pa|La deg inspirere og akselerere! Over 4 dager tilbyr vi 17 gratis webinar spekket med tips og triks fra IT-verdenen: Endringsledelse - Microsoft FSLogix - UX - DevOps - Data Visualisering - Scrum - Prosjektledelse - Kryptering - ITIL - Nettverk – Programledelse - Check Point - Microsoft 365 - Virtuelle Presentasjoner - Porteføljestyring Få en oversikt over våre mest populære kurs innen en rekke leverandører og fagområder, samt informasjon om kampanjer og nyheter! På de aller fleste kurs kan du velge å delta virtuelt via vår Connect2Classroom-løsning! Glasspapers kurs- og testsenter i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger følger hele tiden myndighetenes retningslinjer for ansvarlig håndtering av covid-19, samtidig som vi sikrer at våre kunder kommer i mål med sine kompetanseplaner, og får gode kursopplevelser. Hold deg oppdatert på hva som skjer innen den teknologisk utviklingen, eller når din neste mulighet for kompetanseheving kommer opp. I vår nyhetsspalte skriver vi om dagsaktuelle temaer og andre saker som rører seg i Glasspaper hverdagen. Glasspaper Recruitment er spesialisert på rekruttering til stillinger som bidrar til våre kunders digitale reise. Dette spenner seg fra stillinger innen digital markedsføring og digital forretningsutvikling til IT-ledelse, arkitektur, systemutvikling, analytics, skyløsninger, sikkerhet og drift. I tillegg bistår vi med rekruttering av økonomer hvor systemkompetanse står sentralt, eksempelvis innen CRM, ERP og ECM. Vi kjenner markedet godt og kan tilby en unik kombinasjon av kompetanseutvikling og rekruttering. Glasspaper People er et bemanningsbyrå bestående av to enheter, utleie av vikarer innen IT og utleie av vikarer innen merkantile stillinger som kundeservice, salg, økonomi, regnskap, HR, kontor og administrasjon. Som kunde kan du forvente kompetente rådgivere med høyt fokus på kvalitet i leveransene. Som eneste aktør i bransjen kan vi med Norges største IT-kursleverandør i ryggen tilby kompetanseutvikling av den utleide medarbeideren i løpet av oppdraget til fordel for både våre vikarer og kunder. Gjennom våre egne konsulentselskaper og konsulentformidling kan Glasspaper dekke de fleste behovene våre kunder har rundt innleie av IT-kompetanse. Glasspaper Solutions er spesialisert på systemutvikling innen Microsoft .NET, Azure og Front-end. Inspir-IT er spesialisert på Microsoft business intelligence mens Adaptiva sin spisskompetanse er MS 365, sikkerhet og compliance. I tillegg har Glasspaper People en egen konsulentformidlingsenhet som løser våre kunders behov enten gjennom våre konsulentselskaper eller et solid nettverk av underleverandører. Glasspaper People bemanning er ikke et tradisjonelt vikarbyrå. Vi har som mål å levere rett person til rett tid samtidig som vi benytter vår teknologiske innsikt og kursløsninger til å øke den digitale kompetansen til utleide medarbeidere. Gjennom oss leier du inn teknologiorienterte medarbeidere som gjør at de er mer effektive i sitt arbeid og kan bidra til at andre ansatte løfter sin teknologikompetanse. Kunder som ser verdi i at innleide vikarer bruker Outlooks store mulighetsrom for automatisering og kategorisering, forstår hvordan SharePoint benyttes best mulig, har solid kompetanse innen Excel etc. ser verdien i at Glasspaper People løser deres behov for innleie innen økonomi, HR, markedsføring, kontor og administrasjon i tillegg til tradisjonelle IT-stillinger. Glasspaper People konsulent er ikke et tradisjonelt IT-konsulentselskap. Vi representerer både konsulenter fra egne datterselskaper innen .NET, Azure, Front-end, BI, MS 365, sikkerhet og compliance i tillegg til at vi samarbeider med en rekke andre IT-konsulentselskaper og selvstendige IT-konsulenter for å kunne tilby våre kunder riktigst mulig IT-konsulent gitt deres behov og kostnadsrammer. Dette gjør at vi kan løse de fleste IT-kompetansebehov våre kunder har. Som kunde får du et kontaktpunkt å forholde deg til for alle dine konsulentbehov. Vi vet hvem de dyktige konsulentene er og når de blir ledige. Våre konsulenter kan leies ut både for kortere og lengre oppdrag. Mange av våre stillinger lyses ut, men ikke alle. Dersom du ikke finner ledige stillinger på våre nettsider som matcher dine ønsker så velkommen til å registrere deg i vårt kandidathåndteringssystem med tanke på jobb hos våre oppdragsgivere eller jobb i et av selskapene i Glasspaper Group. Vi setter pris på at du forteller oss hvilke ønsker du har for ny jobb, laster opp din CV og fremhever ferdighetene du har som vi bør være spesielt oppmerksomme på. Vi har fokus på å hjelpe våre kunder på den digitale reisen, hvilket betyr at vi oftest bidrar med stillingen innen ledelse, salg i IT-bransjen, digital markedsføring, IT og økonomi. di|Learning Kurs | Sertifisering | E-læring People Rekruttering | Bemanning | Konsulent Agile AI og Maskinlæring Analyse Applikasjons utvikling Brukerkurs Automatisering Business Skills Cloud CRM Database og BI Deployment DevOps Endringsledelse Enterprise Architecture Gevinstrealisering Governance IT Service Management Nettverk Personvern (GDPR) ProduktivitetProsjektledelse Server og klient Sikkerhet Virtualisering Adobe Amazon (AWS) Check Point Cisco Citrix CompTIA EC Council Google (ISC)2 ITIL Red Hat Microsoft Oracle PRINCE2 TOGAF VMware Vårt testsenter i Oslo har stengt til og med 16.april grunnet covid-restriksjoner. Våre testsenter i Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger har åpent. Bestill test under! Her kan du lese mer om leverandørenes sertifiseringsløp: h2|Fagområde Leverandører Sertifisering Inspirasjonsdagene April 2021 Kom i mål med dine kompetanseplaner! Connect2Classroom Informasjon i forbindelse med coronaviruset Startgaranti LLPA kåret til årets Microsoft Learning Partner for 2020 Glasspaper deler Rekruttering Bemanning Konsulent Våre utleide medarbeidere tilfører digital kompetanse Hvorfor er Glasspaper People en attraktiv konsulentleverandør? Registrer din CV Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Som deltager på Connect2Classroom deltar du på et standard, datofestet kurs via internet. I stedet for å sitte i samme klasserom som instruktøren og de andre kursdeltagerne, sitter du på kontoret eller hjemme. Fordelene med C2C er flere: Du sparer tid og penger, og slipper å reise. Glasspaper har til enhver tid et stort utvalg kurs med startgaranti. Startgaranti på et kurs betyr at vi garanterer for at kurset vil bli gjennomført. I juli 2020 ble LLPA kåret til Årets Microsoft Learning partner worldwide! Glasspaper er det norske medlemmet i LLPA, og feirer prisen sammen med de 31 andre medlemmene i LLPA. pa|La deg inspirere og akselerere! Over 4 dager tilbyr vi 17 gratis webinar spekket med tips og triks fra IT-verdenen: Endringsledelse - Microsoft FSLogix - UX - DevOps - Data Visualisering - Scrum - Prosjektledelse - Kryptering - ITIL - Nettverk – Programledelse - Check Point - Microsoft 365 - Virtuelle Presentasjoner - Porteføljestyring Glasspapers kurs- og testsenter i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger følger hele tiden myndighetenes retningslinjer for ansvarlig håndtering av covid-19, samtidig som vi sikrer at våre kunder kommer i mål med sine kompetanseplaner, og får gode kursopplevelser. Hold deg oppdatert på hva som skjer innen den teknologisk utviklingen, eller når din neste mulighet for kompetanseheving kommer opp. I vår nyhetsspalte skriver vi om dagsaktuelle temaer og andre saker som rører seg i Glasspaper hverdagen. Glasspaper Recruitment er spesialisert på rekruttering til stillinger som bidrar til våre kunders digitale reise. Dette spenner seg fra stillinger innen digital markedsføring og digital forretningsutvikling til IT-ledelse, arkitektur, systemutvikling, analytics, skyløsninger, sikkerhet og drift. I tillegg bistår vi med rekruttering av økonomer hvor systemkompetanse står sentralt, eksempelvis innen CRM, ERP og ECM. Vi kjenner markedet godt og kan tilby en unik kombinasjon av kompetanseutvikling og rekruttering. Glasspaper People er et bemanningsbyrå bestående av to enheter, utleie av vikarer innen IT og utleie av vikarer innen merkantile stillinger som kundeservice, salg, økonomi, regnskap, HR, kontor og administrasjon. Som kunde kan du forvente kompetente rådgivere med høyt fokus på kvalitet i leveransene. Som eneste aktør i bransjen kan vi med Norges største IT-kursleverandør i ryggen tilby kompetanseutvikling av den utleide medarbeideren i løpet av oppdraget til fordel for både våre vikarer og kunder. Gjennom våre egne konsulentselskaper og konsulentformidling kan Glasspaper dekke de fleste behovene våre kunder har rundt innleie av IT-kompetanse. Glasspaper Solutions er spesialisert på systemutvikling innen Microsoft .NET, Azure og Front-end. Inspir-IT er spesialisert på Microsoft business intelligence mens Adaptiva sin spisskompetanse er MS 365, sikkerhet og compliance. I tillegg har Glasspaper People en egen konsulentformidlingsenhet som løser våre kunders behov enten gjennom våre konsulentselskaper eller et solid nettverk av underleverandører. Glasspaper People bemanning er ikke et tradisjonelt vikarbyrå. Vi har som mål å levere rett person til rett tid samtidig som vi benytter vår teknologiske innsikt og kursløsninger til å øke den digitale kompetansen til utleide medarbeidere. Gjennom oss leier du inn teknologiorienterte medarbeidere som gjør at de er mer effektive i sitt arbeid og kan bidra til at andre ansatte løfter sin teknologikompetanse. Kunder som ser verdi i at innleide vikarer bruker Outlooks store mulighetsrom for automatisering og kategorisering, forstår hvordan SharePoint benyttes best mulig, har solid kompetanse innen Excel etc. ser verdien i at Glasspaper People løser deres behov for innleie innen økonomi, HR, markedsføring, kontor og administrasjon i tillegg til tradisjonelle IT-stillinger. Glasspaper People konsulent er ikke et tradisjonelt IT-konsulentselskap. Vi representerer både konsulenter fra egne datterselskaper innen .NET, Azure, Front-end, BI, MS 365, sikkerhet og compliance i tillegg til at vi samarbeider med en rekke andre IT-konsulentselskaper og selvstendige IT-konsulenter for å kunne tilby våre kunder riktigst mulig IT-konsulent gitt deres behov og kostnadsrammer. Dette gjør at vi kan løse de fleste IT-kompetansebehov våre kunder har. Som kunde får du et kontaktpunkt å forholde deg til for alle dine konsulentbehov. Vi vet hvem de dyktige konsulentene er og når de blir ledige. Våre konsulenter kan leies ut både for kortere og lengre oppdrag. Mange av våre stillinger lyses ut, men ikke alle. Dersom du ikke finner ledige stillinger på våre nettsider som matcher dine ønsker så velkommen til å registrere deg i vårt kandidathåndteringssystem med tanke på jobb hos våre oppdragsgivere eller jobb i et av selskapene i Glasspaper Group. Vi setter pris på at du forteller oss hvilke ønsker du har for ny jobb, laster opp din CV og fremhever ferdighetene du har som vi bør være spesielt oppmerksomme på. Vi har fokus på å hjelpe våre kunder på den digitale reisen, hvilket betyr at vi oftest bidrar med stillingen innen ledelse, salg i IT-bransjen, digital markedsføring, IT og økonomi. Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Learning Kurs | Sertifisering | E-læring People Rekruttering | Bemanning | Konsulent Agile AI and Machine Learning Analytics Application development Application training Automation Business Skills Cloud CRM Database and Business Intelligence Deployment DevOps Change Management Enterprise Architecture Managing Benefits Governance IT Service Management Network GDPR Productivity Program and Portfolio management Project Management Server and Client Cyber security Virtualization Adobe Amazon Web Services (AWS) Check Point Cisco Citrix CompTIA EC Council Google (ISC)2 ITIL Red Hat Microsoft Oracle PRINCE2 TOGAF VMware Vårt testsenter i Oslo har stengt til og med 16.april grunnet covid-restriksjoner. Våre testsenter i Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger har åpent. Bestill test under! Her kan du lese mer om leverandørenes sertifiseringsløp: h2|Field Suppliers Sertifisering Inspirasjonsdagene April 2021 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Connect2Classroom Informasjon i forbindelse med coronaviruset Guaranteed to run LLPA kåret til årets Microsoft Learning Partner for 2020 Glasspaper deler Rekruttering Bemanning Konsulent Våre utleide medarbeidere tilfører digital kompetanse Hvorfor er Glasspaper People en attraktiv konsulentleverandør? Registrer din CV News from Glasspaper sp|Our authorized courses are provided by certified AWS instructors on the latest available version. Acquire skills to design, distribute, operate and secure the infrastructure and applications of the AWS cloud. As a participant in Connect2Classroom, you participate in a standard, data-based course via the internet. Instead of sitting in the same classroom as the instructor and the other participants, you are in the office or at home. You also save time and money and do not have to travel. Glasspaper has a wide range of courses with start guarantee at all times. Start guarantee on a course means that we guarantee that the course will be completed. I juli 2020 ble LLPA kåret til Årets Microsoft Learning partner worldwide! Glasspaper er det norske medlemmet i LLPA, og feirer prisen sammen med de 31 andre medlemmene i LLPA. pa| di|07.04.2021 Hvordan jobber de beste med strategisk bemanning? Strategisk bemanning er en strategi og plan som sikrer at virksomheten har de menneskelige ressursene de trenger for å levere på sine nåværende og fremtidige forretningsmål. Det påvirker hvordan interne ressurser utvikles over tid, samt hvilke profiler som kan rekrutteres inn. 24.03.2021 Vi introduserer Inspirasjonsdagene April 2021 La deg inspirere og akselerere! Over 4 dager tilbyr vi 17 gratis webinar spekket med tips og triks fra IT-verdenen: Endringsledelse - Microsoft FSLogix - UX - DevOps - Data Visualisering - Scrum - Prosjektledelse - Kryptering - ITIL - Nettverk – Programledelse - Check Point - Microsoft 365 - Virtuelle Presentasjoner - Porteføljestyring 12.02.2021 Hvorfor bør du søke på Microsoft University? Er du nyutdannet innen IT og ønsker en kick-start på karrieren din? Da bør du lese videre! 04.12.2020 Vi tar nå imot søkere til Microsoft University 2021 Vi er godt i gang med Microsoft University forberedelser til 2021, og snart åpner vi for søkere til de 7 ulike sporene som kan velges i år: Advanced Cloud Analytics/ Azure Data Engineer, Cloud AI and Machine Learning, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, .Net Azure Developer, Cloud Security og Azure Cloud Platform. 19.10.2020 Hvorfor bør din bedrift ta i bruk Power BI? Power BI er et kraftfullt rapporterings og analyseverktøy, og det har aldri vært lettere å få oversikt over akkurat de nøkkeltallene som er viktig for dere, slik at deres beslutningsgrunnlag blir så optimalt som mulig. Kort fortalt handler det om å transformere rådata slik at man kan se mønstre, trender i bedriften/markedet og agere ut ifra dette. 09.10.2020 MS365: Invester i superbrukere – ta optimale valg for hele organisasjonen Mange opplever at Microsoft 365 (MS365) gjør dem mer produktive, og «alle» er enig i at MS365 gir langt flere muligheter til tilpasninger. Men vi opplever at alle mulighetene også blir hinderet for at MS365 skal bli utnyttet best mulig. 04.08.2020 Azets bygger nytt nordisk datavarehus og BI-løsning. Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen. Tilgang på data og analyser blir et stadig viktigere konkurransefortrinn for teknologidrevne selskaper. Datavarehus står derfor sentralt for Azets, en leverandør av fleksible finansielle og administrative tjenester i Norden. I samarbeid med Glasspaper søkes det nå etter en erfaren løsningsarkitekt for deres nye skybaserte datavarehus. 29.01.2020 Hvilke trender så vi rundt sertifiseringer i 2019? Glasspaper er Norges største testsenter med rundt 5000 sertifiseringer i året. Vi har testlokasjoner i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger. I 2019 fikk vi et godt bilde over sertifiseringstrender ved våre testsentre, og ønsker å dele et par av de trendene med dere. 09.01.2020 Fem enkle tips for bedre oversikt og kontroll i det nye året Vi skriver 2020, og vi har ikke bare gått inn i et nytt år, men også et helt nytt tiår! Vår instruktør Fred-Ragnar Skau-Nilsen fra Potero har skrevet denne artikkelen som gir deg fem enkle tips for å bedre både oversikt og kontroll i 2020. 16.12.2019 Glasspaper har inngått rammeavtale for rekruttering med Business Intelligence selskapet RAV Vi har fornyet vår rammeavtale for rekruttering med RAV, og har i den anledningen intervjuet ledere og ansatte i selskapet. Med dette ønsket vi å få svar på hvorfor de 60 ansatte som jobber i RAV har valgt dette som sin arbeidsplass, hva det betyr at RAV nå er kjøpt opp av KPMG og samtidig spurt hvilke stillinger RAV skal besette fremover. 04.12.2019 Fremtidens VMware er kanskje ikke det VMware vi har kjent i 20 år? Historien om VMware er på mange måter historien om det typiske amerikanske IT-selskapet. 5 mennesker traff hverandre på Berkeley University. Diane Greene, Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Ellen Wang og Edouard Bugnion hadde en idé om hvordan man kunne utnytte compute ressurser mer effektivt enn det som var vanlig, i 1998. 22.11.2019 Norges ledende kurs -og kompetansesenter åpner i Stavanger Den 4. desember åpner Glasspaper dørene til sitt nye kurs- og testsenter i Stavanger. Vi er sentralt lokalisert blant en rekke store IT-miljøer i Gamle Forusveien (Gauselsplitten). Glasspaper tilbyr i dag markedets bredeste kurssortiment og har over 10.000 kursdeltakere årlig. Glasspaper har fått utmerkelser både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, blant annet har Microsoft kåret selskapet til det beste kurssenteret i Norge 8 år på rad. 09.09.2019 Glasspaper bistår med å bygge Grønn Jobbs nyetablerte programvarehus Innovasjonstakten lever i Østfold! Det Fredrikstadbaserte selskapet Grønn Jobb satser friskt innen programvare gjennom å etablere datterselskapet Lyon Future AS, som skal komplimentere selskapets eksisterende programvare og øvrige tjenester. Glasspaper People har bidratt til å kartlegge eksisterende tekniske løsninger og kompetanse, samt rekruttere inn de to første ansatte i Lyon Future, CTO og UX/UI designer. Fokuset er nå å finne den siste ledende rollen i denne omgang, produkteier. Målet er å realisere utviklingen av digitale HRM løsninger. Vi har intervjuet Dan Mario Røian, CEO i Grønn Jobb og Lyon Future for å høre hans tanker om satsningen. 28.08.2019 Apotek 1 bygger nytt datavarehus, og Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen Apotek 1, Norges største apotekkjede med mer enn 4.000 ansatte og også landets største farmasøytiske arbeidsgiver, har ambisiøse mål for å løfte deres analysekapasitet kraftig. Glasspaper er valgt som leverandør i oppbemanningen av Analytics enheten ved å rekruttere inn en datavarehus ansvarlig (arkitekt) og to ETL-utviklere (data engineers). Vi har intervjuet Geir Kjøsen i Apotek 1 som har gitt oppdraget til Glasspaper for å fortelle litt om nå situasjonen og reisen fremover. 19.08.2019 Hvordan vokse i Scrum Master rollen Hva slags ferdigheter og kunnskaper trenger en profesjonell Scrum Master egentlig? Og hvordan utvikler man seg som Scrum Master? Side 1 av 3 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|24.03.2021 Inspirasjonsdagene April 2021 La deg inspirere og akselerere! Over 4 dager tilbyr vi 17 gratis webinar spekket med tips og triks fra IT-verdenen: Endringsledelse - Microsoft FSLogix - UX - DevOps - Data Visualisering - Scrum - Prosjektledelse - Kryptering - ITIL - Nettverk – Programledelse - Check Point - Microsoft 365 - Virtuelle Presentasjoner - Porteføljestyring 05.01.2021 Gratis webinar: Endringsledelse i prosjekter I dette 3-timers gratis webinaret vil du få en grundig introduksjon i hvordan bruke ferdighetene til organisatorisk endringsledelse i prosjekter. Webinaret kjøres torsdag 21. januar og fredag 12. februar, av og med Brendan Martin fra kl 09 - 12. 02.12.2020 Gratis webinar 6.januar: Azure Data Platform Overview Dette webinaret gir deg en 3-timers introduksjon til Microsofts Azure Data Platform. Dette er svært aktuelt for alle som skal ha databasene sine i Azure fremover. Webinaret kjøres onsdag 6.januar av og med Magi Naumova fra kl 09-12. 01.12.2020 Microsoft 365 kampanje Skaff deg anerkjente Microsoft 365 sertifiseringer med vår kampanje! Bestill Microsoft 365 kurs og få Exam Replay med øvelsestest inkludert! Spesialpris NOK 99 000 på bedriftsinternt Microsoft 365 kurs! 03.11.2020 Secure Coding - 2 gratis seminarer Cyber Security needs a preventative mindset, broaden the understanding of its nature and ensure organizational readiness, especially in tech-jobs where false assumptions make up for the knowing-doing gap. 30.10.2020 AWS Discovery day - gratis seminar Get an official introduction to AWS from one of the only organisations that are authorized to deliver it. This course is designed to teach business leaders and IT technical professionals the benefits of computing in the AWS Cloud. 13.10.2020 Citrix re-sertifiseringskampanje Alle med eksisterende og utløpt Citrix sertifisering kan fornye sin sertifisering ved å delta på kurs innen 31.desember 2020. Dette gjelder for deltagelse på både klasseromskurs og Connect2Classroom! 30.09.2020 Azure høstkampanje 2020 Skaff deg anerkjente Azure sertifiseringer med vår Azure kampanje! Bestill Azure kurs og få Exam Replay med øvelsestest inkludert! Spesialpris NOK 99 000 på bedriftsinternt Azure kurs! 30.09.2020 Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI) Enterprise Skills Initiative er et kompetanseprogram for å øke teknisk ekspertise på Microsoft Azure og andre Microsoft produkter! Side 1 av 1 li|Kampanjer h1|Gjeldende kampanjer h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) 2020 (2) (1) (2) (2) pa|Glasspaper er autorisert testsenter for Pearson Vue, Prometric, Kryterion, Certiport, Axelos, Scantron (tidligere Castle) og Nextec. Vi har testsenter i Bergen, Oslo, Stavanger og Trondheim, og du kan ta de aller fleste offisielle sertifiseringseksamener hos oss: Adobe, Amazon Web Services, Check Point, Cisco, Citrix, CompTIA, EC Council, GMAT, HP, IBM, ISACA, ISTQB, ITIL, Java, Linux, Microsoft, MSP, MoP, Oracle, PRINCE2, Red Hat, SAP, TMAP, TOGAF, Veeam og VMware - for å nevne noen. For spørsmål vedrørende sertifisering, kontakt oss på Grunnet smittevern bes alle testdeltagere om å ta med og bruke munnbind i våre testsenter. Vi ønsker at deltagere bruker munnbind ved innsjekking, i venteområdet og inne på testrommet. Dette er for å redusere smitte samt være en trygghet for deltagere og ansatte. Testtagere følge . Under testen blir testtagere sittende med minimum 1 meters avstand fra hverandre, og adskilt med skillevegger. En sertifisering er et kvalitetsstempel som gjør deg ettertraktet. Sertifiseringer er også i økende grad et krav i markedet: arbeidsgivere prioriterer sertifiserte søkere ved rekruttering, bedrifter stiller sertifisering som krav for innleide konsulenter, og ved anbud vektlegges sertifisert kompetanse i stadig større grad. Nytt sertifiseringsprogram trer i kraft 24.februar 2020 med omfattende endringer på alle nivå: CCNA - CCNP - CCIE. Les mer om endringene her: Microsoft har lansert sitt nye rollebaserte sertifiseringsprogram. De nye sertifiseringene er utviklet for å bygge kompetanse i tråd med dagens jobbroller, og for å dekke de krav som stilles. De nye rollebaserte sertifiseringene vil gjøre det enda viktigere å dokumentere sine ferdigheter. Les mer om Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring Sørg for å bestå din eksamen! Med selvtester fra MeasureUp får du rask oversikt over pensum, og du vet når du er klar til å ta eksamen! Glasspaper er autorisert testsenter for Pearson Vue, Prometric, Kryterion, Certiport, Axelos, Castle og Nextec. Vi har testsenter i Bergen, Oslo, Stavanger og Trondheim, og du kan ta de aller fleste offisielle sertifiseringseksamener hos oss. li|Testsenter Vårt testsenter i Bergen har åpent mandag, onsdag og fredag fra kl 09:00-16:00. Vårt testsenter i Trondheim har åpent hver fredag fra kl 09:00-16:00. Vårt testsenter i Stavanger åpner på forespørsel. Send inn ønske om test via «Bestill Test». st|OSLO: Testsenteret i Oslo er stengt som følge av covid restriksjoner fra 1.mars til og med 16.april. BERGEN: TRONDHEIM: STAVANGER: Påbudt bruk av munnbind ved våre testsenter MÅ h1|Testsenter h2|Åpningstider på våre testsenter: Les mer om sertifisering fra ulike leverandører: Hvorfor bør du investere i sertifisering? Nytt Cisco sertifiseringsprogram trer i kraft 24.februar 2020 Microsofts endrer sitt sertifiseringsprogram, og innfører rollebaserte sertifiseringer Har du spørsmål? Bestill MeasureUp øvelsestest for å være trygg på eksamensdagen! Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Bestill din test her pa|Glasspaper har hovedkontor i Oslo og avdelingskontorer i Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger. Velkommen! Finn kontaktinfo for våre kontorer: td|Besøksadr.: Brynsveien 12, 0667 OSLO Telefon: 23 24 69 00 Kontakt: Sentralbord Oslo Telefon: 23246900 Epost: Kontakt: Sentralbord Oslo Telefon: 23246900 Epost: Besøksadr.: Sandbrogaten 5, 5003 Bergen Telefon: 53002700 Kontakt: Einar Eriksen, avdelingsleder Telefon: 41 58 58 58 Epost: Kontakt: Øystein Dalen, avdelingsleder Telefon: 994 77 069 Epost: Besøksadr.: Strandveien 43, 7067 Trondheim Telefon: 73200990 Kontakt: Tom Erik Lysø, avdelingsleder Telefon: 924 33 201 Epost: Kontakt: Øystein Dalen, avdelingsleder Telefon: 994 77 069 Epost: Besøksadr.: Gamle Forusveien 1, 4031 Stavanger Telefon: 51 73 24 50 Kontakt: Sentralbord Stavanger Telefon: 51 73 24 50 Epost: Kontakt: Ronny Mauseth Telefon: 917 21 025 Epost: li|Kontakt oss h1|Kontakt oss h2|OSLO Bergen Trondheim Stavanger Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Learning People Learning People Learning People Learning People pa| di|26.06.2019 Tips til jobbintervjuet Et jobbintervju består av flere ulike faser. Det kan være alt fra 1.gangsintervju, personlighetstest, 2.gangsintervju og case. Intervjuet kan være en krevende prosess og mye står på spill. 28.05.2019 PRINCE 2 prinsippene Hvorfor har man prinsipper i PRINCE2? Det finnes 7 prinsipper som skal hjelpe en med å kjøre suksessfulle prosjekter. Prinsippene fungerer som en ledetråd i prosjektet og er basert på analyse av tusenvis av prosjekter som både har gått bra og mindre bra: 20.05.2019 5 grunner til å bli en digital markedsfører Digital markedsføring er en av flere måter å markedsføre en bedrift på i disse dager. Ved bruk av digital markedsføring sørger man for å kunne basere sin markedsføring på et datagrunnlag. Fremtiden er digital og digitale hoder er en mangel, og etterspørselen deretter. 02.05.2019 Er det på tide å oppgradere ditt VMware vSphere miljø? Christian Mohn - VMware vExpert/VCP/VCAP-DCA/DCD, har fundert på hvorfor så mange i Norge enda ikke har oppgradert fra vSphere versjon 5.5, og gir dere her en kort oversikt over hva dere bør tenke på ved en eventuell oppgradering. Alt fra support, sikkerhet, hardware, software og kompetanseheving. Så, er det på tide å oppgradere ditt vSphere Miljø? Vi ønsker dere god lesing! 27.02.2019 ITIL 4: ny ITIL tilnærming ITIL 4 oppleves som en videreutvikling av ITIL v3, men med en mye mer optimalisert tilnærming i forhold til smidig metodikk. Med andre ord er det en evolusjon av ITIL v3. Basisen er value streams og value change, som betyr at istedenfor å følge en firkantet service livssyklus, har du mye mer fleksibilitet i måten du setter sammen de forskjellige verdi-aktivitetene på. ITIL 4 er et mer fleksibelt rammeverk enn ITIL v3. 21.02.2019 Ønsker du å få kurs og sertifiseringer dekket av NAV? Glasspaper har lang erfaring med å tilby kompetanseheving for kandidater i samarbeid med ulike NAV kontorer. Her har vi samlet informasjon om hva vi kan hjelpe deg med, slik at du enklere kan få støtte fra NAV for å komme ut i arbeid igjen. Kontakt oss gjerne for uforpliktende og gratis rådgivning. 31.01.2019 Amazon åpner kontor i Oslo Torsdag 31. januar ble det publisert en pressemelding om at Amazone Web Services åpner kontorer i Norge, i Oslo. 18.01.2019 Hva er sertifisering, hvorfor er det viktig og hvordan kan du sertifisere deg? Viktigheten av å kunne dokumentere din kunnskap kan være en avgjørende faktor for å skille deg ut og være attraktiv i dagens krevende arbeidsmarked. Det er også viktig for arbeidsgivere å ansette eller leie inn riktig kompetanse – noe som medfører økt krav til dokumentasjon og sertifisering av jobbsøkere. I forbindelse med anbud er sertifisering i økende grad et krav fra oppdragsgivere. Spesielt innen IT-bransjen er det flere og flere som innehar en eller flere sertifiseringer, og kravene øker. Men hva er egentlig en sertifisering? Og hvorfor er det så viktig å investere i dette? 17.12.2018 Hva skal til for å omskolere deg i IT-bransjen? Er du en av de som har jobbet flere år i IT-bransjen, men usikker på hva som finnes av muligheter? Kanskje du føler din kompetanse er utdatert? Eller trenger du et nytt fagområde som i større grad interesserer deg? Og hva skal egentlig til for å endre retning i IT-bransjen? Kjenner du deg igjen i dette, kan omskolering være det du trenger. 13.12.2018 Godt nytt år - med tom innboks og tilbakelent kontroll! I denne artikkelen skrevet av vår instruktør Øivind Hansen, får du innblikk i hvordan du kan starte nyåret med en ryddigere mailboks, senkede skuldre og en ny tenkemåte. Øivind er instruktør på MS Outlook og MS OneNote, og har lang fartstid i Glasspaper med denne type kurs. Han liker å motivere, engasjere og endre tenkemåten til sine deltakere, slik at de får ting gjort på en bedre og mer effektiv måte. 05.12.2018 Hvorfor satser vi fortsatt STORT på klasseromskurs? Teknologi er blitt en stor del av hverdagen vår både på jobb og hjemme. Den er med på å forenkle livene våre og gjør alt mer tilgjengelig. Dermed tyr vi ofte til teknologiske hjelpemidler i ulike situasjoner. En av disse situasjonene er ofte i forbindelse med å lære seg nye ting. Et Google søk er ikke langt unna, og vipps så har du meld deg på et webinar. 19.11.2018 VMware satser stort på sikkerhet! VMware vSphere Platinum er en ny versjon av vSphere som leverer avanserte sikkerhetsfunksjoner som er fullt integrert i hypervisoren. Denne nye vSphere versjonen: vSphere med AppDefense leverer spesialbygde VM for å sikre applikasjonene. 14.11.2018 IT-rekruttering 2018 Norges første IT-rekrutterings event er vell blåst. Mange spennende foredrag om hvordan utviklingen har vært og er i rekrutteringsmarkedet når det kommer til å attrahere de beste IT-hodene/utviklerne. 05.11.2018 Hvorfor klarer ikke virksomheter å tiltrekke og holde på IT-hodene? Teknologiendringer representerer muligheter og trusler i et stadig større tempo. Samtidig sliter mange virksomheter med å attrahere og beholde de riktige digitale hodene. Intern HR har ofte ikke kapasitet eller kunnskap til å attrahere kandidatene og dermed gis oppgaven eksterne rekrutteringsbyråer. De får ofte en nøye definert kravspesifikasjon utformet av virksomheten. I dette landskapet får ofte likevel ikke virksomheten tak i den ønskede ressursen. Hva kan i så fall gjøres annerledes? 02.11.2018 Nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned er snart over Sikkerhet blir stadig viktigere i det digitale nettsamfunnet som vi er blitt en del av både på jobben og i privatlivet. Nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned er en årlig dugnad i oktober som gjennomføres av Norsk senter for informasjonssikring. I år har vi over 250 000 deltakere, over 300 bedrifter og til disse sendes det ut over 2 millioner leksjoner til de ansatte i virksomhetene. Det er åttende året på rad som det arrangeres og i år er det et rekordår. Rekorden var fra 2016, da var det 190 000 deltakere med. Side 2 av 3 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|07.04.2021 Hvordan jobber de beste med strategisk bemanning? Strategisk bemanning er en strategi og plan som sikrer at virksomheten har de menneskelige ressursene de trenger for å levere på sine nåværende og fremtidige forretningsmål. Det påvirker hvordan interne ressurser utvikles over tid, samt hvilke profiler som kan rekrutteres inn. 24.03.2021 Vi introduserer Inspirasjonsdagene April 2021 La deg inspirere og akselerere! Over 4 dager tilbyr vi 17 gratis webinar spekket med tips og triks fra IT-verdenen: Endringsledelse - Microsoft FSLogix - UX - DevOps - Data Visualisering - Scrum - Prosjektledelse - Kryptering - ITIL - Nettverk – Programledelse - Check Point - Microsoft 365 - Virtuelle Presentasjoner - Porteføljestyring 12.02.2021 Hvorfor bør du søke på Microsoft University? Er du nyutdannet innen IT og ønsker en kick-start på karrieren din? Da bør du lese videre! 04.12.2020 Vi tar nå imot søkere til Microsoft University 2021 Vi er godt i gang med Microsoft University forberedelser til 2021, og snart åpner vi for søkere til de 7 ulike sporene som kan velges i år: Advanced Cloud Analytics/ Azure Data Engineer, Cloud AI and Machine Learning, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, .Net Azure Developer, Cloud Security og Azure Cloud Platform. 19.10.2020 Hvorfor bør din bedrift ta i bruk Power BI? Power BI er et kraftfullt rapporterings og analyseverktøy, og det har aldri vært lettere å få oversikt over akkurat de nøkkeltallene som er viktig for dere, slik at deres beslutningsgrunnlag blir så optimalt som mulig. Kort fortalt handler det om å transformere rådata slik at man kan se mønstre, trender i bedriften/markedet og agere ut ifra dette. 09.10.2020 MS365: Invester i superbrukere – ta optimale valg for hele organisasjonen Mange opplever at Microsoft 365 (MS365) gjør dem mer produktive, og «alle» er enig i at MS365 gir langt flere muligheter til tilpasninger. Men vi opplever at alle mulighetene også blir hinderet for at MS365 skal bli utnyttet best mulig. 04.08.2020 Azets bygger nytt nordisk datavarehus og BI-løsning. Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen. Tilgang på data og analyser blir et stadig viktigere konkurransefortrinn for teknologidrevne selskaper. Datavarehus står derfor sentralt for Azets, en leverandør av fleksible finansielle og administrative tjenester i Norden. I samarbeid med Glasspaper søkes det nå etter en erfaren løsningsarkitekt for deres nye skybaserte datavarehus. 29.01.2020 Hvilke trender så vi rundt sertifiseringer i 2019? Glasspaper er Norges største testsenter med rundt 5000 sertifiseringer i året. Vi har testlokasjoner i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger. I 2019 fikk vi et godt bilde over sertifiseringstrender ved våre testsentre, og ønsker å dele et par av de trendene med dere. 09.01.2020 Fem enkle tips for bedre oversikt og kontroll i det nye året Vi skriver 2020, og vi har ikke bare gått inn i et nytt år, men også et helt nytt tiår! Vår instruktør Fred-Ragnar Skau-Nilsen fra Potero har skrevet denne artikkelen som gir deg fem enkle tips for å bedre både oversikt og kontroll i 2020. 16.12.2019 Glasspaper har inngått rammeavtale for rekruttering med Business Intelligence selskapet RAV Vi har fornyet vår rammeavtale for rekruttering med RAV, og har i den anledningen intervjuet ledere og ansatte i selskapet. Med dette ønsket vi å få svar på hvorfor de 60 ansatte som jobber i RAV har valgt dette som sin arbeidsplass, hva det betyr at RAV nå er kjøpt opp av KPMG og samtidig spurt hvilke stillinger RAV skal besette fremover. 04.12.2019 Fremtidens VMware er kanskje ikke det VMware vi har kjent i 20 år? Historien om VMware er på mange måter historien om det typiske amerikanske IT-selskapet. 5 mennesker traff hverandre på Berkeley University. Diane Greene, Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Ellen Wang og Edouard Bugnion hadde en idé om hvordan man kunne utnytte compute ressurser mer effektivt enn det som var vanlig, i 1998. 22.11.2019 Norges ledende kurs -og kompetansesenter åpner i Stavanger Den 4. desember åpner Glasspaper dørene til sitt nye kurs- og testsenter i Stavanger. Vi er sentralt lokalisert blant en rekke store IT-miljøer i Gamle Forusveien (Gauselsplitten). Glasspaper tilbyr i dag markedets bredeste kurssortiment og har over 10.000 kursdeltakere årlig. Glasspaper har fått utmerkelser både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, blant annet har Microsoft kåret selskapet til det beste kurssenteret i Norge 8 år på rad. 09.09.2019 Glasspaper bistår med å bygge Grønn Jobbs nyetablerte programvarehus Innovasjonstakten lever i Østfold! Det Fredrikstadbaserte selskapet Grønn Jobb satser friskt innen programvare gjennom å etablere datterselskapet Lyon Future AS, som skal komplimentere selskapets eksisterende programvare og øvrige tjenester. Glasspaper People har bidratt til å kartlegge eksisterende tekniske løsninger og kompetanse, samt rekruttere inn de to første ansatte i Lyon Future, CTO og UX/UI designer. Fokuset er nå å finne den siste ledende rollen i denne omgang, produkteier. Målet er å realisere utviklingen av digitale HRM løsninger. Vi har intervjuet Dan Mario Røian, CEO i Grønn Jobb og Lyon Future for å høre hans tanker om satsningen. 28.08.2019 Apotek 1 bygger nytt datavarehus, og Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen Apotek 1, Norges største apotekkjede med mer enn 4.000 ansatte og også landets største farmasøytiske arbeidsgiver, har ambisiøse mål for å løfte deres analysekapasitet kraftig. Glasspaper er valgt som leverandør i oppbemanningen av Analytics enheten ved å rekruttere inn en datavarehus ansvarlig (arkitekt) og to ETL-utviklere (data engineers). Vi har intervjuet Geir Kjøsen i Apotek 1 som har gitt oppdraget til Glasspaper for å fortelle litt om nå situasjonen og reisen fremover. 19.08.2019 Hvordan vokse i Scrum Master rollen Hva slags ferdigheter og kunnskaper trenger en profesjonell Scrum Master egentlig? Og hvordan utvikler man seg som Scrum Master? Side 1 av 3 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|01.11.2018 Microsoft University - Nyutdannet og klar for en utfordring? Ikke bare tilbyr utdanningsløpet Microsoft University (MSU) en skikkelig kick-start på karrieren for nyutdannede, men programmet utvikler også dyktige og attraktive talenter innen IT. Kandidatene som gjennomgår MSU får opplæring og sertifiseringer innenfor ettertraktet Microsoft-teknologi, som gir en unik kompetanse og vil være etterspurt i mange år fremover. 23.10.2018 Informasjonssikkerhet som rammeverk i virksomheten Informasjonssikkerhet handler om å få på plass et rammeverk for å sikre at virksomheten blir trygg nok i det store trusselbilde. Rammeverket kan tilpasses enhver virksomhet, slik at man sørger for at virksomheten jobber etter de målene som er satt opp for nettopp deres drift. 22.10.2018 Hva skal til for å skape en sikkerhetskultur? 90 % av nærmere 5000 fagspesialister innen teknologi svarte nylig på en undersøkelse rundt cyber sikkerhet gjennomført av ISACA og CMMI Institute. De opplever et gap mellom eksisterende virksomhetskultur og sikkerhetskulturen de mener at virksomheten burde ha. Dette går på både bevisstheten i det daglige og ledelsens prioriteringer ifølge rapporten, Cybersecurity Culture Report. 19.10.2018 Sikker koding, en livsviktig brikke inn i utviklingsarbeidet Vi har intervjuet Márton Heleszta, leder for Secure Coding Academy om hva Secure coding er og hvorfor det er så viktig at alle utviklere har dette i tankesettet sitt. Sikker koding er sikkerhetsnettet bak deg når et eventuelt hacking forsøk finner sted. Sikker koding sørger for at du er rustet i kampen mot trusler og allikevel er hele 95% av alle utviklere ikke fullstendig opplært innen sikker koding. 17.10.2018 Hva skal virksomheter som mangler IT-sikkerhetskompetanse gjøre i en verden med et stadig større trusselbilde? Daglig står det om sikkerhetsbrudd og trusler mot offentlige og private virksomheter, og truslene er økende. Det offentlige investerer i sitt statsbudsjett atskillig mer i IT-sikkerhet, men hva skal virksomhetene gjøre når 6 av 10 virksomheter i Abelia opplever mangel på IT-kompetanse, hvorpå savnet er spesielt stort innen IT-sikkerhet. Problemet relaterer seg mye til at virksomhetene ikke klarer å attrahere IT-sikkerhetspersonell til sin virksomhet. 15.10.2018 Hvordan bør norske virksomheter håndtere trusler? Norge er et av landene i verden som opplever flest sikkerhetstrusler daglig med store konsekvenser for virksomhetens omdømme og økonomi. Hvordan bør ledere i norske virksomheter minimere sannsynligheten for at truslene rammer deres virksomhet i tillegg til å minimere en potensiell skade? 08.10.2018 Store sikkerhetsglipp i nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned Oktober er nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned og de siste ukene har vi vært vitne til to store sikkerhetsglipp. Facebook var først ut, hvor hele 50 millioner brukere kan ha blitt rammet av sikkerhetsbrist som følge av et dataangrep. E24 skriver at feilen skal ha ligget i en kode som ble utviklet i forbindelse med en oppdatering av opplastingsverktøyet for videoer. Utfallet av dette kan ha ført til at de 50 millioner brukerne har personlig informasjon på avveie. 