar på en processbaserad strategi för att driva och upprätthålla ett strikt ISMS. Phrase passerade denna viktiga certifiering 2020. TISAX är en standard för informationssäkerhet inom bilindustrin. Den står för ”Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange”. Phrase uppfyllde AL 2-nivån 2020. Phrase arbetar med strikt EU-efterlevnad av alla GDPR-krav och upprätthåller alla villkor när det gäller dataskydd, integritet och överföring av personuppgifter. Phrase dataskyddsansvarig kan nås på Vår applikation testades av turingpoint för att se till att vi följer bästa praxis vad gäller säkerhet på webben. Phrase är nivå 4-certifierat mot betalningskortsindustrins datasäkerhetsstandard, i enlighet med SAQ A. Vår betalningsleverantör är Stripe, certifierad på nivå 1. DCSO (Deutsche Cyber-Sicherheitsorganisation) bedömer säkerheten hos olika molnleverantörer. Phrase dataskydd uppfyller kraven för 14 av de 14 testade ämnesområdena. "På XING är informationssäkerhet nyckeln - och det inkluderar säkerheten för våra översättningar, vår UI-kopia är en integrerad del av vår plattforms infrastruktur. Vi uppskattar därför att Phrase tar informationssäkerhet på lika stort allvarligt som vi gör." Kom i kontakt med en av våra experter! di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Tilman Büttner Senior UX Copywriter Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Vår högsta prioritet är din informationssäkerhet h2|Högsta säkerhetsåtgärder i varje skede Certifierings- och efterlevnadsstandarder Varför kunder värderar våra säkerhetsåtgärder Har du fler frågor om Phrase säkerhetsåtgärder? h3|Frasen har ett brett utbud av säkerhetsåtgärder på plats för att säkerställa att data och information alltid är säker. Skydda dina system Det mest säkerhetstestade TMS:et Pålitlighet från Phrase HQ ISO 27001 TISAX GDPR Penetrationstest för webb och API PCI DSS 3.2.1 DCSO Cloud Vendor Assessment h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation SKYDD SÄKERHET PÅLITLIGHET Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Produktriktning Enkel installation Enkel användning Uppnår krav Kvalitet på support Enkel att göra affärer med 06/03/2019 "Så här ska ett översättningshanteringssystem se ut" "Snabb och enkel integration med git, bra stöd för de flesta filformat och översättningsbibliotek, det fantastiska gränssnittet för innehållsskaparna och en mycket bra dokumentation." 12/01/2019 "Lätt för utvecklare att använda" “Phrase-appen erbjuder ett mycket bra API för utvecklare. Speciellt det nya och mycket hjälpsamma live-redigeringsläget för översättningar, i vilket du kan se dina ändringar direkt när du genomför dem.“ 05/23/2019 "Den bästa upplevelsen på ett översättningssystem" "Phrase är lätt för nybörjarvänlig. Jag använde den utan problem direkt på grund av dess enkela och intuitiva utformning." 04/21/2019 "Glöm förlorade översättningar" ”Att alla kan samarbeta och följa framstegen när de översätter våra produkter. Det har också fantastiska och enkla integrationer, en kraftfull CLI och ett ännu bättre API, vilket gör det till ett enkelt val för alla utvecklare. ” "Helt perfekt" ”Det fungerar utan fel helt enkelt. Väldigt lätt att installera och använda. Phrase-teamet är mycket lyhört och fortsätter att lägga till nya funktioner. ” Se själv vad alla snackar om. Phrase har en transparent prisstruktur, enkelt beräknad för kunden, så att du direkt känner till kostnaderna kopplade till dina lokaliseringsprojekt. Med Phrase får du inte bara det du betalar för, du vet vad du betalar för! Phrase är byggd med utvecklare i åtanke. Vår driftstid för API på Phrase är 99,9% över de senaste sex månaderna och vi stödjer över 40+ filformat. Phrase arbetar med strikt förhållning till EU-policys för dataskydd och håller din data si säkert förvar i Tyskland. Phrase har en dedikerad tjänsteman för dataskydd, som kan nås med alla säkerhetsfrågor på privacy@phrase.com. Phrase genomgår regelbunden, extern säkerhetstestning och lägger stor vikt vid att säkerställa att all din information hålls säker. Vi är nu ISO27001-certifierade och anpassade till Tisax AL 2. Läs mer angående dessa kvalifikationer . Phrase prisplaner begränsar inte antalet ord du kan översätta! Översätt hur mycket innehåll du vill så fixar Phrase resten. Vi är väldigt stolta över vårt starka, högt betygsatta och responsiva kundtjänstteam som finns tillgängligt för alla våra kunder. Vi tog emot priset för "Bästa support" med 9,7 av 10 poäng på G2. Våra team är en förlängning av ditt team, här för att hjälpa dig med skräddarsydda råd närhelst du behöver det. Visste du att Phrase har jättebra paket som börjar så lågt som med en användare? Med en låg tröskel för att gå med, gör Phrase det möjligt för team i alla storlekar att erbjuda sina produkter till en global publik. Phrase har en anpassad funktion för mobilappens lokalisering och publicering som kallas Genom luften. Med denna kan företag med innehåll i mobilappen publicera lokaliserade ändringar på det enklaste sättet, utan att vänta på nästa möjlighet. Med en förutsägbar prisstruktur (betala per mängd användare, inte antal ord), kan ordtunga företag känna sig fria att producera så mycket innehåll de vill. Håll inte tillbaka! Gör dessutom allt utan att oroa dig för att räkningen ska skjuta i höjden. Det finns många lösningar för översättningshantering på marknaden och det kan verka som att de alla gör samma sak. Många kommer att säga att de är den enklaste lösningen, den mest intuitiva, eller att de har de bästa funktionerna. Det är inte alltid lätt att bestämma vilket TMS som är rätt TMS för ditt företag. Det är därför vi vänder oss till äkta kundrecensioner från riktiga kunder som måttstock för vårt företag och visa hur Phrase verkligen står sig i jämförelse! Att integrera ett TMS med dina digitala produkter och ditt arbetsflöde är en klurig sak att påbörja. För det första, finns det mycket att tänka igenom kring hur denna nya plattform kommer att fungera jämte processer och verktyg du redan har eller behöver internt. Det är därför vi är glada att Phrase är rankad som marknadens enklast installerade TMS! Att komma igång med en lösning för översättningshantering har aldrig varit enklare. När du får ditt TMS integrerat börjar det riktiga arbetet. Phrase är framröstat som det enklaste TMS:et att använda och det gör oss väldigt glada att veta att vi gör livet enklare för utvecklare, översättare, designers och lokaliseringsarbetare runtom i världen genom att ge dem en plattform som fungerar för dem. Även de dyraste proffsen behöver lite hjälp ibland. Det är där vårt enastående supportteam kommer in i bilden. Vi älskar att vår supportkvalitet blev den högst rankade för ett TMS! Vårt team för kunders framgång, jämte försäljning och produkt, finns alltid tillgängliga vid frågor eller funderingar. Se oss bara som en förlängning av ditt team och kontakta oss närhelst du behöver! di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo 9.1 9.4 9.7 Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information h1|Varför Phrase är den högst rankade lösningen för översättningshantering h2|Phrase slår motståndet i G2-kategorier såsom Varför företag föredrar Phrase framför Smartling Varför företag föredrar Phrase framför Lokalise Varför företag föredrar Phrase framför Transifex h3|Tack till våra användare! Tack vare äkta omdömen från riktiga kunder har vi det högsta betyget (4,7/5) på G2! Läs mer om Phrase Transparent prisstruktur Ett starkt fokus på utvecklare EU-policys för dataskydd Trovärdighet kring informationssäkerhet Inga innehållsrestriktioner Support till alla kunder Byggd med alla i åtanke Anpassade mobilfunktioner Förutsägbar prissättning Phrase-skillnaden h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång Enklast att ställa in Enklast att använda Vår support är nummer ett. sp|Toggle Navigation 9.3 9.1 9.4 9.4 9.7 9.3 Valentin P Frontend Manager, mellanstort företag (51-200 anställda) Philip B Mjukvaruutvecklare, enterprise (1001-5000 anställda) Valeria C Oberoende översättare, enterprise (1001-5000 anställda) Oswaldo A Frontend-ingenjör, informationsteknologi och tjänster, mindre företag (11-50 anställda) David-Benjamin B VD, mindre företag (2-10 anställda) Anledning #1 Anledning #2 Anledning #3 Anledning #1 Anledning #2 Anledning #3 Anledning #1 Anledning #2 Anledning #3 INSTÄLLNING PLATTFORM SUPPORT Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. is an open source gem originally developed by David Heinemeier Hansson that provides an engine to manage YAML based translations for Rails applications. While Tolk is a good solution to get rid of the manual editing of the YAML files, it is very very limited in its features. What Tolk does not provide: Usually its users learn quite fast that they need a more advanced solution to manage their translation workflow. Phrase is an advanced translation management platform. It offers a lot of features that you will not find in Tolk: If you have decided to give Phrase as an alternative to Tolk a try, we are happy to support you with our migration guide. Migrating is pretty easy: Since you most likely want to use your latest translations with Phrase, you will first need to sync your translations with Tolk: This will dump the latest version of your translations from Tolk into your Rails locale folder (typically in ) If you haven’t done already, you should and use our Getting Started Wizard to create your first project. and initialize your Phrase project: This will create a config file in your project. The equivalent to the rake task is the push command: After uploading all locales, they are available within your . After you have translated all of the strings in a new locale or updated some text, you will probably want to download them in order to deploy them to your production system. This can be done with the pull command: You can now add the new localization files to your source control and deploy them to production. Explaining all of the advanced features of Phrase would certainly go beyond the scope of this guide. We strongly recommend our to learn all about the powerful features and how you can use them with your translation workflow. Now you can remove Tolk from your application. We encourage you to backup all files and - especially - the Tolk database tables. To remove Tolk, just: There are quite some differences between Tolk and Phrase: If you need any further support to perform the migration, . di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information td|Install gem, create tables, import locales You do not need to change your application in order to use Phrase. No third-party dependencies! Phrase does not override existing translations and will not attempt to perform any merges th|Tolk Phrase Installation Upload locale files Download locale files li|Tolk has no multi-user management Tolk only supports YAML based locale files Tolk does not support verification workflows or advanced stats on translation progress Tolk does not provide commenting or tagging Tolk does not provide versioning for translations (e.g. for YAML, Gettext, XLIFF, iOS Strings, Android XML and many more) Commenting, Tagging and a fast and flexible search API The powerful Multi-User support with customizable privileges Screenshot upload and description annotations for keys A complete history of all translations so you can revert translations easily Drop the database tables (usually beginning with ) Remove the gem and the initializer from your app h1|Migrate from Tolk to Phrase h2|Phrase Migrating from Tolk to Phrase Major differences between Tolk and Phrase Further reading h3|1. Sync your translations once again 2. Sign up and create a project 3. Install the command line client 4. Uploading locale files 5. Downloading locale files 6. Advanced use 7. Cleanup h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Phrase is the alternative to Transifex. If you want to migrate your data from Transifex to Phrase, this following guide will help you with the process and explain some major differences between the two systems. Phrase is the advanced translation management platform: If you’re looking for an alternative to Transifex we're happy to support you with our migration guide. Migrating to Phrase is easy: Since you most likely want to use your latest translations with Phrase, you will first need to download your translations from Transifex: Other formats might work as well since Phrase supports all common localization formats. If you haven’t done already, you should and use our Getting Started Wizard to create your first project. and initialize your Phrase project: This will create a config file in your project. Upload your files by executing the command: After uploading all locales, they are available within your . After you have translated all of the strings in a new locale or updated some text, you will probably want to download them in order to deploy them to your production system. This can be done with the pull command: You can now add the new localization files to your source control and deploy them to production. Explaining all of the advanced features of Phrase would certainly go beyond the scope of this guide. We strongly recommend our to learn all about the powerful features and how you can use them with your translation workflow. There are many important differences in the way the systems handle the translation update workflow: di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information td|File-based Key-based Phrase does not think of translations as content of a file, but instead lets you organize your translations with tags and projects - a much more natural way of structuring translations that gives you more flexibility to use your data in other platforms - Phrase allows you to push new translations and assign them to tags so you can translate them grouped by features th|Transifex Phrase Translation Structure Feature-based translations li|The powerful In-Context-Editor for your translations Formats are completely interchangeable Commenting, Tagging and a fast and flexible search A full API to all resources Multi-User support with customizable privileges Screenshot upload and description annotations for keys Log into your Transifex account Click on "Dashboard" Select the project you want to migrate by clicking on the project’s name Download the translation files in TMX format by clicking "Get TMX file" h1|Migrate from Transifex to Phrase h2|Phrase Migrating from Transifex to Phrase Major differences between Transifex and Phrase Further reading h3|1. Download your localization files 2. Sign up and create a project 3. Install the command line client 4. Uploading locale files 5. Downloading locale files 6. Advanced use h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. is an open source project that provides a very simple mechanism to edit text bits for Rails templates through an easy-to-use interface. It was originally built by and open-sourced later because thoughtbot canceled their service. Copycopter is a suitable solution if you only need a possibility to change text in your Rails app without re-deploying it. If you need anything more than that, Copycopter is way too limited in its functionality. Once your application grows and your translation workflows get more complex, you will need an alternative to Copycopter. Phrase is an advanced translation management platform. It offers a lot of features that you will not find in Copycopter: If you have decided to give Phrase a try, we are happy to support you with the Copycopter migration guide. Migrating is easy: In order to get a list of all current translations, you will need to export the current content from Copycopter to a file. This can be done with the export task: This will export all translations to the file If you haven’t done already, you should and use our Getting Started Wizard to create your first project. the and initialize your Phrase project: This will create a config file in your project. Upload your files by executing the command: After uploading all locales, they are available within your After you have translated all of the strings in a new locale or updated some text, you will probably want to download them in order to deploy them to your production system. This can be done with the pull command: You can now add the new localization files to your source control and deploy them to production. Explaining all of the advanced features of Phrase would certainly go beyond the scope of this guide. We strongly recommend our to learn all about the powerful features and how you can use them with your translation workflow. Phrase does support versioning just as Copycopter does. If you would like to have your Copycopter translation versions in Phrase available as well, just contact us and we will take care of it. Explaining all of the advanced features of Phrase would certainly go beyond the scope of this guide. We strongly recommend our to learn all about the powerful features and how you can use them with your translation workflow. Now you can remove Copycopter from your application: There are many differences between the two systems: di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information td|Deploy Copycopter-Server, create a project, add gem to application, start application You do not need to change your application in order to use Phrase. No third-party dependencies! automatically with intransparent merging Phrase does not override existing translations and will not attempt to perform any merges th|Copycopter Phrase Installation Upload locale files Download locale files li|Copycopter has no multi-user management Copycopter only supports YAML files Copycopter does not support verification workflows or advanced stats on translation progress Copycopter does not provide commenting or tagging Copycopter does not provide versioning for translations Copycopter does not work as a hosted service - instead you will need to manage the software (copycopter-server) yourself Copycopter is not suitable for large-scale apps since it constantly tries to synchronize content with an external service during runtime Copycopter does not support placeholder highlighting or handle pluralization Multi-Format support (e.g. for YAML, Gettext, XLIFF, iOS Strings or Android XML) Commenting, Tagging and a fast and flexible search A full RESTful API to all resources The powerful In-Context-Editor for your translations Multi-User support with customizable privileges Screenshot upload and description annotations for keys It is completely self-hosted and will not require you to install or maintain any additional software systems Remove the Copycopter-Client gem from your app Remove the Copycopter initializer from your app h1|Migrate from Copycopter to Phrase h2|What Copycopter does not provide: Phrase Migrating from Copycopter to Phrase Major differences between Copycopter and Phrase Further reading h3|1. Export Blurbs 2. Sign up and create a project 3. Install the command line client 4. Uploading locale files 5. Downloading locale files 6. Advanced use 7. Add Versions/History 8. Advanced use 9. Cleanup h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Do you need help with Phrase? Simply send a message to the support team using the form below. di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information sm|Du kan när som helst avsluta prenumerationen på dessa meddelanden. Mer information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, vår integritetspraxis och hur vi åtar oss att skydda och respektera din integritet finns i vår . h1|Kontakta oss We're here to help with any questions or comments. h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Lokaliseringsplattformen där hela ditt team kan samlas Koppla Phrase till dina favoritverktyg och -tjänster. Enkel att integrera och bekväm att hantera direkt från kommandotolken. Koordinera dina team med specifika roller och jobb att tilldela Snabba upp ditt arbetsflöde och se innehållsändringarna live i kontext. Arbeta med översatt innehåll direkt i dina designer från ditt favoritverktyg Vårt uppdrag och bakgrunden till Phrase Hur företag världen över lokaliserar innehåll på ett effektivt sätt Vi växer! Se våra lediga tjänster just nu Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång Läs våra guider och ta reda på vad som händer inom lokaliseringsvärlden. Läs mer om funktioner och bästa praxis Dyk djupt in i alla saker lokalisering med våra gratis e-böcker Stegvisa riktlinjer som ger en bättre förståelse för lokalisering Prova på Phrase. Phrase is the alternative to WebTranslateIt. If you want to migrate your data from WebTranslateIt to Phrase, this following guide will help you with the process and explain some major differences between the two systems. Phrase is the advanced translation management platform: If you’re looking for an alternative to WebTranslateIt we're happy to support you with our migration guide. Migrating to Phrase is easy: Since you most likely want to use your latest translations with Phrase, you will first need to download your translations from WebTranslateIt: This will dump the latest version of your translations from WebTranslateIt. If you haven’t done already, you should and use our Getting Started Wizard to create your first project. and initialize your Phrase project: This will create a config file in your project. Upload your files by executing the command: After uploading all locales, they are available within your . After you have translated all of the strings in a new locale or updated some text, you will probably want to download them in order to deploy them to your production system. This can be done with the pull command: You can now add the new localization files to your source control and deploy them to production. Explaining all of the advanced features of Phrase would certainly go beyond the scope of this guide. We strongly recommend our to learn all about the powerful features and how you can use them with your translation workflow. You can now remove WebTranslateIt from your application. To remove WebTranslateIt, just: There are many important differences in the way the systems handle the translation update workflow: di|Lösningar Integreringar Utvecklare Projektledare Översättare Designers Om oss Kunder Karriär Dokumentation Blogg Webinars E-böcker Infografik Demo Produktinformation Företag Support Våra lösningar Säkerhet för information td|File-based Phrase does not think of translations as content of a file, but instead lets you organize your translations with tags and projects - a much more natural way of structuring translations that gives you more flexibility to use your data in other platforms Phrase will never perform destructive actions, while WebTranslateIt will try to merge your locale data (which can cause a lot of conflicts and even result in losing translations) - Phrase allows you to push new translations and assign them to tags so you can translate them grouped by features th|WebTranslateIt Phrase Translation Structure Uploading translations Feature-based translations li|The powerful In-Context-Editor for your translations Multi-Format support (e.g. for YAML, Gettext, XLIFF, iOS Strings or Android XML) Commenting, Tagging and a fast and flexible search A full API to all resources Multi-User support with customizable privileges Screenshot upload and description annotations for keys Remove the gem WebTranslateIt gem from your app Remove Github hooks for WebTranslateIt (if any) h1|Migrate from WebTranslateIt to Phrase h2|Phrase Migrating from WebTranslateIt to Phrase Major differences between WebTranslateIt and Phrase h3|1. Download your locale files 2. Sign up and create a project 3. Install the command line client 4. Uploading locale files 5. Downloading locale files 6. Advanced use 7. Cleanup h4|Quickstart för utvecklare Komma igång sp|Toggle Navigation Svenska Vi letar medarbetare! Lösningar pa|Die einzige Lokalisierungsplattform, die dein gesamtes Team zusammenbringt Verbinde Phrase mit deinen Lieblings-Tools und -Services Leicht zu integrieren und einfach zu verwalten, direkt von der Kommandozeile aus Koordiniere dein Team mit zuweisbaren Rollen und Aufgaben Beschleunige deinen Workflow und betrachte Textänderungen im live Kontext Übersetze deine Designs in alle Sprachen - ohne dein Design Tool zu verlassen Unsere Mission und wie alles begann Wie effiziente Lokalisierung bei Unternehmen weltweit funktioniert Wir wachsen! Schau dir unsere offenen Stellen an Alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen Informiere dich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Tutorials zum Thema Lokalisierung Lerne mehr über einzelne Features und Best Practices Alles, was du über Lokalisierung wissen musst Grafisch dargestellte Anleitungen, um Lokalisierung besser zu verstehen Probiere Phrase selbst aus Unsere API eignet sich für alle Softwarelokalisierungsprozesse. Du kannst problemlos importieren, Sprachdateien herunterladen, Keys kennzeichnen oder auf verschiedene Weise mit den in Phrase gespeicherten Lokalisierungsdaten interagieren. Die Anforderungen von Lokalisierungsteams auf der ganzen Welt unterscheiden sich. Durch die Bereitstellung einer Vielzahl von Integrationsmöglichkeiten wie unsere API, Over the Air, GitHub und GitLab Sync kann Phrase problemlos in deinen Workflow integriert werden. Eine schnelle mit so viel Kontext und Unterstützung wie möglich - dafür wurde der Translation Editor entwickelt. Schnelleres Arbeiten mit Hilfe des richtigen Werkzeuges für deine Übersetzungen. Phrase bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die speziell zur Verbesserung deiner und -konsistenz entwickelt wurden, wie z.B. unser Glossar, Translation Memory, In-Context-Editor, SmartSuggest und viele mehr. 06/03/2019 „So sollte ein Übersetzungsmanagementsystem aussehen“ „Schnelle und einfache Integration mit Git, großartige Unterstützung für die meisten Dateiformate und Übersetzungsbibliotheken, eine fantastische Benutzungsoberfläche für diejenigen, die Texte erstellen und eine sehr gute Dokumentation.“ 12/01/2019 „Einfach zu verwenden für Entwicklungsteams“ „Phrase bietet eine sehr gute API für Entwicklungsteams. Besonders der neue Live-Bearbeitungsmodus von Übersetzungen ist sehr hilfreich, da du deine Änderungen direkt sehen kannst.“ 05/23/2019 „Beste Erfahrung mit einem Übersetzungssystem“ „Phrase ist einfach und anfängerfreundlich. Von Anfang an habe ich es ohne Probleme benutzt, weil es einfach und intuitiv ist.“ 04/21/2019 „Vergiss fehlende Übersetzungen“ „Alle können bei der Übersetzung unserer Produkte zusammenarbeiten und den Fortschritt sehen. Großartige und einfache Integrationen, eine leistungsstarke CLI und eine noch bessere API, die Phrase zum klaren Favoriten für jedes Entwicklungsteam macht.“ „Einfach perfekt“ „Es funktioniert einfach fehlerfrei, sehr einfach aufzusetzen und zu verwenden. Das Phrase Team reagiert schnell und fügt ständig neue Funktionen hinzu.“ „Mithilfe von Phrase können wir unser Unternehmen und Produktportfolio expandieren, ohne uns jemals wieder über Lokalisierung zu sorgen.“ „Der Lokalisierungsprozess ist so viel schlanker geworden, dass es viel einfacher ist, neue Versionen zu veröffentlichen und neue Locales hinzuzufügen.“ „Die Antwortvielfalt, die Phrase bietet, verbessert die Sprachqualität des Tools deutlich; es klingt natürlicher, was es für unsere Kunden viel ansprechender macht.“ „Mit Phrase modernisierten wir unseren Lokalisierungsprozess und erreichen mit unserem Softwareangebot nun weltweit eine größere Zielgruppe." „Phrase spielt eine wichtige Rolle in Kreditechs erfolgreicher Etablierung auf dem Weltmarkt, sowohl in Bezug auf die Länder als auch auf das Produkt!“ "Phrase ist für das Entwicklungsteam und für Continuous Deployment die beste Lösung. Schon am Anfang unserer Suche nach einer passenden Plattform hat sich Phrase deutlich aus der Masse herausgehoben." "Phrases einfach zu bedienende und intuitive Kollaborationsplattform machte es zu einem wichtigen und verlässlichen Werkzeug für unsere Expansion nach Frankreich." „Phrase hat es unserem kleinen, aber feinen Entwicklungsteam ermöglicht, digitale Anwendungen problemlos zu lokalisieren.“ „Phrase hat unsere Erwartungen übertroffen. Die Software hat uns geholfen, unsere Lokalisierungen zu optimieren und zu einem führenden Unternehmen in der Branche zu werden. Die Ergebnisse sprechen Bände.“ Einfaches Setup. 14 Tage testen. Trial verpflichtet nicht zum Kauf. di|Lösungen Integrationen Entwicklung Management Übersetzung Design Über uns Erfolgs-Storys Karriere Dokumentation Blog Webinare E-Books Infografiken Demo 4.7 Produktmanager HAT DIR EINEN ZUGETEILT Design HAT DEN JOB GESTARTET Entwicklung 2FA AKTIVIERT • ALLE PROJEKTE Übersetzung 2FA DEAKTIVIERT • 3 PROJEKTE 2803 Übersetzungen 27 Unübersetzt 980 Keys 4.7 Entwicklung Mehr erfahren Management Mehr erfahren Übersetzung Mehr erfahren Design Mehr erfahren Zeit, loszulegen Produktinformation Unternehmen Hilfe Unsere Lösungen Informationssicherheit h1|Die schnellste und zuverlässigste Übersetzungsplattform h2|Alles, was du brauchst, um deinen Lokalisierungsprozess zu skalieren. Das von Unternehmen am besten bewertete TMS Ein Lokalisierungsprozess, auf den dein gesamtes Team zählen kann Die bevorzugte Übersetzungslösung für über 1.000 Unternehmen weltweit h3|Nutze alle Möglichkeiten einer skalierbaren und zuverlässigen Softwarelokalisierungsplattform, um neue Märkte zu erschließen. Ergreife deine Wachstumschancen und starte durch. Phrase ist der Ort, an dem Lokalisierungsteams zusammenkommen, um ihre Übersetzungen einfacher denn je zu releasen. Phrase ist eine Übersetzungsmanagementplattform, die für dein gesamtes Team entwickelt wurde. Skalierbarkeit, schnelle Markteinführung und die Möglichkeit, Kund*innen weltweit eine gute User Experience zu bieten, sind nur einige der Gründe, warum so viele Teams Phrase für ihre Lokalisierung nutzen. h4|Für Softwareentwicklungs-Teams Erste Schritte Über 1.000 Unternehmen vertrauen auf Phrase sp|Navigation ein/ausblenden JOB LANDINGPAGE Valentin P Frontend Manager, Mid-Market (51-200 Personen) Philip B Softwareentwickler, Enterprise (1001-5000 Personen) Valeria C Selbstständiger Übersetzer, Unternehmen (1001-5000 Mitarbeiter) Oswaldo A Frontend Engineer, Informationstechnologie und Dienstleistungen, Kleinunternehmen (11-50 Personen) David-Benjamin B CEO, Kleinunternehmen (2-10 Personen) Deutsch Wir stellen ein! Lösungen pa|La única plataforma de localización para reunir a todo tu equipo Conecta Phrase a tus herramientas y servicios favoritos Fácil de integrar y fácil de administrar, directamente desde tu línea de comandos Coordina tu equipo con roles específicos y trabajos asignables Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y ve los cambios de texto en un contexto en vivo Trabaje con contenido traducido directamente en sus diseños desde su herramienta favorita. Nuestra misión y la historia detrás de Phrase Empresas de todo el mundo que se localizan de forma eficiente. Así lo hacen ¡Seguimos creciendo! Consulta nuestras ofertas de empleo Toda la información que necesitas para comenzar Lee los últimos conocimientos y tutoriales de localización Obtenga más información sobre las funciones y las prácticas recomendadas Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la localización Guías paso a paso para comprender el panorama general de la localización Prueba Phrase por ti mismo. Nuestra API está diseñada para adaptarse a todos los procesos de localización de software. Puedes importar fácilmente , descargar archivos de configuración regional, etiquetar keys o interactuar de múltiples maneras con los datos de localización almacenados en Phrase a través de la API. Los requisitos de los equipos de localización de todo el mundo difieren. Al proporcionar una variedad de posibilidades de integración como nuestra API, Over the Air, GitHub y GitLab Sync, puede integrar fácilmente Phrase en su flujo de trabajo. rápidamente con la mayor cantidad de contexto y asistencia posible es para lo que se construyó el Editor de traducción. Trabaja más rápido utilizando la herramienta adecuada para el trabajo. Phrase ofrece una variedad de funciones específicamente diseñadas para mejorar la , como nuestro Glosario, Translation Memory, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest y muchas más. 06/03/2019 "Este es el aspecto que debería tener un sistema de gestión de traducciones" "Integración rápida y fácil con git, asistencia genial para la mayoría de los formatos de archivo y bibliotecas de traducción, una increíble interfaz para los creadores de contenido y una documentación muy buena". 12/01/2019 "Fácil de usar por los desarrolladores". “La aplicación Phrase ofrece una API muy buena para los desarrolladores. Sobre todo, el nuevo modo de edición en directo de las traducciones es muy útil, ya que puedes ver directamente los cambios que vas aplicando“. 05/23/2019 "La mejor experiencia con un sistema de traducción" "Phrase es sencilla y apta para principiantes. La utilicé sin problemas desde el primer momento porque es sencilla e intuitiva". 04/21/2019 "Olvídate de perder traducciones" "Todo el mundo puede colaborar y notar el progreso al traducir nuestros productos. También tiene buenas integraciones sencillas, un potente CLI y una API aún mejor, que hacen que sea una elección fácil para cualquier desarrollador". "Sencillamente perfecto" "Funciona sin fallos, es muy fácil de configurar y utilizar. El equipo de Phrase es muy receptivo y sigue añadiendo nuevas funcionalidades. «Gracias a Phrase, podemos ampliar nuestra cartera de productos y negocios sin tener que preocuparnos por la localización». «El proceso de localización es mucho más ágil, lo que hace que sea mucho más fácil lanzar nuevas versiones y agregar nuevas configuraciones regionales». «La variedad de respuestas que proporciona Phrase mejora significativamente la calidad general del idioma de la herramienta; suena más natural, lo que lo hace mucho más atractivo para nuestros clientes». «Con Phrase, hemos podido modernizar nuestro proceso de localización y llevar nuestro conjunto de aplicaciones a una audiencia global más amplia». «¡Phrase ha sido una parte importante de la exitosa expansión internacional de Kreditech, tanto a nivel de País como de Producto!» «Phrase es la solución más amigable para el desarrollador y para la implementación continua en el mercado. Desde el momento en que comenzamos a buscar una solución, Phrase se destacó rápidamente de la multitud». «La plataforma de colaboración intuitiva y fácil de usar de Phrase la convirtió en una herramienta importante y confiable durante nuestra expansión a Francia». «Phrase ha sido fundamental para permitir que nuestro pequeño pero poderoso equipo de ingeniería localice sin problemas las aplicaciones digitales». «Phrase superó nuestras expectativas. El software nos ayudó a optimizar nuestra localización y convertirnos en un líder de la industria. Los resultados hablan por sí mismos». Fácil de configurar. Prueba gratuita de 14 días. Compra o cancela en cualquier momento. di|Soluciones Integraciones Desarrolladores Gerentes Traductores Diseñadores Acerca de nosotros Clientes Ofertas de empleo Documentación Blog Seminarios web Ebooks InfografíasDesarrollador Más información Gerente Más información Traductor Más información Diseñador Más información Es hora de comenzar Información del producto Empresa Soporte Nuestras soluciones Seguridad de la información h1|La plataforma de adaptación local más ágil, rápida y fiable h2|Todo lo que necesitas para potenciar tu proceso de localización en busca de un crecimiento global El sistema de gestión de traducción mejor valorado por clientes reales Un proceso de adaptación local con el que puede contar todo tu equipo La solución de traducción preferida para más de 1000 empresas en todo el mundo h3|Use el poder de una plataforma escalable de localización de software para entrar en nuevos mercados de manera fiable con todo el crecimiento que conlleva y con ninguno de los problemas. Phrase es en lugar donde los equipos de adaptación local se reúnen para sacar las traducciones de la manera más sencilla posible. Phrase es una solución de gestión de traducción creada pensando en todo el equipo. Escalamiento de negocios a nivel mundial, lograr un tiempo de comercialización más rápido y la creación de una mejor experiencia de usuario son solo algunas de las razones por las que tantas empresas buscan Phrase para sus necesidades de localización. h4|Inicio rápido para desarrolladores Primeros pasos Contamos con la confianza de más de 1000 empresas sp|Activar/desactivar navegación JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Gestor del "frontend", mediana empresa (51-200 empleados) Philip B Desarrollador de software, empresa (1001 a 5000 empleados) Valeria C Traductor independiente, empresa (1001 a 5000 empleados) Oswaldo A Ingeniero de "frontend", servicios y tecnología de la información, pequeña empresa (11-50 empleados) David-Benjamin B Director general, pequeña empresa (2-10 empleados) Español ¡Estamos contratando! Soluciones pa|Het enige lokalisatieplatform dat je hele team samenbrengt Verbind Phrase met je favoriete tools en diensten Makkelijk te integreren en eenvoudig te beheren, direct vanaf je opdrachtregel Coördineer je team met toegewijde rollen en toewijsbare jobs Versnel je workflow en bekijk kopijveranderingen in een live context Werk direct met vertaalde inhoud in je designs van je favoriete tool. Onze missie en het verhaal achter Phrase Hoe bedrijven over de hele wereld efficiënt worden gelokaliseerd We breiden uit! Bekijk onze vacatures Alle informatie die je nodig hebt om te beginnen Lees over de laatste inzichten voor lokalisatie en tutorials Meer informatie over functies en best practices Alles wat u moet weten over lokalisatie Stapsgewijze richtlijnen om het grote plaatje van lokalisatie te leren begrijpen Probeer Phrase zelf uit. Onze API ins ontworpen om bij alle software lokalisatieprocessen te passen. Je kunt makkelijke importeren, lokale bestanden downloaden, sleutels taggen of interactie hebben op verschillende manieren met de lokalisatiegegevens die zijn opgeslagen in Phrase via de API. De vereisten van localisatieteams over de hele wereld verschillen. Door een verscheidenheid aan integratiemogelijkheden te bieden, zoals onze API, Over the Air, GitHub en GitLab Sync, kunt u Phrase eenvoudig integreren in uw workflow. Snel , met zoveel context en ondersteuning als mogelijk, is waar de Vertalingsbewerker voor is gebouwd. Werk sneller door het juiste hulpmiddel te gebruiken voor de job. Phrase biedt een variëteit aan functionaliteiten specifiek ontworpen om je en -consistentie te verbeteren, zoals onze Woordenlijst, Vertaalgeheugen, In-Context Bewerker, SmartSuggest en nog veel meer. 06/03/2019 "Zo hoort een vertaalmanagementsysteem eruit te zien" "Snelle en eenvoudige integratie met git, goede ondersteuning voor de meeste bestandsformaten en vertaalbibliotheken, het fantastische interface voor de makers van content en een zeer goede documentatie." 12/01/2019 "Makkelijk te gebruiken voor ontwikkelaars" “Phrase biedt een erg goede API voor ontwikkelaars. In het bijzonder is de nieuwe live bewerkingsmodus voor vertalingen handig, aangezien je meteen de veranderingen die je aanbrengt kunt zien.“ 05/23/2019 "Beste gebruikservaring met een vertaalsysteem" "Phrase is eenvoudig en geschikt voor beginners. Van begin af aan had ik geen probleem het te gebruiken omdat het makkelijk en intuïtief is." 04/21/2019 "Nooit meer vertalingen missen" "Iedereen kan samenwerken en de vooruitgang voelen bij het vertalen van onze producten. Het heeft ook goede en gemakkelijke integraties, een krachtige CLI en een nog betere API, wat het een gemakkelijke keuze maakt voor elke ontwikkelaar. ” "Gewoon perfect" "Het werkt gewoon zonder problemen, heel gemakkelijk in te stellen en te gebruiken. Phrase Team is zeer toegankelijk en voegt telkens nieuwe functies toe." "Dankzij Phrase, kunnen we ons bedrijfs- en productportfolio uitbreiden zonder ons zorgen te hoeven maken over lokalisatie." "Het lokalisatieproces is zoveel gestroomlijnder, waardoor het veel makkelijker wordt om nieuwe versies te releasen en nieuwe lokalen toe te voegen." "De responsvariëteit die Phrase biedt verbetert de algehele taalkwaliteit van het hulpmiddel aanzienlijk; het klinkt natuurlijk, waardoor het veel aantrekkelijker is voor onze klanten." "Met Phrase hebben we ons lokalisatieproces kunnen moderniseren en onze suite van applicaties aan een groter wereldwijd publiek kunnen aanbieden." "Phrase heeft een belangrijke rol gespeeld bij de succesvolle internationale uitbreiding van Kreditech, zowel op lands- als productniveau!" "Phrase is de meest vriendelijke oplossing voor ontwikkelaars en continue uitvoer op de markt. Vanaf het moment dat we begonnen met zoeken naar een oplossing sprong Phrase er al snel uit." "Phrase's makkelijk te gebruiken en intuïtieve samenwerkingsplatform maakte het een belangrijk, vertrouwd hulpmiddel tijdens onze uitbreiding naar Frankrijk." "Phrase stond centraal bij het in staat stellen van ons kleine maar machtige technische team om digitale applicaties naadloos te lokaliseren." "Phrase overtrof onze verwachtingen. De software heeft ons geholpen bij het stroomlijnen van onze lokalisatie en het worden van een van de marktleiders. Het resultaat spreekt boekdelen." Makkelijk te installeren. Gratis proefperiode van 14 dagen. Koop of annuleer op elk moment. di|Oplossingen Integraties Ontwikkelaars Managers Vertalers Ontwerpers Over ons Klanten Carrière Documentatie Blog Webinars Ebooks InfographicOntwikkelaar Kom meer te weten Manager Kom meer te weten Vertaler Kom meer te weten Ontwerper Kom meer te weten Tijd om te beginnen Productinformatie Bedrijf Ondersteuning Onze oplossingen Beveiliging van informatie h1|Het meest gestroomlijnde, snelste en betrouwbaarste lokalisatieplatform h2|Alles dat je nodig hebt om je localisatieproces voor wereldwijde groei te versterken Vertaalmanagementsysteem, als hoogst gewaardeerd door echte klanten Een lokalisatieproces waar het hele team op kan bouwen De voorkeursoplossing voor vertalingen van meer dan 1000 bedrijven wereldwijd h3|Maak gebruik van de kracht van een schaalbaar software-lokalisatieplatform om op betrouwbare wijze mét alle groei en zonder al het gedoe nieuwe markten te betreden. Phrase is de plek waar lokalisatieteams samenkomen om vertalingen op de gestroomlijndst mogelijke manier uit te brengen. Phrase is een vertaalmanagementoplossing gebouwd met het hele team in gedachten. Wereldwijde schaalvergroting van bedrijven, snellere time-to-market bereiken, en het creëren van een betere gebruikerservaring zijn maar een paar van de redenen dat zoveel bedrijven Phrase kiezen voor hun lokalisatiebehoeften. h4|Snelstart voor ontwikkelaars Beginnen Vertrouwd door meer dan 1000 bedrijven sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Front-end Manager, Middenmarkt (51-200 medewerkers) Philip B Softwareontwikkelaar, Onderneming (1001-5000 werknemers) Valeria C Onafhankelijke vertaler, Onderneming (1001-5000 werknemers) Oswaldo A Front-end Ingenieur, Informatietechnologie en Diensten, Kleinebedrijven (11-50 medewerkers) David-Benjamin B CEO, Klein Bedrijf (2-10 medewerkers) Nederlands We zoeken personeel! Oplossingen pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplattformen som bringer hele ditt team sammen Koble Phrase til verktøyene og tjenestene du bruker mest. Enkelt å integrere og enkel å håndtere - dire fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere ditt team med dedikerte roller og funksjoner Akselerer hastigheten på din arbeidsflyt og se endringer i en ekte sammenheng Jobb med oversatt innhold rett i designene dine fra favorittverktøyet ditt Vår misjon og historien bak Phrase Hvordan bedrifter over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se våre aktuelle åpninger All informasjonen du behøver for å komme i gang Les alt det nyeste om lokalisering og finn brukerveiledning Lær mer om funksjoner og beste praksis Alt du trenger å vite om lokalisering Trinnvise retningslinjer for å forstå det store bildet av lokaliseringen Prøv ut Phrase Vår API er designet for å passe alle programvare lokaliseringsprosesser. Du kan enkelt importere , laste ned lokale filer, markere nøkler eller samhandle på flere måter med den lokaliserte dataen lagret i Phrase gjennom API'en. Kravene til lokaliseringsarbeid er forskjellige over hele verden. Ved å tilby en rekke muligheter i forhold til integrering, slik som vår API, Over the Air, og Github Sync, og GitLab Sync, så kan du enkelt integrere PhraseAPP i din arbeidsflyt. Translation Editor er designet for å muliggjøre hurtig med så mye innhold og assistanse som mulig. Du kan arbeide mer effektivt, når du bruker riktig verktøy til jobben. Phrase tilbyr en rekke funksjoner spesielt designet til å forbedre , som vår Ordliste, Translation Memory, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest og mange flere. 06/03/2019 “Det er slik et styringssystem for oversettelser skal se ut” "Rask og enkel integrasjon med Git, veldig bra støtte for de fleste filformater og oversettelsesbibliotek, fantastisk grensesnitt for innholdsprodusentene og veldig bra dokumentasjon." 12/01/2019 “Enkelt å bruke for utviklere” “Phrase-app tilbyr en svært god API for utviklere. Særlig den nye modusen for live-redigering av oversettelser er nyttig, siden du kan se endringene mens du anvender dem.“ 05/23/2019 “Beste opplevelse med et oversettelsessystem” “Phrase er enkelt og nybegynnervennlig. Jeg brukte det uten problemer fra starten av, fordi det er enkelt og intuitivt.” 04/21/2019 “Glem manglende oversettelser” "Alle kan samarbeide og føle fremgangen mens de oversetter produktene våre. Det har også veldig gode og enkle integrasjoner, et kraftig CLI og et enda kraftigere API, som gjør det til et enkelt valg for enhver utvikler." “Helt perfekt” “Det fungerer feilfritt og er veldig enkelt å sette opp og bruke. Phrase-teamet er veldig imøtekommende, og kommer hele tiden med nye funksjoner.” "Takket være Phrase, kan vi utvide vår virksomhet og produktportefølje uten å måtte bekymre oss om lokalisering." "Lokalinseringsprosessen er mye mer strømlinjet, hvilket gjør det enklere å utgi nyere versjoner samt legge til nye locales." "Responsvariasjonen som Phrase tilbyr øker i stor grad den generelle kvaliteten på språket til verktøyet; det vil virke mer naturlig, noe som gjør det mye mer engasjerende for våre kunder. " "Med Phrase fikk vi mulighet for å modernisere våre lokaliseringsprosesser, og utgi våre applikasjoner til et bredere globalt publikum." "Phrase har spilt en viktig rolle i Kreditechs vellykede vekst, både på nasjonalt- og produktnivå." "Phrase er den mest anvendelige løsningen til utviklere og kontinuerlig implementering på markedet. Fra det øyeblikket vi startet med å lete etter en løsning, var det klart at Phrase skilte seg ut fra de andre." "Phrases intuitive samarbeidsplattform, som er enkel å bruke, er blitt et viktig verktøy i forbindelse med vår utvidelse til Frankrike." "Phrase har vært sentral i å gjøre det mulig for vårt lille, men mektige ingeniørteam for å sømløst lokalisere digitale applikasjoner." "Phrase overgår våre forventninger. Programvaren hjelper oss med å effektivisere vår lokalisering, slik at vi kan bli ledende i vår bransje. Resultatene taler for seg selv." Enkelt å klargjøre. Gratis 14-Dagers Prøveperiode. Kjøp eller avslutt når som helst. di|Løsninger Integrering Utviklere Administratorer Oversettere Designere Om oss Kunder Karriere Dokumentasjon Blogg Webinars E-bøker InfografikkUtvikler Lær mer Administrator Lær mer Oversetter Lær mer Designer Lær mer Tid til å komme i gang Produktinformasjon Virksomhet Hjelp Våre Løsninger Informasjonssikkerhet h1|Den raskeste, mest effektive og mest pålitelige lokaliseringsplattformen h2|Alt du trenger for å forsterke lokaliseringsprosessen for global vekst TMS som er høyest rangert av reelle kunder En lokaliseringsprosess som hele teamet ditt kan stole på Den foretrukne løsningen til oversettelser for over 1000 virksomheter over hele verden h3|Bruk kraften i en skalerbar plattform for styring av programvarelokalisering til å lansere driftssikkert i nye markeder. Få all veksten uten alt bryet. Phrase er stedet hvor lokaliseringsteam kommer sammen for å publisere oversettelser mest mulig effektivt. Phrase er en løsning til å håndtere oversettelser, som tar hele teamet i betraktning. Global oppskalering, hurtigere lansering og mulighet for å skape bedre kundeopplevelser er noen av årsakene til at mange virksomheter bruker Phrase når de kommer til lokalisering. h4|Hurtig oppstart for utviklere Kom i gang 1000+ virksomheter har tillit til oss sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend-leder, mellomstor bedrift (51–200 ansatte) Philip B Programvareutvikler, bedrift (1 001–5 000 ansatte) Valeria C Uavhengig oversetter, bedrift (1 001–5 000 ansatte) Oswaldo A Frontend-ingeniør, informasjonsteknologi og -tjenester, liten bedrift (11–50 ansatte) David-Benjamin B Daglig leder, liten bedrift (2–10 ansatte) Norsk (bokmål) Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|La seule plateforme de localisation qui réunit toute ton équipe Connecte Phrase à tes outils et services favoris. Facile à intégrer et simple à gérer, directement à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande Coordonne ton équipe avec des rôles dédiés et des jobs assignables Accélère ton workflow et vois les changements de copie dans un contexte réel Travaille avec du contenu traduit directement dans tes designs à partir de ton outil favori Notre mission et l'histoire derrière Phrase Comment des sociétés à travers le monde localisent efficacement Nous nous développons ! Consulte nos offres d'emploi actuelles Toutes les informations pour commencer Suis les dernières actualités et tutoriels sur la localisation Apprends-en plus sur les fonctionnalités et les meilleures pratiques Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la localisation Les grandes lignes pour comprendre la situation globale de la localisation Essaye Phrase par toi-même Notre API est conçue pour s’adapter à tous les processus de localisation de logiciels. Tu peux facilement importer des , télécharger des fichiers locaux, marquer des keys ou interagir de différentes manières avec les données de localisation stockées dans Phrase via l'API. Les exigences des équipes de localisation à travers le monde diffèrent. En offrant une variété de possibilités d'intégration telles que notre API, Over the Air, GitHub et GitLab Sync, vous pouvez facilement intégrer Phrase dans votre flux de travail. rapidement avec le plus de contexte et d’aide possible est l'objectif de l’éditeur de traduction. Travaille plus vite en utilisant le bon outil. Phrase offre une variété de fonctionnalités spécialement conçues pour améliorer la , telles que notre glossaire, mémoire de traduction, éditeur en contexte, SmartSuggest et bien d'autres. 06/03/2019 « Voilà à quoi devrait ressembler un système de gestion des traductions » « Intégration rapide et facile avec git, excellente prise en charge de la plupart des formats de fichiers et des bibliothèques de traduction, l'interface impressionnante pour les créateurs de contenu et une très bonne documentation. » 12/01/2019 « Simple d'utilisation pour les développeurs » « L'application Phrase offre une très bonne API pour les développeurs. En particulier, le nouveau mode d'édition en direct des traductions est très utile, car vous pouvez directement observer les changements que vous apportez. » 05/23/2019 « Meilleure expérience sur un système de traduction » « Phrase est facile et adapté pour les débutants. Dès le début, je l'ai utilisé sans aucun problème car c'est simple et intuitif. » 04/21/2019 « Oubliez les traductions manquantes » « Tout le monde est capable de collaborer et de voir le progrès lors de la traduction de nos produits. Il dispose également d'intégrations faciles et efficaces, d'une interface de ligne de commande puissante et d'une meilleure API, ce qui en fait un choix aisé pour tous les développeurs. » « Parfait » « Il fonctionne sans erreurs, très facile à installer et à utiliser. Phrase Team est très réactif et continue à ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités. » “Grâce à Phrase, nous pouvons élargir notre portefeuille d’activités et de produits sans avoir à nous soucier de la localisation.” “Le processus de localisation est tellement simplifié, cela facilite la publication de nouvelles versions et l’ajout de nouvelles langues locales.” “La variété des réponses fournie par Phrase améliore considérablement la qualité linguistique globale de l'outil. Il a l'air plus naturel, ce qui le rend beaucoup plus attrayant pour nos clients.” “Grâce à Phrase, nous avons pu moderniser notre processus de localisation et offrir notre suite d'applications à une audience mondiale plus large.” “Phrase a joué un rôle important dans le succès de l’expansion internationale de Kreditech, tant au niveau des pays que du produit !” “Phrase est la solution du marché la plus confortable pour les développeurs et pour le déploiement continu. Dès que nous avons commencé à chercher une solution, Phrase s'est rapidement démarquée.” “La plateforme de collaboration facile et intuitive de Phrase en a fait un outil important et fiable lors de notre expansion en France.” “Phrase a joué un rôle central en permettant à notre équipe d'ingénieurs, petite mais puissante, de localiser de manière transparente des applications numériques.” “Phrase a dépassé nos attentes. Le logiciel nous a aidé à rationaliser notre localisation et à devenir un leader de notre secteur. Les résultats sont éloquents.” Facile à installer. Essai gratuit pendant 14 jours. Achète ou annule à tout moment. di|Solutions Intégrations Développeurs Managers Traducteurs Designers A propos Clients Carrières Documentation Blog Webinars E-books Infographies Démo 4.7 Product Manager VOUS ASSIGNÉ UNE Designer DÉBUT DE LA TÂCHE Developer 2FA ACTIVÉ - TOUS LES PROJETS Translator 2FA DÉSACTIVÉ • 3 PROJETS 2803 TRADUCTIONS 27 NON TRADUIT 980 CLÉS 4.7 Développeur Plus d'informations Manager Plus d'informations Traducteur Plus d'informations Designer Plus d'informations Il est l'heure de commencer Informations sur le produit Entreprise Support Nos solutions Sécurité de l'information h1|La plateforme de localisation la plus simple, la plus rapide et la plus fiable h2|Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour accélérer votre processus de localisation Le TMS le mieux noté par les clients vérifiés Un processus de localisation sur lequel toute votre équipe peut compter La solution de traduction préférée de plus de 1000 entreprises dans le monde h3|Utilisez la puissance d'une plateforme logicielle évolutive de localisation pour pénétrer de nouveaux marchés de manière fiable avec tout le potentiel de croissance que cela implique et aucun des désagréments. Phrase est la plateforme où les équipes de localisation se réunissent pour publier les traductions les plus cohérentes. Phrase est une plateforme de localisation de logiciels construite en pensant à toute l'équipe. La mondialisation des entreprises, l'accélération des processus de mise sur le marché et la création d'une meilleure expérience utilisateur ne sont que quelques-unes des raisons pour lesquelles de nombreuses entreprises font appel à Phrase pour leurs besoins de localisation. h4|Pour les développeurs Premiers pas Plus de 1000 entreprises nous font confiance sp|Basculer la Navigation TÂCHE PAGE D'ACCUEIL Valentin P Frontend Manager, Midmarket (51 à 200 employés) Philip B Développeur de logiciels, Entreprise (1001-5000 employés) Valeria C Traducteur indépendant, Entreprise (1001-5000 employés) Oswaldo A Ingénieur frontal, Technologies et services de l'information, Petites entreprises (11 à 50 employés) David-Benjamin B PDG, Petites entreprises (2-10 employés) Français Nous recrutons ! Solutions pa|L’unica piattaforma di localizzazione che riunisce tutto il tuo team Connetti Phrase ai tuoi strumenti e servizi preferiti Facile da integrare e semplice da gestire, direttamente dalla tua riga di comando Coordina il tuo team con ruoli mirati e lavori trasferibili Velocizza il tuo workflow e guarda i cambiamenti del testo in un contesto stimolante Lavora coi contenuti tradotti direttamente nei tuoi design, dal tuo strumento preferito La nostra missione e la storia dietro a Phrase Il modo in cui le aziende di tutto il mondo stanno localizzando efficientemente Stiamo crescendo! Visualizza le attuali opportunità Tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per cominciare Scopri le ultime novità e i tutorial sulla localizzazione Scopri di più su caratteristiche e migliori prassi Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla localizzazione Orientamento passo per passo alla comprensione di un quadro generale della localizzazione Prova Phrase. Il nostro API è progettato per adattarsi a tutti i processi di localizzazione software. Puoi importare e scaricare facilmente i , aggiungere tag alle keys o interagire in diversi modi con i dati di localizzazione memorizzati sul tuo account Phrase. I requisiti dei team di localizzazione in tutto il mondo differiscono. Fornendo una varietà di possibilità di integrazione come la nostra API, Over the Air, GitHub e GitLab Sync, puoi facilmente integrare Phrase nel tuo flusso di lavoro. Il Translation Editor è stato progettato per con più contesto e assistenza possibile. Lavora più velocemente utilizzando il giusto tool per il tuo lavoro. Phrase garantisce una serie di caratteristiche progettate specificamente per migliorare la , come il nostro Glossario, La Translation Memory, l’ In-Context Editor, lo SmartSuggest e tanto altro. 