pa|Reimagined Conversational AI service helps you to achieve superior customer experience with a 50% automation rate. Webinar News Front AI operates in Finland, Sweden and Denmark Informational requests solved before routing to human Less incoming calls. End-users satisfied to the service. 01 Customers use dialects, slang and incorrect grammar. Thats OK! Our service bots handle these challenges flawlessly and support 30 natural languages (including all the Nordic languages). 02 Security is of the utmost importance to us and we take our clients and their customers’ safety seriously. Compliance with ISO 27001 and GDPR. 03 The premade modules, in industries such as banking, HR and telecom, make it a quick and easy process to implement a service bot in your organization. 04 The ability to authenticate the identity of users opens up a new world of automation possibilities and is a significant step towards personalized service. 05 Unlike chatbots, our service bot can handle thousands of different questions and answers simultaneously, with no ceiling limiting future expansion. 06 A flexible model allows easy connectivity to all backend systems, either via interfaces or RPA. h3|% % % Customer Service Learn how Latest news and resources → → A Game Changer for Customer Service Front AI is a leading company that specializes in intelligent bots that fluently understand natural language. We automate routine contact in customer service using Conversational AI. We help you to provide an automated 24/7 service for your customers. Improve your efficiency with 0 0 0 Why choose Front AI? Robust language understanding Security and privacy Modules Customer identification Scalability Easy connectivity pa|Our clients use Conversational AI to power up their Customer Service and Service Desks. We are proud to work with some of the most successful, innovative and customer-oriented B2C and B2B organisations in the Nordics. % Net Promoter Score is our number 1 focus. Client review average "Front AI Client Satisfaction Survey 2020" serves Edenred's all customer groups in employee benefit related questions helps students at Laurea's IT ServiceDesk in fluent Finnish. st|5/5 stars h3|Ella, Edenred's AI bot, Pii, an advanced AI service bot h5|Read the interesting case study Read the interesting case study Clients 0 NPS Client success and happiness Read case study Download case study pa|Cookies are simple text files that are downloaded onto your device when you visit a website. We use cookies on our website to improve the user experience, collect data for google analytics and target digital advertising. The cookies contain anonymous information and are used only for developing the website and improving user experience. Most browsers accept cookies automatically. The cookies can be controlled, deleted or disabled in your browser settings. The control options vary in different browsers. For more detailed information, please visit browser settings (usually this can be found in preferences / tools / settings in the menu) Disabling or deleting cookies may affect the content and functionality of the website. google chrome: firefox: internet explorer: opera: safari: st|How to control cookies? Cookie control and settings in different browsers Cookies pa|We work together with industry leading technology and service partners. About us menu has built the world’s most user-friendly conversational AI platform to let customer service teams automate customer service and has deployed more virtual agents than any other company in the world. We work with over 200 companies, including more than 100 public organizations and numerous financial institutions such as banks and insurance firms in Europe and North America. We make it easy to build, launch and maintain a virtual agent. Drive down support costs and engage customers 24/7 with our user-friendly conversational AI platform that makes it possible to deliver quality customer experiences, at scale and without any limitations. Digital Workforce automates and maintains your business processes, freeing up the time of your employees for more purposeful work. Digital Workforce is a trusted advisor and a globally leading independent provider of services in intelligent automation on an industrial scale. Today, over 150 large global customers use Digital Workforce’s services to transform their businesses with intelligent automation. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce currently employs 240+ IA specialists in the US, the UK, Poland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Learn more at: Puzzel builds on 20 years’ heritage. It was one of the first pioneers to develop a cloud-based contact center. Puzzel also encompasses leading mobile messaging and mobile payments to deliver a flexible and customizable customer interaction platform to meet the needs of today’s omni-channel and mobile environments. Puzzel can be adapted to accommodate from as little as one to as many as several thousand agents using any device, in any location and it integrates with multiple applications seamlessly. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, Puzzel is passionate about delivering innovative customer interaction solutions for contact centres and mobile environments. For more information please visit: h2| Digital Workforce Puzzel Partners About Front AI Partners pa|Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki. Operator Maventa Oy, OVT-code 003721291126 003729901064 Front AI Oy 29901064 PL 100 80020 Kollektor Scan attachment as PDF file FI29901064 Eriksbergsgatan 8b, 114 30 Stockholm Ragnagade 7, 2. DK-2100 København Ø st|Front AI - E-invoice address: Scanning service: Invoicing e-mail address: VAT: h3|Jari Annala Matti Toivonen Tyko Niemi Michael Fischer Johan Lundqvist Ray Byman Kristiina Åberg Contact Us The team CEO, Partner CXO, Partner CTO, Partner Country Manager, Denmark Regional Sales Manager, Sweden Regional Sales Manager, Finland Marketing & Communications Finland office Invoicing information Sweden office Denmark office pa|Kuormittuuko HR-helpdeskinne uusiin toimintamalleihin liittyvistä kysymyksistä? Miten henkilöstö kokee paluun toimistoon koronan jälkeen? Eikö perinteinen FAQ-lista tunnu toimivan ja lisäävän työntekijöiden tietämystä? Keskustelevaan tekoälyyn perustuva botti vastaa 24/7 luonnollisella kielellä työntekijöiden yleisimpiin kysymyksiin liittyen töihin paluuseen korona pandemian jälkeen. Työpaikka ei ehkä enää olekaan entisellään. Pandemian johdosta on tullut uusia ohjeita. Joku voi kokea epävarmuutta ja ahdistusta pitkän kotona työskentelyn jälkeen. Esimies joutuu uuteen tilanteeseen johtaessaan tiimiä, josta vain puolet saakin olla toimistolla yhtä aikaa jne jne. Miten huolehdin hygieniasta toimistossa? Onko toimistolle turvallista tulla? Tuleeko meille lomautuksia? Voinko tavata asiakkaitani fyysisessä palaverissa? Onko minun pakko lähteä työmatkalle? Kuinka monta henkeä saa olla samassa huoneessa yhtä aikaa? Tuleeko toinen korona-aalto? Vaikuttaako korona lomien kertymiseen? Saako meillä tehdä edelleen etätöitä? Ym Palvelussa on yleisiä korona pandemian vaikutuksiin kysymyksiä sekä työsuhteeseen ja organisaatiokohtaisiin toimintaohjeisiin liittyviä kysymyksiä siinä vaiheessa, kun palaillaan takaisin työpaikalle, joka ei olekaan aivan entisellään. Palvelu täydentyy uusilla kysymyksillä sitä mukaan, kun käyttäjät esittävät niitä, ja yleinen sisältö on automaattisesti kaikkien käytössä. Yhteistyökumppanimme varmistaa terveydenhoitoon liittyvien ohjeiden oikeellisuuden. Tiedon ylläpitäminen on reaaliaikaista ja helppoa. Perustamiseen tarvitaan alle puoli päivää HR- osaston työpanosta ja ylläpito vie alle puoli tuntia päivässä. Palvelu toimitetaan keskitetystä pilvialustasta eikä se vaadi investointeja. Organisaatio voi ylläpitää omia vastauksia tai käyttää oletusvastauksia valintansa mukaan. Vastauksia voi myös muuttaa reaaliajassa itse tai me voimme hoitaa palveluna sisällön ylläpidon. New Normal HR Assistant antaa yleisluonteista neuvontaa organisaation politiikan mukaisesti eikä ota kantaa henkilökohtaisiin asioihin. Alusta täyttää GDPR- määräysten asettamat vaatimukset. Ei ole, olemme tuotteistaneet sisällön ja tekoäly toimii jaetussa ympäristössä. Tämän halvemmalla neuroverkkopohjaista sovellusta ei vielä ole nähty. Kysy tarkemmat hinnat . Ei ole. Me opetamme tekoälyn sinun puolestasi. Sinä lisäät vain organisaationne omat linjaukset vastauksiin. Ei ole. Käyttöönotto vielä alle puoli päivää ja päivittäinen ylläpito alle 30 minuuttia. Kuinka moneen turhaan kyselyyn teidän HR-osastolla vastataan päivittäin? Epäilen. Tilanne muuttuu nyt todella nopeasti ja tieto vanhenee tunneissa. QA- listat luetaan yleensä kerran eikä niihin palata vaikka tilanne muuttuisikin ja listat päivitettäisiinkin uuden tilanteen mukaiseksi. Lähettämällä tämän lomakkeen hyväksyt, että saatamme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä mukaisesti. st|Jari Annalalta h4|Tekoäly on varmaan kallista? Tekoäly on ainakin vaikeaa? Onko käyttöönotto ja ylläpito työlästä? Meillä on jo hyvät QA-listat? The New Normal HR Assistant Henkilöstöbotti käynnistyy organisaationne omasta intrasta, on teidän visuaalisen ilmeen mukainen ja sisältää teidän organisaatiokohtaiset ohjeet. Käyttäjä löytää nopeasti, vaivattomasti ja tehokkaasti vastauksen etsimäänsä kysymykseen: Usein kysyttyä Kyllä, haluan tietää lisää pa|Är HR-avdelningen överbelamrad med frågor runt det ”nya normala”? Hur känner era anställda för att återvända till arbetsplatsen? Tycker du att traditionella FAQ-listor inte fungerar tillfredsställande och inte ökar medvetenheten om vad som gäller för era medarbetare? Den ”nya normala” HR-botten är baserad på Conversational AI och kan svara på de vanligaste frågorna om att återvända till arbetsplatsen efter COVID-19. Arbetsplatsen kanske inte är som tidigare. Pandemin har skapat nya riktlinjer och instruktioner. Vissa känner sig osäkra och oroliga efter att ha arbetat hemifrån. Chefer och ledare står inför många nya situationer, t.ex. endast en del av teamet kan vara på kontoret samtidigt etc. Hur tar jag hand om hygienen på arbetsplatsen? Är det säkert att återvända till arbetsplatsen? Kommer det att bli uppsägningar? Kan jag ha fysiska möten med mina kunder? Måste jag resa utomlands i jobbet? Hur många personer får vistas i ett rum samtidigt? Kommer det en andra våg av pandemin? Hur påverkar Corona mina semesterdagar? Får vi fortfarande arbeta på distans? Etc. Tjänsten innehåller allmänna frågor som rör Corona samt även organisationsspecifika frågor om anställningsförhållanden och riktlinjer. Tjänsten lägger till nya frågor när användare skriver dem i Coronaboten. Generiskt innehåll är automatiskt tillgängligt för alla och att underhålla samt uppdatera information i realtid är enkelt. Det tar mindre än en halv dag att implementera tjänsten och dagligt underhåll kräver mindre än 30 minuter. Tjänsten har utvecklats i samarbete med våra kunder, och experter. Tjänsten levereras från en molnplattform och kräver ingen initial investering. Organisationen kan behålla sina egna svar eller använda standardsvar enligt preferens. Svaren i Coronaboten kan enkelt ändras i realtid av organisationen eller så kan vi uppdatera innehållet som en tjänst åt er. Coronaboten ger allmänna råd i enlighet med organisationens policy och tar inte ställning i personliga frågor. Plattformen uppfyller kraven enligt GDPR. Nej, vi har paketerat innehåll och artificiell intelligens i en delad miljö som möjliggör en billig neural nätverksbaserad tjänst. Kontakta oss för mer information om priser. Genom att skicka in detta formulär godkänner jag att ni kan kontakta mig enligt beskrivningen i vår . h4|Är inte artificiell intelligens dyrt? Är inte artificiell intelligens svårt? Tar inte installation och underhåll mycket tid? Har du redan bra Q&A-listor? HR-assistenten för det ”nya normala” Den ”nya normala” HR-botten körs från ditt eget intranät, ser ut som ditt varumärke och innehåller dina organisationsspecifika riktlinjer. Användarna kan hitta svar på sina frågor snabbt, enkelt och effektivt. Medarbetaren hittar snabbt, enkelt och effektivt svaret på sina frågor som t ex: Vanliga frågor om att implementera Coronaboten Det är det inte. Vi har tränat tjänsten med artificiell intelligens för din räkning. Du behöver bara lägga till organisationens egna svar runt policy, riktlinjer och rekommendationer. Nej, det gör det inte. Coronaboten implementeras på under en halv dag och dagligt underhåll kräver mindre än 30 minuter. Coronaboten kan implementeras och konfigureras med era riktlinjer och rekommendationer på ett par dagar vilket innebär att ni snabbt kan leverera tjänsten till era medarbetare. Hur mycket tid lägger inte din HR-avdelning dagligen på att svara på onödiga frågor? Vi tvivlar på det. Coronasituationen förändras ju riktigt snabbt och informationen blir snabbt föråldrad (kan ändras varje timme). Vanliga Q&A-listor (t ex på intranät) läses vanligtvis en gång och inte igen även om situationen ändras och listorna uppdaterats för att återspegla den nya situationen. JA, jag vill veta mera. pa|Modtager jeres HR funktion mange spørgsmål vedrørende ”New normal”? Hvordan har jeres medarbejdere det med at returnere til arbejdspladsen? Oplever du, at FAQ’er ikke fører til mindre arbejde for HR og giver en øget viden omkring organisationens tiltag? Vores HR bot – baseret på AI – besvarer de mest forekommende spørgsmål, der fremkommer i forbindelse med returnering til arbejdspladsen efter COVID-19. På grund af pandemien har arbejdspladsen brug for nye guidelines og instruktioner. Nogle kan endda føle sig usikre efter i lang tid at have arbejdet hjemme. Som leder vil man ofte stå i en ny situation, der skal håndteres, f.eks at kun en del af et team kan møde på konteret samtidigt osv. Hvordan sikrer vi den rette hygiejne på kontoret? Er det sikkert at returnere til kontoret? Vil der forekomme efskedigelser? Kan jeg møde mine kollegaer face to face? Er jeg nødt