23 General utilities library [utilities]

23.11 Smart pointers [smartptr]

23.11.1 Class template unique_­ptr [unique.ptr]

A unique pointer is an object that owns another object and manages that other object through a pointer.
More precisely, a unique pointer is an object u that stores a pointer to a second object p and will dispose of p when u is itself destroyed (e.g., when leaving block scope ([stmt.dcl])).
In this context, u is said to own p.
The mechanism by which u disposes of p is known as p's associated deleter, a function object whose correct invocation results in p's appropriate disposition (typically its deletion).
Let the notation u.p denote the pointer stored by u, and let u.d denote the associated deleter.
Upon request, u can reset (replace) u.p and u.d with another pointer and deleter, but must properly dispose of its owned object via the associated deleter before such replacement is considered completed.
Additionally, u can, upon request, transfer ownership to another unique pointer u2.
Upon completion of such a transfer, the following postconditions hold:
  • u2.p is equal to the pre-transfer u.p,
  • u.p is equal to nullptr, and
  • if the pre-transfer u.d maintained state, such state has been transferred to u2.d.
As in the case of a reset, u2 must properly dispose of its pre-transfer owned object via the pre-transfer associated deleter before the ownership transfer is considered complete.
A deleter's state need never be copied, only moved or swapped as ownership is transferred.
end note
Each object of a type U instantiated from the unique_­ptr template specified in this subclause has the strict ownership semantics, specified above, of a unique pointer.
In partial satisfaction of these semantics, each such U is MoveConstructible and MoveAssignable, but is not CopyConstructible nor CopyAssignable.
The template parameter T of unique_­ptr may be an incomplete type.
The uses of unique_­ptr include providing exception safety for dynamically allocated memory, passing ownership of dynamically allocated memory to a function, and returning dynamically allocated memory from a function.
end note
namespace std {
  template<class T> struct default_delete;
  template<class T> struct default_delete<T[]>;

  template<class T, class D = default_delete<T>> class unique_ptr;
  template<class T, class D> class unique_ptr<T[], D>;

  template<class T, class... Args> unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args);
  template<class T> unique_ptr<T> make_unique(size_t n);
  template<class T, class... Args> unspecified make_unique(Args&&...) = delete;

  template<class T, class D> void swap(unique_ptr<T, D>& x, unique_ptr<T, D>& y) noexcept;

  template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
    bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
  template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
    bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
  template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
    bool operator<(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
  template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
    bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
  template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
    bool operator>(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
  template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
    bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);

  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y) noexcept;
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y) noexcept;
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator<(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator<(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator<=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator>(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator>(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t);
  template <class T, class D>
    bool operator>=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y);

} Default deleters [unique.ptr.dltr] In general [unique.ptr.dltr.general]

The class template default_­delete serves as the default deleter (destruction policy) for the class template unique_­ptr.
The template parameter T of default_­delete may be an incomplete type. default_­delete [unique.ptr.dltr.dflt]

namespace std {
  template <class T> struct default_delete {
    constexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;
    template <class U> default_delete(const default_delete<U>&) noexcept;
    void operator()(T*) const;
template <class U> default_delete(const default_delete<U>& other) noexcept;
Effects: Constructs a default_­delete object from another default_­delete<U> object.
Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless U* is implicitly convertible to T*.
void operator()(T* ptr) const;
Effects: Calls delete on ptr.
Remarks: If T is an incomplete type, the program is ill-formed. default_­delete<T[]> [unique.ptr.dltr.dflt1]

namespace std {
  template <class T> struct default_delete<T[]> {
    constexpr default_delete() noexcept = default;
    template <class U> default_delete(const default_delete<U[]>&) noexcept;
    template <class U> void operator()(U* ptr) const;
template <class U> default_delete(const default_delete<U[]>& other) noexcept;
Effects: constructs a default_­delete object from another default_­delete<U[]> object.
Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless U(*)[] is convertible to T(*)[].
template <class U> void operator()(U* ptr) const;
Effects: Calls delete[] on ptr.
Remarks: If U is an incomplete type, the program is ill-formed.
This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless U(*)[] is convertible to T(*)[]. unique_­ptr for single objects [unique.ptr.single]

namespace std {
  template <class T, class D = default_delete<T>> class unique_ptr {
    using pointer      = see below;
    using element_type = T;
    using deleter_type = D;

