General instructions

Try to solve the tasks first without looking at the answers, and if not finding a solution quickly then check the answers.

Data reading/writing

Exercise 1

Create data frame birth by reading birthstatistics.csv into R and by using read.csv. Note that these data has headers.

A possible solution
birth = read.csv("birthstatistics.csv")

Exercise 2

Create data frame blog by reading blogData_test.csv into R and by using read.csv. Note that headers (column names) are missing.

A possible solution
blog = read.csv("blogData_test.csv", header=FALSE)

Exercise 3

Create data frame tecator by reading tecator.xls into R by using readxl package.

A possible solution
## Warning: package 'readxl' was built under R version 4.1.3
tecator = read_excel("tecator.xls")

Exercise 4

Save tecator to tecator.csv with write.csv and make sure that row names are not saved

A possible solution
write.csv(tecator, file="tecator.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Basic data manipulation

Exercise 1

Convert tecator to a data frame and call it tecator1

A possible solution
tecator1 =

Exercise 2

Change row names in tecator1 to the values of Sample column plus 10

A possible solution
rownames(tecator1) = tecator1$Sample+10

Exercise 3

Change column name in tecator1 from Sample to ID

A possible solution

Exercise 4

Extract rows in tecator1 such that Channel1 > 3 and Channel2 > 3 and columns between number 5 and number 8

A possible solution
print(tecator1[tecator1$Channel1>3 & tecator1$Channel2>3, 5:8])
##     Channel4 Channel5 Channel6 Channel7
## 16   3.02634  3.03190  3.03756  3.04341
## 19   3.29300  3.29956  3.30627  3.31310
## 20   3.42001  3.42735  3.43479  3.44245
## 21   3.02469  3.03022  3.03601  3.04208
## 25   3.15899  3.16774  3.17642  3.18504
## 34   3.34985  3.35772  3.36558  3.37354
## 43   3.65758  3.66153  3.66578  3.67033
## 45   3.44046  3.44530  3.45056  3.45637
## 48   3.50489  3.51172  3.51873  3.52590
## 49   3.34351  3.35041  3.35752  3.36478
## 50   3.11264  3.11762  3.12276  3.12814
## 51   3.52075  3.52962  3.53865  3.54785
## 53   3.95693  3.96451  3.97251  3.98100
## 54   4.26773  4.27847  4.28968  4.30133
## 61   3.15899  3.16774  3.17642  3.18504
## 87   3.29528  3.30272  3.31020  3.31766
## 89   3.47360  3.48156  3.48952  3.49751
## 90   3.17813  3.18381  3.18961  3.19554
## 91   3.22318  3.22838  3.23368  3.23907
## 94   3.20930  3.21274  3.21636  3.22018
## 97   3.37403  3.38189  3.38971  3.39757
## 102  3.08597  3.09050  3.09514  3.09988
## 109  4.10717  4.11636  4.12572  4.13525
## 112  3.08688  3.09123  3.09573  3.10044
## 117  3.15323  3.15981  3.16644  3.17315
## 127  3.50489  3.51172  3.51873  3.52590
## 128  3.40334  3.40911  3.41516  3.42160
## 129  3.57747  3.58383  3.59043  3.59735
## 132  3.48186  3.48627  3.49097  3.49603
## 133  3.11264  3.11762  3.12276  3.12814
## 135  3.64674  3.65480  3.66311  3.67172
## 140  3.01383  3.01746  3.02126  3.02523
## 142  3.04335  3.04876  3.05436  3.06027
## 149  3.88595  3.89309  3.90047  3.90805
## 150  3.67866  3.68262  3.68689  3.69170
## 151  3.26786  3.27439  3.28116  3.28824
## 152  3.34351  3.35041  3.35752  3.36478
## 154  3.25922  3.26856  3.27784  3.28712
## 165  3.60163  3.61153  3.62135  3.63113
## 166  3.26700  3.27328  3.27958  3.28588
## 170  3.17258  3.17850  3.18450  3.19064
## 175  3.06896  3.07245  3.07616  3.08014
## 176  3.30482  3.31024  3.31584  3.32175
## 178  3.16061  3.16566  3.17092  3.17644
## 181  3.24026  3.24399  3.24807  3.25256
## 194  3.11395  3.11808  3.12238  3.12691
## 195  4.24588  4.25643  4.26727  4.27837
## 197  3.67057  3.68146  3.69229  3.70307
## 207  3.09688  3.09937  3.10200  3.10473
## 208  3.41130  3.41858  3.42588  3.43325
## 210  3.48244  3.49209  3.50170  3.51128
## 213  3.36992  3.37733  3.38473  3.39223
## 214  3.88595  3.89309  3.90047  3.90805
## 217  3.32423  3.33257  3.34094  3.34939
## 221  3.16244  3.16791  3.17348  3.17923

