pa|Make requests, incidents, queries, and more with our self-service portal, feating a mobile-first design. Add multi-room chat to improve your experiences further. Provide teams the tools they need to work using agile methods and processes, including embedded reporting, dashboards, and Kanban boards. Use our low-code, drag-and-drop workflow automation to automate any process. News Webinars di|Efecte, a Rising Star for ESM by ISG Efecte has been identified as Rising Star for in Germany in 2021 by ISG, a leading global technology research firm, in the latest ESM provider report. 0 + We help our customers daily with the digitalization of all of their enterprise service management systems, ranging from ITSM to HRSM and even IAM. 0 + We are experts in deploying cloud-based service management systems from a single platform with almost 10 years of experience focusing on SaaS. IT Service Management overtakes Cloud Computing as the most important strategic topic in the DACH region in the next 12 months... h2|Try Efecte ITSM and IAM free for 14 Days! Service Management for Europe, from Europe Get in touch and let's talk about how we could help your business. h3|Customer Installations Years of Experience SaaS Platform Priorities Shift During the Pandemic: ITSM More Important Than Ever ISG Provider Lens: Efecte is a Rising Star inTools Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops Solution sp|We have been developing and deploying service management systems that are flexible enough to meet any business need that can easily be integrated almost anywhere. As the European Alternative to global players, we believe awesome software can be designed, developed, and operated in Europe. We understand the unique requirements surrounding legislation and data privacy in Europe. We believe in building lasting relationships with all of our customers based on trust, respect, collaboration based on European culture. We provide our customers with a SaaS platform deployable in a public or a private cloud environment in your country. Read more » Sign up » ▲ bo|Enterprise Service Management Tools Run Your IT Delight Your Customers Serve Your Employees Run Your Business pa|Gör förfrågningar, anmäl incidenter, ställ frågor och mycket mer. Vår självbetjäningsportal har en mobilanpassad design. Lägg till multi-chatt för en än mer förbättrad användarupplevelse. Ge teamen de verktyg de behöver för att arbeta med agila metoder och processer - inkluderat inbäddad rapportering, dashboards och Kanban vyer. Använd lågkodiga dra-och-släpp arbetsflödesautomatiseringar för att automatisera vilken process som helst. di|Molnbaserad Service Management Digitalisera och automatisera alla era tjänster - enkelt, effektivt och till en vettig kostnad. 0 + Vi hjälper dagligen våra kunder med digitaliseringen av alla deras system för styrning av tjänster - allt ifrån ITSM till HRSM och till och med IAM. 0 + Vi är experter på att leverera molnbaserade service management system - från en central plattform, med över 10 års erfarenhet av fokus på SaaS Anställda arbetar hemifrån i en högre utsträckning än tidigare, vilket har gjort det viktigare än någonsin att som företag ha... Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung digitalizes administrative and IT processes with Efecte. Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung digitalisiert ihre Verwaltungs- und IT-Prozesse mit Efecte. h2|Prova Efecte ITSM och IAM kostnadsfritt i 14 dagar! IT Service Management för Europa, från Europa Hör av dig så berättar vi mer om hur vi kan hjälpa ditt företag. h3|Kundinstallationer Års Erfarenhet SaaS Plattform Kommer digitalisering och användarupplevelser bli än viktigare för din Identity Access Management? sp|Vi har utvecklat och distribuerat ttjänstehanteringssystem som är flexibla nog att möta vilka som helst affärsbehov, samt lätt integreras nästan var som helst. Vi vet att fantastisk programvara kan designas, utvecklas och drivas i Europa. Vi förstår oss på de unika kraven kring lagstiftning och datasekretess i Europa. Vi tror på att bygga varaktiga relationer med våra kunder, baserat på förtroende, respekt och samarbete i enlighet med vår europeiska kultur. Vi förser våra kunder med en SaaS plattform som är anpassad till både offentliga och privata moln i ditt land. ▲ Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Hör av dig till oss! +46 8 50 31 31 30 bo|Run Your IT Delight Your Customers Serve Your Employees Run Your Business pa|Dagens användare av tjänster är oerhört kräsna när det gäller upplevelse, enkelhet och tillgänglighet. Varje ny tjänst som produceras behöver vara lättkonsumerad för att tillgodose dessa behov och på så sätt se till att produktivitet och effektivitet hela tiden förbättras. Vi ser som vårt uppdrag att hjälpa våra kunder att konstant förbättra och förenkla tjänstekonsumptionen, samtidigt som hantering och förvaltning av dessa tjänster följer de kontinuerligt ökade kraven på efterlevelse av olika regelverk. Vi levererar en molnbaserad Service Management plattform, optimerad för: 2018 firade Efecte sin 20-årsdag. Läs mer om vår resa hittills. Vi erbjuder ett brett urval av möjligheter, från IT-försäljning till kundsupport via konsulttjänster för lösningar och programutveckling. Om du är intresserad av att utveckla en av de bästa lösningarna för hantering av IT-tjänster och identitetshantering på marknaden ska du ta dig en titt på våra lediga tjänster. I Finland gjordes en studie av , där Efecte står listad som en av de bästa arbetsplatserna att arbeta på. Vi erbjuder fina karriärmöjligheter i Finland, Sverige och Tyskland. Efecte är sedan 2017 noterat på Nasdaq First North. Se våra investerarsidor för informations om aktier,. företagsstyrning och Efecte som investeringsobjekt. Efecte arbetar med mellanstora till stora företag samt offentliga organ i Norden och Europa. Vi har över 300 kunder och erfarenhet av över 1 000 kundimplementeringar. Vi levererar enkelhet som en tjänst: problemfria arbets- och informationsflöden – utan överraskningar. Våra partners delar vår passion och vårt engagemang för kundernas framgång. Se var vi har våra kontor och hur du kontaktar oss. Vilka är de senaste trenderna inom tjänstehantering? Håll dig uppdaterad och prenumerera på Efectes nyhetsbrev! Kontakta oss om det är något du undrar. Vi svarar mer än gärna på dina frågor. li|IT Service Management HR Service Management Financial Service Management Business Service Management Identity and Access Management h1|Om Efecte h2|Vårt uppdrag Karriärmöjligheter på Efecte – kom och jobba med oss! Information för investerare Våra kunder Våra partners Kontakta oss Håll dig updaterad Frågor? sp|Hör av dig till oss! +46 8 50 31 31 30 pa|Våra experter finns till hands för dig genom hela vårt samarbete. di|Rådgivning, utbildning och support tjänster Rådgivningstjänster Service design Processrådgivning IAM Service management advisory Konsultation för lösningar Projektledningstjänster Konsulttjänster för lösningar Care och Buddy tjänster Outsourcingtjänster för administration Utbildning Efecte Admin certifiering Service Desk Tel: +358 424 724 724 h1|Tjänster h2|Bli en del av vårt växande internationella team av yrkesexperter. sp|| | | rådgivning | | | | | | | Avancerad utbildning | Skräddarsydda utbildning | | Hör av dig till oss! +46 8 50 31 31 30 pa|Håll dig uppdaterad med de senaste nyheterna om Efecte, våra kunder, evenemang vi deltar i samt den senaste utvecklingen inom branschen. Låt dig inspireras av e-böcker, vitböcker och videopresentationer. Välkommen att botanisera i vårt av e-böcker, vitböcker, videopresentationer och Efecte Edge Lösning Factsheets. Blog di|Learn about some of the key features and tools of Efecte h1|Insikter h3|Kommer digitalisering och användarupplevelser bli än viktigare för din Identity Access Management? sp|Kolla material från Efecte Edge lösningar. Mer att upptäcka: | | Låt dig inspireras! Följ oss på sociala medier: Efecte Highlights in easy to follow videos and detailed infographics Hör av dig till oss! +46 8 50 31 31 30 pa|Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to re-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. Standard Solutions are comprehensive solutions that are created and maintained by Efecte. These solutions include extensive templates, low-code workflows, pre-configured reports, and roles. T Community Solutions can be created by any member of the Efecte ecosystem, including service providers, partners, customers, and Efecte itself. Community Solutions consist of downloadable templates, low-code workflows, and pre-configured reports for each use case. Community Solutions are shared on open-source principles under creative commons attribution license on the . di|Solutions Catalog We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. st|Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | | h2|Digitalize and Automate your Work Solution Classifications AI och framtiden för ITSM. Hur kommer AI påverka vårt sätt att arbeta? sp|| | | » » hese solutions include ready role, permission, and report configurations according to industry best practices. Custom Solutions are individualized solutions designed and built by senior administrators of customers, partners, or Efecte to meet the exact needs of customers. Custom solutions can be built from or extended from our standard or community solutions. Through the versatility and flexibility of the Efecte Platform, we can work with our customers to create the exact system they need. Every custom solution has at least one public reference on Efecte's customer success story page. Hör av dig till oss! +46 8 50 31 31 30 bo|Standard Solutions Community Solutions Custom Solutions pa|Aki Valkama, IT Manager, Mehiläinen Utöka både kontroll och affärslogik till vilken process som helst, tack vare integrerad behörighetshantering. Skapa fullt automatiserade processer med vår lättanvända, dra-och-släpp workflow-motor. Gå bortom IT och integrera andra affärsprocesser och tjänsteutbud. Förkonfigurerade mallar, roller, rapportering och workflows, baserade på bästa praxis inom ITIL 4. Flexibelt användargränssnitt som tillåter skräddarsydda rapporter, dashboards och utbud. Skapa användarspecifika rapporter, vyer och dashboards efter behov. Skapa eller ändra mallar, roller, vyer med mera – för att möta dina exakta behov. Rollspecifik, gemensam och personlig ITSM rapportering Modernt responsivt användargränssnitt anpassat för alla webbläsare Rollbaserad behörighetshantering ned till attributnivå Automatisering av workflows med förinställda moduler – utan programmering Visualisering av alla förhållanden mellan ärende, tillgångar och personer GDPR-anpassad anonymisering och arkivering av persondata Kristo Jokela, Customer Service Director, Istekki Automatically document, calculate and create alerts surrounding the availability of your key services. Plan, forecast, and record CIs capacity and performance. Maximera förändringar genom att utvärdera risker, granska godkännanden och hantera tidsscheman. Skapa dialog och uppmuntra samarbete med slutanvändare genom förslag och förbättringar. Clearly plan and deliver new deployments or changes to live environments. Utveckla och förbättra tjänster genom att begära, rapportera och utvärdera användarfeedback. Minska nedtid genom att förenkla rapportering och hantering av incidenter. Automatisera svar på säkerhetsincidenter för att förkorta reaktionstider och förbättra efterlevnaden av riktlinjer. Tillhandahåll kända lösningar till problem, och uppmuntra till självhjälp. Improve decision making by using an ITSM solution that includes extensive measurement and reporting tools. Minska antalet repetitiva åtgärder och bevakning genom att använda automatisering och aviseringar. Standardisera hanteringen av komplexa problem med tillfälliga lösningar, genom att använda länkar, analyser och rapporter. Simplify IT project management by planning, delegation, monitoring, and managing every project and task. Create clarity into your organization's relationships with customers, service providers, services, and employees. Minska förekomsten av nya problem med hjälp av planering, testing och beredskapsplaner. Registrera, hantera och minimera identifierade risker och deras relaterade tillgångar på rätt sätt. Hantera tjänster och deras användning och skapa förbättrad tillgänglighet, bearbetning och rapportering. Centralisera, kategorisera, bevaka och rapportera kring konfigurationsenheter, tillgångar med mera. Use Service Financial Management to keep track of your costs center or service allocations and service and asset costs. Förbättra effektiviteten genom att bevaka tjänstenivåer, utvärdera rapportering, och få aviseringar om överträdelser. Förenkla begäranden, godkännanden och leverans genom att centralisera tjänsteutbudet. Create standard service validation and testing templates to improve reporting, reliability, and visibility. Få full insikt kring tjänsteleverantörer genom att dokumentera, rapportera och integrera leverantörsinformation och prestanda. Artificiell Intelligens får gradvis mer utrymme inom IT-tjänstehanteringens värld. Vår vitbok visar en helhetsbild av alla områden där AI kommer spela en nyckelroll i framtiden och berika vårt sätt att arbeta. Efecte är en omfattande lösning som inkluderar ett antal områden utöver IT. Ladda ner vår lösningsbeskrivning för ITSM och få fullständig insikt i allt du kan åstadkomma med vår hjälp. di|IT Service Management (ITSM) Organisationer söker ständigt efter sätt att förbättra sin IT Service Management (ITSM), vilket kräver modern och smidig mjukvara. Ta reda på hur vi kan hjälpa med att förbättra era ITSM-processer och tjänster. Flerspråkig självtjänstportal Snabbt, intuitivt, webbaserat gränssnitt Lätt att sammankoppla flertalet tjänster Användardriven kunskapsbas Inbyggda ITSM processer för godkännanden och ’globala’ kungörelser Anpassningsbart tjänsteutbud Roll- och platsspecifik hantering av tjänstekatalog Service Management-verktyg Availability Management Capacity & Performance Management Förändrings- hantering - Change Enablement Efterfrågehantering - Demand Management Deployment Management Feedbackhantering - Feedback Management Incidenthantering - Incident Management Informationssäkerhetshantering - Information Security Management Kunskapshantering - Knowledge Management Measurement & Reporting Händelsehantering - Monitoring and Event Management Problemhantering - Problem Management Project Management Relationship Management Releasehantering - Release Management Riskhantering - Risk Management Hantering av tjänstekatalog - Service Catalogue Management Konfiguration och Tillgångshantering - Service Configuration Management CMDB Service Financial Management Hantering av tjänstenivå - Service Level Management Förfrågnings- hantering - Service Request Management Service Validation and Testing Leverantörshantering - Supplier Management AI-tekniken hjälper oss att skapa processer, automatisera arbetsuppgifter och ge intelligent stöd för anställda - ex i form av... Efectes vill minska Coronas verkan och erbjuder sina kunder en Crisis Ops -lösning där användarna lätt kan följa status och... st|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h2|På jakt efter en IT Service Management -lösning? Ta rätt beslut. Se hur Efecte ITSM fungerar Automatisera alla processer Är AI och ITSM en perfekt kombination? Få en helhetsbild h3|"With a workforce of 15,000 people I would venture that in IT support alone, the new automations have saved us one full-time work year." Jobba mer effektivt – centralisera och automatisera varje IT-process med ITSM tools Erbjud en smidig användarupplevelse från början till slut, med hjälp av förkonfigurerade ITSM workflows och dashboards. Flexibel Rapportering för ITSM transparens och granskning "We had a collection of 10 different systems. Now Istekki operates only 2 main systems: Efecte and another integrated system for invoicing." sp|En perfekt ITSM börjar med en mångsidig ITSM-lösning Din IT Service Management är din verksamhets ryggrad. Med Efecte kan arbetet flyta utan avbrott över processgränserna. Efecte ITSM är ett beprövat och lättanvänt verktyg för att digitalisera alla IT-processer så att tjänster, personal och resurser kan konsolideras och hanteras från en central plats. Efecte ITSM gör det enkelt för din organisation att centralisera vilken lokal tjänst som helst och förbättra effektiviteten med hjälp av automatisering. Vår lösning är unik i sin förmåga att enkelt inkludera verksamhet utöver IT Service Management som till exempel HR, behörighet, administration – till och med företagsspecifika tjänster. | | | Efecte ITSM har utformats och byggts med varje användarnivå i åtanke. Vår lösning erbjuder en smidig användarupplevelse, ända från administratör- till slutanvändarnivå, med hjälp av förkonfigurerade enheter, anpassningsbar rapportering och en modern, ikon-baserad självtjänstportal. Oändliga möjligheter för integration med kompletterande verktyg för discovery , kunskapsbas, enhets hantering och övriga tjänstehanterinsglösningar. Lättanvänd självtjänstportal som centraliserar information och tjänster. Efecte ITSM gör det möjligt för din organisation att få komplett insikt i era tjänster och verksamhet, med hjälp av flexibla rapporteringsfunktioner. Alla användare kan ta någon av våra startklara rapporter och utöka eller skräddarsy dem till att inkludera företagsspecifik information. Kopplingar och relationer kan lätt överblickas via vår Visual Analyzer. Exportera grafer, vyer och data för rapporter, presentationer eller djupare analys. Anpassningsbart ITSM gränssnitt som automatiskt justeras till alla webbläsare, inklusive mobiler. Kodfri ITSM workflow-motor som tillåter användaren att designa egen automatisering med hjälp av förkonfigurerade byggstenar. Online-rapportering och ITSM dashboards som dina användare lätt kan skapa och omforma. Produktionssättning kan ske inom dagar iställer för veckor, tack vare en omfattande och certifierad grundkonfiguration. Så skapar AI smartare organisationer och starkare kundrelationer Låt oss begränsa Coronas inverkan tillsammans – ett brev till Efectes kunder ▲ Hör av dig till oss! +46 8 50 31 31 30 pa|( ) berör alla aktiviteter som har att göra med planering, byggnad, implementation, support och hantering av IT-tjänster. Enkelt uttryckt betyder detta att all information, tillgångar, processer, praxis, riktlinjer och tjänster som har med IT att göra landar under ITSM. Rollen som ITSM spelar handlar om att förenkla, stödja, och hantera alla IT-avdelningens tjänster och data för att skapa mervärde för hela verksamheten. Den grundläggande drivkraften bakom skapandet av ITSM-lösningar och plattformar är att stötta IT-avdelningen i hanteringen av en omfattande mängd information och tillgångar. är en som tar hänsyn till verksamheten, dess personal, information, teknologi, partners, leverantörer, praxis och processer för att hjälpa IT-avdelningen att hantera den stora mängden resurser och information. ITSM-lösningar är förstås inget nytt, men med progressiva områden som molntjänster, agila metoder, DevOps, och AI så tvingas många företag att utvärdera sina IT-system och hur de bäst kan bemöta en IT-miljö i förändring. Med ett ITSM-system som fungerar smidigt och är anpassat till din verksamhet kan du enkelt öka effektiviteten genom att automatisera och centralisera alla IT-lösningar på en plats. En agil ITSM-lösning hjälper dig att: Ett välbyggt ITSM-system är utformat med hänsyn till alla användarnivåer. Det erbjuder en smidig användarupplevelse, ända från administratör- till slutanvändarnivå, med hjälp av förkonfigurerade enheter, anpassningsbar rapportering och en modern, användarvänlig självtjänstportal. Med rätt ITSM-system får din verksamhet tillgång till: ITSM gör det möjligt för en organisation att få komplett insikt i all drift och alla tjänster, med hjälp av flexibla rapporteringsfunktioner. Med hjälp av ett avancerat system kan alla användare skapa rapporter som kan utökas eller skräddarsys till att inkludera företagsspecifik information. En komplett ITSM-lösning hjälper alla anställda att: Det är oerhört viktigt att välja en lösning som möter din verksamhets behov. När det gäller att minska antalet email, telefonsamtal, och möten för att hantera ärenden – eller för att svara på frågor och behov från användare – finns det två konkreta alternativ: antingen ett enkelt ärendehanteringssystem eller en ITSM-lösning. Dessa två system har vissa likheter men skiljer sig åt på flera viktiga sätt. Med ett ärendehanteringssystem kan verksamhetens IT-support organisera och kategorisera incidenter och förfrågningar. Det är ett relativt enkelt system som lägger mer fokus på att effektivisera följande process: Det främsta målet med ett ärendehanteringssystem är att förbättra produktiviteten och minska risken att ett ärende missas. ITSM-lösningar är system som är utformade för att möta behoven både hos IT-avdelningen och alla servicedeskanvändare. De innefattar alltid någon form av ärendehanteringssystem där användare kan begära support, rapportera incidenter och ställa frågor, men det ingår även mycket mer. Ett ITSM-system inkluderar följande funktioner som standard: Dessa funktioner ses vanligtvis som de absoluta minimikraven för ITSM-lösningar, men ett bra system innefattar ofta många fler områden baserade på ITIL-ramverket. Att välja rätt ITSM-mjukvara kan ofta vara en långdragen process som kräver analys från olika perspektiv. Men när du väl byggt en stabil, behovsanpassad grund för din IT-tjänstehantering så har du tillgång till verktyg och system som stöder hela verksamhetens målsättningar – även bortom IT. Börja med att utvärdera följande punkter: Ta även ett ögonblick att kartlägga de behov som finns inom de avdelningar som hanterar personal, juridik, ekonomi, kundtjänst, och andra affärsfunktioner. Detta hjälper till att driva dig mot den typ av leverantör du bör samarbeta med, och som har rätt kompetens och kunskap att möta både företagsspecifika och regionala behov. Software as a service, eller SaaS, är en affärsmodell där användare betalar för att använda mjukvara som körs på en fjärrserver. SaaS används ofta som en alternativ term till ”molntjänster”. I dagsläget, tack vare internet och global kommunikationsteknologi, är molntjänster mer eller mindre standard. ITSM i molnet innebär ITSM-mjukvara eller verktyg som körs på en molnserver. I jämförelse med program som körs lokalt medför driften av molntjänster ett antal viktiga fördelar, som exempelvis: (IT Infrastructure Library) är ett ramverk för god ITSM-praxis som har allmänt accepterats av leverantörer liksom nuvarande och potentiella kunder. Enkelt sagt, är ITIL ett ramverk som representerar den samlade kunskapen från ett stort antal människor som jobbar inom tjänstehantering. De har provat olika tillvägagångssätt som ibland fungerat och ibland misslyckats med att skapa mervärde. ITIL har organiserat dessa lärdomar på ett sätt som gör det enkelt för andra att tillämpa dem, och därmed få ut större nytta från sina IT-tjänster. Ramverket används för att underlätta implementation och integration, vilket i slutändan skapar mervärde för alla. Axelos har gett ut en vitbok som samlar allt du någonsin velat veta om ITIL, och du kan ladda ner den . All praxis i ITIL handlar om processer. kan du läsa mer om ITILs processer och deras praktiska tillämpning på en ITSM-lösning. Den nyaste versionen av ITIL, ITIL 4 Foundation Level, lanserades 2019. Den medförde en mängd efterlängtade uppdateringar inom god praxis för IT-tjänstehantering. Dessa fyra är särskilt intressanta: ITIL 4 fokuserar på hur tjänster skapar mervärde. Istället för att enbart se till kostnaderna för att tillhandahålla en tjänst ser man även till vilka kostnader som tjänsten eliminerar. Men hur praktiskt är det att genomföra en fallstudie av varje enskild tjänst och mäta hur mycket pengar som eventuellt kan sparas för var och en – särskilt när ekonomiskt värde bara är en av flera måttstockar? Historiskt sett har organisationer fokuserat mest på kostnaden för att tillhandahålla en tjänst. ITIL 4 uppmuntrar oss istället att uppskatta varje tjänsts värde utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. Enligt ITIL 4 består en tjänsts värde av de intäkter som den genererar och de utgifter den besparar, minus kostnaden för att tillhandahålla tjänsten. Det är förstås lätt att beräkna detta om man har tillgång till de rätta siffrorna. Men hur kan man uppskatta vad som sparats, utan att generera en massa omkostnader? Hur kan icke-ekonomiska fördelar mätas, som till exempel en påtagligt förbättrad kundupplevelse? Ett bra ITSM-verktyg tar hänsyn till detta och mäter mervärde istället för enbart direkta kostnader. ITIL 4 gör också en tydlig insats för att definiera riskerna en tjänst medför, och hur dessa risker kan påverka tjänstens värde. Det finns många risker som kan påverka en tjänst, men det finns också en risk i att inte utföra en tjänst överhuvudtaget – och den risken är ofta större än alla andra potentiella risker som tjänsten kan medföra. Risken för en utebliven tjänst glöms ofta bort, utan dokumentation. I vilket fall som helst ska risker utvärderas och registreras ordentligt, särskilt de risker som påverkar en tjänsts tillgänglighet. Det tredje temat som märks mer inom ITIL 4 än i tidigare versioner handlar om kontinuitet av tjänster, särskilt då allt fler erbjuds som molntjänster. Parametrarna kring återställningstid (Recovery Time Objective, RTO) och återställning av data (Recovery Point Objective, RPO) är välbekanta för de flesta konfigurationsdatabaser. Historiskt sett har RTO och RPO ofta använts för infrastrukturobjekt som servrar eller databascenter for molnbaserade tjänster. Det är exempelvis inte mycket poäng med att ha en molnbaserad applikation som körs smidigt om den applikation som behövs för att logga in till tjänsten inte fungerar. I ITIL 3 skapades värde baserat på en tjänsts livscykel. Detta var ett synsätt som ofta representerades med en sekvensstruktur, eller vattenfallsmodell, och ramverket saknade flexibilitet att gensvara snabbt på förändringar. Inom ITIL 4 ersattes denna livscykel med ett mervärdessystem som inkluderar en integrerad värdekedja, som kan ses i illustration 1 och 2. Läs mer om tjänsters mervärdessystem i ITIL 4 . För tjänsteleverantörer och kunder inom IT-tjänstehantering bidrar ITIL 4 med en viktig fördel: Omedelbar transparens av hela värdekedjan. Detta medför en spårbarhet inom värdeflödet och utgör samtidigt en grund för fortsatt optimering. Det är exempelvis möjligt att snabbare identifiera och åtgärda aktiviteter som inte tillför något mervärde. Dessa aktiviteter kan ses som en form av svinn, och bör alltid elimineras eller minimeras. Detta är ett starkt tema i ITIL 4, och ligger till grund för en kontinuerlig optimering av värdeflödet. Alla aktiviteter som en IT-tjänsteleverantör utför bör alltid vara direkt fokuserade på att skapa tydligt och spårbart mervärde för sina intressenter. Värdeflöden kan vara enormt omfattande och komplexa, oavsett vilket industri eller marknad det gäller. För att kontrollera denna komplexitet, kopplas alla steg i värdeflödet till sex respektive aktiviteter i värdekedjan. Dessa kombineras i sin tur med ITIL-principer, praxis och styrning för att skapa ett värdesystem. Med hjälp av den kopplingen kan leverantörer utforma sina tjänster med ett helheltsperspektiv och kontrollera dem på ett mer spårbart vis, samtidigt som de främjar det fortsatta förbättringsarbetet. Om du vill lära dig mer om hur ITIL 4 skiljer sig från tidigare versioner och hur tjänsteföretag kan dra nytta av det, ta en titt på vårt webinar. Axelos har skapat en praxismodell för tillämpning av ITIL 4, som din verksamhet kan implementera med hjälp av en välfungerande och agil ITSM-lösning. I den första gruppen behandlas allmän praxis för kontinuerlig förbättring, strategi eller leverantörshantering. Gruppen som listar praxis för tjänstehantering har samlat ihop mycket av det som i tidigare ITIL-versionen fanns listat under Service Design, Service Transition och Service Operation. Under bästa praxis för teknikhantering finns rekommendationer för åtgärder gällandes utveckling och hantering av mjukvara, driftsättningshantering samt Infrastruktur och plattformshantering. Agilitet är ett ämne som fått förnyat intresse i ITSM-sammanhang tack vare ITIL 4, den senaste versionen av ITIL. Detta har lett till att många företagsledare nu funderar på vad som krävs för att göra deras ITSM-processer mer agila. I en traditionell verksamhet är det den Processansvarige som fokuserar på IT-tjänstehanteringen, genom att se till att drift och processer löper så smidigt som möjligt. Den Incidentansvarige ser till att alla incidenter hanteras i enlighet med den fördefinierade incidentprocessen. På samma vis får den Förändringsansvarige, den Problemansvarige och diverse andra ledare inom olika ITIL-områden fokusera enbart på sina egna processer. Enligt det Agila Manifestet så fokuserar agila metoder på att ”gensvara på förändring” istället för att följa en fördefinierad plan. Detta innebär att uppmärksamheten skiftas från driftledning till förbättring och justering av processen, så att den alltid möter användarens behov. I centrum står Processägaren, istället för den Processansvarige. Din