til at foretage forretningsrejser udenlands? Hvor mange kan der være i samme rum samtidigt? Vil der forekomme (eller er dette) en anden bølge? Hvordan påvirker Corona ferieopsparingen? Må vi stadig arbejde hjemmefra? Etc. Tjenesten indeholder generelle spørgsmål, der vedrører corona, samt organisationsspecifikke forespørgsler om ansættelsesforhold og politikker. Nye spørgsmål føjes til tjenesten, når brugerne sender dem, og generisk indhold er automatisk tilgængeligt for alle. Vedligeholdelse af information foregår i realtid og er nemt. På denne måde undgår du f.eks længere og længere FAQ’er, som kun få alligevel læser. "New Normal" HR Assistent kan konfigureres I løbet af få dage, således at den kan stilles hurtigt til rådighed for medarbejderne. Vi har udviklet denne service i samarbejde med vores klienter, og vi sikrer rigtigheden af ​​vores retningslinjer for sundhedspleje. Nej, vi har udviklet denne service til en symbolsk pris og stiller den til rådighed som en cloud-baseret løsning. Kontakt Michael Fischer for prisoplysninger. Nej. Vi har trænet Corona-bot for dig. Du skal kun tilføje dine organisationsspecifikke svar. Nej. Implementeringen vil tage mindre end en halv dag og daglig vedligeholdelse mindre end 30 minutter. Sammenlign dette med den tid, HR-afdelingen dagligt bruger på at besvare spørgsmål fra medarbejderne. FAQ’er har en tendens til at blive længere og længere – og mindre og mindre fokuserede, idet information forældes og ikke fjernes fra listerne. Dermed mister man med tiden flere og flere brugere. De fleste læser en FAQ én gang, men vender ikke tilbage for at læse den opdaterede information. Med afsendelse accepterer du, at vi må kontakte dig som beskrevet i vores . h4|Er kunstig intelligens dyrt? Er kunstig intelligens vanskelig? Er installation og vedligeholdelse kedelig? Jeg har allerede en FAQ. Hvorfor implementere Corona-bot? ”New Normal” HR Assistent HR botten eksekveres fra jeres intranet og kan tilpasses visuelt, så den repræsenterer jeres brand. Medarbejderne kan få svar på deres spørgsmål hurtigt, nemt og effektivt. Medarbejdere kan hurtigt finde svar på deres coronarelaterede spørgsmål, såsom: Ofte stillede spørgsmål om implementering af Corona-bot: JA, jeg vil gerne modtage mere information pa|Today, we all are using an extensive amount of dialogue-based communication tools such as chat, Messenger, WhatsApp… you name it. Nevertheless, surprisingly few companies provide more than phone or email-based customer service. Or, perhaps, they might deploy an underperforming chatbot that one could hardly call intelligent. About us menu We believe that customers deserve better. Back in early 2019, we decided to do something! Instead of talking, we founded Front AI to drive change in the Nordic markets. We started offering intelligent AI-based service bots that help our clients to automate up to 50% of their customer service operations. Since then, we have implemented a larger number of intelligent Conversational AI solutions than any other company in our market. Our fast growth and a Net Promoter Score of 100% shows that our vision was right. It is time to change the game! Our goal is to change customer service for the better. To achieve this, we help our customers to implement next-generation intelligent Service Bots that understand any language and any dialect and do not mind about spelling mistakes. We implement Service Bots that perform routine tasks, automatically, without human intervention, tirelessly and 24/7. We help our clients to provide superior customer experience to their customers by deploying AI-based Service Bots that automate routine tasks and optimize their customer service. Over 50% of customer service interactions can be automated: liberating your customer service agents to provide meaningful human interaction with the remaining half of the queries they receive. in 2019 employees The founders of Front AI strongly believed back in 2019 that Conversational AI will be one of the coolest innovations in Customer Service this decade. And it seems we are not alone. We are happy to see that some of the most respected investors in the Nordics share the same vision, among them CapMan Growth -fund, Lifeline Ventures and Hippocras, funded by Leena Niemistö and European Angel Fund Finland. What’s more, many of Front AI’s highly motivated staff members own shares, demonstrating their own belief in to the future growth of our company. Meet some of our Investors: About Front AI Our story About Front AI Partners Our goal in Front AI Our mission Our vision Key facts of FrontAI Founded Over 20 HQ in Helsinki with offices in Stockholm and Copenhagen 12 months run-rate revenue over 1,5 million euros 2020 growth over 500% Net Promoter Score (NPS) 94% Cumulated funding over 1 million euros Investors Want to work with us? We have a small team of dedicated and highly skilled professionals. Our passion is a happy customer. We are constantly looking for new talent to complement our growing team and help us to meet the ever-changing demands of customers. Send an open application and a CV: pa| News & Resources Mar 29 2021 March 29, 2021 Read more Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 January 25, 2021 November 9, 2020 September 17, 2020 June 15, 2020 June 4, 2020 May 11, 2020 May 5, 2020 1 Load More Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa| News & Resources Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other May 5, 2020 April 23, 2020 April 7, 2020 March 31, 2020 January 14, 2020 September 2, 2019 June 19, 2019 April 30, 2019 April 26, 2019 1 Load More Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa| News & Resources Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other June 4, 2020 February 26, 2020 September 2, 2019 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa|Front AI Ltd, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki Jari Annala, CEO, , +358 400 338 585 Customer and marketing register of Front AI. We maintain a marketing and customer register. We handle the personal information of our customers, as well as our potential customers and their representatives. Personal data is used for customer relationship management, customer communication, marketing and enhancement of the user experience for all our websites. We target our messages to focus on the needs of our customers. 1) the contract we have with our customers; 2) b2b direct marketing; and 3) the consent you give us, when downloading content or registering for professional content on our websites. We collect your name, phone, email, address, and other personal information you submit. • name, email address, telephone, and job title / responsibility • company name, contact information and industry • information regarding customer relationships and contacts (e.g. Purchase and cancellation information for chatbot services, feedback, and attendance at our events) • web-related information on Front AI websites and services • marketing and promotional information related to participating in targeted marketing activities (e.g. In webinars and events) • technical information and cookies sent to a registered person’s browser and related information Collection of name and other contact information is based on the customer relationship or business connection to Front AI. We collect information when customers sign contracts, register, or use our services. We track cookies, and your visit to the Front AI website including your IP address. We may acquire personal information from public sources. No information for promotional purposes is disclosed to any third party. We may use a third-party service provider to process your personal information. These service providers may have access to your personal information outside the EU / EEA, such as the united states. We will ensure the proper and lawful implementation of data transfers in accordance with legislation on the processing of personal data. • the European commission has decided that an adequate level of data protection has been ensured in the host country concerned; • we have implemented the appropriate safeguards to transfer your personal data using standard terms of privacy approved by the European Commission. You have the right to receive a copy of these standard clauses by contacting us; • or, you have given your explicit consent to the transfer of your personal data, or there is a legitimate basis for the transfer of your personal data outside the EU / EEA, such as the united states privacy shield approved by the European Commission. We respect the confidentiality of your personal information. The registry is secure and accessible only by people authorized by Front AI We will discard obsolete and unnecessary data in an appropriate manner. We only retain personal information as long as it is necessary for the purposes of processing personal data as defined in this privacy statement. Due to the obligations of the accounting act or other applicable laws, information may need to be stored for longer than the above-mentioned period. You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Each direct email sent by Front AI has a link, by which you may unsubscribe from direct email in future. • obtain information on the processing of your personal data; • access your personal information and verify the personal data we have about you; • require correction and supplementation of inaccurate and incorrect personal data; • require the removal of your personal data; • withdraw your consent and object to the processing of your personal data, insofar as the processing of your personal data is based on your consent; • object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of your personal circumstances, insofar as your personal data is treated as a legitimate advantage; • obtain your personal data formatted for transfer of this information to another registrar, provided that you have personally provided such information to us; we will process such personal information on the basis of the agreement or consent you provide, and processing will be performed automatically; and • require your personal data be restricted. We may ask you to clarify your request and verify your identity before processing your request. We may refuse to execute your claim on the basis of applicable laws. You also always have the right to file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority or with the supervisory authority of the EU member state where your residence or work is located, if you consider that we have not processed your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Front AI Personal data requst / Jari Annala Lapinlahdenkatu 16 00180 Helsinki Front AI will respond to the requests within 1 month unless there are special considerations that extends the response time. We are constantly trying to develop our services and we reserve the right to change this privacy statement by notifying users on this page st|1. Registrar 2. Contact person 3. Name of the register and registered data 4. Legal basis and the use of personal data We process personal information based on 5. Data content of the register The following information may be stored 6. Information sources of the register 7. Provision of information 8. Transfer of data outside the EU or EEA We will only transfer your personal data outside the EU / EEA by the following legal means: 9. Protection of the registry and retention of personal data 10. Rights of the registered person In addition, you have the right, at any time, in accordance with applicable data protection law to: You must send requests about your rights in writing, or by email to the following: 11. Changing the privacy statement h4|Customer and marketing register Privacy policy pa| News & Resources Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other May 11, 2019 May 11, 2019 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa| News & Resources Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other November 6, 2019 September 17, 2019 May 7, 2019 May 7, 2019 April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa|Conversational AI refers to a set of technologies, text or voice-based virtual assistants that are able to communicate with users in a genuinely humanlike manner – naturally, personally and logically. Successful Conversational AI isn’t only about how to handle the dialogue technically, it’s also an opportunity to enhance the whole customer experience. Conversational AI-based bots are becoming commonplace and valued team members in customer service and contact center teams across many different industries. analyzes the user's questions or comments and understands the semantics of the language instead of just analyzing keywords. Advanced Conversational AI solutions can easily understand sentences, including spelling mistakes, dialects and slang in the same way a human customer service agent would do. Furthermore, advanced solutions can easily understand, analyze and remember the discussion context and return to the same topic over several questions and answers. For example, a user could ask,"Are there any trains to Cambridge today?" and continue "How much is one ticket?" (to Cambridge). The service bot should pick up the context and respond "Do you want a full price or discount ticket?" (to Cambridge by train). Conversational AI is based on several advanced technological components, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning, intent recognition, entity extraction and speech-to-text converters. Fortunately, today you do not need to integrate individual components. Everything is available as easy-to-use, pre-integrated and scalable SaaS platform. Guide users to the right place to find more detailed information that already exists on your portal or website, for example, detailed services like product descriptions, instruction videos or an online order form. Typically, these requests represent around 15% of total call volume. Once you've