    // [unique.ptr.single.ctor], constructors
    constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
    explicit unique_ptr(pointer p) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d1) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d2) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
    template <class U, class E>
      unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;

    // [unique.ptr.single.dtor], destructor

    // [unique.ptr.single.asgn], assignment
    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
    template <class U, class E> unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;
    unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;

    // [unique.ptr.single.observers], observers
    add_lvalue_reference_t<T> operator*() const;
    pointer operator->() const noexcept;
    pointer get() const noexcept;
    deleter_type& get_deleter() noexcept;
    const deleter_type& get_deleter() const noexcept;
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    // [unique.ptr.single.modifiers], modifiers
    pointer release() noexcept;
    void reset(pointer p = pointer()) noexcept;
    void swap(unique_ptr& u) noexcept;

    // disable copy from lvalue
    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
    unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
The default type for the template parameter D is default_­delete.
A client-supplied template argument D shall be a function object type ([function.objects]), lvalue reference to function, or lvalue reference to function object type for which, given a value d of type D and a value ptr of type unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer, the expression d(ptr) is valid and has the effect of disposing of the pointer as appropriate for that deleter.
If the deleter's type D is not a reference type, D shall satisfy the requirements of Destructible (Table 27).
If the qualified-id remove_­reference_­t<D>​::​pointer is valid and denotes a type ([temp.deduct]), then unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer shall be a synonym for remove_­reference_­t<D>​::​pointer.
Otherwise unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer shall be a synonym for element_­type*.
The type unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer shall satisfy the requirements of NullablePointer ([nullablepointer.requirements]).
Given an allocator type X ([allocator.requirements]) and letting A be a synonym for allocator_­traits<X>, the types A​::​pointer, A​::​const_­pointer, A​::​void_­pointer, and A​::​const_­void_­pointer may be used as unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer.
end example
] unique_­ptr constructors [unique.ptr.single.ctor]

constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept; constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
Requires: D shall satisfy the requirements of DefaultConstructible (Table 22), and that construction shall not throw an exception.
Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr object that owns nothing, value-initializing the stored pointer and the stored deleter.
Postconditions: get() == nullptr.
get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter.
Remarks: If is_­pointer_­v<deleter_­type> is true or is_­default_­constructible_­v<deleter_­type> is false, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution.
explicit unique_ptr(pointer p) noexcept;
Requires: D shall satisfy the requirements of DefaultConstructible (Table 22), and that construction shall not throw an exception.
Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and value-initializing the stored deleter.
Postconditions: get() == p.
get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter.
Remarks: If is_­pointer_­v<deleter_­type> is true or is_­default_­constructible_­v<deleter_­type> is false, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution.
If class template argument deduction ([over.match.class.deduct]) would select the function template corresponding to this constructor, then the program is ill-formed.
unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d1) noexcept; unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d2) noexcept;
The signature of these constructors depends upon whether D is a reference type.
If D is a non-reference type A, then the signatures are:
unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) noexcept;
If D is an lvalue reference type A&, then the signatures are:
unique_ptr(pointer p, A& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) = delete;
If D is an lvalue reference type const A&, then the signatures are:
unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, const A&& d) = delete;
Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr object which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and initializing the deleter from std​::​forward<decltype(d)>(d).
Remarks: These constructors shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_­constructible_­v<D, decltype(d)> is true.
Postconditions: get() == p.
get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter.
If D is a reference type then get_­deleter() returns a reference to the lvalue d.
Remarks: If class template argument deduction ([over.match.class.deduct]) would select a function template corresponding to either of these constructors, then the program is ill-formed.
D d;
unique_ptr<int, D> p1(new int, D());        // D must be MoveConstructible
unique_ptr<int, D> p2(new int, d);          // D must be CopyConstructible
unique_ptr<int, D&> p3(new int, d);         // p3 holds a reference to d
unique_ptr<int, const D&> p4(new int, D()); // error: rvalue deleter object combined
                                            // with reference deleter type
end example
unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
Requires: If D is not a reference type, D shall satisfy the requirements of MoveConstructible (Table 23).
Construction of the deleter from an rvalue of type D shall not throw an exception.
Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr by transferring ownership from u to *this.
If D is a reference type, this deleter is copy constructed from u's deleter; otherwise, this deleter is move constructed from u's deleter.
The deleter constructor can be implemented with std​::​forward<D>.
end note
Postconditions: get() yields the value u.get() yielded before the construction.
get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter that was constructed from u.get_­deleter().
If D is a reference type then get_­deleter() and u.get_­deleter() both reference the same lvalue deleter.
template <class U, class E> unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;
Requires: If E is not a reference type, construction of the deleter from an rvalue of type E shall be well formed and shall not throw an exception.
Otherwise, E is a reference type and construction of the deleter from an lvalue of type E shall be well formed and shall not throw an exception.
Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless:
  • unique_­ptr<U, E>​::​pointer is implicitly convertible to pointer,
  • U is not an array type, and
  • either D is a reference type and E is the same type as D, or D is not a reference type and E is implicitly convertible to D.
Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr by transferring ownership from u to *this.
If E is a reference type, this deleter is copy constructed from u's deleter; otherwise, this deleter is move constructed from u's deleter.
The deleter constructor can be implemented with std​::​forward<E>.
end note
Postconditions: get() yields the value u.get() yielded before the construction.
get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter that was constructed from u.get_­deleter(). unique_­ptr destructor [unique.ptr.single.dtor]

Requires: The expression get_­deleter()(get()) shall be well formed, shall have well-defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions.
The use of default_­delete requires T to be a complete type.
end note
Effects: If get() == nullptr there are no effects.
Otherwise get_­deleter()(get()). unique_­ptr assignment [unique.ptr.single.asgn]

unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
Requires: If D is not a reference type, D shall satisfy the requirements of MoveAssignable (Table 25) and assignment of the deleter from an rvalue of type D shall not throw an exception.
Otherwise, D is a reference type; remove_­reference_­t<D> shall satisfy the CopyAssignable requirements and assignment of the deleter from an lvalue of type D shall not throw an exception.
Effects: Transfers ownership from u to *this as if by calling reset(u.release()) followed by get_­deleter() = std​::​forward<D>(u.get_­deleter()).
Returns: *this.
template <class U, class E> unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;
Requires: If E is not a reference type, assignment of the deleter from an rvalue of type E shall be well-formed and shall not throw an exception.
Otherwise, E is a reference type and assignment of the deleter from an lvalue of type E shall be well-formed and shall not throw an exception.
Remarks: This operator shall not participate in overload resolution unless:
  • unique_­ptr<U, E>​::​pointer is implicitly convertible to pointer, and
  • U is not an array type, and
  • is_­assignable_­v<D&, E&&> is true.
Effects: Transfers ownership from u to *this as if by calling reset(u.release()) followed by get_­deleter() = std​::​forward<E>(u.get_­deleter()).
Returns: *this.
unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;
Effects: As if by reset().
Postconditions: get() == nullptr.
Returns: *this. unique_­ptr observers [unique.ptr.single.observers]

add_lvalue_reference_t<T> operator*() const;
Requires: get() != nullptr.
Returns: *get().
pointer operator->() const noexcept;
Requires: get() != nullptr.
Returns: get().
The use of this function typically requires that T be a complete type.
end note
pointer get() const noexcept;
Returns: The stored pointer.
deleter_type& get_deleter() noexcept; const deleter_type& get_deleter() const noexcept;
Returns: A reference to the stored deleter.
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
Returns: get() != nullptr. unique_­ptr modifiers [unique.ptr.single.modifiers]