ITSM-lösning behöver kunna utvidga verksamheten till att hantera processens hela livscykel, inklusive ”gensvar på förändring”. Förändringshantering är därmed ett centralt krav för lösningen. Detta innebär inte att verksamheten tvingas följa okontrollerbara eller kaotiska förändringar. Däremot behövs en välstrukturerad förändringsprocess som kan appliceras på alla processer som ITSM-lösningen hanterar. Att införa agila metoder inom dina ITSM-processer och vidare till andra tjänsteprocesser som personal-, ekonomi- och juridikavdelningen, kräver både kunskap om bästa praxis och om misstag som bör undvikas. Vår guide till agil tjänstehantering hjälper dig att undvika de här vanliga fallgroparna: Under nästa årtionde kommer vi se en mängd banbrytande ny utveckling kring Artificiell Intelligens (AI) inom IT-tjänstehantering. Vi kommer se hur AI påverkar många ITSM-funktioner, som exempelvis: Artificiell Intelligens kommer bli den fjärde generationens IT-processautomatisering. Efter den initiala digitaliseringen av processer, script-baserad automatisering och kodfri visuell automatisering av arbetsflöden, kommer maskininlärning bli nästa stora steg inom processautomatisering. Fördelarna med AI inom ITSM är främst kostnadsbesparingar via automatisering av förutsägbara rutinuppgifter och en bättre kundupplevelse, tack vare tillgång till historisk stordata samt en snabb överblick för smart analys. Första generationens AI har redan bidragit med en viss analysförmåga, så vi förutspår att AI kommer innebära mer av en evolution än en revolution inom den närmaste framtiden. Ett flexibelt ITSM-verktyg hjälper dig att . Från enkel IT-ärendehantering och självtjänst till personaltjänster, avtalshantering, och processoptimering för hela företaget – allt kan göras via ett enda system och med samma användarupplevelse för alla. Här är några av de vanligaste tjänsterna som ofta hanteras med hjälp av verktyg som ursprungligen utformats för IT-tjänstehantering: Oavsett vilket ITSM-system din verksamhet använder kommer du vilja maximera investeringen genom att koppla samman den med övriga applikationer och tjänster. Integrationer kräver snabb, tvåvägs-, realtidsöverföring av data mellan systemen. För att säkra en smidig integration är det viktigt att ta följande tre steg: – Se till att integrationen är utformad på ett sätt som möter verksamhetens behov och åtföljs av en visuell dokumentation skapad via en BPMN-standard IDE. – Använd low code-teknik för att konfigurera anslutningar, se till att det finns inbyggd versionskontroll för att hantera olika integrationsversioner, och driftsätt i lämplig miljö när detta är klart. – Bevaka integrationerna i realtid, för att försäkra dig om att informationen är korrekt och att eventuella fel kan korrigeras snabbt. Många ITSM-lösningar har ett antal färdigbyggda funktioner som förser dig med en grundläggande IT-tjänstehantering. Men för att dra full fördel av verktyget behöver du identifiera alla användare och kartlägga de tjänster som erbjuds till diverse interna och externa målgrupper. Här kan din ITSM-leverantörs konsulter hjälpa dig att uppdatera tjänste- och processtrukturer samt konsolidera företagspraxis med stöd av ITSM-systemet. Professionell konsultation ger dig möjligheten att bygga en väldefinierad tjänstekatalog för din verksamhet. Tjänstekatalogen medför processer som har kundspecifika definitioner som tjänstetillgänglighet, prioriteringsregler, modeller för tjänsteförfrågningar, och klassificeringar för förändringsbegäranden. Utöver rådgivning för dina processer och tjänstekatalog, kan du behöva stöd kring: di|Ökad effektivitet En smidig användarupplevelse från början till slut Förbättra Transparens och Granskning Ärendehanteringssystem ITSM-lösningar – Dagens IT-användare förväntar sig att tjänsterna de behöver är tillgängliga direkt när och hur de behövs. Detta handlar dock inte om att ge efter för kräsna användare, utan om att hjälpa alla att bli mer produktiva. En flexibel, tillgänglig tjänsteplattform med självbetjäning låter dig arbeta smidigt medan dina IT-handläggare kan fokusera mer på strategi och ledning istället för rutinsysslor. – Effektiv IT-tjänsteleverans handlar inte bara om svarstider. Vet du exempelvis vad era tjänster kostar att leverera, och vilka besparingar som kan göras genom att förbättra nuvarande system? Fundera på hur bästa möjliga processer för tjänsteförfrågningar och ärendelösningar ser ut, och hur dessa skulle kunna hjälpa dina arbetslag att jobba mer effektivt. – När man utvärderar den totala systemkostnaden för IT-tjänstehantering är det lätt att fokusera för mycket på infrastruktur och installation, eventuella icke-återvinningsbara kostnader, och pågående utgifter för underhåll och leverans av dagens tjänster. Det som ofta glöms bort är den tid, energi och kostnad som går åt för att hantera process- och teknologiförändringar. Om verksamheten inte konstant förnyar och förbättrar sin tjänsteleverans, kan det få väsentliga ekonomiska konsekvenser. Helhetsbild av IT-tjänsters värde Mätning av IT-tjänsters kontinuitet Praxis för företagsledning Praxis för tjänstehantering Praxis för teknikhantering Hur Artificiell Intelligens stärker ITSM li|Automatisera alla ITSM-processer med lättanvända Gå bortom IT och integrera Utöka både kontroll och affärslogik för alla processer med hjälp av Förkonfigurerade mallar, roller, rapportering och arbetsflöden, baserade på ITIL 4-praxis. Ett flexibelt användargränssnitt som tillåter och utbud. Oändliga integrationsmöjligheter med kompletterande verktyg för upptäckt, , enhetshantering och övriga tjänstehanterinsglösningar. En lättanvänd självtjänstportal som centraliserar information och tjänster. Skapa sina egna Skapa eller ändra mallar, roller, vyer med mera – för att möta specifika behov Enkelt exportera grafer, vyer och data för rapporter, presentationer eller djupare analys Användaren har ett problem Användaren meddelar sin servicedesk eller helpdesk Ärendet tilldelas en handläggare Ärendet löses Förändringshantering – Används för att skapa standarder som underlättar uppgraderingar, utvecklingsarbete, och releaser. Incidenthantering – Används för att identifiera, rapportera, kategorisera och åtgärda IT-ärenden i organisationen. IT-tillgångshantering – Används för att dokumentera och spåra IT-utrustning och infrastruktur för att hantera livscykler och totalkostnader. Kunskapshantering – Används för att samla och hantera effektiv och användbar information eller kunskap i hela organisationen. Problemhantering – Används för att minska påverkan av incidenter, genom att bättre kategorisera och hantera kända fel och tillfälliga lösningar. Projektledning – Används för att rapportera och hantera verksamhetens alla projekt för att säkerställa lyckad leverans. Servicedesk – Kontaktpunkt dit ärenden skickas för kategorisering och lösning. – istället för att köpa in dyra system och betala lönerna för den personal som behövs för att driva dem, kan du istället få mjukvaran i form av en månatlig prenumeration och enbart betala för det antal användare du verkligen behöver. En molntjänst kan också byggas ut i takt med att verksamheten växer. Genom att använda ITSM i molnet kan du och ditt arbetslag fokusera på att driva företaget framåt. – användandet av molnteknologi är till stor hjälp när det gäller att förenkla integrationer och säkerhetsrapportering. Genom att drastiskt dra ner på startkostnaderna har molntjänster och SaaS-lösningar hjälpt att göra ny teknologi tillgänglig för en mycket bredare kundpublik. Direkt applikation av Scrum på hanteringen av tjänsteförfrågningar Att försöka dra in incidenter på en Kanban-tavla Att starta agil tjänstehantering med enbart incidenthantering Att försöka göra en PinkVerify-certifierad konfiguration agil Introduktion av SAFe-metodologin innan alla arbetslag är helt agila Att ta sig an komplexa problem med en traditionell 3-skiktslösning Virtuella tjänstehandläggare, bots, som minskar antalet rutinuppgifter. Algoritmer för maskininlärning som bidrar med bättre insikt i hur liknande ärenden kan hanteras och lösas snabbare. Robotiserad processautomatisering som härmar ITSM-användares beteende, och frigör tid till hantering av mer komplexa utmaningar. Robotiserad processautomatisering som hanterar rutinuppgifter i självtjänstportaler. Förutsägande underhåll för IT-resurser, för bättre användning av utrustning – vilket minskar kostnaderna. Användarprofilering för avancerat förebyggande av identitetsstöld, vilket förbättrar verksamhetens datasäkerhet. AI-baserat beslutsfattande via visuella arbetsflöden, för mer anpassad automatisering av affärsprocesser. AI-baserad analys av kundavsikt via visuella arbetsflöden, som ersätter nyckelord- eller kategoribaserad processautomatisering med en mänskligare logik. – Effektiv hantering och automatisering av rutinärenden, förbättrad arbetsfördelning i arbetslagen och transparens kring verksamhetens flaskhalsar. Detta hjälper ledningen att se personalavdelningen som verklighetsförankrade, strategiska verksamhetspartners. – En enkel lösning för att konsolidera och skydda verksamhetens avtal. Detta ger snabb tillgång till dokument, förbättrar revisionsprocessen, och hjälper till att undvika sista-minuten-panik i förnyelsetider. - Låt verksamheten växa samtidigt som du hanterar alla kundtjänstprocesser med full transparens och ger alla kunder samma enkla, användarvänliga upplevelse. – Förenkla hanteringen av användarbehörighet, automatisera godkännanden och provisionering, och förstärk efterlevnaden inom alla verksamhetstjänster. Utöver de förbyggda applikationerna för tjänstehantering kan du utforma en egen lösning och bygga in den som en del av ITSM-verktyget. Projektledning – för att se till att implementation och utvecklingsprojekt löper smidigt. Lösningskonsultation – för att hjälpa till med implementation och utveckling av din ITSM-lösning enligt bästa praxis. Löpande support – med tid och resurser anpassade till din verksamhets behov. Outsourcing av administration – ett alternativ om din verksamhet saknar egna resurser för att förvalta er ITSM-lösning på egen hand. st|IT-tjänstehantering En idealisk ITSM-lösning 1. Användarupplevelse 2. Operativ effektivitet 3. Totalkostnad Minskade och mer förutsägbara IT-kostnader Förenklade uppgraderingar och underhåll Personalhantering Kontraktshantering Agera tjänsteleverantör mot alla användare Identitet och behörighetshantering Steg 1: Design Steg 2: Bygg och driftsätt Steg 3: Bevaka h1|Vad är ITSM? – Allt du behöver veta h2|Vilka är de 3 viktigaste fördelarna med ITSM? Ärendehanteringssystem eller ITSM ? ITSM i molnet ITSM Praxis – ITIL-ramverket Tillämpning av ITIL 4 inom ITSM ITSM-agilitet Den agila tjänstehanteringens fallgropar Företagstjänstehantering ITSM Integration Konsultation för ITSM Hör av dig så berättar vi mer om hur vi kan hjälpa ditt företag. h3|Hur drar företag nytta av ITSM? Fördelar med att implementera ITIL 4 i din ITSM-drift Upptäck mer om ITIL 4 Framtidens IT-generation Upptäck mer i vårt webinar om ITSM-agilitet Ladda ner vår guide för att undvika fallgroparna inom agil tjänstehantering Upptäck mer om AI & ITSM Använd ITSM-system för att hantera varje tjänst Allt stöd du behöver för att implementera framtidens ITSM h4|Upptäck vilken roll IT-tjänstehantering spelar i moderna organisationer. Upptäck ITSM och dess roll inom olika verksamhetsområden Riskdefiniering inom IT-tjänster Värdesystem och integrerad värdekedja för tjänster inom ITSM sp|» Illustration: Förenklad modell av ärendehantering - ett typiskt användningsfall för ITSM Planerar du att införa ITSM ärendehantering i din verksamhet? Behöver du hjälp att välja rätt ITSM-leverantör? Illustration 1: IT-tjänsters värdesystem enligt ITIL 4 Illustration 2: Värdekedja för tjänster enligt ITIL 4 Architecture management Continual improvement Information security management Knowledge management Measurement and reporting Organizational change management Portfolio management Project management Relationship management Risk management Service financial management Strategy management Supplier management Workforce and talent management Availability management Business analysis Capacity and performance management Change control Incident management IT asset management Monitoring and Problem management Release management Service catalogue management Service configuration management Service continuity management Service design Service desk Service level management Service request management Service validation and testing Deployment management Infrastructure and platform management Software development and management ▲ em|ITSM pa|Stellen Sie Anfragen, Incidents, Rückfragen und vieles mehr über unser Self-Service-Portal, das nach dem Prinzip "Mobile First" gestaltet ist. Fügen Sie Multi-Room-Chat für ein noch bessers Nutzererlebnis hinzu. Stellen Sie Ihren Teams die Tools zur Verfügung, die sie für die Arbeit mit agilen Methoden und Prozessen benötigen: personalisierbare Berichte, Dashboards und Kanban-Boards, über die Workflows direkt ausgelöst und gesteuert werden können. Nutzen Sie unsere low-code Drag-and-Drop-Workflow-Automatisierung, um jeden Prozess im Unternehmen zu automatisieren. News Events Research in Action vergleicht 20 Software-Anbieter aus dem Bereich IT- undund erläutert Trends und Herausforderungen der Branche. Efecte ist stolz darauf, zu den Top 5 der ITSM-Tool-Anbieter in Deutschland zu gehören und bei der Kundenzufriedenheit zu führen. Kontaktieren Sie uns: di|Cloud-basierte Service Management Software Digitalisieren und automatisieren Sie jeden Service - effektiv und mühelos - mit einer Investition, die Sinn macht 0 + Jeden Tag helfen wir unseren Kunden bei der Digitalisierung Ihres Enterprise Service Management, von der IT (ITSM) über das Personalwesen (HRSM) bis hin zur Verwaltung von Identitäten und Zugangsrechten (IAM). 0 + Wir sind Experten in der Bereitstellung von Cloud-basierten Service-Management-Systemen von einer einzigen Plattform aus und verfügen über fast 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich SaaS. IT Service Management overtakes Cloud Computing as the most important strategic topic in the DACH region in the next 12 months... Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung digitalizes administrative and IT processes with Efecte. Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung digitalisiert ihre Verwaltungs- und IT-Prozesse mit Efecte. h2|Probieren Sie Efecte! Testen Sie ITSM für zwei Wochen. Service Management für Europa, aus Europa Gern zeigen wir Ihnen in einer persönlichen Demo, wie wir gemeinsam Ihr Service Management optimieren können h3|Kunden-Installationen Jahre an Erfahrung SaaS-Plattform Priorities Shift During the Pandemic: ITSM More Important Than Ever ISG Provider Lens: Efecte ist Rising Star im Bereich(ESM) Efecte auf der Digital Agile Management Experience der SERVIEW h4|Wir glauben, dass großartige Software in Europa entworfen, entwickelt und betrieben werden kann. Wir kennen und verstehen die einzigartigen Anforderungen und die Gesetzgebung rund um den Datenschutz in Europa. Wir glauben an den Aufbau dauerhafter Beziehungen mit all unseren Kunden, die auf Vertrauen, Respekt und Zusammenarbeit auf der Grundlage der europäischen Kultur basieren. Wir stellen unseren Kunden eine SaaS-Plattform zur Verfügung, die in einer öffentlichen oder privaten Cloud-Umgebung in Ihrem Land bereitgestellt werden kann. sp|Wir haben Service-Management-Systeme entwickelt und bei Kunden umgesetzt, die flexibel genug sind, um allen Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden, und die sich so gut wie überall leicht integrieren lassen. Weiterlesen » Hier anmelden » ▲ x Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 bo|Für Ihre IT Für zufriedene Kunden Für Ihre Mitarbeiter Für Ihre Geschäftsprozesse Die Top-20 Anbieter für ITSM-Software in Deutschland pa|Lue kuinka ITIL 4 vie palvelunhallintasi uudelle tasolle. Joustava alustamme auttaa keskitetysti hallinnoimaan ja automatisoimaan palveluitasi - oli kyseessä sitten palvelu liittyen IT:seen, henkilöstöhallintaan, toimitiloihin, sopimuksiin, taloushallinnon palveluihin tai käyttövaltuuksiin. Tarjoamme käyttövalmiita ja muokattavia ratkaisuja: Blogi Uutisia Webinaarit Ota yhteyttä! st|Run Your IT Delight Your Customers Serve Your Employees Run Your Business Lue lisää Efecten palvelunhallinta-alustan uusimmasta toiminnallisuudesta. h1|Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops ITIL 4 on täällä - kanssamme olet valmis h2|Kokeile Efecten ITSM ja IAM ratkaisuja ilmaiseksi kahden viikon ajan! Tarjoa täydellisiä palveluita palvelunhallinta-alustamme avulla Ota yhteyttä niin kerromme, miten ratkaisumme voivat auttaa teitä liiketoiminnassanne. h3|Priorities Shift During the Pandemic: ITSM More Important Than Ever Improving Efficiency: Efecte 2021.1 Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops Solution sp|Ketterän palvelunhallinnan uusi aika Efecte on eurooppalainen vaihtoehtosi työn digitalisoimiseen ja automatisoimiseen: tee prosesseistasi ketteriä, paranna palvelukokemusta ja investoi viisaasti. Solution Watch our On-Demand webinar to get step-by-step instructions on deploying our crisis ops solution! Mitä Efecte tekee ja mitä ITSM on? pa|Manage any identity or access request as part of one . Create standard request offerings that can be limited based on a user's location or role. Learn more about user experience, fulfillment, and other trends of Identity and Access Management (IAM) in our . Quickly react to the factors impacting access requests, information security, risk management, and more using to identify missing or inaccurate information. Watch how easy it is to review access rights requests, create new users, and more with Efecte. View our on-demand webinar Discover our add-ons, including , to improve onboarding by provisioning multiple access rights based on a single attribute and , to streamline your segregation of duties controls (SOD Controls). Ensure system security by limiting the combination of certain user access rights. Simplify on-boarding by provisioning access rights based on user attributes. Our advanced IAM architecture is ideal for organizations with identities and access rights being stored in multiple systems. This architecture allows for a single user to have multiple identities and provisioning to a wide range of systems, including ADs, CRMs, and other legacy systems. Our full IAM architecture is ideal for organizations that have more advanced IAM related needs but still want a SaaS-based IAM system. This IAM architecture can provision to a wider range of systems including, ADs, CRMs, HR systems, and more. Our standard IAM architecture is ideal for organizations just getting started with Identity and Access Management. It is fully deployable as a SaaS solution with the ability to provision to ADs including Azure AD, and HR systems. The customer receives a cost estimate for a possible delivery project and preparatory work for the to-do list. Create a POC with customers to better evaluate their needs. The delivery project includes implementation and technical product deployment. Expanding the catalog of subscription rights, collecting needs for further development. Production use and feedback from users indicate the direction of further development. Want to find out how we can help you Identity and Access Management processes? Download our guide for modern IAM to learn more about how to react to modern trends. di|Building an IAM System with Efecte st|enterprise self-service portal Modern Identity and Access Management Guide approval chains, notifications, fulfillment, provisioning, or any other processes FREE access rights template custom lists, graphs, kanbans, and filters "Identity and Access Management (IAM) - How to get started?" Attribute-based Access Rights Toxic Combination Management h1|Efecte Identity and Access Management h2|Add Agility and Simplify Your IAM System Add the Features You Need with Add-ons Request a Consultation Download our new IAM guide! h3|Toxic Combination Management Attribute-Based Access Rights Advanced Efecte IAM Architecture Full Efecte IAM Architecture Standard Efecte IAM Architecture Prestudy Proof of Concept (POC) Delivery Project Maintenance Further developments h4|Improve visibility and traceability of identities and access rights with Europe's best SaaS IAM. Efecte IAM incorporates an easily configured self-service portal allowing offerings to be created or modified to meet exact needs. Efecte IAM allows you to easily deploy approval chains, offerings, user roles, and add basic restrictions without limiting future expansions or developments. sp|In a services-driven world that’s increasingly digital and intelligent, where experience rules, local is the new global, and compliance is non-negotiable. Efecte’s IAM solution is the perfect tool for automated and compliant Identity and Access Management working seamlessly with all enterprise services. Efecte IAM provides organizations prebuilt workflow automation, real-time governance capabilities, and user self-service for identity and access requests, through the use of our Identity Governance and Administration baseline. Dramatically increasing the speed of IAM administration processes. Centralize and Simplify IAM Services Automate and Synchronize Identity and Access Requests Fully or partially automate relating to IAM with enterprise workflows such as on-boarding. Need help getting your access rights in order? Download our to identify, collect, and organize critical access rights information. Govern, review, and remedy IAM Requests and Issues A Single Solution for Every IAM Process Efecte IAM is a business-centric solution simplifying entitlement processes, identity lifecycles, provisioning, and fulfillment. Developable to Meet Future Needs Efecte IAM is designed using industry standards and best practices to streamline and automate processes while remaining flexible enough to fit any organization’s current and future needs. Flexibly Adapt to Business Needs Efecte IAM can incorporate service and processes from other business areas such as HR or IT to create a unified system. Easily Be Taken Into Use Systematic Installation and Expansion Petri Nieminen, ICT Manager, Valmet Automotive IAM is not just a one-time project its a journey. Efecte IAM is built according to customer needs to centralize, manage, follow, automate, and develop every process surrounding identities, accesses, and lifecycle stages from a single system. Deployment Architectures We have built many different IAM systems to meet a range of customer's needs. These range from lightweight Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) deployments to full-scale IAM deployments. Below you can see a few of the architectures of our more common deployments. Don't see an architecture that meets your needs? Send us a message and we would be happy to discuss your needs. ▲ pa|( ) relates to all of the activities surrounding planning, building, implementing, supporting, and managing IT services. Simply, this means that all of the information, assets, processes, practices, policies, and the actual services created by or surrounding IT falls under ITSM. This is the primary reason for the creation of ITSM solutions or platforms designed to help IT departments manage this vast amount of information and resources. solution takes into account the organization, people, information, technology, partners, suppliers, practice, and processes to help the IT department manage these resources and information. ITSM solutions are not new, but developments such as cloud, Agile, DevOps, and AI are forcing many organizations to review their IT systems and how they can properly address this rapidly changing IT environment. Figure: Simplified illustration of one of the typical use cases of an ITSM tool, managing incidents issues occur (or when something is needed, or a user has questions) two distinct options come to mind - Ticketing system and ITSM Software. Software as a service, or SaaS, is a business model where customers pay to use software hosted on a remote computer. SaaS is often used interchangeably with “cloud computing”. Today, thanks to the internet and global communications technologies, Four interesting updates that the newest version of ITIL introduces are: One key advantage of ITIL 4 for service providers and service customers in the ITSM area is the immediate transparency of the entire value stream. This allows for traceability within the value stream and simultaneously forms the basis for continuous optimizations. For example, it is possible to identify and resolve non-value adding activities quicker. Within ITIL 4, these activities constitute a form of waste for lean management and should therefore always be removed or minimized. Based on this principle, the value stream should be continuously optimized. All activities of IT service providers should always be directly oriented toward generating traceable, added value for the stakeholders. Value streams can be very extensive and complex, regardless of industry or market. To control and manage this complexity, all steps of the value stream are always coupled with the associated . These, in turn, are combined with ITIL principals, practices and governance to create the value system. This coupling allows providers to design their service management holistically and control them in a more traceable manner promoting continuous improvement. If you want to learn more about ITIL 4, how it differs from previous versions and the value it will bring to service management organizations, please view our webinar recording. With a well-functioning and agile ITSM solution, your organization will be able to implement any of the ITIL 4 practices created by Axelos. The topic of agile is getting increased awareness surrounding ITSM, thanks to the fresh new version of ITIL, ITIL 4. Therefore, many managers and organizations are asking, "what does it take to make my ITSM processes more agile?" Traditionally, the focus in IT Service Management is on the Process Manager, who makes sure that operations of the process run smooth. The Incident Manager makes sure that all incidents are handled according to the predefined incident process. Similarly, the Change Manager, the Problem Manager and all the other Managers of ITIL disciplines focus on their own processes. According to the Manifesto of Agile Software Development, agile focuses on “Responding to change over following a plan”. Thus, attention switches from managing operations to improving and adjusting the process, so that it always meets its users’ needs. That means that instead of the Process Manager, at the center is the Process Owner. The focus of your ITSM solution needs to extend from managing the process to its whole lifecycle, including the “response to change”. Dealing with change becomes a core requirement for the solution. This does not mean following the paradigm of uncontrolled and chaotic change. Instead, well-structured change process needs to be applied to all processes that the ITSM solution handles. Putting agile at work in your ITSM processes and expanding to other services processes like HR, Finance or Legal includes certain practices to follow and mistakes to avoid. The following guide will help you avoid these common pitfalls when applying agile: Artificial Intelligence in IT Service Management will evolve over the next decade with first truly disruptive innovations. AI will impact many capabilities of ITSM tools including: Artificial Intelligence will be the 4th generation of process automation in IT. After the initial digitization of processes, the script-based automation, and the codeless visual workflow automation, machine learning is the next step in process automation. The benefits of AI in ITSM will be cost savings through the automation of predictable, routine tasks, and a better user experience by analyzing big data of the past and making it available at a glance for smarter analysis. Due to the limited analytical skills of the first generation of AI algorithms, AI will be rather an evolution in ITSM than a revolution in the near future. With a flexible ITSM tool, you can . From simple IT ticketing and self-service, to HR Service Delivery, Enterprise Contract Management, and company-wide process optimization, you can do it all with one system and with the same user experience. Some of the most common services managed with the help of tools originally designed for IT Service Management are: Whatever ITSM tool your organization uses, you will want to maximize your investment by connecting it to other applications, services, and more. Integrations need to allow fast, two-way, and real-time data transfer between systems. To set up your integrations smoothly, here are the 3 important steps you need to follow: - Make sure to design an integration that meets your needs and document them visually using BPMN standard-based IDE. - Use a low-code approach to configure connectors, build-in version controls to manage the different integration versions, and deploy the integration to your chosen environment once ready. - Monitor your integrations in real-time, ensuring the accuracy of the information and quick resolution of any