pa|Skicka meddelande via Teams Tack vare vår integration till MS Teams, är det nu möjligt att både skicka meddelanden genom De regelverk och krav kring vad som går att skicka i ett öppet mail och vad som inte är lagligt eller allmänt accepterat, skapar en hel del utmaningar för olika verksamheter, däribland inom den privata dentalvården. Som tandläkarklinik och avsaknaden av en egen IT-organisation, kan det många gånger skapas stora utmaningar när ex. journalinformation eller annan SEFOS är en webbtjänst, men finns även som plugin till MS Outlook. Snart kan man även använda SEFOS som tillägg till MS Teams! Det är lätt att komma igång med SEFOS, och starkt krypterade meddelanden skickas iväg lika enkelt som ett vanligt e-post meddelande! Effektivisera processer inom organisationer genom enkel och säker digital kommunikation. All information inklusive bilagor skyddas med stark kryptering hela vägen fram till mottagaren. SEFOS är idag anpassat för att kunna hantera olika typer av autentiseringsmetoder. Allt från enkla verifieringar via e-post, SMS och lösenord till olika e-ID som , och . SEFOS kan integreras med i stort sett vilken PKI-baserad inloggningsmetod som helst. Med SEFOS är det även möjligt att skicka krypterad information till mottagare utanför tjänsten. Så snart den externa mottagaren identifierat sig kan den krypterade informationen öppnas lika enkelt som den skickades.i formuläret till höger så kontaktar någon från Meaplus dig så snart som möjligt! Oavsett om ni behöver en applikation som kan hjälpa till att digitalisera olika processer inom er verksamhet, konsulter för specifika uppdrag eller om ni bara vill förnya er hemsida så att den skapar en annan känsla – di|VI FORMAR FRAMTIDEN Här utvecklas applikationer och tjänster för framtidens digitala samhälle Läs mer SEFOS Säker e-post för privat och offentlig sektor Läs mer om SEFOS SEFOS är en webbtjänst, men finns även som plugin till MS Outlook. Tjänsten gör det möjligt att bl.a skicka, till både andra användare av SEFOS och mottagare utanför tjänsten. Behöver ni hjälp med applikationsutveckling, integration av APIer eller letar ni efter duktiga resurser med lång erfarenhet och bred kompetens? Vi växer nu i vårt utvecklingsteam och behöver fler duktiga medarbetare. Är du rätt person för någon av rollerna? Skicka din ansökan idag! Gå till Aqua Dental Gå till Privattandläkarna Gå till Rely IT Gå till Freja eID Gå till Financial Art Solutions Gå till BankID Gå till SecMaker Behöver ni hjälp att ta fram en ny tjänst eller utveckla en applikation som löser era problem? Vi på Meaplus har en bred kompetens inom .NET, .NET core, VB.NET, C#, Javascript, React, vue, css, HTML, T-Sql, Ling, DI, NUnit mm Är ni i behov av utvecklare med lång erfarenhet och bred kompetens för kortare eller längre uppdrag? Ta kontakt med oss på Meaplus så kan vi se hur vi kan hjälpa er? Våra medarbetare inom marknad och försäljning har lång erfarenhet av att skapa hemsidor och marknadsmaterial för olika företag och ändamål. Ta kontakt med oss för mer information om hur vi kan hjälpa just er inom detta område? Till många av de tjänster och applikationer som vi själva utvecklar erbjuder vi även slutkunds-support. Detta skapar ett nära samarbete med våra partners och där vår kunskaper om tjänsterna kommer väl till hands! Är det svårt att hänga med i utvecklingen och känns det digitaliseringen skapar mer problem än möjligheter? Vi på Meaplus kan hjälpa er med allt från affärs- och verksamhetsutveckling till innovation och rådgivning. st|Mobilt BankID Freja e-ID, Freja organisations e-ID NetID med SITHS så kan vi på Meaplus hjälpa er! h3|Vi vill bidra till att skapa ett bättre och säkrare digitalt samhälle Från vår blogg Säker digital kommunikation Boka en demo av SEFOS Våra tjänster h4|SEFOS Våra tjänster Jobba hos oss Kunder och partners Applikationsutveckling Konsulting Kommunikation Support Digital transformation sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Föregående Nästa OM MEAPLUS Även om vi idag befinner oss mitt i den digitala utvecklingen så kämpar många företag och myndigheter med att fullt ut kunna dra nytt av de digitala tjänster som finns på marknaden. Därför har vi valt att fokusera på att skapa applikationer och tjänster som skall vara enkla att använda men samtidigt bidra till stor nytta för samhället. Vi hoppas på detta sätt att vi skall kunna skapa ett bättre digitalt samhälle där alla kan dra nytta av digitaliseringens stora möjligheter. Läs mer Läs mer Läs mer senaste Gå till blogg SEFOS Läs mer om SEFOS Spela videoklipp Skicka Läs mer We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. pa|Send messages via Teams - Thanks to our integration with MS Teams, it is now possible to both send messages through The regulations and requirements regarding what can be sent in an open email and what is not legal or generally accepted, create a lot of challenges for various activities, including in private dental care. As a dental clinic and the lack of its own IT organization, it can often create major challenges when ex. journal information or other SEFOS is a web service, but is also available as a plugin for MS Outlook and Teams. Getting started with SEFOS is easy, and encrypted messages are sent just as easily as a regular email message! Streamline processes within organizations through simple and secure digital communication. All information including attachments is protected with strong encryption all the way to the recipient. SEFOS is adjusted to handle different types of authentication methods. Everything from simple verifications via e-mail, SMS and password to various e-IDs such as , and . SEFOS can be integrated with more or less any PKI-based login method. With SEFOS, it is also possible to send encrypted information to recipients outside the service. Once the external recipient has identified himself, the encrypted information can be opened as easily as it was sent. Want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Fill out the form to the right and a specialist from Meaplus will contact you as soon as possible! Whether you need an application that can help digitize various processes within your business, consultants for specific assignments or if you just want to renew your website so that it creates a different feeling - di|WE ARE SHAPING THE FUTURE This is where applications and services are developed for the digital society of the future Read More SEFOS Secure e-mail for private and public sector Read more about SEFOS SEFOS is a web service, but is also available as a plugin for MS Outlook and Teams. The service makes it possible to send sensitive information digitally, to both other SEFOS users and recipients outside the service. Do you need help with application development, integration of APIs or are you looking for good resources with long experience and broad expertise? We are now growing in our development team and need more talented employees. Are you the right person for any of the roles? Submit your application today! Go to Aqua Dental Go to Privattandläkarna Go to Rely IT Go to Freja eID Go to Financial Art Solutions Go to BankID Go to SecMaker Do you need help to develop new services or perhaps an application that solves your problems? At Meaplus we have a broad set of skills and competences in .NET, .NET core, VB.NET, C #, Javascript, React, vue, css, HTML, T-Sql, Ling, DI, NUnit etc. Do you need competent developers with long experience and broad set of skills for shorter or longer assignments? Contact us at Meaplus and we'll see how to help you out? Our employees in marketing and sales have long experience of creating websites and marketing materials for different companies and purposes. Contact us for more information on how we can help you in this area? For many of the services and applications that we develop ourselves, we also offer end customer support. This creates a close collaboration with our partners and where our knowledge of the services comes in handy! Is it difficult to keep up with the digital evolution and does it feel that digitization creates more challenges than opportunities? At Meaplus we can help you with everything from business development to innovation and strategic guidance. st|Swedish Mobile BankID Freja e-ID, Freja organisations e-ID NetID with SITHS we at Meaplus can help you! h3|We want to contribute to a better and safer digital society From our blog Secure digital communication Book a demo of SEFOS Our services h4|SEFOS Our services Work with us Customers and partners Application development Consulting Communication Support Digital transformation Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact h6|Send encrypted email to anyone sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Föregående Nästa ABOUT MEAPLUS Even though we today are in the middle of digital development, many companies and authorities are struggling to be able to take full advantage of the digital services available on the market. Therefore, we have chosen to focus on creating applications and services that should be easy to use but at the same time contribute to great benefit to society. In this way, we hope that we will be able to create a better digital society where everyone can benefit from the great opportunities of digitalisation. Read More Read More Read More LATEST Go to our blog SEFOS Read more about SEFOS Play Video Send Read More Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Skicka meddelande via Teams Tack vare vår integration till MS Teams, är det nu möjligt att både skicka meddelanden genom Teams samt verifiera användare in De regelverk och krav kring vad som går att skicka i ett öppet mail och vad som inte är lagligt eller allmänt accepterat, skapar en hel del utmaningar för olika verksamheter, däribland inom den privata dentalvården. Som tandläkarklinik och avsaknaden av en egen IT-organisation, kan det många gånger skapas stora utmaningar när ex. journalinformation eller annan känslig information skall skickas digitalt Det är med stor glädje som vi nu hälsar Rely IT välkomna som ny SEFOS-partner. – Att knyta upp Rely IT som en SEFOS-partner känns Överföring av Att skicka information digitalt kan tyckas vara enkelt, men när det kommer till att överföra personuppgifter eller annan känslig information Vi börjar det nya året med att lansera en uppdatering av vår hemsida! Hemsidan har fått sig ett helt nytt visuellt utseende medan innehållet fortfarande h1|MEAPLUS Blogg MEAPLUS Blogg h4|Glöm inte att följa oss på sociala medier för att få de senaste uppdateringarna sp|SV EN Meny SV EN mars 12, 2021 februari 25, 2021 februari 12, 2021 januari 20, 2021 januari 13, 2021 januari 11, 2021 « Förgående Sida 1 Sida Sida Linkedin Facebook Youtube pa|men finns även som tillägg till MS Outlook och Teams. Med SEFOS är det möjligt att enkelt kunna skicka all typ av information digitalt till både privatpersoner och offentliga verksamheter. Meddelanden skyddas med stark kryptering och kan skickas till vem som helst, både registrerade SEFOS användare samt mottagare utanför tjänsten. Mottagaren identifierar sig med någon form av godkänd e-legitimation (ex. Freja eID, Mobilt BankID eller SITHS) eller genom en sms-kod. Tack vare vår integration till MS Teams, kan vi nu både skicka meddelanden och verifiera användare in till Teamsmöten via samma ID-metoder. Så om du eller din organisation är i behov av att kunna säkerställa att det är rätt personer som deltar i era teamsmöten, kom igång med SEFOS så kan ni dessutom skicka skyddade meddelanden via samma tjänst. SEFOS tillåter dig att kryptera informationen på ett enkelt sätt och adressera både registrerade och externa mottagare. Låt adressaten Så snart mottagaren identifierat sig kan den krypterade informationen öppnas. Med SEFOS blir det enkelt att skicka krypterade meddelanden till vem som helst! SEFOS gör det inte bara möjligt att skicka meddelanden till mottagare även utanför själva tjänsten. Personuppgifter eller annan känslig information skickas enkelt direkt till identifierade mottagare som i sin tur kan besvara meddelandet på samma säkra sätt som det togs emot! SEFOS är idag anpassat för att kunna hantera olika typer av autentiseringsmetoder. Allt från enkla verifieringar via e-post, SMS och lösenord till olika e-ID som , , och . SEFOS kan integreras med i stort sett vilken PKI-baserad inloggningsmetod som helst. Det är att skicka meddelanden via SEFOS som det är att skicka ett vanligt e-postmeddelande. Med SEFOS blir både information och bilagor skyddade med inom organisationer genom enkel och säker digital kommunikation SEFOS efter olika organisationers krav på klientcertifikat och säkerhet. Vad krävs för att börja använda och skicka meddelanden med SEFOS? Vad krävs för att ta emot krypterade meddelanden med SEFOS? Läs mer om hur SEFOS fungerar: di|Gå till Aqua Dental Gå till Privattandläkarna Gå till Rely IT Gå till Freja eID Gå till Financial Art Solutions Gå till BankID Gå till SecMaker st|SEFOS är en webbtjänst identifiera sig med Freja e-ID, Freja Organisations e-ID, SITHS, Mobilt BankID, SMS eller E-post. Nu kan även den externa mottagaren besvara dessa så kallade länkmeddelanden. Mobilt BankID Freja e-ID, Freja organisations eID NetID med SITHS Nexus ID h1|SEFOS En plattform för säker kommunikation Enkelt Säkert Effektivt Anpassningsbart h2|Stark autentisering med e-ID Har du frågor och vill veta mer om SEFOS? h3|Skydda personkänslig eller annan sekretessbelagd information vid kommunikation med privatpersoner eller andra företag och organisationer. Enkelt, säkert och effektivt SEFOS för MS Teams Skicka krypterade meddelanden till vem som helst Låt externa mottagare besvara länkmeddelanden Användarexempel h4|Ersätt osäker e-post Ersätt fax, brev och kurirpost Digital kommunikation mellan vårdgivare Effektivisering av offentlig sektor Kunder och partners sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Spela videoklipp Krypterad e-post med SEFOS NYHET Skicka och ta emot information med SEFOS Se alla användarexemel Kontakta oss Ladda ner produktblad bo|lika enkelt stark kryptering. Effektiviserar processer kan enkelt anpassas pa|För de som av olika anledningar inte kan använda SEFOS i Outlook, finns det nu möjlighet att istället skapa och läsa meddelanden direkt via SEFOS Sedan tidigare har SEFOS erbjudit funktionen att kunna skicka meddelanden till mottagare även utanför själva tjänsten, dvs till icke registrerade användare. I vår nya version I vår strävan att hjälpa olika verksamheter att kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter, har vi nu adderat flera nya funktioner i vår senaste uppdatering Att skicka personkänslig information digitalt är något som många gånger skapar utmaningar inom näringslivets organisationer. Antingen riskerar användaren att dela med sig I samband med att GDPR trädde i kraft kan idag en enskild person begära ut ett registerutdrag från en kommun, myndighet eller ett företag. Detta registerutdrag påvisar vilken På grund av olika legala krav tvingas offentliga verksamheter och regioner att använda fax, brev och ibland kurirpost för att kommunicera med andra organisationer utanför den egna h1|MEAPLUS Blogg MEAPLUS Blogg h4|Glöm inte att följa oss på sociala medier för att få de senaste uppdateringarna sp|SV EN Meny SV EN december 11, 2020 december 9, 2020 december 3, 2020 oktober 22, 2020 oktober 22, 2020 oktober 22, 2020 Sida Sida 2 Sida Linkedin Facebook Youtube pa|Många processer inom offentlig förvaltning innefattar kommunikation mellan olika kommuner, myndigheter, regioner mfl. Bristen på möjligheter att kommunicera digitalt fullt ut skapar dock När sjukhus inom Sverige behandlar patienter från andra länder krävs det att personkänslig information kommuniceras mellan de olika vårdgivarna. Denna process skapar många gånger stora utmaningar Vid traditionell kommunikation via e-post mellan olika offentliga förvaltningar finns det risk att 3e part eller att tjänsteleverantören kan ta del av den h1|MEAPLUS Blogg MEAPLUS Blogg h4|Glöm inte att följa oss på sociala medier för att få de senaste uppdateringarna sp|SV EN Meny SV EN oktober 22, 2020 oktober 22, 2020 oktober 22, 2020 Sida Sida Sida 3 Nästa» Linkedin Facebook Youtube pa|©Meaplus AB All rights reserved di|Du kan logga ett supportärende här nedan genom att fylla i kontaktuppgifter tillsammans med en beskrivning av ditt ärende. Det går också bra att bifoga filer som ytterligare påvisar det problem du upplever. h1|SUPPORT h2|SUPPORT h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Skicka Läs Meaplus integritetspolicy här pa|Thanks to our new integration to MS Teams, it is now possible to both send encrypted messages via Teams and also to verify users in to a Teams meeting The regulations and requirements regarding what can be sent in an open email and what is not legal or generally accepted, create a lot of challenges for various activities, including in private dental care. Som tandläkarklinik och avsaknaden av en egen IT-organisation, kan det många gånger skapas stora utmaningar när ex. journalinformation eller annan känslig information skall skickas digitalt Det är med stor glädje som vi nu hälsar Rely IT välkomna som ny SEFOS-partner. – Att knyta upp Rely IT som en SEFOS-partner känns Överföring av Att skicka information digitalt kan tyckas vara enkelt, men när det kommer till att överföra personuppgifter eller annan känslig information Vi börjar det nya året med att lansera en uppdatering av vår hemsida! Hemsidan har fått sig ett helt nytt visuellt utseende medan innehållet fortfarande h1|MEAPLUS Blog MEAPLUS Blog h4|Don't forget to follow us on social media to be up to date on the latest news Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV March 12, 2021 February 25, 2021 February 12, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 13, 2021 January 11, 2021 « Previous Page 1 Page Page Linkedin Facebook Youtube Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Har du frågor om SEFOS eller hur ni kan ansluta just er organisation? Ta kontakt med oss här nedan så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! Östergatan 21 211 25 Malmö, Sweden h1|KONTAKT h2|Kontakt Kontaktuppgifter h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Skicka pa|but is also available as a plugin to MS Outlook and Teams. With SEFOS, it is possible to easily send all types of information digitally to both private individuals and public companies. Messages are protected with strong encryption and can be sent to anyone, both registered SEFOS users and recipients outside the service. The recipient identifies themselves with some form of approved e-identification (eg Freja eID, Mobile BankID or SITHS) or through an SMS code. Thanks to our integration with MS Teams, we can now both send messages and verify users to Team Meetings via the same ID methods. So if you or your organization is in need of being able to ensure that the right people are participating in your team meetings, get started with SEFOS and you can also send protected messages via the same service. SEFOS allows you to easily encrypt the information and address both registered and external recipients. Let the recipient Once the recipient has been identified, the encrypted information can be opened. SEFOS makes it easy to send encrypted messages to anyone! SEFOS not only makes it possible to send messages to recipients outside the service. Personal information or other sensitive information is easily sent directly to identified recipients who in turn can respond to the message in the same secure way as it was received! SEFOS is adjusted to handle different types of authentication methods. Everything from simple verifications via e-mail, SMS and password to various e-IDs such as , , and . SEFOS can be integrated with more or less any PKI-based login method. It is to send messages via SEFOS as it is to send a regular email. With SEFOS, both information and attachments are protected with within organizations through simple and secure digital communication. SEFOS to different organizations' requirements for client certificates and security. What is required to start using and sending messages with SEFOS? What do you need to receive encrypted messages with SEFOS? Read more about how SEFOS works: di|Go to Aqua Dental Go to Privattandläkarna Go to Rely IT Go to Freja eID Go to Financial Art Solutions Go to BankID Go to SecMaker st|SEFOS is a web service identify themselves with Freja eID, Freja Organization eID, NetID with SITHS, Mobile BankID, SMS or E-mail. External recipients can now also reply to these so-called link messages. Swedish Mobile BankID Freja e-ID, Freja organisations eID NetID with SITHS Nexus ID h1|SEFOS A secure communication platform SIMPLE SECURE EFFICIENT ADAPTABLE h2|Strong authentication with e-ID Do you have questions and want to know more about SEFOS? h3|Protect sensitive or other confidential information when communicating with individuals or other companies and organizations. Simple, safe and efficient SEFOS for Teams Send encrypted messages to anyone Let external recipients respond to link messages Use case examples h4|Replace unsecure e-mails Replace fax, letter and courier mail Digital communication between healthcare providers Improved efficiency in public sector Customers and partners Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Play Video Encrypted e-mail with SEFOS NEW Send and receive information with SEFOS See all use cases Contact us Download product sheet Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube bo|just as easy strong encryption. Makes processes more efficient can easily be adapted pa|För de som av olika anledningar inte kan använda SEFOS i Outlook, finns det nu möjlighet att istället skapa och läsa meddelanden direkt via SEFOS Sedan tidigare har SEFOS erbjudit funktionen att kunna skicka meddelanden till mottagare även utanför själva tjänsten, dvs till icke registrerade användare. I vår nya version I vår strävan att hjälpa olika verksamheter att kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter, har vi nu adderat flera nya funktioner i vår senaste uppdatering Sending sensitive information digitally is something that often creates challenges within business organizations. Either the user risks sharing With the GDPR coming into force, an individual can today request an extract from a register from a municipality, authority or company. This extract from the register shows which Due to various legal requirements, public agencies and regions are forced to use fax, letter and sometimes courier mail to communicate with other organizations outside their own h1|MEAPLUS Blog MEAPLUS Blog h4|Replace fax, letter and courier mail Don't forget to follow us on social media to be up to date on the latest news Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV December 11, 2020 December 9, 2020 December 3, 2020 October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020 Page Page 2 Page Linkedin Facebook Youtube Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Many processes in public administration include communication between different municipalities, authorities, regions and others. However, the lack of opportunities to fully communicate digitally creates When hospitals in Sweden treat patients from other countries, it is required that sensitive personal information is communicated between the various care providers. This process often creates great challenges In traditional communication via e-mail between different public administrations, there is a risk that the 3rd party or the service provider may take part in it h1|MEAPLUS Blog MEAPLUS Blog h4|Improved efficiency in public sector Digital communication between healthcare providers Replace unsecure e-mails Don't forget to follow us on social media to be up to date on the latest news Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020 Page Page Page 3 Next » Linkedin Facebook Youtube Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Do you have any questions or want to connect your organization to SEFOS? Please fill the below form out and we will get back to you as soon as possible! Östergatan 21 211 25 Malmö, Sweden h1|CONTACT h2|Contact Contact information h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Send Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|©Meaplus AB All rights reserved di|Please log your support case below by filling in your contact information in along with a description of your problem. Det går också bra att bifoga filer som ytterligare påvisar det problem du upplever. h1|SUPPORT h2|SUPPORT h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Send Read the Meaplus privacy policy here Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Meaplus affärsidé är att utveckla och tillhandahålla applikationer, tjänster och infrastruktur som skall bidra till att privat och offentlig sektor skall kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens fulla potential på ett enkelt och säkert sätt. Vårt kontor är beläget på Östergatan 21, nära Malmö centralstation. Har du frågor och vill komma i kontakt med oss? Tveka inte att höra av dig till oss: Som backendutvecklare inom Meaplus kommer du att få möjlighet att arbeta med och utveckla inom de senaste teknikerna, och därmed bidra till att skapa nya funktioner för våra partners bakomliggande infrastruktur samt våra olika tjänster. Som person ser vi gärna att du har god erfarenhet av de grundläggande kraven vi ställer på rollen, och att du kan jobba likväl självgående och på egen hand, som i team. Du har tidigare erfarenhet av utveckling med C# & .NET Core Kunskaper inom SASS/Less, Git, React, Vue.js eller Angular Erfarenhet av arbete med Azure, Blockchain, DLT eller andra typer av distribuerade system Meaplus brinner för att skapa moderna lösningar där användare kommer i centrum och där vi kan lösa olika problem på ett enkelt och intuitivt sätt. Våra applikationer och tjänster skall präglas av enkelhet, säkerhet och effektivitet. I rollen som frontendutvecklare kommer du att jobba nära våra backendutvecklare liksom personer inom sälj och marknadsföring. Allt för att du skall kunna samla ihop tankar och idéer från såväl grundläggande förutsättningar som kunders önskemål och design. Som person ser vi gärna att du har god förståelse för det grafiska och vad som skapar en funktionell och tilltalande användarkänsla. Ett öga för god design. Kunskaper inom SASS/Less, Typescript, Git, React, Vue.js eller Angular Kan ta fram skisser/planer på användargränssnitt. Viss kunskap inom utveckling i C# & .NET Är du en person som kanske passar in i både rollerna här ovan och som tycker omväxling förnöjer? Vill du kunna supportera dina kollegor där din kompetens behövs mest för stunden? Då är rollen som fullstackutvecklare något som passar dig. Vi ser gärna att du har några års erfarenhet och kan jobba såväl självgående som i team. Ett öga för god design. Vi ser gärna att du besitter goda kunskaper inom; SASS/Less, Git, React, Vue.js eller Angular Erfarenhet av arbete med Azure, Administration av Linux system, Blockchain, DLT eller andra typer av distribuerade system Är du den vi söker? Fyll i dina uppgifter nedan och bifoga ditt CV, så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h1|MEAPLUS VÄXER Är du den vi söker? h2|Backend utvecklare Frontend utvecklare Fullstack utvecklare Tjänstebeskrivning: Ansök direkt h3|Vi behöver fler av dig Tjänstebeskrivning: Din kompetens: Meriterande: Tjänstebeskrivning: Din kompetens: Meriterande: Din kompetens: Meriterande: h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN lediga jobb I rollen som utvecklare på vårt kontor i Malmö kommer du att få möjlighet att vara med i ett utvecklingsteam som bidrar till samhällets digitala utveckling och samtidigt utveckla i tekniker som ligger i framkant. Vi står nu inför nya intressanta möjligheter både inom Sverige och internationellt, och därför behöver utöka vårt team ytterligare. Ta chansen att hoppa på ett bolag som går en mycket spännande framtid tillmötes! Vi söker just nu efter personer för rollerna nedan ⇩ C# & .NET Core Skicka ansökan Läs Meaplus integritetspolicy här pa|Är ni intresserad av SEFOS men vill först prova tjänsten innan ni går vidare, kontakta då oss på Meaplus så kan vi hjälpa er med en gratis provperiod. När gratisperioden närmar sig sitt slut kommer ni att bli kontaktade av oss och där ni kan välja på att gå vidare med tjänsten via ett månadsabonnemang alternativt avsluta tjänsten utan kostnad. Provperioden täcker upp till 5 användare / företag. SEFOS är primärt till för att föra över information och bilagor på ett säkert sätt mellan två olika användare. Om du väljer att avsluta SEFOS, rekommenderar vi först att den information som tagits emot inklusive bilagor, öppnas och sparas ner till en plats där ni anser att den ligger i säkert förvar. Detta avgörs till viss del om ni valt en lokal installation av er SEFOS-nod eller om ni valt en nod som tjänst. Så snart ni är registrerade i en SEFOS-nod kan en enskild användare vara igång inom några minunter. Ta kontakt med oss på Meaplus om du behöver hjälp att komma igång. Rent funktionsmässigt skiljer sig det inget mellan en SEFOS-nod som tjänst eller en nod som installeras lokalt i en egen datahall. Skillnaden är snarare sättet som tjänsten konsumeras. Det vill säga, med en lokal nod får du full kontroll på noden men också ett ökat ansvar att nödvändig infrastruktur finns på plats så att SEFOS fungerar som det skall. Att använda SEFOS som tjänst är ett smidigt sätt för mindre till medelstora företag som vill kunna skicka känslig information via Outlook men som inte nödvändigtvis vill hantera en egen serverinfrastruktur. h1|SEFOS Registrering KOM IGÅNG MED SEFOS Registrering h2|Registrera er organisation här nedan och kom igång med SEFOS! Fyll i nedan uppgifter för att komma komma igång med SEFOS som tjänst via Meaplus eller välj alternativet för lokal installation. Vanliga frågor som berör SEFOS som tjänst och det erbjudande som nu gäller. h4|FAQ sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Registrering pa|Har du frågor om SEFOS eller hur ni kan ansluta just er organisation? Ta kontakt med oss så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h3|Kontakta oss Kontaktuppgifter h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Skicka MEAPLUS Östergatan 21 211 25, Malmö, Sweden pa|Står ni inför nya projekt och är i behov av extern kompetens för specifika uppdrag. Meaplus har lång erfarenhet av att skapa applikationer, integrera APIer och bistå med kompetens till olika utvecklingsteam. Ta kontakt med oss för att berätta mer om ert behov, så kan vi se hur vi kan hjälpa er vidare! Står ni inför nya möjligheter och är i behov av nya applikationer och tjänster? Vi kan både ta ett helhetsanvsvar eller arbeta som en del i ett team. Många i vårt utvecklingsteam har mer än 15 års erfarenhet från programvaruutveckling, med bred kunskap inom programmering och ett flertal olika kodspråk. Har ni specifika behov av djup kompetens när det kommer till utveckling, PKI eller API-integration? Låt våra tekniker hjälpa er på vägen! och något som gör att utvecklingen och förändringen i samhället går i en allt snabbare takt. Men samtidigt tvingar också digitaliseringen många företag att förändra sina affärsmodeller och sätt att arbeta om de vill vara en del av marknaden även framöver. Företag som lyckas anpassa sig till den digitala utvecklingen på ett bra sätt skapar sig ofta en betydligt bättre position. Men samtidigt som digitaliseringen kan bidra till stor nytta för både små och stora företag, är det kanske den offentliga sektorn som med digitaliseringens hjälp, har störst möjlighet att utvecklas och förändra sitt sätt att arbeta på. Vi på Meaplus har lång erfarenhet av att hjälpa både små och stora organisationer inom både privat och offentlig sektor. Vi jobbar primärt inom följande affärsområden när det kommer till Digital Transformation: Oavsett om ni behöver en applikation som kan hjälpa till att digitalisera olika processer inom er verksamhet, konsulter för specifika uppdrag eller om ni bara vill förnya er hemsida med ett nytt utseende, så kan vi på Meaplus hjälpa er! di|Vi har stor erfarenhet av att bygga olika typer av hemsidor för företag inom olika branscher. Vi kan hjälpa er ta fram av olika typer av marknadsmaterial, så som t.ex produktblad och presentationer. Ny grafisk profil? Vi kan hjälpa er med allt från logotyper och till marknadsmaterial. st|Digitaliseringen är en av vår tids stora möjligheter Genom att kombinera våra kunskaper inom affärs- och verksamhetsutveckling tillsammans med digital innovation kan vi på ett strategiskt sätt rådgöra hur ni på bästa sätt kan hantera de digitala möjligheter och utmaningar som ni står inför. Fyll i era kontaktuppgifter och beskriv kortfattat vad ni är i behov av, så kontaktar vi er inom kort! h2|Applikationsutveckling Är ni i behov av en applikation eller en tjänst som ni vill använda internt eller bära ut till era kunder? Vi på Meaplus har både kompetens och erfarenhet av att skapa applikationer från grunden och ta fram tjänster som efterfrågas. Med vårt utvecklingsteam kan vi hantera allt från små till stora projekt där vi antingen kan ta ett helhetsansvar eller vara en del av ett större team. Ta del av hur vår utvecklings- process kan se ut: Ta del av hur vår utvecklings- process kan se ut. Erfarna konsulter för specifika uppdrag Digital transformation Support som tjänst Är ni intresserad av att skapa en skräddarsydd tjänst eller applikation men känner att behovet av att också kunna tillhandahålla support, gör att ni istället väljer en applikation som kanske inte helt uppfyller era behov? När vi på Meaplus själva utvecklar applikationer och tjänster till våra kunder, bygger vi samtidigt upp en djup kompetens kring tjänsten. Detta gör att vi tillsammans med en den färdiga applikation, också kan erbjuda support för densamma. Så är ni ett företag eller en organisation som är i behov av en ny intern eller extern tjänst, låt inte supportfrågan bli ett problem! Ta istället kontakt med oss på Meaplus så kan vi hjälpa er vidare! h3|Kommunikation Kontakta oss Vilken tjänst är ni intresserade av? h4|Hemsidor Marknadsmaterial Grafisk Design sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Läs mer Läs mer Ert sätt att marknadsföra er är till stor del företagets ansikte utåt. Med en tilltalande hemsida och genomarbetat marknadsmaterial skapar ni en bättre utgångspunkt för framtida möjligheter och affärer. Vi på Meaplus har lång erfarenhet av att skapa hemsidor, produktblad och annan grafisk design som kan förknippas med företagets egen profil. Nu kan NI också ta hjälp av vårt duktiga team för att förbättra era förutsättningar till en bättre marknadsföring och kommunikation. Applikationsutveckling Erfarna konsulter Spetskompetens Affärsutveckling Verksamhetsutveckling Innovation Strategi och rådgivning Skicka pa|Meaplus AB (Meaplus) is committed to legislative and regulatory compliance related to privacy, the responsible use of information, and the need to safeguard the privacy of our employees, Clients and users of our applications, services and websites. Meaplus is committed to ensuring that the personal data you supply to Meaplus is processed fairly and lawfully, and with skill and care. Meaplus take their responsibilities