pa|We offer a well-designed service package, covering everything from consultancy to certified data erasure. A new patient care concept – with the right medical equipment, flexible financing, optimized terms and customized services. Carbon-neutral leasing Carbon-neutral leasing Sustainability has become a differentiating factor in the market. Thanks to carbonZER0, the production, transportation, use phase, and end-of-life phase of your CHG-MERIDIAN financed IT assets can now be carbon-neutral. The view from CIOs Many IT departments were caught out in mid-March, when entire workforces suddenly needed to start working from home. Since then, it has become clear that this is not a temporary switch, but the start of a longer journey – including in terms of technology. GREEN TECHNOLOGY REMARKETING Here to help you adopt environmentally friendly remarketing into your core business Stay up-to-date at CHG-MERIDIAN Follow our corporate account to be up-to-date or contact one of our employees directly via LinkedIn to get more information about how we can support your business. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY THREE WORDS, ONE PROMISE Whether you are a large corporation, an SME or a public-sector client, if you want to manage technologies efficiently, CHG-MERIDIAN is right for you. More than 11,000 customers have put their trust in us and taken us at our word when we say we can manage their technology investments efficiently. World of Work Our success is based on our employees. It is they who achieve excellence every single day and strengthen our company for the long term. This is something we value and are happy to reward li|menu not loaded h1|Carbon-neutral with carbonZER0 h2|Carbon-neutral with carbonZER0 Remote working is the new normal ECO-FRIENDLY REMARKETING PROCESS FROM CHG-MERIDIAN Our digital workplace solution - Find out more! OUR 2019 CORPORATE REPORT IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD CHG-MERIDIAN on LinkedIn Providing efficiency across the technology lifecycle TAILORED SOLUTIONS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® YOUR CAREER AT CHG-MERIDIAN h3|Choose your region Social Media Premium partner of the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce Asset and Contract Management System 09. April 2021 Current news Feel free to get in touch with us Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                            pa|Vi hjälper er att administrera IT-utrustningen och hålla kostnaderna nere under utrustningens hela livscykel. Vi förser er med alla verktyg ni behöver, så att ni kan fokusera på att utveckla företaget. Att införskaffa den senaste hälso- och sjukvårdstekniken medför ofta höga kostnader. CHG-MERIDIAN kan hjälpa er att fatta rätt beslut i samband med teknikinvesteringar. Koldioxidneutral leasing Koldioxidneutral leasing Hållbarhet har blivit en differentierande faktor på marknaden. Tack vare carbonZER0 kan produktion, transport och hela livscykeln för din finansierade IT-utrustning nu bli koldioxidneutral. Utifrån IT-chefers perspektiv Många IT-avdelningar kick på knäna i mitten av mars 2020, då hela arbetskraften plötsligt behövde börja arbeta hemifrån. Sedan dess har det blivit klart att detta inte är en tillfällig omställning med tillfälliga lösningar, utan början på en längre resa - även när det gäller teknik. REMARKETING = GRÖN IT Dra fördel av våra miljövänliga remarketing-tjänster. Vi är en av Europas största IT-återförsäljare och kan hjälpa er att maximera intäkterna från IT-utrustning som ni inte längre har behov av. Vad händer hos CHG-MERIDIAN just nu Följ oss på Linkedin eller kontakta någon av våra medarbetare för mer information om våra tjänster. IT HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRDSTEKNIK OM OSS Om du är intresserad av effektiva teknikinvesteringar kan vi vara den samarbetspartner du letat efter. Vi har hjälpt mer än 10 000 företag och organisationer att finansiera och administrera sina teknikinvesteringar på ett effektivt sätt. World of work Vår framgång är baserad på våra anställda. Det är de som uppnår högsta kvalitet varje dag och stärker vårt företag på lång sikt. Detta är något vi värdesätter och gärna belönar li|menu not loaded h1|Koldioxidneutral med carbonZER0 h2|Koldioxidneutral med carbonZER0 Mobilt arbete är det nya normala MILJÖVÄNLIGA REMARKETING-TJÄNSTER FRÅN CHG-MERIDIAN Digital arbetsplats - ta reda på hur vi kan hjälpa er! LADDA NER VÅR ÅRSRAPPORT 2019 CHG-MERIDIAN på LinkedIn MINIMERA KOSTNADERNA EFFEKTIV ADMINISTRATION AV UTRUSTNING EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® Karriär hos CHG-MERIDIAN h3|Choose your region Sociala medier Premium partner Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren Administrera ekonomi och teknisk information effektivt 09. april 2021 Nyheter Välkommen att kontakta oss Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                            pa|Our success is based on our employees. It is they who achieve excellence every single day and strengthen our company for the long term. This is something we value and are happy to reward. As we grow, we continuously look for new, great employees. CHG-MERIDIAN is looking for its next star sales performer. We are a growing business, and our customers’ needs and solutions are ever more complex. Star performers at CHG-MERIDIAN are consistent, persistent and they open doors. Once inside, our solution capabilities enable you to be the architect. You might already be in the field of technology? With your experience and our customer focussed financial solutions, let us help you journey to the top. Contact us for more information Can't find a vacancy that matches your profile? You are welcome to send a job application. CHG-MERIDIAN is a multinational company offering efficient technology management. We are a German company that stands for growth and solidity. Become part of our team in Norway and join us in transforming the world of technology. CHG-MERIDIAN's strength lies in its diversity and its open corporate culture. As a CHG-MERIDIAN employee, you will come across team players in every part of the organization. You will be in close contact with the head office in Germany, while also enjoying independence and complete flexibility in your work. Although CHG-MERIDIAN's is networked globally, it remains rooted locally. We work together with major brands and are driving forward the digital revolution for large and mid-sized companies. And you are an important player in this revolution. At CHG-MERIDIAN we see ourselves as a team – that's why we work together to promote career development. Our inhouse tutoring concept gives employees the chance to boost their professional skills. This transfer of knowledge between employees provides you with a high level of professional training. Our team is on hand to answer any questions you might have about CHG-MERIDIAN or our application process. Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Stockholm CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|WE ARE CONSTANTLY LOOKING FOR GREAT PEOPLE! h2|CURRENT VACANCIES WORKING IN A GLOBAL TEAM Opportunities for continuing professional development Contact us! h3|Choose your region What's the secret to our success? Teamwork! Our office in Sweden Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|ACCOUNT MANAGER IT APPLICATIONS h6|WORK IN SWEDEN sp|                                  Gå till Gå till Gå till      pa|Här hittar du mer information om vilka vi är – hur allt började, vad vi gör idag och vart vi är på väg. Läs mer om varför våra kunder inom IT-sektorn, industrin och vårdsektorn valt att samarbeta med oss. CHG-MERIDIAN spelar en aktiv roll i samhället. Vi arbetar för en hållbar utveckling, vi skapar en attraktiv arbetsmiljö och vi engagerar oss i viktiga samhällsprojekt. Att utvecklas och växa med uppgiften är en del av vårt DNA – och vi gör det tillsammans med våra kunder. Men vi glömmer aldrig vårt ursprung och vart vi är på väg. Idag är vi närmare 1 100 medarbetare och vi finns i 27 länder, vilket innebär att vi kan erbjuda hållbara, snabba och fullt integrerade tjänster över hela världen. • carbonZER0 available to customers in 27 countries • Green financing option for carbon-neutral investment in IT infrastructure • CO₂ offset payments go toward certified climate protection projects Cultivating an organizational culture characterized by mutual respect and appreciation - this is the overriding principle of the Diversity Charter. In February 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN AG signed up to the Germany-wide initiative. The international technology manager with headquarters in Weingarten relies on continuity in its sports sponsorship. As announced on March 4, 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN is extending its commitment to Ravensburg as an ice hockey location and will thus remain the main sponsor of the Towerstars and name giver of the "CHG Arena" for the next five years. • Lehrkräfte-Auszeichnung für digitale Unterrichtskonzepte ausgelobt • Gesucht: Die drei besten Praxisbeispiele aus baden-württembergischen Schulen • Kooperation von CHG-MERIDIAN mit der Mossakowski Stiftung und Beratung durch das Zentrum für Schulqualität Baden-Württemberg (ZSL) • CHG-MERIDIAN continues dialog with policymakers, the research community, and representatives of the IT sector and hospitals • Topics of discussion include: the COVID-19 crisis; factors accelerating digitalization in the German healthcare sector; standalone IT solutions: More than just a technical challenge • Policymakers supporting digitalization and addressing the protection of patient data Managing IT for mobile working more efficiently • CHG-MERIDIAN adds a self-service portal for its customers’ employees to TESMA® • High level of automation relieves the burden on IT and procurement • Fast and hassle-free processes increase employee satisfaction By donating 100 laptops to five schools in Ravensburg, the CHG-MERIDIAN Group is helping to ensure that pupils have access to IT devices so that they can participate in online lessons. • Lease origination: 32 percent increase to around €2 billion compared to prior year • Circular economy: almost 700,000 IT devices refurbished for a second lifecycle • Coronavirus pandemic: both challenge and opportunity • Donation of EUR 200,000 to the Bürgerstiftung Kreis Ravensburg • Dr. Wagner: We need a strong community for cohesion in society • Support for non-profit associations, especially in the field of art and culture, and for organisations providing social assistance in the region. Particular attention is also paid to supporting disadvantaged children and young people Changes to the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN • Companies are making little progress with the expansion of the digital workplace • Employees are better equipped with mobile IT devices at home than they are at work • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner As an expert in technology management, CHG-MERIDIAN has been supporting the public sector for years in the implementation of digitization concepts. Earlier in September, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and CHG-MERIDIAN met in Weingarten to discuss the topic. • Investment backlog remains the biggest hurdle to digitalization • Customer Experience Day enables dialog between key players • Information and education increase the acceptance of e-health and AI in healthcare • CHG-MERIDIAN’s latest white paper presents investment options for the digital age • Quality and information security standards of entire Gross-Gerau site validated • ISO 9001 and 27001 certification recognized at international level • Basis of BSI compliance certification for basic protection in accordance with B1.15 Deletion and Destruction of Data • 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that e-health remains a niche topic: There is openness to the idea but the benefits are not recognized • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21 Digital Index and critically examined study results in panel discussion • The panel discussion took place at the DMEA on April 9, 2019 at the Berlin Capital Club • Growth: Lease originations up 22 percent year-on-year • Internationalization: Successful acquisition of Australian technology specialist equigroup in 2018 • Circular economy: Further increase in the number of refurbished and data-erased assets for the secondary market • Cost management is a key topic in the logistics sector • Focus increasingly on usage behavior and total cost of ownership • Continual optimization of the TCO analysis is required • Potential of the digital workplace still untapped • Companies lack digital technology and implementation strategies • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor • Ice rink to be renamed ‘CHG Arena’ • Sport sponsoring remains essential beacon for the region • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ was performed at Ravensburg Theatre • All proceeds go to the ‘Theatertäschle’ project and the ‘MOSKITO’ theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Volatile markets require flexible use of existing resources • Intelligently managed processes reduce running costs • CHG-MERIDIAN’s holistic approach increases efficiency at all levels • Strategic growth impulse for lease originations for the CHG-MERIDIAN Group • equigroup opens up access to attractive Australia/New Zealand region • CHG-MERIDIAN now has a presence in 25 countries around the world • Transaction volume in line with excellent business performance • Funding terms even better than in previous years • CHG-MERIDIAN opts for parallel marketing via a digital platform for first time • Digital transformation remains on the public sector's agenda • Attractiveness as an employer and HR policies that embrace demographic diversity are growing challenges • CHG-MERIDIAN’s integrated approach promotes digital transformation and efficiency • CHG-MERIDIAN extends TESMA® with directly integrated TESMA® App • Eliminate manual processes and reduce time and effort spent on asset management by using a smartphone • A further step towards the complete digitalization of asset lifecycles • Companies need to adjust the ways in which they handle personal data • CHG-MERIDIAN offers its own certified data erasure process called eraSURE® • eraSURE® facilitates compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) • Increased: Volume of lease originations rises by 8 percent year on year • Successful: Technology diversification and international positioning pay off • Innovative: Digitalization offers further opportunities for profitable growth • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ to be performed at Ravensburg Theatre on April 18 • All proceeds go to the Theater-Rucksack project and the MOSKITO theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Digital skills as a key competence in the healthcare sector • Healthcare providers make efficiency gains and increase competitiveness by training their workforce • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21-Digital-Index and analyzes impact on investments in healthcare • The mobile workspace is becoming a competitive factor for firms • Companies have to help employees embrace digitalization • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • Direct: Communicate with your preferred target group in real time • With confidence: A test phase provides peace of mind during digital transformation • State-of-the-art: A technology refresh means you always get the latest technology Customer proximity: New Stuttgart site will pave the way for improved customer service. Economic strength: CHG-MERIDIAN sees further potential for growth in Baden-Württemberg Sustained organic growth at a high level shows that the strategy is working Excellent progress in the delivery of the service strategy, record result for certified data erasure. • Successful: volume of leases originated rises by 13 percent year on year; above-average growth in Germany • Robust: international business continues to perform well • Buoyant: high demand for data erasure and mobility solutions • Robust: Broad-based and dynamic growth in Germany and in the international markets • Encouraging: Positive trend in the volume of leases originated for healthcare and industrial technologies • Intelligent: Expanded range of end-of-life services for printer systems • Close to customers: CHG-MERIDIAN opens new office in Bielefeld. • Diverse mix of sectors: Bielefeld and the surrounding areas have great sales potential. • Certified: Data erasure process for printer systems successfully passes TÜV acceptance test in Gross-Gerau • Transparent: Asset tracking at any time with TESMA® • Automated: High level of process reliability with eraSURE® and eraSURE®+ • Growth: New funds can be used to finance growth and innovation • Interest-rates: Further optimization of finance costs thanks to excellent interest-rate conditions • Reputation: Successful placement underlines CHG-MERIDIAN’s strong reputation in the capital markets • Lack of investment and investment backlog hinder progress of digitalisation • More information and advice needed regarding its benefits and impact • National modernisation strategy to encourage investment in the vision • Growth: lease originations and profitability increase • Continuity: remarketing uptrend continues • Potential: Enterprise Mobility Solutions offer excellent prospects and win an award For the past eight years, colleagues with disabilities have been working alongside other employees at the Groß-Gerau Technology and Service Center. This integration project is being run by CHG-MERIDIAN in cooperation with the Rhine-Main Workshops for Disabled People and one of their subsidiary workshops, Solvere gGmbH, and receives positive feedback from all those involved. • Accolade: Technology management company among the top three in the Workforce Mobility / Digital Workspace category • Catch-up potential: Three in four Germans still teaching themselves digital skills outside of work • Challenge: Security shortcomings need to be eradicated from the mobile workspace Growth: funding for more technology investments than ever before All-time high: a record amount of equipment certified data-erased and remarketed Acquisition: IT and healthcare portfolio acquired from GE Capital in northern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN launches software platform for financial and technical management of assets CHG-MERIDIAN perfecting its Technology and Service Management System, TESMA® now offers an extended range of features Growth: Promising developments in America and Western Europe during first quarter Gross margin: Profitability increases continue into the new year Outlook: New release of technology and service application, TESMA®, bolsters growth prospects further Announcement: Headquarters in Weingarten expanded further Growth: 250 additional workstations created Dynamic: New Stuttgart and Bielefeld offices already in planning Motivated: The cyclists covered 90 kilometers for a good cause. Committed: Employees can participate via social activities. Invested: Donations provide individual support for children. Responsibility: Workforce has a say in social activities Team: Employees get involved in good causes with CHG-MERIDIAN support Athletic spirit: Jersey campaign provides youth team sports with targeted assistance CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting the D21 study as a partner for the first time The digital skills of the German population are improving – but too slowly Three out of four Germans prefer to learn how to use smartphones and similar devices by themselves in their spare time Steadfast: Mossakowski to join the new Supervisory Board, Dr. Wagner to become the new Chairman of the Board of Management, Strong: Sales activities to be brought together in one remit, Structured: Separate Board of Management remit for IT and Services Carrying the baton: marathon route completed by six relay teams Collective effort: €2,531.70 raised for the Gross-Gerau sports association for disabled people Cooperation: CHG-MERIDIAN has employed people with disabilities at its Gross-Gerau site since 2007 Moving up a gear: accelerated growth in lease originations Security-conscious: strong demand for data erasure services Innovative: Enterprise Mobility Solutions demonstrate their potential Momentum: Strong growth impetus in western and southern Europe Solidity: Gross profit stabilizes at a high level Innovation: New enterprise mobility solution opens up potential CHG-MERIDIAN's transparent and open communication culture is also reflected in our PR and media activities. Our media relations work is compliant with the communication code of the German PR Council (DRPR).  Här kan du läsa mer om vår verksamhet världen över  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|INSIKT OCH VISION h2|OM OSS SOCIALT ANSVAR GLOBAL TILLVÄXT Nyheter om koncernen h3|Choose your region CHG-MERIDIAN introduces carbon-neutral IT leasing CHG-MERIDIAN AG signs the Diversity Charter CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor of the Ravensburg Towerstars CHG-MERIDIAN: Bildungsinitiative „digitalheroes@Klassenzimmer” gestartet Additional boost to digitalization in the German healthcare sector TESMA® portal: Self-service for the digital workplace CHG-MERIDIAN donates laptops to five schools in Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN shows significant growth for 2019 Immediate aid to support the community in the region in the wake of the Corona crisis Ulrich Bergmann appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 2019/2020 D21 Digital Index shows that the transition toward a digital work culture is stalling in Germany Digitize administration Digital transformation in healthcare – from hype to reality. CHG-MERIDIAN Technology and Service Center awarded ISO certification Digital transformation in healthcare – aversion to new technology persists Successful business performance delivers record year for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN uses precise data to optimize TCO in fleet management 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that remote working and flextime are still a rarity in Germany CHG-MERIDIAN and Ravensburg Towerstars extend long-term partnership CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization meets reality: intelligent IT lifts logistics to new heights CHG-MERIDIAN acquires Australian technology financing company equigroup Another bonded loan successfully placed Public Sector 4.0: Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential Recording assets on the go securely and cost-efficiently with the TESMA® App New European General Data Protection Regulation: Securing data erasure processes with eraSURE® CHG-MERIDIAN continues to generate profitable growth in 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization increases need for qualification in healthcare D21 digital index for 2017/2018 shows that German companies are lagging behind on mobile workspaces Digital Signage Solutions (DSS) from CHG-MERIDIAN are leading the way CHG-MERIDIAN: New Stuttgart site set to enhance sales activities CHG-MERIDIAN increases its lease originations by 9 percent in 2016 Flying start to 2017 for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN's lease origination up by 15 percent in the first half of 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN strengthens presence in Germany with new office in Bielefeld CHG-MERIDIAN closes security gap in printer systems with new erasure process CHG-MERIDIAN: Bonded loan secures again funding on favorable terms Lack of investment puts the brakes on digitalisation CHG-MERIDIAN: positive business development in the first nine months Successful working relationships at the Technology and Service Center Enterprise Mobility Awards: CHG-MERIDIAN wins bronze CHG-MERIDIAN looks back on a successful year New TESMA® integrates financial and technical information even more effectively CHG-MERIDIAN starts 2016 with slight first-quarter growth CHG-MERIDIAN celebrates inauguration of headquarters expansion building CHG-MERIDIAN supports charity cycling tour for Kinderstiftung Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN sponsors jerseys to support eight youth sports teams 2016 D21 Digital Index: Companies must contribute to digitalization of Germans CHG-MERIDIAN reorganizes Board of Management; Dr. Mathias Wagner to succeed Jürgen Mossakowski Colleagues for colleagues: CHG-MERIDIAN employees run for a good cause CHG-MERIDIAN AG steps up the pace of growth in the third quarter of 2016 Buoyant growth for CHG-MERIDIAN in the first half of 2016 Media Center Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|2021-feb-03 – 2021-mar-18 – 2021-mar-04 – 2020-nov-11 – 2020-jul-15 – 2020-jul-01 – 2020-maj-27 – 2020-apr-23 – 2020-apr-08 – 2020-mar-01 – 2020-feb-26 – 2020-sep-18 – 2019-okt-16 – 2019-maj-23 – 2019-apr-16 – 2019-apr-09 – 2019-feb-01 – 2019-jan-23 – 2018-dec-11 – 2018-nov-09 – 2018-okt-17 – 2018-sep-03 – 2018-aug-09 – 2018-jul-31 – 2018-jul-05 – 2018-apr-10 – 2018-mar-22 – 2018-mar-14 – 2018-feb-20 – 2018-jan-24 – 2017-apr-07 – 2017-feb-28 – 2017-feb-10 – 2017-apr-28 – 2017-jul-21 – 2017-maj-16 – 2017-jun-27 – 2017-sep-21 – 2017-sep-20 – 2017-okt-27 – 2017-dec-06 – 2017-nov-30 – 2016-feb-12 – 2016-apr-12 – 2016-apr-22 – 2016-jun-16 – 2016-jun-19 – 2016-mar-24 – 2016-nov-17 – 2016-nov-16 – 2016-okt-31 – 2016-okt-27 – 2016-jul-22 – OPEN COMMUNICATION h6|LÄR KÄNNA CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                      Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten / Sydney  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Berlin  Berlin  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Bielefeld  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Frankfurt  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Weingarten  Weingarten     pa|Contact your personal partner at CHG-MERIDIAN Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH Vice President Sales, Canada Regional Manager Sales North-West General Manager Service Center Skien Head of Human Resources Executive Vice President Sales Western Europe Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia Vice President Finance Northern Europe Head of Public Sector Sales Germany, Regional Manager Sales Public South/SouthWest, Regional Manager Sales Public West-Central Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe Vice President Sales Vice President Sales France Sales Director Americas; VP of Sales - USA Head of Sales Public Sector UK & Ireland Vice President Finance USA & Canada Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West Regional Manager Sales Central Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales, Italy Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South Head of Sales - UK & Ireland Corporate Head of Logistics & Production Vice President Finance Italy Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Brazil Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Vice President Sales Switzerland Vice President Sales ANZ Regional Manager Sales East, Regional Manager Sales Public North-East Vice President Sales UK/Ireland Vice President Sales Poland Vice President Sales Brazil Head of Remarketing Head of Group Service Delivery Executive Vice President Sales Australia/New Zeal. Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany Vice President Sales, Netherlands Regional Manager Sales West Vice President Sales Sweden & Norway Vice President Sales, Spain Manager, HR / Administrator Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe Vice President Finance, Netherlands Vice President Finance France Vice President Finance, Spain Vice President Finance Mexico Many thanks for your message to CHG-MERIDIAN. We will get back to you as soon as possible! This is mandatory   Experts of efficient technology management work together at CHG-MERIDIAN worldwide - at 36 locations in 23 countries. Our global presence guarantees uniform, fast and consistent business processes  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Australia België Brasil Canada Cesko Denmark Deutschland España Finland France Great Britain Ireland Italia Mexico Nederland Norge Österreich Polska Russia Schweiz Slovenija Slovensko Sverige USA international CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. 455 Pelissier Street N9A 6Z9 Windsor, Ontario, Canada +1 647-669-6579 CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 2720 Vanløse +45 702 381 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503-0 +49 173 58040859 CHG-MERIDIAN SKIEN AS Technology and Service-Center Rødmyrlia 20 3735 Skien +47 959 29 110 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +33 (1) 530585-81 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 (211) 55727-60 +49 170 981 3149 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 323 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1810 +1 (818) 312-2274 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7967 292924 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt +49 6950 954 85 22 +49 160 713 48 18 CHG-MERIDIAN Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 320 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871200 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden +41 56 203 18 00 +49 175 720 42 03 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney, Australia +61 29409 8200 +61 419 315733 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin +49 30 284068-13 +49 170 4511-960 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa +48 22 5269900 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871260 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstraße 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-25 +49 172 2924128 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney +61 29409 8200 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89 238856355 +49 151 74380056 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 (0)10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-32 +49 160 7 134-868 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 h1|Operate worldwide h2|CONTACT PERSONS Contact Form h3|Choose your region Dirk Matura Guy Poirier CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frank Heinrich Headquarters Weingarten Gisle Skoglund Andersen Montserrat Cazorla Ralf Behrning Michael König Lena Gausen CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Frank Schöneberg Sven Janssen Jyrki Mikkola Patrick Henrion Wayne Fowkes Daniel Talhadas Vahe Aroyan Sven Matthiesen Johannes Landherr CHG-MERIDIAN Finland Oy Rony Timmermans Declan McGlone Marco Gallo Sven Matthiesen Danny Persaud Csaba Kallai Andrea Bonin Simon Harrsen Luiz Nali Lukas Uhliarik Sebastian Apelt Stephen Kerr Thomas Franke Simon Young Leonard Żółnowski Roberto Mussalem Rami Oweis Klaus Form Christian Brakensiek Peter Krause Paul-Robbert Viskil CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Jens Hüttebräuker Christian Vold Juan Echevarrieta Mona Safa Lukas Tränkle Patrick Schunter Didier Padellec Pere Fito Jaime Origel Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                                                                                                                                             * Your name E-Mail Company Your Message   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   404 ERROR PAGE The page was not found. What now? Try with the following links:  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Something went wrong … h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                     pa|Flexibla, innovativa, skräddarsydda finansiella lösningar. Läs vidare för att få en inblick i hur CHG-MERIDIAN fungerar. • carbonZER0 available to customers in 27 countries • Green financing option for carbon-neutral investment in IT infrastructure • CO₂ offset payments go toward certified climate protection projects Cultivating an organizational culture characterized by mutual respect and appreciation - this is the overriding principle of the Diversity Charter. In February 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN AG signed up to the Germany-wide initiative. The international technology manager with headquarters in Weingarten relies on continuity in its sports sponsorship. As announced on March 4, 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN is extending its commitment to Ravensburg as an ice hockey location and will thus remain the main sponsor of the Towerstars and name giver of the "CHG Arena" for the next five years. • Lehrkräfte-Auszeichnung für digitale Unterrichtskonzepte ausgelobt • Gesucht: Die drei besten Praxisbeispiele aus baden-württembergischen Schulen • Kooperation von CHG-MERIDIAN mit der Mossakowski Stiftung und Beratung durch das Zentrum für Schulqualität Baden-Württemberg (ZSL) • CHG-MERIDIAN continues dialog with policymakers, the research community, and representatives of the IT sector and hospitals • Topics of discussion include: the COVID-19 crisis; factors accelerating digitalization in the German healthcare sector; standalone IT solutions: More than just a technical challenge • Policymakers supporting digitalization and addressing the protection of patient data Managing IT for mobile working more efficiently • CHG-MERIDIAN adds a self-service portal for its customers’ employees to TESMA® • High level of automation relieves the burden on IT and procurement • Fast and hassle-free processes increase employee satisfaction By donating 100 laptops to five schools in Ravensburg, the CHG-MERIDIAN Group is helping to ensure that pupils have access to IT devices so that they can participate in online lessons. • Lease origination: 32 percent increase to around €2 billion compared to prior year • Circular economy: almost 700,000 IT devices refurbished for a second lifecycle • Coronavirus pandemic: both challenge and opportunity • Donation of EUR 200,000 to the Bürgerstiftung Kreis Ravensburg • Dr. Wagner: We need a strong community for cohesion in society • Support for non-profit associations, especially in the field of art and culture, and for organisations providing social assistance in the region. Particular attention is also paid to supporting disadvantaged children and young people Changes to the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN • Companies are making little progress with the expansion of the digital workplace • Employees are better equipped with mobile IT devices at home than they are at work • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner As an expert in technology management, CHG-MERIDIAN has been supporting the public sector for years in the implementation of digitization concepts. Earlier in September, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and CHG-MERIDIAN met in Weingarten to discuss the topic. • Investment backlog remains the biggest hurdle to digitalization • Customer Experience Day enables dialog between key players • Information and education increase the acceptance of e-health and AI in healthcare • CHG-MERIDIAN’s latest white paper presents investment options for the digital age • Quality and information security standards of entire Gross-Gerau site validated • ISO 9001 and 27001 certification recognized at international level • Basis of BSI compliance certification for basic protection in accordance with B1.15 Deletion and Destruction of Data • 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that e-health remains a niche topic: There is openness to the idea but the benefits are not recognized • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21 Digital Index and critically examined study results in panel discussion • The panel discussion took place at the DMEA on April 9, 2019 at the Berlin Capital Club • Growth: Lease originations up 22 percent year-on-year • Internationalization: Successful acquisition of Australian technology specialist equigroup in 2018 • Circular economy: Further increase in the number of refurbished and data-erased assets for the secondary market • Cost management is a key topic in the logistics sector • Focus increasingly on usage behavior and total cost of ownership • Continual optimization of the TCO analysis is required • Potential of the digital workplace still untapped • Companies lack digital technology and implementation strategies • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor • Ice rink to be renamed ‘CHG Arena’ • Sport sponsoring remains essential beacon for the region • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ was performed at Ravensburg Theatre • All proceeds go to the ‘Theatertäschle’ project and the ‘MOSKITO’ theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Volatile markets require flexible use of existing resources • Intelligently managed processes reduce running costs • CHG-MERIDIAN’s holistic approach increases efficiency at all levels • Strategic growth impulse for lease originations for the CHG-MERIDIAN Group • equigroup opens up access to attractive Australia/New Zealand region • CHG-MERIDIAN now has a presence in 25 countries around the world • Transaction volume in line with excellent business performance • Funding terms even better than in previous years • CHG-MERIDIAN opts for parallel marketing via a digital platform for first time • Digital transformation remains on the public sector's agenda • Attractiveness as an employer and HR policies that embrace demographic diversity are growing challenges • CHG-MERIDIAN’s integrated approach promotes digital transformation and efficiency • CHG-MERIDIAN extends TESMA® with directly integrated TESMA® App • Eliminate manual processes and reduce time and effort spent on asset management by using a smartphone • A further step towards the complete digitalization of asset lifecycles • Companies need to adjust the ways in which they handle personal data • CHG-MERIDIAN offers its own certified data erasure process called eraSURE® • eraSURE® facilitates compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) • Increased: Volume of lease originations rises by 8 percent year on year • Successful: Technology diversification and international positioning pay off • Innovative: Digitalization offers further opportunities for profitable growth • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ to be performed at Ravensburg Theatre on April 18 • All proceeds go to the Theater-Rucksack project and the MOSKITO theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Digital skills as a key competence in the healthcare sector • Healthcare providers make efficiency gains and increase competitiveness by training their workforce • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21-Digital-Index and analyzes impact on investments in healthcare • The mobile workspace is becoming a competitive factor for firms • Companies have to help employees embrace digitalization • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • Direct: Communicate with your preferred target group in real time • With confidence: A test phase provides peace of mind during digital transformation • State-of-the-art: A technology refresh means you always get the latest technology Customer proximity: New Stuttgart site will pave the way for improved customer service. Economic strength: CHG-MERIDIAN sees further potential for growth in Baden-Württemberg Sustained organic growth at a high level shows that the strategy is working Excellent progress in the delivery of the service strategy, record result for certified data erasure. • Successful: volume of leases originated rises by 13 percent year on year; above-average growth in Germany • Robust: international business continues to perform well • Buoyant: high demand for data erasure and mobility solutions • Robust: Broad-based and dynamic growth in Germany and in the international markets • Encouraging: Positive trend in the volume of leases originated for healthcare and industrial technologies • Intelligent: Expanded range of end-of-life services for printer systems • Close to customers: CHG-MERIDIAN opens new office in Bielefeld. • Diverse mix of sectors: Bielefeld and the surrounding areas have great sales potential. • Certified: Data erasure process for printer systems successfully passes TÜV acceptance test in Gross-Gerau • Transparent: Asset tracking at any time with TESMA® • Automated: High level of process reliability with eraSURE® and eraSURE®+ • Growth: New funds can be used to finance growth and innovation • Interest-rates: Further optimization of finance costs thanks to excellent interest-rate conditions • Reputation: Successful placement underlines CHG-MERIDIAN’s strong reputation in the capital markets • Lack of investment and investment backlog hinder progress of digitalisation • More information and advice needed regarding its benefits and impact • National modernisation strategy to encourage investment in the vision • Growth: lease originations and profitability increase • Continuity: remarketing uptrend continues • Potential: Enterprise Mobility Solutions offer excellent prospects and win an award For the past eight years, colleagues with disabilities have been working alongside other employees at the Groß-Gerau Technology and Service Center. This integration project is being run by CHG-MERIDIAN in cooperation with the Rhine-Main Workshops for Disabled People and one of their subsidiary workshops, Solvere gGmbH, and receives positive feedback from all those involved. • Accolade: Technology management company among the top three in the Workforce Mobility / Digital Workspace category • Catch-up potential: Three in four Germans still teaching themselves digital skills outside of work • Challenge: Security shortcomings need to be eradicated from the mobile workspace Growth: funding for more technology investments than ever before All-time high: a record amount of equipment certified data-erased and remarketed Acquisition: IT and healthcare portfolio acquired from GE Capital in northern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN launches software platform for financial and technical management of assets CHG-MERIDIAN perfecting its Technology and Service Management System, TESMA® now offers an extended range of features Growth: Promising developments in America and Western Europe during first quarter Gross margin: Profitability increases continue into the new year Outlook: New release of technology and service application, TESMA®, bolsters growth prospects further Announcement: Headquarters in Weingarten expanded further Growth: 250 additional workstations created Dynamic: New Stuttgart and Bielefeld offices already in planning Motivated: The cyclists covered 90 kilometers for a good cause. Committed: Employees can participate via social activities. Invested: Donations provide individual support for children. Responsibility: Workforce has a say in social activities Team: Employees get involved in good causes with CHG-MERIDIAN support Athletic spirit: Jersey campaign provides youth team sports with targeted assistance CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting the D21 study as a partner for the first time The digital skills of the German population are improving – but too slowly Three out of four Germans prefer to learn how to use smartphones and similar devices by themselves in their spare time Steadfast: Mossakowski to join the new Supervisory Board, Dr. Wagner to become the new Chairman of the Board of Management, Strong: Sales activities to be brought together in one remit, Structured: Separate Board of Management remit for IT and Services Carrying the baton: marathon route completed by six relay teams Collective effort: €2,531.70 raised for the Gross-Gerau sports association for disabled people Cooperation: CHG-MERIDIAN has employed people with disabilities at its Gross-Gerau site since 2007 Moving up a gear: accelerated growth in lease originations Security-conscious: strong demand for data erasure services Innovative: Enterprise Mobility Solutions demonstrate their potential Momentum: Strong growth impetus in western and southern Europe Solidity: Gross profit stabilizes at a high level Innovation: New enterprise mobility solution opens up potential CHG-MERIDIAN's transparent and open communication culture is also reflected in our PR and media activities. Our media relations work is compliant with the communication code of the German PR Council (DRPR).   Läs mer om de senaste nyheterna inom CHG-MERIDIAN och ta reda på mer om hur vi arbetar dag till dag li|menu not loaded h1|Globala nyheter h2|Senaste nyheterna h3|Choose your region CHG-MERIDIAN introduces carbon-neutral IT leasing CHG-MERIDIAN AG signs the Diversity Charter CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor of the Ravensburg Towerstars CHG-MERIDIAN: Bildungsinitiative „digitalheroes@Klassenzimmer” gestartet Additional boost to digitalization in the German healthcare sector TESMA® portal: Self-service for the digital workplace CHG-MERIDIAN donates laptops to five schools in Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN shows significant growth for 2019 Immediate aid to support the community in the region in the wake of the Corona crisis Ulrich Bergmann appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 2019/2020 D21 Digital Index shows that the transition toward a digital work culture is stalling in Germany Digitize administration Digital transformation in healthcare – from hype to reality. CHG-MERIDIAN Technology and Service Center awarded ISO certification Digital transformation in healthcare – aversion to new technology persists Successful business performance delivers record year for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN uses precise data to optimize TCO in fleet management 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that remote working and flextime are still a rarity in Germany CHG-MERIDIAN and Ravensburg Towerstars extend long-term partnership CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization meets reality: intelligent IT lifts logistics to new heights CHG-MERIDIAN acquires Australian technology financing company equigroup Another bonded loan successfully placed Public Sector 4.0: Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential Recording assets on the go securely and cost-efficiently with the TESMA® App New European General Data Protection Regulation: Securing data erasure processes with eraSURE® CHG-MERIDIAN continues to generate profitable growth in 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization increases need for qualification in healthcare D21 digital index for 2017/2018 shows that German companies are lagging behind on mobile workspaces Digital Signage Solutions (DSS) from CHG-MERIDIAN are leading the way CHG-MERIDIAN: New Stuttgart site set to enhance sales activities CHG-MERIDIAN increases its lease originations by 9 percent in 2016 Flying start to 2017 for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN's lease origination up by 15 percent in the first half of 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN strengthens presence in Germany with new office in Bielefeld CHG-MERIDIAN closes security gap in printer systems with new erasure process CHG-MERIDIAN: Bonded loan secures again funding on favorable terms Lack of investment puts the brakes on digitalisation CHG-MERIDIAN: positive business development in the first nine months Successful working relationships at the Technology and Service Center Enterprise Mobility Awards: CHG-MERIDIAN wins bronze CHG-MERIDIAN looks back on a successful year New TESMA® integrates financial and technical information even more effectively CHG-MERIDIAN starts 2016 with slight first-quarter growth CHG-MERIDIAN celebrates inauguration of headquarters expansion building CHG-MERIDIAN supports charity cycling tour for Kinderstiftung Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN sponsors jerseys to support eight youth sports teams 2016 D21 Digital Index: Companies must contribute to digitalization of Germans CHG-MERIDIAN reorganizes Board of Management; Dr. Mathias Wagner to succeed Jürgen Mossakowski Colleagues for colleagues: CHG-MERIDIAN employees run for a good cause CHG-MERIDIAN AG steps up the pace of growth in the third quarter of 2016 Buoyant growth for CHG-MERIDIAN in the first half of 2016 Media Center Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|2021-feb-03 – 2021-mar-18 – 2021-mar-04 – 2020-nov-11 – 2020-jul-15 – 2020-jul-01 – 2020-maj-27 – 2020-apr-23 – 2020-apr-08 – 2020-mar-01 – 2020-feb-26 – 2020-sep-18 – 2019-okt-16 – 2019-maj-23 – 2019-apr-16 – 2019-apr-09 – 2019-feb-01 – 2019-jan-23 – 2018-dec-11 – 2018-nov-09 – 2018-okt-17 – 2018-sep-03 – 2018-aug-09 – 2018-jul-31 – 2018-jul-05 – 2018-apr-10 – 2018-mar-22 – 2018-mar-14 – 2018-feb-20 – 2018-jan-24 – 2017-apr-07 – 2017-feb-28 – 2017-feb-10 – 2017-apr-28 – 2017-jul-21 – 2017-maj-16 – 2017-jun-27 – 2017-sep-21 – 2017-sep-20 – 2017-okt-27 – 2017-dec-06 – 2017-nov-30 – 2016-feb-12 – 2016-apr-12 – 2016-apr-22 – 2016-jun-16 – 2016-jun-19 – 2016-mar-24 – 2016-nov-17 – 2016-nov-16 – 2016-okt-31 – 2016-okt-27 – 2016-jul-22 – OPEN COMMUNICATION h6|CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten / Sydney  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Berlin  Berlin  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Bielefeld  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Frankfurt  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Weingarten  Weingarten   pa|Sedan 1979 har vi på CHG-MERIDIAN planerat, implementerat och finansierat kundanpassade teknikinvesteringar. Vi har hjälpt mer än 12 000 företag och organisationer att finansiera och administrera sina teknikinvesteringar på ett effektivt sätt. Läs mer om ett växande företag. Vi på CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper våra kunder att minska arbetsbördan, sänka kostnader och risker genom att erbjuda anpassade IT-lösningar i kombination med finansiering. Då vi är helt oberoende av banker och leverantörer, kan vi enkelt anpassa våra lösningar helt i enlighet med våra kunders behov. Över 12 000 kunder - medelstora/stora företag och den offentliga sektorn - litar på oss för att hantera sin teknikutrustning. Vi hjälper till att hitta en skräddarsydd helhetslösning som fokuserar på hela den tekniska livscykel - allt från planering, implementering och finansiering till certifierad dataradering och hållbar remarketing – tack vare detta helhetstänk behöver de inte vända sig till flera leverantörer. Vi ser till att all använd utrustning hanteras på våra egna teknikcenter, i Tyskland och Norge. Hela 95% av all utrustning som returneras till oss renoveras och säljs vidare. På detta sätt ser vi till att all fungerande utrustning får ett andra liv. Vår egna Asset Management-portal TESMA®, kombinerar kommersiell och teknisk data för att optimera processer och realisera kostnadsbesparingar. I dag är vi representerade i totalt 27 länder med cirka 1100 anställda, vilket innebär att vi kan erbjuda hållbara, snabba och fullt integrerade tjänster över hela världen. I slutet av 2019 finansierade och förvaltade CHG-MERIDIAN en total teknikportfölj på 6,88 miljarder euro. Huvudkontoret ligger i Weingarten, Tyskland. Vi känner våra kunders behov och har en gedigen erfarenhet. Vi har sedan 1979 erbjudit effektiva och kundanpassade tjänster inom planering, driftsättning och finansiering av teknisk utrustning. Vi kombinerar kommersiell- och teknisk kompetens och är den pålitliga kontaktpunkten för våra kunder. Vi diskuterar i ögonhöjd med CFO och CIO och hjälper båda sidor att uppnå större effektivitet. Vi är helt oberoende av tillverkare och banker. Det är därför vi kan ge våra kunder anpassad och opartisk rådgivning utifrån deras unika förutsättningar. Vi stöder våra kunder vid genomförandet av deras innovationer med en extern vy och tillhandahåller dessutom lämplig finansiering. Vi är närvarande i 27 länder och arbetar med många projekt i internationella team tillsammans med lokala partners och ett internationellt nätverk av banker. Detta gör att vi kan implementera integrerade användningskoncept för våra kunder över gränserna. Vi hanterar teknikinfrastrukturer holistiskt, användarorienterat och digitalt. Vi överväger alltid hela teknologins livscykel och utvecklar kontinuerligt serviceportföljen. Våra kunders behov är vår största motivation. Principerna för cirkulär ekonomi är djupt inbäddade i vårt DNA och har utformat vår affärsmodell i årtionden. Vi är medvetna om vårt ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala ansvar och inriktar vår affärsverksamhet mot hållbar och lönsam tillväxt. Således kan kunder, anställda och kommande generationer lita på ett stabilt och ansvarsfullt företag. Member of the Board of Management, CIO Chairman of the Board of Management Member of the Board of Management, CSO Member of the Board of Management, CFO CHG-MERIDIAN-koncernens sex styrelseledamöter har ett viktigt uppdrag. De utser personerna i ledningsgruppen och övervakar deras arbete samt godkänner viktiga affärsplaner och beslut. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Uppförandekoden beskriver de viktigaste principerna i vår företagskultur. Vidare förväntas alla medarbetare och affärspartner att anmäla alla missförhållanden som kommer till deras kännedom. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten Germany Tel. +49 (0)751 5030 Fax +49 (0)751 50366 Email: Website: Har du några frågor om CHG-MERIDIAN? Vänligen kontakta din egen personliga kontakt direkt. Vi ser fram emot att höra av dig. Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Oliver Schorer Dr. Mathias Wagner Frank Kottmann Ulrich Bergmann Jürgen Mossakowski Peter Horne Frank Gelf Luz Kling Meltem Onursal h1|CHG-MERIDIAN h2|CHG-MERIDIAN Om oss Ledningsgruppen Styrelsen Bolagsstyrning HUVUDKONTOR Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region Expertis Kompetens oberoende Internationell närvaro INNOVATION Hållbarhet Uppförandekod och visselblåsarsystem HUVUDKONTOR I WEINGARTEN Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|Styrelseledamöter h6|Om oss sp|                                 Gå till Gå till Gå till Gå till Gå till    pa|Att ha tillgång till förmånlig finansiering av teknikutrustning är bara en av många fördelar med att samarbeta med CHG-MERIDIAN. Våra lösningar för livscykelhantering omfattar allt från förmånliga inköpsmodeller till ett effektivt asset management system. Ta steget från den gamla slit-och-släng-kulturen till den cirkulära ekonomin där tekniken återanvänds. Vi erbjuder helhetslösningar för hela livscykeln och hjälper er hela vägen, från valet av rätt enheter till återlämning av utrustningen. Våra egna teknikcenter har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av att renovera och återanvända teknisk utrustning, så du kan lita på att din returnerade utrustning hanteras med certifierade och miljövänliga processer och att all data raderas på ett säkert sätt. Genom vårt asset management-system TESMA har du insyn under hela processen och full kontroll över företagets utrustning. Du har tillgång till all information om utrustningen under varje fas (både finansiell information och tekniska data) och kan enkelt ta fram rapporter och planera nästa budget. I ett heltäckande teknikprojekt måste alla delar fungera tillsammans. Vi analyserar ert projekt noggrant och bistår med rådgivning under hela planeringsarbetet. Under testfasen har du möjlighet att se hur allt kommer att fungera. För att en hög effektivitet ska uppnås krävs att alla resurser utnyttjas på rätt sätt. Du får support under hela leasingperioden – från en och samma leverantör. Er kontaktperson hos oss hjälper er med alla ärenden, såväl tekniska som affärsmässiga. Det finns mycket att vinna på att ha genomtänkta rutiner på plats för uttjänt utrustning Vi hjälper till med allt från hämtning till säker radering av data. Våra tjänster för remarketing och kassering av utrustning bygger på konceptet "grön IT". Dra fördel av våra miljövänliga remarketing-tjänster. Vi är en av Europas största IT-återförsäljare och kan hjälpa er att maximera intäkterna från IT-utrustning som ni inte längre har behov av. Vi är en del av samhället. Vi spelar en aktiv roll i samhället och tar vårt ansvar för kommande generationer på fullt allvar. Vårt arbete styrs av behoven och förväntningarna hos våra kunder, våra medarbetare och människorna som bor i de områden där vi bedriver verksamhet. Vid våra teknik- och servicecenter i Gross-Gerau och Skien utför vi säker radering av lagrad data i alla typer av minnesenheter enligt specialutvecklade och automatiserade metoder.  Läs mer om våra lösningar för livscykelhantering  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Livscykelhantering av er teknikutrustning h2|Bli en del av den cirkulära ekonomin Hantering av den tekniska livscykeln Livscykelhantering h3|Choose your region FÖRBEREDELSEFASEN DRIFTSFASEN SLUTFASEN MILJÖVÄNLIGA REMARKETING-TJÄNSTER FRÅN CHG-MERIDIAN Det ligger i vår natur eraSURE®: CERTIFIERAD DATARADERING Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|REMARKETING = GRÖN IT ANSVAR AUTOMATISERAD OCH SÄKER RADERING h6|VÅR CIRKULÄRA MODELL sp|                                        pa|CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street North Sydney, 2060 Tel.: +61 29409 8200 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Sales Australia/New Zeal. Vice President Sales ANZ CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen Tel.: +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 Fax: +32 (02) 705 35 87 E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux Executive Vice President Sales Western Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-050 Barueri - São Paulo Tel.: 55 11 4302-6005 Fax: 55 11 4302 6008 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Brazil Vice President Finance Brazil CHG-MERIDIAN CANADA LTD. 455 Pelissier Street Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6Z9 Tel.: +1 818 7021800 Fax: +1 818 7021821 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Canada Vice President Finance USA & Canada Manager, HR / Administrator CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4, BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle Tel.: +420 272 102 111 Fax: +420 272 102766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 DK-2720 Vanløse Tel.: +45 702 381 00 Fax: +45 702 381 02 E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tel.: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South Head of Public Sector Sales Germany, Regional Manager Sales Public South/SouthWest, Regional Manager Sales Public West-Central Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 2840680 Fax: +49 30 28406866 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales East, Regional Manager Sales Public North-East CHG-MERIDIAN Hakenort 37 33609 Bielefeld Tel.: +49 521- 960694 – 0 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales North-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 211 557270 Fax: +49 211 5572766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau Tel.: +49 6152 18710 Fax: +49 6152 1871499 E-Mail: Internet: Head of Group Service Delivery Head of Logistics & Production Head of Remarketing CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor, Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 4191570 Fax: +49 40 41915766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales North-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München Tel.: +49 89 238856300 Fax: +49 89 238856366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN AG Marienbergstraße 92 90411 Nürnberg Tel.: +49 911 981 690 10 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Flughafenstraße 59 70629 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 184268 0 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 509 548 500 0 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Central CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona Tel.: +34 902 350065 Fax: +34 902 350066 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Spain Vice President Finance, Spain CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L.U. Calle Juan Esplandiú, 11 3ª planta 28007 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 444 81 58 Fax: +34 90 235 0096 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Spain CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa Tel.: +358 207 199320 Fax: +358 207 199329 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX Tel.: 0033 1 49 00 29 10 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales France Vice President Finance France CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Baya Axess, 3 Cours Charlemagne 69002 LYON Tel.: 0033 6 23 11 57 25 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales France CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue Egham, Surrey TW20 9AB Tel.: +44 1784 470701 Fax: +44 1784 439183 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales UK/Ireland Head of Sales - UK & Ireland Corporate Head of Sales Public Sector UK & Ireland CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited One Spencer Dock North Wall Quay Dublin 1 Tel.: +44 1784 470701 Fax: +44 1784 439183 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales UK/Ireland CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.P.A. Via Torri Bianche 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) Tel.: +39 039 39068 1 Fax: +39 039 39068 61 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Italy Vice President Finance Italy CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Franco Donatelli, 7 00127 Roma (RM) Tel.: +39 06 877 38 400 Fax: +39 039 3906861 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Italy Vice President Finance Italy CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 Col. Santa Fé, Del. Cuajimalpa de Morelos CP. 05348 Ciudad de México Tel.: +52 55 5980-7000 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Av. Américas #1545, Piso 22 Oficina 2216 Col. Providencia C.P. 44630 Guadalajara, Jalisco Tel.: +52 01 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN Méxiko, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. Calzada del Valle No. 255 Oriente Ofna 109 Col. Del Valle, San Pedro Garza Garcia N.L. CP. 66220 Tel.: +52 81 5980 0441 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam Tel.: +31 10 7900666 Fax: +31 10 7900669 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Netherlands Vice President Finance, Netherlands Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum NO - 0102 Oslo Tel.: +47 23 00 33 00 Fax: E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Sweden & Norway Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS Rødmyrlia 20 3735 SKIEN Tel.: +47 95 92 91 10 Fax: +47 94 77 24 20 E-Mail: Internet: General Manager Service Center Skien Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Wien Tel.: +43 1 71807520 Fax: +43 1 718075266 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa Tel.: +48 22 5269900 Fax: +48 22 5269966 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Poland Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tel.: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden Tel.: +41 56 2031800 Fax: +41 56 2031809 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Switzerland CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o. Linhartova 11 a 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: +43 1 718 07 52 0 Fax: +43 1 718 07 52 66 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o. Mateja Bela 8 81106 Bratislava Tel.: +420 272 102111 Fax: +420 272 102766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm Tel.: +46 (8)459 39 00 Fax: E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Tel.: +1 818 7021800 Fax: +1 818 7021821 E-Mail: Internet: Sales Director Americas; VP of Sales - USA Vice President Finance USA & Canada Manager, HR / Administrator   Contact us  CHG-MERIDIAN is one of the world's leading non-captive providers of management in the technological fields of information technologies and telecommunications, industrial, and healthcare. We have a workforce of round about 1.100 professionals in 27 countries and offer one-stop infrastructure management that includes consulting, financial services, operational services, and remarketing services for old equipment at our proprietary brokerage and logistics centers. North Sydney is located directly opposite the Sydney CBD and can be reached via the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. Accessing the famous tourist sites of Sydney including the Opera House, the Bridge and beautiful nearby beaches is as easy as walking, catching a bus, train or ferry from our office. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Grimbergen is excellently positioned in close proximity to Brussels. Purchasing power in Brussels is the third-highest in the European Union, and as the seat of EU institutions and of NATO, many global conglomerates and pressure groups are attracted to the Belgian capital. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Brazil’s largest city is also the largest area of industrial concentration in Latin America, and its high economic output has attracted virtually every major company to the area. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Tel. Ouvidoria: 55 11 4302-6046 DENÚNCIA Denúncias e manifestações por parte de funcionários, colaboradores, clientes, usuários, parceiros ou fornecedores que tenham conhecimento de violações aos Códigos de Conduta Ética, as políticas e normas da Organização, bem como quaisquer informações acerca de eventual descumprimento de dispositivos legais e normativos aplicáveis a CHG, podem ser feitas através do e-mail: Thanks to its proximity to Detroit, the local economy is dominated by manufacturing, but IT and pharmaceutical companies are also based in Windsor. It is considered one of the cities with the highest economic potential and the best future prospects in the whole of North America. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. For a long time, Prague was an important royal seat of the Holy Roman Empire. The cityscape is characterized by Gothic and baroque architecture and features many places of interest, making Prague a popular tourist destination. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Copenhagen has a proud tradition as a merchant city and has retained a lot of the 18th century architecture in the old quarter. The city is famous for its many cycle paths and cyclists, and it is also home to many large companies, especially in the logistics sector. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Weingarten is widely known as the home of the largest baroque church north of the Alps, and for the Blutritt, an equestrian procession in honor of a relic containing the blood of Jesus Christ. The university and the Upper Swabia economic region are good locational factors for Weingarten. CHG-MERIDIAN AG has been based in the town since 2003, and expanded its headquarters here in 2016. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Germany’s capital city is also its largest, with a population of around 3.5 million. It is the seat of government and of parliament, as well as the ultimate symbol of German reunification. But it is also known as a city of culture and of politics, and as a media hub and international center for innovative start-ups. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Bielefeld is a hub for the service industry and home to many small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to its geographical location it also has good transport links, and its innovative and international universities and colleges are a great source of new talent. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The city is internationally known for its trade fairs, and is home to DAX-listed corporations, banks and a stock exchange. This wealthy, cosmopolitan metropolis on the Rhine is Germany’s leading business center for the advertising, fashion, and management consultancy industries. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Gross-Gerau is popular with international companies thanks to its perfect location between Mainz, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt. These four cities lie within easy reach, and Europe’s second-largest airport – Frankfurt – is only 15 minutes away. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The port of Hamburg is one of the largest and best known in the world, but that’s not all the city is famous for. Trading has made Hamburg one of Germany’s wealthiest cities, and its diversity and vibrant arts and entertainment scene have made it an attractive location to settle for many people. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The capital of Bavaria has a population of just under 1.5 million and is one of Europe’s most economically successful and fastest-growing cities. Munich is famous not just as the home of the Oktoberfest, but also as a financial center and university city. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Nuremberg’s Christmas market, which attracts over two million visitors a year, is known around the world – and the city has plenty more to offer. Bavaria’s second-largest city is also the economic center of Middle Franconia. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Baden-Württemberg’s capital city also has one Europe’s strongest economies. Many high-tech companies and large national companies are based here, and Stuttgart Stock Exchange is Germany’s second-most important financial center. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Frankfurt has a population of around 753,000, making it the largest city in Hessen and the fifth-largest in Germany. Home to a large banking sector and the seat of the European Central Bank, the city is one of the world’s leading financial centers and an important location for industry, the service sector and trade fairs. The IAA International Motor Show, the Frankfurt Book Fair, and the Musikmesse for the music industry are widely regarded as the global flagship trade fairs for their respective sector. Thanks to its central location, Frankfurt is also a key European transport hub and – measured by throughput – the world’s largest internet hub. CHG-MERIDIAN is an international provider of technology management in the areas of IT, industry, and healthcare with a presence in 27 countries. Barcelona is Catalonia’s capital city and Spain’s second-largest city. With more than seven million visitors a year the city is one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Spain’s capital is Europe’s third-largest city and the country’s leading financial and commercial center. Madrid accounts for around 17.7 percent of Spain’s GDP. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Helsinki is Finland’s most important commercial hub. Around a third of GDP is generated here, mainly in the IT and financial services sector. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Paris is not only the city of romance, it is also the capital of France and Europe’s most densely populated metropolis. Famous for the Eifel tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre, and generally oozing culture, Paris is one of the world’s most-visited cities and scores highly with its multitude of galleries, museums, theaters, and restaurants. With many business based here, Paris and the surrounding region represent a huge market with excellent commercial potential. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Lyon is France's third-largest city and the capital of the Rhône-Alpes region. Its position at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers makes this metropolis in south-east France an economically and culturally attractive location. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Egham lies to the south-west of London in close proximity to Heathrow Airport and the M25 motorway that runs all the way around the capital city. The famous Windsor Castle is also just a stone’s throw away. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Ireland’s capital is certainly famous for its pubs and good beer, but the city also has a strong IT sector, with internet giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook located here. The city has wonderful architecture, and the Temple Bar quarter with its medieval streets is a particular delight. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors.. Vimercate provides excellent access to the large market of northern Italy thanks to its proximity to Milan (approx. 25km) and excellent local transport links. Around 100 of the 200 largest companies in Italy are based in Milan, and the Lombardy region accounted for around 20 percent of Italy’s GDP in 2017. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The Eternal City can look back on 3,000 years of history, and is both Italy’s largest city and its capital. Rome boasts numerous monuments and other sites of interest, such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi fountain, Castel Sant’Angelo, and even its own state: Vatican City, with St Peter’s Basilica. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Around 20 million people live in the Mexico City metropolitan area, and the region accounts for more than half of the country’s entire industrial output. The city is an attractive commercial hub thanks to the good transport infrastructure that connects it to all major cities in Mexico. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. It’s the second largest city in the country and it is ranked as the eighth best city to visit in Mexico and South America . The city is an important industrial center, and many foreign companies are based here. The area is also known as Mexico’s Sillicon Valley. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial and health care sectors. Monterrey is widely regarded as one of Latin America’s leading industrial centers and as the city offering the best quality of life. It is also home to one of Mexico’s most attractive universities. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. As the home of Europe’s largest, and the world’s third-largest, sea port, Rotterdam plays an important logistical role in international trade. The city is also the leading industrial and commercial center in the Netherlands. The relatively high number of tall buildings, unusual in Europe, are another feature of the city. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. About 1.5 million people live in Oslo and the surrounding region, which is almost one third of Norway’s total population. After Norway had suffered a number of major city fires, Oslo was moved closer to the castle after the big fire of 1624 and rebuilt out of stone and brick and timber frames. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. CHG-MERIDIAN is one of the world's leading manufacturers and banks independent providers of management in the fields of information technology, industrial and healthcare. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Austria’s capital city, Vienna, is renowned not only for coffee houses, sachertorte and schnitzel, but also for offering an excellent quality of life. Its close proximity to central and eastern European countries, and the good connections and expertise that Vienna offers, make the city the ideal location for breaking into new markets. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. For many companies, Poland’s capital city and commercial center is a good base for conducting business in central and eastern Europe. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. With 25 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Baden is a small town in the Swiss Canton of Aargau best known for its thermal baths, but it is also a hub for the electronics industry. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The university city of Ljubljana is also Slovenia’s capital. With more than 64,000 students, the university is one of the largest in Europe. Thanks to the city’s importance as a commercial hub and home to Slovenia’s only stock exchange, most of the country’s large companies are based here. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Although Bratislava is the smallest of Slovakia’s eight regions, with one of the lowest populations, it accounts for almost a quarter of the country’s GDP. Three quarters of people employed here work in the service sector, which mainly specializes in banking, information technology, telecommunications, and commerce. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Sweden’s capital city, Stockholm, has been the seat of the Swedish monarchy since 1643. This fast-growing city is considered one of the cleanest in the world and is very popular with young people. With around 85 percent of the workforce working in the service sector, Stockholm is the center for Sweden’s service industry. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. After New York, Los Angeles is the second-largest city in the USA and is famous for its pleasant climate and as the home of Hollywood. It is also the largest hub for the aerospace industry and the leading manufacturing, commercial, transport, and financial center in the United States. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney +61 29409 8200 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney, Australia +61 29409 8200 +61 419 315733 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +33 (1) 530585-81 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. 455 Pelissier Street N9A 6Z9 Windsor, Ontario, Canada +1 647-669-6579 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 2720 Vanløse +45 702 381 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 (211) 55727-60 +49 170 981 3149 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89 238856355 +49 151 74380056 CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin +49 30 284068-13 +49 170 4511-960 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-32 +49 160 7 134-868 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstraße 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-25 +49 172 2924128 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871200 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871260 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt +49 6950 954 85 22 +49 160 713 48 18 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 323 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 320 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7967 292924 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 (0)10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN SKIEN AS Technology and Service-Center Rødmyrlia 20 3735 Skien +47 959 29 110 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa +48 22 5269900 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503-0 +49 173 58040859 CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden +41 56 203 18 00 +49 175 720 42 03 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1810 +1 (818) 312-2274 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|Locations h2|YOUR ASSISTANCE h3|Choose your region Australia Sydney Christian Brakensiek Stephen Kerr België Office Grimbergen (Brussels) Rony Timmermans Ralf Behrning Brasil São Paulo Office Roberto Mussalem Luiz Nali Canada Windsor, Ontario Office Guy Poirier Vahe Aroyan Mona Safa Cesko Prague Lukas Uhliarik Sven Janssen Denmark Copenhagen Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Deutschland Headquarters Weingarten Sven Matthiesen Frank Schöneberg Peter Krause Dirk Matura Office Berlin Thomas Franke Bielefeld Office Frank Heinrich Düsseldorf Jens Hüttebräuker Technology and Service Center Klaus Form Csaba Kallai Rami Oweis Hamburg Frank Heinrich Munich Sven Matthiesen Dirk Matura Nürnberg Sven Matthiesen Stuttgart Sven Matthiesen Frankfurt Johannes Landherr España Barcelona Juan Echevarrieta Pere Fito Madrid Juan Echevarrieta Finland Helsinki Jyrki Mikkola Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Finland Oy France Main office Paris Patrick Henrion Didier Padellec Lyon Patrick Henrion Great Britain Egham Declan McGlone Simon Young Danny Persaud Daniel Talhadas Ireland Dublin Declan McGlone Simon Young Italia Vimercate Marco Gallo Andrea Bonin Rome Marco Gallo Andrea Bonin Mexico México City Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Guadalajara Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Monterrey Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Nederland Rotterdam Paul-Robbert Viskil Patrick Schunter Rony Timmermans Norge Oslo Christian Vold Lena Gausen Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Skien Gisle Skoglund Andersen Lena Gausen Sven Janssen Österreich Vienna Michael König Polska Warsaw Leonard Żółnowski Sven Janssen Russia Headquarters Weingarten Headquarters Weingarten Schweiz Baden Sebastian Apelt Slovenija Ljubljana Michael König Slovensko Bratislava Lukas Uhliarik Sven Janssen Sverige Stockholm Lukas Tränkle Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB USA Los Angeles Wayne Fowkes Vahe Aroyan Mona Safa Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Sydney      Grimbergen (Brussels)     São Paulo     Windsor, Ontario       Prague      Copenhagen      Weingarten Berlin Bielefeld Düsseldorf Groß-Gerau Hamburg München Nürnberg Stuttgart Frankfurt                                             Barcelona Madrid       Helsinki        Paris Lyon       Egham           Dublin      Vimercate Rome         México City Guadalajara Monterrey                   Rotterdam       Oslo Skien                 Vienna   Warsaw      Russia    Baden    Ljubljana   Bratislava      Stockholm         Woodland Hills          pa|CHG-MERIDIAN AG, som representeras av vår koncernchef, Mathias Wagner, är ansvarig för behandlingen av personuppgifter i samband med våra onlinetjänster. Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich – Vi, CHG-MERIDIAN AG, ansvarar för denna onlinetjänst och ska i egenskap av personuppgiftsansvarig, på ett koncist, klart och tydligt, begripligt och lätt tillgängligt sätt och med användning av klart och tydligt språk informera dig om syftet med insamlingen och användningen av personuppgifter. Informationen måste alltid kunna lämnas ut till dig. Vi är därför skyldiga att informera dig om vilka personuppgifter som kommer att samlas in eller användas. Med personuppgift avses varje upplysning som avser en identifierad eller identifierbar fysisk person. Vi värnar om din integritet och följer bestämmelserna i Dataskyddsförordningen. Insamling, behandling och användning av personuppgifter omfattas av bestämmelserna i de europeiska och nationella lagar som för närvarande är i kraft. I denna dataskyddsdeklaration beskrivs hur vi behandlar dina personuppgifter och hur du kan kontakta oss: Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tyskland E-post: Webbplats: Telefon: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Styrelseordförande: Jürgen Mossakowski Koncernchef: Mathias Wagner Koncernledning: Mathias Wagner, Frank Kottmann, Oliver Schorer, Ulrich Bergmann Registrerad domstol: Ulm HRB 551857 Skattekontor: Weingarten Momsregistreringsnummer: DE 146349520 Laga domstol: Ravensburg Tillämplig lag: Förbundsrepubliken Tysklands lag (BRD) Dataskyddsombud Om du har några frågor är du välkommen att kontakta vårt dataskyddsombud: Frank Schreiber, e-post: För att underlätta läsningen görs ingen åtskillnad mellan kön i vår dataskyddsdeklaration. De termer som används gäller, inom ramen för likabehandling, båda könen. De termer som används, till exempel "personuppgifter", och "behandling" definieras i artikel 4 i Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). De registrerades personuppgifter som behandlas i samband med denna onlinetjänst omfattar lagerdata (t.ex. kundens namn och adress), avtalsuppgifter (t.ex. utnyttjade tjänster, namn på ansvarig person, betalningsinformation), användningsdata (t.ex. besökta webbplatser, intresse för våra produkter) och innehållsdata (t.ex. uppgifter i kontaktformulär). "Registrerade" avser alla kategorier av personer som påverkas av databehandlingen, till exempel: våra affärspartners, kunder, intressenter och andra besökare på våra webbplatser. Vi garanterer at vi bare innhenter, behandler, lagrer og bruker innkommende opplysninger i forbindelse med behandlingen av forespørselen din, så vel som for interne formål og i forbindelse med levering av tjenestene du har bedt om, eller for å gjøre innhold tilgjengelig. Vi behandler bare brukerens personopplysninger i samsvar med gjeldende personvernforskrifter. Brukerens personopplysninger behandles bare når følgende lovfestede tillatelse foreligger: Vi vil gjerne forklare hvor de viktigste rettslige grunnlagene er regulert i GDPR: Samtykke – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav a og art. 7 i GDPR Behandling for å levere våre kontraktsmessige tjenester og gjennomføre kontraktsmessige tiltak – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav b i GDPR Behandling for å oppfylle våre juridiske forpliktelser – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav c i GDPR Behandling for å ivareta våre legitime interesser – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav f i GDPR Opplysninger overføres bare til tredjeparter innenfor rammen av lovverket. Vi overfører bare brukernes personopplysninger til tredjeparter når dette for eksempel er nødvendig for kontraktsmessige formål eller basert på våre berettigede interesser ut fra en økonomisk og effektiv drift av virksomheten vår. I de tilfellene vi tilbyr tjenester gjennom underleverandører, arrangerer vi egnede juridiske ordninger sammen med passende tekniske og organisatoriske tiltak for å verne personopplysningene i samsvar med relevante lovbestemmelser. Tredjeland vil si land der GDPR ikke er en direkte del av gjeldende lov. Dette inkluderer i utgangspunktet alle land utenfor EØS. Personopplysninger som overføres til et tredjeland eller en internasjonal organisasjon. I slike tilfeller tas det hensyn til EU-kommisjonens beslutning om tilstrekkelighet. Den sier at et tredjeland eller en internasjonal organisasjon regnes som sikker hvis de tilbyr en tilstrekkelig grad av vern. Vi overholder prinsippene for dataøkonomi og dataunngåelse. Dette betyr at vi lagrer opplysninger som blir gjort tilgjengelig for oss, bare så lenge det er nødvendig for å oppfylle de forannevnte formålene, eller innenfor de mange lagringsperiodene som er fastsatt av lovgiverne. Hvis det relevante formålet ikke lenger eksisterer eller den aktuelle perioden har utløpt, blir personopplysningene dine rutinemessig blokkert, henholdsvis slettet, i samsvar med lovbestemmelsene. Vi har internt i virksomheten utviklet et konsept for å garantere denne prosedyren. Hvis du tar kontakt med oss med e-post eller gjennom kontaktskjemaet, innebærer det at du samtykker til elektronisk kommunikasjon. Vi innhenter personopplysninger i samband med din kontakt med oss. Hvilke opplysninger som innhentes når kontakten skjer gjennom et kontaktskjema, kan sees på det enkelte kontaktskjema. Opplysningene blir overført med SSL-kryptering. De uttalelsene du kommer med, blir utelukkende lagret i den hensikt å behandle henvendelsen og for mulige oppfølgingsspørsmål. Her kan du lese om det rettslige grunnlaget: Behandling for å oppfylle våre tjenester og utføre kontraktsmessige tiltak – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav b i GDPR Behandling for å ivareta våre berettigede interesser – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav f i GDPR Vi gjør oppmerksom på at e-post kan leses og endres. Dette kan skje ubemerket og uten autorisasjon under overføringen. Vi vil også gjøre oppmerksom på at vi bruker programvare for å filtrere ut uønsket e-post (søppelpostfilter). E-postmeldinger kan avvises av søppelpostfilteret hvis meldingene ved en feil identifiseres som søppelpost på grunn av bestemte egenskaper. Statens representant for datavern og informasjonsfrihet i Baden-Württemberg Postadresse: Postfach 10 29 32, DE-70025 Stuttgart, Tyskland Besøksadresse: Königstraße 10a, DE-70173 Stuttgart, Tyskland Tlf. +49 711 615541–0 Faks: +49 711 615541–15 E-post: Nettsted: Du kommer til klageskjemaet ved hjelp av denne lenken: Vi tar avanserte kontraktsmessige, organisatoriske og tekniske sikkerhetsforanstaltninger for å sikre at personvernlovene overholdes, og derfor for å verne personopplysningene vi behandler, mot utilsiktet eller bevisst manipulasjon, tap, ødeleggelse eller tilgang av uvedkommende. Ikke minst omfatter vernetiltakene våre kryptert overføring av data mellom nettleseren din og serveren vår. Til det formålet bruker vi krypteringsteknologien 256-bit-SSL (AES 256). Dette inkluderer IP-adressen vår. De iverksatte sikkerhetstiltakene forbedres kontinuerlig i samsvar med den tekniske utviklingen. Til tross for disse forholdsreglene kan vi på grunn av Internetts usikre natur ikke garantere sikkerheten for dataoverføringene dine til nettjenesten vår. Av denne grunn skjer all dataoverføring fra deg til nettjenesten vår på egen risiko. Personer under 16 år har ikke tillatelse til å gi oss personopplysninger uten uttrykkelig samtykke fra en forelder eller foresatt. De kan først gjøre dette når de er 16 år eller eldre. Disse personopplysningene vil bli behandlet i samsvar med vår personvernerklæring. Vi bruker informasjonskapsler. Informasjonskapsler er små tekstfiler som lagres lokalt i nettleserens hurtigbuffer. Informasjonskapslene gjør det mulig å gjenkjenne nettleseren. Filene brukes til å hjelpe nettleseren med å navigere gjennom nettjenesten og bruke alle funksjonene fullt ut. Nettjenesten vår bruker informasjonskapsler Informasjonskapsler: Alle nettlesere kan stilles inn slik at informasjonskapsler bare blir godkjent på forespørsel. Det er også mulig å velge et oppsett hvor informasjonskapsler bare aksepteres for nettsteder som for øyeblikket blir besøkt. Alle nettlesere tilbyr funksjoner som gjør det mulig å slette informasjonskapsler selektivt. Det er også mulig å avslå å samtykke i informasjonskapsler generelt, men i så fall må du også akseptere visse begrensninger i nettjenestens brukervennlighet. Informasjonskapslene administreres av nettstedet til nettjenesten vår. Nettjenesten bruker øktbaserte informasjonskapsler Varighet: Inntil nettjenesten lukkes Alle nettlesere har muligheten til å begrense eller slette informasjonskapsler. Du finner mer informasjon om dette på følgende nettsteder: Vi bruker tjenestene til etracker GmbH fra Hamburg i Tyskland ( ) på dette nettstedet for å analysere bruksdata. Til dette bruker vi informasjonskapsler for statistiske analyser av hvordan de besøkende bruker dette nettstedet, og for å vise bruksrelatert innhold og annonser. Informasjonskapslene er små tekstfiler som nettleseren lagrer på brukerens enhet. Informasjonskapslene fra etracker inneholder ingen informasjon som gjør det mulig å identifisere brukeren. Dataene som produseres av etracker, blir utelukkende behandlet og lagret av etracker i Tyskland, etter ordre fra leverandøren av dette nettstedet, og de beskyttes av de strenge lovene og standardene for personvern i Tyskland og EU. I denne sammenhengen har etracker blitt uavhengig testet, sertifisert og tildelt utmerkelsen ePrivacyseal for sin datasikkerhet. Databehandlingen utføres på grunnlag av berettigede interesser i henhold til EUs personvernforordning. Våre berettigede interesser er å optimalisere nettjenestene og nettstedet vårt. Behandling for å ivareta våre berettigede interesser – art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav f i GDPR Da våre besøkendes personvern er svært viktig for oss, blir IP-adressene anonymisert av etracker så snart som mulig, og registrerings- eller enhetsidentifikasjonen blir omdannet av etracker til en nøkkel som er unik, men ikke tilordnet noen person. etracker bruker også data på andre måter, kombinerer dem med andre data eller overfører dem til tredjeparter. Du kan når som helst gjøre innsigelser mot den forannevnte databehandlingen i den grad den anvender dine personopplysninger. Innsigelsene dine har ingen negative konsekvenser for deg. Du finner mer informasjon om personvern med etracker . Vi bruker nettsignalsteknologi fra VG Wort (METIS System). Nettsignaler anses som ufarlige i personvernlovgivning. METIS nettsignaler brukes til å spore hvor mange som besøker forskjellige undersider på nettstedet vårt. Vi bruker Google Maps for å presentere kart og opprette rutekart. Google Maps drives av Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Når du bruker denne nettjenesten, innebærer dette at du samtykker til at Google, en av deres representanter eller en tredjepartsleverandør innhenter, behandler og bruker opplysninger som innhentes automatisk, og som du selv oppgir (inkludert IP-adressen). Følgende lenke fører deg til vilkårene for å bruke Google Maps: Du finner mer informasjon om åpenhet og valg samt personvernforskrifter på personvernsenteret på På nettstedet vårt bruker vi Google konverteringssporing, en analysetjeneste fra Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; «Google»). Google Ads plasserer en informasjonskapsel på datamaskinen din (en konverteringsinformasjonskapsel) hvis du har kommet til nettstedet vårt via en Google-annonse. Disse informasjonskapslene utløper etter 30 dager og brukes ikke til personlig identifikasjon. Hvis du besøker visse sider på nettstedet vårt og informasjonskapselen ikke har utløpt ennå, kan det hende at vi og Google vil registrere at noen har klikket på annonsen og har blitt omdirigert til nettstedet vårt. Hver Google Ads-kunde får sin egen informasjonskapsel. Informasjonskapslene kan derfor ikke spores gjennom nettstedene til Google Ads-kundene. Informasjonen som innhentes med konverteringsinformasjonskapselen, brukes til å generere konverteringsstatistikk for Google Ads-kunder som har valgt konverteringssporing. Google Ads-kundene får vite hvor mange brukere som klikket på annonsen deres, og som har blitt ført til en side som er merket med en konverteringssporingskode. Du vil imidlertid ikke motta noen informasjon som identifiserer brukere personlig. Hvis du ikke ønsker å delta i sporing, kan du deaktivere installasjonen av informasjonskapsler i innstillingene til nettleseren (deaktiveringsalternativ). Deretter blir de ikke inkludert i konverteringssporingsstatistikken. Du kan lese mer om brukervilkårene og personvern på: Vi har integrert YouTube-funksjoner på nettstedet vårt for visning og avspilling av videoer. Denne tjenesten tilbys av YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. Du kan lese mer i YouTubes personvernerklæring. Det brukes en utvidet personvernmodus som ifølge leverandøren først begynner å registrere brukerinformasjon når videoavspillingen startes. Hvis avspillingen av en innebygd YouTube-video begynner, bruker YouTube informasjonskapsler for å samle inn informasjon om brukeratferd. Ifølge informasjon fra YouTube brukes dette blant annet til å samle videostatistikk, gjøre brukervennligheten bedre og hindre misbruk. Uavhengig av avspillingen av de innebygde videoene blir det opprettet en forbindelse med Google-nettverket DoubleClick hver gang nettjenesten vår åpnes. Dette kan føre til ytterligere former for databehandling som vi ikke har innflytelse over. Du kan lese mer om bruken av informasjonskapsler fra YouTube i YouTubes personvernerklæring: Vi bruker programtillegg fra Operatøren er Vimeo LCC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA («Vimeo»). Når du åpner et slikt programtillegg, blir det opprettet en kobling til Vimeo-serverne, og programtillegget vises på nettsiden gjennom en melding til nettleseren din. Den forteller Vimeo-serveren hvilke internettsider du har besøkt. Hvis du er logget på som Vimeo-medlem, sammenholder Vimeo denne informasjonen med plattformens respektive brukerkonto. Når du åpner slike programtillegg, for eksempel ved at du klikker på startknappen for en video eller sender en kommentar, blir informasjonen sammenholdt med f.eks. en Vimeo-brukerkonto. Dette kan du bare forhindre ved å logge av før du bruker programtillegget. Informasjon om innhenting og bruk av data av plattformen, henholdsvis programtillegg, er gitt i personvernerklæringen: Vi bruker XING Share-knappen. Når du bruker nettjenesten vår, blir det opprettet en kortvarig tilkobling til serverne til XING AG («XING») i nettleseren din, som «XING Share-knapp»-funksjonene (typisk beregning eller visning av målerverdier) produseres med. XING lagrer ingen personopplysninger om deg når du bruker denne tjenesten. XING lagrer for eksempel ikke IP-adresser. Det blir heller ikke gjort noen evaluering av brukeratferd gjennom informasjonskapsler i forbindelse med XING Share-knappen. Følgende lenke fører deg til gjeldende personverninformasjon om XING Share-knappen og supplerende informasjon: Vi bruker sosiale programtillegg fra det sosiale nettverket LinkedIn. LinkedIn drives av LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA («LinkedIn»). Du kan gjenkjenne LinkedIn-programtilleggene på LinkedIn-logoen eller «Share-knappen» («anbefal») på nettjenesten vår. Når du bruker nettjenesten vår, oppretter programtillegget en direkte tilkobling mellom nettleseren din og LinkedIn-serveren. LinkedIn mottar informasjon om at du har besøkt nettjenesten vår, sammen med IP-adressen din. Hvis du klikker på LinkedIns Share-knapp mens du er logget på LinkedIn-kontoen din, kan du koble innholdet i nettjenesten vår til LinkedIn-profilen din. Dermed kan LinkedIn knytte besøket ditt til denne nettjenesten til brukerkontoen din. Formålet med og omfanget av datainnhentingen og den videre behandlingen og bruken av Pinterest, samt hvilke rettigheter du har i denne forbindelse og innstillingsvalgene for personvern, er gitt i LinkedIns personvernerklæring: Vi forbeholder oss retten til ved behov å tilpasse personvernerklæringen vår slik at den alltid oppfyller gjeldende juridiske krav, og for å inkludere endringer i tjenestene våre i personvernerklæringen. Dette kan f.eks. gjelde lanseringen av nye tjenester. Den nye personvernerklæringen vil da gjelde for ditt neste besøk. Hvert firma eller varemerke som er nevnt her, tilhører de respektive firmaene. Når merker og navn nevnes, er det utelukkende som informasjon. Følgende gjelder for brukere som er bosatt i Russland: De forannevnte nettjenestene er ikke beregnet på russiske statsborgere som er bosatt i Russland. Hvis du er en russisk statsborger som er bosatt i Russland, må du være klar over at når du gjør personopplysningene dine tilgjengelig for oss gjennom nettjenesten vår, skjer dette utelukkende på egen risiko og på eget ansvar. Du samtykker videre i at du ikke vil holde oss ansvarlige for mulige brudd på russisk lov. CHG-MERIDIAN AG (CHG) har åtagit sig att behandla personuppgifter på ett ansvarsfullt sätt och i enlighet med gällande dataskyddslagar i alla länder där företaget är verksamt. I denna personuppgiftspolicy beskrivs vilka personuppgifter CHG samlar in, hur CHG använder dessa personuppgifter, med vilka CHG delar dina personuppgifter, och de rättigheter du som registrerad har när det gäller CHG:s användning av personuppgifterna. I denna personuppgiftspolicy beskrivs också de åtgärder CHG vidtar för att skydda informationssäkerheten och hur du kan kontakta oss angående detta. Följande CHG-enheter ansvarar för insamlingen och behandlingen (personuppgiftsansvarig) av personuppgifter i respektive land: Kontaktinformation Ett dataskyddsombud har utsetts. Dataskyddsombudet är involverad i alla frågor som rör skyddet av dina personuppgifter. I synnerhet ansvarar dataskyddsombudet för tillsynen av efterlevnaden av innehållet i denna personuppgiftspolicy och tillämpliga dataskyddslagar. På begäran bistår dataskyddsombudet också med råd i samband med dataskyddsfrågor. För eventuella förtydliganden eller ytterligare information som du kan behöva för att till fullo förstå innebörden av denna personuppgiftspolicy, vänligen kontakta: CHG behandlar personuppgifter i enlighet med tillämpliga dataskyddslagar och dataskyddsregler och endast för begränsade, uttryckliga och legitima ändamål. CHG kommer inte att använda personuppgifter för något ändamål som är oförenligt med det ursprungliga ändamål för vilket de samlades in om du inte ger ditt uttryckliga samtycke för vidare användning. Personuppgifter om kunder/leverantörer kan behandlas i syfte att: Om vi fattar beslut om att använda personuppgifter för andra än ovan nämnda ändamål kommer vi tydligt ange skälen till detta, i enlighet med företagets interna regler. Innan vi använder dina personuppgifter för ett annat ändamål än för vilket de ursprungligen samlades in, kommer du att informeras om ett sådant nytt ändamål. Att samla in och behandla personuppgifter är nödvändigt för att CHG ska kunna ingå ett avtal med dig eller för att vi ska kunna uppfylla våra rättsliga förpliktelser i samband med att vi administrerar relationen med dina kunder/leverantörer. CHG:s insamling och behandling av personuppgifter är begränsad till de uppgifter som är nödvändiga för att utföra det ändamål för vilket personuppgifterna samlas in. CHG behandlar följande personuppgifter: CHG kommer inte att samla in personuppgifter om sådan insamling är förbjuden enligt gällande dataskyddslagar. Under inga omständigheter kommer personuppgifter som avslöjar religiös övertygelse, ras, etniskt ursprung, politiska åsikter, filosofiska övertygelser, medlemskap i fackförening eller sexliv att behandlas i kund-/leverantörssammanhang. CHG kommer att behandla personuppgifter på ett sätt som säkerställer att de är korrekta, fullständiga och aktuella. CHG har vidtagit lämpliga tekniska och organisatoriska åtgärder för att säkerställa en säkerhetsnivå som är lämplig i förhållande till risken. Denna riskanalys omfattar risken att äventyra den registrerades rättigheter, kostnader för genomförandet samt arten, omfattningen, sammanhanget och ändamålen för behandlingen av personuppgifter. Åtgärderna inkluderar (i) kryptering av personuppgifter i tillämpliga fall/när det är lämpligt (ii) möjligheten att säkerställa den löpande konfidentialiteten, integriteten, tillgängligheten och motståndskraften hos system och tjänster för behandling av personuppgifter (iii) möjligheten att återställa tillgängligheten och tillgången till personuppgifter i tid i händelse av en fysisk eller teknisk incident, och (iv) en process för att regelbundet testa, bedöma och utvärdera effektiviteten av tekniska och organisatoriska åtgärder för att säkerställa säkerheten vid behandlingen. CHG delar endast personuppgifter på behovsbasis. Delning av personuppgifter kommer att begränsas till de uppgifter som är nödvändiga för att utföra den funktion för vilken delningen beviljas. Tillstånd att få tillgång till personuppgifter kommer alltid att kopplas till funktionen. Inget tillstånd kommer att utvidgas för att få tillgång till personuppgifter på personlig basis. Tjänsteleverantörer kommer endast att få tillgång till personuppgifter i enlighet med syftet med serviceavtalet med Bolaget. Med överföring till tredje land avses överföring av personuppgifter till ett land utanför Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (EES). CHG:s internationella verksamhet innebär att personuppgifter kan överföras till och från andra koncernföretag eller tredje parter som kan vara belägna utanför EES-området. Om personuppgifter överförs till länder som har andra standarder för dataskydd kommer CHG att se till att lämpliga skyddsåtgärder vidtas så att personuppgifterna skyddas på ett adekvat sätt, i enlighet med tillämpliga dataskyddslagar. CHG har tecknat dataöverföringsavtal baserade på EU:s standardklausuler för överföring av personuppgifter till tredje land. En kopia av dessa avtal kan fås på begäran, vänligen kontakta dataskyddsombudet. CHG kommer inte att lagra dina personuppgifter längre än vad som är tillåtet enligt tillämpliga dataskyddslagar och föreskrifter eller enligt vad kan anses rimligt för de ändamål för vilka de ursprungligen samlades in eller på annat sätt behandlades, med förbehåll för tillämpliga lokala lagringskrav. Enligt gällande dataskyddslagar har du följande rättigheter: Denna personuppgiftspolicy kan komma att revideras och ändras från tid till annan, och eventuella ändringar kommer att meddelas på lämpligt sätt. CHG får endast anpassa texten i denna personuppgiftspolicy i syfte att göra den förenlig med lokal lagstiftning genom ett tillägg som bifogas denna personuppgiftspolicy. Vid eventuella avvikelser mellan denna personuppgiftspolicy och ett specifikt lokalt tillägg som gjorts i enlighet med lokal lagstiftning, kommer villkoren i det senare att gälla Bästa sökande. Det gläder oss att du är intresserad av CHG-MERIDIAN och att du har sökt jobb på vårt företag. Nedan följer en beskrivning av hur vi behandlar dina personuppgifter i samband med din ansökan. Vänligen, läs informationen och föreskrifterna noggrant innan du överför dina uppgifter till oss. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Telefon: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-post: com På sidan "Om oss" finns mer information om vårt företag, våra auktoriserade samarbetspartners samt kontaktuppgifter: Vi behandlar de uppgifter som skickas till oss i samband med jobbansökningar så att vi kan undersöka de sökandes lämplighet för tjänsten och genomföra rekryteringsprocessen. Information om den rättsliga grunden för behandling av personuppgifter i samband med jobbansökningar finns i första hand i avsnitt 26 BDSG-Neu (Tyskland), artikel 6 (1) punkt. b) GDPR. Såsom anges där är det tillåtet att behandla dessa uppgifter, vilket är nödvändigt för att kunna fatta beslut om anställning. Om uppgifterna behövs efter att ansökningsprocessen har avslutats, , t.ex. för rättsliga anspråk, ska behandlingen baseras på kraven i artikel 6 GDPR, särskilt för att skydda berättigade intressen i enlighet med artikel 6, punkt 1. I detta sammanhang är vårt berättigade intresse att utöva eller försvara rättsliga anspråk. Uppgifter om sökande som fått avslag raderas efter sex månader. Om du har fått ett erbjudande om anställning kommer dina uppgifter att överföras från vårt system för hantering av jobbansökningar till vårt personalsystem. För vår rekryteringsprocess använder vi en specialiserad programvaruleverantör. Leverantören fungerar som en tjänsteleverantör och det är möjligt att denne i samband med underhåll av systemen får kännedom om dina personuppgifter. Vi har ingått ett så kallat personuppgiftsbiträdesavtal med leverantören, vilket säkerställer att uppgifterna hanteras enligt bestämmelserna. Uppgifterna i din ansökan kommer att ses av HR-avdelningen. Lämpliga ansökningar kommer att vidarebefordras till ansvariga personer internt, gällande respektive ledig tjänst. Därefter kommer beslut om den fortsatta processen att fattas. I princip är det bara de personer i företaget som behöver dina uppgifter för att behandla din ansökan som har tillgång till dem. Uppgifterna kommer uteslutande att behandlas vid datacenter i Tyskland. Dina rättigheter. Du har rätt att få information om för vilket ändamål dina personuppgifter samlas in och hur de behandlas. Vid en begäran om information som inte görs skriftligt ber vi om din förståelse för att vi kan kräva att du legitimerar dig. Enligt dataskyddsförordningen har du också rätt att begära att dina uppgifter korrigeras, raderas eller att behandlingen av dem begränsas. Du har också rätt att invända mot hur dina personuppgifter vidarebefordras. Återkallande av samtycke skickas till vårt dataskyddsombud, Frank Schreiber per brev eller e-post: Vi har utsett ett dataskyddsombud för företaget. Kontaktuppgifter: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Frank Schreiber Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten E-post: Du har rätt att lämna klagomål om hur dina personuppgifter behandlas till Datainspektionen. Genom att sätta ett kryss i rutan samtycker du till att CHG-MERIDIAN AG kan samla in, behandla och använda de uppgifter du överför till oss i syfte att behandla din ansökan i enlighet med avsnitt 26 BDSG-neu (Tyskland), artikel 6, punkt 1b GDPR. Dina uppgifter överförs endast om du har lämnat ditt samtycke genom att sätta ett kryss i rutan. Vi vill uppmärksamma dig om att ansökningar, särskilt CV, intyg och annan information som du har skickat till oss kan innehålla känslig information om psykisk och fysisk hälsa, ras eller etniskt ursprung, politiska åsikter, religiösa eller filosofiska övertygelser , medlemskap i ett fackförbund eller politiskt parti eller om sexlivet. Om du förser oss med sådan information i din onlineansökan samtycker du uttryckligen till att CHG-MERIDIAN AG kan samla in, behandla och använda dessa uppgifter i syfte att behandla din ansökan. Behandlingen av dessa uppgifter sker i enlighet med denna personuppgiftspolicy och andra relevanta lagar och bestämmelser. Om du har några frågor om skydd av personuppgifter eller vill utöva din rätt att få information eller återkalla ditt samtycke, vänligen kontakta ( ). CHG-MERIDIAN AG förbehåller sig rätten att när som helst ändra denna personuppgiftspolicy. Dessutom hänvisar vi till våra allmänna regler för integritetsskydd på våra webbplatser. CHG-MERIDIAN Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten Tyskland Tel: +49 (0)751 5030 E-post: Frank Schreiber Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten Tyskland Tel: +49 (0)751 503503 E-post: Artikel 6 punkt (f) samt avsnitt 4 i dataskyddsförordningen (ny) Byggnadssäkerhet Stärka känslan av säkerhet Avskräckning Förebyggande av vandalism Rättsmedicinska ändamål Stöldförebyggande Den insamlade informationen lagras i 7 dagar Det finns inga planer på att överföra uppgifter till länder utanför EU eller till internationella organisationer Den registrerade har rätt att få svar på om CHG behandlar dennes personuppgifter. Om så är fallet har den registrerade rätt till information om dessa personuppgifter och den information som anges i artikel 15 GDPR. Den registrerade har rätt att begära att den personuppgiftsansvarige omedelbart korrigerar felaktiga personuppgifter om honom eller henne och vid behov kompletterar ofullständiga personuppgifter (artikel 16 GDPR). Den registrerade har rätt att begära att den ansvariga personen omedelbart tar bort personuppgifter om honom eller henne om något av skälen i artikel 17 GDPR är tillämpligt, t.ex. om uppgifterna inte längre krävs för de ändamål för vilka de samlades in ( ). Den registrerade har rätt att begära att den personuppgiftsansvarige begränsar behandlingen om något av villkoren i artikel 18 GDPR är uppfyllda, t.ex. om den registrerade har meddelat att uppgifterna inte är korrekta. Den registrerade har rätt att när som helst invända mot behandlingen av personuppgifter som rör honom eller henne av skäl som uppstår till följd av hans eller hennes specifika situation. Den personuppgiftsansvarige får då inte längre behandla personuppgifterna såvida denne inte kan påvisa avgörande berättigade skäl för behandlingen som väger tyngre än den registrerades intressen, rättigheter och friheter eller om det sker för fastställande, utövande eller försvar av rättsliga anspråk. (Art 21 GDPR). Utan att det påverkar något annat administrativt prövningsförfarande eller rättsmedel, ska varje registrerad som anser att behandlingen av personuppgifter som avser henne eller honom strider mot denna förordning ha rätt att lämna in ett klagomål till en tillsynsmyndighet, särskilt i den medlemsstat där han eller hon har sin hemvist eller sin arbetsplats eller där det påstådda intrånget begicks. (Artikel 77 GDPR) Tillsynsmyndighet i Baden-Württemberg är Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg. Postadress: Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart, Tyskland. Besöksadress: Königstrasse 10a, 70173 Stuttgart, Tyskland. Vi, CHG-MERIDIAN AG, ansvarar för dessa onlinetjänster och ska i egenskap av personuppgiftsansvarig, på ett koncist, klart och tydligt, begripligt och lättillgängligt sätt och med användning av ett klart och tydligt språk informera dig om syftet med insamlingen och användningen av personuppgifter i början av ditt besök. Informationen måste alltid kunna lämnas ut till dig. Vi är därför skyldiga att informera dig om vilka personuppgifter som kommer att samlas in eller användas. Med personuppgift avses varje upplysning som avser en identifierad eller identifierbar fysisk person. Vi värnar om din integritet och följer bestämmelserna i Dataskyddsförordningen. Insamling, behandling och användning av personuppgifter omfattas av bestämmelserna i de europeiska och nationella lagar som för närvarande är i kraft. I denna personuppgiftspolicy beskrivs hur vi behandlar dina personuppgifter och hur du kan kontakta oss: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tyskland E-post: Webbplats: Telefon: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Styrelseordförande: Styrelseordförande Koncernchef: Mathias Wagner Koncernledning: Mathias Wagner, Frank Kottmann, Joachim Schulz, Oliver Schorer, Ulrich Bergmann Registrerad domstol: Ulm HRB 551857 Skattekontor: Weingarten Momsregistreringsnr: DE 146349520 Laga domstol: Ravensburg Tillämplig lag: Förbundsrepubliken Tysklands lag Dataskyddsombud Om du har några frågor är du välkommen att kontakta vårt dataskyddsombud: Frank Schreiber, e-post: För att underlätta läsningen görs ingen åtskillnad mellan kön i vår dataskyddsdeklaration. De termer som används gäller, inom ramen för likabehandling, båda könen. De termer som används, till exempel "personuppgifter", och "behandling" definieras i artikel 4 i Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). De registrerades personuppgifter som behandlas i samband med dessa onlinetjänster omfattar lagerdata (t.ex. kundens namn och adress), avtalsuppgifter (t.ex. utnyttjade tjänster, namn på ansvarig person, betalningsinformation), användningsdata (t.ex. besökta webbplatser, intresse för våra produkter) och innehållsdata (t.ex. uppgifter i kontaktformulär). ”Registrerade" avser alla kategorier av personer som påverkas av databehandlingen, till exempel våra affärspartners, kunder, intressenter och andra besökare på våra webbplatser. Artikel 6 (1) (a) i GDPR anges den rättsliga grunden för behandlingen i samband med att vi söker samtycke till behandling för ett visst ändamål. Om personuppgifter behöver behandlas för att fullgöra ett avtal i vilket den registrerade är part, såsom t.ex. vid behandling i samband med varuleveranser eller leverans av en tjänst eller betalning för den, regleras behandlingen av personuppgifter av Artikel 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Detsamma gäller om behandlingen är nödvändig för vissa förberedande steg innan ett avtal ingås, t.ex. vid frågor om våra varor eller tjänster. Om behandlingen är nödvändig för att fullgöra en rättslig förpliktelse som åvilar oss, t.ex. enligt skattelagstiftningen, regleras detta i Artikel 6 (1) (c) GDPR. Om behandlingen är nödvändig för att skydda intressen som är av grundläggande betydelse för den registrerade eller för en annan fysisk person, regleras detta av Artikel 6 (1) (d) GDPR. Behandling av personuppgifter regleras även av artikel 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Behandlingen är nödvändig för ändamål som rör våra eller tredje parts berättigade intressen, om inte den registrerades intressen eller grundläggande rättigheter och friheter väger tyngre. Du kan besöka vår webbplats utan att aktivt lämna uppgifter om dig. Men vi lagrar automatiskt uppgifter (serverloggfiler) varje gång någon går in på webbplatsen. Följande uppgifter lagras: t.ex. namn på din internetleverantör, operativsystem, vilken webbsida du besöker, datum och hur länge ditt besök varat eller namn på begärd fil. Vi lagrar också uppgifter av säkerhetsskäl. T.ex. lagar vi IP-adresser hos den dator som används så att vi kan identifiera angrepp mot våra webbplatser. Dessa uppgifter används enbart för att förbättra våra tjänster och kan inte användas för att skaffa mer information om dig som person. Denna data samkörs inte med andra datakällor. Den rättsliga grunden till databehandling är artikel 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Vi behandlar data för följande ändamål: Denna typ av databehandling görs antingen för att fullgöra ett avtal om användandet av CHG-MERIDIAN AGs webbsida eller därför att vi har ett berättigat intresse av att kunna säkerställa funktionen hos CHF-MERIDIAN AGs webbsidor och att de är felfria och anpassa dem så att de är anpassade till användarnas behov. När användarna har loggat in på kundsidorna i TESMA® behandlas loggfiler som lagras med en användaridentifierare som tilldelas internt. Efter att användaren loggat in på TESMA®, innehåller dessa loggfiler följande uppgifter: användaridentifierare, webbläsarversion, använt operativsystem, datum för besöket och hur länge besöket varade. Vi behandlar uppgifter på detta sätt för att uppfylla vår avtalsenliga förpliktelse gentemot våra kunder och för att kunna erbjuda våra tjänster. Den rättsliga grunden till databehandlingen i detta avseende är artikel 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Vi är också förpliktade att följa anvisningarna i ett personuppgiftsbiträdesavtal och har lämpliga tekniska och organisatoriska resurser till hands för att skydda den registrerades rättigheter. Om du skickar oss förfrågningar eller information via e-post kommer dina uppgifter (e-postadress, innehållet i ditt mail, ämnesraden i ditt mail och datum/tid), samt de kontaktuppgifter du lämnade (t.ex. namnteckning, förnamn, efternamn, telefonnummer i förekommande fall, adress) att lagras för vi ska kunna hantera eventuella förfrågningar och uppföljande frågor. Vi lämnar inte ut dina uppgifter utan ditt medgivande. Den rättsliga grunden till insamlandet och behandlingen av uppgifter är artikel 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Användarna informeras om att dessa e-postmeddelanden kan komma att bli lästa eller ändrade i samband med att de överförs utan att detta godkänns eller upptäcks. CHG-MERIDIAN AG använder en programvara för att filtrera bort oönskade e-postmeddelanden (skräppostfilter). Med skräppostfiltret kan systemet lägga e-postmeddelanden i skräppostmappen ifall vissa bestämda egenskaper får dem att felaktigt identifiera dem som skräppost så att de inte når fram till oss. De uppgifter du lämnar behåller vi tills du begär att de raderas, återkallar ditt medgivande till att vi lagrar uppgifterna eller om det ändamål för vilket vi ursprungligen lagrade uppgifterna inte längre gäller (t.ex. när din förfrågan har slutbehandlats). Tvingande lagregler, i synnerhet rörande om att behålla uppgifterna en viss bestämd tidsperiod påverkas inte av detta. Vi använder kakor (cookies) på våra webbplatser för att göra det till en trevligare upplevelse för alla som besöker våra webbplatser och för att vissa funktioner ska fungera. Kakor är små textfiler som lagras lokalt i webbläsarens cacheminne. Detta är en vanlig teknik på nätet som används för lagring av och tillgänglighet till inloggningsuppgifter och annan användarinformation om alla besökare på CHG-MERIDIAN AGs webbsidor. De gör också att vi kan lagra användarinställningar och att vi kan visa våra webbsidor i ett format som är anpassat efter din utrustning. Användandet av kakor tillgodoser vårt berättigade intresse av att göra så att ditt besök på vår webbplats blir en positiv upplevelse och förhindrar att du lägger in samma information flera gånger eller upprepar ändrar dina inställningar. Den rättsliga grunden för detta är artikel 6 (1) (f) GDPR. En del av de kakor som vi använder raderas efter varje session i webbläsaren, dvs. så snart du stänger din webbläsare (så kallade sessionskakor). Andra kakor finns kvar i din utrustning och gör att vi eller vår samarbetspartner känner igen din webbläsare vid ditt nästa besök på vår webbsida (så kallade beständiga kakor). Du kan ändra inställningarna på din webbläsare så att du får ett meddelande varje gång som kakor läggs in och kan besluta om du vill godkänna dem eller avvisa dem. Dessutom kan du retroaktivt radera kakor som webbplatsen har lagrat på din dator. Om kakor avaktiveras kan det göra att webbplatserna förlorar vissa av sina funktioner. Webbläsarna har funktioner för att begränsa funktionen hos och radera kakor. För mer information om detta, besök nedanstående webbplatser: Du kan välja att registrera dig på vår webbplats. Genom att registrera dig får du tillgång till innehåll eller tjänster som vi av praktiska skäl bara kan erbjuda registrerade användare. För att kunna göra detta behöver vi följande uppgifter: För- och efternamn samt e-postadress. Uppgifterna krävs för registreringen och i ett senare skede för att vi ska kunna uppfylla våra avtalsenliga förpliktelser. Genom att du loggar in på vår webbplats med dina inloggningsuppgifter får vi samtidigt IP-adressen som lämnas av den registrerades serviceleverantör (ISP), datum och tid för inloggning vilket lagras. Dessa uppgifter lagras p.g.a. att detta är det enda sättet på vilket vi kan skydda oss mot missbruk av våra tjänster och därför att de är nödvändiga för att vi ska kunna få information i samband med brott. Dessa uppgifter behöver därför lagras för att skydda våra intressen. Huvudregeln är att dessa uppgifter inte lämnas ut till tredje part såvida vi inte enligt lag är skyldiga att lämna ut dem eller om personuppgifterna ska lämnas ut för upprätthållande av lagar och förordningar. Den rättsliga grunden till behandling är för att fullgöra ett avtal enligt artikel 6 (1) (b) GDPR. På vår webbplats kan du skicka förfrågningar till oss via ett kontaktformulär. Här lagrar vi dina uppgifter från kontaktformuläret (vad ditt ärende gäller, ämnesraden till ditt ärende och datum), samt dina kontaktuppgifter (för- och efternamn och e-postadress), för att vi ska kunna hantera frågan och eventuella följdfrågor. Den rättsliga grunden till qtt vi insamlar och behandar uppgifterna är artikel 6 (1) (a) GDPR. De uppgifter som lämnas av dig via kontaktformuläret behåller vi tills du begär att det raderas, du återkallar ditt medgivande till att vi lagrar dem eller ändamålet för att lagra uppgifterna upphör att gälla (t.ex. sedan din fråga har slutbehandlats). Obligatoriska lagbestämmelser, särskilt om lagringstid, påverkas inte av detta. På våra webbsidor kan du använda våra köpfunktioner. Vi insamlar ytterligare kontakt- och adressuppgifter för följande ändamål: Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för följande ändamål: Vi kan komma att behöva lämna ut dessa uppgifter till tredje parter, t.ex. personuppgiftsbiträden, frakttjänster, banker, skatteverket etc. för att kunna uppfylla våra avtalsenliga förpliktelser. Den rättsliga grunden till att insamla och behandla personuppgifter är artikel 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Uppgifterna lagras så länge de används. Tvingande lagregler, särskilt om lagringstider enligt handelsrättsliga och skatterättsliga bestämmelser, påverkas inte av detta. Du kan lämna feedback på våra webbsidor. Din feedback kan komma att göras tillgänglig för webbforumet TESMA. Dina synpunkter kommer att sparas och publiceras med ditt användarnamn och uppgifter om när du lämnade dina synpunkter. Dessutom kommer den registrerades IP-adress som tillhandahålls av serviceleverantören att loggas. När du gör ett inlägg kan du bocka i en ruta för vår e-posttjänst. På så sätt kommer du att få meddelande så snart någon annan kommenterar ditt inlägg. Du kan stänga av dessa aviseringar när som helst genom att klicka på länken i e-postmeddelandet. CHG MERIDIAN AG har vidtagit lämpliga tekniska och organisatoriska åtgärder för att säkerställa en säkerhetsnivå som är lämplig i förhållande till risken. Denna riskanalys omfattar risken att äventyra den registrerades rättigheter, kostnaden för genomförandet samt arten, omfattningen, sammanhanget och ändamålen för behandlingen av personuppgifter. Åtgärderna inkluderar: CHG-MERIDIAN AG tillåter att andra får tillgång till personuppgifter endast om detta är absolut nödvändigt. Tillgången till personuppgifter är begränsad till vad som krävs för att tillgodose relevant ändamål. För att överföring av personuppgifter ska godkännas krävs att det alltid finnas ett ändamål vilket innebär att inga generella godkännanden av överföringar lämnas. Serviceleverantörer kan få tillgång till personuppgifter endast i enlighet det ändamål som anges i avtal med Bolaget. Med överföring till tredje land avses överföring av personuppgifter till ett land utanför Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (EES). CHG:s internationella verksamhet innebär att personuppgifter kan överföras till och från andra koncernföretag eller tredje parter som kan vara belägna utanför EES-området. Om personuppgifter överförs till länder som har andra standarder för dataskydd kommer CHG att se till att lämpliga skyddsåtgärder vidtas så att personuppgifterna skyddas på ett adekvat sätt, i enlighet med tillämpliga dataskyddslagar. CHG-MERIDIAN AG har tecknat dataöverföringsavtal baserade på EU:s standardklausuler för överföring av personuppgifter till tredje land. En kopia av dessa avtal kan fås på begäran, vänligen kontakta dataskyddsombudet. CHG-MERIDIAN kommer inte att lagra dina personuppgifter under längre tid än vad som är tillåtet enligt tillämpliga lagar och bestämmelser för dataskydd eller lokala föreskrifter om lagring av personuppgifter. Denna onlinetjänst är inte avsedd för minderåriga under 16 år. Den som ännu inte fyllt 16 år får inte lämna personuppgifter till CHG-MERIDIAN AG utan medgivande från sin vårdnadshavare. Enligt tillämpliga lagar om dataskydd har du följande rättigheter: På vår webbplats finns länkar till andra leverantörers webbplatser. Vi vill informera dig om att vi inte har något inflytande över innehållet på dessa leverantörers webbplatser eller hur de hanterar efterlevnaden av dataskyddslagarna. Denna personuppgiftspolicy kan ändras och utökas från tid till annan. CHG-MERIDIAN AG får endast anpassa denna policy i syfte att följa lokala och allmänna lagar och bestämmelser. Om denna policy strider mot lokala bestämmelser eller lagar har lokala bestämmelser eller lagar företräde.   Your personal Contact   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us Frank Schreiber Group Regulatory Officer li|menu not loaded for å levere våre kontraktsmessige tjenester (f.eks. behandle bestillinger) og behandling av tjenester på nettet når behandling er lovpålagt når du har gitt ditt samtykke ut fra våre berettigede interesser (dvs. interesse for analyse, optimalisering og økonomisk drift samt sikkerhet til nettjenesten vår i samsvar med art. 6 nr. 1 bokstav f i GDPR, særlig måling av omfang, produksjon av profiler for reklame- og markedsføringsformål samt innhenting av tilgangsdata og bruk av tjenester fra tredjepartsleverandører) Rett til informasjon Du har rett til å få informasjon om lagrede opplysninger kostnadsfritt. I samsvar med gjeldende lov vil vi på forespørsel informere deg om hvilke personopplysninger vi har lagret om deg. Dette inkluderer også hvor opplysningene dine kommer fra, og hvem som mottar dem, i tillegg til formålet med databehandlingen. Rett til retting Du har rett til å få rettet uriktige personopplysninger om deg som vi har lagret. Du kan kreve begrensninger i behandlingen av personopplysningene dine, for eksempel hvis du mener at de ikke er korrekte. Rett til blokkering Videre kan du blokkere personopplysningene dine. For at det skal kunne tas hensyn til en blokkering av personopplysningene dine når som helst, må opplysningene oppbevares i en låsefil for kontrollformål. Rett til sletting Du kan også kreve at personopplysningene dine blir slettet, så lenge det ikke foreligger noen rettslig lagringsplikt. Hvis det foreligger en slik forpliktelse, blokkerer vi opplysningene på forespørsel. Hvis det foreligger relevante lovkrav, vil vi også slette personopplysningene uten en forespørsel fra deg selv. Rett til dataoverføring Du har rett til å kreve at personopplysningene som er overført til oss, gjøres tilgjengelig i et format som gjør det mulig å overføre dem til et annet sted. Rett til å klage til en tilsynsmyndighet Du har mulighet til å henvende deg til et datatilsyn med en klage. Rett til å protestereDu kan når som helst protestere mot bruken av personopplysningene dine til interne formål med fremtidig virkning. Til dette formålet er det tilstrekkelig å sende en passende e-post til . En slik protest påvirker imidlertid ikke lovligheten av behandlingsprosedyrer som vi allerede har utført. Dette påvirker heller ikke databehandling med hensyn til andre rettslige grunnlag, for eksempel inngåelsen av kontrakter (se foran). Sikre konfidensialiteten til personopplysningene dine For å sikre at personopplysningene vi lagrer, holdes konfidensielle, har vi iverksatt forskjellige tiltak for å begrense tilgangen. Sikre integriteten til personopplysningene dine For å sikre integriteten til personopplysningene vi lagrer, har vi iverksatt forskjellige tiltak for å kontrollere overføringen og ileggingen. Sikre at personopplysningene dine er tilgjengelige For å sikre tilgangen til personopplysningene vi lagrer, har vi truffet forskjellige tiltak for å kontrollere bestillinger og tilgjengelighet. CHG-MERIDIAN AG: CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH: CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland BV: CHG-MERIDIAN Belgium NV: CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV: CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited: CHG-MERIDIAN Computer Leasing UK Limited: CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited: CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS: CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS: CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS: CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB: CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S: CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY: CHG-MERIDIAN Polska sp. z.o.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp: CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd.: CHG-MERIDIAN S.A.P.I. de C.V.: CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S.A.: CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Locação de Equipamentos Ltda.: Hantera affärsrelationer med nuvarande och potentiella kunder Hantera affärsrelationer med nuvarande och potentiella leverantörer och återförsäljare Genomföra marknadsföringsaktiviteter Genomföra statistiska undersökningar och marknadsundersökningar m.m. Företagsinformation (såsom företagets namn, avdelning och titel). Avtalsinformation (såsom avtalsdatum, typ av affärsrelation etc.). Rätt till tillgång, rättelse och radering av personuppgifter Rätt till begränsning av behandling och rätt att göra invändningar mot behandling Rätt till dataportabilitet i tillämplig omfattning Rätt att återkalla samtycke om behandlingen är baserad på samtyck och Rätt att lämna klagomål till Datainspektionen. tillhandahålla CHG-MERIDIAN AG:s webbplatser, förbättra våra webbplatser och förebygga och upptäcka fel/brister och missbruk av webbplatserna. Internet Explorer: Firefox: Google Chrome: Safari: För att behandla din beställning och att, vid behov, återsända din beställning Dessutom behandlar vi dina uppgifter för att kunna hantera ditt personliga konto För att skicka sms-meddelanden om leveransstatus För att ta kontakt om det uppstår problem med leveransen av dina varor kryptering av personuppgifter i tillämpliga fall/när det är lämpligt möjligheten att säkerställa den löpande konfidentialiteten, integriteten, tillgängligheten och motståndskraften hos system och tjänster för behandling av personuppgifter möjlighet att återställa tillgängligheten och tillgången till personuppgifter i tid i händelse av en fysisk eller teknisk incident en process för att regelbundet testa, bedöma och utvärdera effektiviteten av tekniska och organisatoriska åtgärder för att säkerställa säkerheten vid behandlingen. Du har rätt att få information om vilka personuppgifter vi behandlar om dig och att få dem rättade eller raderade. Du har rätt att kräva att behandlingen av dina personuppgifter begränsas och att invända mot behandlingen. Du har rätt till dataportabilitet där det är tillämpligt. Du har rätt att återkalla ditt samtycke till behandlingen av dina personuppgifter. Du har rätt att lämna klagomål hos Datainspektionen angående behandlingen av dina personuppgifter. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 246 +49 151 580 408 43 st|Denna dataskyddsdeklaration (Version: GDPR 1.0 från den 11 maj 2018) är utfärdad av: Dataskydd CHG-MERIDIAN AG Personvernerklæring Grunnlag for databehandling Overføring av opplysninger til tredjeparter Dataoverføring til tredjeland eller internasjonale organisasjoner Lagringstrid for personopplysninger Ved kontakt Hvilke rettigheter har du? Vern av personopplysningene dine Personopplysningene dine er derfor beskyttet i sammenheng med følgende punkter (utdrag): Beskyttelse av mindreårige Informasjonskapsler Bruk av etracker Bruk av METIS nettsignaler Bruk av Google Maps Bruk av Google Ads (tidligere AdWords) Bruk av YouTube Bruken av Vimeo-programtillegg Bruken av XING-Share-knappen Bruken av LinkedIn-programtillegg Endringer i personvernerklæringen Varemerkebeskyttelse Personuppgiftsansvarig Vilka personuppgifter behandlar vi? Och för vilka ändamål? Vilken är den rättsliga grunden för detta? Hur länge kommer personuppgifterna att sparas? Till vilka mottagare kommer uppgifter att överföras? Var kommer uppgifterna att behandlas? Vårt dataskyddsombud Rätt att lämna klagomål Samtycke Kontaktperson/dataskyddsombud Ändringar av denna personuppgiftspolicy Personuppgiftsansvarig, kontaktinformation Kontaktuppgifter, dataskyddsombud Ändamål och rättslig grund för databehandling Berättigade intressen Lagringsperiod Mottagare och kategorier av mottagare av uppgifterna (om insamling av uppgifter sker) Om den registrerades rättigheter rätt till radering Inledning Terminologi Rättslig grund för databehandling Behandling av personuppgifter Kontakt via e-post Cookie-baserade tjänster Våra tjänster Mottagare av personuppgifter Överföring till tredje land Externa länkar Ändringar i vår personuppgiftspolicy h1|Information om dataskydd h2|Dataskyddsdeklaration Dataskyddsdeklaration – företagsinformation Jobbansökan online Videodata Användning av TESMA® Your personal contact h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|A. Allmänt B. Termer och begrepp C. Specifikt D. Særlige bestemmelser for Russland 1 Inledning och omfattning 2 Personuppgiftsansvarig – kontaktinformation 3 Dataskyddsansvarig – kontaktinformation 4 Ändamål och rättslig grund 5 Personuppgiftskategorier 6 Datasäkerhet 7 Mottagare av personuppgifter 8 Överföring till tredje land 9 Lagring av personuppgifter 10 Dina rättigheter 11 Övrigt Integritetspolicy för jobbansökan online Personuppgiftspolicy – videodata 1 Allmänt 2 Allmänt om användningen av våra online-tjänster 3 Användande av TESMA® 4 Datasäkerhet 5 Dataöverföring 6 Lagring 7 Minderåriga 8 Dina rättigheter 9 Slutliga bestämmelser h6|INFORMATION OM DATASKYDD – CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                  Gå till Gå till Gå till Gå till Gå till    em|Brukerkontroll av informasjonskapsler Varighet for de iverksatte informasjonskapslene Deaktivere eller fjerne informasjonskapsler Internet Explorer: Firefox: Google Chrome: Safari: Avaktivera eller ta bort kakor (välj bort) Registrering och inloggning på vår webbplats Kontaktformulär/förfrågningar Köpfunktion Feedback-funktion Informationstjänst pa|The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all products and services provided by CHG-MERIDIAN AG ('Seller') including but not limited to the sale solely of used IT equipment, and to all future business relationships even in the absence of an explicit agreement to that effect. They apply solely to business persons as defined by section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB) with whom the Seller enters into a commercial relationship. Any conditions of the Buyer that contradict or deviate from these General Terms and Conditions will not be recognized unless their validity has been explicitly agreed in writing. These Conditions of Sale also apply if the Seller supplies goods and/or services to the Buyer without reservation despite being aware of contradictory or divergent conditions provided by the Buyer. 2.1 All contracts and other agreements and legally binding declarations must be signed by both parties in order to be legally valid. This also applies to any additions and amendments. 2.2 Oral collateral agreements and assurances are not valid. 3.1 Unless the contract of sale specifies otherwise, our prices are quoted net for dispatch from the Seller's address as specified in the contract of sale. The Seller shall package the goods in packaging suitable for transportation. 3.2 Our prices do not include statutory VAT. VAT will be calculated at the rate applicable on the day of invoicing and shown separately on the invoice. VAT is due and payable to the Seller unless the Buyer presents confirmation of export to the Seller. If the Buyer presents the export certificate to the Seller only after payment of VAT, the Seller shall refund the VAT to the Buyer. 4.1 The purchase price is payable immediately via bank transfer and in full. 4.2 The equipment detailed in the contract of sale is sold ex-works (EXW) in accordance with Incoterms 2010 from the Seller's address as stated in the contract of sale. 4.3 The goods will not be dispatched or collected until the entire purchase price amount has been deposited into the Seller's account or until the Seller has received confirmation from the bank executing the transaction that the transfer has been requested and carried out in full. If the Buyer is in default of payment, the Seller reserves the right to charge default interest at the statutory rate. The Seller reserves the right to claim for greater losses as a result of the default if they can be shown to have occurred. The rights afforded by clause 8 remain unaffected. The Seller reserves the right to make additional claims. 4.4 The Seller will state in the contract of sale the date on which the equipment will be available for collection (availability date). If the Buyer delays in taking receipt of the goods or is in culpable breach of other obligations to cooperate, the Seller reserves the right to invoke clause 8. The Seller reserves the right to make additional claims. 4.5 If requested by the Buyer, the Seller can – at the Buyer's expense – send the equipment to an address specified by the Buyer, although it is not obliged to do so. 4.6 The Buyer is only entitled to exercise a right of set-off if its counterclaims have been confirmed by a non-appealable court decision or are uncontested or are recognized by the Seller. The Buyer is entitled to exercise withholding rights only in respect of receivables arising from the same legal relationship that are uncontested or have been confirmed by a non-appealable court decision. The Seller is entitled to make partial deliveries, but will only do so if payment is received in advance. 6.1 For deliveries made from the Federal Republic of Germany to other countries within the European Community (intra-Community deliveries) the Seller will not add VAT to the amount charged to the Buyer insofar as the deliveries are exempt from VAT under the German Value Added Tax Act. The Buyer shall at the Seller's request provide proofs of delivery and other documents required under German VAT law as proof of exemption from VAT. The Buyer shall in particular confirm to the Seller upon first request the receipt or arrival of the goods in the area of the EC outside of Germany (confirmation of arrival) as proof that a tax-exempt intra-Community delivery has taken place. The entry certificate will be produced by the Seller and made available to the Buyer who will inspect it and confirm to the Seller that it is correct for every delivery. 6.2 The Buyer shall without being requested to do so inform the Seller of its VAT registration number and any changes to it and shall provide the Seller with information regarding its capacity as business person, the transportation of the delivered goods, the use to which they will be put, and the Buyer's duty to report statistics. 6.3 If the Buyer fails to provide some or all of the necessary information/documents described in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 it will be liable for any resulting losses, expenses and costs incurred by the Seller, especially German VAT and any additional charges. 6.4 The Seller will not be liable for the consequences of the Buyer failing to supply details or supplying incomplete or incorrect details except in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of the Seller. 7.1 The Buyer is responsible for obtaining any necessary export licenses unless the Seller is required to do so by statute or by a final, non-appealable administrative decision or court ruling. If the Seller is responsible for obtaining the license(s), the Buyer shall provide whatever assistance is necessary for this purpose. 7.2 The Buyer gives an assurance that it will neither directly nor indirectly export or re-export the goods acquired from the Seller to persons, organizations, institutions, or countries against whom an embargo in respect of such goods has been imposed by Germany's Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and the European Union and is currently in force. 8.1 The Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the following instances without prejudice to any of its other rights: a) If the Buyer does not pay the purchase price within three days of the availability date specified in the contract of sale or if within three days no bank confirmation of a completed payment transfer has been provided. b) If the circumstances provided for in clause 4.4 apply and the Buyer has not taken full receipt of the goods within seven days of the availability date specified in the contract of sale. c) If the Buyer acts contrary to the assurance provided in 7.2 or is in breach of its obligation to cooperate as per 7.1 sentence 2. 8.2 The Buyer shall compensate the Seller for any loss incurred, including, but not limited to, any profit lost, as a result of the equipment being sold at a lower purchase price. The Buyer shall furthermore be liable for the costs of storing the equipment until such time as it is remarketed and collected, these costs to be charged at the rate of €1.00 per day per pallet plus a one-off administration charge of €75.00 per order. If the Buyer fails to collect the equipment, the same storage costs will be charged to the Buyer until it is collected. 8.3 The Buyer reserves the right to produce proof of lesser loss. Risk passes to the Buyer when the object of purchase is collected or, in the circumstances provided for in clause 4.5, transferred to the haulage operator. Insofar as the circumstances described in clause 4.4 apply, the risk of accidental destruction or accidental deterioration of the object of purchase will pass to the Buyer as soon as it defaults on acceptance of or payment for the object of purchase. The Buyer is liable for all transport-related costs and risks from the moment of the transfer of risk. These costs include, but are not limited to, transport costs, customs and excise duties, taxes and other public charges, costs for customs formalities for import and export, insurance, and costs for loss, damage, delays, etc. 10.1 The goods being sold are used equipment for which no warranty is provided. The Seller provides no guarantees of quality or durability other than those provided for under clause 10.2 in conjunction with the contract of sale. The Seller assumes no liability for the compatibility of the various equipment and components with one another. This also applies to the supplied equipment's compatibility with customers' existing IT equipment. 10.2 The Seller guarantees that the equipment explicitly described as Type A or Type B will meet the following description. Type A equipment: the Seller guarantees that the used equipment will be free of visual and technical defects, subject to normal wear and tear, for the period specified in the contract of sale. For Type B equipment: the Seller guarantees that used equipment with visual/cosmetic defects that do not affect the performance of the equipment will be free of technical defects for the period specified in the contract of sale. If any of the equipment fails to meet the terms of these guarantees, the Buyer will, for the period specified in the contract of sale, be entitled to return the equipment to the Seller. The guarantee period begins on the day the equipment is collected by the Buyer or the date of dispatch. 10.3 All claims under the guarantee must be made in writing by completing the RMA form, and are made at the Buyer's expense. The RMA form can be sent on request or downloaded as a PDF file from the Seller's website ( 10.4 The Seller's guarantee as per 10.2 excludes all batteries and consumables. 10.5 Software, manuals, PC accessories such as notebook cases, keyboards, cables, and mice, and technical support services are not included unless explicitly specified in the contract of sale. If software is included in the order, the Buyer will be granted usage rights to it. Any copying, transfer, or resale of the software requires the permission or prior authorization of the rights holder. The Buyer undertakes in particular to be aware of and adhere to MICROSOFT's usage and licensing conditions. The Buyer will be liable in full for any loss or damage incurred through a breach of these usage rights. 10.6 The data on the equipment will be deleted before the sale. If the Buyer unexpectedly detects data on the equipment, it is his obligation to inform the Seller immediately and either delete the data securely himself and at his own expense or in consultation with the Seller provide the Seller with the relevant equipment for data erasure. 11.1 The Seller will be liable in accordance with statutory provisions for claims for compensation brought by the Buyer on the grounds of intent or gross negligence, including the intent or gross negligence of the Seller's agents or representatives. Insofar as the Seller is not accused of deliberate breach of contract, liability for damages will be limited to foreseeable and typical loss. 11.2 Liability for loss arising from death or bodily harm, where fault exists on the part of the Seller, remains unaffected. Mandatory liability under the terms of the German Product Liability Act also remains unaffected. The Seller shall also be liable under other statutory provisions if it is culpably in breach of a material contractual obligation, although in such a case liability for damages is limited to typical and foreseeable loss. 11.3 Any liability for damages that exceeds that provided for in clauses 11.1 and 11. 2 is hereby excluded, regardless of the legal grounds on which the claim is brought. This shall especially apply to claims for damages arising from culpa in contrahendo or from other derelictions of duty, or tortious claims for compensation for damage to property. 11.4 The exclusion or limitation of the Seller's liability to the Buyer for damages shall also apply to the personal liability of the Seller's employees, staff, representatives, and agents. 11.5 The Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer for any failure to perform the contract or for any default where the failure or default are caused by natural disasters, fire, flood, acts of war, strikes, industrial disputes, non-delivery or late delivery of accessories, or state or official interventions or regulations. The Seller retains ownership of the object of sale until receipt of all payments arising from the business relationship with the Buyer. 13.1 These terms of business and all legal relations arising between the Seller and the Buyer are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) will not apply in any circumstances. 13.2 If the Buyer is a general merchant (Vollkaufmann) as defined by German Commercial Code (HGB) or a legal entity incorporated under public law or a special-purpose entity organized under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes will be Ravensburg, Germany. The same place of jurisdiction applies if the Buyer does not have a general place of jurisdiction within the Federal Republic of Germany or its domicile or usual place of residence is moved abroad after the contract has been formed or is unknown at the time of the institution of proceedings. This does not affect the Seller's right to bring a claim against the Buyer in the court of the Buyer's place of residence. 13.3 The place of performance is Gross-Gerau, Germany. 13.4 Should individual provisions of these Terms of Business or of other agreements be or become partly or wholly invalid, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions or agreements. The same applies in the event of a gap in the contract. In the place of the invalid provisions, agreements or gaps, an appropriate provision shall be substituted that shall insofar as possible in law reflect what the parties intended or would have intended had they been aware of the invalidity or gap.    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h2|Sales Conditions CHG-MERIDIAN AG'S GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE h3|Choose your region 1. Scope 2. Formation of Agreement 3. Prices 4. Payment terms, ex-works (exw) as per incoterms 2010, terms of transfer, default by the buyer 5. Partial Deliveries 6. Intra-community deliveries (entry certificate) 7. Export 8. Withdrawal and compensation 9. Transfer of risk 10. Warranty and guarantee 11. Liability 12. Reservation of title 13. applicable law, place of jurisdiction, place of performance and partial invalidity Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|CHG-MERIDIAN AG, som representeras av vår koncernchef, Mathias Wagner, är ansvarig för behandlingen av personuppgifter i samband med våra onlinetjänster. Denna onlinetjänst tillhandahålls av: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tyskland E-post: Webbplats: Telefon: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Styrelseordförande: Jürgen Mossakowski Koncernchef: Mathias Wagner Koncernledning: Mathias Wagner, Frank Kottmann, Oliver Schorer, Ulrich Bergmann Registrerad domstol: Ulm HRB 551857 Skattekontor: Weingarten Momsregistreringsnummer: DE 146349520 Laga domstol: Ravensburg Tillämplig lag: Förbundsrepubliken Tysklands lag Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) Graurheindorfer Straße 108 53117 Bonn Tyskland Industrie- und Handelskammer, Weingarten Matthias Steybe, e-post: Frank Schreiber, e-post: design hoch drei Glockenstraße 36 70376 Stuttgart E-post: Webbplats: 3q5 Corporate Digital Agency Karlstraße 47 80333 München E-post: Webbplats: CHG-MERIDIAN AG förbehåller sig rätten att när som helst, helt eller delvis, ändra eller avsluta denna onlinetjänst utan föregående meddelande. Att CHG-MERIDIAN publicerar länkar till externa onlinetjänster ("hyperlänkar") innebär inte att CHG-MERIDIAN AG ansvarar för dessa onlinetjänster eller dess innehåll. hittar du information om CHG:s behandling av personuppgifter Information i enlighet med den tyska batterilagen, §12 BatterieVO: Eftersom vi distribuerar batterier och batteripack, är vi skyldiga enligt den tyska batterilagen att informera dig som kund om följande: Batterier får inte kastas i hushållsavfall. Slutanvändaren är enligt lag skyldig att returnera begagnade batterier. Användaren kan returnera begagnade batterier till återförsäljaren eller kommunal återvinningsstation utan kostnad. Användaren har också möjlighet att returnera begagnade batterier per post. Användaren kan kontakta sitt installationsföretag för retur av batterier. Batterier eller uppladdningsbara batterier som innehåller miljöfarliga ämnen är märkta med symbolen med en överstruken soptunna. Det kemiska namnet på det miljöfarliga ämnet finns nära skräpburksymbolen. Förklaring: Cd står för Kadmium, Pb för bly och Hg för kvicksilver. För att underlätta läsningen görs ingen åtskillnad mellan kön i detta dokument. De termer som används gäller, inom ramen för likabehandling, båda könen. Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich –   Your personal Contact  Företagsinformation CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us Frank Schreiber Group Regulatory Officer li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 246 +49 151 580 408 43 st|Tillsynsmyndighet Handelskammare: Redaktionellt innehåll, ansvarig: Dataskyddsombud: Ansvar © Copyright Personuppgiftspolicy: Hantering av batterier: Anm: Lagen om likabehandling Denna information är utfärdad av: h2|Företagsinformation Företagsinformation Your personal contact h3|Choose your region Koncept och design DATACENTER, SERVICE & SUPPORT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                     pa|Vi erbjuder kunder inom IT-, industri- och vårdsektorn skräddarsydda tjänster för hanteringen av teknisk utrustning under hela dess livslängd. CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper er att administrera IT-utrustningen och hålla kostnaderna nere under utrustningens hela livscykel. Vi förser er med alla verktyg ni behöver, så att ni kan fokusera på att utveckla företaget. Att införskaffa den senaste hälso- och sjukvårdstekniken medför ofta höga kostnader. CHG-MERIDIAN kan hjälpa er att fatta rätt beslut i samband med teknikinvesteringar.   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|TJÄNSTER SOM MINSKAR ARBETSBELASTNINGEN h2|IT HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRDSTEKNIK h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|ASSET MANAGEMENT FÖR TEKNISK UTRUSTNING sp|                                   pa|Vårt mål är att minska arbetsbelastningen för våra kunder och hjälpa till under varje del av den tekniska utrustningens livscykel. Kärnan i vårt koncept är asset management-systemet TESMA®, som ger er full överblick över såväl kostnader som all teknisk information. Med mobilappen TESMA® har du full kontroll var du än befinner dig. Teknikhantering kan vara komplex. Det är därför vi utvecklade TESMA®, en applikation som ger ett intelligent gränssnitt mellan kommersiella och tekniska sfärer. Ett stort antal avdelningar i ditt företag kan dra nytta av det. TESMA® tillhandahåller en central databas för all viktig affärsinformation och gör den tillgänglig i realtid. Och det skapar öppenhet. Oavsett om det gäller skrivare, smartphones, bärbara datorer eller till och med gaffeltruckar behöver du en komplett och konsekvent lösning för att hantera din utrustning effektivt. TESMA® ger support för alla faser i produktlivscykeln i realtid. Programvaran möjliggör flexibel administration, ekonomisk kontroll och noggrann rapportering för all utrustning och är ett värdefullt beslutsfattande verktyg för din dagliga teknikhantering. TESMA® förbättrar också processeffektivitet inom organisationer, vilket innebär att besparingar på dina totala processkostnader är given. TESMA® ger er full överblick över all ekonomisk och teknisk information under utrustningens hela livscykel – från förberedelser och driftsättning till hämtning och säker dataradering. Vi utför inte bara säker radering av data enligt certifierade metoder. Vi utför även regelbundna säkerhetstester på TESMA®. TESMA® har den högsta säkerhetsklassificeringen för webbservrar: A+. Fördelarna är uppenbara – med TESMA-appen (Android och iOS) kan du sköta administrationen av utrustningen med din mobiltelefon. Med mobilens kamera eller en mobilansluten scanner kan du läsa in enheternas serienummer och registrera dem automatiskt. Alla uppgifter sparas i en databas som uppdateras löpande. TESMA® förser er med viktig information om den tekniska infrastruktur och de enheter som används på företaget, såsom enhetskonfigurationer och användningsmönster. Programmet genererar även ekonomiska rapporter som underlättar planeringen av budget, förbrukning och kapacitet. När utrustningens tekniska livslängd närmar sig slutet visar systemet information om dess status och användningstid samt om när utrustningen ska avinstalleras och bortforslas. TESMA® omfattar även processen för dataradering av IT-enheter, vilket utförs vid våra teknik- och servicecenter. TESMA® ger er full överblick över och underlättar administrationen av er tekniska utrustning, oavsett om det gäller inköp, ekonomistyrning, redovisning eller IT.För den prismedvetne ekonomichefen erbjuder TESMA® en enkel och okomplicerad metod för kostnadskontroll, inklusive kostnadsallokering till enskilda kostnadsställen . IT-chefer får full överblick över samtliga enheter och kan enkelt se var de är placerade, kostnadsställe, etc. De vet alltid vilken utrustning som har beställts, levererats och installerats samt vilken utrustning som fortfarande finns i lager. TESMA® underlättar även inköpsprocessen och fungerar som inköpscentral för beställningar online med kundanpassade rutiner och tydliga godkännandeprocesser. Även andra leverantörers webbutiker kan integreras på ett enkelt sätt. Vid leverans kan serienumren skannas in och produkterna registreras. Ni slipper att stämma av produktlistor manuellt och all information blir omedelbart tillgänglig för andra användare. TESMA® delar de uppgifter som registreras med dina egna system och gör dem tillgängliga för vidare bearbetning. En rad olika gränssnitt möjliggör enkel integrering av tredjepartssystem, så oavsett om du exporterar eller importerar är det enkelt och problemfritt att dela data. Vi utvecklar kontinuerligt TESMA® för att göra det ännu enklare för dig att hantera din teknik effektivt. Fördelen för dig är att du får tillgång till ett program som alltid är uppdaterat och mycket användarvänligt. Effektivitet på en helt ny nivå. Med hjälp av TESMA® kan ni enkelt och effektivt administrera er tekniska utrustning i ett och samma system. All ekonomisk och teknisk information är integrerad. ...så berättar vi mer om fördelarna med asset management-systemet TESMA®. TESMA® eFlyer - English TESMA® Onepager - English IT-avdelningarna på dagens företag är ofta överbelastade och för en kamp mot klockan på grund av ständigt nya krav och att nya typer av enheter tillkommer med allt kortare intervall. Under sådana omständigheter kan det vara svårt att hinna med att hantera infrastrukturen på ett effektivt sätt. CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper er att administrera IT-utrustningen och hålla kostnaderna nere under utrustningens hela livscykel. Vi förser er med alla verktyg ni behöver, så att ni kan fokusera på att utveckla företaget. Med mer än 15 års erfarenhet är vi din ideala partner för dataradering, renovering och remarketing. Vår kunniga personal vid våra teknik- och servicecenter hanterar över 500 000 enheter varje år. Enterprise Mobile Solutions är en heltäckande tjänst för hantering av företagets mobiltelefoner. Vi hjälper er hela vägen, från inköp och administration av abonnemang till säker radering av uttjänta enheter.   TESMA®: Här hittar du mer information om asset management-systemet TESMA® li|menu not loaded Spara tid och kostnader genom automatiserad registrering av enheter, serienummer och annan enhetsspecifik information, inklusive allokering till order Automatiska statusändringar och snabb uppdatering av information, till exempel när en enhet byts ut på arbetsplatsen Full överblick över handläggningstider och servicenivåer Mindre fel på grund av manuell inmatning av serienummer och inget behov av krångliga Excel-listor etc. Mindre tid behöver ägnas åt att administrera utrustning. Appen är fullt integrerad med TESMA®-systemet, vilket ger er full överblick av alla enheter i realtid administration av stora mängder teknisk utrustning kostnadsallokering ekonomistyrning och kontroller hantering av diversifierade organisationer med ett stort antal nationella och/eller internationella avdelningar planering av och kontroll över teknikportföljer integration av teknisk och finansiell information CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|TESMA®: DET BÄSTA AV TVÅ VÄRLDAR h2|ÖVERSIKT, KLARHET, VISION Håll koll på utrustningen med TESMA®-appen DET BÄSTA AV TVÅ VÄRLDAR Många utmaningar, en lösning: TESMA® TESMA® i korthet Kontakta oss idag Ladda ner Mer läsning! h3|Choose your region stöd för alla faser Lätt att använda och alltid uppdaterade uppgifter online CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB MINIMERA KOSTNADERNA EXPERTSERVICE FÖR ER UTRUSTNING Det nya sättet att handla mobiltelefoner Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|FÖRDELAR INFORMATIONSSTÖD PÅ ALLA NIVÅER TESMA® är lösningen på en lång rad av administrativa utmaningar: h5|IT TEKNIK- OCH SERVICECENTER EMS h6|ASSET MANAGEMENT-SYSTEMET sp|                                      pdf, 4 MB   PDF, 507 KB     pa|Från att Jürgen Gelf grundade CHG i all blygsamhet i övre Schwaben i södra Tyskland 1979 har CHG utvecklats till en 40 år lång framgångssaga. Och historien fortsätter. Jürgen Gelf grundar företaget CHG Computer-Handels-Gesellschaft mbH i den lilla orten Berg, 5 km norr om Ravensburg. CHG hjälper sina kunder att migrera från stordatorer till decentraliserade servrar och datorer. Genom en kombination av organisk tillväxt och förvärv utökas verksamheten till att omfatta hela Tyskland. Företaget har expanderat internationellt sedan år 2000. CHG MERIDIAN börjar erbjuda asset management-tjänster till industri- och vårdsektorn. CHG MERIDIAN blir det första företaget i Tyskland som erhåller certifiering från TÜV för sina metoder för säker dataradering. CHG MERIDIAN erbjuder sina kunder en standardiserad, miljövänlig och hållbar tjänst för återanvändning av begagnad IT-hårdvara, inriktad på remarketing. CHG MERIDIAN bedriver verksamhet i 25 länder världen över. Genom konceptet "den moderna arbetsplatsen" banar CHG MERIDIAN väg för det papperslösa kontoret och digitalisering av såväl interna som externa processer. År 1979 började programmeraren Jürgen Gelf sälja begagnade stordatorer. Tack vare sina ingående kunskaper om datorer och marknaden lyckades han snabbt omsätta produkterna och började snart även erbjuda kunderna att leasa dem. Vid den här tiden var leasing ett förhållandevis nytt koncept i Tyskland, men det blev snart CHG:s kärnverksamhet. I slutet av 1980-talet genomgick datorbranschen ett teknikskifte: stordatorer började ersättas av persondatorer. CHG anpassade verksamheten till de nya kraven och hjälpte kunderna med övergången till den nya tekniken. Jürgen Mossakowski tillsattes som CEO och under åren som följde utökade företaget sitt utbud och började erbjuda konsulttjänster och servicetjänster, bland annat installations- och underhållstjänster. I mitten av 1990-talet växte CHG snabbt genom flera förvärv. Företaget omstrukturerades, bytte namn till CHG-MERIDIAN AG och utvecklades från att vara en regional leverantör till att bli rikstäckande med hela Tyskland som marknad. År 2000 inleddes företagets internationella expansion och dotterbolag etablerades i Storbritannien och Österrike. I snabb takt öppnades sedan dotterbolag i USA, Irland, Frankrike, Belgien, Schweiz, Italien, Spanien, Ryssland, Sverige, Norge och Danmark. År 2018 öppnade CHG-MERIDIAN kontor i Australien och Nya Zeeland och koncernen bedriver nu verksamhet i 25 länder. År 2004 utökades koncernens verksamhet, som tidigare varit fokuserad på IT-sektorn, till att även omfatta medicinsk utrustning och produktionsutrustning inom industrin – till exempel monteringslinjer för biltillverkning. Efter mer än 18 år som CEO väljs Jürgen Mossakowski år 2017 in i koncernens styrelse. Han efterträds av Dr. Mathias Wagner. Frank Kottman ansvarar för koncernens globala försäljningsaktiviteter. Oliver Schorer ansvarar för den nyligen inrättade avdelningen IT och tjänster, och Ulrich Bergmann är CFO. Jürgen Gelf grundade CHG Computer-Handels-Gesellschaft mbH den 2 mars, 1979. År 1982 bytte företaget namn till "CHG Computer Leasing- und Handels-Gesellschaft mbH", och "Handels-Gesellschaft" ströks helt från namnet 1992 när företaget blev "CHG Computer Leasing GmbH". Efter förvärvet av det Wiesbaden-baserade företaget FGM-MERIDIAN år 1996 fusionerades de två företagen och antog namnet till CHG-MERIDIAN Computer Leasing Gesellschaft mbH, som ett år senare blev CHG-MERIDIAN Deutsche Computer Leasing AG. Sedan 2012 har företagets namn varit CHG‑MERIDIAN AG. År 1999 lanserade CHG‑MERIDIAN sitt första egenutvecklade asset management-system. 2004 utökades systemet och fick namnet TESMA® Online. TESMA® står för "technology and service management" och är ett webbaserat verktyg för planering och administration av teknisk utrustning. Den senaste versionen av TESMA® lanserades 2016. CHG-MERIDIANs ursprungliga affärsidé var att återanvända begagnade datorer. Med tanke på den stora ökningen av antalet datorer sedan 1990-talet har denna idé fått allt större betydelse. År 2000 öppnade CHG-MERIDIAN ett eget mäklar- och logistikcenter i Mörfelden söder om Frankfurt. Här renoverar CHG-MERIDIAN teknisk utrustning som tidigare leasats ut och säljer den vidare. År 2010 flyttades teknik- och servicecentret till Gross-Gerau och 2013 öppnades ytterligare ett center i Skien i Norge. Båda dessa avdelningar är specialiserade på radering av data, även känslig sådan, och metoden som används är certifierad. Sedan 2014 har CHG-MERIDIAN erbjudit sina kunder en standardiserad, miljövänlig och hållbar tjänst för återanvändning av begagnad IT-hårdvara, inriktad på remarketing. Den lilla verksamhet som började i ett rum i Jurgen Gelfs hem har med åren utvecklats till en global koncern med ett imponerande huvudkontor. År 2003 flyttade CHG-MERIDIAN i den nya byggnaden som ligger i Weingarten nära Ravensburg. Här finns kontorsplatser för 270 medarbetare. En utbyggnad med ytterligare 250 arbetsplatser invigdes i maj 2016. Att utvecklas och växa med uppgiften är en del av vårt DNA – och vi gör det tillsammans med våra kunder. Men vi glömmer aldrig vårt ursprung och vart vi är på väg.             Nya utrymmen  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|HUR ALLT BÖRJADE h2|Kontinuerlig tillväxt sedan 1979 CHG-MERIDIAN skapar nytt rum för ytterligare tillväxt h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|1979 FÖRETAGET GRUNDAS 1992 TEKNIKSKIFTE 1994 EXPANSIONSSTRATEGI 2004 NYA TEKNIKOMRÅDEN 2006 TÜV-CERTIFIERING 2014 ÅTERANVÄNDNINGSTJÄNSTEN LANSERAS 2018 GLOBAL EXPANSION MED INRIKTNING MOT DIGITALISERING OCH TJÄNSTER Vårt namn: CHG-MERIDIAN Kärnkompetens: tjänster och teknik Från begagnadmarknad till ett standardiserat återanvändningskoncept Ett växande företag h6|VÅR HISTORIA sp|                                  Image 1 / 9 Image 2 / 9 Image 3 / 9 Image 4 / 9 Image 5 / 9 Image 6 / 9 Image 7 / 9 Image 8 / 9 Image 9 / 9 pa|Teknikinvesteringar, finansiering, hållbarhet, IT-säkerhet... Att fatta rätt beslut när det gäller inköp och hantering av IT-utrustning kan kännas krångligt och väcker säkert flera frågor. Här kan du fördjupa dig inom allt som innefattar IT, cirkulär ekonomi, branchtrender samt ta del av nyheter om CHG-MERIDIAN. Corona-krisen har blottat brister i företagens digitala omvandling då de ställts inför utmaningen att möjliggöra mobila arbetsplatser från en dag till den andra. Det är nu tydligt att se vad mer som måste göras för att optimera den digitala arbetsplatsen hos företagen. Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. För att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt och optimera den på lång sikt tror vi att det finns tre faktorer som lyckat distansarbete är beroende av: tekniken, plattformen och de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Ta reda på vad den teknologiska faktorn handlar om här. Dataplattformar tillåter oss att organisera och strukturera översvämningen av digital information på ett förnuftigt sätt när vi arbetar på distans. De gör det också möjligt för oss att arbeta i virtuella team över gränserna. Vart vi än befinner oss. Ta reda på vad dataplattformar handlar om. Många företag kämpar med att införa en digital arbetsplats. Tekniken och processerna som används är ofta avancerade – och det blir tydligt hur viktigt det är att få de anställda ombord när det gäller en digital arbetskultur. Följande artikel belyser den nyckelroll som de anställda spelar i alla digitaliseringsstrategier. Vårt samhälle har levt bortom sina resurser i årtionden. Huruvida coronapandemin kommer att övertala oss att använda resurser mer ansvarsfullt och gå bort från det linjära systemet beror till viss del på hur kostnadseffektiva alternativen är. Datorprestanda, digitala plattformar, mjukvara och applikationer kan redan köpas in som tjänster - så varför inte komplettera med hela arbetsplatsen? Upptäck vilka fördelar arbetsplatsen som en tjänst (WaaS) kan ha för ditt företag. Många IT-avdelningar kick på knäna i mitten av mars 2020, då hela arbetskraften plötsligt behövde börja arbeta hemifrån. Sedan dess har det blivit klart att detta inte är en tillfällig omställning med tillfälliga lösningar, utan början på en längre resa - även när det gäller teknik. Smartphones and laptops have already become the norm at home. Yet many people find themselves stuck in an analog world at work, despite the fact that setting up a digital workplace is not that difficult with a little preparation and planning. Don't run any unnecessary risks when it comes to remarketing or disposing of decommissioned IT equipment. Find out how cost-effective and permanent data erasure works. Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company. “We regard the digital workplace as a holistic system that adds significant value in all areas of your company that work with IT.” Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales Det är nästan omöjligt att beräkna de totala kostnaderna för IT för en enda arbetsplats med hjälp av konventionella upphandlings- och användningsmodeller. Men de senaste digitala arbetsplatskoncepten kan hjälpa er med att ge transparens. If you are planning a new IT infrastructure, the first question you will ask yourself, as the CFO, is whether the investment will pay off. Technical and commercial management need to work hand in hand if companies are to benefit from the digital workplace too. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. Below, we showcase four viewpoints on e-health and examine the extent to which they share a common goal. We will show you how the right strategy can increase your efficiency and make the Digital Workplace the core of your digitization strategy. We show you how the latest technology can help you to use your working time most effectively. A study shows that the majority of employees want to take advantage of mobile working, but companies are yet to catch on to this trend. With great team spirit, they really hustled to collect donations for charitable causes in 2018. Florian Orth, livscykelexpert på CHG-MERIDIAN, tipsar om hur ett företag kan nå större flexibilitet och lägre totala ägandekostnader (TCO) vid tillverkning. Frank Schöneberg, Head of Public Sector Sales Germany at CHG-MERIDIAN, expands on his many years of experience working with public-sector clients. Peter Krause, Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany at CHG-MERIDIAN, talks about data protection in the healthcare sector and the requirements for data erasure. Joachim Schulz presents five factors that are crucial in overcoming these obstacles. Oliver Schorer speaks about digital transformation and how companies can deliver it successfully. Digitalization is a leading topic of discussion in the public sector. But what might modernization and digital transformation measures actually look like in practice? Corporate social responsibility is firmly enshrined in CHG-MERIDIAN’s corporate philosophy. CHG-MERIDIAN is growing fast – and is doing so around the world. We are always on the lookout for ambitious individuals to join us. Data protection should be viewed as part of an end-to-end solution, not in isolation. Dr. Mathias Wagner, Chairman of the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN, looks back on 2017 and gives an optimistic outlook for the future. Declan McGlone, Vice President Finance UK/Ireland, talks in an interview about business development in the UK and Ireland Being able to reliably protect sensitive company data at the end of an asset’s useful life is vital in the digital era. Why the financing must match the business, and not vice versa Everyone is talking about data protection at the moment. It is a particularly important issue when it comes to modern printers, MFPs, and copiers. An illustrative calculation from the automotive industry for pay-per-use models How intelligent financing models can satisfy wide-ranging interests Oliver Schorer (CIO) shows five areas that German companies need to consider. Using pay-per-patient models to manage investment risks in healthcare technology We will show you how to implement innovative projects cost-effectively. Why the CIO and CFO are stuck in the same boat when it comes to TCO calculations, and how only an independent expert can help. How pay-per-patient models can help to preserve liquidity Every company is familiar with unit cost accounting. Why financing per item makes sense too. The digital revolution is only slowly taking hold in German society. Nevertheless, there is already an urgent need for companies to invest. IT procurement is different from purchasing consumables. Ralf Behrning clarifies what really matters. Companies are not yet enabling them to participate sufficiently in the digital revolution. A lot of potential remains untapped. CHG-MERIDIAN's employees apply themselves with as much vigor to good causes as they do to their work. Oliver Schorer, (CIO) and member of the Board of Management at CHG-MERIDIAN, talks about customized and fully automated business concepts As an innovative technology manager with decades of experience, CHG-MERIDIAN creates maximum cost transparency, identifies potential savings – and achieves these savings. By taking out a €75 million bonded loan in August 2017, CHG-MERIDIAN has successfully completed its fifth transaction in this segment since 2013. Peter Krause, talks about the importance of well-interlinked medical technology and IT and explains how they can be used to achieve high patient satisfaction in spite of economic challenges. In our latest white paper, we demonstrate how hospitals can deliver the digital transformation toward Health 4.0 through long-term investment in technology and employees, and remain well equipped to face the challenges of the future. This is what gives you the reassurance that your investment will really pay off over the course of a project. We will show you where you have potential savings and how you can achieve these savings. We will show you which financing model is the best fit for your capital expenditure project. As an independent provider with decades of experience financing entire projects, CHG-MERIDIAN is familiar with global taxation and legal systems. We will show you what financing hurdles to look out for.   Insikter Här kan du fördjupa dig inom allt som innefattar IT, cirkulär ekonomi, branchtrender samt ta del av nyheter om CHG-MERIDIAN li|menu not loaded h1|Nyheter och artiklar h2|Nyheter och Artiklar h3|Choose your region Hur coronaviruset påskyndar digitaliseringen DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Teknologiska faktorn Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Den digitala plattformen Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Rätt mindset Ett meddelande till näringslivet Dags att överväga leasing istället för att köpa? Distansarbete är det nya normala How to plan a successful IT rollout for your digital workplace Data erasure the right way Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying? Reap the benefits of digital workplace innovations for your business 3 TIPS: Få kontroll över de totala kostnaderna Escape the TCO trap Optimal design and efficient management of the modern workplace Invest in technology without busting the budget Is e-health just for technology enthusiasts? Four viewpoints – one goal? In 6 steps to the digital workplace The future of work is more flexible – and more productive Companies still have plenty to do when it comes to the digital workplace Employees get involved in sports for a good cause Öka flexibiliteten, minska de totala kostnaderna Working toward Administration 4.0 using digital expertise and a digital concept Balancing e-health, data protection, and data security AI, IoT, and hybrid IT require entirely new financing methods Paving the way for digital transformation Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential Employees and employer working hand in hand to help people in need An excellent start to a career Data protection along the entire lifecycle The signs are good Brexit notwithstanding: Excellent prospects across the board Where printers are concerned, deleted doesn’t always mean deleted What makes a financing concept intelligent? Here are five thoughts. Three good reasons why you shouldn't neglect erasing data from printers Managing growth and costs efficiently: pay-per-part and pay-by-the-hour Thinking outside the box when it comes to financing What German companies need to do to make the mobile workplace a reality Calculating backward – thinking ahead Intelligent financing concepts pave the way for more innovation Five thoughts on total cost of ownership An end to high up-front costs Five good reasons in favor of pay per use models How important are digital skills in healthcare? “Just buying cheaply isn't enough” Action needed on the digital workspace Employees get involved in community-based causes Intelligent mobile working: Mobile workspace 4.0 TCO provides a better overview “An integral part of our funding portfolio” Improving patient wellbeing through efficient medical technology management Lack of investment puts the brakes on digitalisation Lifecycle Management for greater cost effectiveness Pay per use models create greater transparancy Pay per use models create greater planning certainty A cross-border financing solution Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Att se krisen som en möjlighet Exempel från verkligheten Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Earth Overshoot Day 2020 Digital Workplace Utifrån IT-chefers perspektiv Rolling out the digital workplace Old IT equipment can be a risk factor Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace CARE: Rewarding in all respects Användnarlösningar för industriell infrastruktur Mastering digital transformation Certified data erasure by CHG-MERIDIAN STRATEGY ENTERPRISE MOBILITY SUMMIT 2018 Public Sector 4.0 2018 CORPORATE REPORT 2018 CORPORATE REPORT OPS data security 2018 CORPORATE REPORT 2018 CORPORATE REPORT OPS data security FINANCING SHOULD BE INTELLIGENT, NOT RIGID. OPS data security UNIT COSTS INSTEAD OF BLOCK OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE A QUICK WORD WITH WAYNE FOWKES ON THE TOPIC OF INTELLIGENT FINANCING MOBILE WORKING IN GERMANY LOW COST – HIGH BENEFIT INTELLIGENT FINANCIAL ENGINEERING, OPTIMUM ACCOUNTING IS TCO IMPORTANT? YES. IS IT STRAIGHTFORWARD? NO. SOARING COSTS UNDER CONTROL WHY PAY PER USE? FINDINGS OF THE D21-DIGITAL-INDEX 2017/2018 A QUICK WORD WITH RALF BEHRNING ON THE TOPIC OF TCO D21-DIGITAL-INDEX FOR 2017/2018 CARE INITIATIVES FOR 2017 IT Director Interview COST MANAGEMENT TAKEN ONE STEP FURTHER Interview Investor Relations Financially strong for the future Health 4.0 Long-term thinking, quick savings TECHNOLOGY FOR EXAMINING TREATMENT COSTS ENABLING CAPITAL EXPENDITURE WITH ‘PAY PER ENGINE HOOD’ BILLING INTERNATIONAL THINKING; INTELLIGENT FINANCING h6|Insikter sp|                                                                                         pa|IT-avdelningarna på dagens företag är ofta överbelastade och för en kamp mot klockan på grund av ständigt nya krav och att nya typer av enheter tillkommer med allt kortare intervall. Under sådana omständigheter kan det vara svårt att hinna med att hantera infrastrukturen på ett effektivt sätt. CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper er att administrera IT-utrustningen och hålla kostnaderna nere under utrustningens hela livscykel. Vi förser er med alla verktyg ni behöver, så att ni kan fokusera på att utveckla företaget. CHG-MERIDIAN erbjuder heltäckande tjänster för inköp och administration av avancerade IT-lösningar för privata företag och verksamheter inom den offentliga sektorn. Tillsammans med er tar vi fram ett anpassat koncept så att ni på ett effektivt sätt kan hantera företagets IT-investeringar under utrustningens hela livslängd. Det kan till exempel handla om IT-utrustning för kontoret, mobiltelefoner för medarbetarna, kundanpassad programvara eller säker radering av data när gammal utrustning ska bytas ut. Våra lösningar bygger på vår expertis inom teknik och ekonomi och är utvecklade för att underlätta hanteringen av er IT-utrustning. Antalet IT-enheter ökar för varje år och produkternas livslängd är vanligtvis kort. Detta leder till att kostnaden för service och support av gammal utrustning blir mycket hög och till och med kan överskrida inköpskostnaden. På sikt är det därför bättre att uppgradera tekniken regelbundet.CHG-MERIDIAN tar med samtliga kostnader under utrustningens hela livscykel i beräkningen, inklusive alla interna och externa kostnader för drift, service och remarketing. Som en oberoende leverantör med stor erfarenhet av resursförvaltning kan vi erbjuda er bästa möjliga effektivitet och en smidig drift under produkternas hela livslängd. Ni kommer att dra nytta av maximal flexibilitet och det är ni som anger villkoren i avtalet. Our lifecycle model illustrates how CHG-MERIDIAN successfully supports you in every phase of your technology project. Enterprise Mobile Solutions är en heltäckande tjänst för hantering av företagets mobiltelefoner. Vi hjälper er hela vägen, från inköp och administration av abonnemang till säker radering av uttjänta enheter. Vi erbjuder en lösning som ger er en total överblick över er hårdvara, avtalstider, finansiell data, vem som har vilken enhet och vart den är allokerad. Helt enkelt ett smartare sätt att hantera alla mobiltelefoner på företaget.   Your personal contact  LIVSCYKELMODELLEN Inget teknikprojekt är det andra likt, men med vår beprövade 3-stegsmodell kan vi göra saker och ting lättare för er. Modellen utgör grunden för vår expertsupport under IT-utrustningens hela livscykel. 3-STEGSMODELLEN Med vår 3-stegsmodell står vi bakom er hela vägen från start till mål – under teknikprojektets alla faser. FÖRBEREDELSEFASEN I ett heltäckande teknikprojekt måste alla delar fungera tillsammans. Vi analyserar ert projekt noggrant och bistår med rådgivning under hela planeringsarbetet. DRIFTSFASEN För en effektiv drift krävs att alla resurser utnyttjas på rätt sätt. Er kontaktperson hos oss hjälper er med alla ärenden, såväl tekniska som affärsmässiga. Full support under hela leasingperioden – från en och samma leverantör. SLUTFASEN Det finns mycket att vinna på att ha genomtänkta rutiner på plats för utrangerad utrustning. Vi hjälper till med allt från hämtning till säker radering av data. Våra tjänster för remarketing och kassering av utrustning bygger på konceptet "grön IT". TESMA® Asset Management-systemet TESMA® utgör kärnan i vår livscykelmodell och ger er löpande överblick av samtliga ekonomiska och tekniska aspekter. Med andra ord har ni tillgång till alla viktiga uppgifter om utrustningen i realtid Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded Vi erbjuder flexibla och anpassade finansieringslösningar som inte belastar balansräkningen. Ni kan till exempel välja användningsbaserad betalning, där inköpskostnaden fördelas över hela livslängden och faktureras per användning. Eller enkelt uttryckt: en månadsavgift per arbetsplats. Detta underlättar kostnadsfördelningen betydligt och ni får full avkastning på investeringen från dag ett.   Oberoende analys och undersökning av IT-miljön Planering av medarbetarnas användning och kostnadsbesparingar Långsiktig inköpsstrategi Standardisering och automatisering av inköpsprocessen Själbetjäningsportal Projektledning Koordinering och dokumentation av driftsättningen på alla platser Användningsklara installationer Utbyte av enheter och personanpassning av ersättningsenheter (nästa arbetsdag) Reparationstjänster Administration av alla enheter Riskminimering och försäkringar Användningsbaserad betalning Kostnadsallokering Leasing med flexibla prismodeller Optimering av kapacitet och kostnader All data som kan kopplas till den tidigare ägaren raderas. Kundanpassade metoder enligt säkerhetskrav och typ av utrustning. Säker dataradering enligt metoder certifierade av Norges nationella säkerhetsmyndighet (NSM). Ger er full överblick över alla ekonomiska och tekniska aspekter under utrustningens hela tekniska livslängd Ett system för all data CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Konsekvent och sofistikerad hantering Smart finansiering Långsiktig planering, snabb besparing h1|MINIMERA KOSTNADERNA MED KUNDEN I FOKUS NOGGRANNA FÖRBEREDELSER ÄR NYCKELN EFFEKTIV OCH AVBROTTSFRI DRIFT MILJÖVÄNLIG REMARKETING-PROCESS EFFEKTIV HANTERING AV KOMPLEXA TEKNIKMILJÖER h2|Effektiv hantering och användning av IT ALLT KRETSAR KRING ER FRAMGÅNG VÅRA LÖSNINGAR Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region RÅDGIVNING INKÖP DRIFTSÄTTNING SUPPORT FINANSIELLA TJÄNSTER Radering av data Med våra tjänster inom finansiell rådgivning och asset management tar vi hand om dina teknikinvesteringar – kontinuerligt, effektivt och flexibelt. DET NYA SÄTTET ATT HANDLA MOBILTELEFONER DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN KRÄVER EN INTEGRERAD STRATEGI Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|IT-ANALYS INKÖPSPROCESSEN DRIFTSÄTTNING OCH VÄGLEDNING SERVICE DESK ASSET CARE BEHOVSANPASSAD FINANSIERING SÄKER RADERING AV DATA TESMA® h6|IT sp|                                   Gå till Gå till Leave lifecycle     pa|CHG-MERIDIAN AG, represented by the chairman of the board of management, Dr. Mathias Wagner, is the provider of, and therefore responsible for, the commercial and business related online offering. Information according to § 2 para. 1 Ordinance on Service Provider’s Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV) This online offering is information provided by: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany E-Mail: Web: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the supervisory board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the board: Dr. Mathias Wagner Board: Frank Kottmann, Joachim Schulz, Oliver Schorer Registry court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax office: Weingarten Sales tax identification number: DE 146349520 Court of jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) Graurheindorfer Straße 108 53117 Bonn Germany Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Weingarten Matthias Steybe, E-Mail: Frank Schreiber, E-Mail: design hoch drei Glockenstraße 36 70376 Stuttgart E-Mail: Web: 3q5 Corporate Digital Agency Karlstraße 47 80333 München E-Mail: Web: A brand of EQS Group AG Web: CHG-MERIDIAN AG can at its own discretion and without assumption of liability, change or end this online offering wholly or in part at any time and without notice. By posting a link to third party online offering ("Hyperlinks"), the CHG-MERIDIAN AG does not accept ownership of either the online offering or its contents. All rights are reserved. Text, pictures and graphics, as well as their arrangement in the online offering are subject to copyright protection and other protective legislation. The contents of this online offering may not be copied, disseminated or changed for commercial purposes or made accessible to third parties. Jehle / Will Fotodesign Still Miracle Photography Adam Wiseman Nathan Santos Christian Lord Otto Patrick Dopfer getty images istock fotolia shutterstock F1 online masterfile Note about the return of batteries according to §12 BatterieVO: CHG-MERIDIAN AG is obliged in accordance with the battery regulation, to inform the user of the following in connection with the sale of batteries or rechargeable batteries, or with the supply of devices which contain batteries or rechargeable batteries: Batterie must not be disposed of in household waste. The user, as end-user, is legally obliged to return empty batteries. The user can return batteries after use to the point of sale or its immediate vicinity (e.g. in municipal collection points or shops) free of charge. The user also has the choice of returning the batteries by post. The user can approach his installation company for returns. Batteries or rechargeable batteries which contain pollutants are marked with a symbol of a crossed-out dustbin. The chemical name of the pollutant can be found close to the dustbin symbol. Explanation: Cd stands for Cadmium, Pb for lead and Hg for mercury. For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in this document. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders. Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich – Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich – We, CHG-MERIDIAN AG, are responsible for this online offering and, as the provider of a teleservice, must inform you at the beginning of your visit to our online offering, about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data in a precise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible way in clear and simple language. The contents of the information must be retrievable for you at all times. We are therefore obliged to inform you about which personal data will be collected or used. Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is described as personal data. We place great value on the security of your data and compliance with the data protection regulations. The collection, processing and use of personal data is subject to the regulations of the European and national laws currently in force We would like to show you in the following data protection declaration how we handle your personal data and how you can make contact with us: Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany E-Mail: Web: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the supervisory board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the board: Dr. Mathias Wagner Board: Frank Kottmann, Joachim Schulz, Oliver Schorer Registry court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax office: Weingarten Sales tax identification number: DE 146349520 0 Court of jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) If you have questions, you can contact our data protection officer as follows: Frank Schreiber, E-Mail: For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in our data protection declaration. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders. The meaning of the terminology used, for example ‘personal data’ or its ‘processing’ can be taken from Article 4 of the EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The users’ personal data processed in the context of this online offering, includes inventory data (e.g. client’s name and address), contract data (e.g. services used, name of person responsible, payment information), usage data (e.g. Websites of our online offering visited, interest in our products) and content data (e.g. input into the contact form). ‘User’ includes all categories of persons affected by the data processing. These include, for example, our business partners, customers, interested parties and other visitors to our online offering. We guarantee that we only collect, process, store and use your incoming data in connection with the processing of your request, as well as for internal purposes and providing the services that you have requested or to make content available. We process the user’s personal data only in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. The user’s data are only processed when the following statutory permission exists: We would like to show you where the main legal grounds are regulated in the GDPR: Consent - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. and Art. 7 GDPR Processing to deliver our contractual performance and carrying out contractual measures - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR Processing to fulfil our legal obligations - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c. GDPR Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR . Third countries are countries in which the GDPR is not a directly applicable law. This basically includes all countries outside the EU, respectively, the European Economic Area. A transfer of data to a third country or an international organization takes place. Hereby the EU commission’s decision on adequacy is taken into account. This says that a secure third country or a secure international organization in concerned, which offers an adequate level of protection. We adhere to the principles of data economy and data avoidance. This means the data made available to us is only retained as long as it is needed to fulfil the previously named purposes or as laid down by the manifold storage periods provided for by the legislator. If the relevant purpose no longer exists, respectively after expiry of the appropriate period, your data is routinely blocked, respectively erased, in accordance with the statutory provisions We have developed a company-internal concept to guarantee this procedure. If you make contact with us by email or through the contact form, you consent to electronic communication. Personal data will be collected in the context of contacting us. Which data is collected in the case of a contact form, can be seen on the respective contact form. Your data are transmitted with SSL encryption. The statements which you make will be stored exclusively for the purpose of processing your inquiry and for possible follow-up questions. We would like to tell you the legal grounds: Processing to fulfil our performance and carry out contractual measures - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR We would like to advise you that emails can be read or changed, unnoticed and without authorization, during transmission. We would also like to bring to your attention that we use software to filter unwanted emails (spam filter). Emails can be rejected by the spam filter if they are wrongly identified as spam due to the presence of certain characteristics. The state representative for data protection and freedom of information, Baden-Württemberg Postal address: Postfach 10 29 32, D-70025 Stuttgart Building address: Königstraße 10a, D-70173 Stuttgart Telephone +49 711 615541–0 Fax: +49 711 615541–15 E-Mail: Web: You can open the complaint form through the following link: We take state of the art contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of the data protection laws and therefore, to protect the data which we process against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. In particular, our security measures include the encrypted transfer of data between your browser and our server. 256-bit-SSL (AES 256) encryption technology is used for this. This includes our IP address. The security measures employed are continually improved in accordance with technical development. Despite these precautions, because of the insecure nature of the internet, we are unable to guarantee the security of your data transfers to our online offering. For this reason, all data transfers from you to our online offering are made at your own risk. Persons who are under 16, are not allowed to provide us with their personal information without the express consent of the person having parental responsibility, unless they have reached the age of 16 or are older. These data will be processed in accordance with our data protection declaration. We use cookies. Cookies are small text files which are stored locally in the internet browser’s cache. Cookies enable the internet browser to be recognized. The files are used to help the browser navigate through the internet offering and use all functions to their full extent. Our internet offering uses: Browser cookies Browser cookies: All browsers can be set so that cookies are only accepted upon request. Also, per set-up, cookies can only be accepted for sites which are currently being visited. All browsers offer functions which make the selective deletion of cookies possible. The acceptance of cookies can also be deactivated generally, however in that case, limitations in the online offering’s user friendliness must be accepted. Cookies are managed by our internet offer’s website. The internet offering uses Transient cookies/Session cookies (single use) Life spam: Until the online offer is closed Every browser offers the option of limiting or deleting cookies. Further information about this can be obtained from the following websites: We use the services of etracker GmbH from Hamburg, Germany ( ) on this website, to analyze usage data. For this, cookies are used to make a statistical analysis of the visitors’ use of this website possible and to display use-related content and advertising. Cookies are small text files which are stored on the user’s end device by the internet browser. etracker cookies do not contain any information which would allow a user to be identified. The data produced by etracker is processed and stored exclusively by etracker in Germany, by order of the provider of this website, and is subject to the strict German and European data protection legislation and standards. In this context, etracker has been independently tested, certified and awarded the data protection seal of quality. The data processing is carried out on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’ according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Our legitimate interest is the optimization of our online offering and our web presence. Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR Because our visitors’ privacy is very important to us, the IP addresses will be anonymized by etracker as soon as possible and the registration- or device identification transformed by etracker into a key which is unique but not assigned to a person. etracker does use data in other ways, combine it with other data or transmit it to third parties. You can object to the data processing described above at any time, to the extent that it takes place with personal data. Your objection has no negative consequences for you. Further information on data protection with etracker can be found . We use web beacon technology from VG Wort (METIS System). Web beacons are considered harmless in data protection legislation. The METIS web beacons are used to track the number of visitor numbers to various subpages of our website. We use Google Maps for the presentation of maps and the creation of route maps. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. By using this online offer, you consent to the collection, processing and use of the automatically collected data as well as the data which you input yourself (including the IP address) by Google, one of its representatives or a third-party provider. The conditions of use for Google Maps can be found under the following link: Comprehensive details about transparency and choices, as well as the data protection regulations, can be found in the data protection center of Functions of the YouTube service are integrated into our website for displaying and playing videos. This function is offered by YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 USA. Further information can be found in YouTube’s data protection guidelines. An extended data protection mode is used for this which, according to the provider, only begins to record user information when the video playback is started. If the playback of an embedded YouTube video is begun, YouTube uses cookies to collect information about user behavior. According to notes from YouTube, this is used to collect video statistics, improve user friendliness and prevent misuse, among other things. Independently from the playback of the embedded videos, a connection is created with the Google network “DoubleClick” each time our online offering is called up, which can lead to further data processing procedures without our influence. Further details about the use of cookies by YouTube can be found in YouTube’s data protection declaration: We use plugins from The operator is Vimeo LCC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA (“Vimeo”). When you call up such a plugin, a connection is made to the Vimeo servers and the plugin is displayed on the internet page through a message to your browser. This tells the Vimeo server which internet pages you have visited. If you are logged in as a Vimeo member, Vimeo relates this information to the platform’s respective user account. By using these plugins, for example by clicking the start button for a video or sending a comment, the information is related to the e.g. Vimeo user account, which you can only prevent by logging out before using the plugin. Information about the collection and use of data by the above-named platform, respectively plugins, can be found in the data protection note: We use the “XING Share-Button”. By calling up our online offering, a short-term connection to the XING AG (“XING”) servers is made over your browser, with which the “XING Share-Button” functions (especially calculation/display of meter readings) are produced. XING does not store any personal data about you from calling up this offering. In particular, XING does not store IP addresses. In addition, no evaluation of user behavior is made through cookies in connection with the “XING Share-Button” . The current data protection information about the “XING Share-Button” and complementary information, can be found under the following link: We use social plugins from the social network LinkedIn. LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“LinkedIn”). The LinkedIn plugins can be recognized by the LinkedIn logo or the “Share-Button” (“recommend”) on our online offering. When you visit our online offering, the plugin makes a direct connection between your browser and the LinkedIn server. LinkedIn receives the information that you have visited our online offer with your IP address. If you click the LinkedIn “Share-Button” while you are logged into your LinkedIn account, you can link the contents of our online offering to your LinkedIn profile. Thereby, LinkedIn can associate your visit to this online offer with your user account. The purpose and scope of the data collection and its further processing and use by Pinterest, as well as your rights in this connection and settings options for the protection of privacy, can be found in LinkedIn’s data protection notes: We reserve the right to adapt our data protection declaration occasionally, so that it always meets the current legal requirements or to implement changes in our services in the data protection declaration. This could apply e.g. to the introduction of new services. The new data protection declaration would then apply to your return visit. Each firm or trade mark named here is the property of the respective firm. The naming of brands and names is purely for informative purposes. The following applies to users who are residents of the Russian Federation: The services of our online offer listed above, are not intended for citizens of the Russian Federation who are resident in Russia. If you are a Russian citizen resident in Russia, you are expressly informed that all personal data that you make available to us over our internet offering, is exclusively at your own risk and on your own responsibility. You further agree that you will not hold us responsible for a possible breach of Russian Federation law. The CHG-MERIDIAN AG (CHG) is committed to process personal data responsibly and in compliance with the applicable data protection laws in all countries in which the company operates. This European Union (“EU”) Customer/Vendor Data Protection Notice (the “Notice”) describes the types of personal data CHG collects, how CHG uses that personal data, with whom the CHG shares your personal data, and the rights you, as a data subject, have regarding the CHG`s use of the personal data. This notice also describes the measures CHG takes to protect the security of the data and how you can contact us about our data protection practices. The CHG-entities responsible for the collection and use of your personal data (the Data Controllers) in your home country for the purposes described in this notice are: A Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) is designated. The DPO is involved in all issues related to the protection of your personal data. In particular, the DPO is in charge of monitoring and ensuring compliance with this notice and the applicable data protection laws. They will also provide advice on data protection matters upon request. For any clarification or additional information you may need in order to fully understand this Notice, please contact: CHG processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations and only for limited, explicit and legitimate purposes. CHG will not use personal data for any purpose that is incompatible with the original purpose for which it was collected unless you provide your prior explicit consent for further use. Personal data relating to customers/vendors may be processed for the purposes of: CHG ensures that our internal governance procedures clearly specify the reasons behind decisions to use personal data for alternative processing purposes. Prior to using your personal data for a purpose other than the one for which it was initially collected, you will be informed about such new purpose. The provision of personal data is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract with CHG or a requirement by law or regulation for the CHG to administer your customer/vendor relationship. The personal data processed is limited to the data necessary for carrying out the purpose for which such personal data is collected. Personal data processed includes the following: CHG will not collect personal data if such collection is prohibited under the applicable data protection laws. In no case will personal data revealing religious beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or concerning sex life be processed in the customer/vendor context. CHG will maintain personal data in a manner that ensures it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. CHG has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, such risk analysis includes an analysis of the risk of compromising the rights of the data subject, costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes for data processing. The measures include (i) encryption of personal data where applicable/appropriate; (ii) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of Processing systems and services; (iii) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and (iv) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing. CHG will only grant access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and such access will be limited to the personal data that is necessary to perform the function for which such access is granted. Authorization to access personal data will always be linked to the function so that no authorization will be extended to access personal data on a personal basis. Service providers will only receive personal data according to the purposes of the service agreement with the Company. International data transfers refer to transfers of personal data outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). The international footprint of CHG involves the transfer of personal data to and from other group companies or third parties, which may be located outside the EEA. CHG will ensure that when personal data is transferred to countries that have different standards of data protection, appropriate safeguards to adequately protect the personal data are implemented to secure such data transfers in compliance with applicable data protection laws. CHG has implemented Data Transfer agreements based on EU model clauses to cover international data transfers and a copy of these agreements can be obtained by contacting the DPO. CHG will not retain your Personal data for longer than is allowed under the applicable data protection laws and regulations or for longer that is justified for the purposes for which it was originally collected or otherwise processed, subject to applicable local retention requirements. Under applicable data protection laws, you will benefit from the following rights: This notice may be revised and amended from time to time and appropriate notice about any amendments will be given. CHG is allowed to adapt the text of this notice only in order to be compliant with local legislation by means of an addendum attached to this notice. In case of any discrepancies between this notice and a specific local addendum made in accordance with local law, the terms of the latter will prevail.   Your personal Contact  Combination masthead (Provider identification)  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us Frank Schreiber Group Regulatory Officer li|menu not loaded in order to deliver our contractual performance (e.g. Processing orders) and online services processing is required by law your consent is given on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization, and economic operation and security of our online offering in the sense of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR, in particular range measurement, production of profiles for advertising and marketing purposes, as well as the collection of access data and the use of services from third party providers) Right to information You have the right to obtain information about your stored data without charge. Upon request, we will tell you in writing, in accordance with current law, what personal data about you we have stored. This also includes the origin and recipient of your data as well as the purpose of the data processing. Right to rectification You have the right to have your data which is stored by us, corrected, if it is incorrect. You can demand a limitation to the processing of your personal data, e.g. if the accuracy of your personal data is contested. Right to blocking Furthermore, you can have your data blocked. So that a blocking of your data can be taken into account at any time, the data must be held in a lock file for control purposes. Right to erasure You can also demand the erasure of your personal data, so long as no legal storage obligation exists. If such an obligation exists, we will block your data on request. If appropriate statutory requirements are present, we will also erase your personal data without a request from yourself. Right to data transferability You are entitled to demand that the personal data transferred to us is made available in a format which enables it to be transferred to another location. Right to complain to a supervisory authority You have the option of approaching a data protection supervisory authority with a complaint. Right to object You have the option to object at any time to the use of your data for internal purposes with future effect. For this, it is sufficient to send an appropriate email to However such an objection does not affect the legality of processing procedures which we have already carried out. This does not affect data processing in respect of other legal bases, for example, such as contract initiation (see above). Ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data To ensure the confidentiality of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control access. Ensure the integrity of your personal data To ensure the integrity of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control transfer and input. Ensure availability of your personal data To ensure the availability of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control orders and availability. CHG-MERIDIAN AG CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland BV CHG-MERIDIAN Belgium NV CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited CHG-MERIDIAN Computer Leasing UK Limited CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o. CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY CHG-MERIDIAN Polska sp. z.o.o. CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o. CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. CHG-MERIDIAN S.A.P.I. de C.V. CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S.A. CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Locação de Equipamentos Ltda. Managing commercial relationships with current and potential clients; Managing commercial relationships with current and potential suppliers and vendors; Carrying out promotional operations; Conducting statistical surveys and marketing studies, etc. Business information (such as name of organization, department and job title); Contractual information (such as date of agreement, type of commercial relationship, etc.). Right to access to, rectification and erasure of personal information; Right to restriction of processing and to object to processing; Right of data portability to the extent applicable; Right to withdraw consent where the processing is based on consent; and Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 246 +49 151 580 408 43 st|Responsible Supervisory Authority Responsible chamber: Responsible for journalistic-editorial content: Data protection officer according to Art. 37 GDPR i. V. m. § 38 para. 1 FDPA-new: Liability © Copyright © Copyright picture sources: Battery regulation: Note: General Act on Equal Treatment (GAET) This masthead was produced by: This data protection declaration (Version: GDPR 1.0 from 11.05.2018) was produced by: Data protection CHG-MERIDIAN AG Our data protection officer Basis of data processing Protection of minors Cookies Control of cookies by the user Lifespan of the cookies employed Deactivate or remove cookies (Opt-Out) Use of etracker Use of METIS web beacons Use of Google Maps Use of YouTube Use of Vimeo Plugins Use of the Xing-Share-Button Use of LinkedIn Plugins h2|Imprint & DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION Imprint Data protection declaration Business Data protection declaration Your personal contact h3|Choose your region Conception & Design REALISATION, HOSTING, SERVICE & SUPPORT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|A. General B. Specific C. Specific provisions for Russia 1 Introduction and scope 2 Contact details of the Data Controllers 3 Contact details of the Data Protection Manager 4 Purposes of data processing and legal basis 5 Categories of personal data processed 6 Data Security 7 Recipients of personal data 8 International data transfers 9 Retention of personal data 10 Data Protection rights 11 Miscellaneous sp|                                     em|Data protection declaration Data transfer to third parties Data is only passed to third parties within the framework of the legal provisions. We only pass user’s data to third parties when this is, for example, necessary for contractual purposes or based on our legitimate interest in the economic and the effective operation of our business In the event that we use subcontractors to provide our services, we make suitable legal arrangements as well as appropriate technical and organizational measures, to provide protection for personal data in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. D ata transfers to third countries or an international organization Length of storage of your personal data Making contact What rights do you have? Protection of your personal data Thereby your personal data is protected in the context of the following points (extract): Internet Explorer: Firefox: Google Chrome: Safari: ePrivacyseal Amendments to our data protection policy Brand protection pa|A wide range of projects, one common denominator: Our experience and services help our customers to be successful. The challenges that public-sector clients, large companies, and small and medium-sized enterprises face are as diverse as our made-to-measure service packages. Printers, PCs, storage media – the volume of IT equipment in companies is constantly growing, while technology lifecycles are getting shorter and shorter. We know these challenges well, and together with our customers we can leverage them to achieve business success. Please contact us   IT IT IT  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|A great success h2|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Your contact h3|Choose your region Providing new opportunities Top of the class Getting things moving Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|EXCELLENCE STORIES sp|                                    pa|Principerna för den cirkulära ekonomin är djupt inbäddade i vårt DNA och har utformat CHG-MERIDIANs affärsmodell i årtionden. Vi ser oss själva som en del av samhället och vi spelar en aktiv roll genom samhällsprojekt och initiativ i regionen. På CHG-MERIDIAN inser vi att endast hållbara affärsmodeller kan vara framgångsrika på lång sikt. Det handlar om att gå bort från en linjär ekonomisk modell där produkter tillverkas, används och sedan kasseras och mot en cirkulär modell som fokuserar på reparation och återanvändning. Det är därför vi betraktar end-to-end livscykelhantering som en av vår tids största utmaningar - och som kärnan i vårt företag. Resursbrist och klimatförändringar är viktiga ämnen i vårt samhälle, och de tvingar företag att ta nya tillvägagångssätt. Samhällets övergång till en cirkulär ekonomi är resultatet av en försenad tänkesändring. På CHG-MERIDIAN är detta sätt att tänka fast i vår affärsmodell och har format våra handlingar i årtionden. Vi stöder våra kunder under hela livscykeln för deras tekniska utrustning, från finansiering och användning till certifierad dataradering, renovering och remarketing. Vi har renoverat begagnad utrustning i våra teknikcenter de senaste 20 åren. Enheter genomgår visuell och teknisk renovering i linje med principerna för grön IT. Vi har också ett globalt nätverk av certifierade renoveringspartners som renoverar utrustning lokalt enligt högsta standard. Vi är stolta över vår renoveringsgrad på 95 procent. Men hur är det med resten? All utrustning som inte kan återanvändas återförs hållbart till materialcykeln genom våra certifierade återvinningspartner. Att göra en certifierad dataradering av begagnad utrustning är viktigt om den ska återanvändas inom den cirkulära ekonomin. Hos oss börjar datasäkerhet med att välja utrustning och klassificera säkerhetsnivåer. Oavsett om det är SSD, hybrid- eller flashminne i bärbara datorer, surfplattor, smartphones eller till och med skrivare, kopiatorer och multifunktionsenheter, erbjuder CHG-MERIDIAN en exakt och kostnadseffektiv raderingslösning. Detta säkerställer att data skyddas när utrustning återanvänds. Genom att professionellt renovera och återmarknadsföra IT-utrustning kan vi förlänga livslängden på begagnad utrustning. Vi har också ett internationellt nätverk av certifierade partners. År 2019 såldes hela 697 000 enheter vidare på andrahandsmarknaden. Var och en gör skillnad och sparar värdefulla resurser. Tillsammans med åtgärder för att undvika och minska CO₂-utsläpp, är kompensation ett viktigt steg som gör det möjligt för företag att arbeta på ett mer hållbart sätt och bidra positivt till att begränsa klimatförändringar. Tack vare carbonZER0, vår nya utökade finansieringslösning, kan våra kunder betala för att kompensera för alla CO₂-utsläpp som deras IT-utrustning genererar. Detta finansieringsalternativ är tillgängligt internationellt, och de pengar som genereras används för att finansiera certifierade projekt som syftar till att motverka klimatförändringar. Den månatliga leasingavgiften ökar endast marginellt. En helhetssyn på livscykler gör det möjligt att ompröva traditionella affärsmodeller och upphandlingsprocesser när det gäller hållbarhet. Vår certifierade eraSURE-dataradering förbereder utrustning för återanvändning genom att återställa den till sitt ursprungliga tillstånd. Genom att renovera begagnad utrustning ger vi ett påvisbart bidrag till att bevara naturresurser. Vår omfattande remarketingupplevelse gör att vi kan öka livslängden för teknisk utrustning och förbereda den för hållbar återanvändning.         EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Hållbarhet h2|Hållbar teknikhantering som en kärnfokus Principerna för cirkulär ekonomi i vår affärsmodell carbonzero Vad vi står för h3|Choose your region Livscykelhantering Teknisk renovering av begagnad utrustning Säker dataradering Remarketing Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|Ompröva Återställ Bevara Förläng sp|                                 pa|Att införskaffa den senaste hälso- och sjukvårdstekniken medför ofta höga kostnader. CHG-MERIDIAN kan hjälpa er att fatta rätt beslut i samband med teknikinvesteringar. Att få budgeten att räcka till när behovet av ny medicinsk utrustning ökar är något som många vårdgivare brottas med. Vårt mål på CHG-MERIDIAN är att hjälpa våra kunder att införskaffa dagens sjukvårdsteknik genom att utnyttja morgondagens budget. Med hjälp av vår erfarenhet och våra expertkunskaper kan vi hjälpa er att finansiera den utrustning ni behöver. Våra flexibla finansiella lösningar är kärnan i allt vi gör, men vi är mycket mer än bara ett finansbolag. Vi sätter oss in i er verksamhet och era specifika utmaningar, så att vi kan erbjuda en paketlösning som omfattar utrustningens hela livscykel. VÅRA TJÄNSTER Vi är helt oberoende och ägs varken av tillverkare eller banker. Därför kan vi ge er opartiska råd och hjälpa er att hitta den bästa lösningen utifrån era förutsättningar. Ni behåller kontrollen och kan fritt välja utrustning från olika tillverkare, även i kombination. Med över 40 års erfarenhet av tekniska investeringar har vi lärt oss en hel del. Under de tusentals samarbetsprojekt vi medverkat i har vi samlat på oss värdefulla kunskaper som kommer alla våra kunder tillgodo. Våra avtal är utformade på ett sätt som ger er full kontroll och överblick. Vår prismodell ger er fasta kostnader, 0% oförutsedda kostnader och flera förmånliga alternativ när avtalstiden löpt ut. Tillsammans med er tar vi fram den bästa lösningen för er verksamhet. Vi arbetar enligt ISO:s kvalitetsstandarder, är medlemmar i Finance and Leasing Association och har över 40 års erfarenhet av leasing och asset management. Genom att kombinera vår finansiella och tekniska kompetens skapar vi mervärden för våra kunder. Vi har avdelningar i 25 länder i fyra världsdelar: Europa, Nordamerika, Sydamerika och Oceanien. Därför kan vi erbjuda samlade tjänste- och leveransavtal som omfattar verksamheter på flera olika geografiska platser. Vi erbjuder en enda kontaktpunkt för alla era ärenden och hjälper er att hitta den bästa lösningen, oavsett om det handlar om inköp av utrustning, driftsättning, remarketing eller dataradering. Vi erbjuder flexibla finansieringslösningar, effektiv support och ett asset managent-system som ger mätbara mervärden under den tekniska utrustningens hela livslängd. Tillsammans med er tar vi fram en prismodell som är anpassad till era behov. Några av alternativen är operationell leasing, finansiell leasing, sale and leaseback, uppskjuten betalning och användningsbaserad betalning. Vi hjälper er också att anpassa investeringsvolymerna till era kommersiella mål (ROI, budget, TCO) och er redovisningsstandard (till exempel IFRS). Operationell leasing är ett populärt alternativ bland våra kunder och är i princip ett hyresavtal. Leasingperioden är kort jämfört med utrustningens livslängd, vilket innebär att restvärdet beräknas utifrån att summan av de löpande leasingavgifterna vanligtvis blir lägre än den ursprungliga kapitalkostnaden. Frigör kapital som är bundet i befintlig utrustning. Sale och leaseback är en modell som innebär att du säljer befintlig utrustning och hyr tillbaka den genom operationell- eller finansiell leasing. Med denna modell betalas den medicinska utrustning per användningstillfälle. Beloppet beräknas genom att ”hyreskostnaden” delas med ett förutbestämt minsta antal användningstillfällen. Skaffa utrustningen idag och skjut upp betalningen till nästa år. Ett bra alternativ för kunder som har ett akut behov av utrustning men inte har utrymme för inköpet i årets budget. Om utrustningens tekniska livslängd överskridits erbjuder vi dig valet att returnera, uppgradera eller fortsätta att använda den. Vi ser till att utrustningen avinstalleras på rätt sätt och bortforslas. Utrustning som inte kan säljas eller återanvändas kasseras på ett miljövänligt sätt, enligt WEEE:s standarder. Our lifecycle model illustrates how CHG-MERIDIAN successfully supports you in every phase of your technology project. Vi är inte bundna till någon viss bank, tillverkare eller leverantör, och kan därför erbjuda flexibla och heltäckande lösningar. Tack vare att vi är helt oberoende kan vi också ge våra kunder anpassad och opartisk rådgivning utifrån deras unika förutsättningar. Vi erbjuder den senaste tekniken i kombination med ett avancerat administrationssystem – vi kallar det Efficient Technology Management®. Hör av dig till oss, så berättar vi mer!   Kontakt      LIVSCYKELMODELLEN Inget teknikprojekt är det andra likt, men med vår beprövade 3-stegsmodell kan vi göra saker och ting lättare för er. Modellen utgör grunden för vår expertsupport under utrustningens hela livscykel. 3-STEGSMODELLEN Med vår 3-stegsmodell står vi bakom er hela vägen från start till mål – under teknikprojektets alla faser. FÖRBEREDELSEFASEN I ett heltäckande teknikprojekt måste alla delar fungera tillsammans. Vi analyserar ert projekt noggrant och bistår med rådgivning under hela planeringsarbetet. GENOMFÖRANDEFASEN Effektiv produktivitet kräver logisk användning av alla resurser. Vi stöder dig under hela livslängden - som en enda expertleverantör. SLUTFASEN Det finns mycket att vinna på att ha genomtänkta rutiner på plats för utrangerad utrustning. Vi hjälper till med allt från hämtning till säker radering av data. Våra tjänster för remarketing och kassering av utrustning bygger på konceptet "grön IT". TESMA® Asset Management-systemet TESMA® utgör kärnan i vår livscykelmodell och ger er löpande överblick av samtliga ekonomiska och tekniska aspekter. Med andra ord har ni tillgång till alla viktiga uppgifter om utrustningen i realtid Please contact us. Per Undin Account Manager Industry li|menu not loaded Skräddarsydd finansiering – anpassad till just er situation Sale and leaseback – sälj utrustning och hyr tillbaka den i form av operationell eller finansiell leasing. Asset Management (TESMA®) – ger er full kontroll över er utrustning Remarketing – en komplett remarketing-tjänst som bl.a. omfattar avinstallation, hämtning, säker dataradering och miljövänlig kassering av gammal utrustning Rådgivning – vi har stor erfarenhet av hälso- och sjukvårdsteknik och kan därför snabbt sätta oss in i era behov   Fastställande av tillgångarna på basis av portföljanalys Identifiera scenarier för kostnadsbesparingar Dokumentera och analysera den befintliga portföljen av medicinsk utrustning och IT-utrustning Flexibla finansieringskoncept i enlighet med internationella standarder för finansiell rapportering Budgetoptimering Patientspecifik fakturering och fördelning av utgifter Avinstallation Logistiktjänst & dokumentation Certifierad radering av data (BSI och DoD-kompatibel) Remarketing Ger er full överblick över alla ekonomiska och tekniska aspekter under utrustningens hela tekniska livslängd Ett system för all data – Med våra finansieringslösningar får ni full kontroll över utrustningens livslängd och kan enkelt byta ut utrustning vid behov. – Ni får full överblick över all utrustning och kan upp till 12 månader innan avtalet löper ut se vilken utrustning som behöver bytas ut, vilket underlättar planeringen. – Genom att regelbundet uppgradera utrustningen kan ni vara säkra på den alltid är up-to-date och därför mindre benägen att falera – vilket minskar risken för er och era kunder. – Den tekniska utvecklingen går blixtsnabbt och det är lätt att man halkar efter. Med våra lösningar har ni alltid tillgång till den senaste tekniken och kan enkelt hålla er à jour med de senaste trenderna. – Att ha den senaste tekniken på plats bidrar till en bra arbetsmiljö. – Summan av leasingavgifterna blir vanligtvis lägre än vad utrustningen skulle ha kostat i inköp. – Genom att skjuta upp betalningen till nästa räkenskapsår kan ni frigöra kapital för andra viktiga projekt under nuvarande år. – Fördela tillgångarnas kostnad över deras ekonomiska livslängd. – Utrustning kan uppgraderas under eller efter den överenskomna avtalstiden CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 (8)459 39 00 st|Effektiv livscykelhantering Noggranna prognoser Lägre underhållskostnader Ligg ett steg före Bra för personalen Lägre TCO Flexibilitet i budgetarbetet Effektiv ekonomistyrning Lätt att uppgradera utrustning h1|EFFEKTIV ADMINISTRATION AV UTRUSTNING – MED FLEXIBEL FINANSIERING MED KUNDEN I FOKUS NOGGRANNA FÖRBEREDELSER ÄR NYCKELN Effektiv drift vid alla tidpunkter MILJÖVÄNLIG REMARKETING-PROCESS EFFEKTIV HANTERING AV KOMPLEXA TEKNIKMILJÖER h2|SKRÄDDARSYDDA LÖSNINGAR FÖR ER VERKSAMHET FLEXIBEL FINANSIERING AV HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRDSTEKNIK SÄKER OCH MILJÖVÄNLIG HANTERING AV UTTJÄNT UTRUSTNING ALLT KRETSAR KRING ER FRAMGÅNG Varför välja CHG-MERIDIAN KONTAKTA OSS Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region EN PÅLITLIG SAMARBETSPARTNER KONSULTATION FINANCIAL SERVICES ROLLBACK FÖRDELAR: CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|OBEROENDE ERFARENHET TRANSPARENS KOMPETENS INTERNATIONELL NÄRVARO EN ENDA KONTAKTPUNKT Här följer en beskrivning av våra finansieringslösningar: OPERATIONELL LEASING SALE AND LEASEBACK ANVÄNDNINGSBASERAD BETALNING UPPSKJUTEN BETALNING HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRDSTEKNIK BEHOVSANPASSAD FINANSIERING SLUTFASEN TESMA® h6|HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRDSTEKNIK sp|                                  Gå till Gå till Gå till  Leave lifecycle      pa|Vi är ett är ett industri- och bankoberoende företag som erbjuder leasingtjänster i samband med tekniska investeringar inom industrin. Våra kundanpassade tjänster omfattar alla aspekter av produktionen, från produktionsanläggningar och tillverkningsutrustning, till lagersystem, lagertruckar, robotar och automation. Vi stödjer er hela vägen, från inköp och drift till remarketing. Fördelen för er som kund är minskade kostnader och ökad flexibilitet. Är kostnaderna för lagertruckar i högsta laget? Tar administrationen av dem onödigt mycket tid i anspråk? Skulle du vilja ha en bättre översikt över företagets maskinpark i olika länder? Vad sägs om att få avkastning direkt, från första producerade enhet? Eller att snabbt kunna anpassa produktionen till rådande efterfrågan på marknaden? Behöver logistikverksamheten på företaget effektiviseras? Eller kostnaderna i högre grad anpassas till resursutnyttjandet? Vi erbjuder tekniska lösningar som är skräddarsydda efter era behov och stödjer er under utrustningens hela livscykel utan att ni behöver binda er till en viss tillverkare eller bank. Våra industrikonsulter har många års erfarenhet av att analysera totalkostnader och hitta potentiella besparingar. Vi hjälper er att ta fram ett bra beslutsunderlag inför investeringen och ser till att utrustningen utnyttjas optimalt i den dagliga driften. Med hjälp av den senaste sensortekniken kan truckar, produktionsutrustning och logistikutrustning övervakas och optimeras kontinuerligt, oavsett tillverkare. Beroende på typen av utrustning kan detta ge besparingar på upp till 50 procent. Har ni en internationell verksamhet där det vore önskvärt att kunna utnyttja maskinparken på ett mer flexibelt sätt? Vore det önskvärt att ha olika avtalsvillkor för olika utrustning? Eller att kunna anpassa leasingbetalningarna efter produktionstakten? Våra anpassade tjänster ger er en mängd fördelar och möjliggör en mer flexibel användning av er utrustning. Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av leasingtjänster, med förmånliga alternativ för tidigareläggande av återlämning av utrustning och flexibla avtal så att ni kan anpassa användningen av maskiner och utrustning till rörelsekostnaderna och aktuell produktion. Har ni utrustning, maskiner och fordon från flera olika leverantörer? Har ni verksamhet i flera länder? Då vet du hur svårt det kan vara att administrera maskinparken. CHG‑MERIDIAN har utvecklat ett webbaserat Asset Management-system för planering och administration av teknisk utrustning som vi kallar TESMA®. Verktyget ger er total överblick över all teknisk utrustning under hela dess livslängd. Med all information samlad på ett ställe kan ni enkelt följa upp utrustningen och allokera kostnader till rätt kostnadsställe. Våra specialister står till er tjänst om ni har frågor eller önskar mer information. Account Manager Industry   Framgång som talar för sig själv Ta reda på hur vi hjälper våra kunder att sänka sina kostnader och öka deras flexibilitet li|menu not loaded Det första steget är konceptutveckling, potentialanalys och inköp. Var finns det potential för besparingar? Vilka leverantörer kan vara lämpliga att använda? Hur kan kapacitetsutnyttjandet optimeras? Vilken finansieringsmodell passar er bäst? Våra tjänster ger er maximal flexibilitet i den dagliga verksamheten. Ni kan till exempel anpassa leasingbetalningarna efter aktuell produktionskapacitet, eller öka antalet lagertruckar om det skulle behövas under en period. Ni kan till och med flytta leasade fordon mellan olika anläggningar. När utrustningen börjar nå sin livslängd hjälper vi till med teknikskiftet och kan även sälja er gamla utrustning vidare. CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 (8)459 39 00 h1|FLEXIBEL FINANSIERING AV TEKNISKA INVESTERINGAR INOM INDUSTRIN h2|VI SKAPAR MERVÄRDEN REFERENSER KONTAKTA OSS h3|Choose your region Anpassade affärskoncept Minskade kostnader ÖKAD FLEXIBILITET FULL KONTROLL Per Undin Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Fleet Management PRODUKTIONSUTRUSTNING OCH MASKINER LAGER OCH LOGISTIK h6|INDUSTRITEKNIK sp|                                       pa|Hållbarhet har blivit en differentierande faktor på marknaden. Tack vare carbonZER0 kan produktion, transport och hela livscykeln för din finansierade IT-utrustning nu bli koldioxidneutral. Företagsdatorer, smartphones och servrar genererar tonvis med utsläpp av växthusgaser, där huvuddelen av dessa utsläpp genereras under produktionen. Det är därför CHG-MERIDIAN i över 40 år har erbjudit remarketingtjänster baserade på professionell rekonditionering och hållbar återanvändning av begagnade IT-enheter, i enlighet med den cirkulära ekonomins principer. Med carbonZER0 tar vi detta ett steg längre. För första gången kan våra kunder kompensera för den CO₂ som genereras i alla steg – produktion, transport, användning och avveckling – av deras leasade IT-utrustning. Tillsammans med åtgärder för att undvika och minska CO₂-utsläpp, är kompensation ett viktigt steg som gör det möjligt för företag att arbeta på ett mer hållbart sätt och bidra positivt till att begränsa klimatförändringar. Tack vare carbonZER0, vår nya utökade finansieringslösning, kan våra kunder betala för att kompensera för alla CO₂-utsläpp som deras IT-utrustning genererar. Detta finansieringsalternativ är tillgängligt internationellt, och de pengar som genereras används för att finansiera certifierade projekt som syftar till att motverka klimatförändringar. Den månatliga leasingavgiften ökar endast marginellt. Till exempel är kostnaden för att göra en smartphone koldioxidneutral bara några ören. Att lägga till carbonZER0 i finansieringslösningen kräver ingen extra tid eller arbetsinsats från kundernas sida. Vi tillhandahåller ett komplett paket som inkluderar godkända utsläppscertifikat och beräkning av CO₂-utsläpp enligt en TÜV-certifierad metod för produktstandarder. Beräkningen tar hänsyn till produktion, transport och mängden el som förbrukas under IT-utrustningens livscykel, samt scenarier för IT-utrustningens avveckling. Vi tar också hänsyn till eventuella skillnader relaterade till enhetstyp och tillverkare genom att lägga till ett procentuellt påslag. När beräkningen har slutförts kompenseras de växthusgaser som genererats. Detta kan göras på olika sätt, antingen genom att köpa certifikat på frivilliga koldioxidmarknader eller genom att direkt investera i projekt som begränsar klimatförändringar. Att välja, och regelbundet granska, dessa är ett viktigt steg. Genom carbonZER0 stödjer CHG-MERIDIAN internationellt erkända, certifierade projekt som syftar till att begränsa klimatförändringar. Alla dessa projekt säkerställer hållbar utveckling på en ekonomisk, social och miljömässig nivå i respektive land. Detta sker i linje med . I gengäld får kunden ett certifikat som bevis på mängden CO₂-utsläpp som sparats. Detta garanterar att besparingarna endast används en gång för att kompensera CO₂. De tillhörande certifikaten avregistreras därefter i de officiella registren. Kunder som har valt carbonZER0-alternativet stödjer för närvarande solenergiproduktion i norra Namibia, inklusive tillhandahållande av medicinsk vård på plats och utbyggnad av lokala skolor. I södra Sulawesi finansierar pengarna från våra kunders koldioxidkompensation ett vindkraftsprojekt i Jeneponto och i södra Sri Lanka finansieras ett vattenkraftverk som kommer tillhandahålla koldioxidneutral kraft till ön. Eftersom skogar är några av jordens viktigaste kolsänkor stödjer carbonZER0 också skyddet av ett 100 000 hektar stort skogsområde i Madre de Dios-regionen i Peru. Bara detta projekt sparar i genomsnitt 660 000 ton CO₂ varje år. Våra projekt för begränsning av klimatförändringar uppfyller internationellt godkända standarder. För att bevisa att kriterierna uppfylls, kontrolleras och certifieras projekten enligt olika standarder, inklusive: , , och . Detta säkerställer - och kontrolleras regelbundet - att projekten är effektiva när det gäller att motverka klimatförändringar. "Våra kunder kan enkelt lägga till tjänsten i sin befintliga beställning utan några besvär. Vi tar hand om allt för dem, inklusive utbetalning till certifierade klimatprojekt" Kunder och investerare har länge krävt hållbara lösningar, och det som en gång kunde övervägas, som klimatneutrala affärsmetoder eller grön IT, är nu ofta avgörande för ett företags framgång. Miljöskydd har blivit ett företagsmål och hållbar upphandling en moralisk skyldighet. Hållbarhet och bekämpning av klimatförändringar har blivit ett måste för företag – ur ett miljömässigt, socialt och kommersiellt perspektiv. Med carbonZER0 får våra kunder inte bara möjlighet att förbättra sin image genom koldioxidneutral IT-finansiering, utan kan också påverka sitt miljöavtryck på ett positivt och transparent sätt. Resursbrist och klimatförändringar är prioriterade frågor globalt; allt fler åtgärder införs med syfte att övergå till en cirkulär ekonomi. Det är kombinationen av innovativa lösningar och hållbara val som tar samhället framåt i jakten på en cirkulär ekonomi. För CHG-MERIDIAN handlar detta om att ha hållbarheten som kärnfokus och det är inte bara tomma ord... Söker du svar eller konsulttjänster? Kontakta oss! The principles of the circular economy are deeply embedded in our DNA and have been shaping CHG-MERIDIAN’s business model for decades. We see ourselves as a part of society, and we play an active role through community projects and initiatives in the region. Our society has been living beyond its means for decades. Whether the coronavirus pandemic will persuade us to use resources more responsibly and move away from the linear system depends to some extent on how cost-effective the alternatives are. Dra fördel av våra miljövänliga remarketing-tjänster. Vi är en av Europas största IT-återförsäljare och kan hjälpa er att maximera intäkterna från IT-utrustning som ni inte längre har behov av.   Oliver Schorer, styrelseledamot CHG-MERIDIAN Läs mer om hur vi arbetar kring miljö och hållbarhet  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Koldioxidneutral med carbonZER0 Kontaktuppgifter h2|Klimatneutral finansiering av IT-utrustning med carbonZER0 Pågående stöd till projekt för begränsning av klimatförändringar Att begränsa klimatförändringar är ett måste Har du en fråga? Kontaktuppgifter Meddelande Läs mer h3|Choose your region Beräkning av koldioxidutsläpp Kompensation av koldioxidutsläpp SUSTAINABILITY Sending a signal to trade and industry MILJÖVÄNLIGA REMARKETING-TJÄNSTER FRÅN CHG-MERIDIAN Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Leder vägen inom cirkulära IT-lösningar Earth Overshoot Day 2020 REMARKETING = GRÖN IT h6|Koldioxidneutral leasing sp|                                 Gå till Gå till Gå till   Namn E-mail Företag Meddelande pa|Att ha tillgång till förmånlig finansiering av teknisk utrustning är bara en av många fördelar med att samarbeta med CHG-MERIDIAN. Vi erbjuder flexibla, kundanpassade finansieringslösningar och hjälper er att hitta det bästa alternativet för er verksamhet. CHG-MERIDIAN har tillhandahållit leasinglösningar i över 40 år och på så sätt hjälpt tusentals företag världen över att växa .Men att ha tillgång till förmånlig finansiering av teknisk utrustning är bara en av många fördelar med att samarbeta med CHG-MERIDIAN. Våra lösningar omfattar allt från förmånliga inköpsmodeller till ett effektivt asset management system. Med utgångspunkt i era behov tar vi tillsammans med er fram en lösning som gynnar er verksamhet under utrustningens hela livslängd. Vi tar hand om administrationen av utrustningen så att ni kan fokusera på er kärnverksamhet. Operationell leasing är ett populärt alternativ bland våra kunder och är i princip ett hyresavtal. Leasingperioden är kort jämfört med utrustningens livslängd. När leasingperioden är slut lämnar ni tillbaka utrustningen. Finansiell leasing är ett annat populärt finansieringsalternativ bland våra kunder. Denna typ av leasing innebär att företaget som leasar en produkt betalar en fast månadskostnad till leasingföretaget, men är ansvarig för produkten under leasingperioden. Frigör kapital som är bundet i befintlig utrustning. Sale och leaseback är en modell som innebär att du säljer befintlig utrustning och hyr tillbaka den genom operationell eller finansiell leasing.    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Flexibilitet att uppgradera till ny utrustning eller säga upp avtalet i förtid. Möjlighet att lämna tillbaka utrustningen efter leasingperioden eller fortsätta att använda den under en andra period. Blir vanligtvis billigare än andra finansieringsalternativ, ett utmärkt sätt att hålla kostnaderna nere. Fast kostnad under hela avtalsperioden. Minskar kostnaderna för livscykelhantering. Den lämpligaste lösningen för inköp av utrustning med lång livslängd. Enkel översikt över den totala ägandekostnaden. Ger flexibilitet att uppgradera utrustningen under eller efter leasingperioden. Möjlighet att köpa utrustningen när avtalet upphör. h1|VI ANPASSAR FINANSIERINGEN EFTER ERA BEHOV h2|Leasing av utrustning VI ANPASSAR FINANSIERINGEN EFTER ERA BEHOV h3|Choose your region Här följer en beskrivning av våra finansieringslösningar: OPERATIONELL LEASING FINANSIELL LEASING Sale och leaseback Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|FÖRDELAR FÖRDELAR h6|Finansieringslösningar sp|                                 pa|Uppförandekoden beskriver de viktigaste principerna i vår företagskultur. Vidare förväntas alla medarbetare och affärspartner att anmäla alla missförhållanden som kommer till deras kännedom. Sedan 2013 har vår uppförandekod beskrivit de centrala principerna i vår företagskultur. Den uppdaterades hösten 2020 så att vi kan fortsätta att möta det ökade antalet etiska och reglerande krav som dagens samhälle förväntar sig av oss. Uppförandekoden kommer därför att fortsätta att vägleda våra beslut och hjälpa oss att förhindra missförhållanden. Det nya uppdaterade innehållet bygger på gemensamma internationella standarder och krav. Att följa uppförandekoden är ett åtagande som förenar alla våra anställda, oavsett vilket land de arbetar i. Koden är grunden för våra ekonomiska framgångar och kommer att vägleda oss även i morgon. Vi förväntar oss att våra affärspartner agerar och gör affärer i enlighet med liknande principer. Code of Conduct - CHG-MERIDIAN - English Vi förväntar oss att alla medarbetare och affärspartner anmäler alla missförhållanden som kommer till deras kännedom. Missförhållanden kan anmälas till närmaste chef, högsta ledningen, Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) samt till en extern ombudsman. Vårt uppträdande präglas av respekt, förtroende och tolerans. Därför behandlas alla rapporter av eventuella missförhållanden strikt konfidentiellt. Vi förväntar oss att vårt visselblårsystem används ansvarsfullt och med integritet. CHG-MERIDIAN tolererar inga former av repressalier mot någon som rapporterar missförhållanden i god tro. Den som rapporterar förblir anonym såvida han/hon inte i förväg eller efteråt uttryckligen gett sitt medgivande till att den egna identiteten röjs. CHG-MERIDIANs ombudsman och kontakt för visselblåsarärenden är advokatbyrån Walder Wyss i Basel som fungerar som opartisk medlare. Sekretessavtalet mellan CHG-MERIDAN och våra ombudsmän innehåller bland annat följande:    Contact us   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Don't hesitate to contact us! CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB li|menu not loaded Ombudsmannen är skyldig att bekräfta visselblåsarens identitet innan uppgifter från denne behandlas. De ursprungliga skälen för misstanke och tillhörande omständigheter kommer endast att överlämnas till CHG-MERIDIAN i anonymiserad form. Ombudsmannen är uttryckligen förbjuden att lämna ut visselblåsarens identitet till CHG-MERIDIAN om inte visselblåsaren uttryckligen tillåter detta, antingen i förväg eller i efterhand. All information behandlas i enlighet med tillämpliga dataskyddskrav. CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|UPPFÖRANDEKOD OCH VISSELBLÅSARSYSTEM h2|Vår uppförandekod Filer för nedladdning Vårt visselblåsarsystem Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|BOLAGSSTYRNING sp|                                   pdf, 3 MB    pa|Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. För ett teknikhanteringsföretag som CHG-MERIDIAN, spelar den digitala arbetsplatsen en integrerad roll i vår digitaliseringsstrategi. Distansarbetet blir viktigare, både nationellt och internationellt, och arbetsplatsen måste vara tillräckligt flexibel för att möjliggöra detta. Mobila enheter spelar en nyckelroll, men det handlar också om digitala plattformar och processer samt de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Distansarbete kräver rätt IT-utrustning, där effektiva teknikinvesteringar är hörnstenen i vår digitala arbetsplatsstrategi. Vi såg till att all utrustning för arbetsplatsen, bestående av en bärbar dator och en smartphone, blev tillgängligt för alla anställda baserat på de olika behoven som finns i varje användargrupp. Kundvagnen som de anställda kan välja sin utrustning ifrån uppdateras och utvidgas kontinuerligt, och varje anställd kan välja de enheter som bäst passar deras sätt att arbeta. De kan också lägga till alla tillbehör de behöver, till exempel hörlurar. Utrustningen kan användas både för arbete och privat, medan en säkerhetslösning säkerställer att all data skyddas och raderas i slutet av utrustningens livstid i enlighet med dataskyddsriktlinjerna. Mobila enheter är värdelösa om användaren inte kan få fjärråtkomst till den information de behöver för att utföra sitt arbete. På CHG-MERIDIAN förlitar vi oss på en molnlösning och virtualisering av alla våra applikationer. Vi arbetar även med samarbetsverktyg, som Office 365, som ger våra anställda tillgång till den information de behöver, var som helst. Vi har även digitaliserat ett antal dokument-, kontrakt- och fakturahanteringsprocesser så att vi inte längre är beroende av papper. Dessutom kan alla serviceförfrågningar under utrustningens livscykel göras digitalt. Om till exempel en enhet går förlorad eller blir defekt kan man snabbt och enkelt beställa en ny via vår självbetjäningsportal, där enheten sedan skickas till den anställdes önskade adress. En god användarupplevelsen är viktigt för oss, och vi lägger mycket tid och fokus på att utveckla användarvänligheten av våra plattformar. Att enbart ha rätt teknik och infrastruktur på plats leder inte automatiskt till ett framgångsrikt resultat. Dessa måste användas på rätt sätt, vilket är varför vår digitala arbetsplatsstrategi även fokuserar på de anställda. Det är avgörande att ge de anställda allt de behöver för att arbeta digitalt och på distans. För att underlätta detta har vi infört en flexibel arbetstidsmodell som gör det möjligt för våra anställda att välja när och var de ska arbeta. Eftersom övergången till en digital arbetsplats kräver en viss justering ser vi till att all support som krävs för att säkerställa att distansarbetet blir en framgång. Genom våra interaktiva plattformar för e-lärande erbjuder vi online-utbildningar, svarar på frågor och skapar videos med användbara tips och trix för distansarbetet. Ett internt team av experter, som består av representanter från olika avdelningar, modererar klasserna och är till hands för att hjälpa till via en livechatt. Vi erbjuder fortfarande analoga alternativ för utveckling och lärande, eftersom varje anställd har sin egna föredragna metod att lära sig. För ett år sedan kom vi på idén om att starta ett digitalt café för våra anställda. Här kan de träffa våra digitala arbetsplatsexperter för lite prat över en kopp te eller kaffe. Vi har nu lanserat denna idé över hela världen. Den digitala arbetsplatsen är en integrerad del av varje digitaliseringsstrategi och CHG-MERIDIAN är inget undantag. För att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt och optimera den på lång sikt tror vi att det finns tre faktorer som lyckat distansarbete är beroende av: tekniken, plattformen och - sist men inte minst - de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Ta reda på vad den teknologiska faktorn handlar om i den här artikeln. A study shows that the majority of employees want to take advantage of mobile working, but companies are yet to catch on to this trend. There is a lack of equipment and of coherent concepts, despite the fact that the digital workplace and digital skills are crucial factors in the success of Industry 4.0 and Work 4.0. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers. Collaboration tools can link people and share knowledge across time zones and physical locations, making work more efficient and productive. But the prospective users have to be on board. This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments. Kontakta oss om du har några frågor Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    Läs mer om våra lösningar och tjänster eller begär våra whitepapers inom ämnet  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN h2|RÄTT TEKNIK ÄR GRUNDEN FÖR DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSER DIGITALA PLATTFORMAR LEDER TILL EFFEKTIVA PROCESSER DIGITALT MINDSET - HUR MEDARBETARE KAN BOOSTA DIGITALISERINGEN LÄS MER Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Tekniken Companies still have plenty to do when it comes to the digital workplace Invest in technology without busting the budget Digital Collaboration: How to make collaboration tools work DIGITAL WORKPLACE: HOW YOU CAN INCREASE EMPLOYEE BUY-IN Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Digital Workplace Digital Workplace h6|Exempel från verkligheten sp|                                    pdf, 2 MB  pdf, 1 MB     pa|Vi är en del av samhället. Vi spelar en aktiv roll i samhället och tar vårt ansvar för kommande generationer på fullt allvar. Vårt arbete styrs av behoven och förväntningarna hos våra kunder, våra medarbetare och människorna som bor i de områden där vi bedriver verksamhet. Den grundläggande principen för hur vi behandlar varandra är rättvisa. Vi ger våra medarbetare en möjlighet att växa och utvecklas på det personliga planet. Och vi värnar om miljön och naturens resurser. Att fokusera på framtiden och samtidigt värna om etablerade värderingar är helt enkelt logiskt för oss. Därför stödjer vi en utveckling som är innovativ och hållbar för människa och miljö. Vi agerar rättvist och med integritet i alla länder där vi bedriver verksamhet. Vårt mål är att på ett effektivt sätt bidra till en hållbar utveckling och till att bevara jordens resurser. För att uppnå detta mål utnyttjar vi våra specialistkunskaper inom teknisk återanvändning. Genom våra insatser inom remarketing ser vi till att datorer och annan IT-utrustning får ett andra liv. Vid våra servicecenter i Tyskland och Norge renoverar vi mer än 500 000 IT-enheter varje år. Istället för att utrustningen kasseras, renoverar vi och säljer den och genererar på så sätt intäkter för våra kunder. Vi kan även erbjuda alla kunder en certifiering som visar att deras gamla utrustning har återanvänts och avyttrats på ett miljövänligt och hållbart sätt. Genom att ersätta vår globala serverinfrastruktur med en molnlösning har vi minskat elförbrukningen betydligt. Integritet är den grund som vår företagskultur och vår tillväxt vilar på. Det innebär bland annat att vi behandlar varandra med respekt, har förtroende för varandra och följer regler och bestämmelser. Vi följer gällande lagar och konkurrensregler och förväntar oss att våra affärspartner och kunder gör detsamma. Vår uppförandekod har varit i kraft sedan 2013 och gäller alla anställda på CHG-MERIDIAN världen över. Den beskriver riktlinjerna för vårt dagliga arbete med målet att förebygga missförhållanden och är därmed avgörande för vår framtida tillväxt. Samtidigt etablerades en ny avdelning: Group Risk Controlling. Där arbetar vår Chief compliance officer, som ansvarar för vår visselblåsarfunktion, dit våra affärspartners, kunder och anställda kan vända sig och anmäla missförhållanden anonymt. För oss är det viktigt att vara en del av samhället och vi är glada över att aktivt vara med och stödja initiativ, projekt och föreningar i våra lokala samhällen. Eller till och med initiera dem själva.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|ATT TA ANSVAR h2|För en hållbar framtid h3|Choose your region HÅLLBAR UTVECKLING Vi arbetar aktivt med återanvändning INTEGRITET I PRAKTIKEN FÖR SAMHÄLLET Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|DET LIGGER I VÅR NATUR sp|                                 pa|Ett brett spektrum av projekt, en gemensam nämnare: Vår erfarenhet och portfölj av tjänster hjälper våra kunder att lyckas. De utmaningar som kunder i den offentliga sektorn, stora företag och små och medelstora företag står inför är lika olika som våra skräddarsydda servicepaket. Skrivare, datorer, lagringsmedier - volymen av IT-utrustning hos företag växer ständigt, medan livscyklerna för teknik blir allt kortare. Vi känner till dessa utmaningar väl och tillsammans med våra kunder kan vi utnyttja dem för att uppnå affärsframgång. Utrustning och maskiner behöver inte alltid finansieras från eget kapital. Vi hittar rätt finansieringsmodell för våra kunder och stöder dem under hela användningsperioden. Att investera i den senaste sjukvårdstekniken innebär ofta höga kostnader. CHG-MERIDIAN kan identifiera när investeringar verkligen är värdefulla för sjukhus och vårdinrättningar. Vill du veta mer? Kontakta gärna oss! Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe   IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Healthcare  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|Tillsammans skapar vi framgång h2|IT Industriteknik Hälso- och sjukvårdsteknik Kontakt h3|Choose your region Digital transformation på Haufe Group Enterprise mobility på MANN+HUMMEL wiwork - den digitala förändringen Improving user satisfaction at MAN Truck & Bus Schweiz AG A new life for IT equipment thanks to Close the Gap and Worldloop IT reconfiguration in Bad Rappenau Technology management at HSM Strategic advice for Demag Cranes State-of-the-art technology in production gives SISAMEX a competitive edge Proactive fleet management at the Mondi Group Customized business concept for industrial plants at BAT Customized business concept for industrial plants at Gestamp Optimizing the medical infrastructure at the North Bay Regional Health Center Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|EXCELLENCE STORIES sp|                                                   pa|På ”den digitala arbetsplatsen” har medarbetarna betydligt större frihet att välja var och när de arbetar och de är inte längre bundna till sitt skrivbord och sin stationära dator. De har dessutom tillgång till den senaste tekniken, som kan anpassas till deras individuella behov. CHG-MERIDIAN visar hur detta kan gå till. Hårdvaran är bara en av många byggstenar i den process som brukar kallas ”den digitala omvandlingen” och som förväntas leda till ökad produktivitet. En förutsättning är dock att de anställda tar till sig den nya tekniken och får lära sig hur de använder den. Självklart måste tekniken också vara lätt tillgänglig och säker att använda. En annan förutsättning är att man tar ett helhetsgrepp på IT-utrustningens hela livscykel, där hänsyn tas till alla medarbetare, avdelningar och rutiner som krävs för att projektet ska bli framgångsrikt. Läs mer om vår 360° livscykelmodell och våra tjänster: Rent konkret betyder detta att vi kan erbjuda en heltäckande lösning som omfattar alla viktiga tekniska och finansiella aspekter av IT-investeringen. Tack vare vår långa erfarenhet inom IT Asset Management kan vi erbjuda förmånliga och kundanpassade tjänster. Istället för att binda upp sig till en viss leverantör och därmed begränsa valet av enheter och prismodeller har våra kunder stor frihet att styra vilka produkter de vill använda och hur prismodellen ska se ut. Detta kan vi erbjuda tack vare att vi är oberoende, det vill säga att vi inte är bundna till vare sig banker eller tillverkare. "Sett ur ett organisatoriskt, kommersiellt, tekniskt och mänskligt perspektiv kommer den digitala omvandlingen att lyckas först när samtliga dessa områden beaktas och alla processer och lösningar är inriktade på vad företagen och deras anställda verkligen behöver. Låt oss göra den resan tillsammans." Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales, CHG-MERIDIAN Med vårt koncept COPE motiverar vi de anställda genom att involvera dem i inköpsprocessen. De viktigaste fördelarna för de anställda: högre produktivitet och motivation tack vare möjligheten att jobba på distans lägre kostnader genom konsolidering och standardiserade processer, tillgodoräknande av restvärden och kostnadstransparens snabbare driftsättning genom självbetjäning, automation, leverantöroberoende och separering av enhet och avtal There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. Companies’ complicated and time-consuming order processes can make it feel like an eternity until employees receive their workplace IT equipment. This not only tries the patience of employees in all departments involved, but also causes them stress. After all, these days we are used to fast and user-friendly e-commerce portals such as Amazon. Companies can also deploy and benefit from this type of self-service portal. The Haufe Group is driving its digital transformation forward while focusing on creating a better user experience for customers and employees. Andreas Plaul, Head of IT, explains why. The Freiburg-based Haufe Group has won the Digital Transformer of the Year award. The accolade is presented to companies that have excelled in terms of their digital transformation. Andreas Plaul, Head of ICT at Haufe Group, explains how the company is shaping its digital journey. Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company. Don't run any unnecessary risks when it comes to remarketing or disposing of decommissioned IT equipment. Find out how cost-effective and permanent data erasure works. Smartphones and laptops have already become the norm at home. Yet many people find themselves stuck in an analog world at work, despite the fact that setting up a digital workplace is not that difficult with a little preparation and planning. You do not only need to be at the desk in your office to do your work. The home office and lounges at airports and train stations now provide plenty of opportunity to be productive. We show you how the latest technology can help you to use your working time most effectively. Cloud computing, the expansion of fiber broadband, mobile phone coverage – Germany is still lagging behind when it comes to the areas that are vital to the digital revolution. Unfortunately, this also applies to organizing work and equipping workplaces. We will show you how the right strategy can increase your efficiency and make the Digital Workplace the core of your digitization strategy. “We regard the digital workplace as a holistic system that adds significant value in all areas of your company that work with IT.” Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales It is almost impossible to calculate the overall costs of IT for a single workplace using conventional procurement and usage models. The latest digital workplace concepts can provide transparency. Today, employees expect their employer to provide a modern digital workplace that is equipped with the latest technology, is available 24/7, and enables them to complete their tasks from anywhere. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers. If you are planning a new IT infrastructure, the first question you will ask yourself, as the CFO, is whether the investment will pay off. We highlight the costs that are often overlooked and show you how to work out the correct total cost of ownership.    Contact  Fakta Tidigare artiklar  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us. Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded De väljer själva vilken enhet de vill ha De kan även välja en mer avancerad enhet genom att betala en del av merkostnaden själva Privat användning är tillåtet De har möjlighet att behålla enheten privat efter leasingperioden Företagets data är skyddad Företagets data och de anställdas privata data lagras separat Säker dataradering efter leasingperioden All administration görs på självbetjäningsportalen i TESMA® Fungerar som incitament och gör företaget mer attraktivt som arbetsgivare Möjliggör privat användning av mobiltelefoner och surfplattor Flexibelt och enkelt att byta enheter Möjliggör digital avtalshantering Minskar arbetsbelastningen Möjlighet att agera snabbt vid teknikskiften/ändrade krav Dataskydd genom säker radering av data efter leasingperioden Ökad transparens genom regelbunden rapportering CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|De viktigaste fördelarna för HR-avdelningen: De viktigaste fördelarna för IT-avdelningen: h1|Den digitala arbetsplatsen behöver integrerade lösningar h2|Den digitala arbetsplatsen ökar produktiviteten STÖRRE FRIHET PÅ JOBBET ÖKAR MOTIVATIONEN Transparens underlättar hanteringen för arbetsgivaren % % % LÄS MER OM DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region Vi är helt oberoende HÖGRE PRODUKTIVITET: LÄGRE DRIFTSKOSTNADER: SNABBARE: Remote working made simple: The mindset factor Remote working made simple: The platform factor THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN How a self-service portal can revolutionize your procurement process An optimal user experience allows your employees to concentrate on value-adding processes The digital workplace is just the beginning Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying? Data erasure the right way How to plan a successful IT rollout for your digital workplace The future of work is more flexible – and more productive In 6 steps to the digital workplace Reap the benefits of digital workplace innovations for your business 3 Tips on how to calculate total costs Optimal design and efficient management of the modern workplace Invest in technology without busting the budget Escape the TCO trap Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Remote working Remote working A real-world example IT procurement according to the Amazon principle A positive user experience is the key to success Digital transformation Digital Workplace Old IT equipment can be a risk factor Rolling out the digital workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace h6|Digital Workplace sp|                                  Gå till Gå till Gå till  25 20 75                        pa|Har företaget många olika typer av lagermaskiner? På flera platser eller kanske till och med i flera olika länder? Vi erbjuder skräddarsydda tjänster för finansiering och administration av alla typer av teknisk utrustning, oavsett tillverkare. Fördelarna för er är administrativa processer baserade på Lean, en högre nivå av flexibilitet och inte minst – lägre kostnader. Truckar, kranar, pallmaskiner – logistikverksamhet är resurskrävande och den tekniska utrustningen kommer ofta från olika leverantörer. Slitaget varierar ofta kraftigt mellan olika typer av maskiner och därmed även livslängden. Har företaget dessutom distribution i flera olika länder kan det vara svårt att ha full kontroll på den tekniska utrustningen och alla tillhörande serviceavtal etc. Våra industrikonsulter har många års erfarenhet av att analysera logistikprocesser och hitta potentiella besparingar. Vilka processer behöver ni hjälp med? I vilka länder? Vilken utrustning behöver ni? Till vilka villkor? Vilken serviceleverantör vill ni använda? Vilka processer kan effektiviseras genom standardisering? Med utgångspunkt från dessa faktorer tar vi fram en optimal lösning och samlar allt i ett enda leasingavtal med förutsägbara betalningsvillkor, helt oberoende av tillverkare och banker. Har ni verksamhet i flera länder eller kanske till och med i olika världsdelar? Tack vare att CHG Meridian har kontor i hela 27 länder finns vi alltid nära tillhands. Vi anpassar alla avtal till lokala skattelagar och andra föreskrifter. Men det som verkligen betyder något för er lönsamhet förblir detsamma – de allmänna villkoren i ramavtalet. Erbjuder ni tjänster inom kontraktslogistik? Då vet du hur krävande det kan vara att anpassa de tekniska resurserna efter leveransvolymerna. Vi kan hjälpa er med detta genom att samordna kontraktsperioden och utrustningens livslängd. Vi övervakar även ägandekostnaderna kontinuerligt samtidigt som vi erbjuder maximal flexibilitet, från inköp till remarketing. Om er kund förlänger kontraktet kan ni förlänga leasingperioden för utrustningen och samtidigt justera dess restvärde. Och om ni önskar en mer flexibel finansiering av befintlig utrustning kan utrustningen införlivas i leasingavtalen genom vår modell för sale and leaseback. Vanligtvis kan vi erbjuda mycket flexibla villkor för leasingbetalningarna, vilket till stor del skyddar likviditeten även på volatila marknader. Vet du vilka maskiner och fordon som är i bruk just nu? Och på vilken anläggning? Vilket fabrikat det är? Eller om kostnaderna för service och underhåll har förändrats? Med Asset Management-systemet TESMA® har du alltid den här typen av information nära tillhands. Verktyget ger dig full överblick över aktuell teknisk och finansiell data med alla kostnader allokerade på rätt kostnadsställe. Detta ger dig full kontroll av all teknisk utrustning – på alla anläggningar i alla länder – och hjälper dig att effektivisera resursanvändningen och minska kostnaderna. Vill du veta var du kan göra besparingar i din flotthantering? Vill du optimera dina internationella logistikprocesser? Letar du efter lösningar som gör att du kan hantera din produktion mer flexibelt? Är kostnaderna för lagertruckar i högsta laget? Tar administrationen av dem onödigt mycket tid i anspråk? Skulle du vilja ha en bättre översikt över företagets maskinpark i olika länder? Vad sägs om att få avkastning direkt, från första producerade enhet? Eller att snabbt kunna anpassa produktionen till rådande efterfrågan på marknaden?    För mer information om våra kundanpassade tjänster, klicka här li|menu not loaded h1|LAGER OCH LOGISTIK h2|Asset Management för lagermaskiner Flexibel kontraktslogistik Korrekt allokering av alla kostnader LÄS MER h3|Choose your region Skräddarsydda logistiklösningar… …även för internationella företag Vi hanterar din industriella infrastruktur. Effektivt. Flexibelt. Internationellt. EFFEKTIVISERA HANTERINGEN AV LAGERTRUCKAR MINSKA PRODUKTIONSKOSTNADERNA PERMANENT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|INDUSTRITEKNIK FLEET MANAGEMENT PRODUKTIONSUTRUSTNING OCH MASKINER h6|INDUSTRITEKNIK sp|                                    pa|Den digitala arbetsplatsen är en integrerad del av varje digitaliseringsstrategi och CHG-MERIDIAN är inget undantag. För att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt och optimera den på lång sikt tror vi att det finns tre faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten på distansarbetet: tekniken, plattformen och - sist men inte minst - de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Ta reda på vad den tekniska faktorn handlar om i den här artikeln. Möjligheten för att arbeta på distans och från vilken plats som helst har alltid varit viktig, inte minst mot bakgrund av ökad digitalisering och internationalisering – och under de senaste månaderna har det blivit ännu mer relevant. Men det faktum att inte tillräckligt många anställda har tillgång till mobila enheter är ett betydande hinder. Enligt de senaste resultaten från D21 Digital Index får mindre än hälften av alla anställda som använder IT på arbetsplatsen en bärbar dator av sin arbetsgivare, och bara 22 procent får en smartphone. Bilden är mycket snarlik över hela världen. Detta innebär att om majoriteten av de anställda plötsligt tvingas arbeta hemifrån, är det inte så lätt att genomföra. Fler och fler företag inser att teknik är grunden för att öka produktiviteten vid distansarbete. Att arbeta produktivt på lång sikt kräver den senaste tekniken, inklusive uppgraderingar med jämna mellanrum, och varje arbetsplats måste erbjuda adekvat prestanda. Vår lösning för den digitala arbetsplatsen fokuserar på de anställdas individuella teknikkrav eftersom varje användargrupp har sina egna behov: om en anställd spenderar mycket tid på resande fot, är en lätt och smidigare enhet bäst passande. Konvertibla enheter är också mycket populära. Andra anställda kanske arbetar med stora datamängder, i vilket fall högre prestanda är nyckeln. Den grundläggande utrustningen som vi förser anställda med består alltid av en smartphone och en bärbar dator. Den anställda kan sedan välja ytterligare alternativ beroende på deras specifika behov, som i många fall inkluderar ett brusreducerande headset. För oss är det viktigt att låta de anställda få vara med och ta ställning till vilken typ av utrustning som ska beställas och användas, detta eftersom de bäst vet vad deras krav och behov är. Att ha ett val och kunna välja sin egna utrustning är allt viktigare, i synnerhet för yngre kollegor. Att engagera de anställda ger även en extra boost till deras motivation. I vår interna beställningsportal, TESMA®, kan beställning och val av enheter och utrustning hanteras helt automatiskt. Här kan varje anställd välja vilka mobila enheter de behöver - utan de långa godkännandeperioderna och installationsprocesserna. Uppgraderingar kan enkelt ordnas för en personlig tilläggsavgift och levereras snabbt - till den anställdes hemadress om det behövs. "För mig är det viktigt att kunna arbeta på distans och ha tillgång till den senaste kommunikationstekniken. På CHG-MERIDIAN har jag den största möjliga friheten när jag väljer var jag arbetar och de verktyg jag använder." Anställd på CHG-MERIDIAN i Weingarten Enligt forskning av IDC kämpar 62 procent av företagen med att anställda tar beslut i egna händer och köper den utrustning de behöver, istället för att vänta på långdragna beslutsprocesser och leveranstider. Tack vare våra effektiva processers undviker vi just detta fenomen. Dessutom får anställda använda sina valda enheter privat, vilket har flera fördelar: medarbetare arbetar endast inom en IT-miljö, och vi kan förhindra att kunddata, företagsdokument eller annan känslig information skickas från privata enheter. Detta är viktigt att beakta när det gäller compliance, säkerhet och dataskydd. Riskerna för datasäkerhet är högre med mobila enheter, vilket är varför vi har skapat en lösning som säkerställer att data på mobila enheter är säkra - när som helst, var som helst. Vi har också utvecklat robusta lösningar för stöld och andra typer av förlust av enheter. I slutet av livslängden säkerställer vår egenutvecklade eraSURE®-lösning att informationen är säker genom att radera lagringsenheter i bärbara datorer, surfplattor och smartphones helt automatiskt. På ”den digitala arbetsplatsen” har medarbetarna betydligt större frihet att välja var och när de arbetar och de är inte längre bundna till sitt skrivbord och sin stationära dator. De har dessutom tillgång till den senaste tekniken, som kan anpassas till deras individuella behov. CHG-MERIDIAN visar hur detta kan gå till. Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. Dataplattformar tillåter oss att organisera och strukturera översvämningen av digital information på ett förnuftigt sätt när vi arbetar på distans. De gör det också möjligt för oss att arbeta i virtuella team över gränserna. Vart vi än befinner oss. Denna typ av flexibilitet är redan normen hos CHG-MERIDIAN, och varje dag lär vi oss något nytt. Ta reda på vad dataplattformar handlar om. Kontakta oss vid frågor Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    Läs mer om våra lösningar och tjänster  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Caroline Bruß h1|Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Tekniken h2|FÖRSE ANSTÄLLDA MED RÄTT UTRUSTNING LÅT DE ANSTÄLLDA VARA MED OCH VÄLJA MÖJLIGGÖR FÖR PERSONLIG ANVÄNDNING SÄKERA EN HÖG GRAD AV DATASKYDD LÄS MER KONTAKTA OSS h3|Choose your region The digital workplace calls for an integrated approach DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Den digitala plattformen Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Den digitala arbetsplatsen Exempel från verkligheten Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                       pa|TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AT HSM HSM GmbH + CO. KG, based in Frickingen, is an innovative market leader for office and environmental technology. CHG-MERIDIAN has made its internal IT processes fully future-proof and provided cost transparency. Efficient technology management is particularly important to Matthias Wochner, Managing Director at HSM. As he is responsible for finance, sales, and marketing he considers it essential to the company’s continued business success and growth. The extensive range of inhouse technologies relating to IT and production is one of the main pillars of HSM’s unique selling proposition. “Our manufacturing depth, with extensive machinery and equipment available inhouse, is what distinguishes us from most of our competitors. This means we are very flexible when dealing with our customers’ requirements, something that is very important with regard not only to large-scale equipment but also to specialized devices. Public-sector customers – such as government authorities – are a good example because they always stipulate very specific requirements.” One of the elements of this strategy is the restructuring of at HSM in the Managed Print Services project, which focused on all of the printers, photocopiers, scanners, and fax machines used in the company. The overarching aim was to increase their efficiency in terms of environmental impact and financial cost. This is where the independent experts from CHG-MERIDIAN came in, as partners for efficient technology management. Beforehand, HSM’s IT department had analyzed the company’s needs so that its future printing infrastructure requirements could be defined in detail. CHG-MERIDIAN helped to plan the new infrastructure and prepare the subsequent call for tenders. The defined requirements were demanding. For example, the devices and a 24-hour support service have to be available at all times, not only in Germany but also at HSM’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France, Poland, and the USA. The list of requirements included a 20 percent decrease in running costs, greater energy efficiency for the devices, and automated transmission of information to enable the replacement and billing of consumables. After the requirements analysis and request-for-proposal consulting, the main strategic assistance that CHG-MERIDIAN provided to HSM related to the development of efficient and flexible customized business concepts. The consolidation process led to the number of end devices at HSM being reduced from 150 to 90, a decrease of around 40 percent. Combined with the reduction in the operating costs of the individual devices, monthly costs fell by an impressive 50 percent despite the printing volume remaining unchanged, meaning the actual cost saving was significantly higher than the targeted 20 percent. This impressive feat was achieved by providing the best possible terms, reducing running costs, and using fewer devices. A further advantage of HSM’s manufacturing depth is the sheer breadth of the high-quality product portfolio. As Wochner explains: “This enables us to operate in all kinds of sales channels, from small devices sold online to maximum-security equipment and large machinery developed for specific projects. And between these extremes, we can exploit the fluid boundaries between our product categories to always offer our customers the HSM product that best meets their needs.” Wochner adds: “One of the main challenges for the future is the increasing complexity of business decisions and processes. It’s not always easy to deal with these complexities in a company of our size.” An expanding medium-sized business with global operations, HSM now exports 72 percent of its products to international markets, which are very fast-paced and subject to very different laws and regulations. Given its successful growth, HSM has therefore teamed up with CHG-MERIDIAN to take a closer look at its internal structures and processes. technology and service management system. The system has been customized so that specially defined shopping carts containing the necessary IT assets are available for each HSM location – with uniform terms and conditions worldwide and the same high quality and service level. This is where economies of scale and far greater transparency really come to bear: “This has a direct monetary effect for us but also makes the administration much more straightforward,” says Thorsten Schäfer, IT manager at HSM. “Such structures are entirely normal in a large company but not so in a medium-sized business like HSM. CHG-MERIDIAN was the ideal partner for us because it doesn’t just cover the funding; it’s also a single source of support for the entire technology lifecycle. What’s more, it provides the international structures that are so important to us, i.e. global availability without international billing.” The Managed Print Services project is just the first step in further cooperation with CHG-MERIDIAN on the restructuring of IT and technology management at HSM. Other initiatives will have the same aim: reducing complexity and using the company’s resources even more efficiently so that they can be targeted in areas where they will harness potential for growth in relation to customers, markets, and products. The example of HSM impressively demonstrates how CHG-Meridian achieves maximum efficiency for financial and operational spending thanks to its in-depth understanding of capital expenditure at every stage of the technology lifecycle.       EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Company: Hermann Schwelling Maschinenbau GmbH + Co. KG Sector: office and environmental technology Products: file shredders, baling presses, cutting machines, crushers, perforators Headquarters: Frickingen, Germany Administrative headquarters: Bielefeld, Germany Managing Directors: Hermann Schwelling Founded: 1971 in Salem, Germany Employees: approx. 700, incl. 74 trainees Revenue: approx. €100 million Export rate: approx. 72% Share of revenue from office technology: 55% Share of revenue from environmental technology: 45% Production facilities: Salem, Frickingen, and Reichenbach (all Germany) Subsidiaries: United Kingdom, France, Poland, and USA Website: h1|FULLY EFFICIENT h2|Special requirements demand flexible solutions Project Facts h3|Choose your region Expert support in reducing complexity Successfully mastering increasing complexity Increased transparency with TESMA® Company Facts Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 3 Image 2 / 3 Image 3 / 3 pa|STRATEGIC ADVICE FOR DEMAG CRANES Wherever goods and loads are being moved you will often encounter automation technology and cranes from Demag Cranes. CHG-MERIDIAN was able to the lighten the load by finding a way to run their new data centers in a sustainable and energy-efficient manner. Demag Cranes, now part of the Terex group of companies, made the strategic decision to move their SAP systems, whose operation was previously outsourced, to their own IT infrastructure. This required the construction of three , two at the headquarters in Düsseldorf and one at their Wetter site. The Management Board hoped to achieve considerable cost savings and an increase in quality and uptime. To do this, the IT environment that had developed over time was consolidated and transferred to state-of-the-art data centers capable of providing the necessary computing performance and security. Because environmental protection is enshrined in TEREX’s corporate values, it was important for more than just financial reasons to achieve a high degree of energy efficiency. CHG-MERIDIAN developed a suitable corporate strategy to achieve better IT performance. “Our new data centers have allowed us to run our SAP systems inhouse and to make our corporate strategy in the areas of sustainability and energy efficiency more credible. Without the support of the consultants at CHG-MERIDIAN we wouldn’t have been able to deliver the project in this way and obtain certification from TÜV Rheinland,” explains Friedhelm Zahn, Head of IT Infrastructure at Demag Cranes AG. In early 2012, CHG-MERIDIAN teamed up with product standards regulator TÜV Rheinland Consulting to launch the ‘energy-efficient data center’ certification initiative. “Our aim is to reduce the amount of energy consumed, and thereby CO2 emitted, by large data centers,” says Hans-Jörg Heming, Senior Consultant at CHG-MERIDIAN responsible for the complex project at the long-standing partner. The specialist consultants at CHG-MERIDIAN were able to bring their technological expertise from numerous projects into play, make the necessary resources available, and also highlight innovative financing models. Planning for the data centers began in early 2011 and the contract for the build was awarded in May. Three months passed between the granting of the building permit and the start of the ground works, so that building started in August. The prefabricated building was constructed during September and October, and the interior works began in November. The data centers were completed in December and brought online. After one year of operation, the certificates for energy efficiency and CAT II+ operational security were awarded in January 2013. CHG-MERIDIAN, which is not tied to specific suppliers, provided consulting and project management expertise. This benefited DEMAG when it was planning the data center specifications, running the project, and obtaining TÜV certification. CHG-MERIDIAN, which is not tied to specific suppliers, provided consulting and project management expertise. This benefited DEMAG when it was planning the data center specifications, running the project, and obtaining TÜV certification.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded The basic principles of data center planning formulated by the IT managers at Demag Cranes and CHG-MERIDIAN included: Size and energy requirements, including capacity reserves of 50 percent Agreements with the suppliers on the energy efficiency of the data centers Cooling concepts that follow the trend toward high levels of compression Redundancy of the data centers in Düsseldorf for the operation of critical applications CAT II+ (Tier level 2) certification Certification of energy efficiency from TÜV Rheinland Company: Demag Cranes AG, now Terex MHPS GmbH Portfolio: cranes, automation technology, integrated one-stop solutions for terminal management, warehouse and logistics systems Headquarters: Düsseldorf, Germany Further sites: Wetter, Germany Management Board: Stoyan Filipov (CEO), Mark Bennett, Dr.-Ing. Mathias Dobner, Klaus Peter Hoffmann, Peter Pohlner, Susanna Schneeberger Part of Terex Material Handling & Port Solutions, a leading provider of industrial cranes, crane components, harbor cranes, and technology for port automation, since 2011 Website: h1|GETTING THINGS MOVING h2|A weighty challenge h3|Choose your region Sharing the load From the drawing board to certification Every detail considered Company facts Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   pa|Datorprestanda, digitala plattformar, mjukvara och applikationer kan redan köpas in som tjänster - så varför inte komplettera med hela arbetsplatsen? Upptäck vilka fördelar arbetsplatsen som en tjänst (WaaS) kan ha för ditt företag. Beställ idag, leverans imorgon - en trevlig idé, men som inte kan tillämpas på de flesta arbetsplatser än idag. Innan ett köp av IT kan ske finns det omfattande budgetplanerings- och anbudsprocesser att gå igenom och det finns ofta långa kontraktsfaser för underhåll och support att hantera. När alla delar och enheter äntligen levererats är det dags att konfigurera enheten – nödvändiga applikationer ska installeras och enheten ska integreras i nätverket. En lång process som kan ta veckor att slutföra. I slutet av utrustningens livslängd, är det inte sällan som man i många fall glömmer att säkerställa att bortforsling och radering av konfidentiell data sker enligt lagkrav. Konventionella inköpsprocesser av IT är också en huvudvärk när det gäller budgetplanering. Ofta är utgifterna spridda över ett brett spektrum av artiklar, vilket gör det mycket svårt att beräkna de verkliga kostnaderna. Sedan finns det riskerna i livscykeln - till exempel hårdvarufel, förlust eller stöld. Arbetsplatsen som en tjänst (WaaS) -modellen är en förlängning av programvara som en tjänst (SaaS). Användaren har både hårdvaran och den nödvändiga programvaran, och företaget faktureras ett fast månadsbelopp. Tjänster som försäkring och radering av data i slutet av leasingperioden kan också integreras i hyresbetalningen. Enkelt uttryckt är användaren försedd med en allomfattande arbetsplats. Den traditionella processen är att skaffa hårdvara och mjukvara, lägga till den i anläggningstillgångarna och avskriva den under flera år. Men varierande avskrivningsperioder och regler minskar insynen och gör bokföringen mer komplex. Genom att leasa företagets IT förblir tillgångarna, inklusive programvaran, leverantörens egendom och som hyrestagare behöver företaget endast ange de löpande kostnader i böckerna. Fasta priser som täcker hårdvaran och alla tjänster erbjuder ytterligare fördelar. Inte många företag kan säga med full säkerhet hur mycket deras arbetsplats IT kostar. En hyrd arbetsplats kommer att kosta exakt det avtalade beloppet varje månad. Detta skapar öppenhet och planeringssäkerhet under hela hyresperioden. Med WaaS är den nya arbetsplatsen tillgänglig inom några dagar. Med en självbetjäningsportal tillåter man anställda att välja sin föredragna hårdvaru- och mjukvarukombination från ett urval som definierats av arbetsgivaren, vilket ökar deras tillfredsställelse och engagemang hos de anställda. En ytterligare fördel med att leasa företagets IT är dess större flexibilitet. Ett brett utbud av arbetsplatsmiljöer, inklusive flera skärmar och mobila enheter, kan sättas ihop med självbetjäningsportalen och anpassas till jobbprofilen. Alla enheter tillhandahåller den arbetsmiljö som den anställda är bekant med och gör det möjligt att enkelt ansluta till företagets nätverk genom att klicka på en knapp utan ytterligare konfiguration. Vad händer med företagets IT när dess livslängd väl är över? I många fall raderas inte konfidentiell data och andra uppgifter som enheten innehåller korrekt, vilket är ett tydligt brott mot lagen och kan leda till stora böter. Många hyresmodeller inkluderar radering av data i enlighet med lagkrav och remarketing eller avyttring av tillgångar som en del av kontraktet. Leasing istället för att köpa - det som länge har varit normen för programvara kan nu också tillämpas på arbetsplatsen. WaaS har många fördelar: Medarbetaren får en komplett, färdiggjord arbetsmiljö - IT-avdelningen har mindre arbete att göra och ekonomiavdelningen har full koll på kostnaderna. En riktig win-win-situation för alla inblandade. Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. Den digitala arbetsplatsen är en integrerad del av varje digitaliseringsstrategi och CHG-MERIDIAN är inget undantag. För att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt och optimera den på lång sikt tror vi att det finns tre faktorer som lyckat distansarbete är beroende av: tekniken, plattformen och - sist men inte minst - de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Ta reda på vad den teknologiska faktorn handlar om i den här artikeln. Många företag kämpar med att införa en digital arbetsplats. Tekniken och processerna som används är ofta avancerade, men ändå ligger prestanda och anställdas produktivitet fortfarande kvar på samma nivå som tidigare – och det blir tydligt hur viktigt det är att få de anställda ombord när det gäller en digital arbetskultur.    Kontakt  Tidigare artiklar  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|Dags att överväga leasing istället för att köpa? h2|LEASING ISTÄLLET FÖR ATT KÖPA: ARBETSPLATSEN SOM EN TJÄNST VILKA ÄR FÖRDELARNA MED ARBETSPLATSEN SOM TJÄNST? LÄS MER OM DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN Kontakt h3|Choose your region EN ENKEL & FAST AVGIFT ÖPPENHET - INGA GISSNINGAR ÖKAD ARBETSGLÄDJE DEN INDIVIDUELLA ARBETSPLATSEN REMARKETING DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Tekniken Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Rätt mindset Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Exempel från verkligheten Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Digital Workplace sp|                                        pa|Corona-krisen har blottat brister i företagens digitala omvandling då de ställts inför utmaningen att möjliggöra mobila arbetsplatser från en dag till den andra. Nu ser vi även vad mer som måste göras, för att optimera den digitala arbetsplatsen hos företag. Utbrottet av COVID-19 under början på 2020 gav IT-chefer och VD utmaningen att göra mobila arbetsplatser och lämplig infrastruktur tillgängliga för sina anställda nästan över en natt. Vissa företag var bättre förberedda på detta än andra, några hade ingen tidigare erfarenhet alls av distansarbete eller mobila arbetsplatser. En del företag saknade helt bärbara datorer eller mobiltelefoner för sina anställda att använda och ta hem, lika så brist på digitala plattformar för anställda att kommunicera, samarbeta och, på ett säkert sätt, tillgång till data på distans. Anställda som regelbundet stått vid kopiatoren fick plötsligt lära sig hantera en helt ny arbetsmiljö med digitala kommunikationsplattformar och affärsprocesser. Men att slängas in i detta har också haft sina fördelar, eftersom digitaliseringshastigheten har fått ett rejält uppsving. Positiva effekter från corona-krisen är den digitala transformationens acceleration. Företag som redan tidigare investerat i digitala arbetsplatser har kunnat reagera snabbt och säkert på krisen. Andra har varit tvungna att improvisera och anskaffa mobila enheter på kort varsel, vilket inte är enkelt med tanke på flaskhalsar i utbudet och stigande priser. En av lärdomarna från krisen är att ingen kan undvika digitalisering; den digitala arbetsplatsen är en viktig och nödvändig investering. Nu är det upp till företag att granska sina improviserade åtgärder och vid behov korrigera och optimera dem för att anpassa dem till en framtidssäker och hållbar digitaliseringsstrategi. När man står inför en ekonomisk kris och låga tillväxttakter kan kostnadsbesparande åtgärder anses vara ett mer uppenbart alternativ än att spendera, men investeringar i digitala arbetsplatser kan betala sig genom hårdvaran och öka produktiviteten, vilket redan har bevisats i . Det första steget är att definiera de långsiktiga målen: Den digitala arbetsplatsen är naturligtvis mer än bara hårdvara, men den kan helt enkelt inte fungera utan den. Det skulle vara ett misstag att välja lägre prestanda för att spara pengar, särskilt när man sätter siffrorna i sammanhanget. En investering på cirka 1 500 euro per anställd är väl motiverad med tanke på produktivitetsvinster och fördelar för företaget. Krisen har tydligt visat att företag, som redan använt pengar på sina anställdas hårdvara innan corona-utbrottet, kan se att denna investering lönat sig. Även den bästa hårdvaran är till liten nytta om det inte finns någon lämplig digital infrastruktur bakom den, till exempel automatiserade processer, en lämplig applikationsplattform och rätt samarbetsverktyg. Anställda måste kunna få tillgång till data och tjänster på distans. Denna typ av plattform har många fördelar. Det förenklar inte bara det mobila arbetssättet och kommunikationen utan garanterar också att slutanordningar enkelt kan bytas ut. Anställda ska kunna komma åt plattformen från både sin smartphone och bärbara dator, och informationen ska vara tillgänglig från alla enheter. Att undvika stillestånd och förseningar är inte bara bekvämt och praktiskt, det sparar också kostnader, varför det är extra viktigt att välja rätt plattform. Förändring kan kännas besvärligt, och att vänja sig med digitala arbetsmetoder kan vara en enorm utmaning för många anställda. De måste bekanta sig med en ny digital miljö: videosamtal istället för mötesrum, evenemang online och nätverkande via sociala nätverk. Detta är ett nytt territorium för många, och det tar tid att vänja sig till det. Därför är det viktigt att få de anställda ombord så tidigt som möjligt. En långsiktig, kostnadsoptimerad digital arbetsplatsplan består av tre väsentliga byggstenar: rätt hårdvara, en lämplig plattform och de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. Många företag kämpar med att införa en digital arbetsplats. Tekniken och processerna som används är ofta avancerade, men ändå ligger prestanda och anställdas produktivitet fortfarande kvar på samma nivå som tidigare – och det blir tydligt hur viktigt det är att få de anställda ombord när det gäller en digital arbetskultur. Följande artikel belyser den nyckelroll som de anställda spelar i alla digitaliseringsstrategier. Dataplattformar tillåter oss att organisera och strukturera översvämningen av digital information på ett förnuftigt sätt när vi arbetar på distans. De gör det också möjligt för oss att arbeta i virtuella team över gränserna. Vart vi än befinner oss. Denna typ av flexibilitet är redan normen hos CHG-MERIDIAN, och varje dag lär vi oss något nytt. Ta reda på vad dataplattformar handlar om.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded st|Lukas Wojoczek, Technical Sales Digital Workplace på CHG-MERIDIAN AG Thorsten Staudenmaier-Föhr, Solution Manager Service Design på CHG-MERIDIAN AG h1|Hur coronaviruset påskyndar digitaliseringen h2|KRISEN HAR VISAT HUR VIKTIGT DET ÄR ATT INVESTERA I DIGITALISERING DEFINIERA LÅNGSIKTIGA MÅL SKÄR INTE NER PÅ KOSTNADERA - INVESTERA I HÅRDVARA SÅ SNART SOM MÖJLIGT DET MOBILA ARBETSSÄTTET KRÄVER EN LÄMPLIG PLATTFORM FRÄMJA DE ANSTÄLLDAS DIGITALA TANKESÄTT LÄS MER! h3|Choose your region DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Rätt mindset Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Den digitala plattformen Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Exempel från verkligheten Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Att se krisen som en möjlighet sp|                                 em|"Frågan som företag bör ställa sig är: Var behöver vi investera i IT om vi vill låta våra anställda arbeta produktivt var som helst och när som helst, samtidigt som vi ger tillgång till all relevant information och integrerar alla affärsprocesser ?" "Att sänka kostnader genom investeringar på den digitala arbetsplatsen är en del av vår kärnverksamhet. Varje enhet har en optimal livslängd och g enom att välja rätt tid att ersätta hårdvara kan företag njuta av bästa möjliga restvärde samtidigt som de nyttjar ny teknik. Enbart detta ger en kostnadsbesparing. pa|Skulle ni vilja sänka kostnaderna för lagertruckar och effektivisera administrationen av inköp, användning och remarketing? Vill ni ha bättre översikt över användningen av maskinparken internationellt? Vi hjälper er hela vägen, från inköp till återlämning och ser till att de totala ägandekostnaderna blir så låga som möjligt. Hur väl känner du till företagets kostnader för lagerfordon? Vad är totalkostnaden per truck? Genom våra kundanpassade tjänster hjälper vi er att minska kostnaderna genom att beräkna den optimala livslängden för varje fordonsslag. I våra analyser tar vi bland annat hänsyn till att kostnaderna för reparationer, service och nedtid ökar kraftigt efter ett visst antal driftstimmar och att livslängden varierar mellan olika tillverkare och mellan olika produkter. Till exempel är det stor skillnad mellan eltruckar och dieseltruckar. Vad sägs om att kunna byta leverantör, utan att behöva skriva nya kontrakt och fastna i utdragna förhandlingar? Inga problem! Beställ helt enkelt de nya fordon ni önskar så integrerar vi dem i de befintliga avtalen. Dessa avtal skräddarsys till ert företag oavsett i vilka länder ni bedriver verksamhet. Våra produktspecialister har många års erfarenhet och vet allt som är värt att veta om truckar och annan logistikutrustning, såsom tillverkare, olika modeller etc. Vi är en industrioberoende rådgivare och baserar alltid våra rekommendationer på tydliga siffror, fakta och produkttester. På så sätt kan vi erbjuda den mest ändamålsenliga utrustningen och avtal med ägandekostnader i fokus. Fördelen för er? Upp till 50 procent lägre kostnader. (text på Engelska) Att ha kontroll på maskiner och fordon som är utspridda i många länder är en svår uppgift och samtidigt skälet till att så många företag anlitar oss. Vi kan erbjuda heltäckande leasingavtal för hela fordonsflottan, oavsett om ni bedriver verksamhet i Europa, Australien, USA eller Mexiko eller använder regionala leverantörer och servicepartners. Och till en fast månadskostnad om ni föredrar det. Vi erbjuder flexibel och överskådlig finansiering av fordon från valfri tillverkare och i enlighet med lokala skattelagar och regler. Fördelen för er som kund är att ni får en enhetlig och smidig process för hantering av alla lagermaskiner och dessutom lägre kostnader. Hur många fordon har ni? Av vilka fabrikat? Vad är kapacitetsutnyttjandet? Vad är totalkostnaden? Vilken typ av lyftmaster har ni och vilken typ av batterier? Vilka avtal löper ut och när? Asset Management-systemet TESMA® ger er full överblick över maskinparken och all finansiell data. Du kan till exempel ta fram rapporter över utrustningens användning och enkelt planera framtida inköp och kostnader baserat på fordon, plats och land. Verktyget kan också användas för noggrann allokering av alla kostnader. Varierar ert behov av lagerfordon under olika perioder? I så fall har vi goda nyheter! Vi erbjuder leasingavtal som bygger på hur mycket fordonen används. Med andra ord betalar ni per timme, och ju färre timmar desto lägre månadskostnad. På så sätt får ni full kontroll på kostnaderna och slipper oroa er för upp- och nedgångar i resursutnyttjandet. Ni kan självklart även anpassa storleken på fordonsflottan och uppgradera modeller efter behov. Allt i ett enda avtal, vilket ger överskådliga och förutsägbara kostnader. Och om ni önskar en mer flexibel finansiering även av befintlig utrustning kan den införlivas i leasingavtalet genom vår modell för sale and leaseback. Faced with the ups and downs of volatile markets, logistics companies are looking for new ways to react with greater agility and efficiency. Philip Rosenmüller, lifecycle expert at CHG-MERIDIAN, may have the answers they need. Vad sägs om att få avkastning direkt, från första producerade enhet? Eller att snabbt kunna anpassa produktionen till rådande efterfrågan på marknaden? Behöver logistikverksamheten på företaget effektiviseras? Eller kostnaderna i högre grad anpassas till resursutnyttjandet?    För mer information om våra kundanpassade tjänster, klicka här li|menu not loaded h1|EFFEKTIVISERA HANTERINGEN AV LAGERTRUCKAR h2|MINSKA KOSTNADERNA FÖR LAGERTRUCKAR Betala efter användning LÄS MER h3|Choose your region FLEXIBLA AVTAL REKOMMENDATIONER BASERADE PÅ FAKTA Har ni logistikverksamhet i flera länder? Full överblick över maskinparken och all finansiell data Efficient and flexible through customized business concepts PRODUKTIONSUTRUSTNING OCH MASKINER LAGER OCH LOGISTIK Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|SKRÄDDARSYDD AFFÄRSIDÉ FÖR MONDI Active technology management INDUSTRITEKNIK INDUSTRITEKNIK h6|INDUSTRITEKNIK sp|                                       pa|Stationära datorer, bärbara datorer, surfplattor… hanteringen av IT-utrustningen kan lätt bli komplicerad, särskilt om alla användare har olika behov. Managed Desktop Solutions löser problemen kring hanteringen av medarbetarnas datorer. Som en oberoende leverantör av finansiella tjänster kan vi erbjuda anpassade lösningar som minskar de totala IT-kostnaderna. Våra tjänster höjer kvaliteten i hanteringen och förbättrar överblicken över teknikinvesteringarna. Minskad komplexitet SAMORDNING OCH INSYN Vi tänker och planerar långsiktigt och det gäller även hur vi utformar våra erbjudanden. Som kund hos oss får ni hjälp att minska inköpskostnaderna och undviker dolda avgifter. Genom vårt koncept Managed Desktop Solutions kan vi erbjuda er en enhetlig och lätthanterlig IT-miljö. Effektiv resursanvändning ASSET MANAGEMENT-SYSTEMET Mer än 8 000 företag har effektiviserat sin IT-hantering med hjälp av TESMA®, en webbaserad app som är lätt att använda och som ger dig full överblick över alla enheter och all finansiell data under hårdvarans hela livslängd. Managed Desktop Solutions från CHG-MERIDIAN ger dig full kontroll över IT-miljön. MDS Brochure EN CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper er att administrera IT-utrustningen och hålla kostnaderna nere under utrustningens hela livscykel. Vi förser er med alla verktyg ni behöver, så att ni kan fokusera på att utveckla företaget. Enterprise Mobile Solutions är en heltäckande tjänst för hantering av företagets mobiltelefoner. Vi hjälper er hela vägen, från inköp och administration av abonnemang till säker radering av uttjänta enheter . Att införskaffa den senaste hälso- och sjukvårdstekniken medför ofta höga kostnader. CHG-MERIDIAN kan hjälpa er att fatta rätt beslut i samband med teknikinvesteringar.    Här kan du läsa mer om våra övriga lösningar och tjänster li|menu not loaded Intelligent IT-hantering med omfattande tillgångsinventering Hårdvara anpassad till användarnas behov Förenklad hantering vid teknikskiften Stöd till IT-avdelningen under datorernas hela livscykel Användningsbaserad betalning underlättar administrationen – användare per månad Förstklassiga och prisvärda lösningar Flexibilitet och skalbarhet genom internationella närvaro Låga priser på IT-utrustning från vårt internationella remarketing-nätverk Minskar arbetsbördan för IT-avdelningen Underlättar arbetet i samband med teknikskiften Skyddar investeringarna genom intelligenta finansieringslösningar Full integrering av tekniska och finansiella data Full överblick av kostnader och processer Snabb identifiering av kostnadsställe Kundanpassad orderhantering Full överblick över budgeten och fördelningen av kostnader h1|EFFEKTIV HANTERING AV ERA IT-INVESTERINGAR h2|FÅ KONTROLL PÅ IT-KOSTNADERNA FILER FÖR NEDLADDNING Mer läsning! h3|Choose your region IT anpassad till företagets behov Stöd till IT-avdelningen Arbetsbesparande rutiner Effektiv IT-hantering med full kontroll VI HAR MER ÄN 30 ÅRS ERFARENHET AV IT-HANTERING MINIMERA KOSTNADERNA Det nya sättet att handla mobiltelefoner EFFEKTIV ADMINISTRATION AV UTRUSTNING Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|IT EMS HÄLSO- OCH SJUKVÅRDSTEKNIK h6|MANAGED DESKTOP SOLUTIONS sp|                                  Gå till Gå till  pdf, 1 MB     pa|Många IT-avdelningar kick på knäna i mitten av mars 2020, då hela arbetskraften plötsligt behövde börja arbeta hemifrån. Sedan dess har det blivit klart att detta inte är en tillfällig omställning med tillfälliga lösningar, utan början på en längre resa - även när det gäller teknik. När Coronapandemin bröt ut, fick tusentals anställda upprätta ett hemmakontor på mycket kort varsel. Enligt branschorganisationen Bitkom arbetade hälften av alla anställda till stora delar hemifrån i slutet av mars 2020. Många företag kämpade för att klara de nya kraven. "Coronapandemin har förflyttat arbetslivet till sin digitala framtid och belyst de områden där IT-chefer fortfarande behöver förbättra sin digitala arbetsplatsstrategi", säger Oliver Schorer, IT-chef och ledamot i styrelsen för CHG-MERIDIAN. Företag som hunnit investera i fungerande lösningar för mobilt arbete före pandemin hade ett försprång och omställningen blev inte lika stor. Detta bekräftades av många av de IT-chefer vi talat med, inklusive Andreas Plaul, chef för IT- och Kommunikationstjänster på Haufe-gruppen. ”Mobilt arbete var väl etablerat i vårt företag före Coronapandemin, så våra anställda hade redan de enheter de behövde för att kunna arbeta hemifrån. Denna investering gav resultat, eftersom den gjorde det möjligt för mer än 2000 anställda att kunna arbeta hemifrån utan problem”, förklarar han. Thomas Henzler, IT-chef på fläkttillverkaren Piller, är också en av dem som valt att gå över till mobilt arbete innan pandemin, så när mars månad kom under 2020 hade företaget redan bytt ut hela dess arbets- och samarbetsinfrastruktur till distansarbete. Förändringsarbetet som gjordes inkluderade bland annat förändringar i hela företagets IT-infrastruktur och införande av nya verktyg, såsom Microsoft Teams och SharePoint Online. "Varje anställd har nu sin egen OneDrive, som gör det möjligt för dem att få tillgång till all data på vilken enhet som helst var de än är", säger Henzler. Andreas Plaul från Haufe-gruppen påpekar dock att det inte finns någon 'one-size-fits-all' lösning när det gäller den digitala arbetsplatsen: ”Vi har olika arbetsplatskonfigurationer som ger anställda stor rörlighet och som är inriktade på de specifika behoven hos de enskilda avdelningarna." Vi har olika arbetsplatskonfigurationer som ger anställda stor rörlighet och är anpassade till de enskilda avdelningernas specifika behov. Oliver Schorer ser mobilt arbete bara som en del av det övergripande konceptet. ”Den är ett integrerat användarkoncept som kräver rätt teknik, rätt plattform och rätt tänkesätt. Det måste vara anpassningsbart eftersom företagens och de anställdas krav ständigt utvecklas. Företag som lyckas hantera sina digitala arbetsplatser så flexibelt som möjligt - och i internationell skala - kommer att vara de som ser mest nytta.” Thomas Henzler ser också den digitala arbetsplatsen i det bredare sammanhanget med digitalisering: "Våra digitala arbetsplatser är till en viss del en kombination av processer och teknologier men även förmågan att använda dem effektivt är en an annan del", förklarar han. "Denna kombination skapar en flexibel struktur som gör att vi kan arbeta på nästan alla tillgängliga enheter, inklusive iPads, iPhones och bärbara datorer." "En digital arbetsplats som tar upp alla dessa aspekter accepteras lättare av anställda", bekräftar Peter Janze, VD och IT-chef för Digital@M, det digitala konsultföretaget för staden München. Även han tror också på att teknik bara är en del av den större bilden. "Övergången till digitala arbetsplatser måste ske med hjälp av intern marknadsföring, påverkan från chefer och andra stödjande aktiviteter", säger Janze. Användningen av online- och videomöten har varit huvudfunktionen för distansarbete de senaste månaderna. Enligt en gemensam studie utförd av Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) och den Tyska föreningen för personalhantering (DGFP) sa 93% av de tillfrågade företagen att de höll online- eller videokonferenser i princip hela tiden. Nästan två tredjedelar rapporterade att de nu även genomför personalutvärderingsmöten digitalt och 57% sa att de till och med använder videokonferenser för att intervjua arbetssökande. ”Distansarbete är här för att stanna och kommer att ligga till grund för den systematiska digitaliseringen av affärsprocesser och den digitala arbetsplatsen,” förutspår Janze. Han betonar också att den digitala arbetsplatsresan inte på något sätt har nått slutet, särskilt ur ett tekniskt perspektiv: ”Den digitala arbetsplatsen kommer inte bara i form av ny IT-infrastruktur som främjar samarbete, den understryker också behovet av en ny arkitektur.” Peter Janze har förmodligen rätt – distansarbete kommer att förbli populärt, även efter Coronapandemin. Människor som nu arbetar hemifrån är i stort sett mycket nöjda, trots vissa initiala bekymmer. Detta har bekräftats av ett antal undersökningar. Enligt en rapport från Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), "finns det en mycket stark önskan att kunna arbeta hemifrån mer, där cirka 68% av de tillfrågade anställda sa att de ville arbeta hemifrån mer regelbundet efter Coronapandemin. ” This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments.    Andreas Plaul, chef för IT- och Kommunikationstjänster på Haufe-gruppen  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Mobilt arbete är det nya normala h2|DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSER – EN DEL AV ETT ÖVERGRIPANDE KONCEPT ATT ARBETA HEMMA ELLER PÅ DISTANS ÄR HÄR FÖR ATT STANNA h3|Choose your region DIGITAL WORKPLACE: HOW YOU CAN INCREASE EMPLOYEE BUY-IN Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|Utifrån IT-chefers perspektiv sp|                                  pdf, 1 MB  pa|Dataplattformar tillåter oss att organisera och strukturera översvämningen av digital information på ett förnuftigt sätt när vi arbetar på distans. De gör det också möjligt för oss att arbeta i virtuella team över gränserna. Vart vi än befinner oss. Denna typ av flexibilitet är redan normen hos CHG-MERIDIAN, och varje dag lär vi oss något nytt. Ta reda på vad dataplattformar handlar om. Även den bästa teknikutrustningen är värdelös om du inte har full tillgång till data och inte kan kommunicera sömlöst med övriga företaget när du arbetar på distans. Den digitala arbetsplatsen innebär mer än bara att tillhandahålla mobila enheter- det handlar även om att skapa en miljö där de anställda får tillgång till all information och processer de behöver för att göra sitt arbete enkelt och framgångsrikt. Att göra denna miljö tillgänglig är bara en del av ekvationen; du måste också utbilda anställda i hur man använder virtuella plattformar för att kommunicera och dela information. Läs vidare för att lära dig mer om den dagliga digitaliseringen av distansarbetet hos CHG-MERIDIAN. Enligt resultaten från det senaste D21 Digital Index får 46 procent av de anställda en bärbar dator att arbeta med, men endast 16 procent har fjärråtkomst till sin data. Denna låga siffra blir en speciell utmaning när majoriteten av arbetskraften plötsligt måste arbeta hemifrån. Det finns olika sätt att ge anställda som arbetar på distans tillgång till företagsdata på distans. Ett alternativ kan vara att använda en VPN för att komma åt företagsservern. På CHG-MERIDIAN beslutade vi att använda en egen molntjänst. Vår molnbaserade desktoplösning gör det mycket lättare att arbeta genom att tillhandahålla en skrivbordsmiljö via internet till de anställdas IT-utrustning. Detta gör att vi kan skapa hela arbetsplatser i molnet som kan nås var som helst via en internetanslutning. För medarbetaren ser mjukvaran ut som deras vanliga dator på kontoret, även om den körs i ett centralt datacenter. Aspekten av datasäkerhet, autentisering och kryptering blir enormt viktig när anställda får åtkomst till företags- och kunddata från en rad enheter och platser. 2019, en studie av Bitkom Research på uppdrag av KPMG, är efterlevnad av GDPR det främsta kriteriet när man väljer en molnleverantör. Användning av olika samarbetsverktyg och virtuella möten blir allt viktigare, dock visar att tekniska problem kan försvåra användningen av dessa verktyg. När man frågar företag om vilka hinder de oftast stöter på vid implementering av olika samarbetsverktyg handlar det i stor utsträckning om bristen på resurser samt verktygsinkompatibilitet, det vill säga svårigheter med att integrera verktyg från olika leverantörer och säkra multimedietrafik (ljud, video, meddelanden). Det finns många samarbetsverktyg på marknaden, och de har alla sina fördelar och nackdelar. Prestanda och förmågan att integreras i det befintliga mjukvarulandskapet var viktiga faktorer för oss när vi valde en produkt, vilket var varför vi valde oss för Microsoft Teams från Office 365-sviten. Att välja korrekt verktyg för din verksamhet är bara början, eftersom du också behöver lära dig att samarbeta effektivt. Vi stöder proaktivt våra anställda i detta avseende och hjälper dem med frågor som ofta dyker upp, exempelvis hur växlar man mellan bildskärmar? Hur går man in i presentationsläget? Hur kan man överföra konferenssamtal från en smartphone till en stationära PC, eller tvärtom, utan att tappa anslutningen? När man diskuterar rätt plattformsstrategi för den digitala arbetsplatsen bör man även tänka på hur företagets anskaffnings- och servicehantering ska se ut och fungera. Frågor som kan vara bra att tänka på är hur man kommer att kunna beställa utrustning på distans? Vad händer om enheten går förlorad eller blir skadad? Hur kan ni se till att anställda kan fortsätta arbeta utan driftsstopp och inte är frustrerade av långa väntetider? På CHG-MERIDIAN har vi satt upp en egen självbetjäningsportal där varje anställd kan välja vilka mobila enheter de behöver precis som de är vana vid från stora, användarvänliga detaljhandelsplattformar. De kan också använda den för att begära en ersättningsenhet om deras har tappats eller är defekt. Vi har även sett till att utrustningen går att levereras till de anställdas hemadress. ”Alla som arbetar på distans har tillgång till ett omfattande service- och supportnätverk som sträcker sig över hela enhetens livslängd och uppfyller alla individuella krav. Vi tror att denna supportnivå är avgörande för anställdas acceptans och en positiv användarupplevelse. ” Service Design, CHG-MERIDIAN AG Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. Den digitala arbetsplatsen är en integrerad del av varje digitaliseringsstrategi och CHG-MERIDIAN är inget undantag. För att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt och optimera den på lång sikt tror vi att det finns tre faktorer som lyckat distansarbete är beroende av: tekniken, plattformen och - sist men inte minst - de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Ta reda på vad den teknologiska faktorn handlar om i den här artikeln. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers. Collaboration tools can link people and share knowledge across time zones and physical locations, making work more efficient and productive. But the prospective users have to be on board. Innovative tools and software components are worth nothing if the IT infrastructure behind them is not up to scratch. This white paper uses current examples to show how IT infrastructure can be a limiting factor and provides tips on how you can build an agile, flexible, and future-proof infrastructure tailored to your own specific requirements. Kontakta oss om du har några frågor Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    Läs mer om våra lösningar och tjänster eller begär våra whitepapers inom ämnet  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Thorsten Staudenmaier-Föhr h1|Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Den digitala plattformen h2|VIRTUELLA ARBETSPLATSER SAMARBETSVERKTYG AGIL ANSKAFFNINGS- OCH SERVICEHANTERING LÄS MER Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Tekniken Invest in technology without busting the budget Digital Collaboration: How to make collaboration tools work DRIVING A PORSCHE ON A DIRT ROAD Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Exempel från verkligheten Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Digital Workplace h6|Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                    pdf, 2 MB  pdf, 763 KB     pa|Vad sägs om att få avkastning direkt, från första producerade enhet? Eller att snabbt kunna anpassa produktionen till rådande efterfrågan på marknaden? Våra industrikonsulter hjälper er att minska kostnaderna under produktionsanläggningens och utrustningens hela livscykel. Oavsett om det handlar om komplexa monteringslinjer, CNC-fräsar eller arbetskläder samlar vi alla tekniska tillgångar i ett och samma avtal. Vi erbjuder skräddarsydda tjänster i samband med finansiering och hantering av teknisk utrustning under hela dess livslängd. Vi analyserar era tillverkningsprocesser, identifierar potentiella besparingsåtgärder och digitaliserar administrationen, allt med målet att minska kostnaderna för er. Våra tjänster ger er full överblick över produktionsanläggningens kostnadsstruktur, inklusive kostnader för service, underhåll och reservdelar samt total avkastning på den tekniska investeringen. Ni behåller kontrollen och kan fritt välja utrustning från olika tillverkare, även i kombination. I många fall kan vi minska kostnaderna med över 15 procent, vilket är ett skälen till att ledande globala tillverkningsföretag, bland annat inom bilindustrin valt att samarbeta med oss. Våra finansieringstjänster erbjuder en helt ny nivå av flexibilitet. De långa ledtiderna mellan order och produktionsstart, med höga initialkostnader och noll intäkter, i till exempel fordonsindustrin är ett välkänt problem som utsätter likviditeten för hög belastning. Vi erbjuder flexibla finansieringslösningar som hjälper er genom denna period, exempelvis pay-per-part, vilket innebär att ni betalar först när ni börjar generera intäkter. Eller med andra ord: Ni får avkastning från första producerade enhet. Genom denna och liknande finansieringstjänster ser vi till att ert kassaflöde alltid är positivt, även i samband med större investeringar i produktionsutrustning, eller om produktionstakten behöver anpassas till snabba svängningar i efterfrågan. Florian Orth, livscykelexpert på CHG-MERIDIAN, tipsar om hur ett företag kan nå större flexibilitet och lägre totala ägandekostnader (TCO) vid tillverkning. (text på Engelska) (text på Engelska) En betydande del av de mervärden vi skapar för våra kunder är ett resultat av vår expertis inom digitaliserade processer. Vi kan till exempel hjälpa er att optimera hanteringen av avtal, så att ni kan snabbt och säkert kan dela information och signera avtal digitalt. Genom Asset Management-systemet TESMA® får ni full överblick över all teknisk och finansiell information i realtid. Automatiserade produktionsanläggningar är mycket komplexa och består vanligtvis av en mängd olika maskiner och utrustning, från laserskärnings- och svetsmaskiner till robotar, autonoma fordon och andra transportsystem. Om företaget dessutom har anläggningar i flera olika länder kan den tekniska administrationen snabbt bli överväldigande. Våra flexibla ramavtal minskar komplexiteten och underlättar budgetarbetet betydligt. Vi samlar alla era avtal för teknisk utrustning, från CNC-maskinen i fabrikshallen till kaffemaskinen i fikarummet, i ett och samma övergripande leasingavtal. Oavsett om er verksamhet redan är global eller om ni har planer på att expandera internationellt anpassar vi avtalet efter era behov. Med vårt nätverk av lokala kontor i 27 länder finns vi alltid nära tillhands. Vi erbjuder tekniska lösningar som är skräddarsydda efter era behov och stödjer er under utrustningens hela livscykel utan att ni behöver binda er till en viss tillverkare eller bank. Är kostnaderna för lagertruckar i högsta laget? Tar administrationen av dem onödigt mycket tid i anspråk? Skulle du vilja ha en bättre översikt över företagets maskinpark i olika länder? Behöver logistikverksamheten på företaget effektiviseras? Eller kostnaderna i högre grad anpassas till resursutnyttjandet?    För mer information om våra kundanpassade tjänster, klicka här li|menu not loaded h1|MINSKA PRODUKTIONSKOSTNADERNA PERMANENT h2|ASSET MANAGEMENT FÖR GLOBALA INDUSTRIFÖRETAG DIGITALISERADE PROCESSER Ett enda leasingavtal för all teknisk utrustning i alla länder LÄS MER h3|Choose your region Flexibel finansiering FLEXIBEL FINANSIERING AV TEKNISKA INVESTERINGAR INOM INDUSTRIN EFFEKTIVISERA HANTERINGEN AV LAGERTRUCKAR högre nivå av flexibilitet och inte minst – lägre kostnader Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|ÖKAD FLEXIBILITET, SÄNKTA KOSTNADER SKRÄDDARSYDDA LÖSNINGAR FÖR GESTAMP INDUSTRITEKNIK FLEET MANAGEMENT LAGER OCH LOGISTIK h6|INDUSTRITEKNIK sp|                                      pa|Med mer än 20 års erfarenhet är vi din ideala partner för dataradering, renovering och remarketing. Upptäck våra teknikcenter i Tyskland och Norge. Man kan aldrig vara nog försiktig när det gäller känslig data. Vi erbjuder certifierad och säker dataradering och hanterar din utrustning med miljövänliga metoder. Vi tar hand om hela processen kring utrangerad utrustning, så att ni kan fokusera på er kärnverksamhet. Vi erbjuder en heltäckande tjänst som omfattar allt från insamling till remarketing och bistår med rådgivning hela vägen, till exempel om hur dataraderingen av minnesenheter bör genomföras. Vi kan även ersätta enheter som behöver uppgraderas, vilket minimerar risken för driftavbrott. När det gäller datasäkerhet är det viktigt att man tar hänsyn till alla riskfaktorer. En bra början är att välja rätt utrustning och klassificera lämpliga säkerhetsnivåer och det hjälper vi gärna till med. Den största utmaningen är dock hur man hanterar utrustning som gjort sitt, det vill säga hur man raderar data permanent från gammal IT utrustning. Vilka datorer renoveras just nu? Hur många skrivare behöver kasseras? Har alla mobiltelefoner renoverats så att de kan säljas vidare? Asset management-systemet TESMA® ger er svar på dessa frågor. Med modulen End-of-life får ni full kontroll på all utrustning och kan enkelt spåra varje enhet och hur den hanteras. Varje steg i processen dokumenteras tillsammans med enhetens serienummer. Dokumentationen kan ni sedan använda i er internrevision. Våra teknik- och servicecenter är specialiserade på att rekonditionera och renovera begagnad utrustning med miljövänliga metoder. Vi analyserar utrustningen noggrant och tar bort allt som kan identifiera den tidigare ägaren. På så sätt kan utrustningen säljas vidare på andrahandsmarknaden och inbringa extra intäkter till er. Vi har ett omfattande nätverk av certifierade partners och återförsäljare av begagnad utrustning som vi stödjer med flexibla logistiktjänster, specialförpackningar som skyddar utrustningen under transporten, förmånliga paketerbjudanden med mera. Utrustning som inte kan säljas vidare återvinns på ett miljövänligt sätt i enlighet. Vi har stor kompetens inom testning och renovering och kan hantera IT-utrustning från alla tillverkare. För att minimera risken för fel använder vi elektronisk identifiering av hård- och mjukvara och vi förbättrar hela tiden våra processer för dataradering och renovering. Vi sätter även ihop paketerbjudanden och hjälper till med prissättningen så att utrustningen snabbt och enkelt kan säljas vidare. renoveras och återanvändas IT enheter såldes vidare 2019. inom remarketing Vi rekonditionerar och renoverar er IT-utrustning och är dessutom specialister inom remarketing, vilket innebär att vi även kan vidaresälja äldre hårdvara efter att den renoverats grundligt. Vi hjälper till med leveranserna av era användares nya hårdvara och individuella programvara och ser till att allt är på plats i rätt tid. När det är dags att byta ut IT-utrustningen tar vi hand om hela processen, från avinstallation och hämtning till renovering och remarketing. Vi erbjuder säker radering av en mängd olika minnesenheter så att inga data riskerar att hamna i orätta händer. Vi kan anpassa raderingsmetoden enligt era säkerhetskrav och olika kategorier av data. Genom att rekonditionera, renovera och testa din gamla utrustning ser vi till att dess värde maximeras. Allt som kan identifiera den tidigare användaren tas bort och alla komponenter som saknas läggs till innan produkten paketeras om. Vi har stor kompetens inom testning och renovering och kan hantera IT-utrustning från alla tillverkare. Vi förser varje enhet med en utförlig beskrivning av utrustningens konfiguration och skick och paketerar den säkert så att den inte skadas under transporten. Vi sätter även ihop paketerbjudanden och hjälper till med prissättningen så att utrustningen snabbt och enkelt kan säljas vidare. VI SER TILL ATT REMARKETING LÖNAR SIG Våra teknikcenter rekonditionerar och renoverar er gamla utrustning så att den kan återanvändas. Våra teknik- och servicecenter i Tyskland och Norge är specialister på att renovera teknisk utrustning så att den kan säljas vidare på andrahandsmarknaden. Här kan du se en kort videopresentation av ett av våra teknik- och servicecenter. Du är varmt välkommen att besöka våra teknik- och servicecenter i Gross-Gerau och Skien. Vi tar med dig på en guidad tur runt anläggningen där du får se hur det går till att rekonditionera och renovera begagnad IT-utrustning. eraSURE® Flyer - English Sertifikat CHG Meridian Skien AS 2019.pdf Sales Conditions Notification of Complaint EN Enterprise Mobile Solutions är en heltäckande tjänst för hantering av företagets mobiltelefoner. Vi hjälper er hela vägen, från inköp och administration av abonnemang till säker radering av uttjänta enheter . Stationära datorer, bärbara datorer, surfplattor… hanteringen av IT-utrustningen kan lätt bli komplicerad, särskilt om alla användare har olika behov. Managed Desktop Solutions löser problemen kring hanteringen av medarbetarnas datorer. Vårt mål är att minska arbetsbelastningen för våra kunder och hjälpa till under varje del av den tekniska utrustningens livscykel. Kärnan i vårt koncept är asset management-systemet TESMA®, som ger er full överblick över såväl kostnader som all teknisk information. Med mobilappen TESMA® har du full kontroll var du än befinner dig.         Här kan du läsa mer om våra övriga lösningar och tjänster li|menu not loaded Vi är specialister på att rekonditionera och renovera teknisk utrustning Internationell närvaro garanterar korta avstånd till marknaden Flexibla alternativ för hämtning Skyddande förpackningar Noggranna bakgrundskontroller av köpare Automatiserade renoveringsprocesser minimerar risken för fel h1|EXPERTSERVICE FÖR ER UTRUSTNING h2|AUTOMATISERAD RADERINGSPROCESS OCH SÄKER HANTERING AV UTRANGERAD UTRUSTNING % VÅRA TJÄNSTER INSAMLING OCH FÖRSÄLJNING AV BEGAGNAD IT-UTRUSTNING EN SNABBTITT PÅ VÅRA TEKNIK- OCH SERVICECENTER LADDA NER LÄS MER! h3|Choose your region av vår IT-utrustning kan Remarketing års erfarenhet Teknisk kompetens som skapar mervärde SE VIDEON ELLER BESÖK OSS Det nya sättet att handla mobiltelefoner EFFEKTIV HANTERING AV ERA IT-INVESTERINGAR DET BÄSTA AV TVÅ VÄRLDAR Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|Konsulttjänster och klassificering av säkerhetsnivåer Spårning av utrustning med Tesma® Miljövänlig renovering mot en låg avgift Din utrustning är i goda händer Remarketing Utrullning och återlämning Certifierad dataradering Renovering h5|EMS MDS ASSET MANAGEMENT-SYSTEMET TESMA®: h6|TEKNIKCENTER sp|                                 95 697000 20  Image 1 / 5 Image 2 / 5 Image 3 / 5 Image 4 / 5 Image 5 / 5  pdf, 3 MB   pdf, 163 KB   pdf, 132 KB   pdf, 48 KB     pa|Enterprise Mobile Solutions är en heltäckande tjänst för hantering av företagets mobiltelefoner. Vi hjälper er hela vägen, från inköp och administration av abonnemang till säker radering av uttjänta enheter. Vi har lösningen. Genom Asset Management-systemet får ni full överblick över alla mobiltelefoner och surfplattor, all finansiell data, vem som har vilken enhet och vart den är allokerad. När det är dags att byta ut enheterna raderar vi all data med vår certifierade tjänst . Allt ni behöver från en och samma leverantör: heltäckande och flexibelt Enterprise Mobility Solutions är en heltäckande lösning för inköp och administration av mobiltelefoner och surfplattor som ger er den frihet och säkerhet ni behöver. eFlyer EMS English CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper er att administrera IT-utrustningen och hålla kostnaderna nere under utrustningens hela livscykel. Vi förser er med alla verktyg ni behöver, så att ni kan fokusera på att utveckla företaget. Vid våra teknik- och servicecenter i Gross-Gerau och Skien utför vi säker radering av lagrad data i alla typer av minnesenheter enligt specialutvecklade och automatiserade metoder. Vårt mål är att minska arbetsbelastningen för våra kunder och hjälpa till under varje del av den tekniska utrustningens livscykel. Kärnan i vårt koncept är asset management-systemet TESMA®, som ger er full överblick över såväl kostnader som all teknisk information. Med mobilappen TESMA® har du full kontroll var du än befinner dig.    