pointer release() noexcept;
Postconditions: get() == nullptr.
Returns: The value get() had at the start of the call to release.
void reset(pointer p = pointer()) noexcept;
Requires: The expression get_­deleter()(get()) shall be well formed, shall have well-defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions.
Effects: Assigns p to the stored pointer, and then if and only if the old value of the stored pointer, old_­p, was not equal to nullptr, calls get_­deleter()(old_­p).
The order of these operations is significant because the call to get_­deleter() may destroy *this.
end note
Postconditions: get() == p.
The postcondition does not hold if the call to get_­deleter() destroys *this since this->get() is no longer a valid expression.
end note
void swap(unique_ptr& u) noexcept;
Requires: get_­deleter() shall be swappable ([swappable.requirements]) and shall not throw an exception under swap.
Effects: Invokes swap on the stored pointers and on the stored deleters of *this and u. unique_­ptr for array objects with a runtime length [unique.ptr.runtime]

namespace std {
  template <class T, class D> class unique_ptr<T[], D> {
    using pointer      = see below;
    using element_type = T;
    using deleter_type = D;

    // [unique.ptr.runtime.ctor], constructors
    constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
    template <class U> explicit unique_ptr(U p) noexcept;
    template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;
    template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;
    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
    template <class U, class E>
      unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;
    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;

    // destructor

    // assignment
    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
    template <class U, class E>
      unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;
    unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;

    // [unique.ptr.runtime.observers], observers
    T& operator[](size_t i) const;
    pointer get() const noexcept;
    deleter_type& get_deleter() noexcept;
    const deleter_type& get_deleter() const noexcept;
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    // [unique.ptr.runtime.modifiers], modifiers
    pointer release() noexcept;
    template <class U> void reset(U p) noexcept;
    void reset(nullptr_t = nullptr) noexcept;
    void swap(unique_ptr& u) noexcept;

    // disable copy from lvalue
    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
    unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
A specialization for array types is provided with a slightly altered interface.
  • Conversions between different types of unique_­ptr<T[], D> that would be disallowed for the corresponding pointer-to-array types, and conversions to or from the non-array forms of unique_­ptr, produce an ill-formed program.
  • Pointers to types derived from T are rejected by the constructors, and by reset.
  • The observers operator* and operator-> are not provided.
  • The indexing observer operator[] is provided.
  • The default deleter will call delete[].
Descriptions are provided below only for members that differ from the primary template.
The template argument T shall be a complete type. unique_­ptr constructors [unique.ptr.runtime.ctor]

template <class U> explicit unique_ptr(U p) noexcept;
This constructor behaves the same as the constructor in the primary template that takes a single parameter of type pointer except that it additionally shall not participate in overload resolution unless
  • U is the same type as pointer, or
  • pointer is the same type as element_­type*, U is a pointer type V*, and V(*)[] is convertible to element_­type(*)[].
template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept; template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;
These constructors behave the same as the constructors in the primary template that take a parameter of type pointer and a second parameter except that they shall not participate in overload resolution unless either
  • U is the same type as pointer,
  • U is nullptr_­t, or
  • pointer is the same type as element_­type*, U is a pointer type V*, and V(*)[] is convertible to element_­type(*)[].
template <class U, class E> unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;
This constructor behaves the same as in the primary template, except that it shall not participate in overload resolution unless all of the following conditions hold, where UP is unique_­ptr<U, E>:
  • U is an array type, and
  • pointer is the same type as element_­type*, and
  • UP​::​pointer is the same type as UP​::​element_­type*, and
  • UP​::​element_­type(*)[] is convertible to element_­type(*)[], and
  • either D is a reference type and E is the same type as D, or D is not a reference type and E is implicitly convertible to D.
This replaces the overload-resolution specification of the primary template
end note
] unique_­ptr assignment [unique.ptr.runtime.asgn]