06/03/2019 "Ecco come dovrebbe essere un sistema di gestione delle traduzioni" "Integrazione facile e veloce con git, ottimo supporto per la maggior parte dei formati di file e delle librerie di traduzione, la fantastica interfaccia per i creatori di contenuti e un'ottima documentazione." 12/01/2019 "Facile da usare per gli sviluppatori" “L'app Phrase offre un'eccezionale API per gli sviluppatori. In particolare, la sua nuova modalità di modifica in tempo reale delle traduzioni si rivela davvero utile, perché puoi visualizzare direttamente i cambiamenti che stai applicando.“ 05/23/2019 "La miglior esperienza su un sistema di traduzione" "Phrase è semplice ed adatta ai principianti. Fin dall'inizio l'ho utilizzata senza alcun problema, perché è facile e intuitiva." 04/21/2019 "Dimenticate le traduzioni mancanti" "Tutti possono collaborare e sentire il progresso mentre traducono i nostri prodotti. Ha anche delle ottime e facili integrazioni, una potente CLI e un'API ancora migliore che lo rende una scelta ovvia per qualsiasi sviluppatore." "Semplicemente perfetto" "Funziona senza problemi, molto facile da configurare e da usare. Il team di Phrase è molto reattivo e continua ad aggiungere nuove funzionalità." “Grazie a Phrase, possiamo espandere il nostro business e portfolio senza neanche preoccuparci della localizzazione.” “Il processo di localizzazione è molto più snello, il che rende più facile realizzare nuove versioni e aggiungere nuovi locali.” “La varietà di risposte fornite da Phrase migliora la qualità generale della lingua del tool, che suona più naturale, rendendolo molto più accessibile per i nostri utenti.” “Con Phrase, siamo stati in grado di modernizzare il nostro processo di localizzazione e orientare l’insieme delle nostre applicazioni a un pubblico globale più ampio.” “Phrase è stata parte importante dell’efficace espansione internazionale di Kreditech, sia a livello di territorio che di prodotto!” “Phrase è la soluzione più facile sul mercato per i developer e per il continuous deployment. Dal momento in cui abbiamo iniziato a cercare una soluzione, Phrase si è subito contraddistinto.” “La piattaforma di collaborazione di Phrase, facile e intuitiva, lo ha reso un importante e fidato tool durante la nostra espansione in Francia.” “Phrase ha avuto un ruolo centrale nel dare la possibilità al nostro piccolo ma potente team di ingegneri di localizzare con continuità le applicazioni digitali.” “Phrase ha superato le nostre aspettative. Il software ci ha aiutato a snellire il nostro processo di localizzazione e a diventare leader industriali. I risultati parlano chiaro.” Facile da configurare. Prova gratuita di 14 giorni. Compra o cancella quando vuoi. di|Soluzioni Integrazioni Developer Manager Traduttori Designer Su di noi Clienti Carriere Documentazione Blog Webinar Ebook InfograficheDeveloper Scopri di più Manager Scopri di più Traduttore Scopri di più Designer Scopri di più È ora di iniziare Informazione prodotto Azienda Supporto Le nostre soluzioni Sicurezza delle informazioni h1|La Piattaforma di Localizzazione più Snella, più Veloce e più Affidabile. h2|Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per amplificare il tuo processo di localizzazione per la crescita globale Valutata da clienti reali come miglior sistema di gestione di traduzione (TMS) Un processo di localizzazione su cui tutto il tuo team può contare La soluzione di traduzione preferita per oltre 1.000 aziende nel mondo h3|Sfrutta la potenza di una piattaforma scalabile per la localizzazione di software per entrare in nuovi mercati in modo credibile, espandendoti senza fatica. Phrase è il luogo dove i team di localizzazione si riuniscono per distribuire le traduzioni nel modo più efficiente possibile. Phrase è una soluzione di gestione traduzioni progettata per tutto il team. Ascesa economica globale, accesso immediato al mercato, creazione di una migliore esperienza per l’utente: sono solo alcune delle ragioni che spingono tante aziende a rivolgersi a Phrase per le loro necessità di localizzazione. h4|Guida rapida per developer Introduzione Garantita da 1.000+ aziende sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Responsabile di front-end, segmento medio (51-200 dipendenti) Philip B Sviluppatore di software; azienda (1001-5000 dipendenti) Valeria C Traduttore indipendente; azienda (1001-5000 dipendenti) Oswaldo A Ingegnere di front-end, Tecnologia e servizi informatici, piccola impresa (11-50 dipendenti) David-Benjamin B AD, piccola Impresa (2-10 dipendenti) Italiano Assumiamo! Soluzioni pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplatform som bringer hele dit team sammen Forbind Phrase med dine foretrukne værktøjer og services Nemt at integrere og simpelt at håndtere - direkte fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere dit team med dedikerede roller og funktioner Sæt skub i dine arbejdsgange og se ændringer i dit indhold live. Arbejd med oversat indhold direkte i dine designs fra dit foretrukne værktøj Vores mission og historien bag Phrase Hvordan forretninger over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se vores nuværende åbninger Al information du har brug for for at komme i gang Læs alt det nyeste om lokalisering og find tutorials Læs mere om funktioner og bedste praksis Dyk dybt ned i alle ting lokalisering med vores gratis e-bøger Trin-for-trin retningslinjer til at kunne forstå det store billede af lokalisering Prøv selv Phrase. Vores API er designet til anvendelse ved alle processer i forbindelse med lokalisering af software. Du kan nemt importere og downloade , markere nøgler eller interagere på forskellige måder med den lokaliseringsdata der gemmes i Phrase gennem API. Kravene til lokaliseringshold rundt om i verden er forskellige. Ved at tilbyde en bred vifte af integrationsmuligheder, såsom vores API, Over the Air, GitHub og GitLab Sync, kan du nemt integrere Phrase i din arbejdsgang. Translation Editor er designet til at muliggøre hurtig med så meget kontekst og assistance som muligt. Du kan arbejde mere effektivt, når du anvender det rette værktøj til jobbet. Phrase tilbyder en række funktioner specielt designet til at forbedre , såsom vores Ordliste, Translation Memory, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest og mange flere. 06/03/2019 "Sådan bør et administrationssystem til oversættelser se ud" "Hurtig og nem integration med git, god understøttelse af de fleste filformater og oversættelsesbiblioteker. En lækker brugerflade til indholdsskabere og en virkelig god dokumentation." 12/01/2019 “Nem at bruge for udviklere” “Phrase app tilbyder en rigtig god API for udviklere. Især den nye live redigeringstilstand for oversættelser er virkelig nyttig, da du direkte kan se de ændringer, du foretager.“ 05/23/2019 “Bedste oplevelse for et oversættelsessystem” ” Phrase er enkel og begyndervenlig. Helt fra starten brugte jeg det uden problemer, fordi det er enkelt og intuitivt. ” 04/21/2019 "Glem alt om manglende oversættelser" "Alle kan samarbejde og mærke fremgangen når de oversætter vores produkter. Der er også gode og nemme integration, en kraftfuld CLI og endda en endnu bedre API, som gør det til et godt valg for vores udvikler." "Helt perfekt" "Det fungerer bare uden fejl - virkelig nemt at sætte op og bruge. Phrase Team er gode til at svare, og bliver ved med at tilføje nye funktioner." "Takket være Phrase, kan vi udvide vores forretning og produktportefølje uden at skulle bekymre os om lokalisering." "Lokaliseringsprocessen er så meget mere strømlinet, hvilket gør det nemmere at udgive nye versioner samt tilføje nye locales." "Den variation i svar, som Phrase tilbyder forbedrer værktøjets overordnede kvalitet af sprog markant - Det lyder mere naturligt, hvilket gør det mere indbydende for vores kunder." "Med Phrase fik vi mulighed for at modernisere vores lokaliseringsprocesser, og udgive vores applikationer til et bredere globalt publikum." “Phrase har spillet en essentiel rolle i Kreditechs vellykkede vækst, både på nationalt- og produkt niveau." "Phrase er den mest anvendelige løsning til udviklere og kontinuerlig implementering på markedet. Fra det øjeblik vi startede med at lede efter en løsning, var det klart at Phrase skilte sig ud fra de andre." “Phrases intuitive samarbejdsplatform, som er nem at anvende, er blevet et vigtigt værktøj i forbindelse med vores udvidelse til Frankrig." "Phraseapp har været essentiel i forhold til at gøre det muligt, samt problemfrit for vores lille, men også mægtige, team af ingeniører at lokalisere digitale applikationer." “Phrase overgår vores forventninger. Softwaren hjælper os med at effektivisere vores lokalisering, så vi kan blive førende i vores branche. Resultaterne taler for sig selv." Nemt at sætte op. 14 dages gratis prøveperiode. Ingen binding. di|Løsninger Integrationer Udviklere Managere Oversættere Designere Om os Kunder Karrierer Dokumentation Blog Webinars E-bøger InfografikUdvikler Lær mere Manager Lær mere Oversætter Lær mere Designer Lær mere Tid til at komme i gang Produktinformation Virksomhed Support Vores Løsninger Informationssikkerhed h1|Den tyndeste, hurtigste og mest pålidelige lokaliseringsplatform h2|Alt du skal bruge til at forstærke din lokaliseringsproces til global vækst Rigtige kunders højest bedømte TMS En lokaliseringsproces, som hele dit hold kan stole på Den foretrukne løsning til oversættelser for over 1000 virksomheder på verdensplan h3|Brug styrken fra en skalerbar softwarelokaliseringsplatform til at komme pålideligt ind på nye markeder med al væksten og uden besvær. Phrase er stedet, hvor lokaliseringshold mødes for at frigive oversættelser på den mest strømlinede måde. Phrase er en løsning til at håndtere oversættelser, som tager hele teamet i betragtning. Global opskalering, hurtigere lancering og mulighed for at skabe bedre kundeoplevelser er nogle af årsagerne til at mange virksomheder anvender Phrase når det kommer til lokalisering. h4|Hurtig opstart for udviklere Kom i gang 1000+ virksomheder har tillid til os sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend-administrator, mellemstor virksomhed (51-200 medarbejdere) Philip B Softwareudvikler, Enterprise (1001-5000 ansatte) Valeria C Selvstændig Oversætter, Enterprise (1001-5000 ansatte) Oswaldo A Frontend-programmør, informationsteknologi og -tjenester, lille virksomhed (11-50 medarbejdere) David-Benjamin B Administrerende direktør, lille virksomhed (2-10 medarbejdere) Dansk Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|A única plataforma de localização que vai reunir toda a tua equipa Liga o Phrase às tuas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente a partir da tua linha de comandos Coordena a tua equipa com funções específicas e trabalhos atribuíveis. Acelera o teu fluxo de trabalho e vê as alterações efetuadas em contexto real Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente nos seus designs a partir da sua ferramenta favorita A nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como é que empresas em todo o mundo estão a localizar-se eficazmente Estamos a crescer! Veja as nossas vagas Todas as informações de que precisas para começar Mantém-te a par dos mais recentes conhecimentos e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e boas práticas Tudo o que tens de saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender o panorama geral da localização Experimenta já a Phrase A nossa API foi concebida para se adequar a todos os processos de localização de software. Podes facilmente importar , fazer download de ficheiros de localização, identificar keys ou interagir de variadas formas com os dados de localização armazenados na Phrase através da API. Os requisitos das equipes de localização em todo o mundo diferem. Ao fornecer uma variedade de possibilidades de integração, como nossa API, Over the Air, GitHub e GitLab Sync, você pode facilmente integrar Phrase em seu fluxo de trabalho. O Editor de Tradução foi criado para rapidamente com o máximo de contexto e assistência possível. Trabalha mais depressa recorrendo à ferramenta mais adequada ao trabalho. A Phrase oferece inúmeros recursos especificamente projetados para melhorar a , como o nosso Glossário, Memória de Tradução, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest e muito mais. 06/03/2019 "É assim que um sistema de gestão de traduções deve ser" “Integração rápida e fácil com o Git, excelente suporte para a maioria dos formatos de ficheiro e bibliotecas de tradução, a interface incrível para os criadores de conteúdos e uma documentação muito boa.” 12/01/2019 "Fácil de utilizar pelos programadores" “A aplicação Phrase oferece uma API muito boa para os programadores. Especialmente o novo modo de edição em tempo real de traduções é realmente útil, pois podemos ver diretamente as alterações que estamos a aplicar.“ 05/23/2019 “A melhor experiência com um sistema de tradução” “O Phrase é simples e fácil para os iniciantes. Usei-o desde o início sem qualquer problema, porque é simples e intuitivo.” 04/21/2019 "Esqueça as traduções em falta" “Todos podem colaborar e sentir o progresso enquanto traduzem os nossos produtos. Também possui integrações excelentes e fáceis, uma CLI poderosa e uma API ainda melhor, tornando-o uma escolha fácil para qualquer programador.” "Simplesmente perfeito" “Simplesmente funciona sem falhas, muito fácil de configurar e usar. A equipa do Phrase é muito recetiva e continua a adicionar novos recursos.” "Graças à Phrase, podemos expandir o nosso negócio e o portefólio de produtos sem nos preocuparmos mais com a localização." "O processo de localização é muito mais eficiente, o que torna muito mais fácil lançar novas versões e adicionar novos locais." "A variedade de respostas que a Phrase oferece melhora significativamente a qualidade geral da linguagem da ferramenta: soa mais natural, o que a torna muito mais aliciante para os nossos clientes." "Com a Phrase, conseguimos modernizar o nosso processo de localização e levar o nosso conjunto de aplicações a um público global mais alargado." “Phrase has been an important part of Kreditech’s successful international expansion, both on a Country and on a Product level!” "A Phrase é a solução mais adequada para programadores e para uma implementação contínua no mercado. Desde o momento em que começámos a procurar uma solução, a Phrase depressa se destacou de toda a concorrência." "A plataforma de colaboração intuitiva e fácil de usar da Phrase tornou-a uma importante ferramenta de confiança durante a nossa expansão em França." "A Phrase tem sido fundamental para que a nossa pequena, mas poderosa, equipa de engenharia localize aplicações digitais." "A Phrase excedeu todas as nossas expectativas. Este software ajudou-nos a agilizar as localizações e tornou-se líder do setor. Os resultados falam por si." Fácil de instalar. Compre ou cancele em qualquer altura. di|Soluções Integrações Programadores Gestores Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Carreiras Documentação Blog Conferências via Web Ebooks InfográficosProgramador Saiba mais Gestor Saiba mais Tradutor Saiba mais Designer Saiba mais É hora de começar Informações acerca do produto Empresa Suporte As Nossas Soluções Segurança da informação h1|A Plataforma de Localização mais Simples, Rápida e Fiável h2|Tudo o que necessita para potenciar o seu processo de localização e crescer à escala global O sistema de gestão de tradução (TMS) mais bem cotado por clientes reais Um processo de localização com o qual toda a tua equipa pode contar A solução de tradução preferida de mais de 1000 empresas em todo o mundo h3|Use o poder de uma plataforma de localização de software escalável para entrar em novos mercados de forma segura, com todo o crescimento e nada da confusão. O Phrase é o espaço onde as equipas de localização se reúnem para lançar traduções da forma mais simples possível. A Phrase é uma solução de gestão de traduções criada a pensar em toda a equipa. Redimensionar negócios ao nível global, conseguir tempo de lançamento mais rápido para o mercado e criar uma melhor experiência de utilização são apenas algumas das razões pelas quais muitas empresas procuram a Phrase para as suas necessidades de localização. h4|Início Rápido para Programadores Guia de Utilização Com a confiança de mais de 1000 empresas sp|Navegação Alternada JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Gestor Informático, Média Empresa (51-200 trabalhadores) Philip B Programador de software, Grande Empresa (1001-5000 trabalhadores) Valeria C Tradutor Independente, Grande Empresa (1001-5000 trabalhadores) Oswaldo A Engenheiro Informático, Tecnologias e Serviços de informação, Pequena Empresa (11-50 trabalhadores) David-Benjamin B Diretor Geral, Micro Empresa (2-10 trabalhadores) Português Estamos a contratar! Soluções pa|Jedna platforma lokalizacyjna, która połączy cały zespół Połącz Phrase ze swoimi ulubionymi narzędziami i usługami Łatwa integracja i proste zarządzanie, bezpośrednio z linii poleceń Koordynuj swój zespół dedykując role i przydzielając zadania Przyspiesz swój przepływ pracy i obserwuj na bieżąco zmiany w kontekście Pracuj z przetłumaczonymi treściami bezpośrednio w swoich projektach, ze swojego ulubionego urządzenia. Nasza misja i historia powstania Phrase W jaki sposób skutecznie lokalizują firmy na całym świecie Rozwijamy się! Zobacz aktualne oferty pracy Wszystkie informacje potrzebne do rozpoczęcia pracy Przeczytaj najnowsze informacje na temat lokalizacji oraz zobacz tutoriale Dowiedz się więcej o funkcjach i najlepszych rozwiązaniach Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o lokalizacji Przewodnik krok po kroku ułatwiający zrozumienie pełnego obrazu lokalizacji Sam wypróbuj Phrase. Nasze API zostało zaprojektowane tak, aby pasowało do wszystkich procesów lokalizacji oprogramowania. Możesz łatwo importować , pobierać pliki locale, identyfikatory lub na wiele sposobów współdziałać z danymi lokalizacyjnymi, przechowywanymi w Phrase poprzez API. Wymagania zespołów lokalizacyjnych na całym świecie różnią się. Zapewniając wiele możliwości integracji, takich jak API, Over the Air, GitHub i GitLab Sync, możesz łatwo zintegrować Phrase z przepływem pracy. szybko i z jak największą ilością kontekstu oraz wsparcia jest tym, dla czego został stworzony Redaktor Tłumaczeń. Pracuj szybciej, korzystając z odpowiedniego narzędzia. Phrase oferuje szereg funkcji stworzonych specjalnie w celu poprawy i spójności tłumaczeń, takich jak nasz Słownik, Pamięć Tłumaczeń, Edytor Kontekstowy, SmartSuggest i wiele innych. 06/03/2019 „Tak powinien wyglądać system zarządzania tłumaczeniami” „Szybka i łatwa integracja z GitHubem, świetna obsługa większości formatów i bibliotek tłumaczeniowych, świetny interfejs dla copywriterów i bardzo dobra dokumentacja.” 12/01/2019 „Łatwy w użyciu dla programistów” „Phrase oferuje bardzo dobre API dla programistów. Szczególnie pomocny jest nowy tryb edycji tłumaczeń na żywo, bo możesz bezpośrednio zobaczyć zmiany, które wprowadzasz.” 05/23/2019 „Najlepszy w użyciu system tłumaczeń” „Phrase jest prosty i przyjazny dla początkujących. Od samego początku używałam go bez problemu, ponieważ jest łatwy i intuicyjny.” 04/21/2019 „Zapomnij o brakujących tłumaczeniach” „Każdy może współpracować przy tłumaczeniu naszych produktów. Phrase posiada również świetne integracje, potężne CLI i jeszcze lepsze API, dzięki czemu jest oczywistym wyborem dla każdego dewelopera.” „Po prostu idealny” „To po prostu działa bezbłędnie, narzędzie bardzo łatwe w konfiguracji i obsłudze. Zespół Phrase jest bardzo elastyczny i na bieżąco dodaje nowe funkcje.” "Dzięki Phrase możemy rozszerzyć naszą działalność i portfolio produktów bez konieczności martwienia się o lokalizację". "Proces lokalizacji jest o wiele sprawniejszy, co znacznie ułatwia wydawanie nowych wersji i dodawanie nowych lokalizacji". "Różnorodność odpowiedzi, którą Phrase zapewnia znacząco poprawia ogólną jakość tłumaczenia; brzmi to bardziej naturalnie, co sprawia, że tekst jest bardziej wiarygodny dla naszych klientów". "Dzięki Phrase byliśmy w stanie zmodernizować nasz proces lokalizacyjny i udostępnić nasz zestaw aplikacji globalnie". „Phrase jest istotnym czynnikiem, który pomaga Kreditech prowadzić udaną ekspansję na rynkach międzynarodowych – zarówno na poziomie kraju, jak i produktu!“ "Phrase jest najbardziej przyjaznym dla deweloperów i przyjaznym dla ciągłego wdrażania rozwiązaniem na rynku. Od momentu, gdy zaczęliśmy szukać rozwiązania, Phrase szybko wyróżnił się z tłumu". "Łatwa w użyciu i intuicyjna platforma współpracy Phrase uczyniła z niej ważne, godne zaufania narzędzie podczas naszej ekspansji we Francji". "Phrase jest centralnym elementem umożliwiającym naszemu małemu, ale potężnemu zespołowi inżynierów bezproblemową lokalizację aplikacji cyfrowych". "Phrase przekroczyło nasze oczekiwania. Oprogramowanie pomogło nam usprawnić naszą lokalizację i stać się liderem w branży. Wyniki mówią same za siebie". Łatwa instalacja. 14-dniowy okres próbny. Kup lub anuluj w dowolnym momencie. di|Rozwiązania Integracje Programiści Menedżerowie Tłumacze Projektanci O nas Klienci Kariera Dokumentacja Blog Webinaria Ebooki InfografikiProgramista Dowiedz się więcej Menedżer Dowiedz się więcej Tłumacz Dowiedz się więcej Projektant Dowiedz się więcej Czas na rozpoczęcie pracy Informacje o produkcie Firma Wsparcie Nasze rozwiązania Bezpieczeństwo informacji h1|Najprostsza, Najszybsza i Najbardziej Niezawodna Platforma Lokalizacyjna h2|Wszystko czego potrzebujesz dla swojego procesu lokalizacji System TMS najlepiej oceniany przez prawdziwych klientów Niezawodny proces lokalizacyjny dla Twojego zespołu Preferowane rozwiązanie w zakresie tłumaczeń dla ponad 1 000 firm na całym świecie h3|Korzystaj z mocy platformy do skalowalnej lokalizacji oprogramowania i pewnie wchodź na nowe rynki, aby osiągać maksymalny wzrost bez wysiłku. Phrase to miejsce, w którym zespoły lokalizacyjne pracują razem, aby publikować tłumaczenia szybciej i łatwiej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Phrase to rozwiązanie do zarządzania tłumaczeniami stworzone z myślą o całym zespole. Rozwój firmy w skali globalnej, krótszy czas wprowadzenia produktu na rynek, lepsze doświadczenie użytkownika – to tylko niektóre z powodów, dla których firmy wybierają Phrase. h4|Szybki start dla programistów Rozpoczynanie pracy Zaufało nam 1.000+ firm sp|Nawigacja Toggle JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend Menedżer, Mid-Market (51-200 pracowników) Philip B Programista, Enterprise (1001-5000 pracowników) Valeria C Niezależny tłumacz, Enterprise (1001-5000 pracowników) Oswaldo A Inżynier Front-end, Technologii Informatycznych i Usług, Small-Business (11-50 pracowników) David-Benjamin B CEO, Small-Business (2-10 pracowników) Polski Zatrudniamy! Rozwiązania pa|チーム全体をまとめる、ただひとつのプラットフォーム Phraseをお気に入りのツールやサービスにつなげよう コマンドラインから直接、簡単な統合、シンプルな管理 役割、割当て可能なジョブとチームをコーディネートする ワークフローをより迅速にし、コピーチェンジを現実のコンテキストに合わせて調整 翻訳されたコンテンツをあなたのお気に入りのツールからあなたのデザインで直接扱います Phraseの使命と秘話 いかにして世界中の企業は効率的にローカライズを行っているのか Phraseは日々成長しています! 現在の求人を見る 使用を開始するために必要な全情報 最新のローカライゼーション考察およびチュートリアルを読む 更になる特徴と最善の方法を知る ローカリゼーションに関する知識が必要なすべて ローカリゼーションの全体像を理解するための、ステップごとのガイドライン Phrase を試す API ​は、あらゆるソフトウェア ローカライゼーション プロセスに対応できるように、設計されています。重要なローカルファイルのインポート、ローカルファイルのダウンロード、Key のタグ付け、API を介した Phrase に保存されているローカライゼーション データの処理が、可能になります。 世界中のローカリゼーションチームの要件は異なります。 API、Over the Air、GitHub、GitLab Syncなど、さまざまな統合の可能性を提供することで、フレーズをワークフローに簡単に統合できます。 様々なコンテキストおよびサポート機能により、翻訳をできるだけ早く管理できるように、Translation Editor は構築されています。ジョブにあった適切なツールを活用して、より迅速な業務処理を行いましょう。 Phrase には、Glossary、Translation Memory、In-Context Editor、SmartSuggest 等、翻訳のクオリティ、そして一貫性を向上するための様々な機能が、搭載されています。 06/03/2019 「翻訳管理システムは、このようであるべきなのです」 「gitとの迅速かつ簡単な統合、ほとんどのファイル形式と翻訳ライブラリに対応する優れたサポート、コンテンツ作成者向けの素晴らしいインターフェイス、非常に優れたドキュメンテーション」 12/01/2019 「開発者にとって使いやすい」 「Phraseアプリは、開発者向けに非常に良いAPIを提供します。特に、翻訳の新しいライブ編集モードは、適用している変更を直接確認できるので非常に役立ちます。」 05/23/2019 「翻訳システムでの最高の体験」 「Phraseはシンプルで初心者向けです。シンプルで直感的なので最初から問題なく使えました。」 04/21/2019 「もう、翻訳による意味の抜け落ちのことは忘れましょう」 「製品を翻訳しながら、誰もが協力し、また進歩を感じることができます。素晴らしく簡単な統合、パワフルなCLI、さらに優れたAPIを備えているため、あらゆるデベロッパーにとって最適な選択肢となります」 「ただただ完璧」 「確実に機能し、セットアップと使うのも非常に簡単です。Phraseチームは非常にレスポンスが良く、常に新しい機能が追加されています」 『Phrase のおかげで、ローカライゼーションに関する心配をすることなく、ビジネスおよび製品ポートフォリオを拡張することができました。』 『ローカライゼーションプロセスを大幅に合理化することができました。これにより、新バージョンのリリース、および新たな地域の追加が、より簡単になりました。』 『Phrase の反応バリエーションにより、ツールの言語クオリティを、大幅に改善することができます。当社のお客様にとって魅力的な、より自然な響きの表現を実現することが可能になりました。』 『Phrase により、ローカライゼーションプロセスの最新化、そしてアプリケーションのグローバルな展開を実現することができました。』 『Phrase は、Kreditech の国際的事業拡張の成功に、とても重要な役割を担っています。国レベルそして製品レベルの両方において!』 『Phrase は、開発者にとって操作しやすい、継続的展開が可能なソリューションです。現在、ソリューションを探している最中ですが、その中でも Phrase は際立っています。』 『Phrase の簡単な、直観的操作が可能なコラボレーションプラットフォームは、フランスでの事業拡張において、重要な信頼できるツールとして、活躍してくれました。』 『Phrase は、デジタルアプリケーションのシームレスなローカライゼーションを行う、小規模ながらも力強いエンジニアリングチームの中心的役割を担っていました。』 『Phrase は、私達のエクスペクテーション、つまり期待を大幅に上回るものでした。ソフトウェアにより、ローカライゼーションを合理化し、産業におけるトップ企業となることができました。その結果、大規模なローカライゼーションが可能になりました。』 簡単なセットアップ、14 日間の無料トライアル。いつでも、購入もしくはキャンセルが可能です。 di|ソリューション 統合 開発者 マネージャー トランスレーター デザイナーズ 企業情報 カスタマー 採用情報 ドキュメンテーション ブログ ウェビナー 電子書籍 インフォグラフィック デモ 4.7 Product Manager HAS ASSIGNED YOU TO A Designer STARTED THE JOB Developer 2FA ENABLED • ALL PROJECTS Translator 2FA DISABLED • 3 PROJECTS 2803 TRANSLATIONS 27 UNTRANSLATED 980 KEYS 4.7 開発者 より詳しく知る マネージャー より詳しく知る トランスレーター より詳しく知る デザイナー より詳しく知る 開始! 製品情報 企業 サポート ソリューション 情報セキュリティ h1|最も無駄がなく、最も速く、最も信頼性の高いローカリゼーションプラットフォーム h2|グローバルな成長に向けてのローカリゼーションプロセスを拡大するために必要なすべての事柄 実際の顧客による、最高評価のTMS あなたのチーム全体が信頼することができる、ローカリゼーションのプロセス 世界中 1000 社以上の企業が選んだ翻訳ソリューション h3|スケーラブルなソフトウェア・ローカリゼーション・プラットフォームの力を利用し、面倒なことなく、可能な限りの成長をしながら新しい市場に確実に参入することができます。 Phraseはローカリゼーションチームが集まり、可能な限りの最も効率的な方法で、翻訳をリリースする場所です。 Phrase は、全チームメンバーを考慮に入れて構築された翻訳管理ソリューションです。 ビジネスのグローバルな測定、市場へのより迅速なアクセス、より良いユーザー体験の実現は、多くの企業がローカライゼーションにおいて Phrase に求めることへの一部に過ぎません。 h4|開発者用クイックスタート 開始 1,000+ 社以上が使用 sp|トグル型ナビゲーション JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P フロントエンドマネージャー、ミッドマーケット(従業員51〜200人) Philip B ソフトウェア開発者、企業(1001~5000人の従業員) Valeria C 独立翻訳者、企業(1001~5000人の従業員) Oswaldo A フロントエンドエンジニア、情報技術およびサービス、中小企業(従業員11〜50人) David-Benjamin B CEO、中小企業(従業員2〜10人) 日本語 キャリア ソリューション pa|팀 전체를 하나로 묶어주는 로컬리제이션 플랫폼 Phrase를 선호하시는 도구 및 서비스와 연동하세요 명령줄에서 직접 쉬운 통합과 편리한 관리가 가능합니다. 전담 역할 및 할당 가능한 작업들을 기반으로 팀 조정 워크플로우를 가속화하고 라이브 컨텍스트에서 복사 변경 사항 보기 즐겨 사용하는 도구를 사용한 디자인에서 번역된 내용으로 직접 작업하세요 Phrase의 사명과 뒷 이야기 전 세계의 비즈니스를 효율적으로 현지화하는 방법 우리는 성장하고 있습니다! 현재 채용 정보를 살펴 보세요 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 정보 최신 로컬리제이션 인사이트 및 튜토리얼 읽기 기능과 모범사례에 대해 알아보세요 로컬라이제이션에 대해 알아야 할 모든 사항 현지화 전반을 이해하기 위한 단계별 가이드라인 Phrase을 직접 사용해 보세요. 당사의 API는 모든 소프트웨어 로컬리제이션 프로세스에 적합하도록 설계되었습니다. API를 통해 Phrase에 저장된 로케일 데이터와 로케일 파일을 쉽게 가져오거나, 로케일 파일, 태그 키를 다운로드하거나, 여러 방법으로 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 전 세계 로컬라이제이션 팀의 요구 사항은 다릅니다. API, Oover the Air, GitHub 및 GitLab Sync와 같은 다양한 통합 가능성을 제공하여 프레이즈를 워크 플로우에 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다. 가능한 한 많은 문맥과 지원으로 번역을 신속하게 관리하는 것이 번역 편집기의 용도입니다. 작업에 적합한 도구들을 활용하여 더 빠르게 작업할 수 있습니다. Phrase은 용어집, 번역 메모리, 문맥에 맞는 편집기, Smart제안 등과 같은 번역 품질과 일관성을 향상시키기 위해 특별히 고안된 다양한 기능을 제공합니다. 06/03/2019 "이게 바로 번역 관리 시스템의 정석입니다" "GIT와 빠르고 쉽게 통합되며, 대부분의 파일 형식 및 번역 라이브러리를 훌륭하게 지원하고, 콘텐츠 창작자에게 멋진 인터페이스이며, 아주 좋은 기록입니다." 12/01/2019 "개발자가 사용하기에 편리함" “Phrase 앱은 개발자에게 매우 훌륭한 API를 제공합니다. 특히 번역의 새로운 실시간 편집 모드는 적용 중인 변경 사항을 직접 확인할 수 있기에 정말 도움이 됩니다.“ 05/23/2019 "번역 시스템에 대한 최고의 경험" “ Phrase는 간단하고 초보자 친화적입니다. 간단하고 직관적이라서 처음부터 문제없이 사용했습니다." 04/21/2019 "누락된 번역은 잊으세요" "저희 제품을 번역하는 동안 모든 사람이 협업하고 작업이 진전되는 것을 느낄 수 있어요. 또한 훌륭하고 수월한 통합, 강력한 CLI 및 더 나은 API까지 갖춰 모든 개발자에게 쉬운 선택입니다." "그냥 완벽합니다" "실패 없이 작동되고, 설정과 사용이 아주 쉽습니다. Phrase 팀은 굉장히 즉각적으로 대응하고 계속해서 새로운 기능을 추가합니다." “Phrase 덕분에 로컬리제이션에 대한 걱정 없이 비즈니스와 제품 포트폴리오를 확장할 수 있게 되었습니다.” “로컬리제이션 프로세스가 훨씬 간소화되어 새 버전을 출시하고 새 로케일을 추가하는 것이 훨씬 쉬워졌습니다.” “Phrase이 제공하는 응답의 다양성은 도구의 전반적인 언어 품질을 크게 향상시킵니다; 문장들이 더욱 자연스럽게 들리므로 고객들이 만족합니다.” “Phrase과 함께, 저희는 로컬리제이션 프로세스를 현대화하고, 다양한 글로벌 사용자들에게 번역 애플리케이션을 제공할 수 있었습니다.” "Phrase은 Kreditech가 국가 및 제품 수준에서 모두 성공적으로 국제적인 확장을 할 수 있게 도운 중요 요소입니다!“ “Phrase은 현 시장에서 개발자에게 가장 친숙하고 지속적이며 배포 친화적인 솔루션입니다. 해결책을 찾기 시작한 순간부터 Phrase은 빠르게 대중의 눈길을 사로잡았습니다.” “Phrase의 사용하기 쉽고 직관적인 협업 플랫폼은 저희가 프랑스로 진출하는데에 큰 힘으로 작용했습니다.” “Phrase은 저희의 작지만 강력한 엔지니어링 팀이 디지털 응용 프로그램을 원활하게 현지화할 수 있도록 하는 데 중심 역할을 하였습니다.” “Phrase은 저희의 기대치를 뛰어 넘었습니다. 이 소프트웨어는 로컬리제이션을 간소화하여 저희가 업계 리더가 되는 데에 도움이 되었습니다. 이 결과는 많은 것을 의미합니다.” 설치하기 쉽습니다. 14일간의 무료 체험 . 언제든지 구매 및 취소가 가능 합니다. di|솔루션 통합 개발자 관리자 번역가들 디자이너 회사 소개 고객들 채용 정보 문서화 블로그 웨비나 전자책 인포그래픽 데모 4.7 Product Manager HAS ASSIGNED YOU TO A Designer STARTED THE JOB Developer 2FA ENABLED • ALL PROJECTS Translator 2FA DISABLED • 3 PROJECTS 2803 TRANSLATIONS 27 UNTRANSLATED 980 KEYS 4.7 개발자 더 알아보기 관리자 더 알아보기 번역기 더 알아보기 디자이너 더 알아보기 시작할 시간입니다 제품 정보 기업 지원 저희의 솔루션 정보 보안 h1|가장 탄탄하고, 가장 빠르고, 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 현지화 플랫폼 h2|글로벌 성장을 위한 번역 프로세스 확장에 필요한 모든 것 실제 고객들에게 최고 평가를 받은 TMS 팀 전체가 신뢰할 수 있는 현지화 과정 전 세계 1,000여개 이상의 기업들이 선호하는 번역 솔루션 h3|소프트웨어 번역 플랫폼의 확장성을 이용한 신뢰할 수 있는 서비스를 통해 신규 시장에 진입하시고, 귀찮은 것들 없이 성장을 추구하세요. Phrase는 현지화 팀들이 모여 가장 능률적인 방식으로 번역을 출시하는 곳입니다. Phrase은 전체 팀을 염두에 두고 구축된 번역 관리 솔루션입니다. 전 세계적으로 비즈니스를 확장하고, 출시 기간을 단축하며, 더 나은 사용자 경험을 창출하는 것은 많은 기업들이 로컬리제이션을 위해 Phrase을 찾는 이유 중 일부에 불과합니다. h4|개발자를 위한 빠른 시작 시작하기 1,000여개 이상의 기업들이 신뢰하는 Phrase sp|토글 네비게이션 JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P 프런트엔드 매니저, 미드 마켓(직원 51 - 200명) Philip B 소프트웨어 개발자, 엔터프라이즈 (1001-5000명의 직원) Valeria C 개인 번역가, 엔터프라이즈 (1001-5000명의 직원) Oswaldo A 프런트엔드 엔지니어, 정보 기술 및 서비스, 소기업(직원 11 - 50명) David-Benjamin B CEO, 소기업(직원 2 - 10명) 한국어 새로운 직원들을 채용 중입니다! 솔루션 pa|一个管理平台,全团队共同使用。 将 Phrase 连接到最喜爱的工具和服务 通过命令行实现无缝集成,轻松管理。 为你的团队成员指定用户角色并分配任务。 加快你的进度并实时预览翻译字条的界面语境 通过您喜欢的工具,直接在设计中处理翻译好的内容 我们的使命和Phrase背后的故事 世界各地的企业如何在高效地本地化 我们在成长!查看我们的招聘信息 快速一阅,轻松上手 阅览最新的本地化教程与话题博文 了解有关功能和最佳实践策略 你的本地化全方位指南 了解本地化概况的详细指南 亲自试试Phrase吧 我们的API设计适用于所有软件本地化流程。通过我们的API,你可以轻松的上传并下载语言文档,添加标签,和Phrase中储存的本地化数据多向互动。 世界各地的本地化团队的要求各不相同。 通过提供各种集成可能性,如我们的 API、在空中、GitHub 和 GitLab 同步,您可以轻松地将短语集成到您的工作流程中。 我们的翻译编辑器能够尽可能多的为译员提供上下文环境以及提示帮助,由此达到快速管理译文的目的。利用正确的工具,事半功倍。 Phrase提供多种专门用于提高翻译质量和一致性的功能,例如我们的词汇表,翻译记忆库,预览编辑器,智能提示等等。 06/03/2019 “翻译管理系统就该是这个样子” “能够与 git 快速方便地集成,为大多数文件格式和翻译库提供强大支持,拥有针对内容创建者设计的出色界面,以及非常棒的文件分类。” 12/01/2019 “易于开发者使用” “Phrase 应用为开发者提供了非常好的API。尤其是它新推出的实时编辑翻译模式真的很有用,因为你可以直接看到你正在应用的更改。“ 05/23/2019 “最佳的翻译系统体验” “Phrase 简单易用适合初学者。我从一开始使用它就没有任何问题因为它简单易懂。” 04/21/2019 “不再丢失译文” “在翻译我们的产品时,每个人都能参与合作,并感受到进度。它具有便捷的集成,强大的 CLI 和更强大的 API,是任何开发人员的首选。” “完美” “它很棒,不会犯错,非常容易设置和使用。Phrase 团队反应迅速,并会不断地添加新功能。” “感谢Phrase, 我们在扩展业务和产品的同时再也不用担心本地化的负担了。” “我们的本地化工作流程现在非常的精简且有效率,发布新的产品版本和添加新的语言变得非常轻松。” “Phrase所提供的多样化功能让我们的平台的语言质量显著提高;它使我们的文案更加自然,客户的参与度也由此提高。" “通过Phrase,我们的本地化流程变得加现代化,我们的应用程序更是触及了全球更广泛的受众。” “Phrase 在 Kreditech 的国际扩张中扮演了重要的角色, 不论是在国家还是产品层面。” “Phrase是市场上最贴合开发人员和持续的产品发布需求的解决方案。从我们开始寻找解决方案的那一刻起,Phrase就迅速脱颖而出。” “Phrase易于使用且直观明了的操作平台使其成为我们打入法国市场的重要工具。” “Phrase对于我们小而精悍的开发团队来说,是完美实现数字产品本地化的核心力量。” “Phrase 完全超出了我们的预期。利用它我们实现了本地化工作流程的精简化,成为了行业里的领头羊。这样的成果比任何话语都有分量。” 易于安装,14天免费试用,随时购买或取消。 di|解决方案 集成 开发人员 管理人员 翻译人员 设计师 关于我们 我们的客户 求职栏 参考文档 博客 在线研讨会 E手册 信息图表 演示 4.7 Product Manager HAS ASSIGNED YOU TO A Designer STARTED THE JOB Developer 2FA ENABLED • ALL PROJECTS Translator 2FA DISABLED • 3 PROJECTS 2803 TRANSLATIONS 27 UNTRANSLATED 980 KEYS 4.7 开发人员 了解更多内容 管理人员 了解更多内容 翻译人员 了解更多内容 设计师 了解更多内容 开始吧 产品信息 公司简介 相关支持 对策锦集 信息安全 h1|最精简、最快速、最可靠的本地化平台 h2|为实现全球增长而扩展你的本地化流程所需的一切 真实客户评分最高的翻译管理系统(TMS) 你的整个团队可以信赖的本地化流程 全球超过1000家公司所信赖的本地化助手 h3|利用可扩展软件的本地化平台的能力,安心进入充满增长、没有烦恼的全新市场。 Phrase 是本地化团队聚在一起,以尽可能简化的方式发布翻译的地方。 Phrase充分考虑各个角色的需求,将其整合为一个综合平台。 在全球范围内扩展业务,缩短产品上市时间并创造更好的用户体验只是众多公司求助于Phrase的部分原因。 h4|开发人员速成班 入门指南 备受全球1000多家公司的信赖 sp|切换导航 JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P 前端经理,中间市场(51-200名员工) Philip B 软件开发者,企业(1001-5000个员工) Valeria C 独立翻译者,企业(1001-5000个员工) Oswaldo A 前端工程师,信息技术和服务,小型企业(11-50名员工) David-Benjamin B 首席执行官,小型企业(2-10名员工) 中文 我们在招聘! 解决方案 pa|Единая платформа для всех членов команды локализации Подключите Phrase к вашим любимым инструментам и сервисам Простота интеграции и управления, непосредственно из командной строки. Координируйте работу своей команды, распределяйте роли и задачи Ускорьте рабочий процесс внося изменения в режиме реального времени. Работай с переводимым контентом непосредственно в своих проектах с использованием любимого инструмента. Наша миссия и история за Phrase Как компании во всем мире эффективно локализуются Мы растем! Посмотреть наши Вакансии Все, что необходимо для начала работы Будьте в курсе последних новостей о локализации Подробнее о функциях и передовых практиках Всё, что вам нужно знать о локализации Пошаговое руководство для понимания общей картины локализации Запросить демонстрацию Phrase Наш API разработан соответсвенно специфики локализации программного обеспечения. Импорт-/экспортируйте и различные тэги, а также используйте интегрированные решения Phrase API. Требования команд локализации по всему миру различаются. Предоставляя различные возможности интеграции, такие как наш API, Over the Air, GitHub и GitLab Sync, вы можете легко интегрировать Phrase в ваш рабочий процесс. Эффективное с максимальным контекстом - это то, для чего был создан Translation Editor. Работайте быстрее, используя правильные инструменты от Phrase. Phrase предлагает целый ряд функций, разработанных для улучшения и последовательности перевода, включая Glossary, Translation Memory, Context Editor, SmartSuggest и многое другое. 06/03/2019 "Вот как должна выглядеть система управления переводами" "Быстрая и простая интеграция с git, отличная поддержка большинства файловых форматов и библиотек переводов, отличный интерфейс для создателей контента и очень хорошая документация". 12/01/2019 «Простой в использовании для разработчиков» «Приложение Phrase предлагает очень хороший API для разработчиков. Особенно полезен новый режим редактирования переводов в режиме реального времени, так как вы сразу сможете увидеть изменения, которые применяете». 05/23/2019 «Лучший опыт использования системы перевода» «Приложение Phrase простое и удобное для новичков. С самого начала я использовал его без каких-либо проблем, поскольку оно простое и интуитивно понятное». 04/21/2019 "Забудьте о непереведенных фрагментах" «Каждый может сотрудничать и чувствовать прогресс при переводе наших продуктов. Он также обладает отличными и простыми интеграциями, мощным CLI и еще лучшим API, что делает его легким выбором для любого разработчика». "Просто идеально" "Всё работает без осечек, очень легко настроить и использовать. Команда Phrase очень отзывчива и постоянно добавляет новые функции". "Благодаря Phrase, мы можем расширить наш бизнес и портфель продуктов, не беспокоясь о локализации". “The localization process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales.” «Разнообразие ответов, которое предоставляет Phrase, значительно улучшает общее качество языка инструмента; это звучит более естественно, что делает его гораздо более привлекательным для наших клиентов». “With Phrase, we have been able to modernize our localization process and bring our suite of applications to a wider global audience.” "Phrase сыграл важную роль в успешном выходе Kreditеch на мировой рынок, как с точки зрения экспансии на новые рынки, так и с точки совершенствования продукта". “Phrase is the most developer friendly and continuous-deployment friendly solution on the market. From the moment we started searching for a solution, Phrase quickly stood out from the crowd.” “Phrase's easy-to-use and intuitive collaboration platform made it an important trusted tool during our expansion into France.” “Phrase has been central in enabling our small-but-mighty engineering team to seamlessly localize digital applications.” “Phrase exceeded our expectations. The software helped us streamline our localization and become an industry leader. The results speak volumes.” Быстрая настройка. Пробный пакет на 14 дней с полным функционалом Phrase. di|Продукт Интеграции Разработчикам Менеджерам Переводчикам Проектировщики О нас Клиенты Карьера Документация Блог Вебинары Электронные книги Инфографика Демо-версия 4.7 Product Manager HAS ASSIGNED YOU TO A Designer STARTED THE JOB Developer 2FA ENABLED • ALL PROJECTS Translator 2FA DISABLED • 3 PROJECTS 2803 TRANSLATIONS 27 UNTRANSLATED 980 KEYS 4.7 Разработчик Узнать больше Проект-менеджер Узнать больше Переводчик Узнать больше Дизайнер Узнать больше Время испытать Phrase Информация о продукте О компании Служба поддержки Наши продукты Информационная безопасность h1|Самая экономичная, самая быстрая и самая надежная платформа локализации. h2|Все, что вам нужно для усиления процесса локализации Система управления переводами с самыми высокими оценками реальных пользователей Процесс локализации, на который может рассчитывать вся ваша команда Более 1000 компаний по всему миру уже оценили Phrase. h3|Воспользуйтесь мощью масштабируемой платформы для локализации программного обеспечения, чтобы надежно выходить на новые рынки, реализуя потенциал роста, а не растрачивая ресурсы на преодоление препятствий. Phrase - это место, где команды локализации собираются вместе, чтобы выпустить переводы наиболее рациональным способом. Phrase - это платформа управления переводами, разработанная под каждого члена вашей команды. Масштабирование бизнеса по всему миру, достижение более быстрого выхода на рынок и создание лучшего пользовательского интерфейса — вот лишь некоторые из причин, по которым многие компании ищут Phrase для своих потребностей в локализации. h4|Quickstart для разработчиков Начало работы 1000+ компаний уже доверились Phrase sp|Показать/скрыть навигацию JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Менеджер внешнего интерфейса, мид-маркет (51-200 сотрудников) Philip B Разработчик программного обеспечения, компания (1001-5000 человек) Valeria C Независимый переводчик, компания (1001-5000 человек) Oswaldo A Менеджер внешнего интерфейса, информационные технологии и услуги, мелкий бизнес (11-50 сотрудников) David-Benjamin B Директор, мелкий бизнес (2-10 сотрудников) русский Присоединяйся! Продукт pa|Lokalisointialusta, joka tuo koko tiimisi yhteen Yhdistä Phrase lempityökaluihisi ja -palveluihisi Helppo integroida ja yksinkertainen hallita, suoraan komentoriviltä Koordinoi tiimiäsi erikoistuneilla rooleilla ja jaettavilla tehtävillä Nopeuta työnkulkujasi ja näe tekstin muutokset live-ympäristössä Käytä käännettyä sisältöä suoraan luonnoksiin suosikkityökalussasi Missiomme ja tarina Phrasein taustalla Kuinka liikeyritykset kaikkialla maailmassa lokalisoivat tehokkaasti Olemme kasvussa! Katso avoimet paikkamme Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää päästäksesi alkuun Lue viimeisimmät lokalisointivinkit ja ohjeet Lue lisää toiminnoista ja parhaista käytännöistä Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää lokalisoinnista Ohjeet, jotka auttavat ymmärtämään lokalisaation kokonaiskuvan vaihe vaiheelta Kokeile Phraseia itse. API:mme on suunniteltu sopimaan kaikkiin ohjelmistojen lokalisointiprosesseihin. API:n kautta voit helposti tuoda , merkitä key-käännöksiä tai työskennellä monella tavalla Phraseiin tallennetun lokalisointidatan parissa. Paikannusryhmien vaatimukset eri puolilla maailmaa eroavat toisistaan. Tarjoamalla erilaisia integrointimahdollisuuksia, kuten API-, Over of Air, GitHub ja GitLab Sync, voit helposti integroida Fraasin työnkulkuun. nopeasti mahdollisimman laajalla kontekstilla ja avustamisella on juuri sitä, mitä varten Translation Editor on kehitetty. Työskentele nopeammin oikeilla, tehtävään sopivilla työkaluilla. Phrase tarjoaa valikoiman ominaisuuksia, jotka on erityisesti suunniteltu parantamaan ja johdonmukaisuutta - kuten Glossary, Translation Memory, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest ja monia muita. 06/03/2019 "Juuri tältä käännöstenvalvontajärjestelmän kuuluisikin näyttää" "Nopea ja vaivaton Git-integraatio, tukee useimpia tiedostomuotoja ja käännöskirjastoja, sisältää mainion käyttöliittymän sisällönkehittäjille sekä äärimmäisen hyvät dokumentaatio-ominaisuudet." 12/01/2019 "Helppokäyttöinen kehitystyökalu" “Phrase-sovellus tarjoaa erittäin laadukkaan ohjelmointirajapinnan kehittäjille. Erityisesti käännösten reaaliaikainen muokkaustila on hyödyllinen, sillä sen avulla näen kääntäjien tekemät muutokset suoraan.“ 05/23/2019 "Paras käännösjärjestelmien käyttökokemus" "Phrase on helppokäyttöinen ja käyttäjäystävällinen. Käyttö onnistui alusta asti ongelmitta, sillä se on simppeli ja intuitiivinen." 04/21/2019 "Älä enää suotta huoli puuttuvista käännöksistä" "Mahdollistaa tehokkaan yhteistyön, minkä lisäksi kaikki pysyvät kärryillä käännöksen edistymisestä. Mahdollistaa nopean ja helpon integraation, omaa tehokkaan komentoliittymän ja sitäkin paremman ohjelmointirajapinnan, mikä tekee siitä mainion valinnan kehittäjille." "Kerrassaan täydellinen" "Toimii ongelmitta ja on äärimmäisen helppo asentaa sekä käyttää. Phrasen tiimi vastaa nopeasti ja lisää jatkuvasti uusia ominaisuuksia." "Phrasein ansiosta voimme laajentaa liiketoimintaamme ja tuoteportfoliotamme ilman tarvetta huolehtia lokalisoinnista." "Lokalisointiprosessi on paljon tehokkaampi, minkä ansiosta uusien versioiden julkaiseminen ja kieliversioiden lisääminen on nyt paljon helpompaa." "Phrasein tarjoama vastevalikoima parantaa merkittävästi työkalun yleistä kielellistä laatua; se kuulostaa luonnollisemmalta, ja näin asiakkaidemme näkökulmasta miellyttävämmältä." "Phrasein avulla olemme voineet nykyaikaistaa lokalisointiprosessiamme ja esitellä sovellusvalikoimamme laajemmalle globaalille yleisölle." "Phrase on ollut tärkeä osa Kreditechin menestyksekästä kansainvälistä laajentumista sekä maa- että tuotetasolla!" "Phrase on markkinoiden kehittäjäystävällisin ja parhaiten jatkuvaa kehittämistä tukeva ratkaisu. Heti siitä hetkestä alkaen, kun aloimme etsiä ratkaisua, Phrase erottui nopeasti joukosta." "Phrase:n helppokäyttöisestä ja intuitiivisesta yhteistyöskentelyalustasta tuli meille tärkeä ja luotettu väline laajentuessamme Ranskaan." "Phrase on keskeinen työkalu, jonka ansiosta pieni, mutta pippurinen insinööritiimimme on lokalisoinut digitaalisia sovelluksia saumattomasti." "Phrase ylitti odotuksemme. Ohjelmisto auttoi meitä tehostamaan lokalisointiamme ja nousemaan alan johtajaksi. Tulokset puhuvat puolestaan." Helppo asentaa. Ilmainen 14 päivän kokeilujakso. Osta tai peru milloin vain. di|Ratkaisut Integraatiot Kehittäjät Päälliköt Kääntäjät Suunnittelijat Tietoja meistä Asiakkaat Urat Dokumentaatio Blogi Webinars E-kirjoja InfografiikatKehittäjä Lue lisää Päällikkö Lue lisää Kääntäjä Lue lisää Suunnittelija Lue lisää Aika aloittaa Tuotetiedot Yritys Asiakastuki Ratkaisumme Tietoturva h1|Kätevin, nopein ja luotettavin lokalisointialusta h2|Kaikki, mitä tarvitset lokalisointiprosessisi ja globaalin kasvun tehostamiseen Oikeilta asiakkailta parhaat arviot saanut TMS Lokalisaatioprosessi, johon koko tiimi voi luottaa Yli 1000 yrityksen ensisijainen käännösratkaisu ympäri maailman h3|Käytä skaalautuvien ohjelmistojen lokalisaatioalustan voimaa ja siirry uusille markkinoille luotettavasti. Kaikki kasvu eikä lainkaan hässäkkää. Phrase on yhteinen paikka lokalisaatiotiimeille, jossa he voivat julkaista käännöksiä mahdollisimman virtaviivaisesti. Phrase on kielikäännöstenhallintaratkaisu, jonka kehittämisessä on huomioitu koko tiimi. Liiketoiminnan skaalaaminen maailmanlaajuisesti, nopeampien kehityssyklien saavuttaminen ja paremman käyttäjäkokemuksen luominen ovat vain muutamia niistä syistä, joiden vuoksi monet yritykset kääntyvät lokalisointitarpeissaan Phrase:n puoleen. h4|Pikaohjeet kehittäjille Aloittaminen 1000+ yrityksen luottama sp|Toggle Navigation JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Front end -päällikkö, keskisuuri yritys (51-200 työntekijää) Philip B Ohjelmistokehittäjä, suuryritys (1001-5000 työntekijää) Valeria C Itsenäinen kääntäjä, suuryritys (1001-5000 työntekijää) Oswaldo A Front end -insinööri, tiedotustekniikka- ja palvelut, pienyritys (11-50 työntekijää) David-Benjamin B Toimitusjohtaja, pienyritys (2-10 työntekijää) Suomi Rekrytoimme! Ratkaisut pa|Üks lokaliseerimisplatvorm, mis toob kogu teie meeskonna kokku Connect Phrase to your favorite tools and services Lihtne ühendada ja kerge hallata otse oma käsuliinilt Koordineerige oma meeskond spetsiaalsete rollide ja määratud töökohtadega Kiirendage oma töövoogu ja vaadake kopeerimismuudatusi live-kontekstisKogu vajalik teave alustamiseks Loe viimastest lokaliseerimisest ja õpetustest Rohkem teavet funktsioonide ja parimate tavade kohta Kõik, mida vaja teada lokaliseerimine Samm-sammult suunised, et mõista suurt pilti lokaliseerimine Proovige meie Phrasei ise. Meie API on loodud kõikide tarkvara lokaliseerimisprotsesside jaoks. Saate hõlpsasti importida ning alla laadida, märgistada keys või mitmel viisil API kaudu Phraseis salvestatud lokaliseerimisandmeid kasutada. Lokaliseerimismeeskondade nõuded üle maailma erinevad. Pakudes erinevaid integratsioonivõimalusi nagu meie API, Over the Air, GitHub ja GitLab Sync, saate hõlpsasti integreerida fraasi oma töövoogu. töötati välja selleks, et tõlkeid oleks kiire hallata nii rohke konteksti ja abiga, kui võimalik. Töötage kiiremini kasutades tööks sobivat vahendit. Phrase pakub erinevaid funktsioone, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud teie ja järjepidevuse parandamiseks, näiteks meie sõnastik, Translation Memory, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest ja palju muud. 06/03/2019 „Nii peaks tõlkehaldussüsteem välja nägema” „Kiire ja lihtne integratsioon gitiga, suur toetus enamikule failivormingutele ja tõlketeekidele, suurepärane kasutajaliides sisuloojatele ja väga hea dokumentatsioon.” 12/01/2019 „Lihtne kasutada arendajatele” „Fraas app pakub väga hea API arendajatele. Eriti on tõlkete uus reaalajas redigeerimise režiim tõesti abiks, sest näete otseselt rakendatavaid muudatusi.” 05/23/2019 „Parim kogemus tõlkesüsteemis” „PhraseApp on lihtne ja algajasõbralik. Algusest peale kasutasin seda ilma probleemideta, sest see on lihtne ja intuitiivne.” 04/21/2019 „Unusta puuduvaid tõlkeid” „Kõik, kes suudavad meie toodete tõlkimisel koostööd teha ja tunda edusamme. Samuti on sellel suurepärased ja lihtsad integratsioonid, võimas CLI ja veelgi parem API, mis muudab selle igale arendajale lihtsaks valikuks.” „Lihtsalt täiuslik” „See lihtsalt töötab tõrgeteta, väga lihtne seadistada ja kasutada. Fraas Team on väga tundlik ja jätkab uute funktsioonide lisamist.” „Tänu Phraseile saame laiendada oma äri- ja tooteportfooliot, ilma et peaksime kunagi lokaliseerimise pärast muretsema.” „Lokaliseerimisprotsess on nii sujuvam ning see muudab uute versioonide väljastamise ja uute lokaalide lisamise palju lihtsamaks.” „Phrasei vastuste variatsioonid parandavad oluliselt tööriista üldist keelekvaliteeti; see kõlab loomulikumalt, mistõttu on see meie klientide jaoks palju köitvam. ” „Phraseiga oleme suutnud oma lokaliseerimisprotsessi moderniseerida ja tuua meie rakenduste komplekt laiemale globaalsele publikule lähemale.” “Phrase mängib suurt osa Kreditechi rahvusvahelises edus nii riiklikul- kui ka tootetasandil!” „Phrase on turul kõige arendaja- ja pideva integratsiooni sõbralikum lahendus. Alates hetkest, mil me hakkasime lahendust otsima, eristus Phrase selgelt teistest. " „Phrasei lihtsasti kasutatav ja intuitiivne koostööplatvorm tegi sellest olulise usaldusväärse tööriista meie laienemise ajal Prantsusmaale.” „Phrase on olnud kesksel kohal, et võimaldada meie väikesel, kuid võimsal insenerimeeskonnal sujuvalt lokaliseerida digitaalsed rakendused.” “Phrase ületas meie ootusi. Tarkvara oli meile suureks abiks oma tekstide lokaliseerimisel ning aitas saada turul liidriks. ” Lihtne üles seada. Tasuta 14-päevane prooviversioon, mida saab iga hetk tühistada. di|Lahendused Integratsioonid Arendajad Haldajad Tõlkijad Designers About us Kliendid Careers Dokumentatsioon Blogi Webinars E-raamatud InfograafikaArendaja Lisateave Haldur Lisateave Tõlkija Lisateave Designer Lisateave Alustage nüüd Tooteinfo Ettevõte Abi Meie lahendused Infoturve h1|Lokaliseerimistöö tegemine h2|Kõik, mida vajate lokaliseerimiseks Kõrgeim hinnatud TMS reaalsete klientide poolt Parem lokaliseerimiskogemus kõigile Eelistatud tõlketöö lahendus rohkem kui 1000 ettevõttele üle kogu maailma h3|Aeg hüvasti jätta tohutute tõlketabelitega, pikkade e-posti suhtlustega, vigaste keelefailidega, liiga vähese kontekstiga, läbipaistmatute protsessidega, tagasilükkamiste ja kõige muuga, mis võib lokaliseerimise vaevarikkaks muuta. Phrase on koht, kus lokaliseerimismeeskonnad tulevad kokku, et avaldada tõlked kiiremini ja lihtsamalt kui kunagi varem. Phrase on kogu meeskonnaga loodud tõlkehalduse lahendus. Ettevõtete ülemaailmne laienemine, kiiremini turule jõudmine ning parema kasutuskogemuse loomine on vaid mõned põhjused, miks paljud ettevõtted pöörduvad Phrasei poole. h4|Kiire start arendajatele Alustamine Seda usaldab üle 1000 ettevõtte sp|Navigeerimise aktiveerimine JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend Manager, Keskmine Market (51-200 töötajat) Philip B Tarkvaraarendaja, Enterprise (1001-5000 töötajat) Valeria C Sõltumatu Tõlkija, Enterprise (1001-5000 töötajat) Oswaldo A Front-end insener, infotehnoloogia ja teenused, väikeettevõtted (11-50 töötajat) David-Benjamin B Tegevjuht, Small Business (2-10 töötajat) Eesti keel Pakume tööd! Lahendused Download and install the client from . On macOS you can also install via Homebrew: Use the command to initialize and configure your project. Use the command to upload your existing locale files to Phrase. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo CLI v1 can be found on Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h2|The whole Phrase API in your terminal. With the Phrase CLI v2. h3|The Phrase CLI tool lets you navigate your projects and translations quickly from the command line instead of fiddling around with long curl requests. Available for Linux, macOS and Windows. h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started 1. Download and Install 2. Initialize 3. Upload sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions pa|We untangle Flutter localization and internationalization so you can get back to the fun of Flutter app dev. Marketing localization is a complex process with a lot of potential pitfalls and challenges. Find out how to optimize the process from start to finish with our ultimate guide. Get to know the story of RedCall, an open-source app created for the French Red Cross, and how Phrase helped them in managing and communicating with thousands of volunteers working in their ambulance corps. Software localization plays a key role in bringing products closer to global customers. Find out here how to set up the process for success. We untangle Flutter localization and internationalization so you can get... Marketing localization is a complex process with a lot of... Get to know the story of RedCall, an open-source app... Software localization plays a key role in bringing products closer... Designed to automate every single bit of translation and localization... In an ever-globalizing world, the imperative to reach out to... If you are planning a multilingual rollout of your software,... Learn how to make the most of CherryPy, and prepare... Are you implementing multilingual support with gettext and want to... Making your app ready for global markets is no small... Learn how to use Unity’s first-party localization package to make... Transcreation takes literal translation to the next level by adapting... Expanding your business into new markets requires more than a... Learn how software integrations in Phrase can save you time... Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that... SwiftUI has been getting quite a bit of traction ever... Learn the nuts and bolts of Pyramid i18n with Jinja2,... Everything you always wanted to know about software localization, and... The transaction creates the translation industry's leading localization platform, allowing... Two approaches to localizing your Ruby on Rails app content. Blazor is a strong C#-based framework from Microsoft that allows... Are you dreaming of going global with your business? You... Over the last 12 months, Phrase moved in forward directions... Looking into ways to integrate your translations with your Contentful... Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up with best practices for localization, new features, and updates from Phrase. Translation management solution for web and mobile apps. Get tips on how to optimize your localization workflow and learn all about the newest Phrase features. di|Sorry! there are no results for this search. Search Results: Must-Read Software Development Blogs The Best Libraries for React I18n A Step-by-Step Guide to JavaScript Localization The Ultimate Guide: Node.js Internationalization (I18n) The Ultimate Symfony Tutorial on Internationalization Solutions h2|Most Popular Guides for Product Managers Most-Read Tutorials for Developers h4|Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h5|Stay in the Know Popular posts Brought to you by h6|Watch our Free Webinars sp|Home Blog 1 We're hiring! The Translation Center is the backbone of the Phrase software localization platform. The web interface lets you manage all languages and translations across various platforms. The Phrase In-Context Editor can be integrated within almost any web application and provides the possibility to translate content directly on your site. Our API lets you build custom workflows and improve the integration of Phrase into your localization process. You can either work with your own team of translators or simply order professional translations from our translation partners. Rolling out new languages is now possible within hours. Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Time to get started Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security st|User Password h1|Phrase in Action h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Localization API Translation Services h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase English We're hiring! Solutions We believe that everyone should be able to access software in their native language. That is why we are so proud to be helping teams around the world to enter new markets more productively and successfully than ever before. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Passionate about the power of communication, we partner with teams around the world to help them achieve their global goals. Do you want to be part of a team that is unified by the passion to build something great that truly matters? Where you have space to unfold your creativity, bring your own talents to the table, and where you are welcomed as you are? Then reach out, find your place and join us! Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Principal Software Engineer Head of Customer Success Online Marketing Manager Visual Designer Account Manager Head of Sales Team Lead Engineering Engineer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sales Manager Junior Finance Manager Head of Marketing Content Marketing Manager Product Manager Product Marketing Manager Account Executive Account Executive Sales Manager Customer Success Manager Localization Consultant Founder & Engineer Engineering Intern Marketing Intern Sales Manager Junior HR Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Head of HR Lead Generation Representative Product Manager Engineer Engineer Account Manager Engineer Recruiting Manager Marketing Intern Head of Operations Engineering Student Engineer Senior Account Manager Online Marketing Student Engineer Engineer Engineer Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Product Manager ? Time to get started Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h1|About Phrase h2|Our mission is to tear down language barriers The story behind Success stories Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase is the leading software localization platform, and the most reliable way to localize a website or mobile application. Customers around the world rely on Phrase as the most comprehensive and scalable solution for taking multilingual digital products global. Manuel Boy Henning Schlinkmann Kultida Thongyaem Gamze Kaplan Julia Pachal Jannis Rhein Aleksandr Lossenko Stefan Greffenius Wolfram Graetz Caroline Gruner Marena Mohrdieck Stephan Schöning Dalibor Stajic Mansoor Khan Corinna Maier Wafaâ Jlaoui Pierre Zenker Finn Adomat Patrick Hampel Kristina Reinhardt Tobias Schwab Mikko Karkee Cora Schah Sedi Laure Salinas Jana-Marie Lecher Björn Minkmar Mariana Tutlys Til Fabel David Ost Jakub Freisler Sven Dunemann Jimena Codrin Stefan Bruhns Nadine Steinert Lea Häusler Kristof Kraemer Paul Baumgarten Sönke Behrendt Mustafa Cetin Colin Witt Szymon Dziewoński Elizabeth Orwig Aleks Maksimow Frederik Vollert Lisa Reisch And You? h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ English We're hiring! Solutions pa|Jedna lokalizační platforma pro celý tým Propojte Phrase se svými oblíbenými nástroji a službami Snadná integrace a jednoduchá správa přímo z příkazového řádku Koordinujte svůj tým pomocí rolí a přiřazování úloh Pracujte rychleji a sledujte v reálném čase, jak se změny projeví v kontextu Pracujte s přeloženým obsahem přímo v rozvržení ze svého oblíbeného nástroje Naše mise a příběh společnosti Phrase Jak společnosti po celém světě efektivně lokalizují Rosteme! Podívejte se na naše aktuální nabídky práce Vše, co potřebujete k tomu, abyste mohli začít Přečtěte si novinky a tipy z oblasti lokalizace Další informace o funkcích a doporučených postupech Vše, co potřebujete vědět o lokalizaci Průvodce krok za krokem k pochopení základů lokalizace Vyzkoušejte si, jak se s Phrase pracuje Naše API je navrženo tak, aby vyhovovalo všem procesům lokalizace softwaru. Pomocí API můžete snadno importovat , stahovat je, označovat klíče nebo komunikovat různými způsoby s lokalizačními daty uloženými ve Phrase. Požadavky lokalizačních týmů po celém světě se liší. Díky širokým možnostem integrace, jako je naše API, Over The Air, GitHub a GitLab Sync, můžete snadno integrovat Phrase do svého pracovního postupu. , s co nejlepším možným kontextem a pomocí - to je v kostce Editor překladů. Pracujte rychleji s využitím nejlepšího nástroje k dispozici. Phrase nabízí celou řadu funkcí speciálně navržených pro zvýšení , jako je slovník, překladová paměť, In-Context Editor, SmartSuggest a mnoho dalších. 06/03/2019 „Takto by měl vypadat systém pro správu překladu“ „Rychlá a snadná integrace, skvělá podpora pro většinu formátů souborů a překladových knihoven, úžasné rozhraní pro tvůrce obsahu a velmi kvalitní dokumentace.“ 12/01/2019 „Jednoduché použití pro vývojáře“ „Aplikace Phrase nabízí vývojářům velmi dobré rozhraní API. Zejména nový režim úpravy překladů v reálném čase je opravdu užitečný, protože přímo vidíte změny, které uděláte.“ 05/23/2019 „Nejlepší zážitek z překladového systému“ „Na Phrase si cením jednoduchosti, toho, že je vhodný i pro úplné začátečníky. Od samého začátku jsem neměl jakýkoliv problém, protože vše je snadné a intuitivní.“ 04/21/2019 „Zapomeňte na to, že někde chybí překlady“ „Spolupracovat a sledovat pokrok při překládání našich produktů nyní může každý. Phrase také nabízí skvělou a snadnou integraci, výkonné rozhraní CLI a ještě lepší API, díky čemuž je snadnou volbou pro každého vývojáře.“ „Jednoduše perfektní“ „Funguje bezproblémově, velmi snadno se nastavuje a používá. Phrase promptně reaguje na požadavky a neustále doplňuje nové funkce.“ „Díky Phrase můžeme rozšířit naše obchodní a produktové portfolio, aniž bychom se museli obávat komplikací souvisejících s lokalizací.“ „Proces lokalizace je mnohem jednodušší, což usnadňuje vydávání nových verzí a přidávání nových překladů.“ „Technologie společnosti Phrase výrazně zlepšuje celkovou jazykovou kvalitu nástroje. Naše komunikace zní přirozeněji, což naši zákazníci velmi oceňují.“ „Díky Phrase jsme byli schopni modernizovat naše lokalizační procesy a rozšířit naši sadu aplikací mezi širší globální publikum.“ „Phrase je důležitou součástí úspěšné mezinárodní expanze společnosti Kreditech, co se týká zemí i produktů!“ „Phrase nabízí nejlepší prostředí pro vývojáře a ideální řešení pro nepřetržité nasazování na trhu. Od chvíle, kdy jsme začali hledat řešení, Phrase se stal rychle naším favoritem.“ „Díky snadno použitelné a intuitivní platformě se řešení společnosti Phrase stalo zásadním a důvěryhodným nástrojem pro naši expanzi do Francie.“ „Díky Phrase náš malý, ale silný tým může bezproblémově lokalizovat obsah digitálních aplikací.“ „Phrase překonal naše očekávání. Pomohl nám zefektivnit procesy lokalizace a stát se lídrem v oboru. Výsledky mluví sami za sebe.“ Snadné nastavení. Dvoutýdenní zkušební verze zdarma. Nákup nebo zrušení kdykoliv. di|Řešení Integrace Vývojáři Manažeři Překladatelé Návrháři O nás Zákazníci Kariéra Dokumentace Blog Webináře E-knihy InfografikaVývojář Zjistěte více Manažer Zjistěte více Překladatel Zjistěte více Návrhář Zjistěte více Je čas začít Informace o produktu Společnost Podpora Naše řešení Bezpečnost informací h1|Nejefektivnější, nejrychlejší a nejspolehlivější lokalizační platforma h2|Vše, co potřebujete k nastavení robustního procesu lokalizace pro potřeby globálního růstu vašeho podnikání Nejlépe hodnocený systém pro řízení lokalizace softwaru Lokalizační proces, na který se může celý tým 100% spolehnout Preferované řešení překladů pro více než 1000 společností po celém světě h3|Využijte sílu škálovatelné platformy pro správu lokalizace, vstupte na nové trhy a zajistěte své značce globální růst. Phrase je místo, kde se potkávají lokalizační týmy a organizují si efektivně překladatelské procesy. Phrase je ideální řešení pro správu překladatelského procesu, se zapojením všech členů týmu. Obchodní expanze na nové trhy, snaha o rychlejší uvádění na trh a zlepšování uživatelského prostředí, to jsou jen některé z důvodů, proč mnoho společností dává pro účely lokalizace přednost Phrase. h4|Rychlý návod pro vývojáře Začínáme Phrase důvěřuje více než 1000 společností sp|Přepnout navigaci JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Frontend manažer, středně velká firma (51 až 200 zaměstnanců) Philip B Vývojář softwaru, velký podnik (1001 až 5000 zaměstnanců) Valeria C Samostatný překladatel, velký podnik (1001 až 5000 zaměstnanců) Oswaldo A Front-end inženýr, informační technologie a služby, malý podnik (11 až 50 zaměstnanců) David-Benjamin B Generální ředitel, malý podnik (2 až 10 zaměstnanců) Čeština Hledáme nové kolegy! Řešení pa|A plataforma de localização única para reunir toda a sua equipe Conecte o Phrase às suas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente na sua linha de comando Coordene sua equipe com funções dedicadas e tarefas atribuíveis Acelere seu fluxo de trabalho e veja as alterações no texto em um contexto ativo Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente em seus designs a partir de sua ferramenta favorita Nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como empresas em todo o mundo estão usando a localização de forma eficiente Estamos crescendo! Veja nossas vagas no momento Todas as informações que você precisa para começar Leia as últimas ideias e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e as melhores práticas Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender a visão geral da localização Experimente o Phrase você mesmo. Nossa API é projetada para se ajustar a todos os processos de localização de software. Você pode facilmente importar e baixar , inserir tags em keys ou interagir de múltiplas formas com os dados de localização armazenados no Phrase por meio da API. Os requisitos das equipes de localização em todo o mundo diferem. Ao fornecer uma variedade de possibilidades de integração, como nossa API, Over the Air, GitHub e GitLab Sync, você pode facilmente integrar Phrase em seu fluxo de trabalho. rapidamente com o máximo de contexto e assistência possível é o objetivo do Translation Editor. Trabalhe com mais rapidez ao usar a ferramenta certa para o trabalho. O Phrase fornece uma série de funcionalidades especificamente projetadas para melhorar a , tais como o nosso Glossário, a Translation Memory, o In-Context Editor, o SmartSuggest e muitos mais. 06/03/2019 "É assim que um sistema de gerenciamento de tradução deve ser" “Integração rápida e fácil com git, excelente suporte para a maioria dos formatos de arquivo e bibliotecas de tradução, interface incrível para os criadores de conteúdo e uma documentação muito boa.” 12/01/2019 “Fácil de usar para desenvolvedores” “O aplicativo Phrase oferece uma API muito boa para desenvolvedores. Em especial, o novo modo de edição ao vivo de traduções é bastante útil, pois dá para ver diretamente as alterações que estão sendo aplicadas.“ 05/23/2019 “Melhor experiência em um sistema de tradução” “O Phrase é simples e amigável para iniciantes. Desde o começo, eu o usei sem problemas, porque ele é simples e intuitivo.” 04/21/2019 "Esqueça as traduções ausentes" “Todos podem colaborar e sentir o progresso enquanto traduzem os nossos produtos. Também possui integrações excelentes e fáceis, uma CLI poderosa e uma API ainda melhor, sendo uma escolha fácil para qualquer desenvolvedor. ” "Simplesmente Perfeito" “Simplesmente funciona sem falhas, muito fácil de configurar e utilizar. A equipe de Sentenças é muito responsiva e continua adicionando novos recursos. ” "Graças ao Phrase, conseguimos expandir nosso negócio e portfólio de produtos sem nunca precisarmos nos preocupar com a localização." “O processo de localização é muito mais simplificado, o que torna muito mais fácil lançar novas versões e adicionar novos regionalismos.” "A variedade de respostas que o Phrase oferece melhora de forma significativa a qualidade geral de idioma da ferramenta; ele soa mais natural, o que o torna muito mais atraente para os nossos clientes." "Com o Phrase, estamos sendo capazes de modernizar nosso processo de localização e a levar nosso pacote de aplicativos a um público global maior." “O Phrase foi uma parte importante na expansão internacional bem-sucedida da Kreditech, tanto a nível de Países quanto de Produto!” "O Phrase é a solução mais acessível para desenvolvedores e de fácil implantação contínua no mercado. Logo quando começamos a procurar por uma solução, o Phrase se destacou rapidamente." "A plataforma colaborativa, intuitiva e fácil de usar do Phrase se mostrou uma ferramenta importante e confiável durante nossa expansão na França." "O Phrase tem sido essencial para permitir que nossa pequena, mas poderosa equipe de engenharia pudesse localizar com perfeição os aplicativos digitais." "O Phrase superou nossas expectativas. O software nos ajudou a agilizar nossa localização e a nos tornarmos líderes no setor. Os resultados falam por si mesmos." Fácil de configurar. Teste grátis por 14 dias. Adquira ou cancele a qualquer momento. di|Soluções Integrações Desenvolvedores Gerentes Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Oportunidades de trabalho Documentação Blog Webinários Ebooks InfográficosDesenvolvedor Saiba mais Gerente Saiba mais Tradutor Saiba mais Designer Saiba mais Hora de começar Informações do produto Empresa Suporte Nossas soluções Segurança da informação h1|A plataforma de localização mais simples, rápida e confiável h2|Tudo o que você precisa para amplificar o seu processo de localização para crescer globalmente Sistema de Gerenciamento de Tradução melhor avaliado por clientes de verdade Um processo de localização no qual a sua equipe inteira pode confiar A solução em tradução preferida por mais de 1.000 empresas no mundo todo h3|Use o poder de uma plataforma escalável de gerenciamento de localização de software para conquistar novos mercados de forma segura, com todo o progresso e sem contratempos. Phrase é o lugar onde equipes de localização se juntam para lançar traduções da maneira mais otimizada possível. O Phrase é uma solução de gestão de traduções criada tendo a equipe toda em mente. Expandir negócios a nível global, atingir mercados com mais rapidez e criar melhores experiências do usuário são apenas alguns dos motivos pelos quais muitas empresas procuram o Phrase para as suas necessidades de localização. h4|Início rápido para desenvolvedores Primeiros passos Confiado por mais de 1.000 empresas sp|Navegação Alternada JOB LANDING PAGE Valentin P Gerente Front-end, Mercado Intermediário (51-200 funcionários) Philip B Desenvolvedor de software, empresa grande (1001-5000 funcionários) Valeria C Tradutor independente, empresa grande (1001-5000 funcionários) Oswaldo A Engenheiro Front-end, Tecnologia da Informação e Serviços, Pequenas Empresas (11-50 funcionários) David-Benjamin B Diretor Executivo, Pequenas Empresas (2-10 funcionários) Português (Brasil) Estamos contratando! Soluções “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions em|v3.0, last revised January 08, 2020 pa|Die einzige Lokalisierungsplattform, die dein gesamtes Team zusammenbringt Verbinde Phrase mit deinen Lieblings-Tools und -Services Leicht zu integrieren und einfach zu verwalten, direkt von der Kommandozeile aus Koordiniere dein Team mit zuweisbaren Rollen und Aufgaben Beschleunige deinen Workflow und betrachte Textänderungen im live Kontext Übersetze deine Designs in alle Sprachen - ohne dein Design Tool zu verlassen Unsere Mission und wie alles begann Wie effiziente Lokalisierung bei Unternehmen weltweit funktioniert Wir wachsen! Schau dir unsere offenen Stellen an Alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen Informiere dich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Tutorials zum Thema Lokalisierung Lerne mehr über einzelne Features und Best Practices Alles, was du über Lokalisierung wissen musst Grafisch dargestellte Anleitungen, um Lokalisierung besser zu verstehen Probiere Phrase selbst aus Lade den Client von herunter und installiere ihn. Auf macOS ist alternativ die Installation via Homebrew möglich: Nutze das Kommando um dein Projekt zu initialisieren und zu konfigurieren. Nutze das Kommando zum Hochladen deiner bestehenden Übersetzungsdateien. di|Lösungen Integrationen Entwicklung Management Übersetzung Design Über uns Erfolgs-Storys Karriere Dokumentation Blog Webinare E-Books Infografiken Demo CLI v1 findest du auf Produktinformation Unternehmen Hilfe Unsere Lösungen Informationssicherheit h2|Die gesamte Phrase API in deinem Terminal. Mit Version 2 unseres CLI Tools. h3|Mit dem neuen Phrase CLI Tool kannst du deine Projekte und Übersetzungen ganz schnell und einfach von deiner Konsole aus steuern, anstatt dich mit langen curl requests herumzuärgern. Windows, Linux und macOS Versionen sind verfügbar. h4|Für Softwareentwicklungs-Teams Erste Schritte 1. Laden und installieren 2. Initializieren 3. Hochladen sp|Navigation ein/ausblenden Deutsch Wir stellen ein! Lösungen pa|La única plataforma de localización para reunir a todo tu equipo Conecta Phrase a tus herramientas y servicios favoritos Fácil de integrar y fácil de administrar, directamente desde tu línea de comandos Coordina tu equipo con roles específicos y trabajos asignables Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y ve los cambios de texto en un contexto en vivo Trabaje con contenido traducido directamente en sus diseños desde su herramienta favorita. Nuestra misión y la historia detrás de Phrase Empresas de todo el mundo que se localizan de forma eficiente. Así lo hacen ¡Seguimos creciendo! Consulta nuestras ofertas de empleo Toda la información que necesitas para comenzar Lee los últimos conocimientos y tutoriales de localización Obtenga más información sobre las funciones y las prácticas recomendadas Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la localización Guías paso a paso para comprender el panorama general de la localización Prueba Phrase por ti mismo. Descarga e instala el cliente desde . En macOS también puedes instalarlo a través de homebrew: Utiliza la acción para inicializar y configurar tu proyecto. Usa la acción para subir tus archivos de idioma actuales a Phrase. di|Soluciones Integraciones Desarrolladores Gerentes Traductores Diseñadores Acerca de nosotros Clientes Ofertas de empleo Documentación Blog Seminarios web Ebooks Infografías Demo CLI v1 puede encontrarse en Información del producto Empresa Soporte Nuestras soluciones Seguridad de la información h2|Toda la API de Phrase API en tu dispositivo. Con la herramienta CLI v2 de Phrase. h3|Con la herramienta CLI de Phrase puedes explorar tus proyectos y traducciones rápidamente desde la línea de comandos, sin tener que crear largas cadenas de CURL. Disponible para Linux, macOS y Windows. h4|Inicio rápido para desarrolladores Primeros pasos 1. Descargar e instalar 2. Inicializar 3. Cargar sp|Activar/desactivar navegación Español ¡Estamos contratando! Soluciones pa|Het enige lokalisatieplatform dat je hele team samenbrengt Verbind Phrase met je favoriete tools en diensten Makkelijk te integreren en eenvoudig te beheren, direct vanaf je opdrachtregel Coördineer je team met toegewijde rollen en toewijsbare jobs Versnel je workflow en bekijk kopijveranderingen in een live context Werk direct met vertaalde inhoud in je designs van je favoriete tool. Onze missie en het verhaal achter Phrase Hoe bedrijven over de hele wereld efficiënt worden gelokaliseerd We breiden uit! Bekijk onze vacatures Alle informatie die je nodig hebt om te beginnen Lees over de laatste inzichten voor lokalisatie en tutorials Meer informatie over functies en best practices Alles wat u moet weten over lokalisatie Stapsgewijze richtlijnen om het grote plaatje van lokalisatie te leren begrijpen Probeer Phrase zelf uit. Download en installeer de client van . Op MacOS kun je ook installeren via homebrew: Gebruik de opdracht om je project te initialiseren en configureren. Gebruik de opdracht om je bestaande locale bestanden naar Phrase te uploaden. di|Oplossingen Integraties Ontwikkelaars Managers Vertalers Ontwerpers Over ons Klanten Carrière Documentatie Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographic Demo Je kunt CLI v1 vinden op Productinformatie Bedrijf Ondersteuning Onze oplossingen Beveiliging van informatie h2|De gehele Phrase API in jouw terminal. Met de Phrase CLI v2. h3|Met de Phrase CLI tool kun je snel door je projecten en vertalingen navigeren vanaf de opdrachtregel in plaats van gerommel met lange verzoeken. Beschikbaar voor Linux, MacOS en Windows. h4|Snelstart voor ontwikkelaars Beginnen 1. Download en installeer 2. Initialiseren 3. Uploaden sp|Toggle Navigation Nederlands We zoeken personeel! Oplossingen pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplattformen som bringer hele ditt team sammen Koble Phrase til verktøyene og tjenestene du bruker mest. Enkelt å integrere og enkel å håndtere - dire fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere ditt team med dedikerte roller og funksjoner Akselerer hastigheten på din arbeidsflyt og se endringer i en ekte sammenheng Jobb med oversatt innhold rett i designene dine fra favorittverktøyet ditt Vår misjon og historien bak Phrase Hvordan bedrifter over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se våre aktuelle åpninger All informasjonen du behøver for å komme i gang Les alt det nyeste om lokalisering og finn brukerveiledning Lær mer om funksjoner og beste praksis Alt du trenger å vite om lokalisering Trinnvise retningslinjer for å forstå det store bildet av lokaliseringen Prøv ut Phrase Last ned og installer klienten fra . På macOS kan du også installere via homebrew: Bruk -kommandoen for å initialisere og konfigurere prosjektet ditt. Bruk -kommandoen for å laste opp dine eksisterende språkfiler til Phrase. di|Løsninger Integrering Utviklere Administratorer Oversettere Designere Om oss Kunder Karriere Dokumentasjon Blogg Webinars E-bøker Infografikk Demo CLI v1 kan bli funnet på Produktinformasjon Virksomhet Hjelp Våre Løsninger Informasjonssikkerhet h2|Hele Phrase API-en i din terminal. Med Phrase CLI v2. h3|Phrase CLI-verktøyet lar deg navigere prosjektene og oversettelsene dine raskt fra kommandolinjen i stedet for å fikle med lange curl-forespørsler. Tilgjengelig for Linux, macOS og Windows. h4|Hurtig oppstart for utviklere Kom i gang 1. Last ned og installer 2. Initialiser 3. Last opp sp|Toggle Navigation Norsk (bokmål) Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|La seule plateforme de localisation qui réunit toute ton équipe Connecte Phrase à tes outils et services favoris. Facile à intégrer et simple à gérer, directement à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande Coordonne ton équipe avec des rôles dédiés et des jobs assignables Accélère ton workflow et vois les changements de copie dans un contexte réel Travaille avec du contenu traduit directement dans tes designs à partir de ton outil favori Notre mission et l'histoire derrière Phrase Comment des sociétés à travers le monde localisent efficacement Nous nous développons ! Consulte nos offres d'emploi actuelles Toutes les informations pour commencer Suis les dernières actualités et tutoriels sur la localisation Apprends-en plus sur les fonctionnalités et les meilleures pratiques Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la localisation Les grandes lignes pour comprendre la situation globale de la localisation Essaye Phrase par toi-même Télécharger et installer le client de . Sur macOS, vous pouvez également installer via homebrew : Utiliser la commande pour initialiser et configurer votre projet. Utiliser la commande pour télécharger vos fichiers locaux existants sur Phrase. di|Solutions Intégrations Développeurs Managers Traducteurs Designers A propos Clients Carrières Documentation Blog Webinars E-books Infographies Démo CLI v1 est disponible sur . Informations sur le produit Entreprise Support Nos solutions Sécurité de l'information h2|Toute l'API de la phrase dans votre terminal. Avec le CLI v2 de Phrase. h3|L'outil Phrase CLI vous permet de naviguer rapidement dans vos projets et traductions à partir de la ligne de commande au lieu d'utiliser les requêtes cURL. Disponible pour Linux, macOS et Windows. h4|Pour les développeurs Premiers pas 1. Télécharger et installer. 2. Initialiser 3. Télécharger sp|Basculer la Navigation Français Nous recrutons ! Solutions pa|L’unica piattaforma di localizzazione che riunisce tutto il tuo team Connetti Phrase ai tuoi strumenti e servizi preferiti Facile da integrare e semplice da gestire, direttamente dalla tua riga di comando Coordina il tuo team con ruoli mirati e lavori trasferibili Velocizza il tuo workflow e guarda i cambiamenti del testo in un contesto stimolante Lavora coi contenuti tradotti direttamente nei tuoi design, dal tuo strumento preferito La nostra missione e la storia dietro a Phrase Il modo in cui le aziende di tutto il mondo stanno localizzando efficientemente Stiamo crescendo! Visualizza le attuali opportunità Tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per cominciare Scopri le ultime novità e i tutorial sulla localizzazione Scopri di più su caratteristiche e migliori prassi Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla localizzazione Orientamento passo per passo alla comprensione di un quadro generale della localizzazione Prova Phrase. Scarica e installa il client da . Su macOS è possibile installare anche tramite homebrew: Usa il comando per inizializzare e configurare il progetto. Usa il comando per caricare i file locali esistenti su Phrase. di|Soluzioni Integrazioni Developer Manager Traduttori Designer Su di noi Clienti Carriere Documentazione Blog Webinar Ebook Infografiche Demo CLI v1 può essere trovato su Informazione prodotto Azienda Supporto Le nostre soluzioni Sicurezza delle informazioni h2|L'intera API di Phrase nel tuo terminale. Con il CLI v2 di Phrase. h3|Lo strumento CLI di Phrase consente di navigare rapidamente tra i progetti e le traduzioni dalla riga di comando invece di armeggiare con lunghe richieste di curl. Disponibile per Linux, macOS e Windows. h4|Guida rapida per developer Introduzione 1. Scarica e installa 2. Inizializza 3. Carica sp|Toggle Navigation Italiano Assumiamo! Soluzioni pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplatform som bringer hele dit team sammen Forbind Phrase med dine foretrukne værktøjer og services Nemt at integrere og simpelt at håndtere - direkte fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere dit team med dedikerede roller og funktioner Sæt skub i dine arbejdsgange og se ændringer i dit indhold live. Arbejd med oversat indhold direkte i dine designs fra dit foretrukne værktøj Vores mission og historien bag Phrase Hvordan forretninger over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se vores nuværende åbninger Al information du har brug for for at komme i gang Læs alt det nyeste om lokalisering og find tutorials Læs mere om funktioner og bedste praksis Dyk dybt ned i alle ting lokalisering med vores gratis e-bøger Trin-for-trin retningslinjer til at kunne forstå det store billede af lokalisering Prøv selv Phrase. Download og installer klienten fra . På macOS kan du installere via homebrew: Brug kommandoen til at initialisere og konfigurere dit projekt. Brug kommandoen til at oploade dine eksisterende lokale filer til Phrase. di|Løsninger Integrationer Udviklere Managere Oversættere Designere Om os Kunder Karrierer Dokumentation Blog Webinars E-bøger Infografik Demo CLI v1 kan findes på Produktinformation Virksomhed Support Vores Løsninger Informationssikkerhed h2|Hele Phrase API i din terminal. Med Phrase CLI v2. h3|Phrase CLI-værktøjet lader dig navigere hurtigt rundt i dine projekter og oversættelser fra kommandolinjen i stedet for at rode rundt med lange krølleanmodninger. Tilgængelig til Linux, macOS og Windows. h4|Hurtig opstart for udviklere Kom i gang 1. Download og installer 2. Initialiser 3. Opload sp|Toggle Navigation Dansk Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|A única plataforma de localização que vai reunir toda a tua equipa Liga o Phrase às tuas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente a partir da tua linha de comandos Coordena a tua equipa com funções específicas e trabalhos atribuíveis. Acelera o teu fluxo de trabalho e vê as alterações efetuadas em contexto real Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente nos seus designs a partir da sua ferramenta favorita A nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como é que empresas em todo o mundo estão a localizar-se eficazmente Estamos a crescer! Veja as nossas vagas Todas as informações de que precisas para começar Mantém-te a par dos mais recentes conhecimentos e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e boas práticas Tudo o que tens de saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender o panorama geral da localização Experimenta já a Phrase Faça o download e instale o cliente a partir de . Use o comando para inicializar e configurar o seu projeto. Use o comando para fazer o upload dos seus ficheiros locais existentes para a Phrase. di|Soluções Integrações Programadores Gestores Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Carreiras Documentação Blog Conferências via Web Ebooks Infográficos Demo Pode encontrar a CLI v1 em Informações acerca do produto Empresa Suporte As Nossas Soluções Segurança da informação h2|Toda a Phrase API no seu terminal. Com a Phrase CLI v2. h3|A Phrase CLI tool permite navegar nos seus projetos e traduções rapidamente a partir da linha de comando em vez de perder tempo com peddos longos. Disponível para Linux, macOS e Windows. h4|Início Rápido para Programadores Guia de Utilização 1. Faça o download e instale 2. Inicializar 3. Upload sp|Navegação Alternada Português Estamos a contratar! Soluções pa|Jedna platforma lokalizacyjna, która połączy cały zespół Połącz Phrase ze swoimi ulubionymi narzędziami i usługami Łatwa integracja i proste zarządzanie, bezpośrednio z linii poleceń Koordynuj swój zespół dedykując role i przydzielając zadania Przyspiesz swój przepływ pracy i obserwuj na bieżąco zmiany w kontekście Pracuj z przetłumaczonymi treściami bezpośrednio w swoich projektach, ze swojego ulubionego urządzenia. Nasza misja i historia powstania Phrase W jaki sposób skutecznie lokalizują firmy na całym świecie Rozwijamy się! Zobacz aktualne oferty pracy Wszystkie informacje potrzebne do rozpoczęcia pracy Przeczytaj najnowsze informacje na temat lokalizacji oraz zobacz tutoriale Dowiedz się więcej o funkcjach i najlepszych rozwiązaniach Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o lokalizacji Przewodnik krok po kroku ułatwiający zrozumienie pełnego obrazu lokalizacji Sam wypróbuj Phrase. Pobierz i zainstaluj klienta z . Na macOS tez można zainstalować przez homebrew: Użyj polecenia, aby zainicjować i skonfigurować swój projekt Użyj polecenia, aby przesłać istniejące locale do Phrase. di|Rozwiązania Integracje Programiści Menedżerowie Tłumacze Projektanci O nas Klienci Kariera Dokumentacja Blog Webinaria Ebooki Infografiki Demo CLI v1 można znaleźć na Informacje o produkcie Firma Wsparcie Nasze rozwiązania Bezpieczeństwo informacji h2|Cała Phrase API w Twoim terminalu. Z narzędziem Phrase CLI v2. h3|Narzędzie Phrase CLI pozwala szybko nawigować projekty i tłumaczenia z wiersza poleceń zamiast manipulowania przy długich żądaniach curl. Dostępne na Linuxa, macOS i Windowsa. h4|Szybki start dla programistów Rozpoczynanie pracy 1. Pobierz i zainstaluj 2. Zainicjuj 3. Prześlij sp|Nawigacja Toggle Polski Zatrudniamy! Rozwiązania pa|チーム全体をまとめる、ただひとつのプラットフォーム Phraseをお気に入りのツールやサービスにつなげよう コマンドラインから直接、簡単な統合、シンプルな管理 役割、割当て可能なジョブとチームをコーディネートする ワークフローをより迅速にし、コピーチェンジを現実のコンテキストに合わせて調整 翻訳されたコンテンツをあなたのお気に入りのツールからあなたのデザインで直接扱います Phraseの使命と秘話 いかにして世界中の企業は効率的にローカライズを行っているのか Phraseは日々成長しています! 現在の求人を見る 使用を開始するために必要な全情報 最新のローカライゼーション考察およびチュートリアルを読む 更になる特徴と最善の方法を知る ローカリゼーションに関する知識が必要なすべて ローカリゼーションの全体像を理解するための、ステップごとのガイドライン Phrase を試す クライアントを からダウンロードしてインストール。 あなたのプロジェクトを初期化し設定するには コマンドを使用してください。 Phraseへとあなたの現存のローカルファイルをアップロードするには コマンドを使用してください。 di|ソリューション 統合 開発者 マネージャー トランスレーター デザイナーズ 企業情報 カスタマー 採用情報 ドキュメンテーション ブログ ウェビナー 電子書籍 インフォグラフィック デモ CLI v1は で見つけることができます 製品情報 企業 サポート ソリューション 情報セキュリティ h2|あなたのターミナル内でPhrase API全てを。 Phrase CLI v2ツールと共に。 h3|長いcurlリクエストを弄る代わりに、Phrase CLIツールはあなたのプロジェクトと翻訳を素早くコマンドラインからナビゲートすることを可能にします。Linux、 macOS そして Windows向けに利用可能です。 h4|開発者用クイックスタート 開始 1. ダウンロードとインストール 2. 初期化 3.アップロード sp|トグル型ナビゲーション 日本語 キャリア ソリューション pa|팀 전체를 하나로 묶어주는 로컬리제이션 플랫폼 Phrase를 선호하시는 도구 및 서비스와 연동하세요 명령줄에서 직접 쉬운 통합과 편리한 관리가 가능합니다. 전담 역할 및 할당 가능한 작업들을 기반으로 팀 조정 워크플로우를 가속화하고 라이브 컨텍스트에서 복사 변경 사항 보기 즐겨 사용하는 도구를 사용한 디자인에서 번역된 내용으로 직접 작업하세요 Phrase의 사명과 뒷 이야기 전 세계의 비즈니스를 효율적으로 현지화하는 방법 우리는 성장하고 있습니다! 현재 채용 정보를 살펴 보세요 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 정보 최신 로컬리제이션 인사이트 및 튜토리얼 읽기 기능과 모범사례에 대해 알아보세요 로컬라이제이션에 대해 알아야 할 모든 사항 현지화 전반을 이해하기 위한 단계별 가이드라인 Phrase을 직접 사용해 보세요. 다음 링크에서 클라이언트를 다운로드하고 설치. 커맨드를 이용해 프로젝트 초기 설정을 하세요. 커맨드를 이용해 로케일 파일을 Phrase에 업로드하세요. di|솔루션 통합 개발자 관리자 번역가들 디자이너 회사 소개 고객들 채용 정보 문서화 블로그 웨비나 전자책 인포그래픽 데모 CLI v1은 에서 구하실 수 있습니다 제품 정보 기업 지원 저희의 솔루션 정보 보안 h2|Phrase API가 모두 당신의 터미널에. Phrase CLI v2 과 함께. h3|Phrase CLI Tool을 이용하면 CURL 리퀘스트에 긴 시간을 쓰지 않고도 커맨드라인에서 간편하게 프로젝트와 번역을 확인할 수 있습니다. Linux, macOS 및 Windows에서 사용 가능. h4|개발자를 위한 빠른 시작 시작하기 1. 다운로드 및 설치 2. 초기 설정 3. 업로드 sp|토글 네비게이션 한국어 새로운 직원들을 채용 중입니다! 솔루션 pa|一个管理平台,全团队共同使用。 将 Phrase 连接到最喜爱的工具和服务 通过命令行实现无缝集成,轻松管理。 为你的团队成员指定用户角色并分配任务。 加快你的进度并实时预览翻译字条的界面语境 通过您喜欢的工具,直接在设计中处理翻译好的内容 我们的使命和Phrase背后的故事 世界各地的企业如何在高效地本地化 我们在成长!查看我们的招聘信息 快速一阅,轻松上手 阅览最新的本地化教程与话题博文 了解有关功能和最佳实践策略 你的本地化全方位指南 了解本地化概况的详细指南 亲自试试Phrase吧 下载并安装客户端: 。 使用 命令以初始化并配置您的项目。 使用 命令以上传您的现有本地化文件到 Phrase。 di|解决方案 集成 开发人员 管理人员 翻译人员 设计师 关于我们 我们的客户 求职栏 参考文档 博客 在线研讨会 E手册 信息图表 演示 可以在 上找到 CLI v1 产品信息 公司简介 相关支持 对策锦集 信息安全 h2|整个 Phrase API 都在您的终端中。 使用 Phrase CLI v2。 h3|此 Phrase CLI Tool 让您通过命令行快速浏览您的项目和译文,而无需处理麻烦且冗长的请求。支持 Linux、macOS 和 Windows。 h4|开发人员速成班 入门指南 1. 下载并安装 2. 初始化 3. 上传 sp|切换导航 中文 我们在招聘! 解决方案 pa|Единая платформа для всех членов команды локализации Подключите Phrase к вашим любимым инструментам и сервисам Простота интеграции и управления, непосредственно из командной строки. Координируйте работу своей команды, распределяйте роли и задачи Ускорьте рабочий процесс внося изменения в режиме реального времени. Работай с переводимым контентом непосредственно в своих проектах с использованием любимого инструмента. Наша миссия и история за Phrase Как компании во всем мире эффективно локализуются Мы растем! Посмотреть наши Вакансии Все, что необходимо для начала работы Будьте в курсе последних новостей о локализации Подробнее о функциях и передовых практиках Всё, что вам нужно знать о локализации Пошаговое руководство для понимания общей картины локализации Запросить демонстрацию Phrase Загрузите и установите клиент из . В macOS вы также можете установить через homebrew: Используйте команду для инициализации и настройки вашего проекта. Используйте команду для загрузки существующих файлов локали в Phrase. di|Продукт Интеграции Разработчикам Менеджерам Переводчикам Проектировщики О нас Клиенты Карьера Документация Блог Вебинары Электронные книги Инфографика Демо-версия CLI v1 можно найти на Информация о продукте О компании Служба поддержки Наши продукты Информационная безопасность h2|Интегрируйте Phrase API в ваш терминал используя Phrase CLI v2. h3|Phrase CLI позволяет быстро перемещаться по своим проектам и переводам с помощью командной строки. Доступно для Linux, macOS и Windows. h4|Quickstart для разработчиков Начало работы 1. Загрузить и установить 2. Инициализировать 3. Загрузить sp|Показать/скрыть навигацию русский Присоединяйся! Продукт pa|Lokalisointialusta, joka tuo koko tiimisi yhteen Yhdistä Phrase lempityökaluihisi ja -palveluihisi Helppo integroida ja yksinkertainen hallita, suoraan komentoriviltä Koordinoi tiimiäsi erikoistuneilla rooleilla ja jaettavilla tehtävillä Nopeuta työnkulkujasi ja näe tekstin muutokset live-ympäristössä Käytä käännettyä sisältöä suoraan luonnoksiin suosikkityökalussasi Missiomme ja tarina Phrasein taustalla Kuinka liikeyritykset kaikkialla maailmassa lokalisoivat tehokkaasti Olemme kasvussa! Katso avoimet paikkamme Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää päästäksesi alkuun Lue viimeisimmät lokalisointivinkit ja ohjeet Lue lisää toiminnoista ja parhaista käytännöistä Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää lokalisoinnista Ohjeet, jotka auttavat ymmärtämään lokalisaation kokonaiskuvan vaihe vaiheelta Kokeile Phraseia itse. Lataa ja asenna asiakasohjelma osoitteesta . macOSissa asennus on myös mahdollista asentaa Homebrew'n kautta: Käytä -komentoa projektisi käynnistämiseen ja muokkaamiseen. Käytä -komentoa siirtääksesi tiedostosi Phraseen. di|Ratkaisut Integraatiot Kehittäjät Päälliköt Kääntäjät Suunnittelijat Tietoja meistä Asiakkaat Urat Dokumentaatio Blogi Webinars E-kirjoja Infografiikat Demo CLI v1 löytyy täältä: Tuotetiedot Yritys Asiakastuki Ratkaisumme Tietoturva h2|Koko Phrasen ohjelmointirajapinta omassa terminaalissasi Phrase CLI v2:n avulla. h3|Phrase CLI -työkalun avulla voit siirtyä projektista ja käännöksestä toiseen suoraan komentorivin kautta ilman tarvetta pitkien pyyntöketjujen käyttöön. Saatavilla Linuxille, macOSille ja Windowsille. h4|Pikaohjeet kehittäjille Aloittaminen 1. Lataa ja asenna 2. Aloita 3. Lataa tiedosto sp|Toggle Navigation Suomi Rekrytoimme! Ratkaisut pa|Üks lokaliseerimisplatvorm, mis toob kogu teie meeskonna kokku Connect Phrase to your favorite tools and services Lihtne ühendada ja kerge hallata otse oma käsuliinilt Koordineerige oma meeskond spetsiaalsete rollide ja määratud töökohtadega Kiirendage oma töövoogu ja vaadake kopeerimismuudatusi live-kontekstisKogu vajalik teave alustamiseks Loe viimastest lokaliseerimisest ja õpetustest Rohkem teavet funktsioonide ja parimate tavade kohta Kõik, mida vaja teada lokaliseerimine Samm-sammult suunised, et mõista suurt pilti lokaliseerimine Proovige meie Phrasei ise. Laadige alla ja installige klient . macOS-is saate installida ka homebrewi kaudu: Projekti käivitamiseks ja konfigureerimiseks kasutage . Kasutage oma olemasolevate failide üleslaadimiseks Phrase. di|Lahendused Integratsioonid Arendajad Haldajad Tõlkijad Designers About us Kliendid Careers Dokumentatsioon Blogi Webinars E-raamatud Infograafika Demo CLI v1 can be found on Tooteinfo Ettevõte Abi Meie lahendused Infoturve h2|Kogu Phrase API teie terminalis. Phrase CLI v2 tööriistaga. h3|Phrase CLI tööriist võimaldab teil oma projektides ja tõlgetes käsurealt kiiresti liikuda, selle asemel, et pika curl-taotlustega ringi liikuda. Saadaval Linux, macOS ja Windows. h4|Kiire start arendajatele Alustamine 1. Laadige alla ja installige 2. Alusta 3. Laadige üles sp|Navigeerimise aktiveerimine Eesti keel Pakume tööd! Lahendused We collaborate on eye level with our customers. Our relationships with customers are long-term. The challenges of our customers are our challenges. Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for learning. We aim for gold, not silver or bronze. We are driven to succeed. We believe in agility and speed and strive for continuous improvement. We are in this together. We are team players and help each other out.We value the skills and ideas of our colleagues. We embrace our ideas being challenged. We love to collaborate. We trust each other. We believe people of different backgrounds, cultures, languages and thinking styles spark our creativity. We insist on a culture of respect. We don’t tolerate closed mindsets or statements. We nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. We take smart risks and are open to possible failure. We take initiatives and move things forward. We encourage autonomous decision making. Be part of a young, dynamic team of great, open minded people who all have their own skills and talents, but are unified by the same passion to build something that matters. Work in a professional environment where you can be productive and have fun as well. We support each other and give you the freedom you need to work effectively. Enjoy working in our bright, spacious designer office located in the center of Hamburg. We give everyone their own place to think and room to collaborate. Enjoy our kitchen with everything you need and space to sit together for lunch. Additionally, there are always free drinks and fruits for a healthy snack. We definitely enjoy our rooftop terrace with its panoramic view over Hamburg. Whether it is a good old BBQ with a cold beer or a nice breakfast, we like to come together after work is done. We are structured in an agile self-organizing system that encourages each team member contribute and fully unfold their creativity, personal skills and talents. We are constantly evolving and striving to always share our knowledge and individual strengths among our team. Learn from software engineering and localization experts to explore your path. We are constantly working with the latest technologies in our software development, always striving for the highest code quality and caring about the next person who has to work with it. “Experiencing us all growing together is awesome!” “Like in sports, an outstanding team makes you perform best. I’m delighted to be part of such an awesome team here at Phrase!” “It’s really rewarding to make the work of engineering teams all over the world just a little bit easier every day.” We’d still love to hear from you. Contact us or simply apply proactively! Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Time to get started Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h1|Join Phrase! h2|Our core values Your Benefits What our employees say Current openings From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Help us to make teams around the world more productive by providing a more reliable and transparent software localization platform. h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Customer Partnership Excellence Teamwork Cultural Diversity Ownership Work with great people Flexible environment in which work is fun Nice and perfectly located penthouse office Free drinks & fruits Regular team events Progressive hierarchy system Learn from people with all kinds of expertise Work with the latest technologies Didn't find the position you're looking for? sp|Toggle Navigation David Ost Product Manager Jannis Rhein Head of Sales Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer English We're hiring! Solutions For small teams wanting to grow their business through localization. MONTHLY BILLING ANNUAL BILLING For product and engineering teams looking for a streamlined and automated localization process. MONTHLY BILLING ANNUAL BILLING For large teams and global brands looking for advanced customization and enterprise compliance. MONTHLY BILLING ANNUAL BILLING With our ISO 27001 certification and TISAX AL 2 conformity, and with strict adherence to EU data-protection policies, Phrase ensures your data stays safe. You can add user seats to your plan at any time. The following rates apply for additional users in the respective annual plan: You can add user seats to your plan at any time. The following rates apply for additional users in the respective monthly plan: Everybody who is working in Phrase is a user, no matter if it is a manager, translator, designer, or developer. For our Basic plan, there is no minimum number of users. For our Advanced plan, 5 user seats are the minimum, and for an Enterprise plan, 10 user seats are the minimum. You can add additional user seats at any time. The message, " You have reached your user limit", means that you need to book additional user seats for your account before you can invite more users. We offer payment via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), SEPA, bank transfer, and PayPal. Get in touch with our customer success team if you have special procurement requirements such as a purchase order process. Our default payment terms are Net 14. During your 14-day free trial, you will have access to all features except for the customized services included in the Enterprise plan. We would be very happy to assist you at any time to find the best plan for your needs. All plans include API access, access to our Translation Center, and all of our supported formats. There is no limit on words, segments, or languages. You can upgrade your plan at any time. Your subscription automatically renews at the end of the billing period unless you cancel it in accordance with our terms and conditions. Downgrades take effect after your current billing period has ended. MAU (Monthly Active Users) are the unique monthly users of your mobile app. The MAU limit is only relevant if you're planning to localize a mobile app using our Over the Air feature. You can invite your team of translators at any time to deliver translations directly in Phrase. If required, you can also order professional translations from third-party translation vendors right from within our platform. For more details, please see our . Depending on the vendor you choose, rates for professional translations start at US$0.06 per word. “” “The localization process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales.” “The response variety that Phrase provides significantly improves the overall language quality of the tool; it sounds more natural, which makes it much more engaging for our customers.” “With Phrase, we have been able to modernize our localization process and bring our suite of applications to a wider global audience.” “Phrase has been an important part of Kreditech’s successful international expansion, both on a Country and on a Product level!” “Phrase is the most developer friendly and continuous-deployment friendly solution on the market. From the moment we started searching for a solution, Phrase quickly stood out from the crowd.” “Phrase's easy-to-use and intuitive collaboration platform made it an important trusted tool during our expansion into France.” “Phrase has been central in enabling our small-but-mighty engineering team to seamlessly localize digital applications.” “Phrase exceeded our expectations. The software helped us streamline our localization and become an industry leader. The results speak volumes.” Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Custom pricing Time to get started Compare plans Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security td|Source Copy Editing Key Tagging Translation Ordering Translation Editor Basic Search Advanced Search Basic Review Workflow Advanced Review Workflow Batch Actions Translation Memory Glossary Autofill History API Advanced API File format Conversion and Syntax Validation Over the Air Mobile SDK (Android and iOS) Slack Integration 40+ File Formats Command Line Tool GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Sync WordPress Integration Sketch Plugin Figma Plugin Webhook Integration Jira Integration Contentful Integration HMI Formats Zapier Integration Custom Integrations Comments and Mentioning Email and In-App Notifications Jobs In-Context Editor Screenshots SmartSuggest 2-Factor-Authentication User Roles and Access Control Reports Checks Branching Personal Account Manager Personal Onboarding Support On-Premise Hosting Custom SLA SAML / Single-Sign-On ISO and TISAX Custom Contracts / Agreements Spaces Teams Activity Tracking Project-based user roles Custom User Roles th|Basic Advanced Enterprise CAT Features Integrations Communication Context Cost and Process Control Enterprise Support Enterprise Compliance li|100 API requests / 5 minutes / user 1 project Unlimited words Unlimited languages Mobile SDK for 50,000 Max. 5 user seats Source Copy Editing Translation Ordering Basic Search User Roles and Access Control Translation Editor File Format Conversion & Syntax Validation 40+ File Formats Over the Air 1M machine-translated characters included 1000 API requests / 5 minutes / user Unlimited projects Unlimited words Unlimited languages Mobile SDK for 1,000,000 Min. 5 user seats Advanced Search Autofill Batch Actions Glossary History Jobs Advanced Review Workflow Translation Memory In-Context Editor Screenshots Sketch Plugin, Figma Plugin GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket Sync Jira Integration Webhook Integration WordPress Integration Slack Integration 1M+ machine-translated characters included Custom API Rate Limit Unlimited projects Unlimited words Unlimited languages Mobile SDK for 1,000,000+ Min. 10 user seats Personal Account Manager Personal Onboarding Custom SLA Activity Tracking Custom Contracts/Agreements Project-based user roles Custom user roles Certified ISO 27001 and TISAX AL 2 Compliance SAML/Single Sign-On Spaces Teams Contentful Integration HMI Formats Zapier Integration Custom Integrations Branching Checks Reports €19 per user/month $23 per user/month €29 per user/month $35 per user/month h1|Pricing h2|Frequently Asked Questions Why our customers love Phrase h3|All plans come with no limit on stored words. Choose a plan that is right for your team size and use case. Basic Advanced Enterprise Can I add user seats to my plan? How is a user defined in Phrase? Is there a minimum number of users or a user limit for any plan? Which payment options does Phrase offer? What is included in the trial? Can I upgrade? What is MAU? How can I get translations using Phrase? How much does ordering professional translations cost? h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Most popular Get Secure Trusted by 1,000+ companies sp|Toggle Navigation EUR USD € 19 per user / month $ 23 per user / month MAU CAT CMS € 29 per user / month $ 35 per user / month MAU CAT MAU Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING Thibaut Davoult Growth Engineer, Livestorm Christian Wendrock-Prechtl Senior Vice President User Interface, comdirect Michael Stemle Jr. Principal Software Engineer, Cvent Ricardo Vidal Senior Vice President & Head of Product Management Kreditech Ed Vinyard Leading Software Architect, uShip James Healy Technical Director, The Conversation Bennett Wetch Vice President of Technology Innovation, Fair Trade USA Hauke Windmueller CEO of FAMILO English We're hiring! Solutions bo|API Basic Features Basic Integrations for Mobile Apps 1 or more users Everything from Basic Plan and Advanced Features Advanced Context Advanced Integrations 5 or more users Everything from Advanced Plan and Enterprise Support Enterprise Compliance Enterprise Integrations Enterprise Cost and Process Control 10 or more users Basic plan: Basic plan: Advanced plan: Advanced plan: Do you need help with Phrase? Simply send a message to the support team using the form below. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security sm|You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information on how to unsubscribe, our privacy practices, and how we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, please review our . h1|Contact us We're here to help with any questions or comments. h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions sp|Try for Free Use the power of a scalable software localization management platform to enter new markets reliably with all of the growth and none of the hassle. The Fastest Website Internationalization Platform Get a Demo Keep errors to a minimum Keep linguistic and functional translation errors to a minimum. Give translators more insight into the context of a translation with the In-Context Editor for web applications. The Translation Memory suggests matching results from previous projects while translating new content. This helps to minimize redundant work and stay within budget. Save time and reduce translation costs Stay consistent with your brand The Glossary allows you to manage terms unique to your business and ensures that all stakeholders know the right definition and correct use of established terminology. "" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team, XING The Fastest Website Internationalization Platform Use the power of a scalable software localization management platform to enter new markets reliably with all of the growth and none of the hassle. Keep linguistic and functional translation errors to a minimum. The In-Context Editor for web applications gives translators more insight into the context of a translation. Try for Free Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Days Trial. Easy to set up. Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Days Trial. Easy to set up. Get a Demo We've got the proof Phrase delivers strong, measurable results for our customers all over the world. 50 % Reduction on deployment time 48 hrs Saved per release on average 95 % Faster turnaround time We've got the proof 50 % 48 hrs 95 % Reduction on deployment time 95 % Saved per release on average Faster turnaround time Phrase delivers strong, measurable results for our customers all over the world. Terms Privacy Imprint We've got the proof Phrase delivers strong, measurable results for our customers all over the world. 50 % Less Manpower required 80 % Noticeable difference in User Experience & Engagement 2-3 days We've got the proof 50 % 80 % 2-3 days Less Manpower required 95 % Of work saved on average every month Noticeable difference in User Experience & Engagement Of work saved on average every month Phrase delivers strong, measurable results for our customers all over the world. RECOGNIZED BY GLOBAL BRANDS. TRUSTED BY TECHNOLOGY LEADERS. RECOGNIZED BY GLOBAL BRANDS. TRUSTED BY TECHNOLOGY LEADERS. sp|"" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at Xing Terms Privacy Imprint "" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at Xing 3 easy steps to get started Make sure your organization is subscribed to or start a free trial . Go to Integrations , select Jira, and log in to your Jira account. Still have questions on how to set it up? Take a look at our docs ✌️ Select the Jira project and the Phrase project that should be connected. Connect Phrase to Jira Connect translation jobs to Jira tickets in order to receive updates directly in Jira. Always have full transparency of the translation progress on both platforms. Receive Updates Directly in Jira Get notified of started and finished translation jobs directly in Jira! Connect your translation jobs in Phrase with a Jira ticket and receive automatic updates on the status of your translation. Keep both platforms up to date without the hassle of manually posting comments. Save time and avoid any delays by syncing updates automatically! Features for Managers You don't need developer time to connect Phrase to Jira. Just follow the 3 easy steps below! FULL TRANSPARENCY Keep all stakeholders in the loop EASY TO SET UP Connect Phrase and Jira in seconds Try for Free Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Day Trial. Easy to set-up. Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Day Trial. Easy to set-up. Get a Demo Receive Updates Directly in Jira Dynport GmbH is the provider and operator of Phrase (hereinafter referred to as “ ”). Phrase attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes how and why Phrase (also referred to in the following by the words " ”, " ” and " ”) collect and use your personal data at (" “), and share it within the Memsource Group*. Personal data is all data which refers to you personally, including for example your address, name, email address, IP address, and other personally identifiable information. We only collect and process your personal data in compliance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (" “) and other provisions of European and applicable German data protection law. Personal data is only collected and used on a regular basis upon your consent or if the processing of such data is permitted by law. The following provisions provide information about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and processing of your personal data. In the event that we make use of the services of commissioned service providers (third parties) for the purpose of providing specific functions for our offer or of our services or if we use your data for marketing or analysis purposes, we will also inform you in detail in the following about the data processing taken. We also provide information about the stipulated criteria for and the period of storage. We also inform you about your rights with regard to each data processing activity. This Privacy Policy refers exclusively to our Phrase website. If links on our webpages take you to third-party websites, please take the time to find out how your data is used at such websites. Phrase (" “) is responsible for data protection within the meaning of the GDPR and under all other applicable EU data protection law. If you have any questions, suggestions or criticisms relating to data protection and our website, please contact: Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Email: Any data subject (anyone affected by data processing activities) can contact the Dynport GmbH Data Protection Officer with questions and suggestions directly at any time. He can be contacted as follows: Mauß Datenschutz GmbH Tobias Mauß Neuer Wall 10 20354 Hamburg, Germany Email: Our processing of your personal data is legitimate if you have given your consent as stipulated in Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR. Under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR, the processing of your personal data is legitimate if such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or your company. This also applies to all processing operations which are relevant prior to entering into a contract. Under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 c) GDPR, the processing of your personal data is legitimate if such processing is necessary for compliance with one of our legal obligations. Under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR, the processing of your personal data is legitimate if such processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Any personal data which we collect, process and store will only ever be kept by us for as long as there is a specific purpose for such storage. Your data will be erased or its processing will be restricted as soon as the specific purpose for which they were stored no longer applies or they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. It is possible, however, that European regulations, applicable national laws or other rules may require us to store data which we have processed for a longer period of time. We will erase or restrict the processing of your data when these statutory data retention periods have expired. For the purposes of the GDPR you are the "data subject" of any of your personal data which we process. As a data subject you have the following rights with regard to Phrase: You have the legal right to request information at any time about whether we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have the right to be informed about the extent to which your personal data is being processed. You have the right to obtain from Phrase the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or to have incomplete personal data completed. In certain circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. In certain circumstances you have the right to obtain that Phrase erase personal data concerning you without undue delay. The right to erasure does not apply if processing is necessary. If you have asserted your right to rectification, erasure or restriction to Phrase, Phrase must communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing to each recipient to whom the personal data have been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. You have the right to receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form, any personal data concerning you which you have provided to Phrase. In certain circumstances you also have the right to transmit those data to another company without hindrance from Phrase to which the personal data have been provided. ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg, Germany Our system automatically collects data and information from your computer system every time you visit our Phrase website. The following data may be then collected: The data which we collect on you are stored in our system's log files. As a rule, these data is not stored with other personal data. One exception to this rule is the information collected by us about your browser settings. The temporary storage of data and log files is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in collecting and temporarily storing the data referred to, as the IP address must be stored temporarily by the system in order to provide the website to your computer. We also use the geoinformation to display an appropriate country website (e.g. for France: phrase.com/fr). Data is stored in log files to ensure the functioning of the website. This information is also used to optimize our website and to guarantee the security of our information technology systems. Your log files are not assessed for marketing purposes. The data will be erased or altered in a way that prevents them being assigned to you as soon as they cease to be necessary for the purposes referred to here. Data which are stored in log files are erased after seven days. To use Phrase, you must register using a form provided directly on the Phrase website. When you register you will be required to provide certain mandatory data in addition to voluntary information; this type of data is identified separately. They are in particular: We process your data in this step in order to be able to provide you with translation management as software as a service ("SaaS“) on the Phrase website. Processing of these data is necessary in order to establish, define the contents of or amend the contractual relationship between you and Phrase as well as for claiming and settling the relevant services. Registration is not required if you decide to use the demo version of Phrase. The Phrase demo version runs exclusively on a Phrase test account of the company's own. To use the demo version, you are asked for the following data in particular: The purpose of collecting your data is to enable you to try out Phrase. If you register as a user with Phrase, you can store the following data, for example, in your user account: We use, store and process your data in this step in order to be able to provide you with the translation management SaaS on the Phrase website. Processing of these data is necessary in order to establish, define the contents of or amend the contractual relationship between you and Phrase as well as for claiming and settling the relevant services. Such processing of data by Phrase is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) and f) GDPR. We erase your data if they are no longer needed for the purpose, i.e. performance of the contract, and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention periods. If you wish to erase your data yourself, you can do so at any time under "My Profile" – "Delete User Profile" on the Phrase website. The individual data is then anonymized so that they can no longer be assigned to you or your deleted user profile. Project data not containing personal data is retained, unless there are contractual obligations to erase them. Your (personal) data is no longer stored if there are statutory obligations to retain them. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We do the above to improve our communication about the further development of our range of product solutions and to be able to communicate with you more efficiently when there are new features or essential information about common use cases for these product solutions. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. You can find more information on the HubSpot cookies in the HubSpot Privacy Policy: . Information about Salesforce cookies: . You can make contact with us by electronic means using the contact form on our Phrase website. If you wish to contact us in this way, the data which you enter will be sent to us and stored. This applies to the following data in particular: The processing of these data is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a), b) or f) GDPR. We only process any personal data which you enter to deal with your request. The following data is also stored at the time you send your message: The data is erased as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose for which they have been collected and provided that they are not subject to any contractual or legal archiving obligations. The conversation has come to an end when it is apparent from the circumstances that the matter being discussed has been finally clarified. In some cases, we pass on a limited part of your data to HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (“ ”) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“ ”) for the purpose of customer administration (chat requests as part of customer support, answering customers' questions, etc.). We use HubSpot and/or Salesforce for additional data analyses, such as obtaining information on the time of registration or user activity as part of customer support. HubSpot and/or Salesforce can also be used as a communication medium, for emails or messages within the Phrase application. HubSpot and/or Salesforce gather publicly available information, such as a user's company, job title, website, social network handle and physical addresses, so that we gain a better understanding of our user base. Contact profiles are created in HubSpot and/or Salesforce. To enable that, Phrase supplies HubSpot and/or Salesforce with data on the activities of end users and of company accounts, as well as details on the operating system of end users. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We do the above to improve our service and be able to deal with your support requests faster and more efficiently. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce also helps us improve performance of contracts, so such processing is therefore also legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce is covered by Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR provided you have given your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. We erase the data collected using cookies if they are no longer required to achieve the above purpose. Retention and storage periods must also be complied with. More information from HubSpot about data protection is available at: . Information about Salesforce: . You can subscribe to a free newsletter on the Phrase website. Our newsletter provides you with information on the Phrase software and translation solutions, new possible uses of them, changes to our services, or related services of Phrase for Phrase. The data which you enter when subscribing to the newsletter are transmitted to us. These data is usually: We need your email address in order to send you the newsletter and to identify and check that you have given your consent. Any other information you provide is given voluntarily. We use the double opt-in procedure for subscription to our newsletter. This means that, after you have subscribed, we will send an email to the email address given by you asking you to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter. We also store your IP addresses and the time of your subscription and confirmation. The purpose of this procedure is to demonstrate that you have subscribed and to clarify any possible misuse of your personal data. After receiving your confirmation, we store your email address and possibly other data for the purpose of sending the newsletter. This processing is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR, since you have consented to receiving the newsletter. We erase your data as soon as you or we have ended the subscription for the newsletter. The subscription process is logged on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. Our interests here are to have a user-friendly, secure newsletter system which promotes our business interests, meets users' expectations, and also allows us to document declarations of consent. You can cancel the newsletter subscription at any time by withdrawing your consent with effect for the future. There is a link in every newsletter sent to you which you can click to automatically unsubscribe. Alternatively, you can send an email to privacy@phrase.com or a message to the controller referred to above in this Privacy Policy. We pass limited part of your data including your email address to HubSpot Inc, 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (“ ”) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“ ”) for the purpose of customer administration (chat requests as part of customer support, answering customers' questions, etc.). We use HubSpot and/or Salesforce for additional data analyses, such as obtaining information on the time of registration or user activity as part of customer support. HubSpot and/or Salesforce can also be used as a communication medium, for emails or messages within the Phrase application. HubSpot and/or Salesforce gather publicly available information, such as a user's company, job title, website, social network handle and physical addresses, so that we gain a better understanding of our user base. Contact profiles are created in HubSpot and/or Salesforce. To enable that, Phrase supplies HubSpot and/or Salesforce with data on the activities of end users and of company accounts, as well as details on the operating system of end users. We do the above to improve our service and be able to deal with your support requests faster and more efficiently. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce also helps us improve performance of contracts, so such processing is therefore also legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. The use of HubSpot and/or Salesforce is covered by Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR provided you have given your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. We erase the data collected using cookies if they are no longer required to achieve the above purpose. Retention and storage periods must also be complied with. More information from HubSpot about data protection is available at: . Information about Salesforce: . When you register a user account with Phrase you may receive transactional emails from our service. These include but are not limited to email confirmation, password reset, statistics and comment notifications. The emails are sent through our third-party email provider Postmark. We disclose your email address to Postmark for the purpose of sending transactional emails to you. Our transactional emails are sent by the email service provider Postmark, a mailing platform of the U.S. provider Wildbit, LLC, 2400 Market Street, Suite 235B, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA (" “). We use the order processing services of Postmark. Postmark can use the data of the recipients in pseudonymized form, i.e. the data is not assigned to a specific user, to optimize or improve its own services, such as to technically optimize mailing and for the presentation of the transactional emails or for statistical purposes. However, Postmark does not use the data of our email recipients to write to them itself or to transmit the data to third parties. We use Postmark to send transactional emails to users of our translation management SaaS on the Phrase website. Sending out transactional emails is necessary in order to provide services to our users. This includes emails with invitations to Phrase’s translation management SaaS, invoice receipts, important notifications about the Phrase usage or when users need to recover their password. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We use Postmark on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. If you end your subscription or withdraw your consent to receive the newsletter, we instruct Postmark to erase your data. You can find Postmark's Privacy Policy at: . Whenever you use our Phrase website different types of cookies are used and stored on your computer in addition to the data referred to above. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer or mobile device whenever you visit our Phrase website. These cookies send us various types of information. We use the following types of cookie: We use the data collected by cookies for as long as required for the purpose for which they have been collected. Cookies will be stored on your computer. You can decide whether you want to erase the cookies from your computer at any time. You can change the settings in your browser to determine yourself whether the transmission of cookies from your computer to us should be disabled, restricted or whether the cookies should be completely erased. If you disable all the cookies from our website, you may no longer be able to use all the website functions in full. The following list provides further information about disabling cookies or managing your cookie settings in the browser which you are using: You can also change your cookie settings on our website. Please refer to our cookie policy. Phrase performs various types of analyses on the Phrase website. The use of the analytical tools is covered by Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR where consent is obtained in advance. If you have given your consent you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To the extent that we did not ask for your consent, the use of analytical tools is legitimate as Phrase has a legitimate interest in using the various tools according to Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. However, you have a right to object at any time. We want to get to know you better so we can offer you exactly the service you want. We constantly want to improve our offers and measure the success of our marketing activities. We will only process your data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they have been collected and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. Our Phrase website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service of Google. Google can be reached at Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google Analytics uses cookies. The information about the way you use the Phrase website created by the cookie is usually sent to and stored on a Google server in the USA. IP address anonymization is performed on the Phrase website so that your IP address is truncated beforehand by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other countries which are parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area ("EEA"). Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent to and only then truncated on a Google server in the USA. Google uses this information on behalf of Phrase's website operator to evaluate the way you use our website, to collate reports on website activities and to provide Phrase other services related to website and Internet use. The IP address sent by your browser by Google Analytics is not combined with other data held by Google. In exceptional cases in which personal data is sent to the USA, Google is relying on the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses as a means of ensuring adequate protection when transferring data outside of the EEA. We use Google Analytics to analyze the use which is made of our website and to improve it on a regular basis. We will only process your data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they have been collected (in this case for creating and evaluating statistics). The data that we send and that are linked with cookies, user identifiers (e.g. a user ID) or advertising IDs are therefore automatically erased after 38 months. Data whose retention period has ended are erased automatically once a month. You can find more information on the terms of service and data privacy at: . You can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored; however, you should realize that, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of functions on the website. You can also prevent the data (including your IP address) relating to your use of the website which are captured by the cookie being sent to or processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in from the following link: . You can prevent cookies being set by using an opt-out cookie. Click here if you wish to prevent cookies being set the next time you visit this Phrase website: . We use the offering from Google Ads (" “), a marketing tool from Google. Google can be reached at Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Ads is used to attract attention to Phrase's offerings by means of advertising (termed "Google Ads") on external websites. We can thus determine and see how successful the individual promotional measures are in relation to the data for the campaigns. Our interest in doing that is to display advertising that appeals to you. Ads also enables us to make our Phrase website more interesting for you. Ads allows us to ascertain which campaigns you like. Ultimately, using this tool enables us to achieve fair charging for advertising and so use it as cost-effectively as possible. The advertising is delivered by means of ad servers. As part of that, Google uses ad server cookies which allow the success of advertising to be measured on the basis of specific parameters, such as how often they are displayed or clicked on by users. If you access our website after clicking on a Google ad, Ads stores a cookie on your PC. This cookie usually becomes invalid after 30 days and is not used as a means of identifying you personally. The following are usually stored and analyzed with this cookie: This cookie allows Google to identify your location and recognize your web browser. If users only visit certain pages of an Ads customer's website and the cookie stored on their computer has not expired, Google and the customer can see that the users have clicked on the ad and have been forwarded to that page. A different cookie is assigned to each Ads customer. That means cookies cannot be traced back by means of the websites of Ads customers. If you have registered with a Google service, Google can assign information gathered from you to your account. Even if you have not registered with Google or are not logged in, Google may be able to find out and store your IP address. We ourselves do not collect or process personal data as part of these advertising measures. Google merely provides us with statistical analyses. You can prevent your participation in this tracking method by Google may transfer your data to the USA and is relying on the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses as a means of ensuring adequate protection when transferring data outside of the EEA. We store the data collected by Google for 18 months. More information from Google about data protection is available at: and . We use the services of AdRoll Advertising Limited, Level 6, 1, Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland (" ”) to optimize the display of advertising for visitors. Our Phrase website uses the retargeting and prospecting functions from AdRoll. AdRoll displays advertising campaigns based on your browsing behavior on the Internet. That means that, after you visit the Phrase website, ads for Phrase may also be displayed on other third-party sites. When you visit the Phrase website, a cookie is placed in your device's browser by AdRoll (please refer to our comments on cookies above). AdRoll uses the data it stores to selectively display Phrase advertising based on your previous online behavior. AdRoll records the following types of information and uses them for the purposes explained below: In some circumstances, AdRoll may also transfer the information to countries outside the EEA. AdRoll will, however, take the necessary steps to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. If AdRoll sends your data to the United States, for example, additional measures are taken, such as concluding EU-compliant data transmission agreements with the data importer if this is necessary. You can prevent storage of cookies for displaying relevant ads by changing your browsing settings (opt-out). You can also prevent the data created by the cookies and relating to your use of the websites, as well as prevent processing of these data by AdRoll, by disabling the AdRoll cookies as follows: Please note that, if you delete the cookies on your device, you will need to opt out again the next time you use it. If you use multiple browsers or devices you will need to execute this opt out on each browser or device. More information from AdRoll about data protection is available at . Phrase uses HubSpot, a product from HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (" “) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (" “) so as to tailor communication with visitors and users of the Phrase website. We have an interest in analyzing your use of our Phrase website so that we can keep on improving it and making it more attractive. The cookies collect data on how visitors use our Phrase website. These data are included in analyses and help us to improve our Phrase website. The cookies collect anonymized data, such as the number of visitors to the Phrase website, how they reached the Phrase website, and which websites they previously visited. If visitors to the Phrase website actually become a customer of Phrase, we use the data collected by HubSpot and/or Salesforce so as to be able to recognize them when they next visit the site and so directly offer them the service they wish whenever they visit the Phrase website. HubSpot and/or Salesforce is therefore also used to optimize the care and support we give customers. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. HubSpot and/or Salesforce place persistent cookies, which are not deleted as soon as you end your visit to our Phrase website. If you do not become a customer after visiting the Phrase website, we delete a cookie 2 years after your last activity on Phrase.com. However, if you are a Phrase customer, the cookies are retained and are deleted 2 years after your business relationship with Phrase ends. You can find more information on the HubSpot cookies in the HubSpot Privacy Policy: . Information about Salesforce cookies: . The Phrase website uses the Hotjar analytics service of Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar, Level 2, St Julians Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julians STJ 1000, Malta (“ ”) to improve its user-friendliness and the customer experience. That permits tracking of the various ways in which visitors interact with the Phrase website so that it can then be optimized for the user. Hotjar also enables visitors to give feedback on the website's content: A small window is opened on pages of the Phrase blog and users are asked for their feedback on the blog article in question. Users can ignore this window or choose one of two response options and then leave a personal comment in a free-text field, which is then processed along with the response by Hotjar on behalf of Phrase. In some circumstances, Hotjar may also record your mouse clicks, mouse movements and scrolling. Keyboard strokes on Phrase's websites may also be recorded. However, the recordings are not carried out in a personalized manner and so remain anonymous. Hotjar uses a tracking cookie to collect and transfer your data. During your visit to a Phrase website, the tracking cookie automatically collects your activity data and stores them on the Hotjar servers. The Hotjar servers are located exclusively in Ireland. If you wish to object to collection of your data by Hotjar (opt-out), please click here: . The purpose of data processing by Hotjar is to optimize the Phrase website offering. We erase the data collected using cookies if they are no longer required to achieve the above purpose. The cookie itself is deleted after 12 months. More information from Hotjar about data protection is available at: . We use the tracking tool Mixpanel, a web analytics service from the provider Mixpanel Inc., 405 Howard St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (" “), to understand how our customers use our applications and to keep on improving them. The Mixpanel service is used to analyze the Phrase website by customers at the feature level. Mixpanel is used to gather information on which features of the Phrase website are used by customers and to what extent. Such an analysis offers a means to control planning as part of product development, since it enables the specific demand for features to be taken into account. The results of an analysis are therefore directly incorporated in the further development of the platform. Mixpanel collects and stores usage data in pseudonymous profiles. The pseudonymous user profiles are not collated with personal data of the person associated with the pseudonym. We use Mixpanel cookies for our products in order to record your browser type, operating system, language settings, the search terms you enter and your IP address. Phrase receives your IP address from Mixpanel in an anonymized form only in order to ensure your privacy is protected. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. You can object to collection and storage of your data for the purpose of web analysis at any time with effect for the future by disabling the Mixpanel cookie by clicking on "Yes, I would like to opt out" on the website: . Please note that this means an opt-out cookie is placed on your device. You should therefore not delete this opt-out cookie. If you do not wish to consent to your data being collected in this way, we also ask you to read our instructions on disabling cookies in the section "Use of cookies". More information about Mixpanel's privacy policy is available here: . The Phrase website uses the plug-in Jetpack from Wordpress (“ ”), , a tool for statistical analysis of access by visitors to our Phrase blog, from Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110-4929, USA (“ ”), which uses the tracking technology from Quantcast Inc., 201 3rd St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103-3153, USA. The purpose of Jetpack is to analyze the number of visitors to the Phrase blog, create anonymized, aggregate access statistics, and to enable technical support for the search function in the blog (Elasticsearch) and SEO support. Whenever a data subject calls one of the individual pages on the Phrase website which is operated by Phrase and on which a Jetpack component has been integrated, the web browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically prompted by the Jetpack component to transmit data to Automattic for the purpose of analysis. These data are primarily: You can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being installed; however, you should realize that, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of functions on this Phrase website. You can object to collection and use of your data by Jetpack with effect for the future by clicking on the link , which places an opt-out cookie in your browser. If you delete all the cookies on your computer, you have to set the opt-out cookie again. The information on use of the Phrase website created by the cookies is stored on a server in the USA. The processed data can be used to create user profiles. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We have a legitimate interest in using it to constantly analyze and optimize our Phrase website and use it cost-effectively. We erase your data as soon as they are no longer needed for optimizing the contract and processes and if they are no longer subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. More information from Jetpack about data protection is available in the Automattic Privacy Policy and other statements by Jetpack on privacy: and on Jetpack cookies: . Zapier is a service from Zapier Inc., 243 Buena Vista Avenue, Suite 508, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA (" “). Zapier enables us to integrate the services of various applications used by Phrase in one application and to automate workflows in it. Payment data is not transmitted. Phrase has a legitimate interest in using Zapier, since Zapier is used to automate workflows from various services and to optimize processes. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. More information from Zapier about data protection is available at: and at: . We use the Twitter tracking pixel of Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103. USA (" ”). It is used to recognize visitors who access the Phrase website from ads on Twitter. Cookies are used by Twitter as part of that. Twitter collects data such as: Twitter transfers your data to servers in the USA. More information about Twitter's privacy policy is available here: . We use the Quora tracking pixel from Quora Inc., 650 Castro Street, Suite 450, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA (“ “). It is used to recognize visitors who access the Phrase website from content marketing on the Quora.com website. Cookies are used by Quora as part of that. Quora collects data such as: Quora transfers your data to servers in the USA. More information about Quora's privacy policy is available here: . We use the Bugsnag service from Bugsnag Inc. 939 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (" “), as well as the Sentry service from Functional Software, Inc. 132 Hawthorne St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (" “). These services enable us to quickly identify bugs in the Phrase software which have led to a disruption or crash and so to improve our offering. If a bug arises, are sent to Bugsnag and/or Sentry – depending on the severity of the bug – so that the bug can be analyzed. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. Phrase has a legitimate interest in using Bugsnag and/or Sentry since it enables Phrase to identify and remedy bugs as efficiently as possible. We offer the synchronization of your Phrase account with Bitbucket (“ ”) for you as an optional Phrase service. Bitbucket is a software for collaborative versioning management offered by Atlassian Inc., 341 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. The synchronization between Phrase and Bitbucket’s versioning management enables users to export localization files from the versioning management software into their Phrase accounts. After being processed in Phrase, these localization files can be imported automatically into Bitbucket’s versioning management. Under your activated synchronization of Bitbucket and Phrase and localization files being imported from Phrase into Bitbucket Phrase will create an alias consisting of your personal data and pass these on to Bitbucket. In order to create this alias we process: Bitbucket will ask for this alias as soon as the import of localization files in to Bitbucket’s versioning management is initiated. A pull request assigned with the related alias will be created in the synchronized Bitbucket account in order to match all changes that have been made using the Phrase services with those changes made in the synchronized Bitbucket account. We do the above in order to improve our services and the Phrase usability. There are legitimate grounds for that under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. If you have activated the synchronization of Phrase and Bitbucket in your Phrase account also helps us to improve performance of contracts, so such processing is therefore also legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. In some circumstances, Bitbucket may also transfer the information to countries outside the EEA. Bitbucket will, however, take the necessary steps to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. Information about Albacross’ processing of your personal data. We inform you regarding the processing of personal data on behalf of Albacross Nordic AB (" ”). Information collected from cookies set in your device that qualify as personal data will be processed by Albacross, a company offering lead identification and ad targeting services with offices in Stockholm and Krakow. Please see below for full contact details. The purpose for the processing of the personal data is that it enables Albacross to improve a service rendered to us and our website (e.g “Lead Generation” service), by adding data to their database about companies. The Albacross database will in addition to “Lead Generation” be used for targeted advertising purposes towards companies and for this purpose data will be transferred to third party data service providers. For the purpose of clarity, targeted advertising regards companies, not towards individuals. The data that is collected and used by Albacross to achieve this purpose is information about the IP-address from which you visited our website, and technical information that enables Albacross to tell apart different visitors from the same IP-address. Albacross stores the domain from form input in order to correlate the IP-address with your employer. For the full information about our processing of personal data, please see Albacross’ Privacy Policy: . Albacross Nordic AB, Company reg. no 556942-7338, Kungsgatan 26 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden We currently use the following social media share buttons (" “). Among other things, this enables you to share content directly from our website in your social media profile. If you publish data when interacting with our website via social media sites, plug-ins or other applications, that data may be publicly available and we may also be able to see it, depending on your data privacy settings in the Internet. You can control which data you wish to release by altering the data privacy settings which are available on most social media platforms. More information about how you can change your data privacy settings and how external social media sites handle your personal identifiable data is provided in the help texts on data privacy, the privacy policies and terms of service. We process your data to enable you to share our contents in social networks. The processing of data via social media plug-ins is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case, data is also processed to enhance publicity for Phrase, which constitutes an overriding interest, and such processing is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. We erase your data as soon as they are no longer required for the stated purpose and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. We use the Disqus commenting system from Disqus, Inc., 301 Howard St, Floor 3 San Francisco, California-94105, USA (" “). Disqus allows you to log on either using your own Disqus user account or existing Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus user accounts. If you have logged on to the Disqus function on our Phrase website using your social media accounts, the providers of those services will also collect and process information on your use of the Disqus functions. Please take note of the privacy policies of the respective provider. You can also leave comments as a guest, but then some of the functions are not available. Disqus transmits the email address of users, and the IP address used when a comment was entered, to Phrase. We need this information solely for contacting you in connection with your use of Disqus, for example if we have to get back to you with questions on a user comment. This information is not transmitted to third parties without authorization. If users write a comment on a website on which Disqus is integrated, the comment and their user data is transferred to the Disqus in the USA. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. We erase your data if they are no longer required for the above purpose. We erase your data if they are no longer required for the above purpose. You can find the Disqus Privacy Policy here: We use the provider Youtube which is run by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“ “), to integrate videos in the Phrase website. When you call videos using Youtube on our Phrase website, a connection to the Youtube servers in Ireland is established. Certain information is transferred to Youtube as part of that. It may include: Youtube stores cookies on your device, in particular the Google Analytics tracker (see section 11.2 of this Privacy Policy). This is tracking conducted by Youtube itself and we have no control over it. You can prevent tracking by Google Analytics by using the deactivation tool Google offers for some web browsers. You can also prevent the data (including your IP address) created by Google Analytics and relating to your use of the website being recorded or processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in from the following link: . Youtube also allows you to use certain other functions, such as rating or sharing videos. These functions are offered solely by Youtube and the respective third-party providers and you should carefully read their privacy policies before using the functions. Phrase does not obtain any knowledge of the data collected by Youtube or the third-party providers and has no influence on how they are used. Information about which of our web pages you have visited is passed on to the Youtube server. If you are logged on to Youtube as a member, Youtube assigns this information to your personal account. When you use the plug-in, such as by clicking on the Start button of a video, this information is likewise assigned to your user account. You can prevent that by logging off from your Youtube user account and deleting the Youtube cookies before you use our website. Youtube transfers your data to Ireland. Youtube may pass on your data to third parties. These are, for example, affiliated undertakings, business partners and advertising partners, who in turn use tracking technologies on the Youtube website. There is a legitimate interest on the part of Phrase, as we wish to give a better understanding of Phrase's functions with the aid of integrated videos. You can find more information on data processing by and the privacy policy of Youtube at . The Phrase website uses Google Maps API, a map service from Google Inc. (“ ”). Google can be reached at Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. This enables us to display interactive maps directly on the website and makes it easy for you to use the map functions. When you visit the Phrase website Google receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. The following data is also sent to Google: This is done regardless of whether Google has provided a user account for you to log in with or whether you don't have a user account. If you have logged in through Google, your data is assigned directly to your account. You must log out before activating the button if you do not wish Google to identify you with your profile. Google stores your data as user profiles and uses them for advertising, market research and/or web design purposes. Any such use is made in particular (including for users who are not logged in) to provide tailored advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You are entitled to object to the creation of this user profile: this right must be asserted against Google directly. It is simple to disable the Google maps service and so prevent data being transferred to Google by disabling JavaScript in your browser. However, we do point out that you will then no longer be able to use the map display function and the function of our website may be impaired. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and is relying on the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses as a means of ensuring adequate protection when transferring data outside of the EEA. The use of Google Maps is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 a) GDPR provided you have given your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. The use of Google Maps API is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR as processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Phrase. We use Google Maps API to be able to offer you a map function. We will only process your data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they have been collected. More information about the purpose and scope of data collection and the processing of such data by Google is provided in Google's privacy policy. This policy also provides more information about your rights and the settings which enable you to protect your privacy: . As a rule, we will only pass on your personal data in compliance with the applicable data protection laws to service providers, business partners, affiliated undertakings and other third parties. We may disclose personal data to service providers working on our behalf and require them to perform services in our name (order processing). These service providers may be affiliated undertakings of Phrase or external service providers. In this context we comply with stringent national and European data protection regulations. These service providers are bound by our instructions and are subject to stringent contractual limitations on the processing of personal data. Accordingly, data may only be processed if this is necessary for the performance of services in our name or in order to comply with legal requirements. We stipulate precisely and in advance the rights and obligations of our service providers in relation to personal data. We may disclose personal data to a third party if we are required to do so by law or in legal proceedings or in order to supply and manage our products and services. We may also be required to provide information to law enforcement agencies or other public authorities. We are also authorized to release data if the disclosure of information is necessary for the purposes of collaboration and thus of providing Phrase services to you or if you declare your consent to such disclosure. Disclosure can also rarely be avoided in the course of tax audits. We may, beyond any other potential data sharing described in this document, make your personal data accessible to employees of the Memsource Group and, in certain specific cases, also, to authorized employees of certain suppliers of the Memsource Group who provide the Memsource Group with various services. Our Phrase website and thus your data is hosted in Ireland by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg (" “). Amazon may only use the data in accordance with our instructions (order processing). Amazon also adopts stringent technical measures to protect your personal data. Amazon does not pass on your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary in order to perform the agreed services or if Amazon is required to do so by law or to comply with a valid and mandatory instruction issued by a government or regulatory authority. The data provided for this purpose are kept to a minimum. In some circumstances, Amazon may also store the information in countries outside the European Economic Area. Amazon will, however, take the necessary steps to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. If Amazon sends your data to the United States, for example, additional measures are taken, such as concluding EU-compliant data transmission agreements with the data importer if this is necessary. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. The processing of your data is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. The purpose of processing data is that Amazon enables us to use Amazon servers. We only store the data for as long as is necessary to achieve this purpose. More information from Amazon about data protection is available at: . To pay for your Phrase subscription or additional services, payments are processed by Phrase. Where necessary to perform a contract, data is also transmitted to our payment service providers or the bank tasked with handling the payment. The data is kept to the minimum necessary for the purpose for handling the contract. If payment is made by credit card, that is handled by the payment service provider Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd., 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, Ireland (" “). Stripe may only use the data in accordance with our instructions (order processing). Stripe also adopts stringent technical measures to protect your personal data. Stripe does not pass on your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary in order to perform the agreed services or if Stripe is required to do so by law or to comply with a valid and mandatory instruction issued by a government or regulatory authority. The data provided for this purpose are kept to a minimum. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. The processing of your data is legitimate under Article 6 (1) sentence 1 b) GDPR. The purpose for which the data is processed is for Stripe to handle payment services for Phrase if you wish to use Phrase. We erase your data if they are no longer needed for performing the contract and if they are not subject to contractual or legal retention obligations. More information from Stripe about data protection is available at . We use Customer Match Lists as part of our Google Ads and LinkedIn advertising activities, inter alia “Similar Audiences” and remarketing. To use Customer Match, lists of hashed user data (e.g. email addresses) are uploaded to Google Ads or LinkedIn. The providers will use this hashed data for personalized advertising. They will not receive new addresses. We store your data until you withdraw your consent. The processing of your data is based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 sentence 1 a) GDPR. All providers are based in the USA and offer guarantees in accordance with article 44 ff GDPR (specifically: EU Standard Contractual Clauses). Phrase has implemented appropriate physical, technical and administrative security standards to protect personal data against loss, misuse, modification or destruction. Our service providers and associated undertakings are contractually committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of personal data. They are also prohibited from using data for purposes not approved by us. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We therefore recommend that you regularly read this Privacy Policy to ensure that you are familiar with our data protection practice. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo If you have given your consent you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR. In some cases, we pass on a limited part of your data to HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA (“ ”) and/or Salesforce.com, inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“ ”) for the purpose of customer communication and information (notifications about new feature releases, announcements for upcoming webinar sessions, etc.). If you register as a Phrase user you may use features of our translation management SaaS on the Phrase website to translate and localize applications used by your end users. We process information from the end user’s usage of your applications in order to optimize specific services of our translation management SaaS. This information might include personal data of the end user to the extent that processing of such end user data is limited to the end user’s preferred device language. We only process this end user data at your direction and under the scope of your Phrase usage. We do not sell, publish or use this end user information in any other direction or by any other means. The processing of end user information is secured by the same measures that we undertake in order to secure the processing of personal data that belongs to you. When transferring data outside of the EU into the USA, the adequate means of protection is ensured by the European Commission’s approved model contract clauses. Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security li|General information about the collection of personal data Contact data Notes on legitimateness and period of storage Your rights Visits to our website and creation of log files Registration and login End user information Contact form Newsletter Transactional Emails Use of cookies To what extent is website analytics carried out on the Phrase website? Social Media plug-ins Use of Google Maps Disclosure of data to third parties Security standards Changes to this policy Information about the type of browser you are using Information on the operating system you are using Your IP address The date and time of your visit to our website Information about the website from which your system has reached our website Your user name Your name Your address Your country of origin or that of your company Your email address Your phone number Your password Your name Your company Your email address Your request Your name (mandatory) Your email address (mandatory) Your user name (mandatory) Your nickname (mandatory) Your company (mandatory only for Master Users) Address of the invoice recipient (mandatory only for Master Users) Email address of the invoice recipient (mandatory only for Master Users) Your address (optional) Your telephone number (optional) Your payment data (optional) The final four numbers of your credit card (if you pay by credit card) The expiry date of your credit card (if you pay by credit card) Your full name Your email address as well as any data you may enter in the form Your IP address The date and time at which you have made contact Your email address Optionally other data if you disclose it Cookies are sometimes necessary for the proper functioning of our website. By setting cookies we can determine, for example, that you have visited our website. Cookies enable us to provide you user-friendlier services which it would simply be impossible to offer without setting cookies. Cookies allow the information and offers on our website to be optimized to meet the needs of the user. As already stated, cookies allow us to recognize you when you return to our website. This in turn enables us to make it easier for you to use our website. Cookies can also be used to analyze the way the website is used. It is then possible, for example, to determine how many users visit the website and what parts of the website could be improved. However, analyses of this kind do not establish any kind of connection between you and the statistics compiled on the basis of the data which are collected. We will inform you if cookies are used to analyze websites. Safari: Google Chrome: Internet Explorer / Edge: Firefox: The unique cookie ID The number of ad impressions per placement (frequency) The last impression (relevant for post-view conversions), and The opt-out information (indication that the user no longer wishes to be addressed). making the appropriate setting in your browser software. If you suppress third-party cookies, that means in particular that you will no longer receive any ads from third-party providers. by disabling the cookies responsible for conversion tracking. To do that, set your browser so that cookies from the domain "www.googleadservices.com" are blocked. You can make this setting at: . If you delete your cookies, this setting is deleted. disabling cookies permanently in your Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser under the link . You should realize that, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of functions on the Phrase website. Your activity on our website, such as your surfing behavior, when you called which site, and what articles you placed in your online shopping cart. Device and browser information, such as your device's IP address, cookie string data and (in the case of mobile devices) your device type and your device's unique identifier (such as the Apple IDFA or Android Advertising ID). Your location Data about the online ads served to you, such as where and how many times an ad has been served to you and whether you interacted with it. Data from digital advertising partners, such as pseudonymous advertiser identifiers, your "customer ID" or an identifier associated with a not-readable version of your email address. AdRoll uses this information to help its advertisers tailor their ads so that they are more relevant for you personally. AdRoll also uses these data to operate, improve and enhance its own services. You can click on the blue icon that typically appears in the corner of the ads AdRoll serves, or You can click . Your IP address Your location Your usage behaviour (page views and clicks) The searches you conduct The content you click on The date and time of your visit Your browser type and language setting Information on the device you use Your IP address Your location The website you visited before and visit after Twitter The searches you conduct The content you click on The date and time of your visit Your browser type and language setting Information on the device you use Your IP address Your location The website you visited before and visit after Quora The IP address you used to call the website (in anonymised form) The status of your device and its storage capacities Your device type The software you use The data on your settings and details on the component of the Phrase software where the bug occurred The data integrated there Your account name Your email address Your IP address Your browser information, such as language settings Information on Youtube cookies that have already been placed Information on the website from which you call Youtube site and which you visit after watching a video on Youtube. Your IP address The date and time of your enquiry The difference in time between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) The content of the request (specific page) Access status /HTTP status code The amount of data transmitted Website from which the request originates Your browser type The operating system you are using and its user interface The language and version of your browser software h1|Privacy Policy h3|1. General information about the collection of personal data 2. Contact data 3. Notes on legitimation of the processing and period of storage 4. Your rights 5. Visits to our website and creation of log files 6. Registration and login 7. End user information 8. Contact form 9. Newsletter 10. Transactional Emails 11. Use of cookies 12. To what extent is website analytics carried out on the Phrase website? 13. Social Media plug-ins 14. Use of Google Maps 15. Disclosure of data to third parties 16. Security standards 17. Changes to this policy h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started 2.1. 2.2. 3.1. 3.2. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3 6.4. 9.1 9.2. 10.1 10.2 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. 12.10. 12.11. 12.12. 12.13. 12.14. 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 15.1. 15.2. 15.3. 15.4. sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions bo|Privacy Policy for Phrase – Dynport GmbH Phrase we us our Phrase Website GDPR Controller You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you based on Article 6 (1) sentence 1 f) GDPR. Phrase may then no longer process the personal data relating to you unless Phrase demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. If the personal data relating to you are processed for the purposes of engaging in direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for such advertising purposes. You can inform us of such objection by contacting us as follows: Dynport GmbH Email: HubSpot Salesforce HubSpot Salesforce HubSpot Salesforce Postmark Ads AdRoll HubSpot Salesforce Hotjar Mixpanel Jetpack Automattic Zapier Twitter Quora Bugsnag Sentry Bitbucket Albacross plug-ins Disqus Youtube Google Amazon Stripe em|last revised on March 17, 2021 Die Inhalte unserer Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte können wir jedoch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Als Diensteanbieter sind wir gemäß § 7 Abs.1 TMG für eigene Inhalte auf diesen Seiten nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen verantwortlich. Nach §§ 8 bis 10 TMG sind wir als Diensteanbieter jedoch nicht verpflichtet, übermittelte oder gespeicherte fremde Informationen zu überwachen oder nach Umständen zu forschen, die auf eine rechtswidrige Tätigkeit hinweisen. Verpflichtungen zur Entfernung oder Sperrung der Nutzung von Informationen nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen bleiben hiervon unberührt. Eine diesbezügliche Haftung ist jedoch erst ab dem Zeitpunkt der Kenntnis einer konkreten Rechtsverletzung möglich. Bei Bekanntwerden von entsprechenden Rechtsverletzungen werden wir diese Inhalte umgehend entfernen. Unser Angebot enthält Links zu externen Webseiten Dritter, auf deren Inhalte wir keinen Einfluss haben. Deshalb können wir für diese fremden Inhalte auch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Für die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten ist stets der jeweilige Anbieter oder Betreiber der Seiten verantwortlich. Die verlinkten Seiten wurden zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung auf mögliche Rechtsverstöße überprüft. Rechtswidrige Inhalte waren zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung nicht erkennbar. Eine permanente inhaltliche Kontrolle der verlinkten Seiten ist jedoch ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte einer Rechtsverletzung nicht zumutbar. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Links umgehend entfernen. Die durch die Seitenbetreiber erstellten Inhalte und Werke auf diesen Seiten unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Die Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Verbreitung und jede Art der Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes bedürfen der schriftlichen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Autors bzw. Erstellers. Downloads und Kopien dieser Seite sind nur für den privaten, nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch gestattet. Soweit die Inhalte auf dieser Seite nicht vom Betreiber erstellt wurden, werden die Urheberrechte Dritter beachtet. Insbesondere werden Inhalte Dritter als solche gekennzeichnet. Sollten Sie trotzdem auf eine Urheberrechtsverletzung aufmerksam werden, bitten wir um einen ' entsprechenden Hinweis. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Inhalte umgehend entfernen. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security st|Dynport GmbH Kontakt h1|Imprint h2|Phrase.com h3|Haftungsausschluss h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Haftung für Inhalte Haftung für Links Urheberrecht Quellen: sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions pa|Die einzige Lokalisierungsplattform, die dein gesamtes Team zusammenbringt Verbinde Phrase mit deinen Lieblings-Tools und -Services Leicht zu integrieren und einfach zu verwalten, direkt von der Kommandozeile aus Koordiniere dein Team mit zuweisbaren Rollen und Aufgaben Beschleunige deinen Workflow und betrachte Textänderungen im live Kontext Übersetze deine Designs in alle Sprachen - ohne dein Design Tool zu verlassen Unsere Mission und wie alles begann Wie effiziente Lokalisierung bei Unternehmen weltweit funktioniert Wir wachsen! Schau dir unsere offenen Stellen an Alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen Informiere dich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Tutorials zum Thema Lokalisierung Lerne mehr über einzelne Features und Best Practices Alles, was du über Lokalisierung wissen musst Grafisch dargestellte Anleitungen, um Lokalisierung besser zu verstehen Probiere Phrase selbst aus Das Translation Center ist das Zentrum des Translation Management Systems. Mit der intuitiven Oberfläche kannst du alle Sprachen und Übersetzungen plattformübergreifend verwalten. Unser In-Context Editor lässt sich in fast alle Web-Applikationen integrieren und ermöglicht es dir, deine App direkt auf deiner Seite zu übersetzen. Mit unserer API kannst du eigene Workflows implementieren und Phrase an deine Bedürfnisse anpassen. Arbeite mit deinem eigenen Übersetzungsteam oder bestelle professionelle Übersetzungen direkt in Phrase. So kannst du deine Software innerhalb weniger Stunden in neue Sprachen übersetzen. Einfaches Setup. 14 Tage testen. Trial verpflichtet nicht zum Kauf. di|Lösungen Integrationen Entwicklung Management Übersetzung Design Über uns Erfolgs-Storys Karriere Dokumentation Blog Webinare E-Books Infografiken Demo Zeit, loszulegen Produktinformation Unternehmen Hilfe Unsere Lösungen Informationssicherheit st|User Passwort h1|Phrase in Aktion h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor API Professionelle Übersetzungen h4|Für Softwareentwicklungs-Teams Erste Schritte sp|Navigation ein/ausblenden demo@phrase.com phrase Deutsch Wir stellen ein! Lösungen pa|La única plataforma de localización para reunir a todo tu equipo Conecta Phrase a tus herramientas y servicios favoritos Fácil de integrar y fácil de administrar, directamente desde tu línea de comandos Coordina tu equipo con roles específicos y trabajos asignables Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y ve los cambios de texto en un contexto en vivo Trabaje con contenido traducido directamente en sus diseños desde su herramienta favorita. Nuestra misión y la historia detrás de Phrase Empresas de todo el mundo que se localizan de forma eficiente. Así lo hacen ¡Seguimos creciendo! Consulta nuestras ofertas de empleo Toda la información que necesitas para comenzar Lee los últimos conocimientos y tutoriales de localización Obtenga más información sobre las funciones y las prácticas recomendadas Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la localización Guías paso a paso para comprender el panorama general de la localización Prueba Phrase por ti mismo. El Translation Center es el punto neurálgico del sistema de gestión de traducciones de Phrase. La interfaz web te permite gestionar todos los idiomas y las traducciones en varias plataformas. El In-Context Editor de Phrase puede integrarse en casi cualquier aplicación web y ofrece la posibilidad de traducir contenido directamente en tu sitio web. Nuestra API te permite personalizar los flujos de trabajo y mejorar la integración de Phrase en tu proceso de localización. Puedes trabajar con tu propio equipo de traductores o simplemente encargar traducciones profesionales a través de nuestros colaboradores. Añadir nuevos idiomas es ahora posible en cuestión de horas. Fácil de configurar. Prueba gratuita de 14 días. Compra o cancela en cualquier momento. di|Soluciones Integraciones Desarrolladores Gerentes Traductores Diseñadores Acerca de nosotros Clientes Ofertas de empleo Documentación Blog Seminarios web Ebooks Infografías Demo Es hora de comenzar Información del producto Empresa Soporte Nuestras soluciones Seguridad de la información st|Usuario Contraseña h1|Phrase en acción h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor API de localización Servicios de traducción h4|Inicio rápido para desarrolladores Primeros pasos sp|Activar/desactivar navegación demo@phrase.com phrase Español ¡Estamos contratando! Soluciones pa|Het enige lokalisatieplatform dat je hele team samenbrengt Verbind Phrase met je favoriete tools en diensten Makkelijk te integreren en eenvoudig te beheren, direct vanaf je opdrachtregel Coördineer je team met toegewijde rollen en toewijsbare jobs Versnel je workflow en bekijk kopijveranderingen in een live context Werk direct met vertaalde inhoud in je designs van je favoriete tool. Onze missie en het verhaal achter Phrase Hoe bedrijven over de hele wereld efficiënt worden gelokaliseerd We breiden uit! Bekijk onze vacatures Alle informatie die je nodig hebt om te beginnen Lees over de laatste inzichten voor lokalisatie en tutorials Meer informatie over functies en best practices Alles wat u moet weten over lokalisatie Stapsgewijze richtlijnen om het grote plaatje van lokalisatie te leren begrijpen Probeer Phrase zelf uit. Het Vertaalcentrum is de ruggengraat van het Phrase vertaalmanagementsysteem. De web interface laat je alle talen en vertalingen beheren op verschillende platforms. De Phrase In-Context Bewerker kan worden geïntegreerd met bijna elke webapplicatie en biedt de mogelijkheid om inhoud direct op je site te vertalen. Onze API laat je aangepaste workflows bouwen en de integratie van Phrase in jouw lokalisatieproces verbeteren. Gebruik je eigen team van vertalers, of koop simpelweg professionele vertalingen van onze partners. Nieuwe talen uitrollen is nu mogelijk binnen een paar uur. Makkelijk te installeren. Gratis proefperiode van 14 dagen. Koop of annuleer op elk moment. di|Oplossingen Integraties Ontwikkelaars Managers Vertalers Ontwerpers Over ons Klanten Carrière Documentatie Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographic Demo Tijd om te beginnen Productinformatie Bedrijf Ondersteuning Onze oplossingen Beveiliging van informatie st|Gebruiker Wachtwoord h1|Phrase in actie h3|Vertaalcentrum, In-Context Bewerker, API Vertaalcentrum In-Context Bewerker Lokalisatie API Vertaaldiensten h4|Snelstart voor ontwikkelaars Beginnen sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Nederlands We zoeken personeel! Oplossingen pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplattformen som bringer hele ditt team sammen Koble Phrase til verktøyene og tjenestene du bruker mest. Enkelt å integrere og enkel å håndtere - dire fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere ditt team med dedikerte roller og funksjoner Akselerer hastigheten på din arbeidsflyt og se endringer i en ekte sammenheng Jobb med oversatt innhold rett i designene dine fra favorittverktøyet ditt Vår misjon og historien bak Phrase Hvordan bedrifter over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se våre aktuelle åpninger All informasjonen du behøver for å komme i gang Les alt det nyeste om lokalisering og finn brukerveiledning Lær mer om funksjoner og beste praksis Alt du trenger å vite om lokalisering Trinnvise retningslinjer for å forstå det store bildet av lokaliseringen Prøv ut Phrase Translation Center er ryggraden til Phrase sitt administrasjonssystem for oversetting. Nettgrensesnittet lar deg administrere alle språk og oversettelser på tvers av ulike plattformer. Phrase In-Context Editor kan integreres med nesten alle nettaplikasjoner og gir deg mulighet for å oversette innhold rett på din side. Vår API lar deg bygge tilpassede arbeidsflyter og forbedre integreringen av Phrase i lokaliseringsprosessen. Du kan enten arbeide med ditt eget team av oversettere eller rett og slett bestille profesjonelle oversettere fra våre oversettelsespartnere. Å gi ut på nye språk er nå mulig på få timer. Enkelt å klargjøre. Gratis 14-Dagers Prøveperiode. Kjøp eller avslutt når som helst. di|Løsninger Integrering Utviklere Administratorer Oversettere Designere Om oss Kunder Karriere Dokumentasjon Blogg Webinars E-bøker Infografikk Demo Tid til å komme i gang Produktinformasjon Virksomhet Hjelp Våre Løsninger Informasjonssikkerhet st|Bruker Passord h1|Phrase i Aksjon h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Lokalisering API Oversettelsestjenester h4|Hurtig oppstart for utviklere Kom i gang sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Norsk (bokmål) Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|La seule plateforme de localisation qui réunit toute ton équipe Connecte Phrase à tes outils et services favoris. Facile à intégrer et simple à gérer, directement à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande Coordonne ton équipe avec des rôles dédiés et des jobs assignables Accélère ton workflow et vois les changements de copie dans un contexte réel Travaille avec du contenu traduit directement dans tes designs à partir de ton outil favori Notre mission et l'histoire derrière Phrase Comment des sociétés à travers le monde localisent efficacement Nous nous développons ! Consulte nos offres d'emploi actuelles Toutes les informations pour commencer Suis les dernières actualités et tutoriels sur la localisation Apprends-en plus sur les fonctionnalités et les meilleures pratiques Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la localisation Les grandes lignes pour comprendre la situation globale de la localisation Essaye Phrase par toi-même Le Centre de traduction est le point culminant de notre plate-forme de localisation Phrase. L'interface web vous permet de gérer toutes les langues et les traductions sur différentes plateformes. L'Éditeur dans le Contexte Phrase peut être intégré dans presque chaque application Web et offre la possibilité de traduire le contenu directement sur ton site. Notre API te permet de créer un workflow personnalisé et d'optimiser l'intégration de Phrase dans ton processus de localisation. Tu peux soit travailler avec ta propre équipe de traducteurs, soit facilement commander des traductions professionnelles à nos partenaires. Lancer des nouvelles langues est maintenant possible en quelques heures seulement. Facile à installer. Essai gratuit pendant 14 jours. Achète ou annule à tout moment. di|Solutions Intégrations Développeurs Managers Traducteurs Designers A propos Clients Carrières Documentation Blog Webinars E-books Infographies Démo Il est l'heure de commencer Informations sur le produit Entreprise Support Nos solutions Sécurité de l'information st|Utilisateur Mot de passe h1|Phrase en action h3|Centre de Traduction, Éditeur dans le Contexte, API Centre de Traduction Éditeur dans le Contexte API de localisation Services de traduction h4|Pour les développeurs Premiers pas sp|Basculer la Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Français Nous recrutons ! Solutions pa|L’unica piattaforma di localizzazione che riunisce tutto il tuo team Connetti Phrase ai tuoi strumenti e servizi preferiti Facile da integrare e semplice da gestire, direttamente dalla tua riga di comando Coordina il tuo team con ruoli mirati e lavori trasferibili Velocizza il tuo workflow e guarda i cambiamenti del testo in un contesto stimolante Lavora coi contenuti tradotti direttamente nei tuoi design, dal tuo strumento preferito La nostra missione e la storia dietro a Phrase Il modo in cui le aziende di tutto il mondo stanno localizzando efficientemente Stiamo crescendo! Visualizza le attuali opportunità Tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per cominciare Scopri le ultime novità e i tutorial sulla localizzazione Scopri di più su caratteristiche e migliori prassi Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla localizzazione Orientamento passo per passo alla comprensione di un quadro generale della localizzazione Prova Phrase. Il Translation Center è la spina dorsale del sistema di gestione delle traduzioni di Phrase. L'interfaccia web ti consente di gestire tutte le lingue e le traduzioni su varie piattaforme. L'In-Context Editor di Phrase può essere integrato in quasi tutte le applicazioni web e offre la possibilità di tradurre i contenuti direttamente sul tuo sito. La nostra API ti consente di creare flussi di lavoro personalizzati e di migliorare l'integrazione di Phrase nel tuo processo di localizzazione. Puoi lavorare con il tuo team di traduttori o semplicemente ordinare traduzioni professionali dai nostri partner di traduzione. Il lancio di nuove lingue è ora possibile in poche ore. Facile da configurare. Prova gratuita di 14 giorni. Compra o cancella quando vuoi. di|Soluzioni Integrazioni Developer Manager Traduttori Designer Su di noi Clienti Carriere Documentazione Blog Webinar Ebook Infografiche Demo È ora di iniziare Informazione prodotto Azienda Supporto Le nostre soluzioni Sicurezza delle informazioni st|Utente Password h1|Phrase in Azione h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Localizzazione API Servizi di Traduzione h4|Guida rapida per developer Introduzione sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Italiano Assumiamo! Soluzioni pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplatform som bringer hele dit team sammen Forbind Phrase med dine foretrukne værktøjer og services Nemt at integrere og simpelt at håndtere - direkte fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere dit team med dedikerede roller og funktioner Sæt skub i dine arbejdsgange og se ændringer i dit indhold live. Arbejd med oversat indhold direkte i dine designs fra dit foretrukne værktøj Vores mission og historien bag Phrase Hvordan forretninger over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se vores nuværende åbninger Al information du har brug for for at komme i gang Læs alt det nyeste om lokalisering og find tutorials Læs mere om funktioner og bedste praksis Dyk dybt ned i alle ting lokalisering med vores gratis e-bøger Trin-for-trin retningslinjer til at kunne forstå det store billede af lokalisering Prøv selv Phrase. Translation Center er rygraden i Phrases styresystem til oversættelser. Vores web interface lader dig håndtere alle sprog og oversættelser på tværs af platforme. Phrase In-Context Editor kan integreres med næsten alle web applikationer, og tilbyder muligheden for oversættelse af indhold direkte på din side. Vores API lader dig bygge brugerdefinerede arbejdsgange og forbedre integrationen af Phrase i dine lokaliseringsprocesser. Anvend dit eget team af oversættere, eller køb professionelle oversættelser fra vores partnere. På den måde kan du udgive nye sprog inden for bare et par timer. Nemt at sætte op. 14 dages gratis prøveperiode. Ingen binding. di|Løsninger Integrationer Udviklere Managere Oversættere Designere Om os Kunder Karrierer Dokumentation Blog Webinars E-bøger Infografik Demo Tid til at komme i gang Produktinformation Virksomhed Support Vores Løsninger Informationssikkerhed st|Bruger Kodeord h1|Phrase Live h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Lokaliserings API Oversættelsesservices h4|Hurtig opstart for udviklere Kom i gang sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Dansk Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|A única plataforma de localização que vai reunir toda a tua equipa Liga o Phrase às tuas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente a partir da tua linha de comandos Coordena a tua equipa com funções específicas e trabalhos atribuíveis. Acelera o teu fluxo de trabalho e vê as alterações efetuadas em contexto real Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente nos seus designs a partir da sua ferramenta favorita A nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como é que empresas em todo o mundo estão a localizar-se eficazmente Estamos a crescer! Veja as nossas vagas Todas as informações de que precisas para começar Mantém-te a par dos mais recentes conhecimentos e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e boas práticas Tudo o que tens de saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender o panorama geral da localização Experimenta já a Phrase O Translation Center é a espinha dorsal do sistema de gestão de tradução da Phrase. A interface web permite gerir todas as línguas e traduções em diversas plataformas. A Phrase In-Context Editorpode pode ser integrada dentro de, praticamente, qualquer aplicação web e oferece a possibilidade de traduzir o conteúdo diretamente no teu site. O nosso API permite que cries fluxos de trabalho personalizados e melhores a integração da Phrase no teu processo de localização. Podes trabalhar com a tua própria equipa de tradutores ou simplesmente pedir traduções profissionais dos nossos parceiros de tradução. O lançamento de novas línguas é agora possível em poucas horas. Fácil de instalar. Compre ou cancele em qualquer altura. di|Soluções Integrações Programadores Gestores Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Carreiras Documentação Blog Conferências via Web Ebooks Infográficos Demo É hora de começar Informações acerca do produto Empresa Suporte As Nossas Soluções Segurança da informação st|Utilizador Password h1|Phrase em Ação h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Localização de API Traduções h4|Início Rápido para Programadores Guia de Utilização sp|Navegação Alternada demo@phrase.com phrase Português Estamos a contratar! Soluções pa|Jedna platforma lokalizacyjna, która połączy cały zespół Połącz Phrase ze swoimi ulubionymi narzędziami i usługami Łatwa integracja i proste zarządzanie, bezpośrednio z linii poleceń Koordynuj swój zespół dedykując role i przydzielając zadania Przyspiesz swój przepływ pracy i obserwuj na bieżąco zmiany w kontekście Pracuj z przetłumaczonymi treściami bezpośrednio w swoich projektach, ze swojego ulubionego urządzenia. Nasza misja i historia powstania Phrase W jaki sposób skutecznie lokalizują firmy na całym świecie Rozwijamy się! Zobacz aktualne oferty pracy Wszystkie informacje potrzebne do rozpoczęcia pracy Przeczytaj najnowsze informacje na temat lokalizacji oraz zobacz tutoriale Dowiedz się więcej o funkcjach i najlepszych rozwiązaniach Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o lokalizacji Przewodnik krok po kroku ułatwiający zrozumienie pełnego obrazu lokalizacji Sam wypróbuj Phrase. Centrum Tłumaczeń to podstawa systemu zarządzania tłumaczeniami Phrase. Interfejs tej strony pozwala na zarządzanie wszystkimi językami i tłumaczeniami w obrębie różnych platform. Edytor Kontekstowy Phrase może zostać zintegrowany w obrębie prawie każdej aplikacji internetowej i zapewnia możliwość tłumaczenia treści bezpośrednio na Twojej stronie. Nasz API pozwala na tworzenie niestandardowych obiegów oraz poprawia integrację Phrase z Twoim procesem lokalizacyjnym. Możesz albo pracować ze swoim własnym zespołem tłumaczy lub też po prostu zamówić profesjonalne tłumaczenia u naszych partnerów. Publikacja w nowych językach jest teraz możliwa w przeciągu kilku godzin. Łatwa instalacja. 14-dniowy okres próbny. Kup lub anuluj w dowolnym momencie. di|Rozwiązania Integracje Programiści Menedżerowie Tłumacze Projektanci O nas Klienci Kariera Dokumentacja Blog Webinaria Ebooki Infografiki Demo Czas na rozpoczęcie pracy Informacje o produkcie Firma Wsparcie Nasze rozwiązania Bezpieczeństwo informacji st|Użytkownik Hasło h1|Phrase w działaniu h3|Centru Tłumaczeń, Edytor Kontekstowy, API Centrum Tłumaczeń Edytor Kontekstowy Lokalizacja API Usługi Tłumaczeniowe h4|Szybki start dla programistów Rozpoczynanie pracy sp|Nawigacja Toggle demo@phrase.com phrase Polski Zatrudniamy! Rozwiązania pa|チーム全体をまとめる、ただひとつのプラットフォーム Phraseをお気に入りのツールやサービスにつなげよう コマンドラインから直接、簡単な統合、シンプルな管理 役割、割当て可能なジョブとチームをコーディネートする ワークフローをより迅速にし、コピーチェンジを現実のコンテキストに合わせて調整 翻訳されたコンテンツをあなたのお気に入りのツールからあなたのデザインで直接扱います Phraseの使命と秘話 いかにして世界中の企業は効率的にローカライズを行っているのか Phraseは日々成長しています! 現在の求人を見る 使用を開始するために必要な全情報 最新のローカライゼーション考察およびチュートリアルを読む 更になる特徴と最善の方法を知る ローカリゼーションに関する知識が必要なすべて ローカリゼーションの全体像を理解するための、ステップごとのガイドライン Phrase を試す Translation Center は、Phrase の翻訳管理システムのバックボーンとなるシステムです。多様なプラットフォーム上の全ての言語および翻訳プロジェクトを Translation Center の Web 画面で管理することができます。 Phrase の In-Context Editor は、ほぼすべてのWebアプリケーションに統合することが可能です。サイト上で直接コンテンツを翻訳することができます。 PhaseApp の API は、クライアント独自のローカリゼーション・プロジェクトのプロセスに Phrase を統合し、ワークフローをカスタマイズすることで、プロセスを改善させることができます。 自社の翻訳者チームのプロジェクトで利用することもできますが、Phrase のパートナー企業にプロの翻訳を依頼することも可能です。新しい言語に対応したビジネス展開は、今や数時間以内に実現する時代となりました。 簡単なセットアップ、14 日間の無料トライアル。いつでも、購入もしくはキャンセルが可能です。 di|ソリューション 統合 開発者 マネージャー トランスレーター デザイナーズ 企業情報 カスタマー 採用情報 ドキュメンテーション ブログ ウェビナー 電子書籍 インフォグラフィック デモ 開始! 製品情報 企業 サポート ソリューション 情報セキュリティ st|ユーザー名 パスワード h1|Phrase を実体験 h3|Translation Center、In-Context Editor、API Translation Center In-Context-Editor ローカリゼーション API 翻訳サービス h4|開発者用クイックスタート 開始 sp|トグル型ナビゲーション demo@phrase.com phrase 日本語 キャリア ソリューション pa|팀 전체를 하나로 묶어주는 로컬리제이션 플랫폼 Phrase를 선호하시는 도구 및 서비스와 연동하세요 명령줄에서 직접 쉬운 통합과 편리한 관리가 가능합니다. 전담 역할 및 할당 가능한 작업들을 기반으로 팀 조정 워크플로우를 가속화하고 라이브 컨텍스트에서 복사 변경 사항 보기 즐겨 사용하는 도구를 사용한 디자인에서 번역된 내용으로 직접 작업하세요 Phrase의 사명과 뒷 이야기 전 세계의 비즈니스를 효율적으로 현지화하는 방법 우리는 성장하고 있습니다! 현재 채용 정보를 살펴 보세요 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 정보 최신 로컬리제이션 인사이트 및 튜토리얼 읽기 기능과 모범사례에 대해 알아보세요 로컬라이제이션에 대해 알아야 할 모든 사항 현지화 전반을 이해하기 위한 단계별 가이드라인 Phrase을 직접 사용해 보세요. 번역 센터는 Phrase 번역 관리 시스템의 근간입니다. 웹 인터페이스는 다양한 플랫폼들을 통해 여러분이 모든 언어 및 번역을 관리할 수 있게 해줍니다. Phrase의 문맥에 맞는 편집기는 거의 모든 웹 어플리케이션 내에 구현될 수 있으며 여러분의 사이트에서 바로 내용을 번역할 수 있게 해 드립니다. 저희 API는 당신이 커스텀 워크플로우를 형성하고 Phrase을 당신의 로컬리제이션 과정에 통합하는데에 도움을 줍니다. 함께 일는 번역가들과 작업을 진행하실 수도, 저희의 전문적인 번역 파트너에게 번역을 의뢰하실 수도 있습니다. 새로운 언어로의 번역이 이제는 몇 시간이면 가능합니다. 설치하기 쉽습니다. 14일간의 무료 체험 . 언제든지 구매 및 취소가 가능 합니다. di|솔루션 통합 개발자 관리자 번역가들 디자이너 회사 소개 고객들 채용 정보 문서화 블로그 웨비나 전자책 인포그래픽 데모 시작할 시간입니다 제품 정보 기업 지원 저희의 솔루션 정보 보안 st|사용자 비밀번호 h1|작동 중인 Phrase h3|번역 센터, 문맥에 맞는 편집기, API 번역 센터 문맥에 맞는 편집기 로컬리제이션 API 번역 서비스 h4|개발자를 위한 빠른 시작 시작하기 sp|토글 네비게이션 demo@phrase.com phrase 한국어 새로운 직원들을 채용 중입니다! 솔루션 pa|一个管理平台,全团队共同使用。 将 Phrase 连接到最喜爱的工具和服务 通过命令行实现无缝集成,轻松管理。 为你的团队成员指定用户角色并分配任务。 加快你的进度并实时预览翻译字条的界面语境 通过您喜欢的工具,直接在设计中处理翻译好的内容 我们的使命和Phrase背后的故事 世界各地的企业如何在高效地本地化 我们在成长!查看我们的招聘信息 快速一阅,轻松上手 阅览最新的本地化教程与话题博文 了解有关功能和最佳实践策略 你的本地化全方位指南 了解本地化概况的详细指南 亲自试试Phrase吧 Translation Center 是 Phrase 翻译管理系统中的骨干。在该网页界面中,你可以跨平台管理所有语言和翻译。 Phrase In-Context Editor 可整合入几乎任何网页应用程序,并可直接在您的网站翻译内容。 我们的 API 让您构建自定义工作流程并改进将 Phrase 与本地化过程的整合。 您可以与您自己的译者团队协同工作,或轻松订购我们的翻译合作伙伴提供的专业翻译服务。推出全新语言现在只需短短几小时。 易于安装,14天免费试用,随时购买或取消。 di|解决方案 集成 开发人员 管理人员 翻译人员 设计师 关于我们 我们的客户 求职栏 参考文档 博客 在线研讨会 E手册 信息图表 演示 开始吧 产品信息 公司简介 相关支持 对策锦集 信息安全 st|用户 密码 h1|Phrase进行时 h3|翻译中心,预览编辑器,API 翻译中心 预览编辑器 本地化 API 专业翻译服务 h4|开发人员速成班 入门指南 sp|切换导航 demo@phrase.com phrase 中文 我们在招聘! 解决方案 pa|Единая платформа для всех членов команды локализации Подключите Phrase к вашим любимым инструментам и сервисам Простота интеграции и управления, непосредственно из командной строки. Координируйте работу своей команды, распределяйте роли и задачи Ускорьте рабочий процесс внося изменения в режиме реального времени. Работай с переводимым контентом непосредственно в своих проектах с использованием любимого инструмента. Наша миссия и история за Phrase Как компании во всем мире эффективно локализуются Мы растем! Посмотреть наши Вакансии Все, что необходимо для начала работы Будьте в курсе последних новостей о локализации Подробнее о функциях и передовых практиках Всё, что вам нужно знать о локализации Пошаговое руководство для понимания общей картины локализации Запросить демонстрацию Phrase The Translation Center является основой продукта Phrase. Веб-интерфейс позволяет управлять вашими проектами независимо от платформ. In-Context Editor oт Phrase можно интегрировать практически в любое веб-приложение и предоставляет возможность переводить контент прямо на ваш сайт. С помощью нашего API вы можете интегрировать собственные рабочие процессы и настроить Phrase в соответствии с вашими потребностями. Вы можете работать с собственной командой переводчиков или просто заказать профессиональные переводы у наших партнеров по переводу. Добавить новые языки теперь возможно в течение нескольких часов. Быстрая настройка. Пробный пакет на 14 дней с полным функционалом Phrase. di|Продукт Интеграции Разработчикам Менеджерам Переводчикам Проектировщики О нас Клиенты Карьера Документация Блог Вебинары Электронные книги Инфографика Демо-версия Время испытать Phrase Информация о продукте О компании Служба поддержки Наши продукты Информационная безопасность st|Пользователь Пароль h1|Phrase в действии h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Локализация API Услуги переводчика h4|Quickstart для разработчиков Начало работы sp|Показать/скрыть навигацию demo@phrase.com phrase русский Присоединяйся! Продукт pa|Lokalisointialusta, joka tuo koko tiimisi yhteen Yhdistä Phrase lempityökaluihisi ja -palveluihisi Helppo integroida ja yksinkertainen hallita, suoraan komentoriviltä Koordinoi tiimiäsi erikoistuneilla rooleilla ja jaettavilla tehtävillä Nopeuta työnkulkujasi ja näe tekstin muutokset live-ympäristössä Käytä käännettyä sisältöä suoraan luonnoksiin suosikkityökalussasi Missiomme ja tarina Phrasein taustalla Kuinka liikeyritykset kaikkialla maailmassa lokalisoivat tehokkaasti Olemme kasvussa! Katso avoimet paikkamme Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää päästäksesi alkuun Lue viimeisimmät lokalisointivinkit ja ohjeet Lue lisää toiminnoista ja parhaista käytännöistä Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää lokalisoinnista Ohjeet, jotka auttavat ymmärtämään lokalisaation kokonaiskuvan vaihe vaiheelta Kokeile Phraseia itse. Translation Center on Phrase-käännöstenhallintajärjestelmän kulmakivi. Web-käyttöliittymän kautta voit hallita kaikkia kieliä ja käännöksiä eri alustoilla. Phrasein in-Context Editor voidaan integroida lähes mihin tahansa Web-sovellukseen, ja sen avulla voit kääntää sisältöä suoraan sivustollesi. API:mme avulla voit rakentaa räätälöityjä työnkulkuja ja parantaa parantaa Phrasein integraatiota lokalisointiprosesseihisi. Voit työskennellä joko oman tiimisi kanssa tai ostaa ammattimaisia käännöksiä kumppaneiltamme. Uusien kielien käyttöönotto onnistuu nyt tunneissa. Helppo asentaa. Ilmainen 14 päivän kokeilujakso. Osta tai peru milloin vain. di|Ratkaisut Integraatiot Kehittäjät Päälliköt Kääntäjät Suunnittelijat Tietoja meistä Asiakkaat Urat Dokumentaatio Blogi Webinars E-kirjoja Infografiikat Demo Aika aloittaa Tuotetiedot Yritys Asiakastuki Ratkaisumme Tietoturva st|Käyttäjä Salasana h1|Phrasein käyttö h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor Lokalisointi-API Käännöspalvelut h4|Pikaohjeet kehittäjille Aloittaminen sp|Toggle Navigation demo@phrase.com phrase Suomi Rekrytoimme! Ratkaisut pa|Üks lokaliseerimisplatvorm, mis toob kogu teie meeskonna kokku Connect Phrase to your favorite tools and services Lihtne ühendada ja kerge hallata otse oma käsuliinilt Koordineerige oma meeskond spetsiaalsete rollide ja määratud töökohtadega Kiirendage oma töövoogu ja vaadake kopeerimismuudatusi live-kontekstisKogu vajalik teave alustamiseks Loe viimastest lokaliseerimisest ja õpetustest Rohkem teavet funktsioonide ja parimate tavade kohta Kõik, mida vaja teada lokaliseerimine Samm-sammult suunised, et mõista suurt pilti lokaliseerimine Proovige meie Phrasei ise. Translation Center on Phrasei tõlke juhtimissüsteemi peamine lüli. Veebiliides võimaldab hallata kõiki keeli ja tõlkeid erinevatel platvormidel. Phrasei kontekstiredaktorit saab ühendada peaaegu iga veebirakendusega ning see võimaldab sisu teie saidil otse tõlkida. Meie API võimaldab teil püstitada kohandatud töövooge ja parandada Phrasei integreerimist teie lokaliseerimisprotsessi. Te saate töötada kas oma tõlkijate meeskonnaga või tellida meie tõlkepartnerite professionaalseid tõlkeid. Uute keelte avaldamine on nüüd võimalik mõne tunni kestel. Lihtne üles seada. Tasuta 14-päevane prooviversioon, mida saab iga hetk tühistada. di|Lahendused Integratsioonid Arendajad Haldajad Tõlkijad Designers About us Kliendid Careers Dokumentatsioon Blogi Webinars E-raamatud Infograafika Demo Alustage nüüd Tooteinfo Ettevõte Abi Meie lahendused Infoturve st|Kasutaja Parool h1|Phrase tegevuses h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center Context Editor Lokaliseerimise API Tõlketeenused h4|Kiire start arendajatele Alustamine sp|Navigeerimise aktiveerimine demo@phrase.com phrase Eesti keel Pakume tööd! Lahendused Phrase is serious about helping developers streamline their work. For us, this means providing a fast and reliable import and export of language files, a versatile API, a dedicated CLI tool, support for over 40+ file formats, branching functionalities in Phrase, and a whole lot more! Organize all of your software translation projects in the form of Jobs directly in Phrase. Automatically notify all relevant team members whenever translations are needed or as soon as they are completed. Always stay in control with real-time process monitoring, reporting, and statistics. We support tons of localization file formats across platforms and programming languages. Find the right localization format for your framework with our Adapt your translation process to your organization's needs. Thanks to a variety of plugins and integrations, you can connect Phrase to your favorite tools and services. Rapidly build production-ready integrations with modern tools, from React components to real-time webhooks. The Project Overview is the main overview page for all your localization projects. With the help of ​Projects, you can organize all of the translations related to a specific localization goal, set up permissions and add screenshots. The Translation Editor lets you search for translations, manage keys and perform the actual translation work. While translating, it provides useful meta-information and assists translators and managers to quickly translate content without losing focus. The Dashboard is where all project related information comes together. Here you can monitor the progress of your individually assigned jobs, as well as overall translation progress, and much more! Sync your Phrase projects automatically with your GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket repository and work on multiple versions. Use your own team of translators, or simply buy professional translations from our partners. Adjust Phrase to your workflow through our . The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. The lets you navigate your projects and translations quickly from the command line instead of fiddling around with long curl requests. Available for Linux, macOS and Windows. Phrase offers a native . Phrase supports a huge variety of ways to export and import your translations for all . We support the following formats during file import, file export, and API access. Work on at the same time- just like in Git. Publish your translations faster and easier than ever before. Stop waiting for the next deployment and start publishing all your translations in real-time directly in Phrase with . Avoid broken language files through . Customize your notification flow by allowing to notify external services like chat clients, project management tools or external APIs of events or changes. Run Phrase on your own data center behind your own firewall with . Raise your security standards and include , whether via 2FA token or OAuth access token. about the individual activities of your team members, including the amount of translated and verified words, keys and much more. by assigning team members, providing briefings and setting due dates to the languages of your choice. Easily implement a for new and updated translations. by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and languages. Always about all the latest changes in your project through notifications directly in Phrase and via email. Know what’s going on in your projects by and filter them according to users, events and specific time intervals. Inform, discuss or ask team members questions regarding specific translations by . Let Phrase using Machine Translation and Translation Memory. for common issues like overly long wording, broken placeholders, or mistranslated Glossary terms. Assign access rights to entire instead of defining them for each individual user. Keep all stakeholders informed about translation projects by . directly in Phrase. and track which keys belong to which section of your project. Speed up your localization process with our . The Translation Memory remembers translations used on your projects and suggests matching results. Our can be integrated within almost any web application and provides the possibility to translate content directly on your site. Review all previous versions of a translation in the tab of our Translation Editor. Use real-time suggestions for translations while translating in the Phrase Translation Editor. speeds up your translation work and improves overall consistency. Stay consistent. Our is a list of predefined terms unique to your business which remains unaltered throughout all languages. Increase the contextual information by to your translation keys. Bring design and localization together. Easy handoff of copy and interface designs to translators. . Let Phrase using Machine Translation and Translation Memory. “” “The localization process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales.” “The response variety that Phrase provides significantly improves the overall language quality of the tool; it sounds more natural, which makes it much more engaging for our customers.” “With Phrase, we have been able to modernize our localization process and bring our suite of applications to a wider global audience.” “Phrase has been an important part of Kreditech’s successful international expansion, both on a Country and on a Product level!” “Phrase is the most developer friendly and continuous-deployment friendly solution on the market. From the moment we started searching for a solution, Phrase quickly stood out from the crowd.” “Phrase's easy-to-use and intuitive collaboration platform made it an important trusted tool during our expansion into France.” “Phrase has been central in enabling our small-but-mighty engineering team to seamlessly localize digital applications.” “Phrase exceeded our expectations. The software helped us streamline our localization and become an industry leader. The results speak volumes.” Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Project Overview Translation Editor Dashboard Time to get started Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h1|#1 Productivity Enabler for Localization Teams h2|Scale with smart automation Getting Things Done We speak your format All the integrations you need Faster translation workflow Everything you need to scale up and accelerate Why our customers love Phrase h3|Phrase is the dependable localization solution with all the features needed to accomplish your translation process efficiently. Increase your productivity, your speed, and your translation quality for effortless localization from day one. Developer Manager Translator Designer h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Trusted by 1,000+ companies Versioning and Branching One-click translations h5|API Command Line Tool GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket Sync 40+ File Formats Branching and Versioning Over the Air (OTA) File Format Conversion and Syntax Validation Webhook Integration (e.g Slack) On-Premise Hosting 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA/MFA) Statistics per User / Locale Assignable Jobs Review Workflows User Roles and Access Control Email and In-App Notifications Activity Tracking Comments and Mentioning Autofill Checks Teams Slack Integration Source Copy Editing Search and Key Tagging Translation Memory In-Context Editor for Web History SmartSuggest Glossary Screenshots Sketch Plugin Figma Plugin Autofill sp|Toggle Navigation Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING Thibaut Davoult Growth Engineer, Livestorm Christian Wendrock-Prechtl Senior Vice President User Interface, comdirect Michael Stemle Jr. Principal Software Engineer, Cvent Ricardo Vidal Senior Vice President & Head of Product Management Kreditech Ed Vinyard Leading Software Architect, uShip James Healy Technical Director, The Conversation Bennett Wetch Vice President of Technology Innovation, Fair Trade USA Hauke Windmueller CEO of FAMILO English We're hiring! Solutions sp|"" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at Xing Terms Privacy Imprint "" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at Xing 3 easy steps to get started Make sure your organization is subscribed to Phrase's Lite Plan , or start a free trial . Create a new Slack channel or choose an existing one. M ake sure all stakeholders that you want to keep in the loop about Phrase updates join the channel. Still have questions on how to set it up? Take a look at our docs ✌️ Go to Integrations in Phrase and customize your Slack notifications . ( Users with a translator role: please ask someone with manager rights to set up the sync for you) Connect Phrase to Slack With our latest integration, you can keep all stakeholders in the loop about what's going on in your localization projects! Easily customize the Phrase events you want to send to your Slack channels. Get your notifications in Slack Knowing about the progress of translation projects is important for a variety of stakeholders, including people who don't work with Phrase and can't check the job progress themselves. Keeping those co-workers up to date can be time-consuming and a lack of communication often leads to inefficiencies. Improve transparency and make collaboration easier by sending important updates to a joint Slack channel! Features for Managers  Setting up Slack notifications in Phrase is as easy as it can be. Simply choose a Slack channel, specify the type of notifications that you want to send, and define the frequency. You can set up multiple notifications and send updates from different Phrase projects to different Slack channels. Teams using Slack know the story: co-workers hardly ever check their emails. Notification emails can sometimes remain unseen for hours. That's not very practical if the email was about an urgent translation job! Getting notifications in a Slack channel where all your translators are included solves this issue. Informing your co-workers about translation work in a tool they already use increases the likelihood of speedy reaction times. EFFORTLESS COLLABRATION Keep all stakeholders in the loop EASY TO SET UP Connect Phrase to Slack in a matter of seconds Read notifications immediately in Slack FASTER COMMUNICATION Try for Free Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Day Trial. Easy to set up. Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Day Trial. Easy to set up. Get a Demo Get your notifications in Slack pa|Die einzige Lokalisierungsplattform, die dein gesamtes Team zusammenbringt Verbinde Phrase mit deinen Lieblings-Tools und -Services Leicht zu integrieren und einfach zu verwalten, direkt von der Kommandozeile aus Koordiniere dein Team mit zuweisbaren Rollen und Aufgaben Beschleunige deinen Workflow und betrachte Textänderungen im live Kontext Übersetze deine Designs in alle Sprachen - ohne dein Design Tool zu verlassen Unsere Mission und wie alles begann Wie effiziente Lokalisierung bei Unternehmen weltweit funktioniert Wir wachsen! Schau dir unsere offenen Stellen an Alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen Informiere dich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Tutorials zum Thema Lokalisierung Lerne mehr über einzelne Features und Best Practices Alles, was du über Lokalisierung wissen musst Grafisch dargestellte Anleitungen, um Lokalisierung besser zu verstehen Probiere Phrase selbst aus Wir glauben, dass jeder in der Lage sein sollte, Software in seiner Muttersprache nutzen zu können. Deshalb sind wir stolz darauf, Teams auf der ganzen Welt dabei zu helfen, neue Märkte produktiver und erfolgreicher als je zuvor zu erschließen. "Wir müssen in 4 Wochen online sein", sagte der Investor des Reiseportals, das wir gerade begannen zu entwickeln und fügte hinzu: "Es muss direkt global ausgerollt werden!" Unser Team hatte zwar Erfahrung im technischen Aufbau schnell wachsender Startups, aber eine große Plattform mit 24 Sprachversionen in einem Monat zu internationalisieren war auch für uns eine Herausforderung. Auf der Suche nach Lösungen für diese Aufgabe, entwickelten wir Tools, die uns die Übersetzung von Templates erleichterten. Später entstand daraus unser In-Context-Editor. Wir zeigten anderen Entwicklungsteams, was wir gebaut hatten und bekamen viel positives Feedback. Also entwickelten wir Ende 2011 einen Prototypen, den auch andere für ihre Internationalisierung nutzen konnten. Ein Jahr später hatten wir eine rasch wachsende Zahl an Kunden und erweiterten unser Tool zu einer Platform: Wir fügten eine API, Integrationstools und ein Projektmanagement für Lokalisierungen hinzu. Unser Ziel wurde klar: Wir müssen Internationalisierung für Softwareentwicklungs- Produktmanagement- und Übersetzunsgteams so einfach wie möglich machen. Seitdem arbeiten wir kontinuierlich daran die Internationalisierung und Übersetzung von Software in allen Aspekten zu vereinfachen. Mittlerweile wird Phrase von hunderten Firmen in über 60 Ländern verwendet und wächst weiterhin schnell. Länder verschiedene Sprachen Phrase User Mio. übersetzte Wörter Erfahre, wie Unternehmen Phrase nutzen, um eine stärkere Beziehung zu ihren Kunden aufzubauen und ihre Effizenz zu steigern. B2C/B2B Netzwerkplattform B2C Sprachassistent Online Banking B2C Kredit- und Banking-Webanwendung B2C/B2B Transport - Web und mobile App B2C Medien-Webanwendung B2B Webkonferenz-Software Jeder sollte Software in seiner Muttersprache verwenden können und nicht durch Sprachbarrieren daran gehindert werden. Wir brennen für Kommunikation ohne Sprachbarrieren. Wir unterstützen Teams auf der ganzen Welt dabei, ihre globalen Wachstumsziele zu erreichen. Willst du Teil eines Teams sein, das mit Leidenschaft daran arbeitet, ein großartiges Produkt zu bauen? Wo du den Freiraum hast, deine Kreativität zu entfalten, deine eigenen Talente einzubringen, und wo du so willkommen bist, wie du bist? Dann melde dich bei uns! Einfaches Setup. 14 Tage testen. Trial verpflichtet nicht zum Kauf. di|Lösungen Integrationen Entwicklung Management Übersetzung Design Über uns Erfolgs-Storys Karriere Dokumentation Blog Webinare E-Books Infografiken Demo Mehr erfahren Mehr erfahren Mehr erfahren Mehr erfahren Mehr erfahren Mehr erfahren Product Manager Sales Manager Lead Generation Representative Engineer Online Marketing Manager Junior Finance Manager Engineer Product Manager Content Marketing Manager Engineering Intern Marketing Intern Head of Customer Success Account Executive Product Marketing Manager Account Manager Head of HR Head of Operations Engineer Engineer Online Marketing Student Localization Consultant Engineer Head of Marketing Marketing Intern Customer Success Manager Junior HR Manager Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Product Officer (CPO) Principal Software Engineer Head of Sales Visual Designer Team Lead Engineering Engineer Founder & Engineer Sales Manager Engineer Product Manager Recruiting Manager Engineering Student Account Executive Senior Account Manager Account Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Sales Manager Engineer ? Zeit, loszulegen Produktinformation Unternehmen Hilfe Unsere Lösungen Informationssicherheit h1|Über Phrase h2|Unsere Mission ist es, Sprachbarrieren zu durchbrechen Wie Phrase entstand Erfolgs-Storys Liefert übersetzte Inhalte zur rechten Zeit an seine 12 Millionen Mitglieder Wie comdirect als erste Bank in Deutschland einen Sprachassistenten für die Börse entwickelte. Kreditech expandiert weltweit mithilfe von Phrase Mehrere Monate Zeitersparnis für Entwicklungsteams mit Phrase Erreichte 66 Mio. französische User in unter 10 Wochen Bietet Webkonferenzdienste mit mehreren Funktionen in 17 Sprachen an. Unser tolles Team Arbeite mit uns Aus dem Blog Folge uns auf Social Media h3|Phrase ist die führende Softwarelokalisierungsplattform und die zuverlässigste Art und Weise, eine Website oder mobile App zu lokalisieren. Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt verlassen sich auf Phrase als umfassende und skalierbare Lösung, um ihre digitalen Produkte mehrsprachig anzubieten. David Ost Laure Salinas Til Fabel Elizabeth Orwig Kultida Thongyaem Marena Mohrdieck Stefan Bruhns Lisa Reisch Dalibor Stajic Mikko Karkee Lea Häusler Henning Schlinkmann Pierre Zenker Corinna Maier Jimena Codrin Mariana Tutlys Kristof Kraemer Stefan Greffenius Sven Dunemann Colin Witt Kristina Reinhardt Aleks Maksimow Stephan Schöning Cora Schah Sedi Patrick Hampel Jana-Marie Lecher Wolfram Graetz Björn Minkmar Manuel Boy Jannis Rhein Gamze Kaplan Aleksandr Lossenko Sönke Behrendt Tobias Schwab Caroline Gruner Jakub Freisler Mansoor Khan Nadine Steinert Paul Baumgarten Wafaâ Jlaoui Mustafa Cetin Julia Pachal Frederik Vollert Finn Adomat Szymon Dziewoński Und du? h4|Für Softwareentwicklungs-Teams Erste Schritte sp|Navigation ein/ausblenden 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Deutsch Wir stellen ein! Lösungen pa|La única plataforma de localización para reunir a todo tu equipo Conecta Phrase a tus herramientas y servicios favoritos Fácil de integrar y fácil de administrar, directamente desde tu línea de comandos Coordina tu equipo con roles específicos y trabajos asignables Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y ve los cambios de texto en un contexto en vivo Trabaje con contenido traducido directamente en sus diseños desde su herramienta favorita. Nuestra misión y la historia detrás de Phrase Empresas de todo el mundo que se localizan de forma eficiente. Así lo hacen ¡Seguimos creciendo! Consulta nuestras ofertas de empleo Toda la información que necesitas para comenzar Lee los últimos conocimientos y tutoriales de localización Obtenga más información sobre las funciones y las prácticas recomendadas Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la localización Guías paso a paso para comprender el panorama general de la localización Prueba Phrase por ti mismo. Creemos que todo el mundo debería poder acceder al software en su idioma nativo. Por eso estamos tan orgullosos de poder ayudar a equipos de todo el mundo a entrar en nuevos mercados de un modo más productivo y exitoso que nunca. «¡Tenemos que tener el portal listo en 4 semanas!», nos dijo nuestro inversor sobre el portal de reservas turísticas que estábamos desarrollando. Y añadió, «Tiene que estar disponible en 24 idiomas». Nuestro equipo, en aquel entonces, ya tenía experiencia con el desarrollo de software para empresas en rápido crecimiento, pero este tipo de dinámica de internacionalización era rápida hasta para nosotros. Nuestra búsqueda de un producto que pudiera ayudarnos a localizar el software a ese nivel no dio ningún resultado. Finalmente, decidimos desarrollar una aplicación que les permitiera a nuestros traductores localizar nuestras plantillas web al instante mientras navegaban por el portal de reservas. La edición al instante incrementó la velocidad de nuestro proceso y con el tiempo se volvió la base de nuestro In-Context Editor. Recibimos muchos comentarios positivos al mostrárselo a otros desarrolladores, quienes también nos dijeron que les encantaría usarlo en sus proyectos. Así fue como a finales de 2011 la idea de desarrollar una plataforma de localización con las herramientas que habíamos creado germinó en un prototipo de Phrase. Un año más tarde, habíamos adquirido un número cada vez mayor de clientes y habíamos expandido la herramienta hasta volverla una plataforma capaz de ofrecer clientes API, herramientas de integración y asistencia en el flujo de trabajo que requiere el proceso de localización completo. Nuestro objetivo se volvió evidente: debemos brindar una solución de localización a los desarrolladores de software y buscar soluciones cada vez más simples para las tareas habituales de los localizadores y traductores de software. Esto es lo que hacemos y seguiremos haciendo. Buscamos eliminar pasos innecesarios de los procesos de localización para volverlos mucho más simples. Phrase crece rápidamente y está trabajando con cientos de empresas en más de 60 países. países idiomas diferentes usuarios de Phrase millones de palabras traducidas Infórmate acerca de cómo otras empresas utilizan Phrase para entablar relaciones más sólidas con sus clientes y cambiar la forma en la que hacen negocios. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software Creemos que todos deberían poder usar software en su lengua materna. Como apasionados por el poder de la comunicación, nos hemos asociado con equipos de todo el mundo para ayudarles a alcanzar sus objetivos globales. ¿Quieres formar parte de un equipo al que le une la pasión por crear algo grande que importe de verdad? ¿Donde tengas espacio para desplegar tu creatividad, poner tus talentos sobre la mesa y donde te acepten como eres? Entonces contacta, encuentra tu lugar y únete a nosotros. Fácil de configurar. Prueba gratuita de 14 días. Compra o cancela en cualquier momento. di|Soluciones Integraciones Desarrolladores Gerentes Traductores Diseñadores Acerca de nosotros Clientes Ofertas de empleo Documentación Blog Seminarios web Ebooks Infografías Demo Leer más Leer más Leer más Leer más Leer más Leer más Product Manager Engineer Visual Designer Engineering Intern Account Manager Product Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Customer Success Manager Head of Customer Success Head of Sales Engineer Head of HR Recruiting Manager Team Lead Engineering Junior HR Manager Sales Manager Account Executive Principal Software Engineer Engineer Online Marketing Student Junior Finance Manager Localization Consultant Engineer Engineer Content Marketing Manager Head of Operations Marketing Intern Product Marketing Manager Sales Manager Sales Manager Lead Generation Representative Online Marketing Manager Senior Account Manager Engineering Student Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Engineer Head of Marketing Marketing Intern Product Manager Founder & Engineer Chief Product Officer (CPO) Account Manager Account Executive Engineer ? Es hora de comenzar Información del producto Empresa Soporte Nuestras soluciones Seguridad de la información h1|Acerca de Phrase h2|Nuestra misión es derribar las barreras del lenguaje. Historia Historias de éxito Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Conoce a nuestro maravilloso equipo Trabaja con nosotros De nuestro blog Síguenos en las redes sociales h3|Phrase es la plataforma líder de localización de software y la manera más fiable de localizar un sitio web o aplicación móvil. Contamos con clientes por todo el mundo que confían en Phrase como la solución escalable más completa para globalizar productos digitales multilingües. Lisa Reisch Sönke Behrendt Gamze Kaplan Mikko Karkee Jimena Codrin David Ost Frederik Vollert Patrick Hampel Henning Schlinkmann Jannis Rhein Stefan Greffenius Mariana Tutlys Nadine Steinert Aleksandr Lossenko Jana-Marie Lecher Finn Adomat Pierre Zenker Manuel Boy Aleks Maksimow Colin Witt Marena Mohrdieck Kristina Reinhardt Elizabeth Orwig Sven Dunemann Dalibor Stajic Kristof Kraemer Cora Schah Sedi Corinna Maier Caroline Gruner Laure Salinas Til Fabel Kultida Thongyaem Mustafa Cetin Paul Baumgarten Wolfram Graetz Jakub Freisler Stefan Bruhns Stephan Schöning Lea Häusler Mansoor Khan Tobias Schwab Björn Minkmar Julia Pachal Wafaâ Jlaoui Szymon Dziewoński ¿Y tú? h4|Inicio rápido para desarrolladores Primeros pasos sp|Activar/desactivar navegación +60 +145 +30 000 +260 Español ¡Estamos contratando! Soluciones pa|Het enige lokalisatieplatform dat je hele team samenbrengt Verbind Phrase met je favoriete tools en diensten Makkelijk te integreren en eenvoudig te beheren, direct vanaf je opdrachtregel Coördineer je team met toegewijde rollen en toewijsbare jobs Versnel je workflow en bekijk kopijveranderingen in een live context Werk direct met vertaalde inhoud in je designs van je favoriete tool. Onze missie en het verhaal achter Phrase Hoe bedrijven over de hele wereld efficiënt worden gelokaliseerd We breiden uit! Bekijk onze vacatures Alle informatie die je nodig hebt om te beginnen Lees over de laatste inzichten voor lokalisatie en tutorials Meer informatie over functies en best practices Alles wat u moet weten over lokalisatie Stapsgewijze richtlijnen om het grote plaatje van lokalisatie te leren begrijpen Probeer Phrase zelf uit. Wij geloven dat iedereen toegang zou moeten hebben tot software in zijn eigen moedertaal. Daarom zijn we er zo trots op om teams over de hele wereld te mogen helpen om nieuwe markten op productievere en succesvollere wijze dan ooit te betreden. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Wegens onze passie voor de kracht van communicatie werken wij samen met teams over de hele wereld om hen te helpen hun globale doelen te bereiken. Wil jij deel uitmaken van een team dat wordt samengebracht door de passie om iets groots te bouwen dat er daadwerkelijk toe doet? Waar jij de ruimte hebt om je creativiteit tot uiting te brengen, gebruik te maken van je eigen talenten en waar jij welkom bent als wie jij bent? Neem dan contact met ons op, vind je plekje en maak deel uit van ons team! Makkelijk te installeren. Gratis proefperiode van 14 dagen. Koop of annuleer op elk moment. di|Oplossingen Integraties Ontwikkelaars Managers Vertalers Ontwerpers Over ons Klanten Carrière Documentatie Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographic Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Head of Marketing Engineering Intern Engineer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Team Lead Engineering Content Marketing Manager Engineer Online Marketing Student Engineer Lead Generation Representative Head of Customer Success Recruiting Manager Product Manager Engineer Engineering Student Engineer Visual Designer Junior HR Manager Sales Manager Engineer Engineer Head of Operations Sales Manager Head of Sales Customer Success Manager Product Marketing Manager Online Marketing Manager Engineer Product Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Account Executive Sales Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Junior Finance Manager Marketing Intern Principal Software Engineer Product Manager Marketing Intern Founder & Engineer Account Manager Account Executive Account Manager Localization Consultant Senior Account Manager Head of HR ? Tijd om te beginnen Productinformatie Bedrijf Ondersteuning Onze oplossingen Beveiliging van informatie h1|About Phrase h2|Onze missie is om taalbarrières af te breken The story behind Success stories Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase is het vooraanstaande software-lokalisatieplatform en de betrouwbaarste manier om een website of mobiele applicatie te lokaliseren. Klanten over de hele wereld vertrouwen op Phrase als de uitgebreidste, meest schaalbare oplossing om meertalige digitale producten wereldwijd uit te brengen. Stephan Schöning Mikko Karkee Jakub Freisler Wolfram Graetz Aleksandr Lossenko Dalibor Stajic Aleks Maksimow Colin Witt Stefan Bruhns Til Fabel Henning Schlinkmann Nadine Steinert David Ost Szymon Dziewoński Paul Baumgarten Elizabeth Orwig Gamze Kaplan Jana-Marie Lecher Laure Salinas Sven Dunemann Sönke Behrendt Kristof Kraemer Finn Adomat Jannis Rhein Patrick Hampel Corinna Maier Kultida Thongyaem Stefan Greffenius Mansoor Khan Björn Minkmar Wafaâ Jlaoui Caroline Gruner Frederik Vollert Marena Mohrdieck Cora Schah Sedi Manuel Boy Lisa Reisch Lea Häusler Tobias Schwab Jimena Codrin Pierre Zenker Julia Pachal Kristina Reinhardt Mustafa Cetin Mariana Tutlys And You? h4|Snelstart voor ontwikkelaars Beginnen sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Nederlands We zoeken personeel! Oplossingen pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplattformen som bringer hele ditt team sammen Koble Phrase til verktøyene og tjenestene du bruker mest. Enkelt å integrere og enkel å håndtere - dire fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere ditt team med dedikerte roller og funksjoner Akselerer hastigheten på din arbeidsflyt og se endringer i en ekte sammenheng Jobb med oversatt innhold rett i designene dine fra favorittverktøyet ditt Vår misjon og historien bak Phrase Hvordan bedrifter over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se våre aktuelle åpninger All informasjonen du behøver for å komme i gang Les alt det nyeste om lokalisering og finn brukerveiledning Lær mer om funksjoner og beste praksis Alt du trenger å vite om lokalisering Trinnvise retningslinjer for å forstå det store bildet av lokaliseringen Prøv ut Phrase Vi mener at alle burde ha tilgang til programvare på sitt eget språk. Derfor er vi så stolte av å hjelpe team over hele verden med å lansere i nye markeder på en mer produktiv måte og mer vellykket enn før. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Lidenskapelig opptatte av kraften i kommunikasjon, er vi partnere med team over hele verden for å hjelpe dem nå sine globale mål. Har du lyst til å være en del av et team som forenes av lidenskapen for å bygge noe viktig som virkelig betyr noe? Hvor du får muligheten til å bruke kreativiteten din og bidra med dine talenter, og hvor du er velkommen som du er? Da må du ta kontakt, finne riktig plass og bli med oss! Enkelt å klargjøre. Gratis 14-Dagers Prøveperiode. Kjøp eller avslutt når som helst. di|Løsninger Integrering Utviklere Administratorer Oversettere Designere Om oss Kunder Karriere Dokumentasjon Blogg Webinars E-bøker Infografikk Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Chief Product Officer (CPO) Lead Generation Representative Head of Marketing Recruiting Manager Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineering Intern Account Manager Engineer Product Marketing Manager Account Executive Product Manager Founder & Engineer Sales Manager Junior Finance Manager Marketing Intern Senior Account Manager Team Lead Engineering Head of HR Head of Sales Account Executive Marketing Intern Online Marketing Student Principal Software Engineer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Account Manager Sales Manager Content Marketing Manager Engineer Engineer Product Manager Head of Operations Online Marketing Manager Sales Manager Localization Consultant Engineer Customer Success Manager Junior HR Manager Head of Customer Success Product Manager Engineering Student Visual Designer ? Tid til å komme i gang Produktinformasjon Virksomhet Hjelp Våre Løsninger Informasjonssikkerhet h1|About Phrase h2|Vår visjon er å rive ned språkbarrierer The story behind Success stories Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase er det ledende systemet for styring av oversettelser og den mest pålitelige måten å lokalisere en nettside eller applikasjon på. Kunder over hele verden stoler på Phrase som den mest omfattende og skalerbare løsningen for å lansere flerspråklige digitale produkter i det globale markedet. Frederik Vollert Björn Minkmar Til Fabel Stephan Schöning Nadine Steinert Jakub Freisler Stefan Greffenius Aleks Maksimow Stefan Bruhns Mikko Karkee Julia Pachal Sönke Behrendt Corinna Maier Wafaâ Jlaoui Lisa Reisch Tobias Schwab Caroline Gruner Marena Mohrdieck Cora Schah Sedi Mustafa Cetin Aleksandr Lossenko Mariana Tutlys Jannis Rhein Pierre Zenker Lea Häusler Colin Witt Manuel Boy Wolfram Graetz Jimena Codrin Laure Salinas Dalibor Stajic Sven Dunemann Elizabeth Orwig David Ost Kristof Kraemer Kultida Thongyaem Finn Adomat Kristina Reinhardt Szymon Dziewoński Patrick Hampel Jana-Marie Lecher Henning Schlinkmann Mansoor Khan Paul Baumgarten Gamze Kaplan And You? h4|Hurtig oppstart for utviklere Kom i gang sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Norsk (bokmål) Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|La seule plateforme de localisation qui réunit toute ton équipe Connecte Phrase à tes outils et services favoris. Facile à intégrer et simple à gérer, directement à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande Coordonne ton équipe avec des rôles dédiés et des jobs assignables Accélère ton workflow et vois les changements de copie dans un contexte réel Travaille avec du contenu traduit directement dans tes designs à partir de ton outil favori Notre mission et l'histoire derrière Phrase Comment des sociétés à travers le monde localisent efficacement Nous nous développons ! Consulte nos offres d'emploi actuelles Toutes les informations pour commencer Suis les dernières actualités et tutoriels sur la localisation Apprends-en plus sur les fonctionnalités et les meilleures pratiques Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la localisation Les grandes lignes pour comprendre la situation globale de la localisation Essaye Phrase par toi-même Nous pensons que chacun devrait pouvoir accéder à des logiciels dans sa langue maternelle. C'est pourquoi nous sommes si fiers d'aider des équipes du monde entier à s'implanter sur de nouveaux marchés de manière productive et fructueuse. "La plateforme doit être opérationnelle dans 4 semaines !", a ordonné notre investisseur concernant la plateforme de réservation de voyages que nous étions en train de développer. Puis il a ajouté : "Elle doit être disponible en 24 langues." Notre équipe était alors spécialisée dans le développement de logiciels pour des start-up à croissance rapide mais un tel rythme d'internationalisation était inédit, même pour nous. Nous avons recherché en vain un produit susceptible de faciliter la localisation de notre logiciel à cette échelle. Au final, nous avons décidé de créer une application permettant à nos traducteurs de localiser nos modèles Web à la volée, au fur et à mesure qu'ils naviguaient sur la plateforme de réservation. Ce mode d'édition à la volée a immédiatement accéléré le processus de développement et a servi de principe fondateur à notre éditeur contextuel. Nous l'avons montré à des collègues développeurs qui nous ont adressé de nombreux retours positifs et affirmé vouloir l'utiliser dans leurs propres projets. C'est ainsi que fin 2011, l'idée de concevoir une plateforme de localisation à partir des outils que nous avions créés a germé et donné naissance à un prototype de Phrase. Un an plus tard, nous avions un nombre croissant de clients et avions fait évoluer notre outil en une plateforme offrant des clients API, des outils d'intégration et un support de workflow pour l'ensemble du processus de localisation. Notre objectif est devenu clair : résoudre la question de la localisation pour les développeurs de logiciels et imaginer des solutions toujours plus simples pour prendre en charge les tâches clés des gestionnaires de localisation comme des traducteurs de logiciels. Autrement dit, notre mission actuelle et à venir consiste à faire constamment tout notre possible pour éliminer les étapes inutiles des processus de localisation et simplifier la localisation de logiciels par tous les moyens. Phrase connaît une croissance rapide et rend service à des centaines d'entreprises dans plus de 60 pays. pays langues différentes Utilisateurs de Phrase millions de mots traduits Découvre comment des entreprises recourent à Phrase pour construire des relations plus fortes avec leurs clients et développent une nouvelle manière d'exercer leur activité. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software Nous pensons que chacun devrait pouvoir utiliser des logiciels dans sa propre langue. Fascinés par le pouvoir de la communication, nous travaillons avec des équipes du monde entier pour les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs globaux. Tu veux faire partie d'une équipe unie par la passion de construire quelque chose de grand et qui compte vraiment ? Où tu disposes d'espace pour déployer ta créativité, exprimer tes talents, et où tu es accepté tel que tu es ? Alors rejoins-nous ! Facile à installer. Essai gratuit pendant 14 jours. Achète ou annule à tout moment. di|Solutions Intégrations Développeurs Managers Traducteurs Designers A propos Clients Carrières Documentation Blog Webinars E-books Infographies Démo Lire davantage Lire davantage Lire davantage Lire davantage Lire davantage Lire davantage Product Marketing Manager Principal Software Engineer Account Executive Engineer Content Marketing Manager Engineering Student Head of Marketing Head of Operations Engineering Intern Engineer Online Marketing Student Team Lead Engineering Recruiting Manager Junior Finance Manager Account Manager Senior Account Manager Sales Manager Founder & Engineer Engineer Marketing Intern Engineer Product Manager Head of Sales Account Executive Chief Product Officer (CPO) Account Manager Engineer Customer Success Manager Junior HR Manager Localization Consultant Visual Designer Online Marketing Manager Sales Manager Engineer Product Manager Product Manager Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Head of Customer Success Lead Generation Representative Engineer Sales Manager Head of HR Engineer Marketing Intern Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) ? Il est l'heure de commencer Informations sur le produit Entreprise Support Nos solutions Sécurité de l'information h1|À propos de Phrase h2|Notre mission est d'enlever les barrières linguistiques Notre histoire Témoignages de réussite Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Notre équipe exceptionnelle Nous rejoindre En direct de notre blog Suis-nous sur les réseaux sociaux h3|Phrase est la plateforme logicielle leader de localisation, et le moyen le plus fiable de localiser un site Web ou une application mobile. Des clients du monde entier utilisent Phrase car c'est la solution la plus complète et adaptable pour donner à des produits numériques multilingues une envergure globale. Corinna Maier Manuel Boy Pierre Zenker Sven Dunemann Dalibor Stajic Paul Baumgarten Stephan Schöning Kristof Kraemer Mikko Karkee Sönke Behrendt Colin Witt Aleksandr Lossenko Nadine Steinert Marena Mohrdieck Julia Pachal Mustafa Cetin Caroline Gruner Tobias Schwab Aleks Maksimow Lea Häusler Jakub Freisler Mansoor Khan Jannis Rhein Wafaâ Jlaoui Björn Minkmar Jimena Codrin Stefan Greffenius Patrick Hampel Jana-Marie Lecher Kristina Reinhardt Gamze Kaplan Kultida Thongyaem Finn Adomat Stefan Bruhns David Ost Lisa Reisch Wolfram Graetz Henning Schlinkmann Til Fabel Szymon Dziewoński Laure Salinas Mariana Tutlys Elizabeth Orwig Cora Schah Sedi Frederik Vollert Et toi ? h4|Pour les développeurs Premiers pas sp|Basculer la Navigation > 60 > 145 > 30 000 > 260 Français Nous recrutons ! Solutions pa|L’unica piattaforma di localizzazione che riunisce tutto il tuo team Connetti Phrase ai tuoi strumenti e servizi preferiti Facile da integrare e semplice da gestire, direttamente dalla tua riga di comando Coordina il tuo team con ruoli mirati e lavori trasferibili Velocizza il tuo workflow e guarda i cambiamenti del testo in un contesto stimolante Lavora coi contenuti tradotti direttamente nei tuoi design, dal tuo strumento preferito La nostra missione e la storia dietro a Phrase Il modo in cui le aziende di tutto il mondo stanno localizzando efficientemente Stiamo crescendo! Visualizza le attuali opportunità Tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per cominciare Scopri le ultime novità e i tutorial sulla localizzazione Scopri di più su caratteristiche e migliori prassi Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla localizzazione Orientamento passo per passo alla comprensione di un quadro generale della localizzazione Prova Phrase. Crediamo che tutti debbano avere accesso al software nella propria lingua madre. Per questo siamo estremamente orgogliosi di poter aiutare i team di tutto il mondo ad accedere a nuovi mercati nel modo più produttivo e proficuo che mai. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Appassionati del potere della comunicazione, collaboriamo con team di tutto il mondo per aiutarli a raggiungere i loro obiettivi globali. Desideri far parte di un team unito dalla passione di costruire qualcosa di fantastico e davvero importante? Qualcosa in cui hai lo spazio per liberare la creatività, mettere il tuo talento a fattor comune e in cui sei accettato per ciò che sei? Se sì, contattaci, trova il tuo posto e unisciti a noi! Facile da configurare. Prova gratuita di 14 giorni. Compra o cancella quando vuoi. di|Soluzioni Integrazioni Developer Manager Traduttori Designer Su di noi Clienti Carriere Documentazione Blog Webinar Ebook Infografiche Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Chief Product Officer (CPO) Team Lead Engineering Head of Marketing Account Manager Engineer Head of Customer Success Visual Designer Product Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Engineer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Senior Account Manager Product Marketing Manager Engineer Head of Operations Product Manager Engineer Engineer Sales Manager Marketing Intern Online Marketing Student Account Executive Content Marketing Manager Engineering Student Principal Software Engineer Account Manager Sales Manager Lead Generation Representative Customer Success Manager Founder & Engineer Engineer Engineering Intern Account Executive Head of HR Sales Manager Localization Consultant Junior HR Manager Online Marketing Manager Recruiting Manager Marketing Intern Product Manager Engineer Head of Sales Engineer Junior Finance Manager ? È ora di iniziare Informazione prodotto Azienda Supporto Le nostre soluzioni Sicurezza delle informazioni h1|About Phrase h2|La nostra missione è abbattere le barriere linguistiche The story behind Success stories Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase è la principale piattaforma per la localizzazione di software e rappresenta il modo più affidabile per localizzare un sito web o un'applicazione mobile. Clienti di tutto il mondo si affidano a Phrase perché è la soluzione più completa e scalabile per espandere a livello globale i prodotti digitali multilingue. Björn Minkmar Aleksandr Lossenko Stephan Schöning Jimena Codrin Aleks Maksimow Henning Schlinkmann Gamze Kaplan David Ost Frederik Vollert Stefan Bruhns Wolfram Graetz Mustafa Cetin Corinna Maier Elizabeth Orwig Kristof Kraemer Lisa Reisch Stefan Greffenius Sönke Behrendt Caroline Gruner Lea Häusler Colin Witt Pierre Zenker Dalibor Stajic Paul Baumgarten Manuel Boy Julia Pachal Laure Salinas Til Fabel Patrick Hampel Tobias Schwab Jakub Freisler Mikko Karkee Wafaâ Jlaoui Mariana Tutlys Finn Adomat Kristina Reinhardt Jana-Marie Lecher Kultida Thongyaem Nadine Steinert Cora Schah Sedi Mansoor Khan Sven Dunemann Jannis Rhein Szymon Dziewoński Marena Mohrdieck And You? h4|Guida rapida per developer Introduzione sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Italiano Assumiamo! Soluzioni pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplatform som bringer hele dit team sammen Forbind Phrase med dine foretrukne værktøjer og services Nemt at integrere og simpelt at håndtere - direkte fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere dit team med dedikerede roller og funktioner Sæt skub i dine arbejdsgange og se ændringer i dit indhold live. Arbejd med oversat indhold direkte i dine designs fra dit foretrukne værktøj Vores mission og historien bag Phrase Hvordan forretninger over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se vores nuværende åbninger Al information du har brug for for at komme i gang Læs alt det nyeste om lokalisering og find tutorials Læs mere om funktioner og bedste praksis Dyk dybt ned i alle ting lokalisering med vores gratis e-bøger Trin-for-trin retningslinjer til at kunne forstå det store billede af lokalisering Prøv selv Phrase. Vi mener, at alle skal kunne få adgang til software på deres modersmål. Derfor er vi så stolte over at hjælpe hold rundt omkring i verden med at komme ind på nye markeder mere produktivt, og med mere succes end nogensinde før. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Vi brænder for kommunikationskraften, og vi samarbejder med hold rundt om i verden for at hjælpe dem med at nå deres globale mål. Vil du være en del af et hold, der er forenet af lidenskaben for at opbygge noget stort, som virkelig betyder noget? Hvor du har plads til at udfolde din kreativitet, bringe dine egne talenter til bordet, og hvor du er velkommen som du er? Så ræk ud, find dit sted og slut dig til os! Nemt at sætte op. 14 dages gratis prøveperiode. Ingen binding. di|Løsninger Integrationer Udviklere Managere Oversættere Designere Om os Kunder Karrierer Dokumentation Blog Webinars E-bøger Infografik Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Founder & Engineer Lead Generation Representative Product Manager Head of HR Senior Account Manager Engineer Account Manager Marketing Intern Content Marketing Manager Product Marketing Manager Engineer Online Marketing Student Visual Designer Engineer Account Executive Online Marketing Manager Head of Operations Engineer Product Manager Head of Marketing Junior Finance Manager Engineer Sales Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Engineer Marketing Intern Head of Customer Success Customer Success Manager Sales Manager Localization Consultant Head of Sales Engineering Intern Junior HR Manager Account Manager Product Manager Sales Manager Team Lead Engineering Principal Software Engineer Recruiting Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Account Executive Engineer Engineer Engineering Student ? Tid til at komme i gang Produktinformation Virksomhed Support Vores Løsninger Informationssikkerhed h1|About Phrase h2|Vores mission er at nedbryde sprogbarrierer The story behind Success stories Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase er den førende softwarelokaliseringsplatform og den mest pålidelige måde at lokalisere et websted eller en mobilapplikation på. Kunder over hele verden stoler på Phrase som den mest omfattende og skalerbare løsning til at bringe flersprogede digitale produkter globale. Wolfram Graetz Tobias Schwab Til Fabel Mansoor Khan Mariana Tutlys Mustafa Cetin Jakub Freisler Julia Pachal Cora Schah Sedi Dalibor Stajic Corinna Maier Aleks Maksimow Colin Witt Gamze Kaplan Elizabeth Orwig Wafaâ Jlaoui Kultida Thongyaem Kristof Kraemer Stefan Greffenius David Ost Stephan Schöning Marena Mohrdieck Sven Dunemann Caroline Gruner Frederik Vollert Szymon Dziewoński Lea Häusler Henning Schlinkmann Patrick Hampel Finn Adomat Kristina Reinhardt Jannis Rhein Mikko Karkee Jana-Marie Lecher Jimena Codrin Lisa Reisch Laure Salinas Aleksandr Lossenko Manuel Boy Nadine Steinert Björn Minkmar Pierre Zenker Stefan Bruhns Sönke Behrendt Paul Baumgarten And You? h4|Hurtig opstart for udviklere Kom i gang sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Dansk Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|A única plataforma de localização que vai reunir toda a tua equipa Liga o Phrase às tuas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente a partir da tua linha de comandos Coordena a tua equipa com funções específicas e trabalhos atribuíveis. Acelera o teu fluxo de trabalho e vê as alterações efetuadas em contexto real Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente nos seus designs a partir da sua ferramenta favorita A nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como é que empresas em todo o mundo estão a localizar-se eficazmente Estamos a crescer! Veja as nossas vagas Todas as informações de que precisas para começar Mantém-te a par dos mais recentes conhecimentos e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e boas práticas Tudo o que tens de saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender o panorama geral da localização Experimenta já a Phrase Acreditamos que toda a gente deve ter a possibilidade de aceder ao software no seu idioma nativo. É por isso que nos sentimos tão orgulhosos pelo facto de ajudarmos equipas de todo o mundo a entrarem em novos mercados da forma mais produtiva e bem-sucedida que alguma vez existiu. "Devemos ter a plataforma disponível em 4 semanas!", disse-nos o nosso investidor sobre a plataforma de reservas de viagens que estávamos a construir. E acrescentou: "Deve estar disponível em 24 idiomas". A nossa equipa na altura era experiente no desenvolvimento de software para startups de rápido crescimento, mas este tipo de ritmo de internacionalização era rápido mesmo para nós. A nossa procura por um produto que poderia facilitar a localização do nosso software a esta escala foi infrutífera. Finalmente, decidimos criar uma aplicação para permitir que os nossos tradutores localizassem os nossos modelos da internet no local enquanto navegavam na nossa plataforma de reservas. A edição no local acelerou instantaneamente o nosso processo e, eventualmente, tornou-se a base do nosso Editor In-Context. Mostrá-mo-la a outros programadores e recebemos muitos comentários positivos, e disseram-nos que adorariam usá-la nos seus projetos. Assim, no final de 2011, a ideia de construir uma plataforma de localização a partir das ferramentas que criámos floresceu num protótipo para a Phrase. Um ano depois, tivemos um número crescente de clientes e expandimos a ferramenta para se tornar uma plataforma, oferecendo a API aos clientes, ferramentas de integração e suporte de fluxo de trabalho para um processo de localização completo. O nosso objetivo ficou claro: Precisamos de resolver a localização para os programadores de software e procurar soluções ainda mais simples para as tarefas típicas de gestores de localização e tradutores de software. É para isso que estamos aqui e continuaremos a estar: Tentamos constantemente procurar eliminar etapas desnecessárias dos processos de localização e tornar a localização do software mais simples em todos os sentidos. A Phrase está a crescer rapidamente e atua em centenas de negócios em mais de 60 países. países diferentes idiomas utilizadores Phrase milhões de palavras traduzidas Saiba como as outras empresas usam a Phrase para construírem relações mais fortes com os seus clientes e mudarem a sua maneira de fazer negócio. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software Acreditamos que todos deveriam poder usar o software na sua língua nativa Apaixonados pelo poder da comunicação, estabelecemos parcerias com equipas de todo o mundo para as ajudarmos a atingir os seus objetivos globais. Queres fazer parte de uma equipa unida pela paixão de construir algo grandioso e realmente importante? Onde tens espaço para dares largas à tua criatividade, utilizares os teus próprios talentos e seres bem-vindo(a) tal como és? Então, contacta-nos, encontra o teu espaço e junta-te a nós! Fácil de instalar. Compre ou cancele em qualquer altura. di|Soluções Integrações Programadores Gestores Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Carreiras Documentação Blog Conferências via Web Ebooks Infográficos Demo Ler mais Ler mais Ler mais Ler mais Ler mais Ler mais Founder & Engineer Head of Marketing Chief Product Officer (CPO) Lead Generation Representative Account Executive Engineer Team Lead Engineering Head of HR Engineer Marketing Intern Localization Consultant Sales Manager Sales Manager Visual Designer Head of Customer Success Engineer Engineer Recruiting Manager Engineer Engineering Intern Junior HR Manager Head of Sales Product Manager Sales Manager Account Manager Account Executive Principal Software Engineer Marketing Intern Product Manager Online Marketing Manager Engineering Student Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Engineer Engineer Product Marketing Manager Head of Operations Customer Success Manager Content Marketing Manager Senior Account Manager Product Manager Engineer Account Manager Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Junior Finance Manager Online Marketing Student ? É hora de começar Informações acerca do produto Empresa Suporte As Nossas Soluções Segurança da informação h1|Sobre a Phrase h2|A nossa missão consiste em derrubar as barreiras linguísticas A história Histórias de Sucesso Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Conheça a nossa fantástica equipa Trabalhe connosco Do nosso blogue Siga-nos nas redes sociais h3|O Phrase é a plataforma líder de localização de software, e a forma mais confiável de localizar um site ou uma aplicação móvel. Clientes de todo o mundo contam com o Phrase pois é a solução mais completa e escalável para tornar produtos digitais multilíngues globais. Tobias Schwab Stephan Schöning Björn Minkmar Til Fabel Wafaâ Jlaoui Aleks Maksimow Aleksandr Lossenko Mariana Tutlys Sven Dunemann Cora Schah Sedi Kristina Reinhardt Finn Adomat Laure Salinas Gamze Kaplan Henning Schlinkmann Szymon Dziewoński Stefan Greffenius Nadine Steinert Sönke Behrendt Mikko Karkee Jana-Marie Lecher Jannis Rhein David Ost Caroline Gruner Jimena Codrin Pierre Zenker Manuel Boy Lea Häusler Lisa Reisch Kultida Thongyaem Paul Baumgarten Frederik Vollert Elizabeth Orwig Jakub Freisler Corinna Maier Kristof Kraemer Patrick Hampel Dalibor Stajic Mustafa Cetin Mansoor Khan Stefan Bruhns Julia Pachal Wolfram Graetz Marena Mohrdieck Colin Witt E Você? h4|Início Rápido para Programadores Guia de Utilização sp|Navegação Alternada 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Português Estamos a contratar! Soluções pa|Jedna platforma lokalizacyjna, która połączy cały zespół Połącz Phrase ze swoimi ulubionymi narzędziami i usługami Łatwa integracja i proste zarządzanie, bezpośrednio z linii poleceń Koordynuj swój zespół dedykując role i przydzielając zadania Przyspiesz swój przepływ pracy i obserwuj na bieżąco zmiany w kontekście Pracuj z przetłumaczonymi treściami bezpośrednio w swoich projektach, ze swojego ulubionego urządzenia. Nasza misja i historia powstania Phrase W jaki sposób skutecznie lokalizują firmy na całym świecie Rozwijamy się! Zobacz aktualne oferty pracy Wszystkie informacje potrzebne do rozpoczęcia pracy Przeczytaj najnowsze informacje na temat lokalizacji oraz zobacz tutoriale Dowiedz się więcej o funkcjach i najlepszych rozwiązaniach Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o lokalizacji Przewodnik krok po kroku ułatwiający zrozumienie pełnego obrazu lokalizacji Sam wypróbuj Phrase. Wierzymy, że każdy powinien używać oprogramowania w swoim ojczystym języku. Dlatego jesteśmy dumni, że pomagamy zespołom z całego świata wprowadzać ich produkty na nowe rynki i pracować bardziej wydajnie. „Nasza platforma powinna być dostępna za 4 tygodnie!”, usłyszeli twórcy narzędzia do rezerwacji podróży od inwestora. A potem dodał: „...i być dostępna w 24 językach”. Choć nasz zespół ma doświadczenie w tworzeniu oprogramowania dla szybko rozwijających się startupów, to takie tempo było wymagające nawet dla nas. Nie znaleźliśmy na rynku żadnego produktu, który usprawniłby lokalizację oprogramowania na tę skalę. Dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się na zbudowanie narzędzia, które pozwoliło tłumaczom na lokalizację szablonów stron przy przeglądaniu narzędzia do rezerwacji. Możliwość edycji „na żywo” zdecydowanie przyspieszyła cały proces i stała się fundamentem naszego edytora kontekstowego. Gdy pokazaliśmy go innym developerom, usłyszeliśmy, że chętnie użyliby tego edytora w swoich projektach. Już pod koniec 2011 pomysł zbudowania platformy lokalizacyjnej z naszych narzędzi przekształcił się w prototyp rozwiązania Phrase. W ciągu następnego roku zyskaliśmy wielu klientów, a nasze narzędzie przebudowaliśmy w całą platformę z API dostępnym dla klientów, narzędziami do integracji i obsługą pełnych lokalizacyjnych przepływów pracy. Nasz cel jest prosty: zapewnienie deweloperom narzędzi lokalizacyjnych i zbudowanie prostych rozwiązań dla menedżerów lokalizacji oraz samych tłumaczy. To robimy i to chcemy nadal robić — pozbyć się wszystkich zbędnych kroków z procesu lokalizacji i uprościć ją na każdym etapie. Phrase rozwija się bardzo szybko — dziś obsługujemy setki firm w ponad 60 krajach i szybko rośniemy. krajów różne języki Użytkownicy Phrase miliony przetłumaczonych słów Dowiedz się, jak inne firmy używają Phrase do budowy silniejszych relacji z klientami oraz zmiany sposobu prowadzenia biznesu. Platforma sieciowa B2C/B2B Asystent głosowy B2C bankowość elektroniczna Aplikacja internetowa B2C Credit & Banking B2C/B2B Wysyłka wysyłkowa Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application Oprogramowanie do prowadzenia konferencji internetowych B2B Wierzymy, że wszyscy powinni móc używać programów w rodzimych językach. Pasjonuje nas siła komunikacji, dlatego współpracujemy z zespołami z całego świata, by pomóc im osiągnąć globalny zasięg ich produktów. Chcesz dołączyć do zespołu, w którym łączy nas pasja do budowania rzeczy, które mają znaczenie? Zespołu, w którym możesz rozwinąć kreatywność i wnieść swój talent w rozwój produktu? Gdzie będziesz się czuł bezpiecznie takim jaki jesteś? Znajdź odpowiednie stanowisko, daj nam znać i dołącz do nas! Łatwa instalacja. 14-dniowy okres próbny. Kup lub anuluj w dowolnym momencie. di|Rozwiązania Integracje Programiści Menedżerowie Tłumacze Projektanci O nas Klienci Kariera Dokumentacja Blog Webinaria Ebooki Infografiki Demo Przeczytaj Przeczytaj Przeczytaj Przeczytaj Przeczytaj Przeczytaj Product Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Head of Sales Engineering Intern Content Marketing Manager Marketing Intern Customer Success Manager Product Marketing Manager Product Manager Senior Account Manager Online Marketing Student Sales Manager Head of HR Product Manager Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Engineer Visual Designer Founder & Engineer Engineer Sales Manager Online Marketing Manager Engineer Engineering Student Lead Generation Representative Junior HR Manager Head of Marketing Head of Operations Account Executive Marketing Intern Principal Software Engineer Account Manager Localization Consultant Head of Customer Success Recruiting Manager Engineer Account Manager Team Lead Engineering Junior Finance Manager Sales Manager Account Executive Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Engineer Engineer Engineer ? Czas na rozpoczęcie pracy Informacje o produkcie Firma Wsparcie Nasze rozwiązania Bezpieczeństwo informacji h1|Informacje o Phrase h2|Naszą misją jest burzyć bariery językowe Nasza historia Przykłady sukcesu Dostarcza przetłumaczone treści na czas swoim 12 milionom członków Stając się pierwszym bankiem w Niemczech, który zaoferował asystenta głosowego na giełdzie. Kreditech rozwija się globalnie za pomocą Phrase Oszczędność czasu programistów dzięki Phrase Dotarcie do 66 milionów francuskich użytkowników w okresie poniżej 10 tygodni Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Poznaj nasz świetny zespół Pracuj z nami Z naszego bloga Obserwuj nas w mediach społecznościowych h3|Phrase to wiodąca platforma do lokalizacji oprogramowania i najbardziej niezawodny sposób na zlokalizowanie witryny internetowej lub aplikacji mobilnej. Klienci na całym świecie polegają na Phrase jako najpełniejszym i najbardziej skalowalnym rozwiązaniu do zapewniania wielojęzykowym produktom cyfrowym globalnego zasięgu. David Ost Björn Minkmar Jannis Rhein Mikko Karkee Dalibor Stajic Cora Schah Sedi Patrick Hampel Corinna Maier Mansoor Khan Mustafa Cetin Colin Witt Laure Salinas Mariana Tutlys Lisa Reisch Wolfram Graetz Sönke Behrendt Elizabeth Orwig Gamze Kaplan Tobias Schwab Stefan Greffenius Caroline Gruner Kultida Thongyaem Sven Dunemann Paul Baumgarten Til Fabel Jana-Marie Lecher Stephan Schöning Kristof Kraemer Wafaâ Jlaoui Lea Häusler Manuel Boy Julia Pachal Kristina Reinhardt Henning Schlinkmann Nadine Steinert Stefan Bruhns Jimena Codrin Aleksandr Lossenko Marena Mohrdieck Finn Adomat Pierre Zenker Frederik Vollert Aleks Maksimow Jakub Freisler Szymon Dziewoński A Ty? h4|Szybki start dla programistów Rozpoczynanie pracy sp|Nawigacja Toggle 60+ 145+ ponad 30 tys. 260+ Polski Zatrudniamy! Rozwiązania pa|チーム全体をまとめる、ただひとつのプラットフォーム Phraseをお気に入りのツールやサービスにつなげよう コマンドラインから直接、簡単な統合、シンプルな管理 役割、割当て可能なジョブとチームをコーディネートする ワークフローをより迅速にし、コピーチェンジを現実のコンテキストに合わせて調整 翻訳されたコンテンツをあなたのお気に入りのツールからあなたのデザインで直接扱います Phraseの使命と秘話 いかにして世界中の企業は効率的にローカライズを行っているのか Phraseは日々成長しています! 現在の求人を見る 使用を開始するために必要な全情報 最新のローカライゼーション考察およびチュートリアルを読む 更になる特徴と最善の方法を知る ローカリゼーションに関する知識が必要なすべて ローカリゼーションの全体像を理解するための、ステップごとのガイドライン Phrase を試す 私たちは、すべての人が母国語でソフトウェアにアクセスできるべきだと信じています。だからこそ、世界中のチームがこれまで以上に生産的かつ成功しながら、新しい市場に参入できるように支援できることを誇りに思っています。 投資家が「4週間でプラットフォームを仕上げなければならない!」と当時私たちが取り組んでいた旅行予約のプラットフォームについて言いました。そして「24ヵ国語で利用できるようにもしてほしい」と加えたのです。当時私たちのチームは、急成長しているスタートアップのソフトウェア開発への経験はありましたが、このようなペースでの国際化は急速すぎました。リサーチの結果、この規模のソフトウェアを容易にローカリゼーションできる製品を探すのは難しいことでした。結局私たちは、翻訳者が予約プラットフォームを閲覧しながら、所定のWebテンプレートをローカライズできるアプリケーションを構築することにしたのです。所定のテンプレートを編集するという方法は、即座にプロセスをスピードアップさせ、最終的に『In-Context Editor』の基盤となりました。 同僚の開発者たちの反応はというと、多くのポジティブなフィードバックが集まり、是非彼らのプロジェクトで利用したいとの申し出を受けたのです。こうして2011年後半、私たちが作り出したこのツールを使ってプラットフォームのローカリゼーションするというアイディアがPhraseのプロトタイプとして開発されました。 1年後には顧客数も増え、完全ローカリゼーションプロセスを目指し、APIクライアント、統合ツール、ワークフローサポートを提供して、このツールがプラットフォームに拡張されました。私たちの目標は明らかなものとなりました。ソフトウェア開発者のローカリゼーション問題を解決し、ローカリゼーションマネージャやソフトウェア翻訳者の一般的なタスクに対しても、より簡単なソリューションを実現させることです。 これこそが、私たちがここに存在している理由であり、今後も継続してゆきます。私たちは、ローカリゼーションプロセスから不要な手順を排除し、すべての方法においてソフトウェアのローカライズを簡単にすることを常に目標としています。Phraseは急速に成長し、現在60ヵ国をも超える何百ものビジネスで利用されています。 ヵ国 様々な言語 Phraseユーザー 万の翻訳語数 Phraseを他社がどのように利用して顧客との強い関係を構築し、ビジネス方法を変えているのかを学びましょう。 B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software 私たちは全ての人々が母国語でソフトウェアを使えるべきであると思っています。 私たちはコミュニケーションの持つ力に情熱を注ぎ、世界中のチームと協力して、グローバルな目標の達成を支援しています。 本当に重要で素晴らしいものを作ろうとする、情熱によって1つになったチームの一員になりたいですか?あなたの創造性を発揮するスペース、あなたの才能を提示できるスペースがあり、そしてあなたが歓迎されている場所はどこですか? このような場所を探しているのなら私たちに連絡し、あなたの場所を見つけて私たちのチームの一員になりましょう! 簡単なセットアップ、14 日間の無料トライアル。いつでも、購入もしくはキャンセルが可能です。 di|ソリューション 統合 開発者 マネージャー トランスレーター デザイナーズ 企業情報 カスタマー 採用情報 ドキュメンテーション ブログ ウェビナー 電子書籍 インフォグラフィック デモ 続きを読む 続きを読む 続きを読む 続きを読む 続きを読む 続きを読む Engineer Junior Finance Manager Account Executive Product Manager Content Marketing Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Sales Manager Product Manager Account Manager Engineer Head of HR Head of Customer Success Team Lead Engineering Visual Designer Recruiting Manager Engineer Engineer Head of Sales Head of Operations Engineer Marketing Intern Lead Generation Representative Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Product Marketing Manager Founder & Engineer Engineering Intern Account Executive Online Marketing Manager Engineer Engineering Student Senior Account Manager Principal Software Engineer Engineer Marketing Intern Product Manager Junior HR Manager Sales Manager Localization Consultant Online Marketing Student Engineer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Head of Marketing Sales Manager Customer Success Manager Account Manager ? 開始! 製品情報 企業 サポート ソリューション 情報セキュリティ h1|Phraseについて h2|私たちのミッションは、言語の壁を取り除くことです ウラ話 サクセスストーリー Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth 素晴らしいチームメイトたちと出会う 私たちと働く ブログから ソーシャルメディアでフォローする h3|Phraseは、主要なソフトウェア・ローカリゼーション・プラットフォームであり、Webサイトまたはモバイルアプリケーションをローカライズする方法としては最も信頼性が高いです。多言語のデジタル製品のグローバル展開における、最も包括的でスケーラブルなソリューションとして、Phraseは世界中の顧客の信頼を得ています。 Elizabeth Orwig Marena Mohrdieck Pierre Zenker Mansoor Khan Dalibor Stajic Björn Minkmar Laure Salinas David Ost Jimena Codrin Aleks Maksimow Mariana Tutlys Henning Schlinkmann Aleksandr Lossenko Gamze Kaplan Nadine Steinert Stefan Greffenius Sven Dunemann Jannis Rhein Kristof Kraemer Stefan Bruhns Lea Häusler Til Fabel Frederik Vollert Corinna Maier Tobias Schwab Mikko Karkee Wafaâ Jlaoui Kultida Thongyaem Szymon Dziewoński Paul Baumgarten Mustafa Cetin Manuel Boy Jakub Freisler Cora Schah Sedi Lisa Reisch Jana-Marie Lecher Finn Adomat Kristina Reinhardt Colin Witt Sönke Behrendt Wolfram Graetz Stephan Schöning Caroline Gruner Patrick Hampel Julia Pachal あなたは? h4|開発者用クイックスタート 開始 sp|トグル型ナビゲーション 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ 日本語 キャリア ソリューション pa|팀 전체를 하나로 묶어주는 로컬리제이션 플랫폼 Phrase를 선호하시는 도구 및 서비스와 연동하세요 명령줄에서 직접 쉬운 통합과 편리한 관리가 가능합니다. 전담 역할 및 할당 가능한 작업들을 기반으로 팀 조정 워크플로우를 가속화하고 라이브 컨텍스트에서 복사 변경 사항 보기 즐겨 사용하는 도구를 사용한 디자인에서 번역된 내용으로 직접 작업하세요 Phrase의 사명과 뒷 이야기 전 세계의 비즈니스를 효율적으로 현지화하는 방법 우리는 성장하고 있습니다! 현재 채용 정보를 살펴 보세요 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 정보 최신 로컬리제이션 인사이트 및 튜토리얼 읽기 기능과 모범사례에 대해 알아보세요 로컬라이제이션에 대해 알아야 할 모든 사항 현지화 전반을 이해하기 위한 단계별 가이드라인 Phrase을 직접 사용해 보세요. 저희는 모든 사람이 모국어로 소프트웨어에 접속할 수 있어야 한다고 믿습니다. 그렇기 때문에 저희는 전 세계 각지의 팀들이 이전보다 더 생산적이고 성공적으로 새로운 시장에 진입할 수 있도록 돕고 있다는 점에 자부심을 느낍니다. "우리는 4주 내에 플랫폼을 이용 가능하게 만들어야 합니다"라고 당사의 투자자가 당사가 구축하고 있던 여행 예약 플랫폼에서 우리에게 말했습니다. 그리고 그는 "플랫폼은 24개 언어로 이용 가능해야 합니다"라고 덧붙였습니다. 그 당시 우리 팀은 빠르게 성장하는 스타트업을 위한 소프트웨어 개발에 경험이 많았지만, 이렇게 많은 언어로 현지화하는 것은 우리에게도 너무 급한 것이었습니다. 이러한 규모로 당사 소프트웨어의 현지화를 용이하게 할 수 있는 제품을 찾았지만 성과가 없었습니다. 결론적으로, 우리는 예약 플랫폼을 브라우징하는 동안 준비된 웹 템플릿을 번역사들이 현지화할 수 있게 해주는 애플리케이션을 구축하기로 결정했습니다. 준비된 편집이 즉각적으로 우리의 프로세스 속도를 높여주었고, 마침내 우리의 In-Context 에디터의 기초가 되었습니다. 우리는 이것을 동료 개발자들에게 보여주었고, 많은 긍정적 피드백을 받았으며, 그들은 그들의 프로젝트에서 이것을 사용하고싶다고 말했습니다. 그래서 2011년 후반에 우리가 만든 도구로부터 현지화 플랫폼을 구축하기 위한 아이디어가 Phrase의 프로토타입으로 결실을 맺었습니다. 일년 후 우리는 점점 더 많은 고객을 확보하게 되었으며, 완전한 현지화 프로세스를 위한 API 클라이언트, 통합 도구 및 워크플로 지원을 제공하면서, 이 도구를 플랫폼으로 확장했습니다. 우리의 목표는 분명합니다: 우리는 소프트에어 개발자들을 위해서 현지화를 해결하고, 소프트웨어의 현지화 관리자 및 번역사 모두의 전형적인 업무를 위한 보다 더 간단한 해결책을 찾을 필요가 있습니다. 이것이 우리의 현재 및 미래의 존재 이유입니다: 우리는 끊임없이 현지화 프로세스의 불필요한 단계를 제거하고, 모든 방법으로 소프트웨어 현지화를 보다 간단하게 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Phrase은 급속히 성장하고 있으며, 이제는 60개국 이상에서 수많은 기업체들에 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 국가 다양한 언어 Phrase 사용자들 수백만 단어 이상 번역 다른 기업들이 그들의 고객과 더 강력한 관계를 구축하고, 사업을 수행하는 방식을 변화시키기 위해서 Phrase을 어떻게 사용하는지 알아보세요. B2C/B2B 네트워킹 플랫폼 B2C 음성 어시스턴트 온라인 뱅킹 B2C 신용 및 뱅킹 웹 애플리케이션 B2C/B2B 배송 웹 및 모바일 앱 B2C 미디어 웹 응용 프로그램 B2B 웹 회의 소프트웨어 우리는 모든 사람이 그들의 모국어로 소프트웨어를 사용할 수 있어야 한다고 믿습니다. 저희는 소통의 힘에 대한 열정으로 전 세계 각지의 팀들과 파트너십을 맺어 그들이 세계화 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 정말 중요한 위대한 일을 이루어 보려는 열정으로 결합된 팀의 일원이 되고 싶으신가요? 창의력을 펼쳐 재능을 발휘할 수 있는 공간, 당신의 있는 그대로의 모습을 환영해 주는 공간이 있으신가요? 그럼 저희에게 연락하여 당신의 자리를 찾고 저희와 함께해 주세요! 설치하기 쉽습니다. 14일간의 무료 체험 . 언제든지 구매 및 취소가 가능 합니다. di|솔루션 통합 개발자 관리자 번역가들 디자이너 회사 소개 고객들 채용 정보 문서화 블로그 웨비나 전자책 인포그래픽 데모 더 읽기 더 읽기 더 읽기 더 읽기 더 읽기 더 읽기 Lead Generation Representative Sales Manager Marketing Intern Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Account Manager Engineer Principal Software Engineer Recruiting Manager Junior Finance Manager Sales Manager Product Manager Head of Sales Online Marketing Student Content Marketing Manager Engineer Customer Success Manager Engineer Head of Customer Success Visual Designer Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Account Executive Product Marketing Manager Head of Marketing Team Lead Engineering Chief Product Officer (CPO) Account Executive Product Manager Head of HR Junior HR Manager Founder & Engineer Sales Manager Engineer Online Marketing Manager Engineer Marketing Intern Product Manager Account Manager Engineering Intern Engineering Student Engineer Engineer Localization Consultant Senior Account Manager Head of Operations ? 시작할 시간입니다 제품 정보 기업 지원 저희의 솔루션 정보 보안 h1|Phrase 소개 h2|저희 임무는 언어 장벽을 허무는 것입니다. 배경 스토리 성공 스토리 12백만 명의 회원에게 번역된 컨텐츠를 적시에 제공 독일 최초로 주식 시장에 음성 보조를 제공하는 은행이 되었습니다. Phrase의 도움으로 전 세계적으로 확장 가능한 Kreditech Phrase으로 개발자의 시간 절약 10주 이내에 6천6백만 명의 프랑스 사용자 도달 Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth 당사의 훌륭한 팀 소개 당사와 함께 일하세요 당사의 블로그로부터 소셜 미디어에서 당사를 팔로우하세요 h3|Phrase는 업계 수위의 소프트웨어 번역 플랫폼으로, 웹사이트 또는 모바일 앱 번역을 위한 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 서비스입니다. 전 세계의 고객들이 다양한 언어로 된 디지털 상품의 글로벌 출시를 위해 가장 광범위한 기능과 확장성을 보유한 솔루션인 Phrase를 애용하고 있습니다. Til Fabel Finn Adomat Cora Schah Sedi Wolfram Graetz Szymon Dziewoński Julia Pachal Jakub Freisler Manuel Boy Nadine Steinert Marena Mohrdieck Caroline Gruner Lisa Reisch Jannis Rhein Colin Witt Dalibor Stajic Stefan Bruhns Patrick Hampel Elizabeth Orwig Henning Schlinkmann Gamze Kaplan Frederik Vollert Pierre Zenker Corinna Maier Stephan Schöning Aleksandr Lossenko Björn Minkmar Wafaâ Jlaoui David Ost Mariana Tutlys Jana-Marie Lecher Tobias Schwab Laure Salinas Aleks Maksimow Kultida Thongyaem Sönke Behrendt Lea Häusler Mansoor Khan Jimena Codrin Mikko Karkee Paul Baumgarten Sven Dunemann Stefan Greffenius Kristina Reinhardt Mustafa Cetin Kristof Kraemer 귀하는 어떠신가요? h4|개발자를 위한 빠른 시작 시작하기 sp|토글 네비게이션 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ 한국어 새로운 직원들을 채용 중입니다! 솔루션 pa|一个管理平台,全团队共同使用。 将 Phrase 连接到最喜爱的工具和服务 通过命令行实现无缝集成,轻松管理。 为你的团队成员指定用户角色并分配任务。 加快你的进度并实时预览翻译字条的界面语境 通过您喜欢的工具,直接在设计中处理翻译好的内容 我们的使命和Phrase背后的故事 世界各地的企业如何在高效地本地化 我们在成长!查看我们的招聘信息 快速一阅,轻松上手 阅览最新的本地化教程与话题博文 了解有关功能和最佳实践策略 你的本地化全方位指南 了解本地化概况的详细指南 亲自试试Phrase吧 我们认为,每个人都应该能够用其母语使用软件。这就是为什么我们为能够帮助世界各地的团队比以往任何时候都更有效、更成功地进入新市场而感到自豪。 针对我们正在打造的旅游预订平台,投资人告诉我们,“我们应该在 4 周内就推出平台!”。然后他补充道,“平台还必须以 24 种语言提供”。我们当时的团队在为快速成长的创业公司开发软件方面经验丰富,但即使对于我们来说,这种国际化的步伐也是非常快的。我们搜寻了能够以这样的速度完成软件本地化的产品,但没有找到。最后,我们决定开发一个应用程序,让翻译人员能够一边浏览我们的预订平台,一边就地完成网页模板的本地化工作。这种就地编辑的技术立刻加快了我们的流程,并最终为我们开发 In-Context Editor 奠定了基础。 我们向同行展示这款应用程序,收获了大量好评,他们告诉我们愿意在自己的项目中使用这款程序。因此,2011 年年底,我们用已开发的工具构建一个本地化平台的想法开花结果:Phrase 的原型诞生。 一年后,我们发展了一些客户,将工具扩展成一个平台,提供支持整个本地化流程的 API 客户端、集成工具和工作流程。我们的目标变得明确:我们需要为软件开发人员解决本地化问题,并争取为本地化经理和翻译人员在完成类似软件的常规本地化任务时提供更为简单的解决方案。 这正是我们努力的方向,我们还将继续奋斗:我们一直致力于消除本地化流程中不必要的步骤,并使软件本地化的方方面面变得更加简单。Phrase 正在快速成长,现在已经为 60 多个国家/地区的数百家企业服务。 国家/地区 不同的语言 Phrase 用户 百万(翻译的单词数) 了解其他公司如何使用 Phrase 稳固客户关系,改进业务方式。 B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software 我们认为,每个人都应该能够用母语来使用软件。 我们热衷于沟通的力量,我们与世界各地的团队合作,以帮助他们实现全球目标。 你是否想成为一个因热爱而集结的团队中的一员,一同打造真正重要的伟大事物?在那里,你有空间展示自己的创造力,发挥你的才能;在那里,人们欢迎你的到来。那就与我们联络,找到属于你的位置并加入我们! 易于安装,14天免费试用,随时购买或取消。 di|解决方案 集成 开发人员 管理人员 翻译人员 设计师 关于我们 我们的客户 求职栏 参考文档 博客 在线研讨会 E手册 信息图表 演示 阅读更多 阅读更多 阅读更多 阅读更多 阅读更多 阅读更多 Product Marketing Manager Principal Software Engineer Product Manager Engineering Student Chief Product Officer (CPO) Junior HR Manager Lead Generation Representative Engineer Account Manager Customer Success Manager Head of Operations Account Executive Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Marketing Intern Product Manager Head of Marketing Engineer Engineer Online Marketing Student Head of Sales Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Team Lead Engineering Engineer Senior Account Manager Sales Manager Content Marketing Manager Head of HR Engineer Account Executive Account Manager Junior Finance Manager Sales Manager Online Marketing Manager Sales Manager Head of Customer Success Engineering Intern Localization Consultant Engineer Engineer Founder & Engineer Visual Designer Marketing Intern Recruiting Manager Product Manager ? 开始吧 产品信息 公司简介 相关支持 对策锦集 信息安全 h1|关于 Phrase h2|我们的使命是消除语言障碍 背景 成功案例 Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth 认识我们的优秀团队 与我们合作 来自我们的博客 请在社交媒体上关注我们 h3|Phrase 是领先的软件本地化平台,是最值得信赖的网站和移动应用本地化途径。全世界的客户仰赖 Phrase 最全面和可扩展的解决方案,将多语言数字产品推向全球。 Corinna Maier Manuel Boy Mansoor Khan Paul Baumgarten Björn Minkmar Jana-Marie Lecher Til Fabel Sven Dunemann Julia Pachal Patrick Hampel Kristof Kraemer Pierre Zenker Wolfram Graetz Sönke Behrendt Cora Schah Sedi Lisa Reisch Stephan Schöning Stefan Bruhns Stefan Greffenius Colin Witt Jannis Rhein Frederik Vollert Aleksandr Lossenko Jakub Freisler Mustafa Cetin Laure Salinas Dalibor Stajic Mariana Tutlys Aleks Maksimow Wafaâ Jlaoui Jimena Codrin Marena Mohrdieck Finn Adomat Kultida Thongyaem Caroline Gruner Henning Schlinkmann Mikko Karkee Kristina Reinhardt Szymon Dziewoński Elizabeth Orwig Tobias Schwab Gamze Kaplan Lea Häusler Nadine Steinert David Ost 您呢? h4|开发人员速成班 入门指南 sp|切换导航 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ 中文 我们在招聘! 解决方案 pa|Единая платформа для всех членов команды локализации Подключите Phrase к вашим любимым инструментам и сервисам Простота интеграции и управления, непосредственно из командной строки. Координируйте работу своей команды, распределяйте роли и задачи Ускорьте рабочий процесс внося изменения в режиме реального времени. Работай с переводимым контентом непосредственно в своих проектах с использованием любимого инструмента. Наша миссия и история за Phrase Как компании во всем мире эффективно локализуются Мы растем! Посмотреть наши Вакансии Все, что необходимо для начала работы Будьте в курсе последних новостей о локализации Подробнее о функциях и передовых практиках Всё, что вам нужно знать о локализации Пошаговое руководство для понимания общей картины локализации Запросить демонстрацию Phrase Мы считаем, что каждый должен иметь доступ к программному обеспечению на родном языке. Именно поэтому мы гордимся тем, что помогаем командам по всему миру выходить на новые рынки более продуктивно и успешно, чем когда-либо прежде. "Платформа должна быть доступна через 4 недели", - сказал нам инвестор строящейся нами платформе бронирования путешествий. Затем он добавил: "Она должна быть доступна на 24 языках." В то время наша команда имела опыт разработки программного обеспечения для быстрорастущих стартапов, но темпы интернационализации были быстрыми даже для нас. Поиск продукта, который мог бы облегчить локализацию нашего программного обеспечения в таком масштабе, был бесплоден. Поэтому, мы решили создать приложение, позволяющее переводчикам локализовать разработки непосредственно во время просмотра платформы. Контекстуальное редактирование мгновенно ускорило наш процесс и в конечном итоге стало основой нашего In-Context Editor. Мы показали его коллегам-разработчикам и получили много положительных отзывов о том, что с удовольствием будут использовать его в своих проектах. Так, в конце 2011 года идея создания платформы локализации на основе созданных нами инструментов превратилась в прототип Phrase. Год спустя у нас появлялось все больше клиентов, и мы превратили инструмент в платформу, предлагая API, инструменты интеграции и поддержки рабочих процессов для полного процесса локализации. Наша цель стала ясной: мы должны решить проблему локализации для разработчиков программного обеспечения и стремиться к еще более простым решениям типичных задач как для менеджеров по локализации, так и для переводчиков программного обеспечения. Наша миссия: постоянное стремление исключить ненужные шаги из процесса локализации и максимально упростить локализацию ПО. Phrase быстро развивается и в настоящее время обслуживает сотни предприятий в более чем 60 странах мира. страны разные языки Пользователи Phrase миллион переведённых слов Узнайте, как другие компании используют Phrase для налаживания более прочных отношений со своими клиентами и изменения способов ведения бизнеса. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software Мы убеждены, что возможность использования программное обеспечение на своем родном языке должна быть у каждого. Увлеченные силой коммуникации, мы сотрудничаем с командами по всему миру, чтобы помочь им достичь их глобальных целей. Вы хотите быть частью команды, которая объединяет страсть построить что-то великое, что действительно имеет значение? Где у вас есть место, чтобы развернуть свое творчество, принести свои таланты на стол, и где вас приветствуют, как вы есть? Тогда протяните руку помощи, найдите свое место и присоединяйтесь к нам! Быстрая настройка. Пробный пакет на 14 дней с полным функционалом Phrase. di|Продукт Интеграции Разработчикам Менеджерам Переводчикам Проектировщики О нас Клиенты Карьера Документация Блог Вебинары Электронные книги Инфографика Демо-версия Подробнее Подробнее Подробнее Подробнее Подробнее Подробнее Senior Account Manager Account Manager Lead Generation Representative Sales Manager Content Marketing Manager Engineer Junior Finance Manager Product Manager Head of Customer Success Engineer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Customer Success Manager Account Executive Sales Manager Visual Designer Account Manager Founder & Engineer Engineering Intern Junior HR Manager Engineer Localization Consultant Head of Sales Engineer Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Product Manager Engineer Product Marketing Manager Head of Operations Recruiting Manager Marketing Intern Account Executive Product Manager Online Marketing Manager Head of Marketing Principal Software Engineer Chief Product Officer (CPO) Engineering Student Marketing Intern Online Marketing Student Head of HR Sales Manager Team Lead Engineering Engineer Engineer Engineer ? Время испытать Phrase Информация о продукте О компании Служба поддержки Наши продукты Информационная безопасность h1|О сервисе Phrase h2|Наша миссия состоит в том, чтобы разрушить языковые барьеры История появления Phrase Истории успеха Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Познакомьтесь с нашей замечательной командой. Работайте с нами Из нашего блога Phrase в социальных сетях h3|Ведущая платформа для локализации программного обеспечения Phrase – самый надежный способ локализовать веб-сайт или мобильное приложение. Клиенты во всем мире доверяют Phrase как наиболее комплексному и масштабируемому решению, когда необходимо вывести на глобальный уровень многоязычные цифровые продукты. Mustafa Cetin Jimena Codrin Til Fabel Laure Salinas Dalibor Stajic Elizabeth Orwig Marena Mohrdieck Lisa Reisch Henning Schlinkmann Sven Dunemann Wolfram Graetz Patrick Hampel Wafaâ Jlaoui Finn Adomat Gamze Kaplan Julia Pachal Tobias Schwab Mikko Karkee Jana-Marie Lecher Szymon Dziewoński Kristina Reinhardt Jannis Rhein Jakub Freisler Frederik Vollert Mansoor Khan Sönke Behrendt Corinna Maier Kristof Kraemer Nadine Steinert Cora Schah Sedi Pierre Zenker David Ost Kultida Thongyaem Stephan Schöning Manuel Boy Björn Minkmar Paul Baumgarten Lea Häusler Colin Witt Mariana Tutlys Caroline Gruner Aleksandr Lossenko Stefan Greffenius Stefan Bruhns Aleks Maksimow Может быть Ты? h4|Quickstart для разработчиков Начало работы sp|Показать/скрыть навигацию 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ русский Присоединяйся! Продукт pa|Lokalisointialusta, joka tuo koko tiimisi yhteen Yhdistä Phrase lempityökaluihisi ja -palveluihisi Helppo integroida ja yksinkertainen hallita, suoraan komentoriviltä Koordinoi tiimiäsi erikoistuneilla rooleilla ja jaettavilla tehtävillä Nopeuta työnkulkujasi ja näe tekstin muutokset live-ympäristössä Käytä käännettyä sisältöä suoraan luonnoksiin suosikkityökalussasi Missiomme ja tarina Phrasein taustalla Kuinka liikeyritykset kaikkialla maailmassa lokalisoivat tehokkaasti Olemme kasvussa! Katso avoimet paikkamme Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää päästäksesi alkuun Lue viimeisimmät lokalisointivinkit ja ohjeet Lue lisää toiminnoista ja parhaista käytännöistä Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää lokalisoinnista Ohjeet, jotka auttavat ymmärtämään lokalisaation kokonaiskuvan vaihe vaiheelta Kokeile Phraseia itse. Uskomme, että jokaisella kuuluisi olla mahdollisuus käyttää ohjelmistoa omalla äidinkielellään. Tämän vuoksi olemmekin ylpeitä siitä, että voimme auttaa tiimejä kaikkialla maailmassa astumaan uusille markkinoille entistä tuottavammin ja onnistuneemmin. “We should have the platform available in 4 weeks!”, our investor told us at the travel booking platform we were building. Then he added, "It must be available in 24 languages." Our team at the time was experienced in developing software for fast-growing startups, but this kind of pace in internationalization was rapid even for us. Our search for a product that could facilitate the localization of our software at this scale was fruitless. Finally, we decided to build an application to enable our translators to localize our web templates in-place while browsing our booking platform. The in-place editing instantly sped up our process and eventually became the foundation of our In-Context Editor. We showed it to fellow developers and received lots of positive feedback, and they told us that they would love to use it in their projects. So, in late 2011 the idea to build a localization platform from the tools we had created blossomed into a prototype for Phrase. A year later we had a growing number of customers, and we expanded the tool to become a platform, offering API clients, integration tools and workflow support for the complete localization process. Our objective became clear: We need to solve localization for software developers and strive for even simpler solutions for the typical tasks of localization managers and translators of software alike. This is what we are here for and will continue to do: We constantly aim to eliminate unnecessary steps from localization processes and make software localization simpler in every way. Phrase is growing rapidly and now serves hundreds of businesses in over 60 countries. countries different languages Phrase users million translated words Learn how other companies use Phrase to build stronger relationships with their customers and change the way they do business. B2C/B2B networking platform B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B -toimitus, Web- & mobiilisovellus B2C Media Web Application B2B web-conferencing software We believe that everyone should be able to use software in their native language. Viestintä on intohimomme, ja teemme yhteistyötä eri tiimien kanssa kaikkialla maailmassa auttaaksemme heitä saavuttamaan tavoitteensa. Tahtoisitko olla osa tiimiä, joka pyrkii kehittämään jotain todella merkittävää? Tahtoisitko työskennellä paikassa, jossa voit vapauttaa luovuutesi, hyödyntää kaikkia lahjojasi ja tuntea olosi tervetulleeksi? Ota siinä tapauksessa yhteyttä, löydä oma paikkasi ja liity meihin? Helppo asentaa. Ilmainen 14 päivän kokeilujakso. Osta tai peru milloin vain. di|Ratkaisut Integraatiot Kehittäjät Päälliköt Kääntäjät Suunnittelijat Tietoja meistä Asiakkaat Urat Dokumentaatio Blogi Webinars E-kirjoja Infografiikat Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Engineering Student Principal Software Engineer Engineering Intern Team Lead Engineering Marketing Intern Visual Designer Online Marketing Manager Engineer Customer Success Manager Sales Manager Product Marketing Manager Account Executive Founder & Engineer Junior HR Manager Account Manager Lead Generation Representative Localization Consultant Senior Account Manager Product Manager Head of Marketing Engineer Content Marketing Manager Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Online Marketing Student Product Manager Head of HR Product Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Recruiting Manager Sales Manager Account Manager Engineer Head of Customer Success Marketing Intern Account Executive Head of Sales Junior Finance Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Engineer Engineer Head of Operations Engineer Engineer Sales Manager ? Aika aloittaa Tuotetiedot Yritys Asiakastuki Ratkaisumme Tietoturva h1|About Phrase h2|Kielimuurien purkaminen on tehtävämme The story behind Success stories Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Meet our awesome team Work with us From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Phrase on johtava ohjelmistojen lokalisaatioalusta ja luotettavin tapa lokalisoida verkkosivusto tai mobiilisovellus. Asiakkaat ympäri maailman luottavat Phraseen kattavimpana ja skaalautuvana ratkaisuna, jolla voi tehdä monikielisistä digitaalisista tuotteista maailmanlaajuisia. Paul Baumgarten Manuel Boy Mikko Karkee Aleksandr Lossenko Lea Häusler Gamze Kaplan Kultida Thongyaem Stefan Bruhns Patrick Hampel Caroline Gruner Corinna Maier Wafaâ Jlaoui Tobias Schwab Jana-Marie Lecher Julia Pachal Til Fabel Kristina Reinhardt Mustafa Cetin Mansoor Khan Stephan Schöning Sönke Behrendt Dalibor Stajic Wolfram Graetz Stefan Greffenius Colin Witt David Ost Mariana Tutlys Lisa Reisch Björn Minkmar Nadine Steinert Finn Adomat Jimena Codrin Sven Dunemann Henning Schlinkmann Cora Schah Sedi Pierre Zenker Jannis Rhein Marena Mohrdieck Frederik Vollert Jakub Freisler Elizabeth Orwig Kristof Kraemer Szymon Dziewoński Aleks Maksimow Laure Salinas And You? h4|Pikaohjeet kehittäjille Aloittaminen sp|Toggle Navigation 60+ 145+ 30k+ 260+ Suomi Rekrytoimme! Ratkaisut pa|Üks lokaliseerimisplatvorm, mis toob kogu teie meeskonna kokku Connect Phrase to your favorite tools and services Lihtne ühendada ja kerge hallata otse oma käsuliinilt Koordineerige oma meeskond spetsiaalsete rollide ja määratud töökohtadega Kiirendage oma töövoogu ja vaadake kopeerimismuudatusi live-kontekstisKogu vajalik teave alustamiseks Loe viimastest lokaliseerimisest ja õpetustest Rohkem teavet funktsioonide ja parimate tavade kohta Kõik, mida vaja teada lokaliseerimine Samm-sammult suunised, et mõista suurt pilti lokaliseerimine Proovige meie Phrasei ise. Me teeme meeskonnad üle maailma produktiivsemaks, muutes tarkvara lokaliseerimise kiiremaks, lihtsamaks ja läbipaistvamaks. „Meil peaks olema platvorm saadaval 4 nädala jooksul!”, Ütles meie investor meile meie ehitatud reiside broneerimise platvormil. Siis lisas ta: "See peab olema kättesaadav 24 keeles." Meie meeskond oli samal ajal kogenud kiiresti arenevate alustajate jaoks tarkvara arendamist, kuid selline rahvusvahelistumise tempo oli meie jaoks kiire. Meie toote otsimine, mis võiks hõlbustada meie tarkvara lokaliseerimist sellel skaalal, oli viljatu. Lõpuks otsustasime luua rakenduse, mis võimaldab meie tõlkijatel meie veebipõhiseid malle lokaliseerida meie broneerimisplatvormi sirvimise ajal. Kohapealne redigeerimine kiirendas koheselt meie protsessi ja sai lõpuks meie kontekstiredaktori alus. Me näitasime seda kaaskodanikele ja saime palju positiivset tagasisidet ning nad ütlesid meile, et nad tahaksid seda oma projektides kasutada. Niisiis, 2011. aasta lõpus oli idee ehitada lokaliseerimisplatvorm tööriistadest, mille me oleme loonud, Phrasei prototüübiks. Aasta hiljem oli meil üha rohkem kliente ning me laiendasime tööriista platvormiks, pakkudes API-klientidele, integreerimisvahenditele ja töövoo toetamisele täieliku lokaliseerimisprotsessi jaoks. Meie eesmärk sai selgeks: peame lahendama tarkvaraarendajate lokaliseerimise ja püüdlema veelgi lihtsamate lahendusteni nii tarkvara lokaliseerimise juhtide kui ka tõlkijate tüüpilistele ülesannetele. See on see, mida me siin oleme ja jätkame: Me püüame pidevalt kaotada lokaliseerimisprotsessidest mittevajalikud sammud ja muuta tarkvara lokaliseerimine igati lihtsamaks. Phrase kasvab kiiresti ja teenindab nüüd sadu ettevõtteid enam kui 60 riigis. riikides eri keeltes Phrase kasutajad miljonit tõlgitud sõna Lugege, kuidas teised ettevõtted kasutavad Phrasei, et luua tugevamaid suhteid oma klientidega ja muuta nende äritegevust. B2C / B2B võrgu platvorm B2C Voice Assistant Online Banking B2C krediidi ja panganduse veebirakendus B2C / B2B saadetised veebis ja mobiilirakenduses B2C meedia veebirakendus B2B veebikonverentside tarkvara Me usume, et igaühel peaks olema võimalik kasutada tarkvara oma emakeeles. Tarkvara loojate jaoks peaks nende toodete tõlkimine olema loomulik ja pingevaba. Kas soovid olla osa meeskonnast, mida ühendab kirg ehitada midagi suurt, mis on oluline, kus teil on ruumi oma loovuse avardamiseks, tuua oma andeid ja kus olete teretulnud, kui sa oled? Siis jõuda, leida oma koht ja liitu meiega! Lihtne üles seada. Tasuta 14-päevane prooviversioon, mida saab iga hetk tühistada. di|Lahendused Integratsioonid Arendajad Haldajad Tõlkijad Designers About us Kliendid Careers Dokumentatsioon Blogi Webinars E-raamatud Infograafika Demo Loe rohkem Loe rohkem Loe rohkem Loe rohkem Loe rohkem Loe rohkem Team Lead Engineering Head of HR Head of Sales Customer Success Manager Product Marketing Manager Founder & Engineer Senior Account Manager Account Executive Sales Manager Chief Product Officer (CPO) Engineering Student Junior Finance Manager Engineer Engineer Junior HR Manager Online Marketing Student Engineer Marketing Intern Engineer Engineer Marketing Intern Principal Software Engineer Lead Generation Representative Engineering Intern Product Manager Visual Designer Account Manager Sales Manager Account Manager Engineer Recruiting Manager Product Manager Engineer Product Manager Localization Consultant Head of Marketing Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Head of Customer Success Account Executive Engineer Online Marketing Manager Head of Operations Content Marketing Manager Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Sales Manager ? Alustage nüüd Tooteinfo Ettevõte Abi Meie lahendused Infoturve h1|Teave Phrasei kohta h2|Meie missioon: valutu tarkvara lokaliseerimine Loo taga Edulood Annab tõlgitud sisu õigeaegselt oma 12 miljonile liikmele Saksamaa esimeseks pangaks, kes pakub aktsiaturule hääl assistenti. Kreditech laieneb üle maailma tänu Phraseile Phraseiga säästetakse arendajate aega 66 miljoni Prantsuse kasutaja saavutamine alla 10 nädala Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth Kohtuge meie vinge meeskonnaga Töötage koos meiega Meie blogist Jälgi meid sotsiaalmeedias h3|Phrase on lihtsaim viis oma veebisaidi või mobiilirakenduse lokaliseerimiseks. Kliendid kogu maailmas toetuvad Phraseile kui kõige põhjalikumale ja arendajale sõbralikule tõlkehalduse lahendusele. Aleksandr Lossenko Mariana Tutlys Jannis Rhein Patrick Hampel Corinna Maier Tobias Schwab Mustafa Cetin Wafaâ Jlaoui Finn Adomat Björn Minkmar Paul Baumgarten Marena Mohrdieck Szymon Dziewoński Sönke Behrendt Jana-Marie Lecher Colin Witt Sven Dunemann Cora Schah Sedi Jakub Freisler Stefan Greffenius Lea Häusler Manuel Boy Til Fabel Mikko Karkee Lisa Reisch Gamze Kaplan Jimena Codrin Caroline Gruner Julia Pachal Elizabeth Orwig Nadine Steinert Mansoor Khan Aleks Maksimow David Ost Kristina Reinhardt Stephan Schöning Wolfram Graetz Henning Schlinkmann Pierre Zenker Stefan Bruhns Kultida Thongyaem Kristof Kraemer Dalibor Stajic Frederik Vollert Laure Salinas Ja sina? h4|Kiire start arendajatele Alustamine sp|Navigeerimise aktiveerimine 60+ 145+ 30 000 + 260+ Eesti keel Pakume tööd! Lahendused pa|Die einzige Lokalisierungsplattform, die dein gesamtes Team zusammenbringt Verbinde Phrase mit deinen Lieblings-Tools und -Services Leicht zu integrieren und einfach zu verwalten, direkt von der Kommandozeile aus Koordiniere dein Team mit zuweisbaren Rollen und Aufgaben Beschleunige deinen Workflow und betrachte Textänderungen im live Kontext Übersetze deine Designs in alle Sprachen - ohne dein Design Tool zu verlassen Unsere Mission und wie alles begann Wie effiziente Lokalisierung bei Unternehmen weltweit funktioniert Wir wachsen! Schau dir unsere offenen Stellen an Alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen Informiere dich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Tutorials zum Thema Lokalisierung Lerne mehr über einzelne Features und Best Practices Alles, was du über Lokalisierung wissen musst Grafisch dargestellte Anleitungen, um Lokalisierung besser zu verstehen Probiere Phrase selbst aus „Services“ oder „Phrase-Services“ bezeichnet alle von Phrase angebotenen und in Datennetzen oder auf Datenträgern bereit gehaltenen Übersetzungs- und Lokalisationsdienste und –plattformen. „Plan“ bezeichnet den durch die Anzahl der berechtigten Nutzer, das Volumen der verwalteten Wörter oder andere Parameter genauer bestimmten, vom Kunden gebuchten Umfang der Phrase-Services. „Content” bezeichnet alle Materialien, Daten und Informationen, die vom Kunden oder sonstigen Dritten hochgeladen werden, denen der Kunde Zugang zu den Phrase Services verschafft hat. Der Vertragsschluss ist erfolgt, wenn Phrase dem Kunden die Buchung eines Plans oder anderer Services ausdrücklich schriftlich, in Textform oder durch Anzeige eines entsprechenden Online-Dialogs oder durch eindeutiges Verhalten (z.B. Beginn der Leistungserbringung) bestätigt. Die Vertragslaufzeit richtet sich nach dem gewählten Plan. Dieser kann jederzeit zum Ende der vereinbarten Mindestlaufzeit gekündigt werden; andernfalls verlängert sich die Vertragslaufzeit jeweils um den der vereinbarten Mindestlaufzeit entsprechenden Zeitraum, sofern dieser maximal ein Jahr beträgt. Bei einer längeren Mindestlaufzeit verlängert sich die Vertragslaufzeit um jeweils ein Jahr. Die Kündigung kann per Brief, Fax, eMail oder über eine entsprechende Schaltfläche in der Phrase-Anwendung erfolgen. Gewährleistung erfolgt vorrangig durch Nachbesserung, für die der Kunde Phrase eine angemessene Frist einzuräumen hat. Schlägt diese nach zwei erfolglosen Versuchen endgültig fehl, so ist der Kunde zur Herabsetzung der Vergütung oder zur außerordentlichen Kündigung berechtigt. Die Verjährungsfrist für Leistungsmängel von Phrase wird, sofern diese nicht auf Vorsatz beruhen, hiermit auf 12 Monate verkürzt. Werkvertragliche Leistungen gelten mit Ingebrauchnahme als abgenommen, spätestens jedoch zehn (10) Tage nach Zugänglichmachung, sofern der Kunde innerhalb der zehn (10) Tage keine abnahmehindernden Mängel angezeigt hat. Der Kunde räumt Phrase das jederzeit für die Zukunft frei widerrufliche Recht ein, seine Unternehmens-, Produkt- und Servicebezeichnungen sowie Logos und sonstige Unternehmenskennzeichen innerhalb der Services von Phrase sowie in sonstigen Marketingmaterialien mit Bezug auf die Phrase-Services unter Hinweis auf die Kundenbeziehung zu nutzen, ohne hierzu verpflichtet zu sein. Zum Erhalt eines auch bei langen Vertragslaufzeiten ausgewogenen Verhältnisses von Leistung und Gegenleistung behält sich Phrase vor, ein Mal je Kalenderjahr zu Beginn eines Verlängerungszeitraums den Preis seiner Pläne oder ggf. weitere Services zur Anpassung an höhere Gestehungskosten um bis zu 20 Prozent anzuheben, hilfsweise in Höhe des auf den Monat der Rechnungsstellung bezogenen Verbraucherpreisindexes. Phrase wird dem Kunden die Änderung zwei Monate im Voraus in Textform ankündigen. Die Änderung gilt als vereinbart, wenn der Kunde nicht innerhalb von drei Wochen nach Zugang der Ankündigung in Textform widerspricht. Widerspricht der Kunde, so steht Phrase ein außerordentliches Kündigungsrecht zu. Die Kündigung wird zu dem Zeitpunkt wirksam, ab dem die Änderung gelten soll. Phrase wird den Kunden in der Ankündigung auf die Frist und auf die Rechtsfolgen ihrer Versäumung gesondert hinweisen. Diese AGB können für laufende Vertragsverhältnisse geändert werden. Änderungen werden dem Kunden spätestens zwei Monate vor dem vorgeschlagenen Zeitpunkt ihres Wirksamwerdens in Textform angeboten. Die Zustimmung des Kunden zum Angebot gilt als erteilt, wenn er seine Ablehnung nicht innerhalb von drei Wochen nach Erhalt des Angebots in Textform angezeigt hat. Lehnt der Kunde das Angebot ab, so steht Phrase ein außerordentliches Kündigungsrecht zu. Die Kündigung wird zu dem Zeitpunkt wirksam, ab dem die Änderung gelten soll. Phrase wird den Kunden in dem Angebot auf die Frist und auf die Genehmigungswirkung im Falle ihrer Versäumung gesondert hinweisen. Es gilt das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Erfüllungs- und Gerichtsort ist der Sitz der Dynport GmbH. Phrase ist berechtigt, Kunden auch an dem Ort zu verklagen, an dem sich deren Vermögen befindet. Sämtliche Änderungen dieser AGB einschließlich dieser Textformklausel bedürfen der Textform. Die Unwirksamkeit einzelner Bestimmungen berührt nicht die übrige Wirksamkeit der anderen Bestimmungen dieser AGB. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Vertreten durch Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab und Frederik Vollert Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 109537 USt-IdNr.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Lösungen Integrationen Entwicklung Management Übersetzung Design Über uns Erfolgs-Storys Karriere Dokumentation Blog Webinare E-Books Infografiken Demo Produktinformation Unternehmen Hilfe Unsere Lösungen Informationssicherheit li|Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) sind Bestandteil aller zwischen der Dynport GmbH als Anbieter und Betreiber von Phrase.com (im Folgenden: “Phrase“) und seinen Kunden eingegangenen unentgeltlichen und entgeltlichen Vertragsbeziehungen und deren alleinige Grundlage. Entgegenstehende Geschäftsbedingungen des Kunden gelten auch dann nicht, wenn Phrase diesen nicht ausdrücklich widerspricht und/oder seine Services in Kenntnis der Geschäftsbedingungen des Kunden vorbehaltlos erbringt. Mit seiner Registrierung auf Phrase versichert der Kunde, nicht Verbraucher, sondern Unternehmer und Kaufmann im Sinne des HGB zu sein. Phrase stellt seine Services dem Kunden in dem seinem gebuchten Plan entsprechenden Umfang zur Verfügung. Die Herstellung und Aufrechterhaltung der Datenverbindung zwischen den Systeme des Kunden und dem von Phrase betriebenen Übergabepunkt ist von Phrase nicht geschuldet. Phrase ist bestrebt, seine Services ständig zu aktualisieren und zu verbessern. Erfordert dieser Prozess technische Änderungen an den Services, so wird Phrase den Kunden spätestens vier Wochen vor dem Änderungszeitpunkt auf diesen Umstand hinweisen und diesem alle erforderlichen Informationen zur etwaigen, auf Kundenseite erforderlichen technischen Anpassungen mitteilen. Phrase gewährleistet eine Verfügbarkeit seiner Services von 99,0 Prozent im Jahresmittel. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, Zugangsdaten zu den Phrase-Services geheim zu halten und unbefugten Dritten nicht mitzuteilen. Hat der Kunde Grund zu der Annahme, dass eine unbefugte Person Kenntnis von den Zugangsdaten erlangt hat, so ist der Kunde verpflichtet, seine Zugangsdaten unverzüglich zu ändern. Der Kunde sichert zu, dass seine Nutzung der Services die Funktionsfähigkeit der Services nicht beeinträchtigt. Der Kunde unterhält angemessene Sicherheitsstandards für die Nutzung der Services. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, eine regelmäßige, mindestens jedoch tägliche Datensicherung seines sämtlichen Contents durchzuführen, um das Risiko von endgültigen Datenverlusten gering zu halten. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, für alle seine unter Nutzung von Phrase-Services betriebenen Projekte eine geeignete Versicherung zur Abdeckung von durch Datenverlust verursachter Schäden vorzuhalten. Der Kunde ist für den Inhalt des Contents verantwortlich; insbesondere ist er dafür verantwortlich, dass etwaige personenbezogene Daten datenschutzkonform an Phrase übermittelt werden dürfen. Der Kunde sichert zu, dass der Content auch im Übrigen rechtlich unbedenklich sowie virenfrei ist, wofür der Kunde nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen haftet. Insbesondere verpflichtet sich der Kunde, keinen Content hochzuladen, der gegen geltende Gesetze verstößt oder Rechte von Dritten beeinträchtigt. Der Kunde ist zudem verpflichtet, auf seinen unter Nutzung der Phrase-Services unterhaltenen Webangeboten auf deren werblichen Inhalt hinzuweisen, sofern redaktionelle und werbliche Beiträge vermischt werden, sowie ferner klarzustellen, dass er selbst inhaltsverantwortlich für diese Webangebote ist. Wird Phrase wegen Verstoßes gegen eine der vorgenannten Pflichten in Anspruch genommen, so ist der Kunde verpflichtet, Phrase auf erstes Anfordern unter Verzicht auf die Einrede der Vorausklage von allen Ansprüchen Dritter freizustellen. Der Kunde wird die angemessenen Kosten der Rechtsverteidigung von Phrase übernehmen. Phrase ist dann zudem berechtigt, die Leistungserbringung mit sofortiger Wirkung einzustellen, Pläne zu sperren und/oder zu kündigen sowie betroffenen Content zu entfernen, ohne zur Rückzahlung bereits entrichteter Entgelte verpflichtet zu sein. Dieser § 6 Nr. 5 gilt nicht, soweit der Kunde nachweisen kann, dass er den Verstoß nicht (mit-) verschuldet hat. Eine Haftung für kurzzeitige, unerhebliche oder von Phrase nicht zu beeinflussende Störungen der Services ist ausgeschlossen. Die Haftung ist auch ausgeschlossen für etwaige Leistungsstörungen während planmäßiger Wartungsarbeiten, die dem Kunden rechtzeitig vorher mitgeteilt wurden. Derartige Störungen berechtigen nicht zur Minderung, Kündigung oder Geltendmachung von Ersatzansprüchen. Voraussetzung für die Behebung von Störungen und Mängeln ist deren unverzügliche Anzeige. Ansprüche wegen Mängeln, die Phrase nicht binnen zwei Wochen nach erstmaliger Möglichkeit der Kenntnisnahme durch den Kunden schriftlich, per Telefax oder E-Mail angezeigt werden, sind ausgeschlossen. In allen Fällen vertraglicher und außervertraglicher Haftung leistet Phrase Schadensersatz oder Ersatz vergeblicher Aufwendungen nur in dem nachfolgend bestimmten Umfang: Phrase haftet in der Höhe unbeschränkt bei Vorsatz, bei grober Fahrlässigkeit, bei Schäden für die Gesundheit und körperliche Unversehrtheit, bei Verstößen gegen das einschlägige Produkthaftungsgesetz und bei Fehlen einer von Phrase ausdrücklich garantierten Beschaffenheit. Bei der Beschaffenheitsgarantie haftet Phrase jedoch nur in Höhe des vorhersehbaren Schadens, der durch die Garantie verhindert werden sollte. In allen anderen Fällen haftet Phrase nur bei Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht. Eine Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht im Sinne dieser Bestimmung liegt vor bei Verletzung einer vertraglichen Pflicht, deren Erfüllung die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Vertrages erst ermöglicht oder deren Verletzung die Erreichung des Vertragszwecks gefährdet und auf deren Einhaltung der Kunde regelmäßig vertrauen darf. Die Haftung ist in den Fällen von § 8 Nr. 2 Buchstabe b ist auf 25 % des geplanten Entgelts für den geplanten Plan beschränkt. Phrase haftet nicht, soweit ausschließlich kostenlose Services durch den Kunden in Anspruch genommen werden. Eine Haftung ist bei der testweisen Inanspruchnahme von Services ebenfalls ausgeschlossen, da der Kunde durch Nutzung der Testversion gerade prüfen und feststellen soll, ob die Services seinen Anforderungen entsprechen. Der Einwand des Mitverschuldens (z. B. Verletzung der Pflichten des Kunden gemäß § 6 dieser AGB) bleibt offen. Die Verjährungsfrist für Haftungsansprüche gegen Phrase wird auf 12 Monate verkürzt, sofern nicht ein Fall von § 8 Nr. 2 Buchstabe a vorliegt. Urheberrechte des Kunden an seinem Content werden durch die Nutzung der Services nicht berührt. Eine Nutzungsrechtsübertragung an diesem Content auf Phrase findet nur statt, soweit dies notwendig ist, damit Phrase seine nach dem gebuchten Plan vereinbarten Leistungen gegenüber dem Kunden erbringen kann. Urheberrechte an den Services verbleiben allein bei Phrase; dem Kunden wird lediglich ein einfaches, nicht übertragbares Nutzungsrecht an den Services in einem dem Vertragszweck sowie dem gebuchten Plan entsprechenden Umfang eingeräumt. Phrase kann den Zugang (insbes. Benutzernamen und Kennwörter) des Kunden zu den Services vorübergehend aus Gründen der IT-Sicherheit aussetzen, soweit eine hinreichende Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür besteht, dass über den Zugang des Kunden eine vertragswidrige Nutzung durch den Kunden oder einen unbefugten Dritten erfolgt, die sich nachteilig auf die Services oder die Nutzungsmöglichkeit für andere Kunden auswirken könnte. Derartige vorübergehende Aussetzungen wird Phrase nur vornehmen, wenn ein unmittelbares Handeln zur Vermeidung von Beeinträchtigungen erforderlich ist. Phrase benachrichtigt den Kunden unverzüglich über eine solche Aussetzung. Soweit es die Umstände gestatten, wird Phrase den Kunden vorab in Textform informieren. Phrase schränkt die Aussetzung auf den notwendigen Zeitraum und Umfang ein. Weitergehende Ansprüche und Befugnisse von Phrase aus dem Vertrag oder aufgrund von Gesetz bleiben unberührt. Die Rechnungsstellung erfolgt nach Zustandekommen des Vertrages. Phrase ist berechtigt, Rechnungen auch rein elektronisch zu stellen. Zahlungen sind bei Rechnungserhalt sofort und im Voraus ohne Abzug fällig. Befindet sich der Kunde mit Zahlungen im Verzug oder überschreitet er die Grenzen des von ihm gebuchten Plans nach Ausgabe einer entsprechenden Warnung für einen Zeitraum von vierzehn (14) Kalendertagen oder länger, so kann Phrase die Leistungserbringung nach seiner Wahl ganz oder teilweise einstellen sowie das gerichtliche Mahn- oder Klageverfahren bezüglich aller bestehenden Schuldverhältnisse einleiten. Die Zahlung gilt als erfolgt, sobald Phrase über den Betrag tatsächlich verfügen kann (bei Schecks: mit dem Zeitpunkt der vorbehaltlosen Gutschrift). Bei Verzug verlangt Phrase Verzugszinsen gemäß § 288 II BGB. Wird ein Scheck nicht eingelöst oder werden Zahlungen eingestellt, so kann Phrase – auch bei Scheckannahme – alle Restschulden sofort fällig stellen. Zurückgegebene Lastschriften führen zur sofortigen Fälligkeit aller gegen den Kunden bestehenden Forderungen und werden in Höhe der tatsächlich entstandenen Kosten, mindestens aber in Höhe von jeweils 10,00 EUR in Rechnung gestellt. Eine Verkürzung der Vorabinformationsfrist zu SEPA-Basislastschriften auf einen (1) Tag wird hiermit vereinbart. Eine Aufrechnung ist nur mit unbestrittenen oder rechtskräftig festgestellten Gegenansprüchen möglich. Phrase wird in Bezug auf alle personenbezogenen Daten, die vom Kunden übermittelt werden diese nur auf schriftliche Anweisung des Kunden verarbeiten, es sei denn, (i) es ist erforderlich, die persönlichen Daten zur Erfüllung des Vertrags oder zur Verwaltung der Service-Zugriffsrechte zu verarbeiten, (ii) es ist erforderlich, die personenbezogenen Daten zur Überwachung und Skalierung der Service-Nutzung zu verarbeiten, um dem Kunden eine effektive Ressourcenzuweisung zu ermöglichen, (iii) Phrase ist verpflichtet, die vom Kunden in den Service eingegebenen personenbezogenen Daten zu verarbeiten, oder (iv) Phrase ist aus anderen Gründen gesetzlich berechtigt, die personenbezogenen Daten zu verarbeiten. sicherstellen, dass Phrase über geeignete technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen verfügt, um die personenbezogenen Daten vor einer unbefugten oder rechtswidrigen Verarbeitung zu schützen. eine Auftragsverarbeitungsvereinbarung mit dem Kunden abschließen, sofern dies im Einzelfall aufgrund gesetzlicher Vorgaben und des konkreten Gegenstands der vereinbarten Services erforderlich ist. Phrase darf Analysen erstellen, in denen Informationen verwendet werden, die sich aus der Nutzung der Service durch den Kunden für Phrase ergeben. Für diese Analysen werden die Daten anonymisiert und aggregiert. Diese Analysedaten können für die Verbesserung der Produktqualität, die Ressourcenoptimierung, Forschung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte; Performanceverbesserungen, Überprüfung der Datensicherheit und Integrität; und Datenprodukte wie z.B. Branchentrends und anonymes Benchmarking eingesetzt werden. h1|Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) h2|Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) h3|§ 1 Geltung § 2 Definitionen § 3 Vertragsschluss § 4 Services, Leistungen, Vertragsgegenstand § 5 Laufzeit, Kündigung § 6 Besondere Pflichten des Kunden § 7 Gewährleistung § 8 Leistungsstörungen, Haftungsausschluss § 9 Abnahme § 10 Nutzungsrechte § 11 Referenzkundenklausel, Rechtseinräumung § 12 Zahlungen, Fälligkeit, Verzug, SEPA-Fristverkürzung § 13 Preisanpassung § 14 Datenverarbeitung, Rechtseinräumung § 15 AGB-Änderungen § 16 Rechtswahl, Erfüllungsort, Gerichtsort, Textformklausel Kontakt h4|Für Softwareentwicklungs-Teams Erste Schritte sp|Navigation ein/ausblenden Deutsch Wir stellen ein! Lösungen em|v3.0, Stand 8. Januar 2020 pa|La única plataforma de localización para reunir a todo tu equipo Conecta Phrase a tus herramientas y servicios favoritos Fácil de integrar y fácil de administrar, directamente desde tu línea de comandos Coordina tu equipo con roles específicos y trabajos asignables Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y ve los cambios de texto en un contexto en vivo Trabaje con contenido traducido directamente en sus diseños desde su herramienta favorita. Nuestra misión y la historia detrás de Phrase Empresas de todo el mundo que se localizan de forma eficiente. Así lo hacen ¡Seguimos creciendo! Consulta nuestras ofertas de empleo Toda la información que necesitas para comenzar Lee los últimos conocimientos y tutoriales de localización Obtenga más información sobre las funciones y las prácticas recomendadas Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la localización Guías paso a paso para comprender el panorama general de la localización Prueba Phrase por ti mismo. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Soluciones Integraciones Desarrolladores Gerentes Traductores Diseñadores Acerca de nosotros Clientes Ofertas de empleo Documentación Blog Seminarios web Ebooks Infografías Demo Información del producto Empresa Soporte Nuestras soluciones Seguridad de la información li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Términos de servicio h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Inicio rápido para desarrolladores Primeros pasos sp|Activar/desactivar navegación Español ¡Estamos contratando! Soluciones em|v3.0, last revised 8 de enero de 2020 pa|Het enige lokalisatieplatform dat je hele team samenbrengt Verbind Phrase met je favoriete tools en diensten Makkelijk te integreren en eenvoudig te beheren, direct vanaf je opdrachtregel Coördineer je team met toegewijde rollen en toewijsbare jobs Versnel je workflow en bekijk kopijveranderingen in een live context Werk direct met vertaalde inhoud in je designs van je favoriete tool. Onze missie en het verhaal achter Phrase Hoe bedrijven over de hele wereld efficiënt worden gelokaliseerd We breiden uit! Bekijk onze vacatures Alle informatie die je nodig hebt om te beginnen Lees over de laatste inzichten voor lokalisatie en tutorials Meer informatie over functies en best practices Alles wat u moet weten over lokalisatie Stapsgewijze richtlijnen om het grote plaatje van lokalisatie te leren begrijpen Probeer Phrase zelf uit. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Oplossingen Integraties Ontwikkelaars Managers Vertalers Ontwerpers Over ons Klanten Carrière Documentatie Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographic Demo Productinformatie Bedrijf Ondersteuning Onze oplossingen Beveiliging van informatie li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Snelstart voor ontwikkelaars Beginnen sp|Toggle Navigation Nederlands We zoeken personeel! Oplossingen em|v3.0, last revised 8 januari 2020 pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplattformen som bringer hele ditt team sammen Koble Phrase til verktøyene og tjenestene du bruker mest. Enkelt å integrere og enkel å håndtere - dire fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere ditt team med dedikerte roller og funksjoner Akselerer hastigheten på din arbeidsflyt og se endringer i en ekte sammenheng Jobb med oversatt innhold rett i designene dine fra favorittverktøyet ditt Vår misjon og historien bak Phrase Hvordan bedrifter over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se våre aktuelle åpninger All informasjonen du behøver for å komme i gang Les alt det nyeste om lokalisering og finn brukerveiledning Lær mer om funksjoner og beste praksis Alt du trenger å vite om lokalisering Trinnvise retningslinjer for å forstå det store bildet av lokaliseringen Prøv ut Phrase “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Løsninger Integrering Utviklere Administratorer Oversettere Designere Om oss Kunder Karriere Dokumentasjon Blogg Webinars E-bøker Infografikk Demo Produktinformasjon Virksomhet Hjelp Våre Løsninger Informasjonssikkerhet li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Generelle Vilkår og Betingelser (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Hurtig oppstart for utviklere Kom i gang sp|Toggle Navigation Norsk (bokmål) Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger em|v3.0, last revised 8. januar 2020 pa|La seule plateforme de localisation qui réunit toute ton équipe Connecte Phrase à tes outils et services favoris. Facile à intégrer et simple à gérer, directement à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande Coordonne ton équipe avec des rôles dédiés et des jobs assignables Accélère ton workflow et vois les changements de copie dans un contexte réel Travaille avec du contenu traduit directement dans tes designs à partir de ton outil favori Notre mission et l'histoire derrière Phrase Comment des sociétés à travers le monde localisent efficacement Nous nous développons ! Consulte nos offres d'emploi actuelles Toutes les informations pour commencer Suis les dernières actualités et tutoriels sur la localisation Apprends-en plus sur les fonctionnalités et les meilleures pratiques Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la localisation Les grandes lignes pour comprendre la situation globale de la localisation Essaye Phrase par toi-même “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Solutions Intégrations Développeurs Managers Traducteurs Designers A propos Clients Carrières Documentation Blog Webinars E-books Infographies Démo Informations sur le produit Entreprise Support Nos solutions Sécurité de l'information li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Conditions d'utilisation h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Pour les développeurs Premiers pas sp|Basculer la Navigation Français Nous recrutons ! Solutions em|v3.0, last revised 8 janvier 2020 pa|L’unica piattaforma di localizzazione che riunisce tutto il tuo team Connetti Phrase ai tuoi strumenti e servizi preferiti Facile da integrare e semplice da gestire, direttamente dalla tua riga di comando Coordina il tuo team con ruoli mirati e lavori trasferibili Velocizza il tuo workflow e guarda i cambiamenti del testo in un contesto stimolante Lavora coi contenuti tradotti direttamente nei tuoi design, dal tuo strumento preferito La nostra missione e la storia dietro a Phrase Il modo in cui le aziende di tutto il mondo stanno localizzando efficientemente Stiamo crescendo! Visualizza le attuali opportunità Tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per cominciare Scopri le ultime novità e i tutorial sulla localizzazione Scopri di più su caratteristiche e migliori prassi Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla localizzazione Orientamento passo per passo alla comprensione di un quadro generale della localizzazione Prova Phrase. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Soluzioni Integrazioni Developer Manager Traduttori Designer Su di noi Clienti Carriere Documentazione Blog Webinar Ebook Infografiche Demo Informazione prodotto Azienda Supporto Le nostre soluzioni Sicurezza delle informazioni li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Termini e Condizioni Generali (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Guida rapida per developer Introduzione sp|Toggle Navigation Italiano Assumiamo! Soluzioni em|v3.0, last revised 08 gennaio 2020 pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplatform som bringer hele dit team sammen Forbind Phrase med dine foretrukne værktøjer og services Nemt at integrere og simpelt at håndtere - direkte fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere dit team med dedikerede roller og funktioner Sæt skub i dine arbejdsgange og se ændringer i dit indhold live. Arbejd med oversat indhold direkte i dine designs fra dit foretrukne værktøj Vores mission og historien bag Phrase Hvordan forretninger over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se vores nuværende åbninger Al information du har brug for for at komme i gang Læs alt det nyeste om lokalisering og find tutorials Læs mere om funktioner og bedste praksis Dyk dybt ned i alle ting lokalisering med vores gratis e-bøger Trin-for-trin retningslinjer til at kunne forstå det store billede af lokalisering Prøv selv Phrase. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Løsninger Integrationer Udviklere Managere Oversættere Designere Om os Kunder Karrierer Dokumentation Blog Webinars E-bøger Infografik Demo Produktinformation Virksomhed Support Vores Løsninger Informationssikkerhed li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Hurtig opstart for udviklere Kom i gang sp|Toggle Navigation Dansk Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger em|v3.0, last revised 8. januar 2020 pa|A única plataforma de localização que vai reunir toda a tua equipa Liga o Phrase às tuas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente a partir da tua linha de comandos Coordena a tua equipa com funções específicas e trabalhos atribuíveis. Acelera o teu fluxo de trabalho e vê as alterações efetuadas em contexto real Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente nos seus designs a partir da sua ferramenta favorita A nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como é que empresas em todo o mundo estão a localizar-se eficazmente Estamos a crescer! Veja as nossas vagas Todas as informações de que precisas para começar Mantém-te a par dos mais recentes conhecimentos e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e boas práticas Tudo o que tens de saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender o panorama geral da localização Experimenta já a Phrase “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Soluções Integrações Programadores Gestores Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Carreiras Documentação Blog Conferências via Web Ebooks Infográficos Demo Informações acerca do produto Empresa Suporte As Nossas Soluções Segurança da informação li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Termos do Serviço h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Início Rápido para Programadores Guia de Utilização sp|Navegação Alternada Português Estamos a contratar! Soluções em|v3.0, last revised 08 de Janeiro de 2020 pa|Jedna platforma lokalizacyjna, która połączy cały zespół Połącz Phrase ze swoimi ulubionymi narzędziami i usługami Łatwa integracja i proste zarządzanie, bezpośrednio z linii poleceń Koordynuj swój zespół dedykując role i przydzielając zadania Przyspiesz swój przepływ pracy i obserwuj na bieżąco zmiany w kontekście Pracuj z przetłumaczonymi treściami bezpośrednio w swoich projektach, ze swojego ulubionego urządzenia. Nasza misja i historia powstania Phrase W jaki sposób skutecznie lokalizują firmy na całym świecie Rozwijamy się! Zobacz aktualne oferty pracy Wszystkie informacje potrzebne do rozpoczęcia pracy Przeczytaj najnowsze informacje na temat lokalizacji oraz zobacz tutoriale Dowiedz się więcej o funkcjach i najlepszych rozwiązaniach Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o lokalizacji Przewodnik krok po kroku ułatwiający zrozumienie pełnego obrazu lokalizacji Sam wypróbuj Phrase. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Rozwiązania Integracje Programiści Menedżerowie Tłumacze Projektanci O nas Klienci Kariera Dokumentacja Blog Webinaria Ebooki Infografiki Demo Informacje o produkcie Firma Wsparcie Nasze rozwiązania Bezpieczeństwo informacji li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Warunki korzystania z usługi h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Szybki start dla programistów Rozpoczynanie pracy sp|Nawigacja Toggle Polski Zatrudniamy! Rozwiązania em|v3.0, last revised styczeń 08, 2020 pa|チーム全体をまとめる、ただひとつのプラットフォーム Phraseをお気に入りのツールやサービスにつなげよう コマンドラインから直接、簡単な統合、シンプルな管理 役割、割当て可能なジョブとチームをコーディネートする ワークフローをより迅速にし、コピーチェンジを現実のコンテキストに合わせて調整 翻訳されたコンテンツをあなたのお気に入りのツールからあなたのデザインで直接扱います Phraseの使命と秘話 いかにして世界中の企業は効率的にローカライズを行っているのか Phraseは日々成長しています! 現在の求人を見る 使用を開始するために必要な全情報 最新のローカライゼーション考察およびチュートリアルを読む 更になる特徴と最善の方法を知る ローカリゼーションに関する知識が必要なすべて ローカリゼーションの全体像を理解するための、ステップごとのガイドライン Phrase を試す “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|ソリューション 統合 開発者 マネージャー トランスレーター デザイナーズ 企業情報 カスタマー 採用情報 ドキュメンテーション ブログ ウェビナー 電子書籍 インフォグラフィック デモ 製品情報 企業 サポート ソリューション 情報セキュリティ li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|利用規約 h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|開発者用クイックスタート 開始 sp|トグル型ナビゲーション 日本語 キャリア ソリューション em|v3.0, last revised 2020年01月08日(水) pa|팀 전체를 하나로 묶어주는 로컬리제이션 플랫폼 Phrase를 선호하시는 도구 및 서비스와 연동하세요 명령줄에서 직접 쉬운 통합과 편리한 관리가 가능합니다. 전담 역할 및 할당 가능한 작업들을 기반으로 팀 조정 워크플로우를 가속화하고 라이브 컨텍스트에서 복사 변경 사항 보기 즐겨 사용하는 도구를 사용한 디자인에서 번역된 내용으로 직접 작업하세요 Phrase의 사명과 뒷 이야기 전 세계의 비즈니스를 효율적으로 현지화하는 방법 우리는 성장하고 있습니다! 현재 채용 정보를 살펴 보세요 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 정보 최신 로컬리제이션 인사이트 및 튜토리얼 읽기 기능과 모범사례에 대해 알아보세요 로컬라이제이션에 대해 알아야 할 모든 사항 현지화 전반을 이해하기 위한 단계별 가이드라인 Phrase을 직접 사용해 보세요. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|솔루션 통합 개발자 관리자 번역가들 디자이너 회사 소개 고객들 채용 정보 문서화 블로그 웨비나 전자책 인포그래픽 데모 제품 정보 기업 지원 저희의 솔루션 정보 보안 li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|서비스 약관 h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|개발자를 위한 빠른 시작 시작하기 sp|토글 네비게이션 한국어 새로운 직원들을 채용 중입니다! 솔루션 em|v3.0, last revised 2020년 01월 08일 (수) pa|一个管理平台,全团队共同使用。 将 Phrase 连接到最喜爱的工具和服务 通过命令行实现无缝集成,轻松管理。 为你的团队成员指定用户角色并分配任务。 加快你的进度并实时预览翻译字条的界面语境 通过您喜欢的工具,直接在设计中处理翻译好的内容 我们的使命和Phrase背后的故事 世界各地的企业如何在高效地本地化 我们在成长!查看我们的招聘信息 快速一阅,轻松上手 阅览最新的本地化教程与话题博文 了解有关功能和最佳实践策略 你的本地化全方位指南 了解本地化概况的详细指南 亲自试试Phrase吧 “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|解决方案 集成 开发人员 管理人员 翻译人员 设计师 关于我们 我们的客户 求职栏 参考文档 博客 在线研讨会 E手册 信息图表 演示 产品信息 公司简介 相关支持 对策锦集 信息安全 li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|服务条款 h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|开发人员速成班 入门指南 sp|切换导航 中文 我们在招聘! 解决方案 em|v3.0, last revised January 08, 2020 pa|Единая платформа для всех членов команды локализации Подключите Phrase к вашим любимым инструментам и сервисам Простота интеграции и управления, непосредственно из командной строки. Координируйте работу своей команды, распределяйте роли и задачи Ускорьте рабочий процесс внося изменения в режиме реального времени. Работай с переводимым контентом непосредственно в своих проектах с использованием любимого инструмента. Наша миссия и история за Phrase Как компании во всем мире эффективно локализуются Мы растем! Посмотреть наши Вакансии Все, что необходимо для начала работы Будьте в курсе последних новостей о локализации Подробнее о функциях и передовых практиках Всё, что вам нужно знать о локализации Пошаговое руководство для понимания общей картины локализации Запросить демонстрацию Phrase “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Продукт Интеграции Разработчикам Менеджерам Переводчикам Проектировщики О нас Клиенты Карьера Документация Блог Вебинары Электронные книги Инфографика Демо-версия Информация о продукте О компании Служба поддержки Наши продукты Информационная безопасность li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Общие положения и условия h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Quickstart для разработчиков Начало работы sp|Показать/скрыть навигацию русский Присоединяйся! Продукт em|v3.0, last revised 8 января 2020 pa|Lokalisointialusta, joka tuo koko tiimisi yhteen Yhdistä Phrase lempityökaluihisi ja -palveluihisi Helppo integroida ja yksinkertainen hallita, suoraan komentoriviltä Koordinoi tiimiäsi erikoistuneilla rooleilla ja jaettavilla tehtävillä Nopeuta työnkulkujasi ja näe tekstin muutokset live-ympäristössä Käytä käännettyä sisältöä suoraan luonnoksiin suosikkityökalussasi Missiomme ja tarina Phrasein taustalla Kuinka liikeyritykset kaikkialla maailmassa lokalisoivat tehokkaasti Olemme kasvussa! Katso avoimet paikkamme Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää päästäksesi alkuun Lue viimeisimmät lokalisointivinkit ja ohjeet Lue lisää toiminnoista ja parhaista käytännöistä Kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää lokalisoinnista Ohjeet, jotka auttavat ymmärtämään lokalisaation kokonaiskuvan vaihe vaiheelta Kokeile Phraseia itse. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Ratkaisut Integraatiot Kehittäjät Päälliköt Kääntäjät Suunnittelijat Tietoja meistä Asiakkaat Urat Dokumentaatio Blogi Webinars E-kirjoja Infografiikat Demo Tuotetiedot Yritys Asiakastuki Ratkaisumme Tietoturva li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Yleiset käyttöehdot (GTC) h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Pikaohjeet kehittäjille Aloittaminen sp|Toggle Navigation Suomi Rekrytoimme! Ratkaisut em|v3.0, last revised keskiviikko 8. tammikuuta 2020 pa|Üks lokaliseerimisplatvorm, mis toob kogu teie meeskonna kokku Connect Phrase to your favorite tools and services Lihtne ühendada ja kerge hallata otse oma käsuliinilt Koordineerige oma meeskond spetsiaalsete rollide ja määratud töökohtadega Kiirendage oma töövoogu ja vaadake kopeerimismuudatusi live-kontekstisKogu vajalik teave alustamiseks Loe viimastest lokaliseerimisest ja õpetustest Rohkem teavet funktsioonide ja parimate tavade kohta Kõik, mida vaja teada lokaliseerimine Samm-sammult suunised, et mõista suurt pilti lokaliseerimine Proovige meie Phrasei ise. “Services” or “Phrase Services” denotes all translation and localisation services and platforms offered by Phrase and provided in data networks or on data carriers. “Plan” denotes the scope of the Phrase Services booked by the customer, as defined in more detail by the number of authorised users, the volume of managed words or other parameters. “Content” denotes all materials, data and information uploaded by the customer or any other third party to whom the customer has provided access to Phrase Services. A contract is concluded when Phrase either explicitly gives the customer confirmation of the booking of a Plan or other Services in writing, in text form or by way of an appropriate online dialogue, or by means of unambiguous behaviour to that effect (e.g. by commencing to render its Services). The term of the contract is determined by the Plan chosen. A Plan can be terminated any time effective the end of the agreed minimum term. Otherwise, the term of the contract shall be extended by an additional period corresponding to the agreed minimum term in each case, unless terminated by one of the parties effective to the end of the respective contractual term. If the minimum term is longer than one year, the renewal term shall be one year in each case. Notice of termination may be given by letter, fax, or email or via a button for this purpose in the Phrase application. The warranty covers primarily remedying of defects, for which the customer shall allow Phrase a reasonable period of time. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, such remedy fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration or terminate the contract extraordinarily. The parties hereby agree to shorten the limitation period for defects in performance by Phrase to 12 months, as long as such defects are not due to wilful intent. Contractual Services are deemed accepted upon use of the Services, but no later than ten (10) days after the Services are made available, unless the customer reports a defect that prevents acceptance within the ten (10) days. The customer grants Phrase the right, which is freely revocable at any time for the future, to use the names of the customer's company, products and services, as well as the customer’s logos and other company identifiers, as part of the Services of Phrase as well as in other marketing materials concerning Phrase Services, with reference to the customer relationship, but without Phrase being obliged to make such reference. In order to maintain a balanced relationship between performance and consideration, particularly in long-term contracts, Phrase reserves the right to adjust the pricing of its Plans or any additional Services to its own higher costs one time per calendar year, at the beginning of the renewal period, by up to 20 percent, alternatively in line with development of the consumer price index of the month of invoicing. Phrase shall give the customer two months’ advance notice of a change in text form. The change shall be deemed to have been agreed if the customer does not object in text form within three weeks of receiving notice of the change. If the customer objects to the change, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. Phrase shall separately point out the deadline and the legal consequences of failing to meet it in the notice. These GTCs may be amended for existing contractual relationships. Amendments shall be proposed to the customer in text form no later than two months before the date on which they are to take effect. The customer’s consent to the proposal shall be deemed to have been granted if it does not reject the proposal in text form within two weeks of receiving it. If the customer rejects the proposal, Phrase shall have an extraordinary right to terminate the contract. Such termination shall be effective as of the date from which the change is to apply. In the proposal, Phrase shall separately point out the deadline to the customer and the fact that failure to meet it will denote consent to the proposal. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the domicile of Dynport GmbH. Phrase may also file a lawsuit against customers at the place where their assets are located. All changes to these GTCs and the requirement for text form must be made in text form. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these GTCs. Phrase.com Dynport GmbH ABC-Straße 4 20354 Hamburg Represented by Wolfram Grätz, Tobias Schwab and Frederik Vollert Commercial register: District Court Hamburg HRB 109537 VAT ID-No.: DE265148725 +49 40 357 187 76 di|Lahendused Integratsioonid Arendajad Haldajad Tõlkijad Designers About us Kliendid Careers Dokumentatsioon Blogi Webinars E-raamatud Infograafika Demo Tooteinfo Ettevõte Abi Meie lahendused Infoturve li|These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) are an integral part of and the sole basis for all contractual relationships, whether they relate to services that are free of charge or paid for, between Dynport GmbH as the provider and operator of Phrase.com (hereinafter referred to as “Phrase”) and its customers. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer do not apply even if Phrase has not expressly rejected such terms and conditions and/or renders its services without reservation in knowledge of the customer’s terms and conditions. By registering for Phrase, the customer affirms that it is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur and merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (“Handelsgesetzbuch”). Phrase shall provide its Services to the customer to the scope in accordance with the customer’s booked Plan. The creation and maintenance of a data connection between the customer’s systems and the transfer point operated by Phrase is not the responsibility of Phrase. Phrase strives to constantly improve and update its Services. If this process requires technical changes to the Services, Phrase shall notify the customer of this at least four weeks before the change date and shall provide the customer with all necessary information regarding any technical adjustments necessary on the customer’s side. Phrase warrants an annual average of 99.0 percent availability for its Services. The customer shall keep its access data to the Phrase Services secret and shall not disclose it to unauthorised third parties. If the customer has reason to believe that an unauthorised person has gained knowledge of its access data, the customer has to change its access data immediately. The customer ensures that its use of the Services shall not impair the working order of the Services. The customer shall maintain appropriate standards of security for using the Services. The customer is committed to carry out a regular, at least daily, data backup of all its Content in order to reduce the risk of losing data permanently. The customer is committed to have appropriate insurance coverage for damage caused by data loss for all of its projects conducted using Phrase Services. The customer shall be responsible for the Content; in particular, it shall be responsible for ensuring that any personal data is allowed to be transferred to Phrase in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Moreover, the customer warrants that its Content is legally unobjectionable and is virus-free, for which the customer is liable according to general laws. In particular, the customer undertakes not to upload any Content that violates prevailing laws or infringes third-party rights. In addition, the customer shall indicate its advertising content on the websites that the customer maintains using the Phrase Services, insofar as editorial and advertising contributions are mixed, and shall clarify that the customer is itself responsible for the contents of these websites. If claims against Phrase are asserted because of the customer’s non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated above, the customer shall, upon first request, indemnify and hold harmless Phrase from all claims by third parties, while waiving the defence of unexhausted remedies. The customer shall bear the reasonable costs of legal defence incurred by Phrase. Phrase may then also terminate the Services it provides with immediate effect, or block and/or terminate Plans, or remove the Content in question without being obliged to repay already paid fees. This Section 6 No. 5 shall not apply if the customer can prove that it is not (partially) to blame for the violation. Liability for brief or insignificant disruptions to the Services or for disruptions to them that cannot be influenced by Phrase is excluded. Liability is also excluded for any impairments in the performance of obligations during planned maintenance work of which the customer has been given prior notice in good time. Any such impairment shall not entitle the customer to reduce the remuneration, terminate the contract or assert claims for compensation. Faults and defects must be reported immediately so that they can be rectified. Claims due to defects which are not reported to Phrase by the customer in writing, in text form or by e-mail within two weeks of the customer being able to learn of them for the first time shall be excluded. In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Phrase shall pay damages or reimburse futile expenses only to the scope defined in the following: Phrase shall be liable to an unlimited amount in the case of wilful intent, gross negligence, damage to health or bodily injury, violations of the relevant product liability law, and the lack of a quality explicitly guaranteed by Phrase. In the event of a lack of a guaranteed quality, however, Phrase’s liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage that was intended to be prevented by the guaranteed quality. In all other cases, Phrase shall only be liable if it violates a cardinal contractual obligation. A violation of a cardinal contractual obligation within the meaning of this provision shall exist in the event of a violation of a contractual obligation whose fulfilment is vital to the proper performance of the contract, or whose violation jeopardises achievement of the contract’s purpose, or which the customer may usually rely on to be complied with. In the cases defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter b), liability shall be limited to 25% of the planned fee for the planned Plan. Phrase accepts no liability whatsoever if the customer exclusively uses Services that are free of charge. Any liability if Services are used for testing shall likewise be excluded, since the customer’s objective in using the trial version is specifically to examine and establish whether the Services meet its requirements. Phrase reserves the right to claim contributory negligence (e.g. violation by the customer of its obligations in accordance with Section 6 of these GTCs). The limitation period for liability claims against Phrase shall be reduced to 12 months, unless a case defined in Section 8 No. 2 Letter a) exists. Copyrights held by the customer for its Content shall not be affected by use of the Services. Any right to use that Content shall be transferred to Phrase only where necessary for Phrase to be able to provide its Services agreed under the booked Plan for the customer. Copyrights to the Services shall remain solely with Phrase; the customer shall only be granted a simple, non-transferable right to use the Services within the scope corresponding to the contract’s purpose and booked Plan. Phrase can temporarily suspend the customer’s access to the Services (in particular user names and passwords) for reasons of IT security, if there is sufficient probability that the Services are being used in breach of contract by the customer or an unauthorised third party through the customer’s means of access and that this might have a negative impact on the Services or the ability of other customers to use them. Phrase shall only suspend access temporarily if it needs to act immediately to avoid impairments. Phrase shall notify the customer as soon as access is suspended. Phrase shall notify the customer in advance in text form where circumstances permit. Phrase shall restrict suspension of access to the necessary time and scope. Further claims and powers of Phrase under the contract or law shall remain unaffected. Invoices shall be issued after conclusion of the contract. Phrase is also entitled to issue invoices purely electronically. Payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and in advance without any deduction. If the customer is in arrears in regard to payments, or exceeds the limits of the Plan booked by it after being warned to this effect, for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days or more, Phrase may – at its choice – discontinue the provision of Services as a whole or in part, as well as initiate legal dunning procedures or legal proceedings concerning all existing obligations. Payment is deemed to be made as soon as Phrase can actually dispose of the amount due (in the case of cheques: the date on which the amount is credited without reservation). In the event of default, Phrase shall charge default interest pursuant to Section 288 II BGB (German Civil Code). If a cheque is not honoured or payments are ceased, Phrase is entitled to declare all remaining debts to be due immediately – including by cheque. Returned direct debits shall result in all claims against the customer becoming due immediately; such returned direct debits shall be billed in the amount of the actually incurred costs, but at least in the amount of €10.00 in each case. A shortening of the SEPA presentation period (pre-information period for SEPA direct debiting) to one (1) day is hereby agreed. The customer can only offset its counterclaims that are either undisputed or have been ruled on finally and conclusively by a court of law. Phrase shall process any personal data provided by the customer only subject to the customer’s written instruction, unless (i) the personal data must be processed to perform the contract or administer access rights to the Services, (ii) the personal data must be processed to monitor and scale use of the Services so as to enable efficient allocation of resources to the customer, (iii) Phrase is obliged to process the personal data entered by the customer in the Services, or (iv) Phrase is legally entitled for other reasons to process the personal data; ensure that Phrase has suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing. conclude an agreement on commissioned data processing with the customer if this is required in individual cases due to the statutory provisions or the specific subject matter of the agreed Services. Phrase shall be permitted to create analyses using information obtained by Phrase through the customer’s use of the Services. The data shall be anonymised and aggregated for such analyses. The data in such analyses may be used for improving the quality of products, resource optimisation, and research into and development of new products; for improving performance and reviewing data security and integrity: and for data products, such as industry trends and anonymous benchmarking. h1|Üldtingimused h2|General Terms and Conditions (GTC) h3|Section 1: Scope of Application Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Conclusion of Contracts Section 4: Services, Subject Matter of the Contract Section 5: Term, Termination Section 6: Particular Obligations of the Customer Section 7: Warranty Section 8: Impairment of Performance, Disclaimer Section 9: Acceptance Section 10: Rights of use Section 11: Customer References, Granting of Rights Section 12: Payments, Due Dates, Default, SEPA Presentation Period Section 13: Adjustment of Prices Section 14: Data Processing, Assignment of Rights Section 15: Amendments to the GTCs Section 16: Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction, Requirement for Text Form Contact h4|Kiire start arendajatele Alustamine sp|Navigeerimise aktiveerimine Eesti keel Pakume tööd! Lahendused em|v3.0, last revised 08. jaanuar 2020 Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead, XING We have now designed a process where Phrase allows us to have the content ready on our sites within 1 minute since the translators add or update their translations. We are saving an average of 48 hours on engineering time, each time we deploy a new feature. Enrique Quilez Localization Manager, Lyst Thanks to its smart features and format versatility, Phrase has been our central tool in making the voice assistant case happen for comdirect. Norman Timmler Managing Director, Njiuko B2B Telematics Industry B2C LANGUAGE LEARNING APP B2C PRIVACY AND SECURITY COMPANY B2B EVENT SOFTWARE B2B/B2C NPO Online Partner Portal B2C/B2B Event management software B2C Credit & Banking Web Application B2C/B2B Shipment Web & Mobile App B2C Media Web Application B2C Geolocation Mobile Application B2B web-conferencing software Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at any time. di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Read more Time to get started Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h2|Delivers translated content right on time to their 12 million members Setting up a personalized, time-saving localization process with Phrase Becoming Germany’s first bank to offer a voice assistant for the stock market. Movingdots Extends Telematics App Coloride Into Nine Languages Transforming a manual localization process with Phrase Scaling a business with Phrase’s flexible all-in-one software localization platform The fast and scalable localization solution for small teams Driving global outreach with streamlined localization management Localizes into 18 languages to reach customers globally across 100 countries Kreditech expands globally with help of Phrase Saving months of developers’ time with Phrase Reaching 66 million French users in under 10 weeks How to increase user reach by 400% Accelerating and simplifying localization in the face of rapid growth h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Trusted by 1,000+ companies sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions sp|Dive deep into what it means to go global and learn best practices for localization to stay competitive in the global marketplace. Terms Privacy Imprint Best Practices for Localization Get the ebook Our ultimate collection of best practices for localization and insider insights, assembled from years of customer feedback and biggest success stories. The Ultimate Guide to Continuous Localization Discover advanced automation workflows, rapid release cycles, simultaneous translation and delivery, as well as new ways of testing your localized product. Get the ebook How to Raise Return on Investment for Localization Learn how to generate a cost-effective localization strategy, as well as how to measure and optimize your long-term return on investment for localization. Get the ebook Putting Together a Solid Localization Team Explore the who in localization. Get to know the team members responsible for taking your company global (and how to find the right ones). Get the ebook Free Ebooks for Going Global with Confidence Free Ebooks for Going Global with Confidence Book a Demo Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at anytime. Time to get started Easy to set up. Free 14-Day Trial. Buy or cancel at anytime. Time to get started Try for Free pa|Jedna lokalizační platforma pro celý tým Propojte Phrase se svými oblíbenými nástroji a službami Snadná integrace a jednoduchá správa přímo z příkazového řádku Koordinujte svůj tým pomocí rolí a přiřazování úloh Pracujte rychleji a sledujte v reálném čase, jak se změny projeví v kontextu Pracujte s přeloženým obsahem přímo v rozvržení ze svého oblíbeného nástroje Naše mise a příběh společnosti Phrase Jak společnosti po celém světě efektivně lokalizují Rosteme! Podívejte se na naše aktuální nabídky práce Vše, co potřebujete k tomu, abyste mohli začít Přečtěte si novinky a tipy z oblasti lokalizace Další informace o funkcích a doporučených postupech Vše, co potřebujete vědět o lokalizaci Průvodce krok za krokem k pochopení základů lokalizace Vyzkoušejte si, jak se s Phrase pracuje Stáhněte a nainstalujte klienta ze služby . U zařízení s macOS můžete také provést instalaci pomocí homebrew: Ke spuštění a konfiguraci projektu použijte příkaz . Pomocí příkazu nahrajte do Phrase soubory k překladu. di|Řešení Integrace Vývojáři Manažeři Překladatelé Návrháři O nás Zákazníci Kariéra Dokumentace Blog Webináře E-knihy Infografika Demo CLI v1 je k dispozici na Informace o produktu Společnost Podpora Naše řešení Bezpečnost informací h2|Celý Phrase API ve vašem terminálu, díky Phrase CLI v2. h3|Nástroj Phrase CLI umožňuje rychle procházet vaše projekty a překlady z příkazového řádku, místo toho, abyste se obtěžovali s dlouhými požadavky curl. K dispozici pro Linux, MacOS a Windows. h4|Rychlý návod pro vývojáře Začínáme 1. Stažení a instalace 2. Spuštění 3. Nahrání sp|Přepnout navigaci Čeština Hledáme nové kolegy! Řešení pa|A plataforma de localização única para reunir toda a sua equipe Conecte o Phrase às suas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente na sua linha de comando Coordene sua equipe com funções dedicadas e tarefas atribuíveis Acelere seu fluxo de trabalho e veja as alterações no texto em um contexto ativo Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente em seus designs a partir de sua ferramenta favorita Nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como empresas em todo o mundo estão usando a localização de forma eficiente Estamos crescendo! Veja nossas vagas no momento Todas as informações que você precisa para começar Leia as últimas ideias e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e as melhores práticas Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender a visão geral da localização Experimente o Phrase você mesmo. Baixe e instale o cliente em . No macOS você também pode instalar via homebrew: Use o comando para inicializar e configurar seu projeto. Use o comando para fazer upload de seus arquivos locale existentes para o Phrase. di|Soluções Integrações Desenvolvedores Gerentes Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Oportunidades de trabalho Documentação Blog Webinários Ebooks Infográficos Demo CLI v1 pode ser encontrado em Informações do produto Empresa Suporte Nossas soluções Segurança da informação h2|Todo o API Phrase em seu terminal. Com o Phrase CLI v2. h3|A ferramenta Phrase CLI permite navegar rapidamente em seus projetos e traduções a partir da linha de comando em vez de perder tempo com solicitações de curl longas. Disponível para Linux, macOS e Windows. h4|Início rápido para desenvolvedores Primeiros passos 1. Baixe e Instale 2. Inicialize 3. Faça upload sp|Navegação Alternada Português (Brasil) Estamos contratando! Soluções sp|"" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at Xing Terms Privacy Imprint "" Guido Behrenswerth Copywriting & Content Strategy Team Lead at Xing 3 easy steps to get started Make sure your organization is subscribed to Phrase's Enterprise Plan , or start a free trial . Connect your Phrase account with your Zapier account. Still have questions on how to set it up? Take a look at our docs ✌️ S et up any zap you like based on Phrase actions. Connect Phrase to Zapier Keep all stakeholders in the loop about localization projects! Easily customize updates that are automatically posted in the tool you use. Connect Phrase with any Web App via Zapier Define actions in your project management tool that are triggered by events happening in Phrase! For example, automatically create tickets for your dev team when a translation job in Phrase is finished. No time is lost with manually posted updates. All stakeholders are informed automatically. Features for Managers Define which Phrase events trigger automatic messages posted to your team's chat tool. A new translation job is started, or a new language being created is relevant info for many different stakeholders. Automating updates on these key events saves time and ensures high levels of transparency. We want to help you automate all manual side-tasks related to localization. If you need additional Phrase events or actions in Zapier to do that, please ! We're eager to hear more about your use case and ideas to automate your processes. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS Trigger actions in Asana or Trello automatically CHAT TOOLS Automatic updates posted in your team chat Automation for your daily tasks CUSTOM ZAPS Try for Free Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Day Trial. Easy to set up. Buy or cancel at any time. Free 14-Day Trial. Easy to set up. Get a Demo Connect Phrase with any Web App via Zapier pa|Get to know the story of RedCall, an open-source app... The transaction creates the translation industry's leading localization platform, allowing... Over the last 12 months, Phrase moved in forward directions... In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Phrase is supporting... Remote work has become the new normal as we practice... PhraseApp hosted HelloWorldConf, Germany’s first localization conference of its kind,... Learn how Phrase proved to be the ideal platform for... At the beginning of January, I had my first TEDx... The newest product update "Notifications" making it easy for you... We’ve been working on a new interface for the Phrase... Get tips on how to optimize your localization workflow and learn all about the newest Phrase features. di|Sorry! there are no results for this search. Search Results: Solutions h1|News h4|Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h6|Watch our Free Webinars sp|Home Blog News We're hiring! Easily install Phrase On-Premise inside your own cloud infrastructure. Phrase On-Premise is our Cloud Solution packaged as a Docker container that can be operated inside your own network. Phrase On-Premise is the perfect solution for companies with strict data hosting regulations. It can be easily integrated into your very own IT infrastructure behind your company's firewall. With Phrase On-Premise you remain in control of all your data. Our enterprise-level services and premier support is fully dedicated to your teams' success. We offer comprehensive documentation, integration tutorials, and world-class personal assistance whenever you should need it. Shipped on virtual images based on Docker, Phrase On-Premise connects easily to your local infrastructure. Hosted behind your company's firewall, running on your own servers and database: With Phrase On-Premise you remain in control of all your data. We are committed to the success of your team and support you as an Enterprise customer during the entire setup phase. We go beyond the initial setup and are always by your side, accompanying you and your team through each step of your process. You will have full access to a central contact person who takes care of any concerns you may have in an efficient and supportive manner. Adjust Phrase to your workflow through our . The API allows you to import locale files, download locale files, tag keys or interact in other ways with the localization data stored in Phrase for your account. The lets you navigate your projects and translations quickly from the command line instead of fiddling around with long curl requests. Available for Linux, macOS and Windows. Phrase offers a native . Phrase supports a huge variety of ways to export and import your translations for all . We support the following formats during file import, file export, and API access. Work on at the same time- just like in Git. Publish your translations faster and easier than ever before. Stop waiting for the next deployment and start publishing all your translations in real-time directly in Phrase with . Avoid broken language files through . Customize your notification flow by allowing to notify external services like chat clients, project management tools or external APIs of events or changes. Run Phrase on your own data center behind your own firewall with . Raise your security standards and include , whether via 2FA token or OAuth access token. about the individual activities of your team members, including the amount of translated and verified words, keys and much more. by assigning team members, providing briefings and setting due dates to the languages of your choice. Easily implement a for new and updated translations. by assigning dedicated roles and access rights to each team member according to projects and languages. Always about all the latest changes in your project through notifications directly in Phrase and via email. Know what’s going on in your projects by and filter them according to users, events and specific time intervals. Inform, discuss or ask team members questions regarding specific translations by . Let Phrase using Machine Translation and Translation Memory. for common issues like overly long wording, broken placeholders, or mistranslated Glossary terms. Assign access rights to entire instead of defining them for each individual user. Keep all stakeholders informed about translation projects by . directly in Phrase. and track which keys belong to which section of your project. Speed up your localization process with our . The Translation Memory remembers translations used on your projects and suggests matching results. Our can be integrated within almost any web application and provides the possibility to translate content directly on your site. Review all previous versions of a translation in the tab of our Translation Editor. Use real-time suggestions for translations while translating in the Phrase Translation Editor. speeds up your translation work and improves overall consistency. Stay consistent. Our is a list of predefined terms unique to your business which remains unaltered throughout all languages. Increase the contextual information by to your translation keys. Bring design and localization together. Easy handoff of copy and interface designs to translators. . Let Phrase using Machine Translation and Translation Memory. “” “The localization process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales.” “The response variety that Phrase provides significantly improves the overall language quality of the tool; it sounds more natural, which makes it much more engaging for our customers.” “With Phrase, we have been able to modernize our localization process and bring our suite of applications to a wider global audience.” “Phrase has been an important part of Kreditech’s successful international expansion, both on a Country and on a Product level!” “Phrase is the most developer friendly and continuous-deployment friendly solution on the market. From the moment we started searching for a solution, Phrase quickly stood out from the crowd.” “Phrase's easy-to-use and intuitive collaboration platform made it an important trusted tool during our expansion into France.” “Phrase has been central in enabling our small-but-mighty engineering team to seamlessly localize digital applications.” “Phrase exceeded our expectations. The software helped us streamline our localization and become an industry leader. The results speak volumes.” Inside your own cloud infrastructure, Data sovereignty, Premier support di|Solutions Integrations Developers Managers Translators Designers About us Customers Careers Documentation Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographics Demo Product Information Company Support Our Solutions Information security h1|Run Phrase inside your own data center h2|Enterprise-grade at startup speed Data sovereignty Premier Support Why enterprises love Phrase Everything you need to scale up and accelerate The preferred software localization solution for over 1,000 companies worldwide Find out about Phrase On-Premise h3|House your software localization solution securely on your own hardware behind your company’s firewall. Collaborate with your team, access professional translators, and stay on top of the process. Developer Manager Translator Designer Scaling businesses globally, achieving a faster time-to-market, and creating a better user experience are only some of the reasons so many companies seek out Phrase for their localization needs. h4|Quickstart for Developers Getting Started Already more than 1,000 companies optimize their translation process with Phrase Easy Setup Maintaining full control Onboarding and coaching Personal Account Manager h5|API Command Line Tool GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket Sync 40+ File Formats Branching and Versioning Over the Air (OTA) File Format Conversion and Syntax Validation Webhook Integration (e.g Slack) On-Premise Hosting 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA/MFA) Statistics per User / Locale Assignable Jobs Review Workflows User Roles and Access Control Email and In-App Notifications Activity Tracking Comments and Mentioning Autofill Checks Teams Slack Integration Source Copy Editing Search and Key Tagging Translation Memory In-Context Editor for Web History SmartSuggest Glossary Screenshots Sketch Plugin Figma Plugin Autofill sp|Toggle Navigation English We're hiring! Solutions pa|Jedna lokalizační platforma pro celý tým Propojte Phrase se svými oblíbenými nástroji a službami Snadná integrace a jednoduchá správa přímo z příkazového řádku Koordinujte svůj tým pomocí rolí a přiřazování úloh Pracujte rychleji a sledujte v reálném čase, jak se změny projeví v kontextu Pracujte s přeloženým obsahem přímo v rozvržení ze svého oblíbeného nástroje Naše mise a příběh společnosti Phrase Jak společnosti po celém světě efektivně lokalizují Rosteme! Podívejte se na naše aktuální nabídky práce Vše, co potřebujete k tomu, abyste mohli začít Přečtěte si novinky a tipy z oblasti lokalizace Další informace o funkcích a doporučených postupech Vše, co potřebujete vědět o lokalizaci Průvodce krok za krokem k pochopení základů lokalizace Vyzkoušejte si, jak se s Phrase pracuje Překladatelské centrum Phrase je páteří systému správy překladů. Webové rozhraní vám umožňuje spravovat všechny jazyky a překlady mezi různými platformami. Překladatelský editor Phrase (In-Context Editor) lze integrovat téměř do každé webové aplikace. Díky němu můžete překládat obsah přímo z vaší stránky. Naše API umožňují vytvářet vlastní pracovní postupy a začlenit aplikaci Phrase do vašeho lokalizačního procesu. Můžete buď pracovat s vlastním týmem překladatelů, nebo si jednoduše objednat profesionální překlady od našich překladatelských partnerů. Implementace nových jazyků je nyní možná během několika hodin. Snadné nastavení. Dvoutýdenní zkušební verze zdarma. Nákup nebo zrušení kdykoliv. di|Řešení Integrace Vývojáři Manažeři Překladatelé Návrháři O nás Zákazníci Kariéra Dokumentace Blog Webináře E-knihy Infografika Demo Je čas začít Informace o produktu Společnost Podpora Naše řešení Bezpečnost informací st|Uživatel Heslo h1|Phrase v akci h3|Překladatelské centrum, In-Context Editor, API Překladatelské centrum In-Context Editor Lokalizační API Překladatelské služby h4|Rychlý návod pro vývojáře Začínáme sp|Přepnout navigaci demo@phrase.com phrase Čeština Hledáme nové kolegy! Řešení pa|A plataforma de localização única para reunir toda a sua equipe Conecte o Phrase às suas ferramentas e serviços favoritos Fácil de integrar e simples de gerir, diretamente na sua linha de comando Coordene sua equipe com funções dedicadas e tarefas atribuíveis Acelere seu fluxo de trabalho e veja as alterações no texto em um contexto ativo Trabalhe com conteúdo traduzido diretamente em seus designs a partir de sua ferramenta favorita Nossa missão e a história por trás da Phrase Como empresas em todo o mundo estão usando a localização de forma eficiente Estamos crescendo! Veja nossas vagas no momento Todas as informações que você precisa para começar Leia as últimas ideias e tutoriais sobre localização Saiba mais sobre os recursos e as melhores práticas Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre localização Orientações passo a passo para compreender a visão geral da localização Experimente o Phrase você mesmo. O Translation Center é a espinha dorsal do sistema de gestão de traduções do Phrase. A interface web permite que você controle todos os idiomas e traduções em diversas plataformas. O In-Context Editor do Phrase pode ser integrado em praticamente todos os aplicativos web e fornece a possibilidade de traduzir conteúdo diretamente no seu site. Nossa API permite que você crie fluxos de trabalho personalizados e melhora a integração do Phrase com seu processo de localização. Você pode trabalhar com sua própria equipe de tradutores ou simplesmente encomendar traduções profissionais dos nossos parceiros de tradução. Agora, é possível implementar novos idiomas em questão de horas. Fácil de configurar. Teste grátis por 14 dias. Adquira ou cancele a qualquer momento. di|Soluções Integrações Desenvolvedores Gerentes Tradutores Designers Sobre nós Clientes Oportunidades de trabalho Documentação Blog Webinários Ebooks Infográficos Demo Hora de começar Informações do produto Empresa Suporte Nossas soluções Segurança da informação st|Usuário Senha h1|Phrase em ação h3|Translation Center, In-Context Editor, API Translation Center In-Context Editor API de localização Serviços de tradução h4|Início rápido para desenvolvedores Primeiros passos sp|Navegação Alternada demo@phrase.com phrase Português (Brasil) Estamos contratando! Soluções pa|Die einzige Lokalisierungsplattform, die dein gesamtes Team zusammenbringt Verbinde Phrase mit deinen Lieblings-Tools und -Services Leicht zu integrieren und einfach zu verwalten, direkt von der Kommandozeile aus Koordiniere dein Team mit zuweisbaren Rollen und Aufgaben Beschleunige deinen Workflow und betrachte Textänderungen im live Kontext Übersetze deine Designs in alle Sprachen - ohne dein Design Tool zu verlassen Unsere Mission und wie alles begann Wie effiziente Lokalisierung bei Unternehmen weltweit funktioniert Wir wachsen! Schau dir unsere offenen Stellen an Alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen Informiere dich über die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Tutorials zum Thema Lokalisierung Lerne mehr über einzelne Features und Best Practices Alles, was du über Lokalisierung wissen musst Grafisch dargestellte Anleitungen, um Lokalisierung besser zu verstehen Probiere Phrase selbst aus Die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen, die Phrase nutzen, erfolgt auf Augenhöhe und führt zu langfristigen Beziehungen. Ihre Herausforderungen sind unsere Herausforderungen. Unsere Neugier und unser Verlangen zu lernen sind unersättlich. Unser Ziel ist Gold, nicht Silber oder Bronze. Unser Streben nach Erfolg treibt uns an. Wir glauben an Agilität und Geschwindigkeit und wollen immer besser werden. Wir stehen zusammen. Wir sind Teamplayer und helfen einander. Wir schätzen die Fähigkeiten und Ideen unserer Teammitglieder. Wir schätzen es, wenn unsere Vorschläge hinterfragt werden. Wir arbeiten gern zusammen. Wir vertrauen einander. Wir glauben daran, dass Menschen verschiedener Kulturen und Hintergründe, verschiedener Sprachen und Denkweisen unsere Kreativität steigern. Wir bestehen auf einen respektvollen Umgang. Wir akzeptieren keine intoleranten Äußerungen oder Grundeinstellungen. Wir fördern und schätzen unterschiedliche Perspektiven, um bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wir sind risikobereit und nehmen es in Kauf, zu scheitern. Wir ergreifen die Initiative und bringen Dinge voran. Wir bestärken selbständige Entscheidungen. Sei Teil eines jungen, dynamischen und aufgeschlossenen Teams, in dem alle ihre eigenen Skills und Talente haben, aber durch die Leidenschaft vereint sind, etwas Großes zu schaffen. Arbeite in einer professionellen Umgebung in der du produktiv sein und gleichzeitig Spaß haben kannst. Wir unterstützen uns gegenseitig und geben dir die Freiheit die du brauchst, um effizient zu arbeiten. Genieße das Arbeiten in unserem freundlichen und geräumigen Penthousebüro im Herzen von Hamburg, welches individuellen Raum zum Denken und Platz zum Zusammenarbeiten gibt. Nutze unsere Küche, die mit allem ausgestattet ist, was du brauchst und die Platz für gemeinsames Mittagessen bietet. Darüber hinaus sind immer ausreichend Getränke und Obst für einen kleinen Snack vorhanden. Wir nutzen auf jeden Fall unsere Dachterrasse, sei es das gute alte BBQ mit einem kalten Bier vor der einmaligen Kulisse Hamburgs oder das gemeinsame Frühstück. Nach getaner Arbeit sitzen wir gerne noch zusammen. Wir sind in einem agilen, selbstorganisierenden System strukturiert, das jedes Teammitglied dazu ermutigt, seine Kreativität, persönlichen Fähigkeiten und Talente voll zu entfalten. Wir entwickeln uns kontinuierlich weiter und streben stets danach, unser Wissen und unsere individuellen Stärken im Team zu teilen. Lerne von Profis für Softwareentwicklung und Lokalisierung und finde deinen Weg bei uns. In unserer Softwareentwicklung arbeiten wir mit den neuesten Technologien. Wir streben stets die höchstmögliche Qualität unserer Arbeit und somit auch unseres Codes an. "Es ist wirklich bereichernd, die Arbeit von Entwicklungsteams auf der ganzen Welt jeden Tag ein wenig einfacher zu machen." „Genau wie im Sport, spornt dich ein herausragendes Team zu Höchstleistungen an. Es ist toll, Teil eines solchen Teams hier bei Phrase zu sein!“ "Es ist großartig, uns alle gemeinsam wachsen zu sehen." Wir freuen uns trotzdem, von dir zu hören. Kontaktiere uns oder schicke uns einfach deine Initiativbewerbung! Einfaches Setup. 14 Tage testen. Trial verpflichtet nicht zum Kauf. di|Lösungen Integrationen Entwicklung Management Übersetzung Design Über uns Erfolgs-Storys Karriere Dokumentation Blog Webinare E-Books Infografiken Demo Zeit, loszulegen Produktinformation Unternehmen Hilfe Unsere Lösungen Informationssicherheit h1|Werde Teil von Phrase! h2|Unsere Werte Deine Benefits Was unser Team sagt Offene Stellen Aus dem Blog Folge uns auf Social Media h3|Hilf uns dabei, Softwarelokalisierung mit einer zuverlässigen und transparenten Übersetzungsmanagementlösung noch produktiver zu machen. h4|Für Softwareentwicklungs-Teams Erste Schritte Der Kunde als Partner Spitzenleistung Zusammenarbeit Kulturelle Vielfalt Eigenverantwortung Arbeite mit großartigen Menschen Flexible Arbeitsumgebung in der das Arbeiten Spaß macht Schönes Büro in perfekter Lage Freie Getränke & Obst Regelmäßige Teamevents Progressives Hierarchiesystem Lerne von unterschiedlichsten Menschen Arbeite mit den neuesten Technologien Nicht die Stelle gefunden, nach der du suchst? sp|Navigation ein/ausblenden Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer Jannis Rhein Head of Sales David Ost Product Manager Deutsch Wir stellen ein! Lösungen pa|La única plataforma de localización para reunir a todo tu equipo Conecta Phrase a tus herramientas y servicios favoritos Fácil de integrar y fácil de administrar, directamente desde tu línea de comandos Coordina tu equipo con roles específicos y trabajos asignables Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y ve los cambios de texto en un contexto en vivo Trabaje con contenido traducido directamente en sus diseños desde su herramienta favorita. Nuestra misión y la historia detrás de Phrase Empresas de todo el mundo que se localizan de forma eficiente. Así lo hacen ¡Seguimos creciendo! Consulta nuestras ofertas de empleo Toda la información que necesitas para comenzar Lee los últimos conocimientos y tutoriales de localización Obtenga más información sobre las funciones y las prácticas recomendadas Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la localización Guías paso a paso para comprender el panorama general de la localización Prueba Phrase por ti mismo. We collaborate on eye level with our customers. Our relationships with customers are long-term. The challenges of our customers are our challenges. Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for learning. We aim for gold, not silver or bronze. We are driven to succeed. We believe in agility and speed and strive for continuous improvement. We are in this together. We are team players and help each other out.We value the skills and ideas of our colleagues. We embrace our ideas being challenged. We love to collaborate. We trust each other. We believe people of different backgrounds, cultures, languages and thinking styles spark our creativity. We insist on a culture of respect. We don’t tolerate closed mindsets or statements. We nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. We take smart risks and are open to possible failure. We take initiatives and move things forward. We encourage autonomous decision making. Forma parte de un equipo joven y dinámico de gente maravillosa y de mente abierta. Cada uno de ellos tiene sus propias habilidades y talentos, pero están unidos por la misma pasión de hacer algo importante. Trabaja en un ambiente profesional en donde puedes ser productivo y divertirte al mismo tiempo. Nos ayudamos entre nosotros y te damos la libertad que necesitas para trabajar de forma eficaz. Disfruta trabajando en nuestra luminosa y espaciosa oficina de diseñador situada en el centro de Hamburgo. Le brindamos a cada uno su espacio para pensar y colaborar. Aprovecha nuestra cocina con todo lo que necesitas y espacio para sentarte a comer con los demás. Además, siempre hay bebidas y frutas gratis como snack saludable. No dejamos de aprovechar nuestra terraza con vista panorámica de Hamburgo. Nos gusta reunirnos después de trabajar, ya sea con una clásica barbacoa y una cerveza o un rico desayuno. Nuestra estructura se basa en un sistema autoorganizado que motiva a cada miembro del equipo a contribuir y dar rienda suelta a su creatividad, habilidades y talentos. Estamos en constante evolución y buscamos compartir siempre el conocimiento y las fortalezas individuales dentro de nuestro equipo. Aprende de ingenieros de software y expertos en localización para encontrar tu camino. Trabajamos constantemente con las últimas tecnologías a la hora de desarrollar software y siempre intentamos crear código de la más alta calidad a la vez que tenemos en cuenta a la próxima persona que tendrá que trabajar con él. “Experiencing us all growing together is awesome!” “It’s really rewarding to make the work of engineering teams all over the world just a little bit easier every day.” “Like in sports, an outstanding team makes you perform best. I’m delighted to be part of such an awesome team here at Phrase!” Igualmente nos encantaría que te pusieras en contacto con nosotros. ¡Ponte en contacto o simplemente postúlate de forma proactiva! Fácil de configurar. Prueba gratuita de 14 días. Compra o cancela en cualquier momento. di|Soluciones Integraciones Desarrolladores Gerentes Traductores Diseñadores Acerca de nosotros Clientes Ofertas de empleo Documentación Blog Seminarios web Ebooks Infografías Demo Es hora de comenzar Información del producto Empresa Soporte Nuestras soluciones Seguridad de la información h1|¡Únete a Phrase! h2|Nuestros valores Tus beneficios Qué dicen nuestros empleados Ofertas de empleo De nuestro blog Síguenos en las redes sociales h3|Ayúdanos a a hacer que los equipos de adaptación local de software sean más productivos al proporcionarles una solución de gestión de la traducción más fiable y transparente. h4|Inicio rápido para desarrolladores Primeros pasos Customer Partnership Excellence Teamwork Cultural Diversity Ownership Trabajar con gente maravillosa Un ambiente flexible donde trabajar es divertido Oficina ático con una excelente ubicación Bebidas y frutas gratis Eventos para nuestro equipo fijo Sistema de jerarquía progresiva Aprende de personas expertas en diversas áreas Trabajamos con la última tecnología ¿No has encontrado el empleo que buscabas? sp|Activar/desactivar navegación David Ost Product Manager Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer Jannis Rhein Head of Sales Español ¡Estamos contratando! Soluciones pa|Het enige lokalisatieplatform dat je hele team samenbrengt Verbind Phrase met je favoriete tools en diensten Makkelijk te integreren en eenvoudig te beheren, direct vanaf je opdrachtregel Coördineer je team met toegewijde rollen en toewijsbare jobs Versnel je workflow en bekijk kopijveranderingen in een live context Werk direct met vertaalde inhoud in je designs van je favoriete tool. Onze missie en het verhaal achter Phrase Hoe bedrijven over de hele wereld efficiënt worden gelokaliseerd We breiden uit! Bekijk onze vacatures Alle informatie die je nodig hebt om te beginnen Lees over de laatste inzichten voor lokalisatie en tutorials Meer informatie over functies en best practices Alles wat u moet weten over lokalisatie Stapsgewijze richtlijnen om het grote plaatje van lokalisatie te leren begrijpen Probeer Phrase zelf uit. We collaborate on eye level with our customers. Our relationships with customers are long-term. The challenges of our customers are our challenges. Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for learning. We aim for gold, not silver or bronze. We are driven to succeed. We believe in agility and speed and strive for continuous improvement. We are in this together. We are team players and help each other out.We value the skills and ideas of our colleagues. We embrace our ideas being challenged. We love to collaborate. We trust each other. We believe people of different backgrounds, cultures, languages and thinking styles spark our creativity. We insist on a culture of respect. We don’t tolerate closed mindsets or statements. We nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. We take smart risks and are open to possible failure. We take initiatives and move things forward. We encourage autonomous decision making. Be part of a young, dynamic team of great, open minded people who all have their own skills and talents, but are unified by the same passion to build something that matters. Work in a professional environment where you can be productive and have fun as well. We support each other and give you the freedom you need to work effectively. Enjoy working in our bright, spacious designer office located in the center of Hamburg. We give everyone their own place to think and room to collaborate. Enjoy our kitchen with everything you need and space to sit together for lunch. Additionally, there are always free drinks and fruits for a healthy snack. We definitely enjoy our rooftop terrace with its panoramic view over Hamburg. Whether it is a good old BBQ with a cold beer or a nice breakfast, we like to come together after work is done. We are structured in an agile self-organizing system that encourages each team member contribute and fully unfold their creativity, personal skills and talents. We are constantly evolving and striving to always share our knowledge and individual strengths among our team. Learn from software engineering and localization experts to explore your path. We are constantly working with the latest technologies in our software development, always striving for the highest code quality and caring about the next person who has to work with it. “Experiencing us all growing together is awesome!” “Like in sports, an outstanding team makes you perform best. I’m delighted to be part of such an awesome team here at Phrase!” “It’s really rewarding to make the work of engineering teams all over the world just a little bit easier every day.” We’d still love to hear from you. Contact us or simply apply proactively! Makkelijk te installeren. Gratis proefperiode van 14 dagen. Koop of annuleer op elk moment. di|Oplossingen Integraties Ontwikkelaars Managers Vertalers Ontwerpers Over ons Klanten Carrière Documentatie Blog Webinars Ebooks Infographic Demo Tijd om te beginnen Productinformatie Bedrijf Ondersteuning Onze oplossingen Beveiliging van informatie h1|Join Phrase! h2|Our core values Your Benefits What our employees say Current openings From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Help ons softwarelokalisatieteams over de hele wereld productiever te maken door hen een betrouwbaardere, transparantere beheerdersoplossing voor vertalingen te bieden. h4|Snelstart voor ontwikkelaars Beginnen Customer Partnership Excellence Teamwork Cultural Diversity Ownership Work with great people Flexible environment in which work is fun Nice and perfectly located penthouse office Free drinks & fruits Regular team events Progressive hierarchy system Learn from people with all kinds of expertise Work with the latest technologies Didn't find the position you're looking for? sp|Toggle Navigation David Ost Product Manager Jannis Rhein Head of Sales Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer Nederlands We zoeken personeel! Oplossingen pa|Den eneste lokaliseringsplattformen som bringer hele ditt team sammen Koble Phrase til verktøyene og tjenestene du bruker mest. Enkelt å integrere og enkel å håndtere - dire fra din kommandolinje Du kan koordinere ditt team med dedikerte roller og funksjoner Akselerer hastigheten på din arbeidsflyt og se endringer i en ekte sammenheng Jobb med oversatt innhold rett i designene dine fra favorittverktøyet ditt Vår misjon og historien bak Phrase Hvordan bedrifter over hele verden lokaliserer effektivt Vi vokser! Se våre aktuelle åpninger All informasjonen du behøver for å komme i gang Les alt det nyeste om lokalisering og finn brukerveiledning Lær mer om funksjoner og beste praksis Alt du trenger å vite om lokalisering Trinnvise retningslinjer for å forstå det store bildet av lokaliseringen Prøv ut Phrase We collaborate on eye level with our customers. Our relationships with customers are long-term. The challenges of our customers are our challenges. Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for learning. We aim for gold, not silver or bronze. We are driven to succeed. We believe in agility and speed and strive for continuous improvement. We are in this together. We are team players and help each other out.We value the skills and ideas of our colleagues. We embrace our ideas being challenged. We love to collaborate. We trust each other. We believe people of different backgrounds, cultures, languages and thinking styles spark our creativity. We insist on a culture of respect. We don’t tolerate closed mindsets or statements. We nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. We take smart risks and are open to possible failure. We take initiatives and move things forward. We encourage autonomous decision making. Be part of a young, dynamic team of great, open minded people who all have their own skills and talents, but are unified by the same passion to build something that matters. Work in a professional environment where you can be productive and have fun as well. We support each other and give you the freedom you need to work effectively. Enjoy working in our bright, spacious designer office located in the center of Hamburg. We give everyone their own place to think and room to collaborate. Enjoy our kitchen with everything you need and space to sit together for lunch. Additionally, there are always free drinks and fruits for a healthy snack. We definitely enjoy our rooftop terrace with its panoramic view over Hamburg. Whether it is a good old BBQ with a cold beer or a nice breakfast, we like to come together after work is done. We are structured in an agile self-organizing system that encourages each team member contribute and fully unfold their creativity, personal skills and talents. We are constantly evolving and striving to always share our knowledge and individual strengths among our team. Learn from software engineering and localization experts to explore your path. We are constantly working with the latest technologies in our software development, always striving for the highest code quality and caring about the next person who has to work with it. “Experiencing us all growing together is awesome!” “Like in sports, an outstanding team makes you perform best. I’m delighted to be part of such an awesome team here at Phrase!” “It’s really rewarding to make the work of engineering teams all over the world just a little bit easier every day.” We’d still love to hear from you. Contact us or simply apply proactively! Enkelt å klargjøre. Gratis 14-Dagers Prøveperiode. Kjøp eller avslutt når som helst. di|Løsninger Integrering Utviklere Administratorer Oversettere Designere Om oss Kunder Karriere Dokumentasjon Blogg Webinars E-bøker Infografikk Demo Tid til å komme i gang Produktinformasjon Virksomhet Hjelp Våre Løsninger Informasjonssikkerhet h1|Bli med Phrase! h2|Our core values Your Benefits What our employees say Current openings From our blog Follow us on Social Media h3|Hjelp oss å gjøre programvarelokaliseringsteam over hele verden mer produktive ved å tilby en mer pålitelig og gjennomsiktig løsning for styring av oversettelser. h4|Hurtig oppstart for utviklere Kom i gang Customer Partnership Excellence Teamwork Cultural Diversity Ownership Work with great people Flexible environment in which work is fun Nice and perfectly located penthouse office Free drinks & fruits Regular team events Progressive hierarchy system Learn from people with all kinds of expertise Work with the latest technologies Didn't find the position you're looking for? sp|Toggle Navigation David Ost Product Manager Jannis Rhein Head of Sales Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer Norsk (bokmål) Vi har ledige stillinger! Løsninger pa|La seule plateforme de localisation qui réunit toute ton équipe Connecte Phrase à tes outils et services favoris. Facile à intégrer et simple à gérer, directement à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande Coordonne ton équipe avec des rôles dédiés et des jobs assignables Accélère ton workflow et vois les changements de copie dans un contexte réel Travaille avec du contenu traduit directement dans tes designs à partir de ton outil favori Notre mission et l'histoire derrière Phrase Comment des sociétés à travers le monde localisent efficacement Nous nous développons ! Consulte nos offres d'emploi actuelles Toutes les informations pour commencer Suis les dernières actualités et tutoriels sur la localisation Apprends-en plus sur les fonctionnalités et les meilleures pratiques Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la localisation Les grandes lignes pour comprendre la situation globale de la localisation Essaye Phrase par toi-même We collaborate on eye level with our customers. Our relationships with customers are long-term. The challenges of our customers are our challenges. Our curiosity sparks an endless appetite for learning. We aim for gold, not silver or bronze. We are driven to succeed. We believe in agility and speed and strive for continuous improvement. We are in this together. We are team players and help each other out.We value the skills and ideas of our colleagues. We embrace our ideas being challenged. We love to collaborate. We trust each other. We believe people of different backgrounds, cultures, languages and thinking styles spark our creativity. We insist on a culture of respect. We don’t tolerate closed mindsets or statements. We nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. We take smart risks and are open to possible failure. We take initiatives and move things forward. We encourage autonomous decision making. Rejoins une équipe jeune et dynamique composée de personnes ouvertes d'esprit qui possèdent toutes leurs propres compétences et talents, mais qui sont liées par la même passion de développer des produits intéressants. Travaille dans un environnement professionnel où tu peux allier productivité et amusement. La solidarité est notre maître-mot, mais nous te donnerons assez de liberté pour que tu travailles efficacement. Profite de nos bureaux lumineux, spacieux et modernes situés dans le centre de Hambourg. Chaque employé bénéficie de son propre espace de travail. Des pièces sont également prévues pour travailler ensemble. Profite de la cuisine équipée avec tout ce dont tu as besoin et de l'espace de repas commun. L'équipe peut également profiter de boissons et de fruits gratuits pour un en-cas sain. Nous profitons vraiment de notre toit-terrasse et de sa vue panoramique sur Hambourg. Qu'il s'agisse d'un bon vieux barbecue accompagné d'une bière fraîche ou d'un bon petit-déjeuner, nous aimons partager des moments ensemble une fois le travail terminé. Notre système est auto-organisé et souple, il encourage donc chaque membre de l'équipe à participer et à laisser libre cours à sa créativité, ses compétences personnelles et ses talents. Nous évoluons et cherchons constamment à partager nos connaissances et nos forces individuelles avec l'équipe. Apprends des experts en génie logiciel ou en localisation afin d'explorer ta voie. Nous travaillons en permanence avec les dernières technologies dans notre développement de logiciel, cherchant à atteindre une qualité de code supérieure et souhaitant simplifier le travail de la personne qui en héritera. “It’s really rewarding to make the work of engineering teams all over the world just a little bit easier every day.” “Like in sports, an outstanding team makes you perform best. I’m delighted to be part of such an awesome team here at Phrase!” “Experiencing us all growing together is awesome!” Nous souhaitons tout de même te connaître. Contacte-nous ou envoie-nous simplement ta candidature spontanée ! Facile à installer. Essai gratuit pendant 14 jours. Achète ou annule à tout moment. di|Solutions Intégrations Développeurs Managers Traducteurs Designers A propos Clients Carrières Documentation Blog Webinars E-books Infographies Démo Il est l'heure de commencer Informations sur le produit Entreprise Support Nos solutions Sécurité de l'information h1|Rejoins Phrase ! h2|Nos valeurs essentielles Ce que tu y gagnes Ce que nos employés disent Postes à pourvoir En direct de notre blog Suis-nous sur les réseaux sociaux h3|Aidez-nous à rendre les équipes du monde entier plus productives en leur fournissant une plateforme de localisation de logiciels plus fiable et plus transparente. h4|Pour les développeurs Premiers pas Customer Partnership Excellence Teamwork Cultural Diversity Ownership Une équipe géniale Un environnement souple où nous travaillons dans la joie De jolis bureaux avec terrasse idéalement placés Boissons et fruits gratuits Organisation régulière d'évènements en équipe Un système hiérarchique progressif Apprends d'experts de tous les horizons Travaille avec les technologies les plus avancées Tu n'as pas trouvé chaussure à ton pied ? sp|Basculer la Navigation Manuel Boy Principal Software Engineer Jannis Rhein Head of Sales David Ost Product Manager Français Nous recrutons ! Solutions