Exercise 5

Remove column ID in tecator1

A possible solution

Exercise 6

Update tecator1 by dividing its all Channel columns with their respective means per column

A possible solution
index=str_which(colnames(tecator1), "Channel")
tecator1[,index]=tecator1[,index]/matrix(means, nrow=nrow(tecatorChannel), ncol=ncol(tecatorChannel), byrow=TRUE)

Exercise 7

Compute a sum of squares for each row between 1 and 5 in tecator1 without writing loops and make it as a matrix with one column

A possible solution
sumsq=apply(tecator1[1:5,], MARGIN = 1, FUN=function(x) return(sum(x^2)) )
tecator2=matrix(sumsq, ncol=1)

Exercise 8

Extract \(X\) as all columns except of columns 101-103 in tecator1, \(y\) as column Fat and compute \((X^T X)^{-1}X^T y\)

A possible solution
X=as.matrix(tecator1[,-c(101, 102, 103)]) #can be written more efficiently as -(101:103)
y=as.matrix(tecator1[,"Fat", drop=F]) #keep it as a matrix, don't reduce dimension.
result=solve(t(X)%*%X, t(X)%*%y)

Exercise 9

Use column Channel1 in tecator1 to compute new column ChannelX which is a factor with the following levels: “high” if \(Channel1 > 1\) and “low” otherwise

A possible solution
tecator1$ChannelX=as.factor(ifelse(tecator1$Channel1>1, "high", "low"))

Exercise 10

Write a for loop that computes regressions \(Fat\) as function of \(Channel_i, i=1,...100\) and then stores the intercepts into vector Intercepts. Print Intercepts.

A possible solution

for (i in 1:length(Intercepts)){
  regr=lm(formula=paste("Fat~Channel", i, sep=""), data=tecator1)
##   [1] -14.01773 -13.76397 -13.52270 -13.29390 -13.08034 -12.88563 -12.71359
##   [8] -12.56641 -12.44356 -12.34570 -12.27168 -12.22515 -12.21155 -12.23623
##  [15] -12.30173 -12.40675 -12.54879 -12.72990 -12.94879 -13.19545 -13.45277
##  [22] -13.69431 -13.89737 -14.05411 -14.17536 -14.28779 -14.43476 -14.65566
##  [29] -14.97068 -15.37844 -15.85124 -16.34390 -16.81430 -17.24329 -17.64027
##  [36] -18.03210 -18.43969 -18.84519 -19.20978 -19.48554 -19.62388 -19.58094
##  [43] -19.32884 -18.86872 -18.24092 -17.52545 -16.82373 -16.24793 -15.85195
##  [50] -15.65490 -15.64734 -15.79776 -16.05945 -16.37694 -16.69329 -16.96489
##  [57] -17.16854 -17.30834 -17.39111 -17.44049 -17.47078 -17.49234 -17.50794
##  [64] -17.51945 -17.52439 -17.52377 -17.51404 -17.50338 -17.49357 -17.49041
##  [71] -17.49374 -17.50372 -17.52150 -17.54580 -17.57384 -17.60502 -17.63857
##  [78] -17.68119 -17.73488 -17.80861 -17.89303 -17.97989 -18.05824 -18.11635
##  [85] -18.14382 -18.13003 -18.08049 -18.01142 -17.94324 -17.89087 -17.85820
##  [92] -17.83982 -17.82226 -17.79516 -17.75035 -17.68339 -17.58624 -17.45033
##  [99] -17.27408 -17.06644

