pa|Identifiera hoten snabbt och automatisera responsen för att undvika kostsamma konsekvenser Coronaviruset: Använd en ny anpassad feed från vårt CEM -verktyg för att hålla dig informerad om den senaste utvecklingen och de bästa metoderna. . Kritiska händelser inträffar varje dag: väder, våld på arbetsplatser, terrorism, IT-incidenter, strömavbrott, miljöutsläpp, utrustningsfel, attacker i sociala medier… De hotar säkerheten och varumärken, påverkar logistikflöden och stör verksamheter. Vi hjälper 4200+ kunder världen runt med att hantera kritiska händelser. Vi når över 500 miljoner människor i över 200 länder. Använd en gemensam plattform i hela företaget för att aggregera riskdata, lokalisera personer och tillgångar som hotas, initiera åtgärder, hantera incidenter och analysera utfallet efteråt. En enhetlig plattform h2|Håll personalen säker och verksamheten igång. Snabbare! hur vi hjälper till Bryt ner silos Prata med oss h3|våra lösningar × pa| h1|Blog h2|Perspectives on Critical Event Management Everbridge SE Blog no results pa|Explore how Everbridge customers use our solutions to overcome real-world communication, security and incident management challenges, helping to keep their people safe and informed, and their businesses running, productive and efficient. h1|Kunder h2|Prata med oss Everbridge SE Kunder pa|Everbridge, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVBG) is a global software company that provides enterprise software applications that automate and accelerate organizations’ operational response to critical events in order to keep people safe and businesses running faster. During public safety threats such as active shooter situations, terrorist attacks or severe weather conditions, as well as critical business events such as IT outages, cyber-attacks or other incidents such as product recalls or supply-chain interruptions, over 4,200 global customers rely on the company’s SaaS-based Critical Event Management platform to quickly and reliably aggregate and assess threat data, locate people at risk and responders able to assist, automate the execution of pre-defined communications processes, and track progress on executing response plans. The company’s platform sent over 2 billion messages in 2017 and offers the ability to reach more than 200 countries and territories with secure delivery to over 100 different communication devices. The company’s critical communications and enterprise safety applications include Mass Notification and Incident Communications, Safety Connection™, IT Alerting, Visual Command Center , Crisis Commander , Community Engagement , and Care Converge™, and are easy-to-use and deploy, secure, highly scalable and reliable. h1|Om oss h2|Keeping People Safe and Businesses Running. Faster. Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss pa| h1|Sitemap h2|Prata med oss Everbridge SE Sitemap pa| h1|Newsroom h2| Everbridge SE Newsroom no results pa|Vår programvara automatiserar de viktigaste stegen för att svara på en kritisk händelse. Den sammanställer hotuppgifter från tredje part och interna källor så att kunderna kan risken och personal och tillgångar som är i fara och dem som behöver agera. IDärefter gör den det möjligt för kunder att genom att verkställa fördefinierade processer baserat på typen av hot, processer för vilka som ska kontaktas och hur, vilket meddelande som ska skickas och vem som ska eskaleras om en respondent inte är tillgänglig. Vår plattform skickar sedan meddelanden och instruktioner via text, röst, e-post – över 100 varianter – på 15 språk efter behov, skapar konferensbryggor så att personal kan samarbeta och svarsmeddelanden. Genom att automatisera dessa steg kan de slutföras snabbt, mycket tillförlitligt och i en större omfattning vid en tidpunkt då minuter ofta har betydelse. Kritiska händelser inträffar varje dag: väder, våld på arbetsplatser, terrorism, IT-incidenter, strömavbrott, miljöutsläpp, utrustningsfel, attacker i sociala medier… De hotar säkerheten och varumärken, påverkar logistikflöden och stör verksamheter. Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Få en gemensam operativ bild med kraftfull visualisering och orkestrering. Prioritera och åtgärda IT-incidenter snabbare med automatiserade arbetsflöden och automatiska konferenssamtal baserat på experters tillgänglighet. Håll alla informerade före, under och efter kritiska händelser med riktad kommunikation och automatiserade arbetsflöden. Kommunicera med en region eller ett område under krishändelser och hot utan att användare behöver välja att delta Aktivera era kris- och beredskapsplaner genom att placera dem i fickan på varje anställd. Snabblänkar HUR VI HJÄLPER TILL ALLA PRODUKTER h1|Lösningar h2|Identifiera hot, automatisera responsen Utvärdera. Lokalisera. Agera. Analysera. hur vi hjälper till ALLA PRODUKTER Organisationer förlitar sig på Everbridge Prata med oss h3|våra lösningar Safety Connection Visual Command Center IT Alerting Mass Notification Public Warning Crisis Management 4 av de 10 största sjuk-försäkrings-bolagen Över 1 000 sjukhus 9 av de 10 största investerings-bankerna 25 av de mest trafikerade flygplatserna 30 % av FTSE 100 6 av de 10 största globala biltillverkarna Everbridge SE Lösningar em|utvärdera lokalisera agera analyserar pa|Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Få en gemensam operativ bild med kraftfull visualisering och orkestrering. Prioritera och åtgärda IT-incidenter snabbare med automatiserade arbetsflöden och automatiska konferenssamtal baserat på experters tillgänglighet. Håll alla informerade före, under och efter kritiska händelser med riktad kommunikation och automatiserade arbetsflöden. Kommunicera med en region eller ett område under krishändelser och hot utan att användare behöver välja att delta. Speed healthcare team response with cross-team staff coordination and communications. Improve opt-in engagement from your community and communication with them. Automate severe weather and disruptive threat alerts. Have a two-way conversation with mobile recipients – residents, employees, crisis responders. h1|Produkter h2|Critical Event Management Our Product Suite Prata med oss h3|Safety Connection Visual Command Center IT Alerting Mass Notification Public Warning Care Converge Community Engagement SmartWeather and ThreatView Everbridge Mobile Apps Everbridge SE Produkter pa|The Everbridge Platform allows organizations to and identify events, key personnel and affected assets, standardise ions to reduce the mean time to respond/repair, and response performance. Learn about the and that powers all of Everbridge’s Critical Event Management . assess locate act analyse h1|Plattform h2|Prata med oss Everbridge SE Plattform pa|Everbridge is committed to providing our customers and partners with a secure environment utilizing state of the art technologies to safeguard your information. "Security, governance, and privacy are core to the Everbridge platform and have always been key components in all aspects of our service and business." Jaime Ellertson, CEO, Everbridge h1|Legal, Privacy and Security h2|Committed to Your Privacy and Security Quick Links Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security pa|For customer support, please log into the Everbridge Support Center to search knowledge base articles, access Everbridge University on-demand training and certifications, view service advisories, submit a new support case and manage existing support cases. Everbridge Suite users can access the Support Center from the after logging in by choosing Help & Support from the far upper-right of the page, then the Everbridge Support Center link. If you do not have access to the Manager Portal, then you can login or register for an account at . Visual Command Center and Visual Fusion customers seeking product support should log in/register at or send an email request to . If you need assistance accessing your existing Support Center account, please contact the Everbridge customer support team by emailing or by calling: Authenticated Everbridge users can send a standard or emergency notification by logging into the Everbridge platform via a web browser or mobile application. This method of accessing the Everbridge platform provides the most options and flexibility for sending notifications. For emergency notifications, where access to the Everbridge solutions via a web browser or mobile application is not available, all users can call our Emergency Live Operator phone line and a representative will assist you in sending an emergency notification. td|U.S. & Canada Toll-Free Customer Support 866-436-4911 United Kingdom Toll-Free Customer Support 0800-098-8031 Germany Toll-Free Customer Support 0800-184-4301 France Toll-Free Customer Support 0-805-08-07-12 Spain Toll-Free Customer Support 900-86-85-61 Singapore Toll-Free Customer Support 3158-6002 Norway Customer Support (Mo-Fr, 08:00-16:00 CET) +47 2350 1600 U.S. & Canada Toll-Free Emergency Live Operator 877-220-4911 United Kingdom Toll-Free Emergency Live Operator 0800-098-8273 Germany Toll-Free Emergency Live Operator 0800-181-9027 France Toll-Free Emergency Live Operator 0-805-08-06-13 Spain Toll-Free Emergency Live Operator 900-83-88-75 Global Direct Phone Customer Support +1 818-230-9798 Global Direct Emergency Live Operator +1 818-230-9797 h1|Support h2|Customer Send a Notification Emergency Live Operator Service Prata med oss Everbridge SE Kunder Support pa|Terrorist attacks, active shooters, natural disasters, and cyber assaults are only some of the critical events Everbridge plans for every day. Across the globe, thousands of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit institutions rely on Everbridge to help keep people safe and operations running. We’re a diverse team of talented, motivated, and passionate individuals. Our employees are our most important and greatest assets. They build and own the company culture, enforce our values and their passion fuels our continued innovation and growth. We’re a dedicated team of overachievers. It’s baked into our DNA. We ask “ ?” and choose to take on the most complex challenges with confidence because we know that together #TEAMEverbridge can accomplish anything. Our people continue to prove – time and time again – that they’ll over achieve and deliver best-in-class results. As an organization, we’ll ensure you have the support you need to do so. We take the time to appreciate the individual contributions that make our collective success possible. We promote from within, we advance swiftly, and, as our VP of Corporate Development likes to remind us, “ ” to thrive, prosper and grow. Since our IPO in 2016 we have consistently exceeded expectations. We rapidly scaled to a technology leader and remain on a fierce growth trajectory. Maintaining this rapid growth means we have to understand that our results are more important than the number of hours we work or where those results are produced. We are laser-focused on over achieving and making informed, data-driven decisions that are the cornerstone of everything we do. Our passion for our work feeds our obsession to outperform and exceeding expectations is what #TEAMEverbridge does best. We encourage autonomy and we own our results. We know that remarkable people create equally remarkable outcomes, and we understand that remarkable outcomes rarely unfold as a result of modest risk. We foster the mindset that it’s better to try and sometimes fail, rather than to ‘sit tight’ and fail for sure. On a daily basis #TEAMEverbridge forges a path through uncharted territories, knowing that – if we fail – we’ll learn from our mistakes and improve. We have said it before but it’s important that we say it again: . This guiding principal means that we don’t passively listen to their opinions, we ACTIVELY seek and EXPECT to hear and learn from them. At Everbridge, all employees – regardless of role, level, or title – speak up, speak out and weigh in. The reason for this is simple: We maintain an ever-present mantra to challenge the status quo, relentlessly adjust as necessary, and perpetually improve. That core business imperative is set from the top down and is a mindset we looking for in every member of #TEAMEverbridge. We believe it defines, not only our success, but who we are and acts as a guiding principle behind who we hire. We aim to exceed customer expectations and expand the value we provide to every customer. After all, our customers sit at the center of why we do what we do. We expect every employee has this mindset regardless of your function, title, or level. Before any decision we ask, "how will this benefit our customers?" That makes it easy to prioritize what we do and how we spend our time? We are driven by an unyielding passion for our mission, our customers, our team, and our company. It is part of our core and baked into the DNA of every member of #TEAMEverbridge. We believe our passion defines us and is the core attribute that has fueled our unprecedented success. Every strategy we define, tactic we execute and decision we make is lead with integrity. We are focused on the highest standards of ethical business conduct and guided by a simple principal: Do the right thing. Integrity means that our customers can have faith that we will meet our commitments and that our employees can trust each other to deliver on commitments. Every member of #TEAMEverbridge is a leader. We are self-aware and self-critical, but never arrogant. We maintain a sharp eye for analytics that drive high performance, while remembering to empower others and encourage diverse perspectives. We lead by example and encourage everyone to shine. Whether they’re retired from active duty or currently serving, members of the military offer highly valuable skills and expertise to the companies that hire them and often, they need specialized support in return. Here, Everbridge team members John Goodson, Ben Potter, and Jonathan Wilkerson explain what it was like to transition from the military to the civilian world, how their backgrounds inform their roles at Everbridge, and how the company makes it possible for them to continue to serve. Customers rely on Everbridge to help them save lives and ensure business continuity during emergencies, so it’s no surprise that building trust is a key skill for Everbridge’s Sales team. In the newly defined Strategic Account Executive role, sales professionals must also be able to build strong business cases for Everbridge’s largest customers and align the needs of stakeholders in various departments. While many technical teams are tasked with ensuring their products are running around the clock, few have the responsibility of a product that has the potential to save lives. Everbridge’s SaaS Ops and Engineering teams discuss the demands of a “truly 24/7 shop”, the mission that motivates them, and the interesting challenges of an ever-evolving tech stack. That’s a big responsibility and it drives every decision we make. Individually we are amazing but together we are remarkable. Everyday. Together. We are #TEAMEverbridge We’re a mission-driven organization with an embedded commitment our employees’ success. it takes a village Our employees are our greatest assets h1|Careers h2|Join #TEAMEverbridge What We Do Matters #TEAMEverbridge: What is our Culture? #TEAMEverbridge: What We Value Our Team Our Stories Quick Links Prata med oss h3|Learn More About #TEAMEverbridge Career Advancement + Growth Autonomy + Ownership Open Communication + Transparency Obsessed with Customer Success Fueled with Passion Guided by Integrity A Team of Leaders Military Members on Working at Everbridge SAE's Help Fortune 100s Keep Their People Safe and Business Running SaaS Ops and Engineering partner to deliver reliability and scalability h4|Our mission is critical, and “good enough” simply isn’t good enough for us. #TEAMEverbridge: Who Are We? #TEAMEverbridge: Why Do We Work Here? Everbridge SE Om oss Careers Previous Slide Next Slide em|Why not pa|Under säkerhetshot som terrorattacker liksom kritiska affärshändelser som är vi engagerade i att hålla människor säkra och verksamheter i gång. Du kan lita på att vår snabbt och kontextuellt når alla, på alla typer av enheter, var som helst, när som helst. – Garry Smith,Global Incident Management Lead – Phil McDermott, Recovery Services Manager – Axel Allerkamp, Head of Crisis Management Med över 4 200 kunder runt om i världen inom näringsliv, vård samt lokala och nationella myndigheter är vi engagerade i våra kunders framgångar där fler än 95 % förnyar sina kontrakt. li|8 av de Topp 10 största investeringsbankerna 7 av de 8 största globala biltillverkarna 7 av de 10 främsta teknik- och telekombolagen 4 av de 4 största globala revisionsföretagen 6 av de 10 största globala konsultbolagen 6 av de 10 största detaljhandelskedjorna 10 % av sjukvårdsstiftelserna 9 av de 10 största investeringsbankerna 30 % av FTSE 100 25 av de 25 mest trafikerade flygplatserna Över 1 000 lokala myndigheter “Med Everbridge kan vi leverera rätt meddelande till rätt personer vid rätt tidpunkt med flera leveransmetoder, inklusive e-post och SMS. Meddelanden kan skickas av lokala team eller på distans av vårt företags krisledning om det behövs” “Ur ett kontinuitetsperspektiv möjliggör plattformen att vi på ett tillförlitligt sätt kan skicka kritiska meddelanden till valda individer och grupper för att informera dem om en incident och sedan distribuera relevanta resurser för att lösa situationen. Everbridges lättanvända system säkerställer att vi kan göra detta utan dröjsmål och garanterar att vår viktiga IT-infrastrukturs nedtid har minskat” “Det är förvånande hur snabbt och enkelt det är att skicka ett meddelande och skapa ad hoc-grupper och fördefinierade larm. Den ansenliga tid som vi tjänar och det förtroende vi har för att alla våra systemanvändare direkt vet hur man använder lösningen är ovärderlig” h1|Översikt h2|Kunder Över 4 200 organisationer förlitar sig på Everbridge Kunder Willis Towers Watson London Metal Exchange Axel Springer Prata med oss Everbridge SE Kunder Översikt pa|Everbridge grundades 2002 i efterdyningarna av 9/11, med uppdraget att hålla människor trygga i kritiska situationer. Över tid har vi avsevärt ökat vår kapacitet att möta kundernas behov och idag tillhandahåller vi en som hjälper organisationer att hantera en kritisk händelses hela livscykel: Utvärdera risker och avgöra vilka som är relevanta för dina tillgångar och anställda. Lokalisera mobila och resande anställda, såväl identifiera insatspersonal, som befinner sig nära eller på väg till riskområden. Automatisera procedurer för att starta och hantera situationen, analysera resultaten för att finna svagheter och förbättra hanteringen. Våra används av över 4 000 organisationer för att hålla medarbetarna säkra och undvika och/eller minska störningar i verksamheten när händelser som hårt väder, våld på arbetsplatsen, terrorism, IT-incidenter och strömavbrott, miljöutsläpp, varumärkesattacker på sociala medier, produktåterkallelser och medicinska nödsituationer uppstår. Vi hjälper med att skydda över 500 miljoner anställda och att förbättra motståndskraften i verksamheten. Med hjälp av vår krishanteringsplattform kan de: Everbridges plattform håller personalen säker och företagen igång. li|Minska tiden för att identifiera hot, fastställa vilka tillgångar och personer som är i farozonen och vidta åtgärder Proaktivt vidta åtgärder som att omdirigera personal eller justera logistikflöden för att undvika säkerhetsrisker eller störningar i produktionen Tillhandahålla en gemensam miljö till teamen i syfte att undvika informationssilos och skapa ett enhetligt arbetssätt för att hantera hot och risker Hålla alla intressenter informerade för att snabbt kunna fatta beslut h1|Historik h2|Everbridge Vårt engagemang: att hålla personalen säker och företagen igång. En dag som alla andra. Tills den inte är det. Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Historik × pa|Jaime Ellertson is Everbridge’s CEO and Chairman of the Board. As CEO, Ellertson oversees the company’s strategic vision and corporate growth. He continues to spearhead the company’s market evolution and emergence as the leader in unified critical communications. Bob Hughes is Everbridge’s President, Go To Market. He leads the company’s global go-to-market operations, and is responsible for driving growth and customer success. Leveraging his extensive experience scaling companies, Bob also works to set the strategic direction of the company. Prior to Everbridge, Bob served as President for Worldwide Operations for Akamai Technologies. Ken brings over 30 years of experience building finance and technology organizations to his role as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Everbridge. A former recipient of Boston Business Journal’s “CFO of the Year” award, Ken’s financial and operational leadership experience supports Everbridge’s accelerated growth. Gary Phillips is the Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, Partnerships & Alliances at Everbridge. In this role, Phillips is responsible for driving Everbridge’s sales and services strategies, increasing sales operational efficiencies and accelerating market growth. Imad Mouline is the Chief Technology Officer for Everbridge. In this role, Mouline is responsible for Everbridge’s market strategy, product roadmap, innovation, and research and development. Joel Rosen is Everbridge’s Chief Marketing Officer. He leads the marketing team at Everbridge and oversees the development of brand-focused initiatives, product marketing, and digital campaigns aimed at expanding adoption of the company’s critical communications platform. As Executive Vice President of Product Management, Engineering and Operations, Totton leads all technical operations and is responsible for ensuring that the Everbridge Critical Event Management platform continues to deliver organizational resilience on unprecedented scale for over 3,500 global customers. Claudia Dent is the Senior Vice President of Product Management for Everbridge. Claudia has over 20 years of experience in the technology industry and has held executive positions in product management, marketing, business development, and general management at companies ranging from start-up to large global enterprises including IBM, Rational Software, Interleaf, Compuware and Gomez. Yuan Cheng is the Senior Vice President, Engineering at Everbridge. In this role, Cheng is responsible for overseeing the worldwide development of Everbridge solutions. With over 25 years of experience leading the worldwide engineering and operations for high-growth technology companies, Burnett brings the proven leadership to deliver Everbridge’s cloud-based critical event management solutions to customers on a global scale. Javier Colado serves as Senior Vice President, International Sales. He is responsible for driving Everbridge’s presence and growing revenues in international markets. Over the course of his career, Javier has led international growth in EMEA and Asia Pacific at organizations such as Intralinks, SAP, Novell and McAfee. Pat Galvin is Senior Vice President of North American Sales at Everbridge. In this role, Pat is responsible for driving Everbridge’s sales strategies, increasing sales operational efficiencies and accelerating market growth across North America. Elliot Mark heads the Legal Department at Everbridge and plays a key business role in helping Everbridge maintain the momentum of recent years, while providing counsel on key acquisition opportunities, and helping drive the company’s continued expansion. Tracy Reinhold is Chief Security Officer at Everbridge. He is responsible for advancing Everbridge’s enterprise-level security strategy, as well as working closely with customers and partners to optimize their organizational approach to managing and responding to critical events. Vick Vaishnavi is the General Manager of IT Alerting and IoT business for Everbridge. In this role, he oversees our global positioning, growth and execution in the IT operations & IoT communications space. h1|Leadership Team h2|Experienced SaaS Executive Team Prata med oss h3|Jaime Ellertson Chairman & CEO Bob Hughes President, Go To Market Kenneth Goldman Sr. Vice President & CFO Gary Phillips Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, Partnerships & Alliances Imad Mouline CTO Joel Rosen CMO Jim Totton EVP of Product Management, Engineering and Operations Claudia Dent SVP of Product Management Yuan Cheng SVP of Engineering Scott Burnett SVP of Operations Javier Colado SVP of International Sales Pat Galvin SVP of North American Sales Elliot Mark SVP and General Counsel Tracy Reinhold Chief Security Officer Vick Vaishnavi GM of IT Alerting and IoT h4|Everbridge’s management team, led by serial technology entrepreneur and executive , is comprised of executives with years of expertise leading both high-growth entrepreneurial companies, and established organizations, such as Alcatel, BroadVision, Compuware, Endurance International Group, PMC Global, S1 Corporation, Transamerica and Tribune Company. Everbridge SE Om oss Leadership Team pa|Minska tiden för att återställa normal drift och konsolidera leverantörer på en och samma branschledande teknikplattform. Gör detta för att hantera nödsituationer, säkerhet för anställda, resenärer, besökare och ensamarbetare, , , krishantering, störningar i logistikkedjan och öka er incidentrespons. Everbridge Critical Event Management-plattformen är skapad för att ge förstklassig tillgänglighet och flexibilitet som minskar risken för oönskade effekter under agerandet vid en kritisk händelse. 99,99 % drifttid över 15+ globalt distribuerade datacenter, med flexibel kapacitet och full redundans med flera SMS- och kommunikationsleverantörer som säkerställer att det inte finns några beroenden ute hos mottagarna. Europeiskt datacenter för att möta regionala och lokala lagkrav. Flera certifieringar bekräftade av ackrediterade tredjepartsauditörer inklusive FedRAMP, SOC 3 och GDPR. Kraftfull visualisering för att hantera kritiska händelser inom hela organisationen som säkerhet, nödsituationer, kontinuitet i verksamheten, leveranskedjor för att mildra eller eliminera riskers påverkan. Mer än 20 miljoner kritiska händelser hanterades förra året med automatiserad SOP-aktivering, teamsamarbete, responsorkestrering, statusföljning och intressentuppdateringar. Optimerad styrning av röstsamtal, avancerad global SMS-leverans, säker smart phone-leverans och språklokalisering bidrar till att agerandet vid kritiska händelser och samverkansaktiviteter fungerar i 200 länder och områden. A flexible architecture provides resiliency and lowers the risk of degradation and cascading failures. Scales to deal with unexpected peaks and with redundant, global SMS and voice delivery. Critical event information can be delivered by SMS, voice, email …to digital signage, PC alert systems, sirens–over 100 modalities in total. Multiple methods of delivery ensure reliable communication even when certain modes are unavailable during a major weather, violence or IT incident. Genom att tillhandahålla en företagsövergripande gemensam lägesbild med intuitiva användarpaneler, övervakning och rapportering 24/7/365, analys av sociala mediaflöden, varningar och en global vy kan ni enkelt visualisera, analysera och förutse vad som kan hindra eller allvarligt skada er organisation med hjälp av vår Critical Event Management-plattform. Varje år uppnår Everbridge certifiering och ackreditering från en oberoende tredjeparts bedömningsorganisation (3PAO) som godkänts enligt Federal Risk and Authorization Management Programme (FedRAMP). Everbridge har åtagit sig att säkerställa kundens säkerhet genom: Obtaining the following certifications: li|Mapping FedRAMP (NIST SP 800-53) controls to ISO Annex controls to demonstrate Everbridge’s ability to meet the equivalent ISO requirements. 325+ security controls to meet US Department of Defense Cloud Services requirements Conducting multi-attack vector penetration tests of the EBS to test for exploitable vulnerabilities across external, internal, application, and virtual systems. Performing a SOC 2 examination that provides a 3rd report to the adequacy of Everbridge’s IT controls. 100+ Multi-Modal Contact Paths Tillgångar och hot h1|Teknologi h2|En plattform. En process. En respons. Everbridge Critical Event Management Platform Visualisera och kontextualisera Våra ackrediteringar Prata med oss h3|Hög tillgänglighet och skalbarhet Ledande säkerhet och regel-efterlevnad Relatera tillgångar och hot Plats- och händelse-medvetenhet Globalt lokal Everbridge SE Plattform Teknologi pa|Rapporten 2016 Cost of Data Centre Outages från Ponemon Institute kvantifierar den genomsnittliga kostnaden för ett oplanerat datacenteravbrott till något mer än 8 662 $ per minut. Och den största möjligheten att minska den totala längden för ett avbrott och därtill hörande kostnader är att optimera IT-incidentkommunikationen. IT Alerting automatiserar och effektiviserar sättet IT kommunicerar under större IT-incidenter för att lösa problem snabbare och minimera deras påverkan på verksamheten. Det tillhandahåller konsekventa meddelanden till rätt IT-experter och håller alla intressenter och kunder som påverkas informerade om felavhjälpningen. Använder ert IT-team fortfarande en manuell process för att identifiera vem som har jouren? IT Alerting hjälper er att spåra vem som har jouren i alla team och larmar rätt personer baserat på typen av händelse, tid på dagen, den kompetensuppsättning som krävs och plats. Identifiera rätt team i realtid och personal utifrån vem som har jour, plats, rätt kompetens och mycket mer. Smart styrningsteknik erbjuder multi-kriteriebaserad identifiering och jourschemaläggning för att identifiera rätt team och individer. Automatiserad eskalering startar om personal inte kvitterar i rätt tid. Tekniken gör att ni skicka inbjudan med ett klick för att delta i en samverkanskanal som en del av det sända meddelandet. Definiera och distribuera snabbt en affärsprocess, inklusive orkestrering, och integrering till en specifik slutpunktsapplikation för change, problem och incident management Interaktiva användarpaneler ger visibilitet och insikter om incidentaktiviteter inom alla IT-områden. Smarta analyser tillhandahåller trender inom incidentrespons som är tillgängliga efter grupp, tid eller typ, för att hjälpa till att kontinuerligt förbättra processer och hjälpa chefer med resursplanering och att optimera svarstider och SLA:er. Med interaktiv övervakning av responstidslinjer och tidiga varningar kan företagen proaktivt säkerställa att målen för organisatorisk servicenivå överensstämmer. Ladda ner detta white paper för att lära dig mer om de fyra systemkraven för att säkerställa att viktig information kommer igenom – oavsett vad. Ladda ner detta white paper, Streamlining the Major Incident Resolution Process: Definiera, planera, bemanna och kommunicera, för enkla rekommendationer och bästa praxis för att effektivisera lösningsprocessen vid större incidenter och begränsa de negativa effekterna på verksamheten från större IT-incidenter. Denna rapport undersöker hur Everbridge IT Alerting möjliggör ett långt effektivare tillvägagångssätt vid hanteringen av större incidenter hos en global vårdgivare. td|API-anslutning erbjuder ett enkelt och flexibelt sätt att hämta händelser och varningar från en mängd olika tredjepartsverktyg, som ärendesystem, servicedesksystem, ITSM-system, händelsekorrelationssystem, ITOM-system, APM-lösningar och mycket mer. Därefter omvandlas händelser till Everbridge-incidenter baserat på villkorad logik. li|Identifiera automatiskt vilka som behövs för att omedelbart agera Använd förifyllda meddelandemallar för felfri kommunikation som är skräddarsydd för olika intressenter Skapa snabbt krisrum med ett klick, konferensbryggor och ChatOps Använd lokalt uppringnings-ID i alla länder för högsta svarsfrekvens Skiftplanering för att hela tiden veta vilka som är tillgängliga Skicka automatiskt larm över flera kanaler tills de är bekräftade Eskalera automatiskt larm tills de är bekräftade Självbetjäningskalender och meddelandehantering för bästa effektivitet Använd arbetsflödesautomatisering för att verkställa åtgärdsplanen vid kända problem Skapa integrerade lösningar och planer som kan användas av olika verktyg Godkänn ändringar från din mobila enhet för snabbare åtgärdande Följ och registrera alla inkomna svar Analysera prestanda efter team, område, och typ Håll reda på åtgärder och konversationer för lagefterlevnad och uppföljning Utnyttja de bästa servicenivåerna för driftsäkerhet och tillgänglighet för att säkerställa att varningar och larm skickas Uppnå de högsta nivåerna av säkerhetscertifiering och dataskydd Lita på en plattform som kan uppfylla nuvarande och framtida krav Lös IT-incidenter snabbare Reducera oplanerat IT-arbete Undvik informationsöverflöd Öka tillförlitligheten och minska personals frustration Effektivisera incidentresponsen att täcka Service, Security, Dev och BC/DR Ops Smarta telefonkonferenser ChatOps-samarbete Definiera eskaleringsregler baserat på negativa kvitteringar och tidsgränser Fastställ vilka grupper som ska engageras på grundval av typ av kritisk händelse och affärsprocess Lansera komplexa respons- och larmscenarier för att kommunicera och samarbeta mellan team, intressenter och slutanvändare Starta, övervaka och följ konferensbryggor automatiskt baserat på incidentens svårighetsgrad eller affärsprocess Aktiv hantering av SLA:er Hantera teamkapacitet Övervaka gruppresponsprestanda Bedöm incidenttrender ÖVERSIKT INTEGRERINGAR Självintegreringsplattform (IPaas) h1|Enterprise IT Alerting h2|Responsautomatisering vid IT-incidenter Få fullständig överblick och kontroll över er planerade IT-incidenthantering Fördelar Vad gör Everbridge IT Alerting? Viktiga funktioner i IT Alerting Jourschemaläggning Smart styrning Smarta kanaler Smart orkestrering Smart analys Produktrecensioner – hör dina kollegor Fördjupning Prata med oss h3|Hitta och kontakta rätt personer när som helst, var som helst Missa aldrig ett kritiskt larm Åtgärda problem snabbare Kontinuerlig förbättring av responsteamets effektivitet Konsolidera era meddelande- och larmlösningar på den ledande plattformen White Paper: The Power of The Critical Event Management Platform White Paper: ITSM Best Practices Fallstudie: Förvandlingen av IT-incidentresponsen för en global leverantör av hälsovårdstjänster Everbridge SE Produkter Enterprise IT Alerting × pa|Whether you’re a current customer or prospective customer, we want to help you keep your people safe, and businesses running. Learn from our customers and from industry experts on best practices, solution information, and use cases for better critical event management within your organisation. Everbridge University provides your team with the skills, techniques, concepts, and best practices needed to correctly relay critical communications and manage incidents, allowing you to redeem the full value from your investment. CUSTOMER STORIES UPCOMING IN-PERSON EVENTS UPCOMING WEBINARS h1|Resource Centre h2|For current and prospective customers Resources Looking for Upcoming Events and Webinars? Everbridge University Prata med oss h3|Quick Links h4|Prepare your staff with free notification and best practices training. Everbridge SE Kunder Resource Centre × pa|Everbridge is proud to host and sponsor many online and in person events. We’re regularly on the road for various , and while also hosting online best practice Join us to network with your peers, learn from industry experts, and meet the Everbridge team. For on-demand webinars, visit our . IN PERSON EVENTS WEBINAR EVENTS INVESTOR EVENTS h1|Upcoming Events h2|Hear from Industry Thought Leaders and Your Peers Join Us at One of These Upcoming Events Sorry, there are for your search query. Try adjusting the filters above. Investor Events Prata med oss h3|Looking for investor events? Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events no results pa|Everbridge partners with industry-leading companies that deliver services, solutions and technology integrations that expand the value and capabilities of Everbridge’s critical communications platform. Solution Partners package, build, customise and deliver solutions that meet the critical communication needs of specific industries, markets and business processes. Solution Partners have developed unique capabilities and solutions to meet the needs of customers in their market segments. They provide solutions to help keep people safe and businesses running wherever and whenever people need them. Integration Partners deliver embedded product capabilities, connectors and technology innovations that integrate with and expand the Everbridge Platform. See how these Partners create a competitive advantage by enhancing communications through products, services and delivery capabilities. Everbridge Integration Partners leverage the extensive suite of RESTful APIs in Everbridge Open as well as configurable integration capabilities within our platform. Our Everbridge Open API’s two-way capabilities allow third-party systems to create powerful integrations to help keep people safe and businesses running. Alliance Partners enhance their customer relationships by providing access to Everbridge solutions through various purchasing and contracting vehicles. These Partners have strong relationships with their customers and are always looking to bring the latest solutions and innovations to their customers. “Through our partnership with Everbridge, our customers will gain the ability to receive comprehensive communications, location awareness and contextual content to help keep their people safe and their business running smoothly.” Carolyn McGrath, Johnson Controls h1|Partner Program h2|Global Reach, Technological Depth Solution Partners Integration Partners Alliance Partners Prata med oss h4|Our partner relationships provide us with broad global reach and technological depth to ensure that we meet the needs of current and emerging communications requirements. Everbridge SE Om oss Partner Program pa|We value the trust you place in Everbridge. We are committed to providing our customers and partners with a secure environment utilizing state of the art technologies to safeguard your information. The Everbridge Privacy and Website Cookie Policies are designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use and safeguard the information you provide to us. Everbridge’s security framework is based on the comprehensive set of security requirements and controls within US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 – Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations. Annually, Everbridge achieves certification and accreditation from an independent third party assessment organization (3PAO) approved under the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). The 3PAO security assessors verify Everbridge’s compliance in over 150 security and data protection areas within 17 different security categories including access control, incident response, security training, system integrity, identification and authentication, contingency planning, etc. via various assessment techniques including vulnerability analysis and penetration testing. Everbridge selected the NIST 800-53 security requirement standard because it provides a complete and holistic approach to information security and has direct mappings to the global information security standards ISO 27001: Information technology–Security techniques–Information security management systems and ISO 15408: Information technology – Security techniques – Evaluation criteria for IT security Everbridge publishes a Service Organization Controls 3 (SOC 3) report. The SOC 3 report is a publicly-available summary of the Everbridge SOC 2 Type II report. The SOC 3 report includes the auditor’s statement on Everbridge’s achievement on all trust services criteria (based on the AICPA’s Trust Services Principles assessed in the SOC 2 report), the assertion from Everbridge management regarding the effectiveness of these internal controls, and an overview of the Everbridge Suite platform. The SOC 3 report provides assurance that Everbridge’s internal controls have been verified to achieve the AICPA’s Trust Services Principles for data security, availability, and confidentiality. The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has designated and certified Everbridge under the SAFETY Act (Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technology). Pursuant to the SAFETY Act, the designation provides legal liability protections to both Everbridge and our customers in the result of technology failures during a DHS declared terrorist attack. Applications on the Everbridge critical communications platform are now on the DHS SAFETY Act’s “Approved Technologies List.” Everbridge Suite has achieved the prestigious and rigorous Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, or FedRAMP, compliance and authorization. FedRAMP is a United States government-wide program that provides a standardized approach (based on NIST SP 800-53 revision 4) to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. On May 25, 2018, a new European privacy regulation called the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) went into effect. As a company, Everbridge is GDPR ready having reviewed our business processes and forms to confirm our compliance with the new requirements, including an individual’s right to access their personal data, their right to be forgotten, their right to data portability, and their right to be notified of a breach. Everbridge currently complies with current EU legislation, including the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, the UK Data Protection Act, and the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutgesetz). The company is also certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield (see below). Everbridge participates in and has certified its compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. Everbridge is committed to subjecting all personal data received from European Union (EU) member countries, in reliance on the Privacy Shield Framework, to the Framework’s applicable Principles. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Framework, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield website at . The Everbridge Critical Event Management platform is a listed vendor within the G-Cloud framework. G-Cloud is the UK government’s latest framework that is designed to simplify and accelerate adoption of cloud-based services within the public sector. The Everbridge platform, and suite of enterprise applications, are entirely SaaS-based, and designed to automate and accelerate an organization’s operational response to critical events in order to keep people safe and businesses running. Everbridge is registered by the Information Commissioner’s Office. This UK-based governmental office upholds information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy. The registration confirms Everbridge’s commitment to safeguarding user information and adhering to security and privacy protection standards. SSAE-18 SOC 3 SAFETY act FedRAMP General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Shield G-Cloud UK ICO h1|Compliance h2|Privacy and Security Your Security and Data Protection are our Priority Globally Applicable Certifications US Government Certifications EU Privacy Compliance UK Government Listings Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security Compliance pa|Varningssystemet för Allmänheten (Public Warning systemet), från Everbridge, är en integrerad plattform för att hantera tvåvägskommunikation med allmänheten före, under och efter en allvarlig händelse såsom COVID-19 och andra allvarliga händelser. Lösningen kombinerar positionering med flervägskommunikation, via flera operatörer, för att stärka och ge offentliga aktörer verktyg och förmåga att skapa trygghet, samverka och hålla människor trygga tills livet återgår till det normala. I över 18 år har Everbridge försett offentliga aktörer, på nationell/regional/lokal nivå, med sin plattform. Över 3.700 offentliga organisationer i 13 länder, 66 provinser och stater förlitar sig på våra lösningar. Under 2019 sändes över 3,5 miljarder meddelanden ut som nådde 550 miljoner människor jorden runt. Everbridge Public Warning has been trusted and deployed by more national governments across the world than any other solution, including by Sweden, Singapore, the Netherlands, Iceland, Greece, Cambodia, and the coastal states in India. Everbridge Public Warning takes advantage of the capabilities native to almost all cell phones and does not require any manual configuration by users or download of applications. It therefore has been documented to reach 90+% of populations in a target geography, versus 50% or less for alternative approaches such as cell broadcast or mobile apps. Everbridge Public Warning can automatically detect the nationality of a person’s SIM card and then send messages in the appropriate language to improve the effectiveness of communication to visitors and international travelers. When a population at risk needs to be alerted, Everbridge Public Warning is the most reliable way to reach the most people. Everbridge Public Warning allows you to seamlessly engage in 2-way communication with people to check on whether they are safe and to receive requests for assistance. People can simply respond to SMS messages or polls that you send. This level of engagement makes for a far more robust system for protecting people. The simple and unobtrusive nature of SMS technology, which has a sense of familiarity and reassurance for people can avoid panic during evacuations and other similar situations. Everbridge Public Warning delivers not just alerting but also insight into population movements. You can see the total number of SIM cards in an area, and by extension the number of people, without any personally identifiable information, connected to a cell power at a specific time and whether they are still there at a later time. This information is available in the system . By having visibility to the number of people in an area, you can make estimates of crowd sizes for planning purposes and deployment of emergency personnel. This feature also enables you to confirm, for example, whether you have successfully evacuated an area. You can also watch the movement flow of people over time to plan out resources needed along different routes as an event unfolds, or to plan for a future one. Also, using the location-based group alerting feature, emergency management personnel present in a particular location can be identified and deployed effectively, based on their current location. … One of the biggest storms in years was bearing down on Odisha … cyclone Fani slammed into Odisha on Friday morning with the force of a major hurricane, packing 120 mile per hour winds … as of early Saturday, only a few deaths had been reported, in what appeared to be an early-warning success story … moved a million people to safety really fast … this is so different from 20 years ago, when a fearsome cyclone blasted into this same area, killing thousands. --How Do You Save a Million People From a Cyclone? Ask a Poor State in India, New York Times, May 3, 2019. Odisha uses Everbridge Population Warning. Everbridge Public Warning includes full analytics and reporting so you can measure how many messages were sent in what modalities, deliverability rates, and notification confirmations. You can repeat messages or use different modalities to ensure you reach people. Everbridge Public Warning offers proven reliability and scale, having served populations from a few thousand to many tens of millions. It is backed by the worldwide platform and resources of Everbridge, Inc., the industry’s only publicly traded (EVBG) company. The Everbridge platform was used to send 3 billion messages in 2018, and the company has more than 800 people across the globe. Everbridge’s R&D department is larger than most companies’ total staff in the critical event management market. Residents and visitors in Sweden are now able to receive SMS notifications on their mobile phones if they reside within an area where sudden events such as fire, extreme weather or a terror attack occur. All mobile operators in Sweden can now send location-based SMS alerts provided by Everbridge with an “Important Message to the Public” from SOS Alarm, the system operator. Governments have a responsibility to take care of all people within its borders, and some of those most vulnerable populations are those who do not speak the native language, like immigrants and tourists. We can do better than cell broadcast technology, and it seems to me, that technology already exists. Keep everyone informed before, during, and after critical events with targeted communications and workflow automation. Know where your people are based on their static, last known, and expected location. En plattform​ Flera kanaler ​ Beprövad before sending an alert Multi-Channel, Multi-Agency Alerting h1|Public Warning h2|Håll allmänheten informerad vid en kritisk händelse Everbridge Public Warning The Highest Reach … In People’s Native Language Two-Way Communication Amplifying Situation Awareness Analytics Proven Scalability with Global Support Related Resources Related Products Prata med oss h3|Press Release: Swedish Authorities Strengthen Country’s Preparedness with Everbridge Blog Post: A Traveler in Need of Population Alerting Technology Mass Notification Safety Connection Everbridge SE Produkter Public Warning | | pa|Everbridge uses cookies and similar technologies like pixels and tags to ensure that we give you the best possible experience on our website. A cookie is a small file placed onto your device. Cookies enable us to identify your device, and enable the functionality of many Everbridge features, including your ability to log into your account. If you don’t want to receive cookies, you can change your browser settings. If you use Everbridge without changing your browser settings, we’ll assume that you’re happy to receive all cookies on the Everbridge website. Please note that the Everbridge site will not work properly without cookies. Trusted partners like Google Analytics provides us analytics to track our performance. Please read their privacy policies to ensure that you’re comfortable with the manner in which they use cookies. Everbridge uses two types of cookies, persistent and session. A persistent cookie is set once you’ve logged in to your Everbridge account for identity management and access control. A session cookie is used to identify a particular visit to the Everbridge website. Session cookies expire after a short time, or when you close your web browser. Cookies may be set by Everbridge when you visit, or they may be set by other websites or services who run content on the page you’re viewing (known as third-party cookies). You can also learn more about Everbridge’s advertising practices by reading our . Cookies can be used to do lots of different things, like recognize you when you navigate to Everbridge’s site, storing your preferences and improving your experience. Cookies also make your interactions with Everbridge more secure, faster, and help us ensure that your Everbridge experience is personalized to you and in line with your settings. Everbridge uses cookies for a number of purposes, including: Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. Limiting the ability of websites to set cookies, however, may worsen your overall user experience. li|Everbridge uses cookies to recognize you if you are logged in to Everbridge, so that we can show you the right information and personalize your experience. Everbridge uses cookies to support or enable security features we have deployed, and to help us detect malicious activity and violations of our Terms of Use. Everbridge uses cookies to know which language you prefer, what your communications preferences are, and they help you fill out forms on Everbridge. Plus they provide you with features, insights, and customized content through our plugins. Everbridge uses cookies to help us learn how well our site and plugins perform across the globe. We also use cookies to understand, improve, and research products, features, and services, including when you access Everbridge from other websites, applications, or devices such as your work computer or your mobile device. Authentication Security Preferences, features and services Performance, Analytics and Research h1|Cookie Policy h2|Does Everbridge Use Cookies? What Types of Cookies does Everbridge Use? When does Everbridge put Cookies on my Device? What are Cookies Used For? Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security Cookie Policy pa|Oavsett om problemet gäller större olyckor, katastrofer orsakade av människor eller naturkatastrofer, störningar i logistikkedjan, IT-avbrott eller säkerhetsintrång, kan Everbridge Crisis Commander vara en ovärderlig resurs för kriskommunikation och respons. När era team har varslats och mobiliserats tillhandahåller Crisis Commander därefter mobila samarbetsmöjligheter där information, återställningsplaner och planer för krishändelser kan delas och granskas. Task statuses across the organisation can be tracked centrally and key decision points can be easily escalated and monitoredUppgiftsstatus kan spåras centralt och viktiga beslutspunkter kan enkelt eskaleras och övervakas. Idéer och rekommendationer kan delas mellan team och individer oavsett deras fysiska placering. Crisis Commander lets you quickly put your response plans in the pocket of every employee. Response team members have access to a mobile framework and communications infrastructure to notify people, mobilise response team members, execute contingency plans and effectively collaborate while keeping key stake holders informed. Crisis Commander gör det möjligt för administratörer att distribuera: Beredskapsplaner, dokument, kontaktlistor och mötesagendor till underordnade system (enheter) för att upprätthålla en global intern standard vad gäller krishantering och rutiner. Team kan konfigurera: Utnyttja kraften hos Everbridge Critical Event Management-plattform för att automatisera utskick via SMS, e-post, push-meddelanden och mycket mer för att kommunicera globalt med anställda – både alla som arbetar för närvarande och alla som är schemalagda för framtida skift. "Crisis Commander tillhandahåller en översikt och status för alla våra dotterbolag i händelse av en kris. Larmfunktionen har visat sig vara mycket effektiv." Bjarne Jarberg, Security Manager, Det Berlingske Officin A/S Logga varje åtgärd som slutförts automatiskt inom Crisis Commander med en tids- och datumstämpel i den centrala loggen. Loggen ger en detaljerad vy över vilka åtgärder som vidtagits, när och av vem, vilket gör det möjligt för krisledningen att kunna fokusera på mer kritiska uppgifter. Att göra-listor följer nya uppgifter som fortfarande ska slutföras. Starta möten snabbt med förinställda, flexibla dagordningar för diskussionpunkter för att förbättra möteseffektiviteten.. AAlla dagordningar är fullt flexibla och kan aktiveras och uppdateras i realtid. Alla protokoll och beslut som fattas under mötet loggas med en tids- och datumstämpel. Detta white paper förser dig med praktisk information och grundläggande knep för att utveckla och/eller förfina er krisberedskap. Titta på det här klippet från ett webbseminarium om Crisis Commander för att se de administrativa funktionerna i webbgränssnittet. “Genom att planerna förvaras på en central plats, utanför vårt kontor och är tillgängliga oavsett placering, kan vi nu få åtkomst till våra planer var vi än är och agera snabbt och effektivt.” Håll alla informerade före, under och efter kritiska händelser med riktad kommunikation och automatiserade arbetsflöden. Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Få en gemensam operativ bild med kraftfull visualisering och orkestrering. li|Automatiska påminnelser om att granska och uppdatera planer Automatiska, inbyggda påminnelser som hjälper användarna att hålla planer, dokument, kontakter och viktiga objekt uppdaterade Anpassa uppgiftslistor efter roll och typ eller händelse och automatiskt spåra vem som gjorde uppgiften Integrerad med Everbridge Critical Event Management-plattform Samarbeta och samverka mobilt Ökad responseffektivitet Förbättrade revisionsmöjligheter Standardiserade processer för verksamhetens kontinuitet h1|Crisis Commander h2|Aktivera era krishanteringsplaner Hur Crisis Commander fungerar Kris-, katastrof- och BC-planer Kraftfullt larmsystem Situationsrapport, logg och att göra-lista Virtuella mötesrum Fördelar Relaterade resurser Relaterade produkter Prata med oss h3|White Paper: Framgångsrik krishantering för er organisation Video: Översikt av Crisis Commander mobilapp Case Study: Stockholm Vatten och Avfall Mass Notification Safety Connection Visual Command Center Everbridge SE Produkter Crisis Commander pa| h1|Branding Guidelines h2|About Prata med oss h3|Downloads Questions? Everbridge SE Om oss Branding Guidelines pa|Varje gång någon av dina anställda loggar in på ditt nätverk, använder tillträdesskyddet eller Everbridges App fångas detta upp av Safety Connection. Dessa datapunkter kontrolleras kontinuerligt mot resesystem som International SOS (ISOS) TravelTracker för att identifiera denna persons senast kända och förväntade plats utan att göra intrång i hans eller hennes privatliv. Denna information, i kombination med ledande underrättelseinformation, gör att säkerhetsteam kan övervaka aktiva hot i relation till personalens säkerhet och automatiskt varna dem när de är nära eller närmar sig en fara. Tvåvägskommunikation gör att mottagare kan kvittera mottagandet av varningar, bekräfta sin säkerhet eller begära hjälp. Safety Connection hjälper också till att skapa en trygghetskultur för er personal. Den mobila SOS-knappen och Safe Corridor-funktionen gör det möjligt för er personal att meddela när de behöver hjälp, eller frivilligt checka in när de upplever att de befinner sig i en potentiellt farlig situation. Med en alltmer mobil personal, distribuerade team och stora anläggningar erbjuder de traditionella, fysiska säkerhetsåtgärderna inte tillräckligt skydd. Safety Connection hjälper företag och organisationer att snabbt hitta och kommunicera med anställda som kan vara i riskzonen. Safety Connection gör att du kan: När sekunderna har betydelse hittar du dina anställda automatiskt även när de reser eller bara förflyttar sig mellan byggnader eller anläggningar. Safety Connection samlar information för att visa var dina anställda befinner sig just nu, i realtid. Platsdata hålls automatiskt uppdaterat även när de reser eller bara förflyttar sig mellan byggnader och anläggningar. Samla in platsdata från: Med en alltmer mobil arbetsstyrka, distribuerade team och stora anläggningar kan inte traditionella, fysiska säkerhetsåtgärder i sig hålla medarbetare skyddade. Everbridge Safety Connection hjälper företag och organisationer att snabbt hitta och kommunicera med anställda som kan vara i riskzonen. 