in respect of protection of personal data extremely seriously. This statement sets out Meaplus’ privacy policy for the collection and processing of personal information for use of applications and services provided by Meaplus including this website and any personal information provided to Meaplus for any reason. It is the users responsibility to read and understand this privacy notice, together with any other privacy notice or fair processing notice that Meaplus may provide on specific occasions when collecting or processing personal data that is supplied to Meaplus so that all users site are fully aware of how and why Meaplus are using personal data supplied by users. The Meaplus Data Protection Officer (DPO) is responsible for managing and maintaining this policy and answering all privacy related questions relating to the use of personal data collected Meaplus services, applications and by this website. All questions relating to this privacy notice, the use of your personal data, to update your personal data that Meaplus has collected to ensure that it is accurate and current or to exercise your legal rights relating to the personal data collected by Meaplus should be addressed to the DPO (Jonas Olsson) at You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Swedish Supervisory Authority (the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Dataskyddsförordningen – GDPR), which is the Swedish public authority tasked with protecting the individual’s privacy in the information society without unnecessarily preventing or complicating the use of new technology. They can be contacted at: Datainspektionen (Drottninggatan 29, plan 5) Box 8114 104 20 Stockholm or via Meaplus would prefer to deal with any issues you may have relating to the processing your personal data prior to contacting the Swedish Data Protection Authority and would ask you to contact the Meaplus DPO in the first instance so we may attempt to resolve any issues to your satisfaction. The definitions in applicable legislation including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and relevant Swedish Data Protection legislation shall apply and be interpreted in accordance with that legislation. Applicable legislation General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and all Swedish legislation relating to the implementation of the GDPR in Sweden and its supporting regulations issued by the Supervisory Authority Supervisory Authority The ‘Swedish Data Protection Authority’ (Dataskyddsförordningen – GDPR),’ ‘We’, ‘us’, ‘our’ Terms relating to Meaplus AB. ‘You’, ‘your’ Terms relating to the user of applications and services provided by Meaplus including this website. Meaplus AB can be contacted at: Väster Kolsva 5 731 13 Kolsva, Sweden E: W: DPO (Jonas Olsson) at Personal data is any information which identifies a living individual, as defined by legislation. It does not include data where the identity has been removed so that the data cannot identify a living individual (i.e. it has been anonymised or pseudonymised). Meaplus may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about users of our applications and services including visitors to this website which includes, but may not be limited to the following, which has been grouped together to make it easier to interpret: Contact email address, phone number, postal address Identity first name, last name Marketing and communications (Marcom) contact details for Meaplus to send requested or generic marketing communications to you Profile username and password for the service, where used, to identify you as a returning authenticated and authorised user with any other profile information that you may provide Technical internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. Usage information about how you use this service including entry point and exit site transactional data and other data which is required for the functionality of the service or application Aggregated statistical or demographic data for any purpose. This may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly identity a data subject. : , If Meaplus combine or connect ‘Aggregated Data’ with a user’s personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify a data subject, it will be treated as ‘personal data’ and used in accordance with this privacy policy Meaplus does not collect any ‘Special Categories’ of Personal Data. ‘Special Categories’ of Personal Data includes: Meaplus does not collect any information about criminal convictions and offences. Meaplus does not knowingly collect data relating to children. Meaplus uses different methods to collect personal data from and about you including, but not limited to, the following interactions in a service, application and on this website: Meaplus will only use your Personal Data according to the law relating to the use of Personal Data. Typically, this includes, but may not be limited to: Only where your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests Generally, Meaplus does not: You have the right to opt out from receiving any marketing material at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any Meaplus email you receive or by contacting the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at The section below provides details on why Meaplus processes your Personal Data. The purposes for which Meaplus plans to use your Personal Data are summarised in the table below with the lawful bases of use and details of the legitimate interests, where appropriate. Should you require more detailed information on any lawful basis or the basis of legitimate interests for processing your Personal data, contact the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at li|personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin; personal data revealing political opinions; personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs; personal data revealing trade union membership; genetic data; biometric data (where used for identification purposes); data concerning health; data concerning a person’s sex life; and data concerning a person’s sexual orientation. race or ethnicity; using an application or service will create technical and usage data which is required for the functionality of the service, application and website automated processes that collect Technical Data (as defined above) about your use of the service using , server logs and other similar technologies; requesting Meaplus marketing material to be sent to you requesting Meaplus to contact you; subscribing to or attending a Meaplus service, application, event or publication; third party data provides that may include, but not be limited to: analytics providers; marketing database providers; publicly available sources. meeting a contractual obligation for a contract that we are about to enter into or have entered into with you; to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation; to comply with our legitimate interests; rely on ‘Consent’ as a legal basis for processing your Personal data; have a ‘vital interest’ for processing your Personal Data; need your Personal Data to perform a public task. st|Introduction Definitions Term Meaning Meaplus contact details The Personal Data Meaplus collects about you Data type Description of typical personal data collected: Note 1: Note 2 Note: How Meaplus collects your personal data; How Meaplus uses your Personal Data Note: h1|PRIVACY POLICY h2|Meaplus Privacy Policy h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Definitions · Meaplus contact details · The Personal Data Meaplus collects about you · How Meaplus collects your personal data · How Meaplus uses your Personal Data · Why Meaplus uses your Personal Data o Overview o o o Opting out o Change of processing purpose o Maintaining and updating your Personal Data · Sharing your Personal Data o Inside the EEA o Outside the EEA o Website links to third parties · Security of your Personal Data · Breaches affecting your Personal Data · Personal Data retention · Personal Data disposal o Paper o Electronic Media · Your legal rights o Access o Rectification o Erasure o Restriction of processing o Objecting to processing o Data portability o Response times o Costs of enforcing rights o Submitting a request to enforce your rights · Use of Cookies o · SEFOS o Overview o SEFOS Privacy statements · Right to complain Why Meaplus uses your Personal Data Overview Summary Purpose Type of data as defined above Lawful basis for processing including basis of legitimate interest To manage our relationship with you including use of Meaplus products Contact Identity Marcom Technical Usage Contractual performance ; Legal obligation for compliance; Legitimate Interests (maintaining and updating your Personal Data in the product or website; ensuring functionality of Meaplus products and services; reviewing how you use this product or website). To administer this website Contact Identity Technical Legal obligation for compliance; Legitimate Interests (for operating this website, provision of administration and IT services, protecting information and website security. To deliver relevant website content and Marcom material to you Contact Identity Marcom Profile Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to study how you use this website and request Meaplus products and services, to develop Meaplus products and services to grow the business and to continuously improve the Meaplus marketing strategy). To contact you after making a contact request via the website or other communications channels or for registering and managing a Meaplus product or service. Contact Identity Marcom Profile Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to study how you use this website, request and use Meaplus products and services, to develop Meaplus products and services to grow the business and to continuously improve the Meaplus marketing strategy). To measure and understand the effectiveness and efficiency of the website used by you. Contact Identity Marcom Profile Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to study how you use this website and request Meaplus products and services, to develop Meaplus products and services to grow the business and to continuously improve the Meaplus marketing strategy). To use data analytics to improve our website Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to define types of customers for Meaplus products and services, to keep this website updated and relevant, to develop Meaplus’ business and to inform you of the Meaplus marketing strategy) Marketing Meaplus want to provide you with the ability of determining how we use your Personal Data, specifically regarding Marcom. Meaplus may use your Contact, Identity, Marcom, Profile, Technical and Usage Data to make decisions on the products and services that we think you may need, want or be of interest to you and to contact you about them. Meaplus will send you marcom that we think meets these criteria if you: • are on a third party supplied mailing list that Meaplus has purchased; • have requested information on some Meaplus products and services via the website or other communications channels; • met a Meaplus representative at a marketing event, meeting or similar, expressed an interest in Meaplus products and services and provided contact details, including business cards • purchased products or services from Meaplus. Where you have not opted out of receiving Marcom from Meaplus. Opting out You have the right to opt out from receiving any marketing material at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any Meaplus email you receive or by contacting the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at However, even if you opt out of receiving Marcom from Meaplus, we may still hold your Personal Data is provided to us as a result of purchasing products and services from us or some other relevant interaction where we are required to keep that data in accordance with our record retention schedule based on legislative requirements for record retention. Change of processing purpose Meaplus shall only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which it was collected. Should Meaplus consider that it should be used for another purpose, we may use it if Meaplus consider that the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose. Should you have any questions on this change of processing purpose, please contact the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at for details. Note: Where required or permitted by legislation within the jurisdiction, Meaplus may process your Personal Data without your knowledge or consent. Maintaining and updating your Personal Data Privacy legislation requires Meaplus to ensure that your Personal Data is accurate and up to date. Obviously Meaplus cannot ensure this without your assistance, so we ask you to advise the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at of any changes to your Personal Data that we hold. In addition, we Meaplus contact you on a regular basis to ensure that the Personal Data we hold is accurate and current. Sharing your Personal Data Inside the EEA Meaplus only stores your Personal Data in the EEA. It is never transferred internationally. Outside the EEA If your Personal Data is to be shared outside the EEA, then Meaplus will ensure a similar degree of protection, as we provide, is provided to protect your Personal Data afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented: Use of specific model contractual terms agreed by the EU to protect that Personal Data; In the US, model contractual terms may be used or the supplier Is part of the ‘Privacy Shield’ or its successors. Meaplus uses third parties (acting as Data Processors) based in the EEA and outside it who provide IT and system administration services. All third parties engaged by Meaplus shall have specific contracts in place to meet, as a minimum, the requirements of Articles 28 – 34 of GDPR and other applicable legislation. In summary, no Data Processor can process your Personal Data for their own purposes and shall only process it on written instructions from us and only in accordance with our written instructions. Meaplus will only disclose to any third party your Personal Data in accordance with your authorisation for its use unless we are required to do so by law. If this is the case, then Meaplus will co-operate with those instructions and provide assistance to law enforcement and Supervisory Authorities as required by law. Should you have any questions on how your Personal Data is shared by Meaplus, contact the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at Website links to third parties This website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications as well as embedded content. If you ‘click’ on these links or enable connections to the remote site, then this may allow that third party to collect your Personal Data. Meaplus does not control these third parties and are not responsible for how they process and store your Persona Data. Meaplus strongly recommend that you read and understand any Privacy Policy of all websites you visit before providing your Personal Data to them. Security of your Personal Data Meaplus has put in place appropriate technical and organisational information security measures to ensure appropriate controls are in place to protect your Personal Data to the required level as determined by risk assessment. These controls will protect your Personal Data against accidental or unauthorised: • Access; • Modification, • Erasure; • Modification. As part of the Meaplus information security controls in place, all access to your personal Data is restricted to those ‘with a need to access’ based on a justified and documented business case and is subject to regular review to ensure continued business need. These users are only permitted to access and process your Personal Data on Meaplus’ instructions and all are subject to relevant Confidentiality Agreements or Non-Disclosure Agreements as appropriate. Meaplus has implemented the relevant parts of ISO / IEC 27001:2013 to implement accepted good practice for information security. Breaches affecting your Personal Data Meaplus has a defined information security breach process in place to handle any information security breaches, incidents or adverse events that may occur. Where this may involve your Personal Data there are specific procedures Meaplus has put in place to deal with any actual or suspected Personal Data breach. Meaplus will advise the Swedish Supervisory Authority within 72 hours of discovery of the breach where the breach is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of the Data Subject(s). Additionally, where the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the Data Subject(s), Meaplus shall communicate the details of the Personal Data breach to the Data Subject(s) without undue delay. Personal Data retention Meaplus will retain all data and information it processes in line with legal and regulatory requirements. Meaplus will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected. Where retention of your Personal Data is not covered by legislation or regulation, Meaplus will determine retention periods based on the amount, nature, and sensitivity of that Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised processing of the Personal Data. Meaplus may anonymise your Personal Data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you. Personal Data disposal Where your Personal Data is to be disposed of, it is disposed of in the following ways: Paper All paper copies of your Personal Data are classified as ‘Confidential’ in Meaplus and disposed of using either cross cut shredding in the office or via a specialised third party disposal company to ensure that your Personal Data cannot be reconstituted and read (i.e. disclosed to an unauthorised party). Electronic Media Where Personal Data is held on electronic media and it is to be deleted according to the retention schedule or is requested to be deleted by the Data Subject, it is securely deleted from the media on which it was held, unless there is a legislative or regulatory reason for retaining it (e.g. a ‘Legal Hold’, contemplation or, or actual, legal proceedings etc.). Physical electronic media is either security wiped if it is to be reused in Meaplus or disposed of via a specialised third party disposal company to ensure that your Personal Data cannot be forensically recovered and read (i.e. disclosed to an unauthorised party). Your legal rights Under data protection law, you have certain rights depending on our reason for processing your Personal Data, these include the rights of: Access You have the right to ask Meaplus copies of your Personal Data that we hold. This right always applies. There are some exemptions, which means you may not always receive all the Personal Data we process. Rectification You have the right to ask Meaplus to rectify Personal Data you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete Personal Data that you think is incomplete. This right always applies. Erasure You have the right to ask Meaplus to erase your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Restriction of processing You have the right to ask Meaplus to restrict the processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Objecting to processing You have the right to object to Meaplus processing your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Data portability You have the right to ask Meaplus to transfer the Personal Data that you gave to us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances. This only applies to information you have given us. Response times Meaplus will respond to requests from Data Subjects as soon as is practicable and at the latest within one month. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, considering the complexity and number of the Data Subject’s request(s). Meaplus shall inform the Data Subject of any such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay and keep you updated of the progress of your request. Where Meaplus does not intend to comply with any requests, these shall also be responded to within a month. Costs of enforcing rights You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. However, Meaplus may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. Submitting a request to enforce your rights To enforce your rights, contact . Meaplus may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of your other rights), including proof of Powers of Attorney or similar. This is a security measure to ensure that your Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. Use of Cookies ‘Cookies’ are small text files that are stored by the browser on your computer or mobile phone. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site, i.e. Meaplus. Websites can read from and write to these files, allowing them recognise user preferences or returning visitors. Note 1: Cookies are not software programs, they cannot carry or spread malware. Note 2: Data collected by cookies is anonymised based on IP addresses and do not contain any Personal Data, per se. There is one type of cookie on the Meaplus website: • Strictly necessary cookies; Strictly necessary cookies Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Cookie Name Description More information Expires Elementor A random unique number or string of letters and numbers. Elementor Used in context with the website’s WordPress theme. The cookie allows the website owner to implement or change the website’s content in real-time. Persistent SEFOS Overview SEFOS is an add-in to Outlook Office 365 that makes it possible to protect the information communicated through e-mail using strong encryption. This, in turn, creates the conditions for being able to send person or sensitive information via Microsoft Outlook Office 365. In order to use SEFOS, each organization wanting to use it needs to be registered in a SEFOS node through Meaplus, or an authorized partner. SEFOS is installed as an add-in to Outlook’s local or web-based email client. The installation can easily be managed centrally through the Office 365 admin centre. SEFOS user organisations decide which login method is to be allowed. Information sent to one or more recipients is encrypted through the organization’s SEFOS node and then sent as an attached encrypted file using strong encryption throughout the transmission process until it arrives at the recipient(s) email account(s). SEFOS is a secure pipeline for transmission of emails, with attachments from the originator to the recipients, and as such does not process Personal Data per se apart from the registration of the users and the transmission of an encrypted email. SEFOS Privacy Statements The registration process for SEFOS is covered by the Meaplus Privacy Policy above. The use of Outlook is covered by the Microsoft Privacy Policy as defined at . The use and setup of Outlook within an organisation will be subject to the configuration that the organisation makes for this and the organisational privacy policy, supporting procedures and the organisational record retention schedule. Meaplus will use registration information for SEFOS to advise registered users of product and service updates or for marketing purposes. All use of any Personal Data or other information relating to SEFOS under Meaplus’ control shall be managed according to this Privacy Policy. Right to Complain If you have any concerns about Meaplus’ use of your Personal Data, you can make a complaint to us at: Meaplus AB Väster Kolsva 5 731 13 Kolsva, Sweden E: W: DPO (Jonas Olsson) at You can also complain to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Dataskyddsförordningen – GDPR), which is the Swedish public authority tasked with protecting the individual’s privacy in the information society without unnecessarily preventing or complicating the use of new technology. They can be contacted at: Datainspektionen (Drottninggatan 29, plan 5) Box 8114 104 20 Stockholm or via pa|Meaplus' business concept is to develop and provide applications, services and infrastructure that will contribute to the private and public sector being able to take advantage of the full potential of digitalisation in a simple and secure way. Our office is based on Östergatan 21, very close to the trainstation. Do you have any questions about us? Get in touch with us by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible: Som backendutvecklare inom Meaplus kommer du att få möjlighet att arbeta med och utveckla inom de senaste teknikerna, och därmed bidra till att skapa nya funktioner för våra partners bakomliggande infrastruktur samt våra olika tjänster. Som person ser vi gärna att du har god erfarenhet av de grundläggande kraven vi ställer på rollen, och att du kan jobba likväl självgående och på egen hand, som i team. Du har tidigare erfarenhet av utveckling med C# & .NET Core Kunskaper inom SASS/Less, Git, React, Vue.js eller Angular Erfarenhet av arbete med Azure, Blockchain, DLT eller andra typer av distribuerade system Meaplus brinner för att skapa moderna lösningar där användare kommer i centrum och där vi kan lösa olika problem på ett enkelt och intuitivt sätt. Våra applikationer och tjänster skall präglas av enkelhet, säkerhet och effektivitet. I rollen som frontendutvecklare kommer du att jobba nära våra backendutvecklare liksom personer inom sälj och marknadsföring. Allt för att du skall kunna samla ihop tankar och idéer från såväl grundläggande förutsättningar som kunders önskemål och design. Som person ser vi gärna att du har god förståelse för det grafiska och vad som skapar en funktionell och tilltalande användarkänsla. Ett öga för god design. Kunskaper inom SASS/Less, Typescript, Git, React, Vue.js eller Angular Kan ta fram skisser/planer på användargränssnitt. Viss kunskap inom utveckling i C# & .NET Är du en person som kanske passar in i både rollerna här ovan och som tycker omväxling förnöjer? Vill du kunna supportera dina kollegor där din kompetens behövs mest för stunden? Då är rollen som fullstackutvecklare något som passar dig. Vi ser gärna att du har några års erfarenhet och kan jobba såväl självgående som i team. Ett öga för god design. Vi ser gärna att du besitter goda kunskaper inom; SASS/Less, Git, React, Vue.js eller Angular Erfarenhet av arbete med Azure, Administration av Linux system, Blockchain, DLT eller andra typer av distribuerade system Are you right for the role? Fill in your information below and attach your resume, we will get back to you as soon as we can! h1|MEAPLUS IS GROWING Är du den vi söker? h2|Backend developer Frontend developer Fullstack developer Tjänstebeskrivning: Apply here h3|We need more of you Tjänstebeskrivning: Din kompetens: Meriterande: Tjänstebeskrivning: Din kompetens: Meriterande: Din kompetens: Meriterande: h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV CAREER In the role of developer at our office in Malmö, you will have the opportunity to be part of a development team that contributes to society's digital development and at the same time develop in technologies that are at the forefront. We are now facing new interesting opportunities both within Sweden and internationally, and therefore need to expand our team further. Take the chance to jump on a company that is facing a very exciting future! We are currently looking for people for the roles below ⇩ C# & .NET Core Skicka ansökan Read the Meaplus privacy policy here Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Kom igång med SEFOS genom att först registrera din organisation Bjud in de användare som skall ha åtkomst till tjänsten och aktivera SEFOS add-in via Office 365 admin center. Användare kan nu logga in till SEFOS add-in via den inloggningsmetod som organisationen valt i samband med registreringen. Redo för att börja använda SEFOS för säker digital kommunikation via Outlook. h1|KOM IGÅNG h2|Kom igång med SEFOS Registrera 1 Anslut 2 Logga in 3 Klart! 4 Är du intresserad av SEFOS? h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN här Kontakta oss Ladda ner produktblad pa|Är ni intresserad av SEFOS men vill först prova tjänsten innan ni går vidare, kontakta då oss på Meaplus så kan vi hjälpa er med en gratis provperiod. När gratisperioden närmar sig sitt slut kommer ni att bli kontaktade av oss och där ni kan välja på att gå vidare med tjänsten via ett månadsabonnemang alternativt avsluta tjänsten utan kostnad. The trial period covers up to 5 users / companies. SEFOS is primarily aimed at securely transferring information and attachments between two different users. If you choose to terminate SEFOS, we first recommend that the information received, including attachments, are to be opened and downloaded to a location where you believe it is safe to store. This is partly determined if you have chosen a local installation of your SEFOS node or if you have chosen a node as a service. Once you are registered in a SEFOS node, an individual user can be up and running within minutes. Contact us at Meaplus if you need help getting started? From a pure functional point of view, there is no difference between a SEFOS node as a service or a node installed locally in an own data center. The difference is rather the way the service is consumed. With a local node, you get full control of the node but also an increased responsibility to ensure an infrastructure is in place so that SEFOS works properly. Using SEFOS as a service is a convenient way for small and medium-sized companies who want to be able to send sensitive information via Outlook but do not necessarily want to manage their own server infrastructure. h1|SEFOS Register GET GOING WITH SEFOS Register h2|Register your organization below and get going with SEFOS! Fill in the information below to get started with SEFOS as a service via Meaplus or select the option for local installation. Frequently asked questions concerning SEFOS as a service and the offer that now applies. h4|FAQ Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Register Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Do you have any questions or want to connect your organization to SEFOS? Contact us and we will get bak to you as soon as possible! h3|Contact us Contact information h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Send MEAPLUS Östergatan 21 211 25, Malmö, Sweden Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Are you facing new projects and need external expertise for specific assignments. Meaplus has long experience from creating applications, integrating APIs and providing expertise to various development teams. Contact us to tell us more about your needs, we're happy to help you out! Are you facing new opportunities and need new applications or services? Either we can take a full ownership or work as part of a team. Many in our development team have more than 15 years of experience in software development, with broad programming knowledge and a variety of code languages. Do you have specific needs for deep expertise when it comes to development, PKI or API integration? Let our development team help you! and something that makes the development and change in society go at an ever faster pace. But at the same time, digitalisation is also forcing many companies to change their business models and ways of working if they want to be part of the market also in the future. Companies that succeed in adapting to digital development in a good way often create a much better position. But while digitalisation can contribute to great benefit for both small and large companies, it is perhaps the public sector that, with the help of digitalisation, has the greatest opportunity to develop and change the way it works. We at Meaplus have extensive experience of helping both small and large organizations in both the private and public sectors. We work primarily in the following business areas when it comes to Digital Transformation: Whether you need an application that can help digitize various processes within your business, consultants for specific assignments or if you just want to renew your website with a new look, we at Meaplus can help you! di|We have great experience in building different types of websites for companies in different industries. We can help you produce different types of marketing materials, such as product sheets and presentations. New graphic design for your organization? We do everything from logos and marketing materials. st|Digitization is one of the great opportunities of our time By combining our knowledge in business and business development together with digital innovation, we can strategically advise how you can best handle the digital opportunities and challenges you face. Just have your contact details filled in and briefly describe what you need and we will contact as soon as possible! h2|Application development Are you in need of an application or service that you want to use internally or carry out to your customers? We at Meaplus have both expertise and experience in creating applications and developing services that are in demand. With our development team, we can handle everything from small to large projects where we can either take overall responsibility or be part of a larger team. Take a look at how our development process process kan se ut: Take a look at how our development process can look like (document in swedish). Experienced consultants for specific assignments Digital transformation Support as a service Are you interested in creating a customized service or application, but feel that the need to also be able to provide support means that you instead choose an application that may not fully meet your needs? When we at Meaplus develop applications and services for our customers, we will at the same time build a deep competence around the service. This means that together with the finished application, also can offer support for at the same time. So if you are a company or organization who need a new internal or external service, do not let the support question become a problem! Instead, connect with Meaplus and we can help you out! h3|Communication Contact us What can we help you with? h4|Websites Marketing Material Graphic Design Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Read More Read More Your way of marketing yourself is largely the company's face to the outside world. With an attractive website and elaborate marketing material, you create a better starting point for future opportunities and business. We at Meaplus have extensive experience of creating websites, product sheets and other graphic design that can be associated with the company's own profile. Now you can also take help from our talented team to improve your conditions for better marketing and communication. Application development Experienced conultants Deep expertise Business development Verksamhetsutveckling Innovation Strategy and advice Send Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Meaplus AB (Meaplus) is committed to legislative and regulatory compliance related to privacy, the responsible use of information, and the need to safeguard the privacy of our employees, Clients and users of our