Lab 3: Attribute-Directed Translation

The aim of this lab is to generate an internal form of the program. Our compiler will use abstract syntax trees. You will become familiar with the parser-generating program called bison, and will also need to understand the basic theory behind LR parsing.

Attribute-directed translation

To be able to perform semantic analysis, optimization, generate intermediary code, and so on; we must transform the program to an internal form which is convenient to work with. More specifically, we require an internal form which:

  • is not profiled for a certain machine.

  • is easy to traverse, e.g. provide a basis for interpretation.

  • is easy to optimize.

In this lab abstract syntax trees (or AST, for short) will be used as an internal form. In a subsequent lab we will generate quadruples by traversing the trees.

The translation to internal form is normally performed by using so-called syntax-directed translation where each production A \rightarrow \alpha in the grammar is associated with a semantic action – some code which is called when reducing A \rightarrow \alpha (LR parser). For example, the semantic action could be to:

  • fill in the symbol table upon finding a declaration,

  • perform semantic analysis (see the next section), and/or

  • generate an internal form (everything from abstract syntax trees to machine code).

In an attribute-directed translation each grammatical symbol has one or more attributes. The attributes can be extra fields in the parse tree’s nodes. An attribute can be inherited (values are transported downwards in the parse tree) or synthesised (values are transported upwards in the parse tree).

It is the semantic actions that ensure that attributes are inherited or synthesised.

Syntax-directed translation for a simple calculator

This is an example from the course textbook. Each non-terminal (E, T, F) has a synthesised attribute of integer type, val, which is propagated upwards in the parse tree. The terminal digit has a synthesised attribute, lexval, whose value is provided by the scanner.





L \rightarrow E\textrm{ }\vdash



E \rightarrow E1 + T

E.val:=E1 + T.val


E \rightarrow T



T \rightarrow T1 * F

T.val:=T1.val * F.val


T \rightarrow F



F \rightarrow (E)



F \rightarrow \textrm{digit}

F.val:= digit.lexval

\vdash represents <end of line> here (usually <end of input>).

Draw a parse tree which shows derivations for the expression 10+5*2 and illustrate how the attribute val is synthesized upwards. (This is an optional exercise that helps get an understanding of how syntax-directed translation works.)

LR parsers and parser generators

Much as with scanners, in the old days people wrote parsers by hand. Again, as the size and complexity of languages grew, the need for automated tools became evident. There are now exist numerous parser generator programs, and in this course we will be using one of them, called bison (a GNU version of the unix program yacc, which stands for Yet Another Compiler Compiler). Thus, you will not need to implement your own LR parser. However, make sure you understand the theory behind how they work! The lectures, as well as the course book, cover the theory quite well; thus only a few key concepts will be reiterated here.

An LR parser has a current state, an action table and a goto table. Depending on the token input from the scanner and the current state, the parser finds out what to do next: shift a new token, reduce a production, generate an error message or accept the program as correct. Semantic actions are performed when a production is reduced.


bison keeps track of all these things for you, however. Your job will be to implement the semantic actions for most of the productions that make up DIESEL’s grammar. This is done by editing the bison input file parser.y.

bison is a very capable program, and it is not feasible to include a complete description of it here. An exhaustive manual can be found on the course home page, both in html and postscript format. You will have to refer to this documentation extensively during this lab, so browsing it right away to get a basic idea of how bison works and what it can do is probably a good idea.

Abstract syntax trees

The internal form we shall study and use in the lab is known as abstract syntax trees (from now on called ASTs) and can be said to correspond to a reduced variant of a parse tree.

Example: The syntax tree for

procedure goofy;
  var x : integer;
  while (x > 0) do
    x := x - 1;
digraph lab3_while_ast {
node [fontname="Courier New"];
WHILE -> ">";
">" -> X1;
">" -> 0;
WHILE -> ":=";
":=" -> X2;
":=" -> "-";
"-" -> X3;
"-" -> 1;
X1 [label="X"];
X2 [label="X"];
X3 [label="X"];

ASTs can be represented using pointer structures or array references (see textbook, figure 8.4, p. 465).

In the lab we will generate an AST for each procedure or function body using a pointer structure. Parsing a block is thus carried out as follows (this distinction is an important one to make):


When we parse declarations, we install information in the symbol table.


