Module data

Module data

General requirements

  1. Data is saved as an UTF-8 encoded JSON file.
  2. The portfolio should use the fields project_id, project_name, start_date, end_date, course_id, course_name, techniques_used, description, long_description, image, external_link.
  3. The data module must only depend on the fields project_id, project_name, and techniques_used existing.
  4. Dates in the data should use the ISO 8601 format.
Loads JSON formatted project data from a file and returns a list of all projects, sorted after number.
Retrieves the number of projects in a project list.
get_project(db, id)
Fetches the project with the specified id from the specified list.
search(db, sort_by='start_date', sort_order='desc', techniques=None, search=None, search_fields=None)
Fetches and sorts projects matching criteria from the specified list.
Fetches a list of all the techniques from the specified project list in lexicographical order.
Collects and returns statistics for all techniques in the specified project list.
  __package__ = None
Function Details



Loads JSON formatted project data from a file and returns a list of all projects, sorted after number.

load reads objects from a UTF-8 encoded JSON file, and returns a list of projects.

On errors, None is returned.

  • filename (string) - The filename containing project data.
Returns: list
All the project data from the read file, or None.



Retrieves the number of projects in a project list.

  • db (list) - A list as returned by load.
Returns: number
The number of projects in the list.

get_project(db, id)


Fetches the project with the specified id from the specified list.

If the specified project id does not exist, None is returned.

  • db (list) - A list as returned by load.
  • id (number) - The ID of the wanted project.
Returns: dict
All project data for the specified project, or None.

search(db, sort_by='start_date', sort_order='desc', techniques=None, search=None, search_fields=None)


Fetches and sorts projects matching criteria from the specified list.

  • db (list) - A list as returned by load.
  • sort_by (string) - The name of the field to sort by.
  • sort_order (string) - The order to sort in. 'asc' for ascending, 'desc' for descending.
  • techniques (list) - List of techniques that projects must have to be returned. An empty list means this field is ignored
  • search (string) - Free text search string.
  • search_fields (list) - The fields to search for search in. If search_fields is empty, no results are returned. If search_fields is None, all fields are searched.
Returns: list
A list containing dictionaries for all the projects conforming to the specified search criteria.



Fetches a list of all the techniques from the specified project list in lexicographical order.

  • db (list) - A list as returned by load.
Returns: list
A alphabetically sorted list containing the names of all techniques in db.



Collects and returns statistics for all techniques in the specified project list.

The key of each entry in the returned dictionary is the technique name, and the value is a list of dictionaries for each of the projects using the technique.

Each of those dictionaries representing a project has the keys:

  • id (int): Project ID
  • name (string): Name of the project

An example is:

>>> retrieve_technique_stats()
 'python': [{'id': 42, 'name': 'TDP003'}, {'id': 17, 'name': 'TDP002'}],
 'c++': [{'id': 3, 'name': 'TDP005'}]
  • db (list) - A list as returned by load.
Returns: dict
Technique stats (see above).