23 General utilities library [utilities]

23.9 Bitsets [bitset]

23.9.4 bitset operators [bitset.operators]

bitset<N> operator&(const bitset<N>& lhs, const bitset<N>& rhs) noexcept;
Returns: bitset<N>(lhs) &= rhs.
bitset<N> operator|(const bitset<N>& lhs, const bitset<N>& rhs) noexcept;
Returns: bitset<N>(lhs) |= rhs.
bitset<N> operator^(const bitset<N>& lhs, const bitset<N>& rhs) noexcept;
Returns: bitset<N>(lhs) ^= rhs.
template <class charT, class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, bitset<N>& x);
A formatted input function ([istream.formatted]).
Effects: Extracts up to N characters from is.
Stores these characters in a temporary object str of type basic_­string<charT, traits>, then evaluates the expression x = bitset<N>(str).
Characters are extracted and stored until any of the following occurs:
  • N characters have been extracted and stored;
  • end-of-file occurs on the input sequence;
  • the next input character is neither is.widen('0') nor is.widen('1') (in which case the input character is not extracted).
If no characters are stored in str, calls is.setstate(ios_­base​::​failbit) (which may throw ios_­base​::​failure ([iostate.flags])).
Returns: is.
template <class charT, class traits, size_t N> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const bitset<N>& x);
os << x.template to_string<charT, traits, allocator<charT>>(
(see [ostream.formatted]).