When we parse statements, we construct an AST using the information we just installed in the symbol table.

How do we construct the AST? Well. The AST is made up of nodes, and every node is an instance of an abstract syntax class. A leaf node symbolizes operands (identifiers, digits etc.), while inner nodes symbolize operators, control structures, statements, etc. When we want to create a new node during reduction of a production, we simply pass the significant right-hand nodes as arguments to the left-hand side’s constructor. The left-hand node will then have the right-hand nodes as children. By repeating this procedure until an entire block is reduced, we will then have an AST representing that block’s body (if this was confusing, taking a look at the constructors for the various ast_ classes in the files ast.hh and might give additional insight). Since we only parse one block at a time, declarations and the like will (almost) never need to be represented in the actual AST. If we had decided to build an AST representing the entire program, they would have had to, though. What are the advantages and disadvantages of our approach?

Table 11 Example of a syntax-directed translation schema for constructing ASTs.





E \rightarrow E1 + T

$$ = new ast_add(E1, T);


E \rightarrow E1 - T

$$ = new ast_sub(E1, T);


E \rightarrow T

$$ = $1;


T \rightarrow (E)

$$ = $2;


T \rightarrow \textrm{num}

$$ = new ast_integer(num);

$$ is a bison construct, which in effect is a pointer to the left-hand side of the production. It can be interpreted as the result the production returns upwards in the AST (remember we are doing bottom-up parsing here). As in our example, if we parse E1 + T, where E1 and T are ASTs, after reducing this statement our AST will now be E, which has an addition node as root node and E1 and T as children nodes.

The ast_add, ast_sub, and ast_integer constructors take the appropriate ASTs as arguments and build a new AST with the arguments as children.

Note that the non-terminal operands are, of course, also pointers to ASTs. The terminal operands can be any one of the data types the scanner enters into the yylval union. Refer to the Third-party documentation for more information.

Abstract syntax classes

So far we have discussed ASTs, having a general idea of what the ones we will be using look like, and we also know that they are built using pointers. Every node is represented by an object encapsulating the relevant data for that node type, and every node type corresponds to a class; an abstract syntax class. You will need to understand how these classes relate to one another, their inheritance structure and so on, in order to complete this lab successfully. The files ast.hh and contain the declarations and implementations of these classes, and you should not need to modify them, although you will have to study them carefully, and use them.

Before we start listing all the classes, there are a few key points to make about the way we construct our ASTs using these classes. There are no explicit methods for building tree nodes anywhere. Instead, we use a more object-oriented approach, where we simply pass child tree pointers to the constructor for a new root node. No method calls are involved at this stage; that will come later, when we perform type checking, optimization, quad generation and code generation.

Position information

Since our compiler traverses the AST several times during compilation, it is a multi-pass compiler. This means that we cannot depend on the current position of the lexical token, read like a one-pass compiler can, for generating useful error messages during compiling. Thus, we will implement the keeping of position information in the AST nodes, which will allow us to include the source code position in any error message no matter during what phase the error is discovered.

Position information is encapsulated using the class position_information, which is declared in the file error.hh. It currently only holds information about the line and column of an object, but it would not be too difficult to imagine extending it later on with other information (lexical context, for example). Every node in the AST represents some part of the program, and if we discover errors in later phases when we traverse the tree, we can use the position information stored in each node to generate appropriate error messages. Therefore, all the abstract syntax classes take a pointer to a position_information object as their first argument.

Inheritance structure

All the abstract syntax classes inherit from a common superclass called ast_node. From this class are derived statements, expressions, and other classes, most of which in turn are further subclassed to form the classes that actually appear in the AST. Thus the classes can be divided into abstract superclasses, and concrete subclasses (in our case, all classes with a subclass are abstract classes). Only the concrete classes will ever be instantiated. The inheritance structure looks as follows (see also the ascii diagram in the comment at the top of the file ast.hh):

ast_node inheritance graph

Class descriptions

Here, a brief description of each abstract syntax class will be given. This part will make a lot more sense if you study a copy of the file ast.hh as you read it.

Abstract classes

class ast_node

The superclass of all other AST nodes. It is essentially an empty class, holding only position information, a tag (to help identify the node type when downcasting is needed), and methods for printing AST nodes; all of which are things common to all nodes.