360-gradersvy över personalens senast kända och förväntade position med fullständigt integritetsskydd. Fler än 100 nyckelfärdiga integreringar med ledande informationsleverantörer inklusive NC4, WDT, Twitter och Nixle. Det största ekosystemet i branschen beträffande integrerad säkerhetsinformation. Förkonfigurerade och anpassade skärmbilder övervakar viktiga händelser i realtid och gör så att alla aktiviteter kan laddas ner till incidentrapporter. Virtuella gränser dras runt en kritisk händelse med hjälp av GPS-data för att utlösa automatiska aviseringar och varningar när någon går in i det aktuella området. En plattform. En process. I detta dokument, Redefining Duty of Care: Säkerställa anställdas säkerhet genom platspositionering, Steven M. Crimando, Principal, Behavioral Science Applications, diskuterar arbetsgivaransvaret och hur det kommer förändras när nästan tre fjärdedelar av arbetskraften förväntas vara mobil år 2020. Läs om hur Safety Connection kan hjälpa till att hålla dina anställda trygga. Håll alla informerade före, under och efter kritiska händelser med riktad kommunikation och automatiserade arbetsflöden. Få en gemensam operativ bild med kraftfull visualisering och orkestrering. li|Veta vilka som befinner sig i en byggnad och kommunicera med dem vid nödsituationer. Automatisera kommunikation och samverkan för mobiliserings och evakueringsändamål. Automatisera evakueringar vid nödsituationer. Nå ut via SMS, röstmeddelanden, Push, digitala skyltar eller skärmmeddelanden. Använda Everbridges App för att omedelbart skicka ett meddelande till ditt team som visar din nuvarande plats. Åtkomst- och passersystem inklusive Lenel, Tyco, S2 med flera Trådbundna och trådlösa nätverksåtkomstpunkter som Cisco. Kontorsbokningssystem som Dave Evans. Hanteringssystem för företagsresor som Concur. Medicinsk assistans och säkerhetsassistans från leverantörer som International SOS Hitta er personal omedelbart vid en kris Tillhandahåll och upprätthåll en tvåvägs nödkommunikation Identifiera hot innan de realiseras Ge personal verktyg för att förebygga våld Var än de befinner sig Geo-baserade varningar Traditionell lokalisering av medarbetare på resa tar för lång tid med dynamiska platser h1|Safety Connection h2|Hur vet jag om mina anställda är säkra eller behöver hjälp? Hur Safety Connection fungerar Skydda och varna er personal Håll personalen informerad Lokalisera personal i riskzonen Utnyttja platsdata Fördelar: Skydda er personal överallt Styrkan hos Safety Connection Relaterade resurser Relaterade produkter Prata med oss h3|Dynamiska platser Riskinformation Ekosystem Skärmbilder och rapportering Incidentzoner CEM-plattformen White Paper: Redefining Duty of Care Datablad: Safety Connection Mass Notification Visual Command Center Everbridge SE Produkter Safety Connection × pa|Crisis Management ingår som en central del i vår plattform för . Crisis Management sköter hanteringen av kritiska händelser, krisledningsarbetet, resurshanteringen och kommunicerar med dina mottagare – allt i en och samma lösning. Mottagarna kan t.ex. vara dina resurser ute på fältet och den högsta ledningen och styrelsen – som alla agerar och arbetar utifrån samma lägesbild. Du behöver aldrig mer oroa dig för att dina Kris-/beredskapsplaner inte genomförs eller behöva avbryta ditt krisarbete för att leverera en statusuppdatering. Vid konferensen – “Everbridge Resilience 2019”, fick vi möjlighet att tala med Richard Biber, ansvarig för Business Continuity hos Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits. Richard förklarade hur han hanterar sin roll och skapar en organisation och beredskap för krishantering som harmonierar med verksamheten. Han utvecklar resonemanget bortom krishantering och berättar hur han använder Everbridge plattformen för att skapa stora mervärden för anställda och kunder även när det inte är en krissituation. Crisis Management förenar Kris-/kontinuitetsplanering med hanteringen av kritiska händelser och kriskommunikation. Allt för att påskynda hanteringen och minska effekterna vid allvarliga händelser. Exempel: Även när en kris tar en oväntad vändning Statiska förberedda planer kan aldrig hantera dagens oförutsägbara värld. Crisis Management ger er en gemensam lägesbild för organisationen och gör dina statiska planer till dynamiska planer där du kan lägga till uppgifter i farten när något oförutsett inträffar. En gemensam lägesbild till alla inblandade Att konstant uppdatera ledningen och vitala funktioner tar tid och stjäl värdefull tid från åtgärder som måste genomföras. Crisis Management ger er och ledningen, i realtid, en lägesbild för varje händelse och frigör tid för att hantera händelsen. I tid och i rätt ordning Att få en organisation att, under en kris, genomföra koordinerade aktiviteter kräver ofta ett enormt manuellt arbete och försenar krishanteringen. Crisis Management hjälper er att mobilisera, exekvera planer och fördela uppgifter till individer, grupper eller funktioner. Crisis Management orkestrerar och hanterar era krisaktiviteter, mobiliserar och informerar krisgrupper för att påskynda återgången till det normala. Allt detta samtidigt som en gemensam lägesbild, i realtid, skapar en gemensam förståelse inom krisorganisationen och utgör ett beslutsunderlag för den högsta ledningen. Förena er Kris-/kontinuitetsplanering och kriskommunikation i en och samma lösning. Koordinera er krishantering med lägesbilder, planer, logg, chat och konferensbryggor Skapa nya uppgifter under krisen och koppla dem till en individ, grupp eller funktion Samverka och hantera krisen oberoende typ av enhet som används och oavset plats som ni befinner er på. Alla planer, uppgifter och dokument lagras på en gemensam plats utanför er egen infrastruktur. Kommunicera via chat inom krisledningen och med de som är ute i verksamheten under krisen. Everbridge lanserar Crisis Management för att koordinera och påskynda organisationers krishantering. Everbridge Crisis Management ger organisationer en gemensam lösning för Kris-/kontinuitetsplanering, krishantering och kriskommunikation. Everbridge Mass Notification gör att ni via ett grafiskt gränssnitt (exempelvis en karta) kan sända kritiska meddelanden till individer, grupper, platser och funktioner. li|Mobilisera Er krisorganisation snabbare Påskynda krishanteringen och hantera krisen snabbare Reducera effekter och kostnader vid en kritisk händelse Behåll kommandot och ha kontroll Håll intressenter informerade h1|Crisis Management h2|BEHÅLL KOMMANDOT OCH HA KONTROLL Hur Crisis Management fungerar Kundperspektiv Användningsexempel Behåll kommandot och ha kontroll Korrekt och uppdaterad lägesbild Se till att planer och uppgifter genomförs Fördelar Konkretisera Er krishantering Styrkan med Crisis Management Övriga resurser Prata med oss h3|Väder och naturkatastrofer Infrastrukturproblem Varumärkeskriser Problem med komponent och varuförsörjning Bränder och olyckor El och vattenförsörjning Protester och demonstrationer Produktåterkallelser EN OCH SAMMA PLATTFORM LÄGESBILD DYNAMISKA UPPGIFTER MOBILITET DOKUMENTBIBLIOTEK CHAT Press Release: Lansering av Crisis Management Datablad: Crisis Management Datablad: Mass Notification Everbridge SE Produkter Crisis Management × pa|This document sets forth Everbridge’s (“we” or “us”) privacy notice. It describes the types of personal information that we receive in the course of doing business, how we use that information, third-parties with whom we may share the information, and your choices in modifying or removing the information. We value the trust you place in Everbridge services and our privacy practices. We are committed to providing our customers and users with a secure environment, unparalleled customer service, and state of the art technologies to safeguard your personal information. Everbridge will adhere to the policies and practices described in this privacy notice, as well as any applicable customer agreement as it pertains to personal information. Everbridge owns and operates the following webpages, to which this privacy notice also applies: , , , , and (each a “ ” and together the “ “). Our privacy practices will vary depending on the circumstances under which we collected your personal information. Everbridge collects personal information in the following circumstances: Everbridge provides a critical event management platform that empowers our customers to better manage emergencies. Part of this capability involves Everbridge’s software enabling our customers to broadcast notifications to targeted individuals. To broadcast a notification, the customer will have uploaded into the Everbridge system the individual’s name and basic contact information (such as mobile number, work telephone, and e-mail address), and then the customer will use the Everbridge system to send out the notification. Everbridge has no direct relationship with the individuals whose personal information it processes from customers. Our customers are typically the individual’s employer, or a local or state government agency with jurisdiction over the area where the individual resides. When you visit and use our Websites, we may collect, retain and use two kinds of information: As is true of most websites, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. We link this automatically collected data to other information we collect about you. We do this to improve our offered services, marketing, analytics, and site functionality. Please note that Everbridge does not attempt to collect any sensitive information, such as personal financial information, social security or driver’s license numbers, or personal health information, on our Websites. Some of our pages utilize framing techniques to serve content to and from our partners while preserving the look and feel of our Websites. Please be aware that you are providing your personal information to these third parties and not to us. Our website also includes social media features, such as Facebook and Twitter buttons and widgets, and the “Share This” button. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third-party website or hosted directly on our website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy notice of the company providing the features. We may provide you the opportunity to participate in surveys on our Websites. If you participate, we will request certain personal information from you. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and therefore you have the option whether to disclose this information. The requested information typically includes contact information (such as name and email address) and demographic information (such as zip code). We use this information to better understand our market and customer needs, and to continue to enhance our applications. We may use a third-party service provider to conduct these surveys; that company will be prohibited from using your personal information for any other purpose. We will not share the personal information you provide through a survey with other third parties unless we give you prior notice and the choice to opt-out. We display personal testimonials of satisfied customers on our site in addition to other endorsements. With your consent we may post your testimonial on a Website along with your name. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us at Everbridge offers a number of mobile applications. Please note that when you download and use an Everbridge mobile app, you do so voluntarily. Our mobile apps may collect the following types of information: We use this information to monitor, analyse and improve our mobile apps. In general, we will use any of the personal information we collect from you only for the purposes described in this privacy notice or for purposes that we explain to you at the time we collect such information. However, we may also use your personal information for other purposes that are not incompatible with the purposes we have disclosed to you (such as statistical purposes) if and where this is permitted by applicable data protection laws. Except as otherwise discussed in this privacy notice, this document only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. We are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to, or from, Everbridge websites, nor the information or content contained therein. Other sites accessible through our websites have their own privacy policies and data collection, use and disclosure practices. Please consult each website’s privacy notice rules before proceeding. We may disclose personal information about you as described in this privacy notice, including: It may be necessary to share our customer data with third-parties in order for Everbridge to provide the services requested by our customers. For example, we will need to transmit an individual’s cell-phone number to a telecommunications provider in order to deliver a customer-initiated notification designated for that individual and others. Under such circumstances we will only transmit the information needed to fulfil the obligations described in our customer’s service contract. These third parties are also bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them. Transfers to these third parties are covered by the provisions in this privacy notice regarding notice and choice, as well as applicable contractual agreements. We do not sell, trade, or rent customer or user data to others. If you are a visitor from the European Economic Area (EEA), our legal basis for processing your personal information will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect personal information from you only where we have your consent to do so, where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, or where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to process personal information about you to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), this interest will normally be to operate our website and communicate with you as necessary to provide our products and services to you and for our legitimate commercial interest. These legitimate interests include, for example, responding to your queries, improving our platform, undertaking marketing, or detecting or preventing illegal activities. We may have other legitimate interests and if appropriate we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are. If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided under the “Contacting Us” heading below. We use cookies and similar tracking technology (collectively, “ ”) to collect and use personal information about you. For further information about the types of Cookies we use, why we use Cookies, and how you can control Cookies, please see our Cookie Notice. Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries other than the country in which you are resident. These countries may have data protection laws that are different from the laws of your country (and, in some cases, may not be as protective). We have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will remain protected in accordance with this privacy notice. Everbridge complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss – U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union (EU) and Switzerland to the United States, respectively. Everbridge has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles, and commits to comply with the Privacy Shield Principles as they apply to the personal data of EU and Swiss residents. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy notice and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit . Everbridge commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Shield Principles. Individuals in the EU or Switzerland may submit queries related to the processing of personal information under the Privacy Shield framework by contacting us directly at, or by writing to us at: Everbridge, Inc., 25 Corporate Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, Attn: General Counsel. Everbridge has further committed to cooperate with the European data protection authorities (the “DPAs”) and/or the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (the “Commissioner”), as applicable. If we have not been able to successfully resolve your query or complaint and you are based in the EEA or Switzerland, you may raise your query or complaint directly to the DPA or Commissioner. The services of the DPAs and Commissioner are provided at no cost to you. You can find details of the relevant DPA at Everbridge will comply with any advice given by the DPAs and/or Commissioner, and take necessary actions to remediate any non-compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles. If your inquiry still has not been satisfactorily resolved, you may have other recourse mechanisms such as invoking binding arbitration by the Privacy Shield Panel. Everbridge privacy practices are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and as such Everbridge is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the FTC. If Everbridge is going to transfer personal data to a third-party that is acting as an agent, it will enter into a written agreement with such third-party requiring that the third-party provide at least the same level of privacy protection as is required by the Privacy Shield Principles. In the context of such onward transfer to third-parties of data of EU or Swiss individuals received pursuant to Privacy Shield, Everbridge is potentially liable if we process such personal information in a manner inconsistent with the Privacy Shield Principles. We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. The security of your personal information and our customers’ information is extremely important to us. When you enter sensitive information and/or geo-location data, we encrypt the transmission of that information using up-to-date security technology (e.g. TLS). The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. We urge you to be careful about giving out information in public areas of the website. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our website. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the website. If you have any questions about security on our website, you may contact us at We retain personal information we collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements). When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible. We strive to provide you with choices regarding your personal information. We have created mechanisms to provide you with the following control over your information: If you are a resident of the EEA, you also have the following data protection rights: We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Also, for general users on our website, you can fill out a new form to access, update or request deletion of your information, or email us at California Civil Code Section § 1798.83 permits users of our website whom are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an e-mail to or write us at: Everbridge, Inc., 25 Corporate Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, Attn: General Counsel. As we continue to develop our business, we might undergo a change of ownership such as a merger and/or a sale of all or substantially all our stock or assets. In such transactions, user information, including customer data, generally is one of the transferred business assets. By submitting information on the website, through data import, or any other means, you acknowledge that such data may be transferred to such parties in these circumstances. However, any party purchasing our assets will be subject to an obligation to maintain the integrity of your information. You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of user information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your information. We may update this privacy notice to reflect changes to our information practices. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. If you have any questions about this privacy notice, please contact us at the following address: Everbridge, Inc. 25 Corporate Drive, Suite 400 Burlington, MA 01803 Email: Phone: +1-781-373-9800 If you would like to unsubscribe from alerts or other communications, please send an email to: . The data controller of your personal information is Everbridge, Inc. This privacy notice is effective as of May 3, 2018. li|Personal information collected from customers. Personal information collected through our Websites and surveys. Personal information collected through our mobile applications. Information you provide to us, which may include: Information that you provide by filling in forms on our website when registering for white papers, marketing, events or webinars, requesting further information about our solutions, when you report a problem with our Websites or when you otherwise communicate with us. This includes personal information such as name, email address and phone number. The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information and, if you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant service, information or communication. Records and copies of your correspondence if you contact us. Your responses to surveys that we might ask you to complete for research purposes. Your search queries on the Website. Information you provide through Nixle® Anonymous Tipping. Information you provide when signing up for Nixle services, such as your cell phone number. We may also collect the following information from you: Information about your business, such as organization and industry. Demographic information, such as geographic location. Information collected through automatic data collection technologies. . Certain details of your access to and use of the mobile app, including traffic data, logs and other communication data, and the resources that you access and use on or through the mobile app. We use mobile analytics software to allow us to better understand the functionality of our mobile app on your phone. This software may record information such as: how often you use the application, the events that occur within the application, aggregated usage, performance data, and where the application was downloaded from. We do not link the information we store within the analytics software to any personal information you submit within the mobile app. . We may collect information about your mobile device and Internet connection, including the device’s unique device identifier, IP address, operating system, browser type, mobile network information and the device’s telephone number. . Only after you have downloaded a mobile app and subsequently provided consent, a mobile app may access metadata as well as content that you choose to upload from your device. This content may include photographs that you upload, contact information provided when you ask the mobile app to access your address book to send invites, or the number of residents in your neighborhood using the mobile app (but not their identity or contact information). . We may ask you for your location when you use our mobile app, or when you opt-in to Everbridge services in connection with sending or receiving messages from our customers. You will have the option to include your location which will only be used to assist our customers with whom you are affiliated via that location (for example, a local fire department) to provide better communication in the event of an emergency or other incident. You may opt-out of location based services at any time by editing the setting at the device level. . We use customer data only as necessary to deliver the Everbridge services that a customer has agreed