30.04.2018 Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmåned: Ny opplæringspartner i 2018 XtraMile blir ny kurspartner for Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmåned 2018. NorSIS, som arrangerer den landsomfattende kampanjen, har som mål å øke kunnskapen om IT-sikkerhet og skape en tryggere digital hverdag hos virksomheter over hele landet. Årets tema «Skadelig e-post og svindel på nett» skal sikre at bedriftene blir bedre rustet i kampen mot disse utfordringene 30.04.2018 Glasspaper har ansatt ny leder for bemanning Even Sørlie begynte i dag i Glasspaper People som leder for bemanning. Glasspaper People har i dag et betydelig antall utleide medarbeidere innen IT og forvalter en rekke offentlige og private rammeavtaler i tillegg til å levere til SMB markedet. Even har solid erfaring fra bransjen. Even er en pioner i bransjen. Han begynte sin karriere i Manpower og ble senere en viktig bidragsyter i Elan (nå Experis) før han som en sentral bidragsyter var med på å bygge opp bemanningsenhetene innen IT og engineering i Top Temp. Even jobbet fram til nylig som salgs- og markedsansvarlig i Technogarden Magellan AS. 19.04.2018 Glasspaper lanserer CRMAP, neste generasjons styringssystem innen risikostyring dynamisk og compliance 16. april gikk startskuddet for lanseringen av programvaren CRMAP. CRMAP er utviklet av ledende fagspesialister innen risikostyring og compliance som savnet et spisset, helhetlig risiko og compliance system som bygger godt oppunder bestepraksis for hvordan en virksomhet bør jobbe med risikostyring og compliance. CRMAP passer godt både for offentlige og private virksomheter. Side 3 av 3 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 12. april 5 dager 12. april 2 dager 12. april 3 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 4 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 3 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager Side 1 av 9 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 365 dager 365 dager 365 dager 365 dager 10. mai 2 dager 365 dager 1 dager 21. april 0 dager 31. mai 1 dager 7. mai 1 dager 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 26. april 5 dager 5. mai 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 16. juni 3 dager 1. juni 3 dager Side 1 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand Classroom On Demand Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 2. juni 3 dager 3. juni 2 dager 1 dager 28. mai 1 dager 4. juni 1 dager 19. mai 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 1. juni 4 dager 9. juni 3 dager 14. juni 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 16. juni 3 dager 16. juni 3 dager 30. juni 3 dager 30. juni 3 dager 0 dager 0 dager 10. mai 3 dager 7. juni 5 dager 2 dager Side 2 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Webinar Virtual Webinar Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 365 dager 365 dager 365 dager 365 dager 10. mai 2 dager 365 dager 1 dager 21. april 0 dager 31. mai 1 dager 7. mai 1 dager 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 26. april 5 dager 5. mai 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 16. juni 3 dager 1. juni 3 dager Side 1 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand Classroom On Demand Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 3 dager 1 dager 16. juni 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 4 dager 4 dager 26. mai 3 dager 21. juni 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 26. april 5 dager 5. mai 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 22. juni 4 dager 23. juni 3 dager 22. juni 4 dager 3 dager 18. mai 4 dager 1. juni 4 dager 3 dager 9. juni 3 dager Side 3 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 2. juni 3 dager 31. mai 3 dager 4 dager 5 dager 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager 28. juni 5 dager 9. juni 3 dager 3 dager 5 dager 1. juni 4 dager 9. juni 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager 5 dager 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager Side 4 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 2 dager 31. mai 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 9. juni 3 dager 14. juni 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager 21. juni 5 dager 10. mai 2 dager 14. juni 5 dager 14. juni 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 9. juni 3 dager 28. juni 5 dager 10. juni 2 dager 9. juni 3 dager 19. april 5 dager 14. juni 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 7. juni 5 dager 7. juni 4 dager Side 5 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Startgaranti Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 7. juni 5 dager 26. mai 3 dager 30. juni 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 22. juni 4 dager 29. juni 4 dager 5. mai 3 dager 23. juni 3 dager 31. mai 3 dager 31. mai 2 dager 29. april 2 dager 10. mai 2 dager 26. mai 1 dager 19. april 5 dager 5 dager 4 dager 23. juni 3 dager 10. mai 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager Side 6 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 31. mai 1 dager 1. juni 1 dager 2. juni 1 dager 3. juni 1 dager 4. juni 1 dager 7. juni 1 dager 8. juni 1 dager 9. juni 1 dager 14. juni 1 dager 15. juni 1 dager 10. juni 1 dager 11. juni 1 dager 16. juni 1 dager 17. juni 1 dager 18. juni 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 5 dager 29. april 2 dager Side 7 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 24. juni 2 dager 21. april 2 dager 2. september 2 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager 1 dager 2 dager 20. mai 2 dager 18. mai 2 dager 6. mai 2 dager 7. juni 2 dager 6. mai 2 dager 26. april 3 dager 29. april 2 dager 12. april 3 dager 19. mai 3 dager 17. juni 2 dager Side 8 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 28. juni 3 dager 26. april 3 dager 1. juli 2 dager 10. mai 3 dager 0 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager Side 9 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager 2 dager 1 dager 26. april 2 dager 19. mai 3 dager 31. mai 2 dager 2 dager 2 dager 2 dager 2 dager 2 dager 3. mai 2 dager 5. mai 2 dager 3 dager Side 10 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|This course provides guidance into the process Owner responsibilities so they can describe what they are doing as a process and provides the education needed to oversee the design, re-engineering and improvement of IT Service Management (ITSM) processes; particularly in the context of Agile Service Management. Participants learn how to apply Scrum practices to Process Owner responsibilities and use Agile and Lean principles and practices to put in place ‘just enough’ process and how to continually align process performance with overall business goals. A process owner is an individual accountable for the performance of a process and for ensuring the process delivers value to its stakeholders. Process owners manage the requirements of process stakeholders, translate those requirements into process performance objectives, and oversee the entire process design and improvement lifecycle. This certification positions learners to successfully complete the Certified Agile Process Owner exam. The learning objectives for CAPO include an understanding of: The target audience for the CAPO course is: Course Introduction Process Design Basics Process Owner Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes Selecting a Process Owner Related Roles The Characteristics of an Agile Process Agile Basics Scrum Basics Agile Service Management Basics Agile Process Design Agile Process Improvement Measuring Value Process Improvement Tools and Technologies Getting Started Challenges and Critical Success Factors Additional Sources of Information Exam Preparations Sample Exam Review The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|3 dager 19. mai 3 dager 31. mai 2 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 15,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|Certified Agile Process Owner (CAPO)® Basic Agile and Agile Service Management concepts Process owner role and responsibilities Managing and prioritizing a process backlog Creating and utilizing user stories Collaborating with process stakeholders and other process owners Overseeing Agile process design and improvement activities Managing organizational change activities Monitoring and measuring process performance Conducting process reviews and identifying improvements Process owners Process managers Employees and managers responsible for designing, re-engineering or improving processes Consultants guiding their clients through process improvement initiatives Anyone responsible for: Managing process-related requirements Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of processes Maximizing the value of processes Completion of pre-class assignment Scrum Familiarity with IT and IT services Importance of processes, Agility and the role of the Process Owner The Elements of a Process Process Owner Responsibilities Process sponsorship Process resourcing Process design and improvement Process management Process awareness Process Manager Global Process Owner Value Stream Owner Roles of a Service Management Office (SMO) What is Agile? The Agile Manifesto Why Agile Projects are Successful Scrum Roles, Artifacts, and Events Scrum Pillars Scrum in a Nutshell Scrum, Kanban, or Both? Agile Service Management Value Agile Service Management Roles, Artifacts and Events Characteristics of an Agile Process Two Aspects of Agile Service Management Agile Process Design Agile Process Improvement Creating and Populating a Process Backlog Personas User Stories Themes Epics User Story Mapping Ordering and Maintaining the Process Backlog Process Design Sprints The Process Owner and Sprint Events Process Implementation Potentially Releasable Process Increment Definition of 'Done' Release Planning Aligning Processes with Strategic Goals CSI Sprints and Plan-Do-Check-Act Sustaining Improvements Assessing Process Maturity Implementing Process Improvements Working with Line Managers Overcoming Resistance to Change Demonstrating Value Leading and Lagging Performance Indicators Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators Service Level Agreements and Operational Level Agreements Conducting Measurement Reviews Communicating Performance Exam Requirements, Question Weighting, and Terminology List Successfully passing (65%) the 60-minute exam, consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions, leads to the candidate’s designation as a The certification is governed and maintained by the DevOps Institute. st|COURSE OBJECTIVES AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES h1|Certified Agile Process Owner (CAPO)® h2|Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom em|Certified Agile Process Owner. pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 19. april 3 dager 10. juni 2 dager 7. juni 4 dager 3. mai 3 dager 3 dager 3. juni 2 dager 3 dager 2 dager 1 dager 10. mai 3 dager 19. mai 3 dager 10. juni 2 dager 24. mai 2 dager 26. mai 2 dager 3 dager 14. juni 3 dager 2 dager 14. juni 3 dager 17. juni 2 dager 15. april 2 dager Side 11 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|The CAPM certification offers recognition to people who are interested or are just starting a career in project management. To qualify for the CAPM certification exam you need only a secondary school degree and 23 hours of project management training. The CAPM certification is a credential that will quickly advance your career in project management. Individuals who do not have project experience but are interested in a career in projects benefits from the CAPM certification because it demonstrates a high professional knowledge in project management. By participating in our virtual CAPM Exam prep course you will obtain 23 hours of project management education which are approved by the PMI and fulfill the education requirement for the CAPM exam. Our CAPM prep courses has been used for certification purposes by many people around the world and has a reputation of being the best in its class. By participating in our virtual CAPM Exam prep course you will learn the smartest method available for preparing for the CAPM certification exam. The course participants will acquire an elevated understanding of PMI’s international recognized project management methodology. This learning will boost their contribution in a real project and accelerate their career advancement. In addition, the students will gain sufficient project management understanding to be confident and focused to pass the CAPM certification exam. Some of the topics lectured in this virtual course are: To pass the CAPM Exam you will have to score somewhere between 61 and 70 percent of correct questions. Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent) or anyone that participate in a project. For information about these requirements visit this link: You can take the online proctored CAPM Certification Exams from your home or at one of Prometric’s worldwide testing sites. A participant can schedule the appointment online at using their eligibility number. Please, see the following link for more information: Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|7. juni 4 dager 3. mai 3 dager 1 dager 26. april 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 14,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Kursdokumentasjon, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Studiepoeng 21 PDU Språk Engelsk kursmaterial, norsk instruktør li|CAPM Exam prep course Be prepared to pass the CAPM exam on the first try. Understand the PMI’s framework for predictive project management. How a project management process is structured and used in a project. Critical processes to include while defining the scope of a project. Implementing risk management processes to mitigate against project failure. Plan and monitor quality management in a project and get customer satisfaction. Elaborate a successful schedule management plan and avoid late delivery. Learn to properly involve all key stakeholders in a project. Project Manager. All project team members. Project administrative staff. Management personnel. Project stakeholder and students. Consultants and contractors Anyone who helps bring a project to a completion. Chapter 1: Tricks of the Trade for Studying for This Exam Chapter 2: Project Management Framework Chapter 3: Project Management Processes Chapter 4: Integration Management Chapter 5: Scope Management Chapter 6: Schedule Management Chapter 7: Cost Management Chapter 8: Quality Management Chapter 9: Resource Management Chapter 10: Communications Management Chapter 11: Risk Management Chapter 12: Procurement Management Chapter 13: Stakeholder Management Chapter 14: Exam Study Tools Chapter 1: Tricks of the Trade for Studying for This Exam Chapter 2: Project Management Framework Chapter 3: Project Management Processes Chapter 4: Integration Management Chapter 5: Scope Management Chapter 6: Schedule Management Chapter 7: Cost Management Chapter 8: Quality Management Chapter 9: Resource Management Chapter 10: Communications Management Chapter 11: Risk Management Chapter 12: Procurement Management Chapter 13: Stakeholder Management Chapter 14: Exam Study Tools Delivery - Web-based Format - Closed-book Proctoring - Web proctored Duration - 180 minutes Numbers of questions – 150 multi-choice questions. There is no official break during the exam, but you can take breaks at the expense of your own exam time. st|Exam Facts Note: Exam Prerequisites Exam Location h1|PMI CAPM Exam prep course h2|Learning Objectives: Target group: Course Outline: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 3 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 2 dager 14. april 3 dager 26. april 5 dager 26. april 2 dager 28. april 3 dager 1 dager 3 dager 3 dager 10. mai 3 dager 10. mai 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager 26. april 5 dager 23. juni 2 dager 1 dager 1 dager 0 dager 1 dager Side 12 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Obtain all the competences and knowledge necessary to lead all the processes for implementing and complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in an organization The Certified Data Protection Officer training course enables you to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and competence to effectively implement and manage a compliance framework with regard to the protection of personal data. After mastering all the necessary concepts of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can sit for the exam and apply for a “PECB Certified Data Protection Officer” credential. By holding a PECB Certified Data Protection Officer Certificate, you will demonstrate that you thoroughly understand the gap between the General Data Protection Regulation and the current organizational processes including: privacy policies, procedures, working instructions, consent forms, data protection impact assessments, in order to associate organizations in the adoption process to the new regulation. After successfully passing the exam, you can apply for the credential shown in the table below. You will receive the certificate once you comply with all the requirements related to the selected credential. For more information about the certification process, please refer to the The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PECB. As the exam is an an , candidates are authorized to use: Results will be communicated by email in a period of 6 to 8 weeks, after taking the exam. The results will not include the exact grade of the candidate, only a mention of pass or fail. Candidates who successfully complete the examination will be able to apply for a certified scheme which is explained in the course description. In the case of a failure, the results will be accompanied with the list of domains in which the candidate had failed to provide guidance for exams’ retake preparation. Candidates, who disagree with the exam results, may file a complaint by writing to or through PECB ticketing system. There is no limit on the number of times a candidate may retake an exam. However, there are some limitations in terms of allowed time-frame in between exam retakes, such as: After the fourth attempt, a waiting period of 12 months from the last session date is required, in order for candidate to sit again for the same exam. Regular fee applies. For the candidates that fail the exam in the 2nd retake, PECB recommends to attend an official training in order to be better prepared for the exam. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|A fundamental understanding of the GDPR and primary knowledge of the present data protection legal requirements. 23. juni 2 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 25,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation, certification test, Lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 5 dager Studiepoeng 37 CDP Språk English course materiel, and Swedish speaking instructor li|GDPR - Certified Data Protection Officer Understand the history of personal data protection in Europe Gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and approaches required for the effective alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation Understand the new requirements that the General Data Protection Regulation brings for EU organizations and non-EU organizations and when it is necessary to implement them Acquire the necessary expertise to support an organization in assessing the implementation of these new requirements Learn how to manage a team implementing the GDPR Gain the knowledge and skills required to advise organizations how to manage personal data Acquire the expertise for analysis and decision making in the context of personal data protection Project managers or consultants wanting to prepare and to support an organization in the implementation of the new procedures and adoption of the new requisites presented in the GDPR, which will come into force and effect by the 25th May 2018 DPO and Senior Managers responsible for the personal data protection of an enterprise and the management of its risks Members of an information security, incident management and business continuity team Expert advisors in security of personal data Technical experts and compliance experts wanting to prepare for a Data Protection Officer job Course objective and structure General Data Protection Regulation Fundamental Principles of the GDPR Initiating the GDPR Implementation Understanding the Organization and Clarifying the Data Protection Objectives Analysis of the Existing System Leadership and approval of the GDPR Compliance Project Data Protection Policy Definition of the Organizational Structure of Data Protection Data Classification Risk Assessment under the GDPR Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Design of Security Controls and Drafting of Specific Policies & Procedures Implementation of Controls Definition of the Document Management Process Communication Plan Training and Awareness Plan Operations Management Incident Management Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation Internal Audit Data breaches and corrective actions Continual Improvement Competence, Evaluation and Closing the Training Preparation for exam Exam The exam duration is three (3) hours. Non-native speakers receive an additional half an hour. The exam contains essay type questions. A copy of the General Data Protection Regulation; Course notes from the Participant Handout; Any personal notes made by the student during the course; and A hard copy dictionary . If a candidate does not pass the exam on the second attempt, he/she must wait 3 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (2nd retake). Retake fee applies. If a candidate does not pass the exam on the third attempt, he/she must wait 6 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (3rd retake). Retake fee applies. st|The requirements for PECB Data Protection Certifications are: Introduction to the GDPR and initiation of the GDPR Compliance Plan the implementation of the GDPR Deploying the GDPR Monitoring and continuous improvement of GDPR compliance Certification Exam Test details: Essay Type Open book exam RECEIVE YOUR EXAM RESULTS EXAM RETAKE POLICY h1|GDPR - Certified Data Protection Officer h2|Course description: Course objectives: Audience: Certification Prerequisites: Content: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom em|Students, who have completed the full training but failed the written exam, are eligible to retake the exam once for free within a 12 month period from the initial date of the exam To arrange exam retakes (date, time, place, costs), the candidate needs to contact Glasspaper. pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 19. april 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager 27. mai 2 dager 31. mai 3 dager 5. juli 5 dager 7. juni 5 dager 10. mai 2 dager 5 dager 5 dager 10. mai 2 dager 5 dager 1 dager 1 dager 7. juni 5 dager 26. april 3 dager 29. april 2 dager 3 dager 21. juni 3 dager 31. mai 5 dager 10. mai 3 dager Side 13 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 3 dager 31. mai 3 dager 3. mai 3 dager 31. mai 3 dager 1 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager 4 dager 3 dager 3 dager 4 dager 4 dager 4 dager 5 dager 2 dager 3 dager 29. april 2 dager 26. mai 3 dager 1 dager Side 14 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 1 dager 10. mai 3 dager 14. juni 3 dager 2 dager 21. juni 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager 28. mai 1 dager 11. mai 1 dager 20. mai 1 dager 2 dager 12. april 5 dager 4 dager 26. april 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 5 dager 1. juni 4 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager Side 15 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|This three-day course covers everything you need to start-up, configure and manage daily operations of Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades systems on the GAiA operating system. This course is also the recommended training for CCSA certification. Ta kurset virtuelt med vår løsning. Velg "Virtual" under i høyre kolonne! Technical professionals who support, install deploy or administer Check Point products. Thomas Norbeck er uten tvil Norges ledende instruktør på opplæring innen Check Points produkter, og gjennomfører både sertifiseringskurs og bedriftsintern kurs på Check Point versjoner og produkter. Thomas sin nøkkelkompetanse ligger innen Check Point spesielt, men også nettverksteknologi og sikkerhet generelt. I tillegg har han vært involvert i flere IT- og infrastruktur-prosjekter både som teknisk ressurs og som prosjektleder. I ulike perioder har Thomas jobbet som konsulent parallelt med at han har opparbeidet lang erfaring med utvikling, tilpasning og gjennomføring av skreddersydde kurs for bedrifter innen ulike sektorer. Blant annet har han laget og gjennomført nettverkskurs på fire ulike kontinenter. Thomas Norbeck har 24 års erfaring med nettverk og sikkerhet både som instruktør og konsulent hos bl.a Azlan, A-Team, Ajourit og Curriculum før han begynte i Glasspaper i 2004. Han jobber i dag som Senior konsulent og instruktør for Glasspaper, samt at han er IT sjef og konsulentleder. This course leads to the exam Exam# 156-215.80. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|14. juni 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager 21. juni 2 dager td|Kursavgift: 20 000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital kursdokumentasjon og hands-on labmiljø, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk kursmateriale, norsk-/engelsktalende instruktør li|Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) R80.40 Basic knowledge of Windows, UNIX, networking technology, the Internet and TCP/IP. 6 months to 1 year of experience with Check Point products recommended Know how to perform periodic administrator tasks Describe the basic functions of the Gaia operating system Recognize SmartConsole features, functions, and tools Describe the Check Point Firewall infrastructure Understand how SmartConsole is used by administrators to grant permissions and user access Learn how Check Point security solutions and products work and how they protect networks Understand licensing and contract requirements for Check Point security products Describe the essential elements of a Security Policy Understand the Check Point policy layer concept Understand how to enable the Application Control and URL Filtering software blades to block access to various applications Describe how to configure manual and automatic NAT Identify tools designed to monitor data, determine threats and recognize opportunities for performance improvements Identify SmartEvent components used to store network activity logs and identify events Know how Site-to-Site and Remote Access VPN deployments and communities work Explain the basic concepts of ClusterXL technology and its advantages Identify key components and configurations Create and confirm administrator users for the domain Validate existing licenses for products installed on your network Create and modify Check Point Rule Base objects Demonstrate how to share a layer between Security Policies Analyze network traffic and use traffic visibility tools Monitor Management Server States using SmartConsole Demonstrate how to run specific SmartEvent reports Configure a SmartEvent server to monitor relevant patterns Configure and deploy a site-to-site VPN Configure and test ClusterXL with a High Availability configuration Understand how to use CPView to gather gateway information Perform periodic tasks as specified in administrator job descriptions Test VPN connection and analyze the tunnel traffic Demonstrate how to create custom reports Demonstrate how to configure event Alerts in SmartEvent Utilize various traffic visibility tools to maintain Check Point logs st|Bestill h1|Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) R80.40 h2|Audience Prerequisites Om instruktøren Thomas Norbeck Objectives Exercises Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|This advanced three-day course teaches how to build, modify, deploy and troubleshoot Check Point Security Systems on the GAiA operating system. Hands-on lab exercises teach how to debug firewall processes, optimize VPN performance and upgrade Management Servers. This course is also the recommended training for CCSE certification. Ta kurset virtuelt med vår løsning. Velg "Virtual" under i høyre kolonne! Experienced users who need to perform advanced deployment configurations of Check Point Software Blades To attend this course you should have: Thomas Norbeck er uten tvil Norges ledende instruktør på opplæring innen Check Points produkter, og gjennomfører både sertifiseringskurs og bedriftsintern kurs på Check Point versjoner og produkter. Thomas sin nøkkelkompetanse ligger innen Check Point spesielt, men også nettverksteknologi og sikkerhet generelt. I tillegg har han vært involvert i flere IT- og infrastruktur-prosjekter både som teknisk ressurs og som prosjektleder. I ulike perioder har Thomas jobbet som konsulent parallelt med at han har opparbeidet lang erfaring med utvikling, tilpasning og gjennomføring av skreddersydde kurs for bedrifter innen ulike sektorer. Blant annet har han laget og gjennomført nettverkskurs på fire ulike kontinenter. Thomas Norbeck har 24 års erfaring med nettverk og sikkerhet både som instruktør og konsulent hos bl.a Azlan, A-Team, Ajourit og Curriculum før han begynte i Glasspaper i 2004. Han jobber i dag som Senior konsulent og instruktør for Glasspaper, samt at han er IT sjef og konsulentleder. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|10. mai 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager 21. juni 2 dager td|Kursavgift: 20,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital kursdokumentasjon og hands-on labmiljø, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk kursmateriale, norsktalende instruktør li|Check Point Cyber Security Expert (CCSE) – R80.40 Knowledge and experience with Check Point administration, equal to the CCSA training course Windows Server, UNIX and networking skills and TCP/IP experience Certificate management and system adminstration Identify advanced CLI commands. Understand system management procedures, including how to perform system upgrades and apply patches and hotfixes. Describe the Check Point Firewall infrastructure. Describe advanced methods of gathering important gateway data using CPView and CPInfo. Recognize how Check Point’s flexible API architecture supports automation and orchestration. Discuss advanced ClusterXL functions. Describe VRRP network redundancy advantages. Understand how SecureXL acceleration technology is used to enhance and improve performance. Understand how CoreXL acceleration technology is used to enhance and improve performance. Identify the SmartEvent components that store network activity logs and identify events Discuss the SmartEvent process that determines which network activities may lead to security issues. Understand how SmartEvent can assist in detecting, remediating, and preventing security threats. Discuss the Mobile Access Software Blace and how it secures communication and data. Understand Mobile Access deployment options. Recognize Check Point Remote Access solutions. Discuss Check Point Capsule components and how they protect mobile devices and business documents. Discuss different Check Point Solutions for attacks such as zero-day and Advanced Persistent Threats. Understand how SandBlast, Threat Emulation, and Threat Extraction prevent security incidents. Identify how Check Point Mobile Threat Prevention can help protect data accessed on company-issued smartphones and tablets. st|Bestill h1|Check Point Cyber Security Expert (CCSE) – R80.40 h2|Audience Prerequisites Om instruktøren Thomas Norbeck Course objectives Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|This course is recommended preparation for exam 156-315.80. If you pass this exam (and have passed CCSA previously) you will receive the CCSE certification. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 4 dager 18. mai 4 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 4 dager 25. mai 4 dager 4 dager 5. juli 1 dager 3. august 4 dager 6. juli 4 dager 10. mai 2 dager 5 dager 7. juni 5 dager 3 dager 22. april 2 dager 31. mai 5 dager 18. mai 4 dager 5 dager 5 dager 2 dager 10. mai 2 dager Side 16 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 5 dager 26. mai 3 dager 11. mai 4 dager 31. mai 5 dager 28. april 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 27. mai 2 dager 17. juni 2 dager 2. juni 3 dager 27. april 2 dager 10. juni 2 dager 8. juni 2 dager 10. mai 3 dager 10. mai 3 dager 7. juni 5 dager 1 dager 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 19. april 5 dager Side 17 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 26. mai 3 dager 10. mai 1 dager 25. mai 3 dager 7. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager 26. april 5 dager 3 dager 5 dager 26. april 5 dager 1. juni 4 dager 26. april 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager 14. juni 5 dager 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager Side 18 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 5 dager 5 dager 19. april 2 dager 26. april 2 dager 19. april 5 dager 21. april 3 dager 11. mai 2 dager 25. mai 2 dager 3. mai 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager 21. juni 5 dager 10. mai 3 dager 19. april 3 dager 20. april 3 dager 4 dager 1 dager 2 dager 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 26. april 2 dager Side 19 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 3. juni 2 dager 10. juni 2 dager 4. mai 3 dager 1. juli 2 dager 5 dager 26. april 1 dager 25. mai 2 dager 10. mai 5 dager 10. mai 3 dager 13. mai 2 dager 14. juni 5 dager 18. november 2 dager 6. september 5 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager 1 dager Side 20 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 26. april 2 dager 26. april 4 dager 28. april 2 dager 1 dager 3. mai 5 dager 3. mai 1 dager 4. mai 2 dager 6. mai 2 dager 1 dager 12. april 2 dager 14. april 2 dager 25. mai 2 dager 28. april 2 dager 3. mai 2 dager 2 dager 7. juni 1 dager 13. april 2 dager 5. mai 2 dager 27. april 2 dager 1 dager Side 21 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti On Demand Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 23. august 5 dager 19. april 3 dager 22. april 2 dager 19. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 13. september 5 dager 26. april 5 dager 26. april 3 dager 19. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 2 dager 5 dager 1 dager 5 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager Side 22 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 1 dager 5 dager 5 dager 2 dager 3 dager 5 dager 7. juni 5 dager 5 dager 3 dager 3 dager 4 dager 1. juni 4 dager 3 dager 5 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager Side 23 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 29. september 3 dager 1 dager 1 dager 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 2 dager 3 dager 2 dager 3 dager 29. april 2 dager 31. mai 2 dager 27. april 2 dager 3. mai 2 dager 23. juni 2 dager 1 dager 26. april 5 dager 19. mai 1 dager 26. mai 2 dager 7. juni 5 dager Side 24 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 3 dager 1 dager 3. juni 1 dager 1 dager 20. mai 2 dager 19. mai 2 dager 5 dager 3. mai 3 dager 7. juni 5 dager 7. juni 5 dager 10. mai 2 dager 14. juni 4 dager 19. mai 2 dager 3 dager 31. mai 3 dager 31. mai 4 dager 3. mai 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 19. april 5 dager Side 25 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Startgaranti Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 5 dager 14. juni 5 dager 25. mai 4 dager 18. mai 4 dager 5 dager 5 dager 26. april 5 dager 12. april 3 dager 15. april 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 14. juni 5 dager 3 dager 19. april 5 dager 26. april 3 dager 19. april 4 dager 7. juni 4 dager 26. april 5 dager 24. mai 5 dager 2 dager Side 26 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Virtual Startgaranti Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 10. mai 2 dager 10. mai 1 dager 10. mai 1 dager 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 25. mai 4 dager 5 dager 3. mai 4 dager 7. juni 5 dager 26. april 5 dager 10. mai 3 dager 7. juni 5 dager 31. mai 5 dager 5 dager 3 dager 5 dager 0 dager 0 dager 10 dager 5 dager Side 27 av 41 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Event Event Classroom Classroom Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 365 days 365 days 365 days 365 days 10. May 2 days 365 days 1 days 21. April 0 days 31. May 1 days 7. May 1 days 3 days 28. April 3 days 26. May 3 days 26. April 5 days 5. May 3 days 26. May 3 days 28. April 3 days 2. June 3 days 16. June 3 days 1. June 3 days Page 1 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand Classroom On Demand Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|This course focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator. It serves as the second part of the RHCSA training track for IT professionals who have taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124). The course goes deeper into core Linux system administration skills in storage configuration and management, installation and deployment of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, management of security features such as SELinux, control of recurring system tasks, management of the boot process and troubleshooting, basic system tuning, and command-line automation and productivity. Experienced Linux administrators looking for rapid preparation for the RHCSA certification should instead start with . This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2. This course is geared toward Windows system administrators, network administrators, and other system administrators who are interested in supplementing current skills or backstopping other team members, in addition to Linux system administrators who are responsible for these tasks: Run commands more efficiently by using advanced features of the Bash shell, shell scripts, and various utilities provided by Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Schedule commands to run in the future, either one time or on a repeating schedule. Improve system performance by setting tuning parameters and adjusting scheduling priority of processes. Interpret and set access control lists (ACLs) on files to handle situations requiring complex user and group access permissions. Protect and manage the security of a server by using SELinux. Create and manage storage devices, partitions, file systems, and swap spaces from the command line. Create and manage logical volumes containing file systems and swap spaces from the command line. Manage storage using the Stratis local storage management system and use VDO volumes to optimize storage space in use. Use the NFS protocol to administer network-attached storage. Manage the boot process to control services offered and to troubleshoot and repair problems. Control network connections to services using the system firewall and SELinux rules. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on servers and virtual machines. Obtain, run, and manage simple, lightweight services as containers on a single Red Hat Enterprise Linux server. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|32,750 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 19. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 37,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Official Red Hat course material Timer 09.00 - 17.00 all days on Virtual classes Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Pay for this course with 11 Training Units Språk English course material. English speaking instructor. li|RH134: Red Hat System Administration II - Linux (RHEL) Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux using scalable methods Access security files, file systems, and networks Execute shell scripting and automation techniques Manage storage devices, logical volumes, and file systems Manage security and system access Control the boot process and system services Running containers Configuring, installing, upgrading, and maintaining Linux systems using established standards and procedures Providing operational support Managing systems for monitoring system performance and availability Writing and deploying scripts for task automation and system administration Successful completion of is recommended Experienced Linux administrators seeking to accelerate their path toward becoming a Red Hat Certified System Administrator should start with the RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH199). Successful completion of is recommended Experienced Linux administrators seeking to accelerate their path toward becoming a Red Hat Certified System Administrator should start with the RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH199). st|Improve command line productivity Schedule future tasks Tune system performance Control access to files with ACLs Manage SELinux security Manage basic storage Manage logical volumes Implement advanced storage features Access network-attached storage Control the boot process Manage network security Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Run Containers h1|RH134: Red Hat System Administration II - Linux (RHEL) h2|Course content summary Audience Prerequisites Course outline Prerequisites Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|Alle Red Hats kurs kan tas som Online Learning med 90 dagers varighet. Red Hat tilbyr også Basic Learning Subscription med tilgang til mer enn 50 kurs i 1 år inkl 400 timer med skybaserte lab-øvelser. Vi kan tilby alle Ciscos kurs som elæring. Kursene fokuserer på en rekke Cisco-teknologier for å forberede deg på Cisco-sertifiseringseksamener og for å få Cisco produktkunnskap. E-læringstilbudene er laget for å være interaktive og engasjerende for deg som foretrekker selvstudium. De mest populære VMware kursene finnes som Training On Demand: vSphere, Horizon View, vCenter, vRealize, NSX, Virtual SAN og Airwatch. Oppstart kan skje umiddelbart, eller på valgfri dato. Oppdater deg på Citrix teknologi i ditt eget tempo! De aller fleste Citrix kurs kan også tas som elæring, samt at du kan kjøpe Citrix sin elæring Subscription og få tilgang til hele kursporteføljen i 1 år! Oracle porteføljen er svært innholdsrik, og i Training On Demand tilbudet inngår kurs innen Java, MySQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Database, WebLogic, SOA Suite, Service Bus, GoldenGate, BI, Analytics, E-Business suite, Financials, Hyperion, Siebel, HCM Cloud, mm Oppstart kan skje umiddelbart, eller på valgfri dato. Microsoft On Demand ble fjernet fra Microsofts produktportefølje 30.juni 2020! Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring li|On Demand st|VIKTIG! h1|On Demand h2|Red Hat Online Learning and Learning Subscriptions Cisco Elæring VMware Training On Demand Citrix elæring og biblioteker Oracle Training On Demand and Learning Subscriptions Microsoft On Demand Har du spørsmål? Nyheter fra Glasspaper pa|The Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. You’ll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN. This course helps you prepare to take exam 350-401 Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) which is part of four new certifications: CCNP Enterprise, CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprise Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Core. Ta kurset hjemmefra! Velg dato for under i høyre kolonne! This course will help you: Mid-level network engineers, Network administrators, Network support technicians, Help desk technicians Knowledge and skills you should have before attending this course: After taking this course, you should be able to: This course helps you prepare for This exam is the core exam needed in order to get . This exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Enterprise certification. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|12,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 26. april 5 dager 24. mai 5 dager 5. juli 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 37,500 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10:00-16:00, Day 2-5: 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Betal for kurset med 39 CLC (Cisco Learning Credits) Språk English course material, English/Norwegian speaking instructor li|ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies Configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks Implement security principles within an enterprise network Implementation of Enterprise LAN networks Basic understanding of Enterprise routing and wireless connectivity Basic understanding of Python scripting Illustrate the hierarchical network design model and architecture using the access, distribution, and core layers Compare and contrast the various hardware and software switching mechanisms and operation, while defining the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) and Content Addressable Memory (CAM), along with process switching, fast switching, and Cisco Express Forwarding concepts Troubleshoot Layer 2 connectivity using VLANs and trunking Implementation of redundant switched networks using Spanning Tree Protocol Troubleshooting link aggregation using Etherchannel Describe the features, metrics, and path selection concepts of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) Implementation and optimization of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)v2 and OSPFv3, including adjacencies, packet types, and areas, summarization, and route filtering for IPv4 and IPv6 Implementing External Border Gateway Protocol (EBGP) interdomain routing, path selection, and single and dual-homed networking Implementing network redundancy using protocols including Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Implementing internet connectivity within Enterprise using static and dynamic Network Address Translation (NAT) Describe the virtualization technology of servers, switches, and the various network devices and components Implementing overlay technologies such as Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF), Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), VPN, and Location Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) Describe the components and concepts of wireless networking including Radio Frequency (RF) and antenna characteristics, and define the specific wireless standards Describe the various wireless deployment models available, include autonomous Access Point (AP) deployments and cloud-based designs within the centralized Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) architecture Describe wireless roaming and location services Describe how APs communicate with WLCs to obtain software, configurations, and centralized management Configure and verify Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), WebAuth, and Pre-shared Key (PSK) wireless client authentication on a WLC Troubleshoot wireless client connectivity issues using various available tools Troubleshooting Enterprise networks using services such as Network Time Protocol (NTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS®) IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs), NetFlow, and Cisco IOS Embedded Event Manager Explain the use of available network analysis and troubleshooting tools, which include show and debug commands, as well as best practices in troubleshooting Configure secure administrative access for Cisco IOS devices using the Command-Line Interface (CLI) access, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Access Control List (ACL), and Secure Shell (SSH), and explore device hardening concepts to secure devices from less secure applications, such as Telnet and HTTP Implement scalable administration using Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) and the local database, while exploring the features and benefits Describe the enterprise network security architecture, including the purpose and function of VPNs, content security, logging, endpoint security, personal firewalls, and other security features Explain the purpose, function, features, and workflow of Cisco DNA Center™ Assurance for Intent-Based Networking, for network visibility, proactive monitoring, and application experience Describe the components and features of the Cisco SD-Access solution, including the nodes, fabric control plane, and data plane, while illustrating the purpose and function of the Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) gateways Define the components and features of Cisco SD-WAN solutions, including the orchestration plane, management plane, control plane, and data plane Describe the concepts, purpose, and features of multicast protocols, including Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) v2/v3, Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM) dense mode/sparse mode, and rendezvous points Describe the concepts and features of Quality of Service (QoS), and describe the need within the enterprise network Explain basic Python components and conditionals with script writing and analysis Describe network programmability protocols such as Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) and RESTCONF Describe APIs in Cisco DNA Center and vManage st|Bestill h1|ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies h2|How you’ll benefit Audience Prerequisites Course objectives Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|This course covers both introductory and advanced MPLS and MPLS VPNs concepts. Configuration, implementation and troubleshooting skills are all included with a significant focus on the use of labs to consolidate the learners knowledge. At the end of this course you should be able to design, implement and maintain core IP routing network infrastructures. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a high-performance method for forwarding packets through a network enabling routers at the edge of a network to apply simple labels to packets. This practice allows the edge devices to switch packets according to labels, with minimal lookup overhead. MPLS integrates the performance and traffic-management capabilities of data link Layer 2 with the scalability and flexibility of network Layer 3 routing. Each student on this course will have their own virtual pod of equipment with access to the labs 24x7 for 90 days. Service Provider and Enterprise network engineers that design, deploy and maintain core IP routing network infrastructures. Attendees should meet the following prerequisites: After you complete this course you will be able to: Module 1: MPLS Concepts Module 2: Label Assignment and Distribution Module 3: MPLS VPN Technology Module 5: Complex MPLS VPNs Module 7: Internet Access and MPLS VPNs Module 8: MPLS Traffic Engineering Overview There is no certification exam related to this course. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|10,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 26. april 5 dager 24. mai 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 33,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Betal for kurset med 39 CLC (Cisco Learning Credits) Språk English course material, English/Norwegian speaking instructor li|MPLS: Implementing Cisco MPLS Delegates should hold a valid CCNA or equivalent knowledge Delegates should have attended ROUTE or SPROUTE or have equivalent knowledge Delegates should have attended BGP or SPADVROUTE or have equivalent knowledge Describe the features of MPLS Describe how MPLS labels are assigned and distributed Configure and troubleshoot frame-mode MPLS on Cisco IOS platforms Describe the MPLS peer-to-peer architecture and explain the routing and packet-forwarding model in this architecture Configure, monitor, and troubleshoot VPN operations Describe how the MPLS VPN model can be used to implement managed services and Internet access Describe the various Internet access implementations that are available and the benefits and drawbacks of each mode Describe the tasks and commands that are necessary to implement MPLS TE h1|MPLS: Implementing Cisco MPLS h2|Audience Prerequisites Course objectives Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|Frame-Mode MPLS Implementation on Cisco IOS Platforms Module 4: MPLS VPN Implementation Module 6: {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|The agenda is based on eight domains of the CSSLP Common Body of Knowledge and it’s volume. The agenda relies on the official Exam Outline – it has been proven to provide best foundation for preparation. The time allocated for each domain relies on experience and amount of information to be taught. Each day ends with exam-like questions and on the last day, a practice exam will take place. We do not offer open enrolment dates for this training. Please contact us for an offering for private event. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|19. april 5 dager 4 dager 4 dager td|Kursavgift: 25,000 NOK Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CSSLP: Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional Core Concepts Security Design Principles Security Requirements Compliance Requirements Data Classification Requirements • Privacy Requirements Threat Modelling Security Architecture Secure Interface Design Architectural Risk Assessment Reusable Secure Design Secure Coding Practices Code Analysis Security Controls Address Security Risks Third-Party Code or Libraries Systems’s integration Build Process Security Test Cases Security Testing Strategy and Plan Software Development Methodology Integrated Risk Management Operational Risk Analysis Release/ Installation Information Security Continuous Monitoring Software Supply Chain Risk Management Acquisition Process st|Domain 1: Secure Software Concepts Domain 2: Secure Software Requirements Domain 3: Secure Software Architecture and Design Domain 4: Secure Software Implementation Domain 5: Secure Software Testing Domain 6: Secure Software Lifecycle Management Domain 7: Secure Software Deployment, Operations, Maintenance Domain 8: Secure Software Supply Chain h1|CSSLP: Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional h2|Contact us Agenda Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|This course provides foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, with a specific focus on Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. Ta kurset virtuelt med vår løsning. Velg "Virtual" under Bestill i høyre kolonne! You will begin by learning about cloud fundamentals, including an overview of cloud computing and specifically Microsoft cloud services. You will be introduced to Microsoft Azure, and you will examine the differences between Microsoft 365 and Office 365. You will then perform an in-depth review of Microsoft 365, including a comparison of Microsoft on-premises services versus Microsoft 365 cloud services, a review of enterprise mobility in Microsoft 365, and an analysis of how Microsoft 365 services provide collaboration. The course then analyzes how security, compliance, privacy, and trust are handled in Microsoft 365, and it concludes with a review of Microsoft 365 subscriptions, licenses, billing, and support. This course is designed for IT Professionals who aspire to deploy and manage cloud services in their organization, or who are simply looking to acquire foundational knowledge on cloud fundamentals. This includes the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model specifically, with a general focus on Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. This course is designed for IT Professionals who aspire to deploy and manage cloud services in their organization. Students should have the following background: After completing this course, students will be able to: This course is recommended preparation to pass Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|5 dager 26. april 2 dager 7. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 8,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 1 dager Voucher Betal for dette kurset med 1 Microsoft kursvoucher Språk English course documentation, English or Norwegian speaking instructor li|MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals General IT knowledge or any general experience working in an IT environment General (sales level) experience on corresponding Microsoft on-premises products, such as Exchange Server, SharePoint, Office Professional, AD RMS and others Experience addressing business/legal/security requirements for IT Differentiate between the various cloud service models Identify the key differences between Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Plan for migration to Microsoft 365 services Identify key differences between Microsoft on-premises services and Microsoft 365 cloud services Define enterprise mobility in Microsoft 365 Identify how Microsoft 365 services support teamwork Describe identities, including cloud, on-premises, and hybrid identity Describe cloud device management and protection, including the use of Intune Describe data protection, including the use of Azure Information Protection Describe compliance in general and the compliance features in Microsoft 365 Describe Microsoft 365 subscriptions, licenses, billing, and support h1|MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals h2|Audience Pre-requisites Course goals Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti pa|Learn essential Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 tasks and methods in a condensed format! This course is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux administration. This course combines Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and Red Hat System Administration II (RH134), reviewing the tasks at an accelerated pace. This course is intended to develop the skills needed for basic administration and configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, introducing key command line concepts and enterprise-level tools and laying the foundation for the rapid deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The curriculum also introduces the basic administration skills needed for resolving configuration issues and integrating Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems with other existing environments. This course establishes secure user and group administration and allows administrators to use available storage solutions more efficiently and securely. The rapid pace can quickly turn a computer professional with basic knowledge of Linux into a fully capable Linux administrator. All Red Hat open enrollment trainings have been converted to virtual training until 30 June 2021. Please choose your required date from our schedule on the right side. See how it works: This course is geared toward Windows system administrators, network administrators, and other system administrators who are interested in supplementing current skills or backstopping other team members, in addition to Linux system administrators who are responsible for these tasks: Students attending this course should: If you do not have experience with fundamental Linux computer concepts, we advise you to start with the course instead. Read full course descripton: This course leads to the . This performance-based Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam tests your knowledge in areas of system administration common across a wide range of environments and deployment scenarios. The skills tested in this exam are the foundation for system administration across all Red Hat products. By passing this exam, you become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), which also counts toward becoming a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA). You must be an RHCSA to become a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE). Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|35,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 19. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 39,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Official Red Hat course material (ebook and labs), and certified instructor Timer 09.00 - 17.00 all days on Virtual classes Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material. English speaking instructor. li|RH199: RHCSA Rapid Track Course Configuring, installing, upgrading, and maintaining Linux systems using established standards and procedures Providing operational support Managing systems for monitoring system performance and availability Writing and deploying scripts for task automation and system administration understand fundamental Linux computing concepts and be ready to practice the Red Hat Enterprise Linux methods for performing system administration tasks. have significant field experience working with Linux as a system administrator is recommended. Package management with new repository structure and appstream modules Create storage devices, volumes, and file systems, including Stratis storage management Configure network services and security Manage processes, scheduling, and tuning Manage users, groups, and authentication Perform server management with the Cockpit web management utility Troubleshoot and obtain support h1|RH199: RHCSA Rapid Track Course h2|All Red Hat trainings have been converted to virtual training! Audience Prerequisites Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|The first of two courses covering the core system administration tasks needed to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers. As a result of attending this course, you should be able to perform essential Linux administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage, and basic security administration. Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) equips you with Linux administration "survival skills" by focusing on foundational Linux concepts and core tasks. You will learn how to apply command-line concepts and enterprise-level tools, starting you on your journey toward becoming a full-time Linux system administrator. This path continues with the follow-on course, . This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8. All Red Hat open enrollment trainings have been converted to virtual training until 30 June 2021. Please choose your required date from our schedule on the right side. See how it works: This course is intended to develop the skills needed for basic administration and configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This course introduces key command line concepts and enterprise-level tools, laying the foundation for the rapid deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The curriculum also introduces the basic administration skills needed for resolving configuration issues and integrating Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems with other existing environments. This offering lays the foundation for secure user and group administration, and develops skills that allow administrators to use available storage solutions more efficiently and securely. This course is the first of a two-part series that turns a computer professional who knows nothing about Linux into a fully capable Linux administrator. Read official course description from Red Hat: This course is geared toward Windows system administrators, network administrators, and other system administrators who are interested in supplementing current skills or backstopping other team members, in addition to Linux system administrators who are responsible for these tasks: Basic technical user skills with computer applications on some operating systems are expected. This course, together with will help you prepare for Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|25,250 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 28,500 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Official Red Hat course material Timer 09.00 - 17.00 all days on Virtual classes Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material. English speaking instructor. li|RH124: Red Hat System Administration I - Linux (RHEL) Introduction to the command line Managing physical storage Install and configure software components and services Establish network connections and control firewall restrictions Monitor and manage running processes Manage and secure files and file systems Administer users and groups Review the system log files and journal for issues Troubleshoot problems and analyze systems with Red Hat Insights Remotely manage systems with SSH and the Web Console Configuring, installing, upgrading, and maintaining Linux systems using established standards and procedures Providing operational support Managing systems for monitoring system performance and availability Writing and deploying scripts for task automation and system administration h1|RH124: Red Hat System Administration I - Linux (RHEL) h2|All Red Hat trainings have been converted to virtual training! Course goals Course content summary: Audience Prerequisites Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|Learn essential Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 tasks and methods in a condensed format! This course is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux administration. This course combines Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and Red Hat System Administration II (RH134), reviewing the tasks at an accelerated pace. All Red Hat trainings are virtual until June 2021. Therefore there are no dates for this 5-day combination. This course is intended to develop the skills needed for basic administration and configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, introducing key command line concepts and enterprise-level tools and laying the foundation for the rapid deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The curriculum also introduces the basic administration skills needed for resolving configuration issues and integrating Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems with other existing environments. This course establishes secure user and group administration and allows administrators to use available storage solutions more efficiently and securely. The rapid pace can quickly turn a computer professional with basic knowledge of Linux into a fully capable Linux administrator. This course is geared toward Windows system administrators, network administrators, and other system administrators who are interested in supplementing current skills or backstopping other team members, in addition to Linux system administrators who are responsible for these tasks: Students attending this course should: If you do not have experience with fundamental Linux computer concepts, we advise you to start with the course instead. Read full course descripton: This course leads to the . This performance-based Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam tests your knowledge in areas of system administration common across a wide range of environments and deployment scenarios. The skills tested in this exam are the foundation for system administration across all Red Hat products. By passing this exam, you become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), which also counts toward becoming a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA). You must be an RHCSA to become a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE). Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|19. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 39,750 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Official Red Hat course material, exam EX200, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material. English speaking instructor. li|RH200: RHCSA Rapid Track Course with exam Please find dates for virtual training for and Configuring, installing, upgrading, and maintaining Linux systems using established standards and procedures Providing operational support Managing systems for monitoring system performance and availability Writing and deploying scripts for task automation and system administration understand fundamental Linux computing concepts and be ready to practice the Red Hat Enterprise Linux methods for performing system administration tasks. have significant field experience working with Linux as a system administrator is recommended. Package management with new repository structure and appstream modules Create storage devices, volumes, and file systems, including Stratis storage management Configure network services and security Manage processes, scheduling, and tuning Manage users, groups, and authentication Perform server management with the Cockpit web management utility Troubleshoot and obtain support h1|RH200: RHCSA Rapid Track Course with exam h2|Important message! Audience Prerequisites Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|The Managing Enterprise Networks with Cisco Prime Infrastructure (MENPI) v4.1 course is an instructor-led, lab-based, hands-on course. The overall goal of the course is to enable you to manage an enterprise wired and wireless network with Cisco routers, switches, wireless controllers, and access points using the Cisco Prime Infrastructure solution. In this course, you will learn how to manage your network with Cisco Prime Infrastructure by adding devices, managing inventory, creating reports, creating wired and wireless device maps, monitoring the network, managing device configurations, managing device compliance, and performing system administration tasks. This course also introduces the various services and options available with Cisco Prime Infrastructure. This course is delivered by Cisco Advanced Services. Attendees should meet the following prerequisites: After completing this course you should be able to: There is no certification related to this course. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|The primary audience for this course is system installers, system integrators, system administrators, network administrators, and solutions designers. 26. april 5 dager 5. juli 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 38,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09.00-17.00 (different hours may occur on Connect2Classroom dates, depending on timezone location) Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|MENPI: Managing Enterprise Networks with Cisco Prime Knowledge of networks and networking terminology (CCNA Routing and Switching qualifications) Knowledge of wireless networks and wireless networking terminology Previous training in, or experience with, network administration, management, and troubleshooting Describe fundamental network management concepts and introduce the features of Cisco Prime Infrastructure Manage the inventory with Cisco Prime Infrastructure Map the network using the tools in Cisco Prime Infrastructure Manage user access to tasks, functions, and devices in Cisco Prime Infrastructure Manage the devices and configuration archive in Cisco Prime Infrastructure Work with Cisco AVC, QoS, and Cisco IWAN services using Cisco Prime Infrastructure tools and deploy Cisco TrustSec identity services using Cisco Prime Infrastructure Monitor and troubleshoot your network with Cisco Prime Infrastructure Perform system administration tasks in Cisco Prime Infrastructure h1|MENPI: Managing Enterprise Networks with Cisco Prime h2|Audience Prerequisites Course objectives Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|The Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewall (SSNGFW) course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Firepower Threat Defense system. This hands-on course gives you knowledge and skills to use and configure Cisco Firepower Threat Defense technology, beginning with initial device setup and configuration and including routing, high availability, Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) to Cisco Firepower Threat Defense migration, traffic control, and Network Address Translation (NAT). You will learn how to implement advanced Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) and Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) features, including network intelligence, file type detection, network-based malware detection, and deep packet inspection. You will also learn how to configure site-to-site VPN, remote-access VPN, and SSL decryption before moving on to detailed analysis, system administration, and troubleshooting. This class will help you: Security administrators, Security consultants, Network administrators, System engineers, Technical support personnel, Cisco integrators and partners. To fully benefit from this course, you should have: After taking this course, you should be able to: This course will help you p Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|12,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 26. april 5 dager 24. mai 5 dager 5. juli 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 44,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Official Cisco course material (digital) and hands-on labs Timer 09:30 – 17:00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Betal for kurset med 48 CLC (Cisco Learning Credits)(2) Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|SSNGFW: Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewall Implement Cisco Firepower NGFW to provide advanced threat protection before, during, and after attacks Gain leading-edge skills for high-demand responsibilities focused on security Prepare to take the exam 300-710 SNCF: Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower, which leads to CCNP Security and Cisco Certified Specialist – Network Security Firepower certifications. The 300-710 SNCF exam has a second preparation course as well, Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (SSFIPS). You can take these courses in any order. Knowledge of TCP/IP and basic routing protocols Familiarity with firewall, VPN, and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) concepts Describe key concepts of NGIPS and NGFW technology and the Cisco Firepower Threat Defense system, and identify deployment scenarios Perform initial Cisco Firepower Threat Defense device configuration and setup tasks Describe how to manage traffic and implement Quality of Service (QoS) using Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Describe how to implement NAT by using Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Perform an initial network discovery, using Cisco Firepower to identify hosts, applications, and services Describe the behavior, usage, and implementation procedure for access control policies Describe the concepts and procedures for implementing security intelligence features Describe Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Networks and the procedures for implementing file control and advanced malware protection Implement and manage intrusion policies Describe the components and configuration of site-to-site VPN Describe and configure a remote-access SSL VPN that uses Cisco AnyConnect® Describe SSL decryption capabilities and usage You earn the Cisco Certified Specialist - Network Security Firepower certification. You will have satisfied the concentration exam requirement for the new CCNP Security certification. To complete your CCNP Security, you also need to pass the Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (350-701 SCOR) exam or its equivalent. st|After you pass 300-710 SNCF h1|SSNGFW: Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewall h2|How you will benefit Audience Prerequisites Course objectives Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|repare to take the , which leads to and Cisco Certified Specialist – Network Security Firepower certifications. The 300-710 SNCF exam has a second preparation course as well, Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (SSFIPS). You can take these courses in any order. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti pa|In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools. The course covers scripting and automation, virtualization, and cloud N-tier architecture. This course is recommended preparation for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate To attend this training, students should have at least one year of hands-on experience securing Azure workloads and experience with security controls for workloads on Azure. To attend this course, students must have knowledge equal to Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate certification After completing this course, students will be able to: Configure Azure Active Directory for Azure workloads and subscriptions Configure Azure AD Privileged Identity Management Configure security for an Azure subscription Understand cloud security Build a network Secure network Implement host security Implement platform security Implement subscription security Configure security services Configure security policies by using Azure Security Center Manage security alerts Respond to and remediate security issues Create security baselines Configure security policies to manage data Configure security for data infrastructure Configure encryption for data at rest Understand application security Implement security for application lifecycle Secure applications Configure and manage Azure Key Vault This course is recommended preparation for exam AZ-500 that leads to the Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|21. juni 5 dager 3 dager 2 dager 2 dager td|Kursavgift: 20,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer Day 1-4: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 4 dager Voucher It is no longer possible to pay for this course with Microsoft training vouchers Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Describe specialized data classifications on Azure Identify Azure data protection mechanisms Implement Azure data encryption methods Secure Internet protocols and how to implement them on Azure Describe Azure security services and features st|Module 1: Identity and Access Module 2: Platform Protection Module 3: Security Operations Module 4: Data and applications h1|AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies h2|Audience Prerequisites Course goals Course Outline Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom pa|This 5-day course provides students with the key knowledge to help prepare for exam AZ-400, which will lead to the new Azure DevOps Engineer Expert certification. In this course you will learn to design a DevOps strategy and how to implement DevOps Development Processes, Continuous Integration and Delivery, Dependency Management, Application Infrastructure and Continuous Feedback. Fundamental knowledge about Azure, version control, Agile software development, and core software development principles. It would be helpful to have experience from an organization that delivers software and experience with virtual machines and containers, and some exposure to automation and scripting. DevOps professionals who combine people, process, and technologies to continuously deliver valuable products and services that meet end user needs and business objectives. This 5 day course contains of these modules: You will learn how to use source control, scale Git for an enterprise, and implement and manage build infrastructure. You will learn how to implement continuous integration in an Azure DevOps pipeline, how to manage code quality and security principles, and how to implement a container build strategy. You will learn how to design a release strategy, set up a release management workflow, and implement an appropriate deployment pattern. You will learn how to design a dependency management strategy and manage security and compliance. You will learn how to implement infrastructure as code and configuration management, how to provision Azure infrastructure using common automation tools, and how to deploy an application infrastructure using various Azure services and deployment methodologies. Students will also learn how to integrate 3rd party deployment tools with Azure, such as Chef and Puppet to incorporate compliance and security into the release pipeline. You will learn how to recommend and design system feedback mechanisms, implement a process for routing system feedback to development teams, and optimize feedback mechanisms. You will learn how to plan for transformation, select a project, and create team structures. You will also learn how to develop quality and security strategies. Planning for migrating and consolidating artifacts and source control will also be covered. This course is recommended as preparation for . This exam is the only exam you need to pass in order to get the new certification: . The exam fee is not included in the course price. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|21. juni 5 dager 3 dager 2 dager 2 dager td|Kursavgift: 24,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher It is no longer possible to pay for this course with Microsoft training vouchers Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|AZ-400: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert st|Implementing DevOps Development Processes: Implementing Continuous Integration: Implementing Continuous Delivery: Implementing Dependency Management: Implementing Application Infrastructure: Implementing Continuous Feedback: Designing a DevOps Strategy: h1|AZ-400: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert h2|Prerequisites Audience Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom pa|This 5 day course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration: Microsoft 365 security management, Microsoft 365 compliance management, and Microsoft 365 device management. This course (together with MS-100) will help you prepare for the new certification: Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert. This course is designed for persons who are aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Admin role and who will take part in implementing secure Microsoft 365 productivity solutions in the organisation. To attend this course students should have: This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration: In security management, you will examine all the common types of threat vectors and data breaches and how Microsoft 365’s security solutions address these security threats, including use of the Microsoft Secure Score, Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, Exchange Online Protection, Advanced Threat Protection, Safe Attachments, and Safe Links. In compliance management, you will examine the key aspects of data governance, including Information Rights Management, message encryption, data loss prevention (DLP), in-place records management, archiving and retention, creating DLP policies and policy tips, and Azure and Windows Information Protection. In Microsoft 365 device management, you will learn how to co-manage your Windows 10 devices, how to transition from Configuration Manager to Intune, and how to implement Windows Autopilot, Windows Analytics, and Mobile Device Management. Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft 365 Security Metrics Module 2: Managing Your Microsoft 365 Security Services Module 3: Lab 1 - Manage Microsoft 365 Security Services Module 4: Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence Module 5: Lab 2 - Implement Alert Notifications Using the Security Dashboard Module 6: Introduction to Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Module 7: Archiving and Retention in Office 365 Module 8: Lab 3 - Implement Archiving and Retention Module 9: Implementing Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Intelligence Module 10: Lab 4 - Implement DLP Policies Module 11: Managing Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Module 12: Lab 5 - Implement AIP and WIP Module 13: Managing Search and Investigations Module 14: Lab 6 - Manage Search and Investigations Module 15: Planning for Device Management Module 16: Lab 7 - Implement the Microsoft Store for Business Module 17: Planning Your Windows 10 Deployment Strategy Module 18: Implementing Mobile Device Management Module 19: Lab 8 - Manage Devices with Intune This course is recommended as preparation for . Exam MS-101 (together with exam MS-100) leads to the new certification: To earn the Enterprise Administrator Expert certification, you must pass both exam MS-100 and exam MS-101, plus earn one of the new associate-level workload certifications: If so, this meets the workload requirement, and you only need to pass exam MS-100 and exam MS-101 to earn your Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|5 dager 26. april 2 dager 7. juni 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 24,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Betal for dette kurset med 5 Microsoft kursvouchere Språk English course material, English/Norwegian speaking instructor li|MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security Completed a role-based administrator course such as Messaging, Teamwork, Security and Compliance, or Collaboration. A proficient understanding of DNS and basic functional experience with Microsoft 365 services. A proficient understanding of general IT practices. Modern Desktop Administrator Teamwork Administrator Security Administrator or Messaging Administrator st|Microsoft 365 security management Microsoft 365 compliance management Microsoft 365 device management Note! Do you already have the MCSE: Productivity certification? h1|MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security h2|Audience Prerequisites Course content Course outline Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|The exam fee is not included in the course price. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Startgaranti pa|DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support. The goal is to add value by improving the flow in this process. Ronald Harmsen is a senior consultant and instructor based in the Netherlands. Ronald has been professionally developing software since 1997 and has chosen .NET as his primary development environment since version 1.0. He has extensive experience in developing web applications with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WCF, Silverlight and HTML5. Ronald is passionate about software architecture and improving performance of both applications and development teams. He focuses on building high quality software and is member of the board at the Institute for Software Quality. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|3 dager 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 14,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Course documentation, exercises, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 2 dager Språk English li|DevOps What is it and why should we care? Problems that DevOps solves Automated builds and testing Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery Continuous Deployment Culture and behaviours Planning and control Architecture Continuous learning & improvement Gathering data Feedback cycles Pitfalls and hurdles Measuring success Selling DevOps h1|DevOps h2|Prerequisites: About the instructor: Ronald Harmsen Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|During this course you will learn all the basic concepts around DevOps and get familiair with tooling to support this process. After this course you will have gathered enough knowledge to start implementing DevOps in your organisation. This course is intended for everyone interested in introducing or improving devops in their organisation. Students should have multiple years of working experience in IT. Course outline: {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti bo|Introduction to DevOps Concepts Strategies Monitoring Introducing DevOps in your organisation pa|RxJava is the Reactive Extensions library for the JVM. RxJava makes it easy to composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences of data in Java applications. This course takes a detailed look at the RxJava API and explores various patterns and techniques to ensure you make the most of concurrency, parallelism, and data throttling. At least 6 months Java experience Andy is a freelance consultant and instructor based in the UK, working mostly in the City of London and Oxford. Andy has been working with .NET since the Beta 1 days and has extensive experience in many facets of .NET development including WCF, WPF, WF, ASP.NET MVC Web development, and mobile applications. Andy has designed and written many Microsoft Official Curriculum courses in the last decade, and has been engaged as author and technical reviewer with Apress on some of their biggest selling books. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|10. mai 2 dager 14. juni 5 dager 14. juni 5 dager 9. juni 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 18,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Course documentation, exercises, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk English li|RxJava The Reactive Manifesto RxJava architectural patterns Working with observable data sources Functional programming Concurrency Managing data throughput Overview of Reactive Systems Overview of RxJava Going Further with RxJava Observables Essential Concepts Functional Programming in Java Observable Data Sources Defining a Custom Observer Defining Custom Call-back Semantics Hot and Cold Observables Filtering and Fetching Items Transforming Items Accumulating Values Combining Observables Conditional Operators Handling Errors Core Concepts A Closer Look at Schedulers Types of Schedulers Available Understanding the Problem Throttling Using Buffers and Windows st|Introduction to RxJava Functional Programming A Closer Look at Observables Manipulating Data Combinators, Conditionals and Error Handling Concurrency and Parallelism Managing Data Throughput h1|RxJava h2|What you will learn: Prerequisites: Course outline: Andy Olsen - author of the course Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|I dette 1-dags kurset lærer du alt som er å vite om Kanban og får grunnlaget du trenger for å utnytte det i din organisasjon. Kurset kjøres som en svært interaktiv workshop der vi i stor grad bruker spill og øvelser. Passer for alle med behov for raskere Time-to-market, systematisk forbedring og med interesse for smidig systemutvikling Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|29. april 2 dager 21. april 2 dager 24. juni 2 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 6,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Course documentation, exercises, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 1 dager Språk Norsk li|Kanban Måle og optimalisere ende-til-ende prosesser Utnytte kunnskapen om push- og pull-systemer Lage value-stream map Begynne å bruke Kanban på arbeidsplassen Hva er Kanban? Prinsipper for planlegging: Push vs. Pull Lean principles Value vs. waste Value-stream mapping Visualisering av arbeidsflyt WIP grenser og flyt Kontinuerlig forbedring Flaskehalser Classes of service and SLAs Måling og rapportering Cadence Hvordan implementere Kanban? Kanban vs. Scrum st|Etter dette kurset vil du kunne: h1|Kanban h2|Innhold: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual bo|Målgruppe: pa|The High Velocity IT Specialist Certification is relevant to everyone working in Agile and DevOps Teams focusing on the rapid delivery of IT solutions. If your organization has moved beyond Agile and Scrum, and is applying Lean principles and a DevOps way of working, this is the training program relevant for you. This course includes the use of working practices such as Agile and Lean, and technical practices and technologies such as Cloud, Automation, and Automatic Testing, focusing on rapid delivery of products & services to obtain maximum value. Wil be ready shortly The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|At the end of this course, participants will be able to: The ITIL® 4 Specialist: High Velocity IT course is aimed at IT and service management practitioners who work in organizations that are becoming more digitally enabled. Its target audience includes but is not limited to: ITIL 4 Foundation is as a prerequisite. 