decided to start using Conversational AI, you need a platform that is aligned with your current and future needs. You’ll need to plug it into your IT environment (don't worry, this is easy), organize the support and maintenance, and onboard your team of future AI Trainers with an intuitive and practical on-line training course. After that, you are ready to start training your service bot using our straight-forward and easy-to-use tools. Training is based on a set of example questions or requests that you describe. The neural network learns to understand the semantics by analyzing the examples you provide. Modern NLP-optimized networks only need a handful of questions per intent. “Intent” is an NLP term that refers to an interest area, topic or request that users might want to explore. This enables you to try out the technology before making any final decision. We will share best practice for Conversational AI and training and ensure that your production solution is up and running in a few weeks. Once your service bot is in operation, you will continue training it and adding more intents based on user conversations and feedback. You may also want your service bot to handle transactional requests, for example, to book an appointment based on a user request. Integration with back-end systems and third-party databases delivers even more value from your Conversational AI investment. Well-trained service bots can deliver a superb customer experience and give the customer service agents superpowers to handle hundreds of customer dialogues in parallel. st|Conversational AI The training of Conversational AI is not an IT project. Conversational AI What is conversational AI? Conversational AI Use Cases The use cases of Conversational AI can be divided in four categories: Advise for the customer Automate the top fifty to one hundred generic questions handled by your customer service team. These questions are typically related to basic information about your company, products, delivery terms etc. Typically, they represent about 25% of the total volume of customer service interactions. Redirect the customer to existing services Reuse existing services Authenticate the customer and use API calls or RPA processes to fulfil customer requests on the spot. Typically, these queries account for 20% of customer service interactions. Restructure the request Conversational AI can help you to gather and validate all relevant information so that human agents can process a request/ticket/email or follow up dialogue more efficiently. Typically, 40% of the total volume of your interactions will be something that only human agents can handle. Even in these 40% of cases, Conversational AI can help to streamline interactions and drive efficiencies, formulating and structuring the requests. How to get started with Conversational AI A service partner, like Front AI, can guide you through these steps and help you to get started with a proof of concept. pa| News & Resources Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other January 25, 2021 January 25, 2021 November 9, 2020 June 15, 2020 May 11, 2020 April 28, 2020 April 17, 2020 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa|Services menu The most experienced Conversational AI implementation team in the Nordics Excellent track record with a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 94% and a customer satisfaction rating of 4.8 out of 5 Pretrained AI modules for banking, insurance, telco, public sector, education, internal service and general questions Template engine for easy creation of customer-specific training AI support services to ensure true lifetime value of Conversational AI and end-customer satisfaction. Scalable up to thousands of intents, millions of transactions and tens of languages – on one platform. No-code fully graphical interface Fully GDPR compliant Changes can be applied without any service break or help from IT Chat window compatible with EU directive for the accessibility of websites and mobile applications (WCAG 2.1. AAA-level) Native support for 30 languages, all Nordic languages included Understanding of sentences and semantics instead of key words Native language support including conjugations, declinations and compound words Context aware Automated error correction for spelling mistakes Automated recognition of the conversation language and sentiment analysis Ability to handle multiple intent matches in one customer message – easy elimination of false positives Training of the AI through simple GUI using just a few example sentences Intents organized as hierarchy tree with full search Customer-specific vocabulary maintained by AI Trainers Suggestions of new intents based on frequent customer questions The whole AI model is fully managed by AI Trainers Automated testing of AI model quality, including regression testing Role-based user profiles maintained by key user Full logging and analysis of conversations Full audit trail Automated recognition of faulty links, missing intents, etc. Easy integration with market-leading live chat tools Easy, visual back-end systems integration using the GUI Entity extraction fully controlled by the AI Trainer Rich functionality for reusing existing links, videos, images and other existing content Support for strong authentication (e.g. Bank ID, Azure Active Directory) Network of multiple bots and automated session transfers between the bots Single Sign-On support Chat Social media Voice Collaboration tools such as MS Teams, Slack, Zoom, etc. Solution highlights Our services Technology & Integration Solution highlights 01. Easy onboarding and the driving of true value with the right partner: 02. Proven platform with over 250 live implementations: 03. Unique, powerful NLP optimized for 30 languages including Finnish, Swedish and Danish: 04. No programming skills needed to train AI: 05. Easy maintenance: 06. Easy integration with current systems and content: 07. Support for all communication channels; pa| News & Resources Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other April 26, 2019 2 Load More Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa|Why limit yourself to using simple key word-based technology for basic Q&A when your customers can have human-like conversations with a highly intelligent bot? Services menu Customer authentication is a necessary building block when providing solutions based on customer-specific information or services. Our solution comes with easy connectivity to the most common authentication platforms. We can easily deliver authentication, for example, by using bank ID or AD authentication. Technology & Integration Our technology is based on the most advanced AI-based NLP platform on the market. Our virtual assistant can fully understand and correctly respond to any input, in any language and it even processes spelling mistakes or slang expressions. Our solution is fully scalable and available 24/7 as a cloud service. The intuitive GUI makes it extremely easy to deploy and maintain. We can help you integrate your virtual assistant with your back-end systems to provide highly developed transactional services. Our services Technology & Integration Solution highlights Built-in integrations The Front AI ecosystem integrates seamlessly with our customers’ front-end and back-end solutions. We work together with leading contact centre and messaging channel technology providers to create a superior end-user experience for customers interacting with Conversational AI. Plug in to any channel The platform comes with more than ten different communication channels already integrated: including chat, social media, voice, SMS. Simply pick the channels you wish to provide to your customers. Connect to your existing human chat If you are already providing a human chat for your customers, we will make it easy for you to combine the bot seamlessly with your existing customer service operations delivered by your service agents. We have ready-made plugins to more than ten of the most common human chat platforms in the market. More value to your customer with back-end connectivity Your customers may ask generic questions, but if you want to provide more value, you can also authenticate them and provide more advanced services utilizing their identity and our back-end system connectivity. Our integration platform provides easy integration with any corporate IT solution providers via direct API or RPA-based integration so you can automate service bot requests end-to-end. Authentication pa| News & Resources Mar 29 2021 March 29, 2021 Read more Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other April 28, 2020 April 23, 2020 April 17, 2020 April 7, 2020 March 31, 2020 February 26, 2020 January 30, 2020 January 14, 2020 November 6, 2019 2 Load More Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa| News & Resources Mar 29 2021 March 29, 2021 Read more Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other September 17, 2019 September 2, 2019 September 2, 2019 June 19, 2019 May 11, 2019 May 11, 2019 May 7, 2019 May 7, 2019 April 30, 2019 3 Load More Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa| News & Resources Mar 29 2021 March 29, 2021 Read more Categories All News Events Blog Webinars Other April 26, 2019 April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 March 11, 2019 4 Load More Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 pa|Our services range throughout the whole Conversational AI journey. We will help you to analyze and understand the tasks in your customer or employee services. We will provide you with the best practices and the best tools for serving your customers in an optimal way. Our experienced team will you guide throughout your journey towards the future of digital customer experience. We are a trusted partner when implementing conversational AI customer service. Services menu Find the automation potential in your organization Does your business have a need for service efficiency and better customer experience? Does it seem that there are no good tools for realizing these ambitions? Is it difficult to verify the benefits of automation compared to the investment? What are the daily routines in your customer service and customer communication? How can you automate them? How can you calculate the business case? We help you to understand the processes and the numbers to build a successful case and roadmap for automation. Proof of concept We can help you to build a 10-day proof of concept where you can test the Conversational AI in real-world action – with your own dialogues and your own back-end systems. We will set up the dialogues in just a few days on the cloud platform so you can see exactly how easy and intuitive it is to train the AI to understand your customers’ requests. See how Conversational AI can help you in defining new standards for your 21st century customer service. We will help you in finding new paths for automating and redesigning the current customer service concepts 24/7. Train the Conversational AI We provide you with proven resources and best practices that make the launch of Conversational AI easy and straightforward. In just a few weeks, we will help you to create a fully functional Service Bot that is ready to serve your customers tirelessly around the clock. Automate basic queries This will typically automate 30% of your existing customer contacts with a significant increase in customer satisfaction. % % Automate routine tasks To automate half of your customer service transactions, you need Service Bots that seamlessly integrate with your IT systems. We will help you to set up the necessary integrations using our advanced integration platform. It allows you to automate the back-office routines in any IT system with just a few days of work. Maintain & Develop A good automation journey is a continual process of improvement. There will always be new needs arising from your customers and new services you want to roll out. We are happy to provide you assistance in further developing the dialogues and integrations. Our AI support services will help you to regularly analyse the dialogues and fine tune them. Our expert team will help you to further develop them so you can continually optimize the degree of automation and the optimization of your customer service. st|Do you want to give it a try for your organization? Would you like more information to support your decision making? Our services Our services Technology & Integration Solution highlights Spot Challenge us: let’s take a deep dive into Conversational AI. Try Create/Build Step 1 Often the first step in a Conversational AI journey is to automate communication processes such as customer service Q&A queries. Our preconfigured modules covering banking, insurance, pension, telecom, public sector, education and HR services help you to speed up your journey. You can establish the service in just a few weeks. Why stop the conversation? Don’t limit the bots to communication. The same service can also act as an automation platform, so it can perform your customers’ transactional request in your back-end systems. Automation level target 0 Automation level target 0 Step 2 Use pa|Apply here Front AI specializes in Conversational AI automating the customer service and help desks in natural language powered by true AI tools (deep learning neural network). Our key target markets today are Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Conversational AI is one of the hottest topics on the market and in the AI landscape today. Our solution is based on a leading commercial platform with the best NLP/NLU on the market. It understands 22 languages fluently, including all Nordic languages. We deliver our customers full solutions based on the fully packaged platform already having over 100 satisfied customers in all our key markets, e.g. large banks, telcos, insurance companies and public sector customers. In addition