errors. Many of the ITSM tools have a particular out-of-the-box functionality to establish a basic setup IT Service Management. However, to gain full advantage of any tool, you need to identify your customers and map the services you offer to different internal and external target groups. For this, ITSM provider’s consultants help you refresh service and process structures, consolidate corporate practices with support of the ITSM tools. Outcome of professional consulting is a well-defined service catalogue for your organization. The service catalogue comes with processes that have customer-specific definitions like service times, priority definition rules, service request models and change request classifications. In addition to advisory services for your processes and service catalog, you may want to get professional help on di|Improve your Efficiency Provide Effortless End-to-End Experiences Create Transparency, control and Improve Auditability Ticketing systems Ticketing systems allow IT support to be better organize and categorize incidents and possibly questions or requests. These are lighter systems that are more interested in streamlining the process of: The primary goal of a ticketing system is to improve productivity and reduce the possibility of an incident getting overlooked. ITSM Solutions ITSM Solutions are systems built to better serve the needs of the IT department and everyone who has an interaction with the service desk. ITSM solutions will include some form of a ticketing system to allow users to make requests, report incidents, and ask questions, but they also contain much more. Some of the basic practices included in ITSM systems are: These practices could be considered the bare minimum for ITSM solutions, but they often incorporate many more areas based on the ITIL framework. Choosing the right ITSM software and tool is a tedious task requiring a lot of analysis from different angles. Building a solid, needs-driven foundation for your IT Service Management will ensure that you choose the right tools and systems to underpin the central goals of all business functions - even beyond IT. A good starting point is looking at: - The modern IT user expects their services to be available when, where, and how they want them. However, this isn't just about indulging fussy users - it's about making everybody more productive. With a flexible, always-on service platform with plenty of self-service capabilities you can run a smoother operation while allowing IT service staff to focus less on mundane tasks and more on strategic planning and direction. - Efficient IT service delivery is more than just fast response times. Do you know what your current service costs are, and how much you could save by improving your systems? Take some time to consider what the ideal processes for support requests and issue resolution would look like, and how those would enable your teams to be more efficient. - When looking at the total cost of ownership for our ITSM systems, we often become overly focused on the infrastructure costs, sunk costs on installation, and ongoing costs for maintaining and delivering current services. We don't always consider the time, effort and money required for dealing with changes in processes or technology. If the business can't easily innovate and deliver enhanced solutions, there can be substantial financial implications. Take some time to also map out the requirements of HR, Legal, Finance, Customer Services, and any other central business functions. This will guide you towards the type of vendor you want to collaborate with, as you will be able to align their skills and abilities with your cultural and regional needs. The benefits of cloud ITSM include: – instead of purchasing expensive systems and paying the salaries of people operating them, you get the application on a monthly subscription basis and you only pay for the number of users you really need. The solution also scales up quickly when your business grows. Using cloud ITSM frees up your and your team’s time so you can concentrate on running your business. IT Infrastructure Library, is a best practice framework for ITSM. ITIL is a set of best practices and universally accepted terms for ITSM providers, customers, and potential buyers. It is used to help ensure easy implementation, integration and ultimately the greatest value. A white paper of everything you ever wanted to know about ITIL can be downloaded from Axelos’ home page . ITIL’s best practices evolve around processes. Read more about the ITIL processes and their practical implementation in an ITSM solution . The newest version of the framework, ITIL 4 Foundation level was launched in 2019. It has brought a lot of welcomed updates to the best practices of IT service management. Holistic view on the value of IT services Measuring the continuity of IT services Third topic that comes through more in ITIL 4 than in the previous versions, is the concept of service continuity, especially as more services are offered on SaaS-basis. The parameters of Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are not new in many CMDBs. In the past, RTO and RPO have often been assigned for infrastructure elements such as servers or database centers for cloud-based services. There is no value in a cloud-based application running smoothly, if another application that is needed to sign-in to the service is not up and running at all. In ITIL 3, the added value was created based on the service lifecycle. However, this approach was often represented with a sequential structure, or waterfall model, and the framework lacked the flexibility to respond quickly to changes. In ITIL 4, this cycle has been replaced by a service value system which includes an integrated value chain, as depicted in Figure 1 and 2. Read more about the ITSM Service Value System in ITIL 4 . General Management Practices Service Management Practices Technical Management Practices The Power of Artificial Intelligence with ITSM li|A user has an issue The user informs the service desk (or help desk) The issue is assigned The issue is resolved Change management - Used to cr Incident management - Used to IT Asset management - Used to record and track IT equipment and infrastructure to manage the lifecycles and total costs. Knowledge management - Used to collect and manage effective and useful information or knowledge across the organization. Problem Management - Used to reduce the impact of incidents through better categorization and management of workarounds and know errors. Project Management - Used to report and manage all of the organization's projects to ensure their succesful delivery Service Desk - The point of interaction where tickets are sent, categorized, and resolved. Directly applying Scrum in your Service Request Management Trying to Drag and Drop your incidents on a Kanban Board Starting Agile Service Management with Incident Management, only Attempting to make a PinkVerify-certified configuration agile Introducing SAFe Methodology before all teams really are agile Approaching complex issues with a traditional 3-tier approach Bots working as virtual service agents reducing routine work Machine learning algorithms providing better insight to similar issues and their corresponding actions leading to faster task completion Robotic Process Automation mimicking the ITSM user’s behavior reducing freeing time for more complex challenges Robotic Process Automation for routine tasks in self-service portals Predictive maintenance for IT assets creating cost savings due to more accurate asset utilization User profiling for advanced identity theft prevention improving enterprise data security AI-based decision making in visual workflow automation for more adaptive business process automation AI-based customer intent recognition in visual workflow automation moving from keyword- or category-based process automation to a more human workflow logic , where efficient management and automation of routine tasks, effective division of work across teams and transparency to organizational bottle necks help HR professionals position themselves as fact-based, strategic partners for business. , with which you can consolidate and protect your organization’s contracts in a single solution to provide faster, well-defined access, avoid last-minute panic before renewals, and improve auditability of all your enterprise contracts. through a solution that helps you grow your business, manage your customer service processes with full transparency, and delight your users with a simple and intuitive user experience. , which simplifies the management of user access rights, enables automation of approval chains and provisioning, enhances compliance, and works across all your enterprise services. On top of the pre-built Service Management applications, you may come up with a solution of your own and build it on top of your ITSM tool. project management, to make sure your implementation and development projects run smoothly solution consultancy helps you implement and develop your ITSM solution according to best practices ongoing support, which is timed and resourced according to your organization’s needs outsourced administrator service is an alternative in case your organization does not have its own resources for administering your ITSM solution st|IT service management At its best, the role of ITSM is to simplify, support, and manage all of your IT department’s services and data to create value for the entire organization. The ideal ITSM 1. User experience 2. Operational efficiency 3. Total cost of ownership Reduced and more predictable IT costs Simplified upgrade and maintenance Step 1: Design Step 2: Build and Deploy Step 3: Monitor h2|Why ITSM - 3 greatest benefits ITSM Software vs. Ticketing System Cloud ITSM ITSM Best Practices - The ITIL Framework ITIL 4 Practices in ITSM Agile ITSM Pitfalls of Agile IT Service ManagementITSM Integration ITSM Consulting Get in touch and let's talk about how we could help your business. h3|ITSM Benefits - Examples and use cases from different organizations The Benefits of Implementing ITIL 4 in your ITSM Operations Learn more about ITIL 4 The Next Generation of IT To learn more, watch our webinar about Agile ITSM Download a guide for avoiding the pitfalls of Agile ITSM Learn more about AI & ITSM Using Your ITSM Tool to Manage Any Service The Help You Need for Implementing Your Next Generation ITSM h4|What is ITSM and why is it at the core of any organization today? At its best, the role of ITSM is to simplify, support, and manage all of your IT department’s services and data to create value for the entire organization. See the fundamentals of what ITSM is and what areas it impacts. Defining the risks of IT services Service Value System and Integrated Value Chain in ITSM sp|What is ITSM? » A well-functioning ITSM and the right ITSM system make it easy for organizations to centralize any IT service within a single location and improve efficiencies with automation. An agile ITSM tool will allow you to: Fully automate ITSM processes, ideally with a solution that offers an easy-to-use, Expand past IT and automate and digitize other critical and offerings, helping all areas in the company to get more efficient manage and control identities and access rights throughout the company, seamlessly integrate your adding further control and business logic into any process When done right, ITSM is designed and built with every level of user in mind. It can provide effortless end-to-end experiences from admins to end-users through pre-configured elements, customizable reporting tools, and a modern, user friendly self-service portal. With the right ITSM system, your organization will have: Pre-configured templates, roles, workflows, and reports allowing an easy implementation of new processes and services, processes should be ideally based on ITIL 4 best practices a flexible user interface allowing and personalized offerings/services to ensure the best possible usability for end-users Endless integration possibilities to connect to complimentary discovery, unified endpoint management, , and other service management solutions, making it easy to leverage several tools together An easy-to-use self-service portal for your end users which centralizes information and services and supports the company-wide acceptance and use of the ITSM tool ITSM enables organizations to gain complete insight into their services and operations with flexible reporting tools. Advanced solutions give reports that can be expanded or customized to include additional business-specific information by any user. With comprehensive ITSM software, all members of the organization can: Create their they need Create new or modify existing templates, roles, views and more to meet your exact needs Easily export graphs, views, and data for reports, presentations or further analysis Choosing the right solution to meet the needs of your organization is crucial. When considering how to reduce emails, phone calls, and face-to-face interactions when These two systems have some similar aspects but are different in a lot of keyways. eate standards to allow for smooth upgrades, developments, and releases. identified, reported, categorize and remedy IT issues in an organization. How to implement ITSM Software? Need help to make the right ITSM vendor choice? Cloud and service-based software are quickly becoming the norm. Cloud ITSM means ITSM software or tools running on cloud servers. Compared to many traditional on-premises (on-prem) deployments they provide a number of key benefits. - t he use of cloud technologies has also helped simplify integrations and security reporting. C loud technology and software-as -a-service solutions have further reduced the initial adoption costs making these technologies accessible to a much wider range of customer. ITIL 4 focuses on the value creation of services. Traditionally, the focus has been on the costs of a service. Instead of looking only at the costs of having a service, ITIL 4 also looks at the costs being removed by a service. But is it practical to make a business case for each service and measure how much money it hypothetically saves? Especially as the financial value of a service is only one of its potential benefits. ITIL 4 suggests that you look at the value of each service more holistically. The value of a service, according to ITIL 4, consists of the revenue generated and the cost cut minus the cost of providing a service. It is easy to make such a calculation once one has all the right numbers. But how can one accurately estimate the money saved, without creating a lot of overhead? How can non-financial benefits such as a dramatically improved customer experience be measured? Hence ITIL 4 suggests that a n ITSM tool’s service’s template should look at value instead of costs only. There is also a conscious effort in ITIL 4 to define the risks involved in a service, and how those risks might affect its value. There are many risks that can affect the value of a service, but there is also a risk in not running a service at all. And often that one risk is greater than all other risks that the service brings with it. The risk of not running a service is often forgotten or undocumented. Either way, risks should be understood and recorded, especially those impacting the availability of a service. Figure 1: The ITSM service value system according to ITIL 4 Figure 2: The service value chain according to ITIL 4 Architecture management Continual improvement Information security management Knowledge management Measurement and reporting Organizational change management Portfolio management Project management Relationship management Risk management Service financial management Strategy management Supplier management Workforce and talent management Availability management Business analysis Capacity and performance management Change control Incident management IT asset management Monitoring and Problem management Release management Service catalogue management Service configuration management Service continuity management Service design Service desk Service level management Service request management Service validation and testing Deployment management Infrastructure and platform management Software development and management ▲ em|ITSM pa|Get inspired with eBooks, whitepapers, industry analyst reports, webinars or video presentations. Learn more about Efecte with our Factsheets and Solution Descriptions. Artificial intelligence has a wide range of use cases for any organization's service management. From virtual agents to virtual coaches and even prescriptive maintenance and profiling, AI can help to improve efficiencies, security, or satisfaction. As an IT Professional, you want to move your organization to the next era of Service Management. You understand exactly why your organization needs a modern ITSM tool. But are you having trouble convincing your management that the cost is worth it? If you are looking to add AI to your ITSM system, you should first evaluate your maturity, the value you hope to achieve, direction, and risks. Agile Service Management has been on the agenda of most IT leaders for some years now. This guide will help you avoid 6 of the most common pitfalls when applying agile in practice on your service operations. ITIL 4 wurde im Februar 2019 veröffentlicht. Welche Neuerungen bringt die neue Version des Rahmenwerkes, welchen Mehrwert bieten diese und was ist konkret anders als bei ITIL v3? All incidents in connection with personal data need to be reported within 72 hours. The majority of companies cannot even come close to complying with this time frame. Discover how an ITSM Solution can help. In der neuen Marktstudie für 2021 vergleicht das deutsche Analystenhaus Research in Action 20 Software-Anbieter im Bereich IT- und Enterprise Service Management. Efecte wurde als Market Leader in den Top 5 ITSM Tool Anbietern für den gehobenen Mittelstand in Deutschland bewertet. In der Studie finden Sie u.a. Antworten auf folgende Fragen: Wie wirkt sich die Corona-Pandemie auf das IT Service Management aus? Wo sehen Unternehmen den Unterschied beim Einsatz von ITSM und(ESM) Tools? Cloud oder on-premise? Efecte has been identified as Rising Star forTools in Germany by ISG, a leading global technology research and advisory firm. According to ISG, Efecte as a Rising Star award receiver has ”…a promising portfolio or the market experience to become a leader”. Learn how to measure digital employee experience - that is how computers and software serve employees - in your organization, and where to focus your efforts while improving it. Webinaarissa käsittelemme mitä moderni sopimustenhallinta merkitsee organisaatioille ja kuinka sitä voidaan kehittää palvelemaan liiketoimintaa. Watch our demonstration about how Identity and Access Management can be easily integrated into your Service Management platform. In this on-demand webinar, you learn how to personalize your Efecte solution by adding custom applications to the platform. Opi kuinka voit rakentaa organisaatiosi Efecte-alustan päälle mitä tahansa prosesseja, raportteja ja lomakkeita ja hyödyntää Efecteä entistä laajemmin. Webinar presents ways for Efecte users to manage and mitigate the effects of crisis. Find out, w AI-powered Service Desks – Yes, please! AI-power will allow service desks to cut costs, scale output and boost service experience. Join our webinar. People Analytics meets HR Service Delivery – how transparency and data can boost the role of HR departments and help to retain key talent.ermöglicht es, Best Practices vom ITSM und ITIL-Prozessen im ganzen Unternehmen eimzusetzen. Die neueste Version des ITSM-Rahmenwerkes wurde 2019 veröffentlicht und enthält einige Veränderungen, die Ihr ITSM nachhaltig beeinflussen können. Welche das sind und wie sie am besten umgesetzt werden erklären wir in unserem Webinar. Watch our demonstration about how Identity and Access Management can be easily integrated into your Service Management platform. Peter discusses four topics you should take into account to future-proof you service catalogue for 2020. This presentation discusses how disruptive technologies and methodologies are changing the ITSM world and other enterprise services. The Efecte HR Service Management solution description will give an in-depth look into the out-of-the-box functions and features of our solution. The Efecte Identity Governance and Administration solution description will give an in-depth look into the out-of-the-box functions and features of our solution. What are the latest trends in service management? Keep up with progress, subscribe to the Efecte Newsletter! If you've got something on your mind, just let us know! We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries. di|Ebooks and Whitepapers Tech Debt: Addressing the Problem and Building for a Digital Future AI in Service Management: Comparing technologies Building a Business Case for ITSM Guide: Tips for excelling with AI in ITSM- a path towards a digital organization Guide: Six Pitfalls to Avoid on Your Way to Agile Service Management Agility Made Easy: Your Introduction into Agile Guide: Automation - a Turbo for Service Management ITIL 4: Agile Revolution or Repackaging the Old? ITIL 4: Revolution oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? Modern Identity and Access Management in Enterprises - Practical tips for IT decision-makers AI: a 4th Generation of Process Automation in ITSM GDPR: Right to be forgotten and how to be compliant Guide for IT Service Managers: Three steps to comply with GDPR Market studies Research In Action - Report on ITSM Tool Vendors for Upper Midmarket 2021 (in English) Research in Action - ITSM / ESM Tool Hersteller Matrix für 2021 (in Deutsch) IDG - Study of ITSM and ESM Market Trends in Germany 2021 (in English) IDG - Studie zu Trends im ITSM in Deutschland, Österreich, und der Schweiz (in Deutsch) ISG - Efecte identified as Rising Star for ESM Tools in Germany in 2021 (in English) ISG - Efecte ist Rising Star im BereichTools (in Deutsch) Webinars UPCOMING: Work smarter, not harder: How to measure to improve Digital Employee Experience AI in ITSM - top 10 use cases (English version) Der Mehrwert von KI im IT Service Management (German version) AI inom ITSM (Swedish version) Sopimustenhallinnan kehittäminen – Sopimustieto palvelemaan liiketoimintaa ITIL 4 und SAFe 5.0: das perfekte Match für ein besseres Service Management im ganzen Unternehmen? Identity and Access Management - How to Get Started? (English version) How to Build Custom Applications on Your Efecte Platform (Build-Your-Own) Sovellusten rakentaminen Efecten päälle (Build-Your-Own) Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops Solution. How to Capitalize on Agile, the New Currency of Business. Agile Service Management with SAFe 5.0. Agile Service Management - Finally a topic in ITIL? Intelligent ITSM: The Future of AI-Powered Service Desks Employee Experience 2.0: People Analytics meets HR Service Delivery ITIL 4 is live - what can we expect?- Status Quo und Trends ITIL 4: Was dürfen wir erwarten? Agiles Service Management in der Praxis: einen Workflow in 45 Minuten erstellen und automatisieren In diesem Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen, wie einfach und effizient die Automatisierung von Prozessen sein kann. Anhand von zwei Prozessen - Service Request und Service Fulfillment - sehen Sie in Echtzeit die Logik und die Verknüpfungen, die einen automatisierten Prozess der Praxis: Wie Bechtle Hamburg ihre Serviceprozesse digitalisiert und automatisiert hat Agiles Service Management und ITIL 4: Theorie und Praxis Perfekte Bestellprozesse in einem sinnvollen Servicekatalog Zwei Experten geben Ihnen praktische Tipps auf dem Weg zum erfolgreichen Servicekatalog und zeigen, wie ein effizienter End-to-End Service-Request-Bestellprozess aussehen kann. Identity and Access Management - How to Get Started? (Finnish version) View some of our latest video presentations Forget about customers - fail with digitalization Service Catalogue 2020 Interview: the current state ofin DACH countries Peter explains the status quo ofin DACH-based companies and what is important when choosing an ESM solution. ITSM in 2025 - Will AI & Agile Replace the Traditional Service Desk? Download Solution Descriptions Efecte ITSM The Efecte IT Service Management solution description will give an in-depth look into the out-of-the-box functions and features of our solution. Efecte HRSM Efecte IGA Efecte IDM st|Milla Kuosmanen, Efecte VP Customer Success Peter Schneider, Efecte Chief Product Officer Peter Schneider, Efecte Chief Product Officer Peter Schneider, Efecte Chief Product Officer | | | h1|Library h2|Download Factsheets Sign up for our newsletter Got any questions? sp|Every organization has some level of tech debt, but is your tech debt under control? Find out why tech debt matters now, what are your options, and how to reduce the impact. Our Ebook provides you with guidance and thoughts about howcan drive the digital transformation in the company, which steps have to be observed and what you should pay attention to in order to implement a successful ESM strategy. Our eBook covers, what is agile, it's values and principles, favorable conditions, and some of the methodologies and tools used; serving as an introduction for newcomers and a refresher for seasoned veterans. Companies have to react ever faster to the changing needs of their customers. This guide will show three practical steps and examples of how companies use automation to increase their productivity, customer, and employee satisfaction. ITIL 4 was released in late February 2019. What are the differences to ITIL V3 and what is the added value offered by the new version of the best practice framework for companies and their IT departments? Managing data and access to it is becoming increasingly challenging as the business IT environment evolves at an increasing speed. This guide gives practical tips how IT decision-makers can ensure that the organization’s IAM stands up to scrutiny. Artificial Intelligence is making its way towards IT Service Management. This Whitep aper brings a holistic approach to all areas where AI will play a vital role and enhances the way we work. GDPR forces IT Service Managers to rethink their data retention policies. This paper presents three simple steps to comply with GDPR’s Right to be Forgotten. German analyst firm Research In Action compares 20 software providers from the IT andsectors and explains trends and challenges in the industry. Efecte is proud to be one of the Top 5 ITSM-Tool providers in Germany and to lead in customer satisfaction. This study investigates how companies from the DACH-region, i.e. Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, manage their IT services, how they embrace Enterprise Service Management, the impact of the Corona crisis in ITSM trends, and where the market generally heads to. Efecte wurde von ISG Research im ISG Provider Lens Quadrant Report für 2021 als Rising Star in der Kategorie ESM Tools in Deutschland eingestuft. Efecte wurde in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal analysiert und als Anbieter mit signifikanten Wachstumspotential in Deutschland erkannt. How can IT organizations benefit from Artificial Intelligence in their IT Service Management? Discover the top 10 usecases and see a live demo of our Virtual Coach in action. In diesem Webinar gehen wir zunächst die Top 10 Anwendungsfälle durch, in denen KI im ITSM einen konkreten Mehrwert liefern kann. Dann zeigen with Ihnen Live-Demos von 2 KI-Implementierungen im ITSM. Hur kan IT-organisationer dra nytta av artificiell intelligens i sin IT Service Management? Vi förklarar vilka saker som kan automatiseras effektivt med AI och RPA ,och demonstrerar olika exempel på implementeringar av artificiell intelligens. Wir sprechen darüber, wie Rahmenwerke wie ITIL 4 und SAFe® 5.0 Sie dabei unterstützen können, Ihr Service Management auf agile Art und Weise effizienter zu machen. hat, in practice, does it take to lead an agile operation or become an agile organization in today's digital world. The new standard of agile service management is here. Learn how to apply SAFe and Agile Service Management in theory and practice. Today, your Service Management has to be able to quickly adapt to new challenges and work in harmony with the business. Is ITIL framework able to adapt to the needed change? ITIL 4 was released in late February 2019. Does this latest version of ITIL make the service management of IT organizations considerably more agile and to provide support in the digitization of service processes? Wie sieht es allerdings konkret in den Unternehmen aus? Wer treibt oder setzt dasum? Welche Anforderungen haben Unternehmen an Tool-Hersteller und wie entwickelt sich der Markt? Aus der Praxis berichtet Tobias Stender, wie die Bechtle Hamburg die Herausforderung des Enterprise Service Managements gemeistert hat und erfolgreich die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der internen Serviceprozesse umsetzen konnte. In diesem Webinar zeigen wir, wie alle ITSM-Praktiken in ITIL 4 und agile Ansätze Hand in Hand gehen können, um den langfristigen Erfolg der IT und Ihrer Kunden gewährleisten zu können. I n order to succeed with your digitalization agenda, you need to know your customers and take control of your services . Milla covers real-life examples of international successes of combining digitalization and customer experience, and highlights three steps to sure failure. The Efecte Identity Management Solution Description will give an in-depth look into the out-of-the-box functions and features of our solution. pa|Established in 1998, Efecte has grown from a small IT Service Management solution provider in Finland to a leading actor on themarket in Finland, the Nordic countries and now also in Germany. Efecte offers cloud-based (Software as a Service, SaaS) service and identity management solutions, supported by professional services. They streamline and simplify management of services, IT systems infrastructure in organizations. In 2018, Efecte celebrated its 20th anniversary! Read more about our journey so far. See our Investor pages for information on shares, corporate governance and Efecte as an investment. Our partners share our passion and our dedication to customer success. See our office locations and contact details. What are the latest trends in service management? Keep up with progress, subscribe to the Efecte Newsletter! If you've got something on your mind, just let us know! We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries. st|Efecte – A Finnish success story h1|About Efecte h2|Our Story Careers at Efecte - Join us! Information for investors Our customers Our partners Contact us Sign up for our newsletter Got any questions? sp|We offer a wide variety of opportunities from IT sales to solution consultancy and software development to customer support. If you are interested in working with developing the best IT service & identity management solution, see our open positions. In Finland, Efecte was listed among the best places to work in a study by in 2019. There are great career opportunities in Finland, Sweden Germany. Efecte has been listed on the Nasdaq First North marketplace since 2017. Efecte works with large and mid-size customers, as well as public organizations in the Nordic countries and Europe. We have more than 300 customers and experience of over 1,000 customer implementations. We deliver our customers Simplicity as a Service: Effortless flow of work and information, and no surprises. pa|Contact details for Efecte offices and Service Desk. Fürstenriederstrasse 279a 81377 München, Germany (at) Tel +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 Für Ihre direkte Kontaktaufnahme: 216506 DE298860172 What are the latest trends in service management? Keep up with progress, subscribe to the Efecte Newsletter! If you've got something on your mind, just let us know! We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries. di|1509667-4 FI15096674 003715096674 / Operator: Liaison Technologies Oy / Code: 003708599126 (at) Tel. +358 9 2535 0400 – 2137580-5 FI21375805 18850701 003721375805 / Operator: Liaison Technologies Oy / Code: 003708599126 Torshamnsgatan 30 A, SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden (at) Tel. +46 8 50 31 31 30 556688-5553 SE556688555301 18850719 18850727 st|Company ID (y-tunnus) VAT n:o Invoicing address: e-invoices: Pdf-invoices: Company ID (y-tunnus) VAT n:o Invoicing address: e-invoices: Pdf-invoices: Company ID (org. nr.) VAT n:o Invoicing address: Pdf-invoices: Company ID VAT n:o Invoicing address: Pdf-invoices: Efecte Denmark A/S Technical Service Desk for certified Efecte Administrator users h1|Contact us h2|Efecte offices Sign up for our newsletter Got any questions? h4|Efecte Plc. (Finland) Efecte Finland Oy Efecte AB (Sweden) Efecte Germany GmbH Opening times 08.00 – 18.00 EET/EEST. sp|Säterinkatu 6 FI-02600 Espoo, Finland Tel. +358 9 2535 0400 Efecte Oyj, 18850693, R881, 106 54 Stockholm, Sweden Säterinkatu 6 FI-02600 Espoo, Finland Efecte Finland Oy, , R881, 106 54 Stockholm, Sweden Efecte AB, , R881, 106 54 Stockholm, Sweden Efecte Germany GmbH, , R881, 106 54 Stockholm, Sweden has on 14.1.2021 merged with Efecte AB in Sweden. We continue supporting our Danish customers and partners from our Swedish hub. Please direct any questions or queries relating to Efecte Denmark A/S to Efecte AB (contact details above). Tel. +358 424 724 724 pa|(ITSM) bezieht sich auf alle Aktivitäten rund um die Planung, den Aufbau, die Implementierung, den Support und die Verwaltung von IT-Dienstleistungen. Dies bedeutet einfach, dass alle Informationen, Vermögenswerte, Prozesse, Praktiken, Richtlinien und die tatsächlichen Dienste, die von der IT oder in deren Umfeld erstellt werden, unter das ITSM fallen. Im besten Fall besteht die Rolle des ITSM darin, alle Dienstleistungen und Daten Ihrer IT-Abteilung zu vereinfachen, zu unterstützen und zu verwalten, um einen Mehrwert für die gesamte Organisation zu schaffen. Dies ist der Hauptgrund für die Schaffung von ITSM-Lösungen oder -Plattformen, die IT-Abteilungen bei der Verwaltung dieser riesigen Menge an Informationen und Ressourcen unterstützen sollen. Die ideale ITSM-Lösung berücksichtigt die Organisation, die Mitarbeiter, die Informationen, die Technologie, die Partner, die Lieferanten, die Praxis und die Prozesse, um die IT-Abteilung bei der Verwaltung dieser Ressourcen und Informationen zu unterstützen. ITSM-Lösungen sind nicht neu, aber Entwicklungen wie Cloud, Agile, DevOps und KI zwingen viele Unternehmen dazu, ihre IT-Systeme zu überprüfen und zu überlegen, wie sie dieser sich schnell verändernden IT-Umgebung angemessen begegnen können. Wenn Sie zwischen diesen beiden Lösungen hadern, dann sollten Sie sich fragen, welchen Herausforderungen Sie begegnen und was Sie konkret in Ihren Abläufen verbessern möchten. Beide Systeme bieten Hilfe wenn man die Bearbeitung von Störfällen oder andere Arten von Anfragen effizienter als mit E-Mails, per Telefon oder durch persönliche Interaktionen umsetzen möchte. Ticketing-Systeme und ITSM-Lösungen haben grundsätzliche gemeinsame Funktionalitäten, entscheiden sich aber in vielen Punkten, die besonders bei komplexeren Anforderungen entscheidend sind. Software as a Service (SaaS) ist ein Geschäftsmodell, bei dem Kunden für die Nutzung von Software, die auf einem Remote-Computer gehostet wird, zahlen. SaaS wird oft austauschbar mit "Cloud Computing" verwendet. Dank des Internets und der globalen Kommunikations-technologien werden Cloud- und Software als Dienstleistung heute schnell zur Norm. Cloud-ITSM bedeutet ITSM-Software oder Tools, die auf Cloud-Servern laufen. Im Vergleich zu vielen traditionellen On-Premise-Bereitstellungen (vor Ort) bieten sie eine Reihe von Vorteilen: In den Best-Practices von ITIL geht es um Prozesse. Mehr Informationen über ITIL-Prozesse und ihre Implementierung in eine ITSM-Lösung finden Sie . ITIL 4 Foundation, die jüngste Version von ITIL, wurde 2019 eingeführt. Mit zahlreichen willkommenen Updates wurden bewährte Prinzipien und Verfahren des IT-Service-Managements auf das nächste Level gebracht. Die 4 interessantesten Neuerungen von ITIL 4 sind: Der Fokus von ITIL 4 liegt auf der Wertschöpfung der Services. Dabei werden nicht mehr nur die hierdurch entstehenden Kosten betrachtet, sondern auch die Kosten berücksichtigt, die durch die Nutzung eines Services wegfallen. Fraglich ist allerdings, wie zweckmäßig es ist, für jeden einzelnen Service ein geschäftliches Szenario aufzustellen und hypothetische Kosteneinsparungen aufzuführen. Besonders, wenn der finanzielle Wert nur einer der potentiellen Vorteile eines Services ist. Laut ITIL 4 ist nun eine ganzheitlichere Betrachtung des Wertes möglich, der sich ergibt, indem die Kosten für die Diensterbringung vom erzielten Umsatz und den eingesparten Kosten abgezogen werden. Eine einfache Milchmädchenrechnung, wenn alle relevanten Zahlen zur Verfügung stehen. Aber wie können Einsparungen präzise eingeschätzt werden ? Wie können nicht-monetäre Vorteile wie eine drastische Verbesserung der Kundenerfahrung gemessen werden? Die Servicevorlage des ITSM-Tools sollte daher anstelle der ausschließlichen Kosten den ganzheitlichen Wert in den Vordergrund stellen. ITIL 4 ist weiterhin bestrebt zu bestimmen, welche Risiken mit dem Service verbunden sind, und wie sich diese Risiken auf den Wert des Services auswirken. Es gibt unzählige Risiken, die den Servicewert beeinträchtigen können. Einen Service überhaupt nicht zu betreiben, stellt jedoch auch ein Risiko dar. In vielen Fällen übersteigt dieses eine Risiko sogar alle anderen Risiken, die der Servicebetrieb mit sich bringt. Das Risiko des Nichtbetreibens bleibt meist unbeachtet oder undokumentiert. In jedem Fall sollten Risiken gut verstanden und belegt werden, insbesondere solche Risiken, die sich auf die Verfügbarkeit des Services auswirken. Die größere Transparenz in den Value Streams ist eine entscheidende Veränderung in ITIL. Sie wird sowohl den Service-Anbietern als auch Kunden im ITSM-Sektor zugutekommen. Die Nachvollziehbarkeit innerhalb des Value Streams wird verbessert und ermöglicht eine Grundlage für eine kontinuierliche Optimierung der Services. So können beispielsweise Aktivitäten, die nicht zur Wertschöpfung beitragen, schneller identifiziert und bereinigt werden. Derartige Aktivitäten stellen im Sinne von ITIL 4 und dem darin vertretenen Lean Management unnötigen Ballast dar und müssen beseitigt oder minimiert werden. Auf der Grundlage dieses Prinzips sollte der Value Stream kontinuierlich optimiert werden. Alle Aktivitäten von IT-Dienstleistern sollten immer direkt darauf ausgerichtet sein, einen nachvollziehbaren Mehrwert für die Beteiligten zu generieren Value Streams oder Wertströme können ausgesprochen weitreichend und komplex sein, unabhängig von der Branche oder dem Markt. Um eine derartige Komplexität unter Kontrolle zu bringen, sind alle Schritte des Value Streams stets mit den gekoppelt. Diese bilden wiederum durch die Verknüpfung mit den ITIL-Leitprinzipien, Praktiken und Governance das Service Value System. Diese Kopplung ermöglicht es den Anbietern, ihr Service Management ganzheitlich zu gestalten und nachvollziehbarer zu steuern, wodurch eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung gefördert wird. Wenn Sie mehr über ITIL 4 erfahren möchten, wie es sich von früheren Versionen unterscheidet und welchen Wert es für Service-Management-Organisationen haben wird, sehen Sie sich bitte unsere Webinar-Aufzeichnung an. Mit einer funktionstüchtigen und agilen ITSM-Lösung ist Ihre Organisation in der Lage, jede der von Axelos entwickelten ITIL 4 Praktiken zu implementieren. Dem Thema Agilität wird im ITSM-Sektor zunehmend Beachtung geschenkt, nicht zuletzt dank ITIL 4. So fragen sich immer mehr Manager und Organisationen, wie sie ihre ITSM-Prozesse agiler gestalten können. Bis dato haben die Prozessmanager eine zentrale Rolle im IT-Service-Management eingenommen. Sie gewährleisten, dass alle Prozessabläufe reibungslos funktionieren: die Störungsmanager bzw. Incident Manager sorgen dafür, dass Störungen und unerwartet eintretende Ereignisse unter Einhaltung der hierfür festgelegten Leitlinien identifiziert und behoben werden. Genauso konzentrieren sich Änderungsmanager (Change Manager), Problemmanager und die übrigen Manager der verschiedenen ITIL-Disziplinen auf ihre jeweiligen Prozesse. Entsprechend dem Manifest für agile Softwareentwicklung liegt der Fokus der Agilität eher darauf, auf „Veränderungen zu reagieren als einen Plan zu befolgen“. Somit richtet sich die Aufmerksamkeit nun weniger auf die Verwaltung von Abläufen und mehr auf die Verbesserung und Anpassung des Prozesses, um zu gewährleisten, dass dieser stets den Nutzerbedürfnissen gerecht wird. Anstelle von Prozessmanagern stehen nun die Prozesseigner im Mittelpunkt. Der Fokus Ihrer ITSM-Lösung muss vom Prozessmanagement auf den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Prozesses erweitert werden, was auch das „Reagieren auf Veränderungen“ einschließt. Der Umgang mit Veränderungen wird zur Kernvoraussetzung für diese Lösung. Damit ist nicht gemeint, dass man den Paradigmen eines unkontrollierten, chaotischen Wandels folgen soll. Nein. Für alle Prozesse und Abläufe, die mit der ITSM-Lösung verwaltet werden, muss ein gut strukturierter Veränderungsprozess Anwendung finden. Bei der Einführung agiler Methoden oder Software im ITSM oder in anderen Unternehmensbereichen wie dem Personalwesen, dem Rechnungswesen oder der Rechtsabteilung müssen bestimmte Vorgehensweisen befolgt werden, um Fehler zu vermeiden. Ein paar der gängigsten Fehler bei der Einführung von agilen Methoden sind: ● Direkte Einbindung von Scrum im Management von Service-Anfragen ● Versuche, Incidents mit „Drag and Drop“ auf ein Kanban-Board zu verschieben ● Start des agilen Service Managements ausschließlich mit dem Incident Management ● Versuch, Agilität in einem PinkVerify-zertifizierten Konfigurationsmanagement einzuführen ● Einführung von SAFe bevor alle Teams agil sind ● Behandlung komplexer Sachverhalte mit konventioneller 3-Tier-Architektur Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird in den kommenden Jahren auch im IT-Service-Management zahlreiche innovative und disruptive Veränderungen bringen und die Möglichkeiten von ITSM-Tools in vieler Hinsicht beeinflussen: Künstliche Intelligenz wird die 4. Generation der IT-Prozessautomatisierung darstellen. Nach der anfänglichen Digitalisierung der Prozesse, der scriptbasierten Automatisierung und der codefreien Automatisierung von Arbeitsabläufen stellt Maschinenlernen den nächsten Schritt in der Prozessautomatisierung dar. Die Vorteile von KI im ITSM zeigen sich in Form von Kosteneinsparungen dank der Automatisierung von vorhersagbaren Routineaufgaben sowie in einem besseren Nutzererlebnis, da große Mengen an vergangenen Daten analysiert und unmittelbar für eine intelligentere Analyse zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Aufgrund der begrenzten analytischen Fähigkeiten der KI-Algorithmen der 1. Generation handelt es sich bei der künftigen Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz im ITSM also eher um eine Evolution als eine Revolution. Imwird ihr ITSM-Tool nicht nur für die Automatisierung von IT-Prozessen, sondern von allen möglichen Prozessen in anderen Unternehmensbereichen eingesetzt. Wenn ihr ITSM-Tool es ermöglicht, können Sie prinzipiell so gut wie jeden . Vom einfachen IT-Ticketing und Self-Service über HR Service Delivery und Vertragsmanagement bis hin zu organisationsweiter Prozessoptimierung – all dies kann mit der entsprechenden ITSM-Lösung bewerkstelligt werden. Das Nutzererlebnis ist dabei das gleiche in allen Abteilungen, da idealerweise alle Services über ein zentralisiertes Self-Service-Portal angeboten werden. Beispiele von Bereichen, in denen Sie mit Ihrem ITSM-Tool Prozesse automatisieren können: Der Nutzen einer jeden ITSM-Lösung kann dadurch optimiert werden, dass Sie sie an andere Anwendungen, Dienste und Lösungen anbinden und integrieren. Eine solche Integration muss eine schnelle Zweiwege-Datenübertragung in Echtzeit ermöglichen. Im Folgenden sind die 3 wichtigsten Schritte zur nahtlosen Systemintegration beschrieben: : Planung und Konzept – Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Integration Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht wird, und modellieren Sie die Lösung innerhalb einer integrierten Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) grafisch mit BPMN. : Programmierung und Bereitstellung – Wählen Sie ein Low-Code-Konzept für die Anschlusskonfiguration sowie integrierte Versionsverwaltung zur Verwaltung der unterschiedlichen Integrationsversionen, und stellen Sie die Integration nach Fertigstellung in der gewünschten Umgebung bereit. : Monitoring – Überwachen Sie die Integrationen in Echtzeit, um die Richtigkeit der Daten und eine schnelle Behebung von eventuellen Fehlern zu gewährleisten. Viele ITSM-Tools besitzen eine spezielle Out-of-the-box-Funktion zur Einrichtung der Grundeinstellungen des IT-Service-Managements. Um das Tool jedoch optimal nutzen zu können, müssen Sie zunächst Ihre Kunden identifizieren und die Dienste kartieren, die Sie verschiedenen internen und externen Zielgruppen anbieten. Viele ITSM-Lösungsanbieter haben ein Consulting-Team, deren Berater Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Service- und Prozessstrukturen auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen und bewährte Praktiken des Unternehmens mithilfe von ITSM-Tools zu festigen. Normalerweise erhalten Sie als Ergebnis der professionellen Beratung einen übersichtlichen Servicekatalog, in dem Prozesse kundenspezifisch definiert sind, u. a. hinsichtlich Antwortzeit, Prioritätsregeln, Serviceanfrage-Modellen und Klassifizierungen von Änderungsanforderungen. Darüber hinaus können Sie sich auch in folgenden Bereichen beraten lassen: ● Projektmanagement: so stellen Sie sicher, dass Einführung Entwicklung problemlos verlaufen. ● Lösungsberatung: lassen Sie sich bei der Einführung und Entwicklung Ihrer ITSM-Lösung auf bewährte Weise unterstützen. ● Kontinuierliche Unterstützung: zeitlich und ressourcentechnisch auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse Ihrer Organisation abgestimmt. ● Auslagerung der Systemadministration: ideale Alternative, wenn Ihre Organisation keine eigenen Ressourcen zur Administration des ITSM-Tools besitzt. Sie können ebenfalls mit einem im Bereich ITSM spezialisierten Beratungsunternehmen zusammen arbeiten und sich dabei bei der Tool-Auswahl, der Umsetzung und Implementierung beraten und unterstützen lassen. di|Verbessern Sie Ihre Effizienz Ein gut funktionierendes ITSM und das richtige ITSM-System machen es Unternehmen leicht, jeden IT-Service an einem einzigen Standort zu zentralisieren und die Effizienz durch Automatisierung zu verbessern. Ein modernes und agiles ITSM-Werkzeug ermöglicht Ihnen zum Beispiel: Sorgen Sie für mühelose End-to-End-Benutzererfahrungen Ein ITSM-System sollte mit Blick auf jede Benutzerebene entworfen und aufgebaut werden. So können mühelose End-to-End-Benutzererfahrungen, von den Administratoren bis hin zu den Endbenutzern, durch vorkonfigurierte Workflows, anpassbare Dashboards und Reporting-Tools und ein modernes, benutzerfreundliches Self-Service-Portal gewährleistet werden. Mit dem richtigen ITSM-System verfügt Ihr Unternehmen über: Schaffen Sie Transparenz und mehr Kontrolle ITSM ermöglicht es Unternehmen, mit flexiblen Berichtswerkzeugen einen vollständigen Einblick in ihre Dienstleistungen und Abläufe zu erhalten. Erweiterte Lösungen ermöglichen es Berichte zu erstellen, die von jedem Benutzer erweitert oder angepasst werden können, um zusätzliche geschäftskritische Informationen aufzunehmen. Mit einer umfassenden ITSM-Software können alle Mitglieder im Unternehmen: Ticketing-System Ticketing-Systeme ermöglichen dem IT-Support Störfälle, Fragen oder Anfragen besser zu organisieren und zu kategorisieren. Es handelt sich um leichtere Systeme, bei denen es hauptsächlich um die Rationalisierung des Prozesses geht: Das Hauptziel eines Ticketing-Systems ist es, die Produktivität zu verbessern und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Vorfall übersehen wird, zu verringern. ITSM-Lösungen ITSM-Lösungen sind Systeme, die entwickelt wurden, um den Bedürfnissen der IT-Abteilung und aller Personen, die mit dem Service Desk interagieren, besser zu gerecht zu werden. ITSM-Lösungen umfassen eine Art Ticketing-System, das es den Benutzern ermöglicht, Anfragen zu stellen, Störfälle zu melden und Fragen zu stellen, aber sie enthalten noch viel mehr. Einige der grundlegenden Best Practices, die in ITSM-Systemen enthalten sind: Diese Prozesse stellen sozusagen den minimalen Umfang einer ITSM-Lösung dar. Oft decken Sie aber viele andere durch das ITIL-Framework definierte Bereiche ab. Die Wahl der richtigen ITSM-Software ist eine mühsame Aufgabe, die zahlreiche Analysen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln erfordert. Diese vorbereitenden Schritte sind allerdings wichtig, denn der Aufbau einer soliden und bedarfsgerechten Grundlage für Ihr IT-Service-Management stellt sicher, dass Sie die richtigen Werkzeuge und Systeme auswählen, um die zentralen Ziele aller Geschäftsfunktionen - auch über die IT hinaus - zu unterstützen. Wichtige Aspekte, die man betrachten sollte: - Der moderne IT-Anwender erwartet, dass seine Services wann, wo und wie er sie wünscht, verfügbar sind. Dabei geht es jedoch nicht nur darum, anspruchsvolle Benutzer zu verwöhnen - es geht darum, alle produktiver zu machen. Mit einer flexiblen, ständig verfügbaren Service-Plattform mit zahlreichen Selbstbedienungsfunktionen können Sie einen reibungsloseren Betrieb sicherstellen und gleichzeitig den IT-Servicemitarbeitern die Möglichkeit geben, sich weniger auf alltägliche Aufgaben und mehr auf die strategische Planung und Ausrichtung zu konzentrieren. - Eine effiziente IT-Service-Bereitstellung ist mehr als nur schnelle Reaktionszeiten. Wissen Sie, wie hoch Ihre aktuellen Servicekosten sind und wie viel Sie durch die Verbesserung Ihrer Systeme einsparen könnten? Nehmen Sie sich etwas Zeit, um zu überlegen, wie die idealen Prozesse für Supportanfragen und Problemlösungen aussehen würden und wie diese Ihren Teams eine höhere Effizienz ermöglichen würden. - Bei der Betrachtung der Gesamtbetriebskosten für ITSM-Systeme konzentrieren wir uns oft zu sehr auf die Infrastrukturkosten, die Kosten für die Installation und die laufenden Kosten für die Wartung und Bereitstellung der aktuellen Dienste. Wir berücksichtigen nicht immer die Zeit, den Aufwand und das Geld, die für den Umgang mit Änderungen in den Prozessen oder der Technologie erforderlich sind. Wenn das Unternehmen nicht ohne Weiteres Innovationen vornehmen und verbesserte Lösungen anbieten kann, kann dies erhebliche finanzielle Auswirkungen haben. Nehmen Sie sich etwas Zeit, um auch die Anforderungen der Personalabteilung, der Rechtsabteilung, der Finanzabteilung, des Kundendienstes und anderer zentraler Unternehmensfunktionen zu erfassen. Dies wird Ihnen ermöglichen, klare Anforderungen zu etablieren und den Anbieter zu finden, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich bestmöglich an alle Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Die "IT Infrastructure Library", ist ein Best-Practice-Rahmenwerk für ITSM und besteht aus einer Reihe von Best Practices und allgemein anerkannten Regeln für ITSM-Lösungsanbieter, Kunden und potenzielle Käufer. Es wird verwendet, um eine einfache Implementierung, Integration und letztendlich den größten Nutzen für die Anwender zu gewährleisten. Das ITIL Framework wird von der Firma Axelos herausgegeben. 2019 erschien die 4. Version, ITIL 4, des Rahmenwerks. Ein mit allem, was Sie schon immer über ITIL wissen wollten, kann von der Axelos-Homepage . Ganzheitliche Sicht des Wertes von IT-Services Messung der Kontinuität von IT-Services Das dritte Thema, das sich in ITIL 4 stärker als in den Vorgängerversionen durchsetzt, ist das Konzept der Service-Kontinuität, zumal mehr Dienstleistungen auf SaaS-Basis angeboten werden. Die Parameter Recovery Time Objective (RTO) und Recovery Point Objective (RPO) sind in vielen CMDBs nicht neu. In der Vergangenheit wurden RTO und RPO häufig für Infrastrukturelemente wie Server oder Datenbankzentren für Cloud-basierte Dienste zugewiesen. Es hat keinen Wert, wenn eine Cloud-basierte Anwendung reibungslos läuft, wenn eine andere Anwendung, die für die Anmeldung bei dem Dienst benötigt wird, überhaupt nicht in Betrieb ist. In ITIL 3 wurde der Mehrwert auf der Grundlage des Service-Lebenszyklus geschaffen. Dieser Ansatz wurde jedoch häufig mit einer sequentiellen Struktur oder einem Wasserfallmodell dargestellt, und dem Rahmen fehlte die Flexibilität, um schnell auf Änderungen zu reagieren. In ITIL 4 wurde dieser Zyklus durch ein Service-Wertschöpfungssystem ersetzt, das eine integrierte Wertschöpfungskette umfasst, wie in Abbildung 1 und 2 dargestellt. Lesen Sie mehr über das ITSM-Service-Wertschöpfungssystem in ITIL 4. Generelle Management Practices Service Management Practices Technische Best Practices Die Stärke künstlicher Intelligenz im IT-Service-Management li|die vollständige Automatisierung von ITSM-Prozessen. Manche Tools bieten hierfür eine einfach zu bedienende die Möglichkeit, Ihr IT-Tool auch für andere Unternehmensprozesse zu nutzen (z.B. für das Personalwesen, Facility Management etc.) und somit den Impact des IT-Systems im Unternehmen zu erhöhen die Verwaltung von Identitäten oder , auch über das ITSM-Tool zu gewährleisten und somit auch hier Automatisierungen und dadurch eine bessere Kontrolle zu ermöglichen Neue Vorlagen, Rollen, Ansichten und vieles mehr erstellen oder bestehende modifizieren Grafiken, Ansichten und Daten für Berichte, Präsentationen oder weitere Analysen einfach exportieren Ein Benutzer hat ein Problem Der Benutzer informiert den Service Desk (oder Helpdesk) Das Thema ist zugeordnet Das Problem ist gelöst. Change Management - Zur Erstellung von Standards, um reibungslose Upgrades, Entwicklungen und Releases zu ermöglichen. Incident Management - wird verwendet, um IT-Probleme in einer Organisation zu identifizieren, zu melden, zu kategorisieren und zu beheben. IT-Asset-Management - Zur Erfassung und Verfolgung von IT-Ausrüstung und -Infrastruktur zur Verwaltung der Lebenszyklen und Gesamtkosten. Wissensmanagement - Zur Erfassung und Verwaltung effektiver und nützlicher Informationen oder Kenntnisse in der gesamten Organisation. Problem Management - Zur Reduzierung der Auswirkungen von Vorfällen durch bessere Kategorisierung und Verwaltung von Lösungsansätzen und bekannten Fehlern. Projektmanagement - Wird zur Berichterstattung und Verwaltung aller Projekte im Unternehmen verwendet, um deren erfolgreiche Durchführung sicherzustellen. Service Desk - Die zentrale Drehscheibe, an der Tickets gesendet, kategorisiert und gelöst werden. - statt teure Systeme zu kaufen und die Gehälter der Mitarbeiter zu bezahlen, die sie betreiben, erhalten Sie die Anwendung auf einer monatlichen Abonnementbasis und zahlen nur für die Anzahl der Benutzer, die Sie wirklich benötigen. Die Lösung lässt sich auch schnell erweitern, wenn Ihr Unternehmen wächst. Die Verwendung von Cloud-basierendem ITSM spart Zeit und Geld und ermöglicht es Ihnen und Ihrem Team, sich auf andere strategische Aufgaben zu konzentrieren. - der Einsatz von Cloud-Technologien hat auch dazu beigetragen, Integrationen und Sicherheitsberichte zu vereinfachen. Cloud-Technologie und Software-as-a-Service-Lösungen haben die Kosten für die anfängliche Einführung weiter reduziert und machen diese Technologien einem viel breiteren Kundenkreis zugänglich. Bots dienen als virtuelle Servicemitarbeiter, die Routinearbeiten übernehmen Maschinenlernen-Algorithmen helfen, ähnliche Sachverhalte zu erkennen, die entsprechenden dazugehörigen Handlungen bereitzustellen und die Tätigkeit schneller auszuführen Robotic Process Automation ahmt mithilfe von Softwarerobotern das Verhalten von menschlichen ITSM-Nutzern nach, wodurch mehr Zeit für komplexere Aufgaben verbleibt Robotic Process Automation übernimmt Routineaufgaben in Selbstbedienungsportalen Kosteneinsparung dank sorgfältiger Ressourcennutzung infolge von vorausschauender Wartung im Rahmen des IT-Assetmanagements Nutzerprofiling für erweiterte Prävention von Identitätsdiebstahl und verbesserte Datensicherheit des Unternehmens KI-basierte Entscheidungen in der Arbeitsablauf-Automatisierung für eine zunehmend adaptive Automatisierung von Unternehmensprozessen KI-basierte Erkennung der Kundenabsicht in der Arbeitsablauf-Automatisierung, Übergang von schlüsselwort- bzw. kategorienbasierter Prozessautomatisierung zu zunehmend menschlicher Arbeitsablauflogik effiziente Verwaltung und Automatisierung von Routineaufgaben, Aufgabeneinteilung zwischen Teams sowie Transparenz und Erkennung von Flaschenhälsen helfen dem Personalwesen, auf Faktenbasis als strategischer Partner des Unternehmens zu handeln. Verträge können mit einer Systemlösung konsolidiert und geschützt werden, wodurch ein schnellerer, klar definierter Zugriff möglich ist, Torschlusspanik vor Vertragsverlängerungen vermieden und die Audit-Freundlichkeit der Verträge gewährleistet wird. mit einer Lösung, die Ihnen hilft, das Wachstum Ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit zu fördern, die Service-Prozesse Ihrer Kunden mit kompletter Transparenz zu verwalten und ein einfaches, intuitives Nutzererlebnis zu bieten. vereinfacht das Management der Zugangsrechte, ermöglicht Automatisierung von Genehmigungsketten und Provisioning, verbessert die Compliance und funktioniert in allen IT-Diensten Ihres Unternehmens. Mithilfe der vorgefertigten Service-Management-Anwendungen können Sie auf Grundlage Ihres ITSM-Tools eine eigene individuelle Lösung erstellen. st|IT Service Management 1. Benutzererfahrung 2. Betriebliche Effizienz 3. Gesamtbetriebskosten Geringere und vorhersehbarere IT-Kosten Vereinfachte Aktualisierung und Wartung Schritt 1 Schritt 2 Schritt 3 h2|Die 3 wichtigsten Vorteile vom ITSM Ticketing-Systeme vs. ITSM Lösungen Cloud ITSM ITSM Best Practices - Das ITIL Framework ITIL 4 Practices im ITSM Agiles ITSM Die Fallen des