Chocolate Box Challenge

Up for a challenge? Practice your skills in feature engineering and win a box of chocolates!

Marco Kuhlmann


February 12, 2024

Up for a challenge? In this optional course activity, you can practice your skills in old-school feature engineering, the almost forgotten art of identifying useful features for a machine learning system – in this case, a part-of-speech tagger based on the averaged perceptron.

To participate in the challenge, watch the additional video lectures linked below, download the notebook and data from the course repo, and submit your feature-engineered system through Lisam before the deadline. If you meet the performance goal, you will earn 6 bonus points for the lab module.

If you also want the box of chocolates, you will have to additionally upload your solution to the Chocolate Box Challenge on Kaggle.

Good luck, and may the best team win! 😎