applications, services and websites. Meaplus is committed to ensuring that the personal data you supply to Meaplus is processed fairly and lawfully, and with skill and care. Meaplus take their responsibilities in respect of protection of personal data extremely seriously. This statement sets out Meaplus’ privacy policy for the collection and processing of personal information for use of applications and services provided by Meaplus including this website and any personal information provided to Meaplus for any reason. It is the users responsibility to read and understand this privacy notice, together with any other privacy notice or fair processing notice that Meaplus may provide on specific occasions when collecting or processing personal data that is supplied to Meaplus so that all users site are fully aware of how and why Meaplus are using personal data supplied by users. The Meaplus Data Protection Officer (DPO) is responsible for managing and maintaining this policy and answering all privacy related questions relating to the use of personal data collected Meaplus services, applications and by this website. All questions relating to this privacy notice, the use of your personal data, to update your personal data that Meaplus has collected to ensure that it is accurate and current or to exercise your legal rights relating to the personal data collected by Meaplus should be addressed to the DPO (Jonas Olsson) at You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Swedish Supervisory Authority (the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Dataskyddsförordningen – GDPR), which is the Swedish public authority tasked with protecting the individual’s privacy in the information society without unnecessarily preventing or complicating the use of new technology. They can be contacted at: Datainspektionen (Drottninggatan 29, plan 5) Box 8114 104 20 Stockholm or via Meaplus would prefer to deal with any issues you may have relating to the processing your personal data prior to contacting the Swedish Data Protection Authority and would ask you to contact the Meaplus DPO in the first instance so we may attempt to resolve any issues to your satisfaction. The definitions in applicable legislation including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and relevant Swedish Data Protection legislation shall apply and be interpreted in accordance with that legislation. Applicable legislation General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and all Swedish legislation relating to the implementation of the GDPR in Sweden and its supporting regulations issued by the Supervisory Authority Supervisory Authority The ‘Swedish Data Protection Authority’ (Dataskyddsförordningen – GDPR),’ ‘We’, ‘us’, ‘our’ Terms relating to Meaplus AB. ‘You’, ‘your’ Terms relating to the user of applications and services provided by Meaplus including this website. Meaplus AB can be contacted at: Väster Kolsva 5 731 13 Kolsva, Sweden E: W: DPO (Jonas Olsson) at Personal data is any information which identifies a living individual, as defined by legislation. It does not include data where the identity has been removed so that the data cannot identify a living individual (i.e. it has been anonymised or pseudonymised). Meaplus may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about users of our applications and services including visitors to this website which includes, but may not be limited to the following, which has been grouped together to make it easier to interpret: Contact email address, phone number, postal address Identity first name, last name Marketing and communications (Marcom) contact details for Meaplus to send requested or generic marketing communications to you Profile username and password for the service, where used, to identify you as a returning authenticated and authorised user with any other profile information that you may provide Technical internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. Usage information about how you use this service including entry point and exit site transactional data and other data which is required for the functionality of the service or application Aggregated statistical or demographic data for any purpose. This may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly identity a data subject. : , If Meaplus combine or connect ‘Aggregated Data’ with a user’s personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify a data subject, it will be treated as ‘personal data’ and used in accordance with this privacy policy Meaplus does not collect any ‘Special Categories’ of Personal Data. ‘Special Categories’ of Personal Data includes: Meaplus does not collect any information about criminal convictions and offences. Meaplus does not knowingly collect data relating to children. Meaplus uses different methods to collect personal data from and about you including, but not limited to, the following interactions in a service, application and on this website: Meaplus will only use your Personal Data according to the law relating to the use of Personal Data. Typically, this includes, but may not be limited to: Only where your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests Generally, Meaplus does not: You have the right to opt out from receiving any marketing material at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any Meaplus email you receive or by contacting the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at The section below provides details on why Meaplus processes your Personal Data. The purposes for which Meaplus plans to use your Personal Data are summarised in the table below with the lawful bases of use and details of the legitimate interests, where appropriate. Should you require more detailed information on any lawful basis or the basis of legitimate interests for processing your Personal data, contact the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at li|personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin; personal data revealing political opinions; personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs; personal data revealing trade union membership; genetic data; biometric data (where used for identification purposes); data concerning health; data concerning a person’s sex life; and data concerning a person’s sexual orientation. race or ethnicity; using an application or service will create technical and usage data which is required for the functionality of the service, application and website automated processes that collect Technical Data (as defined above) about your use of the service using , server logs and other similar technologies; requesting Meaplus marketing material to be sent to you requesting Meaplus to contact you; subscribing to or attending a Meaplus service, application, event or publication; third party data provides that may include, but not be limited to: analytics providers; marketing database providers; publicly available sources. meeting a contractual obligation for a contract that we are about to enter into or have entered into with you; to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation; to comply with our legitimate interests; rely on ‘Consent’ as a legal basis for processing your Personal data; have a ‘vital interest’ for processing your Personal Data; need your Personal Data to perform a public task. st|Introduction Definitions Term Meaning Meaplus contact details The Personal Data Meaplus collects about you Data type Description of typical personal data collected: Note 1: Note 2 Note: How Meaplus collects your personal data; How Meaplus uses your Personal Data Note: h1|PRIVACY POLICY h2|Meaplus Privacy Policy h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Definitions · Meaplus contact details · The Personal Data Meaplus collects about you · How Meaplus collects your personal data · How Meaplus uses your Personal Data · Why Meaplus uses your Personal Data o Overview o o o Opting out o Change of processing purpose o Maintaining and updating your Personal Data · Sharing your Personal Data o Inside the EEA o Outside the EEA o Website links to third parties · Security of your Personal Data · Breaches affecting your Personal Data · Personal Data retention · Personal Data disposal o Paper o Electronic Media · Your legal rights o Access o Rectification o Erasure o Restriction of processing o Objecting to processing o Data portability o Response times o Costs of enforcing rights o Submitting a request to enforce your rights · Use of Cookies o · SEFOS o Overview o SEFOS Privacy statements · Right to complain Why Meaplus uses your Personal Data Overview Summary Purpose Type of data as defined above Lawful basis for processing including basis of legitimate interest To manage our relationship with you including use of Meaplus products Contact Identity Marcom Technical Usage Contractual performance ; Legal obligation for compliance; Legitimate Interests (maintaining and updating your Personal Data in the product or website; ensuring functionality of Meaplus products and services; reviewing how you use this product or website). To administer this website Contact Identity Technical Legal obligation for compliance; Legitimate Interests (for operating this website, provision of administration and IT services, protecting information and website security. To deliver relevant website content and Marcom material to you Contact Identity Marcom Profile Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to study how you use this website and request Meaplus products and services, to develop Meaplus products and services to grow the business and to continuously improve the Meaplus marketing strategy). To contact you after making a contact request via the website or other communications channels or for registering and managing a Meaplus product or service. Contact Identity Marcom Profile Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to study how you use this website, request and use Meaplus products and services, to develop Meaplus products and services to grow the business and to continuously improve the Meaplus marketing strategy). To measure and understand the effectiveness and efficiency of the website used by you. Contact Identity Marcom Profile Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to study how you use this website and request Meaplus products and services, to develop Meaplus products and services to grow the business and to continuously improve the Meaplus marketing strategy). To use data analytics to improve our website Technical Usage Legitimate Interests (to define types of customers for Meaplus products and services, to keep this website updated and relevant, to develop Meaplus’ business and to inform you of the Meaplus marketing strategy) Marketing Meaplus want to provide you with the ability of determining how we use your Personal Data, specifically regarding Marcom. Meaplus may use your Contact, Identity, Marcom, Profile, Technical and Usage Data to make decisions on the products and services that we think you may need, want or be of interest to you and to contact you about them. Meaplus will send you marcom that we think meets these criteria if you: • are on a third party supplied mailing list that Meaplus has purchased; • have requested information on some Meaplus products and services via the website or other communications channels; • met a Meaplus representative at a marketing event, meeting or similar, expressed an interest in Meaplus products and services and provided contact details, including business cards • purchased products or services from Meaplus. Where you have not opted out of receiving Marcom from Meaplus. Opting out You have the right to opt out from receiving any marketing material at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any Meaplus email you receive or by contacting the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at However, even if you opt out of receiving Marcom from Meaplus, we may still hold your Personal Data is provided to us as a result of purchasing products and services from us or some other relevant interaction where we are required to keep that data in accordance with our record retention schedule based on legislative requirements for record retention. Change of processing purpose Meaplus shall only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which it was collected. Should Meaplus consider that it should be used for another purpose, we may use it if Meaplus consider that the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose. Should you have any questions on this change of processing purpose, please contact the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at for details. Note: Where required or permitted by legislation within the jurisdiction, Meaplus may process your Personal Data without your knowledge or consent. Maintaining and updating your Personal Data Privacy legislation requires Meaplus to ensure that your Personal Data is accurate and up to date. Obviously Meaplus cannot ensure this without your assistance, so we ask you to advise the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at of any changes to your Personal Data that we hold. In addition, we Meaplus contact you on a regular basis to ensure that the Personal Data we hold is accurate and current. Sharing your Personal Data Inside the EEA Meaplus only stores your Personal Data in the EEA. It is never transferred internationally. Outside the EEA If your Personal Data is to be shared outside the EEA, then Meaplus will ensure a similar degree of protection, as we provide, is provided to protect your Personal Data afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented: Use of specific model contractual terms agreed by the EU to protect that Personal Data; In the US, model contractual terms may be used or the supplier Is part of the ‘Privacy Shield’ or its successors. Meaplus uses third parties (acting as Data Processors) based in the EEA and outside it who provide IT and system administration services. All third parties engaged by Meaplus shall have specific contracts in place to meet, as a minimum, the requirements of Articles 28 – 34 of GDPR and other applicable legislation. In summary, no Data Processor can process your Personal Data for their own purposes and shall only process it on written instructions from us and only in accordance with our written instructions. Meaplus will only disclose to any third party your Personal Data in accordance with your authorisation for its use unless we are required to do so by law. If this is the case, then Meaplus will co-operate with those instructions and provide assistance to law enforcement and Supervisory Authorities as required by law. Should you have any questions on how your Personal Data is shared by Meaplus, contact the Meaplus DPO (Jonas Olsson) at Website links to third parties This website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications as well as embedded content. If you ‘click’ on these links or enable connections to the remote site, then this may allow that third party to collect your Personal Data. Meaplus does not control these third parties and are not responsible for how they process and store your Persona Data. Meaplus strongly recommend that you read and understand any Privacy Policy of all websites you visit before providing your Personal Data to them. Security of your Personal Data Meaplus has put in place appropriate technical and organisational information security measures to ensure appropriate controls are in place to protect your Personal Data to the required level as determined by risk assessment. These controls will protect your Personal Data against accidental or unauthorised: • Access; • Modification, • Erasure; • Modification. As part of the Meaplus information security controls in place, all access to your personal Data is restricted to those ‘with a need to access’ based on a justified and documented business case and is subject to regular review to ensure continued business need. These users are only permitted to access and process your Personal Data on Meaplus’ instructions and all are subject to relevant Confidentiality Agreements or Non-Disclosure Agreements as appropriate. Meaplus has implemented the relevant parts of ISO / IEC 27001:2013 to implement accepted good practice for information security. Breaches affecting your Personal Data Meaplus has a defined information security breach process in place to handle any information security breaches, incidents or adverse events that may occur. Where this may involve your Personal Data there are specific procedures Meaplus has put in place to deal with any actual or suspected Personal Data breach. Meaplus will advise the Swedish Supervisory Authority within 72 hours of discovery of the breach where the breach is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of the Data Subject(s). Additionally, where the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the Data Subject(s), Meaplus shall communicate the details of the Personal Data breach to the Data Subject(s) without undue delay. Personal Data retention Meaplus will retain all data and information it processes in line with legal and regulatory requirements. Meaplus will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected. Where retention of your Personal Data is not covered by legislation or regulation, Meaplus will determine retention periods based on the amount, nature, and sensitivity of that Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised processing of the Personal Data. Meaplus may anonymise your Personal Data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you. Personal Data disposal Where your Personal Data is to be disposed of, it is disposed of in the following ways: Paper All paper copies of your Personal Data are classified as ‘Confidential’ in Meaplus and disposed of using either cross cut shredding in the office or via a specialised third party disposal company to ensure that your Personal Data cannot be reconstituted and read (i.e. disclosed to an unauthorised party). Electronic Media Where Personal Data is held on electronic media and it is to be deleted according to the retention schedule or is requested to be deleted by the Data Subject, it is securely deleted from the media on which it was held, unless there is a legislative or regulatory reason for retaining it (e.g. a ‘Legal Hold’, contemplation or, or actual, legal proceedings etc.). Physical electronic media is either security wiped if it is to be reused in Meaplus or disposed of via a specialised third party disposal company to ensure that your Personal Data cannot be forensically recovered and read (i.e. disclosed to an unauthorised party). Your legal rights Under data protection law, you have certain rights depending on our reason for processing your Personal Data, these include the rights of: Access You have the right to ask Meaplus copies of your Personal Data that we hold. This right always applies. There are some exemptions, which means you may not always receive all the Personal Data we process. Rectification You have the right to ask Meaplus to rectify Personal Data you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete Personal Data that you think is incomplete. This right always applies. Erasure You have the right to ask Meaplus to erase your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Restriction of processing You have the right to ask Meaplus to restrict the processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Objecting to processing You have the right to object to Meaplus processing your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Data portability You have the right to ask Meaplus to transfer the Personal Data that you gave to us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances. This only applies to information you have given us. Response times Meaplus will respond to requests from Data Subjects as soon as is practicable and at the latest within one month. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, considering the complexity and number of the Data Subject’s request(s). Meaplus shall inform the Data Subject of any such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay and keep you updated of the progress of your request. Where Meaplus does not intend to comply with any requests, these shall also be responded to within a month. Costs of enforcing rights You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. However, Meaplus may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. Submitting a request to enforce your rights To enforce your rights, contact . Meaplus may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of your other rights), including proof of Powers of Attorney or similar. This is a security measure to ensure that your Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. Use of Cookies ’Cookies’ are small text files that are stored by the browser on your computer or mobile phone. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site, i.e. Meaplus. Websites can read from and write to these files, allowing them recognise user preferences or returning visitors. Note 1: Cookies are not software programs, they cannot carry or spread malware. Note 2: Data collected by cookies is anonymised based on IP addresses and do not contain any Personal Data, per se. There is one type of cookie on the Meaplus website: • Strictly necessary cookies; Strictly necessary cookies Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Cookie Name Description More information Expires Elementor A random unique number or string of letters and numbers. Elementor Used in context with the website’s WordPress theme. The cookie allows the website owner to implement or change the website’s content in real-time. Persistent SEFOS Overview SEFOS is an add-in to Outlook Office 365 that makes it possible to protect the information communicated through e-mail using strong encryption. This, in turn, creates the conditions for being able to send person or sensitive information via Microsoft Outlook Office 365. In order to use SEFOS, each organization wanting to use it needs to be registered in a SEFOS node through Meaplus, or an authorized partner. SEFOS is installed as an add-in to Outlook’s local or web-based email client. The installation can easily be managed centrally through the Office 365 admin centre. SEFOS user organisations decide which login method is to be allowed. Information sent to one or more recipients is encrypted through the organization’s SEFOS node and then sent as an attached encrypted file using strong encryption throughout the transmission process until it arrives at the recipient(s) email account(s). SEFOS is a secure pipeline for transmission of emails, with attachments from the originator to the recipients, and as such does not process Personal Data per se apart from the registration of the users and the transmission of an encrypted email. SEFOS Privacy Statements The registration process for SEFOS is covered by the Meaplus Privacy Policy above. The use of Outlook is covered by the Microsoft Privacy Policy as defined at . The use and setup of Outlook within an organisation will be subject to the configuration that the organisation makes for this and the organisational privacy policy, supporting procedures and the organisational record retention schedule. Meaplus will use registration information for SEFOS to advise registered users of product and service updates or for marketing purposes. All use of any Personal Data or other information relating to SEFOS under Meaplus’ control shall be managed according to this Privacy Policy. Right to Complain If you have any concerns about Meaplus’ use of your Personal Data, you can make a complaint to us at: Meaplus AB Väster Kolsva 5 731 13 Kolsva, Sweden E: W: DPO (Jonas Olsson) at You can also complain to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Dataskyddsförordningen – GDPR), which is the Swedish public authority tasked with protecting the individual’s privacy in the information society without unnecessarily preventing or complicating the use of new technology. They can be contacted at: Datainspektionen (Drottninggatan 29, plan 5) Box 8114 104 20 Stockholm or via Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Tack vare vår integration till MS Teams, är det nu möjligt att både skicka meddelanden genom Teams samt verifiera användare in till Teamsmöten genom att låta de inbjudna mottagarna använda sig av allt från tjänstelegitimation till privat eID och SMS. Så om du eller din organisation är i behov av att kunna säkerställa att det är rätt personer som deltar i era teamsmöten, kom igång med SEFOS så kan ni dessutom skicka skyddade meddelanden via samma tjänst! Kontakta oss genom att fylla i formuläret . h1|SEFOS för MS Teams SEFOS för MS Teams h2|Fler inlägg h4|Skicka meddelande via Teams Identifiera användare till Teamsmöten sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter mars 12, 2021 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter mars 12, 2021 Föregående Förgående Säker meddelandetjänst för dentalvården pa|Get started with SEFOS by first registering your organization Invite users to access the service and activate SEFOS add-in through the Office 365 admin center. Users can now log in to the SEFOS add-in via the login method chosen by the organization in the step for registration. Ready to start using SEFOS for secure digital communication through Outlook. h1|GET STARTED h2|GET STARTED WITH SEFOS REGISTER 1 CONNECT 2 LOG IN 3 DONE! 4 Are you interested in SEFOS? h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV here Contact us Download product sheet Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|I vår strävan att hjälpa olika verksamheter att kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter, har vi nu adderat flera nya funktioner i vår senaste uppdatering av SEFOS – en säker digital meddelandetjänst. Här följer några av de nya funktioner och förbättringar som vi valt att lägga till i vår uppdaterade version av SEFOS. Med SEFOS så behövs det enbart en mailadress och ett personnummer för att kunna skicka meddelande som innehåller personuppgifter till vilken användare som helst. Dessa mottagare kan nu också på samma säkra sätt besvara ditt meddelande. SEFOS Admin center innehåller nu möjlighet att se status, skapa/skicka och ta emot/läsa meddelanden direkt från Admin center utan att använda MS Outlook. Utöver SITHS kort, BankId och Freja eID så stödjer SEFOS nu också Freja organisations eID. Grafiska förbättringar. Att skicka meddelande har blivit enklare att förstå där fokus ligger på vad meddelandet innehåller tex om det innehåller personuppgifter eller inte. Tidigare behövde man när man skickar till en privatperson välja mellan BankID eller Freja eID nu väljer man enbart Svensk e-legitimation och det är sedan mottagaren som får välja BankID eller Freja eID. st|Svarsfunktion för externa mottagare Skapa och läsa meddelande direkt från SEFOS utan Outlook Förbättringar Stöd för Freja organisations eID Enklare att adressera mottagare h1|Ny Version – SEFOS 2.0 Ny Version – SEFOS 2.0 h2|Fler inlägg h4|Nya funktioner sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter december 3, 2020 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter december 3, 2020 Föregående Förgående Förbättrad e-post för näringslivet och organisationer Nästa SEFOS version 2.0 – Svarsfunktion Nästa pa|Vid traditionell kommunikation via e-post mellan olika offentliga förvaltningar finns det risk att 3e part eller att tjänsteleverantören kan ta del av den information som kommuniceras. Med SEFOS kan vi på ett enkelt sätt ersätta traditionell e-post som definieras som osäker. Alla meddelanden som skickas med SEFOS skyddas istället med stark kryptering så att utomstående ej kan ta del av den information som kommuniceras. + Sekretesskänslig information som skickas digitalt blir skyddad med stark kryptering utan åtkomst för utomstående. + Ökad tillit mellan avsändare och mottagare. + Ökad säkerhet vid kommunikation via Outlook Office 365. h1|Ersätt osäker e-post h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h4|Utmaning Lösning Värde sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|De regelverk och krav kring vad som går att skicka i ett öppet mail och vad som inte är lagligt eller allmänt accepterat, skapar en hel del utmaningar för olika verksamheter, däribland inom den privata dentalvården. Att skicka personkänslig information digitalt är något som många gånger skapar utmaningar inom näringslivets organisationer. Antingen riskerar användaren att dela med sig I samband med att GDPR trädde i kraft kan idag en enskild person begära ut ett registerutdrag från en kommun, myndighet eller ett företag. Detta registerutdrag påvisar vilken På grund av olika legala krav tvingas offentliga verksamheter och regioner att använda fax, brev och ibland kurirpost för att kommunicera med andra organisationer utanför den egna Många processer inom offentlig förvaltning innefattar kommunikation mellan olika kommuner, myndigheter, regioner mfl. Bristen på möjligheter att kommunicera digitalt fullt ut skapar dock När sjukhus inom Sverige behandlar patienter från andra länder krävs det att personkänslig information kommuniceras mellan de olika vårdgivarna. Denna process skapar många gånger stora utmaningar Vid traditionell kommunikation via e-post mellan olika offentliga förvaltningar finns det risk att 3e part eller att tjänsteleverantören kan ta del av den h1|SEFOS Användnings exempel SEFOS Användnings exempel h2|Vill du komma i kontakt med Meaplus? h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Kontakta oss Ladda ner produktblad pa|SEFOS fungerar tillsammans med MS Outlook och för både Micosoft 365 eller Exchange 2016 & 2019. Om du vill kunna skydda dina meddelanden via SEFOS och Outlook krävs att du först installerar SEFOS som tillägg till Outlook. Skicka säkra meddelanden genom Teams och verifiera användare in till Teamsmöten genom att låta de inbjudna mottagarna använda sig av allt från tjänstelegitimation till privat eID och SMS. Har man ej tillgång till MS Outlook eller Teams kan man istället använda SEFOS Admin Center för att skicka skyddade meddelanden. Detta alternativ är helt webbaserat och kräver varken installation eller ytterligare tillägg till din enhet. SEFOS admin center får du automatiskt tillgång till som en registrerad användare av SEFOS. SEFOS kan anpassas efter olika klientcertifikat. Idag erbjuds följande inloggningsalternativ; + Mobilt BankID + Freja e-ID + NetID & SITHS + Freja Organisations e-ID + Nexus ID Lösenord För att ta emot meddelanden via SEFOS behöver man inte vara registrerad till tjänsten. Allt som krävs är en e-postadress. Som SEFOS-användare loggar man enkelt in i SEFOS add-in för att öppna det krypterade meddelandet. Är man inte registrerad i SEFOS och får en säker länk, går det istället att identifiera sig via den metod som anvsändaren bestämt; + Mobilt BankID + Freja e-ID + NetID & SITHS + Freja Organisations e-ID + Nexus ID SMS E-post di|Nedan listar vi vad som krävs för att skicka och ta emot meddelanden via SEFOS. Har du frågor? Kontaka oss så svarar vi så snart som möjligt h1|MS Outlook E-post h2|Vad krävs för att skicka information med SEFOS? För att kunna använda SEFOS meddelandetjänst kan någon av följande applikationer användas: Vad krävs för att ta emot information med SEFOS? Vill du komma i kontakt med Meaplus? h3|MS Teams SEFOS Admin Center Autentisering Autentisering h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Mer om SEFOS Vad krävs för att skicka information via SEFOS? Hämta SEFOS för Outlook här Hämta SEFOS för Teams här Vad krävs för att ta emot information via SEFOS? Kontakta oss Ladda ner produktblad bo|Hög tillitsnivå: För privatperson För organisationer Lägre tillitsnivå: Hög tillitsnivå: För privatperson För organisationer Lägre tillitsnivå: pa|Thanks to our integration with MS Teams, it is now possible to both send messages through Teams and verify users into Team Meetings by letting the invited recipients use everything from service ID to private eID and SMS. So if you or your organization is in need of being able to ensure that the right people are participating in your team meetings, get started with SEFOS and you can also send protected messages via the same service! Contact us by filling out the form . h1|SEFOS for Teams SEFOS for Teams h2|Fler inlägg h4|Send messages via Teams Identify users for Team Meetings Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter March 12, 2021 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter March 12, 2021 Prev Previous Secure messaging service for dental care Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|I vår strävan att hjälpa olika verksamheter att kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter, har vi nu adderat flera nya funktioner i vår senaste uppdatering av SEFOS – en säker digital meddelandetjänst. Här följer några av de nya funktioner och förbättringar som vi valt att lägga till i vår uppdaterade version av SEFOS. Med SEFOS så behövs det enbart en mailadress och ett personnummer för att kunna skicka meddelande som innehåller personuppgifter till vilken användare som helst. Dessa mottagare kan nu också på samma säkra sätt besvara ditt meddelande. SEFOS Admin center innehåller nu möjlighet att se status, skapa/skicka och ta emot/läsa meddelanden direkt från Admin center utan att använda MS Outlook. Utöver SITHS kort, BankId och Freja eID så stödjer SEFOS nu också Freja organisations eID. Grafiska förbättringar. Att skicka meddelande har blivit enklare att förstå där fokus ligger på vad meddelandet innehåller tex om det innehåller personuppgifter eller inte. Tidigare behövde man när man skickar till en privatperson välja mellan BankID eller Freja eID nu väljer man enbart Svensk e-legitimation och det är sedan mottagaren som får välja BankID eller Freja eID. st|Svarsfunktion för externa mottagare Skapa och läsa meddelande direkt från SEFOS utan Outlook Förbättringar Stöd för Freja organisations eID Enklare att adressera mottagare h1|New Version - SEFOS 2.0 New Version - SEFOS 2.0 h2|Fler inlägg h4|Nya funktioner Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter December 3, 2020 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter December 3, 2020 Prev Previous Improved email for business and organizations Next SEFOS version 2.0 – Reply function Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|By using traditional e-mail communication services there is a risk for unauthorized access to the information by 3rd parties or by the service provider. With SEFOS we can easily replace traditional e-mail communcation that is defined as insecure. Instead, all messages sent via SEFOS are protected with strong encryption so that no 3rd parties nor any service providers can access the information being sent. + Sensitive information sent digitally is protected with strong encryption from unauthorized access or attack. + Increased trust between sender and recipient. + Increased security when communicating via Outlook Office 365. h1|Replace unsecure e-mails h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h4|CHALLENGE SOLUTION