to use, which include, but are not limited to, the provision of our notification services, customer support, and notification of new features and services. We may also use customer data to contact you regarding administrative notices, to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce the customer services agreement. Everbridge will retain personal information (including geo-location data) provided by our customers for as long as is needed to provide services to our customers and in accordance with the customer’s services agreement. In addition to this privacy notice, usage of customer data is subject to and covered by the applicable customer services agreement. . The Nixle Anonymous Tipping service will allow you to anonymously report information about a crime or suspicious activity. In connection with an SMS tip submission, Everbridge will store your number to allow for two-way communication. If you are affiliated with a Nixle customer, a name will be associated with that number. However, your name and phone number will not be displayed to enforcement agencies or other third parties except where required by law. In addition, Everbridge uses industry standard encryption and other safeguards to provide security and anonymity of the information being submitted. Although such encryption and safeguards are utilized, due to the nature of Internet and mobile SMS delivery networks, we cannot and do not guarantee 100% security, or timely delivery or receipt of the information you submit. Neither Everbridge nor any third party makes any representation as to if, how, or when any information you submit may be acted upon by law enforcement agencies or public safety officials. In addition, Everbridge cannot guarantee how often any such agency or official will review and monitor submitted tips. Under no circumstances should you rely on the anonymous tip service to report issues of an emergency nature or for conditions requiring an immediate response. If your issue is an emergency, please dial your local emergency responder. Nixle services are only available in the United States. . We do not share your personal information with unaffiliated or non-agent third parties for promotional purposes, except for customers sending business or promotional notifications to which you have specifically consented, including through opt-in. To our third party service providers on a need to know basis to assist us e.g. operating our website, conducting our business, or providing services to you. To our subsidiaries and affiliates to provide support to you in connection with our websites or Everbridge services. To fulfil the purpose for which you provide it. For example, if you give us an e-mail address to use the “e-mail a friend” feature of our website, we will transmit the contents of that e-mail and your e-mail address to the recipients. Or if you opt-in to text-based notifications, we will use your mobile number to send those notifications to you. As required by law, such as to comply with any court order, subpoena, or similar legal process, including responding to any government or regulatory request, as well as lawful requests by public authorities to meet law enforcement requirements. To enforce or apply our Acceptable Use Policy or our customer services agreement (as applicable) and other agreements. If we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Everbridge, our customers or others, or to investigate fraud. However, all such disclosure shall comply with any applicable data protection law. In the context of a sale, assignment or other transfer of all or part of the business. To any other person with your consent. Customer Data. If you are accessing Everbridge services as an employee, resident or other designee of one of our customers, and you wish to make any changes to your contact information, you will need to do so through that customer. If you would no longer like to receive communications from the customer, please contact the customer that you interact with directly. If the customer requests Everbridge to remove the data, we will respond to their request promptly, within a reasonable period of time. Promotional Offers from Us. If you do not wish to receive information about our products or services, you can opt-out by going to—Unsubscribe_UnsubShorter.html and adjusting your user preferences or by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the promotional e-mails we send you. You may also e-mail your request to If we have sent you a promotional e-mail, you may send us a return e-mail asking to be omitted from future e-mail distributions. Push Notifications. We may occasionally send you push notifications through our mobile apps to send you updates and other service related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may opt-out from receiving these types of communications, at any time, by contacting our support team at If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, you can do so at any time by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “Contacting Us” heading below. In addition, you can object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information. Again, you can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “Contacting Us” heading below. If we have collected and process your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority (the contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA, Switzerland and certain non-European countries are available ). Text HELP to 692692 for help or contact customer service at, or dial 1 (888) 366-3969. To opt-out of the program, reply STOP to 692692. Message and Data Rates May Apply. Check your wireless provider plan for details. You are responsible for these charges to your wireless provider. Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. Message frequency depends on account settings. Website Websites Usage Details Device Information Digital Media Location Information Customer Data Nixle® Anonymous Tipping Disclosure of Your Information for Third-Party Advertising Cookies h1|Privacy Notice h2|LEGAL, PRIVACY AND SECURITY Overview What Information Does Everbridge Collect? How Does Everbridge Use Information We Collect? Other Websites Linked to the Everbridge Websites? Third-Parties with Whom We May Share Your Information Legal Basis for Processing your Personal Information Cookies Data Transfers and Privacy Shield Resolution of Disputes and Complaint Mechanism Enforcement Onward Transfer Data Security Data Retention Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information Rights of Individuals in the EEA Your California Privacy Rights For New York City Messaging Future Business Transactions Changes to Privacy Notice Contacting Us Effective Date Prata med oss h4|Quick Links Information Collected from Customers Information collected through our Websites Surveys Testimonials Information Collected through our Mobile Applications (EEA Individuals Only) Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security Privacy Notice pa|We take claims of copyright infringement seriously. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. If you believe any materials accessible on or from or or (the ) infringe your copyright, you may request removal of those materials (or access to them) from the Website(s) by submitting written notification to our Copyright Agent (designated below). In accordance with the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( ( ), the written notice (the ) must include substantially the following: Our designated Copyright Agent to receive DMCA Notices is: 500 North Brand Blvd., Suite 1000 Glendale, CA 91203 818-230-9700 If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA, your DMCA Notice may not be effective. Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the Website(s) is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA. If you believe that material you posted on the Website was removed or access to it was disabled by mistake or misidentification, you may file a counter-notification with us (a ) by submitting written notification to our copyright agent (identified below). Pursuant to the DMCA, the Counter-Notice must include substantially the following: Completed Counter-Notices should be sent to: Shannon Castellani 500 North Brand Blvd., Suite 1000 Glendale, CA 91203 818-230-9700 The DMCA allows us to restore the removed content if the party filing the original DMCA Notice does not file a court action against you within ten business days of receiving the copy of your Counter-Notice. Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the applicable Website was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA. It is our policy in appropriate circumstances to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers. li|Your physical or electronic signature. Identification of the copyrighted work you believe to have been infringed or, if the claim involves multiple works on the Website(s), a representative list of such works. Identification of the material you believe to be infringing in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material. Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address). A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law. A statement that the information in the written notice is accurate. A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Your physical or electronic signature. An identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access disabled. Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address). A statement under penalty of perjury by you that you have a good faith belief that the material identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled. A statement that you will consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or if you reside outside the United States for any judicial district in which the applicable Website may be found) and that you will accept service from the person (or an agent of that person) who provided the Website with the complaint at issue. “Websites” “DMCA” “DMCA Notice” Shannon Castellani “Counter-Notice” h1|Copyright Policy h2|Legal Reporting Claims of Copyright Infringement Counter-Notification Procedures Repeat Infringers Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security Copyright Policy em|17 U.S.C. § 512) pa|Nästan hälften av alla arbetstagare kommer att vara mobila år 2022. Säkerhetspersonal, fasta kameror och låsta dörrar kan inte skydda de som är borta från kontoret. Att säkerställa säkerheten för dagens personalstyrkor kräver ökad situationsmedvetenhet och möjligheten att lokalisera och kommunicera med alla anställda. Utom synhåll betyder inte utom räckhåll. Organisationer måste omdefiniera arbetsgivaransvaret och vidta åtgärder för att säkerställa skyddet för alla medarbetare. Oavsett om en anställd arbetar vid skrivbordet eller besöker en kund i ett främmande land är organisationer skyldiga att ta hand om deras säkerhet. Genomgångar innan resan, realtidsinformation och tillförlitlig dubbelriktad kommunikation kan hjälpa till att hålla resande medarbetare skyddade – hjälpa dem att undvika onödiga risker och varna dem om de närmar sig potentiellt farliga situationer. IDC FÖRUTSPÅR ATT ÅR 2020 KOMMER 72 % av arbetarna vara mobila på något sätt eller i någon form. Det innebär att vi har arbetskraft som är mer utsatt än någonsin för globala rese- och säkerhetsrisker. Företag, chefer och säkerhetspersonal har en “aktsamhetsplikt”, att upprätthålla skyddet för sin personal. Ju fler informationskällor du kan sammanföra desto mer sannolikt kommer du att kunna förbättra noggrannheten när det gäller att fastställa “vem som är var”, samtidigt som du kan ordna utrymning och fråga vilka som behöver personlig assistans. Mobiltelefoner är en livlina för anställda som arbetar i isolerade miljöer utan kollegor eller tillsyn. Platsspårning, automatiska incheckningar och en SOS-panikknapp kan minimera de faror som ensamarbetare regelbundet utsätts för. Det är viktigt att arbetsgivarna utnyttjar teknik för att snabbt hitta och kommunicera med sina ensamarbetare, oavsett var de befinner sig i världen. Traditionell säkerhetsteknik har inte hållit jämna steg med utvecklingen av det traditionella kontorskonceptet till multistrukturella, öppna utrymmen. Enhetliga åtkomstkontrollsystem, trådlösa åtkomstpunkter, schemaläggningssystem och nödkommunikationssystem hjälper till att identifiera vem som är i anläggningen, var de befinner sig och möjliggör platsbaserade meddelanden och varningar. "Med hjälp av Everbridge vet teamet hur man agerar vid en nödsituation såsom elavbrott och våldsamma situationer. Vid händelser med våldsamma personer är vårt mål att få anställda ut ur byggnaden." Albert Patin, Daktronics Lokalisera personal med hjälp av sammanställd information från flera källor, t.ex. resplaner, åtkomstkontroll och passagesystem, för att snabbt fastställa vem som befinner sig i eller är på väg in i en riskzon Skicka information och instruktioner till anställda och få bekräftelse på att de är säkra samtidigt som ni samlar information från fältet Sänd förberedda mallar för att få ut medarbetarkommunikation på några sekunder Tillhandahåll en mobil larmknapp som anställda kan aktivera för att skicka meddelanden och video till ert säkerhetscenter om de känner sig hotade Upprätta "säkra korridorer" och automatiska incheckningar för att säkerställa medarbetarnas säkerhet Aggregera över 100 typer av hotinformation för att snabbt och fullständigt utvärdera risker Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Få en gemensam operativ bild med kraftfull visualisering och orkestrering. Håll alla informerade före, under och efter kritiska händelser med riktad kommunikation och automatiserade arbetsflöden. h1|Skydda med-arbetarna h2|Oavsett var de är Modern personalsäkerhet Resesäkerhet Aktsamhetsplikt Skydd av ensamarbetare Anläggningssäkerhet Styrkan med Critical Event Management-plattformen Uppfyll aktsamhetsplikten med Everbridge Relaterade produkter Prata med oss h3|Dynamiska platser Two-Way Communications Snabbare respons Mobil SOS-funktion Skydd av ensamarbetare 100+ hotkällor Webbseminarium Safety Connection Visual Command Center Mass Notification Everbridge SE Lösningar Skydda med-arbetarna × pa|Genom att utnyttja en enda, enhetlig och integrerad vy för att hantera och reagera på verksamhetsrisker kan Visual Command Center göra det möjligt för företag att uppnå situationsmedvetenhet och motståndskraft mot risker på ett oöverträffat sätt. Genom realtidsinformation, situationsmedvetenhet och integrerad respons och samarbete inom hela företaget kan säkerhets- och riskpersonal bättre mildra eller eliminera konsekvenserna av kritiska händelser för sin organisation. Dessa kritiska händelser kan bestå av flera händelsetyper som skydd av liv och säkerhet, verksamhetskontinuitet och hantering av logistikkedjan. Visual Command Center fungerar som en visualiserings- och orkestreringsmotor för som effektiviserar stegen att utvärdera, lokalisera, agera och analysera, vilket gör det möjligt för organisationer att bättre hantera operativ risker. Visual Command Center gör att ni kan integrera tillgångs- och riskinformation till en gemensam verksamhetsbild så att ni snabbt kan identifiera kritiska händelser som kan hota liv, säkerhet eller orsaka störningar i verksamheten. Få en komplett och gemensam förståelse av kritiska händelser som er organisation står inför så att verksamheten effektivt kan hantera de dagliga utmaningarna och reagera på katastrofer när de uppstår. När situationen förändras kan Visual Command Center hjälpa er att samarbeta och kommunicera med viktiga intressenter genom att använda incidentkommunikation och Mass Notification. Genom bättre riskberedskap kan organisationer vara mer proaktiva när de hanterar hot. Detta kan hjälpa dem att mildra eller helt undvika konsekvenserna. Detta kan leda till att kostnader undviks som kan innefatta nedstängningar, böter, förluster, skadad egendom och till och med förlust av liv. Genom förbättrad motståndskraft kan organisationer ta större risker, vilket kan ge dem möjlighet att verka på nya marknader eller ta marknadsandelar från konkurrenter som är mindre förberedda på att hantera operativa risker. Visual Command Center brings together data about your organizational assets (employees, travelers, buildings, supply chain, etc.) and risk events (crime, terrorism, natural disasters, weather, health risks, activism, etc.) which it gets from public, proprietary and partner data sources into a highly visual common operating view. Visual Command Center then correlates those risk events to your assets through its Intelligent Alerting™ to identify critical events that could threaten your organization. Then using built-in assessment data and tools, you can quickly assess threats to determine the appropriate action to take and execute this action directly from the platform, thereby saving valuable time in execution. This time saved can help mitigate or even eliminate the impact of that critical event. Visual Command Center inkluderar riskinformationsdata från över 100 olika källor för att ge en överblick. Några av dessa typer inkluderar: Visual Command Center-kanaler är utformade för att ge rätt information till rätt personer vid en kritisk händelse eller när organisationen behöver förstå den aktuella riskmiljön. Kanalerna kan sändas till en videovägg i er kommandocentral eller på en mobilenhet eller datorskärm för intressenter som inte befinner sig i kommandocentralen eller för organisationer som har mer av en “virtuell” kommandocentral. Kanalerna är organiserade i följande kategorier: “Visual Command Center ger GSOC en trovärdig röst från säkerhetsfunktionen i relation till vår övergripande affärsutvecklingsplan. Vårt team och dess övergripande förståelse för vår operativa miljö är avgörande för att säkerställa kontinuiteten i verksamheten, skyddet för anställda och tillgångarnas säkerhet” – Bob Bernazal, Assistant Director of Security, National Oilwell Varco “Visual Command Center ökar dramatiskt vår förmåga att hantera risker och skydda vår personal och verksamhet mot hot i en global verksamhet” – Joe Brown, Director Global Security and Safety, VMware “Visual Command Center är viktigt för att upprätthålla vårt säkerhetsuppdrag, från rutinmässig daglig lokal verksamhet till krishantering på våra anläggningar över hela världen, vilket verkligen påverkar vår förmåga att hålla vår personal trygg” – Mike Howard, Chief Security Officer, Microsoft Global Security Läs det här dokumentet för att lära dig åtta principer för att hjälpa guida företagen när de utvecklar sitt riskhanteringsprogram för logistikkedjan och hur de gör förändringar för att reagera proaktivt och minimera effekterna av riskhändelser. Utforska även tre aspekter av riskhantering: identifiering, bedömning och begränsning. I det här dokumentet visas utformningen av övningsprocessen för att skapa bästa möjliga upplevelse av en övning. Du lär dig vad som gör en övning bra, hur man fastställer vilka som bör delta i övningen och vem som ska utforma den, samt råd och tips beträffande kommunikation och budskap. Lär dig hur ni får ut mer värde från er kommandocentral. Läs det här dokumentet för bästa praxis och teknik som ni kan använda för att säkerställa att era anställda i kommandocentralen team kan bli än bättre. Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Prioritera och åtgärda IT-incidenter snabbare med automatiserade arbetsflöden och automatiska konferenssamtal baserat på experters tillgänglighet. Håll alla informerade före, under och efter kritiska händelser med riktad kommunikation och automatiserade arbetsflöden. li|Asset data from corporate Asset Management or HR Systems Integration with providing travel data and access control and badging information to understand an employee’s dynamic location during a critical event Weather and natural disaster data from sources including the National Weather Service, GDACS, USGS and more Threat data from our 24×7 Global Intelligence Operations Center (GIOC) Law enforcement and crime data from the Everbridge Nixle Network Risk event data from trusted partners like International SOS, Dataminr, NC4, and Anvil Traffic and traffic camera data Weather radar and forecast data from The Weather Company Ability to add KML/KMZ layers on-the-fly from trusted sources Operator-entered risk events Aerial Map Channel Alerts Channel (Summary and Detail) Assets Channel Grid Map Channel Incident Communications Channel Montage Channel Peroptics Channel Status Board Channel Operator Console Integrerade tillgångs-, hot- och kontextuella uppgifter från flera källor Kanaler h1|Visual Command Center h2|Visualisering och situationsmedvetenhet för hantering av kritiska händelser Hur Visual Command Center fungerar Fördelar Hur Visual Command Center fungerar Kundreferenser och fallstudier Relaterade resurser Relaterade produkter Prata med oss h3|Få en översiktsbild av verksamheten Uppnå situationsmedvetenhet Agera koordinerat Undvik kostnader Öka intäkterna National Oilwell Varco VMware Microsoft White Paper: 8 Principles of Supply Chain Risk White Paper: Improve Performance with GSOC Crisis Management Training Drills White Paper: 7 Principles of Highly Effective Command Centers Safety Connection IT Alerting Mass Notification Everbridge SE Produkter Visual Command Center pa| h1|Webinars h2|Events Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events Webinars no results pa| h1|Resources h2| Everbridge SE Kunder Resource Centre Resources no results pa| h1|In Person h2|Events Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events In Person no results pa| h1|Jaime Ellertson h2|Chairman & CEO Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Leadership Team Jaime Ellertson Jaime Ellertson is Everbridge’s CEO and Chairman of the Board. As CEO, Ellertson oversees the company’s strategic vision and corporate growth. He continues to spearhead the company’s market evolution and emergence as the leader in unified critical communications. Before its acquisition by Everbridge, Ellertson was the CEO and Chairman of CloudFloor Corporation, a company he helped form in late 2010 focused on the emerging enterprise cloud computing market. Prior to CloudFloor, Ellertson served as CEO of Gomez Inc., the foremost Internet Performance Management provider, from 2005 to 2010. During his tenure, he led the company through an IPO registration that resulted in the successful sale of Gomez to Compuware Corporation (NASDAQ: CPWR) in October of 2009. Ellertson has also served as CEO, President and director of S1 Corporation (successfully acquired by BroadVision under his tenure), and he has founded several high growth software companies, including Document Automation Corporation (1982-1987), Openware Technologies (1990-1995) and Purview Technologies Inc. (1996-1997). pa|As an Everbridge Partner you will have access to technology, training, and resources that ensure you are always in step with the latest offerings and capabilities of the Everbridge Platform. You will leverage the power of Everbridge’s platform and people to bring innovative solutions to your customers. If you have a product or service that complements and enhances the value of the Everbridge Platform, please submit your company information on the form. We will evaluate your request and contact you to learn more. Thank you for your interest in a partnership with Everbridge. We will evaluate your application and be in touch soon. h1|Application h2|Partnership Why Partner with Everbridge? Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Partner Program Application pa|Everbridge has prepared this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) as a guide for its clients to understand the intended and permissible uses of our service. This AUP sets forth guidelines for acceptable use of the applicable Everbridge service(s) (the “Service(s)”) by Client and its users. The Services must be used in accordance with the guidelines for each Service. The guidelines for each Service product are set forth within the applicable Product Inclusion Sheet and the Support Services Guide. You may use the Service only for lawful purposes and in accordance with this AUP. You may not: If Client becomes aware of any content or activity that violates this AUP, Client shall take all necessary action to prevent such content from being routed to, passed through, or stored on the Everbridge network and shall promptly notify Everbridge. Client’s failure to comply with this AUP may result in Everbridge taking action anywhere from a warning, to a suspension or termination of Service. Everbridge will endeavor to provide notice to Customer prior to any suspension or termination of Service, but may immediately suspend or terminate in instances where continued provision of Service may cause significant harm to Everbridge, the Service or other clients. Everbridge reserves the right to modify this AUP from time-to-time, in its sole discretion, effective upon posting a revised copy of the Acceptable Use Policy on . Any use of Everbridge network and Services after such modification shall constitute acceptance of such modification. Any violation shall be sent to . Everbridge, Inc., is a government contractor and is subject to the requirements of Executive Order 11246, the Rehabilitation Assistance Act and VEVRAA. Pursuant to these requirements, the Equal Opportunity Clauses found at 41 Code of Federal Regulations sections 60-1.4(a) (1-7), sections 60-250.4(a-m), sections 60-300.5 (1-11) and sections 60-741.5 (a) (1-6) are incorporated herein by reference as though set forth at length, and made an express part of this Agreement. li|Use the Service in any way that violates any applicable federal, state, local or international law or regulation (including, without limitation, any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the US or other countries) Use the Service for the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to exploit or harm minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable information, or otherwise Use the Service to transmit, or procure the sending of, any advertising or promotional material, including any “junk mail”, “chain letter”, “spam” or any other similar solicitation Impersonate or attempt to impersonate Everbridge, an Everbridge employee, another user or any other person or entity, including by utilizing another user’s identification, password, account name or persona without authorization from that user Use the Service in any manner that could disrupt, disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Service for you or others (including the ability to send timely notifications through the Service), via various means including overloading, “flooding,” “mailbombing,” “denial of service” attacks, or “crashing” Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Service for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material Use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material made available through the Service or for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior written consent Use any device, software or routine, including but not limited to, any viruses, trojan horses, worms, or logic bombs, that interfere with the proper working of the Service or could be technologically harmful. Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any parts of the Service, the server on which the Service is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the Service. Attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without Everbridge’s express written consent. Take any action in order to obtain services to which such client is not entitled Attempt any action designed to circumvent or alter any method of measuring or billing for utilization of the Service Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service h1|Acceptable Use Policy h2|LEGAL, PRIVACY AND SECURITY Prohibited Uses Everbridge Rights and Remedies Changes to the Acceptable Use Policy Equal Employment Opportunity Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security Acceptable Use Policy pa|Everbridges plattform är byggd på en ytterst säker, skalbar och tillförlitlig infrastruktur med flera lager av redundans för att tillhandahålla hotidentifiering i realtid, situationsmedvetenhet, integrerade respons och samarbetsmöjligheter, allt i en enda övergripande vy. Vårt förhållningssätt till Critical Event Management möjliggör för organisationer att snabbt och säkert: En undersökning från Forrester visar att organisationer med ett enhetligt förhållningssätt till hanteringen av kritiska händelser minimerar dess inverkan, i måttlig eller hög grad, inom följande områden: Med brotts-, terror- och incidentinformation från rättsväsendet, bilder och videoklipp från människor på fältet, problem som trendar på sociala medier och logistikinformation från interna system kan det vara nästan omöjligt att hitta rätt hot bland allt brus. Critical Event Management tillhandahåller ett enkelt sätt att sammanställa hundratals dataflöden och visualisera relevant information. Denna förståelse är avgörande för rätt åtgärder riktade till individer eller anläggningar i riskzonen. En effektiv hantering av kritiska händelser säkerställer i förväg att rätt personal, med rätt kompetens, är tillgängliga. De kontaktas automatiskt vilket sparar värdefull tid och minimerar fel vid en kris. Vidare kan även uppgifter från tillträdessystem, WiFi-hotspots och resebokningssystem användas för att skapa en profil över var en person “senast sågs” och var han eller hon skulle kunna vara på väg, i en och samma vy. Med Everbridges integrerade lösningar kan information visualiseras på en karta tillsammans med viktiga tillgångar som personal, anläggningar, filialer eller leverantörer och hjälpa till att avgöra vilka som faktiskt är i fara och vem som snabbast kan agera. Nödlägesresponsen blir då riktad och mer effektiv. Detta bidrar till att förbättra samverkan och gör att organisationerna förstår vad som händer och varför, så att de enkelt kan hantera resurser, minimera konsekvenser och förebygga framtida incidenter. I efterdyningarna är det dock viktigt att analysera agerandet och genomföra förbättringar. Vilka uppgifter tog för lång tid? Vilka resurser saknades? Hur ofta svarade personal snabbt? Med vår plattform för Critical Event Management finns all teamprestanda, operativa responstider, jämförelsedata och larmanalyser sparade inom systemet och är tillgängliga via en konfigurerbar panel eller i analysrapporter. Genom att ständigt leta efter sätt att bättre förbereda sig och hantera kritiska händelser kommer man inte bara att förbättra utfallet när liknande händelser inträffar igen, utan även bättre kunna hantera oförutsedda händelser. Med rätt historiska data kan organisationer börja förutse rätt insatsresurser, rutiner och aktiviteter för att reducera konsekvenserna. li|Få klarhet om hot Reducera tiden för att påbörja åtgärder Minimera kostnaden för att återställa den normala verksamheten Skyddandet av intäkter Kundsäkerhet Varumärke och rykte Medarbetarsäkerhet Att identifiera ett hot innan det uppnår en kritisk punkt och förstå hur det kan påverka vitala tillgångar är en utmaning som säkerhetspersonal ställs inför. Tidigare var det ofta en utmaning att ha tillräckligt med information för att kunna göra korrekta förutsägelser. Idag gäller motsatsen – mängden tillgänglig information är ofta överväldigande! När ett hot har bedömts vara en kritisk händelse är nästa steg att lokalisera personalen: Vilka kan påverkas? Vilka behövs för att hantera på händelsen? Vilka måste informeras? Minuter spelar roll vid kritiska händelser. För att minska tiden för att åtgärda en kritisk händelse måste organisationer använda förberedda standardiserade rutiner (SOP) inom en plattform. Det är inte ovanligt att krishanteringsteam tror att en kritisk händelse är över när den omedelbara krisen är över. När allt kommer omkring har de ofta pressat sig och är nära utmattning. Ibland riskerat liv och hälsa för att skydda sina vänner, kollegor eller företagets rykte och varumärke. h1|Critical Event Management h2|Styrkan med Fördelar med Critical Event Management Utvärdera. Lokalisera. Agera. Analysera. Utvärdera händelser Lokalisera nyckelpersonal Standardiserade åtgärder Analysera agerandet Prata med oss h3|Fyra komponenter av Critical Event Management Everbridge SE Plattform Critical Event Management Få en gemensam bild av verksamheten inom hela organisationen När sekunder räknas kan plattformen automatisera larm, och skapa meddelanden beroende på händelsetyp, allvarlighetsgrad och plats. Moment som att omedelbart aktivera telefonkonferenser möjliggör samverkan och snabba insatser. Ni kan även ställa in eskaleringar som automatiskt startar när de behövs. pa|In critical situations, make seconds matter by reaching the right people, at the right time with the right information. For years, emergency preparedness for hospitals and healthcare systems was handled primarily through certification with The Joint Commission. A review from Drexel University found that if you are Joint Commission certified you only meet about 35% of the new CMS Emergency Preparedness Guidelines. 93 percent of doctors say their emergency departments are not “fully prepared” in the event of a mass-casualty incident, according to a new poll. Do you feel prepared? Listen to emergency preparedness experts at top hospitals as they share best practices for preparing and responding to a mass casualty incident. Don’t let an incident make a greater impact than your response. Learn how you can achieve CMS compliance and ensure you’re ready to respond, no matter what the situation. 15 data centers, flexible capacity, and full stack redundancy Multiple SMS and voice providers vetted to ensure no downstream inter-dependencies, optimized for local delivery Two geographically distributed NOCs staffed 24/7/365 Global live support team with 24/7/365 tier 1 and tier 2 staffing Web, mobile app, IVR, API and live operator telephone access h1|CMS Emergency Preparedness h2|Emergency Preparedness: Is Your Health System CMS Ready? Be Prepared for the Worst-Case Scenario Learn Six Steps to CMS Readiness Everyday more than 1,100 hospitals rely on Everbridge’s Critical Event Management Platform CMS Preparedness Resources Prata med oss h3|High Availability and Scalability Redundancy Across Major Modalities Redundant Network Operations Centers Multiple Live Support Teams Flexible, Redundant Access CMS Preparedness Guide Local Community Guidelines Provider and Supplier Types Everbridge SE Lösningar CMS Emergency Preparedness pa|Critical situations like severe weather and criminal activity require information to be shared quickly and effectively with residents. Alerting everyone in an emergency no matter what language they speak or if they choose to receive information via SMS Text, Facebook, on a smartphone or using a plain old telephone is difficult without a trusted solution you can rely on when minutes matter. Keep residents informed with the right message, in the right language at the right time during critical events. Use multiple opt-in methods to provide residents, visitors and community members with easily sign-up for emergency alerts using their postal code and/or custom keywords. After seeing the success in state-run agencies, 41 cities, towns health districts and council of governments went to purchase their own municipal Everbridge System for emergency and nonemergency use. By using the same system statewide, the State of Connecticut is improving operational efficiencies. Mike Guerrera, State of Connecticut Official Reach the right people, at the right time across devices Reliably scale to meet the needs of states, counties or cities needs Increase community opt-ins using zip code and keyword-based programs Broadcast quickly and safely using FEMA IPAWS 'One-click' social media publishing to Facebook and Twitter Stay secure with Everbridge’s 320+ security controls and FedRAMP authorization Keep everyone informed before, during, and after critical events with targeted communications and workflow automation. Communicate with a region or area during critical events and threats without the need for user opt-in. STATEWIDE NOTIFICATION DEPLOYMENTS PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS h1|Alert Residents and Visitors h2|Quickly and Reliably Direct Community Outreach Keep the public safe and informed Increase Resident Opt-ins The Power of the Critical Event Management Platform Related Products Prata med oss h3|Related Topics 100+ Contact Paths Trusted Scale & Reliability Easy Community Opt-ins IPAWS Ready Social Media Broadcasting Security Ensured Mass Notification Population Alerting Everbridge SE Lösningar Alert Residents and Visitors pa|The Clery Act includes new regulations related to emergency response, emergency notification, timely warnings, missing student notification, fire safety reporting, and hate crime reporting. In 2016, a major institution was hit with a $2.4 million dollar fine for not meeting one of the requirements. The Clery Act had its origin in 1990 when the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 was established, amending the Higher Education Act of 1965. The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act was created after a student named Jeanne Clery was raped and murdered in a residence hall at Lehigh University in 1986. The Act required higher education institutions that received federal funding to report crime statistics, notify the campus community of threats, and compile and distribute an annual campus security report to the campus community, prospective students, and employees. In 1998, the Act was further amended and renamed the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”) in her memory. In 2008, following the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 reauthorized the Higher Education Act of 1965, and included the Clery Act requirements, which were amended based on lessons learned from the Virginia Tech incident. This amended version of the Clery Act includes new regulations related to emergency response, emergency notification, timely warnings, missing student notification, fire safety reporting, and hate crime reporting. Complying with the Clery Act, and especially its emergency communications requirements, is certainly not a one-person job. Bringing together experts from across your institution’s administration can greatly assist in developing clear, defendable policies and procedures regarding the Clery Act’s complex emergency communications requirements. The second step is to determine exactly where geographically the Clery Act applies to your campus community. The Clery Act requires the dissemination of emergency communications when a threat occurs on the campus. It is very important for compliance that you document everything your Clery Act Committee decides upon, especially your institution’s specific conditions (i.e. your Clery Act Geography, your specific procedures for issuing timely warnings and emergency notifications, etc.) for adhering to the Clery Act. The Handbook advises to “do what you say and say what you so.” In this regard, each institution should create protocols/plans for implementing emergency notifications and timely warnings, as well as develop emergency response and evacuation procedures for the campus as a whole. Emergency communication is not over once the plans are written; implementing and improving the plans occurs on an almost daily basis. However, if you are doing as the Handbook suggests (“say what you do and do what you say”), the implementation step of this process should be relatively straightforward. Use your plans and procedures wisely and accurately, disseminate emergency notifications and timely warnings per your policy statements on each, continue meeting with your Clery Committee, and make changes and revisions as needed. Reach students, staff, faculty and other populations via text, voice, email, social media and more. Campus populations can simply text keywords to receive information, ideal for event based message (e.g. parents’ weekend, sporting events). Automatically import information from your student records and HR database. Deliver alerts to precise locations with the ability to select or draw a polygon over an affected area. Ensure notifications are accurate and timely with incident templates and message templates designed around specific events. Speakers: Dr. Steven Goldman and Suzanne Blake MS, CEM, of MIT Speaker: Lynn Daley, Director of Business Continuity, Rochester Institute of Technology Authors: Dr. Steven Goldman and Suzanne Blake MS, CEM, of MIT td|Crimes that continue to pose a threat Any significant emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees On-campus or non-campus (including “public property” that falls in your Clery Act Geography) On-campus only (including oncampus “public property” that falls in your Clery Act Geography) The entire campus community Can be tailored to the segment of the community that is threatened Sent when enough information is available to adequately describe the threat Sent immediately upon confirmation of the threat Crimes that continue to pose a threat Any significant emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees On-campus or non-campus (including “public property” that falls in your Clery Act Geography) On-campus only (including oncampus “public property” that falls in your Clery Act Geography) The entire campus community Can be tailored to the segment of the community that is threatened Sent when enough information is available to adequately describe the threat Sent immediately upon confirmation of the threat Criterion Timely Warning Emergency Notification What Where Who When What Where Who When h1|The Clery Act h2|Requirements and Steps to Compliance What is the Clery Act History of the Clery Act Clery Act Communication Requirements 5 Steps to Clery Act Communication Requirement Compliance The Clery Act’s Emergency Communications Requirements: Five Steps to Compliance Why Everbridge for Clery Act Compliance Related Resources Prata med oss h3|White Paper Multi-Modal Messaging Text Opt-In Centralized Data Location-Based Messaging Consistent and Error-Free Messaging Webinar Replay: The Clery Act’s Emergency Communications Requirements: Five Steps to Compliance Webinar Replay: Clery Act and Critical Communication for Higher ED White Paper: The Clery Act’s Emergency Communications Requirements: Five Steps to Compliance h4|Consequences of Not Meeting Clery Act Requirements Criterion Timely Warning Emergency Notification Everbridge SE Lösningar Alert Residents and Visitors The Clery Act pa|According to , there are 53 million lone workers in Canada, the United States and Europe combined – about 15 percent of the overall workforce! The Health and Safety Executive defines lone workers as those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. Lone workers aren’t necessarily physically alone, they might just be in a separate location to the rest of their team or their manager. According to Guardian24, lone workers include those who: Such as taxi drivers, chauffers, and truck drivers. Such as sales and customer service representatives, graphic designers, and consultants. Such as maintenance workers, healthcare workers, environment inspectors, agricultural and forestry workers and those working in enclosed spaces. On the same premises or outside normal hours, such as security staff. Such as shops and gas stations. The estimates that approximately 1.3 billion people are mobile workers. also predicts that by 2020, 72% of the workforce will be mobile. Many of these mobile workers work alone continuously or at various times throughout their workday. The rise of the mobile and lone workforce has brought upon new challenges for safety and security professionals – how can we keep our employees safe if they are working alone? Organizations must redefine duty of care and take steps to ensure safety for people who work alone. suggests developing policies communicating with workers, and using available technology to track worker location and movement as ways to ensure lone workers never feel truly alone. Not only will lone workers feel more connected to their employers, but a direct connection might increase productivity and retention. Lone workers will streamline activity and will be less likely to look for employment elsewhere when they know their employer is heavily invested in their safety. Employees who are out of sight, cannot be out of mind. by Steven M. Crimando, Principal, Behavioral Science Applications Employee location information can come from a variety of sources. Depending on your company, location data is likely already available but not accessible in an actionable format. Let’s look at some common sources of location data: Corporate travel management systems and medical and security assistance providers like International SOS can provide travel itinerary data (flights, hotels, rail travel,) etc. By law, employers have a responsibility to protect their workers regardless of whether they’re surrounded by colleagues or alone on an assignment. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries recommends training lone workers on emergency response, establishing a clear action plan in the event of an emergency, and ensuring regular contact between lone workers and supervisors as ways to keep lone workers safe. Send a panic message to the security team with their current location. In addition to sending the contacts' location, audio and video is also transmitted and shared. Capture and report your contacts' geo-location information back to your security center. Stay safe even when entering and passing through an unsafe area. Safe corridor will trigger a panic message when something abnormal occurs. li|Mobile App check-ins can provide a geo-tagged indication of ‘last known’ location. Building access control and badging systems like Lenel, Tyco and S2 can tell you who badged in to a building at a particular time. Wired and wireless network access points like Cisco can indicate what floor and building people are in. Office hoteling systems like Dean Evans can tell you who has reserved office space. Duty of Care for a Mobile Workforce: Out of Sight Cannot Mean Out of Mind h1|Lone Worker Safety h2|What is a Lone Worker? Out of Sight Does Not Mean Out of Mind Where in the World Are Your Lone Workers? Location-Aware Technology Can Help! Protect Your Lone Workers with Everbridge Safety Connection Organizations of All Sizes Can Promote Lone Worker Safety With Everbridge Safety Connection Keeping Lone Workers Safe Prata med oss h3|Work Mobile Work at Home Work Away from a Fixed Base Work Separately from Others Work from a Fixed Base or Alone Panic Button Check-in Capability Safe Corridor h4|It’s important for employers to utilize location-aware technology to quickly find and communicate with their lone workers at all times, regardless of where they are in the world. Everbridge SE Lösningar Skydda med-arbetarna Lone Worker Safety pa|Den tid när IT var ett stöd för verksamheten är förbi. Idag är det IT som driver verksamheten. Med volymen och mångfalden av de kritiska IT-händelser som påverkar verksamheten är en förkortad tid för incidentrespons avgörande. När allt kommer omkring, ju längre tid det tar för ett företag att åtgärda ett IT-problem, desto allvarligare blir konsekvenserna för organisationen, dess kunder, de anställda och för varumärket. Varje störning i IT-leveransen kan inte bara kosta organisationen hundratusentals kronor, utan kan också göra så att dina IT-team felfokuserar och blir distraherade. I dagens digitala affärsvärld är inte frågan “OM” utan “NÄR” kritiska IT-händelser ska uppstå, och du måste vara förberedd. Automatisera incidentprocessen för en snabbare och koordinerad respons. När IT tjänster slutar fungera lider Era kunder och IT-teamen utsätts för stress. Använd den nya generationens IT system för att minimera kundpåverkan och sänka kostnaderna för incidenthanteringen genom automatiserad kommunikation, samverkan och orkestrering för snabbare återstart. Implementera användarkommunikation i realtid för att sänka kostnaderna genom att minska antalet inkommande samtal/ärenden under större händelser, allvarliga säkerhetshändelser och katastrofåterställning/kontinuitetsövningar. Det bästa med Everbridge IT Alerting är att ha en konsekvent, förutsägbar, repeterbar process med snabb och relevant kommunikation Mark Hydar, Ericsson Hantera personalens jourscheman Utlös respons vid varningar från ITOM-, SIEM-, ITIM- och ITSM-verktyg Identifiera, hitta, kontakta och engagera rätt personer när som helst, var som helst Minska tiden till samarbete med ett klick, konferensbryggor och ChatOps Kontinuerligt förbättra dina teams effektivitet med prestandarapporter Konsolidera alla era varningslösningar till en Critical Event Management-plattform för konsistens och lägre TCO Prioritera och åtgärda IT-incidenter snabbare med automatiserade arbetsflöden och automatiska konferenssamtal baserat på experters tillgänglighet. Enkel hantering av personalplanering och skifthantering. Kontakta automatiskt jourteammedlemmar, starta konferensbryggor och eskalera när incidenter skapas i ServiceNow li|Öka IT-tjänsternas tillgänglighet Öka medarbetarnas produktivitet och effektivitet Minimera inverkan på verksamheten, minska oplanerat IT-arbete Undvik informationsöverflöd Hantera IT-problem snabbare med minimal overhead Effektivisera era processer med konsistent, repeterbar, automatiserad IT-incidentrespons och meddelanden Relaterade ämnen IT INCIDENT MANAGEMENT h1|Automatisera responsen vid IT-incidenter h2|Snabbare åtgärder Minimera påverkan på verksamheten Service Operations, MIM teams, Support Information Security Operations DevOps IT Service Continuity / Disaster Recovery Styrkan med Critical Event Management-plattformen Fördelar Relaterade produkter och resurser Prata med oss h3|Håll skiften igång Utnyttja befintliga verktyg Hitta rätt personer Reducera åtgärdstiderna Teamprestanda Minska kostnaderna IT Alerting On-call Scheduling ServiceNow Connector Everbridge SE Lösningar Automatisera responsen vid IT-incidenter Sammanför säkerhetsavdelning och IT-personal samtidigt som alla intressenter hålls uppdaterade vid säkerhetsincidenter. Orkestrera kommunikationen och samarbetet på ett koordinerat sätt vid cyberrelaterade incidenter för att begränsa attacken, mildra skadan och säkerställa att lagkrav uppfylls. Kombinationen av SMS-, e-post-, Skype- och ChatOps-verktyg hjälper utvecklare och operatörer att hålla kontakten under releasehanteringen. Men vad händer när det inte fungerar? Ett varningsverktyg för IT-service kan vara kittet som kopplar samman utvecklare och operatörer vid de mest krävande IT-avbrotten. De mest effektiva DevOps-organisationerna förstår att för att kunna ansvara när saker går fel måste de också automatisera själva kommunikationsprocessen. pa|The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive effective May 25, 2018. It strengthens the rights that individuals have regarding their personal data and seeks to unify data protection laws across Europe, regardless of where that data is processed. The GDPR applies to all companies selling to and storing personal information about citizens in Europe and provides such citizens with greater control over their personal data and assurances that their information is being securely protected. Recognizing the sensitivity of the customer data to which Everbridge may have access, data privacy has long been an area of focus for us. Everbridge customers can upload contact information for the individuals that they choose to communicate with using Everbridge’s products. These individuals include employees, residents, contractors, visitors, etc. Any data processing performed by Everbridge is done at the initiative of our customers when they are utilizing our system for critical event management. Everbridge does not process customer data in any other way or for any other reason. Customers have complete control over the data which is uploaded into Everbridge’s contact stores, and the customer chooses the location where its data will be stored. Everbridge does not access that data except as specifically requested by a customer, and all such data can be deleted or modified by a customer directly at any time. Upon expiration of a customer relationship, all customer data is deleted within 30 days. This control over the data enables customers to directly upload, modify, and delete individual contact information as appropriate based on customer requirements. As a company that is required to comply with GDPR, Everbridge has taken a number of steps to become GDPR ready. Everbridge has entered into an updated Data Processing Agreement with all affected customers and vendors which reflects GDPR requirements. Any personal data that a customer and its users upload into Everbridge systems will only be processed in accordance with the customer’s instructions. Everbridge has expanded its focus on its Security by Design processes to Data Protection & Privacy by Design. For every new product and enhancement, Everbridge proactively applies the Data Protection & Privacy by Design principles. Everbridge has taken steps to not only ensure its own platform GDPR readiness, but also has re-evaluated its vendors to validate that they are GDPR ready. Privacy training has been integrated into new hire training, annual training, and ongoing communications. These trainings will ensure that the entire organization understands GDPR requirements, and will be used to develop deeper, targeted trainings that cover specific obligations under the law which apply to individual groups such as marketing, customer support or engineering. Everbridge has updated and modified its to both comply with GDPR requirements and make it easier for customers, individuals, and website visitors to understand how Everbridge handles personal data. Everbridge also has updated and incorporated Data Protection & Privacy into its Information Security Management System (ISMS), as well as expanded its impact assessments to include a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and better define and document the way the company performs data mapping. Everbridge is continuing to enhance its privacy program to meet the needs of the GDPR as well as future privacy laws and regulations. The Company’s E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield certifications provide legally recognized ways to transfer data across European borders. Everbridge complies with the 7 Privacy Shield principles: Notice; Choice; Accountability for Onward Transfer; Security; Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation; Access; and Recourse, Enforcement and Liability. Under the GDPR, a data processor must implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data. Everbridge’s security framework is based on National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 – Security and Privacy Controls for Information, which has direct mapping to ISO 27001. Our security and data privacy controls and procedures are assessed annually by an accredited third-party audit firm under Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 (SSAE 18). h1|General Data Protection Regulation h2|GDPR What is GDPR What EU Citizen Data Does Everbridge Process? What Has Everbridge Done to Comply with GDPR? What Security Measures Does Everbridge Take to Protect Customer Data? Prata med oss Everbridge SE Om oss Legal, Privacy and Security General Data Protection Regulation pa|After a crisis or emergency, Regina Phelps, Founder, Emergency Management and Safety Solutions, says respondents will inevitably list “communications” as one of the most important areas for improvement. Generally, the main reason for this callout is that communications are not timely. Phelps recommends three key aspects of a crisis communications for effective and timely communication. If crisis communications are not effective, the organizational impact could be unnecessarily greater. Ms. Phelps summarizes the qualities of effective crisis communications as the following: Everbridge provides a critical communication platform that organizations can utilize during all types of crisis. provides robust analytics, GIS targeting, flexible group management, distributed contact data, language localization, multiple options for contact data management, and a “globally local” approach to optimize voice and SMS routing. With the addition of , Everbridge now helps organizations mobilize crisis response and collaboration. Crisis Commander lets you quickly put your response plans in the pocket of every employee. Response team members have access to a mobile framework and communications infrastructure to notify people, mobile response team members, execute contingency plans and effectively collaborate while still keeping key stakeholders informed. li|Effective use of an emergency notification system. Identification of key stakeholders in a communication matrix. Pre-approved message templates. h1|Crisis Communications h2|Qualities of Effective Crisis Communications Routine vs. Crisis Emergencies How Can Everbridge Help Prata med oss h3|Show concern and demonstrate compassion Be transparent and forthright Cooperate with all responders Demonstrate resolve to overcome the situation and get back to some semblance of normal Everbridge SE Lösningar Skydda med-arbetarna Crisis Communications According to Regina, there are two types of emergencies organizations need to distinguish between for crisis communications – routine and crisis. It is important to understand that “routine” does not mean “easy.” These are the emergencies that you have likely thought about what to plan for and what is needed, and you’ve trained for and done exercises for them. On the other hand, crisis emergencies are distinguished by significant elements of novelty, Regina says: Threats never encountered before. A familiar event occurring at unprecedented speed. A confluence of forces, which, while not new, in combination pose unique challenges. For crisis emergencies, plans and behaviors that work during routine events are generally inadequate and, in some cases, counterproductive. pa|Varje dag påverkar kritiska händelser produktivitet och intäkter, orsakar produktionsavbrott, försenar jourteam, fördröjer responsen på tidkritiska problem eller kräver omedelbar information till dem som påverkas. Organisationer måste också vara redo att hantera storskaliga kritiska händelser som påverkar ett större område med ett enkelt sätt att snabbt kommunicera med många mottagare. Oavsett vad som händer finns Everbridge där. Mass Notification prioriterar användarvänlighet vilket gör det möjligt för användare på alla nivåer att snabbt och enkelt skicka nödkommunikation via det mest intuitiva användargränssnittet på marknaden. tillhandahåller en säker, skalbar och tillförlitlig hantering vid kritiska händelser och möjliggör för företag och statliga enheter att kunna skicka meddelanden till individer eller grupper för att hålla dem informerade före, under och efter det inträffar. Pålitlig och skalbar krishanteringsplattform som ger stöd när som helst, var som helst i hela världen. Integrerade applikationer som hjälper till att hantera kritiska händelser under hela processen. Anpassa er räckvidd till mottagarna genom att skicka meddelanden globalt, på vilket lokalt språk som helst. 