How to reach Realsim and  MODELICA meeting

University (Campus Valla) is located 4 km to the west from city centrum.

You can find some overall information here: How to reach Linköping University.

To reach the location:

This is the campus map:

You can reach this room when you come from entries E27, E29 (near E27) or B27 from different sides. Go one stairs up and look for room "Betinget". The lunch for participants of the Realsim meeting starts 1/2 at 12.30 in this room.

If you come earlier than 12.00 you can visit Peter Fritzson at PELAB. It is in different building, 400 m from Betinget.

Bodil Matsson

Last modified: Tue Jan 25 10:16:43 MET 2000