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732A81 Text Mining

This course website is no longer being maintained. Please refer to Lisam for HT2023.

For each intended learning outcome, there are one or more examination modules that assess this outcome. This page presents these modules, their specific knowledge requirements and forms of examination in detail.

Examination modules

The course has the following examination modules:

  • LAB1 Laboratory work, 3 credits (U, G)
  • PRA1 Project, 3 credits (Fx, E, D, C, B, A)

To pass the course, you must have a passing grade on both modules (grade G on the lab module, grade E or higher on the project module). Your final grade is your grade on the project module (PRA1).

When do I get my grade? For each attempted module, the examiner will decide about your grade within 15 working days after the module’s formal examination date. Your final grade will be set as soon as you have passed all modules.

When does a module count as attempted? A module counts as attempted when you take an examination or submit an assignment that belongs to that module, such as the first lab in a lab series.

What happens if I fail to pass a module? If you attempt but do not pass a module, your grade will be Fail. You have two additional examination attempts for each module during the year following the course; see the section on Additional examination.

LAB1 Laboratory work

The lab module tests to what extent you are able to

  • implement text mining methods and apply them to practical problems (learning outcome 1)
  • analyse and summarise the results of text mining experiments (learning outcome 2)

Knowledge requirements

You implement the text mining methods that are covered in the course and apply them to pre-defined, small-scale problems according to given instructions. You analyse experimental results with given evaluation methods and summarise them with simple judgements.

Form of the examination

This module is examined by a series of lab assignments or ‘labs’, which are done in pairs. Each lab is examined based on a notebook with your code (one submission per lab group). At the end of the lab series there is a diagnostic test where you need to answer a small sample of questions about the labs (individual).

Detailed information about this module

Grade requirements

For a passing grade (G), you need a Pass on all labs and the diagnostic test. If you fail the diagnostic test, you will need to sit an oral exam covering the complete lab series.

Examination date and registration

The formal examination date for this module is the last ordinary examination date for the course, 2023-01-14. Before the first lab, you and your lab partner must sign up in Webreg.


To get feedback about how well you meet the knowledge requirements for this module, you can attend the tutored lab sessions and submit your assignments in time for the first due date. You can also get feedback from the examiner. Book an appointment with the examiner now.

PRA1 Project

The project module primarily tests to what extent you are able to

  • identify, formulate and solve problems within the area of text mining (learning outcome 3)
  • clearly present and discuss the conclusions of a project work (learning outcome 4)

Knowledge requirements

You identify and formulate a substantial text mining problem with some help from a teacher. In working on your problem, you implement and apply suitable text mining methods, analyse experimental results with appropriate evaluation methods and summarise them with well-developed judgements. You clearly present and discuss the conclusions of your work.

Form of the examination

This module is examined by an individual written project report. The report is assessed based on the following criteria: clarity of the problem formulation, substance, suitability and correctness of the technical approach, soundness of the analysis, related work.

Detailed information about this module

Grade requirements

Detailed grading criteria for the project report are available on the Project page.

Examination date and registration

The formal examination date for this module is the last ordinary examination date for the course, 2023-01-14. You do not need to formally register for the examination in beforehand; you can simply submit your project report.


To get feedback about how well you meet the knowledge requirements for this module, you can book individual supervision sessions with one of the teachers.

Rules for hand-in assignments

When you have completed an assignment, submit the required files through Lisam. If you are submitting on behalf of a group, make sure to specify all members of that group.

Each assignment has two due dates: The first date is stated in the instructions for the assignment. The second due date (deadline) is the final examination date for the course session, 2023-01-14.

Why should I try to meet the first due date? If you meet the first due date, you will get formative feedback on your assignment and the chance to revise it before its final assessment after the deadline.

To meet a due date, it suffices to submit before 08:00 on the first working day after that date. For example, if the due date is on a Friday, it suffices to submit the assignment before 08:00 the following Monday (assuming this is a working day).

Cheating and plagiarism

Each piece of work you present for examination must be entirely your own. You are not allowed to give or receive aid on an assignment unless such collaboration is explicitly permitted. The use of prohibited aids is cheating.

The following, in particular, is not allowed:

  • copying code from other lab groups, or letting other lab groups copy your code
  • making lab solutions available via public channels, such as GitHub

When using external sources (such as text or code) in work that you present for examination, you must appropriately acknowledge these sources. This rule also applies to materials obtained from the internet. Failure to acknowledge your sources is plagiarism.

We must report suspected cheating and plagiarism cases to the University Disciplinary Board. No exceptions exist to this rule, no matter how slight the potential offence. More information on disciplinary measures

Additional examination

For each module, there are two additional examination opportunities during the year following the course session:

  • during the re-exam period for HT2 (last day: 2023-03-17)
  • added 2023-04-19 before the Summer break (last day: 2023-06-03)
  • during the general re-exam period after the summer break (last day: 2023-08-27)

After this you can still be examined in connection with the next course session. Note however, that the next session may feature different content, different assignments and different examination requirements.

The following specific rules apply to the different modules:

LAB1 Laboratory work

To take one of the additional examinations of this module, you must submit (or re-submit) all labs that you do not already have a Pass on, and take the diagnostic test. The last day to meet both requirements is the last day of the relevant exam period.

When submitting a lab for one of the additional examinations, you must follow the same instructions as for the ordinary examination. Please read about the Examination of the lab module.

If you are not registered for the most recent course session, you need to contact the examiner before submitting your labs. The last day to contact the examiner is 10 days before the relevant examination date.

The diagnostic tests will be administered during the relevant exam period. Book a timeslot to take the diagnostic test

PRA1 Project

To take one of the additional examinations of this module, you must submit (or re-submit) your project report. The submission deadline is the last day of the relevant exam period.

When submitting a report for one of the additional examinations, you must follow the same instructions as for the ordinary examination. Please read about the Examination of the project module.

If you are not registered for the most recent course session, you need to contact the examiner before submitting your report. The last day to contact the examiner is 10 days before the relevant examination date.

Page responsible: Marco Kuhlmann
Last updated: 2022-10-26