agilen Service ManagementsITSM Integrationen ITSM Consulting Gern zeigen wir Ihnen in einer persönlichen Demo, wie wir gemeinsam Ihr Service Management optimieren können h3|Wie setzen Unternehmen Ihre ITSM-Systeme ein? Die Vorteile von ITIL 4 für Ihr Unternehmen Mehr Informationen über ITIL 4 Die nächste IT-Generation Für ausführlichere Informationen schauen Sie unser Webinar über agiles ITSM Hier finden Sie unsere Anleitung, um die häufigsten Fehler bei der Einführung von agilen Methoden im ITSM zu vermeiden Erfahren Sie mehr über KI & ITSM Nutzen Sie Ihr Tool für die Verwaltung von jedem Service Unterstützung bei der Einführung Ihres ITSM-Systems h4|Was ist ITSM, wie funktioniert ITSM and warum ist ITSM das Rückgrat einer jeden IT-Abteilung? Hier eine einfache Erklärung des IT Service Managements Risikobestimmung in IT-Services Service Value System und integrierte Wertschöpfungskette im ITSM sp|IT Service management (ITSM) - Alles, was Sie über das Thema wissen müssen Was ist ITSM? » » Vorkonfigurierte Templates, Rollen, Workflows und Reports, die es den Backend-Administratoren erleichtern, ITIL-konforme Services und Prozesse zu implementieren (Prozesse sollten ITIL 4-konform sein) eine flexible Benutzeroberfläche, die es ermöglicht zur Verfügung zu stellen und somit Anwendern das bestmögliche Nutzererlebnis zu bieten Endlose Möglichkeiten, ergänzende Drittsysteme zu integrieren, wie z.B. discovery, unified endpoint management, , sowie andere Service Management Lösungen. So wird Ihre Lösung wie eine Art Plattform genutzt, die viele verschiedene Lösungen zusammenführt ein einfach zu bedienendes Self-Service-Portal, das Informationen und Services zentralisiert und die Akzeptanz und Nutzung Ihres ITSM-Systems im Unternehmen unterstützt Ihre eigenen kreieren Planen Sie gerade, ein ITSM-System in Ihrem Unternehmen zu implementieren? Brauchen Sie Hilfe bei der Wahl des zu ihnen passenden ITSM-Systems? Abbildung 1: Das ITSM Service Value System nach ITIL 4 Abbildung 2: Die Service Value Chain nach ITIL 4 Die erste Gruppe sind die generellen Practices wie beispielsweise Continual Improvement, Strategy oder Supplier-Management. Architecture management Continual improvement Information security management Knowledge management Measurement and reporting Organizational change management Portfolio management Project management Relationship management Risk management Service financial management Strategy management Supplier management Workforce and talent management In den Service Management Practices finden sich die modernisierten Prozesse wieder, die in der vorhergehenden ITIL-Version im Wesentlichen im Service-Design, Service- Transition und Service-Operation zu finden waren. Availability management Business analysis Capacity and performance management Change control Incident management IT asset management Monitoring and Problem management Release management Service catalogue management Service configuration management Service continuity management Service design Service desk Service level management Service request management Service validation and testing Die technischen Best Practices beinhalten Handlungsempfehlungen zu Software Development & Management, Deployment Management oder Infrastructure & Plattform Management. Deployment management Infrastructure and platform management Software development and management ▲ pa|Our experts are g for your success in all steps of the collaboration. di|Consultancy, training and support services Advisory Consultancy Service design Process advisory IAM consultancy Service management advisory Solution Consultancy Project management Solution consultancy Care and Buddy services Outsourced Administrator Service Training Efecte Admin certification Service Desk Tel: +358 424 724 724 h1|Services h2|Join our internationally growing team of professionals. sp|| | | | | | | | | | Advanced training | Customized training | | pa|Our competitive software helps service organizations digitalize and automate their work. Choose different partnership levels to fit your business needs and count on Efecte to help you to . , support options, and the ability to deepen your relationship with us your business grows. You seek possibilities to build your business on top of the Efecte platform. As a , you will be able to stay connected with Efecte and be among the first to find out about Efecte insights, including news, product roadmap, and key events​. Do you want to sell actively, market, and deliver our solutions end-to-end with Efecte providing support? As a , you will own the entire customer relationship from the sale to delivery and providing value-added services, and we will handle the standard system support. Low barrier signup with no annual cost The partner can use of Efecte logo Newsletter and invites to digital events Annual Partner Awards nominations Efecte Partner Business Agreement with a contractual relationship Visibility on Efecte websites and other digital assets Joint Business Plan Named Responsible person Lead generation: Access to Efecte Digital Marketing Platform Lead generation: Access to Efecte Digital Sales Team Recurring Management Reviews (Twice a Year) (Quarterly) Joint Sales Meeting (Quarterly) (Monthly) Sales support/co-selling Marketing support/co-marketing Referral fee Professional Services / Consulting Opportunity Attractive commission model based on partner commitment Subcontract with Efecte or contract Efecte to support you Digital product training and certification Discounted on-site product and delivery training Digital Sales Training Efecte Service Desk support services Delivery support/co-delivery opportunity Efecte Community access Efecte collaborative tools access Efecte Product Demo access Partner Portal Access Efecte can use partner name in marketing Certified technical consultants Certified sales representatives Annual Sales Target Joint Business Plan Regular plan review (Quarterly) Low barrier signup with no annual cost The partner can use of Efecte logo Newsletter and invites to digital events Annual Partner Awards nominations Efecte Partner Business Agreement with a contractual relationship Visibility on Efecte websites and other digital assets Joint Business Plan Named Responsible person Lead generation: Access to Efecte Digital Marketing Platform Lead generation: Access to Efecte Digital Sales Team Recurring Management Reviews (Twice a Year) (Quarterly) Joint Sales Meeting (Quarterly) (Monthly) Sales support/co-selling Marketing support/co-marketing Referral fee Professional Services / Consulting Opportunity Attractive commission model based on partner commitment Subcontract with Efecte or contract Efecte to support you Digital product training and certification Discounted on-site product and delivery training Digital Sales Training Efecte Service Desk support services Delivery support/co-delivery opportunity Efecte Community access Efecte collaborative tools access Efecte Product Demo access Partner Portal Access Efecte can use partner name in marketing Certified technical consultants Certified sales representatives Annual Sales Target Joint Business Plan Regular plan review (Quarterly) di|Partnering with Efecte Become Efecte partner and join our success story as the European alternative for Service Management. st|cloud-based service management grow and succeed with your customers No long-term commitments and flexible pricing An Easy, Risk-Free Way to Get Started Registered Partner Enable and Expand Your Business Silver Partner Make Efecte Your Strategic Partner Gold Partner Overview Revenue Opportunity Enablement, Training and Customer Success Overview h2|Interested in providing digitalization and IT automation services for your customers? Choose the Best Model for Your Needs Efecte Partner Program Benefits Efecte Partner Program Requirements Efecte Partner Program Benefits Efecte Partner Program Requirements Looking to find a partner? h3|European Alternative for European Customers Agile Partner Program Low Barrier of Entry Registered Partnership Silver Partnership Gold Partnership sp|If so, the provides you with a new, recurrent and scalable business opportunity. With the Efecte Service Management platform, you can target businesses of any size. With over 300 reference cases , we support you in enabling and building a profitable and growing business with Efecte Service Management platform. Our Standard Solutions range from and ticketing to implementing solutions for improving your . With our platform, you can also build custom business workflows and customer service processes. Best of all, all our service digitalizations are done using clean, modern and easy to use tools. We understand that not all companies are the same, and all partnerships should not be either. We offer three different levels of partnership to ensure that anyone can partner with Efecte and build a beneficial relationship based on their skills, needs, and desires. Are you a solution provider with consultancy services who w ould you like to offer value-added services on top of the Efecte platform? As a , you can actively recommend Efecte, and we can create and manage the contracts on your behalf ​, allowing you to focus on working with your customers. Registered Silver Gold Overview Build Your Business with Efecte Revenue Opportunity Enablement, Training and Customer Success Registered Silver Gold Overview Efecte services for partners Registered Silver Gold Build Your Business with Efecte Efecte services for partners Registered Silver Gold ▲ pa|Stay up-to-date and read the latest news about Efecte, our customers, the events we participate in and where the industry is going. Get inspired with eBooks, white papers and video presentations. Check our our solution factsheets. eBooks, white papers, videos and Efecte product factsheets. Blog News Events di|Learn about some of the key features and tools of Efecte h1|Insights h3|Priorities Shift During the Pandemic: ITSM More Important Than Ever Improving Efficiency: Efecte 2021.1 Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops Solution sp|Stay up-to-date with | | | Get inspired! Check out our for Follow us on social media Efecte Highlights in easy to follow videos and detailed infographics pa|Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to re-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. Standard Solutions are comprehensive solutions that are created and maintained by Efecte. These solutions include extensive templates, low-code workflows, pre-configured reports, and roles. T Community Solutions can be created by any member of the Efecte ecosystem, including service providers, partners, customers, and Efecte itself. Community Solutions consist of downloadable templates, low-code workflows, and pre-configured reports for each use case. Community Solutions are shared on open-source principles under creative commons attribution license on the . What are the latest trends in service management? Stay up-to-date and read the latest news about Efecte, our customers, the events we participate in and where the industry is going. di|Solutions Catalog We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. st|Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | | h2|Digitalize and Automate your Work Solution Classifications Sign up for our Newsletter! sp|| | | » » hese solutions include ready role, permission, and report configurations according to industry best practices. Custom Solutions are individualized solutions designed and built by senior administrators of customers, partners, or Efecte to meet the exact needs of customers. Custom solutions can be built from or extended from our standard or community solutions. Through the versatility and flexibility of the Efecte Platform, we can work with our customers to create the exact system they need. Every custom solution has at least one public reference on Efecte's customer success story page. ▲ bo|Standard Solutions Community Solutions Custom Solutions pa|Create individual records of personnel, teams, services, and assets. Incorporate critical processes such as change management, alarm monitoring, and deployment management. Record operational and business owners of each critical issue and include substitutes and substitutes of substitutes to quickly overcome disruptions. Prioritize tasks and responsibilities according to a RACI Matrix. Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Download our Factsheet to learn more about how you can use the Efecte Platform for Crisis Ops. Get step-by-step instructions on expanding your Service Management system on Efecte with Crisis Ops. di|Monitor critical issues of varying natures in a single view. Prioritise critical processes such as service, asset, and team availability. Use dashboards and Kanban boards to better view and review operations. Standardize communication channels to improve reactions and transparency. Provide every team member with a standard view of current statuses. Alert stakeholders of changes with email or SMS messages. Link Automatically allocate linked tasks to the operational owner. Allow a single task, multiple tasks, or entire projects to be easily reassigned. st|| | | | | | | | | Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h1|Crisis Ops h2|Review Operations and Coordinate Responsibilities During a Crisis Digitalize and Automate your Work Get in touch and learn more! Don't leave empty-handed. h3|Review Operational Statuses Communicate Operational Changes Create and Allocate Tasks Create a Central Record of Operations Document and Manage Contingencies sp|Efecte's solution for Crisis Ops enables an immediate overview of the operational status of teams, services, and tasks of any business unit. During a crisis situation such as a pandemic impacting the availability of personnel and resources, both in-house as well from suppliers, the solution helps to coordinate responsibilities and critical tasks. tasks to issues for greater visibility. We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » Crisis Ops is a Community Solution provided free of charge to all of our customers via the . The solution includes the templates and expressions needed for implementation. You can learn more about our solution classifications ▲ x bo|Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops Solution pa|Efecte wurde 1998 gegründet und hat sich von einer Start-Up im Bereich IT-Service-Management zum Marktführer in Finnland und einem führenden Anbieter für Enterprise Service Management-Lösungen in den nordischen Ländern und jetzt auch in Deutschland entwickelt. Efecte bietet Cloud-basierte (Software as a Service, SaaS) Service Management- und Identity-Management-Lösungen, unterstützt durch professionelle Services. Efecte's Edge-Lösungen rationalisieren und vereinfachen das Management von Services, IT-Systemen und Infrastrukturen in Unternehmen. Im Jahr 2018 feierte Efecte sein 20-jähriges Bestehen! Lesen Sie mehr über unsere bisherige Reise. Wir bieten eine große Bandbreite an Möglichkeiten, um sich bei Efecte weiter zu entwickeln und Teil eines innovativen und internationalen Teams zu werden. Vom IT-Vertrieb zum Consulting und von der Softwareentwicklung zur Kundenbetreuung - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, bei der internationalen Weiterentwicklung der besten IT Service & Identitätsmanagements-Lösung mitzuarbeiten, sehen Sie sich unsere offenen Stellen an. Es gibt tolle Karrieremöglichkeiten in Finnland, Schweden und Deutschland Zu Efecte’s Kunden zählen mehr als 300 mittelständische und große Unternehmen sowie öffentliche Institutionen in den nordischen Ländern und Europa. Unser erfahrenes Team hat mehr als 1000 erfolgreiche Kundenimplementierungen begleitet einfache Arbeitsabläufe, ein reibungsloser Informationsfluss und keine unvorhergesehenen Überraschungen durch mehr Sicherheit und Kontrolle. Unsere Partner teilen unser Engagement für den Erfolg unser Kunden und unterstützen Sie in Ihren Projekten. Hier finden Sie unsere Niederlassungen und wie Sie uns kontaktieren können. Was sind die neuesten Trends im Servicemanagement? Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden, abonnieren Sie den Efecte Newsletter! Wenn Sie etwas beschäftigt, lassen Sie es uns wissen! Wir freuen uns sehr, alle Ihre Anfragen zu beantworten. Kontaktieren Sie uns: st|Efecte – Eine finnische Erfolgsgeschichte h1|Über Efecte h2|Unsere Geschichte Karriere bei Efecte - werden Sie Teil unseres Teams! Informationen für Investoren Unsere Kunden Unsere Partner Kontaktieren Sie uns Melden Sie sich für unseren Newsletter an Haben Sie Fragen? sp|Efecte ist seit 2017 an der Nasdaq First North notiert (ISIN: FI4000282868). Informationen zu Aktien, Corporate Governance und Efecte als Investment finden Sie auf unseren Investor-Seiten. Wir bieten unseren Kunden Simplicity as a Service: +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 pa|Olemme kasvaneet vuonna 1998 perustetusta IT Service Management -toimijasta yhdeksi Service Management -alan johtavista suurten ja keskisuurten sekä julkisten organisaatioiden ohjelmistotoimittajista Suomessa, Pohjoismaissa ja nyt myös Saksassa. Efecte tarjoaa pilvipohjaisia (SaaS) palvelun- ja identiteetinhallinnan ohjelmistoja sekä niitä tukevia asiantuntijapalveluja. Tehostamme ja yksinkertaistamme organisaation käytössä olevien palveluiden, tietojärjestelmien sekä infrastruktuurin hallinnointia. Vuonna 2018 Efecte juhli 20-vuotista taivaltaan. Lue lisää kulkemastamme matkasta. Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman uramahdollisuuksia IT-myynnistä ratkaisukonsultointiin ja ohjelmistojen kehittämisestä asiakastukeen. Jos haluat olla mukana kehittämässä ja toteuttamassa parhaita palvelun- ja identiteetinhallintaratkaisuja kansainvälisille markkinoille, tutustu avoimiin työpaikkoihimme. Efecte nousi Suomen parhaiden työpaikkojen listalle -tutkimuksessa vuonna 2019. Tarjolla on kiinnostavia uramahdollisuuksia Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja Saksassa. Efecte on listattu Nasdaq First North -markkinapaikalle. Saat Sijoittajat-sivultamme lisätietoa osakkeestamme, yrityksemme hallinnosta ja Efectestä sijoituskohteena. Efecte tekee yhteistyötä suurten ja keskisuurten yritysten sekä julkisten organisaatioiden kanssa Pohjoismaissa ja Euroopassa. Meillä on yli 300 asiakasta ja kokemusta yli tuhannesta asiakastoteutuksesta. Tarjoamme asiakkaillemme yksinkertaisuutta palveluna: työn ja informaation vaivatonta kulkua ja toimintaa ilman yllätyksiä. Yhteistyökummpanimme jakavat intohimomme ja omistautumisemme asiakkaidemme menestykseen. Toimipaikkojemme sijainnit ja yhteystiedot. Mitkä ovat palvelunhallinnan uusimpia trendejä? Pysy ajan tasalla tilaamalla Efecten uutiskirje! Vastaamme mielellämme kaikkiin kysymyksiisi. Ota yhteyttä! st|Efecte – Suomalainen menestystarina h1|Efectestä h2|Tarinamme Uramahdollisuuksia Efectellä – liity joukkoon! Tietoa sijoittajille Asiakkaamme Yhteistyökumppanimme Ota yhteyttä Tilaa uutiskirje Kysymyksiä? pa|Unsere Experten sind in allen Phasen der Zusammenarbeit für Sie da. Kontaktieren Sie uns: di|Beratung, Training und Support Beratung Service design Process advisory IAM consultancy Service management advisory Solution Consultancy Project management Solution consultancy Care and Buddy services Outsourced Administrator Service Schulungen Efecte Admin Zertifizierung Erweitertes Training Service Desk für Administratoren Tel: +358 424 724 724 h1|Services h2|Werden Sie Teil unseres internationl wachsenden Teams! sp|| | | | | | | | | | | Maßgeschneidertes Training | | +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 pa|Asiantuntijamme tukevat sinua yhteistyön kaikissa vaiheissa. Ota yhteyttä! di|Konsultointia, koulutusta ja tukipalveluita Liiketoimintakonsultointi Palvelusuunnittelu Prosessineuvonta IAM -konsultointi Palvelunhallinnan neuvonta Ratkaisukonsultointi Projektijohto Ratkaisukonsultointi Care ja Buddy -palvelut Ulkoistettu pääkäyttäjäpalvelu Koulutuspalvelut Efecte Admin sertifiointi Service Desk : +358 424 724 724 h1|Palvelut h2|Liity kasvavaan kansainväliseen asiantuntijatiimiimme. sp|| | | | | | | | | | Edistyneet koulutukset | Räätälöidyt koulutukset | Puh | pa|Bleiben Sie auf dem aktuellen Stand und lesen Sie die neuesten Meldungen über Efecte, unsere Kunden, die Events, an denen wir teilnehmen und wo die Branche hin geht. Lassen Sie sich von E-Books, Informationsschriften und Video-Präsentationen inspirieren. Blogs Events Kontaktieren Sie uns: di|Learn about some of the key features and tools of Efecte h1|Einblicke h3|Corona-Auswirkungen gemeinsam lindern - Brief an Kunden und Partner Efecte auf der Digital Agile Management Experience der SERVIEW sp|Überprüfen Sie unsere Lösungsmaterialien. Entdecken Sie unsere … | | Lassen Sie sich inspirieren! Stöbern Sie in unserer , die viele E-Books, Whitepaper, Videos oder Webinare On-Demand enthält. Folgen Sie uns auf den sozialen Netzwerken! Efecte Highlights in easy to follow videos and detailed infographics +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 pa|Pysy ajan tasalla ja lue tuoreimpia uutisia Efectestä, asiakkaistamme, alan kehityksestä ja tapahtumista, joihin osallistumme. Inspiroidu e-kirjoista, white paper -dokumenteista ja videotallenteista. Tutustu tuotemateriaaliimme. Tutustu , josta löydät e-kirjoja, white paper -dokumentteja, videoita ja tuotemateriaalejamme. Blogi Uutiset Tapahtumat Ota yhteyttä! di|Learn about some of the key features and tools of Efecte st|kirjastoomme h1|Oivalluksia h3|Vieraskynä: Työvälineiden suora yhteys työtyytyväisyyteen Efecten IGA-ratkaisu nopeuttaa käyttövaltuuspyyntöjen hallintaa Webinaari: Sopimustenhallinnan kehittäminen – Sopimustieto palvelemaan liiketoimintaa sp|Tutustu näihin... | | | Hae inspiraatiota! Seuraa meitä somessa: Efecte Highlights in easy to follow videos and detailed infographics pa|Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to re-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. Standard Solutions are comprehensive solutions that are created and maintained by Efecte. These solutions include extensive templates, low-code workflows, pre-configured reports, and roles. T Community Solutions can be created by any member of the Efecte ecosystem, including service providers, partners, customers, and Efecte itself. Community Solutions consist of downloadable templates, low-code workflows, and pre-configured reports for each use case. Community Solutions are shared on open-source principles under creative commons attribution license on the . Kontaktieren Sie uns: di|Solutions Catalog We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. st|Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | | h2|Digitalize and Automate your Work Solution Classifications KI und die Zukunft von ITSM. Welche Auswirkungen wird KI auf unsere Arbeitsweise haben? sp|| | | » » hese solutions include ready role, permission, and report configurations according to industry best practices. Custom Solutions are individualized solutions designed and built by senior administrators of customers, partners, or Efecte to meet the exact needs of customers. Custom solutions can be built from or extended from our standard or community solutions. Through the versatility and flexibility of the Efecte Platform, we can work with our customers to create the exact system they need. Every custom solution has at least one public reference on Efecte's customer success story page. +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 bo|Standard Solutions Community Solutions Custom Solutions pa|Verco is our trusted delivery partner and subcontractor in customer projects. Efecte and HiQ cooperate in the integration solutions for service management, enabling agile and modern ways to integrate into almost any technology (such as SAP or SalesForce). Efecte makes use of HiQ's iPaaS in its own Cloud offering when the customer needs integration capabilities in their own on-premise data center. di|Partners Our partners share our passion and dedication to customer success. Together we take our customers to the next level of Service Management. Bechtle IT Systemhaus Hamburg Advatech Tiera Solutia ICT Elmo KPMG Finland Nixu CGI Spellpoint Notkia IT Notkia is our trusted subcontractor in customer projects. Verco Softico Softico is our trusted subcontractor in customer projects. In addition Softico is developing the Efecte Gateway solution based on our customer's needs. Bechtle IT System House Hamburg HiQ Giosg Miradore Snow Software Youredi Applixure h2|Interested in partnering with us? sp|The Bechtle IT System House Hamburg, founded in 2002, is one of the largest IT integrators of Bechtle AG. Its areas of expertise include Microsoft and managed services. The company employs 345 people in Hamburg, including 207 employees in services and 38 in sales. Advatech has been known as an efficient integrator in Poland for over 20 years. Advatech sells and helps customers with the Efecte platform implementations in Polish markets. Tiera provides outsourcing ICT Services to its customers by using the Efecte Platform to digitalize and automate the service support and delivery processes. In addition to ICT services, Tiera provides Efecte platform solution offerings for its customers for various service management and identity and access management use cases like IT, HR, Finance, Legal, and Customer support. Solutia has over 16 years of experience in various IT domains ranging from custom application development, IoT, database solutions and process management inside companies with Service Desk solutions. Solutia sells and helps customers with the Efecte platform implementations in Czech markets. Elmo provides its customers wide range of ICT Services by using Efecte Platform. On top of its customers’ ICT functions, Elmo extends Efecte’s solution to new usage scenarios like HR or Financial Service Management, or Customer Service Management. KPMG Finland is Efecte's Value Added Reseller in Identity Management. From definition to implementation and everyday maintenance, KPMG offers comprehensive solutions based on Efecte's technologies. Nixu is Efecte's Value Added Reseller in Identity Management. From definition to implementation and everyday maintenance, Nixu offers comprehensive solutions based on Efecte's technologies. CGI is Efecte’s Value Added Reseller in both ITSM and Identity Management areas. CGI also offers delivery and support services for their end customers. Spellpoint is Efecte's Value Added Reseller in Identity Management. In addition, Spellpoint is our Service partner, complementing our own service delivery organization as a trusted subcontractor in customer projects. The Bechtle IT System House Hamburg, founded in 2002, is one of the largest IT integrators of Bechtle AG. Its areas of expertise include Microsoft and managed services. The company employs 345 people in Hamburg, including 207 employees in services and 38 in sales. Efecte has integrated Giosg Live Chat services as part of our Efecte solution. The multi-room chat solution provides next-generation chat capabilities to Efecte’s customers. The solution excels in usability both for chat operators as well as chat end-users. As a part of Efecte Service Management Solution, we resell Miradore's Device and License Management solutions. This enables our customers to enrich their IT Service Management system with versatile device inventory and license information. Efecte and Snow Software have developed a solution between their services that enables our customers to enrich their IT Service Management system with versatile information about their infrastructure, licenses, and agreements. Adding to Efecte's multi-room chat solution, customers can automate most of their common questions and support their live agents by providing AI-powered answer recommendations. This enables Efecte's customers to make the most of their help desk resources. Efecte and Youredi cooperate in the integration solutions for service management, enabling agile and modern ways to integrate through the Microsoft Azure cloud. By combining Efecte and Applixure, your IT department and IT service providers can automatically collect and link a wide range of information surrounding the devices and applications maintained within Efecte's CMDB. ▲ pa|and our mission is to perfect them. We offer cloud-based service management software, Nordic at heart and optimized for European businesses and public sector & local service providers. Established in 1998, Efecte has grown from a small IT Service Management solution provider in Finland to a leading actor on themarket in Finland, the Nordic countries and now also in Germany. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North marketplace since 2017. Efecte is headquartered in Finland and has operations in Sweden, Denmark Germany. Founded under the name Bitmount Systems Oy. Foundation for the company´s current service management software. New name: Efecte Oy. Expansion into Nordic countries begins. Moving into partner-model. Reshaping after financial crisis. Strategy renewal and move to cloud-based operation model. RM5 Software acquisition. Launch of new Efecte solution platform. Expansion into Germany. First listing in the Nasdaq First North marketplace. Blog News Events di|Efecte - A Finnish success story h1|The story of Efecte h2|We love services 2018 celebrated 20 years of Efecte Efecte's journey over more than 20 years Get in touch and let's talk about how we could help your business. h3|1998 2002 2005 2010 2013 2014 2015 2017 Priorities Shift During the Pandemic: ITSM More Important Than Ever Improving Efficiency: Efecte 2021.1 Managing operations during difficult times: Deploying a Crisis Ops Solution sp|Efecte offers cloud-based (Software as a Service, SaaS) service and identity management solutions, supported by professional services. They streamline and simplify the management of services, IT systems infrastructure in organizations. Efecte serves more than 300 customers, including medium-sized to large and public organizations, and employs around 100 software business professionals. In 2018, Efecte celebrated its 20th anniversary! Read more about our journey so far. pa|Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to re-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. Standard Solutions are comprehensive solutions that are created and maintained by Efecte. These solutions include extensive templates, low-code workflows, pre-configured reports, and roles. T Community Solutions can be created by any member of the Efecte ecosystem, including service providers, partners, customers, and Efecte itself. Community Solutions consist of downloadable templates, low-code workflows, and pre-configured reports for each use case. Community Solutions are shared on open-source principles under creative commons attribution license on the . Ota yhteyttä! di|Solutions Catalog We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. st|Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | | h2|Digitalize and Automate your Work Solution Classifications Tekoäly ja IT-palvelunhallinnan tulevaisuus. Miten tekoäly vaikuttaa tapaamme työskennellä? sp|| | | » » hese solutions include ready role, permission, and report configurations according to industry best practices. Custom Solutions are individualized solutions designed and built by senior administrators of customers, partners, or Efecte to meet the exact needs of customers. Custom solutions can be built from or extended from our standard or community solutions. Through the versatility and flexibility of the Efecte Platform, we can work with our customers to create the exact system they need. Every custom solution has at least one public reference on Efecte's customer success story page. bo|Standard Solutions Community Solutions Custom Solutions pa|Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Learn more about how you can improve effectiveness and collaboration by using the Efecte Platform for Essential SAFe. Learn how SAFe Product Owners and SAFe Agile Teams can collaborate efficiently on dedicated Kanban boards for subtasks, stories, product roadmaps, and program increments. di|Orchestrate Agile Teams Daily Work on Kanban Boards Create Transparency Across Multiple Teams Centrally Record all Work st|link SAFe and DevOps for release and deployment processes every department can manage their services from the same platform Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h1|Essential SAFe h2|Benefits of Essential SAFe with Efecte Digitalize and Automate your Work Get in Touch and Learn More Don't leave empty-handed. h3|Integrate with IT Operations Expandable at Any Time h4|Agile Release Task Kanban Board Efecte Release Train Engineer Kanban Efecte SAFe Epic Template Move past the basics and give your teams a better way to work. Using Efecte for Essential SAFe and and Customer Experience with IT Service Desk operations. Combine the right solution with the right methodologies and help your entire organization be Agile. Thanks to the flexibility of the Efecte Platform, . sp|Essential SAFe is the most basic form of the Scaled Agile Framework and also a great way to get started in transitioning an organization to a modern and lean way of working. Now you can digitize your Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) implementation in an enterprise service management solution improving the effectiveness and collaboration between teams through a structured approach. Our Essential SAFe Community solution includes all templates required for using the Efecte Platform as a central place to manage Essential SAFe operations. The included templates are Strategic Themes, Agile Release Trains, Program Increments, Sprints, Epics, Capabilities, Features, Stories, and Subtasks. The Kanban board functionality of the Efecte Platform supports the creation of product backlogs, sprint boards, and retrospective lists for the different agile teams. Organizations using the Kanban method can create boards to visualize planned, in progress, and completed tasks. While organizations using the scrum method can easily collect and organize tasks into sprints. Collect and combine the results of multiple agile teams into Program Increments. Easily manage the delivery of developments to large-scale solutions or services using Agile Release Trains. Every agile team needs common forms to record the content of their work. Our solution includes critical templates, including stories and epics, to help ensure complete documentation. We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » Essential SAFe is a Community Solution which includes templates built based on the Essential SAFe framework. You can learn more about our solution classifications . Service Management, IT Service Management Why a Virtual Coach? – The Inside Story » IT Service Management, Agile Getting Started with SAFe » Efecte, IT Service Management What a Difference A Week Makes - How Efecte works with Quality and Innovation sprints to create better products and processes » Agile 3 Key Differences Between Kanban and Scrum Boards and Why They Matter » ▲ x bo|Agile Service Management with SAFe 5.0 pa|Find the service level that perfectly meets your needs! Efecte's Service Levels bring you several key benefits, including faster response times, clarity into service offerings, experts who understand your exact needs, and better pricing with more predictable costs. These new service levels are available only for Efecte's cloud services. 99,95% guaranteed availability (24/7) Prioritized support (8-18 EEST) Customer Success Manager Delivery team with direct contacts 12d included consultancy work (yearly) 5 training vouchers Nearly unlimited cloud storage (based on our Fair Usage Policy) Flexible maintenance windows Automatic reporting and event notifications Annual recovery test 99,9% guaranteed availability (24/7) Prioritized support (8-18 EEST) Named consultants with a guaranteed delivery time 6d included consultancy work (yearly) 1 training voucher Nearly unlimited cloud storage (based on our Fair Usage Policy) Flexible maintenance windows Automatic reporting 99% guaranteed availability (24/7) Service Desk (8-16 EEST) 100GB cloud storage di|Our service levels offer just the right support! st|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h1|Service Levels h2|Want to learn more about our service levels or upgrading? sp|Multi-site redundancy pa|Kristo Jokela, Customer Service Director, Istekki Do you struggle with a poor time-logging system? See how to always and easily process all hours from an invoicing perspective. How do you measure your SLAs? How much time do you spend on manual and time-consuming operations? Do you have a transparent view on all your data and how can your customers follow-up on their requests? Are you able to analyze service profitability and detect new service needs or potential? To learn more about these challenges and how to overcome them read our guide for Service Providers. By building a soluton-centric operation you will be default improve your entire business. Each department will benefit from the process improvements that come with deploying a platform which simplifies and unifies the way you serve your customer base. Accuracy - Innovation - Contract Connections - Automation - Self-Service - Transparency - Profitability - Innovation ... they all serve one central purpose: customer care! As a business, you want to not only simplify and speed up your internal operations, but also create genuine value for your customers. You want to be able to offer insight cost-efficiency and excellent customer service at every level - because this is what helps you delight and retain your customers from one project to the next. What are the latest trends in service management? Keep up with progress, subscribe to the Efecte Newsletter! If you've got something on your mind, just let us know! We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries. di|We help you grow your business We help you manage any service process with full transparency We help you delight your users Efecte offers you the technical agility and our experience to detect and solve your customers' challenges, five of the most common ones we have listed here: To learn more about the 8 building blocks and why they are important read our guide for Managed Service Providers. Efecte enables your sales team to rapidly create agreements, log billing, and add customer satisfaction records. Everything is based on services and service entities, which can be imported directly into any current project. A wide scope of visibility tools also help your team to spot new sales opportunities as they arise. A seamless flow between departments and teams increases the efficiency of the entire business. With Efecte, every task is clearly linked to the correct contracts and services through automation. It is easier and faster than ever to monitor the work done and ensure billing accuracy. Efecte boosts your ability to lead the business effectively, as all operational data is directly reportable in clear entities. This includes data from the perspective of service ideas from customers, teams, or experts. Efecte's incorporated management tools will ensure your operational environment is always in line with the business. st|1. Invoicing Hours 3. Manual Operations 5. Missed business potential h1|Service 2.0: become a truly customer-centric Service Provider h2|When Perfect Service is Your Core Business Service Providers - Efecte is at your service! Five Common challenges that your customers need you to fix Become a Solution-Centric Service Provider Why Adopt Efecte as a Solution Partner? Read blog posts about Service Providers Sign up for our newsletter Got any questions? h3|"We had a collection of 10 different systems. Now Istekki operates only 2 main systems: Efecte and another integrated system for invoicing." h4|From innovation to efficiency, Efecte's solutions help you serve your customers better. Our cloud-based service management solutions have already helped several Service Providers grow their business. sp|In today's tough global competition you need to be able to innovate new services to your customers and to expand your business to new verticals. A modern service provider manages both internal and external services with unified tools and automates routine work. You need visibility to SLAs and bottle-necks. In order to help your customers succeed, you need to provide them with tools that are easy to deploy, easy to configure and offer a consumer-like user experience. No matter whether you are a Managed Service Provider offering IT outsourcing or a Business Service Provider helping your customers with their finances, HR, or facilities, your business is all about offering services that allow your customers to focus on their core. However, many service providers struggle to deliver a streamlined, process-driven service that is fully customizied to the client's needs - without having to spend time and resources on manually adapting each variable process. This can lead to your business falling short, as you are unable to keep up with the need for change and innovation. 2. Reporting 4. Lack of visibility How Efecte Supports your Business Roles Employee reporting hours shouldn't need to know whether or not the work is billable, what the price of the billable work is, or which contract or project to link their work with. Efecte's service management platform will manage all these factors in the background, using automations. 09 Apr 2021 Efecte: The European ITSM partner of your choice » 09 Apr 2021 Best Practices for Service Management: The Value Chain in ITIL 4 » 09 Apr 2021 Chasing the perfect service experience » 09 Apr 2021 Service Management system as a source of business innovation » em|We want to help you become the best possible value provider for your customers pa|Efecte Academy increases your organization’s knowledge. The public training courses concentrate on Efecte solutions, and how best to utilize them. Additionally, we can develop your process know-how in tailored training sessions. For more information about Efecte's training, please send an email to . The Administering Efecte Service Management course will provide you the knowledge and skills required in the everyday management of ESM. This course is intended for Efecte Service Management administrators who manage ESM user rights, roles and licences, and provide Views and Dashboards for various roles. To attend the course, you need to have completed user training during implementation and/or have user experience of the system. Participants will take the ESM Certification Test. The Administering Efecte Self-Service course covers all Efecte Self-Service administrator’s tasks. The course is intended for those administrators who manage Efecte Self-Service and maintain the service catalogue. Training is mainly based on guided exercises. Participants use their own workstation to log in to the training environment. This course gives an introduction to the Visual Workflow Automation and provides information and skills required to manage existing workflows and create new ones. The course is intended for those administrators who manage ESM configuration and workflows. Training is primarily based on guided exercises. Participants use their own laptop to log in to the training environment. The Admin Advanced course is intended for certified ESM administrators who want to deepen their knowledge on configuration management. The Admin Advanced course will provide you tips for troubleshooting and maintenance, knowledge on how to define Elevated User Permissions, create Listeners, manage Handlers and more. Identity and Access Management project is often a large project that should be divided into smaller delivery projects. To get the project on the right track from the start, it's a good idea to prepare it well. Do you plan to start an Identity and Access Management (IAM) project? We recommend our practical, technology-independent training. Training can also be delivered in Finnish or in English. For more information contact your Efecte Account Manager. Courses are held at Efecte’s premises using the latest versions of our products. Access to Efecte’s training environment during the course, material handouts and catering are included in the course price. We customize training sessions based on your needs, in which case the training with all its handouts and materials can be tailored to your defined situation. Customer-specific training can include, for example, end-user training. All tailored training sessions are available in Finnish and English, and can be held either at the customer site, or online. The course is intended for owners who maintain the ESS service catalogue. This course provides the knowledge and skills needed for publishing services in ESS. The course is intended for new ESM users or users with limited experience. This course will provide an overview of the possibilities of the user interface, and teach the knowledge and skills needed for everyday use. After the you will be able to manage data cards and create custom views. The course is intended for users who are using ESM 6 or older versions and are upgrading to the newest version of ESM. This course provides an overview of the possibilities of the new user interface. The course is intended for ESM users and admins who want to use the data saved in the Efecte system to create views and reports. The course is intended for ESM administrators who want to update their knowledge of the latest version. This course is suggested when an organization is or recently implemented a version update. A prerequisite for the course is the completion of the Administering ESM course or similar. The course concludes with an Efecte certification test. The course is intended for certified ESM administrators. This course deepens the administrator's skills in managing the configuration. The course is intended for administrators who, maintain and configure the EIM solution. This course provides the basics of EIM's architecture, logic, functionality and skills for . What are the latest trends in service management? Keep up with progress, subscribe to the Efecte Newsletter! If you've got something on your mind, just let us know! We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries. di|Upcoming courses Public Training Sessions Customer-specific Training st|Our public trainings are held onsite in our Espoo office. We actively follow guidelines due to Covid19 pandemic, if required, courses are held online via MS Teams. We will check this course by course. Managing Services in Efecte Self-Service (ESS) Using Efecte Service Management (ESM) Efecte Service Management (ESM) New features Efecte Service Management (ESM) Reporting Efecte Service Management (ESM) Admin Version Refresher Efecte Service Management (ESM) Admin Advanced Administering Efecte Identity Management (EIM) h1|Training h2|Administering Efecte Service Management, 2 days Administering Efecte Self-Service, 1 day Designing Visual Workflow Automation, 1 day Efecte Service Management Admin Advanced, 2 days Courses available on request Sign up for our newsletter Got any questions? h3|Administering Efecte Service Management, 2 days Administering Efecte Self-Service, 1 day Designing Visual Workflow Automation, 1 day Efecte Service Management Admin Advanced, 2 days Identity and Access Management (IAM) training h4|Course for Efecte Service Management (ESM) Administrators, incl. ESM Certification Test (9am-4pm) Price per person: €1,400 Course for Efecte Self-Service (ESS) Administrators (9am-4pm) Price per person: €1,000 Course for Efecte Service Management (ESM) Administrators (9am-4pm) Price per person: €1,000 Advanced course for Efecte Service Management (ESM) Administrators (9am-4pm) Price per person: €1,800 All courses can be implemented as customer- specific. Send any request through your Efecte Account Manager. sp|service management The experts from the Efecte Academy share information and their know-how in public training sessions or in training sessions tailored to your organization’s needs: usage, administration, development. Administering Efecte Service Management Tool, 13.-14.4.2021, English Read more and register » Administering Efecte Service Management Tool, 19.-20.4.2021, German Read more and register » Administering Efecte Service Management Tool, 15.-16.6.2021, Finnish Read more and register » Administering Efecte Self-Service Portal, 26.4.2021, German Read more and register » Administering Efecte Self-Service Portal, 15.4.2021, English Read more and register » Administering Efecte Self-Service Portal, 17.6.2021, Finnish Read more and register » Visual Workflow Automation, 27.4.2021, German Read more and register » Visual Workflow Automation, 16.4.2021, English Read more and register » Visual Workflow Automation, 18.6.2021, Finnish Read more and register » Efecte Service Management Admin Advanced, 18.-19.5.2021, Finnish Read more and register » em|Service owner course, 3 hours ESM user course, 3 hours ESM user course, 3 hours ESM user course, 3 hours ESM administrator refresher course, 1 day ESM administrator advanced course, 2 days EIM administrator basic course, 2 days pa|Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Learn more about how you can digitalize and automate lifecycle management by using the Efecte Platform for IT Asset Management. st|Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h1|IT Asset Management h2|Efecte ITAM in a Nutshell Get in touch and learn more! Don't leave empty-handed. Digitalize and Automate your Work h3|Know your Assets and Their Relationships in the CMDB Reduce Costs for Software Licenses with Software Asset Management Reduce Operational Risk with Change Management Multi-language Self-Service Portal Service Management Tool sp|Efecte's IT Asset Management solution is a comprehensive, effective, modern solution and based on 20 years of deployments. Our CMDB includes a large set of different but interrelated configuration items, including smart concepts such as device models reducing administration efforts. To ensure a modern solution, Efecte ITAM includes components created according to ITIL 4, such as SaaS components. Get a holistic view of configuration items, processes, individuals, and other enterprise assets. Enable Software Asset Management (SAM) rationalizing software investments, preventing over-purchasing, minimizing license compliance issues, and enabling software reuse. Ensuring the continuity of your IT operations by choosing a solution that uses ITIL 4 practices. The intuitive, web-based interface makes self-help, service requests, and incident reporting simple for any IT asset. Users can see directly from the self-service portal which IT assets have been registered for them in the CMDB. Create a centralized and accessible record of devices, systems, software, and services to improve your operations. Use the included Kanban boards, dashboards, and other graphic views or create your own to instantly see critical information. We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » ▲ pa|Efecte Academyn asiantuntijat jakavat tietoa ja osaamistaan julkisilla kursseillamme tai koulutuksissa, jotka räätälöidään yrityksesi tarpeisiin. Julkiset koulutukset keskittyvät Efecten ratkaisuihin ja miten niitä hyödynnetään parhaiten. Kurssi on tarkoitettu ESM-pääkäyttäjille, jotka tukevat järjestelmän käyttäjiä, hallinnoivat käyttäjätunnuksia, rooleja ja lisenssejä sekä luovat rooleille yhteisiä näkymiä. Kurssilla opit ESM:n jokapäiväisen hallinnoinnin tiedot ja taidot. Saat kurssista parhaan hyödyn jos sinulla on aiempaa ESM käyttökokemusta. Kurssin päätteeksi osallistujat suorittavat sertifiointikokeen. Kurssi on tarkoitettu ESS-pääkäyttäjille, jotka hallinnoivat ESS:ä ja ylläpitävät ESS-palveluluetteloa. Tämän kurssin jälkeen osaat julkaista palveluita monikielisessä ympäristössä toimipaikka- ja/tai roolikohtaisesti sekä ylläpitää järjestelmäasetuksia. Kurssin päätteeksi osallistujat suorittavat sertifiointikokeen. Kurssi on tarkoitettu pääkäyttäjille, jotka haluavat tutustua ESM Visual Workflow Automationin tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin ja ylläpitävät ESM määrityksiä ja työnkulkuja. Tämän kurssin jälkeen osaat luoda ja muokata perustyönkulkuja. Kurssi on tarkoitettu sertifioiduille pääkäyttäjille, jotka haluavat syventää osaamistaan konfiguraation hallinnassa. Kurssilta saat vinkkejä järjestelmän ylläpitoon ja ongelmien ratkaisuun sekä taidot EUP-oikeuksien määritykseen, kuuntelijoiden luomiseen, käsittelijöiden muokkaukseen ja paljon muuta. Identiteetin- ja pääsynhallintaan liittyvä IdM-, KVH- tai IAM- projekti on usein laaja hanke, joka kannattaa jakaa riittävän pieniin toteutuskokonaisuuksiin. Jotta projekti lähtee oikeille raiteille alusta lähtien, kannattaa siihen valmistautua hyvin. Tässä tapauksessa sanonta hyvin valmisteltu on puoliksi tehty pitää paikkansa erityisen osuvasti! Suunnitteletko IAM- KVH- ja IdM -projektin käynnistämistä? Suosittelemme sinulle käytännönläheistä, teknologiariippumatonta valmistavaa koulutustamme. Lisätiedot ja ilmoittautuminen . Kurssi on tarkoitettu palvelun omistajille, jotka ylläpitävät ESS-palveluluetteloa. Kurssilla opit tiedot ja taidot, joita tarvitaan palveluiden julkaisussa. Kurssi on tarkoitettu uusille ESM-käyttäjille. Kurssin tavoitteena on tutustua käyttöliittymään, raportointiin ja oppia jokapäiväisessä käytössä tarvittavat tiedot ja taidot. Kurssi on tarkoitettu ESM 6 tai vanhempien versioiden käyttäjille, jotka ovat siirtymässä uuteen versioon. Kurssin tavoitteena on tutustua uuden käyttöliittymän ominaisuuksiin. Kurssi on tarkoitettu Efecte Service Management (ESM) käyttäjille ja pääkäyttäjille. Kurssilla opitaan hyödyntämään järjestelmään tallennettuja tietoja raportoinnissa sekä luomaan työtehtäviä tukevia näkymiä. Kurssi on tarkoitettu ESM-pääkäyttäjille, jotka haluavat päivittää taitonsa kattamaan uusimman ESM-version ominaisuudet. Kurssia suositellaan käytäväksi, kun organisaatio suunnittelee versiopäivitystä tai on juuri päivittänyt uusimman version. Esitietovaatimuksena on Administering ESM -kurssin tiedot. Kurssin päätteeksi osallistujilla on mahdollisuus suorittaa sertifiointikoe. Kurssi on tarkoitettu sertifoiduille pääkäyttäjille, jotka haluavat syventää osaamistaan konfiguraation hallinnassa. Kurssilta saat vinkkejä järjestelmän ylläpitoon ja ongelmien ratkaisuun sekä taidot EUPoikeuksien määritykseen, kuuntelijoiden luomiseen, käsittelijöiden muokkaukseen ja paljon muuta. Kurssi on tarkoitettu pääkäyttäjille, jotka ylläpitävät ja konfiguroivat EIM ratkaisua. Kurssi tarjoaa perusteet EIM arkkitehtuurista, logiikasta, toiminnasta, sekä taitoja mm. häiriötilanteiden selvityksiin. Mitkä ovat palvelunhallinnan uusimpia trendejä? Pysy ajan tasalla tilaamalla Efecten uutiskirje! Vastaamme mielellämme kaikkiin kysymyksiisi. Ota yhteyttä! di|Kurssiaikataulut Julkiset koulutukset Asiakaskohtaiset koulutukset st|Julkiset koulutuksemme pidetään Espoon toimistossamme. Seuraamme aktiivisesti Covid19 ohjeistuksia ja tarpeen mukaan koulutukset pidetään online MS Teamsin avulla. Jatkokoulutus Efecte Service Management (ESM) –pääkäyttäjille Managing Services in Efecte Self-Service (ESS) Using Efecte Service Management (ESM) Efecte Service Management (ESM) New features Efecte Service Management (ESM) Reporting Efecte Service Management (ESM) Admin Version Refresher Efecte Service Management (ESM) Admin Advanced Administering Efecte Identity Management (EIM) h1|Koulutus h2|Administering Efecte Service Management, 2 päivää Administering Efecte Self-Service, 1 päivä Designing Visual Workflow Automation, 1 päivä Efecte Service Management Admin Advanced, 2 päivää Asiakaskohtaiset koulutukset Tilaa uutiskirje Kysymyksiä? h3|Administering Efecte Service Management, 2 pv Administering Efecte Self-Service, 1 pv Designing Visual Workflow Automation, 1 pv Efecte Service Management Admin Advanced, 2 pv IAM- KVH- ja IdM -projektikoulutus - UUTTA h4|Koulutus Efecte Service Management (ESM) pääkäyttäjille, sis. ESM sertifiointikoe (9:00-16:00) Hinta per henkilö: €1,400 Efecte Self-Service (ESS) pääkäyttäjäkoulutus, sis. ESS sertifiointikoe (9:00-16:00) Hinta per henkilö: €1,000 Koulutus Efecte Service Management (ESM) pääkäyttäjille (9:00-16:00) Hinta per henkilö: €1,000 €1,800 Kaikki k sp|Efecte Academy kasvattaa organisaatiosi osaamista palveluhallinnassa. Halutessasi lisätietoa Efecten koulutuksista lähetä sähköpostia osoitteeseen . Administering Efecte Service Management Tool, 13.-14.4.2021, englanniksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » Administering Efecte Service Management Tool, 15.-16.6.2021, suomeksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » Administering Efecte Self-Service Portal, 15.4.2021, englanniksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » Administering Efecte Self-Service Portal, 17.6.2021, suomeksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » Visual Workflow Automation, 16.4.2021, englanniksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » Visual Workflow Automation, 18.6.2021, suomeksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » Efecte Service Management Admin Advanced, 18.