/home/TDDD38/www-pub/lecture/src/README Here are the code examples used on the lectures (if published). Derived-classes Used for lectures on derived classes, polymorphism and RTTI. Demonstrates subobject initialization and destruction order in a class lattis with virtual base classes. String Used for lectures on single class design and operator functions. Demonstrates basic class design issues, operator functions and overloading operator functions. Person-Employee-Manager-Consultant Used for lectures on derived classes, polymorphism and RTTI. Demonstrates basic derived class design issues. P-E-M-C-clone is an implementation with a straight-forward solution for the cloning function, clone(), and also for str(). P-E-M-C-clone-NVI uses the Non-Virtual Interface patterns for clone() and str(). Templates Used for lectures on templates. Function_Objects Used for lectures on function object adaptors. Shows use of helper functions ptr_fun, mem_fun and mem_fun_ref.