30 Input/output library [input.output]

30.11 C library files [c.files]

30.11.1 Header <cstdio> synopsis [cstdio.syn]

namespace std {
  using size_t = see [support.types.layout];
  using FILE = see below;
  using fpos_t = see below;

#define NULL see [support.types.nullptr]
#define _IOFBF see below
#define _IOLBF see below
#define _IONBF see below
#define BUFSIZ see below
#define EOF see below
#define FOPEN_MAX see below
#define FILENAME_MAX see below
#define L_tmpnam see below
#define SEEK_CUR see below
#define SEEK_END see below
#define SEEK_SET see below
#define TMP_MAX see below
#define stderr see below
#define stdin see below
#define stdout see below

namespace std {
  int remove(const char* filename);
  int rename(const char* old, const char* new);
  FILE* tmpfile();
  char* tmpnam(char* s);
  int fclose(FILE* stream);
  int fflush(FILE* stream);
  FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);
  FILE* freopen(const char* filename, const char* mode, FILE* stream);
  void setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf);
  int setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size);
  int fprintf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...);
  int fscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...);
  int printf(const char* format, ...);
  int scanf(const char* format, ...);
  int snprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, ...);
  int sprintf(char* s, const char* format, ...);
  int sscanf(const char* s, const char* format, ...);
  int vfprintf(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list arg);
  int vfscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list arg);
  int vprintf(const char* format, va_list arg);
  int vscanf(const char* format, va_list arg);
  int vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, va_list arg);
  int vsprintf(char* s, const char* format, va_list arg);
  int vsscanf(const char* s, const char* format, va_list arg);
  int fgetc(FILE* stream);
  char* fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* stream);
  int fputc(int c, FILE* stream);
  int fputs(const char* s, FILE* stream);
  int getc(FILE* stream);
  int getchar();
  int putc(int c, FILE* stream);
  int putchar(int c);
  int puts(const char* s);
  int ungetc(int c, FILE* stream);
  size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
  size_t fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
  int fgetpos(FILE* stream, fpos_t* pos);
  int fseek(FILE* stream, long int offset, int whence);
  int fsetpos(FILE* stream, const fpos_t* pos);
  long int ftell(FILE* stream);
  void rewind(FILE* stream);
  void clearerr(FILE* stream);
  int feof(FILE* stream);
  int ferror(FILE* stream);
  void perror(const char* s);
The contents and meaning of the header <cstdio> are the same as the C standard library header <stdio.h>.
Calls to the function tmpnam with an argument that is a null pointer value may introduce a data race ([res.on.data.races]) with other calls to tmpnam with an argument that is a null pointer value.
See also: ISO C 7.21.

30.11.2 Header <cinttypes> synopsis [cinttypes.syn]

#include <cstdint>  // see [cstdint.syn]

namespace std {
  using imaxdiv_t = see below;

  intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t j);
  imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom);
  intmax_t strtoimax(const char* nptr, char** endptr, int base);
  uintmax_t strtoumax(const char* nptr, char** endptr, int base);
  intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t* nptr, wchar_t** endptr, int base);
  uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t* nptr, wchar_t** endptr, int base);

  intmax_t abs(intmax_t);  // optional, see below
  imaxdiv_t div(intmax_t, intmax_t);  // optional, see below

#define PRIdN see below
#define PRIiN see below
#define PRIoN see below
#define PRIuN see below
#define PRIxN see below
#define PRIXN see below
#define SCNdN see below
#define SCNiN see below
#define SCNoN see below
#define SCNuN see below
#define SCNxN see below
#define PRIdLEASTN see below
#define PRIiLEASTN see below
#define PRIoLEASTN see below
#define PRIuLEASTN see below
#define PRIxLEASTN see below
#define PRIXLEASTN see below
#define SCNdLEASTN see below
#define SCNiLEASTN see below
#define SCNoLEASTN see below
#define SCNuLEASTN see below
#define SCNxLEASTN see below
#define PRIdFASTN see below
#define PRIiFASTN see below
#define PRIoFASTN see below
#define PRIuFASTN see below
#define PRIxFASTN see below
#define PRIXFASTN see below
#define SCNdFASTN see below
#define SCNiFASTN see below
#define SCNoFASTN see below
#define SCNuFASTN see below
#define SCNxFASTN see below
#define PRIdMAX see below
#define PRIiMAX see below
#define PRIoMAX see below
#define PRIuMAX see below
#define PRIxMAX see below
#define PRIXMAX see below
#define SCNdMAX see below
#define SCNiMAX see below
#define SCNoMAX see below
#define SCNuMAX see below
#define SCNxMAX see below
#define PRIdPTR see below
#define PRIiPTR see below
#define PRIoPTR see below
#define PRIuPTR see below
#define PRIxPTR see below
#define PRIXPTR see below
#define SCNdPTR see below
#define SCNiPTR see below
#define SCNoPTR see below
#define SCNuPTR see below
#define SCNxPTR see below
The contents and meaning of the header <cinttypes> are the same as the C standard library header <inttypes.h>, with the following changes:
  • The header <cinttypes> includes the header <cstdint> instead of <stdint.h>, and
  • if and only if the type intmax_­t designates an extended integer type ([basic.fundamental]), the following function signatures are added:
    intmax_t abs(intmax_t);
    imaxdiv_t div(intmax_t, intmax_t);
    which shall have the same semantics as the function signatures intmax_­t imaxabs(intmax_­t) and imaxdiv_­t imaxdiv(intmax_­t, intmax_­t), respectively.
See also: ISO C 7.8.