to reselling a solid proven platform, we also add value and develop our own exciting Conversational AI products and create our own IPR. Today we are 20 persons in three countries working passionately to help our customers to improve their customer experience and efficiency. We are a spin-off from Digital Workforce, an RPA specialist company that was grown from zero to 25M EUR revenue and 250 employees in just four years. We are backed by experienced investors and have raised the 500k€ seed funding round just before summer. You own your sales cases. You take ownership for enterprise leads and nurture them throughout the entire sales cycle. With every closing, you have a direct impact on the growth of our company. You create value for our new customers. You develop a deep understanding for the needs of our customers. You contribute to company solution development and sales story creation. This is not selling shrink wrapped products developed overseas. We are a startup. You can directly contribute to the solutions and messages we are having on the market – and we also expect you to! You optimize and develop the sales funnel. You analyze and optimize our sales funnel, our sales performance and our sales techniques. You improve and further automate our sales processes from the first lead contact until the closing. You have a 5+ years proven SaaS sales experience. You’ve had prior success in SaaS sales and want to take it to the next level and get involved in state of art software products boosted by Artificial Intelligence. You are not afraid of hunting sales calls, and you know how to open the doors to new opportunities. You are great in building relationship. You know the definition of empathy without checking Wikipedia and put it into practice daily. You take ownership. You are filled with passion to take responsibility and to make things happen. You are an energetic self-starter who loves to build and scale sales in a startup. You are fluent in English and Swedish and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. You are familiar with Powerpoint and Excel and you can calculate a business case together with customer and you create a solution proposal based on customer situation. You are highly self-motivated and are comfortable working independently at home or at the customer office. If you feel that you need a day with colleagues, you are warmly welcome to our sister company Digital Workforce offices with over 30 colleagues. Freedom to work wherever you want. Come work with us at our office in Östermalm in Stockholm (with Digital Workforce team) or work remotely. A fair compensation. You get a fair base salary based on your skills and the option to participate on the long-term success if you’re a high performer (uncapped commission plan) You work with the leading companies in their domain. Most of our customers are large B2C or B2B providers running a large-scale customer services or internal help desks. Your opinion matters and your work is valued. You have the chance to make a difference and grow our sales team together with our CEO and the rest of the team. No point of being tired of useless meetings and slow decision making. We have flat hierarchies and as a startup we move fast. st|Due to our growth plan in Sweden are looking for: Sales Manager Responsibilities Qualifications We offer you: h2|Post navigation We are hiring – Sales Manager Sweden Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|We are sponsoring AI Tomorrow which takes place at the Clarion Hotel in Helsinki on May 22-23. The event is organised by Professio. Come and hear exciting user experiences & best practises and check out our live demos. More about h2|Post navigation Front AI sponsoring AI Tomorrow 2019 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Today’s brands are increasingly defined by the customer experience, and companies need to reinvent how they best utilize their resources in their Customer Service. To meet the expectations of today’s demanding customers, organizations need to find ways to streamline the way they handle recurrent questions from customers, as well as utilize the workforce efficiently and productively. In a fast-paced society, human customer service agents often have very little bandwidth to do anything else than to answer the same generic questions day in and day out, which leads to a mundane work environment, increased number of sick days and a feeling of alienation. Many customer service agents feel disconnected and unmotivated at work, I believe that the feeling of alienation and monotonous task are the main reasons for this. What if the Customer Service workforce could focus on more complex tasks and be part of the Customer Experience on another level? It is my firm belief that by decreasing the repetitive environment in Customer Service and upskill the current workforce, organizations would see an increased ROI on many levels: 1. Higher employee retention 2. Less sick days 3. Better Brand image 4. Improved client retention 5. Increased sales Second generation conversational AI based virtual assistants (or just VA’s) is an efficient way to offload Customer Service and make sure that the customers get answers promptly leading to a positive customer experience. There is a lot of “buzz” around conversational AI, but what is often missed in the communication is the human aspect: what VA´s actually achieves, is taking robotic tasks away from the humans. This allows the agents to be more focused on more business-oriented tasks. Today the virtual assistants are “smart” enough to be able to offload Customer Service in line with the organization’s standards. The technology can handle a vast number of different languages and discuss with the clients in a very natural way, as well as connect to the back-end systems to solve an even greater number of customer requests. I believe that the winning recipe for excellent customer experience in the future is a mix of conversational AI based VA’s and highly skilled customer service agents. VA’s are handling the simple routines much better and faster than humans. And the human agents can put all their energy and increased motivation in the tasks where VA’s fall short of their capabilities. Niclas Broberg, Regional Sales Director – Front AI st|Let’s face it – who wants to come to work, day after day feeling like a robot? Today, there is absolutely no reason for us humans to go to work feeling like a robot. Let humans be humans and let the bots be bots. h2|Post navigation Let Humans be Humans and Bots be Bots! Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Come and meet us at 2019 organised 20.-21.5.2019 in Messukeskus, Helsinki. We are there keynoting and with a stand together with our partner h2|Post navigation Front AI attending Prosessipäivät 2019 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Front AI has been acknowledged as a Master partner of , thus gaining the highest level of partnership with the world’s most advanced conversational AI company. We have successfully implemented several Conversational AI projects in the Nordics utilising technology. Furthermore, customer feedback has been extremely positive. We are here to advise, resell, manage and deliver Service Bots, which help you to improve the availability of your customer service, the delivery speed and provide cost savings. Interested in finding out more about Conversational AI and how it differs from chatbots? Check out our guide: h2|Post navigation We are now a Master partner of boost ai Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Chatbot for dummies What are the differences between the various chatbot technologies? How to evaluate and find a suitable technology for your needs? Check out our new complimentary guide that explains the differences and characteristics of the various technologies for automating the customer dialogue (a.k.a Chatbot). and get access to the guide By submitting the form you agree that we may contact you in the manner described in our . h3|Fill in your details Bot Selection Guide Back to main page Back to news page Bot Selection Guide download pa|Reimagined Conversational AI service helps you to achieve superior customer experience with a 50% automation rate. Webinar News Front AI operates in Finland, Sweden and Denmark Informational requests solved before routing to human Less incoming calls. End-users satisfied to the service. 01 Customers use dialects, slang and incorrect grammar. Thats OK! Our service bots handle these challenges flawlessly and support 30 natural languages (including all the Nordic languages). 02 Security is of the utmost importance to us and we take our clients and their customers’ safety seriously. Compliance with ISO 27001 and GDPR. 03 The premade modules, in industries such as banking, HR and telecom, make it a quick and easy process to implement a service bot in your organization. 04 The ability to authenticate the identity of users opens up a new world of automation possibilities and is a significant step towards personalized service. 05 Unlike chatbots, our service bot can handle thousands of different questions and answers simultaneously, with no ceiling limiting future expansion. 06 A flexible model allows easy connectivity to all backend systems, either via interfaces or RPA. h3|% % % Customer Service Learn how Latest news and resources → → A Game Changer for Customer Service Front AI is a leading company that specializes in intelligent bots that fluently understand natural language. We automate routine contact in customer service using Conversational AI. We help you to provide an automated 24/7 service for your customers. Improve your efficiency with 0 0 0 Why choose Front AI? Robust language understanding Security and privacy Modules Customer identification Scalability Easy connectivity pa|says . tells . Front AI provides a full range of services for Conversational AI in customer service. Front AI’s intelligent Service Bots understand any language or dialect and do not mind about spelling mistakes. The Service Bots serve your clients by completing service requests and executing routine tasks automatically 24/7 without human intervention. The Bots are delivered from cloud-based enterprise platform covering multiple countries, multiple languages and multiple businesses. st|Front AI has appointed Johan Lundqvist to lead the company’s expansion and growth in Sweden. Johan has started in his new position on 1 April 2020. Johan is an experienced manager and sales executive from the Enterprise Software- and Consulting business with over 20 years in the industry. He has a long track record in building businesses and organisations. Johan Lundqvist Jari Annala, CEO and Co-Founder of Front AI h2|Post navigation Front AI appoints regional Sales Manager Sweden We have implemented our first Conversational AI bots in Sweden, and we see a significant market opportunity for us. Many organisations are looking for advanced solutions to increase the level of automation in customer service with the help of Conversational AI-based colleagues. We are pleased to have Johan to join us with his enterprise-level account management and new business generation skills. Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news em|The market for conversational AI solutions is growing fast in Sweden. Particularly the financial sector and the public sector organisations are currently looking for high-quality solutions, which they can implement fast and which bring real customer value right away. The right partner speeds up the learning curve and ensures the end customer value. I am excited to take Front AI’s well packaged AI solutions and best practices to our Swedish customers helping them create a superior customer experience. pa|in customer service 2020 In this report you will find out: h4|What are the main channels used in customer service today across B2B, B2C and Public services? What automation tools are in use and planned to be used? What are the main goals for increasing automation in customer service? Get the report The state of Automation What are the tools and the level of automation in Nordic customer service organisations (B2B, B2C and Public Services)? Download the report now to discover what’s working in different types of organisations. Back to main page By submitting this form you agree that we may contact you in a manner described in our . pa|Ray is a skilled Sales Professional with robust and extensive experience and competence in leading and developing customer needs-driven sales, sales processes and organisation. Before joining Front AI Ray was the Head of InsideSales team in Posti Postal Service. I am very excited to join Front AI, an innovative startup, which is the leading company specialising in next-generation artificial intelligence-based service bots. Our service has been well received in the Finnish markets. Our customers have gained excellent results in improving efficiency and service availability. I look forward to helping other organisations to reach similar benefits by revolutionising and streamlining their customer service processes, says We have over ten customers in Finland and many projects starting soon. We are happy that Ray will lead our sales in Finland. He has a strong customer-oriented sales approach. He enjoys and has a track record of solving customer needs, increasing customer satisfaction and building long-term customer relationships, tells Front AI provides a full range of services for Conversational AI in customer service. Front AI’s intelligent Service Bots understand any language or dialect and do not mind about spelling mistakes. The Service Bots serve your clients by completing service requests and executing routine tasks automatically 24/7 without human intervention. The Bots are delivered from cloud-based enterprise platform covering multiple countries, multiple languages and multiple businesses. st|Front AI has appointed Ray