325+ säkerhetskontroller används så att ni säkert kan lagra era data i önskat land. Det största ekosystemet i branschen beträffande integrerad säkerhetsinformation. Förkonfigurerade och anpassade skärmbilder övervakar kritiska händelser i realtid och tillåter att alla aktiviteter granskas och analyseras. "Med hjälp av Everbridge vet det här teamet hur man svarar på en väderincidenter, elavbrott och våldsamma situationer. Våldsamma situationer är allvarliga, så ur en anläggningssynpunkt är det vårt mål att få anställda ut ur byggnaden." Albert Patin, Daktronics Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Kommunicera med en region eller ett område under krishändelser och hot utan att användare behöver välja att delta. li|Rikta er till individer och inte till enheter Eskalera för att säkerställa att nästa person eller grupp meddelas Sänd till nästan vilken kommunikationsenhet som helst inklusive skärmmeddelanden Sätt upp mallar med förutbestämda kontakter och meddelanden Skydda infrastrukturen med flexibel samtalshantering Publicera automatiskt på webbplatser, interna system och sociala medier Separera planer beroende på plats, avdelning eller anläggning Automatisera valet av mottagare och innehållet baserat på plats, allvarlighetsgrad och typ Felminimera med frågor om nödvändig information innan sändning Granulära användarbehörigheter för att hindra användare från att göra förändringar Skicka meddelanden till mottagare i ett visst geografiskt område Ange platser med enkla ritverktyg, eller ladda upp formfiler Sök efter, visa platsen för, och skicka varningar till specifika kontakttyper Markera människor med vissa behov, brandområden, varningstypabonnenter och mer Ladda, geo-koda och hantera kontaktuppgifter med ett enda gränssnitt – i realtid Hantera inställningar, gränser och standardinställningar via en användarvänlig administrationsfunktion Importera och organisera kontaktuppgifter på ett sätt som är meningsfullt för din organisation Definiera rollbaserade åtkomstkontroller för att hantera användare och kontakter separat Anpassa portaler för att tillåta kontakter att uppdatera och hantera sina konton Anpassat för funktionshindrade enligt Section 508 (USA) Säker, pålitlig och skalbar plattform som är betrodd av 4 000+ kunder Kommunicera och reagera snabbare på störningshändelser Skicka konsekventa och felfria meddelanden snabbt Automatisera och anpassa responsaktiviteter för att möta era behov Enkel integrering med vanliga HR- och BC-planeringssystem I kritiska situationer har hastighet, enkelhet och pålitlighet betydelse. Everbridge Mass Notification med incidentkommunikation Rätt meddelande till rätt personer Automatisera för att minska fel GIS-baserad målstyrning av meddelanden Ge användarna makt h1|Mass Notification h2|Håll alla informerade före, under och efter en kritisk händelse Identifiera och kommunicera Arbetsflöden Vad gör Everbridge Mass Notification? Geo-Intelligent Enkelt, kraftfullt och intuitivt användargränssnitt Fördelar: Styrkan med Critical Event Management Relaterade produkter Prata med oss h3|Betrodd En plattform Globalt lokal Säkert Ekosystem Redo för granskning Safety Connection Public Warning Everbridge SE Produkter Mass Notification × pa|Ju mer tid du har för att förutse hot och risker desto fler möjligheter har du att skapa planer samt undvika risker/störningar för din verksamhet och dina logistikflöden. Även om inte alla händelser kan undvikas så kan planering i förväg hjälpa dig att återställa verksamheten snabbare. blir allt viktigare för företagen. I dagens globala ekonomi är det nödvändigt att ha en integrerad bild av externa hot och händelser, kompletterad med personal/tillgångar/försörjningsvägars position. Detta tillsammans med vital information för att snabbt kunna utvärdera och agera. “Visual Command Center ger GSOC en trovärdig bild från säkerhetsfunktionen i relation till vår övergripande affärsutvecklingsplan. Vårt team och dess förståelse för vår operativa miljö är avgörande för att säkerställa kontinuiteten i verksamheten, skyddet för anställda och tillgångarnas säkerhet”, – Bob Bernazal, Director of Security, National Oilwell Varco Med Everbridge integrerar Microsofts Global Security Operations Centers sextio (60) separata system och datakällor till en enda, interaktiv plattform vilken ger snabb åtkomst till kritisk information som behövs för att utvärdera risker och vidta åtgärder. Det är omöjligt att eliminera risker i ditt logistikflöde, men organisationer kan vidta åtgärder för att minimera exponering för risker och till och med eliminera konsekvenserna av händelser med hjälp av noggrann planering, verktyg och processer för att förutse och hantera risker mer effektivt. En av de främsta globala leverantörerna av transport- och logistiklösningar brukade låta ansvariga för logistikkedjorna manuellt kontrollera flera platser för att avgöra huruvida gränsövergångstiderna skulle orsaka förseningar för kundleveranserna. Leverantören har 50 000 kunder i 30 länder och 1 500 egna platser att hantera. Genom att flytta till en enda plattform för riskhantering av försörjningskedjor kunde de automatisera förseningsvarningar och se dem i realtid, på en och samma skärm. Få omedelbar vetskap om vilka delar av din verksamhet som påverkas av olika risker Bedöm hotets påverkan snabbare Automatisera och standardisera agerandet Bli mer proaktiv – skapa planer för att mildra påverkan eller mobilisera resurser för att hantera konsekvenserna snabbare Lokalisera nyckelresurser och informera intressenter för att snabbare vidta åtgärder Ta proaktiva åtgärder för att minimera exponering för risk och till och med undvika risk om möjligt Vet var er personal befinner sig baserat på deras befintliga, senast kända och förväntade plats. Få en gemensam operativ bild med kraftfull visualisering och orkestrering. Prioritera och åtgärda IT-incidenter snabbare med automatiserade arbetsflöden och automatiska konferenssamtal baserat på experters tillgänglighet. Med bättre situationsmedvetenhet h1|Förutse och förebygg störningar i verksamheten h2|Upprätthåll kontinuitet Kontinuitet i logistikflöden Reducera riskerna och säkerställ verksamhetens kontinuitet Öka effektiviteten och visibiliteten Optimera logistikflöden Svara proaktivt på logistiska förseningar Styrkan i Critical Event Management Relaterade lösningar Prata med oss h3|Få en översiktsbild av verksamheten Uppnå situations-medvetenhet Samordna aktiviteter Upprätthåll verksamhetens kontinuitet Snabbare återhämtning efter störningar Undvika störningar i logistiken Safety Connection Visual Command Center IT Alerting Everbridge SE Lösningar Förutse och förebygg störningar i verksamheten pa|Tabletop exercises are an important step in any emergency preparedness and disaster recovery plan. These exercises include bringing together all relevant parties (e.g. fire, police, emergency management, utilities, etc.) to walk-through a scenario and discuss each step in the order they would happen during a real-life event. The goal is to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the team and its plan. This provides the opportunity for improvement as any inefficiencies and mistakes can be uncovered. Ultimately, this will fine tune the strategy, ensuring event response is effective. Tabletop exercises are a staple in emergency planning no matter what industry you’re in. From corporations to hospitals everyone should take time annually to review their plans and do a walk-through via a table top drill. In fact, for hospitals and healthcare systems, the CMS Emergency Preparedness Guidelines require you to perform two drills per year – one must be active, but the 2nd drill can be a table top drill. The primary difference running a table top exercise for a hospital, as opposed to say, a corporation, is incorporating the variable of patient safety. Hospitals must take patients into consideration, often very sick patients, that aren’t ambulatory and require assistance if an evacuation is ordered. Also, hospitals need to coordinate with officials in the local community such as fire, police, public health, state, county and local officials. Where a corporation will be looking for assistance during an incident from local contacts, hospitals may be coordinating with them to receive patients or otherwise help during an event. h1|Tabletop Exercises h2|The Ten Step Model to Designing an Effective Tabletop Exercise Tabletop Exercises for Healthcare Prata med oss h4|Why Healthcare Tabletop Exercises are Different Everbridge SE Lösningar Alert Residents and Visitors Tabletop Exercises pa|Public safety communication involves the acts of delivering critical information to fellow agencies in an effort to share information and coordinate effective incident response. Additionally, it includes providing timely event details to residents and community members to help ensure their safety. . The type of incidents that caused these declarations ranged from chemical spills, wildfires to large scale events like Hurricane Matthew. Being able to deliver critical event information through an emergency notification system that allows for simple resident opt-in and a multi-modal approach can help save lives. , a well thought out public safety communication plan that can combat this problem is essential to ensuring resident safety. Everbridge keeps residents safe and informed and ensures they get the right message through a multi-modal (cell phone, e-mail, landline phones, etc.) approach with the option to require confirmation of receipt. Everbridge™'s platform is designed to deliver millions of messages per hour with the ability to adjust call volume to not overwhelm local phone exchanges. That is why the states of Florida and Connecticut rely on Everbridge for their most critical communications. PrecisionGIS shows you the static location for key personnel, residents and allows you to customize your organizations view with custom maps, display details like fire zones and Tier 2 HAZMAT storage. Mass Notification for Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) takes traditional notifications to the next level, making it easier for authorized public safety officials to target and launch alerts to individuals who may be in harm’s way, without the need to download an app or subscribe to a service. “The system, which we have named TorranceAlerts, is very customizable to the individual so we are not overwhelming them with an abundance of non-emergency messages. We encourage all residents to register and opt-in at TorranceCA.Gov/TorranceAlerts. Depending on their preferences, residents can receive Everbridge notifications on anything from street sweeping and water conservation, to library services and building code issues. Residents can also stay engaged with the community through our TorranceAlerts Twitter and Facebook handles as well.” “Everbridge allows us to refine notifications so that they only target the areas affected by the weather warnings. Upon receiving notifications from the National Weather Service, all sirens within the county are activated regardless of the actual location of the bad weather. Using Everbridge, citizens know that if they receive a warning message on their cell phone, land line or email, they are in the “hot” zone of where the storm is likely to occur.” “We have found that Everbridge is an invaluable tool that allows us to stay connected with community members and rapidly communicate critical information to them when necessary. Before Everbridge, we relied on a less powerful notification service, and it took us two to three hours to send a message to 5,000 people. Using Everbridge, we have notified 10,000 people in less than 15 minutes.” According to FEMA, in 2016 alone there were 103 disaster declarations and a total of 823 from 2010-16 With less than 50% of households having a landline h1|Public Safety Communications h2|What is Public Safety Communications? Why Everbridge for Public Safety Communications What Our Customer Are Saying About Us Prata med oss h3|Reach the Right People, at the Right Time Scale to Meet Your Needs Know Where Residents, Staff, and Responders are Located Quickly and Easily Broadcast via FEMA's IPAWS Soraya Sutherlin, Emergency Services Manager, City of Torrance, CA Ed Reuter, Emergency 911 Director, Bartholomew County, IN Ken Parish, Program Manager, Pierce County, WA Everbridge SE Lösningar Alert Residents and Visitors Public Safety Communications pa|When jurisdictions share a single notification system, they can more effectively respond to incidents and generate significant cost savings without losing individual autonomy. Local authorities can still manage their own notifications, but gain access to a larger source of intelligence, and can coordinate more closely with adjacent jurisdictions. Enables Connecticut authorities to communicate critical information directly to every hospital, emergency response agency, business and resident across the state to keep them safe and informed. The system is used for both emergencies and important day-to-day operations. Distributes public safety information such as Amber Alerts, weather warnings and evacuation notifications across multiple communication methods including SMS, email, IPAWS, reverse 911 and social media for geographically-targeted alerts. Disseminates public safety information such as Amber Alerts, sex offender alerts, weather warnings and evacuation notifications throughout the state. The system uses multiple communication methods including SMS, email, IPAWS, reverse 911 and social media to send geographically-targeted alerts. Subscribe at Provides statewide emergency alert and notification services to Florida residents, businesses and visitors in their preferred language and method for receiving alerts, including SMS text messaging, e-mail, voice calls, TDD/TTY messaging, and mobile device apps for AndroidTM, Apple® and Windows® mobile devices. Residents covered in a single deployment offers significant economies of scale, reducing total cost compared to several individual deployments. Large, consolidated trainings for one shared notification system save agencies significant training costs compared to multiple trainings on disparate systems. Provide responders with accurate, up-to-date information through shared situational intelligence via common data streams and notification visibility from neighboring agencies. Mutual aid is better provided by neighboring cities, counties or the state due to system familiarity and data access. Increase resident opt ins when the public utilizes a single, trusted mechanism for easy sign-ups. Cover all residents in all jurisdictions regardless of the socio-economic conditions of their individual jurisdiction. Data sharing can enhance the safety of the most vulnerable, such as access and functional needs populations that need assistance during an emergency. Consolidated training and increased internal expertise serve to reinforce usage policy and reduce notification errors. In 2016, Everbridge was selected as the service provider for the development and implementation of AlertFlorida, a landmark initiative that provides statewide emergency alert and notification services to Florida residents, businesses and visitors. Each participating jurisdiction is able to customize the categories of alerts available in their community through a local opt-in portal. The system also will provide automated notifications of flash floods, tornados, and other watches and warnings issued by the National Weather Service. AlertFlorida has set the standard for emergency notification: In preparation for Hurricane Irma, Florida promoted the keyword #FLPREPARES, asking residents and visitors to text the keyword to 888-777 to receive critical updates and information from government officials The uniformity of the state-wide system created a standardized message that was easily adopted and deployed across all public safety entities in the state. And in turn, public messaging was clear, concise and consistent throughout the event. Ensuring the safety of all Floridians is the Division’s top priority. The selection of Everbridge as the AlertFlorida vendor marks a milestone toward providing the State’s Emergency Managers with a standardized system to communicate critical emergency information to every resident, business and visitor in Florida. Bryan W. Koon, Florida Department of Emergency Management Director Large deployments require a resilient platform. The Everbridge Critical Event Management platform has the scalability and reliability to power large-scale deployments. You can be confident that your messages will be sent, whether to 100 or 100,000 people. messages since 2012 secure confirmed delivery DHS telecom service provider uptime contacts managed customers li|Cover more residents at less cost Protect the most vulnerable Increase resident opt-ins Interoperability for more reliable mutual aid Shared situational intelligence for coordinated response Streamlined training to prevent mishaps Prior to AlertFlorida, many cities could not independently afford to purchase their own notification system, leaving many residents with no way to be reached in an emergency. The Florida Department of Health maintains their access and functional needs (AFN) information in their database, including critical resource needs. This provides critical information to local emergency managers and first responders in pre-planning efforts such as wellness checks and emergency response coordination. Because By adopting a state-wide model, the overall cost of purchasing and maintaining an emergency notification system decreased substantially. the AFN data is managed at the State level, the statewide deployment allows Counties to access the data. . During the course of Hurricane Irma, 20 million messages were sent, and over 600,000 individuals opted-into the system –expanding their reach from 280,000 contacts to roughly 900,000 contacts. h1|Statewide Notification Deployment h2|Disasters don’t respect lines on a map Multijurisdictional Notification Deployments are the Future of Public Safety Benefits Statewide Notification Deployments Powered by Everbridge Cost Savings Economies of Scale Training Cost Savings Statewide Notification Deployments Reward Public Safety Customer Story: AlertFlorida’s Statewide Notification System Everbridge Powers Statewide Notification Deployments Prata med oss h3|CT Alert VT-Alert NY-Alert Alert Florida Statewide Notification Deployments 5 Billion 200+ Countries Level 3 Certified 99.99% 199+ Million 3,700 h4|Cities, counties and states need a better way to share information and cover more residents at less cost. Everbridge SE Lösningar Alert Residents and Visitors Statewide Notification Deployment pa|Many business processes are time sensitive, and when an interruption occurs, it is critical that organizations are able to minimize the impact of the disruptive incident. A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) documents the procedures and resources each department within the organization will use to keep the business impact to a minimum. Conduct a BIA to identify time-sensitive or critical business functions and processes and the resources that support them. Identify, document and implement requirements based on the BIA to recover critical business functions and processes during a disruption. Organization a business continuity team and complies a business continuity plan to manage a business disruption that could impact your organization. Conduct training for the business continuity team and testing and exercises to evaluate recovery strategies and the plan. As with any type of program, executives will ask about the ROI of a business continuity plan. According to Regina Phelps, an internationally recognized expert in the field of emergency management and continuity planning, this conversation needs to . “ Phelps wrote in a recent white paper. In this recent white paper, Regina Phelps offered eight ideas on how organizations can show the value of its business continuity plan: Relying on your paper business continuity plans is too risky in today’s digital world. Whether your concern is major accidents, man-made or natural disasters, supply-chain disruptions, IT outages or security breaches, a digital plan that can be accessed on a mobile device can be an invaluable resource to ensure a positive outcome. Everbridge Crisis Commander lets you quickly put your business continuity plan in the pocket of every employee. Response team members have access to a mobile framework and communications infrastructure to notify people, mobilize response team members, execute contingency plans and effectively collaborate while still keeping key stakeholders informed. Crisis center view of all active plans and task status Access BC files (e.g. PDF, DOC and XLS) while your smartphone is offline Notify & collaborate with plan stakeholders Use SMS, E-mail and VoIP, audio bulletin board, conference calls, crisis home page, Facebook, Twitter etc. to keep people informed. Integrated with Everbridge Customized task lists depending on role and type or incident Provide real-time status updates Situation report, Log and To Do list Central repository of plans and tasks Support for Crisis, Emergency and BC plans Automatic reminders to revise and update plans Delivered with 10+ flexible template plans li|Regulatory compliance Competitive advantage Brand and reputation protection Risk identification Operational improvement Knowledge capture Increased robustness Deeper knowledge h1|Business Continuity Planning h2|What is a Business Continuity Plan? Four Components to Developing a Business Continuity Plan Value-on-Investment vs. Return-on-Investment Mobile Business Continuity Plan How Everbridge Can Help Prata med oss h3|Business Impact Analysis Recovery Strategies Plan Development Testing and Exercises Mobile Plan Access Mobile Communication Mobile Collaboration Plan Management h4|The True Value of Business Continuity Everbridge SE Lösningar Förutse och förebygg störningar i verksamheten Business Continuity Planning em|The traditional definition of “ROI” means – very literally – “return on investment.” That means that you need to prove that the company received the same amount of money back – or more – as it invested in your program. You can always point to your BIA, point to your planning efforts, correlate the two – and pray for the best. If a serious outage occurred, it’s a pretty easy argument. However, if you’re like most BC/DR professionals, you likely have had no disasters or plan activations, or – worse yet – the situations you faced were easy. You will never win with that kind of response,” pa| h1|In Person h2|Events Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events In Person no results pa| h1|In Person h2|Events Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events In Person no results pa| h1|In Person h2|Events Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events In Person no results pa| h1|Webinars h2|Events Everbridge SE Om oss Upcoming Events Webinars no results pa| h1|Resources h2| Everbridge SE Kunder Resource Centre Resources no results pa| h1|Resources h2| Everbridge SE Kunder Resource Centre Resources no results pa| h1|Resources h2| Everbridge SE Kunder Resource Centre Resources no results pa| h1|Resources h2| Everbridge SE Kunder Resource Centre Resources no results