-19.5.2021, suomeksi Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu » (9:00 – 16:00) Hinta per henkilö: Koulutukset pidetään Efecten tiloissa Espoossa ja niissä käytetään tuotteidemme viimeisimpiä versioita. Kurssin hintaan sisältyy pääsy Efecten koulutusympäristöön ja tarjoilut kurssin ajan sekä kurssimateriaalin. Räätälöimme koulutuksia tarpeidesi mukaan, jolloin kurssi ja kaikki sen materiaalit voidaan kohdistaa erityisesti sinun tilanteeseesi. Asiakaskohtaiset koulutukset voivat sisältää esimerkiksi loppukäyttäjäkoulutusta. Kaikki räätälöidyt koulutukset on saatavissa suomeksi tai englanniksi ja voidaan pitää joko asiakkaan tiloissa tai verkossa. Palvelun omistajan kurssi, 3 h ESM-käyttäjän kurssi, 3 h ESM-käyttäjän kurssi, 3 h ESM-käyttäjän kurssi, 3 h ESM-pääkäyttäjän kertauskurssi, 1 pv ESM-pääkäyttäjän jatkokurssi, 2 pv EIM-pääkäyttäjän peruskurssi, 2 pv urssit voidaan toteuttaa asiakaskohtaisesti. Pyydä tarjous Efecte myyjältäsi. pa|Move past a static approach of assigning tasks and allow your experts to shine. intuitive self-service portal. . Automatically document, calculate and create alerts surrounding the availability of your key services. Plan, forecast, and record CIs capacity and performance. Maximize successful changes by assessing risks, reviewing approvals and managing the schedule. Create a dialog and promote co-creation with end-users through suggestions and improvements. Clearly plan and deliver new deployments or changes to live environments. Develop and improve services by requesting, reporting, and reviewing service feedback. Decrease organizational downtime by simplifying incident reporting, categorization, and processing. Automate responses to security incidents reducing reaction times and improve compliance. Centralize and categorize known solutions to issues and promoting self-help with our self-service portal. Improve decision making by using an ITSM solution that includes extensive measurement and reporting tools. Reduce repetitive actions relating to monitoring with automations and notifications. Standardize the processing of complex issues requiring workarounds through links, analytics, and reports. Simplify IT project management by planning, delegating, monitoring, and managing every project and task. Create clarity into your organization's relationships with customers, service providers, services, and employees. Reduce the introduction of issues or problems with proper planning, testing, and contingencies. Create standard records, actions, and processes relating to identified risks and their associated assets. Manage services and their usage improving availability, processing, and reporting. Centralize, categorize, monitor, and report Configuration Items (CIs), assets, and more. Use Service Financial Management to keep track of your costs center or service allocations and service and asset costs. Improve efficiencies by tracking SLAs, reviewing reports, and receiving notifications if they are exceeded. Simplify making requests, approvals, and delivery by centralizing offerings. Create standard service validation and testing templates to improve reporting, reliability, and visibility. Record, report, and integrate supplier details and performances to gain insight into your service providers. Artificial Intelligence is making its way towards IT Service Management. Our white paper brings a holistic approach to all areas where AI will play a vital role and enhance the way we work. Efecte ITSM is a comprehensive solution including a range of areas surrounding IT. Download the Efecte ITSM Solution Description and gain complete insight into everything our solution can do. di|Availability Management Capacity & Performance Management Change Enablement Demand Management Deployment Management Feedback Management Incident Management Information Security Management Knowledge Management Measurement & Reporting Monitoring and Event Management Problem Management Project Management Relationship Management Release Management Risk Management Service Catalog Management Service Configuration Management (CMDB) Service Financial Management Service Level Management Service Request Management Service Validation and Testing Supplier Management IT Service Management overtakes Cloud Computing as the most important strategic topic in the DACH region in the next 12 months... See 3 simple steps to benefit from AI-powered incident categorization. Efecte has launched its first AI feature. But why did we choose to create an AI-powered virtual coach? AI is all about the data, but what data is needed? To get anything out of AI, you need good enough data quality and quantity or... st|Agile ITSM ensuring your organization is never held back. Six Pitfalls to Avoid on Your Way to Agile Service Management. standard or custom reports and dashboards solution description out-of-the-box practices, workflows, and reports How to Build Custom Applications in Efecte (build-your-own) h1|Efecte IT Service Management h2|How Does Efecte ITSM Help Simplify your IT? Efecte ITSM is a comprehensive solution including all the IT practices you need! Are AI and ITSM the perfect match? Learn about our ITSM solution! h3|Mobile-first Self-Service Portal h4|Choose an agile ITSM solution improving IT processes without breaking your budget! Our self-service portal is built using a responsive UI that automatically adjusts to any browser sizes and doesn't require any downloads. Find out more! sp|IT Service Management solutions are the backbone of IT organizations. Efecte makes work seamless across different practices though the one-platform approach without independent modules. Efecte ITSM is a proven and easy-to-use tool for digitizing all IT practices allowing services, people, and assets to be consolidated and managed from one solution. An Agile Solution for Agile IT Embrace with Kanban boards and tools promoting self-organization. Expand and incorporate other business areas using SAFe principles, Unparalleled End-to-End Experiences Streamline end-user interactions with our Simplify reporting and task management with and automate any process using our intuitive, drag-and-drop workflow engine Download our to learn more about the standard features of our platform. A TCO which can't be beat Get started from day one with the within Efecte ITSM. Efecte ITSM includes quarterly feature upgrades to make sure that your IT practices will never fall behind. Easily expand or customize any services, practices, or configurations to meet your exact needs. . Kristo Jokela, Customer Service Director, Istekki Codeless workflow engine Our workflow engine allows any administrator to design automations using the pre-configured building blocks without the need for coding. Advanced Reporting Tools Online reports and dashboards that can be easily created and tailored by any user. Fully Functional ITSM Baseline Deployable within days instead of weeks due to our comprehensive and certified baseline. Priorities Shift During the Pandemic: ITSM More Important Than Ever 3 Steps to Automatic Incident Categorisation Why a Virtual Coach? – The Inside Story Rate your Data Maturity for AI & 5 Tips for Improvement ▲ em|Find out more about agile service management and the importance of choosing the right practices and solutions in our guide: Learn just how easy it is to build the exact ITSM solution you need with Efecte. Watch our on-demand webinar, to see how you can expand our ITSM baseline pa|Transparency of operations and advanced analytics provide a unique opportunity for HR professionals to position themselves as fact-based, strategic partners for businesses. Watch the "Employee Experience 2.0: people Analytics meets HR Service Delivery" webinar recording! Improve employee experience and increase their satisfaction with an intuitive one-stop-shop HR Service Management Solution. Free your HR team from routine tasks. HR cases and service requests can be automated, recorded, and channeled digitally from the self-service portal to different queues. This will save your team from phone calls and shared inboxes that need to be processed manually. Help people managers stay up-to-date with instant data. Governance, demand, resource and cost management will become transparent with our easy-to-use service management solution that works with leading HR tools. Our intuitive enables organizations to simplify HR services, improve experience and deliver a competitive edge. The allows service providers to easily complete a variety of daily tasks. Users can easily react to or search for key information, review service levels, cases and automate repetitive tasks. HR case management can be a complicated issue. Providing employees a single, easily accessible location can be difficult. The need to not only simplify the process, but restrict access to cases and ensure their completion in a timely manner is essential for modern operations. Receive notification of stagnant cases Easily escalate or transfer cases to the appropriate person Organizational knowledge can be widespread and diverse, the need to centralize and capitalize on this information goes without question. By providing employees with readily available information surrounding common questions or issues goes towards improving their experience, reduce processing times and allow service provides to deal with more complex or pressing issues. Search for know solutions within the service management tool Recording and reviewing policy provider information can be a complicated issue. Maintaining a readily available, accessible and up-to-date list of providers can can help organizational efficiency. Reviewing company, vendor and individual policy levels for comparison can be a time-consuming task. Record key policy and provider information in the service management tool As companies outsource various areas of their business to focus on their core operations, an efficient vendor management tool proves invaluable. The ability to review service levels in real-time can reduce bottlenecks and slowdowns. Instant review of the entire business operations chain allows for greater operational control. Discover how we can simplify your HR Service Management. Download the Efecte HR Service Management solution description di|Digitize your HR Services Single location for all requests, cases, and information Easy communication and instant status updates Automate repetitive task to increase efficiency Easily escalate or redirect cases to the appropriate individual Seamlessly collaborate across teams for sharing tasks and information Co-create online reports Request, review and react to service feedback Instantly review operations through real-time graphs, lists calendars Fast, intuitive and graphic interface Guided offering linking multiple services such as on-boarding Self-help knowledge center for users Embedded approvals and company-wide announcements Easily customize or add any services to meet your needs Limit offerings based on price, role or any other chosen aspect A central location for all employees ole-based permissions Sort data based on included information Instantly and visually review current service levels Graphic, customizable and searchable dashboards Visual reporting with exportable graphs and data Instant feedback and reporting Easily manage service levels, equipment and more Included Processes st|| | | | | | | | | | self-service portal | | | | | | | Service Management Tool service management tool | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h1|Efecte HR Service Management h2|Get to know Efecte HR Srvice Management HR Stories Try It Out Learn More See it in Action | | h3|Improve Your Employee Experience Utilize Your Resources Better Manage Performance Based on Data Self-Service Portal Case Management How We Deliver Service Delivery Management How We Deliver Knowledge Management How We Deliver Policy Management How We Deliver Vendor Management How We Deliver h4|"In 2018, we planned to recruit 1,000 new employees, making easy on- and off-boarding essential. In the past, requests were made with several platforms. Now everything is done using Efecte, which greatly increased productivity." sp|Organize knowledge base articles surrounding all areas of operation Get the full picture by integrating with your existing tools. Easily limit access with r | Record key vendor information and easily manage budgets Report cases through the self-service portal Limit the viewability of the cases Organize the cases by severity or location Providing employees with the items and services need to complete their daily tasks is paramount. Time spent searching for request locations, or waiting for approval can dramatically hinder business operations. Improving individuals workflows benefits any organization and overall employee satisfaction. Create single item or bundled requests Automate simple requests Easily review and approve requests through the self-service portal Sort requests by type within the service management tool Collect detailed feedback through a customizable form Centrally collect organizational knowledge Provide helpful articles to employees through the self-service portal Allow articles to be rated, ensuring high quality and relevant data Organize and centralize policy information within the self-service portal Allow users to easily review policies and ask questions Visually review links between providers, items and all areas of the organization Graphically review service levels, information, expenses and more Instantly review vendor performance Track expenditures based on vendor, service or department Record key contract or agreement information for easy review of partners Alerts of missed service-level agreements and key performance indicators Employee experience to match what people need – every day? » The Road to a Workplace Culture Built on Trust » The HR of Tomorrow: Revolutionizing Customer Service and Building Great Places to Work » Broadening the scope of human resources » Efecte Highlights em|Petri Nieminen, ICT Manager, pa|Aki Valkama, IT Manager, Mehiläinen Integroi käyttövaltuuksien hallinta saumattomasti ja lisää näin hallintaa ja liiketoimintalogiikkaa mihin tahansa prosessiin. Automatisoi prosessit helppokäyttöisellä Vedä ja pudota -työnkulkumoottorillamme. Laajenna käyttö tietohallinnon ulkopuolelle ja integroi ratkaisuun myös muut liiketoimintaprosessit ja palvelutarjoomat. Esimääritellyt mallit, roolit, työnkulut ja näkymät perustuvat ITIL 4: n parhaisiin käytäntöihin. Joustava käyttöliittymä mahdollistaa mukautetut raportit, näkymät ja palvelutarjooman. Roolikohtaiset, julkiset ja henkilökohtaiset näkymät Moderni, responsiivinen käyttöliittymä, joka mukautuu mihin tahansa selaimeen Roolipohjainen pääsynhallinta tietomalleihin ja niiden rakenneosiin Työnkulun automaatio ja valmiiksi määritellyt rakenneosat - ei tarvetta koodaamiselle Pyyntöjen, resurssien ja henkilöiden välisten suhteiden visualisointi Yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen (GDPR) mukainen henkilötietojen anonymisointi ja arkistointi Kristo Jokela, Customer Service Director, Istekki Automatically document, calculate and create alerts surrounding the availability of your key services. Plan, forecast, and record CIs capacity and performance. Maksimoi onnistumisen todennäköisyys arvioimalla riskejä, tarkistamalla hyväksynnät ja hallitsemalla aikatauluja. Mahdollista dialogi ja palveluidesi kehittäminen yhdessä loppukäyttäjien kanssa, hyödyntäen ratkaisun ehdotus- ja parannustoiminnallisuuksia. Clearly plan and deliver new deployments or changes to live environments. Kehitä ja paranna palveluita pyytämällä, raportoimalla ja analysoimalla palautetta. Vähennä työntekijöiden tuottamatonta työaikaa yksinkertaistamalla tapahtumien ilmoittamista ja käsittelyä. Nopeuta tietoturvariskeihin vastaamista ja varmista säännöstenmukaisuus automatisoimalla poikkeamiin reagoiminen. Keskitä ongelmien (tunnetut) ratkaisut itsepalvelukanavaan, käyttäjien ulottuville. Improve decision making by using an ITSM solution that includes extensive measurement and reporting tools. Vähennä toistuvia tehtäviä ja manuaalista seurantaa automatisointien ja ilmoitusten avulla. Standardoi monimutkaisten ongelmien käsittelyä linkkien, analyysien ja raporttien avulla. Simplify IT project management by planning, delegation, monitoring, and managing every project and task. Create clarity into your organization's relationships with customers, service providers, services, and employees. Vähennä ongelmien syntymistä asianmukaisella suunnittelulla, testauksella ja ennakoinnilla. Hallinnoi riskejä ja tunnista niihin liittyvä omaisuus, reagoi riskeihin ja minimoi niiden vaikutukset. Hallitse palveluitasi ja niiden käyttöä parantaaksesi palveluiden saatavuutta ja palvelupyyntöjen käsittelyä ja raportointia. Keskitä, luokittele, seuraa ja raportoi konfiguraation rakenneosia (CI), omaisuuttasi ja paljon muuta. Use Service Financial Management to keep track of your costs center or service allocations and service and asset costs. Paranna tehokkuuttasi seuraamalla palvelutasosopimuksia ja raportteja, ja vastaanota ilmoituksia, jos sovittuihin palvelutasoihin ei ylletä. Yksinkertaista pyyntöjen tekemistä, hyväksyntöjä ja käsittelyä keskittämällä palvelutarjoomasi yhteen paikkaan. Create standard service validation and testing templates to improve reporting, reliability, and visibility. Tallenna, raportoi ja integroi alihankkijoidesi tiedot ja palvelutasot lisätäksesi ymmärrystäsi palveluntarjoajistasi. Tekoäly on tulossa myös osaksi IT-palvelunhallintaa. White paper -dokumenttimme luo kokonaisvaltaisen katseen niihin ITSM:n osa-alueisiin, joissa tekoälyllä tulee olemaan merkittävä rooli työskentelytapojemme parantamisessa. Efecte ITSM on kattava ratkaisu, joka sisältää useita tietohallinnon osa-alueita. Lataa Efecte ITSM -ratkaisukuvaus ja näet, miten ratkaisumme voi edistää tietohallintosi tehokkuutta ja asiakaslähtöisyyttä. Ota yhteyttä! di|IT Service Management Tee IT-palveluistasi ketteriä Monikielinen itsepalveluportaali Nopea ja intuitiivinen verkkopohjainen käyttöliittymä Yhdistä palveluita kokonaisuuksiksi palvelupolkujen avulla Tietämyskanta, tips and tricks -informaatiota usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin Esimieshyväksyntä kytkettävissä pyyntöihin Mahdollisuus julkaista tiedotteita kaikkien käyttäjien nähtäväksi Muokattava palveluvalikoima Rooli- ja toimipistekohtainen palveluluettelon hallinta Palvelunhallintatyökalu Availability Management Capacity & Performance Management Muutoksenhallinta - Change Enablement Kysynnänhallinta - Demand Management Deployment Management Palautteenhallinta - Feedback Management Häiriönhallinta - Incident Management Tietoturvan hallinta - Information Security Management (ISM) Tietämyksenhallinta - Knowledge Management Measurement & Reporting Herätteidenhallinta - Monitoring and Event Management Ongelmanhallinta - Problem Management Project Management Relationship Management Julkaisunhallinta - Release Management Riskienhallinta - Risk Management Palveluluettelon hallinta - Service Catalogue Management Konfiguraa- tiotietokannan hallinta - Service Configuration Management (CMDB) Service Financial Management Palvelutasonhallinta - Service Level Management (SLM) Palvelupyyntöjen hallinta - Service Request Management Service Validation and Testing Toimittajahallinta - Supplier Management Hallinnoi, optimoi ja kehitä työasemaympäristöä kohti parempaa digitaalista loppukäyttäjäkokemusta. Efecte tarjoaa käyttäjilleen uuden ratkaisun kriisinhallinnan digitalisoimiseksi ja automatisoimiseksi. Crisis Ops -ratkaisu... Yhä useammalla alalla teknologiasta on tulossa olennainen osa lisäarvoa ja osa bisnestä itseään. Täten myös johtajien tulisi... Tämä blogi on suunnattu niille ihmisille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita yrityksensä operatiivisen toiminnan tehostamisesta ja... st|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h2|Etsitkö ITSM-ratkaisua? Valitse oikein. Näe Efecten IT-palvelunhallintaratkaisu tositoimissa Automatisoi mikä tahansa prosessi AI ja ITSM – täydelliset yhdessä? Kokonaiskuva h3|"With a workforce of 15,000 people I would venture that in IT support alone, the new automations have saved us one full-time work year." Paranna tehokkuutta keskittämällä ja automatisoimalla mitkä tahansa IT-prosessit Tarjoa vaivaton, kokonaisvaltainen käyttäjäkokemus valmiiksi konfiguroitujen mallien, työnkulkujen ja näkymien kautta Varmista läpinäkyvyys ja auditoitavuus joustavien raportointityökalujemme avulla "We had a collection of 10 different systems. Now Istekki operates only 2 main systems: Efecte and another integrated system for invoicing." sp|Erinomainen palvelu alkaa markkinoiden monipuolisimmalla ITSM-ratkaisulla IT-palvelunhallintaratkaisut ovat tietohallinto-organisaatioiden selkäranka. Efecte tekee toiminnasta saumatonta läpi kaikkien organisaatiosi prosessien. Efecten ITSM-ratkaisu on asiakkaiden hyväksi havaitsema ja helppokäyttöinen työkalu, jolla voit tehdä kaikista IT-prosesseistasi digitaalisia. Efecte mahdollistaa palveluiden, sovellusten, datan ja IT-omaisuuden yhdistämisen ja hallinnan yhdestä järjestelmästä. Efecten ITSM-ratkaisu auttaa organisaatioita keskittämään mitkä tahansa palvelut yhteen paikkaan ja parantamaan prosessien tehokkuutta automaatioiden avulla. Ainutlaatuisella ratkaisullamme pystyy helposti hallinnoimaan myös IT:n ulkopuolisia palveluita, kuten henkilöstöhallinnon, identiteetin- ja pääsynhallinnan sekä muita liiketoiminnan palveluita. | | | Efecten IT-palvelunhallintaratkaisu on suunniteltu ja rakennettu jokaista käyttäjätasoa silmällä pitäen. Ratkaisumme tarjoaa vaivattoman kokonaiskokemuksen aina järjestelmänvalvojilta loppukäyttäjille saakka esimääriteltyjen elementtiensä, muokattavien raportointityökalujensa ja modernin, kuvakepohjaisen itsepalveluportaalinsa avulla. Rajattomat integraatiomahdollisuudet mahdollistavat yhteyden keskitettyjen päätepisteiden hallintaan, ratkaisutietokantoihin ja muihin palvelunhallintaratkaisuihin. Helppokäyttöinen itsepalveluportaali keskittää tiedon ja palvelut yhteen paikkaan. Efecten IT-palvelunhallintaratkaisu tarjoaa ​​joustavilla raportointityökaluillaan organisaatiollesi mahdollisuuden saada palveluistaan ​​ja toiminnastaan täysin läpinäkyvää. Kuka tahansa käyttäjä voi laajentaa tai räätälöidä valmiita raportteja sisältämään mitä tahansa tärkeitä tietoja. Kaikkien kohteiden keskinäisiä suhteita voidaan tarkastella helposti Visual Analyzer -näkymämme kautta. Anna jokaisen käyttäjän luoda itselleen sopivat raportit ja näkymät. Luo uusia tai muokkaa olemassa olevia malleja, rooleja ja näkymiä vastaamaan tarpeitanne. Vie kaavioita, näkymiä ja tietoja helposti muihin järjestelmiin raportointia, esityksiä tai tarkempaa analyysiä varten. Responsiivinen käyttöliittymä, joka mukautuu automaattisesti kaikkiin selainkokoihin, mukaan lukien matkapuhelimet. Työnkulkumoottori , jonka avulla pääkäyttäjä voi suunnitella automaatioita valmiiksi määritettyjen rakennuspalikoiden avulla – ilman koodaamista. Ajantasaiset raportit ja näkymät, joita kuka tahansa käyttäjä voi helposti luoda ja muokata. Kattavan ja sertifioidun lähtötasokonfiguraationsa ansiosta Efecten ITSM-ratkaisu voidaan ottaa käyttöön päivissä sen sijaan, että tarvittaisiin useiden viikkojen projekti. Vieraskynä: Työvälineiden suora yhteys työtyytyväisyyteen Torjutaan koronan vaikutuksia yhdessä – kirje Efecten asiakkaille Bisnesjohtaja: entä jos puhuisitkin IT:tä? Henkilötietojen hallinnassa on helppo ottaa edistysaskeleita ▲ pa|With our professionals you always have the latest expertise at your disposal. Efecte’s method of delivering projects has been developed based on more than 1,000 implementation projects. A delivery team of certified Efecte professionals will lead, guide and support your organization through the life cycle of your Efecte solution. You can use Efecte platform out-of-the-box to establish a basic setup for service management. consolidate corporate practices with support of Efecte tools and establishOffice functions. Efecte Solution Consultancy consists of the following elements: We are constantly looking for professionals to join our team. Could it be you? Check out the schedule of upcoming courses on Efecte solution. di|Advisory Consultancy Solution Consultancy make sure your implementation and development projects run smoothly. help you to implement and develop your Efecte solution according to Efecte’s best practices. provide ongoing support, which is timed and resourced according to your organization’s needs. is an alternative in case your organization does not have its own resources for administering your Efecte solution. Service Desk for Administrators st|identify your customers map the services service catalogue | Project Management services Solution Consultancy Care and Buddy services Outsourced Administrator service Technical Service Desk for certified Efecte Administrators h1|Consultancy & Support h2|Our experts are here for you Join our growing team. Brush up on your ITSM skills! h4|Opening times 08.00 – 18.00 EET/EEST. sp|Make sure you get the most out of your Efecte solution. Efecte’s services cover the entire lifecycle of your solution from project definition and planning to delivery and on-going support. In order to gain full advantage of the platform customer understanding is recommended. You need to and you offer to different internal and external target groups. Our consultants help you refresh service and process structures, Outcome of Advisory Consultancy is a well-defined for your organization. The service catalogue comes with processes that have customer-specific definitions like service times, priority definition rules, service request models and change request classifications. In identity and access management scenarios, we help you find the best path from your current situation towards more automated and digital processes, e.g., in managing employee lifecycles. | | | Efecte Service Desk handles your administrators’ service and feature requests, opens incident investigations and helps with solution-related issues. Efecte’s Service Desk also informs your contact persons of any issues related to our products or operations. Service Desk support for administrators is included in all Efecte solution deliveries. Support is available via the self-service portal, email or phone in Finnish, English, German, and Swedish. We are at your service from 08.00 – 18.00 EET/EEST. Tel. +358 424 724 724 pa|Agiles ITSM wird bei uns mit Kanban-Boards und Tools zur Förderung der Selbstorganisation umgesetzt. Lassen Sie statische Ansätze der Aufgabenzuweisung hinter sich und dafür Ihre Experten glänzen. Erweitern und integrieren Sie agile Methoden in andere Geschäftsbereiche nach den SAFe-Prinzipien und stellen Sie so sicher, dass Ihr Unternehmen agil aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen begegnen kann. Die in Efecte ITSM enthaltenen out-of-the-box-Prozesse, Workflows und Berichte können unmittelbar nach Inbetriebnahme des Tools genutzt werden. Efecte ITSM beinhaltet vierteljährliche Feature-Upgrades, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre IT-Praktiken immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Erweitern oder passen Sie beliebige Services, Praktiken oder Konfigurationen einfach an Ihre Bedürfnisse an. Dokumentieren, berechnen und erstellen Sie automatisch Warnmeldungen über die Verfügbarkeit Ihrer Key-Services. Planung, Prognose und Aufzeichnung der Kapazität und Leistung von CIs. Maximieren Sie den Erfolg Ihrer Changes indem Sie Risiken bewerten, Genehmigungen überprüfen und den Zeitplan verwalten. Fördern Sie den Dialog und die Ko-Kreation mit Endverbrauchern durch Vorschläge und Verbesserungen. Klare Planung und Durchführung von neuen Deployments oder Änderungen an Live-Umgebungen. Entwicklung und Verbesserung von Services durch die Beantragung, das Reporting und die Überprüfung von Feedback. Verringern Sie Ausfallzeiten, indem Sie die Meldung und Verarbeitung von Incidents vereinfachen. Automatisieren Sie die Reaktionen auf Sicherheitsvorfälle, um Reaktionszeiten zu verkürzen und die Compliance zu verbessern. Fördern Sie Selbsthilfe durch die Bereitstellung von Best Practices oder bekannten Lösungen für Probleme. Treffen Sie bessere und einfachere Entscheidungen durch den Einsatz von umfangreichen Mess- und Berichts-Tools . Vermindern Sie sich wiederholende Aktionen und Monitoring durch Automatisierungen und Benachrichtigungen. Standardisieren Sie die Bearbeitung komplexer Probleme, die eine Workaround-Lösung erfordern, durch Links, Analysen und Berichte. Vereinfachen Sie das IT-Projektmanagement durch Planung, Delegation, Überwachung und Verwaltung aller Projekte und Aufgaben. Schaffen Sie Klarheit in den Beziehungen Ihres Unternehmens zu Kunden, Dienstleistern, Dienstleistungen und Mitarbeitern. Reduzieren sie das Auftreten von Problemen durch effiziente Planung, Tests und das Ausschliessen von unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen. Verwalten von Risiken und deren Einfluss auf die IT Organisation. Verwaltung von Services und deren Anwendung für eine verbesserte Verfügbarkeit, Durchführung und Reporting. Zentralisieren, kategorisieren, überwachen und erstellen Sie Reports über Configuration Items (CIs), Assets und mehr. Behalten Sie den Überblick über Ihre Kostenstellen- oder Leistungsverrechnungen sowie Service- und Anlagenkosten. Verbessern Sie die Effizienz, indem Sie SLAs verfolgen, Berichte überprüfen und Benachrichtigungen erhalten, wenn sie überschritten werden. Vereinfachen Sie das Erstellen von Requests, Genehmigungen und deren Bereitstellung durch die Zentralsiierung von Angeboten. Erstellen Sie Standard-Service-Validierungs- und Testvorlagen zur Verbesserung der Berichterstellung, Zuverlässigkeit und Transparenz. Erfassen, berichten und integrieren Sie Details und Leistungen von Lieferanten, um Ihre Dienstleister effizient zu verwalten. Künstliche Intelligenz spielt nunmehr auch im ITSM eine Rolle. Unser white paper geht umfassend darauf ein, in welchen Gebieten KI hier eine entscheidenende Rolle spielt und die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, verändern wird. Efecte ITSM ist eine integrierte Lösung für die IT und andere Geschäftsbereiche im Unternehmen. In unserer Lösungsbeschreibung erhalten Sie einen detaillierten Überblick über die Funktionalitäten und Fähigkeiten unserer Lösung. Kontaktieren Sie uns: di|Availability Management Capacity & Performance Management Change Enablement Demand Management Deployment Management Feedback Management Incident Management Information Security Management Knowledge Management Measurement & Reporting Monitoring and Event Management Problem Management Project Management Relationship Management Release Management Risk Management Service Catalogue Management Service Configuration Management (CMDB) Service Financial Management Service Level Management Service Request Management Service Validation and Testing Supplier Management Efecte hat eine Crisis-Ops-Lösung entwickelt, um Kunden und Partnern zu helfen, die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Krise besser zu... Infographic - 4 Schritte, um die 72-Stunden Frist zur Meldung von DSGVO-bezogenen Incidents einhalten zu können Die in der Datenschutzgrundverordnung enthaltene Klausel über das Recht auf Vergessenwerden zwingt Datenschutzbeauftragte dazu,... In meinem vorigen Artikel habe ich die Leser aufgerüttelt, ob einfache Unternehmens-dienstleistungen bereits vorhanden sind -... st|Six Pitfalls to Avoid on Your Way to Agile Service Management Efecte-Highlights How to Build Custom Applications in Efecte (build-your-own) h1|Efecte IT Service Management h2|Efecte hilft Ihnen, Ihr ITSM einfacher zu machen Efecte automatisiert Ihre IT Service Management Prozesse KI und ITSM - das perfecte Match? Efecte im Detail h3|Mobile-first Self-Service Portal h4|Agiles IT Service Management, das IT-Prozesse verbessert, ohne Ihr Budget zu sprengen! Unser Selbstbedienungsportal ist mit einer Benutzeroberfläche im responsive Design aufgebaut, die sich automatisch an alle Browsergrößen anpasst und keine Downloads erfordert. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber! Online-Berichte und Dashboards, die von jedem Benutzer leicht erstellt und angepasst werden können. Efecte ist innerhalb von Tagen statt Wochen einsetzbar aufgrund unserer umfassenden und zertifizierten Baseline. sp|ITSM-Lösungen sind das Rückgrat einer jeden IT-Organisation. Der richtige Einsatz einer ITSM-Lösung ermöglicht effizientere Arbeitsabläufe und Services, zufriedene Anwender sowie mehr Kontrolle und Transparenz. Efecte ITSM ist eine bewährte und einfach anzuwendende Lösung für die Digitalisierung aller ITSM-Prozesse. Sie ermöglicht es, Services, Menschen und Assets zu konsolidieren und in einer einzelnen Lösung zu verwalten. Ein einfach zu bedienendes Self-Service-Portal macht Ihren Anwendern den Zugang zu IT-Services einfach und die effiziente Bearbeitung aller Anfragen wird durch Workflow-Automatisierungen, eine integrierte Wissensdatenbank, die integrierte Verwaltung von Identitäten und Zugangsrechten und ein transparentes Reporting unterstützt. Mehr Agilität für Ihre IT Optimierte und unkomplizierte Mitarbeiter-Erfahrungen Efecte ITSM wurde konzipiert, um den Anforderungen und Herausforderungen der verschiedenen Anwender-Gruppen zu entsprechen und deren Interaktion zu vereinfachen. Unsere Lösung ermöglicht mühelose Erlebnisse vom Admin bis zum Endanwender durch zahlreiche vorkonfigurierte Elemente, Standard- oder benutzerdefinierte Berichte und Dashboards und ein intuitives, auf Icons basierendes Self-Service-Portal. Ein unschlagbarer TCO "Efecte kann mit seiner Cloud-Lösung eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Serviceprozesse abbilden, lässt sich ohne Programmieraufwand anpassen und innerhalb kürzester Zeit ausrollen. Diese Kombination passt ideal zu unseren Anforderungen und hat uns auf Anhieb überzeugt.“ Codeless workflow engine Unsere Workflow-Engine ermöglicht es jedem Administrator, Automatisierungen durch die Verwendung der vorkonfigurierten Bausteine und ohne Programmieraufwand zu entwerfen.. Fortgeschrittenes Reporting Umfassende ITSM Baseline ▲ Corona-Auswirkungen gemeinsam lindern - Brief an Kunden und Partner DSGVO: 72-Stunden Meldefrist und wie Sie sie einhalten können DSGVO - Recht auf Vergessenwerden: Was bedeutet das für Sie? Verwalten Sie Ihre Unternehmensdienstleistungen zentral +49 (0) 89 74 12 0343 bo|ITSM für Service Provider em|In unserem Leitfaden erfahren Sie mehr über agiles Service Management und die Bedeutung der Wahl der richtigen Methoden und Lösungen: Sehen Sie sich unsere an, um mehr über die Standardfunktionen unserer Plattform zu erfahren, darunter Berichte, Dashboards und mehr. Sehen sie selbst, wie einfach es ist, mit Efecte genau die ITSM-Lösung aufzubauen, die Sie benötigen. In unserem On-Demand-Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie unsere ITSM-Basislinie erweitern können. pa|You can manage your services with a variety of different solutions, so what makes us different? Apart from having over 20 years of experience in the service management industry, and an excellent track record with our customers, it might be some of the cool stuff that we have included. The Efecte Platform offers many unique features not available with other solutions all without the need for integrations, complicated configurations, or compromises. Give your team a truly versatile solution and watch what they can do. Allow , not just incidents and tasks. Boost teamwork by increasing visibility. that need to be completed, are in progress or have been recently completed. Improve experiences across your team through self-organization. Allow members to select their tasks instead of Utilize your team's full potential by having them . by keeping them in the loop by sending automated updates of their requests and incidents. Issues are quickly becoming increasingly complex as services, processes, and items become even more interconnected. Efecte's Visual Analyzer is the perfect tool to gain complete insight into these linkages. Instantly see which services, people, or items are connected; expand an issue or dive deeper by simply selecting what else you need to see. Review all of the items, services, and people linked with the effected item. Simplify the processes of reviewing service delivery chains to and solve them before they become critical. Create and review that show the people, services, and items within a department to make resourcing easier. Private clouds enables all the benefits of cloud operations including automated upgrades and backups with the ability to meet even the most demanding needs. is deployed on-premises, in your own data center, or in the data center of your choice. Learn about all of the functions and features of the Efecte Platform! di|is the solution for Managed Service Providers (MSP). The MSP cloud includes everything in the standard cloud and supports running multiple self-service portals and integrating multiple active directories (AD). li|Better manage your team's tasks by to incidents, questions, and requests based on any attribute. st|combines automation and kanban any process, or task to become agile Allow every member to visually see tasks being reliant on managers, workflows, or another means for assignments. Streamline services and reduce manual labor only focus on unique or difficult tasks Improve end-user experiences adding advanced filtering viewing all of the linkages Quickly diagnose the effect of an outage or incident. identify potential issues or bottlenecks advanced organization charts Efecte Standard Cloud | | Efecte MSP Cloud | | Efecte Private Cloud | | h1|Platform Highlights h2|The Perfect Platform for Any Service Still need more? Have a look at our integration service. The Kanban Board that Knows How Your our Business is Run The New Standard for Agile Service Management Watch Efecte's Kanban in Action! Speed-up your Work with Visual Workflow Automation Watch Efecte's Visual Workflow Engine in Action! Gain New Insights with Visual Analyzer Get a Complete Look into Anything at Once Watch Efecte's Visual Analyzer in Action! A Cloud for Every Need Efecte Video Highlights Do you still have questions about the Efecte Platform? h3|Agile meets Automation Make any Service Agile Personal Kanban Boards Make Developments Safer Easily Create Automations Instantly Review Statuses Simplifying Processing Manage Anything Intuative User Experience Standard Cloud MSP Cloud Private Cloud Want to find out more about how to use data cards in Efecte? Looking for a solution to add agility? Check out our solution for Essential SAfe! h4|We have the exact tools that you need to manage any service, automate any process, and, delight your users. by creating automation for any process or task. Get a better insight by between items, people, services, and more. Do you still want to see more about our platform? Have a look at all of our video highlights. sp|Help teams succeed by giving them a solution which . Efecte's Kanban Board adds a new level of transparency to any process, team, or operation. Allow anything from IT to enterprise services or even the CMDB to viewed from a new angle. Our fully integrated Kanban Board view allows any user to create a Kanban board view using any information within the service management tool. More Platform Highlights Supercharge output and agile through a fully integrated workflow engine and Kanban board. Create a Kanban board from any template to include the exact information you need to manage any service. Everyone can create a Kanban board to simplify tasks, improve visibility and organization. Take your Automations to the Next Level Your team is bombarded with requests, questions, and incidents daily. Help alleviate some of the more time-consuming tasks if not entire processes. Our Visual Workflow Automation makes creating, monitoring, and developing workflows easy through the included nodes and drag-and-drop design. More Platform Highlights Check out and import workflows between environments for testing. Create the workflows you need with our drag-and-drop workflow engine. Check if a workflow is running, canceled, finished or has an error. More Platform Highlights Open any selected data card with one-click to review the details or edit the information. Any user can open Visual Analyzer for any data card in the service management tool. Expand or reduce cards by double-clicking or using the control pannel. Regardless of the type of cloud chosen your organization can rest easy knowing all of the data centers Efecte uses are ISO 27001 certified and located in Europe. When you are looking for a standard solution based on best practices with typical cloud security requirements, is the solution for you. Our standard cloud option will easily suit the majority of organizations. The standard cloud includes one self-service portal and service management tool. No infrastructure of your own needed Secure data storage No infrastructure of your own needed Multiple AD and self-service portals Usage and data storage in your own infrastructure Operated by Efecte Have a look at our Tickets video below!👇 ▲ x bo|Get the Full Picture! pa|We use Our integration experts monitor your integrations in real-time, ensuring the accuracy of the information and quick resolution of any errors. st|d atabases, file servers, web services, message queues, Full Cloud Hybrid Cloud get up-to-date information making service management easy. improve agility and reduce repetitive work. creating tickets directly from social media channels h1|Efecte Integration Service h2|Find out how easy integrations can be with EIS. h3|Integrate with the best! Step 1: Design Step 2: Build and Deploy Step 3: Monitor h4|Integrate the systems you need including Choose between a (m Create a real-time bridge between you and your partner’s systems and Easily synchronize your systems and data within a single system to Serve your customers and and export answers from your service management tool. sp|What is Efecte Integration Service? Efecte Integration Service (EIS) is an Integration as a Service (IaaS), that we offer for our customers allowing them to integrate between almost any application, vendor system, or technology and Efecte, ensuring their business runs smoothly. Maximize your investment by connecting it to other applications, services, and more. When you need fast, two-way, real-time data transfer between systems, Efecte Integration Services is the best option. Efecte Integration Service offers a cost-effective and responsive method for visualizing and monitoring service integration data and process streams. We work with you to design an integration that meets your needs and document them visually using BPMN standard-based IDE. a low-code approach to configure connectors, build-in version controls to manage the different integration versions, and deploy the integration to your chosen environment once ready. and more ulti-t enant or dedicated management console and integration agent from Efecte's Cloud) or (multi-tenant or dedicated management console in Efecte's Cloud with the agent on your data center). What systems have we integrated with? We pride ourselves in the versatility of our platform and solutions, so our integrations need to be just as versatile. Efecte Integration Service is your ideal partner in making partner or complementary systems work with the Efecte platform. We have designed, built, implemented, and continuously monitor your integrations using a mixture of protocols, and formats allowing integrations to virtually any system. Have a look at some of the systems we have integrated with. You can see the full list of our connectors from the link below. ▲ pa|Enterprise asset management (EAM) software is essential for managing your devices, records, and work orders in one system. Teams and managers can gain better insight into asset management related tasks, with lists views, calendars, or Kanban boards that can be modified to filter based on statuses, tasks, responsible persons, or other critical aspects. Link assets with the services, business areas, people, or any other critical information. Plan and manage the assets required for your projects and the project relating to upgrades, calibrations, and scheduled maintenance, all from a single system. Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Learn more about how you can use the Efecte platform to manage all of your assets within a single system. di|Centralize asset specifications, classifications, relationships, and lifecycles. Manage purchases and requisitions. Create a central repository for your warranties and parts. Plan and schedule p Record device tasks surrounding calibrations and conditions. Combine processes with assets to gain better visibility into your operations. I Review data surrounding assets with graphs, dashboards, and Kanban boards. Healthcare & MedTech Transportation & Aviation Payment Systems Identify the assets critical to their services and operations Create records of any changes or repairs to an asset Record which individuals were responsible for completing every task Maintain spare parts inventories to better implement lean approaches while maintaining minimum levels of critical items Record certificates surrounding assets and people with automatic notifications before their expiration st|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h1|Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) h2|Centralize your assets and processes with a single Enterprise Asset Management system. Enterprise Asset Management: Industry Spotlights Digitalize and Automate your Work Get in touch and learn more! Don't leave empty-handed. h3|Asset Inventory & Device Management Asset Maintenance & Calibration Management Work & Service Management Build Asset Management Reports, Dashboards, and Kanban Boards Incorporate your Processes and Projects sp|Building a central system for all enterprise assets makes planning, control, and maintenance simpler and allows easier integration with other digitalized enterprise processes. By running Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) on the Efecte platform, you can digitalize activities through workflow automation, advanced reporting, and integrations. Our flexible data model also allows for the referencing or linking of every asset to the associated services, processes, people, and other assets. reventative and reliability-centered maintenance. ncorporate project planning and change management for asset usage Create a Central Log of Every Asset Proper categorization, classification, and linkages between assets are crucial to inventory management. The Efecte platform allows any organization to create the exact records they need for every asset and include the critical information for that particular item. Healthcare providers and MedTech companies are in a unique position when it comes to designing and implementing an Enterprise Asset Management Solution. This primarily relates to the vast amount and variety of assets that they are responsible for and the regulations surrounding them. We have implemented Enterprise Asset Management solutions to help: Create a central record of all assets that includes automatically scheduling tasks for calibration and testing Securely and automatically record who was responsible for the calibration or testing and when the task was completed An inventory management system flexible enough to include daily and regulated items such as bandages, medicine, and chemicals in a single system | Provide instantaneous reports to managers and team leads for better planning, scheduling, and easier auditing Transportation and aviation operations often run on tight margins, like most organizations that have adopted and implemented lean approaches. However, these two industries differ slightly from others due to their extensive requirements and regulations. We have implemented Enterprise Asset Management solutions to help: Payment systems and point of sale (POS) devices are crucial for many businesses, and when a single or multiple systems go down due to software or hardware failure or attack, the effects are often dramatic and immediate. To help mitigate many of these problems, these companies will continuously improve the physical and technical designs of these systems. We have implemented Enterprise Asset Management solutions to help: | Better plan and schedule updates or the role out of new devices | Provide a solution where to centrally record every issue reported | Include reports and dashboards to identify and prioritize issues affecting multiple customers or devices | Plan, review, and asses past and future changes and projects to improve processes We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » Enterprise Asset Management is a Custom Solution tailored according to the needs of customers re-using forms, templates, and workflows of previous deployments. Additional configurations may be designed for each delivery as required after the scoping workshop. ▲ pa|Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Learn more about how you can digitalize agile project management according to your needs with the Efecte Platform. di|Create a Central Log of Every Project Track Every Project From a Single View Build Reports, Dashboards, and Kanban Boards Task Management Resource & Skills Management Recording & Reporting Hours Incorporating Change Management Process Automation Building & Editing Templates Build a Database Around Project Management Create a Self-Service Portal st|| | | | | | | | | | | Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h1|Enterprise Project Management h2|Agile Project Management Digitalized According to Your Needs Digitalize and Automate your Work Get in touch and learn more! Don't leave empty-handed. h3|Project Portfolio Management Project Management Creating the System You Need Build Reports, Dashboards, and Kanban Boards Incorporate Change Management sp|Centralizing all of your projects in a single platform just makes sense. Give your teams a single location to manage hours reporting, project information, tasks, resourcing, skills, and even the changes that will be associated with every project. Efecte expediates and amplifies these effects by making management even easier with workflow automation, role-based access management, individualized dashboards, and the ability to record and link any information needed for projects. Expand past simple task management and manage all of your projects within a single platform. Create reports, calendar views, dashboards, or Kanban boards to instantly see every project that is planned or in implementation. Create a Central Log of Every Project Build a single template that can be used by every project that includes information on budget, schedules, and scope. Include the hourly cost of team members and have them report their hours to automatically calculate the current cost of any project or the remaining tasks. Every organization has projects, and almost every project will affect other organizations, departments, business processes, or services. Efecte makes it easy to manage all of these dependencies and create a wealth of synergies with other processes. We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » Enterprise Project Management is a Custom Solution tailored according to the needs of customers re-using forms, templates, and workflows of previous deployments. Additional configurations may be designed for each delivery as required after the scoping workshop. ▲ pa|Create workflows for approvals of contracts before they are signed using Efecte’s visual workflow automation. Approvals are recorded as a dedicated record, to better protect against tampering. Replicate your exact approval chain without any compromises. Automatic escalations based on the contract price, type, or location. Send automated alerts to approvers to decrease reaction time. Store approvals with contracts and as dedicated files to improve security. Use roles to ensure access without compromising security. Create logs of every modification or even view of a data card in Efecte. Build multi-level folders to manage similar or related documents. Monitor and modify role permissions in real-time to simplify auditing. Automate alerts based on information recorded with the contract. Include multiple alerts for the same or different dates. Use if/then clauses to stop alerts after needed actions are taken. Create notification groups for projects or departments. Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Learn more about how you can improve security and accessibility by using the Efecte Platform for Enterprise Contract Management. di|Automate Approval Processes Ensuring Compliance Manage Access and Protect Sensitive Information Be Reminded of Renewals, Price Checks, and Expiries st|Contract Management Benefits: Benefits of using Efecte for Contract Approvals | | | | Benefits of using Efecte for Contract Records | | | | Benefits of using Efecte for Contract Notifications | | | | Visual Contract Analyzer tool Kanban board view calendar views, graphic views, and list views drag-and-drop nodes Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h1|Enterprise Contract Management h2|Enterprise Contract Management Software Digitalize and Automate your Work Get in touch and learn more! Don't leave empty-handed. h3|Centralized Document Repository Agile Contract Task Manager Enterprise Contract Management Analytics Tools Powerful Workflow Automation Engine h4|Get insights into key areas of your contracts and their statuses with the use of . Individual users can create any view they need and combine them into dashboards by dragging them into place. Build workflows to automate individual tasks or entire processes using pre-configured, . Our workflow engine makes it easy for any enterprise to improve its contract management process. sp|| Record Contracts in a central location | Manage access and protects information | Better understand interconnections | Be reminded of contract renewals | Automate approval processes | Ensure Compliance Enterprise Contract Management software is faster, allow better-defined accesses, eliminate last-minute panic before contract renewals, and enable better auditing of who has been viewing documents. When using an enterprise contract management software, you will create a single point of record for every contract, automate archiving and user logging, create email notifications for key dates such as deadlines, and formalize approval flows. Fine-grained permission management allows an access hierarchy using folder trees and dedicated permissions, even on a single field value, for reading, updating, or deletion purposes. Trigger notifications ahead of important contract milestones. Such as renewal obligations, notice periods, upcoming expiry dates, or agreed price checks to ensure important contract deadlines aren't missed. Create a central repository to simplify contract document storage, access, and storage of critical contract information, surrounding relevant parties, information, relationships, and linked contracts. View and review the links between all of the related items and assets with our . Simplify task management by using our to easily manage the required steps relating to creating, renewing, reviewing, or editing contracts. We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » Enterprise Contract Management is a Community Solution which includes one template with various classes for different enterprise contract management cases. Dedicated classes store data of the actual contract, both contract parties, confidentiality, relevant dates such as expiry or renewal dates, liabilities, and options. You can learn more about our solution classifications . ▲ pa|Allow internal or external stakeholders to view needed information using static role permissions and traceable temporary access. Interested in having a demo or learning how Efecte can help? Send us a message, and we will have one of our experts get back to you. Learn more about how you can use the Efecte platform to manage your financial operations from a single system. di|Financial Operations Management Centralize your financial services within a single system! Democratizing Data for All Stakeholders Budgeting, Accounting, and Charging Invoice Monitoring and Management st|views, graphs, dashboards, and Kanban boards self-service portal collect the needed information Our Solutions for IT | | | Our Solutions for Customer Service Our Solutions for Employee Satisfaction Our Solutions for Businesses | | | | | h2|Take your financial services to the next level! Learn about Financial Operations Management Digitalize and Automate your Work Get in touch and learn more! Don't leave empty-handed. h3|Unified Real-Time Reporting and Auditing Simplified and Touchless Service Delivery Streamlined Payments, Purchasing, and Request Processing h4|Review financial data with our visual analyzer tool. Manage all of your budgets from one location. Monitor your financial operations data with dashboards. Create unified that will automatically filter the information based on the user's department, team, roles, or subordinates. Use our , workflow automation engine, and automated emails to handle requests without a single interaction from anyone within your financial department. Provide employees with a flexible, user-friendly self-service portal to reduce emails, phone calls, and . sp|Improve your operations by reducing your reliance on emails, manual activities, and an ever-growing number of systems and data. Running a Financial Operations Management solution on Efecte helps to improve your financial processes by providing improved reporting, categorization, and visibility into operations. Centralize records, automatically calculate KPIs, and gain insight into costs, revenue generated, and your overall performance in real-time. Manage service requests by integrating your invoicing system. Create dedicated service requests surrounding payment and invoice requests. We offer cloud-based software that helps organizations digitalize and automate their work from simple ticketing and self-service to company-wide process optimization, helping you to digitalize and automate your work. Thanks to the versatility of the Efecte platform, organizations can manage a variety of services and processes. Modernize Your IT Designing, planning, delivering, and operating IT services can be complicated. Receiving and processing employee incidents and requests can be a time-consuming endeavor. By implementing a comprehensive solution that digitalizes and automates your services, you can dramatically improve your organization's efficiency and throughput. | Simplify Customers Interactions Excellent customer service is no longer a differentiator, but a necessity. It is essential to implement customer-specific, automated workflows to delight your customers effectively. | Streamline Employee Services Employee experience and retention are quickly becoming a key priority for every organization. HR departments are looking to r e-organize, centralize, and automate repetitive questions to allow their team to focus on developing transformational projects instead of simple requests. | Centralize Your Business Operations The amount of information, processes, and systems used through an organization's departments are quickly expanding in scale and complexity. The need for a central and integrated system to manage all of the data and processes surrounding these services is quickly becoming critical. » » ▲