Byman to lead the company’s sales in Finland. Ray has started in his new position on the 4th of May, 2020. Ray Byman. Jari Annala, CEO and Co-Founder of Front AI. h2|Post navigation Front AI appoints regional sales manager to Finland supporting our customers and Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Hoist Finance, one of the leading and fastest-growing debt management companies in Europe, aspires at offering the best digital experience and has a Digital by Default strategy. One essential solution in the toolbox, giving customers the ability to self-serve, is a conversational AI-powered AI chatbot from implemented in late 2019. The bot is engaging customers with without any agent intervention. The bot provides the customer with answers to various questions, including help on accessing and logging-on to the Hoist Finance self-serve portal. Value increased, even more, when the bot started handling . Integrating the bot with back end systems has allowed customers entirely to self-serve themselves. Join this exciting webinar with with Dan Goodwin, Omni Channel Development Manager, Digital at Hoist to learn, what kind of transactional requests the bot is handling and the key metrics? Also, you’ll hear how COVID-19 was driving fast adoption of transactional self-services. Even if you can’t join live, and we’ll send you the recorded webinar to watch at your convenience. “I have been working within the Financial Services sector for over 10 years and have broad experience developing, implementing and managing Contact Centre & Digital solutions. Over the past 2 years I have been working for Hoist Finance and have been responsible for creating and implementing group standard solutions across our European operations, migrating from legacy solutions and infrastructure to implementing new cloud-based ones, delivering a range of different channels for our customers to interact and communicate with us. A key area we have invested in is Artificial Intelligence, in September 2019 we formed a very small team of AI Trainers and backend developers and by late November 2019 deployed our first chatbot, Kai, within the UK. We have been using Conversational AI for just over a year now and it has been a huge success!” Jari is CEO and co-founder of Front AI. He has a long experience in working as a business leader in international service organisations, automating and streamlining processes and developing operations. He has been leading growth organisations both in good and more challenging times. li|The Role of Conversation AI supporting the digitalization strategy of Hoist Finance The journey from an informational to a transactional bot Identifying transactional needs Examples of transactions the bot is handling Future plans st|Thursday February 18th at 11-11.50am EET / 10-10.50am CET / 9-9.50am GMT circa 67% completing conversations transactional requests Key takeaways REGISTER NOW Speakers Dan Goodwin, Omni Channel Development Manager at Hoist Finance Jari Annala, CEO, Co-Founder, Front AI h2|Post navigation WEBINAR: From an Informational to a Transactional Bot Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Front AI has appointed Michael Fischer as new Country Manager for Denmark starting in his position June 17th 2019.​ Michael joins with extensive experience from DHI, IBM and CA, where he has held senior sales positions in In his current position, Michael will lead the market entry for Front AI in Denmark. – I have worked in IBM for 10 years with different AI products. AI has been applied in many areas, but improving the customer experience has a great potential and impact. Organisations, both B2c and B2B, across industries are aware of the need to automate customer service, and are thinking about the possibilities of meeting the customer demands 24/7 cost-effectively. The automation of customer service has been challenging due to restrictions in handling customer communication, and the variety of systems and tools in use – until now, explained Michael. – We in Front AI see Denmark as one of our key markets. There is a lot of activity and interest on the market today. I am extremely happy to welcome Michael to join our team. He brings his strong experience and business insight with him and I have a strong trust in him to help us with the market entry, commented Jari Annala, CEO and Co-Founder of Front AI. Front AI provides a full range of services for Conversational AI in customer service. Front AI’s intelligent Service Bots understand any language or dialect and do not mind about spelling mistakes. The Service Bots serve your clients by completing service requests and executing routine tasks automatically 24/7 without human intervention. The Bots are delivered from cloud-based enterprise platform covering multiple countries, multiple languages and multiple businesses. h2|Post navigation Front AI Has Appointed New Country Manager for Denmark Information Technology and Environmental Services industries. Michael has graduated from Boston University – School of Management and from The Danish Technical University. Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Front AI has developed an HR chatbot, which specialises in corona virus-related questions and its effects in your organisation’s working conditions and environment. The HR bot uses Conversational AI, and it answers employees’ corona questions around-the-clock using natural language. The bot is delivered from customer’s intranet, has a customizable visual layout, and contains organisation-specific guidelines in addition to generic content. • When can I stay off from work? • What about salary? • Do I need a medical certificate? • Does my employer apply for Social Insurance Institution benefits, or do I do it myself? • Are we allowed to work from home? • Does my insurance cover working from home? • What if my family members get sick? • Quarantine? • Symptoms? • Protective measures and guidelines The service contains general Corona-related questions, as well as organisation-specific inquiries regarding employment relationships and policies. New questions are added to the service as users submit them, and generic content is automatically accessible to everyone. Maintaining information is real-time and easy. We have developed this service in co-operation with our clients, and our partner ONNI Health ensures the correctness of our health care guidelines. Frequently asked questions about deploying the corona bot No, we have packaged the service and content, and artificial intelligence works in a shared environment. The HR bot is the most economical neural network-based application so far. Contact Jari Annala for pricing details. No, it is not. We have trained artificial intelligence on your behalf. You will only need to add your organisation-specific responses. No, they are not. The deployment will take less than half a day and daily maintenance less than 30 minutes. To how many unnecessary queries is your HR department responding daily? I doubt it. The situation is changing fast, and the information is getting outdated in hours. People usually read QA lists once and do not return even if the situation changes and the content is updated. . We will be launching the HR bot also in Swedish and Danish soon. The service is delivered from a centralised cloud platform and does not require any upfront investment. The organisation can maintain its answers or use default responses of its choice. You can change replies in real-time, or we can manage the content for you as a service. The HR bot gives general advice following the organisation’s policy and does not take a stand on personal matters. The platform complies with the GDPR requirements. The employer’s HR bot can be configured in days, making it possible to launch the service quickly to employees. st|Employees can quickly find answers to their corona related questions, such as: Is artificial intelligence expensive? Is artificial intelligence difficult? Are setup and maintenance tedious? I already have useful QA lists? h2|Post navigation HR chatbot specialising in corona virus-related questions. Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|AI-infused customer service | 10.12.2019 | Tuborg Boulevard Welcome to -event hosted by Digital Workforce and Front AI. If you’re looking to save time, money and improve customer experience with intelligent automation in 2020, this is your chance to combine valuable insights and x-mas spirit. At this exciting afternoon get together, we will learn best practices, tips and experiences from both industry-leading customers, e.g. Tryg, one of the largest non-life insurance companies in the Nordic region , and intelligent automation specialists to help you unleash the potential of AI. Tuborg Boulevard 12 DK-2900 Hellerup 10. december 2019 kl. 16:00-18:00 Welcome As AI becomes more common, we start to see intelligence as part of the future’s automation. Experience a few examples how our customers have gained benefits. When data is exploited with AI we increase user experience and benefit from higher loyalty, happier customers – and increased revenue. How do we attain this in real life? Tryg presents why and how they have implemented their virtual agent RoSa. They will share experiences during the process and goals for the future. Glögg with side dishes is served. Registration via Digital Workforce’s website, click . st|AI-infused customer service Where: When: Agenda: Examples of AI infused automation Enhancement of User Experience with AI Tryg’s implementation of virtual agents We wish you a merry Christimas h2|Post navigation AI-infused customer service – Afternoon talks and mulled wine Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Intelligent Automation Disruption Summit | 3.10.2019 | Bio Rex, Helsinki How to vision, innovate, lead, and succeed in business with a workforce of people, robots, and artificial intelligence, both now and in the future? How to seamlessly integrate and control robotics, artificial intelligence, and service bots while scaling and gaining benefits across the organisation? Intelligent automation technologies automate routine work, innovate, and respond immediately to customer needs 24/7. Changing and entirely new business processes require organisations to develop new skills and leadership. This event features pioneer experiences, customer stories, and industry-leading experts. Speaker presentations are below; all keynotes are chaired by Peter Nyman. The breakfast seminar is free of charge for our invited guests. The event is hosted by Digital Workforce, the world’s leading provider of intelligent automation services, and , a company specializing in conversational artificial intelligence. 8.00 Breakfast is served 9.00 Welcome, opening words, Peter Nyman 9.10 Developing digital healthcare – safe, fast, and secure? Visa Honkanen, MD, Docent, Development Manager, HUS 9.40 Combining RPA with AI – What organisations have achieved? Heikki Länsisyrjä, Partner, Digital Workforce 10.00 How automation is supporting Nordea’s transformation? Agnieszka Belowska Gosławska, Head of Robotics Center of Excellence, Nordea 10.40 Break 10.55 Digital Transformation in Support Functions – Overview and Trends? Tom Bangemann, Senior Vice President Business Transformation, The Hackett Group 11.35 What’s next after Chatbots – How Conversational AI has finally fulfilled the promises Chatbots made. Jari Annala CEO Front AI & Matti Toivonen, CXO, Front AI 12.00 The event ends st|The coolest technology event this autumn! Disruptive, intelligent automation technologies as drivers of digitalization. Program h2|Post navigation Intelligent Automation Disruption Summit – Helsinki 3.10.2019 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Thursday June 6, 2019 at 8:30-12:00 ! Lasipalatsi, Mannerheimintie 22-24, 00100 Helsinki Customers expect , which challenges service units to develop their operations. Technology – particularly AI and automation – can help to respond to customer needs and improve customer experience. The next generation are capable of having natural conversations in the Nordic languages, understanding slang and spelling mistakes, and executing service requests while having customer dialogue. AI-based service bots can of informational requests and of customers’ service requests. As service bots take care of a large volume of dialogues, the job of an agent is changing from responding to routine questions to solving more complicated and personalised requests. The ongoing organisations, and internal and external customer service units. When to use a service bot and when not? How to jump into change quickly and effectively? What does the implementation of service bots require from organisations? Welcome to a organised by Front AI and In this briefing you will discover the latest trends and technological opportunities in customer service. In addition, – a virtual agent and also the most efficient worker at Nordea. The event takes place in Lasipalatsi on June 6, 2019 at 8.30-12.00. The breakfast is served in the morning and lunch after the event. The briefing is free of charge for our invited guests. Jari Annala, Founder & CEO, Front AI Lars Selsås, Founder & CEO, Matti Toivonen, CXO, Front AI Egild Homme Technical Coordinator, Business Support and Martin Laukvik, Senior Business Developer, Strategy and Proposition, Business Banking, Nordea Bank By submitting this form you agree that we may contact you in a manner as describribed in our st|Date: This event is now fully booked! Location: a 24/7 digital customer service AI chatbots solve 80% execute 30-50% change affects both B2C and B2B unique breakfast briefing Nordea Bank will share their experiences of Nova This event is now fully booked! Agenda 8.30-9.00 Breakfast 9.00 Opening words 9.10-9.45 Making the impossible language possible? An introduction to the technology behind conversational AI 9.45-10.25 Customer service should not be automated, and 9 other