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL MP HVI Understand concepts regarding the high-velocity nature of the digital enterprise, including the demand it places on IT. Understand the digital product lifecycle in terms of the ITIL operating model. Understand the importance of the ITIL guiding principles and other fundamental concepts for delivering high-velocity IT. Know how to contribute to achieving value with digital products. Business Managers Business Process Owners IT Consultants IT Developers IT Management IT Support Staff Service Providers System Integrators Module 1 - Course Introduction Module 2 - Introduction to High-Velocity IT Module 3 - High-Velocity IT Approaches Module 4 - High-Velocity IT Operating Models Module 5 - ITIL Building Blocks for High-Velocity IT Module 6 - High-Velocity IT Culture Module 7 - Supporting Models and Concepts for Purpose Module 8 - Supporting Models and Concepts for People Module 9 - Supporting Models and Concepts for Process Module 10 - High-Velocity IT Objectives and Techniques Module 11 - Techniques for Valuable Investments Module 12 - Techniques for Fast Developments Module 13 - Techniques for Resilient Operations Module 14 - Techniques for Co-created Value Module 15 - Techniques for Assured Conformance Mock ExamFinal Exam (Optional) ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management OR ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Transition Certificate Training through an Accredited Training Organisation Question Format: multiple choice Pass Grade: 70 % Open Book exam No. of Questions: 40 Duration: 90 minutes Extra Time: Candidates taking exam in a language that is not their native, may be awarded 25% extra time st|Prerequisites: Exam information: h1|ITIL® Specialist - High Velocity IT h2|Beskrivelse: Learning Objectives Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom em|I TIL 4 Strategist High-velocity IT (HVIT) in 1,000 words pa|Dette er et av fem kurs innen Service Lifecycle, og det retter seg mot deltagere som behøver kunnskaper om praksis og tilpasning innen ITIL® Service Lifecycle. Hovedfokuset ligger på ledelsesperspektivet for Service Management. Hvert kurs bygger på en av ITILs kjernebøker. Kurset gir deg en fordypning i begreper, prosesser, retningslinjer og metoder knyttet til Service Operation-fasen. Kurset dekker styring og kontroll av aktiviteter og teknikker innenfor Service Operation, men ikke detaljer innen de understøttende prosesser. NB! Deltaker må huske å ta med seg bevis for en bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen før den offisielle testen til dette kurset kan gjennomføres! Ta kontakt med oss dersom du har spørsmål rundt dette. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Kurset har en interaktiv tilnærming med kombinasjon av undervisning, diskusjoner og casestudier for å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper som de kan begynne å bruke umiddelbart. En integrert casestudie gir deltakerne god forståelse for hvordan ITIL beste praksis kan brukes for å forbedre IT-ytelsen. Praktiske oppgaver blir brukt gjennom hele kurset for å forsterke læringsprosessen. Samtidig vil kurset legges opp slik at det forbereder deltagerne til eksamen som avholdes på kursets siste dag. Deltagerne vil få hjemmearbeid etter hver kursdag for å forberede seg til neste dag, så det bør påregnes kveldsarbeid og selvstudie mens kurset pågår. Kurset retter seg mot: Deltagere på kurset må ha bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen, og du bør ha jobbet med ITIL eller lignende i to år. Deltagelse på dette kurset vil gi deg flg kompetanse: 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, sertifiseringstest, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Studiepoeng 28 PDU Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL SO Personer som har ITIL Foundation sertifisering og som ønsker å ta videregående ITIL sertifiseringer Personer som har behov for en dypere forståelse for Service Operation stadiet av ITIL kjernesyklusen, og hvordan aktiviteter på dette stadiet kan iverksettes for å forbedre kvaliteten på IT tjenestene. IT-teknikere som arbeider med eller er ny innen Service Operation, og som trenger forståelse for begreper, prosesser, funksjoner og aktiviteter som er involvert Typiske deltagere på dette kurset kan være IT-sjefer, CTOs, ledere, teamledere, IT arkitekter, virksomhetsutviklere, IT-konsulenter, IT revisjonsledere, IT-sikkerhetsledere og Service testledere som er involvert i drift, koordinasjon og integrasjon av de operasjonelle aktivitetene i livssyklusen. Forstå Service Management i praksis og Service Operation prinsipper, hensikt og mål Forstå hvordan alle Service Operation-prosessene samhandler med andre livssyklus prosesser Sub-prosesser, aktiviteter, metoder og funksjoner som brukes i hver av Service Operation-prosessene Roller og ansvar innenfor Service Operation, samt aktiviteter og funksjoner for å oppnå optimal drift Hvordan man måler Service Operation ytelsen Forstå teknologi og krav til implementering til støtte for Service Operation Utfordringer, kritiske suksessfaktorer og risikoer forbundet med Service Operation Introduction and Service Operation as a practice Service Operation Principles Service Operation Processes Service Operation Processes Common Service Operation Activities Organizing Service Operation Organizing Service Operation Technology Considerations Implementation Considerations Challenges, Critical Success Factors and Risks Exam Preparation/Mock Exam Exam Eksamen består av 8 scenariobaserte multiple-choice spørsmål. Hvert spørsmål vil ha 4 mulige svar - det beste svaret gir 5 poeng, det nest beste svaret gir 3 poeng, et svar gir 1 poeng (et dårlig valg), og helt feil svar gir 0 poeng. Testen bestås om man oppnår 28 poeng av 40 mulige (70%). Ved bestått test opptjenes 3 poeng i poengsystemet for ITIL version 3. Testen gjennomføres på 90 minutter Det tillates ikke hjelpemidler. h1|ITIL® Lifecycle: Service Operation (SO) h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Innhold: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom pa|Dette er et av fem kurs innen ITIL® Service Lifecycle, og det retter seg mot deltagere som behøver kunnskaper om praksis og tilpasning innen ITIL Service Lifecycle. Hovedfokuset ligger på ledelsesperspektivet for Service Management. Hvert kurs bygger på en av ITILs kjernebøker. Kurset gir deg en fordypning i begreper, prosesser, retningslinjer og metoder knyttet til Service Design-fasen. Kurset dekker styring og kontroll av aktiviteter og teknikker innenfor Service Design, men ikke detaljer innen de understøttende prosesser. NB! Deltaker må huske å ta med seg bevis for en bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen før den offisielle testen til dette kurset kan gjennomføres! Ta kontakt med oss dersom du har spørsmål rundt dette. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Kurset har en interaktiv tilnærming med kombinasjon av undervisning, diskusjoner og casestudier for å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper som de kan begynne å bruke umiddelbart. En integrert casestudie gir deltakerne god forståelse for hvordan ITIL beste praksis kan brukes for å forbedre IT-ytelsen. Praktiske oppgaver blir brukt gjennom hele kurset for å forsterke læringsprosessen. Samtidig vil kurset legges opp slik at det forbereder deltagerne til eksamen som avholdes på kursets siste dag. Deltagerne vil få hjemmearbeid etter hver kursdag for å forberede seg til neste dag, så det bør påregnes kveldsarbeid og selvstudie mens kurset pågår. Kurset retter seg mot: Deltagere på kurset må ha gjennomført og bestått ITIL Foundation versjon 3, samt ha praktisk erfaring fra IT-virksomhet eller Service Management. Deltagelse på dette kurset vil gi deg flg kompetanse: 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, sertifiseringstest, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Studiepoeng 28 PDU Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL SD Personer som har ITIL Foundation sertifisering og som ønsker å ta videregående ITIL sertifiseringer Personer som har behov for en dypere forståelse for Service Design stadiet av livssyklusen, og hvordan aktiviteter på dette stadiet kan iverksettes for å forbedre kvaliteten på IT tjenestene. IT-teknikere som arbeider med eller er ny innen Service Design, og som trenger forståelse for begreper, prosesser, funksjoner og aktiviteter som er involvert i Service Design Typiske deltagere på dette kurset kan være IT-sjefer, CTOs, ledere, teamledere, IT arkitekter, virksomhetsutviklere, IT-konsulenter, IT revisjonsledere, IT-sikkerhetsledere og Service testledere og andre som skal arbeide drift, koordinering og integrasjon av design aktiviteter i livssyklusen. Forstå Service Management i praksis og Service Design prinsipper, hensikt og mål Forstå hvordan alle Service Design-prosessene samhandler med andre livssyklus prosesser De sub-prosesser, aktiviteter, metoder og funksjoner som brukes i hver av Service Design-prosessene Roller og ansvar innenfor Service Design, samt aktiviteter og funksjoner for å oppnå optimal drift Hvordan man måler Service Design ytelsen Forstå teknologi og krav til implementering til støtte for Service Design Utfordringene, kritiske suksessfaktorer og risikoer forbundet med Service Design Introduction to Service Design Service Design Principles Service Design Processes Service Design Processes Service Design Technology Related Activities Service Design Technology Related Activities Organizing for Service Design Consideration of technology Implementation and improvement of Service Design Exam Preparation / Mock Exam Exam Eksamen består av 8 scenariobaserte multiple-choice spørsmål. Hvert spørsmål vil ha 4 mulige svar - det beste svaret gir 5 poeng, det nest beste svaret gir 3 poeng, et svar gir 1 poeng (et dårlig valg), og helt feil svar gir 0 poeng. Testen bestås om man oppnår 28 poeng av 40 mulige (70%). Ved bestått test opptjenes 3 poeng i poengsystemet for ITIL version 3. Testen gjennomføres på 90 minutter Det tillates ikke hjelpemidler. h1|ITIL® Lifecycle: Service Design (SD) h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Innhold: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and Microsoft Azure, before taking further Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services courses. The course will cover general cloud computing concepts as well as general cloud computing models and services such as Public, Private and Hybrid cloud and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It will also cover some core Azure services and solutions, as well as key Azure pillar services concerning security, privacy, compliance and trust. It will finally cover pricing and support services available with Azure. This training is targeted at anyone that wants to learn more about Microsoft Azure. Technical IT experience is not required, however some general IT knowledge or experience would be beneficial. After completing this course, students will be able to: Ta kurset virtuelt med vår løsning. Velg "Virtual" under Bestill i høyre kolonne! In this module you will learn basic cloud concepts. Lessons: In this module you will learn the basics core services available with Microsoft Azure. Lessons: In this module, you learn about security, privacy, compliance, and trust with Microsoft Azure. Lessons: In this module, you will focus on pricing and support models available with Microsoft. Lessons: This training is relevant preparation for exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|21. juni 5 dager 3 dager 2 dager 2 dager td|Kursavgift: 8,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 1 dager Språk English course material, English or Norwegian speaking instructor li|AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Understand general cloud computing concepts Understand core services available with Microsoft Azure Understand security, privacy, compliance and trust with Microsoft Azure Understand pricing and support models available with Microsoft Learning Objectives Why Cloud Services? Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaPublic, Private, and Hybrid cloud modules. Core Azure architectural components Core Azure Services and Products Azure Solutions Azure management tools Securing network connectivity in Azure Core Azure Identity services Security tools and features Azure governance methodologies Monitoring and Reporting in Azure Privacy, Compliance and Data Protection standards in Azure Azure subscriptions Planning and managing costs Support options available with Azure Service lifecycle in Azure st|Module 1: Cloud Concepts Module 2: Core Azure Services Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance and Trust Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support h1|AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals h2|Audience and Prerequisites Course goals Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom pa|This course (and DP-201) will be replaced by a new 5 day course (to be relased in the end of April 2021). In this course, the students will implement various data platform technologies into solutions that are in line with business and technical requirements including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid data scenarios incorporating both relational and No-SQL data. They will also learn how to process data using a range of technologies and languages for both streaming and batch data. The students will also explore how to implement data security including authentication, authorization, data policies and standards. They will also define and implement data solution monitoring for both the data storage and data processing activities. Finally, they will manage and troubleshoot Azure data solutions which includes the optimization and disaster recovery of big data, batch processing and streaming data solutions. The primary audience for this course is data professionals, data architects, and business intelligence professionals who want to learn about the data platform technologies that exist on Microsoft Azure. The secondary audience for this course is individuals who develop applications that deliver content from the data platform technologies that exist on Microsoft Azure. Job role: Data Engineer Successful students start this course with knowledge of cloud computing and core data concepts and professional experience with data solutions. Specifically completing: This course contains these themes and modules: This course is recommended as preparation for exam DP-200. Exam DP-200 (and exam DP-201) will retire 30 June 2021. The new (available from 23 February 2021), will replace the DP-200 and DP-201 exams. To achieve the certification, you need to fulfil Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 20,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs. Lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Voucher It is no longer possible to pay for this course with Microsoft training vouchers Språk English course documentation, English speaking instructor li|DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Explain the evolving world of data Survey the services in the Azure Data Platform Identify the tasks that are performed by a Data Engineer Describe the use cases for the cloud in a Case Study Choose a data storage approach in Azure Create an Azure Storage Account Explain Azure Data Lake storage Upload data into Azure Data Lake Explain Azure Databricks and Machine Learning Platforms Describe the Team Data Science Process Provision Azure Databricks and workspaces Perform data preparation tasks Create an Azure Cosmos DB database built to scale Insert and query data in your Azure Cosmos DB database Provision a .NET Core app for Cosmos DB in Visual Studio Code Distribute your data globally with Azure Cosmos DB SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse Provision an Azure SQL database to store data Provision and load data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse Explain data streams and event processing Querying streaming data using Stream Analytics How to process data with Azure Blob and Stream Analytics How to process data with Event Hubs and Stream Analytics Explain how Azure Data Factory works Create Linked Services and datasets Create pipelines and activities Azure Data Factory pipeline execution and triggers Configuring Network Security Configuring Authentication Configuring Authorization Auditing Security Data Engineering troubleshooting approach Azure Monitoring Capabilities Troubleshoot common data issues Troubleshoot common data processing issues Pass exam DP-201 exam DP-200 before 30 June 2021 Pass exam DP-203 st|Module 1: Azure for the Data Engineer Module 2: Working with Data Storage Module 3: Enabling Team Based Data Science with Azure Databricks Module 4: Building Globally Distributed Databases with Cosmos DB Module 5: Working with Relational Data Stores in the Cloud Module 6: Performing Real-Time Analytics with Stream Analytics Module 7: Orchestrating Data Movement with Azure Data Factory Module 8: Securing Azure Data Platforms Module 9: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Data Storage and Processing Important notice! one of these two options: and or h1|DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution h2|Important notice! Audience Prerequisites Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Classroom pa|In this course, the students will design various data platform technologies into solutions that are in line with business and technical requirements. This can include on-premises, cloud, and hybrid data scenarios which incorporate relational, No-SQL or Data Warehouse data. They will also learn how to design process architectures using a range of technologies for both streaming and batch data. This course (and DP-200) will be replaced by a new 5 day course (to be relased in the end of April 2021). The students will also explore how to design data security including data access, data policies and standards. They will also design Azure data solutions which includes the optimization, availability and disaster recovery of big data, batch processing and streaming data solutions. This course, together with DP-200, will help you prepare for the new Azure Data Engineer Associate certification. The audience for this course is data professionals, data architects, and business intelligence professionals who want to learn about the data platform technologies that exist on Microsoft Azure. The secondary audience for this course is individuals who develop applications that deliver content from the data platform technologies that exist on Microsoft Azure. Successful students start this course with knowledge of cloud computing and core data concepts and professional experience with data solutions. Specifically completing: Core Principles of Creating Architectures Design with Security in Mind Performance and Scalability Design for availability and recoverability Design for efficiency and operations Lambda architectures from a Batch Mode Perspective Design an Enterprise BI solution in Azure Automate enterprise BI solutions in Azure Architect an Enterprise-grade Conversational Bot in Azure Lambda architectures for a Real-Time Perspective Architect a stream processing pipeline with Azure Stream Analytics Design a stream processing pipeline with Azure Databricks Create an Azure IoT reference architecture Defense in Depth Security Approach Identity Management Infrastructure Protection Encryption Usage Network Level Protection Application Security Adjust Workload Capacity by Scaling Optimize Network Performance Design for Optimized Storage and Database Performance Identifying Performance Bottlenecks Design a Highly Available Solution Incorporate Disaster Recovery into Architectures Design Backup and Restore strategies Maximizing the Efficiency of your Cloud Environment Use Monitoring and Analytics to Gain Operational Insights Use Automation to Reduce Effort and Error This course is recommended as preparation for exam DP-201. Exam DP-201 (and exam DP-200) will retire 30 June 2021. The new is available from 23 February 2021, will replace the DP-200 and DP-201 exams. To achieve the certification, you need to fulfil one of these two options: Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 14,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 -16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Voucher It is no longer possible to pay for this course with Microsoft training vouchers Språk English course documentation, English/Norwegian speaking instructor li|DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution Pass exam DP-201 exam DP-200 Pass exam DP-203 st|Module 1: Data Platform Architecture Considerations Module 2: Azure Batch Processing Reference Architectures Module 3: Azure Real-Time Reference Architectures Module 4: Data Platform Security Design Considerations Module 5: Designing for Resiliency and Scale Module 6: Design for Efficiency and Operations Important notice! and h1|DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution h2|Important notice! Audience Prerequisites Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Classroom pa|Course MS-200 and MS-201 has been retired and replaced by a new updated course from July 2020: In this 5 day course you will learn about the architecture of the modern messaging infrastructure with Exchange Server and Exchange Online and how to deploy messaging in different scenarios and organizations. You will learn how Microsoft Exchange Server provides access to user mailboxes for many different clients, and the traditional and modern solutions for messaging high availability and disaster recovery. After completing this course, students will be able to: This 5 day course contains these themes and modules: This course will help you prepare for . Exam MS-200 (together with exam MS-201) leads to the new certification: The exam fee is not included in the course price. In order to increase your chances to pass your exam, we recommend our certification offer: . Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|5 dager 5 dager 14. juni 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 24,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Betal for dette kurset med 5 Microsoft kursvouchere Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|MS-200: Planning and Configuring a Messaging Platform Understand the Modern Messaging Architecture Deploy and Manage a Modern Messaging Architecture Create and Manage Exchange Recipients Manage Email Addresses, Lists, and Resources Plan for Mailbox Databases Create and Manage Mailbox Databases Manage Authentication for Messaging Configure Organizational Settings and Organizational Sharing Implement Client Access Services Manage Client Devices Configure Outlook on the Web Troubleshoot Client Access Configure Mobile Device Mailbox Policies Manage Mobile Device Mailbox Policies Configure Message Transport Manage Transport Rules Manage and Troubleshoot Mail Flow Troubleshoot Transport Issues Troubleshoot with Logs Plan High Availability for Mailbox Servers, Client Access Service and Transport Implement Site Resilience Plan for Disaster Recovery Implement Backup Strategies Restore Mailboxes, Databases, and Servers Plan the Public Folder Hierarchy Implement and Manage Public Folders Troubleshoot Public Managing Modern Messaging Infrastructure Managing Recipient Objects and Resources Managing Mailbox Databases Managing Organizational Settings Managing Client Access Managing Mobile Devices Managing the Transport Pipeline Managing and Troubleshooting Mail Flow High Availability for Exchange Servers Managing Disaster Recovery Managing Public Folders st|Understanding the Modern Messaging Infrastructure Managing Client Access and Mail Flow Managing Messaging High Availability and Disaster Recovery h1|MS-200: Planning and Configuring a Messaging Platform h2|Important! This course will be replaced by course MS-203 Course goals Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual pa|The Managing Microsoft Teams course is designed for persons who are aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Teams Admin role. Microsoft Teams Administrators configure, deploy, and manage Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment. This training is aimed at IT Pro that wants to learn how to administer Microsoft Teams, and for persons who are aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Teams Admin role. In Microsoft Teams overview, you will get an overview of Microsoft Teams including Teams architecture and related Office 365 workloads. You will be provided an overview of security and compliance in Microsoft Teams and finally get an overview of how to manage Microsoft Teams. In implementing governance, security and compliance for Microsoft Teams, you will plan and configure governance for Office 365 groups including expiration and naming policies. Then you will implement security by configuring conditional access, MFA or Threat Management for Microsoft Teams. Finally, you will implement compliance for Teams by using DLP policies, eDiscovery cases or supervision policies. In preparing the environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment, you plan an upgrade from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams by evaluating upgrade paths with coexistence and upgrade modes, manage meeting migrations and configuring coexistence and upgrade settings. Then you plan and configure network settings for Microsoft Teams, and finally you will deploy and manage Microsoft Teams endpoints. In deploying and managing teams, you will learn how to create and manage teams, manage membership and access for both, internal and external users. In managing collaboration in Microsoft Teams, you will manage chat and collaboration experiences such as team settings or private channel creation policies. Finally, you will manage settings for Teams apps such as app setup policies, Apps, bots & connectors in Microsoft Teams or publish a custom app in Microsoft Teams. This course concludes with managing communication in Microsoft Teams. You will learn how to manage Live event and meetings experiences, manage phone numbers or Phone System for Microsoft Teams and finally how to troubleshoot audio, video, and client issues. This course will help you prepare for Microsoft which leads to the Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|5 dager 26. april 2 dager 7. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 24,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Voucher Betal for dette kurset med 5 Microsoft kursvouchere Språk English course material, Norwegian or English speaking instructor li|MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams What is Microsoft Teams and how the components work together How to implement Governance, Security and Compliance for Microsoft Teams How to prepare an organizations environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment How to deploy and manage teams Ways of managing collaboration in Microsoft Teams Techniques to manage and troubleshoot communication in Microsoft Teams A proficient understanding of basic functional experience with Microsoft 365 services. A proficient understanding of general IT practices, including using PowerShell. st|Module 1: Microsoft Teams Overview Module 2: Implement Microsoft Teams Governance, Security and Compliance Module 3: Prepare the environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment Module 4: Deploy and manage teams Module 5: Manage collaboration in Microsoft Teams Module 6: Manage communication in Microsoft Teams h1|MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams h2|Skills gained from this training Audience Prerequisites Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti pa|Learn the business value and product capabilities of Power Platform. Create a simple PowerApp, connect data with CDS, build a Power BI Dashboard, and automate a process with Microsoft Flow. Ta kurset hjemmefra! Velg dato for under i høyre kolonne! Candidates for this exam are users who aspire to improve productivity by automating business processes, analyzing data to produce business insights, and acting more effectively by creating simple app experiences. A basic understanding of IT principles and an interest in Microsoft PowerPlatform and Analytics. After completing this course, students will be able to: Learn about the components of Power Platform, ways to connect data, and how organizations can leverage this technology to Learn about the value and capabilities of PowerApps, and ways other organizations have leverage this technology to build simple applications for their business. The Common Data Service allows you to delve into powerful, scalable data solutions in the cloud. Learn what makes the Common Data Service tick and how it can work with the Power Platform to create unique and efficient business solutions. Learn how users can leverage Power Automate to improve business efficiency and productivity. Learn how organizations can use Power BI to easily clean, display, and understand data to ensure better informed decisions. This course is recommended preparation to pass Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|19. mai 2 dager 10. mai 2 dager 20. mai 2 dager 31. mai 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 12,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Voucher Betal for dette kurset med 2 Microsoft kursvouchere Språk English course documentation, Norwegian speaking instructor li|PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Describe the Power Platform components: Power Apps, Power BI and Microsoft Automate Describe the Power Platform components: Common Data Service, Connectors and AI builder Describe cross-cloud scenarios across M365, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure and 3rd party services Identify benefits and capabilities of Power Platform Identify the basic functionality and business value Power Platform components Implement simple solutions with Microsoft Automate, Power BI, and Power Apps st|Bestill Module 1: Introduction to Power Platform Module 2: Get Started with Power Apps Module 3: Introduction to Common Data Service Module 4: Get Started with Power Automate Module 5: Get Started with Power BI h1|PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals h2|Audience Prerequisites Course goals Course outline Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales is an end-to-end application to manage the handling of customers and potential customers; tracking data against sales goals, automating your best practices, learning from your data and more. In this training course our instructor will take you step by step from lead to opportunity to closed deal. Using the application’s available automation and customization options you will learn how to enable sales staff to be their most productive selves. This course is relevant for persons with Sales expertise and consultants, responsible for implementing solutions that support a sales life cycle to run efficiently to meet revenue targets, business strategies and company objectives. After completing this course, you will be able to: In this module you will learn the basics of sales in Dynamics 365. We will install and configure the application as well as learn about security roles, key terms and the data model. In this module you will learn how to manage customer data records, use built in sales tools and take a lead to an opportunity. In this module you will learn how to use quotes and orders to further use Dynamics 365 for Sales to manage your sales opportunities to closed deals. In this module you will learn how to create and use goals; integrate with PowerBI and enable Sales AI. This course is recommended preparation for . Exam MB-210 leads (together with exam MB-200) to the certification Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|19. mai 2 dager 20. mai 2 dager 19. mai 2 dager 31. mai 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 12,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Språk English course documentation, Norwegian speaking instructor li|MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Install and configure the application Identify common sales scenarios Complete a sales cycle Configure product catalog Manage customer records Utilize analytics tools with customer data Sales overview Configuring Sales Manage customers Working with opportunities Embedded intelligence Playbooks Integrated sales tools Order processing overview Manage product catalog Create and manage quotes Create and manage orders and invoices Overview Power BI AI for Sales st|Module 1: Sales Overview Module 2: Working with Opportunities Module 3: Quotes to Orders Module 4: Sales Analytics and Insights h1|MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales h2|Audience Course goals Course Outline Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|Dynamics 365 for Sales Functional Consultant Associate {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service offers any organization an opportunity for customer success. Using tools such as automatic case creation and queue management frees up your time to dedicate it where you can have a greater impact, directly with your customers. Join our team of globally recognized experts as they take you step by step from creating cases to interacting with customers to resolving those cases. Once you’ve resolved those cases you can learn from data analysis the key details to help you resolve similar cases faster or avoid new issues altogether. This course is relevant for Desktop and End-User Support Professional After completing this course, you will be able to: In this module you will learn the basics of customer service in Dynamics 365. We will install and configure the application as well as learn about security roles, related applications and analytics. In this module you will learn how to open and resolve customer service cases, both manually and with automation. In this module you will learn how to define and use entitlements and entitlement templates as well as service level agreements and how these tools enable case resolution. In this module you will learn how to create and use knowledge management. Additionally, you will learn the lifecycle of knowledge articles. This course is recommended preparation for . Exam MB-230 leads (together with exam MB-200) to the certification Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|10. mai 2 dager 20. mai 2 dager 19. mai 2 dager 31. mai 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 12,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Språk English course documentation, Norwegian speaking instructor li|MB-230: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service A working knowledge of how to use earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Basic experience using Windows applications Knowledge of basic sales, marketing and customer service roles in a business. Some knowledge of common Microsoft Dynamics CRM record types is preferred Install and configure the customer service app Identify common customer service scenario Complete a case resolution process Analyze customer service data Automate case management record processing Create and use knowledge articles Create and use entitlements and service level agreements Create case records Related service apps Analytics for service AI for service Configuring customer service Case management overview Creating case records Queue management Case routing Resolving cases SLA and entitlement overview Create and manage entitlements Create and manage SLAs Knowledge management overview Authoring and organizing Use knowledge content Manage knowledge content st|Module 1: Customer Service Overview Module 2: Case Management Module 3: Service Level Agreements and Entitlements Module 4: Knowledge Management h1|MB-230: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service h2|Audience Prerequisites Course goals Course Outline Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|From January 2021 this course will be replaced by the new course This course teaches the concepts of Azure AI engineering by presenting and developing a scenario that creates a customer support ChatBot that utilizes various tools and services in the Azure AI landscape like language understanding, "Q&A" maker, and various Azure Cognitive Services to implement language detection, text analytics, and computer vision. This course is aimed at Cloud Solution Architects, Azure artificial intelligence designers, and AI developers. Before attending this course, students must have: This course includes the following modules: This course will help you prepare for exam Exam AI-100 leads to the new certification: Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate The exam fee is not included in the course price. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring td|Kursavgift: 20,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk English course documentation, English/Norwegian speaking instructorspeakin li|AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution Azure Fundamentals knowledge Understanding of Azure storage technologies C# Knowledge Overview of Azure Cognitive Services Creating a Cognitive Service on the Azure Portal Access and Test a Cognitive Service Introducing the Bot Service Creating a Basic ChatBot Testing with the Bot Emulator Introducing Q&A Maker Implement a Knowledge Base with Q&A Maker Integrate Q&A with a Bot Introducing Language Understanding Create a new LUIS Service Build Language Understanding with Intents and Utterances Overview of language understanding for AI applications Integrate LUIS and Bot to create an AI-based solution Understand Cognitive Services for Bot Interactions Perform Sentiment Analysis for your Bot with Text Analytics Detect Language in a Bot with the Language Cognitive Services Integrate Computer Vision with Bots st|Important notice! Module 1: Introducing Azure Cognitive Services Module 2: Creating Bots Module 3: Enhancing Bots with Q&A Maker Module 5: Enhancing Your Bots with LUIS Module 6: Integrate Cognitive Services with Bots and Agents h1|AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution h2|Audience Prerequisites Course outline Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|Module 4: Learn How to Create Language Understanding Functionality with LUIS {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti pa|Learn how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning. This course teaches you to leverage your existing knowledge of Python and machine learning to manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and machine learning solution monitoring in Microsoft Azure. This course is focused on Azure and does not teach the student how to do data science. It is assumed students already know that. This course is designed for data scientists with existing knowledge of Python and machine learning frameworks like Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and Tensorflow, who want to build and operate machine learning solutions in the cloud. Before attending this course, students must have f Specifically: If you are completely new to data science and machine learning, please complete first. In this module, you will learn how to provision an Azure Machine Learning workspace and use it to manage machine learning assets such as data, compute, model training code, logged metrics, and trained models. You will learn how to use the web-based Azure Machine Learning studio interface as well as the Azure Machine Learning SDK and developer tools like Visual Studio Code and Jupyter Notebooks to work with the assets in your workspace. Lessons: This module introduces the Automated Machine Learning and Designer visual tools, which you can use to train, evaluate, and deploy machine learning models without writing any code. Lessons: In this module, you will get started with experiments that encapsulate data processing and model training code, and use them to train machine learning models. Lessons: Data is a fundamental element in any machine learning workload, so in this module, you will learn how to create and manage datastores and datasets in an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and how to use them in model training experiments. Lessons: One of the key benefits of the cloud is the ability to leverage compute resources on demand, and use them to scale machine learning processes to an extent that would be infeasible on your own hardware. In this module, you'll learn how to manage experiment environments that ensure consistent runtime consistency for experiments, and how to create and use compute targets for experiment runs. Lessons: Now that you understand the basics of running workloads as experiments that leverage data assets and compute resources, it's time to learn how to orchestrate these workloads as pipelines of connected steps. Pipelines are key to implementing an effective Machine Learning Operationalization (ML Ops) solution in Azure, so you'll explore how to define and run them in this module. Lessons: Models are designed to help decision making through predictions, so they're only useful when deployed and available for an application to consume. In this module learn how to deploy models for real-time inferencing, and for batch inferencing. Lessons: By this stage of the course, you've learned the end-to-end process for training, deploying, and consuming machine learning models; but how do you ensure your model produces the best predictive outputs for your data? In this module, you'll explore how you can use hyperparameter tuning and automated machine learning to take advantage of cloud-scale compute and find the best model for your data. Data scientists have a duty to ensure they analyze data and train machine learning models responsibly; respecting individual privacy, mitigating bias, and ensuring transparency. This module explores some considerations and techniques for applying responsible machine learning principles. After a model has been deployed, it's important to understand how the model is being used in production, and to detect any degradation in its effectiveness due to data drift. This module describes techniques for monitoring models and their data. Lessons: This course is recommended as preparation for , which leads to the new certification. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 20,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Voucher It is no longer possible to pay for this course with Microsoft training vouchers Språk English course documentation, English/Norwegian speaking instructor li|DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure Creating cloud resources in Microsoft Azure Using Python to explore and visualize data Training and validating machine learning models using common frameworks like Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and TensorFlow Working with containers Introduction to Azure Machine Learning Working with Azure Machine Learning Automated Machine Learning Azure Machine Learning Designer Introduction to Experiments Training and Registering Models Working with Datastores Working with Datasets Working with Environments Working with Compute Targets Introduction to Pipelines Real-time Inferencing Batch Inferencing Continuous Integration and Delivery Hyperparameter Tuning Automated Machine Learning Differential Privacy Model Interpretability Fairness Monitoring Models with Application Insights Monitoring Data Drift st|IMPORTANT NOTICE! Module 1: Getting Started with Azure Machine Learning Module 2: No-Code Machine Learning Module 3: Running Experiments and Training Models Module 4: Working with Data Module 5: Working with Compute Module 6: Orchestrating Operations with Pipelines Module 7: Deploying and Consuming Models Module 8: Training Optimal Models Lessons: Module 9: Responsible Machine Learning Lessons: Module 10: Monitoring Models h1|DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure h2|Audience Prerequisites Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|undamental knowledge of cloud computing concepts, and experience in general data science and machine learning tools and techniques. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Classroom pa| di|Er ditt firma registrert utenfor Norge? Ring oss på eller send en . li|Bestill test h2|Test Deltaker Bestiller Firma eller privat person Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Bestiller også Trancender/MeasureUp øvelsestest (180 dg online). 799,- ex mva Deltager er også bestiller em|Det er stor pågang på testsenteret vårt for tiden. Vennligst skriv alternativ ønsket dato i «kommentar til bestillingen». pa|Learn the skills required to implement Citrix ADC Essential components including secure Load Balancing, High Availability, and Citrix ADC Management. At the end of the course, students will be able to configure their Citrix ADC environments to address traffic delivery and management requirements including Load Balancing, Availability, and ADC Operation Management. This course requires little to no previous experience with Citrix ADC; however, Citrix recommends a basic understanding of of TCP/IP, HTTP, and of the OSI model, network devices, and networking protocols. Built for experienced IT Professionals who want to be familiar with Citrix ADC. Potential students include administrators, engineers, and architects interested in learning how to deploy or manage Citrix ADC. • Introduction to Citrix ADC • Feature and Platform Overview • Deployment Options • Architectural Overview • Setup and Management • Networking Topology • Citrix ADC Components • Routing • Access Control Lists • Citrix ADC MPX • Citrix ADC VPX • Citrix ADC CPX • Citrix ADC SDX • Citrix ADC BLX • Citrix ADC High Availability • High Availability Configuration • Managing High Availability • In Service Software Upgrade • Troubleshooting High Availability • Load Balancing Overview • Load Balancing Methods and Monitors • Load Balancing Traffic Types • Load Balancing Protection • Priority Load Balancing • Load Balancing Troubleshooting • SSL Overview • SSL Configuration • SSL Offload • Troubleshooting SSL Offload • SSL Vulnerabilities and Protections • Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing • Configuring External Authentication • Admin Partitions • Citrix ADC Logging • Monitoring with SNMP • Reporting and Diagnostics • AppFlow Functions • Citrix Application Delivery Management • Troubleshooting This 3 day However, this 3 day course is equal to the first 3 days of both which both leads to CCA-N certification. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|22,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 22,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Official Citrix digital course material (ebook and hands-on labs), lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CNS-223: Implement Citrix ADC 13.x This 3 day course is equal to the first 3 days of both and This course is partial preparation for the CCA-N Understand the functionality and capabilities of the Citrix ADC Complete the initial setup and configuration of the Citrix ADC appliance Understand Citrix ADC Load Balancing and High Availability configuration options and management Employ recommended tools and techniques to troubleshoot common ADC network and connectivity issues st|Module 1: Getting Started Module 2: Basic Networking Module 3: ADC Platforms Module 4: High Availability Module 5: Load balancing Module 6: SSL Offloading Module 7: Security Module 8: Monitoring and Troubleshooting h1|CNS-223: Implement Citrix ADC 13.x h2|Note: Course goals Prerequisites Audience Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|course is partial preparation for the CCA-N. and {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom pa|This advanced 5-day training course teaches the design principles for creating a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops virtualization solution. In this training, you will also learn how to assess existing environments, explore different scenarios, and make design decisions based on business requirements. This course covers the Citrix Consulting approach to design and covers the key design decisions through lectures, lab exercises, and interactive discussions. You will also learn about additional considerations and advanced configurations for multi-location solutions and disaster recovery planning. This training will help you prepare for the Citrix Certified Expert in Virtualization (CCE-V) exam. This course is currently on Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7 1906 Built for IT Professionals with significant experience with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 as well as supporting infrastructure. If you are responsible for the environment design and overall health, or are guiding others through the process (as a consultant), you should consider taking this training. This course requires extensive experience with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 as well as experience with Citrix Gateway and supporting infrastructure. Upon successful completion of this course, learners are able to: Methodology Business Drivers User Segmentation Application Assessment Capabilities Assessment Endpoints & Peripherals Citrix Workspace App Network Connectivity Access Matrix* Access Layer Architecture Design Considerations StoreFront Store Design Scalability and Redundancy FlexCast Model Assignment* Virtual Delivery Agent Machine Scalability Virtual Delivery Agent Machine Security Provisioning Strategy / Image Management Application Delivery Profiles Policies Printing* Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site Design Machine Catalogs & Delivery Groups* Site Management Considerations Control Layer Scalability & High Availability Control Layer Security Assessment Considerations for Hardware & Hypervisor Selection Cluster / Resource Pool Design Hardware / Compute Layer Sizing Storage Datacenter Networking Security Multiple Location Considerations - Introduction Multiple Location Considerations - Access Multiple Location Considerations - Image Management Multiple Location Considerations - Profiles & Data Multiple Location Considerations - Printing Multiple Location Considerations - Control Layer Disaster Recovery - Levels Disaster Recovery - Strategy Disaster Recovery – Process *Optional content based on instructor criteria This training will help you prepare for the Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|35,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 21. juni 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 21. juni 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 35,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CWS-415: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configuration Identify risks and areas for improvement in a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment by assessing relevant information in an existing deployment Determine core Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops design decisions and align them to business requirements to achieve a practical solution Design a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops disaster recovery plan and understand different disaster recovery considerations st|Module 1: Methodology & Assessment Module 2: User Layer Module 3: Access Layer Module 4: Resource Layer - Images Module 5: Resource Layer - Applications and Personalization Module 6: Control Layer Module 7: Hardware/Compute Layer Module 8: Maintaining an App Layering Environment Module 9: Disaster Recovery h1|CWS-415: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configuration h2|Version: Audience: Prerequisites: Course goals: Course content: Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand pa|If you are new to Citrix or if you are planning a move to Citrix Cloud, this course is a necessary step in enabling you with the right training and skills to manage and deploy Citrix Workspace successfully. This foundational administration course covers the aspects of installing, configuring and managing a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) 7 environment, how to manage an on-premises Citrix solution and migrate from an on-premises solution to cloud using the Citrix Cloud management plane. This five-day course will teach you how to deploy, install, configure, set-up profile management, configure policies, printing and basic security features for on-premises Virtual Apps and Desktop solution building, and then migrating to Citrix Cloud. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 192 LTSR and Citrix Cloud Services (Citrix Cloud services are updated frequently with new features and improvements, Course content may not always reflect the latest features). Ta kurset hjemmefra! Velg dato for under i høyre kolonne! Built for experienced IT Professionals who want to be familiar with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 in an on-premises environment and Citrix Cloud. Potential students include administrators or engineers responsible for the end user workspace and overall health and performance of the solution. This course requires basic knowledge of AD, Windows, Storage, Networking and little to no previous experience with the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 version. Read the complete course description: , which can be used to take either of these 2 exams: Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|32,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 32,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CWS-215: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Administration On-Premises and in Citrix Cloud Gain foundational knowledge of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 How to install, configure, and manage a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 site and Cloud connectors Identify the considerations between Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on-premises and the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service How to deliver app and desktop resources Introduction to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Architecture Overview Features Hosting Platform Considerations Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service Connection Flow Process Introduction Pre-Deployment Considerations Citrix Licensing Setup Delivery Controller Setup Site Setup And Management Redundancy Considerations Consider Master Image Creation Methods Master Image Requirements Machine Catalogs and Delivery Groups Provisioning Methods and Considerations Machine Creation Services (MCS) Deep Dive MCS Environment Considerations Resource Locations Consider Workspace Experience versus StoreFront Workspace Experience User Authenticatio Workspace App Communication Flow Methods to Manage the User Experience Common User Experience Settings Published App Properties Server OS Published App Optimizations Published App Presentation Application Groups Apps and Desktops Presentation Map Printers to the User Session Printer Drivers Print Environment Considerations Introduction and Considerations Configure Citrix Profile Managemen Delegated Administration Use PowerShell with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop Power Management Considerations Citrix Admin Security Considerations XML Service Security Considerations Secure HDX External Traffic Citrix Director Introduction Monitor and Interact with User Sessions Published Apps Analysis Monitor the Machines Running the VDA Site Specific Common Monitoring Alerts and Notifications Optimize Citrix Director Monitoring with Citrix ADM Introduction to Supporting a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SiteTools Proactive Administration Common Tasks Migration Considerations Citrix Cloud Connector Deployment Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops with an On-Premises Resource Location The Migration Process Citrix Analytics Introduction Prepare to Use Citrix Analytics Types of Analytics If you pass this exam you will earn the st|Versions covered: Bestill Module 1: Architecture Overview Module 2: Deploy the Site Module 3: The Apps and Desktops Images Module 4: Provision and Deliver App and Desktop Resources Module 5: Provide Access to App and Desktop Resources Module 6: Manage the User Experience Module 7: Published App and Desktop Presentation and Management Module 8: Manage Printing for User Sessions Module 9: Citrix Profile Management Module 10: Manage the Site Module 11: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Basic Security Considerations Module 12: Monitor the Site Module 13: Introduction to Supporting and Troubleshooting Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Module 14: Migrate To Citrix Cloud Module 15: Citrix Analytics This course includes 1 certification voucher h1|CWS-215: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Administration On-Premises and in Citrix Cloud h2|Audience Prerequisites Course goals Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|Citrix Certified Administrator – Virtualization (CCA-V) certification certification If you pass this exam you will earn the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service on Citrix Cloud (CC-VAD-CC) certification {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom pa|Build your Citrix ADC knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course. It covers Citrix ADC essentials-- platforms, architecture, licensing and functionality – and also focuses on traffic management, including content switching, traffic optimization and global server load balancing (GSLB). You will learn about key ADC capabilities such as high availability, security and performance, and explore SSL offload, load balancing and monitoring. The traffic management curriculum will cover the AppExpert policy engine, the Rewrite and Responder features, and Content Switching. This course is meant for IT Professionals working with Citrix ADC, with little to no previous ADC experience. Potential students include administrators, engineers, and architects interested in learning how to implement and manage Citrix ADC features using leading practices. This course is currently on Citrix ADC version 13.x This course replaces course CNS-220: Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials and Traffic Management This course requires little to no previous experience with Citrix ADC. However, Citrix recommends a basic understanding of TCP/IP, HTTP and the OSI model, network devices, and networking protocols. This course is recommended as preparation for When you pass the above exam, you will received the CCA-N certification (Citrix Certified Associate - Networking) Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|32,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 32,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, exam voucher for exam 1Y0-240, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CNS-225: Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC 13.x with Traffic Management Understand the functionalities and capabilities of Citrix ADC How to obtain, install, and manage Citrix ADC licenses Comprehend basic ADC network architecture Understand how SSL is used to secure Citrix ADC Optimize the ADC system for traffic handling and management Module 1: Getting Started Module 2: Basic Networking Module 3: ADC Platforms Module 4: High Availability Module 5: Load balancing Module 6: SSL Offloading Module 7: Security Module 8: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Module 9: Advanced Policies Module 10: Rewrite Responder URL Module 11: Content Switching Module 12: Optimization Module 13: Global Server Load Balancing st|Versions covered h1|CNS-225: Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC 13.x with Traffic Management h2|Audience: Prerequisites What you will learn in this course Course content Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom pa|In this expert level 5-day training course, you will be exposed to advanced networking and Citrix ADC concepts and configurations. Through lecture, lab exercises, and real-world case studies, you will learn to look critically at environment requirements, constraints, and business drivers to create a complex Citrix networking solution. Topics to be covered in this course include multi-site and multitenant deployments, advanced authentication and load balancing, and automation and orchestration, and advanced troubleshooting. This training will also prepare you for the Citrix Certified Expert in Networking (CCE-N) exam. This course is currently on Citrix ADC version 12.x, but is still applicable for learners of previous versions of the product Built for IT Professionals with extensive networking and Citrix ADC experience. This course is built for IT Professionals who are responsible for defining the overall structure or architecture of a Citrix networking environment. This course encompasses advanced Citrix networking configurations and leading Citrix design principles. This course assumes that the student has significant networking and Citrix Networking experience. Citrix recommends a comprehensive understanding of basic and intermediate Citrix ADC features and functionalities. Proficiency in the topics covered in CNS-220; CNS-222; and CNS-320 is strongly recommended. • Understanding the Citrix methodology • Business Drivers and Requirementrs • User Segmentation • Application Assessment • Capabilities Assessment • Multi-Site Deployments • Multi Tennant Infrastructure • Cloud Deployments • High Availability • Citrix ADC Double-Hop Scenarios • Secure Web Gateway • Authorization Policies • Access Policies • Advanced Authentication Options • Multi-Factor Authentication • nFactor Authentication • AAA Session Management • Authorization • Pre-authentication and Endpoint Analysis Scans • Protection against Layer 4-7 Attacks • Web App Firewall • ICA Proxy Configuration • VPN Access • Clientless Access • Split Tunneling • RDP Proxy Deployment and Configuration • Advanced Load Balancing • Advanced Load Balancing • Link Load Balancing • Firewall Load Balancing • Microsoft Exchange Load Balancing • Advanced Global Server Load Balancing • Global Server Load Balancing Persistence • DNS, Policies, Expressions, Actions, and Views • GSLB Monitoring and Considerations • Application Delivery Management Outbound Traffic Dashboard • Automation • Orchestration • Configuration Jobs • Configuration Audit • NITRO API • StyleBooks (Net-new) CNS-420 is recommended as preparation for When you attend this course, an exam Voucher If you pass exam 1Y0-440 (in addition to being Citrix Certified Professional - Networking (CCP-N) you will get the Citrix Certified Expert - Networking certification. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|33,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 36,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, exam voucher, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CNS-420: Citrix Networking Assessment, Design, and Advanced Configuration How to identify and prioritize business drivers, constraints, and requirements using the Citrix Consulting methodology Assess environment requirements and learn to apply leading design principles to address them in a multi-site Citrix ADC deployment Apply advanced authentication and load balancing principles st|Versions covered: Module 1: Networking Methodology and Assessment Module 2: Citrix Networking Deployment Architecture and Topology Module 3: Advanced Authentication and Authorization Module 4: Citrix ADC Security Module 5: Citrix Gateway Configuration Considerations Module 6: Advanced Load Distribution and Link Load balancing Module 7: Application Delivery Management Automation and Orchestration h1|CNS-420: Citrix Networking Assessment, Design, and Advanced Configuration h2|Course goals / what you will learn: Audience: Prerequisites: Course outline: Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom pa|DevOps is the future of IT today! This 3-day course provides an introduction to DevOps – the cultural and professional movement that stresses communication, collaboration, integration and, of course, automation in order to improve the flow of work between software developers and IT operations professionals. To maximize the IT value flow to customers, DevOps creates an improved ability to design, develop, deploy and operate software and services faster for the benefit of the business. Higher customer satisfaction, better quality, faster delivery and lower costs are all benefits of DevOps. Course Introduction DevOps Introduction Culture Organization Organization (Continued) Processes Automation Automation (Continued) Measure and Improvement Mock Exam Exam (Optional) Let’s Get to Know Each Other Overview Course Objectives Mapping of the Competence Model with the Course Modules Course Agenda Type of Activities Exam Course Book Technical Glossary Group Activity Module Summary Module Objectives Module Topics Emergence of DevOps Core Concepts of DevOps DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) Module Summary Module End Questions Module Objectives Module Topics Essence of a DevOps Culture Key Elements of DevOps Implementation of a DevOps Culture Module Summary Module End Questions Module Objectives Module Topics Organizational Model Autonomous Teams Architecting for DevOps Governance Module Summary Module End Questions Module Objectives Module Topics Process Basics DevOps in Relation to ITSM Agile and Scrum 12 Principles of the Agile Manifesto Optimizing Processes Using Lean Business Value Optimization and Business Analysis Using Story Mapping Module Summary Module End Questions Module Objectives 6A Automation Concepts Automation for Delivery of Software Continuous Delivery Core Concepts Continuous Delivery Automation Concepts Continuous Delivery Automation Focus Topics 6B Data Center Automation Emergence of Cloud Technology and Principles Cloud Services Concepts in a DevOps Organization Automated Provisioning Concepts Platform Product Characteristics and Application Maturity Module Summary Module End Questions Module Objectives Module Topics Importance of Measurement Choosing the Right Metrics Monitoring and Logging Module Summary Module End Questions Exam Preparation Guide Module Learning Objectives Qualification Learning Objectives Learning Level of the Syllabus Certification Exam Instructions Tips for Taking Exam Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|This course is designed to provide you with the background knowledge you need to build your DevOps vocabulary and to understand the principles and practices of DevOps. More importantly, this course is designed to inspire you to serve as a change champion who leads and mentors others by sharing and using what you’ve learned – and continue to learn – about DevOps. Anyone who requires a understanding of DevOps principles, such as project and business managers, all professionals involved in IT quality assurance, testing and service management and anyone involved in the development, operation and delivery of IT services. To take the exam, knowledge of IT and familiarity with IT services is recommended. 3 dager 2 dager 28. april 3 dager 12. april 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 15,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation, certification test, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk English course material, English speaking or norwegian instructor li|DevOps Fundamentals Why organizations need to adopt DevOps practices from both the business and IT perspectives How to answer the question ‘What is DevOps?’ DevOps values and principles How DevOps interfaces with other frameworks such as Agile, Lean and ITSM The characteristics of a DevOps culture DevOps organizational considerations including DevOps roles, teams and organizational structures Key DevOps practices Common DevOps automation practices and tools categories How to adopt a DevOps culture The examination takes 60 minutes with non-native speakers of English being permitted an additional 15 minutes. It is a closed-book, web-based exam and consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. The passing grade is 65%. Participants are permitted to use scratch paper. A proctor will be present or the exam will. Certificate DevOps Fundamentals st|Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Module 1: Course Introduction Module 2: DevOps Introduction Module 3: Culture Module 4: Organization Module 5: Processes Module 6: Automation Module 7: Measure and Improvement h1|DevOps Fundamentals h2|Course description: Audience: Prerequisites: Course outline: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti bo|This course helps professionals understand: pa|Agile is a philosophy that uses organizational models based on people, collaboration and shared values, such as rolling wave planning; iterative and incremental delivery; rapid and flexible response to change; and open communication between teams, stakeholders and customers. There are many methodologies that adhere to these tenets such as SCRUM, Kanban, Lean, XP. Agile is a topic of growing importance in project management. The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® is developed in response to this increasing demand of organizations in the marketplace for project practitioners who can apply a diversity of methods to their projects. This PMI-ACP® course provides a high quality training program that teaches you the skills and knowledge you need to successfully apply Agile practices in real life and to pass the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®examination to earn your certification. This classroom course is aimed at people who work in Agile projects or whose organizations are adopting Agile principles. Agile manifesto, principles and practices across Agile methodologies, such as: You or your organization use Agile practices or your organization is adopting Agile methods: The Project Management Professional (PMP)® is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. For detailed information on the certification exam, please visit the PMP certification page at Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|7. juni 4 dager 3 dager 1 dager 26. april 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 16,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Kursdokumentasjon, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Studiepoeng 21 PDU Språk Engelsk kursmaterial, engelsk instruktør li|PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) Scrum eXtreme Programming (XP) Lean Kanban Dynamic Systems Development Methods (DSDM) Test-Driven / Feature-Driven Developments Agile project lifecycle and key Agile management skills and social, economical and environmental influences. Applying Agile management knowledge and skills, such as communications, coaching and mentoring, leadership, team motivation, problem solving strategies, and more. Using Agile tools & techniques, such as value based prioritization, risk management, soft skills negotiation, product quality, Agile estimation, analysis, and design. How to deliver a high quality product in a shorter period of time Empowerment of team; self-organization and self-management Professional responsibilities concerning Agile Project management. Requirements to apply for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner certification and pass the PMI-ACP ® exam Professionals pursuing the PMI-ACP® certification CIO / CTO / IT Executives Project / Program Management Officers Development / Operation Managers Project Managers / Team Leads Developers/ Programmers Designers / Testers Project Controllers / Planners Product Owners / Stakeholders Scrum Masters / Scrum Team Members Introduction to the Course Course Overview Module Structure Project and Project Management PMI and PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition Introduction to Agile Agile Philosophy Agile Project Management Agile project Life Cycle Traditional vs. Agile Project Management Scrum eXtreme Project Management (XPM) Lean Kanban Agile Unified Process (AUP) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) Test-Driven Development (TDD) Feature-Driven Development (FDD) Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset Domain II. Value-driven Delivery Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement Domain IV. Team Performance Domain V. Adaptive Planning Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) Agile Analysis and Design Agile Estimation Communications Interpersonal Skills Metrics Planning, Monitoring & Adapting Process Improvement Product Quality Risk Management Value-Based Prioritization Stakeholder Management Building Agile Teams Communication Management Problem Solving Other Agile Concepts Introduction to PMI® and PMBOK® PMI-ACP® Credential PMI-ACP® Application Overview Exam Preparation The certification exam has 120 multiple-choice questions and you have three hours to complete it. To maintain your PMI-ACP, you must earn 30 professional development units (PDUs) in agile topics every three years. 2,000 hours of general project experience working on teams. A current PMP® or PgMP® will satisfy this requirement but is not required to apply for the PMI-ACP. 1,500 hours working on agile project teams or with agile methodologies. This requirement is in addition to the 2,000 hours of general project experience. 21 contact hours of training in agile practices. st|Module 1 - Introduction Module 2 - Introduction to the Project Management Module 3 - Agile Manifesto and Principles Module 4 - Agile Methods and Approaches Module 5 - Agile Domains and Tasks Module 6 - Agile Tools and Techniques - I Module 7 - Agile Tools and Techniques - II Module 8 - Agile Knowledge and Skills Module 9 - PMI-ACP Exam Preparation Exam Description Exam Facts Prerequisites h1|PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) h2|Learning Objectives: Audience: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual pa|Obtain all the competences and knowledge necessary to lead all the processes for implementing and complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in an organization GDPR Foundation training enables you to learn the basic elements to implement and manage a compliance framework with regard to the protection of personal data. During this training course, you will be able to understand the fundamental privacy principles and become familiar with the role of the Data Protection Officer. After completing this course, you can sit for the exam and apply for a “PECB Certified GDPR Foundation” credential. A PECB Foundation Certificate shows that you have understood the fundamental methodologies, requirements, framework and management approach Upon the successful completion of the exam, you can apply for the credential “PECB Certified GDPR Foundation”. For more information about Data Protection Certifications and the PECB certification process, please refer to the . The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PECB Results will be communicated by email in a period of 6 to 8 weeks, after taking the exam. The results will not include the exact grade of the candidate, only a mention of pass or fail. Candidates who successfully complete the examination will be able to apply for a certified scheme which is explained in the course description. In the case of a failure, the results will be accompanied with the list of domains in which the candidate had failed to provide guidance for exams’ retake preparation. Candidates, who disagree with the exam results, may file a complaint by writing to or through PECB ticketing system. There is no limit on the number of times a candidate may retake an exam. However, there are some limitations in terms of allowed time-frame in between exam retakes, such as: After the fourth attempt, a waiting period of 12 months from the last session date is required, in order for candidate to sit again for the same exam. Regular fee applies. For the candidates that fail the exam in the 2nd retake, PECB recommends to attend an official training in order to be better prepared for the exam. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|No prerequisite are required 26. april 5 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 12,500 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation, certification test, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Studiepoeng 14 Språk English course materiel, and Norwegian speaking instructor li|GDPR Foundation Understand the General Data Protection Regulation requirements and the fundamental principles of privacy Understand the obligations, roles and responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer Understand the concepts, approaches, methods and techniques to effectively align a privacy framework with the General Data Protection Regulation Individuals involved in Personal Data Protection and Information Security Individuals seeking to gain knowledge about the main privacy principles Individuals interested to pursue a career in Data Protection Course objectives and structure General data protection regulation Data protection principles, challenges and issues Rights of the data subject Data controllers, processors and the data protection officer Data protection authorities Data mapping plan Risk assessment under GDPR Data protection impact assessment Privacy impact assessment (PIA) Personal data transfers to third parties Remedies, liabilities and penalties Certification process and closing the training Multiple choice “closed book” exam where the candidates are not authorized to use anything but the exam paper and a pen or, Duration: 1 hour (+ 10 min extra time for non-native) The use of electronic devices, such as laptops, cell phones, etc., is not allowed. . If a candidate does not pass the exam on the second attempt, he/she must wait 3 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (2nd retake). Retake fee applies. If a candidate does not pass the exam on the third attempt, he/she must wait 6 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (3rd retake). Retake fee applies. st|The requirements for the PECB Foundation Certification are: Introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation Preparing for GDPR and Certification Exam RECEIVE YOUR EXAM RESULTS EXAM RETAKE POLICY h1|GDPR Foundation h2|Course description: Course objectives: Audience: Certification: Prerequisites: Content: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom em|Students, who have completed the full training but failed the written exam, are eligible to retake the exam once for free within a 12 month period from the initial date of the exam To arrange exam retakes (date, time, place, costs), the candidate needs to contact Glasspaper. pa|The ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Transition module is a bridge course that enables the ITIL v3 professionals to easily transition across to ITIL 4 certification scheme. The ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition module is designed to enable ITIL Experts or professionals with 17 credits to gain the designation of ITIL 4 Managing Professional through one course and one exam. The ITIL Managing Professional Transition course is a 5-day training program based on the learning outcomes prescribed by AXELOS for this module. The purpose of the ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition module is to provide candidates with an understanding of the: This course is specifically targeted towards the professionals who have 17 credits in the ITIL v3 certification scheme and wanted an easy transition across to ITIL 4. The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. The MP Transition module covers 30% to 40% content of these individual modules, and the syllabus of the MP Transition module is based on the syllabi of ITIL 4 Foundation and the four modules in the ITIL 4 MP stream. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Minimum of 17 credits from the ITIL v3 Certification Scheme 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 25,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL MP Transition Core concepts and definitions of ITIL 4 Foundation, including the key differences between the previous iteration of ITIL and ITIL 4 and how they can be practically applied. Key elements from each one of the four ITIL Managing Professional (MP) modules: Create, Deliver and Support, Drive Stakeholder Value, High Velocity IT and Direct, Plan and Improve. Introduction and recap of ITIL 4 concepts ITIL 4 Create, Deliver and Support ITIL 4 Create, Deliver and Support (Contd.) ITIL 4 Drive Stakeholder Value ITIL 4 Drive Stakeholder Value (Contd.) ITIL 4 High Velocity IT ITIL 4 High Velocity IT (Contd.) ITIL 4 Direct, Plan and Improve ITIL 4 Direct, Plan and Improve (Contd.) Self-Study Exam : ITIL Expert certificate or a minimum of 17 credits from the ITIL v3 Foundation and Intermediate/Practitioner modules. : 90 minutes, candidates taking the exam in a language that is not their native or working language may be awarded 25% extra time, that is 113 minutes in total. : Level 2 and 3 : Closed Book : 40 multiple choice questions, which present four options from which one option is selected. There are 23 questions at Bloom’s Level 2 = approx. 57.5% There are 17 questions at Bloom’s Level 3 = approx. 42.5% 70% or higher (28 correct answers) st|IT Service Management professionals – who have completed a range of ITIL v3 programs. The ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Transition Examination Exam: Prerequisite Exam Duration Bloom’s Taxonomy Open Book/Closed Book No./Type of Questions Provisional Pass mark: h1|ITIL® Managing Professional Transition h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|The ITIL ® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support module is part of the Managing Professional stream for ITIL 4 and participants need to pass the related certification exam for working towards the Managing Professional (MP) designation. The ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support module focuses on the integration of different value streams and activities to create, deliver and support IT-enabled products and services whilst also covering supporting practices, methods, and tools. The ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support course is a 3-days course based on the ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support exam specification from AXELOS. With the help of ITIL® 4 concepts and terminology, exercises, and examples included in the course, you will acquire relevant knowledge to pass the ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver, and Support certification exam. The ITIL ® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support course is aimed at ITSM practitioners managing the operation of IT-enabled & digital products and services, and those responsible for the end-to-end delivery. Professionals with following job titles are expected to benefit from this module: The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL MP CDS IT Operations Manager, Availability Manager, Service Desk, Service Managers, Service Architects, Security Manager, Technology Support teams, UX/UI Designer, Development Managers, Developers, Testers, Infrastructure Operations Engineer, Software Developer Product owners, Project Managers, Business Relationship Manager; Customer Relationship Manager Duration: 90 minutes (candidates taking exam in a language that is not their native, may be awarded 25% extra time) Number of questions: 40 simple multiple choice (1 mark per question) Bloom’s Level 2 and 3 Pass Grade :70% or higher (28 correct answers) st|Module 1: Organization and Culture Module 2: Effective Teams Module 3: Information Technology to Create, Deliver and Support Service Module 3: Information Technology to Create, Deliver and Support Service Module 4: Value Stream Module 5: Value Stream to Create, Deliver and Support Services Module 6: Value Stream for User Support Module 6: Value Stream for User Support Module 7: Prioritize and Manage Work Module 8: Commercial and Sourcing Considerations Exam Preparation Exam Exam details: Exam Prerequisites: h1|ITIL® Specialist - Create, Deliver & Support h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Learning Objectives: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|For taking the ITIL ® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support course, a candidate must have passed the ITIL ® 4 Foundation examination. In addition, the candidate must have attended an accredited training course for this module. The learning objectives of the course are based on the following learning outcomes of the ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support exam specification: Understand how to plan and build a service value stream to create, deliver, and support services Know how relevant ITIL practices contribute to the creation, delivery and support across the SVS and value streams Know how to create, deliver and support services Organizational Structures Team Culture Continuous Improvement Culture Collaborative Culture Customer-Oriented Mindset Positive Communication Capabilities, Roles and Competencies Workforce Planning Employee Satisfaction Management Results Based Measuring and Reporting Integration and Data Sharing Reporting and Advanced Analytics Collaboration and Workflow Robotic Process Automation Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CI/CD Information Model Integration and Data Sharing Reporting and Advanced Analytics Collaboration and Workflow Robotic Process Automation Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CI/CD Information Model Anatomy of a Value Stream Designing a Value Stream Value Stream Mapping Value Stream for Creation of a New Service Value Stream Model for Restoration of a Live Service Value Stream Model for Restoration of a Live Service Managing Queues and Backlogs Prioritizing Work Shift-Left Approach Build or Buy Sourcing Models Service Integration and Management Format: Closed Book For taking the ITIL ® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support exam, a candidate must have passed the ITIL ® 4 Foundation examination. In addition, the candidate must have attended an accredited training course for this module. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve course is based on the ITIL® 4 Strategist Direct, Plan, and Improve candidate syllabus from AXELOS. The course provides the practical skills necessary to create a “learning and improving” IT organization, with a strong and effective strategic direction. With the help of ITIL® 4 concepts and terminology, activities, exercises, and examples included in the course, you will acquire relevant knowledge to pass the ITIL® Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve certification exam. The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|ITIL 4 Foundation is as a prerequisite. 