Exercise 11

Given equation \(y=5x+1\), plot this dependence for x between 1 and 3

A possible solution
plot(x,y, type="l", col="blue")

Data manipulation: dplyr and tidyr

Exercise 1

Convert data set birth to a tibble birth1

A possible solution

Exercise 2

Select only columns X2002-X2020 from birth1 and save into birth2

A possible solution

Exercise 3

Create a new variable Status in birth1 that is equal to “Yes” if the record says “born in Sweden with two parents born in Sweden” and “No” otherwise

A possible solution
  mutate(Status=ifelse(foreign.Swedish.background=="born in Sweden with two parents born in Sweden",
                       "Yes", "No"))

Exercise 4

Count the amount of rows in birth 1 corresponding to various combinations of sex and region

A possible solution
## # A tibble: 42 x 3
##    sex   region                     n
##    <chr> <chr>                  <int>
##  1 boys  01 Stockholm county        4
##  2 boys  03 Uppsala county          4
##  3 boys  04 Södermanland county     4
##  4 boys  05 Östergötland county     4
##  5 boys  06 Jönköping county        4
##  6 boys  07 Kronoberg county        4
##  7 boys  08 Kalmar county           4
##  8 boys  09 Gotland county          4
##  9 boys  10 Blekinge county         4
## 10 boys  12 Skåne county            4
## # ... with 32 more rows

Exercise 5

Assuming that X2002-X2020 in birth1 show amounts of persons born respective year, compute total amount of people born these years irrespective gender, given Status and region. Save the result into birth3

A possible solution
  select(-sex,- foreign.Swedish.background)%>%
  group_by(region, Status)%>%

## # A tibble: 42 x 21
##    region  Status  X2002  X2003  X2004  X2005  X2006  X2007  X2008  X2009  X2010
##    <chr>   <chr>   <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>
##  1 01 Sto~ No     145978 147738 149411 151881 155983 160979 165751 171277 176658
##  2 01 Sto~ Yes    257239 259896 262351 264250 266025 266956 266740 267620 268601
##  3 03 Upp~ No      16505  16572  16654  16610  17236  17574  18053  18471  18792
##  4 03 Upp~ Yes     50785  50646  50684  50459  52617  52106  51607  51003  50522
##  5 04 Söd~ No      14107  14320  14311  14340  14443  14760  15414  15985  16248
##  6 04 Söd~ Yes     43185  43058  42744  42354  41920  41404  40628  39906  39377
##  7 05 Öst~ No      18068  18427  18662  18861  19453  20222  21103  21956  22499
##  8 05 Öst~ Yes     71677  71159  70484  69709  68717  67725  66286  65177  64130
##  9 06 Jön~ No      16451  16562  16611  16839  17271  17861  18308  18524  18687
## 10 06 Jön~ Yes     58973  58513  58020  57318  56399  55572  54255  53061  52074
## # ... with 32 more rows, and 10 more variables: X2011 <int>, X2012 <int>,
## #   X2013 <int>, X2014 <int>, X2015 <int>, X2016 <int>, X2017 <int>,
## #   X2018 <int>, X2019 <int>, X2020 <int>

Exercise 6

By using birth3, compute percentage of people in 2002 having Status=Yes in different counties. Report a table with column region and Percentage sorted by Percentage.