Subclassed by ast_elsif, ast_elsif_list, ast_expr_list, ast_expression, ast_functionhead, ast_procedurehead, ast_statement, ast_stmt_list

Public Members

position_information *pos

Holds line and column number for this node.

ast_node_type tag

Describes what kind of node this is. We need to be able to check this in a convenient way during AST optimization and C++ does not support reflective programming.

class ast_statement : public ast_node

The superclass for all DIESEL constructs that do not return a value.

Subclassed by ast_assign, ast_if, ast_procedurecall, ast_return, ast_while

class ast_expression : public ast_node

The superclass for all DIESEL constructs that do return a value. It has a type attribute, which denotes the type of its value (real_type, integer_type, or void_type).

Subclassed by ast_binaryoperation, ast_binaryrelation, ast_cast, ast_functioncall, ast_integer, ast_lvalue, ast_not, ast_real, ast_uminus

Public Members

sym_index type

The return type of this expression.

class ast_lvalue : public ast_expression

The superclass for all DIESEL constructs that can be assigned a value (i.e., which evaluate to a reference to a storage location). The name lvalue comes from the fact that it represents expressions that can appear on the left-hand side of an assignment (e.g., x := 2;).

Subclassed by ast_id, ast_indexed

class ast_binaryrelation : public ast_expression

Base class for all binary relation nodes. a < b, etc.

Always returns a integer value, where 0 (zero) means false and everything else means true.

Note: the left and right operands are defined here instead of in the individual subclasses, making those rather trivial.

Subclassed by ast_equal, ast_greaterthan, ast_lessthan, ast_notequal

Public Members

ast_expression *left

Left child of the operation.

ast_expression *right

Right child of the operation.

class ast_binaryoperation : public ast_expression

Base class for all binary operation nodes. a + b, etc. Note: the left and right operands are defined here instead of in the individual subclasses, making those rather trivial.

Subclassed by ast_add, ast_and, ast_divide, ast_idiv, ast_mod, ast_mult, ast_or, ast_sub

Public Members

ast_expression *left

Left child of the operation.

ast_expression *right

Right child of the operation.

Concrete classes

class ast_elsif : public ast_node

represents an elsif clause inside an if-statement. The class is a bit special, so it inherits directly from ast_node.

Public Members

ast_expression *condition

The test condition; decides if we should execute the body.

ast_stmt_list *body

The body to execute if the condition evaluates to true.

class ast_expr_list : public ast_node

Contains a list of expressions. Currently only used for parameter lists.

Note: The parameters will be stored in reverse order! This is due to how the grammar is written, it’s easiest this way.

Public Members

ast_expression *last_expr

Points to the last (last added) expression in the list.

ast_expr_list *preceding

Points to a list of the preceding expressions. Is NULL when empty.

class ast_stmt_list : public ast_node

Contains a list of statements. The body of a program, for example, is represented by this class: Example:

  a := 1;
  b := a;
  c := b;
  d := c;
  e := d;
  f := e;
digraph lab3_ast_stmt_list {
s1 [label="ast_stmt_list"];
s2 [label="ast_stmt_list"];
s3 [label="ast_stmt_list"];
s4 [label="ast_stmt_list"];
s5 [label="ast_stmt_list"];
s6 [label="ast_stmt_list"];
a1 [label="ast_assign"];
a2 [label="ast_assign"];
a3 [label="ast_assign"];
a4 [label="ast_assign"];
a5 [label="ast_assign"];
a6 [label="ast_assign"];
s1 -> s2;
s2 -> s3;
s3 -> s4;
s4 -> s5;
s5 -> s6;
s6 -> a1;
s5 -> a2;
s4 -> a3;
s3 -> a4;
s2 -> a5;
s1 -> a6;
a1 -> id1;
a1 -> 1;
a2 -> id3;
a2 -> id2;
a3 -> id5;
a3 -> id4;
a4 -> id7;
a4 -> id6;
a5 -> id9;
a5 -> id8;
a6 -> id11;
a6 -> id10;
id1 [label="a"];
id2 [label="a"];
id3 [label="b"];
id4 [label="b"];
id5 [label="c"];
id6 [label="c"];
id7 [label="d"];
id8 [label="d"];
id9 [label="e"];
id10 [label="e"];
id11 [label="f"];

Public Members

ast_statement *last_stmt

Points to the last (last added) statement in the list.

ast_stmt_list *preceding

Points to a list of the preceding statements. Is NULL when empty.

class ast_elsif_list : public ast_node

Contains a list of elsif clauses.