template <class U, class E> unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u)noexcept;
This operator behaves the same as in the primary template, except that it shall not participate in overload resolution unless all of the following conditions hold, where UP is unique_­ptr<U, E>:
  • U is an array type, and
  • pointer is the same type as element_­type*, and
  • UP​::​pointer is the same type as UP​::​element_­type*, and
  • UP​::​element_­type(*)[] is convertible to element_­type(*)[], and
  • is_­assignable_­v<D&, E&&> is true.
This replaces the overload-resolution specification of the primary template
end note
] unique_­ptr observers [unique.ptr.runtime.observers]

T& operator[](size_t i) const;
Requires: i < the number of elements in the array to which the stored pointer points.
Returns: get()[i]. unique_­ptr modifiers [unique.ptr.runtime.modifiers]

void reset(nullptr_t p = nullptr) noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to reset(pointer()).
template <class U> void reset(U p) noexcept;
This function behaves the same as the reset member of the primary template, except that it shall not participate in overload resolution unless either
  • U is the same type as pointer, or
  • pointer is the same type as element_­type*, U is a pointer type V*, and V(*)[] is convertible to element_­type(*)[]. unique_­ptr creation [unique.ptr.create]

template <class T, class... Args> unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args);
Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless T is not an array.
Returns: unique_­ptr<T>(new T(std​::​forward<Args>(args)...)).
template <class T> unique_ptr<T> make_unique(size_t n);
Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless T is an array of unknown bound.
Returns: unique_­ptr<T>(new remove_­extent_­t<T>[n]()).
template <class T, class... Args> unspecified make_unique(Args&&...) = delete;
Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless T is an array of known bound. unique_­ptr specialized algorithms [unique.ptr.special]

template <class T, class D> void swap(unique_ptr<T, D>& x, unique_ptr<T, D>& y) noexcept;
Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_­swappable_­v<D> is true.
Effects: Calls x.swap(y).
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
Returns: x.get() == y.get().
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
Returns: x.get() != y.get().
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator<(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
Requires: Let CT denote
common_type_t<typename unique_ptr<T1, D1>::pointer,
              typename unique_ptr<T2, D2>::pointer>
Then the specialization less<CT> shall be a function object type ([function.objects]) that induces a strict weak ordering ([alg.sorting]) on the pointer values.
Returns: less<CT>()(x.get(), y.get()).
Remarks: If unique_­ptr<T1, D1>​::​pointer is not implicitly convertible to CT or unique_­ptr<T2, D2>​::​pointer is not implicitly convertible to CT, the program is ill-formed.
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
Returns: !(y < x).
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator>(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
Returns: y < x.
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);
Returns: !(x < y).
template <class T, class D> bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept; template <class T, class D> bool operator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x) noexcept;
Returns: !x.
template <class T, class D> bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept; template <class T, class D> bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x) noexcept;
Returns: (bool)x.
template <class T, class D> bool operator<(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); template <class T, class D> bool operator<(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x);
Requires: The specialization less<unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer> shall be a function object type ([function.objects]) that induces a strict weak ordering ([alg.sorting]) on the pointer values.
Returns: The first function template returns less<unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer>()(x.get(),
The second function template returns less<unique_­ptr<T, D>​::​pointer>()(nullptr, x.get()).
template <class T, class D> bool operator>(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); template <class T, class D> bool operator>(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x);
Returns: The first function template returns nullptr < x.
The second function template returns x < nullptr.
template <class T, class D> bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); template <class T, class D> bool operator<=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x);
Returns: The first function template returns !(nullptr < x).
The second function template returns !(x < nullptr).
template <class T, class D> bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); template <class T, class D> bool operator>=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x);
Returns: The first function template returns !(x < nullptr).
The second function template returns !(nullptr < x).