Atomic Level Modelica - Simulation and Visualization Technology for Analysis of Materials and Complex Systems

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Supported by CENIIT (Project 01.10)

Doc.Valeriu Chirita, Thin Film Group, IFM, Linköping University,
Dr. Vadim Engelson, PELAB, IDA, Linköping University,



The use of computer simulation in industry is rapidly increasing. Simulation is typically used to optimize product properties and to reduce product development cost and time to market. Whereas in the past it was considered sufficient to simulate subsystems separately, the current trend is to simulate increasingly complex physical systems composed of subsystems from multiple application domains such as mechanical, electric, hydraulic, thermodynamic, control system components and material property descriptions. Even models in a single application domain tend to become more complex and they require high flexibility in modeling.

In order to efficiently create and maintain complex simulation software, the problems should be stated at a high level of abstraction, i.e. as object-oriented mathematical model. For this purpose a high level of model description should use the latest developments in computer language design. High performance of numerical simulation tools is necessary. To achieve high performance it is necessary to use the best translation, parallellization, and code generation techniques. In order to analyze simulation results, a powerful and flexible interactive problem solving environment is necessary, including animation and visualization tools.

For this purpose the research programme of this application integrates two major parts:

Over-all Research Goal

  The thrust of research within this project is to apply recent developments in information technology in computational materials science. The final goals are:

Industrial Motivation

Modeling and simulation will have an increased role in the development and use of industrial processes and products. However,  widely available industrial use of simulation requires easily configured and validated models, the establishment of tailored model libraries, combination of both multidisciplinary and multi-vendor tools, and much faster model development and easier experimentation than presently possible. Fast prototyping by simulation shortens commissioning and production times and increases quality.

Industrial partners from several application domains have expressed a strong interest in fast prototyping of high quality models spanning the whole lifecycle from early design phases to training simulators. Current simulation tools don't allow multi-layered structuring that has proven enormously effective in the software industry. Modelica can combine engineering modeling expertise with the high increase in productivity of modern CASE tools to form a new standard in the currently fragmented simulation software industry. This way, industrial engineers can use packaged knowledge incorporated in the models from modeling specialists coming from research centers or universities. The second applicant (Dr. Vadim Engelson) is a member of the Programming Environments Group (PELAB) at IDA, involved in this area. This group has strong cooperation with SKF (Bearing simulation group led by Prof. Dag Fritzson; the cooperation includes modeling, high performance parallel simulation and visualization of mechanical models), MathCore AB (development of the Modelica language and tools), Dynasim AB (development of Modelica tools and libraries), CyCore AB (development of visualization tools). PELAB has also strong international cooperation including several European industrial partners (DLR, ABB, KUKA-Roboter etc.) in the RealSim project.

  Understanding solid materials behavior during synthesis and operation are potentially crucial steps in the advancement of key Swedish industries such as electronics and engineering. Better knowledge of these atomistic processes has allowed the control of deposition parameters in the manufacture of high-density ICs tailored for applications in, for example, information technology. The first applicant (Doc. Valeriu Chirita) is a member of the Thin Film group at IFM, currently involved in fundamental (experimental) research in these areas ( The group has strong connections with numerous industrial organizations such as ABB, SECO Tools, SKF, which have strategic interests in developing new, high performance materials. To achieve this goal, a general-purpose high-level computational software package, dedicated to materials related problems, would be instrumental in correlating experimental and theoretical research, within university and industrial environments.

Furthermore, the high level of re-usability allows for building models better suited for the modeling goal. Another issue important for industrial end users is the availability of a fully spread set of component models that can be easily connected together to obtain more complex system models.

  General Objectives

Today, scientific programmers face the difficult task of choosing between middle-level languages, well known for their object-oriented capabilities, and low-level languages, which offer better efficiency in numerical calculations. The former class includes languages such as Java (with obvious Internet applicability) and C++, while Fortran is the typical example for the latter.

The challenge is to make an efficient transition from numerical computation to object-orientation in multiple domains, using high-level languages, like Modelica, in materials related problems. With appearance of multi-domain high-level modelling and simulation methodologies and tools it becomes possible to develop reusable libraries of components for many new application areas, which earlier could use just specialized software packages. As we are entering the era of applied quantum mechanics in materials science, the major task is to extend multi-domain features of Modelica or similar methodologies and to develop libraries of components, which ultimately will be used in computational material science.

Short and Long term objectives

The First Two Years

The research will concentrate in developing, improving, and testing the computational tools to be incorporated in the high-level software package. At the same time the features of Modelica that are immediately applicable to modeling in material science will have to be identified. The main goal of this period is to make a successful incorporation of existing software components into the multi-domain environment of Modelica. Tests will be carried out on a variety of systems, with emphasis on technologically relevant materials (e.g. ceramics and metal alloys). This will be done for given phenomena and model materials.

Years 3 & 4

The milestone of this project is to construct a high-level software tool, which in the final form, will have the following features:

  Years 5 & 6

The Modelica-based environment should become an integrated object-oriented problem-solving environment also for computational material science.

Seeds of new research groups

  The subgroup of researchers working on Object-oriented simulation and visualization at LiU is based on  Programming Environments Laboratory (PELAB). It consists of Dr. Vadim Engelson (responsible for Modelica integration tools, library design, and visualization), Prof. Peter Fritzson (responsible for strategic development of the Modelica language; he earlier developed the object-oriented simulation modeling language ObjectMath as a front-end to Mathematica, together with code generators from ObjectMath to C++ and Fortran90), PhD students Levon Saldamli (introduction of partial differential equations into Modelica), Peter Bunus (tools for debugging Modelica, and tools for CAD integration), Alexander Siemers (visualization of complex mechanical simulations). The PhD students members of this group get financial support from ECSEL graduate school (LiU) and from SKF (A. Siemers is currently employed 50% at SKF). Dr. Vadim Engelson received the PhD degree at IDA in June 2000 and from November 2000 will be employed  as fo. ass. at PELAB.

The CENIIT support is necessary for Vadim Engelson in order to establish his position as a research leader, provide adequate research leadership in the Object-oriented simulation and visualization subgroup, and supervise the PhD students in their research.

Currently, the group of people working on materials related computer simulations at LiU is quite small, basically just Doc. V. Chirita and Doc. P. Münger. In the last few years, the MD simulations group in Linköping has become one of the most active, on the international scale, in the theoretical study of atomic scale processes during early stages of epitaxial growth. The group has now reached a critical mass and support for this project is necessary for establishing a research group to work on integrating developments in information technology into research in materials related problems. As part of this project, a PhD student, or postdoctoral associate would be included in the group, working primarily on developing the object-oriented high-level software package.

The CENIIT support would offer the possibility for long term planning and the opportunity to establish research in a new field at LiU, which is complementary to present interests, has significant industrial relevance, and is of mutual benefit to the groups involved. The project will also be instrumental in fostering the co-operation between several groups at IFM (modelling, theory and experimental groups) and the Programming Environments Laboratory (PELAB) at IDA.   

Updated on  Friday, April 06, 2001 by Vadim Engelson