Public Members

ast_elsif *last_elsif

Points to the last (last added) elsif clause in the list.

ast_elsif_list *preceding

Points to a list of the preceding elsif clauses. Is NULL when empty.

class ast_procedurehead : public ast_node

A node used to transfer information about an environment. Used in parser.y for setting the proper return type of a procedure. It is never part of a procedure body.

Public Members

sym_index sym_p

Pointer to the procedure in the symbol table.

class ast_functionhead : public ast_node

A node used to transfer information about an environment. Used in parser.y for setting the proper return type of a function, and type checking. It is never part of a function body.

Public Members

sym_index sym_p

Pointer to the function in the symbol table.

class ast_procedurecall : public ast_statement

Represents a procedure call.


foo(1, 2+3, c);
AST for foo(1, 2+3, c) being called


AST for fie(1) being called


if a > b then
  c := a;
  c := b;
AST for fum() being called

Public Members

ast_id *id

The procedure’s id node, contains a link to the symbol table.

ast_expr_list *parameter_list

A list of eventual parameters. If no parameters, this list is NULL.

class ast_functioncall : public ast_expression

Represents a function call. a = calc(foo);

If you wonder how the return value is handled, or where the function call is actually connected to the function body… Don’t worry. It will become clear later on. Remember that we parse one block at a time, so that the call of a function takes place on one lexical level higher (as in less deeply nested) than the execution of the function body, except in certain cases involving recursive function calls.

Public Members

ast_id *id

The function’s id node, contains a link to the symbol table.

ast_expr_list *parameter_list

A list of actual parameters. If no parameters, this list is NULL.

class ast_assign : public ast_statement

Assignment node. a := b or a[i] = b.

Note that this class inherits ast_statement, and therefore does not return a value. Constructs of the type a := (b := 2); are not allowed in DIESEL.

Public Members

ast_lvalue *lhs

The left hand side (lhs), ie, the variable being assigned to.

ast_expression *rhs

The right hand side (rhs), ie, the value being assigned.

class ast_while : public ast_statement

A while loop. Contains a test condition and a loop body.

Compare this to other conditional nodes (e.g. ast_elsif, ast_if).

Public Members

ast_expression *condition

The test condition.

ast_stmt_list *body

The loop body.

class ast_if : public ast_statement

An if clause. Has lots of children. if - then - elsif - else.


if a > b then
  c := a;
  c := b;
AST for if-statement with an else-clause.


if a > b then
  c := a
elsif a = b
  then c := 0
elsif a < b then
  c := b
  c := -1
AST for an if-statement with elsif clauses.

Public Members

ast_expression *condition

The primary if-condition.

ast_stmt_list *body

The primary if-body, executed if condition evaluates to non-zero.

ast_elsif_list *elsif_list

A list of elsif clauses. May be NULL.

ast_stmt_list *else_body

The else body, executed if ‘condition’ evaluates to zero. May be NULL.

class ast_return : public ast_statement

A return statement, used both for procedures and functions. If no value is returned (i.e. in a procedure), ‘value’ should be set to NULL.

Note that the return statement itself has no value, i.e., it cannot stand on the right-hand side of an assignment since it inherits ast_statement.

Public Members

ast_expression *value

The return value.

class ast_uminus : public ast_expression

A unary minus node.

Note that there is no unary plus.

Public Members

ast_expression *expr

The expression to negate.

class ast_not : public ast_expression

A logical negation node.

Public Members

ast_expression *expr

The expression being negated.

class ast_integer : public ast_expression

An integer node. Represents an integer number, like 5.

Public Members

long value

The integer value of the node.

class ast_real : public ast_expression

A real node. Represents a real number, like 2.5.

Public Members

double value

The floating point value of the node.

class ast_cast : public ast_expression

A cast node.

This class represents type transformation, casting an integer to a real. It is inserted into the AST at appropriate places during type checking. See

Public Members

ast_expression *expr

The expression to cast to real.

class ast_equal : public ast_binaryrelation

Equality operator. a = b.

class ast_notequal : public ast_binaryrelation

Not-equal operator. a <> b.

class ast_lessthan : public ast_binaryrelation

Less than operator. a < b.

class ast_greaterthan : public ast_binaryrelation

Greater than operator. a > b.

class ast_add : public ast_binaryoperation

Plus node. a + b.