A possible solution
  select(region, Percentage)%>%

## # A tibble: 21 x 2
##    region                    Percentage
##    <chr>                          <dbl>
##  1 01 Stockholm county             63.8
##  2 12 Skåne county                 70.9
##  3 19 Västmanland county           74.7
##  4 14 Västra Götaland county       74.9
##  5 04 Södermanland county          75.4
##  6 03 Uppsala county               75.5
##  7 18 Örebro county                77.8
##  8 06 Jönköping county             78.2
##  9 07 Kronoberg county             79.9
## 10 05 Östergötland county          79.9
## # ... with 11 more rows

Exercise 7

By using birth1, transform the table to a long format: make sure that years are shown in column Year and values from the respective X2002-X2020 are stored in column Born. Make sure also that Year values show years as numerical values and store the table as birth5.

A possible solution
birth5 = birth1%>%
  group_by(region, sex, foreign.Swedish.background, Status)%>%
  pivot_longer(X2002:X2020, names_to="Year", values_to = "Born")%>%
  mutate(Year=as.numeric(stringr::str_remove(Year, "X"))) 

## # A tibble: 3,192 x 6
## # Groups:   region, sex, foreign.Swedish.background, Status [168]
##    region              sex   foreign.Swedish.background Status  Year  Born
##    <chr>               <chr> <chr>                      <chr>  <dbl> <int>
##  1 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2002 13346
##  2 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2003 13157
##  3 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2004 12759
##  4 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2005 12675
##  5 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2006 13271
##  6 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2007 14325
##  7 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2008 15126
##  8 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2009 16074
##  9 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2010 16901
## 10 01 Stockholm county boys  foreign born               No      2011 18075
## # ... with 3,182 more rows

Exercise 8

By using birth5, transform the table to wide format: make sure that years are shown as separate columns and their corresponding values are given by Born. Columns should be named as “Y_2002” for example.

A possible solution
birth6 = birth5%>%
  group_by(region, sex, foreign.Swedish.background, Status)%>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Year, values_from = Born, names_prefix = "Y_") 

## # A tibble: 168 x 23
## # Groups:   region, sex, foreign.Swedish.background, Status [168]
##    region       sex   foreign.Swedish~ Status Y_2002 Y_2003 Y_2004 Y_2005 Y_2006
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr>            <chr>   <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>
##  1 01 Stockhol~ boys  foreign born     No      13346  13157  12759  12675  13271
##  2 01 Stockhol~ boys  born in Sweden ~ No      31596  32185  32785  33456  34282
##  3 01 Stockhol~ boys  born in Sweden ~ No      29815  30395  30976  31565  32102
##  4 01 Stockhol~ boys  born in Sweden ~ Yes    131708 133236 134604 135502 136532
##  5 01 Stockhol~ girls foreign born     No      12946  12732  12570  12570  13376
##  6 01 Stockhol~ girls born in Sweden ~ No      30157  30681  31328  31934  32687
##  7 01 Stockhol~ girls born in Sweden ~ No      28118  28588  28993  29681  30265
##  8 01 Stockhol~ girls born in Sweden ~ Yes    125531 126660 127747 128748 129493
##  9 03 Uppsala ~ boys  foreign born     No       1736   1694   1614   1565   1659
## 10 03 Uppsala ~ boys  born in Sweden ~ No       2772   2834   2882   2883   2981
## # ... with 158 more rows, and 14 more variables: Y_2007 <int>, Y_2008 <int>,
## #   Y_2009 <int>, Y_2010 <int>, Y_2011 <int>, Y_2012 <int>, Y_2013 <int>,
## #   Y_2014 <int>, Y_2015 <int>, Y_2016 <int>, Y_2017 <int>, Y_2018 <int>,
## #   Y_2019 <int>, Y_2020 <int>

Exercise 9

By using blog data, filter out columns that have zeroes everywhere.

