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729G22 Interaction Design

Concept Design Report Template

Submission details

Name the file you send in: 729G22Group[groupNo]ConceptDesign[Year]
Replacing groupNo with your group number and Year with current year. Use pdf format. Submissions in English or Swedish are accepted.

Put the following information on the first page:
Concept Design report 729G22
Group no:
Members: [names and liu-id]

Concept generation

Describe how the group approached concept generation: what technique(s) was/were used (remember to reference) and what were the results. Include sketches as appendices.

Show in detail how your different concepts were formed and how they evolved over time in relation to your personas, scenarios and design goals.

Concept evaluation and final concept

Describe how you identified and prioritized the criteria for design evaluation. Describe your evaluation results

Describe your final concept in more detail and include a visual draft of it.

Societal issues

Discuss how your design, and the design process, is or might have been affected by both gender issues and sustainability issues. Refer to the course literature.


Based on the previous work in the course, show how you define requirements for the design of the system. Remember to reference the sources you use for this.

Include your final requirements.


List only references to literature, not lectures or meetings.


Include all relevant material from concept design, such as sketches,

Page responsible: Mattias Arvola
Last updated: 2019-08-06