-a + 5 * c
AST for an addition.

class ast_sub : public ast_binaryoperation

Minus node. a - b.

class ast_or : public ast_binaryoperation

Logical OR node. a OR b.

class ast_and : public ast_binaryoperation

Logical AND node. a AND b.

class ast_mult : public ast_binaryoperation

Multiplication node. a * b.

class ast_divide : public ast_binaryoperation

Real division node. a / b, where at least one of a and b have real type.

class ast_idiv : public ast_binaryoperation

Integer division node. a div b, where both operands have integer type.

class ast_mod : public ast_binaryoperation

Integer mod node. a mod b, where both operands have integer type.

class ast_id : public ast_lvalue

An identifier node. Can be the name of a variable, function, constant, etc…

Public Members

sym_index sym_p

A symbol table index for this symbol.

class ast_indexed : public ast_lvalue

An array identifier node. Index must be of integer type.


a[a[1]] := a[2] + 3;
AST for an indexed assignment.

Public Members

ast_id *id

The array’s id node, which contains a link into the symbol table.

ast_expression *index

The index expression. Must be of type integer.


Your job is to complete the file parser.y, adding semantic actions for all the productions not already written. (Look for “Your code here” comments.). In these actions, you should either update the symbol table or construct the abstract syntax tree, as appropriate (note that you should not bother with type checking! That is the subject of the next lab). Have the bison manual handy while you do this lab! Also, make sure you take a good look at what is already written before you start coding yourself. You will have to become familiar with the abstract syntax classes in detail in this lab. The comments in the files ast.hh and are your friends.

Doing all this is going to take some time, and some thinking. Once you understand the concept, you should be doing ok. Be prepared to put in some effort, however.

Easy victories waste too much time in celebration.


Sit down, think about what there is to put together. Am I dealing with a declaration or a statement? What will the tree look like when I have finished? What attributes are there in the abstract symbol classes? What kinds of parameters do I need to send to which constructor? In which production shall I call open_scope()? And before you start editing make sure you read  and .

The files you need to change


is the input file to bison. This is the only file you will do most of editing in.

Other files of interest

error.h,, symtab.hh,, and

Use your completed versions from the earlier labs.


contains the definitions for the AST nodes. You’ll be reading this file a lot.

contains the implementations of the AST nodes. It also contains the printing code which is rather messy, but if you have a hard time understanding the AST printouts maybe it’ll help taking a look at it. Note that the implementation of AST nodes is split up into several .cc files, one for the methods concerning AST construction, one for type checking, one for optimizing, one for quads, and one for code generation. What are the advantages of this organisation?

semantic.hh and

contain type-checking code. You won’t need to edit these files until the next lab.

optimize.hh and

contain optimization code. You won’t need to edit these files until two labs later.

quads.hh and

contain quad generation code. You won’t need to edit these files until three labs later.

codegen.hh and

contain assembler generation code. You won’t need to edit these files until the last lab.

this is the compiler wrapper, parsing flags and the like.


this is not the same as the last labs. It generates a file called compiler which will take various arguments (see for information). It also takes source files as arguments, so you can start using diesel files to test your compiler-in-the-making.


this is a shell script which works as a wrapper around the binary compiler file, handling flags, linking, and such things. Use it when you want to compile a DIESEL file. At the top of this file is a list of all flags you can send to the compiler, for debugging, printouts, symbolic compilation and the like. Very useful!

Declarations and routines available in ast.hh,, symtab.hh and

The AST classes have already been covered in detail above. Refer to the ast.hh file for their declarations. Note that you do not construct the AST by calling any methods, but only by passing arguments to node constructors. The ast_node_type type contains a list of all valid AST tags, used for identifying node class when safe downcasting is needed (you used this technique when you wrote the enter_procedure() method of the symbol table, for example).

Program specification

  1. Remember not to bother with type checking at this point! That will be done in the next lab.

  2. You are not allowed to perform any semantic actions at any other time than when a production is reduced. bison allows it at other times as well, but it’s rarely a good idea to do it. Why not?