ENTERPRISE MOBILITY SOLUTIONS Upptäck våra tjänster  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Sparar tid: vi tar hand om all service Lägre kostnader: välj modeller och betalningsplaner efter behov Asset Management-systemet TESMA®: ger er full överblick över alla kostnader Bekymmersfritt: om en enhet skadas eller förloras ersätter vi den Miljövänligt och säkert: gamla enheter säljs vidare och all data raderas h1|Det nya sättet att handla mobiltelefoner h2|MOBILA ENHETER GER STÖRRE FRIHET, MEN KRÄVER GENOMTÄNKTA SÄKERHETSLÖSNINGAR EMS-TJÄNSTER DET NYA SÄTTET ATT HANDLA MOBILTELEFONER FILER FÖR NEDLADDNING LÄS MER h3|Choose your region MINIMERA KOSTNADERNA eraSURE®: CERTIFIERAD DATARADERING DET BÄSTA AV TVÅ VÄRLDAR Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|IT AUTOMATISERAD OCH SÄKER RADERING ASSET MANAGEMENT-SYSTEMET TESMA®: h6|ENTERPRISE MOBILITY SOLUTIONS sp|                                  Gå till Gå till Gå till Gå till   pdf, 913 KB     pa|Många företag kämpar med att införa en digital arbetsplats. Tekniken och processerna som används är ofta avancerade, men ändå ligger prestanda och anställdas produktivitet fortfarande kvar på samma nivå som tidigare – och det blir tydligt hur viktigt det är att få de anställda ombord när det gäller en digital arbetskultur. Följande artikel belyser den nyckelroll som de anställda spelar i alla digitaliseringsstrategier. Nästan 75 procent av europeiska IT- och HR-chefer som deltog i PAC: s -undersökning tror att kvaliteten på arbetsmiljön kan vara avgörande för framgången för deras verksamhet. Men vad händer om arbetsmiljön förändras från en dag till en annan? Under de senaste veckorna har företagen arbetat platt för att möjliggöra distansbetet, och majoriteten av de anställda har varit tvungna att vänja sig till en ny arbetsplats och hemmakontoret. En sådan ändring är inte helt enkel för varje anställd, och många lämnas missnöjda snarare än entusiastiska. Vissa har svårt att vänja sig till det nya sättet att arbeta, andra säger att de saknar en känslomässig koppling. För de drabbade företagen kan detta ha en betydande inverkan om de tappar värdefull personal. Det finns många skäl för motstånd till förändring. Vissa människor närmar sig nya saker med skepsis och ser inte nödvändigtvis fördelarna med att ändra sättet de arbetar på. Vissa känner sig överväldigade eller lämnade att klara av sin nya arbetsmiljö ensam. Andra är rädda för att deras arbetsbelastning kommer att öka och oroar sig för att inte hinna med. Christian Bredlow, grundare och VD för byrån Digital Mindset, är väl medveten om vikten av att få arbetskraften ombord: ”Varje digital arbetsplats, varje socialt intranät och varje digitaliseringsprojekt kommer i slutändan att bedömas i vilken grad användarna välkomnar den nya plattformen. ” ”Att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt på lång sikt kräver investeringar i de anställdas digitala tankesätt – detta då tekniken bara är lika effektiv som de anställda som använder den. Enligt min mening är tre faktorer viktiga för att göra distansarbetet till en framgång: tekniken, plattformen och de anställda." Lukas Wojoczek Digital Workplace Sales, CHG-MERIDIAN AG När vi implementerade den nya strategin och den digitala arbetsplatsen på CHG-MERIDIAN, låg fokuset i början på våra anställda och deras individuella krav. Vi antog att övergången från den traditionella till den digitala arbetsplatsen skulle kräva en viss mängdträning och vi ville bekanta de anställda med den nya strategin och arbetssättet. Vårt huvudmål var att skapa en miljö där våra kollegor kunde lära sig att använda tekniken med förtroende och känna sig motiverade att arbeta. För att underlätta detta har vi infört en flexibel arbetstidsmodell som gör det möjligt för våra anställda att välja när och var de ska arbeta. Vi har också skapat interaktiva plattformar för e-lärande som erbjuder utbildning online, en FAQ och visar hur man kan skapa egna videos. Ett internt team modererar klasserna och är tillgängliga för att hjälpa via livechatt. Vi erbjuder fortfarande analoga alternativ för professionell utveckling, eftersom varje anställd har sin föredragna metod att lära sig. Förra året kom vi till exempel på idén om ett digitalt arbetsplatskafé där de anställda kan träffa våra digitala arbetsplatsexperter för en pratstund över en kopp te eller kaffe. Företag som vill påskynda digitala processer och förbättra sina affärsresultat bör hålla ett öga på arbetsplatsupplevelsen och därmed på deras anställdas motivation. I detta sammanhang menar vi värdet på den upplevelse som erbjuds av den digitala arbetsplatsen. Enligt psykologiprofessor inkluderar detta behovet av självbestämd handling (autonomi), för att uppleva något nytt (stimulering) och för respekt och uppskattning (popularitet). En bra användarupplevelse är en nyckelfaktor för att skapa värde och uppnå framgång. Företagsrådgivningen uppskattar att produktiviteten är 18 procent högre i företag med starka åtagandegrader, medan intäktsökningen är två och en halv gånger större och vinsterna är dubbelt så hög. Den avgörande faktorn för att uppnå en kontinuerlig och lyckad användarupplevelse för de anställda är en oavbruten kedja av upplevelser genom hela enhetens livscykel. Läs vidare för att lära dig hur detta kan fungera: För att skapa en solid grund för UX måste företag låta anställda välja sin utrustning från en fördefinierad kundvagn snarare än att tilldela hårdvara till dem. Trots allt vet de anställda bäst vilka enheter som är mest användbara för just deras arbetsuppgifter. Det enklaste och mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att göra detta är via en självbetjäningsportal med enskilda medarbetarkonton och en kundvagnsfunktion. Detta gör det möjligt för de anställda att konfigurera sin arbetsplats och beställa sin utrustning själva, öka användarnöjdheten och minska bördan på upphandling och IT. Att ge de anställda sin nya utrustning kan också göras till en upplevelse, till exempel genom att enheterna levereras i attraktiva förpackningar (unboxing-effekt) eller vid större lanseringar kan man anordna utrullningsevenemang. Om utrustningen inte är förkonfigurerad bör varje enhet vara enkel och snabb att installera. För att hjälpa de anställda att komma igång kan man skapa utbildningsvideor eller hjälpa till med automatiserad konfiguration via företagets desktop- eller företagsmobilitetslösningar. Att använda teknik kräver rätt kompetensuppsättning, och det finns ett konstant flöde av nya produkter på marknaden. Därför kan proaktivt erbjudande av tips och råd till anställda för att hjälpa till med sina dagliga uppgifter göra det lättare för dem att ta sig an den digitala arbetsplatsen. Hur växlar jag mellan bildskärmar? Hur går jag in i presentationsläget? Hur kan jag överföra konferenssamtal från min smartphone till min stationära PC, eller tvärtom, utan att tappa anslutningen? Det finns många sätt att dela sådan information på, exempelvis via kunskapsportaler, nyhetsbrev, podcast eller via temahändelser. Anställda vill arbeta med utrustning som passar deras uppgifter, och de förväntar sig också att deras affärsenheter är minst lika tekniskt avancerade som deras personliga (Unisys). Det är därför det är viktigt att den digitala arbetsplatsen flexibelt kan utökas, modifieras och moderniseras, till exempel genom programuppdateringar eller program/mjukvara som enkelt går att ladda ner till den nuvarande enheten. Att informera de anställda om nya tillgängliga uppdateringar ökar ytterligare nöjdhetsnivån Att arbeta på distans är nu ett hett ämne. Men vad behöver du göra för att dina anställda ska kunna arbeta på distans utan problem? Läs vidare för att ta reda på hur vi på CHG-MERIDIAN implementerade den digitala arbetsplatsen och vilka element som var nyckeln till detta. Den digitala arbetsplatsen är en integrerad del av varje digitaliseringsstrategi och CHG-MERIDIAN är inget undantag. För att implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen framgångsrikt och optimera den på lång sikt tror vi att det finns tre faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten på distansarbetet: tekniken, plattformen och - sist men inte minst - de anställdas digitala tankesätt. Ta reda på vad den tekniska faktorn handlar om i den här artikeln. Dataplattformar tillåter oss att organisera och strukturera översvämningen av digital information på ett förnuftigt sätt när vi arbetar på distans. De gör det också möjligt för oss att arbeta i virtuella team över gränserna. Vart vi än befinner oss. Denna typ av flexibilitet är redan normen hos CHG-MERIDIAN, och varje dag lär vi oss något nytt. Ta reda på vad dataplattformar handlar om. This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments. A good user experience is an important factor in creating value and achieving success. It enables companies to keep employees happy, accelerate digital change processes, and improve business outcomes. A digital workplace journey makes this easier to achieve than you might think.    Kontakt  Läs mer om våra lösningar och tjänster eller begär våra whitepapers inom ämnet  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|• Upphandling: låt de anställda välja utrustning • Tillhandahållande: förvandla det till en upplevelse • Användning: gör det dagliga arbetet till ett nöje • Uppgradering / uppdatering: en möjlighet till förnyelse h1|Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Rätt mindset h2|Förändring - den sociala utmaningen Individuellt stöd under hela förändringsprocessen Användarupplevelse (UX) som en extra värdeskapare Användarupplevelse under hela enhetens livscykel LÄS MER Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region DEN DIGITALA ARBETSPLATSEN PÅ CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Tekniken Distansarbete i sin enkelhet: Den digitala plattformen DIGITAL WORKPLACE: HOW YOU CAN INCREASE EMPLOYEE BUY-IN USER EXPERIENCE Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Exempel från verkligheten Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Distansarbete på CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                     pdf, 1 MB  pdf, 717 KB     pa|IT RECONFIGURATION IN BAD RAPPENAU The entire IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was reconfigured in a complex pilot project. CHG-MERIDIAN provided all the necessary expertise and created a customized business concept. In the school’s large learning lab the word ‘quiet’ is splashed across one wall in ten languages, on the opposite wall a Chinese proverb is writ large: “When the wind of change blows, some build walls while others build windmills.” The municipal authority of Bad Rappenau built ‘windmills’ with support from CHG-MERIDIAN. The finance and technology management company won the contract in April 2014 for the project – put out to tender across Europe – of providing a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, including administration systems, for the school. It is a showpiece project that points to the future, and it has been flexibly adapted to the and the required computing power. “This project is so exciting for us because we can provide a variety of services. These include advice on the sourcing of hardware, software distribution, rollout and installation of equipment, TÜV-certified data erasure with , IT support, financing, and support for the project partner throughout the project,” says Wolfgang Huber, Key Account Manager at CHG-MERIDIAN. “The project is very extensive and complex,” adds Michael Grubbe, Head of IT at the municipal authority of Bad Rappenau. Regarding the complexity he adds: “An all-day school such as Verbundschule Bad Rappenau has specific IT needs. The school is undergoing a permanent process of change.” After all, student numbers are no longer predictable because primary schools’ recommendations about the type of secondary school children should attend are now not binding. This means the municipal authority can no longer estimate how its IT needs will develop. “It was a big challenge for us to calculate the right amount of equipment,” Key Account Manager Wolfgang Huber explains. The flexible contract with CHG-MERIDIAN allows for adjustments to the number of assets to match requirements. Huber emphasizes: “The municipal authority can increase or decrease the number of assets at any time up to the end of the 60-month term. If the number of students falls, and we need to take back assets early, then we can remarket these elsewhere.” The municipal authority in Bad Rappenau values this highly. “The flexibility that the contract provides is very important to us. It is the icing on the cake,” says Grubbe of the modern IT solution. First of all, existing fat clients were replaced with quiet thin clients and all monitors were replaced with new energy-efficient TFTs to reduce noise in the teaching areas. New projectors and printers were also installed. As the single point of contact, CHG-MERIDIAN steered and managed all processes of the . It also acted as project manager to coordinate a project team consisting of a systems house and several service providers, such as software and phone system vendors. A further element of the project was the installation of the server room, including a management server, a storage unit, a server farm, and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The server room also houses the school’s new phone system and the DSL line. The switch to a new phone system, bringing together the phone numbers of all schools at the site, was carried out as a subproject. As part of the project the switches and network cables in the other buildings of the main campus were renewed, so that all buildings have high-speed access to the central system. A small back-up system with a UPS was also set up. The entire infrastructure – server, phone system, back up, and UPS – can be scaled up or down at any time to match the number of students. The comprehensive reconfiguration of the IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau is a great example of a groundbreaking pilot project from CHG-MERIDIAN that can be easily applied to other schools. “I had expected more problems. It was hassle-free, and every project step ran smoothly despite everything having to be carried out during the school holidays. The teamwork on the school’s project was very professional and customer-oriented. From a contractual point of view the project is highly complex, but we are very satisfied with the implementation and handling, which was in no small part down to CHG-MERIDIAN’s lack of bureaucracy,” said Grubbe. Yvonne Geier, deputy head at the school, is also satisfied: “Everything is very stable, the technology is very reliable. And that is of course very important to the running of the school. It’s also great that we can restrict access to the system to certain departments or individual students, as it allows us to have children of all levels and from all classes sitting, working, and learning side by side.” Huber adds: “We would like to use this model, which we were able to implement with the right service providers, in the future for other municipalities. Individual requirements can be adapted at any time, of course.” Many schools often find the inflexible and cost-intensive approaches to new IT solutions prohibitive. At Verbundschule Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN has managed to find the best custom solution and financing option – and its independence from banks, manufacturers, and service providers has been a key element in this. Thanks to the expertise gained from the successful implementation in Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN now has the tools to establish state-of-the-art, IT-based learning environments that support media literacy in an appealing way at other schools. * Source: Arbeitsbericht des Büros für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag [Report of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag], 2007. ** Source: Study by the Allensbach Institute, 2013.      WOLFGANG HUBER, KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER AT CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was established in the 2013/2014 academic year and combines a primary school with several types of secondary school* In total there are around 1,200 students and more than 100 teachers. Bad Rappenau is the first municipality with this type of school in Baden-Württemberg Several other municipalities have since followed this successful model. As a key qualification for the information and communication society, media literacy is best taught through the (early) use of new media in schools.** Around a third of teachers at non-vocational schools use digital media in class. A survey found that 27 percent of students and 36 percent of teachers think this is important or very important; teachers at primary and lower secondary education levels, however, think they have a lot of catching up to do.** h1|TOP OF THE CLASS h2|A new wind is blowing at the Verbundschule Bad Rappenau school A customized business concept developed and implemented One-stop solution from a single source The municipal authority is more than happy with the implementation process h3|Choose your region Facts about the Verbundschule and the Bad Rappenau municipal authority, and about media usage in German schools Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   Image 1 / 6 Image 2 / 6 Image 3 / 6 Image 4 / 6 Image 5 / 6 Image 6 / 6   pa|A NEW LIFE FOR IT EQUIPMENT THANKS TO CLOSE THE GAP AND WORLDLOOP Close the Gap and WorldLoop take donated used IT equipment and repurpose it to give people around the world access to digital resources. CHG-MERIDIAN is a strong and committed partner of these charitable organizations. The information available on the internet is the key to education, communication, and a better future for school children in Kenya. Thousands of miles away, Barbara Toorens is director of external relations at the Belgian aid organization Close the Gap (CtG). “Access to computers and the internet can open up the world to these people,” she explains. Without CtG the school would probably still not have any high-grade computers. The term used for this invisible border between societies who have ready access to digital resources, and those who do not, is ‘digital divide’. CtG aims to overcome these borders sustainably with the help of technology donations from European companies to non-profit projects in developing countries. CHG-MERIDIAN supports this with , such as those for customers in Belgium and Luxembourg, where new communications technology purchases are combined with the donation of old IT equipment for re-use in Africa, Asia and South America. Deloitte Belgium decided to do this when it invested in 3,000 iPhones. “Social responsibility is a value that is deeply enshrined in our corporate culture,” says Guy Lucq, Chief Information Officer at Deloitte in Brussels. With the help of CHG-MERIDIAN, Deloitte bought a certificate for each new device to confirm that decommissioned in Burundi, a process handled by CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop. Guy Lucq continues: “By renewing our communications technology in this way, we are ensuring that more than 20,000 old cellphones enter the material cycle in Africa responsibly.” CHG-MERIDIAN made certain that the process was smooth, transparent, and fast. Stefan Ertel, Executive Vice President at CHG-MERIDIAN, says: “There is an increasing number of companies that want to actively engage as corporate citizens, but many of them lack the structures that would enable them to firmly integrate corporate social responsibility activities into their business models.” CHG-MERIDIAN filled this gap in 2013. Since then, customers obtaining new hardware through the Belgian subsidiary have been able to arrange for its reuse at the end of the period of use. Ertel adds: “What is unique is that we have successfully virtualized these processes – and we are the first technology management provider worldwide to do so.” This also applies to the procurement of regular IT equipment. For example, when obtaining finance for new laptops, customers can donate some or all of the used equipment to CtG on the basis of the equipment’s projected fair value. Or they can combine their investment with the purchase of recycling certificates. With every project it has run since 2003, CtG has demonstrated the huge potential of donations. By 2014 the aid organization had collected around a quarter of a million donated computers, supporting nearly 3,500 projects in over 50 countries. Environmentally friendly recycling of used equipment also requires clear structures, as the stripping of electronic waste, which can be hazardous to humans and the environment, is widespread in Africa and Asia. This is where CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop comes in. The certificates bought by donors ensure that recycling is carried out to the highest standards. Local start-ups and specialist waste management companies in Europe work hand in hand to make valuable materials in the equipment – which can amount to small fortunes – re-usable. Security is crucial when donating company IT equipment to aid organizations, as the protection of sensitive data must be guaranteed. CHG-MERIDIAN’s program offers certified data erasure to match customer needs at the end of the period of use. The erasure solutions are fully certified, including by the TÜV product standards regulator and DEKRA. Every year, hundreds of thousands of assets are prepared for re-use after the end of their leasing period, including around 100,000 erasures, at CHG-MERIDIAN’s Technology and Service Center in Germany. Deloitte plans to continue supporting aid projects through its IT donations, however, standard solutions are not being considered. From a business point of view, it is imperative to evaluate each case individually. “That’s why we need flexibility. And our long-standing business partner CHG-MERIDIAN offered us exactly this flexibility in this project,” says Lucq. CHG-MERIDIAN is a leader in the market thanks to this innovative business model. Following a successful pilot the corporate social responsibility service will be rolled out in other countries, and there is a lot of interest across Europe. “The potential for such processes is huge,” says Stefan Ertel. And this also applies to other capital assets that could be donated at the end of their period of use. European companies donate technology for a good cause: CHG-MERIDIAN offers its customers intelligent solutions to support their socially and ecologically sensible aid projects at Close the Gap and WorldLoop.      Deloitte’s CIO, Guy Lucq li|menu not loaded Digital divide is the term used to describe the gap between people with full access to the digital world and those who remain mainly cut off from it. It affects countries and entire regions, for example East Africa, but also parts of society in western industrialized countries. Close the Gap was founded in 2003 as a student project at the University of Brussels. The idea is to take donations of high-grade used computers from European companies and use them to support educational and social projects, particularly in East Africa. Promotes economic and social development, especially in rural areas, in developing and newly industrialized countries. Close the Gap supports aid projects in over 50 countries worldwide. WorldLoop was founded as a sister organization to Close the Gap in 2008. Its purpose is to promote the establishment of small companies in developing countries that specialize in the responsible recycling of old computers and communications technology. A further objective is to contain the widespread stripping of electronic waste, which is hazardous to human health and the environment. h1|PROVIDING NEW OPPORTUNITIES h2|More than just a website Recycling combined with a strong sense of responsibility Aid projects that promote independence in local markets Security, trust, and future success are closely connected CHG-Meridian Close the gap Facts on the digital divide, Close the Gap, and WorldLoop h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 4 Image 2 / 4 Image 3 / 4 Image 4 / 4    pa|TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AT HSM HSM GmbH + CO. KG, based in Frickingen, is an innovative market leader for office and environmental technology. CHG-MERIDIAN has made its internal IT processes fully future-proof and provided cost transparency. Efficient technology management is particularly important to Matthias Wochner, Managing Director at HSM. As he is responsible for finance, sales, and marketing he considers it essential to the company’s continued business success and growth. The extensive range of inhouse technologies relating to IT and production is one of the main pillars of HSM’s unique selling proposition. “Our manufacturing depth, with extensive machinery and equipment available inhouse, is what distinguishes us from most of our competitors. This means we are very flexible when dealing with our customers’ requirements, something that is very important with regard not only to large-scale equipment but also to specialized devices. Public-sector customers – such as government authorities – are a good example because they always stipulate very specific requirements.” One of the elements of this strategy is the restructuring of at HSM in the Managed Print Services project, which focused on all of the printers, photocopiers, scanners, and fax machines used in the company. The overarching aim was to increase their efficiency in terms of environmental impact and financial cost. This is where the independent experts from CHG-MERIDIAN came in, as partners for efficient technology management. Beforehand, HSM’s IT department had analyzed the company’s needs so that its future printing infrastructure requirements could be defined in detail. CHG-MERIDIAN helped to plan the new infrastructure and prepare the subsequent call for tenders. The defined requirements were demanding. For example, the devices and a 24-hour support service have to be available at all times, not only in Germany but also at HSM’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France, Poland, and the USA. The list of requirements included a 20 percent decrease in running costs, greater energy efficiency for the devices, and automated transmission of information to enable the replacement and billing of consumables. After the requirements analysis and request-for-proposal consulting, the main strategic assistance that CHG-MERIDIAN provided to HSM related to the development of efficient and flexible customized business concepts. The consolidation process led to the number of end devices at HSM being reduced from 150 to 90, a decrease of around 40 percent. Combined with the reduction in the operating costs of the individual devices, monthly costs fell by an impressive 50 percent despite the printing volume remaining unchanged, meaning the actual cost saving was significantly higher than the targeted 20 percent. This impressive feat was achieved by providing the best possible terms, reducing running costs, and using fewer devices. A further advantage of HSM’s manufacturing depth is the sheer breadth of the high-quality product portfolio. As Wochner explains: “This enables us to operate in all kinds of sales channels, from small devices sold online to maximum-security equipment and large machinery developed for specific projects. And between these extremes, we can exploit the fluid boundaries between our product categories to always offer our customers the HSM product that best meets their needs.” Wochner adds: “One of the main challenges for the future is the increasing complexity of business decisions and processes. It’s not always easy to deal with these complexities in a company of our size.” An expanding medium-sized business with global operations, HSM now exports 72 percent of its products to international markets, which are very fast-paced and subject to very different laws and regulations. Given its successful growth, HSM has therefore teamed up with CHG-MERIDIAN to take a closer look at its internal structures and processes. technology and service management system. The system has been customized so that specially defined shopping carts containing the necessary IT assets are available for each HSM location – with uniform terms and conditions worldwide and the same high quality and service level. This is where economies of scale and far greater transparency really come to bear: “This has a direct monetary effect for us but also makes the administration much more straightforward,” says Thorsten Schäfer, IT manager at HSM. “Such structures are entirely normal in a large company but not so in a medium-sized business like HSM. CHG-MERIDIAN was the ideal partner for us because it doesn’t just cover the funding; it’s also a single source of support for the entire technology lifecycle. What’s more, it provides the international structures that are so important to us, i.e. global availability without international billing.” The Managed Print Services project is just the first step in further cooperation with CHG-MERIDIAN on the restructuring of IT and technology management at HSM. Other initiatives will have the same aim: reducing complexity and using the company’s resources even more efficiently so that they can be targeted in areas where they will harness potential for growth in relation to customers, markets, and products. The example of HSM impressively demonstrates how CHG-Meridian achieves maximum efficiency for financial and operational spending thanks to its in-depth understanding of capital expenditure at every stage of the technology lifecycle.       EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Company: Hermann Schwelling Maschinenbau GmbH + Co. KG Sector: office and environmental technology Products: file shredders, baling presses, cutting machines, crushers, perforators Headquarters: Frickingen, Germany Administrative headquarters: Bielefeld, Germany Managing Directors: Hermann Schwelling Founded: 1971 in Salem, Germany Employees: approx. 700, incl. 74 trainees Revenue: approx. €100 million Export rate: approx. 72% Share of revenue from office technology: 55% Share of revenue from environmental technology: 45% Production facilities: Salem, Frickingen, and Reichenbach (all Germany) Subsidiaries: United Kingdom, France, Poland, and USA Website: h1|FULLY EFFICIENT h2|Special requirements demand flexible solutions Project Facts h3|Choose your region Expert support in reducing complexity Successfully mastering increasing complexity Increased transparency with TESMA® Company Facts Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 3 Image 2 / 3 Image 3 / 3 pa|Technology management at British American Tobacco CHG-MERIDIAN solves complex logistical challenges for companies – including customized finance strategies. In Switzerland, CHG-MERIDIAN has realized an innovative outsourcing idea for British American Tobacco. In Switzerland, British American Tobacco, one of the largest tobacco companies in the world, regularly needs to supply 5,000 vending machines with tobacco products and other consumer goods. “Managing our base of vending machines was time-consuming. We had to spend administrative time on operational activities that are not part of our core business,” explains Zoltan Hutkai, Corporate Finance Manager at British American Tobacco Switzerland. Then there was the additional challenge of upgrading all 5,000 vending machines with new readers to cope with the latest Swiss banknotes. This required major capital investment. In close collaboration with Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL Switzerland, which handles the logistics and upgrading aspects, CHG-MERIDIAN developed a concept for the efficient management of the vending machines. Newly fitted sensors allow DHL drivers to supply the machines with tobacco products as required, i.e. just in time. As a result, the management at British American Tobacco enjoys increased profits and benefits from modernized machine technology – as well as satisfied customers. CHG-MERIDIAN also acquired all of the tobacco company’s vending machines in Switzerland and leased them back to British American Tobacco, thereby improving their budget position. The agreed monthly service and lease payments include all costs incurred (e.g. installation, storage and delivery, repairs, and upgrades). This has significantly reduced expense and risk for British American Tobacco, while at the same time the regular payments are making costs clearer and more predictable.    Zoltan Hutkai, Corporate Finance Manager atBritish American Tobacco Schweiz  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|REDUCING BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO’S LOGISTICAL AND FINANCIAL BURDEN h3|Choose your region A logistical challenge Logistics and financing – a solution based on a well-designed concept Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|Vårt samhälle har levt bortom sina resurser i årtionden. Huruvida coronapandemin kommer att övertala oss att använda resurser mer ansvarsfullt och gå bort från det linjära systemet beror till viss del på hur kostnadseffektiva alternativen är. När man jämför den globala användningen av biologiska resurser med jordens förmåga att förnya dem, blir det snabbt klart att människor lever långt bortom sina resurser. Enligt experterna från Global Footprint Network skulle mänskligheten behöva planeter för att leva hållbart. Denna obalans framhävs av Earth Overshoot Day som markerar dagen på året då mänsklig efterfrågan på förnybara resurser överstiger jordens förmåga att reproducera dem. År 2019 hade jordens ”budget” redan använts i mitten av året. År 2020 beräknades datumet vara 22 augusti, tre veckor senare än 2019. Anledningen är att de globala koldioxidutsläppen minskat med från föregående år, vilket främst beror på COVID-19-pandemin och de enorma begränsningar som har införts. Trots att pandemins miljöpåverkan bara kan pågå under en , väcker den ekonomiska retardationen som pandemin medfört många frågor för företag. Man har börjat se över de faktiska behoven av exempelvis flygresor och fysiska möten. Tröga försörjningskedjor och produktionsflaskhalsar har intensifierat debatten om framtiden för vårt linjära handelssystem. Den som letar efter hållbara alternativ kommer att finna att det redan finns beprövade lösningar på marknaden, exempelvis de som erbjuds av CHG-MERIDIAN. På CHG har man följt principerna för den cirkulära ekonomin i mer än 40 år genom att fokusera på återanvändning av produkter och IT-utrustning och förlänga dess livscykel. “Hantering av hela livscykeln från början till slut har alltid varit kärnan i vår affärsmodell. Vi stöder våra kunder från inköp av deras utrustning och dess användning hela vägen till dess hållbara renovering och remarketing", säger Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer på CHG-MERIDIAN. I synnerhet tekniksektorn kännetecknas av mycket korta livscykler, men även här är hållbara idéer genomförbara och ekonomiskt attraktiva. „Våra kunder kan inte bara spara kostnader genom intelligent IT-upphandling, de kan även agera mer resurseffektivt och hållbart.“ The intelligent procurement, use, and remarketing of IT equipment allows companies to cut costs and be more resource-efficient and sustainable. This is a competitive factor that is growing in importance. Read more in the Whitepaper. CHG-MERIDIANs egna teknikcenter i är bra exempel på hur professionell livscykelhantering sker i praktiken. Varje år genomgår nästan 500 000 IT-enheter, som smartphones, bärbara datorer och skrivare, kosmetisk och teknisk renovering. Där säkerställs att all data raderas på ett säkert sätt efter användningen så att utrustningen kan säljas vidare på andrahandsmarknaden. Ytterligare 200 000 enheter renoveras till högsta standard genom vårt globala nätverk av certifierade partners. Sammantaget renoveras 95 procent av tillgångarna. Alla enheter som inte längre kan användas återvinns hållbart och professionellt och råvarorna återförs till materialcykeln. Av all returnerad utrustning till CHG-MERIDIAN fick ett andra liv. Enheter renoverades och såldes vidare. Enheter raderades genom certifierad dataraderingsprocess. Det är inte längre ägandet av utrustning som skapar värde utan dess användning. Därför erbjuder CHG-MERIDIAN . Leasing hjälper till att implementera innovationer snabbare och underlättar ett mer effektivt införande av nya resurseffektiva metoder för användning av teknik. „Om utrustning kan användas en andra cykel, istället för att kasseras efter användning, minskar behovet av ny utrustning. Detta har stora fördelar för miljön, eftersom stora mängder råvaror behövs för att producera en bärbar dator eller smartphone", säger Steybe. Experter är överens om att utan COVID-19-pandemin skulle Earth Overshoot Day i år ha skett tidigare. Den bakåtgående trenden för just i år bör inte tas för givet, utan man bör snarare se det som ett incitament till att göra mer i framtiden för att skydda våra begränsade resurser och etablera nya former av affärer. "Våra kunder kan inte bara spara kostnader genom intelligent IT-upphandling, de kan även agera mer resurseffektivt och hållbart“ Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer, ansvarig för hållbarhetshantering vid CHG-MERIDIAN-koncernen sedan juli 2020.    Kontakta oss  Siffror för End-of-Life tjänster 2019:  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|En vändpunkt för samhället och företag Att köpa är inte nyckeln Krisen är en möjlighet till förändring h1|Ett meddelande till näringslivet h2|HÅLLBARA AFFÄRSMODELLER ÖKAR % Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region Sustainable Procurement Principerna för den cirkulära ekonomin i detalj Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|Earth Overshoot Day 2020 sp|                                  pdf, 5 MB  95 697000 266000    pa|Digitala processer ger nöjda medarbetare Haufe-gruppen, ett av Tysklands mest framstående media- och programvaruhus, betraktas som en pionjär inom användningen av ny digital teknik. Haufe-gruppen har gått från att vara ett traditionellt förlag till en ledande innovatör inom digitala och webbaserade plattformar. Dess integrerade arbetsplats och one-stop-lösningar erbjuder kunder digitala plattformar som hjälper dem att hantera sina affärs-, skatte- och juridiska processer. Hur hjälper CHG-MERIDIAN Haufe-gruppen med sin digitala omvandling? I en intervju förklarar Andreas Plaul, Haufes IT-chef, vilka tjänster han använder för underhåll, kapitalförvaltning samt dataradering och remarketing av anställdas slutenheter.    Excellence Story Andreas Plaul, Chef för ICT Services, Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Digital transformation på Haufe Group h2|Digital transformation på Haufe Group h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|Excellence Story in Switzerland The MAN brand is regarded worldwide as a symbol of efficiency, innovation, and customer focus. The tradition of MAN trucks and buses dates back more than 100 years, proving that efficiency extends beyond the brand image. CHG-MERIDIAN is helping MAN to adapt the mobile workplace to the needs of its employees. MAN wishes to give its employees not simply but also access to the mobile workplace. It also wants to lower its IT operating expenses, reduce insurance claims, and minimize downtime. CHG-MERIDIAN’s Enterprise Mobility Solutions help to ensure that there are no extra costs to the company, that no company data falls into the wrong hands, and that employees can continue to work even if their mobile devices are damaged. This allows MAN to enjoy all the benefits and freedoms of mobile working – without any of the risks.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Improving user satisfaction at MAN Truck & Bus Schweiz AG h2|SECURE ACCESS TO THE MOBILE WORKPLACE h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 em|unrestricted secure pa|Technology management at Mondi The Mondi Group, a manufacturer of sustainable packaging, employs around 26,000 people in 30 countries. Hundreds of industrial trucks are in continuous operation in its paper and pulp production plants. CHG-MERIDIAN conducted a fleet and TCO analysis for Mondi so that it could procure the right industrial trucks. When it came to the procurement of industrial trucks, Mondi lacked a benchmark for the total costs of ownership. This made it hard for the company to work out which product was actually the most effective for their particular needs from an overall cost and efficiency perspective. The information that the manufacturers provide, for example on fuel consumption and the turning radius, isn’t enough to draw any valid conclusions that might justify one set of procurement costs over another. But how can the different investment costs and total cost of ownership be compared? CHG-MERIDIAN produced a fleet TCO analysis in which it used a productivity test to compare different makes of the same truck type. At the pilot site in Poland, the test trucks were equipped with sensors designed to track their performance and operating data for subsequent analysis. “The test drivers had to complete the kind of loading and unloading jobs that they would normally be expected to do for the company – as quickly as possible and at the same frequency. During the test drives, the team collected data on loading/unloading performance, productivity, and handling for subsequent evaluation and TCO analysis. This revealed differences between the investment costs for the different makes. Mondi received a detailed decision-making matrix that helped it to weigh up the acquisition costs in relation to, for example, the optimum useful life, the replacement cycles, and the finance model. Thanks to the new decision-making matrix, the management team at Mondi now knows what the price differences need to be for the purchasing department to be able to justify opting for a brand that is 20 percent more expensive because it can show that the investment will pay off in terms of total cost of ownership. Read on to find out how a lifecycle concept can improve transparency, particularly in fleet management. An illustrative calculation from the automotive industry for pay-per-use models    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide li|menu not loaded h1|PROACTIVE FLEET MANAGEMENT AT THE MONDI GROUP h2|FIND OUT MORE h3|Choose your region Comparability of investment costs and total cost of ownership Truck tests in a variety of work scenarios Bringing the total cost of ownership to bear in the investment decision Optimizing fleets through lifecycle management Managing growth and costs efficiently: pay-per-part and pay-by-the-hour Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Efficient fleets UNIT COSTS INSTEAD OF BLOCK OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE sp|                                   pa|Dra fördel av våra miljövänliga remarketing-tjänster. Vi är en av Europas största IT-återförsäljare och kan hjälpa er att maximera intäkterna från IT-utrustning som ni inte längre har behov av. Vår livscykelmodell skapar inte bara mervärde för dig, utan gör också en betydande skillnad för miljön. Genom de kretsloppsbaserade tjänster vi erbjuder ökar vi produkternas tekniska livslängd och ger dem ett andra liv på andra marknader. Med vår stora erfarenhet inom återanvändning och vidareförsäljning vet vi vad som krävs för att åstadkomma bra resultat, både för våra kunder och för miljön. Cirkulär ekonomi handlar om att hålla jordens resurser intakta snarare än att använda traditionella linjära processer. Exempel på metoder som används inom den cirkulära ekonomin är reparationer, rekonditionering och andra åtgärder som bidrar till att resurser kan återanvändas, det vill säga som sluter cirkeln. Den cirkulära ekonomin förutsätter användning av produkter som kan återanvändas och förnybara energikällor. Med över 40 års erfarenhet av tekniska investeringar har vi lärt oss en hel del. Under årens lopp har vi byggt upp ett globalt nätverk av kunder och effektiviserat de tjänster vi erbjuder efter leasingperiodens slut, vilket kommer våra kunder till godo. Med vår globala räckvidd och våra teknikcenters höga kapacitet skapar vi maximal avkastning för våra kunder. Vi är stolta över den effektiva remarketingtjänst vi har utvecklat genom åren. Vi hämtar er gamla utrustning när det passar er och transporterar den på ett säkert sätt till vårt servicecenter. Vi kan göra detta i samband med att er nya utrustning levereras så att ni får en smidig övergång mellan återlämning och utrullning. Tack vare att vi är en av Europas största återförsäljare av begagnad IT-utrustning kan vi påverka marknadspriserna, något som i slutändan även kommer våra kunder tillgodo. Tala med någon av våra remarketing-specialister om du vill veta mer om hur ni kan frigöra kapital genom att sälja utrustning som ni inte längre behöver. En del utrustning har gjort sitt och går tyvärr inte att rädda. Vi ser till att sådan utrustning återvinns enligt EU:s WEEE-direktiv och förser er med intyg om detta. Vi kan tillhandahålla dataradering på olika nivåer i enlighet med era krav på informationssäkerhet. Med hjälp av programvara som godkänts av National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) och BSI erbjuder vi certifierad radering av lagrad data på era minnesenheter. När du anlitar oss för remarketing av er utrustning kan ni lita på att all utrustning och all data är i trygga händer. Vi tar hand om hela processen och ser till att ni kan fokusera på er kärnverksamhet – det är vårt löfte. CHG-MERIDIAN - Green Technology Remarketing.pdf Om du är intresserad av effektiva teknikinvesteringar kan vi vara den samarbetspartner du letat efter. Vi har hjälpt mer än 10 000 företag och organisationer att finansiera och administrera sina teknikinvesteringar på ett effektivt sätt. Vid våra teknik- och servicecenter i Gross-Gerau och Skien utför vi säker radering av lagrad data i alla typer av minnesenheter enligt specialutvecklade och automatiserade metoder. Att ha tillgång till förmånlig finansiering av teknisk utrustning är bara en av många fördelar med att samarbeta med CHG-MERIDIAN. Vi erbjuder flexibla, kundanpassade finansieringslösningar och hjälper er att hitta det bästa alternativet för er verksamhet.    Här kan du läsa mer om våra övriga lösningar och tjänster li|menu not loaded Vid våra teknikcenter ser vi till att 95% av de begagnade IT-enheter som lämnas in till oss får ett andra liv. Inget avfall lämnas till deponi Uttjänt utrustning återvinns vilket sparar på jordens resurser. Vid våra anläggningar använder vi förnyelsebar energi. (I Tyskland använder vi solenergi och biobränsle vilket minskar våra CO22-utsläpp). Minskar de negativa effekterna av den linjära ekonomin Innebär nya ekonomiska och affärsmässiga möjligheter Förbättrar miljön Minskar avfallet Bevarar jordens resurser genom hållbara affärsmetoder Bidrar till att minska miljöpåverkan från tillverkning och konsumtion Ger betydande kostnadsbesparingar Ökar sysselsättningen Ökar konkurrenskraften h1|MILJÖVÄNLIGA REMARKETING-TJÄNSTER FRÅN CHG-MERIDIAN h2|Vår livscykelmodell bidrar till en bättre framtid REKONDITIONERING, RENOVERING, ÅTERANVÄNDNING, ÅTERVINNING, ÅTERLÄMNING, UTRULLNING – VIDAREFÖRSÄLJNING LADDA NER LÄS MER h3|Choose your region vår syn på hållbarhet vad är cirkulär ekonomi Återlämning och utrullning Remarketing ÅTERVINNING säker dataradering EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® eraSURE®: CERTIFIERAD DATARADERING VI ANPASSAR FINANSIERINGEN EFTER ERA BEHOV Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|FÖRDELAR MED DEN CIRKULÄRA EKONOMIN h5|OM OSS AUTOMATISERAD OCH SÄKER RADERING Finansieringslösningar h6|REMARKETING = GRÖN IT sp|                                  pdf, 913 KB     pa|Vid våra teknik- och servicecenter i Gross-Gerau och Skien utför vi säker radering av lagrad data i alla typer av minnesenheter enligt specialutvecklade och automatiserade metoder. Vilken raderingsmetod som bör användas beror på hur känslig informationen är. Handlar det om allmän information? Innehåller era minnesenheter känslig företagsinformation och kunddata? Är informationen så känslig att en extra hög säkerhetsnivå krävs? Vi erbjuder kostnadseffektiv radering av data som är lagrad på alla typer av minnesenheter, såsom SSD- och HDD-diskar och flashminnen i stationära och bärbara datorer, surfplattor, mobiltelefoner och andra mobila enheter. Vi skräddarsyr processen enligt era säkerhetskrav och ser till att restvärdet på alla enheter blir så högt som möjligt. Processen vid teknikcentret i Gross-Gerau är ISO-certifierad enligt ISO 27001 och ISO 9001:2015 och uppfyller kraven enligt BSI:s standard för informationssäkerhet. I Skien, Norge, är raderingsmetoden eraSURE® certifierad enligt ISO 9001 och ISO 14001 och överensstämmer med NSM:s krav. CHG-MERIDIANs certifierade dataraderingsmetod eraSURE® kan anpassas till era krav på informationssäkerhet. Metoden är fullständigt automatiserad och uppfyller kraven i relevanta standarder. Ytterligare fördelar är att den minskar er arbetsbelastning, ger er ett underlag för redovisningen och är mycket kostnadseffektiv. eraSURE® Flyer - English ISO Certificate 9001 ISO Certificate 27001     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|eraSURE®: CERTIFIERAD DATARADERING h2|eraSURE® – vår certifierade dataraderingsmetod eraSURE® – vår certifierade dataraderingsmetod LADDA NER h3|Choose your region VIKTEN AV DATASÄKERHET CERTIFIERAD DATARADERING Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|AUTOMATISERAD OCH SÄKER RADERING sp|                                   pdf, 3 MB   pdf, 132 KB   pdf, 132 KB  pa|Technology management at Sisamex In order to expand its position as market leader in the highly competitive commercial vehicle market, SISAMEX relies on constant renewal processes and the integration of the latest technologies into production. CHG-MERIDIAN helped the company to develop and implement customized manufacturing processes and optimize its IT infrastructure. SISAMEX is a leading global manufacturer of automotive components for commercial vehicles based in Escobedo, Nuevo León, Mexico. The company, which is jointly owned by Quimmco and Meritor Inc., makes axles, brakes, and related components for trucks and agricultural machinery. It currently employs around 2,000 people and counts John Deere, Magna, Freightliner, and Caterpillar among its customers. Innovations are a key element of SISAMEX’s success. For over 30 years, the company has specialized in identifying opportunities and developing ideas, and translating them into products, workflows, and marketable solutions. As part of its ongoing innovation program, the commercial vehicle supplier commissioned CHG-MERIDIAN to develop a custom solution for the integration of new technologies into its industrial production. The aim was to make efficiency gains in two important production steps: the smelting of materials and the subsequent manufacture of metal parts for the high-precision components sold to SISAMEX customers. CHG-MERIDIAN helped SISAMEX to integrate cutting-edge technology into its production lines and improve its IT infrastructure, IT administration, and IT management. The team at CHG-MERIDIAN managed all import processes, the administration of customs documents, and the delivery of the project. The team used the TESMA® platform to provide a clear timeline and input/output data, and made all of the information available in real time. CHG-MERIDIAN’s agile business model allowed SISAMEX to deal with a single source for the procurement, financing, and operation of the latest technologies in production and IT. All workflows in production and IT were optimized as part of this process. Better interaction between business units has already improved their performance and results, which has had a positive effect on overall operating profit. This holistic approach had a further, compelling advantage: Instead of dealing with a range of service providers, managers at SISAMEX had a single point of contact who took care of everything. The experts at CHG-MERIDIAN also provided support with importing the high-tech equipment, which involved a lot of red tape and complex logistics. “We are very happy to be working hand in hand with CHG-MERIDIAN,” said Pedro Jesús Vota, Treasury Director at SISAMEX. “This project has helped us to identify the specific requirements and demands that our company makes of its technical infrastructure. Thanks to the professional support of our partners at CHG-MERIDIAN, we were able to choose the best solution within a short space of time.”     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|State-of-the-art technology in production gives SISAMEX a competitive edge h3|Choose your region Customized solutions for discerning customers Hand in hand: technical expertise and financial engineering Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|Florian Orth, livscykelexpert på CHG-MERIDIAN, tipsar om hur ett företag kan nå större flexibilitet och lägre totala ägandekostnader (TCO) vid tillverkning. Tillverkningsindustrin står inför många utmaningar, till exempel fluktuerande kapacitetsutnyttjande, strukturförändringar etc. Ett centralt inslag i dessa förändringar är önskan om mer flexibilitet, både när det gäller utrustning - maskiner, robotar, transportband och till och med hela produktionslinjer - och finansieringslösningen. Även en långsiktig minskning av TCO ligger högt upp på många företags önskelistor. Men hur går dessa krav ihop? Och hur kan de mötas? Florian Orth, från CHG-MERIDIAN, och hans team stöder marknadsledare inom fordons- och logistiksektorn runt om i världen. Coronaviruspandemin har orsakat betydande omvälvningar på mycket kort tid. Distansarbete har till exempel blivit normen för många, vilket har gjort pappersbaserade administrativa processer mer komplicerade och pressat dem till sina gränser. Tänk bara på en enkel process som att underteckna ett avtal. Sedan finns det kapacitetsutnyttjandet, som har fluktuerat betydligt mellan sektorer. Det är därför ingen överraskning att för många företag är det högsta prioritet att se till att de har tillräcklig med likviditet. Och detta är en utmaning, särskilt eftersom produktionsanläggningar ofta hyrs ut och fasta hyresbetalningar måste betalas. Vi ser efterfrågan på flexibla finansieringsalternativ växa varje dag. Flexibla finansieringstjänster som kan hjälpa företag att anpassa sig till den nuvarande situationen är en lösning. Om vi ​​till exempel känner till kapacitetsutnyttjandet av en maskin eller produktionslinje kan vi minska hyresavbetalningen och istället förlänga hyresperioden. Med andra ord kan vi samarbeta med våra kunder för att ändra strukturen i kontraktet så att det bättre passar deras behov. Ett annat tillvägagångssätt är Pay-per-use, där fakturering baseras på användning, till exempel de timmar en maskin är online. Kunden betalar bara för den tid som maskinen faktiskt är igång, vilket gör att fluktuerande kapacitetsutnyttjande är ett mindre problem. Eller ta investeringar i utrustning, till exempel nya produktionsanläggningar. Detta medför ofta höga investeringar, till exempel i nya robotar, cellulära transportsystem eller anpassningsbara portaler. Långa förskottsfinansieringsfaser är också ett problem för billeverantörer, eftersom det kan gå mycket tid mellan att skriva ett kontrakt och påbörja produktionen. Med en Pay-per-use lösning tar vi denna kostnad tills produktionen är igång och intäkterna kommer in. Eller för att uttrycka det på ett annat sätt, ROI börjar med den första tillverkade komponenten. Behöver logistikverksamheten på företaget effektiviseras? Eller kostnaderna i högre grad anpassas till resursutnyttjandet? Vill du optimera dina internationella logistikprocesser? Industrial Technology: A unique combination of technical expertise with financial engineering - watch now! I slutändan handlar det om att föra in processer i den digitala tidsåldern. Ju mer omfattande de digitaliseras, desto bättre. Ett exempel är införandet av digital signering, som gör det möjligt att underteckna kontrakt var som helst, oavsett om man är hemma eller på kontoret, helt juridiskt bindande, utan penna eller papper. Ännu större potential för optimering och besparingar ligger i den allmänna effektiviseringen av administrativa processer. Ta heterogena hanteringssystem - att hantera ett brett utbud av tillgångar, modeller och tillverkare kan snabbt binda upp mycket resurser. Det finns enorm potential för optimering här, till exempel genom att standardisera kontrakt och minska antalet kontakter till en. Vi kan uppnå detta i internationell skala. Detta minskar det administrativa arbetet enormt och påskyndar processerna, samtidigt som våra kunders arbete blir enklare och sparar interna resurser. Nyckeln här är full kostnadsredovisning som är så transparent som möjligt, baserat på finansiell expertis och många års erfarenhet inom sektorn. På CHG-MERIDIAN börjar vi med att bryta ner våra kunders produktionsprocesser och identifiera kostnader och potentiella besparingar. Detta ger en helt transparent översikt över kostnadsstrukturen för deras produktionsanläggningar, inklusive servicekostnader, andelen kostnader som reservdelar redovisar och den totala avkastningen på investeringen. Vi tar fram en skräddarsydd lösning som uppfyller våra kunders behov och är så kostnadseffektiva som möjligt. Målet är alltid att uppnå större transparens om de totala kostnaderna, eftersom detta sedan kan översättas till permanent reducerad TCO. Potentiella kostnadsbesparingar på upp till 15 procent är möjliga.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Öka flexibiliteten, minska de totala kostnaderna h3|Choose your region Herr Orth, du arbetar med dina kunder för att hantera de aktuella utmaningarna. Vad är din utvärdering av den situation vi befinner oss i? vad finns det för lösningar? Hur kan administrativa processer optimeras i en tid av distansarbete? Vilka potentiella besparingar är möjliga och hur kan de hållas på lång sikt? Tack för intervjun. Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|INDUSTRITEKNIK h6|Användnarlösningar för industriell infrastruktur sp|                                  pa|Det är nästan omöjligt att beräkna de totala kostnaderna för IT för en enda arbetsplats med hjälp av konventionella upphandlings- och användningsmodeller. Men de senaste digitala arbetsplatskoncepten kan hjälpa er med att ge transparens. Vad är företagets totala IT-kostnader? Bara få budgetinnehavare kan svara på den frågan. Självklart kan priser jämföras vid inköpstidpunkten och support- och underhållsavtal kan avtalas för att täcka en del av driftskostnaderna. Men finns det flera frågor som gör det svårare att beräkna den totala ägandekostnaden (TCO) för en enhet: 1. Tänk på hela livscykeln: Varje tillgång går genom typiska livscykelfaser, från upphandling och utrullning till faktisk användning och avskaffning eller remarketing. Endast genom att ta hänsyn till, och planera för hela livscykeln kan du fatta hållbara budgetbeslut. 2. Tänk på hela arbetsplatsen: Smartphones, surfplatta, bärbar datorer, PC - anställdas digitala arbetsplats består ofta av en rad enheter med egna anskaffnings-, utrullnings- och underhållsprocesser. Hur mycket och hur länge varje enhet används är ofta okänt. En realistisk analys av TCO för en digital arbetsplats kräver en helhetssyn på den anställdas IT-utrustning och dess användning. Detta är det enda sättet att avgöra om det är mer kostnadseffektivt att köpa eller välja en kundanpassad helhetslösning utifrån era behov. 3. Arbeta med rätt tjänsteleverantör: Som regel säljer tillverkare och tjänsteleverantörer utrustning och avtalar avtal som ger dem de bästa marginalerna. Dessutom tar de ofta bara hänsyn till isolerade aspekter av den digitala arbetsplatsen, vilket väcker frågan om deras rekommendationer och erbjudanden faktiskt passar bäst för dina individuella behov och om upphandlings- och användningsmodellen kommer att löna sig. IT-avdelningarna på dagens företag är ofta överbelastade och för en kamp mot klockan på grund av ständigt nya krav och att nya typer av enheter tillkommer med allt kortare intervall. Under sådana omständigheter kan det vara svårt att hinna med att hantera infrastrukturen på ett effektivt sätt. På ”den digitala arbetsplatsen” har medarbetarna betydligt större frihet att välja var och när de arbetar och de är inte längre bundna till sitt skrivbord och sin stationära dator. De har dessutom tillgång till den senaste tekniken, som kan anpassas till deras individuella behov. CHG-MERIDIAN visar hur detta kan gå till. Vårt mål är att minska arbetsbelastningen för våra kunder och hjälpa till under varje del av den tekniska utrustningens livscykel. Kärnan i vårt koncept är asset management-systemet TESMA®, som ger er full överblick över såväl kostnader som all teknisk information. Med mobilappen TESMA® har du full kontroll var du än befinner dig.    Kontakta oss  David von Thienen, Digital Workplace Sales på CHG-MERIDIAN Upptäck våra tjänster och lösningar  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Så kan vi hjälpa er med att se över era totala IT kostnader Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded Vilka av de tillhandahållna enheterna använder den anställde faktiskt? Hur mycket tid och ansträngning måste IT-avdelningen spendera på administration och underhåll? Hur ofta behöver hårdvaran repareras? Hur länge används den egentligen? Vad är restvärdet vid avtalets slut och kan enheten återvinnas? Vad händer med känslig data som lagras på enheten? CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Nedan följer tre tips som kan hjälpa er med att reda ut dessa osäkerheter: h1|3 Tips: Få kontroll över de totala kostnaderna h2|Vad kostar en anställds IT under hela livscykeln? Läs mer! Kontakta oss h3|Choose your region Minimera kostnaderna Den digitala arbetsplatsen behöver integrerade lösningar TESMA®: DET BÄSTA AV TVÅ VÄRLDAR Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|IT Digital Workplace Asset Management h6|Digital Workplace sp|                                        pa|Technology management at the North Bay Regional Health Center North Bay Hospital has almost 400 beds and serves the north-east of Ontario, Canada. The mandatory introduction of electronic patient records was a huge challenge for a hospital with an already limited investment budget. Fortunately, CHG-MERIDIAN developed a future-proof solution for North Bay Hospital. Like many other hospitals in Canada, North Bay Hospital was faced with the challenge of upgrading its outdated equipment and its largely aging infrastructure on a tight budget. “Across Ontario, hospitals are under huge financial pressure,” says Paul Valenti, Manager of Purchasing and Contracts at North Bay. “We purchased new equipment when we moved into a new building in 2011, but due to the limited investment budget we were forced to keep it beyond its useful life.” Technology is evolving at a rapid place, particularly in the healthcare sector. Where the lifetime of technology could once reach up to twelve years, it is now only five years. North Bay Hospital’s budget came under increased pressure as the switch to electronic patient records approached. “Many Canadian hospitals were having budget issues when it came to implementing electronic patient records,” says Guy Poirier, Head of Canadian Healthcare at CHG-MERIDIAN. “The four large hospitals in the northern region, of which North Bay is one, had to cover the bulk of the project’s funding at a cost of $120 million. It is almost impossible to find an additional $30 million in regions with only a very small population.” In 2016, CHG-MERIDIAN embarked on an in-depth analysis of the medical and technical infrastructure at North Bay Hospital. Working closely with finance, operations, clinical teams, and medical staff, the company looked at the various equipment types in detail. “There was an active exchange of information about the estimated useful life of equipment, and about how maintenance costs for certain device categories, for example, will develop,” says Poirier. This in-depth dialog played a key role in identifying the areas where change was needed most. It became clear that there was a requirement for reliable asset management that considers the entire lifecycle from procurement to potential remarketing. “This is where we were able to bring all of our expertise to bear. We also increased the customer’s trust in us by not merely introducing our own TESMA technology management system but also testing the suitability of other asset management platforms on the market,” says Poirier. CHG-MERIDIAN was also able to apply its expertise in the implementation of tracking activities and the resulting process changes, and identified and recommended experts to assist with complex liability matters. Using priority lists, CHG-MERIDIAN then worked with the finance and procurement departments and the clinical committees to determine which equipment should be financed in which way. Dividing the assets into different categories made it clearer which ones should be purchased and which should be leased. Poirier and his colleagues also carried out a lease-versus-buy analysis to calculate the expected leasing costs. After nine months, they prepared the request for proposal (RFP) for financing all of the devices and asked bidders to categorize these by their expected lifecycles. Paul Valenti believes that the support from CHG-MERIDIAN has made North Bay Hospital much more flexible as well as providing greater transparency in asset procurement and management. When the healthcare technology comes to the end of its useful life, management now have the option to return it, upgrade it, or carry on using it. “CHG-MERIDIAN has given us the tools we need to calculate the costs at the end of the term. We can lease a piece of equipment for five years and decide at the end of the term whether to continue leasing it, to buy it, or to return it. This gives us far greater flexibility,” says Valenti. A further advantage he believes should not be underestimated is that all services and equipment are handled exclusively by the experts at CHG-MERIDIAN. “This has a positive impact on the price and avoids having to deal with ten different companies, invoice formats, and expiry dates. And we can build up a relationship,” he adds. The management of technology over the entire lifecycle not only has monetary benefits but also increases – and this is the main objective of North Bay Hospital’s management team – the quality of care provided. Endoscopes are a good example: “Because we are now leasing our endoscopic equipment, we can replace it all in one go after trialing a new model, rather than buying just a few new devices every year. We are upgrading all of our equipment, which improves our ability to diagnose cancer, for example,” Valenti says with a smile. How new finance strategies are driving digital innovation in hospitals and increasing patient welfare     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Optimizing the medical infrastructure h3|Choose your region New demands made of outdated equipment Taking stock Procurement efficiency also increases the quality of care TAKING ON A PIONEERING ROLE – DRIVING DIGITALIZATION AND PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pdf, 2 MB  pa|Digitalisering levereras Som en global ledare och expert inom filtrering utvecklar MANN + HUMMEL innovativa lösningar för hälsa och rörlighet. Företaget går också i riktning mot digitalisering för att öppna upp nya affärsområden. CHG-MERIDIAN hjälper MANN + HUMMEL att utrusta sina anställda runt om i världen med mobila enheter och att utnyttja ny digital teknik optimalt.    Excellence Story Daniel Sommer, Client Services, MANN + HUMMEL GmbH  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Enterprise Mobility-lösningar hos MANN & HUMMEL h2|Enterprise Mobility Solutions at Mann & Hummel h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|IT RECONFIGURATION IN BAD RAPPENAU The entire IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was reconfigured in a complex pilot project. CHG-MERIDIAN provided all the necessary expertise and created a customized business concept. In the school’s large learning lab the word ‘quiet’ is splashed across one wall in ten languages, on the opposite wall a Chinese proverb is writ large: “When the wind of change blows, some build walls while others build windmills.” The municipal authority of Bad Rappenau built ‘windmills’ with support from CHG-MERIDIAN. The finance and technology management company won the contract in April 2014 for the project – put out to tender across Europe – of providing a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, including administration systems, for the school. It is a showpiece project that points to the future, and it has been flexibly adapted to the and the required computing power. “This project is so exciting for us because we can provide a variety of services. These include advice on the sourcing of hardware, software distribution, rollout and installation of equipment, TÜV-certified data erasure with , IT support, financing, and support for the project partner throughout the project,” says Wolfgang Huber, Key Account Manager at CHG-MERIDIAN. “The project is very extensive and complex,” adds Michael Grubbe, Head of IT at the municipal authority of Bad Rappenau. Regarding the complexity he adds: “An all-day school such as Verbundschule Bad Rappenau has specific IT needs. The school is undergoing a permanent process of change.” After all, student numbers are no longer predictable because primary schools’ recommendations about the type of secondary school children should attend are now not binding. This means the municipal authority can no longer estimate how its IT needs will develop. “It was a big challenge for us to calculate the right amount of equipment,” Key Account Manager Wolfgang Huber explains. The flexible contract with CHG-MERIDIAN allows for adjustments to the number of assets to match requirements. Huber emphasizes: “The municipal authority can increase or decrease the number of assets at any time up to the end of the 60-month term. If the number of students falls, and we need to take back assets early, then we can remarket these elsewhere.” The municipal authority in Bad Rappenau values this highly. “The flexibility that the contract provides is very important to us. It is the icing on the cake,” says Grubbe of the modern IT solution. First of all, existing fat clients were replaced with quiet thin clients and all monitors were replaced with new energy-efficient TFTs to reduce noise in the teaching areas. New projectors and printers were also installed. As the single point of contact, CHG-MERIDIAN steered and managed all processes of the . It also acted as project manager to coordinate a project team consisting of a systems house and several service providers, such as software and phone system vendors. A further element of the project was the installation of the server room, including a management server, a storage unit, a server farm, and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The server room also houses the school’s new phone system and the DSL line. The switch to a new phone system, bringing together the phone numbers of all schools at the site, was carried out as a subproject. As part of the project the switches and network cables in the other buildings of the main campus were renewed, so that all buildings have high-speed access to the central system. A small back-up system with a UPS was also set up. The entire infrastructure – server, phone system, back up, and UPS – can be scaled up or down at any time to match the number of students. “I had expected more problems. It was hassle-free, and every project step ran smoothly despite everything having to be carried out during the school holidays. The teamwork on the school’s project was very professional and customer-oriented. From a contractual point of view the project is highly complex, but we are very satisfied with the implementation and handling, which was in no small part down to CHG-MERIDIAN’s lack of bureaucracy,” said Grubbe. Yvonne Geier, deputy head at the school, is also satisfied: “Everything is very stable, the technology is very reliable. And that is of course very important to the running of the school. It’s also great that we can restrict access to the system to certain departments or individual students, as it allows us to have children of all levels and from all classes sitting, working, and learning side by side.” Huber adds: “We would like to use this model, which we were able to implement with the right service providers, in the future for other municipalities. Individual requirements can be adapted at any time, of course.” Many schools often find the inflexible and cost-intensive approaches to new IT solutions prohibitive. At Verbundschule Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN has managed to find the best custom solution and financing option – and its independence from banks, manufacturers, and service providers has been a key element in this. Thanks to the expertise gained from the successful implementation in Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN now has the tools to establish state-of-the-art, IT-based learning environments that support media literacy in an appealing way at other schools. * Source: Arbeitsbericht des Büros für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag [Report of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag], 2007. ** Source: Study by the Allensbach Institute, 2013. The comprehensive reconfiguration of the IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau is a great example of a groundbreaking pilot project from CHG-MERIDIAN that can be easily applied to other schools.      WOLFGANG HUBER, KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER AT CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was established in the 2013/2014 academic year and combines a primary school with several types of secondary school. In total there are around 1,200 students and more than 100 teachers. Bad Rappenau is the first municipality with this type of school in Baden-Württemberg Several other municipalities have since followed this successful model. As a key qualification for the information and communication society, media literacy is best taught through the (early) use of new media in schools.* Around a third of teachers at non-vocational schools use digital media in class. A survey found that 27 percent of students and 36 percent of teachers think this is important or very important; teachers at primary and lower secondary education levels, however, think they have a lot of catching up to do.** h1|TOP OF THE CLASS h2|A new wind is blowing at the Verbundschule Bad Rappenau school A customized business concept developed and implemented One-stop solution from a single source The municipal authority is more than happy with the implementation process h3|Choose your region Facts about the Verbundschule and the Bad Rappenau municipal authority, and about media usage in German schools Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   Image 1 / 6 Image 2 / 6 Image 3 / 6 Image 4 / 6 Image 5 / 6 Image 6 / 6   pa|Digitalization delivered The Wieland Group is a leading specialist for copper and copper alloys that operates in numerous locations all over the world. A special initiative has been launched so that the Company can harness the opportunities inherent in the digital transformation. It's called the digital change. CHG-MERIDIAN is helping Wieland-Werke AG to implement specific digital projects concerning Enterprise Mobility and to bring its employees along on the journey.    Excellence Story Birgit Schmid, Organization Director – Information Technology, Wieland-Werke AG  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|wiwork - the digital change h2|Digitalization delivered – wiwork - the digital change h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|A NEW LIFE FOR IT EQUIPMENT THANKS TO CLOSE THE GAP AND WORLDLOOP Close the Gap and WorldLoop take donated used IT equipment and repurpose it to give people around the world access to digital resources. CHG-MERIDIAN is a strong and committed partner of these charitable organizations. The information available on the internet is the key to education, communication, and a better future for school children in Kenya. Thousands of miles away, Barbara Toorens is director of external relations at the Belgian aid organization Close the Gap (CtG). “Access to computers and the internet can open up the world to these people,” she explains. Without CtG the school would probably still not have any high-grade computers. The term used for this invisible border between societies who have ready access to digital resources, and those who do not, is ‘digital divide’. CtG aims to overcome these borders sustainably with the help of technology donations from European companies to non-profit projects in developing countries. CHG-MERIDIAN supports this with , such as those for customers in Belgium and Luxembourg, where new communications technology purchases are combined with the donation of old IT equipment for re-use in Africa, Asia and South America. Deloitte Belgium decided to do this when it invested in 3,000 iPhones. “Social responsibility is a value that is deeply enshrined in our corporate culture,” says Guy Lucq, Chief Information Officer at Deloitte in Brussels. With the help of CHG-MERIDIAN, Deloitte bought a certificate for each new device to confirm that decommissioned in Burundi, a process handled by CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop. Guy Lucq continues: “By renewing our communications technology in this way, we are ensuring that more than 20,000 old cellphones enter the material cycle in Africa responsibly.” CHG-MERIDIAN made certain that the process was smooth, transparent, and fast. Stefan Ertel, Executive Vice President at CHG-MERIDIAN, says: “There is an increasing number of companies that want to actively engage as corporate citizens, but many of them lack the structures that would enable them to firmly integrate corporate social responsibility activities into their business models.” CHG-MERIDIAN filled this gap in 2013. Since then, customers obtaining new hardware through the Belgian subsidiary have been able to arrange for its reuse at the end of the period of use. Ertel adds: “What is unique is that we have successfully virtualized these processes – and we are the first technology management provider worldwide to do so.” This also applies to the procurement of regular IT equipment. For example, when obtaining finance for new laptops, customers can donate some or all of the used equipment to CtG on the basis of the equipment’s projected fair value. Or they can combine their investment with the purchase of recycling certificates. With every project it has run since 2003, CtG has demonstrated the huge potential of donations. By 2014 the aid organization had collected around a quarter of a million donated computers, supporting nearly 3,500 projects in over 50 countries. Environmentally friendly recycling of used equipment also requires clear structures, as the stripping of electronic waste, which can be hazardous to humans and the environment, is widespread in Africa and Asia. This is where CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop comes in. The certificates bought by donors ensure that recycling is carried out to the highest standards. Local start-ups and specialist waste management companies in Europe work hand in hand to make valuable materials in the equipment – which can amount to small fortunes – re-usable. Security is crucial when donating company IT equipment to aid organizations, as the protection of sensitive data must be guaranteed. CHG-MERIDIAN’s program offers certified data erasure to match customer needs at the end of the period of use. The erasure solutions are fully certified, including by the TÜV product standards regulator and DEKRA. Every year, hundreds of thousands of assets are prepared for re-use after the end of their leasing period, including around 100,000 erasures, at CHG-MERIDIAN’s Technology and Service Center in Germany. Deloitte plans to continue supporting aid projects through its IT donations, however, standard solutions are not being considered. From a business point of view, it is imperative to evaluate each case individually. “That’s why we need flexibility. And our long-standing business partner CHG-MERIDIAN offered us exactly this flexibility in this project,” says Lucq. CHG-MERIDIAN is a leader in the market thanks to this innovative business model. Following a successful pilot the corporate social responsibility service will be rolled out in other countries, and there is a lot of interest across Europe. “The potential for such processes is huge,” says Stefan Ertel. And this also applies to other capital assets that could be donated at the end of their period of use. European companies donate technology for a good cause: CHG-MERIDIAN offers its customers intelligent solutions to support their socially and ecologically sensible aid projects at Close the Gap and WorldLoop.      Deloitte’s CIO, Guy Lucq li|menu not loaded Digital divide is the term used to describe the gap between people with full access to the digital world and those who remain mainly cut off from it. It affects countries and entire regions, for example East Africa, but also parts of society in western industrialized countries. Close the Gap was founded in 2003 as a student project at the University of Brussels. The idea is to take donations of high-grade used computers from European companies and use them to support educational and social projects, particularly in East Africa. Promotes economic and social development, especially in rural areas, in developing and newly industrialized countries. Close the Gap supports aid projects in over 50 countries worldwide. WorldLoop was founded as a sister organization to Close the Gap in 2008. Its purpose is to promote the establishment of small companies in developing countries that specialize in the responsible recycling of old computers and communications technology. A further objective is to contain the widespread stripping of electronic waste, which is hazardous to human health and the environment. h1|PROVIDING NEW OPPORTUNITIES h2|More than just a website Recycling combined with a strong sense of responsibility Aid projects that promote independence in local markets Security, trust, and future success are closely connected CHG-Meridian Close the gap Facts on the digital divide, Close the Gap, and WorldLoop h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 4 Image 2 / 4 Image 3 / 4 Image 4 / 4    pa|CUSTOMIZED BUSINESS CONCEPT FOR INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Working to a tight schedule, Gestamp Umformtechnik GmbH has installed an ultra-modern plant in Bielefeld. CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting this capital expenditure project with a sophisticated lease model based on the ‘pay-on-production’ principle. Strong, robust, versatile: The Amarok pick-up from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is a dependable workhorse for use on construction sites and in off-road applications. Obviously, this successful all-rounder from Volkswagen needs a solid base. Steel ladder chassis were originally imported to Hannover from VW’s core Amarok plant in Argentina. Due to the logistical expense, VW was looking for a partner in Germany. In 2013, Volkswagen chose Gestamp Umformtechnik to supply the chassis, requiring the latter to invest in a brand-new production facility that is to be used exclusively for this order and is equipped with welding and assembly robots. CHG-MERIDIAN develops for sophisticated industrial capital expenditure projects. Everything then had to move very fast in Bielefeld: “Chassis construction for the Amarok was a demanding and time-critical project,” explains Bernd Willenberg, member of the Management Board responsible for accounting and financial control at Gestamp Umformtechnik. Trained as an economist, he is visibly proud of the project and the achievements of the employees who spent a year preparing thoroughly for the successful production start-up with support from plant supplier Kuka and the technology and finance experts at CHG-MERIDIAN. Chassis consisting of almost 240 parts for the VW Amarok have been coming off the production line at the Gestamp Umformtechnik GmbH plant in Bielefeld since March 2014. Because the factory building already existed, Gestamp’s role was to plan the facility within the available floorspace. “We overcame this challenge to our utmost satisfaction in cooperation with Kuka,” says Jürgen Lohmann, head of process optimization at Gestamp Umformtechnik. CHG-MERIDIAN provided support at every stage of the planning, development, construction, and start-up of the production line. This is because CHG-MERIDIAN does not simply offer finance, it is a genuine project partner that provides customers with professional advice throughout the lifecycle of the industrial plant, from the initial idea for the project to dismantling the plant after use. Transparency, adaptation to the general parameters of the particular capital expenditure project, and complete control over costs are the advantages of CHG-MERIDIAN’s solutions. This form of intelligent support for capital expenditure projects is especially important in the automotive component industry because component suppliers are taking on responsibility for an ever larger proportion of the value creation process for complex automotive products. This perfectly reflects the corporate philosophy of CHG-MERIDIAN, which provides expert, all-round support throughout the technology lifecycle, thereby creating secure conditions for capital expenditure in an ever-changing environment. This was especially important to Gestamp Umformtechnik in the case of the Amarok order because the company had little more than a year from developing the initial idea to bringing the plant on stream. The ‘running change’ also had to go smoothly i.e. without interrupting Amarok production in Hannover. “If you get behind schedule in a project like this, you can rarely catch up again,” is how board member Bernd Willenberg describes the challenge faced by Gestamp. For the production of the ladder chassis for the VW Amarok at Gestamp Umformtechnik, CHG-MERIDIAN teamed up with KUKA Roboter GmbH to develop a comprehensive lease model for industrial robots and automation systems based on the pay-on-production principle. This enables Gestamp Umformtechnik to align its own capital expenditure with the planned income from the order. The lease payments are based on production output at Gestamp Umformtechnik – an approach that provides an all-round view of the ladder chassis project that goes beyond just the sales perspective. Ultimately, Gestamp Umformtechnik will increase its earnings potential from this project by assessing the entire plant in terms of alternative uses and opportunities for modernization after the first production cycle and then incorporating them into the lease structure. Following the pilot project at the Bielefeld site, CHG-MERIDIAN was also involved in production orders based on the pay-on-production principle at Gestamp Group factories in Spain and Hungary. CHG-MERIDIAN contributed the expertise for the entire technology lifecycle of a plant. Gestamp also benefited from a customized and secure financing model.      Interview  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Company: Gestamp Umformtechnik GmbH Sector: Automotive component supply Products: Chassis and body components Registered office: Ludwigsfelde, Brandenburg, Germany Head office: Bielefeld, Germany Management Board: Francisco José Riberas Mera, Dr. Theodor Plümpe, Dr. Ronald Märtins, Jesús Taboada Employees: approx. 1,900 (including approx. 70 apprentices) in Bielefeld, approx. 350 employees (including approx. 10 apprentices) in Ludwigsfelde Revenue: > €475 million Export rate: approx. 30 percent Production sites: Bielefeld and Ludwigsfelde h1|IDEAL PARAMETERS h2|Big-ticket order for automotive supplier From paper to production CHG-MERIDIAN - Interview Company facts h3|Choose your region Overnight success The best form for capital investment Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 5 Image 2 / 5 Image 3 / 5 Image 4 / 5 Image 5 / 5    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|Our success is based on our employees. It is they who achieve excellence every single day and strengthen our company for the long term. This is something we value and are happy to reward. As we grow, we continuously look for new, great employees. CHG-MERIDIAN is looking for its next star sales performer. We are a growing business, and our customers’ needs and solutions are ever more complex. Star performers at CHG-MERIDIAN are consistent, persistent and they open doors. Once inside, our solution capabilities enable you to be the architect. You might already be in the field of technology? With your experience and our customer focussed financial solutions, let us help you journey to the top. Contact us for more information Can't find a vacancy that matches your profile? You are welcome to send a job application. CHG-MERIDIAN is a multinational company offering efficient technology management. We are a German company that stands for growth and solidity. Become part of our team in Norway and join us in transforming the world of technology. CHG-MERIDIAN's strength lies in its diversity and its open corporate culture. As a CHG-MERIDIAN employee, you will come across team players in every part of the organization. You will be in close contact with the head office in Germany, while also enjoying independence and complete flexibility in your work. Although CHG-MERIDIAN's is networked globally, it remains rooted locally. We work together with major brands and are driving forward the digital revolution for large and mid-sized companies. And you are an important player in this revolution. At CHG-MERIDIAN we see ourselves as a team – that's why we work together to promote career development. Our inhouse tutoring concept gives employees the chance to boost their professional skills. This transfer of knowledge between employees provides you with a high level of professional training. Our team is on hand to answer any questions you might have about CHG-MERIDIAN or our application process. Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Stockholm CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|WE ARE CONSTANTLY LOOKING FOR GREAT PEOPLE! h2|CURRENT VACANCIES WORKING IN A GLOBAL TEAM Opportunities for continuing professional development Contact us! h3|Choose your region What's the secret to our success? Teamwork! Our office in Sweden Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|ACCOUNT MANAGER IT APPLICATIONS h6|WORK IN SWEDEN sp|                                  Go to Go to Go to      pa|How did it all begin, where are we today, where do we want to be – find out more about us and our company here. Find out why our customers in the IT, industrial, and healthcare sectors value the technology management expertise of CHG-MERIDIAN so highly. CHG-MERIDIAN plays an active role in society. We are committed to sustainable development, we create an attractive working environment, and we get involved in community projects. We have a tradition of growing with our tasks, our experience and, of course, with our customers. At the same time, we are always aware of where we come from – and where we want to be. With nearly 1100 employees, presence in 27 countries, means we can ensure consistent, fast, and fully integrated global business processes. • carbonZER0 available to customers in 27 countries • Green financing option for carbon-neutral investment in IT infrastructure • CO₂ offset payments go toward certified climate protection projects Cultivating an organizational culture characterized by mutual respect and appreciation - this is the overriding principle of the Diversity Charter. In February 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN AG signed up to the Germany-wide initiative. The international technology manager with headquarters in Weingarten relies on continuity in its sports sponsorship. As announced on March 4, 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN is extending its commitment to Ravensburg as an ice hockey location and will thus remain the main sponsor of the Towerstars and name giver of the "CHG Arena" for the next five years. • Lehrkräfte-Auszeichnung für digitale Unterrichtskonzepte ausgelobt • Gesucht: Die drei besten Praxisbeispiele aus baden-württembergischen Schulen • Kooperation von CHG-MERIDIAN mit der Mossakowski Stiftung und Beratung durch das Zentrum für Schulqualität Baden-Württemberg (ZSL) • CHG-MERIDIAN continues dialog with policymakers, the research community, and representatives of the IT sector and hospitals • Topics of discussion include: the COVID-19 crisis; factors accelerating digitalization in the German healthcare sector; standalone IT solutions: More than just a technical challenge • Policymakers supporting digitalization and addressing the protection of patient data Managing IT for mobile working more efficiently • CHG-MERIDIAN adds a self-service portal for its customers’ employees to TESMA® • High level of automation relieves the burden on IT and procurement • Fast and hassle-free processes increase employee satisfaction By donating 100 laptops to five schools in Ravensburg, the CHG-MERIDIAN Group is helping to ensure that pupils have access to IT devices so that they can participate in online lessons. • Lease origination: 32 percent increase to around €2 billion compared to prior year • Circular economy: almost 700,000 IT devices refurbished for a second lifecycle • Coronavirus pandemic: both challenge and opportunity • Donation of EUR 200,000 to the Bürgerstiftung Kreis Ravensburg • Dr. Wagner: We need a strong community for cohesion in society • Support for non-profit associations, especially in the field of art and culture, and for organisations providing social assistance in the region. Particular attention is also paid to supporting disadvantaged children and young people Changes to the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN • Companies are making little progress with the expansion of the digital workplace • Employees are better equipped with mobile IT devices at home than they are at work • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner As an expert in technology management, CHG-MERIDIAN has been supporting the public sector for years in the implementation of digitization concepts. Earlier in September, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and CHG-MERIDIAN met in Weingarten to discuss the topic. • Investment backlog remains the biggest hurdle to digitalization • Customer Experience Day enables dialog between key players • Information and education increase the acceptance of e-health and AI in healthcare • CHG-MERIDIAN’s latest white paper presents investment options for the digital age • Quality and information security standards of entire Gross-Gerau site validated • ISO 9001 and 27001 certification recognized at international level • Basis of BSI compliance certification for basic protection in accordance with B1.15 Deletion and Destruction of Data • 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that e-health remains a niche topic: There is openness to the idea but the benefits are not recognized • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21 Digital Index and critically examined study results in panel discussion • The panel discussion took place at the DMEA on April 9, 2019 at the Berlin Capital Club • Growth: Lease originations up 22 percent year-on-year • Internationalization: Successful acquisition of Australian technology specialist equigroup in 2018 • Circular economy: Further increase in the number of refurbished and data-erased assets for the secondary market • Cost management is a key topic in the logistics sector • Focus increasingly on usage behavior and total cost of ownership • Continual optimization of the TCO analysis is required • Potential of the digital workplace still untapped • Companies lack digital technology and implementation strategies • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor • Ice rink to be renamed ‘CHG Arena’ • Sport sponsoring remains essential beacon for the region • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ was performed at Ravensburg Theatre • All proceeds go to the ‘Theatertäschle’ project and the ‘MOSKITO’ theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Volatile markets require flexible use of existing resources • Intelligently managed processes reduce running costs • CHG-MERIDIAN’s holistic approach increases efficiency at all levels • Strategic growth impulse for lease originations for the CHG-MERIDIAN Group • equigroup opens up access to attractive Australia/New Zealand region • CHG-MERIDIAN now has a presence in 25 countries around the world • Transaction volume in line with excellent business performance • Funding terms even better than in previous years • CHG-MERIDIAN opts for parallel marketing via a digital platform for first time • Digital transformation remains on the public sector's agenda • Attractiveness as an employer and HR policies that embrace demographic diversity are growing challenges • CHG-MERIDIAN’s integrated approach promotes digital transformation and efficiency • CHG-MERIDIAN extends TESMA® with directly integrated TESMA® App • Eliminate manual processes and reduce time and effort spent on asset management by using a smartphone • A further step towards the complete digitalization of asset lifecycles • Companies need to adjust the ways in which they handle personal data • CHG-MERIDIAN offers its own certified data erasure process called eraSURE® • eraSURE® facilitates compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) • Increased: Volume of lease originations rises by 8 percent year on year • Successful: Technology diversification and international positioning pay off • Innovative: Digitalization offers further opportunities for profitable growth • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ to be performed at Ravensburg Theatre on April 18 • All proceeds go to the Theater-Rucksack project and the MOSKITO theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Digital skills as a key competence in the healthcare sector • Healthcare providers make efficiency gains and increase competitiveness by training their workforce • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21-Digital-Index and analyzes impact on investments in healthcare • The mobile workspace is becoming a competitive factor for firms • Companies have to help employees embrace digitalization • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • Direct: Communicate with your preferred target group in real time • With confidence: A test phase provides peace of mind during digital transformation • State-of-the-art: A technology refresh means you always get the latest technology Customer proximity: New Stuttgart site will pave the way for improved customer service. Economic strength: CHG-MERIDIAN sees further potential for growth in Baden-Württemberg Sustained organic growth at a high level shows that the strategy is working Excellent progress in the delivery of the service strategy, record result for certified data erasure. • Successful: volume of leases originated rises by 13 percent year on year; above-average growth in Germany • Robust: international business continues to perform well • Buoyant: high demand for data erasure and mobility solutions • Robust: Broad-based and dynamic growth in Germany and in the international markets • Encouraging: Positive trend in the volume of leases originated for healthcare and industrial technologies • Intelligent: Expanded range of end-of-life services for printer systems • Close to customers: CHG-MERIDIAN opens new office in Bielefeld. • Diverse mix of sectors: Bielefeld and the surrounding areas have great sales potential. • Certified: Data erasure process for printer systems successfully passes TÜV acceptance test in Gross-Gerau • Transparent: Asset tracking at any time with TESMA® • Automated: High level of process reliability with eraSURE® and eraSURE®+ • Growth: New funds can be used to finance growth and innovation • Interest-rates: Further optimization of finance costs thanks to excellent interest-rate conditions • Reputation: Successful placement underlines CHG-MERIDIAN’s strong reputation in the capital markets • Lack of investment and investment backlog hinder progress of digitalisation • More information and advice needed regarding its benefits and impact • National modernisation strategy to encourage investment in the vision • Growth: lease originations and profitability increase • Continuity: remarketing uptrend continues • Potential: Enterprise Mobility Solutions offer excellent prospects and win an award For the past eight years, colleagues with disabilities have been working alongside other employees at the Groß-Gerau Technology and Service Center. This integration project is being run by CHG-MERIDIAN in cooperation with the Rhine-Main Workshops for Disabled People and one of their subsidiary workshops, Solvere gGmbH, and receives positive feedback from all those involved. • Accolade: Technology management company among the top three in the Workforce Mobility / Digital Workspace category • Catch-up potential: Three in four Germans still teaching themselves digital skills outside of work • Challenge: Security shortcomings need to be eradicated from the mobile workspace Growth: funding for more technology investments than ever before All-time high: a record amount of equipment certified data-erased and remarketed Acquisition: IT and healthcare portfolio acquired from GE Capital in northern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN launches software platform for financial and technical management of assets CHG-MERIDIAN perfecting its Technology and Service Management System, TESMA® now offers an extended range of features Growth: Promising developments in America and Western Europe during first quarter Gross margin: Profitability increases continue into the new year Outlook: New release of technology and service application, TESMA®, bolsters growth prospects further Announcement: Headquarters in Weingarten expanded further Growth: 250 additional workstations created Dynamic: New Stuttgart and Bielefeld offices already in planning Motivated: The cyclists covered 90 kilometers for a good cause. Committed: Employees can participate via social activities. Invested: Donations provide individual support for children. Responsibility: Workforce has a say in social activities Team: Employees get involved in good causes with CHG-MERIDIAN support Athletic spirit: Jersey campaign provides youth team sports with targeted assistance CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting the D21 study as a partner for the first time The digital skills of the German population are improving – but too slowly Three out of four Germans prefer to learn how to use smartphones and similar devices by themselves in their spare time Steadfast: Mossakowski to join the new Supervisory Board, Dr. Wagner to become the new Chairman of the Board of Management, Strong: Sales activities to be brought together in one remit, Structured: Separate Board of Management remit for IT and Services Carrying the baton: marathon route completed by six relay teams Collective effort: €2,531.70 raised for the Gross-Gerau sports association for disabled people Cooperation: CHG-MERIDIAN has employed people with disabilities at its Gross-Gerau site since 2007 Moving up a gear: accelerated growth in lease originations Security-conscious: strong demand for data erasure services Innovative: Enterprise Mobility Solutions demonstrate their potential Momentum: Strong growth impetus in western and southern Europe Solidity: Gross profit stabilizes at a high level Innovation: New enterprise mobility solution opens up potential CHG-MERIDIAN's transparent and open communication culture is also reflected in our PR and media activities. Our media relations work is compliant with the communication code of the German PR Council (DRPR).  Discover background information of CHG-MERIDIAN worldwide  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|INSIGHTS AND OUTLOOKS h2|ABOUT US RESPONSIBILITY GLOBAL GROWTH Latest group news h3|Choose your region CHG-MERIDIAN introduces carbon-neutral IT leasing CHG-MERIDIAN AG signs the Diversity Charter CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor of the Ravensburg Towerstars CHG-MERIDIAN: Bildungsinitiative „digitalheroes@Klassenzimmer” gestartet Additional boost to digitalization in the German healthcare sector TESMA® portal: Self-service for the digital workplace CHG-MERIDIAN donates laptops to five schools in Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN shows significant growth for 2019 Immediate aid to support the community in the region in the wake of the Corona crisis Ulrich Bergmann appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 2019/2020 D21 Digital Index shows that the transition toward a digital work culture is stalling in Germany Digitize administration Digital transformation in healthcare – from hype to reality. CHG-MERIDIAN Technology and Service Center awarded ISO certification Digital transformation in healthcare – aversion to new technology persists Successful business performance delivers record year for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN uses precise data to optimize TCO in fleet management 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that remote working and flextime are still a rarity in Germany CHG-MERIDIAN and Ravensburg Towerstars extend long-term partnership CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization meets reality: intelligent IT lifts logistics to new heights CHG-MERIDIAN acquires Australian technology financing company equigroup Another bonded loan successfully placed Public Sector 4.0: Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential Recording assets on the go securely and cost-efficiently with the TESMA® App New European General Data Protection Regulation: Securing data erasure processes with eraSURE® CHG-MERIDIAN continues to generate profitable growth in 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization increases need for qualification in healthcare D21 digital index for 2017/2018 shows that German companies are lagging behind on mobile workspaces Digital Signage Solutions (DSS) from CHG-MERIDIAN are leading the way CHG-MERIDIAN: New Stuttgart site set to enhance sales activities CHG-MERIDIAN increases its lease originations by 9 percent in 2016 Flying start to 2017 for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN's lease origination up by 15 percent in the first half of 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN strengthens presence in Germany with new office in Bielefeld CHG-MERIDIAN closes security gap in printer systems with new erasure process CHG-MERIDIAN: Bonded loan secures again funding on favorable terms Lack of investment puts the brakes on digitalisation CHG-MERIDIAN: positive business development in the first nine months Successful working relationships at the Technology and Service Center Enterprise Mobility Awards: CHG-MERIDIAN wins bronze CHG-MERIDIAN looks back on a successful year New TESMA® integrates financial and technical information even more effectively CHG-MERIDIAN starts 2016 with slight first-quarter growth CHG-MERIDIAN celebrates inauguration of headquarters expansion building CHG-MERIDIAN supports charity cycling tour for Kinderstiftung Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN sponsors jerseys to support eight youth sports teams 2016 D21 Digital Index: Companies must contribute to digitalization of Germans CHG-MERIDIAN reorganizes Board of Management; Dr. Mathias Wagner to succeed Jürgen Mossakowski Colleagues for colleagues: CHG-MERIDIAN employees run for a good cause CHG-MERIDIAN AG steps up the pace of growth in the third quarter of 2016 Buoyant growth for CHG-MERIDIAN in the first half of 2016 Media Center Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Feb 3, 2021 – Mar 18, 2021 – Mar 4, 2021 – Nov 11, 2020 – Jul 15, 2020 – Jul 1, 2020 – May 27, 2020 – Apr 23, 2020 – Apr 8, 2020 – Mar 1, 2020 – Feb 26, 2020 – Sep 18, 2020 – Oct 16, 2019 – May 23, 2019 – Apr 16, 2019 – Apr 9, 2019 – Feb 1, 2019 – Jan 23, 2019 – Dec 11, 2018 – Nov 9, 2018 – Oct 17, 2018 – Sep 3, 2018 – Aug 9, 2018 – Jul 31, 2018 – Jul 5, 2018 – Apr 10, 2018 – Mar 22, 2018 – Mar 14, 2018 – Feb 20, 2018 – Jan 24, 2018 – Apr 7, 2017 – Feb 28, 2017 – Feb 10, 2017 – Apr 28, 2017 – Jul 21, 2017 – May 16, 2017 – Jun 27, 2017 – Sep 21, 2017 – Sep 20, 2017 – Oct 27, 2017 – Dec 6, 2017 – Nov 30, 2017 – Feb 12, 2016 – Apr 12, 2016 – Apr 22, 2016 – Jun 16, 2016 – Jun 19, 2016 – Mar 24, 2016 – Nov 17, 2016 – Nov 16, 2016 – Oct 31, 2016 – Oct 27, 2016 – Jul 22, 2016 – OPEN COMMUNICATION h6|GET TO KNOW CHG-MERIDIAN BETTER sp|                                      Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten / Sydney  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Berlin  Berlin  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Bielefeld  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Frankfurt  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Weingarten  Weingarten     pa|Contact your personal partner at CHG-MERIDIAN Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH Vice President Sales, Canada Regional Manager Sales North-West General Manager Service Center Skien Head of Human Resources Executive Vice President Sales Western Europe Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia Vice President Finance Northern Europe Head of Public Sector Sales Germany, Regional Manager Sales Public South/SouthWest, Regional Manager Sales Public West-Central Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe Vice President Sales Vice President Sales France Sales Director Americas; VP of Sales - USA Head of Sales Public Sector UK & Ireland Vice President Finance USA & Canada Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West Regional Manager Sales Central Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales, Italy Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South Head of Sales - UK & Ireland Corporate Head of Logistics & Production Vice President Finance Italy Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Brazil Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Vice President Sales Switzerland Vice President Sales ANZ Regional Manager Sales East, Regional Manager Sales Public North-East Vice President Sales UK/Ireland Vice President Sales Poland Vice President Sales Brazil Head of Remarketing Head of Group Service Delivery Executive Vice President Sales Australia/New Zeal. Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany Vice President Sales, Netherlands Regional Manager Sales West Vice President Sales Sweden & Norway Vice President Sales, Spain Manager, HR / Administrator Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe Vice President Finance, Netherlands Vice President Finance France Vice President Finance, Spain Vice President Finance Mexico Many thanks for your message to CHG-MERIDIAN. We will get back to you as soon as possible! This is mandatory   Experts of efficient technology management work together at CHG-MERIDIAN worldwide - at 36 locations in 23 countries. Our global presence guarantees uniform, fast and consistent business processes  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Australia België Brasil Canada Cesko Denmark Deutschland España Finland France Great Britain Ireland Italia Mexico Nederland Norge Österreich Polska Russia Schweiz Slovenija Slovensko Sverige USA international CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. 455 Pelissier Street N9A 6Z9 Windsor, Ontario, Canada +1 647-669-6579 CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 2720 Vanløse +45 702 381 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503-0 +49 173 58040859 CHG-MERIDIAN SKIEN AS Technology and Service-Center Rødmyrlia 20 3735 Skien +47 959 29 110 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +33 (1) 530585-81 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 (211) 55727-60 +49 170 981 3149 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 323 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1810 +1 (818) 312-2274 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7967 292924 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt +49 6950 954 85 22 +49 160 713 48 18 CHG-MERIDIAN Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 320 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871200 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden +41 56 203 18 00 +49 175 720 42 03 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney, Australia +61 29409 8200 +61 419 315733 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin +49 30 284068-13 +49 170 4511-960 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa +48 22 5269900 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871260 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstraße 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-25 +49 172 2924128 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney +61 29409 8200 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89 238856355 +49 151 74380056 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 (0)10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-32 +49 160 7 134-868 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 h1|Operate worldwide h2|CONTACT PERSONS Contact Form h3|Choose your region Dirk Matura Guy Poirier CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frank Heinrich Headquarters Weingarten Gisle Skoglund Andersen Montserrat Cazorla Ralf Behrning Michael König Lena Gausen CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Frank Schöneberg Sven Janssen Jyrki Mikkola Patrick Henrion Wayne Fowkes Daniel Talhadas Vahe Aroyan Sven Matthiesen Johannes Landherr CHG-MERIDIAN Finland Oy Rony Timmermans Declan McGlone Marco Gallo Sven Matthiesen Danny Persaud Csaba Kallai Andrea Bonin Simon Harrsen Luiz Nali Lukas Uhliarik Sebastian Apelt Stephen Kerr Thomas Franke Simon Young Leonard Żółnowski Roberto Mussalem Rami Oweis Klaus Form Christian Brakensiek Peter Krause Paul-Robbert Viskil CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Jens Hüttebräuker Christian Vold Juan Echevarrieta Mona Safa Lukas Tränkle Patrick Schunter Didier Padellec Pere Fito Jaime Origel Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                                                                                                                                             * Your name E-Mail Company Your Message   404 ERROR PAGE The page was not found. What now? Try with the following links:  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Something went wrong … h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                     pa|Digitala arbetsplatslösningar, virtuellt samarbete och delade kontorslokaler bidrar till att öka ditt företags produktivitet och innovativa styrka. Till exempel kan dina anställda arbeta medan de reser eller tvingas arbeta hemifrån, vilket frigör tid för andra aktiviteter. Den digitala arbetsplatsen hjälper också till att optimera affärsprocesser. All information och processer tillhandahålls i en central arbetsmiljö. Godkännandeprocesser eller placering av beställningar för förbrukningsvaror kan slutföras med bara några musklick, vilket minskar bördan för IT- och upphandlingsavdelningarna. Effektivare processer och optimal anpassning av arbetsmiljön kan resultera i besparingar där alla kostnader för anskaffning och drift av IT-utrustning för en arbetsplats kan beräknas och förutsägas exakt. Engagemanget hos de anställda ökar om de får vara med och välja sin IT-utrustning, vilket i sin tur leder till bättre och mer motiverat arbete. Enklare samt mer flexibla processer och tillhörande tidsbesparingar bidrar också till en bättre användarupplevelse. Genom att involvera de anställda kan företaget även dra nytta av deras digitala kunskaper och tekniska färdigheter. Kvalificerade unga arbetssökande ställer höga krav på sina arbetsgivare. De förväntar sig inte enbart att företagets värderingar går hand i hand med deras egna – de ställer även allt högre krav på arbetsmiljön samt maximal frihet för att välja de verktyg de använder för sitt arbete. Det nuvarande kriget om talanger, som kommer att intensifieras under de kommande åren, är ett mycket bra argument för att införa en digital arbetsplats. Följ dessa sex steg för lyckas med implementeringen av digitala arbetsplatsen i ditt företag. Skapa en vision Få med IT- och ekonomiavdelningen i projektet Analysera behoven Implementera i steg Involvera Förvandla inköp av IT till en shoppingupplevelse di|digital Workplace DIGITAL WORKPLACE MED CHG-MERIDIAN 01 VILKA ÄR FÖRDELARNA? 02 Implementering av den digitala arbetsplatsen – 6 steg 03 DIGITAL WORKPLACE MED CHG-MERIDIAN 01 02 VILKA ÄR FÖRDELARNA? Implementering av den digitala arbetsplatsen – 6 steg 03  blog  Contact Download Whitepaper   Utforska   Att kunna arbeta på distans och nyttja hemmakontoret ger gott om möjligheter till att vara produktiv. De anställda kan säkert och tryggt arbeta på distans samtidigt som de har kontakt med kollegor, tjänsteleverantörer och nationella samt internationella kunder. Med en digital arbetsplats skapar företag en flexibel och modern arbetsmiljö som ger de anställda all information och processer de behöver för att göra sitt arbete enkelt och framgångsrikt - vart de än befinner sig. Se filmen   This is some text inside of a div block. 74 % Enligt undersökningen D21 Digital Index är 74 procent av de anställda intresserade av en digital arbetsplats This is some text inside of a div block. 70 % 70 procent av företagen har minskat kostnader och förbättrad effektivitet tack vare den digitala omvandlingen This is some text inside of a div block. 47 % 47 procent av de europeiska företagen sa att den främsta IT-utmaningen de förväntar sig att möta under 2020 är att hålla IT-infrastrukturen uppdateradav en digital arbetsplats  Ökad effektivitet Kostnadsbesparingar och transparens   Nöjdare medarbetare Attraktiv som arbetsgivare   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 En solid strategi är nyckeln till en framgångsrik implementering av den digitala arbetsplatsen. Börja med att fråga dig själv hur din IT-miljö ska se ut om tre år. Vilken utrustning behövs? Hur ofta behöver den bytas ut? Får anställda beställa sin utrustning själva, och i så fall i vilken utsträckning ska de få välja sin utrustning? Dessa och liknande frågor bör beaktas i den strategiska planen och diskuteras med de olika intressenterna på företaget. En tydlig definierad vision är inte bara effektiv, den är också en viktig faktor när det gäller att få med och inkludera de anställda under hela projektets gång. Med en tydlig vision hjälper man de anställda att förstå riktningen företaget tar, varför vissa förändringar är nödvändiga och vad fördelarna är för dem. 2 Det kan vara svårt att förena idéerna och förväntningarna från CIO och CFO. IT-avdelningen kommer att vara intresserad av att byta till den senaste IT-miljön, granska varje process och driva digitaliseringen framåt medan ekonomiavdelningen kommer först och främst att titta på kostnaderna. Ekonomiavdelningen kommer att fokusera på avkastningen av investeringen: Kommer omstruktureringen att öka produktionen? Hur ofta behöver IT-utrustning bytas ut för att maximera effektiviteten? Projektplanen måste vara transparent och uppfylla förväntningarna för båda avdelningarna om den ska accepteras inom företaget och bli en långsiktig framgång. Det finns innovativa kundanpassade affärsidéer som gör att du kan sprida betalningar för utrustningen och relaterade tjänster över hela livslängden. Detta gör det lättare att hålla översikt över samt förutse kostnader samtidigt som besparingar kan beräknas med hög noggrannhet. 3 Alla anställda har inte samma krav och behov av IT-utrustning. De som huvudsakligen arbetar på kontoret kanske endast behöver en stationär dator, medan fältpersonal som ofta arbetar på distans behöver mer smidig och flexibel utrustning. För designers och utvecklare, å andra sidan, kommer utrustningens prestanda att vara en nyckelfaktor. Det är därför viktigt att ta reda på vad dina anställda behöver och vem de olika intressenterna är. 4 Istället för att spendera veckor på att utforma planer för att ersätta alla datorer i en enorm lansering, bör man implementera den digitala arbetsplatsen i olika delmoment och vara flexibel. När allt kommer omkring, kan krav och anställdas roller förändras under ett digitaliseringsprojekt och det kan underlätta om utrustning görs tillgänglig för anställda när det krävs, snarare än enligt fasta avskrivningscykler. Att arbeta med testgrupper är en annan rekommenderad strategi när man rullar ut ny IT-utrustning. De låter dig testa de implementerade ändringarna och göra justeringar innan alla påverkas. Genom att göra de anställda till en del av projektet ökar man acceptansen för projektet samt ökar de anställdas digitala färdigheter. 5 Skapa en gemensam projektplan för implementering av den digitala arbetsplatsen genom att prata med de olika intressenterna på företaget. Vad är nödvändigt? Vad betyder det att implementera en digital arbetsplats i praktiken? Dokumentera vilka milstolpar som ska rullas ut när och vilka delmoment som fortfarande väntar. Det är viktigt att aktivt kommunicera projektets olika faser för att inkludera och säkerställa att anställda förblir entusiastiska över digitaliseringen. Genom att kommunicera testresultat och individuella anställdas erfarenheter hjälper man till att öka motivationen där de anställa känner att de fått vara med och påverka implementeringen. 6 E-handelsföretag som Amazon har revolutionerat shoppingupplevelsen. Anställda känner till och värderar de processer som används av de stora onlineföretagen och förväntar sig en liknande bekvämlighet när IT-utrustning ska beställas. I verkligheten står de inför komplexa godkännandeprocesser och väntar länge på den utrustning som beställts. Det är här som innovativa upphandlingslösningar som bygger på självbetjäningsportaler kommer till sin rätt. Här kan anställda välja den digitala utrustning som är bäst lämpad för sin roll från ett urval som förinställts av företaget. Liksom med online shopping sker leveransen vanligtvis inom några dagar. Enkla processer - som går långt bortom upphandling - och personliga användargränssnitt gör att du kan skapa en optimal användarupplevelse. Digital Workplace På ”den digitala arbetsplatsen” har medarbetarna betydligt större frihet att välja var och när de arbetar och de är inte längre bundna till sitt skrivbord och sin stationära dator. De har dessutom tillgång till den senaste tekniken, som kan anpassas till deras individuella behov. CHG-MERIDIAN visar hur detta kan gå till. LÄS MER  REMARKETING = GRÖN IT Dra fördel av våra miljövänliga remarketing-tjänster. Vi är en av Europas största IT-återförsäljare och kan hjälpa er att maximera intäkterna från IT-utrustning som ni inte längre har behov av. LÄS MER  AUTOMATISERAD OCH SÄKER RADERING Vid våra teknik- och servicecenter i Gross-Gerau och Skien utför vi säker radering av lagrad data i alla typer av minnesenheter enligt specialutvecklade och automatiserade metoder. LÄS MER  ASSET MANAGEMENT-SYSTEMET Vårt mål är att minska arbetsbelastningen för våra kunder och hjälpa till under varje del av den tekniska utrustningens livscykel. Kärnan i vårt koncept är asset management-systemet TESMA®, som ger er full överblick över såväl kostnader som all teknisk information. LÄS MER  © CHG-MERIDIAN 2020  h1|Digital Workplace. Från Hype till Verklighet DIGITAL WORKPLACE MED CHG-MERIDIAN VILKA ÄR FÖRDELARNA? Implementering av den digitala arbetsplatsen – 6 steg Läs mer om Digital Workplace samt våra andra lösningar Efficient Technology Management® h2|Skapa en vision Få med IT- och ekonomiavdelningen i projektet Analysera behoven Implementera i steg Involvera Förvandla inköp av IT till en shoppingupplevelse h3|Contact LEGAL Tools social media h5|Den digitala arbetsplatsen behöver integrerade lösningar MILJÖVÄNLIGA REMARKETING-TJÄNSTER FRÅN CHG-MERIDIAN eraSURE®: CERTIFIERAD DATARADERING TESMA®: DET BÄSTA AV TVÅ VÄRLDAR pa|CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street North Sydney, 2060 Tel.: +61 29409 8200 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Sales Australia/New Zeal. Vice President Sales ANZ CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen Tel.: +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 Fax: +32 (02) 705 35 87 E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux Executive Vice President Sales Western Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-050 Barueri - São Paulo Tel.: 55 11 4302-6005 Fax: 55 11 4302 6008 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Brazil Vice President Finance Brazil CHG-MERIDIAN CANADA LTD. 455 Pelissier Street Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6Z9 Tel.: +1 818 7021800 Fax: +1 818 7021821 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Canada Vice President Finance USA & Canada Manager, HR / Administrator CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4, BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle Tel.: +420 272 102 111 Fax: +420 272 102766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 DK-2720 Vanløse Tel.: +45 702 381 00 Fax: +45 702 381 02 E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tel.: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South Head of Public Sector Sales Germany, Regional Manager Sales Public South/SouthWest, Regional Manager Sales Public West-Central Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 2840680 Fax: +49 30 28406866 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales East, Regional Manager Sales Public North-East CHG-MERIDIAN Hakenort 37 33609 Bielefeld Tel.: +49 521- 960694 – 0 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales North-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 211 557270 Fax: +49 211 5572766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau Tel.: +49 6152 18710 Fax: +49 6152 1871499 E-Mail: Internet: Head of Group Service Delivery Head of Logistics & Production Head of Remarketing CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor, Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 4191570 Fax: +49 40 41915766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales North-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München Tel.: +49 89 238856300 Fax: +49 89 238856366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN AG Marienbergstraße 92 90411 Nürnberg Tel.: +49 911 981 690 10 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Flughafenstraße 59 70629 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 184268 0 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 509 548 500 0 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Central CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona Tel.: +34 902 350065 Fax: +34 902 350066 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Spain Vice President Finance, Spain CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L.U. Calle Juan Esplandiú, 11 3ª planta 28007 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 444 81 58 Fax: +34 90 235 0096 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Spain CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa Tel.: +358 207 199320 Fax: +358 207 199329 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX Tel.: 0033 1 49 00 29 10 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales France Vice President Finance France CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Baya Axess, 3 Cours Charlemagne 69002 LYON Tel.: 0033 6 23 11 57 25 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales France CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue Egham, Surrey TW20 9AB Tel.: +44 1784 470701 Fax: +44 1784 439183 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales UK/Ireland Head of Sales - UK & Ireland Corporate Head of Sales Public Sector UK & Ireland CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited One Spencer Dock North Wall Quay Dublin 1 Tel.: +44 1784 470701 Fax: +44 1784 439183 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales UK/Ireland CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.P.A. Via Torri Bianche 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) Tel.: +39 039 39068 1 Fax: +39 039 39068 61 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Italy Vice President Finance Italy CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Franco Donatelli, 7 00127 Roma (RM) Tel.: +39 06 877 38 400 Fax: +39 039 3906861 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Italy Vice President Finance Italy CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 Col. Santa Fé, Del. Cuajimalpa de Morelos CP. 05348 Ciudad de México Tel.: +52 55 5980-7000 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Av. Américas #1545, Piso 22 Oficina 2216 Col. Providencia C.P. 44630 Guadalajara, Jalisco Tel.: +52 01 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN Méxiko, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. Calzada del Valle No. 255 Oriente Ofna 109 Col. Del Valle, San Pedro Garza Garcia N.L. CP. 66220 Tel.: +52 81 5980 0441 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam Tel.: +31 10 7900666 Fax: +31 10 7900669 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Netherlands Vice President Finance, Netherlands Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum NO - 0102 Oslo Tel.: +47 23 00 33 00 Fax: E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Sweden & Norway Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS Rødmyrlia 20 3735 SKIEN Tel.: +47 95 92 91 10 Fax: +47 94 77 24 20 E-Mail: Internet: General Manager Service Center Skien Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Wien Tel.: +43 1 71807520 Fax: +43 1 718075266 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa Tel.: +48 22 5269900 Fax: +48 22 5269966 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Poland Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tel.: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden Tel.: +41 56 2031800 Fax: +41 56 2031809 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Switzerland CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o. Linhartova 11 a 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: +43 1 718 07 52 0 Fax: +43 1 718 07 52 66 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o. Mateja Bela 8 81106 Bratislava Tel.: +420 272 102111 Fax: +420 272 102766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm Tel.: +46 (8)459 39 00 Fax: E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Tel.: +1 818 7021800 Fax: +1 818 7021821 E-Mail: Internet: Sales Director Americas; VP of Sales - USA Vice President Finance USA & Canada Manager, HR / Administrator   Contact us  CHG-MERIDIAN is one of the world's leading non-captive providers of management in the technological fields of information technologies and telecommunications, industrial, and healthcare. We have a workforce of round about 1.100 professionals in 27 countries and offer one-stop infrastructure management that includes consulting, financial services, operational services, and remarketing services for old equipment at our proprietary brokerage and logistics centers. North Sydney is located directly opposite the Sydney CBD and can be reached via the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. Accessing the famous tourist sites of Sydney including the Opera House, the Bridge and beautiful nearby beaches is as easy as walking, catching a bus, train or ferry from our office. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Grimbergen is excellently positioned in close proximity to Brussels. Purchasing power in Brussels is the third-highest in the European Union, and as the seat of EU institutions and of NATO, many global conglomerates and pressure groups are attracted to the Belgian capital. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Brazil’s largest city is also the largest area of industrial concentration in Latin America, and its high economic output has attracted virtually every major company to the area. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Tel. Ouvidoria: 55 11 4302-6046 DENÚNCIA Denúncias e manifestações por parte de funcionários, colaboradores, clientes, usuários, parceiros ou fornecedores que tenham conhecimento de violações aos Códigos de Conduta Ética, as políticas e normas da Organização, bem como quaisquer informações acerca de eventual descumprimento de dispositivos legais e normativos aplicáveis a CHG, podem ser feitas através do e-mail: Thanks to its proximity to Detroit, the local economy is dominated by manufacturing, but IT and pharmaceutical companies are also based in Windsor. It is considered one of the cities with the highest economic potential and the best future prospects in the whole of North America. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. For a long time, Prague was an important royal seat of the Holy Roman Empire. The cityscape is characterized by Gothic and baroque architecture and features many places of interest, making Prague a popular tourist destination. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Copenhagen has a proud tradition as a merchant city and has retained a lot of the 18th century architecture in the old quarter. The city is famous for its many cycle paths and cyclists, and it is also home to many large companies, especially in the logistics sector. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Weingarten is widely known as the home of the largest baroque church north of the Alps, and for the Blutritt, an equestrian procession in honor of a relic containing the blood of Jesus Christ. The university and the Upper Swabia economic region are good locational factors for Weingarten. CHG-MERIDIAN AG has been based in the town since 2003, and expanded its headquarters here in 2016. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Germany’s capital city is also its largest, with a population of around 3.5 million. It is the seat of government and of parliament, as well as the ultimate symbol of German reunification. But it is also known as a city of culture and of politics, and as a media hub and international center for innovative start-ups. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Bielefeld is a hub for the service industry and home to many small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to its geographical location it also has good transport links, and its innovative and international universities and colleges are a great source of new talent. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The city is internationally known for its trade fairs, and is home to DAX-listed corporations, banks and a stock exchange. This wealthy, cosmopolitan metropolis on the Rhine is Germany’s leading business center for the advertising, fashion, and management consultancy industries. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Gross-Gerau is popular with international companies thanks to its perfect location between Mainz, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt. These four cities lie within easy reach, and Europe’s second-largest airport – Frankfurt – is only 15 minutes away. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The port of Hamburg is one of the largest and best known in the world, but that’s not all the city is famous for. Trading has made Hamburg one of Germany’s wealthiest cities, and its diversity and vibrant arts and entertainment scene have made it an attractive location to settle for many people. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The capital of Bavaria has a population of just under 1.5 million and is one of Europe’s most economically successful and fastest-growing cities. Munich is famous not just as the home of the Oktoberfest, but also as a financial center and university city. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Nuremberg’s Christmas market, which attracts over two million visitors a year, is known around the world – and the city has plenty more to offer. Bavaria’s second-largest city is also the economic center of Middle Franconia. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Baden-Württemberg’s capital city also has one Europe’s strongest economies. Many high-tech companies and large national companies are based here, and Stuttgart Stock Exchange is Germany’s second-most important financial center. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Frankfurt has a population of around 753,000, making it the largest city in Hessen and the fifth-largest in Germany. Home to a large banking sector and the seat of the European Central Bank, the city is one of the world’s leading financial centers and an important location for industry, the service sector and trade fairs. The IAA International Motor Show, the Frankfurt Book Fair, and the Musikmesse for the music industry are widely regarded as the global flagship trade fairs for their respective sector. Thanks to its central location, Frankfurt is also a key European transport hub and – measured by throughput – the world’s largest internet hub. CHG-MERIDIAN is an international provider of technology management in the areas of IT, industry, and healthcare with a presence in 27 countries. Barcelona is Catalonia’s capital city and Spain’s second-largest city. With more than seven million visitors a year the city is one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Spain’s capital is Europe’s third-largest city and the country’s leading financial and commercial center. Madrid accounts for around 17.7 percent of Spain’s GDP. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Helsinki is Finland’s most important commercial hub. Around a third of GDP is generated here, mainly in the IT and financial services sector. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Paris is not only the city of romance, it is also the capital of France and Europe’s most densely populated metropolis. Famous for the Eifel tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre, and generally oozing culture, Paris is one of the world’s most-visited cities and scores highly with its multitude of galleries, museums, theaters, and restaurants. With many business based here, Paris and the surrounding region represent a huge market with excellent commercial potential. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Lyon is France's third-largest city and the capital of the Rhône-Alpes region. Its position at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers makes this metropolis in south-east France an economically and culturally attractive location. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Egham lies to the south-west of London in close proximity to Heathrow Airport and the M25 motorway that runs all the way around the capital city. The famous Windsor Castle is also just a stone’s throw away. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Ireland’s capital is certainly famous for its pubs and good beer, but the city also has a strong IT sector, with internet giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook located here. The city has wonderful architecture, and the Temple Bar quarter with its medieval streets is a particular delight. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors.. Vimercate provides excellent access to the large market of northern Italy thanks to its proximity to Milan (approx. 25km) and excellent local transport links. Around 100 of the 200 largest companies in Italy are based in Milan, and the Lombardy region accounted for around 20 percent of Italy’s GDP in 2017. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The Eternal City can look back on 3,000 years of history, and is both Italy’s largest city and its capital. Rome boasts numerous monuments and other sites of interest, such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi fountain, Castel Sant’Angelo, and even its own state: Vatican City, with St Peter’s Basilica. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Around 20 million people live in the Mexico City metropolitan area, and the region accounts for more than half of the country’s entire industrial output. The city is an attractive commercial hub thanks to the good transport infrastructure that connects it to all major cities in Mexico. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. It’s the second largest city in the country and it is ranked as the eighth best city to visit in Mexico and South America . The city is an important industrial center, and many foreign companies are based here. The area is also known as Mexico’s Sillicon Valley. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial and health care sectors. Monterrey is widely regarded as one of Latin America’s leading industrial centers and as the city offering the best quality of life. It is also home to one of Mexico’s most attractive universities. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. As the home of Europe’s largest, and the world’s third-largest, sea port, Rotterdam plays an important logistical role in international trade. The city is also the leading industrial and commercial center in the Netherlands. The relatively high number of tall buildings, unusual in Europe, are another feature of the city. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. About 1.5 million people live in Oslo and the surrounding region, which is almost one third of Norway’s total population. After Norway had suffered a number of major city fires, Oslo was moved closer to the castle after the big fire of 1624 and rebuilt out of stone and brick and timber frames. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. CHG-MERIDIAN is one of the world's leading manufacturers and banks independent providers of management in the fields of information technology, industrial and healthcare. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Austria’s capital city, Vienna, is renowned not only for coffee houses, sachertorte and schnitzel, but also for offering an excellent quality of life. Its close proximity to central and eastern European countries, and the good connections and expertise that Vienna offers, make the city the ideal location for breaking into new markets. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. For many companies, Poland’s capital city and commercial center is a good base for conducting business in central and eastern Europe. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. With 25 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Baden is a small town in the Swiss Canton of Aargau best known for its thermal baths, but it is also a hub for the electronics industry. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The university city of Ljubljana is also Slovenia’s capital. With more than 64,000 students, the university is one of the largest in Europe. Thanks to the city’s importance as a commercial hub and home to Slovenia’s only stock exchange, most of the country’s large companies are based here. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Although Bratislava is the smallest of Slovakia’s eight regions, with one of the lowest populations, it accounts for almost a quarter of the country’s GDP. Three quarters of people employed here work in the service sector, which mainly specializes in banking, information technology, telecommunications, and commerce. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Sweden’s capital city, Stockholm, has been the seat of the Swedish monarchy since 1643. This fast-growing city is considered one of the cleanest in the world and is very popular with young people. With around 85 percent of the workforce working in the service sector, Stockholm is the center for Sweden’s service industry. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. After New York, Los Angeles is the second-largest city in the USA and is famous for its pleasant climate and as the home of Hollywood. It is also the largest hub for the aerospace industry and the leading manufacturing, commercial, transport, and financial center in the United States. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney +61 29409 8200 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney, Australia +61 29409 8200 +61 419 315733 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +33 (1) 530585-81 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. 455 Pelissier Street N9A 6Z9 Windsor, Ontario, Canada +1 647-669-6579 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 2720 Vanløse +45 702 381 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 (211) 55727-60 +49 170 981 3149 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89 238856355 +49 151 74380056 CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin +49 30 284068-13 +49 170 4511-960 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-32 +49 160 7 134-868 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstraße 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-25 +49 172 2924128 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871200 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871260 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt +49 6950 954 85 22 +49 160 713 48 18 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 323 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 320 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7967 292924 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 (0)10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN SKIEN AS Technology and Service-Center Rødmyrlia 20 3735 Skien +47 959 29 110 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa +48 22 5269900 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503-0 +49 173 58040859 CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden +41 56 203 18 00 +49 175 720 42 03 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1810 +1 (818) 312-2274 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|Locations h2|YOUR ASSISTANCE h3|Choose your region Australia Sydney Christian Brakensiek Stephen Kerr België Office Grimbergen (Brussels) Rony Timmermans Ralf Behrning Brasil São Paulo Office Roberto Mussalem Luiz Nali Canada Windsor, Ontario Office Guy Poirier Vahe Aroyan Mona Safa Cesko Prague Lukas Uhliarik Sven Janssen Denmark Copenhagen Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Deutschland Headquarters Weingarten Sven Matthiesen Frank Schöneberg Peter Krause Dirk Matura Office Berlin Thomas Franke Bielefeld Office Frank Heinrich Düsseldorf Jens Hüttebräuker Technology and Service Center Klaus Form Csaba Kallai Rami Oweis Hamburg Frank Heinrich Munich Sven Matthiesen Dirk Matura Nürnberg Sven Matthiesen Stuttgart Sven Matthiesen Frankfurt Johannes Landherr España Barcelona Juan Echevarrieta Pere Fito Madrid Juan Echevarrieta Finland Helsinki Jyrki Mikkola Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Finland Oy France Main office Paris Patrick Henrion Didier Padellec Lyon Patrick Henrion Great Britain Egham Declan McGlone Simon Young Danny Persaud Daniel Talhadas Ireland Dublin Declan McGlone Simon Young Italia Vimercate Marco Gallo Andrea Bonin Rome Marco Gallo Andrea Bonin Mexico México City Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Guadalajara Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Monterrey Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Nederland Rotterdam Paul-Robbert Viskil Patrick Schunter Rony Timmermans Norge Oslo Christian Vold Lena Gausen Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Skien Gisle Skoglund Andersen Lena Gausen Sven Janssen Österreich Vienna Michael König Polska Warsaw Leonard Żółnowski Sven Janssen Russia Headquarters Weingarten Headquarters Weingarten Schweiz Baden Sebastian Apelt Slovenija Ljubljana Michael König Slovensko Bratislava Lukas Uhliarik Sven Janssen Sverige Stockholm Lukas Tränkle Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB USA Los Angeles Wayne Fowkes Vahe Aroyan Mona Safa Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Sydney      Grimbergen (Brussels)     São Paulo     Windsor, Ontario       Prague      Copenhagen      Weingarten Berlin Bielefeld Düsseldorf Groß-Gerau Hamburg München Nürnberg Stuttgart Frankfurt                                             Barcelona Madrid       Helsinki        Paris Lyon       Egham           Dublin      Vimercate Rome         México City Guadalajara Monterrey                   Rotterdam       Oslo Skien                 Vienna   Warsaw      Russia    Baden    Ljubljana   Bratislava      Stockholm         Woodland Hills          pa|Flexible, innovative, bespoke financial solutions. Read on to gain an insight into how CHG-MERIDIAN works. • carbonZER0 available to customers in 27 countries • Green financing option for carbon-neutral investment in IT infrastructure • CO₂ offset payments go toward certified climate protection projects Cultivating an organizational culture characterized by mutual respect and appreciation - this is the overriding principle of the Diversity Charter. In February 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN AG signed up to the Germany-wide initiative. The international technology manager with headquarters in Weingarten relies on continuity in its sports sponsorship. As announced on March 4, 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN is extending its commitment to Ravensburg as an ice hockey location and will thus remain the main sponsor of the Towerstars and name giver of the "CHG Arena" for the next five years. • Lehrkräfte-Auszeichnung für digitale Unterrichtskonzepte ausgelobt • Gesucht: Die drei besten Praxisbeispiele aus baden-württembergischen Schulen • Kooperation von CHG-MERIDIAN mit der Mossakowski Stiftung und Beratung durch das Zentrum für Schulqualität Baden-Württemberg (ZSL) • CHG-MERIDIAN continues dialog with policymakers, the research community, and representatives of the IT sector and hospitals • Topics of discussion include: the COVID-19 crisis; factors accelerating digitalization in the German healthcare sector; standalone IT solutions: More than just a technical challenge • Policymakers supporting digitalization and addressing the protection of patient data Managing IT for mobile working more efficiently • CHG-MERIDIAN adds a self-service portal for its customers’ employees to TESMA® • High level of automation relieves the burden on IT and procurement • Fast and hassle-free processes increase employee satisfaction By donating 100 laptops to five schools in Ravensburg, the CHG-MERIDIAN Group is helping to ensure that pupils have access to IT devices so that they can participate in online lessons. • Lease origination: 32 percent increase to around €2 billion compared to prior year • Circular economy: almost 700,000 IT devices refurbished for a second lifecycle • Coronavirus pandemic: both challenge and opportunity • Donation of EUR 200,000 to the Bürgerstiftung Kreis Ravensburg • Dr. Wagner: We need a strong community for cohesion in society • Support for non-profit associations, especially in the field of art and culture, and for organisations providing social assistance in the region. Particular attention is also paid to supporting disadvantaged children and young people Changes to the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN • Companies are making little progress with the expansion of the digital workplace • Employees are better equipped with mobile IT devices at home than they are at work • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner As an expert in technology management, CHG-MERIDIAN has been supporting the public sector for years in the implementation of digitization concepts. Earlier in September, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and CHG-MERIDIAN met in Weingarten to discuss the topic. • Investment backlog remains the biggest hurdle to digitalization • Customer Experience Day enables dialog between key players • Information and education increase the acceptance of e-health and AI in healthcare • CHG-MERIDIAN’s latest white paper presents investment options for the digital age • Quality and information security standards of entire Gross-Gerau site validated • ISO 9001 and 27001 certification recognized at international level • Basis of BSI compliance certification for basic protection in accordance with B1.15 Deletion and Destruction of Data • 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that e-health remains a niche topic: There is openness to the idea but the benefits are not recognized • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21 Digital Index and critically examined study results in panel discussion • The panel discussion took place at the DMEA on April 9, 2019 at the Berlin Capital Club • Growth: Lease originations up 22 percent year-on-year • Internationalization: Successful acquisition of Australian technology specialist equigroup in 2018 • Circular economy: Further increase in the number of refurbished and data-erased assets for the secondary market • Cost management is a key topic in the logistics sector • Focus increasingly on usage behavior and total cost of ownership • Continual optimization of the TCO analysis is required • Potential of the digital workplace still untapped • Companies lack digital technology and implementation strategies • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor • Ice rink to be renamed ‘CHG Arena’ • Sport sponsoring remains essential beacon for the region • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ was performed at Ravensburg Theatre • All proceeds go to the ‘Theatertäschle’ project and the ‘MOSKITO’ theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Volatile markets require flexible use of existing resources • Intelligently managed processes reduce running costs • CHG-MERIDIAN’s holistic approach increases efficiency at all levels • Strategic growth impulse for lease originations for the CHG-MERIDIAN Group • equigroup opens up access to attractive Australia/New Zealand region • CHG-MERIDIAN now has a presence in 25 countries around the world • Transaction volume in line with excellent business performance • Funding terms even better than in previous years • CHG-MERIDIAN opts for parallel marketing via a digital platform for first time • Digital transformation remains on the public sector's agenda • Attractiveness as an employer and HR policies that embrace demographic diversity are growing challenges • CHG-MERIDIAN’s integrated approach promotes digital transformation and efficiency • CHG-MERIDIAN extends TESMA® with directly integrated TESMA® App • Eliminate manual processes and reduce time and effort spent on asset management by using a smartphone • A further step towards the complete digitalization of asset lifecycles • Companies need to adjust the ways in which they handle personal data • CHG-MERIDIAN offers its own certified data erasure process called eraSURE® • eraSURE® facilitates compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) • Increased: Volume of lease originations rises by 8 percent year on year • Successful: Technology diversification and international positioning pay off • Innovative: Digitalization offers further opportunities for profitable growth • Swabian crime comedy ‘Der zerdepperte Krug’ to be performed at Ravensburg Theatre on April 18 • All proceeds go to the Theater-Rucksack project and the MOSKITO theatre and circus school • CHG-MERIDIAN supporting employees’ commitment to local charitable causes • Digital skills as a key competence in the healthcare sector • Healthcare providers make efficiency gains and increase competitiveness by training their workforce • CHG-MERIDIAN supports D21-Digital-Index and analyzes impact on investments in healthcare • The mobile workspace is becoming a competitive factor for firms • Companies have to help employees embrace digitalization • CHG-MERIDIAN is again supporting the D21 study as a partner • Direct: Communicate with your preferred target group in real time • With confidence: A test phase provides peace of mind during digital transformation • State-of-the-art: A technology refresh means you always get the latest technology Customer proximity: New Stuttgart site will pave the way for improved customer service. Economic strength: CHG-MERIDIAN sees further potential for growth in Baden-Württemberg Sustained organic growth at a high level shows that the strategy is working Excellent progress in the delivery of the service strategy, record result for certified data erasure. • Successful: volume of leases originated rises by 13 percent year on year; above-average growth in Germany • Robust: international business continues to perform well • Buoyant: high demand for data erasure and mobility solutions • Robust: Broad-based and dynamic growth in Germany and in the international markets • Encouraging: Positive trend in the volume of leases originated for healthcare and industrial technologies • Intelligent: Expanded range of end-of-life services for printer systems • Close to customers: CHG-MERIDIAN opens new office in Bielefeld. • Diverse mix of sectors: Bielefeld and the surrounding areas have great sales potential. • Certified: Data erasure process for printer systems successfully passes TÜV acceptance test in Gross-Gerau • Transparent: Asset tracking at any time with TESMA® • Automated: High level of process reliability with eraSURE® and eraSURE®+ • Growth: New funds can be used to finance growth and innovation • Interest-rates: Further optimization of finance costs thanks to excellent interest-rate conditions • Reputation: Successful placement underlines CHG-MERIDIAN’s strong reputation in the capital markets • Lack of investment and investment backlog hinder progress of digitalisation • More information and advice needed regarding its benefits and impact • National modernisation strategy to encourage investment in the vision • Growth: lease originations and profitability increase • Continuity: remarketing uptrend continues • Potential: Enterprise Mobility Solutions offer excellent prospects and win an award For the past eight years, colleagues with disabilities have been working alongside other employees at the Groß-Gerau Technology and Service Center. This integration project is being run by CHG-MERIDIAN in cooperation with the Rhine-Main Workshops for Disabled People and one of their subsidiary workshops, Solvere gGmbH, and receives positive feedback from all those involved. • Accolade: Technology management company among the top three in the Workforce Mobility / Digital Workspace category • Catch-up potential: Three in four Germans still teaching themselves digital skills outside of work • Challenge: Security shortcomings need to be eradicated from the mobile workspace Growth: funding for more technology investments than ever before All-time high: a record amount of equipment certified data-erased and remarketed Acquisition: IT and healthcare portfolio acquired from GE Capital in northern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN launches software platform for financial and technical management of assets CHG-MERIDIAN perfecting its Technology and Service Management System, TESMA® now offers an extended range of features Growth: Promising developments in America and Western Europe during first quarter Gross margin: Profitability increases continue into the new year Outlook: New release of technology and service application, TESMA®, bolsters growth prospects further Announcement: Headquarters in Weingarten expanded further Growth: 250 additional workstations created Dynamic: New Stuttgart and Bielefeld offices already in planning Motivated: The cyclists covered 90 kilometers for a good cause. Committed: Employees can participate via social activities. Invested: Donations provide individual support for children. Responsibility: Workforce has a say in social activities Team: Employees get involved in good causes with CHG-MERIDIAN support Athletic spirit: Jersey campaign provides youth team sports with targeted assistance CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting the D21 study as a partner for the first time The digital skills of the German population are improving – but too slowly Three out of four Germans prefer to learn how to use smartphones and similar devices by themselves in their spare time Steadfast: Mossakowski to join the new Supervisory Board, Dr. Wagner to become the new Chairman of the Board of Management, Strong: Sales activities to be brought together in one remit, Structured: Separate Board of Management remit for IT and Services Carrying the baton: marathon route completed by six relay teams Collective effort: €2,531.70 raised for the Gross-Gerau sports association for disabled people Cooperation: CHG-MERIDIAN has employed people with disabilities at its Gross-Gerau site since 2007 Moving up a gear: accelerated growth in lease originations Security-conscious: strong demand for data erasure services Innovative: Enterprise Mobility Solutions demonstrate their potential Momentum: Strong growth impetus in western and southern Europe Solidity: Gross profit stabilizes at a high level Innovation: New enterprise mobility solution opens up potential CHG-MERIDIAN's transparent and open communication culture is also reflected in our PR and media activities. Our media relations work is compliant with the communication code of the German PR Council (DRPR).   Read more about the latest news within CHG-MERIDIAN and find out more about how we operate day-to-day li|menu not loaded h1|NEWS h2|LATEST GROUP NEWS h3|Choose your region CHG-MERIDIAN introduces carbon-neutral IT leasing CHG-MERIDIAN AG signs the Diversity Charter CHG-MERIDIAN remains main sponsor of the Ravensburg Towerstars CHG-MERIDIAN: Bildungsinitiative „digitalheroes@Klassenzimmer” gestartet Additional boost to digitalization in the German healthcare sector TESMA® portal: Self-service for the digital workplace CHG-MERIDIAN donates laptops to five schools in Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN shows significant growth for 2019 Immediate aid to support the community in the region in the wake of the Corona crisis Ulrich Bergmann appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 2019/2020 D21 Digital Index shows that the transition toward a digital work culture is stalling in Germany Digitize administration Digital transformation in healthcare – from hype to reality. CHG-MERIDIAN Technology and Service Center awarded ISO certification Digital transformation in healthcare – aversion to new technology persists Successful business performance delivers record year for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN uses precise data to optimize TCO in fleet management 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index shows that remote working and flextime are still a rarity in Germany CHG-MERIDIAN and Ravensburg Towerstars extend long-term partnership CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization meets reality: intelligent IT lifts logistics to new heights CHG-MERIDIAN acquires Australian technology financing company equigroup Another bonded loan successfully placed Public Sector 4.0: Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential Recording assets on the go securely and cost-efficiently with the TESMA® App New European General Data Protection Regulation: Securing data erasure processes with eraSURE® CHG-MERIDIAN continues to generate profitable growth in 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN employees take to the stage for a good cause Digitalization increases need for qualification in healthcare D21 digital index for 2017/2018 shows that German companies are lagging behind on mobile workspaces Digital Signage Solutions (DSS) from CHG-MERIDIAN are leading the way CHG-MERIDIAN: New Stuttgart site set to enhance sales activities CHG-MERIDIAN increases its lease originations by 9 percent in 2016 Flying start to 2017 for CHG-MERIDIAN CHG-MERIDIAN's lease origination up by 15 percent in the first half of 2017 CHG-MERIDIAN strengthens presence in Germany with new office in Bielefeld CHG-MERIDIAN closes security gap in printer systems with new erasure process CHG-MERIDIAN: Bonded loan secures again funding on favorable terms Lack of investment puts the brakes on digitalisation CHG-MERIDIAN: positive business development in the first nine months Successful working relationships at the Technology and Service Center Enterprise Mobility Awards: CHG-MERIDIAN wins bronze CHG-MERIDIAN looks back on a successful year New TESMA® integrates financial and technical information even more effectively CHG-MERIDIAN starts 2016 with slight first-quarter growth CHG-MERIDIAN celebrates inauguration of headquarters expansion building CHG-MERIDIAN supports charity cycling tour for Kinderstiftung Ravensburg CHG-MERIDIAN sponsors jerseys to support eight youth sports teams 2016 D21 Digital Index: Companies must contribute to digitalization of Germans CHG-MERIDIAN reorganizes Board of Management; Dr. Mathias Wagner to succeed Jürgen Mossakowski Colleagues for colleagues: CHG-MERIDIAN employees run for a good cause CHG-MERIDIAN AG steps up the pace of growth in the third quarter of 2016 Buoyant growth for CHG-MERIDIAN in the first half of 2016 Media Center Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Feb 3, 2021 – Mar 18, 2021 – Mar 4, 2021 – Nov 11, 2020 – Jul 15, 2020 – Jul 1, 2020 – May 27, 2020 – Apr 23, 2020 – Apr 8, 2020 – Mar 1, 2020 – Feb 26, 2020 – Sep 18, 2020 – Oct 16, 2019 – May 23, 2019 – Apr 16, 2019 – Apr 9, 2019 – Feb 1, 2019 – Jan 23, 2019 – Dec 11, 2018 – Nov 9, 2018 – Oct 17, 2018 – Sep 3, 2018 – Aug 9, 2018 – Jul 31, 2018 – Jul 5, 2018 – Apr 10, 2018 – Mar 22, 2018 – Mar 14, 2018 – Feb 20, 2018 – Jan 24, 2018 – Apr 7, 2017 – Feb 28, 2017 – Feb 10, 2017 – Apr 28, 2017 – Jul 21, 2017 – May 16, 2017 – Jun 27, 2017 – Sep 21, 2017 – Sep 20, 2017 – Oct 27, 2017 – Dec 6, 2017 – Nov 30, 2017 – Feb 12, 2016 – Apr 12, 2016 – Apr 22, 2016 – Jun 16, 2016 – Jun 19, 2016 – Mar 24, 2016 – Nov 17, 2016 – Nov 16, 2016 – Oct 31, 2016 – Oct 27, 2016 – Jul 22, 2016 – OPEN COMMUNICATION h6|CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten / Sydney  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Berlin  Berlin  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Bielefeld  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Frankfurt  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Weingarten  Gross-Gerau  Weingarten  Weingarten   pa|The international CHG-MERIDIAN Group has been planning, implementing and financing customised technology infrastructures since 1979. Find out more about a growing company. Our CHG-MERIDIAN Group is one of the internationally leading manufacturer and bank independent technology managers in the IT, industrial and healthcare technology sectors. 12,000 customers - including corporations, SMEs and the public sector - rely on CHG-MERIDIAN to manage their technology infrastructures in a holistic, user-oriented and digital way. Based on the concept of the circular economy, our service portfolio ranges from planning, operational implementation and financing, through to certified data erasure, refurbishing and remarketing of used equipment at two in-house technology centers in Germany and Norway. Our web-based technology and service management system TESMA® combines commercial and technological data to optimize processes and realize cost savings. With around 1,100 employees, we have an international presence and operate in 27 countries. By the end of 2019, we financed and managed a total technology portfolio of €6.88 billion. Our headquarters is in Weingarten, Germany. We know our customers‘ needs and have robust benchmarks. We have been planning, implementing and financing individual technology infrastructures since 1979. We have gained experience through numerous customer projects, which we pass on to our customers. We combine commercial and technological competence and are the reliable single point of contact for our customers. We discuss at eye level with the CFO and CIO and help both sides to achieve greater efficiency. Our experts are first strategic consultants, then operational supporters. We are completely independent of manufacturers and banks. That is why we can provide our customers with individual and neutral advice. We support our customers in the implementation of their innovations with an external view and, on top of that, provide the appropriate financing. We are present in 27 countries and work on many projects in international teams together with local partners and an international network of banks. This enables us to implement integrated usage concepts for our customers across national borders. We manage technology infrastructures holistically, user-oriented and digitally. We always consider the entire technology lifecycle and continuously develop the service portfolio. The needs of our customers are our greatest motivation. The principles of the circular economy are deeply embedded in our DNA and have been shaping our business model for decades. We are aware of our economic, environmental and social responsibilities and gear our business activities towards sustainable and profitable growth. Thus, customers, employees and future generations can rely on a stable and responsible company. Member of the Board of Management, CIO Chairman of the Board of Management Member of the Board of Management, CSO Member of the Board of Management, CFO The six permanent members of the CHG-MERIDIAN Group's Supervisory Board have important roles to perform. They monitor the management of the company, appoint the Board of Management, and approve important business plans and decisions. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board CHG-MERIDIAN Code of Conduct describes the basic principles of our corporate culture. Further more CHG-MERIDIAN expects its employees and business partners to report any compliance violations that they become aware of. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten Germany Tel. +49 (0)751 5030 Fax +49 (0)751 50366 Email: Website: Have you got any questions on CHG-MERIDIAN? Please get in touch with your own personal contact directly. We look forward to hearing from you. Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Oliver Schorer Dr. Mathias Wagner Frank Kottmann Ulrich Bergmann Jürgen Mossakowski Peter Horne Frank Gelf Luz Kling Meltem Onursal h1|The CHG-MERIDIAN Group at a glance h2|Who we are What defines us? ROLE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Corporate Governance HEADQUARTERS CONTACT h3|Choose your region Experience COMPETENCE INDEPENDENCE INTERNATIONALITY INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY Code of Conduct & Whistle-Blower System HEADQUARTERS IN WEINGARTEN Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|Members h6|About us sp|                                 Go to Go to Go to Go to Go to    pa|The creation of a finance solution for your assets is pivotal, but is just one of the many added benefits that CHG-MERIDIAN can contribute. Whether you are looking for an efficient way to manage your portfolio or enhance your procurement methods, we have developed a number of solutions to help true the entire technology lifecycle. Help you move from traditional linear take – make – dispose approach to the circular take – make – reuse model. We offer comprehensive solutions true the whole lifecycle. From choosing the right devices to easy and secure returning of your assets back to us. With over 20 years of experience from our technology- and service centres you can trust that your returned assets are in the best hands. We offer secure data erasure solutions and certified environmentally friendly processes. The whole process is transparent and you will always have full control using our asset management system, TESMA. All commercial and technology information is available at every phase, making it easy to take out necessary reports and plan your budget. End-to-end customized business concepts require an integrated view. We thoroughly analyze your project and provide you with comprehensive advice while always thinking ahead. We make sure that your project becomes a lasting success. A test phase allows you to see for yourself. Efficiency requires the logical use of all resources. We support you throughout the entire term of the lease – as a single, expert provider. Your dedicated contact person will give you detailed advice on all technical and commercial matters. A sophisticated end-of-lease process will benefit you in many ways. Our service extends from collecting assets to certified data erasure. And we carry out our professional remarketing and disposal in line with the principles of green IT.   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Technology Lifecycle management h2|Bringing circular economy principles into your core business Technology Lifecycle Management h3|Choose your region PREPARATION PHASE PRODUCTIVE PHASE END-OF-LEASE PHASE Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|OUR CIRCULAR MODEL sp|                                     pa|CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street North Sydney, 2060 Tel.: +61 29409 8200 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Sales Australia/New Zeal. Vice President Sales ANZ CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen Tel.: +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 Fax: +32 (02) 705 35 87 E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux Executive Vice President Sales Western Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-050 Barueri - São Paulo Tel.: 55 11 4302-6005 Fax: 55 11 4302 6008 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Brazil Vice President Finance Brazil CHG-MERIDIAN CANADA LTD. 455 Pelissier Street Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6Z9 Tel.: +1 818 7021800 Fax: +1 818 7021821 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Canada Vice President Finance USA & Canada Manager, HR / Administrator CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4, BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle Tel.: +420 272 102 111 Fax: +420 272 102766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 DK-2720 Vanløse Tel.: +45 702 381 00 Fax: +45 702 381 02 E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tel.: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South Head of Public Sector Sales Germany, Regional Manager Sales Public South/SouthWest, Regional Manager Sales Public West-Central Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 2840680 Fax: +49 30 28406866 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales East, Regional Manager Sales Public North-East CHG-MERIDIAN Hakenort 37 33609 Bielefeld Tel.: +49 521- 960694 – 0 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales North-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 211 557270 Fax: +49 211 5572766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau Tel.: +49 6152 18710 Fax: +49 6152 1871499 E-Mail: Internet: Head of Group Service Delivery Head of Logistics & Production Head of Remarketing CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor, Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 4191570 Fax: +49 40 41915766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales North-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München Tel.: +49 89 238856300 Fax: +49 89 238856366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West Sales Director Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN AG Marienbergstraße 92 90411 Nürnberg Tel.: +49 911 981 690 10 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South, Regional Manager Sales South-West CHG-MERIDIAN AG Flughafenstraße 59 70629 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 184268 0 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales South-West, Regional Manager Sales South CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 509 548 500 0 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Central CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona Tel.: +34 902 350065 Fax: +34 902 350066 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Spain Vice President Finance, Spain CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L.U. Calle Juan Esplandiú, 11 3ª planta 28007 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 444 81 58 Fax: +34 90 235 0096 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Spain CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa Tel.: +358 207 199320 Fax: +358 207 199329 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX Tel.: 0033 1 49 00 29 10 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales France Vice President Finance France CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Baya Axess, 3 Cours Charlemagne 69002 LYON Tel.: 0033 6 23 11 57 25 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales France CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue Egham, Surrey TW20 9AB Tel.: +44 1784 470701 Fax: +44 1784 439183 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales UK/Ireland Head of Sales - UK & Ireland Corporate Head of Sales Public Sector UK & Ireland CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited One Spencer Dock North Wall Quay Dublin 1 Tel.: +44 1784 470701 Fax: +44 1784 439183 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Finance UK & Ireland Vice President Sales UK/Ireland CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.P.A. Via Torri Bianche 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) Tel.: +39 039 39068 1 Fax: +39 039 39068 61 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Italy Vice President Finance Italy CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Franco Donatelli, 7 00127 Roma (RM) Tel.: +39 06 877 38 400 Fax: +39 039 3906861 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Italy Vice President Finance Italy CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 Col. Santa Fé, Del. Cuajimalpa de Morelos CP. 05348 Ciudad de México Tel.: +52 55 5980-7000 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Av. Américas #1545, Piso 22 Oficina 2216 Col. Providencia C.P. 44630 Guadalajara, Jalisco Tel.: +52 01 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN Méxiko, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. Calzada del Valle No. 255 Oriente Ofna 109 Col. Del Valle, San Pedro Garza Garcia N.L. CP. 66220 Tel.: +52 81 5980 0441 Fax: - E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Mexico Vice President Finance Mexico Head of Human Resources CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam Tel.: +31 10 7900666 Fax: +31 10 7900669 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales, Netherlands Vice President Finance, Netherlands Executive Vice President Finance BE,NL,LU,FR,ES, Vice President Finance Belux CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum NO - 0102 Oslo Tel.: +47 23 00 33 00 Fax: E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Sweden & Norway Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS Rødmyrlia 20 3735 SKIEN Tel.: +47 95 92 91 10 Fax: +47 94 77 24 20 E-Mail: Internet: General Manager Service Center Skien Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Wien Tel.: +43 1 71807520 Fax: +43 1 718075266 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa Tel.: +48 22 5269900 Fax: +48 22 5269966 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Poland Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Tel.: +49 751 5030 Fax: +49 751 50366 E-Mail: Internet: CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden Tel.: +41 56 2031800 Fax: +41 56 2031809 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Switzerland CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o. Linhartova 11 a 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: +43 1 718 07 52 0 Fax: +43 1 718 07 52 66 E-Mail: Internet: Vice President Sales Austria and Slovenia CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o. Mateja Bela 8 81106 Bratislava Tel.: +420 272 102111 Fax: +420 272 102766 E-Mail: Internet: Regional Manager Sales Czech Republic and Slovakia Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm Tel.: +46 (8)459 39 00 Fax: E-Mail: Internet: Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe Executive Vice President Sales Northern Eastern Europe CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Tel.: +1 818 7021800 Fax: +1 818 7021821 E-Mail: Internet: Sales Director Americas; VP of Sales - USA Vice President Finance USA & Canada Manager, HR / Administrator   Contact us  CHG-MERIDIAN is one of the world's leading non-captive providers of management in the technological fields of information technologies and telecommunications, industrial, and healthcare. We have a workforce of round about 1.100 professionals in 27 countries and offer one-stop infrastructure management that includes consulting, financial services, operational services, and remarketing services for old equipment at our proprietary brokerage and logistics centers. North Sydney is located directly opposite the Sydney CBD and can be reached via the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. Accessing the famous tourist sites of Sydney including the Opera House, the Bridge and beautiful nearby beaches is as easy as walking, catching a bus, train or ferry from our office. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Grimbergen is excellently positioned in close proximity to Brussels. Purchasing power in Brussels is the third-highest in the European Union, and as the seat of EU institutions and of NATO, many global conglomerates and pressure groups are attracted to the Belgian capital. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Brazil’s largest city is also the largest area of industrial concentration in Latin America, and its high economic output has attracted virtually every major company to the area. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Tel. Ouvidoria: 55 11 4302-6046 DENÚNCIA Denúncias e manifestações por parte de funcionários, colaboradores, clientes, usuários, parceiros ou fornecedores que tenham conhecimento de violações aos Códigos de Conduta Ética, as políticas e normas da Organização, bem como quaisquer informações acerca de eventual descumprimento de dispositivos legais e normativos aplicáveis a CHG, podem ser feitas através do e-mail: Thanks to its proximity to Detroit, the local economy is dominated by manufacturing, but IT and pharmaceutical companies are also based in Windsor. It is considered one of the cities with the highest economic potential and the best future prospects in the whole of North America. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. For a long time, Prague was an important royal seat of the Holy Roman Empire. The cityscape is characterized by Gothic and baroque architecture and features many places of interest, making Prague a popular tourist destination. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Copenhagen has a proud tradition as a merchant city and has retained a lot of the 18th century architecture in the old quarter. The city is famous for its many cycle paths and cyclists, and it is also home to many large companies, especially in the logistics sector. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Weingarten is widely known as the home of the largest baroque church north of the Alps, and for the Blutritt, an equestrian procession in honor of a relic containing the blood of Jesus Christ. The university and the Upper Swabia economic region are good locational factors for Weingarten. CHG-MERIDIAN AG has been based in the town since 2003, and expanded its headquarters here in 2016. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Germany’s capital city is also its largest, with a population of around 3.5 million. It is the seat of government and of parliament, as well as the ultimate symbol of German reunification. But it is also known as a city of culture and of politics, and as a media hub and international center for innovative start-ups. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Bielefeld is a hub for the service industry and home to many small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to its geographical location it also has good transport links, and its innovative and international universities and colleges are a great source of new talent. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The city is internationally known for its trade fairs, and is home to DAX-listed corporations, banks and a stock exchange. This wealthy, cosmopolitan metropolis on the Rhine is Germany’s leading business center for the advertising, fashion, and management consultancy industries. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Gross-Gerau is popular with international companies thanks to its perfect location between Mainz, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt. These four cities lie within easy reach, and Europe’s second-largest airport – Frankfurt – is only 15 minutes away. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The port of Hamburg is one of the largest and best known in the world, but that’s not all the city is famous for. Trading has made Hamburg one of Germany’s wealthiest cities, and its diversity and vibrant arts and entertainment scene have made it an attractive location to settle for many people. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The capital of Bavaria has a population of just under 1.5 million and is one of Europe’s most economically successful and fastest-growing cities. Munich is famous not just as the home of the Oktoberfest, but also as a financial center and university city. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Nuremberg’s Christmas market, which attracts over two million visitors a year, is known around the world – and the city has plenty more to offer. Bavaria’s second-largest city is also the economic center of Middle Franconia. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Baden-Württemberg’s capital city also has one Europe’s strongest economies. Many high-tech companies and large national companies are based here, and Stuttgart Stock Exchange is Germany’s second-most important financial center. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Frankfurt has a population of around 753,000, making it the largest city in Hessen and the fifth-largest in Germany. Home to a large banking sector and the seat of the European Central Bank, the city is one of the world’s leading financial centers and an important location for industry, the service sector and trade fairs. The IAA International Motor Show, the Frankfurt Book Fair, and the Musikmesse for the music industry are widely regarded as the global flagship trade fairs for their respective sector. Thanks to its central location, Frankfurt is also a key European transport hub and – measured by throughput – the world’s largest internet hub. CHG-MERIDIAN is an international provider of technology management in the areas of IT, industry, and healthcare with a presence in 27 countries. Barcelona is Catalonia’s capital city and Spain’s second-largest city. With more than seven million visitors a year the city is one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Spain’s capital is Europe’s third-largest city and the country’s leading financial and commercial center. Madrid accounts for around 17.7 percent of Spain’s GDP. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Helsinki is Finland’s most important commercial hub. Around a third of GDP is generated here, mainly in the IT and financial services sector. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Paris is not only the city of romance, it is also the capital of France and Europe’s most densely populated metropolis. Famous for the Eifel tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre, and generally oozing culture, Paris is one of the world’s most-visited cities and scores highly with its multitude of galleries, museums, theaters, and restaurants. With many business based here, Paris and the surrounding region represent a huge market with excellent commercial potential. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Lyon is France's third-largest city and the capital of the Rhône-Alpes region. Its position at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers makes this metropolis in south-east France an economically and culturally attractive location. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Egham lies to the south-west of London in close proximity to Heathrow Airport and the M25 motorway that runs all the way around the capital city. The famous Windsor Castle is also just a stone’s throw away. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Ireland’s capital is certainly famous for its pubs and good beer, but the city also has a strong IT sector, with internet giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook located here. The city has wonderful architecture, and the Temple Bar quarter with its medieval streets is a particular delight. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors.. Vimercate provides excellent access to the large market of northern Italy thanks to its proximity to Milan (approx. 25km) and excellent local transport links. Around 100 of the 200 largest companies in Italy are based in Milan, and the Lombardy region accounted for around 20 percent of Italy’s GDP in 2017. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The Eternal City can look back on 3,000 years of history, and is both Italy’s largest city and its capital. Rome boasts numerous monuments and other sites of interest, such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi fountain, Castel Sant’Angelo, and even its own state: Vatican City, with St Peter’s Basilica. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Around 20 million people live in the Mexico City metropolitan area, and the region accounts for more than half of the country’s entire industrial output. The city is an attractive commercial hub thanks to the good transport infrastructure that connects it to all major cities in Mexico. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. It’s the second largest city in the country and it is ranked as the eighth best city to visit in Mexico and South America . The city is an important industrial center, and many foreign companies are based here. The area is also known as Mexico’s Sillicon Valley. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial and health care sectors. Monterrey is widely regarded as one of Latin America’s leading industrial centers and as the city offering the best quality of life. It is also home to one of Mexico’s most attractive universities. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. As the home of Europe’s largest, and the world’s third-largest, sea port, Rotterdam plays an important logistical role in international trade. The city is also the leading industrial and commercial center in the Netherlands. The relatively high number of tall buildings, unusual in Europe, are another feature of the city. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. About 1.5 million people live in Oslo and the surrounding region, which is almost one third of Norway’s total population. After Norway had suffered a number of major city fires, Oslo was moved closer to the castle after the big fire of 1624 and rebuilt out of stone and brick and timber frames. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. CHG-MERIDIAN is one of the world's leading manufacturers and banks independent providers of management in the fields of information technology, industrial and healthcare. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Austria’s capital city, Vienna, is renowned not only for coffee houses, sachertorte and schnitzel, but also for offering an excellent quality of life. Its close proximity to central and eastern European countries, and the good connections and expertise that Vienna offers, make the city the ideal location for breaking into new markets. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. For many companies, Poland’s capital city and commercial center is a good base for conducting business in central and eastern Europe. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. With 25 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Baden is a small town in the Swiss Canton of Aargau best known for its thermal baths, but it is also a hub for the electronics industry. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. The university city of Ljubljana is also Slovenia’s capital. With more than 64,000 students, the university is one of the largest in Europe. Thanks to the city’s importance as a commercial hub and home to Slovenia’s only stock exchange, most of the country’s large companies are based here. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Although Bratislava is the smallest of Slovakia’s eight regions, with one of the lowest populations, it accounts for almost a quarter of the country’s GDP. Three quarters of people employed here work in the service sector, which mainly specializes in banking, information technology, telecommunications, and commerce. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. Sweden’s capital city, Stockholm, has been the seat of the Swedish monarchy since 1643. This fast-growing city is considered one of the cleanest in the world and is very popular with young people. With around 85 percent of the workforce working in the service sector, Stockholm is the center for Sweden’s service industry. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors. After New York, Los Angeles is the second-largest city in the USA and is famous for its pleasant climate and as the home of Hollywood. It is also the largest hub for the aerospace industry and the leading manufacturing, commercial, transport, and financial center in the United States. With 27 countries, CHG-MERIDIAN is an international partner for technology management in the IT, industrial, and health care sectors CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney +61 29409 8200 CHG-MERIDIAN Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 60 Miller Street 2060 North Sydney, Australia +61 29409 8200 +61 419 315733 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +33 (1) 530585-81 CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. 455 Pelissier Street N9A 6Z9 Windsor, Ontario, Canada +1 647-669-6579 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 5 2720 Vanløse +45 702 381 00 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 (211) 55727-60 +49 170 981 3149 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89 238856355 +49 151 74380056 CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Karlplatz 7 10117 Berlin +49 30 284068-13 +49 170 4511-960 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstrasse 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-32 +49 160 7 134-868 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Schiessstraße 43 40549 Düsseldorf +49 211 55727-25 +49 172 2924128 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871200 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Technologie- und Servicezentrum Wasserweg 2 64521 Groß-Gerau +49 61521871260 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Phoenix-Kontor Brandsende 6-10 20095 Hamburg +49 40 419157-14 +49 160 7134834 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28 80807 München +49 89-238856-40 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 578 +49 151 58 040 849 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Solmsstraße 83 60486 Frankfurt +49 6950 954 85 22 +49 160 713 48 18 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38 10ª planta 08029 Barcelona +34 902 350065 CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 323 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Äyritie 12 C 01510 Vantaa +358 207 199 320 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 CHG-MERIDIAN FRANCE SAS Tour CBX. 1, Passerelle des reflets 92913 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 0033 1 49 00 29 10 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7967 292924 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 Head Office Egham CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited Barons Court 22 The Avenue TW20 9AB Egham, Surrey +44 1784 470701 +44 7546 524690 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 039 390681 CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. Via Torri Bianche, 9 20871 Vimercate (MB) +39 (0) 39 39068-33 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05348 Ciudad de México +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. Juan Salvador Agraz 40 piso 12 Col. Santa Fé Deleg. Cuajimalpa C.P. 05109 México, D.F. +52 (55) 5980-7000 CHG-MERIDIAN MEXICO Juan Salvador Agraz No. 40 Piso 12 05348 Mexico City CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 (0)10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland B.V. Westerlaan 20B 3016 CK Rotterdam +31 10 7900666 CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV Romeinsesteenweg 468 bus 21-22 1853 Grimbergen +32 (0) 2 705 46 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 23 00 33 00 CHG-MERIDIAN SKIEN AS Technology and Service-Center Rødmyrlia 20 3735 Skien +47 959 29 110 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +47 230 033 00 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warszawa +48 22 5269900 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503-0 +49 173 58040859 CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG Täfernstrasse 14a 5405 Baden +41 56 203 18 00 +49 175 720 42 03 CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1 1030 Vienna +43 1 71807520 CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. Vyskočilova 1481/4 BB Centrum - Beta Building CZ-140 00 Praha 4 – Michle +420 272 102252 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Prinsensgate 22, Pb 133 Sentrum 0102 Oslo +49 89 238856-316 +49 151 58 040-837 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1810 +1 (818) 312-2274 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1801 CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp. 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 +1 (818) 702-1813 CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|Locations h2|YOUR ASSISTANCE h3|Choose your region Australia Sydney Christian Brakensiek Stephen Kerr België Office Grimbergen (Brussels) Rony Timmermans Ralf Behrning Brasil São Paulo Office Roberto Mussalem Luiz Nali Canada Windsor, Ontario Office Guy Poirier Vahe Aroyan Mona Safa Cesko Prague Lukas Uhliarik Sven Janssen Denmark Copenhagen Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S Deutschland Headquarters Weingarten Sven Matthiesen Frank Schöneberg Peter Krause Dirk Matura Office Berlin Thomas Franke Bielefeld Office Frank Heinrich Düsseldorf Jens Hüttebräuker Technology and Service Center Klaus Form Csaba Kallai Rami Oweis Hamburg Frank Heinrich Munich Sven Matthiesen Dirk Matura Nürnberg Sven Matthiesen Stuttgart Sven Matthiesen Frankfurt Johannes Landherr España Barcelona Juan Echevarrieta Pere Fito Madrid Juan Echevarrieta Finland Helsinki Jyrki Mikkola Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Finland Oy France Main office Paris Patrick Henrion Didier Padellec Lyon Patrick Henrion Great Britain Egham Declan McGlone Simon Young Danny Persaud Daniel Talhadas Ireland Dublin Declan McGlone Simon Young Italia Vimercate Marco Gallo Andrea Bonin Rome Marco Gallo Andrea Bonin Mexico México City Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Guadalajara Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Monterrey Simon Harrsen Jaime Origel Montserrat Cazorla Nederland Rotterdam Paul-Robbert Viskil Patrick Schunter Rony Timmermans Norge Oslo Christian Vold Lena Gausen Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS Skien Gisle Skoglund Andersen Lena Gausen Sven Janssen Österreich Vienna Michael König Polska Warsaw Leonard Żółnowski Sven Janssen Russia Headquarters Weingarten Headquarters Weingarten Schweiz Baden Sebastian Apelt Slovenija Ljubljana Michael König Slovensko Bratislava Lukas Uhliarik Sven Janssen Sverige Stockholm Lukas Tränkle Sven Janssen CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB USA Los Angeles Wayne Fowkes Vahe Aroyan Mona Safa Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Sydney      Grimbergen (Brussels)     São Paulo     Windsor, Ontario       Prague      Copenhagen      Weingarten Berlin Bielefeld Düsseldorf Groß-Gerau Hamburg München Nürnberg Stuttgart Frankfurt                                             Barcelona Madrid       Helsinki        Paris Lyon       Egham           Dublin      Vimercate Rome         México City Guadalajara Monterrey                   Rotterdam       Oslo Skien                 Vienna   Warsaw      Russia    Baden    Ljubljana   Bratislava      Stockholm         Woodland Hills          pa|CHG-MERIDIAN AG, represented by the chairman of the board of management, Dr. Mathias Wagner, is the provider of, and therefore responsible for, the commercial and business related online offering. Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich – We, CHG-MERIDIAN AG, are responsible for this online offering and, as the provider of a teleservice, must inform you at the beginning of your visit to our online offering, about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data in a precise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible way in clear and simple language. The contents of the information must be retrievable for you at all times. We are therefore obliged to inform you about which personal data will be collected or used. Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is described as personal data. We place great value on the security of your data and compliance with the data protection regulations. The collection, processing and use of personal data is subject to the regulations of the European and national laws currently in force We would like to show you in the following data protection declaration how we handle your personal data and how you can make contact with us: Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany E-Mail: Web: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the supervisory board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the board: Dr. Mathias Wagner Board: Frank Kottmann, Oliver Schorer Registry court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax office: Weingarten Sales tax identification number: DE 146349520 Court of jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) Our data protection officer If you have questions, you can contact our data protection officer as follows: Frank Schreiber, E-Mail: For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in our data protection declaration. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders. The meaning of the terminology used, for example ‘personal data’ or its ‘processing’ can be taken from Article 4 of the EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The users’ personal data processed in the context of this online offering, includes inventory data (e.g. client’s name and address), contract data (e.g. services used, name of person responsible, payment information), usage data (e.g. Websites of our online offering visited, interest in our products) and content data (e.g. input into the contact form). ‘User’ includes all categories of persons affected by the data processing. These include, for example, our business partners, customers, interested parties and other visitors to our online offering. We guarantee that we only collect, process, store and use your incoming data in connection with the processing of your request, as well as for internal purposes and providing the services that you have requested or to make content available. We process the user’s personal data only in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. The user’s data are only processed when the following statutory permission exists: We would like to show you where the main legal grounds are regulated in the GDPR: Consent - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. and Art. 7 GDPR Processing to deliver our contractual performance and carrying out contractual measures - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR Processing to fulfil our legal obligations - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c. GDPR Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR Data is only passed to third parties within the framework of the legal provisions. We only pass user’s data to third parties when this is, for example, necessary for contractual purposes or based on our legitimate interest in the economic and the effective operation of our business. In the event that we use subcontractors to provide our services, we make suitable legal arrangements as well as appropriate technical and organizational measures, to provide protection for personal data in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. Third countries are countries in which the GDPR is not a directly applicable law. This basically includes all countries outside the EU, respectively, the European Economic Area. A transfer of data to a third country or an international organization takes place. Hereby the EU commission’s decision on adequacy is taken into account. This says that a secure third country or a secure international organization in concerned, which offers an adequate level of protection. We adhere to the principles of data economy and data avoidance. This means the data made available to us is only retained as long as it is needed to fulfil the previously named purposes or as laid down by the manifold storage periods provided for by the legislator. If the relevant purpose no longer exists, respectively after expiry of the appropriate period, your data is routinely blocked, respectively erased, in accordance with the statutory provisions We have developed a company-internal concept to guarantee this procedure. If you make contact with us by email or through the contact form, you consent to electronic communication. Personal data will be collected in the context of contacting us. Which data is collected in the case of a contact form, can be seen on the respective contact form. Your data are transmitted with SSL encryption. The statements which you make will be stored exclusively for the purpose of processing your inquiry and for possible follow-up questions. We would like to tell you the legal grounds: Processing to fulfil our performance and carry out contractual measures - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR We would like to advise you that emails can be read or changed, unnoticed and without authorization, during transmission. We would also like to bring to your attention that we use software to filter unwanted emails (spam filter). Emails can be rejected by the spam filter if they are wrongly identified as spam due to the presence of certain characteristics. The state representative for data protection and freedom of information, Baden-Württemberg Postal address: Postfach 10 29 32, D-70025 Stuttgart Building address: Königstraße 10a, D-70173 Stuttgart Telephone +49 711 615541–0 Fax: +49 711 615541–15 E-Mail: Web: You can open the complaint form through the following link: We take state of the art contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of the data protection laws and therefore, to protect the data which we process against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. In particular, our security measures include the encrypted transfer of data between your browser and our server. 256-bit-SSL (AES 256) encryption technology is used for this. This includes our IP address. The security measures employed are continually improved in accordance with technical development. Despite these precautions, because of the insecure nature of the internet, we are unable to guarantee the security of your data transfers to our online offering. For this reason, all data transfers from you to our online offering are made at your own risk. Persons who are under 16, are not allowed to provide us with their personal information without the express consent of the person having parental responsibility, unless they have reached the age of 16 or are older. These data will be processed in accordance with our data protection declaration. We use cookies. Cookies are small text files which are stored locally in the internet browser’s cache. Cookies enable the internet browser to be recognized. The files are used to help the browser navigate through the internet offering and use all functions to their full extent. Our internet offering uses: Browser cookies Browser cookies: All browsers can be set so that cookies are only accepted upon request. Also, per set-up, cookies can only be accepted for sites which are currently being visited. All browsers offer functions which make the selective deletion of cookies possible. The acceptance of cookies can also be deactivated generally, however in that case, limitations in the online offering’s user friendliness must be accepted. Cookies are managed by our internet offer’s website. The internet offering uses Transient cookies/Session cookies (single use) Life spam: Until the online offer is closed Every browser offers the option of limiting or deleting cookies. Further information about this can be obtained from the following websites: We use the services of etracker GmbH from Hamburg, Germany ( ) on this website, to analyze usage data. For this, cookies are used to make a statistical analysis of the visitors’ use of this website possible and to display use-related content and advertising. Cookies are small text files which are stored on the user’s end device by the internet browser. etracker cookies do not contain any information which would allow a user to be identified. The data produced by etracker is processed and stored exclusively by etracker in Germany, by order of the provider of this website, and is subject to the strict German and European data protection legislation and standards. In this context, etracker has been independently tested, certified and awarded the data protection ePrivacyseal seal of quality. The data processing is carried out on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’ according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Our legitimate interest is the optimization of our online offering and our web presence. Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR Because our visitors’ privacy is very important to us, the IP addresses will be anonymized by etracker as soon as possible and the registration- or device identification transformed by etracker into a key which is unique but not assigned to a person. etracker does use data in other ways, combine it with other data or transmit it to third parties. You can object to the data processing described above at any time, to the extent that it takes place with personal data. Your objection has no negative consequences for you. Further information on data protection with etracker can be found . We use web beacon technology from VG Wort (METIS System). Web beacons are considered harmless in data protection legislation. The METIS web beacons are used to track the number of visitor numbers to various subpages of our website. We use Google Maps for the presentation of maps and the creation of route maps. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. By using this online offer, you consent to the collection, processing and use of the automatically collected data as well as the data which you input yourself (including the IP address) by Google, one of its representatives or a third-party provider. The conditions of use for Google Maps can be found under the following link: Comprehensive details about transparency and choices, as well as the data protection regulations, can be found in the data protection center of On our website we use Google Conversion Tracking, an analysis service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google"). Google Ads places a cookie on your computer ("conversion cookie") if you have reached our website via a Google advertisement. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used for personal identification. If you visit certain pages on our site and the cookie has not expired yet, we and Google may recognize that someone has clicked on the ad and has been redirected to our site. Each Google Ads customer receives a different cookie. Cookies therefore cannot be tracked through the websites of Google Ads customers. The information collected from the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for Google Ads customers who have opted for conversion tracking. The Google Ads customers will know the total number of users who clicked on their ad and were directed to a page tagged with a conversion tracking tag. However, you will not receive any information that personally identifies users. If you do not wish to participate in tracking, you can disable the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly (deactivation option). They will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics. You can find more information on the terms of use and data protection at: Functions of the YouTube service are integrated into our website for displaying and playing videos. This function is offered by YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 USA. Further information can be found in YouTube’s data protection guidelines. An extended data protection mode is used for this which, according to the provider, only begins to record user information when the video playback is started. If the playback of an embedded YouTube video is begun, YouTube uses cookies to collect information about user behavior. According to notes from YouTube, this is used to collect video statistics, improve user friendliness and prevent misuse, among other things. Independently from the playback of the embedded videos, a connection is created with the Google network “DoubleClick” each time our online offering is called up, which can lead to further data processing procedures without our influence. Further details about the use of cookies by YouTube can be found in YouTube’s data protection declaration: We use plugins from The operator is Vimeo LCC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA (“Vimeo”). When you call up such a plugin, a connection is made to the Vimeo servers and the plugin is displayed on the internet page through a message to your browser. This tells the Vimeo server which internet pages you have visited. If you are logged in as a Vimeo member, Vimeo relates this information to the platform’s respective user account. By using these plugins, for example by clicking the start button for a video or sending a comment, the information is related to the e.g. Vimeo user account, which you can only prevent by logging out before using the plugin. Information about the collection and use of data by the above-named platform, respectively plugins, can be found in the data protection note: We use the “XING Share-Button”. By calling up our online offering, a short-term connection to the XING AG (“XING”) servers is made over your browser, with which the “XING Share-Button” functions (especially calculation/display of meter readings) are produced. XING does not store any personal data about you from calling up this offering. In particular, XING does not store IP addresses. In addition, no evaluation of user behavior is made through cookies in connection with the “XING Share-Button” . The current data protection information about the “XING Share-Button” and complementary information, can be found under the following link: We use social plugins from the social network LinkedIn. LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“LinkedIn”). The LinkedIn plugins can be recognized by the LinkedIn logo or the “Share-Button” (“recommend”) on our online offering. When you visit our online offering, the plugin makes a direct connection between your browser and the LinkedIn server. LinkedIn receives the information that you have visited our online offer with your IP address. If you click the LinkedIn “Share-Button” while you are logged into your LinkedIn account, you can link the contents of our online offering to your LinkedIn profile. Thereby, LinkedIn can associate your visit to this online offer with your user account. The purpose and scope of the data collection and its further processing and use by Pinterest, as well as your rights in this connection and settings options for the protection of privacy, can be found in LinkedIn’s data protection notes: We reserve the right to adapt our data protection declaration occasionally, so that it always meets the current legal requirements or to implement changes in our services in the data protection declaration. This could apply e.g. to the introduction of new services. The new data protection declaration would then apply to your return visit. Each firm or trade mark named here is the property of the respective firm. The naming of brands and names is purely for informative purposes. The following applies to users who are residents of the Russian Federation: The services of our online offer listed above, are not intended for citizens of the Russian Federation who are resident in Russia. If you are a Russian citizen resident in Russia, you are expressly informed that all personal data that you make available to us over our internet offering, is exclusively at your own risk and on your own responsibility. You further agree that you will not hold us responsible for a possible breach of Russian Federation law. The CHG-MERIDIAN AG (CHG) is committed to process personal data responsibly and in compliance with the applicable data protection laws in all countries in which the company operates. This European Union (“EU”) Customer/Vendor Data Protection Notice (the “Notice”) describes the types of personal data CHG collects, how CHG uses that personal data, with whom the CHG shares your personal data, and the rights you, as a data subject, have regarding the CHG`s use of the personal data. This notice also describes the measures CHG takes to protect the security of the data and how you can contact us about our data protection practices. The CHG-entities responsible for the collection and use of your personal data (the Data Controllers) in your home country for the purposes described in this notice are: Contact information can be found . A Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) is designated. The DPO is involved in all issues related to the protection of your personal data. In particular, the DPO is in charge of monitoring and ensuring compliance with this notice and the applicable data protection laws. They will also provide advice on data protection matters upon request. For any clarification or additional information you may need in order to fully understand this Notice, please contact: CHG processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations and only for limited, explicit and legitimate purposes. CHG will not use personal data for any purpose that is incompatible with the original purpose for which it was collected unless you provide your prior explicit consent for further use. Personal data relating to customers/vendors may be processed for the purposes of: CHG ensures that our internal governance procedures clearly specify the reasons behind decisions to use personal data for alternative processing purposes. Prior to using your personal data for a purpose other than the one for which it was initially collected, you will be informed about such new purpose. The provision of personal data is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract with CHG or a requirement by law or regulation for the CHG to administer your customer/vendor relationship. The personal data processed is limited to the data necessary for carrying out the purpose for which such personal data is collected. Personal data processed includes the following: CHG will not collect personal data if such collection is prohibited under the applicable data protection laws. In no case will personal data revealing religious beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or concerning sex life be processed in the customer/vendor context. CHG will maintain personal data in a manner that ensures it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. CHG has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, such risk analysis includes an analysis of the risk of compromising the rights of the data subject, costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes for data processing. The measures include (i) encryption of personal data where applicable/appropriate; (ii) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of Processing systems and services; (iii) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and (iv) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing. CHG will only grant access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and such access will be limited to the personal data that is necessary to perform the function for which such access is granted. Authorization to access personal data will always be linked to the function so that no authorization will be extended to access personal data on a personal basis. Service providers will only receive personal data according to the purposes of the service agreement with the Company. International data transfers refer to transfers of personal data outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). The international footprint of CHG involves the transfer of personal data to and from other group companies or third parties, which may be located outside the EEA. CHG will ensure that when personal data is transferred to countries that have different standards of data protection, appropriate safeguards to adequately protect the personal data are implemented to secure such data transfers in compliance with applicable data protection laws. CHG has implemented Data Transfer agreements based on EU model clauses to cover international data transfers and a copy of these agreements can be obtained by contacting the DPO. CHG will not retain your Personal data for longer than is allowed under the applicable data protection laws and regulations or for longer that is justified for the purposes for which it was originally collected or otherwise processed, subject to applicable local retention requirements. Under applicable data protection laws, you will benefit from the following rights: This notice may be revised and amended from time to time and appropriate notice about any amendments will be given. CHG is allowed to adapt the text of this notice only in order to be compliant with local legislation by means of an addendum attached to this notice. In case of any discrepancies between this notice and a specific local addendum made in accordance with local law, the terms of the latter will prevail. Dear applicant we are pleased that you are interested in the CHG-MERIDIAN and applied for a job in our company. Subsequently we want to inform you about the processing of personal data in connection with your application. Please read the information and regulations listed below carefully before transmitting your data to us. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Telephone +49 751 5030 Fax +49 751 50366 E-Mail-address com You will find further information regarding our company, details on the authorized representatives and moreover further contact opportunities in our imprint on our website: We process the data, which was sent to us with your application, in order to examine your suitability for the position and execute the application procedure. The legal basis for processing your personal data in this application procedure primarily is section 26 BDSG-neu (Germany), article 6 (1) lit. b) GDPR . As set out there, the processing of that data is permitted, which is necessary in connection with the decision of an explanation of an employment. If data, e.g. to enforce rights, should be necessary after the termination of the application procedure, data processing based on the requirements of article 6 GDPR, especially for the percipience of justified interest stated in article 6 (1) GDPR will take place. We are interested in claiming or defending demands. The data of applicants will be, in case of a letter of refusal, deleted after 6 months. If you received a confirmation for a spot in our company within our application procedure, your data will be transmitted from our applicant-data-system into our Human resource management system. For our application procedure we use a specialized Software provider. The provider operates as a service provider and it is possible that in connection with maintenance of the systems they receive knowledge of your personal data. We concluded a so called contract data processing with the provider, which secures the valid usage of the data. Your application data will be sighted by the HR-Department after its entry. Suitable applications will be transferred to the responsible people, regarding the respective vacant spot, internally. Following that the further process will be decided. Inside the company only people have access to your data, to whom it is necessary to ensure a proper procedure of the applicant procedure. The data will exclusively be processed in computer centers in Germany. Your rights as an affected. You have the right-get information about your personal data processed by us Should an information inquiry not be made in writing, please understand that we will require, if necessary, proof that verifies that you are the person you are impersonating. Furthermore you have the right of correction, deletion or restriction of spreading as far as you are legally allowed. Furthermore have the right of objection regarding the spreading within the frame of the legal requirements. The revocation has to be sent to the responsible, Frank Schreiber by mail or E-mail at We have named a Data protection officer in our company. You are able to contact him as following. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Frank Schreiber Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten E-Mail: You have the right to complain at the responsible supervisory authority for data protection about personal data being processed. By ticking the check-box you give your express consent for CHG-MERIDIAN AG to collect, process and use the data you sent to us, in compliance with section 26 BDSG-neu (Germany), article 6 (1) lit. b), and for the purpose of processing applications. Your data will only be shared if you give your consent by ticking the check-box. About sensitive data: We expressly point out that applications, especially CVs, credentials and any other information you send to us, may contain especially sensitive details on mental and physical health, racial and ethnic background, political opinions, religious and philosophical convictions, memberships in unions and political parties, and sexual life. When you share such information with us in your online application, you expressly agree to permit CHG-MERIDIAN AG to collect, process and use these details for the purpose of processing applications. The processing of such data takes place in compliance with the data protection agreement and any other relevant legislation. If you have any questions with regard to data protection or would like to exercise you right to information or withdrawal of consent, please contact ( ). CHG-MERIDIAN AG reserves the right to amend this privacy statement at any time. We furthermore draw your attention to the general . CHG-MERIDIAN Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten Germany Tel: +49 (0)751 5030 Email: Frank Schreiber Franz-Beer-Strasse 111 88250 Weingarten Germany Tel: +49 (0)751 503 246 Email: Article 6(1) (f) GDPR in conjunction with section 4 FDPA (new) Building security Enhancing the sense of security Deterrence Prevention of vandalism Forensic purposes Prevention of theft Data collected is stored for seven days No transmission of data to non-EU countries or international organizations is intended. The data subject has the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her is being processed. Where that is the case, the data subject has the to personal data concerning him or her, and to the information listed in Article 15 GDPR. The data subject has the right to request that the controller any incorrect personal data or any incomplete personal data (Article 16 GDPR). The data subject has the right to request that the controller erase personal data concerning him or her without undue delay, provided that the reason given is listed in Article 17 GDPR, e.g. the personal data is no longer required in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed ( ). The data subject has the right to request that the controller if one of the conditions listed in Article 18 GDPR applies (for example, the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject), for a period enabling the controller to verify its accuracy. The data subject has the to the processing of personal data concerning him or her at any time on grounds relating to his or her particular situation. The controller may then no longer process the personal data unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims (Article 21 GDPR). Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, every data subject has the if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data concerning him or her infringes the GDPR (Article 77 GDPR). The data subject may lodge the complaint with any supervisory body in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, place of work, or place of the alleged infringement. In Baden-Württemberg, the supervisory authority is the State Representative for Data Protection and Freedom of Information for Baden-Württemberg. The postal address is Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart, Germany. Please use the street address for parcels: Königstrasse 10a, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany. We, CHG-MERIDIAN AG, are the controller of this online offering. As the provider of a teleservice, we have to notify you about the nature, scope and purposes of the collection and use of personal data, in a precise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible form and in clear and simple language, at the start of your visit to our online offering. You must be able to access the content of this notification at any time. As a result, we are obliged to notify you of the types of personal data that are collected or used. Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. We set great store by ensuring that your data is secure and by complying with the provisions of data protection legislation. The collection, processing and use of personal data is subject to the provisions of currently applicable European and national laws. We would like to use the below Privacy Policy to show you how we handle your personal data and how you can contact us: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany Email: Website: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the Board of Management: Dr Mathias Wagner Board of Management: Frank Kottmann, Oliver Schorer, Ulrich Bergmann Register Court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax Office: Weingarten VAT ID no.: DE 146349520 Court of Jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Our data protection officer If you have any questions, you can contact our data protection officer as follows: Frank Schreiber, email: To improve readability, our Privacy Policy does not differentiate between genders. In the interests of equality, the corresponding terminology refers to both genders. Article 4 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) details the meaning of the terminology that is used, such as ‘personal data’ or the ‘processing’ of this. Users’ personal data processed within the framework of this online offering includes inventory data (e.g. customers’ names and addresses), contract data (e.g. services used, names of administrators, payment information), usage data (e.g. websites within our online offering that were visited, interest in our products) and content-related data (e.g. information entered into a contact form). Here, the term ‘user’ refers to all categories of data subjects affected by data processing. For example, this includes our business partners, customers, prospective customers and other visitors to our online offering. Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing when we have sought consent for a particular purpose of processing. If personal data needs to be processed for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, as is the case for processing operations relating to the delivery of goods or the rendering of a service or consideration in return, for example, processing is based on article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. The same applies to processing operations required for taking steps prior to entering into a contract, such as in cases of enquiries relating to our products or services. If we are subject to a legal obligation that makes it necessary to process personal data, such as the fulfilment of obligations under tax law, processing is based on article 6 (1) (c) GDPR. If personal data needs to be processed to protect vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person, processing is based on article 6 (1) (d) GDPR. Finally, processing can be based on article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Processing is carried out on this legal basis if the processing is necessary to protect our legitimate interest or that of a third party, provided that the interests, fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms of the data subject do not override this. You can visit our website without actively providing information about yourself as an individual. However, we automatically store access data (server log files) every time the website is accessed. This data includes the name of your internet service provider, the operating system used, the website you visit us from, the date and duration of your visit or the name of the file requested, for example. We also store data for security reasons, e.g. we store the IP address of the computer used so that we can recognise attacks on our websites. This data is solely used to improve our offering and cannot enable conclusions to be drawn about you as an individual. This data is not merged with other sources of data. The legal basis for data processing is article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We process and use data for the following purposes: This type of data processing is either undertaken for the performance of the contract regarding the use of CHG-MERIDIAN AG’s website or because we have a legitimate interest in guaranteeing the functionality and error-free operation of CHF-MERIDIAN AG's websites and adapting these websites to suit users’ requirements. After users have logged into TESMA® within our customer area, log files are processed and stored with an additional user identifier that is assigned internally. After the user has logged into TESMA®, these log files encompass the following data: user identifier, browser version, the operating system used and the date and duration of the visit. We process data within this framework to fulfil our contractual obligation to our customers and to render our service. The legal basis for data processing within this framework is article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. In addition, we are contractually bound to instructions under a processor contract and have suitable technical and organisational measures in place to protect the rights of the data subject. If you send us enquiries or information via email, your details (email address, content of your email, subject line of your email, and date/time), including the contact information provided by you in it (e.g. signature, such as first name, last name, telephone number if given, address) will be stored for the purpose of handling the enquiry and dealing with follow-up questions. We will not disclose this information without your consent. The legal basis for the collection and processing of the data is article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Users are reminded that emails can be read or changed while they are being transferred, without this act being authorised or detected. CHG-MERIDIAN AG uses software to filter out undesired emails (a spam filter). The spam filter means that the system can put emails into the spam folder if certain characteristics cause them to be wrongly identified as spam, meaning that they may not reach us. The data you provide remains with us until you request that it is erased, you withdraw your consent for the storage of the data or the purpose of storing the data lapses (e.g. once your enquiry has been processed to completion). Mandatory statutory provisions, particularly retention periods, remain unaffected by this. We use ‘cookies’ on our websites to make visiting our website a more attractive experience and to enable certain functions to be used. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your end device. They are a standard internet technology for storing and accessing log-in details and other user information for all users of CHG-MERIDIAN AG’s websites. They also enable us to store user settings, permitting our websites to be displayed in a format tailored to your device. The use of cookies serves our legitimate interest in making your visit to our website as enjoyable as possible and preventing you from inputting information multiple times or adjusting your settings repeatedly. The legal basis for this is article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Some of the cookies we use are deleted after the end of the browser session, or, in other words, after you close your browser (known as ‘session cookies’). Other cookies remain on your end device and make it possible for us or our partner companies to recognise your browser during your next visit (known as ‘persistent cookies’). You can adjust your browser's settings so you are informed when cookies are placed and can make an individual decision as to whether to accept them, accept them under certain circumstances or universally exclude them. In addition, cookies can be retrospectively deleted to remove data that websites have stored on your computer. If cookies are deactivated, this may limit the functionality of CHG-MERIDIAN AG ’s websites. Web browsers offer options for limiting and deleting cookies. Further information on this can be found on the following websites: You have the option of registering on our website. Registration serves the purpose of offering you content or services that can only be offered to registered users due to the nature of the matter at hand. To do so, we require the following data: first name and last name, email address. This data is required for registration, and by extension, for the fulfilment of our contractual obligation. Logging into our website with your log-in details also leads to the IP address provided by the data subject’s internet service provider (ISP), the date, and the time of log-in being stored. This data is stored because this is the only way that the misuse of our services can be prevented and because this data is required, when necessary, to shed light on crimes that have been committed. To this extent, this data needs to be stored for our protection. In principle, this data is not disclosed to third parties, unless there is a statutory obligation for disclosure or the disclosure is in the interests of law enforcement. The legal basis for processing is the performance of a contract pursuant to article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. On our website, you have the option of sending us enquiries via a contact form. Here, your details from the contact form (content of your enquiry, subject line of your enquiry and date), including the contact details you provide (first name, last name, company, telephone number and email), are stored by us for the purpose of handling the enquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. The legal basis for the collection and processing of the data is article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. The data provided by you via the contact form remains with us until you request that it is erased, you withdraw your consent for the storage of the data or the purpose of storing the data lapses (e.g. once your enquiry has been processed to completion). Mandatory statutory provisions, particularly retention periods, remain unaffected by this. Our websites give you the option of using shop functions. To this end, we collect additional contact and address data for the following purposes: We process your data for the following purposes: We may need to disclose this data to third parties such as processors, shipping services, banks, the tax office etc. in order to fulfil our contractual obligations. The legal basis for the collection and processing of data is article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. This data remains stored for the entire usage period. Mandatory statutory provisions, particularly retention periods as per the provisions of trade law and tax law, remain unaffected by this. Our websites give you the option of leaving feedback. This feedback can be accessed by the TESMA community. Your comment will be stored and published with the user name stated by you and details about when the comment was left. In addition, the IP address of the data subject provided by the internet service provider will be logged as well. When you write a comment, you can tick a box for our email service. This will inform you if other users leave a comment on your post. You can turn off notifications at any time by clicking the link within the email. CHG MERIDIAN AG has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security, appropriate to the risk. This type of risk analysis includes estimating the risk that the data subject’s rights will be compromised, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purpose of data processing. These measures encompass: CHG-MERIDIAN AG only grants access to personal data if this is absolutely necessary. This access is limited to the personal data required for the purpose in question. The authorisation for access to personal data is always associated with a purpose, meaning that universal approval for access to personal data is not granted. Service providers only receive personal data in line with the purpose of their contractual relationship with the company. International data transfer relates to the transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The international presence of CHG-MERIDIAN AG involves the transfer of personal data from and to other group companies or third parties located outside the EEA. When personal data is transferred to countries with different data protection standards, CHF MERIDIAN AG will ensure that suitable measures are taken to provide personal data with adequate protection, ensuring that data transfers are performed in compliance with the applicable data protection legislation. CHG-MERIDIAN AG has implemented data transfer agreements on the basis of EU standard contractual clauses to cover international data transfers. The data protection officer can provide a copy of these agreements on request. CHG-MERIDIAN AG will not process your personal data for longer than permissible in line with applicable data protection legislation and provisions. This applies subject to the applicable local retention requirements. This online offering is not suitable for minors under the age of 16. Individuals who are under the age of 16 may not transfer personal data to CHF-MERIDIAN AG without the permission of their parent or guardian. Within the framework of the applicable data protection legislation, you have the following rights: Our website contains links to websites offered by other providers, We hereby indicate that we have no influence over the content of the linked websites and their providers’ compliance with the provisions of data protection legislation. This Privacy Policy can be changed and expanded from time to time. CHF-MERIDIAN AG is only permitted to adapt this Privacy Policy to take local and general legal provisions into account. In the event that this Privacy Policy contradicts with a specific local law, local laws take precedence.   Your personal Contact   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us Frank Schreiber Group Regulatory Officer li|menu not loaded in order to deliver our contractual performance (e.g. Processing orders) and online services processing is required by law your consent is given on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization, and economic operation and security of our online offering in the sense of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR, in particular range measurement, production of profiles for advertising and marketing purposes, as well as the collection of access data and the use of services from third party providers) Right to information You have the right to obtain information about your stored data without charge. Upon request, we will tell you in writing, in accordance with current law, what personal data about you we have stored. This also includes the origin and recipient of your data as well as the purpose of the data processing. Right to rectification You have the right to have your data which is stored by us, corrected, if it is incorrect. You can demand a limitation to the processing of your personal data, e.g. if the accuracy of your personal data is contested. Right to blocking Furthermore, you can have your data blocked. So that a blocking of your data can be taken into account at any time, the data must be held in a lock file for control purposes. Right to erasure You can also demand the erasure of your personal data, so long as no legal storage obligation exists. If such an obligation exists, we will block your data on request. If appropriate statutory requirements are present, we will also erase your personal data without a request from yourself. Right to data transferability You are entitled to demand that the personal data transferred to us is made available in a format which enables it to be transferred to another location. Right to complain to a supervisory authority You have the option of approaching a data protection supervisory authority with a complaint. Right to object You have the option to object at any time to the use of your data for internal purposes with future effect. For this, it is sufficient to send an appropriate email to . However such an objection does not affect the legality of processing procedures which we have already carried out. This does not affect data processing in respect of other legal bases, for example, such as contract initiation (see above). Ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data To ensure the confidentiality of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control access. Ensure the integrity of your personal data To ensure the integrity of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control transfer and input. Ensure availability of your personal data To ensure the availability of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control orders and availability. CHG-MERIDIAN AG: CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH: CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland BV: CHG-MERIDIAN Belgium NV: CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV: CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited: CHG-MERIDIAN Computer Leasing UK Limited: CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited: CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS: CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS: CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS: CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB: CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S: CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY: CHG-MERIDIAN Polska sp. z.o.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o.: CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp: CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd.: CHG-MERIDIAN S.A.P.I. de C.V.: CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S.A.: CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Locação de Equipamentos Ltda.: Managing commercial relationships with current and potential clients; Managing commercial relationships with current and potential suppliers and vendors; Carrying out promotional operations; Conducting statistical surveys and marketing studies, etc. Business information (such as name of organization, department and job title); Contractual information (such as date of agreement, type of commercial relationship, etc.). Right to access to, rectification and erasure of personal information; Right to restriction of processing and to object to processing; Right of data portability to the extent applicable; Right to withdraw consent where the processing is based on consent; and Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. providing CHG-MERIDIAN AG's websites, improving our websites and preventing and recognising errors/malfunctions and the misuse of the websites. Internet Explorer: Firefox: Google Chrome: Safari: To process your order and, if necessary, return your order In addition, we process your data to manage your personal account To send text messages about your order’s shipment status To make contact in the event that there are problems with delivering your goods encrypting personal data, provided this is necessary and appropriate; ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the processing systems and services, and their reliability in the event of malfunction; guaranteeing the availability of and access to personal data in the event of a physical or technical incident, and its timely restoration; creating a procedure for regularly reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of processing. The right of access, the right to rectification, and the right to erasure of personal data; The right to restriction of processing and the right to object to processing; The right to data portability, as applicable; The right to revoke your consent to processing; and The right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 246 +49 151 580 408 43 st|This data protection declaration (Version: GDPR 1.0 from 11.05.2018) was produced by: Data protection CHG-MERIDIAN AG Data protection declaration Basis of data processing Data transfer to third parties Data transfers to third countries or an international organization Length of storage of your personal data Making contact What rights do you have? Protection of your personal data Thereby your personal data is protected in the context of the following points (extract): Protection of minors Cookies Use of etracker Use of METIS web beacons Use of Google Maps Use of Google Ads (formerly AdWords) Use of YouTube Use of Vimeo Plugins Use of the Xing-Share-Button Use of LinkedIn Plugins Amendments to our data protection policy Brand protection Who is in charge of data processing Which data is processed by us? And for what reason? What´s the legal basis for that ? How long will the data be stored? To which recipients will data be transmitted. Where will the data be processed? Our Data Protection officer Right of appeal Acceptance Contact point/Data protection manager Amendments to this privacy statement Name and contact details of the data controller Contact details of the data protection officer Purpose and legal basis of data processing egitimate interests Duration of storage Recipients of data and categories of recipients (if data collection takes place) Notice regarding the rights of data subjects right of access rectify complete right to erasure restrict processing right to object right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory body Introduction Terminology The legal basis of processing The processing of personal data Email contact Cookie-based services Our services Recipients of personal data International data transfer External links Changes to our Privacy Policy h1|DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION h2|Data protection declaration Business Data protection declaration Online Application Video declaration Data protection information of TESMA® Your personal contact h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|A. General B. Wording C. Specific D. Specific provisions for Russia 1 Introduction and scope 2 Contact details of the Data Controllers 3 Contact details of the Data Protection Manager 4 Purposes of data processing and legal basis 5 Categories of personal data processed 6 Data Security 7 Recipients of personal data 8 International data transfers 9 Retention of personal data 10 Data Protection rights 11 Miscellaneous Data privacy statement for online applications Video data protection notice 1 General Information 2 General use of online services 3 Use of TESMA® 4 Data security 5 Data transfer 6 Storage periods 7 Note regarding minors 8 Your rights 9 Final provisions h6|Data Protection Information CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                  Go to Go to Go to Go to Go to    em|Control of cookies by the user Lifespan of the cookies employed Deactivate or remove cookies (Opt-Out) Internet Explorer: Firefox: Google Chrome: Safari: Deactivate or remove cookies (opt-out) Registering on the website and logging in Contact form/enquiries Shop function Feedback function Information service pa|The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all products and services provided by CHG-MERIDIAN AG ('Seller') including but not limited to the sale solely of used IT equipment, and to all future business relationships even in the absence of an explicit agreement to that effect. They apply solely to business persons as defined by section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB) with whom the Seller enters into a commercial relationship. Any conditions of the Buyer that contradict or deviate from these General Terms and Conditions will not be recognized unless their validity has been explicitly agreed in writing. These Conditions of Sale also apply if the Seller supplies goods and/or services to the Buyer without reservation despite being aware of contradictory or divergent conditions provided by the Buyer. 2.1 All contracts and other agreements and legally binding declarations must be signed by both parties in order to be legally valid. This also applies to any additions and amendments. 2.2 Oral collateral agreements and assurances are not valid. 3.1 Unless the contract of sale specifies otherwise, our prices are quoted net for dispatch from the Seller's address as specified in the contract of sale. The Seller shall package the goods in packaging suitable for transportation. 3.2 Our prices do not include statutory VAT. VAT will be calculated at the rate applicable on the day of invoicing and shown separately on the invoice. VAT is due and payable to the Seller unless the Buyer presents confirmation of export to the Seller. If the Buyer presents the export certificate to the Seller only after payment of VAT, the Seller shall refund the VAT to the Buyer. 4.1 The purchase price is payable immediately via bank transfer and in full. 4.2 The equipment detailed in the contract of sale is sold ex-works (EXW) in accordance with Incoterms 2010 from the Seller's address as stated in the contract of sale. 4.3 The goods will not be dispatched or collected until the entire purchase price amount has been deposited into the Seller's account or until the Seller has received confirmation from the bank executing the transaction that the transfer has been requested and carried out in full. If the Buyer is in default of payment, the Seller reserves the right to charge default interest at the statutory rate. The Seller reserves the right to claim for greater losses as a result of the default if they can be shown to have occurred. The rights afforded by clause 8 remain unaffected. The Seller reserves the right to make additional claims. 4.4 The Seller will state in the contract of sale the date on which the equipment will be available for collection (availability date). If the Buyer delays in taking receipt of the goods or is in culpable breach of other obligations to cooperate, the Seller reserves the right to invoke clause 8. The Seller reserves the right to make additional claims. 4.5 If requested by the Buyer, the Seller can – at the Buyer's expense – send the equipment to an address specified by the Buyer, although it is not obliged to do so. 4.6 The Buyer is only entitled to exercise a right of set-off if its counterclaims have been confirmed by a non-appealable court decision or are uncontested or are recognized by the Seller. The Buyer is entitled to exercise withholding rights only in respect of receivables arising from the same legal relationship that are uncontested or have been confirmed by a non-appealable court decision. The Seller is entitled to make partial deliveries, but will only do so if payment is received in advance. 6.1 For deliveries made from the Federal Republic of Germany to other countries within the European Community (intra-Community deliveries) the Seller will not add VAT to the amount charged to the Buyer insofar as the deliveries are exempt from VAT under the German Value Added Tax Act. The Buyer shall at the Seller's request provide proofs of delivery and other documents required under German VAT law as proof of exemption from VAT. The Buyer shall in particular confirm to the Seller upon first request the receipt or arrival of the goods in the area of the EC outside of Germany (confirmation of arrival) as proof that a tax-exempt intra-Community delivery has taken place. The entry certificate will be produced by the Seller and made available to the Buyer who will inspect it and confirm to the Seller that it is correct for every delivery. 6.2 The Buyer shall without being requested to do so inform the Seller of its VAT registration number and any changes to it and shall provide the Seller with information regarding its capacity as business person, the transportation of the delivered goods, the use to which they will be put, and the Buyer's duty to report statistics. 6.3 If the Buyer fails to provide some or all of the necessary information/documents described in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 it will be liable for any resulting losses, expenses and costs incurred by the Seller, especially German VAT and any additional charges. 6.4 The Seller will not be liable for the consequences of the Buyer failing to supply details or supplying incomplete or incorrect details except in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of the Seller. 7.1 The Buyer is responsible for obtaining any necessary export licenses unless the Seller is required to do so by statute or by a final, non-appealable administrative decision or court ruling. If the Seller is responsible for obtaining the license(s), the Buyer shall provide whatever assistance is necessary for this purpose. 7.2 The Buyer gives an assurance that it will neither directly nor indirectly export or re-export the goods acquired from the Seller to persons, organizations, institutions, or countries against whom an embargo in respect of such goods has been imposed by Germany's Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and the European Union and is currently in force. 8.1 The Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the following instances without prejudice to any of its other rights: a) If the Buyer does not pay the purchase price within three days of the availability date specified in the contract of sale or if within three days no bank confirmation of a completed payment transfer has been provided. b) If the circumstances provided for in clause 4.4 apply and the Buyer has not taken full receipt of the goods within seven days of the availability date specified in the contract of sale. c) If the Buyer acts contrary to the assurance provided in 7.2 or is in breach of its obligation to cooperate as per 7.1 sentence 2. 8.2 The Buyer shall compensate the Seller for any loss incurred, including, but not limited to, any profit lost, as a result of the equipment being sold at a lower purchase price. The Buyer shall furthermore be liable for the costs of storing the equipment until such time as it is remarketed and collected, these costs to be charged at the rate of €1.00 per day per pallet plus a one-off administration charge of €75.00 per order. If the Buyer fails to collect the equipment, the same storage costs will be charged to the Buyer until it is collected. 8.3 The Buyer reserves the right to produce proof of lesser loss. Risk passes to the Buyer when the object of purchase is collected or, in the circumstances provided for in clause 4.5, transferred to the haulage operator. Insofar as the circumstances described in clause 4.4 apply, the risk of accidental destruction or accidental deterioration of the object of purchase will pass to the Buyer as soon as it defaults on acceptance of or payment for the object of purchase. The Buyer is liable for all transport-related costs and risks from the moment of the transfer of risk. These costs include, but are not limited to, transport costs, customs and excise duties, taxes and other public charges, costs for customs formalities for import and export, insurance, and costs for loss, damage, delays, etc. 10.1 The goods being sold are used equipment for which no warranty is provided. The Seller provides no guarantees of quality or durability other than those provided for under clause 10.2 in conjunction with the contract of sale. The Seller assumes no liability for the compatibility of the various equipment and components with one another. This also applies to the supplied equipment's compatibility with customers' existing IT equipment. 10.2 The Seller guarantees that the equipment explicitly described as Type A or Type B will meet the following description. Type A equipment: the Seller guarantees that the used equipment will be free of visual and technical defects, subject to normal wear and tear, for the period specified in the contract of sale. For Type B equipment: the Seller guarantees that used equipment with visual/cosmetic defects that do not affect the performance of the equipment will be free of technical defects for the period specified in the contract of sale. If any of the equipment fails to meet the terms of these guarantees, the Buyer will, for the period specified in the contract of sale, be entitled to return the equipment to the Seller. The guarantee period begins on the day the equipment is collected by the Buyer or the date of dispatch. 10.3 All claims under the guarantee must be made in writing by completing the RMA form, and are made at the Buyer's expense. The RMA form can be sent on request or downloaded as a PDF file from the Seller's website ( 10.4 The Seller's guarantee as per 10.2 excludes all batteries and consumables. 10.5 Software, manuals, PC accessories such as notebook cases, keyboards, cables, and mice, and technical support services are not included unless explicitly specified in the contract of sale. If software is included in the order, the Buyer will be granted usage rights to it. Any copying, transfer, or resale of the software requires the permission or prior authorization of the rights holder. The Buyer undertakes in particular to be aware of and adhere to MICROSOFT's usage and licensing conditions. The Buyer will be liable in full for any loss or damage incurred through a breach of these usage rights. 10.6 The data on the equipment will be deleted before the sale. If the Buyer unexpectedly detects data on the equipment, it is his obligation to inform the Seller immediately and either delete the data securely himself and at his own expense or in consultation with the Seller provide the Seller with the relevant equipment for data erasure. 11.1 The Seller will be liable in accordance with statutory provisions for claims for compensation brought by the Buyer on the grounds of intent or gross negligence, including the intent or gross negligence of the Seller's agents or representatives. Insofar as the Seller is not accused of deliberate breach of contract, liability for damages will be limited to foreseeable and typical loss. 11.2 Liability for loss arising from death or bodily harm, where fault exists on the part of the Seller, remains unaffected. Mandatory liability under the terms of the German Product Liability Act also remains unaffected. The Seller shall also be liable under other statutory provisions if it is culpably in breach of a material contractual obligation, although in such a case liability for damages is limited to typical and foreseeable loss. 11.3 Any liability for damages that exceeds that provided for in clauses 11.1 and 11. 2 is hereby excluded, regardless of the legal grounds on which the claim is brought. This shall especially apply to claims for damages arising from culpa in contrahendo or from other derelictions of duty, or tortious claims for compensation for damage to property. 11.4 The exclusion or limitation of the Seller's liability to the Buyer for damages shall also apply to the personal liability of the Seller's employees, staff, representatives, and agents. 11.5 The Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer for any failure to perform the contract or for any default where the failure or default are caused by natural disasters, fire, flood, acts of war, strikes, industrial disputes, non-delivery or late delivery of accessories, or state or official interventions or regulations. The Seller retains ownership of the object of sale until receipt of all payments arising from the business relationship with the Buyer. 13.1 These terms of business and all legal relations arising between the Seller and the Buyer are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) will not apply in any circumstances. 13.2 If the Buyer is a general merchant (Vollkaufmann) as defined by German Commercial Code (HGB) or a legal entity incorporated under public law or a special-purpose entity organized under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes will be Ravensburg, Germany. The same place of jurisdiction applies if the Buyer does not have a general place of jurisdiction within the Federal Republic of Germany or its domicile or usual place of residence is moved abroad after the contract has been formed or is unknown at the time of the institution of proceedings. This does not affect the Seller's right to bring a claim against the Buyer in the court of the Buyer's place of residence. 13.3 The place of performance is Gross-Gerau, Germany. 13.4 Should individual provisions of these Terms of Business or of other agreements be or become partly or wholly invalid, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions or agreements. The same applies in the event of a gap in the contract. In the place of the invalid provisions, agreements or gaps, an appropriate provision shall be substituted that shall insofar as possible in law reflect what the parties intended or would have intended had they been aware of the invalidity or gap.    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h2|Sales Conditions CHG-MERIDIAN AG'S GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE h3|Choose your region 1. Scope 2. Formation of Agreement 3. Prices 4. Payment terms, ex-works (exw) as per incoterms 2010, terms of transfer, default by the buyer 5. Partial Deliveries 6. Intra-community deliveries (entry certificate) 7. Export 8. Withdrawal and compensation 9. Transfer of risk 10. Warranty and guarantee 11. Liability 12. Reservation of title 13. applicable law, place of jurisdiction, place of performance and partial invalidity Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|CHG-MERIDIAN AG, represented by the chairman of the board of management, Dr. Mathias Wagner, is the provider of, and therefore responsible for, the commercial and business related online offering. Information according to § 2 para. 1 Ordinance on Service Provider’s Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV) This online offering is information provided by: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany E-Mail: Web: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the supervisory board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the board: Dr. Mathias Wagner Board: Frank Kottmann, Oliver Schorer, Ulrich Bergmann Registry court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax office: Weingarten Sales tax identification number: DE 146349520 Court of jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) Graurheindorfer Straße 108 53117 Bonn Germany Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Weingarten Matthias Steybe, E-Mail: Frank Schreiber, E-Mail: design hoch drei Glockenstraße 36 70376 Stuttgart E-Mail: Web: 3q5 Corporate Digital Agency Karlstraße 47 80333 München E-Mail: Web: A brand of EQS Group AG Web: CHG-MERIDIAN AG can at its own discretion and without assumption of liability, change or end this online offering wholly or in part at any time and without notice. By posting a link to third party online offering ("Hyperlinks"), the CHG-MERIDIAN AG does not accept ownership of either the online offering or its contents. Here you find our Note about the return of batteries according to §12 BatterieVO: CHG-MERIDIAN AG is obliged in accordance with the battery regulation, to inform the user of the following in connection with the sale of batteries or rechargeable batteries, or with the supply of devices which contain batteries or rechargeable batteries: Batterie must not be disposed of in household waste. The user, as end-user, is legally obliged to return empty batteries. The user can return batteries after use to the point of sale or its immediate vicinity (e.g. in municipal collection points or shops) free of charge. The user also has the choice of returning the batteries by post. The user can approach his installation company for returns. Batteries or rechargeable batteries which contain pollutants are marked with a symbol of a crossed-out dustbin. The chemical name of the pollutant can be found close to the dustbin symbol. Explanation: Cd stands for Cadmium, Pb for lead and Hg for mercury. For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in this document. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders. Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich –   Your personal Contact  Imprint CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us Frank Schreiber Group Regulatory Officer li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 246 +49 151 580 408 43 st|Responsible Supervisory Authority Responsible chamber: Responsible for journalistic-editorial content: Data protection officer according to Art. 37 GDPR i. V. m. § 38 para. 1 FDPA-new: Liability © Copyright Data Protection Information: Battery regulation: Note: General Act on Equal Treatment (GAET) This masthead was produced by: h2|Imprint Imprint Your personal contact h3|Choose your region Conception & Design REALISATION, HOSTING, SERVICE & SUPPORT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                     pa|From IT to Industrial and Healthcare Technologies – drawing on comprehensive expertise and offering customized services, we provide visible progress for the entire lifecycle management of your technologies. Intelligent financing concepts across the entire lifecycle of your IT equipment. We offer a well-designed service package, covering everything from consultancy to certified data erasure. A new patient care concept – with the right medical equipment, flexible financing, optimized terms and customized services.   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|OUR SERVICES TO REDUCE YOUR WORKLOAD h2|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FOR YOUR COMPANY sp|                                   pa|Our central aim is that we reduce your workload and support you and your company at every stage of the technology lifecycle. And this is based on TESMA®, which brings together commercial and technical information in a fully integrated approach. Lifecycle management is now even easier with the TESMA® App for smartphones. Technology management can be complex. That is why we developed TESMA®, an application that provides an intelligent interface between the commercial and technical spheres. A wide range of departments in your company can benefit from it. TESMA® provides a central database for all key business information and makes it available in real time. And that creates transparency. Whether printers, , , or even forklift trucks, you need a complete and consistent solution to manage your equipment efficiently. TESMA® provides support for all phases of the product lifecycle at the click of button – and in real time. The software makes flexible administration, financial control, and accurate reporting possible for all technologies, and is a valuable decision-making tool for your daily technology management. TESMA® also improves process efficiency within organizations, which means savings on your overall process costs are a given. Because TESMA® successfully brings together the commercial and technical spheres, our customers can rely on full transparency throughout the entire technology lifecycle – from advice and rollout to device collection and certified data erasure. Ensuring the security of your data is not just our goal at the end of the IT lifecycle. We regularly carry out security tests on TESMA®. With a current rating of A+, TESMA® has the highest security rating for web servers. The advantages are obvious – the TESMA® App ( and ) from CHG-MERIDIAN brings asset tracking directly to your smartphone. Using your smartphone's camera, or by combining it with a handheld scanner, you can capture the serial numbers of all assets and allocate them automatically. The App then transmits this data to TESMA®. TESMA® provides decision-makers from a range of departments with answers to important questions regarding their technology landscape and individual assets. For example, TESMA® provides information regarding device configurations, usage patterns, and available budget. In day-to-day operation the software’s financial control reports make budget, consumption, and capacity planning easier. At the end-of-life stage it generates information about the asset status, period of use, and the planned and completed removal. TESMA® also covers the entire data erasure process of IT devices that are processed in our Technology and Service Centers. TESMA® provides end-to-end transparency for your technology management, whether it is for procurement, financial control, accounting, or IT. For the commercially focused decision-maker TESMA® offers a simple and uncomplicated method for transparent cost control, including cost allocation to individual cost centers. There is no extra effort or expense. IT decision-makers benefit from the comprehensive overviews in TESMA®. They can view their complete asset inventory and easily access the location and cost center, for example. They always know which assets have been ordered and delivered, which are still in the warehouse, and which have already been installed. TESMA® also makes procurement more transparent. The centralized ordering platform allows for hassle-free online ordering with customer-specific workflows and clear approval processes. Supplier shops can also be integrated easily. As soon as the assets are delivered, the serial numbers can be scanned, the assets documented, and the device status and asset information modified accordingly. Manual checking of lists is no longer required and the data is immediately available to other users. Connectivity across the board – TESMA® shares stored data with your own systems and makes it available for further processing. A range of interfaces allow for easy integration of third-party systems, so whether you are exporting or importing, sharing data is simple and trouble-free. We are continuously evolving TESMA® to make it even easier for you to manage your technology efficiently. The benefit for you is an application that is always up-to-date technologically and is highly user friendly. TESMA® takes efficiency to a new level. The software provides the best example of how to organize technology easily and efficiently through the intelligent connection of commercial and technological data. We will be happy to explain the other benefits you can enjoy by using TESMA® to manage complex technologies. TESMA® eFlyer - English TESMA® Onepager - English IT departments are often confronted with changing requirements and new devices at ever shorter intervals. This makes the management of the IT portfolio a more complex and time consuming task. Our technology centres in Germany and Norway have been your partner for asset collection, data erasure, refurbishment, and remarketing for over 20 years.   TESMA® We will be happy to explain the other benefits you can enjoy by using TESMA® to manage complex technologies li|menu not loaded Save time and costs through efficient automated documenting of assets, their serial numbers, and other asset-specific information, including allocation to orders, to streamline warehouse receiving operations Automatic status changes and fast updates of asset information, for example, when replacing assets in the workplace Transparency when assessing processing times and service levels Error-prone manual processes, such as typing serial numbers or checking off Excel lists, are no longer needed Less time and money spent on managing assets Integration with TESMA® for a transparent, real-time overview need to manage a lot of assets do a lot of cost allocating carry out a lot of financial control activities have a diversified and complex organization with a high number of national and/or international sites want clearly laid out management and control of your technology portfolios want to link your technological and financial data CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|TESMA®: THE PERFECT CONNECTION OF TWO WORLDS h2|OVERVIEW, CLARITY, VISION Tracking assets with the TESMA® App For maximum financial and technological transparency. Many questions, one answer: TESMA® TESMA® at a glance Contact us now! Download Find out more! h3|Choose your region Support for all phases User friendly, up to date, and easily linked up CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Providing efficiency across the technology lifecycle Expertise and transparency across the board Intelligent mobile working Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|ADVANTAGES SUPPORT AT ALL LEVELS TESMA® is the solution for a variety of technology management challenges and provides support if you: h5|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGY CENTER Enterprise mobility solutions h6|ASSET AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM sp|                                      pdf, 4 MB   PDF, 507 KB     pa|Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975, Steve Jobs launched Apple in 1976, and in 1979 Jürgen Gelf started CHG. From modest beginnings in the Upper Swabia region of southern Germany, CHG has developed into a success story spanning four decades. And the story goes on. Jürgen Gelf founds CHG Computer-Handels-Gesellschaft mbH in Berg near Ravensburg. CHG supports customers through the switch from mainframes to decentralized systems. CHG-MERIDIAN expands its activities to the whole of Germany through a combination of organic growth and acquisitions. The company has been expanding internationally since 2000. CHG MERIDIAN moves into technology management in industry, healthcare technology, and industrial manufacturing. CHG MERIDIAN’s data erasure processes are the first in Germany to be certified by TÜV. CHG MERIDIAN offers its customers a standardized, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible re-use concept for pre-owned IT hardware, where the emphasis is on remarketing. CHG MERIDIAN operates in 25 countries around the world. It promotes paperless internal and external management of processes through its ‘modern workplace’ concept. In 1979, programmer Jürgen Gelf started selling used mainframe computers. His specialist product and market knowledge allowed him to remarket IT equipment repeatedly, and he soon began leasing it too. Leasing was still a new concept in Germany at the time, but it soon became the core business of CHG Computer-Handels-Gesellschaft mbH. Computer technology changed at the end of the 1980s, when personal computers started to take over from mainframes. CHG adapted to the new requirements and supported its customers through the transformation of their systems. In the years following Jürgen Mossakowski’s appointment as CEO, the company expanded into consultancy and service provision, such as lifecycle, investment, and innovation planning or the installation and maintenance of equipment. In the mid-1990s, several acquisitions accelerated CHG’s growth and this, combined with a restructuring drive, allowed CHG to evolve from a company focusing on southern Germany into the nationwide CHG‑MERIDIAN AG. In 2000, the company started expanding internationally, with foreign subsidiaries established in the United Kingdom and Austria. These were quickly followed by subsidiaries in the USA, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Russia, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. In 2018, CHG-MERIDIAN opened offices in Australia and New Zealand, and now has operations in more than 25 countries. Alongside IT, the technology sectors industry, medical equipment, and industrial capital equipment – for example car body assembly lines – were added to the CHG-MERIDIAN Group portfolio in 2004. After more than 18 years as Chairman of the Board of Management, Jürgen Mossakowski joined the Supervisory Board in 2017. He was succeeded by Dr. Mathias Wagner. All global sales activities have been brought together under Board of Management member Frank Kottmann. Oliver Schorer has taken over the newly created IT and Services remit and Joachim Schulz remains responsible for Finance. Jürgen Gelf founded ‘CHG Computer-Handels-Gesellschaft mbH’ on March 2, 1979. In 1982, the company changed its name to ‘CHG Computer Leasing- und Handels-Gesellschaft mbH’, and the ‘Handels-Gesellschaft’ was finally dropped altogether in 1992 when the company became ‘CHG Computer Leasing GmbH’. After acquiring Wiesbaden-based FGM‑MERIDIAN, the two companies merged in 1996 into ‘CHG‑MERIDIAN Computer Leasing Gesellschaft mbH’, which a year later became ‘CHG‑MERIDIAN Deutsche Computer Leasing AG’. The company’s name since 2012 has been ‘CHG‑MERIDIAN AG’. CHG‑MERIDIAN introduced its first self-developed asset management system in 1999. It was expanded in 2004 to become TESMA® Online. TESMA® stands for technology and service management. This web-based communication, planning, and administration platform gives CHG‑MERIDIAN and customers access to a shared data pool for each item of equipment. The latest version of TESMA® was released in 2016. The original idea behind CHG‑MERIDIAN was to re-use unwanted computers. With the rise in the number of computers since the 1990s, this idea gained ever greater importance. In 2000, CHG-MERIDIAN opened its own brokerage and logistics center in Mörfelden near Frankfurt. Lease returns have been refurbished and remarketed here ever since. In 2010, the Technology and Service Center moved to Gross-Gerau, with another center in Skien in Norway added in 2013. Both centers specialize in erasing data, some of it sensitive, using a certified process. Since 2014, CHG‑MERIDIAN has been offering its customers a standardized, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible re-use concept for pre-owned IT hardware, where the emphasis is on remarketing. The business that started life in a room in Jurgen Gelf’s home now has its own impressive headquarters. CHG‑MERIDIAN moved into the new building in Weingarten near Ravensburg in 2003. It provides space for around 270 employees. An extension with another 250 workspaces was opened in May 2016. We have a tradition of growing with our tasks, our experience and, of course, with our customers. At the same time, we are always aware of where we come from – and where we want to be.             New Building Timelapse  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|HOW IT ALL BEGAN h2|Moving forward since 1979 CHG-MERIDIAN creates new room for further growth h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|1979 FOUNDATION 1992 TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE 1994 EXPANSION STRATEGY 2004 NEW AREAS OF TECHNOLOGY 2006 TÜV CERTIFICATION 2014 RE-USE CONCEPT 2018 GLOBAL ORIENTATION TOWARD DIGITALIZATION AND SERVICES Our name: CHG-MERIDIAN Core competency: service and technology From the second-hand market to a standardized re-use concept A growing company h6|HISTORY sp|                                  Image 1 / 9 Image 2 / 9 Image 3 / 9 Image 4 / 9 Image 5 / 9 Image 6 / 9 Image 7 / 9 Image 8 / 9 Image 9 / 9 pa|Technology investment, financing, sustainability, IT security... Making the right decisions when it comes to purchasing and managing IT equipment can feel complicated and certainly raises several questions. Here you can immerse yourself in everything that includes IT, circular economy, industry trends and news of CHG-MERIDIAN. The coronavirus crisis has mercilessly laid bare any shortcomings in companies’ digital transformation, as they have been confronted with the challenge of enabling mobile workplaces from one day to the next. Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends. Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. Find out here what data platforms are all about. There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies and it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. The following article highlights the key role that employees play in any digitalization strategy. Our society has been living beyond its means for decades. Whether the coronavirus pandemic will persuade us to use resources more responsibly and move away from the linear system depends to some extent on how cost-effective the alternatives are. Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company. Many IT departments were caught out in mid-March, when entire workforces suddenly needed to start working from home. Since then, it has become clear that this is not a temporary switch, but the start of a longer journey – including in terms of technology. Smartphones and laptops have already become the norm at home. Yet many people find themselves stuck in an analog world at work, despite the fact that setting up a digital workplace is not that difficult with a little preparation and planning. Don't run any unnecessary risks when it comes to remarketing or disposing of decommissioned IT equipment. Find out how cost-effective and permanent data erasure works. Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company. “We regard the digital workplace as a holistic system that adds significant value in all areas of your company that work with IT.” Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales It is almost impossible to calculate the overall costs of IT for a single workplace using conventional procurement and usage models. The latest digital workplace concepts can provide transparency. If you are planning a new IT infrastructure, the first question you will ask yourself, as the CFO, is whether the investment will pay off. Technical and commercial management need to work hand in hand if companies are to benefit from the digital workplace too. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. Below, we showcase four viewpoints on e-health and examine the extent to which they share a common goal. We will show you how the right strategy can increase your efficiency and make the Digital Workplace the core of your digitization strategy. We show you how the latest technology can help you to use your working time most effectively. A study shows that the majority of employees want to take advantage of mobile working, but companies are yet to catch on to this trend. With great team spirit, they really hustled to collect donations for charitable causes in 2018. We speak to Florian Orth, lifecycle expert at CHG-MERIDIAN, about greater flexibility and lower total cost of ownership (TCO) in manufacturing. Frank Schöneberg, Head of Public Sector Sales Germany at CHG-MERIDIAN, expands on his many years of experience working with public-sector clients. Peter Krause, Head of Healthcare Sector Sales Germany at CHG-MERIDIAN, talks about data protection in the healthcare sector and the requirements for data erasure. Joachim Schulz presents five factors that are crucial in overcoming these obstacles. Oliver Schorer speaks about digital transformation and how companies can deliver it successfully. Digitalization is a leading topic of discussion in the public sector. But what might modernization and digital transformation measures actually look like in practice? Corporate social responsibility is firmly enshrined in CHG-MERIDIAN’s corporate philosophy. CHG-MERIDIAN is growing fast – and is doing so around the world. We are always on the lookout for ambitious individuals to join us. Data protection should be viewed as part of an end-to-end solution, not in isolation. Dr. Mathias Wagner, Chairman of the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN, looks back on 2017 and gives an optimistic outlook for the future. Declan McGlone, Vice President Finance UK/Ireland, talks in an interview about business development in the UK and Ireland Being able to reliably protect sensitive company data at the end of an asset’s useful life is vital in the digital era. Why the financing must match the business, and not vice versa Everyone is talking about data protection at the moment. It is a particularly important issue when it comes to modern printers, MFPs, and copiers. An illustrative calculation from the automotive industry for pay-per-use models How intelligent financing models can satisfy wide-ranging interests Oliver Schorer (CIO) shows five areas that German companies need to consider. Using pay-per-patient models to manage investment risks in healthcare technology We will show you how to implement innovative projects cost-effectively. Why the CIO and CFO are stuck in the same boat when it comes to TCO calculations, and how only an independent expert can help. How pay-per-patient models can help to preserve liquidity Every company is familiar with unit cost accounting. Why financing per item makes sense too. The digital revolution is only slowly taking hold in German society. Nevertheless, there is already an urgent need for companies to invest. IT procurement is different from purchasing consumables. Ralf Behrning clarifies what really matters. Companies are not yet enabling them to participate sufficiently in the digital revolution. A lot of potential remains untapped. CHG-MERIDIAN's employees apply themselves with as much vigor to good causes as they do to their work. Oliver Schorer, (CIO) and member of the Board of Management at CHG-MERIDIAN, talks about customized and fully automated business concepts As an innovative technology manager with decades of experience, CHG-MERIDIAN creates maximum cost transparency, identifies potential savings – and achieves these savings. By taking out a €75 million bonded loan in August 2017, CHG-MERIDIAN has successfully completed its fifth transaction in this segment since 2013. Peter Krause, talks about the importance of well-interlinked medical technology and IT and explains how they can be used to achieve high patient satisfaction in spite of economic challenges. In our latest white paper, we demonstrate how hospitals can deliver the digital transformation toward Health 4.0 through long-term investment in technology and employees, and remain well equipped to face the challenges of the future. This is what gives you the reassurance that your investment will really pay off over the course of a project. We will show you where you have potential savings and how you can achieve these savings. We will show you which financing model is the best fit for your capital expenditure project. As an independent provider with decades of experience financing entire projects, CHG-MERIDIAN is familiar with global taxation and legal systems. We will show you what financing hurdles to look out for.   Here you can immerse yourself in everything that includes IT, circular economy, industry trends and news of CHG-MERIDIAN li|menu not loaded h1|News and articles h2|News and articles h3|Choose your region How coronavirus is accelerating digitalization THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The technology factor Remote working made simple: The platform factor Remote working made simple: The mindset factor Sending a signal to trade and industry Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying? Remote working is the new normal How to plan a successful IT rollout for your digital workplace Data erasure the right way Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying? Reap the benefits of digital workplace innovations for your business 3 Tips on how to calculate total costs Escape the TCO trap Optimal design and efficient management of the modern workplace Invest in technology without busting the budget Is e-health just for technology enthusiasts? Four viewpoints – one goal? In 6 steps to the digital workplace The future of work is more flexible – and more productive Companies still have plenty to do when it comes to the digital workplace Employees get involved in sports for a good cause Increase flexibility, reduce overall costs Working toward Administration 4.0 using digital expertise and a digital concept Balancing e-health, data protection, and data security AI, IoT, and hybrid IT require entirely new financing methods Paving the way for digital transformation Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential Employees and employer working hand in hand to help people in need An excellent start to a career Data protection along the entire lifecycle The signs are good Brexit notwithstanding: Excellent prospects across the board Where printers are concerned, deleted doesn’t always mean deleted What makes a financing concept intelligent? Here are five thoughts. Three good reasons why you shouldn't neglect erasing data from printers Managing growth and costs efficiently: pay-per-part and pay-by-the-hour Thinking outside the box when it comes to financing What German companies need to do to make the mobile workplace a reality Calculating backward – thinking ahead Intelligent financing concepts pave the way for more innovation Five thoughts on total cost of ownership An end to high up-front costs Five good reasons in favor of pay per use models How important are digital skills in healthcare? “Just buying cheaply isn't enough” Action needed on the digital workspace Employees get involved in community-based causes Intelligent mobile working: Mobile workspace 4.0 TCO provides a better overview “An integral part of our funding portfolio” Improving patient wellbeing through efficient medical technology management Lack of investment puts the brakes on digitalisation Lifecycle Management for greater cost effectiveness Pay per use models create greater transparancy Pay per use models create greater planning certainty A cross-border financing solution Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Seeing the crisis as an opportunity A real-world example Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN Earth Overshoot Day 2020 Digital Workplace The view from CIOs Rolling out the digital workplace Old IT equipment can be a risk factor Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace CARE: Rewarding in all respects Usage solutions for industrial infrastructure Mastering digital transformation Certified data erasure by CHG-MERIDIAN STRATEGY ENTERPRISE MOBILITY SUMMIT 2018 Public Sector 4.0 2018 CORPORATE REPORT 2018 CORPORATE REPORT OPS data security 2018 CORPORATE REPORT 2018 CORPORATE REPORT OPS data security FINANCING SHOULD BE INTELLIGENT, NOT RIGID. OPS data security UNIT COSTS INSTEAD OF BLOCK OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE A QUICK WORD WITH WAYNE FOWKES ON THE TOPIC OF INTELLIGENT FINANCING MOBILE WORKING IN GERMANY LOW COST – HIGH BENEFIT INTELLIGENT FINANCIAL ENGINEERING, OPTIMUM ACCOUNTING IS TCO IMPORTANT? YES. IS IT STRAIGHTFORWARD? NO. SOARING COSTS UNDER CONTROL WHY PAY PER USE? FINDINGS OF THE D21-DIGITAL-INDEX 2017/2018 A QUICK WORD WITH RALF BEHRNING ON THE TOPIC OF TCO D21-DIGITAL-INDEX FOR 2017/2018 CARE INITIATIVES FOR 2017 IT Director Interview COST MANAGEMENT TAKEN ONE STEP FURTHER Interview Investor Relations Financially strong for the future Health 4.0 Long-term thinking, quick savings TECHNOLOGY FOR EXAMINING TREATMENT COSTS ENABLING CAPITAL EXPENDITURE WITH ‘PAY PER ENGINE HOOD’ BILLING INTERNATIONAL THINKING; INTELLIGENT FINANCING h6|INSIGHTS sp|                                                                                         pa|A look at the technology environments in companies often reveals overstretched structures, because IT departments are confronted with changing requirements and new types of device at ever shorter intervals. This makes efficient management of the infrastructure more and more complex. CHG-MERIDIAN is your partner along the IT lifecycle and enables you to easily manage your IT and control costs. We provide everything you need so you can concentrate on your core business. CHG-MERIDIAN is a non-captive technology manager that provides an end-to-end service to design, manage and support sophisticated technology portfolios for small and medium-sized enterprises, large corporations, and public-sector clients. We work with you to develop a customized business concept so that you too can efficiently manage your IT investments over the entire lifecycle. This could cover IT equipment for your workplace, mobile devices for your employees, bespoke software packages, or a data erasure plan for the end of the lifecycle. We bring together technical and commercial expertise in our solutions and enable you to manage and work with your IT efficiently. The number of IT devices in companies is constantly growing. As technology lifecycles get shorter, the cost of operation and servicing increases. That is because servicing and supporting old equipment makes up the bulk of your overall costs, not the initial purchase. Replacing technology regularly brings great benefits over the long term. CHG-MERIDIAN incorporates the costs over the entire lifecycle of the assets, including all internal and external resources for operation, servicing, and remarketing. As an independent provider with a wealth of market knowledge we can offer you the best-possible efficiency and smooth operation over the entire lifetime. You will benefit from maximum flexibility, and you can set the terms of the contract. Our lifecycle model illustrates how CHG-MERIDIAN successfully supports you in every phase of your technology project. Our new solution is the first comprehensive one-stop solution that offers your business a sophisticated mobility strategy. These ‘enterprise mobility solutions’ are designed with all the capabilities and services required to enable convenient mobile working. Discover the intelligent way to enterprise mobility. Our new solution is the first comprehensive one-stop solution that offers your business a sophisticated mobility strategy. These ‘enterprise mobility solutions’ are designed with all the capabilities and services required to enable convenient mobile working. Discover the intelligent way to enterprise mobility.   Your personal contact  LIFECYCLE MODEL Even though every technology project is different, we can make things easier for you with a single model-based methodology: our tried-and-tested three-phase model. It forms the basis for our comprehensive expert support over the entire IT lifecycle – and beyond. THREE-PHASE MODEL Three interlocking phases making one complete whole mean that we are by your side from start to finish – in every phase of your technology project. PREPARATION PHASE End-to-end customized business concepts require an integrated view. We thoroughly analyze your project and provide you with comprehensive advice while always thinking ahead. We make sure that your project becomes a lasting success. A test phase allows you to see for yourself. PRODUCTIVE PHASE Efficiency requires the logical use of all resources. We support you throughout the entire term of the lease – as a single, expert provider. Your dedicated contact person will give you detailed advice on all technical and commercial matters. END-OF-LIFE PHASE A sophisticated end-of-life process will benefit you in many ways. Our service extends from collecting assets to certified data erasure. And we carry out our professional remarketing and disposal in line with the principles of green IT. TESMA® The technology and service management system known as TESMA® is at the heart of the lifecycle. It provides you with a continuous overview of all commercial and technical aspects. All key business information is transparent and available to you in real time Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded We offer balance sheet-optimized financing for customized business concepts – flexible and tailored to your needs. You can take advantage of pay-per-use, for example, where the initial investment is spread over the entire lifetime and invoiced per use. Or put simply: one price, per month, per workplace. This simplifies cost-center allocation considerably. Your return on investment is shared and is there from day one.   Independent analysis and examination of the work environment Individual usage and cost saving plans Long-term procurement strategy Standardization and automation of the procurement process Project management Site-by-site rollout coordination and documentation Ready-to-use installations First/second-level support 24/7 or 8/5 Servicing Monitoring Risk protection and claims settlement Pay-per-use charging Cost-center allocation Flexible leasing models Certified data erasure Creates full transparency throughout the entire technology lifecycle Takes into account commercial and technical aspects CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Consistent and sophisticated Intelligently financed Long-term thinking, quick savings h1|PROVIDING EFFICIENCY ACROSS THE TECHNOLOGY LIFECYCLE 360-DEGREE FOCUS ON YOU GOOD PREPARATION IS KEY EFFICIENT OPERATION AT ALL TIMES THINKING BEYOND THE END EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEX TECHNOLOGIES h2|Manage and work with your IT efficiently EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND YOUR SUCCESS OUR SOLUTIONS AREAS Your Assistance h3|Choose your region CONSULTING PROCUREMENT ROLLOUT SUPPORT FINANCIAL SERVICES ERASURE As financial consultants and technology managers, we take care of your ambitious technology investments - continuously, efficiently and flexibly Device as a Service INTELLIGENT MOBILE WORKING THE MODERN WORKPLACE CALLS FOR AN INTEGRATED APPROACH Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|IT ANALYSIS PROCUREMENT PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE SERVICE DESK ASSET CARE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFIED DATA ERASURE TESMA® h6|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES sp|                                   Go to Go to Leave lifecycle     pa|CHG-MERIDIAN AG, represented by the chairman of the board of management, Dr. Mathias Wagner, is the provider of, and therefore responsible for, the commercial and business related online offering. Information according to § 2 para. 1 Ordinance on Service Provider’s Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV) This online offering is information provided by: CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany E-Mail: Web: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the supervisory board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the board: Dr. Mathias Wagner Board: Frank Kottmann, Joachim Schulz, Oliver Schorer Registry court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax office: Weingarten Sales tax identification number: DE 146349520 Court of jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) Graurheindorfer Straße 108 53117 Bonn Germany Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Weingarten Matthias Steybe, E-Mail: Frank Schreiber, E-Mail: design hoch drei Glockenstraße 36 70376 Stuttgart E-Mail: Web: 3q5 Corporate Digital Agency Karlstraße 47 80333 München E-Mail: Web: A brand of EQS Group AG Web: CHG-MERIDIAN AG can at its own discretion and without assumption of liability, change or end this online offering wholly or in part at any time and without notice. By posting a link to third party online offering ("Hyperlinks"), the CHG-MERIDIAN AG does not accept ownership of either the online offering or its contents. All rights are reserved. Text, pictures and graphics, as well as their arrangement in the online offering are subject to copyright protection and other protective legislation. The contents of this online offering may not be copied, disseminated or changed for commercial purposes or made accessible to third parties. Jehle / Will Fotodesign Still Miracle Photography Adam Wiseman Nathan Santos Christian Lord Otto Patrick Dopfer getty images istock fotolia shutterstock F1 online masterfile Note about the return of batteries according to §12 BatterieVO: CHG-MERIDIAN AG is obliged in accordance with the battery regulation, to inform the user of the following in connection with the sale of batteries or rechargeable batteries, or with the supply of devices which contain batteries or rechargeable batteries: Batterie must not be disposed of in household waste. The user, as end-user, is legally obliged to return empty batteries. The user can return batteries after use to the point of sale or its immediate vicinity (e.g. in municipal collection points or shops) free of charge. The user also has the choice of returning the batteries by post. The user can approach his installation company for returns. Batteries or rechargeable batteries which contain pollutants are marked with a symbol of a crossed-out dustbin. The chemical name of the pollutant can be found close to the dustbin symbol. Explanation: Cd stands for Cadmium, Pb for lead and Hg for mercury. For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in this document. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders. Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich – Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office Munich – We, CHG-MERIDIAN AG, are responsible for this online offering and, as the provider of a teleservice, must inform you at the beginning of your visit to our online offering, about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data in a precise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible way in clear and simple language. The contents of the information must be retrievable for you at all times. We are therefore obliged to inform you about which personal data will be collected or used. Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is described as personal data. We place great value on the security of your data and compliance with the data protection regulations. The collection, processing and use of personal data is subject to the regulations of the European and national laws currently in force We would like to show you in the following data protection declaration how we handle your personal data and how you can make contact with us: Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten Germany E-Mail: Web: Telephone: +49 751 503-0 Fax: +49 751 503-66 Chairman of the supervisory board: Jürgen Mossakowski Chairman of the board: Dr. Mathias Wagner Board: Frank Kottmann, Joachim Schulz, Oliver Schorer Registry court: Ulm HRB 551857 Tax office: Weingarten Sales tax identification number: DE 146349520 0 Court of jurisdiction: Ravensburg Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) If you have questions, you can contact our data protection officer as follows: Frank Schreiber, E-Mail: For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in our data protection declaration. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders. The meaning of the terminology used, for example ‘personal data’ or its ‘processing’ can be taken from Article 4 of the EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The users’ personal data processed in the context of this online offering, includes inventory data (e.g. client’s name and address), contract data (e.g. services used, name of person responsible, payment information), usage data (e.g. Websites of our online offering visited, interest in our products) and content data (e.g. input into the contact form). ‘User’ includes all categories of persons affected by the data processing. These include, for example, our business partners, customers, interested parties and other visitors to our online offering. We guarantee that we only collect, process, store and use your incoming data in connection with the processing of your request, as well as for internal purposes and providing the services that you have requested or to make content available. We process the user’s personal data only in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. The user’s data are only processed when the following statutory permission exists: We would like to show you where the main legal grounds are regulated in the GDPR: Consent - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. and Art. 7 GDPR Processing to deliver our contractual performance and carrying out contractual measures - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR Processing to fulfil our legal obligations - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c. GDPR Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR . Third countries are countries in which the GDPR is not a directly applicable law. This basically includes all countries outside the EU, respectively, the European Economic Area. A transfer of data to a third country or an international organization takes place. Hereby the EU commission’s decision on adequacy is taken into account. This says that a secure third country or a secure international organization in concerned, which offers an adequate level of protection. We adhere to the principles of data economy and data avoidance. This means the data made available to us is only retained as long as it is needed to fulfil the previously named purposes or as laid down by the manifold storage periods provided for by the legislator. If the relevant purpose no longer exists, respectively after expiry of the appropriate period, your data is routinely blocked, respectively erased, in accordance with the statutory provisions We have developed a company-internal concept to guarantee this procedure. If you make contact with us by email or through the contact form, you consent to electronic communication. Personal data will be collected in the context of contacting us. Which data is collected in the case of a contact form, can be seen on the respective contact form. Your data are transmitted with SSL encryption. The statements which you make will be stored exclusively for the purpose of processing your inquiry and for possible follow-up questions. We would like to tell you the legal grounds: Processing to fulfil our performance and carry out contractual measures - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR We would like to advise you that emails can be read or changed, unnoticed and without authorization, during transmission. We would also like to bring to your attention that we use software to filter unwanted emails (spam filter). Emails can be rejected by the spam filter if they are wrongly identified as spam due to the presence of certain characteristics. The state representative for data protection and freedom of information, Baden-Württemberg Postal address: Postfach 10 29 32, D-70025 Stuttgart Building address: Königstraße 10a, D-70173 Stuttgart Telephone +49 711 615541–0 Fax: +49 711 615541–15 E-Mail: Web: You can open the complaint form through the following link: We take state of the art contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of the data protection laws and therefore, to protect the data which we process against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. In particular, our security measures include the encrypted transfer of data between your browser and our server. 256-bit-SSL (AES 256) encryption technology is used for this. This includes our IP address. The security measures employed are continually improved in accordance with technical development. Despite these precautions, because of the insecure nature of the internet, we are unable to guarantee the security of your data transfers to our online offering. For this reason, all data transfers from you to our online offering are made at your own risk. Persons who are under 16, are not allowed to provide us with their personal information without the express consent of the person having parental responsibility, unless they have reached the age of 16 or are older. These data will be processed in accordance with our data protection declaration. We use cookies. Cookies are small text files which are stored locally in the internet browser’s cache. Cookies enable the internet browser to be recognized. The files are used to help the browser navigate through the internet offering and use all functions to their full extent. Our internet offering uses: Browser cookies Browser cookies: All browsers can be set so that cookies are only accepted upon request. Also, per set-up, cookies can only be accepted for sites which are currently being visited. All browsers offer functions which make the selective deletion of cookies possible. The acceptance of cookies can also be deactivated generally, however in that case, limitations in the online offering’s user friendliness must be accepted. Cookies are managed by our internet offer’s website. The internet offering uses Transient cookies/Session cookies (single use) Life spam: Until the online offer is closed Every browser offers the option of limiting or deleting cookies. Further information about this can be obtained from the following websites: We use the services of etracker GmbH from Hamburg, Germany ( ) on this website, to analyze usage data. For this, cookies are used to make a statistical analysis of the visitors’ use of this website possible and to display use-related content and advertising. Cookies are small text files which are stored on the user’s end device by the internet browser. etracker cookies do not contain any information which would allow a user to be identified. The data produced by etracker is processed and stored exclusively by etracker in Germany, by order of the provider of this website, and is subject to the strict German and European data protection legislation and standards. In this context, etracker has been independently tested, certified and awarded the data protection seal of quality. The data processing is carried out on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’ according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Our legitimate interest is the optimization of our online offering and our web presence. Processing to safeguard our legitimate interests - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR Because our visitors’ privacy is very important to us, the IP addresses will be anonymized by etracker as soon as possible and the registration- or device identification transformed by etracker into a key which is unique but not assigned to a person. etracker does use data in other ways, combine it with other data or transmit it to third parties. You can object to the data processing described above at any time, to the extent that it takes place with personal data. Your objection has no negative consequences for you. Further information on data protection with etracker can be found . We use web beacon technology from VG Wort (METIS System). Web beacons are considered harmless in data protection legislation. The METIS web beacons are used to track the number of visitor numbers to various subpages of our website. We use Google Maps for the presentation of maps and the creation of route maps. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. By using this online offer, you consent to the collection, processing and use of the automatically collected data as well as the data which you input yourself (including the IP address) by Google, one of its representatives or a third-party provider. The conditions of use for Google Maps can be found under the following link: Comprehensive details about transparency and choices, as well as the data protection regulations, can be found in the data protection center of Functions of the YouTube service are integrated into our website for displaying and playing videos. This function is offered by YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 USA. Further information can be found in YouTube’s data protection guidelines. An extended data protection mode is used for this which, according to the provider, only begins to record user information when the video playback is started. If the playback of an embedded YouTube video is begun, YouTube uses cookies to collect information about user behavior. According to notes from YouTube, this is used to collect video statistics, improve user friendliness and prevent misuse, among other things. Independently from the playback of the embedded videos, a connection is created with the Google network “DoubleClick” each time our online offering is called up, which can lead to further data processing procedures without our influence. Further details about the use of cookies by YouTube can be found in YouTube’s data protection declaration: We use plugins from The operator is Vimeo LCC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA (“Vimeo”). When you call up such a plugin, a connection is made to the Vimeo servers and the plugin is displayed on the internet page through a message to your browser. This tells the Vimeo server which internet pages you have visited. If you are logged in as a Vimeo member, Vimeo relates this information to the platform’s respective user account. By using these plugins, for example by clicking the start button for a video or sending a comment, the information is related to the e.g. Vimeo user account, which you can only prevent by logging out before using the plugin. Information about the collection and use of data by the above-named platform, respectively plugins, can be found in the data protection note: We use the “XING Share-Button”. By calling up our online offering, a short-term connection to the XING AG (“XING”) servers is made over your browser, with which the “XING Share-Button” functions (especially calculation/display of meter readings) are produced. XING does not store any personal data about you from calling up this offering. In particular, XING does not store IP addresses. In addition, no evaluation of user behavior is made through cookies in connection with the “XING Share-Button” . The current data protection information about the “XING Share-Button” and complementary information, can be found under the following link: We use social plugins from the social network LinkedIn. LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“LinkedIn”). The LinkedIn plugins can be recognized by the LinkedIn logo or the “Share-Button” (“recommend”) on our online offering. When you visit our online offering, the plugin makes a direct connection between your browser and the LinkedIn server. LinkedIn receives the information that you have visited our online offer with your IP address. If you click the LinkedIn “Share-Button” while you are logged into your LinkedIn account, you can link the contents of our online offering to your LinkedIn profile. Thereby, LinkedIn can associate your visit to this online offer with your user account. The purpose and scope of the data collection and its further processing and use by Pinterest, as well as your rights in this connection and settings options for the protection of privacy, can be found in LinkedIn’s data protection notes: We reserve the right to adapt our data protection declaration occasionally, so that it always meets the current legal requirements or to implement changes in our services in the data protection declaration. This could apply e.g. to the introduction of new services. The new data protection declaration would then apply to your return visit. Each firm or trade mark named here is the property of the respective firm. The naming of brands and names is purely for informative purposes. The following applies to users who are residents of the Russian Federation: The services of our online offer listed above, are not intended for citizens of the Russian Federation who are resident in Russia. If you are a Russian citizen resident in Russia, you are expressly informed that all personal data that you make available to us over our internet offering, is exclusively at your own risk and on your own responsibility. You further agree that you will not hold us responsible for a possible breach of Russian Federation law. The CHG-MERIDIAN AG (CHG) is committed to process personal data responsibly and in compliance with the applicable data protection laws in all countries in which the company operates. This European Union (“EU”) Customer/Vendor Data Protection Notice (the “Notice”) describes the types of personal data CHG collects, how CHG uses that personal data, with whom the CHG shares your personal data, and the rights you, as a data subject, have regarding the CHG`s use of the personal data. This notice also describes the measures CHG takes to protect the security of the data and how you can contact us about our data protection practices. The CHG-entities responsible for the collection and use of your personal data (the Data Controllers) in your home country for the purposes described in this notice are: A Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) is designated. The DPO is involved in all issues related to the protection of your personal data. In particular, the DPO is in charge of monitoring and ensuring compliance with this notice and the applicable data protection laws. They will also provide advice on data protection matters upon request. For any clarification or additional information you may need in order to fully understand this Notice, please contact: CHG processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations and only for limited, explicit and legitimate purposes. CHG will not use personal data for any purpose that is incompatible with the original purpose for which it was collected unless you provide your prior explicit consent for further use. Personal data relating to customers/vendors may be processed for the purposes of: CHG ensures that our internal governance procedures clearly specify the reasons behind decisions to use personal data for alternative processing purposes. Prior to using your personal data for a purpose other than the one for which it was initially collected, you will be informed about such new purpose. The provision of personal data is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract with CHG or a requirement by law or regulation for the CHG to administer your customer/vendor relationship. The personal data processed is limited to the data necessary for carrying out the purpose for which such personal data is collected. Personal data processed includes the following: CHG will not collect personal data if such collection is prohibited under the applicable data protection laws. In no case will personal data revealing religious beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or concerning sex life be processed in the customer/vendor context. CHG will maintain personal data in a manner that ensures it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. CHG has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, such risk analysis includes an analysis of the risk of compromising the rights of the data subject, costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes for data processing. The measures include (i) encryption of personal data where applicable/appropriate; (ii) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of Processing systems and services; (iii) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and (iv) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing. CHG will only grant access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and such access will be limited to the personal data that is necessary to perform the function for which such access is granted. Authorization to access personal data will always be linked to the function so that no authorization will be extended to access personal data on a personal basis. Service providers will only receive personal data according to the purposes of the service agreement with the Company. International data transfers refer to transfers of personal data outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). The international footprint of CHG involves the transfer of personal data to and from other group companies or third parties, which may be located outside the EEA. CHG will ensure that when personal data is transferred to countries that have different standards of data protection, appropriate safeguards to adequately protect the personal data are implemented to secure such data transfers in compliance with applicable data protection laws. CHG has implemented Data Transfer agreements based on EU model clauses to cover international data transfers and a copy of these agreements can be obtained by contacting the DPO. CHG will not retain your Personal data for longer than is allowed under the applicable data protection laws and regulations or for longer that is justified for the purposes for which it was originally collected or otherwise processed, subject to applicable local retention requirements. Under applicable data protection laws, you will benefit from the following rights: This notice may be revised and amended from time to time and appropriate notice about any amendments will be given. CHG is allowed to adapt the text of this notice only in order to be compliant with local legislation by means of an addendum attached to this notice. In case of any discrepancies between this notice and a specific local addendum made in accordance with local law, the terms of the latter will prevail.   Your personal Contact  Combination masthead (Provider identification)  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us Frank Schreiber Group Regulatory Officer li|menu not loaded in order to deliver our contractual performance (e.g. Processing orders) and online services processing is required by law your consent is given on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization, and economic operation and security of our online offering in the sense of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR, in particular range measurement, production of profiles for advertising and marketing purposes, as well as the collection of access data and the use of services from third party providers) Right to information You have the right to obtain information about your stored data without charge. Upon request, we will tell you in writing, in accordance with current law, what personal data about you we have stored. This also includes the origin and recipient of your data as well as the purpose of the data processing. Right to rectification You have the right to have your data which is stored by us, corrected, if it is incorrect. You can demand a limitation to the processing of your personal data, e.g. if the accuracy of your personal data is contested. Right to blocking Furthermore, you can have your data blocked. So that a blocking of your data can be taken into account at any time, the data must be held in a lock file for control purposes. Right to erasure You can also demand the erasure of your personal data, so long as no legal storage obligation exists. If such an obligation exists, we will block your data on request. If appropriate statutory requirements are present, we will also erase your personal data without a request from yourself. Right to data transferability You are entitled to demand that the personal data transferred to us is made available in a format which enables it to be transferred to another location. Right to complain to a supervisory authority You have the option of approaching a data protection supervisory authority with a complaint. Right to object You have the option to object at any time to the use of your data for internal purposes with future effect. For this, it is sufficient to send an appropriate email to However such an objection does not affect the legality of processing procedures which we have already carried out. This does not affect data processing in respect of other legal bases, for example, such as contract initiation (see above). Ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data To ensure the confidentiality of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control access. Ensure the integrity of your personal data To ensure the integrity of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control transfer and input. Ensure availability of your personal data To ensure the availability of the personal data which we store, we have taken various measures to control orders and availability. CHG-MERIDIAN AG CHG-MERIDIAN Industrial Solutions GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN Nederland BV CHG-MERIDIAN Belgium NV CHG-MERIDIAN Belux NV CHG-MERIDIAN UK Limited CHG-MERIDIAN Computer Leasing UK Limited CHG-MERIDIAN Ireland Limited CHG-MERIDIAN France SAS CHG-MERIDIAN Spain S.L. CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A. CHG-MERIDIAN Austria GmbH CHG-MERIDIAN Schweiz AG CHG-MERIDIAN tehnološki menedžment d.o.o. CHG-MERIDIAN Norway AS CHG-MERIDIAN Skien AS CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB CHG-MERIDIAN Denmark A/S CHG-MERIDIAN Finland OY CHG-MERIDIAN Polska sp. z.o.o. CHG-MERIDIAN Czech Republic s.r.o. CHG-MERIDIAN Slovakia s.r.o. CHG-MERIDIAN USA Corp CHG-MERIDIAN Canada Ltd. CHG-MERIDIAN S.A.P.I. de C.V. CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S.A. CHG-MERIDIAN do Brasil Locação de Equipamentos Ltda. Managing commercial relationships with current and potential clients; Managing commercial relationships with current and potential suppliers and vendors; Carrying out promotional operations; Conducting statistical surveys and marketing studies, etc. Business information (such as name of organization, department and job title); Contractual information (such as date of agreement, type of commercial relationship, etc.). Right to access to, rectification and erasure of personal information; Right to restriction of processing and to object to processing; Right of data portability to the extent applicable; Right to withdraw consent where the processing is based on consent; and Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. CHG-MERIDIAN AG Franz-Beer-Straße 111 88250 Weingarten +49 751 503 246 +49 151 580 408 43 st|Responsible Supervisory Authority Responsible chamber: Responsible for journalistic-editorial content: Data protection officer according to Art. 37 GDPR i. V. m. § 38 para. 1 FDPA-new: Liability © Copyright © Copyright picture sources: Battery regulation: Note: General Act on Equal Treatment (GAET) This masthead was produced by: This data protection declaration (Version: GDPR 1.0 from 11.05.2018) was produced by: Data protection CHG-MERIDIAN AG Our data protection officer Basis of data processing Protection of minors Cookies Control of cookies by the user Lifespan of the cookies employed Deactivate or remove cookies (Opt-Out) Use of etracker Use of METIS web beacons Use of Google Maps Use of YouTube Use of Vimeo Plugins Use of the Xing-Share-Button Use of LinkedIn Plugins h2|Imprint & DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION Imprint Data protection declaration Business Data protection declaration Your personal contact h3|Choose your region Conception & Design REALISATION, HOSTING, SERVICE & SUPPORT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|A. General B. Specific C. Specific provisions for Russia 1 Introduction and scope 2 Contact details of the Data Controllers 3 Contact details of the Data Protection Manager 4 Purposes of data processing and legal basis 5 Categories of personal data processed 6 Data Security 7 Recipients of personal data 8 International data transfers 9 Retention of personal data 10 Data Protection rights 11 Miscellaneous sp|                                     em|Data protection declaration Data transfer to third parties Data is only passed to third parties within the framework of the legal provisions. We only pass user’s data to third parties when this is, for example, necessary for contractual purposes or based on our legitimate interest in the economic and the effective operation of our business In the event that we use subcontractors to provide our services, we make suitable legal arrangements as well as appropriate technical and organizational measures, to provide protection for personal data in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. D ata transfers to third countries or an international organization Length of storage of your personal data Making contact What rights do you have? Protection of your personal data Thereby your personal data is protected in the context of the following points (extract): Internet Explorer: Firefox: Google Chrome: Safari: ePrivacyseal Amendments to our data protection policy Brand protection pa|A wide range of projects, one common denominator: Our experience and services help our customers to be successful. The challenges that public-sector clients, large companies, and small and medium-sized enterprises face are as diverse as our made-to-measure service packages. Printers, PCs, storage media – the volume of IT equipment in companies is constantly growing, while technology lifecycles are getting shorter and shorter. We know these challenges well, and together with our customers we can leverage them to achieve business success. Please contact us   IT IT IT  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|A great success h2|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Your contact h3|Choose your region Providing new opportunities Top of the class Getting things moving Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|EXCELLENCE STORIES sp|                                    pa|The principles of the circular economy are deeply embedded in our DNA and have been shaping CHG-MERIDIAN’s business model for decades. We see ourselves as a part of society, and we play an active role through community projects and initiatives in the region. At CHG-MERIDIAN, we realize that only sustainable business models can be successful in the long term. This involves moving away from a linear economic model where products are manufactured, used, and then disposed of, and toward a circular model that focuses on repair and reuse. That is why we regard end-to-end lifecycle management as one of the biggest challenges of our time – and as the core discipline of our company. Scarcity of resources and climate change are topics in our society, and they are forcing companies to take new approaches. Society’s transition toward a circular economy is the result of a long-overdue change in thinking. At CHG-MERIDIAN, this way of thinking is firmly established in our business model and has shaped our actions for decades. We support our customers along the entire lifecycle of their technology assets, from rollout and use to certified data erasure, refurbishing, and remarketing. Reusing devices instead of procuring and then disposing of them every time conserves resources and improves our environmental footprint. We have been refurbishing used equipment at our Technology Centers for the past 20 years. Devices undergo visual and technical refurbishment in line with the principles of green IT. We also have a global network of certified refurbishing partners who recondition equipment locally to the highest standards. We are proud of our refurbishing rate of 95 percent. But what about the rest? Any equipment that cannot be reused is sustainably returned to the material cycle through our certified recycling partners. Certified data erasure at the end of the term is essential if equipment is to be reused within the circular economy. In our mind, data security starts with choosing the equipment and classifying the security levels. Whether it is SSD, hybrid or flash memory in laptops, tablets, smartphones or even printers, copiers, and multifunction devices, CHG-MERIDIAN offers a precise and cost-effective erasure solution. This ensures that data is protected when equipment is reused. We have been successfully remarketing on the international secondary IT market for 40 years. By professionally refurbishing and remarketing IT equipment, we are able to extend its useful life. We also have an international network of certified partners. In 2019, we remarketed almost 697,000 assets in total. Every single one makes a difference and conserves valuable resources. Alongside avoiding and reducing CO₂ emissions through a holistic lifecycle approach, offsetting is an important step that allows companies to operate in a more sustainable manner and to make a positive contribution toward climate change mitigation. That is why we are enabling companies to lease their IT assets in a carbon-neutral way through carbonZER0. This involves fully offsetting the CO₂ emissions generated during the production, transportation, use and end-of-life phase of leased IT assets. Payments for offsetting CO₂ are made via direct investments in certified and internationally recognized climate change mitigation projects – requiring no additional time or effort from customers. An end-to-end approach to lifecycles makes it possible to rethink traditional business models and procurement processes in terms of sustainability. Our certified eraSURE data erasure prepares equipment for reuse by returning it to its original state. By refurbishing used equipment, we are making a demonstrable contribution to conserving natural resources. Our extensive remarketing experience enables us to increase the life of technology equipment and prepare it for sustainable reuse.         EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Sustainability h2|Sustainable technology management as a core discipline The principles of the circular economy in our business model carbonzero VALUES WE STAND FOR h3|Choose your region Lifecycle REFURBISHING ERASURE Remarketing Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|Rethink Recover Preserve Extend sp|                                 pa|Investing in the latest healthcare technology often involves high costs. CHG-MERIDIAN can identify when investments are really worthwhile for hospitals and care facilities. Trying to find a balance between having the latest healthcare equipment whilst effectively managing your budget is an all too real problem for many hospitals within the UK. Here at CHG-MERIDIAN we aim to help our customers acquire today’s healthcare technology with tomorrow’s budget. How exactly do we achieve this? Using our expert knowledge, we can help you realise the options available to you. Our flexible, creative financial solutions is the heartbeat behind everything we do. However; we are more than just a finance company who simply provides you with an interest rate. We want to understand your business, your pain points and ultimately provide you with a full solution package that covers the entire asset lifecycle. We are completely independent and are not owned by any manufacturers or banks. Therefore we can provide you with unbiased advice and ensure you remain in complete control. Furthermore, you also benefit from having the freedom of choice to combine multiple manufacturers within your technology estate. With over 40 years of experience behind us, we like to think we've learned a thing or two along the way. Throughout our previous customer projects, we have gained valuable experience, which we put into practice to benefit our current and future customers. We adhere to a strict code of conduct, and as such, our contracts provide you with complete transparency. Our pricing model provides you with fixed costs and 0% inflation, while also presenting you with all your options for the end of the contract term. Above all, we work with you to find the best solution. We work to ISO principles and are a member of the Finance and Leasing Association as well as a recognised lessor on several leasing and managed services frameworks. We combine this financial and commercial competence with our technological expertise to provide maximum value to our customers. With a presence in 25 countries covering Europe, North America, South America and Australia and New Zealand. We can facilitate our service into one contract across multiple geographies and sites. We provide a single point of contact for all of our customer's technology requirements. Whether it be an issue with the procurement of assets, the rollout of the assets, right through to our remarketing and data deletion service, we have a solution bespoke to you. CHG-MERIDIAN provides flexible financing, effective support, and technology lifecycle management that adds measurable value. CHG-MERIDIAN provides the flexible financing of medical equipment, working with our customers we can find a transparent, customised billing model to suit their needs. Take advantage of one of our operating lease, finance lease, sale & leaseback, deferred payment or pay per use solutions. We also help you to bring investment volumes into line with commercial targets (ROI, budget, TCO) and financial reporting requirements (US GAAP, IFRS). An operating lease is one of the most common types of agreements our customers take advantage of. An operating lease allows for the use of an asset but the lease term is short compared to the useful life of the asset. As a result, we take a residual value on the asset meaning the sum of the rentals will be typically less than the original capital cost. Raise capital budget and unlock the value of existing equipment. This model allows you to sell your existing assets that you own and lease it back in either an operating or finance format. Under this model, the overall cost of procuring and using the medical equipment is broken down by individual case of treatment by dividing the rental by the pre-determined minimum number of uses. Acquire your equipment today and defer payments to the following financial year. The perfect solution for those customers who require an urgent supply of equipment but don’t have the necessary capital for the current financial year. If the product lifecycle of your healthcare technology ends, we offer you the choice of returning, upgrading, or continuing to use it. CHG-MERIDIAN and our trusted partners ensure correct de-installation and complete removal. Alongside creating additional value from your end of life assets, our main concern is protection of our customers data. Equipment that cannot be remarketed is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, according to WEEE standards. Our lifecycle model illustrates how CHG-MERIDIAN successfully supports you in every phase of your technology project. We like to see ourselves as a little bit different in the way we approach the healthcare sector. We aren’t bound to any banks, manufacturers or service providers, as such we can offer a unique customer experience all from a single source. We strive to differentiate ourselves with our products and added value services. Our customers rely on our impartial, expert advice to help support them in managing their healthcare technology lifecycle. Efficient Technology Management® - this is what we offer, this is what we deliver. Feel free to contact us in case of questions!   Your personal contact      LIFECYCLE MODEL Even though every technology project is different, we can make things easier for you with a single model-based methodology: our tried-and-tested three-phase model. It forms the basis for our comprehensive expert support over the entire healthcare lifecycle – and beyond. THREE-PHASE MODEL Three interlocking phases making one complete whole mean that we are by your side from start to finish – in every phase of your technology project. Our extensive network enables us to find the right partner for your specific needs during every phase. PREPARATION PHASE End-to-end customised business concepts require a broad perspective. We thoroughly analyse the funding options for your project and provide you with comprehensive advice while always thinking ahead. We thus lay the foundations that will make sure your project is a lasting success. PRODUCTIVE PHASE Efficient productivity requires the logical use of all resources. We support you throughout the entire useful life – as a single, expert provider. END-OF-LIFE PHASE A sophisticated end-of-life process will benefit you in many ways. Our service extends from collecting assets to certified data erasure. And we carry out our professional remarketing and disposal in line with the principles of green IT. TESMA® The technology and service management system known as TESMA® is at the heart of the lifecycle. As a result, it provides you with an overview of all commercial and technical aspects at all times. All key business information is transparent and available to you in real time Please contact us. Per Undin Account Manager Industry li|menu not loaded – Customised solutions to match your situation – Sell your existing assets and lease it back in either an operating or finance format. – Stay in control of your assets – Full remarketing service including: deinstallation, collection, certified data erasure & environmentally friendly disposal of old equipment – We understand healthcare assets & your business   Determining the assets on the basis of portfolio analysis Identifying scenarios for cost savings Documenting and analysing the existing portfolio of medical and IT equipment Flexible funding concepts in accordance with international financial reporting standards Budget optimisation Patient-specific invoicing and allocation of expenditure De-installation Logistics service & documentation Certified data erasure (BSI and DoD compliant) Remarketing Environmentally responsible disposal Creates full transparency throughout the entire technology lifecycle Takes into account commercial and technical aspects – A CHG financing solution provides a natural conclusion for your assets and presents a perfect opportunity to implement a replacement programme – Our financing solutions allow you to accurately forecast which equipment needs to be replaced up to 12 months before the agreement end allowing you to easily plan your equipment replacement requirements – With a regular refresh cycle in place you can be sure your technology is up-to-date and therefore less likely to breakdown – resulting in less downtime for you and your users – In today’s world the latest gadget, invention or technological advancement always appears to be on the horizon. Our solutions allow you to stay up-to-date with all the latest technology and trends – By having the latest innovations available to staff you can ensure the best working environment possible. – Sum of the rentals will typically be lower than the capital cost of the equipment – Make your budget go further by deferring the payments to match your budget alignment allowing you to utilise precious cash reserves to fund other projects – Spread the cost of your chosen assets over their economic useful life – Equipment can be upgraded during or at the end of the agreed term CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 (8)459 39 00 st|OUR SERVICES Bespoke Financial Solutions Sale and leaseback Asset Management (TESMA®) Remarketing Expertise Lifecycle Refresh Programme Accurate Projections Lower Maintenance Costs Stay One Step Ahead Increased Harmony Lower TCO Be creative with your budget Effective Cost Management Easier to upgrade assets h1|EFFECTIVE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT - FLEXIBLY FINANCED 360-DEGREE FOCUS ON YOU GOOD PREPARATION IS KEY EFFICIENT OPERATION AT ALL TIMES THINKING BEYOND THE END EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEX TECHNOLOGIES h2|TAILORED SOLUTIONS TO FIT YOUR HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY BUDGET PERFECTLY FLEXIBLE FINANCE MODELS - FOR HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY A SECURE & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY END TO THE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT LIFECYCLE EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND YOUR SUCCESS WHY CHOOSE CHG-MERIDIAN Contact us! Your Assistance h3|Choose your region CONFIDENCE WITH CHG-MERIDIAN CONSULTING FINANCIAL SERVICES ROLLBACK BENEFITS AT A GLANCE: CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|INDEPENDENCE EXPERIENCE TRANSPARENCY COMPETENCE INTERNATIONAL REACH SINGLE POINT OF CALL Our approach to flexible finance across the markets will typically be based on one of the following solutions: OPERATING LEASE SALE AND LEASEBACK PAY PER USE/SCAN DEFERRED PAYMENTS HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT END OF LIFE TESMA® h6|HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY sp|                                  Go to Go to Go to  Leave lifecycle      pa|We are an international technology and financing partner providing industrial infrastructure leasing services. We will support you all the way from procurement and usage right through to remarketing. Covering every aspect of industrial infrastructure from warehouse systems, production facilities, and machinery to material handling vehicles, robotics, and automation, our customized business concepts will reduce your overall costs and increase your flexibility. Entirely independent of manufacturers and banks. Do you want to reduce your material handling costs? Optimize administrative processes? Have a better overview of your international fleets? Do you want to achieve return on investment from the first unit manufactured? Flexibly adapt your production to changes in the market? Do you want to manage your logistics more efficiently? Do you need flexible solutions that adapt to your contracts? We develop technology solutions that are tailored to your needs and are not tied to specific manufacturers or banks. We support you throughout the product lifecycle: As part of our holistic approach, our experts use their many years of experience in the sector to analyze your overall costs and identify potential savings. We support you with your investment decision at the start of the project, and help to optimize the usage of your equipment in day-to-day operation. We install the latest sensor technology to enable us to continually monitor and optimize forklift trucks, production tools, and logistics equipment, regardless of asset type or manufacturer. Depending on the equipment, this can achieve savings of up to 50 percent. Do you operate internationally and want greater flexibility in the management of your material handling fleet? Do you want to vary the contract term of your logistics equipment? Would you like your lease instalments to be adjusted to the production capacity you are using? Our customized business concepts offer numerous benefits which reduce the burden on you as a user and increase the flexible use of your equipment. A wide range of rental models, early-return options, and flexible contracts allow you to adapt your operating expenses and the use of your assets and fleets to your orders on hand. Do you have equipment from a range of vendors? Is it being used in more than one country? Then you will know how challenging it can be to efficiently manage logistics, production, and material handling fleets. We can support you with the expertise of our team and our technology and service management system, TESMA®, where all administrative and technical information is collected. This creates transparency in every phase of the technology lifecycle, makes it easier to see where action is required, and allows you to allocate costs to individual cost centers. If you have any questions or would like more detailed information, then our experts will be happy to help. Account Manager Industry   SUCCESS THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Find out how we help our customers to reduce their costs and increase their flexibility li|menu not loaded The first step is concept development, potential analysis, and procurement. Where is there potential for savings? What might the right vendor strategy look like? How can capacity utilization be optimized? Which financing model is the best fit for your requirements? You benefit from a maximum of flexibility in your daily business. For example, your lease instalments can be adjusted to the capacity you are using in production, or you can temporarily increase your material handling fleet or even transfer vehicles from one site to another. At the end of the lifecycle, we assist you with an efficient technology exchange and a that benefits you. CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 (8)459 39 00 h1|WE MANAGE INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE. EFFICIENTLY. FLEXIBLY. INTERNATIONALLY. h2|HOW DO WE GENERATE ADDED VALUE FOR YOU? REFERENCES CONTACT US NOW! h3|Choose your region Customized business concepts Lower costs Increased flexibility Greater transparency Per Undin Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|FLEET MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION & MACHINERY WAREHOUSES & LOGISTICS h6|INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY sp|                                       pa|Sustainability has become a differentiating factor in the market. Thanks to carbonZER0, the production, transportation, use phase, and end-of-life phase of your CHG-MERIDIAN financed IT assets can now be carbon-neutral. Company PCs, smartphones, and servers generate tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, with the bulk of these CO₂ emissions generated during production. That is why, for more than 40 years, CHG-MERIDIAN has been offering based on the professional refurbishing and sustainable reuse of used IT devices, in line with the principles of the . We are now taking this one step further with carbonZER0. For the first time, our customers can offset the CO₂ generated in the production, transportation, use phase, and end-of-life scenarios of their leased IT assets. Alongside measures to avoid and reduce CO₂ emissions, offsetting is an important step that allows companies to operate in a more sustainable manner and to make a positive contribution toward climate change mitigation. Thanks to carbonZER0, our new financing upgrade, our customers can pay to offset the entire CO₂ emissions of their IT assets. This financing option is available internationally, with the money generated used to finance certified projects aimed at combating climate change. The monthly lease instalment increases only marginally. For example, the cost of making a smartphone carbon-neutral is just a few cents. Using the carbonZER0 financing upgrade requires no additional time or effort from customers. They enjoy the benefits of a complete package that allows them to select and manage their climate change mitigation projects, and includes recognized emissions certificates and the calculation of CO₂ emissions using a methodology certified by the TÜV product standards regulator. The calculation takes into account production, transportation, and the electricity consumed during the use phase and end-of-life scenarios of the IT assets. We also take into account any differences related to device type and manufacturer by adding a percentage-based markup. Once the calculation has been completed, the greenhouse gases generated are offset. This can be done in a variety of ways, either by purchasing certificates on voluntary carbon markets or by investing directly in climate change mitigation projects. Selecting and regularly auditing these is an important step. Through carbonZER0, CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting internationally recognized and certified climate change mitigation projects. All of these projects ensure sustainable development at the economic, social, and environmental level in the respective countries in line with the . In return, the customer receives a certificate as proof of the CO₂ emissions saved. This guarantees that the savings will only be used to offset CO₂ emissions once; the related certificates are subsequently retired in the official registers. Both the certificate and the information on which assets are carbon-neutral can be viewed digitally in – simple, transparent, and straightforward. Customers that have taken up the carbonZER0 option are currently supporting solar power generation in northern Namibia, including on-site medical provision and the expansion of local schools. In South Sulawesi, the money from our customers’ carbon offsetting is financing a wind power project in Jeneponto, while in southern Sri Lanka it is funding a hydroelectric plant that will provide carbon-neutral power to the island. As forests are some of the Earth’s most important carbon sinks, carbonZER0 is also supporting the protection of a 100,000-hectare area of forest in the Madre de Dios region in Peru. This project alone is saving an average of 660,000 tonnes of CO₂ every year. Our climate change mitigation projects meet internationally recognized standards. To prove that criteria are being met, the projects are checked and certified according to the , the (VCS), and the (CCBS). This ensures – and regularly confirms – that the projects are effective in combating climate change. "Our customers can simply add the service to their existing order without any additional hassle. We take care of everything for them, including making the offset payment to certified climate projects" Customers and investors have long been demanding sustainable solutions, and what might once have been an afterthought, such as climate-neutral business practices or green IT, is now often crucial to the success of a business. Environmental protection has become a corporate objective, and a moral obligation. Sustainability and combating climate change have become a must for companies – from an environmental, social, and commercial perspective. carbonZER0 allows our customers to not only enhance their image through carbon-neutral IT financing but also to make a truly positive and transparent contribution to their environmental footprint. Lack of resources and climate change are priority issues globally; More and more measures are being introduced with the aim of transitioning to a circular economy. It is the combination of innovative solutions and sustainable choices that takes society forward in the pursuit of a circular economy. For CHG-MERIDIAN, this is about having sustainability as its core focus and it's not just empty words.... (article in swedish) Are you looking for answers or consulting? Contact us! Our experts will be pleased to advise you. The principles of the circular economy are deeply embedded in our DNA and have been shaping CHG-MERIDIAN’s business model for decades. We see ourselves as a part of society, and we play an active role through community projects and initiatives in the region. Our society has been living beyond its means for decades. Whether the coronavirus pandemic will persuade us to use resources more responsibly and move away from the linear system depends to some extent on how cost-effective the alternatives are. Here to help you adopt environmentally friendly remarketing into your core business   Oliver Schorer, Member of the Board of Management Further interesting information on the subject of sustainability and CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Carbon-neutral with carbonZER0 h2|Climate-neutral financing of IT assets with carbonZER0 Ongoing support for climate change mitigation projects Climate change mitigation is a must Have a question? Your contact details Your message Discover more h3|Choose your region Calculating CO2 emissions Offsetting CO2 emissions SUSTAINABILITY Sending a signal to trade and industry ECO-FRIENDLY REMARKETING PROCESS FROM CHG-MERIDIAN Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Leads the way in circular IT solutions Earth Overshoot Day 2020 GREEN TECHNOLOGY REMARKETING h6|Carbon-neutral leasing sp|                                 Go to Go to Go to   Name E-Mail Company Message pa|The creation of a finance solution for your assets is pivotal, but is just one of the many added benefits that CHG-MERIDIAN can contribute. With employees dedicated to finding the best solution for you, our leasing models are being demonstrated all over the globe today. Flexible, bespoke solutions for your technology - this is what we promise At CHG-MERIDIAN, we have been providing leasing solutions for over 40 years, and have been instrumental in helping our customers' businesses grow. With employees dedicated to finding the best solution for you, our leasing models are being demonstrated all over the globe today. The creation of a finance solution for your assets is pivotal, but is just one of the many added benefits that CHG-MERIDIAN can contribute. Whether you are looking for an efficient way to manage your portfolio or enhance your procurement methods, we have developed a number of solutions to help. Dependent upon your business requirements, we will work alongside you to create a solution which benefits your business throughout the lifetime of your assets. At CHG-MERIDIAN, we invest time and effort into our products so that you can spend more time worrying about the things that truly matter to your business. An operating lease is one of the most common types of agreements you can take advantage of. An operating lease allows for the use of an asset but the lease term is short compared to the useful life of the asset. As a result we take a residual value on the asset meaning the sum of the rentals will be typically less than the original capital cost. A finance lease is another common lease agreement you can utilise. A finance lease is typically a full pay out agreement, this means that the sum of the rentals includes the full capital cost of the equipment, plus the interest accrued. In this sense a finance lease works in very much the same way as a loan. Raise capital budget and unlock the value of existing equipment by taking advantage of our sale and leaseback model. This model allows you to sell your existing assets that you own and lease it back in either an operating or finance format.    EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Flexibility to upgrade to new equipment as required or terminate the agreement early The option to hand the equipment back at the end of the term or continue to use it for a secondary period Usually results in the lowest payment of any financing alternative and is an excellent strategy for capital budgeting restraints Provides fixed known costs throughout the contract period Makes a life-cycle refresh program more affordable The most suitable solution for procuring long life, low tech assets Allows for the known total cost of ownership Gives the flexibility to upgrade the equipment during or at the end of the lease agreement A finance lease allows for ownership at the end of the lease h1|CREATING FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS TO MEET YOUR NEEDS h2|Leasing your technology equipment CREATING FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS TO MEET YOUR NEEDS h3|Choose your region Our approach to flexible finance across the markets will typically be based on one of the below models: OPERATING LEASE FINANCE LEASE Sale and Leaseback Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES h6|Financial Solutions sp|                                 pa|CHG-MERIDIAN Code of Conduct describes the basic principles of our corporate culture. Further more CHG-MERIDIAN expects its employees and business partners to report any compliance violations that they become aware of. Since 2013, our code of conduct has described the central principles of our corporate culture. It was updated in autumn 2020 so that we can continue to meet the increased number of ethical and regulatory requirements presented by our fast-moving world. The code of conduct will therefore continue to guide our decisions and help us to prevent any misconduct. The new and additional content is based on common international standards and requirements. The code of conduct is binding upon all employees at all CHG-MERIDIAN locations. It also sets out our expectations for how our customers, suppliers, and other business partners should behave. Acting with integrity at all levels creates trust both internally and externally and is essential to our continued commercial success. Code of Conduct - CHG-MERIDIAN - English CHG-MERIDIAN expects its employees and business partners to report any compliance violations that they become aware of. Contact persons for such reports include immediate supervisors, senior management, the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) as well as an external ombudsman. Our behavior towards one another is characterised by respect, trust, and tolerance. We therefore handle all reports of possible violations as strictly confidential. We assume that our whistle-blower system will be used responsibly and with integrity. A report will not be classified as a breach of confidence. Such reports will not result in discriminatory action against the reporting person, provided that he or she made the report in good faith regarding the accuracy of his or her statements. The whistle-blower remains anonymous at all times unless the whistle-blower expressly permits disclosure either in advance or after the fact. The CHG-MERIDIAN ombudsman is - in addition to the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) - the central point of contact and the anonymous authority with respect to CHG-MERIDIAN in the whistle-blower system. The law firm Walder Wyss in Basel (CH) is available as a neutral ombudsman. Non-disclosure agreement between CHG-MERIDIAN and the ombudsman:    Contact us   EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Don't hesitate to contact us! CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB li|menu not loaded The ombudsman only handles information provided by whistle-blowers who disclose their identity to the ombudsman. The initial grounds for suspicion and the corresponding facts will only be transmitted to CHG-MERIDIAN in an anonymised form. The ombudsman is expressly forbidden to disclose the identity of the whistle-blower to CHG-MERIDIAN unless the whistle-blower expressly permits disclosure either in advance or after the fact. The processing of information is done in accordance with the applicable data protection requirements. CHG-MERIDIAN Drottninggatan 83 11160 Stockholm +46 8 459 39 09 h1|CODE OF CONDUCT & WHISTLE-BLOWER SYSTEM h2|Our Code of Conduct downloads Our Whistle-Blower System YOUR ASSISTANCE h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|CORPORATE GOVERNANCE sp|                                   pdf, 3 MB    pa|Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. The digital workplace also plays an integral role in the digitalization strategy of CHG-MERIDIAN, a technology management company. Remote working is becoming more important, both nationally and internationally, and the workplace has to be sufficiently flexible to enable this. Mobile devices play a key role, but it is also about digital platforms and processes, and the employees' digital mindset. Remote working requires the right IT devices, which is why technical enablement is the cornerstone of our digital workplace strategy. We made workplace equipment, comprising a laptop and a smartphone, available to all employees based on the requirements of each user group. The shopping cart from which the employees can choose is continually updated and expanded, and each employee can select the devices that best suit their way of working. They can also add any accessories they need, such as headphones. The equipment can be used both for their work and privately, while a security solution ensures that all data is protected and deleted at the end of the lifetime in accordance with data protection guidelines. Mobile devices are useless if the user cannot remotely access the information they need to complete their work, which is where platforms that provide access to this data come into play. At CHG-MERIDIAN, we rely on a private cloud solution and the virtualization of all of our applications. We also work with collaboration tools, including Office 365, which grant our employees access to the data they need from anywhere. We have also digitalized a number of document, contract, and invoice management processes so that we are no longer reliant on paper. Furthermore, all service requests over the course of the device's lifecycle can be made digitally. If a device is lost or defective, for example, a replacement one can be ordered through our self-service portal and sent to the employee's preferred address. The user experience is a key factor for us, which is why we place such a high value on the user-friendliness of our platforms. Technology and infrastructure alone will not automatically lead to a successful outcome. They have to be used in the right way, which is why our digital workplace strategy also focuses on the employee. It is crucial to provide the employees with everything they need to work digitally. To facilitate this, we have introduced a flexible working time model that enables our employees to choose when and where to work. We also provide a wide range of support to ensure that remote working is a success, as the switch to a digital workplace calls for a certain amount of adjustment. Through our interactive e-learning platforms, we offer online training, FAQs, and how-to videos, and share helpful tips for remote working. An internal team of experts, comprising representatives from a variety of departments, moderates the classes and is on hand to help via live chat. And we still offer analog professional development options, as every employee has their preferred method of learning. A year ago, we came up with the idea of a digital workplace café in order to get employees on board in face-to-face discussions. Here, they can meet our digital workplace experts for an informal chat over a cup of tea or coffee. We have now rolled out this idea worldwide. The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends. A study shows that the majority of employees want to take advantage of mobile working, but companies are yet to catch on to this trend. There is a lack of equipment and of coherent concepts, despite the fact that the digital workplace and digital skills are crucial factors in the success of Industry 4.0 and Work 4.0. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers. Collaboration tools can link people and share knowledge across time zones and physical locations, making work more efficient and productive. But the prospective users have to be on board. This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments. Feel free to contact us in case of questions! Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide or request our whitepapers within the subject  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN h2|TECHNOLOGY IS THE BASIS OF THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE DIGITAL PLATFORMS MEAN EFFICIENT PROCESSES THE DIGITAL MINDSET – HOW EMPLOYEES CAN BOOST DIGITALIZATION FIND OUT MORE Contact us! h3|Choose your region Remote working made simple: The technology factor Companies still have plenty to do when it comes to the digital workplace Invest in technology without busting the budget Digital Collaboration: How to make collaboration tools work DIGITAL WORKPLACE: HOW YOU CAN INCREASE EMPLOYEE BUY-IN Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN Digital Workplace Digital Workplace h6|A real-world example sp|                                    pdf, 2 MB  pdf, 1 MB     pa|We see ourselves as a part of society. We play an active role and we take our responsibility for the future seriously, guided by the desires and expectations of our customers, our employees, and the people who live in the communities where we operate. The fundamental principle underpinning our dealings with one another is fairness. We give our employees scope for personal development. And we create a sound basis on which to leverage ecological potential. Focusing on the future while adhering to established values is simply logical for us. This is why CHG-MERIDIAN supports development that is highly innovative, robust, and absolutely compatible with people and the environment. Wherever we operate around the world, we act fairly and with integrity. Our aim is to make an effective contribution to sustainable development and to conserving resources. To achieve this aim we use our core competency of innovative technology management. By professionally refurbishing and remarketing IT equipment we extend its useful life. From our own Technology and service centers in Germany and Norway we refurbishes over 500,000 IT devices for remarketing a year. Our remarketing experts sell refurbished equipment all over the world and are thus able to generate revenue for our customers that is usually in excess of normal market prices. We are continuing to expand our re-use concept so that we can offer all customers certification that their old equipment has been reused and disposed of in an eco-friendly and socially beneficial way. Thrifty by nature: switching our global server infrastructure to cloud technology has significantly cut our electricity consumption. Integrity is the foundation of our culture and the basis for our growth. We emphasise respect and trust - as well as strict adherence to rules - in our dealings with one another. We expect our business partners and customers to obey the law and to follow fair competitive practices. Standards that we also hold ourselves to. Our code of conduct has been binding for all CHG-MERIDIAN employees worldwide since 2013. It provides guidance for day-to-day conduct, aims to prevent misconduct, and is therefore fundamental for our future growth. Group Risk Controlling was also established as a new department. Since then, the chief compliance officer has been responsible for our whistleblowing system that enables business partners and customers as well as employees to report compliance violations anonymously. It is very important to us to be good corporate citizens in the communities where we are active. We take great pleasure from actively supporting initiatives, projects, and associations in our local communities. Or even initiating them ourselves.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|TAKING RESPONSIBILITY h2|For people and the environment h3|Choose your region SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Actively promoting refurbishment INTEGRITY IN PRACTICE FOR SOCIETY Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|BECAUSE IT’S WHO WE ARE sp|                                 pa|A wide range of projects, one common denominator: Our experience and services help our customers to be successful. The challenges that public-sector clients, large companies, and small and medium-sized enterprises face are as diverse as our made-to-measure service packages. Printers, PCs, storage media – the volume of IT equipment in companies is constantly growing, while technology lifecycles are getting shorter and shorter. We know these challenges well, and together with our customers we can leverage them to achieve business success. Equipment and machines do not always have to be financed from equity. We find the right financing model for our customers and support them throughout the period of use. Investing in the latest healthcare technology often involves high costs. CHG-MERIDIAN can identify when investments are really worthwhile for hospitals and care facilities. Please contact us Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe   IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Healthcare  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|A great success h2|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Healthcare Technologies Your contact h3|Choose your region Digital transformation at Haufe Group Enterprise mobility at MANN+HUMMEL wiwork - the digital change Improving user satisfaction at MAN Truck & Bus Schweiz AG A new life for IT equipment thanks to Close the Gap and Worldloop IT reconfiguration in Bad Rappenau Technology management at HSM Strategic advice for Demag Cranes State-of-the-art technology in production gives SISAMEX a competitive edge Proactive fleet management at the Mondi Group Customized business concept for industrial plants at BAT Customized business concept for industrial plants at Gestamp Optimizing the medical infrastructure at the North Bay Regional Health Center Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|EXCELLENCE STORIES sp|                                                   pa|The digital workplace offers substantially more freedom and fulfilment for employees: they are less restricted in terms of when and where they work and are no longer tied to permanently installed devices such as desktop workstations. Instead, they always have access to the latest technology, which is tailored to their individual needs. CHG-MERIDIAN shows you how this can work. The assets themselves are just one of many building blocks in the process of digital transformation. For the digital workplace to maximize productivity, employees must want to use the technology and be trained in how to do so. And, of course, they need to be able to access the applications quickly and securely. Primarily, however, the digital workplace needs to be approached holistically as a 360° lifecycle concept that integrates all the individuals, departments, and processes that are key to its successful implementation. In concrete terms, this means that our end-to-end solution ticks all the boxes on both the technological and the financial front. As experienced technology managers, we are able to create a compelling business case for a customized business concept. Instead of being captive to one supplier and thus tying themselves to particular devices and pricing models, our customers enjoy maximum freedom thanks to our independence from banks and manufacturers. „From an organizational, commercial, technological, and human perspective, the digital workplace will succeed if all areas are taken into account and processes and solutions are geared to what employees and companies really need. Let us take you on this journey.” Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales bei CHG-MERIDIAN Firstly, under our corporate owned, personally enabled scheme – we help to motivate employees by involving them in the procurement of equipment. The most important advantages for employees at a glance: more employee productivity and motivation by working independent of location savings through consolidation and standardization of processes, residual value calculations and cost transparency shorter deployment times through self-service models, automation, vendor independence and decoupling of device and contract There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. Companies’ complicated and time-consuming order processes can make it feel like an eternity until employees receive their workplace IT equipment. This not only tries the patience of employees in all departments involved, but also causes them stress. After all, these days we are used to fast and user-friendly e-commerce portals such as Amazon. Companies can also deploy and benefit from this type of self-service portal. The Haufe Group is driving its digital transformation forward while focusing on creating a better user experience for customers and employees. Andreas Plaul, Head of IT, explains why. The Freiburg-based Haufe Group has won the Digital Transformer of the Year award. The accolade is presented to companies that have excelled in terms of their digital transformation. Andreas Plaul, Head of ICT at Haufe Group, explains how the company is shaping its digital journey. Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company. Don't run any unnecessary risks when it comes to remarketing or disposing of decommissioned IT equipment. Find out how cost-effective and permanent data erasure works. Smartphones and laptops have already become the norm at home. Yet many people find themselves stuck in an analog world at work, despite the fact that setting up a digital workplace is not that difficult with a little preparation and planning. You do not only need to be at the desk in your office to do your work. The home office and lounges at airports and train stations now provide plenty of opportunity to be productive. We show you how the latest technology can help you to use your working time most effectively. Cloud computing, the expansion of fiber broadband, mobile phone coverage – Germany is still lagging behind when it comes to the areas that are vital to the digital revolution. Unfortunately, this also applies to organizing work and equipping workplaces. We will show you how the right strategy can increase your efficiency and make the Digital Workplace the core of your digitization strategy. “We regard the digital workplace as a holistic system that adds significant value in all areas of your company that work with IT.” Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales It is almost impossible to calculate the overall costs of IT for a single workplace using conventional procurement and usage models. The latest digital workplace concepts can provide transparency. Today, employees expect their employer to provide a modern digital workplace that is equipped with the latest technology, is available 24/7, and enables them to complete their tasks from anywhere. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers. If you are planning a new IT infrastructure, the first question you will ask yourself, as the CFO, is whether the investment will pay off. We highlight the costs that are often overlooked and show you how to work out the correct total cost of ownership.    Contact  Facts & Figures  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us. Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded Employees can choose their own device Option of upgrading by making own financial contribution Personal use is allowed Employees can keep the devices as their own private property at the end of the lease Protection of company data Separation between business and private data Certified data erasure at the end of the lease Complete processing via self-service portal in Creates incentives & increases employer attractiveness Enables the private use of mobile devices Flexible and easy exchange of devices Enables the digitalization of contracts Less work for internal resources Fast response to changing requirements Protection by deletion certificates at the end of the lease Transparency thanks to regular reporting CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Learn more about our 360° lifecycle model and the services we offer: The most important advantages for HR at a glance: The most important advantages for IT at a glance: h1|The digital workplace calls for an integrated approach h2|Increased productivity with the Digital Workplace MORE FREEDOM EQUALS MORE MOTIVATION FOR EMPLOYEES Transparency is the key to optimization for employers % % % Digital Workplace Insights YOUR ASSISTENCE h3|Choose your region A non-captive concept INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY: REDUCE OPERATING COSTS: INCREASE AGILITY: Remote working made simple: The mindset factor Remote working made simple: The platform factor THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN How a self-service portal can revolutionize your procurement process An optimal user experience allows your employees to concentrate on value-adding processes The digital workplace is just the beginning Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying? Data erasure the right way How to plan a successful IT rollout for your digital workplace The future of work is more flexible – and more productive In 6 steps to the digital workplace Reap the benefits of digital workplace innovations for your business 3 Tips on how to calculate total costs Optimal design and efficient management of the modern workplace Invest in technology without busting the budget Escape the TCO trap Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Remote working Remote working A real-world example IT procurement according to the Amazon principle A positive user experience is the key to success Digital transformation Digital Workplace Old IT equipment can be a risk factor Rolling out the digital workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace Digital Workplace h6|Digital Workplace sp|                                  Go to Go to Go to  25 20 75                        pa|Do you want to efficiently manage a wide range of logistics equipment? At different sites and on an international scale? Do you need flexible solutions that adapt to your contractual situation and the length of your projects? We can support you with customized and TCO-optimized usage solutions for all of your logistics equipment. Across all manufacturers and asset types. You benefit from lean processes, new dimension of flexibility and – last but not least – lower costs. Material handling vehicles, overhead cranes, load containers, palletizing machines – warehouse and logistics tasks require a wide range of equipment, often supplied by different vendors. The wear and tear is different for each type of equipment, and the useful life varies accordingly. Add to this internationally distributed locations and – especially in contract logistics – fixed-term service contracts, and the efficient management of assets and contracts becomes a challenge that is as complex as it is critical to success. Our TCO experts are here to help. They will assess your requirements using their many years of experience in the industry and extensive expertise in logistics and financial engineering. Which processes would you like to have covered? In which countries? What equipment do you need? On what terms? Which service partner is an option? Where can standardization help to increase efficiency? We will find the optimal usage solution for you based on these factors and on TCO aspects, and then combine it all in a single contract with a single, predictable lease instalment. Independent of manufacturers and banks. Do you operate in more than one country or on more than one continent? Thanks to our network of international offices, we are always at your side. We can easily adapt all contracts to the tax and legal environments of different countries. Nothing about the content changes – the terms & conditions stay the same for the framework agreement. Do you operate in contract logistics? Then you will know how demanding efficient technology management can be when dealing with fixed-term contracts. We can support you in this respect by aligning the contract duration and the equipment lifecycle. We also continually monitor total cost of ownership while offering maximum flexibility. From the initial quote to remarketing. If your customer renews your contract, you can extend the term with us for an adjusted lease instalment. And what if you want to flexibly finance your existing equipment? Not a problem: We can include the assets from your books in our contracts through our sale and leaseback model, and add the equipment to your individual usage solution. What’s more, we are generally able to manage your payments so flexibly that your liquidity is largely protected even in volatile markets. Do you know which equipment is in use, and where? Who the manufacturer is? Whether the service and maintenance costs have changed? Our digital management platform, TESMA®, has the answers to these questions. It combines administrative and technical aspects in real time, providing full transparency of all asset data and enabling the exact and cause-related allocation of all costs. For you, this means full invoice control and a transparent overview of all equipment – at all sites and in all countries. This solid base data will allow you to permanently increase the efficiency of your processes and benefit from further savings. Add to this the professional support of our experts, and you have found the perfect non-captive, customized solution for your all of your equipment. Transparent, TCO-optimized, and on an international scale. Do you want to know where you could make savings in your fleet management? Do you want to optimize your international logistics processes? Are you looking for solutions that will allow you to manage your production more flexibly? Do you want to reduce your material handling costs? Optimize administrative processes? Have a better overview of your international fleets? Do you want to achieve return on investment from the first unit manufactured? Flexibly adapt your production to changes in the market? Reduce your overall costs?    If you would like to know more about our customized business concepts, then click here li|menu not loaded h1|WAREHOUSES & LOGISTICS – ADAPTING USAGE FLEXIBLY h2|Logistics management – international, across all assets, and TCO-optimized Flexibility in contract logistics Cause-related allocation of all expenses FIND OUT MORE h3|Choose your region Tailor-made logistics solutions… …on an international scale We manage your industrial infrastructure. Efficiently. Flexibly. Internationally. Material Handling – managing fleets efficiently Production & Machinery – reduce costs permanently Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY h6|INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY sp|                                    pa|The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends: the technology, the platform, and – last but not least – the employees’ digital mindset. Find out what the technology factor is all about in this article. The ability to work remotely and from any location has always been important, not least in light of increasing digitalization and internationalization. And in recent months, it has become even more relevant. But the fact that not enough employees have access to mobile devices is a significant obstacle. According to the latest findings of the D21 Digital Index, less than half of all employees who use IT in the workplace are supplied with a laptop by their employer, and a mere 22 percent are given a smartphone. The picture is very similar around the world. So if the majority of workers are suddenly forced to work from home, it is not that easy to implement. The digital workplace plays an integral role in CHG-MERIDIAN’s digitalization strategy. We are continually working on improving it and on the question of how we can make it easier for our employees to work remotely. Technology provides the basis, and some procedures have proven themselves and become key elements of our remote strategy. More and more companies are realizing that technology is the basis for increasing productivity of remote workers. Working productively over the long term requires the latest technology, including upgrades at regular intervals, and each workplace component needs to offer adequate performance. Our remote working strategy also focuses on the individual technology requirements of our employees. Each user group has its own requirements: If an employee spends a lot of time traveling, then a lightweight device is the best fit. Convertible devices are also very popular. Other employees might be working with large data volumes, in which case higher performance is key. The basic equipment that we make available always consists of a smartphone and a laptop. The employee can select additional options according to their specific needs, which in many cases includes a noise-cancelling headset. From the outset, it was important to us to give our employees a say in device selection, as they know best what their requirements are. Having a choice between devices is increasingly important to younger colleagues, in particular. Getting them involved provides a boost to employee motivation. End-to-end device management is handled fully automatically via our inhouse online ordering portal, TESMA®. Here, each employee can select the mobile devices they need, without the long approval periods and installation processes. Upgrades can easily be arranged for a personal surcharge and are delivered promptly – to the employee’s home address if required. "It is important to me to be able to work remotely and have access to the latest communications technology. At CHG-MERIDIAN, I have the maximum possible freedom when choosing where I work from and the tools I use.” Employee at CHG-MERIDIAN’s Weingarten office. According to research by IDC, 62 percent of companies have to contend with employees taking matters into their own hands and buying the equipment they need rather than waiting a long time for delivery. Thanks to the high efficiency of our processes, we avoid this particular phenomenon. What’s more, employees are permitted to use their chosen devices privately. This has several advantages: The employee only has to get used to one IT environment, and we can prevent customer data and company documents and information from being sent from personal devices. Important considerations when it comes to compliance, security, and data protection. The risks to data security are higher with mobile devices, which is why we have created a solution that ensures that data on mobile devices is secure. Any time, anywhere. We have also developed robust solutions in the case of theft and other types of device loss. At the end of the useful life, our proprietary eraSURE® procedure ensures that data is secure by erasing storage units in laptops, tablets, and smartphones fully automatically. The digital workplace offers substantially more freedom and fulfilment for employees: they are less restricted in terms of when and where they work and are no longer tied to permanently installed devices such as desktop workstations. Instead, they always have access to the latest technology, which is tailored to their individual needs. CHG-MERIDIAN shows you how this can work. Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Find out here what data platforms are all about. Feel free to contact us in case of questions! Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Caroline Bruß h1|Remote working made simple: The technology factor h2|PROVIDING THE RIGHT DEVICES INVOLVING EMPLOYEES IN DEVICE SELECTION MAKING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR PERSONAL USE ENSURING A HIGH LEVEL OF DATA PROTECTION Find out more Contact us! h3|Choose your region The digital workplace calls for an integrated approach THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The platform factor Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Digital Workplace A real-world example Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                       pa|TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AT HSM HSM GmbH + CO. KG, based in Frickingen, is an innovative market leader for office and environmental technology. CHG-MERIDIAN has made its internal IT processes fully future-proof and provided cost transparency. Efficient technology management is particularly important to Matthias Wochner, Managing Director at HSM. As he is responsible for finance, sales, and marketing he considers it essential to the company’s continued business success and growth. The extensive range of inhouse technologies relating to IT and production is one of the main pillars of HSM’s unique selling proposition. “Our manufacturing depth, with extensive machinery and equipment available inhouse, is what distinguishes us from most of our competitors. This means we are very flexible when dealing with our customers’ requirements, something that is very important with regard not only to large-scale equipment but also to specialized devices. Public-sector customers – such as government authorities – are a good example because they always stipulate very specific requirements.” One of the elements of this strategy is the restructuring of at HSM in the Managed Print Services project, which focused on all of the printers, photocopiers, scanners, and fax machines used in the company. The overarching aim was to increase their efficiency in terms of environmental impact and financial cost. This is where the independent experts from CHG-MERIDIAN came in, as partners for efficient technology management. Beforehand, HSM’s IT department had analyzed the company’s needs so that its future printing infrastructure requirements could be defined in detail. CHG-MERIDIAN helped to plan the new infrastructure and prepare the subsequent call for tenders. The defined requirements were demanding. For example, the devices and a 24-hour support service have to be available at all times, not only in Germany but also at HSM’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France, Poland, and the USA. The list of requirements included a 20 percent decrease in running costs, greater energy efficiency for the devices, and automated transmission of information to enable the replacement and billing of consumables. After the requirements analysis and request-for-proposal consulting, the main strategic assistance that CHG-MERIDIAN provided to HSM related to the development of efficient and flexible customized business concepts. The consolidation process led to the number of end devices at HSM being reduced from 150 to 90, a decrease of around 40 percent. Combined with the reduction in the operating costs of the individual devices, monthly costs fell by an impressive 50 percent despite the printing volume remaining unchanged, meaning the actual cost saving was significantly higher than the targeted 20 percent. This impressive feat was achieved by providing the best possible terms, reducing running costs, and using fewer devices. A further advantage of HSM’s manufacturing depth is the sheer breadth of the high-quality product portfolio. As Wochner explains: “This enables us to operate in all kinds of sales channels, from small devices sold online to maximum-security equipment and large machinery developed for specific projects. And between these extremes, we can exploit the fluid boundaries between our product categories to always offer our customers the HSM product that best meets their needs.” Wochner adds: “One of the main challenges for the future is the increasing complexity of business decisions and processes. It’s not always easy to deal with these complexities in a company of our size.” An expanding medium-sized business with global operations, HSM now exports 72 percent of its products to international markets, which are very fast-paced and subject to very different laws and regulations. Given its successful growth, HSM has therefore teamed up with CHG-MERIDIAN to take a closer look at its internal structures and processes. technology and service management system. The system has been customized so that specially defined shopping carts containing the necessary IT assets are available for each HSM location – with uniform terms and conditions worldwide and the same high quality and service level. This is where economies of scale and far greater transparency really come to bear: “This has a direct monetary effect for us but also makes the administration much more straightforward,” says Thorsten Schäfer, IT manager at HSM. “Such structures are entirely normal in a large company but not so in a medium-sized business like HSM. CHG-MERIDIAN was the ideal partner for us because it doesn’t just cover the funding; it’s also a single source of support for the entire technology lifecycle. What’s more, it provides the international structures that are so important to us, i.e. global availability without international billing.” The Managed Print Services project is just the first step in further cooperation with CHG-MERIDIAN on the restructuring of IT and technology management at HSM. Other initiatives will have the same aim: reducing complexity and using the company’s resources even more efficiently so that they can be targeted in areas where they will harness potential for growth in relation to customers, markets, and products. The example of HSM impressively demonstrates how CHG-Meridian achieves maximum efficiency for financial and operational spending thanks to its in-depth understanding of capital expenditure at every stage of the technology lifecycle.       EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Company: Hermann Schwelling Maschinenbau GmbH + Co. KG Sector: office and environmental technology Products: file shredders, baling presses, cutting machines, crushers, perforators Headquarters: Frickingen, Germany Administrative headquarters: Bielefeld, Germany Managing Directors: Hermann Schwelling Founded: 1971 in Salem, Germany Employees: approx. 700, incl. 74 trainees Revenue: approx. €100 million Export rate: approx. 72% Share of revenue from office technology: 55% Share of revenue from environmental technology: 45% Production facilities: Salem, Frickingen, and Reichenbach (all Germany) Subsidiaries: United Kingdom, France, Poland, and USA Website: h1|FULLY EFFICIENT h2|Special requirements demand flexible solutions Project Facts h3|Choose your region Expert support in reducing complexity Successfully mastering increasing complexity Increased transparency with TESMA® Company Facts Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 3 Image 2 / 3 Image 3 / 3 pa|STRATEGIC ADVICE FOR DEMAG CRANES Wherever goods and loads are being moved you will often encounter automation technology and cranes from Demag Cranes. CHG-MERIDIAN was able to the lighten the load by finding a way to run their new data centers in a sustainable and energy-efficient manner. Demag Cranes, now part of the Terex group of companies, made the strategic decision to move their SAP systems, whose operation was previously outsourced, to their own IT infrastructure. This required the construction of three , two at the headquarters in Düsseldorf and one at their Wetter site. The Management Board hoped to achieve considerable cost savings and an increase in quality and uptime. To do this, the IT environment that had developed over time was consolidated and transferred to state-of-the-art data centers capable of providing the necessary computing performance and security. Because environmental protection is enshrined in TEREX’s corporate values, it was important for more than just financial reasons to achieve a high degree of energy efficiency. CHG-MERIDIAN developed a suitable corporate strategy to achieve better IT performance. “Our new data centers have allowed us to run our SAP systems inhouse and to make our corporate strategy in the areas of sustainability and energy efficiency more credible. Without the support of the consultants at CHG-MERIDIAN we wouldn’t have been able to deliver the project in this way and obtain certification from TÜV Rheinland,” explains Friedhelm Zahn, Head of IT Infrastructure at Demag Cranes AG. In early 2012, CHG-MERIDIAN teamed up with product standards regulator TÜV Rheinland Consulting to launch the ‘energy-efficient data center’ certification initiative. “Our aim is to reduce the amount of energy consumed, and thereby CO2 emitted, by large data centers,” says Hans-Jörg Heming, Senior Consultant at CHG-MERIDIAN responsible for the complex project at the long-standing partner. The specialist consultants at CHG-MERIDIAN were able to bring their technological expertise from numerous projects into play, make the necessary resources available, and also highlight innovative financing models. Planning for the data centers began in early 2011 and the contract for the build was awarded in May. Three months passed between the granting of the building permit and the start of the ground works, so that building started in August. The prefabricated building was constructed during September and October, and the interior works began in November. The data centers were completed in December and brought online. After one year of operation, the certificates for energy efficiency and CAT II+ operational security were awarded in January 2013. CHG-MERIDIAN, which is not tied to specific suppliers, provided consulting and project management expertise. This benefited DEMAG when it was planning the data center specifications, running the project, and obtaining TÜV certification. CHG-MERIDIAN, which is not tied to specific suppliers, provided consulting and project management expertise. This benefited DEMAG when it was planning the data center specifications, running the project, and obtaining TÜV certification.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded The basic principles of data center planning formulated by the IT managers at Demag Cranes and CHG-MERIDIAN included: Size and energy requirements, including capacity reserves of 50 percent Agreements with the suppliers on the energy efficiency of the data centers Cooling concepts that follow the trend toward high levels of compression Redundancy of the data centers in Düsseldorf for the operation of critical applications CAT II+ (Tier level 2) certification Certification of energy efficiency from TÜV Rheinland Company: Demag Cranes AG, now Terex MHPS GmbH Portfolio: cranes, automation technology, integrated one-stop solutions for terminal management, warehouse and logistics systems Headquarters: Düsseldorf, Germany Further sites: Wetter, Germany Management Board: Stoyan Filipov (CEO), Mark Bennett, Dr.-Ing. Mathias Dobner, Klaus Peter Hoffmann, Peter Pohlner, Susanna Schneeberger Part of Terex Material Handling & Port Solutions, a leading provider of industrial cranes, crane components, harbor cranes, and technology for port automation, since 2011 Website: h1|GETTING THINGS MOVING h2|A weighty challenge h3|Choose your region Sharing the load From the drawing board to certification Every detail considered Company facts Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   pa|Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company. Ordered today, delivered tomorrow – a nice idea, but not one that can be applied to workplace IT. Before a purchase can go ahead, there are extensive budget planning and tender processes to go through, and there are often long contract phases for maintenance and support to contend with. And when all the various elements finally arrive, you have to configure the PC or laptop, install the necessary applications, and integrate the device into the network. A lengthy process that can take weeks to complete. In many cases, little thought is given to data erasure and asset disposal in line with legal requirements at the end of the equipment’s useful life. Conventional IT procurement is also a headache when it comes to budget planning. Because the expense is spread over a wide range of items, it is very difficult to calculate the true costs. Then there are the risks over the lifecycle, such as hardware defects, loss, or theft. The workplace as a service (WaaS) model is an extension of software as a service (SaaS). The user is provided with the hardware as well as the necessary software, and the company is invoiced a fixed monthly amount. Services such as insurance and data erasure at the end of the term can also be incorporated into the lease payment. Put simply, the user is provided with an all-inclusive workplace. The traditional process is to acquire hardware and software, add it to the fixed assets, and depreciate it over several years. But varying depreciation periods and rules reduce transparency and make accounting more complex. With the lease model, the assets including the software remain the property of the service provider. As the lessee, you only need to enter the running costs into the books. Fixed rates that cover the hardware and all services offer further benefits. Not many companies can say with complete certainty how much their workplace IT costs. A leased workplace will cost precisely the agreed amount each month. This creates transparency and planning certainty over the entire term of the lease. With WaaS, the new workplace IT is available within a matter of days. A self-service portal, for example, allows employees to choose their preferred hardware and software combination from a selection defined by the employer, which increases their satisfaction and commitment to the company. A further advantage of the lease model is its greater flexibility. A wide range of workplace environments, including multiple screens and mobile devices, can be put together using the self-service portal and adapted to the job profile. All devices provide the work environment that the user is familiar with, and enable the user to connect to the corporate network at the click of a button without any additional configuration. When , few companies give much thought to what will happen to new equipment once its useful life is over. In many cases, the data it contains is not erased properly, which is a clear breach of the law and can lead to hefty fines. Many lease models include and remarketing or disposal of decommissioned assets as part of the contract. Leasing instead of buying – what has long been the norm for software can now also be applied to workplace IT. WaaS has many advantages: The employee gets a complete, ready-made work environment, the IT department has less work to do, and the finance department finally knows exactly what the costs. A real win-win situation for everyone involved. Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends. There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. The following article highlights the key role that employees play in any digitalization strategy.    Contact  Digital Workplace Insights  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 h1|Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying? h2|Leasing instead of buying: workplace as a service What are the benefits of workplace as a service? Find out more Contact h3|Choose your region A single, flat fee for your business IT Transparency, not guesswork Employee satisfaction, not frustration Individual workplace, not run-of-the-mill Remarketing, not scrapping THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The technology factor Remote working made simple: The mindset factor Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|A real-world example Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Digital Workplace sp|                                        pa|The coronavirus crisis has mercilessly laid bare any shortcomings in companies’ digital transformation, as they have been confronted with the challenge of enabling mobile workplaces from one day to the next. They can now see what more needs to be done. The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 has presented IT managers and CEOs with the challenge of having to make mobile workplaces and the appropriate infrastructure available to their employees almost overnight. Some companies were better prepared for this than others, and quite a few had had no experience at all with mobile working until now. There were no laptops or mobile phones for employees to use, and certainly no digital platforms to allow employees to communicate, collaborate, and securely access data remotely. What’s more, employees who would regularly stand at the copier suddenly had to deal with a completely new working environment involving digital communication platforms and business processes. But being thrown in at the deep end like this also has its benefits, as the speed of digitalization has been given a boost. If there is a positive to be taken from the coronavirus crisis, it is the acceleration of the digital transformation. Companies that had already invested in digital workplaces in the past were able to react quickly and confidently to the crisis. Everyone else had to improvise and acquire mobile devices at short notice, which was not easy in light of supply bottlenecks and rising prices. One of the lessons to be learned from the crisis is that no one can avoid digitalization; the digital workplace is an important and necessary investment if the digital transformation is to be delivered. Now it is up to companies to review their improvised measures and, where necessary, to correct and optimize them to bring them in line with a future-proof and sustainable digitalization strategy. When faced with an economic crisis and low growth rates, cost-cutting measures may seem a more obvious option than spending, but investment in digital workplaces can pay off through the hardware and rising productivity alone, as has already been proven in . The first step is to define the long-term goal: There is more to the digital workplace than hardware of course, but it simply cannot function without it. It would be a mistake to opt for lower performance for the sake of saving money, especially when you put the figures into context. An investment of around €1,500 per employee is perfectly justified in view of the productivity gains and the benefits for the company. The crisis has clearly shown this. Companies that had already spent money on their employees’ hardware before the coronavirus outbreak are now seeing this investment pay off. The best hardware will be of little use if there is no suitable digital infrastructure behind it, such as automated processes, an appropriate application platform, and the right collaboration tools. Employees must be able to securely access data and services remotely. This type of platform has numerous benefits. Not only does it simplify mobile working and communications, it also ensures that end devices can be easily replaced or exchanged. Because when the platform is right, work no longer depends on individual end devices, and these can be flexibly exchanged without causing downtime. Employees can access the platform from both their smartphone and their laptop, and the data is available from all devices. Avoiding downtime and delays is not only convenient and practical, it also saves costs, which is why you should take care to select the right platform. Change can be a hassle, and having to get used to digital working methods can be a huge challenge for many employees. They have to familiarize themselves with a new digital environment: video calls instead of meeting rooms, online events, and organization via social networks. This is new territory for many, and it takes time to get used to it. Which is why it is all the more important to get the employees on board as early as possible. Because a long-term, cost-optimized digital workplace plan consists of three essential building blocks: the right hardware, a suitable platform, and the digital mindset of the workforce. Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. The following article highlights the key role that employees play in any digitalization strategy. Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Find out here what data platforms are all about.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded st|Lukas Wojoczek, Technical Sales Digital Workplace at CHG-MERIDIAN AG Thorsten Staudenmaier-Föhr, Solution Manager Service Design at CHG-MERIDIAN AG h1|How coronavirus is accelerating digitalization h2|The crisis has shown that investment in digitalization is essential DEFINING LONG-TERM GOALS Do not cut corners – invest in hardware as soon as possible Mobile working requires a suitable platform for digital collaboration Fostering employee buy-in Experience more! h3|Choose your region THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The mindset factor Remote working made simple: The platform factor Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|A real-world example Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Seeing the crisis as an opportunity sp|                                 em|"The question that companies should now be asking themselves is this: Where do we need to invest in IT if we want to allow our employees to work productively from anywhere and at any time, while providing access to all relevant data and integrating all business processes?" "Lowering costs through investment in the digital workplace is part of our core business. This starts at the point of investment. "Each device has an optimal lifetime. By choosing the right time to replace hardware, you can enjoy the best possible residual value while making the most of new technologies. This alone results in a cost saving. Think of it like a frozen pizza: It tastes delicious after 15 minutes in the oven. But it is still frozen after ten minutes and it’s burnt after 20." pa|Are you looking to lower the costs of your material handling vehicles and optimize administrative processes for procurement, usage, and remarketing? Do you want greater transparency regarding the capacity utilization in your international fleet? We will support you all the way, from the tender process to the return of your material handling vehicles, and achieve a lasting reduction in your total cost of ownership (TCO). Thanks to flexible financial engineering, we can make it easier to manage your material handling equipment. All while achieving cost savings of up to 50 percent. How well do you know your material handling fleet? What is the total cost per vehicle? Our experts can develop customized and cost-optimized fleet concepts by calculating the optimal useful life of each vehicle category based on TCO aspects. Repair costs, downtime, and maintenance work increase disproportionately once a certain number of operating hours has been reached. The optimal useful life varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and from product to product. The wear and tear on an electric pallet truck, for example, is different to that of a counterbalanced truck with a diesel engine. Are you looking to switch manufacturers, but without the hassle of new contracts and protracted negotiations? Simply order your new vehicles and we will integrate them into the existing agreements. These contracts are and will remain perfectly tailored to your company, of course, both in Europe and internationally. Our experts know the different brands, types, and classes of material handling vehicles. Each of them has many years of industry experience and a sound knowledge of the technology and its application. As independent technology managers, we give recommendations based on clear figures, facts, and benchmark comparisons. This is how we achieve optimal fleet structures and contracts geared towards TCO, with potential savings of up to 50 percent. If you operate internationally, then you probably know how demanding it is to cost-effectively monitor and control an equipment fleet on a large scale. That is why we have evolved into a strong international partner for our customers. We are there for you, whether you operate in Europe, Australia, the US, or Mexico or have different regional manufacturers and service partners. We cover your entire international fleet in a single contract, and you can meet all costs with a flat monthly payment if you prefer. Flexible and transparent, across countries, manufacturers, and partners, and in compliance with regional tax laws and legal provisions. You can enjoy the long-term benefits of an internationally uniform process for managing your material handling vehicles, as well as lower costs and less administrative effort. How many vehicles do you have? From which manufacturers? What is the capacity utilization? How high are the total costs? What type of lift masts are installed, and what type of batteries? Which contract is running out, and when? Our digital platform TESMA® creates transparency by bringing together administrative and technical data. Its smart reporting features allow you to conduct extensive structural and usage analysis, and enable precise investment planning based on vehicle, location, and country. It also enables the precise and cause-related allocation of all expenses. Do you want greater flexibility in your fleet management? We’ve got it covered. For example, we can base your lease instalments on your capacity utilization by billing you per operating hour (pay-by-the-hour). If the number of hours falls, so does your monthly lease instalment. This has a positive impact on your cash flow and allows you to feel more relaxed about fluctuating usage. You also have the option to adapt the size of your fleet to your needs, while early-return models make it easier to upgrade your equipment. We will combine all of this into a transparent and predictable lease instalment under one contract. You can also integrate your existing material handling vehicles into the contract by taking advantage of our sale and leaseback model. Faced with the ups and downs of volatile markets, logistics companies are looking for new ways to react with greater agility and efficiency. Philip Rosenmüller, lifecycle expert at CHG-MERIDIAN, may have the answers they need. Do you want to achieve return on investment from the first unit manufactured? Flexibly adapt your production to changes in the market? Reduce your overall costs? Vad sägs om att få avkastning direkt, från första producerade enhet? Eller att snabbt kunna anpassa produktionen till rådande efterfrågan på marknaden? Våra industrikonsulter hjälper er att minska kostnaderna under produktionsanläggningens och utrustningens hela livscykel.    If you would like to know more about our customized business concepts, then click here li|menu not loaded h1|MATERIAL HANDLING – MANAGING FLEETS EFFICIENTLY h2|COST-OPTIMIZED MATERIAL HANDLING FLEET CONCEPTS Instalments based on capacity utilization FIND OUT MORE h3|Choose your region Flexible contracts FACT-BASED RECOMMENDATIONS A strong partner for international fleets Technological and administrative transparency for your equipment and data Efficient and flexible through customized business concepts Production & Machinery – reduce costs permanently MINSKA PRODUKTIONSKOSTNADERNA PERMANENT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|CUSTOMIZED BUSINESS CONCEPT AT MONDI Active technology management INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRITEKNIK h6|INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY sp|                                       pa|Desktop PCs, laptops, tablets – the management of the IT workspace has become complex, especially if every user has different requirements. CHG-MERIDIAN provides efficiencies to the end user computing environment with Managed Desktop Solutions. As an IT investment partner that is independent of banks and manufacturers, we develop customised business concepts that help optimise the costs of the IT workspace. We provide consistency in quality and transparency for managing international investments in technology. ALLIGNMENT AND TRANSPARENCY: As a company that focuses on long-term thinking we provide lasting help to our customers in reducing expense, effort and the hidden costs often incurred. Managed Desktop Solutions from CHG-MERIDIAN harmonises the IT workspace to simplify IT processes. Whether you are managing hundreds or thousands of IT workspaces, we have the necessary expertise thanks to our involvment in more than 8,000 customer projects. TESMA® demonstrates how easily IT workspaces can be managed today. This web-based application is firmly established with our customers and in the marketplace and there are plenty of reasons why with: accessibility, ease of use, integration of technical and financial data and mangement of the technology lifecycle continuing to drive this trend. CHG-MERIDIAN's Managed Desktop Solutions takes on the management of the IT workspaces whilst allowing full control. MDS Brochure EN A look at the technology environments in companies often reveals overstretched structures, because IT departments are confronted with changing requirements and new types of device at ever shorter intervals. This makes efficient management of the infrastructure more and more complex. Our new solution is the first comprehensive one-stop solution that offers your business a sophisticated mobility strategy. These ‘enterprise mobility solutions’ are designed with all the capabilities and services required to enable convenient mobile working. Discover the intelligent way to enterprise mobility. Investing in the latest healthcare technology often involves high costs. CHG-MERIDIAN can identify when investments are really worthwhile for hospitals and care facilities.    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide li|menu not loaded Intelligent workspace management with comprehensive asset inventory Technology computing requirements matched to user profiles Simplified management of the technology refresh process Assisting with IT operations throughout the technology lifecycle Price-per-seat billing creates clarity – one month, one workspace, one price Competitive solutions thanks to our extensive market knowledge Flexibility and scalability across international geographies Freeing up capital through the acquisition of existing IT assets via our international IT remarketing network Reducing the workload of the IT department and maximising productivity Increased flexibility to changes in technology in the marketplace Protection of equity through intelligent finance solutions Technical and commercial data is comprehensively integrated Maximum transparency of costs and processes Quick identification of cost allocation Customisable ordering process Full transparency of cost allocation and budgeting st|Complexity simplified Use resources efficiently MANAGE AND CONTROL h1|EFFICIENT ORGANISATION OF TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS h2|CONTROLLING FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS IN IT Download Find out more! h3|Choose your region Alligning IT requirements to business needs Supporting IT operations with intelligent solutions Lean processes across the board Efficient IT management and control Over 30 years’ experience in managed desktop solutions Reducing IT costs to the minimum Intelligent mobile working A PERFECT BALANCE OF COSTS AND BENEFITS OF THE LATEST HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|IT EMS HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY h6|MANAGED DESKTOP SOLUTIONS sp|                                  Go to Go to  pdf, 1 MB     pa|Many IT departments were caught out in mid-March, when entire workforces suddenly needed to start working from home. Since then, it has become clear that this is not a temporary switch, but the start of a longer journey – including in terms of technology. When the coronavirus pandemic broke out, thousands of home workstations had to be set up at very short notice. According to trade association Bitkom, half of all employees were working from home for some or all of the time by the end of March. Many companies struggled to cope with the new requirements. “The coronavirus pandemic has transported the world of work into its digital future and highlighted the areas in which IT managers still need to improve their digital workplace strategy,” says Oliver Schorer, CIO and a member of the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN. Companies that had invested in remote working before the pandemic had an advantage. This was confirmed to us by many of the CIOs to whom we spoke, including Andreas Plaul, Head of ICT Services at the Haufe Group. “Mobile working was well established in our firm before the coronavirus crisis, so our employees already had the devices they needed to be able to work from home. This investment paid off, because it enabled more than 2,000 employees to switch to mobile working without any issues,” he explains. Thomas Henzler, CIO at fan and blower manufacturer Piller, had also invested in mobile working before the pandemic and had switched the entire work and collaboration infrastructure over to remote working. This included making changes to the IT infrastructure and introducing new tools, such as Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online. “Every employee now has their own OneDrive, enabling them to access all data on any device from wherever they are,” says Henzler. However, Andreas Plaul from the Haufe Group points out that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution when it comes to the digital workplace: “We have various workplace configurations that give employees a great deal of mobility and are geared to the specific needs of the individual departments.” We have various workplace configurations that give employees a great deal of mobility and are geared to the specific needs of the individual departments. Oliver Schorer sees mobile working as just one aspect of an overall concept. “The is an integrated usage concept that requires the right technology, the right platform and the right mindset. It needs to be adaptable because the requirements of companies and employees are continuously evolving. Businesses that succeed in managing their digital workplaces as flexibly as possible – and on an international scale – will be the ones that see the most benefit.” Thomas Henzler also views the digital workplace in the broader context of digitalization: “Our digital workplaces are a combination of processes and technologies on the one hand and the ability to deploy them efficiently on the other,” he explains. “This combination creates a flexible structure that enables us to work on almost any device available, including iPads, iPhones, and laptops.” “A digital workplace that addresses all of these aspects is more easily accepted by employees,” affirms Peter Janze, Managing Director and CIO of Digital@M, the digital consultancy of the City of Munich. He also confirms that buy-in is more likely, the more that processes have already been digitalized. Nonetheless, he also believes that technology is just one part of the bigger picture. “The switch to digital workplaces needs to be accompanied by internal marketing, the influence of opinion leaders, and other supporting activities,” says Janze. In terms of applications, the main feature of remote working over the past few months has been the use of online and video meetings. According to a joint study conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) and the German Association for Personnel Management (DGFP), a substantial 93 percent of the surveyed companies said that they held online or video conferences all the time. Almost two-thirds reported that they now conducted staff appraisal meetings digitally and 57 percent said that they even used video conferencing to interview job applicants. “Remote working is here to stay and will form the basis for the systematic digitalization of business processes and the digital workplace,” predicts Janze. He also emphasizes that the digital workplace journey has by no means reached the end, especially from a technological perspective: “The digital workplace does not just come in the form of new IT infrastructure that fosters collaboration, it also underlines the need for a new architecture.” Peter Janze is probably right that remote working will remain popular across the board even after the coronavirus crisis. People who are now working from home are satisfied on the whole, despite some initial concerns. This has been confirmed by a number of surveys. According to a report from the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), “there is a very strong desire to be able to work from home more, with around 68 percent of the surveyed employees saying that they wanted to work from home more regularly after the coronavirus crisis.” This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments.    Andreas Plaul, Head of ICT Services at the Haufe Group  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Remote working is the new normal h2|Digital workplaces form part of the bigger picture Working from home or remotely is here to stay h3|Choose your region DIGITAL WORKPLACE: HOW YOU CAN INCREASE EMPLOYEE BUY-IN Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|The view from CIOs sp|                                  pdf, 1 MB  pa|Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Find out here what data platforms are all about. The best technical equipment is useless if you do not have full access to data and cannot communicate seamlessly with the corporate environment when working remotely. The digital workplace involves more than just providing mobile devices, it is also about creating an environment where employees can access all the information and processes they need to make their work simple and successful. Making this environment available is only part of the equation; you also need to train employees on how to use virtual spaces to communicate and share information. Read on to learn more about the day-to-day digitalization of remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN. According to the findings of the latest D21 Digital Index, 46 percent of employees are given a laptop to work on, but only 16 percent have remote access to their data. This lowly figure becomes a particular challenge when the bulk of the workforce suddenly has to work from home. There are various ways to give remote workers access to company data, such as using a VPN to access the company server. At CHG-MERIDIAN, we decided to use a private cloud. Our cloud-based desktop virtualization makes working remotely much easier by providing a desktop environment on the remote user’s device via the internet. This allows us to create entire workplaces in the cloud which can be accessed from anywhere via an internet connection. To the employee, the software looks like their usual PC in the office, but it is actually running in a central data center. And since employees access company and customer data from a range of devices and locations, the aspect of data security, authentication, and encryption is hugely important. According to , a study by Bitkom Research on behalf of KPMG, compliance with GDPR is the top criterion when choosing a cloud provider. There are some factors that companies have little control over, such as the connection that their employees have to the wide area network. That is why network coverage and bandwidth should always be taken into account when developing remote working solutions. Collaboration tools and virtual meetings are becoming increasingly important, but shows that technical problems can hinder the successful use of these tools. When asked about obstacles to deployment and adding value, companies cited a lack of resources and tool compatibility, as well as difficulties with integrating tools from different vendors and securing multimedia traffic (audio, video, messaging). The performance and reliability of the technology, and the fact that many employees are not on the system yet, were right at the top of the list. There are many collaboration tools on the market, and they all have their advantages and drawbacks. Performance and the ability to integrate into the existing software landscape were important factors for us when choosing a product, which is why we opted for Microsoft Teams from the Office 365 suite. Choosing the tool is only the beginning, as you also need to learn how to collaborate effectively. We proactively support our employees in this respect. How do I switch between monitors? How do I enter presentation mode? How can I transfer conference calls from my smartphone to my desktop PC, or vice versa, without losing the connection? The way in which procurement and service management are handled should also be considered when discussing the right platform strategy for the digital workplace. How can new devices be ordered remotely? What happens if the device is lost or damaged? How can you ensure that employees can continue working without any downtime, and are not frustrated by long periods of waiting? At CHG-MERIDIAN, we have set up our own self-service portal where each employee can select the mobile devices they need just like they are used to from large, user-friendly online retail platforms. They can also use it to request a replacement device if theirs has been lost or is defective, for example. Delivery to their home address is simple and straightforward. “Every one of our remote workplaces has access to a comprehensive service and support network that spans the entire useful life of devices and meets all of the remote worker’s individual requirements. We believe that this level of support is essential to employee acceptance and a positive user experience.” Service Design, CHG-MERIDIAN AG Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends. The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers. Collaboration tools can link people and share knowledge across time zones and physical locations, making work more efficient and productive. But the prospective users have to be on board. Innovative tools and software components are worth nothing if the IT infrastructure behind them is not up to scratch. This white paper uses current examples to show how IT infrastructure can be a limiting factor and provides tips on how you can build an agile, flexible, and future-proof infrastructure tailored to your own specific requirements. Feel free to contact us in case of questions! Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide or request our whitepapers within the subject  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Thorsten Staudenmaier-Föhr h1|Remote working made simple: The platform factor h2|VIRTUAL WORKPLACES COLLABORATIVE EFFORT AGILE PROCUREMENT AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT Find out more Contact us! h3|Choose your region THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The technology factor Invest in technology without busting the budget Digital Collaboration: How to make collaboration tools work DRIVING A PORSCHE ON A DIRT ROAD Lukas Tränkle Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|A real-world example Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN Digital Workplace h6|Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                    pdf, 2 MB  pdf, 763 KB     pa|Do you want to achieve return on investment from the first unit manufactured? Flexibly adapt your production to changes in the market? Our TCO experts will support you throughout the lifecycle of your production facilities, equipment, and accessories, while creating transparency and delivering savings in the core areas of your production. Whether it’s CNC machines, complex assembly lines, or work clothing, we cover all your assets in a single contract. Internationally, standardized, and non-captive. Whether you operate in general industry, the automotive sector, or the food and beverage business, we have experience in your sector. Our sector experts know all about its typical processes, technologies, and characteristics. We will work with you to create a customized and budget-friendly one-stop solution for the management of your investments in production and machinery. To do this, we break down your production processes, identify potential savings, digitalize processes, and reduce costs permanently. This provides a fully transparent overview of the cost structure of your production facilities, including service costs, the proportion of costs accounted for by spare parts and the overall return on your investment. As a non-captive provider, all equipment is the same in our customized business concepts, irrespective of the manufacturer. We are often able to achieve savings of over 15 percent, which may be one reason why our customer base includes the global market leaders in the automotive sector. We offer a whole new level of flexibility, especially when it comes to financing your investments. Take long advance financing phases, for example. Mechanical engineering companies and tier 1 automotive suppliers will be familiar with the long periods between initial order and start of production, during which you incur high investment costs but generate zero revenue. We can cover this period for you through flexible solutions such as pay-per-part, whereby you pay only from the moment you start to generate revenue. Or to put it another way, you enjoy an ROI from the first unit manufactured. This and similar solutions enable us to maintain a positive cash flow for you. Even when major investments in production machinery are imminent or external factors suddenly impact on production. And particularly when it comes to actively structuring and managing contracts. Interview with Florian Orth, lifecycle expert at CHG-MERIDIAN. A significant part of the added value we generate for our customers results from extensive process digitalization. We can help you to optimize your contracts system, for example, so that you can sign contracts digitally and in a legally binding way without having to pick up a pen or send paper copies. We can reduce the number of interfaces, ensure information is shared seamlessly, and accelerate processes. Our technology and service management system TESMA® is key to this, as this is where all administrative and technical data is collated in real time. From laser cutting and welding machinery to robots, autonomous vehicles, and cellular transport systems, an interlinked and automated production facility is highly complex. It will usually consist of a multitude of production equipment, often from a wide range of manufacturers. If you add international sites to the equation, then the administrative workload can multiply with the number of partners involved. Our active and flexible contract management reduces complexity and improves your cost situation and your cost planning. We summarize opaque contract constructs for you across manufacturers and assets, from the CNC machine in the production hall to the water cooler in the break room. You get a single framework contract, with a uniform price level and predictable instalments. Whether you are a global company, or are looking to expand internationally, for example in the Czech Republic, Mexico, or Australia, our contracts simply grow with you. Thanks to our network of international offices, we are always at your side. Do you want to know where you could make savings in your fleet management? Do you want to optimize your international logistics processes? Are you looking for solutions that will allow you to manage your production more flexibly? Do you want to reduce your material handling costs? Optimize administrative processes? Have a better overview of your international fleets? Vad sägs om att få avkastning direkt, från första producerade enhet? Eller att snabbt kunna anpassa produktionen till rådande efterfrågan på marknaden? Våra industrikonsulter hjälper er att minska kostnaderna under produktionsanläggningens och utrustningens hela livscykel.    