VALUE Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|The regulations and requirements regarding what can be sent in an open email and what is not legal or generally accepted, create a lot of challenges for various activities, including in private dental care. Sending sensitive information digitally is something that often creates challenges within business organizations. Either the user risks sharing With the GDPR coming into force, an individual can today request an extract from a register from a municipality, authority or company. This extract from the register shows which Due to various legal requirements, public agencies and regions are forced to use fax, letter and sometimes courier mail to communicate with other organizations outside their own Many processes in public administration include communication between different municipalities, authorities, regions and others. However, the lack of opportunities to fully communicate digitally creates When hospitals in Sweden treat patients from other countries, it is required that sensitive personal information is communicated between the various care providers. This process often creates great challenges In traditional communication via e-mail between different public administrations, there is a risk that the 3rd party or the service provider may take part in it h1|SEFOS Use Case Examples SEFOS Use Case Examples h2|Do you want more information about SEFOS? h4|Replace fax, letter and courier mail Improved efficiency in public sector Digital communication between healthcare providers Replace unsecure e-mails Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Contact us Download product sheet Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|SEFOS works together with MS Outlook and for both Micosoft 365 or Exchange 2016 & 2019. If you want to be able to protect your messages via SEFOS and Outlook, you must first install SEFOS as an add-on to Outlook. Send secure messages through Teams and verify users to Team Meetings by letting the invited recipients use everything from service ID to private eID and SMS. If you do not have access to MS Outlook or Teams, you can instead use SEFOS Admin Center to send protected messages. This option is completely web-based and requires no installation or additional additions to your device. You will automatically have access to the SEFOS admin center as a registered user of SEFOS. SEFOS can be adapted to different client certificates. Today, the following login options are available; + Swedish Mobile BankID + Freja e-ID + NetID & SITHS + Freja Organisations e-ID + Nexus ID Password You do not need to be registered for the service to receive messages via SEFOS. All that is required is an email address. As a SEFOS user, you simply log in to the SEFOS add-in to open the encrypted message. If you are not registered in SEFOS and receive a secure link, you simply identify yourself via the method determined by the user before opening the SEFOS message; + Swedish Mobile BankID + Freja e-ID + NetID & SITHS + Freja Organisations e-ID + Nexus ID SMS E-mail di|Below we list what is required to send and receive messages via SEFOS. Do you have questions? Contact us and we will answer as soon as possible. h1|MS Outlook E-mail h2|Vad krävs för att skicka information med SEFOS? To be able to use the SEFOS messaging service, any of the following applications can be used: Vad krävs för att ta emot information med SEFOS? Do you want more information about SEFOS? h3|MS Teams SEFOS Admin Center Authentication Authentication h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV More about SEFOS What is required to send information via SEFOS? Get SEFOS for Outlook here Get SEFOS for Teams here What is required to receive information via SEFOS? Contact us Download product sheet Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube bo|High level of trust: For private individuals For organizations Lower trust level: High level of trust: For private individuals For organizations Lower trust level: pa|På grund av olika legala krav tvingas offentliga verksamheter och regioner att använda fax, brev och ibland kurirpost för att kommunicera med andra organisationer utanför den egna IT-miljön. Dessa kommunikationsmetoder är både kostsamma och tidskrävande, samtidigt som de erbjuder en väldigt begränsad transparens. Med SEFOS kan vi nu ersätta faxen och traditionell kommunikation via brev och kurir, med en säker digital kommunikation där informationen är skyddad och där vi kan verifiera mottagaren vid öppning av meddelandet. + Snabb ROI baserat på kostnaden för att hantera brev jämfört med priset / användare och månad med SEFOS. + Snabbare och mer effektiv kommunikation mellan olika organisationer, förvaltningar och företag. + Förbättrad spårbarhet kring kommunikationsprocessen. h1|Ersätt fax, brev och kurirpost h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h4|Utmaning Lösning Värde sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|I vår nya version har vi nu även lagt till möjligheten för dessa mottagare att kunna besvara dessa så kallade länkmeddelanden. Detta är en funktion som skapar helt nya möjligheter när en registrerad användare av SEFOS vill kunna kommunicera personuppgifter digitalt till ex. en privatperson eller användare inom en annan organisation som ej har tillgång till tjänsten. Personuppgifter eller annan känslig information skickas enkelt direkt till identifierade mottagare som i sin tur kan besvara meddelandet på samma säkra sätt som det togs emot! Se hur svarsfunktionen fungerar i videon nedan: st|Sedan tidigare har SEFOS erbjudit funktionen att kunna skicka meddelanden till mottagare även utanför själva tjänsten, dvs till icke registrerade användare. h1|SEFOS version 2.0 – Svarsfunktion SEFOS version 2.0 – Svarsfunktion h2|Fler inlägg h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter december 9, 2020 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter december 9, 2020 Föregående Förgående Ny Version – SEFOS 2.0 Nästa SEFOS version 2.0 – Skicka meddelanden direkt från SEFOS Nästa pa|Due to various legal requirements, most public organisations and regions are forced to use faxes, letters and sometimes courier mail to communicate with other organizations outside their own IT environment. These communication methods are both costly and ineffecitve while they're also offering very limited transparency. With SEFOS we can now replace faxes, letters and courier mails with a solution for secure digital communication where the information is protected and the users are verified. + Fast ROI based on the cost of handling letters compared to the price / user and month with SEFOS. + Faster and more effective communication between different public organizations, authorities and companies. + Improved security compared to traditional communication methods. h1|Replace fax, letter and courier mail h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h4|CHALLENGE SOLUTION VALUE Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|In our new version, we have now also added the possibility for these recipients to be able to respond to these so-called link messages. This is a function that creates completely new opportunities when a registered user of SEFOS wants to be able to communicate personal data digitally, for example. an individual or user within another organization who does not have access to the service. Personal information or other sensitive information is easily sent directly to identified recipients who in turn can respond to the message in the same secure way as it was received! Below is a video of how the new function works! The video is currently only available in Swedish, but if you are interested in getting a demo of the reply function - write to us by filling out the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! st|SEFOS has previously offered the function of being able to send messages to recipients outside the service itself, ie to unregistered users. h1|SEFOS version 2.0 – Reply function SEFOS version 2.0 – Reply function h2|Fler inlägg h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter December 9, 2020 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter December 9, 2020 Prev Previous New Version - SEFOS 2.0 Next SEFOS version 2.0 – Send messages directly from SEFOS Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Många processer inom offentlig förvaltning innefattar kommunikation mellan olika kommuner, myndigheter, regioner mfl. Bristen på möjligheter att kommunicera digitalt fullt ut skapar dock stora kostnader och många långsamma processer inom offentlig sektor. Med SEFOS blir det möjligt att digitalt skicka information mellan organisationer samt direkt till identifierade privatpersoner på ett säkert och kostnadseffektivt sätt via exempelvis MS Outlook. + Effektivisering av processer där andra alternativ än digital kommunikation idag nyttjas. + Sänkta kostnader för hantering av brev, porto mm. + Minskad arbetsbelastning på insidan samtidigt som de offentliga verksamheterna kan erbjuda snabbare service för medborgare och företag. h1|Effektivisering av offentlig sektor h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h4|Utmaning Lösning Värde sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|Vi börjar det nya året med att lansera en uppdatering av vår hemsida! Hemsidan har fått sig ett helt nytt visuellt utseende medan innehållet fortfarande är detsamma. Vi hoppas att uppdateringen ger dig bästa möjliga upplevelse och att du enkelt hittar den information du söker! h1|Vår hemsida har fått ett nytt utseende Vår hemsida har fått ett nytt utseende h2|Fler inlägg h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter januari 11, 2021 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter januari 11, 2021 Föregående Förgående SEFOS version 2.0 – Skicka meddelanden direkt från SEFOS Nästa Använd SEFOS tillsammans med Freja eID och Freja Organisations eID Nästa pa|I samband med att GDPR trädde i kraft kan idag en enskild person begära ut ett registerutdrag från en kommun, myndighet eller ett företag. Detta registerutdrag påvisar vilken information som organisationen har sparat om den enskilda individen. När dessa uppgifter skall skickas, behövs det allt som oftast att göras via brev. Detta blir både kostsamt och omständligt. Med SEFOS kan organisationen istället adressera den enskilda personen via ett säkert meddelande via SEFOS. Mottagaren får då först bevisa sin identitet via ett giltigt e-ID för att kunna ta del av informationen. + Organisationen kan minska belastningen för personalen och sänka de portokostnader som uppstår för att kommunicera informationen till enskilda individer via brev. + Den som begär registerutdraget kan få snabbare återkoppling från den organisationen som förfrågan skickats till. + Avsändaren kan se när mottagaren tagit del av informationen. h1|Hantera begäran om registerutdrag (GDPR) h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h4|Utmaning Lösning Värde sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|Många processer inom offentlig förvaltning innefattar kommunikation mellan olika kommuner, myndigheter, regioner mfl. Bristen på möjligheter att kommunicera digitalt fullt ut skapar dock stora kostnader och många långsamma processer inom offentlig sektor. Med SEFOS blir det möjligt att digitalt skicka information mellan organisationer samt direkt till identifierade privatpersoner på ett säkert och kostnadseffektivt sätt via exempelvis MS Outlook. + Improved efficiency for processes where alternatives other than digital communication are used today. + Reduced costs for handling letters, postage, etc. + Reduced workload for employees, and at the same time faster services for citizens and businesses. h1|Improved efficiency in public sector h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h4|CHALLENGE SOLUTION VALUE Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Regelverk och krav som bland annat kommer med GDPR, skapar idag utmaningar när ex. personuppgifter eller annan känslig information skall skickas digitalt. Att kunna skydda informationen samtidigt som mottagaren kan verifieras med stark autentisering är något som saknas i vanlig e-post. För Dentalvården skapar detta en del utmaningar, exempelvis De flesta dentalkliniker saknar ett enkelt sätt att skicka personkänslig digital information på. Det medför i sin tur ofta både extra arbetsinsatser och ökade omkostnader. Med SEFOS blir det enkelt skicka patientinformation digitalt till både kliniker, offentliga verksamheter och patienter. Informationen krypteras och kan först öppnas efter att mottagaren identfierat sig med den ID-metod som är kopplad till meddelandet. Det kan vara sms-kod eller någon form av e-legitimation / Tjänste ID (ex. mobilt BankID, Freja eID eller SITHS) + Brev innehållande provsvar, hälsodeklarationer, journaler och annan känslig information kan ersättas med en säker meddelandetjänst + Vårdprocesser effektiviseras och blir säkrare + Sänkta kostnader för brev och porto + Förenklar hantering och kommunikation mellan kliniker, offentliga verksamheter och patienter + Förbättrad vård för patienten li|när en dentalklinik ska kommunicera patientinformation till en annan klinik när en enskild patient behöver få sin journal eller sina röntgenbilder skickade till sig när en dentalklinik behöver skicka uppgifter till ex. försäkringskassan eller annan offentlig verksamhet h1|Säker meddelandetjänst för dentalvården h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h3|Utmaning Värde h4|Lösning sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|När privata och offentliga vårdgivare skall kommunicera med varandra eller när de behandlar patienter från andra länder krävs det att personkänslig information kommuniceras mellan de olika vårdgivarna. Denna process skapar många gånger stora utmaningar. SEFOS gör det möjligt för olika vårdgivare att kommunicera digitalt på ett enkelt och säkert sätt. Både mellan privata och offentliga verksamheter med olika vårdsystem, men även över länders gränser. Detta skapar stora fördelar när information om patienter skall kommuniceras på ett effektivt och säkert sätt. + Vårdprocesser kan effektiviseras och skapa en säkrare och mer effektiv vård. + Ökad transparens mellan olika vårdgivare. + Sänkta kostnader för brev samt en minskad risk för att information hamnar på villovägar. + Snabb ROI, där kostnaden för en hel månads användning av SEFOS för en person motsvarar att skicka ett brev utrikes. h1|Digital kommunikation mellan vårdgivare h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h4|Utmaning Lösning Värde sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|Det är med stor glädje som vi nu hälsar Rely IT välkomna som ny SEFOS-partner. – är ett IT och tjänsteföretag som fokuserar på värdeskapande IT-tjänster och produkter på ett nytänkande sätt. Deras mål är att förenkla arbetsdagen för sina kunder så att de kan koncentrera sig på sin kärnverksamhet och där göra bättre affärer. Mer information om SEFOS och Rely IT går att läsa . Meaplus är ett mjukvarubolag som utvecklar produkter och tjänster för framtidens digitala samhälle. Meaplus är en distributionspartner för SEFOS, en säker digital meddelandetjänst. st|Om Rely IT Om Meaplus h1|Vi välkomnar Rely IT som ny SEFOS-partner Vi välkomnar Rely IT som ny SEFOS-partner h2|Fler inlägg h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter januari 20, 2021 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter januari 20, 2021 Föregående Förgående Använd SEFOS tillsammans med Freja eID och Freja Organisations eID Nästa I samarbete med PTL får anslutna medlemmar nu rabatt vid köp av SEFOS Nästa em|Att knyta upp Rely IT som en SEFOS-partner känns som ett steg i helt rätt riktning för att lättare kunna möta det behov som finns med en ökad efterfrågan av en säker digital meddelandetjänst som SEFOS inom Sverige. Som vi ser det, har Rely IT en spännande profil, där deras arbete kring bland annat GDPR-analyser och Microsoft 365, skapar en perfekt kombination för att även kunna leverera SEFOS till kunder på svenska marknaden. – Vi har valt att ta in SEFOS i vår tjänsteportfölj då vi sett våra kunders behov av att kunna verifiera vem mottagaren är för e-posten. Med SEFOS kan vi nu erbjuda ett sätt att lösa de utmaningar som dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR) medfört, i kombination med säker e-post. Vi ser att SEFOS löser ett problem som finns hos alla företag och ser fram emot att gå ut till våra kunder för att hjälpa dem säkra sin e-posthantering. pa|We start the new year by launching an update of our website! The website has got a completely new visual look while the content is still the same. We hope that the update gives you the best possible experience and that you will easily find the information you are looking for! h1|Our website has got a makeover Our website has got a makeover h2|Fler inlägg h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter January 11, 2021 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter January 11, 2021 Prev Previous SEFOS version 2.0 – Send messages directly from SEFOS Next Use SEFOS together with Freja eID and Freja Organisation eID Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|In connection with the GDPR coming into force today, an individual can request a register extract from a municipality, authority or a company. This record extract shows what information the organization has stored about the individual. When this information is to be sent, usually it must be sent as a letter. This will be both costly and cumbersome to manage. By using SEFOS, the organization can address