  3. The way the DIESEL grammar is currently written, the compiler will bail out as soon as it discovers a parse error. That is not a desirable behaviour: We want compilation to go on as long as possible, so multiple errors can be discovered in the same run. In at least four places in the code (const_decl, opt_param_list, stmt, rvariable) it would be strategic to catch errors. There’re at least five more places in the code where it would be appropriate to have error productions, but you don’t need to find them. Read in the bison manual about error productions, and look at the error productions that are already implemented, before you start with this task.

Debugging help

All AST classes can be sent directly to cout, and they will print all their children as well in an ascii format. Note that since the various AST list classes store their last statement, expression, or elsif clause and their preceding children like they do, a NULL node will appear, representing an empty preceding list, here and there in the tree. This is as it should be. It shouldn’t take long to figure the format out.

How do I know it’s correct?

For test purposes all files with the suffix .d can be used. Study the symbol table and the AST printout afterwards. You should be able to figure out what they are supposed to look like, and compare with what your program thinks they should look like. Two examples are attached as an enclosure, and you can also look at the examples in the theory part above for reference. Also test your error productions by trying to parse some files which contain parse errors (you can easily construct them yourself by fiddling with the correct DIESEL source code files).

Reporting your work

  • For the demonstration, run the test program for the three test cases parstest1.d-parstest3.d and discuss your code.

  • Hand in your code as described in Handing in Results.

Example execution

Running make lab3 will take the sample input and compare it to the sample output. You should test your code on more examples than this.

./diesel -a -b -c -f -p ../testpgm/parstest1.d
Listing 8 trace/parstest1.trace
An AST will be printed for each block.
No type checking will be performed.
No optimization will be done.
No quads will be generated.

Unoptimized AST for "ECHO"
Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
+-Return (value)
  +-Id (I) [INTEGER]

Unoptimized AST for global level
Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
+-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
| +-NULL
| +-Assignment (left, right)
|   +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
|   +-Function call (function, arguments) [INTEGER]
|     +-Id (ECHO) [INTEGER]
|     +-Expression list (preceding, last_expr)
|       +-NULL
|       +-Integer [10289]
+-Assignment (left, right)
  +-Indexed (id, index)
  | +-Id (ARR) [INTEGER]
  | +-Integer [1]
  +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
./diesel -a -b -c -f -p ../testpgm/parstest2.d
Listing 9 trace/parstest2.trace
An AST will be printed for each block.
No type checking will be performed.
No optimization will be done.
No quads will be generated.
Error: line 10: syntax error
./diesel -a -b -c -f -p ../testpgm/parstest3.d
Listing 10 trace/parstest3.trace
An AST will be printed for each block.
No type checking will be performed.
No optimization will be done.
No quads will be generated.

Unoptimized AST for global level
Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
+-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
| +-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
| | +-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
| | | +-NULL
| | | +-Assignment (left, right)
| | |   +-Id (R) [REAL]
| | |   +-Mult (left, right) [VOID]
| | |     +-Integer [4398046511104]
| | |     +-Real [1.2]
| | +-Assignment (left, right)
| |   +-Id (A) [INTEGER]
| |   +-Add (left, right) [VOID]
| |     +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
| |     +-Integer [1]
| +-If (condition, then, elsif, else)
|   +-Less than (left, right) [INTEGER]
|   | +-Sub (left, right) [VOID]
|   | | +-Integer [2]
|   | | +-Integer [3]
|   | +-Integer [4]
|   +-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
|   | +-NULL
|   | +-Assignment (left, right)
|   |   +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
|   |   +-Add (left, right) [VOID]
|   |     +-Id (A) [INTEGER]
|   |     +-Integer [5]
|   +-NULL
|   +-NULL
+-If (condition, then, elsif, else)
  +-Integer [1]
  +-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
  | +-NULL
  | +-Assignment (left, right)
  |   +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
  |   +-Integer [1]
  +-Elsif list (preceding, last_elsif)
  | +-NULL
  | +-Elsif (condition, body)
  |   +-Integer [2]
  |   +-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
  |     +-NULL
  |     +-Assignment (left, right)
  |       +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
  |       +-Integer [2]
  +-Statement list (preceding, last_stmt)
    +-Assignment (left, right)
      +-Id (I) [INTEGER]
      +-Integer [3]