A possible solution
blogS=tibble(blog)%>%select_if(function(x) !all(x==0))

## # A tibble: 206 x 154
##        V1     V2    V3    V4    V5    V6    V7    V8    V9   V10    V11   V12
##     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1   2.27   4.98     0    44     1  1.03  3.00     0    37     0  0.859  2.98
##  2   3.72   7.94     0    43     0  1.37  4.51     0    41     0  1.31   4.48
##  3   3.72   7.94     0    43     0  1.37  4.51     0    41     0  1.31   4.48
##  4 123.   110.       0  1069    89 44.9  74.5      0  1046    12 42.8   74.7 
##  5  43.4   75.6      0   634    20 16.0  44.6      0   473     2 15.5   44.7 
##  6   0      0        0     0     0  0     0        0     0     0  0      0   
##  7   3.72   7.94     0    43     0  1.37  4.51     0    41     0  1.31   4.48
##  8   0      0        0     0     0  0     0        0     0     0  0      0   
##  9   0      0        0     0     0  0     0        0     0     0  0      0   
## 10  43.4   75.6      0   634    20 16.0  44.6      0   473     2 15.5   44.7 
## # ... with 196 more rows, and 142 more variables: V14 <dbl>, V15 <dbl>,
## #   V16 <dbl>, V17 <dbl>, V18 <dbl>, V19 <dbl>, V20 <dbl>, V21 <dbl>,
## #   V22 <dbl>, V23 <dbl>, V24 <dbl>, V25 <dbl>, V26 <dbl>, V27 <dbl>,
## #   V28 <dbl>, V29 <dbl>, V30 <dbl>, V31 <dbl>, V32 <dbl>, V34 <dbl>,
## #   V35 <dbl>, V36 <dbl>, V37 <dbl>, V39 <dbl>, V41 <dbl>, V42 <dbl>,
## #   V43 <dbl>, V44 <dbl>, V45 <dbl>, V46 <dbl>, V47 <dbl>, V48 <dbl>,
## #   V49 <dbl>, V51 <dbl>, V52 <dbl>, V53 <dbl>, V54 <dbl>, V55 <dbl>, ...

Probability, statistics and machine learning

Exercise 1

Sample and print random 5 rows from birth data without replacement, use seed 123.

A possible solution
smp=birth[sample(nrow(birth), 5, replace=FALSE), ]
##                     region   sex
## 159 24 Västerbotten county girls
## 14       03 Uppsala county girls
## 50        08 Kalmar county  boys
## 118  19 Västmanland county girls
## 43     07 Kronoberg county  boys
##                                                    foreign.Swedish.background
## 159 born in Sweden with one parent born in Sweden and one foreign born parent
## 14                               born in Sweden with two foreign born parents
## 50                               born in Sweden with two foreign born parents
## 118                              born in Sweden with two foreign born parents
## 43  born in Sweden with one parent born in Sweden and one foreign born parent
##     X2002 X2003 X2004 X2005 X2006 X2007 X2008 X2009 X2010 X2011 X2012 X2013
## 159  1740  1769  1808  1826  1880  1958  1979  2030  2061  2137  2177  2215
## 14   2615  2687  2740  2755  2807  2841  2894  2980  3066  3179  3313  3418
## 50    953  1033  1067  1126  1181  1233  1276  1333  1423  1471  1504  1518
## 118  2138  2196  2252  2321  2360  2431  2534  2621  2745  2862  3016  3206
## 43   1727  1755  1790  1795  1804  1817  1851  1825  1828  1820  1862  1894
##     X2014 X2015 X2016 X2017 X2018 X2019 X2020
## 159  2265  2303  2410  2466  2525  2575  2627
## 14   3550  3830  4112  4498  4807  5234  5592
## 50   1603  1713  1900  2125  2314  2513  2661
## 118  3464  3684  3950  4254  4625  4973  5300
## 43   1938  1963  2043  2092  2154  2193  2258

Exercise 2

Generate a vector with 5 elements from a Normal distribution with mean 5 and standard deviation 0.1

A possible solution
rnorm(5, mean=5, sd=0.1)
## [1] 4.989103 4.988276 5.018308 5.128055 4.827273

Exercise 3

Generate a vector with 168 elements from a Normal distribution with means equal to X2002 values in birth data and standard deviations 0.1