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL MP DPI Format: Closed book Duration: 90 minutes (candidates taking exam in a language that is not their native, may be awarded 25% extra time) Numbers of questions:40, simple multiple choice (1 mark per question) Pass Grade: 70% (28 marks out of 40) st|Learning Objectives: Module 2: Core Concepts of DPI Module 3: DPI through Service Value Chain and Guiding Principles Module 4: Role of Direction in Strategy Management Module 5: Implementation of Strategies odule 6: Introduction to Assessment and Planning Module 7: Assessment and Planning through VSM Module 8: Measurement, Reporting, and Continual Improvement Module 9: Measurements and Continual Improvement through DImensions and SVS Module 10: OCM Principles and Methods Module 11: Communication Principles and Methods Module 12: SVS Development Using Four Dimensions Exam Exam details: Exam Prerequisites h1|ITIL® Strategist - Direct, Plan and Improve h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Module 1: Course Introduction Velg kurssted sp|The ITIL ® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve course is designed to provide practitioners with a practical and strategic method for planning and delivering continual improvement with necessary agility. It is aimed at managers of all levels involved in shaping direction and strategy or developing a continually improving team. It will cover both practical and strategic elements. Therefore, it is the universal module, that will be a key component of both, ITIL ® 4 Managing Professional and ITIL ® 4 Strategic Leader streams . The ITIL ® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve course fundamentally targets the participants in the IT and business domains who wish to take first steps in service management or who are familiar with earlier versions of ITIL and/or other sources of industry best practice and wish to learn about ITIL ® 4 . This course and the related certification can be beneficial for the following roles: IT Support Staff IT Consultants Business Managers Business Process Owners IT Developers Service Providers System Integrators Anyone working in a Devops team At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the key concepts of direction, planning, improvement. Understand the scope of what is to be directed and/or planned, and know how to use key principles and methods of direction and planning in that context. Understand the role of GRC and know how to integrate the principles and methods into the service value system. Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of continual improvement for all types of improvements. Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of Communication and Organizational Change Management to direction, planning and improvement. Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of measurement and reporting in direction, planning, and improvement. Understand and know how to direct, plan, and improve value streams and practices. Let’s Get to Know Each Other Course Overview ITIL ® 4Certification Scheme Course Learning Objectives Course Components Course Agenda Module-End Exercises Exam Details Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Basics of Direction Basics of Planning Basics of Improvement Other Core Elements Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives DPI of the SVS DPI of Guiding Principles Key Terms Covered in the Module Introducing Startegy Management Developing Effective Strategies Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Managing Risks Making Decisions through Portfolio Management Directing via Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Core Concepts of Assessment Conducting Effective Assessments Core Concepts of Planning Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Introducing VSM Developing Value Stream Maps Knowing More About VSM Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Measurement and Reporting Alignment of Measurements and Metrics Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators Continual Improvement Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Measurements for the Four Dimensions Continual Improvement of the Service Value Chain and Practices Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Basics of OCM OCM throughout DPI and Service Value Chain Resistance and Reinforcement Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Basics of Effective Communication Communication with Stakeholders Key Terms Covered in the Module Module Learning Objectives Organizations and People in the SVS Partners and Suppliers in the SVS Value Streams and Processes in the SVS Information and Technology in the SVS Participants have to hold the ITIL ® 4 Foundation certification in order to take ITIL ® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve exam. It is recommended that the participant has completed the ITIL ® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve training. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|The Drive Stakeholder Value Specialist Certification is relevant to everyone in a supplier facing role. This means those managing one or more suppliers, and working with suppliers in providing a single integrated service management organization. This course covers all types of engagement and interaction between a service provider and their customers, users, suppliers, and partners. It focuses on the conversion of demand into value via IT-enabled services. The course covers key topics such as SLA design, multi-supplier management, communication, relationship management, CX and UX design, customer journey mapping, and more. It will provide candidates with the tools to increase stakeholder satisfaction which is integral to business success in the current competitive landscape. The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|The ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value course target audience includes but is not limited to: The learning objectives of the course are based on the following learning outcomes of the ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value exam specification: ITIL 4 Foundation is as a prerequisite. 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL MP DSV Business Managers Business Process Owners IT Consultants IT Developers IT Management IT Support Staff Service Providers System Integrators Understand how customer journeys are designed Know how to target markets and stakeholdersKnow how to foster stakeholder relationships Know how to shape demand and define service offerings Know how to align expectations and agree details of services Know how to onboard and offboard customers and users Know how to act together to ensure continual value co-creation (service consumption / provisioning) Know how to realize and validate service value Recap of ITIL 4 concepts, Course Introduction - ITIL 4 Drive Stakeholder Value Module 1: Customer Journey Module 2: Customer Journey Step 1: Explore Module 3: Customer Journey Step 2: Engage Module 4: Customer Journey Step 3: Offer (Contd.) Module 5: Customer Journey Step 4: Agree Module 6: Customer Journey Step 5: Onboard Module 7: Customer Journey Step 6: Co-create Module 8: Customer Journey Step 7: Realize Exam Preparation and Mock Exam Exam ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management OR ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Transition Certificate Training through an Accredited Training Organisation Question Format: multiple choice Pass Grade: 70 % Closed Book exam No. of Questions: 40 Duration: 90 minutes Extra Time: Candidates taking exam in a language that is not their native, may be awarded 25% extra time st|Prerequisites: Exam Information: h1|ITIL® Specialist - Drive Stakeholder Value h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Learning Objectives Forkunnskaper: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|Dette er et av 4 kurs innen Service Capability - en del av ITIL® Intermediate kvalifiseringen som bygger videre mot ITIL Expert. Kurset retter seg mot deg som er involvert i eller har ansvaret for en eller flere av prosessene i ITIL. Kurset omfatter også Service Lifecycle, men kursets målsetning er å gi dyptgående kunnskaper om prosessene, funksjonene, rollene og aktivitetene relatert til Planning, Protection & Optimization innen Service Lifecycle i ITIL. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Kurset har en interaktiv tilnærming med kombinasjon av undervisning, diskusjoner og casestudier for å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper som de kan begynne å bruke umiddelbart. En integrert casestudie gir deltakerne god forståelse for hvordan ITIL beste praksis kan brukes for å forbedre IT-ytelsen. Praktiske oppgaver blir brukt gjennom hele kurset for å forsterke læringsprosessen. Samtidig vil kurset legges opp slik at det forbereder deltagerne til eksamen som avholdes på kursets siste dag. Deltagerne får en ITIL V3 Planning, Protection & Optimization kursbok som inneholder alt presentasjonsmateriale, kursnotater, case studie og prøveeksamener. Deltagerne vil få hjemmearbeid etter hver kursdag for å forberede seg til neste dag, så det bør påregnes kveldsarbeid og selvstudie mens kurset pågår. Dette 4-dagers-kurset retter seg mot IT-profesjonelle som behøver en dyp forståelse for prosesser, roller, funksjoner og aktiviteter relatert til Planning, Protection & Optimization innen Service Lifecycle. Deltagere på kurset må ha gjennomført og bestått ITIL Foundation versjon 3, samt ha praktisk erfaring fra IT-virksomhet eller Service Management. Kurset dekker følgende emner: NB! Deltaker må huske å ta med seg bevis for en bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen før den offisielle testen til dette kurset kan gjennomføres! Ta kontakt med oss dersom du har spørsmål rundt dette. 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 22,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, sertifiseringstest, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 4 dager Studiepoeng 35 PDU Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL PPO Capacity Management Availability Management IT Service Continuity Management IT Security Management Demand Management Challenges Roles and Responsibilities Technology Eksamen består av 8 scenariobaserte multiple-choice spørsmål. Hvert spørsmål vil ha 4 mulige svar - det beste svaret gir 5 poeng, det nest beste svaret gir 3 poeng, et svar gir 1 poeng (et dårlig valg), og helt feil svar gir 0 poeng. Testen bestås om man oppnår 28 poeng av 40 mulige (70%). Ved bestått test opptjenes 4 poeng i poengsystemet for ITIL version 3. Testen gjennomføres på 90 minutter Det tillates ikke hjelpemidler. h1|ITIL® Capability: Planning, Protection and Optimization (PPO) h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|Dette er et av fem kurs innen Service Lifecycle, og det retter seg mot deltagere som behøver kunnskaper om praksis og tilpasning innen ITIL® Service Lifecycle. Hovedfokuset ligger på ledelsesperspektivet for Service Management. Hvert kurs bygger på en av ITILs kjernebøker. Kurset gir deg en fordypning i begreper, prosesser, retningslinjer og metoder knyttet til Continual Service Improvement-fasen (CSI). Kurset dekker styring og kontroll av aktiviteter og teknikker innenfor CSI, men ikke detaljer innen de understøttende prosesser. NB! Deltaker må huske å ta med seg bevis for en bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen før den offisielle testen til dette kurset kan gjennomføres! Ta kontakt med oss dersom du har spørsmål rundt dette. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Kurset har en interaktiv tilnærming med kombinasjon av undervisning, diskusjoner og casestudier for å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper som de kan begynne å bruke umiddelbart. En integrert casestudie gir deltakerne god forståelse for hvordan ITIL beste praksis kan brukes for å forbedre IT-ytelsen. Praktiske oppgaver blir brukt gjennom hele kurset for å forsterke læringsprosessen. Samtidig vil kurset legges opp slik at det forbereder deltagerne til eksamen som avholdes på kursets siste dag. Deltagerne vil få hjemmearbeid etter hver kursdag for å forberede seg til neste dag, så det bør påregnes kveldsarbeid og selvstudie mens kurset pågår. Kurset retter seg mot: Deltagere på kurset må ha gjennomført og bestått ITIL Foundation versjon 3, samt ha praktisk erfaring fra IT-virksomhet eller Service Management. Deltagelse på dette kurset vil gi deg flg kompetanse: 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 17,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, sertifiseringstest, Notebook, Pocketbook, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Studiepoeng 28 PDU Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL CSI Personer som har ITIL Foundation sertifisering og som ønsker å ta videregående ITIL sertifiseringer Personer som har behov for en dypere forståelse for CSI, og hvordan aktiviteter på dette stadiet kan iverksettes for å forbedre kvaliteten på IT tjenestene. IT-teknikere som arbeider med eller er ny innen CSI, og som trenger forståelse for begreper, prosesser, funksjoner og aktiviteter som er involvert i CSI stadiet Typiske deltagere på dette kurset kan være IT-sjefer, CTOs, ledere, teamledere, IT arkitekter, virksomhetsutviklere, IT-konsulenter, IT revisjonsledere, IT-sikkerhetsledere og Service testledere. Forstå Service Management i praksis og CSI prinsipper, hensikt og mål Forstå hvordan alle CSI-prosessene samhandler med andre livssyklus prosesser Sub-prosesser, aktiviteter, metoder og funksjoner som brukes i hver av CSI-prosessene Roller og ansvar innenfor CSI, samt aktiviteter og funksjoner for å oppnå optimal drift Hvordan man måler CSI ytelsen Forstå teknologi og krav til implementering til støtte for CSI Utfordringer, kritiske suksessfaktorer og risikoer forbundet med CSI Introduction Continual Service Improvement Principles Continual Service Improvement Process Continual Service Improvement Process Continual Service Improvement Methods and Techniques Organization for Continual Service Improvement Technology for Continual Service Improvement Technology for Continual Service Improvement Implementing Continual Service Improvement Critical Success Factors and Risks Exam Preparation/Mock Exam Exam Eksamen består av 8 scenariobaserte multiple-choice spørsmål. Hvert spørsmål vil ha 4 mulige svar - det beste svaret gir 5 poeng, det nest beste svaret gir 3 poeng, et svar gir 1 poeng (et dårlig valg), og helt feil svar gir 0 poeng. Testen bestås om man oppnår 28 poeng av 40 mulige (70%). Ved bestått test opptjenes 3 poeng i poengsystemet for ITIL version 3. Testen gjennomføres på 90 minutter Det tillates ikke hjelpemidler. h1|ITIL® Lifecycle: Continual Service Improvement (CSI) h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Innhold: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|Dette er et av 4 kurs innen Service Capability - en del av ITIL® Intermediate kvalifiseringen som bygger videre mot ITIL Expert. Kurset retter seg mot deg som er involvert i eller har ansvaret for en eller flere av prosessene i ITIL. Kurset omfatter også Service Lifecycle, men kursets målsetning er å gi dyptgående kunnskaper om prosessene, funksjonene, rollene og aktivitetene relatert til Operational Support og Analysis innen Service Lifecycle i ITIL. På kursets siste dag avholdes eksamen elektronisk NB! Deltaker må huske å ta med seg bevis for en bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen før den offisielle testen til dette kurset kan gjennomføres! Ta kontakt med oss dersom du har spørsmål rundt dette. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Kurset har en interaktiv tilnærming med kombinasjon av undervisning, diskusjoner og casestudier for å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper som de kan begynne å bruke umiddelbart. En integrert casestudie gir deltakerne god forståelse for hvordan ITIL beste praksis kan brukes for å forbedre IT-ytelsen. Praktiske oppgaver blir brukt gjennom hele kurset for å forsterke læringsprosessen. Samtidig vil kurset legges opp slik at det forbereder deltagerne til eksamen som avholdes på kursets siste dag. Deltagerne får en ITIL V3 Operational Support & Analysis kursbok som inneholder alt presentasjonsmateriale, kursnotater, case studie og prøveeksamener. Deltagerne vil få hjemmearbeid etter hver kursdag for å forberede seg til neste dag, så det bør påregnes kveldsarbeid og selvstudie mens kurset pågår. Dette 4-dagers-kurset retter seg mot IT-profesjonelle som behøver en dyp forståelse for prosesser, roller, funksjoner og aktiviteter relatert til Operational Support & Analysis innen Service Lifecycle. Deltagere på kurset må ha gjennomført og bestått ITIL Foundation versjon 3, samt ha praktisk erfaring fra IT-virksomhet eller Service Management. Kurset dekker følgende emner: 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 22,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, sertifiseringstest, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 4 dager Studiepoeng 35 PDU Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL OSA Event Management Service Desk Incident Management Problem Management Request Fulfillment Access Management Functions Technology Eksamen består av 8 scenariobaserte multiple-choice spørsmål. Hvert spørsmål vil ha 4 mulige svar - det beste svaret gir 5 poeng, det nest beste svaret gir 3 poeng, et svar gir 1 poeng (et dårlig valg), og helt feil svar gir 0 poeng. Testen bestås om man oppnår 28 poeng av 40 mulige (70%). Ved bestått test opptjenes 4 poeng i poengsystemet for ITIL version 3. Testen gjennomføres på 90 minutter, og det tillates ikke hjelpemidler. h1|ITIL® Capability: Operational Support and Analysis (OSA) h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|Dette er et av 4 kurs innen Service Capability - en del av ITIL® Intermediate kvalifiseringen som bygger videre mot ITIL Expert. Kurset retter seg mot deg som er involvert i eller har ansvaret for en eller flere av prosessene i ITIL. Kurset omfatter også Service Lifecycle, men kursets målsetning er å gi dyptgående kunnskaper om prosessene, funksjonene, rollene og aktivitetene relatert til Release, Control & Validation innen Service Lifecycle i ITIL. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|Kurset har en interaktiv tilnærming med kombinasjon av undervisning, diskusjoner og casestudier for å gi deltagerne praktisk anvendbare kunnskaper som de kan begynne å bruke umiddelbart. En integrert casestudie gir deltakerne god forståelse for hvordan ITIL beste praksis kan brukes for å forbedre IT-ytelsen. Praktiske oppgaver blir brukt gjennom hele kurset for å forsterke læringsprosessen. Samtidig vil kurset legges opp slik at det forbereder deltagerne til eksamen som avholdes på kursets siste dag. Deltagerne får en ITIL Release, Control & Validation kursbok som inneholder alt presentasjonsmateriale, kursnotater, case studie og prøveeksamener. Deltagerne vil få hjemmearbeid etter hver kursdag for å forberede seg til neste dag, så det bør påregnes kveldsarbeid og selvstudie mens kurset pågår. Dette 4-dagers-kurset retter seg mot IT-profesjonelle som behøver en dyp forståelse for prosesser, roller, funksjoner og aktiviteter relatert til Release, Control & Validation innen Service Lifecycle. Deltagere på kurset må ha gjennomført og bestått ITIL Foundation versjon 3, samt ha praktisk erfaring fra IT-virksomhet eller Service Management. Kurset dekker følgende emner: NB! Deltaker må huske å ta med seg bevis for en bestått ITIL Foundation eksamen før den offisielle testen til dette kurset kan gjennomføres! Ta kontakt med oss dersom du har spørsmål rundt dette. 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 22,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, sertifiseringstest, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 4 dager Studiepoeng 35 PDU Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL RCV Change Management Service Asset and Configuration Management Service Release and Deployment Management Service Validation and Testing Knowledge Management Service Evaluation Request Fulfillment Roles Technology Eksamen består av 8 scenariobaserte multiple-choice spørsmål. Hvert spørsmål vil ha 4 mulige svar - det beste svaret gir 5 poeng, det nest beste svaret gir 3 poeng, et svar gir 1 poeng (et dårlig valg), og helt feil svar gir 0 poeng. Testen bestås om man oppnår 28 poeng av 40 mulige (70%). Ved bestått test opptjenes 4 poeng i poengsystemet for ITIL version 3. Testen gjennomføres på 90 minutter Det tillates ikke hjelpemidler. h1|ITIL® Capability: Release, Control and Validation (RCV) h2|Beskrivelse: Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|Alle Red Hats kurs kan tas som Online Learning med 90 dagers varighet. Red Hat tilbyr også Basic Learning Subscription med tilgang til mer enn 50 kurs i 1 år inkl 400 timer med skybaserte lab-øvelser. Vi kan tilby alle Ciscos kurs som elæring. Kursene fokuserer på en rekke Cisco-teknologier for å forberede deg på Cisco-sertifiseringseksamener og for å få Cisco produktkunnskap. E-læringstilbudene er laget for å være interaktive og engasjerende for deg som foretrekker selvstudium. De mest populære VMware kursene finnes som Training On Demand: vSphere, Horizon View, vCenter, vRealize, NSX, Virtual SAN og Airwatch. Oppstart kan skje umiddelbart, eller på valgfri dato. Oppdater deg på Citrix teknologi i ditt eget tempo! De aller fleste Citrix kurs kan også tas som elæring, samt at du kan kjøpe Citrix sin elæring Subscription og få tilgang til hele kursporteføljen i 1 år! Oracle porteføljen er svært innholdsrik, og i Training On Demand tilbudet inngår kurs innen Java, MySQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Database, WebLogic, SOA Suite, Service Bus, GoldenGate, BI, Analytics, E-Business suite, Financials, Hyperion, Siebel, HCM Cloud, mm Oppstart kan skje umiddelbart, eller på valgfri dato. Microsoft On Demand ble fjernet fra Microsofts produktportefølje 30.juni 2020! Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. li|On Demand st|VIKTIG! h1|On Demand h2|Red Hat Online Learning and Learning Subscriptions Cisco Elæring VMware Training On Demand Citrix elæring og biblioteker Oracle Training On Demand and Learning Subscriptions Microsoft On Demand Do you have questions about the course? News from Glasspaper pa|Navigate the move from an on-premises environment into Citrix Cloud and learn to deploy resource locations onto Microsoft Azure. Learn the architecture, communications, and management of Citrix Cloud and the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service and then migrate existing infrastructure and settings into Citrix Cloud. If you are planning a move to Citrix Cloud or starting out anew, this course is a necessary step in enabling you with the right training and skills to understand, manage, and deliver successfully. Plan machine catalog and virtual machine design based in Microsoft’s public cloud and deploy those machines using Machine Creation Services. Learn to configure the access layer as a service within Citrix Cloud, as managed machines in your datacenter, or on the Azure platform. Ta kurset hjemmefra! Velg dato for under i høyre kolonne! Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 1912 and Citrix Cloud service. Citrix Cloud services are updated frequently with new features and improvements. Course content may not always reflect the latest features. Built for experienced IT Professionals familiar with XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x in an on-premises environment moving to the Citrix Cloud and deploying their XenApp and XenDesktop workloads on Microsoft Azure. Students should have the following prerequisites in order to attend this training: This training is relevant preparation for exam 1Y0-130 and which leads to these two certifications: CC-XAD-CC and CC-VAD-MA Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|32,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager 21. juni 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 32,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, exam voucher, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CXD-252: Moving to the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service on Citrix Cloud with Microsoft Azure Experience deploying and managing XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x in on-premises environment. Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Azure platform including: Virtual machine management, Networking, Storage, Azure Resource Manager portals Understand the differences between XenApp and XenDesktop on-premises and the XenApp and XenDesktop Service How to install, configure, and manage Citrix Cloud Connectors Deploy and manage Virtual Delivery Agent machines to on-premises resource locations as well as in Microsoft Azure using MCS Integrate Citrix Cloud and XenApp/XenDesktop with Microsoft Azure Active Directory Provide remote access with Citrix StoreFront and NetScaler Gateway on Microsoft Azure st|Bestill h1|CXD-252: Moving to the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service on Citrix Cloud with Microsoft Azure h2|Versions covered: Audience profile Prerequisites Course goals Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand pa|Course CNS-220 has been retired and replaced by the new updated course on ADC 13: Build your Citrix ADC knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course. It covers Citrix ADC essentials-- platforms, architecture, licensing and functionality – and also focuses on traffic management, including content switching, traffic optimization and global server load balancing (GSLB). You will learn about key ADC capabilities such as high availability, security and performance, and explore SSL offload, load balancing and monitoring. The traffic management curriculum will cover AppExpert policy engines, the Rewrite and Responder features, content switching, and Security Insight. The course is designed for IT professionals with little or no Citrix ADC experience. This course is meant for IT Professionals working with Citrix ADC, with little to no previous ADC experience. Potential students include administrators, engineers, and architects interested in learning how to implement and manage Citrix ADC features using leading practices. This course is currently on Citrix ADC version 12.x, but still applies to all previous versions. Citrix recommends students prepare for this course by gaining a basic understanding of the following concepts and technologies: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 21. juni 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 32,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CNS-220: Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials and Traffic Management (formally Netscaler) Basic Networking experience Experience using TCP/IP, HTTP protocols and the OSI model Knowledge of server load balancing and content switching concepts Familiarity with web server software Familiarity with DNS, SSL and compression concepts Knowledge of network security threats and site protection concepts Understand the functionalities and capabilities of Citrix ADC How to obtain, install, and manage Citrix ADC licenses Comprehend basic ADC network architecture Understand how SSL is used to secure Citrix ADC Optimize the ADC system for traffic handling and management Customize the ADC system for traffic flow and content-specific requirements Employ recommended tools and techniques to troubleshoot common NetScaler network and connectivity issues Configure advanced load balancing and explore the GSLB wizard on the Citrix ADC system Identify the functionality and characteristics of the CPX platform st|Versions covered h1|CNS-220: Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials and Traffic Management (formally Netscaler) h2|Important notice! This course has been replaced by course CNS-225 Audience: Prerequisites: Course outline: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand pa|Course CNS-222 has been replaced by the new updated course on ADC 13: Expand your Citrix networking knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course. It covers Citrix ADC essentials, including secure load balancing, high availability and operations management, and also focuses on Citrix Gateway. You will learn to deliver secure remote access to apps and desktops integrating Citrix Virtual Apps and Citrix Desktops with Citrix Gateway. This course is best suited for IT professionals, with little or no previous Citrix networking experience, who will be deploying or managing Citrix ADC, or Citrix Gateway environments. Built for IT Professionals working with Citrix ADC and Gateway, with little or no previous Citrix networking experience. Potential students include administrators, engineers, and architects interested in learning how to deploy or manage Citrix ADC or Citrix Gateway environments. This course is currently on Citrix ADC version 12.x, but still applies to previous versions. What you’ll learn: Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 21. juni 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 31,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CNS-222: Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials and Citrix Gateway (formally Netscaler) Basic networking experience Experience using TCP/IP, HTTP protocols, and the OSI model Knowledge of server load balancing and content switching concepts Familiarity with Web server software Familiarity with DNS, SSL, and compression concepts Knowledge of network security threats and site protection concepts Identify the functionality and capabilities of Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway Explain basic Citrix ADC and Gateway network architecture Identify the steps and components to secure Citrix ADC Configure Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing Integrate Citrix Gateway with Citrix Virtual Apps, Citrix Virtual Desktops and other Citrix components st|Versions covered: h1|CNS-222: Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials and Citrix Gateway (formally Netscaler) h2|Important notice! This course has been replaced by course CNS-227 Audience Prerequisites Course goals Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Virtual On Demand pa|Learn how to configure your Citrix networking environment to address application services security requirements with Citrix Web App Firewall; automate and manage network services for scale-out of application architectures with Citrix Application Delivery Management; and optimize Citrix ADC-managed application delivery traffic. This five day course for experienced Citrix networking architects, engineers and administrators will teach you to deploy and manage Web App Firewall to protect web applications against different types of attacks. It will also give you a practical understanding of Citrix Application Delivery Management capabilities for centralized management of multiple Citrix ADC platforms, orchestration of changes, transaction reporting, infrastructure visualization and planning. This course is currently on Citrix ADC version 12.x The course will be updated on Citrix ADC version 13.x in Q2 2021. This training is built for This course encompasses advanced Citrix App Delivery and Security configurations and leading Citrix design principles. Citrix recommends that students prepare for this course by taking one of the following courses: CNS-320 is recommended as preparation for . When passing this exam you will get the In order to become CCP-AppDS certified, you will need to have the Associate certification: Citrix Certified Associate - App Delivery and Security (CCA - AppDS) When you attend this course, an exam Voucher is included! Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|32,000 NOK + MVA Du bestemmer tid og sted for gjennomføring! 21. juni 5 dager 12. april 5 dager 5 dager 5 dager td|Kursavgift: 32,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, exam voucher, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Timer Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Varighet: 5 dager Språk English course material, English speaking instructor li|CNS-320: Citrix ADC Advanced Concepts - Security, Management and Optimization Identify common web attacks and vulnerabilities Write PERL compatible regular expressions Understand how to operate the adaptive learning engine Configure Citrix Web App Firewall to protect web applications Utilize Secure Insight to monitor, manage, and report on Application Services security IT Professionals with extensive App Delivery and Security and Citrix ADC experience IT Professionals who are responsible for defining the overall structure or architecture of a Citrix App Delivery and Security environment. or The Business Problem Industry Standards Protection Methodologies Introducing Citrix Web App Firewall Citrix Web App Firewall Policies Citrix Web App Firewall Profiles Citrix Web App Firewall Learning Citrix Web App Firewall Engine SettingsProfiles Security Checks and Data Flow Rules and Adaptive Learning Signatures and Comment Stripping Top-Level Protections Cookie Consistency Advanced Form Protection Checks URL Protections Protecting Sensitive Data Web App Firewall and Web Applications Logging and Reporting Customizing Errors Troubleshooting Application level Quality of Experience (AppQoE) IP Reputation Rate Limiting HTTP Callout What is SAML? Configuring SAML on Citrix ADC OAuth and OpenID Configuring OAuth on Citrix ADC Multi-Factor Authentication with nFactor Configuring nFactor An introduction to Application Delivery Management Application Delivery Management Deployment and Configuration Deploying Citrix Application Delivery Management in High Availability Citrix Application Delivery Management Instance Management Inventory Management User Management Analytics and Automation SSL Certificate Management Application Management StyleBooks Configuration Management Understanding Web Traffic Installing and configuring ADC 12.x Web Logging Troubleshooting ADC 12.x Web Logging Introduction to Integrated Caching Static and Dynamic Content Request and Response Process Flow Understanding Cache Policies Identifying Content Group Settings Improving Content Delivery Front-End Optimization Use Cases Understanding Minification CSS Optimizations Connections on the Citrix ADC Connection Profiles Queuing on the Citrix ADC Connection Tuning Practices st|Versions covered: Module 1: Citrix Web App Firewall Overview Module 2: Citrix Web App Firewall Profiles and Policies Module 3: Implementing Citrix Web App Firewall Protections Module 4: Additional Citrix Web App Firewall Protections Module 5: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Citrix Web App Firewall Module 6: Security and Filtering Module 7: Authentication with Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Module 8: Authentication with OAuth, OpenID, and nFactor Module 9: Application Delivery Management Introduction Module 10: Managing and Monitoring Application Delivery Management Module 11: Managing Citrix ADC Configuration Module 12: Citrix ADC Web Logging Module 13: Integrated Caching Module 14: Front End Optimization Module 15: Tuning and Optimization CCP-AppDS Citrix Certified Professional - App delivery and Security certification IMPORTANT NOTE! h1|CNS-320: Citrix ADC Advanced Concepts - Security, Management and Optimization h2|Course goals / what you will learn: Audience: Prerequisites: Course outline: Certification Om kurset Bestill Dette kurset er tilgjengelig som elæring Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Startgaranti Classroom Classroom pa| di|Kurs Dato Varighet 10. mai 2 dager 31. mai 1 dager 7. mai 1 dager 28. april 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 5. mai 3 dager 26. mai 3 dager 28. april 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 16. juni 3 dager 1. juni 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager 3. juni 2 dager 28. mai 1 dager 4. juni 1 dager 2. juni 3 dager 1. juni 4 dager 9. juni 3 dager 14. juni 3 dager 2. juni 3 dager Side 1 av 14 Sted Startgaranti Format Leverandør Fagområde li|Kurs h2|Filter Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Tilbake Vis neste Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel Nei Ja Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualisering VMware virtualisering Citrix Microsoft Hyper-V Nettverk Cisco Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware nettverk Nettverksteknologi Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Network Database og BI Microsoft Data and AI Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Applikasjons utvikling Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS / React / Vue / JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Brukerkurs Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Microsoft Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Prosjektledelse PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Sikkerhet Microsoft security Cisco security ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding IT sikkerhet - kurs og sertifiseringer Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS diplom Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 - Informasjonssikkerhet ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 - Risk Manager ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Mellomvare Oracle Mellomvare Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Dynamics 365 Server og klient Windows Server Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Produktivitet Office 365 SharePoint Exchange Analyse Analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMateWorkshops Program og portefølje Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Endringsledelse Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automatisering System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell Personvern (GDPR) GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI og Maskinlæring AI og Maskinlæring Gevinstrealisering Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Gjennom våre datterselskaper leverer Glasspaper Group markedsledende tjenester i krysningen mellom teknologi, mennesker og kompetanse. Våre heleide eller deleide selskaper leverer løsninger som i kombinasjon gjør våre kunder til morgendagens vinnere. Alt vi foretar oss skal reflektere våre verdier innovasjon, ærlighet, kvalitet og engasjement. Glasspaper Group består av følgende selskaper: Glasspaper Learning er Norges ledende kurs- og kompetanseleverandør. Selskapet har fått utallige utmerkelser både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, blant annet har Microsoft kåret oss til det beste kurssenteret i Norge 8 år på rad. Vi tilbyr markedets bredeste kurssortiment med kurs over hele Norge. Vi har over 10.000 kursdeltakere per år og sertifiserer opp over 4000 IT-profesjonelle hvert år. De fleste krevende miljøer i Norge har valgt Glasspaper Learning som primærleverandør. Glasspaper People er ikke et tradisjonelt bemanningsbyrå. Vi har som mål å levere rett person til rett tid samtidig som vi benytter vår teknologiske innsikt og kursløsninger til å øke den digitale kompetansen til utleide medarbeidere. Vi leverer raskt og presist i henhold til kundens ønsker innen IT, administrasjon, HR, marked, salg og økonomi. representerer et av Norges ledende IT konsulentmiljøer. Vi kan bistå våre kunder med innleie av de fleste typer IT konsulenter enten dette er systemutviklere, arkitekter, business intelligence & analytics spesialister, konsulenter innen skyløsninger og sikkerhet, MS 365, CRM, ERP, ECM, prosjektledere, produkteiere, strategirådgivere med mer. Dersom du benytter Glasspaper People som din bemannings- eller konsulentformidler kan du være trygg på at vi leverer kvalitet. Glasspaper People har blitt en foretrukket partner med våre fleksible bemanningsløsninger hos mange private og offentlige virksomheter i Norge. Glasspaper Recruitment er spesialisert på rekruttering til stillinger som bidrar til våre kunders digitale reise. Dette spenner seg fra digital markedsføring, markedsføringsledelse og content managment til IT-prosjektledere, IT ledere og IT-spesialister som eksempelvis utviklere, skyspesialister, devops, data science, systemansvarlig, support og drift. Vi rekrutterer alt ifra nyutdannede som vi videreutvikler gjennom kurs hos Glasspaper til erfarne spesialister opp til CTO. Gjennom å kombinere kompetanseutvikling og rekruttering tilfører vi noe ekstra til markedet. Våre prosesser bygger på ledende prinsipper for å attrahere og velge ut rett kandidat. Glasspaper Solutions er spesialisert på applikasjoner som er bygget på Microsoft Teknologi og andre populære rammeverk. Dette innebærer teknologier som Azure, .NET, Vue.js, React og andre tilsvarende teknologier. Vi leverer løsninger som er skreddersydd kunden sitt behov, og kan levere konsulenter til dine eksisterende prosjekter eller håndtere hele livssyklusen til dine applikasjoner. Våre konsulenter har kompetanse innen design, arkitektur, utvikling og drift av applikasjoner. Glasspaper Solutions er opptatt av å levere riktig løsning og høy kvalitet, slik skaper vi verdi for våre kunder. XtraMile er en ny e-læringsplattform som ble lansert august 2014. Vår metode sikrer høy gjennomføring og fornøyde kunder. Siden lanseringen har XtraMile nå over 150 000 brukere, og over 90 % av våre kunder fornyer lisensen år etter år. XtraMile krever ingen tilpasninger, og du er klar til å lansere innhold og kursportal for hele bedriften innen 1 time. Da har samtlige ansatte tilgang til over 300 leksjoner innen MS Office, Office365, Teams, Windows, GDPR, IT-sikkerhet, HMS m.m. I tillegg kan du tilpasse og lage egne kurs. Lederrekruttering er en forlenget enhet av Glasspaper People og leverer rekrutteringstjenester av ledere med personalansvar. Våre rådgivere i Lederrekruttering er spesialisert på å rekruttere ledere med høy digital kompetanse hvorpå vi kan vise til rekrutteringer fra direktørnivå og daglig ledernivå til operasjonelle ledere. Våre prosesser bygger på ledende prinsipper for å attrahere og velge ut rett kandidat, samt å bistå med onboarding av nye ledere. Kamude er et fleksibelt GRC verktøy utviklet for at virksomheter skal kunne jobbe effektivt med risikostyring og compliance i henhold til bestepraksisprinsipper. Programvaren gir ledelsen og fagansvarlige et styringsverktøy som synliggjør hvordan risikoer og krav påvirker selskapets tjenesteområder, samt gjør det enkelt å innføre og sikre overholdelse av krav, enten dette er krav fra kunder, leverandører, lovpålagte krav eller interne krav. Kamude er såpass fleksibelt og skalerbart at løsningen kostnadseffekivt kan benyttes for kun et område, eks. IT-sikkerhet, kvalitetsledelse eller HMS i små virksomheter til full samsvars- og risikooversikt for større virksomheter. li|Om oss st|Glasspaper People - Consulting h1|Din komplette kompetansepartner h2|Glasspaper Group Glasspaper Learning Glasspaper People - Bemanning og Consulting Glasspaper Recruitment Glasspaper Solutions XtraMile Lederrekruttering Adaptiva Kamude Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Adaptiva er Glasspapers rådgivningsselskap spesialisert på IT-strategi, Microsoft 365, sikkerhet og compliance . Vi hjelper våre kunder med å ta de riktige teknologivalgene og sikre riktig bruk av teknologi, samt å evaluere og implementere beste praksis for governance, risk management og compliance (GRC). Vår posisjon har gitt oss muligheten til å utvikle og levere kurs innen Microsoft 365 mot mange av landets ledende fagmiljøer, samt at vi designer og distribuerer konsernets GRC-verktøy (Kamude). pa|Our Training centres: Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. td|Visiting addr.: Brynsveien 12, 0667 OSLO Phone: 23 24 69 00 Contact: Sentralbord Oslo Phone: 23246900 Email: Contact: Sentralbord Oslo Phone: 23246900 Email: Visiting addr.: Sandbrogaten 5, 5003 Bergen Phone: 53002700 Contact: Einar Eriksen, avdelingsleder Phone: 41 58 58 58 Email: Contact: Øystein Dalen, avdelingsleder Phone: 994 77 069 Email: Visiting addr.: Strandveien 43, 7067 Trondheim Phone: 73200990 Contact: Tom Erik Lysø, avdelingsleder Phone: 924 33 201 Email: Contact: Øystein Dalen, avdelingsleder Phone: 994 77 069 Email: li|Contact us h1|Contact us h2|Oslo Bergen Trondheim News from Glasspaper h3|Learning People Learning People Learning People pa|This course will focus on the alignment of digital business strategy with IT strategy. The course also covers how disruption from new technologies are impacting organizations in every industry and how business leaders are responding. The pace of evolution in the digital world has never been so fast and organizations need to be flexible and adapt to the ever-changing environment if they want to keep providing value to their customers while remaining competitive in the marketplace. The ITIL® 4 Digital and IT Strategy is a 3-days course based on the ITIL® 4 Digital and IT Strategy exam specification from AXELOS. With the help of ITIL® 4 concepts and terminology, exercises, and examples included in the course, you will acquire relevant knowledge to pass the certification exam. The core learning material in the course is supported by interactive case case study and discussions and activities. The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|The ITIL ® 4 Digital and IT Strategy course covers the content in relation to the following learning outcomes of the exam specification for ITIL ® 4 Digital and IT Strategy: The target audience for ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy includes, but are not limited to, the following: ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy will help strategy and digital transformation consultants (internal and external) demonstrate how IT strategy differs from digital strategy, provide guidance for integrating digital and IT strategies and promote the importance of a successful digital strategy on business success. Accredited training for the ITIL Strategic Leader certification is mandatory to enable full understanding of the core material. ITIL 4 Foundation is a prerequisite. In addition, the ITIL Leader modules requires a minimum of three years of IT managerial experience. 