myths of AI in customer service 10.30-11.15 Introducing Nova – Nordea’s most efficient employee 11.15 Questions and summary 11.30-12.00 Lunch Register here h2|Post navigation Breakfast seminar: AI-powered customer service of the future Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|We are presenting at the Intelligent RPA och robotar i kundtjänst- breakfast seminar in Stockholm on May the 9th, organised by Digital Workforce and UiPath. This event is targeted for customer service centres and contact centres looking for solutions to speed up service, cut costs and improve service quality. Do you know how to make most out of the valuable data you collect without stretching your resources to a breaking point? More about the event and registration . h2|Post navigation Intelligent RPA och robotar i kundtjänst -event in Stockholm Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Laurea lähti liikkeelle keskustelevan tekoälyn kanssa syksyllä 2019. Palvelubotti Pii opastaa ja palvelee opiskelijoita jo toista vuotta eri palveluissa: opiskelija- ja hakijapalvelut, Service Desk, kirjastopalvelut sekä KV-palvelut. Tekoäly ymmärtää loppukäyttäjien luonnollisella kielellä esittämät kysymykset, vaikka ne sisältäisivät kirjoitusvirheitä, slangia tai murretta. Integraatioiden avulla palvelubotilta saa tietoa myös kahden muun korkeakoulun kurssitarjonnasta sekä avoimista työpaikoista. Tervetuloa webinaariin, jossa Laurean projektipäällikkö Maaret Usvasalmi ja IT-asiakaspalvelupäällikkö Sami Ahlgren kertovat käytännön kokemuksista, projektin eri vaiheista sekä tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista. Tule kuulemaan, kuinka projekti sai alkunsa, miten käyttöönotto sujui ja näe, miten palvelubotti toimii. Laurean palvelubotti perustuu esiopetettuun malliin, jota kehitetään yhdessä mukana olevien oppilaitosten kanssa. Kaikki malliin lisättävät uudet aikeet ovat kaikkien asiakkaidemme hyödynnettävissä. Esiopetettu tekoälymalli kattaa laajasti yleisimmät opiskelija- ja IT-palveluiden tarpeet, tällä hetkellä aikeita on yli 300! Aikeiden tunnistus ei perustu avainsanahakuihin, vaan tekoäly analysoi lauseet syväoppivan neuroverkon avulla. Tämä webinaari on suunnattu erityisesti oppilaitosten ja julkisen hallinnon asiakaspalvelun, asiakaskokemuksen ja liiketoiminnan kehityksen parissa toimiville. • Miten keskusteleva tekoäly soveltuu korkeakouluympäristöön? • Mitä projektin eri vaiheet pitivät sisällään ja miten ne resursoitiin? • Mitä palvelubotin ylläpito tarkoittaa? • Demo – näe palvelubotti toiminnassa • Mikä on korkeakoulubotti? Jos et pääse mukaan livewebinaariin 25.3., voit kuitenkin rekisteröityä ja saat linkin tallenteeseen tapahtuman jälkeen. Maaret Usvasalmi, projektipäällikkö, Laurea Maaret toimii Laureassa projektipäällikkönä ja oli mukana palvelubotti Piin käyttöönotossa. Sami Ahlgren, IT-asiakaspalvelupäällikkö, Laurea Sami on IT:n asiakaspalvelupäällikkö Laureassa ja on ollut läheisesti mukana Piin käyttöönotossa ja vastaa sen kehityksestä. Ray Byman, myyntijohtaja, Front AI Ray toimii Front AI Oy Suomen myyntijohtajana. Hänellä on pitkä ICT-kokemus eri organisaatiosta ja eri rooleista ja hänen intohimonsa on auttaa asiakkaita. Lämpimästi tervetuloa mukaan webinaariin! st|TÄSSÄ WEBINAARISSA OPIT MM. KATSO TALLENNE PUHUJAT h2|Post navigation Avaimet onnistuneeseen korkeakoulubottiprojektiin – Case Laurea Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Torstai 6.6.2019 klo 8:30-12:00 – Lasipalatsi, Mannerheimintie 22-24, 00100 Helsinki Asiakkaiden odotukset haastavat palveluyksiköitä kehittämään toimintaansa. Teknologian – erityisesti tekoälyn ja automaation – avulla voidaan vastata asiakkaiden tarpeisiin ja parantaa asiakaskokemusta. keskustelevat luonnollisesti pohjoismaisilla kielillä, ymmärtävät slangia ja kirjoitusvirheitä sekä ratkaisevat palvelupyyntöjä keskustelun lomassa. Tekoälypohjaiset palvelubotit hoitavat itsenäisesti sekä toteuttavat jopa . Palvelubottien hoitaessa ison massan keskusteluita agenttien toimenkuva muuttuu rutiinikysymysten vastaamisesta haastavampien ja yksilöllisten palvelupyyntöjen ratkaisemiseen. Meneillään oleva muutos koskee niin organisaatioita sekä sisäisiä ja ulkoisia palvelukeskuksia. Mihin palvelubotti sopii ja mihin ei? Miten päästä mukaan muutokseen nopeasti ja tehokkaasti? Mitä palvelubottien käyttöönotto edellyttää organisaatiolta? Tervetuloa Front AI:n ja järjestämään ainutlaatuiseen aamiaisseminaariin kuulemaan uusimmat trendit sekä teknologian mahdollisuudet asiakaspalvelussa. Lisäksi Nordea kertoo kokemuksiaan heidän virtuaalisesta agentistaan Novasta, joka on Nordean tehokkain työntekijä. Tilaisuus järjestetään Lasipalatsissa torstaina 6.6. klo 8.30-12. Päivä alkaa aamiaisella ja päättyy lounaaseen. Tilaisuus on kutsuvieraille maksuton. Jari Annala, Founder & CEO, Front AI Lars Selsås, Founder & CEO, Matti Toivonen, CXO, Front AI Egild Homme Technical Coordinator, Business Support and Martin Laukvik, Senior Business Developer, Strategy and Proposition, Business Banking, Nordea Bank By submitting this form you agree that we may contact you in a manner as describribed in our st|Aika: Huom! Suosittu tilaisuus on täynnä! Voit ilmoittautua jonotuslistalle. Paikka: 24/7 digitaaliselle asiakaspalvelulle Uuden sukupolven chatbotit 80 % kyselyistä 30-50 % asiakkaiden palvelupyynnöistä B2C kuin B2B Huom! Suosittu tilaisuus on täynnä! Voit ilmoittautua jonotuslistalle. Agenda 8.30-9.00 aamiainen 9.00 Tilaisuuden avaus 9.10-9.45 Making the impossible language possible? An introduction to the technology behind conversational AI 9.45-10.25 Asiakaspalvelua ei pitäisi automatisoida ja 9 muuta myyttiä AI:sta asiakaspalvelussa 10.30-11.15 Introducing Nova – Nordea’s most efficient employee 11.15 Kysymyksiä ja yhteenveto 11.30-12.00 lounas Rekisteröityminen h2|Post navigation Aamiaisseminaari: Tulevaisuuden tekoälyavusteinen asiakaspalvelu Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Edenred on hyödyntänyt keskustelevaa tekoälyä eli palvelubotti Ellaa osana asiakaspalveluaan pian vuoden. Ella palvelee Edenredin kaikkia asiakasryhmiä osana asiakaspalvelutiimiä. Keskustelevan tekoälyn ylätason mahdollisuudet ja strategiset hyödyt ovat paljon esillä, mutta miten päästä tekoälybotin kanssa käytännön tasolla alkuun ja oppia toimimaan tehokkaasti osana asiakaspalvelutiimiä? Tule kuulemaan Edenredin konkreettisia kokemuksia ja vinkkejä keskustelevan tekoälyn valjastamisesta osaksi organisaation päivittäistä asiakaspalvelua. Tämä webinaari on suunnattu asiakaspalvelun, asiakaskokemuksen ja liiketoiminnan kehityksen parissa toimiville. • Mitä ottaa huomioon kun aloitat tekoälyn parissa • Vinkkejä, vältä nämä sudenkuopat • Haasteet ja onnistumiset • Käytännön opit • Mitä mieltä asiakkaat ovat olleet Jos et pääse mukaan livewebinaariin 26.11., voit kuitenkin rekisteröityä ja saat linkin tallenteeseen tapahtuman jälkeen. Customer Care Manager, Edenred Työskentelen Edenredillä asiakaspalvelupäällikkönä. Vastuulleni kuuluu asiakaspalvelun johtaminen ja kehittäminen niin toimintamallien, prosessien kuin työkalujen osalta. Tekoälyyn tutustuin ensimmäisen kerran syksyllä 2019 kun päädyimme aloittamaan yhteistyön Front AI:n kanssa. Itse Ellaan pääsin paremmin tutustumaan palattuani vanhempainvapaalta tämän syksyn alussa. Ellan rooli asiakaspalvelussa ja asiakaskokemuksen kehittämisessä tulee olemaan merkittävä osa toimintaamme. Project Manager, Edenred Aloitin työskentelyn Edenredillä Katjan äitiyslomasijaisena syksyllä 2019 ja pääsin heti mukaan myös tähän super mielenkiintoiseen projektiin, eli Ellan rekryämiseen ja kouluttamiseen osaksi asiakaspalvelutiimiä. Katjan palattua vanhempainvapaalta, siirryin nyt syksyllä projektipäälliköksi vastaamaan projekteista, joiden tavoitteena on asiakaskokemuksen ja asiakaskommunikaation kehittäminen. Tekoälyn laajempi hyödyntäminen ja kehittäminen on siis jatkossakin yksi työtehtävistäni. CEO, Front AI Jari on Front AI toimitusjohtaja ja yksi perustajaosakkaista. Jarilla on pitkä kokemus palveluliiketoiminnan johtamisesta ja kasvattamisesta kansainvälisissä organisaatioissa sekä prosessien automatisoinnista, modernisoinnista ja kehittämisestä. Jari on johtanut kasvuyrityksiä menestyksekkäästi niin nousukautena kuin haastavampina aikoina. st|Aika: Torstai 26.11. klo 10-10.50 Katja Austero, Terhi Ojanen, Jari Annala, h2|Post navigation h4|Tässä webinaarissa opit mm. Puhujat Webinaari: Käytännön askeleet tekoälybotin käyttöönotossa – Case Edenred Ilmoittaudu tästä linkistä webinaariin Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Customer service is a service from human to human and it should not be automated, right? In this guide we will explain, how the next generation AI-based service bots will bust the often-faced myths around service automation and take your customer experience beyond traditional. and get access to the guide. By submitting this form you agree that we may contact you in a manner as describribed in our h3|Fill out the form below Busting myths about service automation with conversational AI and NLP 10 myths of AI in Customer Service Back to main page Back to News page pa|This year has been my introduction to the world of artificial intelligence and bots. I must say that the terminology here is extremely confusing. We call a trivial button bot a chatbot, but we also call Conversational AI, based on a deep learning neural network– guess what – a chatbot, of course. It is a bit like comparing a soapbox car and a Rolls Royce and saying that both are cars, since both have four wheels and brakes. So what determines a car? And what determines a bot? It has been quite staggering to observe that a task, which a simple bot can hardly stretch at their best, can be actually very trivial for the most advanced virtual assistants. Based on some live samples on random web sites I saw all too often very simple button bots popping up on most of the pages. They were usually asking whether you would be interested in “getting more sales” or “ordering a service” or “some other help.” And usually whichever button you press, the answer is “Hang on a sec, I will connect you with our customer service (or sales)”. In your mind, what is the actual added value of a bot here? Similarly, I asked a bot placed on a bank’s website how to apply a credit card. I was at least as puzzled as the poor bot when I saw it typing to me that “sorry, I did not understand the question. Can you try something simpler?”. I also asked an insurance bot what should I do after a car crash, but unfortunately it did not know, what a car crash is and offered me help of a human colleague. Oh, my! Maybe the exotic terms I was using “credit card” and “car accident” did not feel too relevant for those companies? Should I have been using more simple language “how one get credit card?” or “man woman car accident what do?”. Somehow I was just not feeling very comfortable writing “in bottish”. I prefer using my mother tongue. – Or maybe those bots just happened to have quite lousy algorithm in them. Having said that, fortunately, on some websites you can also find pretty advanced true Conversational AI bots that switch the language when you switch it e.g. from Swedish to English. They also answer fluently questions like “what does it cost” to show they understand contextual questions. And they can recognize the word despite spelling mistakes like “crdeit cardd” or “caar acccident”. Super! Let’s hope that different bots get their own names and terms at some point soon. So, we do not have to always show a demo to prove that our car also has an engine, head lights, windscreen wipers and a touch screen – and all built-in at no extra cost. Incidentally, we will be soon releasing a guide to describe what are the differences between various kinds of bots . When reading it, you can may think whether you need a soapbox car, a light vehicle, a family car, a truck or a racing car. A car is a car, right? Or maybe not. Better read the guide when it comes out! h2|Post navigation Why all bots are not equal – And why a soapbox car is not called a Formula 1 Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Despite strong in-house development tradition and skills, Slush decided this time to build Botzilla using commercial technology in order to speed up the development and selected the platform. The project took only 6 weeks from start to go-live. Based on the experience from previous years Slush was prepared to handle inquiries also manually with a team of 12 volunteer support agents. It turned out that Botzilla was able to reach a 90% resolution rate freeing up 10 volunteer support agents to help with other event tasks. Welcome to our webinar on Wednesday the 13th of May at 10 am EEST (9am CEST), where Rasmus Ekholm, Head of Product at Slush and Jari Annala, CEO of Front AI, share their expert view on using Conversational AI to create an engaging customer experience. Head of Product, Slush Rasmus Ekholm is heading the software team of Slush, the team behind software products such as Matchmaking by Slush and Slush Platform. In prior to his leadership role at Slush, he spent two years traveling around Europe launching Slush events in London, Paris & Berlin, making sure that the European startup ecosystem was aware of Slush. CEO, Front AI Jari is CEO and co-founder of Front AI. He has a long experience for working as business leased in international service organisations, automating processes, streamlining processes and reorganizing the activities. He has been leading growth organisations in good times as well as turnaround/crisis companies in down turn. Read more about st|13.5.2020 at 10 am EEST (9am CEST) Europe’s largest startup Slush used Conversational AI at the 2019 event, and resolved 90% of attendee inquiries with its Virtual Agent, Botzilla. Slush, the famous hotspot of startups, VCs and tech enthusiasts, attracts 25,000 attendees and is committed to delivering an exceptional customer service experience with the help of its staff and the state-of-art technology. Slush’s journey with chatbots Training Conversational AI – experiences and recommendations What did the attendees ask? What was achieved? How was the feedback from the attendees? Slush’s plans going forward. Rasmus Ekholm Jari Annala h2|Post navigation h4|The discussion topics include: SPEAKERS Webinar: How Conversational AI solved almost all attendee inquiries at Slush? Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Som ett led i att hela tiden utveckla och förbättra kundupplevelsen bestämde sig för att implementera en intelligent chatbot s.k. Conversational AI. Chatboten förstår och kan svara på kundens grundläggande frågor med ett naturligt språk och kompletterar SBABs kundservice genom att besvara enklare frågor på ett tillgängligt och effektivt sätt. Projektet för att implementera och lansera en chatbot som vid lanseringen kunde besvara grundläggande frågor inom området bolån genomfördes på endast tre månader! Under kommer SBAB bl a prata om: Välkommen att vara med på detta webinar med SBAB som arrangeras av Front AI tillsammans med . li|Erfarenheter och resultat efter att Chatbotten Bo hjälpt SBABs kunder under nästan 6 månader. Hur är det att arbeta med en AI-baserad lösning i praktiken Hur lätt/svårt var det att lära sig Conversational AI utan tidigare erfarenhet? Varför SBAB valde Front AI och Conversational AI plattformen st|Onsdag den 3 juni kl 09.00 CEST h2|Post navigation Webinar: Hur SBAB förstärkt sin kundupplevelse med hjälp av Conversational AI Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Press release April 26, 2019 Matti joins Front AI from Ticketmaster, where he was Service Director being responsible for Customer Service and Information Technology. He has a strong track record on leading customer service, service management, process development and information technology. Matti has also founded a professional network,, that aims to develop customer service and experience within Finnish organisations. “I am extremely happy to see Matti joining the Front AI team. Matti has a long experience in customer service. He will bring with him his expertise to maximize the customer experience and how to automate the customer interactions. I am looking forward to moving customer experience among our customers to a completely different level by combining the best practices and the most modern AI based tools” , said Jari Annala, CEO of Front AI. “My passion is to constantly develop customer experience and service. The way customers interact with organisations is changing dramatically right now as technology, especially Artificial Intelligence, opens new ways to deliver services. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of this revolution from the beginning of Front AI to help organisations to deliver great customer experiences with AI based service automation.” explained Toivonen. Front AI is leading company specialized in AI based Service Bots understanding natural language and automating the routine contacts in customer service. By utilising neural network based conversational AI solutions, customers are able to go beyond traditional service and offer service based on the demands of the digital era: fast and 24/7. “The development of natural language processing has taken huge steps lately, especially with the Nordic languages. The 2nd generation AI powered automation platforms can handle smooth communication with excellent availability, scalability and proven customer experience. As the communication is no longer a bottleneck, the automation focus will now turn into executing customer requests. This will be a game-changer for any organisation seeking for better customer experience and performance”, told Toivonen. Jari Annala, Partner & CEO, Front AI, +358 400 338 585, Matti Toivonen, Partner & CXO, Front AI, +358 400 422 802, Front AI is leading company specialising in AI based Service Bots, which understand natural language and automate the routine contacts in customer service. We help our customers to provide automated 24/7 service for their clients. We focus on providing services in the Nordic countries. Our HQ is located in Helsinki, Finland. st|The core team of Front AI, delivering Artificial Intelligence based service automation, is growing. To strengthen the existing skills with industry domain and process knowledge, the company has appointed Chief Experience Officer (CXO), Matti Toivonen. Contacts About Front AI h2|Post navigation Service bot company Front AI appoints a seasoned Chief Experience Officer (CXO) Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Conversational AI is a viable channel for employers to provide always-on and up-to-date information to employees also in these exceptional times. Conversational AI is never too busy or absent and only replies according to the latest company policies. Welcome to our webinar on Thursday the 30th at 10am EEST, where Jari Annala and Janne Aaltonen share their experiences and present solutions, how HR can utilise Conversational AI in handling internal communications in this COVID-19 situation. Business Director, Med Group See more . CEO, Front AI Jari is CEO and co-founder of Front AI. He has a long experience for working as business leased in international service organisations, automating processes, streamlining processes and reorganizing the activities. He has been leading growth organisations in good times as well as turnaround/crisis companies in down turn. li|COVID-19 took many organisations by surprise. How has the crisis communication managed to keep up with the situation? What have been the typical ways of communications? Why don’t they seem to be enough in such a rapidly evolving situation? What are people asking? What are typical generic questions and organisation-specific? Can I get started now? How much effort does it take from HR/communications to launch Conversational AI? What does it take to update content? How does it work in practice? st|Succeeding in internal crisis communication is not an easy task. Employees expect to access up-to-date information across different channels and formats 24/7. During COVID-19 outbreak it has been harder than ever when new information has been flooding in every day, sometimes even several times a day. The discussion topics include: Janne Aaltonen Jari Annala h2|Post navigation h5|Speakers Webinar: How to benefit from Conversational AI in internal crisis communication? 30.04.2020 at 10am EEST Janne works currently at Med Group as a Business Director responsible for healthcare services, and is consulting anesthesiologist and MBA by education. Earlier he has worked as a C-level officer in Helsinki University Hospital. Janne considers himself as a gadget freak and feels enthusiastic about AI services such as Amazon Alexa. Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|RPA and Intelligent Automation have transformed many back-office functions, such as finance and accounting. While the majority of the current use cases for RPA are in the back-office operations, the pioneers are already utilising RPA and other intelligent automation technologies, like Conversational AI, in customer operations. By 2023, there will be a 30% increase in the use of RPA for front office functions (sales and customer experience), according to Gartner. How to identify the high impact, high visibility business goals for front-office automation? How to make holistic mapping and avoid isolated islands of task automation? Tune in to find out , delivering a 25% to 80% reduction in workload whilst also increasing customer loyalty and spend! Discover via three use cases, how Intelligent Automation can improve CX and help customer contact and communication services today. Head of Business Development & Legal, Digital Workforce Karri is the Head of Business Development and Legal and he leads the global partner sales operations in Digital Workforce. Karri has over two decades of business experience in the ICT industry and has been responsible for various business operations and has led global sales efforts at organizations such in Basware Corporation and Telia Corporation. Karri has a Master of Law from the University of Helsinki and holds an MBA from University of Reading, Henley Business School. di|The webinar is moderated by Karri Lehtonen. Director, Mobile Cloud Simon has 25 years of customer experience solution, and transformation consulting delivery experience. His expertise is in omni-channel technology led consulting in retail, digital, contact centre, and back office functions. He has worked in telecoms, retail banking, insurance, and media industries, helping clients to improve their customer experience management capabilities, and customer service efficiency & effectiveness. CEO, Partner, Front AI Jari is CEO and co-founder of Front AI. He has a long experience in working as a business leader in international service organisations, automating and streamlining processes and developing operations. He has been leading growth organisations both in good and more challenging times. li|Understand convergence of CX and Intelligent Automation technologies The Value of CX RPA and typical use cases Self – Assess your CX RPA adoption readiness Learn from real world examples Opportunity identification and prioritisation st|Thursday January 28 at 10-10.50 am UK time Is 2021 the breakthrough year for intelligent automation in customer operations? how you can transform your Customer Operations Key takeaways from this session SIMON WRIGHT JARI ANNALA KARRI LEHTONEN h2|Post navigation h4|Speakers Webinar: Radically Transform Your Customer Operations with Intelligent Automation Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|“The AI chatbot market is doubling each year. We are positioning ourselves as a game-changer in customer conversations by automating a majority of customer dialogues. In addition to providing information and guidance, our bots can recognise customers and their personalised needs and directly handle most actions in IT systems traditionally used by customer service agents. This is a true, value-added service for end- customers waiting to be served around the clock. Our technology partner is the next generation chatbot – neural network based conversational AI platform, which enables new kind of intelligent and integrated customer service automations previously not possible”, said Jari Annala, CEO of Front AI. “The Front AI team has deep industry knowledge in our key customer segments, such as in the financial, telecom and insurance sectors. We see great potential in industry-specific use cases going beyond traditional customer service. For example, an enterprise may extend the question-answer chatbot solution within customer operations to update customer data in IT tools like ERP systems, CRM systems etc. without building integrations with these tools”, said Henry Vaage Iversen, Chief Commercial Officer of The same experienced investors and people are behind both Front AI and Digital Workforce Services: Capman Growth Fund, Leena Niemistö, Lifeline Ventures and private investors. Digital Workforce, the leading Intelligent Process Automation company, has grown from a startup to a growth company employing over 200 people globally in less than four years. “Front AI has a unique value proposition to automate end-to-end customer service workflows and processes in the fast-growing market for chatbots. The timing is right now and the 2nd generation AI chatbots are ready to make a breakthrough. The team has an impressive track record of growth and technical AI skills from Digital Workforce. There is no doubt in my mind that we’ll see Front AI becoming a market leader in Conversational AI services”, commented Juha Mikkola Managing Partner at Capman Growth Fund. Front AI is initially targeting the Nordic market. Jari Annala – CEO, Front AI, +358 40 033 8585, Henry Vaage Iversen – Chief Commercial Officer,, +4745407334, Juha Mikkola – Managing Partner, Capman Growth Fund, +358 50 590 0522, st|New Conversational AI Company Front AI Raises €500k in Seed Funding: Creating a Game-changing Chatbot Service beyond Traditional Customer Interactions [Helsinki 11.3.2019] – Front AI, a Helsinki-based AI chatbot service startup that allows organisations to automate customer service interactions through the use of advanced chatbot and AI technology, announced today it had raised €500,000 Seed Funding from the owners of Digital Workforce: Capman Growth Fund, Leena Niemistö, Lifeline Ventures and the co-founders. The raised capital will be used to create a unique conversational AI solution that changes the way chatbots are used not only for informational, but also for transactional purposes: chatbots can serve customers and execute their requests 24/7. Media contacts: h2|Post navigation Press release: New Conversational AI Company Front AI Raises €500k in Seed Funding Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Press release 30.4.2019 – There will be many job vacancies within applied AI in the near future. There are already some bot whisperers working in Finnish organisations. These self-learned and often over-loaded people are usually recruited within an organisation. There will be an increasing demand for bot whisperers as chatbot services become more and more common. The sooner the organisations are able to employ industry-trained bot whisperers in their teams, the more successful the implementations will be, told Jari Annala, one of the founders of Front AI. – Today the questions that chatbots receive from customers are quite general, but as chatbots go deeper into business, they must be able to converse also around industry-specific topics. Artificial Intelligence may offer an interesting new career. Applied AI can be combined with different personal areas of expertise, such as medical, health, language, business, technical, administrative or law, and why not in traditional programming, continued