If you would like to know more about our customized business concepts, then click here li|menu not loaded h1|PRODUCTION AND MACHINERY – REDUCE COSTS PERMANENTLY h2|TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FOR GLOBAL MARKET LEADERS DIGITAL STREAMLINING OF YOUR PROCESSES One contract covers all assets internationally FIND OUT MORE h3|Choose your region FLEXIBLE FINANCIAL ENGINEERING We manage your industrial infrastructure. Efficiently. Flexibly. Internationally. Material Handling – managing fleets efficiently MINSKA PRODUKTIONSKOSTNADERNA PERMANENT Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|INCREASE FLEXIBILITY, REDUCE OVERALL COSTS CUSTOMIZED BUSINESS CONCEPT FOR GESTAMP INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRITEKNIK h6|INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY sp|                                      pa|Our technology centres in Germany and Norway have been your partner for asset collection, data erasure, refurbishment, and remarketing for over 20 years. It is always better to be safe than sorry. You can rely on our certified data erasure process and our technical excellence. We make sure we handle all the used equipment in the most environmentally friendly way. We take care of everything at the end of the IT lifecycle, leaving you free to concentrate on your core business instead. CHG-MERIDIAN offers a one-stop service from collection to remarketing, and you can count on competent advice at all times. For example, we make recommendations on whether and how data erasure can be optimized using the latest technologies. If required, our seamless, fast and efficient equipment replacement service reduces downtime. Data security requires a holistic solution, not an isolated one – and this is reflected in CHG-MERIDIAN's consultancy approach. In our mind, data security starts with choosing the equipment and classifying the security levels. But the biggest challenge is right at the end of the lifecycle, when it comes to completely and permanently erasing data on old IT equipment Which PC is currently being refurbished? How many printers need to be scrapped? Were smartphones fully refurbished, ready to be sold on the secondary market? Our technology and service management system, , can help you answer these questions. The TESMA® end-of-life module enables seamless asset tracking, so you can keep complete track of what is happening to the decommissioned technology you have entrusted to us. All process steps and serial numbers are documented for your internal audit. At our Technology and Service Centers, used equipment undergoes sustainable visual and technical refurbishment in line with the principles of green IT. We thoroughly analyze the technology and remove anything that can identify the previous owner, thus retaining the residual value. This is the ideal way to prepare the equipment for remarketing, which generates welcome additional returns for you. And we make good use of our diverse international network of certified partners and wholesalers for the secondary market. We support them with flexible collection options, special packaging to protect against damage, buyer compliance checks, attractive equipment packages, price calculations, and recommendations for the best sales markets, for example. Equipment that cannot be remarketed is disposed of in a professional and environmentally responsible way. We have well-established expertise in the professional testing and refurbishing all IT devices, regardless of their manufacturer. Our expert approach includes the electronic detection of hardware and software to minimize errors, and we are constantly enhancing our certified data erasure and refurbishment processes. We also create packages with equipment that sells quickly and easily, calculate fair prices, and recommend the best sales markets. devices have been erased in the certified data erasure process. of all device can be refurbished for sustainable reuse. devices have been refurbished remarketed in 2019. We take care of the refurbishment of your IT assets and are remarketing specialists, which means we can even remarket older hardware after it has been thoroughly refurbished. We will assist you with the delivery of your new hardware and offer individual software distribution. We support you along the entire process chain so that everything is in the right place at the right time. At the end of the IT lifecycle our experts arrange the deinstallation of old assets and take care of the collection, refurbishment, and remarketing. To protect your data from third parties, we offer data erasure solutions for a variety of storage media. Our certified data erasure is individually tailored to your protection requirements and data categories. To maximize the value of your old assets, they are optically and technically refurbished, analyzed, and tested. Any identifiers of the previous owner are removed, and any missing components are added before the item is repackaged. We have well-established expertise in the professional testing and refurbishing all IT devices, regardless of their manufacturer or individual requirements. We document this in the configuration and condition description, and our flexible collection options and protective packaging ensure that assets are not damaged during transport. We also create packages with equipment that sells quickly and easily, calculate fair prices, and recommend the best sales markets. Our Technology Centers ensure end-to-end data security and transparency in all procedures, the useful return of IT devices to the value cycle, and the remarketing of used assets. At our two Technology and Service Centers in Germany and Norway we delete data, recycle equipment, or prepare it for the secondary market. Check out our photos and videos to get a feel for our technical expertise and our transparent processes. You are welcome to see for yourself how we live and breathe transparency at our Technology and Service Centers in Gross-Gerau and Skien. You can observe our processes in detail during a guided tour and see how we thoroughly clean and refurbish your used IT equipment. eraSURE® Flyer - English Sertifikat CHG Meridian Skien AS 2019.pdf Sales Conditions Notification of Complaint EN Our new solution is the first comprehensive one-stop solution that offers your business a sophisticated mobility strategy. These ‘enterprise mobility solutions’ are designed with all the capabilities and services required to enable convenient mobile working. Discover the intelligent way to enterprise mobility. PCs, laptop, PDAs – the management of IT workplaces has become complex. Especially if every user has different requirements and wishes. CHG-MERIDIAN makes it easier with managed desktop solutions (MDS). Our central aim is that we reduce your workload and support you and your company at every stage of the technology lifecycle. And this is based on TESMA®, which brings together commercial and technical information in a fully integrated approach.         Discover the other solutions and services that we provide li|menu not loaded The best possible technical and optical refurbishment International presence ensures short distances to sales markets Flexible collection options (truck/shipping container/international) Protective packaging Thorough buyer compliance checks Automated refurbishment processes to minimize defect rates st|MAKING REMARKETING WORTHWHILE h1|EXPERTISE AND TRANSPARENCY ACROSS THE BOARD h2|AUTOMATED ERASURE PROCESS and TRANSPARENT END-OF-LIFE HANDLING % OVERVIEW OF OUR SERVICES RETURN AND SALE OF USED IT EQUIPMENT FASCINATING INSIGHTS INTO OUR TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICE CENTERS Downloads FIND OUT MORE! h3|Choose your region data erasure Refurbishing Remarketing Added value through unrivaled technical expertise Get an impression Or come and visit us Intelligent mobile working Manage IT workplaces easily and intelligently TESMA®: The perfect connection of two worlds Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|Consultancy and classifying the security levels Equipment tracking made easy with Tesma® Eco-friendly refurbishment for a low fee Your used equipment is in the best hands Remarketing Rollout and rollback Certified data erasure Refurbishment h5|Enterprise mobility solutions Managed Desktop Solutions TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM h6|TECHNOLOGY CENTER sp|                                 260000 95 697000  Image 1 / 5 Image 2 / 5 Image 3 / 5 Image 4 / 5 Image 5 / 5  pdf, 3 MB   pdf, 163 KB   pdf, 132 KB   pdf, 48 KB     pa|Our new solution is the first comprehensive one-stop solution that offers your business a sophisticated mobility strategy. These ‘enterprise mobility solutions’ are designed with all the capabilities and services required to enable convenient mobile working. Discover the intelligent way to enterprise mobility. We have thought of both. From the financing of your smartphones and tablets to transparent cost allocation with and certified data erasure with , our enterprise mobility solutions deliver a new level of mobile working that is comprehensively protected and offers a high level of freedom. Enterprise mobility solutions: a one-stop solution that includes all important services for mobile working. This is what we consider a sophisticated solution that combines freedom and protection. eFlyer EMS English IT departments are often confronted with changing requirements and new devices at ever shorter intervals. This makes the management of the IT portfolio a more complex and time consuming task. Our Technology and Service Centers in Gross-Gerau and Skien provide specially developed automated data erasure solutions that offer a high level of process reliability. Our central aim is that we reduce your workload and support you and your company at every stage of the technology lifecycle. And this is based on TESMA®, which brings together commercial and technical information in a fully integrated approach.    Enterprise Mobility Solutions Discover the other solutions and services that we provide li|menu not loaded Flexibility without boundaries: a one-stop, full-service solution Benefit from noticeable time savings: we take care of the service package Look forward to lower costs: mobile devices and payment rates to suit your need Trust in the transparency of your costs: detailed cost allocation with TESMA® No need to worry: full cover in the event of loss Eco-friendly remarketing prosess and certified data erasure h1|Intelligent mobile working h2|MOBILE WORKING REQUIRES FREEDOM AND PROTECTION EMS Service Catalouge The intelligent approach to mobile working Downloads Find out more h3|Choose your region Providing efficiency across the technology lifecycle eraSURE®: Certified data erasure TESMA®: The perfect connection of two worlds Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AUTOMATED ERASURE WITH HIGH PROCESS RELIABILITY TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM h6|ENTERPRISE MOBILITY SOLUTIONS sp|                                  Go to Go to Go to Go to   pdf, 913 KB     pa|There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. The following article highlights the key role that employees play in any digitalization strategy. Almost 75 percent of European IT and HR Managers who took part in PAC’s survey believe that the quality of the working environment has a strong influence on, and is even vital to, the success of their business. But what happens if the working environment changes from one day to the next? Over the last few weeks, companies have worked flat out to enable remote working, and the majority of employees have had to get used to a new workplace. This has not been straightforward for every employee, and many have been left disgruntled rather than enthusiastic. Some find it difficult to get used to the new way of working, others say they lack an emotional connection. For the affected companies, this can have a significant impact if they are losing out on valuable potential. There are many reasons for resistance to change. Some people approach new things with skepticism, and they don’t necessarily see the benefits of changing the way in which they work. Some feel overwhelmed or left to cope with their new working environment alone. Others fear that their workload will increase and that they’ll need to take additional time to get up to speed. Quite often, any hurdles to overcome are down to the variety of functions and the complexity that the new working environment entails. Christian Bredlow, founder and CEO of the agency Digital Mindset, is well aware of the importance of getting the workforce on board: “Every digital workplace, every social intranet, and every digitalization project will ultimately be judged by the degree to which users buy in to the new platform.” “Implementing the digital workplace successfully in the long term will require investment in the employees’ digital mindset, as the technology is only as efficient as the employees who use it. In my view, three factors are essential to making remote working a success: the technology, the platform, and the person.” Digital Workplace Sales, CHG-MERIDIAN AG From the outset, the focus of CHG-MERIDIAN’s remote-working strategy was on our employees and their individual requirements. We assumed that the switch from the traditional to the digital workplace would require a certain amount of familiarization, and our main goal was to provide an environment in which our colleagues could learn to use the technology with confidence and feel motivated to work. To facilitate this, we have introduced a flexible working time model that enables our employees to choose when and where to work. We have also set up interactive e-learning platforms offering online training, FAQs, and how-to videos. An internal team of experts moderates the classes and is on hand to help via live chat. And we still offer analog professional development options, as every employee has their preferred method of learning. Last year, for example, we came up with the idea of a digital workplace café where employees can meet our digital workplace experts for a chat over a cup of tea or coffee. And there are many more ways of fostering a digital mindset. KAEFER, for example, is encouraging its staff to engage in self-learning through play (gamification). “We want our employees to be self-motivated when there are new challenges to be tackled and not to have to wait for training to be prescribed,” says CIO Oestmann. Companies that want to accelerate digital processes and improve their business outcomes should keep an eye on the workplace experience and thus on their employees’ motivation. In this context, we mean the value of the experience offered by the digital workplace. According to psychology professor , this includes the need for self-determined action (autonomy), for experiencing something new (stimulation), and for respect and appreciation (popularity). A good user experience is a key factor in creating value and achieving success. Management consultancy estimates that productivity is 18 percent higher in companies with strong commitment levels, while revenue growth is two and a half times bigger and profits are twice as high. The decisive factor in achieving a continuous user experience is an uninterrupted chain of experiences throughout the device lifecycle. Read on to learn how this might work: To create a solid foundation for the UX, companies must allow employees to choose their equipment from a pre-defined shopping cart, rather than assigning hardware to them. After all, employees know best which devices are the most useful for their tasks. The easiest and most cost-effective way to do this is via a self-service portal with individual employee accounts and a shopping cart function. It allows users to configure their workplace and order their equipment themselves, increasing user satisfaction and reducing the burden on procurement and IT. The provisioning of end devices can also be made into an experience, for example through attractive packaging (unboxing effect) or rollout events. If not pre-configured, then each device should be easy and quick to set up. Options for achieving this range from how-to videos and set-up assistants to automated configuration via managed desktop or enterprise mobility solutions. Using technology requires the right skill set, and there is a constant flow of new products on the market. That is why proactively offering tips and advice to employees to help with their day-to-day tasks can make it easier for them to get to grips with the digital workplace. How do I switch between monitors? How do I enter presentation mode? How can I transfer conference calls from my smartphone to my desktop PC, or vice versa, without losing the connection? There are many ways to share such information, including knowledge portals, newsletters, podcasts, and even hosted themed events. Users want to work with equipment that is appropriate for their tasks, and they also expect their business devices to be at least as technologically advanced as their personal ones ( ). That is why it is important that the digital workplace can be flexibly expanded, modified, and modernized, for example through proactive, job-specific add/change options that immediately add the hardware to the employee’s shopping cart on the self-service portal. Informing users of the advantages of each hardware item further increases satisfaction levels Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends. Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Find out here what data platforms are all about. This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments. A good user experience is an important factor in creating value and achieving success. It enables companies to keep employees happy, accelerate digital change processes, and improve business outcomes. A digital workplace journey makes this easier to achieve than you might think.    Your personal Contact  Discover the other solutions and services that we provide Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Lukas Wojoczek Procurement: preferred hardware via self-service portal Provisioning: turning it into an experience Usage: making day-to-day business a pleasure Upgrade/update: an opportunity for renewal h1|Remote working made simple: The mindset factor h2|Change as a social challenge Individual support throughout the change process User experience (UX) as a factor in value creation The device lifecycle as an end-to-end experience Find out more Your Contact h3|Choose your region THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The technology factor Remote working made simple: The platform factor DIGITAL WORKPLACE: HOW YOU CAN INCREASE EMPLOYEE BUY-IN USER EXPERIENCE Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|A real-world example Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN h6|Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN sp|                                     pdf, 1 MB  pdf, 717 KB     pa|IT RECONFIGURATION IN BAD RAPPENAU The entire IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was reconfigured in a complex pilot project. CHG-MERIDIAN provided all the necessary expertise and created a customized business concept. In the school’s large learning lab the word ‘quiet’ is splashed across one wall in ten languages, on the opposite wall a Chinese proverb is writ large: “When the wind of change blows, some build walls while others build windmills.” The municipal authority of Bad Rappenau built ‘windmills’ with support from CHG-MERIDIAN. The finance and technology management company won the contract in April 2014 for the project – put out to tender across Europe – of providing a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, including administration systems, for the school. It is a showpiece project that points to the future, and it has been flexibly adapted to the and the required computing power. “This project is so exciting for us because we can provide a variety of services. These include advice on the sourcing of hardware, software distribution, rollout and installation of equipment, TÜV-certified data erasure with , IT support, financing, and support for the project partner throughout the project,” says Wolfgang Huber, Key Account Manager at CHG-MERIDIAN. “The project is very extensive and complex,” adds Michael Grubbe, Head of IT at the municipal authority of Bad Rappenau. Regarding the complexity he adds: “An all-day school such as Verbundschule Bad Rappenau has specific IT needs. The school is undergoing a permanent process of change.” After all, student numbers are no longer predictable because primary schools’ recommendations about the type of secondary school children should attend are now not binding. This means the municipal authority can no longer estimate how its IT needs will develop. “It was a big challenge for us to calculate the right amount of equipment,” Key Account Manager Wolfgang Huber explains. The flexible contract with CHG-MERIDIAN allows for adjustments to the number of assets to match requirements. Huber emphasizes: “The municipal authority can increase or decrease the number of assets at any time up to the end of the 60-month term. If the number of students falls, and we need to take back assets early, then we can remarket these elsewhere.” The municipal authority in Bad Rappenau values this highly. “The flexibility that the contract provides is very important to us. It is the icing on the cake,” says Grubbe of the modern IT solution. First of all, existing fat clients were replaced with quiet thin clients and all monitors were replaced with new energy-efficient TFTs to reduce noise in the teaching areas. New projectors and printers were also installed. As the single point of contact, CHG-MERIDIAN steered and managed all processes of the . It also acted as project manager to coordinate a project team consisting of a systems house and several service providers, such as software and phone system vendors. A further element of the project was the installation of the server room, including a management server, a storage unit, a server farm, and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The server room also houses the school’s new phone system and the DSL line. The switch to a new phone system, bringing together the phone numbers of all schools at the site, was carried out as a subproject. As part of the project the switches and network cables in the other buildings of the main campus were renewed, so that all buildings have high-speed access to the central system. A small back-up system with a UPS was also set up. The entire infrastructure – server, phone system, back up, and UPS – can be scaled up or down at any time to match the number of students. The comprehensive reconfiguration of the IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau is a great example of a groundbreaking pilot project from CHG-MERIDIAN that can be easily applied to other schools. “I had expected more problems. It was hassle-free, and every project step ran smoothly despite everything having to be carried out during the school holidays. The teamwork on the school’s project was very professional and customer-oriented. From a contractual point of view the project is highly complex, but we are very satisfied with the implementation and handling, which was in no small part down to CHG-MERIDIAN’s lack of bureaucracy,” said Grubbe. Yvonne Geier, deputy head at the school, is also satisfied: “Everything is very stable, the technology is very reliable. And that is of course very important to the running of the school. It’s also great that we can restrict access to the system to certain departments or individual students, as it allows us to have children of all levels and from all classes sitting, working, and learning side by side.” Huber adds: “We would like to use this model, which we were able to implement with the right service providers, in the future for other municipalities. Individual requirements can be adapted at any time, of course.” Many schools often find the inflexible and cost-intensive approaches to new IT solutions prohibitive. At Verbundschule Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN has managed to find the best custom solution and financing option – and its independence from banks, manufacturers, and service providers has been a key element in this. Thanks to the expertise gained from the successful implementation in Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN now has the tools to establish state-of-the-art, IT-based learning environments that support media literacy in an appealing way at other schools. * Source: Arbeitsbericht des Büros für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag [Report of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag], 2007. ** Source: Study by the Allensbach Institute, 2013.      WOLFGANG HUBER, KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER AT CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was established in the 2013/2014 academic year and combines a primary school with several types of secondary school* In total there are around 1,200 students and more than 100 teachers. Bad Rappenau is the first municipality with this type of school in Baden-Württemberg Several other municipalities have since followed this successful model. As a key qualification for the information and communication society, media literacy is best taught through the (early) use of new media in schools.** Around a third of teachers at non-vocational schools use digital media in class. A survey found that 27 percent of students and 36 percent of teachers think this is important or very important; teachers at primary and lower secondary education levels, however, think they have a lot of catching up to do.** h1|TOP OF THE CLASS h2|A new wind is blowing at the Verbundschule Bad Rappenau school A customized business concept developed and implemented One-stop solution from a single source The municipal authority is more than happy with the implementation process h3|Choose your region Facts about the Verbundschule and the Bad Rappenau municipal authority, and about media usage in German schools Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   Image 1 / 6 Image 2 / 6 Image 3 / 6 Image 4 / 6 Image 5 / 6 Image 6 / 6   pa|A NEW LIFE FOR IT EQUIPMENT THANKS TO CLOSE THE GAP AND WORLDLOOP Close the Gap and WorldLoop take donated used IT equipment and repurpose it to give people around the world access to digital resources. CHG-MERIDIAN is a strong and committed partner of these charitable organizations. The information available on the internet is the key to education, communication, and a better future for school children in Kenya. Thousands of miles away, Barbara Toorens is director of external relations at the Belgian aid organization Close the Gap (CtG). “Access to computers and the internet can open up the world to these people,” she explains. Without CtG the school would probably still not have any high-grade computers. The term used for this invisible border between societies who have ready access to digital resources, and those who do not, is ‘digital divide’. CtG aims to overcome these borders sustainably with the help of technology donations from European companies to non-profit projects in developing countries. CHG-MERIDIAN supports this with , such as those for customers in Belgium and Luxembourg, where new communications technology purchases are combined with the donation of old IT equipment for re-use in Africa, Asia and South America. Deloitte Belgium decided to do this when it invested in 3,000 iPhones. “Social responsibility is a value that is deeply enshrined in our corporate culture,” says Guy Lucq, Chief Information Officer at Deloitte in Brussels. With the help of CHG-MERIDIAN, Deloitte bought a certificate for each new device to confirm that decommissioned in Burundi, a process handled by CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop. Guy Lucq continues: “By renewing our communications technology in this way, we are ensuring that more than 20,000 old cellphones enter the material cycle in Africa responsibly.” CHG-MERIDIAN made certain that the process was smooth, transparent, and fast. Stefan Ertel, Executive Vice President at CHG-MERIDIAN, says: “There is an increasing number of companies that want to actively engage as corporate citizens, but many of them lack the structures that would enable them to firmly integrate corporate social responsibility activities into their business models.” CHG-MERIDIAN filled this gap in 2013. Since then, customers obtaining new hardware through the Belgian subsidiary have been able to arrange for its reuse at the end of the period of use. Ertel adds: “What is unique is that we have successfully virtualized these processes – and we are the first technology management provider worldwide to do so.” This also applies to the procurement of regular IT equipment. For example, when obtaining finance for new laptops, customers can donate some or all of the used equipment to CtG on the basis of the equipment’s projected fair value. Or they can combine their investment with the purchase of recycling certificates. With every project it has run since 2003, CtG has demonstrated the huge potential of donations. By 2014 the aid organization had collected around a quarter of a million donated computers, supporting nearly 3,500 projects in over 50 countries. Environmentally friendly recycling of used equipment also requires clear structures, as the stripping of electronic waste, which can be hazardous to humans and the environment, is widespread in Africa and Asia. This is where CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop comes in. The certificates bought by donors ensure that recycling is carried out to the highest standards. Local start-ups and specialist waste management companies in Europe work hand in hand to make valuable materials in the equipment – which can amount to small fortunes – re-usable. Security is crucial when donating company IT equipment to aid organizations, as the protection of sensitive data must be guaranteed. CHG-MERIDIAN’s program offers certified data erasure to match customer needs at the end of the period of use. The erasure solutions are fully certified, including by the TÜV product standards regulator and DEKRA. Every year, hundreds of thousands of assets are prepared for re-use after the end of their leasing period, including around 100,000 erasures, at CHG-MERIDIAN’s Technology and Service Center in Germany. Deloitte plans to continue supporting aid projects through its IT donations, however, standard solutions are not being considered. From a business point of view, it is imperative to evaluate each case individually. “That’s why we need flexibility. And our long-standing business partner CHG-MERIDIAN offered us exactly this flexibility in this project,” says Lucq. CHG-MERIDIAN is a leader in the market thanks to this innovative business model. Following a successful pilot the corporate social responsibility service will be rolled out in other countries, and there is a lot of interest across Europe. “The potential for such processes is huge,” says Stefan Ertel. And this also applies to other capital assets that could be donated at the end of their period of use. European companies donate technology for a good cause: CHG-MERIDIAN offers its customers intelligent solutions to support their socially and ecologically sensible aid projects at Close the Gap and WorldLoop.      Deloitte’s CIO, Guy Lucq li|menu not loaded Digital divide is the term used to describe the gap between people with full access to the digital world and those who remain mainly cut off from it. It affects countries and entire regions, for example East Africa, but also parts of society in western industrialized countries. Close the Gap was founded in 2003 as a student project at the University of Brussels. The idea is to take donations of high-grade used computers from European companies and use them to support educational and social projects, particularly in East Africa. Promotes economic and social development, especially in rural areas, in developing and newly industrialized countries. Close the Gap supports aid projects in over 50 countries worldwide. WorldLoop was founded as a sister organization to Close the Gap in 2008. Its purpose is to promote the establishment of small companies in developing countries that specialize in the responsible recycling of old computers and communications technology. A further objective is to contain the widespread stripping of electronic waste, which is hazardous to human health and the environment. h1|PROVIDING NEW OPPORTUNITIES h2|More than just a website Recycling combined with a strong sense of responsibility Aid projects that promote independence in local markets Security, trust, and future success are closely connected CHG-Meridian Close the gap Facts on the digital divide, Close the Gap, and WorldLoop h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 4 Image 2 / 4 Image 3 / 4 Image 4 / 4    pa|TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AT HSM HSM GmbH + CO. KG, based in Frickingen, is an innovative market leader for office and environmental technology. CHG-MERIDIAN has made its internal IT processes fully future-proof and provided cost transparency. Efficient technology management is particularly important to Matthias Wochner, Managing Director at HSM. As he is responsible for finance, sales, and marketing he considers it essential to the company’s continued business success and growth. The extensive range of inhouse technologies relating to IT and production is one of the main pillars of HSM’s unique selling proposition. “Our manufacturing depth, with extensive machinery and equipment available inhouse, is what distinguishes us from most of our competitors. This means we are very flexible when dealing with our customers’ requirements, something that is very important with regard not only to large-scale equipment but also to specialized devices. Public-sector customers – such as government authorities – are a good example because they always stipulate very specific requirements.” One of the elements of this strategy is the restructuring of at HSM in the Managed Print Services project, which focused on all of the printers, photocopiers, scanners, and fax machines used in the company. The overarching aim was to increase their efficiency in terms of environmental impact and financial cost. This is where the independent experts from CHG-MERIDIAN came in, as partners for efficient technology management. Beforehand, HSM’s IT department had analyzed the company’s needs so that its future printing infrastructure requirements could be defined in detail. CHG-MERIDIAN helped to plan the new infrastructure and prepare the subsequent call for tenders. The defined requirements were demanding. For example, the devices and a 24-hour support service have to be available at all times, not only in Germany but also at HSM’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France, Poland, and the USA. The list of requirements included a 20 percent decrease in running costs, greater energy efficiency for the devices, and automated transmission of information to enable the replacement and billing of consumables. After the requirements analysis and request-for-proposal consulting, the main strategic assistance that CHG-MERIDIAN provided to HSM related to the development of efficient and flexible customized business concepts. The consolidation process led to the number of end devices at HSM being reduced from 150 to 90, a decrease of around 40 percent. Combined with the reduction in the operating costs of the individual devices, monthly costs fell by an impressive 50 percent despite the printing volume remaining unchanged, meaning the actual cost saving was significantly higher than the targeted 20 percent. This impressive feat was achieved by providing the best possible terms, reducing running costs, and using fewer devices. A further advantage of HSM’s manufacturing depth is the sheer breadth of the high-quality product portfolio. As Wochner explains: “This enables us to operate in all kinds of sales channels, from small devices sold online to maximum-security equipment and large machinery developed for specific projects. And between these extremes, we can exploit the fluid boundaries between our product categories to always offer our customers the HSM product that best meets their needs.” Wochner adds: “One of the main challenges for the future is the increasing complexity of business decisions and processes. It’s not always easy to deal with these complexities in a company of our size.” An expanding medium-sized business with global operations, HSM now exports 72 percent of its products to international markets, which are very fast-paced and subject to very different laws and regulations. Given its successful growth, HSM has therefore teamed up with CHG-MERIDIAN to take a closer look at its internal structures and processes. technology and service management system. The system has been customized so that specially defined shopping carts containing the necessary IT assets are available for each HSM location – with uniform terms and conditions worldwide and the same high quality and service level. This is where economies of scale and far greater transparency really come to bear: “This has a direct monetary effect for us but also makes the administration much more straightforward,” says Thorsten Schäfer, IT manager at HSM. “Such structures are entirely normal in a large company but not so in a medium-sized business like HSM. CHG-MERIDIAN was the ideal partner for us because it doesn’t just cover the funding; it’s also a single source of support for the entire technology lifecycle. What’s more, it provides the international structures that are so important to us, i.e. global availability without international billing.” The Managed Print Services project is just the first step in further cooperation with CHG-MERIDIAN on the restructuring of IT and technology management at HSM. Other initiatives will have the same aim: reducing complexity and using the company’s resources even more efficiently so that they can be targeted in areas where they will harness potential for growth in relation to customers, markets, and products. The example of HSM impressively demonstrates how CHG-Meridian achieves maximum efficiency for financial and operational spending thanks to its in-depth understanding of capital expenditure at every stage of the technology lifecycle.       EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Company: Hermann Schwelling Maschinenbau GmbH + Co. KG Sector: office and environmental technology Products: file shredders, baling presses, cutting machines, crushers, perforators Headquarters: Frickingen, Germany Administrative headquarters: Bielefeld, Germany Managing Directors: Hermann Schwelling Founded: 1971 in Salem, Germany Employees: approx. 700, incl. 74 trainees Revenue: approx. €100 million Export rate: approx. 72% Share of revenue from office technology: 55% Share of revenue from environmental technology: 45% Production facilities: Salem, Frickingen, and Reichenbach (all Germany) Subsidiaries: United Kingdom, France, Poland, and USA Website: h1|FULLY EFFICIENT h2|Special requirements demand flexible solutions Project Facts h3|Choose your region Expert support in reducing complexity Successfully mastering increasing complexity Increased transparency with TESMA® Company Facts Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 3 Image 2 / 3 Image 3 / 3 pa|Technology management at British American Tobacco CHG-MERIDIAN solves complex logistical challenges for companies – including customized finance strategies. In Switzerland, CHG-MERIDIAN has realized an innovative outsourcing idea for British American Tobacco. In Switzerland, British American Tobacco, one of the largest tobacco companies in the world, regularly needs to supply 5,000 vending machines with tobacco products and other consumer goods. “Managing our base of vending machines was time-consuming. We had to spend administrative time on operational activities that are not part of our core business,” explains Zoltan Hutkai, Corporate Finance Manager at British American Tobacco Switzerland. Then there was the additional challenge of upgrading all 5,000 vending machines with new readers to cope with the latest Swiss banknotes. This required major capital investment. In close collaboration with Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL Switzerland, which handles the logistics and upgrading aspects, CHG-MERIDIAN developed a concept for the efficient management of the vending machines. Newly fitted sensors allow DHL drivers to supply the machines with tobacco products as required, i.e. just in time. As a result, the management at British American Tobacco enjoys increased profits and benefits from modernized machine technology – as well as satisfied customers. CHG-MERIDIAN also acquired all of the tobacco company’s vending machines in Switzerland and leased them back to British American Tobacco, thereby improving their budget position. The agreed monthly service and lease payments include all costs incurred (e.g. installation, storage and delivery, repairs, and upgrades). This has significantly reduced expense and risk for British American Tobacco, while at the same time the regular payments are making costs clearer and more predictable.    Zoltan Hutkai, Corporate Finance Manager atBritish American Tobacco Schweiz  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|REDUCING BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO’S LOGISTICAL AND FINANCIAL BURDEN h3|Choose your region A logistical challenge Logistics and financing – a solution based on a well-designed concept Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|Our society has been living beyond its means for decades. Whether the coronavirus pandemic will persuade us to use resources more responsibly and move away from the linear system depends to some extent on how cost-effective the alternatives are. Most recently, our ‘budget’ had already been used up by the middle of the year. In 2020, the date was calculated to be August 22, three weeks later than in 2019. The reason is that global CO2 emissions fell by year on year. This is mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the huge restrictions that have been introduced to contain it. Even though the environmental impact of the pandemic may only last for a , the forced economic deceleration it has brought about raises many questions for businesses. Companies are looking more closely at the necessity of air travel and face-to-face meetings, for example, and interrupted supply chains and production bottlenecks have intensified the debate about the future of our linear trading system. Anyone looking for sustainable alternatives will find there are proven solutions on the market already, such as those offered by CHG-MERIDIAN. The international technology management company has been following the principles of the circular economy for more than 40 years by focusing on reusing products and extending their life. “End-to-end lifecycle management has always been at the heart of our business model. We support our customers from the procurement of their equipment and its use all the way to its sustainable refurbishment and remarketing”, says Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer at CHG-MERIDIAN. The technology sector, in particular, is characterized by very short lifecycles, but even here sustainable ideas are feasible and financially attractive. “Our customers can not only save costs through intelligent IT procurement, but also act more resource-efficiently and sustainably.” The intelligent procurement, use, and remarketing of IT equipment allows companies to cut costs and be more resource-efficient and sustainable. This is a competitive factor that is growing in importance. Read more in the Whitepaper. CHG-MERIDIAN’s proprietary technology centers in are good examples of how to put professional lifecycle management into practice. Every year, almost 500,000 IT devices such as smartphones, laptops, and printers undergo cosmetic and technical refurbishment here, have sensitive data erased, and are prepared for a second product lifecycle. A further 200,000 or so devices are refurbished to the highest standards through our global network of certified partners. Overall, 95 percent of assets are refurbished. Any assets that can no longer be used are sustainably and professionally recycled, and the raw materials are returned to the material cycle. of all assets returned to CHG-MERIDIAN are given a second life refurbished and remarketed assets assets erased using a certified procedure In the sharing economy, it is no longer the ownership of objects that creates value, it is their use. That is why CHG-MERIDIAN has been offering for many years. Leasing helps to implement innovations faster and more efficiently, makes the digitalization of all areas of the economy more sustainable, and facilitates the introduction of new, resource-efficient means of using technology. “If equipment is used more than once, instead of being purchased each time and disposed of after use, the need for new equipment is reduced. This has considerable benefits for the environment, as huge quantities of raw materials are needed to produce a laptop or smartphone,” says Steybe. It remains to be seen just how much alternative business models like CHG-MERIDIAN’s can reduce the economy’s carbon footprint. Experts agree that without the COVID-19 pandemic, Earth Overshoot Day would have moved forward again this year. The current backward trend should not be regarded as an all-clear, but rather as an incentive to do more in the future to protect our finite resources and establish new forms of doing business. “Our customers can not only save costs through intelligent IT procurement, but also act more resource-efficiently and sustainably,” says Matthias Steybe, who as Group Sustainability Officer has been responsible for sustainability management at the CHG-MERIDIAN Group since July 2020.    Your personal contact  DATA ON END-OF-LIFE-SERVICES IN 2019:  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|When you compare the global use of biological resources with Earth’s capacity to renew them, it quickly becomes clear that humans are living well beyond their means. According to the experts of the Global Footprint Network, humanity would need to live sustainably. This imbalance is strikingly highlighted by Earth Overshoot Day. It marks the day of the year when human demand for renewable resources exceeds Earth’s capacity to reproduce them. A turning point for society and business The principles of the circular economy in detail Sharing instead of buying is key The crisis is an opportunity for change h1|Sending a signal to trade and industry h2|Sustainable business models are on the rise % YOUR CONTACT h3|Choose your region Sustainable Procurement Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|Earth Overshoot Day 2020 sp|                                  pdf, 5 MB  95 697000 266000    pa|Digital processes make for satisfied employees The Haufe Group, one of Germany’s most prominent media and software houses, is regarded as a pioneer in its use of new digital technologies. The Haufe Group has transformed itself from a traditional publishing house into a leading innovator in the field of digital and web-based platforms. Its integrated workplace and one-stop solutions offer customers digital platforms that help them to manage their business, tax, and legal processes. How is CHG-MERIDIAN helping the Haufe Group with its digital transformation? In an interview, Andreas Plaul, Haufe’s Head of IT, explains which services he is using for maintenance, asset management, and the erasure and remarketing of employee end devices.    Excellence Story Andreas Plaul, Chef för ICT Services, Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Digital transformation at Haufe Group h2|Digital transformation at Haufe Group h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|Excellence Story in Switzerland The MAN brand is regarded worldwide as a symbol of efficiency, innovation, and customer focus. The tradition of MAN trucks and buses dates back more than 100 years, proving that efficiency extends beyond the brand image. CHG-MERIDIAN is helping MAN to adapt the mobile workplace to the needs of its employees. MAN wishes to give its employees not simply but also access to the mobile workplace. It also wants to lower its IT operating expenses, reduce insurance claims, and minimize downtime. CHG-MERIDIAN’s Enterprise Mobility Solutions help to ensure that there are no extra costs to the company, that no company data falls into the wrong hands, and that employees can continue to work even if their mobile devices are damaged. This allows MAN to enjoy all the benefits and freedoms of mobile working – without any of the risks.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Improving user satisfaction at MAN Truck & Bus Schweiz AG h2|SECURE ACCESS TO THE MOBILE WORKPLACE h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 em|unrestricted secure pa|Technology management at Mondi The Mondi Group, a manufacturer of sustainable packaging, employs around 26,000 people in 30 countries. Hundreds of industrial trucks are in continuous operation in its paper and pulp production plants. CHG-MERIDIAN conducted a fleet and TCO analysis for Mondi so that it could procure the right industrial trucks. When it came to the procurement of industrial trucks, Mondi lacked a benchmark for the total costs of ownership. This made it hard for the company to work out which product was actually the most effective for their particular needs from an overall cost and efficiency perspective. The information that the manufacturers provide, for example on fuel consumption and the turning radius, isn’t enough to draw any valid conclusions that might justify one set of procurement costs over another. But how can the different investment costs and total cost of ownership be compared? CHG-MERIDIAN produced a fleet TCO analysis in which it used a productivity test to compare different makes of the same truck type. At the pilot site in Poland, the test trucks were equipped with sensors designed to track their performance and operating data for subsequent analysis. “The test drivers had to complete the kind of loading and unloading jobs that they would normally be expected to do for the company – as quickly as possible and at the same frequency. During the test drives, the team collected data on loading/unloading performance, productivity, and handling for subsequent evaluation and TCO analysis. This revealed differences between the investment costs for the different makes. Mondi received a detailed decision-making matrix that helped it to weigh up the acquisition costs in relation to, for example, the optimum useful life, the replacement cycles, and the finance model. Thanks to the new decision-making matrix, the management team at Mondi now knows what the price differences need to be for the purchasing department to be able to justify opting for a brand that is 20 percent more expensive because it can show that the investment will pay off in terms of total cost of ownership. Read on to find out how a lifecycle concept can improve transparency, particularly in fleet management. An illustrative calculation from the automotive industry for pay-per-use models    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide li|menu not loaded h1|PROACTIVE FLEET MANAGEMENT AT THE MONDI GROUP h2|FIND OUT MORE h3|Choose your region Comparability of investment costs and total cost of ownership Truck tests in a variety of work scenarios Bringing the total cost of ownership to bear in the investment decision Optimizing fleets through lifecycle management Managing growth and costs efficiently: pay-per-part and pay-by-the-hour Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Efficient fleets UNIT COSTS INSTEAD OF BLOCK OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE sp|                                   pa|Here to help you adopt environmentally friendly remarketing into your core business. As one of Europe’s largest and best known IT resellers we can help you earn maximum revenue on your IT equipment by using our expertise and guidance. Our lifecycle model not only creates added value for you, but also makes a significant difference to the environment. With a circular approach to the procurement and disposal of equipment, we ensure that the products have a longer service life and can have a second life in other markets. Because our experience with reuse and resale, we know what it takes to create the best results for you and the environment. A circular economy proposes that rather than adopting the: make, use, dispose model of a linear economy we instead keep the resources in use for as long as possible, and use techniques including: repair, refurbishing and remanufacturing to extend or provide a second life to the resource, whereby the cycle is repeated and therefore completing the full circle. A circular economy relies on both long-lasting products and renewable energy resources and aims to gain the maximum value from products before they are launched into their second life. Having been active in the market for over 40 years, we like to think we are good at what we do in addition to learning a thing or two along the way. Over the years we have built up a global network of buyers and have refined our end of lease process to ensure efficiency and, most importantly, to ensure maximum benefit for our customers. With plenty of resource in our two technology centres we are able to use this global reach to achieve the maximum possible return for our customers – something which is fundamental when looking to gain a competitive advantage. We pride ourselves on the efficient nature of our remarketing process that we have developed over the years. Simply arrange a date that is convenient for you and we will facilitate the collection of your old assets and transport it safely to our service centre. We can offer this service in line with your rollout of the new equipment to ensure a smooth transition between rollout and rollback. As we are one of Europe's largest and best-known remarketers of used IT equipment we are able to influence the market price. This enables us to offer our customers more competitive pricing at the front end. If you would like to know how to unlock your old assets true value speak to one of our experts who are on hand to help. We get it, sometimes your equipment has simply seen its final day. In this case we make sure that all equipment we collect and recycle is done so in line with WEEE directives and certification will be provided for any assets disposed of on your behalf. We can provide data erasure at various levels in line with your organisational requirements. Using software approved by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and BSI, we can provide certified data erasure, validating the deletion of information from your devices. Our remarketing solutions provide you with peace of mind when your asset refresh process takes place. We promise to deliver solutions that allow you and your organisation to focus on what truly matters to you. CHG-MERIDIAN - Green Technology Remarketing.pdf Whether you are a large corporation, an SME or a public-sector client, if you want to manage technologies efficiently, CHG-MERIDIAN is right for you. More than 11,000 customers have put their trust in us and taken us at our word when we say we can manage their technology investments efficiently. Our Technology and Service Centers in Gross-Gerau and Skien provide specially developed automated data erasure solutions that offer a high level of process reliability. Flexible, bespoke solutions for your technology - this is what we promise    Discover the other solutions and services that we provide  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded By utilising our network of Technology Centres, 95% of the units we collect after the end of the lease period gets a second life. We have a zero to landfill rate The non-reusable units are recycled to conserve resources. Our warehouse uses natural and renewable energy resources. (In Germany we use solar energy and biomass fuel to ensure our low carbon footprint). Reduce the negative impacts of a linear economy Provides economic and business opportunities Improve the environmental landscape of our planet Reduce waste Preserves the planet through sustainable business practices Help reduce the environmental impacts of our production and consumption Considerable cost savings Boost employment Increase economic competitiveness h1|ECO-FRIENDLY REMARKETING PROCESS FROM CHG-MERIDIAN h2|Our lifecycle model gives a future-oriented and circular approach REFRESH, REFURBISH, REUSE, RECYCLE, ROLLBACK, ROLLOUT - REMARKETING DOWNLOAD Find out more h3|Choose your region OUR ECO-FRIENDLY STANDPOINT WHAT IS CIRCULAR ECONOMY? Rollback & Rollout Remarketing RECYCLING Secure Data Erasure EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® eraSURE®: Certified data erasure Financial Solutions Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h4|WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF A CIRCULAR ECONOMY? h5|THREE WORDS, ONE PROMISE AUTOMATED ERASURE WITH HIGH PROCESS RELIABILITY CREATING FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS TO MEET YOUR NEEDS h6|GREEN TECHNOLOGY REMARKETING sp|                                  pdf, 913 KB     pa|Our Technology and Service Centers in Gross-Gerau and Skien provide specially developed automated data erasure solutions that offer a high level of process reliability. The choice of erasure process is determined by the degree of protection required. Are we dealing with general data? Do your storage media contain highly sensitive and secret data? Does your top secret data require a particularly high level of protection? In short: erase or destroy? Whether it is SSD, hybrid or flash memory in laptops, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices, CHG-MERIDIAN offers a precise and cost-effective erasure solution. Tailor-made to your devices, your data, and your security requirements, and with the aim of realizing the highest possible residual value for your assets. The process at the Technology Center in Gross-Gerau is ISO-certified to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001:2015 and compliant with BSI-standard basic protection. In Skien, Norway, eraSURE® is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards and NSM-compliant. CHG-MERIDIAN's certified data erasure process eraSURE® offers a tailor-made solution that is fully automated and compliant with relevant standards. It also helps to reduce your workload, provide an audit trail, and is economical thanks to low overall costs. eraSURE® Flyer - English ISO Certificate 9001 ISO Certificate 27001     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|eraSURE®: CERTIFIED DATA ERASURE h2|Our certified eraSURE® processes eraSURE® from CHG-MERIDIAN Downloads h3|Choose your region We support you when making decisions regarding data security Certified processes Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h6|AUTOMATED ERASURE WITH HIGH PROCESS RELIABILITY sp|                                   pdf, 3 MB   pdf, 132 KB   pdf, 132 KB  pa|Technology management at Sisamex In order to expand its position as market leader in the highly competitive commercial vehicle market, SISAMEX relies on constant renewal processes and the integration of the latest technologies into production. CHG-MERIDIAN helped the company to develop and implement customized manufacturing processes and optimize its IT infrastructure. SISAMEX is a leading global manufacturer of automotive components for commercial vehicles based in Escobedo, Nuevo León, Mexico. The company, which is jointly owned by Quimmco and Meritor Inc., makes axles, brakes, and related components for trucks and agricultural machinery. It currently employs around 2,000 people and counts John Deere, Magna, Freightliner, and Caterpillar among its customers. Innovations are a key element of SISAMEX’s success. For over 30 years, the company has specialized in identifying opportunities and developing ideas, and translating them into products, workflows, and marketable solutions. As part of its ongoing innovation program, the commercial vehicle supplier commissioned CHG-MERIDIAN to develop a custom solution for the integration of new technologies into its industrial production. The aim was to make efficiency gains in two important production steps: the smelting of materials and the subsequent manufacture of metal parts for the high-precision components sold to SISAMEX customers. CHG-MERIDIAN helped SISAMEX to integrate cutting-edge technology into its production lines and improve its IT infrastructure, IT administration, and IT management. The team at CHG-MERIDIAN managed all import processes, the administration of customs documents, and the delivery of the project. The team used the TESMA® platform to provide a clear timeline and input/output data, and made all of the information available in real time. CHG-MERIDIAN’s agile business model allowed SISAMEX to deal with a single source for the procurement, financing, and operation of the latest technologies in production and IT. All workflows in production and IT were optimized as part of this process. Better interaction between business units has already improved their performance and results, which has had a positive effect on overall operating profit. This holistic approach had a further, compelling advantage: Instead of dealing with a range of service providers, managers at SISAMEX had a single point of contact who took care of everything. The experts at CHG-MERIDIAN also provided support with importing the high-tech equipment, which involved a lot of red tape and complex logistics. “We are very happy to be working hand in hand with CHG-MERIDIAN,” said Pedro Jesús Vota, Treasury Director at SISAMEX. “This project has helped us to identify the specific requirements and demands that our company makes of its technical infrastructure. Thanks to the professional support of our partners at CHG-MERIDIAN, we were able to choose the best solution within a short space of time.”     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|State-of-the-art technology in production gives SISAMEX a competitive edge h3|Choose your region Customized solutions for discerning customers Hand in hand: technical expertise and financial engineering Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|We speak to Florian Orth, lifecycle expert at CHG-MERIDIAN, about greater flexibility and lower total cost of ownership (TCO) in manufacturing. The manufacturing industry faces many challenges, such as fluctuating capacity utilization, structural change, and the move toward Industry 4.0. A central feature of these changes is the desire for more flexibility, in terms of both the equipment – machinery, robots, conveyor belts, and even entire production lines – and the financing solution. The long-term reduction of TCO is also at the top of many companies’ lists. But how do these requirements fit together? And how can they be met? We talk to Florian Orth of CHG-MERIDIAN, one of the leading non-captive technology management companies in the industrial sector. Orth and his team support market leaders in the automotive and logistics sector around the world. The coronavirus pandemic has caused considerable upheaval within a very short space of time. Remote working, for example, has become the norm for many, which has made paper-based administrative processes more complicated and pushed them to their limits. Just think of a simple process such as signing a contract. Then there is capacity utilization, which has fluctuated significantly across sectors. It therefore comes as no surprise that for many companies, making sure they have sufficient liquidity is a top priority. And this is a challenge, especially as production facilities are often leased and fixed lease installments have to be paid. We are seeing demand for flexible financing options growing every day. Flexible finance strategies that can help companies adapt to the current situation are one solution. If we know the capacity utilization of a machine or production line, for example, we can reduce the lease installment and extend the term of the lease instead. In other words, we can work with our customers to modify the structure of the contract so that it better suits their needs. Another approach is pay-per-use, whereby billing is based on usage, for example the hours a machine is online. The customer only pays for the time that the machine is actually running, making fluctuating capacity utilization less of a problem. Or take investment in equipment, such as new production facilities. This often entails high capital expenditure, for example in new robots, cellular transport systems, or adaptable handling portals. Long advance financing phases are also an issue for tier 1 automotive suppliers, as a lot of time can pass between signing a contract and commencing production. With a pay-per-use solution, we take on this cost until production is up and running and revenue is coming in. Or to put it another way, ROI starts with the first component manufactured. Do you want to know where you could make savings in your fleet management? Do you want to optimize your international logistics processes? Are you looking for solutions that will allow you to manage your production more flexibly? Industrial Technology: A unique combination of technical expertise with financial engineering - watch now! Ultimately, it is about bringing processes into the digital age. The more extensively they are digitalized, the better. One example is the introduction of digital signatures, which make it possible to sign contracts from anywhere, whether that be at home or in the office. All legally binding, without pen or paper. Even greater potential for optimization and savings lies in the general streamlining of administrative processes. Take heterogeneous asset structures – managing a wide range of types, models, and manufacturers can quickly tie up a lot of resources. There is huge potential for optimization here, for example by standardizing contracts and reducing the number of contacts to one. We can achieve this on an international scale. This reduces administrative effort immensely and speeds up processes, while making our customers’ work easier – not just in the event of a crisis – and saving internal resources. The key here is full cost accounting that is as transparent as possible, based on financial expertise and many years’ experience in the sector. At CHG-MERIDIAN, we start by breaking down our clients’ core production processes and identifying costs and potential savings. This provides a fully transparent overview of the cost structure of their production facilities, including service costs, the proportion of costs accounted for by spare parts, and the overall return on investment. We then create a customized business concept that exactly meets our customer’s needs and is as cost-effective as possible. The goal is always to achieve greater transparency about the total costs, as this can then be translated into permanently reduced TCO. Potential cost savings of up to 15 percent are possible.     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Increase flexibility, reduce overall costs h3|Choose your region Mr. Orth, you are working with your customers to manage the current challenges. What is your evaluation of the situation we find ourselves in? WHAT SOLUTIONS ARE AVAILABLE? How can administrative processes be optimized in the age of remote working? What potential savings are possible, and how can they be sustained in the long term? Thank you for the interview. Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|Industrial Technology h6|Usage solutions for industrial infrastructure sp|                                  pa|It is almost impossible to calculate the overall costs of IT for a single workplace using conventional procurement and usage models. The latest digital workplace concepts can provide transparency. Only few budget holders will be able to answer that question. Of course, prices can be compared at the time of purchase and support and maintenance contracts can be agreed to cover part of the running costs. CFOs regularly rack their brains over these and similar questions as they make calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a device more difficult: 1. Consider the entire lifecycle: Every asset runs through typical lifecycle phases, from procurement and rollout to actual use and disposal or remarketing. Only by taking into account and planning for the entire lifecycle can you make sustainable budget decisions. 2. Consider the entire workplace: Smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC – an employee’s digital workplace often comprises a range of devices with their own procurement, rollout, and maintenance processes. How much and for how long each one is being used is often unknown. A realistic analysis of the TCO of a digital workplace requires a holistic view of the employee’s IT equipment and its use. This is the only way to decide whether it is more cost effective to buy or to opt for a customized business concept. 3. Work with the right service provider: As a rule, manufacturers and service providers sell equipment and agree contracts that provide them with the best margins. What’s more, they often only take isolated aspects of the digital workplace into account, which raises the question whether their recommendations and offers are actually the best fit for your individual needs and whether the procurement and usage model will pay off. IT departments are often confronted with changing requirements and new devices at ever shorter intervals. This makes the management of the IT portfolio a more complex and time consuming task. The digital workplace offers substantially more freedom and fulfilment for employees: they are less restricted in terms of when and where they work and are no longer tied to permanently installed devices such as desktop workstations. Instead, they always have access to the latest technology, which is tailored to their individual needs. CHG-MERIDIAN shows you how this can work. Our central aim is that we reduce your workload and support you and your company at every stage of the technology lifecycle. And this is based on TESMA®, which brings together commercial and technical information in a fully integrated approach.    Your personal Contact  David von Thienen, Digital Workplace Sales på CHG-MERIDIAN Discover the other solutions and services that we provide Please contact us! Lukas Tränkle Executive Vice President Finance Northern Europe li|menu not loaded But which of the devices provided does the employee actually use? How much time and effort must the IT department spend on administration and maintenance? How often does the hardware need to be repaired?How long is it actually used for? What is the residual value at the end of the lifetime and can it be recovered? What happens to any sensitive data stored on the equipment? CHG-MERIDIAN Sweden AB Drottninggatan 83 111 60 Stockholm +46 (8) 459 39 00 +491607134801 st|Below are three tips that will help you to get a grip on these uncertainties: h1|3 Tips on how to calculate total costs h2|What is the cost of an employee’s IT over the entire lifecycle? Find out more Your Contact h3|Choose your region Providing efficiency across the technology lifecycle The digital workplace calls for an integrated approach TESMA®: The perfect connection of two worlds Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media h5|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Digital Workplace TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM h6|Digital Workplace sp|                                        pa|Digital workplace solutions, virtual collaboration, and shared office space all help to increase your company’s productivity and innovative strength. For example, your employees can work while travelling or waiting around, which frees up time for other activities. The digital workplace also helps to optimize business processes. All information and processes are provided in a central working environment. Approval processes or the placement of orders for consumables can be completed with just a few mouse clicks, relieving the burden on IT and procurement departments. More efficient processes and the optimal adjustment of the working environment can result in savings in the double-digit percentage range. All costs associated with procuring and operating IT equipment for a workplace can be calculated and predicted precisely. Your employees take an active role in selecting the IT equipment for their digital workplace. This involvement increases their satisfaction with their tools, which in turn results in better work. Simpler, more intuitive processes and associated time savings also contribute to a better user experience. By getting your employees involved, you also benefit from their technical skills and knowledge of digital topics. According to the 2018/2019 D21 Digital Index survey, almost half of the German population has this type of expertise. Skilled young workers, in particular, value lean and efficient IT processes and a maximum of freedom when it comes to selecting the tools they use for their work. The current war for talent, which is set to intensify over the coming years, is a very good argument in favor of introducing a digital workplace. Follow these six steps to drive forward the digital workplace in your company. Develop a vision Get the IT and finance departments on board Analyze the requirements Implement in stages Get your employees involved Turn IT procurement into a shopping experience di|digital Workplace What is the digital workplace? 01 What are the benefits of the digital workplace? 02 Six steps to delivering the digital workplace 03 download whitepaper 04 What is the digital workplace? 01 02 What are the benefits of the digital workplace? Six steps to delivering the digital workplace 03 Download Whitepaper 04   blog  Contact Download Whitepaper   Scroll to Explore   The digital workplace allows your employees to work remotely and securely, and to collaborate with colleagues, service providers, and national and international customers. Technologies such as mobile devices, innovative apps, and fast networks play a key role in this. But it is also about efficient and digital platforms and processes that create a user experience. With a digital workplace, you are creating a flexible, state-of-the-art working environment that provides employees with all the information and processes they need to make their work simple and successful. This ensures that you continue to have a motivated and highly skilled workforce at your side. watch the video   This is some text inside of a div block. 74 % According to the D21 Digital Index survey, 74 percent of those in employment are interested in a digital workplace This is some text inside of a div block. 70 % 70 percent of companies have reduced costs and improved efficiency thanks to the digital transformation This is some text inside of a div block. Only 16 % 16 percent of all employees in Germany currently have access to a state-of-the-art mobile workplace  Increased efficiency Cost savings and cost transparency   Greater employee satisfaction More attractive to applicants   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 A solid strategy is key to the successful implementation of the digital workplace. You need to ask yourself what your IT environment should look like in three years’ time. What equipment is needed? How often does it need to be replaced? Are employees allowed to order their equipment themselves? To what extent should employees be free to choose their equipment? These and similar matters should be considered in the strategic plan and discussed with the various stakeholders in the company. A clearly defined vision is not only more efficient, it is also an important factor when it comes to getting the workforce excited about digitalization. It helps employees to understand the direction the company is taking, why certain changes are necessary, and what the benefits are for them, in particular. 2 It can be difficult to reconcile the ideas and expectations of the CIO and CFO. The CIO will be keen to switch to the latest IT environment, review every process, and drive digitalization forward. The CFO will first and foremost look at the cost. Finance managers will also focus on return on investment: Will the restructuring increase output? How often will IT equipment need replacing to maximize efficiency? Your digital workplace strategy will need to be transparent and meet the expectations of the CIO and CFO if it is to be accepted within the company and become a long-term success. There are innovative, customized business concepts that allow you to spread payments for the technology and related services over the entire lifetime. This makes it easier to maintain an overview of and predict costs, and savings can be calculated with high accuracy. 3 Not all employees have the same requirements in a digital workplace. Those who mainly work in the office will be best served with a desktop PC, whereas field staff will need to be able to work remotely with a high level of reliability. For designers and developers, on the other hand, the equipment’s performance will be a key factor. That is why it is important to find out what your employees require and who the various stakeholders are. Getting your employees involved ensures that your digital workplace meets the requirements in the best possible way and maximizes efficiency gains. This will also increase acceptance and satisfaction among the workforce. 4 Instead of spending weeks devising plans to replace all PCs in one huge rollout, you should implement the digital workplace in stages and stay flexible. After all, requirements and employee roles can change. Workplace concepts with flexible, shorter terms will facilitate this strategy. Equipment is made available to employees when it is required, rather than according to fixed depreciation cycles. Working with test groups is another recommended approach when rolling out new IT equipment. They allow you to test the implemented changes and make adjustments before everyone is affected. By making your employees part of the project, you increase acceptance of the project and increase their digital skills. 5 Create a roadmap for rolling out the digital workplace by speaking to the various stakeholders in your organization. What is required? What does the introduction of the digital workplace mean in practice? Document which milestones are to be rolled out when and which project stages are still pending. It is important to actively communicate project successes and the resulting benefits within the company to ensure that employees remain enthusiastic about digitalization. Publicizing test phase results and individual employee experiences helps to increase motivation, while the collaborative effort ensures an optimal outcome. 6 E-commerce portals such as Amazon have revolutionized the shopping experience. Your employees are familiar with and value the processes used by the major online merchants and expect a similar level of convenience from the IT department. In reality, they are faced with complex approval processes and long waits for the equipment they ordered. This is where innovative procurement solutions that rely on self-service portals come into their own. Here, employees can choose the digital equipment most suitable to their role from a selection pre-defined by you as the IT decision-maker. As with online shopping, delivery is usually made within a few days. Simple processes – going far beyond procurement – and personalized user interfaces allow you to create an optimal user experience. How you can increase employee buy-in Request Whitepaper  Self-service makes it simple Request Whitepaper  How to make collaboration tools work Request Whitepaper  A real-world example Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this. continue  Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture. The following article highlights the key role that employees play in any digitalization strategy. continue  Remote working at CHG-MERIDIAN Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new. Find out here what data platforms are all about. continue  Mobile working at CHG-MERIDIAN The digital workplace is an integral element of any digitalization strategy, and CHG-MERIDIAN is no exception. In order to implement the digital workplace successfully and optimize it in the long term, we believe there are three factors on which remote working depends: the technology, the platform, and – last but not least – the employees’ digital mindset. Find out what the technology factor is all about in this article. continue  © CHG-MERIDIAN 2020  st|Digital Workplace Procurement 2.0 Digital Collaboration h1|Digital Workplace. FROM HYPE TO REALITY. What is the digital workplace? What are the benefits of the digital workplace? Six steps to delivering the digital workplace Find out more about the digital workplace in our white papers. Find out more about the Digital Workplace Efficient Technology Management® h2|Develop a vision Get the IT and finance departments on board Analyze the requirements Implement in stages Get your employees involved Turn IT procurement into a shopping experience h3|Contact legal Further Information social media h5|THE DIGITAL WORKPLACE AT CHG-MERIDIAN Remote working made simple: The mindset factor Remote working made simple: The platform factor Remote working made simple: The technology factor pa|Technology management at the North Bay Regional Health Center North Bay Hospital has almost 400 beds and serves the north-east of Ontario, Canada. The mandatory introduction of electronic patient records was a huge challenge for a hospital with an already limited investment budget. Fortunately, CHG-MERIDIAN developed a future-proof solution for North Bay Hospital. Like many other hospitals in Canada, North Bay Hospital was faced with the challenge of upgrading its outdated equipment and its largely aging infrastructure on a tight budget. “Across Ontario, hospitals are under huge financial pressure,” says Paul Valenti, Manager of Purchasing and Contracts at North Bay. “We purchased new equipment when we moved into a new building in 2011, but due to the limited investment budget we were forced to keep it beyond its useful life.” Technology is evolving at a rapid place, particularly in the healthcare sector. Where the lifetime of technology could once reach up to twelve years, it is now only five years. North Bay Hospital’s budget came under increased pressure as the switch to electronic patient records approached. “Many Canadian hospitals were having budget issues when it came to implementing electronic patient records,” says Guy Poirier, Head of Canadian Healthcare at CHG-MERIDIAN. “The four large hospitals in the northern region, of which North Bay is one, had to cover the bulk of the project’s funding at a cost of $120 million. It is almost impossible to find an additional $30 million in regions with only a very small population.” In 2016, CHG-MERIDIAN embarked on an in-depth analysis of the medical and technical infrastructure at North Bay Hospital. Working closely with finance, operations, clinical teams, and medical staff, the company looked at the various equipment types in detail. “There was an active exchange of information about the estimated useful life of equipment, and about how maintenance costs for certain device categories, for example, will develop,” says Poirier. This in-depth dialog played a key role in identifying the areas where change was needed most. It became clear that there was a requirement for reliable asset management that considers the entire lifecycle from procurement to potential remarketing. “This is where we were able to bring all of our expertise to bear. We also increased the customer’s trust in us by not merely introducing our own TESMA technology management system but also testing the suitability of other asset management platforms on the market,” says Poirier. CHG-MERIDIAN was also able to apply its expertise in the implementation of tracking activities and the resulting process changes, and identified and recommended experts to assist with complex liability matters. Using priority lists, CHG-MERIDIAN then worked with the finance and procurement departments and the clinical committees to determine which equipment should be financed in which way. Dividing the assets into different categories made it clearer which ones should be purchased and which should be leased. Poirier and his colleagues also carried out a lease-versus-buy analysis to calculate the expected leasing costs. After nine months, they prepared the request for proposal (RFP) for financing all of the devices and asked bidders to categorize these by their expected lifecycles. Paul Valenti believes that the support from CHG-MERIDIAN has made North Bay Hospital much more flexible as well as providing greater transparency in asset procurement and management. When the healthcare technology comes to the end of its useful life, management now have the option to return it, upgrade it, or carry on using it. “CHG-MERIDIAN has given us the tools we need to calculate the costs at the end of the term. We can lease a piece of equipment for five years and decide at the end of the term whether to continue leasing it, to buy it, or to return it. This gives us far greater flexibility,” says Valenti. A further advantage he believes should not be underestimated is that all services and equipment are handled exclusively by the experts at CHG-MERIDIAN. “This has a positive impact on the price and avoids having to deal with ten different companies, invoice formats, and expiry dates. And we can build up a relationship,” he adds. The management of technology over the entire lifecycle not only has monetary benefits but also increases – and this is the main objective of North Bay Hospital’s management team – the quality of care provided. Endoscopes are a good example: “Because we are now leasing our endoscopic equipment, we can replace it all in one go after trialing a new model, rather than buying just a few new devices every year. We are upgrading all of our equipment, which improves our ability to diagnose cancer, for example,” Valenti says with a smile. How new finance strategies are driving digital innovation in hospitals and increasing patient welfare     EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Optimizing the medical infrastructure h3|Choose your region New demands made of outdated equipment Taking stock Procurement efficiency also increases the quality of care TAKING ON A PIONEERING ROLE – DRIVING DIGITALIZATION AND PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pdf, 2 MB  pa|Digitalization delivered As a global leader and expert in the field of filtration, MANN+HUMMEL develops innovative solutions for health and mobility. The company is also moving in the direction of digitalization in order to open up new areas of business. CHG-MERIDIAN helps MANN+HUMMEL to equip its employees around the world with mobile devices and to make optimum use of new digital technologies.    Excellence Story Daniel Sommer, Client Services, MANN + HUMMEL GmbH  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|Enterprise mobility at MANN+HUMMEL h2|Enterprise Mobility Solutions at Mann & Hummel h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|IT RECONFIGURATION IN BAD RAPPENAU The entire IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was reconfigured in a complex pilot project. CHG-MERIDIAN provided all the necessary expertise and created a customized business concept. In the school’s large learning lab the word ‘quiet’ is splashed across one wall in ten languages, on the opposite wall a Chinese proverb is writ large: “When the wind of change blows, some build walls while others build windmills.” The municipal authority of Bad Rappenau built ‘windmills’ with support from CHG-MERIDIAN. The finance and technology management company won the contract in April 2014 for the project – put out to tender across Europe – of providing a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, including administration systems, for the school. It is a showpiece project that points to the future, and it has been flexibly adapted to the and the required computing power. “This project is so exciting for us because we can provide a variety of services. These include advice on the sourcing of hardware, software distribution, rollout and installation of equipment, TÜV-certified data erasure with , IT support, financing, and support for the project partner throughout the project,” says Wolfgang Huber, Key Account Manager at CHG-MERIDIAN. “The project is very extensive and complex,” adds Michael Grubbe, Head of IT at the municipal authority of Bad Rappenau. Regarding the complexity he adds: “An all-day school such as Verbundschule Bad Rappenau has specific IT needs. The school is undergoing a permanent process of change.” After all, student numbers are no longer predictable because primary schools’ recommendations about the type of secondary school children should attend are now not binding. This means the municipal authority can no longer estimate how its IT needs will develop. “It was a big challenge for us to calculate the right amount of equipment,” Key Account Manager Wolfgang Huber explains. The flexible contract with CHG-MERIDIAN allows for adjustments to the number of assets to match requirements. Huber emphasizes: “The municipal authority can increase or decrease the number of assets at any time up to the end of the 60-month term. If the number of students falls, and we need to take back assets early, then we can remarket these elsewhere.” The municipal authority in Bad Rappenau values this highly. “The flexibility that the contract provides is very important to us. It is the icing on the cake,” says Grubbe of the modern IT solution. First of all, existing fat clients were replaced with quiet thin clients and all monitors were replaced with new energy-efficient TFTs to reduce noise in the teaching areas. New projectors and printers were also installed. As the single point of contact, CHG-MERIDIAN steered and managed all processes of the . It also acted as project manager to coordinate a project team consisting of a systems house and several service providers, such as software and phone system vendors. A further element of the project was the installation of the server room, including a management server, a storage unit, a server farm, and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The server room also houses the school’s new phone system and the DSL line. The switch to a new phone system, bringing together the phone numbers of all schools at the site, was carried out as a subproject. As part of the project the switches and network cables in the other buildings of the main campus were renewed, so that all buildings have high-speed access to the central system. A small back-up system with a UPS was also set up. The entire infrastructure – server, phone system, back up, and UPS – can be scaled up or down at any time to match the number of students. “I had expected more problems. It was hassle-free, and every project step ran smoothly despite everything having to be carried out during the school holidays. The teamwork on the school’s project was very professional and customer-oriented. From a contractual point of view the project is highly complex, but we are very satisfied with the implementation and handling, which was in no small part down to CHG-MERIDIAN’s lack of bureaucracy,” said Grubbe. Yvonne Geier, deputy head at the school, is also satisfied: “Everything is very stable, the technology is very reliable. And that is of course very important to the running of the school. It’s also great that we can restrict access to the system to certain departments or individual students, as it allows us to have children of all levels and from all classes sitting, working, and learning side by side.” Huber adds: “We would like to use this model, which we were able to implement with the right service providers, in the future for other municipalities. Individual requirements can be adapted at any time, of course.” Many schools often find the inflexible and cost-intensive approaches to new IT solutions prohibitive. At Verbundschule Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN has managed to find the best custom solution and financing option – and its independence from banks, manufacturers, and service providers has been a key element in this. Thanks to the expertise gained from the successful implementation in Bad Rappenau, CHG-MERIDIAN now has the tools to establish state-of-the-art, IT-based learning environments that support media literacy in an appealing way at other schools. * Source: Arbeitsbericht des Büros für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag [Report of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag], 2007. ** Source: Study by the Allensbach Institute, 2013. The comprehensive reconfiguration of the IT infrastructure at Verbundschule Bad Rappenau is a great example of a groundbreaking pilot project from CHG-MERIDIAN that can be easily applied to other schools.      WOLFGANG HUBER, KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER AT CHG-MERIDIAN  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Verbundschule Bad Rappenau was established in the 2013/2014 academic year and combines a primary school with several types of secondary school. In total there are around 1,200 students and more than 100 teachers. Bad Rappenau is the first municipality with this type of school in Baden-Württemberg Several other municipalities have since followed this successful model. As a key qualification for the information and communication society, media literacy is best taught through the (early) use of new media in schools.* Around a third of teachers at non-vocational schools use digital media in class. A survey found that 27 percent of students and 36 percent of teachers think this is important or very important; teachers at primary and lower secondary education levels, however, think they have a lot of catching up to do.** h1|TOP OF THE CLASS h2|A new wind is blowing at the Verbundschule Bad Rappenau school A customized business concept developed and implemented One-stop solution from a single source The municipal authority is more than happy with the implementation process h3|Choose your region Facts about the Verbundschule and the Bad Rappenau municipal authority, and about media usage in German schools Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                   Image 1 / 6 Image 2 / 6 Image 3 / 6 Image 4 / 6 Image 5 / 6 Image 6 / 6   pa|Digitalization delivered The Wieland Group is a leading specialist for copper and copper alloys that operates in numerous locations all over the world. A special initiative has been launched so that the Company can harness the opportunities inherent in the digital transformation. It's called the digital change. CHG-MERIDIAN is helping Wieland-Werke AG to implement specific digital projects concerning Enterprise Mobility and to bring its employees along on the journey.    Excellence Story Birgit Schmid, Organization Director – Information Technology, Wieland-Werke AG  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded h1|wiwork - the digital change h2|Digitalization delivered – wiwork - the digital change h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                 pa|A NEW LIFE FOR IT EQUIPMENT THANKS TO CLOSE THE GAP AND WORLDLOOP Close the Gap and WorldLoop take donated used IT equipment and repurpose it to give people around the world access to digital resources. CHG-MERIDIAN is a strong and committed partner of these charitable organizations. The information available on the internet is the key to education, communication, and a better future for school children in Kenya. Thousands of miles away, Barbara Toorens is director of external relations at the Belgian aid organization Close the Gap (CtG). “Access to computers and the internet can open up the world to these people,” she explains. Without CtG the school would probably still not have any high-grade computers. The term used for this invisible border between societies who have ready access to digital resources, and those who do not, is ‘digital divide’. CtG aims to overcome these borders sustainably with the help of technology donations from European companies to non-profit projects in developing countries. CHG-MERIDIAN supports this with , such as those for customers in Belgium and Luxembourg, where new communications technology purchases are combined with the donation of old IT equipment for re-use in Africa, Asia and South America. Deloitte Belgium decided to do this when it invested in 3,000 iPhones. “Social responsibility is a value that is deeply enshrined in our corporate culture,” says Guy Lucq, Chief Information Officer at Deloitte in Brussels. With the help of CHG-MERIDIAN, Deloitte bought a certificate for each new device to confirm that decommissioned in Burundi, a process handled by CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop. Guy Lucq continues: “By renewing our communications technology in this way, we are ensuring that more than 20,000 old cellphones enter the material cycle in Africa responsibly.” CHG-MERIDIAN made certain that the process was smooth, transparent, and fast. Stefan Ertel, Executive Vice President at CHG-MERIDIAN, says: “There is an increasing number of companies that want to actively engage as corporate citizens, but many of them lack the structures that would enable them to firmly integrate corporate social responsibility activities into their business models.” CHG-MERIDIAN filled this gap in 2013. Since then, customers obtaining new hardware through the Belgian subsidiary have been able to arrange for its reuse at the end of the period of use. Ertel adds: “What is unique is that we have successfully virtualized these processes – and we are the first technology management provider worldwide to do so.” This also applies to the procurement of regular IT equipment. For example, when obtaining finance for new laptops, customers can donate some or all of the used equipment to CtG on the basis of the equipment’s projected fair value. Or they can combine their investment with the purchase of recycling certificates. With every project it has run since 2003, CtG has demonstrated the huge potential of donations. By 2014 the aid organization had collected around a quarter of a million donated computers, supporting nearly 3,500 projects in over 50 countries. Environmentally friendly recycling of used equipment also requires clear structures, as the stripping of electronic waste, which can be hazardous to humans and the environment, is widespread in Africa and Asia. This is where CtG’s sister organization WorldLoop comes in. The certificates bought by donors ensure that recycling is carried out to the highest standards. Local start-ups and specialist waste management companies in Europe work hand in hand to make valuable materials in the equipment – which can amount to small fortunes – re-usable. Security is crucial when donating company IT equipment to aid organizations, as the protection of sensitive data must be guaranteed. CHG-MERIDIAN’s program offers certified data erasure to match customer needs at the end of the period of use. The erasure solutions are fully certified, including by the TÜV product standards regulator and DEKRA. Every year, hundreds of thousands of assets are prepared for re-use after the end of their leasing period, including around 100,000 erasures, at CHG-MERIDIAN’s Technology and Service Center in Germany. Deloitte plans to continue supporting aid projects through its IT donations, however, standard solutions are not being considered. From a business point of view, it is imperative to evaluate each case individually. “That’s why we need flexibility. And our long-standing business partner CHG-MERIDIAN offered us exactly this flexibility in this project,” says Lucq. CHG-MERIDIAN is a leader in the market thanks to this innovative business model. Following a successful pilot the corporate social responsibility service will be rolled out in other countries, and there is a lot of interest across Europe. “The potential for such processes is huge,” says Stefan Ertel. And this also applies to other capital assets that could be donated at the end of their period of use. European companies donate technology for a good cause: CHG-MERIDIAN offers its customers intelligent solutions to support their socially and ecologically sensible aid projects at Close the Gap and WorldLoop.      Deloitte’s CIO, Guy Lucq li|menu not loaded Digital divide is the term used to describe the gap between people with full access to the digital world and those who remain mainly cut off from it. It affects countries and entire regions, for example East Africa, but also parts of society in western industrialized countries. Close the Gap was founded in 2003 as a student project at the University of Brussels. The idea is to take donations of high-grade used computers from European companies and use them to support educational and social projects, particularly in East Africa. Promotes economic and social development, especially in rural areas, in developing and newly industrialized countries. Close the Gap supports aid projects in over 50 countries worldwide. WorldLoop was founded as a sister organization to Close the Gap in 2008. Its purpose is to promote the establishment of small companies in developing countries that specialize in the responsible recycling of old computers and communications technology. A further objective is to contain the widespread stripping of electronic waste, which is hazardous to human health and the environment. h1|PROVIDING NEW OPPORTUNITIES h2|More than just a website Recycling combined with a strong sense of responsibility Aid projects that promote independence in local markets Security, trust, and future success are closely connected CHG-Meridian Close the gap Facts on the digital divide, Close the Gap, and WorldLoop h3|Choose your region Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 4 Image 2 / 4 Image 3 / 4 Image 4 / 4    pa|CUSTOMIZED BUSINESS CONCEPT FOR INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Working to a tight schedule, Gestamp Umformtechnik GmbH has installed an ultra-modern plant in Bielefeld. CHG-MERIDIAN is supporting this capital expenditure project with a sophisticated lease model based on the ‘pay-on-production’ principle. Strong, robust, versatile: The Amarok pick-up from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is a dependable workhorse for use on construction sites and in off-road applications. Obviously, this successful all-rounder from Volkswagen needs a solid base. Steel ladder chassis were originally imported to Hannover from VW’s core Amarok plant in Argentina. Due to the logistical expense, VW was looking for a partner in Germany. In 2013, Volkswagen chose Gestamp Umformtechnik to supply the chassis, requiring the latter to invest in a brand-new production facility that is to be used exclusively for this order and is equipped with welding and assembly robots. CHG-MERIDIAN develops for sophisticated industrial capital expenditure projects. Everything then had to move very fast in Bielefeld: “Chassis construction for the Amarok was a demanding and time-critical project,” explains Bernd Willenberg, member of the Management Board responsible for accounting and financial control at Gestamp Umformtechnik. Trained as an economist, he is visibly proud of the project and the achievements of the employees who spent a year preparing thoroughly for the successful production start-up with support from plant supplier Kuka and the technology and finance experts at CHG-MERIDIAN. Chassis consisting of almost 240 parts for the VW Amarok have been coming off the production line at the Gestamp Umformtechnik GmbH plant in Bielefeld since March 2014. Because the factory building already existed, Gestamp’s role was to plan the facility within the available floorspace. “We overcame this challenge to our utmost satisfaction in cooperation with Kuka,” says Jürgen Lohmann, head of process optimization at Gestamp Umformtechnik. CHG-MERIDIAN provided support at every stage of the planning, development, construction, and start-up of the production line. This is because CHG-MERIDIAN does not simply offer finance, it is a genuine project partner that provides customers with professional advice throughout the lifecycle of the industrial plant, from the initial idea for the project to dismantling the plant after use. Transparency, adaptation to the general parameters of the particular capital expenditure project, and complete control over costs are the advantages of CHG-MERIDIAN’s solutions. This form of intelligent support for capital expenditure projects is especially important in the automotive component industry because component suppliers are taking on responsibility for an ever larger proportion of the value creation process for complex automotive products. This perfectly reflects the corporate philosophy of CHG-MERIDIAN, which provides expert, all-round support throughout the technology lifecycle, thereby creating secure conditions for capital expenditure in an ever-changing environment. This was especially important to Gestamp Umformtechnik in the case of the Amarok order because the company had little more than a year from developing the initial idea to bringing the plant on stream. The ‘running change’ also had to go smoothly i.e. without interrupting Amarok production in Hannover. “If you get behind schedule in a project like this, you can rarely catch up again,” is how board member Bernd Willenberg describes the challenge faced by Gestamp. For the production of the ladder chassis for the VW Amarok at Gestamp Umformtechnik, CHG-MERIDIAN teamed up with KUKA Roboter GmbH to develop a comprehensive lease model for industrial robots and automation systems based on the pay-on-production principle. This enables Gestamp Umformtechnik to align its own capital expenditure with the planned income from the order. The lease payments are based on production output at Gestamp Umformtechnik – an approach that provides an all-round view of the ladder chassis project that goes beyond just the sales perspective. Ultimately, Gestamp Umformtechnik will increase its earnings potential from this project by assessing the entire plant in terms of alternative uses and opportunities for modernization after the first production cycle and then incorporating them into the lease structure. Following the pilot project at the Bielefeld site, CHG-MERIDIAN was also involved in production orders based on the pay-on-production principle at Gestamp Group factories in Spain and Hungary. CHG-MERIDIAN contributed the expertise for the entire technology lifecycle of a plant. Gestamp also benefited from a customized and secure financing model.      Interview  EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT® © CHG-MERIDIAN 2021 li|menu not loaded Company: Gestamp Umformtechnik GmbH Sector: Automotive component supply Products: Chassis and body components Registered office: Ludwigsfelde, Brandenburg, Germany Head office: Bielefeld, Germany Management Board: Francisco José Riberas Mera, Dr. Theodor Plümpe, Dr. Ronald Märtins, Jesús Taboada Employees: approx. 1,900 (including approx. 70 apprentices) in Bielefeld, approx. 350 employees (including approx. 10 apprentices) in Ludwigsfelde Revenue: > €475 million Export rate: approx. 30 percent Production sites: Bielefeld and Ludwigsfelde h1|IDEAL PARAMETERS h2|Big-ticket order for automotive supplier From paper to production CHG-MERIDIAN - Interview Company facts h3|Choose your region Overnight success The best form for capital investment Contact Legal TOOLS Social Media sp|                                  Image 1 / 5 Image 2 / 5 Image 3 / 5 Image 4 / 5 Image 5 / 5 