2 dager 3 dager 3 dager 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 22,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Elektronisk kursmaterial, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00-16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|ITIL SL DITS Demonstrate the use of the ITIL guiding principles in Digital and IT Strategy decisions and activities Understand how to leverage digital strategy to react to digital disruption Understand the relationship between the concepts of Digital and IT Strategy, the service value system and the service value chain, and explain how to utilize them to create value Understand how an organization uses Digital and IT Strategy to remain viable in environments disrupted by digital technology Understand strategic approaches made possible by digital and information technology to achieve customer/market relevance and operational excellence Understand the risks and opportunities of Digital and IT Strategy Understand the steps and techniques involved in defining and advocating for a Digital and IT Strategy Understand how to implement a Digital and IT Strategy IT and business directors, heads of department, aspiring C-Suite professionals and other senior business leaders across the organization. Course Introduction Module 1: Key Concepts of Digital and IT Strategy Module 2: Strategy and the Service Value System Module 3: What is Vision Assignment 1: Digital Positioning Module 4: Where Are We Now? Module 4: Where Are We Now? Module 5: How Do We Get There? (Strategic Planning) Module 6: How Do We Get There? (Strategic Approaches) Assignment 2: Strategic Approaches for Digital Organizations Module 7: Take Action (Managing Strategic Initiatives) Assignment 3: Strategy Planning and Communication Module 8: Did We Get There? (Measuring Strategy) Module 9: How Do We Keep the Momentum Going? Assignment 4: Digital Strategy in VUCA Environment Module 10: Managing Innovation and Emerging Technologies Module 11: Managing Strategic Risk Information regarding MCQ exam, retaking practical assignment, other questions A minimum of three years of IT managerial experience ITIL 4 Foundation certification OR ITIL 4 Managing Professional certification through the Managing Professional Transition module In addition, the candidate must have attended an accredited training the ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy course. Question Format: multiple choice Pass Grade: 70 % Closed book exam No. of Questions: 30 Duration: 60 minutes Extra Time: Candidates taking exam in a language that is not their native, may be awarded 25% extra time st|Prerequisites: Exam information: h1|ITIL® Leader - Digital and IT Strategy h2|Beskrivelse: Learning Objectives Målgruppe: Forkunnskaper: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom pa|Glasspaper is an authorised testing center for Pearson Vue, Prometric, Kryterion, Certiport, Axelos, Castle and Nextec. Our testing centers are located in Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim. We offer nearly all official certification exams: Adobe, Amazon Web Services, Check Point, Cisco, Citrix, CompTIA, EC Council, GMAT, HP, IBM, ISACA, ISTQB, ITIL, Java, Linux, Microsoft, MSP, MoP, Oracle, PRINCE2, SAP, TMAP, TOGAF, Veeam and VMware – to name a few. A certification is a seal of approval which puts you more in demand. Certifications are increasingly becoming a market requirement: employers prioritise certified applicants when recruiting, businesses set certification as a requirement for contracted consultants, and certified skills are increasingly becoming key elements of tenders. Exam Replay allows you to retake your Microsoft test if you fail on the first attempt. To stay extra prepared, you can also purchase a practice test with your Exam Replay. Please contact me on or give me a call at Sørg for å bestå din eksamen! Med selvtester fra MeasureUp får du rask oversikt over pensum, og du vet når du er klar til å ta eksamen! Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. li|Test Center h1|Testing Center h2|Why should you invest in certification? Exam Replay (second shot) campaign for Microsoft tests Do you have questions about the course? Bestill MeasureUp øvelsestest for å være trygg på eksamensdagen! Order test News from Glasspaper sp|Glasspaper is an authorized testing center for Pearson Vue, Prometric, Cryterion, Certiport, Axelos, Castle and Nextec. We have testing centers in Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim, and you can take most of the official certification exams with us. Order test pa| di|19.10.2020 Hvorfor bør din bedrift ta i bruk Power BI? Power BI er et kraftfullt rapporterings og analyseverktøy, og det har aldri vært lettere å få oversikt over akkurat de nøkkeltallene som er viktig for dere, slik at deres beslutningsgrunnlag blir så optimalt som mulig. Kort fortalt handler det om å transformere rådata slik at man kan se mønstre, trender i bedriften/markedet og agere ut ifra dette. 09.10.2020 MS365: Invester i superbrukere – ta optimale valg for hele organisasjonen Mange opplever at Microsoft 365 (MS365) gjør dem mer produktive, og «alle» er enig i at MS365 gir langt flere muligheter til tilpasninger. Men vi opplever at alle mulighetene også blir hinderet for at MS365 skal bli utnyttet best mulig. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|04.08.2020 Azets bygger nytt nordisk datavarehus og BI-løsning. Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen. Tilgang på data og analyser blir et stadig viktigere konkurransefortrinn for teknologidrevne selskaper. Datavarehus står derfor sentralt for Azets, en leverandør av fleksible finansielle og administrative tjenester i Norden. I samarbeid med Glasspaper søkes det nå etter en erfaren løsningsarkitekt for deres nye skybaserte datavarehus. 29.01.2020 Hvilke trender så vi rundt sertifiseringer i 2019? Glasspaper er Norges største testsenter med rundt 5000 sertifiseringer i året. Vi har testlokasjoner i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger. I 2019 fikk vi et godt bilde over sertifiseringstrender ved våre testsentre, og ønsker å dele et par av de trendene med dere. 09.01.2020 Fem enkle tips for bedre oversikt og kontroll i det nye året Vi skriver 2020, og vi har ikke bare gått inn i et nytt år, men også et helt nytt tiår! Vår instruktør Fred-Ragnar Skau-Nilsen fra Potero har skrevet denne artikkelen som gir deg fem enkle tips for å bedre både oversikt og kontroll i 2020. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|16.12.2019 Glasspaper har inngått rammeavtale for rekruttering med Business Intelligence selskapet RAV Vi har fornyet vår rammeavtale for rekruttering med RAV, og har i den anledningen intervjuet ledere og ansatte i selskapet. Med dette ønsket vi å få svar på hvorfor de 60 ansatte som jobber i RAV har valgt dette som sin arbeidsplass, hva det betyr at RAV nå er kjøpt opp av KPMG og samtidig spurt hvilke stillinger RAV skal besette fremover. 04.12.2019 Fremtidens VMware er kanskje ikke det VMware vi har kjent i 20 år? Historien om VMware er på mange måter historien om det typiske amerikanske IT-selskapet. 5 mennesker traff hverandre på Berkeley University. Diane Greene, Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Ellen Wang og Edouard Bugnion hadde en idé om hvordan man kunne utnytte compute ressurser mer effektivt enn det som var vanlig, i 1998. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|22.11.2019 Norges ledende kurs -og kompetansesenter åpner i Stavanger Den 4. desember åpner Glasspaper dørene til sitt nye kurs- og testsenter i Stavanger. Vi er sentralt lokalisert blant en rekke store IT-miljøer i Gamle Forusveien (Gauselsplitten). Glasspaper tilbyr i dag markedets bredeste kurssortiment og har over 10.000 kursdeltakere årlig. Glasspaper har fått utmerkelser både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, blant annet har Microsoft kåret selskapet til det beste kurssenteret i Norge 8 år på rad. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|09.09.2019 Glasspaper bistår med å bygge Grønn Jobbs nyetablerte programvarehus Innovasjonstakten lever i Østfold! Det Fredrikstadbaserte selskapet Grønn Jobb satser friskt innen programvare gjennom å etablere datterselskapet Lyon Future AS, som skal komplimentere selskapets eksisterende programvare og øvrige tjenester. Glasspaper People har bidratt til å kartlegge eksisterende tekniske løsninger og kompetanse, samt rekruttere inn de to første ansatte i Lyon Future, CTO og UX/UI designer. Fokuset er nå å finne den siste ledende rollen i denne omgang, produkteier. Målet er å realisere utviklingen av digitale HRM løsninger. Vi har intervjuet Dan Mario Røian, CEO i Grønn Jobb og Lyon Future for å høre hans tanker om satsningen. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|28.08.2019 Apotek 1 bygger nytt datavarehus, og Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen Apotek 1, Norges største apotekkjede med mer enn 4.000 ansatte og også landets største farmasøytiske arbeidsgiver, har ambisiøse mål for å løfte deres analysekapasitet kraftig. Glasspaper er valgt som leverandør i oppbemanningen av Analytics enheten ved å rekruttere inn en datavarehus ansvarlig (arkitekt) og to ETL-utviklere (data engineers). Vi har intervjuet Geir Kjøsen i Apotek 1 som har gitt oppdraget til Glasspaper for å fortelle litt om nå situasjonen og reisen fremover. 19.08.2019 Hvordan vokse i Scrum Master rollen Hva slags ferdigheter og kunnskaper trenger en profesjonell Scrum Master egentlig? Og hvordan utvikler man seg som Scrum Master? Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|26.06.2019 Tips til jobbintervjuet Et jobbintervju består av flere ulike faser. Det kan være alt fra 1.gangsintervju, personlighetstest, 2.gangsintervju og case. Intervjuet kan være en krevende prosess og mye står på spill. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|28.05.2019 PRINCE 2 prinsippene Hvorfor har man prinsipper i PRINCE2? Det finnes 7 prinsipper som skal hjelpe en med å kjøre suksessfulle prosjekter. Prinsippene fungerer som en ledetråd i prosjektet og er basert på analyse av tusenvis av prosjekter som både har gått bra og mindre bra: 20.05.2019 5 grunner til å bli en digital markedsfører Digital markedsføring er en av flere måter å markedsføre en bedrift på i disse dager. Ved bruk av digital markedsføring sørger man for å kunne basere sin markedsføring på et datagrunnlag. Fremtiden er digital og digitale hoder er en mangel, og etterspørselen deretter. 02.05.2019 Er det på tide å oppgradere ditt VMware vSphere miljø? Christian Mohn - VMware vExpert/VCP/VCAP-DCA/DCD, har fundert på hvorfor så mange i Norge enda ikke har oppgradert fra vSphere versjon 5.5, og gir dere her en kort oversikt over hva dere bør tenke på ved en eventuell oppgradering. Alt fra support, sikkerhet, hardware, software og kompetanseheving. Så, er det på tide å oppgradere ditt vSphere Miljø? Vi ønsker dere god lesing! Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|27.02.2019 ITIL 4: ny ITIL tilnærming ITIL 4 oppleves som en videreutvikling av ITIL v3, men med en mye mer optimalisert tilnærming i forhold til smidig metodikk. Med andre ord er det en evolusjon av ITIL v3. Basisen er value streams og value change, som betyr at istedenfor å følge en firkantet service livssyklus, har du mye mer fleksibilitet i måten du setter sammen de forskjellige verdi-aktivitetene på. ITIL 4 er et mer fleksibelt rammeverk enn ITIL v3. 18.01.2019 Hva er sertifisering, hvorfor er det viktig og hvordan kan du sertifisere deg? Viktigheten av å kunne dokumentere din kunnskap kan være en avgjørende faktor for å skille deg ut og være attraktiv i dagens krevende arbeidsmarked. Det er også viktig for arbeidsgivere å ansette eller leie inn riktig kompetanse – noe som medfører økt krav til dokumentasjon og sertifisering av jobbsøkere. I forbindelse med anbud er sertifisering i økende grad et krav fra oppdragsgivere. Spesielt innen IT-bransjen er det flere og flere som innehar en eller flere sertifiseringer, og kravene øker. Men hva er egentlig en sertifisering? Og hvorfor er det så viktig å investere i dette? Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|21.02.2019 Ønsker du å få kurs og sertifiseringer dekket av NAV? Glasspaper har lang erfaring med å tilby kompetanseheving for kandidater i samarbeid med ulike NAV kontorer. Her har vi samlet informasjon om hva vi kan hjelpe deg med, slik at du enklere kan få støtte fra NAV for å komme ut i arbeid igjen. Kontakt oss gjerne for uforpliktende og gratis rådgivning. 31.01.2019 Amazon åpner kontor i Oslo Torsdag 31. januar ble det publisert en pressemelding om at Amazone Web Services åpner kontorer i Norge, i Oslo. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|17.12.2018 Hva skal til for å omskolere deg i IT-bransjen? Er du en av de som har jobbet flere år i IT-bransjen, men usikker på hva som finnes av muligheter? Kanskje du føler din kompetanse er utdatert? Eller trenger du et nytt fagområde som i større grad interesserer deg? Og hva skal egentlig til for å endre retning i IT-bransjen? Kjenner du deg igjen i dette, kan omskolering være det du trenger. 13.12.2018 Godt nytt år - med tom innboks og tilbakelent kontroll! I denne artikkelen skrevet av vår instruktør Øivind Hansen, får du innblikk i hvordan du kan starte nyåret med en ryddigere mailboks, senkede skuldre og en ny tenkemåte. Øivind er instruktør på MS Outlook og MS OneNote, og har lang fartstid i Glasspaper med denne type kurs. Han liker å motivere, engasjere og endre tenkemåten til sine deltakere, slik at de får ting gjort på en bedre og mer effektiv måte. 05.12.2018 Hvorfor satser vi fortsatt STORT på klasseromskurs? Teknologi er blitt en stor del av hverdagen vår både på jobb og hjemme. Den er med på å forenkle livene våre og gjør alt mer tilgjengelig. Dermed tyr vi ofte til teknologiske hjelpemidler i ulike situasjoner. En av disse situasjonene er ofte i forbindelse med å lære seg nye ting. Et Google søk er ikke langt unna, og vipps så har du meld deg på et webinar. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|19.11.2018 VMware satser stort på sikkerhet! VMware vSphere Platinum er en ny versjon av vSphere som leverer avanserte sikkerhetsfunksjoner som er fullt integrert i hypervisoren. Denne nye vSphere versjonen: vSphere med AppDefense leverer spesialbygde VM for å sikre applikasjonene. 14.11.2018 IT-rekruttering 2018 Norges første IT-rekrutterings event er vell blåst. Mange spennende foredrag om hvordan utviklingen har vært og er i rekrutteringsmarkedet når det kommer til å attrahere de beste IT-hodene/utviklerne. 05.11.2018 Hvorfor klarer ikke virksomheter å tiltrekke og holde på IT-hodene? Teknologiendringer representerer muligheter og trusler i et stadig større tempo. Samtidig sliter mange virksomheter med å attrahere og beholde de riktige digitale hodene. Intern HR har ofte ikke kapasitet eller kunnskap til å attrahere kandidatene og dermed gis oppgaven eksterne rekrutteringsbyråer. De får ofte en nøye definert kravspesifikasjon utformet av virksomheten. I dette landskapet får ofte likevel ikke virksomheten tak i den ønskede ressursen. Hva kan i så fall gjøres annerledes? 02.11.2018 Nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned er snart over Sikkerhet blir stadig viktigere i det digitale nettsamfunnet som vi er blitt en del av både på jobben og i privatlivet. Nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned er en årlig dugnad i oktober som gjennomføres av Norsk senter for informasjonssikring. I år har vi over 250 000 deltakere, over 300 bedrifter og til disse sendes det ut over 2 millioner leksjoner til de ansatte i virksomhetene. Det er åttende året på rad som det arrangeres og i år er det et rekordår. Rekorden var fra 2016, da var det 190 000 deltakere med. 01.11.2018 Microsoft University - Nyutdannet og klar for en utfordring? Ikke bare tilbyr utdanningsløpet Microsoft University (MSU) en skikkelig kick-start på karrieren for nyutdannede, men programmet utvikler også dyktige og attraktive talenter innen IT. Kandidatene som gjennomgår MSU får opplæring og sertifiseringer innenfor ettertraktet Microsoft-teknologi, som gir en unik kompetanse og vil være etterspurt i mange år fremover. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|23.10.2018 Informasjonssikkerhet som rammeverk i virksomheten Informasjonssikkerhet handler om å få på plass et rammeverk for å sikre at virksomheten blir trygg nok i det store trusselbilde. Rammeverket kan tilpasses enhver virksomhet, slik at man sørger for at virksomheten jobber etter de målene som er satt opp for nettopp deres drift. 22.10.2018 Hva skal til for å skape en sikkerhetskultur? 90 % av nærmere 5000 fagspesialister innen teknologi svarte nylig på en undersøkelse rundt cyber sikkerhet gjennomført av ISACA og CMMI Institute. De opplever et gap mellom eksisterende virksomhetskultur og sikkerhetskulturen de mener at virksomheten burde ha. Dette går på både bevisstheten i det daglige og ledelsens prioriteringer ifølge rapporten, Cybersecurity Culture Report. 19.10.2018 Sikker koding, en livsviktig brikke inn i utviklingsarbeidet Vi har intervjuet Márton Heleszta, leder for Secure Coding Academy om hva Secure coding er og hvorfor det er så viktig at alle utviklere har dette i tankesettet sitt. Sikker koding er sikkerhetsnettet bak deg når et eventuelt hacking forsøk finner sted. Sikker koding sørger for at du er rustet i kampen mot trusler og allikevel er hele 95% av alle utviklere ikke fullstendig opplært innen sikker koding. 17.10.2018 Hva skal virksomheter som mangler IT-sikkerhetskompetanse gjøre i en verden med et stadig større trusselbilde? Daglig står det om sikkerhetsbrudd og trusler mot offentlige og private virksomheter, og truslene er økende. Det offentlige investerer i sitt statsbudsjett atskillig mer i IT-sikkerhet, men hva skal virksomhetene gjøre når 6 av 10 virksomheter i Abelia opplever mangel på IT-kompetanse, hvorpå savnet er spesielt stort innen IT-sikkerhet. Problemet relaterer seg mye til at virksomhetene ikke klarer å attrahere IT-sikkerhetspersonell til sin virksomhet. 15.10.2018 Hvordan bør norske virksomheter håndtere trusler? Norge er et av landene i verden som opplever flest sikkerhetstrusler daglig med store konsekvenser for virksomhetens omdømme og økonomi. Hvordan bør ledere i norske virksomheter minimere sannsynligheten for at truslene rammer deres virksomhet i tillegg til å minimere en potensiell skade? 08.10.2018 Store sikkerhetsglipp i nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned Oktober er nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned og de siste ukene har vi vært vitne til to store sikkerhetsglipp. Facebook var først ut, hvor hele 50 millioner brukere kan ha blitt rammet av sikkerhetsbrist som følge av et dataangrep. E24 skriver at feilen skal ha ligget i en kode som ble utviklet i forbindelse med en oppdatering av opplastingsverktøyet for videoer. Utfallet av dette kan ha ført til at de 50 millioner brukerne har personlig informasjon på avveie. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|30.04.2018 Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmåned: Ny opplæringspartner i 2018 XtraMile blir ny kurspartner for Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmåned 2018. NorSIS, som arrangerer den landsomfattende kampanjen, har som mål å øke kunnskapen om IT-sikkerhet og skape en tryggere digital hverdag hos virksomheter over hele landet. Årets tema «Skadelig e-post og svindel på nett» skal sikre at bedriftene blir bedre rustet i kampen mot disse utfordringene 30.04.2018 Glasspaper har ansatt ny leder for bemanning Even Sørlie begynte i dag i Glasspaper People som leder for bemanning. Glasspaper People har i dag et betydelig antall utleide medarbeidere innen IT og forvalter en rekke offentlige og private rammeavtaler i tillegg til å levere til SMB markedet. Even har solid erfaring fra bransjen. Even er en pioner i bransjen. Han begynte sin karriere i Manpower og ble senere en viktig bidragsyter i Elan (nå Experis) før han som en sentral bidragsyter var med på å bygge opp bemanningsenhetene innen IT og engineering i Top Temp. Even jobbet fram til nylig som salgs- og markedsansvarlig i Technogarden Magellan AS. 19.04.2018 Glasspaper lanserer CRMAP, neste generasjons styringssystem innen risikostyring dynamisk og compliance 16. april gikk startskuddet for lanseringen av programvaren CRMAP. CRMAP er utviklet av ledende fagspesialister innen risikostyring og compliance som savnet et spisset, helhetlig risiko og compliance system som bygger godt oppunder bestepraksis for hvordan en virksomhet bør jobbe med risikostyring og compliance. CRMAP passer godt både for offentlige og private virksomheter. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa|ITIL, Lean, Lean IT, SCRUM, DevOps, ISO 27001, SIAM, PRINCE2, COBIT,…. Synes du det er mange rammeverk å forholde seg til? Hva er deres likheter og ulikheter? Hvordan passer de sammen? Hva er deres styrker? Hva handler de egentlig om? Og hvilke rammeverk passer egentlig for oss? I denne workshopen vil du få et innblikk i et sett utvalgte rammeverk, og en forståelse for hvordan de kan bidra til kvalitetsøking og verdiskapning på hver sine områder. De er alle basert på god praksis, – det vil si at de ar basert på erfaring og læring fra mange bedrifter. Hele hensikten med å etablere rammeverk er å dokumentere god praksis, slik at andre bedrifter med samme behov kan slippe å finne opp hjulet på nytt. De fleste virksomheter kan spare mye tid og penger ved å lære av andre virksomheter som gjør det bra. Og ikke minst kan de unngå typiske fallgruver, ved å kjenne til suksesskriteriene, som også er oppsummert i rammeverkene. Alle best practice rammeverk har sitt eget fokusområde og sin egen misjon. De har hver sine styrker, men de har også begynt å smelte sammen. Det finnes noen overordnede prinsipper som rammeverkene har begynt å ta inn over seg. Dette bidrar også til at de passer bedre sammen, og gir gode bidrag til de digitale løft som de fleste virksomheter står overfor. Det er kanskje ikke et spørsmål om enten eller, men om både og. Hvis du vet nok om hva de ulike rammeverkene handler om, vil du bli i stand til å plukke ut det du trenger fra hvert av dem. Det som er viktig er forstå hva som kan være nyttig for akkurat din bedrift. Ledere, prosjektledere, prosessledere, kvalitetskoordinatorer, forbedringsledere og medarbeidere som ønsker innsikt i utvalgte rammeverk. I en workshop som denne rekker vi ikke å ta for oss alle rammeverk like godt. Vi har derfor valgt å ha hovedfokus på noen som er svært aktuelle i tiden. Ved behov, og hvis tiden strekker kan vi også si noe om de vi har listet opp som andre aktuelle rammeverk. Hovedfokus I workshopen: , Lean, , Flere aktuelle rammeverk: ISO 27001, SIAM, COBIT, og PRINCE2 Kurset tilbys også som en bedriftsintern workshop. Kurset kan om ønskelig skreddersys. Signe-Marie Hernes Bjerke (Sigma) er opptatt av menneskene. Hun er en allsidig fasilitator og teambygger, og en rutinert pedagog. Hun holder blant annet kurs i ITIL, Lean, DevOps, PRINCE2, risikostyring og fasilitering. På hennes kurs kan du forvente aktivitet og interaksjon. Signe-Marie Hernes Bjerke har tidligere jobbet i DNV GL (tidl. Det Norske Veritas) Nå er hun travelt opptatt som kursleder for en rekke ulike kurs, coach for både ledere og medarbeidere, og fasilitator for store og små samlinger. Med andre ord: Hun jobber med det hun elsker å jobbe med. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|1 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 9,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Nødvendig kursmaterial, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 1 dager Språk Norsk li|Rammeverk Få et overblikk i en jungel av aktuelle rammeverk Forstå hvordan rammeverkene tilpasser seg den digitale tidsalder Vite nok om de utvalgte rammeverkene til å forstå overordnet hensikt Forstå hvordan de kan bidra til verdiskapning i din egen virksomhet. Bidra til erfaringsdeling og dialog rundt bruksområder h1|Rammeverk-workshop: Hvilket rammeverk skal vi velge? h2|Kursbeskrivelse: Målet med denne workshopen er å: Målgruppe: Innhold: Instruktør: Sigma Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom pa|A Rainmaker ‘creates rain’ i.e. they bring in the sales. So to be a good Rainmaker, you need to be good in front of the customer and accurately translate what it is that they want, and not what you have to offer them. This module covers three key areas: This PS Professional Rainmaker Foundation course has been designed to familiarize delegates with the basic principles for a strong rainmaker, being good in front of customers and accurately translating what the customer wants, not what is on offer. The key to building these foundations is developing the ability to research and plan the customer meeting in advance and ensuring the right conversations occur during the meeting, and then mapping to requirements to their portfolio and finally translating this into a clear scope or bid. Making connections with people Creating intimacy by finding shared interests and experiences Developing integrity by thinking about buyer success first Demonstrating competence through knowledge Identifying the buyer’s aspirations (goals) and afflictions (pains) Quantifying and painting the “so what” picture, establishing how important it is to buy from you Using disruptive questions to challenge the buyer’s ideas, assumptions, strategies, and agenda for action Using advocacy and inquiry to clarify and demonstrate your understanding of the buyer’s pains and goals Painting a picture of possible new realities illuminating what they will get when they work with you Using both interaction and opportunity to close the gap between the buyer’s pains/goals and your products/services Buyer collaboration Preparing the buyer to collaborate before the meeting Gaining the buyer’s psychological ownership and commitment Defining the parameters and allowing buyer to shape it Clarifying what you want the buyer to learn, feel and do differently Combining a focus on ROI – the potential gain – with fear of loss to help the buyer see the negative impact of inaction Apply the key components of a convincing story where the buyer is the hero Using broad, open-ended questions to elicit assumptions from the group Probing deeper to separate the facts and truths from the gut feelings, corporate myths, and personal prejudices Encouraging the buyer to collaboratively examine possible actions Business development processes and milestones Planning and scheduling capture activities and decisions Identifying and assigning the best people to the roles in your capture and proposal team(s) Being prepared to end the pursuit if decision–making information is vague, cannot be obtained, or the team lacks the commitment to win Getting on the buyer’s to do list Differentiating by providing overall distinction and difficulty of substitution Substantiate to gain buyer’s trust in your ability to deliver Designing the document for maximum impact How to disclose your price early in the executive summary and quantify your added-value Ensuring compliance and responsiveness in your proposal Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|The guidance is written for people working, or aspiring to work, within Professional Services. Roles may include, but are not limited to, pre sales, solutions architects, project managers, consultants, service managers, engineers, sales people and team leaders or managers. 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 12,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk English course materiel and test, and Norwegian speaking instructor li|RAINMAKER Mastering scope & bid management Client meeting effectiveness Client needs identification Prepare for and pass the PS Professional Rainmaker certification Accurately assess the customer needs and align them with current and future business offerings Ensure that every customer meeting has the relevant return on investment Use the PATHS to Action framework for meeting effectiveness Shipley Proposal Guide by Larry, PPF. APMP Newman Shipley CAPTURE Guide by Larry Newman, PPF.APMP Insight Selling by Mike Schultz, John E. Doerr, Neil Rackham Eksamen tilbys på slutten av siste kursdag Eksamensspråk: Engelsk 75 simple multiple choice questions (including 5 trial questions) 60 minutes duration Closed book 50% pass mark (35 marks out of 70) st|You Will Learn How To: Reference Materials: Identifying the Needs of the Client Connecting the dots Creating RAIN Client Meeting Effectiveness Power of a convincing story Facilitating collaborative group discussions Mastering Bid and Scope Management Creating your value proposition Developing the persuasive proposal Rainmaker Foundation: h1|RAINMAKER - Commercial h2|Audience: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom em|Eksamen er ikke inkludert i kurset, og kommer som ekstra kostnad: kr 2900 + mva. / exam is not included in the course price extra cost: NOK 2900 + MVA. pa|This course is based on ArchiMate 3.1. The ArchiMate Specification is a modelling language that enables Enterprise Architects to describe, analyse and visualize relationships among architecture domains using easy to understand visuals representations. It provides a common language for describing how various parts of the enterprise are constructed and how they operate, including business processes, organizational structures, information flows, IT systems, and technical and physical infrastructures. In a time when many enterprises are undergoing rapid change, ArchiMate models help stakeholders design, assess and communicate those changes within and between architecture domains, as well as examine the potential consequences and impact of decisions throughout an organization. A training in ArchiMate will give you knowledge about theoretical and practical aspects of ArchiMate and is useful if you wish to be able to apply this modelling language in practice. There are no formal prerequisites. However, it is recommended that participants have experience in the IT domain. Note, to be Practitioner certified on ArchiMate® 3 Foundation, it is required to have passed the ArchiMate® 3 Foundation exam. This is the examination for the ArchIMate 3 Foundation certification. This exam comprises 40 questions in simple multiple choice format, covering the Level 1 learning outcomes (see the Conformance Requirements for detail). Each correct answer scores a single point. The pass mark is 60% (24 or more questions out of a maximum of 40) This exam comprises 8 complex scenario questions, with gradient scoring. Open Book: an electronic copy of the ArchiMate 3 Specification is built into the exam. The correct answer scores 5 points, the second best answer 3 points, the third best answer 1 point. The distracter scores zero points. The pass mark is 65% (26 or more points out of a maximum of 40). Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring td|Kursavgift: 19,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Digital course documentation, certification voucher, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 3 dager Språk English course material, Norwegian speaking instructor li|Archimate 3.1 Individuals who are required to demonstrate practical usage and knowledge of the ArchiMate modeling language Individuals who will be responsible for developing architecture artifacts using ArchiMate language notation Individuals who want to achieve a recognized qualification to demonstrate their practical ability to apply the ArchiMate modeling language Intro and about the exams Language Structure Relationships & Nesting Core Layers & Elements Business Grouping and composite Application Technology ArchiMate® & EA Motivation aspects Strategy Layer Strategy and Motivation Physical Layer Implementation and Migration Layer Language specifics Cross layer dependencies Derived relationships Stakeholder, viewpoints and views Language customisation Exam Preparation Time: 60 min (* Additional time may be provided for people taking an English language exam for whom English is not their first language. Please see for more information.) Time: 90 min (* Additional time may be provided for people taking an English language exam for whom English is not their first language. Please see for more information.) st|ArchiMate 3 Foundation Exam (details): ArchiMate 3 Practitioner Exam (details): h1|ArchiMate® 3 Training Course Combined Foundation and Practitioner h2|Audience: Prerequisites: Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|This ArchiMate® 3 training course is provided by Glasspaper in collaboration with Van Haren Publishing and is accredited by The Open Group. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti em|The exam is included in the training fee. When you have completed the course, contact and request your free exam voucher which can be used at any Pearson Vue test center. Glasspaper facilities these exam in Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen. Please note that your voucher is valid for 12 months of your course start. pa|ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager training enables you to acquire the expertise and competence needed to support an organization in implementing and managing a Cybersecurity program based on ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework. During this training course, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of Cybersecurity, the relationship between Cybersecurity and other types of IT security, and stakeholders’ role in Cybersecurity. ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager training enables you to acquire the expertise and competence needed to support an organization in implementing and managing a Cybersecurity program based on ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework. During this training course, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of Cybersecurity, the relationship between Cybersecurity and other types of IT security, and stakeholders’ role in Cybersecurity. After successfully completing the exam, you can apply for the credentials shown on the table below. You will receive a certificate once you comply with all the requirements related to the selected credential. For more information about ISO/IEC 27032 certifications and the PECB certification process, please refer to the . The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PECB. Exam details: As the exam is an , candidates are authorized to use: Results will be communicated by email in a period of 6 to 8 weeks, after taking the exam. The results will not include the exact grade of the candidate, only a mention of pass or fail. Candidates who successfully complete the examination will be able to apply for a certified scheme which is explained in the course description. In the case of a failure, the results will be accompanied with the list of domains in which the candidate had failed to provide guidance for exams’ retake preparation. Candidates, who disagree with the exam results, may file a complaint by writing to or through PECB ticketing system. There is no limit on the number of times a candidate may retake an exam. However, there are some limitations in terms of allowed time-frame in between exam retakes, such as: After the fourth attempt, a waiting period of 12 months from the last session date is required, in order for candidate to sit again for the same exam. Regular fee applies. For the candidates that fail the exam in the 2nd retake, PECB recommends to attend an official training in order to be better prepared for the exam. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|A fundamental understanding of ISO/IEC 27032 and comprehensive knowledge of Cybersecurity. 27. mai 2 dager 19. april 5 dager 3. mai 5 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 25,000 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Printed course documentation, certification test, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 5 dager Studiepoeng 31 CDP Språk English course material, Norwegian or English speaking instructor li|ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager Acquire comprehensive knowledge on the elements and operations of a Cybersecurity Program in conformance with ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework Acknowledge the correlation between ISO 27032, NIST Cybersecurity framework and other standards and operating frameworks Master the concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques used to effectively set up, implement, and manage a Cybersecurity program within an organization Learn how to interpret the guidelines of ISO/IEC 27032 in the specific context of an organization Master the necessary expertise to plan, implement, manage, control and maintain a Cybersecurity Program as specified in ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework Acquire the necessary expertise to advise an organization on the best practices for managing Cybersecurity Cybersecurity professionals Information Security experts Professionals seeking to manage a Cybersecurity program Individuals responsible to develop a Cybersecurity program IT specialists Information Technology expert advisors IT professionals looking to enhance their technical skills and knowledge Course objectives and structure Standards and regulatory frameworks Fundamental concepts in Cybersecurity Cybersecurity program Initiating a Cybersecurity program Analyzing the organization Leadership Cybersecurity policies Cybersecurity risk management Attack mechanisms Cybersecurity controls Information sharing and coordination Training and awareness program Business continuity Cybersecurity incident management Cybersecurity incident response and recovery Testing in Cybersecurity Performance measurement Continuous improvement Preparation for exam Exam The exam duration is three (3) hours. Non-native speakers receive an additional half an hour. The exam contains essay type questions. A copy of the General Data Protection Regulation; Course notes from the Participant Handout; Any personal notes made by the student during the course; and A hard copy dictionary . If a candidate does not pass the exam on the second attempt, he/she must wait 3 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (2nd retake). Retake fee applies. If a candidate does not pass the exam on the third attempt, he/she must wait 6 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (3rd retake). Retake fee applies. st|Introduction to Cybersecurity and related concepts as recommended by ISO/IEC 27032 Cybersecurity policies, risk management and attack mechanisms Cybersecurity controls, information sharing and coordination Incident management, monitoring and continuous improvement Certification Exam Test details: Essay Type Open book exam RECEIVE YOUR EXAM RESULTS EXAM RETAKE POLICY h1|ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager h2|Course objectives: Audience: Certification Prerequisites: Course outline: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom em|Students, who have completed the full training but failed the written exam, are eligible to retake the exam once for free within a 12 month period from the initial date of the exam To arrange exam retakes (date, time, place, costs), the candidate needs to contact Glasspaper. pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 2. June 3 days 3. June 2 days 1 days 28. May 1 days 4. June 1 days 19. May 3 days 2. June 3 days 1. June 4 days 9. June 3 days 14. June 3 days 2. June 3 days 16. June 3 days 16. June 3 days 30. June 3 days 30. June 3 days 0 days 0 days 10. May 3 days 7. June 5 days 2 days Page 2 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Webinar Virtual Webinar Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 365 days 365 days 365 days 365 days 10. May 2 days 365 days 1 days 21. April 0 days 31. May 1 days 7. May 1 days 3 days 28. April 3 days 26. May 3 days 26. April 5 days 5. May 3 days 26. May 3 days 28. April 3 days 2. June 3 days 16. June 3 days 1. June 3 days Page 1 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand Classroom On Demand Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 3 days 1 days 16. June 3 days 2. June 3 days 4 days 4 days 26. May 3 days 21. June 5 days 31. May 5 days 26. April 5 days 5. May 3 days 2. June 3 days 22. June 4 days 23. June 3 days 22. June 4 days 3 days 18. May 4 days 1. June 4 days 3 days 9. June 3 days Page 3 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 2. June 3 days 31. May 3 days 4 days 5 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 28. June 5 days 9. June 3 days 3 days 5 days 1. June 4 days 9. June 3 days 3 days 2 days 5 days 2 days 3 days 3 days 26. May 3 days Page 4 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 2 days 31. May 5 days 31. May 5 days 9. June 3 days 14. June 5 days 3. May 5 days 21. June 5 days 10. May 2 days 14. June 5 days 14. June 5 days 31. May 5 days 9. June 3 days 28. June 5 days 10. June 2 days 9. June 3 days 19. April 5 days 14. June 5 days 31. May 5 days 7. June 5 days 7. June 4 days Page 5 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Guaranteed to run Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 7. June 5 days 26. May 3 days 30. June 3 days 2. June 3 days 22. June 4 days 29. June 4 days 5. May 3 days 23. June 3 days 31. May 3 days 31. May 2 days 29. April 2 days 10. May 2 days 26. May 1 days 19. April 5 days 5 days 4 days 23. June 3 days 10. May 3 days 3 days 2 days Page 6 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Guaranteed to run Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 31. May 1 days 1. June 1 days 2. June 1 days 3. June 1 days 4. June 1 days 7. June 1 days 8. June 1 days 9. June 1 days 14. June 1 days 15. June 1 days 10. June 1 days 11. June 1 days 16. June 1 days 17. June 1 days 18. June 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 5 days 29. April 2 days Page 7 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 24. June 2 days 21. April 2 days 2. September 2 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 2 days 1 days 2 days 20. May 2 days 18. May 2 days 6. May 2 days 7. June 2 days 6. May 2 days 3. May 3 days 29. April 2 days 12. April 3 days 19. May 3 days 17. June 2 days Page 8 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 28. June 3 days 26. April 3 days 1. July 2 days 10. May 3 days 0 days 1 days 1 days 2 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 2 days Page 9 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 1 days 2 days 2 days 1 days 28. June 2 days 19. May 3 days 31. May 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 3. May 2 days 5. May 2 days 3 days Page 10 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Is your firm registered outside of Norway? Give us a call at or send an . li|Bestill test h2|Test Participant Orderer Company or person News from Glasspaper sp|Also order Trancender/MeasureUp practice test (180 days online). 