A possible solution
rnorm(168, mean=birth$X2002, sd=0.1)
##   [1]  13346.16902  31596.05038  29815.25283 131708.05491  12946.02382
##   [6]  30156.89511  28118.12948 125531.08255   1735.99443   2771.92156
##  [11]   3849.92665  26261.97841   1737.96651   2614.89143   3793.99146
##  [16]  24523.10706   1609.98546   2241.88345   3359.91815  22176.06849
##  [21]   1509.96799   2095.86885   3288.94004  21008.98706   2280.08867
##  [26]   3319.98486   3683.03298  36963.67727   2183.92282   3096.02865
##  [31]   3504.87795  34713.04346   2245.08002   3134.98361   2959.12429
##  [36]  30280.90656   2075.03937   3002.04036   3034.91136  28691.86811
##  [41]   1062.00288   1105.95679   1727.16899  15809.12284    997.02760
##  [46]   1091.89510   1695.94791  14654.16232   1196.89299    953.16859
##  [51]   1618.97583  21814.95318   1071.92270    947.21499   1576.86656
##  [56]  20721.04959    153.12340     77.06344    376.04120   5891.07936
##  [61]    150.98476     64.97711    368.90992   5634.92650    698.85723
##  [66]    625.06193   1241.99938  13296.93143    658.97207    563.92173
##  [71]   1197.92210  12545.96252   8893.96806  14296.00845  13320.92315
##  [76]  89180.93741   8682.90991  13574.06637  12774.03003  84864.00749
##  [81]   1601.02064   1701.95111   2993.93720  26886.99531   1464.01626
##  [86]   1729.12923   2775.95364  25331.03055   9708.99160  15545.04104
##  [91]  17416.01837 127121.17787   9159.00377  14616.11762  16513.94415
##  [96] 120073.90544   1195.93348    825.04520   2371.05269  24900.97697
## [101]   1124.13974    795.17637   2327.04856  23620.97343   1713.01516
## [106]   2262.13766   2718.98196  23569.84323   1674.97393   2180.09618
## [111]   2554.08539  22414.04188   1630.03400   2200.05964   3480.18714
## [116]  21522.06029   1547.92338   2137.93797   3319.07902  20658.97580
## [121]    931.11175    871.11849   2396.16465  26506.01930    930.96074
## [126]    774.00071   2358.75052  24841.90227   1113.06286    990.99159
## [131]   2093.03821  25492.89066    968.92445    920.97360   1975.92475
## [136]  24126.04407    828.87225    574.11772   1713.09025  22643.87387
## [141]    779.08375    535.76517   1658.06110  21393.99521    375.76008
## [146]    129.99807    906.99113  12419.84045    319.08517    124.92864
## [151]    846.10664  11753.94638   1017.05359    717.81714   1893.81865
## [156]  24825.13726    980.94357    711.09703   1739.99814  23577.03624
## [161]    844.20113    797.88220   2843.92448  23143.96687    845.97163
## [166]    745.03142   2642.18448  21760.90181

Exercise 4

Compute probability density values of standard normal distribution in points x=-1, 0, 1.

A possible solution
## [1] 0.2419707 0.3989423 0.2419707

Exercise 5

Assuming in birth data \(X2003=w\cdot X2002 +w_0+\epsilon\) where \(\epsilon \sim Exponential(1)\), write down a minus log-likelihood formula for this model as a function of parameters \(w\) and \(w_0\) and implement an R function for the minus log-likelihood

A possible solution

From the formula, we get \(X2003-w\cdot X2002 -w_0=\epsilon\); it means that for each observation \(X2003-w\cdot X2002 -w_0 \sim Exponential(1)\). The pdf of this exponential distribution is \(p(\epsilon)=e^{-\epsilon}\) so \(p(X2003|X2002,w,w_0)=exp^{-(X2003-w\cdot X2002-w_0)}\) and therefore log-probability is \(log p(X2003|X2002,w,w_0)=-(X2003-w\cdot X2002-w_0)\). The minus log-likelihood is the minus sum of log-probability over all observations.

loglik = function(w, w0){
  return (-sum(Probs))
## [1] 358

Exercise 6

Compute a linear regression model with target X2020 and features X2002-X2004 by using data birth. Report the regression coefficients and the MSE and probabilistic model.

