Source: server-stub.js

 * Server stub for lab 2 of TDDD83 - <i>Kandidatprojekt datateknik</i>.
 * @author Niklas Granander (
 * @since  2020-01-12
 * @namespace
var serverStub = {

   * Stub for GET /cars <br/>
   * Gets all [cars]{@link Car} (or empty list)
   * @return {Car[]}
   * @instance
  getCars: function() {
    return this._cars;

   * Stub for POST /cars <br/>
   * Adds a car to memory and returns it
   * @param {string} make - The manufacturer/brand of the car
   * @param {string} model - Model name of the car
   * @param {number} [customer_id=null] - Id of a Customer
   * @return {Car}
   * @instance
  addCar: function(make, model, customer_id = null) {
    var newCar = {
      id: this._getNextId(this._cars),
      get customer() { return serverStub._lazyLoadCustomer(this.customer_id); },
    return newCar;

   * Stub for GET /car/<car_id> <br/>
   * Returns a Car with the given id or false if not found
   * @param {number} id - id of car to return
   * @return {(Car|boolean)}
   * @instance
  getCar: function(id) {
    return this._cars.find(function(car) { return === id; }) || false;

   * Stub for PUT /cars/<car_id> <br/>
   * Updates a car with the given id and returns it. Returns false if not found.
   * @param {number} id - id of car to update
   * @param {string} make - The manufacturer/brand of the car
   * @param {string} model - Model name of the car
   * @param {number} [customer_id=null] - Id of a Customer
   * @return {(Car|boolean)}
   * @instance
  updateCar: function(id, make, model, customer_id = null) {
    var car = this._cars.find(function(car) { return === id; });

    if (!car) return false;

    car.make = make;
    car.model = model;
    car.customer_id = customer_id;
    return car;

   * Stub for DELETE /car/<car_id> <br/>
   * Deletes a car from memory with the given id or returns false if not found
   * @param {number} id - id of car to delete
   * @return {boolean}
   * @instance
  deleteCar: function(id) {
    if (this._cars.some(function(car) { return === id; })) {
      this._cars = this._cars.filter(function(car) { return !== id; });
      return true;

    return false;

   * Stub for GET /customers <br/>
   * Gets all customers from memory (or empty list)
   * @return {Customer[]}
   * @instance
  getCustomers: function() {
    return this._customers;

   * Stub for POST /customers <br/>
   * Adds a customer to memory and returns it
   * @param {string} name - The name of the customer
   * @param {string} email - The email address of the customer
   * @return {Customer}
   * @instance
  addCustomer: function(name, email) {
    var newCustomer = {
      id: this._getNextId(this._customers),
      get cars() { return serverStub._lazyLoadCars(; },
    return newCustomer;

   * Stub for GET /customers/<customer_id> <br/>
   * Returns a customer with the given id or false if not found
   * @param {number} id - id of customer to return
   * @return {(Customer|boolean)}
   * @instance
  getCustomer: function(id) {
    return this._customers.find(function(customer) { return === id; }) || false;

   * Stub for PUT /customers/<customer_id> <br/>
   * Updates a customer with the given id and returns it. Returns false if not found.
   * @param {number} id - id of customer to update
   * @param {string} name - The name of the customer
   * @param {string} email - The email address of the customer
   * @return {(Customer|boolean)}
   * @instance
  updateCustomer: function(id, name, email) {
    var customer = this._customers.find(function(customer) { return === id; });

    if (!customer) return false; = name; = email;
    return customer;

   * Stub for DELETE /customers/<customer_id> <br/>
   * Deletes a customer from memory with the given id.
   * Destroys relationships between the given customer and cars.
   * @param {number} id - id of customer to delete
   * @return {boolean}
   * @instance
  deleteCustomer: function(id) {
    if (this._customers.some(function(customer) { return === id; })) {
      this._customers = this._customers.filter(function(customer) { return !== id; });
      this._cars = this._unsetCarCustomer(id);
      return true;

    return false;

   /** @private */
  _getNextId: function(list) {
    return list.reduce(function(previousId, current) {
      return ( > previousId) ? : previousId;
    }, 0) + 1

  /** @private */
  _lazyLoadCustomer: function(customer_id) {
    return this._customers.find(function(customer) { 
      return === customer_id; 

  /** @private */
  _lazyLoadCars: function(customer_id) {
    return this._cars.filter(function(car) { return car.customer_id === customer_id; });

  /** @private */
  _unsetCarCustomer: function(customer_id) {
    return {
      car.customer_id = null;
      return car;
   * @private
   * @type {Customer[]}
  _customers: [
     * @typedef {Object} Customer
     * @property {number} id - Unique identifier for a customer
     * @property {string} name - The name of the customer
     * @property {string} email - The email address of the customer
     * @property {Car[]} cars - Associated cars
      id: 1,
      name: "Test Kund",
      email: "",
      get cars() { return serverStub._lazyLoadCars(; }
      id: 2,
      name: "Test Persson",
      email: "",
      get cars() { return serverStub._lazyLoadCars(; }
   * @private
   * @type {Car[]}
  _cars: [
     * @typedef {Object} Car
     * @property {number} id - Unique identifier for a car
     * @property {string} make - Manufacturer/brand of the car
     * @property {string} model - Model name of the car
     * @property {number} [customer_id] - id of associated customer
     * @property {Customer} customer - Associated customer (if customer_id is provided)
      id: 1,
      make: "Volvo",
      model: "V70",
      customer_id: 1,
      get customer() { return serverStub._lazyLoadCustomer(this.customer_id); },
      id: 2,
      make: "SAAB",
      model: "95",
      customer_id: null,
      get customer() { return serverStub._lazyLoadCustomer(this.customer_id); },