Jari. Front AI Academy is searching for students in their final year or recently graduated from different fields. The submission criteria include good grades in the Finnish Matriculation Examination, good language skills in mother tongue (Finnish, Swedish or Danish), advanced math and interest in learning new skills. In addition, it is required that students have passed the free Elements of AI course, offered by Reaktor and University of Helsinki. The training does not require programming skills or special mathematical skills. The most important qualities are precision, logical thinking and language perception skills. A bot whisperer is a future profession, where a trainer using his or her own mother tongue teaches chatbots to understand natural language used by humans and defines question-answer pairs and dialogue structures. A bot whisperer also analyses customer service requests and uses these to train chatbots to better interpret people. The 2nd generation AI-based chatbots are already able to reply to detailed and industry-specific routine questions and they become better all the time. The duration of the Front AI Academy basic course is two weeks. The multiform course includes self-study, remote training and contact teaching. After successfully completing the course the graduate is a certified AI Trainer and masters the basics of NLP. The course is free of charge for participants. The graduates can find job opportunities within Front AI customer projects or in other AI companies. The application opens in May and the first training starts before summer. The objective is to train 100 bot whisperers to Finland by the end of year. Jari Annala, Partner & CEO – Front AI, +358 400 338 585 Front AI is leading company specialising in AI based Service Bots, which understand natural language and automate the routine contacts in customer service. We help our customers to provide automated 24/7 service for their clients. We focus on providing services in the Nordic countries. Our HQ is located in Helsinki, Finland. st|Front AI, a Conversational AI company focusing on automating customer service contacts, has launched an Artificial Intelligence academy. The academy trains bot whisperers, who teach chatbots to interact with humans in a natural, smart and comprehensive way. The objective is to train 100 natural language specialists (Natural Language Processing, NLP) in Finland by the end of 2019. The bot whisperers will be able to facilitate chatbot and other NLP implementations across different industries. Contacts About Front AI h2|Post navigation Conversational AI company Front AI to launch a training academy for bot whisperers Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Edenred, part of the international Edenred Group, is the leading employee benefits provider in Finland. Edenred launched Ella, a Conversational AI-based customer service bot, in the winter of 2019-2020. Read the case story to learn e.g., how Ella’s personality was created, what has been the end-user feedback so far, and how many conversations Ella is handling. h2|Post navigation Edenred’s AI bot Ella serves all customer groups in employee benefit related questions Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|We are facing a new situation in work-life following COVID-19. There is a lot of uncertainty around returning to workplaces. Employees have experienced this crisis in many different ways, and they have a high volume of questions to HR and management. Some feel depressed; some are eager to return to the office, while others are more reluctant and fearful with the uncertainty. Furthermore, the overall settings are dynamic, and no one knows what follows next. The welfare and safety of the workers should be a top priority for all managers; it is also the foundation for getting the business back to normal and on a growth track. How can HR and managers support employees’ well-being and smoothly onboard people back to work: onsite, remote or a combination of the two? How to effectively communicate the new national and organisation-specific guidelines, protocols and rules in this new and changing situation, and make sure that employees understand what leaders expect from them? a well-known psychologist and leader&career coach, who helps leaders with their professional and personal development. She runs her own company Life&Career since 20 years. Lena provides executive outplacement, stressmanagement, coaching, mentoring and training. She has experience from both the government, the parliament and private companies in all sectors. • How has our worklife changed after corona? • Tips to face people as humans, lead with empathy and deal with the most common questions HR department will get • How can Conversational AI support that all facts are delivered to the employees at all times • How Conversational AI can support that COVID-19 facts and organisation’s latest guidelines about the “New Normal” are available for all employees at any time 24/7. st|Webinar | Thursday the 20th August | 9:00-9:50 CEST | 10:00-10:50 EEST Join our webinar with Lena Mangell, h2|Post navigation h4|The key take-aways Webinar: How should HR and Managers plan to return to the workplace after COVID-19 spring? Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Come and meet us at the We are sponsoring this event on May the 7th in Copenhagen together with our partner The event is organised by Computer World and it is free of charge for delegates. Enjoy insightful presentations, learn the best use cases and come by our stand to check out live demos. h2|Post navigation Front AI attending Fremtidens kundeservice med chatbots og kunstig intelligens in Copenhagen Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|(Kela) and Digital Workforce have signed a four-year agreement that covers the implementation of an intelligent chatbot technology platform. Kela has an essential role in providing social security coverage to the Finnish population at different stages of life. In terms of the number of customer service interactions across all channels, its operations are among the largest in Finland. Kela also offers services to employers on a range of issues affecting their workforce. In 2020, Kela completed a total of about 3 million office- and call center-based customer service interactions. Additionally, there were a total of 64.4 million log-ins to Kela’s e-services. Seventy-two percent of all benefit applications reviewed by Kela were filed online. Kela has taken steps to improve not only its e-service offering but also its customer service function, adopting various automation, robotics, and AI solutions to improve efficiency and customer orientation. Kela has extensive experience with chatbots, having used them in customer service since 2017 to offer quick and convenient access to customer service around the clock. Digital Workforce will supply an innovative conversational AI solution (chatbot) in collaboration with Front AI, Finland’s leading supplier of intelligent chatbots for customer service. As part of the deal, Kela will be able to deploy the latest-generation chatbot platform , which is more technically sophisticated than its predecessors. Kela’s chatbots already now understand Finnish and Swedish. The new platform allows a more advanced analysis of natural language (text and speech), making it possible to provide services that are more intelligent, customer-driven, and personalized for customers. The main goal with the new platform is to guarantee Kela’s ability to respond to the changing needs of its customers both now and in the future. The platform boosts operational efficiency, which ensures that customer service staff have sufficient time for human-to-human interactions. Digital Workforce can also scale up chatbot capabilities flexibly by deploying additional Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) technologies. Digital Workforce is a global leader in delivering intelligent automation solutions for public and private sector organizations. It offers services, tools, and expertise to support clients across the automation lifecycle. Cloud services are the easiest way to build an industrial automation solution that scales with clients’ needs. RPA maintenance ensures that automation solutions can be fully leveraged around the clock. Front AI – a forerunner in customer service automation – specializes in Conversational AI-based Service Bots that fluently understand natural language. The company provides organizations with cutting-edge solutions that help streamline customer service by automating customer queries as well as back-office routine work. Front AI’s Service Bots empower organizations to leverage high-quality automated customer self-service around the clock, fluently in all Nordic languages. The company’s operations are established in the Nordic countries, and its head office is located in Helsinki. Additional information Riikka Lindroos-Järvitalo, Project Manager Kela Tel. 020 634 1328 Jari Annala,, CEO, Partner Tel. 0400 338 585 Timo Maisila, Digital Workforce, Head of Sales Public st|Responding to changing needs Digital Workforce Front AI h2|Post navigation Kela develops customer service: Digital Workforce selected as the new chatbot technology supplier Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|Laurea introduced Pii, its Service Bot built on Conversational AI, in the school’s IT ServiceDesk in January 2020. Learn more about Laurea’s, one of the leading Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland, journey with Conversational AI, from identifying the need to implementing the solution. What have been Laurea’s successes and challenges during the journey and what are Pii’s responsibilities and how the future looks. h2|Post navigation Laurea’s new Service Bot, Pii assisting students with IT-related questions in the School’s ServiceDesk around the clock Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news pa|The intelligent virtual assistant, OuluBot, will be based on conversational AI making it much more capable and secure than traditional chat bots. OuluBot will be capable of truly interactive conversation as well as handling many service requests independently from start to finish. The service bot will act as the primary point of contact for all of the city’s customers. The bot will not only look for answers from pre-recorded question-answer pairs but will be able to search up relevant information from open data and the city’s resources. It can also be used to automate various service processes fully. When launched, OuluBot will be able to handle complex requests, such as applications and other transactions, through chat and various social media channels. “We look forward to developing a revolutionary tool for the city, that in addition to delivering advice in fluent language, is able to handle customer service processes from start to finish. The developed solution will be connectable to all the city’s existing systems as well as be available to customers around the clock on different devices – including mobile”, says Jari Annala, the founder of Front AI. The City of Oulu chose its partners based on the quality of the offered solution. is an internationally leading service company specializing in intelligent automation. The company has successfully automated the processes of several large companies and public organizations utilizing AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technologies. Front AI is the market’s leading expert in solutions based on conversational AI that improve the quality and functionality of customer service. Together the partnering companies were able to offer the city a unique solution combining their core capabilities. The companies will start the development of OuluBot together with the city, for which Oulu has received Business Finland project funding for 2020 – 2021. The aim is to develop a solution that can easily be replicated for the use of other organizations in the future. The project is implemented as an innovative public procurement, which enables the city to involve local residents and staff to innovate in the project. “OuluBot is of a new generation of intelligent digital employees never before seen in the Finnish public sector. The innovation partnership enables the development of excellent digital services for Oulu residents, tourists, and companies. In addition, central to the project is that the built solution is replicable to other organizations – boosting the development of customer-centric digital services further”, sums Timo Maisila, Head of Public Sector Accounts at Digital Workforce. The readiness of people to use digital services has risen over the past years, and as a result, the demands and expectations of local residents regarding these services are also at a high level. “It could be said that we are forced to develop OuluBot – a virtual assistant that can deliver on our customers’ needs”, says Veli-Matti Keloneva, Chief Financial Officer of the City of Oulu. “To be able to provide services outside office hours 24/7, we need to be able to provide the service cost-effectively. Our goal is that OuluBot will help us offer more customer-oriented service where our clients can get service quickly and effectively on one-stop – regardless of what the topic of their question is”, Veli-Matti continues. Read more about h2|Post navigation The City of Oulu launches an innovation project utilizing Intelligent Automation to offer excellent service to all its customers at all times Recent posts March 29, 2021 January 28, 2021 January 25, 2021 Back to all news em|The city of Oulu has entered into an innovation partnership with the intelligent automation service companies Digital Workforce and Front AI. The purpose of the partnership is to develop an AI- service bot for the city’s customer services. The aim of the project is to improve service and guarantee its availability to all customers at all times.