the individual through a secure message. The recipient will then first have to prove their identity via a valid e-ID in order to be able to access the information. + The organization can reduce the workload as well as minimize postage costs connected to communicating the information to individual individuals via letters. + Those requesting the registry extract can get faster feedback from the organization to which the request was sent. + The sender can see when the recipient has opened the information. h1|Managing requests for extract from register (GDPR) h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h4|CHALLENGE SOLUTION VALUE Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact h5|Replace fax, letter and courier mail sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Regulations and requirements that, among other things, come with the GDPR, today create challenges when e.g. personal data or other sensitive information must be sent digitally. Being able to protect the information while the recipient can be verified with strong authentication is something that is missing in regular e-mail. For Dental Care, this creates some challenges, for example Most dental clinics lack an easy way to send sensitive digital information. This in turn often entails both extra work and increased overheads. With SEFOS, it will be easy to send patient information digitally to both clinics, public agencies and patients. The information is encrypted and can only be opened after the recipient has identified himself with the ID method associated with the message. It can be an SMS code or some form of e-identification / Service ID (eg mobile BankID, Freja eID or SITHS) + Letters containing test results, health declarations, medical records and other sensitive information can be replaced with a secure messaging service + Care processes are streamlined and become safer + Reduced costs for letters and postage + Simplifies management and communication between clinics, public agencies and patients + Improved care for the patient li|when a dental clinic is to communicate patient information to another clinic when an individual patient needs to have their medical record or X-rays sent to them when a dental clinic needs to send information to e.g. the Swedish Social Insurance Agency or other public activities h1|Secure messaging service for dental care h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h3|CHALLENGE VALUE h4|SOLUTION Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact h5|Replace fax, letter and courier mail sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|När privata och offentliga vårdgivare skall kommunicera med varandra eller när de behandlar patienter från andra länder krävs det att personkänslig information kommuniceras mellan de olika vårdgivarna. Denna process skapar många gånger stora utmaningar. SEFOS gör det möjligt för olika vårdgivare att kommunicera digitalt på ett enkelt och säkert sätt. Både mellan privata och offentliga verksamheter med olika vårdsystem, men även över länders gränser. Detta skapar stora fördelar när information om patienter skall kommuniceras på ett effektivt och säkert sätt. + Health care processes can be improved and create a safer and more efficient care. + Ökad transparens mellan olika vårdgivare. + Reduced costs for letters while creating a more secure communication process. + Fast ROI, where the cost of a full month's use of SEFOS for one person is equivalent to sending a single letter abroad from Sweden. h1|Digital communication between healthcare providers h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h4|CHALLENGE SOLUTION VALUE Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|It is with great pleasure that we now welcome Rely IT as a new SEFOS partner. – is an IT and service company that focuses on value-creating IT services and products in an innovative way. Their goal is to simplify the working day for their customers so that they can concentrate on their core business and do better business there. More information about SEFOS and Rely IT is available . Meaplus is a software company that develops products and services for the digital society of the future. Meaplus is a distribution partner for SEFOS, a secure digital messaging service. st|About Rely IT ABOUT MEAPLUS h1|We welcome Rely IT as a new SEFOS-partner We welcome Rely IT as a new SEFOS-partner h2|Fler inlägg h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter January 20, 2021 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter January 20, 2021 Prev Previous Use SEFOS together with Freja eID and Freja Organisation eID Next In collaboration with PTL, connected members now receive a discount on the purchase of SEFOS Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube em|Connecting Rely IT as a SEFOS partner feels like a step in the right direction to more easily meet the need that exists with an increased demand for a secure digital messaging service such as SEFOS in Sweden. As we see it, Rely IT has an exciting profile, where their work on, among other things, GDPR analyzes and Microsoft 365, creates a perfect combination to also be able to deliver SEFOS to customers in the Swedish market. - We have chosen to include SEFOS in our service portfolio as we have seen our customers' need to be able to verify who the recipient is for the e-mail. With SEFOS, we can now offer a way to solve the challenges posed by the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in combination with secure e-mail. We see that SEFOS solves a problem that exists in all companies and look forward to going out to our customers to help them secure their e-mail management. pa|Att skicka personkänslig information digitalt är något som många gånger skapar utmaningar inom näringslivets organisationer. Antingen riskerar användaren att dela med sig av information till en tredje part eller så är man fast med en tjänst som är alltför komplicerad och långsam att använda. Med SEFOS är det lika enkelt att skicka krypterade meddelanden som att skicka ett vanligt e-mail via Outlook. Tjänsten skyddar information som skickas via stark kryptering, samtidigt som vi säkerställer identiteten på både avsändare och mottagare. + Skydda daglig affärskommunikation såsom offerter, avtal, priser, finansiell information mm. + Alla meddelanden och bilagor skyddas med stark kryptering + Se när mottagaren öppnat och tagit del av informationen som skickats. h1|Förbättrad e-post för näringslivet och organisationer h2|Fler användarexempel Mer om SEFOS Vill du veta mer om SEFOS?då i formuläret på vår kontakt sida så återkommer vi så snart som möjligt! h4|Utmaning Lösning Värde sp|SV EN Meny SV EN ⇠ Tillbaka till alla användarexempel Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Kontakta oss ⇢ pa|För de som av olika anledningar inte kan använda SEFOS i Outlook, finns det nu möjlighet att istället skapa och läsa meddelanden direkt via SEFOS Admin Center! Här får du som användare också tillgång till alla meddelanden som du skickat och tagit emot via SEFOS meddelandetjänst. Se om en mottagare öppnat ett länkmeddelande, tidpunkt för öppning och vilken verifieringsmetod som meddelandet var kopplat till, allt på ett och samma ställe. h1|SEFOS version 2.0 – Skicka meddelanden direkt från SEFOS SEFOS version 2.0 – Skicka meddelanden direkt från SEFOS h2|Fler inlägg h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter december 11, 2020 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter december 11, 2020 Föregående Förgående SEFOS version 2.0 – Svarsfunktion Nästa Vår hemsida har fått ett nytt utseende Nästa pa|Sending sensitive information digitally is something that often creates challenges within business organizations. Either the user risks sharing information with a third party or get stuck with a service that is too complicated and slow to use. Med SEFOS är det lika enkelt att skicka krypterade meddelanden som att skicka ett vanligt e-mail via Outlook. Tjänsten skyddar information som skickas via stark kryptering, samtidigt som vi säkerställer identiteten på både avsändare och mottagare. + Protect daily business communication such as quotes, agreements, prices, financial information etc. + All messages and attachments are protected with strong encryption + See when the recipient has opened and read the sent information. h1|Improved email for business and organizations h2|More use cases More about SEFOS Want to know more about SEFOS? Do you want to know more about SEFOS and at the same time get a demo of how the application works? Then fill in the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h4|CHALLENGE SOLUTION VALUE Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact h5|Replace fax, letter and courier mail sp|EN SV Menu EN SV ⇠ Back to all Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on email Läs mer om SEFOS ⇢ Contact us ⇢ Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|For those who for various reasons can not use SEFOS in Outlook, it is now possible to instead create and read messages directly via SEFOS Admin Center! Here, as a user, you also get access to all messages that you have sent and received via SEFOS messaging service. See if a recipient has opened a link message, the time of opening and which verification method the message was linked to, all in one place. Below is a video showing how to send messages from SEFOS Admin Center. The video is currently only available in Swedish, but if you are interested in getting a demo of it - write to us by filling out the form on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible! h1|SEFOS version 2.0 – Send messages directly from SEFOS SEFOS version 2.0 – Send messages directly from SEFOS h2|Fler inlägg h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter December 11, 2020 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter December 11, 2020 Prev Previous SEFOS version 2.0 – Reply function Next Our website has got a makeover Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|Att skicka information digitalt kan tyckas vara enkelt, men när det kommer till att överföra personuppgifter eller annan i tjänsten behöver vi inte bara kunna skydda informationen med stark kryptering, vi behöver också kunna säkerställa att det är rätt mottagare som tar emot informationen. Allt enligt kraven från GDPR. Freja eID erbjuder idag inte bara e-legitimationer med högsta tillitsnivå för privatpersoner, så kallad LOA3-nivå, utan Freja erbjuder också möjligheten för en organisation att ställa ut tjänstelegitimationer som läggs på toppen av användarens privata eID, ett så kallad Freja Organisations eID. På detta sätt kan en organisation enkelt erbjuda en digital tjänstelegitimation till sina anställda med hög tillitsnivå som de kan dra nytta av när de ex behöver kunna agera digitalt i tjänsten eller logga in till olika applikationer och tjänster kopplat till sin roll inom verksamheten. Tack vare vårt samarbete med Freja eID kan vi nu stolt presentera möjligheten att använda SEFOS tillsammans med Freja eID, både som privatperson och i kombination med Freja Organisations eID i tjänsten. Med SEFOS och Freja Organisations eID tillsammans, skapar vi möjlighet för två organisationer med helt skilda IT-miljöer, att på ett enkelt sätt överföra personkänslig eller annan sekretess belagd information digitalt mellan varandra. Detta samtidigt som både avsändare och mottagare kan identifiera sig med Freja i tjänsten. Vill du veta mer om hur just din organisation kan dra nytta av SEFOS tillsammans med Freja eID, ta kontakt med oss och boka en kort genomgång. För mer information om Freja Organisations eID klicka . st|Överföring av Freja Organisations eID SEFOS med Freja Se hur det fungerar att identifiera sig med Freja eID i samband med att man får ett säkert länkmeddelande genom SEFOS: h1|Använd SEFOS tillsammans med Freja eID och Freja Organisations eID Använd SEFOS tillsammans med Freja eID och Freja Organisations eID h2|Fler inlägg h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter januari 13, 2021 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter januari 13, 2021 Föregående Förgående Vår hemsida har fått ett nytt utseende Nästa Vi välkomnar Rely IT som ny SEFOS-partner Nästa pa|Som tandläkarklinik och avsaknaden av en egen IT-organisation, kan det många gånger skapas stora utmaningar när ex. journalinformation eller annan känslig information skall skickas digitalt till en patient eller annan klinik. Detta är något som vi med SEFOS tillsammans med riksorganisationen Privattandläkarna (PTL) vill råda bot på. Med SEFOS blir det både enkelt att komma igång och att använda tjänsten samtidigt som vi kan bidra till att tandläkare kan skicka även. Något som i sin tur sparar värdefull tid och pengar genom att långsamma kommunikationsprocesser kan effektiviseras. Detta gör att vi nu är extra glada att nu kunna erbjuda just SEFOS med rabatt för de medlemmar som idag är anslutna till PTL. För mer information kan man logga in på PTL ( ) och ta del av rabattavtalet för SEFOS! Klicka för att läsa och ladda ner ett informationsblad om de möjligheter SEFOS skapar för dentalvården. h1|I samarbete med PTL får anslutna medlemmar nu rabatt vid köp av SEFOS I samarbete med PTL får anslutna medlemmar nu rabatt vid köp av SEFOS h2|Fler inlägg h4| sp|SV EN Meny SV EN Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter februari 12, 2021 Dela på facebook Dela på linkedin Dela på twitter februari 12, 2021 Föregående Förgående Vi välkomnar Rely IT som ny SEFOS-partner Nästa Säker meddelandetjänst för dentalvården Nästa pa|Sending information digitally may seem easy, but when it comes to transmitting personal information or other sensitive information digitally in the service, we not only need to be able to protect the information with strong encryption, we also need to be able to ensure that the right recipient receives the information. All in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR. Freja eID today not only offers e-credentials with the highest level of trust for private individuals, so-called LOA3 level, but Freja also offers the opportunity for an organization to display service credentials that are placed on top of the user's private eID, a so-called Freja Organization's eID. In this way, an organization can easily offer a digital service ID to its employees with a high level of trust, which they can take advantage of when they, for example, need to be able to act digitally in the service or log in to various applications and services linked to their role in the business. Thanks to our collaboration with Freja eID, we can now proudly present the opportunity to use SEFOS together with Freja eID, both as a private person and in combination with Freja Organization's eID in the service. With SEFOS and Freja Organisation's eID together, we create the opportunity for two organizations with completely different IT environments, to easily transfer personally sensitive or other confidential information digitally between each other. This at the same time as both sender and recipient can identify with Freja in the service. If you want to know more about how your organization can benefit from SEFOS together with Freja eID, contact us and book a short demo. For more information about Freja Organization eID, click . st|Transmission of sensitive information digitally Freja Organization eID SEFOS with Freja See how it works to identify yourself with Freja eID in connection with receiving a secure link message through SEFOS (Video is currently only available in Swedish): h1|Use SEFOS together with Freja eID and Freja Organisation eID Use SEFOS together with Freja eID and Freja Organisation eID h2|Fler inlägg h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter January 13, 2021 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter January 13, 2021 Prev Previous Our website has got a makeover Next We welcome Rely IT as a new SEFOS-partner Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube pa|As a dental clinic and their lack of their own IT organization, it can often create major challenges when ex. medical records or other sensitive information must be sent digitally to a patient or other clinic. This is something that SEFOS together with the national organization Private Dentists (PTL) want to remedy. With SEFOS, it will be both easy to get started and to use the service, while we can help dentists to send sensitive information digitally as well. This in turn saves valuable time and money by streamlining slow communication processes. This means that we are now extra happy to now be able to offer SEFOS with a discount for the members who are currently connected to PTL. For more information you can log in to PTL ( ) And take part in the discount for SEFOS! Click to read and download an infosheet about the possibilities SEFOS creates for the dental care. h1|In collaboration with PTL, connected members now receive a discount on the purchase of SEFOS In collaboration with PTL, connected members now receive a discount on the purchase of SEFOS h2|Fler inlägg h4|Our services SEFOS Integrity Contact sp|EN SV Menu EN SV Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter February 12, 2021 Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter February 12, 2021 Prev Previous We welcome Rely IT as a new SEFOS-partner Next Secure messaging service for dental care Nästa Application development Communication Consulting Digital Transformation Support as a service SEFOS start page Get started Product sheet Use case examples Data processing agreement Terms & conditions Contact us Career Support Facebook Linkedin Youtube