A possible solution
df=birth%>%select(X2020, X2002:X2004)
m1=lm(X2020~., df)
## (Intercept)       X2002       X2003       X2004 
## 1872.513918   -1.338202  -10.354357   12.672786
## [1] 9568343

Probabilistic model \(X2020 \sim N(1872-1.33X2002-10.35X2003+12.67X2004, 9568343)\)

Exercise 7

Use package fastDummy to create dummy variables for variables region and sex in birth data

A possible solution
dummies = dummy_cols(birth, select_columns = c("region", "sex"))

Exercise 8

Use rows 1-50 of birth data with columns X2002-X2020 as training data and rows 51-100 of the same data and test data. Scale training and test data appropriately with caret package

A possible solution

trainS=predict(params, train)

Exercise 9

Compute logistic regression by using birth data and sex as target and X2002-X2004 as features. Assuming probability threshold 0.5, compute and print the confusion matrix. Report probabilistic model.

A possible solution
train=birth%>%select(X2002:X2004, sex)

m1=glm(as.factor(sex)~., train, family = "binomial")
Prob=predict(m1, type="response")
Pred=ifelse(Prob>0.5, "girls", "boys")
table(train$sex, Pred)
##        Pred
##         boys girls
##   boys    34    50
##   girls   32    52
## Call:
## glm(formula = as.factor(sex) ~ ., family = "binomial", data = train)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
## -1.26906  -1.18242   0.05076   1.17339   1.24122  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)  0.0172008  0.1744414   0.099    0.921
## X2002        0.0009101  0.0026498   0.343    0.731
## X2003       -0.0018329  0.0050929  -0.360    0.719
## X2004        0.0009227  0.0024851   0.371    0.710
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 232.90  on 167  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 232.72  on 164  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 240.72
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

Probabilistic model \(P(sex=girls)=\frac{1}{1+exp^{-0.0172+0.0009X2002-0.0018X2003+ 0.0009X2004}}\)

Exercise 10

Compute k nearest neighbor classification with k=10 by using birth data and sex as target and X2002-X2010 as features. Print the predicted class labels for the training data.

A possible solution
train=birth%>%select(X2002:X2010, sex)

m1=kknn(as.factor(sex)~., train,train, k=10,kernel="rectangular")
##   [1] girls boys  boys  boys  girls boys  boys  boys  boys  boys  boys  boys 
##  [13] boys  boys  boys  boys  girls girls girls girls boys  girls boys  boys 
##  [25] girls boys  boys  boys  girls boys  girls boys  girls boys  girls girls
##  [37] boys  boys  girls boys  girls boys  boys  girls girls boys  girls boys 
##  [49] boys  boys  girls girls girls boys  girls girls girls girls girls boys 
##  [61] girls girls girls boys  boys  girls boys  girls boys  boys  boys  girls
##  [73] boys  boys  girls boys  boys  boys  boys  girls girls girls girls boys 
##  [85] girls boys  boys  boys  boys  girls girls boys  girls boys  girls boys 
##  [97] boys  boys  girls boys  boys  girls girls girls boys  boys  boys  boys 
## [109] boys  girls girls girls girls girls boys  girls girls girls boys  girls
## [121] boys  girls girls boys  girls girls girls boys  boys  boys  girls boys 
## [133] boys  boys  boys  boys  boys  boys  boys  girls girls boys  girls boys 
## [145] girls girls boys  girls girls girls girls girls boys  boys  boys  boys 
## [157] girls boys  boys  girls girls girls girls girls girls girls boys  girls
## Levels: boys girls

Exercise 11

Compute the optimal parameter values and the optimal function value for \(\min_{x_1, x_2} (x_1-1)^2+(x_2-2)^2\).

A possible solution
res=optim(c(0,0), fn=to_optimize, method="BFGS")
## [1] 1 2
## [1] 6.357135e-26