799m.- ex mva Participant is also orderer em|Det er stor pågang på testsenteret vårt for tiden. Vennligst skriv alternativ ønsket dato i «kommentar til bestillingen». pa| di|07.04.2021 Hvordan jobber de beste med strategisk bemanning? Strategisk bemanning er en strategi og plan som sikrer at virksomheten har de menneskelige ressursene de trenger for å levere på sine nåværende og fremtidige forretningsmål. Det påvirker hvordan interne ressurser utvikles over tid, samt hvilke profiler som kan rekrutteres inn. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|24.03.2021 Vi introduserer Inspirasjonsdagene April 2021 La deg inspirere og akselerere! Over 4 dager tilbyr vi 17 gratis webinar spekket med tips og triks fra IT-verdenen: Endringsledelse - Microsoft FSLogix - UX - DevOps - Data Visualisering - Scrum - Prosjektledelse - Kryptering - ITIL - Nettverk – Programledelse - Check Point - Microsoft 365 - Virtuelle Presentasjoner - Porteføljestyring Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|12.02.2021 Hvorfor bør du søke på Microsoft University? Er du nyutdannet innen IT og ønsker en kick-start på karrieren din? Da bør du lese videre! Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa| di|04.12.2020 Vi tar nå imot søkere til Microsoft University 2021 Vi er godt i gang med Microsoft University forberedelser til 2021, og snart åpner vi for søkere til de 7 ulike sporene som kan velges i år: Advanced Cloud Analytics/ Azure Data Engineer, Cloud AI and Machine Learning, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, .Net Azure Developer, Cloud Security og Azure Cloud Platform. Side 1 av 1 li|Glasspaper deler h1|Glasspaper deler h2|Nyhetsarkiv Nyheter fra Glasspaper sp|Tilbake Vis neste 2021 (1) (1) (1) 2020 (1) (2) (3) 2019 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (2) (2) 2018 (3) (5) (6) (3) pa|Det å være ny som leder kan være en brå overgang for mange. Fra å skape gode resultater på egen hånd til å skape resultater gjennom andres innsats er en helt ny måte å jobbe på. Du har kort tid på «å bevise» som leder, så du må planlegge den første tiden nøye. Hvis ikke man kommer riktig ut fra «hoppkanten» kan det være vanskelig å rette opp inntrykket under «svevet». Effekten av et lederskap kan være forskjellen mellom maksimal og minimal innsats hos de ansatte, og ekstra innsats på egen hånd kan neppe kompensere mangelen på engasjement hos de ansatte. Derfor er det viktig at du vet hva som skal til for å få frem det beste i dine ansatte. En god leder har en oppriktig interesse av å inspirere andre. Et godt sted å starte er å studere de ansatte behov og ønsker – og ikke ta for gitt at de er det samme som dine egne. Dernest er det mange motiver som også synes å være relativt generiske. Dette kan eksempelvis være ansvar og innflytelse i stillingen, utfordrende og realistiske mål, spennende arbeidsoppgaver, feedback og anerkjennelse som styrker troen på egen kompetanse, et godt arbeidsmiljø med mer. Kurset egner seg for nye ledere eller ansatte med et potensial og ønske om å gå inn i en lederrolle. Kurset tilbys også som en bedriftsintern workshop. Kurset kan om ønskelig skreddersys. Olav har bakgrunn som HR direktør i store norske konsern som Equinor ASA, NorgesGruppen ASA, Circle K, og Apotek1. Han er en fremtredende talsmann for HR miljøet i Norge og har hovedfag i idrettspsykologi som utdannelsesbakgrunn. Han har også vært landslagstrener i bordtennis og opplæringssjef i ICA Norge AS. Olav er en av landets fremste eksperter på endringsledelse og hvordan man kan bygge en kultur for gode prestasjoner over tid. Han har også vunnet HR Norges kompetansepris (for å forretningsorientere HR funksjonen), og vunnet annonsørforeningen pris som Norges beste foredragsholder. Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|2 dager 1 dager 1 dager 1 dager td|Kursavgift: 9,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Nødvendig kursmaterial, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 1 dager Språk Norsk li|Ny som leder Vet hvordan de skal håndtere overgangen mellom det å skape resultater på egen hånd til det å skape resultater gjennom andres innsats. Kan planlegge den første tiden som leder for å få en best mulig start - inklusive det å hindre de mest vanlige tabbene som ny i lederrollen. Evner å motivere ansatte til økt innsats. Håndterer balansen mellom det å være hyggelig, medgjørlig, varm og forståelsesfull med det å være stille krav til dyktighet og det å forvente det beste av hver enkelt. Klarer å gi kritikk på en måte som gjør at de ansatte ønsker å forbedre seg. Klarer å forberede og gjennomføre en medarbeidersamtale på en god måte. Takler konflikter på en god måte. Sette opp en god møtestruktur for året og lede møter på en effektiv og god måte. Er dyktigere på å lage handlingsplaner samt organisere ansvar, myndighet og arbeidsoppgaver i avdelingen. Hefte; Slik får du frem det beste i dine ansatte. Eksempler på gode handlingsplaner med ansvarlig, tidsfrist etc. Eksempler på gode medarbeidersamtaler. Eksempler på god møtestruktur og prinsipper for god møteledelse. h1|Ny som leder h2|Målet for dette kurset er at deltagerne Målgruppe: Dette får du med deg: Instruktør: Olav Haraldseid Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom pa|This course provides guidance into the process Owner responsibilities so they can describe what they are doing as a process and provides the education needed to oversee the design, re-engineering and improvement of IT Service Management (ITSM) processes; particularly in the context of Agile Service Management. Participants learn how to apply Scrum practices to Process Owner responsibilities and use Agile and Lean principles and practices to put in place ‘just enough’ process and how to continually align process performance with overall business goals. A process owner is an individual accountable for the performance of a process and for ensuring the process delivers value to its stakeholders. Process owners manage the requirements of process stakeholders, translate those requirements into process performance objectives, and oversee the entire process design and improvement lifecycle. This certification positions learners to successfully complete the Certified Agile Process Owner exam. The learning objectives for CAPO include an understanding of: The target audience for the CAPO course is: Course Introduction Process Design Basics Process Owner Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes Selecting a Process Owner Related Roles The Characteristics of an Agile Process Agile Basics Scrum Basics Agile Service Management Basics Agile Process Design Agile Process Improvement Measuring Value Process Improvement Tools and Technologies Getting Started Challenges and Critical Success Factors Additional Sources of Information Exam Preparations Sample Exam Review The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|3 days 19. May 3 days 31. May 2 days 1 days td|Price: 15,900 NOK Included items: Digital course documentation, lunch and refreshment for in class events only Hours 09:00-16:00 Durance: 2 days Languages English course material, English speaking instructor li|Certified Agile Process Owner (CAPO)® Basic Agile and Agile Service Management concepts Process owner role and responsibilities Managing and prioritizing a process backlog Creating and utilizing user stories Collaborating with process stakeholders and other process owners Overseeing Agile process design and improvement activities Managing organizational change activities Monitoring and measuring process performance Conducting process reviews and identifying improvements Process owners Process managers Employees and managers responsible for designing, re-engineering or improving processes Consultants guiding their clients through process improvement initiatives Anyone responsible for: Managing process-related requirements Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of processes Maximizing the value of processes Completion of pre-class assignment Scrum Familiarity with IT and IT services Importance of processes, Agility and the role of the Process Owner The Elements of a Process Process Owner Responsibilities Process sponsorship Process resourcing Process design and improvement Process management Process awareness Process Manager Global Process Owner Value Stream Owner Roles of a Service Management Office (SMO) What is Agile? The Agile Manifesto Why Agile Projects are Successful Scrum Roles, Artifacts, and Events Scrum Pillars Scrum in a Nutshell Scrum, Kanban, or Both? Agile Service Management Value Agile Service Management Roles, Artifacts and Events Characteristics of an Agile Process Two Aspects of Agile Service Management Agile Process Design Agile Process Improvement Creating and Populating a Process Backlog Personas User Stories Themes Epics User Story Mapping Ordering and Maintaining the Process Backlog Process Design Sprints The Process Owner and Sprint Events Process Implementation Potentially Releasable Process Increment Definition of 'Done' Release Planning Aligning Processes with Strategic Goals CSI Sprints and Plan-Do-Check-Act Sustaining Improvements Assessing Process Maturity Implementing Process Improvements Working with Line Managers Overcoming Resistance to Change Demonstrating Value Leading and Lagging Performance Indicators Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators Service Level Agreements and Operational Level Agreements Conducting Measurement Reviews Communicating Performance Exam Requirements, Question Weighting, and Terminology List Successfully passing (65%) the 60-minute exam, consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions, leads to the candidate’s designation as a The certification is governed and maintained by the DevOps Institute. st|COURSE OBJECTIVES AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES h1|Certified Agile Process Owner (CAPO)® h2|About the course Order Do you have questions about the course? Other relevant courses News from Glasspaper h3|Choose place sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} full Starter guarantee Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom em|Certified Agile Process Owner. pa|Most organizations know that they need to transform, and work in a more agile way. Yet a frequent problem is the creation of isolated agile delivery teams unsupported by a wider organizational engagement initiative. These agile delivery teams need to interact with other business functions including: Finance, HR, Operations, Sales & Marketing and Legal. Often, these teams do not know why an agile approach is being used, the benefits associated with it or how best to enable that way of working. Plus, their traditional working processes are not set up to support agile. This is where current approaches to organizational-agility are failing. AgileSHIFT has been designed to be used by the entire organization, regardless of role, function or seniority. Through enabling the whole organization to learn and understand the value and benefits of agility and where and how it should be adopted, the organization can begin to transform. To take the examination you must have taken an AgileSHIFT training course an accredited training provider. AgileShift Principles AgileShift Practices AgileShift Roles AgileShift Workflow The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PeopleCert. Exam details: Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på eller ring di|3. mai 3 dager 29. april 2 dager 10. mai 3 dager 12. april 3 dager td|Kursavgift: 14,900 NOK Kurset inkluderer: Kursmaterial:The official manual: A guide to AgileSHIFT, Eksamen: Sertifiseringsgaranti - andre forsøk helt gratis (online test), lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Timer 09:00 - 16:00 Varighet: 2 dager Språk Engelsk innhold, norsk instruktør li|AgileSHIFT® Why organizations need to create a culture of enterprise agility in response to a changing context How we can all start to think and work differently to enable change The key concepts of the AgileSHIFT framework The AgileSHIFT delivery approach A Changing Context Enterprise Agility The Purpose of AgileShift The AgileShift Framework AgileShift Principles 33 questions. Each question is worth one mark. There is only one correct answer per question. 20 questions correctly to pass the exam. 45 minutes to complete this exam + extra time for non-native Closed book exam. No material other than the exam paper is allowed. st|Transformation is necessary. It is also hard. h1|AgileSHIFT® h2|Prerequisites Agenda: Om kurset Bestill Har du spørsmål? Andre relevante kurs Nyheter fra Glasspaper h3|By the end of the course you will be able to understand: Velg kurssted sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} fullt Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Startgaranti Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Startgaranti pa|The CAPM certification offers recognition to people who are interested or are just starting a career in project management. To qualify for the CAPM certification exam you need only a secondary school degree and 23 hours of project management training. The CAPM certification is a credential that will quickly advance your career in project management. Individuals who do not have project experience but are interested in a career in projects benefits from the CAPM certification because it demonstrates a high professional knowledge in project management. By participating in our virtual CAPM Exam prep course you will obtain 23 hours of project management education which are approved by the PMI and fulfill the education requirement for the CAPM exam. Our CAPM prep courses has been used for certification purposes by many people around the world and has a reputation of being the best in its class. By participating in our virtual CAPM Exam prep course you will learn the smartest method available for preparing for the CAPM certification exam. The course participants will acquire an elevated understanding of PMI’s international recognized project management methodology. This learning will boost their contribution in a real project and accelerate their career advancement. In addition, the students will gain sufficient project management understanding to be confident and focused to pass the CAPM certification exam. Some of the topics lectured in this virtual course are: To pass the CAPM Exam you will have to score somewhere between 61 and 70 percent of correct questions. Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent) or anyone that participate in a project. For information about these requirements visit this link: You can take the online proctored CAPM Certification Exams from your home or at one of Prometric’s worldwide testing sites. A participant can schedule the appointment online at using their eligibility number. Please, see the following link for more information: Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|7. June 4 days 3. May 3 days 1 days 26. April 3 days td|Price: 14,000 NOK Included items: Kursdokumentasjon, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Hours 09:00 - 16:00 Durance: 3 days Credits 21 PDU Languages Engelsk kursmaterial, norsk instruktør li|CAPM Exam prep course Be prepared to pass the CAPM exam on the first try. Understand the PMI’s framework for predictive project management. How a project management process is structured and used in a project. Critical processes to include while defining the scope of a project. Implementing risk management processes to mitigate against project failure. Plan and monitor quality management in a project and get customer satisfaction. Elaborate a successful schedule management plan and avoid late delivery. Learn to properly involve all key stakeholders in a project. Project Manager. All project team members. Project administrative staff. Management personnel. Project stakeholder and students. Consultants and contractors Anyone who helps bring a project to a completion. Chapter 1: Tricks of the Trade for Studying for This Exam Chapter 2: Project Management Framework Chapter 3: Project Management Processes Chapter 4: Integration Management Chapter 5: Scope Management Chapter 6: Schedule Management Chapter 7: Cost Management Chapter 8: Quality Management Chapter 9: Resource Management Chapter 10: Communications Management Chapter 11: Risk Management Chapter 12: Procurement Management Chapter 13: Stakeholder Management Chapter 14: Exam Study Tools Chapter 1: Tricks of the Trade for Studying for This Exam Chapter 2: Project Management Framework Chapter 3: Project Management Processes Chapter 4: Integration Management Chapter 5: Scope Management Chapter 6: Schedule Management Chapter 7: Cost Management Chapter 8: Quality Management Chapter 9: Resource Management Chapter 10: Communications Management Chapter 11: Risk Management Chapter 12: Procurement Management Chapter 13: Stakeholder Management Chapter 14: Exam Study Tools Delivery - Web-based Format - Closed-book Proctoring - Web proctored Duration - 180 minutes Numbers of questions – 150 multi-choice questions. There is no official break during the exam, but you can take breaks at the expense of your own exam time. st|Exam Facts Note: Exam Prerequisites Exam Location h1|PMI CAPM Exam prep course h2|Learning Objectives: Target group: Course Outline: Agenda: About the course Order Do you have questions about the course? Other relevant courses News from Glasspaper h3|Choose place sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} full Starter guarantee Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual pa|Obtain all the competences and knowledge necessary to lead all the processes for implementing and complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in an organization The Certified Data Protection Officer training course enables you to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and competence to effectively implement and manage a compliance framework with regard to the protection of personal data. After mastering all the necessary concepts of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can sit for the exam and apply for a “PECB Certified Data Protection Officer” credential. By holding a PECB Certified Data Protection Officer Certificate, you will demonstrate that you thoroughly understand the gap between the General Data Protection Regulation and the current organizational processes including: privacy policies, procedures, working instructions, consent forms, data protection impact assessments, in order to associate organizations in the adoption process to the new regulation. After successfully passing the exam, you can apply for the credential shown in the table below. You will receive the certificate once you comply with all the requirements related to the selected credential. For more information about the certification process, please refer to the The exam is will take place at the end of the course on onsite classroom courses For Virtual courses we will send out a voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera. More information about the exam rules will be send from PECB. As the exam is an an , candidates are authorized to use: Results will be communicated by email in a period of 6 to 8 weeks, after taking the exam. The results will not include the exact grade of the candidate, only a mention of pass or fail. Candidates who successfully complete the examination will be able to apply for a certified scheme which is explained in the course description. In the case of a failure, the results will be accompanied with the list of domains in which the candidate had failed to provide guidance for exams’ retake preparation. Candidates, who disagree with the exam results, may file a complaint by writing to or through PECB ticketing system. There is no limit on the number of times a candidate may retake an exam. However, there are some limitations in terms of allowed time-frame in between exam retakes, such as: After the fourth attempt, a waiting period of 12 months from the last session date is required, in order for candidate to sit again for the same exam. Regular fee applies. For the candidates that fail the exam in the 2nd retake, PECB recommends to attend an official training in order to be better prepared for the exam. Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|A fundamental understanding of the GDPR and primary knowledge of the present data protection legal requirements. 23. June 2 days 1 days 1 days 1 days td|Price: 25,000 NOK Included items: Digital course documentation, certification test, Lunch and refreshment for in class events only Hours 09:00 - 16:00 Durance: 5 days Credits 37 CDP Languages English course materiel, and Swedish speaking instructor li|GDPR - Certified Data Protection Officer Understand the history of personal data protection in Europe Gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and approaches required for the effective alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation Understand the new requirements that the General Data Protection Regulation brings for EU organizations and non-EU organizations and when it is necessary to implement them Acquire the necessary expertise to support an organization in assessing the implementation of these new requirements Learn how to manage a team implementing the GDPR Gain the knowledge and skills required to advise organizations how to manage personal data Acquire the expertise for analysis and decision making in the context of personal data protection Project managers or consultants wanting to prepare and to support an organization in the implementation of the new procedures and adoption of the new requisites presented in the GDPR, which will come into force and effect by the 25th May 2018 DPO and Senior Managers responsible for the personal data protection of an enterprise and the management of its risks Members of an information security, incident management and business continuity team Expert advisors in security of personal data Technical experts and compliance experts wanting to prepare for a Data Protection Officer job Course objective and structure General Data Protection Regulation Fundamental Principles of the GDPR Initiating the GDPR Implementation Understanding the Organization and Clarifying the Data Protection Objectives Analysis of the Existing System Leadership and approval of the GDPR Compliance Project Data Protection Policy Definition of the Organizational Structure of Data Protection Data Classification Risk Assessment under the GDPR Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Design of Security Controls and Drafting of Specific Policies & Procedures Implementation of Controls Definition of the Document Management Process Communication Plan Training and Awareness Plan Operations Management Incident Management Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation Internal Audit Data breaches and corrective actions Continual Improvement Competence, Evaluation and Closing the Training Preparation for exam Exam The exam duration is three (3) hours. Non-native speakers receive an additional half an hour. The exam contains essay type questions. A copy of the General Data Protection Regulation; Course notes from the Participant Handout; Any personal notes made by the student during the course; and A hard copy dictionary . If a candidate does not pass the exam on the second attempt, he/she must wait 3 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (2nd retake). Retake fee applies. If a candidate does not pass the exam on the third attempt, he/she must wait 6 months (from the initial date of the exam) for the next attempt (3rd retake). Retake fee applies. st|The requirements for PECB Data Protection Certifications are: Introduction to the GDPR and initiation of the GDPR Compliance Plan the implementation of the GDPR Deploying the GDPR Monitoring and continuous improvement of GDPR compliance Certification Exam Test details: Essay Type Open book exam RECEIVE YOUR EXAM RESULTS EXAM RETAKE POLICY h1|GDPR - Certified Data Protection Officer h2|Course description: Course objectives: Audience: Certification Prerequisites: Content: About the course Order Do you have questions about the course? Other relevant courses News from Glasspaper h3|Choose place sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} full Starter guarantee Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom em|Students, who have completed the full training but failed the written exam, are eligible to retake the exam once for free within a 12 month period from the initial date of the exam To arrange exam retakes (date, time, place, costs), the candidate needs to contact Glasspaper. pa|This three-day course covers everything you need to start-up, configure and manage daily operations of Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades systems on the GAiA operating system. This course is also the recommended training for CCSA certification. Ta kurset virtuelt med vår løsning. Velg "Virtual" under i høyre kolonne! Technical professionals who support, install deploy or administer Check Point products. Thomas Norbeck er uten tvil Norges ledende instruktør på opplæring innen Check Points produkter, og gjennomfører både sertifiseringskurs og bedriftsintern kurs på Check Point versjoner og produkter. Thomas sin nøkkelkompetanse ligger innen Check Point spesielt, men også nettverksteknologi og sikkerhet generelt. I tillegg har han vært involvert i flere IT- og infrastruktur-prosjekter både som teknisk ressurs og som prosjektleder. I ulike perioder har Thomas jobbet som konsulent parallelt med at han har opparbeidet lang erfaring med utvikling, tilpasning og gjennomføring av skreddersydde kurs for bedrifter innen ulike sektorer. Blant annet har han laget og gjennomført nettverkskurs på fire ulike kontinenter. Thomas Norbeck har 24 års erfaring med nettverk og sikkerhet både som instruktør og konsulent hos bl.a Azlan, A-Team, Ajourit og Curriculum før han begynte i Glasspaper i 2004. Han jobber i dag som Senior konsulent og instruktør for Glasspaper, samt at han er IT sjef og konsulentleder. This course leads to the exam Exam# 156-215.80. Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|14. June 3 days 3 days 2 days 21. June 2 days td|Price: 20,000 NOK Included items: Digital kursdokumentasjon og hands-on labmiljø, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Hours 09:00-16:00 Durance: 3 days Languages Engelsk kursmateriale, norsk-/engelsktalende instruktør li|Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) R80.40 Basic knowledge of Windows, UNIX, networking technology, the Internet and TCP/IP. 6 months to 1 year of experience with Check Point products recommended Know how to perform periodic administrator tasks Describe the basic functions of the Gaia operating system Recognize SmartConsole features, functions, and tools Describe the Check Point Firewall infrastructure Understand how SmartConsole is used by administrators to grant permissions and user access Learn how Check Point security solutions and products work and how they protect networks Understand licensing and contract requirements for Check Point security products Describe the essential elements of a Security Policy Understand the Check Point policy layer concept Understand how to enable the Application Control and URL Filtering software blades to block access to various applications Describe how to configure manual and automatic NAT Identify tools designed to monitor data, determine threats and recognize opportunities for performance improvements Identify SmartEvent components used to store network activity logs and identify events Know how Site-to-Site and Remote Access VPN deployments and communities work Explain the basic concepts of ClusterXL technology and its advantages Identify key components and configurations Create and confirm administrator users for the domain Validate existing licenses for products installed on your network Create and modify Check Point Rule Base objects Demonstrate how to share a layer between Security Policies Analyze network traffic and use traffic visibility tools Monitor Management Server States using SmartConsole Demonstrate how to run specific SmartEvent reports Configure a SmartEvent server to monitor relevant patterns Configure and deploy a site-to-site VPN Configure and test ClusterXL with a High Availability configuration Understand how to use CPView to gather gateway information Perform periodic tasks as specified in administrator job descriptions Test VPN connection and analyze the tunnel traffic Demonstrate how to create custom reports Demonstrate how to configure event Alerts in SmartEvent Utilize various traffic visibility tools to maintain Check Point logs st|Bestill h1|Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) R80.40 h2|Audience Prerequisites Om instruktøren Thomas Norbeck Objectives Exercises Certification About the course Order Do you have questions about the course? Other relevant courses News from Glasspaper h3|Choose place sp|{{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} full Starter guarantee Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|This advanced three-day course teaches how to build, modify, deploy and troubleshoot Check Point Security Systems on the GAiA operating system. Hands-on lab exercises teach how to debug firewall processes, optimize VPN performance and upgrade Management Servers. This course is also the recommended training for CCSE certification. Ta kurset virtuelt med vår løsning. Velg "Virtual" under i høyre kolonne! Experienced users who need to perform advanced deployment configurations of Check Point Software Blades To attend this course you should have: Thomas Norbeck er uten tvil Norges ledende instruktør på opplæring innen Check Points produkter, og gjennomfører både sertifiseringskurs og bedriftsintern kurs på Check Point versjoner og produkter. Thomas sin nøkkelkompetanse ligger innen Check Point spesielt, men også nettverksteknologi og sikkerhet generelt. I tillegg har han vært involvert i flere IT- og infrastruktur-prosjekter både som teknisk ressurs og som prosjektleder. I ulike perioder har Thomas jobbet som konsulent parallelt med at han har opparbeidet lang erfaring med utvikling, tilpasning og gjennomføring av skreddersydde kurs for bedrifter innen ulike sektorer. Blant annet har han laget og gjennomført nettverkskurs på fire ulike kontinenter. Thomas Norbeck har 24 års erfaring med nettverk og sikkerhet både som instruktør og konsulent hos bl.a Azlan, A-Team, Ajourit og Curriculum før han begynte i Glasspaper i 2004. Han jobber i dag som Senior konsulent og instruktør for Glasspaper, samt at han er IT sjef og konsulentleder. Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|10. May 3 days 3 days 2 days 21. June 2 days td|Price: 20,000 NOK Included items: Digital kursdokumentasjon og hands-on labmiljø, lunsj og bevertning inkluderes bare på fysiske kurs Hours 09:00-16:00 Durance: 3 days Languages Engelsk kursmateriale, norsktalende instruktør li|Check Point Cyber Security Expert (CCSE) – R80.40 Knowledge and experience with Check Point administration, equal to the CCSA training course Windows Server, UNIX and networking skills and TCP/IP experience Certificate management and system adminstration Identify advanced CLI commands. Understand system management procedures, including how to perform system upgrades and apply patches and hotfixes. Describe the Check Point Firewall infrastructure. Describe advanced methods of gathering important gateway data using CPView and CPInfo. Recognize how Check Point’s flexible API architecture supports automation and orchestration. Discuss advanced ClusterXL functions. Describe VRRP network redundancy advantages. Understand how SecureXL acceleration technology is used to enhance and improve performance. Understand how CoreXL acceleration technology is used to enhance and improve performance. Identify the SmartEvent components that store network activity logs and identify events Discuss the SmartEvent process that determines which network activities may lead to security issues. Understand how SmartEvent can assist in detecting, remediating, and preventing security threats. Discuss the Mobile Access Software Blace and how it secures communication and data. Understand Mobile Access deployment options. Recognize Check Point Remote Access solutions. Discuss Check Point Capsule components and how they protect mobile devices and business documents. Discuss different Check Point Solutions for attacks such as zero-day and Advanced Persistent Threats. Understand how SandBlast, Threat Emulation, and Threat Extraction prevent security incidents. Identify how Check Point Mobile Threat Prevention can help protect data accessed on company-issued smartphones and tablets. st|Bestill h1|Check Point Cyber Security Expert (CCSE) – R80.40 h2|Audience Prerequisites Om instruktøren Thomas Norbeck Course objectives Certification About the course Order Do you have questions about the course? Other relevant courses News from Glasspaper h3|Choose place sp|This course is recommended preparation for exam 156-315.80. If you pass this exam (and have passed CCSA previously) you will receive the CCSE certification. {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} full Starter guarantee Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual pa|This course covers both introductory and advanced MPLS and MPLS VPNs concepts. Configuration, implementation and troubleshooting skills are all included with a significant focus on the use of labs to consolidate the learners knowledge. At the end of this course you should be able to design, implement and maintain core IP routing network infrastructures. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a high-performance method for forwarding packets through a network enabling routers at the edge of a network to apply simple labels to packets. This practice allows the edge devices to switch packets according to labels, with minimal lookup overhead. MPLS integrates the performance and traffic-management capabilities of data link Layer 2 with the scalability and flexibility of network Layer 3 routing. Each student on this course will have their own virtual pod of equipment with access to the labs 24x7 for 90 days. Service Provider and Enterprise network engineers that design, deploy and maintain core IP routing network infrastructures. Attendees should meet the following prerequisites: After you complete this course you will be able to: Module 1: MPLS Concepts Module 2: Label Assignment and Distribution Module 3: MPLS VPN Technology Module 5: Complex MPLS VPNs Module 7: Internet Access and MPLS VPNs Module 8: MPLS Traffic Engineering Overview There is no certification exam related to this course. Please contact me on or give me a call at Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|10,000 NOK + VAT Your schedule, your pace, your place! 26. April 5 days 24. May 5 days 12. April 5 days 12. April 5 days td|Price: 33,000 NOK Included items: Digital course documentation and hands-on labs, lunch and refreshments for in class events only Hours Day 1: 10.00-16.00, Day 2-5: 09.00-16.00 Durance: 5 days Voucher Betal for kurset med 39 CLC (Cisco Learning Credits) Languages English course material, English/Norwegian speaking instructor li|MPLS: Implementing Cisco MPLS Delegates should hold a valid CCNA or equivalent knowledge Delegates should have attended ROUTE or SPROUTE or have equivalent knowledge Delegates should have attended BGP or SPADVROUTE or have equivalent knowledge Describe the features of MPLS Describe how MPLS labels are assigned and distributed Configure and troubleshoot frame-mode MPLS on Cisco IOS platforms Describe the MPLS peer-to-peer architecture and explain the routing and packet-forwarding model in this architecture Configure, monitor, and troubleshoot VPN operations Describe how the MPLS VPN model can be used to implement managed services and Internet access Describe the various Internet access implementations that are available and the benefits and drawbacks of each mode Describe the tasks and commands that are necessary to implement MPLS TE h1|MPLS: Implementing Cisco MPLS h2|Audience Prerequisites Course objectives Course content Certification About the course Order This training is available as On-Demand Do you have questions about the course? Other relevant courses News from Glasspaper h3|Choose place sp|Frame-Mode MPLS Implementation on Cisco IOS Platforms Module 4: MPLS VPN Implementation Module 6: {{delivery.FormattedDate}} {{delivery.Location}} full Starter guarantee Classroom Virtual On Demand Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual On Demand Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual On Demand Guaranteed to run pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 19. April 3 days 10. June 2 days 7. June 4 days 3. May 3 days 3 days 3. June 2 days 3 days 2 days 1 days 10. May 3 days 19. May 3 days 10. June 2 days 24. May 2 days 26. May 2 days 3 days 14. June 3 days 2 days 14. June 3 days 17. June 2 days 15. April 2 days Page 11 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 3 days 12. April 5 days 12. April 2 days 14. April 3 days 26. April 5 days 26. April 2 days 28. April 3 days 1 days 3 days 3 days 10. May 3 days 10. May 3 days 3 days 3 days 26. April 5 days 23. June 2 days 1 days 1 days 0 days 1 days Page 12 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 19. April 5 days 3. May 5 days 27. May 2 days 31. May 3 days 5. July 5 days 7. June 5 days 10. May 2 days 5 days 5 days 10. May 2 days 5 days 1 days 1 days 7. June 5 days 26. April 3 days 29. April 2 days 3 days 21. June 3 days 31. May 5 days 10. May 3 days Page 13 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 3 days 31. May 3 days 3. May 3 days 31. May 3 days 1 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 4 days 3 days 3 days 4 days 4 days 4 days 5 days 2 days 3 days 3. June 2 days 26. May 3 days 1 days Page 14 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 1 days 10. May 3 days 14. June 3 days 2 days 21. June 2 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 28. May 1 days 11. May 1 days 20. May 1 days 2 days 12. April 5 days 4 days 26. April 5 days 31. May 5 days 5 days 1. June 4 days 12. April 5 days 5 days Page 15 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 4 days 18. May 4 days 12. April 5 days 12. April 4 days 25. May 4 days 4 days 5. July 1 days 3. August 4 days 6. July 4 days 10. May 2 days 5 days 7. June 5 days 3 days 22. April 2 days 31. May 5 days 18. May 4 days 5 days 5 days 2 days 10. May 2 days Page 16 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 5 days 26. May 3 days 11. May 4 days 31. May 5 days 28. April 3 days 28. April 3 days 27. May 2 days 17. June 2 days 2. June 3 days 27. April 2 days 10. June 2 days 8. June 2 days 10. May 3 days 10. May 3 days 7. June 5 days 1 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 19. April 5 days Page 17 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom On Demand Virtual Classroom Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence pa|Kåret til Årets Microsoft Kurspartner 8 år på rad! Read our latest news letters and get the latest news in IT-competence and career. di|Course Date Durance 26. May 3 days 10. May 1 days 25. May 3 days 7. June 5 days 12. April 5 days 3. May 5 days 26. April 5 days 3 days 5 days 26. April 5 days 1. June 4 days 26. April 5 days 31. May 5 days 3. May 5 days 14. June 5 days 5 days 12. April 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days Page 18 of 41 Location Guaranteed to run Format Brand Category li|Courses h2|Filter News from Glasspaper sp|Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Classroom Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Guaranteed to run Classroom Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Guaranteed to run Classroom Classroom Classroom Back Show next Virtual Oslo Bergen Trondheim Virtuelt Stavanger webinar Connect2Classroom Virtuel No yes Classroom Virtual On Demand Webinar Event Microsoft Cisco VMware Oracle Red Hat Adobe Glasspaper as ITIL Citrix Amazon Web Services (AWS) Office 365 ISO Excel PRINCE2 TOGAF ISTQI DevOps Institute Check Point EC Council SAFe® Google SharePoint Scrum Alliance (ISC)2 MSP PMI COBIT Microsoft Project MoP P3O Managing Benefits Agile Projet Management CompTIA Outlook/OneNote PowerPoint Windows 10 ASTQB M_o_R Change Management AgileSHIFT Virtualization VMware Virtualization Citrix Microsoft Network Cisco Network Red Hat Cisco DNA/SDA VMware Network Network technology Citrix ADC Veeam Microsoft Database and Business Intelligence Microsoft SQL Server Oracle PowerPivot og Power BI MongoDB MySQL Application development Webutvikling .NET & Visual Studio Programming languages Jira & Confluence Amazon Web Services (AWS) Java & Spring AngularJS/ React/ Vue/ JavaScript Scrum Secure Coding Open Source Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools Mobile & App Development C++ & C++14 Krav og Test Azure for Developers Python C#.NET TFS& ALM IT Arkitektur Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® UX Design Testdrevet Utvikling Lean BizTalk Cloud Azure VMware Cloud Microsoft Office 365 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oracle Cloud (EN) Google Cloud IT Service Management ITIL ITIL Grunnleggende ITIL Lifecycle ITIL Managing Professional ITIL Capability Lean IT ITIL Practitioner ITIL Strategic Leader -NY! Kepner Tregoe SIAM Application training Adobe Online kurs for brukere Åpne Webinar for brukere Excel og Power BI kurs Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 for brukere Teams SharePoint for brukere Workshop Gratis seminar Webinar Project Management PRINCE2 Workshops Scrum PRINCE2 Agile Ledelse PMI Lean IT Programledelse (MSP) Agile Project Management Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Porteføljestyring (MoP) AgileSHIFT Cyber security Microsoft security Cisco security kurs ISO GDPR VMware Carbon Black Check Point EC Council (ISC)2 CompTIA Secure Coding CyberSecurity Agile Agile Scrum kurs Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® BCS Governance Sikkerhet metodikk GDPR ISO 27001 ISO 22301 Cobit ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon ISO 27005 ISO 27035 Incident Manager GRC Kamude CRMAP ISO 27032 Cyber Security Middleware Oracle Middleware Business Skills Ledelse Digital Markedsføring Presentasjon og kommunikasjon PS Professional Deployment VMware Management Windows 10 System Center CRM Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server and Client Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 DevOps DevOps sertifiseringskurs DevOps Productivity Microsoft 365 SharePoint Exchange Analytics Microsoft analytics Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ArchiMate Program and Portfolio management Workshop Ledelse Programledelse (MSP) Ny Versjon! Porteføljestyring (MoP) Prosjektkontor (P3O) Management of Risk (M_o_R) Change Management Ledelse Workshops Change Management AgileSHIFT Automation System Center Red Hat Ansible Cisco Data Center PowerShell GDPR GDPR ISO 27701 - Håndtering av personinformasjon Resurssider Sertifisering TOGAF tester AI and Machine Learning Machine Learning Managing Benefits Managing Benefits Workshops Ressurssider IT Pro NIC Artificial Intelligence